#while getting to know the current characters like there's so many characters who barely got to do anything
alchemistdetective · 4 months
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((I think I finally found the words of why I didn't like the second story that much for Star Rail
It has the same, exact problems as Honkai 3rd's ending
Spoilers in the tags))
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kagakuoniryu · 4 months
Alastor x reader I've written randomly to vent about a shitty situation I'm currently living
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Summary : a new guest you knew from your past life arrive at the hotel, she was that one person who bullied you throigh high school, but she mooks too angelic to be guilty
Code : E/n (ennemy/name)
Tags : fem reader, etablished relationship, angst for the most part, there will maybe be a part 2, mentions of bullying, reader is TRAUMATIZED, english is not my first language, may have some inaccuracy about the show since I'm just projecting, and of course probably ooc characters
It wasn't a bad day, at least not in a place like hell, it was even quite nice, charlie was babbling about a new team bonding activity as usual, and it was nice being with your friends, until around 2 pm...when a new guest arrived...
Oh you remembered her...from high school, so pretty, so popular, she was you best friends ! You should have been overjoyed to see her down here !
Well...not exactly, because she wasn't your best friend anymore, you hardly bear to be in the same room as her, of anger, from your history and how your friendship ended...but also of fear and dread...
You were both teens back then, you and eager to have many friends ! You had your own group of friends, and she was a separate individual, spending her time with her boyfriend often, that's okay by you, you were happy for her, and when that boy left her you welcomed her with open arms ! You became best friend soon, even inseparable ! You heard her badmouth you to your friend group from time to time, but she told you it was okay, it was "to know who was fake" then, one by one, your friends ghosted you, but you had her, she was there at least, making new friends, each time you introduced her they left soon enough, you thought that maybe you were the problem and stopped trying, your best friend was there after all
Until a boy came along, love at first sight for you, he had everything ! He had so much...your best friend wanted him too...and with that, she had him, when you called her out she called you an homewrecker and a toxic friend getting in the way of her relationship, that ended badly and an argument followed, while you stayed on the down low, she texted your few friends left, and any new friends you managed to make telling them how awful you were, so you ended up closing your media althogether, moving away, and never hearing about her ever again
And there she was, she didn't really looked different from her time on her, a round face and blond hair, she didn't looked like she fitted in hell, but you you were different, your body jointed like a doll, mocking your life as the puppet of those who wanted to play you, but if not your appearance, your personnality changed, you were more confident, your boyfriend was a powerful overlord too ! No, not boyfriend, he proposed a month ago after all, he was your fiancee now, and you had friends, through thick and thin, you knew they wouldn't buy into her lie at least !
Having an hard time to breath you sucked it up, maybe she wouldn't recognize you ?
How wrong
"Hello ! Welcome to the hazbin hotel ! Guys this is our new guest !" Charlie started with her usually cheerfulness
"Hi everyone ! My name is E/n, I barely arrived in hell ! And I figured that if I could, I would want to be redeemed ! After all everyone deserves second chances !" The girl said back
Her voice hasn't changed, neither her tone, that fake nice tone you used to hear every day, here, one again in flesh and blood, not through a phone, not through class, but..here...
Breathing harder than ever, you only went back to reality when husk called out to you
"Hey ? You seem weird, like you've seen some ghost ?" His tone nonchalant as always showed half concerns, but for him, it was a lot
"A glass, of whiskey, or vodka, whatever you got, strongest you got please"
"Wowowo...alright, that's not your type to drink, what's up...?"
"I-I...I know this girl...she...listens, I can't be in her presence sober, I knew her from where I was alive...we had...some bad conflict...she did some awful things to me, and I got bad issues after that...I said some mean things to her too, we were kids, but since then I'm scared I'll lose all my friends again !"
Husk just nodded at my whispered rant, trying to calm myself, I didn't even insisted on a glass and went straight to my own room since alastor and I didn't shared one yet, not before marriage he said
Later that day, angel vaggie and charlie passed by my room, concerned by my absence, I told them everything, how I ended up abandonning the notion of making friends when I was alive, the calls, the insults, they looked at me with compassion, charlie said she believes that she could have changed, and even if I doubted it, I wanted to believes it
Alastor arrived to spend some quality time with me, dancing on old jazz music far from my time, reading a book, basking in silence with each others
After a while, I thought I could talk about E/n with him, he was my fiancee after all ?
"Al ?" I started, unsure
"Yes my dear ?"
"You know about that new guest at the hotel ?"
"Ah yes, what a cultivated lady, quite entertaining, she was really into songs from the 1980s not my style at all, we had a long discussion about music genres, she's actually quite against modern technology and that picture show"
"Oh...so...you like her company ?"
"She is not insufferable if that's your question"
Finally you decided against your first idea, perhaps she had changed in the end ? Perhaps a new friendship was possible ? With healthy fondation, you could get your bestfriend back !
Wrong again
You revealed her the next day who you were, well, used to be, what linked the two of you back in the living realms, for others, nothing changed, but for you it was subtle, for exemple she never interrupted anyone, but when it came to you each time your mouth opened she would cut you out
She was such a charmer too, a quality you envied her, her audience was captivated, and soon even alastor was her aquaintance, he presented her rosie of course ! Just like he did for charlie !
And just like he did for you...
Rosie found her delightful, and from your tea parties at 3 with her and alastor, became 4, adding E/n
A comment about your appearance back in high school, an embarassing moment you had, a silly crush, every single detail of your life was used to mock you, even your crush on a video game character
Soon you always found excuses to avoid going to the tea party, and spend most of our time outside of the hotel, feeling akward in her presence
You tried talking about it to charlie or maybe vaggie, to no avail, they said how nice E/n was and how much progress she was making, if they weren't saying you sounded silly thinking that in these 3 weeks she took your place, you still felt like it...
And it all confirmed when, after a whole day of searching for everyone, they finally came back to the hotel from shopping...without you
"Finally you're here toots ! We tried searching for ya before going but you weren't anywhere !" Angel started, holding many bags in each arms
"What do you mean ? I was in my room all day ?"
"Wait you weren't out ? E/n told us she saw you leave ?"
"Oh I'm sorry my eyes deceived me...next time I'll still check your room !" As everyone looked sorry I couldn't help but see it, even for a second...
She smirked...
Of course she did, she never changed
This started becoming common occurence, either the others left you behind, or you could leave the entire day without them noticing, and at some point, angel, husk and sir pentious started to distance themselves from you
"Hey angel, hum...you wanna hang out...? Go to a club, or drink with husk, just spend some time betweens pal ?"
"Sorry sweet cheeks, but we're partying with E/n tonight and...she doesn't feel comfortable around you..."
"Wha ? Angel what are you talking about ?"
"She told us about it, about the two of you, hos jealous and manipulative you were, you even tried to make her dump her boyfriend, that wasn't cool of you, I don't want to take side on this, but if I hang out with one of you, I'd rather not force her to be with the other for both your sanities"
That's all you could have mustered, because what was there to muster, you were in hell, all the proof you used to have were on your previous phone in the living realm, but even if angel and the other favored her, mayne your fiancee could understand your side ?
Gently you knocked on alastor's hotel room as he called you to come in, he was currently eating his dinner, a...fresh venison...but you shook your head lightly, taking a sit across the table
"Al, can I vent to you for a bit...?"
"What is it my dear ? But please, spare me your story with E/n, as much as I love a good gossip, the young lady did you a favor by never taking vengance in the living realm, I wouldn't want the two of you to get in troubles once again"
"Al, please it's serious, she's telling lies about le ! And you believes her ? I'm your fiancee ! She's in hell as well !"
"And so are you, and so am I, I am not interested in knowing the why who is were, but I admit your little querrel is...quite entertaining !"
"So your fiancee see her ex bully...and all you think about is entertainment ?"
"Well, ma chère (my dear) as far as we are all concerned, without proof, both of you could be the liar, it's about, who's able to convince the public, just like on a stage"
Alastor's half sadistic smile didn't amused you, you just sighed, getting up, wamking slowly toward the exit of his room, if even your own fiancee, the man you loved refused to believes you, who would ?
You couldn't see alastor's curious expression as you left, he just wanted to prolounge the fun and not outright gives you the solution, but seeing you give up almost made him that for once he screwed up badly
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toyourheartandback · 3 months
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book!percy jackson x reader
in which you have been waiting to be percy’s first choice since the first time you met him
word count: 1.45k
warnings: bad english and crearly ooc percy (because he’s such a complex character and i strongly believe his relationship with annabeth is fundamental for his development)
a/n: currently reading son and feeling very inspired to write a second part with older percy, but first i gotta see if at least one person gets interested in this one
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you met percy jackson for the first time at 12 years old. the two of you stumbled across each other on the lakeshore by the limit of the forest, some days after him returning the lighting bolt and luke’s betrayal. camp halfblood was a mess, trying to recover from the possibility of a war between gods and the realization of being backstabbed by their favorite counselor, and that’s why both of you decided to search peace far from all of that.
when you approached the lake, percy was sitting into the water with damp clothes looking at the sun in front of him. it was time for apollo to rest from his work, but there were still enough light to let you see the tears on the boy’s cheeks once you got close to him. “can i stay here?” he moved his head in your direction at the question while attempting to get rid of the tears with his hand. “yeah, sure.”
the sand and the water were still warm when your bare feet touched it as you reached the close side of the son of poseidon and sat there. sea green eyes full of curiosity followed all of your movements. “i’m percy, what’s your name?” you giggled a little too loud at his first statement that he looked at you confused.
“do you really think i don’t know who you are?” of course you knew him. how could you not? everyone at camp talked about the little kid who killed a minotaur, returned the master bolt and saved olympus all in one week. he was a hero and a cute one as well. “i’m y/n between.”
percy blushed at your words and you couldn’t help but feel yourself do the same at the sight. “nice to meet you, y/n” he had a bright welcoming smile on his face and the two of started talking for hours after that moment. sharing insecurities, passions, feelings and moments. everything that came to your minds. the both of you felt finally seen after some tremendous weeks.
that time was one of many through the years. during the school year you would send letters to each other and while at camp you would meet up when you could make time for that, between his quests and the war. it was always at that same spot on the lakeshore after dinner. just the two of you, alone.
your friendship was like a whisper, a quiet secret. you weren’t that close outside of your private encounters full of emotions and doubts about your lives. percy had his friends, his adventures and a prophecy to fulfill. he didn’t have the time for you.
nonetheless you didn’t care if you were able to see each other just once a week because it was enough. until the letters stopped arriving in your mailbox and percy started ignoring you at camp. the first time was because of rachel and then when he started dating annabeth. you were very happy for him, but you were also crying in your cabin at night missing the guy who knew you the best.
at some point you had to move on with your life. percy and annabeth were perfect for each other. he didn’t need your silly conversations anymore when he could just talk to his nice little girlfriend. so you moved on and it was like you and him have never been anything for one another. simply two people whose lives never crossed.
that was all before he decided to startle your life again. “since when do you still pray?” his unexpected voice made a shiver go through your spine. you were in the waiting line for burning your offerings to the gods at dinner and percy was just right behind you, probably also waiting for his turn like you were. “i could tell you the same thing” you said looking at him smirking at your words.
he seemed more mature since the last time you two had an interaction together. probably it was achille’s curse or the weight of the war on his shoulders, but to you it was deeper than that. he wasn’t the little kid crying on the lakeshore that you met years prior anymore. he almost resembled a god and you would have believed he was if you didn’t know better.
“i don’t” percy answered you with a shrug of his shoulders and deep green eyes looking at yours. “usual spot tonight?” you were at loss of words but a million thought in your head, so you just nodded. he showed you the biggest and most radiant smile ever and left you baffled in front of the burning fire.
perhaps it was stupid agreeing. after months trying to forget him, you just didn’t need the wound to be open again. but you still went to that same old spot that night right after dinner and percy was already there, waiting for you. all of your doubts were swept away when he looked at you.
gods, you missed him.
“i’m glad you came” he genuinely seemed happy to see you, almost relieved. his hands were fidgeting with riptide as a pen and his puppy eyes were focused on yours. your heart was doing cartwheels and backflips at the mere sight of percy jackson. you pulled yourself together by focusing your gaze behind the boy and reminding yourself of your well thought argument that you prepped before approaching him. “percy, why are we here?”
“I think we should talk” you sighed at his answer, fixing your camp t-shirt nervously while still facing the shining water instead of his deep stare of the same color. “talk about what?” you just wanted the boy to acknowledge how unfair he had been with you, rather than pushing you away. you wanted closure.
he placed riptide in his jeans pocket and got closer to you, trying to get in your line of sight. “i missed you” your cheeks were flushing an unintentional bright red at his words that only got worse once the son of poseidon grabbed your hands. “i’m lost without your support” percy’s touch on your skin was as tender as his voice in your ears.
“you have other people in your life to rely on” your bitterness was shown as you scoffed. the boy squeezed your hands and gave you a sweet smile, getting so close that you could breathe the comforting smell of salt water. “annabeth and i broke up” you pushed him away as hard as your heart sank at his words.
“i’m just your rebound” you felt so stupid for misplacing his actions towards you. percy was there only because he felt alone and you were his last and most desperate choice. tears started rolling down your cheeks as you were overwhelmed with emotions. “no, y/n, no” he tried to come closer but you shoved him off. “i couldn’t bear being near you before” his whole being was showing guilt and worry, but you could only see pity for you.
“i need to be alone” you were already backing away from him, rubbing your face to stop crying and trying to compose yourself. percy was frenetically apologizing as he was attempting to grab your arms to make you stay with him. “please, i’m sorry, just listen to me” he looked like a rumbling mess, but you couldn’t have this conversation with him that day. you thought you were ready to confront him and you were wrong.
you had gotten the explanation of his behavior that you so ardently needed, therefore you could leave and you did. you just walked away from him and went straight to your cabin, shutting the door behind. you thanked the gods that your siblings were at the campfire as you started violently sobbing.
he was being unfair to you. you were just starting to get over him and then he barged into your peacefulness with his cocky handsome smile and pretty dark hair which you weren’t able to ignore. the son of poseidon knew how whipped you were of him and that you would have always waited for him to affirm your place in his life, but you were tired of being left on the sidelines for when he needed a shoulder to cry on. you didn’t need to be made second to annabeth or rachel or anyone else, not a goddamn prophecy either. you were going to be first on someone else’s line if you couldn’t be on percy’s.
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kaeyats · 2 years
Can we see the Liyue characters reaction to the marriage rumor 👀 I can absolutely imagine Ninguang going all out while Xiao has no idea what to do but knows he should do something to catch your attention. All the while poor poor Zhongli is suddenly regretting not having access to the same luxuries he had as an archon so he could spoil you
SAGAU,, the creator's bride/groom (part 2)
a/n: was actually in the process of writing this, but i was so happy to get some interaction from my genshin blog. this is my very first ask, ackk! i got so excited i wrote everything down in one sitting. thank you so much for the ask!!
a rumor that the almighty creator of teyvat is in the process of choosing a spouse spreads like wildfire. and all their acolytes start sucking up to them like insane. liyue edition! mondstadt edition here.
reader's gender is not specified, as with most of my works. requests and imagines in my ask box are appreciated, but will take a while. :D
warnings: none
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way before whispers of the creator's newest affairs were heard in mondstadt, way before those very words that caused a ferocious storm even reached the ears of the anemo archon, the rumors of the creator's supposed interest in marriage had already been quite rampant in liyue. trending was an understatement, not when every tongue within the lands of geo had spoken about their god's affairs regarding engagement and such.
everyone in liyue was buzzing when they heard the news. some feeling quite happy for the creator and some gearing up for the absolute war that would come the next few days. after all, the creator was currently staying in liyue harbor which practically screamed "OPPORTUNITY" for anyone in liyue who was interested.
safe to say, a certain former archon ended up choking on his food when he heard the news from the director of the wangsheng funeral parlor. zhongli didn't know if he was dreaming or not, the recent rumors too similar to one of his many fantasies with you. the only thing he needed now was for you to bust into the funeral parlor and propose to him, then he'd be fully convinced he was dreaming. but alas, no creator had appeared and no busting in had occured. and seconds later, his mind foggily returned to reality. he processed the information, at least he tried to, unable to grasp much for the next few minutes. immediately, he stood up, heading towards the direction of the hotel you were staying in. hu tao was a bit confused when the usually-composed-man left the room and said nothing, looking rather dazed. he originally intended to ask you if the rumors were true, wanting to take a rational approach, but the sight of all your acolytes clinging to you in a pathetic attempt to win you over had his head empty with jealousy. he was all too tempted to take the form of morax and persuade you with his endless and very valuable resources.
ningguang knew before most common folk, a characteristic move for the opportunistic businesswoman who had connections in almost every street of liyue. however, she did not expect your other followers to know as well when she descended from the jade palace to pay you a visit. behind her were many of her servants, carrying boxes decorated with intricate golden designs. it was quite obvious that whatever was inside each of those boxes cost quite a lot. the boxes themselves looked like they cost more than any of liyue's merchants' organs. however, they were barely acknowledged by you when the 11th harbinger stole you away once again, distracting you from ningguang's elegant presence with his mindless chatter.
the moment childe heard of your supposed interest in marriage, he decided then and there to make it his mission to bother you until your other suitors would eventually fend off. at first, it was questions about your interests and things you liked. he kept a mental list of all he learned that day, disappointed in himself for not knowing any sooner due to how busy he was all the time. the job of a fatui harbinger wasn't the easiest, after all. he considered the possibility that maybe if he got married to you, his service to the tsaritsa would be allowed an end and he could spend the rest of his years exploring the world by your side. he was quite content with listening to your ramblings and daydreaming about what it'd be like to be your lover, even more so your spouse. the moment the tianquan entered your room though, childe decided he would be a menace, wanting to push the rich woman's buttons until she would eventually give up on pursuing you.
ningguang was usually a very patient woman, but something about the ginger irked her in all the wrong ways. she couldn't handle the way he blatantly flirted with you, leaving subtle touches on your body. she could only glare at his hand as she took quiet sips of her tea from across where the two of you were seated. ningguang internally praised you for being such a kind and understanding god because if she was in your place, she would've smacked the fatui harbinger away by now. it was like she wasn't even in the room anymore with how much childe had been hogging you. she couldn't begin to imagine the pain of zhongli whose presence you haven't even noticed yet.
matters were only made worse by the fact that ganyu, someone ningguang thought she would never view as a rival entered your room without knocking, a faint blush on her cheeks. "[name], i happened to stumble into your favorite flowers and thought that maybe-" instead of your happy and accommodating smile, she was greeted with the three harshest glares she had ever encountered in her whole life. ganyu had heard of the rumors, yes, but she wasn't one to believe rumors so easily, so she paid them no mind unlike the three other figures in your room.
"oh, ganyu! what brings you here?" you left your place next to childe (an action that warranted a rather bitter look on his face), giddily wrapping your arms around ganyu to greet her. it seemed that she was much too flustered to answer your question and had completely forgotten how to form coherent words when you wrapped your arms around her. not that you minded. her facial expressions were quite funny to watch.
"ganyu, it's a pleasant surprise meeting you here. although i must say, it's quite rude how you just barged in here and called the creator by the first name. i'm sure you have better manners than that." ningguang spoke from her seat, directing her gaze away from you and ganyu, knowing that she would only get angrier by the second if she did. venom, rather poorly hidden, dripped from her words and it seemed to intimidate the poor girl next to you.
"no! no! it's fine, i told ganyu she could do that."
"barge into your room? or call you by your name?" childe asked from his seat, sounding sarcastic, but truthfully unable to stop himself from wondering.
"both. also, i've been asking all of you call me by my name, it just so happens that ganyu was the first to listen."
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zhongli seemed to have more luck the next day when he happened to run into you in the streets of liyue harbor early in the morning.
"oh? [name]? i didn't expect to see you here so early in the morning." just uttering your name felt like violating a forbidden taboo to zhongli. but after yesterday's encounter, he thought that maybe you truly did like to be called by your name and you weren't just saying things as a test of respect.
"oh! xiao went to my room last night and invited me to a picnic near wangshu inn. i just thought it'd be more convenient if i started traveling there earlier, you know?"
