#wow so it was actually super hard to exactly break down this mess
fandomsoda · 11 months
I don't understand anarchocommunism. What is it-??
Political affiliation, let me make it as simple as physically possible even though that’s incredibly difficult to do.
anarchocommunism: a left-wing political affiliation or belief that combines the beliefs of political anarchy and basic definition communism.
If I could best boil it down…
Fuck capitalism, fuck money, fuck unjust systems of hierarchy. We as the working class are strong and should not be exploited in the way that we are and should come together to overthrow the systems keeping us oppressed. Mutual aid is important (growing publicly accessible food, supplying things to those in need, etc). People should have everything they need to survive and live fulfilling lives by default, there should not be a paywall on necessity. Governance is a truly democratic, communal effort based on the needs and desires of the whole, accounting for minorities and accommodating unique needs. Society works together, community is key, exploitation is as nonexistent as physically possible. A humanistic view of justice and people as a whole, with compassion baked into culture. Diversity, working with nature, taking care of the planet, accessibility, accommodation, respect. Many ancient civilizations functioned in a very similar way to this and were very peaceful and successful.
At its core, anarchocommunism, at least to me, is best simplified in the phrase “I believe we are stronger together and that we must work to help each other prosper”.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
23 and 43 for the ask game thingy please and thank u
Hello there! Thanks for the ask! :D
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
Answered here!
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
Ooh this is hard! Why must I choose between my babies?? I've participated in many a fest and prompt event. Orange Blossoms was an indulgence of flowers and poetry (for HP Flowers AND my birthday!) Lover Boy At Play is to this day the most self-indulgent bit of hotness I ever wrote, written for Kinktober 2021. In fact, I'm very fond of most of my Kinkuary & Kinktober works!
But in the end I think it really comes down to 2 fest works.
Collateral Damage was written for Draco-Ron Fest 2021. It was a headache and a half to create. (In fact my first draft got to 10k words before I scrapped the whole thing and started fresh.) (Version 2, which is what is posted, ended up at 16k!) It was such a struggle to get through, but in the end I had a product I was beyond proud of!
The prompt was great. Probably my favorite prompt I've ever seen. I won't share it here since the prompt itself spoils the story a bit, but if you're very curious you can find it at the bottom of the fic itself. A friend of mine left that prompt, actually! And the moment I saw it I knew it had to be mine. It helped that, because I was friends with the prompter, they'd be thrilled with certain plot points I had in mind. I'd never had a prompt inspire me to quite that level before. Self-prompts, sure. Prompts from others? Never! I am to this day incredibly in love with that fic. Which is pretty big considering it's not my OTP!
It was a great indulgence of angst and miscommunication and inner turmoil. While also having fun with the characters. They're such a mess! Draco super bratty and dramatic, and a fun blend of insecure and vain. Then Ron this charming and funny guy who is also very oblivious and temperamental. It's a more lighthearted, fun version of the enemies to lovers dynamic that I don't often get with Snarry. Much as I love it, my OTP can be much too much sometimes!
It does make me unsure if I should write Dron again, though. I did it so well already! I'm not sure anything I write can ever compare. (Though it's not stopped me with a certain other ship, so...maybe I'll get over that hesitance one day!)
A Matter of Time was written for Snarry Adopt-a-Prompt and was posted early January 2022. While Collateral Damage was a fun spot of drama, this was a tragedy. And while the prompt for Dron spoke to me right away, I had a harder time narrowing down AAP prompts, and even once I did I had to tinker around with what, exactly, I wanted to do.
It was a different sort of structure than I normally write. Alternating POVs as well as reverse chronology. And I had it open-ended on top of that! I got to indulge in a bit of outsider perspective, and a secret (taboo) romance. It sort of delved into this awful situation without ever really resolving it. Also, I am dang proud of how it ended. Wow. Talk about a knife to the heart. (Of course I'd be proud of that, haha!)
Also...can we talk about the smut???? Very hot. Few people talk about that. Probably because on the whole it's a very depressing fic and most people are caught up in how depressing it is, but gosh dang it, that smut was good!
Anyway...it was another challenge to write, though it feels less oppressive than certain other fics. If only because I took breaks to write a comedy at the same time (Welcome to the Family for Rare Pair Fest.) It lightened my spirits enough to be able to reach the end without too much of a migraine. And in the end, I had a story I was stupidly proud of. And I considered it my best work until I posted Contempt later that same year!
(Also, I know I was supposed to stop signing up for fests, but...my best works came out of fests!!!! I did not need that to click in my brain now, oh no.)
questions for fic writers
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So I'm in finals season...so here's the og team during finals!
Wow I haven't made a post like this in a hot minute
First off, Black Canary would be the one to make sure that there were regular homework nights
Because, y'know, she's the only adult that actually cares
She always supervises/helps. One time Red Tornado was told to supervise
It did not go well
Kaldur tries *so hard* to be helpful
He's the team mom, right? So you'd think he'd be super helpful
My man went to military school and then dropped out of magic school to become a superhero. Probably only learned stuff from an Atlantean pov.
Some stuff? He's super good at. Like I can see him being really good at English since it's he's bilingual
But you show this man a trigonometry question and he will have a mental breakdown
That's where Wally and Dick come in
Are actually super helpful
Sort of
They're prodigies, so they know everything (especially math and science stuff). But (this may be an unpopular opinion) Wally is a much better tutor than Dick
Sure Wally will absolutely get distracted and eat all your snacks, but I feel like eventually Dick would just get frustrated and want to do your work for you
Which is exactly why Dinah supervises
Of course he gets better once he becomes Nightwing, but Robin Dick Grayson is a little shit and isn't always the most cool-headed guy. Not a great team player
Wally, however? He's gonna be hyping you up when you get frustrated, making jokes, can break things down to a basic level. He's great I miss him
During actual finals though...you *know* that these two chucklefucks are procrastination kings.
With Wally it's understandable, he could write an essay or finish a bunch of chemistry revision in the blink of an eye
But Dick...between school, superheroing, etc. Nobody knows when this guy is finishing his assignments. During cramming sessions he'll do like, five minutes of actual work? Then go play games with Wally (if Dinah and Kaldur aren't paying attention). And yet he's still getting 90s, boi how-
We already know M'gann is making all he bomb-ass study snacks
I feel like she would learn how to make coffee just for finals season to help her friends. Actually becomes really good at it. Good for you M'gann.
Isn't the *best* student academic wise, but she does alright. She does genuinely try to focus during study sessions, although I also feel like she'd get distracted by making sure everyone was comfortable ("do you want more snacks?" "I have a blanket you could borrow!" "Does anyone want music?", etc.).
Is definitely that girl that makes her notes all pretty and Aesthetic™ though, so everyone wants to borrow her notes come finals season. Also makes flash cards for everyone
Conner...I'm not gonna lie, he's the worst person to study with
Kinda like Wally and Dick: already knows everything, doesn't take notes, is probably off doing something else (in this case, probably practicing or watching static)
But unlike the Dumbass Duo, he genuinely seems to just...not care. And especially season 1 Conner can be kind of a prick about it
Dinah: Conner, come back here, you need to revise
Conner: *lists off the formula by heart without even looking at her*
Although, to be fair, if you're stuck on something and need to know the answer, it's a whole lot faster to ask him then to look it up/find it in your notes
And he likes helping M'gann in the kitchen (makes terrible coffee though)
So he's got some perks
Now, Artemis
We already know she slaps in English class (she's a literature major in college), and we know she does her assignments in a timely manner (or at least better than Wally)
But also...I kinda feel like this girl is *a mess* in finals season
She's got that Asian Parenting Mom™ yelling in the back of her brain that she's never prepared enough. And personal headcanon? This girls handwriting is abismal, so her notes are kinda shit
But she genuinely tries so hard, and eventually pulls through like she always does
But God forbid you talk to her while she's pulling a Stress Allnighter? You're a dead man
Is definitely the reason M'gann learned how to make coffee
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juniorgman187 · 3 years
Spoiled Rotten (Reid Fic)
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Summary: After Spencer went radio silent on Reader while he was in prison, their pride and stubbornness threatens to tear them apart forever. Reader’s forced to mourn the death of who they were and experience the inner turmoil of navigating who they are.
A/N: Y’all are gonna kill me for the ending, but it’s one hell of a way to go.  Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Category: Angst Content Warning: Imprisonment, humiliation, abandonment, anger, frustration, angst, yelling, fighting Word Count: 5.3k Playlist: Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo
Time jumps are indicated by “. . .” or “_ _ _”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
A rather unfortunate predicament we’ve found ourselves in tonight. I can’t say I’ve ever been quite this uncomfortable in my life, yet I’m careful not to speak too soon. Because I know the second Spencer opens his mouth to break the silence we’re currently sitting in, I’ll stand corrected. 
“You’re breathing really hard,” He tells me out of nowhere. 
See, I stand corrected. 
Now that I’ve become hyper aware of my own inhale and exhale, my respiration is just that much more restricted. I’m practically holding my breath at this moment - both from the anticipation of catching this unsub in the act and giving Spencer one less thing to scrutinize about me. 
“I didn’t say you had to stop breathing,” He tacks on as if it would put me any more at ease. Not that if he had explicitly said such a thing, I would’ve. 
Unlike other people, I wasn’t exactly jumping at the chance to throw myself at his feet so he’d like me. But to use that as grounds for his disdain would be foolish. Our rancor went deeper than the basic lack of synergy between us. 
And in the spirit of getting to the bottom of that abyssal pit, I finally asked the question with words that always seemed to hang above but never would form. 
“Why was I the only one denied visitation while you were in prison?” 
It may surprise you to know that it wasn’t always like this between us; we were actually close once, although it is hard to imagine that version of us ever really existing. However, if I think about it hard enough, I can remember with perfect clarity who we used to be. 
. . .
“Jeez, you really don’t like these things do you?” I nudged him playfully before feeling instantly guilty once I witnessed the result of my shove that must’ve been a little too much for all 120 (at most) pounds of him. I’d neglected to remember the strength I held over the lanky Doctor as well as neglected to notice where the trajectory of my push would land him - in the direct line of a circus clown walking the opposite direction as us. This, of course, brought him face to face with the character. Unfortunately, I managed to catch a glimpse of the lens of Spencer’s glasses grazing the white face paint of the caricature. 
After a shudder of mortification and a very brave shriek, Spencer ran to my other side to be as far away from the clown as possible and apparently, as close to me as possible. From a distance, you’d think we were conjoined simply by the way he was glued to me - shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow, hip to hip, thigh to thigh. 
While removing his glasses to clean them off with the hem of his blazer, he answered, “Carnivals? I mean, what’s not to like? What with the loud noises, the heart-attack-inducing food that’s more grease than actual food, or the sheer amount of bacteria harboring on each and every handle, hoop, ball, or button of these ridiculous game booths.” 
“Wow, you really don’t like carnivals.” I should’ve figured. 
“Nope. Never have and probably never will.” 
As someone who looked forward to the fair every summer of her childhood, any aversion to carnivals broke my heart. I had a fondness for them borne in adolescence that I couldn’t quite justify now in my adulthood. 
“But they’re fun!” was the best argument I could muster. The whine in my voice being provoked by the possibility that the higher the shrill of my pitch, the easier he’d be to sway. Turns out, Dr. Reid was not nearly as susceptible to my auditory persuasion as I might’ve thought he was. Just a stone cold, inconvincible slab of steel. 
“I’m sorry. I know you brought me here because you love these things, but I just can’t get past the ...” He surveyed the fair, ostensibly against his will, in search of the perfect word to describe our surroundings. “Filth.”
I would’ve argued in the defense of the carnival, mentioning how it’s endearing that the only bathrooms for miles were porta potties, and that the screaming, crying, sticky children galore just added to the attraction, and that there was a hidden charm to the way the roller coasters creaked beyond their means with every ride. 
But to an extent, I agreed. It was rather filthy, and I wasn’t much of a germaphobe myself so to someone like him, this would be hell on earth. 
“Well, you get what you put into it. If you’re willing to overlook some minor imperfections, I really think you’d enjoy this place.” 
Spencer by now had his hands in his pockets and his walking pace had slowed to a complete halt. There was a moment of skepticism, followed by a partially open smile to make way for the laughter that escaped from the disbelief that he felt for letting me break his resolve so easily. 
“Alright then. What do you want to do first, Brat?” 
The nickname I’d earned could be seen as meanspirited, but truly, it was affectionately diminutive. Like all good nicknames are. And like the proclaimed Brat I was, I’d taken him to all my favorite parts of the fair. 
First came the bumper cars to ease him into the experience - as ironic as that sounds. He was reluctant to submerge his gangly body into a mini vehicle, much less one that’d been inhabited by God knows how many people before us, but he pushed his reservations aside when he realized he’d get to slam into my car (safely, of course). 
Secondly, we went on the Carousel, but this was only in preparation for the real ride that I wanted to take him on next - the Swinging Chairs. He’d gotten a little nauseous, from both the repetitive circling and the galvanized chains he had to hold that were definitely held by several others. 
He had no interest in going on the Gravitron - super lame, I know - so we opted for the Ferris Wheel instead. I didn’t mind making this compromise so much after recognizing all that he’d done for my benefit that night. And for his generosity and selflessness, I thought it only fitting to end the night going somewhere so tame he couldn’t possibly have any opposition to it.
The photo booth.
The booth in particular we’d gone to was smaller than an airplane bathroom, if you can imagine that. The bench seat was barely wide enough to fit Spencer, let alone seat the both of us. While he didn’t explicitly make the offer to let me sit on his lap, it was kind of a give in that I’d have some part of my body intertwined around him like stubborn ivy. 
. . .
I still laugh thinking about the tangled mess of limbs we were below what the camera couldn’t capture. It was arguably the furthest extent of contortionist work I wanted to do in my lifetime, and henceforth exceedingly uncomfortable, and yet, I’d never felt more at home than when I was in his arms. 
That night he would tear off the top three photos to keep for himself while I kept the bottom three photos. 
To this day, I have never seen the pictures that he kept, and I’m left to wonder if he had them at all.
Because I still have mine. And they were virtually the only thing keeping me sane throughout his trial and subsequent imprisonment. 
Six Months Ago ...
My eyes were locked on the loose thread of my cardigan that I was rolling between my fingers anxiously. 
“Would you stop that?” Penelope swatted my hand away from my sweater. “You’re making me nervous just looking at you.” She grumbled. 
“Sorry,” I apologized bleakly.
A few seconds later she groaned again, making me think I was still doing something bothersome, but it turned out to be just the opposite. “Ugh, I know that sounded mean, and I hate when I sound mean, but I can feel my forehead creasing from the stress, and watching you fidget is going to give me an ulcer.”
“I wish I could help it. I’m just really worried about him.”
“Well I am, too, but that’s not gonna do us any good right now. All we can do is hope for the best.”
Sometimes Penelope’s overly optimistic view on life was futile and unwelcome, and truthfully, this was one of those times. 
As she turned her head, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the lenses of her dark green glasses. I could see my own mournful expression as I asked, “What if he’s found guilty?” 
She started to say something but stopped herself. “Right now, all we need to focus on is his bail. We can worry about a verdict later.” She put her hand on top of mine and shook it briefly to remind me that we were in this together. 
Moments later recess was over and the team came trudging back into the courtroom. 
The sound of the judge clearing her throat and our footsteps on the floor made this feel all too normal. 
How could Spencer’s life be hanging in the balance in such a place as non-intimate as this? 
It frustrated me how casual things felt today and how everyone was acting normally. Prentiss had yet to bat an eye, Rossi’s stoic expression never changed, and Penelope was telling me not to worry. Everyone was acting so aloof. 
My eyes darted to Spencer, who was looking back at us woefully. I couldn’t bear to see him like that any longer, so I kept my head down and stared at my feet after I took my seat. 
Even when I closed my eyes, I was haunted by the vision of him in a suit, just like one he’d wear to work. But instead, he was wearing it for this - this vastly different situation. 
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to look at him the same in one anymore. I’ll probably just remember this particular look on his face, in this god awful courtroom, during this horribly nauseating circumstance. 
If one thing was for certain, it was that this would all come back to me if I ever laid eyes on him in a suit, and that thought fucking terrified me. 
Because that one thought spiraled into the next: Everything was bound to change after this. Every little thing would change in every little way. 
Spencer’s lawyer, the judge, and the prosecutor were going back and forth for a while, but I tuned it all out because I knew if I had tuned in, I wouldn’t have been able to hold back my arguments. Eventually, though, I heard something I could no longer ignore. 
“If past behavior is the best indicator of future conduct, and I do believe it is, then your client presents a flight risk.”
I stood up immediately, getting a head rush from the speed. I knew what was to follow, so I needed to be on my feet the second I heard it. Maybe so I could run and escape before I had to.
“Bail is denied. The defendant will remain in federal custody pending trial.” 
“Spencer!” I shouted, losing all the composure I’d been trying to maintain. I reached for him as if he was at any capacity to reach back and hold me. God, I needed him to hold me. Hold me like how he did at the carnival. 
Hold me.
Luke held me back as I fought to be near him.
“Let me go!” I screamed, trying to break free of his tight grip. Spencer could only stand and stare, mirroring my own wistful glance. He mouthed something to me that I couldn’t quite make out, but if I knew him at all, he probably said something about not wanting me to worry about him. 
“(Y/n), (y/n) it’s gonna be alright.” JJ reasoned, pulling me into a hug. 
“How long before this case goes to trial?” I heard Prentiss whisper to Spencer’s lawyer. 
“It’s a complicated case. I’d say three months maybe?” 
Immediately, I worked myself out of JJ’s arms and pushed my way through the team, running up to the barrier between us.
“Spence!” I cried out in anguish. 
To the sound of my voice, he glanced over his shoulder sadly. He wasn’t even shocked I’d been able to get so close to him - he seemed to expect it, and for that, he was sad. Because he knew if I was going to be as stubborn as to fight to get to him at this hearing, then I was going to be stubborn enough to reach him in prison, too. And should he find himself behind bars, he knew that I’d get to him one way or another. 
That is if he’d let me. 
“Be strong,” He weakly smiled. ‘For me’ his sad eyes begged in addition. He held my gaze for as long as he possibly could before disappearing into another room. 
As I watched him walk away, I could feel my heart shattering and crumbling into the pit of my stomach. Perhaps that was a premonition, a true gut feeling, telling me something I at the time couldn’t have known and wouldn’t have accepted. 
That was the last time I would see Spencer. 
People always say when something unbelievable happens, it doesn’t feel real, but this? Nothing felt more real and more intense than this. 
There was no other way for me to see this situation but as the first defeat in an endless line of them.
If Spencer was denied bail, what else could happen to him? Could he be found guilty too? Because prior to this, the denial of his bail seemed impossible. He posed no flight risk, but according to the judge, he did. So if what I once thought to be impossible happened, then it could and would happen again.
I knew Spencer was going to be found guilty.
What I didn’t know, though, was how I was going to live with myself from then on.
I didn’t go that day. 
I knew myself too well. So did the others, which is why they didn’t object to my decision not to come to Spencer’s trial. They knew I was better off staying home. Especially, if there was the chance that I might react hysterically again.
I didn’t stay home, though. That part the team never found out about. 
I went to visit Diana instead. A much wiser choice, in my opinion. 
“You know, we’ve been talking so much about Spencer today, but we haven’t talked about you yet,” said Diana. 
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” I feigned a polite smile. 
“You thought I wouldn’t notice?” She tilted her chin downward and gave me that sly grin of hers. 
“No, no, of course not. I know better than to underestimate the Diana Reid.” I quipped, making her smile widen. “I just figured you’d wanna spend your time talking about someone much more interesting.” 
“Oh please, Spencer and I talk about you all the time.”
I perked up from the checker piece I was fiddling with. “You do?”
“Mhm,” She nodded over and over again. “I always knew there was something between you two because you could always talk about each other to me, but for some reason, you could never actually talk to each other.”
For the first time in months, I genuinely laughed and I couldn’t help it. “He makes me nervous! I always feel like he might correct something I say, or tell me that there’s food in my teeth.” 
“You know, now that you mention it, I do remember him saying something about seeing a really big piece of lettuce in your teeth one time.” 
“Diana!” I squealed, pushing the checkerboard at her, pretending to take offense. 
“I really don’t know what you’re so nervous about! I think it would be good if you just talked to him.” 
“It’s, um, it’s not that simple. Not right now, at least.” 
My energy quickly nose-dived and I tried to do my best to hide it from Diana, but it permeated through the rest of the visit. I couldn’t fully enjoy myself after it. 
The team and I all agreed not to let Diana know, especially not with the uncertainty of the case. There was no point riling her up if there was nothing to be worried about. And I could only imagine how I reacted - Diana would be reacting 10 times more hysterically. 
But as much as I hated to say it, I almost would’ve rather been in her position. 
I would give anything to un-know Spencer’s circumstance.
Present Time ...
In this car, there was nowhere for him to run or hide, not like before.
Anytime I so much as entered his gravity by being in the same room, he’d flee the space in the next breath. Granted, he couldn’t really avoid me entirely. We did have to be on the same flight for an extended period of time, but he made that work by letting me choose my spot first, then choosing a spot directly on the opposite side of the jet. 
What a gentleman, huh?
“Kudos to you, by the way. For managing to avoid me for this long. I imagine it’s been as not-easy as it has been incredibly-cowardly.” My words stung as they flowed from my lips as badly as I imagine they seared his already cracked skin. I couldn’t believe that now that I finally had the opportunity to talk to him, I was using it to be petty and passively aggressive. But then again, I could. 
