#and I’m gonna phase in going to the gym after this first week
prozach27 · 1 year
#tomorrow a whole new quarter starts#and with it my biggest drive to date to get my life under control#I’ve done so much work this past year on myself#getting my dx and finding the right med combo + a year of intensive outpatient therapy#weird to think I’ve been a step below hospitalization for a year but like I did the work and am graduating from the program in 2 months#and I think the last major hurdle is that I’ve been so overwhelmed with college#I need to forgive myself and accept my issues and then just move on#I’m so terribly behind in part bc I don’t ask for help or seek out resources and that’s gotta change immediately#these next few weeks are gonna be really intense and hard work catching up to where I need to be#and I gotta accept that but once the hard work is done it’ll balance out and become more sustainable#it’s really terrifying to think about too much honestly lol like it makes me just wanna drop out#but I won’t. I came back for a reason. I’ll get through this.#it’s just a matter of making some lifestyle changes#I think I’m only gonna use substances on Friday or Saturday nights and no other time#I’m going back on keto#and I’m gonna phase in going to the gym after this first week#2023 is only gonna be my year if I get off my ass#too many ideas and dreams but not enough hard work to achieve them and that’s just not who I am#just scary to think that tomorrow is when everything really ramps up. just gotta get through the terror of everything I need to do#and then eventually I’ll make it to the other side
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engeorged · 1 year
Dear Alex
Dear Alex,
I can’t really remember how many times I’ve started writing this letter and how many times I’ve thrown it in the bin. It’s a really shitty way of doing this but I just don’t think I can tell you any of this to your face. I’m too embarrassed. It all started as a prank, a way to level the tables with the both of us. I meant to tell you sooner but I guess it got out of hand and here we are. I’m gonna have to start at the beginning I think. You’ll know all of this, just not my side of it I guess.
After university when we moved in together I wasn’t sure we’d last as room mates for more than a few months but it was so easy hanging out with you and we were both the same level of untidy so we didn’t piss each other off. We did have those tricky few weeks a few years back when we dated the same guy without realising but he turned into the biggest ballsack on the planet so it wasn’t hard to get over that!
I’m only mentioning that because that’s not the reason I got you fat. It wasn’t revenge for anything. I don’t fully remember the original reason to be completely honest, it wasn’t really a thought through thing, it just sort of happened. And yeah I know I just threw that it there. I got you fat. I mean you definitely played your part in it but I really messed with you man and I’m sorry.
It was innocent at first, I noticed when you started your new job and you were tired all the time, you started going to the gym less. I think it was when we were decorating the kitchen one weekend and you were painting the ceiling, I saw your rounded little pot belly when you were reaching up. All those late night take aways and evenings sat in front of the tv watching the football were taking their toll. Your flat muscled six pack was disappearing. It instantly filled me with hope. You had a flaw I could exploit!
It pains me to say this but of the two of us, you’d always been the hot one. Don’t get me wrong, on my own, I’m not bad looking. In fact if someone asked me I’d probably say I was a nine, it’s just that next to you, I’m a seven at best. Your blonde hair and permanently tanned skin made you the hottest guy in most rooms. All 6’5 of you was built like a cartoon of a rugby player which made it even worse! You’re a solid ten man and you always have been. I don’t think I realised how jealous I was until I saw you had a flaw. That solid curved furry belly I glimpsed gave me the seed of an idea. If you were fatter, it might even the playing field. I’m not proud of this, I just think you’d reserve the truth.
It started gently at first, I’d make twice the amount of food I’d normally make when it was my turn to cook. I’d pack the fridge with snacks and unhealthy things for you to pick at. I’d hand you beers when we were watching the game. You were so zoned into the match you never noticed me topping up your snacks or replacing the bud lights with full fat beers. Over a few months I watched as your little curve turned into a more substantial beer belly. And fuck you if it wasn’t the most perfect beer belly I’d ever seen. I was hoping it would make you less hot but turned out it made you hotter. Instead of a flabby pimply gut covered in stretch marks, you developed a firm round belly with perfect skin and even kept your Adonis belt. That’s when it got serious.
The first thing was gainer shakes. I started sprinkling gainer powder in everything, adding it to every meal or sauce I could dissolve it into. Everything I cooked for you was loaded with butter and ghee to double the calorie count. I found larger versions of our plates so that I could increase your portion sizes without you realising. I even started buying your clothes a size up and replacing the labels so you wouldn't realise. I was literally feeding you up like a fattened calf. And boy did you balloon. The first phase was months long and you gained 20/30lbs but this second phase was like you were being filled with an air pump. I can’t really believe I could do this to someone, especially someone who I would call my best friend.
It all came to a head yesterday when I crossed the line big time. That’s why I’m writing this letter now and actually sending it. I can hear you now snoring from your bedroom. Sleeping off the mammoth meal I stuffed into you across the evening. I’ve been awake all night and I keep going in to check on you to make sure you’re still breathing. I can’t believe you ate as much as you did and I can’t believe I pushed you into doing it.
I was only planning on slipping you a few of the tablets I found online. They were definitely safe and I want you to know I checked them and double checked them to make sure they were ok for human consumption. I guess that gives away the fact that they were actually for animals. I think they are used by wagyu beef farmers to get cows fattened up before they are butchered. They are supposed to increase appetite and metabolism. I popped two in your beer before the game and started my usual sneaky increase in your snacks. It wasn’t hard as you always put a lot away when our team is winning and they were three goals up by half time. I think at that point you’d eaten two bowls of Doritos and dip, a plate of sliders and a whole pan of chilli which I think would have served 8 comfortably. That was on top of the best of a crate of twelve beers. Your belly was swollen up to it’s usual bulging mass and you were already rubbing the sides to alleviate some pressure. I should have stopped there but I couldn’t help myself. I slipped you another few of the tablets. I guess in hindsight, the first two hadn’t properly kicked in at that point which meant that by the time the second half had started they were in full force. I couldn’t keep up with the snacks and you’d pretty much polished off the lot by the time the match had ended.
For the record it was your idea to order pizza. Your belly at that point was totally rounded out and your T-shirt was stretched over it’s taut surface. I guess you were pretty buzzed because you ordered four xl meat feasts. I didn’t really have any choice but to let it happen. And you might not remember any of this but you basically inhaled the first two. By that point you were fully maxed out. Your belly was tight and even the xxxl T-shirt you were wearing (that you thought was an xl) was beginning to show a few inches of your swollen belly. You could hardly move and I felt awful. Well that’s not totally true. I was actually pretty pleased at the state of you. My plan after all was to make you gain a few pounds so I’d be hotter than you and you’d basically blimped.
Anyway, what happened next I am truly ashamed about. You were laying there on the sofa clutching at your belly. The tablets clearly convincing your brain you were still starving, even thought your belly was basically an exercise ball now. And you were just moaning with the two pizzas next to you. And that’s when I snapped. I jumped up and shoved a whole slice into your mouth. You gaged but then after a few chews swallowed it right down. Slice by slice I pushed the remaining two huge pizzas down your throat. I could literally see your belly blowing up in front of me. When eventually I reached into the box for the next piece and found nothing, I realised what I’d done. I stepped back and looked at you. Spread eagle on the sofa, your belly sticking way up and round. Covered in sweat and grease. It’s as if I stepped out of my own body and realised what I had done to you. You were fucking huge man.
I left the room and went to my own to consider what to do next. I was half appalled and half in awe at the size of you man. When I came in half an hour later you were fast asleep and snoring like a pig, your gut still very much occupying its space. Guiltily, I managed to get you into your bed and laid you on your back so your belly could reach its full swell. I pulled your belt off so your stomach wasn’t under any pressure. I didn’t want you to pop or anything.
As I said I know our friendship is probably over but I want you to know I’m truly sorry. I took this way too far and I regret it. I’m happy for you to do what you need to do, and if that’s punch me in the face then so be it. I hope that in a few weeks you’ll be able to forgive me but if not then I understand and I will move out if that’s what you want.
In the spirit of fully disclosure, I want you to know that even though you’re maybe 100lbs fatter than you were, I still think you’re a ten. In fact if I’m really honest, I think you might even be hotter than that. Your belly last night was horrifying but also strangely attractive. The firm roundness of it and knowing how much food I’d crammed in there was actually quite erotic. Sorry if that’s tmi but I think I wanted you to have the whole truth. I have a small suspicion that you’ve actually enjoyed getting bigger and if that’s wrong then I’m sorry for presuming. But I actually wonder how big we could get that thing.
Let me know what I can do to make it up to you, or if I’m right and you wanna continue.
Yours apologetically (and hopefully)
Continued at Dear Nate
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Can we have some more of the Modern au please
Hell yeah. also can you tell I know nothing about sports?
The buzzer goes off loud in the gym and it's like the whole room goes silent, everyone watching and waiting with bated breath. It was the final for the uni's women's wrestling team after weeks of competing.
The trophy sits shiny on a pedestal away from the mat where the final match had just started and everyone knew it.
Tyler, Kal and their friends were sitting in the stands in rapt, watching Saedii and her competition circle each other. Saedii grins through her mouth guard and the air goes sharp right before both girls go audibly crashing into one another, both pushing.
Tyler catches Saedii shifting to the left right before Saedii’s opponent goes crashing to the mat before she even knows what happened. The ref counts it and just like that, their university has another trophy. Tyler jumps from his seat with a cheer and pumps his fist. Saedii stands from the mat and politely shake hands with her opponent before her eyes find Tyler in the crowd.
Seeing her loved ones int he crowd cheering for her, her jersey stretched across Tyler’s chest, she grins.
“oh, god, why, Jones?” Saedii says and Scarlett just grins instead of answering, throwing the door to the karaoke bar open. Everyone else follows willingly but Saedii is only pulled n by Tyler’s hand and wry smile.
The inside of the bar was covered in fluorescents that had Saedii wincing but Scarlett pushes though and guides them into a room with seating and a karaoke machine and screen on a stage.
Kal smiles awkwardly at Saedii and shrugs and she shrugs back. At least she had her brother, who had just as few “stupid fun” experiences as she did.
To everyone’s surprise, Zila was the first to grab the mic. She just lifts a shoulder and says quietly.
“Volunteer now or Scarlett will force later,” Scarlett doesn’t deny the accusation, just grins and cheers Zila on as she gives an awkward rendition of some song Saedii thinks is Coldplay and then promptly sits back beside Nari who wraps her arms around her girlfriend.
Eventually everyone has had a turn including awful renditions of Get It, Get It (Scarlett), Space Girl (Nari), Wonderwall (Kal), Rocket Man (Auri) and finally, Tyler’s version of Total Eclipse of the Heart that has Saedii in tears holding back her laughter.
And then, unfortunately, everyone’s eyes turn to her. She groans in dissatisfaction but gets up anyway and begins to flip through the book of sings until her eye catches on one.
“This is for Kal, whose teenage years made it so I don’t even need to read the lyrics to sing this song,” Kal looks at her in confusion and she grins sharply before hitting play.
The first note of Welcome to the Black Parade and everyone groans.
“You know I’m really proud of you for today,” whispers Tyler into the dark and Saedii frowns.
“For winning a wrestling match. I could do that in my sleep,” she says and he shakes his head.
“No, for getting out of your comfort zone. And for giving me ammo over Kal for his emo phase,” Saedii snorts.
“Thanks and you’re welcome.”
“And sorry that I actually recommended the karaoke bar to Scarlett to hear you sing,” he says quickly and she blinks, working through what he said.
“Oh you ass!” she says, pushing his shoulder and he laughs.
“I regret nothing.”
“I’m gonna kick you out and you’ll have to walk back to yours and Kal’s in your boxers,” she say and he smirks.
“You and I both know you like me in my boxers way so much I wouldn’t even make it to the door,” he says and she rolls her eyes.
“Cocky bastard,” she says, turning her back to him. He shuffles closer and wraps his arms around her.
“You love it.”
“I do, but I’m never singing again.”
“Hm, we’ll see... oof,” he groans as her elbow hits his stomach but he smiles because he knows she definitely didn’t throw it as hard as she could.
Saedii would be a karaoke champ you can’t prove me wrong 
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mrwavellswaps · 2 years
Proof of Fusion (Part 1)
“So you expect me to believe that you actually have the ability to possess people…Really Jacob?..”
“Well no it’s more like I fuse or merge with them. Possession makes it sound like I’m a ghost or something.”
“Okay I get. You still don’t believe me. That’s fair. I wouldn’t believe me either so I’ll just have to prove it to ya.”
“W-what do you mean…”
“Don’t worry I’m not gonna do it to you dude. I was thinking Mr Reigner. I know you’ve had just as much of a crush on him as I have since he moved in next door to us. I’ll go over there, use my power on him and I’ll have control of his hot dilf body in no time. To prove it I’ll send you a pic of him afterwards from his phone.”
“You know what Jacob? This sounds not only stupid but completely impossible…but if you’re somehow telling the truth then…my phone is always on me.”
A few weeks back Jacob discovered he could actually takeover the bodies of other people by merging with them. The first time it happened was on accident. He was just admiring at a guy in the gym and couldn’t help but imagine what it must’ve been like having a huge muscled body like that. When the guy left for the locker room after his workout, he left his water bottle nearby one of the machines. Seeing his chance Jacob grabbed the water bottle in hopes of returning it to its owner and perhaps doing a little flirting. The bottle even had the guys name written on it. ‘Sam Warren’
Upon entering the locker room, Jacob whipped his head around in search of the guy he’d been drooling over only to find this Sam stood in nothing but a towel. Jacob managed to dig up the courage to go over and talk to the hunk but as he got closer he couldn’t help but further admire his side profile. Sam had an incredible shelf of muscle for pecs and stunningly huge arms. All Jacob could think about was how amazing it would be to pilot a body like that. The thoughts persisted through his mind as he grabbed the hunk’s shoulder.
“Hey man, is this your water bottle?” Is what Jacob would’ve said had he not felt an incredible jolt of energy flow through him upon touching Sam. The same jolt flowed through Sam’s body as well before something unimaginable happened. Slowly but surely Jacob’s hand began sinking into Sam’s flesh. He tried to pull himself back in panic, grabbing hold of Sam’s other shoulder for support. Before he could realise though, Jacob’s other hand also began sinking inside.
Sam was unable to do anything but groan and let out the occasional curse as this happened, his entire body feeling as though it was paralysed. All he could feel Jacob’s hands and arms sinking deeper into his body. Before long Jacob’s arms had been pulled the whole way in as his chest began to press against Sam’s back.
Then thing got even freakier. As Jacob tried to move his arms from inside Sam, it was actually Sam’s massive ones that began to respond. At first they just twitched a little but slowly Jacob gained more and more control until he was moving Sam’s arms like a puppeteer from behind.
He didn’t have much time to wrap his mind around it though as Jacob felt his own legs and torso begin to stick to Sam’s back and legs, somehow phasing through the towel. This time Jacob didn’t resist though, infact he started pushing his legs into Sam’s huge trunks. Jacob’s willingness sped up the process immensely as within a few moments his legs were now one with Sam’s and his torso was half way there. Sam’s legs stumbled a little as Jacob gained control, catching himself before they fell. As that happened, Jacob’s torso had enough time to finish merging with Sam leaving only Jacob’s head now sticking out of that muscular back. He was a bit worried but he put on a brave face and took a deep breath before allowing his head to sink inside.
Sam’s eyes rolled back as his whole body jittered for a moment or two. For him everything faded to black as his mind was pushed deep into his subconscious, allowing enough room for Jacob to move in. After a few moments his new body began to settle as Jacob was at last able to see out of a new pair of eyes.
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He certainly didn’t waste anytime getting to know this buff new body. Within seconds Jacob was already playing with Sam’s pecs. Squeezing them, flexing them and bouncing them to his delight. Doing so created quite the stirring in his crotch before he dropped his towel to see Sam’s juicy cock getting as hard as can be. Jacob couldn’t help but start jerking his new rod while flexing a bicep. Loving how powerful it felt.
“Fuuuck Bro this feels insane!” Bro? That’s not something he’d usually say. It must’ve been Sam’s jock personality seeping through. “Sooo fucking huuuge!” He continued, kissing his bicep.
Jacob turned to right to see another of the buff dudes from the gym who’s been working out with Sam earlier. Jacob’s memories told him that this Guys name was Kenny. Though he looked shocked to see his gym buddy stood naked and gripping his cock, Kenny also seemed a little flustered as well. His eyes darting towards Jacob’s crotch more than once.
Picking up on the signs Jacob sauntered over to Kenny, his hard cock bobbing slightly as he did. “Go on grab it.” Jacob said, glancing down at his cock then back at Kenny.
The rest of that day went like an orgasmic blur for Jacob. First with him and Kenny worshiping each-overs bodies until some other guys came into the locker room at which point they headed off into the showers together. It wasn’t long before Jacob had Kenny on his knees sucking him off until he nutted down Kenny’s throat before they switched positions.
After all that they got out and dressed before heading to Sam’s place. The moment they entered the apartment, they began making out, pulling their clothes right back off until they made it to the bedroom. What transpired after that was a long evening of hot passionate sex where Jacob made sure to get his new virgin hole nice and stretched.
Jacob was the first to wake up the following morning, his arm draped over Kenny’s still sleeping body. So far he’d loved every second of being Sam. Having these huge muscles and getting fuck another muscle stud over and over. It was a total dream come true. However now that he had a some time to himself, he began to wonder if he’d be stuck in this body forever. Would he want that? As amazing as it was, did he really want to leave his old life behind?
As doubt began to well up inside him, a strange feeling began to rack his body not too dissimilar from what he felt when he fused with Sam. Suddenly his eyes rolled back as his vision went black. Before he knew it, Jacob began losing control of Sam’s body as his original was slowly ejected out. Jacob regained his vision as his head popped out of Sam’s back followed by his torso, legs and finally arms.
Jacob jumped off the bed, as Sam’s body laid unconscious. Since his clothes had disappeared when he originally merged with Sam, he was now stood naked looking over the two hunks. In a panic, he quickly but quietly grabbed some of Sam’s clothes, that were far too big, and snuck out of the apartment. Once out he tried not to laugh think about how the real Sam was gonna react when he woke up next to his gym buddy in bed and a sore asshole.
Over the next couple weeks, Jacob possessed more men of many different shapes and sizes. All he had to do was touch them while wanting to become them. Pretty simple. Then once he’d enjoyed himself enough in a guys body all he had to do was wish he were himself again and he’d be ejected out.
Now Jacob was leaving his apartment to go pay his neighbour Mr Reigner a visit. Of course his roommate didn’t believe after he finally decided to tell him about his power so he figured this would be the most fun way to prove it…
Part 2: https://mrwavellswaps.tumblr.com/post/673317550443167744/proof-of-fusion-part-2
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frenchrebelfries · 3 years
Fury’s Daughter
AN: Idk wth I just wrote... I just got this idea so yeah... Happy Reading!
You are the adoptive daughter of Nick Fury, when you were 5 he adopt you when your parents died on a plane crash that was cause by Hydra, your parents and Nick were good friends that’s why he took you in.
You were a smart kid, always analyzing things, Fury told everything to you and never lie. To protect your identity Nick made you a new one as you volunteer to be an agent of Hydra to gain information and was branded by the organization. You did dangerous mission and always getting out alive.
You were then sent back to and joined the Avengers initiative but the avengers were suspicious of you as you came out of nowhere, no files, no nothing but a name and Fury’s trust.
No one knew who you are to protect your identity in recon so the avengers treated you coldly but you didn’t care, you didn’t tell it to your father about the situation you are in because you were train to adapt and you did. You were kind to them and all as you and Natasha got closer… like really close. Out of all Natasha Romanoff is the one you have trusted the most.
You got out from the elevator after a short report you did to Nick about the information you got for the Winter Soldier when you heard the laughing of the team as they sat in the living room with pizza on the table as they talked and laugh at each other.
The laughter halted when they all noticed you and silence came… you knew you were never welcome her but your father trust them so you really had no choice but to put up with it, sensing their discomfort you just gave them a nod greeting them.
