#The Ultimate Skincare Experience
billa-billa007 · 9 months
Truffoire White Truffle Cleansing Set: The Ultimate Skincare Experience
White Truffle cleansing set is your infallible path to healthy radiant skin! Consisting of White Truffle Milk Cleanser and White Truffle Toner, this duo gently purifies your skin daily while feeding it nourishing antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. Enriched with white truffle extract, Milk Cleanser is a creamy texture cleanser that soothes your skin and removes impurities, leaving it fresh and radiant. !
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axonspro · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Banishing Skin Dryness!
Say Goodbye to Flaky, Dehydrated Skin: The Ultimate Guide to Banishing Skin Dryness! Say goodbye to dry, flaky skin with the ultimate guide to banishing skin dryness. Learn proven strategies, techniques, and expert skincare tips to hydrate and nourish your skin for a healthy, radiant complexion. Are you tired of dealing with flaky patches and a lackluster complexion caused by skin dryness? Look…
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gigidragonbbxxx · 3 months
lil twist on the "movie star role"/"memoir method" for visualizing a dream life - another suggested method for the manifesting hotties
spoiler: this may help you figure out what techniques are right for you!
disclaimer: remember that these methods and techniques are just tools to get your mind saturated with thinking in your favor, stay grounded in the basics of the law and have fun with the varied tools!
I love the "movie star role" method. For those who don't know, it's a lil visualization technique where manifesting baddies act as if they're preparing to play the role of X. So if you want to be your SP's girlfriend, they "prep" for the role by living in the end state of already being SP's girlfriend. This includes embodying the attitude, saying affirmations like "I love being in a committed relationship" or "SP changed soooo much to gain my trust. We're so happy now!". Some baddies take a step further and apply it to their self-concept (this is genius btw) and begin saying affirmations like "I'm so beautiful and unforgettable, it is really not that surprising he came back begging for me. Giving him a chance was only fair with how much he groveled!"
Now, enter the "memoir method". This is usually a scripting technique but give Gigi a sec to explain! There are many variations of this method but it's essentially writing the reality you want to happen and putting the date in the future aka the deadline you wanna experience this by. Most encourage baddies to write in the past tense like "I'm so grateful I received enough money to cover my vacation, my bonuses keep increasing."
Now enter Gigi's lil twist on these methods - COMBINE THEM INTO WHAT I LIKE TO CALL:
The Interview Method
Imagine being interviewed by other loass baddies asking you "How did you achieve this?"
Visualize your dream self, the ultimate version of you that would warrant this type of attention and the answers that version of you would give.
Imagine an older Beyonce giving the "tell all" interview of a lifetime - THAT LEVEL OF HYPE.
Gigi's example:
I know I look glamorous and ageless. My skin is smooth and clear, my hair is long, inky black, blown out and curled. My body looks like an advertisement for hourglasses. The dress I'm wearing is flattering, accentuating my curves. I'm as sexy as I am elegant. The interviewer looks on with eagerness, practically spilling over with admiration.
"The Law of Assumption girlies wanna know Gigi, how the hell did you get results like this? Hollywood actresses would get insecure being in the same room as you! What are your methods? What's your daily routine?"
bc guess what reader? all the answers are within you. your job is to let them out. coax them out with these exercises. feel empowered.
if your first reaction is: Idk Gigi. I don't know what methods work for me.
My answer to that is: then this technique is not for you. This method favors the baddies who are more familiar with the different modalities of manifesting. I encourage you to go and explore different things. Try them out. See which ones you like and then circle back to this and think about which ones resonated with you.
I encourage you to write it out. Script it as you visualize.
My own experience:
From this method I learned that my subconscious viewed my dream self as someone who was very disciplined and consistent. So I started to include these in my daily affirmations (I am disciplined, etc.). I realized that my dream self would let this quality seep into every facet of her life. I'm big into makeup and skincare so I thought, my dream self would probably affirm out loud or in her mind as she looked in the mirror and did her routine.
then the lil interviewer popped up in my head: "What happens on the days you don't feel well enough to do your routine?"
My mind (thinking in its favor) immediately went: that's rare that I don't have the discipline to stick to my routine so if I'm sick or in an emergency, I would just do a basic routine and play an affirmation tape.
I came to the conclusion that Dream Self would
be reliable
come across as intelligent - immediately
pride herself on good self-care
have a healthy relationship with SP
have friends who knew the law and would be encouraging
be calm and have a calm energy bc she knows everything is in her favor
be seen as a caring, beautiful, deep soul with much to give
never be taken for granted
always be spoiled by life - wealthy in finance and health
I also reversed this method: what would my Dream Self NOT do?
