#they’ve finally ordered one now but i’ve not been able to sleep properly since i got here cos of that
studyblrintraining · 2 years
today marks 3 weeks since i moved into uni and i haven’t heard anything from disability services since those first 3 days (which were a transition event with them). i’m supposed to have a mentor who i see each week but i’ve not been told what i need to do to sort that out, i emailed disability services a little over a week ago cos i don’t even know who my disability advisor is but all i got was an automated response - and an outdated one at that, it was talking about emails not being responded to on the day of the queen’s funeral. idk i’m just frustrated because i need that support right now but i’m getting nothing, and i don’t even know what i’m supposed to do to get it.
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Mega Man S: Chapter 3
Summary: In which Namine meets someone different, and a message is found by the wrong duo. Word Count: 2,110 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
This space was a lot whiter than the inside of Castle Oblivion. Admittedly, she had to blink a little as her eyes tried to adjust. A tall man was standing in front of her. She wasn’t sure if she had summoned him, or if he had called her to this null (in between?) space.
“I apologize for any inconvenience this is to you,” the man said to her. His voice was gentle- almost sounding a bit sad. “It has been a long time since I’ve had anyone with me in this space.”
So he was the one that brought them here. She kinda figured her own powers couldn’t do something like this. However, it did lead to more questions on who he was.
“It’s alright,” she said to him in her own gentle voice. “I’m no stranger to isolation.”
The man nodded. His cheeks gently brushed against the side of his fur collar. For a moment, she wondered how practical the collar was, considering he looked like he was no stranger to intense fighting. It almost reminded her of an action figure she had found in Sora’s childhood memories. But that was just silly.
“I’ll make this as plain as possible,” the man then told her. “From what I understand, you are the person closest to Sora.”
At this, she had to blush in embarrassment. “Not really…” she sheepishly admitted. “I’m just a witch with the ability to manipulate his memories.”
“That makes you even more perfect to bring him back.”
That quickly earned him a hard, and equally confused, glare. He laughed at her, which only increased the look she was giving.
“Allow me to explain,” the man said, “In order to bring Sora back to his proper dimension, we need breadcrumbs. Small hints of his true home before he makes our dimension his new one. With that, he’ll be able to open a rift back. I’d do it all myself, but it takes a lot more energy than I am willing to give up. And let’s just say, due to how I am existing, when I lose my energy, our dimension goes with it.”
“Noted.” she agreed with a small nod.
“Now,” he then mused, “How should we drop the first breadcrumb?”
. . .
“That’s the last of it!” Aile happily declared as she crossed off the last item on the list. “All we need to do now is tell Juno to bring the truck around, and all this stuff can be shipped out by this evening.”
“Finally.” Vent sighed as he flopped back on some boxes he had been sitting on. “That took forever.”
Even Sora took a well needed rest. He couldn’t admit he had been as helpful as Aile or Vent, but he could say with confidence that he had tried his best. Now he could go back to his dorm and just sleep…
“Why does Giro make us do all this hard stuff anyway?” Vent continued to gripe. “He’s got the better brain for it. All those positronic whatevers and high tech processors...”
Sora suddenly shot up in realization. “Wait!!” he said, a bit too loud. “Giro’s a robot?!”
“Reploid.” Aile gently corrected him.
Vent raised an eyebrow at him. “How do you not know that? They’ve always been here.”
“Not true.” Aile quickly informed him- even holding a finger up in a matter-of-fact way. “The first Reploid was Mega Man X way back in the twenty-second century. He was so discernible from an actual human that we’re still trying to figure out how to replicate him properly. But if you ask me, we’re pretty close as it is. Reploids have lifespans now, and we humans get cybernetic implants that technically make us all part cyborg.”
“That sounds… complicated.” Sora said, sheepishly brushing the back of his neck. “But cool!”
“It kinda is.” Aile grinned. “A good way of knowing if someone’s a Reploid or not is by looking at their forehead. All Reploids have a red rectangle on them, to show that they’ve had their lifespans implemented.”
“Got it.” Sora nodded with confidence. That seemed easy enough to remember.
While Aile was satisfied with how quick Sora had been so far in picking stuff up, Vent was still refusing to let up on his suspicions.
“Where did you say you were from again?” he questioned.
“Vent!” Aile hissed, gently smacking his shoulder with the back of her hand. “Giro and Juno told us to leave him alone. He’s not quite all there, you know?”
“Hey, now!” Sora huffed. “I am all perfectly all here. That’s why it hurts whenever I bend down to pick something up.”
“Of course!” Aile lightly laughed, holding her hands up in defense. “I didn’t mean to offend you. Honest.”
“Make it seem like you shouldn’t be here.” Vent grumbled under his breath. He then let out a yelp when Aile threw some kind of small object his way.
“Hey!” a voice said from the doorway, succeeding in making all of them jump in surprise. “What did I tell you two about ignoring the Cain instinct?”
The kids all looked to Juno, who looked back at them with a teasing grin on her face.
“She started it!” Vent tried to say in defense.
“He was picking on Sora!” Aile then countered. “It was self defense!”
Juno quirked an eyebrow at them. “Uh-huh. And inventory?”
“Finished!” Aile said, immediately getting up to hand Juno the clipboard. Juno’s look of suspicion didn’t let up before looking down at the orders. She eventually let out a sound of approval.
“Well then, it all seems to be in order.” she approved. “However, I actually came for Sora. Muguet is here to give him a check-up.”
“You’ll like Muguet, Sora.” Aile chirped. “She’s been our doctor since we were super small, and she’s super nice too!”
“Thanks.” Sora grinned. He carefully got up from his seat and followed Juno out to the common room above the warehouse. Waiting there was Giro and a plump woman with thick, curly brown hair.
“Sora!” the woman greeted. “Girouette was just telling me about how they found you! It’s such a shame those nasty Mavericks keep going after kids. It’s like they know how vulnerable you are. My name is Muguet, by the way. I’ll be your medical professional for this check up.”
Sora gave her a nod of agreement. She then gestured for him to sit in a rather beat up recliner so she could look him over. Visiting the doctor had never been something Sora enjoyed back at home. The tools were always too cold and made annoying beeping sounds. While Muguet’s tools were a lot smaller than what he was used to, it still caused a small sense of worry in him. If it wasn’t for Giro’s patient stares, and Juno taking a seat in the couch next to him, Sora was pretty sure he would have bolted. It was a bit embarrassing when Muguet had him take his shirt off for a moment so she could inspect his injuries, though. Both Juno and Giro politely looked away without him saying a word. It gave Sora a sudden wave of homesickness for some reason.
“All done.” Muguet said once she had finished her inspections. “He’s completely healthy. A few bruises aside, of course. He should be able to do some heavy lifting again in another day or so.”
“Excellent.” Giro sighed in relief.
“Which means you get to help me with deliveries later.” Juno grinned before slapping Sora in the back. The boy let out a shout of surprise as he nearly fell out of the chair. He gave a sheepish laugh as he tried to sit up again. His laugh very quickly being shared between the four of them.
“I recommend some lunch first.” Muguet teased. “You might be within the right height and weight for your age, but you’re still nothing but skin and bones!”
At this, Sora bashfully scratched the tip of his nose. He eventually looked back up at them with a wide grin.
“The cafeteria’s on this level, isn’t it?” he then asked Giro. The Reploid nodded in agreement.
“We’re offering tomato soup and takoyaki today.”
“Sounds great!” the boy grinned before heading on out.
The adults gave him a smile back as they watched him leave. They waited a bit to make sure he was out of earshot before they all reached for their headsets. It was a moment’s pause before they were all connected to Guardian HQ.
“Muguet, Girouette, Juno,” the voice of their commander, Prairie, said on the other end.
“Commander.” the three adults greeted in unison.
“What’s the status on Sora?” Prairie asked, not wanting to waste anytime beating around the bush.
“It’s just as we thought,” Muguet told her. “He’s completely human. No bionic parts in the slightest- not even a simple pacemaker.” The nurse then gave a rather nervous click of her tongue. “Wherever he came from, it would be in his best interest to get back before the Sage Trinity find out.”
Both Juno and Giro recoiled slightly.
“There’s a possibility that he can’t go home.” Juno carefully said.
“Indeed.” Giro agreed. “It’s a possibility that’s getting stronger the longer he’s here.”
Prairie let out a thoughtful hum. She then gave a rather pained expression before asking, “Is it safe for him to stay here?”
“We can forge whatever paperwork we need.” Muguet told her commander. “That isn’t an issue. Having him bypass the mandate may be a bit harder.”
“That’s not what I meant...”
Muguet cast her gaze down. “I… I know…”
After this, the four of them went into a troubled, contemplated silence.
“Juno and I will still keep a close eye on him.” Giro offered. “We can keep him busy with relatively minor tasks. He never has to leave the transport service without someone watching him. It would be the same treatment we give Aile and Vent.”
Another silence followed as their commander thought it over.
“Sounds like a plan.” Prairie admitted. “We can discuss the matter in greater detail when we know more.”
And with that, the connection ended.
. . .
The air in Area D was incredibly still this evening. It was even more odd considering it was a main highway to and from the outskirts of the country. Pandora carefully walked along the edge of the road. Her young, beautiful face was emotionless as she traveled. Her chilling red eyes only looked toward the path ahead. The blue ornaments hanging off her egg-shaped headdress twinkled slightly with each step. It was the only sound being made in this area, causing everything else to feel that more unnerving.
That was why she had a bit of a delayed reaction when her foot kicked some unknown object. She looked down at the object, having only skittered a few paces away, before curiously picking it up.
What would a seashell be doing all the way out here?
Pandora carefully tested it between her fingers. It was awfully pretty. Almost tear dropped shaped, the shell had a mild yellow color at the wide end, then faded into a muted pink toward the thinner end. No beach around here had such a shell design. Was it even from this country?
“What did you find, Pandora?” the voice of her brother gruffly asked from behind. He must have arrived not too long ago.
“I… am not quite sure.” she slowly admitted. “It is… a shell. But not one… I’ve seen…”
“Lemme see it.”
Pandora willingly gave Prometheus the seashell. He also immediately started to test it in his fingers, determining its weight and texture. He held the seashell up to the sky. A bit of light could shine through it, and Pandora thought the effect to be rather comforting. It was like the shell blanketed the light, instead of shadowing it.
“Seems like that meteor shower this morning was trying to tell us something.” Prometheus decided as he brought his hand down.
Pandora quirked an eyebrow at her brother, biding him to continue.
“Serpent already thinks that we’re the ones leading the Mavericks.” he explained. “He ultimately doesn’t care as long as his plans aren’t ‘delayed’. Model W gets fed either way, so he doesn’t care either. If we find the one who really caused those outbreaks, we could be looking at an actual game changer.”
Pandora stood a bit straighter at this. Prometheus’s word choice had been deliberate, and she knew full what of what game he truly meant.
“I think it’s time we sent a message of our own.” he then mused as he crushed the seashell to dust.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Picking Him Up When He Discharges ~ Choi Minho
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Your heart beat quicker than it ever had done before as security led you out of the car, across the car park to where the main gates of the marine’s compound was. From beyond the wall, you could see several of the marines walking forwards as you stood around many other families.
It was a walk that you’d taken several times before on your numerous trips to visit Minho whilst he was enlisted in the military, but at last, your final trip had arrived. The trip you’d waited for, that would allow you to take him home and back to you.
You’d barely slept the night before, unable to believe that after a long eighteen months it would be the final night that you’d be spending in bed alone. Every little thing you did that morning reminded you that it would be the last time you’d do those things alone, knowing tomorrow you’d wake with Minho right by your side.
The number of days had already been extended after he accepted to not take his final leave and help train others. You were hardly surprised when he let you know a couple of weeks would be added to his stay, the time was nothing compared to how long you’d already waited. As you stood in the gravel waiting for his arrival, no part of what was happening really felt real for you just yet.
After waiting for a few minutes, the group of marines came close enough that you could recognise a few faces. At the back, you could see Minho, standing much taller than a few of the others. His eyes were darting around in search of you, letting go of a chuckle when he finally found you, stood with two security guards just behind you.
As the gates were opened, his feet took off, racing over to you, dropping his bag and wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, twirling you around in the air.
“Congratulations,” you whispered into his ear, pressing a kiss against his cheek before he placed you back down, untangling his arms from around you and taking a step back.
You watched on with a proud smile as he stood back and saluted for the last time, letting you, and his fellow marines around him that he’d finally been given the order of discharge.
“I missed you,” he smiled as soon as he’d finished, quickly reverting from the dedicated marine he was, to the soft boyfriend he’d been waiting to be for so long.”
Your hands cupped his cheeks gently, feeling how different the definition was, spotting for yourself how much stronger he had gotten. “I missed you too, I can’t believe your coming home.”
“I can’t wait,” he chuckled, “I’ve waited so long for this moment.”
“Me too,” you mused, taking a hold of his hand, “there’s a car waiting for us, I think we might want to be quick before too much attention comes our way.”
Minho picked up his bag instantly, pulling you across to the car to keep you safe. As soon as he was seated, he relaxed back, untying the laces of his heavy boots, taking his hat off the top of his head, placing it on top of yours instead.
“It’s so big,” you laughed, having to place your hand on top of it to stop it from falling off. “How do I look? Reckon I could pass off as a marine myself one day?”
“Beautiful as ever,” Minho complimented, eyes studying you closely. “I might just have to keep that hat for you, never know when it might come in use.”
Your hand slapped against his chest as his arm moved around your waist, pulling you against his chest tightly. The two of you had always been reserved with your affection whilst Minho was in the barracks, but now, no eyes were watching, and he was determined to make the most of it.
“I’ve been dreaming of coming home for so long, and yet now that it’s happening, it doesn’t quite feel real,” Minho whispered down to you, “I feel as if the car is going to turn back around in a moment and take me straight back.”
Your head shook as a light giggle escaped, “I promise, you’re on your way home this time.”
“I can’t wait to see everyone, family, the boys,” he spoke, trailing off at the end, “it’s been well over a year since I’ve seen most of them after so many years together too.”
Your eyes glanced up at him as best as they could, “don’t worry, they’re doing great. They’ve all been stopping by since they discharged to check in on me.”
“I knew I could always rely on them, although they love to joke, I know that they all care a lot about you deep down Y/N.”
“They’ve been the best replacements,” you teased, “but I’m happy I’ve got the real thing now.”
Joining the military and everything that came with it was never something that phased Minho, he was almost built for life in the marines. The only thing that worried him, before and during his enlistment, was leaving you. A small part of him was sad to leave the compound, but seeing you far outweighed any lingering thoughts of staying.
“I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed tonight,” he continued to comment, “get a good bath, clean myself up properly, and just be able to relax too.”
Your smile grew, having prepared several of Minho’s favourites at your place for when he got home already that morning. You were determined to make his first few minutes back at home special and help him transition back into normal life.
“I don’t think you’ll get much rest, your mum messaged this morning and said she’d pop round, she seemed pretty desperate to see you.”
“I’ll give her a ring when we get home,” Minho mumbled, resting his head on top of yours, “I just fancy spending some time with you tonight instead.”
You couldn’t hide the smile that grew on your face, “in that case you might want to give the boys a text too, they seemed pretty keen to come and see you too.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we have time alone tonight.”
Your head nodded as your hand settled against his abs, feeling the thick material of the jacket that he wore. A giggle escaped as you recalled the very first time you saw Minho in his marines uniform, and how terrified you were of what was to come.
“I can’t believe enlistment is over, and now we have the rest of our lives together,” he whispered.
A small hum came from you, “sometimes your enlistment felt like it was never going to be over, I thought you’d were never come home.”
You couldn’t deny that you’d had your moments of doubt and concern, the fear that came with not knowing what Minho was doing day in day out was sometimes overwhelming. He knew it was hard on you too, however helpless he was.
Whilst it was time that you’d never get back, it was time that he was determined to make up for. He couldn’t hide his relief that enlistment was over, however much he enjoyed himself, he knew it was time to head home.
As his eyes looked down at you, noticing how close you were to falling asleep, he was sure that this was the place that he wanted to be.
“We’ll be home soon,” he whispered down to you.
“I’m already home now that I’m back with you.”
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sunflovverharry · 3 years
Driving Home for Christmas
a/n: hii! i wanted to make this a super cute dad!h during christmas fic so i hope you enjoy! this fic is a part of @goldenbluesuit ´s christmas song fic challenge which i’m honored to be a part of! It's the first fic challenge I’ve entered and I’ve been nervous to post something along with all these other amazing writers, but I'm excited to post this little piece centered in the dad universe. Happy reading, and remember to read the rest of the entries as well (which I’ve read some these past two weeks and they’re fab!) <3
pairing: dad!h + y/n
warnings: none! just a cute dad!h piece
word count: 3.8k
Harry was loading the trunk of their Audi, putting all their packed suitcases and bags of presents in there. The car was smack full as this year they had another addition to their family, waiting patiently for her mum to feed her before they left the city. It was snowing heavily and Anne made sure they knew they didn’t have to drive up today with the weather making the roads worse than usual. Y/n also told him a hundred times it was his decision as he was the one driving. Harry didn’t budge though, telling his mum they would definitely be there by tonight.
This year's Christmas celebrations were being spent in Cheshire with Harry’s family seeing as they were with her family in Nottingham last year. They’ve found it works best this way rather than splitting it up to go both places every year. After four years together and buying a house at the start of this year, y/n thinks this might be the last Christmas spent out of their own home. They have their two cats (Nellie and Sunny) and having their first child it might be time to start celebrating the holiday at their own house.
«Babe, did you remember to pack the board games?» Harry heard his girlfriend ask from the threshold where they had hung a mistletoe and had Harry not been busy trying to make everything fit, he definitely would’ve turned around, ran up to her and gave her a big smack on the lips. He settled for giving her a thumbs up not swirling around as he was too busy trying to figure out how he could make most of their things fit in the trunk, thinking it was just like a game of tetris. While Harry had been doing the heavy lifting and packing; y/n had put a cute Christmas onesie on the still tiny body of their daughter, definitely small for her age but she was eating like her daddy so where the weight went they had no idea.
Olive was a generally happy, cuddly baby who more often than not reached for her dad over her mum. It didn’t bother y/n that she was a daddy’s girl, knowing how much Harry loves children and now that he has his own he’s all over her. She finds the two cuddled together on the sofa, their bed or the armchair in her nursery at least a couple times a day. Her phone is now overflowing with photos of the two and she’s hoping to put together a photo album for Harry’s birthday filled with them - knowing he’d cherish it forever.
Half an hour later they were pulling out of the driveway. Harry had checked multiple times that all the lights were out, the doors were locked and the alarm system was functioning properly. Olive was smiling as she sat still in her car seat behind y/n. She had wondered if sitting in the back with her daughter would be better, but decided against it. If she got fussy they’d stop at a gas station and she’d move to the back.
The couple was tremendously excited to bring along their little bundle of happiness and get to show her off to all of Harry’s family and friends. Of course, his family have seen her when she was a newborn but living quite far away most of them only get to see them once or twice a year. It’ll change the dynamic of how they celebrate the holidays for sure, but it's a positive change. Anne will spoil her rotten, just like she does to y/n when they visit - making her tea whenever she wants some, washing their dirty laundry (which y/n didn’t care that her mother-in-law saw her underwear cause she didn’t bring anything too scandalous) and heading to the shops when they needed even the smallest thing. Really, y/n thought she was too kind for her own good. At the same time though, y/n always did play a good host when Anne visited them - spoiling her with the comfiest bed sheets, making the food for every meal, not wanting her to lift a finger as if she was the queen.
Olive was eight months - a fairly active one at that - and loves to crawl everywhere, especially to follow her mum or dad around the lower floor of their (way too big) house for only the three (five) of them. Since the pair hadn’t brought Olive with them for such a long drive, the longest being an hour, they were anxious to find out how she’d react to being confined over a longer period of time.
Half an hour in and Olive was babbling away to the teddy bear in her arms (she got it from her nephews when she was born and has been attached to it since) as Harry and y/n talked about how excited they were for their daughter to explore her daddy´s hometown and how his whole family and friends would fall in love with Olive even more. With their little girl just starting to sleep all through the night in her own room, Anne wanted to make sure she got her own room at her nana's too, so apparently she’s cleaned the office and made it into a makeshift nursery for her granddaughter.
Y/n doesn’t know who’s more excited to see all the familiar faces, the family that’s become not only important to her in the last four years, but now also to their baby. The last time they visited Cheshire, y/n was barely two months pregnant and as tough as it was to keep it hidden from Anne for another month, they managed to keep it to the two of them (with just a handful of slip-ups). They were sure Anne knew they were having a baby with the small smirks she gave y/n and harry when she didn’t want the wine - Harry keeping to non-alcoholics in solidarity with her - which was unregular for her, normally jumping on the thought of having a glass or two after a long day.
“You know mum won’t give her up after she gets her hands on her right as we walk through the front door? Might want to hop in the back and get your fix before we get there.” Harry let out a chuckle with y/n joining in knowing just how true his words were. Anne was a godsend of a grandmother, taking Olive in her arms doting over her until she’ll start crying for her daddy. Though everyone gives her all the attention she could wish for, no one could ever do what Harry can. He’s her favorite, no matter how much I wish I could be.
Another half hour later and we were making our first stop at a local gas station in Aylesbury. We were about a third of the way in, but the weather was getting harsher with the snow falling harder and the wind picking up just a little bit. While Harry filled the car up with gas and made sure Olive didn’t start fussing, y/n went inside to get a couple snacky items for the three of them and a filled up cup of coffee for her boyfriend. Coming out of the station she could see Harry in the back with his love bug, bringing her out of the car seat as her cute little wails haltered. She was due for a feed, so they found a secluded space to park so no one would stare at her while breastfeeding their daughter.
Sitting in the front passenger seat with her daughter attached to her nipple with her baby daddy sitting in the driver's seat next to her they spent the next twenty minutes singing along to the Christmas songs playing one after the other on the radio.
