#vil and mal kind of are
yuri-is-online · 1 month
True as it may be Yuu would run the risk of being put in danger with being with certain twst boys...the ones that would be the most in danger are the peeps trying to hurt their partner or friend.
....and some of the boys are less forgiving than others.
....and some of the boys are less forgiving than others.
(referencing this shrimp annon post)
The two who immediately come to mind for me when I saw this ask were Vil and Malleus. I know I said that being with Vil wouldn't be as much of a danger and I stand by that but... look he is stupid intense and very haughty when he feels vindicated about something, if someone threatened his partner they'd get stomped to death and wouldn't even have time to enjoy it.
Malleus is a tricky one since we don't exactly know how the government of his kingdom functions, but we do know a bit about how his powers do and he's damn near unstoppable. If something happened to Yuu it wouldn't be pretty for the people plotting against him. If he wasn't being threatened with something that hit a bit too close to his childhood traumas he might find the whole thing amusing. But he can't, not with how real the threat of losing you could be. He is going to take this most seriously.
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theamityelf · 2 years
Okay, having given more thought to the Descendants Danganronpa AU idea, this is the alignment I've come up with:
Mal- Ultimate Dragon (in which "Dragons" is the name of her mother's criminal empire). Basically the rough equivalent to Fuyuhiko being the Ultimate Yakuza, in SDR2. (And character-design-wise, I see her having designs shaved into her hair, like Fuyuhiko. Her style of dress would be more Junko-but-with-leather.) She's the type to keep saying she'll kill someone, as a means of putting on a brave face, while really she's terrified because she knows she's not much of a fighter without backup.
She is right up there with Chad, as far as ruining any solidarity or group synergy is concerned. But she's more deliberately manipulative about it, in that she will use the lack of unity and trust to place herself in a kind of leadership role. Basically, feeding the idea that they will start killing each other if they don't have a leader to keep them in check, and that anyone who doesn't want her leadership is trying to start the killings (again). This doesn't really succeed in giving her control over them, but she is influential. She's able to sway most of them to distrust Harry.
Because she would be filling the role of Danganronpa Antagonist, it would be too obvious to make her a killer, so she would probably get killed late in the story. I feel like she would die screwing someone over, so maybe someone like Doug kills her in self-defense when she tries to kill him or Harry kills her for plotting to harm Uma.
Evie- Ultimate Fashionista. She is both a fashion designer and a model. I could see her having a hairstyle similar to Celeste's. (Maybe shorter springs, and more of them on each side.) Before they find out about the killing game, she's very bubbly and extroverted, but as soon as the first murder happens, she becomes very serious (but still kind).
She and Audrey became fast friends, and they remain so the whole time, but she is much more secretive and careful than Audrey. She and Audrey are often arm-in-arm, but she is also enough of a social butterfly to be friends with Jay and Carlos. (She thinks Jay is funny and sympathizes with Carlos's shyness, and she admires both of their talents.) As far as her role in the story, I could see her being kind of a mix between Kirumi and Kaede in DRV3. She is secretly plotting to kill the mastermind.
She would not get murdered, but she might murder and get executed. I don't think she survives the killing game.
Jay- Ultimate Gymnast; his backstory would be very similar to Akane's in SDR2, in that he comes from poverty and did parkour and other feats of athleticism to get out of trouble when he had to steal to survive, and ultimately ended up racking up accolades in gymnastics when he got discovered by the "right" people.
In the killing game and in life, he pretends to be less intelligent than he is, because things go better for him when he is underestimated. In the trials, he makes really astute observations, but he always phrases them as questions or jokes or otherwise obliquely prompts the other smart ones to get to the truth. His intelligence and his feigned ignorance are very effective at keeping him safe. I think he survives the killing game.
Carlos- Ultimate Technician. His skill set is a cross between Chihiro's and Miu's, in that he's talented in both hardware and software. He would be very shy, before they find out about the killing game. Once they do learn about it, though, he would go into self-defense mode, which for him is very stoic and determined.
He would try to trust the others at first, but after the first murder happens, he gets scared and desperate. Not necessarily a bad thing. He might hole up in his dorm room for a few days and then come out having created a device that would send out an EMP that disables Monokuma and all the cameras. As soon as he's done this, it takes Carlos like ten seconds to disassemble Monokuma entirely, and then he makes for the front door to see if he's succeeded in powering down the guns and locks. On the way there, though, all the lights in the building would go off. The mastermind is desperate to keep them from escaping, and Carlos has caused them a lot of inconvenience with these technical difficulties. When the lights turn back on, Carlos's EMP device is gone, someone has been murdered, and now they have to investigate and do a trial. (If we're going absolutely heartbreaking, maybe Evie knew that the mastermind would make a move once the lights were off and accidentally killed Carlos while trying to kill the mastermind.)
I don't think the mastermind would want him to survive, but he might make it maybe.
Uma- Ultimate Survivor, but she introduces herself as the Ultimate Swimmer because it's easier to explain and one of her survival skills is not attracting interest. Even before she knows she's in a killing game, she knows better than to entice potential murderers; someone known as the "Ultimate Survivor" would be like catnip to them. Really, she is a good swimmer, but she's also very good at making it out of bad situations alive.
She herself is not famous, but she's gotten out of a lot of famous catastrophes, to the point that the academy took note. (Maybe she fell into a shark tank as a kid and managed to swim to the edge and climb out without being eaten. And then as a preteen she went on a spelunking field trip, the cave collapsed, and she led her whole class to safety. And then as a teen she was cornered by the Ultimate Serial Killer and managed to talk them out of killing her. Etc.) They have studied her luck, since it's statistically weird that she has ended up in so many fiascos.
She bonds with Harry before they find out about the killing game, and before she finds out what his Ultimate is. She's able to get along with pretty much anyone, and she has her moments with most everyone in the group, but Harry she connects with on an unusual level. They're close friends, by the time Mal tries to turn the whole group against him.
Character-design-wise, she wears a lot of layers, to conceal survival tools. She wears her hair in turquoise braids, and they're all tied back out of her way. She wears a braided necklace that unweaves into a very long rope, if needed. Her belt has lots of dangling carabiners and such.
The fact that she expects danger at every turn can actually become comedic; whenever new areas of the school are opened up to them, she immediately learns incredibly specific things about each place, like which room is the best to hide in if there's an earthquake, or which is the greatest fire hazard, etc. She is very mocking of the mastermind and the ridiculousness of Monokuma. I think she survives, but also I could see a Danganronpa death in which the killer lures her to a particular room by making it seem like there's an earthquake or something. But narratively she probably lives, because the characters who lose someone close to them over the course of the game usually do. (Foreshadowing.)
Harry- Ultimate Assassin. Very similar backstory to Jay, but he got discovered by the "wrong" people, who found other uses for his talents. (Namely, hiring him to kill people. He is very good at it.) In fact, Harry and Jay used to be friends when they were children. They stole food together.
In the trials, Harry is an asset because of his real life experience. He can easily determine what would and wouldn't be an instant killing blow, etc. He can look at the blood-covered object left in the room and say, "That ain't the murder weapon. For that kind of fracture, the killer would have to swing it like this, and..." etc. He is also accused of murder in pretty much every trial, because...well...Ultimate Assassin.
Harry assumes a wild and carefree attitude as a defense mechanism. I think he dresses in dark colors, since he sneaks around for a living. Maybe his outfit is something like what Zuko and Katara wear in the Southern Raiders episode of Avatar. (Ooh, and his eyeliner is done like Mondo from the first Danganronpa game!) But he would also have a fair amount of bling: gifts from his employers.
He pretends not to remember Jay. He laughs/giggles at inappropriate times, out of stress. He gravitates toward Uma's stability and clear-headedness, and she enjoys his snarky and grim sense of humor. He gets really protective of her once things start to heat up. He also bonds with Gil and Lonnie, but he is especially close to Uma. He actually earns her trust.
I don't think he survives the killing game.
Gil- Ultimate Animal Caregiver. He could go so many ways, and I thought about lots of options, but I think I'm going to say he takes care of animals. His backstory can be that his dad taught him how to hunt but he could never kill animals without crying, so instead he takes care of animals. Feels like it's kind of stealing one of Carlos's main things, but Gaston does hunt and Gil does love animals; this alignment of talents feels right to me. Gil in this universe raises puppies and cats and mayhap some hamsters. It was this or Ultimate Archer or some other physical one. I like this one, okay?
He is not great at figuring out the cases, but he has a knack for running into important clues by accident or being told important things by the killer or victim, either because the killer underestimates him or the victim trusts him. In a normal Danganronpa game, I'm pretty sure he dies, since no one with a different body type ever survives those games. For this AU, though, I think he does survive the killing game. No one wants to try killing him, and he wouldn't hurt them unprovoked.
