#bugs mention cw
biskael · 9 months
Hands are cupped, leaving her to do little but speak. ❝ Herr Opie! Look! ❞ Slowly do hands move away, revealing a green, healthy mantis. ❝ Fufufu...~ You like these, right ? ❞
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" I SUPPOSE YOU COULD SAY that I have grown quite fond of them , yes , " alight with inhuman chatter . legs twitching this way & that . and a slight rush of her gossamer wings . she was indeed a beautiful specimen , almost frightfully large in the girl's delicate hands . " here , gigichen , let me see her , "
the hunter extends his palm near her own , and the mantis gently strides her way over . there is a calculated gentleness the man exudes , now . a state that is gentle , slow , and rarely seen by any other . his hands do not raise to kill her , nor drop her in disgust to be crushed beneath his heel . " hello , beastie , " quilge says gently to the insect , and rubs a loving finger against her . " i do hope you have found someone to love , as well . " allowing her to climb and grip at the leather of his hand . quilge laughs gently at the creature's bites . ferocious , as always . even nature's cruelties makes him ponder . recalls . he remembers every moment shared between him and his own monster . no longer a beast in name , but his beloved husband ... strange as it were .
" he would love to see her . " a smile . " dankeschoen , gigi . "
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little-pup-pip · 4 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards! Day 24: Ideal Vacation!!
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blinkpen · 1 year
i've always imagined lala as being kind of like an Ooze of some kind that Can solidify a bit and hapeshift humanoid lady legs but i've been experimenting with some What Ifs for if she isn't Ooze by default, that's just the Texture of her Transformation so to speak
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although if she is an ooze/part ooze, it means hilarity ensues for mr "i will frequently just flop onto the floor and refuse to move, for one reason, or another, usually because i am being Difficult" getting Slithered Over
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naughty boyfriends get sent to the pear wiggler their very tall and gooey girlfriend's protoplasm to atone for their sins
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tornoleander · 1 month
I know you tend to like Skybound most out of all the seasons, but I finally found a blog about Ninjago that doesn’t try to shy away from the more mature themes and I desperately need to talk about the fact that Morro (who died at like fifteen) is drinking alcohol in Lloyd’s body. Like there isn’t any single way that this would be considered okay! Morro would have been too young to drink when he was alive and Lloyd was around the same age physically. The only thing that you could argue is that Morro died a long time ago so now he would be considered way older than fifteen. But that means nothing when you add Lloyd into the equation! Also, the night watchman! We never see him again and last we see of him, he’s alone in a room with Morro who is possessing Lloyd’s body. He was the only witness to something Morro was trying to keep a semi-secret. If Morro used Lloyd’s body to actually kill people, that adds a whole new layer of trauma.
Oh they did that, I also think about it sometimes.
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“It’s implied” in the situation meaning yeah it was but we can try to deny it still.
And you are correct, it’s messed up.
He was already controlling Lloyd, a trauma I rarely seen go into depth the way I wanna read. He lost FULL bodily autonomy, none of his actions were his own and he must watch Morrow use his strength to hurt the people he loves.
Just eating would be enough for me to get pissed. Like how fuckn dare you put something in my body. But Morrow intoxicated an unwilling minor. That happened.
And yes, Morrow is supposed to have been around the ninjas age when he died, drinking alcohol should not be something he can say “it’s been a while” about and has troubling implications for him and his already troubled past. (Though, he’s definitely old enough by the time he intoxicated Lloyd)
I’ll Have to look into the night watchman thing I think he was seen in a different scene? But if he hasn’t been seen since, Morro killing could be a good theory.
Mmm yes I “like” skybound. I do like thinking about mature themes I know some people really don’t like people “ruining” kids shows but please THEY PUT IT THERE. Also I am wholesome and kid friendly ALL DAY for work I LOVE my job but I let myself be 18 so you will suffer my Lego angst here.
