#Self Therapy
selfhealingmoments · 11 months
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superbat-love · 3 months
During a battle, Superman and Batman were struck by a beam from Mister Mxyzptlk, fracturing their personalities into three separate entities.
Bruce ended up with Batman, the aggressive dark knight; Brucie (or Wayne), the smooth talking playboy; and Bruce, the awkward loner.
Meanwhile, Clark got split into Superman, the symbol of hope; Clark Kent, the mild-mannered but persistent journalist; and Kal-El, the alien longing to be accepted.
They had to live together until they could fix things, and surprisingly, the Clarks got along great. But the Bruces? Total chaos. Batman's always raging, especially at Brucie and that "reckless, overly-righteous" Superman. Brucie's busy flirting with anyone with a pulse, making Batman super uncomfortable. And then there's Bruce, who's avoiding everyone, especially Batman.
Living together forced both Bruce and Clark to face some deep issues they've been hiding, and they ended up understanding themselves better. Batman and Bruce had long heart-to-hearts about their fears and traumas, opening up emotionally. Clark learned more about the real Superman behind the hero facade, seeing the heavy burden of responsibility and Kal-El's loneliness.
Batman started to let his guard down around the sincere Clark, who wasn't fazed by his grumpiness. Superman figured out there's more to Brucie than meets the eye and saw that he was secretly struggling to prevent Batman and Bruce from succumbing to rage or despair. Kal-El, wanting to get closer to Bruce, had to deal with Batman's protective streak first.
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family-trauma · 1 year
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Sadly I can check off alot of items from this list. Time and self education are the only things that will help reclaim life back once you lose yourself with emotional abuse.
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
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Some days self therapy is cruising different social media sites looking for people requesting "Send Pet Pics" because of bad days and fulfilling that request hoping it helps.
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nootshell · 10 months
Nothing bad happens he's just an idol and it's one of his photocards from his group's recent album 🌱✨❣️
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... and the cuter version (at least that's what I tried)😫
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sk-lumen · 1 year
What she says: I'm in my dark feminine phase. What she means: *busy focusing on her growth and mental health, doing shadow work, healing her wounds and traumas, diving deep into the abyss of her darkness, setting strong boundaries, reclaiming her power, productively expressing her rage, celebrating her wildness,
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eyeofscottie · 1 year
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for self-therapy i created a self portrait in my bathtub, as a visual expression of what coming out of depression feels like for me 🦋
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haruharuz · 1 year
Self Therapy; A Note
I've been pondering about this concept for quite a while now. Therapy itself is a wonderful tool to pick your broken pieces up and gently glue them back together- as if they were never broken at all.
However, not everyone has the resources to truly indulge in such tools. So I mulled over the idea of doing therapy almost at home. While it won't be as effective, as far as my personal experience goes, therapists typically give out homework to their patients.
I want to make it clear that because you're doing this kind of thing at home, it is vital to remain cautious. This is not medical advice, just something to consider.
If you do not have the resources to go to therapy, doing a self therapy session every single week could be beneficial, I think. I'm making a little guide on how exactly I personally am choosing to do this.
Step One: Choose An App
There are many many free apps specifically geared towards mental health. I've used a few, one of which being "WYSA" which I personally enjoyed. Pick one you think would suit you!
I enjoy these apps primarily because they typically have some free form of help. Like breathing exercises, meditation, etc! You can skip this step if you don't feel comfortable.
Step Two: Find Resources Online
You can easily find a lot of free resources online by looking up "therapy worksheet" "anxiety worksheet" "depression worksheet" etc.
Find a couple that you think would suit you to work on for the first week. The more you find, I recommend stockpiling them into a folder! This way, every new session you can either pre-plan said worksheets or grab a couple quickly.
I also highly recommend looking for journal prompts! Especially shadow work journal prompts that help you release certain emotions. You can do this with pen and a notebook or you can use a laptop/tablet for this! If you don't feel secure, password protect documents or hide your journal in a very safe place.
Step Three: Plan your first Session
Identify what you would like to address/work on during the session. Write it down.
Find the worksheets and exercises you want to do, plan them out. It's easier to go ahead and print/write/type them now and put them in a folder with a clear name. (e.g. ST.session1)
Find a day in the week when you know you will have at least one hour of free time. During this one hour of free time, you will be taking the time to do all of your things ! You can do this before bed, in the middle of the day. Just choose a time you think would be best.
I recommend setting a small goal every 1-2 sessions. Remember, goals should be reasonable, attainable, and measurable. Little steps. (For instance, if you struggle with severe social anxiety like I did, you can make a goal "order a coffee one time", but there's many ways to do this)
You can add more to this if you want! Please remember, you can add a face mask and reading a nice book, or other coping skills/self care to this if you think it might help. I recommend choosing things based off on how much time you have and how effective they are at helping you cope. You can also add them all separately to a "self care" day weekly. Up to you.
Example Setup
I'm sharing my personal set-up and plan with you! Some people need visuals <3
This is my folder set up:
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as you can see, I have three folders inside a "self therapy" folder!
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inside the "journaling" folder, I have three documents that align with the session outline (pictured next) that is in its respective folder. The first one has a journal prompt, the second two are completely blank and only named. They're just sitting there, waiting and ready!
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This is my session outline. It includes what issues I'll be addressing and what exercises I'll be doing. Also, the next goal I'd like to work towards. This includes how I plan to do so. I also put a clear DAY and TIME for this session.
