#but by the time she was willing to listen to me that she is misunderstanding me she had already suggested that i leave the campaign
ariadnie · 1 year
feeling so emotionally drained, i had to leave my dnd group :( i kept assuring the DM that i was fine and enjoying the campaign (which is true!) but she was CONVINCED i was upset, and wouldnt believe me when i said i was fine, and created this whole paranoid scenario in her head to the point where i was getting so stressed out.
it felt like when, as a kid, you're telling the truth and the adult keeps trying to get you to tell the truth, and tells you they KNOW you're lying but you're not lying and nothing you say will convince them of that
she kept saying "im bad at reading you" and "i cant read you" and i realize now that she cant read me because she was looking for angry, mean subtext that simply didnt exist. she wanted me to be upset with her, and couldnt accept that i wasnt.
im just tired, i spent months trying to get this girl to like me and walking on eggshells to prevent problems with her bc my other friends have warned me that she can be difficult, and since she couldnt find a problem with me, she MADE one. i cant win. im so tired. i had one (1) bad session on friday bc i was running on low sleep, had a rough time at work, was physically tired bc i went ROCK CLIMBING the day before, and in her mind it HAD to be because of her and i HAD to have it out for her. in reality i was just dissociating with a RBF 😩😩😩 i left the discord call abruptly bc i was TIRED and wanted to go to bed, but she assumed i was pissed at her! (not even abruptly, i said goodnight guys im really tired!)
anyway i exited the campaign bc the communication was just not happening. she kept saying our communication styles dont match, which is true, but ALSO every time i tried to communicate clearly and effectively, she simply didnt take me at my word w it. so there was no way for me to keep going and not be CONSTANTLY misinterpreted and CONSTANTLY trying to please this one girl. like im supposed to have fun and instead im spending the weekend trying to placate her...im tired!!!! im tired and im gonna find a dnd group that is Fun to play in
anyway im ranting i am full of emotions <3 i hope my exit from the campaign is best for everyone in the end, i want them to be able to finish their story how they want and get the ending the party deserves <3 its just sad bc i was really having fun and very invested in my character, and it seems like the DM just wanted to find and poke at flaws in my personality instead of just playing.
ofc she does somethings that annoy me sometimes, doesnt everyone! no one is perfect and immune to that! but im able to get past her flaws and know that she doesnt always mean to take things out on me. i can regulate my emotions by myself when i have an Off time in a dnd session, and by the time im ready for next session i have handled it without any lingering resentment. i give her the benefit of the doubt whenever she snaps at me (which honestly isnt an insignificant amount!) but i know thats just how she communicates and that its not a reflection on me as a person
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gayemoji · 3 months
jesus fucking christ.
#abt wilbur.#abuse#this is largely going to be my rambling immediate largely self centric thoughts so . yknow keep scrollin if you dont want that.#i have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation except watch shelbys vod.#at first i only saw wills tweet bc my brother told me about it#and i thought it was about his EX ex girlfriend or something so i brushed it off like 'oh okay damn a general misunderstanding'#then i searched tumblr saw shubble. found her vod . jesus christ.#hes always poked fun at himself being like 'yeah im shit and manipulative'#so theres always been a nagging. ick . in the back of my head. but never enough to actually. stop myself from liking his content/music.#so yeah. another lesson in 'no no red flags exist for a reaosn. listen to your instincts is a saying for a reason.'#all the love and support to shelby. her candidness & how obviously much she HAS been able to grow past THAT SHIT is genuinely inspirational#not that she needs to be inspirational etc. etc. its just good to know she'll be okay. shes in a good place. thank god.#all the stress for wilburs content friends. whether theyve been manipualteed whether theyve whatever i hope theyre . making good choices.#i say give them time. ik theres a lot of creators immediately coming out. therell be a lot who have to process this shit.#there'll be a lot whove. knowinigly / accidentally been complicit. theyre individuals treat them as such.#personally i just . have not cared about m a n y dsmp era mcyt for a W H I L E . so im happy to detach forever at thsi rate.#i havent been in the mcyt sphere for a hot fucking minute now. i hope youre all doing okay.#this shit hits weird. its okay to feel weird. if you want somewhere to vent my dms the replies on this post the tags are all free and open.#don't stew in it. you dont have to fear feeling selfish or self-centric or shifting the spotlight. you need to let that shit out.#thsis hit sucks !!!! a bunch of his/lvjy songs are comfort songs for me.#idk what the fuck to do about that. my immediate /want/ is to burn it. but thats easier said than done sometimes#if youre gonna 'separate the art from the artist' at least fucking pirate his music. youtube to mp3 that shit.#you can add local 'on your computer' files to spotify.#seperate art from the artist by seperating his monetary gain of YOUR consumption of it as much as possible. /AT LEAST/.#but also good luck separating his largely personal art from him.#im not tryna be condescending im in the same boat.#fucking white whine in a wetherspoons is no. 2 on my panic attacks playlist.#thats not his to take from me anymore. but ik if i listen to it ever again itll make my skin crawl.#ofc its not about me. its not about us the unaware fans. and im glad to know for sure now hes a REAL piece of shit.#m
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applejarjar · 4 months
realizing I missed my window to have a very important and soul bearing conversation with my boss
#now that she's moved to a shared office and I'm stationed in a shared office my opportunities to have serious conversations are limited#I knew I should've had this talk sooner when she still had her own office and we could have a face to face discussion#I've just been avoiding it because I really hoped these issues could be resolved if I addressed them in a softer manner#but my attempts are just not getting results so I'm at my last ditch effort to express my concerns and get some help#I didn't go through all that goddamn management training just to forego the concepts and never apply the teachings#I'm tired of tiptoeing around the subject because I'm worried my boss won't hear me out or understand#it's just not my style to do this workplace politeness bs#she's said multiple times that we can be honest with her and it won't hurt her feelings#and I'm going to do just that#because god I'm getting burnt out and frustrated#I feel like there's some sort of fundamental misunderstanding I'm having which is not being resolved as things are now#I can't keep asking the same questions different ways and hoping for a different result each time#I just need to directly address what I think the problem is and hope I can get some actual help or feedback#I think my boss will be willing to listen I just don't know what I'll do if this still gets me nowhere#gonna have to figure out when I'd even be able to hold this kind of conversation#I'd like to do it today if possible while I'm really pondering everything and feel like I've got my thoughts in order#but this damn shared office makes that so difficult cause I ain't sayin all this to the world#at least not the whole work world#I'm sure they see I'm struggling but it's still something that is like to keep sort of to myself#especially because I'm acutely aware that my ramblings are very close to that of a madman#but it's just how I think and feel about these matters#sigh#work is hard
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 10 months
So I rewatched The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe today and I gotta say it's weird to me that people misunderstand Edmund and rag on him about getting taken in by the White Witch because it could have happened to any of the siblings.
In fact, Lucy does the exact same thing Edmund does when she first comes to Narnia. She trusts the first person she meets, goes to his house, eats his food and is put under a spell. Literally the only difference is that Tumnus regretted his actions because he wasn't evil. The White Witch had no regrets about how she manipulated Edmund, but the fact remains that she and Tumnus do the same things.
If Lucy had encountered the Witch the first time she was in Narnia, it would have been incredibly easy for the Witch to trick her, probably without even using enchanted food. Lucy was very willing to trust Tumnus until he actually told her he was kidnapping her. If the Witch had been charming with her and asked her to bring her siblings to Narnia Lucy would have tried, just like Edmund.
Susan wouldn't have been much harder, but she would definitely have required some sort of spell since she's so skeptical. But we know that, presented with the actual evidence that Narnia exists, Susan does accept it. From there it'd be fairly easy for the Witch to manipulate her by playing off how Susan's siblings don't like to listen to her logic even when she's right or has better ideas. I think Susan would also like the idea of being a queen and making her siblings listen to her.
Peter is a little harder, just because he's older and more cautious, but I think that it could be done. He has, honestly, the same vice as Edmund at the beginning. He's frustrated at the defiance his little brother is giving him and overwhelmed by the situation he's in. If the Witch could convince him that, when she made him king, his siblings would finally obey him, I think that he, like Edmund, would fall for it (especially if magic was involved in tricking him).
So, yeah, Edmund is just the kid who happens to get taken in by the Witch, but it could have been ANY of the siblings who betrayed the others. And that's the point. Edmund could be any of us- and at the same time, he is all of us. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That is the point that Lewis is making with Edmund. It is so easy to let ourselves be deceived when we hear what we want to hear, because that road seems so much easier. But in the end it traps us and enslaves us, like Edmund was to the Witch, and there is only one who can pay the price for our betrayal.
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makoodles · 1 year
ミ tìtunu
part one | part two | part three (nsfw) | part four (nsfw
🍓pairing: tsu'tey x human fem reader
🍓word count: 9k words (oops)
🍓warnings: alien courting rituals, misunderstandings, accidental sexy touching
yoooo i was not expecting people to like this ahhahahaha but thank you all so much for all your lovely excited comments! they've been so fun to read and honestly pushed me into writing this faster! pls forgive me if i forgot to tag you (i tried to include everyone that asked) 🍓 masterlist
reblogs are always enormously appreciated!
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Tsu’tey is beginning to wonder if he had received some irreparable damage to his head in the fall from the sky that had nearly killed him all those months ago. It’s the only explanation for what’s gone so terribly wrong with him.
After his failed first attempt at courting, you don’t come back to the village for a few days. It’s probably a good thing, Tsu’tey tries to convince himself; he needs to decide what it is he truly wants, and how far he’s willing to go to get it. But even though he tries to use the time to himself productively, he finds himself on edge and impatient.
His foul mood is clear to the whole village to see, and so it’s only a matter of time before someone confronts him about it. 
It’s just his luck that the person who approaches him about it is Jakesully.
“So,” The new Olo’eyktan drawls as he sidles up to where Tsu’tey is watching a group of young warriors training with their longbows, “Word has it that you’ve chosen a mate.”
They may be brothers in arms and tentative friends, but that doesn’t mean that Tsu’tey is pleased to have him poking around his business. His ears flatten back in a wordless warning to back off, but Jakesully pays no heed to it.
The bastard is grinning, as though this is the most entertained he’s been in weeks. “Word has it that your chosen mate is human.”
“Do not speak on matters you do not understand.” Tsu’tey bares his teeth in a move that is bold at best, considering he is speaking to his clan chief.
But Jakesully just laughs, his stupid shoulders straightening. He has become so confident since becoming one of the people, and Tsu’tey envies him for it. He was sure of himself just like Jakesully once, but now it seems like all he does is doubt himself.
“Relax, brother.” Jakesully says casually, leaning on one leg as he follows Tsu’tey’s gaze out towards the young warriors. “You are too tense. How could she want someone so grumpy?”
Tsu’tey turns to him then, his tail coiled in a tense loop as he glares. “She is a demon.”
Jakesully just rolls his eyes. It's a gesture so human that it’s almost jarring. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that he is alien, just like you.
“Everyone sees the way you look at her.” Jakesully says, raising a brow at him. “It’s a different kind of scowl than you give everyone else.”
Tsu’tey doesn’t think that he scowls that much. He tries to force the frown off his face as he turns to look at Jakesully head on.
“It does not matter what you think you see,” He bites out, frustrated and on-edge with embarrassment. “She is tawtute. Sky demon. She does not see, cannot connect with the People or with Eywa.”
Jakesully is nodding, but he still has that infuriating smirk curling around his mouth that suggests he understands Tsu’tey’s feelings better than Tsu’tey himself does.
“That hasn’t stopped you so far, has it?” He points out with a faux-innocent tone that is utterly unconvincing. “I mean, you certainly seem happier to show her around and explain things to her than you ever were with me.”
“That is because she listens, Jakesully.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jakesully waves this away as if it’s inconsequential, before his expression shifts. 
The next look he levels at Tsu’tey is uncomfortably sober. 
“Look. I know that you’ve been having a hard time since...” He trails off, and his eyes dart down towards the harsh, ugly scars that cover Tsu’tey’s torso from where the brutal human weapons called bullets had nearly torn him apart. “Look, who cares what anyone else thinks? The People are still wary of the humans left over, but they’re looking to you as an example on how they should act. You could set a precedent here.”
Tsu’tey clenches his jaw as he stares out at the warriors. Instead of answering, he shouts out to one of the younglings near the edge of their makeshift firing range. “Netu’li, keep your elbows up.”
Netu’li fixes his posture, and the next arrow he looses hits home in a perfect bullseye. Tsu’tey nods in satisfaction.
Jakesully is still staring at the side of his face, and Tsu’tey realises that there is no way for him to escape this conversation. He takes a breath, and tries to ignore the resentful embarrassment coiling in his belly.
“She did not accept my advances.” He mutters, his ears flattened against his skull.
Irritatingly, Jakesully doesn’t seem bothered by this in the slightest. 
“Oh yeah?” He drawls. “Hm. Well, I never thought you’d give up so easily. I’m surprised.”
Tsu’tey flicks a quick glance his way. What a ridiculous, painfully transparent attempt at goading him into admitting the interest he’s been trying to deny. The worst part is that it might actually be working.
“I did not say I was giving up.” Tsu’tey says sharply, well aware that he’s playing right into Jakesully’s hands right now. “I am just… I am thinking.”
Jakesully raises his stupid eyebrows, but Tsu’tey is studiously avoiding looking at him now. This whole situation was mortifying enough when it was all going unsaid; now that it’s being discussed, Tsu’tey feels like climbing inside of a yomioang plant and never coming out. 
“Well,” Jakesully sounds smug, which should be a warning in itself, “You’d better do some thinking quickly, because I believe that’s her coming now.”
Tsu’tey straightens quickly, and tosses a look over his shoulder. Sure enough, your familiar figure is standing awkwardly by the treeline. It seems as though you’re reluctant to step further into the village; you’re fidgeting with your fingers, eyes darting around until they finally find him.
Something in his lower belly leaps, and he finds himself taking a sharp inhale through his nose at the sight of you. It’s been days since he’s last seen you, and he had been beginning to wonder if you would ever seek him out again. The sight of you here is a ridiculous sort of relief, one that he doesn’t even want to fully think about. Even better is the fact that you look alright, you look healthy. It doesn’t seem as though he’s done lasting damage to you with the meat.
You smile at him, and even from across the village he feels his heart thump against his ribcage. Perhaps you don’t hate him after all.
Aware of your eyes on him, Tsu’tey hefts his longbow from his back and shoots an arrow. It flies straight through the target, and hits it with a heavy, satisfying thump.
Jakesully just laughs. “Wow. Impressive.”
“Be silent.” Tsu’tey grumbles, his tail coiled tightly around his leg. He is anxious in a way that is entirely unbefitting of a warrior, and he resents you for being the cause of it. “I do not wish to speak to her.”
“Oh, come on!” Jakesully tilts his head back, shaking his head as though Tsu’tey is nothing but a child. “I thought we just talked through this!”