Y/n had always loved this time of year - the snow, the songs (which - admittedly - she listened to throughout the entire year), the decorations, the joy and cheer. With y/n and Harry moving in together a month before Christmas, only half a year after they first began dating, they had a mutual understanding for how they would go all out with lights, trees and decorations both on the inside and outside. Though their house was gated with a high fence along the perimeter of their entire land. The trees lining the driveway all the way from the gate to where the gravel road extends into two, one leading to the garage and the other to the front door, were now lit up with strings of light going through them. It was only the beginning to their decorations, but it couldn’t be seen from the gate. More lights were lit along the house, windows were accentuated by red tape creating squares with spray along it, making it seem like snow on the glass. Though there aren’t tons of colourful lights, outside at least, the inside is littered with different colours, shining and sparkling along the staircases, mantels, dressers, counters and tables.
Olive felt like there was something new to look at, touch and be amazed by in every room of their house. As the clock sets seven in the morning, like clockwork, Harry hears Olive’s wails for him to get her out of the crib so she can move around. He kisses y/n’s forehead as he lets her sleep for another half hour to an hour like every morning before pulling on a pair of boxers and some pajama pants if it’s cold to get his daughter from her nursery across the hall.
The two of them were like two giggling girlfriends when they finally saw each other for the first time that day, not being able to keep their smiles from their similar lips. Walking downstairs Olive points at the garland wrapping the staircase and every time she sees it, a small sound of surprise and excitement exit her puckered lips. Harry talks to her about how good her mama is at decorating their house and how good it looks good for Christmas (he only helped her put up decorations, following her direct orders). Y/n had a certain way she liked to decorate and with this being the first Christmas in their house she wanted everything to look perfect.
Coming into the kitchen after turning the dimmed lights on low to have some lighting in the morning dark they had a little shimmy along the floor. Olive babbled along with Harry’s singing and mumbling to her explaining how the buttons on the walls turned on the different lights. She probably didn’t understand or care about the lights, but the two continued singing and talking about nonsense along the way. In the kitchen, Harry made her a bottle she demanded having before getting started on the omelette he makes for him and y/n every morning he’s home without fail.
When they finally got back on the road the snow was coming down heavily and the only thing they could see were the lines of cars in front of them on the M40 pushing the break every few seconds before accelerating again moving only a couple meters before breaking again. Y/n didn’t have a lot of patience in traffic - or in general - and quickly became annoyed making Harry laugh at her telling her to calm down (she wasn’t even the one who had to drive through this horrible weather). This lasted for another forty-five minutes before the snow let up just a little bit and the cars seemed to roll along the road like normal.
“I didn’t think driving home for Christmas would take this long. At least, I hoped it wouldn’t.” They’d been on the road since nine thirty this morning and now, two and a half hours later, they still have at least another two hours left until they’re at Anne’s. It wasn’t unusual for y/n to call Anne’s home, having stayed there for weeks at a time during the almost five years her and Harry have known each other. Harry isn’t unknown to calling y/n’s parents’ house his home either.
“I know. Wish it didn’t have to take this long and I’m sure little Ollie is going to get antsy soon. If the weather continues like this and we don’t have to take more than one more break, I think we’ll be there within three hours, but if we run into traffic, we might have to take more stops along the way.” Harry wanted to move along quickly to get to his mum’s before Olive’s nap time around three, if she didn’t end up sleeping in the car. We knew when we decided to drive in the morning that Olive would probably stay up the whole way, too engrossed with the cars and lights along the way to ever be able to fall asleep.
“You know what we should do to keep her happy for another half hour at least?” Y/n turned to look at Harry with a smile grazing her lips. “Play some Christmas music! She loves when we sing and dance around the house.” Playing the memories of hearing Olive’s belly laughter through the house while Harry and her danced in circles around her like another pair of idiots.
Putting on the same Christmas song list they’ve played since making it together all those years ago, the first song coming on shuffle being Santa Claus is Coming to Town. The noise was at a comfortable volume so they could still hear Olive if she started fussing though it’s unlikely and for it to not be too disturbing for Harry’s driving. With Olive seated with her back to them she couldn’t see her mummy dancing in her seat while they sang along to song after song, but she heard her parents’ voices singing out to the songs she’s heard oh so many times before.
“This is accurate, huh?” Harry snickered as Driving Home for Christmas began playing through the speakers.
“You don’t say.” It was one of their favorite songs and it fit the scene they were in, driving home for Christmas, excited to see their family, singing along the slowly getting better traffic. Looking around at the cars next to them, most of them looked to be families also driving home to be with their families for this year's holiday celebrations.
The rest of the drive was filled with more singing, two more stops for Harry to give his baby some cuddles and walking around one of the local Tesco’s they stopped at to get some more drinks and snacks. Olive was waving at everyone walking past us and talking all kinds of gibberish. While y/n grabbed the snacks, Harry had Olive walking along the aisles in between his feet while holding her little hands in his following her around the store.
A quarter to three they finally made it to Anne’s home, reversing into the driveway so they could get their baggage inside easier later in the day. Y/n saw Anne open the front door in the rearview mirror when Harry was pulling in the last meters. There was a bright smile on her face when we got out of the car. The snow had laid thick on the ground up north and the slick ice underneath made it harder to walk without having to make sure every step was carefully thought out.
Just minutes later Olive was already crawling with her little legs all over her grandma’s home, interested in anything and everything she could get her chubby hands on not seeming to be tired at all. They decided to forgo her nap and hope for an early night, which isn’t likely with everything going on around her. Anne was on granny duties right away telling the pair to sit down and relax with the tea she had prepared while she took care of the baby. There was no doubt she loved the attention from the person she might not remember from this summer but quickly became attached to, almost as much as she is to her daddy.
Harry found his place on the sofa, head in y/n’s lap and feet hanging over the armrest demanding her fingers curling through his locks. It wasn’t surprising to her that he was tired from driving the entirety of the way in traffic and tightly packed snow at times. Sure, if needed he could have stayed awake, but with his mum taking care of his little love he didn’t care much, falling asleep to his other love combing her fingers through his hair. It didn’t happen too often that they could have a cuddle in the middle of the day - just the two of them - with Olive needing their attention at all hours of the day so when the opportunity arose he wasn’t going to turn it down. He admits, though this is nice as well, that a naked cuddle in bed would definitely top laying on the sofa with his mum and daughter running around them. Maybe tonight, he thinks, as he finally falls asleep to the sound of Olive’s giggles.
As nighttime inched closer and Olive’s bedtime was passing them in the chatter and laughter, y/n told Harry to get their things from the car while she nurses Olive before getting her ready for bed. While they took care of their daughter, Anne made a nice spread of cheese and crackers for them to indulge tonight while catching up on everything that’s been going on in their lives since the last time she visited them in London.
Harry found Olive’s bag first, choosing a pair of christmassy pajamas from the mountain of clothes they had brought for her. Y/n walked upstairs to the nursery Anne had set up, seeing Harry already unpacking her bags into the cute vintage turquoise chiffonier Anne had bought from a neighbour only a couple weeks ago immediately falling in love with it.
«Would you like to have a cuddle with daddy before bed, Ollie?» Y/n firmly believed her daughter needed the nightly cuddle from Harry, just like she does, to fall asleep. She was already reaching out for him with her nimble hands waiting for him to take her in for a snuggle in his arms. There was no armchair in the makeshift nursery like they had purchased for Olive’s nursery back home where they always sat but Harry made it work. Anything for a cuddle with his baby growing way too quick for his liking.
It was no secret Harry loved babies and that only heightened when he had his own baby. With how good Olive is and how lush it’s been having a baby around and it not be just the two of them, he had thought about what it would be like with another baby around. Another little love for them to have, give Olive a sister or brother to play with. He hadn’t said anything to y/n about the thoughts he’d been having, not knowing if she'd agree with him. It’s been eight months and when they had talked about it before they agreed on a maximum of two years between their children.
Only a couple hours later they headed to bed themselves, ready for a good night's sleep before another long day tomorrow. Harry had been debating with himself whether he was going to mention babies to y/n or not - ultimately ended up with yes, he would mention it. Now they were finally alone with y/n resting her head on Harry’s pillow, her fingers delicately drawing patterns on his chest.
“I have something I’d like to discuss with you.” Harry’s voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper, not wanting to ruin the calmness around them. He wasn’t nervous so to say, but he felt his pulse quicken the tiniest bit at the thought of getting turned down. Y/n turned her head to watch Harry as he pulled her in as close as he could without suffocating her.
“It’s been lovely having Olive, right? Seems like it was meant to be to have a baby and during the holidays it’s been so fun watching her so interested in everything.” Y/n murmured her answer. She had loved having a little one to care for and to fill their days with joy over the last eight months.
“Well, with how well it’s been going with her, I was thinking we could talk about having another little one? Maybe discuss it a bit. What do you say, let's make Ollie a big sister?”
“I think we might be well on the way to making her a sister, bub.” Harry turned his head at lightning speed hearing her words, not knowing if he heard her quite right. His open mouth and big round eyes weren’t something she saw often combined as she wasn’t always the best at surprising him, but this time she was sure her secret had come as a big shock. It wasn’t as if they had been trying for a baby either, only forgetting a condom a handful times when they were too in the moment to care for it.
She found out only a week ago, thinking she could keep it to herself until Christmas day. It wasn’t difficult to hide it from him, not struggling with morning sickness and only craving sweets as if she was on her period. Knowing they had agreed on the number of children they wanted - four - she wasn’t scared of him reacting badly.
“You’re not joking, right?” Harry smashed his lips onto his girlfriends when she shook her head - no, i’m not joking - kissing her slow and long, showing her just how happy he was. They spent the night talking about how thrilled and excited they were to expand their family with more children and how great of a sister Olive would be. Baby names were flying between them, agreeing to never naming one of their babies after a city, but rather continuing naming them something more unique than Chloe or Adam.
The rest of the holiday spent up north with Harry’s family was relaxing and lovely all around. Playing board games, exploring the city with Olive (who was way too fascinated by all the snow), family dinner parties and having fun with friends they didn’t get to see all too often. Olive was wiped out after opening her presents on Christmas morning and spending all her energy on all the toys she got and the paper ripping she played with (more than the toys to be honest).
This year had been special for the family and Christmas was just the same. Olive was lively and it made y/n and Harry exhausted with everything going on, but they wouldn’t change it for the world. After all, Olive was their little girl and soon there would be another little love in their family. Trying to keep the pregnancy from their family and friends was easier this time around as she could blame not drinking alcohol on her breastfeeding and decided they would keep it hidden from everyone until the last possible minute.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Secretly married obiwan x quinlan
(thank you all so much for your patience on this one! still figuring out my routine around my family and who i am as a person, but prompts are back to sunday and monday uploads!
i guess i just like the idea of quinlan and obi-wan gettin’ hitched really young? it certainly sounds like smth quinlan would do. HOWEVER can you just imagine them not getting into a relationship until the clone wars? (ノ*´◡`) maybe they’ve been dancing around it since they were padawans and finally decide to just say fuck it like anidala. 
that is not this story.)
  The greatest injustice of it all is that Quinlan and Master Tholme had just left the Temple when the council had sent him and Qui-Gon to Melida/Daan, just as Quinlan had not been there when Obi-Wan had been sent to the Agricorp. Quinlan had almost strangled him for that, when he’d shown back up from Bandomeer trailing behind his new master, and, honestly, Obi-Wan hadn’t blamed him.
  When the contingent of Jedi and their padawans arrive in the capital city of Zehava to help negotiate with Neild and the Young, Quinlan hugs him instead. 
  And Obi-Wan hasn’t eaten properly in weeks, he’s been sleeping in the sewers, and Cerasi’s blood is still caked under his fingernails, and Quinlan nearly knocks him over with the force of their collision. He wraps Obi-Wan up so tight it almost feels like they’d never even left the créche — he’s always felt more like home than the Temple, anyways.
  “Let’s not do that again,” Quinlan says, surprisingly in control of his voice for how wrecked he’d sounded after Bandomeer.
  With shaking hands, Obi-Wan hugs him back, twisting his fingers into the back of Quinlan’s robes until he can’t feel them anymore. “I’ll say goodbye properly, next time,” he promises hoarsely, feeling Master Qui-Gon prod at his mind in concern before Master Tholme leads him away. 
  Quinlan makes a distressed noise and hugs him tighter. “Or you could stop kriffing almost getting killed every mission, yeah? I swear by the Maker that if Master Yoda has to sit me down one more time to ‘break the news’ to me that you've gone awol, I’m going to throw you into a sarlacc.”
  Obi-Wan does suppose it’s a little unfair to do this to his friends nearly every time he leaves the Temple, but with a galaxy so big and so full of need, he knows he can’t promise that. 
  So he presses his forehead into Quinlan’s collarbone, releasing his hands just long enough to tuck himself into Quinlan’s robes instead, and nods against him anyways. “You’d have to find a sarlacc first, Quin,” he says, like making a joke of it will excuse that he’d almost gone and left Quinlan alone again. 
  “Don’t worry, I’ll just stick you on a desert planet, and with your luck, the sarlacc will find you.”
  The greatest injustice of it all is that Obi-Wan knows before Qui-Gon even opens his mouth what he’s going to say. No one ever looks at someone like that with good news.
  They excuse him from his last lesson so he can find a private meditation room to process, but Obi-Wan goes to Master Tholme’s apartment instead. He leaves the bedroom doors closed, the quartermaster will send someone to sort through their belongings later, and he settles on Quinlan’s meditation stool in the main room. He knows Quinlan has more belongings than is typically appropriate of a Jedi, but Tholme keeps the living spaces clean and bare, neutral colours blurring together until the white walls stare back at Obi-Wan in accusation.
  He should have known he wouldn’t be able to meditate, anyways.
  After Qui-Gon goes to bed, leaving Obi-Wan with murmured words of assurance and a ruffle of his hair, Obi-Wan slips out of their quarters in his darkest robes. He meets Luminara and Bant in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, and they know it’s impossible that their little escapade has gone completely unnoticed, but no one stops them from winding through the different fountains until they reach the one modeled to resemble a spring on Kiffu. None of them had ever been to Quinlan’s home planet, but Obi-Wan had come here often with him even in their créche days, and dropping to sit in the yellow dirt doesn’t hurt as much as he thought it would.
  Luminara sets a simple clay incense burner on the edge of the fountain wall, lighting it as Bant lays out a small offering plate with Quinlan’s favourite sweetcake; they don’t make Obi-Wan help as they go about fixing an altar with little bits from all their cultures, the water-filled quiet between them heavier so heavy it reminds him of those nights on Melida/Daan.
  “Did—” Obi-Wan swallows even though his mouth is dry. “Did you all do this for me, before?”
  His friends exchange a look before nodding. “Both times,” Bant says softly, lighting the last candle before joining him on the ground and for once not worrying about laying out a blanket first. 
  “Quinlan almost didn’t come to the second one,” Luminara admits, standing over the altar with her eyes closed as she breathes in the incense. 
  Obi-Wan simply nods, because that does sound like Quinlan, and he feels horrid all over again for making Quinlan go through this, twice. Inhaling a sigh, Obi-Wan finds the holodisk hidden away in his robes and sets it next to the incense. 
  None of them can bear to turn it on.
  The greatest injustice of it all is that, for some reason, Master Tholme did not contact the Temple before hitching a ride back from the moon where the unhappy locals had bombed their ship. And Obi-Wan knows Master Tholme didn’t tell the council they were in fact alive, because then the council would have told Obi-Wan.
  He feels it the moment their ship docks, Quinlan’s presence flooding his mind until his fingers tingle with it, and he shoots to his feet.
  The class of senior padawans stare at him in surprise, and Master Prweex stops mid-lecture, chirping in concer. “Is everything alright, Padawan Kenobi?”
  Breath caught somewhere in his throat, Obi-Wan doesn’t answer, and instead scrambles from the classroom, opening the door with the Force before he can slam into it. 
  Despite popular superstition, Jedi cannot teleport, but Obi-Wan honestly couldn’t say how he made it from the lesson halls to one of the main hangars, where a small group of Jedi masters stand next to a shamble of a ship that spews smoke from several panels. And, there, Master Tholme looking ragged and tired, robes still stained from the explosion and with a cast on his right arm, but Obi-Wan’s eyes snap immediately to the padawan on his side.
  Quinlan is a little worse for wear, and his braids hang around his shoulders instead of pulled up, not that Obi-Wan cares as he sprints the last few yards and launches himself at his friend. The masters step cleanly out of the way, likely having sensed his approach from a few hallways away, but Quinlan clearly hadn’t, yelping as he stumbles to catch him. It isn’t until then that Obi-Wan can accept that, yes, he had mourned him, but for some reason the Force had decided “not yet”.
  “Obes?” Quinlan asks softly when Obi-Wan doesn’t pull his head away from his chest. 
  “Hmm,” Master Rancisis chuckles, the sound edged in saddness. “Perhaps Kenobi needs a moment, Padawan Vos; it has been a long few weeks in your absence.” 
  And Obi-Wan is more than content to stay there the rest of the day, even though Quinlan smells like he hasn’t bathed in a week – and he probably hadn’t. Quinlan still hugs him back and bleeds worry into the Force, as Master Tholme gently runs a hand over the back of Obi-Wan’s head and sighs.
  “I know what Melida/Daan did to my padawan, so I can imagine what you’ve been through the last few weeks.” When Obi-Wan still doesn’t pull away, he continues, “You know, now that I think about it, during their clan wars the Stewjoni had a special marriage rite, when one thought dead returned to them.”
  “Master?” Quinlan asks in confusion, but Obi-Wan grips his robes tighter. He does remember Master Nu mentioning something...
  Master Tholme laughs, only a little rough, and steps away to join the other masters who have started slowly making their way from the hangar. “I suppose I thought it funny, padawan,” he says, “that, if I recall the ceremony correctly, you’re both halfway there already. You will meet me in the Halls of Healing when you’re ready? I’d like to get the cut of yours looked at.”
  “Of course, master. Gimme a few minutes.”
  “Of course, padawan.”
  Tholme sometimes did that, dropped little bits of trivia any time something jogged his memory, and he didn’t often mean anything by it; even with this in mind, Obi-Wan can’t help but hope.
  Quinlan waits until the masters’ footsteps recede, before gently tugging on Obi-Wan’s nerftail until he looks up. “I’ve got an idea,” he says with a roguish grin, and Obi-Wan is young and stupid and scared, and knows exactly what he’s planning.
  “You ready?”
  “This is probably illegal, Quinlan.”
  “Not according to Master Nu, it isn’t.”
  “Well, I’m probably going to Stewjoni hell anyways, I guess.”
  “Before we do this, I need you to promise me something, Obi-Wan.”
  “We can’t let this get in the way, we can’t... We’re almost knights, Obi, we’ve worked too hard to lose that now. We’ll always have to come second to the Order, you understand that, right?”
  “Quinlan Vos, are you backing out on me? This was your idea.”
  “And you agreed! Stop laughing, I’m serious.”
  “I know you are, Quin. I’m somehow more ready now than I was ten minutes ago.”
  “Good. Because you know I would follow you anywhere.”
  “And I would follow you into this.”
  “Good. Now shut up and light the candle.”
  It’s Kit that brings Obi-Wan the datapad with all the forms for his induction onto the council, along with advice and a smile that makes Obi-Wan think maybe accepting the position had not been a mistake.
  Unlike either his master or his own padawan, Obi-Wan is efficient with his paperwork, he knows the quicker he gets it done, the more time he can spend not doing paperwork, just as he knows that to be thorough the first time is to avoid having to do it a second.
  Only one question on the forms gives him pause:
  Is the inductee married in any culture(s)’s customs, accidental or not?
  Well, it had been fifteen years since Quinlan had knotted a scrap of his own robes around Obi-Wan’s wrist, as Obi-Wan had done the same, and the Jedi Order is not made of fools, so he checkmarks the Yes box and adds Stewjoni below it, because he can’t imagine that at least the masters haven’t noticed by now.
(He would come to find that, no, they had not.)
i got a little carried away with this one, and didn’t entirely follow the prompt oops
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piceuscelus · 3 years
The witchers buy a teenage omega (Jaskier) so that they can augment their dwindling population. The Witchers treat their slave like little more than a walking womb, stuffing him full with a half dozen or more pups each year and using him during their ruts even if he's already knocked up. I know birth isn't your thing but if you could focus on how big Jaskier is and how little the witchers care about his comfort as he gets more and more swollen with their young, that would be great :))
hhhhhh anon this is just - hhhhhnnnngggggg jesus christ
i had so many ideas for this and like,,, so many specific things i wanted to try and do but it was just Too Much. i might have to write more if the inspo strikes me tbh.
non-con, breeding, and pregnancy below. (no birth, only vague mentions of babies.)
It’s somewhat rare that an omega is compatible with Witchers, but when they do find one – well.
Jaskier is his name – at least, that’s what the slave trader had told them. What his name is doesn’t really matter, overall; he’s a breeder. The world needs more Witchers, and the easiest way to make them is to find a compatible omega, and he’s a compatible omega. Past that, none of them really care.
When they first buy him, he’s a tiny thing, thin and just barely coming in to his purpose as a womb; his breasts are tiny, his hips barely wide enough for birth, but that’ll change soon enough. It always does. After the first pup, an omega’s body gets the message and adjusts.
And they’ll be giving him much more than just one pup.
– – – – – 
“Present,” Vesemir orders, and the omega squeaks but does as he’s told. Either because he’s been trained or because omegas always do what Alphas say, none of them know, but like his name, it doesn’t matter enough to think on.
Jaskier goes to hands and knees first. Eskel kicks his wrist out from under him. He squeaks again at the kick, but doesn’t protest; instead, he just shifts his arms back and drops his chest to the floor, turning his head so he can press nearly flat. The motion raises his hips higher, but Geralt nudges at his waist to make him lift them even more, until he’s nearly unbalanced on his knees.
“Hands,” Vesemir says, and Jaskier wobbles a little but manages to stretch his hands out behind him so he can grasp at his asscheeks and pull himself open, baring his cunt and his asshole. His cock is just barely long enough to see it past the curve of his pussy, probably a bit longer if he gets hard, but none of them care much about that. It’s not the important part of him, after all.
Vesemir bends and prods at the omega’s asshole, then his cunt, spreading the folds and testing the automatic production of slick by shoving two fingers inside him with no preamble. Jasker makes a sound, shocked, but there’s no pain in his scent and no blood on Vesemir’s fingers, just the first thin, watery beginnings of slick. It’s a good sign, means they’ll be able to fuck him full properly once his body gets the message that he’s being bred. 
