#just bc they’re background characters but bc they’re evil brown background characters
morethanonepage · 3 years
what would you say are the dynamics and themes that interest you most? Also frankly I'm surprised you read any star wars fic still, I agree on just wanting to read some good finnpoe but that has gotten increasingly futile.
i mean the thing i potentially like so much about finnpoe is that they BOTH have very specific, in some ways very different traumas (finn being a child soldier and growing up in such a highly regulated way where he had basically no bodily autonomy VS poe being mind-raped AND seeing his inability to stop it as having betrayed his own people AND seeing so many of his friends & comrades die in quick succession AND still recovering from the loss of his mother as a child and Muran when he was commanding Rapier Squadron) but they both have a tendency to compartmentalize that and continue to function on their own while being loyal (Finn’s devotion to Rey, which gets a lot of flack in fandom but like -- that’s one of the first people he’s been able to form a connection with!! AND I think he lowkey feels that it’s his fault Rey got dragged into -- everything, so he feels a great deal of responsibility for protecting her) and passionate about a cause (Poe basically killing himself to keep the Ideals Of The Republic Alive, be it through trying to hunt down the FO before he’s even part of the Resistance, to doing everything he can to keep the Resistance afloat once he is). 
like they have those similarities -- a real sense of duty and responsibility toward their friends and those they’re fighting with -- but they have fundamental differences in approach that the movies did a shitty job of extrapolating on when it could’ve been such an interesting conflict: Poe is the idealist and thinks of duty to a higher ideal first and foremost (like Leia and his mother, tbh) whereas Finn is more of a pessimist and a cynic and believes protecting your friends and loved ones from the substantial evil is hard enough without setting up to FIGHT ALL OF THE BAD IN THE UNIVERSE like Poe wants/believes he has to do. and both of these things are based so much on their upbringings! Poe grew up with those ideals and freedoms and parents who fought, successfully, to protect them, and believes he owes it to them to live up to their example and protect them as well; Finn has SEEN the evil of the FO firsthand and seen everyone around him subsumed by it, believes it to be omnipotent bc for him and his squad mates it literally was. escaping all of that was an act of powerful resistance on its own!
idk i just think a lot of the fandom’s take on this is, if you focus on finn ~running away~ in canon or not wanting to join up with the Resistance just ‘cause it’s ~the right thing to do~ you’re feeding into this idea of black men being cowards and/or selfish when it’s like no! that’s the consequence of his trauma: he’s running away from an abuser who controlled every aspect of his life, who’s set up to hunt him down and destroy planets and take over the universe in a way that’ll mean he’s NEVER safe, and he knows every single person he grew up with and had some affection for are a part of it too, which on the one hand he might be reluctant to fight them, but on the other they 100% won’t be reluctant to fight him AND they know him well enough to know his weaknesses. 
all of this is A LOT and it’s heavy and dark stuff, which i GET can be hard to work into like, light fluffy fic about finn finally being happy or learning what sex is or w/e, and not everything about fanfic has to be a ~deep exploration~ of character’s inner turmoil but like -- idk. there’s ways of dealing with these elements of finn’s backstory without making the whole thing drudging tragedy porn (which is ANOTHER fanfic trend i can’t stand -- neither Finn nor Poe are characters entirely without hope and fics that treat either of their tragedies [lbr it’s mostly poe’s that get dealt with] as the focus or main characteristic of either also bum me out) and I just really wish fandom had more interest in it. 
Another factor that KILLS ME is how Poe has (justifiably) developed OBVIOUS distrust for the force and force users, and would have such a fundamentally hard time dealing with the fact that Finn is one. Canon didn’t even let Finn be explicitly force sensitive, and fandom is like YAY FINN IS FORCE SENSITIVE, NOW HE CAN USE THE FORCE TO BONE (POE), and any fic that does touch on it makes Poe out to be ~unreasonable for not trusting Finn, or having his distrust be a consequence of his PTSD alone, and a sign he has to deal with his shit VS a very real issue that Poe might genuinely not be able to get over: the force CAN be creepy and is too easy to abuse, and a lot of what Poe’s seen it used for WAS bad. 
the other dimension of all this is, accidentally or not, these dynamics take on all sorts of real-world implications given both actor’s identities -- the explicit parallels between Finn’s upbringing and chattel slavery (taken from his family at an early age, losing all connection with his birthplace and culture, seen as useful but dispensable by an oppressive, mostly-white empire)  & its legacy for Black Americans (that lack of connection with a historical homeland and the loss of a cultural connection that came from it) VS the first generation latinx immigrant narrative that Poe and his family embody (the sacrifice for and long separation from a child in the service of giving them a better life, the burden that child takes upon themselves to make that sacrifice worth it by excelling in certain spheres, the drive to be the VERY BEST representative of their new culture, the embrace of that culture’s ideals bc they don’t want to think their parents sacrificed everything for a lie [with the creeping knowledge and experience to know many of those ideals are flawed and not always lived up to]). 
and the canon ignores that bc addressing it would require world building that couldn’t center/come back to the Skywalkers in some way (and the only family dynamics it’s interested in is DADDY ISSUES, fucking Free Fall), and fandom doesn’t care about it bc it’s mostly white girls who, AT BEST, decide to focus on the potential ~sexuality conflicts (coming out, family rejection, etc) when writing real world AUS, without dealing with the intersectionality of a black and a brown man, their respective cultural context, and the resultant conflicts those would create beyond, idk, “POCs are always homophobic so finn and/or poe’s parents kicked them out or w/e”.  and like I really don’t WANT these people trying to grapple with the complexity of a queer, interracial relationship where neither participant is white (i’ve seen enough just watching them grapple with either character’s sexuality tbh). 
but idk, that’s what’s interesting to me: finn and poe’s backgrounds and how those set up fundamental conflict points for both of them, both in canon (Poe’s devotion to the cause of liberty and democracy for the whole galaxy VS Finn’s duty to the people he loves over anything else) and in a real world au (Black people have a fundamentally different relationship to the American Ideal than Latinx immigrants do, for very good reasons). And I want those things to be significant elements of the characterization for both, but not the ONLY elements of characterization for both: stories should, in even some small way, be about what characters WANT (even if it is just “to fuck,” as it often is when I write [ok it’s usually “to love but be able to show it without saying it, hence the fucking”]) and so few fics, these days, give me any sense of what finn and poe want besides, vaguely “each other” (”because the author feels like they have to write them bc the actors are hot/for woke points”) and that is just -- boring to me. 
also god i would just love to read some dialogue that isn’t just twitter/tumblr memes and/or mcu level mean quips. like, just in general. 
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fistsoflightning · 5 years
unending character meme // zaya qestir
RULES: repost, don’t reblog! tag, and good luck!
TAGGED BY: tagged in spirit by @to-the-voiceless
TAGGING: any and all who want to do it but haven’t actually been tagged by anyone!
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FULL NAME: Zaya Qestir
NICKNAME: none, really.
AGE: 29 by the end of Stormblood. 30-ish by the end of SHB? Haven’t figured out the time distortion thing.
BIRTHDAY: 17th of the 4th Umbral Moon (8/17)
ETHNIC GROUP: Au’ra; Xaelan
NATIONALITY: Nomad? From the Azim Steppe’s Reunion, if that helps.
LANGUAGE / S: Eorzean Sign Language, Xaelan (crude/unpracticed); understands most languages through use of the Echo
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: dating Thancred Waters??? unsure of status during post-SHB but getting there.
HOME  TOWN /AREA: Reunion, Azim Steppe
CURRENT HOME: A shared room in the Rising Stones or a shared house in the Mist; depends on where they are at the time of night.
PROFESSION: jeweler, weaver, gladiator of the coliseum, bard teacher (appointed reluctantly by Sanson after many a problem with Guydelot’s schedule), adventurer and warrior of light
HAIR: Straight and somewhat below shoulder length. Most of their hair is black, but slowly changes to blue and white at the tips.
EYES: Dark blue; navy color? Light blue limbal rings that glow in the dark, too.
FACE: Sharp jawline accented by their scales, often covered with some royal blue facepaint similar to Arenvald’s own.
LIPS: Often chapped, but otherwise normal.
COMPLEXION: Ashen brown? Hard to describe bc of weird lighting everywhere they go.
SCARS: There’s a lot, and I might make a scar map at some point??? Major ones happen to be their legs and their left arm; the legs from Ifrit and the arm from Elidibus in Zenos’s body in 4.5
TATTOOS: None, no matter how much people think the facepaint is one.