“Good evening Avengers” no one answered as you expected and left and went to your room, you heard a light foot steps following you and a hand holding your wrist and seeing a familiar red head you have fallen with for the past few weeks.
“Hey Y/N, I’m sorry about the boys you know how hard headed they are” she sincerely apologized to you as you gave her a soft smile
“it’s ok Natasha, I know they still don’t fully trust me and I understand why, so it’s cool” you replied to her as she looked at you suspiciously searching your face for any lies but you being good at hiding your emotion she immediately gave up when she didn’t find one.
“So… Movie night?” she asked cheekily at you as your brows furrows
“what about the others?” you asked her as she started pulling you towards her room as she shrugged
“they can take care of themselves, come on!”
One day when you were alone practicing in the gym at 6 am of the morning you accidentally took off your clothes leaving you in your sports bra forgetting that Steve Rogers is always awake at that time and saw your Hydra mark on your chest and thought of you as an enemy and told the team as they planned to eliminate you on the next mission.
To eliminate the Hydra scum.
“can I get a hand over here?” you heard Clint said in the coms as you took down the last guy from your floor inside a hydra base that you’ve been recon last week
“I’m coming on your way” you answered running to Clint’s direction knowing the base like the palm of your hands as you shot a Hydra soldier who was sneaking behind him
“Thanks” you nodded at him you continue your pursuit taking down agents as you skillfully glide yourself on the battle field.
The battle had stop when Clint finished the last guy as Steve and Natasha immerge from the control room with a case on hand.
They must have gotten the information
“Mission complete, how’s the perimeter Tony?” Captain said on the coms as you get close to Natasha scanning her for any injuries and sighted in relieve when you found none.
“Perimeter is clear as the sky Steve were ready to go home” you smiled at the thought of home… Fury promised you a dinner with Maria and Coulson when you get back since things have been busy these couple of week and you were really excited about it since it’s going to be your first dinner with them again since you got back from recon.
“time for phase 2 then, Romanoff” you frowned at Steve’s word
Phase 2? You never heard about it when at the briefing
You were still in confusion when Steve called Natasha and you felt a searing pain by your side
You wiped your head to your side seeing a knife… a knife you gifted to Natasha lunge by your side.
You looked at her eyes full of betrayal and so as Clint and Steve who was in there with you.
“Phase 2 complete, were leaving, now die you Hydra scum” Steve said voice full of spite hearing a ‘good job’ from Tony and a ‘let’s go’ from Clint as you fall down on your knees looking at their retreating figure leaving you.
The last one you saw was the red headed assassin taking one last look at you as they close the door as your whole body fall down on the cold ground.
You shakily grabbed your phone dialing your father’s number as he answered rather cheerful
“Y/N why are you calling me? Is your mission done?” you heard your dad’s voice making you tear up a bit
“get your ass here kid Maria and Coulson just arrived here and im about to finish cooking these turkey”
“c-can I have a rain check on the dinner dad… I kinda messed up…” your voice was now shaking and you are feeling colder than usual the blade may have a poison as you felt a burn and getting light headed faster than normal.
Fury must have sense that there is something wrong by the way your voice sounded
“Y/N what happened? Are you ok?” you can hear his voice full of worry as you heard Maria and Coulson from the background asking what’s wrong.
“I-I think I was the p-phase 2 of S-Steve’s plan dad… it’s really g-getting cold here ya know” blood tricked on the ground from your wound
Your vision darken as flashes of memories filled your eyes.
You can hear the shuffles from the other line saying they are tracking my call and will be sending medical help
“I’m s-scared d-dad… I still d-don’t wanna go” you cried,
“Help is on the way Y/N keep holding on I’m here for you kid” you can hear the shakiness of your father’s voice, you kept trying to keep your eyes open and now seeing dark spots forming.
“T-thanks for everything dad… tell Maria and Coulson I love them…” your voice was barely audible hearing their cried for you to wake up.
“Keep your eyes open for me kid… please”
“I-I think a need a nap… l-love you dad” and you were gone.
They kept calling for you but you never answered back.
Fury along with Maria and Coulson with a medical team arrived at the base eyes redden because of crying as they found you on the cold ground with your phone by your side and a stab.
Fury cradle you like a baby as the medic announced your death with Maria and Coulson crying by the side.
“Did you check the monitors?” Fury’s cold voice echoed in a quinjet as your cold body layed beside him with your head on his lap stroking the hair that is covering your face.
“you’re not gonna like it boss…” Maria said with blood shot eyes as she played the video of Steve ordering the Phase 2 and Natasha Romanoff stabbing you as they left you.
“call them up at SHIELD… they would pay for what they did to her” Nick ordered as Coulson took his phone out to call them.
Nick glanced at you as he swiped some blood by your mouth hugging your corpse closer to him.
They avenger’s arrived at SHIELD seeing Fury holding Y/N’s hand as she lay dead on the table with Maria and Coulson by the back holding back their anger.
“what is this Fury?” Steve stepped out in confusion to why they got the body of Y/N
“What is the phase 2 Captain” Nick’s voice was colder than usual
“… to eliminate the Hydra-“ Steve answered as the other’s stayed silent
“and who is the Hydra?”
 Then there’s silence, the team were uncomfortable with the silence but Steve was getting impatient with all of it.
“Look I don’t know what is your point here but you should thank us for killing the mole here Fury”
Fury looked at them as Coulson held Maria who was about to attack Steve as Fury spoke…
   “I see no dead mole here Rogers… all I see is my dead daughter”
  The team’s eyes widen as they froze from there spot
“W-what?” Bruce asked
“Y/N Fury... is my daughter who you called a Hydra scum”
“B-but she had the brand-“
“She had the brand because she was undercover inside Hydra that gave her the mark to extract information for your missions that is saving billions!” Fury angrily shouted making them all flinch.
All of it dawned to them as Natasha fall into her knees realizing she killed a hero… she killed her friend who trusted her… she killed the person who loved her…
“I pulled her out of the recon to keep her safe knowing her all her covers were blown, I put her into your team so she can be protected thinking after all those years of being away we can have a normal dinner like she wanted for years, I trusted my daughter in your hand yet you are the one who killed her…”
Fury stood up tears streaming down on his face
“Avenger Initiative’s termination is effective immediately, all of you would be put in maximum security prison for killing Y/N Fury” Agents entered taking their weapons and cuffing them
 “Nick… I’m sorry” Steve’s voice filled with regret rang out as Fury looked at him coldly throwing a file on the ground in front of him as the content spilled revealing pictures of the Winter Soldier.
 “Y/N wanted to give you this information from the last recon she was put in to, James “Bucky” Barnes is alive and now known as the Winter Soldier who is working for Hydra and has killed thousands”
Steve’s face was full of shock knowing his best friend Bucky is alive…
“I’m sorry to cap…” Fury cut him off and coldly apologies to Steve who is now confuse to why as everyone in the room looked at them in silence.
 “you took someone dear away from me… and now I’m taking yours, Good Bye Avengers and thank you for your service” before Steve and others could react they were all tranquilized knocking them out cold and only waking up in a glass cell with Ross smirking at them as they sat there in silence thinking the things that they have done for you.
“welcome to your new life Avengers…in prison!” and a loud laugh erupted from Ross as he walked out as ex-heroes gazes followed his exit.
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1kook · 3 years
card swiped (3)
→ jeon jungkook x (f) reader
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→ Now, Jungkook was never one for romance, far from the sappy type. But why couldn’t he word it more softly, gently? He wasn’t just trying to fuck you, he was trying to… make love.  GENRE romance, smut, teensy angst WARNINGS eventual smut, mentions of sex, virginity plays a huge role OTHER college crushes, childhood friends to lovers, besties to lovers, volleyball player!jk, student council pres!oc, seokjin is 32... and a a coach lol<3 RATING m (18+) WC 1.5k
NOTES (!) seokjin being a hot 32 year old <3 jk gets progressively more dumb as it goes, prayer circle <3 lmk what u think !
[ masterlist ]
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The truth is, the reason Jungkook doesn’t lie that much is because he’s terrible at it. 
His mother had found out soon enough who put that dent on the car after a slip-up at the dinner table. His high school coach had learned he had purposely skipped out on practice after an accidental snapchat and jealous teammate had snitched. And, well. Fifteen minutes after the end of practice finds him sitting outside the gymnasium, a grimace on his face as he considers running back to your room and confessing to all his lies. Admitting he’s still a virgin— which was practically of no use to you —and maybe even revealing his own recently uncovered feelings was the easy way out. 
Thankfully, Assistant Coach Kim Seokjin is there to knock some sense into him. The hard plastic of the clipboard they use to outline their attacks smacks him hard over the head, making Jungkook’s bones rattle from his skull down to his toes as he steps up behind him. He whirls around to glare at the perpetrator, only to come face to face with the aforementioned assistant coach. “Go home,” Seokjin says, twirling the gym keys in one hand. “I’m trying to lock up.”
“What’s stopping you,” Jungkook huffs, tucking his knees to his chest, ignoring the awfully rude manner in which Seokjin nudges him away, foot against his back as if he’s just an annoying pile of cardboard boxes in his way.
“What’s wrong with you today?” Seokjin asks casually, doesn’t sit next to Jungkook on the steps because he’s always been a little too posh. According to Taehyung, Kim Seokjin graduated from some elite university in another country with near immaculate all-around player statistics before Jungkook even knew what a volleyball was. His success and fame in the world of collegiate volleyball is why he never wears the standard-issued slippers around the court, always some high-end, luxury brand. One glance slightly to his left has Jungkook meeting the black stripe of the frequently sought after Givenchy sneakers head on. 
He scoffs, a sound that Seokjin doesn’t approve of if the karate chop he lands on the back of his neck is anything to go by. “Ow,” Jungkook flinches, pushing him away with an irritated sigh before eventually slumping over his knees again because it’s the exact same thing you do to him sometimes. Study nights— dates, his brain supplies now —where he begins gazing off into space are filled with numerous karate chops to the neck in an effort to get him to focus on his homework. “Come on, Jungkookie,” you always tease, playful smile, lithe fingers toying with the corners of the pages in your book in a way that was almost sensual. But then he does a double-take because he’s aware of the rose-tinted lens he’s unknowingly slapped over it, something he would have maybe not noticed pre-realization of his feelings. And even he is shocked by the absolute seductiveness his brain inserts into an otherwise innocent memory. He’s pretty sure you haven’t called him Jungkookie in years— was his brain trying to hint at something here?
Jungkook groans, knocking his head against his knees as a form of self-punishment for his lecherous thoughts concerning his best friend. 
But his show of emotions must move Assistant Coach Kim because, after a moment of trying to concuss himself against his own knee, there’s a hand placed on his shoulder that makes Jungkook pause. He doesn’t even bother turning around, just throws his head back to look at Seokjin upside down. He’s got a double chin from this angle. “It’s a girl, isn’t it,” his coach sighs, looking at Jungkook with what can only be described as an unimpressed expression. 
“No,” Jungkook defends even though it’s true. “Can’t I just be sad for oth—“
“I heard Jimin call you a simp on the way out,” Seokjin says rather bluntly. And then he surprises Jungkook a second time as he throws aside his posh status to sit on the dirty concrete steps beside him with a sigh. “What did you do?” 
See, Jungkook could lie here and prance off to deal with his own problems. Leaving Seokjin and everyone else in the dark concerning his personal life was, honestly speaking, the smartest thing to do. He didn’t mind his volleyball teammates and friends (in this case, his coach), but he also wasn’t too fond of being relentlessly teased throughout the entire five or more hours they spent together almost every day of the week. 
But also… 
If what Taehyung had said is true— that being, if Kim Seokjin is the illustrious bachelor who charmed his way into multiple foreign panties all whilst demolishing the spirits of liberos and defensive specialists in another country —then Jungkook needed to capitalize off his presence immediately. 
So he lays his cards out flat. “I… might’ve told my best friend I’d take her virginity,” he blurts out, turning to face Seokjin. For the most part, the older man doesn’t look too surprised. If anything, mildly amused. Jungkook quickly adds, “while also being a virgin.” 
“You’re a what,” Seokjin exclaims, chokes on his own saliva in an admittedly not Casanova, bachelor-esque fashion that ends with him coughing into his elbow and Jungkook hurriedly patting his back. “You?” Seokjin repeats once he’s composed himself. “Are a— don’t you have a girlfriend?”
Jungkook’s cheeks warm. “No, Coach. I do not have a girlfriend,” he emphasizes, because who knew sharing the details of his (lack of) sex life would be this embarrassing? 
Seokjin frowns. “What about that girl?” he asks, and Jungkook raises his brows. “You know the one. Carries around stacks of papers to sign, goes to all the games. The one who pats you on head all the time.” And he’s talking about you, of course he is, but the insinuation that other people might, maybe, possibly, perceive you as his girlfriend makes Jungkook malfunction. 
“She’s— That’s—“ he sighs, dropping his head down until his chin touches his chest, brushed against the lucky necklace you’d given him two years ago during their first trip to Nationals. “That’s… my best friend.” 
Beside him, Seokjin says, “the one you’re gonna fuck?” 
Jungkook lets out a long exhale. “Yes. The one I’m going to fuck.” And it’s so blunt and crude, not that it’s surprising coming from him, but it’s surprising because he’s talking about you. Now, Jungkook was never one for romance, far from the sappy type. But why couldn’t he word it more softly, gently? He wasn’t just trying to fuck you, he was trying to… make love. 
The thought must show on his face because Seokjin snorts. “Well, good luck.” 
And then he stands up and begins walking down the sidewalk and Jungkook can’t spring up fast enough. “Wait,” he gasps, clutching at his forearm. He feels like a dorky character in those dramas you like so much, the ones you force him into watching every time he comes over. Like he’s some disgraced son looking for his father’s approval. Except Assistant Coach Kim is neither his father nor someone he really wants approval from anyway. 
What he does want is pointers. From an experienced pro, if you will. 
Jungkook has to swallow down all his pride as a man to ask his next question. “H- How do I—“
Seokjin beats to it him with a flick to the forehead. “I’m your volleyball coach, kid,” he frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. “Not your sex coach.” It’s a sensible rejection, one that Jungkook expected, but still. He deflates, let’s the weight of the world and his heavy gym bag nearly knock him onto the ground. 
But Assistant Coach Kim Seokjin is kinder than he lets on and, after one annoyed sigh, let’s him in on the secret Jungkook has been chasing for all his life. (Or, well, for the past few hours since he first propositioned you.)
“The key to impressing your partner is to always act like you know what you’re doing,” he tells him, arms crossed over his shoulders. It’s night now, the campus shrouded in darkness. But Jungkook swears a heavenly light shines down on Kim Seokjin just then, a halo appearing over his head when he jabs a finger against Jungkook’s chest. “Confidence is sexy.” 
“Confidence is sexy,” Jungkook repeats, feels like a kid who’s just met his favorite wrestler after years of being an avid fan, watching every match, memorizing every finishing move, collecting every figurine— it’s a little too specific but it makes sense in Jungkook’s case. You would understand this analogy perfectly, having grown alongside him during his iconic wrestling phase (before volleyball). You had indulged him in his interest, had let him practice those Do Not Try at Home moves on you again and again, even when you knew it ended with you bruised and crying, the twin pigtails you used to rock as a kid uneven and messy. But as your best friend, you had let him twist your arm and pin you to the count of three, because that’s what a good best friend did. 
And as your best friend, Jungkook was gearing himself up to completely, thoroughly rock your virgin world. Because that’s what a good best friend did.
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Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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aleksa-sims · 2 years
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My RL gameplay (18+)
CW addiction, pain, shots/injections
I was with Philip at the doctor because of his terrible headache that drove him crazy in the last 3 weeks. As soon as we got there, we had to fill out a questionnaire first.  You know, these typical questions  & he had to answer some questions about his pain. How do they feel, when do they occur and so on.... Since Philip wasn’t really able to fill something out because he was so high from my pills, I did all this for him. Yeah, and when we were done, a MRI was done of his head, and he was taken blood, & some other things were examined.
All these tests now had to be evaluated by a neurologist and in the meantime Philip & I had to wait a bit. Luckily, I slowly became sober! At least one of us, should be able to have a normal conversation with the doctor. After a while, we were called into the neurologist’s office. This doctor was actually nice and he even listened to my headache history, because I had to tell him, that I gave Philip my pills. 🤦‍♀️
Doc: Ok...so you gave him your pills because his pain was so severe and unbearable. And you had exactly the same kind of pain two years ago? 🤔
Me: I know this sounds weird, but it was exactly the same! One-sided headache. The pain attack always came in relapses, mostly all 3-4 hours and one attack lasted for about 60 minutes. The pain started relatively strong, this usually lasted 10-15 minutes. But after 15 minutes, this pain increased again, so that it was no longer bearable and this phase lasted for 20-25 minutes, until it slowly stopped again and after exactly 1 hour, everything was over. As if nothing had happened.
Doc: During these 20 minutes of your peak pain, didn’t painkillers help you either?
Me: No painkillers helped! I took up to 8 pills a day just out of despair. I felt my heart pounding strangely because I couldn’t stand it anymore. I simply squeezed my head tightly with both hands and started counting to distract myself. It looked totally crazy. 🤪👈 And one day, I fainted. My parents drove me to a emergency room. But they couldn’t find anything. I then received infusions. A very strong pain relief. Something like.... codeine, but Idk what this drug is anymore?
Doc: Ok, thank you for telling me frankly what you went through, because I actually couldn’t find anything with your friend. From a neurological point of view, he’s healthy! In fact, he may be experiencing something similar to what you did back then. Do you have these pills that you gave him? I’d like to take a look at them.
Me: Uhm....yeah! But....ugh! 🤦‍♀️ I know this was wrong! I’m afraid he’ll get addicted, but he really couldn’t take it anymore and he won’t sleep! As soon as he does, this pain attack comes. That night, he almost collapsed from exhaustion. And nothing helped him except for those damn pills.
Doc: But these pills are drug substitutes.🤨... What you two did, is pill/drug abuse and very dangerous. I understand his condition scared you, but you should have taken him to a doctor first! And I’m not gonna give him those drugs!
Me: And what should we do when his pain comes back? I just can’t anymore and he anyway! 😩 We are already totally at the end!!
Doc ( to P.): I’ve been watching you for quite a while! 🤔  You’re always touching your neck. Do you have any pain in your neck?
Philip: Yeah. But.... not really! 😕 🤷‍♂️
Doc: In the questionnaire you filled out, that you do sports 2-3 times a week, right? What exactly and for how long?
Philip: Um...well. I played soccer for 13 years and after that, I continued but no more daily as in the past. And I go to the gym. 🤷‍♂️
Doc: Hm... I noticed that your neck is very tense but lack of exercise doesn’t seem to be the problem here. Have you been under a lot of stress lately?
Philip: Yeah, a lot of stress! But also in university something happened which kept me very busy.
Me: He hasn’t been feeling well in the last few months! He blamed himself for something and felt responsible for it. 😔
Doc: I think you’re suffering from tension-head pain. Your lack of sleep and the stress you had, all this led to a tense neck. The pain from your neck radiates up to your head. ...Blood is pumped into our brains, as you know. But when everything is tense up here and the nerve strands are also affected, a hellish pain occurs. Unfortunately, painkillers alone are not sufficient! I’m going to numb your pain right where you feel it most, not with a pill, but with injections. This will not help overnight either. 😕 We will have to see each other daily in the next few days and I will also prescribe you a medication that relaxes muscles & nerves. This will make you totally tired!! So, you get a targeted pain treatment with the shots from me, and in the evening take this muscle & nerve relaxant. This is a very strong drug!... And now, I’m going to give you about five to six shots. I’m going to start at the top of your head and work my way down to your neck. Unfortunately this is going to be a bit painful, but I am very careful. If you need a break, just let me know, but you’ll see, this is quick.