Chad- Ultimate Affluent Progeny. Like Byakuya, but way dumber. He would spend the whole killing game accusing people wildly and almost at random. I could see him being a victim, or getting a murder pinned on him, or killing someone in a panic and then trying so hard to convince everyone he didn't do it that he straight up cries in the courtroom. Of course, this is leaning into the Descendants franchise's steady Flanderization of Chad, so like I said, it could go plenty of ways. Maybe, hearkening to him getting Evie to do his homework for him, he convinces someone to kill for him. Probably not though. I don't think he survives.
Audrey- Ultimate Princess. Like Sonia in SDR2, she's an exchange student who is heir to the throne of her homeland. She is already a huge fan of Evie's work, and Evie is already a huge fan of her, so they become besties right away. (Maybe they're wearing practically the same outfit, but in different colors.) Audrey is more openly emotional than Evie; she isn't a very strong investigator, because all of the murders impact her very deeply. Evie's death especially hits her hard. This results in a degree of character development that pretty much guarantees she'll make it to the end of the game. I think she does survive.
Jane- Ultimate Lucky Student. She won the drawing to be a part of this class, and just in general stuff tends to work out for her. She has great organizational skills, but not the sort of talent the academy really looks for. General competency isn't an ultimate. She's pretty good at helping to solve the cases, though. I think probably someone tries to murder her but her luck causes them to fail and she accidentally kills them, meaning she now has to be executed. Or maybe she survives the whole game. Could go either way.
Ben- Ultimate Moral Compass. He gets this title partially by getting good grades and not breaking any rules, but also because he does a lot of charity work and vocally advocates for a lot of social causes. He would be ineffectually going "Wait! Guys! We need to get along! This is just what Monokuma wants!" the whole time. (Again, if we're bowing to his Flanderization in canon.) He might pull a Makoto and get absolutely decked trying to break up a conflict.
Some of the other characters would call him naive, but a lot of them are endeared by it. He wants to believe in Mal and ultimately suffers for it. He might survive the game, though. Or she tricks him into, like, holding a rope that sets off a Rube Goldberg machine of murder and he ends up getting executed, fully convinced that he deserved it despite it being her fault.
Doug- Ultimate Musician. He plays a lot of instruments. He'd be the character whose role is to point out when the other characters say something weird by repeating the thing they just said, but as a question. Maybe he and Mal would have Kokichi and Kiibo vibes, in that Mal would go out of her way to bully him for no reason. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he doesn't survive. I could see him in a class trial going "Wait! But that's not fair! I didn't mean to!" And it probably isn't fair and he probably didn't mean to, but that's how the game works.
Lonnie- Ultimate Swordsman. Sort of completely ignores all the social tensions; she doesn't care about who leads, she doesn't care that Harry is an assassin. She's basically cool with everyone unless they bother her. I feel like, in an actual Danganronpa game, she would die in a really stupid way for a really stupid reason. Like, she'd be a Chapter 3 murder (meaning one of two), and we find out that she walked into the kitchen while the killer was taping a bunch of forks together or something and got killed because she saw too much. And the killer bonks her on the head as a surprise attack and pretends she drowned in the sink. (Has Danganronpa ruined my brain? No, I'm sure it's fine.) Anyway, that being said, she would also be a cool survivor.
One of them could be the mastermind, or some throwaway character like Zevon or Ariana could be in the mix.
To recap, likely survivors are Jay, Uma, Gil, and Audrey. Maybe survivors are Jane, Ben, and Lonnie.
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i-only-know-fandoms · 2 years
Love how I replied to Disney Channel's post with a thread asking them to be respectful to Cameron and Carlos and the characters and actors who built the franchise and not toss them aside (yes, I once again mentioned continuing their stories in books) someone felt the need to tell me no one cares or will read it 🙃
It was basically asking them to not kill off Carlos but not ignoring him either. Like, if they talk about the other Rotten to the Core Four, mention what he's doing in passing. They obviously should not recast but they don't have to toss him and the others aside to restart the franchise in a way that doesn't have to acknowledge him or the others who won't act without Cameron that aren't being forced into it (Side note: please leave China alone, she's most likely being forced into this. A lot of the other replies to the announcement I replied to where along the lines of "I thought she retired? Paycheck must be big, lolz"
Sorry, it's the middle of the night and I really should be going to sleep but I made the mistake to check the Twitter notification and that was there and now I'm bummed out. I mean, it's not like I'm a big account or anything, so I dont get many interactions, and so many of the ones I do are random people saying my opinions on what shows and movies should do is dumb, and it's just really bringing me down so I came for my once a year vent on my tumblr
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dotster001 · 7 months
Request pls: Yuu's Harem
Riddle, Leona, Jamil, Idia, Malleus, Azul to gn!reader that helps them heal from overblot (unsure to add Vil cus he has Rook whom already does god's work everyday)
Reader just comes close to their space and sees if they're doing good. Then it evolves to asking about their day and about the world of TW to make convo. Then it turns to a friendship where Reader commends them for doing things beneficial and good for themselves in the day, then tells them "Good boy/good job!" at even the smallest things when they take care of themselves without Reader's help (beast tamer Yuu awakening)
Reader gives them a braided bracelet made by themself and they cherish it. But then one day the Vice/Other dorm leader notices the bracelet and goes "Ah, so you're officially part of the harem"
You can write either first or second paragraph I just wrote it all out for context of the second
Self Love and Braided Bracelets
A/N: I did a little bit of both 😁 I included Vil, because no offense to Rook, but someone who makes comments about someone's weight is not good for self love
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"So, I made this for you. You don't have to wear it, I just….I was making one and it kind of started to remind me of you," you handed Vil the gold and purple braided bracket you'd made the night before. He gently picked it up, seemingly unsure of how to feel about it.
"Also, I just want to say," you took a deep breath, "if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here to listen."
The look in your eyes was so heartfelt that Vil worried he'd tear up just from looking at it. 
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
Not that you'd ever know how raw you'd made him feel. Perhaps he was still too weak from his incident. It didn't matter. He was as composed and calm as ever.
A braided bracelet didn't exactly fit his wardrobe. But the next morning, his hand hovered over it, hesitating about not wearing it. So he slipped it on. His gut was never wrong, and it was telling him to wear it. Besides, his sleeves would cover it.
Months later, and Vil was now sitting at your lunch table. He'd never admit it, but he enjoyed it when you would take a spoonful of food and feed it to him when he didn't eat enough.
Malleus Draconia, of all people, walked over to your table with a tray, his entourage in tow.
"Hey Mal Mal! I'll get us some more chairs," you said with a smile, getting up and beginning your hunt for seats.
Idia looked up from his silent eating, and pointed to Malleus' wrist.
"So you're part of the harem now, huh?"
"The what?" Vil muttered before noticing the green and black braided bracelet on Malleus' wrist.
"It's not a harem," Riddle said with a pout.
"What else would you call it?" Idia snapped, fiddling with his own bracelet that Vil was noticing for the first time.
"The turnip's got a point for once. It is very harem like," Leona snickered.
"Doesn't harem imply a romantic aspect?" Azul asked, looking up from his meal. 
"The flowers we all got for love day have a certain implication," Leona smirked.
"And the "I love you, have a great day! You matter to me!" Texts every morning also have an implication," Jamil muttered, clearly flustered by the conversation.
Idia nodded, and said, "It could also just be a friendly harem. You know, a harem of self love. Harems can be platonic."
"Platonic, huh?" Riddle sounded a little sad.
"It sounds like it really depends on Y/N's feelings," Vil spoke up finally.
Before the others could respond, you came back dragging a chair with you.
"Sorry that took so long! Who knew it would be so hard to find a chair?" You laughed.
Malleus sat down, and you looked over at  Idia.
"Idia, I know I don't say this enough, but I'm really proud of you for eating lunch with us."
"Thank you," Idia practically purred, the tips of his hair turning a light pink.
Vil shook his head with a light laugh. He looked at his fellow "harem mates", and realized that whether this was platonic, romantic, or something else, he was willing to see wherever it led.
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belphiesreverie · 10 months
Belphie I can see that the reader's "duties" other than learning about fae culture, hobbies of the fae nobility, and also the skills needed to mingle in the high of society of Briar Valley it's definitely maintaining the relationship between Malleus and other people.