"that sounds (unacceptable, he wanted to say. how could your other acolytes just let you wander alone?) a bit unsafe, your- [name]. if you don't mind, i can assist you to wangshu inn to reassure that you arrive there in one piece."
you would've refused zhongli's offer in any other scenario, but after practically ignoring his existence yesterday, you accepted as a way to apologize. perhaps you could ease his mind with a little bit of conversation. surely that would be enough to pay for your mistake yesterday.
now, xiao had absolutely no idea how courting worked. he tried going around the inn, looking for books, anything, that could assist him with the topic. perhaps you would like dead offerings? should he got hunting for wild animals? or would you rather he seduce you with his body like in those e-ro-ti-ka books he found somewhere around the inn? he felt defeated, not knowing what to do once you arrived for your little picnic date. things would've been much easier had he had rex lapis as a guide and an advisor, he thought to himself, so imagine his surprise once he spotted rex lapis' mortal form walking with you towards him.
zhongli was certainly planning on sabotaging your supposed friend date with xiao, scheming in his head how he would steal you away from the adeptus, using those moments to win you over. and when you two spent a few hours in pleasant conversation, walking side-by-side, ever so often smiling at each other and giddily laughing, he was pretty sure he was going to go through with his plan, despite the initial guilt he felt for sabotaging a close friend. however, when he saw the way xiao's cheeks grew ever-so-pink at the way you hugged him the moment you saw him and the way a smile threatened to break through the usually-stoic-man's facade, he decided to leave you two alone to bond, letting xiao have his moment with you.
zhongli sat quietly in wangshu inn's restaurant, plates empty as he wondered what you and xiao were up to at that very moment. the good food lessened the sting he felt, jealousy clawing at his insides. he shouldn't regret his decision, he told himself. not when alatus looked so elated to be around you. he nodded to himself, yes, this is the right thing to do.
looking down at his empty plate, that is when he realized he has no mora with him.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Just went through all your genshin android doll au and now I'm. Thinking.
A reader who works with young kids in some capacity, maybe a teacher. Buys a second hand Albedo bot (because lord knows they dont make enough for a brand new one) with some bugs. It's not quite "isolate you from friends and family" levels and more... Clinginess. Anxiety when you need to leave for an errand. But he needs to stay home while you're still fixing him up with YouTube how to videos, just in case.
He has many quirks still remaining by the time hes able to join the classroom, but they're completely harmless. His tendency to make too much or too little eye contact, trailing after you like a duckling for the first few weeks, rocking and clicking his tounge(? Voice box?). But these are all traits you've seen before in your own kids, and his body language isn't something that needs to be fixed. It's helpful for some of your students to open up and express themselves, when they see an adult figure like them.
But of course, he still gets rather lonely. He wants to take care of you when your home, it's how he keeps your attention. He gets irritable if he's idle for too long. So you pick up a Klee model since he gets along so well with kids, and they're both models approved to used in classrooms. She's more then energetic enough to keep him busy, and they get along like bread and butter. Or a house on fire. You still have to buy second hand after all, and Klee came with some fixations. But thats nothing an equipped science bot can't handle, Albedo keeps her satisfied with science experiments. You buy another fire extinguisher just to be safe.
It isn't until you're fixing up a Albedo you got at a steal (free99) from the seller who gave you Albedo and Klee that you realize you've become somewhat of a hobbyist. This one will probably be your last permenant bot, considering his higher needs, but you've gotten quite good at fixing up quirky models. This Albedo reverted to his beta personality that had been left in some forgotten folder, and no one could quite get him to go back. But thats not your goal.
You patch some of the more... Aggressive tendancies and bugs, and leave the personality itself in tact. This gains you quite a bit of favour with your new companion, and he's quick to fall into your daily life. He exhibits some... Jealous habits with your original Albedo, picking on him and trying to one up him any chance he has. But thankfully Klee and the classroom is something they can both agree on, so it rarely extends past an (usually) innocent rivalry.
Sorry for the surprisingly long ask, but androids are one of my favorite tropes!! And Albedo (and his double) are one of my favorite characters... Please enjoy my ramblings
tw - unhealthy relationships, obsessive behavior, all albedos ini this scenario are extremely questionable.
dkljfdkdjksdjfksfsdjfsj i have not touched the sex doll au in a hot minute but i think albedo's 'beta' personality would probably have been developed and refined as an attempt to give one of the child-friend robots a bit of an edgier personality before immediately realizing that that's,,, just not a great idea and mellowing him down into our current and well-loved albedo. needless to say, when you get him in the same room as his replacement, he's less than pleased - as is your first albedo, your original companion, as he's intent on reminding you as often as he can. still, you're his precious master, and he's fond enough of klee, so he bares with the unwanted company, makes-nice with your first albedo droid, helps around your classroom, tries to prove that he can help you the way he's supposed to, too, even after the dozenth time you turn him down. you say you just doesn't feel right to sleep with the same android you bring to work everyday, but he has a feeling it might have something to do with the rip-off you keep so close to your side, the flawed copy who can't seem to go a minute without your attention. you refuse to believe him, but he swears that he's seen his copy drop that innocent mask, spare a smirk over your shoulder as you compliment him on another day of keeping your classroom relatively un-wrecked by grade-schoolers, slip into your room tonight after klee's powered down for the night. clearly, he's not the companion you deserve. clearly, teyvat made a few mistakes when they took his programming and butchered it.
and, while you might be too oblivious to see it, it's clear to him that your little family could do without a duplicate.
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moonlightpetalz6 · 9 months
Mark Me
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Character: Toji Fushiguro x Tattoo Artist Reader
Reader: Female Reader
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, drug use, high sex, smut, violence, unprotected sex, blood, harsh language, pet names, Praise kink, Dacryphilia, Exhibitionism kink, Daddy kink, degradation, marking kink, Age gap (Reader is in 20s, Toji is 30), brat kink
Wc: 7,293
A/N: All I have to say is I worked hard on this, and I hope you enjoy it! Please be nice I rewrote this like 5 times lmao.
The sound of the front door opening, indicating that a customer walked in, filled your ears, along with the quiet buzzing of the tattoo gun in your hand. "Oh! Welcome, do you have an appointment?" You hear your person at the front desk cheer, followed by muffled voices. Your eyes, which were once solely focused on the piece of art you had been skillfully engraving into the tender flesh of your current client, drift over to the small watch that rests on your wrist. "How's it looking baby?" Your client questions his eyes, looking back at you with a slight smirk, causing you to groan in disgust. This particular client of yours had been flirting with you since the day he walked into the shop, which at first didn't bother you as you were used to those occasional clients; however, this one was super persistent about it, always giving you a hard time with his tattoo design making you change things that he was once okay with into something else the next visit so that he could keep seeing you. 
"It looks fine, however, we're gonna have to cut this session short as it's almost closing time and I have one more client for the night." The man lets out a small grunt, not finding a problem with your words as it just meant he could see you again, much to your dismay. "You got it boss!" He laughed while tossing his shirt back on, following behind your smaller form as you walked towards the front of the store. "Ya know I always found all those piercings and tattoos of yours to be." The man started his usual flirting with you, always leading with the art that covered your body. This time, you tuned him out, your eyes traveling to the two figures seated in the waiting room area, one of them being very familiar. "Ichigo set this guy up with his next session for me will ya?" You mumbled while snatching the last clipboard from the desk, your eyes scanning your next client's information. "Of course, boss right away!" Ichigo cheered brightly while quickly booking the man's next appointment. You didn't get many clients at your shop, at least not many rich ones, as you had built your place in a dangerous area where lots of criminals claimed to call their homes. 
It didn't bother you, of course, as you were already seen as a problem by many people due to your appearance, so you thought, why not make a profit when people will happily give you their money for the dumbest shit sometimes. "By the way, I see Mr. Playboy is back," Ichigo whispered into your ear, a playful smirk tugging on her lips as she went and pointed to what kind of tattoo the client wanted. You hummed, feeling your eye twitch as you read that same name. You found yourself tattooing on what seems to be hundreds of different women every few weeks. Toji. "This has to be his, what? Sixth girl this month?" Ichigo Scoffed before bidding your client goodbye as he shot you a slight wink, causing you to throw up in your mouth. "It's his seventh, actually." You sighed before pushing yourself off the counter as you called the two figures over. 
In front of you stood the familiar face of one Toji Fushiguro. Next to him was a girl not much older than you who desperately clung to the man's bicep, pressing her exposed cleavage against his bare muscle. "Okay, so who's getting the tattoo?" You questioned as if the answer wasn't as clear as day in your mind. You watch as the girl lazily raises her hand with a slight giggle as she makes goo-goo eyes up at Toji, who stares at you unimpressed with how long it had taken for you to see them. "That would be me~ I want it as a tramp stamp~" She sang, eying the tall male to see if he would give her the reaction she wanted. Toji grunts a lazy smirk, tugging at his lips as he tilts his head down at you, an all-knowing look in his eyes at what you must be thinking right now. "And this must be the lucky guy, huh?" You heard Ichigo laugh from behind the counter, earning her a slight glare from you. 
"Mhm! Isn't he so handsome?" She asked, squeezing him closer. You watch as Toji goes and wraps his arm around her waist, giving it a slight squeeze. "Think you can give her what she wants? Especially since you kept us for a bit?" Toji asked, giving you a smug look, knowing you hated doing these tattoos even more each time he brought in a new girl. "Follow me." You muttered, tossing the clipboard to the side. The two of them follow you towards the back, where you have all your equipment set up. "Let me just clean up really quick. My last client ran late, so it took a bit." The girl nodded in understanding; meanwhile, Toji just scoffed, scratching his head as he leaned on one leg. "You mean that scumbag was your client? Damn, how low have your standards become, Y/n?" He mocked while watching you sanitize your equipment and replace the ink. 
"Oh, shut it. He gives me money, so who am I to complain?" You muttered before glancing between Toji and the girl. "You should know what I mean after all." You added, causing the girl to frown, her eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Toji!" She cried, wanting the man to say something. Toji stayed silent, knowing your words were true as he did many things for many people, the girl next to him being one of his more frequent clients who paid him pretty well to go on dates and have sex. You just shrugged, taking Toji's silence as not wanting to get involved as you went and put your gloves on while carefully getting the stencil out. "Whatever, just lay down for me, cutie." You mumbled, a slight smirk forming on your lips at the girl's shocked expression, along with the tinge of pink that lightly coated her cheeks. 
Once she laid where you needed, you carefully took care of the area of skin she wanted the tattoo on as you set the stencil down. Toji hovered behind you, watching the placement, nodding in approval. "Looks good, baby~" He sang lazily, smirking, earning a giggle from the girl. You scoffed as you put your mask over your mouth and nose before turning the gun on. "Yeah, let's see how long it's gonna take." You muttered before getting to work. The sound of your tattoo gun and the girl's whines and cries fill the room as you carefully paint her lower back with the letters of Toji's name. 'Honestly, I'll never understand why so many girls get this.' You carefully wipe away some excess ink while glancing over at Toji, who stood leaning against one of your walls, eyes closed, probably thinking of other things he could be doing right now. 
'Especially when they know they're not the only girls in his life.' The girl suddenly jolts, causing you to pull away as you glance at her trembling form. You let out a small sigh, turning the gun off as you go and remove your gloves. The sudden disappearance of the buzzing causes Toji to open his eyes as he looks at you, a brow raised in curiosity. "Ya done already?" His tone sounded impressed with how your speed with these things has increased. You shake your head as you go and pull your mask down with a finger pointing to the girl who is lying on the table, still shaking. "I'm going to give her a break for about fifteen minutes, maybe twenty if she still needs time." You sighed before standing up to exit the room. 
"Ichigo, I'll be outside for a bit." You muttered to the girl, who responded with a pitched kay as you opened the front door to step outside. The nighttime breeze smacks you in the face, causing a relaxed moan to slip past your lips as you lean against your shop wall, reaching into your pocket to pull out a joint. You never smoked during your shifts or when you had clients; however, you had gotten so good at tattooing Toji's name on these girls that it didn't even matter if you were sober. You place the joint in your mouth before patting your pockets for your lighter. The bell to your shop rings, causing you to glance to see Toji standing in the doorway, lips curled up in a cocky smirk. 
"Oh? Is smoking while on the job allowed?" He teases, watching as you roll your eyes before returning to looking for your lighter. "Tch, I would be heading home right now smoking it anyways if it wasn't for you always bringing your girls to my damn shop last minute almost every fucking night." You growled, getting frustrated that you couldn't find the small device. Toji just scoffed, standing next to you as he leaned against the wall, pulling his lighter out and aiming it towards you. You hummed, nodding as you pressed the joint's tip to the flame, watching it light. "Thanks." You muttered, leaning against the wall. This wasn't the first time you and Toji had been in this position, as this happened with almost all the girls he brought over, one of them needing some break from the pain. Toji was the first to start conversing with you about who did your tattoos. He was impressed When you told him it was you or some friends of yours. Since then, the two of you found yourselves outside your shop, often talking about life and random things whenever you waited for the girls to feel better. 
You let out a puff of smoke, watching it disappear into the night sky. "How's she doing?" You asked, glancing at your watch to see how much time she still had for her break. "She'll be fine. Just give her the full twenty minutes." He muttered before going and plucking the joint from your lips, causing you to growl as you glared up at him. He just smirked, giving you a wink before hitting the joint himself. The two of you went back to saying nothing, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you as you passed the joint back and forth. You sneak a glance at Toji, taking in his well-built form, watching as the muscles in his neck slightly tense as he inhaled, how his bicep flexed every time he brought the joint to his lips. 
Yes, you found his muscular body attractive, and yes, you found Toji to be your idle type, but that wasn't what caused you to grow an interest in the man. What grabbed your heart were those piercing green eyes that held a mysterious dark hue over them as if hiding his true feelings. You don't know when you started feeling this attraction towards the man, but you knew that you would never give in or act on your lustful desires as you knew nothing would come of it. "Come on, don't take all of it, you jackass." You growled and jumped up to snatch the joint, which Toji had practically smoked all of. Toji chuckles as he leans his arm on your head, causing a vein to pop as your eye twitches in annoyance. "Oh, come on, Y/n baby~ You know I'll pay ya back." He cooed before snatching a strand of your hair between two of his calloused fingers. You ignored him, not minding that he was playing with your hair as you finished the joint before glancing at your watch. 
"Come on, lover boy." You tap Toji's chest with the palm of your hand as you walk by him to open your shop door. "Let's finish marking your latest victim." Toji just grinned at your words as he obediently followed behind you with a slight chuckle. "What? You want one too?" He joked, his eyes trailing down the back of your form, resting on your ass unbeknownst to you. You scoff, waving him off as you continue to make your way back to the girl. "As if! Keep dreaming, Toji!" You scoffed. 
Oh, he will.
You stood outside your shop, a joint in your hand, as you quietly watched the night sky. It's been weeks since Toji has stopped by with another girl, making you wonder if he's finally found someone or if he's marked every single client he has. "Hey, baby~" A familiar voice calls, causing your eyes to drift over to the sound. To your dismay, it's that client you had finally finished giving the tattoo to who had been nonstop flirting with you. You internally cringe but keep your professional, laidback persona as you provide a superficial nod toward him with a half-assed smile on your lips. "Oh hey, it's you. What's up? Is there something wrong with the tattoo?" You asked, tilting your head at the man curiously. The man shakes his head with a cocky smirk as he leans his arm against the wall. His head rested in his palm as he looked down at you with a predatory gaze. 
"Oh, the tattoo is bitching, baby~ thanks again for such a good job on my body~" He cooed his body language, signaling that he was feeling pretty bold and wouldn't be taking any rejection today. You stared at him momentarily before letting out a small sigh as you carefully took the joint from your lips. 'What should I do? I sent Ichigo home cause we didn't have any more clients tonight, so no one is around to help me get out of this one.' You think a vein is popping on your temple. The man notices this and smirks, letting out a small whistle as he reaches his hand towards your face. "I noticed you've looked stressed and annoyed lately, baby~" You go to move away from his touch, which causes him to get annoyed as he suddenly grabs your chin, forcefully lifting your face to his. "Hey, now don't go being a bitch just cause you look like some trash whore always showing off so much skin. Be honest, you don't do it to show off those shit tattoos; you do it because you want men to see how easily fuckable you are." His voice was harsh, his ego probably not liking how you had tried to reject him. 
"Why don't you come home with me tonight and show me all those shit tattoos, baby~ I can paint them so pretty with my-!" The man's words abruptly cut off as you watched a fist collide with the side of his head, causing a giant dent in your shop's wall. "Toji!" A girl's voice cried out in horror. You slowly followed where the fist came from, your surprised eyes meeting Toji's enraged ones as he went and grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, lifting him off the ground. "Who's tattoos are you calling shit, big guy?" He growled, face inches from the man's now bloody one. "Or better yet…" You watched as Toji's jaw shook from how tight he was clenching, its veins popping out from his neck and face as he bared his teeth at the now-crying man. 
"Who the hell do you think you're touching and calling baby you motherfucker?" Your body shivered at how bloodthirsty Toji's tone was not expecting to see such a sight from the usually calm and laid-back man. "H-hey, man! I was trying to get laid! I didn't know the whore was yours!" That did it. Whatever self-control Toji had was instantly gone as he went and smashed the guy's face in blood, splattering all over himself and you in the crossfire. The girl Toji had come with stood there horrified as she trembled, not knowing what to do. You quickly snapped out of shock as you grabbed Toji's arm. "Hey! Toji, that's enough! What's gotten into you?!" You yelled, trying to pull the bigger man away from the unconscious body. 
Toji's eyes shot at you, causing you to freeze as you felt your heart skip a beat at the feral look in his eyes as if he was a wild animal being torn away from his prey. When Toji realized it was you, he instantly calmed down, allowing you to feel the muscles in his arm relax as he went and dropped the guy to the ground. "Fuck." He hissed, running a hand through his messy hair as he looked from the guy to you to the girl he came with. "Give me that." He growled, snatching the joint you had forgotten all about. You watched him take a resounding hit off it before walking over to the girl. He appeared to be comforting her as he went and called her a cab. In the meantime, you dragged the unconscious guy into the alley next door, making sure he still had a pulse before heading back. When you got to the shop, you saw only Toji leaning up against the wall, a hand ruffling his hair as he let out a deep sigh, the joint hanging from his lips. 
"Toji." You called, getting the man's attention. You smiled as you carefully took the joint back, putting it between your lips. "I believe you still haven't paid me back for the last time I shared one with you." You joked, trying to ease the tense atmosphere. Toji looked down at you for a moment, a frown still on his face, before you saw the scar curl up as his facial features softened. "Is that any way to say thank you brat?" He scoffed. You hummed, scratching the back of your neck as you eyed the blood-stained sidewalk and the dent in your building. "Fix my wall and clean that blood. I'll call it even." Toji let out a gruff laugh, finding your response to the situation amusing. "So did you send her home?" You asked, addressing the fact the girl was no longer around. 
"Yeah, I apologized to her and said the next date was free." He sighed, annoyed that he had to waste his time for free on such an annoying girl. "How nice of you." You joked before stomping out the butt of the joint. Your eyes scanned Toji's hand, noticing the mix of his and the man's blood dripping onto the cold cement. With a sigh, you carefully take his hand, causing him to give you a confused look. "Come on, I'll clean you up." The two of you walk into the quiet shop as you go and sit Toji on one of the couches in the waiting room. He leans against the couch, spreading his legs as his arms rest on the back. "Where's your nosey assistant?" He muttered, taking note of the dramatic girl's absence. "I didn't have any more clients tonight, so I sent her home. Of course, I see you were planning on stopping by without even an appointment." You scolded while going through the first aid kit. 
"Hey, if it wasn't for me not making an appointment, who knows what that guy could've done to your dumbass." He scoffed before cursing as you went and pressed the rubbing alcohol against his cut knuckles without warning. "That's what you get. As for what happened, I could have handled it." Toji just scoffed, looking away from you with an annoyed look. Neither of you said anything as you silently treated his wounds before feeling yourself starting to get high. "Ah shit it's kicking in already." You muttered as you finished treating his hand. "They're all better. Next time don't waste your time getting hurt on a girl who does tattoos for your clients and you occasionally smoke with." You scold, standing from the couch. Toji was still looking away, causing you to sigh as you went to put the first aid kit back. 
You looked in one of the mirrors to see blood on your face. You stare at it for a moment, the look in Toji's eyes filling your mind as you bite your lip, feeling your thighs rub against each other as the effects of the weed and the memory of the fight cause your body to start heating up. 'Fuck I should head home.' You mentally cursed as you walked out of the room. 
