#Tim still wants his daddy's love
sabertoothwalrus · 3 months
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here are some preliminary sketches I had done in my sketchbook for the peepaw chilchuck comic.
I wanted to follow it up with some worldbuilding thoughts I had while working on it, if that sort of thing is interesting to anyone:
- it’d take place 5ish years post-canon
- I changed almost everyone’s hair to show time had passed. Chilchuck and Kabru were the most drastic (I COULDNT STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT LONG HAIR KABRU THAT KUI DREW), Marcille grew out her bangs, Senshi’s beard is slightly shorter, and Izutsumi’s hair is mildly longer. Laios and Falin give me the impression that they’re the brand of neurodivergent that’d pick one haircut and stick to it for the rest of their lives. I almost gave Laios facial hair but idk he’s gotten over his daddy issue enough for that.
- Emertim Chils: I tried to follow both the half-foot and dwarven naming conventions for the baby, so Emer- comes from “emerald” (dwarven names are often gemstones or ore) and -tim because Chilchuck’s father’s first name was Tim :) Dwarves don’t have family names, so Emertim would take Chils, same as Flertom. Usually they’re named after their father but I didn’t wanna name a random dwarf man. thank you Chel for helping name him 🫶💕
- Initially the idea that Chilchuck would keep an entire grandchild a secret was just a joke, but it made sense when I thought about it. I wonder,, would dwarf/half-foot couples have trouble conceiving? Because if so, I’d imagine Flertom may have lost a couple pregnancies. Chilchuck is already such a private person, and I don’t think he’d feel comfortable airing his daughter’s grief like that. They wouldn’t wanna tell anyone until they were sure this baby was gonna make it.
- For the above reason, Chilchuck would absolutely spoil this kid. Not that he wouldn’t have spoiled his grandkids anyway, but I think after all that stress, he’d be extra extra doting. He’d be letting him do things he’d never DREAM of letting his own daughters do. Completely different parenting style.
- I think he’s still too prideful to take advantage of Laios being King (sidenote: is Laios even wealthy??? does a kingdom that sprung up from a previously-sunken continent even have money?? what the fuck is their economy), but like,,, if Laios offered any gifts he wouldn’t exactly say no.
- Izutsumi surprisingly really likes the baby :3 she’d like to take naps with him and he’d like her purrs and she’d have a lot of fun playing with him.
- SENSHI. meemaw mode. That kid would grow up not realizing Senshi isn’t technically one of his grandads. He is FEEEEEDING this kid.
- LAIOS DOES GET TO HOLD THE BABY!!!!!! just. eventually. They don’t actually expect a Tarrare situation LMAO they just wait until the kid is a little less fragile and a little more mobile. I think Laios would be really good with toddlers.
- Chilchuck is very thankful Emertim’s half-foot genes kick in sooner than later because he was getting too big for him to carry.
- Emertim would probably get the extended lifespan. He and Marcille would get to stay friends for a very very long time :’)
- my personal headcanon is that Chilchuck and his wife decide to split. He still loves her and it’s probably still a bit mutual, but after four years of almost no-contact, they decide their communication issues aren’t working well for their relationship. Plus, the Adventurer’s Bible says Chilchuck is renting their old house out to family, and he’d feel bad kicking them out so he and wife could move back in. They’d still be on good terms, and would be good at coordinating when to babysit.
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rayghosts · 1 year
tim drake is a rare case where every wild, out-of-context thing you hear about him gets even wilder with context
made up a fake uncle to avoid getting adopted? first he had to steal his dead dad's will and change it to include the name of his fake uncle, then he forged an entire legal paper trail to fool even batman, and finally hired an out-of-luck actor to play the uncle and had brainstorm sessions with him about his character backstory. judging from his surprised reaction when bruce offered to adopt him, he probably did this to avoid being put into foster care and didnt even consider that bruce might want to adopt him (even though he already adopted three orphans before him) (and then bruce learned about this and gave him more freedom and crimefighting gear so tim could like him)
snuck into gotham during no man's land? he did this twice, first by himself to meet his girlfriend in the hospital while she was giving birth (he snuck into the ER as a nurse), then with his young justice friends who thought he was having daddy issues with batman and wanted to help (this was before he was adopted by bruce) (they also picked up an atlantean tourist on the way who wanted to sightsee gotham)
blew up several of the league of assassins' secret bases? before that he spent days working with them as a member to gain their trust (this was when he robbed that art museum) and all the while they were holding his dad's coworker's daughter who came to search for tim and learned about his secret life as an assassin before she learned he was robin (and then somehow fell in love with him)
becomes evil batman who kills in the future? not only that, he also convinces his friends to be evil with him and then takes control of half the country right after he kills every rogue in gotham and also his aunt. tim fought this version of himself at least three times, and each time swore that he would never become gun batman (he still becomes gun batman)
used his own legal last name as a hero name? he didnt even come up with the idea for that, he met an alternate earth version of himself (also evil) who was using that name and thought "oh that's a good name" and stole it for himself. he didnt bother to check if other drake's identity was public before he started using it. then he got pulled aside and told off personally by batman for using such a dumb name and that's why he's not called drake anymore
insulted jason to his face while he was trying to kill him? did this multiple times and even kicked jason in the nuts once (not while they were fighting, just as payback) (he's jason's favorite brother now)
and then anything that happened with young justice doesnt need any context because it's exactly as weird as it sounds. yes, he did save the fate of a planet by playing baseball with his friends. yes, they did invade an entire sovereign nation to rescue their one friend's parents who had turned into babies. yes, they did see santa claus die in a fiery explosion
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rboooks · 1 year
Child Support Part 2
Tim watched the other young heroes as they tried to look around the watch tower without seeming like they were. He's been here plenty of times, but the rest of the Teen Titans and a few of the Young Justice hasn't.
Much was due to the older heroes leaving the younger ones alone. Some not taking them seriously enough to welcome them at the big HQ as much as that made his blood boil.
They were taking the same risks. They were fighting the same good fights. Why was their age the main reason they weren't treated equally?
Some teenage heroes weren't part of a team per see, but they always answered when a call was sent. For example, Cass and Steph were present, speaking softly to Static Shock. Damian was standing next to Jon and his little friend Colin who was just getting into the swing of the hero business.
Bruce almost bit through his tongue when Damian told him Abuse would be joining Robin on parol, and he could do nothing to stop them. (Tim felt like he was watching Damian tell Bruce a paraphrased version of "But Daddy, I love him!" and it kept him smiling for weeks)
It was wild to see almost every young hero in one place. He doesn't think this happened since the last time Justice Leauge got mind controlled and almost destroyed the whole world.
"Any idea why we're here?" Kon asks to his right, lowering his shade to stare at the Outlaws. Jason's team stood to the side chatting iddly while cleaning over thier weapons.
Kon's always like their punk point of view, and he knows his best friend wants to go over there to talk to them. If it wasn't for the issue of the clone still being mad about what Jason did at the Teen Titans tower. Almost murder was hard to forgive for people outside the Bats.
"None. All I know is that John Constantine sent out a message to every teenage superhero group calling for a meet-up," Tim responds.
Bart whistles with a grimace on his right. "Must be bad if that guy is asking."
"I heard Hawkwoman tell Superman that she was worried and wasn't sure she wanted anyone of us mixed up in Constantine's mistakes." Cassie chimes in from where she leans on the couch. The three turn to her as she lowers her voice, attempting to keep the others from hearing. "Batman told her off for it."
"Batman did?" Tim asks, surprised.
Cassie shrugs, throwing a bit of her blond hair over her shoulder. "As much Batman can emote anyway."
Yeah, that sounded about right. Though it must have been something Bruce found disrespectful. His dad usually never reprimanded strangers unless they were saying something or doing something that sounded far too much like bigotry to him.
But to apply that to Constantine? Someone, Bruce generally disliked communicating with because the man tended to backstab his contacts? Yes, Constantine wasn't evil, but he wasn't pleasant either.
If Bruce had magical issues, he tended to contact Zatanna first.
Just then, the watch tower's zeta beams activate. Everyone who gathered turns to the teleporting pads where Constantine appears looking, for lack of a better word, absolutely exhausted. Even Tim knows that his eye bags aren't that bad, and he's usually going hours without sleep.
"Oh good, you all made it," Constantine says, sipping from a mug and wearing nothing but sweatpants and what looks like a nightgown. His signature trench coat was nowhere in sight. "I'm going to be quick about this. I need a team of young heroes willing to accept my son into their fold."
The room is dead silent. Constantine sighs. "Look, I've tried everything, but it's like Danny is allergic to laying low. He fought with a demon the other day over a child's doll- which you all know happens. People get haunted! But Danny refused to do it the right way, and now I had to beat off the demon's marriage proposal at least ten times. Not to mention his lack of social skills! No matter which one I stick him in, he can't seem to make friends in school. He got shoved into a locker on his first day! I thought that was an American exaggeration of the telly!"
Constantine pauses and takes a large gulp of whatever he's drinking before continuing his rant. A hand runs through his already messy hair, leaving it in bigger disarray as he speaks. "He's behind in terms of trends and technology cause his other father raised him outside of the typical timelines, so sometimes it's like talking to someone from the early two thousand, and other times it's like he's a modern Victorian era lad. His powers are also all over the place because the ectoplasm in our world is thicker, so when he breathes it in, he losses his control. Just the other day he accidentally made himself fly through our ceiling and almost reach the atmosphere before I was able to bring him back down."
A few of the fliers in the room wince. Jon nods and whispers under his breath, though his voice carries in the silence. "Yeah, been there before. Flying can be scary if you don't know how to come down."
Johns glances around at all the young people, eyes showing a tad bit of desperation. "He's sad all the time now, and I don't know how to help. If working with you could help him make friends, I would be grateful. He's a great kid. He just needs to adjust."
Tim had no idea what to do with this information; how do you respond to arguably one of the strongest Justice League Darks' heroes asking for a play date for his son?
"How old is the child?" Damian's voice rings out. Colin's hand is attached to his sleeve, a slightly nervous smile on the boy's face as he attempts to hide from the staring heroes behind his brother. Tim bets that if he wasn't wearing the domino mask, they would be able to see slight tears in Colin's eyes.
Damian's other hand goes across his body to cover Colin's hand, and Tim fights a shit-eating grin. His eyes lock with Jason, and the two send each other knowing grins. Looks like Bruce did have to worry about Damian having a secret boyfriend.
He can't wait to tease Damian later.
"He's fourteen....or well, physically?" Constantine answers eagerly.
"What does that mean?" Kon asks this time.
"Okay, so he's half human, half ecto-being. He sired him with his other father, Clockwork, which was only four years ago in this dimension, but since he was raised in the Infinite Relemas, times move differently there? " The British man says, and Raven goes rigid.
"Clockwork, as in the most powerful Ancient?" She asks, looking horror-struck when Constantine nods.
Before anyone asked what that meant, the zeta tubes activated again without permission. Someone had hacked into their systems which were ten levels bad. Everyone naturally fell into a fighting stance, only to blink when a teenage boy stepped out with a loud excited screech.
"We're in space!" The teenager runs to one of the windows, pressing his hands and face up against the glass. "This is amazing!"
Tim only relaxes his muscles once Constantine clears his throat. "Chum...what are you doing here?"
"Oh. One of your curse rocks things started proposing to me again, so I ran out of the House of Mysteries. Thought I see what you were up to." The teenager says, turning around with a smile and utterly freezing at the sight of the gathered heroes.
He had dark hair, wide blue eyes, and the most adorable face Tim had ever seen. Not as sexy as Bernard, of course, but darn close. Judging by the looks of anyone attractive to males, most heroes thought the same.
"Um...hi?" He says, offering the Godsmack teenagers a helpless little shrug. "I'm Danny Constantine."
"It is a pleasure, Constantine." Damian marches over to him with all his little twelve-year-old authority. He barely reaches Danny's chest. "I shall look forward to working with you. Are you formally trained in combat or strictly magic?"
"Um...oh, I can throw a punch or two? I'm mostly self taught. I rely on my powers a lot?" Danny fumbles to answer throwing a desperate look at his presumed father.
"No matter. I shall have you begin training. My Beloved also needs to work on his form. There is no shame in this" Damian nods, and Constantine lets out a large sigh of relief. He jogs over to place a hand on his son's shoulder, giving him a one-sided hug
"Yes, Danny, you will join Robin, Superboy, and Abuse on missions. They agree to help you settle and get used to your ghost powers." Constantine smiles. "I'll give me time to discourage all those idiots from trying to trick you into marriage."
"Oh...okay. It's nice to meet you all. Please call me Phantom on the field. Um, are you the team leader?" He asks Damian as the three youngest boys lead him further into the watch tower.
Constantine watches them go with the brightest smile he's ever seen on the man's face. He looks back to the group, who were barely starting to pick their jaws off the floor and makes a shooing motion with his hand. "You lot are dismissed."
Then the man vanishes in a green portal.
There is a ringing silence until Barts blurts out. "I'm pretty sure this is where the Phantom Fan Club first formed. A historical moment."
Tim wants to take a nap.
( Part 1 )
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lady-mimis · 6 months
Summary: Where your relationship with Bruce didn't end up well but you still love him
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English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes that might be on the text
Notes: Hey guys! I'm back with an imagine of my favorite hero. I stopped to write for nnt, but I still have some imagines ready so I will post eventually. For me Bruce is such a dads girl. This took me a long time, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Violence and language
"Mommy?" Your daughter called you. You were working on your laptop while your daughter was watching TV.
Tim and Damian asked for your help in some kind of security program they developed, so you were just reviewing and improving the system
"Yeah baby? what's wrong?" You stop typing and look at her.
She was hugging her giraffe plush. It was a gift from her dad. She is such a daddy's girl
"I was wondering..... if you could tell me about you and daddy?" She ask curiously with those big blue, bright eyes
The question took you by surprise. She is still a curious kid, of course, but you wonder why she wants to know it now
She was a copy of her father, except that she has some of your features. Its funny how you waited nine months for your baby to be born with her fathers features
"Hmm, what do you wanna know? Can i ask why the sudden interest?" You asked your baby daughter, then sat beside her on the couch, putting a cushion in your lap
"I want to know how you two met each other, I mean you two are not together anymore but you were one day, right?" She questioned you with an innocence that you felt your heart shake a little.
Thinking about how she feels with her parents not being together. You remember once she was saying something about all of her friends having parents who are married and live together. Of course, you tried to explain that your situation is not so simple, but she was just a kid and couldn't understand anything
"Yeah, darling well.... I met your father at work, he was my boss"
You revive everything in your head
"Good morning, Lucius! I brought some coffee for us" You entered the laboratory, greeting your coworker and put your bag on your table
You worked for Wayne Enterprises and were responsible for the technology that Batman held since the company funded him and his equipment
You were working on a motorcycle for Batman since he asked for
This project was a direct order from your boss, Bruce Wayne. You had never meet him, he was always busy being a playboy
Lucius was the vice president of the company, so he had a lot of work to do. You impressed with how he would help you and find time to be a businessman
"I'm glad you're here, today we have a lot of work" He thanks you for the coffee
After hours in the laboratory, you get ready to leave
"Hey baby let's talk please, don't dare ignore me again!" An unknown number sent you a message, but you already knew who it was
"Answer bitch!" Again
"I need you baby! I can't live without you!"