It totally makes sense because you interact with the other dorm leaders often and you're easier to approach. Malleus is intimidating, Sebek's too loud, Silver sleeps a lot, while Lilia is busy as a vice dorm leader and his music club. ALSO, THE INVITATIONS. Making sure that Malleus receives his invitation and comes on time because he has a totally different sense of time and somehow the other Diasomnia members forgot to give him his invitation (in the manga it's Sebek). It's a practice for the future, no? After all as the king's favorite handmaiden you'll be seen in public with him.
And of course, keeping Malleus company and making him happy! Handmaidens in a royal's inner circle acts as good companions. You occasionally gave him your homemade ice cream too :D
The thing is that when it comes to helping Malleus with his social relations and keeping him happy, Diasomnia doesn't necessarily have to push you into this because it's a way of showing your gratitude to Malleus because he's so nice to you (he's better at taking care of you compared to Crowley). However, it definitely confuses a lot of people. Especially a royal like Leona, and those who are used to serving others like Jamil and Ruggie. ⭐
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You’re so right about maintaining Malleus’ relationships!! You’ve been made aware by many people within Diasomnia how Malleus never gets invited places and nobody ever approaches him and Lilia is even so bold as to directly hint that you could potentially be his in to many places. So whenever your friends or other dorm leaders mention gatherings or parties, you subconsciously start to ask if Malleus will be allowed to join and even start inviting people to events you’ve planned yourself in the hopes of helping Mal make some more friends. You think you’re just being a good friend and helping him branch out, but really you’re being the peacemaker and conversationalist for him and the boys are so happy about how easily you adapted to your role
I can also just imagine him getting texts and stuff and having to ask you what the most appropriate response is. You end up ghostwriting most of his texts and your cover was almost blown once when you referred to Azul as bestie when posing as Mal 😭😭
Oh and Leona definitely thinks something is up ngl. He can just tell that the Diasomnia boys are prepping you for the role, but he just can’t be bothered to get involved and question it, it’s really none of his business anyways and too much effort. Jamil is in a similar boat but he’s just got his hands too full with his duties to Kalim to ask you about it. In the end he kind of just assumes that you’ve voluntarily taken on the role and starts to casually exchange tips with you and the whole strangeness of the situations goes over both of your heads
And what you said about Vil and Riddle is so true! I can see Vil starting to compliment you a lot more but also slipping in some advice from time to time in his usual Vil manner. And Riddle is absolutely going to start using you as an example for Ace and Deuce 😭😭 they’re gonna be getting chewed out by him and he’ll throw in the fact that they hang out with you all the time but can’t even follow your lead or pick up any of your good habits
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vera-deville · 11 months
Happily Ever After...Soon Enough, Anyways
05/31/2023 - 06/09/2023
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x Reader
Word Count: 964
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of!
Gender: AFAB
Tags: @rose-the-witch1, @pyroxeene, @moldy-cheeto
In which Malleus and Y/N are in the midst of planning their wedding and shenanigans arise.
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"Do we really have to do a full wedding? Can't we just elope?" Malleus Draconia asked his future wife.
"And where exactly did you learn about elopements?" A teasing voice called out from the room next door. A figure peaked her head through the doorway, amused by the utter exasperation littered in her beloved's voice.
"Lilia told me that some humans have a practice where they just skip all the actual wedding formalities. Apparently it is quite popular these days." Malleus said, fingers tracing the edges of his tea cup. "It'll be just us, and of course, my grandmother to officiate our marriage. Oh, and we can invite just Lilia as our one guest. We won't have to worry about pleasing the nobles, or the elders, or any one else."
Y/N felt that for her sake, Malleus didn't mention not wanting to deal with her self-proclaimed father, Crowley, and much less her actual adoptive father Crewel and her old friend, Vil Schoenheit. She could understand why Malleus simply wished to forgo any and all tradition and skip right to the part where they vow to be the ones for each other, forever and always (not that they hadn't already vowed that).
Setting down her own cup of tea, Y/N studied Malleus' features. Nothing much had really changed from their time in NRC, except his eyes seemed almost...older now. Perhaps it was the maturity of graduating school and becoming the king of an entire realm. Or perhaps it was because planning a wedding was simply too much work for him.
"But Darling, I thought that you were rather excited about planning a wedding with me?" Y/N asked.
"That was until you dragged Schoenheit into helping Dear." Chided the old (but young) fae. Y/N almost laughed, seeing the barely-there pout forming on his face.
"I didn't drag him into helping Mal, he did that himself."
"But you could have stopped him, I thought that we were doing just fine on our own."
"But you can't deny that he has an extremely good eye for these kinds of things. And this was something he genuinely wanted to do for me. Isn't that nice of him?"
"Not when he takes up all your time and runs me down with far too many choices, which, might I add, all look the same."
Ah. So that's what's got him so grumpy in the morning midday. Chuckling to herself, Y/N made her way to Malleus, sitting on his lap, and snaking her arms around his neck, pulling him down so that she could press a chaste kiss to the side of his cheek.
"Let's just run away together." Malleus suggested, eyes practically glowing at the idea.
"But what about the cake? And all the people who are coming to see us? And all the decorations we've already placed orders for?" Y/N asked. "And what about-" a peck to the forehead silenced her.
Looking up at the horned fae, Y/N asked in a gentle whisper, "Do you remember what you told me when you proposed to me?"
"How could I forget, my Beloved?" Malleus smiled as he remembered.
"Yes, oh my god, yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Y/N exclaimed, with her hands over her mouth. Malleus slid the ring (which he'd safeguarded in his hoarde) around Y/N's finger. He brought up her hand, admiring the shiny stone that now adorned it, and delicately kissed her knuckles.
Laughing in joy, Y/N threw her arms around Malleus, as he picked her up and spun her around, with the wind dancing along with them. "I'm going to need a much cheaper ring so that I can use it every day. This ring belongs in a safety deposit box." Joked Y/N.
"What's a safety deposit box?" Malleus asked, head tilted to the side.
"You didn't even know what a safety deposit box was back then~" Y/N teased, booping Malleus' nose. A breathy chuckle escaped Malleus's lips. Truth be told, it just seemed like an over-glorified dragon's hoarde, but Malleus didn't think to tell Y/N that just yet.
"If you really want to turn this into a elopement, I won't stop you. What matters most to me is what you want." Y/N said.
Malleus could feel his heart swell at how thoughtful his significant other was. He truly lucked out with this one. At that moment, a familiar tune began ringing. Y/N sprung up (much to Malleus' dismay) to attend to her phone.
He watched her eyes light up when she read the caller's ID. So definitely not Schoenheit or Leona for that matter. Maybe it was Ace and Deuce. He hadn't seen them in a while. Were they still up to their usual shenanigans from their time in school? Or maybe the caller is...
"WHAT!?" Y/N screamed with all her might. Malleus whipped his head to study her features. What could have possibly gotten her as angry as she was in a matter of seconds? The fae walked over to his beloved, keen on comforting her when the next words that came out of her mouth stopped him in his track.
"Please tell me someone has the rings?" Y/N begged, pinching her forehead. Malleus listened in on the conversation, trying to gain more information about the now (possibly) missing rings. In the mean time, Y/N inhaled a sharp breath, before cutting her call. Before the King of the Valley of Thorns could question his future wife about the news she'd received, said person slowly turned her head to him, now very much seething.
"I'm going to murder Grim." Y/N promised.
It seemed that Ace and Deuce (and Grim apparently) still hadn't let go of their shenanigans...
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Author's Note: Oh my goodness do I not like this fic. I started writing this fanfic feeling so confident about my idea and everything, but then as I was writing it, I just couldn't find myself in the usual headspace I'm in when I write my usual (and better) fics.
This is the first work for the @briarvalleyarchives that I've written. I missed the first month's prompt, and nearly missed this month's prompt (weddings) if it weren't for the lovely @pyroxeene giving us some more time to finish writing.
I honestly really liked the concept I had in mind when I started writing this fic (although it turned out very different), so I may very well end up rewriting this in the future!
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Hi! Do you remember the ask where the player got into twst, saw vil/mal/azul and went "yoink! U R mine now"? I was wondering if you could write this scenario but for Lilia/Riddle/Epel (our short Kings hehe!) love you and your work, remember to drink your water!
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, obsession, stalking, murder, insecurities, poison, Lilia being... weird
Riddle Rosehearts/Epel Felmier/Lilia Vanrouge-”You are mine.”
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You aren't carrying him like a sack of potatoes
No, rather like a plank (that's how stiff he has become)
No one, and I repeat, no one has ever dared to do this kind of thing to him before
But then you were like “Oh lemme take this little person with me!”
Riddle doesn't dare to say something against this
You are the highest instance of power in the Queendom of roses after all
Inside he is swooning... which he questions himself
First of all, since when are his muscles so trained that he can hold his body like this for five minutes straight??!