Toji sat on the couch, his blood still boiling as he remembered walking the familiar route to your small shop. Yeah, it was small and out of his way, but he always found himself at your shop for some reason. Maybe it was because there weren't many people that stopped by when he showed up, or perhaps he was starting to find your assistant Ichigo entertaining as she would sometimes trap him in the waiting room to talk about some random shit he never cared for. Or maybe he came to the shop so much because of-! Toji's thoughts stopped when he and the girl turned the corner, his eyes landing on your familiar form, trapped by an unfamiliar, much bigger one.
 "Hey now don't go being a bitch just cause you look like some trash whore always showing off so much skin. Be honest, you don't do it to show off those shit tattoos, you do it because you want men to see how easily fuckable you are."
Toji instantly felt his body seethe with rage as he listened to the guy's words, his gaze finally falling on how the man squeezed your pretty face between his disgusting hand. Before he knew it, his body was moving alone as he angrily stormed towards the two figures. 'Who the fuck does this fucker think he is touching what's mine.' He thinks, remembering all the times he would mess with your hair or brush up against your body, pretending that it had been an accident or that he wasn't paying much attention. Toji loved it when he would poke your cheeks, feeling the squishy skin against his rough finger and how your eye would twitch each time, finding it adorable. As Toji reached the two of you, he heard the man's following words ring through his ears like a siren. 
"Why don't you come home with me tonight and show me all those shit tattoos, baby~ I can paint them so pretty with my-!" All Toji could see was red as his fist collided with the man's face. He watched as the man slid to the ground, face bleeding from Toji's fist breaking the skin. Without hesitation, Toji picked the guy up, feeling so enraged that he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. "Who the hell do you think you're touching and calling baby you motherfucker?" The words left his lips, but in his mind, there were so many things he never got to say, especially when the man went and called you a whore. Toji didn't know how many times his fist collided with the guy's face; the only thing he could hear was the loud ringing in his ears as he clenched his teeth, eyes feeling like he was about to break every blood vessel they had. 
Toji thinks back to one of the times the two of you sat outside. He had asked you about all your tattoos, questioning who did them. When you answered that it was mostly work you did, he remembers being impressed at how well the artwork came out and how proud you looked when you recalled all the time and effort you put into each one. "It's something I love to do…and I want to keep adding more and more art to my body because it's something I really love!" You cheered with the brightest smile Toji had ever seen across your face, a happy blush tinting your skin as your eyes sparkled with pure joy. Toji remembers feeling his chest flutter at the sight. 'How fucking dare this scumbag say they're shit!' Toji's blood boils as he feels his chest tighten in anger. 
 'Don't fucking touch her! She's mine…Mine. Mine. Mine!' The thoughts ran wild in Toji's head. A sudden grip on his arm causes Toji to shoot his eyes to the side, ready to kill whoever got in his way. "Hey! Toji, that's enough! What's gotten into you?!" Until it was your face that slowly cleared the red that had drenched his vision. You stood there with your small arms wrapped around his giant one, eyes filled with worry. Toji felt his entire body relax as he took in your expression, noting the tiniest glint of tears that lined your eyes, which he always wanted to see crying under him. 'Who are you making that face for, Y/n? Are you worried about this fucking scumbag? Or that useless bitch crying in the back?' After that, Toji only thought of you, not processing anything else that happened. 
'Will you worry for me? Will you cry for me again? I only want you to think of me.' 
Toji sat on the couch staring at the ceiling as he felt himself getting high from the joint, his body relaxing, allowing a small moan to leave his lips as he continued to picture your worried, tearful expression, wanting to see it again as he started to imagine you under his body eyes leaking tears as you reached your arms up for him while crying his name like you did earlier to get him off the guy. "Fuck." Toji curses, feeling himself start to get hard as he crosses his legs when he hears your footsteps approaching. "I got some of that guy's blood on my face." You grumbled as you went to the front door, carefully turning the open sign off. 
Toji watched as you tried to wipe the scumbag's dried blood off your cheek. As you stood there, blood staining your skin, Toji couldn't help himself as he bit his lip, letting out a low growl before standing up. Unknowingly to you, you continued to try and get the blood off your cheek while staring at your reflection from the door. "Hey, Toji, I'm about to head home. Are you going to be!" Your words stop as you feel rough hands gently grab your hips, pulling them back as your ass feels something poke and slide against it. You stand there stiff as a giant blush slowly makes its way to your cheeks as you slowly look up at the door's reflection. Toji stands there, his eyes narrowed, a slight frown on his face as he goes and lightly grinds against your ass, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hips. "T-Toji?!" You cried, shocked and embarrassed, as anyone who walked by the shop would be able to see the inappropriate scene unfolding. "Let me see it." Toji mumbled, his voice an octave lower, causing a shiver to run through you as you nervously looked back at him. "C-come again?" You asked, watching as Toji scowled, his brows knitting as he went and grabbed your face, turning your cheek towards him. "Fuck that scumbag's pathetic blood did get on you." He growled, his fingers twitching. 
You whined, feeling your upper body press against the cold glass as you placed your palms against it for support. Toji's hand that still held your hip tightened as he released your face, causing you to look away embarrassed as you felt the familiar warmth between your legs quickly forming from the constant grinding. "Y/n look at me." Toji commanded as he licked his thumb, ensuring it was coated in his saliva. You do as told, slightly turning your cheek towards him. You cringe when he presses the wet digit against your heated flesh, making sure to rub all that scumbag blood away. "Y/n, from now on, I want you to keep this in mind." He growled before roughly shooting his hips forward, causing a small gasp to escape your lips as you felt your chest rub up and down against the cold glass. 
'Fuck, this is bad...I didn't wear a bra today.' You thought, feeling your nipples poke out from your top, thanks to the mix of friction and the cold. "No scumbag is allowed to touch you, got that?" Toji growled as he pressed his body against yours, his giant size trapping you against the door. You can only whimper, your eyes slowly clouding with lust as you look into the reflection. Your eyes locked with Toji's as he smirked, sliding his hands up your sides and under your shirt, causing you to let out a small cry. Toji stiffens when he notices the lack of a bra before a giant smirk crosses his face as he goes and bites at your ear. "No bra today, naughty girl~?" He purred his rough hands, groping your breasts as he skillfully took your perked buds between his rough fingers, pinching and pulling them as if they were some instrument, loving each noise he pulled from your precious lips. 
"Fuck baby, that's it…come on, keep making noises for me." Toji moans as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck, feeling his erection getting more prominent as his mind becomes slightly clouded from the weed. "T-Toji, stop…what if someone comes by?" You whined in protest as you tried to push off from the glass door. Your actions cause you to grind into Toji, earning a rough grunt as he sinks his teeth into your neck. "A-ah Tojiiiii~" You whined body shivering as his teeth lightly pierce your sensitive flesh, a bit of drool escaping the corner of your mouth as you relish in the slight pain. Toji hums at this as he lightly sucks on the spot pulling away with a small pop as he grins his fingers roughly pulling at your nipples, causing your eyes to widen as you arch your back. “Is my Babygirl a fucking masochist? Do you like it when I pull on your nipples~?" Toji coos while leaving sloppy kisses up and down your neck, making sure he leaves as many marks as possible. "Sooooo sensitive, haha~" He mocked, feeling your body tremble in his grip. "I-It's cause of the weed….MMH!" You slap a hand to your mouth as Toji goes and slides his hand down to your crotch, roughly cupping it from your shorts. 
"T-Toji, please, someone will see…ah… i-i'll be ruined." You cried between moans. Toji growled, not liking that you thought of others when he was groping your body. "Tch." He clicked his tongue as he pinched your nipples as punishment, causing your knees to buckle. Thankfully, Toji had quick reflexes as he went and wrapped an arm around your midsection, making sure to hold your weak body up, his muscles flexing. "Who the fuck cares? Do you think you can think of others while I'm right here? What if I want them to see you like this, huh?" Suddenly, you feel your shorts get pulled down, exposing your wet panties to anyone who was to walk by. Toji glanced at you in the reflection, watching as tears of embarrassment filled your eyes, causing his chest to fill with pleasure as he loved seeing you so vulnerable. 
"What do you think that scumbag will return and see you like this baby? All wet and messy for the guy who beat him unconscious?" Toji's words cause you to moan as you recall the look in his eyes from the fight again, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head. "Yeah? Does thinking about that get you turned on, baby? It's turning me on too. You can feel it. Right." He growls as he grinds into you faster while sliding his hand up your neck to tilt your head back. "Fuck Y/n, you look so fucking hot like this…" You whine, your mouth opening as you look up at him with lustful eyes, drool falling from your chin. Toji growls as his grip on your neck tightens before smashing his lips against yours in a heated, messy kiss. You whine, going and grabbing a fist full of his hair as he shoves his tongue around your wet cavern, wanting to taste every inch of your flavor. He moans into the kiss, pulling away with a few strings of saliva still connecting the two of you as he looks at you with dark eyes. 
"Open your mouth." He commands. "I wanna see you stick out that pretty tongue." You feel his fingers dance around your neck as you obediently do as you're told, making sure the wet muscle stretches out as far as possible. "That's a good fucking girl." Toji groans as he spits into your mouth, his dick twitching as he watches the glob slide down your tongue and into your mouth. "Swallow it, princess…let me see you swallow daddy's spit like a good slut." He groaned, watching you close your mouth, his hand feeling your throat expand as you swallow. "Fuck…Come on." He growled, pulling away from you roughly, picking you up as he tossed you over his shoulder. You let out a surprised squeal as you gripped the back of his shirt, causing him to chuckle as he went and smacked your ass. 
"God, you're so fucking sexy baby." He purred as he walked back to your station, carefully placing you on the chair. "You know how often I've wanted to fuck your dirty ass in this chair?" He growled, pressing his fingers against your soaked panties, causing you to moan as you tilt your head. "W-why my chair?" You sighed, finding that Toji fantasized about you sexy as you tried to rub your thighs together. Toji scowls at this as he roughly spreads your legs apart, pressing his fingers deeper against your wet panties, causing you to gasp. "Don't close your legs, princess…you better keep them spread for Daddy or else." He warns as he goes and sits himself between your legs. You watch through lidded eyes as he lifts one of your legs, pressing kisses up and down your inner thigh, leaving the occasional bite mark, shivering each time you cringe and squirm in his grasp. 
"Now be a good girl for me, Y/n." He whispers as he slides your panties off his breath, stopping as he watches a string of your slick connecting your needy hole and the useless piece of fabric. "Fucking hell, brat." He growled before ripping the material off as he wasted no time in consuming your sweet juices, a deep growl escaping his throat as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Toji mentally curses to himself as he swears, you're one of the best things he's ever tasted, wanting to eat you out for hours as he slides his thumb down over your clit, the rough pad aggressively assaulting the bundle of nerves. You let out multiple moans and curses as you arch your back, your hands gripping the armrests of the chair as Toji eats you like a starved animal. "Tojiiiiii~ mmh So fucking good~" You cry out as you weakly grab a fist full of his hair. Toji grunts his tongue, sliding up and down your folds before he plunges the slick-covered muscle into your hole. 
"Fuckfuckfuck!" You cry, your legs tensing as you push Toji's face deeper into your dripping pussy; you feel your orgasm rush through you, sending waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. Toji growls as he makes sure to lap it all up, his tongue greedily sucking it into his mouth as he gulps your sweet juices down, pulling away from your needy hole, his face dripping with your cum. "Did my baby girl cum just from my tongue~?" He purred, his fingers sliding up and down your slick folds. You watched with hooded eyes as Toji watched some of your juices drip to the ground, some landing on the chair, causing him to grunt. "Come on, baby again…you can cum for daddy again, right?" He growled, leaning over your body as he pressed rough kisses along your neck, one of his fingers sliding into your needy hole. 
"Mmmmmm!" You moan loudly, your walls clenching around the rough digit as he presses it against the squishy flesh. "That's right, baby if you can cum for me, Daddy will reward you." He chuckles, watching your pleasured expression. "So, fucking pretty." He mumbled before sucking one of your breasts into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud as he lightly bites and pulls, causing tears to roll down your cheeks. "T-Toji don't! H-hurts! EEEEEK!" You cried, feeling the man pull harder as he looked up at you with narrowed eyes. "That's not what I want you to call me princess." He growled before leaving a few apologetic licks to the irritated bud. You whine, looking away, too embarrassed to look him in the eye, when you feel another finger being inserted into you, causing your hips to buck up. "Fuuuuuuuck~" You moaned, earning a satisfied hum from Toji, who decided to mercilessly pump his fingers in and out of your puffy pussy, licking his lips as he stared down at you with a cocky grin. 
"Come on baby say it! Say my name and I'll make you cum~" Toji went and licked your bottom lip, gently biting the tender flesh as you whined, eyes rolling back again. “D-daddy…ah…I wanna cum please." You cried while shielding your eyes from his gaze. This didn't sit well with Toji as he went and pulled his fingers out, causing you to whimper at the loss as you felt your walls clench around nothing. You let out a loud gasp followed by a pathetic cry as Toji slapped your pussy, eyes narrowed. "Y/n, you're being such a brat." He growled, pinning your arms above your head with a tight grip. You winced, letting out more whimpers as you looked at him with a pout. "Stop being a brat and I'll reward you now instead of later~" He whispered, licking the lobe of your ear, causing you to shiver as you felt yourself needing more. 
You bite your lip, eyes wide, watching Toji free his erection from his pants. You felt yourself starting to drool as you watched his sensitive tip pulse as precum oozed. Toji smirked, his ego growing as he watched you go dumb at the sight of his cock. "That's right, baby~ If you beg me for it, I'll fill your needy pussy as much as you want~" You watched as he slid the tip up and down your folds teasingly, causing you to whine as you tried to free your wrists from his grip. "Toji!" You cry, not liking how he was teasing you so much. "Uh uh…." He tuts as he smacks your pussy twice with his rough hand, causing you to arch your back, tears falling. He chuckles, leaning to lick the tears up while nibbling on your jaw. "Come on, princess…say it. Beg me." He growls while pumping his twitching cock. 
You bite your lip as you look up at him. "P-Please fuck me D-daddy." You beg with the most pathetic look Toji has ever seen. Before anything else can happen, Toji roughly thrusts into you, causing you to arch your back as you toss your head back from the intense feeling. "That's my good girl! Fuck you're such a good girl for me Y/n! Your pussy is so tight it makes me want to ruin you." He growls as his hips press against you. "Fuck! Daddy too deep! Too deep daddy!" You cry Toji just grins as he continues to pound into your abused hole, loving how fucked out your expression is. "Fuck baby, you look so dumb on Daddy's cock." He releases your hands as he tosses your legs over his shoulders, guiding your hands to his biceps. "You wanted to know why I always wanted to fuck you in this chair, right?" He growled as he pressed his forehead against yours, scanning your every expression with those eyes of his that you loved so much. 
"It's because every time one of those fucking scumbags comes in here to get a tattoo while their filthy eyes scan your hot body…fuck… they're going to be sitting in this chair embedded with all your slutty juices from being fucked by your best customer." He laughs at the thought while relishing as he watches your eyes go back into your skull as your walls clamp down around him. "Fuck baby, are you gonna cum for me?" He growls, grabbing your wrist and bringing it to his face, kissing each tattoo that graced your skin. "So, fucking beautiful. You look so fucking sexy with these tattoos, baby. That fucking scumbag didn't know what he was saying." He moaned out, his thrusts becoming sloppy. You moan, your nails digging into the flesh of Toji's biceps. 
"Daddy~ am I really that pretty~?" You whine, wanting to hear his praise again. Toji smirks as he presses his lips to yours in a passionate kiss while cupping your cheeks in his hands, his thumbs rubbing your tear-stained cheeks. "The prettiest baby. You're so fucking sexy crying under me, covered in your art. Fuck baby, let me mark you~ I want everyone to see you, mine." He growls as he feels himself reaching his limit, gritting his teeth. You moan as you feel your orgasm quickly approaching. "Mmmh~ I won't be labeled like one of your whores." You admit causing Toji to scoff as he bites at your lip, his lustful green eyes locking with yours as he presses a deep kiss to your lips letting out a deep moan. "You're nothing like them, baby; ~ You're only mine~ I'll make you a new mark, yeah? Would you like that princess?" He leaves messy kisses across your face while gritting his teeth. "Daddy will give you a mark that only you can have~" He moans before giving you one last harsh thrust, his cum spraying all over your walls as he roughly bites into your shoulder to muffle his noises. 
The two of you stay still for a moment, both recovering from your highs as Toji caresses your body, his hands admiring each tattoo he knows you worked hard on. "Yeah…I know what I'm going to do." He cooed, slowly pulling out from you and kissing your cheek as you whined from the sudden loss, causing you to feel empty. Toji hummed as he watched his cum spill from your messy hole, pride filling him as he reached for your tattoo gun, carefully turning it on as he gave you a sadistic smirk. 
"Be a good girl for Daddy one more time tonight, baby~" 
Your eyes slowly travel to the front door, where you see Toji standing with a new girl by his side. Ichigo giggles as she watches you lead them to the back and start tattooing the usual name onto whatever body part she's chosen. As you sit there carefully tattooing the girl, Toji stands behind you, his eyes landing on the tattoo, still healing on your shoulder. The detailed bite mark slightly starts to peel from the healing skin, causing Toji's eyes to narrow as he walks closer to you. "How's it looking Toji~?" The girl questioned with a giggle. Your body stiffens as Toji gently cups your shoulder, running his thumb across the healing tattoo. His eyes fill with lust as he licks his lips, noticing the deep blush on your cheeks. 
"Oh yeah… it's looking perfect baby~"
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Dressed all in white (Sihtric Kjartansson x reader)
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synopsis: When Sihtric and you meet life feels like a dream. Never in a thousand years could you have thougth such heaven could turn into such hell.
warnings: heavy angst, emotional manipulation, hurt/comfort but very little comfort, grief, physical violence, afab reader
word count: 3.1k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall @foxyanon @sihtricfedaraaahvicius
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
A/N: This is probably one of my darker fics, so please know that it is completely okay to save this and read later if you currently aren´t in the right headspace. If you have recently lost someone close to you please know that eventhough it will suck and it is important that it sucks for a while it will get easier eventually. And if it doesn´t, counceling is always a good option imo
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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It almost felt like a dream now, thinking back to that evening. A beautiful dream you wish would have never passed. But every dream had to end sometime. The end to yours was Sihtric standing by the docks of your hometown after a months long stay, hugging you tightly as he kissed you on the forehead and promised to write as often as he could.
“Do not cry, my love. I will return to you before you know it.” It was the only consolation you got.
That and half of his lord Uthred´s crew. Amongst them, Finan. As Sihtric and you had grown closer, so had the Irish man and you, though in a far more platonic sense. Ever since that night you felt like the dream that now ended began. As you stand there, Finan´s arm around your shoulder. As you wave off Sihtric until the ship is barely a spec on the horizon, you allow yourself to reminisce about the night you all had met.
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There had been word of a large group of Danes having come to town all day. No matter where you went you would become privy to whispers about the large group of men. How their leader was a Saxon raised by Danes nicknamed the Dane slayer. The rumours made your mind run wild with imagining how this Dane slayer would look like. All your brain could come up with, was the picture of a beast of a man. Tall, covered in muscles and scars with long hair and a long beard. A barbarian, in short. Which was all but not what greeted you at the tavern that evening.
Long before you set foot over the threshold you could hear the screaming and laughing and music. A big group of Danes had taken over the tavern and in the midst of them sat the Dane slayer himself, Uhtred Ragnarsson, with three of his seemingly closest men. Throughout the night there was an abundance of food and ale, men and women started dancing on the tables to the music and you were no different from them. Finding yourself pulled into a conversation with the Irish man and the Dane, shocked yet fascinated by their stories and in the end, being spun around by them to lively melody after lively melody, singing dancing and laughing until the very ungodly hours of the morning. The two men had you laughing until your tummy hurt and kept you on your feet until your legs ached. When the time came to go home, or rather to choose who to take home with you, your choice fell onto Sihtric. In hindsight you weren´t even sure why your decision fell on him, all you knew was that it was easy to decide. For some odd reason the Danes soul felt like it was calling out to you.
One night turned into many and your choice that fateful night only proved to have been the right one. Finan was sweet to you, but Sihtric was infinitely sweeter. After only a short while you had no room left in your small house for the heap of flowers that he gifted you, he never talked over you in conversation and made a point to include you as best as possible and the best thing was that he listened. He actually listened with great interest, storing each new thing he learned about you somewhere easily reachable in his brain. He was perfect, life was good for a while. If only he hadn´t followed Uhtred back to sea.
