#tw anxious thoughts
tword-brainrot · 3 days
One Thought 💭
House provokes Wilson into getting what he wants…or does he?
(This is also prompt number 36 on the prompt list that I’ll be tagging in my pinned)
Lee: House 🏡
Ler: Wilson 🖊️
Word count: ≈2000
“You’re doing this on purpose…”
An already annoyed Wilson drew, his fingers tapping against his desk.
“I’m doing nothing of the sorts, you absolute wack job.”
House retorted, a smirk making its way across his face.
“Yes you are, you’ve been way more annoying than usual…”
Wilson gritted through his teeth..
“Oh, come on…Just being myself. Just like you told me to, Dr. Dipshit. You know, you really shouldn’t go into motivational speaking if you don’t expect people to take the advice, Idiot…”
House drew, his smirk remaining plastered to his face.
“See?! You just did it again! You’ve been calling me names all day!”
Wilson’s voice rose as he pointed a finger at House.
“And this is different from usual…how?” House flatly responded.
Wilson got up from his chair and made his way towards House, a vein began to throb in his forehead.
“It’s different from usual because it’s less clever, more basic. I’m surprised with you, if I’m being honest.”
Wilson stated as calmly as possible.
“So, I’m not on my A game today, big whoop! It’s not like you actually look forward to the banter, you bi-“
“You want something and you can’t ask me for it.”
Wilson cuts him off by poking into House’s sternum, a giggle swiftly escaping his lips.
“Oh yeah? P-prove it then..” House stuttered, his smirk wobbling into a smile.
Wilson paused, bringing a finger to his lips to contemplate.
Wilson quickly walked out of his office with Manila folders, leaving House alone in his office.
House’s smile noticeably dropped, his typical ploy clearly not working today.
As lunch time rolled around, House tried to catch up with Wilson to steal the fries off his lunch plate but, was disappointed to see that he was nowhere to be found. Perplexed, he went down to the parking lot and noticed that his car was nowhere to be found either.
“That’s strange, Wilson has never gone out for lunch.”
House thought, making his way back to his own office with a dissatisfied look and a $1.25 vending machine trail mix.
“Was it something I said?”
“Did I make him upset?”
“Is it my fault he left?”
“It’s always my fault they leave..”
House was caught in thought when Cuddy entered his office, his eyes not even looking up from fiddling with his pen
“Hey, you’re good to go. Turns out it was Lupu-“
She pauses as she approached his desk, her eye’s immediately drawn to the angry scrawling in House’s notepad
“Yeah, yeah. Figures. It’s never Lupus but, today it is…”
“Of course it is..”
He slammed with notepad closed and got up from his desk.
“What’s wrong with you today? You’ve been more sour than usual since noon…” Cuddy asked.
“It’s…nothing. I’ll be my normal amount of dickish tomorrow. I’ll…see you in the morning.”
He responded, making his way out of his office.
Cuddy sighed and let it be for now.
As House made it to the parking lot, he was surprised to see that Wilson had waited for him.
“I was wondering when you’d finally finish up, anything interesting?”
Wilson asked, with a twinge of genuine curiosity.
“Nope…fucking Lupus…”
House stated before abruptly getting into Wilson’s passenger side.
“Really? It’s never Lupus…”
The door slammed loudly..
After they had arrived in their shared apartment, Wilson sat in his normal spot in the couch. House debated between sitting next to him and sitting at his piano bench but, was interrupted by Wilson grabbing him by his shirt and dragging him into the couch. House sat there for a moment before gently leaning his head into Wilson’s shoulder. They breathed together for quite some time, the TV not even turned on yet.
“I’m sorry…”
House spoke, breaking the slightly uncomfortable silence.
Wilson’s head cocked to the side, a surprised look taking over his face.
“For what exactly?” He asked as he turned his head to meet House’s regretful gaze, clearly forgetting his frustration from earlier.
“I’m sorry for calling you unnecessary, rude names.”
“I’m sorry for making your job harder today. For making your job harder every single day..”
“For being cruel to you.”
“For pushing you away…acting like I didn’t want something from you..”
“For being an asshole...”
“I’m sorry for being…me”
House’s voice faltered, nearly breaking towards the end of his rambling.
Wilson’s eyes softened as he saw tears beginning to form in House’s eyes, beckoning to trickle down.
