#Tim is throwing his money and dick around
snakeredbirdbatkatana · 4 months
How Tim Drake stole the show and lost millions for a good cause..... aka getting laid
Part 1
Now Bruce would like to say he knows his sons pretty well, even as he hears Alfred's voice disagreeing.
He didn't partically want to go to this gala but with Jason returning from the dead formally, and all of his children being in Gotham this was a perfect opportunity to show the Wayne family in all their glory.
As he fixes Damian's bow tie ignoring the reporters vying for his attention.
He hears a gasp.
Before swiftly as if summoned by a light the swarm of reporters leave running toward whoever just appeared.
Pulling up in a car that Bruce couldn't even name if he tried but he is a hundred percent sure isn't aloud on the god damn road.
His third youngest boy who as planned was meeting them here.
Unexpectedly has his arm wrapped around Connor Kent.
Who is wearing a blood red suit, matching perfectly with Tim's all black, but most shocking other than the multi-million dollar car if Jason's hyperventilating can be believed is the blood red diamond in Kent's ear that he's a hundred percent sure cost eight million fucking dollars.
Which was made aware by Selina who was talking about said gem because she was hoping to steal it before it was purchased by a buyer she couldn't track which is an impressive feat which is now explained by the fact that the only one person is better at hiding than a cat and that will always be a bat.
Walking in with Rob's arm around his waist after a joyride straight out of a movie he can't help but feel like he's flying and considering he's Superboy that a feat.
"Feeling ok, I know this can be a lot my moon?" Everytime Tim uses that godamn nickname he can't stop the blush it's embarrassing and sweet and flat out insane.
"I'm fine you worrywart, seriously Sunshine", hesitating "So far this is the best night of my life I'm on your arm Tim now show me off I was promised that I would get to see Rich Timmy in all his glory."
He smirks grabbing a thing of champagne from a passing waiter who looks terrified.
"Unless Red your pussing out on me?"
Tim's face twitches a look crossing his face before smoothing out into what Kon can only call his Red Robin smirk deadly, captivating, and always makes Kon a little wet.
"No, after all your on the arm of the richest man in here let me show you what that means."
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thebibliosphere · 8 months
From what I've seen, I think the Batkids would like your book.
Hunger Pangs? You flatter me.
But also, yes thank you for this particular strain on self-indulgent brain rot. I am going to be absolutely abnormal about this.
I’d like to imagine Dick picks it up at an airport somewhere on his way back from a trip and becomes hooked on the “clever, pretty, jumps-from balconies-for-the-thrill-of-the-fall vampire and goes, “oh, same.”
The fact that it’s got a rugged, soldiery werewolf with a heart of gold who enforces self-care as a form of kink-play is also doing stuff to his brain. (That’s a thing? He can… he can ask someone for that? Who does he ask for that? It’s been weeks since he slept more than a few hours and ate more than cereal for dinner. Seriously, who does he ask? How much is it? He’s got money. He’ll pay.) The uh, the need for validation and the budding praise kink is also hitting a little too close to home.
As is “all powerful witch with the power to pick you up with her mind and throw you around like a rag doll.” (LiStEN, he spent a large chunk of his formative years surrounded by tight spandex suits, villains with sexy mind control pollen and getting kidnapped and tied up every other week. It’s not his fault he’s Like This.)
He’s not mad about it, though.
Babs catches him re-reading it during downtime. She’s not even that interested, more asking what it is to be polite, but the way Dick jumps and turns red, like he didn’t even realize she was in the room is… intriguing.
“I can see why you like it,” she says, several days later, casually drinking her coffee while Dick stares straight ahead, willing the floor to open up and swallow him whole. “Magic, politics. Saving the world from certain doom with the power of knowledge and ecological preservation.” She glances sideways at him. “Vlad’s got some interesting quirks.”
“Shut up.”
“Are we sure you’ve not been compromised?”
“Babs, I mean it.”
“Mean what?” Tim appears in the kitchen as though from nowhere, pouring a red bull into the coffee pot.
No one tries to stop him.
“Dick’s reading a new book,” Babs says, ignoring the murderous look Dick sends her way.
“Oh? What book? Is it any good?”
“Uh, yeah, uh.” Dick rubs at the back of his neck, glaring daggers at Babs as she rolls out of the room, cackling. “It’s uh, romance. Kind of silly actually…”
Dick nods. “It’s got a vampire and a werewolf. Two guys. And a… well she’s just sort of magic. They break into a library to save the world from ecological disaster. They’re all bi. Together. Or they will be in the next book. This one’s more about the vampire and the werewolf getting together. Um...”
Tim’s gone very still in the way he does when his brain has caught hold of something and he’s absolutely about to let it consume him. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Dick shrugs. “It’s got some kink in it,” he warns, not wanting to expose his younger brother to something he’s not ready for. Which is ludicrous because he’s Robin. And from the way Tim’s not drinking his ‘coffee’ he can tell this is only going to go one way no matter what he says. He brightens, remembering something. “But there’s, like, a non smutty version too? Or a less smutty version, I guess? I don’t know, I haven’t read it yet. I could, we could go to the bookstore, maybe stop at the art store too…”
“I’ll meet you in the car.”
“So,” Jason says, and Dick can already tell where this is going by the shit-eating grin on his face. “Vampires, huh? Or is it more the werewolves you’re into?”
“Who told you?” Dick bemoans. “Was it Babs?” He bets it was Babs. Fucking Babs.
“Oh, no one told me anything Boy Wonder. Tim found out the author has a go-fund-me for some medical shit that exceeded his monthly allowance and he’s been harassing Bruce to “fix it” for several days now. He’s down in the cave making a nuisance of himself right now. Apparently he quote “needs more of the bisexual monster books Dick told him about” unquote, and the author can’t do shit if she up and fucking dies because this country’s a fucking for-profit shit hole.”
Dick places his head in his hands. “Oh, God. Is Bruce mad? He’s mad, isn’t he?”
Jason shrugs. “Couldn’t tell you. Last I heard, Tim was playing him the audiobook over the bat computer to make his case.”
Dick let’s his head thump against the table. This is it. This is his villain origin story. He’s going to run away and join the Rogues. Or maybe he’ll go back to the Circus. Either option is better than the idea of having to meet Bruce’s eye later over the dinner table.
“Personally, I thought the plot was a little weak but the characters are compelling,” Jason says, sipping his herbal tea. “I liked the chill necromancer doctor. I feel like he’d be able to fix me.”
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lazycats-stuff · 3 months
What about Batfam x male reader where the reader was actually the first child Bruce adopted and he was the practice child. He hated growing io because Bruce had really no idea what to do and then the other kids came along and now Bruce kinda understood what to do. He hates family time because he never felt like family, he was just some doll the others could practice on so later they wouldn't make mistakes. And i imagine at some point they snap. I feel like what if Damian brought over Jon for dinner and Jon was like "oh I thought Dick's the oldest, you never told me about (reader)" and reader just slams down their fist and goes to their room. At this point the rest of the family try to comfort them but the reader only screams about how they never were a son or bother, they were only a practice doll for them to use and then throw away
This has angst written all over it... Ah. Angst train it seems... Also, I think I changed the end a bit, but that's fine...
Summary: (Y/N) was nothing but a test child for Bruce. He finally lets them have it
Warnings: angst, resentment, author sucks at angst, but hey, I tried, yelling, mentions of anxiety, the fam is trying, (Y/N) is mad beyond belief, implications of child neglect... If you can call it child neglect.
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(Y/N) (L/N) was the oldest member of the Wayne family and the first child that Bruce had adopted. (Y/N) didn't have a good life at all before he met Bruce. (Y/N) could also argue that Bruce didn't treat him well as well, since being emotionally unavailable is not a good trait to have when you have children.
As the years went by, he hated growing up in the manor and with Bruce. He had food, a roof over his head and some sort of education. But that wasn't enough. The feeling of resentment that (Y/N) had has only grown as the years went by.
The feeling of being a test to Bruce, to see what he need to improve made his blood boil. He was a test pancake for Bruce and some sort of feedback to Bruce. It made (Y/N) mad beyond. Bruce could have gotten his shit straight when he started to have him as his legal child.
(Y/N) wished that he could forget everything about Bruce. About the family too. Even before Dick came, resentment building up in him nearly exploded. Looking back, he should have exploded on Bruce and Dick... Maybe even punch them. Maybe he should have done it.
When Dick came, (Y/N) saw signs that Bruce was improving, but he didn't show that to (Y/N). Years went by and Damian came. To say that Damian pretended that (Y/N) didn't exist is an understatement. (Y/N) tried to get closer to Damian, but Damian always pushed him away. (Y/N) took the signs and gave up, sadness and anger boiling inside of him. But he did observe Damian and Dick. In matter of a few days, they were close.
Dick did it without even trying.
So, (Y/N) has decided to alienate himself from the family, at least until he gets enough money to leave. Thankfully, the resentment towards Bruce and the rest of the family made him even put everything he had in school, even though no one cared about it. He had straight As and he was on his way to go to college that was far away from here. He knows that he can do it.
Even as Tim and Jason came, (Y/N) tried to be close to them, but none of them cared. None. (Y/N)'s solace became his own room and would avoid the family at all costs until it was time to eat where he had to step out. That only solidified the fact that he was going to leave as soon as possible.
Either way, he just had to alienate himself and move out. Then, everyone in the house would be happy.
However, everything would turn on its head when Damian would bring his boyfriend Jon over to meet the family and by default (Y/N). If only (Y/N) knew what would happen.
Dinner rolled around and came down to eat. He didn't expect to see Jon, but was nice to introduce himself to Jon, trying to be nice and just get this stupid dinner over with. He put some food on his plate and just ate in silence while everyone else talked.
He listened to bits and pieces and just stayed silent. He finished his plate quickly and pushed it away and sipped at his water, just being polite and getting ready to leave back at his room.
" Damian, you didn't tell me anything about (Y/N)... I thought that Dick was oldest of the brothers. " Jon said and (Y/N) froze.
Damian didn't tell Jon about him...
(Y/N)'s anger boiled over and he slammed his fist into the table before standing up quickly, knocking the chair over. Everyone got startled at the actions and watched in silence as (Y/N) left the dining room.
After a few seconds they all jumped into action, trying to stop (Y/N) to comfort him. (Y/N) slammed the door of his room shut, locking to make sure no one could enter, before he broke down on his bed. He hugged his pillow and sobbed into it.
It shouldn't hurt like this. He should have been stronger than this. Not cry over them.
" (Y/N), please open the door. " Bruce said through the door.
" Please, we just want to talk. " Dick added and (Y/N) snapped at that, anger boiling over once again.
" Talk?! TALK?! Stop acting like you care! " (Y/N) yelled at the top of his lungs.
" We do care. " Jason started.
" You don't give a single flying damn about me! I was never a son or a brother to anyone! I was only a test toy to Bruce so he could see what he could fucking improve! I was never a fucking brother either! Damian fucking proved it! " (Y/N) yelled at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his face.
Everyone stayed silent and (Y/N) sobbed his heart out. Damian swallowed hardly, realizing what he did and how that hurt (Y/N) deeply. Maybe he shouldn't have...