HEIGHT: Taller than the average Au’ra, about 5’4
WEIGHT: about 135 pounds
BUILD: Muscular, especially due to their main fighting style requiring muscle literally everywhere. Fistfighting for money is no small feat.
FEATURES: Their scales are an odd color (think black and blue borealis dice, but as scales), and their horns definitely look a bit… ragged. Watching them fight will give the odd realization that lightning sparks in cobalt blue come off of them sometimes.
ALLERGIES: Some undetermined fish allergy. Higiri fed them some assorted sushi once and never did again, so the Scions (and themselves) have no clue what fish they need to avoid.
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Tied into a loose ponytail at the back. Sanson often comments how they share a hairstyle, but it’s simply from need of clear vision when moving around for monk skills and attacks.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK: Stoic as all hell. Not used to making full-on facial expressions outside of conversation, so normally looks bored.
USUAL  CLOTHING: Tabards, cyclas, or generally something with flowy fabric that doesn’t restrain movement all that much. Metal boots and gauntlets/knuckles are also common, but not always.
FEAR / S: being the last one standing, change, losing their younger siblings/younger friends, spiders, breaking a promise with their mother.
ASPIRATION / S:  To have a proper adventure, and to inspire others to live their fullest lives.
POSITIVE  TRAITS: Devoted, comforting, slightly protective, carefree
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Easily angered, impulsive, emotional, stubborn
MBTI: ISFP-T (Adventurer)
ZODIAC: Leo, apparently? Sort of fits, if you look at it closely.
TEMPERAMENT: Some crazy blend between phlegmatic and choleric? Generally carefree and easygoing with friends and willing to spend a lot of patience on them, but unrelenting and downright frightening in serious situations, especially when involving Garlemald.
SOUL  TYPE / S: Server/Caregiver
ANIMALS: Birds and dogs.
VICE HABIT / S: Drinking, although the Echo does prevent it from having any effect whatsoever, so its more of a taste thing? Tends to sleep a lot when stressed, and often spends their leftover money on gemstones for their shared collection.
FAITH: Polytheistic; the Twelve and Nhaama are gods they generally believe in.
GHOSTS?: Yes, mainly because they’ve seen one.
REINCARNATION?: Probably, with how they’re sure they’ve seen someone who was supposed to be dead before
ALIENS?: before becoming Warrior of Light, it would be no, but with the revelation of Elidibus on the moon and Midgardsormr and OMEGA‌‌ (ALIEN‌ ROBOT????) they aren’t so sure anymore.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Does not care enough even though they are staunch friends with Nanamo. Didn’t care enough to try and challenge Oktai for the seat of Qestiri Khatun, certainly doesn’t care enough to take a political stance in Eorzea.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Barely any; just enough to read letters written in Eorzean and faintly Ishgardian (courtesy of Alphinaud and Haurchefant).
FATHER: there was one, once, but he’d rather he be forgotten in pursuit of a happier future. Zaya remembers him as Baatar, but they don’t remember if that was actually his name.
MOTHERS: Erhi, Odgerel.
SIBLINGS: Oktai (older brother), Taban (older sister), Sarnai (sister), Delger and Tuya (fraternal twins)
EXTENDED FAMILY: any of the Scions (former or current) or their fellow Warriors of Light, if we’re talking found family. House Fortemps, Aymeric, Estinien, Sanson, Guydelot, Sidurgu, Rielle, and all of the Qestiri tribe are up there too, but you know, that’s kind of a lot of gifts to be sending around during Starlight. (zaya totally sends them all gifts anyways.)
NAME MEANING /S: Zaya means fate in Mongolian, which all of the other Xaelan names seem to be based on. Their previous name, Dzoldzaya, meant light of fate.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: Recorded history on the Azim Steppe is easily lost, but if asking around the different tribes, one could learn about a rather prominent Qestiri warrior whose image is painted in some of the caverns nearby where much of important, unforgettable Xaelan history is recorded by the Gharl, swathed in blue cloth. In the days of Amaurot, there was one standout Amaurotine who shared a love for lightning and birds…
BOOK: They don’t know enough Eorzean to read a full book, not even a children’s book. The Echo doesn’t help with reading. Urianger has read a book of myths and legends that turned out to be true to them, however, and that has been their favorite for a while. They’ve been considering asking him to read more for them, but that’s been placed on hold after the events of the First and following Mt. Gulg.
DEITY: Nhaama, or Rhalgr, if talking to someone who thinks ‘what’s a Nhaama’ when they mention her.
HOLIDAY: Starlight Celebration. Something about the festive mood always makes them happy.
MONTH: August (4th Umbral Moon)
SEASON: Summer
PLACE: On the Source, Reunion in the Azim Steppe just because interacting with other tribes is rather fun. On the First, Il Mheg all the way!
WEATHER: Clear nights where they can trace the constellations, but it isn’t too cold to need a blanket.
SOUND / S: Excited chatter, harp, singing, small hammers clinking against metal.
SCENT /S: Rain, fresh wood, the air in Gridania, light perfume, Syhrwyda’s food.
TASTE /S: Snurbleberry, honey, most Doman seafood, buuz.
FEEL /S: Soft and smooth fabrics, cold metal, the grip of someone’s hand around theirs, wind blowing through their hair on a warm day.
ANIMAL /S: Yol, chocobo (birds!).
NUMBER: 17, for their nameday and the first year they spent in Eorzea
COLORS: Cobalt blue and indigo, pale gold, soot black.
TALENTS: Extremely good when working with cloth or metal; even more so when tinkering little trinkets. Interestingly enough, very good at playing flute and harp without much practice. Expert at pulling a person’s true emotions out with simply body language.
BAD AT: Sneaking around/stealth. Do not, under any circumstance, give them a job involving secrecy or stealth unless you want it to fail. Speaking/reading is also pretty horrible, due to how they were raised. Also bad at taking change or lies well.
TURN-ONS: Loyalty, bravery despite all odds, kindness and love even when it would be easier to be otherwise, being able to understand other beliefs, and a love of freedom or new experiences
TURN OFFS: Lying to their face knowingly, extreme greed, lack of self-worth, anger for no good reason
HOBBIES: making music with Guydelot and Sanson, attempting to keep a journal, idle tinkering, dancing, gardening
TROPES: Good is Not Soft, Hope Bringer, Magnetic Hero, Omniglot, The Power of Friendship, The Quiet One, Silent Snarker, Dark is Not Evil, Five Stages of Grief, Horrifying Hero, Magic Music, Warrior Poet, Dance Battler, Warrior Monk, Determinator, Pintsized Powerhouse, Pragmatic Hero (don’t let me stay on TV‌tropes pls)
QUOTES: have a snippet of some writing?
Scrawled onto a piece of paper underneath his arm in Thancred’s handwriting and marked with Zaya’s name reads, “Your words, no matter how I react, do not change how I love you all.”
Q1: If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1: Honestly, I think there would be two movies that could include Zaya; some comedy musical revolving around Zaya’s bard lifestyle while placing their active lifestyle in the background (called “A Bard Knock Life” bc i think puns are cool) or an action drama framed around Zaya and the Scions living some sort of high fantasy/DND type adventure bc I love that stuff called “The Unbroken Thread”. (THAT‌ QUEST‌ NAME STILL GETS‌ ME)
Q2: What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2: Something featuring a flute, probably. I got attached to Zaya playing the flute being a former flute player myself. (I only wish the oboe performance sound bank clicked with me a little more…)
Q3: Why did you start writing this character?          
A3: Originally, Zaya wasn’t meant to exist. I was literally planning on just creating A’dewah, Syhrwyda, and maybe Lumelle and Elwin in different roles. Then the Au’ra came out; I‌ used my free Fantasia from the sub rewards just to be an Au’ra (I was a miqo’te before; shh, i was still babu who liked cats) and suddenly Zaya started being formed as Menphina Jewel. Before I knew it, that Menphina Jewel grew a whole backstory and a new name and new friends (Azim Steppe arc of Stormblood MSQ? Final nail in the coffin.) that slowly took over the previous two Warriors as the focus of my attention. I wasn’t even supposed to keep playing FFXIV‌ past HW, dude. I had like a million other things to be doing at the time, but here I am, lying in my grave 3 years later still attached.
Q4: What first attracted you to this character?          
A4: They’re (mostly) mute. I really wanted to explore what it’s like to not be able to talk and only converse in body language, but then I discovered that might be a problem, so my interest in sign language collided with Zaya’s backstory. It also helps me work out a personality without them sounding/looking too much like what I think is Basic Story ProtagTM like I tend to do on accident (see A’dewah and Valdis’s dialogue sometimes.)