Second of all, huh?
He hears “Can you feel the love?” in his mind whilst questioning if he lost his mind
This shouldn't feel so good!
Oh finally, you set him down!
But dear monarch... oh...
He belongs to you?
Did he just hear that right?
The is kneeling and swearing you everlasting loyalty
He will make sure that every traitor will lose their head after this... and I'm not talking about his unique magic
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Epels pride is already wounded enough from his height
And then perfection themselves just picks him up like a sack of apples
Epel is just wants to disappear... no??!
He likes it??!
Who is this and where is the real Epel??!
For some reason this feels soothing beyond imagination
The situation is weird in itself
You pop up and just take him with you
Never met him in person before as well...
At least they can't use you for abduction
Not that anyone would dare to do that!
They would rather sue Epel for being an annoyance and “stealing” your attention
And then, the magic words!
He doesn't even realize that you already set him down on the couch in Ramshackle
If you didn't know any better you would think that he ate Snow Whites Apple and is now in some weird state where he can just stare motionless into the air
Maybe you should give him a kiss? It saved Snow White as well after all...
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When you approached him and your motions told him what you were about to do he already jumped over your shoulder
Now, Lilia can be a creep (*sigh* he is one in the Self-aware au if I'm being honest...)
Him holding on tightly to the clothing covering your back, burying his face into into it? Yeah he just doesn't want to fall of...
Did you really think it would be this innocent?
He is freaking smelling your goddamn scent the entire time like a dehydrated person finding water for the first time in a long while in a desert
Lilia is in heaven
He is surrounded by you fully!
Your arms around his legs... his chest against your back!
I'm not going into more detail for obvious reasons
So you suddenly put him down in that dusty dorm
That place more than just dusty but ok Lilia, whatever floats your boat...
Lilia asks himself if he finally experiences something like “aging”
Did he just hear something weird because of declining hearing?
No, you really said it
He belongs to you!
Reader run!!!
You won't be alone for a second after this
Not that you were before but at least you now actually see your stalker companion
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twistedwonderworm · 9 months
Hello, anon here. Could I request headcanons of diasomnia with reader who enjoys drawing , giving the boys a portrait of them that they painted themselves? And when I say portrait, I mean a life-sized portrait. ( if you cant do the full dorm u can just do lilia, leona, vil, and cater. Ty! Also, ur writing is amazing!! Keep up with ur good work, and have a good day ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ )
Of course you can!!!
Headcanons: Diasomnia with an artist!reader
Pairing: Diasomnia x GN!reader
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 720
Mal is pretty used to people painting portraits of him so this is pretty normal. What is not as normal is that his precious child of man is the one painting this newest portrait. Of course, he would rather you not put yourself through this kind of strain, but he wants you to be happy so he won't argue with you.
He's absolutely shocked when you present the portrait to him. A life-sized portrait of him, painted by dear human is the greatest present he could ever ask for. It also doesn't hurt that the quality of it is a much higher calibur than he thought aby human capable of. It is an absolutely beautiful piece and he's over the moon that you painted it just got him.
He has no problem praising you and work as highly as he can, nearly to an embarrassing degree. He can't help it though. To anyone else's eyes, it's just another portrait for Briar Valleys heir apparent, but to him it's so much more. He's just so flattered that you did so much work for him because you wanted to and not because his family paid you to do it. This makes this particular portrait his favorite out of all of them.
Also not a stranger to portraits being painted of him, but like Malleus, he won't argue with you about you painting one of him. He has seen the other drawings that you've done, and the quality of your work has this fae very excited. He couldn't wait to see how this portrait came out.
When you finally hand him the finished product, the old fae is pleasantly surprised. Sure all of your works are beautiful and well done, but this portrait is absolutely breathtaking. Few artists he knew could make such a quality,life sized portrait.
After thanking you, Lilia tells you that he's going to treasure it. That's the truth. It's a heartfelt, amazing gift from one of his most favorite humans. He'd be an absolute fool if he didn't treasure it.
He's really surprised when you want to paint a portrait of him. Sure, you two are very close but he doesn't believe he's beautiful enough to be immortalized in paint like that. Though if you insist, he'll let you paint. As long as you're happy, he's happy. If you need him for your model though, fair warning, he's going to fall asleep not too long into the session.
When you gift him the portrait, he is so amazed at the level of skill. Like in his eyes, it's the most beautiful portrait in the world and he will absolutely say so. He'll stop susing it if it's embarrassing to you, but you can't stop him from thinking it.
He'll happy put it some place where he can look at it every, still in shock that would make such an amazing piece of art for him. He decides to get you something in return as a thank you, hoping that the gift would mean as much to you as yours does to him.
"You want to paint a portrait of me, little human? Of course, you do. Who wouldn't want to a paint a magnificent fae?" Outwardly, he's cocky and cool headed about you wanting to paint a portrait of him. Inwardly however, he was freaking out. He was already confused by his feelings for you, but you doing something like that for him just complicated things for him.
When the portrait is finished and you hand it to him, he almost gives up his true feelings. He just stares at it for a long time before turning to you, using the time he was looking away to get control of his feelings. "This is a great piece of art, for a human." You ignore his words, smiling at the small thank you you heard him mutter before he quickly walked off.
He hurried back to his room so that he could admire the painting more and find the perfect place to put it. Despite being a full-sized portrait, it soon finds a place on the wall next to the portrait of Malleus. It's perfect. A portrait of his prince next to a portrait of himself painted by his most precious human.
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humaforever · 30 days
Random things that have become increasingly popular in the descendants fandom that I love
This isn't even 'made up' by the fandom, but all the De Vil children (Carlos, Diego, and Ivy) are cousins. So apparently Cruella has a bunch of siblings. I have no idea who they are, but cool.
Back in the day it was either Harriet Hook is dating Anthony Tremaine or Harriet Hook is dating Ginny Gothel. Then one day people were like, "Hey, what if..." Now they are all dating each other and are in a throuple :)
In addition to the previous statement, not a popular opinion just a random thought. There are three single people in the main descendants movie characters. Gil, Audrey, and Jay, and you always see them mixed in a couple somehow. I'm honestly surprised they are never put together as a throuple, or that's it ever even considered as an idea anywhere.
There's like a new mim kid every week. Only one of them is technically canon. But that doesn't matter, all of them are loved.
There's also a ton of Tremaine cousins now as well.
Claudine Frollo became a fan favorite and a lot of that may have started because everyone decided she was baby and she needs love and affection because she is Claude Frollo's daughter.
Claudine is also pretty strictly into women and has definitely had a bit of a crisis over it.
It's few and far between that you find an isle kid that is completely straight.
Even though the writers completely ignored it, we have accepted Hadie as Mal's brother and we love him here.
It is a popular opinion that Squeaky and Squirmy are not the Smee kids' real names, and I am completely on board with that. Because what the fuck kind of names are those.
Marya Rasputin. Anastasia isn't even technically a Disney movie, which I'm pretty sure is where the idea for this character came from. But Marya is a part of Disney's descendants now, it's been decided, it's official.
We lost Doug along the way. RIP bro. I haven't seen anything about him in the descendants fandom in ages.
Uma and Audrey have only interacted with each other once in canon, in the royal wedding (which we all ignore.) But they are besties, they just are. Audrey gets along with a lot of the VK'S for that matter.
Sammy Smee hasn't been able to catch a break since Harriet Hook acquired siblings. The chaos started when Harry was born.
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alexglitches · 24 days
I was hit again by my Descendants phase and this brainrot got me here lol It has a bit of the Descendants context (Yuu being the child of a "villain") but something a little more "modern". for example Yuu being the child of the "Evil" Queen who is known as an actress who is super famous for playing villainous roles in big movies/shows and TV series and having a "love and hate" relationship with her fans who love the work of the "Evil Queen" as an actress that fans "hate" the villainous characters she plays but eventually become attached to them (Kind of like Loki from Avengers lol). And not Vil freaking out when she finds out that Yuu is the child of the Beauty Queen, or as she is known on Yuu's home world the "Evil" Queen. This Yuu is a little salty with Vil's "tantrum" about the complex of being the villain in the movies he participates in, Yuu grew up seeing their mother being acclaimed as the best actress in villain roles since she was a child and admires her a lot for that. (And not Crowley scared as hell by another Yuu who is like Mal, child of Hades and Maleficent who are important political figures on their home world. Some of NRC surprised by the fact "WTF?! ARE YOU FOR REAL?! ARE YOU THE CHILD OF MALEFICENT AND HADES!?” Yuu: Yup lol)
Crowley would have a heart attack and die fr XD
nah but seriously, i feel like this Yuu would be like Vil's big sister, and during his OB (coughtantrumcough) they would be knocking some sense into him the entire time
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irafuwas · 9 months
White Rabbit Festival - Souvenir Overview
One of my favorite parts of these hometown events is seeing what souvenirs the guys pick out for everybody, so here's a summary of what gifts deuce, epel, ortho, and silver bought during the white rabbit festival event!
