#y’all fr im so.
heartpascal · 1 year
i made memes. the tunnel is heartbreaking, HEARTBREAKING. idek what to do with myself after reading the tunnel, i am at a loss for words IT WAS AMAZING, genuinely my top of ur works i love it sm. literally from the bottom of my heart, ur an incredibly talented writer and seeing you get traction on ur fics is so lovely to see bc you genuinely deserve the all love for your works !!!!! u never cease to grace tumblr with ur words 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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STOP IT RN AHAHAHAHA omfg the memes 😭😭😭 i’m so sorry!!!! i will try to break less hearts in future (no i won’t), there will not be more angst (yes there will it’s all i know)
you’re the sweetest ever thank you so so much 😭 your support means THE LITERAL WORLD!!!! the MEMES??? made my entire day. sobbing and crying. I LITCH RALLY LUV YOU SM!!!
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
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Small Revali’s for anyone who needs it. This guy has me in a chokehold
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vixxensvoid · 2 months
I came. I saw. I conquered.
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Look at my submissive bitch
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blurglesmurfklaine · 6 months
“Woah, you win the lottery or something?”
Jack doesn’t know why he asks the guy in front of him at the checkout line that, but he does. Half the time, he couldn’t give an explanation to why he says the things he does. He took one look at the huge pile of merchandise on the conveyor belt, overheard the cashier calculate the total, and couldn’t help himself.
“Nope,” the customer says casually, swiping his card through the machine. “Just having a mental breakdown.” He turns towards Jack, lips pursed in an awkward smile, and throws up a peace sign.
Jack blinks. “Oh,” he says stupidly. He scrubs a hand behind his neck. “Uh, sorry.”
“Don’t be,” the stranger replies as he bags his various items—ranging from a throw pillow with the word I’m Pretty Sure I Seized The Wrong Day embroidered on it, to a coffee mug that says Live, Laugh, Lubricant. “You’re not the dumbass roommate who got us evicted with an illegal gambling ring.”
Jack opens his mouth to reply, but isn’t sure he’d know what to say anything.
The young man lifts up the pillow, frowning at the vomit green fringes sewn onto the obnoxiously turquoise fabric. “This is the ugliest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Why on earth did I buy it?”
“I have a theory,” Jack says.
The guy starts laughing, loud and obnoxious and it should be the most off putting thing in the world, but Jack is utterly enthralled.
This might be the most peculiar person Jack’s ever met, which is an incredibly high bar. Jack desires him carnally.
“You’re funny,” the guy says, cracking a real, genuine smile this time, and Jack feels his insides become putty in this stranger’s hands. “I’m Davey.”
“Jack.” He grins, extending a hand that Davey takes in a shake. “We should hang out sometime.”
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suburbanlegnd · 9 months
being mutuals on tumblr means having to deal with your besties obsession with ugly guys
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princessg3rard · 3 months
you seem pretty cool. i’m sorry you’re getting so much hatred and harassment for literally just existing as an israeli jew. if it helps, you’re not alone. myself and most other jews have been through similar stuff. it sucks and it beats you down, but we’re a strong people and you’re a strong person. we’ll all get through this. every violence, every hatred thrown at us is survivable, because we’ve survived it before. i think there’s brighter days ahead.
tysm anon this really means more than u think <3 it sucks sm that we all know what it’s like to be hated like that, but we’re also such strong people and as my dad says, “we’ve been thru pharaoh, we’ll survive this too” :)
i know it’s a coincidence I get so much encouragement and support on purim, but I can’t help but love the full circle moment :3 we as a people have always been about life and survival, mostly out of spite, and today is the day we celebrate one of those times - that feels right that my inbox and notes are flooded with love (thank u all so so much, really) <3
brighter days are ahead, and we will live to see them. we will live despite everyone and everything that wants us dead. it’s a promise <3
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saturngalore · 9 months
the animal face challenge bringing out the causal racism in simmers 😭😭😭😭
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formulahuh · 2 months
if yuki doesn’t get points today i’m going to go to the next race and disassemble every other car so he wins the next race 🥰🥰
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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sweetcitrusboi · 6 months
Watching gaming dudebros have full-on heart attacks and stroking out over tasm2 not winning or any of their basic ass shooting games and running around talking about how “nobody played Alan Wake 2 or BG3” when in fact a shitload of people did play both games and yall refuse to branch out and play other games and yall live in a bubble of just Fortnite, Cod, and other games just like it, and now you’re going out of your way to be unhinged individuals online about it instead of showing good sportsmanship and congratulating the amazing games and teams behind them that did win an award.
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gabrimer2 · 1 year
bro its almost 3am why are you up posting felps‼️
must. post. brazilian qsmp clips.
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saturngalore · 18 days
finally made it to gen 2 aka gen sapphire of the not so berry 2 challenge 🙏🏾 one day i will post all the screenshots i took from gen 1 and the current one…hopefully 😭😭 but here’s the challenger starter and her heir 🫶🏾
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mossy-aro · 2 years
abt that previous post i made about ppl on tiktok making fun of qprs … so i checked back and the video now has over 1.1M views!! and this was the comment section
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i genuinely hate y’all sometimes 😐😐
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rhysnolastname · 7 months
i want some of you carnally
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allofuswantgwinam · 4 months
i am actually cursed bc why does every mfing perosn waNT ME EXCEPT PEOPLE I DO WANT!!!!!! I WANNA SCREAM!!!!!! I need to not be a nice person bc apparently that means you’re into someone even tho you have never accepted a friend request for them or responded to comments when they follow you bc you don’t add them as a friend and then you are a friendly person to them bc they come to the liquor store everyday and now this mfer slid in my dms
update: i posted this 30 seconds ago and the man is simping on my damn posts. fucking WHY. i do not need this mfing shit rn 😭😭 i am in my feelings and pissed all at once. talkin bout “love ur personality, u’ve always had a loveable soul” STFU PLS RN WTF WTF IM SO MAD 🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀💀 WHY ARE SOME MEN JUST LIKE THIS IM EMBARRASSED
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evansbby · 1 year
Bestie I feel the same way like I was so upset that was with that person but now I’m so put off it’s crazy like I still love reading his characters like Steve rodgers , andy barber (sorry bestie I know how you feel about him) Ari and etc , like I feel like I fell in love with how his characters are written by all the fanfic writers that in my head I feel like he was like that in real life ( i hope this is making sense) then when I found out he was really creepy and icky in real life I felt like I just broke up with him if that makes sense , and when I see pictures of that person he’s with I feel weird like wow that’s kinda gross how they look together
I’m sorry for the vent i never told anyone this and I feel like this is a safe space to vent
I hope this is okay to vent I feel better now
In case you wanna post a response I’ll be that emoji I hope that’s okay
I get how you feel. And I don’t get why people go SO FUCKING HARD defending him like?? If he isn’t some 40+ year old white millionaire actor dating someone half his age. But suddenly I’m not allowed to criticise that or him? Most of the time I do it in jest or in a funny way too but y’all act like it’s the end of the world.
Like I’m sick of feeling like I should be ashamed every time I post criticism. Atp if you don’t like it, I welcome you to unfollow me. I insist you unfollow me. Like I don’t let it consume my blog but I will post my opinions whenever I want and I’m sick of being anxious as shit over what people think bc I’m not saying anything wrong.
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