Because after what he put me through, he deserved to feel the full severity of my indignation.
My only wish was that he knew exactly how I had felt when I found out. 
. . .
He died tragically while using artificial wings, invented by his father, to escape from the Labyrinth. When Icarus flew too close to the sun, it melted the wax that held the wings together, and he fell into the sea.
‘Don’t fly too close to the sun.’ That’s the moral of the story. That’s what Reid was trying to tell me. But I didn’t listen. 
I flew too close. 
I had approached the window with more zeal than this predicament warranted. 
“I’m (y/n) (y/l/n). I’m here to see Spencer Reid, R-E-I-D,” I eagerly spelt his last name with ease as though it were my own last name. 
She’d flipped back and forth between pages, running her index finger up and down the sheet for far too long that it made me worry. Turns out, I had every right to be worried. 
“I don’t see you on the list, ma’am.” 
I was so mindnumbingly dumb that I couldn’t even see how dumb I was being. “Oh no no no, I’m with the FBI. I called earlier and left a message, remember?” 
“Yeah, I remember you,” She smiled politely, giving me the tiniest fragment of hope. “But you’re not on his list.” Only for it to be shattered in an instant. 
I had yet to process or accept this information. “So what does that mean?”
“It means he doesn't wanna see you right now. And frankly, neither do I. Next!” 
“Wait, could you just please check with him? My name is (y/n) -” 
“Ma’am, you are holding up a whole line of people that wanna see their loved ones too, so I suggest you see yourself out before I call security to help see you out.” 
I knew by her tone of the word ‘help’ that meant a prison guard would most likely forcibly remove me from the premises, and the last thing I needed was to feel even more humiliated. 
I got plenty of that when I had to come back to the BAU. 
“You’re not on the list?” Luke seemed genuinely shocked. More so than I was. Above all, I just felt really stupid. 
“I’m sure it was just a mistake.” Stephen reasoned. He was so good at being level-headed. Which normally, I would’ve loved. But right now, it only fueled the fire burning in my chest.
“That’s what I thought at first, too. But later on, she asked him herself, and he said - and I quote, ‘I don’t want to see her. Not now. Not ever.’”
. . .
Those were the words that seared my skin, and he hadn’t even spoken them directly to me to do it. 
The words that did just enough to heal me back to health were, of course, Penelope’s.
“Since you haven’t seen him yet, the rest of us will just wait until you have. It’s only fair that you have your first turn before the rest of us go back for a second time.” 
Back then, it was easy to hold out hope, but the more and more time passed, the more he kept denying my visits. Therefore, the more my hope began to fade. 
It had been weeks since anyone else had seen him before I finally surrendered. Although I had newly-brewing sourness towards Reid, it didn’t feel fair to deny him everyone else’s presence until mine was permitted. 
Luke was the one who volunteered to visit first. And to my dismay, Spencer didn’t fight against it. 
The proof was finally there. Now I could say with absolute certainty: Spencer just didn’t want to see me. 
It was both ironic and utterly frustrating to think about how I’d never gone more than two weeks without seeing him. Even when the BAU got time off after big cases, we’d always spend that time together. The longest we’d spent apart was 12 days. And right when he came back to D.C, we were attached at the hip for the next week, trying to compensate for all that time we were apart. 
Now, look at us. I haven’t said one word to him in half a year. 
If tragedy and comedy could coexist, this would be it. 
“How is he?” I asked Luke as soon as he got back. 
“He’s holding on,” Luke affirmed with confidence. What he said next lacked any of that. “He told me to tell you not to worry about him.” 
Something in me knew it was a lie. “Did he actually say that?”
His lack of an answer was one itself. 
“Did he say anything at all about me?”
“I tried telling him how much you wanted to see him, but he just brushed it off. I’m sorry, (y/n).” 
This became my routine for the months to follow. Every time someone would come back from the prison, I’d ask them if they talked about me, but the answer was always no. After a while, it had gotten to the point where I purposefully started leaving myself out of the loop. At least in that case, it was by my own volition that I was being excluded, not by a predicament being forced on me. 
Not by Spencer. 
“We’re not doing this right now,” Spencer declaration brought me back to the present, where I found him removing himself from both the conversation and the vehicle. When I heard the latch click to open, my hand reflexively flew to my auto-lock to prevent him from leaving. Naturally, he still managed to escape using his door’s button.
If I couldn’t stop him, then I could follow him. 
“Then when will we do this? Huh, Spencer? When? Because anytime I try to talk to you, you run away.” The mere fact that I was speed-walking after him was proof. While he casually strolled down the sidewalk paying me no mind, I tried to be clever and walk down the street so we’d be somewhat side to side. I was tired of staring at his back every time he walked away. I needed to see his face.
For his every stride, I had to take at least three steps. He was gliding through the world so effortlessly as I was trekking my uphill battle. It was quite fitting, though. Further exemplification that, between us, I was fighting harder to preserve the people we used to be, the relationship we used to have. Meanwhile, he couldn’t care less. A stone cold, inconvincible slab of steel. Just like he always was. 
As I began to speak, I had to also be conscious of the parked cars along the curb, being careful to weave in and out. 
“For months, you have blatantly ignored me. The entire time you were in prison, you denied my visits. And it’s not like it was a one time thing. I tried to visit you over 100 times while you were in jail! 100 times I got rejected. 100 times I got turned away. 100 times my heart shattered.” 
By now, I was speaking so loudly that I could see household lights within neighboring homes turning on. I hadn’t even realized how far we’d walked down the street and away from our car, but it was the last thing on my mind. 
“Then after you were released, it’s like I never even existed. I had to find out that you were out of there a week later than everyone else because they all assumed you came to me yourself to tell me the good news,” I laughed wryly at my own stupidity. “Do you know how hard it was for me?” 
“Do you know how hard it was for me?” 
It took me a second to register that he was actually engaging with me in this conversation now. But when I looked at his expression, I could see that something within him had snapped. A little piece of me was glad, though. Now I knew for sure that there was some effect I had on him. 
“Hard for you?”
“I know you came to visit me 100 times! Want to know how I know? Because I was there, too! I was there every time a guard came to ask if I wanted to see you. I was there every time I turned you away. And while you got to walk out of those doors every time I did, I was stuck in there, rotting in that cell, thinking about how badly I wanted to see you. How badly I wanted to touch ...” His voice faltered. “To touch you. But I had to protect you!” 
“You do realize in protecting me, you were hurting me in the process.” 
“Because you just don’t know when to leave well enough alone!” His hands tugged at the root of his unruly hair like evidence of the frustration that my stubbornness caused. “You’re such a pain in the ass because you can never cooperate! It’s gotta be your way or no one else’s! ‘Spencer, it has to be this way because I said so. Spencer, you have to let me see you because I said so. Spencer, you have to talk to me because I said so. Spencer, you have to ride this stupid roller coaster because I said so,’” His imitation of my nagging voice would’ve made me laugh before. Now, it was bringing me onto the verge of tears. “Since clearly no one’s told you this before - not everything is about you! You just want it to be because you’re a whiny, little brat! You’re so spoiled rotten that you can’t even see how far down it goes. If you did, you’d know that you’re rotten to the core and that nothing will ever satisfy you. Especially me.”
His words had done more than sear me. They pierced me. They ripped me. They destroyed me. When he called me Brat, I thought it was endearing. Now, looking back, I realize - no, that’s just how little he thought of me. 
As I came to the conclusion, I stopped dead in my tracks on the pavement. 
I was done chasing Spencer.
His face had fallen from its anger, indicating he was apologetic, but I was beyond accepting his sorry excuses anymore. I couldn’t stand to look at him so I looked behind me to find our car at least a football field away. I guess in many ways, I’d gone the whole nine yards. 
“This is what you wanted right?” I turned back to him momentarily. My voice scared me how calm it was because, inside, I was boiling with rage. “Well, here you go, Spence. Have all the fucking space you want.” 
It was usually me watching his back while he walked away, and now, he was watching mine. 
“(Y/n), wait!” 
And for the briefest second, it actually felt good to be the first one to leave. 
I was free. 
_ _ _
To my dismay and relief, when I walked into work the next morning, he wasn’t there. I would’ve looked for him with more than a cursory glance except I was stuck on looking at something strange in the bullpen that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. But as I walked further in, a blaring siren went off in my head. 
Spencer’s desk is completely empty. 
I instantly sorted through my purse for my phone to reach Prentiss when I noticed something more. 
I had been desperate to cling onto any notion that he still loved me, and there it was, just sitting on his desk. Proof that the man I loved was still in there somewhere.
The top three pictures from the carnival photo booth.
I laughed, as I always did, thinking about how much we had to exert ourselves to be positioned in a semi-adequate way. In the next wave, I felt profoundly empty. He had kept the pictures all these years, and now that I finally get to see them, he’s left me.
As I brought my hand to my face to clear the tears pooling at my lower lashes, I saw that my finger had an ink smear on the pad of it. There was nowhere else I could’ve obtained it except for if there was writing on the back of the photos. 
What I read when I turned it over was as follows. 
I want to be this guy for you again, (y/n). I just don’t know how. 
I just don’t know if I can.
No matter how much I’ve changed, one thing’s still the same.
I love you. 
I should’ve focused on the message, but all that I could focus on was that if I managed to smear the ink, that meant it was fresh, written just now. 
He was still here. 
I pocketed the photos and abandoned my purse, only carrying with me the phone that I forgot to use to dial Prentiss. After a moment’s indecision, I figured that taking the stairs would be faster than the elevator, and I bounded down the steps without hesitation. 
“Spencer!” I yelled into the parking structure when I reached the ground floor. The sound of me bursting through the door caught the attention of Anderson, who was getting out of his car. 
“I just saw him leave.” Anderson threw his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the exit. I knew, even in my state of mind, there was no feasible reality where I could reach him on foot. I had to call him. 
I pleaded to myself for him to pick up with every ring of my phone. 
“(Y/n),” He said like a statement instead of a question. Again, he’d anticipated I’d do this. He probably picked it up not even having to look at the caller ID but knowing it was me and no one else. 
“I don’t need you to be the guy you were before, Spencer. I just need you to bend a little bit. I know we’re both stubborn people, but if we can just find a halfway point-”
“(Y/n), (y/n),” He was settling me and the sentences that were coming out of my mouth at 100 mph. 
“I’ll bend if you bend.” I promised. 
The static of the call filled my ears until his voice finally did.
“For everyone else, I bend ... for you, I break.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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Complete Taglist: @ashwarren32, @spencerreid-mgg, @k-k0129, @eevee0722, @half-blood-dork, @kreid187, @jeremiah-b99, @random-human-person, @you-sunshine, @josiemay20, @coldlilheart, @spenxerslut, @dreamer-writer-fangirl, @jinxy175, @muffin-cup, @no-alarms-no-surprises-silence​, @calm-and-doctor​, @spencersmagic​, 
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atlabeth · 3 years
transferred part 17 - atla smau
part 16 | masterlist | part 18 
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know he’s falling for you as well. 
a/n: ahahah a ??? im sorry?? that this took so long?? as you know ive been dying of school and exams and even though ive gotten a couple oneshots out and did my celebration i just have not had the energy to write a whole mf chapter. but it’s here ! after a month of waiting
wc: 4.8k she is a LONG ONE FOLKS prepare yourselves
warning(s): cursing, alcohol and getting drunk, toxic relationships, mentions of cheating, implied emotional abuse, y/n having a breakdown, just an overall mess 
“Katara, don’t pull so hard!” You exclaimed, reaching a hand up to touch your scalp. You had entrusted your sister with styling your hair for the party tonight, but only after insistent nagging on her part. She had invited — or forced, as you liked to call it — you over to their dorm to get ready for the party that night together and do all kinds of girl talk. You figured this was a trap to get you to talk about you and Zuko, but it’s not like you would deny an opportunity to hang out with some of your favorite girls. 
“Sorry,” she chuckled. “Just think of it as retribution for all the times that you pulled my hair like this when you did my braids.” 
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly and glanced over at Toph and Suki who had already gotten ready but still lounging around the dorm to hang out. “So.” 
“So?” Suki repeated. 
“So when are the questions going to start?” You asked with a small laugh. “I appreciate the invite over here to get ready, but I know you all just wanted to ask me about what’s going with Zuko. So ask away.”
“What happened during that car ride—”
“Has he said anything to you since the kiss—”
“What’s going on at the tea shop—”
“Woah, woah! One question at a time!” you interrupted as they all started going on at the same time. “First off, nothing happened during the car ride. We worked out some miscommunications, and we’re all good. Second — yes, we’ve talked since the kiss, but there’s been nothing groundbreaking. And third, the only thing going on at the tea shop is the tea that we’re serving.”
Toph groaned and shook her head. “Are you serious? That’s so boring!”
“You’re telling me that nothing has happened in the couple of weeks since the kiss? Like, are you sure you’re not in a secret relationship with him and just neglecting to tell us?” Katara asked.
“There’s nothing going on,” you insisted. “As much as I want something to go on, I… haven't’ really said anything either.”
“What?” Suki cried. “You are crazy for him, how have you not tried to make something out of this yet?!”
“I don’t know!” you shot back defensively. “I guess I’m just scared that everything will go wrong.”
“Look,” Suki began as she took a seat on the floor in front of you. “You are kind, funny, gorgeous as hell, and an all around amazing person — and Zuko has it just as bad for you as you do for him! So embrace all of that, get out there tonight, and make a move!”
It had been too long since you had gotten a pep talk from Suki, and it was strangely refreshing. You nodded and sat up. “You know, you’re right! I have just… I’ve been sitting around, waiting for him to make a move because I’m too scared of getting rejected. But I am a delight! I am a lovely person, and I am a delight. Besides, we’re both adults! Even if he doesn’t like me the same way I do—”
“Which he does,” Toph interrupted, which earned her a joking glare.
“Even if he doesn’t like me the same way I do,” you repeated. “We’re still going to be friends. It’ll just be a couple awkward weeks, and then we’ll be back to normal.”
“That’s as close to the spirit as we’re gonna get!” Katara exclaimed as she gave you a high-five.
“It’s about time,” Toph joked as she hit you on the shoulder. “Now, are you gonna get ready or what?”
“Right,” you chuckled. “I did get this super cute dress a while ago that I haven’t gotten a chance to wear. I think it’ll be perfect for tonight.”
“What are you waiting for, girl?” Suki asked. “Show us!”
After showing off your dress, you had finished up the final touches of your makeup and gotten one last pep talk from all of your girls — you were feeling more confident than ever, and you were sure that tonight was the night you would tell Zuko how you felt.
Back at the apartment, the boys were going through a similar dilemma.
“Zuko, what are you so scared about?” Sokka was hanging upside down off of the couch, a move he must’ve picked up from his sister, as he questioned his friend.
“I don’t know, everything? She could reject me, she could start to hate me, I could ruin everything that we’ve built over the past few months— you know, it’s not even that bad, what we have right now! What’s the harm in just staying like this?”
“Zuko,” Aang groaned. “I get being cautious, but this is just too much! You’re letting your fears get in the way of you and Y/N being happy. You kissed her, right? And she kissed you back! I’m telling you, if you let her know how you feel tonight then everything will work out. Trust me!”
“Seriously, buddy — it’s just painful at this point. It’ll be kinda weird having one of my friends date my sister again, but somehow, you two being apart is worse. Just tell her already!”
“Okay!” Zuko exclaimed defensively. He finished doing his hair then ran his fingers through it, ruining his work completely. When Sokka gave him a weird look, he shrugged and smiled to himself a bit. “Y/N likes it this way.”
Sokka gestured at him in disbelief and shook his head. “This is exactly what I mean!”
“Okay!” he repeated. Zuko leaned against the kitchen island and nodded. “Okay, I’ll tell her how I feel tonight. After she’s gotten into the party a little, I’ll take her outside and I’ll tell her how I feel.”
“And then you’ll kiss and it’ll be happily ever after!” Aang crooned.
Sokka rolled off of the sofa and stood up, then picked up the car keys from the table. “Someone text the girls, because we’re leaving. I can’t deal with this anymore.”
“You’re gonna do great tonight, Zuko,” Aang reassured as he gave Zuko a pat on the back. “Just remember why you like her in the first place, and speak from the heart. She likes you, so as long as you’re you, things will go great.”
Zuko nodded and gave Aang a small smile. “Thanks. I hope you’re right.”
As the two of them followed Sokka out of the apartment, he took another deep breath and tried to psych himself up. He was sure that tonight was the night he would tell you how he felt.
The seven of you regrouped with each other where you would be spending the rest of the night — because a ton of students were expected to celebrate the end of the first semester, the party was being hosted in a warehouse that a couple of kids had rented out for the night. It was more extravagant than the first party you went to in every way — you could hear the music thumping from all the way down the street as you got out of the car.
“Do you think we beat them here?” Suki asked as she helped Toph out. Katara locked the car and looked around, shaking her head as she pointed down the street. Sokka, Aang, and Zuko were all walking up together, having parked a couple cars down.
“They beat us by a minute. Probably broke a hundred different traffic laws in the process.”
“You guys made it!” Aang exclaimed as he gave Katara a kiss on the cheek. “Sokka forced Zuko to let him drive here, said he’s too slow and that he wanted to beat you all.”
“Sounds like him,” Suki joked as she took Sokka’s hand. “You ready, Big Shot?”
“I’m always ready,” he grinned, earning a laugh from you and Katara. Your eyes fell on Zuko as he walked up and you smiled, already starting to feel your cheeks heating up.
“Wow, Y/N, you look…”
“Amazing?” you guessed coyly.
“Breathtaking,” he clarified, the beginnings of a smirk playing on his lips. You laughed and looped your arm through his, and the two of you began making your way towards the party.
The rest of the group shot each other looks that ranged from overjoyed to bewildered to confused. As they started to follow you, they realized that getting the two of you together might be easier than they thought.
It wasn’t hard to get into the spirit of the night once you got into the party. There had to be at least a couple hundred people there, but it didn’t take long for everyone to start breaking off into groups. Suki had roped you in karaoke while Aang had taken Zuko to meet some of his friends, giving Sokka, Katara, and Toph time to strategize before setting the plan in motion.
“Okay!” Katara shouted so she could be heard over all the noise. “I don’t think we’re actually gonna have to do that much tonight! Just.. keep him busy for a while and then give him an out, and we’ll do the same with Y/N!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know the whole plan. I made it up, remember?” Sokka wasn’t completely focused on the conversation at hand as his eyes darted around the scene, seemingly searching for something. His eyes suddenly lit up and he started to back away from their small group. “There he is! Sorry Katara, gotta go prove to a bunch of freshmen that they don’t know anything and I’m better than them. Aang can handle Zuko!” He grinned at her then ran off into the crowd before Katara could protest.
She sighed and turned to Toph. “Suki’s got Y/N occupied and Aang’s got Zuko, so it looks like it’s just you and me, Beifong. Whaddya wanna do?”
“You’re telling me you don’t want to see your sister embarrass herself with karaoke?” Toph asked.
Katara laughed and grabbed Toph’s hand as she started to lead them through the crowd. “You know what? That sounds perfect. After all the work we’ve done for her and Zuko, I think I deserve to laugh at her for a while.”
The first two hours of the party passed by quickly. You spent the first thirty minutes making a fool of yourself with Suki as you sang a couple classics on karaoke — though it was a bit humiliating, you had an amazing time. The second half of the hour went to the beer pong competition that Sokka’s friend Zhen had organized (they did end up winning, so you supposed his pride was well earned), and the next hour was dedicated to dancing, drinking, and letting loose. You had finished the first semester of your masters program, so you felt like you deserved it.
You had stolen away to an emptier corner to give yourself a breather as well as some alone time — you were enjoying yourself, but it was close to claustrophobic in the heat of it all. You were passing the time on your phone when you heard a familiar voice call your name. Your eyes immediately shot up as you tucked your phone into your purse, and you were met with your favorite pair of golden eyes.
“Hey,” Zuko breathed, taking a second to straighten his ruffled clothes. You couldn’t help the smile that played on your lips as you ran a hand through his hair to muss it up even further.
“Hey yourself,” you laughed. “What’s so important that you had to run all the way over here?”
“I have something I need to tell you. It actually is really important, but I think it’d go over better if we weren’t in the middle of all this chaos.”
You would be lying if you said that didn’t make your heart beat a little faster, and as you felt your cheeks heat up you realized that this was your chance. “Uh, yeah. Sure, totally— I actually have something I need to tell you, so that’s perfect!”
“Guess we’re just in tune.”
Zuko smiled as he took your hand and started to lead you through the crowd, but when you heard someone calling your name you froze. The blood in your veins turned to ice, and your grip on Zuko’s hand tightened. He shot you a questioning look but you didn’t even see it.
“No,” you muttered, barely legible. “No, not here.”
You almost didn’t want to turn around to confirm your suspicions. You could’ve ignored it, pretended like you didn’t hear it over the sounds of the party, but there was a voice nagging in your head that you couldn’t just ignore it, you had to find out if he was really, truly here — so you did.
You wanted nothing more to be wrong in that moment — honestly, you thought that you were hallucinating at first. You hadn’t had that much to drink, but maybe the alcohol combined with the sleep deprivation was making you see things. Unfortunately, it was real. You could never forget those eyes.
“Hahn,” you mumbled, the sight taking a moment to register. “Hahn, what the hell are you doing here?”
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m here to party, and I’m here to see you.” The grin on his face didn’t waver as he looked you up and down, choosing to ignore the blatant shock on your face.
“You are not here to see me,” you clarified coolly. “We’re not together anymore, and ex-boyfriends don’t make hour-long drives to see their ex-girlfriends, especially ex-girlfriends that they treated like trash.”