“Never had a pup, have you?”
“N-no,” Jaskier mumbles. Vesemir tuts and smacks the tender join of ass and thigh. Jaskier shouts, but quickly tacks on, “Alpha, no, Alpha, I’m sorry.”
“Good,” Vesemir says. “Well, you will with us. More than one. Probably more than a dozen.”
Lambert snorts. “More than that,” he says. “Between the four of us…. Never mind if any of the others join in.”
Vesemir chuckles. “True. Alright, up, omega.” 
Jaskier grunts and scrambles to his feet, shivering when he’s finally standing. He does look good, even with as thin as he is, and he smells like a dream – he’s probably the most fuckable omega they’ve ever found. Just means they’ll be putting a lot of pups into him.
Vesemir reaches out and adjusts the omega’s collar so that the decorated ring is at the front. “We’ll have to get you some matching cuffs,” he muses. “Be easier to get you on the bench if we have something to anchor to.”
“Y-yes, Alpha,” Jaskier murmurs, looking at the floor.
“When’s your heat due?” Vesemir asks.
Jaskier makes a little, thoughtful sound, and there’s a moment’s pause where he clearly does the math in his head. “Two months, Alpha,” he declares, and Vesemir hums.
“Lambert, your rut is closest, right?”
“Two weeks.”
“Right, then you’ll pair with him first. That should trigger his heat, and that way we have a better chance to get him bred with a litter the first time around.”
“What if his heat doesn’t trigger?” Eskel asks. Ever the pragmatist, he’s been the most concerned about the logistics of such a young omega as a breeder since the moment they bought him. “Lambert’s an unfamiliar Alpha.”
“If it doesn’t, we’ll use the potion,” Vesemir says. “It’ll increase fertility anyway.”
Geralt hums. “Lambert’s pairing first,” he says, “but are we joining?”
“After the first two days, sure,” Lambert says. “I’ll be too possessive before that.”
“Fair enough.”
“A-Alpha,” Jaskier mumbles, quiet and shaky.
“What, omega?” Vesemir answers, even though they all turn when he says Alpha.
“Can I – will I have any clothes?”
Vesemir chuckles. “No, omega,” he says. “You’re a breeder. If you’re not pregnant, we’ll be breeding you to get you there. If you are pregnant, we’ll be breeding you to give you a litter. And if we can’t give you any more, well, we’ll be breeding you for the stress relief. Got it?”
Jaskier makes a small noise. “I – y-yes. Alpha.”
“Good, omega. Now, come on. We’ll need to measure you for those extra cuffs.”
– – – – – 
They end up lucky; Jaskier is even more fertile than expected. 
They can all smell it when he catches the first time, when Lambert’s rut starts and he takes Jaskier to the floor without preamble. Jaskier cries out and struggles, but only for a split second before Lambert’s cock is sinking into him and he’s going pliant, instincts much louder than any of his conscious thoughts. He catches on that first knot, which makes Lambert preen like an arrogant knothead.
Never mind that when Jaskier catches again the first time he takes Geralt’s knot, and then again on Eskel’s turn, they both preen the same damn way.
Three for a first pregnancy is a lot, but it’s fine. Omegas are built for birth, for breeding; and if he doesn’t survive it, well – omegas are plentiful. It’ll be harder to find a compatible one, but if they spend a season searching all the slave auctions, it shouldn’t be too hard.
And really, Lambert’s rut is more likely to kill him than the pregnancy.
“Alpha,” Jaskier whines, clearly overwhelmed as Lambert knots him for the fifth time in as many hours. “Alpha.”
Lambert chuckles. “Feel full yet, omega?” he asks, rubbing a large hand over Jaskier’s belly. “You’ve caught three times now – you’re gonna be bedridden, you’ll be so big.”
Jaskier squirms and sobs, thighs trembling as his body milks the knot settled deep in his guts even though it hurts. “Alpha, please.”
“Please what?” Lambert asks. “I’m already giving you more than you could ever want, omega. Got you all nice and knocked up, and you’ll never be empty again. Not if we have any say in it.”
“Too much,” Jaskier pleads, and Lambert snorts.
“Should probably get that phrase out of your vocabulary,” he says. “Oh well. We’ll train you up soon enough.”
– – – – – 
Since Jaskier’s heat had triggered with Lambert’s rut, it means they spend even more time breeding him. Even with him already caught, the heat is vicious, as if his body thinks it can take more.
They’re definitely not complaining. Jaskier makes the sweetest noises strung out on their knots, pained and desperately wanting all at once, and he’s so full of their seed that his belly is swollen no matter how long they leave him to leak. 
“Hell of a claim,” Eskel says, petting over the curve of it as he shoves his knot into Jaskier’s abused hole. The omega gives a choked scream, but his hips jerk back into the pressure all the same, eyes hazy with the heat. “Wonder if he’ll go into heat again like normal after this.”
“Shouldn’t, since he’s caught,” Geralt points out, shoving three fingers into Jaskier’s mouth to muffle his sounds. He sucks at them, sloppy wet and obscene, and Geralt’s cock twitches slowly back to life between his thighs. As soon as Eskel’s knot goes back down, Jaskier will get Geralt’s again.
“Yeah, but this heat is pretty brutal considering he’s already caught. Wouldn’t be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen if he still cycles as usual.”
Geralt hums. “Gods, that’ll be something – knotting him when he’s really swollen. Three pups already – he’s already shaping up to be the best breeder we’ve ever had.”
Eskel grunts and grinds his knot further into Jaskier’s body, making the omega choke on Geralt’s fingers. “Yeah,” he agrees.
Lambert mumbles sleepily where he’s still recovering from his rut. “Still need to train him, too,” he says. “Think it’ll be easier or harder with him carrying?”
“Easier,” Geralt guesses. “He’s already pretty suggestible. Obedient, too. All hopped up on pregnancy hormones and surrounded by alphas I think he’ll be easy to mold.”
“Hope so,” Eskel sighs, giving one more grinding thrust before his knot deflates and he shoves Jaskier’s hips toward Geralt’s lap. It’s easy to turn him, he’s so small and light, and slide right into his hole, gaping wide from the constant use over the last week. 
Jaskier melts into him with a high, pained little noise. “Alpha.”
“You can sleep,” Geralt offers. “We’re not going to stop, but you don’t need to be awake for it.”
Jaskier sucks in a trembling breath. “Oh – oh...okay.”
Geralt snorts and grinds his cock deeper just to feel the way Jaskier’s body spasms around him. 
– – – – – 
“Witcher pups don’t need milk as long,” Vesemir informs Jaskier, as he’s lying bedridden and so round with three pups that he almost looks comical. “You’ll birth, breast feed for two weeks, wean them off for one, and then we’ll give you more.”
Jaskier groans, clearly upset, but doesn’t protest. “Yes, Alpha,” he mumbles. “I – oh.” He jolts and reaches up to rub at his side. “Kicking,” he explains, when Vesemir raises a brow.
“Hm. Well, it’ll be over soon,” he says. “Get some rest. You’re due to go into labor in a handful of days, if that.”
“Yes, Alpha,” Jaskier says.
– – – – – 
The timing of the birth ends up great. Vesemir ends up going into rut almost as soon as Jaskier is ready to be bred again, the triplets weaned. 
He’s exhausted, clearly, bags under his eyes and a frown etched on his face, but none of them care. And he’s obedient, well-trained after an entire pregnancy of being fucked whenever they wanted; when Geralt gets him out of bed just to drag him downstairs and strap him to the breeding bench, he only grunts his discomfort at the pressure on his still-sagging belly.
“Don’t worry,” Geralt reassures him. “It’ll be swollen and full again soon.”
Jaskier mumbles something unintelligible, but when Geralt pets over his cunt, he’s already wet. 
“Good omega,” he praises, chuckling when Jaskier shivers clearly against his will. “Vesemir’s probably gonna give you another three all by himself. Wonder how many we could get you to carry, hm?”
Jaskier just makes more unintelligible noises, but then Vesemir is striding into the room, eyes bright with rut-fever, and Geralt backs up quickly.
Vesemir is mostly silent for his rut, no teasing or humiliating words like the others. For some reason it’s almost worse for Jaskier, being treated entirely like an object.
His cunt is still wet, though, and the more cum Vesemir pumps into him, until the pressure of the bench on his belly is more painful because of the swell, the wetter he gets.
“Look at that,” Lambert whistles, coming in to watch near the end of Vesemir’s rut. “Fucked you all through your pregnancy and you’re still desperate for it. What’s that rule we taught you, omega? Repeat it for me.”
“Whenever, wherever, however,” Jaskier repeats, voice breaking with each of Vesemir’s brutal thrusts. His knot is forming and against his will, Jaskier wants it.
“Whenever, wherever, however,” Jaskier says. Before Lambert can even ask again, though, he’s doing it again, and again, and again, until Vesemir’s knot slams into him and he’s taken in an orgasm he can’t control, body shaking hard enough to rattle his restraints on the bench.
“Good little bitch,” Vesemir growls, and Jaskier just clenches harder onto his knot to milk it.
“Think I’ll have a go when Vesemir’s done,” Lambert muses. “After all, you’re already on the bench. No reason to waste the position, is there?”
Jaskier moans tiredly. “Whenever, wherever, however,” he repeats. 
“Exactly. Good little breeder.”
– – – – –
Jaskier gives them nine pups in his first three years as a breeder. In his fourth year, between Geralt and Eskel’s ruts hitting at the same time alongside Jaskier’s heat, and several fertility treatments, they manage to give him seven at once.
It barely takes two months of that pregnancy for Jaskier to be bedridden and beside himself with the intensity of it. That doesn’t mean they stop using him, though.
Why would it?
Lambert’s rut hits just after Jaskier becomes bed bound. He spends the whole week of it in the same bed as Jaskier, forcing Jaskier to hold his own weight up on hands and knees so Lambert can take his pleasure, filling Jaskier even more full with cum.
“Look at you,” Lambert growls, grinding his knot into Jaskier’s body just to yank it out and then do it again. Jaskier screams with it, arms trembling where he can barely hold himself up, belly heavy and painful as it sways below him with each of Lambert’s movements. “All fucked full with our pups and still so fucking wet for it, like your cunt doesn’t know it’s done it’s job. We got seven this time, think we could get you to nine at once?”
Jaskier sobs. “Alpha,” he pleads. “Alpha, please.”
“Hush, omega,” Lambert orders. “Take your knotting like a good little bitch. What’s your rule?”
“When – ah – whenever, wherever – h-h – ow, however.” 
“Exactly. We get to decide when you’re done being a nice little hole to fuck, not you. Gods, you squeeze so fucking tight when you hurt, fuck.”
Jaskier sobs again, and hears as well as smells Vesemir’s approach. “Alpha,” he mumbles, head dropping. He’s so tired and everything hurts and – oh.
“Yeah, just like that,” Lambert coos. “You always do come on our knots. Such a good little omega. You do know your purpose, don’t you? You just get a little forgetful, sometimes.”
Vesemir chuckles. “Think we should bring the other two in here again? Make him remember for real?”
Lambert laughs, too. “Oh yeah,” he grunts. “Fuck, he feels so fucking good when he’s all sloppy and tense at once like this.”
“Oh, I know,” Vesemir agrees, and a hand cups Jaskier’s jaw. He lifts his head with the pull to find a cock in his face, and he takes it into his mouth with ease, not bothering to repress his gagging or choking as Vesemir slowly fucks his face. They’ve knotted his mouth so he passed out, before; a little gagging is hardly enough to put them off using his body. “Best breeder we’ve ever gotten. Think we’ll keep him once he can’t pop out pups anymore, even. He’s already such a good toy – may as well keep him for it.”
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tealenko · 3 years
Somebody that I Used to Know (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4: Armory
It's very late, I should be sleeping, but I'm here writing because i'm in love with this one, I hope you like it as much as I do!!
Summary: Shepard and Kaidan meet by "accident" in the armory and they end up talking about a lot of things, including Shepard's thoughts about Horizon.
Words: 3014 Rating: Teens and Up Warnings: Lenguage
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That one was close. She says to herself, contemplating a dent on her breastplate. Shepard takes a deep breath and starts to pull apart every little piece of her armor, placing them in order on top of the workbench.
She’s always enjoyed this part of the job, maintaining her gear and making sure everything functions properly. And somehow, the repetitive task relaxes her, making her forget the heat of the battle, the boredom in between missions and whichever problem she is trying to deal with.
This has always worked for her in the past, but not this time.
Come on… focus… “Connector AtR95 to plug HG42, and then… then...” She tries her best to concentrate. “Fuck!” A small spark hits her on the hand making her drop the cable.
Stop thinking about it. She tries again, but echoes of her last conversation with Garrus play in her head and there’s nothing she can do to shut them up.
One day you’re gonna have to put yourself first than the rest of the galaxy Shepard. “Yeah… like it is in my hands… I wish it was, so I could... Maybe I could say… What? What’s left to say? No, no… I already know and I don’t wanna hear it, there’s too much at stake and things… Things are good right now. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to say that… And at least… At least we are friends, which is more than I hoped, and that… that will be enough.” She tries to keep working, only managing to end up fidgeting with some tool before getting lost in her thoughts once again.
Why don’t you hate him? “Why don’t I hate him?” She says using a sarcastic tone. “Why doesn’t he hate me? Or does he? I mean… He did before, didn't he? So who knows...” She looks to the ceiling and moves one hand to her head. “Why does everything have to be so complicated?”
She stops working for a second, realizing she’s talking out loud. Lucky for her there’s no one else in the armory, something good had to come from Vega’s little party in the poker room, and now he and Cortez must be already unconscious in the crew quarters, along with the few soldiers that usually work there, so she has the whole place to herself.
All alone… She sighs, not knowing for sure if this fact drepresses her more than it cheers her up. I should keep working…. There's a lot to do.
Shepard focuses on the task ahead and starts checking every seal, repairing bullet holes, fixing the clasps, testing the connections and polishing most of the sections while revising the whole armor inch by inch. She spends around an hour like this, fully concentrated, until a noise on her back distracts her and makes her turn her head just in time to see how the elevator door opens.
Really… someone up there doesn’t like me… There’s no other explanation. “Hey.” She says as a greeting before directing her eyes back to her armor.
Up until a few hours ago she was handling the whole Kaidan situation much better than now, but her conversation with Garrus keeps playing in her mind for some reason. What would you do? Loops in her mind and she feels like a tide is drowning her. She had put so much effort in the last months to sink any type of expectation, of hope, to try to avoid thinking even about the possibility of regaining something she knows forever lost.
“Hey...” He starts walking to where she is. “So here’s where you’ve been hiding?” Kaidan stops right by her side looking at what she’s doing.
Shepard avoids looking at him, knowing she will lose every ability to function like a person the moment she tries to do so. Next time I see Garrus I’m gonna kill him… She thinks while trying to calm down.
“I’m not hiding,” she lies, “just doing some tests and repairs, you know, the less glamorous part of the job.” She says, mustering the courage to look at him while she talks.” Some people tend to neglect it, but it's an important one.”
“I know...” He rests his body on the workbench. “I’ve learned that from the best.” He gives her a big smile, and she’s completely lost.
In just a few seconds her heart starts to warm up, and she feels how the burning sensation travels from there to the rest of her body. Somehow she maneges keep looking at him, but that makes it even worse.
That kind of smile should be illegal. She says to herself.
She’s seen it before and the effect it’s still the same. It's the kind of smile that’s able to melt her heart little by little, strong enough to get through all her walls and fill one by one the many holes she has in her soul. It’s the smile she sees when she closes her eyes trying to erase a bad dream, the one she finds when she looks for a reason to keep fighting.
She has never been able to contain herself when he gives her that smile, and the night before Ilos, among the many memories she holds in her heart, is the best proof of that.
Shepard can feel how her heartbeat rises out of control when her mind starts playing fragments of that night. Oh god… She thinks, trying to avoid getting lost in the many memories she treasures of Kaidan.
Relax… you only have to act like a normal human being. That’s not difficult, right?
She ends up replying with a smile of her own, unable to think about anything safe to say out loud, and trying very hard to calm down a little. But then her eyes travel to his lips and the gates of her memory open within seconds, letting free every little detail, every touch and every feeling so they can haunt her. She can see everything as clear as if it was yesterday, and her whole soul shivers remembering the sensation of having him all to herself.
“Need an extra pair of hands?”
“Help, with the armor...” He looks at her with a little concern in his eyes.
Her whole body panics for a second before she is able to process his words, and the true meaning behind them, not the one she was thinking of. To her relief, thanks in part to the shock, she’s able to focus again on the conversation and manages to give him an answer.
“Ah, no… don’t worry, you must have a lot to do. It wouldn't be fair to you.”
“It’s easier to do with help… Tell you what, we can do mine after yours and we'll be even, what do you think?” She smiles at him, relieved he hasn’t noticed the real reason for the lapse in her concentration.
“Okay, that’s more like it.”
They start working side by side and, at the beginning, they try very hard to not disturb each other. Once they’ve been working for a few minutes the old ways start to kick in and with that, along with the familiarity of the task at hand, they begin to work in the same areas at the same time, with him assisting her wherever she needs to, completely synchronized with one another. Before they realise it they are already working on Kaidan’s armour.
The conversation is also flowing without any problems, to her surprise, although everything they say is related to the job they’re doing. They spend a while like that until she starts asking herself how did he end up here with her, trying to remember the different shifts in her head.
“I’ve just realized… Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“Ah… yes…” He smiles. “I couldn’t… I tried for hours before giving up.”
“Yes… among other things.”
“The war and that kind of stuff?” He laughs a little.
“Well, normally yes… but this time Vega is the one to blame.”
“Vega?” Shepard freezes.
“Yeah… Him and Cortez were talking out loud in the crew quarters, heaven knows what they were saying,” he rolls her eyes and sighs “but you could hear the noise from the starboard observation.”
“So you didn’t understand what they were saying?” She asks, trying to sound casual.
“No… something about getting killed I think, so I suppose it was war related stuff.”
“Probably” Shepard says, sighing with relief.
“I would’ve said something but they seemed pretty drunk and, to be honest, I didn't want to bring down the mood.” He smiles softly. “Besides, I don’t think I would’ve been able to sleep either way. I even thought of joining them to see what the fuss was about.”
“Luckily you didn’t” Shepard says without even thinking. Shit… I’m an idiot.
“What do you mean?”
“Well… Mmm” Think… Come on, think. “Ehmm… you wouldn’t have ended up here.” She finally says, which isn’t a lie, relieved she’s been able to say anything at all. “I needed the help more than I thought.” She smiles at him as a thank you and he lowers his head a little making a reverence.
“At your service.”
Shepard blushes and smiles before she resumes her job, trying to concentrate again in the armor but failing within a few seconds when another question prompts into her mind.
“How did you end up here?”
“Garrus?” Shepard laughs a little, trying to understand how his friend ended up causing this situation.
”Hum… I saw him in the kitchen and we started talking...”
I’m going to kill him.
“... and he said that with James and Steve sleeping this would probably be empty.”
Shepard starts laughing in disbelief, bringing her hands to her face. In the meanwhile Kaidan doesn’t know what to do, feeling like he’s missed some part of the conversation. They stay like that for a few seconds before she starts talking again.
“Remind me to talk to Garrus later.”
“I’m a bit lost here Shepard.”
“He knew I would be here, I told him.”
“I see.” Kaidan smiles and starts processing the information. “So this is a setup, isn't it?”
“So it seems.” She answers.
“Well, at least we were able to finish this.” He says, pointing to their armors.
“Yeah… You should go and rest, you’ve earned it. Besides I don’t think the noise will be a problem anymore, they’re probably in a coma by now.” He laughs at her comment. “Let me store this away, you must be tired.”
“If you don’t mind.”
“I don’t.”
“Okay.” He says a little bit hesitant and starts walking away, but before he gets into the elevator he stops and asks her: “Wanna do the weapons tomorrow? It’s been a while since I checked my assault rifle.” She smiles at him.
“Same...” You don’t use an assault rifle. “With my rifle, I mean, my sniper rifle, of course.” You calibrate it every three days. “Same place, same time?”
“Can you...” Shepard places a tool in his hands before he’s able to complete the question. “Thank you. You must be used to doing this.” He says laughing.
“I’ve been calibrating weapons since I was thirteen.”
“That would explain why yours has only taken a few minutes to check up.”
They are working in the same area that the day before, right next to each other, and for some unknown reason today they are also alone in the armory.
“Are we sure Vega is still alive? I haven’t seen him in a day.” She says, looking to where he normally stays.
“Well It doesn’t surprise me that he’s hiding...” He turns to see her reaction, “I heard that you two had a rather interesting conversation yesterday.” She freezes right away, dropping the replacement parts she is holding into the ground.
“Sorry.. I… Mmm. The thing is… no.” He tries to hide his smile. “ How on Earth have you found out about that?”
Now I’m definitely going to kill him.
“He told me during lunch time.”
“Remind me to talk to Garrus later.”
Kaidan starts laughing a little, comprehending now all the sides of the story, except for one.
“May I ask you a question?” He says, and she can see how his smile fades away to be replaced by concern. “I don’t know if I should ask it.”
“I’m not surprised, It was quite an experience.” She says with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood. “I’m sure you must have many.”
“No, just the one.” He feels a little bit lost when he says this. She can tell that, whatever it is he wants to ask her, he’s truly afraid of her answer.
“Kaidan...” She makes a pause waiting for him to look at her. “I will listen to any question you wish to ask, and I will reply to you as best as I can.”
He nods, looking directly into her eyes, but stays in silence.
“I mean… Nothing you say will be worse than what I heard yest...”
“Why?” He interrupts her.
“I’m gonna need more info Kaidan.” She smiles at him.
Worry builds up in his expression and he moves one hand to the back of his neck, without really knowing what to do with the other one.
“Why don’t you hate me?” He asks in the end.
“I’m going to start charging for that question, at this rate I’ll be able to buy a house by the time the war is over.”
“Shepard, I’m being serious.”
“So am I.”
“Yeah, sure.” He smiles a little but his mind keeps going on and on about the matter at hand. He leaves his tool on the table and moves a few steps to sit down, lowering his head to stare at the floor.
She looks at him for a few seconds, feeling a lot of different emotions bubbling in her heart, before she starts walking to sit by his side.