Not long after he had left, the letters he had promised to send stopped coming out of nowhere, even though he had just promised to marry you as soon as he came back.
Reams of miles away Sihtric thought and worried endlessly about the same, you had sounded beyond happy about his promise in the last letter only to then suddenly stop writing out of nowhere. That´s when he received a letter that would explain the absence of any writing in all the worst ways.
He was alone when he opened the envelope addressed to him. It´s contents talked about how he had left you behind pregnant, a fact that made his heart beat higher, the overwhelming happiness overshadowed the fact that you had not told him yourself or the absence of any communication for a moment. Only for it to end with his heart sinking into before unknown depths and his vision to veil with tears as he continued reading. There had been complications and you, as well as the child, had died. The paper is crumpled in his fist before he can read the expressions of condolences, he didn´t care for them anyway. The scream that leaves his lungs goes unregistered by his own ears, but it is heard by many others.
Little did he know that at approximately the same time a very alive and unpregnant you received a similar letter. Stating that there had been a disaster too cruel to recount to you, that there weren´t many survivors. However, Sihtric was not amongst them. Leaving behind only tear-stained nights and dreams of what could have been.
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It felt like your life stopped the moment you had opened the envelope. An unending numbness filled your body. Each month you had known Sihtric converted to a year of mourning his loss and you weren´t sure what was worse. The longing and yearning for nothing more than to have him back with you under any circumstances, not talking, eating or sleeping at all or far too much. The inner coldness no matter how many layers of clothes or furs you wore, that only got worse the more the sun shone. Or realising that life had to move and allowing yourself to live again. Even in just small ways. The first time you actually ate, slept, went about your day as before, the first time Finan managed to make you laugh for the first time in what felt like forever send you spiralling all over again. But you allowed yourself to be comforted by the Irish man, who had a seemingly way easier time handling the news than you did.
“How do you do it?” You asked him one afternoon as you sat together.
“How do I do what?” Came the fairly confused question back.
“Be so fine to live on without him. Laugh. It feels like he took even the colours of the world away when he died.” You mutter the forgotten context into the room.
“Ah…” Finan makes a quiet sound of recognition, thinking deeply about his next words. “I believe it is because we all have made our piece with the fact long ago. Our lives were never quite as safe as yours, especially out on the sea, where every storm could mean the end if you are not careful.”
“Oh…” You feel stupid for your answer or perhaps even asking the question, but you didn´t know what else to say.
Silence settles over the two of you again like a stone slab.
“It is so hard to believe that he is supposed to be gone and I am still here, having to go on. He was so sweet; he did not deserve this.” Your eyes begin to burn, though you aren´t sure if it is from tears of the past or present.
“I know.” There isn´t much more Finan can answer.
“I love him so much still.” Your voice nearly gives out under the familiar knot that builds in your throat.
“I know.” Finan pulls you onto his lap, to lay your ear on his chest.
The gesture had always comforted you when you cried over the thought of Sihtric leaving one day. He had let you listen to his heart to remind you that he would always be there for you. If not in physical form, then in soul and heart.
“You need only to close your eyes and think back to this moment. Then you will know I am still with you.” Your Dane lover had rasped into your ear and for as long as you thought him alive you lived by it.
When you eventually met a new man, you couldn´t help but to compare him to Sihtric and find he was different in so many ways. Naturally. He was still nice and caring and funny, but even the beating of his heart was different to Sihtrics. Not only because it was there, but the rhythm it drummed against his ribcage was fundamentally so contrasting. The way his arms wrapped around you felt different and you have to confront the fact that things would never feel the same. Yet over time the strong, vibrant pulse began to drown out the steady beat you fell in love with. And so, when you allowed for people to enter your heart again, the wish of being able to be okay with living became a wish to share your life more intimately with the man than before. After all, he had made every effort possible to make you as happy as his former crew mate would have. And though you had sworn to only ever love one man, you were overjoyed when the man proposed to you. Or at least that was how you interpret the way your own heart, which had thawed entirely only shortly ago, beat a few deep pulses before returning to normal. The ceremony is arranged to be held by father Beocca at your future husbands house, your friends help you into the dress, braid flowers into your hair and do their best to calm your nerves and dry your tears. But still when it is time to leave for the ceremony, you are unsure if you are truly ready.
At approximately the same time a boat arrives at the docks. On it Uhtred, Sihtric and the rest of the crew. It had been so long, yet seeing the town made Sihtric´s throat tighten as memories of you flood his mind. He had almost obsessively studied the last letter containing information of your status and it had been too painful to return. But Uhtred was right. He couldn´t let that hurt take control over his life. So now he found himself wandering through the greenfield the two of you had spent so much time laying close, talking about everything and nothing all the same. The tavern you met at. Even just the town square and lastly… your home. Where, if it hadn´t already, all the colour would have drained from the Dane´s face. It felt like a hallucination at first. One that took away his voice and nearly made him fall to his knees. The desperation for the moment to be real wore him down as if someone had slit open his stomach, put boulders into it and sewed it shut again. He stumbles and almost falls multiple times, calling your name until you turn to see him.
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“Sihtric…” You whisper and slap a hand over your mouth, getting the attention of the women surrounding you. The bouquet in your hands falls to the ground in favour of them grabbing and lifting the skirt of your dress to pull it up out of the way of your feet. The whispers around are drowned out by a high-pitched ringing in your ears and without having to think about it, your feet carry you towards the only man you ever loved.
Once his arms wrap around you it is like something shakes the fundament of the earth. The world becomes more colourful again, air fully fills your lungs for the first time in forever and the tears that burn in your eyes are for once uncoined by grief, yet the sense of longing, that had plagued your soul for so long, prevailed. The scent of wet wood and musk fills your nose, followed by the comforting undertones of honey and black pepper to soothe your mind.
“You are real…” Sihtric is the one to speak first.
“The much more pressing question here is how you are alive?” You answer, leaning back in his arms to look at his face as your hands cup his face. Even feeling the skin under your finger pads couldn´t completely convince you that this moment was real.
“Me? How are you still alive?” Sihtric´s eyebrows knit together tightly, the frown on his lips deepening further in confusion.
By now a small cluster of people had collected, watching the reunion and whispering behind their hands a small distance away. In search of an answer, you turn to them, hoping to find your future husband, so he could give an explanation, but he seemed to still wait inside. Unaware of what was going on. Unaware of what was going to happen soon.
“Me? You were the one that stopped writing first. And then I got a letter that said… It said that you...” It´s too hard to actually say the words, but Sihtric understands nevertheless.
He is just about to say something, when the door to your home opened and Finan stepped out, assumingly to look where you were, eyes widening at the sight of his friend. Yet there is no time for any more reunion feelings, as the Irish man is closely followed by your husband to be.
Sihtric´s eyes widen in understanding before yours do and you have a hard time holding him back, but the men just have too much strength. The Dane lands a hard punch in the man´s face, splitting his lip with his knuckles and drawing some blood. There are screams heard from the crowd and immediately a handful of men have to pull them apart before anything worse happens.
“Stop it! Stop it this instant you two!” You scream repeatedly at the top of your lungs, yet it still takes a while until the spirits have been calmed enough to at least have the two men not struggle against the men parting them anymore.
However, there is no way to get an explanation from anyone as they continue to scream at each other from a distance. Spouting insults that you had never heard before in your life.
Then Sihtric silences everyone with three powerful yet simple words. “Make the square!”
There are protests from several of the men, but in the end, everything goes all too fast. You are frozen to the ground you are standing on, so Finan pulls you aside. Sihtric presses a kiss to your lips and mutters a promise that your brain is unable to register. All you can focus on is the weapons being drawn. Your brain doesn´t even register the hot tears that stream down your cheeks and stain the fabric of the dress. The first sound of the blades meeting each other, has you burying your face in Finan´s chest, resounding in your ears horrifically. You can´t stand to watch most of it, shaking and flinching with every sound of blades clashing or pained scream. You have to force yourself to watch eventually when you can´t deal with the anxiety and uncertainty anymore. Frantic eyes searched for Sihtric. Finding him, covered in dirt, blood and panting, but still standing and to your relief with a good chance at winning. Though you don´t allow yourself to cheer like the others yet. There is still too much shock in your bones, too many unresolved questions plaguing your mind. You manage to get so caught up in your thoughts, that you only come to, when the fight seems to be close to over. Luckily in favour of your one true love, which now stands above the man you were about to marry, a dagger you hadn´t noticed the Dane carrying before, to his throat. From the distance you can see the raw fear in the man´s widely opened eyes and rapidly rising and sinking chest, clawing at the Danes wrist to get him to let go of the weapon to no avail. That fear quickly morphs to relief, exhaled in a deep breath and relaxing facial features, when Sihtric puts the dagger into the ground beneath his head, the blade sticking out upright. Only to morph back into the purest horror just as quickly as before, when the first fist swiftly comes down onto his face. A crack can be heard when the knuckles make contact with the bridge of the nose, thus breaking it without even batting an eye.
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Air suddenly floods your lungs in a gasp at the cracking sound, but silently find yourself cheering on your one true love more and more as time passes. Your own body doesn´t listen to you anymore. Your eyes are dead focussed on the sight of his fist making contact with the face over and over and over again, even long after the resistance had stopped and he had clearly won as his opponent’s face was nothing more than bloody pulp. It was gruelling, haunting to see, but your head would have refused to turn away even if you had wanted it to. So, you continue watching and watching and watching until it becomes glaringly clear that Sihtric is not going to stop anytime soon. You aren´t the only one to have that realisation, it glimmers in Finan and Uhtred´s eyes as well. The two men pull their friend off the lifeless body and you are by his side in an instant. Cupping his face in your firm, but gentle hands, your eyes searching his until they make contact and in the corner of your field of vision you see the way his chest rises slow down.
“You have to stop now. It is over.” You urge him in a sore voice falling to your knees in front of him. “You won. It is over now.”
The Dane looks deep into your eyes, allowing your voice and words to soothe him, yet the anger took the ability to think clearly or speak from him still. Finan and Uhtred let him go and you can fall into his arms again without a care in the world about the pristine, white dress becoming dirty as well. All that matters is feeling Sihtric in your arms now as you keep murmuring to him. His entire body starts to tremble under the familiar touch and so does yours. You squeeze your eyes shut and pull him in tighter. You have trouble believing your own words. It doesn´t entirely feel over yet. Fear still gnaws on your heart, that he could vanish from your hold to leave behind nothing but a cloud of smoke and the pain of being awoken from yet another dream tricking you into thinking things hadn´t resolved in your favour. Fear that it was real, but he would be taken from you one day once more. The two of you likely couldn´t be further from having won. Or else, you think, the tears that now flow freely down both your faces to wet the others clothes wouldn´t be so bitter.
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gaycragula · 1 month
Hey may I ask for a part two of Refound Family only now that the kid is now joining the task force and that he passed all of the test like it was sliding on ice (easy and smooth) then one day they meet on a mission and the kido team and 141 decided to team up for that one mission because they had gotten the order to take down the same terrorist organisation.
Lead the Way, Private
Pairing: Task Force 141 x M!Reader (Platonic/Paternal) Part 2 of the Refound family short Warning(s): very vaguely hinted relationship with your sergeant, captain m!reader, military setting, hinted at minor character death like super duper vaguely, random callsigns for extra characters Extra Note: I've no clue how the military works so I apologize in advance Word Count: 1558 Masterlist
The weight of your gear had become a welcome feeling along with the feel of the wind on your face as you and your team were transported to a secondary hangar. 
After you’d found your family, you’d decided to join the military. Your adoptive parents were hesitant at first, trying to get you to think about it. You’d told Price about your wishes and your parents' doubts. 
The next time you’d spoken to them, they were supportive but still hesitant. You assume Price had a talk with them.
That had been 10 years ago. You’d gotten through boot camp without many difficulties despite being one of the older guys there. Most had been teenagers, fresh out of high school. There were only two or three other guys in their 20s like you.
 You were in your 30s, sitting comfortably in the position of captain. You wore the medal with pride.
 You’d been with your men for just over 9 years. Three of them as a sergeant and four as a lieutenant before you got your current position. Your men respected you. You’d been with them long enough to know what they were capable of and rarely ever pushed them past what they were able to do. They trusted and respected you.
There was only one person on your team who proved difficult. The newest soldier who joined just after you’d been promoted to captain. Torch was the name he’d made for himself. He seemed to find joy in testing the waters in how far he could push you. He didn’t succeed in getting far very often. 
The helicopter landed and you were the first to land on the concrete of the hangar and you came face to face with another man.
It wasn’t new to be assigned a mission with another team. Especially taking down a big terrorist organization. So getting off the helicopters and finding yourself face to face with the captain of another team was not unusual. You expected it.
What you didn’t expect was the captain to be none other than John Price. He seemed just as surprised to see you before he was pulling you into a tight but brief hug with a laugh. 
“Captain?” The word was echoed by two different people.
You turned to look at your Sergeant and Price turned to where Soap had just called for him.
“Yes Sergeant?” You hum, adjusting your vest momentarily as you step away from Price. You just barely miss the look Price gives you before he’s repeating your actions, walking towards Soap to see what he needed.
“You know him?” Your Sergeant asked. You nod with a smile.
“Long story. I’ll have to tell you about it later.”
“Better keep your word, sir,” the sergeant teases.
You let out a laugh, nudging the soldier playfully. “When have I not?”
You almost miss the look of disdain pass over one of the private’s face before they were turning away from you. You take a mental note before telling your men to grab their gear and head inside. 
“Sooo.. Captain?” Gaz whistles as you sit down across from him. “Moving up quick, kid.”
 You roll your eyes with a low chuckle. “Gotta prove I’m not a little kid anymore,” you joke as you lean back in your chair. 
Gaz laughs, shaking his head. The room began to fill up, your sergeant taking the seat to your left while Soap took the seat to your right. A quick debrief before you went out into the field. A much needed 30 minutes of information spewing on what the plan was.
You were reviewing with your men, making sure they had it drilled in their heads who they would be working with. The private gave you a look and you shot one back at him. “Is there an issue, Torch?” You ask. Your voice was louder than it needed to be and, even with the balaclava covering his face, you can tell you’ve embarrassed him.
“No sir,” he mumbles, eyes shifting to his boots. A huff leaves your mouth and you order your men on the carrier. They were quick to do so and you could hear your sergeant say something to the private.
You walked over to where Price was standing speaking to Ghost. Ghost nods to you in acknowledgement as you stop next to Price. He dismisses Ghost onto the carrier before turning to you. 
“All set, Cap,” you hum. “Ready for takeoff.”
“Atta boy,” Price chuckles, ruffling your hair like he used to when you were a boy. “Let’s get goin’ then.”
He pats you on the back as you turn to join your men, taking the hand your sergeant offered you to hoist you into the carrier. The aircraft shook for a moment as it took off before it was speeding towards your drop off location.
Drop off was quick. Everyone grabbed their weapons and got out of the way so the carriers could take back off and leave you in silence. 
The group waited for the sound of the carriers to fall off completely before beginning the 15 mile trek to your target. Price led the group while you brought up the rear. Leaves crunched under boots and you wondered for a moment why they decided to do this in the middle of autumn. 
At the 10 mile mark, four men branched off. Two to the east and two to the west. The designated snipers. All four were your men. Your sergeant and your corporal went west. Your lieutenant and one of the privates went east. 
“They good shots?” Ghost asks, falling in line next to you.
“Killer,” you nod, finding joy in the amused huff Ghost gave in reply.  With the four branching off, that left yourself, all four of the 141, and two of your privates. “Trust them with my life.”
“Good to have that trust,” Ghost hums as he glances at the other three members of his team. “How long have you been with them?”
“Spent Three years as a sergeant with them. Four as a lieutenant and two so far as their captain,” you answer. “Been on the team for 9 years. With my men for 8.”
Ghost casts a sideways glance that you ignore. You didn’t feel like going into detail and he seemed to respect the silent wish as he didn’t press on the matter. “How are your parents?”
“Good. They’ve come to terms with my decision. We write to each other whenever we can,” you smile. Ghost hums and it seemed that was the end of the conversation. It was rare for you to talk to him for long. He’d rather give you encouraging pats on the back or be a shoulder to cry on than hold a conversation.
You never minded. When you were younger, it was rare for Ghost to be alone anyway. Soap was always around and talked enough for both of them. You’re sure it still rings true now. 
The line came to a halt as the building you’d be sweeping peeked over a hill. “What’s it looking like down there, Kicker?” You ask  over the radio.
Static before your lieutenant answered. “About fifty gathered to the east. Unloading materials from the looks of it. Lots of cars coming in and out.”
“‘Bout fifteen keeping guard 30 yards from the back entrance, Cap,” your sergeant answers. 
You thank both of them and nod to Price. “We go east,” you say.
“You sure?” Your private quips. You turned to the man, fighting the urge to snarl. 
“Would you like to go west, Torch?” You ask. You manage to keep your voice steady. “If you would like to do so, please lead the way.”
You make a show of gesturing to the west, watching the soldier intently. The private didn’t say anything for a moment and you let out a huff. “Soap, come with,” you say before looking at Price who nodded. “We’re going west. Price, Gaz, and Ghost, roll out east.”
The private sputtered on whatever he was going to say next, choking out an apology. You huffed in response, nudging the soldier forward with a scowl. “Too late to back down, private. But we will be having a chat when we get back,” you hiss, gesturing for Soap to join yourself and both of your privates. You saw your other private hit Torch over the back of his head, cursing him out.
“Aye, Captain,” Soap nods, glaring at Torch as he moved to stand next to you. 
You repeat the change of plans to the four snipers, waiting for acknowledgement before you start west. 
“Quit starin’ boys,” Price chuckles, pulling Ghost’s and Gaz’s attention back to himself. “He’ll be fine. That private is in for one hell of a talking to.”
“Didn’t think he would’ve had it in him,” Gaz muses as the three of them head east. “Always was a soft spoken kid. Rare to get him riled up.”
“Can’t help but be proud of him can you?” Price chuckles. 
Ghost let out a hum of agreement. You weren’t their little boy anymore. You aren’t the boy they pulled from that smoking rubble, who latched onto them, screaming and crying when you were adopted. You were a man now and you didn’t need the protection you needed all those years ago.
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mageknight14 · 9 months
The Dangers and Flaws of Idolization: A NEO TWEWY analysis post
Transplanting and expanding on a thread I made on Twitter to fit within a Tumblr format.
One of the most interesting aspects I see in NEO TWEWY that I don’t see many people touch upon is the commonality between Rindo, Fret, and Shoka in how they look up to others as role models while simultaneously being blind to their flaws/who they actually are up to the end and how the game's themes are reflected in those relationships and today, I'd like to showcase why.
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First, we have Rindo and Motoi. With that relationship, the game makes it pretty clear that Rindo looked up to Motoi as An0ther and used his words as encouragement to get through his own daily life and anxiety. The kid could barely decide what he could even eat for dinner before he had come across the account, so if you thought his current indecisiveness nature was bad, he was even worse before the events of the game.
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However, what I find interesting is that even though he constantly spouts An0ther's sayings in an attempt to try and steel himself for the challenges he faces, he thoughtlessly does so and only lives by the sayings half-heartedly, since his indecisive nature and fear of responsibility prevent him from committing all the way. I think it's telling that despite claiming that "don't miss your chance to make a friend" is one of his favorite quotes, he's constantly at odds with the idea of bringing potentially new players on board the team even before he gets the chance to properly know/meet them and grimaces at the thought of the structure of the old Reaper's Game in the original.
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Keep in mind that Beat saved Rindo's life at the hands of Susukichi at least two whole days ago before this occurrence.
Nagi’s Dive into his head on W1D3 actually does a LOT to reveal aspects of his character: he puts other people at arm’s length (besides Swallow due to their online anonymity) because he’s afraid of the fallout of what would to happen if he got involved with them.
"What if I end up taking on more than I can handle? What if other people end up dragging me down with them? If I just stay at the sidelines and shift the blame onto others, I won’t get into trouble for this."
"I'm in a group project; everybody is contributing and making decisions about how we should go about doing things. I keep my mouth shut and refrain from pitching in despite maybe thinking some of their ideas misses the point of the assignment, because God forbid my ideas could be helpful (or maybe they won't; that's life, but I won't know unless i speak up). We end up handing in our project and whoops, we got a C-. I guess I'm not responsible for receiving that grade because I never made a decision, therefore I shouldn't be accountable for my lack of contribution. It just makes sense."
