#completing the set 💙🖤
saint-bestial · 2 years
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satisfaction/enforcers era kiryu animated tag force sprites
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freyzrc · 9 months
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Day 168
The whole set is complete. :D
Variants :
🤍 Yuuta 🖤 Geto 💙 Gojo 💚 Megumi 💛 Toji 🧡 Sukuna ❤️ Nanami
Leave me a lil tip if you enjoy my works! ^_^ : Ko-Fi
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friendly-stardust · 1 month
If you had the chance to change something about the dance of the dragons (TV show or book), what would it be? For example, how a character dies, which team a house is on,or an entire character personally. How would you change it to make the story better, in your opinion?♥️🖤💙💚
Thanks for the ask anon and sorry that it took me this long to reply. This is a tricky one and this can be long.
House of the Dragon is a complete mess and a mediocrity of a show on every level, except for the acting. The writing is at an abysmal level, and I am convinced that it only got the interest and the rating it got thanks to the fact that it is under GoT's umbrella. And the fact that the showrunners/writers decided to be ungrateful and to insult the very show thanks to which their shitty fanfiction is even relevant, tells me everything I need to know about the arrogance and the ignorance existing behind this travesty of a show. The showrunners/writers seem to have completely misunderstood the themes of The Dance dealing mainly with class stratification, the corruptible nature of power, the consequences of blind ambition, and the pitfalls of unchecked privilege, reducing it all to a dumbed-down and pandering fanfiction in which tokenism, outdated and bigoted caricatures, and banal depiction of sexual assault are used casually as tropes, while pretending to write a 'feminist' or a 'progressive’ show. So, for House of the Dragon, EVERYTHING is to be changed.
Rhaenyra should have never been written as the main protagonist: From Episode one, we already have a failure in our hand with the writing as the showrunners decided to solely use Rhaenyra as our main protagonist in a show that is supposed to depict a severe and ineluctable succession crisis at the top of the Kingdom, resulting in the splintering and in the factionalism of the ruling family. Because, at the heart of this story, this IS the main thematic of the Dance - the civil war that will be tearing the ruling family at the head of the Realm apart and, consequently, the Realm itself apart (except for Dorne which was not yet part of the Seven Kingdom). We should have had different POVs to illustrate the deep divide that have been festering within the Targaryen clan itself and POVs from some of the closest families around them helping them rule. So, if it was me writing this, the POVs would have been: • Alicent - for the Hightowers POV, to see things through her lends and because of the important role she will have as a Queen in the future and as the head of one of the factions. • Rhaenyra - She will be the heir, one of the main claimants to the throne, and the head of the other main faction. • Daemon - self-explanatory. Playing his own partition/having his own ambition and need to be in power. • Corlys - to have a POV for the Velaryons and to highlight their side of the story and their narrative as a clan close to power. I would have made the Velaryons more politically savvy and Corlys primarily working with the sole perspective of preserving and consolidating the Velaryons' place of power/closeness to the Throne. As a whole, the Velaryons and Corlys' allegiance will clearly and only be for the Velaryon's name and clan. I would also use that POV to illustrate the Velaryons tinge of resentment towards Viserys and towards the dismissive way House Targaryen have treated them since Aemon's death. • Criston - POV of a lower-class man of Dornish descent getting into the heart of power and having to navigates its difficulties with his set of believes and morals, and how being in the middle of all this impacts his decisions and his ambition for the ascension of House Cole to a more prominent social status.
Using Season 1 as a set-up Season and not rush with catastrophic and mismanaged times skips: Season one should have really been a set-up season, taking the time to really put the foundations into place, while having enough belief in the story to give it the time needed to develop naturally. I believe that it is important to pose the base that the fracture in the clan Targaryen and with the Velaryons have been created since Aemon Targaryen's death which, according to me, is truly the start of this whole succession crisis. The Dance is just the poorly managed resultant of the whole process, seeping through several generations of resentment and hatred for one another. This will also completely negate all the stupid arguments I have seen online of 'if Viserys had married Laena, all this will not have happened'. This is because the show writers have failed the only-show fans who have no clues that the Velaryons have already threatened war during the whole Rhaenys vs Viserys ordeal. It would also emphasise the reason why it was important for Viserys to not shun the Velaryons and to keep a close alliance with them and would explain the reason why Vaemond became that adamant and not too keen on letting Rhaenyra's bastard usurp their ancestral throne. If only the Velaryons were taken seriously by the writers and not solely used as tokens and brownie points to prop-up Saint Rhaenyra?
Being aware of tokenism, bigotry and of anachronistic representations: This show seems to have been written by people who appear completely oblivious to how careful they should have been with how to manage negative stereotypes.
Avoiding Tokenism: From a standpoint of a Black woman like myself, the way the Velaryons were written was quite insulting. The showrunners/writers seem completely oblivious to how bad it looked to have the only House cast as Black being completely subservient, usurped and abused by their white-coded Targaryen counterparts, with no protest from most of them. The only one of them who protested – Vaemond - was villainised by the narrative and was made to say a misogynistic slur to justify his murder in open court. Murder which has no further consequence in the narrative. These showrunners/writers seem to not understand the racial implications that this casting choice creates in this world and seem completely ignorant to how to organically integrate that change into the narration and how to prevent stereotyping those race-swapped characters, so to not reduce the Velaryons to mere tokens. As a result, the writing made the Velaryons act like complete idiots devoid of any sense of pragmatism, strategic mindset, or political intellect, in a world that literally demands those characteristics of the people playing the game of throne. And the way Rhaenyra’s relationship to them was written also reeks of racist undertones. Overall, the way the Velaryons were written just demonstrates the ignorance and the shallowness we have behind this show and highlights the fact that the race-swapping was only made for aesthetic purposes and for some veneer of visual racial diversity.
And the best example to illustrate that vile treatments of the Velaryons is the way Laena and her daughters were written - not that Laenor or Corlys or Vaemond were spared either - but the treatment inflicted onto those female characters, now made WoC, represent better the showrunners/writer’s deep misogynoir, to which I am sure, they are completely oblivious. Laena's role and arc in the source material was completely butchered and diminished, by rewriting and reducing a feminine, beloved and desired (in her marriage to Daemon) woman - seduced and brazenly wanted by Daemon as his wife in F&B - into some teenager seducing the grown man Daemon, all while he only had eyes for the White girl Rhaenyra, actively feeding into the stereotypes about girls of colour growing up faster, having to be needy and desperate for men attention, and having to seek out male attention to be noticed. I mean, as if Laena was not beautiful enough for a man to notice her without her having to throw herself at him? But it doesn't stop there. They managed to erase her relationship with Rhaenyra, reducing it all to some repulsive scenario of pitting two women against each other for a man, the complete opposite of what happened in the source material, in addition of making Laena the ‘other woman’, the lesser desired one, and the unwanted wife, in her relationship with Daemon. And let not forget the trauma-porn inflicted on her WoC body in that violent and traumatic death, which is a complete bastardisation of an invented only-show concept of “a woman dying a dragon rider death” - whatever that means. Apparently, once Laena became mixed-race in the show, she became some thirsty, miserable, completely isolated woman, willing to go along with only being good enough as a second choice to her white husband, and dies violently by suicide instead of the beloved and cherished woman full of strength and humanity we have in her white woman depiction from F&B. The same abhorrent treatment was inflicted onto Baela and Rhaena, both written as some wallpapers and empty headed mute dolls with no layered personalities and no real wants of their owns, just willing to go along with anything, even to their own detriment (this includes Rhaenyra’s bastards sons taking precedent over them for Driftmark), as long as it favors and bolsters the causes and the ambition of Rhaenyra - the woman their father married just few weeks after their mother's funeral.
Avoiding Bigoted depictions:
a) Some of the tokenism arguments can also be applied to the showrunners/writers’ decision to depict Ser Criston Cole as a brown man of Dornish descent, which already comes with its own in-world racial undertones, while being very hell-bent on portraying his character as an emotional, thuggish, and resentment-driven character, who got his positions as hand-me-downs from two white women, instead of the intelligent, calculated man, always in control of his emotions, and above all, driven by ambition, and who got to the highest position of knighthood in Westeros by the merits of his own competence, as he was described as in his White-coded version in F&B. This illustrates once more the showrunners/writers’ incapability of understanding the tokenistic nature of their racial representation. Also, maybe unaware, and oblivious to their own bigotry on display in what they were implying here, the showrunners/writers went with the problematic trope of the savage, misogynist, and violent brown man for this character. And the fact that they decided to deliberately frame this brown man as some misogynist and vindictive man, unreasonable and unjustified in his anger towards his sexual predator when he is the victim of sexual assault in that “Rhaenyra’s sexual empowerment” episode, just disgusts me. As if his feelings and the shame he felt from the whole ordeal the next day, as a person, was to be dismissed or worst, mocked. The optics of the showrunners narratively dismissing his trauma while they have decided to change his race in the show, just highlights once more the racist undertone we have in the writing of some of the characters in this show. It also illustrates how out of touch the people behind this show are when it comes to representing power and racial dynamisms in a sensible way.
b) Larys Strong is the first disabled character we see on screen with his clubfoot and someone in the writing room though that it was a great idea to then transform him into some deviant sexual predator who gets off by fetishizing FEET. You cannot make this up! The showrunners/writers also butchered his character by making him the confirmed and sole murderer of his father and brother, when in the books, 3 other characters, Corlys, Viserys and Daemon, were also plausible culprits for that crime - but they are all Team Black so better whitewash them all and put it all on the disabled and only Team Green character that was also under suspicions for this murder. And all to see Alicent’s feet, ladies, and gentlemen! Instead of the enigmatic, calculated, and ambitious character we have depicted in F&B, the showrunners/writers made Larys Strong into some outdated caricature and despicable representation of a disabled character, embodiment of all of the devious and negative traits, by equating being disabled with being devious in morality and mentally. It is just a vile way to represent disabled characters, quite akin to the way they were viewed in medieval times as bearer of bad intentions/evilness, which also confirms the ableism and the hollow activism we have behind the scenes of this show.
Avoiding anachronistic representations:
a) Equating Alicent to a 'Woman for Trump' - a misogynist and reductive slur used within a very 21st century USA political discourse - while portraying a woman supposed to be within a setting mirroring medieval Europe, just shows the lack of culture, and of historical knowledge we have in this writers’ room.
b) Anachronistic girl boss characterisation: Rhaenys is written as a vessel to peddle nonsensical 21st century notions of White feminism, a hollow wannabe and anachronistic girl boss, spouting anachronistic speeches, while the show completely removed any agencies from most female characters, and took strong female characters from the original story and turned them into some victims of situations, none of their own doing of course, who constantly cry and are afraid of making any decisions, all while most of their negative traits are given to the male characters, absolute monsters and responsible for all woes that afflict the female characters. Also, Rhaenyra is whitewashed into some girl boss and some absurd notion of a ‘modern politician’ - modern in which historical period, no one knows – who spouts drivels like ‘when I am queen, I will make a new order’, to brazenly pander to Daenerys’ fanbase, when both women are nothing alike, except for the fact that both are Targaryen women.
4. Follow the source material and not thematically rewrite the Dance:
No Aegon I prophecy or dream. Maintain the Targaryens as the ruthless colonialists they are instead of trying to justify their reason to brutally colonise a whole continent. As a person from the African continent, this is not the kind of rhetoric I would like to see peddle, justifying colonisation in the name of some superior purpose.
No white stag apparition coming to anoint our Saint Disneyesque Girlboss Rhaenyra to rule. This is insulting to the intellect of people who want to see complex storytelling.
Completely rewrite the dreadful Episode 9 and make it as close as possible to the book’s depiction of the Green Council.
No Girlboss moment for Rhaenys, murdering hundreds of peasants and ruining Aegon’s coronation.
Erasing that bullshit about Alicent confusing Viserys last words and make the Green reason to crown Aegon and Helaena based on tradition and precedents, as in F&B, and not based on some feeble concept such as the King’s word. We are not in an Absolute Monarchy here, but the uncultured idiots we have behind this show don’t even know the difference.
Not erasing fat women representation with Rhaenyra and Helaena when you claim to be such ‘feminist’ and ‘inclusive’ show. Where is the inclusion of different female body shapes? Or are they not worthy of representation? Instead, we have one of your showrunners (the incompetent Sara Hess) using fatphobic language to make it seem like it is weird for a woman’s body to evolve after several pregnancies.
Showing women on the Green side (Alicent or Helaena) going through their pregnancies and giving birth.
Not erasing Helaena in her own coronation.
Not infantilising Helaena and making her a side character in some other characters story (Aegon, Jace).
Showing the Green kids with their dragons in Season 1. As it was portrayed in HotD, most casual viewers don’t realise that in real Targaryen fashion, those kids should have their dragons around them in most official displays (side eyeing the whole dragon pit debacle here).
Where is Sunfyre and a clear view of Dreamfyre?
Making Vhagar roar when Aemond eye was slashed.
Making one of the adult correct Baela’s and Rhaena’s wrong assumption that Aemond stole Vhagar. Why did the incompetent showrunners/writers even insinuate that foolishness in the first place without having one of the adults rectify the Dragon lore? We all know that it was to paint Aemond as the villain in this situation.
Making it more evident that Rhaenyra meant torture when she said, ‘sharply questioned’.
Why was Daeron and Maelor absent?
Not making the Dragon/owner bond murkier with that shitty and useless singing session from Daemon in Episode 10, when it is canon that one rider cannot have 2 dragons at the same time to ride. Surely Daemon, as verse into Valyrian lore as they proclaim him to be, should be aware of that. This is just confusing the casual viewers.