Dream Self wouldn't
talk badly about herself
put others down
get bothered by the 3D
surround herself with people who have limiting thoughts
be lazy
think that the worst would happen to her
This is the type of inner convo I want more loass baddies to have with themselves because it's important to be clear WITHIN yourself what you WANT.
and remember to have fun. Include questions about the silliest things like your favorite lipstick or fav playlist or opinions about dumb tv shows. One of my favorite visualizations is me telling the interviewer that I watched all of Sex and the City and that I vowed to never be a Carrie LOL.
okay, happy manifesting loass baddies!!
xx, gigi
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rius-cave · 3 months
OMG OMG okay. I know this is probably me projecting my experiences but…
Referring to the “Lucifer doing Adam’s nails” ask, he’d probably slowly let himself do more and more things that are seen as “feminine” by toxic masculine men.
For example: styling his hair, wearing any kind of jewelry (like rings or earrings), and skincare.
Ultimately, Lucifer teaches Adam how to live more freely without worrying about being seen as “feminine” (despite NONE of these things I listed being feminine but hey that’s the toxicity of manliness)
I would like to think that Lucifer teaches Adam some basic fucking hygiene lolol. That dude doesn't shower I just know it.
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ellesimsworld · 5 months
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Ever wished your Sims had the perfect book to complement their self-care vibes, but the books in game didn't match the aesthetic? Well, this cc is for you! Zen Pages introduces 18 self-care/self-improvement books, covering everything from skincare secrets to mastering the art of setting boundaries, to inner peace to faith. This also comes with 4 functional self-care workbooks. Watch as your Sims reach new levels of tranquility and inner peace! ♡
Book Titles: • Set Boundaries, Find Peace • Peace is a Practice • Good Vibes, Good Life • 101 Essays to Change the Way You Think • Atomic Habits • Healing is the New High • The Power of Self-Kindness • This is How You Heal • The Modern Guide to Skin Health • After the Rain • Milk and Honey • The Sun and Her Flowers • Come Home to Yourself • The Things I Didn't Say in Therapy • Daring to Take Up Space • Get Out of Your Head • All That You Deserve • Well Waterd Woman
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These books are categorized as Emotional. You should be able to purchase them from the bookshelf and the computer.
I also included 4 self-care workbooks for your Sims. They function as journals. ( NOTE: Parenthood is required for the workbooks to be functional.) Also, ATS4 private journal is needed for my workbooks to be functional. Workbook titles include:
• Setting Boundaries, Find Peace • Healing Through Words • You Are That Girl • My Therapist Told Me to Journal
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Other recommended Mods for Ultimate Self-Care:
These are just a few of my favorite mods and cc, that I recommend for the ultimate self-care experience for your Sims! These are optional.
• Skin Care Mod by @QMBIBI • Self-Manicure by @mercuryfoam • Self-Pedicure by @mercuryfoam • Scent to Be Diffuser by @ravasheencc • AM & PM Traditions by @simwithshan • The Balance Collection by @bbygyal123
Please do not claim as your own.
If there are any issues, feel free to let me know. Keep calm, and enjoy. ♡
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bishh-kanya · 11 months
A guide to incorporate vintage Indian fashion to your daily life .
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Statement sleeves
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The original Indian attire hardly has mention of blouses it's the colonisation that brought the picture of blouses and sleeves , the rich could afford high necked statement sleeves that are elegant but detailed , white and pastel colours could be considered while experimenting with colourful and neon shades also work .
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Pearls brought in what everyone could afford , from big statement pearls to small pearls , they offered a sense of extravagance not in a super rich gold , diamond sense but a subtle old money pearl dim shine sense , they elevated ones look and provided a rich zamidar, financially stable look , the use of pearls must be well matched with the choice of necklines and patterns of your attire.
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Sarees are the ultimate staple to vintage Indian looks tho the mention of salwar can be seen I'll be focusing on the sarees coz ofc I'm in love ,
Satin and shiny sarees provided a glamour look ,you can pair it with some jewellery for a vintage look to yourself.
Statement border sarees , the banarasi , kanjeevaram holds the key to our hearts , the karigari with some beautiful designs in the borders are appreciated and the saree be plain and minimal , while the borders let shine this .
Although the prevalence of organza isn't seen much , the floral designs of the organza material will absolutely coincide with the sleeves and the pearls , floral sarees were also famous then , tho the material differs.
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Don't shy away with moving in accordance to your features , downturned eyes go with downward liner and lashes, upturned eyes or doe , siren eyes , a long winged liner will take you great miles , use kohl the depth will suit you and even kajal will make you look absolutely lovely , slight blush and skincare will take you miles , for a good make-up look , good skin works best , get the right products for your skin . Maroon and red lipsticks work great , the dusky lipsticks will give you the look as well ,nude lipsticks will be less preferred, but if it suits you go for it . All in all very natural to your face canvas and statement with your eyes and lips .
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Suble hair buns , with some hairs to shape your face will look good, the kala movie is such a good reference to vintage fashion , wavy hairs or straight hairs a bun will give you the look you desire .
Flowers never left
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Flowers in the form of gajra or all over your braids , a single flower of love will elevate you so well .
