#casual leftism
fandomsoda · 11 months
Joy in the face of oppression is rebellion. Kindness is rebellion. Community is rebellion. Compassion is rebellion. Looking out for your fellow human beings is rebellion. Self care is rebellion. In this system that encourages individualism and isolates us, love on a platonic, communal, societal level is rebellion. Connection, unity, joy, solidarity, it is radical. So be kind. Be compassionate. Do good things for your fellow working class people. Do good things for yourself. It’s one step further towards a better tomorrow.
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luaminesce · 7 months
At this point I'm thinking JKR doesn't actually care about antisemitism unless it's to score points against socialism/leftism.
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egg0nface · 7 months
Bro ngl sometimes I forget that my party exists outside of my mind until I’m talking to/listening to other communists and they mention my party 💀
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
it's concerning what people are saying and thinking is activism. I've unfollowed someone who unironically reblogged something that said death to israel. how is that going to help? if anything that's just making a more hostile environment. support palestine but maybe cool it about what you say about israel considering why it exists in the first place
There are a few reasons for this, and the first is that the western left is so absolutely goddamn terrible about recognizing its increased and violent radicalization. I can't tell you how many posts I've seen to the effect of "the far right wants to kill everybody but the far left just wants healthcare for everyone uwu." First, by their own extremely warped and constantly biased perception, that would actually make the mainstream Democratic Party "far left." The party might disagree about how exactly the actual mechanism for better/more equitable healthcare should be implemented (etc. etc. if you oppose instant Medicare for All with no other transition period or hybrid options, YOU ARE EXACTLY THE SAME AS A FASCIST!), but that's now a central and uncontroversial plank of official Democratic party policy. But since as we know, BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME!!!, clearly that can't be what the self-defined "far left" actually wants. Witness how we've had several days of intense and valedictory social media approval and worship of a mentally ill person's violent and public suicide, because it was done for the "right reasons." This person should have been given help and support, yes, and we never know what's going on in anyone's head. But if I was someone also contemplating suicide, this whole "it's the right thing to do and you should just burn yourself to death and announce it's for the Right Cause and you will have legions of adoring admirers" would be hella hard to resist. This is going to directly cost more lives.
We point out all the time that the far right has become a fascistic death cult of authoritarian personality, but the online far left is now absolutely just as willing to make "you should die and/or kill yourself and others for Ideology" a central part of their platform. We've had endless rhetoric about how the violent Glorious Revolution is the only answer and society is irretrievably broken. This is casual, constant, inescapable radicalization, and it's presented as the only way to "do" leftism. So of course the rhetoric gets increasingly insane and genocidal (while insisting that all they want is to "stop the genocide"), and it's more and more normalized. We've had people reblogging posts that are almost entirely lies, because they "want to highlight" one sentence or half-truth they agree with (and apparently decided the best way to do this was to uncritically amplify the misinformation, rather than making their own post and trying to push back on it). We've had people admitting they're afraid to lose friends or be attacked on social media because the Groupthink is so pervasive and violently radicalized. This is not normal and this needs to fucking stop.
Secondly, and this is inescapable especially in regard to this particular conflict, the western left is absolutely steeped in antisemitism through and through, and it has no desire either to examine that or even think it should. It has become absolutely mired in the "antisemitism is a Good and Necessary and Correct belief to have and it's not actually a prejudice, it contributes to social justice because all Israelis and/or all Jews are evil settler colonialists constantly genociding innocent Hamas and/or Palestinians." This is why, as I keep saying, it's not that hard to support Palestinian self-determination, statehood, dignity, freedom, and a stop to the indiscriminate slaughter of Gaza, while not actually thinking that the way to do this is just to be wildly antisemitic at all times and calling for the genocide of Israel to be substituted for the genocide of Gaza. That does not actually reduce the net amount of genocide in this world!!! I thought you wanted to stop it, not turn it loose on another group of people who "deserve it more!" JESUS CHRIST!!!