Using Mushroom's accounts for both the Greens and the Blacks – if I am using them at all.
Not erasing Mysaria’s miscarriage as it is part of her characterisation.
Not claiming to wanting to make a 50/50 adaptation when BTS the showrunner Ryan Condal is using gobbledygook such as ‘they made Aegon usurps his sister Rhaenyra’s throne’, when, by all Westerosi tradition and precedents, Aegon could not usurp what is already lawfully his as the first-born son of the King.
For the book version of the Dance, I don’t have much to change to be honest:
I would have significantly toned down the Daemon’s fest.
I would have made the Velaryon more neutral or playing both sides, with a strategic splitting of the House to support both sides.
I would have made some of the Houses change team, like for example, making the Royces in the Vale side with the Greens, splitting the allegiances in the Vale, to better illustrate how profoundly divided the whole Realm becomes with the war of succession.
The Redwynes (which I would have made the maternal side of Alicent) and most of the Reach would have sided with the Greens.
I would have betrothed Daeron to one of the other powerful Houses in the Reach.
No Wolf Hour.
No army pulled out of nowhere in the Riverlands after Aemond reduces them to crisp. Instead, some part of the Vale army would make the bulk of it.
Finally, no Jaehaera death. That was just petty and quite stupid writing from GRRM with no logical justification as to why she needed to die. No need for the “most sexy 6 years old” to ever exist in the story.
Jaehaera and Aegon III will have their children, who mostly have no real impact on the Targaryen line anyways, apart from Daena the Defiant who gave birth to House Blackfyre.
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loveandleases · 8 months
NSFW - crushing!RO reactions to accidentally overhearing MC moaning their name while pleasuring themself 👀
Our RO's don't stand a chance against you all at all! Below the cut ~
❤️ Cam - He will freeze up, turn to look at the door. His face absolutely turning so red. He knows he should give MC privacy, he really knows that. Yet part of him leans closer to the door, stilling his breath just slightly listening to hear his name escape their lips again. He finds his hand drifting down toward the button of his jeans. Yet he stops himself, raking his hair back and releases a guttural sigh.
💙 G - They will be so turned on, the papers in their hand fall to the floor. They're so tempted to knock on the door, to hear more to watch MC. This is one of their kinks, this is something that sets G on edge. Knowing what MC is doing, thinking of them...should they knock and open the door? Do they need help?
💚 Kara - She will absolutely knock on the door and ask MC if they need a hand, or a tongue. Kara isn't shy about sex at all, so she would understand if MC is completely thrown off. Yet her offer still stands, she would help MC reach that absolute state of bliss, all they have to do is beg for it.
💛 M - They make a very high-pitched yelp, a very undignified one at that. Dropping their cup of tea on the floor shattering the little glass tea cup to pieces. Swearing loudly, then realizing how loud they are and swearing under their breath. They wouldn't be able to look MC in the eyes, wouldn't be able to forget the way their tone shifted just slightly when they said their name.
💜Isaac - They laugh, at least MC is enjoying themselves. Part of them wants to hear more, know more. What is it that they imagine in their head? Is Isaac's head between their thighs, pleasing them with their tongue? They fluster themself so badly with the imagery, that they need a very long drive.
🖤 Ardent - "Alright, I'm coming. Sounds like you already did, just give me a minute to catch up." He will be such an ass, and he means every word. Ardent will reprimand MC, let him help, and let him show you just how good it can be if someone else is the one doing the work. MC will be in slight "trouble", they know Ardent get's first touch of the day, moaning like that. "Such a damn tease."
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starrystormwritings · 9 months
DSMP Master List <3
DSMP Master List <3
Requests: Open but slow
Master List <;3 Request List
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✨ - one of my favourites 
💕 - fluff 
💦 - angst
🔆 - series 
🌸 - romantic
🌻 - platonic 
🥀 - not already in the relationship
🌵 - pre-established relationship
🎶 - music inspired
💚💛💜❤️💙🖤🩷🤍🧡🔷 - Taylor Swift inspired (eras)
Wilbur Soot x Reader:
Sister Innit 🔆🌸🥀 -Tommy’s older sister wants to start streaming so he gets Dream to add her to the SMP. He wasn’t expecting Wilbur to like her so much though
Sister Innit Part Two 🔆🌸🥀-You and Wilbur meet for your date, but Tommy's being Tommy
Cold Hands And Warm Smiles  💕🌸🌵-Your heating breaks when Wilbur's not home so you have to suffer through the cold until he comes back
Taunt 🌸🥀🎶-George drags you to a party, forcing a friend to babysit you as he goes off to have some fun
Weapon (Minecraft au) 💦🌸🌵-Wilbur's back, and he's seeking back what was his
Dream x Reader:
Affection ✨💕🌸🌵-You’re tired and just want cuddles but your boyfriends too busy streaming
Loyalties (Minecraft au) ✨💦🔆🌸🌵-Your family (the sleepy bois inc) had always been there for you. But so had dream. So when you lost the both of them you had a tough decision to make, where your loyalties actually lie. Over half of this is made up of flash backs which will be in italics. Also this is set in game
Loyalties Part Two (Minecraft au) ✨💦🔆🌸🌵-Dream's left you with a tough decision, love or family. Although other events might lead you to make a sharp change in decisions and let the foundations you've built burn
White Dress, Red Stain (Minecraft au) 💦🌸🌵-Sam asks you on a date, what could go wrong?
George x Reader:
Love Or Host 💕🌸🥀-You were convinced to join 'Georgenotfounds' love or host, will it work out?
Pillow Talk  💕🌸🌵-Sleepy conversations in bed
SapNap x Reader:
Your New Boyfriend 🌸🥀🌵🎶 -You finally excepted that Nick probably didn't like you back, so you got a boyfriend. Although Nick seems to think he's a bit of an ass
Clingy ✨💕🌸🌵-You and Nick haven't had much time to spend together lately and he isn't happy about it
Traitor (Minecraft au)💦🌸🌵-Your loyal to Dream, you always have been. But when Sapnap chooses the side of L'manburg your forced into choosing who to betray
Karl Jacobs x Reader:
Surprise Betrayal 💕🌸🌵 -Jimmy was doing another hide and seek challenge, Karl and Chandler are the only two people left. Little did Karl know that his girlfriend was being brought in as a last minute seeker
Festive 💕🌸🌵-Karl’s favourite Christmas song starts playing
Challenge ✨💕🌸🥀-Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler come up with a plan to set Karl up with his new crush
Photograph  ✨💕🌸🌵🎶 -Lazy evenings that you wish could last forever
Quackity x Reader:
Dancing Flame 💕🌸🌵-Alex's friends are throwing a beach party and you tag along
TechnoBlade x Reader:
Flustered ✨💕🌸🌵-Techno wakes you up while streaming so you get back at him by trying to fluster him
Tired (Minecraft au) ✨💦🌸🌵-Techno plans to blow up L'manburg again. Only this time your loyalty's got in the between his political agenda and his feelings
Royal Pain (Minecraft and royalty au) 💦🔆🌸🥀-Wilbur wants King Dream gone, and Techno is the most able person to do it. But will his relationship with the Princess get in the way?
Royal Pain Part Two (Minecraft and royalty au) ✨🔆🌸🥀-Your not dead, why? In what sick twist of fate has left you sat alone waiting for the answers your never going to get from Dream. You need to find Technoblade and the truth, now
Fundy x Reader:
Forget 💕🌸🌵-Fundy got distracted by coding and completely forgot about how you were over his house
Tommy Innit ( all platonic ):
Stay Alive (Minecraft au) 💦🌻🎶 -It's over for him, you knew it, Sam knew it, Dream knew it. But if Tommy could just stay alive everything would be okay
J’Schlatt x Reader:
Best Of Wife’s And Best Of Women (Minecraft au)  💦🌸🌵🎶-Sleepless nights are taking a toll on the presidents wife
All Too Well  (Minecraft au) ✨💦🌸🌵🎶❤️-A sudden change to what you believed to be the perfect relationship
Ted Nivison x Reader:-
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epicbuddieficrecs · 7 months
Epic Buddie Fic Rec | October 9th-15th 2023
Hey guys!
I'm trying to get back into the habit of making these recs every week. I've been working on a banner and it's not ready yet, but I didn't want to wait for it to be ready before making fic recs because procrastination = bad!! 😆 I hope you enjoy!
If you don't know me from my other fic rec blogs, I rec pretty much all the fics that I've read and that I've enjoyed in these recaps, but I put an emoji next to the ones that I liked just a liiiiiittle bit more 😉 For Stucky, I used blue hearts (💙), for Steddie I used black hearts (🖤), and for Buddie... well the decision wasn't too hard to make 😜
take me to the edge (then let me fall) by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP | 1K | Explicit): Or, the one where Eddie edges Buck until he loses his mind all the while calling him a good boy.
🔥 but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down) by diazchristopher/ @captain-hen (Post-S6, Time Loop | 28K Mature): He puts his laptop away after a bit, and paces the length of his apartment as he tries to take stock of the situation at hand. One: The date is March 22nd, 2024. Two: It has been March 22nd for 3 days now. Three: Buck is trapped in some kind of time loop that is forcing him to relive this day. Four: Eddie is, apparently, in love with him. And. And. Five: Buck doesn’t feel the same way.
🔥 still by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Post-Season 6 AU, Near Death Experiences | 9K | Teen): “Your guess was correct, Diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “You’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. Don’t shift. When you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it."
to feel the need of your touch by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Light BDSM, Post-Season 6 | 7K | Explicit): When Natalia had casually suggested they stay fuck buddies, at least until he got his shit together about Eddie, Buck had seriously considered it. But it just wasn’t what he wanted. So, he had said no and Natalia had understood, and that was that. And now, Buck was miserable. He was so sensitive. His skin felt like a live wire. Any and all touches he received started to feel like a shock to his system. Or, the one where Buck is touchstarved and desperate for Eddie. They fuck but it's also really sweet.
reassure me with your praise by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Kinktober, Getting Together | 5K | Explicit): Or, the one where Buck is concerned he might be bad in bed and Eddie has a solution.
bet on it by honestlydarkprincess/ @honestlydarkprincess (PWP, Kinktober | 4K | Explicit): Or, the one where newly together Buck and Eddie make a bet to see who can last longer without sex. The bet lasts one day.
Something Dumb to Do by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (Friends to Lovers, First Time | 8K | Explicit): "Too bad we can't just date each other." Eddie laughs. "What?" "No, I'm serious!" Buck sets his beer down, the better to gesture with both hands, face lighting up, and Eddie just—he really loves the guy, okay. Ridiculous as he is. "It would be so much easier! You wouldn't have to introduce a new person to Chris—he already likes me anyway—and you could tell Pepa so she'll stop setting you up on dates that don't go anywhere—" "And what would you get out of this?" Eddie asks, grinning. - Or: Buck and Eddie try something out together.
hope is a sword by marcato/ @callaplums (Post-Season 6, Near-Death Experiences | 5K | Teen): Holy shit, Eddie loves him so much. He’s been so stupid, telling himself to wait for the right moment. What right fucking moment? It should have been yesterday, three weeks ago– hell, it should have been three years ago when he was telling his best friend about the goddamn will. It doesn’t matter right now, though. The only thing that matters is keeping as much of Buck’s blood inside his body as possible. One can only hope and wish and pray.
🔥 Four Can Keep a Secret by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-Season 6, Secret Relationship | 20K | Teen): When Ravi and Hen accidentally see Buck and Eddie, who are trying hard to keep their new relationship a secret, in the middle of a romantic moment, they try to make them confess without the rest of the station finding out. Shenanigans ensue.
early hours of yearning by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (PWP, Kinktober | 4K | Explicit): “You really wanna go again?" “Yes,” he confirms, gently scratching his teeth down the side of his neck, treasuring the deep moan he gets in response. “God, you’re fucking insatiable," he hears Eddie moan as he tilts his head back, giving Buck more space to work. “Doesn’t feel like you’re complaining."
how forever feels by icesculptures/ @ice-sculptures @athenagranted (Post-Season 6, Getting Together | 8K | General): Or: tired of the growing distance between them, Eddie asks Buck to dance at Maddie and Chimney's wedding, healing more than his own heart along the way.
Don't They Know It's the End of the World? by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Fallout 4 AU, Post-Apocalyptic | 4/14 | 7K | Mature | Warning: Violence): After being put in a cryogenic sleep for over a hundred years to wait out an apocalyptic event, Eddie Diaz wakes up, too early, to find his son has been stolen from his cryo-chamber. Scared and alone in a frightening world he doesn't recognize, Eddie is willing to do anything to get his kid back.
🔥 Nothing Left But You by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars ("Blip" AU | 8/9 | 24K | Teen | Warning: MCD): In May of 2021, 25% of Earth's population suddenly disappears. Including Eddie. In May of 2026, they all come back. Eddie finds himself suddenly in the middle of a world he doesn't recognize, where the people he loves most have changed significantly.
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Demon Buck, Canon Divergent | 2/? | 4K | Teen): Buck is a demon with the power to help with pregnancy, childbirth, and infant health. When the Buckleys make a deal asking for someone to help 'save their baby', Buck leaps at the chance as it will give him what he's always wanted: a life on earth. But demon deals are tricky and neither of them gets quite what they're after. This is Buck's journey as he navigates growing up on earth and remembering how to help those in need.