Deuce's Gifts
For Ace (bought with Grim and Yuu): a carabiner watch. you can choose a casual one per grim's suggestion, or a cool one per deuce's.
For Jack: a running watch to replace Jack's old one that broke. it has features for tracking your lap time and pace and stuff on runs.
For the other Heartslabyul students: the type of cookie pictured below. it's super duper hard and you have to use the little hammer to smash it to pieces before you can eat it. based off the legend of the white rabbit's watch getting smashed to bits when he tried to go get it fixed.
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Epel's Gifts
For Rook: a brass watering can. epeppy heard from some science club members that rook will often talk to the flowers and recite poetry for them when he waters them.
For Vil: a small bottle of perfume. an employee from the fragrance store asked him what kind of image he has of his senpai and epel answered "Scary!!!", so the employee recommended one with a spicy and stimulating top note, and a woody and profound base note.
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(sidebar : when eppepy has trouble choosing a gift for vil, silver says what's important is that he keeps vil in mind. he says his father always thinks of him, sebek, and mal when buying souvenirs for them, and that's what makes silver happy, more so than the gift itself 🥹)
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Ortho's Gifts
For Idia: a bag of potato chips that idia can snack on while he's gaming.
For Vil: a small bottle of perfume. He said his image of Vil is "Powerful!!!" so the fragrance store employee recommended one that has a fresh citrusy scent and a warming amber accord.
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Silver's Gifts
For Mal: a bookmark made out of dried black mondo grass flowers (pictured below). the plant is called コクリュウ (lit. black dragon) in Japanese. Silver finds the flower's name and it's rich purple color would suit mal well
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For Sebek: a bookmark made out of dried blackberries (im presuming they meant the stems, like in the pic below). silver figures bek will like them since they're black and that's mal's favorite color
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For Lilia: a bookmark made out of dried foxglove. ortho explains they are a poisonous plant, but they can also be used to make medicine. he says it's helped lots of people since long ago, and silver smiles and says that'd be perfect for lilia 🥹
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What are your honest thoughts on all Descendants boys? From both books and movies?
Oehh that’s a good question! I’ll base most of this off of the movies because I remember them more clearly. Sorry this is so late, I needed some time to sort out my thoughts. Let’s see:
Ben: cutie, golden retriever energy, needs to grow a bit more of a spine but as a recovering doormat I vibe with him.
He’s got a good heart, and he’s definitely going places, but I have no idea who decided a 16-year-old should be king. Hilariously, he’s a better king than his dad because he cares about all of his people, not just the “heroes”. But still, he’s 16, let him have his dumbass teenage years. He’s still in his phase of wanting to please everyone and that isn’t gonna lead to the best decision making. You’re king, Ben, you can overrule your girlfriend’s selfish idiotic plan of closing the barrier. Just tell her “the barrier was opened for you to come through too. If those kids aren’t worth the risk, does that mean you aren’t either? Should we throw you back?!” And she’s change her tune real fast. You gotta give some tough love sometimes.
Jay: cool, I wanna know his gym routine, pretty funny but rash, needs Carlos to temper his brand of crazy (love their bromance).
I love the narrative parallels to the movie Aladdin. Jafar thought himself so far above a street rat and now he’s raised his son to be one so he can continue being a con-man. In the movies, Jay is actually a very accurate representation of your upbringing shaping you into who you are. All Jay knows is stealing, he’s never been taught to pay if he doesn’t have to, so to him stealing’s perfectly fine. It’s normal. It’s a lot more subtle than the whole “who doesn’t like being evil” bit, but the core idea is the same: when all you’ve ever known is one perspective, that’s gonna feel like the objective truth because you’ve never had a chance to try a different one.
Carlos De Vil: Best (movie) Boy, my baby, I love him. What a little nerd (affectionate).
He’s a big part of why I willfully ignore the absolute stupidity that is the third movie’s ending. I’m sorry Mal, wtf is wrong with you??? You set your supposed friend’s abuser free for nothing but some empty platitudes and dare suggest you’ve become an empathetic person?!?! In the books, we get a lot more insight into just how horrible of a mother Cruella is, but even in the movies we see he’s had it bad because of how jumpy and nervous he is. Disney is still Disney so we don’t get much of the healing process, but we see how he calms down and adjusts to a normal life over the course of the movies when he’s out of the bad situation, which is pretty good by Disney standards. Cameron Boyce did an amazing job playing him (R.I.P Cameron) and seeing an abuse victim get comfortable within their own skin and getting the happy ending they deserve is always fun.
Harry Hook: Insane (affectionate), most fashionable drama queen ever, absolutely crazy, more than a few screws loose but in the best way possible, he’s hilarious.
So on the surface, Harry’s pretty simple. A dude who’s lost his marbles and flirts with everyone. He probably has some kind of moral compass, since he didn’t rip Mal’s throat out with his hook when she revealed her little stunt in D3, but it fell overboard at some point and couldn’t be found so nobody knows what it is except Harry himself. Also, he has his sane moments, like during that same confrontation in D3 I mentioned before where he says “And you, King Benny... you're probably gonna throw us all back inside.” It’s the first time I’ve heard him sound… not like Harry. It’s sombre and defeated, a little disappointed maybe? Either way it’s really good acting and it implies he can act completely “normal” but he just chooses not to, which makes me like him even more. He’s just a dude living his best life despite the circumstances he was born into.
Gil: adorable, hilarious, kinda clueless but in a good way.
I love characters that have no idea what’s going on half the time but are absolute sweethearts trying their best. He’s like- the opposite of his dad in every way and I’m living for it!
Gaston Jr and Gaston the third: I don’t have much to say on them, let alone separately, so they get a section together.
Honestly? I don’t remember having an opinion of them. They made Evie happy by wresting, which is cool so they get points for that. Seem like they’re trying to out-gentleman each other to win Evie’s heart and since they’re not being creepy assholes about it they are objectively better than their dad. Very much brawl over brains, the two of them, with their constant wrestling reminding me of Carlos and Jay except they’re both the muscle. Kinda cute sibling relationship, even if it’s in a VK-typical villain-flavored way.
Anthony Tremaine: squeeeee, my type is pretty boys who sigh in annoyance at everything, I guess? We only get scraps but I happily cradle them to my chest.
Uhmmm so Anthony’s personality is mostly up for imagination? The only canon information we have is that he’s most likely Anastasia’s only kid (someone on Tumblr pointed out that, in the scene with the wicked step-daughters, he’s referred to only as their cousin, not their brother) and he’s very bored with his cousins’ antics. Given A Twist In Time the potential drama is endless. Every time Anthony’s mentioned we’re reminded he’s pretty and has good style, and I love that for him. Dude lives on an isle of junk and still looks like a supermodel. Lots of room for my own ideas while still remaining within the realm of “could be canon” with just enough base in there that I’m not just creating an OC, and as a writer and artist that’s all I need tbh.
Hadie: cute, deserves better, I need more of him and Mal bonding
Mal’s half-brother, son of Hades, very cool. I like that he’s trying to turn good and having a hard time, because that’s very realistic for someone who grew up not knowing anything other than evil. Descendants 2 tried to tackle it with Mal, but failed miserably. We know Hades sucks as a parent in descendants (neglect is abuse) so that’s not gonna help him.
Dough: Awww he’s so cute with Evie 🥺
No really that’s it. He’s a nerd that gets the girl, has some very funny moments, but honestly most of his character is centered around Evie? And they’re cute together it’s not a bad thing but there isn’t much to analyze. He’s understandably pissed about someone like Chad getting all the girls while using them, but that’s also only ever seen in relation to Evie.
Chad Charming: what a bitch (derogatory), total coward, I hate him but he’s funny.
So I have no issue with characters who conduct themselves terribly (I love Audrey, (fanon) Anthony, Uma, and many others from many fandoms) if, and that’s a massive IF, they have a good reason for it. And I’ll count “because I can and I want to” as a good reason, because by that point you have someone who’s mean and owns it. I can appreciate the self-awareness and usually those characters are very extra so it’s entertaining. If not that, there needs to be a reason they are the way they are. Audrey has the pressure from her grandmother (and the borderline verbal abuse), Uma has the very real grievance of living in squalor on a run-down island full of the worst of humanity because she was born, what does Chad have? He’s spoiled. A spoiled brat. And he goes from that to an overtly whimpering coward with none of the pretense of superiority in any field. His one saving grace is that he’s a massive joke.