He stays the same, while Shepard looks far away and tries to find the best way to express what she wants to tell him. A minute goes by before she starts talking.
“Do you remember some conversations we had back in the day? You were worried I would cut corners, let something slide, if I had no other option”
“I remember.”
“You also told me once you wouldn't be able to stay quiet and follow me if I got out of the line.”
“Do you remember my answer back then?”
“You said you did not want me to. That you didn’t need someone following you blindly.”
“So… why should I be mad at you? You kept your word.”
“But nothing.”
“And your hand?”
“My hand?”
“Is it true that you broke it by hitting the wall right after Horizon?”
“Ah… Mmm, yes, it’s true.” She laughs a little. He doesn’t. “Look Kaidan, it was a really tough day... well, months.” She starts explaining. “The first thing I did once I understood what was going on after waking up was ask about you, but no one gave me answers. When I finally had some kind of clue, it turns out you were in a colony that was under attack, so I spent hours looking for you, fearing that I would find you frozen at any time or that I wouldn’t find you at all, terrified for your life.”
He raises his head to look at her, but she doesn’t move, her eyes still glued to the wall in front of them.
“And then I saw you, safe and sound, and my whole heart started to burst with joy. I’ve never gone so fast from sadness to happiness.” She makes a pause there. “And then, well you know the rest.”
He starts to look mortified by her words, so she resumes her speech trying to explain herself.
“I’m not judging what you said or did Kaidan, I’m really not.“ She turns to look at him while she continues. ”I’m telling you this so you understand that, when I made it back to the Normandy, I didn’t know what to do with the hundreds of things I was feeling at the same time… So the wall ended up paying the price.”
“I see.” He says, trying to process all the information. ”Well, you were able to redirect your anger. That’s more than I could do… When I think of some of the things I said....”
“It's okay. You see Kaidan, I won’t pretend it was the best day of my life but, after thinking about it, and with some time if we’re being honest, I can’t say that I blame you.” She stops for a second, weighing something on her mind. “Do you wanna know something?”
“Sure.” Kaidan answers, finally relaxing a little.
“I… I think highly of you for staying true to your beliefs.” She says. ”I really admire that about you... I’ve never… I've never met anyone like you, you know?”
“Thanks, that… means a lot.” He smiles softly. ”And thanks for telling me the rest.. I’m sure it wasn’t easy.”
Their eyes meet for a moment, and neither of them is sure about what to do next. They stare at each other a few seconds before either of them is able to do anything else.
Shepard is the one who manages to come back to reality first. Taking a deep breath, she stands up and smiles at him before starting to speak.
“Hmm… Enough talking, let’s go back to work, what do you think?” He nods and follows her lead, walking back to the workbench. “We should finish this.”
“Just what I was thinking.” He says smiling back. “So… Do you have anything in mind to fix another day?” She starts laughing.
“I’m afraid there’s nothing left in the whole ship. Besides, we'll be heading to the Citadel soon, I have a lot to do there.”
“What a shame.” He says smailing.
“Maybe you should take some time off once we’re there... walk around, have a drink...”
“Well... I’ll think about it.”
This one has been the hardest to write out of all of them, but I love the finish result.
This one reflects my exact feeling about Horzon -> Hated it when I saw it the first time, but I ended up loving Kaidan even more because he stayed true to himself.
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Please feel free to ask for fics or give me suggestions!!
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rae-arts777 · 3 years
Makeup and Heels
Summary: Cynthia stopped wearing heels when her and Makoto started to date. Cynthia always wakes up first and goes to bed last.
Notes: This. Red Bean is what I’m calling them and they live in my head rent free ok? I love them so much
(Edit forgot to put this) W: just slight adult like stuff!
Cynthia came over and hugged her boyfriend from behind. She laid her chin on his shoulder, watching him make their morning coffee.
“Cream and sugar, I know” Makoto already knew what she was going to ask.
Cynthia giggled, pecking his cheek “thank you love”
She let go, heading towards the fridge. Makoto turned and watched his redheaded girlfriend. She looked flawless. She always looked flawless. Always looking like a model. Always sparkling. Makoto knew he had never seen her without makeup. Never seen her casual.
“Oh! I have an audition today, will you be ok without me helping you in the shop?” Cynthia asked
“Huh? Oh yeah sure, Abe is working today so I’ll have plenty of help” Makoto reassured her.
Cynthia always helped in the coffee shop, luckily for Makoto he didn’t have to teach her a thing since she used to work in one back in England.
Makoto wondered what Cynthia was like back in England. He knew she was a struggling actress with a full time job. No fancy get up, just Cythina. His mind wandered. Thomas. Thomas and Cynthia were together before she changed. He got to see, see a side of Cynthia Makoto has never seen.
Makoto thought about when he stood in Thomas’ studio. He caught a glimpse of a painting, it was covered, but he recognized that red hair anywhere. It made Makoto jealous, Thomas not only saw Cynthia natural, but probably had paintings to remember. But Makoto knew he kept that painting not in a lovers way, just in an artist way.
“Baby?” Her voice pulled him out of a trance.
He looked up to see her standing right in front of him. His eyes glanced up to meet her. Cynthia was just a tad bit taller than him. He stared into her brown eyes with his own. With a soft smile, he leaned in, placing soft pecks on her lips.
“Sorry. Just thinking”
Cynthia draped her arms across his shoulders, pressing her forehead against his. Makoto proceeded to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer. The couple stayed in each other’s hold for a while. Both just taking in the moment.
“I should start getting ready” Makoto broke the silence and pulled away “here’s your coffee” he handed her a mug.
“Thank you love” Cynthia took the mug, pecking at his cheek.
Turning away, Makoto headed to their bedroom to get changed for work. He opened their shared closet, of course Cynthia took up 70% of their closet. As he picked out his clothes for work, he noticed her shoes. She kept the ones she wore often on the ground, while ones she never wore, or only for special occasions, stayed boxed away on the top shelf. She used to wear heels daily, but now they were all packed away in their respected boxes. Makoto realizes she didn’t even wear them to any special occasions they’ve gone to together.
Never on dates, fancy dinners, a team confidence reunion, weddings, celebrations. Never since they had gotten together had Makoto seen her wear heels.
With a heavy sigh, Makoto closed the closet and started getting ready for work. He stared in the mirror while he buttoned his shirt. Maybe he was overthinking things. Cynthia had reasons for the things she did. But a nagging voice kept bothering Makoto, what if she doesn’t really trust him? What if she doesn’t love Makoto the way she loved Thomas?
“Aren't you supposed to be ready already?” Cythina’s voice once again pulled him out of a daze.
Makoto saw her in the mirror smiling. She shook her head walking towards him.
“How old are you?” She teased pointing to his shirt.
His buttons were very much uneven.
Looking away sheepishly “I was just lost in thought again”
She started to undo his buttons, proceeding to slowly fix them “I mean..do you really have to go now?” She met his eyes smirking “cause right now you just look too cute” she ran her hand through an opening in his shirt to touch his chest.
Makoto shivered at her touch. Her touch was always intoxicating.
“My handsome man..” she started placing kisses against his collarbone.
Makoto let out a soft moan, but ended up pushing her away “baby you know I really love too, but I seriously have to go.”
Cynthia pouted, as she went back and fixed his buttons properly “fine, but you owe me now”
Makoto chuckled and pecked her cheek “I know, I’ll make it up to you later tonight”
Makoto finished getting ready, giving her a kiss goodbye.
Still salty, Cynthia kept pulling him by his shirt collar for one more kiss goodbye.
“Ok seriously babe, I need to go”
“Ok fiiiiine” She gave him one last kiss goodbye for real this time, letting him go to work.
The morning rush went by fast. By the time rush started to die down, Makoto was preparing for a lunch rush.
He was in the process of clearing tables, when a certain blonde man walked in the front door with a smile.
“Sorry we don’t serve assholes” Makoto stuck his tongue out of him.
Laurent chuckled “and a hello to you too.”
“Abe can take your order, I need to finish clearing these tables.” Makoto went back to busting tables while Laurent went to place his order.
Laurent sat in his usual spot, a small table by the window, but close to the coffee counter. The spot was perfect, being able to see the outside, but also to talk to Makoto in passing if it was a busy time.
Makoto finished clearing tables, there was only Laurent and one other customer in the shop, so there was time to kill. He went and sat across from Laurent.
“So what brings you to Japan this time?”
“Work again. I have a major headache, word of advice, never try to out drink a scot on the night of a 5 am flight.”
Makoto laughed “oh poor you.”
“Where’s Cynthia?”
“She had an audition today.”
“That’s wonderful news, and how are you two?”
“Us? Good....I think..”
“Trouble in paradise?” The blonde man titled his head slightly concerned
“I mean, no, but..it’s not like we fight or anything. Everything is good.”
“Are you trying to say your sex life-“
“LAURENT.” Makoto flicked him
Laurent laughed and rubbed the spot he flicked “Ok, ok”
Makoto rolled his eyes “I’ve just...been thinking about us...Cynthia and I..”
Laurent frowned a bit “are you planning on breaking up with her?”
“No...well..I just feel like she’s..not happy with me. And that she’s not telling me cause she’s sparing my feelings..”
Laurent hummed softly “I see, what makes you think that?”
“Well..we’ve been together for almost 2 years now. And I still yet to see her without makeup. Also, she’s stopped wearing heels, and you know how much she loves to wear her heels. It’s like, I’m dating...a performance Cynthia, nor the real Cynthia. I mean we live together. But still, she always manages to wake up before me, and go to sleep last.”
Laurent nodded listening to Makoto speak.
“Well...all I can say is just try talking to her. It’s not my place to say on where she stands.” Laurent ruffled the Japanese man’s hair “come on, lighten up, I’m sure you’re just over thinking. You know, I haven’t seen Cynthia truly smile this much before. So believe me when I say, you make her happy”
Makoto sighed, but nodded in appreciation of the Belgian man’s words.
The two chatted a while longer before Laurent had to leave. Makoto went to the back to smoke. He had started to try to cut back, but now and then he needed one to take the edge off.
Just as he took his first puff, his phone went off. He checked his messages, Cynthia had set a picture of her leaving a theater with a big smile.
Makoto chuckled, smiling at how cute she looked, leaving a heart reaction on the photo.
He stared at the picture, feeling his heart being to sink. Is he ever going to love the Cynthia behind the mask?
The day came to an end. Locking up, Makoto waved his employee off and headed home. He walked a bit slower than usual. Knowing they needed to have a talk, but scared of what the talk will cause. Unlocking the door, he headed into their shared apartment.
“I’m home”
“MAKOTO!!” Cynthia covered her body and face with a blanket on the couch “why didn’t you text me?!” She rushed to the bathroom, using the blanket to hide herself from him.
“I’m sorry??” Makoto watched as the bathroom door slammed shut.
He sighed, he should start dinner, but mentally he could not bother to cook.
“I’m just going to order some ramen, what about you?”
“Yeah ramen is fine!” Cynthia called from the bathroom.
Makoto orders their food, heading to the living area to watch TV. He flopped on the couch, not even really watching what was playing.
Cynthia finally came out of the bathroom and joined him on the couch.
Makoto could tell her makeup was freshly done.
She laid on his chest smiling, wrapping her arms around him “I missed you”
“I missed you too” he kissed her head.
He ran his fingers through her red hair. As she stared happily at the TV, he stared sadly down. He could have seen her natural beauty if he tore the blanket away. What if he got a makeup wipe? No she probably hit him.
He didn’t even realize when she started pecking at his neck.
“Hey, you still owe me for earlier~” she pushed him fully down on the couch, pinning him down.
Makoto looked up at her. She looked so beautiful. But this wasn’t the Cynthia he wanted to love.
“I don’t feel like doing that right now..sorry..”
“Don't apologize baby” she let his arms go, and laid on his chest. “I’m sorry, is it something I did?”
“No..” Makoto wrapped his arms around her “just there’s a lot on my mind”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yeah...I do actually”
“Talk to me baby.” She pecked his cheek.
“It’s actually pretty dumb”
“Dumb or not, I still want to know”
Makoto took a deep breathe in, and played with her hair “it’s just..I...I was thinking..of how I’ve never seen you without makeup”
Cynthia went quiet.
“And then I start to notice..since we got together, you’ve stopped wearing heels and I know you love to wear your heels”
The red head stays quiet, allowing him to speak.
“I don’t know..I just feel like..I’m not actually dating you. Well I am, I mean..I’m just saying, there’s a side of you you are changing, and a side of you I’ve never seen. I love you, and I want to love every side of you. And I don’t think it’s fair you have to change something about yourself because of me..” Makoto explained.
He looked down at her, waiting for an answer.
Cynthia quietly traced circles on his chest, deep in thought.
The two stayed quiet for a while. They laid in each other’s hold. Makoto was wondering what was running through her head. Cynthia kept her eyes glued down, not daring to look up at him. It was probably a good 10 minutes of silence, before Cynthia finally spoke.
“The last person I was with romantically, that saw me without makeup, said I looked a lot better with it on. I don’t know why I let it get to me so much. He was a dick. But his words stuck and followed me. I’m just afraid, you’re going to see me without it..and I don’t know, think I’m some freak or something”
“Cynthia I-“
“I’m not done..” she cut him off “as for the heels..I did wear them once, when we first got together. I heard side comments of others talking about how weird it was I was taller then you. That I was probably like your sugar mama. It was freaky for a guy like you to be with such a tall looking person like me. I just didn’t like people assuming that. And I thought by making myself taller, I was actually upsetting you, but you didn’t say anything cause you didn’t want to hurt my feelings..” she took a deep breath “Makoto...Thomas and I broke up cause our lives went different directions. Also because neither of us wanted to make sacrifices for our relationships. I don’t want that to happen again..I want to make sacrifices so you and I can work. I’m willing to give up my heels, and keep my makeup face in order to keep you here..”
Makoto stared in shocked at her. He didn’t expect the situation to be this serious. Cynthia still looked down, afraid to look at him. She was brought up to sitting, as Makoto got up, walking away. She felt her heart strings tug. Was he going to break up with her.
Makoto went into the bathroom, and returned with a wet rag.
“Cynthia..” he handed the rag to her “please. I want to see you.”
With slightly shaky hands, she took the rag. Cynthia rubbed away at the makeup caked on her face. She held the rag against her face, afraid to reveal herself. Makoto brought his hands to hers, slowly guiding her hands and rag down. He stared at the Cynthia in front of him. Blemish on her face. Lines in the middle of her eyebrows from years of squinting. Small lips. Eyebrows more brown then red.
Cynthia tried to look away, but he cupped her cheeks, making her look at him.
“Cynthia!!!!” He yelled “you’re so beautiful!!!”
Cynthia’s face turned as red as her hair. “You’re just saying that”
“No I’m not!!!” Makoto pushed them back down on the couch “you are beautiful ok?! You’re so beautiful and I will keep saying that until the day I die!” He started to kiss at each blemish. Acne scars from over the years. He kissed every inch of her face, reminding her with each kiss, that she was beautiful.
“You are the most beautiful person in the world to me. Don’t ever forget that.” He buries his face in the crook of her neck.
Cynthia felt herself smile wide, she could not stop smiling. It felt like her heart was going to burst. Wrapping her arms around Makoto, pulling him closer. She felt safe, safe in his company.
“Ah!” Cynthia jumped when she felt kisses starting to be placed on her neck. “Makoto”
Makoto trailed the kissed up her neck, to her jaw line, up to her ear “I want to love you”
She couldn’t help but chuckled “go nuts.”
“Promise me next time we go out yourself going to wear the biggest heels you have”
“I promise”
Makoto pulled back and smiled down at her, Cynthia smiling wide back at him.
A week later, the two meet up with Laurent and Abby for lunch. Abby snickered a bit seeing Makoto reaching to only her shoulders. Cynthia had a big smile, wearing her red heels that she hadn’t worn in two years.
“My my, don’t you two look adorable” Laurent chuckled
“Oh quiet blonde bastard.” Makoto flipped him off
“I bet the virgin enjoys it” Abby snickered.
“You bet I do!” Makoto held Cythina’s hand proudly. “I got the best girlfriend in the world! What else more can I ask for?”
Cynthia smiled wide, kissing his head “alright, come on, let’s get a table and eat”
The four for a table and spent time catching up.
“So be honest. How many times has he buried his face in your chest once you put those heels on?”
“Oh so many times.”
“CYNTHIA! Don’t tell them that!!”
“God you’re such a virgin”
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Working My Way Back To You 10/11
Killian gets captured. When Emma finally rescues him, he’s traumatized and nearly broken from the torture he endured. Thankfully Emma is close at hand to help him through it.
Heavy on the hurt/comfort, with some whump because I couldn't help myself lol
A/N: Some fluffy comfort for the prompts “hugs” and “kisses.” Short and (hopefully) sweet! We are almost at the end of this story, just a quick epilogue to go. I can’t believe it! Thank you, all my lovely readers, for giving my little story so much support! Epilogue will be up early next week. It’s all finished so there’s no point in making you wait a whole week for it.
Warnings for this chapter: brief and vague mention of rape (though i’m sure if you’re still reading this story you don’t mind that)
Unbetad as always so mistakes are all mine.
Tagging @cocohook38 as requested.
Read this chapter on AO3
Working My Way Back To You
Hugs + Kisses
After their wonderful time together in the forest, the complete bliss and contentment Killian felt while cuddling with Emma under the blankets lingers for some time. He makes the most of his rediscovered confidence with her at night, making love until they are both exhausted and sated (and gods he missed this; the feel of her around him, the expression on her face when he begins to thrust into her, and the way she can take him apart and put him back together so easily, leaving him worn out and absolutely satisfied). And Killian assumes – he hopes – that his mind has finally given up on tormenting him with the memories of his torture. Perhaps he’s even cured of that PTSD thing. He’s certainly less jumpy now, less prone to startling and he hasn’t had a nightmare in a while. His broken hand has healed – Stacy’s not-so-gentle methods have helped return the strength to it, so Killian is able to spend some more time on the Jolly Roger with Henry, properly preparing the ship for a much-needed day out on the water.
“A family outing?” Emma asks with a smile.
Killian’s heart soars and his stomach does a strange sort of flip at her casual use of the word family in this context. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it.
“Aye, we’ll take her out far enough that it’s just us and the sea,” he says.
Henry is practically bouncing up and down in excitement as they make their plans. It’s been too long since they’ve done this. Emma checks the weather forecast and they schedule a sailing day. Killian tries to conceal the fact that he’s just as excited about it as Henry is, but the way Emma’s smirking at him in that way makes him think he’s not doing a good job of doing so. So he gives up on hiding it at all. It doesn’t matter anyway, because they both already know how much he loves sailing his ship. There’s just something about being on the water that is both exhilarating and calming. And to be out there with Emma and Henry? Even better.
A few nights before their planned outing, Killian’s nightmares return. And it’s as bad as ever. He’s not sure what triggered it, but it’s nasty combination of what was and what could have been, and he’s vaguely aware that he’s dreaming but he can’t seem to wake up. He tries to call out to Emma so she can help him. The words stick in his throat. He can’t move. His captor has Pan’s face, which seems wrong because Killian knows this setting isn’t Neverland, but he doesn’t have time to contemplate that because Pan is grinning evilly and pushing him back against the wall, and Killian knows what will happen next.
“This isn’t real,” Killian tells himself, desperately trying to wake up. His voice trembles and breaks.
“Are you sure about that, Killian?” asks Pan, his childlike voice sickeningly sweet in Killian’s ear, too close, too much, “Does this not feel real to you?”
Killian’s breath catches in barely concealed dread, gooseflesh breaking out across his skin at Pan’s unwanted touch. And it does feel real, terribly so, and Killian wants to fight, wants to resist, wants to wake the hell up, but his limbs stubbornly ignore his commands. He squeezes his eyes closed tight instead and braces himself for what’s coming, but then Pan is Rumpelstiltskin, and Killian’s on the Jolly Roger, lashed to the mast with ropes that are squeezing the breath from his lungs. The crocodile cackles at him, holding Killian’s heart in his hand.
“No,” Killian whispers, “Please.”
“Reduced to begging so soon, Captain? I thought you were stronger than that.” His hand tightens around Killian’s heart, the agony of it blacking out everything but the crocodile’s next taunt. “But it seems you are a coward after all.”
When the pain in his chest abates Killian finds himself back in the cellar, bent over a table, trying to support himself on his elbows because his hook is gone and his hand is broken and everything hurts and his captors are laughing and he can barely keep his feet from the rough thrusts of the man behind him. Tears roll down Killian’s cheeks but that’s wrong, he didn’t cry, he wouldn’t…
Killian, wake up.
The fingers on his skin feel different suddenly, skittering light and gentle across his forehead and dragging a little heavier across his chest and now that is real. Movement returns to his frozen limbs in a rush. And then he’s falling, and the landing is hard, rattling his bones, and he’s nearly choking on his own breaths in his panic as his stomach strongly suggests it might like to purge itself. He’s shaking violently, his skin crawling, and it’s so bloody dark he can’t orient himself.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m- Damn it. Killian, are you okay?” Emma.
At least he assumes it’s Emma, and not another trick of his mind. He is awake now, right? Emma switches on the light while Killian’s swallowing against the nausea between his ragged gasps, knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around himself, rocking slowly back and forth, trying to calm down – the way his body is trembling, he doubts he has the strength to get to the bathroom in time if his gut really rebels. The sudden brightness burns his eyes but he doesn’t dare close them lest he find himself back in the dreamscape.
“Hey, it’s okay, Killian, you’re safe,” Emma says, and she slowly kneels on the bedroom floor in front of him and doesn’t touch him, “I’m right here.”
“S-swan.” He meant sorry, but her name is apparently the only word he’s capable of saying right now.
He forces himself to reach out and lay his hand on her arm, just to reassure himself that he’s actually awake. That she’s really here. That he’s not alone.
“I’m here,” she repeats, “Let me help you, Killian.”
She always moves slowly when he’s like this, waits for his permission to touch, always careful not to startle him and scared she’ll make things worse. But Killian’s teeth chatter when he tries to speak, so he clenches his jaw and nods instead. With careful, deliberate movements Emma shuffles closer and lifts her hands to his cheeks. His face is wet. It seems he had been crying in the real world too.