On that note, even if you don't agree with every single premise or point it makes, a lot of people on this website (and on Twitter, but yeah, uh, good luck with that) need to read the following article in order to understand, as I keep saying, how deeply virulent antisemitism has become an unquestioned tenet of virtuous faith among the western left. Content warnings for some very graphic depictions/discussions of violence, including sexual violence, but that's not an excuse. If you've found yourself posting or agreeing with any version of the "Jews/Zionists/Israelis are all collectively responsible for this while evilly torturing innocent non-Jews" thesis statement, READ IT. Y'know, read it anyway. Try to get the first and most basic grip on the fraught and violent history of antisemitism, which is quite literally the oldest prejudice in the world, and how that interacts with and negatively informs the way in which supposedly well-intentioned western leftists are reacting to the current situation. As I said in an earlier post, I don't care if your "good intentions" (the road to hell is paved with, etc. etc.) are solely about stopping the current slaughter directed against Palestinians. That does not excuse you from the consequences of the lies you spread and the genocidal violence that you advocate as a "better" or "more correct" kind of genocidal violence then that already taking place. So. Yeah.
If you run into a paywall, you can remove it by disabling JavaScript on the page (this can be done with most ad-blockers), or someone has also helpfully provided the full text as a pdf in this link. Read it.
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apas-95 · 1 year
saw someone, in the notes of a post about the historical racism around cannabis in the USA and how its criminalisation and racialisation have little to do with the plant itself and far more to do with politics, scoff at the idea and chalk it up to 'drug users rotting their brains'. click on the blog, go through a couple posts, and, predictably, they're a radfem,complaining about pronouns (and also edging into saying that being a childless woman is Bad Actually). as actually-radical politics upsurge, reactionaries find it harder and harder to embrace casual rightism. there's, as has happened before, a proliferation of guilt-free versions of every bigotry under the sun. repressive attitudes around gender and sexuality become feminism, eugenics becomes environmentalism, good old-fashioned anticommunism becomes the one true leftism, and war fever becomes anti-imperialism. it's a good sign, in truth, speaking to the actual existence and emergence of a leftist movement, but it still heralds a dark time to come. soon, the time of monsters.
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 months
Gender presentation of JJK female cast
This post contains spoilers for events in the JJK manga that happen after season 2 of the anime.
Part 1 - presentation
The first part of this post is going to be about how I perceive the gender presentation of most JJK female cast - aka the characters I’m fairly confident the author wants the audience perceive as women. 
There are a few caveats I need to make up front.
First of all I will be using adjectives like feminine and female, masculine and male to describe the gender presentation of characters. 
These categories stem from the cultural concept of a gender binary correlated with a biological sex binary that exists in many contemporary societies in one form or another. Concept because neither biological sex nor gender is binary. And this concept is very closely linked to traditionalist thinking, patriarchy, misogyny, right wing ideologies (including radfem ideologies) and fundamentalist religion and is reinforced by capitalism. All these forces have a vested interest in building up masculinity and femininity in opposition to one another and drawing a very clear distinction between them.
Of course as such these categories’ve been tackled by feminism, queer theory and general leftism, reinvented, reclaimed, etc. 
And like pointing out the origin of masculine and feminine is not me trying to judgemental about them. It’s to explain that when I’m using them here, I’m using them in reference to their origins, to what I believe a right wing person would consider feminine or masculine. It will become clear why later. 
The second caveat is that my perception on what would read more feminine and what more masculine is very subjective and deeply rooted in my own culture, my own experiences with gender and also what I’ve seen from other cultures over the years. And some of you looking at my categorisations below will think: nah, I don’t read that like that at all. I hope you will still understand my points even if you’d put some of the characters in different groups. 
The third caveat is that I’ve included most of the characters but not all of them, not even all of the ones the tier maker offered. I skipped them because I considered them too background to feature, like looking at them I couldn’t recall anything about their personality or anything like that. 
The last caveat is that by presentation I mean outer appearance (clothes, hair style, accessories) mixed with how the characters carry themselves and their mannerism. So like the overall visual vibe. 
I used the tier maker website but this is obviously not a tier thing but I just found this tool easy to organise the characters, it had most of the characters I wanted to use, and it was easy to upload the one I felt was missing. 