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That's all for this post , this is how I see it basically and now i manage to style myself, this may not coincide with the original fashion , but i hope this is helpful, if you like such posts my asks are open for any other arena of Indian fashion you'd like me to explore.
Alvida for now , stay beautiful! :)
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sugarsprinklesoul · 5 months
Your ultimate guide to glowing up physically and mentally in 2024.
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This is a guide to glowing up physically and mentally in 2024, including skincare tips, hair care, mental health, vision boards, journaling, and creating new habits to achieve your goals.
Physical Fitness:
Incorporate a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises into your routine.
Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water daily.
Skincare Routine:
Develop a consistent skincare routine with cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection.
Consider adding products with ingredients like retinol and vitamin C for anti-aging benefits.
Hair Care:
Maintain regular haircuts and consider trying new hairstyles.
Use quality hair products suitable for your hair type to keep it healthy and shiny.
Fashion and Style:
Update your wardrobe with pieces that make you feel confident and comfortable.
Experiment with different styles to find what suits your personality and body type.
Mindfulness and Mental Well-being:
Practice mindfulness through activities like meditation or yoga.
Prioritize self-care and set aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
Create a vision board:
Identify your short-term and long-term goals
Collect magazines, newspapers, printed images, quotes, and any other materials you can use to represent your goals
Choose a board or poster as the base for your vision board. It can be a physical board or a digital one, depending on your preference.
Cut out images, words, and phrases that resonate with your goals. Arrange them on your board in a way that is visually appealing and meaningful to you.
As you place each item on the board, take a moment to visualize yourself achieving those goals. Feel the emotions associated with success.
Include positive affirmations related to your goals. Use words that inspire and motivate you.
Put your vision board in a place where you'll see it daily—this serves as a constant reminder of your aspirations.
Your vision board is a dynamic tool. Update it periodically as your goals evolve or as you achieve them.
Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, stress relief, and personal growth.
Establish a consistent time for journaling, whether it's in the morning, evening, or during specific events in your day.
Let your thoughts flow without judgment. Write about your feelings, experiences, dreams, or anything on your mind.
Include a section for things you're grateful for. This practice can shift focus towards positive aspects of your life.
Learning and Growth:
Read regularly to expand your knowledge and stay informed about various topics.
Set personal and professional goals to continually challenge and improve yourself.
Positive Relationships:
Nurture positive relationships and distance yourself from toxic influences.
Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you.
Cut off toxic people:
Detoxifying your social circle by cutting off toxic people is a crucial step for your mental well-being.
Remember, prioritizing your mental health and well-being is not selfish; it's essential for personal growth and a fulfilling life.
Organization and Time Management:
Create a schedule that allows for a balance between work, personal life, and leisure.
Declutter your physical and digital spaces for a clearer mind.
Hobbies and Passion Projects:
Cultivate hobbies that bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment.
Consider pursuing a passion project or learning a new skill.
Financial Fitness:
Develop a budget and savings plan to achieve financial goals.
Invest time in understanding personal finance for long-term stability.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
tips on how to change to a better person and be a new person both physically and mentally. i want to transform into a new person within a few months but don’t know how or where to start
Hi love! While everyone's lifestyles and goals are different, here are some general tips that can only make your quality of life better:
Eat A Predominately Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet: Unprocessed non-animal foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant proteins (peas, beans, edamame, etc.), nuts and seeds, root vegetables, and healthy whole fats (like avocado) should make up around 80% of your diet. Stick to water, black coffee, and tea either plain or with lemon, too to avoid unnecessary sugars.
Get In Your Steps & Gentle Movement: Try to average around 7-10K steps a day to feel the benefits of walking. Incorporate a light strength training exercise (pilates, yoga, a YouTube body weight or free weight workout, etc.) into your routine 2-3 times a week for around 15 minutes each.
Read Daily: Commit to 10 pages of book reading and 30 minutes of article reading at different times of the day to learn, stay updated on the world and strengthen your cognitive function/ability to focus.
Take Time To Self-Reflect: Journal for at least 10 minutes a day. Either practice morning pages (free writing 3 pages in the morning) or choose a prompt or two from a therapist, shadow work journal, and a blog post. See my latest Femme Fatale journal prompts to reset for 2023 in this private membership post.
Carefully Curate Your Circle of Influence: Be mindful of who you spend time with, what topics you discuss, and what information you share with each of these members of your inner circle. You're always allowed to set boundaries around who you want to speak to outside of work (and children who are minors, of course, if you have them) and what information you want to disclose with them. Protect your peace at all costs.
Set Intentional Goals: Create well-defined goals with a clear action plan in the major areas of life (career, finances, health, relationships, personal development). Consistency, not intensity, is essential for goal achievement. So, make sure to do little tasks each day or week to ultimately achieve your desired results.
