#walking away from not only their home but their mother
gglitch1dd · 3 days
An Angel
Middle School Midoriya Izuku x Middle School Reader
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Context: You move to a new school and that's where you meet a skinny boy with wild green hair and hopeful but sad eyes.
Note: If there is one thing I do not believe in MHA its that Izuku was never poor or in the lower class before. I mean statistically speaking, this man grew up in a one parent household with only his mom. So that's what I'm gonna emphasis because japanese culture also shuns single parents (sometimes not all the times).
Warning: Bullying, assualt, canon typical violence, Izuku being a teenaged boy Katsuki’s mommy issues
Midoriya Izuku sat at the back of the class, scribbling on a new page of his notebook, softly mumbling to himself as he took the least presence in the room. He sat at the very back of the class, right in the middle where he could easily be forgotten. He preffered it that way. The more he was ignored, the less attention that would be on him, and the less Bakugou Katsuki would torment him so.
"Alright class, settle down, settle down." His home room teacher walked into the room, allowing the class to take their designated seats and focus on whatever announcements or notices would need to be heard. "Today we have a new student joining us, today." He spoke out loud, motioning to the door as a girl walked in. "Please introduce yourself."
Izuku raised his head to look up at you. You stood in the typical middle school girl uniform with your hands gripping your backpack. You smiled kindly as you bowed at the waist. "My name is L/N Y/N, it is a pleasure to meet you all. I can't wait to see what the rest of this year will be like with you." You straightened up your posture.
Izuku thought you liked nice, but then again, a lot of people looked nice and they were nowhere close to that. If you were nice, Izuku couldn't help but feel sorry for you. If there was one thing he hated about Aldera Junior High, it was Aldera Junior High. He put his head down, not wanting to get caught being interested in even talking to you.
You were directed to sit two seats away from him, to the left side of class close to the window.
Up until lunch, you seemed pretty nice. You managed to start talking to some of the girls in class and they seemed to find you funny. That was a good thing. As long as you stayed by the girls and you kept a low profile, Izuku thought you would do just fine.
Then came lunch. Izuku held his little bento box as he kept his head down, trying to make it to the outskirts of the cafeteria. That's all he had to do. Walk in a straight line and ignore everything and everyone.
You're almost there, Izuku. Just a few more-
"Well if isn't stupid Deku!" A hard hand came down on his shoulder making him jolt.
So close.
Bakugou Katsuki stood with a smirk on his face as he looked to the green haired boy. "I've been wondering where you've been Deku. You've been quiet all day!" He grinned as he leaned over on the smaller boy's shoulder.
Izuku swallowed down hard as he gripped his bento. He gave a timid smile. "Morning, Kacchan." He let out softly.
Katsuki's crimson eyes moved down to Izuku's bento. He raised an eyebrow. "What's this?" He peeled off the little sticky note ontop of Izuku's bento, making Izuku cringe. He told his mother not to put those anymore, not because he didn't like them (on the contrary, they were the rare things that made him smile in his day), but because Katsuki would find them. Katsuki's eyes skimmed over the note before an awe came out of his mouth. "Izuku's mommy loves him so much." He teased, Katsuki's stupid middle school friends snickered, encouraging his antics. "Did mommy make you this lunch, Izuku? Let me see!"
He snatched it out of Izuku's hands making the green haired boy's eyebrows furrow. "Give it back, Kacchan!" He reached out to try and get it but Katsuki's pushed his face away making him stumble back.
Katsuki opened it up. "Oh she made you little Onigiri with faces on it, and broccoli and even tamagoyaki!" Katsuki's mocking voice rang out. Izuku tried not to die of embarrassment as his face turned red as he looked at Katsuki. Katsuki's blood eyes stayed on Izuku before his humoured smile left his face. "Your mommy sure loves you huh? Would you eat anything she puts for you?" He asked moving to tip the lunch and let it all fall to the floor. Izuku frowned, knowing that would happen. "Would you even eat it when it's on the floor? Like the useless dog that you are?"
Izuku swallowed down hard but he kept his head up, looking at the blond boy with a scrunched up face in slight pain that he would do this, again and again, and again, and again.
Katsuki stared at Izuku unblinkingly. He threw the bento to the side on the floor and motioned to the ground where the contents of Izuku's lunch lay on the ground. "Eat it. Right on the floor, a perfect plate for a quirkless defect like you."
Izuku scowled, trying to will himself not to cry at all the attention on him and all the eyes and the giggling and pointing. He shook his head. "No."
Katsuki scoffed. He walked over to Izuku, and right before Izuku could bolt he grabbed his arm. With a tough grip, Katsuki moved to force Izuku down. "GRAB HIM!" Katsuki shouted at his friends who moved to hold down Izuku's body as Katsuki used his elbow to try and force Izuku's head down to the floor. Izuku tried to resist as best as he could, pushing back. Katsuki let out a loud laugh. "Come on Doggy Deku! Eat it! Eat your mommy's precious lunch!"
Suddenly the light on his neck was lighter and Katsuki was pushed off of him. Izuku noticed a pair of school shoes in front of him. His green eyes looked up to see you standing there, holding your own bento box as you stood with a scowl on your face. You put down your foot, having kicked the blond boy off of him.
You had a scowl on your face. "I hate bullies." You said as you turned to look at Katsuki's friends. Right before they could scramble away, letting go of Izuku, you kicked one on the back.
"Y/N!" Two girls from Izuku's class stood a bit away from you, with urgent looks in their eyes. "We told you not to interfere!
"Yah! Bakugou is going to-"
Katsuki let out a spit as he flicked his gaze up to you. He rolled his shoulder with a scoff as he got himself onto his feet again. "Well, aren't you bold for being the new bitch in school." You stood with a frown on your face.
You turned to ignore Katsuki all together. You offered him a hand with a gentle smile on your face. "Are you okay?" You asked him.
Izuku stared up at you, and for the first time in his life, he was sure that he saw an angel. He looked at your hand before taking it, allowing you to help him up.
Katsuki scowled at the fact that you were giving that stupid nerd attention and not him. His hands sparked in rage as he stomped over to you. "OI! YOU BITCH!" Just as he grabbed your back collar causing you to take a step back, you unleashed your quirk, pushing him back entirely.
Katsuki fell back onto the ground, shocked at the force that pushed him. Izuku's eyes widened in shock at you. You really were an angel.
White feathered wings sat on your back, flared in anger as you stared down at the blond boy. You scrunched up your face in disgust. "The only bitch I see right now, is you, blondie." You stated as he sat on the ground as you stood above him with Izuku in hand. You rolled your eyes.
You took the green haired boys hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria, moving to leave all the other gaping idiots alone.
Izuku watched you with wide eyes as you pulled him out of the cafeteria to go eat lunch outside. He pulled him along and he didn't really mind. His green eyes moved down to where your hand held his.
Izuku's face burned red as he realised that this was a very important day in history.
Midoriya Izuku was holding a girl's hand for the first time.
Midoriya Izuku.exe has stopped working. Rebooting system now.
You finally found a place outside by a bench. You stopped with a sigh. "What a horrible group of people. Honestly. Who watches someone else get beaten down and says nothing." You shook your head in disappointment, turning around to look at the boy you had just saved. His eyes seemed spaced out and his face was red. "Are... Are you okay?" You asked worried. "Did he hit you in the head? Do you need a nurse?"
Izuku quickly shook his head out of it now that you had let go of him. He let out a nervous laugh as he looked away from you. "No! I'm fine, I'm totally fine. Honestly, I couldn't feel better! Haha! I mean honestly, why wouldn't I be fine! I just got saved by an angel and not many people can say that everyday. I should be thanking you. Your feet must not be okay, but me? I'm totally fine. Yep, fine, fine, fine. Couldn't be better and-"
Izuku stopped talking as he heard a giggle. His eyes widened as you put a hand to your mouth to hide your smile as you giggled at his rambling. In the sun, with your white pure wings out and a gorgeous smile on your face.
You really were an angel.
You lowered your hand. "Well I'm glad."
Izuku took a moment before smiling. He bowed at the waist towards you. "Thank you, for your help." He stated. "But you should really get going." Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're going to get bullied for helping me, or just staying with me in general. You seem like a wonderful person and I don't want that to happen to you." He said seriously with his eyebrows furrowed.
You paused for a moment before smiling. "I don't mind. I'd rather have lunch with you than those idiots." You motioned towards where you came from. Izuku let out a scoff but smiled gently. You motioned to the bench and you both sat down. You put down your lunch before noticing. "Oh no! You're lunch!" You said with a frown.
"It's okay." Izuku chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
"Please, have some of mine!" You motioned to your own bento box.
Izuku quickly shook his head. "No, I can't. Really, you need it. This has happened before, I'm used to it." He stated with a shrug as he looked down to where his red Jordans were planted on the dirt ground.
You frowned at that peice of news. "But... aren't you hungry?" You asked.
He froze at that question. He swallowed down hard, his fingers digging into the bench. In truth, Izuku barely ate the breakfast his mom made. To be fair, he knew she needed it more than he did. She worked all day for him, so he knew he could survive off of lunch and dinner. Although half the time his lunch would end up thrown out by Kacchan anyways.
He forced a smile to his face, a fake one that you could read all too well. "No." He shook his head. "I'm alright. Really."
You frowned. "You're all sticks and bones. What's your name?"
"Midoriya Izuku."
You smiled, before giggling. "I'm L/N Y/N. We're in the same home room class and for that," You stood up, placing your lunch on the bench as you shuffled with your wings, standing up and walking a few steps to the vending machine. "I'm buying you lunch."
Izuku's eyes widened as he stood up. "No, no, no. Please don't! Don't waste money on me." He denied quickly.
You shook your head. "Too late."
Before Izuku could step closer, your wings got into the way. His eyes widened in surprise. They were gorgeous. White and expansive, perfect in design.
You looked back and noticed your wings were still out. "Oh! Sorry about them. They kinda just do their own thing sometimes." Carefully, your wings folded back into you and you focused on the vending machine.
While Izuku focused on you and your quirk. He watched as your wings folded back into your skin, tears in your shirt left behind. He noticed marks, sort of like scars, where your wings would come out from. "Fascinating." He mumbled softly as he looked at your skin.
That's also when he noticed the straps of your bra.
Izuku tensed as his face burned red again. He quickly looked away from you entirely, trying so hard not too think too deeply about it. This was all too much for Izuku right now, too much in one day.
However he couldn't help but wonder...
You were really pretty. Like a girl out of a shonen... or a seinen.
He wondered how the front of your bra-
Izuku choked on air.
You turned to look at the green haired boy as you held the hot lunch from the vending machine. He was hitting his chest as he burned as red as a tomato. He kind of looked like a tomato, with his green hair. "Are you okay?" You asked concerned as you walked over to him.
He nodded his head as he hit his chest. "Yah, just-" He coughed. "Choked."
"Spit." He coughed. He shook his head of the embarrasment. "Sorry." He apologised.
He knew he should stop being on his computer all day but damn was he this bad around girls? To be fair, he had never had a friend that was a girl. Girls typically seemed weirded out by him and he couldn't exactly blame him.
Izuku would much rather sit on his computer all day than play a sport.
And he wonders why he gets called an Otaku.
And is probably the reason why he's about to have a nosebleed at the thought of your bra.
"Here you go!" You handed him the hot lunch.
He looked down at it. "L/N, I really can't accept this."
"You can. It was just a thousand yen." (6 US dollars)
His eyes widened in shock, before turning to the vending machine. "A THOUSAND YEN! THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY!" He shouted as he looked back at you. "Please, take it back. I can't repay you."
"I don't want you to repay me." You giggled. "Just eat it and I'll be happy. Now sit and eat before it gets cold." You tugged him down to sit beside you.
It was a struggle to let Izuku eat, but when he finally did, he nearly downed the entire thing in under three minutes. You knew he was hungry.
So then you talked and you told him all about your quirk and the fact that you lived with the Hero Safety and Protection Commission. You also found out he was quirkless, and to Izuku's surprise, you found that cool. Just the fact that he was so rare as to not have a quirk. You could tell he didn't seem to like it but you tried to show him that he was a rare find.
You both went to go get you a new shirt from a teacher before getting back to class before the bell rang.
At the end of the day, you told Izuku you would see him later after you went to go find a club to join.
However, when you found him again, waiting at the bench that you ate at lunch, he was not how you left him.
You gasped. "Midoriya!" You shouted as you ran over to him. He had a bruised cheek as he stood with a soft smile at the sight of you. before he could speak, you quickly took his face. "What happened to you!?" You asked shocked.
"Nothing, just Kacchan got angry as usual." He stated gently as you looked him over.
You furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't know why you don't get mad at such a horrible boy." You stated as you looked over his face. "This is bad."
"This isn't bad. You should have seen him last week after he had a fight with his mom." He chuckled in a self deprecating way. "I was bruised all over after that one." He looked at your face and you weren't laughing. You frowned in deep concern. He cleared his throat, looking away from you.
You took his arm. "Mind if I take you home?"
His eyes widened. "No, but are you sure? I can always just take the bus. The bus driver is a good friend of mine."
You nodded your head as you opened the door to a black car that was waiting for you. You motioned for him to get in and then you. Izuku was as stiff as a board as he looked around at the clean interior of the car.
"Miss L/N." Sitting at the front was a man with sunglasses on.
"Afternoon Fujihara. This is my friend, Midoriya. Do you mind if we take him to go get healed up before taking him home?" You asked the officer in charge of you.
He shook his head, driving the car forward. "What happened?" He asked, not ever really having a smile on his face but you could tell by a frown that he wasn't pleased for this being your first day at school.
"He got ganged up on by bullies." You said with a frown on your face. Fujihara didn't say anythign but gave a curt nod.
Izuku sat as straight as ever, trying to not make a mess of anything. In truth that is exactly what you did. You took him to an impressive building that you apparently lived in, and you took him to someone with a healing quirk before taking him back home.
You left him with a wave, promising to see him tomorrow, before disappearing back into the car and driving away.
Izuku entered his apartment, taking off his shoes as he walked inside. A note from his mother at the entrance small round table telling him that she would be working late today as well.
He smiled gently as he walked further inside, taking off his gakuran and putting his empty bento box in the sink.
Midoriya Izuku promised himself he would never forget this day. The day he got saved by an angel.
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hellodropbear · 2 days
like she used to (IV)
alexia putellas x sister chapter I, II, III
sorry this took longer! have been very busy with work and uni for the past few days :)
Aitana has been suspicious of something all week. I feel her eyes on me during training, when we're in the locker room, as she drives me home and as I walk up to my front door.
But she doesn't say anything and I am grateful. Because if she did say something, I don't think I would be able to answer without telling her every single thing on my mind.
Nobody wants that. Not me, not Aitana. Probably not Alexia either.
So instead, I sit in the midfielder's car quietly, only speaking when she prompts me to, although even that has slowed down over the past few days. She was confused the first time I told her I didn't want to stop for ice cream, and I was grateful that she didn't ask again.
"you're sure? You've never refused ice cream before, lena!"
All I could do was shake my head, keeping my eyes focused on the road ahead.
I get home and I go straight to my room which is easy enough, considering Mami comes home from work late. I am supposed to be going to school, but Aitana doesn't know that and Mami doesn't know any different. She thinks I am there, and as long as I pick up the phone to my personal tutor in the evening, the school won't bother contacting my mother.
I shouldn't be skipping school, but I can't face going there and being asked all those questions about how great it is to be training in the first team, to finally have broken through into a squad that I would hopefully play with for most of my career.
But it isn't great, not really. My life has become a game of hide and seek, escaping rooms that my sister enters, too afraid to even face her.
I am not scared of her, more of what she will say. I am barely coping as it is and anything she says will just make it worse. It is best to just leave her alone, keep my distance.
And I think she thinks the same. She said she was going to take a step back, after all.
Not that is has been any different from before she took that step back. Her back was already against the wall, on the other side of the room from me. Any further and she would leave my life completely which does not seem possible, considering we play for the same club.
But I wish she wasn't so far away, I wish that I could just reach out and grab her attention, for her to know that I needed help without even having to ask.
And it hurts me, more than I'd like to admit, that her friends know exactly how to make me feel better, to make me feel valued, worthy. But she is just there, like a fly on the wall, always watching but never doing anything.
Even the more clueless ones have started to realise that things are not perfect between me and Alexia. We are never in the same room together, I leave training with Aitana every day. It is obvious, we all know it.
So they don't push us together. They don't talk about Alexia to me and they don't ask why we don't drive home together, why she isn't the first person to give me a hug if I score in training.
They don't want me to be compared to her any more than I already have been.
Because on top of all the personal issues, there is a lot of pressure, being her sister.
'Will Elena Putellas follow in her sister's footsteps?'
'The younger Putellas - set to be better than Alexia Putellas, but still hasn't come off the Barcelona bench.'
I've seen the articles, of course I have. Nobody ever mentions it though, nobody mentions the pressure I am under, the pressure I feel to live up to the expectations.
Of course I will not score as many goals as her, of course I will not make a debut at the end of the match like a midfielder often does. It is a lot harder for a centre back to come on as a last minute sub. It is harder for a centre back to score so many goals.
There are feasible reasons why they are saying these things, but none of the news sites think to explore those reasons, exclusively focusing on the negatives.
I don't bring it up because I think that if I mention something even slightly about my emotions, every single thing I feel will all come rushing out, a tsunami wave that will destroy everything I have worked towards.
I have to be strong; I can't let a little bit of pressure overcome me. Alexia had pressure, and she was never swallowed by it.
Alexia was not weak. I can not be weak.
But it feels like the tide has been pulled back, brewing in the deep dark depths of the ocean, preparing to build and build and build until it all becomes too much, until it is here, a huge wave ready to swallow me. Too late to escape, too late to stop it.
But quelling the wave does not seem like something I can do.
The only thing I can do about it is play my piano.
It is thing I am most grateful for, my piano that brings me closer to my father, the one thing I have that nobody else does.
I may not have his memories, but I don't think any memories could match the connection I feel, just sitting on his stool, my fingers dancing on the keys that his hands once graced, the keys that we used to play together.
It was the one thing that we shared, just the two of us. Something that neither of my sisters or my Mami could understand. All they know is to leave me be when I am playing the piano. I don't want to be interrupted and they don't want to face the wrath of my anger if I am stopped before I am finished.
