#Vlad masters is creepy to Danny
anglers1mp · 1 year
Ok so this depends on how creepy Vlad would actually be
1: DeadSerious-Damian/Danny- Danny would be 15 and the events of Danny Phantom(The show) would happen in two years and Danny died at 13. Vlad would look very bad if Danny was 15 and let’s say Vlad is 45 in this fic then yeah Bruce would be even angrier at Vlad(not that he wouldn’t be mad Bruce would be absolutely furious. Just saying it makes it worse if Danny is very underage!)
2: Dead on Main-Jason/Danny- Danny would be 17 while Jason would be 19-21. Vlad’s excuse for his behavior(his answer is even more incriminating) Vlad says “Oh Daniel will be with me. He’s almost of age too” Like omg Vlad that sounds horrible. Of course he means like he’ll kidnap Danny for good, but who cares(Danny and Batfamily apparently)
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bluerosefox · 9 months
In a Single Night
I see a bunch of 'Brucie punching Vlad at a Gala because he was being a creep towards a forced to attend Danny' and bring forth Selina about to skin a creepy man with her claws after she sneaks into his fancy party hes having to steal a cat relic he has (also steals his cat as well) and finds a recently recaptured Dani (Ellie) whose forced to play the 'perfect' daughter role for the night.
Or we can have Tim overhear Vlad threatening Danny saying "Do as I say Daniel, we wouldn't want your tiny failure of a clone to destabilize do we?" And that, that sends Tim on a warpath against Vlad Masters. (Clone Rights!!!! -Tim says)
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tsubaki94 · 6 months
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22 Punishment
Ai-less whumptober
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elizabethemerald · 1 year
Gala Daze DPxDC
“What a great idea Vladdie!” 
“I don’t know Jack…” 
“Oh I assure you, my dear Maddie that Daniel will be perfectly safe with me. I won’t let him out of my sight for a moment.” 
“Come on Maddie, it would be a perfect opportunity for our Danno to bump elbows with some rich bigwigs!” 
“Well maybe he can talk to them about getting some funding for ghost extermination. Very well Vlad. You can take Danny to Gotham.”
Danny was disassociating. While not entirely a new state of being, a dissociative episode had never lasted this long for him. He had been fully checked out from his body ever since the flight from Amity Park to Gotham. He had been thinking about turning intangible and just letting the plane fly through him so he could go home, when Vlad had leaned over to him to whisper in his ear. Vlad said if Danny stepped even one toe out of line, or did anything to embarrass him, Vlad would overshadow as many people as it took to ensure that Jazz was turned down by every college she applied to. He would ruin her entire future if Danny did even one thing wrong. 
Danny had started disassociating after that. 
His parents had done a lot to hurt him and Jazz. Usually the harm the elder Fentons did to their children was either accidental or unknowing. Like when Jazz was sick for days after the Thanksgiving dinner where Dad tried to fry the turkey in ectoplasm or like when they shot Danny when he was out as Phantom. 
However this time there was no excuse for them hurting their kids. If they ever listened to their children they would know that Danny hated Vlad and Jazz didn’t trust him. The kids had said over and over again for years that they didn’t like Vlad, but no! Uncle Vladdie could do no wrong! Danny and Jazz were just making things up for attention. 
Ancients, Danny hoped that he could keep his nose clean for the trip, he didn’t want to be responsible for Jazz having to give up her dreams of getting into an Ivy League school. He had lost huge swaths of time. He barely remembered leaving the airport and the next time he was cognizant they were heading to the gala in the tailored suits Vlad had ordered. 
Fortunately Vlad loved nothing more than the sound of his own voice, not even Danny or his mom. So he was more than happy to talk to the people around them about Danny and any time someone asked Danny a question he would be the one to answer instead. Vlad kept his hand either on Danny’s shoulder or on the back of his neck at all times so he couldn’t even slip away. 
Now he was talking to some rich fruitloop who kept trying to engage Danny in conversation. Brucie? Wait? Bruce Wayne? Yeah the guy was rich but why would Vlad go out of his way to introduce Danny to this airhead? 
“Well, yes, my son Damian does have many interests, but I can’t say that any of them have to do with NASA's latest satellite.” Mr. Wayne was saying in response to something Vlad had said. Ah. That made sense. Vlad wanted to brag, shove his superiority into Mr. Wayne’s face. Brucie turned to address Danny. “Tell me Daniel, what do you know about NASA's deep space satellite?”
“Uh, I prefer Danny actually, Mr. Wayne.” Danny said. Mr. Wayne’s eyebrows rose marginally considering those were his first words during this conversation. “And I-”
“Yes, Daniel really is attached to that childish nickname, isn’t he?” Vlad spoke up again. “Really Brucie, you would think children would grow up at some point. We should discuss this more over a game of golf next week…”
Danny let Vlad’s words wash over him again. The worst thing about Vlad was he really knew how to push Danny’s buttons. Of course he would bring up the new satellite only to show off to his rich rival, then not even let Danny talk about it. And then insulting him for his name! Prick!
He tried to avoid looking at Brucie’s concerned face. Obviously he was a socialite and knew all about the proper behavior for galas, and Vlad probably wasn’t meeting those social rules. There was a small part of Danny’s chaos-gremlin brain that wanted to say something seemingly innocuous but super sus if you thought about it. Nothing would make Danny happier than getting Vlad investigated for something stupid like tax fraud, but he couldn’t risk Jazz’s career just for spite. Or gremlin urges. 
Vlad moved his hand from Danny’s shoulder down to his lower back. Danny did everything he could to keep the snarl he wanted to make at that action from coming out. He still couldn’t help the full body shudder that shook his frame for a fraction of a second. Vlad shot him a look filled with malice and promised pain so Danny reigned himself back in and put his attention firmly on the floor in front of him. 
Danny clenched his fists, driving his nails into his own palms. He was sure he was bleeding, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t do anything. He hated feeling powerless. You would think that after the portal accident and him gaining actual real powers the feeling would be far more rare, except it happens far too often and he hated it. His hands were shaking with rage and suppressed desire to punch Vlad right in his smug, manipulative, fruit-loop face. 
He chanced a glance up just in time to see a girl melt out of the shadows near the wall. If he didn’t know better he would say she was a ghost with how easily she was able to appear. But she definitely wasn’t a ghost. Perhaps a touch liminal, but not a ghost. And she was watching him. 