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lupinuslepidus · 8 days
so that i don't run the risk of entirely romanticizing my summer work, here is a brief list of The Various Incidents we have dealt with our first week, there will almost certainly be More Incidents, that's just how it goes:
the night no one got more than 4 hrs of sleep bc there was an Actual Windstorm from 11pm onwards that ripped up all of our tent stakes and was actively collapsing the tents around us
which happened to be the same night we had been trying to fall asleep to the gentle sounds of. target shooters practicing in the near distance
collecting data to the gentle sounds of target shooters practicing in the near distance (we were on public lands so it's par for the course, we made sure to do our part and wear our hi-vis vests the whole time we were out there, still not my fave vibe)
that time i got engulfed by a literal swarm of bees
(generally working overtime but that's not nearly as exciting)
the night i had to return to camp alone, well after nightfall, after dropping off crew at the airport, and was driving our 4WD up a steep, barely-one-car-wide rock road, which was tilted toward the cliff edge instead of the hillside for some reason, around blind hairpin turns
did i mention the swarm of honey bees?
like, i know now they were probably just chilling and only interested in finding a new place to set up a hive, and that swarms aren't aggressive since they're not defending a colony
but the irony of the fact that i had been the one to remove the section on stinging insects from our safety protocol on the basis of 'unlikely to be an issue' is not lost on me
imagine, for a moment, that you think you hear the wind picking up in the distance -- you can usually hear a gust of wind coming from a good ways off, out in the woods, when it rushes through the trees. now imagine you realize that it sounds just a little off. that you can't feel any wind and that there is an Edge to it. now imagine that you can hear it growing louder and realize it is in fact a Buzz and that the air around and above you is now filled with honeybees. where did they come from? unclear. did someone disturb a hive? what do the Bees Want? unclear. you start walking. the buzzing is still all around you. very ominous. you can't shake the feeling that they're moving with you. you remember that someone on your crew has an allergy to hornets and wasps. are Bees different enough? you should probably stop walking towards the rest of the crew. you crouch down on the ground. eventually the buzzing fades, though it doesn't go away entirely.
there is now a swarm of Bees setting up shop on a tree next to our plot center. my crewmate and i organize a rescue effort for the equipment we've left at plot center. we have sacrificed plot center to the Bees.
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freddys-kineria · 4 months
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dollette / morute id pack 4 anon !
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names : doll , dollette , morgue , morgana , melanie , charlotte , eloise , loletta , lottie , constance , marrow , cordelia , lucius , emerence , angeline , evangeline , evangela , lute , viola , lain , darling , atticus
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prns : doll / dolls , cake / cakes , morbid / morbids , angel / angels , fae / faes , lace / laceself , love / loves , flower / flowers , berry / berries , rot / rots , decay / decays , gore / gores , vomit / vomits , bug / bugs , eye / eyes , teeth / teethself
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titles : the porceline doll , (prns) who is fragile , (prns) who loves , broken doll , the rotting , the decayed , (prns) who is decayed , (prns) who is rotting , the deceased cutie , the diseased
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identities : lovesickdollic , morutaesic , creepthedric , angelideath
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i unfortunately couldnt do usernames , but i hope these are good ! ^^
i was also unsure if you wanted any xenogenders / other identities as well so i included a few just in case !
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duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
a small and a medium with tanaka from haikyuu pls👉👈 !!
ILY anon I hope you enjoy
(P/N) stands for pet name bc I can’t think of a weird ass one that he’d use
CW BELOW THE CUT: bug mentions! World’s most tiny suggestive joke.
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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A blood curdling scream sent your boyfriend scrambling to get to you. His socked feet pounded against the hardwood of his kitchen floor, knocking over a stool in the process. He dove around corners, damn near taking his head off every time he did so. He scrambled up the stairs, and finally reached the outside of the locked, bathroom door.
“(Y/N)!?” he called out in urgency, going to turn the lock.
“RYU!” You yelp. “HELP!”
“What’s wrong?!” His tone was laced with concern and fear as he jiggled the doorknob. To his dismay, it was locked.
“(P/N), the door is locked! I can’t get in!”
“FUCK!” You exclaimed, before another squealing scream left your lips.
“What’s the matter? Honey, I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.
“THERE’S A BIG, SCARY BUG ON THE FLOOR!” You squealed as you continued to inch away from it.
Tanaka sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Well, now he knew that you weren’t in any immediate danger. Granted, you were clinging onto the wall like spider man, but you wouldn’t sustain any real injuries from a fall that short. “I cant come kill it unless if you unlock the door.” He replied calmly.
“YES YOU CAN! IT’S A BASIC DOOR LOCK.” You yelled through the wall.
You were right. Your lover examined the lock and noticed that it was merely a basic lock, which lacked the need for a key. He retreated to his bedroom and looked for anything flat. His piggy bank was empty, his father kept all of the screwdrivers locked away from him, and he had no credit cards.