Because it is the only way I can express my emotions and the emotions do not stop coming until the song is finished, until there is a puddle of tears in my lap, fed by the streams that track down my cheeks.
So they leave me be. I want them to leave me with my emotions when I play the piano. But they also leave me with my emotions when I sit in the lounge room, staring at a blank tv screen, staring out the window at just about nothing in particular. I wish they would realise that I don't always want to be left with my emotions.
I wish they could notice that something may be wrong, something more than just the loss of my sister.
Because it feels like more than that. I have never felt so lost in my life.
There is just so much going through my mind at any one time and I can't let it out because once I start I will not be able to stop until my walls have burst and I am nothing but an empty shell of who I was before.
Everything I once was is gone.
Replaced by confusion, hurt, sadness.
And I don't know why, because Alexia isn't all of me, football isn't all of me.
I know it shouldn't be but it feels like it is and even though Alba is right there as well, and Mami and my friends from La Masia, all I can think of is the fact that my older sister doesn't want to be my older sister any more.
And I can't stop thinking about what it could be like, if it was still what it used to be.
I spend another two weeks wallowing in my confusingly overwhelming emotions before Mapi decides to intervene, intercepting me as I walk towards Aitana after training once again.
"No, you are coming with me today, pequena!"
I didn't even realise Mapi was here, her rehab finishes at the same time as Alexia, an hour before training ends.
She beams and throws her arm over my shoulder, ignoring my disgruntled expression.
"I will see you tomorrow, ABC." I murmer softly, but both Spaniards can hear it.
They both think I am too short to see the concerned look they throw at each other, but I notice it. I notice everything.
Mapi guides me out of the facilities and into her car and I can feel her concern grow as she inspects me from the drivers seat.
"You are not ok, Elena."
Her words are soft but understanding. It surprises me how she could just pick it up like that, I thought it was less obvious.
I thought it was less obvious because nobody has brought it up to me before.
I shake my head, not trusting myself to say anything without crying, although at this point it feels inevitable.
"That's ok. It's ok to not be ok, you know?"
I nod and she continues.
"When you came over the other week, I told you to talk to someone, but I don't think you have, have you?"
I continue my vow of silence by shaking my head, my eyes concentrated on how my hands shake and fidget in my lap.
I am too concentrated on my hands to realise that my eyes have filled with tears, to realise that the first one has slipped out. I only notice when the fat tear lands with a splat on my thumb and I stare at it, my mind full of confusion and unfamiliarity.
I don't understand how I feel, because I feel sad, and angry. They are normal emotions, ones that I have always felt, just usually in a less aggressive and persistent way.
But I feel so... lost, isolated. I feel alone and that is something I am not familiar with, not at all. Usually, I would talk to Alexia about my anger and sadness, but this has been going on for so long, slowly chipping away at my self-confidence, at my happiness. Now all I can feel is the loss of someone. Someone so important.
I may be dramatic, but how else would I describe it? She decided she was too busy and threw me away, a piece of rubbish. How am I supposed to cope with the fact that it's all I am to Alexia?
We used to be so strong as a family, we were always there for each other, nobody left behind. But I can't help but feel like I have been, just a bit.
Mami and Alba love me, Mami and Alba are proud of me. But Mami gets home after I go to bed and Alba has her own life, her own friends. She doesn't need to be pulled back by her little sister who has lost the ability to deal with her own emotions.
It would not be fair for me to pile my problems with Alexia onto Alba. It would not be fair to make her pick a side.
Alexia could be the person that helps me. We have similar schedules, interests, personalities. She knew me like the back of her hand and I knew her equally as well. But I don't think I have ever felt so disconnected from her.
Mapi snaps me out of my daydreaming when she speaks again.
"It is not healthy to keep everything inside of you, pequena, so we are going to the beach and we are talking. I am going to force it out of you because I miss my bright little best friend."
She reaches over and wipes the tears from my eyes, awkwardly pulling me into a hug.
"Everything is going to be ok. You are going to be ok, Elena Putellas, because you have me."
I nod, leaning back into my chair and using my palms to wipe my eyes as Mapi turns the car on and begins to drive out of the carpark.
"Thank you, Mapi." It is a whisper, but she hears me loud and clear, offering me a watery smile before focusing her attention right back onto the road ahead.
The car is quiet as we drive to the beach, Mapi just humming along to her song.
Mapi has always been a big talker. She always says she finds silences uncomfortable and sometimes even slightly overwhelming, so she talks. She talks and talks at a speed that makes it practically impossible to register what she is saying, and the inability to comprehend her spoken thoughts is only heightened by the way she jumps from topic to topic, her voice only increasing in speed and excitement as she gets more and more carried away.
But she is Mapi, and Mapi always talks, so I got used to it, finding her chattiness endearing, she was fun, always happy.
Which is why it is so meaningful when she isn't speaking, like she knows that her words are fruitless and likely not particularly tasteful - they won't be received well.
She is silent as we walk down to the beach and as she lays her rug and pillows out, sitting down and motioning for me to sit down next to her.
She is quiet for a few moments, like she is debating within herself on what she should say and when she should say it, captivated by the way he waves crash onto the sand cyclically, the beaming rays of sun showering the crystal water, the first indicators of the imminent sunset.
When she speaks, it is slow and it is quiet. Her words hug me in a way that has been missed for so long, and I immediately soften; she would have noticed my shoulders relaxing underneath her arm.
"I remember when I first met you." Her eyes are closed and a soft smile rests on her face. "It was before I even joined Barcelona, at my third camp with Spain. I had heard about you before, from Alexia, I knew so much about you from how much she would gush about everything you did every time I spoke to her. In person, over text, she was obsessed with you and sometimes I didn't understand why it seemed like all she spoke about was her little 5 year old sister."
She chuckles, but I stay silent, still staring out at the ocean.
"But then I met you and I immediately understood why she wouldn't stop talking about you. You radiated this happiness, like a little sunbeam. Alexia got you from the barricade after a match, it was only my second ever appearance, but Alexia brought you right over to me and introduced us. You grabbed onto my leg and held it, almost yelling about how cool it was that there was another player to meet."
I smile. I have never heard this story before.
"And then the next time, you recognised me and I was so surprised, so happy. But you were also happy, Elena, you always were smiling, laughing. You would hang from your sisters shoulders and whack her on the back, swinging around in her arms and laughing so loudly that we could hear you from the other side of the pitch. You were always like that, every time I saw you. I found myself looking forward to spain camps even more, because I got to see little Elena Putellas with her big smile and cheeky personality. But recently, I think you have lost a bit of your spark because you do not seem as happy. You seem miserable, lena, and I want to help you find that spark again because I promise, it is not gone forever. It has just been buried so deep by all these emotions that are so big and overwhelming and you can't even find who you are anymore."
Her words strike a cord, and I find that my eyes fill with tears once more, but I do everything I do to hold them back as I speak. There is a long moment of silence as we both look out at the waves before I break it with a quiet inhalation.
"I am so scared, Mapi." My voice breaks but I continue anyway. "I don't know who I am anymore and it is so scary. I don't know what happened or where I went but one day I woke up and I was just a miserable shell of the person I was and I don't know what to do."
She is quick to pull me into a hug as the tears start falling because we both know that once I let out the first cry, I will not be able to stop. Her soft hands through my hair and calm words that flow through the small space we occupy will do nothing to calm the turmoil I am feeling on the inside.
Thinking about it only makes it worse, like I am shaking everything up so it rises to the surface instead of letting it lay undisturbed deep inside of me.
But Mapi's words were like stepping into a turbulent plane, shaking uncontrollably, fear falling over me and triggering emotions that I didn't even realise I had inside of me. The dirt hazes up the water until everything is a big whirlwind of confusion. Emotions moving around to quickly to capture them and try to understand them.
The things I want caught up in the whirlwind of unwelcome mess, the whirlwind that I can't seem to get myself out of.
The injured centre back whispers calm words of affirmation into my ear for a while, her hand stroking up and down my back. It keeps me down to earth, does not let me fall into the trap of a million emotions.
"We will find who you are again, Elena. I will always be here to help you. I am right here."
I want to tell her that I want my sisters to be there to help me. I want Alexia to come back and I want Alba to realise that there is something wrong. But neither of them were there like Mapi is. Alba has tried to be there for me, but she doesn't get it because I don't know what to say.
But all I do is cry in her arms. The sobs soften into quiet whimpers as the sun sets, casting a yellow glow over the beach, but we stay there even as the air becomes cooler and the sky becomes darker.
Mapi decides that I will not be going home that night, not trusting me to take proper care of herself and instead taking me back to her apartment again.
Ingrid is there this time, and she looks at her girlfriend with concern when we walk in, immediately noticing my red face and puffy eyes.
"Hey, Elena." She smiled at me, but I was preoccupied by the little black cat that had begun to circle my legs.
"We had a chat on the beach and decided that because her Mami isn't home, she would stay here the night again."
I picked up Bagheera, tickling under her chin as I sat down on the sofa, trying to ignore the wary glances that were being sent in my direction by the Spaniard and Norwegian.
"I don't know what to do."
Mapi's words were hushed, and by the way she immediately spoke more quietly when she saw my head whip towards them, it is clear that they were not for my ears.
But as I fiddle with Bagheera's fur, I dissect her words. More than I should and definitely more than she wants me to.
She doesn't know what to do with me. She doesn't know how to help, how to fix what has been broken.
She doesn't know whether she should talk to Alexia because it would break my trust. Because telling Alexia could just make it all so much worse.
I think I have been holding onto hope that she really is that clueless and is trying to do what she thinks is best for me. I try to hope that is the reason this has all happened, and not because she simply has forgotten about me, or because she doesn't want to be responsible for me any more.
But honestly, I think it is a mix of all of that. And I think it has evolved from guilt, not watching my games, wanting to avoid the awkward conversations that could have arisen if she had apologised to me.
I wish she knew that an apology would make all the difference. A sincere one, from her heart.
Unprovoked. Just her, being truly apologetic.
Because as humiliating as it is, I would do anything to be back in her arms. I would do anything to have my older sister back, I wish that she would just do something that would make this all go away, to pick up the pieces of my shattered insides and stitch them back together. Eventually, the stitches would dissolve, I would forget all about them and I would be able to function normally again.
But Alexia is not a surgeon, and she would not be able to do that stitching seamlessly. She would use glue, but even that won't put it all back together so perfectly.
There is no way for her to just put it back together and pretend it never happened, to move on like this was just a blip. Because I am different now, I have grown. She has missed so much of my early teenage years - the years that I have most needed her help.
But I am not even sure that Alexia wants that any more; I don't know if she wants to fix this all up and move on.
The dinner table is quiet as I pick at my meal, Mapi encouraging me to eat more than a few bites, claiming she won't leave until my plate has been cleaned up.
Ingrid doesn't utter a single word, instead her green eyes piercing through my skin. I feel exposed to Ingrid, as if she can read everything, understand everything, just from one simple glance.
It is ridiculous, but she is deep in thought so I don't say anything to her either.
It is only when Mapi opens her mouth again that Ingrid's eyes flick over to her girlfriend.
"Does Alba know you feel like this? Or your Mami?"
It is a simple question, but strikes a chord.
No, neither of them know. Neither of them have even noticed a change.
I shake my head roughly, and Ingrid releases a scoff.
I look up, offended.
She turns her head to me, confused, so I continue.
"It is not my fault! It is not easy to talk about these things."
"No, no. Elena, that was not directed at you."
She seems apologetic so I have to believe her. I push my chair back, attempting to leave the room with a clutter, cursing my misty eyes for what feels like the millionth time that day.
But me exit is not as seamless as I would have liked, and Mapi is standing right in front of me when I get up, wrapping her arms around me.
It is supposed to be to trap me, but Mapi's arms will never not be a comfort.
I immediately relax into her grip, sighing softly.
"I am so confused."
Mapi's hands were running through my hair, my lap on the sofa as the tv played that evening. It had been an hour since dinner and the three of us had moved into the lounge room, the silence being filled by the Spanish show on the screen.
But there was a knock on the door and Ingrid sighed, standing up to open it, knowing that neither Mapi or I would get up.
It was both surprising and unsurprising to see Aitana standing there, her hair messy and over of her face, as if she had just been in bed.
"Is Mapi still awake?"
She didn't bother to greet Ingrid, clearly here for a reason. Why else would she have arrived at almost 11 at night.
I couldn't hear Ingrid's response, but I could hear Mapi speaking to me.
"She's worried about you too, Elena. You-"
I love Aitana, I always have.
"I know she is, she is terrible at hiding it. But she has avoided bringing it up. If she wanted me to talk to her I would try my best to, but she hasn't."
Again, I love Aitana and I know she has my best interests at heart. She knows I need to talk about everything to someone, but she also knows that I don't want to. She doesn't want to push even though I can tell she is worried. She is stressed.
Ingrid and Aitana enter as soon as I finish speaking, the Spaniard almost running to where I am lying, placing her hand on my cheek.
"You have been crying."
It is blunt, a bit surprising. I don't really know what to expect from Aitana, she has always been the light hearted one who never would shy from telling me how great I was, but we have never really spoken about melancholy emotions like these.
I suppose there has never really been a need to in the past, that is what Alexia and Alba were for.
She sits down on the floor in front of my face, her knees up to her chest as she stares at me, intensity in her eyes. It is not unlike the intensity she often displays on the pitch, motivated and passionate.
"I will help you." She is decisive. "We will fix this."
I nod softly and she runs her hand down my cheek.
"You are too young to be feeling like this, little Lena. I am sorry I let it get this far."
I look at her in confusion and she pauses before continuing.
"I knew something was wrong. I went to your games at La Masia."
I can tell Mapi is listening closer now.
"I know she didn't go to any."
Mapi gasps, quite loudly, and Aitana gives her a frustrated look, rolling her eyes softly.
"I should have said something to her. She doesn't realise how important you are, how lucky she is to have you."
I frown at her words.
It hasn't something I'd ever considered my sisters to be, having to look after a small child for most of their adolescence. Having to please me for so long.
"I used to dream of having a baby sister like you, she is lucky."
Mapi decides it is her turn to add something to the conversation.
"She loves you, Elena, she always has. Of course she thought she was lucky. She needed someone to help her pick on Alba."
There is suddenly a lump in my throat. I think it is the mention of the before that triggered it. The memories are too hard to handle, I usually avoid them at all costs.
My eyes become wet again, apparently, but Aitana just laughs softly.
"You two were just so mean to her, the poor thing."
Mapi lets out a chuckle from above me as well, and I find my mouth turning upwards into a smile.
"I probably should apologise now, shouldn't I?"
Aitana shakes her head, not able to hold back her laughs and Mapi is the same from where I can not see her.
It is when I finally laughed that I feel Mapi soften beneath me and see Aitana exhale a soft sigh of relief. They thought I wouldn't notice, but I did. I notice everything.
"We will fix this, ok?" Aitana was somewhat serious again, her hand patting my face. "We have a day off tomorrow, I will be here and we can all talk. We can all decide what to do next."
"Why are you two doing all this for me?"
Aitana sighs and Mapi's hands pause in my hair.
The midfielder looks above me, as if encouraging her to reply, but I speak up again before she can.
"Alexia is your captain, your teammate. She is your best friend, Mapi. Why are you doing so much for me when we are not speaking?"
There is another pause. It looks like Aitana is about to hit Mapi on the head, but the Spaniard speaks up before she can.
"Alexia has so many people behind her. Alexia is strong, she is experienced and she is older than you. You are just young, pequena and you are so lonely and lost. We want to help the both of you, but we need to help you first."
She pauses and Aitana finds the time to interject. It is like they have been talking about me.
Come to think of it, they probably have.
"You looked like you were going to burst. We knew that you and Alexia weren't speaking, that both of you were having a hard time because of it. But Elena, you looked destroyed. We couldn't leave you to your own devices any more. And Elena, we are doing this because we love you. So, so much."
"Alexia loves you too. More than us. She just does not do a great job of showing it, that's all."
I sigh softly, falling backwards into Mapi's lap, wondering just what I have done to deserve this.
How luckyI am to have my older sisters friends there looking out for me.
Because my family was falling apart and it was my fault. I couldn't do everything alone.
I choose not to think about what would happen if Mapi and Aitana weren't here like they are.
A tear slips down my face again, but this time it is not so sad. It is full of emotion, a grateful tear. Not quite happy, but not sad either.
"Thank you."
hope you enjoyed :)
this chapter was more to gauge where elena is at, sorry if it was boring!
part V
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adore-laur · 3 days
the girls asking Harry & their mom how they fell in love ?
With bath time for the kids done and dusted, you fall onto the couch like a rag doll with your eldest daughter in your arms wearing a fluffy white robe. She's about to get the princess treatment—her favorite thing is when you comb through her curls with apple-scented detangling spray. Harry holds your youngest and rhythmically walks around the living room to make her sleepy. She's in her zip-up pajamas, and she smells like fresh lavender. Her eyes are not yet closed, but Harry knows what tricks to use. Before long, she'll drift off and be transferred to her crib, all clean and fed.
As you yawn, the little arm tucked in your embrace wiggles free. It'll take significantly longer for her to become sleepy, but you're hoping some snuggles and soothing hair brushing under the dim lights will speed up the process. She points aimlessly toward the fireplace, yet her eyes track above it. The artificial plant? The pillar candle? The row of picture frames?
"What, baby?" you ask, kissing her damp curls and readying the comb and spray.
"Pretty dress," she says, aiming her finger more precisely. You follow it and smile sweetly. On the mantel shelf, there is an elegant, gold-framed photograph. It has been proudly displayed there for nearly five years as a keepsake from one of the most euphoric days of your life. It's an eight-by-ten photo of you and Harry after your marriage ceremony, sitting in the sleek black limousine that chauffeured you both to the reception venue. Through the open window, the hired photographer captured the moment Harry tried to unclip your lace bridal veil. Your legs, covered by the lush and heavy silhouette of your gown, were thrown over his lap even when there was plenty of space to spread out.