If you've known/are a person that have had similar thoughts to this mindset, then congrats; you know/are a Rindo Kanade in real life.
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This culminates into him latching onto others he finds capable and taking the relationships around him for granted, tying other people's worth to their prowess in might or influence. After all, why bother relying on yourself and others when you can just rely on someone else for you to solve your problems? Especially since it means that if everything goes south, YOU won’t take the fallout for it. After all, they’re clearly much more capable than you are.
To get back to his dynamic with Motoi, Rindo looks up to him immensely after finding out that he was his idol an0ther and came to value his input regarding matters within the Game. So when he eventually finds out the truth and is forced to confront the fact that his hero was nothing more than a content thief and a schemer who would trample over others just to survive, he’s understandably heartbroken.
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However, instead of just leaving it there, the game decides to flip the script and have Motoi legitimately apologize to Rindo for his actions, leading to the lad in question learning to recognize that Motoi is ultimately an incredibly flawed human being instead of just writing him off entirely, (even giving him another chance!) and is, in many ways, a mirror to Rindo. Like Rindo, Motoi was deathly afraid of responsibility and the fallout of letting other people down, leading to him copying and pasting other people's quotes so that he wouldn't have to face that possibility. This aspect of himself only got worse when he got trapped in the Reaper's Game for multiple loops on end, forcing him to become a worse version of himself, lying, cheating, and backstabbing just to survive and even looking towards becoming part of the Reapers, the same group that trapped him there in the first place, just so he wouldn't have to be Erased, un a manner that's eerily reminiscent to how Rindo would took towards overly relying on others so that he would make it out okay. In that sense, Motoi is a look at what a grown-up Rindo would look like if he didn't take the lessons he learned within the Game to heart, which is part of why the latter decides to take Motoi’s copypasted quotes and apply them to his life in a positive way, deriving his own meaning from them so that in a way that contrasts him following them in a shallow manner from before.
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Next up, we have Fret and Kanon, who form a interesting parallel to Rindo and Motoi's dynamic. Whereas Motoi is a look at one of the worst possible paths that Rindo could take if he didn't learn how to properly deal with his flaws, Kanon actually tries to coach Fret into becoming more true to and genuine with his actual self. She also shows herself to be a genuinely affable and honorable person even in spite of the bad first impression that she had given at the beginning of the game by stealing Rindo and Fret's pin for herself.
However, that's only the surface level stuff, as the game actually goes deeper with her character. While Kanon at first seems to be true to herself and genuine at her core in a way that Fret isn’t, we can see from the Dive into her head on W3D3 that she’s holding back a LOT underneath the surface.
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"You always did have a way of destroying things" tends to get glossed over by some and for those who do look at the words, they seemingly come out of nowhere and can be seemingly brushed off as her just being under the influence of the Plague Noise. However , when you look back at some of Kanon’s actions and her words towards the Twisters (accusing the Twisters of sabotaging Fuya and making Motoi drop out of the Scramble Slam against his will, her mood changing when she finds out about Fuya challenging the Ruinbringers in one timeline as opposed to her more cheerful attitude towards Fret when she didn't find that out just yet, her acting suspicious towards the Twisters regarding their prowess as a team, etc), the implication is that she doesn’t just resent the game as a whole but also secretly the Twisters as well.
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The thing about the Player teams is that they have formed an unspoken agreement where the top 3 teams (sans Ruinbringers of course) keep their footing by sending new players and other teams to last place, which the Wicked Twisters screw up just by existing. Their synergy and impressive Imagination powers (well, Fret, Nagi, and Sho’s at least) threaten the balance the teams have struggled to keep up for so long, hence why Kanon initially just sees them as another team to point snipe before she changes her mind on them. And while the Twisters do almost bring about change by beating the Ruinbringers, it ultimately doesn’t even matter in the long-run due to how incredibly rigged the Shinjuku game is and as a result, the DRS are eliminated, getting rid of Kanon’s and Motoi’s safety net.
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Imagine this from the players’ perspective: you’re stuck in essentially what is a never-ending death game but you’ve got a system going where you can at least stave off your deaths for a bit longer. Then a couple of kids come around and throw that whole system entirely out of whack. And you think, "well, at least they can take out the top team and give us a fighting chance, right?" Only for those hopes to also get dashed because the rules are just that rigged. Like Kubo said, life ain’t fair and the afterlife sure as hell ain’t either. W1D5 and W2D4 are excellent explorations of this kind of mindset as it showcases the player teams falling victim to their desires and abusing their powers as a result of being stuck in an endless loop of playing the Game over and over again with no hope of escaping, as well as highlights paints certain comments made by the leaders in an even darker light.
With all of this in mind, it’s honestly no wonder that Kanon resents the Twisters but what’s interesting is that she tries to keep this resentment under wraps because she knows that it isn’t fair to them. They’re just kids after all who would have no idea about all of that. Hence why she admonishes herself in her Dive for wishing that they had just wipe out the Reapers altogether and why Fret is shown to be hurt hearing her inner thoughts about the Twisters in a way that’s pretty reminiscent of Rindo’s reaction when he found out about Motoi.
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And finally, we have Shoka and Ayano. While it’s pretty clear that the two do genuinely care for one another, it’s a relationship that’s been tragically scarred by the events surrounding Shinjuku and the Reapers in general, resulting in a mutually unhealthy dynamic. 
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What I find interesting about the relationship is that while Shoka gets pissed whenever Rindo insinuates that Ayano must’ve treated her badly, she sadly realizes in another convo that she doesn’t know much about Ayano on a personal level or what her interests even are.
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In spite of how close they are and how much they mean to each other, Ayano still put up emotional walls and closed herself off, never allowing herself to be on equal footing to Shoka and instead just be someone who guides and mentors her over the 4 years they were together.
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This is due to her feeling betrayed by Shiba/others while simultaneously using Shoka as her one stable point in life regardless because everything is going up into chaos surrounding the Shinjuku Reapers and she finds herself unable to trust anyone around her anymore. And Shoka herself doesn't even realize this until the end when it’s too late because she was just happy to simply have Ayano by her side without thinking deeper about her and their relationship as a whole due to her own emotional issues and troubled past.
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When it comes to children from broken homes, they are prone to imprinting on any adult figure that interacts positively with them and in Shoka's case, this is exactly what she did with the Shinjuku Reapers, especially Ayano.
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A running theme throughout all of these instances is how they all involve the younger generation looking up to the adults in their lives as idols as opposed to just role models and thus fail to see them for who they are as actual human beings. And by the time they that finally do, it's too late for the adults.
You also see nods towards this theme via the Shinjuku Reapers and their relationship with Shiba or Shiba’s (who himself is parallel to Rindo if his tendency to subconsciously take on the values of others and mistake his as his own was twisted into the worst possible outcome) relationship with Kubo, with Hishima even flat out stating as such. "You fell at the feet of an idol like an utter fool", indeed.
And this all fits, as well, into NEO's larger theme that even as a 'follower', you have to question the 'leader'. Role models aren't bad -- but idols and failing to recognize their limits/flaws/toxicity are and will end up screwing you over in the long run if you aren’t careful. And I think NEO did an excellent job at exploring the little nuances that come with that, from Kanon’s internal resentment she knew wasn’t fair to the unseen distance between Ayano and Shoka to Motoi being a complete deconstruction of it all. It shows the good and the bad of idolizing someone too much. It shows how you can see the real them and turn the image you liked into something more with Rindo, or how to hold them in your heart while moving on like Shoka. It's okay to acknowledge the flaws and shortcomings of the people you look up to. Hell, it’s probably healthy to do that in some ways. As long as they’re still a good person or even helped you grow, you can still celebrate the good they brought
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its-vannah · 1 year
Gold Rush | Graham Dunne x Reader
Request from @ariianelle: hey!! you're currently carrying the djats fics rn and I was wondering if you could write a graham x reader inspired by gold rush by Taylor Swift? specifically fluff with a happy ending? mainly just Graham pining over the reader? <3
A/N: This may be my favorite Graham fic I've ever written. It was entertaining to no end—and I'm usually pretty hard on my work.
Warnings: Mentions of kidneys and vomit
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Being in the spotlight was exhausting. There were times you wish you could have five minutes, just five to yourself. But that wasn't the kind of world you lived in.
Cameras were constantly flashing around you, microphones were being put into your face, fans were asking for your autograph. You could barely catch your breath.
You hadn't asked for any of this. Not the fame or the fortune. From a young age, you were forced into acting lessons by your parents who had big dreams of their daughter fitting in with high society.
The first movie you ever did cemented your place in Hollywood as a sexy, sultry, up and coming actress. You were fifteen. There shouldn't have been anything sexy or sultry about you.
After the release of "The Governor's Daughter", you were launched fullforce into a career you never wanted. No matter how many carpets you walked down or how many after parties you attended, none of it made the life you were living any easier.
You were living your parents dream, not your own.
Those thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your dressing room door. Taking a deep breath, you smoothed out the front of your dress, opening the door.
The SNL manager stood outside, pointing to the face of his watch, "You're on in seven."
You got the memo, shutting the door behind you and making your way to the stage. But an ongoing conversation in a dressing room beside yours caught your attention.
"You don't get it, Billy, she's the most famous actress of the decade. She's our Evelyn Hugo," One man exclaimed.
Another man laughed, "Evelyn Hugo is still the actress of our decade."
"No, you don't get it, she's different. Everybody wants her. Everybody. I heard one guy sold his kidney just to meet her."
"A kidney? Graham, where are you getting this from?"
A sheepish laugh escaped the other man's lips, "The tabloids."
"You, as much as anyone, should know to never trust the tabloids," He sighed, "Graham, if you like her so much, why don't you ask her out?"
"Have you seen her? She's beautiful, she grew up beautiful," The man, Graham, said, "I don't have a chance with her. I don't even think I'd be able to talk around her."
A groan escaped the other man, "You never know. Michelle Wieler liked you in fifth grade and according to you, she was the prettiest girl in the whole school."
A sudden snapping behind you snapping you out of your trance, "Snap, snap, Y/N, time to get out on that stage."
Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for your SNL monologue.
At the end of your monologue, you made an announcement to a happy crowd, "Stuck around because after break, Daisy Jones and The Six will perform their hit single, Look At Us Now!"
The audience erupted into applause, on the edge of their seats to listen to the increasingly popular song. It hadn't been out long, but it was already a classic in their eyes.
Walking back of stage to prepare for a skit, you had little to change about your appearance. The segement revolved around your character going on a date at a formal restaurant that goes horribly wrong.
All you needed was a quick touch up. You were in and out of your dressing room in the snap of a finger, taking your place beside the sound tech. You always appreciated those behind the scenes. They never got enough credit.
Beside you, two men walked up, each with a head full of curls. One looked like he had been through hell while the other looked like he had just seen a ghost.
He began whispering to the man beside him, his eges glued to you. But the man simply elbowed him in the ribs, effectively shushing him.
He turned towards you, extending his hand, "Excuse me? Big fan of your work, name's Billy Dunne."
You shook his hand, giving him a warm smile, "Y/N L/N."
Billy nodded to the man on his left, "This is Graham. He's a bit starstruck, if you can't tell."
Your eyebrows raised. So this was the Graham who had been gushing about you in the dressing room. He was cute, that you couldn't deny. But his naivety got in his way.
"Graham, is it?" You smiled, moving in front of him, leaning in to hug him.
He tensed up, shock settling into his features as he looked at Billy, trying to contain his excitement.
Before you pulled away, you whispered in his ear, "For future reference, it was both kidneys."
You pulled away from him immediately after, sauntering off in the other direction.
Graham turned towards his brother, his jaw open.
Billy gave him a questioning look, "What the hell happened to you?"
"Did you tell her?" He was practically shaking out of his skin.
"Tell who what?"
Graham tried to take a deep breath, his foot rapping against the floor, "Did you tell Y/N about the kidney thing? What I said?"
"I've been with you the whole time, dumbass."
"God, I'm an idiot," Graham cursed himself while his brother wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"Oh, Graham, you have so much to learn."
After the band delivered a flawless performance, you walked out on stage to do your skit. Even now, after years of walking out in front of an audience, you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
Taking a seat on a wooden chair in front of a table draped in white cloth, you waited for your costar to join you.
That's when Graham Dunne was pushed out on stage, nervously smiling at the crowd.
Amused, you crossed your legs and leaned in to whisper as he sat down, "Where's Don?"
"Puking in one of the stalls in the men's room," He responded.
"So they sent you?" You asked, the corners of your lips lifting.
He swallowed the bile rising in his throat, "I can tell them to bring somebody else—"
"No, stay. I just hope you can read the cards."
Graham nodded, "About earlier—"
"And action!" Someone yelled off set, cutting the youngest Dunne off.
With that, Graham launched into his first SNL skit.
After the skit, you and Graham walked off stage, laughing at one another.
"I was awful!" He exclaimed, unable to control himself.
"You were hilarious," You replied, "Anyone else would've thought you just had impeccable comedic timing."
"Or that I'm a dumbass!"
You shrugged, "Well, I think you did wonderfully."
"How wonderfully?" He asked, looking at you expectantly as he shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels.
"Wonderful enough that I'll let you ask me on a date," You smiled, adding, "I mean, according to you, everyone wants me."
He cringed, "How much of that did you hear?"
"Enough to tell you about over dinner, if you'd ask me."
He nodded, straightening himself out, "Y/N, will you go on a date with me?"
You pretended to hesitate, "I don't know, let me think about it..."
Graham's eyes widened, having already fallen victim to your relentless teasing.
You reached for his hand, jokingly checking his pulse, "I was teasing, Mr. Dunne."
Nodding, he grinned, "Friday, at six?"
"I think that could be arranged."
"I won't have to give up a kidney, will I?"
You took his arm, linking it through yours, "Oh, Mr. Dunne, you have so much to learn."
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maple-the-awesome · 9 months
While the Night is Young ||
Pairing: Legend x Reader
Words: 2,079
Requested by anonymous: Can I have a sad fic with Legend (LU) reminiscing about dancing with the reader on koholint? he's my fav so he has to suffer 😞 One mildly depressed Legend coming your way because everyone knows the first rule to being in a fandom is enjoying watching your favorite characters suffer go through character development 💜
Zelda Masterlist 💛 Fandom Masterlist
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Crowds are never much fun. Who actually likes being sandwiched between sweaty bodies, constantly elbowed, stepped on, or tossed around by obvious idiots who only ever react with a half hearted apologies? It makes such a simple task like walking down the street a total nightmare, although there might be a good exception for it today given that it’s currently the summer solstice festival in this quaint little village the boys have recently stumbled across.
After many long days on the road, most could understand the heroes’ excitement upon seeing the then bare streets lined with wooden stalls and colorful banners overhead. A local explained the situation, promising plenty of fun games and unique carnival foods if the group decided to stay overnight when the festivities would begin. At that point, there was little choice in the matter. Seeing the expressed joy on many of the youngsters’ faces (a great contrast to their original wear earlier), Time just had to give in to their pleas, agreeing that a deserved break could do them some good. 
So, as the sky began to mirror the colors of summer, from bright reds to pinkish purples, the once empty stalls began to open and the streets became filled with residents, many more than what was expected for such a small village. 
Wind and Sky, determined to win their loved ones some adorable stuffed animals, have been taken to blowing all their rupees at different game booths. Four and Warrior, on the other hand, have made a full on competition of this activity, betting who can win the most games by the end of the night. They managed to drag Hyrule into the fun, too, but only because of his utter amazement with everything going on (after all, he’s never seen any festivals quite like this before).
Wild couldn’t show any restraint when teased by so many wonderful smelling foods, in fact he had already snuck away for something called a ‘corn dog’ before Time could even finish laying down the ground rules for how everyone was expected to behave. Fortunately, Twilight has since stayed close to his mentee’s side to prevent any disasters like Wild poisoning himself or setting fire somewhere. He also may or may not have allowed himself to be roped into trying some very questionable and overpriced snacks (but Twilight won’t admit that for the sake of his own dignity).
As for the Old Man himself, he seems to simply find joy in everyone else’s from afar, although overtime, a few of the boys have managed to get him directly involved in festivities, particularly Wind who insisted Time tries winning Malon an adorable stuffed alien from a shooting game (he succeed on his first attempt followed by many other effortless wins once he got addicted, much to the little sailor’s awe and jealousy).
The only hero to not partake in any aspect of the festival is Legend. Interestingly enough, such a colorful celebration has actually seemed to have the opposite effect on him compared to his brothers, resulting in quite the sour mood shown through his bitter scowl as he stands outside the crowd’s reach.
He curses himself for even bothering to leave the inn earlier, only having done so to shut up Warrior’s claims about him ‘pouting’ as he’s apparently been doing this entire week…Okay, so maybe Legend can internally admit that he hasn’t been exactly ‘overflowing with friendliness’ lately, but he refuses to say it’s because he’s ‘pouting’; that makes him sound childish. He’s not pouting, he’s sulking (big difference) and it has nothing to do with this festival. He just doesn’t care to lose the entire contents of his wallet to rigged games and food poisoning on a buttered stick, that’s all!
If that’s the case, one would think he’d just sneak back to the inn already. No one’s keeping him here on a leash, in fact most of the boys are too busy losing their patience playing ring toss to even notice whether Legend stays or goes. Why continue to stand around being unsociable in the background, grumbling against a wall as others clap and tap their feet to a melody currently played by musicians near the village fountain ahead, especially when it’s making him so grumpy?
“Don’t you just love music? It’s almost too beautiful to be real - at least I think so anyway.”
Legend glances to his side, curling his lip in poorly mocked disgust that earns him the undeserved gift of an angel’s laughter. Even after all these years of developing tough skin, he can’t stand strong against such a sound.
“Oh, don’t be like that! I’ve seen you playing some of those instruments of yours, so you must be a fan. How many do you own? Must be enough to open your own music shop by now,” You tease, your voice somehow becoming the only sound around him despite all those who stand practically shoulder-to-shoulder in front of you both singing and laughing loudly…yet even you pay no attention to them, your eyes locked solely on him as if he’s actually someone special.
“I don’t have that many.”
“Well, as someone who doesn’t even have one, I’d say it’s a lot,” You’ve never bothered with personal space, too used to knowing everyone to wonder why it would be important, thus you’ve always practiced the same beliefs around him, showing no care as you lean against the wall next him, letting your arms brush enough to make him flinch at first before ultimately relaxing.
“Is it because you’re shy? I mean, you have no reason to be since you play wonderfully, but I still get it if you are,” You theorize aloud, still stuck on the same topic Legend wishes you’d change. Surely there’s other things you’d be interested in aside from his personal life. He’s only a simple traveler, after all, although the more he thinks about it, that’s probably what appeals to you so much. He imagines it’s rough being stuck in one place your entire life, never knowing much about what lies beyond the horizon until a strange, stranger washes up at your feet.
“I’m not shy,” He rubs the back of his neck, glancing away from you when he decides eye contact is too bothersome, “I just like my privacy.”
You tilt your head cutely with a hum before gazing back into the crowd (much to his relief). For a long moment, you keep your eyes closed and listen to the music, waiting to break the comfortable silence between you both until the song changes into something slower and more intimate than the previous, “...Do you at least dance in front of others?”
“Dance?” He scoffs.
“Yes, dance! You know, that activity where you move your body to a particular rhyme? The thing Hylians usually do for fun? …Or are you unfamiliar with that word, ‘fun’?”
“I know it.”
“Oh, do you now?” You challenge, leaning forward in an attempt to catch his expression, yet he turns his body away while biting back his smirk which surely mirrors yours; he can hear it in your voice, “Show me then.”
“Show you?” He laughs, “What? You can’t just trust me?”
“Nope,” You pop the ‘p’ then roll your eyes when Legend dramatically grabs his chest and flops his head back against the stone wall (something he does with more force than intended, yet he forgets about the pain quickly).
“I’m hurt! Here I was thinking I’ve moved on from being a hostile in your eyes only for weeks of effort to swirl down the drain -!”
“- You’re not a hostile, just an idiot,” You push yourself off the wall and extend a hand to him, “Regardless, I’m afraid I’ll need a demonstration in order to believe you.”