Keep Track of Your Tasks: Have a to-do list for professional tasks, items to buy for the house, errands to do, grocery lists, appointments to schedule, bill due dates, invoicing timelines, etc. Keep track of these items on your Notes App, Reminders, or within Google Calendar/Keep – depending on how time-sensitive a task might be.
Make Time For Self-Care: Block out an hour or so of your day to purely focus on yourself. This ritual can include your daily non-negotiables like a shower, skincare, reading, journaling, etc., and can include other indulgent activities like a face mask, exfoliating, doing your nails, watching your favorite TV show, etc. Prioritize yourself.
Create An "I Love" List: Stealing this tip from Jessica Garner (sex educator on TikTok) because I love it so much. Whenever you find an activity, meal, experience, song, item of clothing, etc, add it to your "I Love" list (on your notes app, etc.) to remind yourself of the things in life that bring you joy. This list can serve as a source of inspiration when you're feeling down and give you a built-in list of ideas to lift your spirits in some type of way on your more depressing or stressful days.
See the rest of my best habit ideas to implement for 2023 HERE.
Hope this helps xx
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stuckinapril · 5 months
Curly hair care routine tips?
My biggest tip is to genuinely know what your hair characteristics are before trying techniques out. Is your hair low porosity or high porosity? What’s your curl type? Is it damaged from years of excessive heat or dye? Is it too long? A lot of popular methods didn’t work for me bc they were built for high porosity curls, but mine were low porosity. I think just knowing these basics saves you so much time in terms of what would be helpful to start experimenting with.
Once you know what you’re working with, follow people whose curls are similar to yours. Start with very basic products (leave-in conditioner and gel/mousse) and work your way up if need be. For low porosity hair, less is generally more. Deep-condition your hair. Do hair masks that complement your hair needs (does it need more protein? More moisture?). Get a heat cap so your curls can absorb the product better. Trim your hair every 3 months. If you wrap your hair in a towel after a shower, don’t do it w a standard towel—do it w either a microfiber towel or a t-shirt. Do not touch your hair while it’s airdrying. Getting a diffuser has been a game changer for me; my curls look so much bouncier whenever I diffuse. Learn different gel (or mousse) techniques to achieve different looks (gel placement matters). Get a Denman brush for extra definition & learn how to use it. Don’t forget to scrunch the crunch to break the gel cast once your hair is mostly dry. Get a silk pillowcase (this is also good for keeping your pm skincare products on btw).
A spray bottle is so necessary. Never style without a spray bottle on hand. If your curls are dry while you’re defining them w the Denman brush, for example, chances are they will come out frizzy. You want your hair soaking wet while you’re scrunching/defining.
Check the hardness of water in your city !! A lot of frizz could be owed to that. If possible, filter your bathroom water. If not, buy a hardness of water shampoo/conditioner (I like the Malibu C brand). You’ll hear a lot of advice saying that sulfate-free shampoos are the way to go—which is mostly accurate, but every now and then you’ll need to clean product buildup. For that it’s good to have a clarifying shampoo on hand.
Figure out what wash times are best for you. For me, I wash my hair every 2-3 days max. For others it’s best to do it weekly. It really depends on your curl type.
Experiment always !! I’m always trying out new things to see what’ll work best for my curls. I made a lot of progress, but there’s def more to go and I’m determined to reach the ultimate definition. Good luck <3
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astroamorsworld · 1 year
Aquarius New Moon predictions for your rising sign:
Extra info —> This New Moon is happening today at 8:53pm UK time, is conjunct Pluto and also forming harmonious aspects to both Jupiter and Mars. So If you wanna put the effort and the energy into manifesting really big changes and see it pay off, now is the time to do it!
As I’m typing this, the new moon is happening in 29 minutes. Make sure you take advantage of this energy if you wanna see big transformations in your life!
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. Enjoy!
Please do not copy my work or repost my work. Thanks!
Aries Rising: This new moon is happening in your 11th house. You may feel the urge to connect with your friends more or you may make some new ones. You may have dreams that you want to achieve or you’re realising that you have new ones. You could also want to start over with your social media account and maybe take it more seriously. Or you may just make an entirely new one.
Taurus Rising: This new moon is happening in your 10th house. You may be starting a new job, or possibly leave one behind, either way there’s a transformation happening in terms of work. You could get a massive promotion at work which forces you to become more mature and disciplined, or you could be getting let go. Either way it ends up being for the greater good as you may easily find one that’s far better than your previous job. You could be reinventing your public image, making people see you in totally different way. You may achieve a big milestone too. You could also be mastering something at work.
Gemini Rising: This new moon is happening in your 9th house. You may want to travel a lot or maybe move overseas. You may develop new philosophies or adopt new ones, this may give you a more positive outlook on life. You may have transferred colleges or universities for a fresh start or you may have changed courses. You may have also made the decision to leave your education behind and may feel an immense amount of freedom afterwards. You also may have gotten a great result on a test which has motivated you to have a better work ethic with your education. You may find your purpose in life.🤍
Cancer Rising: This new moon is happening in your 8th house. You could receive a massive inheritance that could set you up for life. Massive massive amount of money. You could also meet someone and have a very intense connection with them. Very transformational, intimate and deep. Or there may be existing relationships that could get deeper. There could be a surfacing of trauma that you have to deal with that will ultimately be quite healing for you. It’ll feel like you’ve been reborn. You may indulge in more sexual activities.