The reason that particular photo is the chosen one for the living room is because of how you and Harry are looking at each other in it. His fingers, one in particular the forever home of a gold wedding band, were tangled in your intricately styled hair, working to unclasp the many pins lost in the strands. But his eyes were feasting on you—captivated, ecstatic, and soaking you in like you were the only thing that existed to him. His smile was the brightest part of the photo. Mid-laugh, dimples deep, nose scrunched, and cheeks pushed up so that crinkles formed near his eyes. You can hardly remember what he was laughing at. He was giddier than a kid in a candy store, with unrestrained hands and excitement. He never did end up successfully removing your veil. His mother later helped him out, and it's now packed away in a storage box in the back of your closet.
Your expression in the photo was quite similar to his—irrepressible joy mixed with fierce love for your better half. The high resolution captured the residual tears in your eyes, were the cause of overwhelming emotions from when you greeted family and friends after the ceremony concluded. It was a gorgeous, sunny day. The afternoon sunshine poured into the limousine and accentuated the details of your exquisite gown and Harry's traditional tuxedo. You parsed through countless photos after the honeymoon, and Harry agreed that this one encapsulated the intimate love you shared with each other the best. It always brought you back to that day—that indescribable feeling. It still makes your heart pound. You would marry him a million times over just to cherish every single second again.
When you and Harry started a family together, the mantle shelf was filled with more precious photographs over the years. Now, with two children, anniversary milestones, and vacation memories under your belt, it's a beautiful display of the life you built and experienced with Harry. It's a reminder of what life is all about.
"That's mommy's wedding dress," you say proudly, beginning to comb through her hair. Harry stops his laps around the rug and stares at the picture too.
"You wore that when you met Daddy?" she replies, a cute sense of curiosity quieting her voice.
You laugh and catch Harry's gaze just as a crooked smile breaks loose on his lips. "No, I wore that when I married him."
"Oh. So what did you wear when you met Daddy?"
"Gosh, I don't think I even remember," you say, searching your brain for that night at Harvelle's. It was a late encounter, and you were tipsy.
Harry, still staring at the wedding photo, says, "An open-back dress. Black, long, and form-fitting." He shakes his head, lost in thought. "Effortlessly gorgeous."
"How in the world do you remember that?" you ask, a blush crawling up your neck.
"The disco lights were dancing across your bare back." He shrugs, like the memory is permanently stamped inside his brain. "I'll never forget that sight."
"So it was a funeral dress?" your daughter asks, piecing together the visual her father verbally painted.
"Definitely not," Harry says, sending a secret smirk your way.
"Where did you see mommy in the black dress?" She lets you move her head around as you spritz her hair with the detangling spray.
"We were at the same... restaurant," you say slowly, careful not to mention bars around her. Better to keep her innocence alive as long as possible.
"What did you eat?"
"We didn't eat," you reply. "We had strawberry and lemon drinks." You intentionally leave out the infused with alcohol part.
"What did Daddy say?"
You smile, loving her endless questions. "He asked me questions about myself. Made me feel comfortable and special. Unfortunately, our conversation didn't last very long. Mommy was tired and had to go home."
"And Daddy thought he was never going to see her again," Harry added with dramatic sadness. "He was really bummed out about it, but by some magical force, he crossed paths with her a month later."
"Magic?" Your daughter whispers the childlike word, her eyes wide with interest.
"It sure seemed like it," Harry says, gently sitting beside you so as not to wake the baby. He looks at you, and somehow, his eyes transport you right back to the start of it all. "Took us three tries to finally get things right."
You lean forward to kiss him tenderly. "Look at us now."
He reciprocates the kiss—his is a bit more urgent and sentimental. He then admires his daughters, both on the verge of sleep, and rubs his palm over where his heart is. "Thank you for choosing me, baby," he says to you. There seems to be emotion lodging in his throat, but he clears it away and breathes in deeply. "I'm yours every day. And I love you for infinite reasons, but growing our little family has the number one spot in my heart."
You toss the comb aside and hug him, your daughters cocooned by two souls that somehow found each other more than once. By magic, fate, or simply coincidence, you truly lucked out.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 3 days
Hi, I know this is 2 years after you wrote it, but I just found the piece you wrote between Kate Bishop and Natasha’s Daughter Reader. ‘A goddess’. What can I say. I found myself liking the idea and as I was reading it through. I realised I would be curious to see a part 2 if you were up for it. No doubt along the lines of Yelena finding out Kate is dating her niece. Let’s just say the whole concept with Clint finding out was amusing and wondered how it would then play out with Yelena.
A goddess | 2
Summary: Mysterious girl with an assassin mother.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x female!Romanoff!reader, Natasha Romanoff x daughter!reader, Yelena Belova x niece!reader
Warnings: mother bear Natasha, auntie bear Yelena
Word count: 1516
a/n: I actually started writing a second part two years ago but then kinda forgot it :DD
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @natashamaximoff69 @scarsw1fe
masterlists | guidelines
Previous parts: part 1
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”We’re home!” Y/N yells into the seemingly empty house, slamming the door shut after Kate steps inside.
Y/N snorts at the short answer from her mother. “She doesn’t sound too excited.” Kate mumbles, taking off her shoes and jacket.
“She is.” Y/N reassures. “She’s just..cautious. You know how she is.” She mumbles quiet enough so her mother doesn’t hear.
The couple walk into the kitchen, where they see Natasha stirring a pot of mac and cheese while looking at her phone intently. “Why are you cooking?” Y/N frowns, looking at her mother’s mess of a braid.
“What? You’re the only one allowed to cook in this house?”
“I’m the only why knows how to cook.” She comments with a teasing grin that Natasha ignores with a roll of her eyes. “We’re going to my room.”
“No, no, no.” Now Natasha turns to look at them, though she mostly ignores Kate. “If you two want to spend time here, you do it on the living room.” She stares at Y/N with raised brows.
“Living room, where I can see you two.” Natasha states. “Or, Kate leaves.”
Letting out a huff, Y/N grabs Kate’s hand and pulls her to the living room that is in the clear view of the kitchen. Kate sits on the couch with a perfect posture, her eyes straight forward, staring at the empty television screen.
“You can calm down.” Y/N whispers, bumping Kate’s shoulder with her own as she puts the television on.
“She’s staring at me.”
Y/N glances at Natasha. The woman is glancing at the two often, but she isn’t full on staring at them. “She’s busy cooking, for some reason.” She smiles, leaning against Kate. Their touches are always as innocent as possible around Natasha.
For the next hour or so they talk, quietly, and watch the television, until a knock on the front door interrupts them.
Frowning, Y/N turns to look at Natasha, who is cleaning her hands and about to go to the door. “Who is coming over?”
With widened eyes, she curses and stands up quickly, turning off the television. Kate is staring at her, starting to panic too. “What? What’s going on?”
“If you are afraid of someone in my family, be afraid of Yelena.” She whispers harshly, carefully listening to Natasha and Yelena’s voices by the door.
Kate’s eyes widens too as she stands up, her body rigid again. “Fuck, right, she’s your aunt.” She quickly starts brushing invisible dust off of her clothes. “Are you…going to tell her about us?”
“Of course not, she’d kill us both.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” Kate whispers to herself, taking a step back from Y/N so they wouldn’t be so close to each other.
Yelena and Natasha finally walk into the living room. “There’s my niece!” Yelena yells out with her arms wide. Y/N smiles, walking to her to be embraced by her aunt.
“Hey, Yel.” She lets out a giggle as she gets bear hugged. Once they pull away from each other, Y/N gestures towards Kate, who Yelena finally notices. “This is-“
“Kate Bishop!” Yelena grins. “I know you. You are an Avenger too.”
Kate’s eyes are widen when she gets addressed. “Uhh, yeah.” She nods a couple times too many to be considered normal. “Yeah, that’s…that’s me.”
“So shy this one, eh?” Yelena glances at Natasha, who answers by nodding with a small smirk on her face.
“You don’t know the half of it.”
Y/N glares at her mom, not wanting Yelena to know about her relationship, not yet at least. She knows her aunt will always be supportive of her, but dating Kate Bishop, the young and reckless Avenger, would cause too much stress for her.
“Let’s go eat.” Natasha gestures for everyone to go to the kitchen. “I made enough mac and cheese to feed a town.”
“That’s why you’re my favourite sister.” Yelena’s sing songy voice makes Natasha roll her eyes.
Y/N and Kate glance at each other as the two adults go into the kitchen. They walk into the kitchen right after, taking their seats opposite of them. Natasha brings the pot to the table, opening the lid and putting a ladle inside. “Guests first.” Yelena picks the ladle right away, scooping a generous amount of food on her plate. “Yelena!”
“What?” She frowns, taking one more scoop just in case. “You said guests first.”
“I meant Kate. You basically live here.”
Yelena scoffs, already eating. “Whatever. Kate Bishop can wait.”
“Yes, I can wait.” Kate states with a tight lipped smile on her face. She takes the ladle for escape the looks she gets.
Y/N bumps her leg against Kate’s under the table, it’s meant to be a comforting touch, but it makes Kate spill some of the mac and cheese on the table.
“Shit!” Her face turns red. “Sorry! I didn’t…curse.” She clears her throat, eyes wide from as the mortification settles in her body.
Y/N stares at her, trying to give her some sort of subtle look to get a grip, but nothing hoes unnoticed by the two ex spies. “What’s going on here?” Yelena waves her fork between Kate and Y/N.
“I’m just a clutz!”
“They’re dating.”
A silence falls over the table. Kate and Y/N’s eyes are wide as they stare at smirking Natasha, the latter is glaring at her mother.
Yelena sets her fork down. “Say that again?”
“They’re dating.”
“Why is Kate Bishop dating my niece?” Yelena is staring at the couple with stern eyes, neither of them knowing if the question was directed at them. “Well?”
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Because.” Is all she says, her arms crossed over her chest.
An extremely dramatic gasp leaves Yelena’s mouth. “Do not because me! I taught you how to sass, you aren’t supposed use it against me.” She furrows her brows, a look of betrayal on her face as she keeps her eyes on her niece. Y/N has always found her dramatics amusing, but they seem less fun when they’re directed at her.
“I don’t have to explain my relationship to you. To either of you.” She glances at both of them.
“Yes you do. You were supposed to tell me first, so I could scare your girlfriend around and then I’d help you tell Natasha.” Yelena states, having thought this situation through many times. “Why was I not the first one to know?”
“Because mom walked in on us.” Yelena’s whole face screws up. “No!” Y/N quickly points at her. “She walked in on us kissing, we were only kissing.”
Shaking away the disgusting thoughts, Yelena turns to Kate with a glare. “What are your intentions with my niece? Why are you dating her?”
Her eyes widen. “I-“ she looks between Yelena and Natasha, suddenly feeling like the room is overheating, “because I love her.”
“You love me?”
She turns to look at Y/N. “Of course I do.”
“This is how you tell my niece you love her for the first time?” Yelena gapes at her, the look on her face not getting any better. “Where are the flowers and romantic gestures?”
“Yelena!” Y/N groans, throwing a piece of napkin her way. It doesn’t fly far.
Kate’s mind is short circuiting, everything is happening so quickly. She doesn’t know whether to fear Yelena or continue confessing her love to Y/N. So, she stands up. “I can get flowers!”
“Sit down, Kate.” Y/N pulls her down back to the chair. “Everybody calm down. We are dating, neither you or mom can do anything about it, and that’s it.” She turns to Kate. “I don’t need flowers or romantic gestures, I love you too.”
Letting out a breath, Kate nods with a somewhat relieved smile. “Okay.” She nods and turns to Yelena. “I really love Y/N, and just like I told Natasha, I really hope to get your support to continue seeing her. I will never ever hurt her, I know you will hunt me down if I do.”
“Damn right I will.” Yelena mumbles. “Fine, Kate Bishop. But I will keep my eyes on you.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Yelena gives her a look. “Miss. Belova, Yelena, I mean.” Kate coughs, downing half of her water so she wouldn’t keep talking.
“Kids these days.” She shakes her head and goes back to eating the mac and cheese like nothing happened.
Natasha, who preferred to enjoy the show rather than contribute to it, grins at Y/N. “Eat up honey, the food’ll get cold.”
“I will get back at you.” She mumbles, sending a soft glare at her mother’s way, though she really doesn’t mean it. “You okay?” Y/N sets her hand on Kate’s thigh.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” Kate shoves a forkful of food in her mouth.
Y/N giggles and kisses her cheek, ignoring the the looks her mom and aunt give her. She starts eating, hoping the rest of Yelena’s visit would be less eventful.
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peppertoastuniverse · 4 hours
pep reads: geto suguru – long fics
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But dang, i didnt realise we were all so thirsty for geto the brainrot is so real
☆ as we walk by cerialilith [AO3] [status: unknown ◦ 29/? chapters] [singledad!geto] [slow burn] [eventual smut!] [nocurses!AU] #sweet, softest sugu
He only loves two things in life: the scent of coffee and his daughter. But perhaps he can make a few adjustments.
— In which the single mother across the hall manages to catch Geto’s eye without him realizing it.
☆Temptations by @peachsayshi [AO3/tumblr] [status: ongoing ◦ 5/6 chapters] [ smut!] [nocurses!AU] #sugu treats you RIGHT #pep MELTED Suguru Geto is a playboy. A man who's had more lovers than he can even count. You've never been in a relationship, not even experiencing a real kiss when you first meet Suguru. But the two of you fall for each other, and you know that he's the one you want to experience all your firsts with.
☆ Breathe Me In by lovelied [AO3] [status: completed ◦ 5/5 chapters] [smut!] #pep love this characterization of Suguru Desperate for distraction, a troubled Suguru Geto began inviting you over each night. It began as a casual arrangement, but over time, you found yourself yearning for him in ways you couldn’t quite explain.
☆The good morrow by @temozarela [AO3/tumblr] [status: ongoing? ◦ 2/? Collection of fics] [smut!] #pep’s comfort fic
You narrowed your eyebrows as you felt your body being jolted, large hands gripping your face, and then your shoulders. Groaning softly, you turned in your sleep, trying to make sense of the voice fading in and out of your brain. It didn’t sound like it was from your dream… It was hushed… low… soft…
It sounded like your name.
geto finds you after his defection to say goodbye
☆ Mascara by softsellars [AO3] [status: unknown ◦ 5/7 chapters] [smut!] [tw!cheating] [nocurses!AU] [artist!suguru] #complex reader, patient sugu
You've never been a particularly good person, you're self-aware enough to know it. It's your only flaw, and recently you've actually been working to better yourself.
For example: paying for a 30-dollar Uber so you can take your friend home only for her to ditch you for some guy when it comes down to it. Although you’re pissed, you decide to try and make the best of it instead of get into a screaming match with her.
It's an easy thing to do when Getou Suguru is offering you everything to do just that. Everything a party entails: liquor, weed, and sex with a perfect stranger.
And Getou knows perfectly well you have a boyfriend, so it's not like he'll want anything serious.
***Porn with a little plot
☆ Whisper of the Petals by @nanamis-baker [tumblr!] [status: on going ◦ 2/? chapters] [slow burn] [College!AU] #SO SO SWEET #sugu with dumb feelings
A mystery blooms on your doorstep. A breathtaking bouquet of white flowers, a silent whisper of apology... but it's not for you. Delivered under the name of a man so handsome he takes your breath away, the mix-up sets your heart racing.
Fate seems determined to keep throwing you together, and soon you're caught in a whirlwind of chance encounters and undeniable chemistry. It was almost as if it was trying to bring you together. ☆ AFFECTION'S EDGE by @rush-the-stars [AO3/tumblr] [status: completed ◦ 3/3 chapters] [omega!verse] #THE INTENSITY?!
“You’ve got it all wrong,” he murmurs, “but what am I to expect from a stray like you? You’ve lived off scraps and abuse your whole life; of course you don’t know what to do now that I’ve given you food and shelter.” Suguru’s fingers ease up towards your neck as he continues, “a warm bed to lie in. Toys to play with. A collar—so you’ll never be lost again. No one’s ever given you this before, hm?”
*** Suguru tries to tame you.
☆ Musubi by Penrose_Quinn [AO3] [status: unknown ◦ 2/? chapters] #LOVE THE CHEMISTRY
Then there was a quiet shrewdness in the way he carried himself. You would call it cocky, but this one proved to be more poised and collected on how things would unfold for him. Framed with the anchor of his composure, legs stretched out in front of him but not overly laid-back, and his mind – whatever unfathomable brilliance that dwelt underneath – was unperturbed, self-assured. You wouldn’t claim to have known him entirely though like this, Suguru looked more like himself. “But you won’t disappear,” he concluded. “Not yet anyway.” You gave in to a hum. “You’re really making it tempting for me to leave you hanging on nothing.” Suguru listened, waiting. His pursuit was a game of patience and you chased after the gamble.
Or: the string of each encounter was an entanglement to what brought you closer to him, twisted in each other’s darkness, torn and tied back together throughout the years.
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dolicekiss · 2 days
Sweet Little Lamb
PAIRING: dad's best friend!Duncan x Innocent young!Female reader
a/n: first attempt at this, also requests are open ^_^
WARNINGS: smut (18+ only, minors dni), sort of taboo (age gap, reader is nineteen), rough sex, mention of uncle and usage of the word cunt, hair pulling, choking, subtle manipulation (manipulative Duncan), religious themes, blasphemy mentioned, virgin reader, dirty talk (talkative Duncan), praise and degradation, slight blood, fingering, unprotected sex, sir kink.
SUMMARY: Duncan and your father were high school best friends, always getting into trouble and enjoying their youth to the fullest but they soon parted ways — adhering to their own priorities in their adult lives. But when your father runs into Duncan at the store, he invires him home for dinner. Duncan didn't know his high school best friend was married and had such a beautiful daughter, you. As he laid his eyes on you, he began to lose his grip on his moral compass.
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Duncan was a mess.
No amount of cigarettes could calm the turmoil that had caused havoc in his mind and his body, all because of the daughter of his high school bestfriend; you.
The more he fought the disgusting thoughts, the more he felt repulsion crawl over him like a spider with its prickly legs, pinching into his skin. He felt sick and like a creep — preying on his best friend's daughter like that, thinking about you in such explicit ways. He'd excused himself from the family, using his unnecessary smoking habit as an excuse to get away from your sickeningly sweet presence.