Your ex boyfriend calls you, but you refuse the call
How did he find your new number? You were angry about him harassing you since you two broke up
"Stop calling me! we broke up. Stop it" Sighing deeply, you reply
"You're okay?" Lucius asks you curiously, raising his eyebrows
"I'm just tired, you know, Matthew has been kind of asshole and... " You fake a smile for him not worry about you
You stop your commentary after hearing the voice of the artificial intelligence of the laboratory announce someone
"Access confirmed. Welcome, Bruce Wayne" The AI greets him
"Bruce, what a pleasure! (Y/N) this is Bruce" Lucius introduce you to him. He is excited for Bruce to finally meet you
Well, you have to admit that he is not only handsome. Bruce Wayne is hot as hell
He looked at you, head to toe and licked his lips. He smiles to you with an arrogant smile and offers his hand for you to shake
What a skirt chaser!
"Enchanted to meet you" You shake his big, rough hands. He looks around, analyzing the lab
Bruce Wayne has an elegant posture. He was wearing a black, expensive suit, probably tailored just for him. This suit must have cost all of your salary
He walks through the lab with a confident posture, analyzing everything around him
"So you're the one who made the Batmobile upgrades" He states uninterested
Okay, you were not hoping for him to know that
"Yeah, it's me. I'm working on the motorcycle project too" You said proudly, pointing to the prototype that was in the center of the lab
Adjusting your white coat, you grab the sketches of the project in your pocket
"Well, I see you're doing good. Have you already made any tests?" He looks satisfied with the prototype
"Not yet, still working on the motor " You give him the sketches, then point at the motor sketch
"it looks excellent! I'm really impressed. Now I know why Lucius trusts so much in your work" He smiled charmingly, winking at you
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Is he really like this?
"Thank you.... I think" Looking at your watch, checking the hours
"I better go. It's starting to get dark" You grab your things and walk to the door
"Take care (Y/N)!" Lucius bids you farewell
"It was lovely to meet you (Y/N), I hope to see you again" Bruce gave a head nod
"Wait (Y/N)!" Bruce calls you, making you stop and stare him, raising an eyebrow at him
"What you think about a dinner?" Bruce asks with a cocky smile, and you find it charming, but no way you're going on a date with him. That could work with other women, but not with you
Bruce asked you out the first day he met you! HE WAS TRULY A WOMANIZER LIKE THE NEWS SAYS
You had recently broken up so you were not thinking about a relationship at that moment
"Thanks but no" You fake a sorrowful look and then smile, winking, teasing him
You leave to your house before gets too dark
That night, you were watching TV on your couch. It was almost midnight
You heard a car stop by the front of your house and assumed that it was one of your neighbors
"Where are you? I'm here. Let's talk " he typed
Okay, you're starting to get scared
You walk towards the window, seeing his car in front of your house
"No! Leave!" You reply in panic
"Baby, open the door!" He knocks on the door, gently at first but then harder
"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you!" You say it loud enough for him to hear it
"Open the fucking door!" A strong knock. He was beating the door, and in a little time he would open it
You grabbed your phone and ran to your room, calling the police. You close the door of your room, hiding yourself in your closet
Tears were all over your face
"911, what's your emergency?" The policeman asked by phone
"My ex boyfriend.... is trying to enter my home and i ...... " A loud thud echos through the house. He entered in your home
"He's here, please help me!" You whisper, crying in despair
You passed your address to him
"We are sending the police, stay hidden until the police come, please stay in the line"
You could hear him on the underfloor, looking for you
"Baby, let's talk. You know how much i love you!" He always said this
"I can't live without you, you're so good for me, I will kill myself if you don't show up. IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT!!" He screamed with angry
He was coming closer, and you knew that the police would not make in time
"Let's just talk, babe, we can fix this. I CAN FIX THIS!" His voice echoed behind the door as he tried to get into the room
He was kicking the door, and you knew how the material would not resist
"We can comeback together, it's just show up and say yes!" He broke in
He was close, and you could see his shadow through the door of the closet
He has a knife with him
You knew he had found you. He was walking toward the closet
"I don't want to talk to you! LEAVE ME ALONE! I FUCKING HATE YOU, WHY YOU DOING THIS TO ME??" Screaming stunned
When he stops by the closet door, something caught him by surprise and he falls to the floor
A shadow figure was in top of him
The shadow figure knocks out your ex boyfriend
"It's safe now, you can get out of there" A male deep voice spoke, it sounded almost robotic, maybe it was some kind of voice modification
You got out of the closet, and you stared at your unconscious ex
That shadow figure was standing by the side of your ex's damaged body
Then you saw your hero, Batman.
"I..." You could not say a single phrase without sobbing
He stayed there till police siren sounds could be heard, then he just disappears
Batman had saved you that night, if wasn't for him, probably you would not be alive. You were grateful to Batman
You're remembered that night all too well, it was a complete nightmare
The next day after the incident you were given the day off by Lucius.
You stayed at your sister place until you found a new place for you
You had to comeback to your work, everything was so stressful and worst Bruce keep showing up and continue flerting with you
You were on the park lot alone, fetching your car keys, and you feel a presence behind you
You froze
Someone put a hand on your shoulder
"Hey, you alright?" Bruce Wayne ask in a worried tone
You felt so relieved to see it was just him
"Yes, i just got scared, you simply didn't make any walking sounds" You observe him, and take a deep breath
"Oh, i'm sorry about that.. what do you say about dinner as sorry?" Bruce offered, scratching his throat, making a slight frown, and put his hands on his pocket, trying to hide his nervous
That's new, he was always too confident and cocky. Now he just look like a normal guy
So you decide to be honest
"Look, Bruce i will be honest with you, I recently broke up. It's been hard times for me, i am not looking for a date at the moment" You look at him with soft eyes, denying his offer gently
That made Bruce nod in knowledge and look at the floor for a moment. He admired your honesty
"Well... that doesn't mean we can't be friends" Still not convinced he waits for your response
Friends? WITH BRUCE WAYNE? That was a good joke, but he seemed serious about it
With everything that has been happening, maybe you need to relax. You didn't have many friends. All of your friends live in other towns. So why not?
"Hmm.. fine we can dinner together as friends" You hesitantly accept looking at his ocean blue eyes. Somehow, his eyes pass you peace and truth
"Friends then" He smirked and offered his arm to you, guiding you to his car
It was a great night. Nice jokes and good food
That has become a tradition between you and Bruce since that day. You get to know Bruce better and overcome your prejudices about him
You could say that you had a soft spot for Bruce
You even met his first kid.
It was a surprise when he told you about Dick. You had never thought about Bruce being a single dad.
You tried help him with his dads duties but he always declined your help. Even with his interventions, you continued to help him to raise Dick
You remember telling Bruce to go easier with Dick
And finally, he opened up with you, asking advice on how to improve to be a good dad for Dick
Dick was a nice kid but had a sad story. He always used to tell you how Bruce was hard on him and how he wanted some freedom
So sometimes you would take him to do things that a normal kid would do
When you found out about Batmans identity, you freaked out
You were working on the maintenance of the security of the labs
Everything there was powerful and presented some danger. So the technology couldn't end up in the wrong hands
The access was only permitted if the people had registered fingerprint and eye identification
You noted that Bruce and Batman had the same fingerprint and eye identification.
He had saved you that night
When he entered the lab, you embrace him so tightly
All you could say was "thank you" sobbing
Bruce got very confused and worried about you
After a few moments he connected the pieces
He asked you to work only for him in his cave and his Batlab, as you called it
You accepted Bruces offer to work for him.
Most of the time, you would work with him or Alfred on the projects. Alfred always commented to you about how you and Bruce were a good duo
Alfred told you, you were the first person that Bruce let into his life. How was he different after you
You had been friends with Bruce for almost two years
You were at the annual Wayne gala
Bruce had invited you personally and told you how much Jason insisted on your presence. Bruce had recently adopted Jason since Dick left for Jump City
Of course, you didn't approve the kids being his sidekicks. It was not ideal for them, but that was the form they found to let go of the fury and anger they felt inside. Bruce knew it better like no one
Jason was a tough kid, but all he wanted was Bruce's attention. Yet Bruce would be more hard on Jason than he has been with Dick
Jason had a hard life, and even being tough he was still a kid. All he needed was love and kindness. So you did what Bruce didn't. You helped him with everything, homework, patching him, you both played video game together
You taught him everything you knew, how to cook, how to hack, how to make analysis, how to program and more.
"(Y/N) You heard me?" Jason poked you but you couldn't take your eyes of Bruce
Bruce is the host of the party,and of course there will be people around him but you can't avoid to feel jealous at the surrounding women
Bruce was talking with a blonde beautiful woman for a long time
"Sorry jay, what were you saying?" You give him a soft look, messing with his hair
"Its about the new ship you are working, I liked the design its so badass" He said, excited about this project.
Jason was your little assistant in the Batlab
You nod, smiling and keep talking with him until Alfred interruption
"Sorry to interrupt you, Miss (Y/N), but I believe its time for Master Jason go to bed" Alfred explained and put a hand on Jasons shoulders
"Can (Y/N) put me to bed?" Jason asks in a low tone, looking at you with pleading eyes
How cute, your heart melt away with that. How can you say no to him?
Alfred looks to you, waiting your response
"Don't worry, Alfred, I don't care doing it" You shrug, guiding Jason to his room
You were both in his room. His room was all decorated with cream and red tones. The room has some posters of some old popular cartoons you both watch together, and some action figures on the shelf on the wall where the writing desk is. Some books you had gave him as gifts are on top of the desk
He was laying on bed, and you covered him with the red blankets
"Do you think you can sleep with that music?" You ask, fixing the blankets so he could be warm
"Yes, it's not that loud from here" Jason makes himself comfortable
"Thanks (Y/N), it makes me feel home" Jason smile to you, the mix of blue and green of his shining eyes makes he looks so innocent
He was looking at you like you were his whole world
"Good night Jay, I'll see you tomorrow after school in the Batcave" You kiss his forehead and turn off the lights
You lead to the door, ready to leave
"Good night, mom" Jason whispered sleepy
OH MY DID HE JUST CALLED YOU MOM? You stop, stunned in front of the door, felling a mix of emotions
When you got out, Bruce was standing there like a ghost
"Ohh! You scared me! Stop showing up out of nowhere" You raise your hand to your chest, breathing heavily
"You didn't need to do it" Bruce crossed his arms seriously, taking a look at Jason's asleep form
Bruce was in front of you, blocking your passage back to the party. His huge form was hovering you
"I wanted to do it, Bruce" You state, putting your hand on his chest to get him out of your way, but he does't move
So you raise an eyebrow to him. What was he doing? Trying to intimidate you or whatever?
"I thought you would pass the night talking with that blonde woman?" You comment. Maybe a little too rude
You perceive the frown on his lips and how his eyebrows grew closer
"As the host, I have to talk with the guests" He narrows his gaze to you. You hate when he does it
He unblocked the passage, still staring you
You turn back to the party, ignoring his stare
After that, you felt frustrated and resolved to drink to drown your sorrows
At the end of the night, you were a little drunk....okay, so much drunk that your voice was nasal and you were hiccuping
That time, Bruce was chatting with a beautiful brunette woman, and she put her hand on his chest. Okay, that's enough. The jealousy made your face turn red and warm.
You roll your eyes, ready to leave the party.
Bruce was so stupid, why do you care about the women around him? You are nothing to him, just a friend. You hated that feeling, you hate how Bruce makes you feel stupid
You were leaving, but an arm grabbed your hand, stopping you. In the movement to turn around, you stumbled on your feet.
The arms hold you by the waist so you don't fall
"I got you" Bruce is the one helping you. His arms are so big and warm
"What you're doing? leave me... hic.. Bruce" You tell him, trying to get out of his hold while he leads you to the manor
"I'm not gonna let you leave alone in this state. You're drunk (Y/N)" Bruce keeps his hold on you, until you are in his room
"It's your fault, when you were talking with those hotties, I was... hic...drinking by myself" You say with a joking tone and get out of his hold to sit at his bed
"Are you jealous (Y/N)?" Bruce asks, having fun with the situation
"NO! nrgh!" You sink your head into his pillow
"So do you care to share why you are so drunk? We both know you do not drink like that" He asked curiously, looking at you with those beautiful eyes
"Just to shut out... hic.. my emotions. Its was... hic...so loud" You said, snorting with your nasal voice
Bruce chuckles at your comment and leans himself on the wall
"You know you can tell me, right?" Bruce crossed his arms, but his voice sounded soft
"Right, I just disappointed...hic.. that you didn't have any time for me just because you were talking..hic... with your hotties. We are friends, right?" Whispering the last part.
Who were you trying to convince? You or him? You were already over heels for him
Bruce just raised an eyebrow for you, he knew you, and the fact that you just lied to him
"Tell me (Y/N) what really happened for you to get that drunk?" He came closer and stopped in front of you, analyzing you
He is curious, you are not the heavy drinker type. To be honest, he never saw you so drunk as tonight
It was dark in the room, just the moonlight light it. Bruce eyes shone intensely in the dark of the room, his eyes look like the ocean
"You happen, Bruce, I cant keep pretending that i don't feel nothing for you" Your voice is so low that you barely hear it
Nervousness ruins through your body. You start to roll your rings on your fingers.
"Pardon me?" Bruce says confused
He doubts that he heard what you said. He shifts his weight, trying to stay calm. Probably you are just too drunk and were babbling
So you decide to speak out loud
"Damn it! I was so jealous, you can have any woman in your arms anytime you want! I hate see you with another woman, and how I'm not the one in your arms. Your stupid blue ocean eyes that hypnotize me..." Bruce interrupts your sentence and kisses you with desire
"You're the one that I want. The one who has my heart. (Y/N), you don't have to worry about the others women" Bruce cups your face and rubs your cheeks, pecking your lips
He let go of you and stepped back smirking at your shock form
"Okay Bruce now you got me! You always found a ... hic.. way to shock me" You toss yourself in his bed, and your nasal giggles fill the lifeless room
"Well? what can i do? I have been waiting since the day we met for you to realize the great eligible bachelor that I am" His crooked smile makes you laugh hard
"Tsc, you're to cocky, hic.. that time you were the biggest womanizer of the whole country" You state, and hear his laugh echo in the room
Bruce chuckles at your state the bed, your cheeks are red from drinking, and your hair is a little messy, but he finds it cute. You are a sloppy, happy drunk.
How you love his laugh, his smile, and his beautiful eyes. You love everything about him. Okay, sometimes he's a pain in the ass, but still you love him
Then he walks to the door without making any sound
"I should let you rest" Bruce says, opening the door
"Can't you stay?" You watch him hesitantly stop in the front of the door
"Pleasee?..hic" You plead
At first, your relationship was wonderful. Bruce was a caring boyfriend and a good partner
Then Jason died
You were completely broken
You loved him so much. The pain was unbearable
Bruce was dealing with his grief on his own. You knew how he blamed himself for Jason's death. He felt regret for being so hard on Jason
You hated how Bruce closed himself off from you
Everything has changed
Bruce was cold, quiet and reserved
Bruce was not the same person you used to know
The fights started
Time passed, and you two had to move on
When you discovered about Damian's existence. You felt devastated, mostly because Bruce didn't plan to tell you
It was a shock for you when you found a boy who looked like Bruce in the living room
He was just seven years old. About the time you and Bruce started to date
The fights started all over
You were in the batcave. Where you help Bruce with the technology and projects he and you create
"What hell Bruce? Is that kid really your son?" Inhaling deep. You couldn't stop the shake of your hands
God, you were so nervous
You already knew the answer, but you need a explanation
Bruce just murmurs in response
"That's not even an answer, Bruce!" You state, tapping nervously your foots on the floor
"Do you have a son with another woman? I suppose you know who is his mother?" You wait for him to respond decently
You were standing by his side while he didn't even bother to glance you
"His mother is Thalia Alghul" Bruce shrugged it off, like that was nothing
Did he already know about the existence of this child?
