#Brazilian!reader x Bucky
gaysindistress · 6 months
I love u like I’ll get on my knees 😍😍😍😍 CAN U PLEASEEEE PLEASEEEE do TFAWS!Bucky x Latina reader?? maybe more specifically Brazilian?? we need some rep 🥺🥺 HAHA actually though like reader is good friends with Sam and Sam introduces them? Please, and thank u the dead love of my life
AHAHHAAHWH MY FIRST REQUEST!!!! thank you so much love!!
Okay okay so here’s a little Drabble for ya! I feel like this could be a full one shot?? Maybe after my follower celebration that starts on Friday! Also I wrote this on my phone so I apologize if there are any spelling/grammar errors.
Anjo -Portuguese for “angel”
mãe - Portuguese for “mom”
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 1.2k (this was only meant to be 500ish words…)
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
“Please tell me that you didn’t text him,” My coworker asks with an edge of dread and disgust in her voice. For the last two hours of our shift, Lilly has been on me about the guy who left me his number yesterday.
It had been a slow day with only regulars really coming in so a decent looking young guy walking in felt like Christmas. Lils was on it and immediately put on her best flirt, fluttering her big eyes and matching lashes at him when he ordered. I wanted to laugh at the scene but that died when he flashed a smile my way and handed me his number. It was quickly followed by some passing comment about how he hates it when girls throw themselves at him. I had half a mind to throw his coffee on him but I knew my boss would have my head. I settled for plastering a fake smile on my face and saying “Vai pro caralho.” Of course the ignorant asshole thought I was being nice and winked at me. It took all of my strength to not shutter in disgust.
“You should know me better than that,” I throw back at her, “from that 2 minute interaction alone, I can already tell that he would talk about himself the entire date before saying something borderline foul like how Latinas girls are his favorite and he can’t stand white girls .”
Lils snorts as she takes a sip of her coffee, nearly choking and sending the hot liquid flying over the freshly cleaned counter. I arch a dark brow at her which makes her laugh even harder.
“What? Am I wrong? You can’t tell me that he wouldn’t have pulled out that high school Spanish to impress me.”
“No, no,” she stutters, wiping the coffee up, “it just caught me off guard is all. Wait, didn’t you say something to him in Spanish before he left? What did you say?”
I narrow my eyes at her, “Vai pro caralho? Babes you should know better.”
She looks at me in horror, “oh my god it was Portuguese, wasn’t it?”
I nod as she profusely apologizes, “I am so sorry, Y/N. Oh my god I’m not better than that asshat. Ugh, what does that mean though?”
The front door opens before I have the chance to speak and the little bells above alerts us to the one regular that never fails to put a smile on my face. Sam had been coming in since before I started working at Brewed Awakenings but after that first interaction, he came pretty much daily. He even got Sarah his sister to start coming in and within a matter of a few weeks, I was invited over for Sunday dinner.
“It means Go fuck yourself,” I tell Lils as I round the counter with a bright smile and wide arms. Sam matches me and wraps me into a tight hug.
“Good morn, Anjo. How are you?” He asks as he squeezes me into this chest.
I pull back and give him my best angry mãe look we I demand to know where he’s been for the last few weeks.
He holds his hands up in defense as he says, “put those eyes away, Anjo. Im sorry okay? I was on official business and I didn’t have time to swing by to let you know but I’m back.”
I don’t let up my expression at first and lecture him some more, “You better be. You were gone for like…”
I pause for dramatic effect to pretend to count the time while walking back around the counter, “6 weeks. I was about to send out a search and rescue team to find you. Ridiculous.”
Sam chuckles while shaking his head at me. He steps to the side to reveal a man that’s been standing behind him and one that I hadn’t noticed before.
A damn attractive man.
Albeit a bit judgmental given the looks he’s throwing at the both of us.
“I wasn’t gone that long,” Sam tries but stops when I shot him another mãe look. He quickly changes the subject, clapping his hand on his companion’s shoulder and introducing him, “well this is Bucky. He’s the reason I was gone so if you’re going to be mad at anyone, be mad at him.”
He looks familiar but I can’t quite figure out why. The massive resting bitch face forced me I stop the search before offering him a bright smile as I repeat his name.
This seems to…irritate him? I honestly can’t tell with the stone wall of moodiness and brooding that lives on his drop dead gorgeous face.
“Well welcome in Bucky, I’m Lilly but everyone calls me Lils and this is y/n,” Lils jumps in with an equally wide smile. His dark eyes flicker between us but hover half a second longer on me. He utters a low “thank you” and looks up to the menu.
Sam rolls his eyes at his short answer but his ever present smile never fades as he orders his usual, a large hot mocha with soy milk. I’ve tried to get him to switch to coconut or even hemp milk but he refuses. He always gives me the whole speech about how “soy is the closest to real milk and if I’m going to drink alternative milk, it has to be close to the real thing.”
“And for you?” I turn my attention to Bucky while Lils starts on Sam’s order. He looks me with slightly wide eyes, a little startled it seems that I’m still talking to and looking at him.
He freezes for a moment, “uh…um a large house coffee.”
“Of course,” Lils jumps in once again and slides a cup across the counter to him. The loud volume of her voice causes him to flinch and Sam instinctively steps in front of him. He takes the cup without another word and fills it while Sam pays and throws a shamelessly flirty smile to Lils. She mocks faintly in a fit of giggles and winks at him.
Sam turns his attention to him and subtlety jerks his chin towards the door, wordlessly asking me if I’ll walk them out. Lils caught it too and rolls her eyes before shooing us out the door.
“She means no harm. She’s just…cheery,” I tell Bucky when the door closes behind us and we step onto the side walk, “I can tell her to tone it back for when you come in next.”
Sam chuckles under his breath and tries to hide a smile behind his cup but fails miserably. Bucky shots him another one of those bored looks and rolls his beautiful eyes at him.
“You don’t have to do that,” he finally says to me and actually makes eye contact with me, “Y/N.”
I offer him another wide smile and stick my hand for him to shake. He glances down at my watch and rings before taking my hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Bucky. Don’t let Sam fill your head with too many tales and I hope to see you soon.”
The man in question basically squawks in protests as I hug him goodbye and disappear back into the coffee shop.
About an hour after I get home, I get a text from Sam saying something along the lines of “Robo cop liked you and asked for your number.”
Moments later a D.C. number sends me a text and I quickly save it under “Bucky (aka Robo Cop according to Sam)”
That’s when it clicks who he is; Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Solider and the most attractive man I’ve ever met.
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"Meu lindo Chuchuzinho"
A/N: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY BIRCHES, JAJAJA, FINALLY I'M TURNING 20 *risas incomodas*. Ay no!!., a quien engaño, ya no quiero cumplir años, SEÑOOR YA LLEVAME!!
*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* Perdon, me alteré un poco... *Toses falsas* ahora si, a lo que venia.
Este fic es un regalo de mi para mi y bueno, si alguien también esta de fiesta, espero y lo disfrute tanto como yo.
Summary: Es tu cumpleaños y los planes que tenían Joaquín y tú cambiaron totalmente.
Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Brasilian avenger reader
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5 de Febrero
"De acuerdo, todo listo?". Preguntó Joaquín mientras dejaba la última maleta junto a la puerta.
"Eso parece, pero por si acaso, déjame comprobar..." De tu bolsillo sacaste una lista un tanto arrugada.
"¿Pasaportes y boletos?"
"Aquí y acá"
"Empacados y guardados en tu bolsa de mano". Te recordó mientras te rodeaba tu cintura con sus brazos
"Cierto, lo olvidaba..." Un suspiro largo salió de ti al recargar tu cabeza sobre su pecho e inhalar su adictiva colonia.
"Hey, ¿qué pasa?". Inclino ligeramente su cabeza hacia ti.
"Pensé que estabas emocionada por volver a ver a tu familia y amigos"
"Y lo estoy". Te giraste quedando con su rostro a unos cuantos centímetros y con tus brazos rodeando su abdomen. Pese al movimiento en ningún momento él alejó sus brazos de ti.
"Solo... me parece un sueño, ¿sabes?. No puedo creer que los vaya a ver después de tanto tiempo, ¿será que aún me recuerdan? ¿Me habrán olvidado? ¿O qué tal si ya me he olvidado el idioma? Oh meu Deus, mi avó va a matarme!!..."
Cualquier rastro de dudas o preocupación fue borrado al sentir tu rostro ser sostenido por sus manos. Y ni hablar de todo lo que sus ojos chocolatosos eran capaces de expresar, con el simple hecho de verlos era suficiente para perderte en ellos y olvidarte del mundo entero.
"Cariño, cariño, mírame... ellos te aman y estoy seguro de que no te han olvidado al igual que tú con el idioma. Hace dos segundos lo has hablado tan perfectamente lindo y con ese acento que me vuelve loco..." Ante sus palabras rodaste con diversión tus ojos"
"Justo como la primera vez que te conocí" Con ternura y tomándose su tiempo, dejó varios besos sobre tu rostro, acción que siempre lograba sacarte unas buenas carcajadas por las cosquillas.
Simplemente, el mejor cumpleaños que pudiste haber deseado... hasta que..
el sonido de sus teléfonos los hizo separase.
Al ver de quienes se trataban al unisonido suspiraron. Tenía que ser un chiste
"¿En verdad es necesario?"
"De acuerdo, yo le aviso"
"Ahí nos vemos"
Una vez finalizada la llamada ambos compartieron una sonrisa un tanto decepcionante
"Era Bucky"
"Era Sam"
Al hablar al mismo tiempo rieron un tanto débil por aquella coincidencia.
"Surgió un inconveniente, dice que..."
"Nos necesitan... si, eso mismo dijo Bucky"
Y por unos momentos ninguno de los dos dijo nada.
"Mi amor, como lo siento". De nueva cuenta volvieron a su pasada posición. "Sé cuanto esperabas este dia..."
Decir que te sentías decepcionada era muy poco. Estabas furiosa, pero no con él, nunca con él, ni con Sam o Bucky, ni siquiera contigo misma, sino con el destino por arrebatarte aquella única oportunidad.
"Ya... ya no importa..." Te alejaste de él y su abrigador abrazo de oso.
"Ya habrá otros cumpleaños por venir..." Sosteniendo aun su mano aprovechaste para darle un leve apretón.
"Será mejor que nos vayamos, nos están esperando."
Y sin decir algo más del asunto tomaron sus cosas y salieron directo al aeropuerto.
"Hey,". Los llamo Bucky desde la lejanía.
"Pero si es la cumpleañera!!!"
"Casi cumpleañera"
"Que son dos días de diferencia". Ante su instinto de hermano mayor negaste con una sonrisa genuina.
"Siento mucho el hacerlos venir, de verdad no los llamaría si no fuese importante" Esta vez fue Sam quien hablo y de inmediato se disculpó. al encontrarse a una distancia reducida, no dudo ni un minuto en abrazarte.
"Descuida, lo entiendo, trabajo es trabajo y no hay mucho que hacer. Además, lo mejor de los cumpleaños es que siempre hay uno esperándote el año siguiente. Mejor díganos y ¿ahora a que nos enfrentáremos? ¿A los tres grandes? ¿A un robot homicida? O ya sé, ya sé, a otro Titán loco, por favor dime que no es un Titán no de nuevo..."
"nada de eso muñeca, , de hecho es... Diferente, deberían revisar primero el informe" Les comento ahora Bucky mientras le pasaba los documentos de la misión.
"Vaya... sí que es... ¿Nuevo"?. El primero en hablar fue Jo
"¿están seguro de que esto es... real?". Le seguiste
"Así parece, aunque vamos, no es lo más raro a lo que nos hemos enfrentado" esta vez fue Bucky quien hablo.
"Es todo lo que tenemos hasta ahora, el informe nos llegó hoy en la mañana. Creemos que si le seguimos el paso desde ahora, no será tan difícil dar con ello."
Tras unos segundos en silencio, fuiste la primera en hablar. "De cuerdo, será mejor que vayamos tras ello y pronto."
enseguida terminaste, los cuatro se encontraban a bordo del helicarrier.
7 de Febrero
Hora: 12:00 am
Para suerte de todos la misión había sido un éxito, lograron encriptar su ubicación actual y obtener información sobre sus siguientes movimientos, si bien faltaba mucho por hacer, como el dar con su objetivo fue un gran inicio.
Era media, sino es que casi media noche y el día fue agotador, por lo que todos dormían o eso creías, cuando de repente.
"Mi vida, meu Chuchuzinho despierta". Un animado Joaquín te meció levemente
Somnolienta y con los ojos entrecerrados, te removiste en el catre. "ahhh, que... ¿Qué pa... Pasa? ¿Sucedió algo?... ". Preguntaste preocupada, pues por experiencia sabías que tanto en las misiones como en el helicarrier podía pasar de cualquier cosa.
Tu postura, voz y rostro cambio una vez que oíste aquella melodía ser entonada por Bucky, Sam y Joaquín. Simplemente, no podías concebir lo que estabas viviendo.
Parabéns pra você,
Nesta data querida.
Muitas felicidades,
Muitos anos de vida.
Parabéns pra você,
Nesta data querida.
Muitas felicidades,
Muitos anos de vida.
Una vez finalizada la canción te balanceaste a abrazarlos a los tres al mismo tiempo.
"Hey, cuidado con el pastel...". Advirtió Sam, pero tú hiciste caso omiso, estabas demasiada feliz para siquiera darle importancia al pastel.