Q5: Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5: They can’t really speak. Funny how the thing I like most is also the thing I hate most. It’s very frustrating when I want them to convey something and then they can’t without using actual words and a voice because I haven’t got a clue on how to convey that through body language. How in the world do you convey ‘I feel like I’m doing arcanist calculations when you speak’ in nonverbal language??? I have no damn idea and every attempt looks like I meant something else.
Q6: What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6: The snark, man. I have friends constantly commenting on how I’ve made a burn without me realizing I’ve done so, and it’s hilarious. The love for music also carried over big time, especially after discovering how fun the bard NPCs were to write and how they’d fit into Zaya’s relationship web. (they’re totally the more comedic side, but I love Guydelot and Sanson anyways.)
Q7: How does your muse feel about you?          
A7: No clue, dude. Maybe thinks I’m boring? I don’t tend to want to drastically change things or look for new adventures; the biggest leap I’ve taken in two years is probably changing to a reed instrument from flute, and even then I don’t have to change key when‌ I read music, so it’s not that big a deal.
Q8: What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8: Urianger and Lyse, maybe? I like the exploration of repairing relationships after something that might have ended another, weaker bond. It’s also kinda fun trying to see how Zaya would react; they’re a lot more rash than I am in real life, and that’s honestly saying something. Alisaie and Alphinaud, however, are the most fun just because I know what I’m doing when I write them, and it’s funny to see how Zaya reacts (or has a lack of reaction) to their dynamic. Guydelot and Sanson fall into another category of ‘dear god I simultaneously love and hate these two’, while Thancred, Y’shtola, Urianger, Syhrwyda, Duscha, and Ryne fall into some sort of strong found family vibes that just get me everytime I think about it
Q9: What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9:…Doing job quests or side story quests or even MSQ I haven’t caught up on yet. Watch as I slowly rewrite as many MSQ‌ and job quest scenes as I can in any of my Warrior of Light’s viewpoints. (currently chiseling away at some backstory/before they were Warriors stories after reading too deep into the race/subrace text and lore keep an eye out LOL-)
Q10: How long did this take you to complete?          
A10: A day or two; don’t remember when I began. It was probably when I was procrastinating on homework, though. I didn’t post it until a week later whoops.
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adhdalistair · 5 years
ok i decided i’m going to put my reactions to good omens in six separate read more text posts, one for each ep
here’s the first here we go wee woo wee woo
i’m already tickled pink with the opening being text pulled directly from the book. it solifies the Hitchhiker’s Guide feel right away
“I play an ineffable game of my own devising” GOD IS A WOMAN
black eve black eve black adam and black eve
aziraphale’s sword is a lil dinky shortsword u fucking. lol
RIGHT AWAY michael sheen establishes Aziraphale’s mannerisms perfectly holy shit
the dialogue so far is just. lifted. from the books. and I love that. I also love that I can tell that. and I’m smiling bc the line that made me sure of it is “flamed like anything”
l can’t breathe laughing at that lil lion pawing at Adam
wait what the fuck who does Nick Offerman play. what the fuck. how did I miss that in all the pre-release stuff
terry’s name is listed first that’s 😭😭😭
felt my blood race at the first Queen notes im emotional
“uh, hi guys!” god I love Crowley so much 
all this dialogue just! pulled! I’m so happy!!!!
“mobile phone network” ok so it is modern to the 2010s. nice
SHUT UP I already knew Aziraphale loved sushi bc it’s one of the things Crowley teases him with in the book but to see it is another thing entirely lmfao. will we get to see his antique snuff boxes too
“why do you consume that” mr. hamm already distinguishing himself from other versions of Gabriel by asserting that eating food is gross
“it’s a miracle he hasn’t spotted you yet”
god yes the chattering order. god i love sister mary. why is this woman looking down on mary for asking questions she’s supposed to be Chatty that’s her JOB lol. I don’t know if the leadership retreat part is in this series but I hope it is bc I love sister mary’s transformation
“we believe that fathers just complicate the process for everybody” aw man without the narrative commentary, that line’s not as funny
“but by people being fundamentally people” god I really do love this book. like that’s really the takeaway at the end. there’s good and evil, sure, but then there’s just. human beings.
god YES THE WINK PART I’m just. so pleased at how much is just a straight adaptation
years later and the name Warlock is still so fucking hilarious to me I’m losing my mind
“call Aziraphale” “calling Aziraphale” klasdjfljk;;ljkadkl; the story being modern now has so many good advantages. asshole didn’t even say goodbye when hanging up.
OK GOOD THEY KEPT THE SECRET AGENT ASPECT. I was afraid with the rumors of a headquarters here on earth that it wouldn’t have quite the same tone. and GOD the background line of all the other secret agents im losing my mind
kl;asdjk;lfjlkjkladsjkljk Aziraphale goes to the Edinburgh Festival
“get the behind me foul fiend. after you” i’m losing my gotdamn mind
fuck i’m pre-typing this but i’m so fucking excited for the dolphin brain / infinity bird conversation
“no Steven Soundheim first nights in eternity” I’M SDJLKSLDKJ
idk who plays Hastur but he’s like knockoff Simon Pegg
I take back what I said about the casting. it’s not what I pictured (brown Crowley and chubby Aziraphale forever) but they’re doing such a fantastic job with the characters
shut the FUCK UP with this mary poppins cosplay az i’m gonna kadslkjksdflk. wait. SIKE ITS CROWLEY THATS EVEN FUNNIER
nanny crowley is just. so much. like i know it’s in the book but i’m losing my fucking mind. all of this is just so good
beelzebub has a good design
why are hastur and ligur wearing a toad and an iguana. what is that
“dumbasaur” “why can’t we have my party in an escape room?” WARLOCK
“writing a rude word on a description of a dinosaur” he’s using a highlighter, Az. idk how much damage that’s gonna do
WHOA jesus christ crowley just suggesting “hey you could kill him.” az isn’t gonna go for that. that’s the paladin’s dilemma
az’s magic show is even funnier with all the kids on their phones
pepper being black is A+++
adam doesn’t feel quite right yet but i’ve only seen him speak three lines so far so
i can't wait for people to be like "the good omen kids are just knockoff stranger things" and for everyone to dogpile them with receipts of a book that was written more than 20 years ago
“i know what you smell like” kljkjlkjkl;kljsdjkl
ok first episode reactions: it’s perfect. it’s absolutely perfect. i’m sure i wrote some gripes up there (that scene where crowley was like u could murder the kid was kinda weird) but beyond that it’s absolutely perfect
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icharchivist · 5 years
hey icha whats hypmic??
Heyaaa and ooooh dear where do i even begin…..
Erg so in very short it’s a musical mixed media story that have kind of a corny set up that is mostly an excuse to have fictional male characters of different background involve themselves into rap battles? Most of its content comes from songs and drama CD, even if there are a few manga adaptation covering a couple of the drama tracks (albeit all those covered are how the teams got together and all).
In a little more depth: Basically a group of 12 Seiyuu decided to band together into a principe of rap battle, that would also give a spotlight to multiple rap artists in Japan, as they do collaboration by writting/composing the songs. All of the Seiyuu play different characters divided in 4 divisions: Buster Bros!! for Ikebukuro, Mad Trigger Crew for Yokohama, Fling Posse for Shibuya, and Matenrou for Shinjuku. Each divisions/characters have distinct styles of music or text to differenciate them.
The idea is that, after World War 3 and a lot of the population dying, weapons causing harms had been outlawed, instead remplaced by what we call Hypnosis Microphone (or Hypmic), weapons that attack the brain via its sonic vibes, thus are more powerful depending on how savy you are with words and sounds and all of that. (like i said, it’s corny, it’s really just a pretext for the battles ahah)
The Government, that is kinda shady, took hold into Chuuouku, the center of the city, and the rest of the towns are left to fend for their own, indulging in territories battles. By the time the story start, 4 teams have taken a hand into 4 divisions where they try their best to low the crime rate and make life better, this sort of stuff. Recently however, the Government decided to keep a closer eye on the Rap Battle themselves, organizing huge Event in Chuuouku for the Divisions to fight each other, and the winner can therefore have major impact on what gets developped in the city and all.
It’s also important to know that the 4 leaders of the divisions, Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda and Jakurai, used to be in a band together, The Dirty Dawg, and they were very close - Something ended up breaking up the band (it is unsure what it is exactly) and left them with sort of bittersweet relationship with each other as they’re now in a position where they have to fight each other.