“I figured you’d be more happy to see me than this,” he huffed. “Ungrateful as usual.” Hahn seemed to finally notice Zuko and scoffed as he looked at him. “What, is he your new boyfriend? You really downgraded.”
“You have no right to talk to her like that—” Zuko stepped forward to say more but you held out your hand to stop him. You gave him a short nod and stepped forward yourself.
“Hahn, I’m going to ask you one more time.” You could feel your hands shaking, whether it was from rage or fear you didn’t know. Your voice was deadly calm, but it was taking all of your energy to stay that way. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Hahn laughed and crossed his arms. “You’re joking right?” His amusement was a notion that you didn’t share, and he cleared his throat uncomfortably before he continued. “You wouldn’t answer my texts, and you obviously still want me after the things you sent me. My brother had a game here and I came along to see him, so I figured I would pay you a visit as well. You never really officially broke up with me, y’know. Are you really going to let three years go down the drain because of one little incident?”
Now it was your turn to laugh — it was from pure disbelief rather than amusement, though. “Are you serious? Hahn, I left you! I walked out, I moved out, I transferred universities to get away from you! Are you really so dense that you still think you stand a chance based off of some drunk texts?”
“Woah, you think you’re giving me a chance? Y/N/N, this is my olive branch to you — I messed up, I know I did, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fix things up! I could have any girl I wanted back at Kyoshi, but I’m here because I want you — I love you, babe. You know I do.”
“You don’t get to call her ‘babe’,” Zuko snapped. “She doesn’t want you here, so why don’t you just save yourself some trouble and get out of here?”
Hahn snorted and shook his head. “Stay out of this, fireboy. Y/N’s a big girl, she can speak for herself.”
You looked around and saw that a modest crowd was forming around the three of you, and more than a few people were filming. If you didn’t want your relationship problems to become BSSU news, you had to defuse this as soon as possible.
“Listen,” you interrupted. “Zuko’s right, Hahn. It was a mistake to come here — if you’re as smart as you always say, then you would know that. Just.. go home.”
Hahn scoffed as if he couldn’t believe what you were saying. “No, you listen. I’m trying to do you a favor here, Y/N! I made one mistake, and apparently that was enough to ruin everything we had.”
“You know just as well as I do that it wasn’t one mistake!” you cried. “If you can really get any other girl you want, then do it! I mean, that wasn’t a problem for you during our relationship, so I don’t see why it’s a problem now. We’re not getting back together, so just stop!”
“It’s him, isn’t it?” he sneered as he gave Zuko another onceover. “He’s the reason you’re acting like this. I never thought that you would sink so low, but you’ve clearly gone soft. Come on, stop acting like a baby and we can talk this out alone.”
He started to reach for your hand but you pulled it back, and before you knew what you were doing, you had handed your drink to Zuko and your fist was flying right at Hahn’s face. It hurt like hell, but the pure satisfaction from seeing his shock as he recoiled was a painkiller on its own.
“How’s that for soft?” you spat as you rubbed your injured knuckles.
“You.. you bitch!” he yelled, staggering back a few feet as he put his hand over his nose in an attempt to stop the bleeding. “This is how you repay me after everything? You should be thankful I’m giving you another chance—” he started to reach for you again, but you slapped his hand away. You cast a glance back at Zuko and saw that he had been joined by Sokka and Katara, and knowing that they were with you made all the difference.
“I don’t want another chance!” you shouted. “You are the one that fucked up, you are the one that made my life hell, and you are not the one that gets to give out second chances! I gave you so many chances, and you messed up every single one! Hahn, I never want to see you again. And if you ever try something like this again, if you ever even try and talk to me again, I will do something so much worse. Now do the smart thing and get out!”
You gave him one hard shove to the chest then turned on your heel and ran. It was the coward’s move, you knew it was, but you couldn’t be there anymore. Tears blurred your vision as you pushed through the crowd to get to the back door, heaving shaky breaths once you finally made it outside. You could hear familiar voices yelling and felt the slightest tinge of joy knowing that your younger siblings were giving Hahn hell.
You leaned against the side of the building, pressing the heels of your hands against your forehead to try and stop yourself from having a full on breakdown. You started to count backwards from twenty in your head as your eyes scanned the area for something, anything, to ground you. It helped in the sense that you weren’t about to lose it right then and there, but you were still on the brink. You slid down the wall into a sitting position and hugged your knees to your chest, the tears finally falling.
This was your university, this was your night, this was for you to make new memories and end your first semester, but like everything else he had come in and ruined it. You had no idea how he even found you, how he knew you would even be here, but it scared you.
“Should’ve blocked you as soon as you… fucking asshole… can’t believe..” you mumbled incoherently as you pulled your phone out with shaky hands, blocking and deleting his number. You dropped your phone in your lap and then put your head in your hands, still trying to process everything that happened. You didn’t even look up when you heard someone coming outside, but somehow you immediately knew who it was.
“Hey, Y/N.. Are you.. okay?” Zuko’s voice was full of sympathy but also caution, as if you were a delicate flower you didn’t want to tear.
“Do I look okay, Zuko?” Your words came out much more aggressive than you wanted them to, and you bit your lip. You had always expected his kindness to be a double-edged sword, something he used just to get something from you, but it never was. Not even once. It made sense after what he told you, and it just made him an even better person in your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just.. not. Not in the slightest. Hahn was the last person I expected to see tonight.”
Zuko moved over and sat down against the wall with you then hovered his hand above yours, giving you a chance to pull away. When you didn’t move, he set his hand on yours, filling you with the comforting warmth that you missed.
“You don’t need to apologize. What he did was fucked up.” He cracked a small smile. “Punching him was pretty badass though.”
You wiped a tear away and let out a soft laugh. “It was about time I stood up for myself. Our whole relationship was built off of this sick power dynamic that he loved to wield over me. Things were fine for the first few months, of course. He had this douchebag reputation on campus, but I believed that I could change him, that I could be the one to make him settle down, and— and it felt like I had at first! He was the sweetest guy, and he always brought me things and took me out on dates and it was just- it was just a dream. But I should’ve known he was using me. He had never changed, he had just gotten better at hiding those parts of himself.”
“I had zero sense of self worth and he used that. Told me that if I broke up with him I would never find anyone better, always convincing me that I was the one in the wrong, that if I wasn’t so dramatic then we wouldn’t have all these arguments. And the worst thing about it? I believed him. I believed him every time.” Your voice cracked on your last sentence and you could feel yourself getting choked up again. You swallowed hard and tried your best to push your emotions back down. “I was so terrified that he was right, that I would end up alone if I broke up with him, that I stayed. And that was our relationship for the past three years — built off of fear and manipulation.”
“A lot of people wonder why I transferred here. Sure, I did it for my masters, but Kyoshi has a perfectly fine program. I had already established my life there, I had an apartment, lots of friends, and yeah, I was going to go through with it. I was going to get my masters back there, but I… I did it because of him. I left because of Hahn.”
“Y/N. What did he do?” There was a dangerous undertone to his words, and you placed your intertwined hands on his knee. You didn’t want him to do something he would regret, and more selfishly, you needed him here right now.
You closed your eyes and let the question hang in the air for a moment. You hadn’t told anyone the truth of how your relationship ended with Hahn, and this wasn’t how you had pictured telling Zuko. If you were being honest, you didn’t think you would ever tell him — but he deserved to know.
“He cheated.” You said the words so easily, so simply that you almost shocked yourself. It shocked Zuko too; you could see his eyes widen slightly from your peripherals.
“Yeah. He cheated on me. That’s how things ended. After everything I put into that relationship, everything I did for him, everything he took from me… I still wasn’t enough for him. I got home from class one day to find him in bed with another girl, and… that was it. Something inside me just snapped. That was my moment of clarity — no yelling, no crying, no… anything. I just left. A friend let me crash at her place, and that night I started the process of transferring here. I made a promise to myself that I would never let someone like Hahn in again, and… well, now we’re here.” You laughed humorlessly and wiped a tear from your eye.
It was like the breath had been stolen from Zuko’s chest. He had never fully understood why you were so reluctant to open up to people, but this explained it. You weren’t someone who gave out love freely, but you had to Hahn — and the way he had treated that love made him sick. He had ingrained in you the ideal that you couldn’t be loved, only tolerated, and that was why you had such a hard time accepting help from anyone. The thought alone made him want to find Hahn and get him back for everything he had done to you. The only thing stopping him was that he didn’t want to leave you alone.
“Y/N,” he muttered. “I had no idea. Katara and Sokka didn’t even know.. Why did you hold all of this in?”
“Because I was scared, Zuko! I got myself into this mess with a stupid boy that everyone had warned me about, so I felt like I had to get myself out. Even when things took a turn for the worse, I felt like I couldn’t involve anyone else because it was my fault. It was my fault for trusting someone like him, it was my fault for believing all of his lies, it was my fault for not being good enough. And even after everything he did to me, a part of me still missed him.” You let out a laugh that was a touch unhinged. “There’s something seriously wrong with me.”
“Y/N, look at me.” You tore your eyes up from the ground and at Zuko — his golden irises looked the same as the first time you met him and it was oddly comforting.
“There is nothing wrong with you. Okay? And I know it’s easier said than done, believe me, I know, but you don’t need to be scared. I understand why you were so hesitant to share what happened with Hahn, but you don’t need to be. I don’t know how much weight my words have, but I want you to know that you can always tell me what is happening with you. Whether it’s a life changing event or just what you did that morning, I’ll listen to you. You aren’t alone, Y/N, because I’m here for you. I always will be.”
Your eyes widened with surprise as you stared into his own. This was the most sincere you had ever seen Zuko, even more than the night he told you about his life. There was a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you to kiss him, feel that warmth again, forget about what had happened for just a moment.
But as the familiar prick of incoming tears returned, you knew you couldn’t. You were drunk, on the verge of a complete breakdown, and anything that happened between you tonight would be tainted with the memory of Hahn. So with a concentrated effort, you tore your eyes away from his and swallowed, your throat dry and scratchy from the screaming match you had gotten yourself into.
“I don’t think I can spend another minute here. I hate to ask, but.. can you take me home?” you asked quietly. “You might not be able to tell, but I’m not in a state to do anything right now.”
“Of course.” You gave his hand another squeeze to let him know that he hadn’t overstepped, and stood up. The two of you began the walk back to the car and Zuko let go of your hand, shifting so that he could instead wrap his arm around your back. You smiled softly and leaned your head against his shoulder, the gesture a welcome comfort.
“Thank you,” you whispered. He squeezed your shoulder softly in response, a silent notion that said everything he couldn’t.
Tonight had been a wreck, that much was certain. Your past had resurged in the most painful way possible, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to get through it alone.
But you weren’t alone this time. You had Zuko.
And with Zuko by your side… you knew you would be okay.
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perm taglist: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
transferred: @ourbestfriend-mishacollins @lil-lex1 @xxshad0wxb1rdxx @zuko-is-the-sun @akiris @irohs-teapot @thatarthistorynerd @charlenasaxen @minninugget @marvel-ousnesss @count-thotticus @what-ye-egg @furblrwurblr @thesstuff @mariachiii @ietss @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @xbarrjallenx @tommy-braccoli @dreamsluvrr @floofybread @thelovelylolly @lin-biefong-is-my-life @tiffanyy-21 @sistheselenophile @theincredibledeadlyviper @bakugouswh0r3 @loganrwebb @mikaslilworld @matsunshine @iris-suoh @aizameow @h3llbun 
atla: @marianne1806
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
i really love your writing sm. could I maybe request something with Loki and reader being slow to realize that the feeling is mutual? if you dont mind <3
A/N: Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy my writing, that makes me very happy to hear. I tried my best with this, I wasn’t really sure how to go about it, but I think I did a fun little twist to it. The italics are flashbacks. ALSO, you don’t need to know the song “Stuck In The Middle” to read this, but it will make this fic a little bit cuter if you do, so go stream it! It’s by Tai Verdes (actually just go listen to his whole album TV). I hope you enjoy this, nonnie.
Stuck In The Middle
Loki x reader
Word count: 2255
Warnings: fluff, maybe swearing I don't remember lol
Tony decided to throw another one of his giant parties, but no one is really sure why. There’s no holiday, no accomplishment to celebrate. All you know is that the tower is filled to the brim with high named people and well rounded faces. Music is blaring as people lounge around drinking or casually dancing. The Avengers are all around, scattered among the faces.
You on the other hand are leaning against a wall drinking some pop and trying to ignore the creepy men that hit on you. Parties are fine, you don’t mind them, but you don't go around gloating about your business or accomplishments. You watch Tony walk around getting praised by millionaires and celebrities with a smirk on your face. Shaking your head, you look down and give your glass of water more attention than the people.
“You really should get out there.”
Steve stands next to you with his little suit on that makes you laugh. You’re not used to seeing him all dressed up.
“I’m not a boaster. I’ll dance here and there, but conversation isn’t my forte.”
“You're having a conversation with me, so what does that say?” He laughs.
“I don’t need your technicalities, Cap,” you laugh as well.
“You don’t even have to talk to people you don’t know. We’re all here.”
“Fair enough.”
“Do you want me to stay here with you?”
“No, Steve. Go have fun.”
He smiles at you before returning to his seat at the bar by Bucky and Sam. You smile at the three of them. You do truly love your friends, even if they bother you during alone time.
“Why would you enjoy them if they bother you?”
“Loki, stop reading my mind.”
“I can’t. You’re quite loud,” he jokes.
You roll your eyes as you take another sip of your water.
“Do you not like these grand parties?” He asks.
“Eh, I don’t mind them. Just not a bragger.”
“Ah, yes. One night dedicated to gloating about your own accomplishments while putting down others.”
“No, that’s the Oscars,” you joke.
“Who is Oscar?”
“Never mind. Why you go out and dance? I bet you have some moves.”
“Not without a partner. I’m more of a partner dancer.”
“Well, there’s plenty of pretty girls around you to ask to dance.”
“Why dance with a pretty girl when I have the most beautiful one right here leaning against a wall and ignoring everyone? That’s more my style.”
“Loki, I’m flatter,” you laugh, “is this your way of asking me to dance?”
“Possibly. Thor has been bugging me to ‘get out there’ and I don’t like anyone here beside you.”
“Such a gentleman.”
Loki rolls his eyes as he takes your hand in his and leads you to the dance floor. The song changes into a fun chill song you recognize as “Stuck In The Middle”. You and Loki dance together as the two of you laugh. At some point, he pulls you into him, holding him at your chest.
“Remember when we first met?” He asks.
“Yeah, I do. You were arguing with Tony and Thor.”
“I want to return to Asgard and I will no matter what you say.”
“You’re a war criminal serving time here for your attacks. If you even attempted to go back, the American army would shoot you down.”
“And good luck to them.”
“My brother is a god, Man of Iron, do not forget.”
“Shut it, point break. You can try to leave if you want to die.”
Loki scoffs at Tony’s threat. As he goes to open his mouth, he sees a girl wander into the living area and scour the kitchen. The three watch her in silent and she opens every cabinet. Loki is curious by the girl with her long black hair and sweats on, clearing not caring about the argument happening. She finally turns around with her mouth filled with pretzels from shoving them in. She looks at the two gods and Tony with a wide eyed look, clearly asking “what” in her face and shrugging.
“Am I interrupting something?” She asks after swallowing.
Tony laughs and shakes his head, walking over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.
“You’re fine, sweetheart. We’re just having a disagreement. Go enjoy your pretzels,” Tony chuckles.
Loki watches the way she submits to Tony and follows his lead, wondering who she is and why she listens to Tony without hesitation.
“I was so intrigued by you, this small little thing who looked so full of life. What happened to her?”
You laugh hard, “You got to know me, that’s what.”
Loki hadn’t seen the innocent girl in two weeks, wondering if she was even real. There had been some kind of glow to her so had he known better, he’d say she’s an angel.
Loki decided to coop himself up in the library while he was stuck on Midgard. Since he was stuck here, he thought he’d at least spend time doing something enjoyable. He’d spend hours in there until he had read every book and started to reread them. Then, as if the universe had heard him, the innocent girl had returned, putting a book away and getting a new one. She immediately walked out of the room and down to the tower’s elevator. Without hesitation, Loki got up and followed her at a quick pace, wanting to get in the elevator at the same time. As he walked in, they stood in silence next to each other and Loki realized he had no plan.
“I’m Loki. I don’t think we properly met.”
Loki feels his heart pound as she speaks to him with her heavenly tone. She sounds exactly like he thought she’d sound. It fits her so perfectly and he wants nothing more than to listen to her talk all day.
“I apologize for anything you heard the other day. Stark and I don’t see eye to eye.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she laughs, “He can strike a nerve sometimes.”
“That is an understatement,” Loki says, losing himself in his anger towards the billionaire.
You laugh at his comment which eases his anger. Loki is filled with joy knowing you find humor in his words, learning you’re not as stuck up as the other Midgardians.
“You read?”
“Yes, I love to.”
“What’s your favorite book?”
“Sense and Sensibility.”
“I don’t think I know that one.”
“It’s a Midgardian classic,” you say with some snark.
“I’ll have to read it. May I ask what you are doing for the rest of the day?”
The elevator opens and the two of you walk off, Loki still following you with awe.
“I’m going to spar with Steve for a little bit. You can join if you want.”
“I will not participate, but will not refuse to be of company.”
You smile at him as you walk towards the training room. Steve stands there getting ready and is surprised to see the stoic god behind you.
“Is he joining?”
“Just to watch.”
Loki sits down on the bench and leaves you to get changed and stretch. He can’t comprehend how something as sweet as you can be so willing to fight one of the super soldiers. He can’t even lie that he’s scared for you, but he’s soon proven wrong in seconds as you knock Steve down to the ground in a sweet kick. You and the super soldier go at it and you prove to be a worthy match for Steve. Loki is shocked by your swiftness and strength, clearly underestimating you.
“Well, I’m impressed.”
“I didn’t expect you to be as tough as you are.” “Wow, you underestimated me. I’m hurt, Loki,” you tease.
“I’ve learned to expect the unexpected with you.”
“How so?”
“I think we all remember your silly holiday ‘April fools’.”
April fools is one of your favorite holidays and now that the trickster god is living with you, all of the avengers are on high alert all day. No one realized he didn’t know about the special day, so Loki wondered why everyone seemed to ignore him more than usual. He walked into the living space to see you sitting on the couch with another book.
“Did I do something?” He asks.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m aware I’m not well liked, but it seems that I haven’t seen anyone all day except for you right now.”
“It’s because its’ April fools and they’re scared of you.”
A little ping of pride hits Loki.
“They’re scared of me? And what is April fools?”
“It’s a dumb holiday here where you prank people and they’re worried you’re going to pull something. After all, you are you.”
“You have a whole day dedicated to messing with people?”
“Yeah, usually it’s something simple like telling people you’re pregnant when you’re not or tying the spray nozzle on the sink together so everyone gets wet when they use it. Other people go big which is what they expected from you.”
“That doesn’t shock me,” he laughs.
“Yeah, I wanted to prank them, but I think they’ve left the building entirely.”
“You say we have the tower to the two of us?” Loki can think of a couple ways he’d spend alone time with you, but the idea of messing with the Avengers with your help is too tempting. He’ll have to put his other ideas to the side for the moment. “We can still do something.”
“Like what?”
“I’m not sure, but you could think of something, I’m sure.”
“We could glue everything down so you can use anything?”
“Like stick the together?”
“Exactly, but we could use your magic so we could reverse it later.”
“I like how you think.”
About two hours later, the Avengers return from wherever they had been throughout the day and run to their rooms to avoid Loki. As soon as they noticed the two of you relaxing on the couch, they tensed up and sprinted. You pretended to not have told Loki about anything and watched them get nervous, trying to hide your amusement.
It’s only minutes later when they all run back in yelling at you about how they can’t pick anything up or open drawers. Loki looks over to you among the chaos and smiles, seeing the wide proud smile across your face.
“That was a lot of fun. You surprised me in the past though, too.”
“Whatever do you mean?” He laughs.
You had gotten hurt on a mission and found yourself with a broken arm. Every day activities became 10x harder because you have to do it with your non-dominant hand and it’s started to get annoying. You’ve been attempting to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for about 25 minutes now. Loki walked in to see you struggling with peanut butter all over your hand and a glob on the bread. There’s a giant tear in the middle of the piece you’re spreading it on and a frown on your face.
“You look like you’re struggling.”
“Thank you, captain obvious!” You exclaim in an angry tone, glaring daggers at the god.
“Do you need some help?”
“I would love some because clearly, I’m having some difficulty.”
Loki comes over and helps you finish making your sandwich. You sit down to eat but because of your bad mood, you don’t even want it now. Loki notices your distress and shakes it head, waving his hand by.
“You’re healed, now eat your sandwich.”
You look at him in confusion until you realize your arm doesn’t hurt as much when you move it. You rip off your cast and feel around to feel how your arm is completely healed.
“Thank you!”
“You can be very sweet sometimes.”
“Don’t let Stark hear that, he’ll think I have mind controlled you.”
The Avengers all sit around the bar and watch you and Loki dance. They have a big smile on their face as they see you two have fun, laughing and talking. Thor has never seen his brother look so relaxed and joyful before, it’s refreshing to see him happy. Steve and Tony don’t miss the way you look at Loki, it’s filled with more love than any friends would look at each with.
“You think there’s more there?” Thor asks.
Steve and Tony turn to look at him with confused yet amused faces. “Thor, you really are an idiot,” Tony laughs.