🔥 for all the haunts and homes of men by euadnes/ @kananjarus (Canon Divergent, Post-Apocalyptic, Station Eleven Crossover | WIP | 10/? | 85K | Mature | Warning: Violence): The year by the old calendar is 2025. Home is gone. Home is a failed rescue mission and an echo of a memory. Home is a lost boy living in a wooden house by the sea. But first, there was a promise. Christopher, when it's safe, I'll take you back to your father. Buck had all but given up on keeping it after the world had died and everyone in it. But just as some oaths refuse to be forgotten, so the same can be said about the endurance of love.
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anxiouspineapple99 · 8 months
Eternal Embers
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Clone Medic Kix x reader, Clone Trooper Hardcase, ARC Trooper Jesse, Captain Rex, mention of ARC Troopers Fives and Echo
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: light swearing, monster AU, mention of war. Let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: I've been holding onto this for Pineapple's Halloween party and I'm so excited to finally share it! 💙🖤
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The wind howled through Carida’s mountains, although they acted as a buffer around the Republic outpost. Troopers filtered through the camp, sleeping in shifts to give their brothers a break between Separatist attacks. The constant flow of boys in blue also had your medbay bustling, but, as the binary suns started to set, the stream of injuries started to ebb. You finished securing a bacta patch onto Sterling’s blaster burn, lightly patting his arm above the bandage with a smile.
“Thanks, Doc,” he sighed, a tired smile spreading across his face. 
“Get some rest,” you urged, lightly pushing him to lay back. Sterling’s eyelids seemed to grow heavy, the veil of exhaustion weighing him down until the snap of tent flaps had him bolting upright. You spun on your heels, blinking rapidly at the two troopers that came busting into your medtent. 
“Jesse! What the hell?” you scolded, sidestepping a cart as you hurried to where Jesse and Hardcase were still standing.
“Fierfek, he’s not in here,” Jesse hissed just loud enough for you to hear. 
“Hey,” you snapped, grabbing Hardcase’s arm to pull him to face you, “why are you bursting in here like your asses are on fire?”
“Have you seen Kix?” Hardcase asked, completely ignoring your question. Air caught in your throat as you picked up on the way his voice ticked up in concern, a rarity for a man like Hardcase. 
“No - no, I thought he was in one of the other tents,” you stammered, tightening your grip on his arm. Jesse and Hardcase turned to look at each other and even with their helmets on, you could tell there was something you were missing. 
“Come on,” Jesse murmured, nudging Hardcase’s shoulder. He tried to pull out of your grip but you held on, yanking Hardcase back toward you. 
“Doc, we need to go.”
“Not without telling me what the hell is going on,” you insisted, following Jesse outside and pulling Hardcase along. 
“Doc,” Hardcase whined, lightly shaking his arm to get your attention, “don’t do this.”
“I know you’re setting up a search party and I’m coming,” you stated, releasing Hardcase to cross your arms. Jesse’s hand clenched at his side and you were almost sure his jaw was doing the same thing under his helmet. There were maybe three people who were aware of the tense back and forth between you and Kix, Jesse being one of them. 
Ever since you had joined the 501st, you and Kix had been doing some version of this ridiculous dance. Kix would lean over your shoulder, his lips too close to your ear as he murmured instructions or praise, or him sitting close enough that his leg pressed against yours when inventory needed to be done. His feelings towards you felt just as obvious as yours but he always seemed to take a step back, putting space between you and him until the cycle started all over again. And yet, you couldn’t seem to keep him at arm’s length, falling back into his orbit without even trying. Maybe it was the longing in his eyes even when he pulled away that kept you coming back…like a moth to a flame. 
Maybe it was something in your expression or Jesse’s own bleeding heart that had him letting out a somewhat dramatic sigh. “Fine, fine. We’ll need a medic anyway.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, resting a hand on his arm. Jesse nodded once before herding you and Hardcase toward the command tent. 
Rex was already waiting, absently twirling one of his blasters as he scanned the rocky slopes surrounding the camp. By the time the small search party left the camp, it consisted of you, Hardcase, Jesse, Rex, Hawk, Fives, and Echo. You couldn’t hear what Hawk yelled over the drone of the gunship’s engines but based on the way the rest of the boys tensed, you assumed it was important and tightened your grip on the overhead strap you were holding. The gunship dropped into a canyon, kicking up dust as you jumped down, and you threw a grateful smile at Hardcase when he steadied you. 
“Fives, Echo, head north. Hawk is flying south. Hardcase, you’re with me heading east,” Rex ordered, glancing toward you and Jesse. You took a minute to glance around, trying to figure out where you even were. From what you could tell, you were in the middle of two mountain ranges and you tried to look for any signs of a battle but there was nothing. No scorch marks, no rubble, just smooth mountain faces that made no sense. You jumped when Jesse nudged you, snapping you back to reality just in time to see Fives, Echo, Hardcase, and Rex heading off in their respective directions. 
“Jesse, what are we doing out here?” you asked, hugging your rifle a little closer. The only response you got was the crunch of gravel under his boots but you continued to stare holes into the side of his head. Finally, his shoulders lifted in an exaggerated inhale and you almost smiled. 
“We, uh, got intel that the Seppies are traveling through pre-drilled tunnels in the mountains. That seems like the, uh, best way to move a prisoner, don’t ya think?” You almost wanted to call him out on the lie but you had a feeling it would get you nowhere. 
“Where do we start?” you asked instead, scanning the jagged rocks lining the wide passage. 
“I’ll take the left side. Just look for any tunnels,” Jesse replied, almost sounding relieved that you didn’t push him. You let out a soft sigh, falling back a step but keeping Jesse in your peripheral as you trudged along. You almost didn’t realize how much farther ahead Jesse was until your com beeped, dragging you out of your mindless wandering. 
“What’s up?” you huffed, searching for familiar blue armor. 
“I took a left down a tunnel so be careful out there by yourself,” Jesse warned, the frequency crackling slightly. 
“I’ll be fine,” you mumbled, following the gentle curve of the path. Your eyes followed the rocky slope upward, tracing the sharp peak of the mountains that stretched hundreds of feet over your head. The twin suns had almost set, making the chill in the air more prominent and you tucked your arms tighter against your side. You were so distracted by the environment around you that you almost walked right past a large opening in the mountain face. 
You squinted into the darkness, searching for any bit of movement only to freeze when you heard the echo of rocks hitting the ground from deeper in the tunnel. It wouldn’t take Jesse long to get back to you but something told you to take a step forward like an invisible string reeling you in. You glanced in the direction Jesse had gone before slipping your pack off, rummaging through it to find your glowrod and securing your rifle to the side of the pack. The warm, yellowish light illuminated the entryway and you chanced one last look over your shoulder before taking a few slow steps into the tunnel. 
The walls glistened faintly, drawing you closer but when your fingers brushed the rock they were dry. A thin layer of dusk stuck to your skin and you rubbed it between your fingers, mesmerized by the way it twinkled. The loud crunch of rock shifting behind you made you tense, your muscles locking up as you found the courage to turn around. At first, you didn’t see anything other than a few rocks settling, your glowrod carefully scanning the wall opposite you. The light seemed to bend around the dark boulders, casting shadows across the walls. 
You looked back down at your fingers, the faint shimmer of dust still coating your skin and you froze. 
The growl was faint, barely above a whisper, but the silence of the cavern made it sound deafening. Something scraped against the ground, making you jerk to your left, your mouth dropping open when the light reflected off a large, slitted eye. Then it blinked. Your gasp was almost silent as you scrambled back only to step on one of the dislodged rocks that sent you tumbling onto your ass. And all you could do was stare up at the beast as it lifted its head. 
Despite the adrenaline pumping through your veins, you couldn’t look away. Brilliant blue scales shimmered in the low light as it moved, seemingly shifting from navy to sky blue every time you blinked. The creature shook its head and you watched the black-tipped spines lining its neck shift. Its massive head turned slightly giving you a full view of its face. Two horns extended from either side of its head, black tips bleeding into a powdery blue and finally blending into the scales encircling its eyes. The creature’s nose curved into a sharp point, resembling a beak and your eyes lingered there for a moment. 
You jumped when it moved again but instead of a growl, this time it made a soft chirping noise as it lowered its head almost like it was…trying to look smaller. Some part of you was screaming to run, to get as far away as possible but there was something about the creature that had you shifting onto your knees. Dark eyes locked onto you, watching every move as you inched closer. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” you soothed, despite your voice shaking lightly. The…dragon…warbled softly, those sharp spines bristling as you reached out. You patiently inched closer, your eyes scanning its body, noting the large wings tucked up against its back. 
“Doc, you read me?” You stopped immediately, glancing down at the com on your wrist briefly before looking up at the dragon again. Although, it didn’t look frightened or even startled, no, instead it made another chirping sound, one that sounded almost…happy? 
“That’s Jesse,” you said, meeting the dragon’s dark eyes. It canted its head, blinking slowly before lowering its head to gently nudge your arm, nostrils flaring with a sharp exhale. You took that as a sign to reach over, opening the channel but not looking away from the creature’s face. “I’m here.”
“Maker, you scared the hell out of me,” Jesse sighed, his voice coming out a bit grainy and far away. “Where…you?”
“I, uh, found a…friend,” you replied, a nervous smile lifting the corner of your mouth. The dragon made a slightly different chittering noise, its beak snapping together quietly as it sniffed your arm again. Even through the rough connection, you could hear Jesse’s sharp inhale. 
“Oh, you asshole,” Jesse hissed, making your brows knit together. “What did I tell you?” Before you could answer, the creature looming over you opened its mouth, a low rumbling sound coming from the back of its throat. When you looked back up at it, you could’ve sworn it was glaring based on the way its dark eyes narrowed. 
“What am I missing here?” you finally asked, mindlessly resting your hand on the dragon’s long snout. This time the noise that rumbled through its body was softer and if you didn’t know any better, you might’ve compared it to a purr.
“You found your partner,” Jesse grumbled and you went oddly still. It took a few seconds for your brain to comprehend what that meant as you turned your head, just watching the way the dragon pressed into your hand. It…he…seemed perfectly content but as if he could feel your stare, his eyes drifted open. 
“Kix?” Of course, he couldn’t verbally respond but the soft chirp that was followed by him nudging your hand with his nose was enough of an answer. Your eyes followed the slope of his head, admiring the way the colors shifted and you decided that even in this form, he was still breathtaking. Then it clicked. 
With the constant push and pull, Kix only giving so much before completely disengaging. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with what was staring back at you with dark slitted eyes and pearlescent scales. A small part of you wanted to be angry, to demand why he couldn’t just tell you, but would you have even believed him? 
“Oh, Kix,” you whispered, leaning a bit closer. You jumped with a surprised laugh when he exhaled harshly, right in your face, almost like a warning about the direction your thoughts were going. 
“Well, I don’t hear any screaming so that’s a good sign,” Jesse commented, his voice echoing through your com. You looked over your shoulder, offering him a smile as he moved closer and lifted his helmet off to look directly at Kix. “Told you she could’ve handled it.” 
Kix huffed through his nose, ruffling your hair as he lifted his head away from your hand. 
“Come on, you can either shift back for a ride to camp or fly. Your choice,” Jesse said, arching a brow that made his tattoo stretch slightly. Kix grumbled in the back of his throat, shifting into the shadows again as Jesse pulled you to your feet. “Best give him some room.” 
“Why?” you murmured, letting Jesse pull you back a few steps. Although, you didn’t have to wait long. Kix rose to his feet, his scales rattling as he shook off the dust clinging to him. The ceiling of the cave was low, forcing him to keep his head down as he maneuvered around the boulders in his path. It wasn’t until you stepped into the cool evening air that you could truly admire his grandeur. Large, black wings stretched high over your head, his tail sweeping side to side, and your lips parted in awe at his sheer size. 
“Alright, quite showin’ off, asshole,” Jesse teased which earned him another grumpy huff. Kix finally shifted his attention to you, his head tilting slightly and for a moment, he almost looked smug before his wings extended again. It was incredible to watch him leap into the air so effortlessly, the moon's glow making his scales twinkle. “Come on, Doc.” 
The trip back to the rendezvous spot seemed like it took forever yet no time at all. Suddenly you were standing in front of Rex, Hardcase, Fives, and Echo, the faint whine of a gunship approaching filling the evening air. No one mentioned the bantha in the room, already preoccupied with other random conversations until Hawk came into view. The only acknowledgment of what you just discovered was a wink from Hardcase as he hopped into the gunship. 
The small outpost was quiet, most troopers getting a few hours of sleep where they could. Which meant you hadn’t expected to see General Skywalker waiting when you made it back. You joined the small squad in saluting the general, anxiously waiting to see if Skywalker pulled you aside but he seemed to be content with Rex filling him in on what happened. There was an awkward moment when you stood next to the quietly hissing gunship, debating your next move until movement from your medtent caught your eye. Someone knocked into your shoulder, sending you stumbling forward a step before you turned a glare in Jesse’s direction. He only winked, jerking his chin toward the tent before letting Hardcase drag him away. 
It took a few minutes and even more deep, calming breaths before you finally made it to the medtent, standing just outside the slightly parted flaps. 
“You can come in, you know,” Kix’s disembodied voice called and for some reason, it was a shock. Hearing his voice spurred you into pulling the flap back, curiosity getting the better of you. Kix’s back was to you and he was in the bottom half of his armor, such a stark contrast to how he looked not even a standard hour earlier. 
“I’m not having a crazy, vivid dream, right?” you asked, surprising yourself a bit. Kix’s shoulders jumped when he snorted, turning his head enough to see you out of the corner of his eye. 