Danny tilted his head slightly to get a better look at her and she tilted her head to match. Her eyes flicked to the two adults for only a fraction of a second to confirm they were still engaged in whatever conversation they were having, then her hand came up and she signed for letters in what Danny recognized as ASL. 
“R U O K.” 
She merely looked the question at him. He risked a peak at Vlad, but he was focused on trying to strong arm Brucie into meeting for a golf match and some private drinks. Other than his thumb rubbing circles into the small of Danny’s back he wasn’t paying any attention to him. Danny looked back at the girl who was watching him intently. He gave the smallest shake of his head he could, hoping that Vlad wouldn’t notice. The girl nodded and slipped effortlessly back into the shadows, all but disappearing from view. 
Several more minutes went by of mindless conversation with Mr. Wayne seemingly had given up on trying to get Danny to answer questions. He let his mind drift again to his beloved stars as he began naming the stars in biggest constellations visible in the night sky. 
For a while Danny thought that nothing would come of the mystery girl who had checked on him, until a crash echoed across the hall from the entrance of the gala hall. Vlad finally released Danny’s shoulder to whirl to face the noise. Then to his surprise, Mr. Wayne turned as well to put himself in between Danny and the crash, effectively hiding him from Vlad. At first he thought that was just serial adopter Brucie Wayne’s first gut instinct in a crisis, putting his body between a threat and the nearest black haired kid. 
However, immediately after Mr. Wayne stepped in front of him, two kids appeared out of the crowd, grabbed Danny’s shoulders and started to drag him away. He recognized the asian girl who had signed to him, and the other was, even more surprisingly, Damian Freaking Wayne! That meant that the other girl must be Cassandra Wayne! Sam had made sure Danny knew all the Waynes before the topic of the gala had even come up. Apparently the Waynes were the only people who made the events her parents dragged her to worth it. 
Damian and Cassandra maneuvered through the crowd so effortlessly Danny had to take a moment to check if they were using intangibility. The trio weaved through as the noise behind them got even louder until they pulled him into a back room of the hall where a very tired looking Timothy Drake-Wayne was already there on his laptop. He looked up at Danny in confusion for a second before returning his attention to the computer in front of him. 
“Don’t worry, that noise was just the chandelier in the entrance hall falling. Apparently it couldn’t take Dick’s weight.” Timothy, actual real CEO of Wayne enterprises said. Tucker would be losing his mind right now. 
Cassandra settled Danny into a chair while Damian marched up to Timothy. Danny could finally take a moment to look properly at the Waynes. All three of them wore elegant, likely name brand suits. Timothy was wearing a plain white shirt under his suit jacket while Cassandra and Damian wore black on black suits, though Damian’s did have some green highlights at the lapels and pockets. Timothy looked like his eye bags had eye bags, which Danny could relate to. 
“Father ordered you not to work for the night of the Gala.” Damian snapped. When Timothy didn’t dignify that with a response the youngest Wayne turned back to face Danny. “Vladimir Masters escorted you to the gala tonight.” 
Danny couldn’t help but snort. 
“What a polite way of phrasing that.” He said with a dark chuckle. 
“Would it be more accurate to call you his hostage?” Timothy asked from his chair, where he was still focusing on his computer screen and whatever it was he was working on. 
That brought Danny up short. He tried to stutter out a denial, but Damian quickly spoke over him. 
“Has he hurt you? Threatened you or someone you care about?” Damian demanded. 
“N-no!  He would never lay a finger on me!” Danny was quick to say, trying to project as much confidence as possible. Cassandra moved her flat hand in line across her face. Damian glanced at her and his eyes narrowed at Danny. 
“You don’t have to lie to protect him. We can protect you, our family has resources.” 
Danny shook his head over and over again. 
“I can’t talk about it. I can’t talk about it. I can’t talk about it.” He had to repeat himself, the phrase trapping themselves in his mind as he kept saying it over and over again. 
If he told them what Vlad had done to him, Vlad would ruin Jazz’s entire life. He already regularly tried to kill his father, but there was no telling what he would do to Jazz. Danny couldn’t tell them about being thrown into walls during his fights with Plasimus, or the clones Danny had watched melt in his arms under Vlad’s uncaring eye. He almost jumped out of his skin when a hand came to rest on his shoulder. 
While he was panicking, Damian had withdrawn, visibly uncertain about how best to approach him. Cassandra and Timothy had come closer, Cassandra had her hand on his shoulder providing a calm, steadying presence. Timothy had closed his laptop and scooted forward his attention now fully on Danny. He made some motion to the others that seemed to symbolize that he was going to be taking point. 
“You’re not from Gotham originally, is that right?” When Danny nodded he continued. “We have some heroes here in Gotham. Believe it or not, we Waynes get kidnapped a lot, get rescued a lot. We know some of the Bats, they could help you.” 
Danny was already shaking his head again. 
“No, no no! That’s even worse. The worst thing that can happen if you Waynes help me is Brucie gives Vlad WE for pennies on the dollar and Vlad gets even richer. But if you get Batman involved, then he could have a man inside the JL. He could turn them against the people, use them as a tool to take over whatever he wants. He could overthrow the Ghost King…”
Now Danny was really panicking. He had muttered the last bit, terror carving its way through him. It would be like the absolute worst of the fight with Pariah Dark and Dan all over again. Danny would have to fight, and maybe kill the Justice League to stop him. If he won, he would have to eradicate Earth’s heroes, and if he lost Vlad would become King of the Infinite Realms. 
“You are talking about mind control.” Damian said, his eyes wide.
“No! Not mind control. Overshadowing. Humans call it possession.” Danny was rambling now. Desperately trying to convince these silly rich people not to get involved. Danny was a lost cause, he couldn’t be helped. All he could do was keep his head down long enough for Jazz to get into her college of choice. The Waynes glanced at each other nervously for a moment and Damian pulled his phone from his pocket. 
“I think I need to make a call.” 
Danny snapped his head up, his attention on the far wall as his breath came out in a foggy puff, like he had just walked into a freezer. He didn't know it but his eyes were blazing green at that moment. 
“It’s too late now.” 
The Waynes all step back or slouch against their chairs. Only a second later the door to their room snaps open, Vlad furious, his once spotless suit now covered in red wine and assorted finger foods. His eyes burned red with rage as he locked onto Danny. Timothy immediately stood to his feet. 
