#all the support is 1. making my ego GROW!!!
heartpascal · 1 year
i made memes. the tunnel is heartbreaking, HEARTBREAKING. idek what to do with myself after reading the tunnel, i am at a loss for words IT WAS AMAZING, genuinely my top of ur works i love it sm. literally from the bottom of my heart, ur an incredibly talented writer and seeing you get traction on ur fics is so lovely to see bc you genuinely deserve the all love for your works !!!!! u never cease to grace tumblr with ur words 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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STOP IT RN AHAHAHAHA omfg the memes 😭😭😭 i’m so sorry!!!! i will try to break less hearts in future (no i won’t), there will not be more angst (yes there will it’s all i know)
you’re the sweetest ever thank you so so much 😭 your support means THE LITERAL WORLD!!!! the MEMES??? made my entire day. sobbing and crying. I LITCH RALLY LUV YOU SM!!!
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klmp11s · 2 months
There’s never enough male reader content so thank you 🙏
Could I request first years realizing they have a crush on a guy for the first time (you) and how they go about that 💙
I LOVE U I had so much fun writing this 🙏🙏(English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes)
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt; (Mention of Rook, Vil, Lilia, Malleus) Warning: male!reader
Summary: first years realizing they have a crush on a guy for the first time (you) and how they go about that.
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Ace Trappola
Like, he doesn't have time for romance, you know? He is busy studying and in general he is a free guy. NO YOU DIDN'T SEE HE STARING AT YOU THE WHOLE LESSON, THAT'S A LIE
He won’t understand until the very end that his feelings for you are not platonic at all.
Is he holding you by the shoulders? Well, yes, we are friends. Is he constantly in your personal space? Pfft, what's wrong with that?
Does he have a disgusted look on his face when unfamiliar students approach you? He doesn’t know them, what if they’re bad?
This man will literally always be with you, no matter when or where.
Are you going to lunch? Is he with you. Do you need to go to the library to do homework? He will complain, but at the same time he never left behind you while you were walking.
You're the first person he always invites to his basketball game.
Like, you know, he can play and the moment he hears how you support his team and himself, his desire to win increases three times.
He finally understands his feelings after other people pointed out your closeness with him several times. His reaction is “of course we are close, we are best friends” and at the moment he literally “..we are close 🫢😶😳”
Now the troublemaker begins to notice that everything connected with you is important to him
The gears in his field are like this 🔁  and he understands that the desire to be close, hug, kiss, hold, make you smile are not platonic feelings at all.
I also think that for some time he will not understand how much he liked the guy, but as soon as he remembers your image, all questions from his head will disappear and he will curse your too beautiful face, magnificent eyes, your- AHEM
At first he doesn’t know what to do with it at all. Because 1. You are his best friend 2. He is your best friend 3. What if you don't like boys??? The boy is literally broken
Despite this, he becomes completely shameless. Teases, flirts and speaks with the simplest possible hints. Forgive him, the boy is trying to get you to react and understand whether you like him
Most likely, HE will be waiting for recognition. (He's too afraid that you don't like him and it will ruin your friendship)
He is the type that will look at you with puppy dog ​​eyes and when you remark, he will immediately begin to turn the arrow on you. “I am NOT staring. And you? You miss my face so much that you’re staring at me, huh? Don't say a word about his red face, the boy is literally dying inside for being burned so stupidly
Be patient, because if you confess to him, his ego will grow to incredible proportions and he will be the most smug guy ever (you literally can just kiss him on the cheek and he'll die)
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Deuce Spade
HE IS SO CUTE, he also didn’t notice for a long time that he feels different with you
Like: “yes, I want to spend more time with him, I look at him often, and suggest we study together. Is there something wrong?"
He's the kind of guy who will randomly look at you and literally be like: Deuce.exe doesn't answer. You 100% caught this look on yourself. You could even stare back for a while until Deuce realized it and turned his head away at the speed of light.
He thanks the seven because you never talk about it
He would rather die than answer the questions “why are you staring?” YOU DEFINITELY SAID ONCE SOMETHING LIKE “do you like what you see?” the boy couldn't speak or look at you for a couple of weeks.
He also 100% told his mom about you when he called her and she could also tease him, because he didn’t even notice what exactly he was talking about you and then he just sat there with a red face looking at the floor
I think he realized his feelings at the moment when you were in your dorm and in silence doing your own thing. Have you heard that people become 100% more handsome when they go about their business with complete confidence and skill? Exactly this moment.
The boy literally didn’t take his eyes off you and didn’t say a word while he looked at you. Do you have to be so charming?
Please don't ask why he's red, he 's ready to get up and run away right now.
From that moment on, he understands that his heart beating too quickly and the desire to be closer are not platonic.
HE CALLS MOM IMMEDIATELY (if the time is not later) he absolutely does not know what to do in this situation. Fortunately, his mother calms him down and says that he should confess to you. I think this conversation took a couple of hours, but after that he confidently decided that he would look after you so that you would like him.
Absolutely the behavior of a handsome prince, holds the door for you, compliments you (even if he is absolutely red), tries to invite you more often to spend time together, etc.
He might even invite you to his home for the holidays to introduce you to his mother 💔
He is the type who would rather admit his feelings rather than wait for recognition. He wants the moment to be perfect and you like it and remember it
He tried so hard that he most likely asked third-year students for advice
They jokingly now call him lover boy.
But after confessing, he becomes the happiest guy. He can finally hold your hand, hug you in front of strangers AND KISS YOU OKAY HE'S IN HEAVEN
The most in love and happy because now he has the best guy in the world.
He definitely invited you to his home, only as HIS BOYFRIEND
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Jack Howl
Love is not for him. He's a lone wolf. Stop looking at his tail, which only affects you if you're nearby.
Okay, okay, listen, he constantly stands next to you, sits together, his ears twitch only if you speak. He literally has a radar on you.
Listens to everything you say, goes with you everywhere if you ask.
He doesn't say a word to you if you take his arm
This is the usual behavior of close friends, what's wrong with it?
He definitely realized his feelings almost immediately. But most likely this was influenced by the moment when you asked to touch his ears and he agreed without thinking.
His brain is literally like "yes"...Wait WHAT
Okay now you have a gloomy tsundere wolf
You are literally the most handsome, interesting man he has seen in his life, you know?
He didn't talk about it anymore and he prayed that you wouldn't start this conversation.
He definitely told his cacti about you, with that stupid loving smile, but as soon as he noticed it he immediately became like: 😳😤
He definitely suggested playing sports together a couple of times (the boy just wants to spend time together doing what he loves 🙏 . Yes, you can consider it a date because he won't say it)
Now in the company he is not at all against anything from your side. Hug him? Hmm. hold his hand? Hmm. Put your hand on his thigh? He died
I'm sure that at such moments his tail hit your legs or back a couple of times
Courtship? DEFINED
If you put your head on his shoulder while talking to other people, he will become a statue, as long as you don't remove it.
Courtship among wolves is more tactile, so he tries to be as close to you physically as possible.
He confesses first. Most likely, he will organize a date where it is just the two of you, and he will be able to calmly talk about his feelings.
He is so glad that now he can kiss you, hug you, hold your hand, bite you AND RUSH HIS HEAD ON YOU.
You and he definitely became the parents of his cacti
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Epel felmier
Absolutely not. He doesn't like a man, IT'S NOT MASCULINE
The boy just doesn't know what to do
You literally evoke the strongest emotions in him and he always feels dizzy and has butterflies in his stomach when you are around.
Like, have you seen yourself?? You are so cool, smart, interesting, handsome-
Boy in Denial #2
He loves you, yes, you are his FRIEND, it’s normal to love friends, isn’t it?? He can't come to terms
He tries to pretend that his cheeks are not burning while you are sitting close together or leaning on him.
He realized and accepted his feelings at the sleepover at your dorm. The vibe of calm conversations, your calm voice, relaxed look and that stupidly beautiful smile destroyed his denial.
Congratulations, you now have a protector and a prince trying to impress you.
He will literally protect your pride, even in minor situations. Did they answer you rudely/hit you with a shoulder? He's ready to punch someone in the face
The moments when you two just communicate become the most pleasant for him. Do you and the person you like spend time together, alone? He will move mountains for this
He will definitely confess first, because that’s what real men do!
(Still trying to impress you)
He definitely had help from Rook and Vil with his confession. Like, no, EPEL, you are not going to confess your love to the man of your dreams in THIS
This is most likely why he was late, but I swear he RUNNED TO YOU AS FAST AS HE COULD
He literally blurts out a confession and stands completely red for a couple of seconds while you smile. (you won’t say that you already knew, right?)
Good good now you have a wonderful strong, brave and caring guy who will do anything for you that you ask.
Your dates are in Harveston because he doesn't want to kiss his man somewhere where Rook or Vil can see him
(He will still kiss you wherever he can)
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Sebek Zigvolt
Lmao are you Malleus?
I'm surprised that you're so gorgeous that you can not only make friends but also make Sebek fall in love with you
Boy in Denial #3
I'm pretty sure he realized his feelings when he started thinking about chas more often than Malleus.
Like, yes, you are a good friend, smart, strong, he respects you, but something more? “best friends?” HE THOUGHT IT WAS JUST PLATONIC LOVE
At one point, Lilia began to tease him about your friendship with him.
Sebek died at this moment
Like, he’s a strong knight, a protector, sits completely red while they hint at his feelings for you
Okay, okay, maybe he likes you, but he has better things to do!! He is a knight and must protect Malleus! (He goes for a walk with you on the grounds of your dorm because you are bored)
Do you think that because he is in love with you, you are automatically protected from his screams? LMAO JUST THE OPPOSITE
He really tries not to scream in front of you, but he does a VERY bad job. Forgive him, you cause too many emotions for him to think adequately and behave calmly
IF YOU DECIDE TO FLIRT OR TEASE he will literally explode like your eardrums. This boy is in a panic and doesn’t know what to do or say, please let him go and let him and let him scream into the pillow, he won’t withstand such pressure
He will come to Lilia for advice. From this moment on, he will begin to care for you. You can literally lie on him and all he will do is tell you not to do that 🙄  (He is ready not to move if you feel comfortable)
If you hugged him from the front, he might rub his head against you a couple of times, but if you even said a word about it, the only thing you would hear was screams
Just let the boy rest and spend time with you, he tries to do it carefully and respectfully
His date organized the entire dorm. LITERALLY everyone was sure that he would return back with his boyfriend. Also, everything happened somewhere in a quiet place because he could not stand it if at such an important moment someone disturbed him.
HE GLOWS if you reciprocate his feelings. He is happy that now he can show love to you and not hide it.
100% took you after to Diasomnia.
Lilia didn't stop teasing YOU BOTH, now he has another son~
The characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners, please do not edit, translate, repost my works on other platforms, also without my permission and @
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Going From a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset
Lesson #1: growth is not linear. You will not improve drastically overnight. As I’ve stressed this before, things take time and consistency and concentration.
A fixed mindset is basically a belief that the person you’re born as - your intelligence and talent - are fixed. They cannot be changed, no matter what.
Science has shown that this is not true. It’s 100% possible to get smarter over time and with dedicated effort.
This is what a growth mindset is - believing that you can be better over time, and that your current level of intelligence and talent is temporary.
People with fixed mindsets are insecure, and it shows. Fear of failure; taking constructive criticism to heart; feelings of jealousy when someone they know is doing well… we’ve all known a person like this, and been this person ourselves at some point in our life.
Growth mindset is therefore the opposite but the effects are as grounding; it can help battling anxiety, depression, burnout issues, behavioural issues and so on.
I understand that a lot of you don’t have people in your life with a similar mentality of personal growth. I’m therefore reopening my Discord. My followers can meet, connect and help each other out.