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Since this is an organising effort, I actually put blank lines into it to separate the groups: masculine, mixed and feminine. 
And just one look at it shows how the vast majority of the women in JJK neatly fit into the feminine side of the presentation spectrum. 
So I divided it further. Here is my thought process behind it, and I know it may sound a bit weird. 
First of all, I separated classical feminine presentations from contemporary ones. 
The classical ones are for me ones that even rather conservative right wing people wouldn’t consider unfeminine, or not feminine enough. Even if they could consider some of the presentations sexually aggressive. 
The contemporary ones are those where some right wing dipshits would be like: she’s not trying enough to be appealing to my very narrow view of what a proper woman looks like.
The second distinction is between deliberate and casual. So whether there are grounds in the text of JJK to believe so or whether I get the overall vibe from the character that she’s putting thought into the femininity of her presentation or whether it just feels that she just leans that way and doesn’t consider the reasons for that. 
So the deliberate contemporaries all sometimes assume female associated poses and mannerisms at will and they are doing it consciously. And they seem to have an attitude towards their gender.
But they do not weaponise it like the deliberate classicals. Only Takada doesn’t do it for evil, she just does it for her career. The other four are very aggressive in their use of it. Mei Mei uses it to seduce her baby brother. Remi and Ogami to lure men to their deaths. Tsubasa to get her classmates to bully Junpei. 
I don’t want to say that it’s conscious on Gege’s part, that the cursed cat put this much thought into it. But it feels in line with how this classic femininity is seen as a tool by the right wing men. A tool they want to use but also fear because they feel weak to it. 
In this framing the deliberate contemporary would be not appealing enough to right wing men. It’s more a presentation that feels targeted to appeal towards centre left women. 
The casual classical presentation is probably the most desired by the traditionalist crowd. Women just falling in line but not trying to wield it.
But to people who are not into policing how others look and don’t follow right wing influencers, both casual looks classical and contemporary will likely register as neutral. 
I put three characters into the feminine but not sure how category. Uro has her jewellery and her body language slants feminine for me but she’s naked and I’m not sure how to read that. I also put there Sasaki and Nitta because we only see Sasaki in her school uniform and Nitta in her work clothes and after some thought I decided that I don’t want to make a decision without seeing their casual outfits, because I didn’t feel like they gave me enough of a clear vibe, unlike Mimiko, Nanako or Riko. 
Now to the three in the masculine presentation category, or at least leaning masculine.
Yuki often vibes masculine clothes-wise and posture but it’s not 100%. She has feminine outfits, she strikes feminine poses sometimes. For me she’s very “however I felt that day” gender presentation wise.
Miwa is fascinating. I searched for JJK wifu rankings (I took mental hits for this post, okay) and Miwa is in all of them, even the short, like 5 character ones. I haven’t seen her top any of them but she’s usually high. Miwa’s uniform is a suit, shirt and tie. I had a conversation about this with cursedvibes and he said that in a professional setting it doesn’t strike him as a masculine outfit, especially that the suit is cut for a female silhouette. But culturally, where I live, because she’s not wearing a blouse under the jacket, it would read masculine to a lot of people. It only shows how culturally loaded this all is. And then he found me a drawing of Miwa in casual clothing and it’s this:  
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Yeah, her outfits are on the masc side but she feels so girly. I love her so much. 
Tengen will look masculine in a gown:
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And she’s shown wearing suits with a masculine cut. Amazing.
Part 2 - Maki and Mai
So what prompted me to even think about the presentation of the female characters was this garbage post. 
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It seems to have been deleted so I cropped the author’s name and icon out. Idk why the author did that but maybe they don’t hold these opinions anymore. Maybe someone pointed out to them that that vague about Maki is deeply misogynist and lesbophobic. And since they were trying to perform a feminism with this post, they just deleted it because it wasn’t a good look.  They could’ve just deleted that Maki vague, the rest of the post is inoffensive. 
Maybe they actually looked at the manga and realised that fuck, they are wrong about what’s in there. 