Me: Injections? In his head? 😱 🤢... Is there no other way? 😧 😟 
Doc: Don’t worry! And believe me, it’s not as bad as his headache attacks!
Philip: Nothing’s worse than that fucking headache! So yes pls, inject my brain with this drug!
Me: Can I stay with him? 😟 
Doc: If you promise me that you will not interrupt me, then yes! But as I said, if he needs a break, he should just say it. 
I will get exactly the same treatment 2 years later, because my headache came back after my son was born. Under the cut, Philip & I discuss what we’re going to do now? 'Cause my mom’s waiting for us. 😬 😔
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Philip: If this pain doesn’t stop soon, I’m really going crazy. We only got 3 pills over and no prescription. I will try to endure this pain without the pills, but honestly, I don’t believe in it. 🤦‍♂️🙁
Me: But you got these injections now. I hope this helps! 😟
Philip: You heard what he said! It’ll take a while to get better, so the 3 pills will have to be enough until I’m painless. I could cut it in half, so I’d have six more days.
Me: He also said if you don’t stop taking my pills, you’re gonna get addicted.😨
Philip: I don’t get addicted that fast! I just don’t want any more pain! I have to leave in 5 weeks A.! How am I supposed to do this alone when I’m so sick. And you? You have to stop! Not me! How are you going to do this without me? 🤷‍♂️
Me: Stop worrying about me! You’re sick! And if you’re not feeling better, I’ll go with you abroad until you’re well.
Philip: Is that why you started taking drugs again? Because I told you, that I had to leave? Like Nico?..... But I’m not leaving you for ever! 🙁
Me: I just wanted our last days together to be...nice! Without fear and pain or .....just all this shit that happened. I kind of gave up?😢 But I’ve seen what this shit is doing to us. To YOU!!! And that’s why I’m gonna stop! To save you!!
Philip: But this wasn’t your fault! I wanted your pills!!! Otherwise I would be in a loony bin! Maybe I should stay with you? I mean, I can continue my semester here at home.🤔
Me: Never! You certainly won’t miss this chance because of me! I just want you to be happy and get what you deserve! But, we’ll talk later. ...What do we do now? Do we go back to my place?
Philip: Your mom is waiting! But first we’ll go to my place so I can change and then I’ll stay at your place with you. I’m sure she won’t let us go alone in my apartment. 🤨
Me: I don’t care! We explain everything to her and she has to accept it.🤷‍♀️  I don’t want to spend our last few days locked up at home!! 😠
Philip: This will cause trouble! 😬  Especially if she constantly compares me to Nico! 🤨 But I won’t leave you alone!
Yes, P.  told me two weeks ago, that he also has to go abroad. And that thing with my pills and Philip’s headache, it’s not over yet. 😢 Even with my mom it will be very stressful. My dad is still not back home. He won’t be home until tomorrow.
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fandomsonrequests · 3 years
unexpected friend
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fandom: ATEEZ
characters: choi san
reader: fem
word count: 5.4k
summary:  fate decided to test this decade long feud between you and choi san
notes: enemies to lovers AU, toxic themes, character death, substance abuse (it’s not explicit) such as alcohol and cigarettes, heavy themes, language, violence 
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You had no idea where it started— you just knew that you hated Choi San with every fiber of your being. And unsurprisingly, the feeling is mutual with you.
Maybe it started in kindergarten when he accidentally pushed you to the ground in the game of tag. You got so mad at him, saying that he meant it when he obviously didn’t, calling him stupid because “all boys are stupid.”. Or maybe it started when you knocked over his tower of building blocks as revenge. Or was it when he dipped your pigtails in paint to get back at you? Or maybe the time he spread rumors that you had cooties causing everyone to avoid you like the plague.
Whatever the reason, it spiraled into a childhood rivalry that continued as you grew older. The endless cycle of cat versus dog, taking revenge on one another, followed into grade school, where you reached your horse phase and he reached his gun dam phase. It was inevitable you’d see him again— you both lived in a fairly small town after all.
Petty actions like drawing on the other’s homework turned into stealing each other’s lunches or setting some sort of prank at each other’s seats— whatever your ten-year-old brains could think of. Your screaming matches grew even worse and at one point, you both started throwing punches. The teachers always had to watch you during breaks because eventually, you’d be on top of each other and pulling at each other’s hair.
San had an advantage of course since he took taekwondo, you always ended up as the loser. But in retaliation, you managed to convince your mother to enroll you in some other martial art to protect yourself. And when you won your first little fistfight— you always made sure to lord it over him.
“Hah, you got beat by a little girl! Not so tough now huh potato-head?”
“Shut up horse-face!”
San saw your kindness and charisma towards others as an act. It was your own way of reeling others in to be on your side, gathering some sort of army to help you gang up against him. You on the other hand managed to convince yourself that his cute little dimples and selflessness for others was a facade, You couldn’t believe how many people he’s managed to fool or turn against you. And you’ve always hated him for that. You let it fester as you go through grade school and towards middle school. That hatred you harbored for him was always lit inside you.
Your parents and his were always apologizing to each other during parent-teacher meetings or school events, having to hold you back from jumping on one another. Your dad had given up on the whole thing so he was totally useless; that left you to run to your mother for comfort. Whatever the situation was, at the end of the day, she was always on your side.
“Things will blow over soon. But please, honey, try to stay out of trouble for me?”
So when she died in your junior year of high school, you couldn’t help but feel alone. Your dad had taken to smoking to cope with the loss, marrying a woman who was in love with alcohol while bringing her two hellish twin daughters with her into your home. Things grew miserable for you at home; your dad became a pathetic pushover, letting his new wife run the household. That made you angry— how could he get over your mother so easily? How could he let himself get walked over like that? How could he ignore the way your older step-sisters trampled all over you?
How could he let all this happen?
San’s endless taunting at school didn’t help either. His harmless pranks grew worse as time passed: spray-painting some nasty words on your locker, or setting a bucket of paint on top of the gym doors since you’re always the last one to head out. You’d heed your mother’s words, always doing your best to ignore him. For a while, it had worked and he pestered you less than usual but your mom’s death and the situation at home had triggered something in you, making you snap back. You’d shove his face down into his food during lunch or knock his books down the stairwell whenever you pass by each other. You had even managed to sneak some of the insects from the lab into his gym clothes, causing him to end up with nasty rashes all over his body for a week.
Your physical fights weren’t frequent but they became more violent, with one or both of you having to go to the nurses, holding an ice pack to your busted lips while a piece of gauze was stuck up his bloodied nose. It took several students or even teachers to pull you apart because most of the time no one wanted to jump in and separate you two; it was always so messy with fists and kicks flying everywhere. There was even one point where you both had to go to the hospital for fractured bones. You were both suspended for a week.
Fortunately, things had toned down now that you both were in your final year of high school with the pressure of college and meeting requirements looming over you. Although, neither of you managed to make up. You’d still exchange some foul words but the stupid pranks and fights had simmered down. That never meant you were on good terms though.
But then fate decided to be a little shit and put you in a situation you never thought you’d find yourself in.
Your new biology teacher didn’t seem to be informed about the decade-long feud between you and San. So when she assigned the both of you as partners, you felt your heart drop to your stomach as a sick feeling crawled over you. You wanted to cry and throw up at the same time- that’s just how much you despised him. You both tried to plead with her to change partners but she was as stubborn as a mule, insisting that you two can “sort out your differences” and finish this project as a team.
And now here you were, avoiding each other’s stares despite being sat next to each other. The proximity between you two was suffocating, it made it hard to focus on the project being explained to you by your cruel teacher. Your skin tingles unpleasantly whenever either of you shifted in your seat, your arms just several centimeters away from touching each other. Many thoughts ran through your head on how you can get out of this. But you knew that you had to find some time to work on the damn thing together or else you’d flunk high school— and being stuck in community college, never being able to leave this town, was not worth hitting San at the back of the head and gloating at him.
“You have the rest of the period to plan with each other. Make sure to have your presentation set and ready for next week.” Your teacher says and sits at her desk.
The room was filled with chatter as the students started conversing with each other. Many pairs threw knowing stares at you, worried that you’d be at each other’s throats. Surprisingly you weren’t… at least not yet anyway.
For a while, neither of you said anything to each other. San simply scrolled through his phone hidden under his desk while you organized your final notes. Minutes tick by and the class slowly comes to an end. With a heavy sigh, you decided to swallow your pride and talk to the guy.
You turn to the boy, roughly shoving his knee with yours and he sends you an irritated glare. “C’mon we need to plan for this.” You deadpan, ignoring the look he gave you.
San returned the sigh and pocketed his phone, shifting to face you. “Alright then. So what’s the plan?”
“That’s what we’re supposed to be talking about, dumbass.” You mutter, growing irritated. You clench your fists together in an attempt to keep your calm before continuing. “Anyway, we’re supposed to make some model of the nerve cells then present it.”
San stays quiet for a moment before speaking up. “My sister has some spare clay and wires from her sculpting hobby. I could ask for some.”
“Great. You work on that while I work on the script.” You conclude before going back to your notes.
“Hold on- you’re gonna leave me with all of the hard work?”
“We have the same workload?? I’m making the script.”
“That’s easy- scripts can be finished within a day or something.” San shot back, finding the arrangement you had set, without his consultation by the way, as unfair.
“Then I’ll help you when I’m done. Quit whining like a bitch.” You sigh, having no energy to continue the argument with him.
“Asshat…” He mumbles under his breath, pulling out his phone to text his sister. He expected some sort of retaliation from you but you simply remained quiet. That was odd- considering that you never missed the chance to have the last word in. Maybe you just weren’t feeling it today.
Nevertheless, he ignored you, deciding that it wasn’t worth pestering you at the moment. The bell rings, signaling the end of the class, and you’re immediately up and out of your seat, stuffing your notebook into your bag and swinging it over your shoulder. It almost hits San’s cheek in the process but you were already walking out the door before he could call you out on it.
“Geez…” He huffs and keeps his own things, glaring after you while hoping that time would fly by fast so that the project was done and over with.
A few days have passed by since the biology class. True enough, you’ve finished writing and even printing the script within the day the project was assigned to you. So now you were stuck helping out San with sculpting the whole model. You two would work together at the back of the library after school. Initially the librarian was hesitant about letting the two of you inside given your reputation and all. But when she saw that neither of you were at each other’s throats, surprisingly, she allowed for you to work on it in the library.
Of course you and San still had some disputes— how it’s supposed to be positioned, what shape it’s supposed to take, yadda yadda. But it had never escalated into a full blown argument because it always ended up with you taking the blow of his harsh words. That alone started to concern the boy, you’d always get back at him. But your resigned silence after every quip he threw at you started to worry him. Sure he hated your guts but San wasn’t a nasty person. He knew something was bothering you. But, he never took the initiative to ask what was bothering you; it wasn’t his problem anyway.
A weekend away from Monday aka the day of your presentation. The model was almost done— it just needed a paint job. Since it was a Saturday afternoon, meaning the school was closed, neither of you were able to work at your usual spot. So San decided to just take the whole thing to your home to finish it. Of course he could finish the whole thing himself but he had a party to attend later in the evening, and he didn’t want to miss out on it.
He arrives at your home, model in one hand and a crate of paints in the other. He takes note of the absence of your dad’s and step-sister’s cars in the driveway and assumed that you were all out. He sighs in frustration, hoping that that wasn’t the case. Jogging up to the porch, the boy sets down the crate and rings the doorbell a couple of times, foot tapping against the wooden floorboards as he waits.
When there was no response after a few minutes he tried again, this time ringing the doorbell a bit more frantically. Before he could turn around and head back home after getting no response, he hears frantic footsteps scurrying inside and steps back as the door swings open. There you were, hair looking like a bird’s nest while your week-old cardigan hung off your shoulders. There were dark circles under your eyes and you looked like a hobo who had the opportunity to clean after themselves. In other words: you were a mess.
“The fuck are you doing here?” You snap the minute your hazy mind registers that San was standing at your door.
The said boy snaps out of his own trance and shoves the model in your face. “We need to finish this.”
You stare at the figure in his hand then to the crate by his foot and then to his face that displayed an expectant expression. You sigh and rub your face. “Couldn’t you have finished it yourself?”
“I’m busy later.”
Another sigh leaves you and you step back to let him in. He enters the house, leaving his shoes by the door as he looks around the place. It was a bit messier than he had expected. There were rumpled coats hanging off of the arm of the couch, a small pack of cigarettes and a few bottles of cheap beer on the coffee table. The wallpaper was starting to fade with a few faint stains here and there.
San stays quiet as he follows you through the house, seeing the small stack of dishes waiting to be washed in the sink. He turns back to look at you, finding your silence as unnerving. You only trudged up the stairs, motioning for you to follow him. He expected to see you turn down the hallway and enter one of the rooms but was quite surprised to see you stop by a frayed rope hanging from the ceiling of the hall. You reach up and tug down on it, revealing the ladder towards the attic.
“Don’t tell me you live up there,” San jabs.
“Yeah and what of it?” You grumble, sending him a tired glare over your shoulder before climbing up the ladder.
He was stunned into silence when he realized that you were serious. He bites his tongue and refrains from jeering at you, handing the box of paints to you before climbing up. Several thoughts ran through his mind— why was your room in an attic? And since when did you start smoking and drinking? Was it even yours?
His head pokes into the surprisingly clean but small room. Your bed was pressed up near the slanted wall of the roof, several polaroids of you, your few friends, and your mother plastered along it. On the opposite side was your desk and your wardrobe whose paint was starting to chip off. Several boxes, labeled and not labeled, were pushed to the corner of the room, stacked in a way for them to take up less space.
San looks to you rummaging through your desk, probably finding a brush or something. He wordlessly steps into the room and pulls the rope, closing the trapdoor beneath him. He turns to you again and before he could stop himself, he found himself blurting the question that was plaguing his mind: “What the hell happened to you?”
You turn on your heel, almost knocking over the picture frame of you and your mom. Your hand reached out to steady it before answering San. “You’re going to have to be a little more specific than that.”
“Why do you live up here?” He motioned to the whole attic space with his arm. “Don’t you have a room downstairs?”
“I do.” You simply say and take the crate of paints, pulling out the needed colors and some paper cups for you to place them in.
When you don’t elaborate, San squats down to your level on the ground and tugs the purple paint tube out your hand. “What happened to it?”
“Why do you care?” You snatch the tube back with a hiss, preparing all the things needed. “It’s none of your business…”
The boy sighs, running a hand through his dark locks. He nibbles at his cheeks, carefully going over what he wanted to say. “...look, _____,” he starts, voice surprisingly gentle. “You don’t have to tell me everything but you don’t have to keep everything in.”
You don’t answer him or make any move to acknowledge what he had said. But you were listening; part of you decided to take down your walls for just a moment and hear what he has to say. And San seemed to sense this because he continues.
“I’m not gonna say that ‘I’m here for you’ and all that crap but, there are people who're willing to listen to you. Whatever you’re going through right now, no matter how big or small it is, you don’t have to go through it alone.”
Again, you don’t respond. A moment of silence full of high strung tension passed by. It was only a few seconds but it felt longer than that— especially since you both stopped in what you were doing and stared at the ground or at each other’s hands.
You always hated San but you couldn’t help but sense the sincerity in his words. It’s kind of pathetic but at the moment, his genuinity, the softness of the way he spoke was what you were craving for. At that moment, you just wanted assurance that things will be okay and that whatever you were doing in life wasn’t useless. And the guy you seemed to hate most was offering you that.
Tears prick at your eyes and you hastily brush it away with the sleeve of your cardigan, refusing to show any weakness to your nemesis. But it was hard; once the tears started flowing it was difficult for you to stop. You play it off by finishing up in preparing the paints, suppressing any hiccups or sobs that would escape before eventually giving up and bringing your legs up to your chin, crying into your sweats. Fuck it if San sees.
You curled up into yourself, crying into your pants when you felt a gentle but hesitant hand on your shoulder. You jolt at the touch, seeing San back away quickly. His brows were furrowed in concern and his lips were pursed, almost as if he were thinking about what he was going to say.
“G-go on, gloat,” You hiccup, choking on your tears. “I look like a m-mess anyway…”
You were surprised, and a little bit embarrassed, that he didn’t follow with what you said. Instead, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a small packet of tissues and handing it over to you. He looked up to your desk, seeing your water container on your desk. He stands up to take it, shaking it to check if there was still some water in it, before placing it by your foot.
“I’m not going to lie, you are a mess,” San says before returning to his previous spot on the floor. “But I guess that’s normal when you’re having a shitty day.”
“More like a shitty life…” You mumble. You chug down the rest of your water, managing to stop your tears as you wipe them away with the tissues. You look up at the boy across you and sigh heavily. “It’s my step-mom,” you say.
“I’m sorry?”
“My step-mom. She made me move up here so that her daughters could take my room.” You explain. “My dad didn’t say anything because he’s a pushover, wasting his life away on cigarettes and the alcohol his wife buys…”
San nods slowly in understanding, finally making sense of what he saw in the living room and kitchen. That explained a lot of things: why you would always faintly smell of alcohol or nicotine a few months after your mother had died. It had honestly shocked him to hear that— your dad and step-mom always looked presentable in public. Your step-sisters were a bit more extravagant but neat nonetheless. The way they talked and carried themselves didn’t seem to indicate that they had any substance addiction.
Thinking back on it, it had also explained why you were so irate and moody almost all the time, leading to you losing some friends in high school as you fell back into yourself or into violence. It was a defense mechanism— you didn’t want to seem vulnerable because at home, you were vulnerable enough.
An idea pops into his head and he promptly stands up, momentarily making you jump from his sudden movement. You look up at him, puzzled. “What?”
“Come with me.”
“I said get up and come with me.” San says and actually held his hand out to you.
You look at it skeptically before looking up at him, contemplating about any consequences in following him— if there were any. He wiggles his fingers, impatiently coaxing you to join him and you finally make up your mind. Might as well follow him; you had nothing to lose anyway.
You swat his hand away to get up on your own, mumbling something along the lines that you could get up yourself before straightening yourself out and placing your hands on your hips. He gives a satisfied nod and grabs his shoes to put them on. He then kicks open the trapdoor before heading back down for you to follow.
He returns to the living room with you trailing behind, still wondering where exactly he wanted you to go. When you glance at the clock you see that it’s already 5:30 in the afternoon. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt something land by your feet. You whipped your head around to see San pointing at your shoes which he probably threw at you from the door.
“We’re heading out for a while.” He says as he exits your house. You take a moment to process what was happening when he pops his head in. “Come on slowpoke.” He ushers you.
You hastily throw on your shoes, grabbing the house keys hanging by the coat rack, and hop out of the house. You lock the door behind you and approach San who was sitting upon his notoriously loud motorbike. “Where are we going?” You ask, settling down behind him.
Your arms awkwardly flutter beside you, opting to hold onto whatever space was left on your seat. You jump in surprise when you hear and feel the engine roar to life, eliciting an amused chuckle from the boy in front of you. You glare at the back of his head, smacking his shoulder and settling yourself once more.
“Hold on tight,” San tells you as he revs up the motorbike.
“I am.” You argue and strengthen your grip on the seat, shaking the bike a little to emphasize your point.
“No you aren’t.” You feel heat rise to your face when he tutted in annoyance, taking your arms and placing them around his waist. “There you go. See? No harm done.”
You only grumble something in response, making him chuckle to himself. It was a bit strange to see you tame like this. Sure it kind of boosted his ego considering that he managed to make you flustered with just a few words and a simple action but he actually kind of liked it when you weren’t at each other’s throats. He revved up the engine again before taking off and speeding down the road.
The evening breeze is cool as it whips through your hair and brushes against you, sending small goosebumps running down your skin. A small yelp escapes you when San picks up speed, causing your grip on him to tighten. He glanced back at you for a moment before taking the turn that exits the town and towards the road uphill. It led to the small forest that overlooked the city; it was a popular place in town for hiking or camping. You remember going there to play as a kid.