Legend glances at your hand, biting down his nerves which he prays you don’t notice. It really is a simple request and it’s not like you’d both be alone. Other couples are already dancing, some showing creatively in how wildly they move while others move slowly as if joint as one…It shouldn’t be a big deal to take your hand, but for some reason it is, the thought making his heart race.
“Please, Link?”
Your eyes are pleading and soon he finds himself too weak to ignore them anymore. Reluctantly, he accepts your hand and puts up no further fight as you then eagerly drag him into the crowd. 
Standing amongst all these people, Legend finds himself a bit bashful, wondering if perhaps this is going to be a mistake because surely if anyone notices you together, they’ll mention it later on and he’ll be forced to question exactly what this interaction means, but that’ll have to be a worry for later. Once you find a suitable spot close to the music, you turn around with a bright smile which is plenty to convince him it’s too late to back out; he’s already in too deep.
And so you both dance. Your hands placed upon his shoulders, his delicately holding your hips. You’re clearly no stranger to this art form, moving perfectly in sync with the rhythm while guiding Legend to do the same. He, himself, has danced plenty of times before during his journeys, but with you it feels different. It feels more special and natural with you as his partner. There’s a slowness to the world, one he feels all too often when in your presence yet this time, it’s amplified. He truly hears nothing from the crowd. Even the music is a distant echo completely overshadowed by your beauty as you sparkle under the colored lights above.
Legend normally isn’t one to let others close, often keeping them at arm's length in fear that nothing good will come from making friends, especially friends who he meets during his travels. You shouldn’t be different. He met you only weeks ago and isn’t quite sure how ‘visiting’ will work considering he ended up here by total accident. Despite every rational thought telling him he shouldn’t be getting his hopes up towards you, it’s all ignored when you allow him to twirl you around with ease until you return right back in front of him, the difference being you’re now closer, pressed against his chest instead of being kept at arm's length. 
You’re intoxicating. Like an alcoholic who treasures his last beer bottle, Legend can’t seem to let you go. He can only find himself smiling in a dazed sort of way - dazed by you simply being you as you slip your hands down to his chest and rest your head upon his shoulder. 
“...Can I say something that might sound weird?”
“Everything you say is weird.”
Despite his teasing tone, you move your head off his shoulder to look into his eyes with such a gentle smile that, for a second, he’s convinced he’ll melt, “I’m really happy you washed up on our shore. I…really like having you around.”
“I -...” The words feel trapped in his throat, wanting so desperately to be said as you wait patiently for some kind of response. He knows you won’t mind not getting one since you understand him as being the quiet type anyways, but regardless, “...I like being here with you, too.”
You beam - like a sun rising over the ocean, your eyes lit up and your smile glows. It not only means the world for you to hear that from the man who’s always been so reserved around you, but it’s also important for him to say himself. He really likes you. You’ve quickly become the music in his life - the rhythm he wants to forever move to and melody he wants to forever cherish. He’d be fine if you keep resting your head against him, humming along to the song that’ll forever haunt his mind…That’s how he wishes things had stayed.
In reality, he had remained silent that evening and for all those following, refusing an answer you unfortunately never pushed for. Maybe you already knew, maybe you didn’t, however neither outcome changes his inner desire for you nor the pain he feels every day without you by his side. He’s not sure what hurts the most anymore: the fact that you’re gone or the fact that you never existed to begin with. Now, he’ll never get to hold you again, never get a chance to swallow his fears and just confess his feelings to see how you would’ve reacted. All he gets is this agonizing memory that haunts him anytime he hears festival music similar to that night he spent with you during that summer solstice on Koholint…
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
ꕥ Genshin Impact ꕥ boyfriend headcanons, Inazuma edition~ part one.
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This is a two part one cuz there’s a lot of characters and my brain only lets me write so many in one go >_<
I’m currently in the process of preparing to move in the next few months and hopefully starting a mortician apprenticeship so I’m exciteeddddd
Summary: Just head-canons about the Inazuma hotties :p
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, maybe a tiny bit suggestive, Gn!Reader, established relationship, not proof-read.
Characters: Heizou, Kazuha, Thoma.
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Oh no. Suddenly I’m a criminal.
I sure hope no hot, flirty, pretty detectives come looking for me >:)
We all know how, um, Suggestive this man is.
He’s absolutely not subtle about his feelings towards you.
Always giving you little compliments followed by a wink.
He somehow manages to know exactly how to turn you into a giggling puddle within the first 20 minutes of hanging out.
Takes you on surprisingly? Very romantic dates!
His favourite is to bring you on a picnic under the Sakura’s or a quiet night with you both wrapped up in a blanket reading crime novels or cases he wants to share with you!
He doesn’t get jealous often.
Man has a EGO.
But on the rare occasion that he does, you can bet your ass that he’s going to be snarky as all fuck.
Not to you of course.
No no-
He’ll probably be overly clingy and flirty with you!
More than usual-
But the offending person will quickly get the idea that they’re on the receiving side of his wrath.
Might outright call them stupid hfkvjfod.
He’s into fishnets.
I’m sorry (I’m not) but he wears them too much for me to not believe this man would break the second he see’s you wearing them~
Also handcuffs ;)
I don’t think he’s the type to be overly protective of you.
Don’t get him wrong, he does worry!
He just know you’re capable of handling yourself in fights!
If you come back hurt, it’ll depend on the severity of how much he’ll worry.
If it’s just a few scrapes a bruises, he’ll likely patch you up while scolding you to be more careful!
“Man alive Y/N? *sigh* my occupation is ‘detective’ you know. Not doctor. Let’s try and keep it that way, hmm?”
But if it’s more serious then prepared to be babied hdhsjd
You won’t be allowed to do anything until he’s satisfied that you’ve recovered!
He’ll bring you the best food he can get his hands on in Inazuma along with cute plushies and will even work from your teapot instead of the office which makes him surprisingly more efficient-
If you ever get insecure about yourself then buckle up-
He’s prepared to give you his entire analysis on how he thinks you’re better than Celestia herself.
My guy has facts, evidence and probably a bulletin board to prove that to you!
He might be a little scared to say the special three words (aka “I love you”) at first but it doesn’t stay that way for long!
All it took was him seeing you, face first in a case file looking all disgruntled and frustrated with your nose scrunched up and his mouth spoke faster than what his brain could think.
He won’t say it all the time but he tells you at least once a day <333
He can’t bare the thought of you not knowing how much you mean to him, no matter how stubborn he is!
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I think I’ve made it obvious in my previous posts how pretty I think this boy is.
Like??????? Hello?????
God he would cHERISH YOU!!!
Definitely a little awkward at first but I head-canon that he’s actually really flirty!
He’s just super good at keeping it subtle enough that no one else notices shdufufuejjrifkAAAAAA
When he first started getting feelings for you Beidou referred to him as a literal love sick puppy.
He’s often sit on the end of the Crux (idk what ship parts are called) and write poems and haikus while looking up at the stars and blushing violently while thinking about you.
He definitely didn’t escape the crew’s teasing whenever he’d follow you around and seemed more giggly than usual!
Beidou was actually the one who got kinda tired of watching him run in circles so she set ya’ll up on a date without telling either of you-
Definitely said some cute poem when confessing!
“Like captured water, You hold me in your cupped hands. I flow on your palm.”
Haikus are confusing man wtf.
He definitely isn’t one for being kept in one place but it’s impossible not to notice how much longer he seems to stay around you!
And when feels the time is right for travelling again, he’ll often ask you to accompany him!
He’ll always bring you back a souvenir if you’re too busy to go with him!
Always tells you how it reminds him of you too!
Like he’ll bring back a red/pink sea shell and explain how the colour reminds him of when you blush or laugh so much your cheeks turn red.
He is protective of you but not overly.
He’ll voice his concerns about any dangerous commissions or quests you take on but if you’re insistent then instead of stopping you, he’ll accompany you!
He’s such a sweet, quiet boy so it comes to a big surprise the first time he protects you.
Actually raises his voice and shouts for you to get to safety (like when he shouted for that one dude to stop hiding)
Obviously he apologises after and explains he just wanted you to move so you didn’t get hurt :(
Completely random but I head-canon that he’s close to Yoimiya and every year for your birthday, he’ll bring you to Inazuma and take you to a really beautiful spot then set off fireworks that he planned with her!
And if you don’t like fireworks then he’ll still take you to a beautiful spot with a picnic and just watch the sunset with you~
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Pretty boy, good boy.
House wife, even.
He doesn’t believe he deserves you :(
Reassure this boyo.
He fell head over heels from the very first moment!
Every time you talked he’d get so flustered and stutter on every other word hdjjddjd!
Ayaka obviously knew what was going on and you did as well!
The both of you made out a plan on how you would confess to him and when you did-
Oh boy-
He almost started crying ududieifjck
Hugged you so tight for like a solid 3 minutes!
Ever since then, he always picks a flower from the tea house where you both made it official and brings it home to you!!
He’s a good cook so you can bet your lucky ass that you’ll have breakfast in bed on his days off!!
He’d also help fix your clothes if they get ripped during fights!
Ayato would definitely find the situation amusing so don’t be surprised when thoma suddenly gets the day off~
He does get very easily flustered so pda would probably be kept to the minimum unless you want the poor boy melting into a blushing puddle.
He’s not overly protective of you but he does worry himself into a stupor!
Like he won’t stop you going out on commissions but the second he see’s a scratch or a bruise, it’s out with the first aid and a stern lesson on how to patch yourself up!
He’s even made a personal travel first aid bag for you!!
At night when you’re laying in bed, there’s absolutely nothing he loves more than telling you about his day or listen to your stories while you play with his hair!
You’ve both become somewhat unintentionally popular!
Not to mention the people who are just a tiiiiny bit jealous that you’re the lucky one and not them.
Which you totally don’t relish in, just a little~
He can’t help it!!
He just loves talking about you and how happy you make him! Obviously people are gonna talk about how cute y’all are :p
He’s banned you from playing the pot game.
No one really knows how but you managed to give everyone who played it a stomach ache for a solid week.
Boy also insisted on teaching you how to play chess!!
He totally hasn’t let you win a handful of times just because he couldn’t bare to see how sad you looked when you lost
he also just wanted the table to stay in one piece-
This man refuses to go to work or to bed without giving you a good morning or goodnight kiss!
He adores how cute you are when he reminds you that he loves you even if it’s in a simple gesture!!
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Ya’ll, I haven’t slept for three days and the hat man is starting to morph into cyno.
Yes I’m totally fine :3
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one-idea · 4 months
I currently cant think of any questions but I adore the reverse strawhat au sm and when i think of something I will definitely ask some questions, but I just wanted to let you know I love it and told my cousin all about it and I eat up every single post about it agdhfjg
Oh thank you so much.
That Au is so precious to me. I’m so glad people are enjoying it!!
I’ve turned that Au around in my brain so many times at this point, I’m fairly confident in where I want it to go.
But I’ve wanted to talk about how i got here in the first place for a while, so as a fun fact.
When I was originally coming up with this idea I was trying to figure out who the crew would be right.
Ace and Kuina are no brainers. Like Ace is the driving force of this Au and theirs no other choice to fill Zoro’s shoes but Kuina. I love them and they are perfect.
But who else?
My original plan was to”just put every strawhats dead relative in the boat.” Which is a lot more people than you originally think. Then I was like “not all but just the ones they are closest to.” So the original cast of this AU was going to be:
Dr. Hiriluk
Nico Olivia
This was the original crew. And then I looked at it and realized that almost everyone on the ship was a parent, and in their 40-60s. And I laughed called the AU: Ace, Kuina and their boat load of MILFs and DILFs
And I moved on. Because originally I wanted the most emotionally charged reunion with the Strawhat crew I could have. Like Luffy and Ace alone is enough tears, then you add in Zoro and Kuina! And the rest of the crew gets to see their dead parent. Yes all the tears!
But then I turned it over in my mind some more and went ‘that’s not going to be the funnest boat.’ Like yes adults get into shenanigans all the time. But there’s something about a boat full of collage age kids who barely know how to navigate the world turning the world government in its head that just fun. Like all the adults are jaded because they lost their kids, they should rage against the establishment. But a bunch of collage age kids following this dreams and not letting the world tell them ‘no’ in the first place? That’s a fun boat (it also mirrors canon better)
So I looked at the characters again and thought ‘if I remove the strawhat from their story (and just the strawhat) who’s left? Who would step up and take their place in the narrative?
This lead to the current crew.
Nojiko (step into her sisters role quite nicely, though I did change quite a few things)
Kaya (little baby of the crew joining at 14)
Reiju (the only vinsmoke sibling who should fill Sanji’s role)
Dr. Hiriluk (he is the best choice and the strawhats do have a weird range of ages so grandpa on the boat!)
Nico Olivia (there is NO ONE else I would have fill Robins role. Her mother is to perfect not to pick)
Iceburg (still older than the East Blue crew but younger than Tom. He’s still learning his craft and has a place to go. Plus I could have the guy who Built Roger’s ship on Ace’s crew. I feel like Ace would feel weird about that)
I still had to switch up the back stories quite a lot. And I let a few characters live that didn’t in canon (Bell-mére and Tom) this allows for the stories to be different from cannon and still have the biggest emotional impact for the Strawhats when they met up with the reverse crew.
Thank you so much for the support! I hope you enjoyed this piece of background knowledge!
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canonsinthehead · 1 year
What car would RGG/Yakuza/Judgement characters drive?
Kiryu (Your Grandfather’s Minivan):
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pic: 1999 Dodge Caravan/ other ex: 1992 Toyota Previa, 1st generation Mazda MPV Even haruka is pleading with him to get rid of it since it almost exploded on the last orphanage trip. Regardless of what anyone says, Kiryu doesn’t want to get rid since he keep saying it’s a good format for the orphans (when they were younger maybe but not anymore) and how this dinosaur was the property of Kazama-San and we’re of good use when kashiwagi and him were watching over younger Kiryu and Nishiki. As always, another thing Kiryu remains hard headed on which doesn’t surprised his sworn brother since he see it as an extension of his lack of fashion sense. Majima keeps clowning him since seeing Kiryu walking out of this atrocity in burning anger is the most hilarious thing ever.
Akiyama (A Older model of a regular sedan):
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pic: 1989 Honda Civic/ other ex: 2000 Toyota Corolla Regardless his pocket being stacked, he decided to get a regular car that common people get. Partly out of pure laziness, having to deal with expensive cars and their issues but he got it from a client who wanted to get rid of their old vehicle so he jump on the occasion. Hana doesn’t like it since it’s uncomfortable for her (for being so small and barely functioning right). She thinks he could’ve afford wayyyyyyy better than a (probably) discontinued second hand car with inexistent resale value.
  Haruka (A Regular Civilan Family Car):
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pic: Red 2012 Toyota Corolla   Even if her uncles wanted to go all in and splurge for a ‘’luxury’’ or expensive a car for her , she refused and decided to go with something more simple. Also the simplicity of her also shows her current life as civilian and desiring a normal life like everybody else. While Kiryu is understanding of her choice, Nagumo and the crew (lowkey) expected her to take a larger (for more kids to come) but Kiryu shut down that idea and how its not happening before Mr.Yuta officially marries Haruka. BY THE WAY HER CAR IS RED just sayin…
80s Nishiki (Retro & Flashy):
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pic: 1988 Mercedes 560SL/ other ex: 1988 Ford Mustang GT Convertible, 1988 Jaguar XJsAlong with the other car he had in Y0, he had another red convertible car he keeps for special occasions like showing off to his bosses, impress cabaret girls (remember image is everything) or for laid back road trip with his kyoudai. Slick Back Nishikiyama (Expensive & Conservative): ex: white porche or mercedes Changing his mentality, goals and outlook on life also affected his vehicle choice. Nishiki sold his all retro flashy car to separate vfrom his old image of being easy going and a (bitch) weak boss. By doing that he wants people to take him more seriously so he can climb the Yakuza ladder, so he goes for safe and conservative in many things including his fashion style. Yumi: doesn’t know how to drive.
Saejima (Thick car):
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pic: 2005 Ford F-150/ other ex: 2005 Jeep Cherokee, 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser A big Heavy duty weather resistant car to fit his build (since he hates being uncomfortable). Also a big car to transport various things easily from camping equipment, drive well on dirt roads and snow and to carry Majima’s drunk body.
Daigo (what the chairman deserves)
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pic: Rolls Royce Phantom VIII In all his Tojo-related activities, he usually get around by his driver in a limousine. He has a Black Rolls Royce that he almost never uses. Even though Mine and many of his subordinates encourage him to use it to match his boss/ex-boss status (or stature as man Mine would say). He doesn’t like too much the negative attention on him especially when he’s visiting Kiryu or doing personal things. All this goes with him being a shit driver (sorry daigo-chan) regardless owning a valid driving license. The brat side of his younger self remained since he prefers having a driver than doing it himself even after the disbandment of the Tojo Clan (which Mine and all his ‘’uncles’’ are glad to do so).
Majima: there are things he is actually cheap and lazy about. Taking after daigo, he doesn’t presently owns a valid driving licence, the one he previously owned (to destroy Shangri-La) got revoked and suspended ever since. He doesn’t want all the trouble and the paper work to get it back. since Saejima can’t drive his kyoudai around town on demand; he elected Minami and Nishida to be his personal drivers. Regardless he still sometimes takes some driving strolls by himself, we he does he takes Daigo’s Rolls Royce, which he himself gave to the fourth chairman as a birthday present. So that’s why he always tells him he has the right to use the car as he pleases. Daigo doesn’t mind and actually thinks his car finds Majima’s style better.
Ryuji (Ryuji being Ryuji):
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car: HUMMER H2
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motorcycle: Kawasaki VN2000 Class/ other ex: 2022 Indian scout bobberAt some he did own a HUMMER (before when it was still poppin) but Kaoru convince him to sell it because it was wayyyyy too big, waste of (gas) money and in all honestly looked RICICULOUS. He later converted to a motorcycle which he uses all the time.
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pic: Trap car Couldn’t wait to climb up the rank and earns enough funds to get rid of his trap to replace to his dream car to represent his status.
Nishitani (Wanna ride Majima-kun?)
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pic: 1984 Cadillac Eldorado/ other ex: 1965 Pontiac GTO Mine (Bad and Boujee)
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pic: 2021 Mercedes Mayback Class/ other ex: 2021 Porche 911Especially got a foreign model to make a statement as an accomplished Japanese businessman, that his pocket are stacked and he is not to be messed with. After surviving a suicide attempt (this is a headcanon remember mate). Now he volunteer to drive Daigo around to Kiryu’s opposition since he believes Daigo should drive for himself. He consider selling his fancy car (he already sold those he doesn’t use) because of Daigo’s desire of being discreet since the Tojo Clan’s collapse.
Tachibana (that car in Y0)
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pic: 2021 Chevy Express Van CargoWhite Creppy Van. Period. (and that’s canon)
Shimano & Sagawa (Work harder Majima-chan!):
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pic: Japanese RickshawAlways used the cars provided by the clan and its drivers, if not he would make long hair Majima take him from point A to point B in a Traditinal Japanese rickshaw.
Kashiwagi (Fancy Refined)
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pic: 1991 Lincoln ContinentalAt some point owned a expensive recent car model (Audi A4 2020), but after getting rid of it he dig out a older car who was sleeping in his garage (Lincoln Continental 1991). It is the car he owned while in the Tojo Clan, it would be natural for him to get rid of it but he seems to be satisfied with the older car (he can’t find another one who could as charming as this one). He does most of his travels by foot so its not like he can be seen in his car anyway. 
Yakuza 7/Like A Dragon Ichiban & The Crew:
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pic: Redesigned Volkswagen The VW Van Type 2 It’s the first car Ichiban and Nanba got coming out of homelessness as soon as Ichi got his driving license from the vocational school. They got it from a scrap (a place where they stock old car they think are no good anymore) in almost perfect condition from one of Nanba’s homeless plugs. They got it fixed and upgraded by Sumire Sawa (the repairs chick). While Adachi was not the type to roll around in such flashy car, it officially became the LAD Crew’s official car. Saeko did some touchs up and decoration (with Seonghui funds) and VOILAAA! It’s now a place where they can both drive long distance and sleep (not all 7 but at least a few). Ichiban and Nanba like it the most since it’s reminiscent of their upgrade from the homeless life and can always be an option instead of bothering Kashiwagi at the bar (at least when Adachi does, he pissed him off so many times).