Everyone glanced at each other. They stayed silent as they listened to (Y/N)'s sobs. Just how much pain did they brought up onto him?
" (Y/N), look- " Bruce started and (Y/N) screamed again.
" Don't you dare care right now! I'm moving out in a few days anyway and I don't need your pity or apology! " (Y/N) yelled, trying to wipe the never ending stream of tears.
" Moving out?! " Bruce yelled, eyes wide in shock. He know he has no right to tell (Y/N) what to do, but something flared up in Bruce. " No, you're not moving out! You are going to stay put because we have to solve this problem! "
" Are you shitting me Bruce?! Work things out?! "
" I'm not shitting you! I have to make things right with you! You are my son too! " Bruce yelled through the door.
" I don't give a single damn about any of you! "
Bruce took a deep breath, trying not to explode. He knows he has no right to be angry, but (Y/N) was still his son. " (Y/N), I am your dad and we will solve this problem. "
" We won't solves shit Bruce! "
" (Y/N), please, " Tim started, but (Y/N) cut him off. " Shut up Tim! "
Tim bit the inside of his cheek and stepped back.
" (Y/N), " Jason started, " You need to calm down, you'll give yourself a heart attack. "
(Y/N) wanted to scream even more, but he felt like he was going to die from this situation.
" Shut up, all of you! "
Now Dick started. " (Y/N), we may have been bad brothers- "
" May have?! You were- No, you are the worst brothers! " (Y/N) yelled and clenched his fists as he started facing around the room.
Dick sighed and stepped back. At the moment, everyone knew that (Y/N) talking to them without yelling at them and more importantly, he needed to calm down first.
But with how much anger and resentment there is, it is going to take a while.
" Lets leave (Y/N) alone for a while. He needs to be alone for now. " Bruce said and gently moved everyone away from (Y/N)'s doors, who was inside, trying to breathe more normally. He felt like he was going to jump out of his skin in the next few moments. He calmed down after a while, but he was still anxious beyond belief.
Unfortunately, the threat of moving out is just a threat and not a promise. (Y/N) sighed as he sat down on his bed. It was a stupid move to say that while he didn't have everything secure yet. Stupid.
(Y/N) went to the bathroom and washed his face and drank some water, to soothe his soon to be sore throat. It won't be nice to talk in a few hours.
Either way, it's better than leaving this room in order to face his siblings and dad. No, they are just roommates here, until (Y/N) can move out and just finally cut them out of his life.
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suzukiblu · 7 months
NaNoWriMo fic, day one: obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Tim Drake had absolutely no intentions of ever becoming anyone's sugar daddy when he met Superboy.
This would have worked out better for him if Superboy had ever had an actual legal identity or an actual legal guardian or just . . . literally anything whatsoever in life. Ever. At all.
Just a bank account, even.
"You're working for Cadmus," Tim says slowly. "Cadmus, as in the lab that stole Superman's body and cloned him without his consent. Cadmus, which you had to break out of so they couldn't put mind control code words in your head."
"Yeah," Superboy replies like that's not literally insane. Tim stares at him.
"Why?" he asks incredulously.
"Food and shelter?" Superboy shrugs. "And I mean, I dunno, where else am I gonna go?"
Tim is not okay with this situation.
"What did Superman say?" he says.
"Just to like, keep an eye on things," Superboy says with another shrug. "Make sure they're not up to anything shifty."
Tim stares at him.
"Superman," he says. "Told you to just . . . 'keep an eye on' the dubiously ethical cloning lab. The specific dubiously ethical cloning lab that tried to put mind control code words in your head. Specifically."
"Yeah," Superboy confirms.
Alright, Tim is actually even less okay with this situation than he thought, apparently. Like, impressively less.
"Okay," he says. It is absolutely no kind of okay in any way whatsoever, of course, but he doesn't want to put Superboy on the defensive. That'd make effectively interrogating him a lot harder, for one thing. Cooperative subjects are best in these situations. "What are they paying you?"
"I mean, like, they gave me my own room and they're feeding me and whatever, so I don't really need much money," Superboy says. "There's a discretionary fund I can use if I need to go on an undercover mission or anything like that? But I'm not really the undercover type anyway."
"Sure," Tim says. So . . . no way for Superboy to save up to move out and get an out-of-lab life, then. Great. That's not fucked-up or crazy or horrible at all. "Do you like it there?"
"It's okay," Superboy says, shrugging again. "Better than literally everybody in Hawaii yelling at me every time they see my face, yeah?"
Tim wants to set the world on fire, but he's trying really hard not to go supervillain before he's thirty and he'd hate to throw out all that hard work.
"They just let me do whatever, mostly," Superboy adds. "They don't really care as long as I'm around when they need me."
He'll go supervillain as soon as Bruce dies, Tim promises himself. Just–he'll give his share of the eulogy at the funeral and then he'll blow up three-fourths of Arkham and the entire GCPD while Commissioner Gordon is on his lunch break. He can time that out, that'll be easy. And then he'll go and personally murder the Joker with the very specific combination of a rusty crowbar and a shrapnel bomb, and then he'll just . . . well, he'll just go with the flow from there, he figures. Do whatever feels natural.
Seriously, the world as it is does not deserve to exist. It really just does not.
Tim figures he can probably convince the rest of Young Justice to tag along for the whole supervillain thing and hopefully Dick and Steph and Barbara too, and ideally also Alfred, in the unfortunately likely event that he outlives Bruce. He's got time to lay the groundwork with them all and all, and also everything really is awful and horrible and really does deserve to burn.
"Are they sending you to school or anything? Or tutoring you?" Tim asks with what little scraps of hope he has left. Higher education would be . . . well, something, at least. And actually it probably wouldn't hurt for Superboy to learn a bit more about genetic engineering from the same place he got genetically engineered, just in case anything goes wrong with his DNA again. Cadmus should at least be good for that much, right?
"Ew, no, thank fuck," Superboy says, making a face. "Like I said, they mostly let me do whatever until something needs punched."
So . . . no furthered education or learning any usable job skills or making real money or literally anything that could, again, lead to Superboy ever getting any kind of an actual out-of-lab life established.
Just great.
"I see," Tim says.
"It's a pretty sweet gig, considering," Superboy says, and grins brightly at him. It's a very nice grin. Normally being faced with that particular grin would make Tim need to beat down the highly unprofessional urge to kiss it.
Right now, though, he's a little bit more concerned with the fact that his teammate is just . . . living in and working for a fucking lab. As a matter of course. Just as a thing.
And Superman of all people thinks that's . . . fine, for some reason? Like, normal and ethical and okay? Somehow? In some way?
What the actual fuck, Tim thinks to himself.
"You said Superman told you to keep an eye on things?" he asks.
"Yeah," Superboy says, his grin widening. "He took me to his fortress and asked me to do it there. Showed me around a bit, too."
"That sounds really interesting," Tim says, wondering in vague disbelief if that means Superman had never taken Superboy to the Fortress of Solitude before. He must've, right? And just . . . inexplicably not shown Superboy around then.
Yeah. Sure.
"It was awesome!" Superboy says with more enthusiasm than Tim's seen from him since they met Nina Dowd's . . . endowments, seemingly forgetting the need to be "cool" for long enough to lean forward in his seat and outright beam at him. Tim is gonna need a minute to recover from the sight of that expression, probably. "It's seriously freaking freezing up there, but there's so much cool shit in the place. Like, from all over the universe, but from Krypton, even! The only thing I'd ever seen from Krypton before was kryptonite!"
Tim considers moving up his supervillain timeline after all. Like. Just possibly. Just a little.
Maybe he can convince Bruce to take an early retirement off-planet and just go from there.
What the hell is wrong with Superman?
"Oh, wow, really?" Tim says, simultaneously pretending he didn't already know what Superman has in his fortress and trying not to be screamingly obvious about the internal calculations he's running on figuring out how to weaponize red sunlight. Or like, maybe he could look into learning some magic. That's technically an option. Probably more time-consuming and harder to hide the process of, though. Still, it's on the table.
"Yeah. He showed me some of it. Told me some stories and stuff, even," Superboy says, and that excited grin turns just a little bit shy and soft and somehow even more distracting than usual. He ducks his head just a little, and then that soft grin is more like a soft smile, and Tim suffers. "And I, uh–and he gave me something, too."
"What did he give you?" Tim asks, praying to God that the answer is "an emergency contact number" or "an allowance that can cover a semi-decent Metropolis apartment" or "an offer to live literally anywhere but Cadmus, including in the thirtieth century or on a hostile alien planet or inside an active volcano". He's technically an atheist, so the praying thing is probably moot, but times of desperation are times of desperation.
"A name," Superboy says, and his smile widens helplessly. "Like, you know, a real one."
Tim might hate Superman, he thinks. That might actually be a thing now.
Yeah, he's definitely going supervillain after Bruce dies and doesn't need an emotional support sidekick anymore. Better start stocking up on the kryptonite.
"That's great," he says with a very carefully not-forced smile of his own instead of anything more along the lines of "wait, you've been alive and active as a superhero for all this time and no one ever actually named you?!" Superboy would probably take it the wrong way, not in the least because that genuinely never actually occurred to him as being a thing before. Like–he really did just assume Superboy was keeping a lid on whatever his real name was for personal reasons or Superman reasons or something. "Are you allowed to tell me it, or is that a no-go?"
"Oh, yeah," Superboy says with a sheepish laugh, rubbing at his arm. "It's like, a Kryptonian name? Not like a secret identity one. It's, uh, Kon-El."
Of course it's not even a damn secret identity, Tim thinks in absolute frustration and abject loathing. Of course not! Why would it be?! Fuck forbid!
"I like it," he says, because he lies to Batman and therefore there is no fucking way that he's going to let Superboy–Kon–see any sign whatsoever of the metaphorical 9.9 on the Richter scale that is currently happening in his psyche. "It suits you."
"You think?" Kon grins all the wider. Tim can't even calm down enough to want to kiss him, except in the sense that he always wants to kiss him.
"I do," he says, and smiles at him again.
Kon smiles back.
Tim hates everything. All the things. There is nothing that Tim doesn't hate right now, except maybe Alfred's snickerdoodles because he might be having a nervous breakdown but he's not, like, criminally insane or whatever.
"Yeah, it's kinda cool," Kon says, straightening up in his seat and then leaning back, clearing his throat and slipping his sunglasses back on like they're not in a literal cave right now. Tim doesn't call him on it, because he has a supervillain timeline to work out and that's much more important.
Also because the teammate he has an inadvisable crush on is in a much, much shittier situation than he ever realized and he has to reconcile that with his worldview and also his opinion of Superman. Tim doesn't especially idolize the man except in the sense of knowing he's one of the greatest heroes on Earth and a very, very good man that Bruce thinks incredibly highly of, one of the best men on the League and maybe even on the planet, but . . .
But if he's such a good man, then why the hell is Kon living in a lab that tried to mind-control him and why has he only just seen the Fortress of Solitude for the first time?
Why didn't he have a real name?
"So do we call you Kon or Kon-El now?" Tim asks, which is a bit of a senseless question but also at least a bit of a distraction. He wants to say this whole situation is a horrible idea, who the FUCK convinced you this situation was a good idea?!, but there is no possible way that Kon would respond well to that. Ever.