"Bruce, look at me for a second! You cannot give a shit about this, but I do!" You shout, trembling
"Bruce! Did you already know about the existence of this kid?" Your voice wavers and the tears rush down your face
You felt betrayed
This time, Bruce slightly shivered and narrowed his eyes, analyzing you. Probably he was thinking you were out of control
Bruce was thinking of a response to calm you, but he couldn't find it, so he stayed in silence.
The silence was the worst answer he could give you. You know how right you were about your suspicious
"ANSWER ME, BRUCE! DID YOU EVEN PLAN TO TELL ME?" Pointing a finger at his chest, accusing him
Bruce gets defensive when you shout at him
"That's none of your business, (Y/N)" Bruce shouts back feeling attacked. Maybe it was, but he didn't think of that because he is too proud
You felt terrible, weak, and disrespected.
The shouts echo through the cave
He was supposed to trust you, right?
There was a time you two were best friends and told each other everything, even the most silly thing in the world. You were a good duo, you were always partners
But the things changed
The love that was pacific became heavy and cold
What you and Bruce had become?
The sound of your cries attracted Tim's attention
"Hey mom! you're okay?" Tim asks gently, giving Bruce a disapproving look
"I.... just need to rest" You take a deep breath, accepting Tim help
You stare Bruce with watery eyes. You waited for him to say something
He stares at you with a blank expression
"Takes your mother to her room" That's the only thing Bruce says before turning back, walking to another part of the cavern
Bruce simply turned his back to you
It means nothing to him anymore. He didn't fight for you two
The situation became more difficult because Damian disliked you
He thought his father should be with his mother, not someone like you. His words were sharp like a knife
To be honest, you thought the same thing. You are rich like Bruce, you two had different lifestyles. Two completely different world
In all of these years he never cared to propose to you. Did he ever think of having a future with you?
You started to question yourself after almost six years together
The day you finally decide to leave
You were sick, having nausea, dizziness and vomiting
Alfred realized that and advised you to go to the doctor
You took a few exams
In the same week, Damian got sick. He was in bed, shaking with fever. You were so worried about him
You checked up on Damian sometimes, even with his sharp comments about you or how he disliked you
He was just a kid who was created with a rigid education. He had a hard personality. You couldn't totally blame him
Alfred asked you to give Damian some soup for dinner. You agreed and went upstairs with the soup
"Hey Damian i brought some soup for you" You knock on his door before entering his room
"Tsc you can leave it here" He said with a tedious tone of voice
"Hmm do you need help to eat?" You ask, leaving the bowl on his expensive white nightstand
"No! Leave!" Damian says annoyed by your presence. Okay he didn't seem to be on a good day
Still, he doesn't have the strength to get out of the bed or eat alone
"But... Alfred helped you eat the meals, right? I could help you if you want" You tried one more time
"Don't you understand? I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP" Damian shouts aggressively, he tries to pick up the bowl but ends up toppling it
You look at him in shock
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you" You say in a low tone, holding back your tears
You leave Damian's room quickly and walk towards your room
You couldn't take it anymore. You are unhappy, sick and tired
You were in your room. The room you and Bruce shared together one day
You grabbed your bags and started to pick up your things
"What you're doing?" Bruce's voice surprised you. He was downstairs the last time you saw him
"I'm leaving, Bruce" You didn't hold back your tears. The tears rush freely in your face
Bruce felt his heartbeat skip when he heard what you said. You cannot be serious
"I don't understand..". Bruce comes closer to you, trying to understand why you were doing this
You stop to pick up your things to look at him
He is in shock, and even with his facade, you learn to see through it
"No! I know you don't, Bruce! You don't even realize whats happening around you" You snap angrily
"What? you cannot do that (Y/N)!" Bruce tries to change your mind, arguing with you, but you have already decide
"WHY NOT BRUCE? YOUR SON HATES ME! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT US ANYMORE" You are so close to him but yet so far away. Giving a pleading look for him, you shake your head in deny
"Damian is just a kid..." Bruce answered back facing you.
You could swear that you saw a few of emotion on his eyes
He could see how you were hurt and unhappy
Bruce avoid to look into yours eyes. Not a single word left his mouth
"Your silence answered everything. I hoped you would be honest with me considering all of these years, tsc you are really a dick" You curse, turning back to pick up the rest of your things
You grabbed your bags, and turned around, ready to leave.
You give Bruce a final look, pleading to him to do something, say something or fight for you
You hoped he would say something or ask you to stay, but he didn't
If he had asked you to stay, you would
So you leave
Your words echo through to his head
Bruce's heart stops when he sees that you are really leaving, but he can't move
Maybe that was better for you. Maybe it was better for you to live without him always disappointing you
Bruce stays in silence, watching you leave
You were completely heartbroken after the break up. You moved to your old apartment
Everything looked so empty, it was so strange to live there all alone.
You miss the kids, the noise of the manor, Alfred astute comments, and more... You miss Bruce
You and your sister went to the hospital to get your exam results
You remember all too well
In the doctor's office, sitting in a chair, waiting for the doctor to say the results of your exam
"Well, miss (Y/N), the results are not satisfying, but i have good news you might like" Isla gave you a sympathetic look and read some documents
"So I prefer the good news first, doc" You tried to sound optimist
You looked like crap, and you knew it. The last week had been so lonely. Tim and Alfred passed by your apartment to check on you, but it wasn't the same thing
"You are pregnant, congratulations (Y/N)!" She gave you the news
Your face goes blank
"(Y/N)? You alright?" Isla asked with worry in her eyes
"Yes... I think, I was not hoping for that, Isla" You explained, trying to calm yourself
She wrote something on her computer
"Right, but you have anemia, and this isnt good for you and the baby. It might bring you problems if you don't start to treat it. So you will have an obstetrician consult and I will accompany you with the anemia treatment, okay?" Isla smiles, handing the results to you
"You might consider to consulting a psychologist too, you don't look so well, it will make you good. Take care of your mind health" Her voice was kind, and you knew how she was right. You were a complete mess
"I will prescribe you some medicine" Isla catches the pen on her table and starts to fill out some papers
When you got the results of the exams you couldn't believe it. You are Pregnant
"So? Whats got you so sick?" Your sister gives you a concerned look, as she come closer to you
"I.. cant believe it" You hand her the papers, still in shock
"OH MY! I going to be an aunt!" She is excited about the news
"That's not so bad, you just have to treat yourself" She tries to cheer you up
"Oh no. Why are you crying?" She embraced you while you cried. You were so hurt. It was so much for you
You had been consulting the obstetriciann, and everything was okay with your baby. You discovered you preganant for 3 months
Your sister were sleeping in your place to help you with the pregnancy
Your sister went out to some cheap club with her friends
You wake up to drink some water. Your throat was dry
You heard some steps behind you, so you stay alert
"Who's here?" You turn around to see it was Batman
Bruce was standing right in front of you, after all of those weeks
You relaxed since you're not in danger
"You know you could enter from the door like a normal person" You comment, rolling your eyes
He observed the place and looked at you head to toe
His presence is annoying you. Still, you could tell that his presence made heart beat faster
"What do you want?" You ask, breathing deep
"What is that (Y/N)?" He took some papers off his utility belt and shook them in front of your face. It was your exams
"Are you stalking me? Who gives you the right to pry your nose into my life?" You took the papers out of his hands
"Its not of your business Mr Wayne!" Your harsh look makes him shrugs
He was with his cowl, his blank eyes were observing you through the mask
"Not my business? It's my child!" He stated, with a frown on his lips
"I'm not going to repeat myself again. What are you doing here?" Walking closer to him, you could feel his scent. It felt stronger, maybe it was because of the pregnancy. How you miss him
Is he here to upset you more? To hurt your feelings again? You wish he could forget about you and leave you alone for a moment, since you two are not together anymore. But he always found a way to upset you
"The child... You cant have it!" He states in a deep, low tone
You could not believe him. His words were like a sharp knife in your heart
"What makes you think you can choose it? How cowardly are you, Bruce? hm?" You aggressively question him, pointing a finger at his chest, and staring him with fury in the eyes
"You cant have it! It's my child too!" He argues back, taking off his cowl. His blue eyes lost their shine. He looks tired, with dark circles around his eyes, his face is slightly skinnier
"WHY? YOU'RE JUST AFRAID CAUSE YOU CANNOT BE A GOOD FATHER TO ANY OF YOUR CHILDREN!" You know how to hurt him. Maybe it was too cruel to say it, but that was the truth
Bruce steps back with the comment, feeling hurt. You didn't like to hurt him but, he needs some sense
"Are you hearing yourself? Whats that Bruce? Why you doing this with me? don't you think you have made enough? Leave please! I don't want to see you anymore!" Pleading with watery eyes
His eyes wide, and the realization pass through his blue, tired eyes
What had he turn?
Indeed, He was afraid of not being a good father, but demanding those things from you was not right. He had no right to say those things to you
He broke you into pieces, and left you when you needed him
"I... sorry" Bruce whispered before leaving through the window
The birth of your baby changed everything.
You were so surprised to see Bruce there to watch his daughters birth. At first, you were hesitant, but inside, you relieved
Bruce was watching your daughter sleep in your arms
"Look, I'm sorry for what i did to you. You didn't deserve that. I wasn't there when you needed me. Everything that I did upset you in a delicate moment" Bruce apologizes to you
His face full of regret makes you know that Bruce was being honest. He wasn't a man who expressed himself easily
"I want to be a good dad for her, let me help you. I want to be present in her life if you let me" Bruce held a sorrowful look
You had to make amends with him for your daughter sakes
The kids and Alfred visited you in the maternity hospital
You were surprised that Damian was there to see you too
Dick, Tim, Jason, Your sister and Alfred are somewhere in the hospital, probably eating in the cafeteria
Bruce was taking a shower while you were arrested in that hospital bed, and Damian was staring at you with a doubtful look
"Hey kiddo, a penny for your thoughts?" You try a joke in a hesitant tone
"Tsc...What would I do with a penny? Anyway I have enough of money already" He says cockily
"Now you sound exactly like your dad" You giggle, having fun with his similarity with Bruce
He stayed quiet, still looking at you. This time, he was looking at you like a lost puppy
"You can say whats on your mind, dear" You look at him with soft eyes
He stared at you in shock. No one has ever called dear or been so soft with him like that
"Hm, I've been planning on how to apologize to you. I'm sorry its my fault that you left my dad" He apologizes in a low tone and avoids eye contact with you
"Hey dear, its not your fault. I didn't leave because of you" You sign for him to come closer
He hesitantly came closer, sitting at the end of the bed
"Any of the problems that i had with your dad weren't because of you. You're just a kid, any of this is your fault, Damian" You squeeze his hands
Damians face turns red, and he smiles slightly at you
"Since you're gone, my dad is so grumpy. No one can stand him anymore" Damian complained about his dad being a pain in the ass like you and Jason would say
You really tried to move on, but the man didn't like the idea of dating a single mom
You swore to yourself that you would forget Bruce, but every time you were on a date you remember him.
What if everything was different? You wish it was
But life goes on
You left your work and opened your own workshop. You had your own laboratory and atelier to work on your engineering projects or whatever you would create
You moved to a bigger and safer house to live with your daughter
It has been like this for years
Now your baby is almost turning 6 years. She is your entire world. The biggest present you could ever have
You two were passing the time in the living room before her bedtime. You were working when she asked you about you and Bruce
You just told her how you two met
"Isn't daddys birthday coming?" She climbs into your lap
"Yeah, baby, it will be in three weeks" You caress her hair
"Daddy always looks at you like you are a diamond, mommy" She said, closing her eyes, enjoying the caress
"Hmm, baby lets take you bed"
Talking about diamond
Bruce Wayne left the jewelry shop with a diamond engage ring. The Gotham prince has finally decided to settle down?, the news is on the screens
Maybe its for Selina? Maybe they had come back together?
"Hey (Y/N) you still there?" Barrys voice brought your attention back to the call
"Yeah, sorry about that... and no, your new suit is not read yet" You state, shaking your head, trying to forget the toughts about Bruce
"Hmm okay, isn't Bruce's birthday coming? Barry asked worried
"Why everyone keep asking me that? Yes, Barry his birthday is in three weeks" You say, annoyed by the question, grabbing your mug, starting to organize everything that is on your table
"Sorry, hahaha, I just didn't buy anything for him yet" He was having fun with your annoyance
"You don't need to worry about it, he's not a material man. He will like anything you give to him, you know" You organized the things, and fetched your car keys in your purse
"Sorry Barry, but i got to pick up my baby from school!" You say it in a rush tone
"Right, bye (Y/N)! Tell Gennie that Uncle Barry sent her a big bear hug"
You couldn't help but laugh
"You bet Barry!" You hung up
"Mommy, can we eat ice creamy as dessert??"
You stopped on the mall to eat lunch and shopping with her
"Sure baby, let me just take another photo of you, you're so cute in this uniform" She was just the most adorable thing you have ever seen in her school uniform
She was in kindergarten, and Gotham Academy was a very secure and good school. Evangeline was even learning spanish and french
You pass in front of a decor shop. Once you had been there with Bruce
"I still cant believe you're serious" Bruce stares at you incredulous
"Why not? If i moving to live with you, lets just pretend that we are moving together and shopping new decor to our room" Smiling excitedly to him
"Alright! But nothing too colorful!" He surrenders
"NO WAY! I NOT LETTING YOU WITH THAT DREADFUL ROOM!" You say it loudly, and put one yellow duvet in the cart shop
Yellow was definitely your favorite color
"You need some color in your life, honey" You hold another duvet, but this time a yellow neon with purple leopard print
Bruce couldn't help but frown at that
You graciously laugh, catching his attention
"Whats so funny?" He asked crossing his arms with a grimace on his face
"You look so cute doing this face. Did you know you pout?" You pecked his lips
Bruce facades are gone with that. He holds you with his strong arms
"What? I do not pout!" You felt his breath in the back of your neck, he was laughing
"Mommy!!" Your baby girl shakes you, and you realize that you were standing there for a while
"Oh baby, i'm so sorry" You felt a little stupid to still think about Bruce even after all of this time
"I want ice creamy, and suddenly you stop in front of the decor shop. They don't sell ice creamy" She was pouting exactly like her father
"Tsc, You look exactly like your dad. I cant believe it." You say annoyed, shaking your head in deny
"What? My dad?" She had a curious look
"Lets get you your ice cream, baby!" You ignored and, she seemed to forget that you talked about her dad
"Thank you!" You told the waiter
"Is it of your liking mini chef?" You ask, taking a sip of your milkshake
"Its yummy, mommy! but I think that if they put a handmade ice creamy, it would be more good"
"Why do you say that mini chef?" You lick your lips
"The industry ice creamy has so much sugar. Nothing its like Alfred's handmade ice creamy" She said, enjoying her ice creamy
"Well, with all the odds, you almost over with your milk shake" You state humored, laughing at her dirty milkshake cheeks
"Its still very yummy..." Shes was interrupted with screams
"What the fuck?" All you could do was protect your daughter from the danger
Some masquerade guys entered the place. They were high armed, and started shooting at everyone
"Oh my! How terrified that girl must be. I know them. Her mother, she does some projects for me and the police force. You know, she is the mother of one of Bruce Waynes children, she created the other kids as well. I cant stop thinking that is one of the main reasons that the thieves got her and the kid" Gordon was the talking to someone on his cell phone when Batman showed up on the terrace of the building
What a terrible day. Bruce couldn't believe this was happening to him.
You and his baby were kidnapped, and he didn't find anything. He spent the whole day in front of the batcomputer searching for any trace of you.
