#there’s still so much bts stuff and bits of it spill out ever year
ladysophiebeckett · 7 months
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the friends writers who pitched and wrote this storyline need to choke omg
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minniepetals · 4 years
love poem
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— summary: for years you’ve suffered for the longest time and for years they’ve hurt without understanding the true meaning behind it all. soulmates connected through the hearts, soulmates connected through the slightest touches, and when they finally meet their last soulmate, the seven gods vowed to themselves that they will love and protect you for the rest of their immortal lives
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: fluff, angst, soulmates!au, poly!au, gods!au, god of knowledge!namjoon, god of stars!seokjin, god of music!yoongi, god of sun!hoseok, god of spring!jimin, god of ocean!taehyung, god of hearth!jungkook
— word count: 29.0K
— warnings: mentions of death, mentions of war, minor character deaths
— prompt: "It won't be easy you know...trying to love me"
— a/n: i hope you guys haven’t forgotten the dear; sweet bubbies project. sorry i’ve been so slow on these requests but here is the second installment! for you bubs @hope122598​
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Soft crispy crunches follow your footsteps as you walk among the snowy path, the wind seeming more restless than ever this morning. Little bits of snowflakes descend from the sky, falling and falling in an endless cycle for the snowy mountains will never come to understand what Spring looks like.
For days upon days and years upon years, you have always prayed to see what it will be like to live with warmth, in a home of hearth, in a shelter that can provide comfort and heat to your body and mind. But you know that as you walk up the path of the mountain, stairway long ruined since over many years ago, with the hood of your cloak constantly hoping to leave your head and the wind howling all around, wishing alone will only get you so far.
The morning sun brings no heat for you, icy particles kissing your cheeks from time to time and leaving you bright red from how cold it is.
But you're used to this.
It's okay. 
Fog escapes your lips as you huff to catch your breath once you make it up, basket of firewood covered with a blanket safely secured in one hand, and you are met with a wooden archway that is so close to toppling over. But it remains firm as ever, as if its fragile looks is only just a façade and that it should look this way.
You walk under it, paying no mind with no fear of it collapsing, and follow the path that flows into your village. White blankets cover the wooden roofs of the abandoned homes and you hear something falling off and hitting the ground with a thud.
Another wooden platform destroyed.
Everything is silent saved for the song of the wind and the crunches of the snow under your footsteps. But you hear the distant sound of the children's voices echoing in your memories. They laugh and shout at one another, giggling about as they jump into piles of snow or slide down a hill on a wooden sled that their fathers have made them. You hear the distant chiding of their mothers who is angry they aren't bundled up for warmth, missing a hat, missing a glove or scarf. You hear the aunties and uncles speaking to one another in cheery voices as you pass along each house, empty and left alone.
They ask each other upon how their days are, whether they have wood to spare, whether their homes are warm enough for their families, whether they have any heated water to share. The young adults complain about the howling wind, grunting and grumbling as they open their doors only to quickly shut it as they tighten the strings around their hood to keep it firm upon their heads. They huff as they stuff their hands into their pockets, frowning and pouting with baskets hanging upon their arms because they had been asked to gather woods from down the mountain.
You don't see the elderlies in your memories but you know they're here, in their homes, tucked in safe and warm and telling old tales of stories upon stories whether real or folktales. The little ones will gather at their feet near the fireplace, excited and anxious about what stories they will hear today.
You see the smoke from chimneys, you see the homes in good shape, and as you stand in the middle of the village's center where festivals, celebrations, and gatherings are often met at, you turn around to take a good look at the village that used to be so lively and filled of energy.
Now gone.
Replaced with broken houses, torn roofs, shattered windows, doors left ajar and broken. The shadows of the villagers, the ghost of the children who runs around in front of you, shouting at one another, the adults laughing and conversing, the teens rebelling and pranking, and the elderlies telling stories where the big bonfire should be...dissolves away from your memories.
Left only with the distant sounds of their laughter. Echoing and echoing in your ears.
As if it is still there, their precious lives, only for you to be reminded all over again that no, you are alone. No one else survived the horrid attack that came unexpected and terrifying.
The memories are still so clear in your head, the shouting, the screams and cries for mercy, the parents begging for the lives of their children to be spared, the howling dogs that would bark nonstop, and the blood that spilled so much that fateful day. Your mother kept you safe in your own home, ran out there pretending she has no daughter while you remained under the basement, muffling your cries as you watched from the window of the slaughtering of your tribe.
You heard loud footsteps then, the crashing and trashing of things, and had shattered a window in order to pick up its shard to stab yourself near your stomach, at a place you know will not bleed out too much and will not kill you.
You laid on the floor, hiding the shard away when the man kicked the door out of its hinges with a wild dog running in. He found you there, laid as if someone had already came to stab you to your death, with you only in your harsh breathing to pretend as if you have indeed just died. But the dog came over to you, sniffing, and you knew that he knew that you were still alive. That you were only pretending.
The quickening of your rapid heartbeat tells him so and it only grows worse so he barks at the owner and you prayed so hard that the man could not understand him.
And he didn't, so he left you, believing someone had already taken care of you and demanded for the dog to follow him out. You held your breath even as they both left the scene.
And even then you remained where you were, knowing there was no other place to run to and just letting fate decide what to do with you. If someone else barges in and finds that you have only faked your death then you would accept his sword at your neck, your heart, wherever he desires.
So here you stand in the middle of a village, a tribe that was once so alive and filled of beautiful people and the warmth of a lovely fire.
Now all locked in the memories of the wind. Gone for you to never see again.
The God of Spring stands a few feet away from the wisteria that lays in the center of the celestial palace, watching as its colors of lilac, blush, and the skies, are only growing a bit weaker as the years pass by and by. It hasn't been in its full bloom and glow since the moment Jimin had grown it hundreds of years ago. Throughout the many years upon finding his fated ones, he's seen the tree grow taller and bigger, so very close to reaching its maximum goal if only he could find one more thing it needs.
It's gotten so magnificent one would think this is its full bloom but the God of Spring knows that there is something missing.
Many leaves have fallen, scattering about like little petals all around the tree but the wisteria remains tall and firm. Yet time is running out and he knows that it will only last a few more years before the bloom will disperse and he himself will weaken.
"Jimin." The Spring God turns at the gentle call of his name and finds the God of Ocean by his side. He watches the tree with awe and wonder, a sight he has gotten used to throughout the years of his immortality. Although Taehyung finds the tree that represent their love so very beautiful, he also understands that something is not quite right. Not yet at least. "What is on your mind, my love?"
He can easily read the God's mind without needing to voice out the question but he feels the need to listen to his soulmate's sweet voice that always calms his waters down.
Jimin shifts slightly, brows creased as he catches a small petal falling from the vines and fluttering down to the marble floor, meeting its fate with the other petals that have already fallen. A breeze passes by from the opening circle that gives sunlight and rain for the tree to grow and he breathes in the fresh air, closing his eyes for a moment. "We must hurry, Taehyung," he tells his lover.
When Jimin takes his hand into his hold, Taehyung understands exactly what his soulmate is feeling at the touch. Jimin has allowed him to read his mind with the touch alone and he knows, he knows that Jimin is beginning to feel restless. The wisteria is only now beginning to wither in a slow passing of time but it will fall to its roots if nothing is done about it.
Taehyung understands that Jimin is afraid, worried, because he knows that there is still a missing piece of their puzzle that has yet to be discovered; their missing soulmate. A soulmate whom they have no idea of, a soulmate they know they must not have met yet because otherwise the wisteria wouldn't look so weak in Jimin's eyes. They must not be an immortal, a god or a goddess, they must not live up here where they are in the realm of the Gods.
But they have searched and searched and searched for years yet no village, town, nor kingdom holds the answer they are seeking for.
"Why must they be so hidden?" The Spring God questions with a deep sigh that makes him so tired. "It was so easy finding you all."
"Fate is not always the easiest," his soulmate reminds him and he nods, sighing again as he turns from the wisteria. "Seokjin has not found a solution yet," Taehyung answers his question before it is spoken aloud while they walk away from the celestial tree. "Jungkook has been feeling very cold recently."
"It must relate to Jungkook." The God of Hearth should not be shivering and feeling the cold get to him in such strong waves. He is meant to be a fireplace, warming up all that is around him, giving fire to the mortals down below.
"But we have searched the land of the mortals," Taehyung says, knowing how long both Seokjin and Namjoon, the Stars and Knowledge Gods, have worked to try and piece everything together.
"Perhaps we are overlooking something."
"And what do you suppose that is?"
Jimin doesn't know. All he understands is that they must find their last soulmate and they must find them soon. So he continues walking on past the door that leads out the center of the palace, brows still creased. "We must return to Earth again, Taehyung. They have to be there."
"How are you sure?"
He shakes his head, not truly understand the logic behind his thoughts. "I just have this feeling." Jimin stops walking and turns to look at the Ocean God with a conflicted gaze resting in his eyes. He takes his lover's hands and press them to his heart to let him feel his heartbeat. "Will you trust me, my love?"
Taehyung smiles. "With all that I have."
It is freezing when you walk into a home that had once been so lovely. Everything is dark now, windows no long a thing because they had all been shattered and thrown out when the raid happened several years ago. You have no money for yourself, knowing how wrong it'd feel for you if you took your mother's money or any of the villagers.
Sure they're gone but for you they are still living inside your heart, their souls roaming around in the village, watching over you, spending their wonderful lives all around the tribe.
You miss them all, you miss everything that had once belonged to the tribe, a small little village where no one should have been able to find. Yet fate is cruel and left you alone to live in a village that is ghosted and no longer in blossom. Sometimes you wonder how you are still alive, and why. Why you? Why not your mother? Or another adult? Or another teen? Maybe a child.
A child would have not been able to survive and neither an elderly.
You heave out a deep sigh that fogs up, relieved for at least the walls of your house keeping the howling wind from freezing you further. You stare down at your fingers and take off the wet gloves.
You have to sew up a new one again. After all, wet clothes in the snowy mountains can never dry warm again, not with the situation you are living in.
You wonder whether given the ability to hunt would have made things easier for you. You'd be able to get your own food, wouldn't you? Instead of living off on herbs and vegetables that are so very hard to grow and find in the endless winter you have been placed in? You don't remember the last time you've had a proper meal, you don't remember the last time you've ever bathed in warm water, or was wrapped up in soft fury blankets, or seen the fire from a lamp.
There are no animals that roams around your village, not even the falcons or eagles fly up here. You are alone. Truly, truly alone.
A tribe that is kept hidden from the other humans, isolated, kept for no one to know it exists because that is how you all live. Everything was going well, a tribe built upon your ancestors for years upon years, only to be washed down by a raid no one was prepared for. Hence you cannot leave this place to try and find your own happiness, to try and find your own Spring. You are the only one left to keep its memories and traditions alive.
Though it is hard, it has been years. You aren't sure how many years you have left. You haven't spoken to anyone in years, haven't felt the touch of anyone since the last time being from the cruel wild dog.
You want to hold someone's hand, wrap your arms around them, have their arms wrapped around you. You want to be loved and you want to love. You want warmth from another man, you want to be touched, just...touched. Whether a small sensation from the tip of a finger or have it held around you. You miss having the advantage to just wake up and greet your mother, jumping her from the back and having her scold you for surprising her every time even though you know more than anyone that she doesn't truly mind it.
You miss her so much. You miss her smile, her gentle fingers brushing your hair away, her kind gaze as she'd look upon you, the crease in her brows as she'd worry for your health when you'd catch even the slightest cold. Your mother was only growing older by the day. You can still remember her falling ill, a turn of events on you to take care of her instead.
So you did.
You bathed her, brushed her soft hair, woke up early to cook her breakfast in the morning before she woke up, sewing both yours and her coats up, went out to collect firewood and herbs, made remedies to keep her health steady, did everything that you could to be a good obedient daughter.
She always worried you wouldn't have time to yourself, urging you to go to festivals or leave the house in general, telling you to go spend some time with your friends, maybe even find someone that has interest in you because she apparently knew there were a few boys in line waiting. You'd always laugh it off and shake your head, not caring about it because you were still so young. But your mother would insist, telling you she'd want you to be with someone that will take care of you well as you were taking care of her.
But you told her that all you needed was her and no one else.
She always frowned at your stubbornness but you weren't going to care for someone who just wanted you because of your face. You want someone to love you for you, past your flaws, to understand everything about you but still loving every part of it.
Mother called you a romantic, you told her that was how father was too and she'd laugh, saying "like mother like daughter."
Because when the raid came in, you asked her to go hide in the basement but she told you otherwise, screaming at your stubborn self, telling you that this is her dying wish. She doesn't care whether you will wed or not, whether you can be a good wife or not, doesn't care about anything except for your safety and protection. You told her you just wanted to spend her last moments with you.
So she held you in her arms, tears endlessly falling, kissing you on the head and whispered "I am here. Always."
And then, she pushed you into the basement and locked the doors.
After hours passed since you last heard the wild dogs fading away, you finally stood up on your feet to bravely leave your basement doors, clutching onto your abdomen with hissing pain.
You found your mother's dead body lying at the entrance, door left ajar, and sobbed and sobbed endlessly because she was no longer breathing and just laid lifeless. You took her into your arms, tears rolling, begging for someone to just make it all better even though you knew more than anyone that that will never happen. You rocked her in your arms for the longest times, forgetting about your own health with blood that still slowly oozes from your body.
Her precious bracelet that your father made for her lied on the floor beside her body, snapped into one single string with beads spread out. You went on to collect it and put it in your pocket, carrying your mother up away from the entrance door and laid her on the couch.
You left her to grab the herbs and remedies to treat your wound and took your cloak half an hour later, leaving the door of your house, and is met by the sight of blood and dead bodies laid on the floor of your village. You ran around, calling, shouting, for anyone to hear you. You barged into homes, rooms, basements, one after the other, calling uselessly for anyone. You walked a few miles away, calling and calling, screaming from the top of your lunges, wondering whether anyone had been dragged away and left there alone.
But there was no one.
No lives were spared.
The children, the poor children, laid alone and in the arms of their loving parents who tried to protect them. Couples held onto each other's hands in their last moments, the grandparents laid by the fireside that no longer runs with fire.
No one was spared. All, everyone, laid on the floor of your village. All of them left dead.
The traumatizing experience spares you no mercy because in the end, it is you that has to carry the bodies of your tribe, digging holes after holes in order to bury every single one of them. You had no wink of sleep, fingers cold and numb yet still forced to work hard and carry their heavy bodies. Your mother was the last of them all, body left spent after all that work, crying and crying endlessly because you could do nothing to protect them, not even one of them, and now they all lie dead under the ground.
All except you who was only seventeen years of age.
"Jungkook?" The God of Music is quick to hold the youngest God whose legs can't keep him steady on his foot. He shivers in Yoongi's arms, shaking, and tears are escaping his eyes before he can try to stop it.
"H-hyung.." Jungkook shudders, breath leaving fogs although the room itself is nowhere near cold. Yoongi can understand him without needing to hear words, a touch alone letting him read his thoughts in an instant. Jungkook tells him what today is, the same day that repeats every year and makes him extra cold though he has no reason why. His heart aches, fingers going numb, and head begins to pound.
The God of Hearth should never feel this way, he has always been powerful just as his soulmates, but this day, this particular day always comes around every year and as he comes close, he feels the shivers until the morning sun appears again and January 24 is here, making him the weakest at this day.
He believes that it relates to their last soulmate, a soulmate hidden from the world and no where to be found with no information except that they are still alive. Alive yet hurt.
"It hurts," Jungkook cries. It is not his pain that he is feeling, it is not his tears that are crying. These do not belong to the God of Hearth but to someone else. "It hurts so much, hyung." Yoongi holds him safe and steady in his arms but this time Jungkook cries his real tears as he leans into the touch of his soulmate, crying because he hurts knowing their last soulmate cannot feel this comfort and warmth for themselves. He begins to beat himself up, angry and frustrated that he can understand these feelings but cannot do anything to make his soulmate feel better.
"We'll find them," the God of Music promises as he presses a kiss to the youngest's head. "We'll find them."
He lets Jungkook know that Jimin believes they must be on Earth and Jungkook begins to think so too. He lets him know that Jimin and Taehyung are preparing to leave when Hoseok raises the morning sun in the mortal realm, that Seokjin and Namjoon will follow. And Jungkook lets him know that he wishes to go to.
He has to know, he has to finally find them, wherever they are.
When the morning sun awakes you, you sit up heavily from the cold, cold bed, shivering and letting out a deep sigh. Yesterday may be over but the memories still lies so vividly in your mind. You drag yourself out of bed, brushing your teeth, washing your face that makes you shiver again because everything is so cold. The kitchen greets you with an empty refrigerator that makes your brows furrow because your stomach growls and you are so hungry.
You sigh again as you head back into your bedroom to grab your cloak and wrap it around yourself, taking a straw basket that you weaved years ago with the help of a loving mother's hand, and put the hood on your head as you step out of your home.
The little children greets you in your memories, the ghost of the adults waving you good morning as you walk down through the memories of their lovely smiles, a few asking you to fetch them certain herbs and chicken eggs as well. You nod at their souls, smiling faintly and saying "Of course, I will be back with them."
A small little boy tugs at the sleeve of your dress and you stop to look down at the ghost of little Mingyu. He wishes to travel down with you but you shake your head, telling him you will be back soon to play with him. He pouts but upon your words, Mingyu doesn't go against you because he loves you like his own older sister.
When you pick up your feet again after bidding him goodbye to continue walking, your face falls as you walk past the wooden archway, chest tightening for a moment and nose thickening because you miss them all. You miss little Mingyu.
But you blink away the tears before it can freeze upon the cold wind, greeting the bright sun that shines above with a tight smile and walk down the little broken stairway made of leveled down snow that leads to the foot of the mountain.
"Maybe if I pray unto the God of Sun, he'll warm the mountain up," you sigh, "or the God of Hearth."
You look down at the empty basket that hasn't been filled for over an hour while your feet numbs from walking so long. No firewood, herbs, or food. You're starving and tired and it hasn't it gotten to noon yet. The slow passing of time makes you sigh at the growling of your stomach. You just want to eat and fall into a warm bed made of soft comfortable mattress and never have to know what the cold means.
But this is your life and although years passed, you still wonder how you're living on. Will you ever find another human to talk with for the rest of your life? The town almost a mile away has a few friendly smiles but it isn't the same as your village. After all, everyone knows everyone there, and you lived by taking care of one another.
You're just so, so tired.
They stare at the wooden archway that leads into a village of homes that look as if no one has been here in ages. An abandoned ghost village. Yet they follow Hoseok in as he walks forward, eyes grazing over the broken windows and roofs, a few doors left open and off its hinges, and nothing but the sound of the howling wind and their footsteps are heard.
It's strange but no matter how empty this village is, they can still feel how beautiful life had once been to these mortals. It is a village that has been abandoned for years, no signs of life whatsoever.
"Why are we here, Hoseok?" Namjoon asks as he steps over some broken wood, his brows furrowing at the eerie echoing of the dead souls who had once lived here. It is never easy passing by a place that lets them know something horrible had occurred. They can easily hold the ground and watch the memories of what had happened with their powers but it feels too much to invade such intimate memories.
"I don't know," the God of Sun admits as he continues walking carefully with slow steps, his gaze soft and sad as he looks over everything. "The Sun told me there is still life here and we've visited many places already but we've never come here."
"It's abandoned."
"But you can still feel the life," he tells Taehyung. He knows they believe that perhaps he had only sensed life because a life did used to be here but Hoseok thinks otherwise. "There is a living soul here," he speaks, looking up at the sun for a moment, "she's seen it."
There is something so strange about this village, this tribe. Hoseok cannot understand it and he knows that he can easily retrace the past lives of this village but it feels wrong for some reason. He may be a God who has the ability to know and understand everything but this...this doesn't feel right at all. Not yet at least, and he cannot pinpoint what is it that draws him to this place, a feeling he's never felt with the places they've visited before.
When Jungkook looks around, the coldness lies in his heart, a feeling he has gotten used to since years prior ever since the first January 24th had hurt him. He takes slow steps with his hyungs behind him, carefully watching him and the village and wondering what thoughts are going on in his head. "It's strange but..." his eyes fall to the snow below him, footsteps hidden under the endless snow that continues falling and falling. He feels as if there are fresh footsteps just under the snow but even then he cannot erase the blanket to see it. "There is a life here," he says in a soft whisper.
"If our soulmate is really here," Jimin's eyes fall sad as it wanders all around at the snowy mountain of an abandoned village, his chest tightening with a heart that begins to ache, "they must have been oh so alone."
"Whatever happened here," the God of Music steps up to the center of the village that seems to hold the most memories of them all, sounds of music falling so distant to his ears, something he knows only lies in the past, "there are souls that have yet to be released."
A gasp leaves someone's lips and they are quick to turn around at the foreign voice, a sight that comes with a girl dressed in a dark blue cloak that they know must not be keeping her warm. Her eyes shake with fear, a basket that had fallen to the foot of her dress, hands pressed against her chest as she trembles at the sight of them. Her face pales, mouth drying, and they can hear the mortal's heart beating oh so rapidly.
"Forgive us," Seokjin announces as soon as he can before you can go into a panic. "We did not mean to intrude, is this your home?"
Your heart relaxes for a moment at his voice but you are still filled with fear. You haven't seen anyone in your village for such a long time, not since the raid, and you fear that they must be one of them. "I..I-If you wish to kill me, please do it quickly."
Oh no.
Tears fall from your precious eyes and it hurts Jungkook as he shudders at the same time as you. Your eyes fall to him, a little intrigued, but still so, so fearful and he knows, he knows that you must have gone through so much with a heart that beats so rapidly at just the sight of men.
But he isn't a man, he is a God, a high and powerful God that can bend the Earth to its core if he simply wishes to do so. Those eyes of yours look so painful it hurts his own heart. The God of Hearth may have felt coldness before, just as the day before always being the worst of it all, but this...this feeling is a little more strange...foreign yet familiar at the same time.
"We are not here to kill you," he says. "We are Gods."
He isn't supposed to say so to hide their identity but it just feels right.
He steps up and the others follow a few feet behind. "I am the God of Hearth and we are looking for our last soulmate. We believe it to be a mortal."
You can tell they aren't normal humans. You can tell they aren't humans at all with the glowing aura all around them and how he calms your heart to a steadier beat at his voice alone. A celestial being. A God. Seven Gods right in front of you.
"No one else lives here," you tell the God of Hearth while his eyes never seem to leave yours as he continues walking forward. You don't step back for some reason, probably because you are too afraid to just leave and run away from a God. "I am the only one who lives here."
He hums. "I see that."
"There is a village about a mile away if you wish to check there."
"Have you not considered another option, dear one?" He asks you, snow crunching under his steps as he continues forward.
You shake your head slowly. "I highly doubt someone like me can even be worthy to be considered a soulmate to the Gods."
Jungkook steps up to you but he doesn't go any further to make sure you feel safe at a good distance. He holds his hands out for you and you watch, confusion displayed in your eyes before you look up at him again with a questioning gaze. "May I?" He simply asks.
You hesitate but this is a God asking you for something so you know you will offend him if you do not do as he asks. So you hold your hand out slowly with him so patient, just watching until you are ready to touch him. He hears the beat of your heart beating rapidly again but remains patient. When you finally allow him to hold your hand, the instant your skin meets him in a delicate touch, a vision falls into his mind.
He sees everything.
He sees the life of a little girl that had been born into a beautiful village and your sweet parents naming you Y/N. The village celebrates the birth of a child just as its always done, a tradition that will never fall away for as long as they are alive. He sees the cute pigtails on your head when you had enough hair for your mother to decorate it. He sees your loving parents that will do everything just to have their little daughter grow into someone precious and kind for the world to meet.
He sees you when you cried with your mother after your father's death, a little girl just twelve years of mortal age who should have never felt such responsibilities hanging off her shoulders at such a young age. But with time and your mother beginning to grow old, you have to step up to be the good daughter and tend to her, missing your own childhood despite how many times your mother tells you to go play while she sleeps. Sometimes she will pretend to have fallen into a dream just to see whether you have listened to her.
But you never leave your mother's side, only worrying for her in case you do leave and do not hear when she coughs and needs your help.
He sees you grow older and maturing to seventeen years old. You'll roll your eyes when your mother tells you to go out and find someone for yourself, telling her that you are too young to even think of marriage and laughing it all off though he can understand that deep inside, you do wish that in the future, not now, someone will come by to love and cherish you as you will love and cherish them.
The days are spent well with you occasionally leaving your home only for errands upon finding herbs, food, and fresh new firewood for your home. Jungkook sees a little boy named Mingyu who will try to sneak away behind your back, following you close behind when you'd walk down the mountain but you'll always catch him in the act. Some days you will allow him to accompany you, some days you will ask him to return home because it is too cold for him to be out.
Your village is lively and lovely, so different from how things look now. They will greet you when you come out and bid you goodbye when you return home. Everyone knows everyone, a tribe built up on a loving family. You rarely attend festivals and celebrations, however, always too busy tending to your sick mother.
But then he sees the one memory that you hate most of all.
He hears the loud barking of wild dogs in the distant, sees how you're begging your mother to hide in the basement and crying because she's telling you otherwise. She wants you to go in instead, knowing her life isn't worth fighting for anymore but that fighting this one last time will be her last mission in life. You cried in her arms when she held you, kissing you on the head, whispering soft words before pushing you into the basement and slamming the doors shut.
He sees your memories then, watching from the small window as your heart aches and numbs at the sight of the slaughtering. He sees you breaking a window, grabbing a shard and stabbing yourself for a pretend death when one of the men barges in with a dog beside him. He feels your fear, scared for your life, afraid of the dog. But you are left alone when the owner doesn't understand the barking of the wild dog.
He sees you as you're running around, screaming and shouting, calling for any survivors but no one, not even a soul, along with your mother and little Mingyu dead on the floors of your village. You're traumatized yet you still dig up holes after holes to bury your tribe in order for them to rest peacefully and not in vain. Your fingers go numb from the hard work and the freezing cold yet you never stop, going past days with no rest in between, tears endlessly falling and freezing under the cold snowy weather.
You haven't eaten a good meal in years, just seventeen years old having to carry the last remaining memories of your tribe, having to survive all on your own with no one by your side. Just seventeen years old having to become dependent on yourself. You learned to make your own clothes instead of just sewing to patch things up. Though it doesn't go well in the beginning, you learn the skills eventually as time passes. The water is always the coldest for you to wash and bathe in, your bed on a hard wood, no pillows, no warmth to keep you safe and secure.
Yet when Jungkook opens his eyes again, you have no hatred and vengeance in your heart, no sign of wanting revenge. The only thing he feels is your fear of your future and how you will continue surviving, questions swarming in your head as to why and how you are still alive after ten years of isolation. He has never met a human so selfless and kind with just the slight light of hope still left in her despite everything. You are afraid but you try not to show it and his heart hurts.
Jungkook turns to his soulmates behind him and they step up, surrounding you. They stand in a circle, fluttering their eyes closed and telling you silently that you must do so as well. Hands are placed upon your arms, soft, delicate and warm touches, and something strange and unfamiliar occurs.
You feel warmth surging through your body, a heat so warm you aren't sure whether this is real or not anymore. But it isn't just the warmth you are feeling, it's the feeling of walking on clouds, euphoria, head spinning with fairy lights and soft, soft ecstasy. It's so much more than the festivities of your tribe that celebrates many traditions, so much more than when you'd play around with little Mingyu who loves you to no end. It is sweet and delicate, fragile yet so strong and firm, not like the promise of your village that will one day be buried under the snow.
You see so many things, a beautiful celestial palace made of heaven lights. You see stars in one room, a whole room filled of the planets and galaxies of universes all around. You see a room filled with books upon books, a room of music, the soft blue tide of the vast ocean that stretches so wide and falls into the horizon, a sun that glows so bright in the sky, a home of warmth and hearth, and Spring. You see Spring for the first time in the life of a wisteria tree. It's petals flutters to the ground though the vines still holds firm and powerful, swaying gently and dancing to the soft whisper of the wind.
You see the life of the Gods before you. Meeting one another as if destiny has placed them in each other's paths. Soft smiles, soft hellos and goodnights, soft touches and soft kisses pressed against one another. A soft, soft love that whispers in their ears each passing day. When one is away they will feel empty, already missing one's presence the second they leave the palace grounds. Together they make each other stronger than any other Gods. Everyone around them looks up to them, bowing their ways, worshipping their presence for seven soulmates is much stronger than two souls.
Yet no matter how happy they are, there is still something missing. The wisteria may look divine but it is not in its full bloom, it is not as strong as it should be. The petals that falls off the vines hangs in vain and sadness, fluttering to the floor, still wishing and needing one last puzzle that is missing.
A missing soulmate.
You feel the aching in the God of Hearth's heart, how he will shiver on some occasions, the way he hurts the most on January 24th. And you think you understand what the means. January 24th is not a day that is happy for you, a day that is filled with grief and pain, a day that is the coldest out of any other day. You think you understand because the flame of the Hearth is a light that gives warmth to the mortals. But you have not been the warmest in the years that passed by since the raid. You think...perhaps...you understand.
"Do you understand?" You open your eyes to find them staring into your soul, and they can feel that you understand but have some doubts. "You are the one, my sweet precious mortal," the God of Knowledge holds your face in his hand and you find yourself consciously leaning into the touch. The warmth is nice. You love it so much you wish to cry. "You are our last soulmate."
"Will you accept us?" The God of Ocean asks. "Will you come home to us? Allow us to give you an endless warmth that shall never disappear?"
"To live an immortal life? Become an immortal yourself?"
"To never have to know what pain and hurting feels like ever again. To never feel afraid anymore."
"Will you let us protect you from now on? Give you a home, a safe, warm home."
"And let you meet the one thing you have always been waiting for. To let you see Spring."
They can feel the way your heart skips a beat at the sound and Jimin smiles softly. You have always wished to see what Spring looks like, when the Winter will melt away and the birds will chirp and flowers will grow, blooming to their fullest and giving off such sweet scents. You want to smell the flowers, to feel the rain kissing your body, to see a rainbow, to go barefoot and feel the grass poking through the gaps of your toes. You want to lie on the ground, run around freely without heavy coats on you, to feel a breeze that will not make you shiver and have your nose growing red.
You want to be kissed by Spring, greeted with a beautiful welcome and never have to leave its warmth. You want it, you want to meet Spring.
But they can also feel the hesitation in your heart. You do not wish to leave your village like this, you're the only one left to hold its memories after all, the only one left of your tribe. They feel hatred and anger for the ones that have made you suffer for so long, to live alone in isolation and miss the feeling of someone touching you for a whole ten years. They want to hunt those humans down, their selfishness and greed for blood making them boil to serve them justice.
"I.." you speak up timidly, a little fearful that it won't be right to do so but Yoongi places a gentle hand on your head, soothing it gently.
"It's alright, little one. You will never offend us if you ever wish to speak."
You pick up your courage to look at the village before you. "I don't want to leave my home like this."
"There are souls of your tribe that is still roaming around, little one," Namjoon informs you and your head snaps to him, eyes brimming with tears and making him sad to see them.
"You can see them?" You ask, breath shaky.
He shakes his head lightly. "We can feel them. They are here, sweet one." He takes your hand into his hold as he gently brings you to the middle of the village before turning you so that you can face the grounds. "Their souls have been left broken and shattered but they've never given up hope because of you."