Now, how does one transition from a fixed to a growth mindset?
Here are some things I think could help:
1. Detaching yourself from the definition of failure
If you’ve already decided the outcome of a certain situation without even trying, then you’re still stuck in a fixed mindset. Things like “there’s no point in me applying for that job because I don’t have the skills and I won’t get it anyway” - applying for that job wouldn’t hurt, even if you don’t get it. Stop limiting your opportunities that you never know could actually work out. A growth mindset person will always try to make most of the opportunities they have.
2. Not getting attached to any outcomes
Don’t get attached to favourable or unfavourable outcomes. When something goes well, have gratitude in your heart but don’t let it get to your ego. Life is about constantly learning. Don’t get attached to compliments and don’t get disheartened by criticism.
3. Actively working on yourself
You can learn a language at any age. You can start learning how to dance or sing or ride a horse at any age, if you’re doing it for the pleasure of learning (getting into competitive stages could be challenging if you’re not young). Someone who works on themselves has a growth mindset.
4. Stop self depreciating yourself
If I see one more IG bio that says “I’m so boring uwu” I will literally throw hands. Stop talking shit about yourself. Classic fixed mindset case. It’s childish and people pleasing behaviour.
5. Stop the comparison game
Stop resenting the people around for the good work they do in their life/ if their life is easy. We all have our challenges, whether we show them publicly or not. The more you work on your inner peace and inner self, the less you’ll feel the need to compare yourself to someone else. Jealousy is a disease and a sign of a fixed mindset.
6. Appreciate and thank yourself for being you.
If you’re nice to your mum, siblings, friends when they need your support… you can be nice to yourself too. Growth mindset does not come from berating yourself.
7. Recognise mistakes and take accountability
Admitting that you’re wrong is never easy. However, I’ll always have respect for someone who can admit that they messed up, rather than someone who will make up stories to justify their antics.
8. Provide yourself with at least 3 productive self-care hours a week
Self care here doesn’t mean skin care or hair care. I mean brain care. You feed your brain good things that it needs to stay calm and ever-growing.
These could include: brain games, mediation, a hobby, watching an educational documentary, doing a short online course, reading… anything that’s good for your brain.
9. Stop being a chameleon
Have you ever met those sort of people who will do anything to fit in? It could adopting that group’s mannerisms, thought processes, opinions… now, to an extent, that is normal and subtle. However, when it starts going too far to a point where you can’t be yourself anymore, thats a problem. In my opinion, that’s an example of not being able to practice your growth mindset publicly.
Privately, you may be growth oriented - but it needs to reflect in your words and actions. If you’re holding yourself back in doing certain things because you’re afraid of what other friends will think of you, you need better friends. Embrace people who have a growth mentality.
10. Using social media for better purposes
I made a separate Instagram account where I only follow educational stuff - think history, geography, arts and architecture, science, tech, business - and absolutely no people. It’s my way of using social media to ensure I learn more. Social media may be the devil, but you can be smart and alter it to your purposes, to give you that kick that you need to educate yourself.
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Dead Twins
so a dpxdc idea that’s been floating in my head for a long time.
i’ve seen jason and danny being each other’s alternate selves from another reality or father and son, but never as twins, i’ve seen danny being a twin or look alike to all the other batboys (mostly damian) but never with jason.
so they could be the children of the fenton’s but it’s easier for me to write them as children of willis and sheila, willis taking one child and sheila taking the other so she can get child support or something and once she’s done with him she dumps him in an orphanage, where tye fenton’s pick him up as a friend for their daughter jazz.
jason and danny both grow up never feeling alone due to a twin bond between them, when one was feeling sad the other would send happy feelings to cheer the other up, but they couldn’t tell each other’s thoughts or location, their bond streched thin from their separation. so when jason dies, danny feels the bond snap and he feels jason’s last moments, his sadness, his fear, his feelings of betrayal and helplessness at his situation, and it sends him into a depression spiral that not even his sister or friends can get him out of. he could feel himself dying, slowly fading from existence his body failing him at every turn, it wasn’t just depression, it wasn’t just in his head as his sister tried to tell him, it was physical he could tell .so when his parents machine fails and his friends ask him to go inside to take a picture he doesn’t argue even though he knows how dangerous it could be, knows that many of his parents inventions malfunction or backfire in horrible ways. so he doesn’t notice the protruding wire on the floor and trips pushing the on button on the wall as he tries to stabilize himself. he dies and comes back not knowing that when he came back his brother came back with him.
the bond comes back but it’s weak barley stable only assuring the other that they were alive. both being connected to death, to ectoplasm, danny a halfa and jason a resurrected revrent with a core.
their reunion could go several ways:
1. The Ghost King Way
enter world ending threat that the JL can’t defeat and need to summon the ghost king to defeat. danny apears in all his space obssesed ghost king glory, and instantly feels a connection with this strange man wearing a red helmet standing at the back the same bond he has always felt since he was born. jason also feeling this stange bond is very confused as to why his bond leads to the ghost king. they end up hanging out as their alter egos neither knowing that they are in facr twins, their bond strengthening the longer they spend time together. they first start out hanging out at the watchtower but later start hanging out in gotham, jason finaly has himself declared alive again which makes into the paper, that danny ends up seeing.
2. The Jazz Way
Jazz ends up working at arkham asylum much to her brother’s dismay and manged ti make him promise her not visit for at least a month. que her bumping into jason at the library or a coffee shop and sees what she thinks is danny (who she can also sense because she’s liminal) stalking her after explicitly told him not to follow her to gotham and she is furious, she pulls jason by the ear and starts to lecture him in the middle of the road, ‘i trusted you’ and ‘how could you’ and ‘you promised me’ and ‘why did you dye your hair like that’ ,and jason is like ‘lady who are you?’, his siblings are standing to the side laughing at him. jazz realizes that’s not her brother, she shows them a picture of danny and they all agree that they ate identical, and agree to set up a meeting. when they meet they realize that that’s who their bond conects to.
3. The Ellie Way
ellie is traveling around the world visiting all the famous places and decides to visit gotham and ends up seeing jason thinking he’s danny she barrels into him sreaming ‘DADDY’ and jason is very confused, like WTF, she soon relizes that this isn’t danny despite their ecto- signature being almost exactly the same if not for the weird corruption jason has, but decides to be a troll anyways and pretend that jason is her dad danny. she pretends to be very upset that her daddy doesn’t remember her, and shows them pictures on her phone of her and danny doing father daughter things, cuddling, playing. jason on the other hand thinks ‘oh my god did i have a daughter that i forgot about’. they take her home and run a dna test just incase (ellie is just waching the chaos, she also wants to know why he feels so much like danny) and while not a match for a father it is for a close relative like an uncle. with the her act done ellie tells them about danny and how he was adopted and they realize that their related.
-ellie could either be aged up by vlad or rescued and raised by danny before she was aged up.
*** or it could be dan too, actually it would be way funnier if it was dan. grown ass man proclaiming that you are his father, with photographic evidence. they might think he’s from the future or something. dan it just doing it for shits and giggles.
*** or both, both together is also funny, because they would squabble like the siblings they are and jason would have to act like a dad to make them stop.
4. The Ellie Way 2
in this one it’s better that ellie is not aged up.
after danny let her go on a camping trip with his parents while he goes on a business trip or to attend ghost king duties, ellie is kidnapped by meta children traffickers, after seeing her float for a bit. maddie and jack don’t want danny to worry or be disappointed by them try to find her without telling him. ellie ends up in gotham and ends up rescued by jason, senseing his ectoplasm that feels almost exactly like danny, and clings to him fully believing that he is her dad danny, and the only reason he didn’t find her straight away is because his ecto became corrupted. jason is now stuck with a little girl that insists that he’s her father going off of nothing but that he feels like her father so he’s her father. he ends up taking her to the manor and takes off his helmet and tells her “look at me, do i look like your daddy” to which she insists that yes he is her daddy. so they ask if she knows her dad’s number to which she answers yes, they call danny and tell him that they found his daughter, danny is predictably worried and furious because his daughter had been kidnapped and his parents didn’t tell him, he rushes over and the batfam is like omg they look really identical. of course the reunion between danny and ellie is tear filled, lots of hugs and kiss.
5. The Vacation Way
they go on a vaction to lets say the beach, with all their family, jason with the batboys and batgirls and danny with his parents sister and dan and ellie included.
*** jason and danny go to a food truck to get food with steph and ellie. because of the large amount of food they’re carrying they can’t see so they need some one to guide them back, que ellie and steph taking the wrong twin back to their area. both jason and danny ate very confused, who are you people. both families think that something must have happened because neither twin knows who these people are. danny is confused but all for having more siblings and another father, while jason doesn’t understand why a teenager (ellie) and a full grown man (dan) are calling him dad. they both go back to the food truck so that they could maybe trace the problems back and end up meeting.
*** or they could be swimming and end up in each other’s area.
*** or a volleyball game that got too intense, either from the trained batfam or ghost strenght/ectoplasm enhanced family.
for this it’s funnier if ellie and dan were older.
6. The Business Way
danny started a company with sam and tucker, and is heading to a meet with wayne enterprise in gotham. he gets there a few days early just in case, and goes around site seeing and end up meeting memebers of the batfam along the way, he doesn’t know who these people are but they’re very friendly and it’s freaking him out, meanwhile the batfam are very sad that jason is pretending he doesn’t know them even though they had finally put away their differences. it isn’t until the meeting that they realize no that is not jason. or tim who is ceo could think that jason showing up for the meeting is a very elaborate prank
-random snippets that could fit anywhere-
danny telling jason that he felt him die.
for angst both jason and danny having Y shaped scars.
when talking about their death they find out that when when danny died and came back jason came back with him (i got this from a fic where jason and danny were soulmates on ao3, i don’t remember the name if anyone knows that fic tell me.)
the batboys and girls acting as uncles and aunts to ellie and/or dan.
comparing crazy family shenanigans.
/each way could be an entire fic really but im to lazy to be fully invested in writing these as actual fics with good grammar and consistent updates./
feel free to use these ideas, but tag me if you do i really wanna what others come up with.
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dragonflydestiny · 7 months
❃ Pick-a-card: Tea of Empowerment ❃
I hope is PAC find you well. My 3rd pick-a-card reading. This pick a card is about self empowerment. Pick a tea and let spirits/the divine tell you how powerful you are. Sometimes, life can get disappointing and things don't work out the way you'd hoped and in those times you can start to doubt yourself and your abilities. So it is natural to be insecure in those low moments. But it is more important to acknowledge those insecurities, accept them and alchemise them into your greatest strength. I hope this reading will do just that. Pick from 1-4 and remember who you truly are.
P.S. I would be very grateful if you could tip me, only if you have the means to. It would encourages me to do more. Thank you so much.
Disclaimer: This is meant as entertainment only. Takes only what resonates.
My Master List.
Pile 1: Oolong Tea 🐉 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
You are someone who is connected to yourself. You know what it is that truly matters in this life. Even though life do tempts you, you still won’t take it for granted. Instead, you acknowledge how precious life is for you and always try your best to have gratitude. Even in discontentment, you still acknowledge the support you have around you, both from the people and from spirits. When you go through creative blocks or lacking in motivation, you don’t shame yourself for it. Through conflicts and confusions, even if everyone was against you, you are never against yourself. That’s what makes you powerful pile 1 and spirits are admiring you for this mindset.
Further more, you do not inflict pain to oneself or others. In the darkest times, where it seems like it would never end, you still believe in better days. Even if people around you do bring you chaos and try to take your hope from you. You still stand strong, that is your power. You don’t become jaded and you don’t think you are better than other people even if they did become jaded. You feel for them and hope that they will find their way again. You are very kind and very humble which makes you a powerful being. You are also always protected by other beings from other realms (Spirit guides, Angels, etc,).