Tsu’tey ignores him. He can feel your gaze on his back like a weight, and though he stands straight and tall he cannot bring himself to turn around and meet your eyes. It’s all too much – even from across the camp your presence needles at him, and he hasn’t even decided on what he’s going to do just yet.
Jakesully’s eyes on the side of Tsu’tey’s face don’t help very much either. “Where’s all your confidence from the other night gone, when you practically declared what you wanted in front of the whole clan?”
Tsu’tey’s tail lashes restlessly. That had been a moment of pure madness. “It was rash of me.”
Jakesully just makes a face. “Whatever. Look, if the People could accept a skxawng like me as Olo’eyktan, why wouldn’t they accept your interest in a human mate? They respect you; they’ll respect your choices.”
It’s a reasonable point, but Tsu’tey remains stubbornly silent. It rankles, the way that Jakesully is trying to insert himself into his business. Tsu’tey’s thoughts and feelings about you are confused and conflicted, but they’re private. The way Jakesully speaks about you as though he knows you makes Tsu’tey’s skin prickle.
“I must think on it.” Tsu’tey says at last. It’s a weak response, but he just wants to buy himself some time.
Perhaps Jakesully is right. Tsu’tey has always been strong-willed and stubborn, and has always known exactly what he wanted. Now though, he's floundering. Now he doesn’t know what he wants, and he’s casting about desperately in the hopes that someone will advise him on what to do. After having his life and expectations so soundly upended, he just wants to make his clan proud. He wants their approval, but Jakesully is right – when has he ever given up on anything just because it posed a challenge?
“Fine.” Jakesully says, jarring Tsu’tey from his thoughts. He had nearly forgotten the Olo’eyktan was still there, and it’s unnerving to realise that he’s being watched with a smug sort of smirk. “I’ll keep her company for today, then. Considering you need your space.”
Tsu’tey’s jaw clenches hard but he does not protest. He can’t, not after making such a big deal out of not wishing to speak to you today. His pride is hurt, and all he can do is double-down on his position. Besides, Jakesully is mated to Neytiri, and Tsu’tey knows that he would rather die than stray from her.
That doesn’t stop him from turning his head as Jakesully leaves his side, watching with sharp eyes as the Olo’eyktan approaches you. Even from this distance, he can see the little smile on your face through your mask as you tilt your head up towards him. The sight of it causes something to curdle in his low belly. 
That should be him on the receiving end of your sweet little smile. It’s a selfish thought, but one that he can’t quite shake off. The sense of possessiveness surprises even him, and he watches with narrowed eyes as Jakesully leans down to say something to you.
When Jakesully’s stupid five-fingered hand touches upon your shoulder to lead you away to somewhere else within the camp, Tsu’tey feels his tail whip around his ankles in aggravation. 
I will try again, He thinks wildly as he turns back around to stare unseeingly at the practicing warriors in front of him. And this time I will not fail to impress.
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Now that Tsu’tey has reached the decision to court you (officially), there is much to be prepared. He has never been one to take half-measures, and initiating a courtship is certainly no exception. You may not be Na’vi, but he will court you with all the respect and courtesy as he would if you were one of the People. 
Part of him wonders if his decision is written across his face somehow, because the People of the village seem to know. When he begins searching for materials to make an official courting gift for you, he begins getting help from unexpected places. 
Some of the children have started leaving pieces of twine and plant fibre in his treehut, and he is pleased to find that it is of good enough quality to begin weaving immediately. The old woman, A’nayla, who is the best at carving beads in the whole village, slaps his hands away impatiently when he attempts to pick out a number of beads for your gift. She directs him instead to some of her shiniest and most vibrant beads, and refuses to make any trades. A gift, she had insisted, her old face crinkling in a knowing smile as she had waved him away.
He feels supported, even more so when Neytiri visits him in his treehut one evening after dinner. It has been a few days since you visited the encampment, but Tsu’tey is determined to have everything in good order before he approaches you in earnest. 
When Neytiri enters the small hut he had built in the trees when they first settled in this encampment, she takes a moment to peer around with a neutral expression.
Tsu’tey has been sitting on the woven mat in the middle of the room, but he looks up and waits for his old friend to speak.
“My Jake has told me about your intentions with the tawtute.” She says after a long moment, stepping forward and sinking down to sit in front of him with her legs crossed. “Many people speak of it in the village.”
Tsu’tey’s ear twitches at that, embarrassed, but he just focuses back on his weaving. There’s no point denying it; he does not plan on hiding it for much longer, anyway.
“Yes.” He says simply. “My first attempt was… not successful.”
Neytiri hums. He thinks he can hear an undercurrent of amusement. “Yes. I saw.”
His ears flatten in earnest at that. He had hoped that no one had witnessed that particular humiliation, but that’s no matter. People will soon forget, and he will soon have you distracted with his second (and surely more successful) attempt. 
Her eyes fall on the half-finished woven piece in his hands, and she eyes it carefully. “That is too big. She is small, remember.”
“Of course I remember.” He snaps, before raising the half-finished jewelry to his face and squinting at it. “You think it will not fit?”
“Give me.” Neytiri demands, and stretches out her hand. 
Tsu’tey passes it without complaint. They have known each other since birth, certainly long enough to forgo any passing formalities and niceties. He trusts Neytiri with his life, his best-friend and once-potential-mate, and he finds himself waiting with his tail curled protectively beside him as he awaits her judgment; not only on his half-finished gift, but also on his choice of a mate.
“This decision I have made,” He says suddenly. “To court the sky demon. It is madness, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” Neytiri speaks with hardly a hesitation, though she doesn’t raise her eyes from his weaving. She starts picking out a loop where he had made a mistake, and begins reweaving it with deft fingers. “But I will not be the one to judge you for that.”
“And Mo’at?”
“She thinks you are a skxawng.” Neytiri says easily, “But she loves you like a son.” The next look she darts at him is quick and sharp out of the corner of her eye. “Out of everyone in the village, your heart was the most firmly closed against the Sky People. Does that not make it all the more meaningful, that you have chosen a sky person as your mate?”
Tsu’tey is silent. He used to think that he knew exactly how his life was going to work out; he would be Olo’eyktan, he would mate with his first love Sylwanin, they would be happy and prosperous and strong together. But that future evaporated like mist before his eyes; not all at once, but gradually, until he could barely see the vapours. His reality is very different now; he clings almost desperately to the idea of you. There have been many people that Tsu’tey has not been strong enough to protect, but you are so small and soft – you need protecting more than anyone he’s ever known, and he’s determined not to let you down.
“She will accept,” Tsu’tey murmurs, before casting an uncertain glance in Neytiri’s direction. “Do you think so?”
“I see her look at you.” Neytiri murmurs back, her mouth curving. “She will accept.”
That brings a rush of relief so sudden and unexpected that Tsu’tey feels it like a physical blow. He keeps his head bowed in the hopes that it will not be so obvious, and hums absently as though he’s only half listening. It’s not enough to convince Neytiri, but he hopes that it works to recoup at least some of his pride.
“You have redecorated.” Neytiri comments, though her eyes stay focused on fixing the small section of the necklace that Tsu’tey had messed up. “Your kelku is inviting.”
That pleases Tsu’tey, and he sits up straighter. Decorating has never been a strong suit of his, and it presented more of a challenge than he had initially anticipated to decorate in such a way that it would appeal to a human. He knows you are very interested in the plants of his planet, considering the amount of time you spend studying them, so he has effectively cushioned the rough wooden walls and floors with softer wide leaves. From the ceiling hangs intense blue eanean flowers and hippophae leaves, lending a soft phosphorescent glow to the small space.
“Humans are weak,” Tsu’tey grunts. “Soft bones, fragile skin. She needs soft surroundings, too.”
Neytiri hums her agreement, before finally lifting her head. In her hands, the knot in the half-finished necklace has been unpicked and resolved. She hands it back, and Tsu’tey takes it cautiously into his hands before peering carefully at her work. Her hands are far more practiced in the art of weaving than his; she has done a wonderful job.
“Thank you.” He says quietly. He is appreciative on several levels; for her weaving, for her company, for her support.
She seems to pick up on what he isn’t saying, as usual. “You should approach her again soon. My Jake says that she is sad – she thinks she has upset you, and that you are angry with her.”
Tsu’tey raises his head sharply at that. He’s not sure if he’s more displeased at the idea that you are upset or the fact that you have apparently been confiding in Jakesully. It is difficult to push past the feeling that you should be confiding in him, that he should be the person offering you comfort. But how could you approach him when he was part of the problem?
“I will find her tomorrow.” He decides. The thought of him losing his chance is sickening – he can’t afford to wait until everything is perfectly prepared. He will just have to do his best with what he’s got so far.
Neytiri grins at him, her lips peeling back of her teeth in a way that is both joyful and intimidating.
“Sìltsan tìtaron.” She says, and Tsu’tey finds himself grinning back without conscious thought.
It is a customary saying in their tribe, used for both chasing prey and courting mates. Good hunting.
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When the next day dawns, Tsu’tey curses himself for feeling nervous.
The last time he felt this way was the night before his iknimaya, when he was a fledgling warrior. Even then, he was so confident, his ego inflated by the simple fact that he had never experienced a loss before. 
This time is different. He finds himself anxious in a way that he is utterly unused to experiencing, and it makes him bare his teeth in frustration as he bounds down from his treehut into the village properly. It is already a hive of activity, and the familiar buzz of conversation and laughter eases some of the tension out of his shoulders. 
He will take this slow, he’s already decided. Slow and careful. 
The thought of you refusing him is something that he can’t bring himself to consider; he needs to show you that he is strong, that he is thoughtful and caring, that he can provide for you and keep you safe and make you happy. He has to convince you that there is no one who can care for you better than he can. 
Finding you is easy enough; the human scientists that have remained on the planet follow a routine, and you are no different. Besides, as some of the children in the village tell him, you have been lingering close to the village for days now. Ostensibly you are studying the plantlife, but Tsu’tey knows that you have likely been waiting to catch a glimpse of him. The realisation has a hollow feeling of guilt gnawing at his stomach, but he tries to push it aside – he will apologise soon.
He finds you in the forest, only a little while outside of the village. You are not alone; as is standard procedure, you are accompanied by three other scientists and a dreamwalker. 
Norm is as awkward as ever in his Avatar state, discussing whatever he is reading from his demon technology with wide eager eyes. Tsu’tey is familiar with Norm now, mostly against his will – Jakesully is fond of the scientist, and he has been invited to take part in village life on several occasions. Tsu’tey will begrudgingly admit that the dreamwalker is respectful of Na’vi life and culture and he has come to accept his presence both on his planet and around his people, but seeing him around you is making him fidgety.
One of the scientists is armed (and the sight of the gun makes his skin itch from the memory of bullets tearing flesh) and Norm is at least Na’vi-sized, but that is the extent of the protection they have brought. Tsu’tey’s fingers twitch. It is not enough. You are so small and fragile, entirely unsuited for his world. Don’t you know that? Don’t you know how dangerous it is to be out here like this with so little to protect you?
You’re so preoccupied with the helicoradian you’re studying that you don’t seem to notice anything else around you. Your head is bowed, your eyes bright and shiny with interest as you inspect the orange pigment dusting the leaves. 
The dappled light that filters through the trees casts shadowy patterns across your face in a way that is nearly mesmerising, and he ends up staring at you for a longer moment than he had originally intended. You are strange-looking and alien to him, and yet his fingers itch with the desire to touch you.
Tsu’tey leaps from the branch he had been watching you from, and lands neatly on the balls of his feet. His movements are nearly soundless, and none of the humans raise their heads. They don’t seem to sense his appearance at all.
His brow furrows in dissatisfaction. Anything could creep up on you, and you would not see it coming until it was too late.
He reaches out one leg and steps purposely on a twig. The snap is resounding, and the man with the gun whirls around and hoists the weapon higher, aiming at Tsu’tey’s chest.
He just bares his teeth in warning.
“No!” You yelp, throwing your hands up as soon as you realise what’s happening. “Don’t shoot him!”
Despite the situation, he’s sure that he looks quite smug. It feels good to experience you standing up for him, even if he doesn’t really need it – he could knock this puny little gun-toting tawtute into the dirt with a single backhand if he wished, though he refrains. He’s trying to be on his best behaviour.
“Fuck!” The little man yells, clearly spooked. “What does he want?”
That makes you falter, and you look up at him with uncertainty. It seems like you’re waiting for an explanation as well. All of the scientists are silent are apprehensive, eyeing him cautiously as they wait to see what he’s going to do. Their eyes linger around the knife strapped to his waist and the longbow strung over his shoulders.
Norm is looking at him with raised eyebrows, his ears perked up. Judging by his expression, Tsu’tey assumes that Norm has guessed exactly what he’s doing here.
“I wish to speak with you,” He tells you in Na’vi – he knows that some of the other scientists will be able to interpret his words, but it brings an illusion of privacy all the same.
You blink, but hesitate. When you don’t agree immediately, Tsu’tey feels his ears pin back. Your uncertainty is surely a bad sign for him – has he misjudged how upset you were?
He turns to the other humans and narrows his eyes at them. “Leave.”
They burst into motion satisfyingly quickly. The moron with the gun looks as though he is about to start arguing, but Norm hooks the long fingers of his demon body into the back of his collar and tugs him away. For once, the scientist is not being a nuisance.
You’re still standing there, turning to stare in apparent bewilderment at your comrades, who are practically fleeing. “What-”
“Come.” Tsu’tey says. Now that it’s just the two of you, he loses some of the edge in his voice.
 When he turns away and begins to lead you into the forest, you follow after him without complaint. Out of the corner of his eye, Tsu’tey can see you twisting your hands nervously. Your clear anxiety has him frowning – he wants you to be comfortable with him, not on edge.
Once he’s determined that you’re both far enough away from the other humans that they could not hear you, he turns to you. You’re already looking at him, fingers twisting as you bite at your lip.
 Calm and steady, Tsu’tey thinks to himself. Just apologise for ignoring her.
Apologising does not come easy to him, but he rolls his shoulder and takes a breath before opening his mouth.
“I’m sorry!” You blurt before he can make even a sound.
That throws him, and he ends up staring at you with his mouth ajar for a long moment like an absolute moron. Why are you apologising? This isn’t how this was supposed to go.
“I didn’t mean to get sick,” You continue, a little desperately, “I really did appreciate your hunting, it was very impressive and the meat was very nice, I swear I didn’t mean to come across as ungrateful-”
Oh no, are those tears he sees shining in your eyes? 
Tsu’tey feels as though he’s been frozen in place. He knows that his face is stuck in a confused scowl, but he can’t soften his expression no matter how hard he tries. Panic starts to curdle in his stomach. He may be a seasoned warrior, fearless in the face of fearsome opponents, but he finds himself at a total loss in this situation.
You just keep going – his silence seems to be making you even more upset. “I never meant to offend you, and I’m so, so sorry if I have. I never meant to make you angry-”
Finally, Tsu’tey manages to find his voice. “I am not angry.”