"Because of me?"
The God of Knowledge hums. "You've survived for so long trying to keep this place alive." He's seen the way you pretend everyone was still here, watching their ghosts through your memories and speaking to them as if they were still alive.
"They haven't been able to rest in peace," you realize with sad eyes.
"Don't worry," Seokjin steps up as he places a hand on your shoulder and watches the memories with you, "I can send them off now for you."
"You can do that?"
He nods, humming. "All they've ever wanted was for you to live as if you are living again. And now they see hope." Through him. "They can go on now because their little Y/N can find something worth living for."
A tear falls from your eye and Namjoon squeezes your hand in a gentle manner.
"It will be alright," he tells you softly. "You can bid your goodbyes now."
All your ten years of living alone you thought that your tribe would wish for you to keep the tradition in your memories, to never let it die. You never knew that what they truly wanted, what they all wanted, was for you to live again. So a few more tears escape your eyes as your chest tightens and a hand reaches out into the open. You pretend that someone has taken your hand, your mother, with little Mingyu just beside you and the rest of the village behind them. You pretend that they are smiling down at you, softly bidding their goodbyes.
You can hear your mother whispering for you to be happy now and you can hear little Mingyu telling you to smile again.
You nod at them, closing your hand into a small fist. "Goodbye," you say and when Seokjin, the God that holds the galaxies, close his eyes, you can feel the souls leaving one by one, drifting off to the skies with little waves made at you.
They can finally rest in peace at last.
"Come here," the Sun God holds a hand out for you a few seconds later and you go to him with no hesitation, letting him take your hand. "You are hurt, my dear. Can you close your eyes?" You do as he asks and feel soft lips pressing against your forehead seconds later.
Hoseok releases his magic to transfer into your body, letting you feel a warmth rising, a warmth that makes you feel so light on your feet. It runs through your veins, healing the numbness of your fingers and toes, collecting the water from where your body stays cold, lifting the freezing feeling from you and replacing it with the warmth of the sun. Wherever there had been scars on your body, he heals as well. The scar that rests near your stomach is lifted as if it had never been there before and when he leans away, you still feel so light on your feet.
"Thank you," you say with a slight blush forming on your soft cheeks when you lift your eyes to find him so close.
Hoseok smiles, understanding through the touch that you find him attractive, an information he finds convenient because you yourself is so beautiful he can hardly believe his eyes. You have the beauty not meant for a human, a beauty that glows so delicately he doesn't believe anyone can be worthy to look upon you. "Of course, dear one," he tells you and presses another kiss to your forehead, this one being actually meant to be a kiss.
Your cheeks warm a little more at the gesture and he chuckles, loving your reactions to every little thing.
"Are you ready, my love?"
My love.
You red at the soft name from the God of Music and think that perhaps you will have to get used to such things. So you nod at him and Yoongi takes your hand. "Close your eyes," he tells you and you do so with no question.
Something shifts under your feet and you can feel your surrounding changing despite not actually seeing. When Yoongi tells you you can open your eyes again, you are met with a bright world just in front of you. The memories that belongs to them rushes back to you and you realize this is their home, their palace. It is so divine you can hardly believe your eyes. The castle stands so tall with a magnificent garden that surrounds its grounds.
You breathe in the wonderful scent and almost sway on your feet.
Spring. It smells like Spring.
You rush forward to walk up the steps of the castle and look back as you skip in, sounds of giggles escaping your lips and making their own hearts so warm. The sight of you so happy at the little things alone makes them smile as they walk in, following the curious little mortal who wishes to see everything. But they know that you will have time to see everything later. Right now you're tired and need to rest.
"My love." You turn at the call of Taehyung's voice and skip back to him, ears attentive. The God of Ocean gaze fondly at you as he lifts his hand to tuck your hair behind your ears. "You are tired, my sweet angel." He hears your thoughts, the embarrassment of how you must look with your damp clothes and messy hair from the strong wind of the Winter mountain and pets you on your head. "You can wash first," he says and your eyes widen a little with a little moment of confusion before he feels you understand that you are soulmates now and they can read your thoughts through just simple touches.
"Okay," you say with your sweet voice. He doesn't think he will ever get over such music to his ears.
"Come now." He takes your hand and leads you down the grand hall of the castle where you will be spending the rest of your life in.
The water is so different from the freezing cold back on the mountain. It is so warm and gentle you almost feel like falling asleep in the bath. It's grand, a bathtub so large and you think that perhaps the Gods share their bath times together. You blush at the thought of possibly needing to do that as well, not yet ready at the moment but knowing that in the near future you will one day bathe with them.
You giggle to yourself thinking of it and submerge your head into the water as if you should not have thought of such things. But you know that it's fine, you are soulmates after all, connecting in ways simple relationships of the mortals will never come to feel and understand. It's a nice thing you know you will love to get used to as you swoop up a few rose petals in your hand, breathing in the rose scent bath and laying your head back.
What a lovely life you know you will never get tired of.
Just hours prior you were freezing cold as you wandered the grounds of the mountain, trying to collect herbs and firewood, trying to find food. Nothing comes easy living in the mountain especially while living in isolation so some days you would have to go to sleep shivering so hard, some days you would have to suffer through fevers and other health risks, and some days you would have to starve for a few days until you can find food to eat.
Looking back on the memory not far back yet, you feel a rushing fear crawling down your spine as you think that perhaps this can all be a dream, just a wishful thinking, a daydream, and you'd wake up to the coldness of your lonely home all over again.
You've had dreams before, of living with warmth, living in Spring, and woke up only to fall sad all over again as you realize it had all been a dream. But right now this feels too real to be a dream yet at the same time, too true to be true, and you hate how you're so frightened of having to go back to your old life. Will that ever go away as time passes? Or will you wake up thinking time did passed when this had indeed all been a dream?
You let out a soft sigh as you think about the possibilities, brows furrowing with a sadness that hurts your heart.
But then you hear soft music playing, the sound of a beautiful harp as if the God of Music had just heard your thoughts and wishes to ease you from it. Your heart flutters as you look around, face brightening all over again wondering if Yoongi is thinking of you right now. He must be, right? A few butterflies untangle themselves in your tummy and begin to flutter freely.
Oh how you hope this is all a reality and not just a wishful dream.
The harp continues on and on, softly wanting to lure you to sleep but you know that you must get out first and not fall asleep in the bath.
When you open the doors to the bedroom timidly, head poking out shyly because you know they're in there, they smile at the sight of you and silently welcome you in. You have on a sheepish smile as you walk in dressed in a white bathrobe with wet hair and looking so pretty and clean.
Your skin glows with a fresh flowery scent and they almost fall breathless at the sight of your beauty right before them. They knew you were beautiful the moment they laid eyes on you but now that you're fresh and out of the bath, they can't believe you can look even more beautiful.
Jimin walks up to you and runs a towel along your head to dry your wet hair, fearing that you may catch a cold if it isn't dried right away. Sure you may be used to the cold but they still feel overprotective of you and wish for nothing to happen to you. You're their precious girl now, after all, and they will never let anything bad happen to you again. You've suffered for far too long living all alone and just trying to survive through the cruel reality of life.
When he sees the soft pink on your cheeks, Jimin smiles as he realizes you must have read his thoughts. "You are so beautiful, my love." Your heart flutters under his gaze and words and Jimin can't believe they have gotten such a precious soul to be their last piece of the puzzle. "We have to get you your own clothes but for now will you fit mine?"
You nod at his offer and suddenly feel a flutter of the wind before you lightly gasp down at yourself, a sight of the God of Spring's royal robe wrapped around your body to replace the white bathrobe. "Wow," you say in awe and they chuckle at how easily you are astonished. It's a little big on you, the robe falling to the floor and hiding your feet, sleeves a little too long and sliding off just slightly from your shoulders. But it is a sight that makes Jimin excited seeing you in his clothes.
He takes your chin in his hand for you to look up at him and presses a kiss right on the tip of your nose. "You must be hungry." Right on time your stomach growls and you lick your lips, causing him to grin.
They feed you a meal that is laid out on a tray, not allowing you to use your hands for one second and insisting to do the job instead. They spoil you with so many things that in the end, you become so full and have to push their hands away before they can feed you some more. But you let Namjoon hand you a fruit before you fall back into Jungkook's chest.
"Sleepy?" He senses your energy, watching as your eyes flutter drowsily and runs a finger down to the tip of your nose. "Sleep, my dear, you've had such a long day."
You take ahold of his hand, small fist wrapping around his forefinger after grabbing the courage to snuggle in close and the God of Hearth chuckles as they all coo. "But what if I wake up back on the mountain?" You worry and he understands that you have been thinking of it back in your alone moment in the bathtub. Jungkook knows then that it is not a good idea to leave you alone for long, not when you'll begin to question whether it is right for you to truly be happy because he knows that you deserve all of this.
A happy life, to be loved and cherished.
"I'm scared," you whimper though your eyes are drowsy and you let out a yawn soon after.
"Trust me, my love, we will be right here when you wake up."
"Promise?" You ask in a small voice.
He hums. "I promise."
"Kiss me goodnight?" They chuckle and does as you ask, placing soft kisses upon your face and head, missing the one spot that leaves your lips. But you're fine with it. Not yet, it will come with time when you are a little more comfortable.
You hear the morning birds chirping for the first time and that is what excites you awake.
It comes out so soft to your ears at first, you lying on your side with someone holding you from behind and Yoongi right in front of you. The bed is large enough to hold many people and you blush under their closeness before you fall distracted by the song of the birds. A light gasp leaves you when you continue to hear it, its chirping falling so gentle and sweet so you sit up and take Seokjin's arm off you to crawl off the bed.
Your light footsteps leaves you past the curtains and onto the large balcony that greets you with the kisses of the gentle breeze. You grin brilliantly as you lean onto the railing, back arching forward as you breath in the sweet smell of the warm air. Before you lies the crystal ocean that goes on and on past the horizon where the sun lies up above. It shimmers under the light of the morning sun, sparkling like gemstones and you realize that no, you haven't woken up to a freezing cold and damp blanket with the howling wind of the mountain greeting you awake.
You have no need to prepare yourself to head out into the cold, trying to find herbs and firewood, trying to find food. You have no need to worry about that anymore because this is your life now. Greeted by the lovely breeze, greeted by Spring, greeted by love.
Someone comes up behind you and you jump for a moment before feeling his arms wrap around you from behind, his familiar hands welcoming you in with a head nuzzling into your neck before simply resting right on your shoulder. "Good morning, sweet love," he greets in a low husky voice to tell you that he had just woken up. A smile curls along his lips as he reads your thoughts of how much you love his deep voice.
"You kept your promise."
"Of course," Jungkook chuckles. "This feels nice, does it not?"
You hum, leaning back closer to his hold. "It's so different. So warm."
"I feel better too," he admits and reminds you through his thoughts of how the God of Hearth also had to suffer a bit because his heart connects to you in a way more special compared to the rest. The Hearth's flame is meant for the mortals after all.
"I'm sorry," you tell him and Jungkook frowns.
"No, my love, you have no need to apologize. This was never your doing."
"But it must have been difficult hurting and not knowing why."
He turns you in his hold so that you can face him, face leaning in close with a pout. "You suffered so much more than I," he reminds you as he brushes your hair away to the side. "I knew you were suffering, we all did, but it took so long to finally find you."
"That isn't your fault. I lived in isolation in a village that should have never been found."
"I only wish we had found you sooner."
You shake your head lightly. "Nothing can be done to turn back time now."
Oh how Jungkook loves you already. You have such a kind soul, a selfless soul, with no darkness in sight despite all that had happened to you. He wonders how you were able to do this, held onto hope for so long, to spend ten years all alone in a place that kept you so cold and freezing, lacking the ability to touch another being, visited by no one but the knocking of the restless wind outside your home.
He wants to make it all better, to help you heal and grow, and to only hold onto precious happy memories from now on.
When you look back at him with a sweet gaze, he knows that you can understand him despite no words said. You can read him too and Jungkook smiles as he rest his forehead against yours, just holding you there as the two of you revel in the soft breeze that passes by. You can feel cold no longer, nothing but a soft warmth that the God of Hearth holds with him.
When the afternoon comes, you're wandering around the castle, watching through the memories of your Gods to remember what room lies where. You've ran through the magnificent garden barefoot, smelling the scent of all the flowers that were grown, touching the petals and feeling how soft it is under your touch. The grass tickles your feet, the stone paths rubbing you gently. A fountain sits at the center of the garden, hedges displayed all around sort of like a maze.
Everything is green and colorful with the robe of Jimin's dragging behind you as you become the curious little fella who runs around everywhere because everything fascinates you. You travel down to the ocean next, feeling the white sand under your bare feet and giggling as you touch and run from the water that comes and goes. Seashells are found all around the beach, little crabs running around and crawling into your palm when you let it. It does you no harm though you have heard stories of all crabs being able to pinch anyone that touches them.
Perhaps the humans really do not know much. But then again, maybe you should not have trust a tribe that only knows what Winter looks like. You laugh to yourself thinking about it and then become a little more curious as you recall the library you saw in your memories. It must belong to Namjoon, the God of Knowledge.
You stand up from the beach, letting the little crabs crawl back down onto the sand and wave them goodbye before you leave for the castle again. You run through a path with trees at two sides, reminding you that you should check out the wisteria as well after the library. You retrace your steps as you look into your memories to understand where the books are, skipping around the halls of the castle care freely with shoes now on, staring at the tall ceiling up above, the beautiful crystal glass windows in designs of each God or of plants and simple objects.
When you open the familiar looking doors from your memories, you gasp at the sight of the thousands of books placed on shelves upon shelves, leading into the room and looking like an endless hall. It looks so much more enchanting than what you had seen in the memories just as the garden and the ocean. You cannot believe there are so many books, almost every one of them you know you have never read.
"Well hello there my dear." You jump at the voice before understanding that it belongs to the God of Knowledge as he emerges from a shelf that had hidden him. He holds an open book in hand with a sweet smile resting on his face, charming dimples displayed upon his cheeks and making your heart skip a beat.
"Namjoon," you sigh as you skip up to him. "The gardens are so beautiful! Jimin created it, didn't he? And the ocean, it's so vast and magnificent I cannot believe such beauty exists in this universe. I know there are so many other places to visit but I don't know how I can look at them all before growing exhausted by running all over."
He laughs as he holds your face, fingers tracing down your temple and down your jaw. "My love you have all the time in the world to explore. You must remember to not exhaust yourself so fast."
"There's just so much to see," you beam before letting out a gasp as if you had just recalled something. "I want to read!"
He chuckles fondly. "Do you now?"
"Come here." He takes your hand, not needing to voice out what books you would like to read because he can already read your mind. So he leads you down to the center of the library where lays a circle of shelves. He walks you to the middle, holding onto your waist steady as you bite against your lower lip with anticipation, already understanding even before the floor lifts into the air upwards because you have seen it in the memories.
The lift brings the two of you up to where a flooring hovers in the air, supported by fluffy white clouds that falls past your hands but will support your weight when you step onto it. You giggle as you feel the clouds on your feet before letting Namjoon sit you upon a comfortable chair shaped in a ball and made of clouds. He hands you a book taken out of thin air.
"If there is anything else you need, just call me."
You nod eagerly before leaning your back into the chair and open up to the first page of the book.
You're addicted in no time and spend hours upon hours forgetting about everything else as you dive into the world of imaginations created on pieces of paper.
"My love?" You hear him when you are on your fifth book, humming softly to indicate that you hear him but your eyes remain on the little words displayed on the pages of the book. Namjoon sighs. "Come now." You pout. "It is time for dinner, sweetheart."
"Just...one more chapter."
He knows what that sounds like and shakes his head as he walks up to you, taking the book away and having you whining after it. The God of Knowledge chuckles at how adorable you are and mark the page you are on before closing it shut. You pout again but he presses a kiss to your head and makes you blush. Namjoon loves your little reactions to simple romantic gestures. "Come now," he repeats and holds his hand out.
This time you do not protest.
"Go on, try them on."
You collect the dresses in hand and they watch as you head for the bathroom only to pause in your steps and turn back with a sheepish smile.
"What is it?" Hoseok asks.
"Will you dress me instead?" Heat blooms upon your face when their eyes widen and you realize what they think you mean by that and is quick to stutter through. "N-not like that! I meant will you..uh...u-use your powers? You know, like how Jimin dressed me in his robe?"
You are so adorable when you're flustered and a blushing mess because you aren't used to relationships like this. The only thing you've been exposed to in this life is a beautiful love of a village and the parents that had raised you. You've known nothing about loving a man, was never able to be given that privilege because your tribe had gone before anything could truly happen, before you could even think about trying to find another who could protect and love you. So of course you are shy when you're around them but they know more than anyone that this is alright, you're okay, and they will love and cherish you in place of the loneliness that had bloomed over the past ten years.
So when Taehyung stands before you and you shy away, he does not mind it, knowing one day you will come around to it. He caresses your face for a moment, reading your thoughts filled of embarrassment and letting you read him to let you know that this is fine, this is alright and he does not mind anything. You are soulmates after all, meant for one another and written under the stars. You have no need to shy away under their gaze, free to speak your mind, and that even if you did mean what they had initially thought, they would dress you still.
But he tells you that he understands you are not ready just yet and lets you know that this is fine, this is alright. You can take as much time as you need, as much as you want, and none of them will ever mind.
His feelings allow you to calm, blush slowly falling away and Taehyung smiles at the sight of your shoulders falling back down to your sides. He snaps his fingers and you feel the flutter of the familiar wind just as the first time it was done to you and they watch as the dress falls onto your skin. It hugs you perfectly, soft golden shimmers falling all the way to the floor with beautiful yellow petals decorated almost all around.
You are a sight they have been blessed with, a beauty too perfect for the eyes to even dare see. They find themselves so lucky to have someone like you as their last soulmate, a lovely pretty lady with such a gentle heart too pure for the world.
"You are truly beautiful, my love." You blush again at Seokjin's words who holds a fond gaze upon your face.
"Mmn," Hoseok hums, "but as much as we'd like to stay and just stare at you all day, we must leave."
Your brows crease slightly as you look up at him. "You're all leaving?"
"Hoseok and I," Seokjin tells you as he strokes your cheek to ease your little worries, "the rest will be here."
"Where are you going?" You ask.
He looks at the Gods for a brief moment before gifting you a small smile. "To give justice to the ones that were the cause to your pain and suffering."
"Oh." You shiver and he can feel your fear and the slight aching that reaches your heart.
"Do not worry, my love," Hoseok says as he walks up to your other side to take your hand and kiss the back of it. "We will take care of everything from now on, alright?"
They let you know that they do not love violence, that they would much rather deal with things with words but when time comes, some things are meant to play out with violence if needed. They tell you that they will deal with this logically and not of blind anger and you nod at their unspoken words, head leaning against Seokjin's touch and squeezing Hoseok's hand lightly to let them know that you trust them to make the right decisions.
"We will be right back," the eldest tells you and you nod.
When they disappear to transport themselves away, you're still slightly conflicted as the memories begin returning. "Come here," Yoongi encourages with soft words as he holds out a hand to you. "When was the last time you've heard music?"
Besides that time in the bathtub it has truly been far too long. So you let him whisk you away from the bedroom and into a room that you had once seen in the memories.
Yoongi's grand music room is divine. Instruments are displayed in perfect order, harps and pianos and the violins and all sorts of musical instruments, even some you have never seen before in your life. You are from the mountain after all, and your tribe hasn't really come to understand and seen much but you've seen a few common instruments in the picture books the elderlies would tell stories upon.
He takes you up a flight of stairs made of glass, spiraling up towards what looks like the ceiling but you know that he is bringing you to some place a little more special as you have seen in the memories. The stairs lead up to the roof where you walk onto the platform of the tower made of pillars that circles the floor and lets you see down the grounds of the palace and past it, a sight much more than the balcony in the bedroom.
You are so high up you feel like you might fall but with Yoongi behind you as you hold onto a pillar and look down, you know that you are safe. You can see almost everything. The ocean, the outline of the gorgeous garden surrounding the castle, how enormous the castle is, and an enchanting forest that surrounds the palace grounds.
"The more I visit these memories in real life, the more speechless I become because everything is just so...breathless!"
The God of Music chuckles as you spin around to feel the wind rush around you, flaring your dress out and making you look like a fairy. He sits on a little stool, fingers beginning to pluck the strings on the harp and you fall silent as you sit down to watch Yoongi, eyes fluttering close after a moment just to hear the sound of the beautiful music playing as the wind carries it from room to room and over the ocean and forest that surrounds the palace grounds.
It's magical, every note perfectly played and echoing out into the world for all to hear.
This is the music of the Gods.
Yoongi has to go somewhere after a while so you are left alone to yourself, happily skipping down the halls again in trying to see where your feet will lead you first; the wisteria or the galaxy room that belongs to Seokjin. Both rooms you truly want to see and knowing you have plenty of time yet too excited to wait.
You walk into a grand open space before blindly taking a right without looking back into the memories to know where you are going. Sometimes being lost is the best way to discover new things, your curiosity only getting the best of you as you giggle about in the halls. But then you feel a presence and stop walking, brows furrowed slightly with confusion and curiosity, wondering whether it is one of the Gods.
Until you hear a bark and fear crawls down your back as you turn and see a sight that fears you most of all.
When they hear the scream, they are quick to transport themselves to you in an instant with Jimin wrapping his arms around you and holding your face against his chest. You shake in fear, crying into his protective hold as Jungkook steps up to the guard dog whom they have simply forgotten was still around. You're afraid of dogs after those wild ones had been the ones to track your village down and almost kill you along the rest of your tribe. So he signals for it to leave as quickly as possible, the dog a little confused he had scared someone but disappearing at his master's order.
He turns back to you when it's finally gone for you to finally relax but as they watch you shaking in Jimin's arms and refusing to look up, their heart breaks at the sight. Jimin can understand your thoughts, mind retracing back to the memories on the day it all crashed down for you. He sees you reminded of when you were down in your basement, bleeding out, faking your death as the dog walked over and sniffed at you.
You can hear the continuous barking as it tries to tell its owner that you are still alive, that you're just faking your death. It growls your way when its owner shouts at it to follow him and you can still feel its eyes on you even as it leaves.
Jimin runs his hand up and down along your back, whispering soft soothing words to help you calm, to remind you that you are alright now, that they are here and nothing can harm you ever again. You know, he understands that you know, but you're still afraid of everything being just a dream and that one day you will indeed wake up from this beautiful world. Jimin holds you tightly in his arms, brows furrowed, meeting the gaze of Taehyung, Jungkook, and Namjoon who shares the same conflicted thoughts and anger for what you had to go through.
Their precious girl, their precious soulmate who suffered so much because of human greed and the inability to feel as they do not hesitate one tiny bit upon killing a whole tribe made of small warriors, children, women, and elderlies who never hoped to ever fight in wars.
They can only pray for Seokjin and Hoseok to hear their anger and do well upon punishing the people that had done this to you.
You asked them to leave you be so that you can remain alone for a while. Of course the Gods weren't going to allow you without complaint, trying to convince you otherwise as they worry for you and although you felt touched, you shook your head then, too tired to argue and just wanting to be left alone because you are so used to dealing with everything by yourself. So you walk around the castle again, footsteps now heavy and slow, just letting your feet carry you to wherever. It's isolating and lonely, a feeling you hadn't felt for a few days, returning with melancholy and fear.
You don't know what to do, how this will all work out, why you have even become a soulmate of seven powerful and loving Gods too sweet for their own goods. You don't deserve this, you deserve to remain where you were, back on the mountain, trying to survive on your own.
You can still feel the numbness of your fingers, your aching feet as it walks and walks, trying to find just simple things in order to live on each day. You can still hear the howling of the wind as it passes by and by, the snowflakes that falls endlessly from the ongoing Winter skies, the ghost of a village that had once been so lovely and full of life. Everything was so wrong then, to grow old as a seventeen years old mortal, crying and crying yet having the need to pick yourself up because you knew crying wasn't going to bring anyone back. You had to stand up, to pick up the shovels, to dig and bury, to wipe your tears away and suck it all up because of the humans that knew no difference between love and hate.
Still you never felt any vengeance towards them, just fear and pain because they could not understand to care or have a heart. The world is a scary placed filled with scary people and frightening things that will visit your sleep and taint your lovely dreams.
You know this is wrong, to run away and try to face your problems alone when you have soulmates, Gods who just wants to make it all better. You know it is wrong to take that away from them, to shut them out, and to put up a wall. But you are afraid to feel happy, knowing it will never last forever and that one day, even if this is all true, perhaps this will all end. You are afraid to give into the love, to let them take care of you. What if they find something within you that they do not particularly like? Would you have to change? Do you have to be perfect? They are Gods after all and you are just a lone human walking in the heavens.
Why are you here? Why have you tried to be happy when you know you cannot?
Something falls onto the foot of your dress, a flutter, a fluttering petal, then another. You look up, eyes trailing the path of the little petals that the wind has carried to your feet and there, right in front of you lies the one beautiful thing that had struck hard in the memories the Gods had given onto you.
A wisteria.
You remember how the Gods will visit this room of the celestial tree lying in the center of the palace, a circle opening roof lying on the top to give it its sunlight and rain when it needs it. Its leaves and petals fall around the foot of it, the wind carrying it to flutter a few feet away. When the Gods come, they will reach out and give it the power it needs in order to grow strong, the God of Spring being the most frequent guest since he had been the one to grow it in the first place. But you know how their love have made the tree stronger with just one simple touch. As each new soulmate is found, they will visit the tree and touch its vine, releasing their energy to the tree and helping it to grow to its max.
And you are the last one, the remaining soulmate that will make it grow into its full blossom.
A hand reaches out hesitantly, head tilted slightly to the side with wonder, and you see the way a vine begins to reach out as well. But just as you're about to let it wrap around your hand, you take your hand back to fall behind you.
"Why do you falter?" You hear the God of Spring from behind you, knowing it is him without needing to look back. His footsteps walk towards you but stops halfway. "I know you asked us to leave you alone but I cannot, my love. I know you are still frightened."
You do not say a thing for a while, just staring at the tree before you with thoughts running all over. He wishes he can read your mind but he will need to touch you for that and right now he isn't sure if he is welcomed to do so or not. So Jimin remains where he is, giving you a safe distance in case you absolutely do not want him around. Perhaps he should leave, let you be, but Jimin worries that the horrible thing your mind may lead you to think will only hurt you more and he does not wish to see you in any more pain.
"It won't be easy you know..." you say in a soft, soft whisper.
His brows furrow, wondering what you mean.
"...trying to love me."
Jimin cannot take it no longer so he steps up in front of you to look you straight in the eyes, his gaze serious and filled with pain. Not because you said he couldn't love you but because you think it will take so much effort just to love you. You, the sweetest most kindest and selfless soul he has ever met, someone who doesn't wish death upon the ones that made you suffer for so long, someone who only wishes the enemy could learn to love rather than getting vengeance on them. You who was only a teen when her tribe was murdered. You who was forced to grow old and pick yourself up when you were hurting the most, seeing the dead bodies of your family, carrying their bodies, burying them into the grounds of the mountain.
Jimin hurts because you do not see worth within yourself, he hurts because you cannot see yourself living a happily ever after, you who is too afraid to love and be happy because you are afraid it will backfire and your story will end with pain and suffering.
He takes your hand, pressing it against his chest to let you understand all the emotions he is feeling. He lets you understand his pain, his frustration and anger towards the ones that have made you see yourself in such darkness, and lets you understand that no, no it will not be difficult. It will be the easiest thing in the world.
"Do you know why?" He asks you. "Do you know why it will be the easiest thing in the world?" He feels that you don't so Jimin continues with tears the prick in his eyes and falls before he can blink them away. Your heart hurts at the sight and begin to cry yourself but Jimin is going to tell you. "Because I have already fallen in love from the moment I laid my eyes on you."
You fall perplexed. "But...you didn't know I was your soulmate then."
"I knew," he tells you. "I knew from the first moment you looked at me with fear. I knew since I stepped foot into your village. I loved you then, Y/N, whether you believe me or not. I loved you and I love you still. It may have only been just a few days but I love you so much."
"I do too."
The two of you look at the voice of the God of Hearth who had lean against the entrance way, picking himself up when you meet his gaze and begins to walk your way.
"I loved you before we even met," he says, "loved you from the first moment I was hurting because of the pain that connects us. My flame comes from Earth and the only way it can truly grow strong is if you are safe and warm. I have never felt stronger in my entire lifetime, I have never felt such flame burning in my heart. But even before I knew who you were, I knew I wanted to protect you, to keep you safe, give you a home, give you my hearth."
"There is no ocean vast enough, no ocean deep enough to compare our love." The God of Ocean walks in from another entrance, voice deep and serious.
"There are so many chapters left for us to unfold," says the God of Knowledge. "There are so many more stories to come, for us to explore, for us to learn and understand one another."
"But as we've said before," Seokjin stands beside Jimin, "we have all the time in the universe to get to know one another."
"You do not have to love us now, you do not have to feel the same," Hoseok tells you.
"But just know," Yoongi says, "just know that we love you."
They see the tears in your eyes, how it descends, the way it escapes and trails down your precious cheeks, hanging along your chin before eventually dripping down. You sob as they hold onto you, soft touches to let you know that they are not lying, that everything is true and that they will make it better, they will make it right. If you'd let them, they will stop at nothing just to see that precious smile on your face, to hear your beautiful giggles echoing into the halls and rooms. They will love you like how a man can never love, like a God's immortal love that has no ending even as they may one day lose their immortality.
For years in your life you always wondered whether you will be blessed with another by your side or not, and wondering how it will ever happen. Even before the raid came in, a daughter who only cared for her mother through her times of sickness, never once spending time to look at another in the light of attraction and love. You've only seen your tribe as a family. It was never easy growing up alone after the raid, never easy to know that there was a possibility of you dying alone and the world will have no idea.
Yet they come in like a soft blanket, the exact thing you needed, giving you warmth and closure, providing you food and endless love. You are unsure of how you can ever be enough but they tell you that you need not to trust your own thoughts but to trust theirs instead.
Because they love you and find no faults in your flaws, no fault in you whatsoever. To them you are more than enough, more than the love of the world itself and they will never stop to help you realize that.
So when Jimin holds your face to gently brush away your remaining tears, you thank them through your thoughts. He leans in to press a kiss to your forehead, whispering, "You have no need to thank us from now on. No Gods nor universe can ever stop us for wanting to love you."
Your cheeks blossom with roses at his soft words and you tell him, "I think I'm ready."
He understands.
So the Gods step back to allow you room for the wisteria who stands tall with patience no matter its slow withering. You reach out a little more confidently than before, watching as it joins you in the middle and feel it wrapping its vine around your hand and wrist. You close your eyes, letting it take your love and energy that flows from your body to heal the wisteria. It holds onto you firmly but does not ever hurt you in any way. It is gentle in his taking and you know that the wisteria will give back for the love you are providing it.
Giving you immortality for you to spend all of your life with the Gods who will never fall out of love with you.
When the wisteria unwraps itself from your hand, you know that it is done and let your hand fall back to your side. The eight of you watch as the tree glows of a thousand starlight, blooming to its max capacity with its shade of colors growing stronger than the years before it. Your eyes sparkle as you stare at the celestial tree who gives back light to not just you but your Gods who stands beside you.
You feel full and anew and smile gently when the glowing begins to fade while it remains tall with its blossoming vines.