Leo Rising: This new moon is happening in your 7th house. You could meet someone and potentially get into a long term relationship with them. Or if you’re already in a long term relationship, you could get engaged. You may see your close relationships transform for better or for worse. Could see people leaving your life and/or coming in. There may be legal matters that come to an end and benefit you in some way. You may sign an important contract that will improve your financial situation drastically.🤍
Virgo Rising: This new moon is happening in your 6th house. You may try to change your daily routine in order to improve your health. You may start going to gym, or invest some new skincare or take some new vitamins that will benefit you physically and mentally. You may develop some skills of yours and you may experience an important change in the workplace. You may try and create some good habits and/or get rid of bad ones.
Libra Rising: This new moon is happening in your 5th house. You may get into a relationship or have a new fling. You may begin a new creative endeavour or take an existing one more seriously to try and fulfil your purpose. You may want to express yourself more freely. You may be feeling more bold. You may want to indulge in things that make you happy as a form of self care. You may also get pregnant🤰
Scorpio Rising: This new moon is happening in your 4th house. You may want to move. Your relationship with your mother may transform. You may want to improve your home or start a family. You may also become more of a homebody too. You may also become more in tune with your emotions and become more private. You could also be trying to heal from your past.🤍
Sagittarius Rising: This new moon is happening in your 3rd house. You may see a transformation in the way you perceive things. Your thought pattern could change. Your relationship with your teachers could improve for the better and you may begin to slowly enjoy school again. Your relationship with your siblings and cousins could change too. The way you communicate could change, you could become more outspoken and bold. You’re not tolerating bs and setting boundaries🤍
Capricorn Rising: This new moon is happening in your 2nd house. You may see a drastic increase in your finances, your self esteem could drastically increase and you may become more independent. You may indulge in some shopping as a form of self care regardless of how expensive it may be. You may also let go of some possessions and your morals could also change.
Aquarius Rising: This new moon is happening in your 1st house. You may want to drastically improve the way you look. Whether it’s a new hairstyle or a wardrobe transformation, you wanna make a statement with your appearance. People will see you transform before their very eyes. Your confidence could improve. Your ego could get bigger. You could become more self aware. It’s a new beginning for you guys. And it will change you and the way people see you (if you care) for the better.
Pisces Rising: This new moon is happening in your 12th house. You may want to feel the need to hibernate. Do some shadow work, and come out on top on the other side. You’re getting rid of your inner demons and becoming a homebody whilst you do it. You’re trying to change your subconscious thoughts to manifest the life you’ve always wanted for yourself. You could become more satisfied with being alone and enjoy your own company a lot more than you did before. You could begin to meditate, get in touch with your higher self and connect with them and let them guide you to your soul’s purpose. Your dreams could stand out to you more than they ever did before. You may connect more with your belief system or religion and become closer to it then you ever did before. Achieving peace and personal satisfaction are the biggest themes for you guys for this new moon🤍.
Check my pinned post for more🤍
DM me if you would like a reading
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Hello! I have a request if you don't mind. I thought about one where MC reads their favorite book to the brothers. :]
Ooo, this is cute!  Even though I was only accepting up to 4 characters when requests were open, this is fairly quick to answer, so I’ll make an exception this time.  Thanks for the prompt!  Enjoy!
(PLEASE NOTE: Requests are still CLOSED. I’m just answering some that I had in my inbox before I stopped accepting them.)
How would each of the demon brothers react to MC reading their favorite book to them?
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Lucifer would gladly set aside time for breaks in his busy schedule to allow MC to read their favorite book aloud to him.  Their voice washes away his daily stresses, making it easier for him to pay attention to the book’s contents and properly take pleasure in their company.  He’ll remember even the smallest details from the story so that he can have a quality conversation with them about it while spending extra time with them alone.
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Mammon initially can’t understand MC’s hype over some book that doesn’t explain how to get rich quick, but the pure glee that the human expresses when they mention the book to him causes his heart to do backflips, ultimately rendering him weak to their request to read it to him.  Although he’ll try to act indifferent when MC first starts reading, he’ll soon be glued to the story as much as they are.  Once they both finish the book, he’ll be greedy for more and search for sequels, merchandise, and movie adaptations of it for him and MC to enjoy together.
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Leviathan can relate to being a hardcore fan of something and wanting to share it with others, so he’s elated when MC chooses him to read their favorite book to.  He’ll pause his game or anime DVD each time MC returns to his room to read the next chapter or two with him, providing them with his undivided attention.  If he’s really into it, then he’ll beg them to just binge-read the whole book right then and there and, afterwards, excitedly ramble with them about how great it was.