Also, Kon had a point. Where else is he gonna go?
Clearly not the Fortress of Solitude.
Seriously, would it be that hard for Superman to give him a room there? At least a place to stay sometimes, so he wasn't exclusively relying on the mind-control cloning lab for food and shelter and basic comforts?
"I think just Kon?" Kon says, frowning consideringly. "'El' is like Superman's last name, I guess? So I think just Kon."
"Makes sense," Tim says, internally seething. Superman gave him the "El" name but not a secret identity? A name from a dead civilization with a bit of sentimental value, maybe, but nothing usable on this planet? Fuck, you'd think Kon didn't already know his secre–
. . . Kon doesn't know Superman's secret identity, does he.
Tim had thought he was lying, when he'd said that stuff about Superman not having one, before. Thought it was supposed to be a cover or a misdirection or something. But Kon actually thinks that, doesn't he. And Superman has just . . . kept letting him think that.
Becoming a supervillain actually might be an underreaction, in retrospect.
"Just Kon sounds less formal anyway," Tim says instead of so just in theory, do you think tactile telekinesis could trigger a heart attack or stroke in a full-blooded Kryptonian, if you could REALLY concentrate on doing it? like not FATALLY, just dehabilitatingly?, because he still has some groundwork to do before they get that far into potential supervillainy. There's steps to the plan. The steps need to be followed. They're very important steps. "You don't want Bart full-naming you every time he's looking for the remote."
"Like he'd even bother, it's faster for him to turn the living room upside-down than actually ask anyway," Kon says with a laugh, dropping his head back on his neck. Tim has some thoughts about climbing into his lap and figuring out if the TTK makes him hickey-proof, and then buries them. Not appropriate. Not professional. Just not.
. . . technically, if Kon wanted a hickey, he could just let his TTK down and ask for–
Tim buries his thoughts deeper.
Much, much deeper.
"Point," he says. "So what time does Cadmus expect you back?"
"Dude, it's a job, not a boarding school," Kon says, giving him an amused look. "I don't have a curfew."
Tim, technically, hasn't followed his own curfew any way but accidentally once in his entire life, but for god's sake, is Cadmus even pretending to be raising a teenager or are they really just being that flagrant about ignoring all the child labor laws they so clearly do not give a fuck about? Like, there must be something illegal about this. There has to be.
If there's not, Tim will be adding "burn down Project Cadmus" to his list of supervillain plans to set up in advance. In red pen. Underlined.
God, why is the world like this. Why are people like this?
"I guess that'd be convenient," Tim says, internally ranking various methods of combustion. "Though I guess it depends on the cafeteria hours, too."
"It's whatever, I can always eat later," Kon replies with a shrug. "I think I've still got a couple protein bars in my room anyway."
"Just protein bars?" Tim asks, mentally upping the amount of explosives he was considering going with. Cadmus is going to be a crater by the time he's done with it. "Don't you need more calories than that?"
". . . well, sort of," Kon says, folding his arms and looking very briefly embarrassed. "Superman doesn't have to eat, apparently, but, uh, guess I'm not Kryptonian enough for that. Actually I kinda need to eat more than normal humans, it's weird. Like. A lot more."
"I'm ordering pizza," Tim says, upping his mental explosives count again. "What do you want on it?"
"We're the only ones here," Kon says, looking puzzled.
"More pizza for us, then," Tim says.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Convos between civilians and vigilantes that I bet that happened Part ll
Gothamite: Honey why don't you come here so I can blow your mind?
Nightwing: You're very kind lady but I have to decline, I mean you're really pretty and nothing against your job but I don't usually pay for these stuff
Gothamite: For you baby I do it for free~
Batman: Nightwing.
Nightwing: Alright, alright jesus.
Gothamite, squinting: Wasn't you who broke that tug arm that one time?
Robin (Tim), enjoying Damian is out town: It was my evil twin (lying)
Gothamite, who's also a stripper: You look like a guy who used to work here
Red Hood (looking at him):
Red Hood: Nightwing–
Nightwing: So about the bodies found on Upper West Side–
Henchmen: Yo Bruce–
Henchmen: Bruce Wayne?
Henchmen: Man– he's hot!
Henchmen: Naah
Henchmen: C'mon you telling me you would't ride him until–
Henchmen: Naaaaah
Henchmen: It becomes a core memory.
Red Robin (on the top of the warehouse): I wonder if this fall will kill me.
Spoiler: I'll be right after you.
Robin (Damian): Don't be stupid that route will take forever
Red Robin: Not if we go around Fashion District.
Robin: Yeah, dumbass and it's a turn. We should go through Fashion District.
Red Robin: I'm sorry do you really want to throw Penguin's territory Right Now?
Robin: I always knew you were a fucking coward– Yes, obviously.
Gothamite: Not to interrupt or anything, but I'm still pretty much tied up right now.
Robin and Red Robin at the same time: Shut up
Gothamite: Okay–
Batman: Robin call the ambulance.
Gothamite: Please no I really don't have any money.
Gothamite bleeding out on the Batmobile in his way to the Wayne Clinic: What does this button do.
Batman: You touch, you go walking.
Gothamite: Alright.
Gothamite: Ask the gay one–
Red Robin: The fuck you just said to me?
Gothamite: I was talking about Nightwing
Red Robin:
Nightwing really trying not to laugh: I don't even have the words for this one hold on.
The other gothamite immediately turning to Red Robin: You're GAY???
Nightwing doing his acrobatics on stores rooftop's:
Drag Queens from Bludhaven: Heeeeere he comes, *starts snapping their fingers in rhythm* work, work, work
Nightwing *goes along with it*:
The same Drag Queen later: Ever tried to add vogue to your crime fighting?
Dick, seriously considering:
Dick after implementing vogue in his crime fighting having the time of his life:
Red Robin: This is getting ridiculous I will have to kill you
Gothamite: Oh my god he's homophobic-
Gothamite: Do you think that Wayne kid is on Grindr?
Gothamite: Doesn't he have like a boyfriend?
Gothamite: Like that ever stopped you–
Gothamite: Stoooop~~
Red Robin unfortunately in a stake out:
Spoiler: Well are you?
Red Robin: Shut up
Spoiler: I mean it wouldn't be the first time you–
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batsythoughts · 7 days
hiii, can we have a second part for the yandere! bruce with baby trapping 🥹 maybe some pregnancy kink
Of course you all can! I'm always willing to do continuations of any works I do or requests if you all ask nicely and I feel comfortable with it! And sorry this took so long to write. A lot of family stuff came up and I needed to take a step back for a while.
Part 2 of Yandere! Bruce Wayne and baby trapping!
As stated in the request, there is smut under the cut. Minors please do not interact with the post.
It had barely been a week since Bruce and you found out you were pregnant
Alfred had been discreetly informed so he could go buy your prenatal vitamins without any of the kids finding out
You all had agreed to do a reveal to them fairly quickly so they didn't find out themselves by accident
After some consideration, the both of you decided on a cake with a simple message
Bruce even got you to agree to let the message say 'It wasn't Jason'
"It's a bet the kids have on who would have a baby next. It's a family joke we have that's been going on."
You simply smiled at the explanation while saying it was okay as long as it was in a certain color
The next night a dinner, before anyone could get up from the table, Bruce said that Alfred made a special dessert for everyone
They all looked at one another in confusion as they tried to think of what the occasion was for a 'special dessert' to be made
When Alfred came in and set the cake in the center of the table, the kids stared at the written frosting with blank expressions
Jason was the first to react while throwing his hands up with a cheer
Dick started out with a huge grin before his eyes widen as he stared at Jason with disbelief all over his face
Tim and Damian shared a look for a moment before giving their congratulations
Cass smiled while looking between you and Bruce while asking multiple questions regarding the baby
Bruce smiled at the sight of all the people he loved celebrating the surprise of a new addition to the family
He gently took your hand in his while watching you happily eating the slice of cake Alfred cut for you
The first trimester was definitely interesting for the whole family with the random nausea, food cravings, and mood swings
Everyone worked together to help you deal with it as best as they were able to
Got a craving for something in the middle of the night that's not in the manor? Alfred told everyone and now Red Hood is in the store grabbing two of everything.
Your back hurting a little after getting off work? Tim has the heating pad on the couch for you as Cass gets a scented bath bomb that you might like so you can relax after dinner.
Randomly started crying? Dick and Alfred both stand nearby to hear you let out cries of whatever caused it
Damian would even offer to make you drinks that he had been taught were beneficial to both you and the fetus
Bruce was pleased that they were being so accepting of the situation instead of thinking you had been the one to cause the situation
The best thing though was a weekly ritual that only Bruce got to be apart of
An hour before he would go on patrol every Friday, you both would sit on the bed as his hands lightly caressed your stomach to carefully feel your body change over time
Even in the beginning when there wasn't anything to feel, Bruce enjoyed reliving the fact that he had gotten you pregnant successfully to keep you around
But he was still felt like you could do a bit more to be committed to the family
He wanted you to quit your job so you could be focused on him, the kids, and the baby with all your energy
Besides, he had more than enough money that you wouldn't have to worry about providing for yourself ever again
At first Bruce suggested going part time so you weren't straining your body too much while the baby was developing
You were hesitant at first, but relented and said you would ask your boss if it would be possible
It wasn't entirely what he wanted, it was just the start until you gave birth
You were beginning to tell the difference in your body after the two month mark with a slight firmness in your stomach
Bruce felt ecstatic as the days got closer to your due date
He did become concerned about the fact that you were showing a bit more than what was normal with all that he read
He even brought it up with the doctor at one of your appointments to ask if everything was alright
As they got the machine ready for the ultrasound, the doctor and nurse assured Bruce that everything should be alright with your hormone levels
The doctor began asking questions on how you were feeling and any issues you were experiencing
As they moved the wand over your stomach, the nurse stopped to look at the screen with a concerned look before her expression shifted to surprise
You became worried while asking what was wrong as the doctor focused on the screen before she got a similar look
"There's, um... there's two."
The screen was turned to face you both better as she pointed out the very close, but individual little blobs
You and Bruce stare in shock before you squeeze his hand with a soft coo
The doctor made sure to give you plenty of copies of the pictures before you left and made the next appointment
Bruce felt proud that you were giving him not one, but two children that would bind you to him for the rest of your lives
You told everyone that evening the news and they were thrilled by the prospect as well
Bruce had even signed up for a 'Baby and Me' class that meet up weekly
Of course that meant that everyone went and sat around you to retain any and all information that was being said to the class
A few of the other participants were judgemental and would whisper about how it should only be the expecting mother and father in the class
All the kids were quick to speak up and shut that down real quick with the woman who started it
"Wow Debra, that's really great advice. I'm sure your husband is proud of how outspoken you are."
"Speaking of husbands, where's your husband Debra?"
"Oh, he's working late like he always does? He must be worried about providing for you and the baby."
"I'm sure it's a very happy and loving marriage you have with him."
"But how long will it last, Debra?"