When your head spins with dizzy and drowsiness, the Gods are right there to hold you. "You must rest now, my dear," the God of Spring whispers to you as your eyes begin to haze and fall closed.
"I'm tired," you say as darkness begins to consume your world. But they are right here beside you to let you know that you are alright. You know you are, this happens when one gives their love and energy to the wisteria, you've seen it in the memories.
"Mmn," you hear the voice again. So soft, so soothing, and your body falls to rest as you are held up into someone's arms. "Rest now, my sweet love."
The birds chirp again, soft and melodic, sweetly singing you a morning lullaby. When you open your eyes and yawn awake, the God of Stars lays right before you while a hand from someone else holds onto you from behind. You look back to find the God of Knowledge who grips you a little more, nose nuzzling against the nape of your neck and letting you give out a soft giggle.
Seokjin brushes your hair from your face as he watches you with a gentle gaze. "Good morning, dear one."
"Good morning," you sigh.
"Have you slept well?" You nod and he can feel your energy through the touch, relieved at the answer before kissing you on your forehead. "The others have yet to wake, it is quite early after all, and they've had a long night." You tilt your head to the side and he answers you before you can ask the question aloud. "No need to worry, sweetheart, we just had to deal with a few things in order to make this place more safer for you."
"Oh." You frown and he can already feel the guilt rushing in. "I'm so sorry."
"No, my dear," Seokjin is quick to say, "you have no need to apologize."
"I-I didn't mean for the dog to go or anyone else, I-I just-"
"You were frightened, my love, and no fear of yours will ever be taken lightly," he tells you as he take ahold of your hand. "You have no need to be sorry for something that is not yours to control. Those wild ones were at fault, it is not in your hands to choose what will frighten you and what will not."
Going through drastic measures just to make sure you are safe and protected, just to make sure you are comfortable at a place that will be your home for the rest of your life. You are touched by their actions, touched by everything they do for you and your eyes begin to tear up. Seokjin smiles softly at the sight of you, understanding what you mean through the touches and goes on to brush away your small tears.
"Come on," he whispers as he takes Taehyung's hand off him to sit up, "I know you have been curious to see my stars."
Right, you are.
You grow excited as you gently untangle Namjoon from you and take Seokjin's hand. The two of you giggle as both Taehyung and Namjoon whine for someone to hold in their arms, finding the both of you gone so they reach for one another instead. "Let's go," the God of Stars whispers in your ears and the two of you run off hand in hand as if you are on a little adventure.
You remember the familiar walls into some place you had never actually gone before. The castle is huge after all, but it all comes to you as you look back on the memories that they had shared with you, watching and growing excited as Seokjin himself cannot wait to show you his own room that is filled with stars. You anticipate this moment most of all, knowing exactly where you will go yet also understanding that seeing it in person will be so much more incredible just as you have seen all the other rooms.
He comes to a grand set of golden doors that is designed with wreaths and vines with a star right in the center. "Ready?" He asks and you nod eagerly.
When Seokjin holds a palm between the two doors, it isn't long before it glows brightly and magically opens all on its own. You are met by a portal just on the other side and squeeze the Star God his hand to tell him that you cannot believe you are finally getting to see this. He chuckles at your enthusiasm and the two of you walk right into the portal that transports you onto a platform with the galaxy all around you.
Your heart beats rapidly at the sight of the stars, constellations amongst constellations, stars connecting one another, milky ways, and everything else you do not know the exact names to. Seokjin allows you to run towards the balcony, your body lurching forward as you hold onto the white railing and look down. The small island you are on hovers in the galaxy where the night surrounds it all as if you are floating in the universe.
The Gods only surprises you more and more no matter how much you have seen in their memories.
"This is so beautiful!" You breathe as you close your eyes for a moment to take it all in. "I cannot believe I am soulmates to not just one but seven Gods who holds so much power and have the privilege to see all of your worlds."
Seokjin smile when he walks up to you with a hand rounding your back protectively so that you do not fall from the small island. "We are the most lucky of them all to be able to share our worlds with you." He listens to the beat of your heart as it flutters and loves the way you lean back to curl up along his side. It is still a wonder how he was able to be fated with seven; six Gods and a beautiful mortal. No matter how the world may see it, the God of Stars understands more than anyone that names that have been written in the stars will never fall out of place.
He loves you so much just as he loves the six Gods and when he feels that you've heard his thoughts and feel the heat of your body rising, Seokjin lets you hide your face against his chest, a chuckle escaping him because he knows you must be blushing red. Oh how sweet their little mortal is with a gentle heart that is the most purest of them all.
He watches you from afar, the sight of you in a new day under the bright sun that has become his whole life. The Sun God does not know how such beauty can exist. He has seen it in through the other Gods, always feeling such blessing falling upon him from the first moments he had first met them and even now as he stands years after, he still falls hard for the beauty that befalls each of his soulmates.
And now it is your turn, once just a mortal who now has immortality given by the wisteria. He watches you with a fond gaze as you look out the balcony that leads down to the garden unlike the one in your shared room. You have no idea he is there, your beauty only stunning him further. It almost looks as if you are glowing under the Sun, whom, he knows, has also become fond of you. He has her to thank, for leading him to your mountain, for letting them finally meet you. She has been through your worst days, watched you time and time again as you grew into the person you have become, hoping to give you as much light as she can.
He has read the Sun's thoughts, how she always felt guilty for not being able to give you warmth, but Hoseok knows not to blame her and he knows you would never as well. That is how kind he knows you are, a heart made of gold, and he knows that from now on, the Sun will always watch over you and protect you from anything that will ever dare to do you harm. He smiles graciously at her before returning his gaze to look upon you again.
"My love?"
You jump slightly at his voice but immediately relax when you know that it is Hoseok. You look away from the view to bless him with a sweet smile and he finds his heart fluttering. Oh how Hoseok loves being in love.
"Hello, Hoseok."
He smiles gently when you walk up to him and lean against his soft touches when he holds your face. You are happy right now, so happy, and it makes him proud of how far you have come. "Do you sometimes miss the cold, sweet Y/N?" He asks you, knowing that your whole life you have been surrounded by the winter cold.
You giggle at his question and allows his heart to burst. "Our tribe has always wanted to meet Spring," you tell him as you let him look back on your memories. Your village always speaks of the beautiful season, how they wish that even if it will last just one day, they would take it in a heartbeat. The young children will dream about it, the young adults complaining about how tired they are of the cold, the elderlies knowing they will see it one day when they lay on their death beds.
"And you?" He asks.
"I am happy things are the way they are," you tell him and he sees how you think of your first meeting with them, how frightened you had been at first, but also how relieved you were to find out you would not die that day but to live on and on. "I am so, so happy. After all, I met Spring the moment we met."
He wants to hide the fact that he wishes to kiss you but how can the Sun God ever hide anything from his soulmate? Not especially when the two of you are touching and you both can hear each other's very thoughts. So he slides his hand away from yours, clearing his throat a little awkwardly as he looks away, not before noticing the little blush that has made it onto your cheeks. He knows you are not ready yet and knows it is not the time just yet, understanding that you need a little more time. He will be ready when you are, when you can give yourself to them, not when he wishes for it to just happen.
Because Hoseok is a gentleman. He will not force something upon you and let you know his little wishes to grow closer to you because he does not want you to think that you must do something if he so wishes. He is still a powerful God, knowing fully well how you see yourself below his level and may sometimes feel self conscious because they are so high and mighty. He doesn't want you to feel as if you are obligated to reciprocate his wishes so he lets out a sigh.
"Forgive me, little one, I did not mean-"
You take his hand again to rest his palm right against your cheek and his eyes widen at the blush on your face and the understanding of what it is you are too shy to speak aloud of, feelings hidden inside, something only he and the rest can read.
You wish to kiss him as well, to feel his soft lips against yours, to understand what it is like to kiss for the first time, to kiss a God.
"My love," he worries, "you do not have to-"
"I understand, Hoseok," you've read his worries but still you are determined to do this, to let him know that it is not because he wishes to kiss you but the fact that you want this all on your own. You wish to kiss him. "Please?" You ask and he does not know how anyone can say no to those precious eyes of yours that looks up at him, reflecting that of a puppy.
He feels a slight shift in you and realizes right, you are not fond of the animal. "Forgive me." You shake your head in response to him, smiling to let him understand that you know he means well.
So the God of Sun beams softly. You are ready for him when he holds you with both hands, heart drumming hard against your chest with rosy cheeks adorning your face to let him know that you are also nervous. Nervous but excited. He leans in to rest his forehead against yours, breaths gently grazing against one another, and you close your eyes. He watches you through a hooded gaze before his eyes flutter shut the instant his lips meet yours in a gentle, gentle kiss.
Your lips are softer than what he has imagined them to be, softer and sweeter than any dreams that have invaded his mind. You sigh against his lips and he holds you a little more firm, the euphoric feeling both bursting within your bodies. Hoseok is used to this feeling as he is reminded of the countless times he has kissed his other soulmates.
But for you this is your first time, your first kiss, and the first time kissing another who was born to be yours from the beginning of time. Your head spins and when he pulls away, you are standing almost limping against his hold, feeling so breathless as you try to catch your breath.
"I should have gone easy on you," he worries but you shake your head, cheeks still caught aflame as you look up at him with glistening lips. You liked it, you tell him from your thoughts as you tiptoe up to press a little peck on his cheek. Hoseok chuckles as he feels his stomach bursting with butterflies.
But as much as he wants to swoop you up and carry you to the bedroom, his eyes catches the Sun behind you and frowns. He hasn't gotten more time to spend with you and when you hear his thoughts, you let him go gently. But he knows you are feeling a little sad knowing he has to leave right now so Hoseok gives you a small smile with a hand stroking your cheek. "I will be back in no time, alright?" He promises. Your cheeks never cools down, making him chuckle when you nod at him shyly. "Wait for me."
When he disappears to transport himself elsewhere, your thoughts are in shambles as you walk back slowly to the bedroom. It takes a while with how slow you are going as you try not to think back on the kiss but how can you not?
Once you make it into the room again, the door closes behind you as you lean your back into it, eyes still widened, cheeks still red, and a finger comes up to press against your lips. You kissed him, you kissed Hoseok. Well, he kissed you but same thing. He gave you the first kiss you had once dreamt of, never knowing exactly whether you would ever receive such a delicate touch and now here you are in a palace made for your Gods, a life for you to live in forever.
You gasp at the sound, not realizing someone was in the bedroom but when you look up, it isn't just the God of Knowledge. Yoongi has joined him on the bed as well and you blush some more, embarrassed for the fact that they have seen you thinking back on your kiss with Hoseok.
You don't know what to do as they look at you quizzically and knowing how bad it will be if they were to stand up and come your way. Ever since you've met them you never minded being able to share thoughts with just simple touches, but now? Now you really understand how intimate this soulmate thing really is and you aren't sure whether it is a good thing at this moment.
"Are you alright?" The God of Music calls and you are quick to shake your head vehemently to rid of the thoughts.
"Y-yeah." If your face doesn't give it away then it would be the shaking of your voice. Gosh you wish you could easily hide your feelings without someone being able to read it so easily with how it is written on your face. When you look up at them, your eyes instantly falls to their lips and you don't know how you will ever survive this.
Perhaps it would be easier if Hoseok was here to explain things, perhaps then you wouldn't find yourself so pressed to the doors and shrink back timidly as Namjoon and Yoongi leave the bed to walk up to you.
"Do you have a fever?" Namjoon frowns and his hand goes to fall against your forehead before you can stop him.
Oh crap.
"Oh." His eyes dilates when the touch allows him to read your thoughts and Namjoon sees the vision of you and Hoseok kissing just moments ago. Yoongi watches the two of you in confusion, how the corner of Namjoon's lips begin to curl and the way your face refuses to cool. So he touches your face out of curiosity and chuckles when he understands.
"Why are you embarrassed, hm?" The God of Music queries. "We are lovers, after all, kissing is just a sign of declaration."
Oh how you wish someone could just bury you alive. But of course the Gods were never going to allow that, but they understand what you mean. "I-It isn't just that," you say and when your thoughts are given to them, the two of them grins.
"Ah," says the God of Knowledge, "you wish to kiss us as well."
He didn't have to say that out loud.
They chuckle amusingly before Yoongi falls a little more serious as he brush your hair to the side. "My love," he calls, "you have no need to shy away. We are lovers now, soulmates, and if there is anything that you wish to do, it is alright for you to think such thoughts. Sleep with us, bathe with us, kissing us." You wonder how he has such bravery to say such things but is reminded all over again that they've done it all, done everything together. Images of them fill your memories and it makes your heart drum louder against your chest.
"I.." you trail off, eyes falling away from his out of embarrassment, "I-I know."
"Will you look at me?" He asks of you. You hesitate, of course you do, but Yoongi remains patient as he waits for your head to lift up and finally meet his gaze again. When you do just that, he gives you his precious gummy smile. "Look at you," the Music God praises, "I am so proud of you, dear one." He leans down to press a kiss on your cheeks, lifts his head a bit to kiss you on the forehead before his lips trail down, following the line between your brows and down to the tip of your nose.
"It's alright," Namjoon coaxes as he falls at your side, peppering soft kissing upon your shoulder.
You do not mind it so they go further. Namjoon continues his ministrations while Yoongi's lips hover above yours. When you give no refusal, he captures your lips and your heart grows rapidly against your chest. Soft lips nibble upon yours with gently wet sounds as he changes the angle and your mind becomes so hazy. Your fingers cling onto his royal robe, clutching it tightly as a small whimper falls from your lips.
When Yoongi falls away, Namjoon replaces his position. Your heart swoons, tummy filled with dancing butterflies all around, with thoughts filled with just them and them alone. His lips are sweet and gentle against yours, pressing upon them in a manner that has your head spinning all over again.
The moment they both finally release you, you fall against Namjoon's chest who holds you up because you have no strength to do so. One day you will get used to this strong burst of emotions, to the soulmate bond, but right now your eyes droop as you lean against Namjoon's hold who walks to the bed to lay you down gently. "It's okay," he whispers to you when Yoongi falls to your other side. They hold you gently, arms wrapped around your body. "Sleep now, my sweet dove."
You love them and they hear it but you want to say it aloud. Yet your sleepy brain does not let you utter a sound, too tired to even open your lips to mouth it. But they know and that is all you need for now.
You can tell them tomorrow.
"Yes, love?"
"Do you...know?"
He doesn't have to read your mind to know what you mean by that. All the Star God has to do is look at the blooming pink rose adorning your cheeks to understand it all. He chuckles at the pretty sight and nods. "Of course."
Right, of course, meaning that the other Gods know as well. You avoid his eyes for your head to point towards the floor, fingers playing with one another as you gulp, trying to pick up the courage to ask him something else. Seokjin remains patient from where he stands, watching the stars as he always does, watching over everything. You aren't even sure if it is right to bother him with this but he has told you plenty of times that you are never a bother to him. If you wish to ask him things, he only encourages you to speak up.
"Why does..why does the soulmate bond, um..." you try to find the right words. Perhaps he will understand better if he touches you but you feel you are already bothering him enough. "Why does it feel..um...overwhelming?" Is that the right word? "Is it for the reason that we are made of eight souls and not two?"
The God of Stars hum. "That is part of it, yes," he tells you. "Soulmate bonds are very powerful, my sweet, so it only grows stronger when it is declared through intimacy. When there is more than one partner, the bond is even stronger than that of two souls because this is not common amongst lovers to love more than one, especially being able to share that love equally. The world happens for a reason, many grows jealous for our love, many despise us for how strong this bond makes us. And because of how powerful it makes us, there is a little drawback to how much energy it can give."
"That's why...that's why..-" you clear your throat and he grins at how shy you can be just saying the word, "that's why, kissing..u-um...that's why it makes me so tired?"
He chuckles. "Precisely."
"Oh." You frown slightly. "I can't imagine how it will be when we—" You gasp, catching yourself almost immediately as you fold your hands over your mouth and Seokjin turns his gaze from the stars to look at you with amusement. There is no mockery in his gaze, however, just pure fondness that makes your heart skip a beat because even though he does not say it and even though you are not reading his mind, his gaze alone lets you know that he truly loves you.
You cannot believe you have been so blessed to be given these Gods as your soulmates. Everyone dreams of a love such as this, to have another watching them with pure fondness and amazement, with a pure love. For them to feel safe and protected. For them to know where home lies the second they meet eyes with their fated ones.
Your God walks on over to you with slow steps, eyes never leaving yours as you look up to him when he holds a hand up to stroke your soft cheeks. "You will be alright when that happens," he whispers.
You don't know how he can say that so casually but then again, you aren't his first time and you aren't the only soulmate he has. There are six more, six wonderful Gods who loves you just as much as they love one another.
"Will I?"
Seokjin nods, humming. "We will take care of you, my love. Will you trust us when the time comes?"
To make love. Gosh you cannot think about it without being a blushing mess so you stumble back from his touch, embarrassed to let him read your thoughts because with him being so close to you, it only makes things more dangerous for the good of your heart. It beats rapidly against your chest and you are quick to turn, knowing you cannot look at him straight in the eyes when you are like this. One day you will have to come face this bravely but one day is not here yet and you still cannot even speak right with just the word kiss.
So you awkwardly clear your throat as he watches you nod from the back. "Y-yes," you stutter, "I will trust you then. But..but, um...I-I'm already a bother so you..you should, should get back to your stars. Goodbye."
You can hear him letting out a soft chuckle when you run back into the portal to transport back to the castle.
"Ah, there you are."
You turn at the voice with a hand pressed onto the floor and a head looking over your shoulder to find the God of Ocean and Hearth walking into the room of the wisteria. You gift them a smile as they walk closer, wondering why they have been looking for you.
"There is a banquet tomorrow evening, will you join us to meet the other Gods and Goddesses?" Jungkook asks and your eyes widen a little at the invitation.
"A banquet?" You echo.
He hums. "Everyone knows we have found our last soulmate and are very intrigued on why we have been keeping you hidden in the palace."
"There have been a few banquets prior to your arrival here but we know you hadn't felt too comfortable leaving the grounds just yet," Taehyung says. "And besides, we wanted you to get used to this life first and get used to us. Gods can be quite invading and we were too protective of you to just let you go while you had yet to know of everything."
You giggle softly at the God of Ocean's words. "You were afraid of me wanting to live elsewhere and not here with you?" You interpret and they pout cutely when you caught them. You shake your head lightly as you grin. "That will never happen. You are the ones who saved me after all. Soulmates or nor, I would have stayed with you."
"Well that's relieving," Jungkook chuckles as he scratch the back of his head. "So will you join us? We have no need to go if you are not comfortable, we can just stay here if you'd like."
You shake your head again. "I would love to go."
Their faces brightens with soft smiles before the God of Ocean takes a hand out to offer to you. "Supper is served," he says. You reach out to take his hand but stop in midair as you realize what that means, suddenly retracing sheepishly because right now you cannot afford any of them to hear your thoughts just yet. It is all over the place and you absolutely cannot let Taehyung hear this. His smile falters when he puts his hand back at his side at your rejection and you are quick to jump onto your feet.
"I-I did not mean it in that way, I promise!" You declare. "I just...um..-"
"I understand," he tells you otherwise with a small smile that does not hide his moment of hurt. "It's okay, little one. Come on, the rest are waiting."
As you follow them from behind, your hands tug at your dress uncomfortably, suddenly feeling bad for letting him misunderstand you in this way. Taehyung thinks you've rejected him and when Jungkook shoots you a small smile just the same, you know you've messed up. After all, they know you've kissed three of their hyungs and maybe, perhaps, very likely, they were hoping you were ready to kiss them as well.
But now you've only made things worse because you wouldn't allow them to read your thoughts that is filled with everything about them, just them. You can't just reach for his hand to make him feel better because then he will be able to read your thoughts and right now you cannot let him do so. Not yet.
Oh how you wish you were braver.
Dinner goes smoothly...you think. But it is when you are left alone to your thoughts in the bath do you not feel so great again.
It isn't right for you to be so silent when they have declared their love to you plentifully. You know you've told Namjoon and Yoongi but that was all in your head. You haven't said it aloud and the rest of them haven't heard it said to them yet. So perhaps that is why Taehyung and Jungkook had been a little more hurt by your rejection, believing you love only two of the Gods and not everyone.
But that is so untrue yet you aren't sure how to do it, if you are brave enough to do it. But then again, you ask yourself why aren't you brave enough? They have declared their love for you, showed you how much they care, always looking out for you and doing what is best to keep you safe and warm. What is it that you have to be frightened of? They love you and you love them and you know that soulmates written under the stars shall never break apart even through death.
So why are you not brave enough? Why must you keep silent and hurt them further? Making them believe you love some of them more than the rest?
It is untrue and you have to let them know, you have to let them understand. But as much as you want to hide with the fact that they can easily read your thoughts to understand it all, even though you know that will be so much easier, you also know that it will be best to say it aloud first, to declare it aloud before you let them see into your heart. You have to tell them first before you let your heart tell them the details of it.
When you step out of the bath and wrap yourself in a white robe, your eyes fall at the evening robe that hangs on a hook and the long mirror that lets you see yourself. You watch those eyes looking back at you, fingers falling upon your wet hair, tracing the outline of your face, your brows, your eyes, nose and lips.
And it makes you wonder why they love you.
They are Gods, such powerful Gods, possibly the most powerful Gods to ever exist all due to the soulmate bonds that keeps them connected. Your hand strokes your soft cheeks, lips staying pressed together with brows that creases just a bit. You are loved by seven Gods and here you are, now an immortal yourself, still trying to get the courage to speak your heart aloud.
It should not be this hard, right?
Maybe if you hadn't been forced to grow up so alone then perhaps things could have gone a lot easier. But as Seokjin had said before, the world happens for a reason. Your tribe being attacked, you being left to live alone for ten years, saved by these precious seven souls, and now loved by them all all because you are you. A kind, sweet soul who cares so much about the world.
Perhaps you indeed deserve such a love, perhaps you indeed deserved to live on.
Their love lets you reflect on everything and the longer you look at yourself, you begin to see tears brimming along your waterline as your heart cries for how much they have given you. They've showed you that you deserve anything and everything and now you must pick up the courage to let them know that you appreciate everything and has fallen so hard. You know it must not be easy for them either but they've always been so strong for you, keeping you safe, loving you when you had yet to accept the new life and know that you deserve such wonderful things.
They've done so much for you and you know you cannot let them think that one is more than the other. You have to let them know.
"Y/N?" You turn at the call of Jimin's concerning voice and gasp at the sudden intrusion.
They've heard you crying and now here they are again, always trying to make sure that you are alright. Knowing this, more tears well up and falls away before you can stop them, making your heart ache a little more. Their brows knit together, eyes filled with worry at the sight and they try rushing to you but you step back with hands held up to stop them. "W-wait!" You cannot allow them to touch you.
Not yet. Not just yet.
Questions fall upon their faces and you close your eyes, letting a few tears fall freely, taking in a deep breath before releasing it shakily. When you open your eyes again, your lips curl into a soft, soft smile that confuses them even more. They think that perhaps you are trying to let them go, a pain shooting at their hearts, but when you open your mouth to speak, the tightness in their chest releases.
"I love you," you say. "I love you all so much and I just wanted to thank you," you wipe a tear away though more falls and you sniff, "for loving me while I was still at a loss and couldn't understand why." The lump in your throat tries to hinder you from speaking but you swallow it to push through. "I love you for all that you've done, being patient with me, keeping me safe, always thinking of me and doing all that is best for me. I am still so, so shy, and I'm not sure if I will ever find the courage to say these things out aloud again but just know, just know that as you are holding me and reading my thoughts, know that I will always be wishing to say everything out aloud.
"I'm sorry for not being able to say this before. I'm so, so sorry if I ever caused any misinformation to let you to believe I was rejecting you by not allowing you to touch me. Truth is I was just afraid to let my heart speak before I could do it myself. Because I know that the heart understands the inner conflicted feelings before I myself can say anything out loud. And I was scared because I didn't know whether I truly deserve this or not, whether I truly deserve your love. But I understand. I understand that soulmates that have been written in the stars shall never fall, I understand that, that our love is meant to be. I'm so sorry I've just realized it. I'm sorry."
"Oh, love." Jimin wipes his own tears away as they come to surround you. "My sweet one, you have no need to apologize."
"You've just been so patient and, and I..-"
"We know," Yoongi promises. "We know so hush, it's okay. You're alright now."
Jungkook cradles your head as Taehyung brushes your tears away. Seokjin holds your face and you feel a rush of the wind at your sides, drying your hair and replacing your bathrobe with the evening gown.
"We are so proud of you," Namjoon vows. "It is never easy to speak your feelings aloud but it's okay now. We understand, dear one, we know."
"I love you," you declare again, sniffling, and they smile, smile so softly.
"Oh, love. We love you so, so much. We love you more than the universe itself."
When they hear the familiar footsteps of the last soulmate to meet them by the entrance door of the castle, their heads turn your way for the world to slow down and fall away, nothing else falling into their line of vision except you as you walk down gracefully with a sheepish smile their way.
The dress you have on is a soft color in golden champagne, flowing freely down to the floor as it drags when you walk, decorated with shimmering golden vines that curls all around the dress. Soft pink roses connect together at the waist of your dress and falls atop your shoulder where the lace cape drags down your back. You also have on a beautiful crown designed in pink florals and golden butterflies, matching all that you are wearing. They do not know how you can impress them even further and show that your beauty comes different with certain occasions; when you wake up, the moment after you bathe, the night before you head to sleep, your casual dresses when you walk around the castle, and now here for a banquet.
You are ethereal, more beautiful than anyone they have seen before and their hearts beats rapidly just knowing that you are theirs.
Everything about you is beautiful and they already know for sure how some of the Goddesses will grow jealous of this beauty of yours once they set eyes on you, and how the other Gods may try to catch your attention. They shake their heads at the images, mentally scoffing and rolling their eyes because you are theirs, you belong to them just as they belong to you.
"Wow," your eyes dilate at the sight of them and a little soft pink reaches your cheeks before you avert your gaze to the floor shyly. "You are handsome," you tell them and their hearts swoon.
"And you are more beautiful than Spring itself," Jimin says as he holds your chin for you to look up. You smile sheepishly at him and he chuckles, taking your hand into his. "Are you ready?"
When you arrive at the banquet, you stick to their sides, never releasing your hands that holds onto Jimin's arm because everything becomes unfamiliar and it is not the same garden you are used to back at the palace.
This one is large and gorgeous but it can never compare to the one the God of Spring has made on his own. Pretty flowers round the stoned paths in roses, pansies, lilies, and many more. The lampposts that station around the garden are wrapped in green vines that curls all the way to the tip, and pretty fairy lights shine everyone's paths. You look around like a curious little kitten, blinking surprised at all that surrounds you. The realm of the immortals is definitely more beautiful than Earth can ever be.
Ah, but then again, you've only been in one place and that would be your mountain and the snowy grounds that surrounds it. Yet you are sure Earth is still less beautiful.
Beside you, Jimin laughs softly as he's read your thoughts and you are reminded all over again that soulmates are given such ability, making you giggle yourself.
"So this must be your last soulmate." You shrink into Jimin's hold as you are met by a Goddess who smiles so beautifully your way. She is gorgeous and you find yourself shying away at her stare. "Oh she is so cute," the Goddess practically squeal when she coos, making your cheeks catch aflame and allowing your Gods to chuckle.
"She is, isn't she?" Hoseok beams proudly as he pets your head.
"Tell me, how in the world did you all manage to find yourselves another beauty?"
Catching the sight of the familiar seven Gods, more comes on by upon hearing the Goddess going on about you, curiosity filling their minds and you shrink further back at the sudden attention. Many comments upon your pure, gentle soul who looks too cute and beautiful for anything and it makes you even more flustered by everyone. Eventually (and thankfully) the crowd falls away when your Gods ask them to give you space and not horde around you. They do not say it allowed but you can feel their protective selves becoming more visible and you giggle, allowing Taehyung to playfully pinch your nose because he is not particularly fond of you calling them cute when they feel such way.
You are theirs after all, and no one should continue looking at you for much longer than a few minutes. You should be only for their eyes to see especially when you look particularly beautiful tonight. Perhaps you like this side to them, and when they hear your thoughts, it is your turn to huff and shy away all over again, making them laugh aloud.
After moments of walking around to personally meet a few Gods and Goddesses along your soulmates' sides, you are left alone to freely explore on your own. The curious side to you walks around to make little conversations with a few immortals on your own though you are still a little shy when it comes to talking to strangers.
You walk around the maze garden that falls a bit deserted while everyone mingles around the large center. You follow the fireflies that blinks like little flashlights, feet bouncing lightly as it trails away from the brightness of the garden banquet. Your dress trails behind you as you stray away from the center, running from right to left with just the fireflies as your source of light, getting yourself lost in the maze. But you know that you will be alright. After all, if your Gods need you, they can easily find you with no difficulties.
"Hello there."
Your breath hitches, jumping at the sudden sound because you hadn't expected anyone else to stray from the garden and walk in the maze. When you turn to the source of the voice, it is the sight of a God you think you have seen before while reading some of Namjoon's books. It must be the God of the Underworld, Hades. He watches you with a sly smile that falls lopsided against his lips, body leaned against a hedge before standing straight to approach you with light steps.
"I have never seen you before," he says, voice deep as a brow raises before snapping his fingers as if he's just realized something. "You must be their last soulmate then. Y/N."
It is a bit surprising even the God of the Underworld knows of you but you decide to pay it no mind, only nodding as you hope your voice does not come out too cowardly. "Yes, I am."
It doesn't work because Hades chuckles knowingly. "You have no need to fear me," he tells you but it isn't really him you become so frightful of. No, your eyes only dilates as your breath is caught up in your throat when you watch in horror at the sight of the animal that walks up from behind him. Hades' brows furrow as he falls at a loss at your trembling figure and the way your body turns from him, hands clasped around your lips while your eyes shut tight.
Cerberus. Three headed dog.
You are too frightened to scream. One because you do not wish to disturb the peacefulness of the evening banquet and two because you can't. Tears brim along your eyes while you try to hide the whimper that begins to fall from your lips behind your hands. But it doesn't really help. Hades can hear it muffled out of you.
He has no idea what you are frightened of. Surely he isn't that scary, is he? "Is something the matter?"
"P...please get it...g-get it..a..away."
A laugh falls from him as he realizes what is happening. "You're afraid of dogs? I knew mortals were quite weak but I had no idea they were this weak."
Someone wraps their arms around you, pulling you in close to their chest and you don't have to look up to know who it must be just by their scent and the touch alone. "Leave, Hades," the God of Stars command in a grave voice as Jungkook silently tells you that all will be alright, that they are here now and you have nothing to be afraid of anymore. But you can still feel the presence of the dog and it only reminds you of the cruel memories that has terrorized you plenty of times. Jungkook understands, of course he does, because no matter how connected you are with the Gods, the God of Hearth shares something a little deeper as his hearth comes from Earth.
So a hand comes behind your head as the other remains on your back, his touches whispering soft gentle words to soothe your pain and comfort you through the memories.
"This is a banquet, is it not?" You hear Hades saying and through the feeling of Jungkook's protective and caring self, anger burns his body so immensely you are surprised this is him. You're used to your Gods being so kind and gentle, never have you actually ever witnessed their angry sides.