Zhao is less hyped about it. He keeps emphasizing on how he prefers hotels and a warm bed. He keeps repeating how he never been in a vehicle ‘’this cheap’’. He always find excuses to not go in it, deep down he’s just covering the fact that he is very uncomfortable sharing small spaces with many other people. Those scenarios brings up his uneasiness with everything outside the realm of lavishness or the comfort of the Liumang Headquarters. As for Joon-gi, while he constantly complains about not having enough space to breathe or the car being unconventionally ‘’tacky’’ and has never seen anyone in neither Japan or Korea driving a car like this. He low key likes it since it reinforces the family-like bond all the members of the party have. It also feeds into one of the deepest fantasies he had during his younger years which was to have siblings to quench his childhood loneliness.
They use this car especially for road trip and doing camping which ichiban succeeded to being everyone on their last camping trip.
Eri (Common Japanese Box Car)
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pic: 2018 Nissan Dayz/ other ex: 2018 Honda n Box It’s the cheapest car, her and her grandmother could afford keeping their whole situation with the business. Since the success of Ichiban Confections, her grandmother moved on to better transportations method, she got a small (but expensive) car for herself, she even offers herself boat rides. On her side, Eri is satisfied with their old car and kept it.   Zhao
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pic: Pink Lamborgini Aventador it's not that i needed it or even use it, it’s because I wanted it. AND I COULD AFFORD IT. Matter of fact i use the Liumang's limousine and its drivers for transportation.
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pic: Fiat 500 She loves the car she shares with all her friends but for some reason would like to have a small cute car for herself.
Judgement/Lost Judgement/Judge Eyes Yagami (That Skateboard…):
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pic: interior of 2019 Subaru ForesterI don’t know the model, but the insides are brown.
Tsukumo (Does he even go out?): mmhhh… just the few times he had to take public transportation since he started college (when he was attending, he then switched to do literally everything remotely, #Unaffected-by-Quarantine), it told him all he had to know about any forms of transportation. If it has to be necessary, then Sugiura will drive him around and is glad to do so.
Tesso (The Finest Electric Bike you can find):
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pic: VanMoof X3 Intelligent Electric Bike/ other ex: Cowboy 4He prefers bikes because he thinks they are faster and more versatile.
Akutsu Daimu (I Made It):
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pic: Lamborghini Aventador LP 720-4 / other ex: Orange 2015 Ford Mustang GT Finally realized one of his dreams by buying foreign sports cars to establish his image as a “feared” & accomplished gang leader. As flashy as it comes, Akutsu mostly use them to show off and imitates the rich and famous of the world (fake it till you make it). While his unique extravagance is showcased trough his vehicle choices, they are mostly reserved for a spectacular entry at parties and for the grams. It helps Akutsu since he always fantasized about being a rapper *play Zico’s VENI VEDI VICI* (especially the American ones he sees on TV/online) at least living the hip hop lifestyle (money, power & bitches) and being the face of RK helps him accomplish that goal.
Soma thinks all of this is completely foolish since his cars spend most of their time biting the dust in his garage and most of them are OBVIOUSLY too small for his 6’ 5’’ gigantic frame. WHAT ELSE TO EXPECT FROM A FLASHY IGNORANT FOOL ANYWAY?
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xaeydnquartz · 2 months
Part of me kinda wants to stop DMing my first and current campaign? IDK just need to vent
So, brief expo. like many, got into CR during the pandemic (mainly due to "The Legend of Vox Machina" which lead to me actually bingeing the all 3 campaigns) During which time a friend (who was in my immediate friend group but like the rest of my friend group, i didnt really feel close to) told me that he was really into CR as well. As a fresh new critter, i was stoked. Was able to share my blossoming love of CR with someone (FINALLY!) during which we both mentioned how D&D looked so much fun and that it would be really great to be able to play and ooo what if we got our friends together and played.
After which we discussed, if we did, who would be DM? Seeing as how none of our friends really played D&D our talk lead to either my friend or me and after asking the question "Which do you think you would prefer more?" It was clear i would try my hand at DMing (i like lore in games, and i like storytelling, and im a tad bit of a control freak at times, lol)
Anyway, we eventually got in touch with our close knit of friends, and though i intended to be a standard 6 we suddenly had an 8 party party (and that was with me having to tell even less close friends there wasnt room).
Feeling it would still be manageable (as there was precedent that i could pull inspo from, CR) i began planning a rough idea of a campaign and working with my friends to create their characters and running a session 0 so we were all on the same page. You know standard stuff.
-Fast Forward to current date and time-
It has its stressful moments, but i still am able to enjoy the time with my friends for the most part (though theres a lot of times were ive never felt lonelier) Which brings me to the whole point of the post, my need to vent to the void about this loneliness. Nobody really gets in touch or interacts with me at all. Not to talk about the campaign or even collab on their characters. The most i get are occasional critiques about how i could have done something better couple sessions prior and request to add another person to the 8 person party. When we have sessions, people show up late quite often, leave early quite often, have to cancel as they have other things they are doing (even though we planned and scheduled weeks prior) and even when people are there they somtimes feel like they arent always present. i already feel extremely distant from all of them as they all live closer to each other while i live on the totally opposite side of the state and theyve known each other way longer than i have, but the minimal interactions they have with me, the DM/GM of all people, just continues to add to all of it I know we all are busy with our lives, and that compared to those things D&D is really not that big of a deal or important. And i get that, it is just a game afterall, but it still manages to hit pretty hard
I've communicated my feelings through our time of this campaign, if im being honest, maybe not this indepth. I mean, its partially because i barely see or talk to them (again life gets in the way) but also because i feel extremely guilty for putting this kind of tension to something we are all supposed to be enjoying and relaxing to. Its especially painful as most recently 2 players, who said they would get in touch with me about changes possibly being being made to their characters, never got in touch in anyway shape or form, and its been about a month now? And session is in a week...i didnt even get much as a reply back. Idk, its been almost about a year now and i felt i just needed to get this out somewhere other than debating myself.
Thanks for listening tumblr.
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Burnin’ Up - Firefighter!Chris AU (Part 16: The Storm)
Summary: Sometimes you never really know what a person is really like until they show they true colours
Word Count: 7.9k
Warnings: Fluff! Heavy Angst! Language! Emotional Abuse and Manipulation! Flashback of Domestic Abuse and Child Neglect! Panic Attacks!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
​​Meet the Characters!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 16: The Storm
Chris woke to the weight of you completely on top of him, the top of your head just below his chin, your body resting between his legs. Chris smiled to himself as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head causing you to hum as you stirred. You staying the night had been completely unplanned thanks to a few too many glasses of wine over dinner, not that Chris was complaining, there was nothing he loved more than waking up beside you.
“We both need to get up for work” Chris mumbled as he ran his hand up and down your back.
You let out a small groan burying your head further into his chest “Do we have to?”
Chris chuckled gently, making you groan again “Yes we do, but trust me if I had to pick between a 24-hour shift and you, I’d always pick you” he promises as he kisses the top of your head “But I have people to rescue and you have perps to catch”
“with great power come great responsibility” you mumble tiredly as you finally lift your head from his chest “And the great need for a nap” you add dropping your head back down onto his chest.
Chris laughs pushing himself up, forcing you to sit up with him, earning a long whine in protest “C’mon go grab a shower and I’ll have a steaming cup of coffee waiting for you downstairs” Chris says as he climbs out of bed “do you want eggs for breakfast?”
“Nah, just cereal will be fine” you yawn stretching out your back.
“Okay, I’ll put that out for you too,” Chris says as he leans in to quickly peck your lips, you mumble a thanks, smiling gently into the kiss.
Making his way out of the bedroom Chris whistles for Dodger who has been lying on the landing waiting for him. The pair of them make their way downstairs, Dodger’s tail wagging furiously as Chris walked towards his bowl. His paws tippy tapping when Chris scooped out some kibble and put it in his bowl.
While Dodger ate Chris put on a pot of coffee before grabbing your favourite cereal and setting it out for you. He then set about making his own breakfast before pouring himself a cup of coffee and letting Dodger out into the backyard.
There was a sense of peacefulness as Chris stood by the kitchen window watching Dodger run around outside. It was still silent when you made your way into the kitchen, wrapping your arms around Chris’ waist, pressing a kiss to his bare back. Chris smiles softly as he shifts and wraps his arm around you, moving you to his side so he could kiss the top of your head.
“It's such a beautiful day today” you comment quietly as you tuck yourself into his side.
“yeah it is, the weather report said it was going to be miserable” Chris hums.
“I swear the weather report is as accurate as a fortune cookie” you scoff making Chris laugh “Now you promised me a cup of steaming coffee” you remind him, looking up at him.
“I did” Chris hums leaning down to softly kiss you “Go grab a seat and I’ll make it” he promises.
You smile up at him before moving away to go sit down at the kitchen island where Chris had already set out your cereal and bowl. He makes up your coffee just the way you like it before bringing it over to you, kissing the top of your head as he sets it down in front of you.
Over breakfast, Chris asked you where you were with your current case and what your plans were for the day. Once you were done eating you cleared everything up while Chris went and got himself ready and dressed for the day.
When he came back downstairs you had already put Dodger’s harness on and were packing your bag ready to go, a smirk grew on your face when he walked over “Did I ever tell you that my favourite colour on you is Navy?”
“every time you see me in uniform” Chris grins as he pecks your cheek “Ready to go?”
“yep, got everything and Dodger is all suited and ready to go too,” you say clipping on Dodgers lead.
“Perfect, let's get moving then” Chris smiles grabbing his car keys.
On the car journey over to your precinct, you looked over the files for your current case, scribbling the occasional note as Chris drove. He could tell you were getting close to a breakthrough just by the furrow of your brows so he just let you work, keeping the music low so it didn’t disturb you.
Once he pulled up outside your precinct he gently got your attention. You quickly pack the file back away before smiling brightly over at him as you lean over the console and kiss him goodbye.
“see you tomorrow, stay safe,” you tell him.
“I will I promise, I’ll call you later if I can” he promises “Are you gonna be okay getting home to your apartment after work?”
“yeah, Benny said he’d drop me off on his way to Matt’s” you reassure him.
“Good let me know if that falls through, I’m sure Jeffords won’t mind me running out to pick you up,” Chris says reaching over to take your hand.
“Chris don’t worry I’ll be fine walking if I need to,” you tell him with a small shake of your head.
“I know but it’ll make me feel better knowing you’re safe, so please just call me” Chris presses gently.
You smile softly over at him, nodding your head “I will I promise” you smile leaning in to kiss him once more.
“Good, now you better go I can see Benny waiting for you,” Chris says nodding in the direction of Ben who was standing by the entrance to the precinct, his arms crossed with a knowing smirk.
You let out a small chuckle looking over your shoulder, both you and Chris giving him a wave “Talk to you later, love you” You smile as you look back at Chris.
“Love you too, now go before you make me and Dodger late, don’t wanna get pulled over for speeding” Chris smirks making you laugh as you get out of the car.
“drive safe” you chuckle before closing the door and making your way over to Ben.
Dodger lets out a loud whine as he watches you disappear into the precinct “Yeah I know pal” Chris sighs reaching back to pat him on the head “I miss her too”
Putting the car back into drive he pulled away from the precinct and continued his journey towards the station.
As soon as he arrived at the station Dodger went running inside to go greet everyone, making sure he got equal attention from everyone. Chris chuckled to himself as Dodger harassed everyone for pats while Chris made his way into the locker room to put his bag away and get ready to start his shift.
He met the rest of the crew upstairs in the large common room, Jimmy making himself a coffee while Paul played fetch with Dodger. Chris ducked under the toy that was being thrown for Dodger as he made his way over to the fridge to put his lunch away.
“right is everyone here?” Captain Jeffords said walking in clipboard in hand, the whole crew calling out in confirmation “Good since we’re still down a man while Jennings is on her honeymoon sunning herself and drinking pina coladas”
“sounds like you could use a vacation cap!” Paul calls out, pointing out the captain's clear jealousy, making everyone laugh.
“you sound like my wife Hawkings” Jeffords grumbled not looking up from his clipboard “As I was saying her chores need to be split out between the rest of you, so Evans you’re on dinner duty tonight”
Jimmy snorts behind Chris “It’s Italian tonight then”
Chris looks over his shoulder with an arched brow “You know I can cook things other than Italian”
“Now you’re with Y/N you can, before then it was Italian or eggs” Paul points out making Chris roll his eyes.
“I’ve never heard you complain about my pesto eggs before” Chris argues.
“yeah because food is food at the end of the day, no matter how terrible” Paul smirks.
Chris was about to argue back again, defend his cooking honour but Jeffords shut down the argument “Enough, you all suck at cooking” he huffs “Now listen up for your other chores” Jeffords continues to list off all the other jobs that need doing before passing Chris the clipboard ready to oversee it all.
It was around midday when they got their first call out to a small office fire that had started from a dodgy toaster over. It took no time at all to get the fire put out and the equipment removed meaning everyone was back to enjoy lunch at a reasonable hour.
Chris had just finished his lunch and was clearing everything up when his dad and Captain Jeffords walked into the common room, both with grave looks on their faces.
“Chief? Is everything okay?” Chris asks, the entire crew standing to attention, the tension in the room palpable.
“yes, I just need to borrow you for a couple hours,” Robert says barely meeting his gaze.
Chris glances over at Jeffords who nods in agreement, clearing his throat quickly Chris follows his dad back out of the room wiping his hands nervously on his trousers as he went. As soon as they were out of the room he could hear the crew questioning Jeffords about what was happening, he was too far away though to hear what Jeffords said in response.
“Dad, what’s happening? Is everything okay?” Chris questions as he follows him out to the FD Chief's car.
Robert doesn’t answer though he just gets in the car and waits for Chris to do the same. Letting out a frustrated sigh Chris climbed into the car and buckled his seat belt hoping to finally get some answers.
Robert remained silent as he put the car into drive and pulled away from the station making Chris even more worried “Is it ma? Has something happened to her? or Scott? Carly or Shanna?” Chris presses desperate for an answer.
“your ma’s fine, so is everyone else” His dad finally says making Chris breathe a small sigh of relief, it was only a brief second of relief though as his mind turned to you.
“what about Y/N? Has something happened to her?” he demands turning in his seat to fully face Robert.
Robert sighs glancing over at Chris for a split second before returning his attention back to the road “She’s- she’s okay” he says slowly.
“but something’s happened” Chris states trying to stop himself from being sick with nerves, you had told him you were just waiting on evidence to come back before making an arrest, what if that arrest had gone wrong and you were in the hospital right now?
“Chris…” his dad started with a sigh “I can’t tell you anymore” he admits.
Chris slumps back in his seat, his hand running down his face as he tried to process everything, tried to stop his brain from going to the worst-case scenario. He needed to know what had happened, he needed to know you were okay. Grabbing his phone he went to try and contact either you or Ben to find out what happened, but before he got the chance his dad reached over and took his phone.
“you can’t contact her Chris, not yet,” Robert says before Chris got a chance to complain.
“why not? Why aren’t you telling me everything? Dad please can you just tell me if she’s hurt or something!” Chris demands, his voice barely below shouting.
“she’s not hurt, she’s okay but that’s all I can tell you right now, I’m sorry Chris but I just need you to trust me okay? You trust me right?” Robert says with a shake of his head.
“yeah, of course I do Dad,” Chris says nodding his head.
“Good, just remember that and that I’m on your side” Robert sighs looking over at Chris one last time before returning his attention back to the road for the final time, not uttering another word leaving Chris to wonder what he meant and if you were truly okay. 
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“would you rather have spaghetti for hair or mayo as sweat?” Ben asks out of the blue making your head snap up from the report you were working on.
“what the fuck did you just ask me?” you mutter in disbelief, watching as he swung boredly side to side on his chair.
“would you rather have spaghetti for hair or mayo as sweat?” Ben repeats with a small shrug of his shoulders.
You blink a couple of times, shaking your head not sure whether you had hit your head or something. You look around at the rest of the bullpen trying to spot some sort of sign to say you were actually in a fever dream, but everything was completely normal.
“why are you even asking me that?” you question still thoroughly confused.
“Because I’m bored?” Ben shrugs “So c’mon which is it? Spaghetti hair or mayo sweat?” he presses.
You roll your eyes as you sit back in your chair to contemplate your answer “Is it cooked or dry spaghetti?” you question.
“oh um” Ben mutters tilting his head as he thought for a moment “Cooked”
“spaghetti hair then, because it's still kinda hair like and mayo sweat is just gross” You grimace shaking your head just at the thought of it.
“but then you’d always have mayo on hand” Ben points out.
Your jaw practically hits the floor “You would take mayo sweat!” you gasp.
Ben laughs shaking his head “No I just wanted to see your reaction” He smirks.
“asshole” you grumble turning your attention back to the report you were working on, just as you did so an email popped up on your screen from the forensics team “Oh look they were able to enhance the CCTV footage we got,” you say gesturing for Ben to come and have a look.
Getting up from his desk and walking around, he looks over your shoulder at the new footage “Wahey it’s a perfect match, shall we go arrest him then?” Ben grins.
“yep I’ll go grab some uniformed officers now for back up” you agree locking your computer, standing up and grabbing your jacket.
“Awesome I’ll meet you down by my car,” Ben says slapping you on the shoulder before moving to grab his jacket and head off towards the elevator.
Within the hour you and Ben were walking into the grand apartment complex and making your way up to the top floor. Making sure you had uniformed officers closing off any escape routes you then knocked on the door, a tall man with dark hair answered.
“what now?” the man huffs rolling his eyes down at you.
You glance over at Ben who was already moving past the man with handcuffs ready to go “Mr Drysdale I’m arresting you for suspicion of assault, you do not have to say anything, anything you do will be taken as evidence which can be later used in court” you say reading out his rights.
The man gapes back at you shaking his head “This is bullshit, I told you I didn’t do it” he argues.
“yeah well let's see if that changes after we question you” Ben mutters as he guides the man out of his apartment.
Once you led him out of the apartment complex and into the awaiting police car, Ben turned back to you and held his hand up for a high five, one that you eagerly provided. You smiled to yourself as you climbed back into your car, you considered texting Chris to tell him the good news but ultimately decided until after you got a confession.
Back at the precinct, you made your way back to your text to collect all the evidence you needed for questioning, deciding to check your emails at the same time.
“what interview room do you want sarge?” one of the officers asks.
“um hold on one second” you call back, frowning as you open an email from the commissioner's office “shit” you mutter under your breath.
“what’s up?” Ben asks stepping closer to you.
“My father has requested an urgent meeting, in like 30 minutes” you grumble glancing down at your watch, “said he had a meeting fall through and wants a progress update”
“oh…” Ben mutters “I thought he only called you in when something was wrong” he points out his tone cautious.
“yeah but he calls me from time to time for progress updates, maybe he just considered doing it in person this time, or over lunch considering the time?” you point out.
When Ben doesn’t say anything you look over at him and see a flash of worry in his eyes before it quickly disappears and he clears his throat “Uh yeah maybe?” he says rubbing the back of his neck “What about our perp?” he then asks.
You let out a long sigh glancing around him to look at the perp who was still standing with the uniformed officer waiting on directions on where to go “Put him in the holding cell, let him sweat for a bit and we’ll question him when I get back, take your lunch break while you wait if you want” you tell him.
“Sure, do you want me to drop you over to HQ?” Ben asks, nibbling his lower lip slightly.
“Nah I’m good, I’ll grab an Uber or something, I’ve got plenty of time to get there” you reassure him with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
“sure… we’ll um I’ll see you later then” Ben nods stiffly before giving you a tight smile as you left.
“see you later” you smile putting the file back down on your desk before making your way out, telling the officer to put the perp in the holding cell, trying not to laugh at the loud groan the perp gave hearing that.
As you got into the elevator you looked back out at the bullpen before the door closed, catching Ben watching you go, nibbling on his thumbnail as he did so. Your brows furrowed as you looked back at him in concern, you were about to step back out and ask him what was wrong but the doors closed before you got the chance.
Nibbling at your lower lip you tried to ignore the funny feeling in your gut at the life descended downwards. As the door opened you stepped out onto the street, taking a deep breath hoping the fresh air would calm the unsettled feeling in your stomach. But instead, all you got was a blast of cold wind that made you hug yourself tightly to conserve body warmth as you hailed a taxi.
The journey to Boston Police HQ seemed to go much faster than usual and soon enough you were walking through the halls towards your father's office. You considered quickly going to the bathroom to splash some water on your face since the weird feeling was still present but you didn’t really have time.