"Ay chicos, muchas gracias, no sé qué decirles... yo..." De tus ojos unas cuantas lágrimas silenciosas cayeron por tu rostro, lágrimas que al instante fueron barridas por el pulgar de tu novio
"por favor, no llores, es tu cumpleaños, se supone que debe ser un día feliz." Al oír sus tiernas palabras negaste con una ligera sonrisa.
"No estoy triste, es solo que... fue hermoso, en verdad no sé que decirles."
"Sabes que no es nada muñeca, te lo mereces"
"Eso y mucho más". Complemento Sam, mientras que Jo pasaba a sentarse a un lado tuyo.
"Siento si no es lo mejor..." No lo dejaste concluir, ya que con un inesperado, delicado y suave beso lo interrumpiste.
"Lo fue..." Juntaste tu frente con la suya, tal y como era de costumbre.
"Fue mejor de lo que alguna vez me hubiese imaginado, en verdad muchas gracias chicos, los amo, tanto". Tus palabras y mirada viajaron entre los presentes.
"En especial a ti, meu bonitinho menino do ipanema".
"Hey, yo fui de la idea..." Les recordó Sam.
"Ya déjalos Sam..."
"Muñeca, porque no mejor pides tu deseo de cumpleaños"
"Sí, anda, que estás esperando." Aclamo Sam acercándote el pastel.
Fue hasta ese momento que le prestaste atención al pastel que cargaba. "Sam... no dudo que el pastel sepa delicioso o haya sido comprado con las mejores intenciones, pero,... ¿por qué dice 'Recupérate pronto, Charlie'?"
"Te dije que le cambiaras el mensaje". Lo regaño Bucky.
"Lo siento, pero es lo mejor que pude conseguir a las 5:00 am en una pastelería"
¿En dónde lo compraste? ¿En la tienda de regalos de un hospital?
"No, ahí no venden pasteles, en frente sí."
"¿Qué?". En un tono atónito pregunto Joaquín.
"Okay, será mejor pedir mi deseo". Después de pensártelo por unos segundos soplaste las velas.
8 de febrero
hora: 06:52pm
Después de gozar el pastel con un destinatario equivocado y charlar por un largo rato, el helicarrier quedo en silencio total por horas, hasta que el piloto en servicio les aviso que estaba a punto de aterrizar.
Al oír su aviso, decidiste prepararte con antelación para el aterrizaje. y de paso ayudarles a los demás a juntar sus cosas.
Tan enfocada estabas en no hacer ruido que no notaste el pequeño y minimo detalle de donde se encontraban, no fue hasta que diste con la ventana que divisas te aquel cristo que no veías en años. ¿En verdad se encontraban en casa? ¿Realmente estaba sucediendo esto? ¿O solo era un mal-buen sueño provocado por el exceso de azúcar en tu organismo?. "Que demon..."
"Así que ya lo descubriste, eh". Era Joaquín. Sin prisa y con intenciones de disfrutar de la tranquilidad del momento y su cercanía, fue rodeando tú cintura con sus brazos.
"Es más hermoso de lo que me imaginaba y monumental a comparación de las imágenes en internet"
"¿Cómo es que...? Nosotros... ¿En serio....?" Tu sorpresa era tal que ni siquiera sabías por donde empezar.
"Se suponía que sería una sorpresa." Con su nariz fue dejando caricias a lo largo de tu cuello y lóbulo.
"Como sé que no eres una persona de despertarse de su sueño, pensé que una vez en tierra ya estarías despierta, no antes. Maldita ley de Murphy." Sus caricias se detuvieron de golpe.
"En serio (Y/N), de todos los días que pudiste pasar durmiendo horas ¿por qué hoy no?." Debido a la diferencia entre sus estaturas no se le complicó demasiado el agachar su rostro para ver el tuyo.
"No, no...,esto no está bien." Te alejaste de él con una actitud inquietante. "Jo, cariño, debemos llegar D.C. Nos meteremos en problemas, Ross nos matará si descubre que hemos usado el helicarrier para fines propios, debemos regresar y pron..."
"Hey, hey, (Y/N), mi vida." Con dulzura sostuvo tu rostro entre sus manos. "Descuida, Ross sabe de esto..."
"Pero él..."
"Si, no voy a negarlo, fue difícil, perooo… más difícil fue evitar que Bucky se fuese encima de él."
Al imaginarte la escena te fue imposible retener una baja risa.
"Entonces, ¿él sabe de esto?"
"Así es"
¿Eso significa que no vamos a estar en problemas?
"Te lo prometo."
"y el... ¿está de acuerdo con esto?"
"emmmmm... bueno, en un principio no, pero tanto Sam como Bucky le recordaron que fuiste una de las personas que ayudo a qué regresaran los blipeados, y que a parte peleaste con aquel Titán morado dos veces. Lo cual pareció ser suficiente para que aceptará"
Con tu respiración y latidos del corazón volviendo a la normalidad abrazaste a tu novio. Joaquín al notar tu estado animico optó por peinar con cariño tus cabellos.
Su dulce tacto combinado con los anaranjados y rojizos tonos del atardecer no demoraron en hacer efecto y el pareció notarlo.
"Ya te he dicho cuanto te amo". Alzaste tu rostro.
"Todos los dias, noches y básicamente en cada momento, mi bonita Chuchuzinho"
"Bueno, será mejor que te acostumbres, porque no creo dejar de decírtelo alguna vez. Así como no creo dejar de amarte."
Poco a poco sus rostros se fueron acercando y sus cuerpos quedando frente a frente ..
"Que gracioso, porque verás... Yo estaba pensando lo mismo."
Hasta que llegó el punto en donde sus respiraciones chocaban.
”Joaquin Torres, fuiste, eres y serás lo mejor que me pudo haber pasado en mi vida. Te amo..."
Con la misma delicadeza que peino tu cabello pasó un mechón detrás de tu oreja... ”Y yo a ti (T/N) (T/A), como no tienes idea." ...Acción con la que su beso culminó después de tanto.
Oh meu Deus, mi avó va a matarme!! - oh por Dios, mi abue va a mandar matarme
Oh meu Deus - oh mi Dios/Oh por Dios
Avó - abuela
meu Chuchuzinho - mi melocotoncito
Parabéns pra você... - Felicitaciones para tí
Nesta data querida... - En esta fecha querida.
Muitas felicidades... - Muchas felicidades...
Muitos anos de vida. - Muchos años de vida.
meu bonitinho menino do ipanema. - mi lindo chico de ipanema".
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Hello darling! 💕🌸 hope you’re keeping well 🥰 if you have time could I request a fluffy smut fic where the reader has her first ever Brazilian wax for their date night but she’s so sore and Bucky loves how soft and smooth she is and makes her feel better with himself? 💕
Bared to You
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 874
Summary: You surprise Bucky on date night and he takes good care of you.
Author’s Note: Thanks for this request love! I went with beardy floofy Bucky because he’s a dream come true and what would be better to have between your legs or anywhere really haha. Hope you enjoy! Thank you all for reading! Love always! ❤❤❤ amazing gif by @crispychrissy
Warnings: Sweet fluff, smut, oral (f receiving), light beard burn kink (18+ only please)
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Bucky pulls out your chair, smiling as you take a seat. “It smells so good in here, babe, I can’t believe this is the first time we are trying this place!” He sits across from you, taking off his jacket and draping it over the chair. “I know, I can’t wait to eat!” You pick up the menu, eyeing Bucky from over the top as he rests his forearms on the edge of the table to do the same.
“I can feel your eyes on me, doll, what are you thinking?” he asks, without looking up. “Oh,” you say quietly, a pretty blush painting your cheeks. “Nothing really. What are you going to get?” Bucky places his menu down, raising his brow, “come on, tell me.” Your eyes settle on his, the blue striking against his crisp white button down. “You look so handsome. I was just admiring the way your shirt fit so nicely.”
His tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip, a small smirk forming before he says, “thank you.” “I know I’ve already told you a million times, but you look gorgeous.” He reaches his hand across the table to hold yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Thanks Buck, I don’t mind,” you say with a wink.
After you order your food you excuse yourself to the bathroom. You had gotten your very first Brazilian wax earlier today as a surprise for your date night and you didn’t realize it would make you feel so sensitive. Giving yourself a few moments in the bathroom you freshen up your lip gloss and head back out. You decided to go without underwear, figuring it would help since there might be less material rubbing on your skin.
Sitting back down you grab your glass of wine, taking a long sip as Bucky watches you. “Are you ok, doll? You look a little uncomfortable.” You look down, trying to think of a quick excuse, “ummmm.” Bucky’s hand reaches out for yours once again, “hey, listen, it’s ok, we can talk later or not at all if you don’t feel like it, I was just checking.”
Bucky’s soft sweetness makes your heart melt, the words pouring from your mouth before you can think to stop them, “I got a Brazilian wax today, I’m feeling a little sensitive….” Your words trail off as you watch the different emotions play over his features. First confusion, then he realization of what a Brazilian is and finally his eyes settling into a smolder.
“Would you hate me if I told the waiter to wrap our food and took you home right now?” he asks, tone completely serious. “No,” you whisper, squeezing your legs together in eagerness. Bucky calls over the waiter, politely asking for the food to go with a simple excuse of not feeling well. He pays for the meal and grabs the food, walking you out of the restaurant, his hand on your lower back.
The air in the car is thick with tension, Bucky’s hand resting on your thigh. You nibble on your fingers, trying to keep your hands to yourself but finding it too difficult. Placing your hand on his thigh you slowly drag your fingers up toward the obvious bulge in his pants. He stops your hand, swallowing hard as he tries to keep his eyes focused on the road.
“I need to feel you,” he says, voice strained. You part your legs, taking a hold of his wrist as his hand inches under the hem of your dress. When he reaches your naked and bare skin, he nearly rips the steering wheel out, his pained groan making your walls clench around nothing.
“Fuck, doll. You’re so smooth and perfect.” He runs his fingers along the delicate skin of your pussy, his touch light and soft. Dipping a finger between your folds he collects your wetness, circling your clit as you open your legs wider.
“Bucky, please, are we almost home?” you whine.  It feels like forever before he’s pulling his hand from between your legs and helping you out of the car. Unlocking the door, he gets you both inside, slamming it shut and caging you against it. “You tell me if anything I do bothers you, ok?” You nod before he places a hot kiss to your lips.
Sinking to his knees he pushes your dress up your thighs and over your waist, the cool air washing over you. For a moment he just stares, licking is lips with his hands massaging right below your ass. “Wow,” he breathes before running his tongue along the inside of your thighs, moaning at the wetness that coats them.
“Nothing tastes better, baby, look at you.” You grab a fistful of his hair, pulling his head higher, “Bucky, don’t make me beg.” Grinning up at you he runs his nose over your silky skin, lighting kissing your clit and lips. The feel of his beard has you writhing above him, the soft hairs tickling the already sensitive area. He spreads your legs further apart, licking one long stripe along your pussy before nuzzling against the softness. He looks up, lips glistening and eyes full of hunger, “don’t worry baby, I’ll take good care of you.”
@aesthetical-bucky @book-dragon-13 @devynsdiary @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @marvelgirl7 @buckys-broody-muffin @mushyjellybeans @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @scarletsoldierrr @softpeachbarnes @the-wayward-robot @when-the-hell-is-bucky @metal-armed-cuddly-dork
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imagine-a-marvel · 6 years
Como você acha que seria a leitora apresentando a cultura brasileira pro Bucky?
(Pretoria, já estava com saudades! E dessa vez de verdade, ahaha)
Bom, isso dependeria muito de qual parte da cultura, já que aqui temos um emaranhado de coisas que mal conseguimos aprender, imagina ensinar um gringo que ainda está aprendendo a viver no século 21.
Eu consigo imaginar vocês indo a um restaurante brasileiro (o google map me disse que tem um monte em Nova Iorque :3) e ele te pedindo recomendações. Aposto que ele ia amar coxinha. E o churrasco nem se fala. Lá eles fazem a gás, e não com carvão como a gente. 
Bucky te pediria pra mostrar alguns movimentos de alguma dança daqui pra ele, a que você souber é claro omfg estou imaginando o Bucky dançando funk, socorro!. Já que ele gostava de dançar no tempo dele, seria uma atividade terapêutica. Acho que ele seria um péssimo sambista.
Deixa eu pensar… Nativos americanos eles têm lá, a maioria dos estilos de música são os mesmos, politica e religião também…
Ah! Português! Eu vi muitos gringos dizendo que nosso sotaque é fofo, porque o “inho” aqui é puxando o “i” no final lá, e a gente faz muito isso.
Consigo imaginar o Bucky te fazendo dizer certas palavras, só pra te chamar de adorável, enquanto sente o coração derreter com sua fofura. Até o jeito que você pronuncia Bucky é fofo, porque você puxa o “i” no final.
Imagina vocês brigando, e você chamando o nome dele brava, mas tudo o que ele consegue fazer é ficar lá, sorrindo feito imbecil, nem lembrando mais sobre o que vocês estavam discutindo.
Ele também adoraria dizer “Eu te Amo’‘ em português, e ouvir você dizer de volta. Tendo te pedido para ensinar isso pra ele logo no começo. Assim como outras palavras, incluindo palavras sacanas, ou xingamentos.
Aposto que ele também ia querer te ouvir dizer as sacanagens pra ele na cama, já que eu também ouvi dizer que nosso sotaque é um dos mais sexies.
Mas ele ficaria assustado ao te ouvir realmente grilada. Gritando em português para expressar melhor seus sentimentos em sua língua materna. Mesmo que nem esteja grilada com ele, Bucky teria pena da pobre alma que te irritou.