The air gets chillier as you both reach a higher altitude. You unconsciously nuzzle closer to the boy in front of you in an attempt to seek some body heat. The sky grows darker, turning into a deeper blue shade as the night slowly creeps upon the town. Some stars start to peek and settle themselves in the dark blanket of the sky by the time San slows down to a stop. He had stopped by the edge of the forest, a metal railing along the opposite end to keep people or vehicles from falling off the edge.
“We’re here.” San says and looks back at you. “You can let go if you want now.”
At that, you peel yourself away from him and hop off his bike mumbling something about how cocky he was while walking over to the railings. He joins you soon after, keeping a respectable distance from you. None of you say anything at first, simply taking in the view of the city in front of you. Now know why San took you out here: to breathe and clear your mind of things; something that you didn’t know you needed at the moment.
The spot you were in allowed you to overlook the town, seeing the lights from the roads and houses down below. You could spot the water tower in the distance along with the radio tower next to it. As you survey the scene before you, you make out one house in the distance with a multitude of colored lights flashing around it.
“Looks like someone’s having a party.” You muse, finally breaking the silence.
San hums in acknowledgement. “I hope they aren’t missing me.”
It takes a moment for you to understand what he said, perking up when it made sense to you. “So that’s what you meant when you were ‘busy.’” You say as you lightly punch his arm. “You’re such an ass.”
“What? I wasn’t lying; I would’ve been busy.” He defends himself, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Yeah,” You huff. “Busy shoving your tongue down people’s throats.”
A mischievous hum. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Ew no, gross- I’ll pass.”
You share a small laugh together before settling into silence again. It was… kind of cathartic, being able to actually laugh for a long while-even if it was with your longtime nemesis. It was better than crying yourself to sleep almost every night.
You turn to lean your back against the railing, using your arms to support you as you mull over the forest.
“I used to come here a lot as a kid.” You say, managing to capture San’s attention. “Pretended to gallop along the trees like some sort of princess when I was in my horse phase… I would always come home with scraped knees. I was a clumsy kid.”
“Except when you’d throw punches at me,” San interjected, ghosting a hand over his jaw. “You sure knew how to pack a punch.”
You smile apologetically, a sheepish flush on your cheeks, and look over to him. “Well you did deliver some pretty good kicks- I needed to learn how to defend myself.”
San shrugged in agreement. “I guess,” He muses and offers you a small smile, lapsing into silence again. “You know… it’s actually kind of surprising but you aren’t so bad to talk to.”
You nibble at your lower lip at his confession, unsure of what to make of it. When you look up at him, you see that he had inched a little closer to you. He still kept a reasonable amount of space between you two but it was apparent that he wanted to get closer. He drums his fingers against the cool metal of the railing, brows furrowed as he thinks over his next words carefully.
“I’m sorry.” He blurts out. “I’m sorry for all the times I’ve been an asshole to you. I know that I’ve hurt you, not just physically, but emotionally too. And I want to apologize for that… I know, words are just words. It won’t do anything to reverse or take back what I’ve done to you then, but please, take it as a first step to making it up to you.”
San decided to meet your watery gaze, his chest clenching at the tears you were trying so hard to hold back. He holds his hand out instinctively, wanting to offer some sort of physical comfort. He stops himself midway, opting to just settle it on the rail halfway from you. “You don’t have to make a decision right here and now. You can still hate me all you want, but I promise to leave you alone from now on.”
You whimper pathetically, finally letting the tears flow down your cheeks. You felt guilt consume you at his apology. Why was he taking the blame for everything? It should be you who was saying sorry. After all,you were just as cruel as him. And thinking back on it, this feud had most likely started with you. You raise a sweater paw to wipe at your tears, sobbing into your hand.
God you were a mess.
“Don’t, don’t blame yourself… I should be apologizing too. It takes two to tango right?” You hiccup, managing to give him a shaky smile. “I could’ve chosen to ignore you or direct my anger elsewhere but I still ended up targeting you at the end of the day…”
“_______, it’s okay—“
“No it’s not.” You hiss. “I’m not just talking about what I did in high school. I’m talking about every instance I was cruel to you. It was petty, extremely childish, and just horrible overall. I don’t expect you to forgive me but I want to apologize too. I’ve made part of your life a living hell.”
You glance at his hand on the railing before holding your own out towards him. “Truce?” You offer. “We don’t have to be all buddy-buddy after this but at least we can just end this whole thing.”
San gripped your hand in a gentle but firm handshake. “Truce.” His touch lingered for
just a second before he gave a gentle squeeze and pulled away. He returned it to the previous spot on the railing.
The both of you remain for a while, just overlooking the town and reflecting on what had happened. The quiet atmosphere that you both shared suddenly didn’t seem so awkward anymore. Instead, it was filled with some tension but with a bit of comfort at the same time. It was similar to the feeling of a thorn being plucked out of your side: painful but relief that it was finally out.
You don’t expect that things would go right at once— this wasn’t like the movies or the books where everything was magically solved. You both had left some scars on each other, some that are too hard to forget or too deep to heal easily. But you two were working on it: healing and forgiving each other. It was still a long journey but it was something you were both willing to go on together.
You glance to San, seeing how relaxed he was right now. He didn’t look so annoying or so terrifying anymore. A tiny grin makes its way to your lips; never in a million years did you think you’d find solace in someone you despised so much.
“Hey San,” You call out to him, resting your hand beside his, your pinkies brushing against each other. “...thanks for this. I really needed it.”
He smiles at you, flashing his cute dimples at you. It sends a warm, tingly feeling down your spine and you couldn’t help but feel calm at that. “Glad I could help.” He momentarily pat the back of your hand, engulfing it with his larger one when you didn’t pull away.
It was late when he drove you home to finish the project. Unsurprisingly, your family was still out, probably at an event they forgot to tell you about. But you didn’t mind, you had an unexpected friend with you right now.
You smile to yourself as you wave goodbye to San from the doorway, seeing him speed down the road and into the night. He may have been the bad guy in your life but it turns out, he wasn’t such a bad guy. And you were thankful that you were able to see that because at least you knew you had someone in your corner.
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chocominnie · 3 years
Desperado — 09 (M) | JJK
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Pairing: Badboy!Jungkook X Reader
Summary : A messy situationship at it’s finest. You don’t even know whats headed your way, just even engaging in the slightest within him. See, he has an assignment to complete. A mission granted by his father thats do or die. You just so happen to be a major pawn in that assignment. He didn’t mean to take an interest in you. Surely it was an accident right? Only except. you hold much value in this game that he’ll do anything to complete it. Oblivious is what you are. Poor thing. Poor.. Poor thing.
Genre: Mature/ Mafia!Jungkook
Trailer: xxxxx  preview 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Word Count : 7.3k
Warnings : This honestly isn’t for the light hearted and the weak…High angst, usage of drugs, drug mentions, mental illness, switch!jungkook, Brat reader, possible stockholm syndrom, kidnapping, assault, death of side characters, murder, weapons, usage of weapons, masturbation, physical violence, blood, alcohol, weed, unprotected and protected sex, spanking, honestly its a lot of aruging…
Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
TW : Suicide, Body Hanging for display.
Her hair moves so flawlessly and the her breasts spill over the mini triangle bra with each sensual move she makes. The way her waist and body whines against the pole could leave absolutely anyone in a trance.The rhythm of the music blasts in the air and she’s directly on beat to it, not missing anything through the song playing. 
The led lights are dimmed low enough in a red color, but enough for everyone to see. Shes uncaring at the men in the room sizing her up in her designer high waisted thong that hugs her hips very well, showing off her round, plump ass. That was what she wanted, the attention all on her while they throw hundred dollar bills for her. 
“ Who knew someone could get down and dirty like that.”
To no suprise, Jimin, the ladies man but heartbreaker for sure, enters the private room and closing the door beind him. He throws a stack of money towards her, as he was the seemingly late one to the meet-up. 
“ Jungkook is late, he’s never late. What’s taking him so long?” A grumpy Namjoon says, looking down at his apple-watch. It’s half past 10 pm and usually he’s the first one here.
“ He’s probably sucking up to yn-”
The girl turns her head sharply towards the boys, overhearing what they said. She furrows her eyebrows at them, “ Why would he be doing that..”
Taehyung lets out a small groan. “ Because Mr. Lover boy has gotten himself a crush. The worst part is, she’s his target for this mission.”
“ Shut the fuck up. I don’t have a crush on her, i’m just doing my job.” A semi-loud voice roars through the doors. Everyone stops to look at the sudden intruder and to relief it’s him, Jungkook. 
Of course he has to lie about that. He knew for sure he caught himself up with you and the feelings were strong. Though the big bad mafia boy catching feelings for his target is highly uncommon, and Jungkook doesn’t know the consequences.
“ Jungkook..” The girl says, frowning at him with her hand on her hips. He takes a seat on the couch and tilts his head at her to go on. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the young boy. “ You fell for her.. so what about us?”
It isn’t hard to say that he doesn’t have any more feelings left for the girl. She and him both knew what they agreed upon. The pair had history together, sexual to be exact. Romance was hardly there if he were to be honest. She’d began actually working for Won-Shik, under this club they’re in now which is owned by him, a year ago. Jungkook had entered the club once when he was considered a minor, but that was to pass a message along to the girl from his father. He was told to go straight in and straight out. Of course, he did the exact opposite. Sat around looking at all the half naked women that night as the music blared loud. 
It wasn’t until his phone rang and it was Casper telling him to hurry up and come back to the car, is when he finally decided to get up and look for the girl. When he did find her, it was over with for him. The girl was, and still is, stunning. One of the many foreign girls in the club but she’s the one that stood out of all. She wore nothing but a small outfit as she danced on the pole. Her beauty mesmorized Jungkook that night as he watched her dance in awe. Soon enough she came to him showing her her dimply smile and perfect teeth.
He was stunned alright. She knew he looked to be too young for the club so she asked him his age. He told her, and thats when she nearly called security on him until he told her who he was and affiliated with. The message was passed along accordingly to her, she got the memo. Jungkook though, kept coming back to that club and always going to where she was, following her around the club like a lost puppy. She enjoyed his time, as all she did was sit and talk with him and that turned out to not be enough for him. He wanted her, and she insisted that he was too young for her. 
So Jungkook did what any other person would do when feeling rejected, he started to present himself like a true man and mafia boy. The gym was his favorite place after that and he buffed up very well. That jawline of his got sharper and his personality gained more confidence and dominant by the time he turned nineteen. He of course kept going at her, shooting his shot anytime he could and yet kept getting denied. It wasn’t until his nineteenth birthday is when he begged her telling her how bad he wanted her, and that lap dance he kept suggesting months before. Since it was his birthday and he was legal, she gave him what he wanted but that still wasn’t enough for him. He wanted her underneath him bad. The slight age gap between them didn’t phase Jungkook at all. What he wants, is what he gets. 
And he did.
And kept getting it, and getting it, and getting it since then. 
“ Relax baby, I’ll still be coming around you know that.” His voice is smooth, smirking at her.  He wasn’t going to be coming around as much, but he knew that would disappoint her. 
She purses her lips and begins walking towards him and sits directly on his lap, straddling him. Jungkook can’t push her off the way he wants to because it would confirm the crush rumors from the boys about you. So he lets her sit there, uncomfortable as hell for him. 
Namjoon clears his throat to get the rest of the group attention. It’s nearly 11 pm and Crystal has been blowing up his phone ever since he stepped foot in the club. He told her beforehand about the meeting, but she wanted him at her apartment by at least 1 am. 
“ We all know you love yn, but remember who you are Jungkook.” Namjoon says, glaring at the boy who returns the glare back at him. “ Fuck you. Like I said, im just doing my job.”
“ If you were doing your job Jungkook, there’s no way in the hell that it should take you this long. “ Jin retaliates. He knows hes right.
By this time, Jimin had finished preparing seven perfectly rolled blunts filled with the most finest imported weed. He places them onto the tray, taking his own and then passing the tray to Yoongi. Each of the boys take their own until it reaches down to Jungkook who takes his and puts the tray back onto the table. 
“ Enough about her. I was summoned to go over the details for the next seven days. “ Jungkook groans, sparking his blunt and inhaling. He passes it Melanie, who takes it to inhale as well. 
A malicious smile comes upon Yoongi’s face as he exhales the smoke into the already fogged up air. One thing he loves to talk about is torture. One of bangtan’s best walking torture device to be known.
“ Tonight we are starting.. I say you let me go first.” Yoongi pauses, taking a long inhale of his blunt. “ I’m coming for their trade transaction place. Arson, let me burn the bitch down and then fuck around with their father.”
It’s a good idea. Sending a message after burning it down straight to it’s opponent. Fire is Yoongi’s thing, and that’s his signature marking in the Bangtan Boys. The father of the shooter was one of their dealers, until the shooter’s father fucked up by taking money out of bangtan’s cut little by little. The boys knew about it, they waited for the perfect time back then to take action. Of course, giving them a mission to complete.. or so he thought. The mission was a false one. Created by Jungkook to catch him off guard. Jungkook used some of the mafia men on Won-Shik’s side to set up a trade off of drugs, decieving the shooter’s father by thinking they were just setting up a regular mafia trade from another gang. The trade was complete, but their protection was no more. Needless to say, the men didn’t even make it back to their cars. It was a bloodshed war between Jungkook’s assigned men and their men. The point was to send a memo that the Bangtan Boys were coming for them, and coming hard. 
Everynight for two weeks unimaginable signs were sent to their family. Ranging all the way from several gunshot bullets going through their home, to severed heads of previous betrayers of the bangtan boys, sitting right on their porch. By now, all the other gangs in Korea knew not to have any business with them. 
“ Day 2 I want it. I’m going for the mother. That scamming bitch and her precious flower shop? I’m shooting it up. Whoever lives, lives. Whoever dies, dies.” Jimin shrugs, smirking as he leans back in his spot.
“ Day 3, for me I’m sending another message. One of their men is gonna die in my god damn hands. I’ll be sure to take a selfie and send it to the father. The body will lay hanging on that pretty little oak tree in their yard.” Taehyung says. The boys are roar with shock that he’s said that. Normally he doesn’t like touching a dead body, so it’s a change for him.
The boys continue listing off the days and assigned tasks for the rest of the night into the wee early morning. Namjoon left after his, of course going straight to his girls apartment. They don’t judge him, seeing as though the boy really is in love and knows when and how to handle it. He definately doesn’t mix business and his love life together, unlike his other hyung.  Soon enough the banter and socializing ends and it’s time for Yoongi first. 
Night 1
It doesn’t take long for Yoongi to find the place. The empty steets of Seoul have soon faded into just dirt roads with the city left behind. The humming of his porsche echos through the night time air. Yoongi takes one final turn, making sure to pull into the place slowly like a true hunter keeping it’s eye on its prey. It’s not a full house tonight, even better. 
Taking the jug of gasoline out his car, he carries it with ease up to the empty warehouse. The wildlife outside don’t make a noise. As if they know who’s approaching and just shut right up. Forty degrees fahrenheit outside and lastnight’s snowfall piled all around.The darkness outside is haunting, anything could pop out at any second to kill the man. That doesn’t scare him at all. Darkness is always what he crave. Inside and out. 
“ Sir.. do you want us to go in with you?” 
Yoongi stops dead in his tracks. He’d almost forgotten about the back-up men Jungkook ordered for him. It’s not like he needed them anyways, but since Jungkook can’t be there with Yoongi, that was the next best choice. 
Rolling his eyes without turning around,“ No. Wait in your cars. I’ll handle it on my own.”
Just like that. The boys are off like lightening. Yoongi takes one final step towards the two double doors, and begins to pour the gasoline at it’s starting point. Usually, he’d go from the inside out, but seeing as though he wanted them to scurry out fearing for their lives, this is the next option as well. Soon enough, the enire jug is empty and he’s now poured all of it around the outside of the warehouse. Leaves crunch with every step he makes back to the starting point. Part of him hopes they can’t hear him from the outside. It’ll ruin the plans. 
The lighter in his pocket feels so smoothe against his palms as he reaches for it. It’s one of his signature ones with his initials on it. An andrenaline rush runs through his veins as flicks the ignition with his thumb. The flame all bright and orange as he stands there infront of the building. It’s going to be a damn good night.
Without hesitating, Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair and throws the lighter right onto the gasoline puddles. The way the whole ring of fire lights up infront of his eyes makes him laugh hysterically while watching the whole building go into flames. The loud crackling sounds of the now decomposing warehouse jumps him back into reality. 
He heads right towards the big tree next to the right of the warehouse, leaning on it with one foot up against it with his hands crossed. That sinister smile doesn’t leave his face. He enjoys the view of the men from the inside running out as fast as they can. Some falling in the ring of fire in the process. The fire is no match for any human as they try to stop drop and roll. Ha, as if that would work with a 15 foot fire consuming the warehouse. The dead bodies pile up on their own, just burning in the fire over their simple mistakes of falling and thinking they would survive the fire.
Until the golden egg comes out. He’s furious as runs out perfectly, as if he’s been through this, without managing to catch on fire. Yoongi chuckles, leaning off the tree. “ Kang Dong-Woo.”
Usually Yoongi would use the honorfics to people who were much older than him. In this case though, he doesn’t deserve honorifics. 
“ Min Yoongi.” He says, harshness laced within his voice. Dongwoo frowns when nearing the man. He knows what Yoongi is capable of, and that’s what sets his fight for flight into action.
“ Let’s get straight to it. Your daughter is after our leader. She seems to be doing the dirty work for you yeah? Did you not train her enough? Of course you know she wont be able to live after this right?”
Dongwoo laughs right into Yoongi’s face as if he was joking. It angers Yoongi, so he grabs Dongwoo by the shirt and drags the man over to the fire where he kicks the back of his legs to where he’s kneeling inches away from it. 
“ I don’t think this is a laughing matter, Dongwoo.” He growls, tightening his grip around Dongwoo’s arms that are behind his back. “ You want to die?”
“ She’s gonna fuck you all over.” He growls.” You may think she’s not capable of finishing off you guys one by one, but she is. I raised and trained her since a kid. She’s stronger with more energy than me. She’ll kill you all when you least expect it.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes at him.” The dumb bitch can’t even shoot right. Going for someone else knowing Jungkook would save them is an ameteur move. Should’ve went straight for his damn head.”
“ I’ll make sure she’ll bring you guys hell Min Yoongi. All of you. Tell that shit to Jungkook and his daddy for me alright?” He mocks, laughing again at the boy to taunt him.
Yoongi doesn’t care for it. He’s had enough of this foolish talk. With one swift move he kicks the man’s back making him fall down to the left side, away from the fire. He’s lost it. He’s totally lost it at this point and there is no going back. Kick after kick after kick, he doesn’t stop. No. Not until the Dongwoo is sure to cough up blood. The crimson liquid poors from his mouth as he lays there. No remorse is felt.
Besides, the bastard bitch needed to get the message. Consider it message recieved. 
Night 2
The flower shop is full, but not full to its entirety. There's tons of different bouquets and arrangements set around the pretty shop, from what he can see from the outside. It’s almost closing time, an hour left. Jimin’s fingertips grip on the steering wheel, anxious but patient to make his move. He’s running off of pure adrenaline and 2 cans of monster that are crushed and sitting in the passenger seat. Waiting isn’t his forte and he’d honestly like to get this show on the road now.
The moon is out and shining bright tonight. A sigh escapes his lips when he glances again at the shop. The only reason he’s not done it yet is due to the fact that there is a child and his mother inside. Rule number 2 of Bangtan, injure no child. The price to pay if you were to break the rule? Simply it would cost you your own damn life.
As if time would of went any slower for the boy, the child and his mother finally made their transaction and made it out of the store, heading across the street to continue their journey of shopping. It’s go time.
He knew to come prepared with his bulletproof vest and full face ski mask, long Sleeve black shirt to cover all the markings he has and also the two tattoos on each of his arms. He knew that the little lady wouldn’t be so dumb to not carry, or at-least have someone inside that would be her undercover security. Considering who her husband is, there’s no way she won’t be protected.