In addition, in the mist of chaos, you can actually juggle it very well because of your organisational skills and what to prioritise. Even if sometimes you stumble, you’d always know how to get back to balance. You deal with the chaos of change really well and you also know how to balance work and rest so you won’t end up burning out. Like mentioned previously, you know what it is that truly matters in life. You go towards what you need and won’t let immature emotions (self-doubts, fears, ego, etc.,) getting in the way.
Spirits want to say that they are proud of you for working towards your personal growth. Even if it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar, know that you have their support. Any doubts or fears you have, you can send them over to your spirit guides for guidance. You can ask them for help and be receptive to those guidance. You are moving through the discomfort, for example; quitting a job, choosing a new career path or ending a relationship, know that it is because you want to grow. Even if your family, friends or whoever it is do not support your decision, know that you do and that’s what’s matter. You’re someone who’s not afraid to do the necessary work to develop true confidence and a sense of self. That’s is your personal power and it is very empowering.
Ultimately, as you continue to walk this path of personal growth, you would/will have the power to transform karma and become your best and brightest self. You will not back down from challenges and face the unknown head on because you will know that in both physicality and spiritually, you are strong. There's no obstacle you cannot overcome. You are the truth seeker who will harness the power that prevail all because you follow your heart.
Advice: 49. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDLY. Express your love through actions. It could be for someone you love or for yourself.
Mood board for pile 1.
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Pile 2: Chamomile Tea 🌼 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
Pile 2, you are someone who has a clear vision. You know what you want, your dreams and your desires. Your strong vision and clarity makes you one of the most powerful manifestors. Without clouds, without doubts, you solidify your truest dreams. You would never let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams. You are someone who is decisive and when you make up your mind, there is no stopping you. It is very powerful if you decide to go towards your dreams. For example, if you dream of becoming an actor/actress, you will not give up until you achieve it.
You won't just see the rose-coloured view of that dream/goal either. You see both sides, the ideal and the reality. You face the truth no matter how hard it is. And by accepting and admitting your wildest dream/wish you don't deny yourself the truth. This mindset makes you have that eternal hope and nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Another power that you have is the ability to overcome obstacles. If time is one of your obstacles, you will overcome that too. You know that you don't work alone, you know that you are co-creating with the universe. You are someone who is loyal and dedicated to the things that you decide to work on whether it'd be work or personal/relationship growth. But you don't take on unnecessary burdens and grip on too tight onto these goals.
Your patience is one of the most powerful tools and time would only reveal the rewards of your hard work. Even if you don't have the necessary tools/knowledge to do something, you don't give up but you will wait for the right opportunities to gather the necessary tools to continue cultivating your empire.
Another power you hold is that you have an open mind, even if you know what you want, you are not too rigid in your thinking. You don't think that you are always right, you will listen to others opinions and suggestions. You don't listen only to your mind but your heart as well. You are not too stubborn to the point where it will hinder your growth, no, your thoughts are flexible but not too easily sway or tempted.
The things that you strive for, the things that you hold dear i.e. your truest wish, they are not shallow or superficial. It is not just status, money or material gain. It is more than that, it is your purpose, your calling, a part of your soul essence. It is a journey towards your truest self, your home, cultivating a sense of self-trust. This is your power.
You are connected to the deeper truths of life, no matter where it will leads, you are not afraid to take. The life experience and knowledge you collect along the way will be your greatest achievements and it will help tell your story. You understand that whatever you are going through, it is part of life, part of a great story and you are the main protagonist.
And finally, your perception is your greatest assets, your mind becomes your most powerful tool as you are on your way to the highest enlightenment letting go of egotistic mindset. With your ability to see the truth clearly and the courage to pursue your passion makes you the most powerful creative being, expressing your creativity and desire without shame and guilt because you honour your expression.
Advice: 40. BE IN THE PRESENT AND DREAM OF THE FUTURE. When we dream, everything is possible.
Mood board for pile 2.
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Pile 3: Peppermint tea 🌿 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
For pile 3, you overcome a lot of hardship and obstacles. You always come out of hard times victoriously. Like a warrior coming back from wars, you manage to win every battles and you win them with fairness and integrity. What makes you powerful is when you are in a difficult situation or a dark period of your life, you do not jeopardise your morality. There is honour in how you fight demons. You don't stoop low to their level and get your hands dirty. Most importantly, you don't let yourself become jaded and apathetic. You always look back at those dark times with gratitude.
What makes you more powerful is your foresight, you'd always see a better future so you don't dwell too much on the past. You are certain that it is only up from here and you will do anything to recover lifting your spirit. You battle your negative emotions with your sharp mind and perception bringing in the clarity needed. Nothing can cloud your judgement when you have the knowledge and experience. Every lessons learned are tools under your belt for future victories. There is nothing you can't conquer and you know this. Unlike others, you don't give yourself a hard times, there is only room for constructive criticism, never unnecessary reprimanding. This trait makes you powerful avoiding unneeded self victimisation and self pity.
Another trait that makes you powerful is that you are in your power, you are complete. You feel home within yourself, you acknowledge this and celebrate this. You worked on yourself, confronted your shadows and the deep hidden wounds from the past. You delve into the dark and face your fears where you address your anxiety with kindness, reasons and acceptance. You address your self doubts with reassurance. You are not afraid to look yourself in the mirror and accept who it is that you see in front of you. You accept yourself for who you are, destroying the guilt and the shame that was place upon you by external influences.
You are not afraid to see and confront what fears is holding you back. You would find out if it's the fear of abandonment, fear of success, or both or other types of fears that have been hindering you. You would bring awareness and illuminate the type of fear you are dealing with then you would take the next practical step and work through those fears. Thus, once you know what fear to confront, you will work on it patiently and persistently and would come out victorious.
And sometime, you might even have fun with doing these shadow work. These darkness fuel your creativity, your life's poetry metaphorically or literally if you are a writer. Because you know darkness, you can appreciate the light and life is much more flavourful.
What makes you even more powerful is when you are in your lowest of lows, you never lost your loving nature. A beauty from both within and radiating outwards. People around you love this sense of grace and calmness you exudes. With so much hardness in this world, you brought a sense of softness and tenderness that is full of gentleness and compassion. Because you hold the wisdom of the divine within you, you know that you are part of the divine, the universe's will. Divinity runs through your vein.
Your faith in the higher power makes you hone your power and align to your higher self. A strong relationship exists between you and the divine. A strong third eye, you see beyond this dimension, this timeline. You see into the future, again, your foresight is highlighted, with your strong intellect and intuition. You are powerful because you know you hold the deepest wisdom and you are not afraid to use them.
Advice: 13. MIRACLES AND BLESSING. Everything has its gift. Recognise and accept the blessings that have occurred in your life.
Mood board for pile 3.
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Pile 4: Black Tea 🌑 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
Pile 4, you went through so much hardships and burdens. The journey had been difficult. It made you feel like you've been climbing up a mountain carrying heavy rocks. These responsibility and burdens you're carrying, most of it is not even yours. There are too much responsibility you've taken or someone has given to you that is making your connection with your intuition a bit hard to access. You have a powerful intuition and strong psychic wisdom pile 4. But to be able to access it you have to sit in stillness, sit in silence and listen. Put down those misplaced burdens and instead of climbing, it is time to fly.
It is always those who are the most powerful that tend to suppress their power because they know subconsciously the influence and impact they hold, could do to themselves and to the people around them. With that being said, I can see that you are a very powerful being but most of your powers are hidden. Whether subconsciously or consciously, you kept your power hidden. You actually have psychic power that allows you to see potential futures. But you might suppress this because it scares you. Before, you'd only see 'bad' futures. These 'bad' futures you saw might be a result of the people surrounding you. Your environment may be full of pessimistic and negative people and their self fulfilling prophecy. That is not favourable in term of how it would influence and affects your psychic ability. However, if you actually try to see your predictions for what it is, you will be able to predict more realistic futures that are not so extremely 'good' or 'bad' but more factual and genuine.
What makes you powerful is that you have the potential to envision the future, like a visionary, you get a peak into the unknown. You can see potential futures where all your goals and desires come true. A way of life you always wanted to live. But your insight is not shortcoming. In addition to the vision, you also posses the ability and capability to critically assess those views. These skills would ground your vision and materialise them into the 3D.
You are honest with yourself and others about these visions you see. You'd know if it's just a groundless dream or a potential one. You'd observe your surrounding, your present moment, actions, details, and patterns. These clues aids you to asses if the vision you see can come true. This makes you powerful, therefore, your judgement have never been wrong, both the good ones and the not so good ones. Your judgement have always been right whether the people around you listen or not, you are always right. Sometime spooking people, they might think that you can actually see the future which genuinely, you can.
Whether people believe you or not, that's not your problem. You know yourself and over time you learn to trust your own judgement and discern accurately what's to come. These help you to be ready and adapt to take on whatever that will transpire while also simultaneously accessing alternate future outcomes that may be better. It is very hard to blind sided you pile 4 and that makes you powerful.
Your discernment is also what makes you powerful. You don't give away your time, your love or your energy easily. Now you know better, people need to earn your energy with respect and gratitude. Even though your cup of love is pure and authentic, it is very exclusive and hard to come by. If people are overlooking it then it is their loss. However, not only that it is hard for you to love, the opposite is also true. It's hard for you to 'unlove' as well. If you deem that person is worth your love you will be very loyal, 'do or die' type of energy. You would stick to that person till the end, never letting them go no matter what happens. This makes you a powerful friend and frightening enemy.
Another trait that makes you powerful is your enthusiasm for life. You are self-reliant and can handle hard challenges with ease. That may be why people come to you with their burdens. Again, do not take it if you don't want to. You are an independent, responsible individual who takes care of your own things. In truth, you carry so much wisdom within and can achieve far in this life. You might love travelling and have a lust for faraway lands. You heal and impact a lot of people that come into contact with you. You help ease their burdening path with your light and playful energy redirecting them towards a more favourable futures potentials.
But people tend to underestimate your impact and intelligent, thus, please remember not to underestimate your own power. Know this, most people you meet, they would need you more than you would need them. It's because you are so capable alone, literally, you can reach the stars. But because you are kind and you understand the law of oneness, you are willing to help those in need. Therefore, your existence alone is already very powerful.
Lastly, it is very important for you to release and lessen your load more. You are a strong and capable person who can take on a lot but that doesn't mean you should. Self-care, self prioritisation, rest and rejuvenation is very important for you and would make your power more potent.
Advice: 21. CHOOSE LOVE. You always have choice - make yours with love. It is because you are very powerful being, your choice have more weight and impact on those around you.
Advice: 9. SLOW DOWN. Pause and allow things to unfold.
Mood board for pile 4.
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in3rci4 · 2 months
Can I get an Angst with all the boys, having a crush on gn reader who is new in town and heterochromia? ( If you can of course💕)
It's the first time I do a request fr 😭
It's ok , it's normal to be nervous when requesting if you're new or not used to it , hopefully I'll do my best with this one , enjoy it anon , thank you for sending your request 💕 !
Author's note : I been slow with publishing stuff because personal life is becoming more a survival than living , so sorry if it takes some requests too long to get done , but I'm slowly , yet surely , getting the ones I have done one step at the time .
Characters included in the following headcanons : Robin Arellano , Griffin Stagg , Vance Hopper , Finney Blake , Bruce Yamada , Billy Showalter
≈ This guy is in love with your eyes , they're so unique , so badass , so special of yours , you're like a cool character of a movie or like a kickass villain
≈ Robin is a boy who loves everything that it's out of the normality , the more different , the more harder to forget , the better .