With a grunt of irritation, Ryu bounded back down the stairwell, grabbing a butter knife from the drawer. Before sprinting back upstairs, he grabbed a bottle of insect repellent. He jammed the knife in the lock and turned it, then waited to open the door.
“You decent, babe?” He asked, fingers prepped and ready on the handle.
“I mean as much as my skimpy towel can cover, yeah.”
Tanaka turned the knife in the lock and easily freed the door, covering his eyes slightly as he entered the room. Then, he saw you. You were cowering in the corner with your towel barely covering your body. The “giant” bug was merely a small beetle, vibing on the tile floor.
Nonetheless, this beetle scared his partner, so now it must die.
He prepped himself in front of you holding the can of repellant. Before he could spray it, a gentle splash of water was flicked past him. Tanaka stared back at you, slowly and dumbfounded. “Did you really think that would work?!” He hissed.
You glared at him and pulled your towel up a bit more.
“Here, watch.”
He carefully sprayed the bug once, causing it to open its wings and close them a few times. The proud look on your boyfriend’s face melted away as you stare at him knowingly “Okay- Don’t judge! I’ve never done this before!”
You rolled your eyes, indicating wordlessly for him to spray it once more. Tanaka obliged and continued to spray, waiting to see if the beetle was dead.
Instead of dying, the beetle decided to get angry and flutter around the room. As it fluttered, you jumped a bit, dropping your towel slightly. You rushed to get it, and cover yourself with Tanaka, so quickly that you barely noticed you had dragged him off of his feet.
As the balls of his feet left the ground, you finally registered what would happen.
With a comedic “splash”, the two of you lay in the bathtub you had just been using for your shower, soaked to the bone and giggling.
Your boyfriend looked at you with a cocky smile. “Y’know, (Y/N), if you wanted to take a bath together, you could’ve just asked me.”
You shoved his head under the water.
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the-artsy-moth · 2 months
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getting a lobotomy can be a religious experience
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Things baby Richard do that almost give Bruce a heart attack
Bought a Theremin and played horror movie music when the house was dark and quiet
One time he was watching a Disney movie and switched it to an R-rated slasher when Bruce walked into the room
Stared at Bruce while he was asleep
Pretended to be lost in Crime Alley
Pretended to download a virus onto the Batcomputer
Pretended to drink a whole bottle of champagne
Pretended to give Bruce's credit card number to a con-man
Pretended to cry and refused to tell Bruce what was wrong
Pretended to die
Put fake worms in a pineapple
Asked Bruce if he could invite some classmates over and literally brought the Worst Kids Ever™
Threw Bruce a one-kid surprise party for Father's Day
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
5 headcanons for any maxpreg universe........
(thank you for number 77 anon! ) Have some generalised maxpreg hc’s bc I can’t remember any of my maxpreg universes from the top of my head.
cw: mention of miscarriage/poor body image following pregnancy but no major angst!
I think Max would love, love, love being pregnant, but I think he’d maybe feel a little insecure with the permanent changes of his body afterwards. His stretch marks, how it’s harder to snap back to his pre-pregnancy weight, especially if he’s planning to race again (which I think he would be depending on the au). Daniel on the other hand, he would be ravenous for every single change, would be pawing at Max constantly after, desperate to touch the marks on his body, to shower Max with praise and remind him how amazing he is, he did this beautiful thing for them.
I think the hesitations about his postpreg body however would NOT deter Max from wanting more babies (he’s like, of course the solution is to be pregnant all the time so I am never feeling bad about my body after) and like, idk by baby number three Daniel has to be like…sweetheart, I think…maybe…it’s enough? He loves their kids, he just worries about if they have enough attention and time to divide between them. But Max is like, Daniel of course we cannot stop on an odd number! One will be left out when they play:( so they have one more lol and Daniel grumbles about having to buy a 7 seater
BUT I think the last baby, is more of a struggle. Like with the first three it felt like Daniel only had to look at Max when he was ovulating (do not make me think of the logistics of mpreg or I will never write it again lmao) and he was pregnant. But this one, it takes a lot, lot longer, and for realism sake (she says, writing mpreg) I think they have maybe one early miscarriage (I will keep my angsty thoughts over this to myself). So when they do get their last little baby, Daniel cries into Max’s hair in the hospital bed, harder than when they had all the others, and all Max can do is smile and tell him, ‘I think you are right now. It is enough.’ And that’s them, that’s their family!