"I will not repeat myself, Hades." You do not have to touch Namjoon to understand his anger as well. They are all angry as you hear growls from the back of their throats all hinted towards Hades who does not fall back even when asked to. The pride within him restricts him from doing as he is told even though the God of the Underworld knows he cannot go up against the seven Gods who are the most powerful especially when together. Your Gods are fuming with wrath, not fond of anyone threatening their soulmate's safety which in this case would be you and you can hear the thoughts of Jungkook as he holds you, knowing he will burn the whole garden down if it means Hades will leave.
But their anger towards the God of the Underworld elicits growling from his loyal dog who does not like anyone trying to go up against his Lord and it makes you whimper, body shrinking more towards Jungkook who hears your thoughts.
You don't care about Hades or anything anymore, you just wish to go home. So he lets out a sigh though he is still riled with anger and turns to the God of Knowledge. "Let's go, Namjoon."
You feel their eyes turning to you at those words before sighs leave their own lips and you are brought back not a moment too soon.
"We're home now, little one. You're alright now."
But you don't leave Jungkook's arms, still so, so afraid because the horrible memories of that Winter day will not go away despite Cerberus now nowhere to be seen. His eyes fall with pain and worry as he holds you, meeting the Gods with an understanding gaze and just letting you cry it all out. Your heart hurts, body still trembling, and when you feel you cannot hold your body up for much longer, Jungkook picks you up to walk on over to the bed and have you sitting right on his lap.
"Shh, it's okay, my love, it's okay." He continues whispering soft words to your ears, rocking your body gently against him while pressing soft kisses upon your head. The others come to surround you, hands holding yours, pressing kisses upon your shoulders while you sob and sob.
"You're okay, you're alright. Everything will be alright. We're right here. We'll always be here."
"..Scary..." You whimper.
"I know, I know. We'll make it all okay again, alright? You have no need to be afraid anymore."
"We'll always be here. We'll protect you from all that threatens to harm you."
"You're our precious mate and we will never let anything happen to you again."
"We'll make it better."
You awake at the feeling of gentle fingertips running along your face, stroking it with soft touches, and small incoherent whispers beside you. They fall into a comfortable silence when they feel your mind drifting out of unconsciousness. Once your eyes finally releases from the haze, you see both the God of Ocean and Spring looking down at you as they prop themselves up against their elbows.
"Good morning," Taehyung greets with a gentle smile.
"We are here, love," Jimin says when your mind is reminded of the nightmare you had before, blurring your vision and feeling so thankful that they are here right now. The God of Spring leans down to press a soft kiss to your head and almost instantly you feel your tense body relaxing once more, mind now clear of anything that would harm you.
"Thank you," you whisper, voice still trying to adjust to the waking world. He nods at you and you feel another kiss placed upon your temple. Taehyung brushes away the tear that fell when you blinked and kiss the fingertip that held onto the salty water droplet.
"Feeling better?" You nod and he smiles, relieved. Your brows knit just slightly when you realize no one else is in bed because you do not feel anymore presence to fill up the empty spaces. Usually when you have woken, all of your Gods would still be around before breakfast is served and they'll run off to their own duties. The God of Ocean hears your thoughts and returns to stroking your soft cheek. "You slept in this morning, my love. It is almost noon," he explains. "We have agreed on two of us staying here until you awake so that you would not have to be greeted by the emptiness of the room."
"Oh," you frown. "I'm sorry."
Jimin shakes his head. "No need, my little flower, you had a rough night after all. Now come," he helps you sit up as Taehyung uses his powers to wheel a tray of food forward, "you must be hungry."
There are plates of fresh toast and sweet biscuits along with two eggs, a cup of milk, and a bowl of sliced fruits set onto the tray that is placed onto your lap. Your two Gods do not allow you to use your energy as they feed you on their own, letting you bite slowly and taking your sweet time. It comes to no surprise that the food is delicious because everything you you've had will always be the best. This is the house of Gods after all, and they will have nothing fall below standard.
When you grow full, they let you run off to the bathroom to get ready for the new day though help you with brushing your hair. You sit in between them on the bed as Taehyung runs a brush through your soft hair and face Jimin who plays with the soft delicate touches of your fingers. You see his subtle smile when the God of Spring stares at them, his thoughts echoing to you with nothing kept a secret. It is odd to him how small you are, hands a tinier size than his despite how small his is compared to the rest of the Gods and especially the one behind you who has the largest of them all.
Everyone's hands engulfs his and yours and he is proud to be able to engulf your own. You giggle as his thoughts passes onto you and Jimin looks up, grinning sweetly. "Little rose, I have heard the mortals spreading myths of how the size of how hands reflects the size of our hearts but I say that is preposterous."
Taehyung laughs. "I say the myth is fair."
"Fair?" Jimin scoffs. "That's only because your hands are ginormous."
"And so is my heart," he hums.
"Maybe so but look at us," the God of Spring clasp your hands together and holds it up for the God of Ocean to see, "our hands may be small but our hearts are much bigger than it."
"Hmm...perhaps you're right."
"Perhaps?" Jimin echoes, scoffing again and this time with huff. "My heart is big and you know it."
Taehyung shakes with a choral of laughter before he releases the brush to sit it on the soft mattress and reaches for Jimin's hands that had fallen out of yours. "Love, you know I was only playing." With you in between, the God of Ocean pulls Jimin forward just slightly so that when he leans in, his lips can meet Jimin's cheek.
"You missed." The God of Spring still feigns to be upset so Taehyung chuckles at his lover, leaning in again to capture Jimin's lips.
Your heart skips a beat and perhaps they hear it, perhaps they feel it because their kiss does not last long and now their heads are turned your way. You grow petals pink after being caught and the two of them looks at one another with a sly grin curling at their lips before they return the attention on you again. You swallow, heart beating hard against your chest as your eyes fall away shakily because you know they can hear your thoughts.
"Hmm..does the little one want a kiss too?"
You shrink at the question, feeling your face heating up even more because they know, they can hear your thoughts yet Jimin asks that.
"I want to hear you, little one," the God explains. "After all, you said it yourself, did you not? Your heart understands what you want before you can try to say anything out loud."
Taehyung hums. "And that whatever is said in your heart, you want to say them all out loud but you are far too shy."
"Can we hear it, love?" He holds your chin and lifts it easily, lips curled upward to a side as he looks down at you and your heart only burns some more. His thumb delicately traces along your lips as Taehyung's fingers gathers your hair to put it a side so that your neck is exposed for him to softly graze against. Jimin leans in at your distracted mind filled of both him and the Ocean God, forehead resting against yours with his nose just centimeters away from yours, breath hitting you as he speaks. "Hm, love? Can you do us this little favor?" He smells like soft petals and peaches perfectly combined. "I want to hear your sweet voice."
You hesitate but you can never take your eyes off him no matter how bold Jimin's gaze is, feeling the need to just give him all that he wants. He grins knowingly at your thoughts, feeling his ego boosted and your eyes fall away shyly again. He pouts and you almost want to giggle at how desperate he is for your attention so you give it to him again, cheeks still flushed. "I..." You gulp, brows furrowed and not knowing whether you are brave enough but their touches encourages you on, telling you to go on, that they'll take care of you. So you let out a soft sigh. "Jimin.."
He's excited. "Hm?"
You look away for a brief moment before meeting his eyes again. "Can you..can you kiss me?"
Jimin's heart flutters as he grins brilliantly. Oh, what a sweet little soul, he thinks. "With pleasure."
When he captures your lips, it is so soft and delicate. Jimin's hand wraps around your waist as he pulls you in towards him closer as if you are not close enough, lips dancing with yours as he effortlessly takes the lead. Taehyung's fingers circles your neck and down your exposed collarbones and you are sent to heaven, an eternal bliss, a mind that is filled of them and just them. Jimin kisses you like you are a precious gem, like you are so fragile and he cannot bear to break you.
When his lips pull away, another hand comes to your face to turn you and your lips are captured by another, barely given any time to take a breather. "Mm...so sweet," Taehyung whispers against your lips and you feel Jimin's hands flicking your hair down back behind your neck again. He peppers kisses to your neck and you make a little sound into Taehyung's lips. It all feels so sweet and blissful but the familiar overwhelming feeling returns and your head spins.
When the God of Ocean leans away, he chuckles at the way your strength had left you and holds you up to have your body resting against his chest instead of falling back onto the mattress. "Dizzy?" Jimin observes after leaving your neck, his fingers coming up to brush your hair behind your ears. You nod weakly. "Don't worry love, the more these moments happen, the dizziness will no longer return and you'll come to embrace this overwhelming feeling."
"That's not fair, you already tired her out before I could get a chance." When another voice comes in, the three of you look up to find the God of Hearth near the doors as he tsks lightly, arms crossed against his chest while he pouts cutely.
Taehyung laughs. "You are to blame for not taking up the chance to remain here with our little love."
Jungkook huffs. "I had business down on Earth."
"You went to Earth?" Your brows raise, mouth forming into a little 'o.'
He nods as he walks forward to reach the bed. "I go there pretty often. The Earth needs my hearth after all, but I am usually disguised as a mortal."
"Where do you usually go?"
He sits in front of you while you're still using Taehyung for support and he takes a hand, smiling as he greets it with a kiss on the back. "The north and southern poles or anyplace near it." He pauses for a second before speaking again. "You know, I have not found any other hidden tribes who resides on mountains."
"We had a sister tribe," you tell him and he sees through your memories of the stories the elders would go on and go about back when you lived on the mountain. "I assume they were possibly raided as well and no one survived. Perhaps the snow buried their homes."
"Mortals can be quite cruel," Jimin sighs.
"But it's okay," Taehyung says as he plays with your hair, "Hoseok and Seokjin has condemned the murderers."
"How are you feeling, my love?" Jungkook asks as he looks at you with some concern. He isn't just asking about the aftermath of the soulmate bond but of the night before as well, wanting to know if you really are alright again. They're still so protective of you, hating any pain and affliction to fall upon you and would do anything just to relieve you from them. You are reminded of that moment at the garden and your eyes fall to the hands that holds your own. "What is it?"
"You are all so sweet and kind," you say, squeezing his hand as you turn to look at Jimin and Taehyung before returning your gaze to the one before you, "and after last night, I know I would never want to get on your angry sides. It was scary."
They chuckle, knowing you mean well and Jungkook holds your palm up to press a kiss there. "You will never have to fear of our wrath pointing your way," the God of Hearth vows. "How can we ever get upset with you? You are our lovely little flower."
"The seven of us alone does not fight very often," Jimin says. "After all, we are soulmates, we're all soulmates, so we understand each other more than anything and anyone. There is no reason to hold secrets, no reason for misunderstandings to ignite."
You are reminded of that moment back at the wisteria, refusing to let Taehyung hold you and allowing him to look and feel hurt. The God takes your hands from Jungkook and presses a gentle kiss to your head after hearing your thoughts. "Moments like that can happen, though," he tells you and lets you see the memories of that time he and Yoongi almost went to bed upset and hurt. They of course resolved the problem in the end before anything could get worse. "As long as we communicate, love, there is no need for anyone to lose their temper."
He hum. "Okay?"
You nod as you look up at him with a loving gaze before it falls and you're looking back at Jungkook. The dizziness has gone away and your mind isn't so hazy in blindness anymore. You'll get used to this, you know you will. After all, kissing them is rewarding and quite lovely so you'd be glad to getting used to the strong soulmate bond. The God of Spring and Ocean chuckles knowingly at your thoughts, leaving Jungkook in question when you look down with a blooming blush because he isn't touching you.
The God of Hearth doesn't go on to touch you though, because he feels you will tell him if you want or place your own hands on his skin. The moment lasts a few long seconds more before you're letting out a sigh and deciding to be brave about it. You want to kiss the youngest one of the Gods so you will and you can feel Jimin and Taehyung both waiting with anticipation and excitement.
"May I?" You ask. His brows furrow with confusion and he's about to reach up to touch you but you hold your palm up to stop him, causing him to blink but place his hand back onto his lap, respecting your wishes.
"Go on," he tells you though is unsure of what you mean.
You take a deep breath again, hearing the two Gods beside you silently cheering you on as you step up to your knees and watching Jungkook with an intense gaze. He waits, anticipating what will happen, when you place your hands on his shoulders and lean in to press a quick peck right on his lips.
His eyes widen at the sudden and unexpected kiss that was honestly way too quick to him to truly enjoy. So he chuckles at the way your cheeks roses even more because you are so shy and he's proud of you taking that courage to take the first step on telling him what you want without him needing to touch you. He hears your thoughts now, ones that whispers soft i love you's to him and Jungkook's eyes crinkle as he shows you that boyish smile. He puts his hands on both sides of your waist and pull you onto his lap, lips pecking right upon your own.
You're beet red and he laughs, pressing another quick kiss before he leans in again for it to last longer. His kisses are playful and sweet and it makes you chuckle out sweet giggles that echoes into the large room, sounding like music to their ears as it mixes with the smacking sounds of kisses and your Gods' soft laughs.
Your morning that day is filled with the soft ringing of laughter echoing into the room with the wind carrying it out the open windows that leads to the balcony.
The garden is even more beautiful than the one you had seen at the banquet, walking down a lone path under the starry night skies. You cannot sleep that night but your thoughts are filled with only pleasant thoughts. The purple blossoms that follows the path you walk on is divine, a type of flower you know must not exist on Earth with how ethereal it looks. It glows only at night, light sparkles glittering and falling out into the skies from the center of its petals. You close your eyes, welcoming the night breeze as it passes along your side, thankful for the fact that one of your soulmate is the God of Spring.
The stars above shines brightly, creating a blooming milky way that is entirely different from the view on Earth. How did you fall so lucky to be written under the stars with wonderful Gods whose hearts are made of gold? You are so lucky to be blessed with loving Gods who will not hesitate to do anything for you.
"It isn't fair, you know." You jump a little at the sound and turn to find the God of Stars standing a few feet away as he leans against a pillar with a slight frown.
"Jin," you sigh, greeting him with a smile before pouting at the sight of his furrowed brows. "What isn't fair?"
"I am the oldest," he says, making you even more confused. "Do you not believe that I should have been the first one, or one of the firsts, to claim your lips?"
He sulks at the fact that you have kissed all the Gods saved for him, an underlying insecurity falling upon him though he hides it behind a pout and a playful tone. But you can understand your God of Stars without him needing to explain or you needing to touch him. Seokjin is a patient God, one who will never rush anything if you are not ready just as the rest, but you know that it must confuse him to come to know that you have already shared lips with the others.
"I'm sorry," you say sincerely as you come to walk towards him. Seokjin stands straight from the pillar and takes a small step back at your approach. You stop, frowning.
"No, my love," he tells you with a small smile that is all too painful. "You do not have to force yourself if you do not wish for it."
"Oh Seokjin," your heart falls for him. He worries for you, not wanting anything to be forced no matter how much he wants it because he is a gentleman. Seokjin is afraid, you can see it in his sad smile, and if these past months has taught you anything, it'd be that you have come to understand them a little better without having to feel. "I promise you I am not feeling forced to do anything," you say as you start walking again and falling silently relieved when he does not move this time. "I'm sorry, I hadn't meant for this to happen when I kissed them."
"No," he sighs, "I know you did not. You have no need to apologize, I just-"
You take his hand once you come close enough and let your face sweetly nuzzle against his palm. You let him know that you want this, you truly do, and that you aren't afraid of it anymore. Perhaps another step further is still further in the future but right now, as you're taking things step by step, you want this, you want to share kisses with them. With all of them.
"I want this," you say it aloud as you gaze up at him with a sincere gaze.
He falls silent for a moment, just watching you as if he is mesmerized, as if he is entranced, and it only makes your heart flutter because you can hear his thoughts. "Really?" He asks though he can feel you. You respond with a small nod. "Hm," he hums softly, thinking. You want to laugh at how he's deciding to play hard to get with this and roll your eyes.
"Do you want it?"
"Do I?"
"I'll give it to you."
"Will you?"
It is even more hilarious when the two of you can understand the confirmed feelings by the touches so you chuckle and he follows along to the amusement, echoing your gentle laugh. "But just know," you hold up a finger, "I am no expert just because I have kissed the six of you already."
He hums. "I know."
But he makes no move and it leaves you standing flustered. "You..y-you can't," you stutter, "you cannot expect me to make the first move?"
Seokjin shrugs. "You did it with Jungkook."
"But that was just a little-"
"No excuses, my dear." he tells you, pouting. "Do you not believe that you owe me a little something? Hm?"
You mirror his pout and let out a small sigh. "Alright," you decide and take a deep breath. You don't know how you will ever get used to this when just one little peck gets you so flustered but because Seokjin is still a bit upset, you know you cannot refuse his request. You have to do this for him. So you place your hands on his shoulders, mimicking the action you had done with Jungkook and close your eyes shut with feet tip toeing up because he is tall, and press a kiss right on his lips before letting out a little crying sound as your head buries against his chest out of embarrassment.
The God of Stars laughs. "It's not funny," you chide with a pout and can still feel the lingering sensation of his lips.
"My sweet galaxy, do you really believe that I will accept a little peck as a kiss?" You huff and leave his arms with flushed cheeks, your pout deepening. He grins at the way your eyes refuses to meet his, knowing the exact reasons why. But he understands so he lets out a sigh. "Alright, I'll let this one slide since I love you and you're my shy little star."
He backs you up against the pillar, taking your face into a hand and squishing your cheeks. You don't know how he can act in such a way that makes your heart skip a beat but also be so playful about it. So you let out a soft whine, cheeks puffed out with your lips turned into a duck because of the way he holds your face. "Seokjin~"
He laughs that cute laugh that only makes things worse for your heart and you huff again. "Alright, alright," he says, calming down. At least he's feeling better so you know you aren't exactly upset with him. Seokjin smirks at the thought though there is an underlying soft fondness in his gaze as he feels thankful for you, only reminded of how much he loves you. Seokjin pulls your face forward and leans in, pressing a soft kiss but leaving too fast just like you had done.
You're about to say something when he leans in again, this time slower and more sensual. The grip upon your face releases and is replaced by both hands that holds you in a gentle manner as he presses you up further against the pillar. Your heart skips a beat, beating rapidly against your chest at how skillful and sweet he is. Your mind retraces back to those memories that belongs to him, knowing the God of Stars has the most experience in such field. He's had experience even before meeting his soulmates but who can blame him? His face alone will make anyone drop to the floor and it makes you a bit at a loss on how you should feel. He's yours now, so you won't have to worry about anyone else, right?
"Focus on me, sweet one," the God of Stars whispers against your lips to let you take a little breather for just a split second before he's capturing your lips and heart again. "I'm yours, my dear," he vows and nibbles along your lower lip. "I'm yours."
Your thoughts are filled with nothing but him while your heart continues to race on and on into the starry night.
The God of Sun watches you from the doorway while you sit in a comfortable armchair near the center of the room with a piece of clothing on your lap, thread and needle in a hand as you sew through something white and fuzzy onto the golden fabric. He smiles at the sight of peace and serene, knowing how you like to keep yourself busy and use some time to do things you like.
Most days you will read in Namjoon's library, or walk around tending to the garden, or becoming friendly with their elements; the wisteria, the sun, the stars, and the fishes in the ocean. Today you are in your own element, sewing something that looks like something they have gotten for you. You like to redesign a few things if you can, giving your own touches along their spoiled gifts because it makes you feel closer to them. He smiles at the sight, loving all that belongs to you. Your heart and thoughts are the most gentle out of everything.
Thunder rolls outside, causing your head to perk up and look on over towards the opening balcony where the windows instantly falls closed on their own upon the sound of rain beginning to fall from the clouds. It has been cloudy this whole day so it wasn't a surprise to Hoseok that it's beginning to rain but you look a little surprised, eyes probably too focused inside to notice the weather.
But you don't mind the rain because anything aside from the constant winter you had been used to back on the mountain is beautiful. Sunny days are gorgeous, rainy days are pretty.
A gasp that falls from your lips leaves him to quickly revert his attention back on you and he sees the way you whine as you hold up your forefinger, whimpering. Hoseok is by your side in an instant as he surprises you by picking you up and moving you towards the sofa where he sits you on his lap, a hand coming up to hold your pricked finger and hold it to his lips. One kiss alone is enough to heal the pain and take the blood away.
"Did you not tell me once that a seamstress must never fall distracted?" He reminds you as he brings his lips to greet you on the temple.
"It was the thunder's fault," you pout and he erupts with a laugh before another voice walks in.
"You cannot blame mother nature for your moment of recklessness," Taehyung says.
At the sight of the rest of your Gods arriving, your heart flutters with excitement and Hoseok chuckles knowingly. "I have a question," you say clapping your hands together.
Jungkook takes the seat you had sat in before, Taehyung, Seokjin, and Jimin sitting on the sofa directly from you and Hoseok, while Namjoon sits across Jungkook and Yoongi comes on to settle himself beside you and Hoseok. "What is it?" The God of Knowledge prompts.
"Does it ever snow here?"
Jungkook raises a brow. "That sounds like you want for it to happen."
You shrug lightly as your eyes fall back on the work in your lap, returning to pick up your needle to begin threading through again. "I was just thinking," you say with a soft smile, "I don't think the snow will bring back bad memories anymore. After all, I was born on a snowy day and grew up with it my whole life. I just want to be reminded of the good times back on that mountain, be reminded of everyone there."
They watch you with a soft gaze, fondness falling upon them as they smile because of how much you've grown. Yoongi brushes your hair to the side, a hand stroking your cheek in a gentle manner. "We're so proud of you, little one."
You look up, beaming.
"Well, anything can happen," Jimin tells you. "We'll just have to wait for December to come."
"I came here around January," you remember, confused. "Shouldn't it have snowed then?"
Hoseok props his chin up against your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist as he nuzzles into your neck. "You wanted to meet Spring, remember? So we had to make it happen, because our sweet soulmate could not take the cold anymore and we didn't want you to continue suffering." Your heart blossoms with a thousand heartbeats that escalates, fingers pausing on the needle as you look up at Hoseok. He hears your thought and squeezes your side. "When it comes to you, love, we will do all the impossible just to make you smile."
You fall silent for a moment and can feel the tears beginning to brim as you look through his thoughts. "You were going to make it Spring  all year round?"
"Of course."
You have heard that Summer can grow very overheated, the sun becoming overwhelming from time to time that no mortal likes to leave the house just as Winter can get quite cold. But it's already been months, somewhere around July, and the heat has yet to come. This place is paradise because of them, being able to control the weather in however way they'd like, being able to make it Spring all year round just for you. Because you wanted to meet Spring. Because you liked Spring.
Your lips quiver as you drop your needle and turn to wrap your arms around the God of Sun. "Thank you," you whisper when the rest almost has a heart attack at your tears. It's soft, so much softer than the storm that falls outside. It doesn't scare you so you're fine, knowing the plants need their water from the clouds. And you know that no matter how quiet you may be, they hear you, they always hear you.
"Oh love," Hoseok sighs contently as the Gods come to surround the two of you.
They love you so much and everyday when you think you're already at the end, you end up falling deeper and deeper in love. Perhaps as the years passes on and on, the love will grow even more than it is at this moment. You are so blessed to have them in your life, to be saved by them, your soulmates. No other love will ever come to compare with theirs. "I'm so happy," you sniffle.
Yoongi sends you a gentle smile when you look up again to look at them all. His hands reaches out to cup your face, fingers brushing away the tears that have fallen. "We are too, my sweet muse." Namjoon hums softly in agreement while Jimin takes your little work to set it aside on the coffee table inside the circle of furniture so that the needle doesn't accidentally hurt you again.
"You may look pretty when you cry, my love, but we prefer your beautiful face when you smile instead," Taehyung says.
"Sorry," you giggle.
He beams, sighing. "There it is."
Seokjin takes a hand of yours. "We can make Winter return if you'd like. It will definitely not grow as cold as it was on the mountain, however, because we would never want you to freeze and see you in pain."
"Thank you." You squeeze his hand.
"I have another good news." You look on over at Jungkook with anticipation, head tilted just slightly to the side as you blink, wondering what he wants to say. He takes a second, pulling something out from his pocket then shows you his fist before opening it right in front of you. Your breath hitches at the sight, eyes widening and tearing up all over again when you catch sight of the nostalgic memory hidden on the object he holds out to you alone.
"My mother's bracelet..." you breathe when a tear falls and another comes. You had lost it one day traveling through the snow and because the strings were too frail to even hold together after you tried fixing it, it snapped and slipped right out of your wrist when you weren't paying attention. You tried to look for it when you realized it was no longer there but it had been impossible to do so under all that snow. "How..?"
"I saw it in your memories," the God of Hearth says as he smiles and gently goes to brush your tears, "so I retraced the steps back when I returned to the mountain. I know how much it means to you." The bracelet is in a much better condition, strings now strong and firm along with the colors of the beads looking as bright and new as it had been firstly given to your mother. You have no words, too touched that saying thank you again sounds too worthless to say so. But he hears you. He understands. The God of Hearth takes the bracelet to roll it onto your wrist with a smile.
While the rain continues falling and falling, dropping against the windowsill constantly, your heart is warmed with delight and love that you have no words that can perfectly describe how you feel. But that's okay because as long as your Gods are here, touching you, they can understand all that cannot be described with words. "I love you," you tell them instead, sniffling.
Namjoon chuckles. "No more tears, okay?"
You nod, wiping away the remaining tears on your own before showing them the smile that they love so much.
"That's right," Jimin muses, "you are the most beautiful when you smile."
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7soulstars · 4 years
Emerging of Kalon
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Request: I need some new johnny depp fics in my life where I want a reader with insecurities and johnny reassuring her that he loves her the way she is.Maybe she is a bit more chubby than his past gfs and she has to wears glasses.Abd thanx so much for accepting it.
Yooo this imagine is soo important to me. As a person who had a lot of insecurities and has suffered through depression.It is really important for me to spread a certain message to others like me. I have this belief that you aren’t born with insecurities,you are made to have them.Don’t point out things to people that would make them uncomfortable in the long term guys it becomes quite scarring for them and it also makes you a damn bully. Also it is normal to have stretch marks, tummy rolls ,acne, scars ,body hair and all that stuff, Man or Woman or any other gender you identify as.That’s what makes you human.If people can’t accept you for who you are please cut them out of your life.Ya’ll beautiful and I love ya’ll. Hope you like this !!
Pairing : Johnny Depp x Reader
Warnings : TW,Nosy people who like putting others down for fun, Signs of depression,Suicide attempt,Angst,Swearing, Fluff, Johnny being the absolute sweetheart he is.
Kalon ;Latin for ideal beauty in all, physical ,spiritual and moral forms
“I still can’t believe THE Johnny Depp went for you after his past ones”,said someone snapping her out of her trance.”Pardon ?”,she asked as if to confirm whether she heard him right . “I mean look at you....His exes were all supermodels weren’t they? Not a single flaw..”,the man guffawed.”Well you have have a micropenis why did your wife choose you?”,her bestfriend snapped crudely making her cringe.”Let’s go Y/N “, Y/BF/N said dragging she out of the restaurant .Well this wasn’t how I wanted college reunion to end up like,thanks Nathan she thought. “Are you alright Y/N ?”, Y/BF/N asked. “Of course”. No I’m not. “It doesn’t bother me at all.” It bothers me too much. “Nathan’s a dick .Don’t let it get to your head EVER”. But he’s right, his words are already in my head. “Yeah...”
2.The disquieting
“Hey glasses ! Looking ugly as always.”
“Look at her hogging like a pig, hey fatty you want more?”
“Darling why don’t you try going on a diet.”
“Don’t watch telly, you’re blind enough already”
“Jason what do you think of Y/N ?” “Damn man she was not even my type”
“Please Stop !”, Y/N woke up with a jerk, breathing in short gasps .”Johnny-”,she stops cutting herself off as she looked at the empty looked at the empty side on her bed. He isn’t in the country she remembered . Silence. She stared at the framed picture of them together on the wall. Plip. A tear fell. Plip Plip. Two more,before she couldn’t control it any more. The past wouldn’t change.She knew it would haunt her forever. But they had stopped for a while. But since Nathan ,it came back harder than ever. She didn’t tell Johnny, she’d never tell him , the last thing she wanted to do is to become a larger burden. So she cried herself to sleep every single day.
Y/BF/N frowned as she looked at Y/N’s lunch. “Since when do you eat salads ?Hell,that isn’t even salad it’s just *ugh* lettuce....”,she says looking at the leafy stuff with absolute disgust. Y/N looked at her as if she did not understand what she was saying “I love salads,you know what? I’m not that hungry.....better get back to work! See you later!”,she said leaving as she didn’t even let the other speak. Starving, Hurting, Looking into the mirror and hating herself. The cycle continued.This was going to be dangerous in the days to come and she knew that too. 
6 missed calls from Mom
19 missed calls and 87 messages from Y/BF/N
40 missed calls and 150 messages from Johnny 
3 notifications from Twitter. 
No one had seen her in 4 days .The telly changed channels at Johnny’s apartment .Things scattered around as a trembling hand set down the remote . Fat tears dampened the pillow as her eyes read the news headline. ‘Johnny Depp at a dinner date with ex wife Vanessa ? Is he finally done with his simple girlfriend ?’
5. Falling
This was it.She ended up the way she predicted she’d end up 10 years ago. Weak,Tired,Empty and Lonely. She stared at the bathtub as it filled itself until it was overfilled,water spilling out of its sides as it splashed onto her feet. She didn’t flinch at the coldness.She stayed robotically still, looking down at her palm. A blade. Without hesitating she got into the tub,the tap still running. She didn’t think anymore,tears wouldn’t fall even if they wanted to. She closed her eyes as she let her self go ,ignoring the frantic ringing of her phone and the banging on the apartment door.
6. Alerting
To say Johnny was concerned was an underestimation.Y/N wasn’t picking up his phone since several days .He was distracted, couldn’t concentrate and worry filled his entire existence.He didn’t know what to do,even going as far as asking his ex wife for advice.He decided to go back ,back to his girlfriend’s loving arms.
The moment he stepped back into the city he took his time.Picking out her favourie flowers ,the chocolate she always loved and a little something of importance. He ignored the notifications is phone was chiming with, his mind only full of thoughts of her....The thoughts were short lived , disturbed much to Johnny’s dismay by Y/BF/N’s call. He ignored once,ignored twice but after that he knew something was wrong.”Johnny !”, panicked voice spoke through the phone. A frown replacing the man’s smile “Did Y/N text you that absurd note too?” “No,wait Y/BF/N let me check”,he put the call on hold as his eyes skimmed over the words displayed on his screen. His phone now dropped on the car floor he wished all of it was a dream.They stopped as he stormed out, back to his apartment. He knocked wildly on the door but not a voice came nor a cackle. He threw his body on the door several times ,”Goddamitt Y/N OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR DON’T PLAY WITH ME RIGHT NOW !”.In his panicked feat he had forgotten he had the keys until they dropped out of his jacket pocket.He didn’t wait a moment as he fumbled it into the key hole ,kicking the door open as soon as it opened.
Splosh . The sound of water hitting the ground from the bathroom echoed in the whole house.
“Y/N ?”, Johnny softly whispered as he pushed open the bathroom door. A horrific scene unfolded before him.
It had been two days and Johnny wouldn’t budge.He saw red that day and the site still wouldn’t leave his thoughts alone.He would neither eat,nor sleep as he sat beside his beloved girlfriend who lay on a hospital bed. Dark Enough by Amanda played on the radio. The text message, and the talk with Y/BF/N replayed in his head as if war replayed in a retired soldiers dreams. “I didn’t know you were hurting that bad”,he whispered, tears threatening to fall again. He place his head on her stomach as he let the silent tears fall,until her hand fell on top of his head.