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(Se eu me esqueci de algum aspecto que você esperava que eu focasse e não foquei, me fala, vou adorar responder!)
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levi-ish · 7 years
13 going on 30 Spider-Man AU
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so I had this idea in my head for a while and just thought that this would be really cool to write about
And I’m really sorry. English is not my first language
if you haven’t watched this movie yet PLEASE WATCH (it’s my favorite don’t even get me started) 
SPOILERS AHEAD // hope you like it <3
Ok, let’s start then (this starts in the 80s)
so you and Peter have been best friends since ever 
started with you being next door neighbours and outcasts at school
Peter was this really skinny nerdy boy and you were awkard and really smart  
you had this habit to share sweets (RAZZLES) and to greet each other in another languages
“Arrivederci” “Au revoir”
your relationship was based on mutual trust and weird stuff that only you two understood
seriosly you could almost talk telepathically
Peter had this hobby to take pictures around and sometimes he even took them for the school paper and some of you 
you have ever wanted to work on your favorite magazine (Poise) editorial and you have like all of their editions
the story really starts when you had the yearbook shoot in your 13th birthday and turns out B A D
but you don’t get too sad ‘cause Peter said that it looked good 
“don’t worry Y/N, it can’t be worse than mine. I actually sneezed!”
six girls walks down the corridor like it was a catwalk and stops right in front of you
oops, forgot to tell you that Y/N really wanted to be popular and those girls used her for homework and projects
Peter knew about that and tried to warn you but guess what, you didn’t listen
the leader of their gang (Tom-Tom) usually approached you two to make fun of Peter and you used to follow her lead, laughing together
shitty habit i know
and on that they she told you that her group and your crush Flash Thompson wouldn’t come over to your party unless they finish their group project 
so you say you would do it for them ‘cause you’re too naive to see bad in people
when you come home you start to get ready for your party, doing your makeup and picking a outfit that would fit better with the mean girls even putting some tissues on your top to look like you have boobs but nobody needs to know that
so while getting ready you read the last edition of Poise magazine and saw a story saying that the 30s are the best years of your life and claims that you want to be 30
“30, flirty and thriving.”
then you go down to your basement where the party would be held and put your jam on
I’m talking about Thriller ‘cause you know the whole choreography
when Peter arrived he just watched you dance because he is so fuCKING CUTE AND NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED
then he gives you the big box with a pink lace on top that is your present 
“You know how you always wanted a Barbie Dream House? Well, I decided to make you your own Y/N Dream House”
you just stare to the big doll house that he built by himlsef and made just for you, showing all the rooms and faces from old pictures cut and glued to little dolls 
then he sprinkles wishing dust all over the little roof and you close your eyes to make a wish by the time the doorbell rings
you began to panic and put the house away like it meant nothing and Peter just looks at you with his big doe eyes and feels his heart starting to break
the party starts and all of your guests are in the basement 
Tom-Tom starts to be mean to Peter and you again follow her lead so he goes upstairs 
then again, Tom-Tom comes into scene and suggests to play 7 minutes in heaven and says to you that Flash is dying to kiss you, but doesn’t closes the closet door before asking you where is her project and puts a blindfold in your eyes
Tom-Tom’s gang and Flash’s friends starts to leave the party and Tom-Tom finds Peter and says that you were waiting for him in the closet
so when he opens the door he sees you with a smile eye-to-eye and his world lights up
“I thought you weren’t gonna come”
he’s just so happy to hear that that he entrelaces your fingers together and leans in for a kiss, never making it because you called him “Flash” 
it all goes downhill when you see that it’s Peter and everybody is gone and you started to blame him and locked yourself on the closet
you slides down the shelf where the Y/N Dream House is and starts to hit your head back, making the whole shelf move and some wishing dust to fall on you while you keep saying:
“I wanna be 30“
Here’s where the shit goes REALLY crazy
You wake up in a bed that isn’t yours and a flat that isn’t yours either
you find a mirror and sees that the reflection isn’t the same too
then you find a weird nude guy calling you sweetbun
you leave your flat in your pajamas after you saw his thingy and finds a blonde woman standing in front of a car and screaming at her phone and telling you to get in
so you starts to find out a lot of things about you and it comes to your mind that your wish was fulfilled. You are now 30 and were the editor of the Poise magazine, best friends with Tom-Tom (now you call her Lucy) and prom queen with Flash as prom king.
but then you starts to miss Peter and wonder where he is, so you ask your secretary to find him
when she does you leave the office and runs across the city to find his flat and knock on his door
“You’re not chinese”
you just stares at him and realizes that Peter isn’t a skinny nerdy guy. Now he’s tall and strong, with abs showing on his shirt and his wavy hair is now pulled back giving a whole new and hotter look.
then your panic comes back when he tells you that you’re not best friends anymore and you find yourself sitting in a bench while holding a fluffy pillow and drinking a glass of water
when you calm down you two go back to your apartment and you find your yearbook seeing the pictures of prom and Tom-Tom’s gang that you turned out to be their leader
“This is incredible, I can’t believe that I got everything I’ve ever wanted” “Yeah Y/N, you got it all. Congratulations.”
You receive a call telling you about a Poise party at night and you invite Peter to come and he says that he’ll think about it
by the night you starts to get ready ala 80′s style and find thongs in your HUGE closet
“Can you tell I’m wearing underwear? ‘Cause I totally am”
when you get to the party you find Lucy and asks for a drink
“ I'll have a Pina Colada, not virgin. Wanna see my ID? Totally have it!”
then your boss comes to you and starts to panic about people starting to leave so you get an idea and go to the DJ
Thriller starts to play and you go to the middle of the dance floor, doing the choreography
starting to feel uncomfortable alone, you find Peter in the crowd and your heart skips a beat, your feet in a hurry to get him and making him dance with you
and literally everybody starts to dance too and your boss is so happy
but Peter says he need to leave and you hold hands for a second and your whole body heats up, having a weird sensation by the time he lefts
time passes and one night you’re outside a restaurant with Lucy and you see Peter walking by and ask what he’s doing there
then a beautiful ginger girl appears on his side and he introduces her as his fiancée, Mary Jane
your heart breaks a little and you feel numb for a second
you come back to your reality when the naked guy appears on your side and started to talk to Peter and his fiancée
Peter then leave and Lucy tells you to go to the naked guy’s (Alex’s) flat to play games
when you get there you suggests battleship and he starts to kiss your ear and you don’t know what to do while he keeps flirting
then he starts to striptease and do a weird dance and you look away trying to hide your shame
“Put your penis away, I don’t want to see it again!”
as the days goes by you start to realize what an awful person you’ve become on this alternative universe. You found that you have been screwing your coworkers husband and things that you never knew you could do
feeling bad, you go to Peter’s apartment and ask him if he wanted to go for a walk
you start to talk about the future and his wedding plans 
then curiosity strikes you and you finally ask him about what happened to your friendship
you watch the pain in his eyes while he tells you about your 13th party 
he says that you threw the Y/N Dream House that he spent 3 weeks building at him and never talked to him again
you feel awful
you became a monster after all
after that night you crash into your parents house and locks yourself in the same closet from your birthday party and realizes that the Y/N Dream House isn’t there
so you hit your head purposely on the same shelf and your parents find you in there
the morning after your mother makes you pancakes with blueberry eyes 
“If you were given one do over anything in your life what would it be?” “Nothing” “Really?” “Really.” “But did you ever make a big mistake... a huge one that could change your life... what about that?” “Well, Y/N, I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes but I don’t regret any of them” “How come?” “Because If I haven’t had make them I wouldn’t have learned how to do things right.”
going through the pages of your yearbook you see that Peter was the one who took the pictures and a huge idea comes into your mind
you hire Peter to do a photoshoot with people recreating those pictures and have lots of fun while doing that
he can’t take his eyes off of you and his hearts melts a little whenever you laugh
you even dance together under the fake snow while doing the winter dance shoot
he even gives you a white peony while doing the class of 2004
later that day you two started to talk about the past and you two get Razzles and go for a walk 
“Hey Peter, tell me something. What color is my tongue?” “Is red, I don’t know... red?” “Red red or Razzles red?”
then you two started to compete who would go higher on a swingset 
it was beautiful ‘till you two fell
and it was beautiful again when you landed on his chest and his hand started to caress your bare sholder sending you chills on your spine
“Hey, you got arm hair” “Never got quite that reaction before.”
then you two started to smile at each other like the two dorks you were in the past and he leans in to kiss you
it was magical, every second of it. You just wished you could stay like that forever
when the day of the presentations came, you were super nervous to show your ideas ‘cause you were afraid about the opinions
so Lucy presents first and it wasn’t very well
and when you present your project, everybody go crazy about it and loving the idea of the class of 2004
but Lucy wasn’t very happy and goes to your office to find out that you were the one that was selling Poise ideas to Sparkle, the rival magazine
Peter goes to your office to talk to you and finds Lucy, who said to him that you changed your mind about his pictures and hired someone more professional 
so you decided to go to his apartment to tell him that everybody loved his photos and you find Mary Jane wearing one of his shirts
the special one that he was wearing when they kissed on the playground
and she tells you that she will tell him when he gets back from picking up his tux and that they’re getting married on the next day
your heart completly breaks
the next day when you go to work you find out the whole floor empty and everybody packing from their offices
your boss tells you that Sparkle published your story and you find out that Lucy did it and she throws in your face all of the bad things you have done and how you sold all of the Poise stories to Sparkle
feeling worse than ever you decided to go to Peter’s wedding and calls a cab
later on you find out that the cab driver is actually Flash Thompson and just jumps out of it running like crazy
when you arrived at Peter’s yard you entered the house and ran to his old room, finding he knotting his tie while looking at the window
he looks at you and you can swear you saw a sparkle in his eyes
and you did
so you tried to tell him that Lucy was talking about a person that wasn’t you anymore
“It doesn’t matter what Lucy said. I stopped trusting her after she stole my poprocks on the third grade.”
you can’t help but smile at him and his dorkness
“Peter, I have to believe that if you knew that... if in your heart you really really knew that, you wouldn’t be getting married to someone right now, unless that someone were me”
he doesn’t look at you and you begin to panic already regretting but feeling like going on.
you started to miss his eyes and every blink looks like an eternity
“Y/N, I’m not gonna lie to you... I’ve felt things this past weeks that I didn’t know that I could feel anymore.”
you feel a smile forming on your lips but disappearing right after he completes his sentence.
“But I’ve realized in this past few days... you can’t just turn back time”
when you question him about it, he said that he’d moved on and you had too. And when he mentions Mary Jane you think about how good she is to him and can’t feel comfortable about the view of him wearing that tux and being ready to say “yes”
so you started to cry
then he opens his closet and you see the Y/N Dream House, feeling a knot involving all of your internal organs and or fingers start to tremble
you cry even more
it still have the wishing dust all over the plastic roof and you feel your heart warms at the thought of him putting it all over
he gives it to you and you hold the dream house in your arms, trying to feel it like one of his hugs and smile at him
“I’ll be fine, go on! I’m just crying because I’m happy... I-I want you to be so so happy”
talking a deep breath, your voice starts to shake while he gives you a sad smile
“I love you, Peter. You’re my best friend”. 
when you put your hand on the doorknob he took an audible deep breath
“Y/N, I’ve always loved you”
and your mind lingers on the word “loved” 
he loved you, but now he loves Mary Jane
so you go down the stairs and sit in the front yard, still holding the Y/N Dream House
the wedding music started playing and every melody sounded lower than your heart breaking a little more while your chest felt so heavy that it could send you to the ground in a blink
you started to play with the objects in the little rooms on the doll house and the wind started to blow against your face
you didn’t even care, your mind was only focused on how you wanted to be with Peter
and suddently there was wishing dust all over the ar, flying around you as your eyes were closed, trying to fight against the tears
you started to hear a song that wasn’t a wedding song and tried to open your eyes, being stopped by a blindfold
as you took it off, you saw that you were back again in that closet in your 13th birthday party and a warm feeling was all over you
Peter opened the closet door and you attacked him with a hug and kissed him
on his lips!
“Wow, you really know what you’re doing!”
you smiled at him and grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs and found Tom-Tom in the middle of it
you saw the group project that you did by yourself in her hands and ripped it appart, smirking at her and running again
“C’mon Peter, we’re gonna be late!” “For what?” “You’ll see!”
as the years passed, you and Peter only grew stronger and loving each other even more
the wedding music was now played for you two while you walked down the aisle and find his marvelous smile waiting for you
soon you two moved to a brand new house
Y/N and Peter Dream House
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dontworrysunflower · 3 years
Can you do a fake Instagram with the reader being Bruna Marquezine (a brazilian actress and model)?
pls you guys don’t send any more requests. for fake ig/imagines pls
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Liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1,947,194
yourinstagram princess consuela banana hammock
View all 24,192 comments
harrystyles Mr. crap bag :) x
y/nfan1 the friends references…they’re made for each other
y/nfan2 can you hand over some of the beauty
y/nfan3 hey photographer we see you peeping
annetwist My gorgeous girl 😘
↳ yourinstagram i love you!
harryfan1 she’s close with his mom lemme go cry rq 🥲
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Liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 4,857,192 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Chicago, IL. Night One
View all 30,284 comments
yourinstagram you know you’re pretty, huh?