He needed to calm his mind. He was all over the place, his mind a whirlpool of unwanted explicit thoughts regarding the girl. It wasn't the white dress that you adorned nor that you were a shadow of an angel but how innocent you truly were. Knowing his bestfriend, he was sure he must've kept you concealed from the outer world. Protecting you and forbidding you of the pleasures the outside world had to offer, keeping you safe against the darkness that lurked in the shadows.
But he didn't know he had brought darkness along with him, in the form of his bestfriend to his humble abode.
He let out a sigh of frustration, as he tossed his finished cigarette to the side. Before he flicked open his metal case to retrieve another one, he heard a soft voice interrupt his smoking session. “Uncle Duncan?‘
Oh how much he reveled in the feeling of you addressing to him as an uncle. You weren't related, no. But just the fact that he was older than you and you saw him as an uncle, it was enough to tighten his pants as he wondered just what sick and twisted part of him was clawing out to the surface.
“Yes, dear?” He always responded to you with such sweetness, his voice gruff but his tone soft and sweet. Like he didn't want to scare you away, like he didn't want his voice and tone to be an innuendo to his sick and twisted desires.
You smiled at him.
A fucking replica of the moon you were.
“Time for dinner, it's all set.” You said, hands conjoined behind your back as you stood with a rather shy posture — your demeanor dripping with the innocence that was an indirect invitation to the wolves of the winter.
To come and rip you apart. Limb by limb and piece by piece and oh, a wolf had indeed sniffed its way to your sweet energy, Duncan had found you.
You gestured for him to come inside before disappearing back inside the living room and he groaned in frustration, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair before walking in pursuit of you. You were such a dream, you glowed and he carried darkness that wished to bask in your light. Upon entering, he found the dinner table all set with his bestfriend already situated in the middle. He took a seat and then your mother and you joined as well.
You sat across Duncan.
Your gaze lingering over him now and then and you admitted, he was truly a handsome man. The fact made you flinch internally, as you had been told that finding another man handsome and attractive was a sin that god would never forgive. Your father had often told you to never indulge in boys or men, to never reciprocate their attention or love, to never ever pay them mind.
And you obliged.
You had never felt wanted in your life ever.
There sat a handsome man across you and it did things to you, things foreign to your small mind.
Your gaze found itself focused on how he extended out, his large hand covering the entirety of the glass of water as he drank it. The view did something to you, a weird feeling churning in your stomach. You found it alluring, that he was capable of completely having his way with you.
You shook your head, praying to God in your heart, begging for his forgiveness at the sinful thoughts that had consumed your mind in the presence of a man that was the same age as your father. You lifted your gaze up from the chicken you stabbed with your fork and a silent gasp escaped.
He was staring at you, as he ate the food your mother prepared.
Your heart leaped up into your throat and then you felt something against your leg, through the net material of your long, white dress. It was hard and rough, making you realize it was a shoe.
Duncan's shoe.
You swallowed the nervousness that was building in your throat. This felt wrong, this felt so forbidden but he wasn't touching you, was he? He wasn't directly touching you, it was his boot riding up your leg and then settling between your thighs. It wasn't sinful if he wasn't directly touching you. Your breath got stuck in your throat.
Duncan noticed the flushed reaction you gave and he suppressed the urge to let out a subtle grin. The tip of his boot pressed up against your clothed cunt, putting pressure against the sensitive area. You almost whimpered at the touch — at how repulsive it truly was. Guilt consumed you because you didn't feel gross, no. You felt good, as you parted your thighs open.
All while your parents ate their dinner, enjoying the company of the man that had sick intentions towards their daughter. Your fingers tightened around the fork as he pushed harder, the force causing pain to blossom on your cunt and you ached for more.
The dinner came to an end soon and your father insisted for Duncan to stay over, as a snow storm approached in all its glory and the man eventually gave in. You were told to show Duncan his room and you obliged, leading him upstairs. The vacant room was right besides yours and the moment you both traveled upstairs, all alone in each other's presence in the dimly lit hallway, the tension threatened to explode.
He acted as if he wasn't the cause of your aching cunt, as if he hadn't lured out a desire too sinful out of you. He only silently followed you and you stopped once you reached inside the room. “Here, I hope it is comfortable Uncle—”
You bit back your tongue. Calling him uncle didn't feel so appropriate anymore after your latest encounter with his boot pressed between my thighs. Duncan caught onto that and he leaned down at you, his muscular hand reaching to caress your cheek. His touch was so — gentle and full of tenderness. You didn't back off, when you obviously should've and it left you confused.
Did you crave someone's touch? Yearned for it secretly in your heart where no man could reach?
“Why'd you stop?”
You shook your head, the back of your calves pushed up against the drawer. You felt helpless in his grasp, like a lamb in the clutches of a wolf. “Feels— weird, Mr. Vizla.”
“Mr. Vizla is it now?” His voice had fallen a few octaves lower and you nodded. God, you were so fucking scared but there was excitement, sitting right next to the fear, smiling at it. Taunting it. His thumb swiped over your cheek and you let out a shuddered breath at the touch. The bare minimum but it had you breathless.
You'd never felt a man this close.
You'd never been this close to another man.
“W-What should I call you?” You stuttered, a mess you were. Your fingers conjoined behind your back, pressed into the drawer.
Duncan smiled. “How about sir? Try saying that, pretty girl.”
His compliment sent you over the edge, your mind clouded by the mist of a daze as you looked up at him. His dark, searing gaze incinerated you and your face burned when you made eye contact with him. His aura felt brooding and you couldn't tolerate it any further, feeling its hands choke you. Ridding you of any air left.
“Sir?” You asked, innocently tilting your head to the side.
He nodded and then stepped closer, shrinking the space between you two. “Did it feel good?”
You immediately nodded your head, as shy as you were. The feeling of his boot against your clothed center only increased your desire and curiosity to feel more, your body burning in need that was foreign to you. He leaned down, breath mingling with yours as his large hand dropped down to the curve of your throat. Circling around it, firmly but loose enough to allow you to breathe.
“Come to my room when everyone's asleep, Little lamb.” With that, he released you and walked off towards the bathroom leaving you completely out of breath.
You ran out of his room, into your own and immediately slammed the door shut, locking it. Your body felt different, like it was being burned but without the pain. You pressed your palm against your forehead, checking for a fever but there was nothing yet you felt so flushed. You dropped your frame onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, hoping that God was not witnessing all this. That he was busy with his other creations and not noting down the sin you were about to commit by going into his room at night.
— ♡ —
Night crackled with the storm, its silence snatched from it and swallowed whole by the loud howls of the wind. Your parents had fallen asleep and you tossed and turned underneath the blankets, changed into your little night dress. A satin slip up your mother had bought for you, with a little bow attacthed to its front. Trailing your eyes across the clock, you swallowed.
1 AM.
You ran your tongue over your lips, stomach burning with anticipation and desire as you slowly lifted the blanket off you. You found yourself right in front of his room and then you knocked, lightly, your frail hand shivering from what you were about to do. Just what were you doing? Going into the room of a man twice your age, all alone at night, barely dressed in anything.
Before you could change your mind or think your actions through, the door had opened revealing the man. His bare chest exposed — the body hair littered everywhere in striking contrast to your own body and you stepped inside. He closed the door behind you and then you felt as though you had stepped outside in the cold, bare footed and naked waiting for it to consume you whole.
Duncan walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, thighs expanded and parted as he gestured at you. “Come here.”
His tone reeked of dominance and you felt your knees give up on you. Nervously, you took a step and then another until you were right in between his thighs. His hands reached for your waist, holding the curve of it as he gazed at you.
“This is wrong.” You whispered.
He tilted his head, his hands slowly trailing upwards while he gazed at you. “Is it? Do you feel like you're committing a sin?”
You nodded and inhaled sharply, feeling guilt ridden because of how good his hands felt trailing up and down your sides. Duncan was wearing his glasses and you peeked behind him to find a book laying face down on the bed. He was reading. Was he keeping himself occupied for you?
“No, little lamb.” He reached for your hair with one hand, twisting the strands between his fingers. Caressing them with the pad of his thumb. “How is it a sin when God is all merciful? He understands you, he feels you, doesn't he? He's created you like this.”
His words were heaving down on your mind and you thought for a moment. He was right. You were not feeling this way on purpose, instead it was all coming naturally to you which meant that God had created you like this. In his image, and how could be his image wrong and sinful?
“But its a sin.”
“It is not if you don't tell anyone about it. If no one finds out about this, it'll only be an act buried in the past once its committed.” Duncan pulled you in closer with his one hand on your waist, his thumb caressing your stomach through the satin material. His hand on your hair traveled to your face as he brushed his thumb over your plump, saccharine lips.
“Open up, little lamb.”
And you obeyed, parting your lips in an invitation for him to press his thumb against the flat surface of your wet tongue. You stayed like that, awaiting his next order and command. “Suck now.”
You closed your lips around his thumb, sucking as you moved your head back and forth. Your eyes didn't shut, no. You stared at him all the while sucking on his finger and Duncan’s gaze felt heavy with lust, mimicking your own. He could see he had you, right where he wanted. Just a mindless little girl who couldn't even understand the needs of her own body.
How fucking cute. He thought.
You were so pliant, so sweet and so submissive. He enjoyed every bit of it and he wondered if he'd ever let go of you after defiling you for his own good and pleasure? Duncan pushed his thumb further into your mouth, all the way to the edge and you choked a little. Sputtering and making a mess of saliva on his hand. Tears sprung out and you closed your eyelids, allowing a few to stream down.
He retrieved his thumb from your mouth and looked at you. “Have you ever kissed anyone, hm?”
You could only shake your head. He smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you onto his thigh. He loved how he was about to ruin your innocence, fucking mess you up and bask in the feeling of power over you. It was all too consuming and overwhelming, even for him.
You were perfect.
“Follow my lead, alright?”
You nodded, butterflies flapping their wings in stinging anticipation in your stomach. You felt his lips against yours and it felt, fucking, ecstatic. His lips were so soft, so plump and they felt like cushions against your own. One hand settled over your stomach, expanded palm caressing your flesh while the other slithered upto your hair, entangling in the softness of them.
He tugged and you whined into the kiss.
The vibration of it sending fire straight to his crotch, his own chest rumbling with desire as he kissed you. Gently prying your lips open, he entered your mouth and explored the untouched cavern of innocence with his vile tongue. Like a snake, he enveloped you and brought you deeper into the abyss.
“Sir—” You attempted to break the kiss but he didn't let you, delving deeper into it. His grip tightening on your hair causing you to cry out into the kiss, his tongue battling with yours. It felt so good, you could almost cry from how much pleasure only a mere kiss was giving you.
But Duncan knew there was more. And the more was as rough as he was.
His hands pulled back and then fell to the hem of your dress. “May I?”
You thought, for a single second before nodding your head. He immediately slipped it off you, discarding it to the side and then his gaze took you in. Your full, nude form. Your perky tits, the small bulge of your stomach, the pouch of fat resting there, how clean and unmarked your thighs were. Those little details drove him insane. He lost restraint — brawny hands grabbing at your tits and fondling them as you whimpered softly against him. It all felt too sinful, but too right to you.
Thumbs brushing over and over again against your hardnened peaks, standing erect demanding attention. He stalled for moment and took your small hand, bringing it to the raging boner protruding through the material of his jeans. You immediately gasped, shaking your head as you tried to pull back but he insisted. Grip tightening on your wrist.
“Feel it." He commanded.
You meekly nodded your head and then felt him, your palm pressed against how hard it was. The situation was so gross, so fucking repulsive but it felt amazing. How he toyed with your body, giving you pleasures you never even thought of. He pulled both of your thighs on each side of his lap, exposing your cunt.
Duncan almost growled at how it peeked out, pink and shaven.
He brought his fingers upto her mouth and tapped onto her lips. You were quick to catch the innuendo, parting your lips and sucking onto his digits. When he felt them wet enough, Duncan’s hand fell down and slithered between your thighs. His fingertips brushed against your clit and a loud squeal escaped you.
You quickly clamped your palm down your mouth, staring at him in confusion. It felt so amazing, a jolt of electricity sent through your veins when he brushed against your clit. He did it again but this time you were prepared and then slowly eased a finger into you. Your tightness around his mere finger let him know just how difficult you were gonna be, getting accustomed to his size.
“Sir, no. Hurts, please.” Your hand reached for his wrist, clawing and pushing at it but he didn't budge. He found your resistance adorable as he slid his finger whole and you cried out. Tears streaming down her face at the burning sensation but that was nothing in comparison to what the future held for you.
Duncan lightly tapped your cheek, a subtle slap. “You can take it, sweet lamb. It's one finger, you can't even take this?”
Voice laced with disappointment, he stared at you and you nodded softly, more tears streaming in rivulets. You back was arched and stiff, as he started moving his finger. To distract you from the burning sensation, he closed his lips around your peaked nipple, circling his tongue around it. The overwhelming pleasure sent you into a different world as your little body twitched.
He sucked and sucked, while slipping another finger and you pressed both hands against your mouth to supress your cries. You didn't wish to wake your parents, that was something you didn't want. It could put an end to this sweet pleasure that you desperately chased after.
“Gonna fuck your virgin cunt so good, I'm gonna dumb you down on my cock, little lamb.” He muttered against you wet peak, plunging his fingers in and out of you. You felt your stomach tighten, flipping in scary knots and the feeling was so strong that you could only cry. Hands falling from your mouth, they gripped tightly onto his salt and pepper hair, bunching them up in your fist. You buried your face in his neck and softly cried, the pleasure sending you into the oblivion.
All that at once — it was too much.
Your thighs convulsed, your body twitching and you could feel something coming, its intensity unbearable. “Sir, something's happening. I think I—” With a hot white intensit shooting through your core, you exploded. Your juices coating his fingers, his arm, his chest and more tears followed in pursuit of the trail left behind the old ones.
Your chest heaved up and down, body collapsing on top of his. Lips shuddering, releasing soft little pants as your arousal saturated everything.
His hand ran up and down your back, reassuring you, comforting you. As he slowly lifted you up, he laid you down on the bed and cupped your face. Brushing away the perspired strands of hair from your forehead and unveiling yourself to him. Duncan was going to explode at any minute and he needed to be inside you.
He discarded his own pants along with his briefs and exposed himself to you, his cock standing hard and curved against his stomach. It was too big and your eyes widening in horror gave away that much. Before he could proceed further, you had removed yourself from the bed, barely possessing any strength to stand still.
“It's too big.” You whispered, reaching for the door.
Duncan wasn't having it. You had your pleasure, now it was his turn and he felt entitled to his own orgasm. Before you could make an escape, he took a long stride in your direction and encircled his arms around you, throwing you right across the bed. Your body was still coming down from your orgasm, fear waking up in your eyes.
He fucking loved it. How panicked and scared you appeared, looking at him, realizing he had you trapped. “Be a good girl, little lamb. Let me have my taste of you.”
He crawled on top of you and your chest twisted in fear, eyes focused on his length. It was too much, you knew it but still you wondered, if his fingers could feel this good — just how good could his cock feel inside you?
Duncan parted open your thighs, delivering a little smack to your inner thigh causing you to flinch. “I'm fucking disappointed that you even thought for a single moment that you could escape me.”
His tone was full of annoyance, mixed with anger and heavy from lust. He aligned his tip at your hole, staring down at it like a madman, obsessed and infatuated. “I'm going to claim this pretty virgin cunt of yours and you'll take me like a good little girl, won't you, my dearest?”
You slowly dragged your head up and down, both fists resting at your chest in heavy anticipation. He slightly tapped his hand across your face, subtle but enough to let you know it was meant to be a damn slap. “I need words.”
“Yes sir."
“Good fucking—” he didn't finish his sentence, as he slid himself inside of you. He couldn't even get to feel you as a scream tore itself through your throat and the man quickly pressed his lips against you. Shutting you up, swallowing your screams and whimpers of pain that you so wholeheartedly were ready for the whole world to hear.
Your walls clamped down on him and Duncan felt as though you were gonna cut him in half from the sheer tightness of your pussy around him. He didn't move, breaking the kiss and slowly littering soft kisses all over your face, drinking up your tears. “You can do it, yeah? You're such a strong, beautiful girl.”
His words of affection warmed up your chest and you nodded, wrapping both your arms around his nape for support as you parted your thighs. An enticing invitation despite the throbbing sensation blossoming like a flower in your cunt. You braced yourself as Duncan moved and soon be bottomed out, a promise growl exploding from his chest.
How forbidden it was.
The girl that was barely half his age, calling him her uncle was now underneath him, naked and sweaty as he deflowered her little cunt. His thumb moved over your clit in tender little circles and your back arched off the bed, his cock shifting inside you. It pulsed and throbbed, becoming one with the throbbing of your own cunt.
“You're so pretty, so fucking beautiful. I want to claim your pussy every single day, ruin you to the point you only think about having my cock inside your little cunt.” He was a mess, forehead drenched in perspiration as he moved, his forearms resting on your sides. He pulled out, and you gasped at the loss but then he slammed himself back inside you. This time deeper, filling you up to the brim.
“Tell me, does the God you worship is capable of making you feel this good?” You shook her head, long gone in the wordly pleasures that consumed your mind. All you thought about was Duncan and how good his cock felt inside you. He began moving, snapping his hips and your walls clenched around him in need.
As he pushed — he encouraged a loud whimper out of you. High pitched and evident. Enough proof that he had found that specific sensitive spot and he rammed inside you, pounding you into the mattress. It was a blessing that your parent's room was downstairs, as they rested, oblivious to their daughter getting ruined by a man beyond her own years.
“Please— Duncan, it feels so good. Please keep going, give me more please sir.” You were a mess and hearing you moan his name made him go crazy. His hips picking up their pace, his cock pounding you into oblivion.
He stopped, turned you on your back and started fucking you relentlessly again. His hands reaching for your arms as he picked you up and pressed you flush against his brawny, scarred chest. This new position had more pleasure awaiting at its door and you couldn't even shut your mouth with your hands anymore, as he restrained you. Gripping your arms, fucking into your cunt.
“Such a good cunt.” He groaned, throwing his head back as he moved. “Takin’ me so well, like you were crafted for me. Pretty girl with a pretty cunt.”