“Ah, Mr. Masters.” Vlad pulled himself back from his rage with difficulty to acknowledge the young CEO. “We were just coming out to look for you. Your ward was grabbed by our security team. Small case of mistaken identity. It's standard procedure during these sorts of events to get my brothers and sister to safety in the event of another terrorist attack. Or worse a Joker attack. Thankfully it seems everything is under control. You may take your charge now.” 
Timothy brushed past Vlad without another comment. Damian glared at him, but he glared at everyone, while Cassandra just stared at Vlad, unblinking, like some kind of demonic cat. Her complete lack of reaction obviously weirded Vlad out even more than Damian’s aggression. 
“Oh I’ll do that.” He grabbed Danny’s arm hard enough to bruise. “Come Daniel. We’re leaving.” 
Danny turned away from the Waynes as he was dragged out the door. He didn’t want to face their pity. At least he did a good enough job convincing them that they can’t help him. Now he just had to last long enough to get back home again. He let himself checkout, ignoring Vlad’s crushing grip on his arm as he dragged from the gala and back to the hotel. 
When Danny next checked in with his body it was to Vlad screaming in his face and burning pain in his body. In Vlad’s furious race out of the Gala after his humiliation he had pulled Danny’s arm out of his socket. And to emphasize his points Vlad would hit him with ecto fire, each hit destroying more of his once nice suit and leaving burns on his body. 
“You think you can just toy with me in front of these richest elite? I will make your life hell! I will make your sister’s life hell! She’ll be lucky to make a living on the street corners of a shit hole like this!” He gestured out to the window, which Danny belatedly realized was open. “I just don’t understand why you make me do this to you, Daniel. Little Badger, you are forcing my hand and I-”
He shrieked as a batarang whipped from the open window. The lights in the hotel room flickered for a second and Batman, Robin and Orphan were standing in the room when the lights returned. Vlad turned to them, furious that they would interrupt. 
“Vladimir Masters. We have some questions for you.” Batman growled. 
“No! I think you’ll find Batman, that I have some questions for you!” Vlad’s eyes flared red. Danny tried to stop him but he was backhanded away
Vlad floated into the air as his ghost transformation rolled over his body. He reached out to grab Batman but before he could several things happened at once. First and most shockingly, Robin drew a katana and cut off Plasmius’ hand at the wrist. Then several voices shouted out at once.
“Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”
“Dnib siht tirips ot sti ydob!” 
“Puer iste spiritus maxime!”
Chains of gold, purple and blazing fire wrapped around Plasmius again and again. The chains dragged him down to the ground even as he snarled and swore at them. A man in a trench coat, a woman in a long black cloak and an actual stage magician appeared in the room, magic sparking at their fingertips. Cassandra had bypassed the battle completely to come to Danny's side, though she did still have her weapons in her hands. Batman turned to address him, ignoring Vlad’s continued vitriol in the middle of the arcane trap. 
“You’re safe now Danny. You don’t have to worry about him hurting you ever again. This I swear.” Batman said, his voice just as serious as it ever was, and for the first time in his life, Danny felt like he could actually believe it when someone told him he was safe. He collapsed to his knees, shuddering sobs shaking his body. He was safe, Jazz was safe from Vlad’s machinations. Maybe this nightmare could finally be over. 
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asher-turtle · 1 year
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So I got bored and I have this dress up app it's called batdoll and I was thinking about how Vlad clone Danny and his stable clone Danielle ended up younger (am female) so got me thinking of a younger clone of Vlad so I gave him off White color maybe reminiscent of cream instead of the gray color cuz I'm not giving a child gray hair I had fun with this ghost mode though picking out the colors of Vlads usual colors I may have gone with too much black but I think it looks good
Edit: so I was looking for a name for him I couldn't find any that weren't just Vlad with extra stuff (would probably do that though) anyways I settled on the name Victor
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Danny Fenton and his Aunts bad taste in Man.
Jack Fenton is the son of Ra's al-Ghul, who left the league.
Jack made sure the family stayed a big family! with family meetings! Between him, his siblings, and his father
Danny and the rest of Amity Park have no idea about Heroes and Justice League. They never cared to know the names of S-Man, swimsuit women, or Red Blur.
Ra doesn't need a Heir, I mean he wouldn't die, his grandson Phantom body and amity park showed him that.
Jack al Ghul would still talk a few times with his father and baby siblings. So Jack would force Talia, Nyssa, Dusan, and the rest to join them for dinner with the Fentons.
While at one of the dinners, Danny heard something from his uncle Dusan.
And all started when Danny heard something he had never heard about. His two aunts were dating a creeps!
All Danny had to learn was that his aunts were dating a billionaire; the first thing was to look and make sure they would be okay. And they wouldn't try to change his aunts, like Vlad did in the Alternative Time Line. (The Masters of All Time).
And to make sure they aren't like Vlad, Danny has to look after his family after all.
They seem to fail, as both have a secret base in their house.
Yeah, Danny is totally against his poor aunts dating them, and he would talk to them about it. They can do much better!
Ra had a good laugh, as he learned the boy had pics to show how creepy they are with a secret base! And made it worse by saying how both tried to change his aunts. (Talia with bruce)
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dannyphantomr0ck5 · 3 months
Creep Vlad Masters/Misunderstandings Prompt{DpxDc}
so y’all prolly don’t know this but I LOVE the misunderstandings trope with Vlad and Danny, but I usually like to turn the dial a bit from ‘old man just wants a kid to be his son’ to ‘creepy old man wants a son so bad he has children with ANOTHER child’ BOTH sound horrid, correct? WELL that’s because that’s BASICALLY how it is in the show. And well I’m OFF A BIT but Vlad in the cartoon is a fruit loop with wayyyy too much money and uses it to get CLOSER to a boy WHO he shouldn’t be!!! AND if I’m correct(can’t remember if this is canon or fanon) Vlad has planted BUGS IN EVERY ROOM IN DANNY’S HOUSE?!??! WTH VLAD??? MIX WITH DANTE/DAN AND ELLIE/DANIELLE BEING HIS CHILDREN AND TRANS DANNY?!??! YES PLS!!!
Damian has known the strange new student for roughly five days two minutes and…He looked at his watch…Six seconds. He totally is not counting because he likes the boy. No. In fact he couldn’t care less about Daniel! “Hi Dami!” GOD Damian HATED that smile! It made his stomach hurt and his face feel hot….DANIEL MUST BE POISONING HIM!!! OF COURSE! Why didn’t he think of that?! The boy must be poisoning his for his own nefarious agenda!!! He shall pay…Right after he says hi…
“Hello Daniel, we have a class project together. Your house,” he demanded. He HAD to know how and why Daniel was poisoning him. What if Daniel had done that to others?!??