↳ harrystyles I have an idea
harryfan1 this mans so fucking cocky
harryfan2 the things i am thinking…
y/nfan1 subrry sorry
harryfan3 his tattoos are so hot
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Liked by harrystyles, arianagrande and 2,103,592 others
yourinstagram old lovers
View all 12,385 comments
y/nfan2 mommy? sorry mommy? sorry
y/nfan1 so hot
arianagrande leave harry for me
↳ yourinstagram packing my bags rn
y/nfan3 ariana > harry
↳ yourinstagram always
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Liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 4,925,396 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Chicago, IL. II
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harryfan1 man i’m blind i can’t see
harryfan2 sir i need you to change up the fits i love you but i need more
harryfan3 why do i find it so endearing that he brushes his teeth somethings wrong with me
harryfan4 you think he gags when he goes to far in
↳ y/nfan1 he probably doesn’t have a gag reflex
@samaraaaaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @lover-of-bucky @tom-hollands-wife @acciosiriusblack @aslugforharry @sunkissedchxrry @niallsbaeorwhateva
lmk if you want to be added or taken off taglist
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Project V: Pierced
Pairing: College!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky convinces you to get matching nipple piercings.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, mention of oral, piercing pain lmfao, these two being dumbasses as usual
A/N: Maaaaaaaan, seeing Seb with them piercings really hyped me up to write shit lmfao
Project V Masterlist ||  MAIN MASTERLIST
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“Let’s get matching something.”
Bucky proposed as he lounged on your bed, his notes against his chest. You just got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around your chest with water droplets dripping from your neck down to your cleavage. You saw how Bucky’s eyes followed the droplets until it disappeared into your towel.
“Matching what?” You asked and started applying lotion all over your body.
Bucky’s ears turned red as he watched your hands slide up from your calf up to your thighs, the hem of your towel riding up a bit to expose your skin beneath. You snapped your fingers right in his face and made a face, “My eyes are up here, why the fuck are you so horny all the time?” you complained.
“You’re in a fucking towel and I can literally see your pussy from here. Of course I’m gonna feel horny!” he defended. “Anyway, matching something. What do you think?” Bucky asked again, turning to his side as he watched you continue with your post-shower routine.
You shrugged, “How about bracelets? Rings?” you suggested as you slipped on your underwear.
“Too basic.” Bucky said.
“Matching tats?” you asked and then gasped when an idea struck you. “Get a tattoo of my pussy and I’ll have your dick inked on my butt cheek.”
Bucky deadpanned at you, “Are you for real?” he asked. “Also, I don’t want matching tattoos. It’s too common. And Steve and Sam got matching tattoos. We gotta stand out ‘cause we’re not just regular best friends.” he explained, finally sitting up on your bed.
You were now clad in a loose shirt and skipped on the shorts. Turning around to face Bucky, you placed your hands on your hips. “You’re just jealous that Steve decided to get matching tats with Sam and not you.” you teased and sat down next Bucky on your bed.
Bucky rolled his eyes, “Whatever.” he dismissed and thought about what else the both of you can get.
You were combing your hair when Bucky found himself staring at your tits, noticing your pebbled nipples straining through the thin fabric of your shirt.
And then had a eureka moment.
“Let’s get our nips pierced!”
“Can I still back out?” you asked, tugging Bucky’s hand as the both of you entered the tattoo parlor.
You refused to get your nipples pierced, you clearly remembered shooting that idea down as soon as Bucky suggested it. But Bucky, Bucky, Bucky...he had a way with his words and his tongue that made you cry out yes to his suggestion.
Fucking Bucky and his talent at cunnilingus. If that man tried to convince you to help him hide a dead body by eating you out, you would’ve started digging a grave as soon as he was done with you.
He was that good at it.
“Pussy.” Bucky teased.
“Using ‘pussy’ as an insult doesn’t make any sense because this pussy can take a pounding. You should know that better than anyone.” you spat back with a scowl.
Bucky frowned at you, “Okay, fine. I take that back. But no one’s backing out. C’mon, we’d be the coolest BFFs in town with these piercings.” he insisted.
You were about to retort back but was immediately cut off when a guy called both your names, confirming the appointment that was made a week ago. Bucky took your hand and pulled you with him further into the parlor, leaving you with no choice but to give in.
“Alright, so nipple piercings huh?” the guy asked. “Are we gonna do both...or?”
You raised your hand, “What’s the aftercare like?” you went straight to the point.
“Oh well, just don’t touch it for as long as you can. It takes about 6 months to a full year for it to completely heal. Wear a cotton bra or skip on it if possible. Try not to tug at the piercings so when doing the nasty, try not to include the nipples.” he explained so casually.
You turned to Bucky, “When doing the nasty, try not to include the nipples. You sure about this, Buck?” you asked, knowing how much Bucky loved playing with your tits during sex.
Bucky swallowed, “For how long should we avoid the nipple play?” he asked shamelessly.
“Couple of months to a full year.”
“Fuck!” Bucky hissed, ignoring how the piercer burst out laughing at his disappointment.
“So what? We still gonna do this or?” you asked.
Bucky pondered for a couple of seconds before letting out a sigh, “I really want us to be the coolest BFFs out there.”
The both of you decided to show off the piercings back at the dorm, wanting it to be a moment of surprise. The Uber ride was quiet for some reason, tension thick in the air.
“You screamed like a bitch back there.” you said, finally breaking the silence.
Bucky looked offended when he snapped his head towards you, “My pain tolerance is low, okay?” he excused. “And it really did hurt. At least I didn’t whimper like a whore.” he said.
It was true though, you did whimper like a whore getting fucked by three dicks all at once. You always thought you tolerated pain pretty well, getting a Brazilian was a regular thing for you and it never made you flinch. Nipple piercings though? Jesus fucking christ, you couldn’t even explain how much it fucking hurt.
You laughed sarcastically at Bucky’s rebuttal, “Better than screaming as if you were being pegged with no prep.”
As soon as you arrived at Bucky’s dorm, he scrambled to lock the door in hopes of Steve not coming home any time soon. He’d already seen you wearing Bucky’s boxers, he doesn’t need to see the both of you showing off your newly pierced nipples at each other.
“Okay. You ready?” Bucky asked as he stood in front of you.
“On three.” you said before starting off the countdown.
As soon as the countdown was over, Bucky reached for his shirt from behind, removing it at the same time you removed yours, followed by the thin bralette you wore underneath.
“Oh my god, we actually did it.” you snorted, looking closely at the ball closure ring that Bucky went for.
“Shit, I didn’t know you got straight barbells on yours.” Bucky asked, his eyes glued on your slightly red nipples. “Fuck, your tits look so good with piercings.” he grunted breathlessly.
You licked your lips and groaned at the confession you were about to make, “Look, I’m gonna be honest. I’m so fucking turned on right now.”
Bucky groaned, “Me too. Jesus, I thought I was gay because I got an erection when the dude pierced my first nipple. I mean, he was pretty handsome too.”
“I’m sure we can fuck but we just have to avoid the nips so just hit me from the back.” you said and quickly shimmied off your pants together with your panties.
Bucky rushed to remove his and went over to his bed, kneeling behind as you positioned yourself on all fours. You got so wet at the thought of Bucky’s nipples having piercings that you didn’t need that much foreplay to get ready. Bucky slid his fingers along your folds, gathering more wetness from your entrance before smearing it.
“Fuck, just get on with it!” you moaned and gripped the bedsheets tightly.
Bucky jerked his cock a couple of times before finally sliding easily into your cunt. He choked on his moan at the feeling of your velvety walls clenching around his hard cock. He had been hard too on the way home, no wonder there was tension in that Uber ride.
“Go fast and hard, I’m not gonna last.” you urged, pushing your ass back to meet Bucky’s thrusts.
Placing a hand on your neck and the other on your waist, Bucky fucked you the way you wanted. Thank goodness you started taking pills because Bucky didn’t have the patience to even put a condom on. He felt like he was going to nut as soon as his eyes landed on your pierced nipples, so perky and still swollen.
“Oh shit, fuck. I’m so fucking horny.” Bucky said, his jaw tensing as he watched your ass bounce every time he slammed back inside of you.
A couple more thrusts and your entire body trembled, a soft moan slipping past your lips when you came hard. Even without being touched, your nipples felt sensitive because of the piercings, the sensation only adding to your pleasure when you reached your orgasm.
“Shit, fuck. I gotta see those tits bounce. I can’t cum without seeing them.” Bucky said and pulled out to gently turn you around.
Now on your back with your legs spread open, Bucky slipped inside and continued to fuck you. His hands gripped the pillow beneath your head for leverage as he jackhammered you onto the bed, your hands finding purchase on his broad shoulders as you felt another orgasm approach you.
You lifted your head up to meet Bucky’s lips in a kiss, moaning into his mouth when you felt the tip of his cock kiss your cervix. Your vision blacked out momentarily when you came for the second time. Just as when you regained your senses, Bucky got lost in his own orgasm that he completely forgot about the piercings. He grabbed your left breast and pinched your nipple, your scream joining his loud moan when he came.
“Fucking hell, Bucky!” you cried out, the pain too much to bear that you also didn’t notice that your hand clawed at Bucky’s right pec with your middle finger getting caught in his piercing, accidentally ripping it out in the process.
“What the hell happened? Are you both okay?!” Steve worriedly asked as soon as he arrived at the ER of a nearby hospital.
Upon getting Bucky’s voicemail about rushing to the hospital, Steve panicked and went there as soon as he could. He had been Bucky’s emergency contact for a long time now and he was used to receiving calls from police stations due to how often Bucky got himself in trouble, especially when drunk. But Bucky calling, sounding like he was in immense pain, telling him that he needed to go to the hospital?
It was the first time it ever happened so it was understandable for Steve to panic like a husband who got a call informing him that his wife was going into labor.
You and Bucky exchanged glances, faces red from embarrassment before nodding.
“We’re good.” you curtly responded, scratching your neck.
“What happened?” Steve asked again, brows furrowing as he looked at you and Bucky alternately.
You nudged Bucky’s ribs with your elbow, widening your eyes at him as you urged him to do the explaining.
“We uh...werippedouteachothersnipplepiercings.” he murmured to himself.
Steve frowned, “I didn’t catch a word that you said.”
“We ripped out each other’s piercings by accident.” you repeated, clearly and slowly this time.
“Did your earlobes get ripped off or what?” Steve asked, taking a closer look at both your ears.
Confusion washed over his face when he noticed that your ear piercings were still intact and that Bucky didn’t even have his ears pierced. Steve straightened up and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the both of you like a reprimanding father.
“What did the two of you do this time?”
A nurse stepped into the scene and offered Steve a kind smile before turning to you and Bucky, handing over a prescription.
“Make sure to follow the instructions when applying the ointment and both your nipples should heal properly.” she explained before walking out.
“Nipples?!” Steve gasped out.
Bucky sighed but shrugged in response, “At least we’re the coolest BFFs out there with matching nipple piercings.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond​ @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @im-squished @tcc-gizmachine​ @sipsteacasually​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin​ @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky
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semlohkrats · 2 years
So, another idea that I had and I just needed to write. Bucky doesn't really shows up, but it's about him, so... I hope you like. While I was writing I remembered a real good Brazilian song (Pra Você Guardei O Amor). English is not my first language and I didn't proofread the text, so you'll probably find some mistakes. It might have a part two, tell me what you think
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Work count: 545
Warnings: none.
How do I Say I Love You?
I love you. Three words, eight letters. It shouldn't be this hard to say this to the one person you have been dating for the last four months and, before that, had been you best friend for years, right? Except, it is.
I was never the person to put my feelings into words. Don't get me wrong, I know the importance of communication and I think I do a good job when it comes to that... If we are not talking about sentiments. It just don't come out, I don't know what I'm afraid of, I know that Bucky loves me. I can feel love emanating from him and he've been saying to me everyday since last month, when he said for the first time. The soldier, always the most kind and understanding person in the universe, doesn't look worried for my lack of verbal response, he even said it was alright. But, it is not, and I am aware of that, it's always on my mind.
So, I try to put this endless love that I have for him into every little action, every single thing that I do: a cup of coffee when he comes home tired and yet wants to talk about the day; a massage in his shoulder (that he never asks for, but I always know when he needs one); a hug after a nightmare (or at any other moment of the day when the sight of him is just to much lovable); a sleepy kiss; a hungry kiss; a - I'm still mad that you ate all my cookies, but you're more important - kiss...
The list could go on forever, but still, it's not enough, is it? Who wants to be with someone that can't verbalize their love? What if he gets tired of waiting? What if he goes on a mission and, no! I'm not taking that road. I need to find a way of letting him know, one that involves words, that him will know that I mean.
Oh, I think I know how I'm going to do this and will be with something that we both love: music.
Some time later, and I finally have the playlist created. Doubts and antecipation starts to take place at mind. Am I being silly? Should I wait for him to come home or should I just send it now?
I decide on sending him the link before I give up the courage.
Hey Lover - Daughters of Eve
I've Got A Crush On You - Ella Fitzgerald
Do I Love You? - The Ronettes
My Special Angel - The Vogues
I Love You So - The Chantels
Heart and Soul - The Four Aces
More Today Than Yesterday - The Spiral Starecase
My One And Only Love - Ella Fitzgerald
There! I've Said It Again - Bobby Vinton
P.S. I Love You - Billie Holiday
I really hope he understands it and gets to feel at least a little of all the love I have to give to him, all the love that I kept with me for not knowing how to share, all that love that is inside of me, but in reality is his. Because my mind is his, my body is his and I'm his.