His praises were so intoxicating and you were blitzed by now, without zero alcohol in your system. Duncan was fucking you so good, you'd lost all your senses besides ones that helped you in feeling him, hearing him, listening to him. You didn't care about your parents anymore, or God, or anyone. All you cared about getting fucked like some whore by Duncan.
Tears streamed down your face, your stomach once more churning in that sick feeling. Your thighs pressed against his, shivering and flinching everytime he thrusted up your cunt. Your heart was fucking throbbing in your chest, being able to feel its beating in your throat as he continuously bruised that spot of yours. Nearing you to your orgasm.
Duncan growled, right against your ear, leaving bite marks down your ear and nape, branding you. “You're mine, Little lamb. I'll visit your father more often just to fuck his little girl. You'll be ready for me, won't you? Let your uncle fuck you like this everytime he visits?”
You nodded, sobbing and sputtering broken sentences. Your face drenched in tears as you lost yourself in the bliss, body twitching and shaking from how overwhelmed you were. Then you felt him deliver a slap to your spine, grabbing your hair from behind. His rough demeanor sending a rush of need into your core.
“Say it,”
“Y-Yes, Uncle Duncan.” You cried out, your whole body had gone limp by now. The forbidden situation you'd gotten yourself in making you feel sick but instead calling him that name made your cunt tighten around his cock. “Please v-visit more— fuck me more, please sir.”
He felt himself close.
And so did you.
Both of them reached their highs but Duncan wanted her to cum first so his arm extended out, his hand sliding between your thighs to toy with your clit. He pinched and rubbed it, causing you to gasp. Eyes rolling back in pure bliss, your stomach tightening and cunt clenching around him. All hinting towards your upcoming orgasm.
And so you unraveled.
Eyes witnessing white, body ascending to heaven as intensity at its peak crashed down on you. All of it was too much and your body fell forward, face buried in the pillows and sheets to cry out the remnants of your orgasm.
Duncan picked up his face, feeling your juices coat his cock and then he soon reached his orgasm, his cock pumping loads of cum inside your little cunt. Filling you up to the brim, watching as some of it even leaked out and made a mess down on the sheets. He couldn't care less, his chest rumbling from gruff groans and moans. God, the high he felt with you was different — unique. Something he had never felt before.
He stared at you, spine exposed and erect as you laid across him, face buried in the pillows and he leaned down. Still inside you, he left bite marks down the bone of your spine, branding you as his. Claiming you as his forever. He felt something possessive consume him, something dark when he saw how vulnerable you were. He'd fucked you, defiled you, the blood of your virginity coating his cock mixed with your and his release but innocence still wafted off you.
It drove him insane.
Duncan fixed their position, laying next to you as he pulled you to him. You were out of it and he cupped your face, staring at you. A look of worry crossed his features, finding you this numb. “Little lamb, are you alright?”
You looked up at him and nodded. In reality, you were too fucked out. The ache in your cunt hasn't subsided at all and somewhere you craved for more. You leaned into his chest and wrapped your arms around him. “Sir, will you come back for me?”
“I might just kidnap you.”
You perked up at that. “Can I have my freedom then?”
Duncan let out a chuckle, nodding his head at her, aware of her living situation. “You can go anywhere you want, Little lamb. As long as it is with me.”
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glitterjay · 14 hours
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summary: heeseung finds himself drawn to the girl he initially clashed with. two competitive rivals notice the sparks that fly every time they encounter each other. beneath the surface of their hatred lies a hidden chemistry drawing them closer despite their efforts to resist. could love possibly fire up from sparks?
genre: feuding families, a little bit of everything (smut, fluff, angst), enemies to lovers
warnings: will contain smut (slight), heeeseung and reader are in their late 20s, more to be added.
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taglist (open): @drunkhee @jvjsssnaa @minniejenseo @slut4hee @nyxtwixx @m1sskz @tanisha2060 @heelee-01 @enhypenlovre @rainingleaves @hommyy-tommy @ramenoil @yorukoushii @pockettwinzz @samouryed @capri-cuntz @jjklvr9 @minjaexvz @simhinata @nurihihi @aaa-sia @yunhoswrldddd @viciousdarlings @moasworld @crimnalseung @deobitifull @arunabrak @seunghancore @kookify @illvding @llvrhee
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after weeks of meeting up at heeseung's apartment, some progress seemed to show, which had both of you relaxed and stress-free for a while. the team combination was not something the public expected, but the way you both complemented each other made the work easier.
you had learned that he was a simple man, not as extravagant as you had imagined him to be. heeseung learned about the many flaws you hid from everyone. deep down, though, you were still perfect in his eyes.
your parents had not taken the alliance well. your mother, despite being the first to know about your decision, sided with your father, causing you to crash at heeseung's with an uncontrollable hatred worse than the one you "felt" for him. however, as the days passed, this hatred was soon forgotten. the man who accompanied you almost every day now had made it his mission to distract you from all the problems you were facing—at least while you spent time with him.
you both took this time as an opportunity to get to know each other better. after all, there was no point in working together if you were going to stab each other in the back with remarks and glares.
it was a very pleasant time, and everything was going as planned until today.
you and heeseung were having your usual afternoon meeting when suddenly your phone rang. you excused yourself and left geeseung alone in his living room as you walked outside to take the call. In the meantime, heeseung prepared another movie to play as background noise to continue researching with you about your new competitors.
it took him by surprise when you walked into his apartment with tear stains on your cheeks and your eyes red and irritated. your left hand held your phone with a tight grip, turning your knuckles white, and you stood there in silence, trying to contain more tears from falling down your cheeks.
heeseung got up from where he was sitting, trying to reach out for you, but you smacked his hand away. "why?" you asked. he blinked a few times, visibly confused. "you told my father i was here. you told him i had been hanging out with you this entire time. you told him everything."
the only thing the other could do was stand there in silence. When he wasn't with you, all heeseung did was stay in his office to work independently or hang out with his group of friends. never did it cross his mind to betray you that way after knowing what a hard life you had outside the business. "all you did was stab me in the back. that's stooping way too low, lee heeseung."
ge stayed there, frozen, and only watched as you hurriedly gathered your things to go back to your own home. when you were about to leave, heeseung gathered the strength and courage to hold you back. he didn't know what to say. he knew that no matter how much he defended himself, you just wouldn't listen.
you stayed there, waiting for him to speak. you wanted him to tell you he didn't do it. you stared at his hand holding your arm and begged for him to say something. you wanted it to be a lie because, in the end, you had been slowly falling for him.
the lack of communication in that moment had led heeseung to let go of you, without saying a single word. your heart shattered into a million pieces, and it was then that you felt the same fire you had been feeling in your chest this entire time. it was then that you looked him in the eye, his own heart crumbling as he saw you cry right in front of him.
and, in a whisper, you said, "tell me it wasn't you, please."
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hello! this is just a small note to let you all know a few things. first of all, I would like to know if you've been liking the story so far! you can let me know through an ask, a comment, a reblog—anything works, and it helps me a lot. another thing is that I decided to open up a ko-fi. yay! im a uni student, and i've been struggling to get a job. it's hard, yes, but i'm still pushing through! a friend of mine suggested the idea of letting people tip me in hopes of just being able to get some money for myself until i can get a stable job, and i wanted to give the idea a go! if you would like to support me/help, you can do so here. you're not obligated to do so, by the way :] thats all from me! i jope you're enjoying this au just as much as im enjoying writing it
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adumbwriter · 11 hours
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𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚅𝚘𝚡 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚍
𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟷 | 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟸 | 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟹 | 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝟺
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛
You walked along the garden bed, watering bunches of orchids and carnations. The sweet perfume of the petals filled your lungs as you hummed a soft tune to yourself. You approached the large magnolia tree, smiling as you traced yours and Alastor’s initials that he had carved into the bark on your wedding night. The garden used to be his mother's, but he never had time to keep it alive due to how busy he was. And then you moved in and he gifted it to you, knowing how you loved to garden. 
You were snapped out of your dreamy state by three loud, heavy knocks sounding from the front door. You laughed to yourself, assuming Alastor had forgotten to take his keys with him to work again. You shuffled through the garden, nighttime dew soaking the hem of your skirt and you jumped onto the wooden porch. The knocks sounded again, even louder this time. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, about to make a joke at his eagerness when you opened the door and saw it wasn’t Alastor. On the doorstep stood a man you vaguely recognized. A few nights back you attended a party with Al for his work. He stepped away for a moment to go talk to an old friend of his. In his absence, two brothers approached you with a pervy look in their eyes. They flirted with you, asking you to go have some fun. You told them no but they only took that as a challenge. Alastor returned and warned them away. He was quiet the rest of the night, only speaking to answer anything you had to say.
The stranger was heaving, fury written across his face as he stormed inside, pushing you out of the way. 
“Where is he?!” He shouted as he marched towards the kitchen, ducking his head into every room. Your heart pounded as a chilling fear washed over you. The sound of chairs flipping and vases breaking echoed from the hallways. You flinched with each crash, but willed your stiff body to slowly approach the phone, praying you didn’t alert the stranger with a creaky floorboard. Just as you picked up the receiver a hand grabbed your neck and spun you around, shoving you into the wall and leaving you winded. “Where’s your husband huh?” You whimpered, closing your eyes and turning your head into the wall as far as you could as he brought his face inches from yours. “Bitch! Answer me!” He screamed as he shook you violently.
“He’s not here.” You cried, slowly reaching a hand out for a teapot sitting on the table beside you.
“Where is he?! What did that freak do to my brother?!”
While he was distracted in his fit you grabbed the teapot and smashed it against his head. He yelled in pain and fell over, releasing you. You cringed at a large cut on your hand where the china had sliced your skin. You ran for the door, inches within escape when he grabbed you from behind throwing you to the floor. You groaned in pain, your muscles aching terribly.
“Did you help him do it?” He huffed, wiping the blood from his nose and picking up a hammer from the bench. You crawled towards the table, grabbing a steak knife and forcing your sore limbs to hold you up.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Liar.” He lunged forward swinging the hammer full strength. You screamed and ducked, lodging the knife in his shoulder. He howled in agony as you stumbled backward in shock at what you’d just done. You turned to run before he could recover, but it was all futile. With one hard, rage-fueled swing the hammer came down and struck the back of your skull. 
Alastor approached your shared home with a pep in his step, humming your favorite song with a bouquet held in his hand. He had stopped by a florist after his nightly activities when he saw a beautiful bunch of tulips. He imagined your reaction when he got home and presented them to you, how you’d pull him into a loving kiss and excitedly bound over to a glass vase where you’d display them proudly. But when he arrived and saw the door already opened he immediately became high on alert. The atmosphere was eerily silent, prickling his nerves. He slowly inched himself past the door, setting the flowers down and pulling his hunting knife from his back pocket. The muffled sounds of panicked murmuring had him going as fast as he could, making as little sound as possible. When he saw past the kitchen doorway he had to stop himself from breaking right then and there. Your body lay on the ground, unmoving with dark crimson pooling around your head, staining your gorgeous dress and hair. Over you stood a familiar man, holding a hammer in his hand. Stained with your blood. Rage was all he could feel. An all-consuming, unbearable white-hot rage, unlike anything he had ever felt. In that moment the culprit wasn’t even human to Alastor. He was nothing but the lowly creature who hurt his wife. A pig for slaughter.
He charged forward, stabbing the hunting knife through his right shoulder and pulling down on the one you had lodged into his left before kicking the backs of his knee, bringing him to kneel. The stranger screamed and Alastor threw him to the ground, sitting on top of his chest with a crazed look in his eye like a wild animal about to strike its prey. He pulled the hunting knife from his shoulder and brought it down on the man's chest over and over and over again. A stab wound for every second of pain he inflicted upon you and a couple extra for his satisfaction. The man coughed and spluttered, gargling on the sanguine liquid. Alastor’s grin stretched wide, straining painfully as fresh blood completely soaked him. He huffed as he came down from his animalistic fury, throwing the knife to the side. He looked over at your body and immediately abandoned the corpse of the stranger, crawling across blood-stained floors to reach you. He looked you over, searching for any semblance of life, any tiny breath or blink. But your eyes were open, their usual lively color now gone. And your chest didn’t rise, your heart he loved so dearly now still. 
“No…” He whispered, holding your broken body close. He pet your hair gently, unable to control the cries that left him as he felt your damaged skull. his bloody hands smeared red all over you as his tears cascaded. “No.” His body shook like a leaf as he looked into your eyes, praying you’d just look up at him. But your skin was growing colder, and you weren’t moving. “I’m so sorry my love.” He sobbed, pressing kisses to your forehead, tears mixing with your blood. “This is all my fault.” It felt like someone had torn him apart. Like they had clawed at his soul and ripped out the part that made him human. His smile ached as he tried so hard to keep grinning through the searing pain. 
"Does it ever hurt?”
As your voice echoed between his ears the phantom strings that hung his smile snapped. And for the first time, Alastor frowned, allowing himself to truly grieve. 
Yes. It does. 
* * *
You groaned as you awoke, blinking away the dizziness that surrounded you. You looked around trying to understand where you were. You were sat on a plush bed covered in royal blue sheets. The wall to the left was completely taken up by a window, flooding the dark room in the dim hue of city lights. You got up, walking towards the door. But when you pulled on the handle it didn’t budge. The TV that hung in the corner of the ceiling turned on, lighting up with Vox’s face.
“You’re awake.” 
Your jaw dropped and you couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief. You walked away, pacing as you gripped your hair, frustration building.
"This isn't happening."
“Are you done with your little tantrum?” He asked.
“Tantrum?” You said, turning back to him. “You hit me Vox.”
“It was a mistake, stop being such a child. You went to Alastor Y/n. I’d kill anyone else for that kind of betrayal, you’re lucky I care about you.”
Care? What part of what he gave you was ever caring? What about bruises and beating your insecurities into your very bones was love? You were seething. That frustration boiled over into a mass of hatred that festered inside you for the overlord.  
“The only reason you’re doing this is because of your petty little rivalry with Alastor! You don’t love me you sick fuck you just don’t want to lose to him!” You shouted, face reddening as your anger became you. “Well guess what? You already lost years ago!” You threw your hands up as you yelled at the screen.
“I suggest you stop there–”
“I remember now Vox.” He fell silent. “I remember everything about my life. Alastor is my husband.” You laughed expecting him to lash out, to melt down like he always does when something doesn’t go his way. But nothing happened. He remained silent, looking down at you. Your shoulders sunk, your smug smile fading.
“You knew.”
“He came to me after he found out who you were. He asked to see you and I told him about your memory loss. He demanded to see you anyway and he fought me for it. That’s the day he almost beat me.” Your heart dropped, a lump forming in your throat. “No one knows what he was doing in the seven years he was gone afterwards, but I think it had something to do with you.”
Tears fell down your cheeks in gentle waterfalls. He did try to come see you. He did want to tell you. But why wouldn’t he have said this earlier? Was he ashamed? Maybe he didn’t want you to see him as weak for losing. 
You felt ill. Alastor had tried so hard to reconnect that he risked his afterlife against Vox. And you yelled at him for it. You assumed he had done nothing as you were left to rot in Vox’s concrete palace. And if what Vox said about his disappearance was true then he might have risked more than just his afterlife. You were filled with regret. You wanted to run back to him, to tell him you were sorry. That you understood now. That you wanted to live how you used to as well. 
The sound of a quiet knock came from the corner of the room. You glanced at the darkness, squinting to see what could have made the noise. A shadow crawled forward from the abyss, a pointed yellow smile with glowing red eyes shining from within.
Alastor’s shadows.
A large bang like an explosion could be heard from the distance. Vox’s screen glitched and he grimaced from the discomfort of the interference. “Somethings wrong. I’m sending Velvet to come get you.” The screen shut off and you wasted no time, running into the dark corner of the room.
The shadow wrapped its arms around you like an excited puppy, happy to have found its owner. “Where’s Al?” It tugged on your hand, pulling you towards the large window. Down below on the street was a monstrous sight. There Alastor stood, ten times larger than his usual self. Long inky antlers stretched from his head, his eyes were black voids with bright red radio dials. His neck was crooked, bent at unnatural angles with a swarm of black tentacles flying from his spine, crushing the building to pieces and ripping apart anyone in his way. 
“Holy shit.” You mumbled as you watched your husband unleash pure carnage. You were almost fearful of him at that moment. And for a second, as you gazed at his large demonic form, you wondered if he achieved what he set out to do in those seven years.
The door burst open and Velvet ran inside, practically picking you up.
“Let’s go!” She cried, yanking you forward. You didn’t fail to notice the large cut on her arm, barely covered by her sleeves. The ground quaked below your feet with every hit the building took. Velvet pulled you downstairs to the lobby of the building which was now in shambles. People were trapped under rocks and furniture, splatters of blood covering the dusty ground. From the shattered glass of the door you could see Vox and Alastor fighting. Vox was using the many electronics around to his advantage. But Alastors destruction had ruined the majority or damaged the rest, which slowed him down. “Vox!” Velvet shouted. “Enough of this shit! I don’t care about your dick-measuring contest with that freak or your little obsession with Y/n! He won’t stop until you give her back!” 
“Shut up! I’m not losing!” He yelled back, sending waves of electricity in Alastors direction, but due to his massive size it was the equivalent of a cheap taser. Vox dodged a massive tentacle that came down, cracking the sidewalk on impact. But before he could celebrate another swung from behind, wrapping around his torso and squeezing him in a death grip. Vox gasped for air, his screen glitching wildly.
“Tell me, what makes you think you could keep me away.” 
Slam. Crack.
“Abuse, my wife.”
Slam. Crack.
“And then try to take her from me.”
With one final swing he bashed the overlord into the ground. Everything went silent as Vox’s screen shut down, the pavement below his body completely caved in a small crater. No one knew if he was dead or alive. And no one moved to check. No one dared approach the Radio Demon. 
Except you.
You hesitated as the walls continued to shake, dust and debris falling down, the sound of screams filling the air. You stepped over Vox’s body, slowly approaching the giant demon. His monster-like form was even more terrifying up close. Your instincts told you to run and hide but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Al!” You cried out. He looked around, trying to find the source of your voice until he glanced down. His face softened, his features returning to normal slightly. “I’m okay!” You reached out a hand to him and slowly he shrunk back down, his beast-like appearance disappearing as he took your hand in his. When he was finally back to himself he wrapped you tight in his arms, breathing a sigh of relief as he buried his face in your hair, cradling the back of your head ever so gently.  