≈ If you felt insecure for your eye colors before then you'll be no more with him by your side ! He will compliment you without shame in front of others and he won't stop until you're all flustered and blushing
≈ But all jokes aside , once he get to know you and learned more about you , Robin will always remember you to not feel bad about your looks , it's not like you can control it , and it's nothing bad that you need to hide either
≈ if you want to buy contact lenses to match both eyes he won't stop you , but he'll be sad for not being able to see the real look in your eyes anymore
≈ He sometimes jokes about being jealous of your eyes , you get to have 2 colors and he only got 1 , that's not fair ! He wants to look just as cool as you
≈ You will always have his protection and support , no one will make fun of you , no one , and the one who dares to will feel a physical payment for playing stupid games in their faces
≈ Don't ever feel bad about yourself , because you'll have an annoying and romantic Robin making sure to bust your ego over the sky and taking photos whenever he can
≈ But that isn't so bad , isn't ?
° He's so sorry for being the ones who believed in the rumours it was contagious in the past , for being ignorant and avoiding you like the rest of the students
° Growing up he realized it was something stupid to think on , if it was contagious , then why nobody has changed eye colors yet ?
° Maybe you don't , but Griffin does remember well the day you two started to be friends
° The day you decided not to do anything in P.E class because you felt physically bad , and he , since nobody wanted him on their team , didn't lose anything by also not doing exercise either . You sat next to him , and started a casual conversation that turned out to be a funny exchange
° Casual conversations started to be more interested on each other's likes , conversations in each other's likes lead to gossip sessions , gossip became deep talks about the future and other corny shit that Griffin didn't thought he'll talk with someone ever
° He compares your eyes a lot with things , now that he learned to appreciate them , he can't stop remember you everytime a combination of color is the same as the look in your eyes
° You can say that your charm is contagious , and he's more than happy to be infected by love for you
♠ While others kids thought you were weird or cool , Vance thought you were a pretender
♠ Can you blame him though ? He hasn't seen somebody like you in his entire life , it's impossible for someone to have their eyes like that ! You must be using contact lenses or some shit !
♠ The evening he realized you weren't faking , he melted like ice cream in summer right there in front of you ( But you didn't noticed it )
♠ He stormed furious out of the mall when in a bad day he couldn't even get to the half of his high score , and accidently bumped into you . He looked into your eyes mad as hell , not expecting at all to see your pupils getting bigger , frozen about how fucked up it was to know that you truly had such a unique pair of eyes
♠ After an awkward time he slowly started to greet you " indifferently " , drawing you on his special notebook when the teachers didn't bothered him , and sometimes inviting you to watch him play Pin Ball when he felt cocky enough
♠ Hope you don't mind intense staring , because Vance is all about looking straight into your soul , he can't help it , or well , maybe he can because he can be a little of a tsundere
♠ To be honest he'll stare at your eyes all day if he could , but he's too of a dork to admit it , or decide if he likes it when you look at him or not due how flustered you make him feel
♠ And yeah , he will start a fight for you if someone dares to mock you , it's obvious , but it's a nice thing to think about
∞ Finney is more curious than avoidant , he feels guilty for looking at you so much , you may had felt the hairy eyeball before and don't like it but , you're so .... Interesting ? Beautiful ? It's hard to describe
∞ Even for A or B you'll meet and trust my word , he's going to be respectful all the time he's with you . Only if you gave him permission to , he'll ask you more about your condition and how it exactly effects you , but don't worry , once he get all his doubts solved , he will move on and ask you about yourself
∞ He understands it yet he does not understand how someone could hate you by the color of your eyes , he doesn't even get racism and now we have people insult you by the color of your eyes ? By something you didn't choose to have ? Like what ?
∞ You're special ( and attractive he may add ) from the rest and that's gonna get more staring than someone else will have , sure , but he'll be angrily confused if someone bothered you in front of him , now we're bullying people for their genetics ? Come on man
∞ Finney would try to get you out of a uncomfortable situation , but if it persists , he might be verbally violent or push the person to tell them to back off and leave you alone
∞ Bonus : Gwen does the same with you , although she loves to tease Finney in your presence , she likes you though , she just does the " sibling annoying the other " things
∞ He has a special love letter that he never gave you were he used astronomy elements to describe you and the look in your eyes , but he was to embarrassed or afraid of rejection that he kept it for himself
∞ You read it , but you never told Finney and kept the secret
★ Ignorance isn't a sin some people say , but he pity you when he first saw you and until this day he can't believe how dumb he was
★ Bruce mind was like " Aw poor kid they probably have problems with their vision " as if he knew what exactly condition you have
★ He felt like a dumbass the day you tapped his shoulder to tell him from really far away that someone was trying to steal his bike after one of his games
★ To thank you for the gesture ( ahem , and clear his mind from the guilt ) he invited you to watch a movie in the cinema ( Jaws 2 being his option and yours Star Wars 4 , you both watched the two of the movies because in one you sneak in between the crowd anyway )
★ after that movie night everything went smooth , until the point that neither of you acknowledge the fact that you still didn't confessed yet and were already lovey dovey with each other
★ He has the privilege to say he has a partner that has no comparation , there's no other you , and Bruce loves that
★ Bruce loves you and those special eyes that life has gave you
🔺 Billy knew animals could had two different colors in their eyes , but he didn't thought it was possible for a human too
🔺 It was a shame how nobody saw that special shine in you , or maybe they did , but they decided it was too bright for them and tried to turn you down
🔺 But you never let them took advantage of you , and he was proud that you know your worth and didn't let the negativity get you
🔺 He didn't stuttered or thought twice when you asked him on a date , you were his crush , of course he's gonna say yes !
🔺 Billy is not only an admirer of you and your lovely eyes , but a flatterer as well
🔺 At first , the compliments were accidents that escaped from his mouth before he noticed he was talking in loud voice , but with time , he became more and more confident to tell you how gorgeous you look , how you make him feel , his plans for the future , etc
🔺 If Billy has the chance to , he's gonna spoil the hell out of you , just to give you a material proof how much he loves you , so he can see that singular look in your eyes everytime you're happy , forever .
They would love you of course , they can't control their hearts to stop beating for you every time you look at them or smile , but love sometimes ain't all rainbows and butterflies .
Now why or why you were born like this ? Why you couldn't just be normal ? Everything could be so perfect , so beautiful , if you didn't look different and just be like other people .
In a bad dream type of reality , they will cross the limits so they don't feel " ashamed " to be seen with you
BRUCE AND BILLY would suggest the idea of buying contact lenses to match your eyes with only one color , Billy being the one telling you that it's necessary that you should had them , BRUCE being the one who bought them without asking you first as a " gift " , thinking it was the best idea , after all , the two of you would look much better as a couple in people's eyes if you did
ROBIN AND FINNEY would keep you as their secret , no one has to know their feelings for you or your relationship if you ever had one , FINNEY afraid of having another reason to be bullied because of you or having his father mock his selection of partner , ROBIN because he's ashamed of liking someone that doesn't look " right " and is "pointed by God "
VANCE AND GRIFFIN would backstabbed you when you started to get used to the idea of having someone by your side , VANCE would mock you and insult you in front of his friends or people if that made him look better , GRIFFIN would act as if he doesn't know you when you needed him the most , without a feeling completely guilty for it , perhaps not even a little if that makes you and people's starting at him when he's by your side go away
It's just the way things are . It's how your eyes are .
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128 notes · View notes
neymarsangel · 10 months
North London Forever - Martin Ødegaard x reader
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Martin Ødegaard x female!reader
Summary: Being Antonio Conte's daughter had its perks, one being you spent most of your time with footballers many dreamed to see but you couldn’t help but be drawn towards the other side of North London, more specifically a blonde midfielder. Besides, who didn’t enjoy a little bit of rivalry? 
Warnings: Implied smut, fluff, angst, swearing
Word Count: 4K
It all started back in 2021 when Arsenal beat Tottenham 3-1 at home after their rough start to the Premier League. You were there to support your Dad but a certain someone caught your attention. That man was Martin Odegaard. You knew you shouldn’t have looked at him the way you did, especially with all the cameras around and not to mention he played for Tottenham's biggest rivals and the team your Dad currently hated the most… Arsenal. You shoved the thought of Martin Odegaard to the back of your mind but it was like fate wanted the two of you to meet. 
That night your friends asked you to join them on a night out and although you wanted nothing more than to spend the evening with your Dad something told you to go out with them. When you reached one of the many clubs they’d planned to take you to that night your eyes fell on a familiar sight. Martin and a few other Arsenal players were sat in a booth, celebrating one of the biggest wins of the season. Your eyes met and he couldn’t help but smirk at your reaction to seeing him. His ego swelled beyond belief knowing he’d caught the eye of his rivals manager's daughter. 
The rest was history. He’d made his move that night, slipping in a small dig towards your father due to the win he was currently celebrating but that only made the two of you grow closer. You spent the night with him and honestly thought that would be the end until he asked to take you on a date. You knew it would be a bad idea, not because Martin wasn’t suited for you but because you knew your father would lose his shit when he found out but you didn’t care. You had been dating the Arsenal midfielder behind your father's back for a year.
The World Cup was finally upon everyone. Despite having some of the world's most talented players Norway didn’t make it to the competition but that meant you would have more time to spend with Martin. It also gave him time to finally take a break from football without the worry of having to rush home for training or a game. Your Dad had also decided to go back to Italy for a break, you’d been invited but you politely declined, your home was only a few streets away and certainly wasn’t from Italy. 
“You sure you’ll be okay on your own?” Your Dad asked, counting his luggage as he made sure he had everything. 
“I’m not a child.” You smiled at him. “I’ll be fine.” 
“I will fly back in a heartbeat if you need me to, all you need to do is call me.”
“I’m sure I will be fine, say hello to the rest of the family for me.” 
“You know they would prefer it if you were coming too.” He gave you a pitiful look as he pushed his bags aside. “You sure you’ll be okay -”
“Dad I will be fine.” You narrowed your gaze at him with a small smile on your face. “If anything happens or I change my mind I will call you or jump on the next flight to Italy.” You know that was a lie but it would put his mind at ease. “And the Christmas tree will be up when you get home.”
“Blue and white remember.” He arched his brows. 
“I remember.” You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Martin’s reaction when he finds out you’d have to decorate the tree in Spurs colours. 
You’d planned to decorate the tree with Martin, it wasn’t your first Christmas with him and you knew it wouldn’t be the last. Last year Martin invited you to his to decorate his tree which in North London fashion happened to be decorated in red and white. The pair of you made Christmas cookies with one another whilst you danced to Christmas music. Everything with him was perfect, you just wished you could’ve shared the actual day with him. 
“I will be back in two weeks.” He made his way over to you, holding his arms out for a hug. You complied, walking towards him and falling into the hug. “Please don’t burn the house down.” 
Laughing at his words you pulled back. “I won’t, I promise.” 
Conte smiled at you as he gathered his bags, heading out to the car. Whilst he was packing his things into the vehicle you quickly pulled out your phone to text Martin. 
You: He’s leaving now x
Martin: I’ll get my things and leave in 5 x
You: Drive safely please x
Martin: Always love x 
“Who are you texting?” Your Dad’s voice snatched your attention. He arched his brows at you, his face clearly interested in the wide smile you had on your face as you looked at your phone.
“No one.” You lied. “I was just checking the time.”
“And smiling like an idiot at it?” 
“What can I say, I get time away from you I’ll always be happy at that.” You gave him a smirk which broke into a small laugh. He followed suit, knowing you never meant that but he also knew you were lying about your reasons but he knew better than to press on. 