“Hey now…there’s no need for tha-“
“But it’s the truth! I make your life so much harder than it has to be.
Every day, you put up with my bullshit, and for what??
How do you just roll with the punches I throw and not hate me for it?
How can I be anything to you if I can’t even voice my needs to you like a normal human being?!?”
House yelled, voice breaking fully with tears rolling down his cheeks. A lump began to grow in Wilson’s throat, gnawing against his larynx.
“I-I could never hate you..even if you act hateful when you don’t mean it.”
Wilson wiped away at House’s tears, his palm landing at his cheek.
“I don’t understand…”
House grasped overtop Wilson’s hand, the tears flowing between their fingers.
“You don’t have to. Not everything is some big mystery for you to figure out. Sometimes, it’s just face value.”
Wilson replied, smiling as he ran his thumb across House’s jaw.
House stiffened slightly, goosebumps raising near where Wilson touched.
“Now, about that thing you wanted?” Wilson tapped his left ring finger against House’s neck, his golden band noticeably absent.
House stuttered, biting his lying silver tongue
He had nowhere to go
Nowhere to hide now.
It was all out in the open.
Wilson hummed, a smirk that matched House’s earlier cockiness began to form.
House looked away, taking a deep breath to speak.
“I…..would really like if you..were to….err…hypothet-umm”
He tried desperately to beat around the bush, a cherry red blush burning through his stubble.
Wilson began to chuckle, an all too knowing smile on his face.
“Well, come on..Tell me exactly what you need. I need to be sure, you know?~” Wilson drew, his pinky finger joined his ring finger to tap at House’s neck.
“You knew the whole time. Didn’t you?”
House chuckled a bit, scrunching his neck up against Wilson’s fingers.
“Knew what, Snickers~?”
Wilson asked innocently as he teasingly fluttered at House’s neck.
“D-dAmmit Wihihilson! You know what I want! I wahAhant you t-to…to..t-ti..”
House stuttered just before the dreaded word just long enough for Wilson’s eyebrows to raise, a look of realization took over his face as he ceased his twitching fingers.
“Oh my god. That’s why you never ask for it…You can’t say the word..”
“Can you?”
House froze, the tips of his ears now blaring a deep red.
He looked down, not able to quite meet Wilson’s eyes.
House barely murmured
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you…”
He cupped a hand behind his own ear
“What was that?”
Wilson asked, his fingers poised to attack at House’s ribs.
“I-I want y-you to t-ti-tihihihi! T-Ti-T-tihihi! Oh gohohod dammit!!”
House could feel the word teasing on the tip of his tongue through his sweet bubbly giggles.
“Oh my gosh, I’m not even touching you and you’re just a giggly mess.. This is incredible. I’ve absolutely broken you and I didn’t even have to do anything~”
Wilson purred, eagerly wriggling at the air as he patiently waited for House’s word to strike.
“Wilsonnnn, plehehease..”
“Please what?~”
“Please whaaat?~”
House firmly placed Wilson’s hands atop his middle ribs, much to Wilson’s surprise.
“I want you to say it~”
“I-I really want you to t-t-tickle me, o-ok? Please, Wilson~?”
His eyes now fully averting from Wilson, who’s eyes now glistened, practically filled with stars.
“O-ok..there. You satisfied with thaHAhAhaHahAt!!”’
House burst into laughter as Wilson happily dug into his ribs.
“Very much so, I’ve been waiting all day to do this!”
Wilson replied, bouncing between his 3rd and 5th sets of ribs.
“Nohohoho wahahahay!!”
House’s hands crashed into his face, his muffled giggles and burning blush still having nowhere to hide.
“Yes way~…Wait that sounded kind of silly..” Wilson paused as he brought his hands to just under House’s arms
”No way, yes way, perhaps way? Maybe way? Possibly way?”
“EehehehEhEHe! Y-you’re absolutely ridihihihihiculous! AHahAhahaHa!”
House giggled, squirming against the arm of the couch
“Only for you, Honey~BzzzzBzzzz!”
Wilson buzzed as he added a good dose of nuzzling to the mix.
“NAhHahA!! Wihihihilson!!”
House nearly squeaked, curling into himself with laughter.
“There is no Wilson, only bees! BzzzzzzBzzzzz! BzzBzzzzBzzzz!!!”