The song comes up to the last chorus and you and Loki have stopped talking. He swings you around and holds his body next to yours. The music get’s both of your attention.
Cause we’re stuck in the middle of lover and friends
And we’re losing every part of the benefits
You’ve hurt me more than I ever knew
But it’s shitty because I’m doing the same to you
As the lyrics set in, you remember all the things Loki has done for you. Making your PB&J, recommending books, keeping you company when the Avengers are away, dancing with you at New Years parties, giving you a hug when you return from missions, and not leaving your side when you’re hurt. Loki thinks of all the things that made you bearable. Your sense of humor, the smile on your face when you see him, the way you’ll reread books you love, the way you make fun of others with him, and how you defend him when they make fun of him.
“I think I like you,” you both say.
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heauxzenji · 4 years
Tetsuro Kuroo: NSFW Alphabet
Since I got at least THREE separate requests for this as a part of my 200 event (and I’m literally 1 away from 300???? how???), I’ve decided to add these gems as an XXXtra Special (laugh with me) piece to celebrate! Thank you SO much for following and enjoying my work! ❤️You can find the full alphabet prompt list here. Creds to @fairy-tail-babes​ for creating it! 
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𝔄 = 𝔄𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢
He’s the sweetest after he’s gone particularly hard on you. He loves to baby you, telling you how good you were for him. He also won’t let you go anywhere by yourself- he insists on carrying you wherever you want to go in the house. He also always has your favorite food or snack ready to go, and always lets you pick the movie.
𝔅 = 𝔅𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱
He fixates on the faces you make. Particularly the look in your eyes. Your expression tells him how he’s making you feel, and he’s an expert at reading you. He likes to stare into your eyes while you have sex, and always encourages you to keep your eyes open and look back at him.
ℭ = ℭ𝔲𝔪
Oh he likes to cum in your mouth- no, he LOVES it. Kuroo has an oral fixation, so he likes to see himself drip onto your tongue as he towers over you while you’re on your knees.
𝔇 = 𝔇𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱
He hasn’t gotten it done because he’s scared you won’t like it, but he’s seriously considered getting his dick pierced. He doesn’t want to bring it up because he’s thorouhgly convinced you’d hate it.
𝔈 = 𝔈𝔵𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢
He knows a lot. Not necesarily from his OWN experience, but simply because he’s a smarty pants. He will literally research things you bring up, finding the best products or methods to make your experience the most pleasurable possible.  this is the one good thing abiut him being a fckn nerd...
𝔉 = 𝔉𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔓𝔬𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
I truly don’t think he has one! He likes anything that makes him look strong/sexy and that’s everything.... have you seen his abs/arms/back?!?! But I will say he is a VERY visual lover, so he does enjoy positioning you in front of a mirror and having the both of you watch him take you.
𝔊 = 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔣𝔶
He laughs at you struggling against him. He thinks its funny that you think you stand a chance against him, when you both know you’re completely at his mercy.
ℌ = ℌ𝔞𝔦𝔯
He’s pretty well groomed. The carpet definitely matches the drapes. He doesn’t shave, but instead he opts to trim every once in awhile when he feels like its a little overgrown. But what’s important is that its clean. He’s very particular about that.
ℑ = ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔠𝔶
There are cute moments with Kuroo where he totally breaks out of the dom role he plays so well. Times where he’s actually very soft with you, and will just pause to say “wow, you are really the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
excuse me while I cry about it 
𝔍 = 𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔒𝔣𝔣
HE SENDS YOU VIDEOS WHEN HE DOES! The sneaky fuck will do so in his office or car, and send you the video like “thinking of you. <3″ He always cuts the video off right before he cums though, or even worse, he’ll angle the camera up to his face so you can watch his eyes flutter closed- then he’ll look directly into the camera and wink, knowing he denied you of EXACTLY what you wanted to see.
𝔎 = 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔨
Ok so I’m gonna list a few and just... let you do what you will with them 👀:
Praise (giving)
Brat Taming/Degradation/Light exhibitionism (these all go hand in hand)
We ALL know he has a daddy kink too come on
𝔏 = 𝔏𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
He’ll have you wherever he can for a quickie, but the real fun is always in your home. Obviously your bedroom, but Kuroo is also very fond of shower sex, especially early in the morning. For him, its better than coffee at waking him up. 
𝔐 = 𝔐𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
He loves to hear you beg for him. Knowing he’s the only one you call out for in that way drives him wild. He also likes to see you make a mess on his cock, its his reassurance that he makes you feel just that good.
𝔑 = 𝔑𝔬!
Kuroo is posessive, so there’s no way he’s allowing anyone else into your sex life. He might joke about showing his friends your sextapes, but in reality, he would probably murder anyone who looked at you like that besides him.
𝔒 = 𝔒𝔯𝔞𝔩
Loves to give and loves to receive. Prefers to recieve though, because he likes watching you get really into sucking him off. Also likes to fuck your face.
𝔓 = 𝔓𝔞𝔠𝔢
This is a toss up. It really does depend on his mood. He loves to tease though, so this fucker likes a good, lingering slow burn when he’s fucking you on a normal day. He’ll alternate between slow/shallow and slow/deep, just until you’re absolutely begging him. then he’ll pick it up and start pounding into you. However, if he’s had a particularly stressful day, he will take it out on you in the bedroom... not that you mind. 
𝔔 = 𝔔𝔲𝔦𝔠𝔨𝔦𝔢
He uses them as foreplay. He’ll bend you over his office deck and get you craving him, but he’ll thrust so shallowly that you’re grinding against him for more- only for him to bring a hand to your ass and then whisper “When we get home, you’re all mine.” Which in turn only makes you want him more.
ℜ = ℜ𝔦𝔰𝔨
He’s definitely someone who is down  to experiment. He wants to try just about anything you bring up, so that he knows what makes you feel good, and more importantly, what makes you tick. For him, understanding what you like is like understanding your deepest thoughts. 
𝔖 = 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞
He can definitely go rounds. He takes ‘all night’ literally, and will not be finished until he knows you are ABSOLUTELY fucked out and can’t take it anymore. Even then, he’ll give you maybe 30 minutes to recover ??? if he’s being nice that night. But then he’s just right back in your guts like nothing happened. 
𝔗 = 𝔗𝔬𝔶
Yes. He got you a special toy that was basically a silicone mold of HIS dick for when you’re not together... a true king.
𝔘 = 𝔘𝔫𝔣𝔞𝔦𝔯
Of course Kuroo is a tease. It’s his life blood. He’s naturally someone who likes to get a rise out of people to push them to be better- and you’re no exception. He always likes to put you in ‘compromising’ positions around his friends and then play it off like you’re the instigator.
“Oh y/n I know you want it right now, but baby, everyone is here- we must wait until we’re home okay?”
What a JERK iloveitplease
𝔙 = 𝔙𝔬𝔩𝔲𝔪𝔢
Oh. My. God. So, he doesn’t necesarily moan a lot, but when he does, he tries his hardest to muffle them by breathing in sharply, or catching them in his throat. But he is someone who grunts and swears a lot. And yes 300% to dirty talk and pet names. Chibi-Chan is undeniably canon.
𝔚 = 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔡 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔡
He has the MOST FIRE sex playlist. I just know it. He has such a wide taste in music, so he can set the mood at any time just right. Its always playing “on accident” the moment you two are together- Kuroo calls it a sign.
𝔛 = 𝔛 ℜ𝔞𝔶
This took me like 30 minutes to fully fantasize about and explain 
KUROO HAS A PRETTY DICK HE IS A PRETTY DICK CLUB CARDHOLDER. It’s not super thick, but it’s long. I’d actually say he’s a realistic 8incher. Please kill me with it. He’s also definitely a shower- so what he has is only enhanced when he’s hard. His dick also flushes against the fabric of whatever pants/shorts he wears, so you’re constantly caught staring, not that he minds- he loves the attention, and the thought of always being on your mind.
𝔜= 𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤
I would say he has a relatively normal to high sex drive- When he wants you, he wants you, and he won’t leave it alone until he gets you. He’s definitely the type to remind you how much he wants you all day long in an effort to rush you home from your errands or workday. He’s very good at making it known that he’s in the mood for you and you only
ℨ = ℨ𝔷𝔷
Kuroo... Doesn’t sleep at all? I see him as a night owl anyway, so he’s never really tired. He would honestly rather just admire you as you sleep. That’s how he knows he did a good job.
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jungshookz · 4 years
omg mean mr. park trying so hard not to give ballet!y/n special treatment that he goes too hard in the other direction and makes her cry!!!! and he’s like well i can’t fix it here in front of all these people what do i do what do i do
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse!!! except uhhhhhh jimin’s a little scary in this one not going to lie <3 
➺ wordcount: 3.6k
➺ what to expect; “and take those goddamn leg warmers off.”
➺ optional readings: one; two; three; four
➺ note; this has been one of the hoTTest requests for a long time which doesn’t make any sense to me because whenever i get asked to write about this specific scenario i’m like?? you?? you WANT me to make y/n cry???? also i hope u don’t mind but i changed ur original request just a teensy bit because i didn’t want y/n to have to cry in front of everyone again otherwise she’s just going to be known as the class cry-baby and we should at least give her a tiny crumb of dignity 
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
jimin… is getting soft.
which isn’t super great because he feels like his reputation as scary strict ballet instructor is going to go down the drain and disappear forever if he keeps going on like this
it’s not like he can help himself when his girlfriend is one of his students
(which… is still a secret, by the way. the two of you are surprisingly very good at keeping things somewhat professional. teamwork makes the dream work, right?)
the other day in class he literally had to pinch his arm to remind himself to stOP looking at you so fondly
he caught himself in the mirror with this dumb little smile on his face and his eyes all bright and twinkly as he watched you dance
and it certainly didn’t help that you smiled back at him before wiggling your brows knowingly
he can’t do things like that!
he has to be more careful!!
he has to toughen up!
he has to take a stand!
he’s going to have to pull out the big guns to prove to everyone that no, i don’t have any favourites, and no, i’m certainly not romantically attracted and in a very real relationship with one of you, not at all!
it just feels like no one really takes him seriously anymore??
especially after he gave all of you guys individual roses on valentine’s day
sometimes he thinks that maybe that was a little extra of him but he did genuinely feel bad about keeping you guys here when you could’ve been out spending the night with your significant others
his point is
he thinks that everyone is starting to fear him less and less with every passing day and he just can’t have that
and it doesn’t help that yoU very openly don’t take him that seriously in class because then everyone sees that as their opportunity to not take him seriously as well
it’s like suddenly you’ve labeled yourself as the ringleader of this circus and now he’s just one of your clowns
that’s not the way things should be!!!
hE’S the ringleader of this stupid ballet circus!!!!
the other week when he announced that your guys’ break would be over in approximately thirty seconds, you just turned around to look at him with big, pleading eyes and: “can’t we have five extra minutes of break time, mr. park? please?” and obviously he couldn’t say no to that because of your dumb stupid pretty googly eyes
and he thought that that would be the worst of it but nO
he was very wrong
because it got worse
people are starting to show up in sweatpants and hoodies instead of leotards and chiffon skirts and if there’s anything he hates the moSt on this planet, it’s people who don’t dress for the part
he hated watching all of you prancing around the room wearing grubby HOODIES
you can wear whatever you want outside of class, but he likes to think that he’s made it relatively clear that once you are in the confines of his classroom, the standards are higher than the heavens above
so, yes
he’s decided that today is going to be the day he grabs the reins and takes control once more
today’s break will be ten minutes and ten minutes only - with no extensions!
if he has to yell at someone today for messing up a move, you bet your ass he’s going to do just that - show no mercy!
he’s mr. park!
he’s in charge!
“i’m in charge.” jimin mutters to himself as he stands outside the classroom door
he nods firmly to himself before pushing the door open
“alright, ladies! let’s get ready to do some warm up exercises…” jimin announces loudly as soon as he steps into the classroom, a couple of the girls rushing to get up from the ground (it’s nice to see that some of you are still scared of him)
he pushes his sunglasses up to the top of his head when he notices that you’re continuing to gab away in the corner with lisa and the others
“uh, hello?” he clears his throat and you turn to look over your shoulder
“oh! hold up, mr. park, i’m almost done telling my story. so as i was saying-“ you turn back to the girls and jimin frowns
this is exactly what he was talking about
when he used to walk into the classroom everyone would immediately get into neat rows of four
and now?
there are five girls who are lined up
five girls out of TWENTY
jimin pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he approaches you slowly, “miss y/l/n, i mean it.“ he warns, his grip tightening around his iced coffee, “finish your conversation now, please.”
he raises a brow when you flat out ignore him and he notices lisa reaching over to smack your kneecap before subtly gesturing upwards to him
he doesn’t know if you’re doing it on purpose but you’re really starting to push it
your shoulders drop as you let out a sigh and you turn around to look at him
you frown and your lips twist  
“yeah, whatever- just gimme one more second, okay?“ you dismiss him with a flick of your wrist anD a roll of your eyes and his jaw drops in surprise
did you just-
did you-
did you just… flick your wrist at him?
and roll your eyes?
who exactly do you think you are?
jimin turns on his heel to go over to the cabinets that he usually puts his bag and his jacket in
he shakes his head and chuckles darkly to himself as the image of you flicking your wrist and rolling your eyes at him plays over and over again in his mind
are you serious?
did you actually do that to him?
in front of everyone?
you really grew a pair since your ‘i’m 100% attracted to park jimin and i would love to sit on his face’ days, no?
what, you think that just because he’s your boyfriend that you get to get away with stunts like that?
how dare you!
outside of the classroom, yes, he’s your boyfriend, and yes, you can flick your wrist and roll your eyes at him all you want
but inside of the classroom?
jimin’s grip tightens around the edge of the cabinet door
absolutely fucking not.
the cabinet doors slam shut with a loud bang! and a couple of girls let out yelps of surprise at the sudden noise, “everyone get in line right now!”
your neck nearly snaps off from how quickly you turn to look and your eyes widen when you suddenly see everyone scrambling to get off the ground and to get in line
you were almost done with your story :-//
you frown to yourself before getting up off the ground (and taking your time in doing so, because your knees are a little creaky this morning)
((you chose to snack on some crackers and dip instead of stretching before class because as far as you’re concerned, snacking is way more fun than stretching))
“y/n, let’s go-!“ lisa hisses and grabs your arm before dragging you up towards the front where you guys usually stand
“oh, would you relax?” you snort as you make your way to the front before moving into first position
you turn your head to let out a quiet yawn before turning back to face the front to see jimin looking directly at you
“am i boring you this afternoon, miss y/l/n?” he crosses his arms and you shrug sloppily in response  
jimin tilts his head, “can you use your words like a normal human being, please?”
you let out a sigh and resist the urge to roll your eyes at him again
he’s so uptight today!!
he was fine this morning before you left to go to class
what’s his problem??
“no, sir.” you raise a brow, “you’re not boring me. are you going to spend the rest of the class asking me questions or are we actually going to learn something today?”
in your peripheral vision you see lisa’s eyelids flutter shut and her head lower a little bit
that was a genuine question!
it was supposed to be a joke???
tough crowd today lol
everyone can practically feel the tension in the air when jimin doesn’t immediately respond and instead glares at you with nothing but pure rage behind his brown eyes
“would you like to say that again, miss y/l/n?”
“oh, would you look at that? another question for me.” you chuckle lightly and look around at your peers to see if anyone else is cracking a smile
but everyone’s looking at you with wide eyes filled with what you can only make out to be complete and utter… is that fear?
even seulgi shakes her head no when the two of you lock gazes
what is going on today???
you turn back around and jump in surprise when you realize that jimin is now standing directly in front of you
and for the first time in a long time, you’re starting to feel a little nervous
you shift uncomfortably in your position and make an effort to stand up a little straighter
maybe you should-
“get out of my classroom.” jimin speaks lowly and your eyes widen in surprise
“i-i’m sorry, sir?” you stammer before shaking your head, “i don’t unders-“
“get the hell out of my classroom, miss y/l/n!” he snaps before taking a step back and tilting his head at you, “and take those goddamn leg warmers off. do you think anyone at the academy is going to take you seriously if you show up to an audition with bright blue, fuzzy leg warmers with sheep all over them?”
oh god
he’s not kidding
this isn’t funny anymore
“n-no sir, of course not-!” you shake your head quickly before bending down to yank your leg warmers off, “i-i’m not- i would never show up to an audition wearing these-”
you stumble over a little as you struggle to pull them off and lisa quickly reaches out to help you stay balanced
“can’t even keep yourself up on one foot without falling over, huh?” jimin scoffs before crossing his arms, “what, did you just sit on your ass for the entirety of quarantine?”
“of course not, mr. park.” you swallow thickly and shake your head again as you get back up onto your feet, tossing the leg warmers to the side, “i’m so sorry, sir.”
and just when you think you’re in the clear-
“don’t be sorry, just be ready.” jimin snaps and you feel your entire face flush bright red, “now get out. miss kang, can you move up to the front please?”
you’re not even bothered by the fact that you’ve just been replaced by seulgi
you’re more bothered by the fact that he just used his phrase on you
don’t be sorry
just be ready
don’t be sorry, just be ready  
that’s his phrase and he’s never once used it on you in the entire time that he’s taught you
he only uses that phrase when someone messes up really bad
and one thing you can say for sure is you very rarely mess up in class
he only uses that phrase when he’s angry!!!
“by the way, let this be an example to the rest of you, hm?” jimin paces up and down the front of the classroom slowly, everyone standing up as straight as pins as they look ahead, “every single one of you has been slacking immensely as of late and i won’t have it. the next person who shows up to my class wearing sweatpants and a dirty hoodie - well, i’m sure you’ll be comfortable out in the hallway. or maybe you’ll be comfortable not coming back to my class ever again.”
you lean over a little to peek over at jimin but quickly get back in line when he turns around
“miss y/l/n, i think i asked you to leave, did i not? i’m not going to ask you again.”
you jump when you feel seulgi tap on your shoulder from behind and she smirks at you in the mirror
“y-yes, mr. park.” your voice gives out halfway through and you turn on your heel to manoeuvre your way through the other girls to get to the door
“now that that’s been taken care of, this is what we’re going to do today…”
you shut the door behind you quietly
to say the least, that was…
sure, jimin’s always been a little (very) strict, but that was just plain mean
he yelled at you AND he kicked you out!
and you don’t think he’s ever been so harsh with any of the other girls before
you’ve seen him yell at the other girls but this felt more like a personal attack instead of criticism on dancing like it usually is  
and you always thought he liked your leg-warmers
it doesn’t take very long for your nose to prickle and your eyes to start welling up with tears
you sit down on the bench and your chin starts to tremble as you think about what just happened  
oh no
and now you’re going to cry?!
oh god
you can’t cry right now!
what if he comes out??
and sees you crying??
you cannOT cry in front of mr. park right now
the last time you cried in front of him was when you twisted your ankle but at least you had an excuse to cry because you were in physical pAIN
emotional pain is not the same as physical pain and therefore cannot be used as a legitimate excuse to start blubbering
you are not a cry-baby!!
your nose scrunches as you try your best not to let out a whimper and you blink quickly in an effort to make the tears go away but one single tear ends up rolling down your cheek
you reach up to swipe the back of your hand against your chin before putting your arms back down  
what are you supposed to do now?
you sniffle before leaning your head against the wall and crossing your arms
if you have to stay out here for the rest of class, you’re just going to take a nap and try noT to think about mean mr. park
“y/n… you feel someone shaking you gently and you shoot up from where you’re leaning against the wall
“wh- what-“ your voice is a little raspy from your sad-nap, “i wasn’t asleep-!”  
you relax a little when you see that it’s just lisa
you take a quick glance around to see that everyone’s packing their bags, so it’s safe to assume that class is done for the day
“mr. park wants to talk to you.” lisa whispers and glances back towards the classroom door, “by the way- you were a real idiot in there, you know that?”
“oh, god.” you reach up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “i know, i know! i don’t- i mean, i didn’t think he was going to kick me out-“
“hey, y/n! smooth move today-“ you’re cut off when suddenly seulgi pops up behind lisa and you can’t help but frown at how pleased she looks with these conditions, “thanks for handing your status as favourite student over to me on a silver platter!”
“can it, seulgi.” lisa scowls before shoving her gently
“the view was super great from the front.” she whistles, “mr. park is a lot hotter up close.”
you’ve never considered yourself to be a violent person, but…
you would give an arm and a leg just to strangle seulgi for a good five minutes <3  
lisa rolls her eyes and turns back to look at you, “good luck in there though, for real. you… you were real ballsy today.”
it takes you approximately one minute to muster up the courage to knock on the classroom door
you press your lips together tightly as your fist hovers over the surface of the door
just knock!
it’s not hard
just move your hand
you squeeze your eyes shut before tapping your knuckles against the door in three short beats
“come in.”
you swallow your nerves before pushing the handle down and opening the door slowly with a creak
it’s fine!
you’re fine
class is over, which means mean mr. park is gone and nice boyfriend jimin is here, right?
you cautiously poke your head into the room
jimin’s busy packing up as well but his back is facing you which makes you feel a little better because if you’d opened the door and he was standing there staring directly at you, you probably would’ve immediately burst into tears
your poor sheep leg warmers are crumpled pathetically in the same spot where you tossed them
maybe you should just grab your leg warmers and run for the hills
“you… wanted to… see me?” you clear your throat and freeze when jimin turns his head to look over his shoulder
“yes, i did. shut the door and come here.”
okay, well
there goes your chance to run for the hills
you’re basically traPPEd in here now
you hesitantly shut the door behind you and you feel your heart starting to beat a little harder in your chest as you make your way over to the middle of the room
you keep your gaze downwards as jimin stands in front of you and you clasp your hands in front of you, twiddling your thumbs nervously
a moment of silence ticks by and you want nothing more than for the ground to cave and just swallow you up entirely
“you know why i had to do that, right?”