“Sadly, no,” he replied, turning to face you and crossing his arms. He would’ve looked relaxed to anyone else but you noticed the set of his jaw, the tension in the muscles of his neck as he waited for whatever came next. “It’s very real.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“How was I supposed to tell the person I - I’m…falling in love with that I’m also a beast out of a fairy tale?” The bombshells seemed to keep coming and it had to be written all over your face. Kix stiffened when you closed the remaining distance, stopping within arm’s length of him but he didn’t pull away. 
“You mean that?” you whispered, searching his face for any signs. 
“Yes,” he mumbled, looking down at his boots, “so how was I supposed to ask you to accept that?”
“By simply asking.” You rested a hand on his arm, drawing his eyes off the floor, and your heart ached at the vulnerability in his endless brown eyes. “We’ve made it through some of the worst parts of war together and it’s not over yet. I think we can handle this if you’ll let me in.” Kix squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a harsh exhale through his nose and you tried to fight a smile at the similarities you could already see. You let your hand follow the swell of his bicep, moving across his shoulder to gently cradle his face, drawing his attention back to you. 
“Together, huh?” he whispered, leaning forward until there was barely any space between you and him.
“Together,” you agreed, meeting him the rest of the way to press your forehead against his. Kix finally uncrossed his arms to cup the back of your neck and you let out a long breath, relaxing into the touch you’d experienced hints of and had craved for so long. 
“If forever does exist, please let it be you,” Kix breathed, the words brushing against your lips. Words couldn’t express the way you felt or how much you hoped for the same thing, so instead you tilted your head just enough to find his lips. 
You hoped Kix was what forever tasted like. 
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stepswordsen · 2 months
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【大海原 AU:暗黒星の冠】 イダ竜
Idate and Tatsumiya 🖤🤍❤️💙
WATGBS AU: COTDS is an Idate and IdaTatsu centric AU between me and my friends 💞 COTDS stands for Crown of the Dark Stars 👑💫 Its other name is Ankokusei no Kanmuri.
I just wanted to post some rough sketches/WIPs of my magical oarfish wife, and my homicidal oreo, my cat cot son 🤗 Magical oarfish MILF x Buff chaotic demon DILF.
I'm planning to give Tatsumiya matching Star and Moon earrings to match with Idate's Black Sun and Star ones...
Read more under the cut if you're interested in our IdaTatsu AU!
Our WATGBS AU is named Crown of the Dark Stars (暗黒星の冠, Ankokusei no Kanmuri) 💫👑 It's an AU with its own story, separate from the original WATGBS.
WATGBS AU: COTDS is an Idate and IdaTatsu centric AU between me and my friends 💞 COTDS stands for Crown of the Dark Stars 👑💫 Its other name is Ankokusei no Kanmuri.
WATGBS AU: COTDS, which stands for Crown of the Dark Stars, or Ankokusei no Kanmuri, is an Idate centric and IdaTatsu AU between me and my friends that's a complete revamp and rewrite of WATGBS.
WATGBS AU: COTDS is an AU between me and my friends! We all contribute to it whenever we have time to draw and write for it 😌🙏
Summary of WATGBS AU: COTDS would literally just be: (Yoinks characters and the settings, makes an original story)
It's just us writing our own stories and exploring our ideas with the characters, mainly focused on him and his dynamics with other charas. We made up our own lore and revamped the characters' writing and designs. It's just us playing with our revamped and rewritten blorbo OCs in our sandbox 💞
WATGBS AU: COTDS is centered around Idate, a chaotic evil demon orca man who originally wanted to unleash the apocalypse, but became too mellow after meeting Tatsumiya.
It's an Idate centric AU that heavily focuses on IdaTatsu (Idate/Tatsumiya), and the platonic familial dynamic between the orca brothers, Idate and his older twin brother, Takama. And it has a heavier emphasis on fantasy elements. And we have our own OCs we created for it too, like our IdaTatsu fankids 🤭
Idate: The Star Eater and Grand Demon
Idate (伊達 (イダテ)) is the evil protagonist of WATGBS AU: COTDS 🖤🤍💙 He is Tatsumiya's husband and Takama's younger twin brother.
Idate is the "Star Eater" and Lord of the Underworld. Idate drinks peoples' blood and eats their souls as nourishment. He and his older twin brothers are Demons. They're secretly Grand Demons (大魔王, Dai Maou), who have much more powerful magic than other Demons. They originally lived in Iceberg Isle, but Idate ends up convincing Takama to move to the Blue Sea Kingdom with him so he can live with Tatsumiya.
He's a chaotic evil demon orca and the evil protag of our AU, which makes him very fun for me to write! 🐬💞 I love writing for IdaTatsu and the others, and coming up with and adding onto each everyones' ideas whenever we discuss.
He's extremely chaotic and the world's most insufferable wifeguy /endearing that falls devastatingly in love with and eventually gets married to Tatsumiya. They feel drawn to each other, someone who's the complete opposite of the other, someone who represents what the other has never known, and tries to figure each other out.
Idate's character theme is "Void" 🖤
Idate eating and stealing souls also plays up to his whole void theme.
He's the Lord of Space and the Underworld, whose void world that contains the dead souls of all the people he ate for power.
Idate's powers represent the concept of "Void."
Idate can access a different dimension (the void between worlds), to create darkness and call it from within himself. Infinite darkness. An infinite void. Idate can create and access voids, and can call upon and manipulate darkness.
Idate's leitmotif is the Black Sun. His void is a black hole.
Idate can make makeshift weapons from dark energy. It's a black demon aura that can be controlled at will and slash into things.
Stardust is the source of all magic in the sea in our AU. Idate can make makeshift weapons from dark energy (black stardust).
Tatsumiya: The Dragon Flower and Grand Sorcerer of the Blue Sea
Tatsumiya (竜宮) is the Grand Sorcerer of the Blue Sea Kingdom 🤍❤️ She's the Lord of Creation, and Idate's wife. And also my wifey wife wife <3 🥰😘 She's a magical oarfish that serves the Blue Sea Kingdom's Princess, Lucinda, our Blue Sea Princess (BSP) OC. Her specialties are healing and star magic. 🌠
She's known as the Dragon Flower (龍花, Ryuuka) because her reputation with the sword spread across the Blue Sea. She has soul restoration and soothing properties with her powers to calm souls.
Tatsumiya is the Messenger/Aide to the Blue Sea Kingdom's Princess 💞 Her title is Grand Sorcerer (大魔導士, Dai-Madoushi). In our WATGBS AU, she took on the role after Meikai's disappearance.
Tatsumiya's leitmotif is the Moon.
As the complete opposite of Idate, her main powers are controlling flowing water, star magic (creation magic), and healing. Her royal duties as the Blue Sea's Messenger, are similar to a shrine maiden's.
Tatsumiya is so wifey to me 🤭
In WATGBS AU: COTDS, she is Idate's wife!
IdaTatsu: The Two Messengers, the Sun and the Moon
Tatsumiya is the Blue Sea Kingdom's Grand Sorcerer. Idate is one of the Grand Demons that came from elsewhere. The two Messengers of their opposing Gods.
Idate and Tatsumiya are opposites in terms of their powers, personalities, and roles. Both Idate and Tatsu are Messengers of their opposing "Gods" and queens. Our own OCs, Algol and Lucinda, are the Red Sea Princess (BSP) and Blue Sea Princess (BSP) respectively.
Tatsumiya, one of the brightest stars in the sea, and Idate the Star Eater 💞
WATGBS AU: COTDS' headcanon versions of the characters' designs
In our WATGBS AU's revamped versions of the charas (our headcanon designs), Idate is buff and has scars.
He wears blue eyeliner, and black sun and star earrings to match with Tatsumiya's red eyeliner and star and moon earrings 🌠☀️🌕
(I'll add Tatsu's earrings in the future!)
Idate wears blue eyeliner, which is the same as Tatsumiya's favourite colour, ultramarine blue (群青色, gunjyou iro) 💙
At first this was coincidental, I added it to his design cuz I thought he looked nice with eyeliner and so it'd have great visual contrast with Tatsu's design, but then I found out that Tatsu's favourite colour was ultramarine blue. So the colour I chose for Idate's eyeliner coincidentally, ended up being the same as Tatsu's fave colour…
Unintentional big brain play from me 😌
I want to give them matching couple eyeliner and earrings! Idate wears black sun and star earrings, and Tatsu wears moon and star ones ☀️🌙🌠
Ofc these are still WIPs, so I'm planning to add them eventually.
IdaTatsu are the Sun/Moon, Yin/Yang, Light/Darkness themed couple in our AU <3 The Black Sun and the Moon ☀️🖤🌙
IdaTatsu's leitmotifs have a lot of narrative significance in COTDS, which ties back to our AU's central themes 🙏 I've given a lot of focus to their relationship ☺️
Name Meanings
Idate (伊達) 伊達 = Meaning “elegance; gallantry; sophistication; showy; having style”, or “putting on airs; showing off”
I chose the kanji reading Idate (伊達) cuz both meanings fit him very well! 🖤🤗
Idate (伊達) is my headcanon kanji reading of Idate's name. Since I wanted to pick a reading with a fitting name meaning for him!
My son. My homicidal oreo… 🐬 Oreorcat
I'll eventually turn these WIPs into concept art reference sheets! Though I might format them differently.
Tatsumiya (竜宮) 竜宮 = Meaning “Dragon Palace”
It's an alternate reading of Ryuuguu 🐉🏯 The Undersea Dragon Palace from the story of Urashima Tarou in Japanese folklore.
It comes from 竜宮の使い (Ryuuguu no tsukai), a giant deep-sea oarfish, known as "The Messenger/Envoy of the Undersea God's Palace" which is exactly what Tatsumiya represents as a character!
I chose kanji readings of Idate and his older twin brother Takama's names, as well for our other OCs in WATGBS AU: COTDS, like our IdaTatsu fankids. I'm excited to show them in the future 🤗💞
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livealittleoc-cb · 8 months
Small Update!
TW/CW: Slightly suggestive pictures (?)/ suggestive mentions
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🐍: Since circus and carnival season is slowing down tickets are half off. I have a shift for tonight, I'm doing the aerial silks along with aerial ring so stop by to see how flexable I am.~ *winks with a smirk* Before work though I stole got this pretty new collar, also repierced lips and tongue. Sometimes I wish I couldn't heal so fast but hey, what's better then having a pierced split tongue.~ *snorts into their hand*
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♥️: My back and shoulders fucking h u r t *groans and stretches* so so much-. My muscles feel so stiff, Archery training was so heavy today. *whines, letting out another groan* But, good news for today! Not only did I straighten my hair and it actually looks good for once but I'm getting my pec tattoo retouched with Di 🥰 I was also thinking of addding on to it, maybe getting a completely new one. Who knows, I'll have to think about it a little but I'm excited! I've been wanting to retouch this for a long time.
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😈: One thing that people don't know about me is that I have fucking talent.~ I am talented and I will always say that. *proud smug smile* I have a job offering up for a horror movie set that needs an FX makeup artist and oh guess what? I'm one.~ So I'm applying and hoping I get it but, while I was looking through my pictures to put into my portfolio to submit I found one of my favorite works. Now I want to recreate it on someone...or myself-. I would maybe do some motifications but I think it would be fun! *bounces* I'm also open to helping people with their Halloween makeup if they want any.~ I expect to be paid though-
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
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littleladykae · 4 months
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I can proudly say I have completed the build a bear eeveelution set!🩷❤️💛💚🩵💙💜🖤🤎
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Lord Huron Asks
Ends of the Earth 🌎 — What is a land you have always dreamed of seeing?
Time to Run 🏃 — If you were being run out of town on threat of hanging, what would your crime be?
Lonesome Dreams 🛤️ — What is your most frequent recurring dream, and what do you think it means?
The Ghost on the Shore 👻 — If you were a ghost, what place would you haunt?
She Lit a Fire 🔥 — Describe a stranger that you only met once but have never forgotten.
I Will Be Back One Day 🏜️ — What is your ideal place to settle down forever?
The Man Who Lives Forever 🌐 — How would you spend a lifetime of immortality?
Lullaby 🔪 — Who would you go to if you had nowhere else to turn?
Brother 👫🏻 — Who would you want by your side in an apocalyptic battle?
In the Wind 🌬️ — What is the one thing you would wait an eternity for?
Setting Sun 🌄 — Your lover has been unfaithful. Do you actively hunt them down for revenge or wait until they fall into your carefully-planned trap?
Love Like Ghosts 💕 — Rank your top three favorite quotes about love.
Until the Night Turns 🌠 — How would you want your apocalyptic remains to be found? (think Pompeii, but Lord Huron style.)
Dead Man’s Hand ✋ — What would be your reaction to finding a dead body by a desert road?
Hurricane 🌀 — What is your idea of thrill-seeking?
La Belle Fleur Sauvage 🌸 — What flowers do you want in your grave?
Fool for Love 💙 — What is the most outrageous thing you have done for love?
The World Ender 💀 — Describe your “coming back from the dead to take vengeance on your enemies” outfit.
Meet Me in the Woods 🌲 — What experience completely transformed you as a person?
The Yawning Grave ⚰️ — If you were an eldritch otherworldly being, what would you be and what would your domain be?
Frozen Pines 👽 — Have you ever encountered anything extraterrestrial, and if so, what was it?
Cursed 🖤 — What curse would a witch place on you?
Way Out There ⛰️ — What is the furthest you have ever gone from home?
Louisa 💞 — If you died, what is the one thing that could revive you?
The Night We Met 💜 — If you could choose one moment in your life to go back and change, what would it be?
Lost in Time and Space 🌌 — Where would you go to start a new life?