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Satan, of course, would be ecstatic to have MC read their favorite book to him, even more so if it’s a book he already likes or hasn’t read before.  He’s enthralled in the content from start to finish, and he’d want to discuss his and MC’s thoughts on it together in between chapters and upon its conclusion.  Even if the book isn’t something he’d normally enjoy, it’d end up becoming his favorite book anyway due to how much MC likes it.  He’ll also join MC whenever they decide to reread it and will try to get a copy of the book signed by the author as a special gift for them.
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Asmodeus would love to listen to MC read their favorite book to him while he’s doing his skincare routine (since he knows the process by heart and doesn’t have to concentrate much).  Whenever critical events happen in the story, he’ll gasp overdramatically and comment like he’s hearing the juiciest gossip ever.  Every once in a while, he’ll also find himself admiring MC as they’re reading, simply basking in the human’s joy and this experience that they’re sharing together.
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Beelzebub would try to eat as quietly as he could when MC reads to him, not wanting to disrupt them or force them to speak louder than his chewing.  In fact, his hunger tends to subside during this time to the point where he can just sit with them and give his full attention to the book.  He likes seeing MC look so happy while they’re engrossed in their favorite book, so once they’re finished, he’ll ask them to read it to him again later and want to hear more about why they like the book.
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Belphegor would do his best to not fall asleep while MC is reading, but it doesn’t help that he also demands to lie on their lap or snuggle beside them while they do so.  If the book is interesting to him, he’s more likely to stay awake until they’ve finished, even voicing his thoughts on the story occasionally.  If he does doze off, however, then he’ll blame MC for their voice being so soothing to him and ask them to reread what he missed.
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astroariska · 7 months
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Virgo sun (12 house ) 4 degree
Virgo rising 5 degree
Cap moon (4th house) 1 degree
Virgo Mercury (1st house) 24
Leo Venus (11 house ) 1 degree
Sag mars (4th house ) 24 degree
First of all ... I'm sorry it took so long to finish it. I am a lil bit busy these day.
Second, Wow ... Virgo beauty never fail to amaze me. Y'all literally the goddess of this universe. Built different, god's favourite angel 😭
Okay. Firstly, let's talk about Rising Sign. Rising sign is how your overall appearances would shift and lift you up and Virgo Rising lifted by appear as pristine, crystal clear and as angelic as you could (since virgo often represented as the virgin angel too). So keep in mind that in order to elevate your look, you should pick something virgo-ish.
With Leo Venus in the 11th house, i want you to embody the same energy as Princess Diana, the ultimate princess in people's heart until now. Leo Venus is a royal venus. Think about how british royal ladies present their beauty into the world. Especially because you have that the holy Capricorn Moon, ir adds a quality of elegance, mature and longlasting beauty.
So here is your personalized glow up tips for you based on your looks and your astrology sign.
Because you are Leo Venus, the health of your hair is important. Add hair oil to your haircare routine. Oil your hair or give it hair mask before washing it. Avoid washing it too often bcs it will damaged your scalp (Capricorn Moon) Two times a week is the maximal amount.
Dry shampoo is the real enemy of Leo Venus. Avoid this as far as you can.
If you want to colour it, makes sure you keep it into more natural colour with cool and bright undertone rather experimenting with high vibrant colour.
Blow your hair and give it hair massage before styling it. Your hair already shinning but somehow as a beautician itself i see you often not caring your hair as far as how you care on your skin. Invest in a good hairstyling equipment.
While you have Virgo rising, you have Leo 11th. You also have this rising in Leo degree so to glow up, you need to combine Leo-Virgo energy into your everyday makeup.
I see how Leo people love to swing it up when it comes to makeup because Leo Venus express themselves with makeup. I often see this placement style of makeup often influenced by their mood (it's like how your makeup is messy during your bad mood day and how it's very awesome when you feel great with yourself) so before makeup, try to speak your daily affirmation first to make sure your energy flow positively.
When it comes to makeup style, Leo Venus is a royalty Venus. It's shine the best when you dress like you are the royalty of a kingdom family. So ... Maybe you need to take reference over Lady Diana, Kate Middleton or Princess Eleanour dresses and makeup. The point of these beauty is a noble beauty, a beauty that makes everyone know you are raised in high status family.
And when it comes to your Virgo rising and Capricorn Moon. Make sure you don't overdo the makeup Keep it simple. Stay in NATURAL, COOL and CALM colour (for example : nude with cool pink tone. Avoid overlining your lips and keep your eyes with one or two eyeshadow colour with natural shimmer. Since Leo-Virgo is the energy of pure shinning soul, do your makeup with a lot of natural highlighter that soften your facial features. Keep it clean.