Again though most of it is mostly a pretext for songs and character driven plotlines for those 12 to fuck shit up: 
(here a link to the translation, and here’s a link for the playlist of the songs they put on youtube - mostly previews except for the Ensemble songs - i can send the full songs/drama CDs but in private since it’s… illegal and all.You’ll find all the translations out on this website, and here you’ll find the drama tracks. And there for the solo songs only but idk how long this website will keep them up.)
(btw here’s the second ensemble song and here’s the third one - i tend to prefer them to the first one so here they are)
So like i said, corny, but character driven and i love those morons, and the songs are bangers, and i ended up loving it ways too much.
I’ll enter more in depth on the Divisions under the cut bc i do think knowing a bit the characters give a better idea but yeah kdjfhd my latest obsession rip.
If you’re reading this i’m so sorry i’m going to geek out over my 12 stupid sons.
btw (MC: ___) is their scene names, basically.
And erg while i try to avoid spoilers from the latest season, there’s a lot of “spoilers” from backstory exposition or information spreads through the drama tracks and the songs, so either just scroll to see the name and all or read at your own risks? 
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Buster Bros!!! representing Ikebukuro Division - in red, Ichiro Yamada (19yo) the leader,in blue, Jiro Yamada (16yo), in yellow Saburo Yamada (14). (Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song Ikebukuro West Game Park, their second group song: Ohayo Ikebukuro!)
Ichiro, Jiro and Saburo are brothers - they are orphans (unknown why but since Ichiro rejects any fathr figure p strongly i think it’s linked to their father) and Ichiro, the eldest brother, had taken care of his two little brothers most of his life to the point of being a delicant before being recruited by the Dirty Dawg. Before the story started the boys weren’t all that close, but by now, both little brothers want to prove their worth to their eldest brothers and when the Dirty Dawg broke up and Ichiro had to figure out which team to make for the Rap Battles, both brothers offered to help. Despite both being ways too young for this they still both ended up proving themselves. They also tend to fight for their big brother’s attention a lot.
Ichiro (MC Big Brother) himself seems to be a rather warm and friendly person - he works odd jobs all around town, kind of like a mercenary but doing just… any sort of work being asked of him, just not in the illegal stuff when he can avoid it. He’s rather hot headed. He used to be very close from the Dirty Dawg who took care of him when they met, especially Samatoki, but since the band’s break up, it seems there is a particularly sour relationship with Samatoki neither of them are over with. Ichiro often disses Samatoki out of nowhere in his raps lmao. Aside from that he’s a complete geek and loves manga and anime and video game - all the stuff you’d expect.
Jiro, (MC Middle Brother) the second, tends to follow Ichiro’s path a lot, being a bit in delincance and stuff, creating himself a web of contacts. He tends to copy Ichiro in his passions in order to impress him. He’s also very social and get friends very easily. He’s constantly bickering with Saburo who seems to see their “brotherhood” as a competition. They used to be very close when they were younger but now they’re always at each other’s throat.
Saburo (MC Little Brother), the third, doesn’t really want to follow the path of his brothers but he wants to be useful in his own way. Incredibly clever, he is a very good hacker and can find information very quickly. He also has some of the sickest burn of the lot but i’m biased. Unlike Jiro, Saburo is really not social at all and has very few friends. His whole world is about being the best he can be for Ichiro.He likes things that can stimulate his brian, especially board games and the likes. 
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Mad Trigger Crew, representing Yokohama Divison- Center in white, Samatoki Aohitsugi(25) the Leader - with glasses, Juuto Iruma (29), in military uniform, Riou Busujima Manson (28).(Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song: Yokohama Walker, their second group song: Dead Pools)
If The BB are linked by the fact they’re brothers, MTC is linked by being….. Involved in armed illegal activities? Samatoki is the second in command of a Yakuza family, Juuto is a corrupted cop who is close to Samatoki because of… work…. and Riou kinda ended up tagging along. Anyway they’re in charge of Yokohama which seems to be a part of the city that suffered pretty badly from the war and have high crime rates.
In more details, Samatoki (MC Mr Hardcore) is involved in the mafia. He explains in his personal song that his mother killed his abusive father before killing herself, leaving him to take care of his little sister, Nemu, which is what led him to a life of crime. His Yakuza clan seems to have a honor code though so they’re not involved in too much dirty stuff. Every sacrifice Samatoki did was for his sister. So obviously he saw a bit of himself in Ichiro when they originally met, and was one of the influencial force to keep Ichiro out of the crime life knowing pretty well where it’s headed. The Band breakup left a particularly sour taste in Samatoki’s mouth regarding Ichiro, feeling betrayed by whatever happened back then, and since then he tends to be. touchy. when it’s question of Ichiro. As in, almost caused a car crash while he wasn’t driving just thinking about Ichiro. He’s a mess. He’s also very short tempered. 
Juuto (MC 45 Rabbit) is a corrupted cop: while he works with the police and all the stuff, he has ties with Samatoki’s yakuza clan and will do shady stuff in order to maintain this alliance. Mostly blackmail, bailing Samatoki out of jail, all this sort of things. He seems to have a specific reason to accept it, a necessary evil to get rid of wickedness in the city. Juuto’s backstory was only developped in the latest drama tracks so it would count as spoilers but let’s say he has reasons to do so.He’s generally more down to earth and more tongue in cheek. He knows how to pick up people’s weaknesses let’s say.
Riou (MC Crazy M) is an army man who isn’t aware the war is over. He has been living in survival mode in the forest of Yokohama for the past few years, having also one of the prototype Hypnosis Mic, with more raw power. His hobbies is to cook from… unusual sources. Samatoki and Juuto are terrified by his cooking.  There isn’t much revealed yet about Riou’s backstory however. Juuto found out about him and put him in contact with Samatoki when it was question to develop MTC, and they have since then developped a companionship of sort.
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Fling Posse, representing Shibuya Division (also they’re my favs❤ which will be obvious in two mins bc i rambled much more about them holy fuck)- In the middle with pink hair, Ramuda Amemura (24), with brown hair, Gentaro Yumeno (24), with blue hair, Dice Arisugawa (20)(Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song, Shibuya Marble Texture, their second group song: Stella (aka my most listened hypmic song that made me unhealthily obsessed with the series) )
I don’t even know where to start with them. Don’t be fooled by how cute they look, they’re the most shady group. Officially, they’ve all been recruited by Ramuda “only for the thrill of it”, “To kill boredom”, but it also happens that they are the three with the most ties to the government. But none of them tend to really talk about it. Not really. They are very “living in the present” kind of people, even if it comes with risks. Ramuda gathered them for his own agenda. Neither Gentaro nor Dice knew each other before Ramuda put them together and neither know why Ramuda gathered them aside as “for the thrill”. Gentaro however has major doubts over the kind of person Ramuda is. 
Ramuda (MC Easy R) is their leader. He is a fashion designer. He was the one who put the Dirty Dawg together back in the days, and seems to have… weird reasons to do anything he’s ever doing. Honestly i don’t know how to even touch how shady he is, but he’s all shade of shady. He will however always sound super cute. The only person he seems to not bear the sight of is Jakurai, his ex-teammate from the Dirty Dawg. They used to be very close but now things are very tense in between them, mostly with Ramuda setting as much distances as possible he can and hardly managing to remain cheerful around him. 