“I’m okay.” You repeated, returning his embrace just as tight. Green smoke surrounded you blocking out the destruction of the world and when it dissipated you were back in his hotel room, yet he made no move to let you go. 
“Al?” You went to pull away, but he only tightened his grip. 
“Don’t leave.”
“It’s okay, I’m not leaving.”
You let him hold you like that a while longer, sensing he needed this. It gave you time to think about what you should say next. 
“Vox told me the truth. How you came to see me but he wouldn’t let you. So you fought him.”
He finally pulled back but never took his hands off you. “Al I’m sorry–”
“Don’t.” He said, cupping your face in his gloved hand. You leaned into his touch, soaking in the warmth and safety he made you feel. “It’s my fault this happened, don’t you ever apologize for that.” You shook your head, your brow furrowing.
“Don’t say that.”
“I killed that man's brother and I was going to kill him next. It’s my fault he broke in and picked up that hammer. I may as well have done it myself.”
“Stop.” You said firmly to grab his attention, but your expression remained kind, as you mirrored his actions, cupping his jaw in your hands. “I don’t blame you.” His smile wavered. “I–”
You hesitated, nerves constricting your throat. “I love you Alastor.”
Alastor refused to break again. He refused to cry. But god he wanted to. All these years of loneliness he imagined those words. When the ghosts of that night came to haunt him, whispering words of blame and self-loathing he’d imagine your gentle touch. Your voice telling him you forgave him. But he would always wake afterward to an empty bed, a constant reminder of his most cardinal sin. And now here you were again, touching him, speaking to him. Your skin was warm and your eyes had their colour. Your heart didn’t beat but neither did his. And when you told him you love him, that little piece of humanity he lost came back.
“And I love you, Cher.” He whispered.
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THE END. Thankyou everyone for reading and for all the love you've been showing the story! It makes me smile ❣
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callsign-dexter · 2 days
Custody Court
Request: I would like one of Mini TK with the title of custody court, where TK and Carlos, sue the mother of (Y/N) for the damages and mistreatment she has done to her little girl, but not before she goes to prison for the damages to the minor, I need justice for the little girl. 
Pairings: TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos Reyes x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing, very inaccurate court talk
Mini TK
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2 years is how long you have been living with your father, TK Strand, and his boyfriend, Carlos Reyes aka your second father, and you were thriving. You loved every second of it. You were only 5 when you showed up at your father's workplace with your mother who had talked with your grandpa alone and then just left. You were confused and heartbroken but then you met your fathers, grandfather, and Your 126 family and you forgot all about your mother. 
Your mother had signed away her rights when she gave you up and TK took those rights after he signed the papers and turned them into the court. You would think that would be the last time you saw her but boy were you wrong. She started to frequently show up everywhere especially when she knew you would be at that place and she showed up at your school on numerous occasions, both fathers were contacted and Carlos even escorted her off the property several times.
In those 2 years you had opened up and became a new girl. You made jokes and laughed and loved to play games and sports. Your fathers never pushed you into something you didn't like. If it was a sport and you said that you didn't like it and weren't having fun then you would be instantly pulled from the team and wouldn't be forced to do it again. If there was a certain food you didn't like you would express that to them and they wouldn't feed you it anymore. They found out you were allergic to shellfish, cinnamon, coconut, kiwi, peas and spinach. Your mother didn't know any of these and fed you these things and you would have an allergic reaction and she would do nothing; she would just leave. You time you had almost died because you had stopped breathing twice and laid there and it took someone else to call 911 to actually get you the medical attention you needed and even after that she didn't give a shit. This happened on her watch 4 different times. 
Having been living with TK and Carlos you had met TK's father aka your grandfather, Owen Strand, and you loved but not the food he made and that's how you found out you were allergic to a lot of things. You had also met Carlos’ mother and father aka your soon to be but is already your grandmother and grandfather, Andrea Reyes and Gabriel Reyes, you loved them both too. They were happy to have a granddaughter to spoil. Carlos and Gabriel both worked for the police and have seen every record of yours, mostly hospital records and 911 calls along with her records. These would come in handy later on during this week. 
The Reyes-Strand household were sleeping peacefully when their alarm started to go off at 6:30 AM. Carlos was quick to wake up and turn it off so it didn’t wake you up and so that you could sleep in, in the process TK was being woken up. “Hmmm time already?” He asked and Carlos smiled and kissed his boyfriend.
“It is for me but you can sleep in a little bit longer.” He said smiling and that made TK smile. TK’s shift started at 10 AM and he would be gone for 24 hrs and would be getting home at 10 AM the following day. 
“Mmmm that’s right. I still want to get Y/N/N up.” He said and Carlos smiled.
“Ok, Baby.” Carlos said and kissed him and so they both were up. Carlos got in the shower while TK went and started into the kitchen but first, he checked on you. He walked to your room and opened the door to find you sound asleep snuggled under your blankets holding your little stuffed wolf that Carlos had won for you. You had always been one for warmth, you also tended to wear hoodies outside when it could be blazing hot but that is just how you were. He smiled and walked on into the kitchen to start to get breakfast and your lunch packed. Carlos was in the shower getting ready and when he was done, he walked out in his clothes and into the kitchen where TK was handing him a cup of coffee and then a plate of food. It was now 7:30 AM and it was time for you to get up. TK headed to your room and walked in. 
“Good morning, Princess.” TK said softly in a soothing tone but it was enough to stir you he smiled. “It's time to get up. It is your last day of school.” He said, chuckling and smiling as he went over to your bed and got down his knees and rubbed your back, you groaned.
“No. Stay home.” You said turning away from him and he chuckled.
“No, it is time to get up.” He said and stroked your hair and you sighed but opened your eyes. “There are those pretty eyes I love so much.” He said and you rubbed them and then he was standing up and moving around but you stayed. He picked out your clothes with your approval and then he was getting you up and ushering you to the bathroom to have you brush your teeth. When you were done in there he was already in your bedroom when you came in. You got dressed and he and you talked about anything and everything. Once you were dressed you both were heading in the kitchen where Carlos was plating your plate and getting you a drink. 
“Good morning, Cariño.” Carlos said smiling.
“Good morning, Papa.” You said walking over and hugging him. 
“She didn’t want to get up.” TK said and Carlos chuckled.
“Reminds me of someone else.” He said meaning TK.
“I am not like that.” TK defended 
“Yes, you are, Daddy.” You said smiling.
“You turned me kid against me.” TK said faking hurt and that made you chuckle along with Carlos while TK smiled at hearing you laugh.
“Our kid and yes you are hard to get up.” Carlos said
“You’re one to talk.” TK playfully smirked, you just sat back and watched them playfully argue. Every now and then you would chime in while you ate. TK had started to fool around with your hair as you and Carlos had breakfast and he had put your hair up into a French braid. He had learned to do hair when you were young and he was proud to say that he was a master of it and so was Carlos, he had practiced and learned too. Soon you were finished eating and hugging TK “Have a good day at school. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” He said and you smiled and you nodded.
“Love you too, Daddy.” You said and he kissed your head. Carlos was holding your bag and lunch bag waiting and watching the interaction being exchanged. TK was soon saying bye to his boyfriend and kissing him and the two of you were off. They took turns waking you up and taking you to school. Carlos helped you into the car and made sure you were buckled in before he was pulling out of the driveway.
“Are you ready for today?” He asked and you shrugged.
“I guess so.” You said and he smiled. He knew that you didn’t like being away from him and your father for too long.
“Everything is going to be great.” He said and you smiled and then he turned on the radio and began to sing which made you smile and joined in with him. You both sang and laughed until he was dropping you off at school with a kiss to the temple and a hug and watched you walk into the school with your teacher and then he was off to work.
TK had just arrived at work and walked into the station and was greeted by his father, Owen. “How is my beautiful granddaughter?” He asked and TK rolled his eyes.
“Hello to you too, Dad. Carlos and I are perfect. She’s doing good. Didn’t want to get up this morning.” He told his dad and Owen chuckled.
“Just like her daddy.” Owen said, teasing his son.
“Funny that is what Carlos said.” TK said and Owen chuckled. Soon everyone started to come in and their shift began. Not many calls came in but every now and then they would be called and off they went to save the person. 
They had just gotten back from a call and everyone was talking and laughing. They were talking about the recent call and putting their gear away and TK was restocking the ambulance when someone walked into the firehouse. TK was in the ambulance so he couldn’t see them but he could hear what was going on. “Can I help you?” Judd asked the man.
“Where can I find TK Strand?” The man asked.
“I’ll get him.” Judd said “Hey TK! Someone is here to see you!” Judd said and TK came out of the ambulance about the time Owen showed up as well. Everyone was looking in curiosity. 
“I’m TK. What can I do for you?” He asked, the man pulled out a manila envelope and handed it to him.
“You’ve been served.” He said and then he was turning and leaving about the time Carlos walked in and passed him giving him a confused look. TK and everyone were speechless, he couldn’t stop staring at the package. 
“What’s wrong?” Carlos asked 
“I’ve been served.” TK said 
“For what?” Owen asked
“I have no clue.” He replied and started to open the envelope and pulled out the contents. He started to read through it. “Fiona is trying to fight for custody of Y/N.” He said and his heart plummeted.
“Didn’t she sign over her rights as her mother?” Tommy asked and TK nodded.
“She did but now she’s trying to fight for it back.” TK said
“No, absolutely not. She is not going to get custody back.” Carlos said 
“Is she legally allowed to do this?” Judd asked 
“Technically a parent who has given up their rights to a child cannot regain custody or visitation. But she can petition the court to regain custody and/or visitation rights.” Marjon said, looking at her phone and then looking up. 
“Fiona gave up her rights that should be the end of it. Why in the world would she want it back?” Nancy asked and TK shrugged as Carlos took papers and started to read through it.
“She must be high or drinking again. We have a pretty strong case against her.” Owen said and Judd nodded.
“He’s right. I can get police records of everything and emergency records. It also helps that I adopted her last month as well.” Carlos said 
“We’ll figure this out. We’re not losing our Mini TK.” Mateo said and TK nodded. He just didn’t know what to say. He felt like he could throw up at the possibility that he could lose his daughter, you. He couldn’t lose you. He, Carlos, and everyone else loved you so much. He was going to fight for you.
“He's right. We'll figure it out. Right now, let's get lunch.” Carlos said looking at his boyfriend who was clearly upset. TK nodded and let himself be led away to the kitchen and when they got food Owen, Carlos, and TK went up to Owen's office. 
“I just don't understand.” TK said, looking over the paperwork. “What if I lose her? What if I lose our daughter?” He asked looking up at Carlos.
“That's not going to happen. We both have a steady job and a steady income. Y/N has flourished since being with you. Yes, we work long shifts but we have set hours and we have people at our beck and call when we need her to be watched. We're not losing her.” He said 
“What if she brings up my past and comas?” He asked and Owen answered.
“She has a past too. She has a record. Fiona can't use that against you.” Owen said and TK nodded. 
“How do you know she has a record?” Carlos asked suspiciously and Owen shook his head.
“That's not the important thing right now.” Owen said and that made TK smile and chuckle. It grew silent but it was a comfortable silence. They ate while in the comforting presence of each other. 
“I can't believe Fiona is trying to get her back. She didn't even care about her. We still have that note that she wrote to you about her.” TK said and Carlos nodded.
“We use that against her. We get the medical and police records. We also need to hire an attorney.” Carlos said 
“I have a friend that is an attorney and a really good one. He would help out in a second.” Owen said 
“Is he close?” TK asked and Owen nodded
“Very. I'll give him a call-” He started to say as soon as the bells went off “when we come back.” He said and Carlos and TK nodded as they stood up. They exchanged ‘be careful's and they were off.
It was the end of the day for you and you had just walked outside of the school building to see Carlos’ Camero and you smiled and made your way over to him. He got out when he saw you coming his way. “Hi, Papa.” You greeted him excitedly.
“Hi, Cariño. Did you have a good day?” He asked, hugging you as you nodded.
“Uh huh!” You said and went on explaining your day to him and he smiled seeing the excitement in your eyes. It made everything disappear and the bad news that he and TK had gotten not matter for a few minutes. He let you go on and on about your day and he would answer when needed. Soon he was pulling up to the house and parking and then getting you out of the car. He grabbed your stuff as he watched you scamper off to the front door and wait for him and that made him smile. He shut the door and locked it and then walked up to the front door unlocked it as you grabbed the handle and pushed it open and ran into the house. 
“Easy!” He yelled out when you sped into the house and all he got in response was a giggle and that made him smile. You had disappeared while he was in the kitchen going through your bag and grabbing your lunch box and opening it, disposing of the trash and the half-eaten contents. His mind went to the news that he and TK had gotten. He was so caught up in his mind that when you presented Lou in front of his face he jumped and almost let out a n inhuman shriek. “Y/N Y/M/N Strand! You scared the shi- crap out of me!” He yelled with a hand over his heart.
“Ohhhh you almost said a bad word.” You teased smirking and he rolled his eyes.
“Why do you have Lou?” He asked, eyeing the alligator lizard suspiciously.
“I told you I was going to get him out and play with him. You said ok.” You said and then he realized that he did in fact say it was ok while he was caught up in thinking about the previous events.
“That’s right.” He said and you looked at him.
“Papa… are you ok? Do you want to hold Lou to make you feel better?” You asked, thrusting the lizard into this face and visibly flinching.
“I’m ok Cariño. You can keep Lou.” He said and was glad when you pulled him away from his face.
“Ok.” You said and skipped off and he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Carlos was glad and relaxed when you had put Lou away and then the rest of the night was all about you and him. You both played games and he helped you with your homework. Supper was made and eaten and a few movies were watched after a bath and getting ready for bed. You had fallen asleep snuggled into his side and he carried you to bed. As he was slipping out of your room his phone rang, he looked at the name and saw it was TK and he answered it.
“Hello?” Carlos asked
“Hey, Baby. Dad called his friend and we are all set to go.” TK said as Carlos arrived at the kitchen.
“That’s great! When does he want to meet us?” He asked
“Tomorrow after you drop Y/N/N off at school.” TK said and Carlos nodded.
“That sounds great. She’s not going to be taken away from us.” Carlos said and he could hear TK smile.
“How is she?” TK asked
“She’s great. I just put her to bed not too long ago.” He said
“Damn I missed her. We just got back from a call.” TK said, sounding sad.
“It’s ok. You can talk to her in the morning.” He said 
“That sounds great.” TK said
“She played with Lou when we got home. Scared the shit out of me.” He said and TK laughed “Hey it's not funny!” He defended but smiled.
“Yes, it is! There is nothing to be scared about.” TK chuckled, “Besides the flesh eating when it’s hungry.” He said knowing it would rile up his boyfriend.
“Not funny.” Carlos said and then the bell went off.
“Duty calls. Love you.” TK said
“Love you too. Be careful.” Carlos said
“Always.” TK replied and then they were both hanging the phone up. 
Carlos smiled and finished up what he needed to do downstairs and watched a little more TV and then he was heading off to bed after making sure you were still good and sound asleep. He got himself ready and got into bed and fell asleep. His night was filled with questions and waking up multiple times and he was having nightmares and that led to him checking in on you making sure you were still there. At one point after 4 AM he woke from a cold sweat and he had to get up and check on you and then he was heading to the living room and watched some TV he and TK texted for a few and then he was dozing off on the couch. It wasn’t even 3 hours later when he was jerking awake to his phone alarm going off. He was quick to turn it off and stand up and stretch. He started a pot of coffee then he was heading to your room to start getting you ready.  “Mi Cariño it is time to get up.” He said walking into your room and kneeling down beside your bed.
“Papa?” You asked and he smiled as you opened your eyes and looked at him sleepily.
“Yes, Cariño?” He asked
“Daddy?” You asked
“He’s at work. Do you want to see if I can call him while you get ready for school?” He asked and you nodded your head and he smiled and nodded. “Ok. Go brush your teeth and get changed. I'll be down in the kitchen.” He said and again you nodded
“Ok, Papa.” You said and he got up as you climbed out of bed to do as you were told. Carlos went down into the kitchen and started breakfast as he pulled out his phone and dialed his boyfriend and the father of his daughter, he answered almost immediately.
“Hey, Baby.” TK answered 
“Hey! Someone wants to say hi.” He said and just then you came into the kitchen and he put the phone on speaker.
“Daddy?” You asked 
“Hi, Princess.” TK said as Carlos handed you the phone and he continued making breakfast. “Were you good for Papa last night and this morning?” He asked
“Yes, Daddy! We played with Lou!” You said excitedly.
“Correction, she played with Lou while I stayed my distance.” Carlos butted in as he made your lunch for the day. TK chuckled. You definitely got your braveness and love for unique animals from him. 
“You love Lou don’t you?” TK asked and you nodded enthusiastically.
“I do! He’s just the best!” You said and Carlos cringed. 
“Are you going to have a good day at school today?” He asked
“You know it, Daddy! I miss you.” You said with a frown and that made Carlos smile sadly.
“I miss you too but I’ll see you after school today.” He said and your face lit up.
“Really?” You asked 
“Really.” He said and you shrieked just then the bells went off. “Hey, listen I have to go but you be good for Papa and have a good day at school and remember I love you.” He said and you nodded.
“I love you too!” You said and then handed the phone to Carlos.
“Be safe. I love you. I’ll see you later.” Carlos said 
“I love you too, Baby.” He said and then the phone was being hung up. During the whole conversation you were eating and so was he.  
After breakfast Carlos got your backpack together, he had you get your homework done after supper. He and you headed to the car and he headed to your school which wasn’t that far away and he was thankful for that. When he arrived, he gave you a kiss and a hug “Be good and don’t get in trouble. I love you.” He said and you nodded.
“You got it, Papa! Love you too!” You said and then you were ushered off into the school by a teacher. Now it was time for him to meet TK at the lawyer’s office but first he was picking up coffee for the both of them.
Carlos parked beside TK’s Jeep and got out when he got out. They hugged and kissed each other and TK was handed his coffee. “You, ok?” Carlos asked and TK shrugged.