Even he has to admit that he doesn’t sound particularly convincing, but he’s never been an eloquent person. How does he explain that he’s not angry at you, he’s frustrated with himself? Right now, with you staring up at him with your eyelashes all wet and clumped together as your lower lip trembles, he feels like kicking his own ass.
He needs to make his move now, he realises wildly. Be conciliatory, he thinks. Let her know you are interested.
His voice sticks in his throat, but he manages to push the words out. They come out slightly strangled, but semi-confident all the same.
“Would you like to come fishing?”
You hesitate, and Tsu’tey feels his heart seize in his chest – you’re not going to turn him down, are you?
“Would I-” You begin, face crumpling. “What?”
Despite all the similarities in your bodies and faces, Tsu’tey finds himself floundering when it comes to reading your expressions. Is that disappointment? Confusion? Anger? It’s so difficult to tell with your tiny blunt ears and lack of a tail.
“Fishing.” He repeats. His own tail lashes restlessly, the only part of his body that moves at all. “Come and watch me fish.”
It doesn’t come out quite as smoothly as he had planned in his head the night before, sounding a little more like an order than an invitation, but Tsu’tey thinks it’s a victory just to get the words out at all.
You look a little lost, but you nod all the same. Your tears are blinked away, your expression smoothing a little. Is Tsu’tey imagining it, or do you look hopeful?
“I- alright.” You swallow, and your hands reach up to tug at your hair in what appears to be a compulsive sort of movement. “Yes. Fishing. Right.”
Tsu’tey barely stifles his reaction. A success. He can’t stop his ears from pricking up, but otherwise he tries to appear neutral – he doesn’t want to scare you off.��
“Come then.”
Just like before, you follow him readily through the jungle. He is careful to keep his back to you – it is a display of trust, to show off his conviction that you will do him no harm. It is mostly symbolic in your case, considering that you are unlikely to cause him any real harm even if you wanted to, but he is determined to carry out these courting rituals correctly even if the rest of this courtship is unconventional. 
His ears are pricked the whole time for signs of danger or any other signs of life approaching, and to ensure that you are close behind as the two of you make your way towards the river winding towards the Omaticaya stronghold.
“You don’t have a fishing rod.” You say when you both finally reach the river.
Tsu’tey has no idea what you’re talking about, but it sounds as though you’re doubting his ability to fish. 
He frowns, turning to squint at you – is this a challenge? Do you require him to prove his prowess right away? Displays of physical prowess and skill are part of the courting process, but he had thought that he had already done that with the hunt you had witnessed. But then again, the meat from the prey of that particular hunt had made you sick – perhaps you had decided not to count that hunt as an official courting display. 
You stare back at him, looking perfectly innocent, if a little confused.
Fine. Tsu’tey straightens his back, and pulls his bow from his back. If it’s a display of prowess that you want, that’s what you’ll get.
In one smooth movement, he draws, nocks, and looses an arrow. It lands true, hitting home in the sleek, smooth body of a large fish that has just darted out from behind a stone lodged in the riverbank. 
You let out a startled sort of sound, but lean forward quickly as Tsu’tey strides into the water and reaches for his catch. He had been planning on drawing this fishing display out a little longer, but it seems that you’re a demanding little thing. He doesn’t mind that; if anything, it will make satisfying you all the more exciting.
He retrieves his catch and holds it up for you to see. The fish is a large one, and it glints in the sweet sunshine that streams through the canopy of trees above you. It is a catch to be proud of, but he is careful not to be too pleased with himself until you react.
You laugh at the sight of the smooth glinting silver surface of his catch, clapping your hands together.
“Oh!” You call out, and you sound delighted. “Amazing! You make it look so easy!”
The praise sends a pleasant warmth effusing through his chest, and he feels a slow, hesitant grin begin to spread across his face.
“I am good at providing.” He tells you earnestly, stepping forward. He snaps off the long shaft of the arrow before proffering the fish towards you for your inspection.
You glance down, still smiling, but you don’t look particularly closely at his catch. That dulls some of his satisfaction – he glances down at the fish himself, wondering if there was something about it you found lacking.
“I know.” You murmur, tilting your head as you gaze up at him with lidded eyes. “You’re strong.”
His ears twitch like a child’s, and he nods, pleased. Hearing those words coming from the person he has chosen as a prospective mate fills him with a type of excitement that he has never experienced before. As a tawtute, you cannot connect with Eywa or with the People; but in this moment, Tsu’tey feels as though you see him anyway. 
He swallows, and sets his catch aside in the pouch at his waist. He feels flustered in a way that is entirely unlike him, and he has to push his reactions down deep. He doesn’t want you to think of him as a silly little youngling – he wants you to see that he has taken this decision to court you seriously.
Time for the next step.
“We are close to an area where the Tsahìk gathers her herbs for medicine,” He says, clearing his throat as he turns to look at you with wide, earnest eyes. “I have offered to collect some for her. Would you like to help?”
Plants have always fascinated you – he knows that the original reason that you came to his planet was to study the wildlife and the flora. He waits, hoping that he’s right in thinking that this is something you will enjoy.
Your strange, sweet little face brightens. “Really?”
Tsu’tey nods, relieved by your reaction. “You would like this?”
“Yes!” You breathe. For the first time since he had approached you, you relax in earnest and Tsu’tey finds himself mirroring you. 
He reaches out and cups your elbow as he helps you step over a log, and he doesn’t miss the little shiver and quick glance that you send towards his hand where it’s wrapped around your arm. It seems like you’re just as taken with the size difference between you as he is, and his lips begin to curl in excitement at the realisation. 
This is good, He thinks, biting at the inside of his cheek. He is very slow to remove his hand, and you make no move to shake him off. Very good.
Tsu’tey does not want to speak too soon, but he feels as though his courting attempts are going very well indeed.
You had loved gathering the medicinal herbs with him, even more than he had hoped – you had badgered him with questions, curious about the names of the plants and their properties and their appearances, and you had bounded along at his side with a bright grin the whole time. It had pleased him greatly to experience your interest in the ways of the Omaticaya and the life of his planet; it was proof that you could be taught, that you were willing to learn.
And most thrillingly of all, you were receptive to his advances. Over the next couple of days, he continues with his cautious attempts at approaching you with little gestures.
When he gives you flowers and pretty leaves, you take them with brilliant, near-blinding smiles. Every time he shows off by flexing or practicing wrestling with the other warriors, you watch with interested eyes and tiny smiles. Whenever he tentatively touches you, small brushes to your shoulders or hands or waist, you never flinch away – on several occasions, you lean into him. 
He tries not to let it go to his head, but it’s difficult. Since he’s started to admit his urges and his attraction to you, he swears it’s gotten worse. It feels like all he thinks about is you. He’s distracted during training, during his duties, during meals. He thinks about your reactions to his offerings, to your smiles, your scent, your voice. It really does feel like an illness, but it’s one he’s beginning to come to terms with if it means having you close by.
It’s beginning to get more difficult to keep his hands to himself. Traditionally, at this point in a courtship it would be acceptable for a courting pair to exchange flirtatious touches and other little intimacies, but Tsu’tey is aware that this is not exactly a conventional courtship. 
He’s trying to be careful, to avoid spooking you or making you uncomfortable or uneasy, but it’s beginning to wear on him. Though he’s getting bolder with his little touches, it’s not enough to quench the skin-hunger growing in him.
But no matter. The courtship is going well, and moving at a good pace. The next step is one of the most important ones. 
His carefully woven courtship necklace has been completed. It is customary to present a potential mate with a statement piece of jewelry, and Tsu’tey has spent several late nights fussing over the finishing touches. He recognises on some level that he’s stalling; it’s not in his nature to be nervous, but he’s beginning to grow nearly obsessive about getting the necklace as perfect as possible. It has been crafted to fit you exactly, with fibres and beads selected by him personally based on what he thinks you would like and what he thinks would suit your features. 
The finished product is eye-catching, and Tsu’tey feels nearly delirious at the thought of it decorating your neck. 
He crushes any semblance of nerves as best as he can, just like he might have done before a big hunt.
Of course you will accept his mating advances. Why wouldn't you? He is a strong warrior, a protector, desired by a great number of women. He could likely pick any woman he wanted out of the available women in the clan, and they would be honoured. Why would you be any different? You may be difficult to read at times, but he has laid his intentions out loud and clear and you have not shied away. You would accept him. 
His mating necklace for you feels like it’s weighing him down as he steps through the village. It’s tucked safely into the pouch at his waist, though his hand keeps drifting to his hip to check that it’s still there. He’s not unaware of the looks he gets as he makes his way towards the edge of the encampment, but he ignores them. No doubt many of his people have guessed at what he’s up to, but he can’t give them his attention right now; he’s too focused on you, now that he spots you sitting next to one of the large pxiut trees.
Your head is bowed over your silly little notebook, lost entirely in your own world. Tsu’tey’s steps slow as he approaches you, taking the opportunity to drink in the sight of you while you’re unaware of his gaze.
His eyes track over the curves of your strange features, the slope of your alien nose, the arch of your neck. Your features may be exotic, but he’s finally beginning to admit to himself what he’s been trying to deny for a while now – you’re attractive to him.
He likes your weird little face, your odd five-fingered hands, your thick silly accent when you speak his language. He likes that you are so much smaller than him, he likes that you are soft. 
He appreciates that you are patient with him, too. He knows he can be gruff and surly, and most people find him off-putting or intimidating, especially when they don’t know him. But you – you’re so calm and sweet, and you never seem to care when he’s stoically silent beside you. Most of the time when he’s around you, most of his brain-power goes into trying to keep his hands to himself, and he doesn’t have much intellectual power left to attempt conversation. He’s content with simply listening to you about whatever it is you wish to talk about, occasionally chiming in to ask a question or just to hum gently to show you he’s listening.
As he watches, you shift where you’re sitting and reach up to scratch absently at your neck. Beneath your odd human garments, your skin is glowing lightly with a thin sheen of sweat. Tsu’tey finds his eyes tracking over your exposed skin like a moron, and he clenches his jaw as he pulls himself together.
You're a warrior, you're a warrior, you’re a warrior, he chants in his head. He would not be cowed or intimidated by a tiny human.
You raise your head as he approaches, and a smile unfolds across your face. Your expression is bright, full of pure innocent happiness just to see him. He wavers, and nearly turns right back around.
“Hey, big guy.” You call out, setting your notebook aside as you beam at him. 
You’re waiting for him to join you, he realises. He jolts forward, his previously confident stride turning a little jerky under your sharp eyes.
“Hello, little demon.” He murmurs, keeping his voice low and level.
You bite at your lip, still watching him with that little smile on your face. He watches you back just as closely, even as he sinks down to sit next with you. Your smile melts into a little look of surprise; usually, when he comes to you it’s so he can invite you somewhere else, either to show you something or to give you something. Joining you as you just sit is new for both of you.
For a moment, you’re both quiet. It seems like you’re waiting on him to speak, but he stays silent. He’s trying to compose himself, to appear cool and calm as he reaches his hand towards the woven bag slung around his waist.
Finally, he says, “I have something for you.”
It comes out impressively calm and level. While he’s not a man prone to nerves or to doubting himself, this is entirely new territory for him. When your expression brightens into a look of excitement, he feels a new little seed of confidence build in his chest. You’re anticipating his gift, you want it. 
When he slips his hand into his bag, you sit up onto your knees so that you can watch him. Over the last few weeks, you’ve gotten used to receiving little flowers, plants, beads, or little carved figures. You accept each one with your usual brilliant, sweet smile; the thought of how you may smile at him when he gives you the necklace makes Tsu’tey’s tail flick eagerly.
He pulls it carefully out and hands it to you. As you take it your fingers brush his, and he twitches slightly as he stares at how small your hands are next to his.
“Oh,” You breathe, lifting up the necklace to eye level so you can get a good look at it. “I… Really? For me?”
“Yes.” He says simply, his eyes sharp and alert as they drink in every minute flicker that crosses your face. What are you thinking? 
“It…” You begin, and then pause. Tsu’tey is just beginning to feel like crawling out of his skin when you slowly continue. “Tsu’tey, it’s beautiful.”
You so rarely say his name, choosing instead to call him variations of big guy, and he feels a near physical jolt run down his spine at the sound of it in your mouth. He wants to hear you say it again.
He just hums, still watching your face. You are examining the necklace intently, fingering the beads and the weavework, and he feels his pride inflate the longer you inspect his work. You are giving real, earnest thought to his offering rather than simply making your decision rashly. He respects this, and revels under the careful consideration you’re giving his proposal. 
“You like it?” He murmurs. His voice comes out rougher than he had intended, and you jerk your head up to look at him.
Like this, your faces are very close together. Tsu’tey had leaned closer unconsciously as you were examining the necklace, and he makes no attempt to back off. Likewise, you make no attempt to retreat either, blinking up at him from behind the odd clear surface of your bubble-like mask.
“Yes,” You whisper, a shy, cautious smile beginning to bloom across your face. “Did you make this yourself?”
Tsu’tey just huffs. What sort of fool wouldn’t make their mating offering themselves?
 “Of course.”
“Oh.” You bite at your lip. You seem to be trying to suppress your smile, though he can’t imagine why. He wants to see it, now more than ever.
You are certainly not racing to give him an answer. Your fingers trace over the beads, taking your time to admire the craftsmanship. Your obvious appreciation is certainly inflating his ego, but the longer you go without giving him a firm answer, the more agitated he gets. He hides it as best as he can, aiming to appear cool and unflappable. He is a warrior – he doesn’t want you to think of him as someone who is easily ruffled.
When you finally turn to look up at him, your eyes are shining. He can’t help but sit up a little straighter, watching you very carefully as he awaits your decision.
You proffer the necklace back to him, and Tsu’tey feels his stomach positively plummet. He truly hadn’t considered what he would do if you refused him.
“Will you help me put it on?” You ask, a little shyly.
The relief nearly bowls him over. Tsu’tey swears his stomach jolts so violently that he nearly makes a truly undignified sound. You are not refusing him – you wish for assistance. 
“Yes.” He says lowly and seriously, taking the necklace back. 
You beam again, then turn your back to him and bow your head to give him access to your neck. Tsu’tey’s heart thumps dully in his chest at the display of trust and vulnerability, though he keeps his face carefully still.
As he reaches out and slips the necklace around your neck, he gives in to his weakness and allows his fingers to drift over your shoulder. Your skin is so soft, your frame lacking the lean hard musculature that is so common among his own people, and he allows himself a moment to admire the feeling of you beneath his hands before finally beginning to tie the two ends of the necklace together.
He can feel you breathing carefully beneath his hands, the steady rise and fall of your chest matching the thumping rhythm of his own heart. The blood is rushing through his ears as his knuckles brush over one of the knobs of your spine at the base of your neck and you shiver in response.  
Success, his instincts are screaming at him. Success.