“because we’re… da…ting?” you offer weekly before lifting your head up to look at him
jimin scoffs before shaking his head, “no. you blatantly disrespected me in front of your peers, that’s why i kicked you out. your attitude today was completely unacceptable. completely.”
it appears that your theory about mean mr. park disappearing as soon as class ended was incorrect
to be fair… he is right
you have to admit that maybe you let the fact that you guys are dating cloud your judgement a little
obviously he’s not going to show you special treatment in class just because of that
you feel your insides twist when the realization sinks in that you were… kind of an asshole today
and you pride yourself on being a good student!
you immediately drop your head once more as your cheeks flush in shame, “yes, mr. park. i’m… i’m sorry for my poor behaviour today, sir. i disrespected you in your classroom and it won’t happen again.”
“it better not.” jimin nods, “apology accepted, miss y/l/n.”
you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously
you’re not… too sure what you’re supposed to say now
you hear jimin let out a sigh before he speaks up again, “i’m… your boyfriend, which i know makes things a little confusing, but… you can’t act like that when we’re in class, y/n.” he hooks a finger under your chin before tilting your head up, “just because we’re dating doesn’t give you an excuse to act like a prick, baby.”
“i know. i’m sorry.” you respond meekly and nod in understanding
jimin’s eyes soften when he notices you starting to get teary-eyed
now he’s starting to feel bad!!!
he’ll admit that maybe he was a little harsher than usual and it was probably a little more than embarrassing being called out like that in front of your peers, but he had to what he had to do!
you flicked your wrist at him!
and rolled your eyes!
double whammy!
“i thought you liked my leg warmers.” you whimper quietly and jimin snorts in response
that’s what you’re getting upset about??
your leg warmers??
“why are you- why are you laughing??” you whine when he begins to giggle softly and you reach up to wipe at your falling tears (though now you can’t tell if they’re tears of sadness anymore because the sound of jimin’s giggling never fails to put you in a better mood), “you were the ones who chose these dumb sheep ones for me to wear today so h-how am i supposed to feel when you-“
“oh my god, you moron-” jimin immediately tugs you in for a hug and props his chin up on the top of your head, “i do like your leg warmers! they’re really cute!”
“that’s not how it seemed-” you sniffle as you bury your face into the crook of his neck and wrap your arms around him
“it was the only way i knew to show you that i was being serious!”
“you know how i feel about my leg warmers-!” you pull away with a pout and jimin quickly leans down to plant his lips against yours (mainly to shut you up about your leg warmers, but also to make u feel a little better)
he gives you a couple of sweet pecks before reaching up to cup your cheeks in his hands, “will pizza for dinner tonight make you forgive me for insulting your precious leg warmers, silly girl?” jimin hums as he wipes your tears away with his thumbs before leaning down to nudge his nose against yours affectionately
“…throw in some dessert and i’ll think about it.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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nessinborderland · 3 years
Enemies With Benefits
Pairing: Niragi x Chishiya
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1770
Summary: Niragi has been wanting to do this for quite some time. Not that he would ever admit it, of course. Lucky for him, Chishiya wants him too.
Warnings: sex, anal sex, rough sex, alcohol
Notes: Inhra on AO3 asked: Hmm it can either be a thing where hatter decides the executives should get along better so he throws a vip party and chishiya and niragi get super high/drunk so they end up hooking up. (Bonus points if they play something like truth or dare). Or they get a fuck or die type of game. OR something much simpler where niragi just barges into chishiyas room, gun in hand and jumps on him. It doesn't have to be dub con, chishiya can be like oh you just had to ask djdjdj And bottom chishiya please. (Also bonus points if niragi is pierced down there and chishiya loves it)
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“Your hair looks crusty as fuck, you know that?” Niragi shouts over the loud music, taking his fifth shot of vodka. Or at least he thinks it’s the fifth; after some time he kind of lost count. Not that he cares; he only agreed to come to this shitty party because Aguni told him so. He might as well just get drunk. He will regret it in the morning, but fuck that. “So fucking dry…is it even your hair?” He chuckles, “Are you wearing a wig? Oh my god, you are, aren’t ya!” 
“Fuck you!” was the response from an equally drunk Chishiya, hand around his sixth margarita. “At least I wash my hair. Yours looks like it hasn’t touched water in months.”
“It’s hair gel, you idiot!” is Niragi’s response, before taking yet another sip of alcohol. “You can’t even style yours without breaking it so shut up!”
“What?” Chishiya says, leaning in Niragi’s direction. “I can’t hear you.”
“I said- oh, fuck it,” Niragi grunts as he stands up to sit next to the other man. They’re now closer than they ever were before. It’s probably just the alcohol talking, but Niragi kinda likes it. Also, is that perfume? It smells nice. “Okay, I said- wow-” Chishiya is looking at him with those cat eyes again. Now closer than ever and inebriated, Niragi wonders if his eyes were always that pretty. “You have pretty eyes.” the words are out before he can control himself. He freezes for a moment, before deciding that he doesn’t care what the other man thinks. They’re all drunk anyway. 
Then they’re kissing each other. He has no idea how that came to be, but he’s not complaining. Not when he feels those soft lips on him, kissing and nibbling his lip. He’s soon pushing his tongue inside the other man’s mouth in a rough kiss, wanting to taste him. Chishiya moans as he does it, and he feels himself starting to get hard. God, he has been waiting to do this for so goddamn long. Not that he would ever admit it, but dreams where he fucks Chishiya until the man passes out are getting more and more frequent.
Time to make those dreams a reality.
“Let’s get out of here,” Niragi says. Chishiya nods, breaking the kiss before standing up and walking away like nothing happened. Niragi stays there for a moment, watching the man walk away in mild confusion, before standing up and following him out of the room.
They walk for a few minutes through the resort’s hallways, in the direction of his room. There are a few meters between them, and Chishiya leads the way like he knows exactly where he sleeps. The wait only makes Niragi more excited, head full of images from his sex dreams. He doesn’t even feel drunk anymore; not from alcohol, at least.
They finally get to their destination, and his hands are on Chishiya before they can even get totally inside the room. They make out against the room’s door for a few minutes, just feeling each other’s bodies. Niragi can’t keep his hands from wandering under the man’s jacket, nails grazing the soft skin right over his shorts. Chishiya is not shy in touching him either, hands curled in his hair as he grinds himself on Niragi’s thigh. Fuck, it feels good. If he knew that the annoying blond freak made him feel like this, he would’ve made a move on him sooner.
“Get on the bed,” he orders him with a lick to his neck. Chishiya moans before obeying, walking to the bed while pulling him by his shirt’s color. Niragi lets himself be guided, hands on his hips and mouth on his earlobe. Fuck, he does smell good. He pushes Chishiya onto the bed when they’re finally close enough, his chest to the man’s back. He immediately latches his lips back on his neck, filling him with hickeys.
Chishiya keeps moaning under him, saying his name from time to time. He never liked hearing him talk more. He unbuckles his pants in a swift movement, finally taking out his hard and sensitive cock. It twitches when he notices Chishiya looking at him over his shoulder, a smirk on his lips as he stares.
Niragi really, really wants to fuck him.
“Of course you have a piercing even there,” Chishiya says after a beat, those eyes staring right into his soul. “So, are you going to fuck me or not?” Oh, he’s going to fuck him, alright.
“Strip.” is all Niragi says before sitting on his bed, dick in his hand as he lightly strokes it. He watches as the man takes his clothes off one by one, agonizingly slow. But he allows it; Chishiya can tease him all he wants; Niragi will still be the one fucking the life out of him. He pulls the man to him when he’s done, wanting him close. He lets Chishiya strip him off his shirt, too occupied making a mess of the man’s chest. How the hell can a man have such soft skin? The feeling of him under his tongue is addicting.
“I want to ride you,” Chishiya says as he kisses his neck. “You can be dumb as fuck, but you do have a pretty cock.”
He would blush at his words if it wasn’t for the fact he was just insulted. Here he is, being annoying again. Niragi moans as Chishiya’s hand slide down to close around his shaft, thumb playing with the piercing on the tip. The man’s cock also brushes against his own, only adding to the pleasure. It makes him instantly forget about the backhanded compliment. He’s so hard it’s starting to hurt.
“Get on your hands and knees,” Niragi half-moans after another pleasurable pump of Chishiya’s soft hand. The man stops his movements to look at him, brow raised; there it is, that familiar look in his eyes. Oh no, he’s not going to let him guide this fuck session. “Do it, or I’ll just make you suck my dick and leave you with blue balls.” 
“...Do it and I’ll find a way to make your life hell,” is all Chishiya says before obliging. Niragi smirks; he would like to see him try.
When he sees Chishiya like that, submissive to him, ass turned in his direction, waiting; is some different kind of high. One that makes his ego burst with pride; he’s really about to fuck the bastard that has been annoying him since he got here. He couldn’t be happier.
It takes him some time to prep him, but he finally sinks into the other man’s tight hole. It feels so good he has to control himself not to burst right there. Chishiya trembles under him, gasping as he sinks himself further in his ass. Fuck, fuck fuck, he has to move.
“Do you think you can take all of me?” he asks Chishiya with a light slap to his asscheek. The man chuckles before looking over his shoulder at Niragi, a smirk pulling on the corner of his lips.
“Please, you’re not that big,” he says.
Niragi knows he’s lying; but if that’s how he wants it, that’s how he’s going to get it. He thrusts further into him, making Chishiya gasp, jolting forward with a moan. Niragi wastes no time in starting to move at a fast pace, the obscene sounds of sex echoing in the room. It feels so warm and so tight so good. He regrets not fucking him earlier, he really does. 
But he’s balls deep inside his ass right now, and that’s all that matters.
He ignores Chishiya’s cries of pleasure as he fucks him, shoving into him with as much force as he can. He wants it to hurt as much as he wants it to feel good. One of his hands has the man’s waist in a grip tight enough to leave a mark, while the other went under him to stroke his cock. He wasn’t planning on touching him like that, but he wants the control; that dominating feeling of being deep in his ass while having his dick in his hand. He owns Chishiya right now. The man is powerless under him; it’s exhilarating.
He feels Chishiya twitch in his hand, coming with a loud cry as he keeps thrusting into him. Niragi keeps fucking him through his orgasm, not even stopping when the man moans from the overload of sensations. His free hand goes to fist around his pale hair, and he’s surprised to find out that it’s actually softer than it looks. He’s coming not long after, teeth biting down on the man’s shoulder as he finishes inside him.
Niragi lets himself fall on top of Chishiya, not caring if he’s making the other man uncomfortable. He feels good against him, warm and sticky with sweat. He strangely likes it. They both regain their breaths, enjoying the rare moment of human contact.
Niragi finally pulls out after some time, making them both hiss from oversensitivity. He sits on the bed as he gets dressed, not wanting to look at Chishiya, still laying behind him. Now that it’s over and he’s no longer horny, realization starts downing on him. He really just fucked the person he considers his enemy. And he loved it. He wants to do it again.
He’s about to say something when his bedroom door opens. Last Boss stays frozen by the doorway, mouth agape and eyes wide. Their eyes lock and Niragi is sure the man is bright red under his face tattoos.
“Ahh, want to join us?” Chishiya asks in a seductive tone. Last Boss’ eyes get comically wider before he closes his mouth, closing the door with a bang. Niragi glances behind him to see the man laughing, shaking his head. “He’s a shy one, isn’t he?” he says before standing up with a grunt and starting to get dressed. He keeps talking before Niragi as a chance to. “You know, I didn’t think you were gay.”
“I am not.” Niragi says with a huff, “I like women.” Chishiya raises a brow, “I just have a…  very particular taste in men.”
“Men like me?” Chishiya asks with a teasing smirk. Niragi wants to kiss him again.
“Yeah, don’t flatter yourself,” he says with an eye roll, “Now get the fuck out of my room.”
Chishiya huffs out a laugh, “We should do this again sometime.” he says over his shoulder before closing the door behind him, clearly not waiting for an answer.
Yeah, Niragi agrees, they should.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Inside “The Pact”
Hello! For those of you that followed along with The Pact, I received a few questions and requests to get an inside look. I’ll link the post here that explains a bit more about what this is gonna be about. 
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We’re gonna break this down into sections: first will be answering your questions about The Pact & the characters. Then I’ll show you guys a little about my notes & decision making process (which is very obscure because I just tend to keep a hypothetical tab open in my brain most of the time lol) as well as some pictures of my ideas!! 
Thanks for requesting such a fun thing to do now that this series is over. It’s been fun to look back!
Q. What song did the boys dedicate to y/n?
A. “Her” || This is a sad song, but I felt like it fit so well with how the boys had to hide a part of themselves (their feelings) away for the sake of the pact!
Q. Did the boys get mad/how did the boys react to Jungkook’s kiss?
A. Jungkook was a little shocked, and felt extremely guilty on the drive back home. He wasn’t sure if he could stand to tell his hyungs, but he also knew he couldn’t lie to them. Naturally, the second he walked in the house and everyone saw his face, they knew. It was just quiet, everybody was a little hesitant to say anything/bring it up because they were all upset. Only Jimin has heard all of the details of JK’s kiss, whereas the others are simply aware that he kissed her and that’s that.
Namjoon was the most upset, although he didn’t say anything. He just sat there on the couch and did the jaw-clenching thing he always does. Yoongi just tried to change the subject and ask about other aspects of the date. Taehyung was actually pretty pissed, especially because he’d been so good about refraining from kissing you even when you’d asked for it. Hobi had a chat with him later that night and calmed him down. Jin wasn’t angry so much as he was worried that he missed his shot & couldn’t stop replaying his date in his head.
Q. Who fell for y/n last?
A. Namjoon. He’d had a little crush, and that’s why he was willing to go along with the pact. But it hit a point less than a year ago when he fell hard and fast. (you called him in the middle of the night when he was on tour and he realized that your sleepy voice is possibly the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard) The boys noticed and as a result teased him endlessly about it, because he doesn’t quite know how to navigate his feelings. 
Q. Who did the boys bet on? (We already know that Jimin bet on Yoongi and won lol)
A. Namjoon bet on JK, Tae bet on Hobi, Hobi bet on JK, Jin bet on JK, and Yoongi bet on Jin, and JK bet on Namjoon (because we all know JK would pick Namjoon lol)
Q. Didn’t y/n ever date other guys? How did the boys react?
A. hahaha ok I actually would have such a fun time writing this Yes, she dated around a bit. For the first year of the pact, she had an on again, off again bf. It wasn’t very serious, and she always made that clear to the boys. They still hated the dude. After they broke up, she only went on a few dates here and there. Didn’t really seriously date. (except for that one time she went on vacation and had a fling, but everyone has decided to forget that) They just smiled and supported her, although Tae was always very clear that he didn’t like any of the guys she dated. 
Q. In Namjoon’s date, who was the 1950′s author mentioned?
A. Agatha Christie, the queen. 
Q. How did y/n meet Jimin? (he was the one that introduced her to the rest of the group)
A. She was a PR intern for Lee Hyun. Jimin and Lee Hyun are close, and they crossed paths fairly often until Jimin decided to invite her to hang out. 
Q. What is y/n studying in school?
A. Public Relations (which will honestly come in handy with her new relationship lol)
Q. Where was Jin in the last chapter when y/n came to the studio?
A. Agh how could you ask me this and bring back all that pain?! Jin was at his brother’s restaurant for some much needed R&R. He ended up staying the night with him, not wanting to go home just yet and have to face his decision.
Q. Who would you personally choose to end up with and why?
A. KIM SEOKJIN. Date #5 was basically for me lol. Like, unapologetically wrote that for myself. Not just because he’s my bias, but because I personally felt like I could picture myself chilling on that couch watching Dateline with him. And it was beautiful. 🤧 Also, while Jin can be loud and goofy, he’s an introvert. I’m an extravert with introverted tendencies, so I just feel like his date would have been the most comfortable for me.
First thing’s first, I have an on-going page in my notes on my phone which is FILLED with ideas & half-formed thoughts. Before I began writing The Pact (or even Spooked, for that matter), this happened:
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So you can see that I had no idea what I was doing lol, but I thought that it would be cool. Mainly I wanted an excuse to write OT7 and display all the members in a sweet light. Also, we see that not all of these actually made it into the series. (Tae w/ the family)
ngl, I cracked up when I looked back at my notes and saw this. 
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“Sweet Gloria what am I doing to myself” 😂😂 this was when I was pushing “Lost & Found” out and planning for Taehyung’s series (which is why so much is blocked out on my notes, because it’s riddled with spoilers lol) so I literally had no idea why I was jumping into another project as I was already super busy. That’s why I scheduled it for just Saturday’s! (and also why I sometimes posted super late at night lol)
As you can see, Seokjinnie’s date was literally always on my mind. From the very beginning. Which is odd, considering the fact that he didn’t end up being endgame. wow it’s like he’s my bias or something
Occasionally I’d take breaks from hw and work on getting to know how the boys were with y/n. Quotes and poetry serve as a great source of inspiration, and I assigned a quote to each member. (notice the little stars by Jin, Yoongi’s and JK’s names lol, they were my top three as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now)
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There were a couple of things that I didn’t think of adding until I was reading through your theories and got an idea of what you needed to push the series in the right decision. i.e. bringing Gina back to explain that she closed the door in Spooked. 
I have a whiteboard in my room that I use to map out what I need to do that week for whatever series I’m working on (as well as jot down ideas for new series, which I why this photo doesn’t show the whole board haha) 
So here’s a peek at my thought process for writing about how the pact was formed. Sorry if you can’t read it haha
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NOW, the last few questions you guys had:
Q. Did you ever change your mind while writing the pact?
A. Yes! I actually originally intended for Hobi to have written the note. It fit very well with how angry he was at first and how worried he was during the date. But by the time I'd gotten to Jin’s date I kinda knew that he wouldn’t be that petty but Jin would haha
I also planned on Yoongi kissing y/n on their date. It was supposed to be on a rooftop somewhere, which we know didn’t happen. In fact, I didn’t really intend for their date to be so disastrous until I was coming closer to having to write it. I think I was a mess, so the date was a mess lol
I had no idea what I was doing for Tae’s date until I wrote it, all I knew was that there had to be a museum. The rest I just made up as I wrote and hoped that it made sense. (also, for some reason I hated the museum portion of the date. Idk why, but it just felt so stark to me. still don’t like it lol)
Q. When did you know how it was going to end? 
A. That’s a....difficult question lol. Honestly, I thought of just doing an audio recording and uploading it because it I didn’t really know how to put it into words, but then I realized that most people probably wouldn’t wanna listen to that lol. So here we are. 
I had the ending scene in mind before The Pact even became a thing. I knew I had a series that I wanted to end with baking cookies. (weird, I know.) It didn’t exactly go how I planned, but I remember having the thought while writing Spooked (when I thought I was just writing a one shot) that it would be nice for y/n to be with Yoongi. I just instantly felt like they had a connection, when he was the first one she went toward. From then on out, I always kinda kept Yoongi in the background. 
I had a crisis about halfway through (right before Jin’s date) when there were a bunch of people rooting for Tae, because he hadn’t even been on my radar. But then Jin’s date went much better than I thought it was going to/received better, so I think that got me back on track. 
But from the beginning, Yoongi was #1. (I wrote this in the back of my Career’s notebook lol) when I was trying to figure out for myself who wrote the pact. 
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So yeah! There you have it! Just an FYI, I had to physically restrain myself from throwing caution to the wind and making Jin endgame. Especially when so many of you were on board. :( However, the survey helped because Yoongi was the majority of votes (closely followed by Jin & JK) and that showed me that we were still on the right track! 
Ngl, my brain stopped working around Wednesday of last week, so writing the finale took FOREVER because nothing would compute. But I’m so happy you guys enjoyed it and reached out to me about it! This really is like a part-time job most days, and I really felt like this series paid off. 
Hopefully I covered everything! To end, here's the most satisfying part of every project for me:
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Thanks guys!
90 notes · View notes
ptergwen · 4 years
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warnings: angst, swearing, drinking, and smut OK WOW
summary: never have i ever with your ex and current boyfriends is an interesting experience
a/n: excuse me for taking such a long ass time on this but super big shoutout to whoever requested it for being patient <3 i’ve been trying to write what y’all would actually be interested in so don’t be shy tell me what you want to read!! also italics are flashbacks and as always i hope everyone enjoys hehe
“never have i ever...” harry purses his lips and looks around at your table, “cheated on schoolwork. successfully.” everyone easily takes a sip of their beers, except harrison. you snort and tilt your bottle to where he’s sitting across from you.
“haz, how are you the only one?” “because this div used to copy all my shit in year eleven, and i’d be the one to get in trouble for it.” he elbows tom’s side, tom nudging him back. “should’ve turned yours in first, bro.” rolling his eyes, harrison bends the rules of the game by sipping his drink.
their silly bickering makes you realize how much you’ve missed hanging out with the boys like this. it makes you realize you how much you’ve missed the boys in general. the last time you even saw tom, really saw him, was for a catch up lunch. you had to rush it because he was in between onward press junkets.
before that was the day he left to film cherry, almost a year ago. it’s not at all something you like to remember. dwelling will just set you back, and you’ve come too far to let that happen. as far as one can go when the person they gave their whole heart to breaks it.
now you have luke, and tom has anyone in the world he wants. it’s a new relationship. you’ve only been seeing luke for about three months. you met him while buying some post-breakup ice cream. he randomly started a conversation with you on the line. you bonded over your hatred for chocolate and ended up trading numbers. since you’re slowly getting more serious, you invited luke to the pub tonight.
the meet the friends stage is an important one, and it’s not often that one of your closest would be available for it. tom’s thoughts and opinions still mean a lot to you. you’ll always love him, even if it’s not in the same way you once did. you know he’ll always love you right back. that’s why he did what he did in the first place. that’s what he told you, at least.
you spot luke searching for your table in the pub not too much later. sitting up straighter for him to see you, you wave him over. none of the boys knew that he was coming tonight, so you’re a bit nervous about what they might say. you just hope they’ll like each other as much as you like all of them.