Diego De Vil, Clay Clayton, Gonzo, Jace and Harry Badun, Herkie, Aziz, Jonas, Lefou Deux, Li Shang Jr, everyone else I missed: no opinion, because they’re not relevant enough for the writers to give them a personality.
I have nothing I’m sorry. I barely remember reading their names and I don’t remember anything from the scenes they’re (mentioned) in to get an idea of what to talk about here.
That was… a lot lmao
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yaksha-lover · 10 months
Hi hi! I was wondering! Since I have an OC who's a single dad - how would some of the guys act around a single parent? Like, I can see Lilia wanting to hold the baby and trying to feed them 'food' before being lectured about how they're only big enough for formula. Or Jack high-key avoiding the pair of humans
Sorry if it's an odd ask - I hope you have a great day!
Not an odd ask, I’m happy to answer! Sorry this kind of turned into how they would act around the kid, hopefully thats’s ok. Lmk if you wanted something different.
Hmm I’m actually not sure about Lilia. I feel like considering he’s raised Malleus and Silver, he’s learned most of the parenting faux pas by now. Most of the time, I feel like he’d be pretty good help and it would make him happy to be around a young child again, since it reminds him of when Mal and Silver were young. Then, while holding the baby, he’d saying something completely unhinged that reminds everyone it’s still Lilia. Overall 8/10 wants to help and is pretty good at it but occasionally may make slightly ominous comments which force you to remind him that babies can’t wield a spear.
The others I’ll split into general categories for simplicity.
Happy to help with the baby, pretty good with kids.
Trey - 9/10, took care of his siblings, can cook and clean, very helpful and responsible
Ruggie - 7/10, I feel like he helps take care of the kids in his neighbourhood, can be trusted but may ask for financial compensation
Jade - 7/10, same as Vil, slightly less trustworthy
Jamil - 8/10, has been taking care of Kalim and others his entire life (rip), responsible and trustworthy
Vil - 8/10, not as experienced as the others but is mature and intelligent, can figure things out and is trustworthy
Rook - 8/10, more domestic than you would think, I bc he took care of his younger siblings and is very caring/attentive when he needs to be
Silver - 7/10, pretty much same as Vil but may fall asleep on the job
Happy to help but is not experienced in childcare. Slightly awkward and will need help initially but learns quickly.
Riddle - 7/10, inexperienced but responsible and good at managing others
Deuce - 6/10, A for effort but he needs a little help learning the right things to do
Jack - 7/10, also inexperienced but a dedicated learner, very attentive and protective
Azul - 7/10, same as Riddle, takes things seriously and will do proper research
Epel - 6/10, he might be awkward if he’s still going through his phase of trying to seem tough, but will soften up and take things seriously
Malleus - 7/10, definitely has zero experience but would take the task of babysitting so seriously, very happy he’s been entrusted with this responsibility but needs guidance
Good at entertaining children, not good at taking proper care of them.
Cater - 5/10, spends time taking selfies with the child and then will get bored
Floyd - 3/10, ngl this is definitely a safety concern, he does not know anything about babies but he will play peekaboo with them until he gets bored
Kalim - 5/10, has many younger siblings that he loves but probably only ever played with them since they have servants to properly care for them, can be innocently careless so it’s best you keep an eye on them
Ace - 4/10, can be around older kids but gets bored around babies, doesn’t really care for them
Does not get along with children.
Leona - 2/10, self-explanatory
Sebek - 1/10, bro is the youngest in his family with a worse temper than any child, please do not ask him to watch any kids, unironically beefs with 12 year olds on the internet
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dotster001 · 9 months
3k followers event!
As we all know, I take forever with my requests. So to celebrate 3k of you deciding I'm worth reading, I'll be doing 30 requests in 30 days. You guys have been voting on which ones, and in what order, I do them, and here is our definitive list! Hope you all enjoy!!!!
Adding a note for future Dot, for when she looks back at this list. At day 15, I got a concussion, so this event took much longer than 30 days. 😂 Whoops!
Note:titles will be changed as I have titles for them...
Ace Deuce and Epel with a s/o like Toa Qelsum
Solomon/Simeon/Asmo x reader recovering from Bulimia
Study Me
Found, Chapter 2
What kind of parents are they?
Riddle/Lilia/Trey/Cater x mc who loves to brag about them
Look at this Photograph
Rook/Riddle/Trey/Ruggie/Sebek x Reader with an Ethereal Personality
Lean on Me
Twst Boys have a s/o then meet their soulmate ; Ace/Rook/Sebek/Sam/Leona
Househusband Riddle Cater Leona Deuce and Kalim
The Guardian of Love
Dorm leaders Reacting to piercings
Twisted Earth; reader reacts to the boys merch
Crow(ley) Brain
Mal Lilia Leona Vil Kalim with cynical s/o
Twst Mc who always wears headphones and listens to music x Jack/Kalim/Floyd/Chenya/Idia
Housewarden and Floyd with ex-gifted child mc
That's What Friends are For
Overblot crew x mc with 0 impulse control
Crewel/Crowley/Malleus/Idia/Rook/Vil on a labor simulation
Twst earth: Floyd/Jade/Lilia/Rook/Vil isekaid to our world
Self Love and Braided Bracelets
Boys waking up to a cat on their chest, only to realize it belongs to mc; Ruggie/Lilia/Leona/Riddle/Idia
Boys meeting their future kids with you: Crewel/Crowley/Malleus/Idia/Rook/Vil
Vil rook Leona Jamil with reader who calls them pet names in public
Jade Floyd Vil and Leona break up with you to date someone else and regret it
Battle Royale
Basketball club boys getting a kiss on the cheek after a win
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nboa13466 · 4 months
I know some of you waiting for my blot theory part 2 but i still trying to think through this theory to even get the whole question and evidence that did make me question it in the first place. So before that help yourself with this new theory that i just found out accidentally
Now i found the recent meleanor pic having different face that spread around twitter. While i found some of this very fit in character, there's one that make me question about something and remember about one theory that once spread in here.
What kind of theory you said?
It's still about crowley is levan theory but this include Pomefiore in the theory. I forgot what the name is but the main conclusion of it is
Crowley see meleanor in Vil
You may ask, why suddenly i remember this? Well look at this meleanor pic
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This one is the expression that make me question if the theory is actually true or not. Malleus smug face isn't very similar
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You can see that his smug face didn't really look like her
My point here is that despite they look the same when they have other expressions, they have different expressions here.
And who also have the same look with meleanor when they smug? VIL
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If you look here they genuine look the same. This make me thinking that theory of crowley/levan sees meleanor inside Vil is true.
I forgot all the points of the theory but the theory is around how Crowley for some reason show very favoritism with pome, purpose or not purpose and how he like watching Vil more than others despite the others higher social statues.
The very known one when Crowley have connections with pome is when we see him in the last second of twst op, we see him sitting in a peacock throne, and whose dorm that have peacock dorm? Pomefiore
There's also Vil's line that he feel that someone's is looking at him, and this line only played when they have special lesson a.k.a lesson where Crowley flying in the class. There's also a compared theme of pome dorm and the theme we got in ch 7 that feel very similar but not at the same time, which make you question if this is on purpose or not, but at the same time i can't help to think there's foreshadowing here.
Knowing that we did not known anything of Crowley beside him being useless headmaster, make this fairly suspicious as well. Even if he actually a fae or half-fae we don't know, but he always as if very bold on showing his pome favoritism.
Also both Vil and Mal surprisingly have a lot of hidden detail similarity that everyone didn't realize. Both of them um is around "blessing" and "curse" and if you remember what Vil said in ch 6, both blessing and curse is one of the same coin, just how you use it or how you interpret it can change it, like for example immortality. You can see immortality as blessing and curse, just how you interpret it can change how it viewed(whether you happy to live long or angry because you will see everyone you love die before you. It's a matter of perspectives).
Both of them are one of the dorm that show their dorm throne openly even in game(riddle have it but he never show it in game, only in manga(idk the novel))
Both of them is feared and avoided for reason(Vil still have his supermodel status so he got people flocking, but if not he can be very well secluded from others from what we heard when we heard about how Vil and Rook meet)
Both of their gems stone have red dot in it when it was their time to overblot, unlike others if you see here.
Vil's and mal's gem stone:
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Azul and leona gemstone(the other is exactly the same):
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It show that unlike others, theirs may actually hurting in different way. It can be also because both of them having "blessing" and "curse" um unlike others. At the same time knowing that Malleus has "blessing" while Vil have "curse" may also foreshadowing Vil's being important in future.