—Fast forward to going to Danny’s house—
As they worked in the slightly messy living room, a baby cried out inside the house leaving Damian as Danny pounced up and almost slammed into almost every object he owned as he rushed down the apartment and into a room, Damian soon after. Inside the starry painted room was Daniel holding two children who looked like twins. They both had pitch black hair(same as Daniel’s…) and blue blue blue so blue eyes…Which matched Daniel’s eyes so…So..Perfectly…
“Daniel?” He was suspicious.
“yea…?” He sounded slightly upset, not at the children or Damian but more at the situation.
“You have siblings…?”
“They’re my kids; Dante and Ellie…”
“I had them at-“ he started to share before Damian put a hand up and silenced the boy.
“How old are YOU Daniel?”
He winced,” please don’t call me Daniel,” he whispered what sounded like ‘only he calls me that’ and continued,” I’m fifteen.” That was adequate, Damian himself was fourteen.
“When I had them?” Damian nodded,” twelve…”
that was when Damian decided this boy is now under his protection, he declared as such to Daniel only for the boy’s pale skin flush with a pink red of blood.
-End of Prompt…-
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schnuffel-danny · 2 years
I can’t stop thinking about how Vlad is like the DP universe equivalent of some strange queer crossbreed between Elongated Muskrat and Jefferham Bezos AND he’s also Danny’s shitty uncle. But you would never even consider the two know each other, because Danny is just some guy, nobody would ever make a connection between him and Vlad unless you were close enough with either of them or you lived in AP. Imagine being Danny’s college roommate. Imagine how shocking and chaotic that would be. There's some random weird ass kid from some backwater town, that you can barely remember the name of, sharing a room with you. And like, he's chill for the most part. Weird as hell at times but easy enough to get along with. He brings up his uncle sometimes and the guy sounds more and more insane each time your roommate describes him. "What kind of pathetic old man gets into a prank war with a teenager?" "What do you mean he named his cat after your mom?? " "Why didn't you call the cops on him when he spiked your dad's drink at the New Year's party so he wouldn't have to listen to him?!!" Your roommate's creepy gross sad lonely uncle becomes kind of an inside joke between you and your friends. That's why, when your roommate announces that his uncle is coming to pick him up and drive him home for some important family event, you all gather near the parking lot to finally witness this myth of a man in real life. It's also why you nearly faint in shock when Vlad fucking Masters steps out of a car to greet your roommate who, without missing a beat, immediately calls him a bitch.
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Danny and Danielle definitely love to mess around with people guessing their relationship.
Duke: Danny, who is that girl with you?
Danny: Oh, she's my cousin. Long story. Anyway...
~Gala in honor of a new victory of the Young Titans.~
Batman hands the adoption papers to Phantom.
Danny: Look, man, I already have parents and I'm a self-sufficient ghost with a job and...I'm really not a fan of creepy billionaires with a lair under the estate.
~Danielle literally appears out of thin air~
Elle: Hey, dad. I don't want to interrupt, but father is dead ahead, coming right at us.
Danny: What, is that crazy fruit loop here too? Call Clockwork, tell him to lend me the thermos I left in his lair. I might as well get child support for both of you.
Batman looks stunned, then nods. The 1+2 action is very successful, Alfred will not be able to resist such cute faces.
~ Danny pointing at the phone screen~
Danny: Here. Jazz and Elle. My sisters. They are so cool.
Dick: But isn't the ghost girl your cousin? Or daughter, according to Bruce?
Danny:...Not to change the subject...Show me a picture of Jason in pixy boots!
Danny: This is Elle, my no-love-but-hate product with my nemesis, and this is Dan, my youngest. Who knew that when you play with timelines, you have to use protection!
Flash: Yeah, rookie mistake.
~Dining room, Wayne Manor~
Dan: I'm not going to play along with your crazy ideas! It's humiliating!
Alfred: Master Dan, your attitude towards your father upsets me immensely. Kindly sit down and have a cup of tea with your family.
Dan:...I still don't understand how Jazz and Pennyworth make me do what they want.
Oracle: No one dares to resist Alfred and upset older sister. These are the laws of the universe. Would you like another cup of milk oolong?
Dan: *sighs*
Nightwing: So you and King Phantom and Chronos...
Vlad: No! Disgusting! We're just raising kids together. I have them every Thursday and I curse the day I thought I needed an heir. Your father has a whole bunch of them...I thought I could keep one under control, but now my house is like a battlefield and I'm losing. What is this, gum on the chair?!
Danny: I’m so tired of this job.
Dan: You know what, I used to want to kill you and your whole family for revenge, but now...you must suffer. Have fun with the paperwork. Now the whole Ghost Zone thinks you’re my father, so I don’t want to inherit that stupid ring and crown if I crush your core. Elle and I are gonna go to Starbucks, and then I’m gonna teach her to terrify Vlad. Good luck trying to stop me.
Danny: ...I hate this family...
Danny and Elle are just having fun. :D
Dan and Vlad:Why do I have to participate?
Clockwork: Everything is going as it should be. Nice.
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amaramizuki666 · 10 months
Dp x DC crossover
Ok so deaged danny plus bad parents jack and maddie. In Gotham. Here is my take. So sam invited danny and tucker to tag along to a gala with her because while the Fenton parents didnt try and hurt danny when he came out of the ghost closet, she didnt want to leave him with them for 3 weeks alone. So they go and guess who is also there, vlad.
Vlad cornered danny and used a relec he took from the ghost zone. He was told it would make danny more susceptible to suggestion. But instead it deaged him to a 8 years old.
Vlad thought he could work with this and tryed to grab danny. But danny bit him and bolted, Vlad chased after him. Danny ended up running into one Richard 'dick' grayson, known to the public as dear ol richie.
Dick would look at him and be like "you ok kiddo did you loose your parents?" Snd before 8 y/o Danny could reply vlad would show up and put his hand on Danny's shoulder to keep him in place like "sorry young wayne this boy is mine, he is quite the truble maker. Now Daniel and I must be heading home, come Daniel".