When he finally pulls his hands back, you turn to look at him through your eyelashes behind your breathing mask. The corner of his mouth twitches as he eyes the way the necklace sits above your collarbones; a perfect fit.
It probably goes without saying that you have accepted his advances, but the customs of the Sky People are odd and he wants to make certain.
“You accept, then?” He asks, reaching out and settling his fingers over the woven fibres of the necklace. You’re small under his hand – his fingers reach one of your shoulders and his palm reaches the other, dwarfing you. 
Your head tilts, a little frown creasing your brow, before you smile and nod. “Of course I accept it. It’s very lovely. I’m honoured. I didn’t know that you made your own jewelry.”
The last piece of mating jewelry he had crafted had been a bracelet for Sylwanin. It’s not something that he wants to think about right now, so he shrugs roughly.
“I do not, usually. This is different.”
“Oh.” You say, a little breathlessly.
Tsu’tey’s tail twitches recklessly. It’s time for the next step.
“I would take you to my hut.” He begins cautiously, watching your face. “It is finished now. I have made it comfortable.”
You blink, and take a careful breath. He wonders what you’re thinking. 
“I would like that.” You say quietly, your eyes drifting towards his tail, which is twitching as he awaits your answer.
Triumph soars in his chest, and a slow smile begins to spread over his face. This feels better than any hunt, any accolade, any success he has previously enjoyed. This one is his and his alone – you see him, you want to be his just as he wants to be yours.
You appear to get flustered, and look down at his twitching tail in an apparent effort to distract yourself. You watch the movement, your own lips beginning to curve, before you reach out to touch it.
Tsu’tey goes entirely still, his eyes flaring wider in surprise. He doesn’t pull away, watching intently as your fingers trail over the thin, sensitive skin of his tail. It is bold of you, so bold it nearly steals his breath away. 
“You’re like a cat.” You say, and laugh.
Tsu’tey has no idea what that means, and just continues to stare at you. You’re still holding his tail in your warm, soft hand. The fact that he isn’t pulling away seems to embolden you even more, before you start to bite your lip as you look up at him. 
Tsu’tey takes a soft, quiet breath – do you even know what you’re doing to him right now? Desire is beginning to pool, dark and hot, in his belly as your fingers stroke absently over the thin skin of his tail, your liquid eyes gazing up at him with that shy, enigmatic little smile playing over your face.
Slow and steady, he tells himself firmly, fighting to stay composed. He doesn’t want to scare you away by moving too quickly, but your soft warm hands and sweet little smiles are making it terribly difficult. He wants to touch you back, but he doesn’t want to startle you.
“Sorry,” You murmur, apparently growing self-conscious. You begin to pull back. “I didn’t mean to-”
“You may touch me.” He interrupts before you pull too far back. He has been intimate with women before, but this moment with you feels infinitely more intimate and illicit than anything he has experienced before. 
You watch him in return, eyes bright. Is he imagining the excitement on your face, mirroring his own feelings?
Slowly, you trace up his tail. His skin shivers under your touch, but he doesn’t pull away. In fact, he leans in a little closer as your fingers move from his tail to his chest, tracing over the lighter stripes on his skin. It feels as though your touch is leaving trails of heat in its wake, and he fights to keep his breathing steady and even as your eyes follow the path of your fingers.
His own fingers twitch, but he keeps his hands to himself. He wants to give this to you, to allow you the opportunity to be in charge of this moment. You’ve always been curious, and watching you exploring his own body only stokes his desire – but he holds back. He will be patient, and he will take this slow. He wants to do this whole thing right.
Your fingers trail down over the defined muscles of his abdomen, and he flexes entirely on instinct. You must like what you see, because your smile turns bashful as you trace your way around his waist.
He’s so preoccupied with watching your face that he doesn’t watch where your hands go next. It means that he is taken entirely by surprise when he feels your delicate, small fingers wrap around his kuru.
His back goes ramrod straight, his eyes flaring wide in shock. It was an innocent touch, only wrapping around the protective braid curiously, but the sheer fact that his prospective mate, wearing the mating gift he had made, holds the most intimate and sacred part of him in their hands has his toes curling into the dirt where you sit. 
A jolt of pure, liquid elation jolts down his spine. No partner of his has ever touched his kuru – it was saved specifically for a mate. And though you may not be capable of making tsaheylu with him, the sheer sensation of you holding this sacred part of him nearly makes his vision white out.
“Oh!” He hears your voice say as though from a distance. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep-!”
He’s sure his pupils are blown wide, his ears alert and hot. He wants to reassure you that your overstep is most welcome, but it feels as though his brain has half-melted.
He comes back to himself, though his thoughts are still scattered. As he regains some of his awareness, he realises that his desire is beginning to grow obvious beneath his loincloth. 
Fuck. He was meant to be taking it slow! He couldn’t invite you to his hut and then grow so visibly aroused in front of you; it was not honourable, and he did not want you to feel pressured.
He lurches backwards, nearly sprawling in the dirt. It’s a graceless movement, ungainly and unlike him, but then again all of this is entirely outside of his realm of experience. 
You’re staring at him with wide eyes and an open mouth, your hand still raised in midair.
“I have to go.” He says sharply, pushing himself to his feet. It’s all he can think to do to preserve both of your dignities before he ruins his careful courtship plans with his own reckless desires.
“But-” You start, your face crumpling. “Am I still invited-”
“I must go,” He repeats, hastily angling himself so that you can’t see his front. 
He takes several firm steps away before hesitating, then turns back to look at you. “Tomorrow. You may come back tomorrow.”
You still look utterly bewildered, but Tsu’tey hurries away all the same. As he goes, he adjusts his tewng as surreptitiously as possible. 
Despite his tactical retreat, he feels more optimistic than he has in a long time. As he approaches the village he feels a feral triumphant grin begin to grow over his face. That likely could have gone smoother at the end, but overall he finds himself feeling impossibly pleased with himself. 
He has succeeded at his attempt at courting a human, and he has done so without Jakesully’s help. You have accepted all his gifts, you agreed to come and see his hut, and judging by the way you had groped at his tail and his kuru, physical attraction certainly wouldn’t be a problem for either of you.
 It has left him excited for tomorrow, and yearning for more of your soft little hands against his skin.
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jaehunnyy · 7 months
time's the charm | cs
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Genre: 'hate everyone but you' trope, angst, fluff
Word count: 2.3k
Pairing: quiet-boy!San x fem!reader
Warnings: San has a sad past (nothing triggering mentioned tho), mentions of running from home, sadness, toxic men, crying, some harsh words, misunderstandings, happy ending tho!!, possible grammar mistakes
Taglist: @shakalakaboomboo, @pocketjoong-reads, @nebulousbrainsoup, @justhere4kpop, @bluisheye93, @i-luvsang, @ad0rechuu, @starillusion13
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You had no idea when the quiet, ebony haired guy’s eyes started to form red hearts whenever they landed on you. You had no idea when he gathered the courage to look away from his phone, just so he could get a glimpse of your outfit that day, or your hair, anything when it came to you. You also had no idea that Choi San was capable of having feelings, and neither did he. That was the first time San pleasantly surprised someone.
There wasn’t much he knew about you. Aside from your not-so-good reputation around the campus, he also found out that you held the power to make his heart jolt in happiness, or whatever that feeling was supposed to be. The lingering feeling of warmth whenever he saw you was burning his skin, along with the electric arrows piercing through his spine—and he hated it. He hated that he couldn’t hate you, just like he did with everyone else around him. But he knew he brought it upon himself, and maybe this one time, he was willing to try and risk some things.
You, on the other hand, knew what the people around you wanted you to know about him. San didn’t talk to anyone except one person (the only person he called a friend, just because they were roommates), which is why you just let the guys in your class spill whatever harsh things they dreamt up whenever his headphones were covering his ears; except he wasn’t always listening to music, but also to the things they were saying about him—because what’s so great in lying is the not knowing.
Little did they know that instead of making you stay away from him, it intrigued you. You wanted to see behind the fluffy halo of black surrounding his head—you wanted to know the story of the blue streak that blended in between his black hairs, what music resonated through his ears every break, or what shop he preferred whenever he went shopping. Something told you there was something special about the guy. He was different from all the other ones you messed with, and as much as you didn’t want to hurt him, you were selfish enough to want him for yourself.
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Love did its wonders in the last few weeks, cause San didn’t know what had gotten into him when he grabbed the smallest piece of paper he eyed and a pen, writing a short note and putting it into your locker. It was like Cupid was controlling him or whatever, and as much as his nose scrunched at the thought of those lovey-dovey things, his heart swelled with pride. He just wanted to be looked at from a different point of view, he thought that maybe, you would look at him differently.
“San? Did you just put something into y/n’s locker?” his only friend, Yeosang, asked him with a frown on his face.
San looked at him with puppy-like eyes, as he was caught red-handed.
“San… what did I tell you when you transferred here?”
The black haired guy looked at the older boy, whispering in a tiny voice: “To stay away from her.”
“Well, it definitely doesn’t seem like you are too great at it.” His friend snapped, dragging him along the hallway.
“Yeosang, she makes me feel things no one else has, I don't even know how to describe it.”
“She will make you feel some unique things when she will break your heart too.” The blonde haired guy said and left, not in the mood to argue with his friend.
San felt small again. He hated everyone for the way they treated him—for seeing him as nothing less than a fragile thing who could break in any second. When he ran away at the age of fourteen, everything changed inside the once bubbly guy. He became quiet, indifferent even, or that was just the wall he built around him from broken memories and dirty past; cause deep down, he just wanted to be loved, despite hate being the only thing he knew how to offer.
You truly wanted to get closer to him. You admired how his head bobbed to the beat of the music he was listening to, or how his lips would form a pout when he got out of words when writing a note—the same love notes that continued to grow into a pile on your desk, bringing a lopsided smile on your face whenever you thought about the dimpled guy who sent them. You saw him sticking one of them a few days ago, yet you had too much fun seeing him like this—as the cold boy who had a soft spot for you; so you acted a fool.
You weren’t as bad as everyone claimed you were; you were just giving nasty men a taste of their own poison. Call yourself a femme fatale or whatever, but you just enjoyed seeing them crawl for forgiveness after what they did; yet your little act of service brought you a title as dirty as your actions, so you could just bear it in exchange for some healed hearts. You grew tired of the brokenhearted girls around the campus, so you just made their exes approach you enough so you could break their heart; you would call it playing the hero; except it wasn’t seen the same by the ones who sided with the villains of the story.
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The more time passed, the more you were getting infatuated with the quiet boy, as much as he was getting addicted to your intoxicating presence. You could say you two fell in love with the help of the innocent notes, hiding behind the sweet nothings plastered on the pieces of paper; and this little word game of yours gave San enough confidence, the moment he decided he was ready to ask you on a messy date. That was the second time he pleasantly surprised someone with his efforts.
You might be curious about who I am. Meet me today at 7pm in the park? ♡
You would have said yes, if only someone didn’t have a trump card. The moment San turned his back away from the lockers, the boy who had other plans for you took the note and stamped on it, before throwing it into the closest trash bin he found. He couldn’t let this date happen, and it sadly didn’t—which is why you weren’t aware of the guy waiting for you in the cold, tears threatening to stain his cheeks with the salty taste of loss. Was that all he was destined to? Pain? Where did he go wrong this time?
He waited and waited, and when the clock hit 9pm, he realized he should have probably listened to his friend. He was way out of your league—and still, your responses to his texts (though he supposed you didn’t know it was him), and the subtle smiles you threw in his direction, he thought that maybe, just maybe, in his world full of darkness and bad luck, you would be his lucky charm. He let out a bitter laugh the moment he felt the familiar wetness on his cheek, making him remember that instead of hating everyone but you, he should have stuck to hating everyone, including you. That was the moment he swore he would never waste his feelings on anyone, deciding that he was made to wallow in self-pity forever.
And as expected due to the circumstances, the notes stopped—and you were sad; that sad that you distanced yourself from your heartthrob activities, just to focus on the boy you grew to adore. But things changed—San changed. He didn’t look at you anymore, his once fond look turning into painful daggers whenever your eyes laid on him. His dimples were hidden deeply in his soft cheeks, making you wonder what happened. If it was your fault, if it was a false hope you had, if he was like the other ones. While you two were hurting each other with the lack of affection, the tragedy was happening under the eyes of the person who screwed it all.
You endured, and endured, until one day, you couldn’t endure anymore. When you finished your lectures, you followed San, stopping him at the nearest wall of the school and looking into his eyes.
“Why did you stop sending me notes? I liked them, San.” You whispered, looking for any sign of emotion on his face.
To say he was surprised that you knew it was him was an understatement—though it didn’t matter anymore. You were probably just trying to fool him again.
“I never sent you any notes. You must be mistaking me for someone else.” He said coldly, not even looking into your eyes. He was lying.
“I saw you sticking them to my locker, San. Please, tell me.”
He let out a scoff, followed by a mocking laughter.
“Why do you even care now? Are you going to tell the whole college now? That I am such a pathetic guy?”
“San, please!”
He looked at your pleading eyes, debating if he should give you an explanation or not. You didn’t deserve it, but his feelings made a step forward.
“Why would I try to hit on someone who would only laugh at me? You broke my heart—gave me hope, and then stamped on all my efforts to ask you out the moment you made me wait for you for two hours. And this isn’t even the biggest problem,” he paused, his sharp eyes laying on your confused face: “The problem is I can't even hate you for it. Because I know you deserve better; yet I still had some hope.”
Your eyes widened. What was this man talking about? While you were engulfed in your thoughts, he was ready to leave, but you were quick to grab his wrist, making him turn back to you, an annoyed expression on his face.
“San, let me talk.”
“About? I already know you don’t do relationships or anything, kind of learned it the hard way.” He said sarcastically, yet you knew he was as hurt as you were.
“If you truly like me, give me a chance to speak,” you begged, and you saw his stiff expression relaxing just a bit, a small nod of his head encouraging you to continue: “I don’t understand. What did you expect from me? You never asked me out!”
San frowned, knuckles so tense from the way he was clenching his fists.
“I literally did a week ago?”
You don’t recall receiving a note a week ago. You thought hard, but the last time you got a note from him, he asked you to expect something later. So, what if someone was sabotaging you, stealing the chance you had away?
“San, I didn't find any notes a week ago. I can show you all the notes I have if you want, I… kinda collect them.” You said, a small blush on your cheek—only that he wasn’t buying it this time.
And that’s when it hit you.
“San, wait—what if I never got the note? What if someone didn’t want us to happen?”
“Stop finding excuses to play with me.”
“San, I'm not, list—”
You were interrupted by a shuffling sound behind you, and that's when the culprit who was eavesdropping all this time appeared, a halo of fair hair surrounding his head as he looked down, drenched in guilt.
“It was me. I didn't want you to happen, because I was scared you would hurt my friend.” Yeosang whispered, head hung down in shame.