The foreshadowing here may relate to none other than meleanor. Either he will help Malleus to get Meleanor back(if the dark mirror is Meleanor theory is true) or he will need curse or blessing to help Meleanor back, for example-
-using his own body to put Meleanor back
I have seen this one idea where Crowley used Vil's body to put grimhilde's soul in Vil's body. What if Crowley have some similar idea but with meleanor? He will put curse or blessing on Vil so Meleanor soul can go back to the world, or Malleus using his magic to save Vil from Crowley or Meleanor soul that was called upon.
Or while this can be very.....bs to you guys, but what if this is like those isekai theme where you reincarnated as someone and remember your past self because of something? But it's the type that reincarnated from his past self that are in the same world, so you died in XXX9 for example and reincarnated in X1X9 but still in the same world. What if Crowley think Meleanor reincarnated as Vil and he tried to do everything to make him remember as Meleanor? And maybe the reason he can't remember is because of a curse or something?
And some of you may also asked about lilia. I have a feeling he know and realized that Vil also look like Meleanor, but maybe unlike Crowley/Levan, he only think that Vil just look like her as coincidence. Lilia is the one who can go to Vil nore often than Crowley/Levan without needing any reason and he never do anything. Either he only have speculation or he only see Vil as Meleanor look alike(meaning he only see Vil just have similar look like Meleanor, like those there's 7 people that look the same thing)
While it didn't talked often before, after ch 5 we got a lot of talking about "blessing" and "curse" to make this coincidental. It's as if they tried to foreshadow that in the end, we will get to unfold about a curse and blessing that surround the main cast or even the world itself before "Yuu" can go back(maybe they also got cursed so they can't go back if they didn’t help the main cast first).
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finitevoid · 1 year
A Study in an Utter Lack of Regard for Personal Safety, featuring Mal Bertha and Carlos De Vil
“I don’t know why I agreed to this,” Mal says.
“Yes, you do,” Carlos replies, hefting the duffel bag over his shoulder. It clinks dangerously as he moves, and she eyes it with suspicion.
And, okay, he has a point. Mal may be the leader of this gang, but if Carlos said ‘jump’, Mal would say, ‘how high?’. It’s a side effect of all the gang activity; you learn to trust each other with things that normal people have never even thought to trust another person with.
“Okay, revise: I don’t know what we’re doing here.”
Carlos meets her eye, gaze as sharp as she’s ever seen it. He smirks like an Isle boy, wide and wicked, and says, “Science.”
“Just trust me.”
Without anymore preamble whatsoever, Carlos begins traipsing through the woods. With single-minded purpose, he stomps over the weeds and roots, directly into the belly of the beast. Mal swears, rushing to follow.
“I just don’t understand what kind of science,” she smacks at a branch before she can run right into it, “we’re going to be doing in the Enchanted Forest.”
“The magical kind,” Carlos says, not pausing in his trek. “That’s why I brought you.”
“Isn’t that a contradiction?”
He abruptly stops. She nearly runs into him from behind. He whirls around on his heel and says, “No, it’s not. There’s actually an entire field of scientific study here in Auradon dedicated to the way magic interacts with things like biology and chemistry. And cosmology, but that’s more philosophical… Anyway, you,” he sticks an accusatory finger into her face. “didn’t tell me that there’s a special magic lake that washes away curses!”
She blinks at him. His phrasing is very interesting, given that all she’d said was that it washed away the love spell they casted on Ben, all that time ago. “It doesn’t just wash away curses.”
He rolls his eyes. “Spells, then.” He huffs theatrically. “The point is, you’ve been holding out on me!”
“Okay, wait,” she holds a hand up. “You dragged me all the way out here so you can do some freaky science experiment—“
“It’s not freaky.”
“—on the Enchanted Lake?”
“Yeah,” he says, easily. “Are you coming?”
“Obviously.” She scoffs. “I’m just wondering what all the secrecy was about.”
“Revenge, obviously. For holding out on me. Now, can you just show me where the damn thing is?”
“You don’t know? Then why were you leading?” She groans. “Is this part of your ‘revenge’?”
He rolls his eyes. “I thought I heard water.”
“Well, you’re shit out of luck, because Ben made me close my eyes when he showed it to me.”
Carlos stares at her, genuinely scandalized. “And you did?”
“Ben is like if a kitten were a person. I wasn’t worried about it.”
He frowns. “Whatever you say, killer.” And, it’s like, yeah, on the Isle closing her eyes just because someone had asked would’ve been a fast way to get a switchblade buried in her gut, but she’d been playing the part of sweet-girl-with-a-crush, just the way Evie had taught her, so closing her eyes had just made the most sense.
“You gonna tell FG about those ‘Isle instincts’ you got going on right now?”
He smiles at her, all kinds of smug. “FG loves me. I don’t got any ‘Isle instincts’, didn’t you know?” He bats his eyes at her, expression suddenly the picture of shattered, wide-eyed innocence. “My mommy hurt me and kept me inside all the time. Gang violence? Oh, evil, I wouldn’t have been caught dead doing anything like that!”
“You know, puppy,” she laughs, reaching forward to ruffle his curls. “sometimes you scare me.” He ducks from the affection, shooting her a tilted grin.
It takes them the better part of an hour to find it. By the time they do, Mal is sweaty, dehydrated, and adorned with at least two scratches from thorny plants. They had run into a total of three (three) weird, fucky-looking creatures that Mal didn’t know forests in Auradon could have. Weird, lithe, rodent-like things with sharp teeth and too many eyes... She’d had to do some creative magic to avoid them. Overall, she’s not pleased with the experience.
Finally, though, they find it.
Just how she remembers it: granite arch on a silver dais. Ivy crawling up the sides, flowers dotting the bank. It’s... deeply picturesque. The sun hanging high in the sky above it, framed by mountains. Even the breeze smells like flowers, like this is some sort of fucking romance novel.
The fact that Auradon has places like these, just, sitting around, and nobody even bothers to visit them half the time drives her slightly insane. It makes her want to grip Ben by the back of his skinny neck and shove his face in the wild, freezing, rocky surf of the Isle. But that isn’t very ‘good’ of her, so she pretends the feeling isn’t there.
Carlos drops the duffel bag onto the dais, just by the edge of the water. He seems completely unaffected by the beauty around him, and truly, that’s half the fun of doing anything with Carlos; he’s dressed in Isle clothes like he doesn’t give a shit, an old ratty pair of studded combat boots, a shirt covered in patches and pins, hair haphazardly dyed. He breaks up the serenity of the fairytale image of this place, a smudge amidst all the pastels.
The inside of the duffel appears to be, almost entirely, small glass vials. He pulls out a thermos and dunks it into the water, twisting the cap shut.
“Is that legal?” She asks, plopping down beside him. He’s crouched over the lip, hands braced on his knees as he stares impassively down at the crystalline water. It’s reflecting the sunlight, and somehow the glittery light is shining off of it in hues of pink.
“Definitely not,” he replies, gently setting his thermos of contraband back into his duffel. “Technically, we aren’t even supposed to be here.”
“Wait, seriously?” She watches as he pulls vials of various liquids from the bag. “But Ben brought me here?”
“Special privileges. Those of royal blood are permitted to enter public property that would otherwise be restricted, providing it has substantial religious significance. And by ‘religious’, they just mean—“
“—fairytale-relevant.” She finishes. “I can’t believe you memorized that whole damn book.”
“‘S not a book.”
“I can’t believe you memorized the entire Constitution of the United Kingdoms of Auradon,” she drawls. “Still, it’s weird. Somehow I can’t imagine Ben doing something like that. He just, hates breaking the rules.”
Carlos finishes laying out his perfectly even line of glass vials, before selecting one carefully. “It’s easy to hate breaking the rules when the rules for you are so lax.”
He hands her the vial. “Put a spell on this.”
She takes it, raising her eyebrow at it critically. It’s clear, sloshing around in the sealed vial as she eyes it. “I don’t have any love spell cookies on hand.”
He rolls his eyes. “I already know it works on the love spell. Put another spell on it.”
“This seems like a very lax way to conduct an experiment,” she says. “Any requests?”
“I’m just satisfying my curiosity, not writing for a scientific journal. And, I don’t know. Make it sweet or something. It’s just water.” He pulls out a notebook and a pencil, opening it to a fresh page with confident, practiced motions. With ease, he makes a table with five columns. On one side, he writes, substance. Then, spell. Then, time submerged. Then, observations. Then, effects.
“Does anyone know we’re out here?”