All Bruce could feel was fury and fear. Fear to lose you two. Fear that he will never see you again. Fear that he could never say how sorry he is about messing up and how he was a dick with you. FEAR THAT HE COULD NEVER SAY AGAIN HOW HE STILL LOVE YOU
Bruce wishes he was a better man for you, he wishes things were different from the now on circumstances
Maybe its late for that. Maybe its too late to apologize
Bruce wished he never messed up with you. Maybe he wouldn't feel the regret filling his soul every moment since you gone
He wished you stayed, but it was so much for him to ask that of you
Maybe he was too proud. Maybe he already hoped that one moment you would leave him like everyone else did?
All he could do was watch you leave. It was for the best
At least you would not suffer anymore, and it would be safer for you. But God, that was the worst pain he felt in his life
What if he fought for you and him? He would give everything to come back in time. What if he asked you to stay? would you?
"Hey Batman, I assume that you already know the news?" Gordon hung up, looking at the man in the black suit. Batman seemed lost?
"Anyway, we need your help that Vick Vale don't stop calling looking for a scoop" He rolled his eyes, annoyed by the memory of the journalist
"The situation is that armed man entered in a fucking ice cream shop in the Gotham Mall and started shooting at innocent people and left with a single mother and a kid. We believe its a kidnap, and they are keeping they as hostage but they didn't call to her family asking for money though. In the worst case they might be... you know" He whispered the last part
"I wont let this happen! Not in my city!" Batman growls, making Gordon widen his eyes. He never saw Batman like this
"Any death?" Batman asked, holding his hands in fists, trying to calm himself
Gordon realized that Batmans body language indicated anger or better fury
"No, only injured people. Just five" Gordon said nervously
"Well, we talked to the people that were in the shop at that moment. They told us that they took the girl and the woman. The mother tried to fight, but there were many goons. One of them came behind her and hit her head to get her unconscious" Gordon told the statement of the people of the store
"Batman, I found one of them" Nightwing voice echos through the bug
"I'm on my way" Batman ansewered, and looks at Gordon giving him a nod, disappearing in the darkness of the night
"I will only ask one time, Where are they?" He said it with threanteing tone
That mans face would be unrecognizable after that night
A hard punch
Batman punched that man until he spoke. Poor man
"Man, if you want some advice, you might start talking" Nightwing said from behind, watching the interrogatory batman style
"STOP! I WILL TELL YOU, OKAY? JUST STOP!" He screamed scared
Batman stopped waiting for him to say something useful
"WHERE IS HE?" Batman growls aggressive
"WHERE IS HE?" Batman punched him harder
Batman felt the fury through his veins
"Batman stop! you gonna kill him!" Nightwing said, pushing him away from the beaten man
Batman stop and looks at his bloody gloves and the mans face.
"Hes still alive, call the cops"
The mood at the manor was not one of the best. Everyone was worried about you and your daughter. The Batman was trying to find you, and all they had were the goon words
Its been a week since you two had been kidnap
Bruce was on batcomputer all night searching for some trace of you
"Bruce, you should have some rest. We can handle it" Dick said in a worried tone
"I'm okay, Dick" Bruce told him without a glance
Dick was about to say something, but the phone started to ring
Bruce got up quickly, picking up the call
"Hmmm, helloooo Brucieee!" The Joker voice
"Can you guess who it is ? hahahahah" He laugh maniacly
"Joker" Bruce murmured deeply, and sign to Dick start to track the call
"You right, Brucie, its me!"
Bruce wanted to yell at him for taking you and his daughter away from him, but he knew it was not appropriate
If he wanted to find you, he would have to stay on the line long enough to track where the call was coming
"Well, I have something that might be of your interest" He said humming
"What do you want, to give them back?" Bruce asked in an angry tone. He would do everything in his power to get you two back
"Just some money, you know the bank don't liberate loan for prisoners hum, hum what a prejudice, right?" He said it with irony
"How much? How much do you want?" Bruce asked, sinking his nails in his palm hand nervously
"If they are really important to you. You would not care if I asked you for 30 million dollars. I know you are a generous man" Joker said humored
"Right, you will have it. Let me talk to them, i need some proof that they are alive" Bruce required with authority
"Talk to your daddy, girl" Joker demanded
"Daddy? Is that you? I miss you. Uncle joker told me that you would come here soon, but its been a week" Evangeline's voice had an upset tone
Bruce felt relief for hearing the voice of his baby
"Yes baby, its daddy. Im coming for you soon. You just need to wait a little more" He told her in a soft tone, trying to comfort her
"Where is mommy? I miss her too" She asked in a crying voice
Bruce heart skipped a beat when he heard it. Were you not with her?
"That's enough. You heard your kid. She's very, very alive" He laughed at his own words
"What about my woman?" Bruce asked in a harsh tone
"Your woman? Well, Brucie, shes not one of your properties, we gentlemen don't talk about woman like this" The Joker scolded his words, not liking his tone
"And last time I checked, she was completely single. So no, shes not your woman, Brucie" Joker stated excitedly
"I must admit Brucie, you had a beautiful woman, her beauty really amazed me. If I had the chance, I would get her pregnant too. But what a shame, Brucie. How could you let go of a woman like that?" Joker let out a snort of disapproval
That fucker. Hearing Jokers words about you only made him angrier
"Fuck you, I want to talk with MY WOMAN" Bruce growled aggressively
"Bruce? Is it really you? Please tell me our daughter is safe...." The sound of your voice is one of fear, and then they shut you out
Dick gave him a thumbs up. He tracked where the call was coming
"We had enough idle talk. Send the bat with the money in 24 hours. Be in Gotham docks. I will be waiting for you. Don't be late Brucieee" The Joker hung up
"MOTHER FUCKER" Bruce yelled at the phone, throwing it on the floor
He would not let Joker kill someone he loved. Not again
"Master Bruce, don't let the emotions overwhelm your reason. Focus yourself in the search, the time is passing" Alfred adviced him
Alfred was right. He don't have much time. He has to find you
"Indeed, the call was coming from the docks" Dick said, marking the place on the map on the big screen that was showing some information about the investigation
"They have (Y/N) in another place. Shes is not with Evangeline. We have to find her quickly" Bruce told him in a serious tone
"Really Bruce? Did you realize that we spent the whole week searching for them and got nothing until Joker called? He planned everything so you couldn't find mom in time" Dick snapped with a frown
"We know they are far away from the city, It seems they are in the woods" Bruce told him with a narrow gaze
"What we gonna do?" Dick asked worried about you and his baby sister
One thought passed through Bruces mind
"Call Jason" Bruce demand
"Jason? Why do you think he will find it before us?" Dick has a big doubt in his face
"Tell him to look in the woods close to Gotham and Bludhaven. Even the borders" Bruce ignores his question
"I'm not helping you. Im helping mom, old man" Jason stated through the bug
"Copy Jason. Just find your mom, please" Bruce pleaded him
"Don't worry, old man. I will bring her back to you. Just don't mess up again or I kill you" Jason told him before Tim shouted at him
"Jason, come take a look" Tim had found your purse. Your wallet was empty, and your mini mirror was broken
It means that they were on the right trail. They were close to Bludhaven Cemetery
Batman, Robin and Nightwing were observing the place.
Joker goons were everywhere, and Joker was playing with his daughter
"Hmm kiddo, The time is passing, and your daddy still didn't show up to pick you up. Maybe he forgot about you" Joker pretended to be sad
"My daddy would never forget about me Uncle Joker. He's just late." Evangeline defends her father, pouting upset with his comment
Batman looks at Robin and Nightwing, signing to them to follow the plan
They knocked up the goons from the shadows
"Joker, Batman is here!" One of the goons told him
"I know, its part of the game. Hahahaha Hey, Evangeline, lets play hide and seek? " Joker asked and the girl agrees excitedly
"So, we both have to hide from the bat, and we win if he doesn't find us" Joker explains to the little girl
"And what if he find us?" She tilts her head, pouting in doubt
"We will make him a surprise" Joker told her excitedly, and grabbed the girl running from the shed
Nightwing and Robin were fighting with the goons
While Batman fight with other goons
"Go catch him, Batman. We can handle them" Nightwing shouts out
Batman runs in the same direction the Joker ran
"We found mom, B. They keep her trapped in Bludhaven Cemetery. They have just a few goons, but they are all high armed" Tim reported
"Don't die" Batman warns them in a harsh tone
"I'm the only one who got the permission to do that, old man" Jason jokes with irony
"This is not funny, Jason" Dick scolded him
"Actually it was" Damian chuckles, evilly
Batman silenced the bug
Batman was surrounded by sheds
Hearing the sounds of one of the sheds, he walked quietly towards it
An image projector was in the middle of the room
A video started to play
"Hey lady, How about you say goodbye to your family?" One tattooed man told you, holding your face
"Fuck you!" You spat at his face, trying to gel off his hold
"You bitch! I will teach you how to behave" He punched you hard in stomach
The record has a cut
You shows up beaten and all bloody on the screen
"Bruce, please save our daughter. Do not come after me. Take care of the kids and go easy on them. Do it for me... do it for us. Please be safe. I love you" You said goodbye for him
"No!" He cant stand the pain in his heart seeing you hurt like that
Batman got caught in a trap
a fishnet made of barbed wire trap him
"It seems like the bat is not that smart" Jokers voice echos through the loudspekears
"Lets take a look at your woman"
Your unconscious form appears on the screen. You were tied in a chair by ropes
"Hey batman! Are you seeing this beautiful woman here? She will explode in minutes, I hope you enjoy watching it" The tattooed goon said with a big grin on his face
A thud echoes in the background. Some gunshots
"What do you want Joker? Free her!" Batman growled at the clown
"What do I want, Bat? I want to play with you! You know, Ive been feeling lonely since you trapped me in Arkham Asylum again. I think it would be cool to gain some money and play a little with you! Isn't it funny?"
You were in the chapel of the Bludhaven Cemetery
"Shit! Red Hood and Red Robin are here, boss!" The tattooed goon shouts out to the camera
More shoots, and the door is cracked on the floor.
"What a terrific news!! It seems that the birds have come to join Mommy in her explosion!" Jokers laughed excitedly
The vigilantes appear on the screens, running towards you, unaware of the bomb or the camera
"Fuck! what they did to you, mom?" Jason whispered, cutting the ropes in your fists and ankles
"You know how Jason is my favorite Robin, don't you Bat?? He is going to die again because of you! Just because you sent him to search her! And poor Timmy! Hes just a teen that will blow up with his mother and brother HAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAH"
Jason held you tightly in his lap
"Everything will be okay mom"
Tim walked around the place they kept you arrested, and observed the chapel
"Jason are you hearing that?" Tim asked, looking in the direction of the beeps
"Until they found that I put a bomb there. Everything will blow up. BOOM!!!!" The joker laghed mischievous
"RUN" Jason shouts out
The bomb exploded
"NOOOOOO" Batman screamed
"The joke is on you BAT!!! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH"
"TICK TACK TICK TACK. Time is passing, you don't want to lose Evangeline too, right? Tick tack tick tack"
Batman heard sound of steps in the shed
"OH forget Bat! You did find us or we found you, whatever. HAHAHAHAHA" Joker entered in shed with a gun against Evangelines forehead
"Did you know how upset I was with you when I discovered about your girls? You didn't even bother to introduce them to me" Joker pretend to be hurt
Evangeline cries, hurting Bruce in his soul. All he wanted to do was protect her, but he couldn't
"Please let her go! I will give you whatever you want!" Batman pleaded in defeat
"HMM, What a interesting offer but I will pass Bat" He denies, smiling creepy
"I just want you to watch my grand finale" Joker would shoot in Evangeline head
Joker was about to pull the trigger when a blade was thrown into his hands making him drop the gun, and a stick hit hard in his spine
Joker screamed louder, falling on the floor
Robin walks close to the clown and holds him by his purple blouse collar
"Don't mess with my ummi, my sister or my family ever again, or I will kill you with my own hands" Robin kicked hard his spine
"HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH YOU'RE SO CUTE ROBIN HAHAAHAHAH" Joker laughed hard and louder with every beat
Robin was infuriated. Didn't he get hurt?
"That's enough Robin!" Batmans voice scolds him
Robin looked around, seeing Nightwing comforting his baby sister while Batman stood in the corner with crossed arms, watching Robin beat the Joker
With a final strike, Robin knocks the Joker out
"When will mommy wake up?"
You open your eyes but shut them in pain. It felt like a truck had run over you
You moan in pain, trying to feel comfortable where you laid
You open your eyes slowly, trying to adjust with to the light
"Hey, she's waking up!" Jason warned everyone
Everyone shut up and come closer, looking at your dizzy form
"MOMMY!" Evangeline runs to you, hugging you tightly and you breathe deeply in pain
You felt relief to see everyone safe. You hold your daughter in your arms, making a grimace for your sons
"Go easy with her, Ginnie, shes bruised" Dick told her, chuckling at your grimace
The kids were all around you
Your daughter let go of you, leaving space for the other kids to talk with you
"I got really worried about you. I'm happy that you're awake mom" Dick smiles at you warmly, hugging you gently
You opened your mouth to answer, but your throat was dry. You only cough in answer.
Then Tim offers you a glass of water. You drank it
"Thank you Timmy. I was really thristy"
"Its good to see you mom" Tim hugs you quickly
"You scared me as hell, i love you mom" Jason whispered just for you to hear, and hugged you like you were going to disappear any moment
He hold you for a long time until Damian pushed him aside
"I missed you Ummi" Damian squeezed your hand lightly, and you pulled him into your arms
"Its good to see my boys and my girl safe" You smiled caring at them
Alfred walked up to where the kids were
"Its good to see you Miss (Y/N)" Alfred greets you, smiling fondly
You look around, seeing watchful eyes over you. Was he there all the time?
"How you're feeling?" Alfred asked you, checking the serum that was in your veins
"It sucks, it seems that I was hit by an car" You joke humored
Alfred nodded in knowledge
"My whole body is aching, I have a headache, and I'm very hungry" Your stomach is snoring
"I suspected that you were going to say that. I going to bring you something to eat" Alfred heads out of the cave with the kids following behind him
"It seems the anesthesia effects were gone." Bruce deep voice caught your attention
"Anesthesia?" Confused, you question him
Everyone had gone, giving you two some privacy
"You were shot. You lost a mount of blood. When the boys found you, you were unconscious. We had to take the bullet out. You almost had a hemorrhage" He explained
"How long I have been out?" You ask, staring down at your body
You were dressing just in a black top and a yellow Batman loose short
You had some bruises, and some parts of your skin were purple. Your ribs were bandaged. You had stitches on your right arm
Bruce was looking for something in the nursery cabinets
"One week and three days" He states, turning around, looking in the other cabinets
"Oh, your birthday is in two days" You murmur, staring at his back
You could see how his back tensed when you said it. He got quiet for a while, and focus himself on what he was doing
"Yes, Alfred is planning the gala for the weekend. I don't have time to do that" He scratched his throat, walking towards you
"Here take it" He hands you some analgesics and a glass of water
He sits beside you on the bed. You could tell that he was lacking sleep and his beard was to do. He had some scratches on his face
"You lack sleep, when was the last time you slept?" You ask worried about his well being
You raise your hands, fingering his scratches
"You don't need to worry about me, the only one who needs care is you" He says softly, holding your hand in his
You stared at the mirror for a long time. The gala for Bruce's birthday was happening down in the salon
You were wearing a beautiful yellow gown that Bruce had gifted you on your last birthday. You never had the chance to use
You felt uncomfortable with your stitches showing up. Your body was bruised. You couldn't help but feel ugly, even all dressed up
So you decide to stay in the room where you were staying for the week
For a few minutes in the room, you got restless and walked to the library
You loved the manor library. It was a cozy place where you always loved to stay. The big window had a beautiful view of the gardens. You remember staying here with Bruce when you wanted some time alone. You loved the yellow candlelight and the beautiful decoration, it was so classic.