Never Ever 🎨 — How would your life change if you found out that your SO was just a figment of your imagination?
Ancient Names (Part 1) 🔮 — What part of your future would you like to know most?
Ancient Names (Part 2) 🗝️ — What do you believe happens after death?
Wait by the River 🏞️ — Where do you go to collect your emotions?
Secret of Life ⭐ — What is a dark secret of the universe that you would give anything to know?
Back from the Edge 💊 — What is the closest you have ever come to death?
The Balancer’s Eye 👁️‍🗨️ — What do you think is the one unforgiveable sin?
When the Night Is Over 🛣️ — What is your favorite thing to do in the rain?
Moonbeam 🌗 — If you could appear in someone’s dream, what would you do?
Vide Noir ⚫ — If you were a drug, what would you be?
Emerald Star 💚 — Write a poetic description of your favorite person’s eyes, using as many unusual metaphors as possible.
The Moon Doesn’t Mind 🌙 — What do you look for in the night sky?
Mine Forever ♾️ — What can you not live without?
Love Me Like You Used To 💗 — Where would you go if you lost everything and wanted to feel something again?
Meet Me in the City 🌃 — Describe your ideal place for a secret rendezvous.
Long Lost 🗻 — Where does your spirit feel the most free?
Twenty Long Years 🍺 — You’re twenty years older than you are now, and you’re in a bar when a stranger comes up and asks you to tell them a story. What do you tell them?
Drops in the Lake 💧 — Describe yourself if you were a lake.
Where Did the Time Go ⌛ — What feels like it happened yesterday but actually happened a long time ago?
Not Dead Yet ☠️ — Would you rather be half alive or half dead? (Or do you think there is a difference?)
I Lied 💔 — Would you make a promise to someone you loved if you knew you could not keep it?
At Sea ⛵ — What would you do if you were stranded on a ship for a week?
What Do It Mean ✍️ — Write an epitaph for yourself.
Time’s Blur 🕰️ — What is the furthest out of your mind you have ever been?
Your Other Life 🎭 — If you could live a double life right now, what would your other life be like?
Mighty 🦁 — What frightening power would you wish for?
Son of a Gun 🔫 — How would you take revenge on someone who abandoned you with a child?
The Stranger 👥 — If you met Death, what would you ask him?
When Will I See You Again 👋 — Write a poetic goodbye to someone you will never see again.
Into the Sun ☀️ — Who would miss you the most if you sailed away, never to return?
The Problem with Your Daughter 💖 — If you had been kept hidden away for 20 years, how would you escape?
We Went Wild 🏝️ — How would you spend thirteen days on an island?
Moon Song ✨ — Write three superlatives that you think you could win.
The Birds Are Singing at Night 🐦 — What would put a smile on your face if you saw it as you were dying?
Last Night You Were a Dream 💤 — What is an experience that was magical the first time and disappointing the next time?
Ace Up My Sleeve 🃏 — What is the “ace up your sleeve” that you can always fall back on?
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idontknowreallywhy · 4 months
WIP I’m-so-confused-about-days-this-week-and-completely-missed-Wednesday…
“I’m going to assume you’re too tired to know what you’re saying which would make it unsporting to throw you in the pool.”
Virgil snorted “You could try.”
“Ssssh, you’ll wake the others.”
They’d reached the lounge. Alan had shuffled into the space Virgil had vacated and John had pivoted to the horizontal and was drooling elegantly into the couch cushions. Scott made the speedy assessment that reintegrating into the original pile was going to be too complicated and that setting up camp afresh on the other couch would be a better bet.
“Sit” he ordered in as commanding big brother a whisper as he could manage. Virgil obeyed and immediately lost the ability to sit upright. By the time Scott returned with a heap of blankets his head was resting on the arm rest and he was adding his bass rumble to the familiar symphony of Tracy sleep noises.
Scott distributed his stash, ensuring the whole family was adequately tucked in and took a moment to thank God, the universe, whoever it was that finally brought him home to them. Then he lifted Virgil’s legs, acknowledging privately he might have had a point about the pool-throwing thing, and carefully manoeuvred his way on to the couch, snuggling under his own blue blanket. He leant back and allowed his eyes to finally close, enjoying the sense of security the weight of his brother’s feet across his lap provided. As he drifted off he mused on that metaphor… how what an onlooker might see as a burden could in fact be the most spectacular privilege he could ever ask for.
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🖤💜Protecting (Charlotte Katakuri x Female!Reader) Pt. 2💜🖤
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted) 
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal 
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I KNOW it's been at least 2 months since I posted the first part of this, but here it is!~ I love Katakuri sooo much, if you couldn't tell, and I just kept writing, so this turned into a 3 parter!~ But BEFORE you curse my existence and get your Mogura, I already have it done!~ Literally fully completed, I just have to post it after this one.~ And I decided that your reward for waiting so long for this series was some ✨spicy✨ times.~ So expect that in part 3.~ Also, I'm so shocked at the amount of likes I got on the first part??~ Almost 70 likes??~ You guys are too much.~ Hope you like it!~ Mwah mwah, darlings!~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 - -> Part 3
Dread set in as everyone realized the untimely situation. We still had to deal with Bege and the Strawhats, and the last thing we needed was a raging Big Mom. I felt Katakuri's grip tighten on me as I let my emotions drift into him. I was scared and tired, wanting nothing more than to stay in my husband's strong and safe arms. Perospero stood there, thinking of a plan, and when his gaze landed on me, he perked up. He seemed reluctant to ask me due to Katakuri's possessive hold on me, but when our eyes met I had an idea of what he wanted from me. This was part of my job in the family, to help Mama calm down during her hunger pangs even if it was dangerous. 
"Ah, Y/N? I'm sorry to ask this of you after the kind of day you've had, but", a nervous glance to Katakuri whose intense gaze slid to him the moment he addressed me, "would you help me out in calming Mama down? I have an idea that might work, but she seems a bit angrier than usual this time around, lick." Perospero's confidence dwindled the longer he stood under Katakuri's piercing gaze until I lifted my hand to lay it on my husband's shoulder. He focused on my soft face and quietly huffed before kneeling down to gently place me on my feet. Before he could make any threats, I snuck a quick peck on his nose, and grabbed Perospero's hand to run off. 
"Kekeke, quite the little minx you've become with our brother.~" He glances back. "He's become a lickity blushing mess.~ I can tell even if he pulls up his scarf.~" A large wail followed by a nearby building being crushed brought us back to the grim reality of our task. Perospero put up a candy wall to keep us from being crushed as he explained his plan. 
"We have three major problems right now and Mama is one of them. Katakuri is going to ambush the Strawhats on their ship while some of our brothers and sisters go after Bege. I want to get rid of Strawhat first and foremost, so let's set Mama's sights on him by telling her he has her wedding cake. This will give us a little time to figure out how to make the cake, though. . .", he trails off and tugs at his collar, "you know how Mama is with people who lie to her. Even if it's one of us. So, if this doesn't work out, you and I will be killed by Mama if that cake isn't made in time." That fact made me nervous, but Perospero looked even more scared than I felt. Mama liked me well enough, but I know she wouldn't think twice about killing me since I've seen her kill some of her own children before. As much as I loved Katakuri, that was something I hated about his mother. My gaze drops down to the mochi bracelet around my wrist, focusing on the emotions of my love. 
Worry. Simmering anger. Determination. Resolve. I had to be steadfast like Katakuri and play my part in keeping everyone safe. I felt like I had the same responsibility as Katakuri, taking on the role of a protective big sister since I was his wife. I could see my antennae change to a deep red. My desire to succeed was rooted in my love for Katakuri. With a shake of my head, I straightened up and threw my lollipop to the ground before going around Perospero's candy shield to march towards the rampaging Yonko. A frantic scream sounded from the brother behind me as he ran up to my side and put on a wide smile with me as he called out to Mama. 
We both shook as he convinced her with words while I coaxed her with a little emotion and thought nudging. Despite being such a feared pirate, Big Mom’s mind was easy to influence, like a child’s, which matched some of her behavior at times. The feeling of everyone watching us with bated breaths, and the direct tap of Katakuri's own worry made this all the more pressuring. The two of us just about fainted at her terrifying aura, purple taking over my previous red, as she promised to take our lives if we were lying before leaping onto Zeus and racing off towards the seducing wood. Not a moment after she was out of sight did Perospero and I share a glance before wailing out in fear. He fell to his knees on the ground, and I was heading to follow suit if Katakuri hadn't swooped in to pick me up off my feet again. I felt even more drained than before, but the love and comfort coming from my beloved husband and the few head caresses he was willing to give me in public made everything worth it. I trusted him to help me make sure everything worked out.
As Perospero fell further into despair about our current situation, a familiar voice from above called out to us. Peeking over my husband's shoulder until he turned around, I saw Pudding on her magic carpet. 
"I'll make Mama's cake!" She proclaimed, and Perospero just about cried tears of joy at those four words. As she explained her plan of recruiting Chiffon to help her remake Mama's cake on Cacao Island, I knew the little time I had with Katakuri was coming to an end. Soon, he would be locked in a heated battle with Strawhat Luffy. Staring up at my husband's serious face as he listened to Pudding and everyone else, I took to admiring every perfect line and curve of his face that I could see. After so many years, I didn't even need to see the rest of his face to visualize it under his scarf. The tips of my antennae drooped into my vision, and I could see them lit up with a dark pink. With a small, embarrassed jolt, I covered the exposing appendages with my hands as the conversation came to an end. 
I could hear and feel my husband’s amused chuckle at my embarrassment, making me flush further. This brought my attention to the tattling bracelet around my wrist, making me contemplate its importance right now. My emotions were all over the place and have already distracted him enough today. With pursed lips, I tugged at the mochi bracelet around my wrist. In an instant, Katakuri's full attention was on me, and his hand was preventing my own from completing its task. 
"What are you doing?" He asks in a low voice, ignoring the gazes of his younger siblings around us. To everyone else, he sounded angry, but I felt he was just apprehensive and confused. I smiled and lifted his gloved hand to my lips for a soft kiss to his knuckles, which elicited a few 'aww's, before continuing to move the bracelet to my hair as a hair tie, which he allowed this time. 
"I've worried you enough today, dear. You're about to enter a big fight, and I don't want to trouble you anymore. It's close enough to still feel my presence, but not my emotions unless you wish. You can focus on it for strength, if you need to. I'm sure I'm worrying over nothing again, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." With a soft smile and a peck to his cheek, I pat his muscled arm to be let down. Through my touch I could feel his unease and dissatisfaction at my words, but other than that, the only indication that my actions had bothered him was another crease in between his ever furrowed eyebrows. I knew he didn’t like this plan. He knew I didn’t like this plan either. But it was a necessary precaution, one taken to further ensure victory and protect the family. We held each other’s challenging gazes for a few bated breaths until Katakuri relented. He uncrosses his arms a bit, but before he could bend over to let me down closer to the ground, I slipped through the given gap, landed briefly on the spike band sticking out from his left knee and hopped to the ground. 
"I'll stay here with Mont d'Or and Pekoms to stay out of you guys’ way. I'm sure they can protect me if something happens, right, boys?" I smile wide and hook my arms through one of each of theirs, causing them to puff out their chests and proudly agree. 
"You guys just do your best, as always!" The dark pink of my antennae shifted to a burnt orange to show my low tempo joy and determination. Even though my bones ached with exhaustion, I took a deep breath and started to radiate feelings of rejuvenation and conviction for everyone as a boost. After I did so for a minute, I let my arm slip from Mont d'Or so I could subtly lean more into Pekoms' soft fur, who easily held me steady. As I lifted my heavy eyes, I could see Katakuri observing me closely before closing his eyes and turning away. Nothing got past him. 
"That's enough time wasted here. Get a move on to the positions you've been assigned. Every second lost is a lesser chance of victory, but we will win." Everyone, invigorated by my powers and inspired by Katakuri's brief speech, gave out a battle cry and ran off to do as they were told. As everyone dispersed, Pekoms wrapped an arm around my waist, and helped me follow Mont d'Or and Tamago to where they'd be working from. 
As I sat down and continued to rest against Pekoms, I thought about what happened earlier with that odd forcefield when I was about to be crushed. It had to have come from me since I felt the energy output of it, but I've never done that before. Maybe this was the awakening that Katakuri has been trying to draw out of me all this time, and it only just came out then because I was in real danger for the first time in my life. Of course, I've been in danger before, but ever since I married Katakuri, I've felt comfortably confident in my safety. I'd have to look into this development later.
With everything happening I didn't know when I'd be able to rest again, so I was going to take the opportunity while I had it. My gloves were starting to make my anxious hands sweaty, so I tugged them off and stuffed them into a pocket on my dress. A yawn escaped me as I snuggled more into Pekoms’ side and fell into a dreamless sleep. 
<コ:彡ミ☆<コ:彡ミ☆ <コ:彡ミミ☆ <コ:彡ミ☆ <コ:彡ミ☆ <コ:彡ミ☆
Unsure of how long I'd been asleep for, I woke up with a start to the sound of someone crying. I sat up from the piece of sponge cake I had been settled on during my nap to look around for the culprit. It was Pekoms, and he seemed truly upset by something. The sight of one of my friends crying like that woke me up quickly. With a frown and dark blue antennae, I stood up and rushed over to the sobbing lion to comfort him. Once he realized it was me, he instantly dropped to his knees to envelope me in a tight hug. Before I could even open my mouth to ask what the matter was, he beat me to it.  