Oh how innocent the people look to not know what’s coming next. Jimin loads his Glock 19 with golden bullets that have Bangtan Boys initials and symbols on it just before pulling his mask down and getting out the car. He makes sure to signal his back-up men to create a distraction so he could make his entrance. Sure enough, a loud boom in the near distance of what sounds like some type of construction falling, echos loudly. It turns heads from all around to look where the sound came from, making it easy for Jimin to slide into the flower-shop.
Not a sound made by him. He draws his gun and pulls the safety off the trigger, then cocks it. Eyes are all on him as his eyes shift around the room looking for his target. There she is, eyes wide in the middle of a transaction for two middle aged couple. His eyes set into hers, lowly smiling and pointing it at her. The way everyone frantically screams and cries out doesn’t phase Jimin, no. It just encourages him even more as he starts firing shots mid air, shooting any and every person in sight for the hell of it. Bodies drop to the ground, and the bloodbath begins.
Jimin doesn’t hesitate to step over everybody, eyes still set on his target. The middle aged couple’s shrieks were cut short by their bodies dropping to the ground with three shots each to their hearts.
“ Park J-” He cuts her crying off with a finger to his lips, daring her to say his name in public. She gets the memo. “ I wouldn’t if I were you.”
The barrel is pressed against her temple as she trembles with fear. He cocks his head to the side, smiling at her when he taps the gun against her head harshly, repeatedly. “ You know why I’m here.”
“ You kill me and she will murder you all.”
Jimin chuckles, “ That’s what you guys think. We don’t have time for your gimmicks. It was you guys who stole money from us. Why did you think you’d still be protected from the law from us? Getting your daughter to go for the leader first is dumb, like the rest of you.”
“ We almost went to prison for you guys, remember that? We needed that cut money from you guys to pay off our legal fees. Thats why we stole. We completed your dirty work while trying to pay off the fees, its the least you guys could of did as a reward.”
“ That’s not how it would’ve worked. You fucked up. All of you.”
With two shots to the leg, she falls into Jimins arms. He rolls his eyes and throws his body off of him and onto the floor. It’s going to be a headache trying to explain to the dry cleaners why there is blood stains on his designer ripped jeans.
Night 3
It was too easy, way too easy. It took nothing to lure that man right into Taehyung’s trap. Nothing but a simple few slick comments made to him for him to get a riled up at the wrong person. Taehyung had spotted the man prior heading into the park with a small duffle bag. He assumed it was for a night trade off for some other person who had delivered drugs for him. Nontheless, it was merely too easy to pose as the alleged person who completed the mission. 
A rookie. That guy must’ve been a rookie. 
When the money was handed off to Taehyung, he tossed it to the side and struck the man down. The two did fight on the concrete floor for a bit but the man was no match for Taehyung’s quick moves. Taehyung’s pocket knife dances around the man’s throat as his body is pinned to the ground. 
“ Rookie mistake not verifying if I’m the real one.” He chuckles, pressing the blade against the mans neck. The man pleads for his life but it’s no use. Message must be sent, that it’s no way you’ll fuck around with Bangtan and escape.
“ You know, I would’ve trained you more than Dongwoo. Letting the weakest link go run an errand? Ha. Your boss set you up for that one.” 
Although the man is merely innocent, it doesn’t stop Taehyung from slicing into the man’s neck. A blood curdling scream comes out, but soon hushed over as his will of breathing and screaming is cut. It’s music to Tae’s ears. 
The body is transfered per request of Taehyung to his back-up men. It’s not like him to touch a bloody dead body. So they take him into the back of their car and follow Taehyung to the residential house of the shooter. Nothing more than 10 minutes away. 
The lights are cut off in the neighborhood. Not a sound made other than the two cars coming down the street. Everyone seems to be at peace and quiet in their homes. Sleeping to say the least. Upon arrival, Taehyung parks his car right infront of the house. The back-up men drag the bloody body out the car and onto their lawn, placing it right under the oak tree. 
Taehyung takes the rope be brought along with him, and begins to tie multiple knots around a sturdy branch from the tree. When done, he wraps some of the rope around the dead boy’s neck, tying it into a slipknot and hoists him up high into the air. 
The body dangles from the tree like a flag waving in the sky proud and high. He signals for the boys that the assignment is done and that they’re free to leave. Taehyung though, he just sits back in admiration of his work. It’s been a while sinice he felt this way. So he stands there soaking it all in. 
Message recieved. 
Since it’s been three entire days of hell, Jungkook knew his day will be approaching faster than ever. If only it could get here faster though. Truth is, Won-Shik isn’t too happy about Jungkook’s plan still not being complete. At this point, the father is going against him any chance he gets to just get this over with. 
Luckily, tonight he’d be able to meet with his father again with some good news. It hasn’t been brought to his attention yet about your father being in Taiwan. With the technology of Won-Shik’s men, your father could be brought here within 12 hours tops. 
“ Father.” Jungkook says, entering his office doors. The boy fixes his leather jacket upon entering and places his hands back into his pockets. “ I have news.”
Won-Shik is one to not play around with. Interupting his office time is a big, big deal. One is to not enter without it being urgency. That rule still applies to the heir of the company. “ It better be damn good because your plan isn’t getting anywhere Jeon Jungkook.”
Won-Shik takes his glasses off and sets them to the side on his desk. Its full of papers and photos of himself and Jungkook when he was a child. His favorite one right in the middle, where Jungkook had just ate some cherry flavored ice cream and his lips were all red as he smiled for the camera showing his two front teeth. It reminded him of when Jungkook was easier to manage rather as to now where he’s a damn menace.
“ Taiwan. Her father is in Taiwan. I don’t think it’s Taipei though.. he’s hiding so a city wouldn’t be ideal. I say search the mountains first, then the city.”
Bringing this proposal to the table meant that Jungkook wanted to atleast gain his father’s trust back. Hell, he wanted all this to be over with by now because you were driving him crazy to the point where he’s beginning to actually forget who the hell he was and why he was assigned this mission. The plan was not to fall, but to complete. He’d be lying if he wasn’t knee deep in love with you right now. It all comes down to him protecting you from his father at this point. 
“ So your little plan is suddenly working huh.. still doesn’t mean she gets to run free Jungkook.” He says, smirking at the boy to challange him. Jungkook knew that. Once it’s proven that your father is the snitch, all of the family dies.
You’re innocent. Too innocent to know that or to be even tangled in that mafia mess of his. Part of him wishes he never met you and never had been assigned this mission. Then everything would be so damn different and emotions wouldn’t be caught up in this. From the moment he met you, he knew it would be hard. You have always held a special part in his heart. Only because you acted just like his mother. Sweet, but sassy and it hurt him a lot on how you remind him of her. You even word your words just like her, even when upset. Everything about you, is just like her. 
It was hard to not get attached to wanting to get to know you more. Somehow he thought that if he got to know you, he’d somehow fill that hole inside him of his mother’s disappearance. As if you were going to be his new replica as you would be the one to put a band-aid on that hole to patch it up. 
Here you are, not knowing you could die any moment and it will all be thanks to Jeon Jungkook, who couldn’t save you fast enough. 
“ I know. But she’s innocent. She doesn’t even know her dad worked with us. I swear she doesn’t.”  Jungkook bites his lip in hopes that there could be someway to save you by the hands of your father.
 “ I dont care!” He roars, jumping out his seat. Jungkook flinches, backing up a bit from the sudden outburst. “ You know not to mix business and pleasure. You reap what you sew. You get to pay the consequences.”
Jungkook knew that though. 
“ Father-”
“ Nothing more. I’ll have my team start the search right now. You on the other hand, get you god-damn shit together Jungkook. You’re the heir, not a damn lover-boy. Got it?”
It is no use of arguing with him. Jungkook looks down at the ground and nods his head yes just before Won-Shik dismisses him. It’s going to hurt. Seeing you dead. He hopes for a miracle can happen, that your father will not be the snitch. That you and him could live happily ever after. There will no be any happily ever after about this situation though. One will die. Just a matter of who it will be. 
The vibrating sensation in his pocket snaps him out of his trance. An incoming call from Namjoon. It’s alarming since today is Namjoon’s day of hell, and only one thing could be happening right now if he’s calling for Jungkook. 
There’s been a mistake.
“ What is it Namjoon.” 
“ She fucking outsmarted me. The bitch caught on to where my location would be for the next kill. I don’t know where the fuck she is Jungkook.. this is bad.”
Jungkook sighs heavily, closing his eyes while letting out strings of curses come from his mouth. Shit couldn’t get possibly worse than this right now. Namjoon said he’d wanted to go straight for the killer and bust her up a bit. Give her some words and a branding on her. He had wanted to do it with a knife, carving the initals of Bangtan Boys into her upper hip. Namjoon had zero problem tracking her next location down, as he had been keeping an eye on her all day. To him, it seemed as if she would be heading to an orchestra shop in the city. Every step she took, Namjoon took it too. 
Until she rounded the corner to go inside the shop and she wasn’t there. There wasn’t any outlet. The shop was on a dead end street surrounded by other shops that they both had passed. There was no way she didn’t go back, he would of saw it. He saw her go into the store, so she had to be there right?
Wrong. You see she knew all this time that Namjoon was followering her while in disguise. The orchestra shop where she led him to, she knew the owner. They were good friends. She had spoken to him asking if that she could use his upstairs office to read over some of the newest edition of music pieces for her to practice. He obliged, and she made up there in time before Namjoon came inside.
Up there, she’d be lying if she wasn’t scared to death. All this week the boys had definately given her hell. Each day with zero remorse. It was taking a toll on her for sure. Taking up this assignment by herself wasn’t something easy but she wanted to prove to him that she can be just like him. That she wanted to work with him too to take down Bangtan for decieving them and leaving them in the dust. 
She can’t do it. The boys are to expierenced for her. It’s a bad mistake that she cannot come back from. You see, she thought it would be easy to befriend you and become close to you after you’d laid eyes upon Jungkook your first day here. She knew you’d soon fall for him, like any other girl did, and that would be her easy acess to him from you. It was all planned beforehand. To be quiet and observe you and your moves with him. In her mind, Jungkook needed to die first. The boys can’t function all that well without him, so that would be the weak spot to take advantage of if he would’ve died when she knew he’d take the bullet for you. She coudn’t shoot him first, it’d be too straightforward and blunt. 
It was going all well. Deep in the inside she was jealous of you as well. Sungmin had been her crush for years, they even almost dated. Until you came along and he left her in the dust for you. Sungmin is everything she wanted in a boy, but you took that away from her. Her chances to date him ruined by you. It hurt everyday to see him head over heels in love with you, when that was just her at one point before you came along. Not only that, but she seen the way you play with Sungmin’s emotions. It made her upset that you do that. Sungmin’s love is a drug, whether it be friendship love or romantic, nobody can get enough of it. 
All this stressed her out to her max. Her family being hurt because of her, her mom unable to walk for the next few weeks is all because of her. Only cause she cannot complete this task she brought onto herself. As if being in danger because of Won-Shik and Bangtan wasn’t enough beforehand, she just made things worse all in all. There is no way out of this for her and her family. So it’s time to just accept it and say goodbye to it all and start a new life. 
“ I’ll find her. You wait at the base and I’ll report back to you guys after I find her. When I do, you will come and finish your damn task Namjoon. Do you hear me?” Jungkook’s beyond pissed at this point. If it wasn’t for him, the boys would be lost as fuck without him.
He shoots Casper a text, letting him know that he is to follow him closely as he searches for her. To his luck, Casper was already outside his apartment building in his car. Not long after he pops those contacts in and changes his outfit again, he’s cruising the streets of Seoul in his midnight purple lamborghini. 
The pain in his shoulder throbs with each turn he has to make with the wheel of his car. A little pain medicine would of helped beforehand, but rushing to get this shit over with was more important. This bitch definately has it coming. It’s been taking Jungkook these past few days to not just up and kill her. No that would just be too easy. Torture and marinating her to lose her shit at the last minute is something so satisfying to him. 
The streets of Seoul soon end behind him and the Mappo Bridge comes into view. It had been an a whole hour searching around the areas of where she could’ve been, including where she was last seen. No sights of her at all. She’s good at this for sure. Text messages are sent back and forth between the boys and Jungkook. They’re all on edge, tired, and frustrated at this chasing game that they’re all playing.
He’d almost missed it. The body walking alongside the side-walk of the bridge with their head hanging low and hoodie on. It’s the hoodie of his school, but most importantly it has their class graduation year on it. It has to be her. Jungkook flashes his hazard lights on, letting Casper know to pull over with him. 
It’s now or never.
After sending the text to Namjoon, he’s out the car and jogging towards the suspect. Height, body type, and shoes match the alleged identity. It seems she’s too into something to notice the extra footsteps behind her. He can’t do anything to her though, it’s not his night. 
“ Kang Minlee.”
She stops dead in her tracks as if a ghost had called her name. Frozen, she stands there contemplating on running or staying. If she runs, she’s dead. If she stays, shes dead. 
“ You think..” He pauses, grabbing her arm and turning her around to face him. Her face is red from crying and her glasses all fogged up from underneath her mask. For a split second, Jungkook does feel regret. 
Killing a classmate of his wasn’t something he’d ideally let happen. But it’s far too late to not have her killed off.��“ You think that running away is the best option?”
Minlee trembles underneath his grip, “ I made a mistake. Please just let me go. Let me and my family go and we’ll leave you alone forever.” She breaks down into tears, placing her hand over his in attempt to let her go. 
It didn’t hurt Jungkook to see her like this. All in all it just feels weird to him. Weird to have one of his classmates begging for her life to be spared from the gruesome events to come. 
“ You know I can’t do that.” It honestly can’t be an option at this point. It’d be better to just continue out her days of hell with her family. “ You came for me, that means you die.”
Finally she jerks her arm back from his still in tears as she starts to back away slowly. Jungkook knew that she wouldn’t run. Not in this case. Letting her cry it out was the best way, hell it’s the only way because Namjoon would be here any minute to brand her. It would mean she belonged to Bangtan after that, and she’d have to keep quiet as they planned out her death.
Her sudden movement from the ground to climbing up the railing of the bridge alarms Jungkook. She cries louder when Jungkook comes closer to getting her down so he stops. Suicide? Right now? What happened to being all big and bold? It confuses Jungkook as to why she would take her own life right now. Either way she’d still end up dead and unhappy if Bangtan would kill her or she’d kill herself. 
“ Jungkook!” She semi-yells, pointing to the direction behind him as another guy approaches them. Just in time, the sound of Namjoon’s car can be heard from afar. He’s getting close.
The guy she’s pointed to is Casper, who’s also alarmed at the fact that she’s close to the edge right now. Jungkook holds his hand up at Casper for him to stop right there and shakes his head, meaning that it’s too risky for Casper to step in right now. Casper nods and Jungkooks turns back to the scene. 
“ Don’t you think that I’ve suffered enough? Everyday you guys give me hell. My mom can’t walk because of you guys, and my dad has health issues. You left us in the dust when we needed your support the most! I was almost put up for adoption a year ago because of you!” She sobs, wiping her never ending tears with her hoodie sleeves. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what to say, or do. It’s not like him to have sympathy over a rival. It’s just not in him at this very moment. 
Minlee continues on, “ Yn? She took what’s mine. My Sungmin. She plays with his heart and it hurts him a lot. I wouldn’t have did that. But no, he’s head over heels in love with him. I got left in the dust when she came along and it looks like everyone loves her, including you Jungkook. My friendgroup does anything and everything she wants because she’s just oh so little miss perfect. That was supposed to be me!”
There it is. The jealousy. Jungkook would have never known it. It’s all news and shock to him. Sungmin and Minlee? Didn’t seem like a match to begin with. 
Her dramatic meltdown continues on, but Jungkook allows it. Namjoon will be here any minute to sneakily get her down. Where is he and why the hell is he taking so long?
As if on cue, Namjoon pulls up to the scene and immediately gets out his car running towards the girl. Jungkook waves his hands for him to stop, eyes wide with a finger to his lips. The last thing he wanted was for the girl to jump. A death from their school? Surely was to be put on him and his boys. 
Namjoon stops infront of Jungkook’s car, confused as to what’s going on. Jungkook mouthes to him the words suicide attempt. That’s when Namjoon gets it and decides to let him handle getting her down. 
“ Yeah it was meant to be you. But I plan to take Yn away anyways. Then you and Sungmin could come together again.” Jungkook’s convincing isn’t convincing enough, she doesn’t buy it at all.
“ If I get down I’m going to die. There is no escaping that within the next few days i’d be dead in your hands. I made a mistake and there is no going back. Spare my parents. Let them live. I’m the one that started this. I’ll be the one to finish it.”
The girl lifts one foot off the railing and leans backwards. Jungkook’s breath hitches along with Namjoons. No. It wasn’t supposed to end like this. 
“ Kang Minlee!” They both scream, running towards her. It’s too late though. Her body falls gracefully down as all three of them watch over the railing. She looks peaceful, a smile on her face while her body is sprawled out in the air.
Inches before she hits the water, the three of the boys look away with only the sound of dense water splashing to fill their ears. Namjoon sighs, putting his hands against his head. Jungkook stands there in complete shock. Casper, well Casper just shakes his head knowing the two boys weren’t prepared for that.
“ We fucked up Jungkook.”
“ I fucking know that Namjoon.” His voice cracks. It isn’t like Jungkook to cry. No not at all. Especially for a target like that. At the end of the day she was human and she did what any daughter would do for her family.
 She was also your friend.
You hadn’t heard about her death yet the next day. It’s a normal saturday morning for you. This time you’d decided to go to the cafe with your laptop and write your essay for your Psychology class. The cafe is nice, it’s cat themed and has some pretty kittens running around the outside of the kitchen and customer service area. 
As soon as you order and sit down with your Caramel frappe you spot a white kitten laying near you on the floor. A smile comes upon your face when it comes to you when you call for it. They don’t have these in Canada. Cat Cafes. The kitten lets out his purrs when you rub his back as he lays across your lap. The nametag says Mochi, a cute name for a cute kitten. 
Minutes seem to pass by without your knowledge. You’d been too into typing to hear the news on the tv being broadcasted live. It wasn’t until you heard suicide of a teenage student on Mappo Bridge. That got your attention.
You listen carefully as the news reporter goes into detail of how the body was found. It had gotten caught on a rock as the stream moved it around. A mother had found it with her kid as they walked across the bridge that early morning to look at beautiful water. It saddens you to know someone took their life. Maybe if that person had access to getting help, they’d live to see many more days. 
When they announce the name and show a school picture of the student, the look on your face drops. 
Minlee. It’s Minlee on the screen. Its all too much for you right now. Your stomach twists and turns along with your hands that begin fidgeting. She seemed so healthy and happy these past few days when you saw her. It didn’t add up. It wasn’t going to ever add up to you that you had just lost one of your new friends.
Packing your things up in a hurry, your phone begins to go off with a bunch of text messages at a time. You know it could be the groupchat. What you wanted to the most right now, is to go home to cry and calm down. You shove everything in your backpack and place the kitten back on the floor nicely before taking off towards the door. You bump into somebody on the way out, causing them to drop a picture in their hand. The two of you both reach to pick it up, but they pick it up first before you.
“ I’m sorr-”
You’ve seen her before. Long curled hair, big dimple on her left cheek, and bangs. 
There’s no fucking way. 
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chibichibisha · 3 years
Are you ever going to tells us how ermine and deuce first met/how they fell in love, and possibly headcanons?