He never felt that small in front of San; it was always the other way around. But now, he felt like he did the wrongest thing ever, and he didn’t think he had any right to look his friend—or you, in the eyes.
“Yeosang…? Why would you even? You—you knew I was so into her, so… why…?”
“I know she hurts everyone she gets with. I wanted to prevent you from heartbreak.”
“I don't hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it. I just get revenge for my friends’ broken hearts by messing with their exes’ minds, and this might make me look like some sort of fuckgirl and whatnot, but this time, I fell in love. For real.”
San looked at you in awe, the light in his beautiful eyes shining again.
“Did you really?” he stuttered,
“I… I think I did, yeah.”
San wondered if it was too late to ask you out, again. And, as the invisible red thread of fate tied you to one another, you kinda read his thoughts.
“If you still want to, I would love to go out with you, Sannie.”
Sannie. The first nickname that got his heart running laps, along with the butterflies dancing a sweet dance of victory inside of him.
Yeosang’s eyes filled with hope, and he looked up at his friend, who gave him a small smile and patted his shoulder.
“Thank you for caring, Yeosang. But I am on my own now.” He said, before grabbing your hand and leaving with you.
This was San—the quiet guy who was pretending to hate everyone while waiting for the person who would look behind his intentions, who would see how much he craved to be loved and understood. He improved so much, and that was the third time San had pleasantly surprised someone—but this time, it would definitely not be the last.
After everything he had been through, he felt like the sun had finally risen on his street, the moment he first woke up with you in his arms. This was only the start of his journey to happiness, and he hoped it would last more than the suffering he went through in his twenty years of life.
Time’s the charm, and despite the hardships you two faced, he wouldn’t want it any other way. He felt invincible when he held your hand, happiness written all over his face, and he was sure that he wasn’t meant to cycle this beautiful trip alone, but with the love of his life by his side.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
💖💋🥂IT GIRL ERA 2024💖💋🥂
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💋1) Start putting yourself first . Choose yourself Put your own needs and wants first. What do they advice in flight ? First put your oxygen mask and then try to put others oxygen masks. It's not about oxygen masks.
💖2) Get a social media detox. Social media can be very toxic. We often get into fights with strangers or see toxic people in the comment section or compare ourselves with others. Get off Tumblr , Instagram , Facebook etc. It will help you alot.
🥂3)Get rid of victim mentality. Victim mentality can make things worse for you. You aren't a victim of your reality , you are the creator of your reality. Start taking responsibility and control of your life .
💋4) Believe in yourself . Like Elle Woods said , " most importantly you must have faith in yourself." You must have unwavering faith in yourself . It doesn't matter if others perceive you as less , make sure you don't perceive yourself as less. Your opinion of yourself matters the most.
🥂5) Start taking care of yourself. Self care will save you . Always put your self care first. Go to gym or workout at home. Do skincare. Take care of your hair. Get a mini hair spa. Self care will increase your energy and lower your stress levels. It will boost your self-esteem too.
💖6) Create a vision board. You can make vision board on Pinterest or make one in real life. Just make sure it inspires you and reminds you of your goals. Vision boards are very powerful tool.
💋7) Stop focusing on others. Focus on you. Don't think good or bad about anyone . Be focused on how you can make yourself better. If you don't get time to think about others , good ! Focus on yourself. Except the ones who are close to you , you shouldn't think about others or compare yourself . Just focus on how you can get ahead and make yourself better. I hope this made sense.
🥂8) Love yourself. Self love will save you. Listen , write or speak affirmations. Adopt the IDAF mindset , stop caring about others opinions. Don't compare yourself with others. Let go of toxic cycles and people. Be kind to yourself.
💖9) Remember what Jang Wonyoung said ? I DON'T CARE. YOU ARE YOU , I AM ME . ADOPT THIS MENTALITY. Enter your wonyoungism era !! Wonyoung said that if it's something she didn't do , then she doesn't care. That's where her iconic statement " you are you I am me " came from . Start being okay with people misunderstanding you. Don't try to explain yourself and waste your energy.
💋10) Give importance to your education . Education is the most powerful weapon. Read books. Watch documentaries. Study to learn , not just for good grades.
🥂11) Value your time. Realize how important your present moment is. Don't waste time on unproductive things. Do things that your future self will thank you for . Don't do things that your future self will curse you for.
💖12) Have different role models for different things. Let's say for developing a strong mindset , you can look upto Song Jia , Wonyoung or The wizard liz and for academics , you can look upto Hermione Granger , Elle Woods or Rory Gilmore .
💋13) Stop fighting with stupid people. Even strangers online ! Honestly , strangers online can be very toxic , annoying and stupid. Don't waste your energy arguing with stupid people or people who aren't willing to understand or listen .
💖14) Stop looking yourself through the lens of your past self. It's okay if you made some mistakes . Mistakes are the proof that you are trying. Forgive yourself and learn from them. Stop putting yourself down and keep those mistakes as a lesson. Yes you made some mistakes but after those mistakes , you learnt and made yourself better.
🥂15) No more self- depreciating humor. Your mind doesn't know the difference between reality , fiction or a joke.
💖💋🥂This advice is very basic and simple. But this advice will help you alot. Don't just read this post , make sure you follow this. Happy new year !!! 💖💋🥂
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saintmuses · 4 months
❝𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧❞
Dark!Mike Kiernan x Neighbor!Reader
Mike liked his neighbor a little too much that he was willing to do anything to have her even if it meant destroying her if she didn’t listen.
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Warning(s): SMUT. Dub-con. Implied age gap (everybody’s grown). Infidelity. Soft!dark!Mike. Possessive!Mike. Manipulation. Hints of stalking. Blackmail. Technology is involved. Like this is filthy as hell. P in V. Fingering. Oral (f-receiving). Flashbacks in italics as well as phone calls. Minors, dni!
Word Count: 3.3k
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Craning his neck, Mike inhaled slowly before exhaling as he tilted his head to the original position to look out the glass panes of his window to her bedroom window across the yard.
She couldn’t see him, but he could see her. She was opting for comfort by wearing a plain t-shirt and black shorts. He could tell she was not wearing a bra underneath which sent a slight shiver down his back ah the idea of getting his hands on her breasts.
He had learned everything about her as much as he could after he noticed her the first time a year ago.
The easiest way to have some sense of connection to her was being such a friendly neighbor with phone numbers exchanged.
“Are you lonely? Is that why you call me?”
He hesitated, “yes.” He murmured, a little white lie slipped from his tongue, using one of his fingers to trace the cord that connected to the receiver from the machine. “After Kasia broke up with me, it’s very quiet around here.”
“Yeah. We wanted different things,” he said truthfully. He had meant what he said, but he did not want them with his former girlfriend. He wanted them with his neighbor. “Apparently she fell in love with her roommate.”
“Ouch.” He could hear her wincing, and he smiled slightly at her next words. “Fine, I’ll be your shoulder for you to cry on.” She said exasperated, but with a smile in her voice.
First photo set of her in red lacy nightgown ended up in his camera roll on his slim device the first time he spotted her standing by the window unintentionally.
Also mentally filing away the fact she had a boyfriend who didn’t appreciate her. Beers and sports parties was his go-to dates with Y/N. He knew he could treat her far better than her boyfriend ever would.
“Just because I said I’ll be willing to lean an ear for you, it means you call me every night?” She huffed into the receiver, and he grinned because he could tell it was without a bite.
“You’re being mean,” he smirked, watching the clear liquid swirling in the glass as he shifted it.
“I’m not being mean.” 
“Oh, but you are.” He said albeit breathlessly.
More photos saved into his camera roll as she wore soft burgundy lacy bra and panties that night.
“I saw you a few weeks ago with your face beaten up…are you okay?”
“Eh, just a misunderstanding. I had to clear it with the schoolboard. Skunk was being bullied by her two neighbors, and I stopped them.” He shrugged although she could not see him. “Guess the girl didn’t like the consequences, conspired with her sister, and accused me of being inappropriate towards her, and their father wasn’t happy with it.”
“I’m so sorry.”
The ringing ended with a click as it was picked up. Her breathing could be heard through the receiver as he waited for her to greet him.
“Come up to the back patio,” he murmured, an urgency in his tone as he spoke into the receiver.
“Mister Kiern-“
“I know for a fact you are alone with a big bowl of what did you say is your favorite snack?” He inquired as he observed her through his window blinds.
She sighed, letting out a soft laugh that sent his heart into a state of pitter patter. “Puppy Chow,” she said petulantly.
He hummed in acknowledgment; he knew that of course. “And you’re drinking something with Moscato in the biggest wine glass you could find which I do have. So come up to the patio.” He said beguilingly, attempting to convince her.
“I have a boyfriend.”
A grimace flitted across his face. “I know but fuck him.” He said bluntly, irritation coated his tongue as he spoke into the receiver. “It doesn’t hurt to hang with friends. We are friends, aren’t we?”
A long pause then a sigh. “Fine, I’ll be there.” She relented.
He couldn't stop the toothy grin from spreading across his face. “Alright.”
Mike had been filling their wine glasses with her favorite wine twice now since she had been here for forty-five minutes.
He enjoyed being in her presence; however, she had to stop calling him by his last name as if it was going set any boundaries between them.
“Stop calling me mister Kiernan,” he murmured, sucking in his bottom lip, and swiping his tongue across it.
She looked at him in surprise. “What else am I supposed to call you?” She was confused, and he chuckled slightly.
“My name.” He stated the obvious.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
He stared at her. “Say my name.” He leaned in, using his nose to graze the curve of her cheekbone. “Say my name,” he repeated softly.
Her lips parted; his eyes flickered down to them while he was internally smirking. She was almost susceptible to his wiles. Although he was silently begging for her to say his given name.
“Mike.” It was a whisper. A word that bridged the distance between them in a way despite not moving at all.
He tilted his head slightly, observing her facial features. “You’re stunning,” he breathed, staring at her.
She shifted slightly in her seat, clearly, she was uncomfortable with the compliment he gave her. “You’re just lonely and I’m the only one who’s willing to deal with you.”
Mike chuckled, seeing how she was attempting to deflect him. “I’ve been wanting to say that since I met you,” he admitted.
She hesitated, eyeing him before reaching for her bag. “This is inappropriate. I…I have to go,” she said quickly, stuttering as she stood up from patio sofa.
His hand snapped around her wrist in a vice grip as she attempted to walk past his legs that were in her way, he tilted his head to the side as he peered up at her. A hint of amusement in the lilt of his smile as if he found her attempting to leave funny.
“I have photos of you in your underwear,” the words were spoken in a calm tone, building the tension towards the threat. “If you leave now, I will gladly send them to your boyfriend.” He said casually, his thumb rubbed absentmindedly across her wrist.
She looked at him with wide eyes. “When did you…?” She trailed off, and he knew she was afraid of the answer.
“Every time you changed by the window. You forgot you had an audience across from you, didn’t you?” His tone went from calm to almost condescending with a hint of rhetorician since they both knew the answer. She had truly no idea she had a peeping tom club of one member.
“You wouldn’t.”
His lips curled to the side in a form of a nasty smirk. “Oh, but I would.” He then chuckled, without a sense of humor in his tone.
“We didn’t do anything, it’s just me changing my clothes by the window.” Her voice was weak, trodden like.
“Well, your boyfriend wouldn’t know that, would he?” He questioned flippantly, almost mockingly as his eyebrows raised. “All I have to do is send him those risqué photos without any context and he would just take it how it is.” 
Her bottom lip trembled as she swallowed, “why are you doing this?” He knew she felt betrayed by him…more of his intentions since they were not true honest to begin with, and she was just figuring that out.
“I’m just tired of not having what I want…” his eyes trailed from her eyes down to her wrist that he held with a precision of a tight grip, “and what I want is you. Now sit next to me, sweetheart.” His tone booked no space for arguments.
His grip on her wrist eased up when she sat down next to him. He heard a slight echo noise when she dropped her bag next to her leg.
He inhaled slowly and deeply as his eyes roved over her body, relieved after all this time he finally got what he wanted.
Mike placed his hand on her knee, right next to her hands, gliding his thumb over her skin.
“I just want you.” He said softly, nudging her hand with his before he grabbed it.
Her breathing turned erratic, as a hot shiver of delight went through him as his hand eased her onto his covered pulsating cock and he began a fluid stroke in her palm, “you feel that?” He rasped into her ear, “that’s what you do to me. You’ve been doing this to me for a year.”
He could tell she was mentally calculating the math of when he had felt this way. “Ever since I moved here?” 
“Even then.” 
He wound his hands into her hair, cradling her head almost reverently, while he hungrily, desperately, violently, met her lips with a savage force.
He knew the circumstances were not idealistic, he knew she did not want him, at least not like this, but he was desperate for her.
His heart raced as she seemed to accept his request. He smiled softly into her lips and moved so that he was sitting on the edge of the furniture, his body pressed against the curve of her thigh as he pulled his glasses off his face and set them on the table beside them.
He leaned away slightly with an intent of reaching out with his hand and gently raising her shirt until the sliver of her breast began to reveal to his hungry eyes.
He then leaned down and started kissing her skin under her breast, lightly licking the flesh as he did so. His lips were teasing, making sure that she enjoyed every moment before slowly building up the intensity.
He was going to make sure she would like it even if she did not want to.
His tongue moved from the skin to the edge of her breast, his tongue slowly kissing along the edge as he pushed the hem of her shirt to reveal more of her breast.
His lips curled slightly when he heard her whimpering, especially when he nipped the curve of her breast before trailing his tongue from the spot to her nipple. 
His lips continued to nibble on her breast while his tongue swirled around her nipple; gently teasing it. His hands moved up to her shirt, quickly removing it completely so that she was shirtless in front of him.
He leaned back, his gaze locked on her body before his fingers slowly traced down the curve of her body, moving from her chest to her hips before placing his hands on them.
He took a second to appreciate her body before his fingers slid into the waistline of her shorts, slowly easing them down her thighs. After he dropped the article of clothing next to the patio furniture, he settled his hands on her ankles.
“Spread your legs for me.” He said breathlessly, almost inaudibly as her legs parted, exposing her thighs to his ravenous gaze.
His hands trailed from her ankles to her thighs, gripping them before he reached for her fabric covered cunt, tracing his index and middle fingers down her slit before pressing into her folds.
She was soaking wet, and he could feel it through the fabric.
He smirked at her soft little pants as she let him touch her clit through her underwear. His eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of her hips shifting, her thighs widening slightly as he traced her sensitive spot. 
He continued sliding his fingers of his other hand along the soft skin of her thighs, his thumb gently teasing the edge of her underwear.
He then leaned back to stand up, removing his shirt in process until he was bare chest. Then he removed his pants, only in his boxer briefs. 
Mike grinned as she watched him remove his shirt and his pants, exposing the shape of his slim muscles and pale chest. Her gaze was roaming over his body before he sat back down in the same spot, leaning forward again. 