You sit next to the window, looking out at the garden, where some guests were chatting
"I imagined that you'd be here" Bruce entered the library without making a sound
"I don't get scared anymore. I'm used to it" You roll your eyes, annoyed that he doesn't make any walking sounds to enter the places, you raise your eyebrows at him in doubt
Bruce was wearing a beautiful tailored tux. His beautiful blue eyes contrast with the black tux but match his navy tie
"You didn't show up. I come to check up on you" He states, looking at the view of the big window
"I'm sorry for not being there. I don't feel good enough to be around people" You felt guilty for not showing up
"Are you feeling unwell? Do you need anything? What are you feeling? Bruce asks in a hurry, getting closer to you
You stand up, raising a hand for him to calm him
Then Bruce stops, looking at you head to toe, amazed by the view of your beauty. His jaw fell open, and he whispered something you could not hear and licked his lips, straightening his posture
"Wow, you're marvelous tonight" He notes the yellow dress he gave you
"Hm thanks" You doubt he was being truthful. You didn't feel marvelous
You stared at your hands.
"What? You don't believe me?" Bruce asks in shock, realizing your deny his compliment
"Yeah, how could you think that I'm marvelous tonight if I look like this?" You point to your bruised body, looking at your stitches in the right arm
"I don't see nothing but the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in front of me" Bruce states firmly, looking into your eyes
"How?" You whisper, denying
"I can show you if you don't believe me" Bruce steps forward
Bruce gently holds you by the waist and run his fingers through the bruises, kissing them softly. His touch makes you shiver
He looked right into your eyes, asking for permission to kiss you
You lean closer, kissing lightly his lips, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment
The kiss was passionate. How you miss his lips. How you miss the good years. How you miss him
He holds you tightly in his arms
You slowly separate and breathe deep. Widening your eyes in realization. What have you done?
You step back brutally
"Damn it! What we did? We shouldn't do this" You said rude, cursing yourself for letting that happen
You were walking in circles in anxiety
"What? If you regret about it..." You cut him off quickly with a sharp look
"How can you do this? You are engaged and then kiss me, messing with my feelings" The hurt in your voice makes him want to hold you in his arms
"Easy (Y/N). I'm not engaged with any woman" He claimed with a firm tone
"Wait? You're not engaged? But the news said you bought a engagement diamond ring, you didn't propose to Selina?" You tilt your head, doubting if he said the truth
You groaned in pain. You have put too much effort into walking around, the pain fills your ribs and you breathe deep
"Be careful. You cannot make an effort or the stitches in your ribs will open" He warned you, coming closer, guiding you to sit on the leather couch
You stay quiet, staring at the window. The silence was uncomfortable but you didn't want to say anything to him
He was the one who needed to say something
"Hmm... look. I did buy an engagement diamond ring but it is not for Selina. I bought it for someone I cherish and love dearly" He states gently, holding your hands, making you stop to stare at the window
You blink slowly and stay quiet, waiting for him to continue
"I know that I was a dick to you. How I mess the things up with you.... When you left, I felt the regret consume me every day for not fighting for us. I wanted to ask you to stay, but I couldn't. I couldn't be so selfish, I knew you would be happier and safer without me. You would be better off without me. Although I realized that I was nothing without you, just a poor and miserable man" He said in a deep, low tone. It was something so intimate for him to share about his feelings
You look into his eyes, seeing his regretful gaze. His husky deep voice hold honesty over his words
"I was so scared of losing you and not having the chance to apologize for my mistakes. I miss the good years, of our partnership, you were my best friend. I was afraid I could not tell you everything that I wanted. All I wanted to do was hold you in my arms and protect you"
You stay quiet, not finding the words to say something
"I know how I hurt you, and I understand if you don't accept it. But I feel like i had to do it before its too late for us. I still love you (Y/N)" Bruce eyes had a brightness that you had never seen before
Bruce got on his knees in front of you, taking a little velvet red box out of his tux pocket
You were taken back by his confession. Your heart races with his words
"(Y/N) Will you marry me?" The red velvet box had a beautiful diamond ring
You stare at him in shock, speechless. He was proposing to you. You couldn't believe that.
He stares at you, uncertain of your answer, but the big crooked smile you gave him makes him feel more confident
"Oh my! Yes!, I do marry you Bruce" He felt relief with that
Placing the ring on your finger, Bruce kisses your hand tenderly
"I was afraid you would say no" He admitted, getting up and pulling you up gently
"The thought didn't pass my mind, but now i considering it" You pretend to think about
Bruce face went blank with your joke, but then he relaxed seeing you laughing of him
"Don't joke about that. I want to get old with you" He fake a scolds making a frown
"Well you already are old so don't worry" You snap with a teasing grin on your face
"Wow, that hurted my feelings" He put his hand on his heart, faking a heart pain and pouting
You peck his pouting lips and hold your arms around his neck while he holds you by the waist
"I love you too, Bruce" You confess, burying your face in his neck
"I swear to be better for you" You feel his hands tracing circles on your back
"You just need to fight for us when the things get rough. Don't let me go ever again, and stay with me" You embrace him tightly
"I promise" He whisper
"I'll kick you in the ass if you don't keep your promise" He laughed, caressing your hair locks
"DAMN Damian! You let Joker stuck in a wheelchair forever" You curse under your breath
Damian was ready for the scold but you only smiled at him, messing his hair
"Well done Dami, I'm so proud of you" You whispered so only he could hear and winked at him
"Dick gave me a little help hitting the stick on his spine" He smiled slightly, feeling proud about his achievement. Now that maniac would not be able to hurt anyone
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The Farmer's Daughter 11
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Walter Marshall
Summary: You notice a peculiar change in a family friend. (short!reader, sorry size kink is out)
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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“So… what happens if Walter buys us out?” Timothy asks, a confused squiggle in his brow that hasn’t lessened for the entirety of the conversation.
“Well, we won’t be out on the street,” your mother says, “and your father will be taken care of. We can send him to The Gardens. He’ll be comfortable there… we can visit.”
You bite on your knuckle, gnawing anxiously. Timothy frowns and rubs his chin, a sparseness of new stubble there. He sniffs as he tries to unravel the riddle.
“Does that mean he’s my boss?”
“Well, more of a landlord,” your mom explains, “he’ll help with the farming and take his cut. If he does this, he’ll have to cut back at the mill. It’s a big sacrifice. For everyone.”
Timothy nods and drops his hand to twiddle against the table, “it sounds like a good idea.”
“Yeah… it’s our only idea,” your mom murmurs.
“What are the terms?” You ask suddenly, hiding the ridged marks in your finger left by your teeth. “He’s going to let us pay rent? On a whole farm?”
“If the bank gives him good news,” she rubs her palms together, “I don’t know. We need more information but we can hope.” Her voice quavers as she brings the tissue back to her nose, “I only ever want to do what’s best for you two.”
“Ma,” you reach out to touch her elbow, “we can help. We’ll pull together. All of us, with or without Walter.”
“I hope we can,” she snivels and begins to weep again.
You look at Timothy. He looks gaunt. He’s absolutely terrified. No matter how hard you try, you can’t see him doing it himself. He isn’t ready to take over for your dad. You don’t know if he ever will be.
You turn back to your mom as her shoulders shake. She looks little better than Timothy and you bet, if you glanced in a mirror, you would be much the same. This can’t all fall on her. She’s had to deal with so much so far.
“Tim, what’s wrong with the truck?” You ask suddenly, your mother and brother flinching at the same time.
“What?” He stammers.
“What’s wrong with it? Is it running?”
“Yeah, kinda, it stalls out but you just gotta give it a few.”
“Ma, how long?”
“What?” She rasps.
“How long do we have? Without Walter, just us. How long do we have to figure this out?”
She lowers her head and takes a deep breath. Her voice cracks, “six months.”
You cringe and try to show the impact as her answer threatens to knock you over. You lay your hands gently on the table and stand. You leave them and go into the living room where your father sits, staring and still. You pull up the short footstool from in front of the couch and sit by him.
You’re silent as you watch him. His eyes are glazed, his features are slack and emotionless, he doesn’t even know you’re there. He is a ghost. You put your hand on his, begging him to smile, begging him to crack a joke. Your heart swells then shrinks down so small it hurts.
“Dad,” you whisper and squeeze his hand, “I love you.”
You stand and kiss his cheek. He doesn’t react. You see your mother in the doorway. She watches with arms folded but doesn’t say a word as you cross the room. Neither do you.
You pass into the hallway and march down to the front door. You slip your feet into your shoes and snatch the keys off the hook. Your mom always said you were a daddy’s girl and your dad always told you that no matter how shitty it is, you do what needs to be done for the family. At the end of the day, it’s the only thing you can count on.
You leave without looking back. A tremor rolls through you as you open up the garage. You just need the truck to make it there, that’s it. You climb in the front seat and twist the ignition, chanting desperate pleas until it catches. The engine rumbles and you hit the gas, surging out before you can think better of this.
Your mother watches through the window as you steer away from the house. You lean over the wheel as the headlights shine over the dark country landscape. You’ve never been up that way but you know where you’re going.
Tap, tap, tap. At first you panic, thinking the engine’s sputtering out. Then the droplets turn to rivulets and the rain pours down, streaming over the windshield as you flip on the wipers. You’re at the edge of the seat, clutching the wheel tight as the belt strains across your chest.
The tires suck in the mud as the countryside turns boggish. You rock with the truck as it chuffs over the slickening earth, slowing with the incline of the next hill. Not much further. Almost there.
There’s a sudden pop and a chortle that rattles the truck. You yipe as the engine putters out and the headlights dim. You feel the world rolling backwards. You yank on the emergency brake, the old Ford lurching to a halt. You slam your hands on the thin steering wheel and lean your head against the cool leather.
Just a little further.
You raise your head, looking forward at the black road then at the rearview at the void. You’ve come this far. You take the keys and pull on the handle, letting yourself out in the whipping rains. The cold shower soaks through you in an instant as you slip through the mud, arms pumping as you take the last of the hill in a half-sprint.
You’re gulping and gasping as you come in sight of a single light. A rectangle of yellow, the only beacon amid the storm. Your teeth chatter as you will yourself onward. Your feet splash and you tumble over the bumpy ground, staggering and stumbling towards the dark house.
You fall against the stairs and heave, shaking as you fight for air. You put your feet under you and push yourself up. You stamp onto the first step, then the next, and the next. You catch the door frame and heave as you hear noise from within.
You grip the handle of the screen door but before you can pull it back, the door within opens and amber light spills into the blackness. You stare through the mesh as Walter’s broad silhouette towers over you. You gasp up at him and touch the screen.
“I’m sorry,” you eke out through a shiver.
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redheadjustin · 1 year
could u do batfam x toddler male reader who is rlly shy but someone tries to like kidnap him at a gala and the fam just has to figure out what to do
Ah yes, the infamous bat family. And the family that proves blood isn’t everything. Bruce, the infamous Batman, had adopted all of his children. With the notable exception of Stephaine and Duke. Steaphaine was still living with her mom, when she wasn’t in rehab. And at this point Burce was only fostering Duke though everyone but Duke knew adoption papers were imminent.
Which brings us to you. You were adopted by Bruce the second you were born. Though that's because both of your parents weren't in a good place to raise you. So, one night your parents approached Batman after a fight. And you were a member of the bat family ever since.
Dick was the best oldest brother. You could ask for. He always made time for you. And always took you to the circus. And he instilled the same love for elephants he had.
Jason was not as lovey dovey as Dick. but he always has time for you and a nerf battle. He also takes you to the safe part of crime alley.
Tim loves to teach you technology. He's also the one to keep watch over you during your naps since he never sleeps. 
Damian is in charge of your exercise and physical development. He also is as caring to you as his pets. And he almost never insults you. He also trains with you in the bat cave when Bruce is busy. 
Duke is the one who exposes you to Gotham culture and other things like music and art. He knows how easy it is to become spoiled and out of touch. He doesn’t want that for you. Plus your parents are from the streets like him. He wants you to know full well what background you come from. 
Bruce is the best Father you could ever ask for. He loves to take you to meet other heroes. He knows Batman will be your favorite hero till you die. He also brings you gifts often after a mission. And he is there most nights to tuck you in. He genuinely cares and has done his best to scale back his Batman activities. He cares about his newest son.
But during a gala Riddler kidnapped you. It was all hands on deck for the Bat family. They called all reserve membersing Batwoman, Batgirl, Spoiler, Orphan, Batwing, Huntress and The Question. Bruce wasn’t taking any chances. 
Riddler was driving when the Bat family found you. You were in the backseat scared, confused, lonely. Your young mind couldn’t figure out why you were taken. You didn’t know that your family’s wealth would put a target on your back. 
What neither you or your captor noticed was the batmobile gaining on the car. Or the batcycles riding next to the car. You looked out the right window and saw Robin(Damian) on a batcycle. Damian smiled seeing you unharmed. The current Robin winked at you and pointed backwards. Curious, you turned your head to look out the back window and you saw the batmobile. Your eyes went wide with happiness and you whispered to yourself. “Daddy came.” 
It was then the car hit spikes in the road that Batwoman and Question set up. The car’s skidd was controlled and you were left unharmed. Then the windshield was broken as a fist reached in and pulled Riddler out of the care. That’s when you saw Red Hood. jason was pissed as hell but you didn’t have time to think about that for long as the door opened and a pair of black gloves reached in to pick you up. You knew instantly it was Your Daddy. Batman. And as soon as you could you curled in to Batman’s chest.
“Shhh, its okay baby bat. We’ve got you. I’ve got you.” Bruce says to his youngest son, he is determined to never let this happen again. “I’ve got you.”
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
This is generally such a stupid ask but I feel like it would be.. Chaotic? At the very least amusing
Batfam x Nicole from Class of 09! Reader
Do what you want (etc make it romantic or platonic, doesn't matter)
Just the batfam (yandere ofc) dealing with a chick who loves to ruin lives for her amusement and sometimes for revenge
Istg she'll just bully them at any chance she gets
~ 🕒
I just binged watched Class of ‘09 and all its endings/choices for you non. I don’t think I can fully depict how brash wittiness of Nicole is but here I go! (I am so traumatized) Didn’t know that’s where “No I’m flirting with you flash me a tiddy bitch” came from no wonder Nicole sounded so familiar.
btw if people are interested in watching class of ‘09 just be warned it’s basically a VN version of Degrees of Lewdity but the mc is actually a minor (without the sex/r*pe mechanic though) and it depicts a lot of just… pedophilia, necrophilia, assault, su*c*de, school shootings, racism??, BE WARNED.
The following content above ^ might be mentioned in this fic but in passing. MASSIVE DDDNE WARNING.
I don’t think I’m comfortable writing stepcest/incest in this blog so despite how perfect it’ll be to make Bruce your step father considering Nicole’s mom has divorced like a hundred times…maybe ask me in @yoru-no-seiiki and I’ll be down for it.
“Do you even care? Do the results of your actions mean anything to you?”
“Yeah when they affect me, sure.”
You were a bitch. There was no denying that. But you were a pretty one. One many would grovel to be under.
You were used to this, ever since you reached a certain age people just looked at you different, acted in a way that… made you think they were boring, utter losers.
One of those losers was Tim’s friend.
Like all the stupid, horny men in your life, you hung out with him once and he spilled everything there was that you could share.
To the entire campus, the internet, even the news.
And because you were pretty, you got off scot-free. Those morons didn’t even check to see what you’ve been doing the past decade.
Except Tim. Timothy Drake. You only knew that his dad was super rich, and as much as it was tempting to sink your teeth into him and get a load of that daddy’s money, you knew better.
He apparently didn’t.
You see there was one thing every batfam member couldn’t resist. Well, two things. The first was saving people.
The second? Fixing them.
When Tim first approached you he was confused.