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*CRACKS KNUCKLES* Thanks for indulging me in my ship 💖😭
Disclaimer: This is based on my own universe so some of the stuff mentioned there are part of the cards I'm doing for them, it's full of headcanons too for sure even if I try to stick to canon material as much as I can. The romantic relationship of my oc's are not actually implied or appear directly on cards, so this is me sharing what actually happens outside that! It's quite long lmao
Deuce and Ace first see Ermine at the welcome party the first years have after the ceremonial entrance. They later meet him better on Heartslabyul chapter, as he is still at Riddle's side during the dorm incident, and they do not talk personally or directly. It's when Trey tells them about Riddle's situation and Ermine's first year at the school that they understand that Ermine is just behaving how he is supposed to behave, and it's not the real him. They are the ones that save him, along with all the other residents as well, from Riddle's tyrannical reign and it's when Ermine drops the facade and really shows how he was hurting.
They later have the opportunity to see how Ermine is outside the dorm duties, and they realize Ermine is not at all cool: he looks stressed and panicking all the time, and running everywhere. He also seems very scared of certain students that seem violent. One of these times is when he sees Deuce revert to his delinquent side and lose his cool and since then, Ermine gets terrified of him.
On Ermine's Gym uniform card, Ace mentions Ermine always runs away when he sees Deuce outside the dorm, because of this, and Deuce seems to feel a bit guilty because he really didn't want to scare him off. From then, he tries to be polite and nice with Ermine to show that he is actually a nice guy.
The moment they start to approach a bit more is when an unbirthday party approaches, and Deuce needs to get better at maths, or he won't be able to attend the game nor the party (The story of their dorm uniform cards). Riddle lends him one of his notebooks for study, and Ermine tutores him to help him, because he sees it like part of a dorm obligation at first. Deuce gets happy about it since it's a good opportunity to show he can be a good student and not a scary guy, and he is able to make Ermine behave more like he truly is, and not the "perfect attendant" persona he picks up there.
He respects and holds Ermine in a very good opinion since then, and them, with Ace, start to hang out more too. So it's a natural process of them becoming friends, honestly. The first who falls for the other is Deuce, definitely, and he doesn't even realize first. It has to be Ace the one that jokingly tells him "you surely likes Ermine-senpai more than what you realiza, huh?" which makes Deuce think for a moment, and react with a "Maybe" while Ace jolt surprised. Deuce naturally accepts it in a way. He never fell in love before, he cannot even talk to girls and at first, Ermine didn't even approach him, so he didn't know how it was supposed to be. If the case is that he may like Ermine more than a friend, he is good with it. He is pretty positive, honestly.
But Deuce is not experienced in this, so whenever he tries to make a step, he becomes too embarrassed and Ermine doesn't understand anything, he tries him as he is being an idiot. Fortunately, Deuce is best when he doesn't think too much about stuff, so he ends up being very smooth and flirty when he doesn't intend it. Since Ermine keeps tutoring Deuce because they work well together, Deuce may comment on stuff in a sweet or endearing way that makes Ermine embarrassed. He will stare at him unintentionally or mention that he looks cute that day, just for Ermine to get red and kind of annoyed because he is not taking it seriously, but it's affecting him.
Ermine only starts to consider something like this when Deuce gets used to getting giddy about being with Ermine, showing that off, and admitting, confessing, that he indeed likes him for real. And that makes Ermine reject any type of feeling he might start to have knowing this, because he had always been very dishonest about what he really wanted, and this is no exception. Deuce may say he likes him, but Ermine is not gonna let it happen. Also, he doesn't have very good self-esteem, and Deuce is definitely a good guy, it wouldn't even work.
That doesn't mean, though, that he doesn't think about it, and starts to fall for Deuce' sweet side as well.
The first moment he begins to accept it a bit is during the VDC and the culture festival. Deuce spends two weeks preparing for that and Ermine realizes how different it feels without having Deuce around, which makes him longer a bit for the feelings. He is a bit busy himself so he tries to not think much about it. But when he hears from Riddle that Deuce broke the rules and got out of campus with Epel, he panics a little bit because he doesn't know anything. It's really the only moment there is a misunderstanding between them, because Ermine feels bad during all that, until he is able to talk directly to Deuce, and he does, of course. For the first time he has the courage to really ask him if Duece got tired of the thing they might have, whatever it is, because Ermine is always backing up from that, and if it's the case, he should be saying him clearly. Deuce doesn't understand at first, but when Ermine mentions Epel, he kind of gets it, even if Ermine is not explaining himself clearly. He apologizes because he should have talked clearly to Ermine earlier, but didn't know how to do it. It's okay because Ermine actually trusts Deuce after all that, and that is when it is still a bit unresolved, but they somehow know they like each other.
The flirty shenanigans keep going, with Deuce telling Ermine that he will do his best if Ermine ever let him, until the Star Sending happens and Ermine knows how work Deuce works for the festival to happen, protecting the tree and the stars and practicing hard for the dance, that Ermine realize he really fell after all for Deuce. Looking at him like that makes him feel kind of proud and he finds him cool, he is drawn to him. At this point, he doesn't want to run away anymore from it, he just wants to be with Deuce. So after the festival, when everything is over, he approaches Deuce with the intention to tell him something, he doesn't know what exactly tho. But instead of that, he just kisses Deuce for the first time and tells him he did a really good job. It leaves Deuce speechless, but seconds later he is just too happy about it.
Some dating Deumine headcanons:
Their dates are mostly study dates, to be honest. None of them see this as a problem because, actually, they like to hang out alone, and just talk. Deuce wants to get Ermine into dates outside campus though, and give him magical wheels rides.
He actually did this on Ermine's birthday.
Deuce is definitely more open about it. Once he passes the questioning phase of him liking someone (and a guy, but that's not exactly that important) and that makes him feel embarrassed, he is the type to talk about how cute his partner is and how happy he is around him, because he is really an honest guy.
Ermine on the other hand, is much more introverted about it and even if he is pretty much in love with Deuce, he is still embarrassed and running away from those praises. He doesn't do well with them.
Also yes, Deuce is the more touchy one. He hugs and kisses Ermine most of the time, while Ermine is the type to lean in against Deuce or pull his sleeve. He gives Deuce shy kisses and is much more cuddly as well if he is in the mood.
Ermine finds it endearing that Deuce likes lil chickens and eggs. Yuu told them that there's a festivity in the world where they come from where people believe a rabbit brings colorful eggs to kids. It sounds too crazy for Ermine but Deuce loves the idea.
Deuce is sometimes the intense guy type, and he will mention that he would marry Ermine in a heartbeat, which makes Ermine to call him an idiot, but it affects him.
Everyone in Heartslsabyul knows they are dating because they never intended to keep it a secret. But that just leads to some embarrassing moments of Cater mentioning them being a couple.
Deuce always wants to show how he is able to take care of Ermine whenever he needs it, and how is okay with Ermine being the way he is. He wants to be seen reliable and as cool as he sees Ermine, so that just fuels his goal of being a honor students more. Ermine supports him, of course.
Deuce talked to his mom about Ermine and she can't believe her son is dating someone, she definitely wants to meet him. From Ermine' side, he just told his big sister, and she is also supportive. On the future, Deuce's mom and Ermine's big sister are the ones who helps them the most.
They are the most sweet and lovey dovey when they both are alone.
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actualdegenerate · 3 years
I only have eyes for you
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Pairing: Tanaka x Male Manager Reader
Genre: angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort
Summary: how can you compete with the pretty manager he clearly adores?
Warnings: Insecurities?
A/N: I finished this at 3:30 am, so don’t judge the ending, also, the average male height in japan is 1.60 cm?? so i made the reader shorter than Tanaka assuming the reader is Japanese, sorry if you’re taller than him!
Words: 2 k
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There she went, pretty as always, beauty so mesmerizing it managed to turn the heads of boys and girls alike. Black hair slightly falling into her face as she leaned to pick up the water bottles, gracefully as ever. You watched as she left quietly, disappearing from your vision as you continued with the net you were already setting up. She was mainly the reason you were here right now, having approached you after school, looking for a second manager for the volleyball team. You almost had a heart attack when you realized she was actually talking, to you of all people.
You ended up agreeing with her, considering that you had yet to find a club, and, yeah, even though you thought it was gonna be weird at first, managers stereotypically being girls but got used to it very quickly. Now your biggest problem with this came in the form of an overly excited bald boy who was not only in love with Kiyoko, but also probably straight.
And it’s not like the whole “same-gender” thing is a problem, you already had a questioning phase in your life that consisted of several awkward crushes and big realizations. Of course, some people knew, but you were not openly out yet, and the only person in the team that actually knew was Ennoshita, who was also your closest friend on the team, thanks, mostly, to shared classes. You couldn’t tell if he knew about your crush, but something about the looks he sent your way when Tanaka was teasing you told you he did.
Shaking out of your thoughts, you heard the rowdy first years arriving at the gym. After getting an actual coach and somehow getting a new manager, the team got bigger, and stronger along with that.
That was a problem. Well, no, it wasn’t, you enjoyed how alive the club had gotten with more members and all of that, but it made you feel more distant from everyone. You were the only male in the club who wasn’t playing volleyball and the only manager who wasn’t female, so naturally, it felt as if you were mostly watching from afar. It was always ‘the players’, ‘the cute managers’, and you.
Looking towards the team, you noticed most of them were already warming up, and everyone but Kiyoko and the second year pair was here. Sighing softly to yourself, you could already tell how things were gonna go. Nishinoya and Tanaka barging in behind your senior praising her like always, thanking Yachi for joining too, and making her talk and smile more.
“KIYOKO-SAN!!!” was heard from somewhere outside the gym, and you knew you were right in your assumption when she entered followed by the boys. Looking away, you decided to spare yourself and go get the manager notebooks and some towels for when they finish. You didn’t get very far, running into Yachi halfway there, books already in her hands, saying that Kiyoko got the towels.
“y/n-Kun, I was wondering if you'd let Yachi and I take notes for today? I want to make sure she learned how to do so last week.” Kiyoko asked as you entered the gym.
“Yeah, no problem,” you said, cause there really wasn’t anything else to say.
You looked around during the first break, gaze lingering over the tough boy that unknowingly had your heart. You can’t remember when you fell for him, but somewhere along the line, his loud, energetic personality somehow made you want to kiss him.
It's kinda funny, to talk about it like you didn’t know why you fell for him, not as it mattered anyway, as stated before, there is no way he could ever like you back.
And this is where that left you, looking longingly at him while he looked at someone else, someone who looks better than you ever will. That’s what you told yourself anyway, because, in reality, it hurt more knowing that you had no chance with him, to begin with.
So you did what you best know how to do, push them both away and hope your feelings disappear.
You walked away to spare yourself from watching him flirting and borderline worship her, you stopped hanging out with him as much, limiting interactions and avoiding him altogether. This, however, backfired, as you noticed that as much effort went into building a wall between your friendship, he put in twice as much to bring it down. Somewhat reluctantly, you accepted the fact that you might never be able to distance yourself enough from him to actually get over him, and his stubbornness and persistence to “save” your friendship only made your feelings act up.
Or so you thought.
To say you were surprised when someone after a match started flirting with you, a male volleyball player, at that, was an understatement. You felt your face heating up as his frame loomed over you in an attempt to be seductive, as flattered as you felt, being so new to the situation, your brain barely gave you time to react before there was a muscular back in front of you and a boy with a shaved head “protecting” you.
Now, Tanaka, despite being angry and rough around the edges, cared deeply about all his friends, and he couldn't, for the life of him, understand what he had done to push you away. He wasn't the only one that realized how averse you were to be around him and everyone on the team wondered what had he done to hurt you so much. Hell, he had spent more than one sleepless night wracking his brain thinking about what he did to be able to apologize properly, hitting nothing but dead-ends.
He never before has felt so absolutely horrible after the thought of losing someone as close as you were, he didn't even think about how important you were to him until recently and now his drive to spend more time with you turned into painful brooding over how your relationship looked like it wasn't going to last.
Rubbing his eyes, trying to dismiss the tears threatening to appear, he focused on the situation at hand.
The match against Kakugawa was harder than what they initially expected, but now it was over and done and all that was left was to wait for Kiyoko and Hinata to return. Turning around to Noya for a bit of distraction he noticed out of the corner of his eye the way someone was crowding you, eyes cast down and body slightly shifting.
He did not know what came over him, but suddenly the only thought in his mind was making him go away and bringing you back to safety next to him. Body acting on his own, he didn't even realize he moved until after coming between you two, body and mind on autopilot as he dragged you back to the group by the wrist.
Only after reaching the rest of the team, did he stop to look at you, small, disheveled, and faintly trembling, holding onto his arm. Your eyes met and his heart sped up.
“You okay? Y/N?” he asked, trying to play smooth.
“Why did- why did you do that?”
“Well, I couldn’t let our cutest manager be hit on like that!” he said as if it was the obvious answer, paying attention to the way your eyes widened and your breath stuttered.
Before you could say anything, Kiyoko and Hinata had returned with Hinata's bento box, meaning the end of your conversation.
you returned to your house that night with butterflies that didn’t seem to want to leave tasting bitter in your mouth as you wondered what had happened and hoped it meant more, knowing you were just feeding yourself with lies as you looked at your wrist where he had grabbed you.
Tanaka was doing no better, grabbing his head- at the lack of hair to pull- while tossing and turning, thoughts plagued with the way his stomach stirred when you were clinging to his arm earlier and how you fit next to him like matching puzzle pieces.
He didn’t understand exactly what it meant, Saeko had talked about the word ‘bisexual’ with him but he wasn’t really paying attention, he was more focused on his past stupidity. He had known for a while that he and Kiyoko might never work out, getting over her fairly quickly during his first year. His fawning nowadays was mostly to keep appearances and, don’t get him wrong, he still thought she was beautiful and amazing, it was more a matter of him no longer having romantic feelings towards her. Now it was as if he had gotten punched in the gut with feelings that he didn’t know were there, a crush that was a bit too big and no idea if it was mutual.
Without knowing who to turn to for help, seeing as Saeko had helped him figure his own stuff up, but hadn’t spent enough time around you to help him with that, he went to the only other people he could think of. And that's how the next afternoon Ennoshita was dragged to his house by Nishinoya and him, trying to avoid you after practice so that there were no suspicions nor hurt feelings.
Both of his friends, after yelling at him because “We thought you knew about your feelings??” Made him write you the neatest note he could, asking you to meet him after school the next day at ‘your usual spot’, which was just a tree that you guys sit under most days during lunchtime.
So, the following morning, you found yourself staring at a card that looked like it was written by a kid with how shaky the letters were, but had the unmistakable handwriting of a certain trouble-maker that left you tongue-tied.
Hours dragged by, and only after what must have been an eternity, were you able to almost run over to the tree, knowing there wasn’t much time left, the club leaving you barely with ten minutes.
You missed his arrival mostly because you were distracted by the letter, but refused to look up once you noticed him, fearing you might give away how nervous you were due to his proximity.
“Hey so, I- I kinda realized that, after being friends for a while, I might like you? As in, more than friends. I don't know why I'm telling you this, I don't even know if you like boys like that? Noya and Ennoshita kind of convinced me to do this out of the blue"
As shocked as you were from his words, which weren't really registering in your brain, the somersaults your heart was doing inside your chest urged you to give some sort of reaction.
“Well, I don't know, maybe if you feel a similar way we could, go out sometime? hopefully? I totally understand if you don't though, and I certainly would like to keep being friends either way, so, um, yeah."
Your heart melted upon seeing Tanaka's flushed face, hand rubbing his neck as he gently rocked back and forth, not being able to look at you properly. Thanking whatever god may be listening, in an outburst of excitement, you threw your arms around him in a hug, almost tackling him to the ground in the process.
“I always thought you liked Kiyoko,” you said, muffled from the place your head had taken, buried in his chest. You could feel his boisterous laugh enveloping you into such a safe space, you doubted you’d ever want to leave.
“I mean, I used to like her, but I don’t think I see her as anything other than a friend after all, plus, why would I like her when I have the cutest manager with me right now.” He said, placing a soft kiss on the forehead, that truly made you wonder how you could be so blind in the beginning as to not notice the oblivious volleyball player’s clear feelings towards you, but hey, at least you weren’t the only one.
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
37 and 45 for matty please!
37. “welcome to fatherhood” + 45. “you’re getting a vasectomy. that’s final.” w/ matty tkachuk
The one thing you and Matt both agreed on from the moment you got married and even before, was that you wanted to have at least, 4 kids. He grew up with a brother and sister while you grew up an only child, both of you wanted your future kids to experience life with a sibling by their side. 
And Matt especially had been eager to start a family from the moment the words “I do” left both of your mouths. He spent most of your reception whispering into your ear all of the things he had planned for the nigh, how he couldn’t wait to get you alone and just how excited he was for your honeymoon in Turks and Caicos— “I hope you don’t plan on leaving the room for the first two days...you know, adjust to the time difference and all.”
It was only an hour time difference between Turks and Caicos and your permanent summer residence in St. Louis, but Matt didn’t care— it didn’t matter, and the two of you definitely didn’t leave the room until your third day into your two-week honeymoon.
Which is why it was no surprise to anyone that you found out you were  pregnant a little over two months later when you were packing up to go to Calgary for the season. You were packing up some of the bathroom stuff when you came across a box of tests from your bachelorette party when it was decided the group of you would play “pregnancy test roulette” which thankfully— no one was actually pregnant.
But there was one left and instead of taking it with you or just leaving it behind, you decided to use it and see if maybe the back to back...to multiple back nights on your honeymoon and even then after, resulted in you being pregnant. Matt came into the bathroom, having stripped down to his gym shorts by the time he reached your bathroom only to see you holding the pee stick in hand.
“Is that?”
“I’m pregnant.”
He only stood there shocked for a few seconds before he swept you up into his arms and kissed you, the excitement shining in his blue eyes as he put you down and smiled. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
Your pregnancy was actually...pretty idyllic when it came to first pregnancies. Your appointments all went perfect, you were in good health throughout and even though at most times you were sure that your moodiness would chase Matt away at any given moment, he never faltered. He was with you every step of the way whenever the Flames schedule permitted it.
He took pictures of the ultrasounds to send to family, if he was on the road he’d always send you a text asking for a bump date, and then get a little cheeky asking straight up for a size check on your chest because he ‘wanted to see how the boobs are looking.’ He was loving, attentive and you felt more than lucky to be able to have him with you throughout.
You were sitting in the friends and family box at a Flames game when your water broke all over the nice fancy carpet floor of the suite. Both your Mom and Matt’s were helping you out of the suite, your last words to Keith before leaving for the hospital being “tell him my water broke, but do not let him leave this game!” A wish that Keith abided by and that Matt, when in an intermission, sent you texts worrying about missing the birth. You assured him that you doubted that you’d be having a baby in the 20 minutes of third period hockey.
The Flames won, Matt skipped media and came rushing to the hospital to be by your side, making it right as you were getting your epidural. Your families were in the room with you, waiting to pass the time and trying to distract you from your contractions. By the time you were fully dismayed, both you and Matt were escorted to the delivery room Brady yelling out via FaceTime that he hoped Matt didn’t pass out.
Out of all the books and websites you read and from the stories some of the WAGS had shared from their experience and friends experience, the pain was definitely worth it in the end. At one point, you thought that Brady’s chirp might actually come to fruition and Matt would pass out, since he was starting to look a little pale, but thankfully it never happened and his color returned once that small little cry erupted throughout the room, bringing the both of you to tears as he brushed your hair back and kissed your forehead, whispering small praises as you held the baby on your chest.
Grayson Tkachuk proved to be every bit his father. From the moment he was born— he was just always fussy. Fussy when he was tired, when he was hungry, when he was and and even when he was happy, he couldn’t stay still and couldn’t stay quiet. You were thankful that both of yours and Matt’s parents stayed around for a few weeks to help you and Matt adjust to parenting, especially you since right after Grayson was born, that following week was the Flames longest road series of the season.
Your late night FaceTimes with Matt and even the ones he had on free days, you could see that he was feeling sad and even a bit guilty that he wasn’t there to help you out. But you assured him that your parents were a great help and that if he felt so bad, he could change the first dirty diaper Grayson had the moment Matt came back. “Sure, it can’t be that bad.”