This is the worksheet I'll be doing:
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And that's all! I'll be following this tomorrow and drinking some chocolate milk and relaxing :3 not too shabby, huh! Don't forget, if you are ever thinking about hurting yourself: call a hotline.
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blue dream
Beautiful dream
God is with me
God is in me
Times I felt alone
All alone
Stuck in my feelings
Didn’t understand them
Stuck in a different time zone
Switching on them
Blue DREAMA wanted to free
He never wanted to be like me
He wanted to stretch his hands and feel no walls
He wanted to be with around the trees
Didn’t listen to stupid ass calls
He chasing freedom for me and y’all
He don’t fit no box
Teachers sent to therapy
she didn’t understand how his brain works
Cause he natural everything
He wanted to be free
He the reason I will neva stop
I had a blue dream
Beautiful deam
God is with me
God is in me
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healthy-liiviing · 2 months
How to build good habits | How to break bad habits?
Building Good Habits:
Start Small & Celebrate: Don't overwhelm yourself. Begin with tiny, achievable goals. Swap sugary drinks for water or walk for 10 minutes daily. Celebrate these small wins – they fuel future progress.
Find the Fun: Make it enjoyable! Explore activities like yoga, swimming, or dancing. Choose something you genuinely enjoy, making it more likely you'll stick with it.
Habit Stacking: Integrate new habits with existing ones. Do jumping jacks while waiting for coffee, or follow brushing teeth with some stretches. This makes adopting new habits feel seamless.
Schedule for Success: Block out time in your routine for healthy habits at consistent times. A morning meditation session before work or a post-dinner walk becomes second nature.
Prep Makes Perfect: Be proactive! Pre-portion healthy snacks to avoid temptations. Lay out workout clothes beforehand – streamline your mornings for healthy choices.
Reward Progress, Not Perfection: It's a marathon, not a sprint. Reward yourself for sticking with goals – a relaxing bath after workouts or a new book for mindful eating. Don't sweat slip-ups – view them as temporary bumps.
Self-Reflection is Key: Regularly evaluate your progress. Are certain habits no longer serving you? Maybe swap a walk for a bike ride to keep things interesting.
Focus on the Journey: Building healthy habits is a continuous process. Celebrate the positive changes – increased energy, better sleep, a happier you!
Breaking Bad Habits:
Identify Your Triggers: Recognize the situations, emotions, or cues that prompt your bad habit. For example, stress might trigger mindless snacking.
Develop a Replacement Behavior: Have a healthy alternative ready when the urge for the bad habit strikes. Stressed? Take a walk instead of reaching for chips.
Eliminate Cues: If possible, remove things that tempt you. Keep sugary drinks out of sight, or unsubscribe from tempting online shopping lists.
Positive Reinforcement: Reward yourself for resisting the bad habit. Craving a cigarette? Treat yourself to a healthy smoothie instead.
Be Patient & Persistent: Breaking habits takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged by setbacks. Just get back on track with your new, healthy behavior.
Find a Support System: Tell friends or family about your goal. Having an accountability partner can boost motivation and offer encouragement.
Forgive Yourself: Everyone slips up. Don't beat yourself up for occasional lapses. Learn from the experience and recommit to your goals.
Focus on Progress: Track your progress and celebrate your successes, however minor they may seem. Staying motivated is key to long-term success.
learn more on my ebook is
Master The Art Of Forming Healthy Habits
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selfhealingmoments · 1 year
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queerautism · 11 months
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@cat-collective Self therapy by jay earley
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family-trauma · 8 months
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Only if I had known about boundaries and how it works earlier, I think my life would've been more manageable.
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chevys-bitch-fest · 1 year
How to journal when you have childhood trauma and you're on the edge of a breakdown:
Make yourself feel safe. Put on some chill music, change into comfortable clothes, make some tea, ect. The more comfortable you are, the easier this will be.
Write down the symptoms you are feeling. Divide them into emotional feelings (i feel afraid, i feel like there's too much to do) and physical feelings (my chest feels tight, my lower back hurts).
Write down 3-4 big stressors that are making you feel this way right now. It might be something like: I'm afraid I might lose my job, I feel bad because my friend is mad at me, I'm scared to go to my doctor's appointment.
Identify when this fear or stressor really started. For example, maybe you're afraid to go to your doctor's appointment because you had a bad experience at the doctor's when you were 8. Write an approximate age next to your stressors.
Write a short letter to yourself from each age that you wrote down. Make sure your inner child feels safe and heard. Tell them that this time is different, and thank them for being so brave.
This may not work for everyone, but it's a system I came up with that has been very beneficial for me. Remember to take your time and be gentle with yourself. I wish you the best on your healing journey 🤍🧿
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lemon-whiskey · 1 month
“Why is it so hard for you to connect with people?”
Well I dissociated so hard that it took a little over a decade for me to realize that my hyper attached mother abandoned me and my sibling for 3 formative years after divorcing our father, a man with a penchant of not expressing or accepting healthy emotions, so I’ll take a swing and say that might be a part of it?
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sk-lumen · 1 year
Reminder: breathe in, breathe out. You’re safe, you’re okay. The dark feeling will pass, the trigger will fade away. Learn to regulate your emotions and nervous system. You’re not being abandoned, no trauma is being reenacted, it’s just your brain going into survival mode on perceived scenarios. But you’re actually okay. You’re so okay, you're doing wonderfully and I’m so proud of you.
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