Mike’s fingers moved to the edges of her underwear, beginning the process of removing them.
She closed her thighs so he could get the underwear down easily before parting them even wider to expose her vulnerable spot to him.
He smirked at her easy cooperation as she parted her thighs. He had expected her to be a little hesitant and resistant, but she wasn’t making this a challenge. 
His fingers moved her folds apart to reveal her swollen clit after he removed her underwear. 
As she was now exposed to his hungry gaze, Mike leaned down to kiss her spot, lips caressed her folds gently before parting it to let his tongue trail up her cunt, lapping at her wetness. He swallowed it before kissing her spot again, then leaned back to look up at her face, his lips curved into a soft grin as he observed her reaction. 
Her lips parted as her eyelids were closed tightly. Her face was flushed from arousal.
“Such a sensitive girl,” he cooed softly, rumbling softly in his chest.
Opening her eyes, she flushed profusely. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I just…I’ve never been touched.” She mumbled.
Mike chuckled, however a thrill shot down his spine at the thought of being the first one to take her, despite having a boyfriend and knowing she used her sex toys to play with herself. 
His chuckle faded, only humming to indicate his understanding before he leaned down to kiss her sensitive spot again. 
“There’s no need to apologize,” he said softly, his lips still on her cunt. “I was just…observing how sensitive you are.”
He kissed her clit again, this time, using his tongue to explore the texture on her sensitive spot, gently kissing and lapping at her cunt some more until her hips began to shift slowly as she parted her thighs even wider.
He then leaned back slightly to grab his phone that was lying on coffee table, and he looked up to see her gaze on him. She was confused, looking at him with a question in her eyes, clearly waiting for an explanation.
“I just need to capture these moments,” he responded softly, a smirk on his lips as she parted her thighs even more, exposing her sensitive cunt to the dimming light of the sky. “I want to remember every moment of you.”
She breathed, looking away shyly before closing her eyes .
He felt her skin as he parted her folds slightly, feeling her hole gaping slightly as he did so then he bit down his bottom lip as he pressed the icon that indicated a photo being taken. 
He parted her folds even more, this time, moving his finger gently into her hole. He felt it tightened slightly around his finger as he took another picture. 
“I need these images of you,” he murmured as he took another picture. More pictures began to pile into his camera roll, more digital prints to jerk himself off to later whenever she was not available.
Mike’s breath grew deeper from the sight of her lips parted and her eyes clamped shut from the soft noises she was letting out as he pushed down on the side of the opening to make it gape wider.
He felt her walls attempting to tighten around his finger as she whimpered, and he took another picture, this time, making sure that the camera captured the up-close position of her cunt.
He smiled softly, eyeing her as she opened her eyes, and he placed his phone aside to her thigh. He took a long look at her, observing her reaction as he withdrew his finger from her cunt.
He then reached for his underwear, pushing them down his hips then his pale thighs. Pushing them off to the side after it reached around his ankles, then he propped himself onto his knees on the cushion between her thighs.
Mike inhaled sharply when he noticed her curious eyes on his cock, he slowly began to hover her, wanting to keep her gaze on it while his eyes were locked on her cunt, his body and demeanor suggesting that he was ready to take her body and make her his for his own enjoyment.
He dragged her thighs until the back of her thighs meets the sides of his legs. Making him almost pressing against her. while he was stroking himself lightly, he only placed the thick tip of his cock against her little hole with no intention of taking her just yet.
His body language was one pure dominance and lust. He had a grip on her thighs, keeping her legs from moving too much so that he could fully enjoy her body however he pleased.
Mike moved her legs as he adjusted the position of his body over her body. He had his device ready once again, the thick tip of his cock placed against her little hole. 
He smirked to himself as he aimed the camera at her cunt, getting the picture he desired.
He then switched over to video format, pressing to record as he used his other hand to use his thumb to stretch the hole lightly, teasing his thick tip with it as it gaped slightly. His throat rumbled with a slight groan as her hole was beginning to stretch by his thumb and the feeling of it felt good against his cock. 
He made her legs part even more as he held her thighs, keeping her in place to ensure that he wouldn’t miss a thing, that the recording wouldn’t miss the sight of it.
He pushed into her opening just very slightly, letting her feel the tip of the thick head of his cock before pulling away slightly and repeating the process.
He was enjoying the expression on her face, seeing how she squeezed her eyes shut and let out soft little whimpers. 
His fingers were firm on her folds, keeping them apart as he continued teasing her hole, pushing his cock in into her cunt slightly and then pulling out as he filmed it.
His eyes then widened as he saw her hands pulling her folds apart to make her little hole gape wide, exposing her sensitive area beautifully to the camera. He groaned a bit at her action and used his thumb to slowly trace her hole as she kept her thighs parted while letting him film it.
Mike pushed his thick tip into her opening with more force this time, the tip slowly slid into her hole. His breathing became deeper, almost ragged as he slowly entered her cunt deeper than before.
He stopped filming it, throwing the phone to the side and gave her a harsh thrust as he slammed the rest of his cock into her, making her cry out.
He let out a grunt as he felt the heat enveloped his girth, “fuck.” He breathed as he gripped her hips tightly. His fingers flexing into her skin as he reared back and thrusted back into her with such force.
She whined loudly, arching her back before he began to drag her along with him as he eased himself onto the cushion, his back pressed against the patio furniture.
She muttered brokenly as she sunk down on his length. “I- “ she was out of breath already, her eyes half lidded as her hands held onto his shoulders.
“Fuck.” His hands grabbed her hips to control her motions, using his hands to guide her up and down. “Taking me so good,” he grunted in her ear before leaning away slightly. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her bouncing on top of his thighs.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
Commoner Love
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Pairing: Dark Paul Atreides x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: You’re a simple maid to the Atreides House, unaware of Paul’s intentions towards you. 
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
“Come in.” 
You push the heavy door, peeking. Paul is inside, standing in front of the window with his back facing you. You enter the room, staying close to the door. 
“I didn’t realize we had called for a maid.” a feminine voice speaks and you glance over to see Lady Jessica sitting on one of the cushions, a book on her lap as she looks at you. 
“It was me, actually. I have something I wish to discuss.” he declares, giving you a sly look and you awkwardly stand there, crossing your hand in front of your simple gray dress as you wonder why you’ve been summoned. 
“Mom, I know this is going against the rules but I must be truthful to you. I love Y/N and as such, I wish to marry her.”  Paul speaks, a determined expression shadowing his face. 
Both you and his mother widen your eyes. You’re too confused with the Duke’s statement to fully understand it. He loves you?
It’s not like you haven’t noticed the discreet looks he gives you from time to time, often offering to help you in your chores even when it’s not appropriate of him to do so. His eyes following you as you work on your duties.
Small things though, it’s hardly enough for him to fall in love with you. And never did you think he’d be willing to marry you. You’re simply a maid whereas he’s a nobleman. 
“Paul! You’re the Duke, you cannot marry her.”  Lady Jessica interjects, pointing your way with a dismissive wave of her hand. 
“And why is that? I’m the one who holds the power, I can do whatever I want, I’m sure dad would be happy for us if he was alive.” he scoffs, his voice breaking a bit. 
“He wouldn’t approve of this, you know that. Your marriage is supposed to increase the political strength of the Atreides House. He didn’t marry me either.” 
“That was his decision and now I’m making my own, mother. I won’t budge on this one so you can give us your blessing or not, but either way we are getting married.” Paul grips the back of a chair as he spits the words. 
He glares at his mother, eyes cold as ice. They both share a staring contest, eyes full of cold anger and disagreement.
His mother drops her eyes, flattening her hands on the dress before glancing at you. Her eyes meet yours for only one second but it’s more than enough to make you notice how suspicious they are. 
“This will be a grave mistake, Paul. Know that.” she says before standing up and leaving. You hold your breath when she passes by you, suddenly feeling trapped in the room. 
Paul comes near you, but you don’t dare to move your eyes, keeping them fixed on the floor. 
A gentle hand sits under your chin, urging you to look up. A small smile adorns Paul’s face as he looks at you with much passion. 
“Don’t listen to what she says. She’ll come around eventually.” he says as if trying to comfort you. 
You take a step backwards, putting some distance between your bodies. A cautious look settles in your eyes as you look at him.  
“My lord, I think this is a misunderstanding. I cannot marry you, it’s not proper.” you carefully explain.
Paul lets out a sharp scoff, his demeanor changing as he charges forwards, coming too close to you. His eyes darkening with emotion.
“I don’t care about any of that. All I know is that I love you and we will get married. The rest doesn’t matter, it never has. All that I care about is you and only you.” 
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emry-stars-art · 11 months
What was Abrams favorite thing that Andrew gave him during his courting attempts?
Okay I’ve been sitting on this one because I was trying to give it my best answer and like. I still don’t know lol
I know that people in the replies and tags are going to have incredible answers as well so I want this to be more of a “here’s a collection of things he likes the most” and I get to start so here’s my take:
It’s a book. I hear your valid confusion but LISTEN. In the stretch before Abram finally realizes what’s been going on with the gifts/etc, Andrew gives Abram a book - could be poetry, could be a romance story, idk - with a ribbon just barely peeking out of one page. Abram, obviously, doesn’t think much of it and he’s never been big on reading (I don’t know why I never have Neil liking to read lol is that canon) so he keeps the book on his dresser or something like “I’ll get around to it if he insists”
And then after Abram actually, clearly says he can accept Andrew’s advances, Andrew remembers about it and realizes Abram must not have ever opened the book because he would have figured this all out before now if he had
He asks him about it, if he ever read it, and Abram’s like “…no”
So Andrew tells him to. Later, when Abram’s back in his room, he picks up the book and checks out the first page, and it’s something pretty obviously unimportant or unrelated. And the next page. Eventually he thinks to check the ribbon; he flips to the pages and somewhere on them a quote is underlined in steady deep blue ink:
My glances through the eyes of friendship grow more brief by the day. You remain in the kindest, softest embrace of my heart, but now I find myself watching, hopeful, and friends do not look at friends the way I sometimes look at you.
Stunned, in a word.
But this is something he can figure out. This isn’t flowers - they’re lovely but die so quickly, and Abram doesn’t know the language of them or which ones Andrew would like. It isn’t meals shared, because that’s too common by now. It isn’t direct words or actions of affection because those are far too awkward for someone with so little experience with them. But Abram looks at this book, sees exactly what to do with it, and he knows certainly that this is a way the prince wouldn’t mind communicating because he was the first to do it. Abram doesn’t even have to be around when Andrew reads it.
So Abram spends the next several days scanning the book when he has time, finding many quotes he could perhaps imagine returning, finding a few he keeps marked just in case. Then he finds one that he doesn’t even bother marking with a scrap paper, he immediately picks up his pen and underlines it.
I look at the moon and she has your face: the brightest thing in my sky, the most beautiful, and so, so far away.
(And @jtl-fics had the sweetest idea of Abram pressing and keeping the flowers from the bouquet Andrew gets him in this post; and that he uses some to make bookmarks probably because he knows how much the prince likes books. He would definitely use one of those bookmarks to mark the page he underlined rather than the scrap ribbon 🥰)
Anyway the next time Abram sees the prince he wordlessly hands him back the book. Andrew sees the new mark but doesn’t try to open it yet (which relieves Abram more than he’ll admit), just keeping it under his arm until he has somewhere to put it. But it doesn’t take him near as long to find another quote, since he tends to get distracted reading the context or surrounding passages; he underlines the very next sentence and gets the book back to Abram the next morning. Understanding the risk of Abram’s misunderstanding and completely willing to explain himself in plain terms when Abram asks. Still with the pressed flower bookmark.
To have you near enough to touch should surely destroy me.
When Abram opens it later he first sees that the pages look very familiar - those passages look very familiar - that quote is certainly familiar. And he gets very worried very quickly. Maybe Andrew didn’t like that one, maybe Abram had chosen wrong and he didn’t know how to do this as well as he’d thought. But he doesn’t close it fast enough not to finally, mercifully read on and realize that some of the ink on the page is not his own black ink. After it, dark enough to almost be black in the wrong light, is Andrew’s dark blue.
But after reading Andrew’s quote he does in fact close the book quickly, sitting back and just staring, mostly because he’d surprised himself; he won’t know Andrew’s intention for certain until he asks, but this time - likely for the first time - Abram looks at the word destroy and doesn’t immediately think of the harm he’s done. (Andrew’s new, unfamiliar way with words had to work it’s way into Abram’s understanding eventually.)
They go on as long as there’s still quotes they like in the book, and only once does Andrew get frustrated that Abram stole one of his before he could get around to using it.
Anyway thank you for the sweet ask, here’s a quick sketch of Andrew reading to Abram in the library
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b0r3dtod3ath · 1 year
ok hear me out-
fake dating au with wil. reader needs a date to an old friends wedding and wilbur wants a way to get closer to reader. maybe they both secretly like each other and are too embarrassed to admit it? or too nervous?
"He got what he wanted"
warnings: mention of alcohol, y/n being bullied in middle school (no detail)
word count: 1180
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"Did something happen? Do you need something?" - a concerned voice answered your call "No, pfff, haha why are you asking?" - you asked, "Y/N, you never call me in the middle of the day. You're nervous to say it that's way you're calling." Wilbur - your friend - laughed. You met him in university and you two have been pretty close ever since. You were always there for eachother. "Ok, I'm just gonna say it. You don't have to agree. If you don't I'm gonna have to figure out something I'm mean if you don't want to do it its fine-" "Y/n.." "Okay, okay. So you remember Emily?" "The one you went to middle school with? Then yea." "Good. Shes getting married next month and she sent me an invitation. I don't wanna go alone, there will be a ton of girls that bullied me in school. The card says I can bring a plus one as long as its a lover of mine. I know it sounds ridiculous but are you willing to pretend to be my boyfriend for like one night?" he would love to "Hmm" he knew the answer but wanted you to wait a bit "What will I get in return?" "OH! WILBUR! There will be so much food and drinks and it’s all free, you just need to say yes and maybe take my hand a few times that night. AND DON'T LAUGH IT'S A SERIOUS QUESTION!" "Sure, I can do that." he said giggling.
"So here's the plan. Now listen carefully." A Friday night. Will was sitting on the couch and you were pacing around your living room. Like usually during your sleepovers - a opened bottle of wine and some playing cards on the coffee table. "I have this dress, it's blue so i suggest you should wear a blue tie or the one with blue stripes on it. Don't wear a blue suit - it will be too much. I don't think we should be very touchy because we will be annoying but we cannot be suspicious. The same goes for dancing - i hate it but i think two songs will do the job and we cannot get too drunk and we have to be really careful" Wilbur looked at his glass and drank it "I think you're overthinking it" "No I'm not" "Wait, let me finish maybe huh? Already a lot of people are assuming we are dating so let's just behave normally. You remember that one time we went for a picnic? If anyone asks how we met we will say the truth and that picnic will be our first date (In Wilburs head at the time it was your first date - he invited you not long after you two met but there was a misunderstanding and he didn't actually tell you about his romantic intentions). I think everything else will go pretty smoothly. We just have to be a bit more touchy than usually and I think no one will doubt our relationship." He leaned back on the couch "I don't know about you but i came here to practise some kissing with my girlfriend. Come here it has to look real." “You want to practice kissing to make it believable? How about we practice having an argument and you sleeping on the couch?” You sat down next to him "Sorry, maybe you are right. I'm am overthinking it. I just want my appearance there to be a big "fuck you" to all the girls that laughed at me." the boy went to the kitchen to bring another bottle of wine and some chapstick, he wasn't joking.