That Maki vague is very unpleasant to me on a few levels.
Before Jougo burns Maki, she usually wears skirts. She has a girly hair style. She wears the cutesy leg warmers. Maki pre burns actually tops several of the wifu lists I’ve looked at! Her appearance is read as girly and desirable by what I assume are straight male western anime fans who make these lists. 
So to associate Maki so strongly with masculinity you need to buy into the bullshit that personality traits are gendered. Or that having certain ambitions, desires or priorities is reserved for either men or women. 
That Maki’s ambition and/or lack of nurturing traits and/or her harsh bully personality make her by default masculine. While also pretending that Mai isn’t a harsh bully. 
Even after the burns her outfit is not masculine. 
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It really accentuates her curves, it’s tight, it has the decorative belt and cape. Look how she poses in it. Cursedvibes said that he gets a superhero vibe from it and he’s absolutely right. Yorozu’s outfit has a similar vibe, and so do some of Yuki’s outfits.
But it also accentuates Maki’s arms. And she has amazing arms. 
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Her pre burns outfits don’t expose her muscles so much. Her fighting style doesn’t really emanate with that much strength. 
The above post alludes to the moment of Mai’s death. The first time when Maki is wearing trousers while Mai is in a skirt in the same scene. It’s after Maki was disfigured, has shorter hair. Is in an outfit that accentuates her athleticism. 
Professional female athletes get their femininity questioned all the time, they try to perform femininity during competitions with makeup, hairstyles, sometimes their outfits to counteract that. Things that male athletes don’t have to do. 
And even though Maki’s outfit isn’t really masculine, it’s not as strongly feminine as her skirts because it doesn’t hide the physical strength in a palatable package. So there is some change in presentation but it’s not an obvious jump from full femininity to full masculinity. 
Also scarring is something women tend to hide more than men. Scarring is culturally charged considered a blemish and any form of deviating from the norm, clear and unblemished skin, carries the possibility of ridicule. But society puts extra pressure on the appearance of women. Naoya even attacks Maki’s post burns appearance directly. 
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And this is the last level why that vague is unpleasant specifically in the context of Maki. Her family constantly challenged her value as a person. Tied a lot of their bullying to her not being enough. Not human enough because she had no cursed energy. And the only sliver of value they awarded to her was her attractiveness as a woman. Sliver because they despised her for not falling into the role of a meek, invisible woman, the servant to the heir. 
Yet neither she nor Mai seem to have ever rejected their femininity. Maki’s rebellion didn’t go into her gender or gender presentation. And it easily could’ve. With the trauma she has it wouldn’t be strange if she had a complicated relationship with her own gender. But she doesn’t seem to and that’s also okay. And this isn’t a criticism at creators of fan art or fic that depict Maki as more butch, that include considerations of gender and gender presentation into her trauma or rebellion against the Zenin. This is specifically an issue with these kinds of takes that wear the guise of interpreting the actual text of JJK. 
This is why I’ve been talking about how one needs to be careful when critiquing JJK from a feminist point of view. This is just the latest post I’ve seen where the author in their attempt to paint Gege as doing a supposed misogyny, did an actual misogyny themself. Here’s another one I actually responded to. 
One of my fandom friends, Subdee, has always talked about how radfems and right wing fundamentalists are astroturfing the fandom, how many people who pursue their fandom hobbies on social media get exposed to radfem ideology masqueraded as progressive feminism or queer theory. And if these people don’t have a solid foundation when it comes to these issues they will internalise the rainbow puritanism and radfem ideology. While they also usually get dragged into these ideas that fandom is activism, that you have to present a certain ideological purity through fandom not to be a bad person. That you have to be “critical” of what you “consume” and actively seek out the problematic aspects of the works and condemn them.
And it is very clear in both the post about Maki and the one about Nobara. The desire to be “critical” and the deeply rightwing radfem ideology. Because to think that Maki is masculine and Nobara is unfeminine you have to believe in such a painfully narrow idea of what femininity can be, an idea that you could hear espoused by a far right influencer. 
