#but when they don’t respond idk how
studyblrintraining · 2 years
today marks 3 weeks since i moved into uni and i haven’t heard anything from disability services since those first 3 days (which were a transition event with them). i’m supposed to have a mentor who i see each week but i’ve not been told what i need to do to sort that out, i emailed disability services a little over a week ago cos i don’t even know who my disability advisor is but all i got was an automated response - and an outdated one at that, it was talking about emails not being responded to on the day of the queen’s funeral. idk i’m just frustrated because i need that support right now but i’m getting nothing, and i don’t even know what i’m supposed to do to get it.
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vampirepunks · 4 months
Since Kojima’s been saying that the Death Stranding film is going to tell a story that can only be told through the film medium, I really hope it’s a prequel to the game. There are a lot of background events represented through text and dialogue that wouldn’t translate well to a video game format on their own.
It’d be really cool to see the start of the Stranding, Victor and Igor’s backstory (as seen in the DS novelization), snippets from Sam’s childhood/early years with Bridges, the development and construction of the chiral network, and most of the events described in Higgs’ journals.
Coffin’s decision to leave her family behind, start a terrorist uprising by radicalizing the porters who unknowingly abetted human sacrifices by delivering BBs for the chiral network, and the decision to adopt Higgs as her protégé? That story alone would be worthy of a film.
#just thoughts#i would kill to see little baby Peter#and witness his Becoming™️ from that scared kid into the man we know and love#i know that ‘new world with a new sky’ moment would be POWERFUL#and what of his porter partner who died? what did that relationship look like? how close were they?#what of his relationship with Fragile after Coffin died? having a best friend who probably never saw his face?#not to mention his tragic rise to power and the secrecy that came with it. having to kill to maintain his DOOMS because people needed him#like he was handpicked as the inheritor of a rebellion against Bridges/the UCA and suddenly ended up with a LOT of responsibility when-#-Coffin died. and suddenly he was living a double life to care for and protect the people of the Western region#and those folks responded by calling him King Midas. naming him after a folk hero whose defining tragedy is being powerful but alone#everything he touched turn to gold but it’s so hard to form connections when you can’t shake hands#(sorry not sorry lol)#it’s such a complicated and nuanced backstory & so many people don’t even know about it because it’s in hard-to-reach texts & a side quest#idk I just think it’d make a really good movie. bonus points if it canonized him being a repatriate#it’d make a really good sci-fi political thriller/horror#i would vaporize in my seat if it cold opened with higgs saying 'once there was an explosion...' but now i'm just being self-indulgent#death stranding#death stranding movie#death stranding a24#higgs monaghan#logan.txt
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seiwas · 3 months
the busier my friends and i have gotten with our lives the more i’m starting to understand what it means to choose and invest in the friendships you want to keep
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drygrasses · 4 months
#stealing this post format bc I need something like a priv account to vent and ramble on but Twitter is fuuuuucked#and that was one thing Twitter did well#idk man I get so anxious when I think I might not have 100% perfectly nailed a social interaction#which includes everything from someone just not responding immediately to me actually saying something wrong#and saying something wrong is usually not actually saying something wrong it’s saying something only like 80% of the way right#but to my perfectionism that is 100% a failure#I sent a friend a post I’d sent him before I even knew I might’ve sent it before and joked about that#and it turns out I did send it before#fuck I fucked up!! wow how awful I thought of him twice (sarcasm)#like I know it’s fine but my heart doesn’t feel that it’s fine#and it doesn’t matter how close a friend is#if I say something that is arguably just not 1000% pleasant and amiable and lovely#like having An opinion (just one)#and they don’t respond right away? or don’t immediately agree if it’s a real life conversation?#then my insides start chewing themselves up#I used to have so many opinions actually when did I get this hesitant and this afraid#who am I trying to please?#(except everyone I like) (all of them all of the time)#not feeling awesome rn I don’t even know what caused it this time#I have suspicions but they’re all dumb#well ofc they’re dumb anxiety is a manifestation of pure illogicality#and my perfectionism will make a mountain out of any molehill#for the priv#also I need that dash so the emoji isn’t just like. comically big lmao wtf
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plinkcat-gif · 8 months
when i voice my discomfort brought on by something related to my neurodivergency (overstimulation, headache brought on by specific thing) or my allergies i need everyone to understand that it’s either relatable or funny
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i-wanna-show-you-off · 2 months
Hii how are you?? (Im so bored, im messaging all my mutuals. The netflix and yt aint helping)
I’ve been alright lately
I mean I’m tired (as always) but other than that I’ve been good
also I get it because I’ve been super bored this week too
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rickktish · 4 months