Avoid contouring/bronzing too much. Also, avoid too much overlining your lips. Virgo rising appearances might indicates someone who peoole think hard to reach when actually you are Leo Venus who wants to befriend all people from all background. Virgo rising is also the rising of the humble, skilled, smart and the confident one. So the key to your makeup look is soft and classic look. I think less is more for you.
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Be careful on picking skincare. As you have Capricorn Moon and Sagittarius Mars, your skin might need more than drugstore skincare. Invest in your skincare more, it might help you stay fresh longer.
Look for retinoids. Capricorn placements is someone who need retinols and retinoids earlier than they think they need.
As a Virgo Rising, also look at skincare that contains probiotics and prebiotics as the main ingredients (usually korean skincare) Virgo Rising might indicare that your body healths could be indicated by the condition of your skin. If you feel like you haven't take care of yourself, your skin will react first as the sign of how unwell you are. Virgo rising means your skin is the first body parts than give you signal over your health.
Make sure your daily protein, vitamin and zinc intake also supplied properly.
Virgo-Capricorn folks also need to be more diciplined when it comes to moisturizer. They usually need a lot of moisturizer than other people.
Balance your diets. A lot of Virgo-Capricorn person is more inclined to have breakout skin if they start to ignore their daily diet. Capricorn and Virgo's biggest enemy -> softdrink and food that are too spicy. Leo's biggest enemy -> fast processed food.
Sun and Moon in both of the earth sign. Wow, that's s recipe to get your own longlasting, graceful and forever beauty. So the key to your fashion is elegance and classic.
With Venus Leo in 11th house, it might be wise for you to not follow the trends of fast fashion ever because it will trigger your insecurity and your sense of wanting people's approval. Fast fashion is not for you.
Instead, invest in more timeless and classic piece. Your Capricorn Moon speak for alpha female vibe inside you. So make sure you choose to wear something that makes you seems effortless. I suggest you to buy some coat, some high-end sweater and some classic boots to enhance the elegance inside you.
Even if Leo Venus 11th house is a venus that want to get appreciation and attention more than other people, but your Virgo Rising is not something that could handle way too flashy clothes. Keep it simple and modest. Pick the clothes that not too revealing, but comfortable enough that it rightly FIT you. Also with your Sagittarius Mars, you might not look that good with oversized clothes.
Virgo-Capricorn loves quality and Leo Venus demand luxury. So, i think when it comes to clothes. Good quality fabrics > everything about clothes.
Virgo-Capricorn also speak for pleated skirt and sweater. This is the ultimate combo that would elevate your look.
Also Virgo-Capricorn-Leo combo : Stay in monochomatic looks. But you can experiment by combine your red/pink tops with your neutral earth-tone bottom or pick an emerald green with your gold jewelry. 100% works.
Some inspiration about your fashion.
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If you can, please give me a feedback by giving me "before advice" vs "after advice too". Thank you so much.
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🌟✨ Introducing "Pastures and Paws Paradise" 🌟✨
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Welcome to the enchanting new Ranch nestled within Lucky 13 Farms! 🌾🐾 Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with picturesque moments and heartwarming experiences.
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Let the tranquility of the countryside melt away the stresses of the week. Come join us at "Pastures and Paws Paradise" and let the magic of nature enchant your soul. ✨🌳 #PasturesAndPaws #Lucky13Farms #RanchLife #GypsyWingsRetreat #LoveFarm #LoveRanch
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skincare-product97 · 1 month
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A Golden Glow: My Experience with NATURAL ARGAN OIL⚡️The Ultimate SKINCARE PRODUCT⚡️
For years, I bounced between various moisturisers and serums, searching for that elusive "holy grail" product for my skin. Dry patches in the winter and occasional breakouts throughout the year left me frustrated. Then, I discovered NATURAL ARGAN OIL⚡️The Ultimate SKINCARE PRODUCT⚡️, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
Rich in Nature's Goodness
This luxurious oil, extracted from the kernels of the Moroccan argan tree, feels divine on the skin. The first thing that impressed me was the ingredient list. Unlike many moisturisers laden with chemicals, NATURAL ARGAN OIL boasts a completely natural formula. It's packed with essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants – a powerhouse of nutrients that my skin craved.
Deep Hydration and a Radiant Look
After cleansing my face at night, I apply a few drops of the oil and gently massage it in. The oil absorbs beautifully, leaving no greasy residue behind. In the morning, I wake up to noticeably plumper, more hydrated skin. That tightness I used to experience, especially during the winter, has vanished. My skin has a healthy, radiant glow that I haven't seen in years.
Farewell Dry Patches and Hello Soothed Skin
Since incorporating NATURAL ARGAN OIL into my routine, those pesky dry patches that plagued my cheeks in the colder months are a thing of the past. The oil's anti-inflammatory properties have also been a welcome surprise. A recent breakout left my skin irritated and red, but applying a small amount of argan oil helped to soothe the inflammation and speed up the healing process.