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mellowswriting · 3 years
Hello my beloved writer! Can you recommend blogs like yours, please? 👀
thank you my dear anon for this opportunity to gush over my favorite writers
Keri’s fics were the first I truly delved into when I got into the Pedro Character fandom and she was the one who got me absolutely hooked. Plus, she’s so very nice and gives amazing advice and encouragement (about writing and general life, too!). Here are a few of my favorites, but literally everything she writes is amazing:
Damnation or Salvation (Pero Tovar x Reader) 
Pureza (Javier Peña x Reader)
Home (Frankie Morales x Reader x Santiago Garcia)
Halloween Party (Marcus Pike x Reader) 
Are you in love with Frankie Morales like I am? Because holy shit, Cassandra’s characterization is spot on. Anytime I want to yearn, I head over to her blog because oh my god!!!! Especially everything about Frankie and his panty kink because HELLO (find here, here, here, here, here, and here.) She also perfectly captures Frankie’s penchant for being a goofy little shit, which is exactly how I headcanon him. 
As someone who is a total whore for both Oscar Isaac characters and Pedro Pascal characters, Taylor’s blog feels like home. Personally I love Santiago Garcia, so I find myself hanging out on her blog quite often. Get a Room makes me lose my mind far too often.  Also, read through the Human Touch series (Here is part one) if you’re unhealthily obsessed with Nathan Bateman like I am
If you wanna lose your absolute shit over some Oscar characters, hit up Clarke. I’m personally so very soft for Llewyn Davis that it makes my chest physically ache. Outnumbered is so soft and domestic, it’s a definite fave of mine. Also, remember how I said I was a whore for Nathan Bateman and Santiago Garcia? Well, you can imagine my joy when I read Indescribable, a Santi + Reader + Nathan threesome. It’s so very hot and well written! Admit It is the perfect combination of softness and smut, which can be hard when the character is such a hardass like Nathan. 
Luna’s writing and characterization gets me every damn time. Ever since the end of one of her Nathan fics shook me to my absolute core (y’all who read her stuff know exactly which one I’m talking about LMAO), I’ve been downright obsessed. Friends Without Benefits is one of hers that I read over and over and never get tired of. Burn, Baby, Burn is suuuuper hot
It’s well established that I’m a filthy whore for Bucky Barnes, and I partially blame Q for this. I won’t get too explicit here on this main post (I’ll save it for my own fics lol) but here are a few of my favorites! Banging it out on the subway bc Bucky’s a little shit who can’t wait, Breeding kink fics (here, here, and here), and  Bucky appreciating your Brazilian wax! Plus this Steve Rodgers x Reader breeding kink fic rocked my world lmao 
Everything. Just everything about this blog destroys me. It hits in all the right places if you’re into Bucky and Steve fics. The Feelings Mutual (part one and part two) destroyed me and I was left a puddle in my bed because roommate!Bucky is just a particular brand of delicious. Grumpy is so well written! Yeah, Bucky absolutely is a grumpy ass old man and some sloppy toppy is exactly what he needs. Lumberjack!Steve in Wilderness, best friend’s dad!Steve in Guys My Age, and college!Steve in Ruin Our Friendship are the fics that got me really into Steve Rogers. 
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
fic recs #3
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I’ve decided to start creating some fic recs list, mostly because I am too always in search of good fics to read in my constant thirst for whatever it is I’m in need at the moment. I hope this will come in handy to at least one of y’all. Do not get it confused with my fic compilations, those will also be made, but it’ll just be reference lists to specific characters and/or kinks and aus.
drive, by @afeb - for when you’re feeling restless and feel like driving around and fucking might do you some good 😉. My favorite part is the little conversation they have about reader not being... “organised” down there and Chris assuring her that he doesn’t care. We stan realistic portrays of relationships and bodies in this household. (Chris Evans x Reader smut)
bratty, by @afriendlyblackhottie​ - for when you wanna be reminded of your worth and how no man is worth undermining yourself for. That being said, my favorite part is the smut, because 🥵🥵🥵🥵 (Chris Evans x Reader smut)
oh no, that’s bad, by @andyl394 - for when you want something quick (it’s a social media au) and funny to read. My favorite part is the entire dynamic between the reader and Bucky, like Andy (who’s also a Brazilian!) describes, they’re so, so dumb (Bucky Barnes x Reader fluff)
kal’s best friend, by @angrythingstarlight - for when you need fluff so sweet it’ll make your teeth rot. My favorite part about this is how Kal is the main character, I just love him so much. (Henry Cavill x Reader fluff)
fwb, by @awhitewolfandhisvibraniumshield - for when you want to live your best life and be desired by the holy trinity of hollywood men. This is pretty much the reason why I read fanfiction to start with. My favorite part is the surprisingly angsty (but not really in a sad way, I can’t really explain it) plot twist of an ending, but I loved it all so much. (Chris Evans x Reader x Sebastian Stan x Henry Cavill smut)
prometheus, by @gotnofucks - like I said earlier today, for when you’re in a submissive mindset and in need of some punishment from dom!August. My favorite part is the bowl, you won’t get it if you don’t read it and I mean... you should read it. (August Walker x Reader smut)
diner dinner dates, by @harold231​ - for when you just want some sweet, sweet fluff featuring a platonic relationship with Bucky. My favorite part is the background given of the relationships between reader and her late husband Steve, and Bucky and his late wife. (Bucky Barnes x Reader fluff)
talented tongue, by @ladyreapermc (who’s also Brazilian!!!) - for when you’re in the mood to read about oral smut, I know you have those because I do too, don’t lie to me. My favorite thing about it is the writing, Liv has these sentences that are just poetic in nature and it just makes me wanna scream (Henry Cavill x Reader smut)
undivided attention, by @navegandoaciegas - for when you want to dominate a whiny, needy Bucky. My favorite part is the awakening it brought me of a different part of my personality I was completely unaware of. (Bucky Barnes x Reader smut) 
only god forgives, by @river-soul - for when you want some delicious dark!professor!Andy that just takes what he wants (and what he wants is you). My favorite part is just how realistic the hesitation from the reader was written, it just reads like something I would actually do, and so it made the reading experience even more special to me. (Andy Barber x reader smut)
daddy’s a superhero, by @rocketrhap3000​ - for when you’re in a fluffy mood and you want to give Chris Evans the life that he deserves, you know what I mean? My favorite part was getting to see the routine of this little family, it was just so sweet and a joy to read. (Chris Evans x Reader fluff)
tease me, by @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog - for when you’re feeling like a tease and want to touch yourself in front of your man. My favorite is part is when you find out why exactly reader was so mad at Bucky. (Bucky Barnes x reader smut)
don’t over do it, by @whisperlullaby - for when you’re feeling soft and need a supportive bucky to protect you from some assholeness. My favorite part is just how protective he is, how he noticed the little things. You can see that he really cares about the reader, and sometimes you just need that vibe in your life. (Bucky Barnes x reader fluff)
Don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment for these talented writers! 
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gaysindistress · 3 months
ik your busy with connections (I love that series)
Can we please get more brazillian!reader x bucky??? I loved your first fic and your desi one! You know how to represent 🩷🩷🩷🩷‼️‼️‼️
Thank you love!!!💕
I can totally write more Brazilian!reader stuff if I get specific requests. I have a hard time pulling ideas out of nothing, I do better if I have something even just a song or a mood board. you guys should see the amount of random playlists I have on Spotify 😅
Regardless I can definitely try!!
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avintagekiss24 · 4 years
let someone see right through > bucky barnes
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|| pairing: Bucky Barnes x black!reader
|| rating: explicit
|| word count: 4446
|| warnings: drinking, implied mention of death, past infidelity, smut, sex, a little bit of angst, oral sex (female receiving)
|| summary: two strangers meet in a bar on their birthday.
|| challenge: @sherrybaby14 prompt challenge - The reader and bucky share a birthday and have some intense birthday sex.
|| challenge: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan star’s follower challenge - Cafune: the act of running your fingers through the hair of someone you love
|| square filled: @buckybarnesbingo B1: Kink- One Night Stand
|| link: ao3
|| note: i did not realize that when i signed up for sherry’s challenge that it would fit some many other things I’m working on, lol. This was inspired by so many things... seb’s endings, beginnings movie, billie eilish’s listen before i go and i love you (stole a line for the title), the prompt itself... so many emotions, lol. hope you guys enjoy.
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You move into the packed bar from the street, instantly having to curve your body to slide through a dense group of people. You steadily pick your way to the bar and by the grace of God, find an empty seat next to a well dressed stranger. You smile absentmindedly at him as you plop down, turning your phone over on the bar to block the barrage of incoming text messages and wiggle your fingers towards the bartender.
“Hi darlin’” the man smiles, winking at you, “What can I get ya?”
“Umm, a martini? Dry.”
He nods his head towards you, “You look young.” He smiles again, holding out his fingers.
You roll your eyes as a playful smile curls onto your lips and dig through your clutch, whipping out your ID, “Not that young, I’m sorry to say.”
He glances down at it before handing it back, “Happy birthday. This one’s on the house.”
You smile genuinely, accepting your ID back, “Thank you. That’s sweet.”
You let out a breath as you tuck your ID back in your purse, “I’m sorry,” you hear a voice say, making you snap your head towards it, “I don’t mean to get in your business, but, today’s your birthday?”
The man beside you smiles softly at you as he spins the tall glass of golden liquid between his hands. You can’t help but smile back. He’s handsome. His jaw is strong and covered in a light stubble, his eyes are big and blue; deep set. His hair is short and messy. It looks soft and you’ll be goddamned if you’re not a sucker for a soft haired man. What’s the word again? Fuck, you can practically hear it rolling off of Antonia’s tongue…
You shake your head quickly and cover the side of your face with your hand when you realize you’ve drifted off. You laugh at yourself and nod, “Yes, sorry. Yes, it is my birthday today. Sorry I - it’s been a long day.”
“That’s okay,” he answers, the smile still occupying his face, “It’s my birthday too.”
“No shit?” Your eyes light up as the smile widens on your face.
“No shit. Thirty eight.” He nods slowly, dropping his eyes back to the glass in front of him. 
“No shit!” You exclaim, turning your attention back to the bartender for a brief moment as he slides your martini in front of you, “Me too. I’m thirty eight today too. How funny.”
He turns back to you, a lopsided smirk on his face before he takes a sip of his beer, “You don’t look thirty eight.”
“Do you honestly think I’d admit to being thirty eight if I wasn’t telling God's honest truth?” You laugh, “You don’t look thirty eight either, to be perfectly honest.”
He shrugs as he chuckles and finishes off his beer before waving for another, “Women lie about their age all the time.”
“Yeah,” you agree, sipping your drink, “They do, but just a little tip for you here, they usually age down, not up.”
“Not necessarily,” he says, wagging his finger, “I’ve run into quite a few eighteen year olds that are suddenly twenty seven.”
You close your eyes and scrunch your face as vivid memories of your eighteen year old self rocket to the forefront of your mind, “Not gonna lie,” you laugh, “I used to do that.”
“See!” The friendly stranger smiles, pointing at you quickly before he dissolves into laughter again, “I believe you though, just this one time, I’ll, I’ll believe you.”
“Well, thank you.” You laugh, playing along with his sarcasm. You lift your glass towards him, “Cheers to that, huh? Two thirty somethings believing one another.”
The two of you clink your glasses together and each take a sip, your eyes lingering on one another. You shy away, dropping your head and tucking some of your loose curls behind your ear. You cover your smile with your palm as you rest your elbow against the bar and blink back at him, quite enjoying the fact that you have his attention. His smile grows at you, his eyes move around your face and down your down neck before he breaks the contact to take another taste of his beer. 
Your phone vibrates loudly against the old bar again, causing you to groan loudly. You pick it, your friend Antonia’s face lighting up the screen. 
“Antonia, please.” You say instantly as her thick Brazilian accent pours into your ear, “I’m fine. Yes! I’m fine… because I wanna be alone, okay?... okay, yes, fine… okay, I’ll call you in the morning… I promise!... Yes!... I’m hanging up now… Antonia, Antonia, I’m hanging up.”
You tap the little red button to end the call and roll your eyes, but still laugh a little, “God, she's the worst sometimes!”
“Worried about you?”
“Yes,” you groan, “Like I’m five years old or some shit.” 
He chuckles, still spinning his glass slowly, “May I ask why you’re alone on your birthday?” He asks after a few moments of silence, his voice and tone low and serious. 
“Mmm,” you hum, “By choice really. I just… I don’t know, I just wanted to be by myself today. Enjoy my own company for once, you know?”
He nods slowly, “I hear that.”
You watch him as he fumbles with his glass and picks at the small, white napkin underneath it. Your eyes fall to the leather jacket that covers a black polka dotted button up and then drift back to his profile, “And you?” You ask, “Why are you alone today?”
He pushes his balled fist into his cheek and rests his head against it as he gazes back at you. His eyes search yours, as if he’s wondering if he should really tell you or not. A sadness washes through them and you sit up a little, your lips parting as you inhale, “Sorry, you don’t have to tell me.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” he smiles, his eyes drifting from you, “My twin sister, Rebecca, she um…”
His voice trails off and you grab for his hand, holding it tight as you fight back the sudden emotion in your throat. You shake your head quickly, trying to push the wetness that has invaded your eyes away and let out a breath. You don’t even need to hear the rest to know it’s tragic, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry to hear that.”
Your voice is warm and soft, so soft that you’re not even sure that he heard you over all of the noise. You watch as his eyes fall to your hands, as your thumb slowly strokes the back of his hand, wanting to comfort him. He squeezes back. 
“I just like being alone today.” He whispers as he swallows hard.
“I hear that.”