"My brother! He's gone! How could this happen?! Gyah! Big bro Pedro!" My arms wrapped around his fluffy afro as I cooed at him in consolation. Without my gloves on, I could feel the full force of Pekoms' sorrow, and it cut deeply through me in my groggy state. Fat tears, the same as his, rolled down my cheeks until I managed to control the reception of emotions, yet it still left me sniffling and letting out a few tears. Normally, I'd try to calm the person down and make them calmer, but this was a hurt that needed to be let out naturally. It felt wrong to subdue the grief he felt for, what seemed like, the death of a very close person in his life. I looked over to the chicken form of Tamago, eyes still watery.
"Tamago-san, what happened?" My voice shook as I spoke, not able to completely dismiss my self-inflicted sadness. The teacup wearing man tutted as he walked towards me, using a wing to wipe my face of tears. 
"Ah, do not cry-amour, tears do not suit your face, bon. Unfortunately, Pekoms' brother, Pedro, died aiding the Strawhats' escape from the island. He blew himself up to free their ship of Perospero-sama's candy, bon. From what I heard he took part of Perospero-sama's arm with him. " My breath hitched in horror at the information and loss from both sides as Pekoms cried even harder upon hearing the news again. Enemy or not, losing someone close to you is always hard. Not to mention Perospero’s loss as well.
"Shut up already! He was our enemy! He knew the risks of helping those Strawhats fight a Yonko’s crew! And what about Perospero?! Half his arm is gone!" I snapped my head towards Mont d'Or with a tear-stained glare and dark purple antennae for his insensitive comment which had him shying behind the giant book he held. I understood that he was an enemy, but that didn’t negate the fact that Pekoms knew and cared for him. Nothing was black and white in this world, especially family. Fortunately, Tamago was partially on our side, and engaged Mont d'Or's complaint. Not wanting my irritation to upset Pekoms any further, I took a few deep breaths, cleared my mind and continued to hug his head to my shoulder. Slowly, the deep purple faded back into a light blue.
"I'm so sorry, Pekoms. I understand what it's like to lose someone so close to you. If you need anything, I'll help you in any way I can." He didn't say anything, but nodded a little against my shoulder. I stood there silently after my condolences, tuning out Tamago and Mont d'Or's continued argument in favor of comforting Pekoms to the best of my abilities.
After a while, his sobs waned to sniffles, and from there he finally loosened his hold on me and leaned back to look at me. My exposed shoulder was drenched from tears, but I paid that no mind as I lifted his glasses and wiped the tears from his black, beady eyes. I offered a sad smile. 
"Sorry for cry-" Before he could even think of finishing that sentence, I shushed him with a finger. 
"You have nothing to be sorry about. What happened was horrible. Even if he was technically an enemy", a swift, bombastic side eye to Mont d'Or, who cowered again under my returned scolding gaze, "he was still your brother. I'm sure he still saw you as his brother even if you two had different ideals and paths in life." My speech earned an appreciative smile from Pekoms as he nodded and stood up. He took on a thoughtful look as he stared out towards the Seducing Forest. I just stayed next to him, thinking over all the events of the day. 
"Y/N? Would you like to come with me to, uh, look around for any more injured people?" Pekoms’ somber and rough voice roused me from my thoughts yet again. That was an odd and random request, but I suppose he just needed something to do and focus on to distract himself. I was still a little tired, but I didn’t want to leave Pekoms alone.
"Of course, we need to find some first aid kits first, though." With an absent nod from him, I told the other two where we were off to, and Pekoms led me into the ruined city. The river of cream that had flowed freely earlier was now just a sludge that thickly coated the ground. Even though I was already a mess, I still held up the edge of my dress to prevent any further damage. 
We stop by the abandoned hospital for two first aid kits before setting off back through the city in silence. I had tripped a few too many times over debris and thick cream puddles, prompting Pekoms to grab hold of my bare hand. I tried not to focus on his swirling emotions out of courtesy, but I could tell easily that the most prominent one was uncertainty. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Pekoms stopped in his tracks and spoke up again.
"Y/N, what would you do if you knew someone was going to betray the family?" Stopping at both his halt and question, it took me a moment to understand why he would ask it. My e/c eyes stared at his triangular sunglasses, feeling out his emotions more deeply as I did. I felt his anguish, guilt, nervousness yet a flaring storm of conviction was starting to overshadow the aforementioned uncertainty. It was clear what he wanted to do, and I was in no position to talk him out of it. 
This is where I had to choose between my morality and true loyalty to Big Mom. Pedro was his family before we were, and I couldn’t ask him not to fight for the people that his brother died to protect. All the Strawhats wanted was their crew member back, a crew member that we took from them. All in all, I swore my loyalty and life to Katakuri, not Big Mom, and I knew he would understand any decision I made.
"I think that each person has their own values that they must hold steadfast to in any circumstance. Even if they conflict with other parts of our lives. Something you must ask yourself, though, is if you're willing to put your life on the line for those values and face any consequences that come with them." A beat of silence passed between us as I let my words soak in. I stepped towards Pekoms and wrapped my arms around him tightly, and he reciprocated. The warmth of his fur tickled a smile onto my face, lighting up my antennae yellow.
"I'll always think of you as my family, Pekoms, even if you leave us. Besides," I look up at him and give him a little wink, "believe it or not, Katakuri and I don't always tell the family everything if it doesn't affect them." Pekoms' lip quivered for a few seconds before starting up a new fountain of tears while hugging me even tighter. 
"Gyah! I knew you were my favorite for a reason, Y/N! Thank you so much!" I wheezed out a laugh, happily squeezing him back as my yellow shifted into a peachy orange. This felt like the right decision. 
Once Pekoms calmed down, we made our way to the ruined chateau once again. No one but the more prominent siblings in the family knew this, but Brulee had a mirror in her room in the chateau that she always keeps open. Whenever she was in the Mirro-World, anyone could access it through that mirror without her being present. It was useful for when we had meetings there, though we still needed Brulee to leave out of a different mirror. 
It was tough figuring out where her room was now that the whole building was ruined and skewered on the city's tallest buildings, but after an hour of searching, we figured it out and stood before the mirror. Miraculously, it wasn't cracked, but we did have to sit it back up for us to enter. Pekoms abandoned his first aid kit, on the checkered floor but I kept mine in case we came across someone who was injured. The only news we've heard so far has been a report of the Straw Hat's ship sinking and the defeat of Germa 66, so I wanted to be prepared. Pekoms lost a bit of his drive at those disheartening reports, but refused to give up just yet. Before I could wander off, Pekoms stopped me with a paw to my shoulder.
"Listen, Y/N. I know you said you wouldn't tell anyone about me, uh, following my values, but I also don't want you to be labeled as a traitor because of me. I know you love Katakuri, and I want you two to be happy. That being said, if push comes to shove, I don't want you to associate with anything I do from here on out. I'll even act like I took you hostage if I need to! Gyah!" He clenched his fist in front of him as he declared this, making me smile and pat his arm. 
"Don't worry, Pekoms, I'll be fine. I promise." Looking around, the winding and twisting walkways of the Mirro-World had me a bit lost. I had only been through here with a guide that knew where they were going. Luckily, Pekoms seemed to know what he was doing as he turned around to face the large mirror we just came through. 
"Hey mirror, who all is in the Mirro-World?" The mirror, to my surprise, answered. 
"Brulee, Katakuri, Flampe and a man in a straw hat are currently here!" I perked up upon hearing that Katakuri was still here with Strawhat Luffy. It's been a couple of hours since we heard the reports of the sunken Straw Hat's ship and Germa 66's defeat on Pekoms' transponder snail. Though, now it seemed that Strawhat was living up to his bounty and more. I was tempted to touch the bracelet in my hair but refrained. If Luffy was holding his own against my unrivaled husband, then it must require focus. I couldn’t let my own selfish whims worry him again. 
“Pekoms, what were you planning on doing here? Although Strawhat has held out for this long, he seems to be struggling against Kata, and if he loses, anything you do could be for naught.” Even with his sunglasses on, I could tell that Pekoms was worried as he thought out his first course of action. It was hard for me to believe that Katakuri would lose, so the most the mink could do was aid in Strawhat Luffy’s escape when the time came. Before Pekoms could think up a plan of anything, his transponder snail woke and started a ruckus. 
“Strawhat Luffy is in Chips Town!”
“No, he’s in Chockfull Town!” 
“Green Town!”
Island after island gave reports of sightings of Strawhat Luffy appearing all over Tottoland. The fact that he was running around so many islands meant that he had Brulee, for the second time to my understanding, and was running from his fight with Katakuri. Pekoms seemed relieved to even hear that he was alive and kicking even if he was running for his life. To me, this news meant that Katakuri was stuck here in the Mirro-world just like us until Brulee was freed. 
Just thinking about him spiked the craving of my husband’s feelings thrumming through my body. I had gotten so used to knowing the inner workings of his heart that I felt half empty without them. Without him, my nerves felt too open and vulnerable, so I shakily took out my gloves from my pocket and tugged them on. The anxiousness dimmed my bright antennae. Pekoms started to cheer which drew my attention to him and away from the remounting worries plaguing the edges of my mind.
“Gyah! I knew he would survive! He may be a bit stupid, but even he knows when to pick and choose his battles!” The mink turned to me with a wide smile and grabbed my shoulders. With his paws in contact with my bare shoulders, I could feel his strong relief and fierce motivation which brightened me back up. That was how I felt when I put my faith in Katakuri, and Pekoms felt this way about Strawhat Luffy? I suppose Strawhat was Pekoms' leader right now just as Katakuri was ours.
“If he’s trying to leave, then the rest of the crew has to be alive! They have to be! Big bro Pedro didn’t die in vain!” His voice wavered at that last sentence, but he kept his determined smile. I gave the invigorated mink a small, supportive smile and nodded. 
“It seems they could be alive, but we can’t leave without Brulee here, remember?” Pekoms froze in his excitement at my words of reasoning. In a second, he was depressed on the floor. I laughed softly and kneeled next to his hunched form. 
“Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure Brulee will be released soon, and you’ll be able to continue Pedro’s will.” Pekoms sniffled and looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows. 
“You think so?” With a nod, I placed my gloved hand on his pink clad shoulder. The flow of his strong feelings seeping through my gloves had me taking a deep breath. Bright red blazed over the previous peachy orange. He really wanted- no, needed to help this rambunctious pirate running around Tottoland. For himself and no one else. That was a freedom not many people in this kingdom had. I wish Katakuri had that freedom.
“I do.” We shared a quiet moment before I stood back and put my hands on my hips. I was starting to feel tired again, but there were things that still needed to be done. 
“Now, let’s go. Brulee has a few houses around here, doesn’t she? If you’re going to be masquerading as a robust vigilante aiding Strawhat Luffy, you need to look the part, right?” Pekoms jumped up and threw a clenched fist into the air. 
“Gyah! Yeah! Let’s go!” With newfound energy, Pekoms grabbed my hand and dragged me along one of the many twisting and checkered paths. 
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"What about this one?" 
"Um, too sparkly."
"This one?" 
"Too frilly."
"Okay okay. This one!"
Pekoms pulled out a pink, skin tight mask with a few darker pink markings along the face and a star right on the forehead. It was one of the last costumes he had pulled out of one of the many costume drawers we found. Anyone who had met the Charlotte family would be hard pressed to deny the family’s. . . flamboyant clothing style, so a house in a central location solely for dress up clothes was well within their behavioral territory. I was laying along my stomach on a dangerously comfy bed as Pekoms sifted through all the clothes and outfits, helping him choose the right one. Who knew he would be so keen on matching his existing pink suit?
“Hmm, it matches your suit better than the other masks. Try it on?” I covered a yawn and closed my heavy eyes for a moment as the lion mink pulled on the tight face mask. When I opened them again, he had fit all his mane into the mask and I had to stifle a laugh at the sight. He looked like a giant cloud of cotton candy! Not to mention that the mask was so tight that it hid nothing to anyone who knew him. 
“Gyah! I knew I looked stupid!” My giggles only increased as the embarrassed mink tried tugging it off and the mask didn’t budge an inch. His frantic attempts prompted me to get up, despite my sore body’s protests, and try to help him. After about five minutes of tugging from any and all angles, the tight mask stayed in its place on Pekoms. With labored breaths, I collapsed onto the soft bed as Pekoms sulked on the floor. 
“Gyah! I have to defend Big Bro Pedro’s legacy in this? How shameful.” Once I caught my breath, I decided to encourage Pekoms again. 
“It doesn’t matter what you wear, Pekoms. What matters is your actions. As long as you do what you think is right for your ideals, you have nothing to be ashamed of.” Another yawn drew out the last of my soft pep talk, and this time I couldn’t ignore the call of sleep. This day had drawn a lot out of me, and my aching bones settled as I slipped into my memories and dreams. 
As I faded out of consciousness, the last thing I heard was the unsteady reply of my companion. 
“Thanks, Y/N.”
Light filtered through the mosaic windows, casting hundreds of mini rainbows and refracted light spots across our cozy bedroom. It was one of the very few days that I awoke to my husband still by my side in bed. Even rarer, I was awake before him. Everything felt so bleary and light as I took in the warm air of our room, the large rises and falls of my husband’s chest underneath my arm, the softness of his arm settled against my body. It all felt so perfect. Too perfect. Yet, I didn’t want to lose this moment.
I treasured every moment I had with my busy behemoth of a man, no matter how brief, long, serene or fitful. I hardly stirred from my resting spot in fear of breaking the spell. There had to be a spell. My senses were so enchanted, so enraptured by the man resting beside me that at times it was hard to believe that I was his and he was mine. 