"Just do it. We both know it's not a big deal!" At this point both of you were laughing. Both of you kinda wanted to do it but you were scared. You sat there together. Wilbur held you close deeply staring into your eyes. A soft jazz playlist playing in the background - he insisted on putting it on after you commented on the weirdness of silence. You quickly closed the gap between you two and gave him a quick kiss. "Oh come on! They are not gonna believe that." His soft lips crushed into yours as if he was hungry. You were socked at first but then you relaxed and followed him. You have never felt so safe with someone. After a moment you broke the kiss to catch some air "Sorry, I didn't, I mean-" Wilbur was surprised at his behavior. Maybe the wine pushed him to do what he always wanted to. "No, no. I think they will believe that".
"Calm down, we are not going to be late." You were now sitting in the backseat of an uber on your way to the church. "I know I'm just nervous i haven't seen those people in long time." With your shaky hands you tried to fix Wilburs tie. He looked into your eyes while you were struggling. He could clearly see your anxiety. He tried to calm you down so he put his hand on your thigh. "Hands to yourself, we are not there yet".
When you arrived he quickly got out and opened the door for you. He took your hand and you walked into the church. You could feel everybody's eyes on you two but you tried to ignore it.
Wedding reception was nice. It was like a mini high school reunion. You actually had a lot of fun thanks to Wilbur. Anytime he could sense the conversation go in a weird direction he would hold your hand or joke about something to change the topic.
You have been near your friend all the time. The constant need to touch him needed to be satisfied. "I thought you said not to be too touchy?" He quietly laughed "Oh shut up! Haha, I just love being with you." "Yea?" "Yea" "Good, cause I love you" he said a bit louder so others could hear him. You thought it was just his great acting skills so you laughed and said "I love you too" and kissed his cheek. His face instantly went red. He heard a slow song begin "Can I have this dance?" he held his hand for you to grab bit. He wanted to hide his hot face under the dimmed lights and it was a great opportunity to talk to you where no one could hear you.
So you two swayed to the music - Wilbur held you tight, your head on his heart. You stayed like this for a moment. You could feel his heartbeat quicken when he opened his mouth "You know, I don't like this whole 'fake dating' thing." He went silent but continued after a while "I wasn't lying" You could feel his muscles tense. Your hands immediately started stroking his back. Your eyes met. "Yea me too. We should stop pretending." You pulled him into a kiss so passionate that it said more than word could ever. Once the song was over he looked so happy - like a child who just got what he wanted.
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anime-fan-05 · 8 months
Hi this is my first time doing this so I am so sorry if what I’m asking for is confusing. Could you do Fem! of GN! Reader that is Arkhamverse Jason Todd with Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, and Akaza(separate). If you aren’t aware of who Arkham Jason Todd is; he basically gets tortured by the Joker for a year or two and all that mental manipulation for him to hate Batman. So in Batman: Arkham Knight, he appeared there as the Arkham Knight to kill Batman, at there were times he almost succeeded. So for this request, I was thinking that the reader does get tortured for a year or two(so they are mentally fucked up) and while being tortured, their captor just shows them pictures of their s/o with someone else. Which means their captor is manipulating the reader into believing that their s/o had just replaced them like that.(Which does not correlate with what actually happened). And so for things to line up in this universe, capability wise, the reader would be more like Darth Vader(weapon, fighting style, force: maybe, suit: maybe; I’m so sorry that I’m doing a lot of crossovers; I apologize if I am being overwhelming). The reader was manipulated to hate their s/o, and want to kill them(not by actual will, the reader is confused and needs help). The reader and their s/o had a few run ins, and the reader got close to killing them a few times. So perhaps on one of the run-ins they have, the reader gets unmasked(they intentionally do it) and their s/o is just shocked that they were alive. And just what their reaction and response would be to this, and would go on from here. Would the s/o or reader die? Do they somehow clear this misunderstanding? I came with this request purely for angst with a hint of comfort, but please do have fun with this. And so sorry for the confusion I might have gave you.
Kimetsu no Yaiba ~Cheater?~
Manga/anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Warnings: angst (nothing that it's unbearable), but there is a happy ending, except in Douma's
(Y/N): your name
(S/O): significant other
How could that happen? Why is (Y/N) fighting him? What happened to her?
A year ago, the demon who was supposed to keep an eye on her told him she had disappeared; (S/O) looked and looked for her, but he never found her.
And now he finds out his (Y/N) is alive and she's attacking him?!
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Muzan is shocked: for the first time in his life he's experiencing the fear of losing someone.
What should he do? Should he kill his wife? Should he make her a demon? And, if he did that, what would happen? Would she lose memories of all the time they spent together? Is he really willing to take this risk?
"What is it, cheater? Don't you know what to do?" (Y/N)'s voice brings him out of his thoughts.
"It's too late to regret!" She lashes out at him.
Muzan acts on instinct: before he knows it, his left hand has already pierced (Y/N)'s stomach.
He's shattered: how could that happen? How could he do it? Why was his body behaving like this? Why didn't his body act according to his will?! Why? Why? Why?
(Y/N) is also shocked: she didn't think he could act so quickly. Now she understands: she could never have defeated Muzan. He's too strong for her.
However, she isn't understanding one thing: why is he holding her so sweetly in his arms? Why does he look so shocked and worried? Why hasn't he given her the final blow or left her there to die yet? Why is he trying so desperately to save her? Didn't he hate her? Hadn't he cheated on her?
"Don't talk!" She decides not to listen to him; she needs to know the truth.
"Why are you saving me?" He looks at her questioningly.
"How 'why'? You are my wife!"
"You cheated on me!"
"What?! I've never cheated on you, my love. When they told me you were missing, I looked everywhere for you. I've never felt such discomfort when I couldn't find you."
"You're lying... The boss told me..." (Y/N) begins to understand: Muzan never cheated on her, she was only deceived by a demon who wanted his ruin.
"Muzan -tears begin to fall down her face- I'm sorry..."
"Shut up and drink here." He offers her his arm where he had just made a cut deep enough to draw blood.
In the end, Muzan's decision was made like this...
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(Y/N), his sweet wife... What happened to her?
"What happened, tsuma (wife)?"
"Don't you dare call me that! Not after everything you've done!"
"'Everything you've done'?"
"Don't you remember? I'll refresh your memory: you cheated on me. I'm only getting revenge! Die, cheater!" After these words, (Y/N) attacks Kokushibo, drawing her sword.
They begin to fight: (Y/N) attacks, slashing with her sword; Kokushibo defends himself, thanks to his Breathing Style, not wanting to hurt her. His purpose isn't to defeat her, but it's to block her movements to be able to talk to her.
Hits and parries, parries and replies, replies and counterattacks... Their battle seems very long to (Y/N), but, in reality, it only lasts a few seconds. Those seconds are enough for Kokushibo to make her sword fly away and to trap her in his arms.
"Let me go, cheater!" She squirms in his arms, shouting at him all the insults that come to her mind, and trying to punch and kick him.
"Why are you calling me 'cheater', tsuma? Why are you calling me that, even though I didn't do anything?"
"You cheated on me! I loved you and you just kidded me! As soon as the boss took me with him, you immediately looked for my replacement! Didn't I mean anything to you?"
"Who told you that? Was he the one you now call 'boss'?"
"He lied to you. I've never cheated on you and I never will. I love you. I love you so much I would die for you." He hugs her gently when he notices she stops fidgeting.
"It isn't true... I... I..."
"Do you think I'm lying? -he breaks away from the hug and takes her face in his hands, making her eyes look into his- Look into my eyes: do you see lies behind my gaze? Does it feel like I lied to you?"
"No..." Her voice cracks; she's about to burst into tears.
"Don't cry, tsuma." He sweetly wipes away her tears.
"I'm sorry, otto (husband), I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, tsuma. It's all over: let's go home."
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"Ara ara? What are you doing, beauty-chan?" Douma is weirded out. He doesn't understand: why is she attacking him? Why does she seem so angry?
"I'm taking my revenge!"
"Oya? Why?"
"Do you even dare to ask me 'why'?!"
"Of course, since I didn't do anything to you. Are you angry since I killed your maid? Sorry, beauty-chan, she was so delicious I couldn't stop eating her. I'll find you a new one and I'll try not to eat her."
"Monster! I'll kill you!" (Y/N) dashes against him with her sword drawn.
"Beauty-chan, don't attack me! Otherwise, I'll have to counterattack!" Douma takes his fans in hand, ready to hit (Y/N).
In a second, he's already activated his Blood Demon Art: ice flares everywhere from his fans, creating spikes which trap her.
"Let me go!" She's trying to free herself from the spikes, still swinging her sword in hopes of hitting him; he stands a few centimeters away from her, waving his fan.
"Ara ara? Are you still angry, beauty-chan? Aren't you playing?"
"Why should I play? You're the one doing it, pretending not to remember what you did to me!"
"Beauty-chan, I already apologized to you for eating your maid! What else have I done to you?"
"You cheated on me!"
"Oya? I did it?"
"Yes, you did it! I made revenge my only goal, but, now that you've captured me, there's no point in me living anymore."
"Sayonara (goodbye), cheater." (Y/N) moves her torso slightly, managing to pierce her heart. Immediately the blood flows down from her wound, and she lets out groans of pain, coughing and spitting blood.
Douma has a strange sensation. He feels bad like he has never felt before: his stomach tightens and he almost wants to cry. However, he isn't understanding the reason: he has never felt so bad, not even when his parents died, so why does he feel this way now? Is that the pain (Y/N) told him so much about? Without him realizing it, a tear falls down his face.
So, (Y/N) dies, without discovering the truth.
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Akaza has a strange feeling which creates pain in his chest and dizziness and which makes him tremble. However, he doesn't understand: why does he feel this? Is this fear? Is this pain?
Although he isn't understanding this feeling, he realized one thing: he cares about (Y/N) so much he wants her to stay by his side forever. He wishes her to be his wife and to spend all her time with him; he no longer wants to fail to protect her, as he did before; he longs to hold her in his arms forever. But what can he do now? What can he do to make her come back to him?
"What happened to you, my love?"
"Shut up and don't talk, cheater!" (Y/N) draws her sword and prepares to attack Akaza, who prepares to defend himself, positioning himself to perform his Blood Demon Art, although he doesn't want to fight her.
"Please, my love, don't attack me: I don't want to hurt you."
"Who tells you you'll be able to hit me? You won't even be able to see me!" It all happens in an instant: (Y/N) throws herself at him; with a lightning-fast movement, Akaza grabs and holds her to him, preventing her movements.
"Get off me!"
"No, I won't do this." Akaza holds her tighter.
"Please, listen to me. I haven't cheated on you, and I never will. I love you, I love you, I love you. What can I do to prove it to you?" Meanwhile, the sun is rising.
"When the sun fully rises, go where there will be light."
"If I do this, will you stop fighting?"
"Why do you want to do this?"
"Because I love you, and I can't see you like this: you're my sweet girlfriend, not a cruel murderer. I've spent my whole life fighting and killing, but you've been nursing and healing: you mustn't kill. Please, promise me you won't do this."
"I..." (Y/N) begins to feel again the beautiful feeling she had always felt when she was with Akaza: love.
The sun has fully risen, illuminating the entire area they are in.
"Sayonara, my love." Akaza approaches (Y/N) and, when he sees she doesn't move away, he kisses her gently, before heading towards the illuminated area.
However, he feels her hand holding his arm, stopping him from killing himself, so he turns to look at her. What he sees amazes him, but it also makes him happy: she is looking at him, with tears falling from her eyes.
"Stop, please stop." (Y/N) hugs Akaza.
Her anger has totally subsided.
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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p4nishers · 2 months
vimes realizing he's in love with vetinari. now that. hmm. listen. how long it took for him to ACTUALLY fall in love with sybil? oh he liked her, he loved her SO much, but he wasn't IN love with her till jingo. he just thought he was in love. (that doesn't mean he loved her any less or that their love is any less, it means he didn't know her, didn't really have the time for her till he made it so. till he wanted it. really, truly wanted it.) but what would it take for vimes to realizes he's in love with vetinari? well, to be honest with you, not one damn fucking thing. like vetinari's is quite literally the thing he's the MOST stubborn about. he only starts to begrudgingly like him in fucking THUD! that's the SEVENTH book in the watch series. like my man is NOT here to play about his feelings (or, what he'd like to think, the lack thereof) for vetinari. so, what would it TAKE??
another attempt on vetinari's life? this time a SERIOUS one? or vetinari ACTIVELY saving someone sam loves? like young sam? would that. would that ever happen and how would vimes feel about it?? or would it be bc of some kind of jealousy?? or or or OR WHAT
like this is driving me insane i cant fucking figure it out bc there's no universe for me where sam vimes isn't freakishly in love with his boss but how the actual FUCK does that happen and how do i get it thru his thick skull that it's happening??? HOW
what if they like go on ambassador shit together like idk to lancre (bc this is me we're talking abt what did u expect of COURSE imma bring the old women into this) (listen. yes vetinari wouldn't ever go bc why tf would he that's why he has fucking ambassadors and VIMES but. just give me this one thing please and thank you) and sybil outright refuses to go bc sam i have Things to Take Care Of and and you can jolly well run along and do your job and and and. right. yup. go on (she wants them to spent time together for fuck's sake what will it TAKE for them to stop this bloody silly dance already she is so so so tired of toxic yaoi. give her a break) and so they go and sam is perpetually angry bc his Emotional Support Wife basically kicked him out of the house and now he has to endure this bloody fucking trip with his boss who he has Feelings that he would rather not think about and vetinari keeps bloody smiling and being bloody cheerful and bloody handsome in the sunlight and– nope. Not Gonna Go There.
so anyway they arrive whatever it's fine but obviously there was some misunderstanding some (willful) spelling error on vetinari's part and turns out everyone thinks the patriarch and his HUSBAND came to the princess's wedding which is. fine. totally and utterly fine. everyone is suupper normal about it. especially since esme is marrying A Girl. wild, right? so you can imagine how vimes is feeling. how many walls has he punched? who knows we can never know (none bc vetinari Raised His Eyebrows and he had to settle for kicking a few trees and almost rolling down the mountain. Gracefully, of course).