“hey, y/n.” luke leans down and kisses your cheek. you smile up at him, scooting over in the booth to give him room to sit. you’re in between him and tom now. it’s pretty metaphorical if you think about it. “hi. good day?” “yeah, and super busy. i’m luke,” he reaches out his hand for any of the boys. harrison gives him a friendly shake. you haven’t noticed the way tom has been looking at you this whole time.
it’s like he wants to say something, but he’s biting his tongue.
harry shakes luke’s hand, then tom. he uses a firm grip paired with his signature lips pressed together smile. “good to meet you, man. what do you do again?” “i’m in journalism, so mostly chase people around all day.” tom clicks his tongue in a way that sounds like he approves. you’re not exactly sure what’s going through his head at the moment, but it seems to be good things so far.
“he’s just taking the piss. your writing is seriously amazing, luke. don’t downplay it.” you lean into the arm he outstretches across the back of the booth. he lets his hand move to your shoulder and pulls you in closer.
tom stares down at the floor. his leg bounces next to yours, one of his nervous habits you’ve become familiar with. picking up on his brother’s mood change, harry clears his throat to change the subject.
“let’s keep playing never have i ever. we were enjoying that earlier.” “great, i’ll go get everyone another round,” harrison volunteers himself and takes off for the bar. that was obviously his way of escaping the sudden awkwardness that came about.
you tap tom’s foot lightly with your own, making him look up at you. “doing okay over there?” “‘’m fine. my jetlag picked a bad time to act up, is all,” he lamely excuses himself and shifts the tiniest bit away from you.
you’ve seen jetlagged tom plenty of times, and this isn’t him. something else is clearly on his mind. you’d call him out on it and have a heart to heart, but it isn’t your place to do that anymore. you’re both still adjusting to the whole friends thing. it’s going to take time to get back to how close you were, especially with different boundaries in place.
harrison comes back with fresh beers and sets them down on the table. each of you grab one. tom immediately chugs half of his without bothering to wait for the game to continue. you’re not in the mood to watch him act like this, so you turn to face luke. that only encourages him to drink some more. harry is the one who steps in and pulls his bottle away.
“easy there, alcoholland. you gotta save some for when we play.” “right.” tom wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, eyes already glossy. this isn’t how tonight was supposed to go.
“speaking of,” harrison starts, overly cheerful to make up for the way his friend is behaving. “it’s my turn.” “go for it,” you force a smile at him and swish the beer around in your glass. “this’ll definitely be good. never have i ever gone skinny dipping.”
the heat that rises to your cheeks gives you away before you can take a sip. with a shit-eating grin, tom snatches his beer out of harry’s hand. “gonna need this back, baby bro.” you shyly pick up your drink, tom and harrison being the only others who are guilty. harrison clinks his glass with yours, then you’re both gulping down your poison.
luke playfully raises his eyebrows at you when you’re finished. “i’m sorry, y/n, but i have to hear this story. you went skinny dipping?” cockiness absolutely oozing out of him, tom cuts in. “we went together, actually. i can help her tell this one.”
you spare everybody the explicit details of what happened, but it isn’t hard to guess them. tom is thankfully mature enough in the moment to not reveal much. now that luke knows the story, it feels like there’s tension between him and tom. he’s just too nice to let it show.
taking notes from tom, you impulsively finish off the rest of your drink in hopes of clearing your mind. you earn looks of concern from everyone except the man of the hour. he’s enjoying messing with you.
“that was a fun night, huh?” tom smirks at you. you close your eyes and rub your temples. sensing how off everything is, harrison leaves the table again to get you another drink. he sure has a talent for that.
you’re not sure why tom has to be such an ass tonight of all nights. you’ve already told him about you and luke before, actually he was the first person to know. he should’ve expected to meet him at some point. maybe then, his coping mechanism wouldn’t be getting drunk and making both of you look stupid.
“you okay?” luke nudges your shoulder with his hand. you give him a tight lipped smile. “yeah. sorry about all of that.” “no, it’s fine. i’m a big boy.” he glances over at tom, who’s poking harry’s cheek with a spoon. jesus christ.
harrison brings over another beer for you and a water for tom. you take your drink and push tom’s over to him. he decides to be immature and drops the spoon to switch your glasses. drunk tom is a child.
“are you serious right now? you need to learn when to cut yourself off.” you switch them again, taking a sip of your beer before tom can take it from you. he huffs and drinks his water like you said. you’re only doing this because you care about him. he’s probably too gone at the moment to understand that. if he’s going to think you’re a buzzkill for helping him out, oh well.
“so, babe,” luke makes a point to stress the word, “how about you do the next round of the game?” he leans into you again. you still haven’t taken your eyes off of tom.
“sure,” you agree absentmindedly. “um, never have i ever...” tom smiles lazily at you when he notices you’re looking at him. you forgot that drunk tom is also cute, but you’re not supposed to think that way anymore. not about him. you clear your throat. “never have i ever given myself a really bad hairstyle?”
everybody takes a drink this time, tom finishing his water. you’ve styled your hair in so many awful ways so many times, but only one comes to mind. it’s technically tom’s fault.
“come on, y/n/n, let me do it. i’ll even say please. please?” tom all but begs you for the third time. you look up at him from your phone to see him making puppy eyes at you. saying no to those is physically impossible.
you’ve been on hold with your hair salon for almost half an hour trying to make an appointment. they’re normally never this busy, but you really need to go. a person can only let their ends become so split.
for some reason, tom decided he wants to be a hairdresser today. he keeps offering to cut your hair for you instead. you’re not so sure you trust him with scissors, but he won’t stop asking about it unless you let him try. plus, this could be interesting.
you end the call with a sigh. perking up, tom grabs your hands. “so? that’s a yes?” “don’t make me regret this, tom.” he pulls you off the couch by your hands and leads you straight to the bathroom.
“should we wash it first? i think that’s what they do.” he turns on the sink, then goes into the shower to get your hair products. you lean back against the counter and watch him set up. you’re starting to feel kind of nervous about this. tom is usually good at everything he attempts, but something as permanent as a haircut, you’re not sure about.
“relax a bit, darling. you’ll be fine.” tom ruffles your hair with his fingers, making you crinkle your nose. “if it looks bad, no i won’t.” “it’s just hair.” he gets a towel off the rack and drapes it around your shoulders. you look at your hair in the mirror one more time, then lean back so your head is under the faucet. “you’re the one who uses a bottle of hair gel every day.”
“anyways,” you can hear the eye roll in tom’s voice. “let me know if the water’s too hot or too cold.” “nah, it’s good.” he opens your shampoo and squirts some into his hand. “see, i know what i’m doing.” you hum in response, tom’s fingers combing through your hair to make sure it’s wet enough.
you lift your head up from the water so tom can do the shampoo. it feels good, like you’re getting a massage but on your scalp. tom notices your small smile as he eases you down to rinse it out. “enjoying yourself?” you open an eye to see a smug look on his face. “for now, yeah.”
after all the shampoo is gone, tom starts with conditioner. he pulls all your hair to one side and runs through it with a brush a few times. you’re honestly impressed he knows what he’s doing. he must have learned from watching you do your own hair. he puts in the conditioner and twirls a loose strand of hair around his finger, letting it sit for a bit.
“i’ll admit it, you’re actually good at this,” you reach up and poke at his chest. tom pokes your cheek back, then gathers all of your hair again. “mm, thanks. you should let me do your hair for you more often.” “that’ll depend on if you can cut it.” with a chuckle, he lets the ends of your hair fall under the water again.
your hair all washed, tom helps you stand back up. he takes the towel from over your shoulders and uses it to scrunch your hair up. it falls over your face. you know he’s trying to do it so it stays in place, but that’s not what’s happening.
“i’ll do this part, babe,” you laugh to yourself and flip your head over. “pfft, yeah, i was totally gonna try that next,” tom jokes, searching through a drawer for scissors while you wrap your hair. he opens and closes them before dropping them on the counter.
“wanna sit? i don’t know how long this’ll take.” “oh, god. sure.” tom easily lifts you up by your waist and sits you on the counter. you giggle a little at the gesture. he’s full of surprises today. “there you are, m’lady. let’s get started.” he takes the towel off your head and squeezes your hair out with it one more time. pouting, you grab a few strands. “i’ll miss you guys so much.”
”stop it, i’m not even cutting that much off,” tom groans and stands in between your legs. you put your hands on his shoulders. “that’s the plan, but knowing you, you’ll end up giving me, like, a mohawk.” “you think i know how to do that?” your legs wrap around his waist, scooting yourself closer to the edge of the counter. “i hope not.”
tom wraps an arm around your waist and gives you a wicked smile. you probably should’ve asked him to section off your hair so he could cut it evenly, but it slipped your mind. he splits your hair in half the best he can and picks up the scissors. you’re facing him, so you can’t see what he’s about to do in the mirror.
“i’m gonna count to three, okay? one, two, three.” tom takes half of your hair and starts cutting it in a straight line, which is already a problem. it ends up creating this weird zigzag look that can’t be saved by just him. he realizes his mistake after he’s already holding your hair. “oh, shit..” he puts down the scissors and covers his mouth with his free hand. your eyes go wide. “what? what did you do?”
“i- i, um, we can fix it,” he tries, backing away before you freak out. you hop off the counter and turn around to see what happened. it’s long in the back and too short in the front. how did he mess up this bad in not even two minutes? you gasp and touch your disaster of a haircut.
“tom, what is this? it looks... i don’t even know what to say!” you spin back around, pointing at your half cut hair. he winces when he sees it again. “i’m so sorry, y/n/n. i thought-“ “no, you didn’t! you thought nothing! your mind literally must have been empty.” you sit on the floor with your head in your hands, tom crouching down in front of you.
“look at me, darling.” he puts a hand on your back. you scowl up at him. “it’s really not that bad. you’ll figure out a way to make this work.” “you’re so helpful,” you mumble, leaning your head forward so it’s resting on his chest. you’re being dramatic. he was trying to do something nice for you, and it’s not like this was on purpose. tom rubs circles on your back, you nuzzling your cheek into his shirt.
“should i leave the other side, or would that be worse?” “i can do it for you.” “absolutely not.”
“i could only wear my hair up for months because of you,” you laugh to tom, warming up to him again from the memory. he puffs some air out of his cheeks with a smile. “be happy you didn’t ask for bangs.” “that’s because i’d never be able to pull them off.” tom messes with your hair so it’s over your eyes, you pushing his hands away with a breathy laugh. “not true.”
luke shifts in his spot next to you to remind you he still exists. you glance over at him and move your hair out of your face. “um, what was yours?” “i dyed my hair orange once. ginger definitely isn’t my look,” he jokes. it seems like he’s just trying to compete with tom now. you muster up a small chuckle for him anyway.
“tom, you haven’t gone yet,” harry points out, picking up his glass. tom considers the fact for a second. “true, but it’s not much fun if i don’t get to drink. can i get another since i’m behaving?” he juts his bottom lip out at his brother. harrison lets out a long sigh. “mate, i really don’t feel like getting up again. take a break.”
you slide your beer over to tom without a second thought. “you can share mine.” he looks at you like you said something wild. “are you sure we should do that?” he’s clearly referring to luke and how he might take it. at this point, it doesn’t matter to you. luke has been acting off since you started playing, and you’re not going to let him ruin your time with your friends.
you shrug your shoulders and tap the glass. “i’m the one who suggested it. drink up.” he hesitates, but takes it.
“ok, never have i ever gotten kicked out of somewhere.” harrison shakes his head and harry rests his chin in his hand, bummed he can’t drink. luke raises his hands up in surrender. that leaves you and tom. you know exactly what he’s thinking about right now. he takes a sip of your beer and hands it back to you, you finishing off the rest of it.
tom brought you to a super fancy restaurant for date night. it’s one of those places that has their own dress code and mood lighting. here you are, sat across from him in your most uncomfortable pair of heels and picking at course three of your meal; a bland salad. tom isn’t thrilled with it either, so you don’t feel too bad.
you rarely get the chance to go out for dinners like this because of tom’s ever-growing schedule, so you’re giving this place a try to make up for it.
“i wanna ask if they have dressing, but i’m scared i’ll get yelled at,” you murmur to tom, stabbing a piece of lettuce with your fork. he bites his cheek. your look of disgust makes a giggle slip out of him. “try holding your breath so you don’t taste it,” tom suggests, fiddling with a button on his jacket to stall from eating.
you take a big gulp of water in hopes of cleansing your tastebuds. tom looks at you from over his cup, doing the same. it’s so hard to take this seriously. “i know you wanted to take me somewhere nice, baby, but this kinda sucks.” you whisper the last part. “you’re right. i’ve heard great things about their dessert, though.”
“we’d find out if they didn’t take five years to serve us every course,” you laugh a little too loud at your own joke. an older woman with diamonds around her neck shoots you a glare. tom finally cracks, joining in your laughter over the situation. your waiter comes back at that moment, and he’s less than pleased by the behavior from both of you.
“is everything okay over here?” he asks sharply. “we’re, uh, we’re fine. thank you,” tom hides his laugh with a cough and makes an overly serious face. your waiter places a check on the table. “we didn’t ask for this yet,” you tell him politely. “i’ve heard several complaints about you two throughout your meal, so i’m going to have to ask you to leave.” he explains, handing you a pen to sign the check.
tom’s fake serious face is now a real serious face.
“you can’t-“ “let us pay for what we had, and we’ll be on our way.” you take tom’s arm from across the table. he would’ve pulled the ‘do you know who i am?’ card without you stopping him. your waiter walks away and goes to serve someone else.
“i can’t believe they’re kicking us out. this is so unfair,” tom complains, but gets out his wallet. he grabs the pen from you to take care of everything. “to be fair, we were being pretty annoying. we didn’t even like our food,” you try to reason.
tom does his signature and leaves money on the table. he’s going to be sulking about this the rest of the night. you stand up with your arm still linked in his and walk him over to the exit. he squeezes you closer to him on your way to the car.
“that was disappointing,” tom speaks again once you’re in the car. he rests a hand on your thigh. you put yours on top of his. “and funny. the only thing is, i’m still hungry.” “yeah? how about we go for burgers?”
you’re in the mcdonald’s parking lot eating your second dinner not too much later. it’s a lot better than your first. your heels are kicked off, your feet on the dashboard while you and tom eat and listen to your favorite songs.
tom steals one of your fries and shoves it in his mouth, sticking his tongue out at you after. that earns him a flick from you. “you have your own fries, weirdo!” “yours taste better somehow. here, i’ll trade you.” he lifts the bun off his burger so you can have his pickles. he knows you so well.
“can i tell you something?” tom asks all of a sudden. you stop eating and turn down the radio with a nod. “i know this isn’t as cool as fine dining, but i’m happy we get to have these moments together. wish they could last a little longer,” tom admits to you while staring out the window. you bring his hand up to your lips and kiss it.
“i’ve had so much fun tonight, and every night i spend with you. i don’t care about some gross rich people food. the only thing that matters is is being together, okay?” tom grins at your words, then leans forward and presses his lips to yours. it’s a short but sweet kiss. it’s a kiss that says the words he doesn’t have. “love you, y/n. thank you.” “i love you.”
you and tom are doubled over, giggling like kids with your heads bent together. you’re both pretty buzzed from your drink. you try to get yourself together, but he makes eye contact with you and you bust into another fit of laughter. even harry and harrison join in. it’s nice to finally have all of you getting along.
“i think it’s time to head out,” luke announces, moving to get up from the booth. you turn to him and wipe under your eyes. “oh, ok. i’ll text you later?” “you’re not coming?” he sounds more bitter than surprised. “i’m gonna get a ride back with tom when he’s ready to drive. it’s too early for me.”
luke fully sits himself back down and places his almost full glass in front of tom. all the boys are looking at you, but you have no idea what‘s happening. “why’d you do that?” you ask just to him. “i’ve changed my mind. i’m staying for another round of the game.”
you have a bad feeling about whatever he’s going to say. he’s been salty about you and tom all night, as if he didn’t know you’re still friends. it’s not like him at all. not the him you thought you knew, anyway.
“never have i ever,” luke intentionally directs the question at tom, “broken up with the most amazing girl so i could make shitty movies and fuck models. i wonder who’s done that.”
everyone stays silent. you could swear you’ve just been knocked sober. tom gets up from the table without a word, not bothering to wait for harry and harrison to move. he ignores them telling him not to go and steps over them. he’s out the nearest exit of the pub before anyone can stop him. you want to go after him, but you’re stuck in the middle of the booth.
your ‘boyfriend’ put his jealousy before your feelings for the last time tonight.
“what the fuck, luke?”
“are you sure you have everything? you remembered all your stuff from security?” you hold tom’s hand impossibly tighter as you get close to his gate.
he leaves today to film cherry in the states. you’re dropping him off at the airport like you always do, but something feels different about this time. it seems like a more permanent goodbye.
“mhm, it’s all here.” tom squeezes your hand back. you stop walking when you reach the sign that has his gate number on it. this is it. the last time you’ll see him for who knows how long? he stands his suitcase up off to the side and moves so he’s in front of you.
his arms are around your neck now, hugging you so close. you wind your arms around him so there’s no space between you two. he rests his chin on your shoulder, letting out a breath. “gonna miss you so much, baby. fuck, i hate this.” “it’s okay, tom. we’ve done it before. we’ll be okay.” you’re trying to convince yourself and him.
he pulls back from you and holds you by your waist. you stay flush against his chest, grabbing on to his hoodie. you don’t trust yourself to look at him right now.
“y/n, i can’t keep doing this to you,” tom says into your ear, his voice oddly steady for such a big thing to say. “doing what? you mean your job?” your fingers play with his hoodie strings. “i’ll be fine. i always am.” “that’s the thing. i don’t want you to just be fine all the time.” he can’t be saying what you think he is. you shake your head against him.
“you should be happy. it’s not fair that i make you settle for less.” “tom, stop.” you move off of him completely, your throat getting tight. “we’ve already talked about this. you do make me happy, even if it’s from another country sometimes. i don’t care.” he takes your hand again.
“this is something i’ve been thinking about for a while, honestly. it’ll be good for both of us.” “i- what are you trying to say?” tears are already clouding your vision. tom lets go of you. “we need to break up, y/n.”
you can feel your entire heart shatter into millions of tiny little pieces. this isn’t happening. not now. not ever. he’s not leaving you so easy.
you’re crying in the middle of the airport for everyone to see, and tom isn’t too far behind you. “i thought you loved me,” you manage to get out. tom chokes back his tears and wipes yours instead, his thumbs running over your cheeks. “i do, angel. i love you so much that it’s hurting me to say goodbye.” “then why can’t we make it work? please,” you lean into his touch for probably the last time.
“because you deserve more. i’m away all the time, and there are things i can’t give you. you deserve someone who’s here for everything.” tom’s fingers trail down to grab your chin gently, you looking up at him with bloodshot eyes.
“i want more for you, y/n.” “i have you. that’s all i want, tom.” neither of you say anything for a good minute. tom almost gives in, you can see it. you whimper when he grabs the handle of his suitcase instead.
“this is because i love you. i... i need you to understand that.” his voice is soft. you wish he could’ve done this way earlier since he was planning on it. “it’s all happening so fast.” tears are dripping down your cheeks and chin. you want to reach for tom, but there’s no point. his mind is made up. an announcement plays through the airport that tom’s flight is boarding.
“i really don’t wanna leave you like this, but i have to go. i’ll call you after i land, okay?” who are you to stop him now? “o- okay. be safe.” tom presses a kiss to your forehead, letting it linger for a few seconds. he puts his hood up and turns around. you watch him walk to his gate. this is the first time he’s left you without looking back.
you start making your way to the parking lot as soon as he’s gone. it takes everything in you not to scream and sob the whole way back. none of this feels right. if you both still love each other, you should be together.
after the longest walk of your life, you get back to your car. you break down all over again.
“i’m trying to help you, y/n. it seems like you forgot what he put you through,” luke scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest. you can’t believe how he’s acting. “let’s talk about this somewhere else. sorry, guys,” you smile awkwardly at harrison and harry. harry waves you off. “it’s okay. we understand.”
luke gets out of the booth, you following behind and leading him over to an empty corner in the pub. your smile fades. “that was fucked up, luke. we didn’t end things for his career. you know that.” “not officially, but it definitely helped.” does he not realize how crappy that sounds? like you were holding him back?
“you’re wrong. i told you exactly what happened. everything you’re saying is some weird story you made up in your head.” “then he should’ve said that for himself.” you throw your hands up in the air. “you made him fucking uncomfortable! i would’ve left, too.” luke laughs bitterly. “he’s really good at that, you know. leaving.”