The Maki post actually went further than that. It hints upon other radfem ideas of any proximity to masculinity giving the person automatic privilege (aka butches have male privilege bullshit). But even if we imagined an alternative universe version of JJK which had grounds to link Maki to masculinity strongly enough for it to match Sukuna’s very obvious and aggressive traditional masculinity, there’s another radfem red flag in that post. The implication that a feminine person doing something for a masculine person is inherently an act of being exploited. Regardless of the circumstances of the situation, because the Maki/Mai situation is not even remotely similar to the Sukuna/Yorozu situation if you actually give it a few seconds of thought. The idea of femininity always being the victim of masculinity is one that inherently means that feminine people are weak, helpless and can’t make their own decisions, it strips them of any agency. It undercuts and disrespects both what Mai and Yorozu did. 
post script.
I recommend the interview that Gege did together with Kubo, the creator of Bleach. There's some interesting stuff in the about how for instance someone from the industry views Gege's female cast.
(Side note, one wifu list included guys and Gojou and Megumi were higher than Yuuji! Can you believe that? He’s the only proper wifu out of the 3 of them. Disgraceful, that’s why straight people shouldn’t have the right to vote on anything, even anime wifus)
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year
i just read the new yorker profile (late to the party i know) and it just makes me believe that she and matty are more real than a casual hookup. the quotes from jack and the way it ended. hm. like i don’t think they’re moved in or getting married in august when their schedules free up but they’re taking this seriously and actually seeing where it can go.
also, in general, the article did talk about all of the controversies surrounding him, and why he does what he does. and i think the profile was well-written but i still don’t think that dirtbag leftism does what he thinks it does. people who don’t believe in racism, sexism, etc etc don’t need someone mocking the other side to somehow believe more in it, and the people who are racist, homophobic, sexist etc etc aren’t gonna be ashamed because a musician “mocked” them on-stage, imo that just empowers them and makes them feel more valid in their views because they have no comprehension skills, and therefore it is indeed harmful. so stop doing it 🤷‍♀️
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radiofreederry · 1 year
lmao Keffals has flown off the deep end of liberal “anti-tankie” “leftism” and is just casually palling around with Zionist genocide apologists. Just utterly embarrassing.
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heliianth · 11 months
letting people casually & colloquially use the fucking soviet russia sickle + hammer as a “logo” for leftism was a mistake
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fandomsoda · 11 months
I don't understand anarchocommunism. What is it-??
Political affiliation, let me make it as simple as physically possible even though that’s incredibly difficult to do.
anarchocommunism: a left-wing political affiliation or belief that combines the beliefs of political anarchy and basic definition communism.
If I could best boil it down…
Fuck capitalism, fuck money, fuck unjust systems of hierarchy. We as the working class are strong and should not be exploited in the way that we are and should come together to overthrow the systems keeping us oppressed. Mutual aid is important (growing publicly accessible food, supplying things to those in need, etc). People should have everything they need to survive and live fulfilling lives by default, there should not be a paywall on necessity. Governance is a truly democratic, communal effort based on the needs and desires of the whole, accounting for minorities and accommodating unique needs. Society works together, community is key, exploitation is as nonexistent as physically possible. A humanistic view of justice and people as a whole, with compassion baked into culture. Diversity, working with nature, taking care of the planet, accessibility, accommodation, respect. Many ancient civilizations functioned in a very similar way to this and were very peaceful and successful.
At its core, anarchocommunism, at least to me, is best simplified in the phrase “I believe we are stronger together and that we must work to help each other prosper”.
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embryhallowed · 7 months
People get real mad when you point out that they don't actually have morals or core beliefs they follow in spite of current social opinion.
"You've abandoned the ideals of leftism if you say Israel is 'occupying' Palestine."
Ok. Hey, what do you call it when a country sends military forces outside of its border to remove, with deadly force, the people who have lived in this region for millennia? What do you call it when they send military forces who massacre civilians, burn villages to the ground, and depopulate cities to make room for new colonial settlers? What's the word for it when you go to a land, violently remove the people living there, and then say it's your land and only your people can live there? What do you call it when that country puts any remaining indigenous people behind a fence and have armed soldiers patrol their neighborhoods? When they detain those people without trial for years on end with no legal representation? Hmmm what's the word for that?