Johnny jerked up ,his eyes as wide as saucers, as he froze with eyes full of pain and hurt.Y/N did not dare meet his gaze.She felt ashamed and disgusted. But those feelings were immediately replaced with shock as Johnny almost lunged at her,hugging her tight. “I was so scared I was so fucking scared when I saw that text and then you drowning in the red water filled in the bathtub ! I thought you’d left me ! I thought you died you weren’t breathing...How dare you think of yourself that way how dare you think you were not good enough !? You were the best fucking thing that happened to me since my kids goddammit !”. Y/N had never seen Johnny this mad.Hell, she had never even seen him cry. She didn’t know how to answer him, she was too ashamed.He wouldn’t break the hug, as if he would loose her if he did. He loved her too much. “Why ?”,he asked again,as if he was begging for an answer. Even a word. He just wanted to hear her voice. “I was scared...”,her voice cracked coming out much broken than she predicted. “ I didn’t think I deserved you, I thought I’d never reach the levels of those beautiful actresses and models.I was scared to tell you about my past..I was scared to bother you...”. Johnny’s heart broke. He never thought his Y/N would think that way. She was always smiling .Not even a little frown on her face. Always there for everyone. Yet no one comforted her. How could he never see it? Of course he couldn’t see it she was perfect to him.His Y/N was the most perfect person in the world. “I love you”, he blurted. He never said that.He was too shy. But he hugged her tighter ,” I love you so much. Even with scars,insecurities or that ugly face you make when you see things you do not like. You were, have and always will be the most perfect to me. Please....don’t do that again...”
Y/N was discharged from the hospital in a few days. Johnny wouln’t leave her side. All his attention would be on her to see if ate well, and loved herself. Y/N felt safe. And she wasn’t wrong . Johnny was everything she deserved.
They sat on the rooftop of a cafe in Paris. A calm silence passing over them. “Y/N ?” ,Johnny asked. “Hmm?”,she hummed along, silence entailing after. ”Marry me ?”,he asked. That was the day Y/N was the most happiest, and did the beautifully emerged Kalon say yes? you’d ask. She said it without a second to spare. After all our Kalon had found her wings.
“No one is born ugly, we’re just born in a judgemental society”~ Kim Namjoon(BTS)
----The End----
Whew ! After all the procrastination and time I took brainstorming this baby is done! This was requested by the wonderful @anycsirp​ I really really hope you liked this ! Also I meant what I said before the start of this oneshot . YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. PERIODT. Please do like and comment your opinions! I really hope to read em ! I’m not that great of a writer but I did my best ! 
~Love, Hri
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krreader · 4 years
good for you | chapter 5.
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pairing: teacher!kim seokjin x student!reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; college!au ; student x teacher relationship ; language ; sex ; dirty talk genre: smut ; crack ; angst previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 word count: 1.8k+
summary: when you’re in dire need for more credits and your roommate finds a course that she wants to participate in but doesn’t want to go alone, you get dragged with her and end up in the class of kim seokjin, the new Korean teacher. suddenly all those stories, movies and shows about a romance between a professor and his student made sense, because how could you not fall for someone who looked like that?
a/n: this is so long overdue, but here it is my friends. finally.
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“I have to say,” the waiter brought out your food, you finally having something to focus on other than your extremely handsome teacher Mr. Kim, “This is a little weird. I've never went to dinner with my teacher.”
“If this makes you uncomfortable..-”
Jin understood where you were coming from. He certainly hadn’t pictured himself having dinner with one of his students like this either.
“Oh no! No, that's not what I meant,” you quickly said, shaking your head, “I just mean that this is all new for me.”
“Well, if you want, we can talk about school stuff. Or maybe you could practice your Korean. After all, the test will be very soon.”
“I'm confident,” you said, beginning to dig in without mercy. You hadn't eaten all day because you thought you'd go on that date with Taehyung.. but clearly not, “Not like Perry. All she learns are words that will help her argue with Jeongguk.”
“It's really interesting to me that she was the one who dragged you to my course, yet you're the one that's studying for it and she's not.”
“I need the extra credits.. and I really like the language. I always wanted to learn it ever since I became friends with Jeongguk and Jimin.”
“And.. Taehyung?”
“Oh,” your shoulders dropped, just like your smile, “He's not a friend..”
“You're right. He's not a friend. And he's not worth your time,” Jin narrowed his eyes at you while taking a sip of his drink.
“I try telling myself that, too, you know? But I guess it's easier for other people to say than for myself to understand it,” you shrugged, “Whatever. It's fine.. You seem to be good company too, so I'm content.”
That made Jin smile brightly, almost proudly, “Then a toast to good company, good food and..-”
“..-and assholes who don't show up to dates.”
You both laughed and continued to do so throughout the entire night.
You and your professor had a chemistry that you couldn't deny, you still hadn't forgotten about that time you and him had almost kissed, but tonight wasn't awkward like you feared it would be at first. And maybe that was because of the alcohol that you both consumed and the fact that, by the end of the dinner, all you two could do was laugh and lull, but it was great fun and you really appreciated him being with you, because if he hadn’t, you would have gone home and bawled your eyes out after the guy that you thought you liked so much had stood you up like an idiot.
Him and you talked about your lives, about your interests, about the future.. you actually had really interesting and deep conversations, at least up until the alcohol had gotten to your heads.
Then it was just.. a mess.
“My apartment is soooooo far away,” you complained when you and him were finally out of the restaurant, “That asshole made me drive so much for him. Fuck Taehyung.”
“Yeah.. well, no,” Jin laughed, “Don't fuck Taehyung. He's not worth it.”
“Yeah, right,” you snort-laughed, falling against his chest and Jin, being as drunk as you were, wrapping an arm around you without thinking about whether or not that was ‘proper’.
Though, ‘proper’ was not a word that he thought about at all tonight.
“I'll get you a taxi.”
And see, if you had just said yes in that moment, or if you had just nodded or if you hadn't even said a word and just gotten into that goddamn car that he tried to hail for you, then none of this would have happened.
But you were still upset about having been stood up, your pride was hurt, your teacher was still looking like a sex god and you weren't thinking straight anymore, so what you said next, sounded like a good idea in your head in your drunken state at the time, but never in a million years would you have been so forward if you had been sober, “Nooo, don't. I want to go home with you,” you grabbed the lapels of his coat and came dangerously close to him, grinning seductively.. or tried to, “I want to be with you tonight.”
And see, if Jin was in any other state, he definitely would have pushed you into that taxi, he would have wanted you to say something like that when you were thinking clearly - even if he still tried to deny that -, but his own mind was clouded with lust for you, with alcohol and with.. loneliness, quite frankly.
“My, my, my.. you want to go home with your teacher, Ms. (Y/L/N)? That is quite naughty.”
“I've been thinking about it ever since I first met you, you know?” you whispered, biting down on your lip.
You were obviously both consenting here, that wasn't the issue, the issue was that once you'd cross that line, there was no going back from it. This boundary of teacher/student that could be crossed, but really shouldn’t be.
Neither of you realized that though.
Not when you followed him home, not when he pushed you against his closed door as soon as you were inside and not when he finally entered you after having spent absolutely zero time with foreplay, because neither of you were willing to wait any longer to really feel each other.
“Fuck,” you moaned out, arching your back into his soft mattress, “You feel so fucking good.”
“I imagined this so many times,” Jin chuckled against your throat, pulling out and then pushing into you as hard as before, biting down on your neck when you almost screamed his name, relishing in the feeling of how tight you felt around him.
“Me too,” you gulped down hard, “My best friend is going to kill me for this though, you know? She wants you so bad.. everyone wants you so bad..”
“Hmm,” Jin pushed himself up a little and then kissed you in an almost sweet manner, before whispering, “I only want you, though.”
And he really meant it, even if you couldn’t comprehend it and he wouldn’t remember having said it.
The sex wasn't rough, but it wasn't soft either. It was the perfect middle ground that made you both moan out each others names for a surprisingly long amount of time.
You would assume that being drunk would make him cum sooner, but nope. Your teacher proved to you that he had stamina and was rather creative when it came to positions.
And you and your three – yes, you heard that correctly, first time with him and he managed to make you orgasm three times, your ex-boyfriend should have signed up for a fucking class with him too – orgasms were very grateful.
Naturally the act was also a bit clumsy, but that almost made it even better. Sex didn’t always have to be super passionate and rough, tonight was fun, you two laughed, you two moaned, you two screamed eventually.. it was a good time and your sober self – if this weren't your teacher – would agree with you. In that moment, you wouldn’t have wanted it to be any different.
You've never had better sex in your life and never had a more handsome looking partner.
Thankfully, even in your drunken state, you hadn't been stupid and Jin had used a condom, eventually spilling everything he had to offer inside of it and moaning your name over and over again, like it was some sort of prayer.
Both of you were completely drenched in sweat, the sheets beneath you felt disgusting, but you yourself didn't.
Your legs were still wrapped around him, you could feel him soften inside of you, yet neither you nor him wanted to move, both too tired and too comfortable in the current state.
Your breathing was heavy and so was his weight on top of you, but instead of pushing him off, you actually pulled him closer, your fingertips gently running over his back.
You didn't say anything for a long time, only when he pushed himself up and looked at you did you ask, so low, as if you were afraid of the answer – which you didn't understand why: “Do you want me to go?”
But Jin's smile was soft and his lips on your forehead even softer, “No. Stay.”
And so you did. After you had washed up, you had cuddled into his chest and he had wrapped his arms around you, something so domestic that made both of you giddy like teenagers.
You had sobered up a little at this point, but not enough to realize that what you had just done would have immense consequences.
In that moment, you were just a normal woman and he just a normal man who had enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
And you both wished this moment would never end.
But it did.
It ended when you fell asleep.
It ended when you woke up and accepted that call from your best friend.
“Do you need me to come and get you?!” Perry was immediately alarmed, “Where are you, tell me, I'm already there!”
“No, no, no,” you whispered, tiptoeing into the bathroom with your clothes, “No, fuck, no. Just.. I'm okay. Give me.. thirty minutes, okay?”
“(Y/N), I really..-”
“I'm fine, Perry!”
You couldn't very well tell her where you were, or why you were there.
She might be your best friend, but she would certainly not approve of this. The man she had wanted to fuck – even if only to get back at her ex-boyfriend – as well as your teacher having been your sex buddy last night?
Nah, that wasn't a good look. You couldn't tell anyone about this and you were sure that he’d feel the same way once he’d wake up.
What the fuck were you thinking, (Y/N)?! This was such a bad idea! 
You put on your clothes in a hurry, then checked and made sure Jin was still asleep, before hurrying out of his apartment and jumping into the first taxi that was free.
You barely remembered last night.
You remembered Taehyung standing you up, you being upset and then Jin coming along. You remembered him and you having dinner and then things started to get foggy. After that there's only snippets.
You remembered..-
You pressed your eyes shut as well as your thighs when heat rushed back between your legs at the memories of what you had done.
You still felt him on your body. His lips on your throat, his hands gliding over your legs, his dick pushing in and out of you.. and.. it felt so good that you felt ashamed.
He was your teacher. Your fucking teacher!
And even though this wasn't against the rules, didn't mean that it had been a good idea.
Especially because.. you.. kinda wanted to do it all again.
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
But I want to know your theory. :(
ok ok i guess i’ll spill…i was kinda hesitant to share just cause i’m still not all that solid in my belief in it myself but basically it seems like maybe ziam has made it a tradition to have some kind of couples trip most years (if not every year) in february ever since 2014…
(btw for future reference this ask is a continuation of this ask re ziam both being publicly in vegas earlier this year)
ugh sorry guys! hit enter by accident and posted this wayyyy before i was anywhere near finished lol…this will be updated within the hour (if it doesn’t take me too long to get my thoughts out)
narrator: she did not finish it within the hour.
ok so part of the reason i’ve been hesitant to share this is because a good portion of it is VERY speculative and just based on a lot of guesswork and assumptions, but also there’s the fact that it feels like this is something major that more people in the fandom (or at least someone, other than little ass me lol) would have noticed before now and it kind of freaks me out that maybe no one else has?? (unless ofc i just haven’t happened to see any other posts there are about it idk)… 
also fyi a lot of what i propose throughout this is heavily based on info from this post just to make sure i remember to site my sources before we get into it lol
alright now onto the actual theory…
SO. all this started with me scrolling through old posts from late 2013/early 2014 and being reminded of the fuckery that was zayn’s bday that year (with the douche canoe crew and everyone pretending like liam was barely there as seemingly some sort of weird over-the-top cover-up)…the same party that seemed kinda like liam’s possible “introduction” to the malik family as more than just zayn’s friend/as his possible significant other. which was also only a month after that suspicious engagement-looking ring first showed up on zayn’s ring finger in december 2013 from bts midnight memories mv footage (and which stayed around as a necklace throughout january 2014 and early febuary 2014 right before the first appearance/debut of the mandala tat in mid feb). 
bts midnight memories mv with the ring in view - dec 2013:
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(suspicious?) malik family outing/celebration with the ring in view - dec (or possibly late nov?) 2013:
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[putting the rest under the cut cause as per usual with me this got insanely long]
liam and aunt zileh at zayn’s bday party - jan 2014:
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liam and one of the little cousins at zayn’s bday party - jan 2014:
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then sometime in between late jan and early feb 2014 liam went on a trip to barbados with his whole family (and supposedly also sophia lol more on that later*) while zayn was SUPPOSEDLY still home and steadily “posting” pics of himself at home with various members of his family (with the ring on a necklace clearly visible in the pics lol), anddd as some have also pointed out his hair was suspiciously unchanged in these pics despite his claim of getting a haircut BEFORE most of the pics were posted lol
zayn in family pics with the ring on a necklace - late jan/early feb 2014 (sorry i’m not the one who cropped his fam out lol):
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but yet we’re supposed to believe zayn - who had just gotten awarded the asian ambassadorship for the VERY FIRST time - mysteriously (and willingly) MISSED the ceremony on feb. 5th with absolutely no explanation. which…we all know how big a deal that was to him from the way he talked about it and how honored he was when he went in 2015…which begs the question if he was really just home not doing much of anything at the time in 2014 why in the world would he just pass/bail on that HUGE HONOR with no explanation??? mayhaps because he was actually already an ocean away with liam and fam in barbados celebrating his engagement (and getting his own “introduction” to the payne family) and literally COULD NOT ATTEND?
anyway so then, we have him getting the mandala tat around feb 18th 2014 - or at least this is the day he debuted it on his old ig, so the date may be a few days off from when he actually got it - but this still would’ve been shortly after they got back from the barbados trip when he debuted this particular tat (aka another solidification of the engagement??) 
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THEN we get the very first ig ziam likes from the famous and beloved aunt zileh (!!!) in this same month (still feb for reference, but she continues steadily and heavily liking stuff all the way through april when she seems to cool down again). fast forward to the 2014 brits at the end of february where we have the infamous moment with 1) ziam giddy as fucking ever, 2) zayn whispering into and practically mawling liam’s neck in public, 3) liam talking about how it was great to “fill each other in” on what they were up to during their break while zayn’s just steady standing there smiling like a loon and then 4) liam still later being like ‘you don’t wanna know’ when asked what he got up to (and zayn still grinning like a fool)
ziam being gross at brits 2014:
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so to sum up so far: 1) one of them possibly proposed around nov/dec 2013 (or that’s my best guess anyway based on the evidence lol), 2) then zayn shows up with a suspiciously-engagement-looking ring in dec 2013, 3) then all the weirdness with liam’s attendance at zayn’s bday party a month later (possibly also liam’s formal intro to the malik family), 4) then liam takes his barbados trip with his fam (and supposedly sophia lol*) just a couple weeks later while “zayn” stays home and posts family pics (but is very likely secretly on the trip with liam lol which is also possibly zayn’s formal intro the payne family and a belated celebration of their engagement), 5) and then we get the beginning of aunt zileh’s likes, 6) the debut of zayn’s mandala tat, 7) and the 2014 brits wildness…all in the space of like 3 months. and most of it happening in FEBRUARY. what a wild fucking journey right?
*side note/fun fact: liam and his fam were posting stuff regularly throughout the duration of the barbados vacay but there were literally zero pics of sophia posted from this trip until like dec 2014 or sometime around then when like ONE random pic suddenly surfaced/was posted and lots of ppl had already speculated that sophia was never there in the first place so once this one pic came up that idea got upgraded to people theorizing that they maybe had some of the fam go back a second time later in the year just to stage take photos to retroactively prove/authenticate the narrative that sophia was there lol
but anyway so back to the actual matter at hand - most of that shit happened in february right? specifically the barbados trip (aka the possible engagement celebration trip)…and when i was talking about all this to a friend we realized ZIAMI WAS ALSO IN FEBRUARY. AND SO WAS THIS YEAR’S VEGAS SHIT. AND THEN. AND THEN. My friend did some research and there was apparently this little known/barely talked about article (or at least barely talked about that i’m aware of) about liam taking a TRIP TO THE MALDIVES IN FEBRUARY 2016… which coincidentally (or not lol considering these shady ass hoes) is also around the same time he got his 4 tattoo (I believe this was the first article, or at least one of the first articles, that mentioned the tat’s debut) 
specifically on liam’s wrist in preparation for the 2016 brits (photo posted to his brits stylist’s ig on feb 23rd). and he didn’t take it off till like june.
so. quick timeline:
february 2016 - maldives trip and debut of liam’s 4 tattoo (around feb 21st); debut of cartier bracelet via liam (feb 23rd); (there was also that valentine’s day roses pic liam posted feb 14th of this year which was quite interesting considering he and c hadn’t even been officially announced as a “thing” yet…ofc we know it still got retroactively attributed to her anyway but whatever, we all know who it was really for lol 😏)
february 2017 - i don’t have anything on this year, partly cause i stopped paying as close attention due to heavy ramping up of stunts, although if anyone has more concrete info on this period that hints at anything please do hit me up and i will add it in, but anyway just based on a little light research there does appear to be a good period of inactivity from both of them during this time (as in both of them had quite a bit of time in february where they were pretty inactive on sm, not being papped, and essentially mia and would have potentially had time to go on a private trip) - UPDATE: HOLY SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT THIS BUT THIS IS THE YEAR LIAM SHOWED UP AT THE BRITS WITH THE MOTHERFUCKING 25 ON HIS JACKET AND FUCKED SIMON ALL THE WAY UP BY SWERVING ON HIS UGLY BITCH ASS SPEECH IN FRONT OF GOD AND ENTIRE WORLD (and i think also thanked zayn in his speech if i’m not mixing that up with another year??) - all on feb 23rd to be specific.
february 2018 - ZIAMI OBVIOUSLY (which specifically started feb 22nd, or at least that’s the day i’m counting it as ‘started’ cause it’s the day liam joined zayn in miami, can’t recall the exact day zayn arrived but pretty sure it was only a couple days before that)
february 2019 - zayn starts wearing this distinctive fishhook earring in all his ig pics, which on the surface seems like a pretty small thing, but quite possibly commemorates their famous august 2014 fishing trip (directly after which he also started wearing a fish hook pendant on a necklace back in 2014); this was also another period they were pretty quiet/mia as far as i can recall, although again if anybody has more concrete info from this time that could point to something please let me know, but anyway point being they again would have had a good chunk of time to possibly go on a private trip together
february 2020 - VEGAS BABY
ofc i’m sure you all will notice one year was left out - february 2015 they were on tour with no breaks coming anytime soon so they obviously weren’t able to go on a trip that year. BUT. february 14th 2015 (aka valentine’s day lol) is also the day liam was famously papped with some small shopping bags that looked suspiciously but precisely like the type that usually come from a jewelry store, and then later that same night they had a performance (for otra tour) where we have zayn pictured wearing a new gold bracelet (as in he hadn’t been seen wearing it ever before on tour or anywhere else) - btw the op of this linked post actually marks this day as the debut of the cartier bracelet but there’s a lot of counter speculation that it’s not and given that it doesn’t quite look like the cartier bracelet looked in later pics (it’s more round and more gold than the cartier bracelet which imo looks more angular and more kind of a two-tone/silvery-gold than this vday bracelet) i’m inclined to lean more towards it just being a regular but still very sweet vday-gifted bracelet. but anyway back to more important stuff. now considering this was literally just a little over a month before zayn left - and one of my theories for zayn leaving was that it was possible he felt it was the only way to save his relationship with liam…i mean if they were still giving each other vday presents they were clearly still VERY in love at this point. like that’s not the kind of thing you’d expect from a couple that was on the rocks and on the verge of breaking up and i know a lot of ppl (myself included for a brief minute) speculated that zayn leaving the band meant he maybe left liam too/or things weren’t working out b/t them or whatever, but given this context of the vday gifts just a few weeks before him leaving that doesn’t really line up…what does line up though is him being so in love and so sick of the bs that he might be driven to just be done with it all (as far as the stress of the band and mgmt bs is concerned at least). and ofc liam did say that zayn is the most emotionally impulsive/emotionally driven out of all them so when you think about it it really shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise…
anyway, in conclusion: 
it appears quite possible ziam has made it a couples tradition (ever since that first honeymoonish vacay in 2014) to go on some sort of trip/getaway together around the end of every february (or at least do something special together/for each other when they can’t) and in further conclusion I AM NOT OKAY AND WILL NEVER BE OVER THIS REALIZATION OKAY THANKS BYE 😭😭😭😭😭🌈🌈🌈 
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
BTS after a breakup
Part 2 of 3
Hyung Line
Part 2 of 3, titled This is Still So Angsty I'm Sorry
Alternate Title: Salty Bois in Their Feelings
Alternate Title 2: The Mystery of Why Any Bitch Would Break Up With J-Hope Continues
Warnings: alcohol, angst
Word Count: 3,160
Namjoon (RM)
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After a month, Namjoon felt a little better
He missed you like crazy and continued to send you texts every week, but the subject matter brightened a little
He limits himself to only looking at your social media once a day, but other than a couple selfies, you have never posted much so it's a moot point except he gets to see your pretty face
He will be completely silent about the situation won't say shit about you and the boys will avoid saying your name because of the look on your face when he hears it
He drinks too much wine at dinner but he's still on top of everything
Won't ever text you unless it's that one day a week, and he spills out everything
He thinks he's doing better he's proud about his progress
Until he is cleaning the bedroom and he finds a book you were reading under the bed
It's dog-eared in the place where you'll never finish it
Bc you left it here just like you left him
He has a mini breakdown over it but manages to try and get some work done
As soon as he opens his internet browser, he knows it's just gonna be a shit day
He sees his name in the headlines
"Rap Monster Kim Namjoon's Ex and Her New Man?"
He doesn't wanna know, but he can't stop himself from clicking on it
He knows the blurry picture is you because he'd know you anywhere
It isn't as if you're all over the guy or anything, but there's a close up of you holding hands and Namjoon feels like he's been punched in the throat
The thing that really gets him though
Is that he's an idol, too
A leader, even, and Namjoon can't help feeling replaced
The reason you left, the whole issue was because he didn't have time for you but you're moving on with another idol?
It made him think it was him, not the time, that you just didn't want him
Jin calls right away to check on him
"You know how the media is, Joon. It doesn't mean anything."
He's right, of course, but when Namjoon lies down to try and sleep, the image of your hand clasped with that guy's haunts him
He texts you just one sentence that week
"I hope he makes you happy."
You call him and Namjoon is so shook he almost drops his phone
"I just want you to know that it isn't what you think."
"I guess it isn't my business anymore." He says, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice
"I don't want you thinking..."
"What? That it wasn't the lifestyle you couldn't handle? That you just didn't want me?" He can't help the angry tears that spring to his eyes
"I never wanted anything as much as I wanted you, Joonie."
He doesn't miss that you're using the past tense.
"I mean it, you know. I hope he makes you happy." He does mean it. He always wants you to be happy
"He's just my friend, Joonie. I would never-"
He closes his eyes against the tears burning behind his lids. He doesn't want to hear you lie to him to protect his feelings
"Yeah, ok. He's a big guy, he can protect you from the paparazzi at least."
There was plenty of photos of that, too, of Hyunwoo with one big arm around you, shielding you from the cameras
"Joon, don't-"
"I miss you," he cuts you off
"I miss you, too."
Neither of you hang up for a long time, just longing for everything to go back to the way it was
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Jin is absolutely not handling this well
He talks about you constantly, asking everyone for advice and boys get so tired of hearing your name jfc
Skips dance practice every other time to move around the house
Flips through your social media pics together several times a day and gets real emo
He's got a new phone and he makes your picture his lockscreen
Cannot stop drinking wine and reading articles with theories about you and your new boo
Gets tipsy and talks shit about Changkyun in troll accounts on YouTube he's that petty
Reads too many articles about Changkyun being a huge flirt and fuckboi and gets way too drunk because it makes him imagine how he is seducing you
Always on your social media acting like he doesn't give a fuck (he gives many fucks)
Likes your pictures of yourself out with Changkyun, comments 👍
Slides in your dms when he sees you're active even though he knows you'll ignore him
Won't say boo to the media just shrugs them off
Jin knows you're staying at your sister's
Everyday he tells himself not to go over there
Not to embarrass himself
But since he's gotten a new phone he can tell himself that's why you're not calling
He sits at the coffee shop by her house every morning, hoping to get a glimpse of you
When he does, of course you're with that idiot
Jin wants the ground to open up and swallow him
Luckily he's wearing a ball cap and face mask
He can hear your voice
"Thank you for being here for me through all this."
Jin watches Changkyun take your hand and he has a fantasy of breaking his fingers one by one
"Jin is an idiot for letting someone like you go, y/n."
Oh boy
So much for not embarrassing himself
Jin rips off his face mask and stalks over to the two of you
"I never let her go. You took her!" He growled, and you stand up and push him out the door to talk
Changkyun peeps his head out to ask if you're ok and it takes every bit of Jin's will not to lunge at him
"Oh will you fuck off?"
He does, and you're looking at him with your chin jutted out and he knows you're mad but he wants to kiss you so badly
"Jin, what the fuck are you doing?"
"Having coffee. Alone. Since my girlfriend left me for some kid. How about you?"
He can't help the bitterness of his words
"Well, I'm having coffee with a friend because my boyfriend fucked someone else on tour."
"Y/n, I did NOT fuck her, or anyone else for that matter."
You scoffed. "Save it, Jin. You all but told me when you were drunk dialing me last week."
"I was shitfaced! Hello! What about that picture you sent me that made me destroy my new phone?"
You shrug. "Maybe I was trying to have some fun."
Jin tugged at his hair as if he wanted to pull it out. "Fun. Fun, you say. I'm going crazy here and you're out having fun."
"Whatever. You're single now, do what you want. I am." You know you're being petty but you don't believe him, after all the pictures, all the articles, the way he had almost apologized for it
You turn to go and he grabs your wrist, pulling you to him, looking fiercely down into your eyes
"This is just a fight we're having, Jagi, yeah? It's just a fight just like the time you went to lunch with your high school boyfriend and i was an idiot and you spent a week with your parents?"
He sounds so uncertain, voice shaky, and you just want to stop this and let him hold you
"You're not really fucking him, are you?"
You pull out of his arms, annoyed
It's not like he actually cares
His pride is hurt, fragile male ego, while you're heartbroken
"It's not cheating. I'm single now, I can do what I want."
"Don't play with me, sweetheart," he warns, eyes flashing
"Or what, Mr. Worldwide Handsome? You'll fuck some idiot girl? Too late. I'm not worried about it. I'm not even thinking about it."
"Of course you aren't, you don't think of me at all, do you?"
He's angry again and you know you're being cruel but you're hurt and angry and you can't help it
"You're right. You think I imagine it's your hands on me instead of his? I don't. He's so good I never think of you." You spit out the words like venom and Jin reacts as if it were, flinching, hurt evident on his handsome face
You leave him there, standing shellshocked on the sidewalk
Yoongi (Suga)
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Yoongi feels better after a good night's rest that he finally gets the next night after Hobi makes him take an Ambien
Hobi is legitimately the only human on Earth that knows, Yoongi is confident you'll be back so he swears him to secrecy
Absolutely nothing changes on his social media just work stuff as usual you've changed your relationship status to single and that stings but he won't change his
Over the two years you'd been together of course you'd had spats
You had a flair for the dramatic, it was one of the things he loved you for
He was the quiet one and you were the social butterfly, outgoing and sweet, making up for what he lacked
You were right, after all, he had been distant, with the comeback album coming out in a month
He'd been neglecting you and you just needed some attention and for him to spoil you a bit
He sent two dozen pink roses to your best friend's house with a note reading "You know I love you, brat, so come back home, yeah?"
When you don't call him in 24 hours though, he gets worried
To get his mind off things he goes out for a few beers with Namjoon and Hobi
Afterward he finds himself walking to your best friend's house
He's surprised when you are the one answering the door
You're in a bathrobe with your hair in a messy bun like you do when you're applying makeup to go out
"I'm not ready yet, Chanyeol-" you say without looking and when you see Yoongi your breath catches in your throat
His eyes are puffy as if he's been crying or not sleeping, bleached hair messy
You look so beautiful that Yoongi wants to grab you and kiss you but your words are making doubt claw in his stomach
"Expecting someone else?"
He pushes past you before you can think and when he sees the bouquet of roses on the counter he thumbs one of the petals
You eye him warily
"Yoongi, are you drunk?"
"A little," he admits easily, looking you up and down. "I've been feeling pretty shitty since my girl walked out on me."
"Maybe you should've treated her better, then." You snap back
The corner of his mouth twitches. He loves it when you're sassy, but he feels uncertainty and jealousy rising in his chest
"Did you find someone to treat you better already, princess?" His voice is low, eyes flashing almost dangerously
It's kind of hot, really
But you're in shock at his accusation
"Wh.. what?"
"Chanyeol, was it? You must've met him while I was on tour. That's why you walked out over something so stupid, huh? Just an excuse." He reaches out to pluck another petal from the rose, and although his voice sounds eerily calm you can see his hand shaking
All of a sudden you're livid. After ignoring you for two weeks and calling you a brat via roses, he's really calling your concerns stupid and accusing you of cheating
"Get out." You say, voice shaking
He smirks at you bitterly. "Time for loverboy to show up? Aw, I wanted to stick around to see what the guy who's fucking my girl looks like."
His crude words pierce through you but before you can respond Chanyeol walks through the door unannounced.
"Hey, y/n, you ready?" He looks from you to Yoongi, bewildered
He takes a few steps toward you and then stops
Yoongi looks him over and then sets his jaw as if thinking for a moment
Then he lunges at the taller man, punching him square in the nose
You scream and try and yank Yoongi off of your best friend's live in boyfriend
He's already stopped, breathing hard
You go to Chanyeol who is gasping on the floor, blood all over the shirt he was wearing to take you and your bestie out since you were feeling sad
Yoongi looks down at you, looking miserable instead of angry
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Get out!" You scream, angry tears streaking down your face
Yoongi nods, and he goes, but not before he grabs the vase of roses with one hand and hurls it against the wall, glass shattering everywhere, making you scream out in surprise
He stomps out the door, stepping over Chanyeol as if he weren't there at all
Hoseok (J-Hope)
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Deals with it in the healthiest manner of all the boys even though he legit has no idea why you left
Lets himself be sad, doesn't drink too much, just maybe overworks himself a little
Social media isn't an issue since you've never posted anything but memes and an occasional silly selfie
He goes through all the pictures in his phone though and gets emo
Gives you space
Hobi gives you a few days before he tries to reach you again
He could sense that you needed some time
He was hoping that was all you needed and then you would come home and explain things
You'd always been wary of expressing your negative feelings, knowing that Hoseok was such a positive person
You always said you didn't want to bring him down or stress him out
He wishes you had talked to him more
Wishes you had known that whatever was happening, he'd be by your side to work things out
When he calls, some guy answers, and it's not your brother's voice so he's shocked for a moment
The guy says hello a couple of times before he responds
"Um, is this y/n's phone?"