The hypocritical dichotomy of “I have the right to separate myself from those who have hurt me, I hold no obligation to them or to the connections we once had” and “I will hold the people who have hurt me personally accountable for the pain they have caused me and prioritize myself above their feelings” is the kind of thing that makes me want to tear my hair out and start biting people
#this is about ‘going no contact’ with family members in case you couldn’t tell#i understand that the terrible things tend to float to the surface of the internet#and garner the most attention therefore getting the most upvotes and likes and highest priority on the youtube algorithm#but every time i read or hear a story about someone cutting their parents out of their life#i literally don’t know how to respond#like on the one hand yes its importnat to keep yourself safe#and if you are in an unsafe situation you should 100% remove yourself#but don’t act like you’re not also causing damage#if you’re upset with your parent/s for causing you damage by prioritizing their feelings/needs/wants/etc over yours#then doing the same thing to them isn’t actually fixing anything#and while it does carry with it a kind of poetic justice#you are in a lot of ways continuing an unhealthy behavior pattern that’s only taken on a new face#idk man#i just#do you ever lie awake at night considering your inherent hypocrisy?#do you ever wonder what kind of impact this is going to have on not only your personal future but that of those around you?#my mom still talks to her horrendous siblings and while I genuinely wouldn’t blame her for stopping because htey’re actively harmful#I also can get behind the personal honor and maintaining your own values in keeping up connections because you value the person#even when they continue to hurt you in order to feel better about themselves#actively saying ‘you are more important to me than the hurt that you continue to cause me’ takes a lot of guts#and i know if my siblibngs and i became their targets then things would change#but the fact that she’s willing to continue to take it from them as they continue to target her?#infintely admirable imo
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onewhoturns · 4 months
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kingdom-dance · 7 months
So this new job has been great except for some reason today is “be kind of a bitch to me” day I guess
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starlooove · 7 months
Some of y’all forget the canon fodder is supposed to be canon fodder
#yall acting like that loa thing means tim doesn’t care for human life or is neutral about killing#it’s the same argument as Bruce doesn’t kill ppl but he beats them till they bleed out#first of all convo that’s been had In universe#and second of all. idk how to say this#like how to word it#but like. it’s like if someone spoke about how Bruce’s parenting exacerbates so many of the other bats interpersonal issues#and someone responded with ‘Bruce can’t be a bad parent bc he’s nice to civilians all the time and hugged each of his kids at least twice!’#like. ok. and.#that doesnt negate what he’s doing or what the narrative is choosing to focus on#sorry this is about tim#i hate the convo that tim is chill with killing bc it’s just. more giving him characterization that’s not really there#as far as I remember the blowing up the base wasn’t treated with any narrative importance#and#yknow what I’m gonna draft this and I might fix it later I’m rambling#or I’ll post as is in a draft dump idk#anyways if editing; point out how the lack of care towards those assassins is rooted in racism#and unfortunately they’re not seen as human beings worth mourning or worrying about killing for by the narrative#and through extension they’re not worth mourning or debating the code about to tim#technically logically we know ppl had to have died#within the narrative tho they don’t matter and using that to explain Tim’s utter apathy just looks bad when u realize they don’t matter not#just bc they’re background characters but bc they’re evil brown background characters#it’s the weight of dick beating the joker to death vs the weight of dick prolly scrambling some goons brains with the escrima stick#and tbh taking it fully seriously and debating how it might be to tim would be fine#if this wasn’t just used as another ‘tim is so badass!’ w/o actually exploring his character and how this may impact it#it’s like if they said Bruce doesn’t actually care about his killing code bc he’s prolly killed ppl by beating them before#maybe technically but not narratively! and that’s bc background characters (some of the time. don’t be stupid) are not really ppl#it’s like that ‘getting shot by the sniper so the main character knows there’s a sniper’ trend#getting beat silly by Batman so the audience knows how tough he is#but with no regards to realistic damage#getting blown up by Red Robin so the audience knows how cool is
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spoonmoment119 · 1 year
ah fuck. i knew i shouldn’t have spread all that joehills propaganda
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im-no-jedi · 9 months
I woke up today to discover that some of y’all decided to be super sweet and reblog my recent art… I honestly wasn’t trying to garner attention or anything like that with the post I made last night but I appreciate the attention nonetheless 🥹💙
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padfootastic · 2 years
harry started smoking shortly after the events of the secret camera, he probably found the cigarettes in Uncle Vernon's things . He probably doesn't tell anyone, at first there were just a few but those of thinking that his father's "assassin" is trying to kill him,the tasks in goblet of fire, Cedric's death, the almost death of sirius here sirius is alive so after all this, it became a habit that not even sirius remus anyone in the order knows i can only imagine them discovering molly surtan...