Gentaro (MC Phantom) is a writter and also a chronic liar. You litterally cannot trust a single thing coming out of his mouth, he’s always making something up. His personal song is supposed to talk about his past but there’s like, a big lie in the begining of it (”I was born in winter” yOU’RE BORN ON APRIL THE FIRST.). One thing that is certain about him however, is that he has a friend who is very sick and at the hospital and that it seems to be the motivation behind all of his lies, as he started to make up fictions to cheer up his friend and turned his own life into a fiction by extension. There’s more shady stuff about him and his past, i could discuss it for hours (he’s my fav kdhfd). But mostly, he’s just the kind to tease people a lot and to not really expect to have friends that stick arounds, considering himself a untrustworthy unredeemable trash. He has a weird dynamic with his own sense of self, always making up false selves. I legit could talk for hours about it kdjhfd.  He tends to over-tease Dice because Dice falls for every single of his lies, and he tends to have a soft spot for him. He’s also extremely observant since he writes story he makes up from people he observes, so he catches on stuff more easily. Gentaro’s lyrics are often more inclined toward poetry or well, work of fictions (he wrote Stella in verse and Stella is kindof a Posse!Au of how Gentaro sees the Posse. Stellaaaaaa)
Dice (MC Dead or Alive)  is… a professional disaster? Joke aside, he’s a gambler who tends to push his luck a loooot. (there’s a lot of implications about how he doesn’t have a stable place to crash in because most of his rent money go into gambling). His outlook on life are really mostly that he wants to live a life that gives him legit thrills. He hates being bored. It’s heavily implied that he comes from a rich, influencial family but threw it all away for his addiction.  The only reason he agreed to join the Posse was for the thrill the rap battles would provide. He also kinda considers himself a lowrate trash due to the lifestyle he’s living.He’s rather guilible, falling for every single of Gentaro’s lies despite how obvious they are, and gets teased a lot by both of his teammates. He’s also fiercely protective and combative. He is also the king of bad decisions and of having to drag his posse in them. (well mostly Gentaro). He’s also loves the Posse in itself and is the one who’s the most likely to brag about how great his band is. He genuinely loves his teammates and it makes me so soft,,. He’s also very perceptive, realizing very quickly when his teammates are changing their mood. And again he protecc,,
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Matenrou - Representing Shinjuku DivisionCenter with purple hair: Jakurai Jinguji (35), the blond is Hifumi Izanami (29) and the gingerhead is Doppo Kannonzaka (29)(Previews of their solo songs, preview of their first group song, Shinjuku Style, their second group song: Papiyon that wasn’t put on youtube yet but should in a couple of weeks)
Matenrou is the band with the darkest aesthetic, protecting the Shinjuku’s division that came to be known mostly for the health problems, if i understand well also because the only functioning hospital is located there. Jakurai is a doctor and Doppo is his patient, while Hifumi is Doppo’s childhood friend and roomate. They end up tangled together after Hifumi gets threats on his life pushing Doppo to reach out for Jakurai, who took an interest on them as possible teammates when everything unfolded. 
Jakurai (MC ill-Doc) is… an interesting character i dare not to spoil the backstory of but let’s say he has some dark past. As a person however, he is fascinated by people’s psychee, how they work, what pushes them to do stuff, and is therefore attracted to “interesting people”, people that makes him want to explore human’s psychee. Back in the Dirty Dawg’s day, it was what drove Jakurai to be very interested in Ramuda…. Until he considered Ramuda’s humanity too lost to be saved after the band broke up, which Jakurai blames partially on Ramuda. Ramuda remains the only person to have ever made Jakurai lose his patience. Otherwise, Jakurai is a rather collected and a very kind man, who tries to reach out and help others when he can. But again, dark past and stuff and some shady stuff went on with Ramuda. He found an interest in Doppo and Hifumi as he got to know them and now is rather protective of the two of them, often going fishing with Hifumi and doing anything to uplift Doppo.He’s also a terrible drinker. Don’t let him drink.He has one of my favorite solo song though and he has a sort of goth existantialism vibe to him i just love. 
Hifumi (MC Gigolo) is Doppo’s childhood best friend and roomate. Now Hifumi’s story is a bit huh.. particular. When he was very young he had had a very traumatic experience with women that led him to be utterly terrified of being even nearby one. When he reached adulthood, he considered he couldn’t keep going like that and forced himself into a woman dominated space by becoming a Host, to overcome his fear. It was so hard on him however that he ended up… coping by considering that when he was wearing the Suit of the Host, he was a complete different person. Not quite split personality, but autosuggestion mostly. He gets into all sort of troubles with the suit on however. The only person he relies completely on is Doppo, whom he knows from childhood and with whom he lives. Hifumi is a good cook, and is always trying to cheer up his friend. because…
Doppo (MC Doppo) is an anxious disaster of a man. He’s your typical overworked office worker, who is handling this life pretty badly. He feels like his whole life is something he should be apologizing for, which he does all the time. He’s honestly unhealthily anxious and that’s why he is Jakurai’s patient.  He’s seriously a depressed, anxious disaster who’s only light seems to mostly be that Hifumi cheers on him all the time… when Hifumi doesn’t create a terrible situation Doppo feels like he has to apologize for. However Doppo is someone you can rely on, with a lot of frustration bottled inside him to the  point of it becoming an amazing weapon once unleashed with the rap battles. He’s very quick and ressourceful when put into extreme lifethreatening situation, which got Jakurai’s attention a lot. 
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So this is the main divisions and characters. There are more developped via the drama CDs obviously, more plot and all, but that’s the gist of it. Honestly again it’s just a pretext for characters and songs that fits their characters. 
I personally never expected to care about it that much - i have friends who had been talking about it for over a year and i just knew it a bit in passing until i started to casually listen to the songs - and then i went down the rabbit hole when i ended up loving the songs too much to not care for the characters. (Stella was my breaking point though. The moment it came out I was lost. This was the moment i dedicated myself to it. I could go on a full ramble just on Stella alone.)
And yeah it kinda shows i have a major bias but my favs are truly the Posse - both as characters and as music style goes. Close second is Matenrou though i love their aesthetics.
the first battle season is over, it’s easy to know from their youtube how it unfolded ahah. The first round was BB VS MTC, the second FP VS MTR. Each rounds came with drama CD setting up the dynamics of the characters in and out of their bands, which was pretty cool. 
After the First Battle Season ended we were blessed with a drama track and song from the Dirty Dawg era which is why i cannot stop shutting the fuck up about it dkjhfd it makes me so sad to look back to how close they were and how they threw all of this away…. 
Now a new season is starting but this is where we’re missing translations so we just… wait. 
There are a few manga that covers a few of the drama tracks but not all, and there will be a mobile game soon. 
But yeah that’s. that’s basically the basis. 
And it is far too entertaining to me kdjhfd
and i probably shouldn’t have written all of that with a killer headache but i,, love they,,,
so yeah this is all there is to know. If you’ve read it this far… i admire your patience. Thank u
And take care!
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galileosunshine · 5 years
All of them :)
Oh boy, here we go. SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LONG ^^;;
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffe mugs bc I’m kinda afraid of breaking teacups or wine glasses, and I just don’t like water bottles or soda cans! XD
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Depends on my mood ^^
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
COTTON CANDY! They are magical.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
I was always the teacher’s pet ahaha
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Glass cups!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Formal! I don’t think I’d look good in the other styles
7. earbuds or headphones?
Aaah I love headphones but they’re expensive... so I have earbuds
8. movies or tv shows?
generally movies unless I get super invested in a tv show!
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
None of them lol (I guess I was decent at basketball)
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Scrambled eggs and toast with strawberry jam
12. name of your favorite playlist?
I don’t really make playlists! I usually listen by album or artist!
13. lanyard or key ring?
Hmm... key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour skittles or sour punch straw bites!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
East of Eden by John Steinbeck. A truly remarkable story about man’s free will in choosing good or evil 
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
The ones I have now. They’re brown leather shoes that can pass as formal but aren’t really XD
18. ideal weather?
Sunny but cool!
19. sleeping position?
On my right side with one arm under my pillow!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
In a notebook
21. obsession from childhood?
Idk if I have any... an interest in space?
22. role model?
My mom. She’s a strong woman
23. strange habits?
After I eat a plum I like to keep the pit in my mouth and suck on it for like... an hour.... (or more...)
24. favorite crystal?
Peacock ore (idk crystals well but on a buzzfeed quiz that’s what I picked)
25. first song you remember hearing?
My mom singing to me in Chinese “This is the day that the Lord hath made”
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Eat watermelon
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
....cuddle ^^;
28. five songs to describe you?
Aoi Chi, and Hoshi wo Otosu by Galileo Galilei
Ashita ni wa Subete ga Owaru Toshite by Kinoko Teikoku
Mayonaka no Orchestra by Aqua Timez
Light Delight by Poppin’ Party
29. best way to bond with you?
Listen to Galileo Galilei with me... but this might be asking a bit much so I wouldn’t push it. Next would be, watching anime together? ^^;
30. places that you find sacred?
religious structures/monuments, graves and cemeteries, the usual sacred places...  and anyone’s personal bookshelf. 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I don’t wanna kick ass or take names :(
32. top five favorite vines?
THERE’S TOO MANY I LIKE and I don’t keep track of them!!!
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“Hhh...” “Asghkjsdjf;as”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Not really, I don’t watch tv much anymore
35. average time you fall asleep?
2-3 a.m.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
... don’t remember
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
depends on mood!
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cake!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
41. last person you texted?
My twin
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets!!!
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie or cardigan!
44. favorite scent for soap?
I like my pomegranate one rn ^^
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
oooh... sci-fi or superhero!
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
my gym shorts from middle school and a thin t-shirt XD
47. favorite type of cheese?
Gah I don’t like cheese by itself much or in large concentrations
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I don’t know! I tried asking my friends this too but they couldn’t say either lol
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and if you ever are, always make amends.” That or, “be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Ahhh... I can’t remember but it was probably sometime hanging out with friends
51. current stresses?