Danny looks up to dick with tears welling up in his big ice blue eyes and wails "please help this creepy man wont leave me alone". Dick looks at masters with a blank face "mister masters, I dont belive you have a child" he says in a cold polite voice.
Danny shrugs off vlads grip and runs over to dick and hides behind him. "L..look I assure you he is mine, he just wants attention" vlad trys to say but dick is having none of it, vlad is rubbing him the wrong way. "Please dont belive him he isnt my dad, hes really creepy and a frootloop" danny cried clutching onto the back of dicks shirt.
"Mister master I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" dick says coldly standing protectively in front of danny when vlad takes a step closer. Danny sticks his head out from behind dick "you heard him be gone frootloop" he says sticking out his toung. Vlad takes his leave all huffy.
Dick turns and kneels down to Danny's level "you ok kid?" He asks and danny wiles away his (crocodile) tears "yeah thanks for scareing off the frootloop" he says smiling. Dick looks down at the black haird blue eyed child "sooooo where are your parents" he asks. "Um at home" danny says "and who are you here with?" Dick asks "my freinds" danny says happily.
"And your freinds parents?" He asks "at home" danny says. Dick thinks there are more small children running around the gala unattended now. "And your parents are ok with you being here?" Dick asks "they probably havent even noticed I left" danny says. Dick sighs in concerned big brother. He feels the need to pull a bat and get the kids parents.
Jeez if dick ends up pulling a bruce his siblings would never live it down. "Come on kid let's find your freinds yeah".
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anglers1mp · 1 year
Ok ok extra ideas for Dc x Dp
1: Dissection fic with chipped core Danny AU! Jason Todd/Danny Fenton.. will not include creepy Vlad Masters.
2: Dimensional travel to DC universe. Overpowered Danny Phantom who can beat Gods into the ground. Either Jason Todd/Danny Fenton or Damian Wayne/Danny Fenton.
3: Creepy Vlad Masters who is “friends” with Bruce Wayne. Creepy Vlad talks about Danny like he(Vlad) is a p@dophile. Now introducing where Vlad convinces(Kidnaps) Danny to go to a gala held by Bruce Wayne. Now stars worried Batfamily and tired(drugged) Danny Fenton. Also Danny is overpowered, but doesn’t know it.-maybe includes Ghost Orince Danny? Either Damian/Danny or Jason/Danny
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 21 days
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun part 6
Pain throbbed from every part of his body. Teal blood leaked from where his scales had been ripped off, and fins torn in two, but the adrenaline was in full swing. Danny forced his eyes open in spiteful glaring. This was a new low even for Skulker.
Danny shifted his body. Thank Jane Austen that Damian hadn’t taken much of the impact, and curse her too for him being right about the dolphins. Danny shoved the kid behind him, even as he clutched his torn up side.
“Phantom, you’re injur-“
“Get behind me.” Danny snapped, putting an inhuman growl into his words. Dami went uncharacteristically quiet at the command.
Skulker loomed overhead, smug bastard. Guy gloats about skinning a fourteen-year-old for sport, fails, then comes back for a ten-year-old instead.
“It is I, Skulker, the greatest hunter in the ocean, and these are hunting dogs.” The dolphins circled around him, even bumping noses with his suit and accepting pats Ugh. As if he couldn’t get any grosser. “And you, Damian Wayne, have a lovely fish tank back at my cabin reserved just for you.”
Danny let magic build up in his arms. All his willpower went into not flinching from the searing pain as stressed muscles took on even more strain. “C-can it Skulker. I thought you were creepy enough with the pelt thing, now you’re outdoing even Vlad, and that’s a fucking achievement. Maybe you should get a cat?”
Skulker slammed his foot on the floor, if there had been a floor. “THE OCEAN’S GREATEST HUNTER DOES NOT NEED A CAT! PERISH!”
Skulker’s suit opened up at the back to reveal blinking torpedo tubes. Danny unleashed his cold magic along the net. The rope flash froze. Pain surged through his tail, but Danny pushed through and launched out with Damian in tow, shattering the ice.
The dolphins squealed again, but with Danny surging out of range, it barely did any damage.
“Damian, take this!” Danny yelled. He unhooked the wrist ray from his utility belt and shoved it into Damian’s hands. “It goes on your wrist. Press the button to arm it. Clench your fist to fire!”
Danny clicked and whistled. The landscape reflected his calls back at him.
His lateral line spiked with energy. Danny swerved to the side just as a torpedo sailed past him. Damian leaned to the side and aimed the wrist way behind them. Watery explosions erupted and sent shockwaves catapulting them further. Holy shit, where did this kid learn to shoot a wrist gun?! Danny’s line alerted him to two bodies overhead. The dolphins were gaining on them quick.
“I’m gonna flip. Hold on tight!” Belly up, Danny fired three quick beams. Two of them missed and hit the surface. One snagged a dolphin right in the tail. It tumbled out of control and crashed into its partner with a distressed click. In his arms, Damian gasped auidibly.
Danny clicked in a high pitch, almost inaudible to humans. He sped along the seafloor south. He kept clicking, and clicking, making sure he was right. A volley of energy beams cascaded down and Danny zigzagged between them. A shot hit its mark. His sail burned as it tore a hole in it. They needed some space fast.
A spear formed in his hand. Danny went belly up again. He took a moment to aim his shot. Skulker fired another torpedo. With an overhead throw, the spear took off and hit the torpedo straight on. A second spear went at blinding speed and puncture Skulker in one of his boosters. A third one impaled him straight on in the leg. Skulker cried out.
Just ahead of them, Danny spotted their salvation. The trench he detected earlier!
With one last look at the hunter, Danny dived into the trench. As much as the guy prided himself a master of the hunt, even the ocean’s pressure would squeeze him like a grape. As the adrenaline faded from his body, and the colour faded from his vision, Danny made for the first cave he saw. With the last of his strength, he entered the cave, before crashing to the floor.
“Damian, need food, to heal..”
“Phantom? Phantom?!” Damian cried out. The older boy’s gills still moved. He could still feel Phantom’s pulse under his wrist.
Damian didn’t even catch himself warbling in terror. Damian tore through Phantom’s pockets. He tossed supplies and tools out until he located the bandages. The bandages went around whatever wounds he could reach, but Phantom was so large he couldn’t even push him to a more even position. It took all Damian’s strength just to lift the older boy enough to bring the bandages around his body.
Damian heaved shallow breaths as he worked. “Phantom, are you awake? Please, listen to me.” But Phantom did not stir.