I think they have three girls! And the last one is a little boy. Which I think would have been more fraught for Max if he’d been one of their first, but by that time he’s confident in his parenting skills. He’s never shouted at the girls, or at Daniel in front of the girls. He’s got this. Daniel looks at him when they get the sex during the ultrasound and asks, ‘okay Maxy?’ and Max takes a beat and then tells him, ‘it is perfect, I think.’
Daniel would 100% such at Max’s tits so much that Max worries every time that he’ll be all dried up by the time the babies comes (sorry not sorry) but he never is
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liquidlycan · 2 months
Hello!!!! Can I request a Widowmaker (overwatch) stimboard :)) themes of purples, spiders, and wine ??
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with themes of spiders, purple, and wine
tw spiders, alcohol, open flame
requested by anon
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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Ant just crawled on me. Kind of gross, but weirdly comforting. It's like a very small hug, in a way.
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heartless-aro · 8 months
people think that being aromantic is hard because of sadness and loneliness or whatever, but actually the hardest thing about being aromantic is escaping the squirrel pit
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 27 - Reeling
Beginning || Previous || Next
            “We should have taken her to the hospital!” Chat Noir hissed.
            Gallic Chick ignored Chat Noir as she tended to Alix.
            “Well, she’s alive, right? Besides, with Gallic Chick’s Sublimation, we can get her right as rain in no time, right?” Porcelet pointed out.
            “She almost died! She needs medical attention!” Chat Noir argued.
            “Technically she did die, but I brought her back. You’re welcome,” Gallic Chick added.
            Chat Noir groaned and plopped down on Chloe’s couch. He drummed his fingers against his arm and tapped his foot against the floor.
            “Ugh! Porcelet! Take the cat to Carapace and see how the conversation is going with Nathaniel and that other boy.”
            Porcelet nodded and ushered Chat Noir from the room. They headed down a few flights of stairs to a new floor up to a meeting room. They stepped inside to find Carapace, Nathaniel, and the other boy.
            “Hi, Carapace. How are the talks going?” Porcelet asked.
            “Huh? Oh, uh, I haven’t started?”
            “What? Why?”
            “Oh, uh, waiting for someone else to, y’know, swing by and do it. Y’know?”
            Porcelet sighed. She sat Chat Noir down, then took her own seat. “Alright, let’s begin this. I’m going to start with you. Could you tell me what your name is?”
            “Marc Anciel.”
            “Marc, pleasure to meet you. I’m Porcelet. Tell me, what happened today that pushed you to accept a deal with Hawkmoth.”
            “Well, I was writing a story based off the drawings Nathaniel had made that were posted to the school’s website. His work is just amazing, and I felt inspired. Marinette found me and urged me to meet her in the art classroom. I ran out after embarrassing myself but lost my journal. I was searching for it when Marinette returned it to me after she read it. She said she had a plan for getting Nathaniel to read it without him knowing it was me. I just… I didn’t think she would have erased my name from the front and tell Nathaniel whatever she did.”
            “I see. Nathaniel, what did you do to Marc that really pushed him over the edge?” Porcelet asked.
            “Well, I read the journal, which was titled Diary of Bloody Bug with no author name. I… I assumed Marinette managed to get the actual diary of Bloody Bug. I read it and it felt like I was reading her life and adventures that I was overjoyed. I wanted to meet with her again. Then Marinette said I could meet with the author of the diary, and I thought it was my chance to see Bloody Bug again. Then I saw Marc and I just… I got angry. I… tore up his work in front of him.”
            “Oh, wonderful. Another insult to add to the list. First, you destroy a man’s passion project before his very eyes. Second, you tried to kill Alix!” Chat Noir roared.
            “I…! I wasn’t trying to do that. I just… wanted to get her back for humiliating me!” Nathaniel countered.
            “By drowning her?”
            “I… I don’t know what I was thinking when I was Evillustrator. Maybe Alix shouldn’t have thrown me into a fountain of freezing water in the freezing cold!”
            “Now, hold on, everyone, please! This isn’t the time to be pointing fingers when everyone is at fault,” Porcelet said.
            “What?” Nathaniel and Chat Noir yelled.