You quickly told the kids to behave while Bruce held back his smirk as the class finally began
Everyone paid attention to everything that was told, even asking questions about how to assist you through the whole process
Bruce was very proud of all his kids for being so willing to learn along with you during this stage in your life
As the weeks passed, the twins were growing healthy and making themselves known to the world
Their kicks profound enough that Bruce could sit on the other side of the couch and see the bumps they would make
He loved it most went you put headphones on your stomach while playing a small list of songs you made for the twins
"They can feel the vibrations! It is proven to be beneficial for development."
He only smiled while kissing the side of your head
Bruce had even made sure to have the baby room ready for the birth long before they were due
It did take a bit more time to keep the room neutral with the fact it was agreed to be a surprise of what you were having
But he made it work terrifically for whatever combination of twins you were carrying
With the help of Dick and Jason, of course. They refused to let Bruce try to put together the cribs and changing table that would hold their little siblings
It was always so adorable how you would go in to see the progress and coo at how everything was coming along
You of course gave an opinion on where you wanted things to go and the boys would move them without question or complaint
There was already two dressers full of baby clothes that all of them had picked out when going out shopping for any reason
Bruce adored it most that you had gotten a few maternity dresses that were elegant enough to wear to any galas he would attend
The looks that you would get from most of the people there didn't bother him
Despite the different reasons for the stares, he felt proud of the fact that everyone knew that you would always be his no matter who would try to change it
It became even better when he got a message from Alfred one day saying you had returned to the manor not long after you had went to work one day
He was worried when he finally returned that night to find you sulking in your shared room eating a bowl of fruit while wrapped in multiple blankets
Bruce hated the sight of you upset, but he hated that you seemed to be purposely hiding away the bump he was loving more every day
He sat down beside you as he waited for you to tell him what had happened at your job that morning
It took a few minutes before you finally mumbled out that you had impulsively quit your job
While he felt overjoyed, Bruce played the part of being concerned while asking what had occurred to cause it
You took another bite of your fruit while leaning in to rest your head on his shoulder
"One of the guys put his hand on the upper part of my stomach despite me telling them all not to do that. Then he asked me if... if my milk had come in."
Bruce clenched his jaw before apologizing for what happened, but gentle assured you that everything would be okay with him still providing for all of you
It took a few minutes of Bruce reassuring you that your actions were valid to preserve your self respect from the unsavory coworker you had
You gave a weak nod after a couple minutes before leaning further against for comfort
He held you to his chest while softly kissing your head and whispering affirmations to lift your spirits
That evening everyone noticed that you were feeling upset, but didn't push for an explanation so you could tell them if you felt comfortable
You gave a tired smile to the whole table while saying it was just a bad day at work and they shouldn't worry themselves
They all let you have a quiet night without arguments over anything until they went down to the cave to get ready for patrol
Bruce watched you prepare for bed with worry as you absent-mindedly went through your routine without a word
Before you could get into the bed, Bruce gently lead you over to the full length mirror he got for you that stood in one corner
He stood behind you as he rested his hands at the swell of your stomach while swaying back and forth
He placed kisses along your neck as his fingers danced over the bump while whispering against your skin
"You're such a good momma." "Doing your best for them already." "Providing me with the greatest gift."
Bruce continued with his praise as he watched the reflection until you finally cracked a smile
He carefully turned you around before connecting his lips to yours before guiding you over to the bed
He made sure you were completely settled in for the night before giving you a kiss and promising to return safely
The night had went by with only a few attempted muggings and a failed robbery of a gas station before the whole family returned
Bruce took a shower in the locker room and changed like every night so you wouldn't wake up from the noise
Bruce had tried to remain as quiet to not disturb you as he entered the room, but he saw that you were turning around under the comforter with soft whines
He thought you were just having a weird dream until you pushed up from the bed with a groan before meeting his gaze
He almost asked what was wrong as he walked towards the bed, but the words didn't need to be said with the way you bite your lip to keep back a pout
Now, you and Bruce had sex a few times since the pregnancy had started, but after you began showing he didn't want to potentially cause you any discomfort
He wouldn't deny the fact that he thought you were beautiful during the day doing any little thing
However, staring at you in the his bed with the light of the moon streaming in through the window and accentuating your features while one of the straps of your nightgown sliding of as you give him that pleading look
Bruce couldn't get in the bed quick enough after taking a moment to admire how breathtaking you were in that moment
He gently pushed you back to lay down on the mattress before lifting up the lower part of your sleepwear
He couldn't bother to remove your underwear as he pulled it to the side and immediately latched onto your clit
The startled moan you let out was a melody Bruce never wanted to forget as he passionately worked his tongue over the small nub
Wasting no time, he moved one hand to rest on your hip while the other went to prepare you
You laced your fingers in his hair the moment he pushed a finger into you for the first time in months
He slowly moved his hand as he listened to the way your breath hitched with each whine you gave before pushing a second finger in
He had only been at it for a minute before you gave a small cry and came undone by his fingers and tongue
Bruce smiled to himself as he worked you through the spasms before trailing kisses up your stomach, leaving a few attentive one underneath your breasts, until finally reaching your mouth
He didn't even give you time to protest the kiss as his abdomen pressed against you while lining up at your entrance
He made sure to go slow as he felt you shake slightly under him with your nails softly digging into his back
He kept his thrusts shallow as he pulled away to watched your expression as you let out small whines of pleasure
He moved one hand to rest on the side of your stomach as the other held your chin to keep you looking at him
He groaned at the way you tightened around him as he felt a small kick come from your lower stomach
He sweetly kissed you again before pulling away enough to speak with a smirk spread across his face
"Oh, aren't you just a beautiful momma?" "Still able to take me so well after so long." "I should just keep you like this for the rest of our lives."
Bruce gave a small laugh at the last thought as he gave one final thrust before you tightened around his cock
He almost let a small taunt out about you enjoying the idea of him already keeping you there, but just smiled as he trailed a finger over your cheek
It didn't take much longer for Bruce to find his own release with a deep groan
He waited a moment before pulling out and going to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth
He affectionately shook his head when he saw you had already fallen back to sleep with a calm grin on your face
He gently wiped the mess between you thighs away before tracing his fingers over you stomach for a a few moments
He quickly got rid of the cloth before putting on a fresh pair of boxers and slipping under the covers
Bruce moved his arms around you while laying down to get a few hours sleep himself
The next couple weeks, Bruce made sure to shower you with as much affection as he thought you deserved
You and the others simply assumed it was because you were steadily getting closer to your due date
But he did it to help build the emotional vulnerability you would ultimately go through after giving birth
He knew you would go through a strong surge of hormones that would cause you to rely on him even more
It all going to be for the best in the end because Bruce just needs you to realize how much he truly loves you and will always be there for you
What better way is there to convince someone to agree to marry you?
Bruce already had a ring picked out and the speech he would give on what each of the kids would do to be included in the wedding
He would still have you pick out all the important things that you wanted like the flowers, dress, location and every other aspect you wanted
But he had to be patient until after the twins had been born for at least a few months before asking you
But to get you to be apart of the family more than you already were? Oh, Bruce was nothing but determined.
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
Hey!! Love your art and your meta posts. I was wondering about your thoughts on something because I don't think I've ever really read about much of it in canon (might be missing something though), but do the batkids have their own Brucie Wayne-esque personas? I figure they'd be expected to act a certain way, like they've been taking in by a party loving play boy, they're gonna be a at least somewhat spoilt social butterflies right? I just can't stop thinking about the kids hitting like teenhood and having to adopt and put on that kind of act because it would be a little suspicious if nothing about Brucie rubbed off on them. Maybe they steal Bruce's cars or crash a gala, something staged just for the tabloids like that. Idk, I just find the idea of (most of) the kids not being raised anything like that and having to act up in the name of keeping their identities safe really interesting because I don't think they'd find it fun, I think it would actually gross them out to throw around money and act like brats.
lovely anon this is SUCH a fun question and i shall answer it in parts. the first is this — what is the purpose of the bruce wayne persona?
bruce created a specific public image of himself for several reasons — to deflect any suspicion that he’s batman, to justify his frequent disappearances from the public eye, and to be consistently underestimated by people he was in opposition with (gothams corrupt elite, the gcpd, etc). the popular interpretation of this is that he’s like a kardashian, but to be honest id say he’s a lot more like a donatella versace— relatively reclusive but who occasionally pops up doing the weirdest shit ever. he posts on dick’s insta like bruce WAYNE ❤️
wrt his kids, no, i don’t think many of them have that sort of glamorised persona. part of it is that the “gala” trope in fandom just…… doesn’t really exist in the comics? like bruce will take vicki vale to an event, or go to a luthercorp thing to gather intel, but the idea of everyone hitting up an event at the gotham four seasons is not a common story beat. and even then, again, the performance has a purpose outside of just being a distraction.
in particular, u have to consider how his kids are different from bruce. jason and dick were both lower class, if not actively below the poverty line and acting spoiled won’t win them any favours. cass straight up isn’t interested in that kind of performance. damian is honest to a fault. duke has his own family that he’s proud of. when u consider that damian and cass and duke and dick also aren’t white, u have to think about how acting like a glitzy idiot would help them in the same way it would bruce. short answer — it very much wouldnt. many people will think less of them regardless. it would be dehumanising, and because none of them have that same degree of disconnection from the standard person that bruce has, how would them being seen as spoiled idiots help them?
dick has always lived with civilian neighbours, had civilian jobs, and fostered civilian relationships. him being a cop was bad, but he takes a lot of pride in being someone who’s like… dependable. a good neighbour. jason is legally dead, but he wouldn’t have wanted to be seen as the dumb poor kid either. cass would probably play with peoples expectations of her, but not like an established persona that she has to take on. duke is, again, very attached to his family and where he grew up, and is very aware of assumptions people might make about that. damian would rather kill himself than pretend to be an idiot. tim, again, is a strong maybe, but i also don’t think he’d give a shit. he really values keeping himself as tim drake intact, away from robin. he wants to keep being himself.
i just think most of them would stay out of the public eye. remember — bruce isn’t active online. there is still massive control over released information about him, especially with babs. i think they would purposely make themselves boring and unassuming.
the short answer is that none of them, truly, possess bruce’s raw commitment to the bit.
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cairoscene · 9 months
do you have any fic recs? (anything w tim joins the batfam early or ghostbat or anything in general tbh!)
hello i absolutely do! i'm going to try to give a good scattering of different fics and hope one of these is new to you/what you're looking for.
for "tim joins the bat family early" these are some of my favorites:
5 Times Tim Spends the Night at Wayne Manor + 1 Time He Comes Home by motleyfam. this fic is inspired by Latchkey by goldkirk and birds fly in every direction by distracted_dragon, and all three are really excellent fics and great entries into this particular tag. all three of these fics are ones i turn to when i want prime hurt/comfort tim pangs with plenty of family fluff and shenanigans.
Brother Wanted by Vamillepudding. i read this one early on in fandom and i still laugh when i think about it. premise is that jason mistakenly answers tim's advert for a brother and ends up with tim paying him to be his brother. it's full of a very precocious and lonely tim trying his hardest to keep jason around, while jason is desperately trying to figure out how to get this kid adopted before he runs out of money. truly a delightful fic.