Your eyes drop to your hands. You watch as he lifts them, the pads of his fingers sliding along yours. He flattens his palm against yours and presses your fingers together, smiling a little as his large hand nearly swallows yours. On any other occasion, this connection would be weird; but for some reason, you’re bonding with this stranger that shares your day - and fast. His sadness matches your own. It’s a connection that you haven’t felt or wanted to feel in a really, really long time.
“I lied,” you say softly, watching as he links your fingers together, “I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend last year on my birthday. I walked in on them.” You curl your fingers around his and press your thumb into his palm, “She texted me today, wishing me a happy birthday,” you laugh, “Isn’t that fucked up?”
He nods slowly, “That’s really fucked up.”
“She wanted to get together so we could talk and I just, I panicked. I didn’t want her showing up at my apartment so I just grabbed my jacket and walked here.”
He stares at you intently, his blue eyes piercing into you as you pour your heart out to him, “I’m sorry.”
You shrug and let out a breath through your nose, “It happens, right?”
“It shouldn’t,” he says softly, “Not to people like you.” 
You blink back at him as his words swirl around you. He lets his eyes roam over your face as you stare back at him. That lopsided grin appears on his face again and he releases your hand, only to press his index finger into the tip of your nose, “This is a cute nose.”
You scoff but let the giggles pour from your chest. You down the rest of your martini and ask for another, before rubbing your face with your hands, “What are the odds that two sad ass people would meet up at the same bar on their birthdays?”
“Divine intervention maybe.”
You laugh gently as your second martini is placed in front of you. You don’t pick it up, you just look at it for a second before turning your head back to this gentle man. You find him looking at you - licking his lips slowly, and just looking at you. Your heart starts to beat a little harder; a little faster. Your breath stays easy and gentle but your mind starts to race with thoughts that haven’t crossed it in a long while. 
You reach for your glass and sip it slowly, flicking your eyes up at him over the round rim. You set it down, a soft clink sounding at the delicate glass collides with the wood of the bar. You rest your head against your palm as you lean against the bar, a smile of your own spreading on your lips as you gape at the soft haired, sad thirty eight year old next to you. You grab his hand again and twist your fingers within his, feeling the warmth of his skin against your own. 
He presses his thumb into your palm and rubs it gently, bringing your hand to his face. He puts his lips against the backs of your fingers and closes his eyes as he breathes you in. You lift your free hand and push it to his cheek, rubbing softly, letting the prickle of his short beard tickle your skin. He nuzzles into you and you’ve never wanted to take someone’s sadness away so bad. 
You tilt your head as you sweep your fingers over his chin, stroking gently as he relaxes into the touch of a pure stranger. It starts to click for you, right in that moment, as the two of you bond over the soft touches from one human to another. You never understood how this could happen, how you could meet someone in a bar and want to take them home. To want to ravish them and have them ravish you without knowing a damn thing other than the connection that the two of you built in an instant.
You’re the type to see forever in someone’s eyes - but that’s where you fucked up, isn’t it? Maybe it’s better to see just tonight in someone’s gaze.
“Two sad strangers.” You say softly.
He nods slowly again, “Maybe we were meant to save each other tonight.”
You take a breath, and then another, and another as you tilt your head in the opposite direction, staring at him all the while, “I’m starting to think that too.”
He tilts his head too, to match yours, and licks his lips again before sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, “You like being in love.”
You blink at him and swallow. He doesn’t form it as a question. He states it, like he knows it. Like he can smell it on you that you aren’t that girl - but that you desperately want to be for him. You need to move on - and he knows it. 
“I can love you for tonight if you want me too.” He answers himself, his voice gentle and low. 
You nod before you can really think about it. You stand and grab your phone and clutch from the bar, digging through the small gold purse to throw some cash down. You take one last taste of your drink before you grab his hand again, barely giving him time to pay for his own drinks. 
You push out into the New York night, a brisk, sharp, cold breeze smacking against your body. He throws his arm over your shoulders and pulls you into his body, trying to shield you from the assault. He lets you guide him a few blocks towards your apartment in silence, shoving his hands in his pockets when you come to your building. You hold the door for him and head for the old elevator, waiting as he steps in before you shut the thin, metal scissor gate. 
You push the lever to the number of your floor and with a jolt, the two of you are hoisted up into the building. You stand on one side, he stands on the other, hands shoved in his pockets as he leans against the opposite wall - his eyes on you all the while. You swallow hard as you place your hand to your chest, suddenly flush with heat under his intense gaze. 
He pushes away from the wall as the slow elevator climbs higher into the building. Your breath becomes audible as he moves into your space. He slides his palm along your cheek, slipping the tips of his fingers into the edges of your hair as his thumb sweeps along your bottom lip and chin. Your lips part as your eyes bounce between his. He flattens his thumb on your cheek again and pulls you into him, crashing his lips to yours with force. 
You moan when his tongue slips along the roof of your mouth. He pulls away just long enough to tilt his head before he dives back into you, bringing his other hand to your face to hold you. He pins you against the wall and pushes his knee between the two of yours as he kisses you hard and deep. He pulls away again, but stays away - his mouth hanging open, his breath rough, his cheeks red. 
You stare back at him as his fingers curl around the back of your neck. Your chest heaves as you bite your bottom lip, quick flashes of what was before playing before your eyes. Your boyfriend, the feeling of his hands on your body, his lips on yours - reminding you of him. His laughter rings in your ears, his eyes stare back into yours…
“Are you okay?” 
The words bring you back into the present, back into the elevator. Your ex is gone and you blink back at the man before you. His eyes are wide and wild as his thumbs stroke your cheeks, “Are you okay?” He asks again.
You nod quickly and lean into him, wanting him to help make you forget. You push your mouth against his, moaning again as the old memories fade and the sounds of your mouths bounce off of the walls of the old, rickety elevator. It comes to halt seconds later but neither one of you seem to notice. You push your chest into his as you press your fingers into his lower back, pulling him into you harder, harder, harder. 
His thigh is back between your legs as he nips at your jaw with his teeth, before pushing your head towards the ceiling with his fingers. You squeeze his leather jacket in your hands as you push your hips forward, rubbing your hot sex along his thigh as he nibbles and pecks at your exposed neck. You hiss loudly and let out a groan when he bites down into your flesh softly.
“God-” you breathe as he pulls your lower half into his. 
His hands drift up your sides to find your breasts. He kneads them gently, slowly, as he pushes you harder into the wall, his tongue slipping along your bottom lip before it invades your wet mouth again. His lips move down your neck, along your collarbone, before they press into your cleavage through your shirt. He slides down to his knees, his lips trailing your body, his hands gripping your hips firmly as he goes.
He releases your hips to skim your bare legs with his fingertips, his light touch tickling your deprived skin as they skip along your limbs. He presses a hot kiss to the inside of your knee as you grip his shoulder and push forced, focused breaths out of your mouth. Within the blink of an eye, his face has disappeared underneath your skirt, his lips and nose pressing hard against the bundle of nerves at your center. 
You buck into his face as you hiss, biting down into your bottom lip. He presses the tip of his tongue to your clit, stroking it lightly through your underwear before he nuzzles face first into your heat. He takes a breath, a deep breath, and you shudder at the thought of him wanting your scent to fill him - to intoxicate him. 
You continue to push your hips into his face as his tongue pushes underneath your panties. Your body jerks at the sudden warmth and wetness his tongue provides - the soft friction - as he laps at your slit. You slam your back against the wall and let out a moan as the synapses in your body all start to fire, focusing your energy, electrifying your mind. 
The elevator starts to drop suddenly, and you slam your hand against the emergency stop button, halting it before it descends.
“Fuck,” you breathe heavily, “Sorry,” you call loudly to whoever called for the metal box, “Sorry, we’re- sorry.” 
You continue to mumble as you push on his shoulders, encouraging him to stand and move to the gate. You push it open and move off of it, your suitor close behind. You feel his chest against your back as you fumble with your keys, nearly dropping them when his fingers curve around your hip. You slam your key into the lock and twist it as he tightens his grip, digging the tips of his fingers into your skin. The door pops open and with a push of his hand, it swings and crashes into the wall with a loud thud before it starts to swing back closed. 
He pushes you forward, keeping his hand around your waist as the two of you cross through the threshold. He shuts the door with his foot and spins you around before wrapping his arms around your waist again. You drop your keys, your purse, your phone to the floor as you throw your arms around his neck and allow him to pick you right off of your feet. You press your hands into the side of his face as you kiss him again, smacking your lips against his as you steal his breath.
He holds you up with his sheer strength, your boot clad feet dangling before you wrap them around his waist. Your hands push into his jacket, stripping it from him, pushing it right off of his shoulders. You start pulling at his shirt, untucking it from his tight, black jeans before your fingers begin to pry at the buttons. Within seconds, his shirt is crumpled on this floor with his jacket, his bare, sculpted chest pressed against yours as he lays you down on the floor. 
He leans over you, holding himself up with one hand as the other pulls at your white top. He pulls it over your head, tossing it somewhere behind the two of you before he rucks your loose skirt up your waist. His fingernails scrape at your hips and thighs as he pulls your thong down your legs. You fumble with the button and zipper of his jeans, yanking it down before you push your hands underneath the denim, gripping his ass in your hands. 
He works the thick material down to his thighs before he falls on top of you, crushing his body to yours, pinning you to the floor. He encases your head in his hands as you pull his face back down to yours and kiss him again as he slams into you. You inhale deeply and slam your eyes shut as he fucks into you again, your body sliding up the wood floor. He flattens his mouth to yours and you take the opportunity to bite his bottom lip as his nose presses against yours -  his hips grinding and pushing into yours. 
You reach down and palm his ass, pushing your fingers into his warm, thick flesh as he fucks you on the floor in the hallway of your apartment. Your free hand moves into his hair, grabbing a fist full before you pull on it, his hot breath washing over your face. It is soft - his hair - just like you thought it’d be.
Cafuné - it comes to you suddenly; the word you couldn’t think of earlier. It echoes in your mind as your fingertips scratch at his scalp before you pull on his hair again. You can hear Antonia’s voice as she rambled on in her thick Spanish accent. I just love to… mmm, cafuné… how do you say in ingles? Fingers in the hair, eh? There is nothing better than that. 
You know what it means now. There really is nothing better than the feeling of his hair between your fingers; ethereal in this moment. You keep your hands in his hair and on his ass as he pushes his hips into yours, your muscles spreading for him. You’re nose to nose, mouth to mouth as you both grunt and groan into each other, swallowing each other's sounds as you breathe one another in. You stare into his eyes, his busy, big, blue eyes and he smiles back at you, and even laughs as he fucks into you. You laugh too - the joy, the freedom, spilling right out of you. 
He slides in and out of your wet muscles with ease as your hands grip his sides. Your fingers explore him as he ruts into you - up his back, into his hair, around his shoulders, along his biceps - then back to his ass. God, what an ass. You bite his chin as his hips get quicker, more frantic as the pressure begins to build between the two of you. 
Your legs start to shake, your toes curling as you quiver around his length. He works your breasts free of your thin bra and sucks one into his mouth, his tongue circling and flicking your nipple. You dig your nails into his skin as he pushes into you, his cock tickling the deepest part of you. He tugs at your nipple with his teeth before he sucks on it again - groaning into your skin all the while. 
You come hard. Your hips jerk up into his as they continue to pump into you. You bite down onto his shoulder, muffling the screams and squeals as your orgasm rips through your body. He grinds into you with all of his strength until he’s spilling into you, hot ribbons of his seed coating your walls as he spurts. 
You both drag in ragged breaths as you start to come down from the high you’ve made. He keeps his arms around you, encasing you, as he stares down at you. His mouth hangs, his eyes wander your face like he’s trying to etch it into his memory. He leans down and places his lips to yours in a chaste kiss; a soft kiss. Then he’s separated from you again, his eyes staring down into yours again.
Minutes have passed, maybe an hour - neither one of you are really sure. He’s slid off of you and lays on his side, his palm flat on the side of your face. Your leg is thrown over his hip, an arm strewn underneath his head as you stroke his long forearm. His black jeans are still pushed down over his ass as he buries his free hand into your hair. He brushes random strands of hair out of your face as he blinks at you, his eyes heavy as his thumb strokes your eyebrow. 
You lay there, just like that, all night. You both eventually drift off to sleep, corralled within each other's arms as the night turns into day. You breathe in deeply as you roll over onto your side, the sun breaking into your sleep state. You crack your eyes and find him there, his eyes already open, already on you. He smiles, and you do too. 
The two of you dress in silence. You offer him your bathroom as you wrap yourself in your silk robe. All the feelings that you thought you’d have after a night like that aren’t present, not even in the slightest. There’s no shame, no awkwardness - your mind and body, your spirit is free. Light. 
You follow him out to the elevator, your hands laced together during the short walk. He pulls the scissor gate and steps inside, letting you close it behind him. He leans forward and so do you, smiling and giggling softly as you kiss through the gate.
“I’m Bucky, by the way.”
You smooth your hair away and laugh, “Nice to meet you.”
“Happy birthday, stranger.” He says, pushing the lever to the ground floor. 
“Happy birthday, stranger.” You whisper back, wiggling your fingers slowly as he’s pulled down the building, out of sight. 
You move into the bar, pushing your way through the crowd as you fight to the bar. You’re not sure it always seems to be so busy on this particular day. 
“What can I get for you sweetie?” The bartender asks as soon as you approach.
“A martini please, dry.” You answer, a wide smile on your face.
“Can I get your ID really fast?”
“Of course,” you nod, digging through your purse, “It’s my birthday today.”
“Oh yeah?” He smiles back at you, glancing down at the thin plastic card.