How do YOU define a military occupation? How do YOU define colonial violence and ethnic cleansing?
"You're anti-semitic and just hate Israel!"
Ok. I mean, I believe that everyone on this planet, every person of any ethnicity and any religion, has the right to exist in peace and safety, has the right to be governed through representation, has the right to observe their faith without harm or persecution. This applies to any and all people.
I also believe that making laws that discriminate against anyone for their religion or ethnicity is wholly and entirely wrong. I believe states who privilege certain religions and ethnicities above others, who enshrine this privilege into the law of the land, are wrong. I believe that states who deny a group of people the right to be governed through representation are wrong. Wholly and entirely wrong.
Jewish people have every right to exist and practice their faith in peace and safety. NO ONE has the right to say "hey guys I'm going to take this already populated land away from the people already living there and make a new state where all the people who look and think like me have all the rights and anyone else doesn't belong here."
Like IDK what you want me to say. Should I make exceptions to my morals? Say that it's ok because it's supposedly "gods chosen" or something? Claiming divine right to anything just tells me you're going to commit some huge sins against other humans and use God as a justification for it. I think that's obscene in multiple ways.
Being an American is wild. You'll see people cry about "kids in cages" and say "what about the children!!" but turn a blind eye to the decades in which Israel has casually slaughtered children.
You'll see people clutch their pearls about Ukraine, then cheer and say "glass Gaza!"
You'll see people proudly claim "liberty and justice for all" and then be absolute bloodthirsty ghouls calling for the extermination of Palestinian people.
Have you ever considered gaining some fucking morals?
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luciferinn · 8 months
the thing is that i largely do not align with fandom activity and ways of engaging with art. i mostly just go on tangents about approaching art and media consumption with intention and actually desiring to get something out of it instead of just simply jumping on the latest thing people are talking about and making sure i'm caught up on everything new and current. idk also don't understand collective fandom opinions and the lack of making up your own mind on things, the fact that people are incapable of having simple disagreements without it being "discourse". the way fandom often treats trans women and black women especially. the way people are solely centered around dedicating their life on specific IPs. the way people are so casually rude to each other and care more about their fandom branding then ever helping anyone out in their lives ever because people care sooo much about seeming cool despite just being Some Person on the internet just like anyone else and caring about people is Decidedly Not Cool. maybe this all sounds pretentious or whatever but none of it clicks for me. also a lot of you are entirely politically illiterate and are still operating on 2014 buzzfeed leftism instead of anything with meat which is sad.. . thats all thanks.
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likeawildthing · 1 year
west wing observations during my 8th-9th rewatch in the year of our gourd 2023
-every person in this show is problematic af, and part of that is by design and part of that is just stuff that did Not hold up
-eeecks at the casual sexism, fatphobia, and elitism
-racism is of course the main motivator for white republican voters, but part of the reason republicans were able to convert previously steadfast independents and democrats, particularly blue collar workers, is leftist leftism/elitism which is SO prevalent in the show
-it’s still a valuable show and i still watch it every year, and will continue to do so
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rametarin · 10 months
If you’re wondering
The reason I don’t rag as often about the far right is very simple:
You already know their fucking problems. There’s nothing new. It’s just hitting the same notes on newspaper after newspaper, day by day, cherry picking the unpleasant history from the history textbooks in favor of all other history to emphasize a point.
You can’t find an internet news column that isn’t speaking all the real problems, and then when they run out of the social credit to keep blabbing about it, inventing new parameters to talk about them being a problem. Entire new metrics to go, “they’re outside of them, look how they’re transgressing now!”
Abortion, climate change, gun rights, racism, sexism, religious overreach, taxes and industrial regulations. Over and over again. Yes, “What about white supremacism and colonialism?” Covered under racism. “What about churches trying to take over publishing companies and use religious criteria on secular books?” Covered under religious overreach, as is judges trying to judge from biblical interpretations of what’s right according to god, not man. Religious folk trying to enforce their specific religious views on those that are not religious in the public sphere.