My exams hhh....
52. favorite font?
No preference ^^;
53. what is the current state of your hands?
?? mine are kinda rough and dry....
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Don’t try to take on everything by yourself. 
55. favorite fairy tale?
Journey to the West (Sun Wu Kong), although this may be too long to count as a fairy tale aha...
56. favorite tradition?
The entire holiday of Christmas :D
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
The death of my dad was the hardest thing I ever had to overcome and nothing else really comes close enough to that that I can rank on the same level :(
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Learning the piano and Japanese, and ah...
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Yay I did it!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
A soft, slowburn romantic comedy uwu
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Aaahhh way too much to pick...
62. seven characters you relate to?
Arima Kousei (YLiA), Riko Sakurauchi (Love Live!), Sayo Hikawa (Bandori), Mabuchi Kou (Ao Haru), Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight), Takuto (Star Driver (don’t really relate but I really like him)), Kaoru (Sakamichi no Apollon)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Pop Spice and Upper Tune by YKMM, and.... many GARNiDELiA songs
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
It looks like a bald spot on my eyebrow. From when I tripped and bashed my head on an armchair ^^;;
66. favorite flower(s)?
Lilies, cherry blossoms, azaleas
67. good luck charms?
small trinkets that friends have given me ^^
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Asparagus for food!! and.... eggnog for drink?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
can’t think of one XD
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
not sure what this means... XD
72. worst subject?
probably... English lit. 
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
I don’t have any I’m not a very adventurous person with food XD
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
Probably like... 7 or 8
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
Waah I don’t remember!
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Waffle fries!!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Sushi from a grocery store XD
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
I can’t make out the picture on my school id now cus it’s so faded, so... drivers license XD
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Like to wear? I find jewel tones more pleasing but... earth tones probably suit me
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
I kinda use both...
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
I didn’t play with either but barbie if I had to choose!
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Chocolate chip cookies only and if not, cupcakes
87. your greatest fear?
Being alone in life...
88. your greatest wish?
To make my friends and family happy!
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My twin brother and my significant other if I had one!
90. luckiest mistake?
um... can’t think of one
91. boxes or bags?
This is weird... they suit different situations and needs!
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Joey mainly, but I’ve had Josie before ^^
94. favorite season?
Fall in terms of weather but summer bc no school and I can see friends!
95. favorite app on your phone?
Twitter.... or SIF
96. desktop background?
A piece of art for YLiA
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
Tang Dynasty China or Ancient Greece!
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yenneferw · 6 years
Can you please rant about jk Rowling she’s fucking awful with her queerbaiting, racism, and transphobia. Like I need someone else to validate me for not liking her
absolutely i hate her!!!!! this is a REALLY long post but she’s written so much and she’s been in the spotlight since her books got famous so like… there’s a lot to talk about i guess. anyway @ jk rowling get ready to be called out 
first of all on this valid bitch of an i hate jk rowling post, the ilvermorny houses. it’s like…. Big cultural appropriation of native american ideas and stories, twisting them to fit her narrative for harry potter and completely disrespecting their history and origins. the history she creates for north american wizards is shit too, saying that native americans would “primitively” practice magic until europeans civilized them with wands (even tho…. it’s like really impressive to do magic without wands in her universe??? like sounds like the native americans were way ahead of europeans, but ofc she twists her own narrative to make the natives primitive). her whole history or north american wizardry also apparently just follows white wizards immigrating to north america and shit…… 
this video is……. a really good poem on the stereotypes and fetishization of cho chang and there’s no way i can reword what the speaker says bc she says it too good so,,, watch it
jk rowling is also really good at speaking out about racism when she wants to on twitter and yet all of her canonical poc characters in the books are background characters. i know hermione is black in the cursed child play, but that feels a bit like the dumbledore thing to me, like they never actually talk abotu it in the books? and if she wanted hermione to be black why didn’t she have any protests about emma watson being cast? if she wanted harry to be brown why didn’t she have any protests about daniel radcliffe being cast? i don’t know if she had any say in that, but i guess she had a say in insisting that the actors had to be british, so if she cared about making a main character poc, why did she not have any qualms about the cast, even in retrospect, even respectful ones like “i love daniel and emma to death but in retrospect i wrote them as characters of color”?
like she didn’t have to push dean and cho and the very small characters of color to the side but she did. she didn’t have to stereotype cho but she did. there are no poc in fbawtft, or there aren’t in the movie at least – and if she’s so happy about johnny depp and can speak out about that relentlessly, but she wanted there to be characters of color in fantastic beasts, why can’t she speak out about that? 
like the cultural appropriation is enough to see that she’s clearly a racist asshole who doesn’t care about the cultures of people who aren’t white, but it’s also clear to see in the background of her writing that she doesn’t care about research for shit if it’ll help to respect people of color in her stories, and she certainly doesn’t care to ensure that there are important characters of color for people to look up to when they read her books or watch the movies about them 
i guess she liked a terf’s article on twitter? like i dont’ knwo how reputable my sources on that were or if she meant to, but if she did, yikes
and from what i saw of the article it was Deep Terf Rhetoric, and tbqh i wouldn’t put it past her to have meant to have done that
i’ve seen ppl saying harry potter has transphobic aspects to it as well but i couldn’t find anything under all the times she’s “defended” trans ppl on twitter like idk i can’t take anythign she says on twitter by heart bc everything she does feels performative and fake af, and i haven’t read the books in like four years so i can’t say for sure based on my own memory 
also she wrote a trans woman in a more recent novel and she’s apparently totally impulsively violent like wow great way to conform to nasty stereotypes about trans women lmfao
like esp bc of this i wouldn’t put it past her to be a terf
homophobia & queerbaiting
saying! dumbledore! is gay! after! the fucking! book series! is not! representation!!!!!
even if she HAD make him gay during the series, he’s not good rep??? he was a manipulative asshole who let a child stay in an abusive home becuase he was too big of a dumbass to think about a way around the issue so that a little boy could live in a home full of people who treated him fairly. so uhh?? the cishets can fucking have him, i don’t WANT him in the goddamn community. 
but she thinks that she’s not homophobic bc he’s the only gay character who never even got to talk about being gay, who we never see in a relationship with a man. like throwing gay ppl scraps isn’t?? rep??? it’s queerbaiting you dumb bitch @ jk rowling…. 
she specifically said herself that werewolves are meant to represent diseases like AIDS, and characters like fenrir greyback are predatory werewolves who want tos pread around the AIDS-like disease, conforming to 1980s homophobic stereotypes against gay people for “wanting” to spread around AIDS like how can you in one breath say you want to bring light to diseases like AIDS and in the next make a character who literally models homophobic stereotypes with the same disease?? 
also, remus was supposed to be gay apparently, but he “changed and fell in love with tonks” like ok first of all bi people exist, second of all why would you write a straight person who’s supposed to basically have AIDS when that sounds a hell of a lot like “predatory gay man infects poor straight kid” like there’s SO MUCH wrong with that, and yeah you kind of have to dig into it a little bit to get there, but when you’re writing about risky topics and you literally admit to it, you need to be WELL-VERSED on what you’re writing about!! and to say you’re writing about AIDS is deeply mixed with gay history! and to say that the main character who is a werewolf was SUPPOSED to be gay and then pretend you’re NOT associating it with gay people is just… such cognitive dissonance, or maybe really ridiculous ignorance
also, dumbledore is dead. so even if he was good rep, and it was within the books, he’s fucking dead. another buried gay, fuckos! pile em up! 
and i’ve heard there’s a shit ton of queerbaiting between harry’s son and draco’s son in cursed child? which like…. may just be subtext, but there’s a huge section of the fandom who’s all about harry x draco (i have not good feelings about that ship personally but to say it’s not popular is to never have seen anything in the fandom), and she must know that? like she’s not oblivious is she? so why would she like…. put subject between their sons? ?? it feels like it’s a bone to “hey i never gave you harry x draco, so here are their sons, who i’m also never going to give you” 
also? if grindelwald WAS dumbledore’s bf at some point, what does that say about what she thinks about queer men? he’s deeply predatory and preys on credence in a very creepy way that plays on stereotypes about older gay men preying on younger gay boys, and he’s also a disgusting villain played by johnny fucking depp, an abuser (who SHE SUPPORTS) of all people. what does that say about what her mind goes to when she thinks about gay men????? 
i don’t actually know her role in those films, but she has said she loves depp, what he’s done with the character, and where the darkness of grindelwald is going in the first movie and its sequels, so even if her role is very little, she supports what is being done. 