“I will text you when I’m at the airport and when I’ve landed.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.” He blew a kiss to you as he got into the car, sending you a small wave as he left the house and headed back to Italy.
You’d always been close to your Dad, the love of football you both shared kept the bond alive. You’d travelled the world with him, watching him manage teams in different leagues and now you were back in London with him, the only change was you didn’t live in West London but North London. You’d still spoken to some of the old Chelsea lads your Dad managed but they didn’t exactly end on a good note so much like Martin, that was kept rather quiet.
Being so close to one another only added to your pain in keeping your relationship with Martin quiet. The pair of you never hid anything from one another and even if you tried it would always come to light a few days but not this secret. It was arguably the most challenging thing you’d ever done, having to lie to him for a year straight. One day he’d find out, you just needed to find a good time to tell him.
You never had to wait long for Martin to drive to yours after all, he was only a few streets away. That was an added benefit of dating him although you always had to keep an eye out for any Spurs players, god forbid one of them spotted you two together. Opening the door you were met with a wide grin and stunning blue eyes which always made you melt. You looked down at his hand and noticed he was holding a bunch of red roses. 
“Cliché I know but red is better than white unless it’s on an Arsenal kit.” He winked before planting a kiss on your forehead. Taking the flowers from him you moved aside, letting him into your home. It was rare Martin ever got to be around for more than a few hours as your Dad would always be home or if the house was free Martin would be playing a match somewhere in Europe. 
“You’re going to hate the colour my Dad wants the tree this year then.” Martin rolled his eyes at your words. 
“You can decorate the tree then.” He gave you a grin. “I’ll be watching replays of our greatest wins against Tottenham.” You lightly shoved the boy as you shut the door, following his expression and grinning up at him. 
“Shut up you’re helping.” You headed towards the kitchen to find a vase to put your flowers in with Martin trailing behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling your back into his chest. He started to pepper you with light kisses on your neck, tightening his grip on your waist as you melted into his touch. 
“When are you going to tell him?” He suddenly asked, turning you around to face him. 
“I need to tell him soon it’s been a year.” Your voice dropped at your own words. “Christmas?”
“You think that’s a good idea?”
“Happiest day of the year for most people, maybe it’ll be ours too.”
“You think he’ll let you come to the Emirates on boxing day to watch me play West Ham?”
“Don’t get too hopeful Ødegaard.” The pair of you shared another smile. “I’ll tell him when he gets home from Italy, that way he’d got time to process the whole thing and the two of you won’t go up against one another in a match anytime soon.” 
“I don’t care if he doesn’t like me, as long as you’ll still be mine.” 
“Of course I will, I’m not going to throw what we have away all because my Dad can’t set aside some stupid rivalry.”
“It’s not a stupid rivalry -”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“It’s a very serious one Arsenal continues to win.” He smirked. “Think I might need to remind Conte that when I see him next -”
“If he doesn’t hunt you down first. He thinks you’re an incredible player Martin but that only makes him hate you even more.”
“You know I don’t care what he thinks about me, right?”
“You have mentioned it.”
“We’ll tell him after Christmas… or maybe just before.”
“We?” “You don’t think I’m going to let you tell him on your own do you?”
Your smile grew as you leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips, Martin ducked his head down to deepen the kiss, his hands trailing down your body as he did so. The kiss grew hotter as your hands started to tug on the ends of his blonde hair. The pair of you eventually pulled away, your eyes gazing deep into one another's. 
“Who knows maybe you can spend Christmas here.” You spoke, a playful smile tugging on your lips. Martin let out a light laugh, his head falling as he did so. 
“I’m not spending it at this Tottenham house.” 
“Fair point.” You laughed along with him before the two of you got to work on the tree. 
You’d spent the entire time convincing Martin you couldn’t just switch out the colours to red and white but the gunner was adamant that he could make your Dad see reason. Eventually, the tree was decorated in navy blue and white, much to Martin’s disgust. The two of you decided to order a takeaway and watch Christmas films to pass the time. In the evening you’d both bake something Christmassy and then enjoy a joint shower to wash off all the mess you’d made but the sudden noise of your front door unlocking would ruin those evening plans. 
“I can’t believe you’ve never seen The Muppets Christmas Carol.” You were laying into his side, empty takeaway boxes in front of you both as you watched the film. 
“It’s the same as all the other Christmas Carol films-”
“No, it’s got the muppets in this version therefore it’s better than any other version.”
“What do they add to the original story that makes it better?”
“Comedic value and musical numbers.” You looked over at him with a smile on your lips. “What more could you want?” 
He shrugged before leaning in. “I could think of a few things.” As your lips went to touch his the sound of a key opening your front door made the pair of you jump apart. 
“y/n? My flight was cancelled so you’re stuck with me-” Your Dad went to finish but when his eyes fell on Martin and his daughter beside one another on his sofa his words got lost in his mouth.
“Dad I-” 
“Why is there an Arsenal player in my house?”
“Dad please can we talk about this?” You rose from your spot, Martin copied your actions, his eyes glued to Conte.
“We are talking.” His voice was stern as his bags fell to the floor. His eyes darted to Martin’s and if looks could kill you were convinced your boyfriend would be dead. “Get out, we’ll talk about this when he’s gone.”
“Dad please-”
“It’s not her fault.” Martin cut you off. “Please can we talk to you about this?” Conte said nothing. His eyes just stayed glued to Martin. Your boyfriend took the silent hint to continue. “I love her, a lot. This isn’t just a fling or some shitty hookup, we’ve been together for over a year now and every day I find myself falling for her even more than I was the day before. I know you won’t like me because I play for Arsenal but I hope you can see past that for her. I just want her to be happy, just as you do.” 
“Get out.” Your Dad stood by his words. 
Martin let his head fall in defeat before speaking. “It’s fine y/n.” Martin cut you off. He leant down and planted a kiss on your head. Martin grabbed his things before heading out the door, his heart racing at what had just happened. Part of him wanted to stay and have it out with your Dad but he knew better than to press on. 
When Martin was gone, Antonio looked over at you and started to speak. “You two have been together over a year?”
“Yes. I wanted to tell you, we planned on doing it soon but we could never find the right time and I knew you’d be annoyed because he plays for Arsenal but-”
“Can’t you see he’s using you?”
You were taken back by his words, your face scrunching at what you’d just heard. “You can’t be serious?”
“Think about it y/n, he plays for Arsenal and he’s the manager's golden boy and now he magically ends up with the rivals manager's daughter? Come on y/n.”
“For once can you just separate football from this, please? I  know it’s your life, it’s mine too but not everything is about football.” You looked away before meeting his gaze again. “If you really think that why wouldn’t he just introduce himself to you so he can get as much knowledge as he possibly can straight away?”
“Probably because he gets it all from you!”
“You think that’s what we talk about? Believe it or not, we have actual conversations that don’t involve a group of men running around in a rectangle kicking a ball around for 90 minutes.”
He let out a deep breath, his hands raking through his hair before he spoke again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew you’d act like this.”
“Do you not trust me y/n?” “Of course, I trust you, Dad.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me sooner? I thought we could tell one another everything?”
“Because you act like this. You act like he’s using me to get to you but he’s not. You try and put ideas in my head all because you want me to end up with Son or one of your other golden Spurs boys.” Tears formed in your eyes as you spoke. “I can’t help who I fall in love with and-”
“You love him?”
“Of course I do and because I love him I want you to accept him as my boyfriend just as you would do if I was dating any of the Tottenham players. Just because he plays for Arsenal doesn’t mean there’s any ill intent-”
“y/n please listen to me… no Arsenal player would willingly hang around with you-”
“With me?”
“No that’s not what I meant, y/n just listen-”
You didn’t want to hear the rest, why would you? Your Dad wasn’t going to change his mind. He hated the idea of you dating a footballer anyway but if you were he’d always made it clear he’d prefer someone like Son but even then that was a bit of a stretch.  
You didn’t utter a word to your Dad as thoughts of Martin crossed your mind. When anything went wrong Martin was always there and you needed him now. Turning on your heel you headed to your room, packing some essentials before you grabbed your keys. “I need some time to think.” You uttered before opening the front door and clambering into your car. 
Your Dad followed you, his figure standing in the doorway to your house as he watched you wipe your tears with the backs of your hand. You didn’t dare glance over to him as you pulled out of the driveway and headed to Martin’s. Although he normally came to yours there was the odd occasion where you’d stay at his. He had a drawer under his bed full of spare clothes for you and any products you used in your everyday life. If only your Dad bothered to learn about this side of Martin. 
When the blonde opened the door his heart sank at the sight of you. Without uttering a word Martin pulled you inside, his arms wrapping around you immediately. For a while, you sobbed into his chest whilst he planted light kisses on your head and smoothed your hair down. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He finally spoke. 
“I’ve fucked up.”
“No, you haven’t.” Martin pulled away, his hands cupping your face as he wiped your tears away. “Look, I shouldn’t have left like that. I should’ve stood up for you and at least spoken to him before I left you alone.”
“This isn’t your fault Martin.” 
“It is partly. I was the one who continued to hide it away from your Dad when you wanted to tell him.”
“No, it’s not.” You planted a light kiss on his lips. “I just need time apart from him.”
“Well…” A smile spread across his lips. “I do need to decorate the tree in Arsenal colours.”
“Only if we get to finish The Muppets Christmas Carol.”
For the past two weeks, you’d spent most of your waking hours with Martin, pushing what happened with your Dad to the back of your mind. You would attend Martin’s games which lead to a lot of talk with the press when fans caught you wearing an Arsenal shirt in his box. Conte did his best to avoid any talk of you, his anger still boiling up inside him at the idea of his daughter dating Arteta’s golden boy. Although his anger continued to shine, especially with Tottenham’s poor results he couldn’t help but feel an emptiness in the house. Without you, he was on his own and that feeling only got worse as Christmas approached. 
It was Christmas Eve and Martin had just gotten home from training. The two of you were under a blanket as snow started to fall from the sky. The pair of you had your eyes glued to the TV which was currently playing The Grinch, your hands intertwined with his. 
“Are you planning to spend Christmas with me?” Martin muttered into your hair before kissing your forehead. 
“Of course I am.” You turned your head to face him. “Not exactly going to get up and run away now am I?” Martin leaned down and pecked your lips, his smile growing at your words. 
“Perfect although I’d prefer if you were on good terms with your Dad. Have you spoken to him?”
“Do you plan on it?”
“After Christmas.”
“Is it…?”
“The first Christmas without him? Yep.” A wave of sadness washed over you as you spoke. “No matter what team he was managing or wherever he was in the world we’d always be together for Christmas.”
“y/n this is all -”
Before Martin could finish his sentence his front door sounded. The pair of you glanced at one another before looking over to the door. Martin lifted you gently off his chest before making his way to his door.
“Were you expecting anyone?” You asked. 
“No? Maybe Mikel needs something…” As he swung the door open he was met with the sympathetic eyes of your father. “Sorry, how do you know where I live?” 
“Merry Christmas to you too Martin… I asked Arteta. I told him what happened and well, he was happy to help.”
“Is she inside?”
“She is.” Martin leaned against the door frame as he spoke. “Do you really think she wants to see you? She told me everything… you really thought I was using her?”
“Can I please come in and talk it through with both of you?” A pitch of silence fell through the air. “Please?” 
Martin knew you wanted it to be sorted. He could see how much it hurt you to be away from your Dad, especially at Christmas but he also knew this could all go horribly wrong and ruin the first proper Christmas the pair of you were spending together. Reluctantly he stepped aside and let your Dad in. He sent you a sympathetic look as you watched the familiar face walk through the door. 