            “I agree with Porcelet. Marinette messed up when it came to the whole journal thing. Nathaniel messed up when he ripped up Marc’s journal. And, of course, Alix messed up with her temper,” Carapace added.
            “And Nathaniel needs to work on his too. Don’t put all the anger issues on Alix now,” Porcelet chided.
            Carapace shrugged.
            “Now, Marc, Nathaniel, let’s see if we can’t work something out. Nathaniel, you really liked Marc’s work, yes?” Porcelet asked.
            “I did.”
            “Good. And, Marc, you’d like to work with Nathaniel on his comic, right?”
            Marc looked away. “I would, but I’m not sure if I want to.”
            “Who would after all that?” Chat Noir remarked.
            Nathaniel opened his mouth, but Porcelet put a hand up to silence him. She trotted over to Chat Noir, grabbed his face, and squished it.
            “You. Are. Not. Helping! Please, keep your snide remarks to a zero while I work. The last thing we need is another Akuma right now.”
            Chat Noir grumbled but kept his remarks to himself.
            “Thank you. Now, Marc, why not give Nathaniel another chance? Things got a little… out of sorts, with Marinette’s involvement. Perhaps now, with the heroes, you two can try again. What do you say?”
            “I don’t know,” Marc muttered.
            “I don’t see why we should do this. I don’t need any help writing my comic,” Nathaniel remarked.
            Marc flinched and looked away.
            Porcelet put her hands over her heart, then smacked Nathaniel on the back of the head.
            “Ow! What was that for?”
            “Forgive me, but you are a vile, rude boy. Shame on you! Carapace, take Nathaniel home.”
            “And what about Marc?” Carapace asked.
            Porcelet bounced over to Marc and took his hand. “Come with me. We’re going to the restaurant floor, grab some ice cream, and just pig out. And we’ll talk about that horrible Nathaniel without him and the cat. Oh! What if we watch a nice rom com? Would you like that?”
            Marc’s eyes widened. “I… I would, but I’m sure you have better things to do than-.”
            “Oh, nonsense. Gallic Chick is busy, and the boys are going to leave. So, let’s just relax and gossip without them. What do you say?”
            “If that’s ok,” Marc whispered.
            Porcelet squealed and pulled Marc to his feet. “We’re off, boys, and Nathaniel. See you all later and stay out of trouble. And, Chat, go on back to-.”
            Chat Noir bolted out of the room back up to Chloe’s room. He burst in to see Chloe sitting on the couch with Orikko, Tikki, and Ziggy. He glanced over to the bed to see Alix still asleep on it.
            “What’s up, Cat?” Chloe asked.
            “How is she?”
            “Alive and resting. As she should be.”
            “Can you wake her up?”
            “I could, but I won’t.”
            “Wake her up. I need to talk to her.”
            “Do it.”
            “No! And you can’t make me, fleabag!”
            Chat Noir snarled, then turned away. “Fine! But I’m staying here.”
            Chloe rolled her eyes. “Yeah, sure you are. And under what authority do you have to make such a decision?”
            “I’m your leader along with Bloody Bug. I’m just as capable of taking away your miraculous as Bug is.”
            Chloe held the hand with Orikko’s miraculous away. “You wouldn’t really do that, would you?”
            “I will if you keep me away from Bug. If you try to cast me out while Bug is still here, unconscious, I will.”
            Chloe grimaced and forced a smile. “I’ll make sure to find a nice place on the couch for you. If you’ll just excuse me.”
            Chloe ran out of the room with Orikko with her. Chat Noir sighed and took a seat.
            “That wasn’t very nice, Chat Noir,” Tikki scolded.
            “Would you not do the same in shoes?” Chat Noir countered.
            “Not like that.”
            “She’s lying,” Ziggy butted in.
            “I am not!”
            “Yeah, you are. I’ve seen you lose yourself to passion before, just as Chat Noir did.”
            “That isn’t an excuse to let him do it.”
            “No, but it makes you a liar and a hypocrite.”
            Tikki deadpanned. “Whatever. Chat Noir, don’t do that again. You may be a leader, but a leader doesn’t abuse their power. You’ll do well to remember that, or you might be the one losing their miraculous.”
            Chat Noir’s ears pinned back before they drooped. They perked up when Chloe entered the room again with a blanket in hand.
            “Hey, Chloe? I’m sorry about that a moment ago. I just-.”