also…. um apparently newt scamander created a werewolf registry…. a little honest to god werewolf registry in the fucking 40s….. ??????????? what r we supposed to think here, about a registry of discriminated ppl in the FORTIES…….????? and that’s the protag of fantastic beasts… cool it’s fine it’s fine
when talking about irredeemable characters like voldemort, she literally said that “whether it’s a personality disorder or illness” they’re not redeemable…. !!!?? here is a post on that subject with links to the sources of the interviews she said this in. 
i don’t know where to put this bc this could be any number of things but i just thought about this so i’ll put it here: the thing that’s created in fantastic beasts, where it’s like basically a personification of anguish from suppressing magic – that’s quite blatantly a reference to any number of minorities, like gay people suppressing their sexuality, trans people suppressing their gender, the mentally ill and disabled pushing themselves too hard or trying to ignore/hide it… and credence was vilified and killed and the protags weren’t even… really sad about it?? and the ministry of magic never really THOUGHT About that they just killed him….. and that’s okay…. that’s fine… they’re just going around killing a bunch of KIDS who are inconvenient to them and who basically symbolize a whole number of oppressed groups. cool, it’s fine
you could also make a point that werewolves also represent the mentally ill, and all the same fucked up shit basically applies here
she also said that everything that muggles can get can be cured by magic, thereby effectively giving some bullshit reason for not actually having any disabled or mentally ill characters, also assuming that it’s not totally ableist to just…. “cure” all that? she didn’t say it specifically about mental illnesses and disabilities, but it’s clear to see that with her attitude on “irredeemable” mentally ill people, she would 
most fat characters in harry potter are shitty people. the dursleys, pettigrew, and umbridge – all characters we’re supposed to find deeply wrong, the ones we’re supposed to hate the most other than, like, voldemort. like…..? a lot of the other fat characters are all “matronly” like molly weasley or stubborn and “lazy” like cornelius fudge who allowed voldemort to rise to power. like what’s that supposed to say about what she thinks the extent of fat people is? stubborn, evil, or motherly? 
she actually has a character grow fatter and fatter based on how shitty she acts towards harry because of a magic mishap. she also usually describes the nice fat people as “plump” and “pleasant,” while she describes dudley as “so much like a pig” that he couldn’t even be turned furhter into a pig when it was attempted, or as a “killer whale,” or vernon dursley as “having no neck”
her fascination with abusers
exhibit a: she loves johnny depp, she loves him for the part of grindelwald, she praises what he’s done for the character, she praises his casting. he’s abused his wife..................
exhibit b: she loves dumbledore. he is constantly manipulating harry and not actually helping him get out of difficult situations at home or at school, putting him and the other kids in danger multiple times, not talking about important information to keep them safe, like?? 
exhibit c: snape. a fucking nasty ass creep to lily. neville’s GREATEST FEAR. like i dont’ even need to talk about this, we all know snape, dumbledore, and johnny depp are shitty lmfao
and yet she named harry’s kids after dumbledore and snape, like they didn’t fuck harry’s life up, especially snape, who terrorized him and his friends. 
in conclusion fuckos
she’s nasty!!!!! i was going to do a section on sexism but i can’t find anything – i think she’s too much of a White Feminist to be sexist, probably. likely she cares more about researching feminist issues than she does about researching native myths before she steals them for her own gain lmfao. there is the fact that she supports an abuser like johnny depp, tho! 
she is constantly like… going against all this on twitter too lmfao, like it’s hard to find good articles on her shittiness on the first page of google bc most of it is “jk rowling defends trans people against transphobic tweet, jk rowling defends muslims against islamophobic tweet, jk rowling defends [this group or that group]” and yet she includes so much bigotry hidden in the details of her books and what she says about her books. like i know some of this isn’t quite on the surface, but ultimately when you write a book with subjects you don’t really know about, your inherent biases are going to be apparent under the surface, and since she’s such a famous author with so many books and so much spotlight on her, if you dig in a little you can make easy conclusions/clearly see what she thinsk about minorities. so it’s really fucking annoying that she’s so “good and progressive” on twitter because it’s obviously performative so she can get the progressive points required for more people to buy her shit. like that’s the best word i can think of to describe her: performative. 
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mallahanmoxie · 6 years
expose your most hated narnia fancasts that you’ve seen
oh boy before the manslaughter begins, shoutout to tumblr who didn’t notify me i had gotten an ask so that i only saw this message three days later when i accidentally clicked on my inbox
the thing you gotta understand though is that i am old and withered by current narnia fans standards. much like the asoue fandom, though out of different reasons, there’s a new generation of fans that seem to be producing content. when i was young? we were three people with a stick and a piece of paper. so like, the kinda content we put out before was… different. world’s changed tbh.
so i can’t tell you i’ve moved on, because i will never move on from narnia ever you’ll pry it off my dead cold fingers, but i don’t really pay attention to the fandom quite as much as i used to do. i’ve seen the new content tho! i even dragged my ancient ass to a network! that i don’t post to bc university dragged the joy and life out of me! (sorry to the admins). this current gen is producing Top Notch Content. it is not… standardized, let’s say, and it’s mostly for fun so it’s cool. i don’t take it for more than it is. hey, it’s gay and brown, right? it suffices my taste. when i wanted to make a narnia fancast with brown and gay people, i had to plot out the entire series WITH background characters and shit. i had papers of all the characters in the bloody universe fancasted with people who could actually play them (which is why my black, age appropriate pevensies idea died as soon as i had to pick somebody else but lucy, who was oscar nominated quvenzhané wallis who is now sadly too old). some a bit out there but you gotta attract big names to attract big crowds sometimes. this happens less, as the growing trend of casting models and people who cannot act develops as idk overall fandom culture, but it’s still much much better. i’m not criticizing anybody, i swear to you i love yall. you gave me park boyoung as lucy pevensie!!!! nobody’s made me happier!!!!!!!!!
now, for the people of my time…
(i speak like im 84. it’s only been like six years). anyway, a list of my most hated narnia fancasts:
bradley james as anyone. the narnia fandom’s boytoy! our generic White King! the only fucking face i saw for like fifteen and a half years!!! now i love bradley james  BUT. he was everywhere. peter? of course. tirian? why not. rilian? sure. caspian? uh yeah he was blond in the books. i couldn’t get rid of his fucking face bc everybody used him bc idk he was the top first result in blond people that look medieval but without rotting teeth or something list
katie mcgrath as susan or the lady of the green kirtle. again, same thing. pretty lady with black hair that has worn a crown and looks slightly evil, first result, our designated susan. bc what’s having a personality. also she wore a green dress Once so like, what’s the logical choice.
colin morgan as edmund. do you see a pattern here??? i guess merlin was the only medieval show everybody watched back then??? they didn’t cast angel coulby as lucy bc boy would the pevensie parents have some shit to explain.
adelaide kane as lucy. i looked at this once and promptly had a meltdown. an anon yelled at me for being too mean and look, yes, i was too mean and it was not the space to say i Fucking Hated It bc op could see it (top notch graphic tho op sorry for the cursing) but reign was going on and, nah. nah. 
elle fanning as polly plummer. i saw her be polly much more than jill so im jotting her as that, though she was used liberally by lots. at some point i hated elle fanning just bc? idk why tbqh, i can’t remember, but it was maybe that fancast. i still think she lacks all of polly’s spunk anyway. polly? literally yelled at a two meter woman presumably looking like tilda swinton? please.
asa fucking butterfield and chloe moretz as digory and polly. i have a personal vendetta for asa that i forget all about except when our birthdays come around. anyway, they made hugo and people said, well the magician’s nephew happens in the same time frame? they’re white and young? sign me up! i turned the sheet away.
freddie highmore as cor/corin. again, same old. i don’t even know if he ever acted on anything medieval??? and i love freddie okay i kissed his picture when i was in third grade bc i thought blond freddie in arthur and the minimoys (????) was the Shit. but he was Everywhere.
gemma arterton as susan. i don’t hate it i just think she doesn’t fit susan and the whole thing was sloppy when weaponized femininity was all the rage and hansel and gretel came out
sophie nélisse as jill or polly. again dont hate it but it’s uninspired. she lacks the spunk. also, if you notice a pattern here is bc whenever a period drama movie came out with white kids vaguely resembling the pevensies or something, everybody flocked to photoshop. myself included (forgive me lord ive sinned)
francois arnaud as rabadash. he’s white?????????? fam. (sorry i dont have the cedilla on this keyboard)
a few people i want to never see near this: uh, the entire merlin cast, the entire reign cast, the entire white queen or something?? cast, the borgia cast, the harry potter cast, the hunger games cast, the cast of the next child movie that comes out… idk. 
i honestly can’t think of any more but i know i’ve raged before. i have like a real clear idea of how i want the characters to look? and i have like different concepts for them, i just can’t find anybody ever lmao. 