That was a stupid question since he was the one who paid your phone bill, but he was shook
"Yes. She's lying down because she isn't feeling so well. Can I take a message?"
Hobi doesn't miss that you must have deleted his contact name and that stings
"Just tell her Hoseok called?"
"Sure, man."
He hangs up and drums his hands on his knees, full of anxious energy
He's trying real hard not to jump to any conclusions
He's trying to be grateful that you have someone looking out for you, but he's internally screaming
Thankfully you call him back within the hour, before he can lose his mind completely
Tears spring to his eyes the second he hears your voice saying his name
"Sunshine!" He exclaims.
You can't help but smile at his nickname for you, even though you felt a lot darker than sunshine lately
"Hey, Hobi."
"Sunshine, what's going on? Where are you?" His voice sounds thick like he's about to cry and you hate it
"Don't worry about me. I'm just fine. I'm being well taken care of."
He's very quiet, and that's so unusual for him that you feel like you need to explain
"Jackson answered the phone for me. You know, my buddy from college?"
"Buddy" was an interesting term for an old college boyfriend, but Hobi was so grateful to talk to you he didn't complain
He'd met him, anyway, several times, and you were sure it would be awkward since you and Jackson had broken up a literal week before you met Hoseok
But Hobi was so sweet and not even remotely the jealous type and they'd actually gone out for beer and chicken a few times without you before BTS started the world tour
They were both rappers of course so you were sure they'd have plenty to talk about (they talked about you, mostly)
You knew hearing that it was Jackson would put his mind at ease
It did not
As much as Hobi did like Jackson he could see the way he looked at you with longing in his eyes
But it didn't matter because you were finally talking to him
"Sunshine, why did you leave me?"
"Oh, it's a long story. I just needed to get away for a while."
"I could've gone with you. It looks like you've moved out though, babe, I just wish you'd talk to me. When are you coming home?"
The silence on the line makes him feel a thousand miles away from you
"I...I don't know if I am."
His voice was choked with tears when he spoke again
"But...but why not? What did I do?"
"Nothing! Nothing, baby, you're perfect. It's me. It's all me. I can't...I can't be what you want anymore."
"You're everything I want. You're my sunshine, you know that."
You sigh
"That's just it. I can't be your sunshine anymore. I just have to be me for a while."
"Do you think I've been putting too much pressure on you? I know I talked about flying you out on tour but I just missed you so much-"
"I think I just need to move on, Hoseok."
You using his first name, not baby, not Hobi, was a bit shocking
"Move on? What does that mean?"
He hears a racket in the background
"I gotta go, babe. I'll call you next week, okay?"
"Next week? Sunshine, wait-"
You had already hung up
Hobi burst into Jin's apartment without announcing himself, knowing he left the door unlocked when he was home
Jin stopped mid bite of ramen
"Hyung, I need to talk to you."
Jin sat down his chopsticks carefully. "You hungry?"
After he all but forced Hobi to eat a little ramen, Jin asked, "Is it about y/n?
"Yes," Hobi said, squirming in his chair
"She won't me what's wrong, only that she needs time and needs to move on."
Jin, bad at hiding his facial expressions, winced
Hobi's heart sank
"What is it?"
"I don't know, bubs, but the only times I've ever heard that from a girl it's been bad news."
"How bad?"
Jin winced again. "Look, Hobi, I really don't know. Y/n has been going through some stuff lately..."
"She has? You've talked to her?"
"She called me a couple of times crying while we were on tour."
"What?! Crying? You didn't tell me?" He's all but yelling
"She begged me not to! She didn't tell me much, just that she had been in a bad place and she didn't want to worry you. I thought I talked her down, but maybe something is going on we don't know about."
Hobi started to cry and Jin hugged his friend
"I just don't know why she felt like she couldn't tell me, hyung."
Jin didn't have any answers for him, could only rub his back and hope you came clean soon
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btswishes · 5 years
BTS Reactions: Them falling in love with you again after waking up from surgery with temporary amnesia caused by the medicine.
A/N: That vid was super cute!!!
Requested by: Anonymous 
Request: “  hii, I watched a video of a men that was with amnesia and fell in love for his wife still in the hospital and it was sooooo cute af and I thought if you could make a reaction of the boys falling in love for their gf after an amnesia??? thank youu💖  “
 You kept holding his hand trying to clam him down, after his voice was getting louder and more hyper after each minute. Finally his face turned towards you. He said as loud as ever “Nice to meet you!But do you know who I am madam!?” he swung his arm in the most ungraceful was possible. You shook his hand and smiled. Before anything could leave your lips he yelled
   “MR WORLDWIDE HANDSOME AT YOUR SERVICE!” you giggled “I know, I have been dating you for 4 years now stupid.” Jin stopped talking and his eyebrows shot up to the sky “Me? You been dating me for like...” he tried to count to four on his wobbly fingers, showing you 5 of them. You gently reached out and tucked in his thumb “4 baby, not yet 5.” “Oh wow,wowwwww, you pretty, like wowww.Do they call you worldwide gorgeous? CUS THEY SHOULDDD!”he was becoming too loud so the nurses decided to give him some medicine.That didn’t stop him from swinging his arms around the place” Hey hey nurseeeeeee nurseeeee! Bring me some of your finesttttt water for my LOVELY GIRLFRIEND here!”
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Min Yoongi/Suga/Agust D:
 Yoongi was one special patient, he wasn’t loud, he didn’t yell, he just kept looking in one spot on the wall and sitting there like he was figuring out the meaning of life.
  You leaned towards him and your head popped in front of him. “You ok honey?” After his eyes were focused on you, you sat back down and waited for him to say something. Low key you wanted it to be funny, so when he snapped out of it you could tell Yoongi.So far nothing was happening. 
 All of a sudden he turned onto his side and leaned his head onto his body, flashing you a smirk. “So, you come here often?” you wanted to burst out laughing, but tried to act serious to see how far he was going to take this “I am here with my boyfriend.” “Oh really?Ditch that bitch and come hang out with a real man sweetie.” you placed your hands onto your lips whispering “Yoongi!”he shouldn’t be cussing at a hospital, yet you were kinda hiding your smile behind your palms too. “I will tell you a little secret,come closer.”so you did “I am one of the rappers in BTS. Min Yoongi.”you sat back down looking as amazed as you could act “Oh really? But I can’t ditch my boyfriend because that is you.Want me to ditch BTS’s rapper?” he pointed at himself and you nodded. A couple of minutes silence followed before he smirked “You know, I told you your boyfriend is the coolest dude sweetie.”
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Jung Hoseok/J-hope: 
 Hoseok was laughing so much when they brought him in the recovery room with you. The moment he saw you sitting there, he stopped laughing and waved shyly. You waved back and he started giggling and hiding under his covers. From time to time he would peek from under them and hide again. “Miss...?”he asked shyly “Yes?” “By chance are you single?” “No, I am not.” “Oh....” all of a sudden he let go of the blanket and looked down a bit sad. He wasn’t moving or reacting, so you thought it was from the medicine. A couple of minutes later you heard sniffing and low and behold he was crying.
  Worried you jumped off your chair and pulled out some tissues “Why are you crying? Are you feeling ok?” he sniffed “It hurts.” this made you very worried, but before you were about to call the nurse, he pointed towards his heart. “It hurts here.” “Why does it hurt there Hobbi?” “Cus, cus *snif snif* you are sooo pretty and and I wanted to take you out, but you have a boyfriend and you dont like me.” cupping his cheeks, you kissed his cute nose “Honey, angel you are my boyfriend. No one else is as important to me as you are. I don’t like you, I love you.” “Really?” you nodded. Lets just say he told everyone that walked in ,that you are his gf, one very proud baby over here.
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Kim Namjoon/RM: 
Jooni was one hilarious mess. He was saying so many random facts, that most of the people could swear he was some kind of professor or teacher. He was looking all over the place, telling anyone and everyone stuff they probably didn’t want to know about, but with the medicine he took before the surgery it was understandable. “Nams, honey don’t be so loud people can hear you outside.” he looked at you and pulled out his glasses, placing them gently onto his face.
  “You are quite correct my lady.” “Thank you.” you were surprised he listened to you so fast “Where are my manners. My name is Kim Namjoon, rapper of the well known group of musicians BTS.I am sure that you might have heard of us at some point with your, might I say, very lovely ears.” you were shocked by that sentence “Honey are you ok?” “Judging by the matching rings and the lovely names you are calling me, we are a couple. So tell me my love how does wine and a nice restaurant sound to you? Just the two of us ,enjoying your beauty?” he was trying to act like a detective and gentleman at the same time “Is there anything I can say that will stop you from doing that?” ”Not at all. I now shall proceed to explain the details of our meeting.” which he did.
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Park Jimin:
Jimin was one of a kind when things like this happened. You were waiting to film him, but he took longer than expected and sadly your battery died, so you had to pull out a power bank. The doors soon opened and the nurses brought in your boyfriend, as drugged out from the medicine as he can be. You tried to turn your phone on but it wasn’t working. “Hey nurse nurse!” he called out and the woman stepped back in again “I think I am in the wrong room. I don’t know this girl.” for a moment your heart felt heavy “Jimin! How could you say that!” “Miss, you are sooo pretty I am sure that if I knew you I would have already asked you to date me.” 
 Your eyes were the widest they have ever been. The shock, followed you laughing out so loud that you made the boy jump “It’s true, but you already asked me out 4 years ago and I said yes.” “So, if I asked you to marry me...would you still say yes?” “PARK JIMIN! I don’t want talk like that when you are still high from your surgery!” “I went to surgery ?” he started poking his leg “Oh wow I don’t feel anything.” the nurse told you to just let him poke his knee, better than having him talking about such stuff right now.
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Kim Taehyung/V: 
Taehyung was awfully flirty with you. He couldn’t speak much since the doctor was still  in the room. But this guy was winking at you, flashing smiles and random smirks. You found it extremely funny. Each time you giggled under your nose, it fueled him to continue with his childish teasing. 
 The doctor walked out and you decided to break the silence ”Anything you want to tell me? Or you going to continue winking.” “Oh sorry about that. You were too pretty to look away. I wasn’t winking actually, I was trying to take a mental picture of you to remember, but I don’t think it will do your beauty justice.” he looked towards you and closed both his eyes making a clicking sound “There now I have at least 20 pics of you. Under what folder do you want me to put them? I have 6 names in my head, you chose one you like.” “Let’s hear them.” “ Would, You, Go, Out, With, Me.” “I have a better name Already, Am.” he looked shocked at you, that face didn’t change till the medicine weared off. The boy couldn’t believe that he was dating someone so pretty.
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 When the nurse left Jungkook with you he was so shocked. His mouth was wide open and his finger slowly lifting off the bed pointing at you. You were a bit surprised but waiting to see what gold he has in store for you. 
 Youtube made you believe that everyone coming out of surgery says stupid things. 1 minute passed than 2, 3, 5 he wasn’t saying a word. “Um...everything ok with you?” “You are an angel?!” this would have made you spill your drink on the wall, floor anywhere if you had one .
 “What?!” “Yeah....you are so pretty.....such a pretty angel.” “Jungkook I am flattered, but I am not an angel honey.” “Oh..” he looked a bit disappointing ,yet calmed down. It wasn’t even a second before he swung his head back towards you “I know what you are doing.” he smirked “You are not supposed to tell any human that you are here. Don’t worry I will keep it a secret. So...how did you get in here?” you pointed at the door, answering him completely normally.  “Oh cool cool. So how does this all work? Does heaven send the most beautiful angels to Earth?” he was jumping a lot so you were worried about his IV 
 “Honey, don’t move so much you just had surgery.” “Surgery ?Oh I know! You must be my guardian angel. Waaaa so pretty.” “No, babe I am your girlfriend.” you tucked him in, since Jungkook was obviously slowly falling asleep “No wayyyyy. I am dating a pretty angel...such as.....yourself.....no,,,way....” he was out cold in a matter of seconds. Hands down you could bet that all the boys would kill to see a vid of Kookie like this. 
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sorry for this gif XD XD scroll down for the better one
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kookiemydream · 5 years
BTS reaction→ you as an idol and wanting to collaborate with them
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paring: bts x idol!reader
warnings: swearing
genre: fluff
a/n: hey love! thank you so much for requesting, I’m so glad you’re enjoying my work! I really, really hope you enjoy this one too! Also, Y/C/N stands for ‘your company name’ !!
request a reaction! | about me
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↠ kim seokjin.
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“Me?” Jin questioned, eyes furrowed in confusion “Y/N Y/L/N want’s to collaborate with me?” 
“Yeah, she says that she wants to meet up later this week with you for details.” Sejin said calmly, turning around back to his computer. 
Funny how his manager thought this was normal news to drop on him, not knowing that Jin was literally screaming on the inside. THE Y/N, the woman that  he had been dreaming to talk to his whole career, was asking for him. More specifically, to make music with him.
Of course he was freaking out.
“Sejin, did she say anything else? Anything about me?”
“Uhh, no I don't think so. But that does remind me, I gave her your number just so she can access you easier instead of going through the whole email process, is that okay?”
That’s when Jin's heart burst. Jumping up out of the chair opposite his manager, he jumped and danced around the room before tightly hugging his manager and sprinting out the room, screaming at the top of his lungs about how ‘you knew who he was’ over and over again 
And when Jin finally calmed down after hours of running around the building with excitement and anticipation flowing through his veins, his phone alerted him with a notification from an unknown number which read: ‘hey, is this seokjin? it’s Y/N :)’
Yeah, Jin found it difficult to get to sleep that night. 
↠min yoongi
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When Yoongi had been called to see Bang PD, it was safe to stay he was lowkey shitting himself. His brain wracked over and over again of what rules he had broken, how he had broken them, considering he had been cooped up in his studio half of the time, and what he could do to fix it
Turns out, Yoongi should’ve been shitting himself for an entirely different reason. 
“Oh Yoongi, there you are!” Bang exclaimed as Yoongi slowly creeped into the office “This is Y/N Y/L/N, she saw you perform at MAMA a few months ago and wants to arrange a collaboration!”
“Ah Min Yoongi, it’s so good to meet you finally!” You stood up from the couch and held your hand out for him to shake. Yoongi on the other hand was more than starstruck at the sight in front of him. He gently took your hand and shook it lightly, not taking his eyes off of your face.
“I’m really excited to work to start working with you! I listen to your music all the time and I think we could make something truly great!”
Yoongi swore he heard his heart flutter when those words left your mouth. He couldn’t help but think of something more than music that you two could make work
“Oh aha, yes definitely. It’d be an honour to work with someone so talented.” he said, finally working up the courage to form a proper sentence. 
You blushed lightly “I’m glad you feel the same way!”
Spoiler alert: You did make amazing music. But made an even better relationship. 
↠jung hoseok
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Something that was never really part of Hoseok’s daily routine was listen to a podcast. He never really had time ever since the tour had started, seeing as he was either practicing or sleeping.
Now that the tour was over and he had a few hours to himself, he figured that turning on a bit of light radio whilst he answered a few emails would be the perfect bypass for today. 
So there he was, sitting at his desk with his laptop wide open whilst the speakers blared out an enthusiastic voice of the interviewer.
Then, you were introduced. 
Hoseok's emails were long forgotten as he listened intently to the sound of your voice and laughter. He grinned at your reactions to different songs that were being played in between your interview. 
“So now, we’re gonna play a song that has taken social media over by storm! Can you guess what song Y/N?” The interviewer asked animatedly. 
“Oo that’s hard! I have no idea!” 
“Well if you haven’t heard, BTS’s J-hope released a song called ‘Chicken Noodle Soup’ featuring Becky G! Have you heard of it?” 
“Oh my god! Of course I have! It’s such a bop!” You laughed “They’re both so talented!”
“Have you considered collaborating with J-hope at any point?”
At this point, Hoseok was nearly standing on his office chair trying to cram his head closer and closer to the speakers in order to hear the answer.
“Funny you said that actually! Yesterday my company sent Bighit an email, after days of me hounding at them, asking if Hoseok was free and if he wanted to create maybe a dance cover! I just really hope they reply soon!” You giggled, blushing and also being thankful no filming was involved
“Well, we wish you all the luck with that Y/N! Here is ‘Chicken Noodle Soup’ by J-hope and Becky G!”
As the familiar sound of his own tune filled the room, he sprinted to his managers office, rapidly knocking his knuckles on the door. When it finally opened, he pushed past the older man and quickly located the email icon on his computer.
And there it was. The email from your company in all it’s glory. 
Let’s just say, when your company did get a reply back, they found it quite funny how many spelling mistakes were involved. Hey, no one is perfect when typing fast, okay?
↠kim namjoon 
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“Guess who I just got off the phone with?” Manager Hobeom sang as he skipped into the practice room, smirking. 
“Hyung, I get that you’re in love and you and your wife are all lovey dovey but I don’t need to know how many times you call each other-”
“Y/C/N, more specifically where Y/N is signed!” Hobeom interrupted
Namjoon choked on his words when your name left his mouth “What? What did they say? Did they mention me? Hyung spill!”
“Calm down, calm down!” The manager replied laughing “Namjoon, were you aware that Y/N attended the last concert you held in Seoul?”
Was he aware? Not at all. But did he feel like his heart was about to stop beating? Absolutely.
“Are you serious?” He questioned
“Uh huh, she apparently loved your solo song and was interested in if you wanted to meet up and discuss collaboration possibilities.”
Fuck. That’s all that Namjoon could think right now. You, the idol he’s been making heart eyes at for the past year, was asking to make music with him. Fuck indeed.
“Hyung, please tell me you said yes?”
“Oh you wanted me to say yes? I said no because I thought that you wanted a break after travelling?” Hobeom said, cringing at the horror on Namjoon’s face before breaking his act and laughing hysterically “I’m joking! Of course I said yes! You meet her next Thursday, be ready!”
Namjoon had been ready for a while now, they didn't have to tell him twice.
↠park jimin
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“Jimin!” Hoseok called from the lounge “It’s about to start! I’m only watching this for you!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Jimin replied, running into the room with a bowl of popcorn. “Man I’m so excited I could burst! What if she talks about us? Wouldn't that be awesome?”
The older man rolled his eyes at the lovestruck younger. News had spread around all over social media that you were due to be on a popular tv show which consisted of interviewing different idols and get all the exclusive news. 
Jimin and his bandmates themselves had been featured on the show more than once and he knew how personal the questions could get. 
So him being the secret fanboy that he was, decided to watch just in case you gave away any relationship reveal or something like that. 
Not that he cared about that stuff though, right?
“Awh Hobi hyung, look at her! She’s so beautiful!” Jimin whined, clutching his heart dramatically. They both watched in amusement as the hosts cracked many jokes towards you. 
Then suddenly the topic of the man himself came up.
“So some little birdies told me that you were obsessed with BTS’s Jimin's ‘Promise’ Is that correct Miss Y/N?” The interviewer teased
“Ah I knew posting that on my Instagram story would come back to haunt me!” You played along, trying to act cool at the familiar topic. 
“You’re not denying it?”
“Of course not! I cannot disagree that he’s incredibly talented and has such a beautiful voice indeed!”
Jimin felt his heart in his throat. This is actually happening. Y/N just complimented him. HIM. 
“I smell a collab coming on!” The host joked, winking and doing gun fingers at you. You chuckled lightly, responding with the same action and a: “Only if they reply to my email!”
As the laughter of the both of you filled the room, the voices that were once talking had now gone silent. Even Hoseok was a little shocked that THAT just happened. Then he finally came to a point of realisation 
“She sent us an email? Maybe we should go check it out-”
He realised he was talking to himself at that point, for when he looked over next to him he only found an empty spot. 
↠kim taehyung 
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“Yes yes, he’ll be very excited to hear your voice ma’am!” Manager Sejin spoke through the phone, eyes widening as he saw Taehyung creep into the office 
“No he’s not busy right now! In fact he’s right in front of me hahah!” he continued to carry on the conversation, beckoning for boy to sit down. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, mouthing a “Who’s that?” to the older. 
Sejin smirked and mouthed back a “It’s Y/N!” 
“Y/N?!” The younger suddenly shouted in shock, covering his mouth when he realised you were still on the call and had probably heard him. Great. Now you probably thought that he was the biggest dork to ever walk the earth. Thanks universe. 
To his delight however, he heard a faint sweet giggle on the other end of the line indicating that he, in fact, didn't make a fool of himself. 
Thank fuck. 
After a few more minutes of back and forth conversation between Sejin and you, it was finally time to wrap up and say your goodbyes. When he eventually did hang up, he also caught sight of a lost puppy, also know as Taehyung. 
“I’m not even gonna ask if you’re gonna be okay with it because I already know the answer.” The manger laughed, placing the phone of the desk. After seeing Taehyung become even more confused than he already was, Sejin revealed the news. 
“Your collab is gonna be great.” 
↠jeon jungkook
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Jungkook didn't like to be woken up. Period.
Especially, on his day off. You know, the only time he had to fucking rest?
So you could obviously understand why he’s a little pissed off at his hyung who was violently shaking him, still thinking he was sleeping 
“Jungkook! Jungkook, you’re gonna wanna see this, it’s important! Jungkook!” Jimin whined. The tired man rolled over on his side and stared at Jimin, as if to say ‘Are you fucking serious?’
“What do you want Hyung?” The maknae moaned, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep. Jimin chuckled lightly before shoving his phone in his face. On the screen was a paused frame of you and your members.
This made Jungkook sit up “What’s this about?” 
“Just hit play and watch it.”
So he did. Turns out the video was a challenge video you and the others took part in. You had to answer questions very quickly and accurately before the timer ran out, otherwise you’d be bonked on the head. 
Both men sat patiently as you raced through each question, until finally it got to the bit Jimin wanted Jungkook to see. 
“Y/N, what male Kpop idol would you like to collaborate with in the future?”
“Jungkook!” You answered back without any hesitation whatsoever. You band members teased and made whistle sounds once the name had left your mouth. At this you covered your face to hide the blush. 
Before Jungkook could watch anymore, Jimin grabbed the phone away “You see now why I had to wake you! Y/N Y/L/N just said she want’s to collaborate with you!” 
And even though Jungkook didn't want to admit it, he was grateful that his hyung had woken him up. 
Only for you though. No one else. 
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vantekay · 5 years
up all night ||jjk
word count: 3k
estimated reading time: lmao didn’t read this one either. I will eventually come back and read it and put the time here but for now just enjoy does anyone even like these estimated reading time things lmao I might just get rid of them
genre(s): fluff, slight crack lol, some angst? kinda?
warning(s): a couple curse words, mentions of sexual activities but thats it
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“I can't remember who I was before I met you that one night last year but now I've got you by my side right here”
you and jungkook met at an after party for one of the award shows they were attending. the both of you were a bit tipsy, but not to the point where you couldn't make coherent decisions and conversation. jungkook remembers being thankful for the liquid courage the drinks had given him or else he never would have met you that night. everyone knew jungkook was shy, and even shyer around those of the opposite gender so when his band mates saw the two of you sitting at the bar laughing like you were the only ones in the room, they were beyond shocked. you remember he had caught your eye because of how polite he was when he sat down next to you, offering to buy you a drink but not before he told you it was okay to decline him of his offer if he made you uncomfortable or if you had a date that had stepped away for a moment. you laughed at how nervously sweet he was and he remembers being confused by your reaction before you explained that you were laughing because of how cute he was, causing him to break out in a blush that started from his neck and went all the way up to his ears and cheeks. after the initial conversation, you both sat at the bar laughing all night. you went back and forth buying each other drinks occasionally but never too many to get shitfaced because he had another award show the next day and you had work early the next morning. he never thought he would be so comfortable around a stranger, a girl stranger to be exact, but you made it easy. you didn't treat him as “Jeon Jungkook from BTS!” you treated him like a normal person, and he loved it and he knew right then and there that he had to keep in touch with you in some way. so he politely asked for your number, for “business reasons”, and you gladly gave it to him. what you didn't expect was to be taken out on dates not even a week after meeting him and a month later becoming his girlfriend.
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“I wanna stay up all night, all night with you”
jungkook loved spending the night at yours. he loved holding you at night and playing with your hair, holding your hand, singing to you softly and anything else you asked of him. though, many of these sleepovers would not be spent sleeping, but spent in front of your television in the living room playing video games with food and drinks surrounding your frames. jungkook loved that you played video games with him even if you weren’t exactly the best, he enjoyed spending that time with you and laughing until he cried and his sides hurt. one year for valentines day, jungkook had bought two of those pizzas that you can get made into the shape of a heart and a dozen of your favorite flowers. he showed up at your door with these items in hand, his bunny smile adorning his face as he waits for you to open the door. when you finally opened the door, you were beyond shocked, jaw falling open as you gazed at your boyfriend in disbelief. you knew he was coming over, but did not expect him to arrive with gifts. “gukkie,” you whined with a pout forming on your lips as you stood in the doorway. he flashed you his beautiful bunny smile from above the bouquet of flowers before interrupting you before you could continue speaking, knowing what you were going to say anyways from the way you whined his name. “I know we said nothing special this year, but this is it, I promise. just some pizza and your favorite flowers” he smiles again before shoving past your frame and walking into the apartment. you shake your head and laugh before turning and following him inside, shutting the door and pressing your back up against it with your arms crossed over your chest as you watch him walk into the kitchen to put down the gifts. he turns back around to find you still pouting at him from the door, giggling as he makes his way over to you. “are you really upset with me baby? cause I can go back to the dorm. I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind some free food and flowers” he teases as he walks in front of you and begins to kiss at your face, working his way all around before finally placing a kiss on your lips. it’s nothing more than a peck, something he knows you hate because it never lasts long enough. you frown at him before grabbing him by the face and bringing his lips back down to yours, kissing him softly and longer than he did moments ago before pulling away. “of course I’m not actually mad, I mean who would be upset over free food?” jungkook pouts and you giggle, kissing the edges of his mouth as he pushes away from you. “ is that all I’m good for? free food? fine, then I’ll take these heart shaped pizzas back” he smirks as he watches your eyes bulge at the mention of the ridiculous valentine treat you had seen only weeks prior, laughing with him over how cheesy it was to get something like that on valentines day. “jeon jungkook you did not” you say as you make your way into the kitchen to inspect the pizza’s. you lift the lids of both to find that he did indeed buy heart shaped pizzas for the nights activities. you turn around to face him when suddenly your lifted up in the air by the waist, being carried into the living room. “I did, now can we get the video games started before we pig out? I really wanna beat your ass in mario kart before eating my well deserved pizza” jungkook says nonchalantly as he places you down on the couch. “I hate you” you say playfully as you watch your boyfriend make his way to your entertainment center to start up the game console. “I love you too, sweetheart” he giggles as he walks back to the couch with both controllers in hand. he smiles down at you before handing you yours. “now, let the ass whooping commence” he exclaims as he plops down onto the couch beside you. you laugh before leaning over and placing a kiss on his lips. “thank you guk, I love you” you whisper and he smiles before kissing you again. “anything for you angel”. after that, the rest of the night is spent playing mario kart and other various video games with your boyfriend while you both stuff yourselves full of pizza and other snacks.
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“show me your secrets, I'll be your keeper”
jungkook wasn’t the type of person to express his feelings, so you were always encouraging him to try and open up to you. jungkook liked to act like nothing ever bothered him, like his skin was a bulletproof vest and any bad situation or rumor going on around him never penetrated his skin but you knew it did. you would see the moments where a mean comment about him or his members would upset or confuse him. you would see the way his eyebrows furrowed and he began to curse himself if he couldn't get a dance move right or sing a line the way he wanted. he tried to act tough, tried to act like the big emotionless man he thought you wanted. what he couldn’t see was that you wanted him, all of him, and you finally had to tell him that seeing as he was too blind to see it on his own. it was on a night that he looked particularly dejected and tired, coming home from practice later than he originally said and throwing his limbs around like he was weightless. he came in and sat sluggishly on your couch, running his hands down his face and letting out a deep sigh. he hadn't expected you to be awake, seeing as it was now nearly 3am and he told you he was going to be home at 11. he thought you would have been mad at him, so he had that sitting in the back of his mind along with the stupid set of dance moves he just couldn't seem to get and the vocals he recorded earlier not sounding the way he wanted them too at all, frustrating him to no end. as he sat and let his anger spill out in the form of angry huffs and tugs at his hair, the last thing he expected was to feel the couch dip beside him and your hand rub soothingly across his back. he looked over at you, expecting a sour face and a lecture coming his way about being out so late, but he got none of that. instead you gave him a loving smile and a quick peck on the lips, asking him what was on his mind in one of the softest voices he had ever heard. he tried to shrug it off, tried to tell you it was nothing and that he was just tired, but you knew he wasn't and you were tired of jungkook thinking he had to deal with his emotions alone. you looked him in the eyes and told him exactly what had been on your mind for the past couple of months since you had started dating. you told him that you asked those kinds of questions because you wanted to know about his day, wanted him to be able to voice his concerns and be able to feel a weight lifted off of his shoulders instead of bottling everything inside and brushing you off. you told him it wasn't good to do that, and that if he was worried that you were going to judge him or make fun of his most inner thoughts that he shouldn’t because you would never even think to do that to someone that you loved and cared so much about. jungkook doesn't cry, but that night he definitely let out some pent up sadness and anger. after you had told him that you actually cared and wanted to hear about the things that were troubling him, he let it all out. you hugged him close to you for once and allowed for him to open up his heart to you. after that, jungkook wore his heart on his sleeve, at least when he was around you.