Matt came back late one night, your parents were all away in their guest rooms and you were struggling to fall asleep after Grayson’s last feeding. You felt gross, tired and in desperate need of a shower, but that didn’t stop Matt from cuddling you into the bed and kissing you endlessly.
“How’s my baby?” He mumbled, kissing along your jaw.
“He’s sleeping, thankfully.”
“No, my other baby.” He laughed, leaning up on an elbow. “You, you dork.”
“Oh, I’m—“ Graysons cry came through the baby monitor and you sighed, nudging him away and standing up. “I’m feeling like that.”
He shook his head and for up with you. “Come on, let’s go see our baby.”
You walked down the hall to Graysons nursery, his cries getting louder as you neared the crib. You knew what kind of cry it was, ready to tell Matt what he needed before he picked up Grayson and shook his head. “His butt is heavy.”
“Diaper change, Matty.” You laughed, walking with him over tot he changing table. You helped Matt get Grayson undressed from his onesie, Matt instantly gagging at the smell the was coming from Grayson.
“Oh my God, it’s leaking!” He groaned, shoving his nose into the crook of his elbow and looking at you with pleasing eyes. “He burst the diaper.” 
“You called dibs on the first diaper change of your return home. You smiled, leaning up and kissing his cheek as you patted his shoulder. “Welcome to fatherhood, Matty.”
Eight years and three kids later,  you’d become all too familiar with those signs of pregnancy— or so you thought you had. Grayson was a random positive pregnancy test, Madelyn was a ‘watch your period tracking app religiously’ planned kind of pregnancy and Sienna was not quite planned, since you found out you were pregnant with her only 7 months after having Madelyn.
You and Matt loved having the three of them so close in age—Eight, six and five— and while the three were also at each other’s throats over the smallest of things, toys, food, who’s car seat went where, they were also all extremely close. Most mornings, it wasn’t rare to find both girls cuddled with their big brother in his bed, or him sleeping on the floor in between their beds.
Their favorite time of the year, which also happened to be yours and Matt’s as well, was when both families got together at the Tkachuk’s lake house during the week leading up to the 4th of July. It was endless days of laughter, watching your kids play with their cousin and coo over the newest and smallest member, a baby boy Emma and Brady had welcomed only two months earlier, making their four year old son Tucker, a big brother.
Nights spent grilling out and enjoying the night summertime air only to wake up early the next morning to go out on the water— you loved it all. It was arguably the best time of the year.
Until the worst stomach cramps you ever felt in your entire life, ended up with Matt rushing you to the hospital where doctors listened to your assumptions of maybe it being your appendix. It was...a pleasant surprise when they came back and told you that you were pregnant before being told to relax while they brought an ultrasound tech in to make sure that everything was going okay.
“Pregnant.” You huffed, rolling up the tank top and stuffing it beneath your bathing suit top. “Pregnant! I was just pregnant!”
“Actually...it’s been awhile, five years. We wanted to wait a bit since Mads and Sie were so close in age.” He replied, spinning himself around in the stool. “And hey, with this being baby number four, we reached our goal.”
“And after baby number four, I’m staying celibate.” You mumbled.
You went back on birth control after Sienna was born, but it just never agreed with you. Through the last five years, you’d been through the implant, the pill, the iud— and all of them messed with your hormones so much that you and Matt went strictly back to condoms, much to both of your disdain for them.
“Alright, Y/N, I’m here to check to see what’s going on with your little one today,” the tech smiled, walking into the room. “Not your first rodeo?” She laughed, picking up the gel as she nodded at your rolled up t-shirt.
“Our fourth.” You replied, no longer phased by the cold feeling against your skin.
“Well congratulations again,” she smiled, turning on the ultrasound machine before picking up the wand. “I assume that you know what this is?”
You and Matt both nodded as she placed the wand against your belly, moving it around. “Can we do that thing we did with Madelyn? Guess the gender and whoever’s right gets to pick the name?” Matt smiled, holding your hand as he rested his chin on your arm.
“As long as you don’t turn it into a bet with your teammates.” You nodded, glaring at him. “I’m still not amused with the fact you almost let Sienna’s middle name be Sam because Sam guessed the gender correctly.”
“Sam’s not too bad—“
“Sienna Sam Tkachuk?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “It doesn’t flow Matthew! If this is a boy, we’ll let him use his winning bet as a middle name, but no more bets with the guys.”
The ultrasound tech laughed as Matt started to blush. “Okay, agreed.” He said, kissing your knuckles before looking towards the tech. “So how’s baby number four looking?”
“Well, you’re definitely not around 8 weeks like you thought you were. You’re more around 12 weeks and the babies are doing great. The pain you felt was probably more having to do with your pelvic floor trying to prepare for them.”
“See, babe? The babies are fine.” Matt smiled, looking at you before snapping his head back to her. “Wait, babies?”
“Babies,” she smiled, turning the screen towards the both of you and pointing at the three different figures on the screen. “Baby A, Baby B and Baby C, and they’re all looking good in measurements and I don’t see any worry you should be having.”
Your jaw dropped and you felt Matt’s grip on your hand fall as the both of you stared at the screen in shock. “Babies...plural...three,” you said, letting out a small laugh. “Triplets?! I’m having triplets?!”
“Mhhm, and I’ll get these scans for you. But just know that they’re doing great and with multiples, your doctor is probably going to want you to check in a lot more. So when you go back home, be sure to make an appointment as soon as you can.” She smiled, handing you a paper towel before walking to leave the room.
Matt got up and walked towards the screen, staring at it before squatting down beside you and staring at your belly, poking it. “Huh...I guess I can kinda see a bump. I can’t believe there’s three mini us’s in there.” He turned to you with a big smile, only to let it falter as soon as he saw your glaring eyes.
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
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snuggetfish · 3 years
Hi, love your head canons. Is there a chance of any more Daigo ones? Thanks 😊
Sure thing anon! I'm gonna through a few general headcanons I have about him. Let's see, first of all what does the Sixth Chairman usually get up to when he's not busy holding the clan together? I'd like to think Diago's hobbies are fairly "normal" in a sense, simple pleasures that lots of guys in their 30s/40s indulge in. He watches TV in the evenings and maybe leaves it droning in the background while he sorts through paperwork. He's got a rotation of channels: motorsports, music and... cooking shows.
I don't know why, but Daigo strikes me as someone who's really good in the kitchen, for being purely self-taught. As a kid I'm sure he got to visit lots of fancy restaurants and try out ingredients from all over the world, so he's got a discerning palate. He's usually really busy during the week, too busy to even consider making elaborate dinners (also he's likely got a delegated Tojo cook anyway), but on the occasional day off, I imagine this is Daigo's way of unwinding. Just being alone with his thoughts, enjoying the spicy, savoury aromas and most importantly, not checking his phone.
Because usually, when he's between meetings or being driven around, you will find his nose buried in his phone. Either scrolling through emails or maybe... playing Candy Crush hah. Look, he may seem like a stern little square, but it's not like he's immune to boredom. And we know he's been through his own rebellious phase...
So does he actually retain anything from it? Oh for sure, it's even in the canon 👀
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(credit to maddogofshimano for the translation of this RGGO item; do check out their other translations too!)
But, as the description say, it’s not a side he shows to other people. 
Being the big boss and having a whole posse of guards around him all the time means Daigo can't really get as "hands-on" with the action as many of his subordinates. Fighting is a good workout, but it’s unbecoming of a chairman to get his hands dirty...or so he’s told. So instead. I imagine Daigo would try to keep up by hitting the gym. 
No, not a private workout room that his family was all too eager to fit his mansion with - he wants an hour or two of just pure anonymity. Without any bodyguards. without Yayoi checking in to see if she can drop in for a visit. Daigo'll put on his trusty old Michelin man jacket, turn up the volume on some nostalgic tunes from his youth (emo pop anyone...?) and go to a regular, inconspicuous Kamurocho gym. It's somewhat of a ritual and an outlet for the accumulated stress of being chairman of the largest yakuza group in the country. But it's also a goal for Daigo to stay in shape, as he ages. Problem is, the cooking hobby I mentioned earlier still keeps him stubbornly soft around the edges... Well, maybe it's not a problem at all 😌
Lastly, when it comes to relationships... Listen I think it's likely Daigo's got a good number of arranged dates under his belt. Yayoi's a business-minded lady and she knows now is the time to invest in the future, so she'll have lots of picks for her son. First going through the daughters of big clans, then through the smaller ones, then finally considering that Daigo might be more interested in men? All the better, this only expands her scope of potential suitors. An alliance is an alliance, after all.
Daigo accepts these "matches" grudgingly, but he doesn't put much effort into the dates or dating in general. Sorry to say, but he strikes me as somewhat of a bore when it comes to conversations hah. He's used to only discussing work-related topics and even for those he knows he can't divulge too much. So he kind of struggles to keep up a lively dialogue. If someone really wants to make their way into Daigo's heart... they're gonna have to do most of the talking!
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knivesareout · 3 years
like it or not
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Pairing: Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: FLUFF, seriously so much fluff it’s disgusting. Food mention. Possible typos?
Summary: Kids aren’t afraid to speak their mind and your daughter is no exception. 
A/N: Based off this TikTok. The fic wrote itself, basically. Was gonna write it for a Pedro character but someone (@michaelperry​ @marvelousmermaid​) mentioned Santi so here we are. AO3 link here. Enjoy!
It was a quiet Sunday morning and you were basking in the silence.
You’d left bed only a few minutes ago with a sleeping Santi and your daughter curled up soundly against his side, snoring softly. It was rare that the two of them slept later than you did on any given day and you planned to take advantage for as long as you could manage.
It started out with a quick shower in the guest bathroom. Less chances of them waking up, you figured, not willing to chance it. After that it was a face mask that you’d managed to grab from your own bathroom while you fully moisturized your body with the lotion tucked under the cabinet.
As much as you loved your little family, and you did, it was nice to have time to yourself. Things were almost always chaos around your house; with Lucy running and getting into everything her hands could reach and Santi working later hours, you were feeling run down and it seemed like someone was smiling down on you this morning to allow you the peace and quiet you’d desperately needed. 
You figure it was probably best to start on breakfast now before Lucy woke up and decided she wanted to help. Usually you didn’t mind her asking to help but it almost always ended up in a mess and this morning it wasn’t something you really wanted to deal with if you could avoid it. 
Music plays quietly in the background of the kitchen. It was a soft rock playlist Santi had made for you when you first started dating. It reminds you of stolen kisses and long distance phone calls in the middle of the night when he was stationed in another country-  harder but simpler times. A time before mortgages, shared finances, and your daughter.
By the time the pancakes are done and you start working on the eggs, you hear heavy footsteps climbing down the stairs and smile. As sad as you were to have your quiet morning coming to an end, you knew the smell of breakfast was bound to wake them up sooner rather than later. 
“Good morning mi reina,” Santi greets you, walking into the kitchen with Lucy hiked up high on his hip, still dressed in his boxers and a black shirt. Her head was buried sleepily in his neck, her pj’s askew from a heavy night’s sleep, curls wild, and the image has your heart squeezing. 
“Morning handsome,” you call back, pushing the eggs around in the pan.
Santi sidles up to you to press a kiss to your cheek and you lean over, pressing one to Lucy’s forehead. “Morning baby, did you sleep okay?”
She nods tiredly, looking around. “Pancakes for breakfast?”
Of course she skips right over the eggs you were clearly cooking and you roll your eyes, reaching over to tickle her tummy. “Yes and eggs too,” you told her and she giggles, shying away from your hands. 
You start to plate everything up once the eggs are done, bringing them over to the table while Santi buckles Lucy up in her booster seat. 
“How long have you been up babe?” 
“A couple hours, maybe?” You tell him, cutting up Lucy’s pancakes and drizzling them lightly with syrup before sliding it closer to her. “You two were passed out and I couldn’t sleep anymore so I figured I’d get a head start on everything.”
You all dig in, hands moving faster than your mouths can chew. 
Lucy’s covered in syrup by the time you’re all done with breakfast, face and hands sticky and you’re just thankful she didn’t get any in her hair. 
“I’ll take care of the dishes if you wanna go clean her up?”
You take your boyfriend up on the offer quickly. He knows doing dishes is your least favorite chore and you pull your sticky handed daughter out of her booster seat, careful to avoid her grip. “How do you always get so sticky, my little gremlin?”
“No mommy,” she tells you, going to grab for your face but you dodge her hands, laughing on your way to the bathroom. 
She doesn’t fight you as you wipe carefully at her chubby cheeks, lips blowing raspberries while you clean her up. “You’re so silly, my little monkey. Come on, let’s see if daddy’s finished the dishes.”
Once she’s on her own two feet, she takes off towards the kitchen and you’re slow to follow her. It seemed like only yesterday she was barely learning how to walk and now she’s running through the house at full speed, letting nothing get in her way. 
“So, what’s the plan for today? Or is there no plan and we’re just winging it?”
Santi’s finished loading the dishwasher when you find him, Lucy messing with the magnets towards the bottom of the refrigerator and trying to see how high she can get them as she jumps. 
There’s so much that needs to be done. Laundry was piling up in the mud room, the front and backyard both needed to be mowed, and the house was in desperate need of a full sweep and yet, there was no desire to do any of it. 
“Can we just sit on the couch and watch movies all day?” 
Lucy squeals below you, clapping. “Nemo!” She starts chanting, abandoning the magnets to hop into the living room, curls bouncing, and you sigh. It wasn’t exactly what you had in mind but you don’t have the heart to tell her no. 
Santi just shoots you an apologetic smile, pulling you into his chest and kissing the top of your forehead. “Maybe she’ll nap soon?”
“You two just woke up,” you remind him, poking him gently in the stomach. 
He just laughs, guiding you two into the living room where Lucy’s waiting patiently on the couch. 
“Come here munchkin,” Santi dives for her, easily picking her up and settling her in his lap once he’s comfortable on the couch. 
You settle on the loveseat by yourself, spreading yourself out on the cushions and pull up Finding Nemo on Disney+. 
It was the 3rd time in the last week you all had watched this particular movie. Lucy was going through a “fish phase” as Santi liked to call it, and it was easy for you to drift off, the noise familiar. 
An hour later, loud giggles fill your ears and you turn on the loveseat to see Lucy crawling over her father like a jungle gym, using his arms as a monkey bar and it puts a sleepy smile on your face as you watch the two of them. 
“Mommy’s awake,” Santi whispers loudly to Lucy once he spots your eyes cracking open and she squeals when she sees you.
“Hi baby. Sorry I fell asleep,” you tell her, turning around to sit up, rubbing at your tired eyes with a yawn.
“It’s okay mommy. Daddy says you woke up early and was tired,” she explains, sitting half on Santi’s shoulder and half on his back as he lays down across the couch. 
You hum quietly as the movie continues to play, checking the time to see it was only half past 12. Your eyes drift back towards your daughter and boyfriend, watching as Lucy starts to stroke the side of Santi’s head and looks at him curiously. 
“Daddy, you have paint on your hair,” she tells him, pointing at a thicker patch of gray that had become more prominent in the last couple of months.
Santi looks at you for help, clearly confused as to what she was talking about but you shrug, trying to hold back your grin.
“Paint on my hair?” He asks her. 
“Yeah, right there,” she points to the grays and a quiet giggle escapes your lips. Santi seems to understand then and huffs.
“No princesa, that’s gray hair.” 
“Gray hair?” She strokes the patch, tugging on it a little and Santi winces.
“Yeah, cause your daddy’s old.” 
Santi shoots you a death glare and Lucy just giggles above him, moving herself off his back and jumping on the empty cushion at the end of the couch by Santi’s feet.
“Daddy’s old, daddy’s old!”
“Luciana Rose Garcia, don’t be mean to your father,” you try to scold her but your tone is light and honestly the whole thing is just hilarious. Santi’s pouting as he watches his daughter chant about how old he is and you sit up, moving to place yourself in his lap and pull him into your chest.
“I think the gray is sexy,” you tell him quietly in his ear, tugging the hair at the back of his head.
“Mommy!” Lucy jumps towards you and places herself in your lap and it’s one big pile of limbs now on top of Santi once she’s settled in.
The movie’s over 20 minutes later and you’re thankful. Lucy’s eyes have started to droop as the movie ends and you heave a sigh of relief. 
“I’m gonna put her to bed but I’ll see you in the bedroom in 10?”
You slide off Santi’s lap, careful not to jostle your 4 year old too much until she’s situated against your chest and snoring softly against your shoulder.
He nods, looking up at you with clear admiration written across his face and you nudge his foot with yours. “See you in a sec, old man.”
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saturnsummer · 3 years
baby, be with me so happily
based off that video that drove me nuts and that photo. anyways, a small excerpt i guess that i might want to include in a future bokseul fic? hm... still brewing...
enjoy as always, grammar and other mistakes by me!
summary: after bokgi witnesses something, his suspicions are confirmed when he sees it again in person. 
word count: 3181 words
excerpt title: protect.
trigger warning: abuse, slight mention of blood, minor cursing. 
"Yah, Bokgi! Are you listening?" Yebeom nudged his friend as Bokgi stirred his metal tray of rice.
“What?" Bokgi raises his head, to find his friends staring in concern. Bokgi, confused, leans back as he spoons another mouthful of rice into his mouth. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he chewed anyway. He knew if he didn’t eat, he would end up dozing off in class. And it didn’t help that he was already blacklisted for talking back to the teachers often.
"You okay? You seem pretty distracted." The older Sol asks. Bokgi shakes his head, avoiding eye contact with his noona. But he knows that amongst the six of them, he’s the worst liar. Setting his utensils down, he leans forward and darts his eyes and head around. The group gets his cue as they lean down to the table further, huddling together.
"You know Jeon Yeseul-ssi?" Bokgi asked. Yebeom cocked his eyebrow.
"What, the eye candy in my batch?" The younger Sol turns her head, staring in a cold piercing stare and swats his arm. Jiho clicks his tongue as Joon Hwi sighs.
"Yeah, she's the new transfer right? Just got in about a week ago?" Joon Hwi asks, ignoring the mutters of complaints from Yebeom.
"What's up? You like her?" The older Sol asks, a hopeful grin on her face. Bokgi swears his face flushed red, but this wasn't the time. He needed to be truthful on what he saw.
"I saw her this morning arguing with an older guy today. Some college dude. He looks kind of familiar, I just can’t remember.” Bokgi admits uncertainty in his voice as he chews on a piece of meat.
"It might just be her boyfriend, and they got into a fight." Jiho quips.
"It didn't look like it. The way he shouted and the way she shrunk back was...different. I can't put my finger on it, but it felt weird." Bokgi sighs. "Maybe I'm thinking too much about it."
The group is mostly silent as they finish their meals. Bokgi, still deep in his thoughts, can't shake the image from this morning. The way Yeseul's eyes were so full of fear and hurt when she looked up at the older guy, the way when her eyes met Bokgi's that screamed helplessness, but she only gave a small smile when Bokgi asked if she was okay. Most of the time, Bokgi would have blushed as usual whenever he caught her eyes, but that moment, he felt uncertainty and sadness.
"Bokgi, she has club activities with me today. I'll ask her about it carefully. Maybe ask if she has a boyfriend or whatever first. After all, she did create quite a buzz when she arrived." Sol says. Bokgi hides a blush and darts his eyes away to anywhere but his friends. God, Sol-noona is never gonna let me get away with my embarrassment.
"Thanks, noona."
"Oh, wait. Sejun from class 5 just sent me some gossip." Yebeom said, scrolling on his phone. "He says that some girls have asked Yeseul and confirmed she has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is popular politician's son, Ko Yeongchang."
"Ah! The guy that went viral for all his videos online and good looks?" Joon Hwi asks as Bokgi researches his name and confirms it when a bunch of his photos pop up over his browser. Yes, this was the man that Bokgi saw with Yeseul this morning. But why does he feel like he knows Yeongchang from somewhere else too?
“We’re going to be late. Let’s go.” Jiho says, picking up his tray and the rest follow suit as they head out to clear it. They split to their respective classes, agreeing to meet after school at the entrance.