“Hello, Dad.” 
“I need to speak to both of you.” Martin walked back over to where you were sitting on the sofa, his eyes stern as he looked at your Dad. “I’m sorry for what I said to you both. I always let football take over my life, y/n knows that.” He gave a light smile your way before he continued. “I shouldn’t have let the rivalry between the two clubs get in the way of my daughter's happiness. As much as I hate Arsenal and especially Arteta’s golden boy it still wasn’t fair. I should never have doubted how you felt about my daughter Martin.” He let out a small laugh, “I can tell by the fans speak about you both that you treat her well.”
“Of course I do.” Martin sighed at his words. “Look, I get it. My Dad is the same with rivalries and so was I but the truth is football controls most of our lives but it shouldn’t control every aspect of our lives, especially the ones we love.”
“I’m so sorry.” Your Dad repeated. 
“Me too.” You finally spoke. “We should’ve told you a long time ago-”
“I don’t blame you for not telling me. I understand why, look at what happened when you did.”
“You should not have found out that way.” You rose from your seat. Heading towards him with open arms. “I’m sorry Dad.” The pair of you wrapped your arms around one another. Martin stayed on the sofa, his smile growing knowing he’d finally been accepted by your Dad and now the two of you were finally back on track. 
Both you and Conte pulled back. “How can I make it up to you both?” He asked. 
“I have an idea,” Martin spoke up, a smirk growing on his lips. “Spend Christmas here with us, in the Arsenal-themed house.”
Conte looked between you both. No amount of grafting would get him out of Martin’s proposal. “Fine, as long as you two aren’t all over each other.”
“Can’t promise that sir.” Martin made his way over to you both, his hand extending for Conte to shake. “She does look good in my Arsenal shirt.”
“Watch it, Ødegaard.” 
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artsyhamster · 1 year
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And we've reached the end! I cannot believe we made it but here are the final four. :)
You know the drill by now, explanations and ramblings underneath the cut :D
THE MOON - As I mentioned in the previous set, I had The Star and The Moon exchanged at first. Colorwise I found the Balcony Smoker to be more fitting but descriptionwise.... "[The fool's] bliss (...) makes him vulnerable to the illusions of the Moon" fit Klaasje more. I feel like Harry related to her on a level and of course was drawn to her beauty, and fell for her deception. Or well at least I did lol. Although I don't even want to call it deception, more like...obfuscation in self-defense. Klaasje on the rooftop staring at a moon seemed like a nice visual image too.
THE SUN - I had. So much trouble. Filling this role. Since The sun stands for everything warm and joyous. "It enlightens, so the Fool both feels and understands the goodness of the world." And it's pretty hard to find something joyous in Revachol. I almost chose Ruby just for the orange aesthetics and the sort of... enlightenment. But considering she might shoot herself in the head, I refused to put her in the role of the sun. I wanted to save the Insulidan phasmid for THE WORLD at first, but I am damn happy I let go of that thought. Especially since the story starts and begins with the fool anyway. SO YEAH. I love this stick bug.... I cannot describe it. After you go through this whole bleak game, filled with death, misery, failure and coldness you find this...walking wonder. And the soundtrack to this encapsulates it so well, too. The phasmid scene always fills me with so much happiness T_T
JUDGEMENT - Also one of the the cards that were pretty clear to me from the beginning. Trant looks pretty menacing here but I love it lol. I added a small Harry, because under the judging eyes of his colleagues, everyone would feel small. "The Fool has been reborn. His false, ego-self has been shed, allowing his radiant, true self to manifest." The radiance is debatable, but Harry definitely went through a lot of development in the past few days and hopefully he came out a better person. He isn't absolved of his past mistakes and further judged on those, rather he is judged on the things he did right. And I don't know, what I like about Harry in general is that he is an absolute fuckup but if you give a person the right support and faith in them to be better, they can. If you keep reminding people only of the things they've done wrong, you are taking their room to grow, by defining them as an irredeemable failure.
THE WORLD - "The Fool reenters the World, but this time with a more complete understanding. He has integrated all the disparate parts of himself and achieved wholeness. He has reached a new level of happiness and fulfillment." Well, what can I say. Our fool Harry started this journey full of ignorance but he opened his eyes to the mistakes of the past and learned from them, and is now hopefully ready to tackle life anew. And I love the last sentence of The Fool's story: This cycle is over, but, the Fool will never stop growing. Soon he will be ready to begin a new journey that will lead him to ever greater levels of understanding. While this chapter of his life is over, there'll be new stories to be told. Setbacks and more opportunities to grow, and only time will tell where his journey will lead him this time.
Thanks to everyone who followed me and Harry on this journey and read through my ramblings. Also thanks for all the lovely tags & comments, it was an absolute pleasure reading through these. <3 Much Love!
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bookishbrewer · 1 month
⚠️ CW: Suicide, Toxic relationships, depression, mention of self-harm
Why I believe that House's story ends with tragedy post season 8 - an opinion piece:
Hello everyone, this is a remake of a post I did a couple years ago on an older blog. If you find it familiar, I'm sorry if this one is a bit messier than the original. It's been longer since my last rewatch.
So, let's recap the finale of House MD: Treating a drug addict patient results in House examining his life, his future and confronting his own personal demons.
As we know, House ends up faking his death in this episode, after going on a 2 day drug fuelled bender with his drug addicted patient. The patient ends up overdosing & dying, and House remains to confront his 8 seasons worth of demons. At the end he escapes the firery scene & fakes his death by switching his medical records. After all of that, he runs away with Wilson to spend his remaining 5 months to live.
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Before House replies to what Wilson is saying, he thinks for a moment. I want try & piece together what was going through his head at that moment evaluating his life:
1. Every romantic relationship with House ends in heartbreak
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Season 2, Episode 11
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Season 3, Episode 8
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Season 5, Episode 23-24
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Season 5, Episode 6 // Season 7, Episode 23
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Season 8, Episode 13 // Season 8, Episode 18
Every single one of these relationship was ended because House either deliberately behaved in a way that would push the love interest away or by breaking their trust. House was never actively malicious towards his partners, but he was not a very good partner. He was self centered, self loathing, very much focused on himself (even when trying to be as supportive & caring as possible) but at the end of every relationship, the women understood that they could not remain in a Healthy relationship with House. Either because he refused to tackle his addiction, his psychological distress & trauma or be honest with them and respect them as equal to him in their relationship.
2. House's relationship with his family
House was severely abused by his father, a military man, both physically & emotionally. His mother did not protect him from said abuse (probably because of feeling deeply guilty about her affair that gave birth to Gregory), which lead to him growing in an abusive houshold that was built on lies, dysfunction & distance (which partially explains his behavior in the show, especially his approach to human nature: "Everybody Lies"). House was never really close with his parents, so it would make sense that he would not rely on them for support in any way, not even in a life or death situation such as him feeling at his lowest in every aspect of his life. In addition to that, he may even doubt how much his loss would effect his parents if something were to happen to him.
3. House's suicidal ideation
House is shown numerous times in the show to not reject the option of ending his life. He actively tries to commit suicide twice during the show (Merry Little Christmas, season 3 episode 11 // Simple Explanation, season 5 episode 20), ponders it in the season finale (Everybody Dies, season 8 episode 22) but decides against it, choosing to fake his death instead.
In addition to that, he also indulges in self-harm in the form of cutting himself (also "Merry Little Christmas" & "Nobody's Fault"), intentionally hurting his limbs (leg - "Under My Skin", hand - "After Hours").
Like Wilson said, House cannot go back from that decision (similarly to how you can never come back from suicide). He can never have access his addictions: puzzles (medicine) & escapism (Vicodin & other drugs). We know how House gets without his meds, he becomes... A shadow of himself. Sometimes it's a violent dark figure, sometimes it's an apathetic & silent husk, sometimes it's a dark creature screaming in agony, sometimes it's just House, but something is off. Without constant puzzles, dissecting human nature & feeding his ego & emotional needs, he's lost.
Unlike other characters, like Dexter Morgan from the Showtime series "Dexter" House never treats suicide like it is somehow "beneath him":
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Dexter speaks to Sg. Doakes, Season 2 Episode 11
Compare & contrast that to House's reaction to Taub pleading with House to try & understand Wilson's decision to discontinue his cancer treatment & to die with dignity:
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Season 8, Episode 21
Just the thought of Wilson passing away before his time triggers House's suicidal thoughts. He disregards the patients & visitors in the background, the colleagues that may hear, Taub himself, everyone. This, in my opinion was the start of the "nothing else matters anymore" mindset. House was already at the end of his rope, and losing the person he loves more than anything else in the world was just... Too much.
4. House doesn't see a future without Wilson
In season 6, Episode 10, House refuses to be present during Wilson's surgery at first:
Wilson: I want you to be there
House, after thinking: No.
Wilson: Why?
House: Because if you die, I'm alone.
House cannot fathom the possibility of witnessing Wilson die. He cannot even consider for a moment to stand before Wilson's lifeless body & realizing that this is it, he is completely & utterly alone in this world.
We see multiple times that House not only cares deeply about Wilson, he is also dependant on him, to the point of the relationship often becoming toxic for both of them (hurting other relationships, sabotaging new ones, need for validation of both the relationship itself & both of them of each other individually, indulging unhealthy behaviors towards others etc).
But we all remember how that situation concluded:
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House watching over Wilson as a big bright light washes over him as he loses consciousness. To me, this seems like foreshadowing for what's to come after the season finale, after those last 5 months.
Another thing that caught my eye was him stating "I can live without Kyle" (season 8, episode 20) when referring to a guy that stole Wilson's prom date when he was in highschool. He wanted to immitate said 'Kyle' for the entire episode, trying his best to act uncaring, aloof, "alpha". Essentially, to act out of character. But numerous times in said episode, Wilson still displayed the very same characteristics that both House and the audience love so much about him. So House affirms that he cannot live in a world without Wilson, just the way he is.
5. House is willing to preform a "mercy kill" for his close friends
In the episode "The Dig" (Season 7, Episode 18), House assures Thirteen, who's diagnosed with Huntington's, that he is willing to euthanize her when her Huntington symptoms worsen (this happens after Thirteen confides in House, telling him about how she killed her own brother after his Huntington symptoms worsened. House's reaction left Thirteen shocked, hurt & disappointed, as it seemed like he did not care at all. But we know he did, very deeply).
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House gets a positive reaction from Thirteen, which is later also approved to the audience & the people in House's funeral when she states in her eulogy: "He was willing to kill me". Wilson, as we know, is also in the audience. He then knows that House is willing to preform a "mercy kill" on a loved one. He also mentions it in the finale:
Wilson: When the cancer starts getting really bad-
House, putting a halmet on: Cancer's boring.
I want us to return to the "I'm dead, Wilson" scene:
House is at a point in which he feels like he has nothing left to lose. He has no close friends that give him meaning besides Wilson, no family to rely on, no romantic relationship seems to last, he feels powerless when it comes to his addiction to drugs, he is facing jail time after accidently breaking an MRI machine with Foreman's ticket gift which he flushed down the hospital's toilet (which may as well cause him to be fired & lose his job and/or license to practice medicine, in addition to the fact he faked his own death).
We already know that House is prone to depression, self harm & suicidal ideation (including attempts), we've covered that he is willing to end a loved ones life if there is no medical solution to their health related state, we know that Wilson is not (to our knowledge up to the last episode) willing to go through any other treatment & we know that House cannot live without Wilson.
Adding all of this up & remembering the foreshadowing of Wilson's health related issue & House's course of action (watching over him as a bright light covers the screen as he loses consciousness) I believe that after those 5 months, when the cancer gets really bad, House will take Wilson's life... And then, his own.