Like a Hinge, Like a Wing by Ultrageekatlarge. cw for child abuse and peril, so mind the tags but imo this is a work of art. genuinely one of the best paced and well-written fics out there. i suppose it's technically not tim joining the family early but rather an AU where jason never died, so tim never had the chance to replace him; instead he finds himself under the care of a horrible uncle after his parents die, and in desperation, he turns to the only person who can help: batman.
the Surveillance series by smilebackwards. cheating again bc technically this is just an AU where jason didn't die and tim is a civilian, so it's got the flavor of a different joining-the-family dynamic, plus added timkon delightfulness. this is my go-to for highly competent and extremely lonely tim drake content.
as for ghostbat, it's an extremely small tag, but it's got some excellent fics:
Miscommunication by OkayAristotle. pretty sure this is the first fic in the ghostbat tag, and somehow it got them prefect right from the start. the petty banter and ease with which they interact is phenomenal.
break me shake me devastate me by pendulum_north. some great angst with a small helping of comfort! as well as just a good overall look at the more tragic side to ghostbat.
i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive (now i only waste it dreaming of you) by nygmamale. bed-sharing! pining! banter! angst! there's something about how they both go out of their way to spite the other in this fic that really gets me.
The First Warm Thing by Noknowname. absolutely aching ghostbat domesticity and old men being gross and in love.
and i'll throw in a few of my other favorite random DC fics just for the heck of it:
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin. this remains one of my all-time favorite fics. tim gets stranded and chooses to freight-hop his way back to gotham, and guess who ends up on the same train? "baby wipes jason" is still spoken with reverent and hushed tones in my groupchat regularly.
Stargazer by lemonadegarden. my favorite comfort reread jason fic. jason breaks his leg and gets stuck at the manor while recuperating. honestly it's rare to find a fic that really lets jason feel as young as he is. i think he's 19 in this fic and he feels so very lost and young and hurt in a way that really heals me.
Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies. jason gets temporarily de-aged, and bruce has feelings about it. one of my cornerstone jason and bruce fics, mostly bc it contextualizes bruce and jason's relationship pre-jason's death in a way a feel many fics don't bother with. it's really really heartwarming.
The Jingle Jangle Morning by audreycritter. robin-era dick goes on a field trip and bruce has emotions. i think about this fic all the time tbh. it really sells bruce as a young, committed, and sweet father who really just wants to make sure dick is okay.
Tap Out by coyote_nebula. jason gets poisoned. oopsie. this whole series is excellent but i love this one for the way it builds up jason as a brother and a son, and the flashbacks to jason's early days after he was adopted by bruce. i truly wish there were more fics about newly adopted jason but what this fic offers scratches that itch for me.
buy back the secrets by sundiscus. in case you haven't heard this is the Timkon Fic of All Time. a 5+1 of times kon saved tim drake that has everything. identity shenanigans! tim and bruce pangs! kon and clark pangs! tim being extremely competent and extremely lonely! kon being extremely lonely and also pretty competent. this is technically a wip so i hope you'll forgive me for reccing it but it's really great and also totally worth it bc fer is absolutely 100% going to deliver and it's just. very good.
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syresdcthings · 1 year
Short batfam thing
Dick: As you all know, Alfred Is out on a trip for 1 week and Bruce will be in charge of all you youngens.
Damian: Urgh... Why couldn't you have taken responsibility Grayson? I don't want to eat fathers cooking all week...
Stephanie: Yeah man, or Alfred could've asked me
Dick: Excellent question Damian! I'm too busy these days to stay here and babysit, as much as I'd like to.
Tim: It's not babysitting. Me, Cassanadra, Duke and Damian just can't cook.
Dick: AS for Stephanie, I think you were one of the people Alfred wanted babysat.
Jason: Heh punks. Have fun with Bruce all week.
Dick: oh, little wing... B man actually has to keep a closer look on you since Alfred's leaving.
Jason: WHAT?
Dick: so, without further ado, go and wreak havoc!
Tim: what.
Dick: Alfred paid me to make Bruce have as difficult a time possible dealing with you all. If you guys do what I deem a disastrous amount of damage without having the Manor fall to pieces, I'll split the money.
Jason: You do realise who you're asking to do this Dick.
Dick: I do. I give you all my complete permission. And if B gives you any trouble, tell him I put you up to it. You will only gain from this.
Damian: oh please Dick, out of all of us I thought of you as the most responsible. This is just childish.
Dick: 21,000$. That's 3000$ each.
Damian: Where does father keep the hammers?
Jason: I call dibs on smashing all the windows.
Tim: Atleast 16? Anyway, I'm gonna throw all the Antique China at a wall.
Cassandra: The plates :(
Duke: Guys don't you think this is a bit much..? I think I might sit this one out. One of you guys can have my thousand.
Dick swinging his arm around Dukes shoudler: Haha, listen Duke. You're pretty new around here, I get it! You don't feel as comfortable destroying the place as the rest of us but ... it's family tradition. Okay? Aren't you part of the family Duke?
*everybody gives him a stare*
Duke, tearing up: ... The chandeliers... I'll- I'll break the chandeliers...
*Cuts to Bruce running around for all the Batkids, catching things, stopping Jason from breaking his cars, the oven exploding because Damian left it on "accidentally", the bathroom overflowing with bubbles (a Tim and Stephanie special), Cassandra using the paintings as fresh canvases for an "art experiment", Duke sobbing whilst he smashes the walls with a bat and through it all Dick is sat comfortably in a Sun Lounger that he pulled from outside while drinking a wine glass full of Pepsi.*
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 4 months
May I hear more about sugar baby Kon, I eat that stuff up
Uhhhhh yes in about 20 minutes I am posting a thingie that I lowkey forget about!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy
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saphrun · 8 months
Tim Drake HC if he never became robin
(Let's face it, no way he was normal. the brain rot is real)
He was thirteen when Jason died, and he was getting pretty concerned for Bruce, but also getting really off put by the violence becuase batman was never that violent
This pretty much culminates in THE INCIDENT
Tim isn't even taking pictures that night, he had after school detention, and because he knew gotham so well, was decently more muscular then the average person and very fast, he was taking his time
He watches batman almost kill someone. The man will never be able to walk again.
He calls the police, and continues hiding and following Bruce, because something was going on, and lets face it, he didn't really have any plans.
He doesn't know this, but lady shiva is in gotham, and doing the same thing
It turns out theres a villan AND hero intervention going on, where clark may or may not be guilt tripping bruce HARD into getting help
However, before Tim can trail him to the intervention, someone catches his eye
He's not that well dressed, Suit looks nice-ish, but the tie is obviously thrifted, and his watch is a little too good (classic signs of working for a gang, intimidation, spurts of money, clearly not knowing how to spend smart)
Tim decides that this is more important. Plus, what's he going to do tailing batman? Get caught while not even doing anything? No thank you
It turns out that guy worked falcon, and long story short, Tim ends up fighting a bunch of gang members in a wearhouse.
He takes out around half before, Oh lookie there, its batman, and he's rescheduled his intervention till the morning.
Tim is proper injured, a few good bruises and a couple generously bleeding cuts.
Then, because batman is fighting everyone in the warehouse, not just goons, because he doesn’t know what Tim is doing there, skewers him to the wall with a batarang.
Tim pretends to be knocked out but is going what the fuck batman inside his head
Shiva, who has been watching this entire encounter, and was very impressed by someone with little to no formal training goes and drops down menacingly from the rafters
She offers to train Tim and he's like sure ;-;
They go back to paris, and just to say, Tim's parents aren't just MIA. They straight up moved out of gotham and keep limated contact with tim, just making sure CPS doesn't get them into legal trouble
Tims fine with that too
So, in paris, Tim and lady shiva are kicking ass. Tim is learning to play dirty but also gains a strict code
He's very clear that he wont kill anyone, and that he believes keeping them alive is a sign of strength. that he wasn't so weak that killing them was his only option
They disagree but eventually Tim's pretty good at combat and Shiva sends him on his marry way (he beats her in a fight by drugging some food she ate four days prior and wouldn't set in until she was testing him)
Tim starts moonlighting league of assassins, just doing whatever really, and finds out the holly shit, Talia had a thing for bruce and his dead hero jason, brought jason back to life, send him and their secret love child to gotham, and also disrespected Ra's
He thinks shes so cool, and decides to drop by gotham, yk go home, throw in a public appearance with his parents, try the new zelda game
What the flip man, says Tim, on live television, reading a text finding out his parents are dead.
He doesn't say what the text was about though, so the people of gotham make a twitter meme about some rando kid at a gala
The whole things kinda a disaster anyway, so its fine (its later known as The Gala of [insert year])
Dick Grayson just got back from traveling (space) and finds out Jason and Dami are alive/exist, and tries hiding in the back, ending up in the same room as Tim
"Why are you back here?" Dick Grayson asks the black haired kid sitting at the table, playing what looks like a knock off of neopets. "My parents just died." He says sagely, not looking up from his phone. Dick doesn't really know how to respond to that but ask more questions. "How- uh how did they die?"
Black haired kid shrugs.
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comphetkoncass · 8 months
one-plus-one, easy math cass&kon, fake dating (no, really, she's a lesbian, this is a fake date) word count: 2557 also on ao3
“You… want me to be your plus-one?” 
Cass nods. She’s started talking lately, according to Tim, but she’s still pretty quiet. Kon thinks even when she gets more comfortable with speaking, she might still be a woman of few words – she seems the type to choose them carefully, the same way she’s precise with her movements. 
“Well…” Kon rubs the back of his neck, thinking it over. “I thought we weren’t dating anymore. I thought you were happy about not dating anymore.” 
Cass tilts her head to the side, and Kon knows she’s probably reading his entire soul. He squirms a little under her intense gaze. Then, “I am.” 
“Then…” He frowns. “Why are you asking me to be your plus one, if we’re not dating?” 
It’s a longer phrase, and Kon thinks she might struggle. But to his pleasant surprise, though she takes some time to consider her words, they don’t seem overly difficult. “...I need someone outside the family.” 
“And I’m the best choice?” he asks. “...Really?” 
“I was surprised too.” 
Kon barks out a surprised laugh. She’s learned enough for jokes, then, that’s great. She smiles, and he’s glad she’s comfortable enough to joke around with him still – he missed making her happy. As whirlwind and short-lived as their romance was, making her smile was a definite perk. He always got the feeling that joy was a rare experience for her. He just hopes she’s happy in Gotham. To him, it’s always been stifling – not least because Batman is an asshole. 
“So?” Cass asks, looking at him with intense brown eyes. 
“Ah, what the hell,” he finally says. “Sure. But I need to go shopping, I don’t have anything fancy enough for this kind of thing.” 
Cass smiles then – and holds up three separate cards in Bruce Wayne’s name. Stolen, he thinks, given the mischief on her face. Kon quickly discovers that, actually, there is a superpower better than his TTK, and it’s called money. He whoops in delight, and it doesn’t take long for them to explore Gotham’s downtown, going from shop to shop until they find the perfect outfits to blend in with high society. 
(Or, rather, how they think they could blend in with high society. Cass’s dress is probably too loose and flapper-style for the current era, and Kon’s probably has too much satin, but they match, and they make for a fun duo.) 