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“It's 4 am and and we're up somehow, sitting on the carpet, dancing in the clouds”
jungkook loved it when you tried to dance along to his songs. he always thought you looked adorable. he loved the way your body looked whilst maneuvering to hit all the same moves he did when he danced. he loved it even more, though, when you and him would stay up all night and goof off, dancing to songs he played softly throughout your bedroom. he remembers back to one of the first times he spent the night at yours, it had been pretty early on in your relationship and he was so nervous to be sleeping in the same bed as you that he didn't sleep at all. he laid next to you stiffly, unsure of where his arms should be placed or if it was okay to face the same way as you and look at your face so he turned around and tried to keep his nerves down. this worked until you moved closer behind him, snaking your small arms around his tiny waist and intertwining them around his lower belly, burying your head into his back and inhaling softly. if it weren't for the quietness in the room he would have missed your small “s'the matter gukkie?” you whispered against his skin. he shivered before a smile graced his lips and he turned around to face you properly, looking down at the way you buried your head into his chest, your fingers drawing soothing patterns on his lower back subconsciously as you waited for him to answer your question. “nothing love, just can't sleep” he mumbles back as his hand instinctively goes to your hair, moving a few strands away from the part of your face he can see. you finally looked up at him, your eyes tired but he could see a hint of something he couldn’t quite place his finger on. it appeared to be something between love and disbelief, and he gets worried. “what's that look for?” he asks with furrowed brows and you giggle quietly, leaving a kiss to his chest before looking up at him again. “you’re nervous aren’t you? there’s nothing to be worried about gukkie, it’s just like going to sleep at the dorm” you say and now jungkook giggles, bringing you up until your faces are merely inches apart and he places a hand on your cheek, rubbing it. “this is nothing like sleeping at the dorm” he breathes out and you feel a light blush rise up your cheeks. you prod him further, asking him “what does that mean?” which you quickly regret because the next words out of his mouth have you blushing furiously. “because back at the dorm,” he clears his throat before smiling down at your flustered face. “I don’t have my amazing and gorgeous girlfriend laying with me and being all cute, wrapping her arms around me and nuzzling herself into my back” he smiles wide at the blush on your cheeks, continuing to rub at the heated skin until you’re pulling your face away to whine into his chest. “I shouldn’t have asked” you mumble. “it’s true, but since we’re both awake…” he trails off and your head instantly snaps up, your eyes wide at what he could be implying. his eyes widen almost as much as yours when he realizes what you thought he was implying. “o-oh my god no! no that’s not what I meant! oh god..” he mumbles as he turns over and shoves his face into your pillow, letting out a deep sigh. you chuckle before rubbing his back. “awe baby, what did you mean?” you ask with a tilt of your head and jungkook turns his slightly so his voice isn’t muffled by the material of the pillow. “I was gonna ask if you wanted to, I don’t know, sit on the floor and just like, talk?” he asks and you look at him with furrowed eyebrows. “the floor? why the floor? we can just lay in bed and talk” you ask confused and jungkook hides his face again. “cause you have a fluffy rug” and this time you both laugh. “sure, we can sit on the floor” you say before hopping off of your bed and crawling to your rug, patting the spot next to you when jungkook peers over the side of the bed to look at you with wide eyes. “really?” he asks in disbelief and you simply nod before motioning for him to come lay with you. he does so without missing another beat, and the rest of the night is spent with you two laying on the floor, hands intertwined while you share stories and wishes for the future until the rays of morning light begin to break through your blinds and shine upon your entangled bodies, having fallen asleep at some point with your hands still clasped together except now jungkook holds your body close to his, nose in your hair as he inhales softly.
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“I'm so gone but I feel alive, never been so high but you keep me climbing”
time stops when jungkook is with you. his members always tease him when he arrives late to practices because he was at your place and lost track of time, but jungkook doesn’t mind it. he loves the feeling of being with you because it always felt like time was frozen in place, like some higher power was granting you two as much time together as possible. jungkook feels it at the most random times as well, when he wakes up before you in the morning, although rare, or when he’s sitting on the counter watching you cook while you sway your hips to the soft lull of the music coming from your living room speakers. he feels it when you step out of the shower in nothing but your towel and how you always blush and tell him to close his eyes so you can get changed. he feels it when you wait up for him at night even though he’s told you before that you should sleep. he feels it when your sitting in the practice room admiring the way his body moves as he dances, catching your entranced glances through the mirror. he feels it when he takes you out late at night for a picnic date at the park. but he feels it the most in the dead of night, when your asleep in his arms and he’s still awake, holding you to his frame tightly as if letting you go would cause you to slip from his grasp. he fears that sometimes he may actually lose you, mostly because of his crazy work schedule and the fact that sometimes he leaves for half a year or longer to tour around the world. but he knows deep down that you would never leave him, that you sit at home and cheer him on from afar, leaving him encouraging messages to wake up to or view before going on stage. jungkook holds onto these frozen moments in time and thinks of them when he’s without you, when he misses your time together the most. they never fail to bring a smile to his face and he can never wait for the moment he gets to experience the feeling all over again. the feeling of time being non existent when he’s with you. the feeling of making memories with you that he will cherish for the rest of his life.
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saltpepperbeard · 5 years
Okay I’m officially back on my Joshifer bullshit thanks to you lmao. What are your thoughts on all the drama surrounding JH and CT? Do you think she’s the reason Joshifer never came out and admitted they were dating? Or was it because of JL and NH? I figure it’s been long enough that you can talk about it freely without starting the Discourse™️. Feel free to ignore this though if you think otherwise, I don’t want you to get any hate lol.
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I feel like my blog should come with a disclaimer honestly. Like, CAUTION: CHANCE TO GET BACK ON YOUR JOSHIFER BULLSHIT UPON VISITING lol. But oooh goodness we’re spilling tea of THAT caliber, huh anon? I don’t mind talking about it at all these days though. Because yeah, I believe we’re definitely out of the shipping war/Discourse™️ days, and I’ve also reached the level of Fandom Veteran where I just…No longer Give A Care lmao. TOO TIRED TO CARE.
But BECAUSE I have a tendency to get ramble-y, let’s go beneath the cut~
Okay so first off, I’ll start out with my honest thoughts on Joshifer, and what I think they had and/or what happened between them. The thing I lean towards the most is that they messed around at Hawaii. I think it’s the most likely thing, given that they were both young, pretty newly single, and alone on that island together. And looking at all the BTS footage, plus every promo that followed? Come on now. And maybe it wasn’t sex necessarily. But at LEAST making out/heavy petting or SOMETHING, my dude. I WANT TO BELIEVE lol.
So, what I LIKE to think happened is that Jen and Josh messed around/had sex/attempted to get into a relationship during the filming of Catching Fire filming somewhere. But in the midst of that, Jen got a little too scared with the whole idea, and ended up breaking things off to eventually go back to Nick. Which, in turn, hurt Josh enough to attempt to mend his wounds by starting a new relationship with Claudia that following summer.
And then that’s where things get…ROCKY lol. Because back in the day, I definitely used to think that Joshifer’s story didn’t end there. I thought that, somewhere down the line, they had to start messing around again or dating in secret, because there were some pretty eyebrow-raising events that took place.
The two ones that instantly jump to my mind are of course, Cannes and the MJ1 Promo. And hell, even MJ2 promo honestly. Cannes because of Jen giving Josh a LAPDANCE and the two of them leaving the party BY THEMSELVES, TOGETHER, “INTO THE NIGHT.” Mockingjay Part One because of them both contracting strep throat, but no one else in the cast/crew seemed to get it. And Mockingjay Part Two because of all those random kisses/bouts of physical affection.
Bruh, I was just CONVINCED that they were going to come out as a couple following the wrap of Mockingjay Part 2. I really really was. But then…they never did. They both seemed to go quite separate ways for that matter. So that’s left my mind to kind of shift a bit and to start questioning things.
Because, almost all throughout the Mockingjay Promos, both Josh and Jen were linked to relationships. Jen with Nick for a bit, and then Chris Martin for a bit, and Josh with Claudia (See I’m to the point where I don’t mind dropping names lol FIGHT ME). So like…BACK IN THE DAY X2 lol, I thought that they were just “cover up” relationships. Or PR relationships, if you will. I kind of hopped aboard that bandwagon because of how CONVINCING Joshifer seemed.
That, and Josh’s relationship with Claudia and Jen’s relationship with Chris just seemed…weird lmao. They didn’t seem anything like what I was seeing during promo with Josh and Jen. So that made me even more convinced that I was on the right track.
But then Jen broke it off with Chris only to move on to Darren, and then to Cooke, and Josh remained with Claudia. The ship I was nearly certain was going to take off never did. So it left me reevaluating tbh.
It made me think that Josh and Claudia had to be an actual relationship. Because, come on lol, there’s no way. Why the hell would he stay with her for six years now, for anything other than…a relationship? Because Paradise Lost lmao; who is she? We don’t know her. It never even made waves in the states at all. And that was FOREVER ago. Josh was never even that big of an actor to really properly “stunt” in my opinion anyway. That seems to be reserved more for the actors who are really on the media’s current radar. The talk of the town lmao.
BUT, that doesn’t mean I’m 100% a fan of them. Because I’m not. Never have been lol. And nor do I really like how they’ve presented their relationship. I’ve definitely seen enough sketchy stuff to make me wrinkle my nose. Which is the drama you were referring to I imagine lol. Claudia using Josh for her career’s benefit, their friends using him for their benefit, yada yada. Idk, once I kind of realized Joshifer wasn’t going to be an immediate thing, and once I kind of stepped away from Josh (which is a whole DIFFERENT story in itself lol), I just…really never jumped into that drama/cared about it at all.
AND, despite talking to a few different people about it, I feel like I never really gathered enough information to really formulate proper opinions on it. AND X2, I kind of realized that hey, these are actual people and we really don’t know what’s going on behind the surface level stuff we’re seeing. We could be 100% right, but we COULD be 100% wrong. So I just kind of stayed out of it, sighed whenever Josh was in Spain or she in the States, and just kind of moved on.
Same thing goes for Jen and Nick. Saying his name makes me shudder, but I think that’s only a self-inflicted gunshot wound lmao; THANKS, TWAAL. I had a lot of issues with him, but I think they were mostly…fandom driven? Like, it was one of those “I don’t like you because you’re interfering with my OTP and because your fandom hates mine” kind of dealios. I really didn’t have any VALID reasons to dislike him at all lmao.
People will say otherwise. I know a lot of Veteran Joshifer Shippers think that relationship was ENTIRELY fake/PR driven too. I can’t say I entirely agree? But again, it’s practically the same thing as my thoughts with Josh and Claudia. I didn’t dive that deep into things regarding that relationship, so I really know nothing, and so I REALLY can’t form a proper opinion.
*Wheeze* SO lol. Where does that leave me now. Well, since things did not go the way I and probably a lot of other people anticipated, I’ve just been…confused? Like yeah, there were things that I DEFINITELY thought were indicative of a possible fling/relationship. But Josh and Jen were with other people…? It seemed so so SO real, but then they moved tf on?
So yeah, I really don’t know what happened at all. I can’t prove anything. Josh and Jen genuinely could have been just friends all throughout promo, hence why they have nothing to tell. Or, they could have genuinely fucked all through promo, and their relationships WERE just indeed PR cover ups at the time. It’s literally impossible to say for certain.
I think if anything did happen though, it’s probably way too soon to tell. Especially with Jen in a rather new and very serious relationship now, and Josh still in the relationship that he was in all throughout promo. I feel like if something did happen, they’d probably open up about it like, a decade or maybe even more down the line. Or who knows, maybe it’ll be their little secret, and our little speculation.
Like, the both of them definitely don’t need anything “cheating scandals” or anything like that running rampant with their current situations. So yeah, if there was something, we likely won’t hear of it for a while, if…ever.
Which Goddddd gets my GOAT lmao. Still bitter to this day. And still can’t fathom what happened between those two. Because I was rooting for them so very hard, anon. I think everyone was at a point. There was just so much RIDICULOUS shipping fuel between them.
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And I think for that reason, I’m always going to be rooting for them in one way or another. They’re the equivalency of a “first love” for me lol. Like, I’ll always always remember what I saw between them/have a soft spot for them regardless. And I’ll definitely ALWAYS have fingers crossed for ANY tidbits.
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fieldfullofbangtan · 5 years
bts imgn: taking care of them when they are drunk (friends)
holy poop this is my first ever imagine and it is WAY too long im gonna try to make it shorter in the future lol
(also im taking requests! so send emmmm)
requests are open!
✎ masterlist
Jin would call you at 3am asking you to pick him up from a bar. You knew that the boys sometimes went out to grab a drink but this time Jin was alone which was weird. He didn’t- or couldn’t say much more than just “(Y/N) please can you come pick me up? Im at the usual place...”. 
When you got there he sat outside on a bench napping, you had to pretty much carry him to the car. He crashed at your place cause you thought him getting drunk might be because of some fight he had with the others. When he woke up he explained.
“Did I puke?”
“God I hope not...” you say worried looking around.
“Sorry... The bar had a drink called unicorn poop and it tasted like cotton candy and I think we all had one too many so the boys left without noticing I went to the bathroom...”
Just as he finished that sentence the front door busts open and 6 men run inside looking scared shitless. When they spot Jin on the couch they all sigh in relief.
“Thank god...”
( vv him being groggy af in the morning vv )
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Namjoon can drink, everybody knows that. He is usually the one who acts the most sober and takes care of the others. But you’re not that bad of a drinker yourself. A few cocktails and a few shots is no biggie. So when you all went out one night Jin and Suga had to bring the lightweights home because they were all basically asleep 2.5  hours in. 
You and Namjoon were just beginning though. After another 1.5 hours of dancing and drinking your feet started to hurt and the music was getting too loud. You walk around to try to find Joon but he is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly somebody hugs you from behind. Getting ready to headbutt whatever creep is behind you, he says
“Can we go home now pleaaaase” 
You laugh at how dorky Joon is being. He’s only like this is he’s wasted. He becomes a 9 year old boy who has abandoment issues.
“Sure but you will need to let me go cause I can’t move when you are hugging me like this” you say as you laugh.
“Fine...” he says as he pouts.
The club is walking distans to their dorm so you decide to just walk with him and crash there. The 15 minute walk is filled with corny dad jokes, waves of compliments and occasional deep thoughts. You even have to save him from walking into a few lamp posts and poles.
Waking up at their dorms the day after you see a message on your phone. 
Namjoon 9:30
- we had to leave early for practice this morning but we left you some Doenjang soup. thanks for a fun night out and if you tell anyone about how drunk i was last night you are no longer allowed to borrow my clothes. ily :)
(vv you are yoongiiii vv)
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You hear someone knocking at your door at 12pm. The smart thing to do is grab a frying pan and hide in the closet, but this is not the first time something like this has happened. Yoongi has a tendency to drink when he is feeling down and with the holidays coming up, the possibility of him not being able to spend it with his family usually gets to him. The sloppy, barely audible knocks also point to it being a drunk Yoongi.
Opening the door he is looking at his feet, hair covering his face. 
“Come in...” 
“Im sorry you always have to deal with me when I’m like this...” he mumbles.
He couldn’t really talk about it with the others because they are most likely just as upset or stressed. It would just end in 7 grown men drinking their sadness away together.
You don’t say much. You grab a beer, a bottle of water and a few blankets from your couch and drag him with you up to the roof of your apartment buildning. Thankfully it’s not freezing cold out and your hoodie plus a few layers of blankets is just enough to warm you. You sit down on the ground, not too far in the distans you can see the skyscrapers of Seoul and above you a clear, star-filled sky. This is where you always go when you feel down. Nothing can make your problems seem small better than skyscrapers and stars. 
Yoongi reaches for the bottle of beer when you swat his hand away.
“That is for me.” “This” ... you give him the water bottle ... “is for you”.
Yoongi sighs but takes the waterbottle and opens it to drink some. 
The rest of the night you talk about everything and nothing, you make him promise to call you if he ever feels bad enough to repeat this and when the clock reaches 3am, Jin calls and convinces Yoongi to go back to the dorms. He hugs you goodbye and holds you a little longer than usual giving you a kiss on the forehead.
“Thank you (Y/N), I owe you” 
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Partying with J-hope always ends badly. He has a lot of fun without alcohol, so imagine him drunk. Yea he has way too much fun. He will dance too hard and spill someone’s drink, which leads to a fight. Maybe hit on someone’s girlfriend, which leads to a fight. Once he thought some other guy was Jungkook and playfully slapped him on the head, when the random dude turned around he pointed at someone else, which lead to a fight.
Usually the others can calm situations like that down, but in your case when drinking with hoseok alone, the goal was to stop those situations before they even started. 
“Heyyyy that guy looks like Donald Trump” Hoseok slurrs.
“What? Who? Nobody here it over 30...” you look around confused.
“Him over there! With the orange hair!” he says amused.
“Hoseok Donald Trump has orange skin not orange hair boi get your disses right”
“HEY, HEY DONALD!!” he yells at the guy.
“HOSEOK WTF” you whisper-shout as you cover his mouth.
The guy and his entire entourage looks at us confused as Hosoek waves happily at them. 
“Why are you always trying to get beaten up????” 
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Jimin sometimes drink too much and it can be because he feels a lot of pressure and alcohol can help relieve that. You followed them to Japan, their first world tour destination, to see the show and they were able to book you a hotel room in the same hotel as them. 
After eating dinner with all of them in Joon and Yoongis room they all wanted to sleep earlier because of the concert the next day but Jimin and Jungkook said you could hang a little longer with them by the bar.
Jungkook left after one beer but Jimin stayed with you. When you finished your first drink Jimin was already on his third. You could notice that he was feeling the alcohol because he smiled a little bit more and spoke a little less clearly
“You have a long day tomorrow Jimin, I think you should go to bed” you say slightly worried about his hangover tomorrow.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be able to sleep anyways...” Jimin says with a sad smile.
“Hm?” you look at him for an explanation.
“My anxiety hits the roof right before a concert, I have so many people I need to make proud and I will never be good enough for them...” he drinks what’s remaining in his glass. “I never feel like I’m enough compared to the others, you know?” his eyes start tearing up.
Your heart sinks and you pull him into a hug. “Don’t be stupid, everybody loves you and all your flaws. They don’t expect you to be perfect, they expect you to be human.” You grab his shoulders and push him up from your embrace, staring at him. “Your gonna go to bed, do your best tomorrow, and even if you mess up or don’t think you did well enough, you will still be loved by millions. I promise.”
He smiles and nods, he grabs your hand from his shoulders and says
“Comon’, let’s go to bed”
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Taehyungs drunk stages are -a little extra hyper-, to - yelling alot-, to -wearing his shoes on his hands and telling everybody his deepest darkest secrets-, then waking up and remembering nothing.
In this case during you night out, he had told you some hella weird stuff like him having an ice kink, him having a sex dream about you, and that he likes whipped cream more that anything in the world... 
This definitaly scarred you since you see Tae as a brother so you felt like giving him some payback. Since he crashed at your place you knew exactly how. You went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice cube, you walked to the counch where he was sleeping and started to rub the ice cube against his face. 
“Mm- Huh?” He opened his eyes and stared at you slightly disturbed.
“Good morning taeee ~” you sing.
“Why the ice cube...” he looked at you suspiciously.
You just stared right back at him smirking.
“Oh no... what more did I say last night...”
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Jungkook can sometimes be a bit of a lightweight. Now he can drink beer or wine just fine. But if its mixed drinks or shots, the boy can and will blackout.
“Jungkook it’s 10pm... there’s like 13 people in this club...”
“Comonnnn pleaase just take a shot with me....”
He has already had a beer and three shots and you don’t feel like carrying his unconscious body back to the dorms. You know you would get yelled at by the others since you promised them to take it easy with the maknae. But knowing drunk Kookie, he is not going to let up.
“Fine. I’ll take shots with you right after I use the restroom ok? Wait here.”
He nods happily and starts to do something on his phone. You make sure he is not paying attention and go to the other end on the bar. The other bartender looks at you waiting for your order and you ask him to fill 2 shotglasses with water as you point to Jungkook. He nods and chuckles a little. Probably not his first time getting asked that.
You see him pat Jungkook on the shoulder as he points to something, when he is distracted the bartender replaces the two shot glasses nearest him with the glasses with water. He tells Jungkook nevermind and retreats.
“Ok let’s do this!” You tell him coming back from the “restroom”.
“WOO!” he yells as you clink your glasses together and drink the water.
“Wow I must be drunkk cause that tasted like water!” he says happily and starts to drag you to the dance floor.
“I’ve got a long night ahead of me...”
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minniepetals · 5 years
drabble: when october ends
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— summary: you had to savor every moment before October ends.
— pairing: ghost!jungkook x reader (implied ghost!bts x reader)
— genre: angst / ghost!au / implied poly!au
— word count: 1.6k
— warnings: implied breakup/end of a relationship, angst bro
"Isn't autumn so beautiful?" You said so mindlessly, sighing in content while sat in between Jungkook's legs, wrapped in a warm blanket with a cup of coffee in your hand. "The colors are so pretty and it just makes my heart tingle." 
Your boyfriend laughed at the excitement pouring out as you took a sip of your coffee. "You know what's even more beautiful and what makes my heart tingle all year round?" He prompted and you grimaced, a clear unamused expression replacing your face. 
"Stop being cheesy, no one asked you to be cheesy."
"Oh come on," he rolled his eyes, jerking his thigh so that it came in contact with your elbow and causing you to spill some of the coffee upon your hand.
"Guk!" You pouted, brows furrowed as you looked at the little mess he purposely caused you to make. "It's hot." You let out a whiny cry, showing him your hand despite the fact that he had already clearly seen it but still, Jungkook laughed as he shook his head, grabbing your hand to bring it forth his lips, kissing the slight burn away. 
"I'm sorry, baby." 
Clearly he wasn't. Not with those mischievous bunny eyes. 
"You're not forgiven," you concluded, tilting your head away from him like a little child getting upset. 
Rather than asking for forgiveness, Jungkook took your mug out of your hand and placed it upon the coffee table so that he could bring you back into his arms while leaning back against the couch to cuddle you. "Hey Y/N?" He called, whispering against your ear. 
"What do you want?" You grunted.
He was warm. So warm. 
Reminded you of the same pairs of warm arms that wrapped around you from years before.
"Why do you like this season so much?" He asked you and you allowed yourself to lean against him, not wanting to have any second pass by with you staying upset at him for long. So that you could feel his warmth and love for the rest of your life. "Is it because of the pretty colors? Or the chilly weather? Or is it because I'm a solid at this time of the year and it's the only time you can hold me?"
You frowned at his question, deciding to look up at him. You stared into his eyes for a moment before leaning up to place a kiss on his lips. "Fall never really caught my attention back then," you told him truthfully, "It was kind of like that one season that just slips by everyone's minds. Summer is amazing because of vacation times, Winter gives us Christmas and a New year, and Spring blossoms with pretty flowers and April showers. But Fall..." you trailed off, thinking for a moment, "Fall brings back school days and everything starts to wilt away, everything starts to die. The only thing people really wants out of Fall is Halloween, that's the only thing Fall is really known for."
"What changed that?" 
You thought back on the memories, on the first day you met him, on the first day you met them. And the nostalgic feeling came rushing down your body, leaving goosebumps behind. 
They sat in your apartment building, surprised a girl had suddenly moved in because rumors circulated around, stating of the haunted apartment building no one wished to move into. They did that on purpose so that no one could invade their personal space and you were the only one brave enough to check it out. 
The first day wasn't all good. You got into bickers, deciding who needed to leave because you both needed the building, and ended up rooming altogether because you were too stubborn to move out on your first day (and because you had nowhere else to go and that was the only place cheap enough since no one wanted it.)
But then the bickers turned into friendly banters, the friendly banters turning into flirting, and before long, you joined their polyamorous relationship. 
"Fall allows me to touch you," you told him. "Fall allowed me to touch them," you emphasized. "Do you know how hard it was to walk around the house always feeling deprived of human contact? Because I had no friends or family that lived close by? Or whenever I see you guys freely holding each other whenever possible while I stand there pretending I could touch you through your ghost bodies?" You hadn't noticed you had tears running along your cheeks until Jungkook cupped your face and brushed them away. "It was so hard," your voice cracked, "I began loving Fall so much I never wanted the seasons to change. Ever."
"But then I started hating Fall." The images of them distancing themselves all of a sudden, refusing to entertain you, pretending they were mere ghosts that you, a human, weren't supposed to see, came rushing back and your heart started clenching tight against your chest. 
"I wish I had more time with Jin." You couldn't hold yourself up, your whole weight laying upon Jungkook as you cried into the crook of his neck. 
You could remember that day so clearly. The day he left when the 31st of October came and you were grasping onto him so tightly, spilling out your feelings as he apologized for being distant, thinking that'd help you on forgetting them easier, so that you wouldn't have to suffer for a long time once the time came for all of them to leave. You told him that you loved him, that you'd always love him, and that you'd take care of the others in his stead because he was the mother hen to you all. 
But the moments couldn't be savored for long because the second midnight struck, his body began returning into his ghost form and bit by bit, little by little, slowly dissolved into thin air. 
The next year, Yoongi left the six of you, and then Hoseok, then Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung.
"It's been two years since Tae and Jimin left us, it's been just us living alone in each other's comforts."
Now, it was Jungkook's turn. 
"I don't want October to come, Jungkook, I don't want you to leave me. Stay, please stay, you're the only one left and I can't lose you either. I can't."
October 31st, the night of Halloween, the last night you got to spend your time with him, the final year for the final member to leave. 
When October begins, you know you'd start hurting and you'd never leave Jungkook's side for even a minute. When October comes, you'd sleep in every morning, lay in each other's comforts, savor the lazy mornings together with smiles and morning coffees. When October comes, so would the rain. Despite the chilly air, you'd run around under the showering water, jumping into puddles like a little kid, and dance under the rain. Just the two of you. 
You'd celebrate Jimin's birthday on the thirteenth, making a cake together, and singing him a birthday song, pretending everyone else was in the room celebrating with the two of you, and you'd blow against the lit candles, pretending Jimin had done that in your steads. You'd celebrate Thanksgiving early because November didn't exist in your worlds, and the two of you would go shopping and stuff yourself until your stomachs could no longer take in the food. 
Jungkook would dress you up in your warm clothes because you couldn't care much about your health while he worried, and the two of you would bicker because he wouldn't be wearing anything warm, and he'd tell you "that's because I'm not a weak human like you so I'll never get sick." You know that eventually he'd win and you'd walk out with a coat and scarf on your body, looking both warm and fashionable because Jungkook "can't have you walking around with me looking out of style."
Halloween would be around the corner and the two of you would be a little less happy and less energetic but nonetheless, go shopping for some halloween candies and play around with your own versions of scary costumes. 
And then, eleven eleven would fall upon the two of you and you'd kiss each other under the stars, on the rooftop of your apartment, wishing that moment would never end, with tears running down your cheeks because you both know that that wish would never come true, and you'd reminisce on the years before where things were happier with everyone and you didn't have to worry about them disappearing when midnight struck. 
Jungkook would help you back into your shared room because he worried you'd catch a cold, and you'd hold onto him, whispering sweet words into his ears and he'd whisper them back to let you know that you would always be loved, that he'd reunite with the other members, and that he'd be able to watch over you with them. You'd cry and tell him you'd rather him be there with you in person than in spirit, and he'd apologize with tearful eyes because he can't bare the thought of you alone, crying and grieving because he'd leave you with no one by your side unlike his members. 
And then, 11:59 would alarm the two of you and the tears would flow even more and you'd kiss him one last time, never letting go of each other and he'd disappear as your foreheads meets, and your body would lurch forward when he's no longer there to hold onto you, and you'd cry even more because he'd be gone. Forever. 
When October ends, you'd be left all alone, and Jungkook would be gone. 
When October ends, the tears would arrive. 
But for now, Jungkook was still there. It was still September, and you could still hold onto him, and he could still hold onto you, and you could still laugh and cry and kiss and sing and dance. September was here, and soon, October would come and the two of you would await for the dreadful day to come when October ends.
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foodloverforever0 · 5 years
I’ll actually shoot you / Jungkook part 3
Gender: Bts police au
part 1 - part 2 - Part 3 
Description: You have been working in the BTS police station for three years now. You were in a team named alpha with six boys, but everything will change when the new guys come, who is the biggest brat you ever meet. 
“Why is everyone so dumb around here?” - Min Yoongi
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“OK, remember, it can't see you if you don’t move.” You said hiding behind a desk in the hallway. Surprisingly you weren't late today, but you knew that the karma will bite you in the ass again because of it, and it did. You just had to have three coffees in your hands, you just had to not look where were you going and out of all people, you just had to spill coffee on Yoongi’s files. Hehe....you signed the death papers. You were lucky to get away because nobody was in the room with you, so you quickly took your stuff and were ready to go home. You weren't planning to die this young and beautiful. And just when you turned down the hallway you heard the most horrifying scream in the history. You didn't even look behind, just started sprinting wherever you thought was smart. Now, it was exactly 30 minutes of running away from your future murderer. You knew Yoongi was going to be mad, but not this mad. like ‘I say I’ll kill you always but this time I will actually kill you.’ You didn't even succeed to get anywhere near to the elevator. At your first attempt to get close, Yoongi was already there with a fricking taser gun. Repeat. Ducking fish flip fricking taser gun. You did run away from him, but it took you around good fifteen minutes to lose him. You just remember screaming every curse word you could think of, whit a devil laughing Yoongi on your back. Yoongi was maybe lazy, he maybe loved sleep(and Taehyung) but he wasn't in the team alpha for nothing. He's one of the most ruthless but truthful agents you have here and when it's depending on someone's life, he won't take any chances by pulling the trigger. Now you were sitting behind a desk, trying to find a solution to get away form Yoongi. Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin went out for a drink. Jin was probably already home with his kids, Taehyung was with the team Eta, so you were alone with the monster from under the bed. You quickly tiptoed to another hallway. You let yourself lean on the wall, letting out a shaky breath as you look down the room. “And what do you think you're doing?” You let out a high pitch shriek, jumping from the hallway you were hiding in, and landing in a weird position. With one leg in the air, one hand around your stomach and another in the air you looked at the person that scared the living soul out of you. “Jungkook! You little shit! Don't do that ever again.” You quickly realized you were out in the open so you quickly hide in the hallway again looking out to see if someone saw you. Jungkook looked down on you with a little smirk on his face. “What did you do this time?” You looked at him hitting him in the shoulder before saying. “I didn't do anything, I'm about to go home.” “O really?” Jungkook got to your eye level as he looked at the room where you were constantly looking. “because I just saw Yoongi-hyung.” You froze in your place. “he didn't look happy and - Jungkook lips were right beside your ear as he said -  he had a taser gun, on level nine.” You felt the blush on your cheeks from the action of the younger, but at this moment you chose to ignore it, you needed to get out alive, with two legs and two arms, head included, later you can hit the brat for that. You turned around grabbing Jungkook by his collar and pulled him close to your face. “Now listen to me Pannywois.” You pointed at the elevator as jungkook repeated the word you called him. “You will help me survive another day, you will help me escape the male living under spawn of Annabelle.” Jungkook chuckled at your words. “And why would I do that?” “Because I’m your noona.” Jungkook came closer so your foreheads were touching. “Nothing is free noona, what do I get from saving your ass and mine at this point for helping you out.” you held his stare bravely, but Jungkook stared at you just the same before you finally let go of his shirt saying a long fine. “I will buy you lunch for a week.” “Two weeks.” “Don't push it brat, one week and a half.” “How about one week and one day at your apartment.” You look at Jungkook suspiciously. “Why would you want to go to my apartment? We were there last week with boys.” And yes, Jungkoook was in your apartment before, not like you hated the idea, it was more of an ‘I don't want anything broken or stolen’. But every two weeks all of the team alpha goes to someone's house and then you have a movie night, sometimes a sleepover. One week ago it was your turn to host the movie night and you couldn't not to call Jungkook, he is a part of the team and you actually become really close taught this seven months. Not as much as you would say it out loud, but you care about him as much as everyone in the Team Alpha. “I like your apartment and I don't really want to go to my place.” You wanted to question Jungkook’s reasons, but if you learned anything through these seven(almost eight) months, it’s that Jungkook isn’t much of a talker and it took him quite a while to open up to you. His mother died when he was very young and his father is some asshole who didn't know how to work with a child. He thought that abuse and daily bruises would learn Jungkook how to be a man, but instead, it turned him into a small scared child. scared of showing emotions, scared of the world and living creatures in it. And you were glad, glad that you were able to break down his walls, that he showed his true colors to you, but for some reason, you wanted to be the only one with an opportunity like that. Jungkook looked behind you as his eyes widen. he quickly grabbed you and put his arm on your mouth. You wanted to bite him but then you saw Yoongi going down the room next to you ad Jungkook. You were lucky that the light wasn't on or else Yoongi would've seen you two. but you did notice the weird color on Yoongi’s white hoodie like someone painted the half of it. When Yoongi passed Jungkook took your arm and pulled you from your hiding spot, sprinting quietly towards the elevator. You both got into the elevator, clicking the button for the bottom floor and quickly exiting the building. You ran towards your car, and you quickly drove away. While driving the realization of what you and Jungkook did hit you, as you started laughing. “What are you laughing about, we could've lost our heads.” “Because I feel like a kid that is going to get beaten up by its angry grandmama.” Jungkook laughed too, it sounded nervous but it was still a laugh. “Yeah well, at least we will die together. You looked at him. “O God, that is the worst death ever.” Jungkook laughed, looking out o the window. “Now let's go eat something, I'm starving.”