            “No, I get it. I was out of place myself. I just… I hoped once she woke up, we could talk. She told me once she was well, we’d talk. I don’t think she’ll be well, but I thought maybe she might be ready to talk after dying. It’s selfish, but I don’t want to wait any longer. I need to talk to her now.”
            “May I ask what about?”
            Chloe sighed. “I obviously know who Bloody Bug is. I… I didn’t want to accept it at first. I couldn’t accept this amazing hero that had been nothing but kind to me was also the same person that hurt me.”
            “What happened? How did she hurt you?”
            “It was some time after her mother passed. Something like four or five years ago, I dunno. I try not to remember a lot of the details, but there are things I’ll never forget. I insulted her and her dead mother and… and… and she attacked me.”
            “She attacked you?”
            Chloe nodded as she hugged herself. “I had never been more afraid than that day. I begged and pleaded for her to stop, but there wasn’t anything human in her eyes. That day, I saw a monster born of anger and hatred. So, it was… hard to accept the truth. It still would be, if not for Sabrina.”
            “Chloe, why did you insult Alix and her late mother anyway?”
            “I… I don’t know. I don’t even remember why I did it in the first place. I wish I did. Not that it’d make much of a difference now.”
            “It wouldn’t be related to your own mother leaving you, would it?”
            Chloe’s eyes widened as she turned and glared at Chat Noir. “How do you know that? No one outside my Adrikins and Sabrina know about that!”
            “Well��� I… crap. Plagg, claws in.”
            Chloe’s jaw dropped when she saw Chat Noir was Adrien. She gasped and pointed a finger at him.
            “Uh, surprise?” Adrien asked.
            “Oh. My. God. How? I didn’t-! How!”
            “Uh, kwamis and miraculous, and all that?”
            “Oh, no! Adrikins, I’ve been so mean to you! I’m so sorry, Adrikins!”
            “Chlo, it’s ok. Mostly. You did try to steal Bloody Bug from me.” 
            Chloe chuckled nervously. “It’s all water under the bridge now, right? You won’t hate me, right?”
            “I never hated you, Chlo. I was annoyed, but I never hated you. You’re my sister, just like Alix.”
            Chloe’s shoulders drooped. “Sister? You mean… you’d never see me as more?”
            “No, Chlo. I’m sorry. I… I don’t really want to think of anyone like that right now. Not after Volpina and Heart’s Design.”
            “I knew it! They did do something to you. What did they do? Tell me immediately.”
            “I… I don’t think I’m ready, Chlo.”
            “You want to end up short fuse over there?”
            Adrien winced, then sighed. “No, but you can’t tell anyone. Not even Marinette or Lila. Promise me, please.”
            “I promise.”
            “Thank you. See, they… they… assaulted me.”
            Chloe gasped. She fumbled over the couch, grabbed her teddy bear, and held it up for Adrien. “Where did they touch you?”
            Adrien gulped as he pointed around to the chest, face, neck, arms, waist, and hips. He looked away, then up to see Chloe in tears. She tossed aside the bear and hugged him.
            “Oh, Adrikins, I’m so sorry those awful girls hurt you. I promise, I’ll make their lives extremely miserable for hurting you.”
            “Chloe, it’s-.”
            “It’s not fine! First, Alix dies. Literally dies that I had to resurrect her. Second, I learn that my Adrikins was assaulted by those girls. How can any of that be fine? It’s not. It’s ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!”
            “Chlo, I know it’s not fine, but I don’t want to think about it. It’s just easier to try and forget it.”
            “Then let’s have the best night ever!”
            Adrien tilted his head as Chloe called for room service and made arrangements for the pair of them and Sabrina. She hung up and headed for the door.
            “I’ll be back, Adrikins. And when I am, we’ll have the best night you ever had!”
            Adrien smiled as Chloe left, then frowned. He glanced over at Alix on Chloe’s bed. He stood and cautiously approached. He hesitated before he crawled onto the bed and curled up beside her. He glanced up at her still face as fear gripped his heart again. The memory of her life passing fresh on his mind. Tears fell from his eyes as he took her hand and pressed his forehead against her shoulder.
            “Please don’t do that again, Bug. I don’t want to lose you. I need you. Please don’t leave me alone. I don’t want to be alone again.”
            “I’m sorry I scared you, Cat.”
            Adrien gasped. He looked at Alix’s face, but she hadn’t changed. “Bug?”