This is essentially the end of the post, but I would like to add a few things:
Disclaimer: this post is not meant in any way to promote, encourage or agree with anything that supports one taking their own life, self harming or any other kind of self inflicted damage. This is just a theory based on how I've precieved House's character.
I am considering writing a short fic based on this post, and would like to know if anyone is interested in reading it.
Thank you very much for reading, have a good day 🙏🏼
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Riz Gukgak Junior Year Playlist: side A
Heres the first side of the Junior Year Riz Playlist and the explanations down below, Spoilers for Episodes 1-10 in FHJY
Genres: Alternative, Anti Folk, Math Rock, Punk
1. Photosynthesis, They Might Be Giants
Photosynthesis does not involve a camera Or a synthesizer Although that's interesting, too Photosynthesis is how plants take in light From the sun and turn it into energy It's actually a thing on which most life depends Here on the planet Earth
GOD so when I'm not making these playlists I'm and environmental educator and when Brian was like "we're the photosythe-KIDS!" i nearly lost it. Gotta let this little nerdy kid have at least one nerd song as a treat to me
2. Dissonance, AJJ
My feet planted in different realities I've been doing lots of parallel planning and asking Does morals exist anymore? Wondering if society's all broken down yet I should probably know I should probably know I should probably grow some more plants in the window I should probably try I should probably try I should probably try to find a cure for this dissonance
One of the things I relate to Riz about the most is the way in which he is so hungry for explanation and, specifically problem solving. When they get dropped right back into normal teen life after having just saved the world and "cracked the case", Riz had to really switch into school mode fast (with the whole paying for college thing)
3. Stress, Jim's Big Ego
I'm addicted to stress That's the way that I get things done If I'm not under pressure then I sleep too long And I hang around like a bum I think I'm going nowhere, and that makes me nervous Everybody's out to get me, but I feel all right
Obsessed with the way that, if Brennan didn't let Riz take on the stress of other people in the party, he would literally be so normal about the downtime system. God help him and his nervous system.
4. Travelers Insurance, Their/They're/There
After all that we've done, You still skipped out on the beat of a different drum. Blurring the lines between failure and fortune
it's getting at Riz supporting so many people in his party, taking on their stress, organizing their extracurriculars, and literally tutoring them on subjects he doesn't know about. And they're definitely trying to keep everything under control, but sometimes it feels like when they mess up or make bad choices, it's Riz who has to take the L
5. Pitch Black, Heart Attack Man
Rock bottom smile bares its rotting teeth again Acts like there's nothing wrong and they're still my closest friend Romanticize the fondest memories and good times And hope that I forget the rest Rock bottom's grinning as it's creeping up again Dust off the depths and make me wish that I was dead again Hold out your hand to me Take me to a place in hell where Having self-esteem seems selfish and unhealthy
God the way that in Ep. 10 after Riz had that talk with his mom about everything he was just so despondent the rest of the episode about everything that was happening, and actually thinking about the toll his friendships were taking on him 💀
6. An Antidote for Strychnine, The Mountain Goats
Dig down amongst my calculations Check my maps Up there on the surface Everybody's gettin' ready for the bloodbath Stem the tide, stem the tide They're calling down for reinforcements Tryin' to find An antidote for strychnine Tryin' to find An antidote for strychnine
This has always and forever been such a Riz song for me and I feel like it really fits the tone of Riz looking into the soil, into lucy's death, into eventually the loam farm, reluctantly telling his mom about it. The moment when he thinks that something like what happened to Yolanda could happen to his mother and he gets really serious about it. AHHHHHH Something something isolation, something something taking on dangerous tasks by yourself just to protect the ones you love
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Sexy Time Mishaps Part 1
@silvers-d-me wanted something like this so I did some headcanons, thank you for supporting me!
Working on a list of 'most common sex mishaps' I was linked to. Plus a few of my own. I hope everyone enjoys <3
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Part One Marco and Ace.
N/SFW Undercut - GN reader
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The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh rang out in the doctor's office. You gripped the edge of the desk and cried out his name.
“There we go little bird, feeling good?” Marco asked, you could hear the smirk in his voice as he pulled out, slowly, deliberately. Making you mewl and whine at the feeling of emptiness before he slammed back in.
“M-Marco!” He leaned over your body, lips against your ear, you could feel his hot breath as he chuckled “Yes?” His hips snapped back once more and you were seeing stars.
The phoenix could be a very gentle lover, the kind of man who could make sex last for hours but he also had this incredibly feral side to him.
A side that wanted to fuck you over his desk halfway through the workday because he had urges.
You loved both sides.
“I’m so close,” You whined as you pushed back against his punishing pace. The legs of the desk creaked, your moans too loud to hear the screeching of the feet of the desk against the floorboards.
“Good, cum for me pretty bird yoi,” He hummed, nipping your ear as he speed up, desperate to make you a complete mess for him like he wanted everyone on the ship to hear you as they passed the office.
At this rate between the desk and you screaming at the impact of Marco’s intense session you were sure you’d alert the navy to your location.
You felt the cool surface of the desk on your cheek as he adjusted, getting you ridiculously deep, dragging his thick cock along your walls and you just moaned, all thoughts simply fucked out of your head.
Suddenly you heard a crack, the sound of wood splintering. “Marco, stop, stop, too much your going too hard!” You hissed when the sounds grew and something moved in the desk, you felt lower than a few seconds ago. 
“Do you really mean that?” He asked, thinking you were putting it on for the sake of his ego.
Before you could answer there was an almighty snap, a crack of wood, and the sound of the flimsy legs giving out under the weight of you both and the roughness of Marco’s motions.
He pulled out in time before a real bad accident could happen but you still landed on the broken desk, flat on the floor with the legs bowed out. Both groaning, he rolled off of you, sitting up and helping you.
Concerned eyes looked over your body before the lazy smirk appeared on his lips.
“Looks like I fucked you too hard this time yoi,” He was so proud of himself until you elbowed him in the side.
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Ace was always doing this, grabbing you when you passed down the hallway.
When he had a moment's break from his work he'd seek you out for a little bit of fun and honestly, you didn’t mind.
You loved the rush of sneaking away with him when others could accidentally catch you both.
The thrill got you going and you knew it made him hard.
Ace was grinning down at you right now, both of you hiding out in the empty room, one of the many used for storage on the vast ship.
You sighed when you felt his hands in your hair, gently brushing the strands behind your ears as you gazed up at him with such adoration in your eyes. The grin that stretched across his handsome freckled face just lit your fire even more.
“You look so hot babe, I love when you're on your knees in front of me like this..” He said, the smirk growing as he let go of your hair for a moment, unbuckling his belt and freeing his cock.
You didn't even have to be asked, you took his cock into your mouth gladly, loving every sound you could drag from him. Ace leaned against the wall, face flushed as he battled with the want, the need to buck his hips.
You moaned around his member, tongue working on him, knowing just what your boyfriend liked.
Ace must have been worked up because it barely took him any time to grab at your hair with one hand and bit his own hand to stifle the noises.
His hips thrusting with a mind of their own now, pushing down your throat, you took it well, used to how he often lost to his urges, swept away in the moment, drowning in the pleasure.
What neither of you was used to, however, was the sudden erupt bang on the door as Ace cried out, cumming.
You jerked your head away from him, staring at the door that rattled like someone was trying to get in.
Ace couldn’t stop, he couldn’t put on the brakes and he grabbed his cock, and he came, hard.
Hitting you right in the eye, you screamed out, unprepared for the sudden ‘eye shot’
Ace winced and panicked, dropping to his knees and cupping your cheeks “Oh babe, I didn’t mean to! Oh fuck, you okay?”
“Fucking, fuck, fuck!” You whined and shook your head just as the door opened.
Marco and Thatch standing there, staring at you rubbing your face, and Ace with his cock out looking like he was about to have a panic attack as he fussed over you.
“Looks like you need a doctor,” Thatch said, shaking his head with a laugh as Marco’s shoulders slumped a tsk as you and Ace stared at him.
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tarotofzhivasmoon · 7 months
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Pile 1
This connection is special because everything just seemed to align for the two of you, everything just clicked with such ease and while you might’ve had some obstacles with this person, you definitely have been able to move forward so freely and without really worrying too much. Of course, there aren’t really relationships that never meet or find any challenges along the way, there’s been a few here in this connection, but you’ve always went with the flow of things, tackling it as you moved forward and it took you really far because what you’ve been waiting for, this relationship that you’ve been waiting for, has come through for you and it finally felt like the missing piece of your puzzle was complete. If you feel like you’re going through a hard time with this person, you don’t really need to worry because you will definitely get the answers that you seek, get the news that you’ve been wanting to hear from your person, which of course, in your mind have only been good news and moving forward towards a better place. For some of you, you might’ve felt like something was weird, maybe you’ve been through a lot of challenging, unstable and even toxic relationships before, in which you weren’t really seen, heard or understood by the one you were trying to build a future with, your requests were ignored, those people came off as selfish and inconsiderate when it came to your needs, but this person is actually listening to you, they’re making the changes that you’re asking them to make and they’re really doing their best to tend to you, to what you want and need from them and from a relationship and this can actually look scary to you, especially to your ego, which is always only used to negative patterns, to your needs not being met, to you not being important and now that you actually are experiencing what you’ve always desired, you might have a tendency to doubt it, thinking it might be too good to be true, thinking that maybe it won’t last for long and that something is going to happen that’s going to make you experience what you’ve been always used to experiencing.
The full, in depth reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Pile 2
The two of you might’ve not really started this connection really smoothly, there’s a sense of struggling, of being really wrapped up in patterns and thought patterns from the past that were just really negative and weren’t really helping either of you move into a new connection with open arms and be really vulnerable. Both of you seem to have had a sense of superficiality when meeting each other, some of you might’ve left someone who has deceived and betrayed you, it was all recent, you didn’t really feel like you belonged anywhere because all your life it has been a journey of finding a place you belong, of finding something that you’ve lost a long time ago and you weren’t really able to get it or find it in any relationship that you have been in. It does seem like you might’ve only found the opposite of what you wanted, where you wanted love you found a lack of appreciation and disinterest that kept on growing and growing over time, it affected your sense of self and sense of self worth, it was just really painful to experience and go through what you went through and the things that you were carrying throughout your journey have become heavier and heavier. Your person could’ve gone through similar experiences, maybe they have been also looking for and trying to find something they’ve once lost, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the same circumstances that you had, though they were similar to yours and when you got in each other’s lives, when you arrived at the door of both of your hearts, it seemed like it was never fully open, you never really let each other fully enter your hearts because you’ve learned that you’re not really welcome there for long from all of those past experiences. You might’ve tried your best to appear vulnerable, to appear that you’re sharing, to create an illusion of letting each other in, but in reality you were hiding a lot of yourselves in attempt to protect what you had left from those past experiences.
The full, in depth reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
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pillotalkin · 15 days
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My Little Pony: Chaos is Magic pt 3 ( pt 1 | pt 2 )
Thorny Rose (Amy) and Twin Tails (Tails) are close friends of Sonic Speeds', and fellow trainee knights. The three of them began training at the same time, fueled by their shared determination to protect the peace of Equestria. More details below the cut!
Thorny Rose, being an Earth pony, possesses great strength, which allows her to use heavier equipment than the Pegasi or Unicorn trainees can. Her weapon of choice is a hefty hammer imbued with magic that summon winds or grow plants, which she wields with a level of skill even her Earth pony peers can't seem to match. She is training to be a royal guard alongside Sonic Speeds, as she wishes to use her might to defend Equestria and the people she loves from any harm that may come their way. She's protective, and proud, and not afraid to speak her mind. At one point in their friendship she fostered feelings of love for Sonic Speeds, but he was clear about his disinterest, and she moved on quickly, having more pertinent things to worry about. Now, she merely admires him- and chastises him when his ego gets him in trouble. She's had to save him from sticky situations more than once.