Damian’s vision went blurry, and his eyes felt slimy and wet and clogged. He wiped the pearlescent tear away, but paused at the teal blue stain on his green-scaled hand. Phantom’s blood. He stared at Phantom’s sail, its spine snapped in two in some places, and torn up like a tattered blanket in others. His breath itched in his throat. Phantom’s gills looked raw, and it was clear they were struggling. Damian’s felt like they were cramping. He didn’t dare touch the sail, or the gills, nor any of his other fins, for he didn’t have the faintest clue what to do with them. His ignorance would only damage them further.
Just as his ignorance had caused this disaster in the first place…
Suddenly, he felt very, very small. Damian’s head flicked between the mouth of the cave, deep enough that it appeared like twilight even though it was mid-afternoon, and to Phantom. Phantom needed stitches, and more bandages, and disinfectant, none of which they had access to. Phantom had packed up almost everything in his home base except the thermos, and somehow he barely had any medical supplies. Frustration welled up in Damian until he wanted to scream.
Damian shot off, but stopped himself inches before the exit. What would he even do? This trench was a wasteland as far as the eye could see. How could one call a hospital in the middle of the Pacific? And even if there was help out there, a primal fear crawled out from the back of Damian’s brain. The thought of leaving the safety of this cave became unnaturally terrifying. Against his wishes, fears of predators lurking in every direction consumed his mindscape, of human fishermen casting nets from above. The darkness of the cave beckoned to him with promises of warm and comfort far away from the dangers of the ocean.
Damian backed away from the mouth. His mouth hung open in horror. Hot tears continued to pour out, despite his attempts to bat them away. His body was weak, his only companion out of commission with no way to save him, and even his very mind was faltering.
And this time he couldn’t even blame it on anyone but himself. He was weak. He let his guard down twice and now he couldn’t even be rational about it. All he could feel was pulsing dread and the tears that just intensified the more he tried to push them back.
Damian laid his head upon Phantom’s tail. He stared blankly through his flesh and counted his bones as he simply let go. Damian cried for the second time in five years, openly and in total remorse. Father would be disappointed. Mother would be disappointed. Pennyworth and Richard would be disappointed.
Damian lost count of how long he spent like this. It could’ve been hours. The tears hardened into shiny beads that piled up on the floor. The pile grew to four inches of height.
The world-ending anguish faded away into a dull ache, a numb sorrow. The faintest motion caught his eye. Damian startled. Blinking the residual tears away, Damian scanned his surroundings, only to find no soul but them.
Another movement. It was Phantom’s hip fins. His translucent skin had showed clearly the fracture bone of the right fin underneath, but Damian could’ve sworn there was one fewer crack than before.
The fin jerked upward. Damian watched in real time as another crack in the bone mended itself before his very eyes. It was mesmerizing.
All around Phantom’s body, the worst of the worst injuries were beginning to heal. By observing from a different angle, Damian could even see wounds sealing underneath the bandages.
However, only a minute passed before the healing slowed down. And then it stalled.
Damian had a solid idea why. Phantom needed energy. They had paused for a brief snack in the morning, and had nothing else the eat up until now. Phantom was starving and accelerated healing was worthless without nutrients to sustain it.
Suddenly, Damian found himself with a new mission. He wiped the last of his tears, sniffed the last of his sniffles, and armed himself. The Anti-Creep Stick and Wrist Ray slotted neatly into his makeshift utility belt, along with a flashlight, and Phantom’s knife. The older siren had vehemently denied Damian a chance at wielding it, deeming the Anti-Creep Stick to be more age-appropriate. Damian would show him now…
However, his new bravado met its match as he paused at the threshold. The closer he got to the outside world, the stronger and stronger that primal fear roared in the deepest part of his brain. Each inch was like sinking through pitch. What would he do if Skulker returned? What would he do if some ancient ocean predator decided to snack on his flesh? Maybe he should just-
No! He could not!
Priming his muscles, Damian shot out of the cave as fast as he could muster, fast enough that he had no time to second-guess his decision. The fear peeked at fever pitch, instinctual warnings build up from eons of siren evolution blaring like the Watchtower in an alien invasion, now ignored. Once he found himself outside the cave, he steeled his resolve, and swam forth into the unknown.
He had to make this up to Phantom, somehow.
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wolfjackle-creates · 11 months
Ghost!Robin Part 12
My job ended so now I'm only part time employed. And I'm on vacation! So you get this chapter early in the day because I have plans later tonight. I think I'll have something to post next week, but I'm not sure. I'll be pretty busy this week, but the people I'm staying with do have work and school and stuff, so I should have time while they're doing that. Idk.
Story Summary: Danny was invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet Jazz's boyfriend and his family for the first time. He worked hard to make sure no ghost business would interrupt the evening. But when he arrived, all he could focus on was the ghost of the dead Robin that seemed to haunt Jason. Looks like he was breaking his promise.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
Danny just blinked at him in confusion. “Who else was there? My accident is what activated the portal and started letting ghosts through. My fault, my responsibility. And since I became half ghost, I had the powers necessary to fix it. My parents were incompetent at best. I just did what had to be done. ”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. “If your parents were so incompetent, who trained you? Who helped you?”
“I mean, at first it was just Sam, Tucker, and I. They were present for my accident and helped me figure out my powers. Jazz figured it out a few months later and covered for me until she eventually revealed she already knew and then started helping more actively. And eventually I made a bunch of allies in the Realms and they started teaching me. I’m learning sword fighting from the Fright Knight and Pandora, diplomacy from Queen Dorathea, medicine from my doctor, and so many more things. It’s why I’m not worried about getting a GED. I’m so swamped with lessons and responsibilities that I just don’t have the time right now. Even if my grandfather is the master of time.”
Surprisingly, it was Alfred who asked the next question. “Do you ever have time to rest?”
Danny grinned. “Absolutely. When it all gets to be too much, I call up my partners or little sister and run away for a bit. My council then pretends I’m harder to find than I am. Or I’ll fight them off if I’m not ready to go back yet. I won my title through trial of combat, after all. No one can beat me.”
Jazz pouted at him. “You could call me up more often for those escapades, you know.”
Danny laughed. “Call up Ms. Responsibility to help me shirk? Nah, you’re where I go when I need to focus and can’t do it anymore.”
She smiled at him. “I suppose I can settle for that.”