Wilson insisted, buzzing up from House’s neck to land on the shell of his ear.
“NohoHohoHo!!! Plehehehase NahaHaHat the bEeHeehees!!!”
House giggled, playfully swatting at Wilson’s face.
“You can’t escape the bees! They’re everywhere! Bzzzzz! Bzzzzbzzzbzz!”
Wilson continued to buzz against his ear while sneaking his spidering nails under House’s shirt, skittering just below his navel.
“GEhEhEt *snrk!* thehehem *snrk!* out ohohof ThEheheHere! Eeheehehe!!!”
House played along with Wilson’s bit, snickering into the couch.
“Hold on, lemme ask them..”
Wilson used one hand to push House’s shirt up, looking to speak to the bees.
“Bzzzt! BzzzzBzzbzzbzzbzzbzzzzz?”
He knelt down to buzz against House’s side as his skittering nails trailed up his ribs.
House’s back arched upwards, his own arms hugging around his chest in an X. He could no longer speak as his boisterous laughter filled the room, a bright smile plastering his across his blushing face.
Wilson couldn’t be for certain but, if swore if he looked close enough, he could see dimples forming in his cheeks.
“What? I’m trying to talk some sense into them? Oh Christ, see what you’ve done? They’re splitting up now, need to cover more territory..”
Wilson chuckled, taking one of his skittering hands down to just above House’s waist line and the other fluttering oh so lightly between his collarbones.
House was now thrashing against the couch, his crossed arms gripping at his shoulders. Unfortunately for an already broken House, this trapped Wilson’s fluttery fingers directly above his sternum.
“It’s funny you choose that position, considering you’ve quite literally dug your own grave.. I’ll speak well of you at your burial~”
Wilson dropped his voice as he whispered into House’s ear, dropping the bit to peck just behind the shell of it. He began to tap into House’s sternum, his other hand clawing at his tummy with one finger digging into his navel. Poor pitiful House was in hysterics, his broken squealing interrupted with snorts and hiccups.
“Is this what you were looking for? Hmmmm? To just absolutely lose yourself in laughter? With not a thought to have except about how much it tickles? Is this what you wanted from me? Hmmmm~?”
Wilson teased right next to his ear, a devilishly cocky smile on his face.
House gave Wilson the tiniest of nods as his arms squeezed tightly for a moment around Wilson’s arm, moving his own hands to stifle his staggering breathy laughter.
House’s attempts at thinking or forming words were swiftly cut off by his wheezy laughter and Wilson’s fluttering hands.
The one thought that plagued his melted mind?
“It tickles so damn bad”
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whisper-in-the-dark · 4 months
can someone come to my rescue
the burdens are getting heavy
i don't know what words to use
i just want someone to come and help me
i don't feel i have the right to feel all i feel
can someone please get me out of this misery
life is scary and I'm scared of death
of losing loved ones again and again
I'm closer than i ever was to becoming an orphan
if a car accident happens my whole life is ruined
so i cry in silent and so do my screams
i sit here and sit and dry my tears
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starsaver94 · 2 years
Just had (and kinda still having) an anxiety attack due to missing an assignment, turning one in late, ruining my goal of having a perfect college semester instead of screwing up like I usually do, going to make my mom disappointed or angry at me, potentially making me lose my iPad for the rest of the semester, and so many other things I have to stress about!
Other than that, I might turn in soon.
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thinkz2do · 2 years
If I'm going to feel this way for the rest of my live I'd rather not live at all.
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anxietywasright · 2 years
I'm not a person I'm a problem, a problem that needs to be gone and disappear
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betweenmee · 1 year
I can’t even recognise myself anymore
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agonisingpain · 1 year
I want to be touched but I avoid it as much as I can
I want to be heard but I don't speak
I want to be seen but I hide myself and make me invisible
I want true connection and intimacy with someone but I keep myself as distant as possible
I want love but I don't think I deserve it
It's difficult to live like this.