Bokgi shoves his hands in his blazer pockets as he walks back to his classroom, taking his seat at the back. He slumps his head on the table, replaying the way that Yeseul shrunk back when Yeongchang raised his voice. The way that Yeseul formed a shaky smile when Bokgi came over to ask if she was okay, and she only nodded. How he noticed the small bruise on her arm, hidden by her blazer, but said no word.
There was something more, and Bokgi was ready to find out.
Yeseul sits on the toilet seat cover of the school’s bathroom as she takes off her blazer and rolls the sleeve of her blouse up. She sighs looking at the bruise that is slightly red, a hint of purple just underneath. She's glad for the blazer now, as much as she hates the rough material and the ugly colour. At least it hides away the bruises blossoming on her arms under the white shirt.
Taking an ointment from her pouch, she dabs carefully, rubbing in with care and bites her lips from hissing when it's too painful. Yeseul sighs when she rolls back her sleeves and runs a hand through her long locks. When she shuts her eyes, she can only replay the way Yeongchang's hand digging into her arm over her fresh bruise from the day before, and her foolish mistake for angering him more when she forced her arm away and shouted back. She knew better than to shout back, especially when they were in front of her school in the early morning.
"I should have never said anything about school..." Yeseul mumbles to herself as she puts her blazer back on. She opens the cubicle door, sighting a few female students reapplying their lip tints and she forces a friendly smile before heading to the last sink to wash her hands. The girls give an equally excited smile back before they rush out in hushed whispers. She catches a girl whispering about how Yeseul looks so elegant, like a sculpture brought to life.
If only they knew, Yeseul thought, as she dried her hands and stared at her lifeless eyes. She fixes a smile on her face before walking out of the washroom. Once she was out, she noticed the back of a familiar curly haired student from afar walking along the hallway alone, hands in his blazer. When he turns to walk into the classroom, Yeseul's eyes soften as she's reminded of what happened just a few hours ago.
Bokgi was someone Yeseul always noticed, even though she had been in school for just a week. She would find him hiding behind a wall and he would run away or just smile in a silly fashion before making a lame excuse to run off, no, sprint away. Yeseul also noted how Bokgi's voice could be heard from the other end of the hallway, arguing with his teacher on the reasons on why he strongly agrees with the point of having all citizens exercise their own right to express their views. Shortly after, when she ended class, he was sitting outside on the floor sulking, kicked out from class. Yeseul stifled a laugh, because for some reason, his sulking made him seem like a cute five year old that didn't manage to convince his parents that he wanted that piece of candy.
When he approached him this morning, his tie loose around his collar and asked in a soft voice if she was okay, Yeseul had wanted to say that it wasn't. Yeseul wanted to admit to him that the bruises on her arms hurt, that she was boiling with anger. But she held her tongue back. No, she wasn't angry, Yeongchang was just going through a phase and his emotions got the best of himself. No, her bruises didn't hurt. Yeongchang doesn't mean any of it, he never means to hurt her.
Yeseul takes a deep breath in as she walks back to her classroom and takes her seat. She flips through the photos she's taken with Yeongchang. A mirror selfie with his arms around her waist in his room. Them in matching outfits sharing a sweet kiss. Her in a body hugging satin ruched dress and him in a suit as they celebrated Valentines. She smiles at the sweet memories, remembering his loving touch and sweet words.
No, she doesn't regret being with Yeongchang. He doesn't mean it.
No, she loves Yeongchang, and he loves her.
Yeseul is okay.
Yeseul is not a victim.
Bokgi unwraps the hand wraps around his knuckles as he pants heavily. Leaning against the locker door, he picks up his phone and replays the video. Screening through, he sighs as he notices the break in his form when he punches the punching bag and how unsteady his footwork is. He needs more practice, if he wants to improve from where he is now.
He wipes the sweat off his forehead, thankful for the hair tie that the older Sol lent him to tie his hair back for training. He grabs a fresh change of clothes before heading to the shower room, stripping off his sweaty clothes and taking a quick shower, erasing all traces of sweat. His boxing training ends the earliest, but he takes the longest to shower with the mount of curled locks he has.
When he's changed into comfortable, clean clothes, he dries his curled locks as best as he can, but he still doesn't know how to not make it look so wet. He wishes the younger Sol was here to help him with his hair, but she's probably still in debate, arguing with Jiho. (Silently, Bokgi prays that they are on the same team so that he wouldn't have to witness another cold war between the two.)
Muttering his curses, he throws the towel in his duffel and picks up his school bag and heads out the gym after waving goodbye to his coaches and club mates. He goes to the vending machine, purchasing a carton of banana milk and sits by the steps of the school's entrance, sipping on his drink.
From the corner, he notices Yeseul walking from the side and Bokgi does his best to not choke on his milk. He scrambles from the steps and runs away to the corner, behind a wall, peeking over to see Yeseul with a small smile as she walks with a few students. But her smile drops when they bump into a familiar man, hands in the pocket of his jeans, a smug smirk on his face.
Ko Yeongchang was back.
The students next to her gaped, for the first time seeing this ulzzang in person. Bokgi can't make out their words, but Yeongchang throws his head back, mouth wide open and eyes crinkled. From the way the students are looking, Bokgi suspects that he must have told them Yeseul is his girlfriend. Yeseul's face plasters a shy smile, but her eyes speak otherwise. Her eyes bore uncertainty, the same way that Bokgi remembers from this morning.
Yeongchang's arm slipped around Yeseul's back, his hand grabbing onto her arm. For a split second, Yeseul's eyes flashed pain, but it was quickly covered with her usual sparkle and light as she gave a light laugh. Bokgi's stomach churned. Something was obviously wrong, and it was enough to make him feel almost slightly nauseous.
The other students giggled as they walked away, waving to Yeseul as they scurried back to school. As soon as they were out of sight, Yeseul rips her way out of Yeongchang's arms and takes a step back, her hand instinctively going up to grab her other arm. It was enough for Bokgi to infer what was probably going on. Bokgi's anger bubbled inside as he felt the puzzle pieces falling together.
"This bastard..." Bokgi cursed through his gritted teeth. It didn't take a genius to know that Yeseul was being abused by Yeongchang. The way that she shrunk back when his hand reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear this morning. The way her eyes darted when Yeongchang held her arm in a tight fashion.
Yeseul shouts something inaudible to Yeongchang, and they exchange a few shouts. Yeseul is turning around to leave when Yeongchang grabs her bag and spins her around, hand gripping her wrist. She forcefully pulls away, but Yeongchang grabs her arm. The moment he raises his hand up is when Bokgi crushes his carton of milk and shouts. No, he can't see this. Not again.
"Yah! What do you think you are doing?" He shouts in a voice so loud and full of anger, he can't recognise it as his own. He storms over, sticky sugary milk dripping between his left hand as he clutches his carton. He reaches and Yeseul is almost surprised to see him. If Yeseul wasn't there, Bokgi would have said nothing and pummel him back.
"Bokgi-ssi..." Yeseul whispered, almost in surprise.
"Noona, are you okay?" Bokgi turns to ask Yeseul.
"Noona? What, does he know you? When did you know other guys?" Yeongchang asked, voice raised and slightly aggressive.
"That's none of your business. And what were you about to do? Hit her?" Bokgi spat back in anger. His eyes burned with fury as he challenged the taller man.
"Why are you meddling in our business? She's my girlfriend, I get to do what I want." Yeongchang scoffs back, hand grabbing back to Yeseul's arm as he pulls. This time, Yeseul is caught off guard as she hisses in pain.
"Stop!" Bokgi shouts in fury before pulling Yeongchang's hand away. Swiftly, he pushes Yeseul's hand away from the both of them.
"Why are you so concerned? What, you like her?" Yeongchang's eyes are dark and challenging as he stares down at Bokgi.
"Noona doesn't deserve to be treated by a bastard like you." Bokgi seethes with gritted teeth as his fists are balled tightly.
"What? What did you say?" Yeongchang's face contorts to one of so much fury, as he grabs onto the collar of Bokgi's shirt.
"You heard me, bastard."
And that was all it took for Yeongchang's fist to come flying across his face, knocking him to the concrete ground. Bokgi shook his head to centre himself, a hand reaching up to his face knowing a bruise will form.
"Bokgi-ssi!" Yeseul shouts in concern as she bends down, trying to help Bokgi up. But Bokgi only shrugs her concerns off.
"You know, for someone that beats people, you're kinda weak." Bokgi says, a taunting smile on his face. Yeongchang's face grows in even more fury as Bokgi stands up, dusting the dirt of his clothes.
"You—" Another punch comes, but Bokgi has enough playing victim, and he dodges the blow effortlessly. Yeongchang tries throwing an uppercut, but Bokgi is quick to block his arm and land one across his jaw. He doesn't hit hard enough for a bruise, but hard enough to hurt. Yeongchang stumbles back, almost surprised at the power of this high school rebel, but Bokgi stands tall.
Another punch comes, but Bokgi is faster to land one before Yeongchang could land his. Bokgi manages to catch Yeongchang off guard as he turns his arm backwards and pins it against his back. With every tug, Yeongchang is cursing in pain.
"One more word from you and I'll sprain your wrist. Or should I maybe crack your ribs?" Bokgi threatens. "You sick freak, beating up your girlfriend? And you have so many people looking up to you as an influencer?"
"Let go of me!" Yeongchang shouts in anger.
"You know, we have security cameras here, right? And they clearly saw you this morning and just now, raising your hand. They also caught you punching me first." Bokgi brings his lips closer to his ears. "How will that look, hm? A politician's son, on the news of beating his girlfriend?"
Yeongchang is lost, but still squirming. Bokgi slides his foot between his legs, letting him fall to the ground on his knees as Bokgi holds him in a kneeling position. From the corner of his eye, he spots Yeseul with the older Sol rubbing her back and Joon Hwi next to her with the rest of his friends.
"What-What do you want?"
"Promise you won't ever, ever touch noona like that again. If I find out on my own that she's hurt by you..." Bokgi tightens his grip on his wrist as Yeongchang grunts in pain. "Your wrist isn't the only thing that is going to be broken."
Bokgi finally lets go and steps away from Yeongchang, Joon Hwi joining Bokgi by his side.
"Get out. Now." Joon Hwi sternly barks as Yeongchang, still seething with anger, dust the dirt from his pants. He sets his eyes on Bokgi as he stares straight into the brown orbs.
"You...watch out. You'll pay." He says before turning on his heels and walking away, hands running in his hair with frustration. The group joins from behind, as Sol and Yeseul walk over to join. All of sudden, it occurred to Bokgi that Yeseul had to watch this, and he wished a deep pit swallowed him alive in that instant.
"Ah, Yeseul-noona... I'm sorry you had to watch that... I...I'm sorry." Bokgi mutters his apologies. Yeseul shakes her head slowly.
"Thank you for standing up for me. I'm sorry you had to get hurt." Yeseul says softly as Bokgi brings a hand up to his face. It's sore, and he finally tastes the slightest bit of metallic blood from the burst corner of his lips.
"Ah? This is nothing. I have it a lot worse in training." Bokgi shrugs it off. The older Sol hits him on the head lightly as Bokgi yelps.
"A lot worse in training? Do you want us to kill you before you get beaten to pulp? Take care of yourself, Min Bokgi!" Sol scolds. Yebeom passes him a wet wipe to wipe his sticky hand from the banana milk.
"You should get ice on the bruise." Yeseul says as she digs into her pockets for a small container and takes Bokgi's calloused hands before pressing it in.
"It's some ointment for bruises that I, you know..." She trails off. The older Sol just carefully places an arm around her.
"Are you going to break up with him?" Jiho asks, his head nodding in the direction of where Yeongchang left. Yeseul stayed silent as her lost eyes darted, her hand sweeping her hair away. Bokgi doesn't know where he gained the courage from, but he gently places a hand on her shoulder, careful to just let it rest.
"I'll protect you, okay?"
Yeseul looks into Bokgi's soft eyes as Bokgi gives a small smile. Even with a red bruised jaw, a burst lip, this man could still smile at her like an innocent child. Yeseul just nods, drawing a small smile out of her, as she suddenly feels a faith arise in her.
Bokgi might not have been able to protect her from the bruises then. But he will protect her heart and from the bruises now. Even if it means being beaten down countless times, he would protect her, each time.
She was worth protecting, even if she didn't feel the same.
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diazevan · 3 years
Tumblr media
a makeshift dancefloor (read on ao3)  ↳ Words: 1.3k 
Buck and Eddie are getting married.
Before the big day, Maddie teaches Buck how to dance.
"I can't dance."
The panic in Buck's tone sends a sharp shot up Maddie's spine. She stands, holding up the front door, still in her sweats and bathrobe, bleary-eyed, after been woken from her mid-morning nap by her brother's rampant knocking.
She blinks slowly.
Then, she finally realizes what he said, "You." She slurs sleepily. "You can't dance?"
He nods frantically.
"Okay." She steps to the side, letting him inside.
Buck paces, hunched over while he fidgets with his fingers. The sweat on his brow and the short gaps between each breath explain all Maddie needs to know in ten seconds.
He's in complete panic mode.
It's a week until the wedding, and for the past six months, Buck has had a new worry, or hyper fixation, every other week. The food, the venue, the suits, the flowers, the weather, to name a few.
"Maddie." Buck looks at her. "I'm marrying Eddie Diaz."
"I know." She perches on a stool, "I was there when he proposed."
"I'm marrying Eddie Diaz," Buck mutters. "And I can't dance."
"Buck," Maddie uses a tone that she knows he listens to. She waits until his gaze meets hers, "You're gonna be okay." Then, she asks, "Does Eddie know?"
"No." He holds out her hand. "Months ago, he asked if we should practice, and I said we would be okay."
Of course, he did. Maddie rushes to reassure, "First dances don't have to be perfect. You're basically just swaying and holding hands."
"Then…" Buck sighs. "I can't sway."
Maddie laughs lightly. "Where's this coming from?"
"Everything else is done." He wears an uncertain smile. "We've written our vows. Our suits are tailored." He lists. "Groomsmen and maids' outfits are sorted." He points to her, "Thank you."
"May helped." She adds. "A lot."
Buck nods before continues, "Athena told me that Bobby's speech is going to make us all cry. Hen and Chim's best man..." He holds up his hands to perform air quotes, "'Presentation' is apparently hilarious."
Maddie snorts. "Oh, it is."
"Everything is done, Maddie." He tilts his head to his shoulder. "Then, last night, Helena asked about our first dance, and I remembered—"
"That I can't dance." He stresses.
Maddie knows her brother. This is about more than dancing. It's eight days until the wedding, and Buck's desperately trying not to get cold feet by finding a distraction.
He adores Eddie and Christopher. He wants to be a part of their lives forever.
But sometimes, sadly, a part of him will stray and believe that he doesn't deserve them.
Maddie's job as his sister is to make sure he doesn't get caught in that spiral.
She speaks softly, "I've seen you dance."
"That's not the same." He hangs his head back. "That's party dancing. This is proper dancing, where everybody's watching. If it goes wrong, then—"
"Then what?" She asks. "The dance floor catches on fire?"
He shrugs. "Maybe."
Maddie fixes him with a concerned stare. "Buck—"
Buck's lower lip trembles. "What if I embarrass Eddie?"
She hops off the chair. "You're spiralling." She reaches out, gathering his hands. "Even if you slipped over and took Eddie down with you, he'd still look at you like you're the center of the universe."
He laughs, teary-eyed. "Yeah?"
"He's in love with you, Buck."
He raises his eyebrows. "Is that a bad thing?"
"No." She says quickly. "But there's Firefighter Buckley, measured and calculated, often reckless. Then there's Buck, who loses balance on a swing and dislocates his elbow."
Buck hangs his head with the heaviest of sighs.
Nobody is going to let him forget that ordeal.
Barely a month after his and Eddie's engagement, everybody met in the park for a picnic.
With May's help, Buck took the kids, who followed him like a moth to a flame.
He wasn't even swinging recklessly, but he was momentarily distracted by Hen and Karen's foster son, Noah, falling over, but the result sent Buck to the emergency room.
Maddie squeezes his arm. "Whatever happens, you're gonna be okay."
"I just—" He stammers. "I want it to be good."
"It will." She encourages. "Even if you're just sidestepping."
"People will be watching."
"Strangers watch you work," Maddie points out. "And you don't drop victims off the rig."
Buck sways back. "I'm not gonna be Firefighter Buckley on that dancefloor."
"True." She clutches his hands. "But you'll have something in common."
Buck's mouth twitches in a smile, "Eddie."
"He'd never let you fall." She comforts. "At work or outside of it. I'm sure he'd carry you if you forgot the steps."
Buck smiles. He knows she's not wrong.
He and Eddie are idiots in love. They'd do anything for one another.
"You'll forget about the audience." She says. "All you'll see is him."
Buck grins fondly.
Maddie pats his arm. "Do you want to practice?"
"I've got a few moves." She spins, side-to-side, her socks gliding across the hardwood floor.
Buck snorts a laugh. "Yeah?"
"Come on." She pulls on his hands. "Jee-Yun's at ballet for an hour, and Chim usually takes her out for ice cream after."
"I bet Jee's a better dancer than me."
"She's two, Buck." She tells him. "All she does is shake her head to the music."
Buck smiles. "Bet that's cute."
"Of course, she's adorable." She points to the couch and dining table. "Let's move these."
Buck picks them up, dragging them to the walls like they weigh nothing.
Maddie uses the time to grab Chimney's Bluetooth speaker from their room and hook it up to her phone. Then, she changes into a more practical outfit, her sweatsuit, that she once used to go to the gym.
"Who's leading?" She steps onto the makeshift dancefloor. "You or Eddie?"
"Okay." Maddie holds up her hands. "So, let's start with an intro."
Buck walks towards her, his foot catching the edge of the rug, tripping forward two steps.
Maddie's hands fly up. "Woah."
Buck steadies himself, then points to his feet. "See."
"Your foot caught on the rug." Maddie huffs a breath. "There's not gonna be a rug at your Wedding."
Buck tiptoes over, watching his feet.
Maddie catches his hand.
Teaching Buck an intro is straightforward.
It's more of a walk than a dance, and Buck's good at following instructions— when he wants to.
Maddie guides. "Your left hand is gonna be on his shoulder."
Buck rests his hand on her shoulder. "Okay."
"His hand will be on your back." She moves in the correct position, "Then you'll hold your right hands..." She clutches his hand, lifting it into the air, "Like this..."
"Now what?"
"It's just sidestepping..." She ushers him to the side, "As I said."
"Oh." Buck mimics her movements. "This is easy."
"Told you." She laughs. "Now, let's do a turn."
Buck's eyes widen. "What?"
"We drop our left hands." She tells him, and they do that, even with Buck's look of unease. "Eddie lifts his right, and you just turn underneath." Buck is considerably taller than Maddie, so she stands on her tiptoes while he slumps a little.
"Okay." Buck twirls under Maddie's arm, ducking a little more than he will with Eddie.
"See." Maddie places her hand back onto his shoulder. "He'll be able to stretch up a little further because he's taller than me."
Buck frowns. "Is that it?"
"Basically." She nods. "The rest will come naturally."
Buck goes to answer, but the door clicks open.
"Oh, hey." Chimney greets, not at all phased by what's going on.
Jee-Yun springs away from his side—still in her baby pink tights and tutu, meaning that Chimney lost the battle of trying to get her to change into her regular clothes. She squeaks, "Bucky, Bucky, Bucky—"
"There's my ballerina in training!" Buck scoops her up into his arms, "You look beautiful."
She looks around. "What you doing?"
"To learn."
Maddie steps over to Chimney. "Hey."
"Hey." He pulls her into a kiss.
"Look at that," She turns back. "Not even a 'hello .'"
Chimney laughs, "She doesn't even know we're still in the room."
Chimney shrugs. "Buck's her favorite."
"Oh, for sure."
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