“he did it because he loves me. fuck you for joking about it, like it wasn’t something that took me a really long time to get over. it’s sad that my past makes you jealous.” there’s a beat of silence before luke says anything. “do you still love him, y/n?” you both already know the answer. “well?” “yeah. yeah, i do.” you push past him and go out the door tom left from. luke doesn’t bother following.
you’re ready to start searching for tom, but he ends up being right outside. he’s leaning against the side of the building. his head snaps up when the door opens. “didn’t mean to scare you.” you walk over to him. he sniffles and shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “‘s alright. rather you than someone else.” “tom, i’m-“ “don’t apologize.”
“i have to. the things luke said to you were really gross, and i hate that i didn’t stop him.” you take a step closer to him. “you couldn’t have predicted anything he said.” tom gives you a tight lipped smile. “he’s... not the kind of person i thought he was.” “he’s a bit of a dick, to be honest.” you giggle a little at that. you’re just relieved tom isn’t taking this too hard.
“so, he didn’t pass the friends test. i guess that’s okay since things are kind of over between us.” tom finally meets your eyes, furrowing an eyebrow. “why? what happened?” “i cursed him out. said some pretty mean stuff.” he holds out an arm for you. you let him put it around you, instantly settling into his warmth. you’ve needed this.
“you can do better. he seemed too boring for you, anyway.” you shrug your shoulders with a small smile. “i wanted to talk to you about that. i’m not really sure how to say this, so i’ll just... say it.” tom’s heart is beating so fast you can feel it next to you. “yeah?”
you turn to face him, his arm still around you. “i haven’t stopped loving you. this is bad timing because you’re about to go film uncharted, and it’s out of no where, but i thought i should tell you. it might not mean anything now-“ “come with me.” you’re both shocked by each other’s words. you laugh in disbelief, tom nodding to urge you to say yes.
“for real? you want me to go?” “i wanna work on us, and i’m not making you wait any longer. i was stupid for ever giving up. we can figure everything out, and it would only be for the summer-“ now it’s your turn to cut him off, your lips crashing into his. his eyes flutter closed as he kisses you back. he grabs your arms and both of you pull back to catch your breath.
tom kisses you again, this time softer. you smile against his lips. “god, i’ve missed doing that. i really, really love you, y/n.” “i really love you, tom.”
and just like that, he put the pieces of your heart back together.
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!Jeonghan Fluff
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Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
Hey anon! I hope you like this one! Again, I’m sorry requests are taking so long right now! I’m officially down to one full time job so hopefully I’ll have more time for writing! Jun was requested so the entire series will be done soon! Again, I hope this one is good!
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Like Coups
Jeonghan doesn’t even really think about dating for the longest time
Not because he’s stressed
Or because he’s prioritizing anything over it
He just simply doesn’t see the appeal
For him there’s just no reason to put the effort into dating
Sometimes the other boys try to feel sorry for him or try to give him dating advice
And he brushes it off and is like 
“No no, you don’t understand: I. Do. Not. Want. To. Date.”
And he’s really fine with it
Doesn’t get jealous when he sees the other boys and their partners
He just tells himself he’ll get there someday
And until then he’s just vibin™
Then one day he’s just lazing around the dorm
“Hyung can you put more clothes on, I have a friend coming over”
“Ughhhh DK why??? Can’t y’all hang out anywhere else?”
“No, we’re meeting here, go put clothes on”
So Jeonghan stumbles up to his room and takes his time throwing on a tshirt and sweatpants
Then he stomps back downstairs working out a plan to politely greet DK’s friend and then make an excuse to slip away so he can go to the studio and take a nap
But then he walks into the room
“Hyung, this is my friend [Y/N].”
Jeonghan stops dead in his tracks
“Oh, uh, hello, I’m Jeonghan”
“Nice to meet you!” you smile brightly at him.
And he gets this weird feeling in his chest
“Nice to meet you too”
Anyways, he decides to stick around and hang out with you and DK for awhile
And he’s just like...
Later he crawls into DK’s bed
“Dokyeom, do you believe in love at first sight?”
“Are you talking about [Y/N]?”
He shyly nods in response
“Makes sense, you two would be perfect for each other, they’re a homebody just like you”    
Jeonghan giggles and little and snuggles into DK
“Hyung, why are you acting like this? It’s kind of scary”
After that DK starts inviting you over more often
Kind of just to throw Jeonghan off and see his reaction
Every time Jeonghan tries to be super suave and casual, but he just looks awkward and shy as he goes “Oh, hey [Y/N], I didn’t know you were coming over”
Then one day, DK invites you over
And as soon as Jeonghan comes down to greet you
He goes “Oh, Woozi just texted that he needs my help at the studio, I have to go. Jeonghan, would you mind entertaining [Y/N]? I would hate for them to have come all this way just to turn around and go back home”
Jeonghan is glaring at DK behind your back bc he knows exactly what DK is doing
“Oh, you don’t have to! There’s a bookshop on this side of town that I like anyways, I can just hang out there!”
“I’ll come with you [Y/N], DK’s right, he was incredibly rude to invite you out here and then abandon you”
Now DK is glaring at him lol
But you and Jeonghan end up going to the bookstore together anyways
He’s really quiet at first, shyly hanging back to watch you peruse through book selections 
The light in the bookstore is soft and when it hits you, you sort of glow
Jeonghan wishes he could stare at you looking like that forever
Then you start to notice that he’s quiet
So you grab his hand and pull him closer
“What do you like to read, Hannie?”
“Oh, um...”
He turns away and scratches the back of his head to try and hide his blush
“Oh, is it ok if I call you that?”
“Yeah, I um... I like it”
“Ok... Hannie”
He has to clench his fists to stop himself from squealing
You link your arms and continue on your conversation about reading
When you find a books that piques both of your interests
You sit down in a back corner of the store and read it together
You both actually get incredibly invested
I mean it’s hard not to love the way Jeonghan leans in and stares brightly up at you as you read
Oh and the book is good too
Darkness falls and the bookstore gets ready to close
So you buy it with the promise that you and Jeonghan will finish it someday
“How about Saturday? Over coffee?” he asks with a sudden surge of confidence
“I’d really like that!” you happily agree
So you meet up at this small cafe and work on finishing the book
It’s harder this time, you keep making jokes to each other and getting off track
But you’re both having a great time
“I’m going to go get a refill, do you want anything?”
“No thanks, [Y/N], I’m good right now!”
You get up to go up to the counter 
Jeonghan stares around, looking for something to do until you get back
He picks up the book and starts thumbing through it
He flips through the first pages and realizes you’ve already made notes in it
“Wow, they’re fast” he chuckles to himself.
Then he starts reading your notes
“Jeonghan really liked this line”
“This part made both of us laugh really hard”
“Hannie was surprised by this part”
Jeonghan feels his heart start to pound as he reads your scribbles
“Hey Hannie, can I ask you a question?”
He jumps when you appear back at the table
He quickly sets the book down and then feels weird for acting like he got caught stealing or something
“Yeah- um, yeah [Y/N], you can ask me anything!”
“Is this a date?”
“Would you like for it to be?”
You can feel your face heating up as you nod
“Then this is our first date, [Y/N]”
Once you two are official
Jeonghan gets less shy and nervous
Honestly he prefers to take the lead in your actual relationship
Because he wants to make sure you feel comfortable and cared for
If you thought you were able to make Jeonghan nervous when you were just flirting with each other
He’s able to make you 10x more nervous in the actual relationship
He’s such a flirt
Like you’ll literally just be sitting on the couch
And you’ll look up 
And he’s just staring at you and biting his lip
And you’re like ???????
Why are you doing this to me?????
As long as he knows you’re comfortable and gets consent
Most physical affection is pretty forward and intimate
It’s just one of the ways he teases you lol
Expect slow kisses down the side of your neck and when you whine, he smiles evilly innocently at you and asks what’s wrong
He knows exactly where to run his fingers softly down your skin to get goosebumps to pop up and your heart racing
And when he massages your scalp.... WHEW
But he seriously thinks you’re the cutest thing ever
So yeah he teases you
But he also loves 
Pinching your cheeks
Softly cradling your face in his hands and stroking your cheeks
Cuddling up with you and making you feel safe and warm
All of your dates are super cutesy
But cutesy
Coffee shop dates
Walks in the park
(Mostly y’all stay in)
DK comes down stairs and you two haven’t moved in hours from your position binging tv on the couch
“Yeah this is about right”
“Shut up, Dokyeom”
Both of you enjoy just casually spending time with each other
There’s no pressure for extravagant gestures or gifts
Neither of you really want that kind of relationship
Both of you are on the same page with understanding that you show your love for each other in other ways
Unfortunately he’s not great with actually talking out his feelings either
He prefers actually showing he cares
It’s one of the reasons he teases you so much
He panics when it comes to admitting how much he cares about you and how much you mean to him because going all in is scary and he doesn’t want to mess things up or say anything wrong
So he just replaces it with something surface level and avoids it for as long as possible
Sometimes it’s frustrating
And you try to understand
But it’s also scary to wonder if he feels as deeply for you as you do for him
The straw that breaks the camels back is the night you try to talk deeply to him
And he just kind of shrugs it off
So the two of you don’t really talk to each other for the rest of the night
You actually go to bed early
Later Jeonghan crawls into bed next to you
He pulls you into him and lets you bury your head in his chest
“I love you”
His confession hits you like a ton of bricks
“I know I’m awful at actually saying things and I need to work on it, and I promise I will, but until we get there, just know that through all of it, I love you”
You do get there
It takes him awhile to feel comfortable with deep conversations
But he takes the time to listen to you and work out how to respond with honesty
After being with you he feels like he really blossoms in his connections to his emotions
You inspire him to get more comfortable with being more open and honest and help him understand there’s no reason to be embarrassed about his emotions
You take care of him in a way he didn’t even realize he needed 
The boys notice the positive change as well
“I told you, you two are perfect for each other”
“DK, you only said that because we both prefer hanging out at home to going out”
“But I knew, didn’t I?”
“Yes, DK, I suppose you did”
Your relationship is incredibly pure
It’s based completely on mutual trust and understanding
And even if some forms of communication are challenging for the two of you at first
You always strive to do your best to always be honest with each other so your relationship is strong and healthy
Jeonghan is not the type to date casually
When he dates someone, he’s in it for the long run
You don’t realize it for a long time
But when he starts dating you, he knows he’s found the one
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
tfatws 1.04 character commentary
Wow, this episode was painful to watch. It was a group of fundamentally decent people being roundly unpleasant in the name of their own idea of justice.
What was nice about this particular episode was that it culminated in a clash between multiple different viewpoints that manage to stay consistent with their character.
If you stan any of the characters, now is the time stop reading. Almost everyone did something less than stellar in the last 2 episodes, although I feel like a lot of it is a script issue.
PS: I'm so glad Sam explained what TT was. Is this in common use in certain parts of America, or amongst certain ethnic groups? I've seen people so offended by Bucky not knowing it, but I've never heard this.
Bucky: as much as I love him, I'm glad to see his crappy decision to break Zemo out come back to bite him. Yes, his history gives valid explanation for why he does stupid things, but he needs someone to put their foot down and give him repercussions when he's crossed the line. As beautiful as that scene in the beginning with Ayo was, it was also a vivid explanation of exactly how awful his betrayal of their kindness was. T'Challa was willing to pit Wakanda against the world to give Bucky peace (a reminder of T'Challa's incredible compassion at the end of Civil War), and Bucky tramples over their peace by going on a world trip with their king's murderer. Not cool. It's also incredibly bold of him to assume he and Sam will have full control of the situation (against a dozen super soldiers) and ensure Zemo doesn't slip away.
Ayo: the thing about teaching repercussions, particularly to someone whose mental health may make it difficult for them to unpick the nuances, is to make it specific to the insult. She was completely right to call Bucky out for his betrayal, but to punish him at a time when he is pleading for her to have a dialogue, when he is defending Walker on Sam's bidding and not Zemo, complicates the message. Of course, she's not obliged to cater for his feelings, but the way she has done this may not get her the lesson she wants him to learn. Not informing Bucky about their ability to instantly disable him is a can of worms I'm not sure the MCU was ready to open...but also fairly characteristic for a nation that spent most of its history hidden from the outside world. The rapid way the conversation with Walker escalated into a fight, particularly when both parties wanted Zemo locked up, was another failure to engage in communication. Was it in character? Yes. Was it cool to see them fight? Hell yeah. Was it great judgement? ...Nope, if they just talked, they'd have Zemo in chains by now.
Sam: Sam handled the negotiation with Karli beautifully, but I want to see how the script pans out over the next 2 episodes. So far, my primary concern with his character is that he is too soft with people he sympathises with. Him allowing Bucky to drag him into Zemo's mess aside, I am also not seeing any hint of him addressing the fact that Karli needs to face consequences for her violent actions. Young and idealistic is not a free pass to crime and murder, although to be fair, their conversation had only just begun. The other issue with the Sam and Karli dynamic is that the story provides nothing concrete about her beliefs, her values or her goals. It's not clear what she actually envisages as the perfect world, so it makes it hard for us to believe that her vision is better. There is a lot of resentment, and people motivated by resentment often isn't much different to people motivated by vengeance, so it was almost disappointing to see Sam say that she is different to villains like Zemo.
Karli: Sam connected with her for a moment, but she then uses his goodwill to separate him from Walker so that she can murder Walker for symbolism's sake. She also uses Sam's civilian family as barter, which is a dick move towards someone who genuinely makes an effort to understand you. Running away like kids who accidentally broke a window when they killed Lemar highlights she doesn't have the nerves to carry through with her vision. It must be much easier to blow up a bunch of people chained inside a building, than to watch someone die in front of you at your hands. Her approach and plan is immature with a tinge of adolescent overconfidence, and I can only see things going downhill from here as authorities escalate their efforts against her.
John: A perfect demonstration of how minor character flaws can become magnified under stress and have major ramifications. In several conversations with Lemar, we see that he does consciously try to align himself for good, but he is highly strung, impatient, and arrogant. He overcompensates for his anxiety with dismissiveness and aggression. These flaws were what brought him down. Remember though that arrogance, impatience and aggression aren't exactly exclusion criteria for MCU superheroes (Tony? Thor? Strange?). This would have been made for a great superhero origin, but the narrative framing made him a deranged antagonist.
Zemo: Can we give this guy a gold star for being the only one on the team who was focused and efficient enough to get their original mission accomplished? And unlike may other villains, he did this with minimal collateral damage. Truly deserving of an award.
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 17 second part
(Masterpost) (Previous Post) (Pinboard)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!!
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Breaking Good
Wen Qing comes to visit Wen Ning in their backyard meth lab, and tells him that he fucked up a recipe, merely by taking a whiff of the concoction. She uses the approved "wave fumes toward self" way of smelling that you learn in high school science if you live in a country that believes in teaching science, which OP does not.
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Wen Ning wants to know if they are going to have a feud, and she tells him there already is one. She tells explains to him that they're good Wens, not evil Wens, and that Jiang Cheng is fucked, and they should send the Jiangs away in the morning before Wen Chao comes around. 
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Wen Ning whines at her about all of this, shifting into little-brother persona and acting like he didn't just take down 40 of Wen Chao's soldiers in a single night. He does this same persona shifting in his later unlife, with Wei Wuxian. When there is trouble, he's extremely effective, and can even tail WWX and Lan Wangji without getting caught, but then he is hopeless when dealing with turnips or children. 
Here, it seems like a version of Wei Wuxian's own little-brother persona, in which he pretends to be helpless so that his sister can take care of him.
Wei Wuxian comes into Wen Qing's head shop to ask her for medical books. He loves his brother so much he's volunteering for a research project. We've seen him be clever before; we've seen circumstantial evidence that he's a good student, but now we're going to see him actually buckling down and doing intellectual work.
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Wen Qing thinks its hopeless and wants Wei Wuxian to get some rest. But he gives her puppydog eyes, so she sets him up in her library.
Wei Wuxian reads a huge pile of medical books and learns interesting things about the human body.   
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(more after the cut)
Hopefully he does not splotch ink all over them while he holds this wet brush directly over the page. Why does he even have a brush in his hand? Is he taking notes in the margin? 
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Wen Qing eventually tells him to take a break and go see Jiang Yanli.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Jiang Yanli is tending to Jiang Cheng, gently telling him to suck it up by citing their father, which is probably not the greatest idea. 
Yanli's wearing dark blue with white and looks awesome.  It's not Gusu Lan blue, but the blue and white is an interesting choice for the excruciating heart to heart they're about to have.  
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Wei Wuxian shows up looking terrible, or the Xiao Zhan version of terrible, i.e. handsome and a little scruffy. But also worn out, unhappy, and fragile.
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Jiang Yanli wants him to rest, but he wants to find a way to repair Jiang Cheng's core, and his mind races, trying to think of where he can get books and who can help him. His thoughts instantly go to Cloud Recesses and Lan Wangji. His face lights up at the thought that Lan Wangji will help him, and he hops up, ready to dash off and find him.
The first time I watched this I was like, dude yes you’re in love, but you can’t just dash off to find Lan Wangji, not when there’s a war on.  This time I was like, actually wow things would turn out a whole lot better if you got Lan Wangji to help you, instead of coming up with your own plan.
Mother Mother Can You Tell Me
Jiang Yanli tells him to slow his roll.  He's pushing himself too hard and she's afraid he will collapse. Then Wei Wuxian comes out and says what's driving him: maybe all these disasters are his fault.
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It's telling, I think, that he cites Madame Yu, not Jiang Cheng, in this moment, even though Jiang Cheng has blamed him much more thoroughly and consistently. He's talking about one mother figure, to another mother figure, and looking for absolution.
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He super does not get what he's looking for.
Jiang Yanli slowly lets go of him and goes the fuck off. She asks, rhetorically, what he's to blame for, and then lists off all of the shit that's happened.  She finishes up by saying, look at our situation; blaming won't help anything. 
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It's unclear, because language/translation, if her answer is "it doesn't matter who's to blame" I.E. "yes, it's your fault, but I'm letting it go" or if she is saying "how does blaming yourself help anything?" I.E. "it's not your fault, stop being a drama llama."
Her body language, though, seems pretty blameful - she lets go of him, yells at him, sits down and turns away from him.  And his reaction is not one of shared grief, or of someone who is trying to get over himself; he's totally crushed, and he literally never unburdens himself to her again.  Even when he asks her, much later, about love, he immediately backs out of the conversation. 
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There is no violence in this moment and her reaction is understandable, but this is kind of similar to that one time when his brother choked him in a beautiful field of grass, in order to make himself feel better. 
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Then she kind of relents and takes his hand, telling him that she needs him and reminding him that he promised that they will go back to Lotus Pier. I don't remember him promising this, but okay. 
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He puts his head on her lap and he cries, she cries, comatose Jiang Cheng cries; FUCK this episode.  
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Jiang Cheng manages to cry only one tear and does it on the side of his face that his siblings can't see because he's not going to give them the satisfaction of sharing this moment with him, I guess.
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When Wei Wuxian puts his head on Jiang Yanli's lap, it's part of a ritual for them, that they both are comforted by; he does it again much later, after they return to Lotus Pier. But this ritual does not actually do anything to relieve his burdens. As a male adult, and the only Jiang Clan disciple with any abilities, it falls to him to save the clan, whatever it takes, and he is heavily aware of it.
Wen Qing comes along and sees the sweet part of this complicated Shijie-Shidi dynamic, and decides to help with Wei Wuxian's research project. When the trio had just lost their parents, gotten sick, been pursued by enemies, & had one of Yanli's little brothers horribly wounded, Wen Qing was like, eh, I'll do the doctor stuff but that's it. But lap-crying is another level. 
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Wen Qing: Nooo don't put your head on her knees I failed my saving throw
Group Project
Wen Qing goes and cleans up the mess in the library, putting everything in order and settling in to read systematically. Wen Qing probably has the prettiest bullet journal. (OP looks proudly at the 100 loose slips of paper and piles of random stuff on her own desk)
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Wei Wuxian has shaved and rested and comes in with a tray of food for Wen Qing, and then goes to his table in the back to start working. He claims he made "porridge" for her and that she has to eat to gain strength, and she gives him an intrigued expression.  This moment is just blatant het baiting.  
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In fact the food he brings her is clearly not porridge, which might just be a translation error, but also he totally can't cook, so it's not clear if he's joking and Yanli or Wen Ning made the food, or if this is just inedible.
The Things We Do For Love
Yanli is working in the meth lab and coughing a lot. Yanli's chronic illness is a sign of what's to come for Wei Wuxian, because strong cultivators don't get sick. Yet Yanli, as a physically vulnerable person, who has either a weak golden core, or none, is still intrinsically valuable.  Her presence in this scene is a reminder that Jiang Cheng's life is not, actually, over; he just feels like it is.
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While Yanli cooks the meth, Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing have a study montage that is the equivalent of a training montage, except without "Eye of the Tiger" on the soundtrack.
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Jiang Cheng remains unconscious. Apparently if you stick nails in the top of someone's head, you make them sleep, and in the back of their head, you turn them into part of your zombie army. Fortunately Wen Qing's aim is good. Jiang Cheng is looking devastatingly handsome as usual the TV version of unwell, and has grown a perfect Dorito-chip of stubble on his chin to go with his new 'stache.
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Eventually Wei Wuxian changes back into his non-vampire robe and he finds the answer in an old scroll book. The Ikea instruction picture shows arrows going from the guy on the left to the guy on the right.  Clearly it's not a great procedure for the guy on the left.
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Wei Wuxian's face shows us exactly how not great. 