“You want to tell me that Team Captain America is better than Team Ironman you mad woman?” Jungkook asked with amusement from your living room couch. “I never said it was better I just said that Team Captain America has some cool people.” You took your bowl with popcorn and gave it to Jungook as you sat down beside him watching Captain America: Civil war again. You let Jungkook chose the movie and since he loves Marvel so much, you just decided to have a Marvel marathon for the night. You were both enjoying the move when suddenly your bell from the front room started ringing. You and Jungkook looked at the doors. “Were you expecting anybody?” You shook your head. “What is its Yoongi-hyung?” “He isn't, Taehyung texted me sending pictured of an angry Yoongi for tomorrow.” You got up, opening your door to see Jimin standing there. His hear and close were wet because it was raining outside. His nose was red his lips formed into a sad smile with watery eyes. “Would you mind if I stay the night (Y/n)-noona?” You hurried Jimin inside since it was freezing outside. Jimin sat next to Jungkook, who gave you a look that said ‘what's wrong’. “I'm going to see if I have any spare clothes for you Jimin, I’ll be right back.” You quickly choose something for Jmin to wear, you probably took one of the jin’s shirts accidentally, but it's going to work for the night. You can hear Jungkook and Jimin talking, then the door opening and closing. You got out of your room to see Jungkook seating on the couch turned towards the froth door. “Where is Jimin?” You asked Jungkoo as you put the clothes  on the couch looking at the kitchen to see if Jimin is there. “He left.” “What do you mean he left?” You looked at Jungkook as he looked at you picking up his glass of water. “He saw that we were having a movie night and said he didn't want to interrupt our fun.” You sat next to Jungkook looking at the TV. “I hope he's ok, He looked like something is wrong.” Jungkook looked at you sighing as he let his head fall into your lap startling you. “If something is wrong Taehyung will probably the first one to know. They aren't best friends for nothing. Now, let's  watch the movie noona.” You looked at Jungkook, who was focusing o the movie and eating popcorn. You let one of your hands into his hair, playing with it softly as you start watching the movie. For now, you will let yourself enjoy the moment and tomorrow you will worry about everything else.
“Wow, you look like death.” Jin said as he got into your office giving you a coffee. “You don't need to remind me.” You said as you took a sip from your coffee thanking Jin for giving you one. “I can’t feel any part of my body, everything hurts.” Jin chuckled. “Not surprised, Yoongi really didn't hold back on today’s training ha?” “Not one bit, and out of all days we could have training day it just had to be today ha, just when Yoongi wants to break every single bone in my body, just my luck.” You winced in pain, you didn't want to move, even the position you were in right now wasn't comfortable. The fact that you and Jungkook both fell asleep yesterday on the couch didn't help either. You two were literally squeezed together. “If it makes you feel any better he didn't hold back with Jungkook either.” You looked at Jin resting your head on your desk. “What did Jungkook do for Yoongi to be mad like an Ape from anime universe at him?” “O you don’t know?” Jin raised his eyebrow. “Apparently Jungkook wanted to have an act of revenge on Jimin because he pranked him to weeks ago. Jungkook didn't know Jimin left with Hoseok and Namjoon and when Yoongi got into the office to take his files Jungkook dumped pink color onto his head and hoodie.” You look at Jin amused. So that's why he was in your hiding spot yesterday, he was hiding from Yoongi just as much as you were. That little shit, he even dared to make a deal with you, even in his position wasn't in glory. Jin got up from his chair. “Well my break is done, I hoped you liked your coffee.” You gave Jin a thumbs up, as you decide to take a small nap, but your idea was interrupted with a phone call. You groaned as you answered the phone. “Hoseok, th9s better be important.” “O don't worry it’s worth more than your nap right now. I found the location form here the phone calls were done for selling, so if you could get yourself up it would be great for you to come to my office.” “Yeah yeah I’ll be there in five.” You took your coffee walking out of your office. On your way to Hoseok’s office, you say hi to some people on the way. Sipping your coffee you turned the corner but then you heard Jimin’s voice. Jimin’s back was turned to you and in front of him was Namjoon. You choke on the coffee as you hide behind a wall. You know it's not nice to eavesdrop, but you're really worried about what happened yesterday with Jimin, and this was the first time today you see him. “Are you sure you're ok Jimin? You could've taken one day of off work if you're feeling sick.” You peek your eyes at them. Namjoon didn't notice you the first time you walked into the hallway, which made this situation easier for the three of you. “I'm really ok Namjoon-hyung, I guess I had too many drinks yesterday.” You can see Namjoon flash a small smile looking at Jimin. Namjoon raised his hand, going really close to Jimin’s cheek. “I'm glad you're fine, you really made me worry yesterday.” Jimin took a step back when Namjoon’s hand almost came in contact with his cheek, looking at the ground. “I need to go back to work hyung, I’ll see you later.” Jimin turned around and you quickly hid back behind a wall. Jimin went on your right, looking at the ground the whole time, which explained why he didn't notice you. You watch his back as he hurried back to another hallway. Then you looked at where was Namjoon standing. He was looking at his hand confused, he took a big breath as he started walking towards his office. Well, that was interesting, Jimin never calls Namjoon well Namjoon, its always ‘Joonie-hyung’ or stuff like that. Could it be there two fought or something? You’ll have to find out later. You walked out o your hiding spot, now walking in the hallway where Jimin and Namjoon were standing. You were minding your own business when you heard the most annoying- fake as the usual voice. which you hated so much. “Well, well, well, girls looks like the bitch finally decided to show her face.” There were standing the girls form the Kappa Team. God, you hated every single one of them, but their so-called ‘leader’ was the worst. “Weird you showed your face again pompous Lompa grill, the last time we saw each other you ran away with a black eye and busted lip.” The leader named Kim Seejun rolled her eyes and walked closer too you. “I warned you last time, and I will warn you again, just because I'm feeling nice. Stay away from Team Alpha.” You looked at her with a face that said ‘Are you serious? This shit again? Kill me please.’ You turned around drinking your coffee. “I have better this to do that to shit- chat whit you right now Seejun, I recommend you to do the same.” You can hear them whispering behind your back, but you really didn't want to deal with them today. “well looks like you're giving up so easily, just like you gave up on your dad.” You stopped walking at her works, but you still didn't turn around. “Oooo? did I hit a nerve?” Seejun asked while putting a hand to her smirking face. “If I were in your family, I would be ashamed. Throwing yourself at every hot guy you see, being their slut so you would get your way. I’m even surprised you're still here, but that won't be for long, not after they realize how much of a problem you actually are.” Girls behind started laughing, telling Seejun to go on. “I wonder what they did to your father, they probably tortured him, enjoying his every cry and beg, throwing his body to the dogs after. If I were him, I would be ashamed to have you as a daughter, I would be ashamed to live or have a contact with you, I would be ashamed to have the same name as you even. “And you know what? He's probably glad he died how he did, not in a place where he can see your shameful face.” Seejun was laughing, the girls behind her were laughing, everyone in the hallway watched, but nobody saw it. Nobody saw the rage in your eyes, nobody saw you moving in the speed of light with a burning fire in your bones. You felt like you could kill her on the spot, you knew you were capable of doing it, you wanted to do it, to kill her. And you didn't regret the feeling in your lungs one bit, not when your fist finally touched Seejun’s face with full force. You didn't regret it when you felt and heard her nose bone crashing actually pretty opposite. You felt great, and you wanted to hit her again and again. Just when you wanted to throw yourself on the ground on her, someone got a hold of your arm, stopping you. You can't hear anything, not even yourself screaming at the person to let you go. You saw red, like the blood that was pumping in your veins from the adrenalin. You were still kicking, fighting, screaming when the person pulled you away from the crowd and into the near bathroom. Oh was Seejun lucky that someone stopped you. Because you yourself aren’t sure if you could've stopped yourself from killing her at that moment.
Hallelujah praise the Jesus it's done!!! And it’s late, there are some mistakes, get over it.
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chimtaesty · 6 years
dead ends pt1
pairing: reader x OT7 bts |  1.1k words
warnings: angst, mentions of abuse
plot: You've been friends with them for a long time knowing all of them even before their career. After you defend yourself as you get mobbed by fans the story turns on you.
A/N: Hi! I’ve been gone for the longest time. Im sorry, but if u saw my post then you probably know why. I’m planniing on updating my series again soon. This here will have a second part (and a lot of angst and fluff)
masterlist | part1 part2
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You want to leave the store but it's too late. The outside is mobbed and you can't get out without running into them. You usually get the stuff you need brought home or let someone else do your groceries since you can't leave your apartment without security but you had some things you need urgently and you just had to run out quickly to get something but even at 10pm on a Tuesday they crowd you up and only because you're the best friend of seven very famous people.
You pay for your stuff and leave with a sigh but immediately you get shouted and screamed at. You try to push yourself through them and try to ignore the few paparazzi blinding you but even then you accidentally punch one of them with your elbow in the face as you want to make your way out. She starts crying and falls to the ground.
Out of panic you don't know what to do. You try to reach for her but she shouts at you “She hurt me! She's aggressive and violent” you stare at her shocked “No! I didn't mean to” you whisper and she just cries more and the others comfort her as you try to help her but she refuses and calls you violent over and over again. You leave as the opportunity is given and as you walk back you try to stady your heartbeat.
The next morning you wake up to your phone buzzing. You look up at the stuff that woke you and your heart stops. The first article you found was nasty.
Y/N violently attacked an Army after waiting for her outside a store.
Last night the well known friend of the group BTS took it on herself and went grocery shopping. Some armys waited for her outside the store but as she left the store she punched one of them harshly in the face. A reporter claims “She was annoyed of the sweet fans waiting for her and she just snapped. As she left she punched her in the face and left as the girl started crying, she didn't even ask to help” do you still think Y/N is a fan friendly friend? BTS should watch out.
A tear left your eyes as you stopped reading.
How could they turn everything on you like this? You drag yourself out of the bed and leave to your kitchen. Just as you pour your coffee a loud bang on your front door startles you badly causing you to spill the coffee on the counter.
“I'm coming” you shout and leave the messy counter like this.
You open the door and seven seemingly angry man look at you “What are you doing here?” you whisper. You step aside and leave to the kitchen with them following you. “What the fuck were you thinking?” Namjoons voice erupts and you look at him wide eyed “How could you attack her? We talked about this! You can't just do what you want” Namjoon grows louder. You stare at your cup and try to push back your tears.
“You didn't even help her. You just left as if nothing happened.” Yoongi snaps “Even if you are stressed you can't hurt people like that” he says almost shouting.
You grit your teeth and a tear escapes your eye as you look at him “You don't even know a bit of it. Without you knowing you twist the story the same way those people did. I've known all of you for so long but still you won't even ask me before believing those sick stories” you wring out pointing at him “But you can't-”No!” you interrupt jungkook who just looks at you shocked “I'm sick of people telling me what to do. I'm sick of people I don't know telling me how I have to talk and how I have to behave. This has to end” you look at him and shake your head “Y/N-”I’m going back home in 2 weeks” you whisper as you pick up your cup and spill the coffee into the sink. You can't drink it now, you feel sick.
“Y/N” Jimin whispers and you just shake your head “I've tried, I really tried Jimin. I tried to do what people tell me to and I tried to be the best friend you all wanted me to be but I can't do it anymore. I am hurting. Really really badly and I just want it to stop. I'm sorry because all of this is so sudden for you but I thought about it as you were on tour and I want to close this here off as it is.” You smile at jimin while your voice cracks several times. You never imagined breaking your friendship off like this ever.
“You can't just make a decision like that without asking us” Yoongi spits and you laugh “Oh, I can. I am a grown woman. I am 23 years old and the last time I checked you're not my dad nor are we dating so I am going to leave when I feel like I want to because I am allowed to make my own decisions. I am not like you, I don't have a whole agency and millions of fans sitting in the back of my neck. I am a normal person unfortunately being friends with seven famous singers. So if I feel like I don't want this and if I feel like I am going home then for the first time in five years I am going to stand my ground and do what I want.” You cry out and he gulps.
You stare at the building across yours and try to imagine that you won't be seeing it anymore in 2 weeks. All of the things you experienced and grew tall with are going to be left here. “But we need you” Jhope breaks the silence. You close your eyes and shake your head. “You don't” you whisper “You don't need me as much as you think you do” you smile a little and look at him. His brows are furrowed and he's crying. He's always really happy and doesn't like to show sadness a lot. “How do you-”Oh, I know Hobi.” You chuckle a little “The day you signed your contracts you needed me a little bit less. The day you released your first album you needed me a little bit less and the day you went on tour you didn't need me at all. You don't call me and we don't talk for months and I day onto blame you at all. But when you say that you need me than you're lying, hobi” you smile and leave to your room
“You know your way out” you say as you close your door.
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Chapter 13
1 year went by slowly.
Things changed alot. Seung gi got married with his love and became the son in law of the rich billionaire while Cha eun woo just became the known C.E.O in his company.
Go ara found a living after BTS left, she got married and became a house wife with Lee soo hyuk a street model while Shin hye, Min ah's other friend just continued working hard for her family.
And BTS? Ooh they were international boy band their songs were big hit
Min ah's p.o.v
As for me i was able to pay for my granny's surgery that i was relieved but i managed to get the money by working at the big hit company. This wasn't what i was planning but they were willing to help me since i was close to the company and it could pay big time.
I didn't expect to be given a job as black pink assistance manager also counted as an errand girl since thats what those evil girls are doing especially that Jennie she treats me badly as if i ever did something bad to her, i really hate her.
It was break time
I had to meet up with my friends as we were busy making stories. "So Min ah i heard you are still being harassed by those blackpink." Shin hye cried having a coffee.
"It was bad luck i told her." Go ara cried as i remember telling her it was a secret that i was having a bad time. "Just leave the job it's not your thing, find something descent." She cried
"True i wish to give up but i wanted to see someone before i leave." I said as my friends stared at me confused wanting to know but i couldn't tell.
"She is always like when i ask her who is it." Go ara cried "yah, Min ah you're the only one of our friends and other classmates who hasn't gotten married till when should i arrange a blind date for you?" The fancy Shin hye would cry.
"Yah!, i'm done dating, i can just be a nun." I said as i laughed at my friends who were busy remarking on what i said. "Yah i won't be your friend if you won't marry." Shin hye cried as Go ara hit her after making such a remark.
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"Yah Min ah is having a tough time right now and i don't think it is the right time for her to hook up with a random guy." Go ara supported.
"By the way you said that night you were with your dongsae, where is he you never introduced him to us." She cried "aah, he went abroad so i can't get intouch with him." "Really? Then why did ara tell me you were hidding him if you weren't dating!?" Shin hye was being persistent even after i told her that Seung gi cheated on me she almost destroyed the wedding.
I split the coffee i was drinking landing to Go ara choking onto what Shin hye spoke. " yah shin hye it wasn't like that, he's just not used to speak to other people." I lied not realising it was too much.
"But that guy looks so familiar like some cel-." I managed to interrupt the talkative Go ara by stuffing alot of cupcakes in her mouth.
I then got a call from my boss who was the evil witch Jennie ordering me to hurry back to the company.
"Let me guess the evil Jennie." Shin hye guessed referring to how i saved her. "I have to go guys." I excused myself living my two friends.
End of p.o.v
Jennie's p.o.v
I was so tired after a long time rehersal as my manager kept on correcting me all the time. "Excuse me when is that girl bringing my coffee i'm so dry." I cried as i saw the girl come running carring the damn coffee.
"Mianhaeyo i got stuck bit managed to run." She smiled handling me the coffee what's with the fake smile i know she hates me i too hate her. The coffee she bought was warm but i didn't want it.
I managed to open and spilled in infront of her as some landed on her shoes "its warm i wanted it hot." I smirked "are you still going to smile?"
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The next thing she did was still smile "Mianhaeyo the coffee didn't suit your test." She said as she left.
Meanwhile in the US
Bts were in their rooms finishing to pack their stuffs. "I can't believe we are going back it felt like forever!" Jin cried as the others complimented.
"Should we atleast celebrate our last before leaving." Jimin asked as they all agreed. Jungkook seemed to be happy and moving on but his friends knew he had changed much he would seduce girls with his charms and get a temper on a small little thing. He was not the little innocent Jungkook they knew.
"Yah should we call or go to the strip club?" Taehyung cried as Suga and Jin shrugged not agreeing with their dongsae but the others agreed even the young maknae agreed to go there.
As the other hyungs left first Suga and Jin pulled the maknae back "yah Jungkook you know you don't have to go." Jin cried as he clutched him.
"Yah hyung what are you doing,we've been this through alot why not?" He cried "if its because of that bet along time you shouldn't do it." Jin kept insisting to who was not paying attention.
"Then are you trying to shutter away your old self because this isn't you." Suga smirked.
"Aniyo i've just matured." He said hearing a spark of anger. He decided to leave but Suga was still persistent not forgetting Jungkook's anger issues.
"Wae?, is it because of her that you changed this much?" Suga cried making Jungkook stop as he clenched his fist,"stop."
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"That's right it must hit the spot." Suga continued asvhe tried to stop the two "you guys." "Stop talking about someone i already forgot." He cried "then why anger why move on like this it's not like you two were dating." Suga had gone too far making Jungkook angry that he punched him hard to his mouth making him nosebleed.
"Guys stop it!, Jungkook you aren't in your right mind you've really changed." Jin cried hurrying to support Suga.
Jungkook suuddenly came to the point of realization and left to join his other hyungs. He would just drink that night realizing it was hard to forget Min ah even if he tried to his hurt won't just accept he wanted to get wasted that night.
Back to Korea
Shin min ah was in the washroom cursing at Jennie quietly, she thought she was having a bad day. She just wished something nice would happen to her for once.
Thats when some employees entered in the washroom gossiping about celebrities " hey did you hear BTS are expected to be back by tomorrow morning isn't that great!" One of them cried making Min ah shocked by the news.
"It still hasn't been published but i overheard Jennie and director talk about it." Another said "sheesh i really don't like that Jennie girl she's so bad i just can't believe Jungkook dated her secretly with that attitude." "Mwo!!" Min ah and the other girls who didn't know she was listening cried.
Min ah's p.o.v
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I secretly overheard their conversation, i was so fluttered and excited that BTS were coming back i smiled as i stared at the black braclet on my hand. I still haven't forgotten how we spent our memories together but i must be looking too greedy for a noona.
I was right i shouldn't be swayed by his charm i kept looking at his image that was charming and adorable smile that i missed.
But then continue hearing their conversation took my breath suddenly my heart was beating like crazy. I suddenly felt down "why am i like this must i be sick i felt my heart race.
"Why do i feel empty wherever i hear their music and - Andwe Min ah come to your senses." I hit myself
I managed to get out when i saw Cha eun woo in his new black car. He was there smiling at me so i decided to get the lift since it won't hurt to take an offer.
"So did your boss promote you with a new car too." I smiled at him who just chuckled back. " ne by the way i wanted you to be the first person to treat." He cried
"You are going to treat me out?!" I happily cried since i was so hungry "yeesh you are really that hungry then lets go it something like a date." He cried reminding me the promise i once made to Jungkook, i felt really bad.
We then went over to eat. He took me to a fancy restaurant that i didn't expect since everything was expensive. "Yah Eun woo why here do you know it is expensive." I whispered to him "don't worry i just wanted you to taste something new for your menu." He smiled as he started eating using his fork and knife. " i have a new job
I stared at the beef on my plate "Jungkook also loved beef." I muttered not realising i was speaking my thoughts out loud.
"What is it, something wrong?" He asked me as i continued to eat, sincerely it was sweet "i guess its nice." He cried as he cut another slice and gave it to me.
Cha eun woo's p.o.v
I gave her my remaining slice as she just smiled at me making my heart flutter "kumaoh." But i didn't like how she kept bringing up that guy no matter how he left i just had to make sure i tell her cause this was my only way to win her before another person gets in the way.
I then took her home as she still continued to address me friendly i really hated it but i was still scared that i would loose my friendship with her but i then decided.
"Min ah..." she turned to look at me.
That night
Shin min ah's p.o.v
I couldn't sleep or eat even after what happened in the car i couldn't bare to believe it was Eun woo to do that.
"Min ah do you always see me as your friend in everything we do?" He asked thinking of it as a joke "Yah eun woo what stupid question is that?" I cried but he grabbed my hand making me to face him as i just wondered what happened to him all of a sudden.
"Min ah mianhaeyo i was not there for you during your breakup." He cried thinking he reacted this way because he felt sorry. "Its okay i was fine." I said to him. "You should leave." I continued as i turned to leave but he again grabbed my hand "i'm not done." He said gently pulling me for a kiss.
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My heart was beating so fast out of shock but something else happened this action brought back some memories i didn't want to remember. Thats right a kiss i shared with Jungkook who didn't tell me. I managed to hurrily back out and ran out of embarrassment
End of flashback
Oh God! Ottokye i cried opening my computer to play games but i decided to enter a site where you can ask question about love and get help.
So i made a fake name and logged in as i typed my problem.
'Dear helper i heard your advices help can you also help me?' It didn't take long before she answered 'yes i'm of great help and you made a right decision coming so state your problem.' She typed 'I don't know about this but what should i do when i realize that i kissed my close friend when i got drunk and what do you think that person thinks of me if he hasn't told me.'
It took long enough for that stupid answer till i gave up. I then opened their pictures unluckily to see Jungkook's picture, i just kept staring at him he looked so perfect just sitting there smiling like a bunny. I realised i was lost when i calmed myself "aniyo don't get fooled he just left obviously running away from me." I cried as i went to sleep only making it worse still thinking about the two kisses but how can Eun woo just do that not thinking of how it will affect our friendship.
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I just decided to go outside for a walk outside still thinking if the boys were doing okay and if they would arrive safety.
The next day
Alot of fans were at the airport very eary in the morning waiting for their idols. "Ommo, they are coming I've missed their handsome faces." "Especially my kookie i heard he's become more mature and sexy." Some fans cried as most reporters came pushing through the crowd soon after they arrived wearing cool clothes with their face masks.
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Fans busy crying their names out and showing and expressing their love as they got into their vehicle. "Wow Army have gone really crazy they love us." Tae cried staring outside as screams got louder. "Stop doing that you never know what they'll do." Jin always worries
"Welcome back boys." The driver cried taking them to their company. "We should visit our parents soon I really miss them." Jimin cried telling his members.
Jungkook's p.o.v
Suga hyung and I were not in good terms since yesterday night, I didn't want to get reminded of the past since I vowed to forget it and the only way to do it I had to change since they all treated me like a child. I wasn't the innocent person they knew. I was different I could do and get everything a man needed all the girls that I desired I decided not to think lowly of myself maybe this was the other side of me.
We finally arrived as we hurriedly got out of the van and entered the company where we were greatly welcomed. We didn't care we just walked up to when the director came to congratulate us I realised they had arranged a welcome party for us.
I was so happy everyone wanted to know about our journey every staff surrounding us till when black pink came to us welcoming us back again. "I knew you guys would come so I prepared a funny entertainment for you guys." Jennie cried
"You can come out now!, she's my new assistance manager for the one year but she's a big fan of you so I had her prepare you something.
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Then a thin young person wearing a tuxedo with a fake mustache she looked nervous But still familiar. She started dancing funny. Everyone was busy laughing till i soon realized it was her Min ah after hearing it from the manager "isn't that Min ah wasn't Jennie supposed to go on stage?" He cried as some of my hyungs also overheard as they stared at me.
I was taken aback i couldn't stop looking at her. I couldn't think mu mind went black even my heart began to flutter even if i got over her.
I just wanted to be by side, i just wanted to love her, i just wanted to kiss her, hold her or make love to her but what am i thinking Jungkook your just lying yourself its all a delusion she'll never see me even right infront of her she still sees that jerk, she never even remembered our kiss cause it's nothing to her.
Shin min ah's p.o.v
I was on stage embarrassed after Jennie trying to embarass me but still i was happy for the boys they were all back . I felt relieved but I suddenly realised someone was staring at me it was Jungkook but i turned away. I wanted to ran upto him and hug him, i must have missed his support and comfort.
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Even if i was trying to bring myself to him how would i face him after breaking our promise and yet the damn kiss i couldn't remember and this was not how i pictured appearing this funny infront of him
I couldn't remember cause i was drunk i wish i could explain but he looked mad and with no reaction. He looked all matured and not the little innocent Jungkook i once knew, could i be wrong could he still remember me? I thought getting off stage.
After all he's someone international now would he talk to me again?i really miss him bogoshipeo.
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goldenscript · 6 years
Who Are Your Favorite People On Tumblr? They Can Be Friends And Writers. And Why Do You Love Them So?
gosh, i have so many faves on here that i’m so proud to call my friend. i’m sorry if i’ve forgotten anyone though. i can be a bit scatter-brained, like just because i don’t mention someone that doesn’t mean that i don’t love them! just wanted to make that clarification.
edit: i’ve had this in my drafts for ten years so i’m sorry for making the person who asked wait so damn long jskhfkjshf
✗@jungnoir ; i love her for so many reasons, and i don’t think anyone’s a stranger to seeing her on my blog or how much i gush about her, but i swear to you man, she is my ride or die! we go waaaay back, and it still blows my mind that we didn’t get to consistently talking until 2016 over bts and monsta x and this wild world of kpop that we’ve fallen so deeply into now. i’m truly grateful for her always being there for me when i need someone or when i have a meme to share, for being patient with me and having necessary discussions whenever we have a disagreement (which isn’t often), and for being her. she’s really like starlight to me. that brightness in my life especially when it gets hella dark and dreary at night. i love you!!!!!
✗ @boosoonhao ; gosh, it truly amazes me that we’re still friends. i mean that in the best way possible because you are truly incredible to me. even when we forget to respond to mass messages from previous conversations or we go silent for some time, we always manage to fall back into conversation with one another and it’s like no time has passed at all. plus, you’re a huge inspiration to me, and i feel like you’ve inspired a lot of my current writing as of late, and that makes me very happy and grateful. seriously, aj, i love you and i am so thankful to know you.
✗ @wonhopes ; dude, being able to talk to her about anything whether that’s who i’d bang in all my asexual-ness or whatever dumb stuff is happening in my life. ngl, whenever i’m feeling petty, i just talk to her and it feels so damn good to share our hatred of certain people or things happening in the world. she’s just so freaking funny too. i could have the shittiest day and when i get hella messages from her about kihyun or wonho or some petty shit that happened at her work, i’ll just laugh and feel better because then i can just focus on the fact that she’s being a disloyal hoe (when isn’t she a disloyal hoe is a better question tho?). she’s great. 10/10 gal that wonho would bang.      
✗ @taesthetes ; i have so many reasons to love, cat. she’s literally the definition of kindness and all things good in this world. being able to get her snaps and read her messages always makes me smile, and gosh, her humor is the best. 10/10 sarcasm. it’s amazing to me how we came together by that sweet anon who i’m always hoping is doing well, and i just want cat to know that i am very grateful for our friendship because sometimes tumblr can be irksome to me, but seeing her messages or even interacting with her own followers brings a smile to my face. tbh, she inspires me to be kinder, and i’m really grateful to her for that.
✗ @tendershepherd ; there are so many things to love about shep tbh. i think one of the biggest things is that it’s so easy for us to talk about literally anything?? i can’t even remember how we started talking, i just remember us talking and somehow we’re here still talking and i feel even closer to her than before. whether it’s about writing or just weights i need off my shoulders or just sending her a good, ol’ dose of yoonkook, i love that i can hit her up and we’ll have a conversation right then and there. she’s also a fantastic writer who deserves more recognition than she gets and i want her to know that i’ll always be down to read whatever she has cooking up because i know for a fact that it’ll be good - she’s an inspiration to me… thank you.
✗ @cupofteaguk ; GOD, where do i even begin????? this girl is the sweetest, most charming girl ever!!!! i specifically remember gathering enough courage to talk to her about “hopeless hearts” and somehow we wound up talking?? i was on goddamn cloud nine, especially after reading her work and falling more in love with her and all the softness she brought me. i think one of the biggest things i love and appreciate most about traci is how comfortable i feel talking to her about school, writing, and dumb boys that i don’t think i’ll ever forget LOL. freely talking to her about these things just… gives me a lot of comfort and i hope she knows how much i appreciate her for it.
✗ @ixiia ; damn, where do i begin with meeks? she’s one of my biggest enablers on this damn website, who will not hesitate to send me those damn side eyes emoji followed be a “do it,” before proceeding to ask me to spill the tea on whatever idea’s going through my head. i love that. i love her. she’s hella fun to talk to and that kinda person i easily click with. she always hypes me up and she feeds me with all the drama from her damn kids. gotta love ‘em though (especially saint…. but you didn’t hear that from me!!!).
✗ @gentleknj ; MY MOONBEAM. THE KINDEST, MOST LOVING GAL I KNOW. WHO I HAVE HAD THE PLEASURE OF TALKING TO AND GETTING TO KNOW. goodness gracious, i don’t even think it’s been that long since we started talking and yet??? she has undoubtedly become one of my favorite people on here to talk to. we can talk imaginary dates with our men, horror movies, and just about life in general and i just?? i love that. i love being able to get to know someone and to just vibe with them, and it’s exactly that with her.
✗ @kihyussy ; this……girl…….. once told me she would eat sand for me. can you BELIEVE???? i was both in awe and baffled, but oh so touched because ria is literally a fucking angel to me, and i am so happy that we started talking and continue to talk. she’s funny, hot, sweet, and so fucking talented with her writing. i know it’s been a minute since she posted but i swear to god she has some masterpieces cooking in that creative brain of hers.
✗ @lilchims ; wowie, i know it’s been a minute since we’ve last talked but i swear to you i’ve never met someone i’ve vibed with as well as i’ve vibed with this girl. she’s so fun to hang with and just so goddamn chill like i really do thank whoever’s out there writing my story for letting us talk that one late ass night because it’s really been a blessing to me. thank you for existing and for just being such a down ass chick. ily!!!!!!!!!
and i can’t forget,
✗ @-happytbh- ; honestly, faye, i’m so grateful for you. every time i receive a snap from you, it’s like my own moment of happiness just to forget whatever else is happening because you always have something exciting to share! you’re really sweet and i’m just so happy that we’re friends, okay? you’re always thinking of me when you see stitch things, you drew me a beautiful painting, and you even sent me some wonderful goodies in that package you sent! i hope that the universe only treats you kindly, because you of all people deserve that.
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