“That’s it. You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
She wipes the tears away gently as Killian sniffles and swallows and tries to pull himself together.
“Do we need to move to the bathroom?” she asks softly, knowing him so well.
But thankfully, the rolling of his stomach has begun to settle, and he’s quite certain he will not actually vomit. Not this time. He shakes his head, shifts his legs to a more comfortable position away from his chest and runs his unsteady hand through his hair.
“M-my apologies,” he mumbles, embarrassed by his reaction, “I’m…” He swallows hard. “I didn’t…”
Gathering the correct words and ordering them out of his mouth is a challenge, and he decides to give up on it for the moment. Bloody hell, he is pathetic. It’s been a while since his nightmares were this intense. At least this time it seems he’ll be able to find calm before his panicking turns into an actual attack, his breaths already starting to slow down as Emma moves closer to hug him.
“Shhh. You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I w-woke you,” Killian points out.
He’s clinging onto Emma now, curled close against her with his head on her shoulder, and even with how ashamed he feels for this blatant show of weakness, he can’t bring himself to let go. She’s rubbing his back soothingly, cradling his head against her, her embrace comforting him, pushing away the remnants of his dream.
“Yeah, you did,” she says softly, “But it’s okay, I don’t mind. I just wish I’d woken up sooner, really. I tried to wake you up, but I guess I was a bit late. That was a bad one, huh?”
There is no point in lying to her.
He takes a deep, shuddering breath. His heart is still beating too fast, his throat dry from his gasping.
“Do you want some water?” Emma asks, as if she can hear his thoughts, “I can just… magic a glass up here. We won’t have to move.”
“That would b-be nice.”
Emma moves one hand off him to use her magic and momentarily she’s holding a glass of water, which she carefully passes to Killian. His hand trembles a little, but he’s able to bring it to his lips and quench his thirst without spilling any.
“Feeling better?”
Killian nods.
“Thank you, love. But perhaps…” He winces at the thought but presses on anyway. “Perhaps I should sleep on the couch for a while. So I don’t disturb your rest again.”
“Absolutely not,” Emma says, a bit severely, though still hushed so she doesn’t wake Henry who is sleeping in his room just down the hall, “I’m not letting you deal with these nightmares on your own.”
Killian pretends he’s not relieved about that.
“Now, let’s get back into bed, okay?”
They untangle from each other and climb back into the bed, where Killian immediately pulls Emma close again to keep his anxiety at bay. The light is still on, and that helps too. He hopes Emma won’t turn it off yet.
“You okay?” she murmurs, settling with her head on his shoulder and her hand over his heart.
“I just…” Killian sighs deeply, his frustration coming to the forefront now that he’s less frightened. “I hate this. I hate that I can’t… I can’t move past it. It’s been months, Emma.”
He doesn’t know why it affected him so much – Archie said it’s likely a culmination of the burden of unresolved trauma he’s been through in the past, this most recent simply one too much for his mind to handle. And that’s also why his nightmares often included such old events along with the new. Pan and Rumpelstiltskin featured tonight, but sometimes Hades makes an appearance, mutilating him with his own hook and threatening to drop him in that accursed river.
“You are doing better though. This is the first time you’ve had a nightmare in a while. And the flashbacks aren’t happening very often anymore either, are they?”
“No, they’re not. But it’s not good enough,” Killian says bitterly, and the disgust he feels for his continued cowardice is so strong it could drown him. I’m not good enough.
He should be the one protecting Emma, comforting her, not the other way around all the bloody time. He’s so tired of it. He can feel himself retreating, if not physically then at least in his mind, the terrible weight of not good enough pulling him down, down, down…
“Hey, stop it.” Emma props herself on her elbow so she can plant the softest of kisses on the furrow between his brows, pulling him back to himself and to her. “You’re healing. It’s a process.”
His hand may be healed now, only the scars remaining that will fade even further with time, but at times like this Killian fears his mind may be beyond repair, despite the assurances from both Emma and from Archie that he’s healing. But Emma continues to pull him out of his morbid thoughts, kissing the scar on his cheek next.
“I never want you to think you aren’t good enough, Killian,” because of course she heard the true meaning behind his words, and there’s a feather-light kiss for a faint line of scarring on his shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut and his lips parting on a quiet gasp, “You’ve been through…” Emma’s lips find another old injury. “…so much. You just need some time.”
Killian thinks this would probably be arousing if it wasn’t so soothing. He can feel how much love she has for him – she’s pouring it into every touch, every word, every press of her lips. Perhaps she’s using a little of her magic to do it, or perhaps it’s simply because he’s still fragile from his nightmare, but the sensation is powerful and wonderful, his very nerves seeming to hum happily under his skin in response.
“Emma.” It’s little more than a helpless whimper. Desperate. Though for what, he can’t be certain. It’s not that he wants her to stop. “What are you doing to me?”
“Loving you,” Emma says, in a voice that means he has no choice but to lie back and take it, “Now sshh, I’m not finished.” She curls her fingers gently but firmly around his bicep, anchoring him in place.
She’s slowly kissing a path across the scars on his body between sentences, the knots and lines and hollows that map out a lifetime of surviving, too many lifetimes really. Her tender affections feel like they’re filling a void inside his soul with warmth and love and it’s almost too much to handle. All he can do is keep his eyes closed and wrap his arm around Emma’s waist as she continues.
“You take all the time you need to heal, and I’ll be with you all the way,” she takes his left arm in her gentle hand, and he knows where she’s going next, “However long this takes. However many bad days, or nights, that you have. You just need to…” Her lips brush against his sensitive inner wrist, just beside the ugly and numb scar tissue that covers the blunted end of it. “…to let me help you. I love you, Killian. Please, don’t pull away from me.”
“I won’t,” his voice breaks, and if she doesn’t stop smothering him with all this kindness soon, he’s going to start crying. Again. “I promise I won’t. Emma, I…”
She moves and takes his right hand from around her waist and softly kisses the scars on his fingers and across the back of his hand, and there’s a feeling of all the broken pieces of him being drawn together, sharp edges smoothed over by Emma’s love and it’s too much. A tear slips from under Killian’s lashes and his breath shudders, his heightened emotions too intense to be contained any longer.
“I love you,” he breathes, looking up to see Emma’s own eyes glassy with tears as well.
“I know.” She smiles down at him, raw and open and honest as her thumb brushes the tear from his face. “And I mean what I said. I’m with you, Killian.”
Her next and final kiss is granted to his lips, and she takes her time there, her palm resting against his cheek while his fingers tangle in her hair, allowing him to reciprocate before she settles down into his arms again, and Killian wants to stay in this moment forever. Comfortable and safe, basking in the wonderful feeling of being so wholly loved. How does his Swan always know what he needs?
“What have I done to deserve you, Emma?” he asks once he’s regained control of his emotions.
“What have I done to deserve you?” she counters.
He smiles, and lets the silence stretch on, his limbs feeling heavy and his thoughts turning sluggish as sleep pulls him away. It almost claims him, his eyes closed and his breathing even, when the light he could still just barely see behind closed lids suddenly goes out and he startles, eyes flying open as he pulls himself back to reality with a jolt. He’d turned over onto his side in his almost-sleep, and now Emma’s pressed against his back with her arm around his torso, squeezing a little tighter to combat his flinch. She’s switched the light off, he realizes, plunging the room back into darkness.
“Sorry, I thought you’d gone back to sleep,” she whispers, “Is it too dark?” She doesn’t wait for his response. “Hang on a second, I’ve got an idea.”
She moves her hand, a casual flick of her wrist in a way that Killian recognizes – so at ease with using magic these days – and the curtains glide open, letting the nearly full moon cast its light into the room. The tension flows out of him almost instantly, coaxed away by pleasant memories of nights aboard the Jolly Roger with the bright moon shining through the windows of his quarters.
“Aye, that’s perfect. Thank you.”
He can’t find the words to convey just how thankful he is for her, for everything she does for him. He hopes she knows. She probably does. She’s quite perceptive, he thinks with a smile. He closes his eyes again and sleep finds him quickly. When he dreams again, it’s of the sea, and of Emma, and of the moon shining down upon the deck of the Jolly Roger where they’re lying entwined in peaceful respite.
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rvmmm21 · 4 years
. half that, at best .
summary : lying over text will get you far. seulgi considers herself quite the catfish connoisseur, in a sense, acting twice her size to swoon her date. unfortunately, that only works if you don’t live with four -- very determined people -- who’ll stop at nothing to pry the good and honest truth out of you.
small note : not an original idea, my role is messenger, nothing more. just here to fulfil my promise to drag the very... *perceptive*... reaadvelvet (whom you can all thank for this delicious torment) down with me. also wow, first time i’ve written about vibrators and they’re... hard to write for. also dirty talk y i k e s. hands up, who can tell i was running on 2 hours of sleep when i wrote this? i proofread later i sleep now.
[cocky(g!p)seulgi x wenrenejoyri]
tw : dubcon, degredation, humiliation.
Yerim cracks the door open and peers into her room. The air is so damp and heavy with perfume her nose crinkles and she has to practically swat at it to clear the soft lavender fog.
“Unnie, I asked Joohyun unnie and she said yes to pizza tonight,” she says, leaning into the doorway and speaking into the direction of the girl sitting on the bed hunched over her phone, texting furiously.
The younger girl speaks again, louder this time. “Yah! Unnie. Are you listening?”
Seulgi shoots up from the bright LED screen and casts her attention on her impatient housemate, who’s now standing before her, open-palmed and waiting. “… ngh, sorr – sorry, Yerimie, wha – huh?”
Yerim rolls her eyes. “Phone. Give it. I know you have coupons.”
“… mm, yeah… just…”
She’s so distracted, it’s annoying, Yerim thinks. Both her and her unnies are starving for some pizza goodness out there and all Seulgi can think about is getting her dick wet with her dumb little date tonight. With a final head shake, she looses the patience she’s never had, reaching down to snatch the device out of Seulgi’s grasp.
“No!” she yelps, a little too much desperation in her tone, “… Minji’s gonna be here soon, I –”
But Yerim’s already scrolling.
“Wow, can you stop texting your stupid tinder date for like one minute? I’m trying to – wait, what?” she pauses to properly read the screen again before throwing her head back in the loudest cackle the other girl has ever heard, “… I’m going to fuck you till you can’t walk anymore?!”
Seulgi knew she was going to be discovered the minute her phone left her hands. She hadn’t had time to close the app before an impatient Yerim had rudely swiped it out of her clutches. Still, it didn’t stop the crippling embarrassment eating away at her from the inside out when she heard all her steamy, filthy exchanges coming off the lips of their mischievous maknae. All lies, of course, but Minji didn’t have to know that. She had already come up with a list of excuses for why she wouldn’t be able to spend the night or why they’d always have to do it ‘next time’. But all that seems to be falling apart before her eyes, now that Yerim’s the one with the power.
“Yah!” she screams, jumping up from her bed and frantically trying to pilfer it from the girl who’s too wildly curious to let go. “Stop! Shut – no! Give – give it back, shush!”
Yerim’s folded over on the floor now, clutching at her sides with how apparently hilarious Seulgi’s sexting is. “Unnie – unnie!” she manages between fits of laughter, “how are you gonna do that when you can’t even… you can’t even last like twenty seconds!”
Before she knows it, the whole house has gathered into her room. Seulgi grits her teeth at how Yerim’s obnoxious cackling lured the other four in. They simply observe for the moment, poorly concealed enjoyment painted on their faces, seconds away from partaking in the ‘fun’ themselves.
Suddenly, they’re interested in something else… and it isn’t how much they can get off of their next pizza order.
“Another one, another one!” Sooyoung’s taken to egging Yerim on, who’s more than beside herself with glee. The youngest wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and gracefully proceeds, doing her best impression of what she assumes Seulgi sounds like all hot and bothered.
A red-faced Seulgi, wishing the ground would just swallow her whole, just buries her face between her knees, having long given up trying to get her phone back. Any attempt she’s made to preserve the shreds of dignity she’s clung onto since this whole episode started is about to be torn from her when Yerim opens her mouth.
“A-And… and I hope you’re ready, cause I can… oh my god, cause I can go for ten hours, baby!”
This triggers an entire wave of laughter, from everyone, this time. Not that it matters to the girl in question. Poor Seulgi can barely hear them over the sound of her own utter horror pulsing heavily in her ears. She can’t even fucking leave because Joohyun and Seungwan are barricading the entrance, arms crossed out in front of them like bodyguards. And they’re wearing those awful grins, too.
Seulgi has to wonder if they’d planned this all along… or if they’ve just been practicing their non-verbal cues during their spare time and conveniently leaving her out. Either way, it’s all she has time to think before they’re pouncing on her, all at once.
God, they’re fast. And she’s helpless.
With Sooyoung and Seungwan on either side of her pinning her under their full bodyweight, she’s left with little to no wriggle room and swiftly depleting sensation in both arms. She can already feel the sweat dripping. Joohyun humming a little tune to herself as she scans her bedroom doesn’t help either. She’s searching for an appropriate tool of ‘quality control’, as she so forebodingly put it.
Finally, in an open drawer, she spots the perfect solution, with its cord dangling out far too invitingly to overlook.
When she hears the flip of a switch and the horribly familiar whirr, Seulgi does her best to crane her neck up, struggling to see past the tangle of limbs draped across her and weighing her down. She knows what it is, and she isn’t keen. “… wh-what… unnie… why have you … what do you –”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Joohyun cuts her off before she has the chance to finish. “Big girls don’t need to know what’s coming at them to be able handle it, do they?”
“Ten hours, huh?” Yerim asks in an incredulous giggle from the corner of her room. “I mean, that’s super impressive, so we just wanna see for ourselves, you know? Right, Seungwan unnie?”
Just like that, Seulgi finds her fragile fate in Seungwan’s hands, and she doesn’t seem nearly as careful with it, almost like she wants to see it shatter. “Mhm,” the smaller girl concurs with a nod before turning down to face the crimson one of the girl below them. “What’s a more realistic time, d’ya think? Five? Five minutes?”
Sooyoung quickly interjects. “Five? Hah!” she scoffs, “I’m not even giving her two. Look at it.”
All eyes laser downwards to the tip of Sooyoung’s finger, where -- to everyone’s delight (and Seulgi’s repulsion) -- there’s a very obvious tent in her jeans. So obvious, in fact, that her arousal is perfectly highlighted through the thick denim that has moulded around it to create a very captivating shape. 
Seulgi opens her mouth like she has any hopes of defending herself, but the potential words break off into a breathy whine when the faint whirring she hears above her directly translates into sheer jolts of pleasure that rip through her body from her crotch. It’s incredibly difficult, but she squints down to see Joohyun holding a purple vibrator between her spread knees, intermittently running it up and down the growing length.
They all watch as it vibrates her to a full erection, helpless and hard and just begging to be taught a lesson.
“Here’s the deal, Seul,” she deadpans. “Since you’re sooo good in bed… since you’re apparently going to fuck Minji till she can’t walk anymore, I think it’s only fair that you prove it, don’t you?”
Oh… there aren’t words that can possibly describe the dread now coursing through Seulgi’s veins at that prospect, despite herself.
“So, yes, I think I agree with Sooyoung. Two minutes. If you last two minutes, we’ll forget this ever happened. And you’re going to last, aren’t you? You’re going to last.”
She hadn’t even noticed Joohyun hadn’t offered the consequences of her failure to hold out. She couldn’t. That was the least of her concerns, for now, anyway. The sensation of being vibed through her trousers was… deafening, to say the least.
You’re going to last, they said. Seulgi chants that in her brain like it’ll make her last longer, like it’ll help her succeed. But… but she’s not sure she can. No, she has to. No matter what, that’s not happening… she can’t – she’s not going to – cum in her trousers.
Oh but it’s getting harder and harder not to want to. Not when Joohyun hasn’t even given her cock a chance to get used to the tingly sensation, going in at the highest setting to begin with. It’s unbearable, even over her jeans… especially over her jeans.
“… uh – uh – nnie…” she’s panting out, screwing her eyes shut to prevent them from going glassy, “… p-please… please don’t… I… it’s… too – too high…”
Joohyun knows she’s referring to the setting, and of course, does anything but what Seulgi wants her to do, which is lower it… or stop. In fact, the younger swears she feels it stronger now, pressed unforgivingly flush against her straining boner, just enticing her to lose her load right into her underwear. Seungwan’s fingers skim over a flushed cheek, cruelly teasing as she wipes Seulgi’s tears with the pad of her thumb.
“But our little Seulgi likes it high, doesn’t she?” she smirks down at hips bucking up into thin air, desperate for some friction other than the intense sparks of electricity zipping through her from the vibrator. “Gosh, baby, you’re so hard you’re poking through your jeans… poor, poor Minji, hm? Don’t you feel sorry for her? I sure do! If she knows she’s been talking to nothing but thorough lack of self-control and a pair of cum-stained jeans this whole time… my, my, what would she think?”
Sooyoung adjusts her weight so she’s leaning to purr into Seulgi’s ear with barely contained amusement. “Should we tell her, unnie? It’s only fair to the customer… we’ve inspected the goods, and uh… they don’t seem to be in ‘working order’.”
There’s a whimper and then a slight shift. Joohyun picks this up.
“Gonna cum, Seul?” she asks, eyebrow raised.
“… hgnh – noo…” Seulgi shakes her head vigorously.
However, when the oldest sees chestnut locks gracelessly splayed across the bedsheet, erratic breathing and probably the teariest eyes in the history of teary eyes, she has to laugh. It’s not like she believed her sniffling Seulgi in the first place – not when she can literally feel her cock twitching under her palm, leaking precum by the gallon. Fingers tighten around the trapped boner, and Seulgi lets out a pathetic mewl. “Oh I think you are.”
“I – no – I’m… I’m – ah! No… nooo…”
“Aw, poor baby can’t control herself. Is your little cock all leaky?” Seungwan’s got an arm across her chest to shove her back down whenever she tries to push up, to keep her pinned as the threat of cumming in her jeans stalks closer and closer. “You still have 30 seconds.”
Goddamnit, 30 seconds? The fact she didn’t shoot the moment that godawful vibrator was in her line of sight was no less than a miracle… how the hell is she supposed to last 30 bloody seconds longer? The thought of soiled underwear and wet spots strikes a crawling heat in her cheeks, up her neck and down her arms. A heat that almost overtakes the one between her legs. Almost. It’s built up to an ache so pulsing, she just can’t ignore it. The room is spinning, and she feels dizzy and heated and it hurts… it hurts so good. The way Joohyun has the vibrator meticulously positioned so it teases the sensitive underside of her cock just right almost off-sets how ashamed she is that this is even happening at all.
“… n-not – a – baby,” she stutters, each word punctuated by an involuntary thrust of her hips against that numbing sensation driving her mad. Every upward motion has the zipper line rubbing harshly over her shaft, the thin fabric of her underwear doing little to shield her from the rough stimulation.
“You’re nothing but a baby!” Sooyoung coos, scrunching her face at Seulgi, who can’t even see her clearly through that sheen over her pupils. “Big girls don’t cum in their little panties just from a vibrator.”
“Ten seconds left.”
It’s a voice, but Seulgi’s so dazed she can’t pinpoint whose.
“Poor Minji, she’s gonna be so upset when she finds out our little Seul still makes messes in her underwear!”
“Seulgi-ah, why did you bother putting make-up on? It’s not like she’s gonna be looking at your face tonight.”
Searing rivers of tears are streaming down reddened cheeks because of how mean everyone’s being to her. If it weren’t for the raging stiffness threatening to bust through the seam of her jeans, you’d almost think she wasn’t enjoying this.
She’s practically giving herself whiplash from how much she’s jerking and twisting, trying anything to escape the stares of the four girls looming over her – watching and waiting for the inevitable with ear-to-ear grins.
Just as she thinks she’s actually going to make the full two minutes, Joohyun slides the vibrator up to settle on the head of her cock, so sensitive, so painfully overstimulated –
– that she can’t take anymore.
The teasing, the vibration, the humiliation… god, it’s too much and it’s making her – making her cum.
Her jaw goes slack and she arches up despite the combined weights of Sooyoung and Seungwan holding her down. She reaches her limit with a tiny, broken whimper as warm liquid spills into her underwear, seeping through and soaking the dense fabric of her jeans.
That’s going to be an orgasm to remember. The high is magnificent, if not a little excruciating, and it leaves her a dishevelled, breathless heap of nerves. Oh but… but her date! Oh no, she needs to regain her senses as quickly as she can and she needs to get cleaned up and she needs a new pair of jeans and –
“No, you don’t, Seul,” Joohyun interrupts her frantic thoughts. “Don’t even think of a fresh pair of jeans right now. You’re already running late. She’s gonna be here any minute now.”
She’s too weak to even protest when she feels two strong arms hoist her up and only wobbly knees. When it’s obvious she can’t walk on her own, they resort to physically escorting her out of her room… past the living room… and, oh gosh… right for the door.
She wants to beg, to plead with them not to do this, but she’s outnumbered, and she knows it’s pointless. This is happening whether she wants it to or not.
“It’s okay, little baby,” Seungwan winks, gesturing to the wetness on her jeans, obvious as ever. “At least that’s one thing you can be truthful about.”
She almost sobs when the door shuts in her face, and it only intensifies when she hears the childish giggling behind it. The evening air feels cool against the sweat on her back and absolutely frigid against that spot on her crotch. She barely has time to shiver and collect herself before she’s holding an arm over her eyes to shield them from the blinding pair of headlights that are now in front of her.
Oh god no. She hadn’t been through enough tonight? But this is what she gets for lying.
She has nowhere to go, and she can only pray that she’s doing a good job at hiding her embarrassment from the pretty girl now winding down the window with a cheery, “Hiya! Seulgi?”
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Black, White, Grey (2/3)
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Having Bang Chan as your best friend is great cause he’s literally the best but not so much when you’ve had a crush on him for a majority of the friendship.
w.c: 2.2k
Part 1
“Shoot! I’m going to be late,” I cursed under my breath.
      It’s been a few months since I last saw Chan, they were promoting and I was filming a new drama but with our hectic lives it was nothing new. We usually just occasionally updated each other every now and then either by messaging or the rare phone call. What was new was the urgent message I got from Chan yesterday saying that we needed to talk ASAP. I had a few hours between shoots today so we decided to meet at a coffee shop between our two locations. By the time I got there, Chan was already sitting with two drinks on the table.