Damian tilted his head. “We have conducted extensive background checks on Jasmine after her relationship with Todd became known. You do not have a younger sister.”
“I do,” said Danny. “Her name is Dani-with-an-i and she’s either two years younger than me or fourteen depending on how you look at it.”
“You’ve been cloned?” Tim was staring at him, so shocked he’d even stopped typing.
“Dani doesn’t like being called my clone. She’s my sister and her own person.”
Tim shook his head. “No, sorry, I said that wrong. My best friend is a clone. Superboy.”
“Oh!” Danny grinned. “I get it. Dani would love an introduction if you think he’d be interested. Superboy was also created by a creepy billionaire who was obsessed with his template, right? They’d have so much in common.”
“Wait,” said Jason. “Vlad Masters actually cloned you? He’s not just some creepy rich dude but legit mad scientist?”
Jazz shrugged. “Supervillain more like. But we’ve got it mostly under control. Bruce, if he tries to set up a meeting with you between Wayne Enterprises and VladCo, let me know? He likes to overshadow his competitors and make them sign over their companies. It’s how he became mayor in Amity. But he won’t do anything if Danny or I are there.”
“Overshadow?” asked Bruce.
“Possession,” Tim answered for Danny. “Apparently it’s a basic ghost power.”
Bruce closed his eyes. “Of course it is.” Looking to Danny, he asked, “What else are basic ghost powers?”
“As I demonstrated earlier, flight—well, it’s more gravity nullification, but semantics—invisibility, intangibility. Then there’s ectoblasts—” he formed one in his hands and tossed it from hand to hand “—overshadowing. Um… and most ghosts have at least one extra power directly tied to their obsession. Like, Boxy, er ,the Box Ghost, has control over cardboard boxes. Lunch Lady has control over food. Things like that.” With a wave of his hands, he dissipated the ectoblast.
“And Vlad Masters has used these powers to win an election and steal other’s companies.”
“He also has the power of duplication. I’m working on it, but can only maintain two duplicates at a time and it takes a ton of concentration. Vlad can maintain dozens if not hundreds at once. And each duplicate can overshadow someone. It’s why he’s such a pain to fight.”
Jason raised his hand. “I’m sorry, can you back up for a sec. How long has Vlad had these powers?”
Jazz shrugged. “Since his university days with Jack and Maddie. There was an accident and Vlad got ghost powers like Danny.”
“Uh-huh.” Jason’s voice was tight and a slow spread of anger was filling the room. “And you first met him when you were a kid, right?”
“Yeah,” said Danny. “It was a few months after my accident, so I was fourteen.”
“Did he, a grown-ass man, start fighting you, a kid right from the beginning?”
“Look, it’s fine. He’s a fruitloop. I know that. He wanted to kill my dad and marry my mom and play father-son with me from the moment we met. And yeah, the fights were hard when I was a kid. But I’m way stronger than him now. He’s just got that one trick that is a bitch to account for. I’m fine. Have been fine. And now I’m old enough and disowned so my parents can’t even force me to spend time with him anymore.”
Robin face palmed at his last words and Danny threw his hands up in the air.
“What did I say this time? I’m fine!”
Bruce frowned. “I’m sorry the adults in your life have failed you so badly. I know you said you are receiving training from other mentors, but I do have extensive experience fighting with and against metas and will share my methods with you. Both you and your sister, excuse me, sisters are welcome here any time and I’ll make sure we have some rooms set aside for you anytime you’re on Earth and in New Jersey.”
Damian jumped to his feet, “Father!”
But before he could say more than that, Dick had rushed to his side and slapped a hand over his mouth and began whispering in his ear. Steph moved seats so the two brothers could sit next to each other.
Robin was grinning and pumping his fists in the air. He sent out welcome, family vibes towards Danny.
Emotions that were echoed by Jason who added a protect layer to them.
Duke let out a whoop. "I won't be the only meta around! Promise me you'll come by a lot."
Danny shook his head, but couldn’t stop the smile. “So, you’ve decided I’m not a threat, then?”
“Hn. It seems like you were a child, put into an impossible situation, failed by all the adults who should’ve protected you, and that you excelled anyway.”
Jason pointed his fork at Danny. “But don’t let him put you at ease. He will figure out ways to neutralize you if you end up going evil or get mind controlled. He does it to everyone, even Superman and Superman is his best friend.”
At that, Danny couldn’t help but laugh. “Good!”
Pulses of surprise came from both Robin and Jason.
“Look, I’ve faced both an evil future version of me and have had to deal with mind control.” He looked to Bruce and, serious now, said, “As soon as the Anti-Ecto Acts are repealed and the Guys in White disbanded, I will help you write those plans myself.”
The family is finally warming up to Danny and at least some of them want to bring them in! Damian is the least happy about it.
Tag List Part 1
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony, @adorablechaos, @sara0055, @screamingtofillthevoid
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dyinggirldied · 1 year
Socialites and paparazzi are excitedly watching the battle between Bruce "Brucie" Wayne and Tony Stark aka Ironman, equally rich and both in control of innovative machinery engineering, fighting over Danny Fenton. A young but talented and secretive scientist/engineer who comes from an equally secretive and creepy small town called Amity Park.
The battle only gets more heated once Vladimir Masters, notoriously infamous (because manage to get your rivals to sign your contracts without their consents or getting blackmails from them is enough to make Vlad a terrifying business tycoon in the wealthy folks world, especially if he is originally just a normal middle class young sickly boy before) also joins in the battle.
Much to Danny's exaggeration and amusement.
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Hi! For the ask game, can i have any of the dc ou dcxdp please? 🌺
I will get to both but just for now DC x DP bc it is late and I don't have a lot of time. Sorry loves!
We can start off with DC X DP
The Cryptid of Gotham Academy!
A personal fav of mine. (Though I love all my ideas) I will give you the og idea I had written and then a little excerpt from what I do have done.
After his family passed away Vlad had taken custody of Danny. Danny transferred to Gotham Academy and he becomes kinda like the 'cryptid' of the school. No one can seem to find him when they want to. He says the craziest things at times which later come true. ice cold to the touch and eyes that glow. He shows no fear of the Ice prince of Gotham. When people do catch a glimpse of him he is either always sleeping or hiding. , He has slept through villain attacks. Word is that his uncle is just as creepy as Danny. Damian is convinced that if Danny isn't already working with the Rogues of Gotham, he will become the next Rogue himself. So he takes it upon himself to investigate Danny Fenton. He didn't expect to get a new brother out of it. Although with Bruce's track record maybe he should have.