When you reached the assistant outside his office you were taken aback at the wide smile on her face. She usually didn’t pay you any attention, she was short with you and downright rude, despite clearly having a good relationship with your father.
“Hi, how are you?” She beams leaning forward as she spoke to you.
“Good thanks, you?” You say trying not to frown at how strange her behaviour was.
“Oh I’m brilliant” she grins, resting her chin in her hand.
“Great, um is my father ready?” You ask pointing in the direction of the door.
“Oh yes go ahead” she smiles waving you towards the door.
You glance between her and the door trying to work out why this all felt so wrong. But you just shook your head giving her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she was trying to turn over a new leaf.
Pushing open the door into your father’s office instantly you notice he wasn’t alone, making you silently curse at yourself and his damned assistant. But when you got over your initial shock you realised you recognised the man standing next to your father, it was Robert. The man sat opposite your father then looked over his shoulder and your heart stops when you see Chris’ stormy expression.
“Glad you could join us, now sit down” your father states coldly from his chair, pointing to the seat next to Chris “We have a lot to discuss” 
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Chris was angry. From the moment he stepped into this room his fists were clenched so tight that it almost hurt having to hold himself back. This was the first time he’d ever officially met your father and he knew from the look of distaste on your father's face that it wasn’t going to be a happy meeting.
But he didn’t know exactly why he was here yet so he decided to remain silent and keep his face as neutral as possible. He didn’t want to give your father any ammunition at all.
However, when the door opened behind him and he saw the shocked expression on your face his anger doubled. His hands moved to grip the arms of his chair, the wood groaning under his tight grip. You had no clue about this meeting, it had been completely sprung on you with no time to mentally prepare.
Glancing back at his own father, his jaw clenched when he saw his dad refuse to look at him, just looking down at the floor instead. He knew this meeting was happening and didn’t feel the need to share anything.
“Chris- I- what” you muttered in shock, your body operating on autopilot as you moved to sit down in the chair next to Chris.
“do you know why I’ve called this urgent meeting?” your father asks leaning back in his chair, fingers lacing together.
You glance over at Chris for a split second before looking back at your father, your lips parting slightly as if you tried to say something before eventually just closing your mouth and shaking your head. Chris had never seen this side of you, never seen a look of terror on your face like this. You looked sick your skin was already so pale, the look in your eyes was one of a small child who was petrified.
“come on detective, look around” your father snaps making you physically flinch, Chris having to hold himself back from launching from his chair.
“ch-Chris” you managed to say weakly.
“yes, him” your father sneers over in Chris’ direction “I thought I had made myself perfectly clear about my view on his kind”
“Father let me just-“ you tried to say but your father cut you off.
“no! You had your chance and you blew it detective! I had to find out about this from Jake” Your father seethes.
“Jake- I?” you mutter shaking your head in confusion.
“yes I bumped into him a few months back now about a week after the pizzeria fire, I asked him how you were and he told me you dumped him for a firefighter!” your father grumbles shaking his head as he shot another look of disgust towards Chris “Jake was a lovely man detective, why leave him for that”
“That scumbag cheated on her!” Chris shouted unable to hold himself back anymore.
Your father just completely ignored his outburst “I didn’t believe it first, I raised you better than that but I wouldn’t be a good police officer if I didn’t collect evidence” he said reaching into one of his drawers and pulling out a large file, dropping it on the desk with a heavy thud.
You tentatively leaned forward and opened up the file, your hands shaking as you pushed photos around, your lips parting in shock. As you sat back Chris could see your eyes turning glassy as your shaking hand moved to cup your mouth.
Sitting forward so he could have a proper look, Chris thought he was going to implode when he saw what was in the file. It was countless photos of you and Chris together, dating back to before you were even together. The odd times you were seen each other on the job, or he went to visit your apartment. There was even a photo of you kissing him in the back of the ambulance.
“Have you been following us?” Chris growled sitting forward in his chair, one movement away from pouncing.
Your father once again completely ignored him “And what’s worse is that you’ve allowed him to compromise your work!” he argued as he set an MP3 device on the desk and hit play.
Chris thought he was going to be sick when he heard the sound of his and your voices playing back to him. He heard all the times you would discuss work together, the times Chris would tell you to take a break, the times you joked about a public indecency charge.
“you can’t do this” Chris muttered shaking his head “its- it’s illegal, Massachusetts is a two-party consent state”
Your father finally acknowledged Chris with a scoff “So? I’m the commissioner who’s going to arrest me?” he points out “Now I see we have two options here” your father says turning his attention back to you “You either leave him or I fire you”
“you can’t do that!” Chris shouts shooting up from his seat.
“Chris sit down” Robert finally says.
“no!” Chris growls his fury turning to his father “What was the bullshit you said about being on our side!” he demands “You knew about all this?”
“I am on your side Chris,” Robert says calmly “I just needed to confirm whether Commissioner Y/L/N was actually going to go through with his threat”
“What?” both Chris and your father say in unison.
“Well, thanks to you I now have all this evidence to pass onto the anti-corruption team,” Robert says picking up and collecting all the evidence from the desk.
“I won’t let you leave with that” your father argues.
“I don’t need to, you already sent me copies of everything for my own records,” Robert says using quotation marks around the words ‘own records’ “But of course, I’m not the victim here, Y/N is so I’ll let her decide on whether to press charges”
Your father’s eyes dart between him and his dad before settling on you “Y/N, you know deep down this is wrong, I’m just trying to protect you” he says his voice soft as he looks at you.
“don’t you dare try to fucking manipulate her!” Chris growls stepping in front of you, shielding you from your father.
Your father's soft expression turns into an evil sneer as he looks back at Chris, standing up from his desk in an attempt to be eye level with him “You do not want to make an enemy of me boy” he warns.
“yeah I’ve heard the shit you’ve done to get where you are now and guess what you don’t scare me,” Chris says his voice in a dangerous tone as he took a step closer to your father.
“I think that’s enough, c’mon Chris let's go,” Robert says interrupting the staredown between Chris and your father “Christopher let's go,” he says his tone much harder.
Chris breaks his cold stare to turn and crouch down in front of you “C’mon sweetheart let’s go” he says softly taking your hand.
As he went to guide you out of the office your father grabbed your wrist and harshly pulled you back causing you to cry out in pain. Chris instantly saw red, dropping his hand and surging towards your father, in no time at all Chris has your father pinned up against the wall, his arm pressed against your father’s neck.
“Christopher stop! Before you cause any trouble” Robert snaps grabbing Chris by the back of his collar and dragging him out of the room, his other hand gently guiding you out.
Chris’ fists were still clenched as you all walked back through the halls of the HQ, ready to swing if the commissioner decided to follow. He didn’t care less about being charged with assault.
As they stepped outside Chris instantly spotted Ben who was standing by his car, arms crossed over his chest waiting. Ben stood to attention a look of horror on his face when he saw you walk out beside Chris and Robert.
“what the hell happened?” he asks looking between Chris and you.
Chris had hoped that being back in the fresh air would calm him but Chris was absolutely furious, he was moments away from marching back into the HQ and taking a swing at your father. The only thing that stopped him was your broken voice.
“It’s true…” you muttered staring ahead at nothing “Everything you said was true… you- you were right… he’s-he’s a monster”
Chris’ heart completely shattered when he heard the pure anguish in your voice. He glanced over at Ben to see him looking at you in sorrow. Chris knew everyone here wanted you to know the truth about your father, but not like this.
“What- I- uh-“ you stuttered, your hands fanning your body as your chest heaved.
You stumbled as your legs gave out beneath you “whoa, whoa, whoa” Chris cursed as he surged to catch you, his arm wrapping around your waist to hold you up, his hand gripping yours to remind you that he was there.
It didn’t seem to be working though, your breathing was becoming more erratic, your eyes were completely unfocused. Chris’ hand moved so he could feel your pulse in your wrist, cursing when he felt how fast it was going. He knew exactly what was happening, he’d seen it so many times before at work when someone came to the realisation that their belongings and home has been destroyed.
“Shit she’s going into emotional shock” he muttered “She needs to sit down,” he said as he hooked his arm beneath your legs and picked you up.
Thankfully his dad opens the passenger door to the FD Chief’s car, allowing Chris to settle you down. Chris then cupped your cheeks trying to get your eyes to focus on him.
“Sweetheart hey, you’re okay just listen to my voice and take some deep breaths” he reassures you firmly “Like this c’mon you can do it” he presses, taking your hand and resting it on his chest so you could feel his heartbeat and the steady rise and fall of his chest.
Your gaze dropped from his face to your hand on his chest, watching as he breathed slow and deep breaths. Your eyes then found his again, the fogginess in them disappearing as you began to copy his breathing.
“That’s it, that’s perfect sweetheart,” Chris says softly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead, screwing his eyes shut as he tried to control his emotions. He needed to be strong right now, no matter how much it killed him to see you like this, you needed him to be as steady as a rock.
A few moments passed before Chris glanced over his shoulders at his dad and Ben “She can’t go back to work like this” he whispered shaking his head.
“Our Captain will understand, he’s never been a fan of the commissioner” Ben reassures him.
“I’ll come with you, explain the situation” Robert nods “Chris take her home and just make sure she’s okay, I’ll get your car and Dodger and explain everything to Jeffords” he adds passing Chris the car keys.
“I will, thank you Dad” Chris sighs gratefully as he takes the keys.
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry it ended up this way” Robert apologises, glancing over at you with a sorrowful and sympathetic look.
Chris just swallows the lump of emotion in his throat as he nods and turns his attention back to you “Okay sweetheart I’m gonna take you home, back to my place and we’re just gonna relax okay” Chris tells you softly.
You give him a tired and weak nod. As Chris moves to help turn you the right way in the passenger seat and do up your seatbelt for you he could see you begin to tremble as the adrenaline left your system. He reached out and took one of your shaking hands, lifting it to his lips “it's gonna be okay, you’re okay I promise” he reassured you.
He only got another weak nod in response and he had to tell himself that it was okay, this was all a natural response to what has just happened. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before shutting the door and making his way around to the driver’s side. He took a deep breath glancing over at you before starting the car and beginning the drive home. 
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Arriving back at his place the first thing Chris did was take you upstairs to bed, you were so exhausted that you could barely walk so Chris opted to carry you upstairs. He asked if you wanted a shower or a bath, food, anything, but you just shook your head, curled up into a ball and pulled the covers up.
He let out a long sigh, gently running his hand over the top of your head before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your temple. He promised he’d be right back before grabbing your phone and walking downstairs.
Heading into the small laundry room he had, Chris first removed the sim card from your phone and then turned it off. He had no clue whether it was just your phone that was bugged or your apartment too but he was going to take every precaution. He then buried your phone deep in a basket of towels hoping that it was enough to muffle any sound in case the bugs were still active.
He then went to go sit down in the living room, his hand running down his face with a heavy sigh. He knew he should go back up to you and just hold you, reassure you that everything was going to be okay but right now he couldn’t. He just needed a moment to just process everything himself and make sense of it all.
He knew your father was a dick, but he never expected it to blow up like this. The look of absolute horror on your face when you finally saw your father as the monster he is, will forever stay with Chris.
The more the last hour played through Chris’ mind the angrier he got. To the point that he was angry and lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear someone knocking at the door. He was only aware that it was his dad when Dodger came running in and straight over to Chris.
“you weren’t answering so I just let myself in, wasn’t sure if you were with her or not” Robert explains as he puts Chris’ car keys down on the side, Chris doesn’t respond though his jaw clenching when he remembered the look of shock on your face when you walked in, something that could have been prevented is his dad had just told him what was going on “is she okay?” Robert then asks.
That was enough to make Chris snap, shooting up from his seat making Dodger scramble back in surprise “No she’s not! And it’s your fault!”
“Chris-“ Robert starts his brows pinching together.
“no!” Chris interrupts not wanting to hear what bullshit excuse his dad was going to give “You knew what was happening! You knew what kind of monster he is! You knew he’d been spying on us! On her! And you said nothing! You could have at least let me warn her! she’s upstairs completely broken because of what happened!” he bellows.
Robert takes a deep breath holding his hands up “Chris you’re angry-“
“angry?” Chris scoffs shaking his head at his dad “I’m fucking furious!” he yells “You had a chance to stop that from even happening and you decided not to take it for whatever fucked up reason”
“I had no choice Chris” Robert argues his voice still calm, something that only pissed Chris off more.
“no choice?” Chris repeated in disbelief “No choice! You should have told us as soon as you found out!”
“Chris I’m sorry, I really didn’t want it to end like this” Robert sighs “I only got sent my copies this morning”
“so why didn’t you tell us then!” Chris argues.
“Because I need to see if he would go through on his threat, spying on an individual but using it to blackmail her is a whole other crime” Robert explains “He approached me last week about this, assumed I didn’t know and that I’d hate you dating her because he thinks I have this vendetta against him,” he says with a sigh “so I played along, I hated it Chris I really did but I knew if we wanted to take him down we needed everything we could get”
Chris’ chest was still heaving as he glared back at his father, while he was beginning to understand his father’s reasoning he was still pissed.
“look you’re angry and you have every right to be” Robert sighs shaking his head “But the person you’re really angry at is him, not me, not really anyway… you need a better outlet so why don’t you take Dodger out for a walk or something” he suggests.
Chris instantly shakes his head at the idea “No, I- I can’t leave her, not now” he says.
“Okay well just go have a walk in the backyard then, play fetch or something, I’ll stay here and if she calls I’ll come grab you” Roberts suggests.
Chris took a deep breath, he knew his dad was right about needing to just get out for a moment. He also just didn’t want to look at his dad right now, he was too angry. So he nodded and whistled for Dodger to follow, walking out into the backyard the door slamming behind him.
He wasn’t sure how long he stayed outside, just pacing back and forth as he thought through everything. Dodger had stopped playing fetch with him, the pup too worn out to play any more following the anger-driven throws of the ball that went much further than usual.
His brain was just too loud, he couldn’t stop thinking of what he could have done to prevent this. Should he have insisted you told your father sooner? It wouldn’t have made much of a difference because your father already knew, he’d known before you even officially started dating. But maybe the impact would have been less devastating. Maybe doing it on your terms would have shone a light on your father’s behaviour but without completely tearing you apart.
God, he felt so stupid, he should have known. He knew enough about to father to know this would have never ended well, he should have done something, anything.
All his thinking cumulated into a noise in his brain that was just completely debilitating. He sunk down to his knees, his head falling into his hands, eyes screwed shut. His whole chest hurt as he choked out a sob, dodger ran straight over to him trying to snuffle his snout between Chris’ hands. Chris could feel himself spiralling, like a massive weight was on his chest stopping him from breathing, his entire world spinning.
He felt someone’s hands on his shoulders, he looked up expecting and hoping it was you. But instead he saw his ma’s concerned expression as she crouched down beside him.
“Ma?” Chris stutters through his tears.
“yeah, your dad called, said he was worried about you” Lisa explains rubbing his back soothingly.
Chris let out a shuddering breath shaking his head “it's all my fault ma” he chokes out “it's my fault I- I- could have- should have prevented this”
“oh no sweetie no” Lisa sighs wrapping her arms around him and pulling him closer “There was nothing you could have done, nothing”
“but-“ Chris says going to argue.
“but nothing” Lisa interrupts “Stop listening to that voice in your head, it's doing nothing to help and listen to me instead,” she tells him firmly, cupping his cheek forcing him to look her in the eyes, simultaneously wiping away his tears just like she always did when he was a child “you couldn’t have changed anything that happened today, nothing at all and it hurts I know it hurts but you’ll get through it, and you’ll help her through it too”
Chris takes another deep shuddering breath “Thanks ma” he whispers.
“it's going to be okay Chris, I know it doesn’t seem like it right now but it will be and you’ll both be so much stronger for it, so when you’re ready you head up those stairs and you hold her because she’s going to feel so alone right now and you need to remind that she isn’t, that she’ll never be alone,” Lisa tells him firmly.
“I will ma, I promise” Chris swears. 
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You woke to the sound of thunder rolling through the sky. Sitting up in your bed you tiredly rubbing your eyes with your fists. You crawled up onto your knees to look out of the window that looked over the bed. Looking up at the sky you watched as it illuminated, lightning dancing across the sky.
You were about to crawl back under the covers when you heard a loud noise downstairs. You frowned in confusion grabbing your teddy before climbing out of bed and making your way downstairs.
The closer you got the louder and more frequent the loud noises got. You were inching against the wall closer and closer to the living room where the noises were coming from. The closer you got you realised it was voices.
Poking your head around the door frame you saw your parent standing facing each other. Your mom was running her hands down her face as your father yelled.
“Mommy,” you said quietly, far too quietly for either of your parents to hear.
“would you just please listen to me please” your mom begged.
“no! I don’t want to hear any more bullshit excuses!” your father snapped, making your mom flinch.
“they’re not excuses!” your mom complained shaking her head “Just stop being so- so- ignorant to everyone but yourself!”
A large crash of thunder and flash of lightning thundered through the house at the exact same moment your father raised a hand to your mom and slapped her hard across the face. Your mother gasps clutching her cheek, her eyes screwed shut in pain but your cry of terror made them snap open.
She surged over towards you, scooping you up into your arms “it's okay baby it's okay” she consoles as you wail in her arms.
She rubs your back soothingly, rocking you side to side trying to stop your tears. You manage to look over her shoulder at your father. He was standing looking over at you and your mom, a stormy expression on his face that only looked more terrifying as more lightning flashed into the room. You flinched burying your head into your mom’s shoulders to hide away.
She carries you back to your room, making sure the curtains were completely closed before she settles you back down in bed. She still held you close though, shielding you from the lightning and thunder. She whispered soothing words in your ears until you tired yourself out and fell asleep in her arms. Unbeknownst to you, she didn’t leave you that night, she spent the entire night beside you making sure you were okay.
The next time you opened your eyes your mom was gone, it was still night-time and you were in a bedroom that wasn’t familiar. Rubbing your eyes tiredly you flinched when you heard a loud crash of thunder, scrambling back under the covers and covering your ears but it wasn’t enough the next crash of thunder had you crying out in fear.
Climbing out of bed you rushed out of the bedroom, you were entirely sure where to go but you soon found the living room. You then spotted your father sitting on the couch his shoulders hunched as he held a tumbler of scotch in his hands.
“Daddy” you whimpered shuffling closer to him.
“go back to bed Y/N” he mutters not looking over at you.
“I’m scared” you sniffle pulling at your cotton night dress.
“it's just a storm, go back to bed” he huffed downing the rest of his scotch in one gulp.
“Daddy please” you cry stamping your foot.
“I said go to bed!” your father roared making you flinch.
“but- but- but” you stutter as tears begin to fall down your cheeks.
Your father lets out an irritated growl standing up from the couch and grabbing your hand. He physically drags you kicking and screaming back to the bedroom that you woke up in. You begged for him to stop, said he was hurting you but he didn’t stop. He practically threw you onto the bed, not even pulling up the covers and tucking you in.
“go back to sleep!” he yelled pointing at you harshly.
“I want Mommy!” you scream your face red as tears streamed down your face.
The expression on his face turned even more terrifying and he leaned in closer “Mommy’s gone, she’s never coming back” he growls.
“no!” you cry out shaking your head.
Your father doesn’t say anything he just turns on his heels and storms back out of the bedroom. You go running after him but he reaches the door and slams it shut behind him before you can reach him. You tug on the door handle but it won’t open leaving you screaming for your dad, crying out in fear as the storm rages outside. Eventually, you just tire yourself out, curling up in a ball on the floor hands clasped over your ears, falling asleep and staying there until morning.  
The pain in your chest hurt so much as you sobbed. Your voice was hoarse as you screamed out, your hands clasped over your ears trying to block the noise out. The image of your father flashing in front of your eyes, terrifying moments from your childhood.
You felt arms wrap around you tightly, a warm embrace surrounding you. through your watery gaze you looked up expecting to see your mom but you saw Chris instead. The painful memory of today flashing through your mind, the memory of seeing your father as the monster he is, the monster you spent years denying and defending.
Your entire body shook as you sobbed, curling up more into Chris’ embrace. He held onto you tight, rubbing your back soothingly, rocking you back and forth. You could faintly hear his soothing words but you heard the wobble in his voice, you manage to look up and through your watery gaze you could see his own tears falling down his face. the sight of him hurting made your pain increase tenfold causing you to sob even harder into his chest.
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