“Sorry I’m late, the shoot ran a little longer then it should’ve.”
“It’s fine,” he chuckled, “I got you your usual.”
“Thanks. So what’s up? What’s with the urgency?” I asked as I took a sip of my drink.
“Well you remember Eunhye?”
      I really wish I couldn’t but it’s hard not to when he talks about her… a lot. From what I know they’ve gone on a handful of dates and she is really understanding with the idol stuff. Apparently since she's a university student on the verge of graduating, so she’s pretty busy herself, things have been going well, and he really likes her. The urgency of needing to meet him, him bringing her up, the nervous energy flowing off of him… I didn’t have a good feeling about it. I prepared my heart for the worst and turned on my actress switch as a smile pulled across my lips.
“Yeah what about her?”
“Well… I really like her…”
“What? I didn’t know,” I gasped sarcastically.
“Stop I’m being serious,” he chuckled softly.
“Then just spill it already, it’s just me. I’m not going to judge you.”
“It’s just you’re the first to know so it kinda feels weird saying it out loud… I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I mean not now but after promotions in a few weeks.”
      Even though on the outside my mouth dropped and my smile grew bigger as a gasp escaped my lips, inside… a heart wrenching scream clawed my chest. Yet another piece of my heart shattered to dust but now was not the time to dwell on myself. At least the next words that fell from my lips were honest, given from what little was left of my heart.
“Oh my god! Chan I’m happy for you. I mean I’ll be honest this will probably be like fighting an uphill battle but you know I’m always the pessimist in these situations. I am 100% happy for you though, you deserve it and your happiness is mine.”
“Thanks for your well wishes and warning,” he rolled his eyes with a laugh before adding, “You’re the best and remember I’ll always return the favor if you have someone you like.”
      How does that work when that someone is you?
“Thanks Chan, believe me I know,” I laugh.
“There isn’t anyone right now right? I know I haven’t really got to check up much on you since I’ve been going on about Eunhye and been busy with promotions…”
“Don’t worry about it, you didn’t miss anything. There’s no one right now.”
“Good but when that happens I better be the first to know,” he joked before he added on a more serious note, “no secrets right?”
“No secrets,” I smiled. No secrets… except for this one.
      I may have gone through this a few times already but like Seungmin said, it still hurts no matter how many times I go through it. We chatted a bit longer before we had to go for our next schedules but not before he planned something so that I could properly meet Eunhye… stupid best friend responsibilities. I know he hoped we got along and that was never the hard part when he got into a relationship. The hard part of it all was having to see her separate the grey areas in our friendship into black and white. When the day came, we met at the theaters to watch the movie Chan and I promised to see together. Our usual of sharing popcorn and a drink, making commentary during the movie, sitting close enough so that our shoulders touched… became a him and her thing with me watching the movie silently, an empty feeling on my sides, eating popcorn from a bucket far too big for myself because ordering a large was a force of habit. I still smiled, laughed, joined the conversation, and played the best friend role like I was supposed to. My mind was just in a haze through it all and although Chan noticed it, my lies blended with the truth. I told him I was tired, I just didn't specify that it was physically from work, emotionally from unrequited feelings and mentally from keeping up my farce. 
      The rest of those two weeks blurred together as the heartbreak set it deeper and deeper as each day passed. I was finally snapped out of my daze when I got messages from Seungmin in Minho in our "feelings" group chat when I was on break during filming. I’m guessing Chan took more time to clearly think about this before he told the boys. Throughout the day we exchanged messages but even though we were all busy, they demanded me to video call them once I was off even if it was at an ungodly hour. I love those two but together they were bossy and a force to be reckoned with. I agreed and didn’t get a message until I had just finished filming my last scene. They were back at the dorm and were reminding me to call. I rolled my eyes before updating them that I had just finished and would be home soon. By the time I had texted them I was home, my foot barely through the door, my phone rang with a face-time notification. I chastised them the moment their faces appeared on screen.
“You know there is this thing called patience right?”
“Well that is reserved for people who keep us updated,” Minho countered.
“Wasn’t my update to tell but okay,” I rolled my eyes but as I noticed the background behind them I dropped my voice, “are you guys in your room?! Don’t you guys share a room? Can you even be on call right now?”
“Well the person in question is sleeping and we aren’t that loud so it’s fine. We’re on the other side of the room.”
“So how are you?” Seungmin interrupted before I could rebut.
“At least someone cares,” I joke.
“Come on, be serious.”
“Okay sorry. You know I don't do "feelings"… Uhm… well… I’m better than the first day I heard the news but that can’t really say much.”
“Used work to fill the void? Have you at least been getting proper rest?”
“Yup. It helps that they are filming a bulk of my scenes right now so my mind stays occupied but sorry Seungmin sleep is not my friend right now.”
“I still can’t believe how dense Chan-hyung is. You’ve been friends for six years and you’ve had a crush on him for five, I’m sorry but how has he not figured it out or at least noticed something?”
      As Minho got annoyed his voice got a bit louder and we all froze as we heard rustling coming from the other side of the room. No one moved for a good few minutes to ensure Chan was still sleeping. When we were sure, Seungmin nudged Minho with his shoulder.
“Hyung, keep it down.”
“My bad! It just sucks that one friend is hurting our other friend and he doesn’t even know,” Minho hissed.
“Awww thanks Minho,” I teased.
“Whatever,” Minho mumbled before adding, “I’m just surprised the feeling lasted this long even after everything.”
“Well you know your leader, it’s kinda hard to get over someone like that. Like have you seen him? His body-”
“Ahhhhh, I don’t want to hear it,” Seungmin whined.
“I mean you’re right but ewwww.”
“I’m kidding,” I chuckled softly, “But on a more serious note… I just… I don’t know why I can’t get over Chan. I mean when I figured out I liked him five years ago it was the thing that I’ve liked him for awhile already before I even realized it and no matter what happens or how many times my heart breaks… that feeling is still there. I mean I, without a doubt, can say that he is my first love. Any guy I find, no matter how much I love him… I don’t think I’ll love him as much as I love Chan… Oh jeez.”
      Before I knew it there were tears streaming down my face as I was explaining. This was the first time I have vocalized just how much Chan meant to me and hearing it aloud just made everything so much worse. I gave a dry chuckle as I tried to furiously wipe away the tears but to no avail. The tears I’ve held back for so long took the chance to fall and I had no control anymore. I started to curse as the tears turned to sobs and the boys tried their best to soothe me through the screen. The rest of the night was filled with the boys comforting me and me finally letting it all out. After the call it felt lighter in my chest but that just gave pain more room to fill and I didn’t know which one was worse. I need to pull myself together or I’ll never be able to make it through dinner with the boys and Eunhye in a few days. It took a bit but the pain somehow subsided to a dull numbness where I could properly pretend to be myself. 
      The day of, I met the boys outside the barbecue restaurant and greeted them happily. Chan said that Eunhye was a bit behind so she’ll meet us inside. While he explained, he casted a nervous glance at me. I tiled my head, mouthing a “what?” in confusion, but he just shook his head and smiled before leading us in. Once we were seated, everyone began to chatter about the menu, arguing and discussing what they wanted to eat. I smiled at the organized chaos, a calming constant in my life. After a few more minutes passed Eunhye came in and greeted everyone. She came over and sat next to me, causing me to move closer to Seungmin and away from my place in front of Chan. Throb. No heart, not in front of Chan. I knew Minho and Seungmin would worriedly look at me but, among the many other strange things he’s been doing tonight, Chan too was anxiously giving me looks. When I finally caught him I raised an eyebrow in question but he quickly turned away, laughing at something Eunhye had said. When the food finally came I took my usual job of manning the grill and Eunhye helped. Out of habit I placed a majority of the meat onto the other members’ plates like I always have, save a few pieces for myself, and moved to Chan’s except Eunhye beat me to it. She giggled as he got flustered by her action… replaced yet again. Our eyes connected and for a second his eyes filled with panic and I just gave him a weird look before turning my attention back to the grill in front of me. Halfway through the meal my phone buzzed and I excused myself and stepped out of the restaurant, moving to a less crowded area to minimize the noise.
“Manager Kim? What's up?”
“Did you check your texts? There’s good news.”
“Huh? I’m at dinner right now, I haven’t had a chance to look at my phone. Give me a sec,” as I pulled up my texts I gave a delighted squeal as I put my phone back to my ear, “No way?! Seriously?!”
“Yup, once we finalize everything on our end, make sure you’re ready to go, got it?”
“Yeah of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
      A satisfied sigh left my lips as I held my phone to my chest. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to enjoy the chilly night air as it filled my lungs. There was a comfort in the cold isolation of outside compared to inside and I basked in it a bit longer. As I turned to head back to the door I saw Chan coming to me.
"Hey is everything alright? You've been out here for awhile."
"Oh yeah, my manager was just updating me on the changes in my schedule. Are you okay though? You've been kinda weird all night."
"Haha yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back in yeah?"
"... Okay."
      I knew it was a lie. There was something bugging him but I won't pry. That's not how we were, it just naturally comes out and if he's holding back there’s a reason. I could never really badger him either when I’m now keeping two big secrets from him…
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The Shadows We Cast
This is my contribution to this years @batfam-big-bang Big Bang! I’ve never been apart of anything like this and it was incredible. I have never met such kind and talented people and I can’t wait to do more with all of them in the future. The mods are all amazing and wonderful people and I can’t thank them enough for existing. 
Special thanks to @shelbychild, @kuraness, and @xvivon for betaing this chapter, and @houser-of-stories for the art for this chapter, and @coravao and @dreamer-247 for the artwork for later chapters. You were all so incredibly helpful and I’m sorry I made you work so hard.
Chapter: 1/6
Length: 4,300 words
Fandom: Batman
Ratings: General Audiences
Trigger Warnings: Food Mention, Fire Mention,
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Barbra Gordon
Characters: Dick Grayson, Barbra Gordon, Jason Todd, Tim Drake-Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth
Just another ordinary day in Gotham city and Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Duke are enjoying the calm in different ways. But in the sunlight everyone casts shadows, and some are harder to avoid than others.
Chapter 1: Dick
 The morning light shines through Dicks window, casting his small bedroom in a golden hue. He quickly glances at the clock on his bedside table, 8:00am faintly glowing on its screen. Dejectedly, he resigns to his fate; he has to get up.
After rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he carefully turns to the other side of the bed to see the beautiful redhead sleeping next to him. Barbara Gordon - sometimes he still can’t believe it. How did he ever get a girl like her? She’s smart, kind, and brave... not to mention the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
He takes a minute just to let it sink in, then carefully kisses her forehead, and, though her eyes flutter, she doesn’t wake. Silently, he sneaks out of bed and creeps out of their room. Normally Babs would cook breakfast, but she was up late solving a cold case with Tim, and Dick wants to do something nice for her.
He slowly makes his way to the kitchen, stretching his sore muscles as he walks. Each step feels as though his own body is against him, fighting with everything it has to convince him to go back to his warm bed, but he persists. There was a time in his life when he could jump out of bed and run all the way to breakfast, but that time has long since passed.
He pauses for a moment, taken aback. When did his childhood begin to feel like a lifetime ago? He swears it was only yesterday he was running through the manor halls. Glancing around him, he takes in his surroundings; the short hallway from his bedroom to the kitchen is dark, getting lighter with each passing second. He could just see their couch, with Barbara’s favorite blanket strewn across the top and the kitchen table still covered in case files from last night.
Finally, he looks to the wall in front of him, filled with pictures of his family. The single picture of his parents surrounded by the family he has found, the family he has watched grow. There are pictures of all of them, though his favorite is the newest: a group photo of him and his brothers; even Jason is there. He can’t help but smile at the memory; it was right after Duke's first solo patrol and they all had dinner at the manor to celebrate.
Dick remembers starting out, all the pressure and the fear, but he can’t be happier with how it all turned out, with what he started. He knows it was hard on them following in his footsteps, but he can’t be prouder of what they’ve accomplished. He only hopes they know that.
After another moment, and a few deep breaths, he walks the rest of the way to his kitchen. After turning on the light, the first thing he does is start the coffee machine, the smell of the roasting beans waking him up properly. As that brews, Dick carefully clears the table, making sure to keep Barbara’s work in order.
Then he walks over to the fridge and opens it slowly, taking stock of what’s inside. His usual go-to is a nice big bowl of cereal, but Barbara deserves better. After a minute, he decides his best bet is just some simple scrambled eggs and toast; even he couldn’t mess that up, again.
A few more minutes pass and just as Dick is finishing the eggs, Barbara comes into view.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Dick says when he spots her. He always has to see her to know she’s there. So many years of training ingrained stealth into her bones, even silent in her wheelchair.   
“Morning. Is that breakfast?”
“Yep! Scrambled eggs with extra cheese, just how you like it.” Dick places her coffee and plate of food on the dining room table just as she wheels into her spot, their motions fluid around each other, practiced a hundred times.
“Thanks babe,” she says, wrapping her hands around the warm mug. He got the coffee just right too. Dick kisses her quickly on the forehead in response, then turns to retrieve his own breakfast.
Though just as he is about to sit down, smoke fills the room.
“The toast!” He remembers too late. He promptly jumps to his feet as Babs begins to laugh. Acting quickly, he pulls out the toast and opens a window, just in time to stop the fire alarm from going off, again. After a few minutes of frantically waving his arms back and forth to clear the smoke, he finally sits down, now with the burnt toast in hand.
“A lot of help you were,” he says teasingly to his girlfriend, who has continued to eat her breakfast without him.
“You had it under control, you always do. Please tell me you aren’t going to eat that?” she asks when she notices Dick begin to butter the black toast.
“What? I like it burnt.” He grins. Babs just shakes her head, a fond smile appearing at her lips.
Once breakfast is finished and the plates cleaned and put away, Barbara opens her laptop and checks her messages.
“So, what do you want to do today?” Dick asks, leaning on the back of her wheelchair to see the screen.
“I don’t know. It looks like Duke is already out on patrol and he seems to have the city under control for now,” she says without looking up.
“Well then, it looks like we can have a quiet Saturday for once.”
“That sounds nice,” Barbara says longingly.
“It does. I just need to call Bruce real quick. Then I’m all yours.” Dick kisses her cheek then grabs his phone and dials.
He puts his phone next to his ear as he walks towards the window. Outside his apartment, Gotham City is slowly waking up: cars making their way to jobs, kids enjoying their day off from school. After a few more rings, he hears Bruce’s answering machine, not unexpected this early in the morning. Though by now he knows B doesn’t ever bother listening to his voicemails, so he doesn’t leave one.
Dialing a new number, he raises his phone back up to his ear. It takes less than one ring for a voice to come through.
“Morning, Damian,” Dick says cheerfully.
“Of that I am aware. What is the reason for this phone call?” Damian asks in his ever-emotionless tone.
“What? A guy can’t just call his little brother?” Dick asks playfully.
“Is that a rhetorical question?” Damian retorts dryly.
“Well now that you mention it. I called Bruce, but he didn’t pick up. Did he make it back from Star City ok?”
“Father has yet to return, he must have gotten caught up in the case, goodness knows Queen probably needs the help. He will undoubtedly make contact later when he remembers to look up from the computer screen,” Damian replies, though more curtly than usual.
“Is everything ok over there?” Dick asks. Most people couldn’t tell, but Dick could hear the odd tone in his little brother’s voice.
“Everything is fine. Brown was finally able to get Drake to sleep and I am under orders not to disturb him,” Damian responds.
“That’s good. How long was he awake this time?” asks Dick, as he turns to lean against his window.
“3 days. I don’t understand how he could even function… Not that I care. If that is what it takes for him to be of use then so be it. The mission is all that matters,” he adds quickly.
“Of course, the mission, but you know he’s family too. It’s okay to worry about him,” Dick says carefully.
“I am not worried. It would be a waste of my time to feel such emotions for anyone, let alone that imbecile,” Damian snaps, though Dick ignores the tone.
“Well I’m glad you’re not worried because Tim can handle himself,”
“If that will be all?” Damian asks haughtily.
“But if Tim isn’t bothering you what is?” Dick probes.
“Damian?” he questions.
“Really, Grayson, I am fine.”
“Ok, if you say so. Hey, since Bruce is still gone, do you want to patrol together tonight? Or are you going with Jon?” Dick asks, changing the subject.
“Kent and I have no plans. If you require my assistance, I can accompany you,” Damian replies.
“Awesome, 7 sound good?” Dick offers.
“Perfectly acceptable. I will meet you in the cave then.”
“Cool, see you then,” Dick replies happily.
Damian hangs up the phone without another word.
Dick takes a deep breath. Concern for his little brother is still fresh in his mind, but he knows if something were really wrong Damian would have told him. Shaking his head, he moves from his spot at the window back to where Babs is sitting, still looking at her laptop.
“Everything ok?” she asks without looking up from the screen.
“Yah. Bruce isn’t back yet so I spoke to Damian. Apparently, Stephanie finally got Tim to sleep.”
“Ooh, how long was he awake this time?” Babs questions, finally looking up.
“3 days. Did he seem alright while you were working together last night?” Dick asks while settling on the sofa next to her wheelchair.
“No more sleep deprived than usual. I have no idea how he does that, but I’ll admit I’m kind of jealous.”
“I’m not. I can’t imagine trying to deal with both of you while you're hyped up on caffeine.” Dick shuddered at the thought. He still had a bruise from the last time it was his turn to get Tim to sleep.
“You wouldn’t stand a chance.” Barbara smirks.  “So did Damian know when Bruce is going to be back?”
“He didn’t know, if he’s not back by tonight Damian and I are going to head out for patrol around 7,” Dick responds.
“Hmm, it's not like Bruce not to call in. Maybe I should check up on him…”
“I’m sure he’s fine. Oliver would have called if something were wrong. Now come on, we have the whole day to ourselves. What do you want to do?” Dick says confidently.
“Well, there is some shopping I’ve wanted to do, and we could probably use a new toaster, one that’s a little harder to set on fire,” Barbara remarks with a grin.
“Hey!” Though just as Dick is about to protest, one look from Babs has him thinking twice. He puts his hands up in defeat. “You know what, that’s fair. And we can grab lunch while we're out, my treat.”
“Old Chuck’s Sandwich Truck?”
“You got it! I’ll grab our coats.” Dick smiles, kissing Barbara’s cheek.
The shops aren’t far from their apartment and the autumn weather hasn’t turned on them yet. The pair decide to take the opportunity and enjoy the cool day, walking leisurely to the shops.
The errands don’t take too long, just some essentials and a new toaster. Though they take their time simply enjoying each other’s company. Finally, arms full of bags, they start to make their way home.
The streets are busy but not yet filled with holiday shopping madness. Everyone is still in light jackets and shorts, no need to hide away from the cold yet. On the last turn to their apartment, they take a left instead of a right, heading toward a small nearby park. This particular park has all the best food trucks, though that has nothing to do with why he picked an apartment nearby, definitely.
Their walks were never dull, conversation always flowing easily between Dick and Barbara; from new movies to old memories, the topics never stayed the same for long. Though right now they walk in comfortable silence, no words are needed. At a crosswalk Dick glances down at Barbara with a smile, simply content to see her face, though she doesn’t notice. Her attention is taken by a bus unloading across the street; she can’t help but grin and stifle a laugh.
Across the entire left side of the bus is an ad for Wayne Enterprises, with a giant picture to Tim Drake-Wayne’s face. Dick follows her eyes and they almost miss the sign to cross, they are laughing so much. Tears in their eyes, they finish the walk to the park, still giggling to themselves.
 “Please tell me you got a photo of that,” Dick asks once they reach the park.
“Of course. Who do you think I am, Bruce?” Babs replies sarcastically.
“Can you…”
“Already sent to your phone,” Barbara answers before he can even finish his question.
“I’m gonna send it to Tim, he’ll love this.” Dick takes out his phone and sends his little brother a quick text with the photo. 
Following one last laughing fit, the pair head to a small food truck tucked in the back corner of the park, the aroma hitting them twenty feet away, and by the time they order both their stomachs are rumbling.
After placing their order, they sit down on a nearby table. It’s covered in graffiti, like everything in Gotham, but at least it looks clean and isn’t mysteriously wet. Dick doesn’t really notice though; his mind has traveled back to the bus ad with Tim’s face. He looked so grown up.
“So, Tim must be doing well at Wayne Enterprises huh?” Barbara asks, noticing the distracted look on her boyfriend’s face.
“Huh? Oh, yeah he is. It's only been a few months and productivity is up 10%,” he says, turning his full attention back to his girlfriend.
“You must be proud of him.”
“The whole family is.” And he means it: Tim is doing a great job.
“I just hope he isn’t pushing himself too hard. There’s a reason I didn’t go into business at W.E. Our lives are busy enough with, well, you know. I couldn’t handle that kind of pressure on top of it.” 
The words came out before he could stop them, but it was nice to finally air his worries out into the world.
“But that’s what makes you two different: stress like that is where Tim shines,” Barbara says, trying to ease his concern.
 “I guess, but he still shouldn’t stay awake for days on end.”
“That’s just what he does, I don’t think anyone can change that,” Barbara points out. “Though maybe I should have tried to get him to rest last night.”
“He wouldn’t have listened; you’re right about no one being able to change him,” Dick says, and offers up a small smile.
“Except Stephanie apparently,” Barbara corrects.
“Except Steph. At this point she may be our only hope.” He smiles for real now. He’s so glad Tim has someone like her in his life.
After a few moments of content silence, the cook shouts that their order is ready. Dick gets up and retrieves their food and brings it back to the table. As the pair eats, their conversation returns to lighter things: the meal, the weather, the rules about their new toaster. The worries from their previous conversation melt away.
Once they finish, they throw away their trash and begin walking home. As they make their way back onto the street, a light rain begins to fall from above. Some passers by raise their umbrellas while others hurry indoors, but Dick and Barbara don’t even flinch. This was Gotham after all; rain was nothing. Though they both hope it stops before patrol, as rain and spandex don’t mix well.
On the final block of their walk they pass by a newsstand, still a common sight in Gotham. It’s almost like some parts of the city are frozen in time. Shifting her bags to one arm, Babs grabs a now slightly soggy paper and pays. It may be old fashioned, but some habits are harder to break. She blames her Dad for this one.