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kohiicedpan · 2 years
everyday is a struggle of “i shouldn’t have woken up”
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my overthinking
my selfishness
and my obsession
i want this to work
so desperately
i let it end up in ruins
in my head at least
i get eaten by the beast
I'm the villain
in my own story
my thoughts, they spiral
i lost all control
years ago
I'm fucking obsessive and such a drama queen
i overthink too much and god i know it's tiring
I'm tired of myself and I'm scared
you'll hate me once you have to deal with all my hell
my coping mechanism
is silence for a reason
my words... they make things worse
I'm so mad at myself oh god I'm exhausted
and you'll be exhausted of me
oooh.... I'm trying to make things right
is communication really the answer?
or is it just another factor
that will make this end up in disaster?
keeping quiet
digs holes in my wounds
saying what's on my mind
reveals them to you
and then maybe it's your hand
that will be covered in blood
what if i never feel loved enough?
oooh... just because i love too much?
claire k - stars
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starsaver94 · 2 years
I was conflicted on whether or not I should do my usual text posts or do a voice recording for this one, but I need to just get this off of my chest.
I know I’ve mentioned it a few times before this month, but I’ve been feeling very anxious lately and that has made my thoughts go down into the negative zone. I’m having more anxiety attacks (mild ones luckily) and I feel like I’ve been making people worry over things that is not that big of a deal in the end.
I also feel like I have been bothering people and driving them away from me. Or that I just act like an overly dramatic idiot and come off as someone who’s just greedy for attention.
I just want these feeling to go away! I want to keep the friends I got on here and I don’t want to be a stressed and anxious wreck anymore! If I have to go quiet for a while then I’ll do that (even though we all know that I won’t)!
Again, maybe I’m just coming off as over dramatic, but I just… I don’t know. And that’s the best answer I can come up with right now.
To these people, I’m sorry if I ever bothered you during the time this month before I made this post: @castleofsweetanxiousness @th0tpimusprime @k0rek1yos @joficeandwind
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positivelypositive · 5 months
if you've been feeling...
...like nothing is going right, no matter how hard you are trying then maybe it's time to take a tiny step back.
sometimes, blocks need more than a short rest. sometimes, you need a longer, more real, more relaxing rest before you move on to the next step.
in these moments, it can seem like a crime to even think about a long break. allow yourself this luxury. fight for yourself ✨
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notdelusionalatall · 6 months
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i obsess and nitpick and worry to the point where i get physically sick and tired, and not just mentally :))))))
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lxv3s1ck · 2 years
CW: Self Harm vent
I’m so close to relapsing into self harm. I just need something to take my mind off everything for a minute. I just want to take a razor blade and give myself a few cuts. I’m almost 2 years clean but I don’t know if I can take it anymore.
Update: I relapsed 😕
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betweenmee · 1 year
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agonisingpain · 11 months
It's not only about thoughts in my head, my whole body aches when I feel the urge to self harm.
It is truly an addiction.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 7 months
Maybe we are even more anxious and prone to spiralling because we were never allowed to speak about our fears and process them through communication with an outside source, someone we considered knowledgeable, trustworthy, and that would have kept us safe in any way (caregiver).
Maybe is this type of emotional neglect, of abandonment and gaslighting, of telling us "Ah, it's nothing/You're imagining stuff/You're being overdramatic/You're exaggerating things/You're too sensitive" (prolly used also to avoid thinking themselves about things they weren't sure about but felt responsible for) that only made us shut down our fears, have to deal with them alone without having the ability to, and let them rot inside in the dark instead of confronting, welcoming and understanding them so to let them free and feel free... Maybe all this is what is still blocking us. Keeping us in this anxious cycle.
This sensation of not feeling heard, seen or valued in our emotional and physical experience, of having our worries deemed as nothing and our ability of judgement, and our worth, been diminished. Of having our emotions and needs left unmet somewhere inside of us. They are probably what is crying and shouting from within us now. Through our fears and insecurities. Through our doubts and triggers. Let's talk more with oursleves and also let things out freely by confronting them when we feel okay to. Let's be more vulnerable, and even more let's talk with someone who has the right knowledge and can help us too in processing what is going on with us.
Even if we were taught so, we don't have to deal with everything alone cause others cannot be trusted or aren't able or willing to listen to us for whatever reason. There are people who can actually help us. Even just by listening to us. We're not too much, even when we're overthinking something that usually could be seen as nothing but in that moment feels like a humonguos weight. It's what happens when we're anxious, it's nothing we can easily control when overwhelmed. Let's be more compassionate with us too. We deserve love, respect, understanding and support whatever we're going through.
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