In the end, Kon probably wasn’t the best choice for the Gala. But Dick and Tim are both gone on a mission outside Gotham, leaving Cass the only Wayne child to represent the family alongside Bruce. Kon probably wasn’t the first choice, either – and privately, Kon wonders if Cass is testing boundaries with Bruce, given he’d been all but banned from Gotham. If she is testing boundaries, he hopes she gets whatever she’s angling for, even if it’s just a little more freedom to hang out with friends. 
It’s not until halfway through the Gala that Kon starts to wonder if maybe Cass had ulterior motives after all. 
They’ve been talking and tasting the overpriced snack table for most of the night, almost-goofing-off but not blatantly enough to catch Bruce’s ire (or so Kon hopes). Kon’s been monopolizing Cass’s attention, something he’s pretty good at, if he does say so himself – he’s always been a charmer. 
But eventually, it wears off; that, or everyone waiting for a chance with Cass finally get bold enough to interrupt them. And while Cass is trying to throw a wad of caviar into Kon’s open mouth, at that. 
“Ahem,” a young man about Cass’s age says. “So terribly sorry to interrupt. May I?” 
“May you what?” Kon asks, straightening up. He wipes the tiniest trace of caviar from the corner of his lip – Cass is an excellent shot, and Kon’s pretty good at catching, so it’s not like she ever missed. 
Cass, meanwhile, stands up a little straighter. 
“Interrupt,” the young man says. “Miss Wayne, I don’t mean to take you away from… present company. But I was hoping for a dance. Perhaps a bit of light conversation.” 
Kon stares at the guy, raising a brow. 
Kon’s no body language reader. Not like Cass. But he knows her heart’s a little faster, in the bad way. The blood pressure raising way. He glances between her and the new guy, and ultimately decides, nah, he’s not going to let this happen. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Her dance card is pretty full. I could try to rearrange, but she and I, we’re pretty busy.” 
Cass looks up in surprise – an expression he’s not used to seeing on her face. 
The new guy, too, looks surprised. Kon thinks he can see his eye twitching. Kon bets his name is something silly, like Macadamian Rosegarden Cavendish the Third, and that he’s not used to being told no. 
All the more reason to say no, then. 
Kon sends him a friendly smile, then looks back over at Cass and extends her a hand. Time to go somewhere a little less approachable. “Speaking of dancing though – Cass and I should probably practice a little. I’ve got two left feet, see, and she's the best dancer I know. Cass?” 
Cass looks at Kon’s hand, then his face. Wordlessly, she takes his hand. 
Kon sends the guy a two-fingered salute, then is quick to walk with her to a less occupied part of the Gala. There’s a balcony nearby, one just big enough for the two of them. Kon makes a little more room by hopping up on the ledge, swinging his legs around so he can face Cass and the party inside the windows. 
Cass is quiet for a while, but she looks less tense out in the night air. He almost didn’t notice it beyond her heartbeat, but she’d gotten a little more tense when Macadamian Rosegarden Cavendish the Third had approached – a tension that hadn’t been there when it was just the two of them enjoying themselves. 
It takes a moment, but finally she finds her words again. “...Thank you.” 
“No problem,” Kon says. “Is it like that a lot, at these things?” 
Cass shrugs one shoulder. “Second gala,” she says. When Kon doesn’t quite understand, she pauses and elaborates, just a little. “...I don’t come to many. Not sure.”
Kon nods. That makes sense. “I hope you don’t have to go much more often then, because it must suck having to reject people so much.” 
Cass looks at the ground. 
Kon frowns a little. The wind disturbs her carefully ironed bob, and when she doesn’t try to remove it from her face, Kon reaches out with just a hint of TTK and does it for her. She looks up, equal parts confused and startled. 
“Sorry,” he says, putting both hands up and stopping his powers. “Just- Sorry. Got distracted. Wanted to help.” 
Cass crosses her arms in front of her chest. 
Kon finds his train of thought, then, and asks, “Do you usually get to reject them? Or do you end up dancing with them anyways?” 
Cass’s silence speaks volumes. 
Kon lets out a slow breath. It fogs in front of him in the chilly night air. “I’m sorry,” he says, sincerely. “That sucks.”
“Not your fault.” 
“Well… I’m glad I could come with this time,” he says. “So you don’t have to dance with anyone you don’t want to.” 
Cass nods. There is the tiniest hint of a smile again, and she tucks a lock of hair behind her ears. Then, quietly, “Even you?” 
It takes him aback for a second. Then, he understands what she means, and nods. “Well yeah, I only said your dance card was full to lose that jerk. You don’t have to actually dance with me – even though I will say, my dance moves are great, I’m an absolute party animal. I can do the Mashed Potato like nobody’s business.” 
Cass blinks, serious instead of laughing. “Mashed potato?”
Kon grins, standing on top of the balcony ledge. “I’m so glad you asked, I’d be happy to demonstrate-”
He’s pretty sure he’s not doing it exactly right, but Cass looks almost hypnotized by the way his heels click and his knees move in sync with an imaginary rhythm. He’s definitely doing the hands wrong, but he’s having more fun with it this way. 
“Dancing with yourself?” Cass asks, grinning up at him. "Not a waltz?"
“Way more fun,” Kon says with a grin. “I could show you how to do it yourself?” 
Cass just laughs at him. She’s already imitating his movement – in a way that flows better than he’s doing. Right – almost forgot, movement was her first language. Of course she’s better than him already. 
Instead of feeling put out, Kon just grins at her. 
She looks like she’s having fun again – and really, that’s all he wants. 
When she looks back up at him, her smile is everything. Kon knows she isn’t interested in a relationship – or at least, not one with him. Kon checks in with himself, gives himself a stern reminder not to read into anything. He’s here to make sure she has fun, and that’s all. 
Eventually, after teaching Cass the Twist, the Shopping Cart, and an attempt at the Moonwalk – all of which she masters immediately – Kon hops down from the ledge and moves to sit again. 
He looks up at the sky, and mourns the fact that Gotham doesn’t really have stars. “Thanks for inviting me,” he says sincerely. “It’s been really fun tonight. I haven’t gotten to go to something like this in a while, and the ones I went to before – they weren’t that fun, either, even if they were a lot less fancy than this.” 
Cass looks a little surprised. “But you’re so… exciting?” 
Kon chuckles a little. “Yeah,” he says. “But it’s still more fun here with you.” 
It takes her a moment to chew on that. Eventually, she moves to sit on top of the ledge next to him. They both look inwards at the party, watching ladies in fancy dresses dance with well-dressed men in suits. The fake laughter, the champagne glasses. Kon’s never been that familiar with the super-rich, but he’s had his fair share of parties. Especially back when he was Just Superboy. 
Ever since getting his name, and especially after moving in with Ma and Pa Kent, life’s been a lot slower. More balanced. He has room to breathe. 
Kon doesn’t know much about Cass’s life before being adopted by Bruce Wayne. But he hopes it’s been a relief for her, too. That whatever her life was like before, that she can breathe in this fresh start, too. He hopes it’s not constant vigilante work all the time. She deserves a chance to have fun and be a real person, too. 
When Kon looks back, he finds Cass staring at a young woman with a particularly daring backless dress in crushed velvet Prussian blue. 
Her cheeks are pink, he notices.
And he thinks, maybe he’s reading into this too much. But if he’s not, he thinks he understands her a little bit better. And maybe why she seemed to have a lot of fun on their date, and liked the idea of a romance, and a TTK castle in the sky, and a spark of real love with someone – but why something was missing. 
“She’s pretty,” Kon says, looking at the young woman, too. “Do you like her dress?” 
Cass turns to him, brows furrowed. She glances between his body language and his lips, seemingly puzzled. “I wouldn’t want to wear it.” 
“Sorry,” Kon says, realizing he might be confusing her by being subtle. “I wouldn’t expect you to, yeah, it’s not very practical.” 
Cass looks at him again, still confused. 
“...But,” he says, “It’s okay to like how it looks on her. It’s okay if you think she’s pretty.” 
Cass doesn’t say anything for a little while. Her face is still a little pink. 
“Pretty doesn’t matter,” Cass says, but her eyes don’t leave the blue dress. “It’s not supposed to.” 
“Sure,” Kon says. “But dancing doesn’t matter either. And it can still be fun. Pretty – sometimes pretty can be fun. Sometimes people like to look pretty just to enjoy it. Like art, or whatever.”
It takes a moment, but finally, Cass nods. “And she?” she asks. “She wants to look pretty so that someone sees her as pretty?”
“Something like that.” 
“Her date,” Cass says. Her eyes are laser-focused on the man locking arms with her. “She wants her date to see her as pretty.” She pauses for a moment. A long one. Then, in a smaller voice, “Not me.” 
Kon is quiet for a moment, not sure what to say to that. 
Cass’s shoulders slump. “I shouldn’t look. I wouldn’t want her to feel-” She frowns, looks over at the boy who had asked her to dance earlier, who Kon had helped her reject. And Kon recognizes her dilemma. The fear of looking, of asking to dance, when it’s unwanted. When there is a fundamental incompatibility. 
Cass shivers, and Kon sheds his jacket to drape over her shoulders. It’s satin, so it doesn’t do all that much to protect her from the cold, but Kon likes to think it at least helps. She pulls it closer, and looks more at ease immediately. 
“You don’t have to look if it makes you worried to think about this kind of thing,” he says, carefully. “But it’s not wrong to think she’s pretty, regardless of who she’s trying to be pretty for.” 
She looks up at him, still unsure. 
“Trust me on this,” Kon says, adding a wink for flair. “It’s okay if you don’t like boys. It’s okay if you like girls – hell, it’s okay if you only like girls. You’re not doing anything wrong.”
Cass looks in through the window, of the sea of wealthy Gothamites. Kon follows her eyes to the small, formal dance floor – where the only ones dancing are men-and-woman pairs. How they lean in close to each other; how the man leads the woman, how they’re pushed close together, how it’s impossible to miss the intimacy in the way they hold each other, even in formal dances. The way men’s suits cut neatly to their waists and flatter masculine figures; the way the women’s dresses accentuate whatever she believes her best features to be. The way they all follow the same type of dance, with no room for new steps. No room for fun. 
He thinks it cuts quite a picture against two vigilantes, teaching each other how to dance with themselves in the cold night air. 
“Someday you might get to dance with a girl,” he says. “Sorry if it might not be tonight. But someday.” 
Cass laughs a little, pink to her ears. “And you?” 
“What, who am I going to dance with?” 
She nods. 
Kon lets out a long breath, leaning backwards, elbows brushing the railing. He’s not sure himself. “I like dancing, just not the boring, stuffy kind,” he finally says. “As long as my partner’s having fun, I don’t really care how I do it, or who I’m dancing with.” 
Cass follows his eyes – the way he watches everyone inside the window, his eyes not particularly caught by any one person. 
“Okay,” she says, and accepts that as an answer. Kon thinks she reads something different in his body language – but if she does, she doesn’t tell him any different. 
"Let's stay outside a little longer, yeah?" Kon finally says. "I think I remember the Electric Slide. I've got the song on my phone and everything."
Cass grins, and Kon pulls up his phone. The Electric Slide clashes horribly against the orchestra inside, but he doesn't care. They've got their own dancing to do, and they'll be doing it to their own rhythm.