            Alix shifted and pressed her free hand against her forehead. “I fucked up big time, didn’t I?”
            “You aren’t going to leave me, are you?”
            “No. I… I don’t want you to experience the same thing I am.”
            Alix shook her head and let her arm fall. “Not now. My head hurts.”
            “I promise. Now, hush.”
            Adrien cracked a small smile as he cuddled up to Alix.
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isopods-are-the-best · 6 months
I spend at least 5 minutes before going to bed looking at isopods for my mental health
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Nova’s Notes - Dracula Daily - June 5
Dr. Seward is back with another exciting podcast update :D
(Also, for clarity’s sake, I’ll probably be calling him Jack/Seward from here on out because first and foremost, I just like that nickname for him and also it’s a little bit easier to differentiate Jonathan vs. John. Since he’s only been referred to as John thus far — that will change later — I just wanted to clear up that when I say “Jack”, I mean Dr. John Seward!)
Looks like he’s studying Renfield again, who is proving to be an “interesting” case.
“He has certain qualities very largely developed; selfishness, secrecy, and purpose. I wish I could get at what is the object of the latter. He seems to have some settled scheme of his own, but what it is I do not yet know.”
Per the last Jack podcast, he talked about selfish vs. unselfish people and their threat level (I talk more about that here, if you’re interested). He seems to have decided upon Renfield being a selfish man — aka his threat level is low — though he does seem to have an unspecified purpose that Seward can’t figure out. I wonder how Jack differentiates between an unselfish person’s duty and a selfish person’s purpose, since they seem to be almost the same thing, per his logic. Then again, they could be very different!
“His redeeming quality is a love of animals, though, indeed, he has such curious turns in it that I sometimes imagine he is only abnormally cruel. His pets are of odd sorts. Just now his hobby is catching flies.”
Jack, buddy, I love you, but you can’t say someone has a love of animals and then in the same sentence think they’re probably also abnormally cruel to them?! Then again, I have to keep in mind, he’s also speaking these words so this is more of an active stream of consciousness than, say, Jonathan’s journal. I suppose it would put it more in line with Lucy’s letters, who impulse writes. Love to see these parallels!
On another note, how did Renfield catch these flies without hurting them and where is he storing them? Did the asylum give him jars or did he have to improvise? I have so many questions, but my bug phobia prevents me from wanting the answers tbh.
“He has at present such a quantity that I have had myself to expostulate.”
Yesh, that begs the question: how many flies did he catch? Again, I actually don’t want the answers, but since I’m analyzing this, I at least needed to ask.
Ok fine, let’s do a little math here. It’s been 11 days since the last time we heard from Seward. He didn’t talk about the fly-catching the last time, but perhaps it was because there was only like 5-6 flies there and he didn’t feel the need to mention it.
So if we give Renfield 5 flies the first day (minimum estimate) and he catches around 10 flies a day (a high guess, yes, but we know Renfield is determined and this is an average so some days he might’ve caught 8 and some days he might’ve caught 15) a day, we can multiply 11 x 10 to give us 110 flies + 5 (from the first day) = about 115 flies!! (I really hope I did this math right or I’m going to look silly)
In the iconic words of Phil Swift, “That’s a lot of damage.”
Again, this is an estimate — I’m not pretending this is actually the number, though it is certainly a possibility. While that seems like a large number for one man to catch and a lot of flies to get into a room, keep in mind this is the 1890s, which means more bugs in the area and Renfield could’ve skewed the numbers by leaving old food around to attract flies.
“To my astonishment, he did not break out into a fury, as I expected, but took the matter in simple seriousness. He thought for a moment, and then said: ‘May I have three days? I shall clear them away.’ Of course, I said that would do. I must watch him.”
Seward, I would suggest watching him very closely because uh…I happen to remember how he’s going to clear the flies and spoiler alert: it’s not just opening up whatever storage container he has them in. So, you can imagine with my bug phobia, I’d rather not analyze this further. Let’s just say it’s interesting he picked three days as the number to clear them away. He’s just built different, I guess.
So that’s it! For the next two weeks, we will be in a Dracula Daily Drought (try saying that five times fast). I am already sad about this!! 😫😭😭
In the meantime, I suppose it is high time I finish my BBC Dracula liveblog, so be on the lookout for that (I am more likely to do it putting it in writing!!).
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