A Versatile Wonder for More Than Just Your Face
The benefits of NATURAL ARGAN OIL extend far beyond my face. I've also been using it on my dry cuticles and elbows, and the results have been fantastic. The oil absorbs quickly, leaving my skin feeling soft and supple. A few drops on the ends of my hair after showering add a touch of shine and help tame frizz. I love that one product can address so many of my beauty needs!
A Sustainable Choice for Glowing Skin
Finally, I want to commend the brand's commitment to sustainability. Argan oil production often empowers women's cooperatives in Morocco, ensuring fair trade practices. Knowing that my skincare routine contributes to a positive social impact makes using NATURAL ARGAN OIL even more rewarding.
In conclusion, NATURAL ARGAN OIL⚡️The Ultimate SKINCARE PRODUCT⚡️ has become an indispensable part of my beauty regimen. It delivers on its promises of deep hydration, a radiant complexion, and soothed skin. The oil's versatility, natural ingredients, and commitment to sustainability make it a clear winner in my book. If you're looking for a luxurious and effective way to nourish your skin, I highly recommend giving NATURAL ARGAN OIL a try.
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Top Men’s Salon & Barbershop in Laguna Beach Expert Men’s Haircuts & Grooming Services
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Elevate Your Style Today! Experience the ultimate grooming experience at our premier men’s salon and barbershop in Laguna Beach. From classic haircuts to modern hairstyles, we’ve got you covered. Our skilled barbers offer precise haircuts, hairstyling, skincare and grooming services tailored for men. Visit us for the best men’s salon experience in Laguna Beach
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amazonmarketingagency · 2 months
Amazon Marketing Agency to Expand Your Presence
Ready to skyrocket your Amazon sales and leave your competitors in the dust? Say hello to your secret weapon: an Amazon marketing agency! In this action-packed guide, we're diving deep into the world of Amazon marketing agencies and how they can turbocharge your presence on the biggest online marketplace in the galaxy!
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What is an Amazon Marketing Agency?
Think of an Amazon marketing agency as your very own squad of online marketing superheroes. These savvy experts specialize in navigating the Amazon jungle, armed with strategies to boost your visibility, drive traffic, and send your sales into hyperdrive. From optimizing your listings to launching killer ad campaigns, they've got all the tricks up their sleeves to make you stand out in the crowd.
Why You Need an Amazon Marketing Agency?
Picture this: you've got an amazing product, but no one knows about it. That's where an Amazon marketing agency swoops in to save the day! With millions of products vying for attention on Amazon, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. But fear not! An agency can give you the edge you need to rise above the noise and capture the hearts (and wallets) of your target audience.
How an Amazon Marketing Agency Can Help You?
1. Optimizing Your Product Listings: Get ready to transform your bland product pages into sales-generating machines! With snappy titles, eye-catching images, and keyword-packed descriptions, an Amazon marketing agency will make sure your listings are impossible to ignore.
2. Running Amazon Ads: It's time to make it rain with Amazon ads! From Sponsored Products to Sponsored Brands, these ads are your ticket to getting noticed by shoppers ready to buy. Let the agency work its magic and watch as your sales soar to new heights!
3. Managing Your Amazon Store: Say goodbye to the hassle of running your Amazon store solo. Let the pros handle everything from updating listings to dealing with customer inquiries, so you can focus on what you do best – growing your business!
4. Analyzing Performance: Data, data, and more data! An Amazon marketing agency will crunch the numbers and uncover hidden insights to supercharge your strategy. From sales trends to customer behavior, they'll use the power of data to propel you towards success.
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Case Study: Lab 916's Epic Journey to Amazon Domination
Lab 916, a fearless skincare brand, was struggling to make waves on Amazon. But with the help of an Amazon marketing agency, they went from zero to hero in record time! By optimizing their listings, launching targeted ad campaigns, and analyzing every last detail, Lab 916 became a force to be reckoned with, crushing their competition and becoming a top seller in their category!
Choosing the Right Amazon Marketing Agency
Ready to assemble your dream team? Here's what to look for when choosing the ultimate Amazon marketing agency:
1. Experience: Seek out a team of battle-hardened Amazon warriors with a proven track record of success. Check out their past conquests and make sure they've got what it takes to lead you to victory!
2. Services Offered: Whether you need help with Amazon ads management, or optimization, make sure the agency offers the full package. You want a team that can handle anything the Amazon jungle throws their way!
3. Communication: Communication is key to a successful partnership. Find an agency that's as responsive as they are resourceful, keeping you in the loop every step of the way.
4. Cost: While budget is important, don't let it hold you back from greatness. Focus on the value the agency can provide and how it aligns with your goals – because in the world of Amazon, the sky's the limit!
Are you ready to unleash the full potential of your Amazon business? With the help of an Amazon marketing agency, the possibilities are endless! So don't wait another minute – harness the power of these marketing maestros and watch your sales skyrocket faster than you ever thought possible. Your Amazon empire awaits – are you ready to conquer it?
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