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castrianamore · 1 year
You Can’t Teach an Old God New Tricks
DC x DP Crossover
TW: Cannon-Typical violence+ some stuff, panic attacks, terrorist-like attack, Injury
What was he doing? Really. Tonight felt off.
There was an eeriness to the air even more so than usual. Tim didn’t know how to take Gotham somehow feeling worse than usual. It was his solo night which was normally nice unless the night was young and then silence set upon Gotham.
“Anyone else not getting good vibes?” Tim’s voice broke the silence into the group coms. Tim could hear Jason finishing beating the shit out of someone. Just slightly labored breath.
“I’ve been riding around and only seen one instance of trouble. Either Gotham’s in a good mood or…” 
“Something worse is going to happen.” Dick finished for him. Nightwing or rather Dick was working on his investigation tonight. Tim knew that much and had been trying to let him help. He was a pretty good detective he could say so himself. 
“What do you think Batman?”
“I don’t know but something is always up in this city. It’s another night. We won’t let anything else happen to it anyways.” 
“Fair fair, oh hey! I see you Babybird!!!” Tim perked up looking around and seeing Nightwing obnoxiously waving from a rather large distance. If it weren’t for his special lenses in his mask he definitely would not have seen the man. 
“Oh? Yeah, I have something for you by the way,”Tim reached into his pocket before pretending to grab something and flipping him off with a smirk. 
“Wow real mature, Red!” 
“Thanks Hood’s been teaching me.” 
“Of course he did, see you on the flip side RR.” 
And Nightwing dropped from the building presumably running off to go work on something else. 
“What did you do that i taught you?”Jason replied a little delayed but still there. “I said stay down you mother fuck—“
“HAHA You have to put money in the swear jar!” Tim teased the elder man. 
“Careful Replacement. But what did I teach you that Night wing is being pissy about?”
“Oh I flipped him off.” 
“But we both flip him off all the time I don’t?” Jason sounded mildly confused.
“I pretended I was showing him something.” 
“Okay that makes sense now.” A small grunt of reply from Tim. He sighs and moves across the building hopping to the next and the next. However…
As Tim jumped to the next a building exploded throwing him into a building’s wall and down into an alley way. His back hitting the hard industrial trash can before making contact with the alleyway floor. 
His world was spinning. He was sure he had a concussion. Had to have one with how hard he had been thrown. He was vaguely there for a moment as he collected himself hearing a brief conversation over the coms. 
That wall had hurt he was floating between consciousness and being a goner. He guessed he blacked out because when he woke up it was hard to breath. 
 His own breathing was heavy and the air was thick with smoke. Where was his air filter? He patted his suit getting up. Fuck! He had to have forgotten it in the batcave. How could he forget it in the batcave. 
 An echoing evil laugh sent a shiver down Tim’s spine. What the fuck was he doing. He moved his hand to his ear as he peaked around the corner of the building to see what was going on. Flames lit the night sky up in a beautiful orange hue but the Smokey fog made things hard to see. He touched his forehead feeling blood and wiped it away for a moment. No use worrying about it now it would have to be treated later 
 Fuck it was hard to breath. 
 A large ominous figure floated above the city of Gotham. A flame covered crown floating above his head. 
This was supposed to have been a normal night of patrols. His shift. Red Robin’s shift. Nightwing had his own investigations to run and Batman was requested at Arkham asylum for a moment by one of the members of the staff. Tim didn’t really care much in that aspect. 
 But tonight wasn’t supposed to bring trouble. No one had expected the explosions. The earthquakes and tremors through the Earth’s rock and crust as the concrete cracked and broke and a few buildings exploded. 
A silent pressure falling over the city so quickly to  lift to the flames. The city that seemingly reached towards the welcoming embers. The screams echoing in his ears as Rubble had scattered around him as the first explosions had gone off and a figure appeared.
 “You guys seeing this?” Tim whispered into the coms.
 “How could we not? It’s only at least as tall as most buildings around Gotham and FLOATING,”Dick whisper yelled. 
 “Scarred Dickie-bird?”
 “Shut up Little wing.” 
 “Does anyone have visual on our target?” Batman’s voice silenced the trio of brothers. “And does anyone have contact with Robin? He’s not showing up on coms?” 
 “Robin? No. I haven’t seen him since we finished our rounds last night.” Tim looked around him grappling to the top of the building to look around and try and get a good look on the person responsible for this. 
Definitely not human. Could they be Martian? No they tended to stay around the same size as humans and their natural forms. Who was this? 
The wind blew the smoke out of the way. A little as he ran from roof top to roof top a cloth over his mouth as he had one thing in mind. Get higher. He had to get higher. Out of the smoke. Out of the flames. See who he needed to fight. 
A cry came over the coms. “Out of commission guys.” 
“Nightwing!” Tim’s panicked voice rose as he stopped in his tracks as he lands on the next building eyes going from the ground to the sky. 
“Broken ankle and probably crushed my tibia on my left side,”his voice sounded strained. 
“What happened?” The stern voice of a concerned father slipped through Batman’s voice ready to tell the kids where to meet to help him.
“Got a few civilians out of a collapsing building but it collapsed and I didn’t get completely out of the way in time.” A deep breath of Nightwings familiar techniques to keep himself conscious and working. He’d definitely been through worse but if he was pinned? That was another question entirely. 
“Nightwing, Can you move?”
“Afraid not. This is a solid piece of wood on my leg Babybird.” 
“Hood you’re the closest can you get to him?” 
“Already on my way.” 
“I am so not whelmed right now.”
“Do you have a better visual? I’m on my way back from Arkham.” 
“I do…” 
Tim’s eyes widened as he stared up at the figure. Midnight black armor with the flaming crown he could see through the smoke. Cape whipping in the wind as the man gave out a dark a chuckle. 
“And you think you Can stop me?” 
There was something—no someone in front of him. 
A weak cough came from the coms.
“This is Robin to the bats.” 
“ROBIN!” All of the bats in synchronized concern at hearing the youngest voice even if it was weak.
“Report, where are you? Now.” 
“Bat cave.” 
“But your readers aren’t..?”
“I was outside and had to bolt. I dropped it.”  
“You’re lying.” 
Tim could read Damian like a book. It wasn’t intentional but while the kid was a skilled assassin it didn’t change the fact he had awful people kills and even worse cover stories at times. Quick to anger. Quick to prove wrong too, sometimes.
“Shut up Red.” 
“Now is not the time to be playing games Robin. Are you hurt?” 
“I was taking down a gambling den and the building collapsed on top of us….” 
Silence fell over the group. Robin was trapped under a building with criminals. 
“Robin answer the question, are you hurt?” It was Jason this time. The faint sounds of win whipping past and a familiar hum of his motorcycle. Dammit his own motorcycle was probably gone once again. This time more than likely destroyed due to the debris and explosions. Jason was probably on his way to Dick’s location. 
“How badly?” Tim couldn’t help the mild panic in his voice. Damian would be okay, he knew that but his brotherly instinct kicked in for the youngest Robin. He wanted to protect Damian. As much of a nuisance and trouble maker the child was he was still family. His family.
“I think my right arm got dislocated but I popped it back into place. My left wrist I think is fractured. Definitely a broken rib or two.” His shallow breathing and tremors were concerning. 
“Anything else?” 
“I don’t know how much air I’ll have down here. I don’t think anyone else made it, I’m small so that should buy me time and if I can get my breathing under control until rescue services arrive I might be able fo last.” 
Robin was trapped under a building with little air to breath and several broken bones and possible fractures.
No one wanted to breath as it dawned on them how serious this entire situation was. However, before anyone could say another word into the communication devices they were cut off. 
“Citizens of the Mortal plane!”
Not that anyone would talk now.
“Red! All I’m picking up is static from your end? What’s going on?”
“I don’t know… the figure it’s talking!” Tim looked up in horror as the smile across the figured face grew and grew with ever sharper teeth and eyes that seemed to be focused exclusively on you and only you. He couldn’t move? Of course he couldn’t move that creature. That thing was terrifying.
“I am here to take control of this existence and your wretched short lives will serve me well. You may call me, Pariah Dark. The Ghost King. The king of the Infinite Realms! You’re new overlord, or your new butcher!” 
“Red how close are you?” Jason’s voice. “Red how close are you to that THING?!?!” 
“RED ROBIN ANSWER US!!!” Tim wasn’t sure if he could. It felt like his bones had turned to mush and his eyes were focused and trapped on the one thing. He couldn’t move. 
The longer the being talked the more static filled his ears as the radios and comms were filled with noice and a high pitched sharp sound caught him off guard as he desperately clawed out the coms throwing it out of his ear in pain. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
He could feel the ringing in his ears and the blood trickling down his cheeks as he slowly reached up to touch it. Did his comms just bust his ear drum? He looked around again. His hearing was dulled. It had definitely busted his ear drum. 
“You will bow down to me or you will pay a severe price!” 
A loud explosion called the man, Pariah Dark, to look in that direction. In a glowing mass of green was another figure. Much smaller but if Tim hadn’t known any better he would say easily more powerful than the so called King of Infinite Realms. But what the fuck was that? How did his coms glitch out so severely to hurt him? 
He stood up wearily trying to get closer to the duo. In his head he could hear Nightwing and Jason screaming for him to stay where he was until they could get backup, but Tim knew backup wasn’t coming.
Ghosts were real. The dead could walk amongst the living and haunt people. Had they messed up so badly as humanity that the dead had to come back and teach them a lesson? Was this a chance? A coincidence? He prayed not, but one thing was for sure about this ghost. About this situation he found himself in. 
The king stood right in front of him and they needed intel. He had to overhear what was happening to help his family because…
Dick was severely injured.
Damian was trapped and injured 
Bruce was too far away. 
Jason had to help Dick or Damian. 
His electronics were no longer working. No coms. No tracking. No maps. Nothing. 
The only one left to get anything useful was himself, and he swore he would do that. The smoke blowing in front of him gave him trouble seeing the figure floating in front of Pariah. The size of a normal human being but was obviously far from normal.
White hair glowing bright and just slightly floating around him. The faint Green light he gave off with the aura of Superman if not far more powerful. Tim didn’t even realize his hands were shaking. The figures arms were crossed and despite being in the presence of someone so powerful the figure seemed relaxed.
Tim placed a hand to his wrist checking his pulse. It was highly elevated was he… was he scared. Yes. He was, but as the figure opened his mouth to speak that fear changed to terror. 
An unearthly wail of immeasurable incomprehension filled his ears. These were words, but his mind could not process the language, the pronunciation. Part of him felt as if he knew exactly what the man was saying. The words harsh and strangely familiar. The sounds caused Tim to cover his ears, even if already dulled from having lost one ear drum for the moment. It would not stop the true paralysis of fear in his bones. 
He couldn’t breath. Fuck. No. Take in a breath dammit.
Breath Tim! The smoke choked his lungs and his panic attack began to set into his veins which didn’t help his case. 
He shook. Knees on the gravel roof hands over his ears. Tears slipping from his eyes catching on his mask, before rolling down his cheek. 
Did this make him a coward?
He was petrified. How could they fight something like that? It was far too strong to be human, to be a ghost even. Too … too what?