“Yeah,” a voice sounds behind you. You don’t even have to turn around, you just smile back at the bartender as your heart flutters and the memories of the year before flood your mind, “She’s thirty nine today. Can I get a beer please?”
“ID, sir?”
You shake your head, “No need,” you say, pointing towards Bucky as he wiggles up beside you, his hand slipping around your hips, “It’s his birthday too.”
He leans against the old bar, a smile on his face as his eyes link with yours. You’ve missed that grin of his, “Hello stranger.” 
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nina-wrote-this · 3 years
Last Romance - One Shot.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You move on after Thanos’s Snap, but a ghost from the past still wants to make things right. 
Warnings: Sadness, break up and a lot of melancholic ;)
Word count: 1,555
A/N: Hello, loveees! So, this is my first Bucky One Shot and I have this idea after having a dream with Sebastian Stan :) I also used two songs as inspiration: Long Break – Moody Woody and Último Romance / Last Romance – Los Hermanos (they are my favorite Alt-Rock Brazilian band). I’ll put the links below the GIF and if you want to listen while read, it will be an even better experience! I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think! If you find any typos, please let me know (English isn’t my mother tongue)!  
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Song’s links: Long Break - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGh_Iyw6fgI | Último Romance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27TT85GA9VM 
Telluride, Colorado.
2 years after they come back.
“Thank you, Mrs. Bradley! Have a good night!” You gently said getting the heavy paper bags with all the fresh ingredients for your wedding anniversary.
“For you too, Darling! Enjoy your husband!” The old lady smirks.
“You can count on that!”
Your life was perfect now. After Stark’s death and all the story with Thanos, most part of the heroes and allies decide to get there retire, and you are one of this people.
You cross the country moving from the Avengers compound to a small town in Colorado, laying down your weapons and abilities and getting your brushes and canvas. At somehow, you were still trying to save people, but now using art.
And you have him. The man who give you more than you expect: love, safety, partnership and calm. Blake was amazing. You two rebuild yourselves together when everything happened.
Blake used to be an Interpol agent and his wife and daughter died in a car crash when the Snap happened, there uber's driver faded away and the car fell off a cliff.
You two found each other in the help group Steve used to organized. You moved in together, you grow together, you cried together and fight together against your own demons. Blake supported your decision to risk your life on the time travel and fight the battle even knowing that the first man you ever loved would come back. Blake would love you regardless of the choice you would have made.
And you choose Blake, he was your future.  
You drive through the shy suburb of the small town, and thank for being there.  
At the end of the street, was your house. A yellow wood little house in the middle of a large grassy rectangle, surrounded by hibiscus and white roses.  
Soon you get in, you start putting your plans in action. Pasta, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, Blake's favorite – weird – cheese, 3 bottles of wine. Cut, cook, wash, decorate, another glass of wine… shit, I can’t get high yet.
The music that was playing on the living room suddenly stopped and a strange familiar metal sound came to your ears.  
After years surrounded by wars, crazy insane Titans, Hydra and Shield, your mind was pretty fucked up. So, yes, a nosy sound was something to worry about.
You walked slowly following what was bordering your thoughts, but you didn’t have to do too much. Just few steps, and you see him in the corner of the room. I’ll always be in the shadows, babe. The memory of his voice hits your mind like a shoot.
“You scare me…” You took one last sip of your wine.
“Your place is beautiful.” His eyes were haunted and his voice come out like a whisper.
You nodded smiling.  
“How are you?” He tried to approach but stopped himself.
“Good. You know, retirement does me good.” You cross your arms, protecting yourself from your old feelings. “And you, how have you been? Still living in Wakanda?”
He faced the floor taking a deep breath.  
“I… I left Wakanda right after you…” He hesitated and you knew why. “I'm working with Sam now.”
You try to keep smiling, but your eyes meet with his, and you could read them like an open book: He was broken.  
James has a fucked up brain, he has his issues and Hydra problems, but the way he looked like now was something deeper. Years before, you saw this same look but was in your own eyes, every damn day, when you woke up and see yourself on the mirror.  
He was alone, he missed you.
“James, say it.” You broke the silence and he frowned. “You invade my house at the exact moment my husband isn’t. The only thing that motivated you to came here is because you probably have something to say. So, please… Just say it!”
“I miss you!” He didn’t even search for the right words. “And I want you back. I need you back!”  
“Don't!” You turn your back to him walking back to the kitchen. “Don't tell me you come here today to say this after all these two years, James.”  
For the first time he come closer to you.
“What did you expect?” He asked confuse. “Y/N, do you really think I'm doing this for fun? You know this isn't easy for me, talk about these things, and I know you can read me easily than anyone.” He said fast.
“James, I know you're in pain. But, if is hard for you, believe me, it’s two times harder for me.” You point your finger to him. "For you was like fall asleep for a couple of hours, but for us, for me, was and still being an eternity.” Tears already falling in the corner of your eyes.
“So, what was the purpose, Y/N? Bring me back, so you could feel good to yourself and return to your happy fake life?” His voice sounded disappointed and his metal arm fisted against the sink. “эгоистичный!”
Your heart broke in little pieces and the control was gone.
"Don't you dare call me selfish!" Your voice was cracking and the regret filled his eyes. "Did you really think that I left you because I don't love you anymore?"
He took a long breath, and you try to hide your tears.
“You still love me?” He gets closer to you without losing the fragile eye contact.
“Is this matter now?” Your eyes break the contact running the kitchen and your hands falling down in redemption. “Don’t hurt yourself, моя любовь.” You asked.
He placed his hands on each side of your face and bring to his chest. The cold of the leather jacket in contact with your skin sent a shiver down your spine.
Even knowing this was – at somehow – wrong, you let yourself relax on his embracing. James was warm, his muscles created a protective barrier around you and his fingers caressed your body looking for all the parts where your skin were naked for him. Your arms crossed around his neck and on tiptoes you barred your face on his shoulder.
“You cut your hair…” Your cracking voice whisper to him trying to break the tension, while you run your hand through his hair strands.
“Like you always suggest.” He smirked bringing you to face him. Yours foreheads touched and his eyes found your soul. “Come back, Y/N! I do anything to have you back, моя любовь…” His lips brushed against yours. “Whatever you want, just tell me, and we will do it, okay?”
For a couple of seconds, you imagined your life with James. Maybe both of you living in a big farm, waking up together, getting back the time you two lost. Kisses, shy touches, his overprotection full time, your crazy manias and his strange neuroses. Was perfect. Was much better than the time you guys lived in Wakanda.  
But was too late.  
You were sure you didn’t take the break up decision alone. You have asked him what life he wanted for himself and he choose to continue Steve's legacy, but you wasn’t available to live that kind of life anymore. Follow different ways was the best decision.
He tried to kiss you hardly, but you get back.
“I can’t, James…” You grabbed his black shit. “We can’t…” He closed his eyes and kissed your forehead. He felt the goodbye was happening again.  
The car's engine rumbled on the garage bringing you back to reality. Blake was arriving home.
“Y/N, we can…” James tried, but you knew what you have to do.
“Go.” You direct to the backyard door. “Now!”
“Where is my beautiful, lovely, super hot wife?” Blake screamed at the front door.
James leaves the house without looking to you, without any noise.
You clean the tears of your face, put on the best happy face and waited for your husband get in the kitchen.
“There she is!” His sexy voice said.
You turn around and there was Blake: dressed with his Professor social attire, flowers in one hand.  
Blake you’re perfect.  
“Hello, Mister sexy voice!” You kissed him slowly and intense.
But you’re not James…
He gets his hands free and finally hold you spinning around ourselves.
“You okay, honey?” He took a look on your eyes. “Looks like you cried, or something like that… Is everything good?”
Blake is perfect.
“Yes, honey!” You smile shooking your head and squeezing your eyes. “It’s just the wine!”
But he is not James…
The living player come back with the song. Último Romance / Last Romance, Los Hermanos. Your honeymoon song.
“Right on time!” Blake automatically pressed his body against yours and start following the music melody, singing slowly.
“I love you, Y/N. Happy wedding anniversary!” He kissed your neck.
“I love you too, honey. Thanks for everything…” You rest your head on his shoulder.
You two stayed on that moment, seams like forever. When your eyes find the kitchen’s window you locked on James's eyes, staring your perfect moment.
“E ninguém dirá que é tarde demais / And no one will say it’s too late
Que é tão diferente assim / That’s so different
Do nosso amor a gente é que sabe / About our love, is us who knows”
A/N: What you guys think about some continues of this one shot? Maybe like, Y/N and Bucky's  time living in Wakanda, or Y/N’s wedding day, Y/N and Bucky’s break up... I really enjoy write this story ahahahah :) 
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gagmebucky · 5 years
my writing masterlist. to be updated as posted. 
other masterlist (includes steve rogers and loki laufeyson; format as character!au x kink x petname).
follow this blog + turn on notifications if you wanna know when i post, or scroll through my writing only.
disclaimer: these characters belong to marvel. always wear condoms, even when giving a blowjob to protect yourself and your partners from stds. pee after sex in order to prevent infections. don’t use my fics in your understanding of sex and how it works in real life.
do not repost any of my works. but feel free to get off to them! 😉💦
bucky barnes (marvel universe, 1941–present)
✓ completed multi-chaptered fic on my patreon: “the virgin’s arrangement.” — 20/20 posted — (includes brothers’-best-friend!bucky x virgin!reader, friends to lovers, forbidden relationship, mutual pining, miscommunication, mild brothers'-best-friend!steve x reader, side natasha romanoff x wanda maximoff, smut and angst with a happy ending.)  
in which bucky retaliates against your public teasing. (includes exhibitionism, sex, dirty talk, and cock warming.)
in which you’re bucky’s personal stress reliever but a little more than that—you’ve always been and he finally realizes that. (includes unprotected and rough sex, dirty talk, over stimulation, praise kink, fluff at the end.)
in which bucky takes you anywhere and anytime, and this particular time is the subway. (includes voyeurism and exhibitionism, cockwarming, dirty talk, unprotected sex, mild voyeur!steve.) 
in which a smart-mouthed comment leads to an intense, lesson learning sparring session with bucky. (includes dirty talk, unprotected sex, mirror sex, enemies to lovers.)
in which bucky returns earlier than expected after you’ve gone off your birth control. (includes dirty talk, breeding kink, unprotected sex.)
“You’re not wearing anything under that, are you?” ; (includes best-friend’s-brother!bucky, dirty talk, unprotected sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism, multiple orgasms.)
in which your sugar daddy needs you to keep him warm during a poker game. (includes sugar daddy!bucky, voyeurism/exhibitionism, dirty talk, cockwarming, unprotected sex.)
in which you give bucky the weekend to get you pregnant. (includes breeding kink, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, cockwarming if you squint.)
“I’m not jealous! its just…you’re mine!” // “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.” // “Don’t fucking touch what is not yours.” ; (includes professor!bucky x student!you, cockwarming, unprotected sex, jealousy, possessiveness, exhibitionism/voyeurism, hair pulling.)
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet.” // “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” // “Don’t kink shame me.” // in which you’re training with bucky, and he realizes you have a praise kink. (includes friends to lovers, praise kink, fingering, dirty talk, choking.) 
in which bucky reminds you who you belong to. (includes beefy!bucky, possessiveness, jealousy, cockwarming, size kink, light bondage, unprotected and rough sex, dirty talk, implied voyeurism, overstimulation.)
in which you allow bucky to feel the aftermath of your brazilian wax. (includes dirty talk, praise kink, grinding, voyeurism and exhibitionism, mild cockwarming, mild voyeur!steve.)
in which your best friend helps you recover from a wax. (includes best friend!bucky, dirty talk, praise kink, reader receiving oral, overstimulation, hair pulling.)
in which you beg bucky to cum inside you. (includes breeding kink, dirty talk, unprotected sex.)
in which bucky decides to play with you during a road trip. (includes boyfriend!bucky, teasing, fingering, voyeurism and exhibitionism, dirty talk, cockwarming, light size kink, voyeur!steve.)
in which you and bucky get stuck in an elevator after he’s been dosed with something that makes him hungry for you. (includes friends to lovers, sex pollen-esque, dirty talk, praise kink, mild cockwarming, unprotected sex, light bondage and restraints.)
in which bucky dresses up as santa, and you tell him what you want for christmas. (includes avenger!bucky x co-worker!reader, bucky’s pov, dirty talk via reader, exhibitionism and voyeurism, handjob.)
part one of two. in which you watch your best friend’s father masturbate, and he catches you. (includes best friend’s father!bucky x you, age gap mention, masturbation, voyeurism and exhibitionsm, dirty talk, blowjob.)
part two of two. in which you watch your best friend’s father masturbate, and he catches you. (includes best friend’s father!bucky x you, age gap mention, choking, daddy kink, dirty talk, orgasm denial, reader receiving oral, unprotected sex, mild exhibionism.)
in which you bring a boy to a party, and your best friend’s father definitely doesn’t care—except that he does. (includes bucky’s pov, enemies to lovers thinly veiled jealousy, dirty talk, mild choking, mild exhibitionism and voyeurism, thigh riding.)
in which you and your boyfriend are running back-up for steve and unintentionally leave the comms on during a particularly stimulating break. (includes bucky x reader, established relationship, reader’s pov and steve’s pov, dirty talk, voyeur!steve, praise kink, blowjob/facefucking, masturbation.)
in which your friends dare you to hide in resident bad boy bucky barnes’ closet. (includes bad boy!bucky x shy!reader, allusions to masturbation, dirty talk, praise kink, mild cheerleader kink, fingering.)
in which bucky rails you in your sundress. (includes established relationship, dirty talk, mild creampie kink, unprotected sex.)
part one of two. in which you and bucky are best friends, and you have an interesting dynamic. (includes best friend!bucky x shy!reader, possessiveness, praise kink, dirty talk, exhibitionism and voyeurism, d/s dynamics, mild voyeur!steve, spit kink.) 
in which bucky sees how many times he can make you come around his dick. (includes bad boy!bucky x shy!reader, college au, dirty talk, exhibitionism and voyeurism, cockwarming, unprotected sex, overstimulation, creampie kink.) 
in which your best friend walks in on you masturbating and decides to lend a hand. (includes best friends to lovers, dirty talk, masturbation, voyeurism and exhibitionism, reader receiving oral, mild overstimulation.)
charles blackwood (we have always lived in the castle, 2018; 1962)
“I’ll just have to cum inside you then.” (includes dirty talk, unprotected sex, mild gagging, mild exhibitionism.)