A little snippet as a treat.
When the dust had finally settled, and Batman had taken Two-face off to the police, most of the school crawled out of their hiding spots. Parents and staff slowly one by one came to collect their children. Many of the elite of Gotham sent others out to collect their kids. Not all of them, however. Vlad came out of the woodwork. Damian didn't know Masters had a child. Let alone that they were attending the same school. Although Masters had been in the game a long while he was new to Gotham. He had yet to meet the man. The teacher must have also noticed him because seconds after he showed, the teacher called out.
"Has anyone seen Daniel?" Murmurs broke out amongst the class. No one had seen the boy since second period by the sound of it.
"He's over here!" A student called out, and sure enough in the cabinet sat an unconscious Danny.
"Is he alive?!" Someone called out,
From where he stood in the room he could still hear Masters sigh. Vlad just stepped forward cutting through the students and teachers surrounding Danny. When he reached the boy he crouched down and shook the boy awake. "Come on Danny. It's time to leave."
"It's not 3 yet." The effects of sleep lingered in his voice.
"There was an attack, we are leaving early. "
With a nod, Danny shimmered out of the cabinet and left with Vlad. The second he left, there was an outburst.
"Is he fucking crazy?"
"He did WHAT?"
Damian could agree with the sentiments of his classmates ( he would rather die than say that out loud) what concerned him the most was that he didn't know Danny was there. Perhaps it was time he looked into Gotham Academy's newest student.
Note: Not edited or polished much, it's a WIP for a reason!
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theglamorousferal · 9 months
The Halfa King and His Court
So this is a fic that I started at the beginning of the pandemic that I kinda just hit a block with. I really like it as a starting point, but I’m not sure what else to do with it. I had a sort of bullet point outline but it seemed more like I was just tossing in every different DP fic plot line all together so it wasn’t going to make much sense. I was going to have there be a field trip into the GZ where the Trio judge whether the a-listers and Val have changed enough to have them join in with Team Phantom, there was going to be a reveal to his parents of him and then later on after Plasmius had been helping out then Vlad as well. It was gonna be this whole thing, but anyway. I’m not sure if I will continue this, so feel free to add your own spin on it or take it for adoption, I’m not sure how to do that exactly.
“No.” Danny said, in a tone that rang with finality and a general sense of “I am so done with this whole situation.”
“Danny, I know this is hard to believe, but technically by the laws of the Ghost Zone Frostbite gave to you-” Sam started, only to get cut off by Danny's glare. She sighed. “Seriously Danny, it says right here in the text he gave you.” Sam shoved the scroll at Danny who scoffed and passed it off to Tucker.
“Oh man Danny, do you know what we could do with this? The new laws you could put in place?” Tucker laughed as he read what was written.
“The protections you could put in place for Amity and the Earth?” Sam hinted at poking Danny in the shoulder. Danny sighed.
“Guys, I get it, I could use this to my advantage, but there's so much more responsibility to go with it. I'd have to take over the general affairs from the Observants and Walker, though I guess Walker would have to do what I say wouldn't he.” Danny seemed to think about it.
“Let's say I did do this, what would I do? I don't have time to take care of the whole Ghost Zone! I'd need to pick advisers and establish some sort of method for figuring out small disputes, some way of checks and balances. Guys, you know I'm failing History and Government, and this is basically saying that I'd get complete control over the Ghost Zone and have to set-up an entirely new system!” He gripped his hair in frustration and panic. And it caused his friends to sit and think some solutions through.
“Well,” Sam began, “you could start with getting a few people you know that do know about this kind of stuff together and getting their opinion about it. Frostbite, Dora, Clockwork, Pandora, maybe Ghostwriter from what we know of his library and... maybe... Vlad?” she added the last person hesitantly. Danny shot a look at her of surprise and confusion, dropping his hands from his hair to his lap.
“Vlad? Why the hell would I ask him for anything?” He was honestly baffled as to why she would bring him up.
“Besides the fact that he has more knowledge of modern government compared to the others I listed, I think he would relish the idea of being able to mentor you at something.”She paused to consider something. “He seems to have calmed down a bit after his last scheme almost got your mom killed instead of your dad. He almost seems to realize now that your mom is completely dedicated to your dad and finds him a bit creepy. I mean, last time he was over, he actually asked Jazz some stuff right? Doesn't he usually ignore her completely?”
“Crazy-man acting less crazy?” Tucker snorted. “I'll believe it when I see it.”
Danny thought about it for a second and realized that Sam was right, he hadn't needed to fight the Fruit-loop since his last scheme put his mom in the hospital. She was fine, just had a concussion and a fractured leg, but it still had shaken him. In fact, Danny hadn't seen any sign of Vlad as either Masters or Plasmius since the incident except for when he visited when Mom first got out of the hospital.
“Yeah, maybe you're right, I should go and pay Uncle Vladdie a visit.” Danny stood and paused. “Should I bring the scroll with me to show him as proof? I doubt he'd believe me if I just told him.”
“Yeah, probably should. It's not anything that he can modify to fit his own needs anyway, just a list of laws.” Sam rolled it up and handed it to him. “Want either of us to come with?” She offered.
“Nah, I should be good to visit the cheese-head on my own. You guys mind covering for me until I get back?” They were supposed to be having a study-sleepover at Sam's.
“Sure thing, we’ll just cover our electives while you’re gone and tell my parents you went to get pizza.” Sam fished out some cash and handed it to Danny. “Actually, while you’re out can you grab some?”
“Sure, the usual?” Danny put the scroll and the money in his pocket.
“Yup, a large all veggie vegan cheese for me.”
“And a large extra meaty supreme for me!”
Danny laughed, “and a large extra cheese for me. I’ll place the order as I’m leaving Vlad’s. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” With that he transformed and took off through the ceiling.
Tucker turned to Sam. “Do you really think going to Mayor wack-job is a good idea?”
Sam sighed. “Tucker, you weren’t there that day, the look on his face when he saw Mrs. Fenton take the hit instead of Mr. Fenton…” Sam looked away thinking. “He looked devastated, and not just in the ‘the love of my life will never love me’ way but more in the ‘my actions are hurting those I love’ way. He looked like he realized that if he continued the way he was going that he might just accidentally kill either Mrs. Fenton or Danny and I think that would hurt him more than anything.”
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