Mine. That word still made me giddy to think about, let alone say, even after two years of marriage. Giggles threatened to bubble out of my parched throat, but I kept my whimsical feelings contained so as to not disturb him. He deserved the rest. He deserved the world. A world better than the one he lived in, one where he could be just as peaceful and happy as those he protected. 
I wish I could protect him the way he did me. Protect him from everything that took away the shining light I saw in him every day. Protect him from the people that locked that light in a cage with a single window to shine through. But even as he is, scars and all, I knew he was perfect. My perfect husband in every sense of the word. The way he laughed, the way he smiled, oh his beautiful, unfettered smile, how he held me, those oh so gentle eyes when he told me he loved me. I was sure I was as pink as my antennae was bound to be by now. Every perfect thing I thought about him made it harder and harder to keep my smile down and my hands to myself. The hand on his chest trailed its way up to his uncovered face.
That was certainly the most perfect thing about him. The feature he hated most about himself is the thing that made me love him more when he finally showed me. Surprisingly, he didn’t move even as I cupped his scarred cheek. He was so warm. So soft. My lips itched to kiss him. To make sure he was really mine after all this time. Finally, I sat up at his side, looking down on his still slumbering face. 
Slowly, I lowered my forehead down to his. 
Nuzzled my nose to his sharp one.
My lips felt the exhales of his breath, getting closer and warmer until-
A loud, ground shaking rumble woke me up with a start. I sat up, my heart racing as I looked around to see where I was. I was still in Brulee’s dress up home, Pekoms lying on his back on the floor with loud snores coming from him. A pang stabbed my heart when I realized I wasn’t where my surreal dream-like memory led me to believe I was. Where I hoped I was. I was right, it was too perfect.
No, instead of Katakuri being next me, sleeping soundly, he was out there, fighting a dangerous pirate for our sake. If I had to guess, they were the cause of the rumbling that woke me up. With a weary sigh, I got up from the bed calling me to lay back down. As much as I wanted to rest, I still had to help Pekoms. Maybe I’ll get to see my husband at the end of his fight. The worries I had before resurfaced full force accompanied by a headache, but I made myself swallow any expressions of it back. Katakuri must be more tired and hurt than I am right now with such a long fight, so this is nothing. I have things to do.
“Pekoms, wake up. Wake up, Pekoms. It sounds like Kata and Strawhat are fighting again.” When my words did nothing to stir the deep sleeping mink, I crouched down and pulled back the tight mask still stuck to his face and let it snap back to his cheek. Pekoms was quick to react to that, a small roar of pain sounding from him as he shot up. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger as he rubbed his stinging cheek. 
“Gyah! What the hell was that for?!”
“We need to go, now is no time for sleeping. Don’t tell me you already forgot why you’re doing this.” This time Pekoms heard me loud and clear, and jumped to his feet. I joined him a little slower as another tremor shook the house, knocking a few things from dressers. 
“Of course I haven’t forgotten! I’ll never forget!” I smiled fondly at his persistent motivation before silently turning towards the door and making my way out of the house. The disarray of Brulee’s Mirro-World compared to how it was when we first got here was a bit shocking. It must be an intense battle for things to be in this state. My weariness was dragging my dread filled body down as I thought about my husband’s apparent struggle against this pirate. I had my faith in him until the end, but the fact that this has been going on all day and night is worrisome, to say the least. My mind ran wild with thoughts of the worst outcome, turning my antennae a lofty purple. Pekoms came up beside me with a look of uneasiness that matched my internal emotions. 
“Geez, those two are really doing a number on this place.” He checked his watch. “It’s 10 minutes 'till 1 am. They’ve been fighting all day and through half the night, gyah! I think we should go see where the fight is. Maybe I can try to save Strawhat from an untimely death.” Pekoms seemed to also hold the sentiment that Strawhat wouldn’t be able to defeat Katakuri, which eased my worries a little. Although I know Katakuri isn’t omnipotent, like many are led to believe, his strength is nothing to write off. After seeing what he’s capable of for the past 3 years, I’d be stupid to doubt his abilities now. 
All I could do was nod in agreement to Pekoms’ plan, and follow him as he started towards the source of the large tremors. Butterflies of nervousness had me feeling sick with each step I took. Anxiety was different from doubt. Eventually we got close enough to the fight that with each rumble, a wave of dust and Haoshoku Haki swept over us, and I fell to the ground at the unexpected onslaught of emotions. Pekoms was still standing, but upon noticing I wasn’t he knelt down beside me in concern. 
When people use Haoshoku Haki, they put out their intentions and emotions with it. The stronger the Haki, the more intense the emotions. I could tell one was Katakuri because it felt familiar. His Haki was filled with conviction and love. The other Haki that was new and almost suffocating had to be Strawhat’s. His was also filled with love alongside persistence but had a dangerous edge to it. Like with one wrong thought, things could turn horrible, and that possibility shook me to my core. The lilac of my antennae flickered like a firefly that changed in brightness with each new wave that washed over us.
Pekoms must have seen something happening that I couldn’t because he suddenly picked me up and ran back the way we came a little to hide in a tunnel full of mirrors. He used his Devil Fruit and put his back to the entrance to block anything from coming in. I was still frozen as I held onto Pekom’s jacket. Katakuri’s opponent was more dangerous than I thought, and I was sure he knew that, but he was still fighting. Everything going on paralyzed me with overstimulation.
What if Katakuri lost? What would Big Mom do to him for losing? He’s never lost before, but she expects perfection from him. How would he feel if he lost? What would happen if he lost? Would Strawhat just leave with his crew? All these rampant emotions had my antennae darkening to a deep shade of brown from the muddied myriad of feelings cloudy my senses. I couldn’t control my powers in this state, so involuntarily I started to exude them out, trying to get rid of them. Pekoms was holding me tight, so I could feel the vibrations of him talking, but everything else drowned out his words. 
Just be quiet, quiet,
And then. . . there was silence. 
Hope you liked it!~ If I didn't already have the 3rd part made, I'm sure I'd be a horrible person to anyone reading this.~ See you soon.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 - -> Part 3
35 notes · View notes
mochie85 · 2 years
So I had an idea if you want to take it. I love your writing sooooooo much.
So the reader is the newest maid and when She goes to clean Loki's room she's surprised to see him in the bath. Everything in her is telling her to leave but she stays and watches him. Well this turns into a somewhat daily ritual. She saves Loki's room for last so she gets there as he's getting into the bath. Of course Loki knows. He knew she was watching him from day one but let it go on because he was curious as to what she would do. Would she join him or stay in the literal shadows. We'll Loki makes that decision for her one night and tells her that if she is going to watch him she might as well join him. While they bath together and get "busy", Loki discovers that she's ticklish and decides to tickle her for making him wait so long.
Hope you like the idea but feel free to say no. 💙💚💜🖤
All The Right Places
One-Shot Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
A/N: I'm sorry this took a while friend. I had never written a tickle fic before. My research was very eye-opening indeed 😈. This is a long one too. I hope you enjoy it. As always my ASKS are open. Stop by even just to say 'Hi'. 😁😘 Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: Smut-fingering, masturbation, voyeurism. Tickling. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Life in the palace wasn’t so bad. You received new sets of clothes with a clean apron. The kitchen arranged three meals a day for you. And, provided that there wasn’t some big event or someone very important visiting, you would have one day a week, off.
You started as a chambermaid for the lowly courtiers, hoping to work your way up as one of Queen Frigga’s maids-in-waiting. You knew it wouldn’t be overnight, but if you were diligent and worked hard, you could be there in no time.
You worked mostly in the mornings, making the beds after they had been slept in. You left small tokens on the courtier’s pillows; flowers, or books that the courtiers mentioned they were looking for. Sometimes chocolates for the children.
At night, you would turn down the beds and make them look inviting for the residences of the palace. In the short time, you worked there, you had moved up from being the chambermaid to the dignitaries and courtiers to the chambermaid to the princes themselves. It won’t be long now, till you get to work for the queen herself.
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Having just finished Prince Thor’s room, you made your way down the gilded halls into Prince Loki’s wing. You smiled at the guard posted to the prince’s door and knocked. No answer.
The guard wouldn’t stand by if Prince Loki was not in his room. You knocked louder, hoping to get the prince’s attention. You decided to go in and announce your presence. Looking down to the floor, you quickly came in and bowed.
“Your highness, I’m here to turn down your chambers for the night.”
There was no response. You stood there, bowed, waiting for a reply, or a rebuke. Anything. You dared to look up, only to be met with an empty room. Taking a big sigh, you decided to just finish what you came here to do.
You stoked the fire, adding two more pieces of wood to the hearth. You opened the windows slightly, to let the scent from the Queen’s garden inside. You tidied up here and there, picking up books and parchment off the floor and settling them upon the prince’s desk. Lastly, you pulled his blanket and top sheet down to an angle and fluffed the pillows making sure it was inviting for the royal.
Putting the last pillow down on the bed, you heard a soft humming and splashing coming from the comfort room to the side. You rolled your eyes at the realization that Prince Loki was in the en suite. Of course, he was there. How had I not considered looking in the restroom when I came in?
To confirm your suspicion, you went over to the door of the en suite. You were about to knock but his warm humming and loud sighs made you reconsider. He was relaxing and you didn’t want to bother him.
The door was slightly ajar, and you peaked in as you smelled the steam of pine and citrus wafting towards you. I really shouldn’t be doing this. If I get caught, he’ll think I’m a spy or worse. A pervert! Ladies should not be in the habit of spying on their betters.
You were about to turn away when the deep sound of a moan caressed your ear. Your eyes found the prince. His eyes were closed. His hair, damp and dark, like ink, stuck to the nape of his neck which was outstretched as he laid his head back resting on the edge of the clawfoot tub.
Prince Loki’s defined arms spread on either side of him as if he were welcoming you to join him. You rolled your eyes at the thought. In what realm would that ever happen? He lifted a foot outside the water and rested it on the edge. His arms sank back under, and another lip-biting moan escaped his lips.
A spontaneous whimper left your lips. You turned away, your cheeks flushed, and your eyes beamed as you realized what you had witnessed. Covering your mouth, you quickly gathered yourself and stalked out of the Prince’s room, not bothering to bid the poor guard goodnight.
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The following night had you nervous and embarrassed as you prepared to turn down Prince Loki’s room. The thought of his hands sinking below the water, his long fingers gripping himself, eliciting the most erotic sound you’ve ever heard in your life, made you want to combust right there in the hallway.
“Your highness, I’m here to turn down your chambers for the night.” You were met with silence yet again as you looked up from your bow.
You noticed the thin opening of his en suite door. Calling you, beckoning you to have a glimpse. Your eyes never took off from the opening as you tended to his fire. Or, when you picked up his books and papers from the floor. Not even when you had turned down his bed and fluffed his pillows did your eyes wander far from the gap at the door.
You were drawn to it. The steam from the prince’s hot bath lured you in like an aphrodisiac. Licking your lips, you hesitantly walked over to the door.
Just like last night, Prince Loki’s well-defined arms stretched out from either side of him. His chest was heaving slowly, sensually, as he relaxed from the warm vapors of his bath. There was a terrycloth covering his eyes, warm and soothing as he let out a deep sigh.
His hands rubbed his neck, and you found yourself doing the same.  He trailed his hands down the expanse of his heaving chest and into the steaming water. He lifted one knee as his strong fingers found what he was searching for.
His moans started low at first, a gentle vibration. Then you saw the waves form in the tub as he increased his movements. You witnessed his arms flexing and relaxing in rapid succession. A sultry moan escaped his open lips. You couldn’t help but bite your lip down and close your eyes as your own hands found your pebbled nipple underneath the sheath dress and apron you had on tonight.
When you heard him reach his pleasure, your hands found themselves in between your legs, rubbing furiously, as you sought your own high in tandem with the Prince. You let out a quiet orgasm as you leaned back on the wall, trying to support yourself as your knees gave way.
What had you just done? Reality sunk back into your body. The threat of the Prince finding out you had pervasive thoughts and touched yourself to his private moments scared you. You quickly ran out of the room and hurried back to your chambers.
You couldn’t stop thinking about what you just witnessed. The prince’s strong arms, his long neck stretched out to pleasure. The sound of the water splashing as his hands brought himself to his orgasm. His moans quivering in your memories as if you can still hear him.
This was wrong. You shouldn’t be spying on his most intimate moments. But you couldn’t stop. Night after night, you had saved Prince Loki’s room for last. You always announce your presence, warning the prince, but hoping he couldn’t, or rather, wouldn’t hear you.
And each night, whenever his hands would wander down the soapy waters, your own hand would complement his actions until you both found yourself in the throes of passion.
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Loki had noticed your presence around the palace. The courtiers were often thanking him and his mother for their gracious gifts upon their pillows every morning, which made them confused. For they had not requested anyone to do so.
To his mother’s investigation, it turns out you had left tokens, or sometimes small chocolates, for the courtiers after their return to their chambers. The Queen was impressed by your kindness and generosity and promoted you as the Prince’s chambermaid. Perhaps, when there is an opening in her inner circle, she might consider taking you on.
The first time Loki was on the receiving end of your kindness was when he was looking to read a new book. He had already read the ones in his personal library twice over and the ones in the main library already.
That night, as he dried himself off from his bath, he noticed a book of poetry laid out on his pillow. He stayed up all night reading the book from cover to cover. He was pleasantly surprised that you had found something he had not read. And was even more surprised that he enjoyed it.
He stalked you afterward. As much as a busy prince could. You were kind and always had on a smile. He would hear you laugh at the guard’s jokes outside his door, and often wondered how you would react to his class of humor.