“You think I would tell people we’re going to go flagrantly ignore Auradon’s laws regarding private religious property?”
“Fair enough,” she mutters. “Evie and Jay?”
“Yeah, I mentioned it.” He gestures with the eraser of his pencil. “Now hurry up.”
She rolls her eyes, but acquiesces. She doesn’t need her spellbook to do magic anymore, which is nice, because FG’s been way sweeter on them since they put the spellbook and the mirror in the museum. No, magic isn’t about some arbitrary collections of poems in a book; it’s about intention, power, the sleek possibilities of the meaning they’ve given to the things they say.
Power gathering in her clavicle and leaking hotly from her eyes, she says, “Sweet like candy, sweet like cake, make this water so sugary it aches.”
Words and rhyme schemes was how she learned magic, and so it is what her magic associates with power. The legends of fae and contracts and names speak for themselves, after all. Magic itself does not require words, but for her, half-faery she is, there is nothing more powerful.
“Did it work?”
“You doubting me, De Vil?”
He rolls his eyes. “It’s science. I have to be sure.” And then he yanks the vial from her fingers. He sets it down, twisting open the cork. He pulls an eyedropper from the bag and gently sets it inside, sucking up some of the water. Then, he sticks his tongue out, and drops a glob of it onto his tongue.
He smacks his lips. Holds up the eyedropper. Rolling her eyes, she sticks her tongue out for him. He lets another drop fall, and saccharine sweetness explodes on her tongue. It tastes like funfetti cake, which is exactly what she’d been picturing when she spelled it.
He takes it back and hands her a stopwatch. He holds his hand over the lake and says, “On three.”
He inhales, eyeing the lake with eyes that sparkle. With a wild, manic sort of excitement. In another life, she’s absolutely sure he would’ve been some kind of mad scientist. Maybe he’s already on his way there. “One,”
The water laps gently at the lip of the dais, perfect and undisturbed. It looks like an oil painting; the kind she’d see in Ben’s castle, ten feet tall and set into a gold frame. Pure opulence. “Two,”
It’s funny, she thinks, how all he had to do to get her to come with him was ask. He’d even made her drive. Yanked her phone from her back pocket and set the address into the GPS. And she’d done it, because she knows he hates driving. “Three,”
He dunks his hand underneath the surface. She clicks the stopwatch on.
“We’re going to do ten seconds to start. Then twenty. Then thirty.”
She groans. “When you said ‘science’, I thought we were gonna do something fun.”
“This is what you get for holding out on me—“
He pulls it from the surf. He goes through the motions of testing it again, before announcing, “I fucking knew it.”
“It’s still sweet,” he shakes the vial gently. “The glass protected it.”
He makes her spell another vial, and this time, he pulls a dropper full of water from the lake. Then, he drops it into the vial. When he tests it that time, it’s not sweet anymore.
“Is it safe for us to be testing it like this?”
“Oh, it’s a flagrant violation of every lab safety rule ever made.” He’s not even looking at her, scribbling notes down.
Her eyes fall onto the water. Perfect. Clear. Gentle and glittering pink in the sunlight. Auradon. “What d’you think would happen if I drank it?”
He looks up from his notebook to deadpan, “What?”
“Like, if you drank it, it would probably just taste like water. But I’m a magical creature.”
He opens his mouth. Doesn’t say anything. Narrows his eyes in thought. Sets his pencil down with finality. Closes his mouth. Opens it again.
“Maybe it would make you, like, not able to do magic?”
“Like the barrier.”
He presses his lips into a thin line. “Yeah, like the barrier.”
“Or maybe it’d be like poison.”
“Didn’t you say you swam in it, when you were with Ben?”
‘Swam’ is a charitable word for it. She’s not going to argue, though. “Yeah, but I didn’t swallow any of it.”
He pauses for a moment, seemingly contemplating this. Then, he goes digging through his duffel, arms shoulder deep. He emerges with two empty vials. “You wanna find out?”
“Hell yeah,” she swipes one. Together, they fill their vials with the liquid. And together, they shoot them back like it’s booze.
It tastes like the way sunlight feels on her face, like the way the vines look where they climb up the granite. She hates it.
Gently, Carlos takes the vial back when she offers it, their fingertips brushing. He pulls his notebook into his lap, eye glittering as he pierces her with his gaze. “How do you feel?”
“Normal.” She says. “Well, I can sort of feel the water.”
“Feel it?”
“Like the way you can feel booze. Except it’s cool, not warm. It’s in my stomach.”
He hands her a vial. “Spell it.”
She does. It’s not sweet. She could tell as soon she said the words, though; the power didn’t gather in her, didn’t leak from her eyes like hot steam. He could tell, too. But that’s because the magic didn’t turn her eyes green, because there wasn’t any magic.
He scribbles furiously. She says, “You know, you should dunk the Anti-Magic Machine in here.”
The ‘Anti-Magic Machine’ being their awful, pre-teen colloquialism for the machine Carlos had once been developing to try and tear an exit in the barrier. He’d only just gotten it to work— put a teeny tiny hole in the sky, letting in a strange dot of unfiltered sunlight— when they were brought to Auradon. The excitement had been electric, she remembers. She’d really thought he was going to break them out.
He mumbles, “Possible effects: mind wandering,” and she snaps, hey! But then he digs around in his duffle again and emerges with a black box about a foot long and half a foot wide. It’s got ANTI-MAGIC MACHINE V3 written haphazardly one the side in metallic, silver sharpie. “I brought it to use as a control, but,” and then his eyes land on the water.
He drops it in.
It, predictably, explodes.
A fountain of water and sparks shoots upward into the air. Mal grabs Carlos by the shoulder, shoving him as hard as she can away from the explosion, jumping after him, shielding him with her body. The shockwave bursts past her, rippling through every inch and plane of her body. She gasps, heart hammering, body screaming in pain.
Then, all is quiet. Her ears pop painfully. They are laying on the riverbank, Carlos pressed into the dirt by Mal’s weight. Her arms are braced on the soil beside his temples, framing him. She attempts to catch her breath.
Carlos blinks up at her, expression only mildly put-out. The ends of his hair are smoking, and she pats them out with a shaking hand. It smears ash over his forehead. He says, very calmly, “Interesting.”
It explodes again. They’re far enough away that the shockwave is only kind of painful, and they turn to watch it. Fire sprays into the sky, surrounded on all sides by a cacophonous shower of water.
It explodes a third time, this time less intensely. The shockwave still makes her ears pop and her eyes water, but it’s nothing she isn’t used to. She pulls herself from on top of Carlos, standing. She gives him a hand up, brushing dirt and grass from his clothes.
Together, they creep over to the dais. They peer over the edge at the water. Carlos drops to his knees and sticks his arm in the water, searching blindly; eventually, he pulls the Anti-Magic Machine from the surface.
As soon as it touches the air, it catches fire.
He yelps, throwing it to the dais like it’s a roach he caught crawling on him. He hops back, hissing in pain, waving his hand back and forth. She grips his wrist, pulling the wound to her face.
It’s a third-degree, but it’s on his fingers, which sucks. She says as much.
His eyes are on the AMM. “It’s soaking wet. Why the fuck did it catch fire?”
“Beats me.” She nearly casts a healing spell on the wound; she belatedly realizes that she’s still under the Lake’s effects.
His eyes are glittering with that manic excitement again. His staring at the fire with violent passion in his face, licking his lips like a predator sizing up its prey.
On the Isle, Carlos had always been hungry for knowledge. Starving, even. He had gripped whatever he could learn in greedy hands and put it all to use as soon as he could. But on the Isle, it’d been about survival. It was about keeping their enemies off their backs, finding creative ways to save food, making a machine to escape the island.
But as soon as he came to Auradon? It stopped being for survival and started being for sport. For fun. A game he plays. Hours spent in the library, late nights in the school’s lab, doing experiments he’s not supposed to be doing with materials he’s not supposed to have. She was wrong, earlier; he already is a bit of a mad scientist.
She kicks the AMM away with her boot.
He opens his mouth to argue.
She says, “Next weekend. You make a new AMM, I bring the spellbook.”
A smile breaks across his lips. Stretches wide over his face, crinkles his eyes at the corners, bells his cheeks, warps his freckles; his hair is singed and there’s that smudge of ash on his forehead in the shape of her thumb. They’re gonna have to dress that burn, but goddamn. He’s never looked so beautiful.
He may smirk like an Isle boy, but his smile is all his own. He says, “You’re on.”
“Am I forgiven for holding out on you?”
She cradles his burned hand. He says, “Killer, I was never mad.”
She knew that already. Still, though. For that smile? She’d do anything. Not that she’d ever tell him. His head would get too big.
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