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christhebish · 7 years
Pick your top ten ships without looking at the questions…
1. Solangelo (Nico/Will, PJO)
2. Destiel (Dean/Castiel, SPN)
3. Malec (Magnus/Alec, Shadowhunters)
4. Eremin (Eren/Armin, SnK/AOT)
5. Romione (Ron/Hermione, HP)
6. Deamus (Dean/Seamus, HP)
7. Fierrochase (Alex/Magnus, MCGA)
8. Spideypool (Spiderman/Deadpool, Marvel)
9. Valgrace (Leo/Jason, PJO)
10. Theyna (Thalia/Reyna, PJO)
1.    Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? I actually started shipping these two way after my first read through the series,, mostly because I was very young when I did so. Only at my fourth or so reread, when I already was deep into the whole fandom stuff, I noticed how in love they are. But if you go after this, it was the third book.
2.    Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2? Have you read my .url? I’ve read more than I can count.
3.    Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr avatar? Yes, it has been my phone background for quite a while.
4.    If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? I’d probably sit in a corner and cry for a while. Then I’d remind myself that they’re just angsty teenagers, and that they have literary the eternity to figure out they do in fact still love each other.  
5.    Why is 1 so important? a) It was the first canon gay relationship I came across in media. b) Nico was my favorite character way before Will showed up, and it just makes me so happy that he is happy.
6.    Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? For me it’s pretty serious actually, but sadly there’s way not enough content of it out there on the internetz, and most of it is in a funny style. Apparently no one craves the angst that leos death inflicted as much as me.
7.    Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? I’d probably say Spideypool. I’m just a hoe for this constant bickering and all the sexual tension. These two characters go so good together because theoretically they shouldn’t go together at all. And that’s what makes it so interesting.
8.    Out of all of the ships, which ship has the strongest bond? Romione and Deamus, definitely. Both couples went through so much together and also grew up as friends. They’re just years in front of everyone.
9.    How many times have you read/watched 10’s fandom? I’ve read the Heroes of Olympus series 7 times.
10.  Which ship has lasted the longest? Romione, since it was my second big ship (the first being James and Dana from Top Secret)
11.  How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? Never, and they will stay together forever.
12.  If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? That’s hard bc both ships got a practically immortal being in them. But if it comes hard on hard I’d say Destiel, because Cas is still an angel after all.
13.  Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? I don’t think so. I think the most accepting friends are still the gay hobo adoptive parents.
14.  Is 4 still together? Of Course they are. Not even the inevitable death that comes with being a titan-shifter will separate them.
15.  Is 10 canon? You’ve gotta ask uncle Rick for that one. In  my eyes, yes. Maybe in later books, if Thalia is willing to give up her life with the hunters like the two lovely ladies from the new toa book.
16.  If all ten ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? Once again I have to put my money on Dean and Cas because, ya know, Angel and stuff, as well as Deans mad fighting skills. Although I think Malec would have a pretty good chance aswell.
17.  Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? Well, Lavender Brown and Victor Krum tried, but thank god they didn’t succeed.
18.  Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? Valgrace and Deamus. I just wish my poor gay babies would be appreciated more. Also, the angst. Don’t you dare downgrade them.
19.  Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? Yes, I do. And I’m proud of it.
20.  If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up forever, which ship would you sink? Gods, my heart. But since the writers already do that enough, it won’t make that big of an impact on Destiel anyways. I’m sorry guys.
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herotheshiro · 4 years
read ~32 ch of smurf’s world and yeah lol idk if i’ll be continuing. it’s not BAD per se, i think the plot of a money launderer + rich guy who “hires” him so he can escape his fam and life is interesting enough, but [spoilers for story after this]
1. kind of wish the author would discuss the laundering stuff more, although i’m under the impression they didn’t do much research into it before making it their main plot point based on the fact they barely talk about it. i mean imma be real idk wtf laundering is abt past the term but it’s seems like heavy finance stuff which if you’re not into then you’re not into but i like stories where authors just drop facts they clearly researched/googled ... i mean maybe they didn’t want to research it too much in case the police show up at their door being like ‘wtf you googling’ but idk i feel like the author introduces stuff like the laundering and fake dating contracts and then like forgets it as the main pair start falling for each other. which ok sure you want to focus on the romance but those previous plot devices being thrown to the side so easily just makes the whole manhwa look so weak ...
also the main pair’s attempt to hide their laundering scheme is so damn weak ... re: public image ik they reasoned it away as rich ppl being able to hide their tracks but they fucking visited an art gallery well KNOWN for laundering schemes ???? which is 1. totally crappy work on the main’s part for someone who supposedly is a “rising star in the money laundering scene” ... he should’ve done his research into diff galleries and also the fact that the love interest’s SISTER is involved in the art gallery world even though yes writing-wise it was just so the author could introduce her and 2. extremely suspicious for the love interest and also visiting that place with a total stranger who also gets photographed ??? i know the main apparently hides his internet/social trail well but that isn’t raising red flags for ppl ??? and apparently it’s a well-known rumor (idk maybe after this) that he’s laundering his fam’s business’s money ??? dude.
on a separate note, i’m surprised the ex didn’t just blurt out all the details abt main once he found out abt the main and love interest being seen together, but maybe he hid it to try to have an upper hand later ... EDIT: ok in hindsight he prob purposely didn’t reveal bc he knows the main is involved with laundering and it’s implied the main previous helped the ex out on that front so if he rats out the main then it’s gonna come back to bite him ... lmao ...
i mean maybe a lot of the stuff i take issue with will be brought up again later since i think there’s ~50ish total ch for their story but tbh not too interested in continuing with this grind
2. i like the main (brown hair) but i’m not too interested in the love interest ... his later developments of why he wants to escape his rich life/the sister being like ‘my brother isn’t in love with that guy not bc i’m homophobic per se but bc he doesn’t want to bring his lover into our kind of life’ were interesting but i don’t really feel that invested in him. also it made me smh when they had that scene of ‘oh i won’t force you to do whatever you don’t want to’ and then literally not even a ch or so later (prob 2 ch later, idr) the same guy who said that was like ‘i want to be intimate with you. don’t say no’ ... i was like bro. you can have a BL where you don’t have dubcon even if it is a very prevalent theme. anyway i like the main bc he’s a strong-willed character (those scenes where he’s like ‘fuck it i’ll go to prison’ and then later is like ‘fuck i was terrified but i had to bluff’ was good) but i think overall the character development is kind of weak.
like i get the main being scared of physical intimacy bc his ex was like ‘you’re scared of having sex with me? it’s bc you don’t like me enough fucker’ but then all of a sudden ‘uwah i’m totally fine with sex when it’s with this other person!’ ... it just don’t make sense. like even if you do like this new person more than the previous person AND the new person seems much more receptive to your desires, you don’t just drop your fear/anxiety that fast ...
anyway i also really like yoon (that’s the other main secretary woman the love interest has right) and was afraid the writer was gonna make her a later antagonist or something (either bc she secretly likes the love interest and is jealous of the main or just for kicks) but based on the dialogue and later episode preview images it looks like she doesn’t become evil and also ends up with the sister which like WHEW yoon deserves it.
i’ve seen the cover before but only finally checked it out after seeing some panels on IG recently and i like their other story season’s cafe for the most part (do not like the side pairing being set up there though which is what made me stop looking at the raws lol) ... but idk. it’s not that i can’t grind through to finish but i’m just not interested enough esp since now i suspect it’s gonna be focusing more on their relationship and related drama and i’m not that interested. based on the ch preview images, it looks like the ending is prob the love interest leaving his rich fam/life and living a “commoner” life with main which is cute but ... don’t care enough to grind through the inevitable drama.
i think the story could be tighter like having the main overarching plot being like ‘ok we gotta get this money into the love interest’s account’ and then having romance developments with that in the background but the laundering thing is barely there other than whenever they explicitly talk about it ... like i know most of the plot developments are BECAUSE of the laundering thing but i think it’s too much hidden ... like the early ‘we’re only connected bc of our illegal activity’ line was interesting but then boom they’re suddenly mutually interested in each other and we’re also ignoring that contract thing where main was like ‘you have to pay me if you touch me’ which was an interesting dynamic when it was presented in the first few ch ... like yes there were developments where they found something they liked abt the other so it’s not like them getting together is completely out of left field but idk. i think the pacing is too fast maybe. i think it was fine at first but around when the main pair got together i think that’s when i started being like ‘hmmm’
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