You were quite the popular figure in Uni. He heard the rumors. He fully expected to be cussed out to hell and back.
But you were… nice. Agreeable at most really. Brash was an understatement. But you were witty. Your comebacks were swift and deadly.
The more he studied stalked you the more he realized that the two of you were the same.
Two bright people stuck with dull idiots.
And Tim? Tim interested you enough for you to not to completely drop him after the first week. That and most of your bullying probably wouldn’t bode well towards the son of a billionaire.
He was smart, even more so than that nerd friend of his that you destroyed the life of. But more importantly he actually had some tact, and was surprisingly packed underneath all those baggy clothes.
Tim had to admit he was kind of forgetting his entire purpose of ‘fixing’ you.
Until you manipulated yet another guy into jumping off a school building for you. Thankfully he survived because Red Robin happened to be there to apprehend him but still!
And what’s worse, you met up with him afterwards talking about how that Red Robin ruined all your plans of crippling a r*pist.
Wait, a r*pist?
Tim looks through your past victims once more. Admitted he only did a surface level job of studying them in comparison to his PhD level knowledge on everything about you specifically.
And…you were right. Every guy you’ve harassed was being pushy with you in the first place, if not people with authority a decade older.
Well now he had no excuse. He had to make you his.
“Ugh, Damian. Can’t you tell your brother to like, fuck off or something? I can feel my social standing totally plummet every second he’s around. How do you handle being related to him?” You groaned. You weren’t fucking stupid. You knew Tim was stalking and drooling all over you lately. You hated it. He was ruining your chances with your new victims.
“Jeez [Y/N]. And here I thought you were like, into him.” Jessica, your actual crush and best friend, commented as she filed her nails.
You being the emotional stunted adult you were only replied with an (admittedly softer) “Eat a sandpaper cock and die bitch.”
Damian stared at you, the words die before they crawl out of his mouth. His hands clenched underneath the lunch tables.
Guess he had another thing to steal from his brother this time.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Five headcanons from the obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU for Paradox. Decided to spend these on a bit of a “word of god” peek into Kon’s current state of mind post-museum/dinner/planetarium, haha. 
Kon is pan and has known this about himself for at least a few months now. Was his gay awakening in any way related to any weird situations involving any princely beastmen who adopted him as a pet while he was a feral amnesiac (no I’m not in romantic love with that specific story arc, why do you ask?)? No comment. Ever. He is not publicly out due to feeling like the conversation would just be too awkward. Specifically the conversation with SUPERMAN would be too awkward. “Hey Kal, so how about that whole concept of sexuality being, uh, genetic . . . ?” Nope. No. No way. That conversation is NOT happening. 
Buuuuut Kon was also not even SLIGHTLY concerned about Tim outing him when he got weird over Tim making the joke about not being able to explain him to his dad, he was just self-consciously assuming that Tim meant he didn’t WANT to explain him to his dad. “Self-esteem”?? What is this “self-esteem” of which you speak???? 
I cannot exaggerate how Not Used to being pursued Kon is. He has never been the pursued one. Ever. Flirting/dating is a contest and a chase and a test and he is ALWAYS the one who’s supposed to be proving himself to someone. That is just how it is supposed to–wait what do you mean you wanna ask HIM out, attractive person?? WIthout him even really DOING anything first?? Does not compute. Does not compute whatsoever. 
Kon is, however, still MUCH more comfortable with the idea of being pursued as a datemate than being pursued as a friend. Like, there’s a script for that he can figure out, and a transactional setup he can follow. The friend idea, though? Nooooot so much, no. Not at all. The friend idea is confusing as fuck, especially when it’s not just CASUAL as fuck. It makes much more sense to him that someone wants into his pants than just wants to hang OUT with him. Just SO much more. 
. . . wait Tim didn’t try to get them a motel room or anything for after their museum/dinner date? Like, he just planned ANOTHER activity to do together that he thought Kon would like? Like–he went to all this trouble to take him somewhere nice and then DIDN’T try to fuck him as an ingrained part of that “nice”? Like, that was just not in his plan, somehow? What the fuck?!?? THIS IS THE WRONG KIND OF TRANSACTIONAL.
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
A Dog Situation
Request: Hi I love your work and was wondering if you could do a Tim Bradford x daughter!reader where maybe Nolan is watching her while Tim is at work because it’s a weekend, and they decide to go out to lunch and on the way back they pass by a box that says ‘free puppies’ a reader grabs one and Nolan knows he shouldn’t agree but he’s a big softie and then Tim comes homes and is just so confused.
No pressure to write this have a good day/night🫶🏻
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter
A/N: thank you to @callsigns-haze for making this very adorable banner!
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It was rare for Tim to be working on a weekend but Sergeant Grey needed all the help he could get out on the streets. Tim loved his job but he loved spending time with you more. Of course, you understood that his job could be demanding and took him away from you on the weekends, you couldn't be mad about that after all he is the one paying the bills.
Usually, you would have a babysitter on hand or when the others weren't working that got put on babysitting duty, giving your normal babysitter a break. Normally Talia and Nolan would be going in as well but weren't called in for whatever reason. You had known that he was getting called into work the weekend on Thursday and it wasn't a big surprise. Instead of your dad coming home Friday night he would be working until Saturday night which meant that Nolan would be picking you up and spending the night at your house in the guest room.
You love your ‘Uncle’ Nolan. He gave you all the sweets you wanted and let you do things your dad wouldn't let you do, though he respected your dad's rules. He also understood you and knew how to react in certain situations because he also had a kid, a son. If it wasn't for him, you probably would be much harder on your dad, of course you were hard on him but it could be worse.
It had been decided that Tim would be dropping you off at school Friday morning and then Nolan would be picking you up. You had already known Angela and Talia very well and Tim trusted them with you. It took a while but eventually Tim was ok with leaving you with the rookies, you made fast friends with everyone. He was more than ok leaving you with Nolan because he too was a dad and knew how children could be, he knew how to handle situations.
Tim's 6:30 AM alarm had just gotten off and jerked him out of his sleep. He was quick to turn it off before it could wake you up. He laid there for a second but then was rolling out of bed and started to get ready for a full day of work and then overnight work. He quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth and then dressed, after he was done, he walked out and went to your room and checked in on you. He smiled seeing that you were still asleep. He closed the door and went to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee for him and started to get breakfast ready for him and you. When he heard your door open and the pitter patter of feet coming into the kitchen he smiled, right on time. “Hey, Sweetheart.” He said when you came and stood next to him, he slung an arm around your shoulders and you melted into his touch.
“Hi, Daddy.” You said not truly awake yet. He turned and kissed your head and then turning back towards the food,
“Remember Nolan is going to be picking you up today and staying with you until I get off work tomorrow afternoon.” He said and you nodded.
“I remember.” You said and he smiled and then you were moving away from him and grabbing a glass so you could get something to drink. Just about that time he had turned off the stove and you watched him stack the pancakes on the plates, then heading over to you sitting one plate in front of you and then the other where he would be sitting.
Both of you ate in a relatively comfortable silence, every now and then talk would happen but other than that nothing much was said. When you both finished your breakfast, he looked at you “Go ahead and get ready for school.” He said and watched you get up and put your plate in the sink and then scamper off heading to get ready for school, he smiled watching you. He asked himself how he got so lucky to have you as a kid. He hated what your mother did to you but that just meant that you had a stronger bond with him. Not long, you were coming out dressed and ready to go. He smiled at you as you grabbed your bag and he grabbed his and the both of you were out the door and to his truck.
After a short trip to your school, he was pulling up to the front of the school and turning to you. “Be good and don't smart off. Also remember to be good for Nolan when he comes and picks you up and stays with you.” He said, giving you a pointed look and you smiled up at him.
“I’m always good, Dad.” You said and he smiled and kissed your forehead.
“Don’t put him in a situation where he can't say no to either.” He said as you were getting out and you turned and smirked at him.
“I would never do that.” You said with a playfully hurt expression but he quickly turned into a smile and then you were shutting the door and giving him a wave and then you were off going into the school meeting up with some of your friends.
Tim arrived at the precinct and had just parked beside Lucy’s car. He got out and started into the precinct. He said hi to people and the front desk person. He walked into the locker room and started getting dressed when Nolan walked up to him. “Hey.” He said and Tim looked at him and smiled.
“Hey, Y/N is excited to be able to hang out with you tonight and tomorrow.” He said and Nolan smiled.
“I’m excited too. I love that kid.” Nolan said and that made Tim smile.
“She loves you too. Oh, don’t let her get you in a situation that you can’t say no to. She is good about doing that. Also don’t fall for the puppy dog eyes.” Tim said and Nolan chuckled.
“Nobody can resist those eyes.” He said and Tim smiled and agreed. They walked out in the briefing room and got ready to start the day.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, calls were answered and arrests were made. Before anyone knew it, it was the end of the day. Nolan walked in and got changed and as he was walking out Tim caught him. “Hey, have a good night tonight and day tomorrow. If you need me, call me and I’ll answer and if I’m needed, I’ll be there. Kitchen is fair game and so is the coffee, other drinks, there is food in the pantry, freezer, and fridge. Take out is also an option, Y/N/N knows where the money is and she has my credit card plugged into her phone and most take out options.” Tim said and Nolan nodded and smiled.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have fun and if we need you, you will be notified. Also, I can pay for the food.” Nolan said and Tim nodded.
“You don’t have to do that.” Tim said and Nolan shook his head.
“I want to.” He replied and Tim nodded in defeat. He knew that his little girl is in good hands but he’s a dad, it’s his job to worry. “Now go continue your shift. I’m gonna go and pick up your little girl and we’re going to have a blast. We’ll send pictures.” Nolan said and that made Tim smile. Tim walked off when Seargent Grey called out to him and Nolan was off to get you. Nolan walked to his truck and got in after throwing his bag into the back and then he got into the driver’s side and started his truck up and headed to your school, which wasn’t that far. Nolan got in the line with the other cars and waited for them to move. When he was finally up in the front, he saw you waiting and then when you saw him you smiled and hurriedly walked to his truck and he got in. “Hello, Baby Braford.” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“Hello, Uncle Nolan.” You said and you gave him a hug and you both were headed to your house. “What’s the plan for tonight?” You asked and he smiled.
“Well, your dad said there was some food in the pantry, fridge, and freezer. So, we can cook something up or we can order out. I was also thinking about having a movie night.” He said and you turned to him and he made a quick glance at you and saw you smiling and smiled but then paid attention to the road.
“Ohhh!!! Chinese food and movie night!” You said and he chuckled.
“You got it.” He said “We’ll order it once we get home.” He added and you nodded excited. Before you knew it you were home and he was pulling into the driveway. He parked the truck and killed the engine and then you both were getting out. Nolan grabbed his second bag and you grabbed your backpack and you both headed into the house after you unlocked the door with your key. You set your bag on by the door and Nolan walked to the guest room and set his bag on the bed. He walked out of the room and into the kitchen where you were leaning against the counter scrolling on your phone answering texts from your friends and your dad. You looked up when you heard Nolan. “Alright, you wanna go ahead and order the food and get movie night started?” He asked and nodded excitedly. “Why don’t you go and get changed and I’ll order, my treat.” He said before you could argue and nodded and headed off. “Want your usual?” He asked and you turned to him.
“Of course.” You said with that Bradford smirk and watched you walk on. He pulled out his phone and opened the app and ordered his and your usual order. Now the wait starts.
It wasn’t long until you had come out in some sweats and your dad’s hoodie that you “borrowed” from him but he knew he had lost it when you got your hands on it. Nolan had gotten the TV said up when you had come out of your room and into the living room. “What do you want to watch?” He asked as you came and sat down on the couch.
“National Treasure?” You asked
“Oh, my favorite. Do you want to start with the first one and then watch the second one?” He asked and you nodded excitedly. This is why he was your favorite. 20 minutes into the movie and the doorbell rang meaning the food was here and he got up to answer it as you got up and grabbed drinks. He shut the door and you both walked into the living room. You both sorted out the food and then you started the movie back up and began to eat.
After National Treasure ended you started National Treasure: Book of Secrets up and you both laughed and commented throughout the movie. Food was eaten throughout both movies and you had a blanket thrown over you. It was getting pretty late by the time that one ended but you were nowhere near ready to go to bed. As the credits rolled you looked over at Nolan “What’s it’s gonna be now?” You asked and he thought about it.
“Top Gun?” He asked and he watched your face light up. Top Gun was one of your all-time favorites and it was your dad’s too.
“Yes!!!! I knew you were my favorite for a reason.” You said and he laughed.
“There are a lot of reasons why I’m your favorite.” He said and you nodded.
“You got that right.” You said and then you got up and switched out the movies and then rushed to the couch and threw the blanket back over you and snuggled into Nolan. When it got to Goose’s death you cried so hard, you always did and Nolan wasn’t going to lie he teared up too. Once it ended, which you were sad about, you turned to him “Did you hear that they are coming out with a second one?” You asked and he turned to you.
“Oh really? When is it coming out?” He asked
“They haven’t given a date yet.” You said and he nodded and then you decided on a few more movies, Rock of Ages, Battleship, and all of the Mission Impossibles, and before you knew it, it was 12 AM. Throughout the night pictures of you and Nolan’s selfies of you and him eating and making funny pictures were sent to Tim.
“Alright, kiddo. Time for bed.” He said and you looked at him.
“I’m not even tired.” You said just as soon as a yawn escaped you and he chuckled.
“Nope. Bed time.” He said and you pouted but got up and trudged off into your room and got into bed and fell asleep quickly.
Nolan started to clean up and turn the TV off and made sure the movie was in the movie case, and threw away the trash. He turned off the lights and headed to the guest room. He stopped at your door and opened it and checked in on you and smiled when he saw that you were sound asleep. He shut the door and walked into the bedroom and got ready for bed. Once he was ready, he laid down and was quick to fall asleep.
The next morning, Saturday, you woke up the smell of bacon and pancakes. Your stomach growled and it had you getting up and walking out of your room and into the kitchen to see Nolan already dressed and at the stove. When he heard you, he turned and he smiled “Hey.” He said and you smiled “I figured we have breakfast and then get out of the house and do some shopping and hanging out.” He said and you smiled.
“That sounds great.” You said and he smiled and turned off the stove and then handed you a plate and you both got what you wanted and then sat down at the table. You saw that your drink and his coffee were already on the table. Breakfast was eaten and small talk was made. He asked you about school and you asked him about work. It was fun and it was like when you were talking with your dad.
After breakfast you were getting up and putting your dish in the sink, something your dad taught you from an early age “Hey, once you get dressed and teeth brushed. We’ll get going.” Nolan said and you nodded. You were quick to get ready into some jeans and a ‘Talk to me, Goose’ shirt and then you threw on your dad’s hoodie again. You brushed your teeth and put your hair up in a ponytail. You grabbed your phone and headed into the kitchen. Nolan had just finished wiping down the table and counter when he turned when he heard you “Ready to go?” He asked and you nodded and he smiled. You both walked out and you locked the door behind you. You both got into the truck and headed off into the town.
When he got to where he had planned, he parked and killed the engine and then you both were getting out and walked into the shop. You both had a blast and bought some things. Everything was close enough so you didn’t have to keep getting back into the truck and leaving. After spending the morning shopping, you decided to have lunch at a cute little bakery. You both talked about anything and everything. As you finished lunch and were heading back to the truck because your dad was due home in 3 hours, you heard what sounded like puppy whimpering and you being an animal lover had to go and investigate. Meaning you veered off from Nolan and he was quick to take notice of this “Y/N.” He said and started off after you but you ignored him “Y/N Bradford, you cannot just walk off.” He said in a tone a parent would use when scolding a child, which he technically was.
“But Uncle Nolan! I heard puppies! I just couldn’t walk away.” You all but pouted.