“It’s all just hitting me and I don’t like any of it.” He said and Carlos nodded.
“I get it. I do. Let’s go in and see what can be done.” Carlos said and TK nodded and so they walked into the building and the receptionist was quick to guide them into a very nice-looking office and degrees were displayed everywhere. 
“Mr. Terious, Mr. Reyes and Mr. Strand are here.” The receptionist said a man in his 50s looked up and smiled and stood up. He had short dark hair, blue eyes, slight stubble, and he was at least 6’0” tall.
“Thank you, Christina.” He said and she smiled and walked out of the room closing the door.
“I’m Corey Terious but you can just call me Corey.” Corey said and smiled.
“I’m Carlos, TK’s boyfriend, the other father of Y/N.” Carlos said and shook his hand.
“I’m TK, the father.” TK said and shook his hand.
“Your father has told me a lot about you both. Please sit.” Corey said “Carlos you said that you were the other father.” He said and Carlos nodded.
“Yes, I adopted her last month.” He said and Corey nodded.
“That will help majorly. I’ve done my research and it looks like Fiona Hart gave up parental rights to Y/N when she dropped her off at the station. Is that correct?” He asked and TK nodded.
“Yes, we have a copy and the courts have a copy.” He said and Corey nodded. 
“Both of you have good steady jobs and paychecks coming in regularly that also helps. TK I also see that you have a past but you’ve been cleared of everything.” He said looking through the notes and TK nodded.
“That’s right.” TK said as Carlos’ hand went to hold his.
“Will it help if I could get medical records and police records of Fiona?” Carlos asked and Corey looked up at him.
“It would but I don’t want you to risk your job.” He said and Carlos shook his head.
“I wouldn’t be. I want to help out with this as much as possible.” He said and Corey nodded.
“Very well. Is there anything you can tell me about the day Y/N was dropped off to you, TK?” He said looking over to him. TK nodded.
“She was covered in bruises and she smelled of drugs. Judd Ryder had her while I and dad talked to Fiona. We also have pictures of the bruising.” He said and Corey nodded.
“Would Judd be ok with going on the stand?” He asked and TK nodded.
“Yes, he loves that little girl as much as we do. He also noticed that when something loud sounded, she flinched away.” TK nodded and Corey nodded as he wrote down what he just learned. The meeting went on for another hour and more coffee was consumed and then they were standing up.
“It looks like we have a strong case. I’ll keep in touch. Carlos when you get those records please send them over right away.” Corey said and Carlos nodded.
“Absolutely.” Carlos said and Corey smiled and walked around the desk and shook their hand and they started to walk towards the door.
“Is there any possible way we could sue her and send her to prison for what she has done?” TK asked and Corey paused and thought for a moment.
“I’ll look into it.” He said and TK smiled and nodded.
“Thank you so much.” He said and Carlos nodded and then they said their goodbyes and they were on their way.
“See you later Mr. Reyes and Mr. Strand.” Christina said and they smiled.
“Please call us Carlos and TK.” Carlos said and she smiled.
“Very well.” She said and they were headed out of the building. They walked to their cars.
“We got this.” Carlos said, pulling his boyfriend in for a hug.
“I know but it’s still fucking scary.” TK said and Carlos nodded.
“I know it is and you owe a dollar to the swear jar.” Carlos said smirking at the last part and TK rolled his eyes.
“She’s not even around.” He said smiling.
“I know I was just messing with you.” Carlos said and they kissed each other and then they got in their cars and headed home.
They both arrived home and parked their cars in the driveway and they headed inside. TK went to take a shower and change and then he was joining Carlos on the couch. Neither of them said anything as they held each other and watched whatever show they had saved. Lunch was ordered in and they had it on the couch as they just enjoyed being in the embrace of each other. When it came time to pick you up, they were both headed to TK’s Jeep and they were off. Very small talk was made and music filled the car. They were quick to get to your school and they were getting out and greeting your smiling happy face as you ran to them “Papa! Daddy!” You shouted and they smiled.
“Hey Princess!” TK said and bent down as you ran into his arms.
“Hi, Cariño!” Carlos said and hugged you as TK stood up. 
“I missed you.” TK said 
“I missed you too, Daddy.” You said and they smiled, they loaded you up into the car and they were headed home. The care ride was much more enjoyable and you were now nonstop talking and giggling and they gave input when it was needed. They arrived home and everyone was getting out. Once you were out you skipped up to the front door and waited and when they got there and opened the door you were rushing in dropping everything and you disappeared upstairs. TK grabbed your bag and lunch box and brought it to the table. Carlos took your lunch box and started what he did yesterday while TK went through your backpack. Tomorrow was Saturday which meant that everyone could sleep in and both men had the day off. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” You yelled out coming into the kitchen.
“Yes, Princess?” He asked 
“Lou got out.” You said and Carlos froze.
“Y/N, what did you just say?” He asked
“Lou got out.” You said looking at him.
“Uh um ok. Nobody panic. We got this under control.” Carlos said, clearly panicking.
“Babe, it is ok.” TK
“Yea, Papa. It’s ok.” You said 
“I’m going to go and get supper while you find Lou.” Carlos said and was out of there quickly. You and TK looked at each other and shrugged and off the two you went to find Lou. 
2 hours later Carlos was coming back home even though you and TK had found Lou only 6 minutes after he left, turns out he was under the lamp in your room. Carlos walked in to you and TK on the couch cuddled up together. “Hey guys.” He said suspiciously the both of you turned around.
“Hi!” You both said.
“Did you find Lou?” He asked and you and TK looked at each other. “Did you?” He asked again and no answer “Alright. We are moving.” He said as he set the food down and the two of you burst out laughing.
“Babe, we found him 6 minutes after you left.” TK said laughing as the two of you walked over to the table.
“Oh, thank goodness. I love this house.” He said and you and TK laughed as he helped set the dinner table. 
Supper was eaten and then cleaned up. The three of you cuddled up on the couch and a movie was put on about 40 minutes into the movie and you were out like light snuggled between your two fathers and they smiled and let you sleep. The movie ended and TK was carrying you up the stairs and into the room he kissed your forehead and was out the door while turning the light off, Carlos was right behind him doing the same thing and then they were headed to bed.
It was a very uneventful night and everyone stayed asleep. Carlos and TK were woken up by TK’s phone ringing and he was quick to answer it. 
“Hello?” TK asked 
“TK it’s Corey. I’m sorry for waking you up so early but I wanted to let you know everything looks good and is ready to go. Thank Carlos for getting me those records. We have a date set for Monday morning.” Corey said
“That’s great, thank you so much. We’ll see you on Monday.” TK said
“Very good. I’ll let you both enjoy your day with your little girl.” He said then he was saying bye and hanging up.
“You little shit. You were getting records, weren’t you?” TK asked his boyfriend.
“Guilty.” He said and smiled and so did TK.
“I love you.” TK said
“I love you too.” Carlos said and kissed him “So?” He asked
“Oh yea. That was Corey and he said everything looked good and we have a date set for Monday.”TK said
“Woah, that is fast.” Carlos said and TK nodded
“I agree but it's great.” TK said and it was Carlos’ turn to nod. 
“What time is it?” Carlos asked
“11 AM.” TK said about that time you came running into their room and jumping in the middle.
“Papa! Daddy!” You yelled out and they smiled at you and they grabbed you and snuggled you. You guys stayed there for a few minutes. “I’m hungry.” You said plainly and they laughed.
“Alright, Princess. Let’s go.” He said as they both got up and headed into the kitchen. TK texted his father and let him know what was going on and then he was texting Judd too. Judd came back and let him know he would be happy to do anything for you.
The rest of the weekend was spent with each other being in each other’s presence.
Monday rolled around and it was decided to have you go to school and be picked up by one of your aunts while your fathers were at custody court. TK and Carlos dropped you off at school in the Jeep and then they were heading to the court house. They were both so nervous but knew they had this in the bag. TK parked and they headed in and went through security with ease. When they got to the floor, they saw Corey and all of the 126, you had become part of their family and they weren’t going to let you go that easily. “Good morning, both of you. This is just a hearing. We’ll have to wait for a set date.” He said and they both nodded.
“We understand.” TK said and Corey nodded.
“Very well. Let’s go in.” He said and then they went in along with the others. Everyone was nervous but they knew they had won the case. TK and Fiona spotted each other and she smirked and she walked over to him smiling.
“Hello TK.” She said smiling and TK smiled back because he knew if he was mean or said anything downgrading her the court would be over and the battle would be lost.
“Hey, Fiona.” He said and Carlos was there the whole time.
“You must be Carlos. It’s nice to meet you.” She said and he nodded.
“Nice to meet you too.” Even though he knew it was a lie and everyone did too. 
“How’s Y/N?” She asked
“She’s great.” TK said 
“Does she ask about me?” She asked
“No.” Carlos said he and TK just wanted this conversation to end. The judge walked in and she went back over to her table and they sighed in relief.
“All rise the Honorable Judge Hayes is presiding.” The judge walked in and then sat down and everyone sat. The hearing began, evidence was presented and questions were asked. The hearing was long and drawn out by the time they were done it was late and everyone was tired. Fiona played the ‘oh poor pitiful me’ card but nobody bought it. When they met with Corey, he had really good things to say and then they were able to go home. When they got out of the building it was almost dark and they knew you would be home and probably asleep. 
Carlos opted to drive home and TK didn’t even protest the drive was driven in silence, events still playing through their heads. Carlos pulled into the driveway and sat there for a few minutes and looked at each other. “We got this. She’s not going anywhere.” Carlos said and TK nodded.
“I believe you. I just can’t deal with losing her.” He said and Carlos shook his head.
“We’re not. We’re the best option for her and her mother is not.” Carlos said putting a hand on his boyfriend’s cheek and TK leaned into it. “Hey, I love you.” He added.
“I love you too.” TK said and kissed his boyfriend and then they were heading inside and were greeted with a TV on low volume. Luisa turned and smiled at her brother and hopefully future brother-in-law.
“Hey. How did it go?” She asked getting up to go and greet them.
“I think we have a very strong case against her. She’s not getting her back.” Carlos said and TK nodded. 
“Did she behave for you?” TK asked and Luisa smiled and nodded.
“She’s a wonderful kid. Very polite.” She said and that made TK and Carlos smile.
“That is because TK is her father.” Carlos said and TK blushed and looked down. 
“We did her homework and then had supper. We played some games and watched TV. We also played with Lou, she loves that thing and I have to agree it is cute.” She said and Carlos’ mouth dropped.
“Seriously not you too.” He said and TK smiled.
“He’s great.” TK defended and Luisa smiled and nodded. 
“Well, it is time for me to leave. If you need me to watch her again while you guys are away to court let me know. Love you both.” She said and hugged them and they hugged back. She grabbed her stuff and she was leaving. Once she was gone, they looked at each other.
“Go check in on her and I’ll start fixing food to eat and then we are going to relax.” Carlos said and TK nodded. He had been quiet and keeping to himself throughout this process and Carlos understood, so if that meant that he had to be the strong one right now and take charge then so be it. Carlos watched his boyfriend walk away to your room.
TK arrived at your room and quietly opened it and saw you sound asleep. Your stuffed wolf had fallen and he smiled and walked further into your room and picked it and placed it into your arms. You snuggled it and fell further into sleep. He knelt down and kissed your forehead. “I love you.” He said and stroked your hair and you snuggled into his touch and he smiled and then got up and walked out cracking the door and back to his boyfriend who was holding a plate for him. 
“She, ok?” He asked and TK nodded.
“Sound to sleep snuggling the wolf you got her.” He said and that made Carlos smile.
“Good now lets eat and go back to bed.” Carlos said and TK nodded and they did just that. After they were done Carlos went and checked in on you and then they were heading to bed. 
4 weeks later and they were being called back into the courtroom. This was the final. Of course, they had been in out for small matters but this was the big and final. Corey briefed them and then the judge was coming in and being introduced. Fiona was prohibited from getting in contact with TK and Carlos and they were happy to follow that rule. The judge wanted you to be there but not in the courtroom for the time being. Court started and everyone was ready for a battle. Both lawyers presented their cases and evidence. “Your honor, the best interest for the child would be to go with the mother.” Josh Walters, Fiona’s lawyer, said.
“What evidence do you have for this?” Judge Hayes asked and Josh brought out the evidence and took it to Judge Hayes.
“As you can see the father has been arrested and has used drugs.” Josh said 
“Objection.” Corey said 
“Proceed.” Judge Hayes said and Corey brought over his paperwork.
“My client has had a steady job for years. That was in the past. As you can see Fiona has been in and out of jail since she has moved here and before she has moved here. She gave up rights as soon as she arrived in Texas. She has also been using drugs ever since. She does not have a steady paying job. I would also like to bring up the fact that Y/N has been in and out of the hospital while she was in Fiona’s care and she had stopped breathing three times.” Corey said
“Objection!” Josh said 
“Overruled!” Judge Hayes said and slammed his gavel down. “Continue.” He said to Corey.
“I would like to call the stand Firefighter Judd Ryder. He was there and was in possession of Y/N Strand while my client and the defendant were talking.” Corey said and Judge Hayes nodded and Judd was walked to the stand and sworn in. “Mr. Ryder, you had Y/N while everything was being discussed, correct?” Corey asked
“That is correct.” He said
“Can you tell what state Y/N was in while you were caring for her for the time being?” Corey asked
“She was scared to death but didn’t show it. She smelled of drugs and part of shirt fell away from her shoulder and there was a bruise which we have pictures of and you should too.” Judd said and Corey nodded and handed over the pictures. “When asked who did it to her, she said and I quote “Mommy and her boyfriends. She would have guys over all the time and they leave in the morning. The house always smelt funny. Mommy and the men always hit me when I asked something or spoke. They tried to touch me but I ran away and hid.”” He added. “While I was showing her around a loud noise happened and she flinched away.” He finished. 
“Thank you, Mr. Ryder. As you can see the best option for Y/N would be staying with her father.” Corey said. Tommy Vega was called to the stand and sworn in. “Mrs. Vega, how would you describe TK Strand and Carlos Reyes as fathers?” Corey asked.
“They are great fathers. Anything that Y/N needs or wants they are tending to her right away. They would do nothing to put her in harm's way. TK is always smiling when he talks to her and about her. Same goes for Carlos.” She said and Corey nodded and she was dismissed. The letter that Fiona had given TK was presented and so were the papers for rights being signed over. Recess was called and everyone broke away and some out of the courtroom. “We have strong evidence. We got this.” Corey said to them and they both nodded. They were being called back quickly and that was not normal.
“Has the jury reached a verdict?” Judge Hayes asked and one stood up.
“We the jury think it is in the best interest for Y/N to stay with her father.” They said and everyone sighed in relief. Judge Hayes nodded.
“Y/N will be staying with her father. It is also decided that Fiona Hart will be sentenced to life in prison for possession of drugs, dealing drugs, child endangerment, and child abuse. The father, TK Strand and Carlos Reyes will be suing Fiona Hart for $6,000 a restraining order is also being set. Court is adjourned.” Judge Hayes said and slammed his gavel down and everyone sighed in relief. They did it and they won. You were brought in and you ran to your fathers and they held you. They watched as Fiona was taken away in shackles. She tried to call out but she was forbidden to speak to you. The 126 gathered around smiling. 
“Thank you, Judd.” TK smiled and he smiled.
“Anything for you, Carlos, and Mini TK. She’s not going anywhere anytime soon. She is family for life.” He said everyone agreed. 
They did it. They had won. They’re family was staying together. Nobody was taking you away from them anytime soon. Fiona was gone out of your lives…. for now.
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shuenkio · 7 hours
𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌 —☔— Jay
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Paring: Bully!Jay x male!reader
Genre: Angst, [no love but emotion involved]
Cw: bruise, alcoholic, love affair, wounds, hospitalized etc
Summary: At the end he wants to take care of you to repay his actions.
Wc: 2.0k
Non proof read / first time writing angst there'd be some error. [Nothing is real this is a fanfic]
Living your life was already one hell ride, and you're hoping that school will give you some healing with your friends from your forbidden house. However, there was one person who craved your attention, your tears, and your suffering.
Seeing you under his control, unable to fight back, makes him even more gratified, and he would love to play with you all day long.
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M/N, who is the only child living with your parents, who are arguing every day, didn't care about their surroundings, especially you.
Your father had an affair with your mother's sister, and ever since she found out, your family started crumbling. Holding back, I couldn't do anything aside from stay silent. You're just wanting to run away from this family of yours and never come back, but you couldn't; you don't have the heart to leave your mother in this state.
Since your father took steps away from this house, your mother began to drink every sort of alcohol to wash away all her sadness and depression, and soon she became an alcoholic.
However, she still manages to give you a life to breathe by working her head off. It's a blessing that she's still got one job that could keep her going from time to time. Nevertheless, that was only a good side. Since you're her only child, she always wanted the best for you.
You can't go out without her permission; you'll have to do all the housework, make food before she gets home, and get a good grade every month. All of these requirements come from her stressing you out. You thought she would be kind to you beside your father, but this is too much for you to take.
You can't sleep without overthinking about tomorrow, and your eyes are wide open all night long. You're tired. One day, when you wake up, you find a note on the counter in the kitchen that was left by your mother. As you observed it, you found yourself bawling your eyes out.
This is not a note; this is a last goodbye from your beloved mother. She's gone now; she left you in this horrible place with you all by yourself. Now you have nothing, along with some money that she left on the counter for you to continue this journey alone.
You don't understand why you should have to endure this all alone when they're the ones who started, you want to end everything, you wish you wouldn't be born so you don't have to breathe in this cruel, ugly world, and you still want to carry on.
You wipe your tears away with your hoodie's sleeve and accept your own fate as you prepare yourself for school. The least you could do at the moment was go to school, sometimes taking time to process there. On the other hand, you never thought in your mind that there was someone waiting for you.
Jay Park is the wealthy, rich, and spoiled kid, as you know. There's no reason for him to be a bully; he has just been like that since the very beginning. He loves to see everyone's downfall in despair, crying like a child while he overpowers them. Which is you, who's his victim's rights now? Not only did you draw his attention with your pretty face as a guy, but since you're the top student in the class, he got jealous.