A few more feet and Dick steps up and unlocks the complex door, holding it open for Barbara to pass through. She smiles gratefully and rolls up to the elevator doors, hitting the button with her newspaper.
While waiting for the elevator she begins scanning the cover, a proud smile quickly appearing on her face. The front page headline was from last night: Batman and Robin had busted a local gang, and though some got away, most were now safely behind bars.
A moment later the elevator arrives, and they begin the slow ascent to their apartment floor.
“How’s it feel being a hero?” Barbara asks him coyly, holding up the newspaper for her boyfriend to see.
“You did all the hard work finding them,” he responds.
“Really though, how are you doing filling in for the big bad bat?” Barbara asks, becoming serious.
“It's fine. He needed my help, so I helped.” Dick shrugs.
“Really? No mixed feelings? I know you don’t want to become Batman, but you’ve really started to get good at it,” she probes.
“…Honestly? At first, I hated it, you know that. But after Bruce came back and it became a once in a while thing, it's not so bad. It’s just no matter what I do, I know I’ll never be as good as Bruce. Like last night, it should have been a piece of cake, but some of them still got away.” He looked down, guilt evident on his face.
“But you’re not Bruce and that’s ok,” Barbara reassures him.
“Is it? Part of the reason I didn’t want the cowl was because I didn’t want to know just how much better he is than me.” He sighs, shifting his bags to run a hand over his face.
“And maybe I didn’t want him to know either, but now we both do. I just know how much I’ve already let him down, by not joining the company, by becoming a cop. I didn’t want to disappoint him in this too.”
“You aren’t. You’re doing a great job, and if I recall he didn’t start out perfectly either. You’re putting too much pressure on yourself,” she insists.
“Hey, there has to be some upside to it?” she asks, trying to lighten the mood.
“I mean, it is nice to patrol with Damian again,” he says.
“Oh yeah?”
“His fighting skills have come so far, and he actually listens to orders now and…” He can’t help the wave of pride washing over him as he talks about all of Damian’s achievements.
The elevator doors open to their floor. Realizing they could be heard, he shifts the conversation.
“…and his grades are great! All A’s. And he’s finally making friends, he and Jon have been hanging out a ton lately, I’m actually surprised he was free tonight,” he continues, careful of saying anything suspicious.
Reaching their apartment door, they make their way inside and begin putting away their groceries.
“He did sound a little odd earlier, though he may just have been worried about Tim,” Dick remembers.
“Really, I thought they still weren’t getting along?” Barbara asks, a bit surprised.
“They aren’t really, but I know Damian cares. I should probably bring it up on patrol tonight just to be safe. I need to make sure he knows he can tell me stuff too, especially if Tim isn’t,” Dick answers, his tone going serious again.
“I’m sure Tim will come around.”
“Hopefully. Maybe I should speak to him tonight too, though I doubt Alfred will let him out on patrol.”
“If you want to stay there tonight that’s ok with me. I can do my work from here. You spend some time with your brothers,” she offers with a reassuring smile.
“Thanks babe. I think I will,” Dick kisses Barbara’s forehead in thanks. He’s so grateful for her sometimes; she always knows what to say.
“Well, we’ve got a little time before you have to head out, want to watch a movie?” she asks, hoping to distract him for a little bit.
“Sure. Why don’t you pick while I finish putting the groceries away,” he responds as he picks up another bag and begins to put its contents away.
“Perfect.” She begins turning toward the couch half way there when she adds, “And don’t even think of touching the new toaster.”
He glances to the kitchen counter where it still sits in a plastic bag, deciding that’s probably a good idea and leaves it where it is.
Once he’s done putting away the rest of the groceries, Dick walks over to the couch, shrugging off his jacket as he goes. On the TV screen the first Avengers movie is just starting to play.
“Oh Avengers, you know I love me some good Steve Rogers,” Dick says. Barbara playfully punches his arm when he comes into range, then loops hers around his neck.
“Well you’re in luck, there’s a whole marathon on.”
In an instant he picks her up and settles them both down on the couch. Raising one arm behind his head he grabs Barbara’s blanket and throws it over them both, content to spend the next few hours by her side.
Towards the end of the movie, right as Tony flies into the wormhole to save the day, a news briefing flashes interrupts the scene.
 “Good evening Gotham my name is Vicky Vale here with breaking news. This just in Gotham’s newest hero The Signal has stopped a bank robbery at Gotham National. Video shows him handing over several would be thieves to GCPD officers waiting outside. More at 6 on WWTN!”
The screen cuts back to the movie just as the Avengers decide to go out for shawarma.
“Wow look at Duke! Looks like Damian isn’t the only one finding his place,” Barbara comments.
“He’s a natural alright. He’s been here less than a year and he’s already going solo,” Dick replies.
“Well his powers can’t hurt,” she adds.
“He doesn’t need them, he does it all on his own,” Dick says confidently.
“You sound impressed,” Babs says.
“I am, no way I was doing that stuff year 1.”
“You were only 10 at the time,” she recalls.
“Still, he’s caught on so fast. I’m just glad he took the daytime route, or I might be out of a job. But in all seriousness, he really is doing great, even Bruce is surprised. And not just on the streets, he’s found his place in the family too. Even Damian likes him.”
“Wow, that’s high praise from him,” Babs says, surprised.
“It is, and I’ll admit, I wasn’t too sure at first. I didn’t see what Bruce did, but I’m glad I was wrong. He’s just the change this family needed after the past few years,” Dick says with a smile.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Barbara concurs. “Well we may have missed the end of the movie, but another is on after this. While we wait, can I trust you to make popcorn?”
“Hey, popcorn is my specialty,” he says sarcastically, and kisses her head as he gets up.
While walking to the kitchen, an alert on his phone grabs his attention. Looking down, a message from Jason fills the screen.
“I’m heading out early, got a tip about an arms deal down by the docks. Anybody else want in?”
Wow, Jason really has come a long way if he’s asking for backup. Well, not so much asking, but it's probably as close as they’ll ever get from him. He hasn’t exactly needed them lately, which is fine. Jason is his own man now, but that doesn’t mean Dick doesn’t miss spending time with him.
Jason’s death had really changed Dick, made him reevaluate what mattered to him, and now that’s Jason’s back he hopes his little brother knows he’s on that list. Though he’s sure Jason definitely has other priorities; he has his own mission now after all.
A lot of other heroes in the community think of Jason as a black sheep, but Dick never has. If anything, it's always impressed him how dedicated he is to his cause. At first, he was jealous of this new kid taking over his spot, but as time went on, he saw how much the boy had earned it.  
Ever since Jason joined the family, he’s had a plan, and even now, after everything, he still knows what he needs to do. In some ways, he may even be more dedicated than Tim, giving up everything he had to fight his own way.
Dick can admit there was a time, a long time, when that was all he wanted. Now look at him, playing Batman while Bruce is off saving the world or whatever he’s doing this week. Maybe somewhere deep-down, Dick still is jealous of Jason.
“Dick, are you burning the popcorn?” Babs shouts from the living room.
“What? No, of course not.” Barbara’s call snaps Dick back to reality just in time to salvage their food.
He quickly grabs a bowl from a cabinet and pours the only slightly black popcorn inside. After adding enough butter to make Alfred wince, he heads back to the living room.
“Everything ok?” she asks, seeing his face.
“Jason texted, he’s heading out early to a bust, and wanted to know if anyone would like to join him.”
“Why don’t you join him? You probably have just enough time to go get Damian and meet him there.”
“You think that’s a good idea?”
“Yes, I do. You’ve been feeling like your brothers aren’t confiding in you anymore, maybe spending some time with them will help. All of them.”
“You’re right, I just don’t want to make things worse.”
“You won’t. He wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t want you there.”
“Alright I’ll go. Sorry it looks like you’re going to have to eat all this popcorn without me.”
Barbara looks down at the slightly burned kernels. “That’s too bad,” she says sarcastically.
Dick turns around and begins making his may to their hidden compartment filled with gear. He reaches for his phone to respond when it beeps again.
“Oh, maybe he changed his mind,” Dick mumbles to himself, as he looks at the device, but spread across the screen is a message he never wants to see.
Emergency: Code Red!
“Oh no…”
18 notes · View notes
burnedbyshoto · 4 years
bbs 10,000 celebration
hi all, so this is a lot, like always, because I don’t really know what we call... self control.
what you can do for this: come and thirst with me! come and be soft with me! let’s talk about any of my works you loved and now want to talk with me about! send me your favorite stories you’ve created and i’ll reblog them! or, as my typical antics go, choose a prompt below.
as always there are a few categories, and it is no different now.
you’ll find prompts regarding:  fluff, angst, smut, types of kisses, cliches, and miscellaneous 
all those options are down below so please feel free to choose any of those should you be unable to pick anything.
should you pick a prompt, submit it as the following: character, genre, number.
“It’s too cold! Come back!”
“No, I’m never letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
“I’m not gonna stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
“What? Does that feel good?”
“If it wasn’t for you, I’d be so lost. I’m so glad you came into my life.”
“I’d do anything for you.”
“Us… I like the sound of that.”
“You always know what to say.”
“You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!”
“Come here, you tiny smug bastard.”
“Just let me lean on the damn cart!”
“This might sound selfish, but I don’t care about the world - I only care about you!”
“Stop staring at me like that.”
“I know how this goes. First, you buy me a drink, then you tell me how pretty I look, and then, at the end of the night, you ask for my number.”
“Don’t get too close to that one, she’ll singe your fingertips and have you on your knees.”
“You have nothing to be insecure about.”
“______, we have a problem.” “I’ve been gone for like two minutes.”
“No, keep it. I want you to have it.”
“If you’re gonna make fun of me…”
“Oh my God, …we’re gonna be homeless.”
“Why’d you let go of my hand? Did I say something?”
“I know I kissed you before, but I didn’t do it right. Can I try again?”
“I don’t regret every second with you, I treasure them.”
“He loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it.”
“I want everyone in the world to know you’re mine.”
“You’re so needy.”
“Need I remind you that your ring finger already belongs to me?”
“OH, you’re jealous!”
“Please just kiss me already.”
“I think you might be my soulmate.”
“I could punch you right now.”
“You’re insane,” “You love me,” “Not right now I don’t.”
“I’m going to fucking smack you in a minute, I swear.” - “That’s not very nice.”
Send in your own!
“You deserve someone who values you.”
“I can’t take the loneliness anymore.”
“Maybe I’m meant to be alone.”
“I’ve been alone for so long.”
“It isn’t up for debate.”
“I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere.”
“You take me instead, do you hear me? Give her back and take me instead.”
“You would risk the lives of millions for one person? Why?” - “Because it’s not just one life…it’s yours.”
“This might sound selfish, but I don’t care about the world - I only care about you!”
“You don’t have to carry the weight of the world all by yourself, you know?”
“You’re a coward, (Name)! You hide away this entirely different part to yourself because you’re afraid that someone might get close to you! You’re afraid that someone might just care about you more than you think you deserve. That - that isn’t fair.”
“I find that being a coward keeps me more alive, so no thanks.”
“You can’t tell that I am in love with you because you were too busy loving someone else to notice me.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m done waiting.”
“All I want is for you to look at me the way you look at them.”
“It was a blatant lie when you said that you love me, but I don’t care.”
“Have you ever loved me? You know what, don’t say anything, we all know the answer.”
“It’s time to stop lying to ourselves.”
“Can I convince you to stay?”
“You were no good for me and I was too naive to see that.”
“You did a wonderful job convincing people that you love me, I almost fell for it.”
“I’ve finally come to accept the fact that you will never think I’m good enough for you.”
“I’m sorry, I think you got the wrong number.”
“Whoever you want to be with right now, that person is not me.”
“I’m sorry that I’m not who you wanted me to be.”
“I thought there’s something wrong with me. Turns out, it’s all you.”
“You used to look at me like that.”
“Sometimes, I wonder if things could have worked out.”
“You know what’s funny? No matter what you’ve done, I’ll still fall for you all over again.”
“Say it, say you don’t love me.”
“I had been in love with you for my entire life and you decided to love me back when I finally gave up.”
“Your ego stopped you from loving me, how sad is that.”
“We aren’t meant to be, can’t you tell?”
Send in your own!
“Underwear is optional.”
“Would you prefer my tongue or my cock?”
“There are only two acceptable options: either you eat me, or I’m going to eat you.”
“Remember this: your body belongs to me, and me alone.
“Your body seems to have other ideas.”
“If you keep moaning like that, you’re going to wake everyone else up.”
“I want you to watch me when I fuck you.”
“Not until you properly beg for it.”
“Don’t worry…I’ll make sure to take my sweet time punishing you.”
“No need to fantasize when the real thing is right in front of you.”
“Stop teasing me, fuck!”
“You know, you always look so much better when I mark you up.”
“You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat.”
“You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”
“Are you sure that’s what you want? I could really hurt you.”
“If you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat.”
“I don’t care how good it feels you’d better not cum until I tell you to.”
“I bet you think you’re really cute letting them put their hands all over you. We’ll see how cute you look later when I get you home.”
“You don’t have to be gentle with me, I don’t break easily.”
“You take my fingers so well don’t you?”
“Did I stutter? Do as you’re told!”
“Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”
“If you keep making those sounds I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
“Take it off. Slowly.”
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
“Pushing back against my fingers already? How pathetic.”
“Did I say you could stop?”
“Well since you want to cum so badly, why don’t we see how many times I can make you cum right now.”
“Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.”
“So desperate for it, aren’t you? Well, if you want it so bad you’d better start taking it.”
“Maybe I should leave you like this, that way anyone who wanted to use you could have a go with you. Would you like that?”
“You know, you look really pretty when you cry.”
“Look at you, grinding against everything, you’re really desperate for it. Aren’t you?”
Send in your own!
There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close
You confessed your feelings and we’re about to kiss but we get interrupted
I need a date for this wedding
I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having
You took a bullet for me
“I’ve been in love with you for years.”
I called you at 2 am because I need you
I’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand
Holding out their arm in front of s/o’s view to prevent them from being shot.
Suddenly pulling them in for a dance.
Watching them sleep in the early morning. 
Pleading for s/o to keep walking toward them in the midst of destruction, hand outstretched and desperate. 
Holding their hair back as they vomit into the toilet. 
Taking them to a pet store and falling in love with them as they gush over the millions of puppies. 
Singing together/catching them singing softly to themselves as they cook/do the dishes. 
Showing up at a club after they’ve called them, drunkenly needing their presence, and then taking them home. 
Breaking up in the middle of the pouring rain/watching them through the rear-view mirror as they drive away. 
Helping them with their homework, then proceeding to distract them. 
Taking them a bath after a long day/mission gone awry. 
Bandaging them up, scolding them for getting themselves hurt. 
Willingly becoming the bait in a mission to save them. 
Going on a mission together, partnering up as husband and wife. 
Calling them during a panic attack, having them rush over to sooth them.
Distancing themselves in order to keep them safe. 
Losing their memory only to have it come back after a much-awaited true love’s kiss. 
Watching over them while they’re in a coma, never leaving their side, never sleeping because they want to be there when they wake up. 
Being in denial about them actually being in love with them. 
Having to erase s/o’s memory of them so they can remain safe. 
Choosing someone else over them. 
Wrapped up in a sheet after a drunken night, flustered and trying to find their clothes while they watch you amusingly.
Waking up to them making you breakfast while half-naked.
Being utterly touch starved and too shy to ask to be held, so they resolve to brush their fingers against a part of s/o’s skin, etc.
Being the overly protective one during the pregnancy, doing everything for their s/o.
Send in your own!
Types of Kisses
Small kisses littered across the other’s face.
A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips.
Wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift.
French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them.
Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand.
A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
Morning kisses that are exchanged before either person opens their eyes, kissing blindly until their lips meet in a blissful encounter.
Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.
A fierce kiss that ends with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a lick.
One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person
Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer.
Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear.
Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.
One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force.
Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot.
Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other’s lips.
An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips.
Kissing tears from the other’s face.
Kisses shared under an umbrella.
Distracting kisses from someone that is meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
Tentative kisses that are given in the dark.
One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s.
A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck.
A single loving kiss left on the other’s forehead when they fall asleep snuggled close together.
Send in your own!
“You are weak with love for her.” 
“You attack one of us… you attack all of us.” 
“Sacrifice, that’s what we do for the people we love.” 
“I thought they’d killed you. I lost my temper.” 
“Don’t you touch her.” 
“If I can still breathe, I’m fine.” 
“Kind of a pretty boy, isn’t he?” 
“I wonder what will get you killed first – your loyalty or your stubbornness?”
“Where you go, I go.” 
“These people are my family, and if you hurt them in anyway – I will kill you.” 
“You are my dearest friend. My deepest love. You are the best part of me.” 
“You are the sun.”
“Oh, darling, everybody sees how you look at him.” 
“The choices I’ve made I would make again, for him, no matter the cost.”
“I’ll choose her happiness over mine every time.” 
“Of all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.” 
“That’s beyond stupid. He’s created a new kind of stupid.” 
“People say that I am heartless.” 
“You save everyone, but who saves you?” 
“I think you are the sweetest thing.” 
“Chin up, kid, they’d kill to see you fall.”
“I’m already home.”
“I want you to be proud of yourself. I want you to believe that you’re good enough because you are. You’re so amazing.”
Leaning into the others hand, turning their head and pressing a kiss to the palm
“If you want to leave, we can leave.”
“Should I go first or...do you want to go?”
“Would it help if I stayed?”
“I thought you said no more dangerous stunts?”
“Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so...”
“You don’t own her/him/them. You don’t get to choose who they choose. I don’t get to choose who they choose. No one, but them, gets to make that decision.”
“I just want you to be happy...”
“I’m going to die. I’m going to die with an absolute idiot!” 
“I want you to be happy...even if its not with me.”
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
“If I told you I hate you, what would you do?”
69 notes · View notes
yikeswtfmate · 4 years
Hiii! Since you’ve been blessing us with some juicy Ray content, I would like to request #17 with him. I just need something sad. Something along the lines of you being the love of his life and being together for years but being killed or severly injured as retaliation from some Mickey’s enemies? And everyone keeps saying that he can get past this but he keeps blaming himself and cannot get over it? Thank youuuuu!
ok, this has killed me on so many levels. first of all, thank you for sending this, i’ve been craving angst tonight and i know i promised i’d take all the requests in order but MY BRAIN SAW THIS AND RAN WITH IT UNTIL I HAD TO WRITE IT, i am sorry, i will get back to the schedule tomorrow (and thank you all for being so patient with me, i love you)
second, i am emotionally drained atm and i really hope you like it and it’s somewhere along the lines of what you’ve requested, babe! THANK YOU!
17. I can’t do this even though everyone says I can.
main masterlist
Raymond feels suffocated. He looks up from his hands and it’s only now that he notices there are fresh flowers in the room. Colours are bursting through all shapes and sizes, taking over every single available surface and it enrages him. It’s only after two nurses have taken all the bouquets out and he’s opened the windows, that he can sit down again. His fingers graze the edge of the bed, afraid of touching the ashen forearm, wary of disturbing the IV sticking out of her wrist.
The smell of the lilies still lingers, mixing with the antiseptic, a sickly sweet smell that he’ll never be able to erase from his memory. He takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes. Rosalind’s tried to get him to go home and get some sleep, begged him to take a shower or at least change his clothes, but three days later, he’s still wearing the same shirt that’s soaked in a thick stripe of blood. His hands shake every time he catches a glimpse of it, yet it fuels him with a rage that he’s never experienced in his entire life.
The door creaks open, and he hopes to fuck it’s not Mickey again or he’ll shoot him this time, as promised. The steps are too light though, as if used to boxing footwork, and Ray relaxes slightly. Coach’s hand pats him on the shoulder and he takes a sit on the other side of the bed.
“How is she feeling?” He speaks lowly, as if afraid he’ll wake her up, but Raymond knows that is impossible.
His eyes travel to her face, while he considers his friend’s question. The nasal cannula that’s replaced the oxygen mask highlights the cuts on her face and reveals the purple bruises on her neck. They’ve taken out the neck brace, but they’ve warned him that when she wakes up, she might not be able to talk for a long time. There’s a bullet hole in her abdomen, bandages wrapped around broken ribs, and he still wonders how there was only one shattered ankle, considering the state she was found in. He closes his eyes, straining against the guilt and shame – he wasn’t there even when Coach’s boys found her.
“The doctors said they’ll keep her sedated for now. They’re afraid she wouldn’t be able to handle the pain if she wakes up.” Raymond says.
His teeth clench around the words, while his brain floods with memories. He suddenly remembers the day he’s met her when she was just opening the bakery, the way her dress flowed in the summer breeze when he took her down to Cornwall and kissed her for the first time, her giggle when she was the first to tell him she loves him, as if it was the greatest secret in the universe. He remembers all the mornings when he’d wake up before her and watch her sleep, as the sun would shine on the tip of her nose, her laughter at him throwing her over his shoulder when he’d catch her in the kitchen, the way her head would always rest in his lap when he would be working during the weekend.
He remembers four nights ago when he’d finally asked her to marry him after nearly a decade of brushing his fingers through her hair every night. The ring is in his left pocket, burning a hole in his skin, after a nurse gave it to him before the surgery. Y/N’s eyes are closed now, but he can still see the tears in them when she whispered ‘yes’ over and over again.
“I can’t do this even though everyone says I can.” Ray’s words get stuck in his throat.
Coach sighs and takes off his glasses in order to rub them on his shirt. Ray watches his movements, not really registering them, but just giving himself something to do.
“I haven’t known you or Y/N for long, mate, but she’s a strong lass. She’ll come out of it. You just have to be there for her.”
Raymond’s brain snaps in that moment, and all the rage he’s been keeping bottled up spills out in a torrent of words he hasn’t uttered out loud ever since he first got the call.
“Coach, she’s been beaten and shot nearly to death. Do you understand this? She almost died because Mickey fucked up with those Russians and they came after us through her. She nearly died because I couldn’t sort Mickey’s shit out and they got to me through her. She didn’t choose this, she wasn’t a part of this like me or Mickey or even you are. We accepted the risks when we got into the business, we know how to deal with shit like this. She doesn’t. I was supposed to protect her from shit like this, keep her away from the line of fire, fucking not get her bloody involved in any way. I promised her nothing would ever happen to her. I promised her I will always be careful.”