“Never do it again.” He said and you nodded. You then turned and looked at the box that said ‘Free Puppies’. You peered down at them and there were only 2 left. They were Golden Retriever puppies, standard golden color. They both came straight to you when you bent down to see them and you picked them up, both were male. Nolan could see the wheels turning “Y/N.” He said in a warning tone.
“Uncle Nolan.” You whined “Please. Look at them.” You said and put the puppy in front of his face and licked him and then he looked at you and you had brought on your puppy dog eyes. This would be the situation that Tim said not to let you get him into. Nolan had an internal battle with himself but his heart won.
“Ok, fine.” He said “They're kind of cute.” He said and you squealed
“We need to take the other one, Uncle Nolan. We can't split them up.” You said and Nolan looked apprehensive.
“Y/N.” He said trying so hard not to give in but he was losing.
“Please, with a cherry on top.” You pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. I remember passing a pet store while walking around. We can stop in and grab some stuff. Your dad is going to kill me.” He said but you weren’t listening to him because you were interested in the puppies. As you arrived at the pet store you walked in and Nolan got a shopping cart and first went to the collars, leashes, and harness. You got collars, harnesses, and leashes in blue and red. Then you went to get bowls for water and food. After doing that you got some KONG toys and 4 beds. Then two crates that would be switched to bigger ones when they got older. As you got to the food you were a little lost until a worker came over and helped you and got you treats. Then you went to the dog tags. “What are you gonna name them?” Nolan asked and you thought long and hard about it.
“Maverick and Goose.” You said beaming up at him, he smiled and shook his head. That is a perfect name. He typed it in for you, putting Maverick on the front and then your name and phone number and then Tim’s name and number on the back it printed out on a blue dog bone shaped tag with black writing. He did the same for Goose but on a red tag. Maverick and Goose had fallen asleep in your arms. Once it was done you headed over to check out and you paid for everything with your money and then you both were heading out and to his truck. He loaded everything and then helped you get in.
When you arrived back home you got out when the truck was parked and the engine was killed. You got out and put Maverick and Goose down on the ground to let him use the bathroom which he immediately did and then you headed inside. You played with Maverick and Goose while he brought everything in. When he did so he set everything up and got some water in a bowl and some food in the bowl. “Your dad is going to kill me.” He said again.
“No, he isn’t.” You said not taking your attention away from your new dogs. Not even 30 minutes later you heard your dad’s truck. Nolan and you looked up as he walked in and he froze when the puppies ran to him.
“Y/N.” He said when you came running to him.
“Dad.” You said in the same tone.
“What is this?” He asked
“This is Maverick and Goose. Our new dog!” You said excitedly and then he looked over at Nolan who had appeared.
“What happened?” Tim asked
“I was put in a position that I couldn’t say no.” Nolan said and Tim gave him a look “I couldn’t say no. She used the puppy dog eyes on me.” He said and then Tim turned to you.
“I told you not to put him in a situation where he couldn’t say no.” He said and you picked up the puppy and held it in front of Tim.
“But Daaaddd-” You said “look at them. How can you just pass this face up?” You added and Maverick, who you had picked up, licked him in the face and his face melted and he smiled and you knew you had won.
“Fine. We can keep him. But they are your responsibility. You take them out every time they wake up no matter what time and 30 minutes after they eat. You take them on walks. I’ll step in when needed but they are your responsibility. Understand?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, sir.” You said “We put your name and number on their tags as well as mine.” You added and he nodded.
“Good.” He nodded and then you scampered off to play with Maverick and Goose. Both men watched you being happy.
“I couldn’t say no, honestly.” Nolan said
“It’s ok. I probably wouldn’t have said no either. She can be very convincing.” Tim said chuckling and so did Nolan “You are welcome to leave or you can stay. It’s up to you.” He said and Nolan nodded.
“I’ll stay if that is ok with you. I love puppies and being able to hang out with Y/N/N. After all, I'm her favorite uncle.” Nolan said and Tim laughed.
“That is true. Shall we go and get acquainted with the new family member?” Tim asked, looking at Nolan and he looked at him.
“I think we shall.” Nolan said. Both of them walked into the living room and sat down on the floor Maverick and Goose and you were quick to notice. Everyone laughed and was having a good time. Tim looked over at you.
“Are you happy, Baby Girl?” He asked and you looked at him and smiled.
“I am, Dad. Really happy.” You said and he could see that.
“As long as you're happy. I’m happy.” He said and pulled you into a hug which you snuggled into.
You’ve always wanted a male Golden Retriever and now you have two named Maverick or Goose. You were happy and loved him. Your dad had to admit that he loved him too, he has always wanted a dog in the house but always had been too busy but now that you had one in the house everything just seemed perfect and whole. Maverick and Goose had completed your family and you and your dad couldn’t be happier.
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shaunashipman · 2 days
Buddie stans are mad about that scene because ever since the stills dropped they wanted it to be about Eddie and it wasn’t. They wanted it to be interrupted because Eddie needed him and that didn’t happen so they’re lashing out. What we got from that scene was backstory into Tommy’s relationship with his father, Tommy checking in on Buck and making sure he was okay and Tommy matching Bucks flirting (no daddy issues isn’t inherently sexual but Bucks intention in that scene was to be flirty). Every time they come up with these theories and everytime they’re proven wrong so they lash out. However what they don’t realize is that they’re actually helping BuckTommy out. Buck and Tommy’s scene is the most talked about scene in the whole finale and getting the most engagement both positive and negative. They’re treading on multiple platforms and the engament is high. Do people really think Tim isn’t loving that?
they really put everything on eddie interrupting the date, on tommy seeing that buck will always put eddie first, and then he wasn't even a factor! didn't come up when tommy asked if buck was okay, eddie didn't occupy a single molecule of buck's brain that night, the only thing that date was about was dad and Daddy
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buddiebeginz · 3 days
I'm thankful for the Buddie scenes we got in this episode even though I wish we could have gotten so much more. In some ways I'm even thankful for the B/T scene we got because it creates a really stark contrast between the two ships.
It's clear that Buck's heart and soul are with Eddie and Chris. That while he might be attracted to T*mmy that relationship isn't about anything deeper. There's so much more they could have done with B/T in this episode if they wanted them to matter.
They could have actually defined if they’re in a relationship for one. Buck went the whole season without ever even saying boyfriend. They could have had T*mmy at the hospital with Buck yet they didn't. They could have used the dinner scene as a way for Buck and the audience to get to know Tommy more. For us to see him be supportive of Buck. He’s always just snippy or sarcastic and this scene didn’t help that. Instead of showing empathy for what Buck had been through, for his real fear of losing the only father figure Buck has known T*mmy was again dismissive (like we've seen from him with Buck multiple times before). His response to Buck talking about how he thought he almost lost Bobby this time is, “your father's alive." Worse he decides to be weirdly sexually in a conversation that really didn't warrant it in my opinion. And I have nothing against being kinky (99% of the fics I read are smut) but like there's a time and a place. Maybe when your date is talking about their dad almost dying isn't the best time to talk about your daddy kink. Just a thought.
I do wish Tim would have given us more of a signal where things are going with Buddie. I feel like there has been way to much use of Buddie to get people to watch (especially in the interviews) for them to not be a little more clear.
Also I feel like you can't make an episode like 704 where Buck clearly wanted Eddie's attention to not pick that back up even in a small way at the end of the season. We should have at least had hug between them and a moment. Nothing major. it didn't have to be an oh moment or an almost kiss but something a little more than what we got from the hug in 705. Just enough to let us know this is the direction things are moving it.
I've been really sure Buddie is in the plans (and I still believe that) but at the same time I also feel unsure of when that's going to happen. I felt certain Tim was going to give us some clue in the finale. Like I said I loved what we did get but at this point we deserve more. I know Buck only just came out and I know they had a short season. Obviously they weren't going to have both Buck and Eddie come out in the same season, still Tim knows how popular Buddie is and that many people watch just for them he needs to stop dragging his feet and pick a clear direction.
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Proxy boys with afab sub reader smut headcanons
This was on Ao3 first so follow me there to keep up with my full length fics. Anyways here's my headcanons from hardest to softest doms. 
Names he likes being called: Sir. Pretty much insists on it in bed
Names he likes to call reader: pet, kitten or puppy, whore, doll, little girl
Kinks: Brat Taming, bondage, weapon play, pet play, likes seeing you wearing tail plugs, so anal, CNC, size kink, predator and prey play, squirting, choking, breeding, huge sadist, impact play, will smack you if you're ok with it, having you hump his leg or boot
Tits or ass: Ass Fav position: mating press, your knees behind your head
Giving or receiving head: RECEIVING
He loves being completely in control, overstimulating you, humiliating you (he loves seeing you all flustered), degrading you, forcing you to squirt over and over, just completely using and destroying you, also loves seeing you wear things that claim you as his, like a collar or a necklace with his name on it. Likes playing little games with you, tag, hide and go seek, grabbing you from behind when you don't know he's there, gets a rise out of you being scared.
“Little whore loves getting fucked stupid huh?” “Aww did stupid forget how to talk? Come on kitten you've only cum 3 times I know you can give me some more.” "You know how happy Tim will be when I breed our baby into you? He loves seeing my bimbo be his domestic little wife." "I bet the neighbors know my name"
This man is literally a demon possessing Tim like how can he GO FOR SO LONG
Tim usually fronts for after-care. If Masky ever stops on his own his aftercare consists of him bringing you water, pulling you up on his chest, and praising you, which makes you flustered, which makes him hard, which then usually leads to round 2. Or 3. Or 4. Or until Tim fronts and sees you as a puddle of drool and tears and raspy moans under him.
Daddy. HUGE daddy dom
Princess, darling, baby girl, pretty, little girl
dd/lg, recording (exhibitionism), will ask for pictures or videos of you masturbating if he's out of the house for more than like. An hour. Has definitely asked Tim or Masky to record them fucking you for him to watch, so voyeurism, squirting but like not in an AGGRESSIVE way like Masky, praising, marking, bondage, having you grind on his leg or knee, mirrors, freak ass hoe for sure has a mirror across from and above the bed, lil bit of choking but again not as hard as Masky does it, creampies (seriously these guys love to cum inside you better get yourself an iud), edging
Standing (mans takes advantage of the operator strength), missionary, really anywhere that's not in a bed, kitchen counter, couch, car, against a tree in the forest, just in any position that he can pop a titty in his mouth or leave a hickey on your neck.
Honestly its 50/50 with oral, thinks you're adorable when he eats you out but also loves when you gag on his cock
Loves being completely in control but not in a forceful way like Masky, more in a “I want to see you melt under me” kind of way. Honestly he's so good at making you melt that you're not as bratty with him as you are with Masky. Still kind of bratty tho. While Masky likes forced orgasms, Brian loves edging you until you're begging and babbling. LOVES to praise you, loves when you're good for him, doesn't like to punish you but will turn into a hard dom if you get bratty or cum without permission.
 “Such a pretty baby, gunna milk daddy's cock dry princess?” "Oh, were you close? I'm sorry baby girl, let's try that again." "Wave to the camera darlin', you know the other boys love when you look 'em in the eye." "Are you cum drunk already angel? That's okay, just let your daddy take care of you. You're so cute when you're all fucked out like this" "daddy's little princess"
Masky can fuck for hours but Brian loooves foreplay, he can toy with you for hours
Hoodie's the king of aftercare but Brian’s a close runner up
Will clean you up or carry and hold you in the shower if you want, make you go pee, bring you water or tea, wrap you both in a blanket, make sure he didn't cross any lines, be super soft with you, kiss kiss kiss kiss kISS
Listen to me
Hear me out HEAR ME OUT
I know we all think toby is a sub
And YES he looks like he gets pegged.
But I am telling you. I AM TELLLINNNG YOU.
This is not the case.
Cool with anything you want to call him, but his favorite is when you scream his name
Toby canonically comes from German ancestry and idk if the creator went further into that but I like to think his mom and dad are German immigrants, and toby has been to Germany to visit family so he can speak fluent German.
Bro be babblin’ shit out. Engel, babe, schätzchen, slut, sexy, schnucki, cum dump, mein angebetete, bunny, schatz, sweetheart, mieze, I mean he has tourettes so he really just calls you whatever comes to mind, accidentally called you manic pixie dream girl unironically one time and Tim still makes fun of him for it
Marking, biting, being bit, blood play, honestly probably period sex, he's a freak man fr, weapon play for sure, face shots, he would cover your entire body in his cum if he could cum that much, loves experimenting, having power over you, manhandling, VERY rough in bed, usually just from being over excited and not knowing what hurts people
Definitely accidentally blurted out that he would eat you if he could one time Was hot in the moment but he had some explaining to do during after care
We love our little cannibal don't we folks
Tits guy but loves shoving your face into the mattress and pulling your ass up into him, shower sex, again willing to try any position once
Loves the taste of you and will eat it like a demon but HUGE fan of getting some sloppy top. And I mean SLOPPY. He loves when you drool and gag
This guy just loves sex. Loves seeing you squirm under him, loves using you like his sex doll, probably calls you that too. Mans gets excited and VOCAL.
Toby also doesn't stutter in the original story but you know what? Eat my ass we have all headcanoned a stutter. It just lessens when he's confident- ie: making you his bitch. Although he still has tourettes and apparently disorganized speech as a symptom of his schizophrenia.
“Ich-ich möchte d-d-den, um, rest mein-n-nes lebensss mit dir vvver–rbringen” "hey y/n- pretty baby gonna make you scream tonight- hav-ve you sssseen my sch-ch-etch book“ "Ich w-w-w-erde dich für immmmer und ewig lieb-ben.” “JESUS-god-FUCK youre sssexy” “toby its 9 in the morning.” “Du siehst verboten gu-gut aus” "whore whorrre wh-h-hore yes fuck perfect whore aren't you?" "Your blood tastes so good." “Y-yeah, du liebst diesen schwanz in dir, nicht wahr hure?”
Sorry it's all German I just feel like he gets so in the moment that he kind of goes out of body and doesn't even realize what he's saying
His after care is kissing you all over your entire face and then conking the fuck out on your tits. Will more than likely wake up hard and ready again. If he doesn't pass out after the kisses he will open ubereats and ask what you want LOL
Ok Hoodie and Tim are on the same level of dom-ness but hoodie is more protective so he goes first
One thing he and Brian have in common: daddy. Hoodie also likes sir
Hoodie is usually non verbal but will talk sometimes when he's feeling particularly passionate, usually in a very monotone and even tone
When he does talk he calls you sickly sweet names
My love, precious, perfect
Collars, long makeout seshes, stomach bulging/ size kink. Tummy shots. Tummy. Shots. Loves putting you in pretty dresses OR his hoodie. He doesn't really have a lot of kinks, he just loves making love to you for hours. That's right you're not getting fucked when you're with him you're getting made LOVE to
Usually tried to keep it on the downlow but one time while he was fucking he had your feet on his shoulders and. Suddenly he had a toe in his mouth before he could stop himself
Toby heard about it and now one of his tics is "foot boy" One time the guys were staking out a target in a mall when Toby looked at Brian and instantly yelled "FOOT BOY FOOT BOY". Tim laughed so hard he cried. They had to leave.
Brian hates Hoodie so much.
Dude is EXTREMELY gentle with you, seriously treats you like you're made of glass. Also if this were a cartoon his eyes would turn into hearts every time he looked at you
He usually likes when you're on top, sitting on his lap while he told you close
But he will also HAPPILY oblige with anything you ask forAs long as you feel good that's all he wants
This guy
This fucking guy
Will eat.
For an eternity if you let him.