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Like walking in the rain and the snow and there’s no place to go and you’re feeling like a part of you is dying
He goes outside and gazes up at the trees and the sky as he contemplates the sacrifice that circumstance is forcing on him. He's not even making a choice at this point; his choice was made the moment he found the procedure. But it's going to be a tremendous loss for him. He values sword cultivation at least as much as Jiang Cheng does; he even fell in love with a boy over crossed swords. So he sits and just kind of comes to terms with this new understanding of his future. (Big gifs here)
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Wen Qing finds him sitting, stunned, on the porch. She doesn't know what's up so she just sits quietly with him until he's ready to tell her.
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She doesn't love the plan.  
Thunder, Th-th-thunder
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Wen Ning is bringing food up when he sees them arguing, and he is startled by situationally appropriate thunder and lightning. Having recently watched The Lost Tomb Reboot I've come to expect thunder and lighting to appear on cue in any possible situation, so the fact that this mini-storm clears right up again doesn't bother me.
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What About You?
Wen Ning dashes inside to see what Mom and Dad are fighting about. They're having a polite shouting match because Wen Qing refuses to yank out Wei Wuxian's core. 
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Wen Qing: I hate the idea of harming you Wei Wuxian: I don’t even understand that sentence
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Wei Wuxian doesn’t, of course, feel that he is important in any way, and ignores her concerned and appalled expressions in favor of telling her to just do it anyway. Amazingly, this does not convince her. 
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OP’s 177cm-tall son keeps telling her this
Then Wei Wuxian plays the "you know Jiang Cheng" card, which...I guess she does? Maybe he was chatting her up more than we saw in Cloud Recesses? He hasn't given her the comb or anything yet. Wei Wuxian explains that Jiang Cheng cares about gain and loss, and cultivation is his life. If he can only be ordinary the rest of his life will be ruined.
Wen Qing asks the question that nobody ever asks him: What about you? 
Wei Wuxian has literally nothing to say to that, possibly because the question is so new to him. 
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Wen Ning doesn't know what's going on but comes squarely in on team Wei, of course, and begs his sister to Do The Thing.  How fucking horrified is Wen Ning going to be when he learns what The Thing is? What he is personally going to help do to his beloved friend? Yikes.   
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Wen Qing caves, warning them that the chance of success is only 50 percent. Wei Wuxian is happy to take those odds.
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Lan Wangji, projecting his voice from Episode 46: fifty percent, are you fucking kidding me?
Soundtrack: 1. Mother Mother by Tracy Bonham 2. The Things We Do For Love by 10cc 3. Thunder by Imagine Dragons
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
First Christmas - VALERIE extra blurb (Harry Styles)
❄️ FANFICmas 2020 ❄️
Read more about FANFICmas here!
hiya! i’ve been dying to write a blurb for VALERIE and the time has finally come! expect a few more, im planning to do some in the future, just because i adore their story so... yeah. this is here the story of their first christmas together as an official couple and it’s super fluffy, so get ready!
word count: 2.3k
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Sitting on your unzipped suitcase you huff to yourself, making another attempt to zip it, but it’s so stuffed, there’s no way you can do it by yourself. Just on queue, you hear the front door open and close, the soft humming of your boyfriend breaking the silence outside the bedroom.
“Baby?” he calls out as you’re still desperately trying to stay on top of the suitcase and move the zipper around, but it just wouldn’t.
“Bedroom!” you call out with a sigh and a few moments later Harry appears in the door, leaning against the doorframe with an amused smirk on his lips.
“Need any help?” he questions and you nod at him eagerly. “You do realize we’ll be back by the 28th, right? No need to pack all your stuff,” he tells you as he walks over, kneels down and motions for you to just sit on the suitcase while he zips it.
“I do know that, but you know I like to be prepared for everything!” you tell him and gift him with a satisfied grin when he finally manages to shut the zipper. You get off the suitcase and as you both stand up, you wrap your arms around his neck pecking his lips softly while his arms circle around your waist. “Are you excited?” you ask smirking at him.
“Very,” he chuckles lightly, giving your side a gentle squeeze. “Are you excited?” he asks back, keeping his tone delighted, but you can sense his seriousness through his tone, he just wants to make sure you’re not thinking it all over.
This is your first Christmas together. Well, not exactly, but the first one as an official couple. The two of you are staying with your family from the 23rd to the 25th, so you are leaving today, before flying over to the UK and you meet his family for the first time. You’d be lying if you said you are not a mess about that part, but he assured you that his mother already loves you just from what he has told her about you. 
“I am excited and a little nervous,” you truthfully tell him. He returns your look with a warm, encouraging gaze. You’ve talked about this a few times and he is always quick to tell you it’s going to be alright, but you both know you’ll only calm down fully when you are finally over your rounds of introduction.
“Mum is all over the place already, she is doing a whole feast just for you,” he chuckles, his fingers gently rubbing your sides.
“She shouldn’t go all out just because of me!” you sigh shaking your head. “Just a simple dinner is perfectly fine.”
“I told her, but she is stubborn. She wants to celebrate that I’m finally bringing someone home,” he smiles down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before letting go of you to get rid of his work clothes he has been wearing all day. 
“Wait, you haven’t brought anyone home?” you ask, not even trying to hide your surprise. Harry shakes his head no.
“Not since… I was eighteen? I think.”
“Now I see why she is making it into such a big deal.”
“Oh really?” he cocks an eyebrow at you, taking off his white shirt and throwing it into the hamper. 
“I’m special. Your first serious girlfriend!” you beam, enjoying the feeling that’s taking over in your chest. Harry chuckles, placing a kiss to the top of your head as he walks past you towards the bathroom.
“Of course you are, baby. I always tell you,” he says before locking himself up in the bathroom to take a shower.
It’s around four when Harry closes up his own suitcase, much lighter than yours, you might add, and the two of you head out of town. This year, the family is going to the same cabin in the woods like last year. It fitted so perfectly previously that everyone agreed to spend another holiday there, so it was settled pretty quickly. 
Sitting in the car, with one of Harry’s hands on your thigh you can’t help but smile to yourself. Just a year ago, you were in the exact same situation, but in a whole different setting. Only scraping the surface of your feelings towards Harry, while this year, you’re not only officially a couple, but you are already living together. A little fast down the line, but you couldn’t have it any other way.
“There you are!” your mom greets the two of you upon arriving, basically running down the stairs to wrap you in her arms before she does the same to Harry.
“Hi mom, sorry we are a little late,” you tell her. You were supposed to arrive an hour ago, but your plans fell when Harry emerged from the bathroom, all wet and almost fully naked. You just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, so you left a little later than you wanted to. No regrets though.
“Don’t worry about it,” she waves in dismiss, helping to get your stuff inside.
Everyone is there, so you run your rounds greeting everyone and the kids don’t hesitate to basically attack Harry. He will not have a moment to himself with those little monsters obsessed with him, but you can’t blame them, you feel the same way about him.
“Oh wow, does this bring you back any memories?” you smile at him upon walking into the same room he had last time, only this time you are both staying in it and you won’t have to invade him to use the amazing shower the room has. Harry smirks at you dropping the suitcases to the floor before he grabs your hand and pulls you to him.
“Mm, that time you were so keen on sleeping next to me both nights? I remember that,” he smirks, so full of himself, you smack his chest gently with a dramatic gasp.
“Excuse me? I bet you were falling for me so hard just by sleeping in the same bed,” you roll your eyes at him.
“Oh, I was already in love,” he simply tells you.
“Mhm, like, properly in love with you. And sleeping with you was like torture especially after seeing you with that dumbface,” he snorts letting go of you to pack out his necessities from his suticase.
You didn’t think he was actually in love with you, but you had a feeling something major was already going on. 
“You were jealous?” you ask tilting your head to the side, watching him grab his toothbrush and showergel to put out in the bathroom.
“Baby, I was raging,” he admits making your smile grow wider. “Worst fucking day after the one you rejected me.”
“Aw, I’m sorry,” you pout and kiss his lips shortly.
“S’okay. It was all fine in the end,” he smiles before disappearing in the bathroom. 
Your heart is so full, spending time with your whole family and having Harry by your side. After everything that happened during the year it’s such a relief to just enjoy the company of your loved ones without a worry. It’s almost like last year, but now you know you are here with the absolute right person and you can’t get enough of Harry interacting with your family members, especially with the little ones. Though he is the godfather to only one of them, you are certain they all see him as a cool uncle and it just feels completely right. His favorite thing to do is to roam around the backyard with Valerie, who is now fast on her little feet and obsessed with going on little adventures with Harry. 
This year, instead of drinking in the kitchen all night you choose to do something else to keep you up for quite some time and though you enjoyed playing that game with him a year ago, this version is so much better and satisfying.
Upon gathering around the tree to swap gifts you notice that Rosa looks a little nervous, but when you ask, she just says she didn’t have a good night sleep because Valerie kept pushing on her in the bed and you believe her.
You watch everyone opening their gifts one after the other, wrapping paper slowly covering every inch of the hardwood flooring. You’re sitting between Harry’s legs, one of his arms curled around your shoulders from behind and you melt into his embrace gladly, enjoying this loving moment. 
All gifts have been opened when Rosa stands up and tells everyone to stay a little longer. When she returns she has two more, carefully wrapped gifts, She hands one to you and one to your mom.
“It’s for you and dad,” she points at the one at your mom before turning to you, “and this is for you and Harry.”
“We’ve been extra good this year?” you joke as you feel Harry leaning forward to see the gift on your lap over your shoulder and you and your mom start unwrapping it at the same time. You can tell Rosa is anxious about the gifts and you have no idea what to expect as your fingers work on the wrapping paper. Harry rests his chin on your shoulder, watching it curiously as well. 
Opening up the box you immediately gasp when you see a little baby bodysuit with the text “I ❤️ aunt Y/N and uncle Harry” written on it. At the same time, your mom squeals in happiness, jumping right into Rosa’s arms as she understands the message as well.
“Rosa! Is this for real?” you ask, feeling your tears filling your eyes, pushing yourself up.
“Yeah,” she chuckles, clearly touched as well. “I’m four weeks along.”
The whole room gasps and soon they all start congratulating your sister on her second baby. You hold the little bodysuit up, feeling Harry’s arm tight around your waist as he takes a look at it as well. Turning around you see the warm smile on Harry’s lips and his gaze meets yours.
“Exciting, right?” you smirk at him.
“Yeah. Another little gremlin around,” he chuckles, but you can tell he is stunned, especially because of what’s on the bodysuit. It doesn’t say anything about godparents, but aunt and uncle. It means that Rosa and Steven already see him as fully part of your family and that they want him to stay for a very long time. You can tell it means a lot to him, having a family in the States, since he often tells you about missing his family throughout the year. He travels home about three times a year, but you can tell he would love to go a lot more often and you also know that your family can’t replace his, nor do you want it to, but it’s nice to know that he has so many people who care about him here as well.
The evening stretches long that night, staying at the dinner table until midnight, just talking and having a good time before you all start returning to your rooms. You let Harry take a shower first while you reply to some texts from your colleagues and after you are done in the shower as well, you find him already lying in bed, scrolling through his phone, waiting for you to join him. He places the phone to his nightstand when you crawl under the covers, curling up to his side as he wraps his arms around you.
“So, how was your first Christmas with us as my boyfriend?” you ask with a cheeky smile, resting your chin on his naked chest, fingers tracing his tattoos around his collarbones.
“Hmm, he hums to himself and you can already tell he is gonna say something dirty. “It definitely involved more sex than last year,” he states making you laugh.
“You’re such a pig,” you snort, but can’t bite back your smile either.
“I had a blast,” he answers then truthfully. “I loved it last year, but it was even better this time.” His beautiful green eyes meet yours as you push yourself up so your lips could connect with his.
“Can’t wait to have another baby around,” you tell him with an excited smile, knowing well your eyes are sparkling from the news you received today.
“Yeah,” he nods, a lot calmer, but you can tell he feels just the same amount of happiness as you do. “Our kids will have a shit ton of cousins and second cousins,” he chuckles softly, not even aware how his words just made your heart flutter.
“Our kids?” you ask back, smile growing wider as you stare up at him.
“I mean… yeah,” he nods, seemingly nervous that you caught his slip, he clearly didn’t think through what it really meant. “You want kids, right?” he asks, a little unsure.
“Of course. Do you want kids?”
“Definitely,” he confidently answers.
“And do you want to have them with me?” you ask, feeling a little shy. Though he didn’t give you any reasons he has different plans, you still felt the urge to ask. 
“Yeah,” he softly says, eyes meeting yours as he is searching for any sign that what he said scared you away, but it’s clearly the opposite. “Is that… okay with you?” he questions and his uncertain, little anxious tone makes you chuckle.
“You’re asking me if it’s okay that you want to have kids with me?” you ask, finding his phrasing funny and he chuckles as well realizing that he could have said it in a better way.
“I guess,” he smirks.
“I’m okay with that,” you pat his chest and push yourself up to meet your lips with his again. “Not now though, but soon.”
“Yeah, I’m fine with that. I like that it’s just the two of us now,” he admits, eyes soft and loving on you, fingers gently caressing your arm that’s draped across his stomach. You return his smile before nuzzling your head back onto his chest.
“I like that too.”
@f-vasquezp​​ @perspnhel​​ @http-cherries​​  @h-arrystyles​​ @just-damn-bored​​ @millennial-teenybopper​​ @sarcasticallywitty15​​ @gwenlovesharrystyles​​ @perfectywrong​​ @do-youseeme​​ @burberryharold​​  @irwindoll​​ @stylesfics-xx​​ @sltwins​​ @mellamolayla​​ @funeral-7​​  @yourkidsfavbabysitter​​ @nesiamenick​​ @dontworrysunflower​​ @rainbowbutterflyboy​​
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
San leaves his AU
San is laying on his couch, watching one of his favorite TV series, but he can't really focus on it.
There was the signiture loud crackle of Sci's portal opening up followed by a knock at San's door not long after.
San got up and opened the door for Sci, "Hey . . ."
"Hey! Woah, you ok there bud? you're lookin a little rough tibia honest." Sci half heartedly chuckles, looking more concerned than anything.
"Yeah, yeah . . . Just didn't really sleep right . . ."
Sci frowned. "What's up?"
"Just feel nervous I guess . . . Overthinking some things a bit . . ."
"You wanna talk about it? ... And do you mind if i come in"
"yeah . . . Uh come in . . ." San let him inside. Sci nods gratefully and steps in. San closed the door behind him and sat down on the couch. Sci joined San on the couch and faced his friend, worry etched into his features.
"So what's eating you?"
"I'm just nervous that I'll see him again . . . I literally avoid going to my brother because he lives near there . . . Like he could be anywhere and i don't want to see him, it's honestly destroying me . . . Like this constant fear and stress . . . It doesn't let me sleep sometimes . . ." San sighed "Nothing here brings me happiness anymore, only our little meetings . . ."
"Oh geeze... I'm sorry... I didn't know you were having such a hard time." Sci reached out to pat San but quickly retracted his hand. He wanted to comfort him but didn't wish to trigger his sensitivities with being touched.
"it's okay i guess . . . Just have to get over this . . ."
Sci sat in silence with his hand folded in his lap.
"Honestly i wish i could just leave . . . Just for a while, take a break from this life . . ." San wrapped his arms around himself.
"I mean... you could? If you wanted you could come stay with me for a little while." Sci started sounding a little excited as he spoke. "I really wouldn't mind, and I could show you my lab." He twiddled his thumbs in his lap, looking at San with a very faint blush on his face.
"r-really? I could?" San' tone of voice is a bit excited too, he seems happy at this proposition.
"Well yeah! ...I mean, but there are some risks involved...." Sci tugged on his shirt collar.
"Like if this universe was to RESET you could get erased from the code... or there is a very small potential when traveling to get stuck in the anti-void between universes. I haven't had that happen yet... but some of the spiders that volunteered for the time that went wrong... when i managed to bring them back they'd... changed... I'm not trying to spook you though! I'm sorry, I just figure you ought to know what you're potentially getting into." Sci chuckled nervously.
San nodded slightly, he thinks for a moment, before looking at Sci, "I want to do it"
Sci's face broke into a big grin. "Oh hell yeah!" Sci looked jittery with excitement. "I haven't brought anyone back with me before! This is going to be so fun! and oh... the data I could collect from this!"
San is smiling at him, he seems happier now.
"Ok um... So! When do you wanna leave? I assume you'll wanna grab some things before we go..."
"y-yeah, uh . . . I should take some clothes, right?"
Sci chuckled, "That would definitely be a good idea. Think anything you'd take on a vacation. Here, I can even help you pack!" Sci jumped up from the couch and held a hand out to San to help him stand.
San hesitantly grabbed his hand and stood up, "you can help me if you really want"
Between the two, packing went by quickly and they both were standing outside of San's house within half an hour. San with bags in hand and Sci fiddling with his portal device, hands shaking lightly in excitement.
"You ready?" He flashes a wide grin at San.
"Perhaps you would like to do the honors then?" Sci held out the device and made a grand gesture to the button that needed pushing.
San looked at Sci then pushed the button.
There was a whir and a crackle of a portal trying to start but it quickly fizzled out, leaving the two looking on in dead silence.
"Heh... T-This doesn't usually happen i swear." Sci chuckled nervously. He smacked the side of the device a couple times and pressed the button again, a portal springing to life solidly before them.
"so see you on the other side?" San is still looking at Sci.
"Hold up." Sci holds out a hand as if to stop San and kicks a rock through the portal, watching it with narrowed sockets for a second.
"Ahhhh ok yeah we're good let's go." He picks up some of San's belongings, smiles at him, and confidently walks through the portal.
San picks up the rest of his things and goes after Sci through the portal.
On the other side of the portal Sci's setting San's things on a table in a large brightly lit laboratory.
It's cluttered but organized, everything separated in respective groups. And the air was filled with the sound of machinery whirring.
Some of them were plain and boxy with flashing and blinking lights and some of tem were foreboding and alien looking and along one wall several were printing out a nonstop stream of information on paper that was neatly folding itself into piles.
"wow . . ." San is looking around, clearly amazed by what he's seeing.
Sci turns around and looks at San. "Heh yeah there's alot going on huh? Sorry it's kinda a mess right now though... I wasn't expecting company." Sci rubs the back of his skull bashfully.
"it's . . . it's amazing! this is your lab? Like seriously it's amazing" San is excited.
"Yeah, I-I mean, yeah! Thanks!" Sci chuckled, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "It is pretty cool isn't it? Want me to show you around?"
"Sweet! You can just set your stuff over there... or wherever here lemme show you the most dangerous one first!!!" Sci's grin took on a slight manic edge to it in his excitement.
San put down his things and came closer to Sci.
Sci's standing by a large dark looking piece of machinery with a nozzle pointed directly into a dusty looking glass case He flicks a few switches and it whirs to life, making a loud grinding noise.
"This is a disintegrator ray! Watch this." Sci pulls out a heavy thick board and places it in the glass case with an apple and shuts the door. He looks to San to watch for his reaction and pushes the button.
The surface of the apple bubbles for a split second before imploding violently and leaving a dusty scorched indent in the board.
"No matter, physical or magical can withstand it's force!" Sci flicks it's switch off, halting the grinding noise emanating from it.
"This could kill everyone in this multiverse if it were to explode!" He said excitedly.
"wow . . ." San is clearly impressed.
"Heh yeah, right? Pretty sweet." Sci chuckled. "Let me know if you wanna try putting anything in there."
"okay" San is smiling slightly, He's clearly happy.
"And this one?" Sci bounds over to a plain looking yellow metal box with a simple red button on top. "I got super wasted one night and made it for shits and giggles. All it does is turn anything you put inside it blue for 48 hours. Probably the least dangerous thing here." Sci smiles at it fondly. "It's so dumb and pointless. I love it."
San chuckled, "sounds like fun"
Sci did this for a while, leading San around the lab, showing off different machinery, telling him all about what everything did until he got to the machinery along the back wall printing nonstop. "And these monitor the au's I've visited!"
"Oh, what do they monitor exactly?"
"The timelines, resets, fun value, number of souls in an au... how many people are takin a shit at any given moment." Sci chuckles. "Nah I'm just messin with you on that last one. It's mostly just basic stats and statistics."
San chuckled, "seems interesting"
"Heh well I think it is at least." Sci watches the machine pumping out information for a moment before turning back to San. "But, yeah... this is my lab."
"it's really amazing, how you thought of so many things, how you built them and they actually work" San is still amazed by everything he saw, He's smiling softly.
Sci blushed. "Thanks... ya really think so?"
"yeah! It's just so cool!"
Sci's face lights up even further at the complement. "Heheh thanks. I suppose you wouldn't mind helping me in here a little bit later then?"
"I wouldn't, honestly I would be glad to help you" San is blushing slightly.
"Cool. Cool. Uhmm cool. Heh sorry I'm done saying cool." Sci chuckled nervously.
San chuckled too, "so what now?"
"Well we-" Sci starts to walk towards the table of San's belongings and stumbled, tripping over his own feet.
San caught Sci, "are you okay?" His voice sounds worried.
Sci looked up at San eyes wide and his cheekbones lighting up brightly. "Ye-yeah. Heheh... I'm just falling for you." His mouth clacked shut as soon as soon as he realized he said the flirtatious pun out loud.
"I-I mean-" Sci stammered nervously.
San blushed too, an orange blush dusting his cheekbones, "I . . . i-it's okay, g-great that you're n-not hurt"
"Thanks." Sci's soul pounded in his chest... This was probably the closest he'd been to San ever... What with his haphephobia... His haphephobia!
"Oh! I'm sorry I can stand!" Sci scrambled to stand and rather clumsily got to his feet, brushing the wrinkles from his lab coat.
San nodded slightly, watching Sci to make sure that everything is okay.
"Well as I was saying we could go get you settled in for your stay." Sci continued to nervously adjust his lab coat.
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