Raymond doesn’t know when he started crying or when his voice turned so desperate. He feels helpless, hopeless, but most importantly useless. The woman he loves more than anything he’s ever loved in his entire existence is currently in a hospital bed in an induced comma because he didn’t do his job properly.
“Blaming yourself will not change her situation, Raymond. No one knew this would happen and the only way you could’ve prevented it is if you stayed by her side 24/7 and she would never have accepted that. She chose you.” Coach says and points a finger at Raymond. “She was aware of the shite you do and she still chose you. If you think she didn’t realise what it all entailed after all these years, then you’re a fucking idiot.” He stands up and with another pat on Ray’s shoulder, Coach walks towards the door. “She loves you. She would put up with every risk or danger if it means keeping you. And I’m not just talking out of my arse, mate, she told me herself.”
Later that night, after he’s slipped his hand under her fingers, Ray is drifting in and out of a fitful sleep. Coach’s words are mixing with flashes of her smile, the crinkles in the corners of her eyes, a wet bottom lip while pouting, a daisy stuck between strands of hair and a whispered promise on a late Sunday morning. And then, just as he remembers the time they first came up with their secret code, there it is – weakly and far in between, one, two, three taps of her index on his hand – I love you.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
You swallowed thickly. This was exactly what the mothers feared: you losing control. And being found out by others. Would the pack kick you out now? Would they fear you? Hate you? Nothing else seemed like a better idea in that moment than to simply disappear like the smoke from the still smoldering floor.
But you were stuck there in that room, with countless pairs of eyes staring at you with emotions that ranged from curiosity to confusion to fear.
“It was just an accident,” Soomi insisted, coming to your rescue when you still couldn’t find the words. She rushed over to your side, crouching down and putting her hands on your shoulders in a protective manner.
“An accident?” Kris scowled. His eyes flickered over to the circular burn pattern around the bed. “This looks a little precise to be an accident.”
“Soomi, is this one of the powers you were talking about?” Junmyeon asked suddenly. Your eyes went wide as you whirled around to face the one person who you thought would never tell. It was against her character to go against the wishes of the coven.
Soomi looked at you with guilt. “Someone had to know, in case something like this happened,” she explained. To Junmyeon, she nodded. “But this has never happened before. Not in her sleep.”
“Wait, so (y/n) made the fire?” Jongdae exclaimed. “While sleeping?”
“That is both terrifying and impressive,” Baekhyun commented.
“Wait,” Tao looked at the others frantically, never letting his gaze settle on you, most likely out of a small amount of fear, “so what exactly can she do?”
Soomi answered for you, which made you feel relieved that you didn’t have to speak up. You were still in shock from the fire… and the vision. “(y/n) was born with the ability to manipulate the elements. It’s rare among witches and… it’s not the easiest thing to control.”
Kris looked over at Junmyeon. “Don’t you think that you should have shared that with the rest of us, especially since she’s staying in our house? With Mei?”
“She would never hurt any of us,” Junmyeon defended. You were thankful that at least one of the alphas was on your side. Even if you actually tried, you were sure you wouldn’t have been able to support yourself properly.
“I wouldn’t exactly call her powers ‘under control’,” Kris spat back.
Soomi shook her head, her protective grip on your shoulders tightening. “They’ve never surged like this before. A splash of water here and there and-”
“Splash of water?” Baekhyun’s eyes grew wide along with a mischievous smile. “Was that you at the restaurant?”
“The restaurant?” Soomi looked to you. “What happened at the restaurant?”
Everyone was staring, waiting for answers. Some you had, some you didn’t. The pressure and the tension brought you back to when you were just a child, brought before the mothers of the coven, the first time your powers manifested.
Fire. It was always fire. The first time had terrified you. It wasn’t obvious – in your eyes, at least – that it had been you to cause the candle flames to surge and grow until Mother Cypress’ ceiling caught fire as well. It was put out before any true damage could be done, thankfully, but it didn’t end there. The other kids had pointed to you as the culprit. You didn’t understand. All you had done was cry and yell. Ronin had stolen your favorite stuffed animal and refused to tell you where he’d hidden it. Next thing you knew everyone was running and screaming because of the candles. Not too long after, the mothers had figured out just how different you were.
And here you were again, surrounded by accusatory stares mixed in with fear of the unknown. What else could you do besides jump to your feet and run out the door? In your mind, there was no other option. And no one stopped you. Several of the wolves even jumped out of the way, perhaps scared that you’d set them aflame if they didn’t.
Outside, the unexpected chilly air stabbed at the exposed skin of your arms and legs. Almost immediately, your teeth started to chatter. It seemed the weather was finally saying goodbye to the last bit of summer and fully transitioning into fall. Which went the blood moon was getting closer as well. Even with the heavy cover of clouds in the sky, you could still see the faded orange of the sun rising. It was morning already.
Too cold to go any further, you sat down in the dewy grass, the water adding to your icy state. But you didn’t move. Part of you hoped that maybe you would simply freeze over in that spot, a permanent statue that no longer had to deal with the cards life had handed you on the day of your birth. Burying your face in your knees, you willed the water around you to come over you and solidify in an attempt to become that statue. As per usual, your so-called “power” ignored what you wanted. They only seemed to want to cause chaos instead of obeying your orders.
Was that their true purpose? Were they really meant for chaos? The mothers had tried to keep you on the road of light magic, of good, but what if you simply weren’t made for it? What if your destiny was to take the other path and all this effort was simply prolonging the inevitable? Could that be what the visions had been trying to tell you all along?
Something warm suddenly fell onto your shoulders, causing you to flinch. In a glance you saw an oversized jacket now covered you as protection from the cold. The owner of the clothing item stood in front of you, his hand out as if waiting for you to take it.
“Come on,” Sehun said softly.
You pulled your arms in tighter to your chest in defiance. “I’m not going back inside.”
“I’m not taking you back inside,” he countered. The fact that he continued to be unfazed by your snappy attitude was not lost on you. But he already knew, didn’t he? He already knew about your powers. Even so, you were a bit amazed that he wasn’t keeping his distance after witnessing the extent of what you were capable of.  “Just trust me.”
Somehow, those three little words did it. Without even hesitating, you took his still outstretched hand and let him pull you up to your feet. In that motion, however, the jacket slide off your shoulders, exposing you to the cold once again. Before it could fall to the ground and become covered in water, rendering it useless, Sehun snatched it from the air.
“Here.” He adjusted the jacket in his hands and then slide one of your arms into the sleeves like a child. But you didn’t fight him or slide in some comment about being able to do it yourself. You let him wrap you up in the warmth that smelled like him, even biting back a smile as he zipped it up nearly to your chin. Satisfied with his work, he grabbed your hand and said, “Let’s go.”
It was a slow walk towards the woods west of the farmhouse. You’d never gone this way before so your mind was reeling with the possibilities of your destination. Though he wasn’t speeding ahead, Sehun seemed to be walking with purpose, giving you somewhat of a hint that this wasn’t an aimless stroll.
After ten minutes or so, the trees began to thin again, revealing a second, man-made clearing. Three different structures were in varying stages of construction on the property. The largest one resembled the bare bones of a house, only the wooden beams that would hold up the walls to dictate where the rooms were going to be were built.
“This is our second home,” Sehun explained. “The farmhouse is getting too crowded, so Junmyeon started this a month ago or so. The space might be nice, but I like having all of us together.” The sadness in his voice was evident and you squeezed his fingers in an effort to comfort him. This whole time he’d kept a protective grip on your hand and still, he didn’t let go. You didn’t want him to, either. The warmth passing back and forth through your palms was the only thing keeping you upright, stopping you from crumbling away.
Over and over, you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t fall in the same trap that Soomi did. You wouldn’t fall for a wolf that clearly wasn’t yours.
But you wanted him to be.
You wanted to lean your forehead against his shoulder, eyes closed, and take him in. Everything about him calmed you down and sped you up at the same time. Your heart was racing, but your mind was at ease. Could he feel how hard the blood was pumping through your veins? Did he feel the same way?
The sudden panic of getting too close surged up in your stomach. You tried to step away, put space again between the two of you and free your fingers from their wanted cage, but he didn’t let you. He wasn’t holding them hostage in a grip that would turn the tips of your fingers white, but he did hold firm, conveying his wish to keep you beside him without uttering a word.
Still remaining silent, Sehun tugged you along to get closer to the construction site. He ignored the yellow caution tape to bring you almost to the center of the house. If you let your imagination run, you could almost picture the painted walls, the kitchen, the living room, all of it really, with you in the middle of it. It almost made you laugh; how could this empty, shell of a building feel like… home?
“I’ve been coming here a lot lately,” Sehun randomly confessed as he let you go. He took a few steps until he came to a foundation beam, holding onto it with one hand and leaning back. His gaze was up at the sky as if he were searching for words to say or an answer to a dilemma that had been haunting him. “Just for some quiet or think things through, it doesn’t matter. No one else comes here. They don’t care since it’s not finished. I almost don’t want them to finish it. I don’t know where I’d go after that.”
You were a little put out by his tangent since you thought him bringing you here was about making you feel better, but on the other hand… it was doing a decent job of getting your mind away from that dark place. Was that his real intention? Helping by pretending to not be helping?
Shrugging away the lack of answer to your riddle, you stepped up to the same pole Sehun was pulling on and leaned up against it with the corner pushing into your shoulder. You stared up at the orange-haired wolf until he tore his eyes away from the sky to meet your own.
“The forest is big,” you told him. “I’m sure you’ll find another hiding spot.”
Sehun inhaled deeply through his nose, holding it in for a few seconds before letting it out slowly through his lips. “Maybe I should stop hiding.”
There it was again. That electricity in the air that charged up every time he started to lean in. His eyes flickered back and forth from your gaze to your lips in debate. The difference this time around was the fact that it didn’t feel teasing or restrained. It was charged, serious.
“What are you hiding from?” you asked in a voice so soft it couldn’t even be deemed a whisper. It was merely breath leaving your lungs and yet the words were understood.
But Sehun ignored your question, leaning in at an agonizingly sluggish pace. You felt your own calves raise you up to shorten the time it would take for him to reach you. Then you felt the first drop land on your cheek. Looking up at sky, you found the clouds had thickened once again and were releasing the water that was now too heavy to continue carrying.
Drip… drip… drip… drip, drip, drip.
Faster and faster it came down, no roof up above to save you from the pouring rain. Sehun cursed under his breath and grabbed your hand, making a run for the trees that hardly created an adequate cover as the two of you hurried back to the farmhouse. By the time the two of you stumbled into the kitchen through the back door, you were soaked.
“(y/n), oh, my god!” Soomi rushed up to you, cupping your face in her hands as she inspected your current state.
Junmyeon sighed in relief. “Thanks for finding her, Sehun.”
You raised an eyebrow at the wolf after he didn’t correct the alpha’s phrasing. He hadn’t found you, he was the reason you were out in the rain in first place. Now he was practically on the other side of the kitchen. As soon as you were inside, he’d let go of your hand, making you feel colder than ever. You were hurt by how quickly he’d flipped the switch, how easy it was for him to create distance after coming in so close.
“Let’s get you changed out of those clothes,” Soomi said, pulling you out of the feelings that were currently drowning you. She led you towards the stairs, not slowing down even as you kept looking over your shoulder back at Sehun, who was whispering some story to his alpha that you couldn’t interpret.
Instead of going towards the bedroom, however, Soomi steered you towards the bathroom once arriving on the second floor. She started the shower and let the water warm up as she helped you strip out of the ruined clothes. You stared silently at the black jacket that had gotten the worst of it. Pools of rain water formed on the tiles where it lied. If only you could melt away like the water.  
“Go on and get in,” Soomi ordered. “I’ll put some clean clothes on the counter for you and then… well, then come downstairs. We all need to talk.”
Alone in that shower, you contemplated the consequences of never getting out again. Your skin would wrinkle and shrivel, maybe even dry out from the heat of the water. Eventually the hot water would run out and nothing but cold water would be spitting out of the old showerhead.  Soomi would get worried and barge her way back in, pulling you out if need be. Or worse… she’d enlist the help of the other mates or even a wolf.
Now that hiding in the shower was ruled out as an option, you decided to stop being a coward and face the trial that would be waiting for you downstairs. You knew you would have to tell them about the dream – the very realistic dream you were sure was much more than a manifestation of your REM-induced brain. You were still drying your hair with a towel when you came down the steps. Everyone was in the kitchen, as to be expected. Sehun had also changed into dry clothes and was seemingly avoiding any chance to even peek in your direction.
“I swear, I think we’ve had more family meetings in the past year than we have since the pack formed,” Baekhyun grumbled. You shrank back in your spot, knowing a lot of them were most likely because of you. Was there any way you could make it back up the steps without being noticed? No, probably not.
“It’s important that we all know what’s going on,” Yixing reminded him.
“I’m kind of curious about the fire,” Minseok asked very pointedly.
You didn’t want to look at the kind alpha, but you could feel everyone waiting for your response, so you lifted your chin, barely glancing at him. “Yeah?”
“Do you know what- what caused your powers to… surge like that?”
You swallowed thickly. The words came out in a scared, squeaky voice that you hardly recognized as your own. “I, um, I had another… vision.”
“A vision?” Soomi gasped. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“There wasn’t exactly a good second to do so,” you pointed out.
“What was the vision?” Kris questioned.
“I was in that clearing again.” Him, you absolutely refused to look in the eye. By the time you were through here your cuticles were going to be nonexistent thanks to that nervous habit. “The woman was there, too, but she was behind me. I still didn’t see her face.”
Junmyeon waited a moment for you continue. When you didn’t, he asked. “What were you doing?”
“She was… urging me to use my power,” you whispered. “Fire, to be exact. Using it in the vision must have triggered something to make it happen in real life.”
“What were you doing with the woman?” Jongin’s question was meant innocently, from what you could tell by his tone, but it set off a domino effect of panic.
“What were you doing there?” Baekhyun emphasized in an accusatory voice.
“It sounded like you were on her side,” Jongdae added. While the accusation stung, you didn’t blame him for thinking down that way.  
Chanyeol pouted like a kicked puppy at you. “You wouldn’t join her, would you?”
“I bet they’ve been working together this whole time.”
“If that were true, why would she tells us about this?”
“To make herself look innocent after setting the house on fire.”
“That’s a solid plan.”
“She can’t stay here. What if she loses control again?”
“Or sets the house on fire on purpose?” 
Louder and louder the voices grew, intersecting and overlapping until you could no longer tell what argument was coming from which wolf. A small select few still seemed to believe in your innocence, but most were deeming you untrustworthy.
You flinched at Junmyeon’s outburst. You’d seen him frustrated and agitated, but you’d never seen him lose his temper in this fashion. His jaw was set, teeth grinding against each other while his glare roamed over his pack.
“The fact that any of you would think for a second that (y/n) was plotting against us….” He shook his head. “I’m disappointed in all of you.”
“But they had good points, Junmyeon,” Kris argued. “And we must always put the pack first.”
Junmyeon scoffed. “So, what do you want to do? Throw them out?”
Kris shrugged. “It really might be best if they don’t stay here anymore. We can’t be completely sure that this won’t happen again. And next time, it could be worse.”
“But what about the woman? (y/n)’s visions?”
“They’re not constant. If she has one, then they can come over and describe it to us,” Yixing said. Guilt was apparent when he looked at you, but he quickly ended the contact, squeezing Ming’s hand protectively.
Junmyeon opened his mouth to argue, but eventually closed it again. His shoulders slumped, admitting defeat.
“You can’t just kick them out!” Sehun shouted.
“I don’t have a choice, Sehun.” The alpha was breaking. His voice wasn’t as strong as it had been a few seconds ago. He was going back on his promise to Mother Willow to protect you and Soomi and it was killing him to do so. You didn’t understand how any of them could be okay with seeing their leader this way. “I have to put the pack first. Always.”
A roar ripped through the air that made everyone jump.
“She is part of the pack!”
Sehun marched over to you, taking ahold of your wrist and pulling you into his side. With an expression that was scaring even you, he made a declaration that you wouldn’t have been prepared for in a thousand years.
“She’s my mate.”
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otomefoxystar · 4 years
Fandom:  Mr. Love Queen’s Choice 
Pairing:  Gavin X MC
Warning: None
Genre: Angst with some fluff
Word Count: 1,386
Written by: @otomefoxystar
She woke up in an unfamiliar hospital, and when she looked around she saw Gavin in a chair sleeping. “Ga..v..in” He sat up from his hunched over position “You’re awake” He stood up and brought the chair over to sit next to her. “ You’re the only thing I remember Gavin, everything else.. it doesn’t make any sense I can’t put any of the pieces together.” Gavin sat down and took her hand gently. “ It’s okay, don’t put pressure on yourself, take your time.” She looked into Gavin's caring eyes.
“ How long was I away Gavin? I need to know.” He squeezed her hand “ Three months…” He took a deep breath remembering the uncertainty it brought him. “ I thought you were dead.” She reached over and stroked his hair. “ But you saved me, Gavin.” He smiled “ I could feel you, I haven’t felt you in a long time, and all of a sudden my heart felt you.” She smiled a weak smile “why can’t I remember anything? Why is everything so jumbled in my head everything, but you... You were the only thing keeping me from letting go.” Tears started rolling down her cheeks. 
“ Hey...Hey, it’s okay I’m here. I’ll do everything I can to help you, but you’ve gotta let the doctors look at you, you keep refusing. We need to know that you are physically okay. She gave him a worried look “ What if I’m not okay?” Gavin patted her head “Then I’ll help you get through it, regardless we need to know. If you can’t do it for yourself then do it for me…Please.” More tears slipped out and he rubbed her arm “ Okay” 
Gavin was waiting outside the door when the doctor came out and quietly shut the door. “ Officer Gavin, I gave her a sedative to help her sleep. She is extremely malnourished and underweight, it’s going to take time for her to be strong enough to be able to do daily activities until she gains about twenty pounds.” Gavin was furious and also worried he didn’t know which emotion to feel. “ You two are friends, Yes?” Gavin nodded “ She’s going to need you, really need you. 
She’s been through a lot. Right now she doesn’t remember anything but eventually, those memories will come back, and when they do she’s going to need a lot of support. What I’m trying to say is while she is sleeping in there get your feelings in order so that you can take care of your friend.” Gavin heard what he was saying loud and clear, he knew what he had to do. He had to be strong for her. He had to be the one who carries both their weight. He was going to step it up and take care of her in any way he could. Even if that meant he would have to watch her suffer. He sure as hell wouldn’t let her suffer in silence. “ I understand, thank you doctor” The doctor nodded his head, and kept on walking. 
Gavin waited a minute to go in, and when he did he saw her sleeping there peacefully when he knew she must be in a tremendous amount of pain. He sat down on the bed next to her and stroked her hair for a while. “ I’m here MC, I won’t leave you, I will never leave you. You don’t have to be strong right now. She was finally released from the hospital after a week, and Gavin insisted that she stay with him. That he can properly take care of her. He made sure she was eating properly so that she could gain weight. She was slowly opening up to him talking about memories from her past, memories from her childhood. One day Gavin thought he would treat her, and picked up some ice cream on his way home. He was so excited to see her face when he walked in but when he came in she was nowhere to be seen. He put the ice cream in his freezer and took off his jacket and hung it neatly over a chair. 
“MC?” He kept searching the house until he heard quiet sobs coming from the bedroom. He pushed the ajar door open and saw her laying on the bed crying. “MC?” He walked into the room silently, and sat next to her as she cried “ MC? It’s okay to cry, just let it out.” He started to rub her back, and she gasped as she sobbed “I-I’m s-sorry Gavin. I know I’m a burden, I should probably go home. I don’t want to put you out any more than I already have.” Gavin shook his head rapidly “ Look at me MC.” She rolled over and looked at him with red teary eyes. He stroked the hair out of her face. 
“ You are not a burden, do you hear me? I want you to be here.” Tears began leaking out of her eyes again “ But why? I’m a mess. Gavin, there’s no telling when I’ll be better. IF I ever get better, or even when my memories come back. I don’t know what happened to me and that scares me.” Gavin wiped a tear away with his finger “ I don’t know either, and I can only begin to imagine what you are feeling. I am here though MC I am here and I’m not going anywhere. When you were gone I felt like I was going to go crazy with worry.”
She sat up on the bed, and Gavin cupped her right cheek “ We just need to work on you gaining weight, and getting physically healthy again. Everything else you can take your time with.” She put her hand over the one that was cupping her cheek. “ I don’t want to get better Gavin. I feel like an empty shell, I just want to wither away. I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to live either.” Gavin looked into her eyes with concern “ Live for me then. Even though you don’t remember you were gone for a long time, and I’m sure it’s left scars, and it’s going to take time to heal.” 
Then Gavin kissed her forehead, something he didn’t expect himself to do. They both sat there silently just looking at each other. Something was stirring within him, and he couldn’t contain it anymore. In a raspy voice, he whispered, “ I need you MC.” His voice was oozing with sex appeal, and although she had been aware the moment she fell in love with Gavin she only ever dreamed of acting on it. She respected him and didn’t want to ruin the friendship they’ve built.
She wanted to kiss him so badly, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so instead she said: “ I need you too Gavin, I just don’t know how to live.” He brought his face close to hers, and her heart rate sped up “Then I will teach you.” He put some hair behind her ear and moved his hand to the back of her head then rubbed his nose against hers and leaned in to press his lips softly against hers She tensed up for a moment only to relax a moment later. She put her hand at the back of his neck. As their lips moved together fresh tears began to stream down her face, and drop on Gavin’s hand. He opened his eyes and drew away wiping her tears away. 
“ What’s the matter? Do you not want this?” She shook her head. “ No, I’ve wanted this for so so long, I just hope you aren’t doing this to make me feel better.” He kissed her temple “ God no. MC, I’ve been in love with you since high school.” Her eyes opened wide “ Really?” He combed his hands through her hair “Yes” She looked into his expressive amber eyes “ I love you too Gavin.” At that statement, he kissed her again pushing his hot tongue into her mouth wrestling with her tongue exploring her mouth. They began to breathe heavily through their noses, and he pulled away. “ Please stay with me, and I’ll help you learn to be happy again.” She nodded “Just be patient with me.” Gavin smiled “I’ll give you as long as you need .”
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