I am serious sometimes he eats until you safeword, like you RARELY have to safeword with any of the boys and the only time you ever had to with Hoodie is when he eats you out to the point where you literally feel like you're going to pass away. It’s kind of rare for him to not listen to your “ok I can't take it anymore”’s but sometimes he just can't get a hold of himself, it's like he goes out of body. Will end everything and go full aftercare mode for the safe word though.
He just loves to love you, he's the most protective, will carry you anytime you let him, always wants to be touching you, will do anything to make you happy even if it's not necessarily a good idea
If he witnesses someone be mean to you he WILL kill them of you don't explicitly tell him not to
Masky has to wait for Brian to front or send Hoodie out of the house to fuck you
This rule was made because one time Hoodie fronted while Masky was doing some impact play and Hoodie heard you scream. Hoodie almost choked Masky to death. It was a whole thing. It also turned into a 3 way. Anyways.
Point is you ask for the moon he'll bring you the whole solar system Thinks your whimpers are the cutest shit in the entire world, LOVES your soft little quiet moans
Again, really doesn't talk much, keeps things short and simple if he really has to speak
You think the longest sentence you've heard Hoodie say is when you asked if he could get some snacks while he was at the grocery store and while putting his shoes on he deadpan replied "I would eat a lightbulb if you asked me to." You took that as a yes.
But sometimes he says little worships and sweet nothings during sex
Now HOODIEHE is the king of aftercare
Goes super soft, again acts like you're made of glass, will gently lay you back down on the pillows, clean you off or carry you into the shower, again make sure you pee (ladies always take a girl-piss after sex), get you ice if you have bruises (usually from the other guys) hold you close and cover you both with the blankets, one of the rare times he talks is to ask you what you need from him, and again he will give you ANYTHING
He's so girl coded
Tim and hoodie have a lot in common actually
Again, daddy
I'm sorry they're all daddy af
Bear, teddy bear, handsome
Honey, doll, baby, darlin’
Just loves sweet lazy sex, but also not really because he loves spanking LOL
Not really a kink but him and hoodie love seeing you in pretty little dresses and skirts, tights or knee high socks, loves pulling your skirt up and plowing you Loves seeing you do lil domestic things, LOVES fucking to music, worships your body, literally thinks you have the most perfect body, gagging, spanking, loves when you dress up for him, lingerie and the occasional costume, definitely likes when you have a toy in you while you go about your day, either plug or vibrator, back shots
Honestly probably goes for anal when him and Brian dp you, so definitely is into you wearing plugs
Thighs and ass
Bro looooves your thighs
Asks you to smother him with them like once a day
69ing, getting his face sat on, fucking while you guys are on your side, again soft and lazy
He can drill you into the mattress if asked but prefers it soft
Mans EATS.
Remember how I said he loves thighs and ass?
This is exactly why he wants you to sit on it face Also why he likes 69ing, you're usually focusing on him while you're sucking his fat ass cock so you don't notice when you accidently settle to much and put all of your weight on his face which is EXACTLY his plan
He has had to tap out a couple times from almost suffocating 
Tim is obsessed with your body, wants it against him all of the time.
Cuddle. Fucking. MONSTER. 
Toby and Hoodie are clingy 24/7 but Tim really values alone time with you and takes full advantage by being all over you. He also takes the protective roll when Hoodie's not around. He loves his little wife (doesn't matter if you're not married you're his little wife)
Also I don't think Tim is really as shy as a lot of people make him out to be 
"Come sit that pretty ass on my cock, doll" "so soft and warm up against me baby" “Are you wearing all this just for me? Come give me a twirl, hun’” “please PLEASE just one chance I am on my knees BEGGING” “TIM I DON'T CARE IF YOU'LL GET HEALED I'M NOT BREAKING YOUR NECK WITH MY ASS”
Like I said Tim usually fronts mid fuck (well, is it mid fuck if you've been going for like 3 hours?) for Masky and kind of panics when he sees you SO fucked out It's kind of hot but he knows your ass is dehydrated
"Oh fuck, you good??"
 Definitely felt really guilty the first time he saw the state Masky put you in before you assured him you fully were into it
Will clean you, probably untie you, get you ice and painkillers, and then make sure Masky didn't cross any lines 
Masky is actually really good with consent, making sure things are okay before trying them for the first time, making sure you remember your safe word, but Tim still doesn't trust him 
But with Tim's soft sweet sex aftercare usually isn't needed He just gives you sweet kisses and then asks if you're hungry <3
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ijustthinkhesneat · 2 months
Respectfully speaking Dick Grayson is dragging a wagon.
Cut his head off because he is letting them eat cake.
I am tired of pretending that Dick being a 10 with a fatty has nothing to do with his appeal. If he had an up and down pole body y’all would not be simping so hard.
It’s like Jason Todd killing people because of his daddy issues. We love him because we all to some extent have those daddy issues. But we also love him because that man has the biggest tits in Gotham and thunder thighs that could pop melons and skulls alike.
Also put some respect on Duke and Steph’s names. They deserve some love from the untouched masses. A blonde baddie who works in retail and has a villain for a father statistically must be drowning in DMs that radiate a sticky aura.
Dukes parents basically got the Longbottom special and are crazy now. And guess what? Neville glowed up the hardest out of like the whole cast of the Harry Potter movies. Duke is serving Neville Longbottom, over looked and under appreciated but still carrying. He also essentially started a gang/cult and everyone knows only hot people can found a social movement.
Now Tim Drake has what I as a neurodivergent cockroach have dubbed; Autistic Rizz. Like yes he is intelligent and in good shape but the fundamentals of this man are lacking. He does not sleep, which is the same for all the above, he is mentally about an inch away from sending people anthrax in the mail and he likely dresses like a punk skater who got into flash dance and emerges from a dumpster every morning. This is all to say there is nothing conventionally appealing about this disaster, but he is still the rizzler. This is because his strangeness is endearing he’s an enigma and people want to know more. He’s a rude little goblin that you love to carry around.
Cassandra Cain is the Rizz Master for the opposite reason. She takes care of herself, knows how to dress and lives a mess free life. She also dresses like a ninja. Call her Rizzy McGuire.
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Creepypasta As Hazbin Hotel
Ben: so what do you think
Jeff: I’m sorry what the fuck was that
Helen: we’re not filming a porn as a commercial
Puppeteer: why not
Nina: I like being forced
Jeff: keep that to yourself, Nina
Nina: Puppeteer sir
Puppeteer: call me dickmaster
Nina: Puppeteer.
Nina: it’s a solution to our biggest problem
Jeff: oh yeah herpes that’s a bitch
Nina: no our other biggest problem
Jeff: oh uh ugly people?
Jeff: math?
Jane: face my wrath
Jeff: who are you
Jane: I attacked you literally last week
Jeff: ?
Jane: we’ve done battle like twenty times
Jeff: well you must’ve been really bad at this
Liu: oh god, here I go, Jeff. just another fucking day with Jeff. hey hey hey fuck my life
Liu: looks like you have everything under control here
Lyra: of course I do, fuck you, now shoo, go take care of the piss baby
Liu: so you should…?
Jeff: do nothing?
Liu: great idea!!
Toby: you still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Jeff: uh fuck you
Toby: just saying
Sally: *gasp* the bad boy is back
Sally: never leave me again
Brian: we’re about 80% sure she’s harmless
Jeff: this is stupid
Lyra: this is not stupid!
Lyra: it’s just the GAMEEEEE
Lyra: Liu did it well so please try to do the same!
Jeff: I’m too sober for this
Jeff: I’m looking forward to stabbing the other residents
Slenderman: WHAT WHY
Slenderman: people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome
Jeff: *middle finger*
Liu: *middle finger*
Toby: *laughs evilly*
Nina: I have my doubts
Tim: Puppeteer’s minions are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them
Jeff: oh well in that case I’d be delighted to
Tim: humanely
Jeff: well that’s a lot less fun
Jeff: this time everyone has to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you
Jeff: I love to suck-
Tim: I swear to fuck if you say dicks
Jeff: popsicles, you sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter
Jeff: but you know, dicks too
Sally: sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
Jeff: NINA?!
Clockwork: uh my name’s Clocky
Jeff: no one gives a shit
Jeff: call me fake one more time, motherfucker
Jeff: i dare you
Toby: fake
Jeff: fucking asshole- *hits his head on roof*
Toby: you done?
Liu: Lyra, sweetie, you uh you good?
Lyra: nope no not really!
Sally: maybe it’s time
Lazari: no
Sally: to ask
Lazari: don’t say it
Sally: your dad
Lyra: wait that’s it
Jeff: kill everyone?
Lyra: noooooo
EJ: what’s the hold up?
EJ: you got daddy issues?
Lulu: no we’ve just never been close
Lulu: after Mom died he never really wanted to see me
Lulu: he calls sometimes but only if he’s bored or needs me to do something
EJ: daddy issues
Brian: this is the first time she’s called you in years
Brian: this has to be perfect
Brian, picking up the phone: HEYYYY BITCH
Jeff: you may have heard of me from my radio broadcast
Tim: hmmm NOPE I guess that’s why Toby called it the Hazbin Hotel hahaha
Jeff: hahaha it was actually my idea
Tim: hahaha well it’s not very clever
Jeff: haha fuck you
Toby: OKAY
Brian: you like girls! so do I! We have so much in common
Clockwork: how you been?
Jeff: good! Until five minutes ago
Sadie: hey Sally what you been up to, girlie?
Sally: fighting bugs
Sadie: and how’s that going for you
Sally: they’re winning
Sally: but not for long
Lulu: how come he can have faith in me but my own father can’t?
Jeff: oooooh drama *pulls out popcorn*
Slenderman: hi
Slenderman: Slenderman
Slenderman: that’s my wall that you just blew up
Jeff: don’t fucking shush me bitch
Sadie: I need a break but hug a koala for me
Nina: omg can you imagine an actual KOALA
Jeff: anyway you sure fucked up didn’t you
Jeff: oh Lyra, you look an absolute mess
Sadie: I won’t hurt anyone for you
Jeff: who’s asking?!
Ben: Jeff and Toby just left like they were running away from their responsibilities
Ben: should we be alarmed?
Helen: are you fucking high?
Lulu: oh I’m just kidding
Lulu: I know you’re an ace in the hole
Ann: a what now?
Sally: I named all the stains on the carpet
Sally: that one’s Fred
Liu: look I can’t resist a fight okay
Liu, about Jeff: especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead
Lyra: live tonight however you want because-
Toby: we’re all gonna die!
Dina: alright let’s give it up for not dying!
Dina: love not dying!
Dina: … drinks?
Jeff: I mean personally I’m excited it’s been a long time since I stabbed someone and really meant it you know what I mean
Lazari: I dub thee king roach
EJ: oh to understand your twisted little mind
Jeff: anyway I guess
Jeff: please don’t die tomorrow
Jeff: okay bye
Lyra: rip Jane’s cunt mouth out her ass
Jeff: would you just- chill, Lyra, fuck
Zero: they appear to have some kind of shield sir
Puppeteer: oh really? I didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT
Jeff: I’m about to end your fucking life
Puppeteer: fuck you, you red piece of- too much fucking red- fuck shut up
Ben: hahaha poetry
Jeff: what just happened? Ffffuck
Toby: these fucking angels won’t stop coming
Jeff: HA
Toby: okay I walked right into that one
Jane: Before I take your life I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face
Clockwork: try it bitch
Jeff, to Jane: live
Jeff: live knowing that you only do because I let you
Slenderman: see you messed with my daughter so now I am going to FUCK you
Zalgo: …
Clockwork & Lyra: …
Jeff: 😏
LJ: well this just got interesting
Sally: it’s fuck you up, Dad
Slenderman: wait what did I say?
Liu: how’s mercy taste, you little bitch
Slenderman: take your little friends and GO HOME
Slenderman: please
Puppeteer: I’m The Puppeteer
Helen: and I’m-
Puppeteer: nobody gives a shit who you are, Helen
Zero: anyway congrats to Slenderman and his crew for not being totally fucking useless for once
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thebat-musicman · 6 days
There were a few things almost all the Bats had. Some even called them the requirements to be a Gotham vigilante. Tim is a person who likes upholding traditions. If something is repeated several times, it’s probably repeated for a reason. That was why he had created a checklist with the bat standards before volunteering himself as Robin.
Black hair: check
Blue eyes: check
Orphan: …well Tim’s mother had died in childbirth and he never met his dad’s on again off again girlfriend so he guessed that was a half check
Penchant for running into danger: Check. Tim’s life was inherently dangerous.
Daddy issues:
Tim looked up from his notebook at the wanted posters covering the walls of various buildings. He walked closer and read one of them.
Tim ripped the poster off the wall and stuffed it into his bag.
An AU where Tim Drake grew up as the Joker’s secret weapon, his biological son. Tim became obsessed with Batman and Robin so his father killed Jason as punishment. Tim ran away and decided to become Robin while ignoring the loyalty and love he still has for his father.
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
What characterisation do Thomas and Martha Wayne have (in your opinion. canon is all over the place again)? And how would they interact with the Batkids?
I am a personal fan of Girlboss Martha Wayne, and Kind-soft Thomas Wayne.
The Kanes are a millitary family, so it just makes sense to me that Martha is tougher and all that. And Thomas followed the Hippocratic oath no matter what the circumstance was, so in my brain it makes sense that he was a lot softer.
Though, I don't think Canon Bruce would know Martha's tough side, because she was probably a total boy-mom, and coddled Bruce //pos, but as he grew older, she was definitely the tough love kind of mom. Pretty strict. Made him finish Med school.
idk why, but I feel like they would treat Dick more as their son, because Bruce started parenting him at a young age. Like, if Bruce said yes to Dick, but Martha said no, it was a No. If Dick really wanted something he knew Martha and Bruce would say no to, he would got to Thomas, and yeah.
With Jason, they definitely are more Grandparent-y with him-- at least Thomas is in full on Grandpa mode by the time Jason rolls up, but also, we know Jason's mommy issues. We know he would totally suck-up to Martha. So she would fill in that mother role, but more often than not, she would give Jason what he wanted If Bruce said No to something, Jason would ask Martha, and she'd say yes, and it drives both Bruce and Dick up a wall because Where was this leniancy when they were growing up? (Basically, what I'm saying Bruce is their oldest child, Dick is their middle, and Jason is their youngest-- but Jason is still more Bruce's child, just with more parenting help)
Cass is their little angel. They watch her ballets, and spoil her, and youngest daughter type beat. She's Grandpa's and Daddy's girl. And Martha would love finally having another girl in the family.
Idk if Jason dies in this world or not but either way, I think Martha and Thomas would treat Tim like the kid next door, just to put a bit of emotional distance, or they would treat him more like a grandchild. Though, I do feel like they would play off of Tim's unspoken bounderies.
Steph is the family-friend girlfriend. If yk what I mean. She's the one Martha's rooting for to eventually get with one of her children/grandchildren, and any person Tim, or Cass bring home will most likely never hold the place in Martha's heart reserved for Steph. (this also technically applies to Jason, but Jason never brings anyone home so ya)
Duke would be treated similarly to Tim, they would play off of his bounderies. Be Grandparent-y if he was accepting of that. I mean, Duke's parents are alive, just jokerized, so....
Damian gets the crazy stories from their youth Grandparents. I'm not gonna explain. He's their youngest grandchild. He gets the crazy stories that Blows Dick's mind because "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE CONNECTIONS TO THE MOB, BUBBE???!!!"
Thomas would be against getting any and all of the animals Damian asks for, but then spends more time with Ace and Titus, and Alfred (the cat) and Batcow, and GOLIATH than he does with any of his kids/grandkids. His excuse--"You all moved out! What else am I 'posed to do?"
I also feel like Thomas would play a different sport with each of the kids. Tim taught him how to skateboard, and now he's the coolest grandpa at the skatepark.
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