No, what stood in front of them with a catch of a gleaming smile of razor sharp teeth and glowing green eyes, had to have been a god. The power. The fear.
Tim didn’t know what happened next. 
He just knew he blacked out and woke up struggling to breath in Jason’s arms eyes wide as he clutched his brother desperately. Jason kept his grip on him tight.
“Is-is it gone. Is that THING gone?!?!!” 
Jason have him a small shush holding him still in Tim’s bedroom. “Tim, it’s been a week since that creature was defeated. Take a deep breath. “ 
Slowly he looked up at Jason. The tired eyes and a stitched together cut on his forehead telling him that yes. Time had passed. He had been asleep. It was the only thing that made sense.
“Is Damian? Is Dick are they? Are they okay!!?! I need to see them! I need to make sure that they’re.” 
The feral attempt to get out of his brother’s arms in a frenzy of panic and anger and confusion and worry only had his brother’s arms growing tighter around him. 
“Tim. Tim. Tim .” Jason’s stern voice shook the younger one for a moment though he should have been far more used to it than he had been. “They’re safe. You’re safe. Anyone who was within the immediate hearing range of that fight have been recorded with onset anxiety, panic attacks. Seizure’s, etc. Some jumped off roofs, out windows to escape whatever it was..” 
“Am I okay?” 
Tim knew he probably looked broken. Hands slipping past his brother’s arms to cover his ears as his mind began to properly take in what had happened. He had passed out from the overwhelming panic and inability to breath on that roof. Jason had said people had been terrified. Rightfully so. That creature was the stuff of nightmares. Anything who had to go toe to toe with them should be fearful. Jason explained a bit more but Tim was already too far gone again staring down at the blankets his heart monitor beeping away next to him.
His heart began to pick up slowly. Jason’s hand on his arm as his eyes grew wide again. He knew what it meant now.
“What did… what did that do to me? What did It do to them?” 
Jason looked at him extremely concerned.
“Tim, what do you mean? What happened to you?”
What that creature had said, and he had no idea how he knew this considering all recordings of the event merely ended up as static from his broken electronics, more than likely. Right as he saw Damian enter the room in several casts. He glanced up at him his eyes glazing over once more. 

“I am Phantom, and I will destroy you for touching what is mine, you will be the King of Nothing when I am finished with you.” 
Tim didn’t remember much else after that. Merely Jason and Damian having to call for Alfred. Tim was told later that week that he had been in an out of seizure fits for a while. For another week. He had never had seizures in his life but now? That event had changed his brain.
It was another month and a half before Bruce let him back out on duty. And still another 3 before he was allowed to solo.
Tim occasionally could feel the seizure’s coming on but only rarely, But the days went on and years passed. 
Tim never forgot those words. He prayed that remembering that fearful night would never amount to anything.
Original Post and ao3 links:
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Have you ever heard the song "missing hell" by sushi soucy? Bc it's,,,,, tim,,, it's all batkids tbh
Tw: abuse, emotional neglect, bad parents
I had not heard of that song before, and I love how it represents the cycle of abuse, especially through the act of gift giving.
As for whether this fits the batkids, it depends on one's perception of Bruce. Is he the type to constantly buy his children's affection? He has money he can throw around and isn't afraid to do it. Would he use his money to buy every monetary need of his children while also hoping to wield it as proof of his love?
I personally think it fits. For Dick, he lives in crappy apartments in Bludhaven because he can be financially independent from Bruce that way. There's a bit to analyze there with their relationship, but it's understandable to want to provide for yourself at a young age if your guardian constantly uses money as a means to control you.
For Tim, this song might relate to his bio parents and Bruce. While Jack and Janet weren't necessarily physically abusive, they were emotionally neglectful (Jack after the coma was portrayed as emotionally abusive). They could have provided Tim with gifts and luxury to try to excuse their absence. If Tim had complained, they could have guilted him with the things they bought and provided. Others around Tim would have berated him as well if he said he'd rather have his parents than expensive skateboards (or whatever his parents gave him).
The shitty part is the vicious cycle one can find themselves in until they are financially independent. There's the fight and anger and emotions that occur. The cooldown. The appeasement (in love bombing and gifts). The gaslighting, blaming, and guilt tripping ("I only got so mad at you because of what you did," "I apologized already," "I didn't yell at you,"). The fight again. The stages can get mixed up, but it happens again and again.
If one wants to speculate, they can add this as another reason Tim made up a fake uncle (whether from his experience with his own parents or from Bruce).
I have a song similar to this, but from the viewpoint of the abuser. "This is Love" by Air Traffic Controller details what gaslighting might happen and the dangers hidden by a person claiming "this is love" despite what they are doing not being that.
There's various kinds of abuse and tactics used. Stay safe, y'all.
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quotidian-oblivion · 9 months
Dick Grayson & Tadashi Hamada
Dick watches Big Hero 6 when he's a kid and sighs because he loves the two brothers. Tadashi is automatically his favorite character.
Dick watches Jason for the first time out in the field, and Jason has a gun to his head. He leaps in to help, doesn't mean he has totally eased up with Jason being Robin though.
Dick watches Big Hero 6 with the Titans when he learns that none of them had watched it. He grins as Tadashi comes in view, to save Hiro, but the grin freezes as he flashes back to Jason and how he had saved him... just like Tadashi.
Dick watches Jason as the kid's waiting in the parking lot to be picked up from school. He's still a little awkward and bitter around him, but he's willing to put it away. For Tadashi's sake. They get talking as Dick drives Jason on his bike, and he smiles as he remembers the first scene with Hiro and Tadashi and asks Jason if he likes bike stunts.
It's been months, and Dick has been spending time with Jason a lot, watching keenly as the kid grows attached to him and they start acting more like Hiro and Tadashi... like brothers. He comes to a decision.
Dick watches Jason's reactions all throughout their movie night, watching The Big Hero 6. Jason loves it. He asks Dick if they could get a giant marshmallow man with Bruce's money. Dick considers it seriously, but Bruce catches them before they could do anything.
Dick's eyes widen as Jason asks him to watch Big Hero 6 with him again one day, he watches the movie with Jason's head on his lap as he strokes his hair.
Dick watches as Jason breaks into his apartment weekly. He pretends he's sleeping, but not really. Jason always arrives at the exact same time every Wednesday. They're really close now.
Dick watches The Big Hero 6 and his face is full of tears. He pauses at the moment when the building explodes and Hiro is thrown back with the force of the explosion. He can't take it. Jason died in an explosion, beaten, tortured, then burnt. He curls up and sobs his heart out.
Dick watches tensely as Tim quips and flips and punches the crooks raging on the street. He tries not to interfere too much, he needs to give Tim space, but he can't help it - he's worried.
Dick's eyes widen as Tim hesitantly approaches him and asks about the Big Hero 6 DVD in his apartment as they were clearing it out. Tim says that he watched half of it when he was a kid, he didn't get to finish the movie and he was wondering if Dick would like to...? Dick wants to say no. He wants to grab the DVD and throw it out the window. He doesn't. He says maybe another time instead.
Dick watches the door of Tim's new bedroom that used to be the guest room. Tim hasn't been eating or sleeping much since... since Jack and Captain Boomerang. He raises his hand, and ripping of the bandaid, he knocks. Tim says he isn't in the mood to watch anything, sorry. Dick opens up his laptop to the movie anyway and sits beside Tim on the bed, keeping a little distance, as the movie plays. Tim rests his head on Dick's shoulder during Hiro's mourning scene, tired. Dick rubs his head affectionately.
Dick watches as Red Hood snarks in front of him, boasting about how he beat the newest Robin, trying to rile Dick up. But all Dick can see is the kid who poked him and called him Tadashi teasingly and referred to himself as Hiro. He walks forward, ignores the fearful step back Red Hood takes, and hugs his brother.
Dick watches in amusement as the 10-year-old baby assassin tries to explain an ambush plan to use to capture Penguin. He was Batman and the kid was Robin. It was a perfect team. Dick felt more like Tadashi than ever. Sure, squirt, Dick ruffles his hair, a grin delighting his features as the kid scowls adorably and fixes his hair back.
Dick is captured. He is tied up. He can't move. He hears ticking. He knows it will be over soon. He really is Tadashi, sticking to it till the end. He closes his eyes and stops watching the seconds ticking by on the bomb. No sense in counting his own doom.
The last tick goes by. A great booming fills the air. Everything goes black.
"No, no no no no no. Don't do this to me, Dick."
"Richard, get up. Grayson, come on. I know you're fooling around. Get up."
"Dickhead, I swear to God, if you don't get up right this moment, I will skewer you."
"You're not Tadashi, you asshole, get the fuck up!"
They watch as the explosion rings out, fire consumes the air, and their big brother is lost.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
When I saw your perspective of Jason being a surly kitten (Bruce's vision) who loves to be coddled, but hates to show it + protective Jason, because he hates to have his father's heart broken.
I could only think one thing:
Jason, like in Austen's novels, pushing away and checking the background of each of his father's suitors, before even considering introducing them.
To then begin, from his father's consent, a LONG and TEDIOUS process of courtship beforehand (gifts, flowers, books, batarangs), then scheduled dates with supervision (Damian) to then, after a couple more months, begin to make the relationship official and then a marriage …. But only years later. When he feels confortable with the idea.
Jason, to the CV of his father's suitor: No prospects, no decent job, no morals, no money, hasn't seen his family for years and apparently doesn't recycle. In short, he's not worth it.
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GOOOOOODDDDDD YEAH,,,, YEAH,, I truly love this - ESPECIALLY after reading your Damian protecting Battinson piece, like, GOD. Robert Pattinson gives off that " I must protect this emo bitch with all I have or I'll instantly combust" energy and I respect that so much
Like?? Just to throw some autistic Bruce in here - Jason (after Stephanie and Tim finally bully him into going along with this matchmaking nonsense) pays very close attention to how they treat Bruce once they find out he's on the spectrum
" Oh, but you don't LOOK autistic" nope. Straight out the door. You're an idiot and Jason will slap a " honk at me- I'm an ableist piece of shit" bumper sticker on your car
" aren't you too old for that?" Again, you're an idiot, and Jason will dish you the WORST public embarassment of your life, - and so on and so forth
But I feel like Bruce himself is very careful, too, - really, him going along with this is mostly to indulge his kiddos, and aside from being painfully awkward and unsuccessful, this thing is mostly harmless
But his eye is sharp; he's very observant of how his children are treated bc really, he's every inch the protective bitch the batkids are, they got it FROM him most likely- and you're lucky to leave with a hurt ego and a rejection if you don't treat his babies well
I can imagine Dick asking him why he rejected another candidate, and Bruce bites his lip, looking around, angry blue eyes downcast
" I told him about Jason's manuscript. how proud I am, that he's working on it again. He told me I should stop coddling him, get him a real man's job," he's spitting, stabbing the blueberry ice cream Alfred " accidentally" left around the kitchen. " Fragile masculinity is very unattractive."
Dick hums, nodding, pouring some chocolate syrup over Bruce's ice cream before they join the others for movie night, " Don't stress about it. We'll find someone soon. I can feel it."
And bruce just shrugs, saying that everything he needs is waiting for him in his living room, and Dick should hurry up to claim.his spot
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