“Behave.” // “I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore.” // “If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god.” ; (includes bodyguard!charles blackwood x princess!you, royalty au, violence in your defense, spanking, fingering, d/s dynamics, light bondage.)
steve rogers (marvel universe, 1941–present)
in which you and steve share the bed. (includes agent!reader x avenger!steve rogers, masturbation, fingering, dirty talk, mild voyeur!bucky.)
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suitk0via · 3 years
Hi! Could you write something with the reader being a brazilian girl? Or just latina... And bucky kinda thinks her accent is hot?
I honestly like this idea. The only issue is, I'm not Latina. I wouldn't want to write something like this...wrong? If that makes any sense. Because it's super easy to fall into stereotype territory when it comes to writing something like this, and the last thing I want to do is perpetuate those sorts of ideas.
With that being said.
I could definitely write something about the reader having an just having an accent in general.
I don't like pushing an image in my x reader stories, so I think I could keep it open enough that anyone could insert themselves into it. That's what I always strive for anyways!
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barnesandco · 4 years
Nikah: March
Story Masterlist
Nikah: noun, Arabic, meaning the contract of marriage.
Bucky marries Peter’s former tutor because her student visa’s about to expire and the government isn’t granting her a green card. Can she find a way to permanent residence by marriage, and if so, will it be at the cost of their hearts?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None.
A/N: Written under the Arranged/Accidental Marriage trope for @mermaidxatxheart​ ‘s writing challenge. Thank you all for reading and commenting! (Picture below is mine, btw)
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Bucky’s birthday arrives amidst blooming flowers and a pollen-scented breeze, the day marked by preparations for a party Sam is throwing for him at one of the hotels downtown. Avengers and close friends only, yet he’s spared no expense, insisting on a proper welcome back. The captain is unrelenting in matters of social activity, especially since he has been spending minimal time with his teammates since his marriage. Marriage. He shakes his head at himself in the floor length mirror as he straightens his cuff-links and moonlight catches on the gold band on his finger. It no longer feels like a burden.
Rather, it’s a seed that’s been planted on him, and it’s taken root inside him, growing, growing, growing into a steady feeling of friendship with the person he wears it for. An understanding, a companionship. He refuses to confess to anything more, even within the confines of his own mind. His heart, on the other hand, has no compunctions about making its opinion known, setting off like a hare being hunted whenever she approaches. Most dangerous assassin in the world, defeated by her smile.
She offers him one now when she enters, picture perfect elegance very nearly succeeding in concealing her nerves. Bucky’s nerves, meanwhile, are on fire at the sight of her, sensory overload short-circuiting his brain. He finally turns to look at her directly and the fox-hunt pace of his heart stumbles, stutters to a stop.
“You- you’re- jeepers,” Is all he can manage, the rosewater blush deepening on his cheeks. It has the opposite of the desired effect, and she steps back, mascaraed eyes widening, horrified.
“It’s too much, isn’t it. Oh God, I knew I should’ve-”  She begins to reach for a tissue box on the dresser and Bucky stops her. Lowers her hand slowly and keeps a hold of it, as if she will float away otherwise.
“Jesus, doll, stop. You’re perfect,” He tells her, and she slips her hand away but smiles a little as she sits on the foot of the bed - their bed - to put on her shoes.
“Thank you. You look nice, too,” She says, lifting the hem of her black gown as she pulls on pearl white heels. The matching clutch - pearl encrusted - is on the bedside table, and he hands it to her as they leave the room and then the apartment. 
“Hang on, your tie is loose,” She says the moment they enter the elevator. He can’t even press the button for the ground floor while she holds him in place. The split-second it takes for her to wrap her hands around the green silk and pull it tighter stretches into hours, the graze of her knuckles gentle in his cotton-covered chest. He has enough time to carve the shape of her cupid’s bow into his mind, the descent of her jaw to her chin into his lungs. After half an eternity, she puts distance between them again and presses the button while he tries to smooth his hair back only to feel the short strands tickle between his fingers, and he remembers cutting it last week.
The lobby is bustling, people coming and going like bees in a hive, and they nod their hellos and offer the doorman a Good evening before getting in the car Sam sent. The seats are cold and comfortable, and the chauffeur tips his hat once in the rear-view mirror before putting the Rolls Royce into gear.
“ ‘Possess ye, therefore, ye who borne about In chariots and sedans, know no fatigue’ ” She murmurs, letting her fingers trace the stitching in the butter-soft leather. 
“Marlowe?” Bucky asks, turning away from the New York evening, that special, streetlights-reflecting-on-wet-asphalt evening, to look at his wife. 
“William Cowper. The Task.”
“I think I’ve read that one,” He lies, fully prepared to come clean, and she looks at him curiously. 
“Wow, really? Even I haven’t read all six books,” She says, dubiously verging on impressed, and Bucky drops the facade.
“I’m pullin’ your leg. I’ve read some of Cowper’s work. Don’t remember much, but bits and pieces of school are still there,” He explains, all cheeky smile. “What’s it about? And why in God’s good name is it six books long?” This - the conversation, letting her talk about her work, her passion for literature - this he can do. Playful questions intermingling with genuine intellectual interest is manageable. Her beauty, her grace, the cloud of perfume that bleeds into his veins and makes his lungs strive for air, is not. So he concentrates on what he knows. Or doesn’t know, apparently.
“Honestly, what isn’t The Task about?” She laughs, eyeshadow glimmering like stardust in the smile wrinkles in the corners of her intelligent eyes. “Cowper had a bit of a breakdown during his barrister training in London, and retired to the countryside. In 1781, he met his friend Lady Austen, who later gave him a task to write about, to cheer him up. He started, and then just followed that train of thought wherever it took him.”
“Which book is that line from?” Bucky asks as the car stops in the inevitable Friday night traffic jam. At least they accounted for it, leaving early on purpose to avoid tardiness.
“I don’t actually remember. I think it’s from an extract in which Cowper criticizes the superficial pleasures and unnecessary luxuries of city life,” She answers, opening her clutch. Her phone and a tube of lipstick peek out but she reaches deeper for a pair of earrings.
Closing her eyes, she fastens the first one on the side Bucky can’t see, the other crescent-moon shaped accessory in her silk draped lap. The flower made from pearls matches her bracelet, the two pieces of jewellery clinking together as she puts on the other one.
“City life, huh?” Bucky muses, trying desperately to calm his heart. The earrings dangle, contrasting wonderfully against her simple black gown, and he swallows. She looks like royalty.
“Yeah, many poets of the time wrote a lot about the beauty of nature. They had a lot more of it at their disposal, I guess,” She shrugs.
“Do you have any favorites?” “Nature poems? I don’t know. There are so many good ones. Wordsworth’s To the Cuckoo, Herrick’s Daffodils, Yeats’ Wild Swans at Coole, Tennyso-” She cuts herself off with a huff of a laugh at herself.
“What is it?” 
“Nothing, no- I just-” She laughs again, trying to wave her hand like she’s shooing a fly. “I just have conflicting feelings about these poems by classical authors who write about nature. Poems that express a keen appreciation of beauty yet are fillled with sadness because so many beautiful things are short-lived and because human life itself is so short,” She says, twirling the ring around her finger, deep in thought. Bucky doesn’t know how he found her. This simple, wise soul, in the midst of all the chaos of the world. The chaos of resettlement. 
The chaos of the kitchen, an hour before dinner as the Avengers prepare dinner together, is unholy. Sam’s panicking about dessert while Wanda stirs the marinara sauce for spaghetti in her signature demure fashion, while Peter’s pile of handmade spaghetti grows taller and the pasta dough shrinks. His phone lights up on the table, and Bucky - kneading more dough nearby - is the only one who notices. He calls for Peter and pushes it over to him, not knowing what the point of having a phone is if it’s always going to be on silent, but Peter holds it out to him after just a moment of conversation.
Bucky reads the caller ID on the top and sees who it is, closing the kitchen door behind him, flour on his black t-shirt, as she speaks.
“Hi, Bucky. I hope I’m not disturbing.” 
“No, not at all. Have you decided?” He asks, pacing the hallway, staying out of sight of the others. Not that it matters, they’re still fairly busy. She had seemed unsure when they met, and he had given her time to decide it she wanted to do this. 
“Yeah, but I just- this is a huge favor,” She says.
“Not to me, doll. I’m just helping a friend of a friend,” He says, and it isn’t entirely true. That isn’t why he’s doing this. Something in him wanted to help, wanted to repay the debt of kindness that he owes the world. This is how he wants to do it, although he doesn’t think it’s fair that he gets to choose his penance.
“I thought you said Peter talks your ears off.” Bucky cringes, grateful she can’t see his face, even though he can hear the joking lilt of her tone.
“He’s a good kid. And I want to do this. Do you?” 
“Yeah.” A lengthy pause, heavy and tangible, even across the phone line. 
“When do you want to get married?” She asks finallly, voice shaking. His hand is, too. 
“We have a week-long mission right after Christmas. Boxing day arms deal in Sao Paulo,” He replies, cursing the Brazilian gangs who could find no other time do get up to no good. Evil doesn’t go on vacation, and neither do the Avengers.
“So… New Year’s Eve?” She asks, doing the math. He realizes that’s true. A week from Boxing Day.
“Yes. Shit, you don’t have a ring-” He begins to say, freaking out about the logistics. He didn’t even propose properly.
“It’s okay, we’ll figure it out.” “Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“Bye Bucky.”
“G’night.” He bids her farewell, then looks at the phone, asking himself what the hell he’s just gotten himself into. A knot builds and twists in his body, and he tries to loosen it. Breathes, and makes his way back.
“I’m engaged,” And the kitchen freezes in time as they all drop everything - not literally, Sam’s holding a knife - to look at him. The smile on Peter’s face is brighter than the Christmas tree in the adjacent common room, and the somersaults in Bucky’s stomach only settle at the sight of his relief.  
It seems that his teammates gave him a later time on purpose, because they’re all ready, dressed to the nines and wine-tipsy, waiting for him when they enter. It’s a small ballroom, downtown Manhattan, quaint and graceful. A chorus of Happy Birthday erupts in the room, and he smiles and thanks them. The hugs pile on, and he begins to introduce his wife to his friends. Home away from home for the man who has never had one since the 1940s - until he met her, that is. She’s home now, though he wouldn’t tell her that.
Instead, he relishes in the grin she offers him between introductions, till Sam drags him off to stand him on a chair and sing a birthday song. The party commences in much a similar fashion, too much noise in the room for a couple of dozen people. He stays away from Thor’s alcohol, knowing she doesn’t drink, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. 
He’s just thinking about how she might be dealing with the hectic atmosphere when her hand slips into his while he’s talking to Harley Keener about letting him look at his arm. He’s shocked, looks at her to see her smiling and concentrating only on the conversation, but he can tell she’s tired. It’s been hours, and he knows he can’t leave early - it’s his party - but he just wants to slip those heels off her feet and sit and talk, still in partywear, for hours on end. Let her quote Byron and Cowper and Austen to him, poems and essays and books, until he falls asleep on their sofa. Instead, her voice says something he isn’t expecting at all.
“Is it possible to put some sort of temp regulation in it?” She asks curiously, head tilted to the side like a sparrow. Harley thinks it over for only a second.
“Of course, why?”
“It hurts in the cold. He rubs and rolls his shoulder a lot in the winter,” She answers, and the thoughtful observation astounds him. It’s accurate, but it hadn’t even occurred to him, the movements that she’s citing entirely subconscious. They talk to Harley for a while longer, and then dance to several of Bucky’s favorite songs. Billie Holliday is crooning in the background as the second-to-last guest exits, leaving only his wife and his captain and his deputy director. When the door shuts behind them, they break apart, and Sam and Maria approach, ready to call it a night.
The car ride home passes in complete silence, a comfortable weight resting like a blanket between them, so much so that she falls fully asleep on the way, her head resting against the cold window when they arrive. He doesn’t have the heart to wake her, so he goes around to her door, opening it slowly and lifting her into his arms, not caring what it might look like to onlookers. It’s late, and there are few of them, at least in the lobby, and as the elevator doors shut, her head curls against his shoulder, hair tickling his Adam’s apple.
Bucky looks down at her, her resting, easy expression, the chandni earrings still on, and thinks: what a way to turn 103.
Taglist:  @suz-123​ @mermaidxatxheart​ @buckyreaderrecs​ @shield-agent78​ @corneliabarnes​ @readerandcinephileingeneral​ @stevieboyharrington​ @notsomellowmushroom​ @veganfangirl5​ @mood-pancakes​ @lbuck121​ @starnight-charmer​
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