To make your grade drop, all he had in mind was to bully you, and he knows you can't do anything to kick him out of the school because you're poor. While walking through the school's entrance, you accidentally bump into something as your hoodie's hood covers your vision. You move your head to the one you're bumping into before you realize it was none other than Jay.
Another day, another bruise. You quickly bow down to ask for forgiveness, and without further ado, you fasten your walk pace, hoping that you'll always get from him, but your feet are still in one place as your bag is grabbed by his grips.
"Where do you think you're going, little fella?" He smirked in satisfaction, a cocky grin painted on his face. You let out a heavy sign and cured your eyebrows together, willing to take anything.
The next thing you know, he's already taken you to the back of the school, the storage room, where no one dares to come by except him. You were asked to kneel on both knees, looking down on the ground, while your face was covered with bruises and bleeding scratches.
He never stops, and he doesn't have the plan to do that. He then kneeled on one foot, cupping your face harshly with one hand, making you look at him with your messy face.
"Aww, don't you look cute? I don't know why I enjoy playing with you longer than anyone else. Can you answer that, darling? Hm?" He looks at you as if you're his prey, tracing down on your wound and pressing it harder. As a result, you're whimpering in pain.
"P-please, I'm sorry, I'm begging." Your tears broke down, asking for his mercy, which he's eager for for a very long time. To see this moment, his facial expressions grow even more scary, as if he's a psychopath.
"You're begging already, darling? How sad I'm emotional~ ha seeing you under my control is all I need, so no." After he said that, he was about to harass you even more, but before he could, your friends suddenly blasted in at the right moment.
"Lay a finger on him again; I'm going to show this to your father, you mf." They're all running toward you, holding you close and looking over your injury.
"Wow, I'm afraid I might be expelled so scary~ I'll let you try it, dude; I'm sure he wouldn't care  anyway." He responded, folding his hands together as he scoffs in disbelief.
"I might lose, but not this time, Jay. I know your father more than you know him; you're a dead meat today." Jay's ex-buddy states that it's true that before he leaves Jay for good, he already knows Jay's personal life: his father, his daily life, his family—he knows everything. That's why he's confident enough to speak about Jay's father.
"So? You think my dad will listen to you better than I am."He was cut by a sudden door crack open, revealing a man in gray hair behind whom it was his father. Jay's face turned pale as white as he looked upon his father standing tall behind his ex-friend.
"D-dad, it's not what you're thinking; you have to listen to me first, not this asshole!!" He dragged his feet to where his father was standing, asking for him to hear about his explanation.
"I have two eyes, Jay; I'm not blind nor deaf; you'll pay for your own consequences; get in the car at the instant." His father was shouting in a fuming tone, clearly pissed off by his own son's behavior. Jay, trembling with a tight chest as he makes his way out of this room, can't speak any more words. Jay's father then gazed over you before speaking.
"Are you alright, my child? I'm sorry for causing such an unfortunate situation for you; I'll pay everything on behalf of my ungrateful son. Now I'll let you rest assured and promise you that this will never happen again."
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Once Jay was home, not only was he grounded, but his father had a serious plan for his own son by watching him 24/7 in his every move; he couldn't do anything without his permission, and he'd also no longer get access to his monthly allowance to punish him for his actions.
Even worse, he must take care of you, who's been lying down on the hospital bed ever since that day. He will also have to say "sorry" every day until you're recovered.
At the hospital
You're lying down on the soft bed while the IV injection is in your veins. It's serious because not only your body's bruises, but your health too, without proper eating, resting, and getting beaten almost every single day, and you know who.
Inside the silent room were despondent and empty; the lights were off due to your liking of the moon's sunlight reflecting through the large glass window. It's chilling with a cold breeze outside.
You take the rolling stand with you as you open the door, taking a moment to absorb the fresh air under the night sky with the chaos of city life underneath. You stood on the balcony, inhaling deeply as the crisp night air enveloped you.
In that moment, you felt a profound sense of peace and connectedness with the universe, as if the entire world had paused just for you to savor the simple joy of being alive, despite how hard your life was. It's crazy that some of you want to enjoy the city lights more while hopping on the fence of the balcony and sitting on it while swinging your legs.
You know it's too dangerous and too risky; with one wrong move, you'll see the heaven light; nevertheless, you couldn't care much; if God wants you to live, you'll live. The door cracked open, revealing Jay holding a bunch of food and supplies in his bag too.
He closed the door behind him, and as he looked over the bed to see nothing on it, he thought you were probably in the bathroom. However, when his eye passed by the curtain that was left open, blowing by the wind, he saw a figure in a patient gown sitting on the edge of the fence.
Sooner, he realizes that person was you, as he immediately drops everything on the floor with a loud thump filling the room, running to you in panic before grabbing your waist by his pair of hands in swift motions, snatching your body against his to the ground, and clenching you close to his chest.
The unexpected snatching by someone pulling you away almost makes your heart stop beating. You were so stunned that you couldn't talk.
"Are you fucking crazy?! Are you trying to kill yourself?" He raised his voice at you, shaking your shoulder, asking why you would do such a thing. You know you're not going to commit S/C, but instead you're answering the opposite, frustrated.
"So what if I do? Why would you care about me?" You fire back at his sudden care for you; last time he saw you, you're left with nothing but pain. Now he starts to act like being nice to you, which is such a twist.
"Because your life is my life! I know I'm a jerk and I should be buried alive, but please don't do this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything I had done to you. I realized I was wrong, and you should scorn me for it. But *sob*, please let me repay for everything I had done to you." Jay paused as he took a moment to take his breath from his outburst. You blink while slightly taken aback by the emotional outburst; you have never seen Jay in this state before, crying in pain.
"Your friends told me everything about your life. If only I could go back in time, knowing the truth behind it, I'd never been that jerk and a bully to you. I won't ask for your forgiveness; all I want is for you to let me do justice for you. Let me take care of you, and I don't care if you hurt me in the process. Just let me." He stopped as his tears streamed down his cheeks, with guilt heavy on him and regret at his actions.
He's burying his face in his hands, muffling his sobs, and crying harder until his face falls onto his lap, as if he's bowing to you. Comprehend the stat he was in right now; instead of bushings on him more, you choose to comfort him instead, even though he's a walking red flag.
Everyone can change, and so did he; responding with kindness was the best choice.
"I forgive you, but I'll never forget. I'll let you repay for your action,  Jay."
You said as you patted his back carelessly on it in a gentle manner.
"Th—ank you." 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ I'm written some fluffs or angst at the moment, there'll be no SMAU for the sometimes? Not sure but I'll write all of my drift until it's empty, but feel free to request an idea, I'll consider.
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers Owner
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brookghaib-blog · 23 hours
Whispers of the past pt.2
Pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x reader
tw: mentions of death
Summary: 10 years ago, Y/N went missing after being attacked by a kaiju, now working by Gen Narumi's side as his secret weapon, she hides herself in hopes that one day she reconnects with her first love, Hoshino Soshiro.
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Y/N's pov:
The bar was a haven for the weary souls of the city, a place where laughter mixed with the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation.
However, today was a slow day, the nights were full and tough, filled with people driking by themselves to get their loneliness away, others just friends enjoying their youth and love, others? Just men looking for a dancer to pay their way into a night full of lust.
At afternoon, just with a couple people showing up, I stood behind the counter, expertly mixing drinks, my eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble or someone needing my service. It was a routine I had grown accustomed to, a semblance of normalcy in a life that was anything but joyfull.
"Evening, Chisuka" a familiar voice broke through my thoughts. I looked up to see Captain Narumi leaning against the bar, his eyes sharp and knowing.
"Good evening, Captain," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. "What brings you here?"
He smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Just checking in. How's everything?"
"Quiet, for now," I said, glancing around the bar. "But you never know when things might change."
Narumi nodded, his expression turning serious. "You remember your mission, right? If anything happens, you're to report to me immediately."
I nodded, a weight settling on my shoulders. "I understand."
As he was about to leave, he paused, holding my chin and looking back at me, never breaking our eye contact, “Chisuka… stay safe. We need you."
I watched him go, my mind swirling with a mixture of emotions. Despite the danger, despite the constant fear of discovery, I had found a purpose in my new life. I was fighting for a cause, even if it meant staying in the shadows, hidden from the ones I loved.
The night I vanished played out like a nightmare in my mind, a memory I could never escape. I had been walking home from school, my thoughts filled with dreams of the future, when a kaiju attack erupted. The last thing I remembered was the ground shaking, buildings collapsing, running to try and help my sweet mother and my baby brother, only to come back to their corpses…their lifeless eyes.
My mother was out of reach, her body under what used to be our home, only her head picking out, maybe she felt the kiss I left her with. My baby brother, four years old, died in my arms, the pain was too hard for him to endure, too hard for him to talk, maybe not too hard for him to listen to me, hopefull that my last words of love would give him some peace of mind when walking into the unknown.
When siting beside my mother and holding my brother, a blinding pain as something inexplicable happened. When I woke up, I was no longer human. I had become a kaiju, a monster in the eyes of the world. How could I come back. Now that I only had Soshiro, and I had turned into what he hated the most.
For months, I lived in hiding, grappling with my new reality, until one day, Captain Gen Narumi found me. It was in a battle field, I turned into a kaiju to help a family that was in my sight in the middle of the attack, with no weapons or skills at all, I was only left with one strategy.
I was desperate, afraid of dying, I wanted to see sohiro's face again on day, I couldn't die, I revealed my self, not thinking of consequences.
Instead of destroying me, he offered me a chance to fight back, to use my newfound abilities for a greater purpose. He gave me a new identity and a new mission: to serve as a secret weapon for the first division, known by their higher ranks.
Later that night, as I cleaned up the bar, the door swung open, and a group of soldiers from the defence force walked in, their uniforms unmistakable. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized one of them—Soshiro. He looked older, more hardened, but his eyes still held that same spark I remembered.
I quickly turned away, focusing on cleaning a glass, my hands trembling. I couldn't let him see me, couldn't risk him recognizing me.
As the soldiers settled at a table, I caught snippets of their conversation. They spoke of the latest kaiju threat, of battles and strategies, but one name kept coming up: Captain Gen Narumi.
"He's got something up his sleeve," one of the soldiers said, his voice low. "Something big. Even we don't know what it is."
Soshiro nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Whatever it is, let's hope it gives us the edge we need."
I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest. They had no idea that the captain’s secret weapon was standing right in front of them, serving drinks and pretending to be someone else.
For now, I had to stay hidden, a shadow among the living. But one day, when the time was right, I would reveal the truth. And until then, I would fight from the shadows, a secret weapon waiting to be unleashed.
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tizniz · 3 days
“Hey, do I need to put you over my knee?”
send me a smutty drabble prompt if you want
"Hey, do I need to put you over my knee?"
Buck definitely does not react to that sentence. Because they are at the park. They are walking and enjoying the sunshine and nice weather. There are children around for crying out loud! But the problem is that Buck is dating someone who actually cares about him and is observant. So that means that Eddie definitely picks up on the way Buck does not react to that sentence the mother has just said to her child. "Baby?" Eddie murmurs, giving Buck's hand a squeeze, "You good?" "Fine!" Buck's voice is too high and he knows his cheeks are flushed red. "Totally fine!" "Hmmm." That's the only noise Eddie makes, and he says nothing further as they finish their walk and head back to the Jeep. Once they're tucked away from the public though, where no one can overhear them, Eddie turns and faces Buck, placing a hand on his thigh. "Buck." "Yes?" "I have a question for you, and you're going to answer me." "Okay." Buck swallows, staring at his steering wheel. "The comment that mother made..." Shit. "Did it bother you because of a child being spanked...or were you thinking how you'd like me to bend you over my knee and spank you instead?" Why the fuck does Buck have to have such an observant partner? Why can't he go back to having partners who only want their own needs and ignore his? His head thumps back against the headrest. "The...the latter..." Eddie's hand moves further up Buck's thigh, until his pinky is tracing the outline of Buck's cock. He can feel his pants growing tighter. "Is that so?" "Eddie." "Answer me, Evan." "Yes." Buck whispers, still staring straight ahead even though he can feel Eddie's eyes on his profile. "I...I want that. Please." "Good boy." Eddie murmurs, his hand cupping Buck's covered cock long enough to give it a squeeze before he's pulling away. "Drive us home, baby."
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Incorrect quotes
Thanks @leahnardo-da-veggie here!
Rules: use this incorrect quotes generator to come up with incorrect quotes for your OCs!
Tagging @mk-writes-stuff @buffythevampirelover @willtheweaver @elsie-writes @rickie-the-storyteller
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
I get too excited with these things, so below the cut!
Robbie: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Carmen: If I die, you can have what little I own.
Jedi: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die?
Carmen: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full.
Jedi: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
Gwen: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world.
Ash: Thank you for your sacrifice, Robbie.
Lexi: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment...at all?
Carmen: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.
Maddie: Oh god, she texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Lexi. She's mad at you.
Lexi: No, it's Noelle. She's just being gramatically correct!
Noelle: And then I used a period so she'd know that I'm mad at her.
Robbie: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Noelle: I stand by my choice.
Ash: God is no longer with us, I’ll take over.
Robbie: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Rose: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Ash: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere*
Noelle: Where did you get that?
Ash: My pocket.
Noelle: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket?
Ash: Skills.
Noelle: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Robbie: It's Kelsey's turn.
Kelsey: Don't die.
Robbie, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
Gwen: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship.
Noelle: We’re not friends.
Gwen, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Kelsey, handing a balloon to Rose: I have no soul. Have a good day!
Rose, walking off: I don't have one either.
Kelsey: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face.
Maddie: Kelsey likes to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
Robbie: I like you.
Maddie: What did you get Akash for his birthday?
Rose: I got him a kitten.
Maddie: Really? Me too!
Kelsey: I also got him a cat.
Robbie: Looks like we had the same idea.
Rose: Lexi, please tell me you didn't get Akash a cat as well!
Lexi: ...I got him a kitten.
Akash, in his apartment surrounded by cats and kittens: This is the best birthday ever!
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clotpolesonly · 1 month
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Mister Impossible ch 19 // Greywaren ch 25
#ronanedit#declanedit#auroraedit#trcedit#tdtedit#Ronan Lynch#Declan Lynch#TRC#TDT#quote posts#they never get to TALK about any of this together on the page#Declan reveals that Mor was his ''real'' mother and he always knew that to Matthew in CDTH#but Ronan was already doing Hennessy shit by then and everything happens so fast#i don't think Ronan gets that memo at least not directly from Declan#but it explains? so much?? really recontextualizes Declan's whoooole ✨ everything ✨#i feel like Ronan might have more sympathy for Declan's conflicted feelings about their mother after this#cuz he would have felt the same ^^^#he wouldn't have been content with a dreamt copy!! he would always know it was a replacement!!! it's not HER!!!!!#he has a bit more understanding of dreams as Real Whole People that Declan is still struggling with#but he would always know that it was a different person playacting at being his mother#and that's not something that he could abide#he's got to understand now in a way he didn't before why Declan had so much trouble connecting with Aurora#he always knew that he had lost someone (been left behind) and this was the placeholder their father gaslit him into accepting#and honestly Declan's treatment of Aurora was the real thing to break their relationship not anything Niall-related#Declan didn't fight dad's will because he didn't consider their mother worth fighting for in dad's absence#THAT is what Ronan said he would never forgive him for#walking away from not only their home but their mother#he never came to see Aurora in cabeswater and it's unclear if that was his choice or if Ronan didn't invite him#there is SO much to unpack idk this just feels like a crucial thought for Ronan to have#the key to unlocking a whole lot of his brother's psychology that he's never been privy to before
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skala · 1 year
and the universe said I love you
and the universe said you have played the game well
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my son, I am so very proud.
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edelorion · 30 days
#edel vents#disclaimer: really personal issues in the tags. also wishes of death upon others. this is PROBABLY too much information tbh...#so if you're not up for it scroll down fast!!!! the deluge is coming!!!#today was... eventful. bad. also very bad. grandma's birthday celebration was today#and while she... definitely has Old People Issues (racist) shes also very lonely since the death of my grandfather so i can't really not go#i'm the only one who really visits her regularly to begin with#aside from the... very serious racism issue... she's “alright”. i guess. but that's besides the point. there's family there#and among those... my parents. which i don't like to talk to#discovered they threw more of my old stuff away. typical. wanted to strangle them. as usual.#had to “talk” with my mother (read: spend approximately ten seconds reciting exactly why i *don't* talk to her anymore)#so that whole ordeal completely soured my mood.#went home tired. can't really do anything right now.#at least the food was good i guess. but i also really want to cry... which i can't. which sucks.#...i really like to think i've improved as a person. i used to be really hateful of everything and everyone#worst of all myself. still kinda do but i'm... getting better..?#i like to think i've grown past most of it but every time i see my parents i feel this gripping at my heart. as if i haven't really changed#as if instead i'm still the hateful person i “always was” deep down... bc there's this visceral joy that i feel whenever i'm mad at them.#when i looked at my mother and told her how much i despise her i felt a shiver of happiness. righteousness.#to be clear: i do NOT care for her. at all. she's the worst person on this earth#and the only person whom my philosophy of “nobody deserves to die” does NOT apply to. i'm not scared of hating her.#she genuinely deserves this. but...every time i see my parents - and thus her... i feel as if i'm slipping back into that mindset of hatred#i don't want that. not anymore. it consumed me whole. i was a horrible person back then and i've caused so much grief for so many#i can't let go of this hatred. i can't forgive them. they don't deserve my forgiveness anyway. but i'm tired of hating.#i'm tired of letting that hatred define me. i'm tired of letting that hatred direct me. i'm tired of letting it bring me to ruin.#i'm tired of being who i was. i'm no longer “that”. i'm edel now and i'm happy for people now. if i don't like something i just walk out.#i can just leave. “if it sucks hit the bricks” right?.. but i didn't. i had to say it. i had to tell them. her. and i liked it.#and... i'm scared of that. because it tells me i haven't improved.#i'm not sure what i'm expecting out of posting this i guess. maybe help. maybe i wanna be told that this is normal or something.#maybe i just want to get my thoughts in order. i don't know. i'm gonna stop writing now.#sorry for making you read all this. thanks for doing it anyway. tags were cut off on this one btw so it may look like a mess. but. yeah.
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