I don’t need to bring up the Trail of Tears or Manifest destiny. It is brought up ad nauseum. I don’t need to talk about how the Nazis were real and bad, or the very real holocaust, because it never stops being talked about by people constantly trying to use it to tangentially blame the modern american right wing for culpability and responsibility for it, casually, with no room for rebuttal and no room for argument, just zingers and then social faux passes if you zap back.
Deafening silence about left wing failures. They just attribute those to being, “right wingers of their day” dust their hands and move on. So even the failures of authoritarian left-wingers, become the responsibility of conservatives. Even the bullshit of the Soviet Union gets double thought of as, “State capitalist right-wing violence,” because many left-wingers feel state violence and leftism are paradoxical, so it must be right wing when practiced, and they reject the whole premise ideologically..
A million books in public school libraries about the Nazis, a quarter million published and stocked in the last year attributing Nazis to the right wing (despite the fact they very much were anti-capitalist and socialist, this is not disputable), and virtually no books added about how shit Soviet, Asian or African socialism was to the people living under the boots under Marxist principles. Just in case you might want any message other than, “Nazis = bad.”
But when left-wingers try to silent majority opposition to nuclear power because it, “doesn’t overturn the current private enterprise model of power” while screaming about how we just can’t do business as usual with coal and gas ahymore without destroying the planet, and aggressively filibust any conversation that isn’t the ones they WANT to have that make them look right and on the right side of history, that shit needs to be talked about. They aren’t being held accountable by themselves, and the modern right wing is so ineffectual and off in the weeds making itself look stupid, it’s incapable of even defending itself, let alone taking the far-left to task. When a literal communist agitator and false historian writes bogus articles about how the US military kicked off the great Native American genocide by spreading small pox through infected blankets, predating germ theory and germ warfare by a century, and gets less than a slap on the wrist for spreading that lie, no one repeats it.
I don’t need to, nor want to, defend right wingers. Not my guys, not my circus. I want to point out the hypocrisy and the garbage in the other alternative. Maybe incentivize conversations about candidates that aren’t coasting on, “not Trump”ism that can then just do whatever they want, because it’s them or, “Someone like Trump.”
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spider-xan · 1 year
As someone who cannot stand or do small talk (or really deal with people in general) and worked retail for a decade, albeit thankfully mostly in the back and I have a personality where I'm down for a fight with shitty customers if necessary, I need people to realize that minimum wage retail workers get FIRED - usually in a passive-aggressive way, like accumulating write ups or not getting hours over time - if they don't at least say, 'Hello' and ask at least one casual question, and if you don't want to talk, just say thank you, I'm just looking, and workers will generally back off; yes, there is a huge problem of retail corporations in Canada and the US demanding emotional labour from workers bc it supposedly increases profits and is the expected retail culture, but screaming and hurling verbal abuse at minimum wage workers for greeting you is not the solution, and a lot of people on this site will talk a big game about leftism and worker solidarity, then use workers as punching bags while excusing it with social justice language tbh
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pagreys · 2 years
Michael scott i am dead inside
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Michael scott i am dead inside registration#
The Lemmings are so blinded by the lies of the Cult they do whatever the Cult says unconditionally. Does the fact Trump wanted to make COVID seem less dangerous and important than it was ‘to stop public panic’ show he is kind considerate and thoughtful since he understood that people could get scared? The only people that “hate” Donald Trump are Cult of Leftism Lemmings. Above: mass graves being dug for COVID victims in the Potter’s Field on Hart Island, NYC in April, 2020, 100 feet long and 4 coffins high. But it could also signal an underlying health problem or a lack of proper nutrition, says the American Kennel Club(AKC).Seems to me that REAL kindness would have been to scare people into acting in a safe manner, avoiding crowds, masking, hand washing and getting vaccinated. The desire for munching on soil might be boredom or stress, or it could simply be because they smelled something tasty mixed in the mud.
Michael scott i am dead inside registration#
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