obviously there's the There Was Only One Bed trope. obviously there's victorian woman having gay thoughts for the first time yearning (repressed). of course there's the beast (repressed. for now). of course there's a moonlight conversation which inevitably leads to the Slight Softening of Sam Vimes's Heart and the next day which turns out to be Sam Vimes's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day. it's the evening before the wedding. a party. with nobs. and idiotic clothes and vetinari and stares and nosy witches and vetinari and awkward conversations and vetinari and vetinari asking (ordering) him to dance and oh shit oh fuck oh what the bloody shit is this why is the bastard SO GOOD+??!!??! does he practice has he practiced will he practice and want a partner– no. no. No. NOO not happening vimes is perfectly sane and Will Not Fucking GO THERE!!!
anyway of course shit happens. of course it ends with vimes and vetinari trudging thru the forest, drenched in rain and mud and fuck knows what else and both of them have fuck all idea about mountains and vimes is fucking Pissed bc his lordship shouldn't be here i dont need his lordship here this is bloody fucking daft. sir. and he gets nothing but that infuriating fucking smile in return and a "ah, but your grace, i am simply enjoying a brisk walk. i wasn't aware that was crime" and he's fucking COVERED in mud and his clothes are sticking to him and vimes had never actually seen him WET before and there's mud on his CHEEK and his hair is mussed and. vimes walks into a tree. gets tangled up in a few tree branches, perhaps. trips and falls flat on his ass, even. vetinari laughs at him in that way of his where he's not laughing but you can tell, deep down, he IS. and vimes is still pissed. and suddenly vetinari is helping him up and looking at him from up close with that expression of his that suggests he has inside jokes with himself and he. kisses him.
what the FUCK, right? well. surprise element and all that. vimes' first instinct obviously is to fucking fight him. then he's like. oh wait oh what the fuck. THEN he's like. vetinari is actually a good kisser and im gonna fucking faint. Actually. then vetinari pulls away and goes on business as usual like not a thing happened. if vimes wasn't so fucking dazed and tingling throughout his whole body he'd bash his skull in but well. he just stumbles after him and tries to not have a heart attack.
unfortunately he doesn't have time to think about it bc fucking CENTAURS attack them. yeah. it's not a pretty fight. by the time they get back to the castle vimes is angry and tired and his whole body feels like a bruise and he's STILL fucking thinking about that kiss but he's so tired he actively cannot fucking speak so instead of punching vetinari's perfect fucking face like he planned to he falls headfirst into their bed and goes the fuck to sleep. of course when he wakes up the bed is empty next to him and he remembers last nights events and he just looks and looks and looks at vetinari's side of the bed and has this horrible sick feeling like Uh Oh. i would do anything to see how he looks like asleep. how he looks like minutes after he wakes up. the weight of his body. vimes has the weird thought that he's actually JEALOUS of a fucking bed for feeling vetinari's weight and has to go walk around the castle 5 times. while in his drawers. it's...he could've been more diplomatic about it, is all.
so he spends the whole day in this out of body shock and avoids the fuck out of vetinari and instead goes to do literally anything he can. he talks to shawn. he talks to hodgesargh. he talks to the princess about love and freaks the absolute fuck out. he tears out every root in the entire back garden in a burst of mania. he walks up and down the mountains. he eventually ends up talking to nanny and she implements her bottomless wisdom on him ('fine lad you got there, your graciousness, wanna share 'im? oh, come on i'm just having laugh no need to be like that. you wanna lock it down, if you ask me, that whole fruit basket is RIPE wink wink') which makes him reevaluate his entire life and walk up and down more fucking mountains.
this leads him. nowhere. he hasn't figured out SHIT. he doesn't even know WHAT he's supposed to be figuring out but it sure as shit something and he has this insistent urge to see vetinari but also he WILL punch a wall if he sees him with his entire Unaffected Self so he goes and roams the halls of the castle and he's going room from room searching for something he doesn't even know about until he comes across quiet voices talking and he looks inside and it's bloody fucking vetinari comforting esme's fiancee, nina, and he just. watches. he never knew vetinari could be so gentle. and it's bc he doesn't have to pretend with nina. she doesn't know who he is just that he saw her struggling with some sewing and he helped and they got to talking and she opened up about her fears for being a queen someday and he was just SO kind. and as sam watches this he quietly, quietly realizes that he's in love. and it doesn't hurt him, not like he thought it would. maybe it will, eventually, but this, seeing vetinari like this, doesn't hurt. it can't.
he walks away before he can be seen (though, no doubt, vetinari already sensed him) and just. goes and has a cigarette and tries very hard not to make a big deal out of it. but it is a big deal. and he cant tell anyone.
so its the night of the wedding, ceremony blah blah blah its all a blur until vetinari intertwines their fingers as they walk down the aisle as guests of honor and vimes' whole world narrows down to that one point of contact until vetinari drops it again as they sit down and blah blah blah its the reception the brides are flushed and dancing and happy and happy and vimes is watching them and thinking of his own wedding and also vetinari vetinari vetinari and then of course vetinari stands next to him and he's more scared than he's ever been in his life and vetinari takes his hand again and it is So Over for vimes. they fucking hold hands while saying nothing and it kills vimes but also it's the most alive he's ever felt and maybe there wont ever be more than this but if he has this he'll be fine. and he is. and they are. the end.
so what i'm saying with this is. maybe vimes just needs a few quiet moments where he can see glimpses of vetinari he hadn't let himself see before and also he needs to be hit over the head with feelings otherwise it wont work. vetinari NEEDS to make the first move bc our dear duke will never. ever ever. he doesn't even let himself THINK he wants it he won't do it unless vetinari Plagues him with the Images.
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soulmvtes · 2 months
dif anon. you’re so valid about being allowed to have your opinions on ts and her songwriting but saying that it has never been her strongest appeal is truly insane and i'm fully saying this as a casual listener. i study literature and i've had definitely more than a few courses about her composition and writing process and i feel the hate train on stuff she decides not to speak about (even if it benefits her or not, because i believe she doesn’t owe shit to anyone on that department) on her is just so unnecessary at this point of her career that most people (ngl including you) don’t even try to see beyond the basics and surface on her lyricism and is so wild to me that random individuals just comment on her as if she wasn’t a genuine ally of serious literature but well, that’s just me hah :) id be lying if i say she has some cringey lyrics here and there but it’s the bare minimum because even on her earlier albums she’s been putting exceptional wording to express her feelings and emotions all at once.
i have to disagree with you on literally all of this. in my experience of ts like growing up listening to her, her lyricism really hasn't been her strongest appeal (which is not to say she doesn't have good lyrics at times!!! i think ur misunderstanding me bc i have said that her lyrics can be really good at times even in earlier albums) - i think definitely in more recent times there's been more of a focus on it but still, when i have thought about her and her music i have just never ever associated her with Good lyricism (which isn't a bad thing?) so i'm not sure if it's bc you are a fan/you listen to her a lot so it's more meaningful to you or what else you listen to (which i'm not saying in a mocking way at all) but i just can't see that as her entire thing personally. i study literature too so it's fair to say we have had very different experiences in terms of viewing her lyricism in that regard. i completely disagree that she doesn't owe anyone anything in speaking out about things tho, she definitely should use her reach and sway esp when its clear she picks and chooses. personally an artist means nothing to me if they can't engage with the material world around them. that doesn't mean they are required to be well versed on every single thing and make some kind of stance on everything but it's so clear which kind of lives and issues and people she values and i think that matters more to people (such as me) than her lyricism which people are often willing to look behind.
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Lilia have a huge advantage of knowing what reagon of kingdom of roses that Crewel and his daughter is from and give advice of the area courting costom that is secretly give them pair of earrings that is handcrafted ( to make the courted female guessing who it is, is part one of three stages, but is them being interested if they wear the bearings )
Then crafted a ring that hinting who they are ( if she wants is is mean they are fully interested of the courting )
But he forgotten the last part as it's been awhile
How would Malleus, and secretly Sebek and Silver ( maybe add on Lilia ) about said information of the courting costom
Oh like the placement of a flower on either the right or left ear in Hawaii
Whether its a ring on a specific finger or certain kinds of earrings
That represent your single status you can wear them
Lilia’s excited at your boldness 
especially with your father more vigilant than ever to keep everyone away
He probably hasn’t seen you just yet otherwise he’d know exactly what that meant and demanded you take them off
But until then Lilia is likely to have done his research on the customs in the queendom of roses
Whether he’s interested in you himself or for any of his boys it behooves him to know the nuances
Going so far as to ask Trey, Cater, and Riddle before proceeding
In any case he thinks it’d be absolutely hilarious if he didn’t reveal the entire custom an only giving them the bread crumbs to win your affections
Those breadcrumbs lead up to the fact that this tradition is archaic and has recently become a simple fashion trend
When Malleus is told this he takes it at face value 
“Finally a precise mating ritual that I can follow.”
He’ll confront you while your casually hanging on the grounds of Ramshackle 
With an emerald necklace in an elaborate box
“Child of Crewel, I see that you have decided to present yourself!” 
“Excuse me?”
“I’d like to inform you that your presentation is reciprocated by me. Here, I have brought this to coordinate it.”
You’ll have to sit him down and directly explain it to him
Which takes a while since he’s so adamant about completing this mating ritual and before you talk about anything else he wants to get this straight
“I see…you are unable to begin your courting because you haven’t prepared for the rest of the ritual?”
“...No, I quite literally am not trying to date anyone. Do you understand that?”
He doesn’t
he still thinks this is just apart of the ritual continuing to approach looking for an added piece of jewelry
Silver on the other hand immediately trusts his father and jumps right in
When he’s not falling asleep because he’s so at peace with you 
He’ll be asking if it's true that you are single and willing to court 
When he asks you explain about them no longer having the same meaning 
“Father…sorry to misunderstand (Y/n). I’m just having trouble understanding your romantic status.”
You chuckle before letting him in on quite the secret
“All you have to do is ask Silver. Any girl appreciates that you do that.”
He still finds this as a positive
Sebek acts more like Malleus with a lot more gusto
“Sebek, what in the Great Sevens are you talking about?”
“FEAR NOT! I shall rectify your claims of loneliness! Here I present to you these courting necklace of Briar Valley!” 
You eventually get him to listen 
But not before seeing his ears turn red and him embarrassingly yelling about retreating for now
He’ll wallow in shame as Lilia laughs all the while
Lilia on the other hand is suave 
Walking alongside you as you exchange greetings
“(Y/n), that accessory is quite a timely piece in the Queendom of Roses, correct?”
On the topic of its past Lilia subtly questions your subject on the matter
“So does that still have the same meaning to you?”
“Not necessarily when it comes to topics of romance, being up front is most preferable.”
He’s got it.
Now he knows exactly how to approach you 
And while his knowledge may have furthered their relationship with 
No one’s near his  level
“Well isn’t that convenient because I have something to ask of you…”
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o-uncle-newt · 6 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 21: Uskerty
I absolutely adore this episode as the origin of my single favorite Cabin Pressure line: "You know, between the dames and the horses, sometimes I don't know why I even put my hat on." Nothing will ever beat it for me.
So yeah, this episode is super funny, but I do want to talk a bit about something that's come up as my go to "look, a THEME!" here- vulnerability. Because as I was listening, trying to figure out what I was taking away from this episode besides "this is all really funny and well plotted" because at a certain point that gets old, it struck me that there are ways that both of our (absolutely brilliant) pairings this episode really strike a chord when considering the role of vulnerability- and lack of it- in relationships.
This is a bit less so in the Douglas-Arthur pairing in this episode, which is inspired (and yay, there's finally a nice airport manager!)- there are brilliant set pieces, and the premise of the bar conversation allows two very different people to kind of sort of attempt to understand each other. There's also a really nice father/son element- we already can perceive, even if it's not said outright, that Arthur doesn't have much of a father figure- his life is very dominated by Carolyn's influence, even in the majority-male flight deck, in a way that I think even tints his interactions with Mr Birling about sports (there's a tinge of eagerness for acceptance), which he's clueless about. Would Arthur know more about sports if he'd had a dad who gave a shit about him? Who knows. But this episode giving him an older man who's willing to open an as-yet-shut door into a men's world that excites him.
The men's world is, of course, the world of the pub. We've already seen a glimpse of Douglas in that milieu in Kuala Lumpur, and usually I'd say the less said about that the better, but I think there's something interesting about how mean spirited and surfacey it could be there, alongside Arthur's misunderstanding what Douglas means about "talking about their lives." He asks a question that is so unexpectedly and deeply personal that Douglas isn't even upset that he asks, he understands that this is another rule of masculine bar/pub conversation that he has to teach Arthur. On a certain level, this is fine on its own- there's a time and place for everything- but if you look at it a certain way, it can reinforce tropes about men and expressing emotions and feelings. And yet... even by following the rules of pub chat that Douglas lays out for him, and trying to fall into its ritualistic norms (like creative insults), Arthur, in part through his own open-book vulnerability, is able to bring things to a place where Douglas is pretty unselfconsciously vulnerable himself, about the place in the world where he finds himself. And by the end, he's fallen more into Arthur's more atmospheric image of two men in a bar. He's loosened up, and isn't playing by the rules anymore. It's just really nice (in addition to being hilariously funny).
The Martin and Carolyn pairing is maybe a bit less novel than the Douglas and Arthur one, but it still works really well in this discussion of vulnerability. Both of them have had pretenses/barriers they try to keep up- and both, incidentally, are related to their own interest in expressing that they are in control- but by now Martin has learned enough to have started to relax his. This actually really helps, as his actions aren't hampered by pretense or pride- he's basically able to function ALMOST competently with the cabbie as a result. But Carolyn is almost on overtime trying to keep her barriers up against vulnerability and it is clearly driving her a bit bananas, hence her complete dysfunction this episode- she has to be ironic and invulnerable about her gift to Herc, to prove that she may be seeing him but she doesn't have feelings (which will of course come to haunt her in Vaduz), and as a result loses all her judgment. And her overtime craziness is, unusually enough, what causes Martin’s misfortune, not his own incompetence! He's the functional one here, not her, because unlike her he's not filtering all his behavior through this one very constricting lens.
Once Martin is able to open her up a bit in the discussion of his salary- where she starts off in control as the boss and is forced to face the fact that Martin is loyal to her even when he shouldn't be*, which could very easily pierce the defenses of her invulnerability as she has to accept this reality- she starts to mellow out. Whereas she starts off saying that she's “not a little old lady” so she can’t do the totally reasonable thing until Martin begs, afterward she manages to chill enough that she can do the, you know, sane thing even though it dings her a bit in the self-confidence. She's not quite as in thrall to her inner barriers anymore.
I'll just end off by saying- this episode may also, in addition to my favorite line, have my favorite closing lines of any episode, with the possible exception of Zurich 2. Though that one's mostly about the nostalgia and emotions. So maybe this is it.
*On this note- when did Martin stop looking for jobs? He was looking in Rotterdam… given my St Petersburg post I wonder if it was before or after that.
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