The first time you had spied on him, he had no warning that you were watching him from the sliver of the doorway. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dared such voyeuristic perversion. But he heard you moan. A faint whisper of passion that was stifled by propriety. A sound he was sure that no one else had heard of. Not even those unworthy guards outside who could make you laugh.
The next night, he wanted to see if you would be so bold enough to watch him again. And so, without reservation, he waited till he knew he had your attention and imagined that his hand was yours. It was your hand roaming his wet body. Your touch, that sought out his pleasure underneath the waters.
He heard you whimper again, and he knew he had you. Night after night, he invited you to watch him. Always leaving a small opening for the door. Hoping your urges would just overtake you and you would march through the doors and give yourself to him. Hearing you shuffle around in his chambers excited him. Does she know that I think about her? Does she know how much I crave her attention?
All his frustrations finally climaxed in one night. He noticed you come into the great hall as Fandral’s attendant. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were visiting his loutish brother and his mother had ascribed you to be Fandral’s maid while he was here.
Anyone but Fandral! Loki thought. That scoundrel wouldn’t be able to admire you properly as he could. He wouldn’t know how kind and generous you are with your attention. How forward and lascivious you could be.
Yet, all too soon, Fandral got caught up in your gracious manner as well. He couldn’t take his rascal eyes off you. Loki witnessed him tuck a stray hair away from your face and into the back of your ear. You let out a ticklish laugh.
Realizing what you had just divulged. You clapped your hands over your mouth and let out an apology. A warm blush traveled along your body and Loki followed the hue. His eyes enjoyed the sight as he perused over you. Fandral laughed, almost mocking you for having a secret ticklish spot.
When Loki heard your laugh, that same carefree laugh he heard when you were out mingling with his guard, he was instantly jealous. He was so entranced by the sounds you made. He treasured your moans. But that was behind closed doors and in secret. He wanted to hear you laugh carefree and only for him.
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After finishing your nightly chores, and obligations to Fandral, you hurried down to Prince Loki’s chambers to set his room for the night. Greeting the guard hurriedly, you set to come inside and hurry your duties. As always, the room was empty. The door to his en suite was slightly ajar and steam from his bath furled outward luring you to come closer.
You slowly made your way toward the en suite. The familiar tile and clawfoot tub appears in your sight. Tendrils of steam gave way, but the tub was empty.
“Hello, pet,” Loki said in a deep growl behind your ear. You turned around surprised and almost giggled at the tingling sensation his voice sent down your body.
“Your highness! I – I apologize, your grace. I didn’t m-mean to…” Loki uncloaked himself from his seidr and was wearing nothing but a towel, which hung low around his waist. His defined chest was stronger and more intimidating up close. Your throat dried up and you were at a loss for words.
“I know you’ve been watching me, dear. I can hear your soft whimpers even from behind the thick door.” He said to you as he studied you. A flush of red, as the roses outside, bloomed on your lovely face and crept throughout your body.
You had been caught. There goes your goal of working for the Queen. You would be put in the dungeons for spying. Or maybe the stocks. Worse yet, exiled! You did the only thing you could do. You knelt and begged for forgiveness.
“I-I apologize your majesty please forgive me. I didn’t mean to intrude. I just saw you an…”
“How shall I punish you?” Loki said teasingly.
“Please have mercy, your highness.” You started to cry. A sound that broke Loki’s heart. He’d rather hear you laugh or better yet come undone under his many talents.
“Come now, dear pet.” He said as he tucked your hair behind your ear. The action alone made you stop crying, forcing you to hold back your giggle.  You were always so sensitive around your ears. “I think it’s only fair I get to watch you, don’t you think?”
Your eyes grew wide, and your breath hitched at what the prince had just asked you to do. He held out his hand to help you up.
You looked at it and hesitantly took his offer to help you stand. He led you to the steaming bath. The humidity steamed up the windows and made it hard for you to breathe. The smell of citrus and pine beguiles your senses as Prince Loki started to undress you.
He started with your apron, reaching behind you and untying your knot. He pushed the soft tule of your dress off your shoulders, letting them pool onto the floor. Loki noted that your blush had reddened your skin. He was eager to touch you. To find all your hidden spots that would make you lose control.
Loki bit his lip as he circled you. Trailing his finger from your back up to your shoulder. The action caused you to shiver and jump away from him. “Ah, ah, ah. Jump away like that and I’ll have to tie you down.”
“Please your highness, I’m very…sensitive to touch. I can’t handle it.” You begged.
“Oh, I can tell.” Loki traced his fingers down your neck, eliciting a moan this time. “I wonder if I can find all your sensitive areas. Get in, darling. Show me how you play with yourself.” This was only fair. After all, you had been taking your pleasure as you watched him for many nights now.
You looked at him hesitantly. His eyes sparkled and his smile was predatory. He was handsome and intoxicating. The definition of deadly charm, all wrapped up in muscle and sinew. You slowly laid yourself down on his spacious tub. The warm, soapy water felt amazing against your skin.
Loki couldn’t help but think how brave you were. You had gotten caught and instead of making up excuses and sniveling about it. You took on your punishment, as a good girl should. “Open your legs darling.” You followed his directions. Bending your knees, your feet on opposite sides of the tub. “Go on.” He said. “Pretend as if I’m not in the bath and no one can see you.”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You wanted to please him. You wanted to make this right. You didn’t want to be cast out of the palace. You love your employment here.
You closed your eyes as your hand delicately trailed down your neck. You caressed your breast and pinched your taut nipples, eliciting a deep moan from your lips.
You imagined that your hands were his, roving your body. Trapped in between his strapping muscles. His heady moans echo in your ears. You rubbed yourself, bringing you to the edge. Sticking two of your fingers inside as Loki watched licking his lips.
He dropped his towel on the floor and exposed his hardening cock. Your eyes widened at how well-endowed he was. You had never seen him out of the water. He got inside the tub, kneeling on the opposite end.
“Are you thinking about me?” Loki asked in a deep, but subdued voice.
“Mmm, yes.” You whimpered, close to your release.
“Good girl.” He praised. “I wonder what happens when I touch you here?” he began to trace his fingers up your calves to the back of your knees. You began to giggle and move your legs away from him.
“Oh, no, no, no. Remember what I said about moving away, pet? Now I’m going to have to tie you down.” He said with faux remorse. Invisible cuffs held your hands up and tied to the faucet behind you.
Your heart beat faster. You were helpless against him. He leaned closer to your body as he stroked your arm. “Where else are you sensitive, my dear?” his fingers got dangerously close to your axilla, lingering above it. You shook your head, smiling. You were ticklish, yes. But not in the usual places.
Loki had figured this out when you giggled as he touched your ear. His hands found your sides and he ran his fingers up and down, earning a sharp laugh from your lips, making you splash water around you.
The sound of your honeyed laugh immediately excited him. He loved the sound- any sound -you made. He was so glad that he could make you laugh.
“M-mercy, your ha, ha, ha-highness, please.” You begged.
“Oh, but I love the sound of your laughter.” He trailed his fingers down your body. Caressing every inch. He lingered by the apex of your thighs. Your warm cunt tempting him. “Soon.” He said more to himself. “But first, I need to hear more of your sweet, sweet laughter.” He continued his touch down, behind your knees. The contact made you close your legs and kick up and down. Splashing water over the tub.
Loki laughed as well enjoying your reactions to his teasing. “Oh, you are perfect, my dear.” He continued to tickle you behind your knees. Your laughter rang through his ears like a siren’s song. He couldn’t get enough.
He brought up your leg from under the water and began kissing your thighs. Then your calves. Granting you a momentary reprieve. He bent your knees towards your head as he brought your feet closer to him.
“No! Please, please! Your Highness. No! I-I beg of you.” You tried to pull your feet away, but Prince Loki was a lot stronger. His thumbs pressed deep into the balls of your feet, making you smile and bite down on your lip. He massaged you gently and he felt you relax at his ministrations. He gently kissed your foot and then nipped your heel making you snort ungracefully.
“What a delightful creature you are,” he said smirking. He bit your heel again, making you laugh vehemently, and he continued to kiss his way up your leg.
When his lips found the bend of your knee, he snaked his tongue out and licked you, causing you to laugh again. “Hahaha…Your high…your highness. P-plea-se hahaha.”
His fingers continued massaging their way up your thighs, leaving marks. “Just so I know all the right places where I can touch you to get your angelic laugh.”
He reached your glistening folds, and he rubbed your sensitive pearl with his thumb. A different sound came out of your lips then. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of that sound. I want all of it.”
He proceeded to insert two of his fingers inside you, holding your thighs apart. You had gotten so close earlier that it didn’t take long for you to reach your pleasure now. “Y-Your highness…L-Lokiii.”
When you moaned his name, he went feral! He took you in his mouth. His fingers rimmed inside you as his thumb rubbed your delicate nub. He would not let off till your screams echoed in his en suite. Something Loki has dreamt of often.
He felt you tighten around his fingers as the tingling sensation traveled throughout your body, making you cry out his name. You panted and came down from your high, after several moments. Loki continued to kiss you. His lips felt soft and confident.
“You beautiful siren,” he said kissing the side of your lips and all along your cheek. “What other beautiful noise can I draw out from you?” He tugged your ear with his lips and you started to laugh.
He smiled and said, “I’m going to spend the rest of the night finding out.”
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All Taglist:
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @huntress-artemiss @mischief2sarawr @user13cabs @one-oblivious-nerd @crimson25 @nopenottodayson @el-zef @lokiprompts21 @lokisninerealms @lokisgoodgirl @michelleleewise @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane @lucylaufeyson3 @loopsisloops @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @salempoe @theaudacitytowrite @immersed-in-mischief
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askatrigenderlgbt · 10 months
Marvel Prompt🤍🩷🩵🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
(Tony has been injured, taking a bullet for Clint. It thankfully didn't hit any dangerous areas, but it did come close to the Arc Reactor- startling his team badly. Clint can't help but puppy guard him for a while, unable to stop seeing tony falling to the floor bleeding. Steve can't help but follow Tony around as much as possible- to afraid of losing him, especially before confessing his feelings for the genius.)
Tony: *On the couch, irritated* Do I have to lay here?
Clint: *Sitting on the floor in front of Tony* Yep, you just stay there and let Steve cuddle you! Please, for us? *Gives the puppy eyes look, the one people feel to guilty to say no to*
Tony: ...Fine.
Steve: *embarrassed and flustered* I'm sorry Tony, I just... j-just...
(Steve struggles to find the words he needs. In the end he can only bury his face back into Tony hair, nuzzling his entire form even closer to Tony's body somehow.)
Steve: I can't say it right now Tony, but believe me when I say I can't stand to see you hurt again like that. I hate when you're hurt at all.
Tony: *Confused, oblivious, and concerned* Alright Cap, you can hold me as long as you want. Take your time on whatever you have to say too, I can wait. *Glances at Clint* you can stay too, you know? As long as you desire, Birdbrain... Want to hold my hand?
(Tony offers Clint his hand, which he happily takes. Steve is happy too, grateful that Tony was understanding. Then the other Avengers decided to join them, setting themselves around Tony.)
Tony: *Sighs* Well it's now a party in here, can I at least have a drink?
Natasha: *Hands over a glass of chocolate milk*
Tony: *Deadpan stare* ...Thanks. Also, why?
Hulk: No bad drink today, only safe ones. *Gently pats Tony's head*
Steve: Hulk is right, you shouldn't drink right now Tony. You're one some strong medicine and being drunk isn't going to help you heal anyway.
(Tony pouts, but settles as he drinks the chocolate. Thor comes over with snacks for Tony, things that won't be too hard on his stomach. The medication is making him feel great, but he doesn't feel hungry much.)
Thor: Eat SHIELD brother! You need your strength to recover your wounds! Steve would be saddened if you had to stay down much longer.
(Tony's attention was caught on what Thor said.)
Tony: Why would- Steve, why would you be sad if I'm benched for awhile anyway, besides me being an important part of the team?
Steve: *Blushing, he mumbles his words.*
Tony: Could you say that again? I didn't hear you, and I don't have super hearing like you do.
Steve: *Blushing red now, blurts out his answer.* I-I love you!
(Five whole, silent, seconds pass by.)
Tony: *Blushes* I like you too, Steve.
Steve: *Bolts up, staring at Tony's face* Really!?
Tony: *Hiding his face in his hands* Yeah...
Clint: Do you love me, Tony? *Teasing*
Tony: *Blushing harder* Y-Yeah.
(Clint froze, staring at Tony with disbelief. A blush slowly making way on his face.)
Hulk: Little Tony like all of us?
Tony: *Gives a small squeak* Y-Yes, okay! I like all of you, each of you having traits that make you wonderful! *So red at this point*
Avengers: ...
( They bring Tony down off the couch, rearranging themselves so they could cuddle their precious genius.)
Avengers: *internally* No one shall take Tony from us. No one.
If anyone wants to write this as a fanfic you have complete permission, I only ask you link me the story so I can read it!
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gwyns · 2 months
“Hello, Shadowsinger.”
“Hello, Priestess.”
Please and thank you. I need this to happen.🖤💙🤍(it’s lowkey giving princeling & witchling which was unintentional)
i'm absolutely in love with this idea because i can picture it perfectly like it starts in a mocking way but over time it slowly morphs into an endearing pet name for both of them
it goes from them using it in trash talk settings while training or dueling to a soft, "hello, shadowsinger," as they pass in a hallway or something and az's equally quiet, "hello, priestess." in reply, complete with one of his rare smiles that gwyn always seems to bring out in him
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