Twin Tails, though still fairly young, has great talent in mechanics and engineering, so rather than undergoing physical training to join the guard himself, he instead works towards improving the technology of the Equestrian army. He studies more closely under Prince Brilliant Mind than most of the other trainees, as the Prince has a similar talent, being the one responsible for developing much of the weaponry, armor, and other machinery currently being utilized by the royal guard and Equestrian army. Twin Tails idolizes the prince for his intellect and ingenuity and longs to be as great an inventor one day, but he also looks up to Sonic Speeds, who has been like an older brother to him for much of his life, quite a bit. His lack of physical might at times makes him feel inferior to his friends who are training to fight for Equestria on the frontlines, but he puts his all into supporting them with his magic-imbued inventions.
When Sonic Speeds is sent on his quest to find Midnight Star, his friends stay behind in the royal city, worriedly awaiting his return.
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punksocks · 2 years
Astrology Observations No. 1
Only based of my personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt!
Aries Moons need you to validate their perspective by following their advice to the letter. If you challenge them or try to meet them halfway there’s a good chance they’ll blow up at you. The more you’re emotionally tied to them the bigger the fallout.
Aries suns give their advice with their whole chest as well. But if you’re firm with not following them, they won’t love it but they’ll calm down and accept and support your choices especially if they’re well developed.
Scorpio in the big 3 can often go out of their way to make you feel at ease. Scorpios often tend to make others react either with intense interest or antagonistic behavior. Pluto and Mars rule Scorpio, planets that often involve intensity and aggression. Scorpios will try to be very accommodating and welcoming to others in return, to put the opposite of the harsh energy they receive out there. They know the impact of receiving that judgement. Unless you do something to raise their suspicions, then they will become cold and keep their guard up. They are water signs at their core.
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Aquarius suns are either the most humble and giving or the most driven by their ego. They often exist at these extremes. I believe it has to do with Aquarius being the opposite of Leo, which is the exalted placement for a sun sign. Aquarius have to work out the tension of this placement to learn a lesson about altruism throughout the course of their lives. Sometimes they learn to help others while balancing their ego, other times they fall into one extreme or the other. Saturn is a ruler of Aquarius after all.
Leo suns are often very introverted and down to earth when developed. Something about that sun sign placement makes them easy to pay attention to but in a more casual and grounding way than the abrasive energy of a Leo rising or the sometimes surprising show of ego of a Leo moon.
Air signs are often associated with logic and progress. But in my experience some of the most intensely conservative fundamentalist people can have air in their big 3. My theory is that it’s a combination of being able to assume the extreme principles of fundamentalism are progressing to superior ideals and that if they able to process an ideal logically the ideal will tether to their ego. Disagreeing often sparks debate and if you aren’t won over by their logic you could deeply often them.
Virgo mars is underrated when developed. They are helpful, intelligent, and they always find a way to rise to the occasion for the ones they love. The only issue is that their anxiety becomes volatile in a way that really impacts their relationships, and their self esteem.
If you love them let them go heavily applies to big 3 Pisces and Sagittarius. They both crave freedom in order to feel as though they’re free to move through life without hinderance. Pisces often needs time untethered to emotionally process, and Sagittarius is always growing and expanding and cannot stand to be constricted. But if you are a support while giving them space they’ll see you as someone that understands them for awhile at least. You may grow apart at some point but it’s the risk you take and the result you accept.
I just want to feed big 3 Taurus placements. They’re so comforting and you just want them to feel good too so you give them tangible comforts like food.
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megururus · 2 years
relax love ¦ anri teieri
cw : this is a wlw oneshot so if ur for some reason uncomfortable with that then leave!! anri has no shirt on at some point, but nothing suggestive!! teeth rotting fluff!!
a/n : this is for my gf and future wife, anri bc i love her sm, and she doesn’t get enough love🫶🫶 this also basically a bday post but i’m not gonna label it as that since it’s not the focus of this one shot!!
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( august 17 — 9:58pm )
you knew anri had usually worked quite late work days, doing god knows what for ego, and his blue lock project. her usual arrival time home was about 8:30 in the night, but right now she was nearing the one hour late mark.
you began to grow nervous, confused and worried as to why your girlfriend was not answering your texts nor your calls. you took one big, deep breathe, telling yourself that there could be many reasons as to why she is not home at the moment.
these reasons come as;
1. ego forced her to stay back and do extra paperwork.
2. ego forced her to stay back and do the stinky laundry for the stinky teenage boys.
3. she got into a car accident that has left her with no way of contacting her.
of course, you hope the last one was not true, and prayed it would be one of the first two options instead, which seemed more realistic.
you honestly were starting to think like an overbearing parent, but one thing you knew for sure was that you were not the overprotective kind of girlfriend, not at all. you were just very concerned at the moment, you know?
deciding you had enough waiting, you pushed yourself off the couch and towards the front door, hastily grabbing your keys and slipping on your outside slippers. the ones you would usually sport when going last minute grocery shopping with anri.
just as your hand reached for the doorknob, the door swung open, and in came a stumbling anri. you quickly held her up by her forearms, providing support so she could stand properly.
“anri, are you drunk?” you inquired, utter concern in your tone.
she looked up at you with a pout, blowing some strands of light brown, almost pink, hair that fell onto her face. “no i’m not drunk! it’s these damn heels, they’re squeezing my feet…my shoulders hurts, too…”
she kicked her feet, which resulted in her heels flying into a random place in the entryway.
you softly smiled at her, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her to the couch. you affably pushed her back onto the couch and visibly saw her stiffen.
“i’ll get that lotion you like and give you a massage, ‘kay?” you told her, though she quickly shook her head.
“it’s alright! you don’t need to do that for me,” she said as she was ready to get up from the couch, but you gave her a look. “or you can, fine!”
you quickly smiled and ran to the bathroom, grabbing her favorite lotion, ‘country ma’am cookies’ scent, and made your way back into the living room.
there sat anri in the same spot, back straight and stiff, while watching that random sitcom. she took notice of your presence and gave you a pointed look, clearly talking about the show.
“don’t even ask, it was the only thing on at this time,” you slightly frowned, then soon replaced it with a smile. “now, let me help you relax!”
your girlfriend sighed, and began to unbutton her pink top. she slid the shirt off her shoulders and tossed it to the ground, leaving her in her bra, making easy access to her shoulders and back.
you pumped some of the lotion onto your hand, rubbing it so it covered every inch of your palms and fingers.
“lie down for me, it’ll be more relaxing,” you softly instructed, to which she obliged to. she laid so that she was on her stomach, face squished onto the plush cushion.
you sat on her butt, giving you a more comfortable position to give your massage.
you placed your lotioned hands onto her shoulders, gently rubbing circles into the places that felt they needed it. when you got closer to her neck, you noticed she still wasn’t fully relaxed.
“anri,” you said, squeezing the spot where her neck and shoulders meet. “relax, love.”
it’s as if your words had a magical effect on her, since her body instantaneously eased. she looked much more calm and comfortable like this.
you continued working your palms and fingers over her neck, shoulders, upper/lower back, and a bit of her arms.
everytime your hands would knead a spot that felt good, anri would hum, her way of indicating that was a good spot and to continue.
it was quiet, nothing but skin rubbing and the sitcom was heard, though you had to ask your girlfriend a question. breaking the quiet room you asked, “so, why were you back so late? ego has you doing those boy’s laundry again?”
the girl below you breathily laughed, “no, thank god! but, he made me stay back to analyze some data about some of the players. looking at the same screen for so many hours strains my eyes.”
now it was your turn to laugh, you reached over to the bottle and pumped more lotion onto your palm. rubbing it in you spoke, “he needs to get off his ass and do his own work, and also stop eating those gross mayo ramen things.”
“i agree!”
another quiet atmosphere washed over you, something you both enjoyed and appreciated. you knew how much anri just wanted a break from work, she was very clearly worked to the bone, barely ever getting a vacation or a second to breathe.
you had hoped this small massage had released whatever physical stress she had in her body. swinging your leg off the other side of her body, you placed both feet on the ground, telling her you were done.
anri lifted herself with her arms, cracking her back after being in the same position for twenty minutes.
she moved to a sitting position and started to slip on her shirt that you had handed to her.
“so, how do you feel now?”
“wayyyy better, thank you, love,” anri said sweetly, dragging out her letters, then pulled you down to sit next to her.
you chuckled and placed a soft, chaste kiss to her lips.
“i’m glad!”
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© megururus august 19, 2022
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renee561 · 11 months
Ted Lasso Season One Recap
So this show has been on my to watch list thanks to @sarahtarth and @austennerdita2533 @heatherfield @asphodelandabsinthe and @mercurial-make-em-ups ALL have recommended the show to me in one form or another. It has been on the list unfortunately for years (looks at Sarah and Ashlee and Heather). But as @wauryd mentioned gambling is perhaps one avenue to get me to do something because I like being a person of my word.
Now that I've finished season 1, i wanted to share my thoughts instead of just my reactions.
Spoilers for those that haven't seen it yet
So starting simple, I want to talk about locations.
I thought the fact that it was set and filmed in a part of England that was not London was amazing! Like you see London alot in films and show and as a person that have friends in other parts of England and that thought Brighton was amazing that for them to showcase something different was amazing also Liverpool my beloved Beatles.
Producers take note you have a rich country, you can set it in other places for your modern settings!
Let me just say I love them all to some varying degrees, but I have to say...Ted is amazing and I love him so much!
Typically speaking, you do not get a guy that is genuinely nice and kind as a main character in modern shows and movies that doesn't seem fake, that doesn't somehow make you suspicious about if they're going to turn him into something else later on.
Plus he's just...relatable. He's an optimist and he's doesn't always understand, but the thing about him is he tries! He tries so hard 🥺 and he's only happy to help people, no matter how small he just wants to help.
Also I think we should all aspire to be more like Ted.
Continuing on to another character I love Rebecca. Woman is one of 3-4 women owners in a cut throat industry, who went through a horrific divorce with a douche bag of a man that has an over englated ego. GET FUCKED RUPERT!
But she's wounded, and she lashes out at Higgens (my soft boy) and herself and anyone really because she is trying to protect herself from being that hurt again.
But she learns to let go just a little, and she owns her shit (after a time and some pressure and some positive influences (keeley is that you). She is starting to learn to trust and love herself the way that Rupert never did.
I love her budding friendship with Ted, like the hugs and the just support even when she is trying to sabatoge him and the team.
The team.
MY BOYS!!! Babies all of them! (Except you Tartt you're on thin fucking ice)
Nate, nate, my beloved soft boy!! I love how he grows this season how with the confidence of Ted he is starting to come out of his shell.
Roy...Roy...dick, but at least you know it and is trying to figure it out and the way he is protective of the team <3 <3
Sam is precious and I want to just hug him. Like this boy is the sweetest and I would die for him.
Tartt is a fucking prick. He gets marginally better, and I'm hoping better as things go on, but yes keeley deserves so much better then you!
Keeley is amazing, she's strong and kind and a real stand up gal, I just want her happiness.also same keeley fucking same about Rebecca. (Renee is not straight)
The Plot
I don't get football/sports in general, I do love things that I don't fully get because that's out of my sphere of interests. But i love that it's different, that it's not the same plot as other things.
I love that it's about a migrant to a different country that has no idea about what's going on and yet is still trying his best. Putting his best foot forward and trying to help these boys be the best versions of themselves.
Especially as this is set in 2020, it is very inspiring, and I can't wait for more.
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