did this get cut off towards the end? 👀
regardless, i love this sm!!! harry being full of rage and conflicted feelings, not knowing/being taught how to deal w them. he finds a cig and tries it just for the heck of it (can’t get any worse right?) and lo and behold, things don’t suck as much for a few minutes. he can peacefully float away from all his troubles if only for a small amount of time (genuinely this line of thinking leads me to more substance use hcs like harry’s had the most terrible life and it lends itself very much to those) and over the summer he gets used to those. takes a few packs to hogwarts w him, sneaks off for a smoke every now and then when things get too much, tries to hard it from the people around him.
and like, the thing with cigarettes is that they’re such a slippery slope lol so i can totally see him going for riskier and riskier smoke breaks until he’s finally caught one time. maybe at grimmauld place where there’s only so many places u can hide?
molly will definitely lose her shit, like no question. she’ll be the kind who’ll assume unwanted responsibility and berate him without giving him space to breathe imo (ik she’s much softer when it comes to harry, but i can def see her w the potential to do this). remus would probably pull another ‘your parents didn’t sacrifice their lives for u to kill urself this way harry >:(‘. arthur would bumble around a disappointed, well meaning, but ultimately useless ‘this isn’t the solution’.
sirius, though. here’s my bias coming in. i think he’d be the best equipped to deal with that bc i hc him smoking from a young age as well, for similar reasons. so he gets it, unlike literally everyone else, but most importantly he gives harry the space to talk about it. he’ll be interested in knowing what happened, why he feels the need to rely on cigarettes, and then gently GENTLY help harry come to terms with the fact that his grief is valid without having to resort to damaging substances AND help him find new coping mechanisms. generational healing and unlearning harmful things ftw amirite?
(alternatively, im also just here for a harry who started smoking super young and never stopped ngl)
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imaginarypasta · 8 months
nothing grinds my gears quite like a second “why haven’t you responded to me yet” message a mere 1-2 days after the original text
#personal#of course something like further elaboration or a change in subject would be valid#im saying literally like along the lines of ‘why haven’t you responded’#im not saying no situation ever demands it but that urgency every time we text is so exhausting#like give me a little bit of time. i say 3-5 days is more reasonable but i’m personally fine with full weeks in between#and i understand the logic of ‘oh they’re not responding to me -> possibly feel bad about it possibly neutral -> i’ll just give them a#reminder so they know no hard feelings’ i really do understand that#but the constant demand of respond to a thousand texts within a day#is personally too much and honestly just not something i’m interested in participating in#and i have said before ‘im not on my phone that much. that is simply how long it takes me to respond to messages. if it’s urgent either#call or say it is urgent that way i know’#AND importantly ‘i don’t go on my phone when i’m hanging out with people’ because that’s almost always what the situation is#and i try so hard to not be annoyed bc i know their intentions are not bad and they just want to talk to me#but idk how many time i have it in me to explain that to the same ppl over and over#and it would be less annoying if there wasn’t a habit of like forgetting this kind of thing about me. i don’t know a better way to say it#anyway. trying so hard to not make this is ‘this is what’s wrong with everyone today’ or ‘i’m so unique’ thing bc i realize how close this#annoyance can get to those places & they’re very much not the attitude i’m coming into this with#ok rant over :p
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digitalgirls · 1 year
i have a question
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goldensunset · 2 years
i have to do something today other than play legends arceus for 12 hours straight again
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#it’s the middle of the semester i have work to do#tests to study for projects to work on#advisor meetings to schedule and attend…#so that i can sign up for courses next semester…#but then i want to switch my major but that’s such an ordeal idk how tough the process will be#and i can only hope i’ll actually like the major i switch into (communication)#they always say it’s ok to go to college even if you don’t know what you wanna do yet and you have plenty of time#but i’m starting to think that’s not smart and i should really get on that ASAP#but like if it takes a while to process the major switch then#see advisor meetings start tomorrow (you literally have to attend one to be able to register for courses next semester)#but switching my major means switching my advisor#so is it a bad idea to try switching advisors when we’re supposed to be meeting with them#basically will i have a wide enough window for all this#pain and suffering#once again this is just me writing out my problems and responsibilities in words so i feel more capable of handling them#peach rambles#and this isn’t even covering the whole language requirement thing and i have to take a language placement test#they literally won’t let me just sign up for the easier class they are forcing me to take a test before i can sign up for anything#but the test is a timed speaking test where i have to listen to something and respond like it’s a real conversation and record myself and#yeah this sucks i don’t wanna do it idk how hard it’ll be…
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