#stranger things black widow
i-am-true-believer · 1 year
To the fanfiction readers, the late night scrollers, the ones who are trying to escape, to find a moment of peace, to find comfort or a safe place to land.
You're safe here. You are safe, you are loved and you are important. The world needs you and my dear sweet one, I promise you it will get better. Maybe not today or tomorrow but it will get better. People love you and are here for you.
You are valid, you are enough. I promise you that you are enough.
So take a deep breath and relax a little for me. I hope you find the fan art or the fanfiction you need. I hope you find comfort and safety here. I hope you know you're favorite character is waiting for you, they adore you and are so excited to see you.
You can do this sweet one. Life is tough but so are you. Your comfort character believes in you and so do I, the random girl on Tumblr who knows it gets better, because it did for her.
❤️💛True Believer 💛❤️
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chaosangelmp3 · 5 months
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very miserably sad so have ws robin and bw nancy comfort :)
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hopeless-lesbian223 · 2 years
Let people who have never heard of/cared about Kate Bush listen to ‘Running Up That Hill’ and love it because they heard it on Stranger Things.
Let people who don’t know how to play DND try it because Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin did it on their TV screens.
Let people who used to never want to approach metal music before Eddie played a kickass concert of ‘Master of Puppets’ now be interested in other Metallica songs.
Let people who watched Black Widow now be interested in other Nirvana songs despite never being interested in that stuff before hearing ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’.
Let people who don’t care about American history go out and research the Founding Fathers because they watched Hamilton and really liked it.
Let the same be said for people who started listening to the Six soundtrack and found themselves really interested in the Tudors all of a sudden.
Let people buy t-shirts, put up posters, talk about, become fans of, show interest in, and generally enjoy something even though they haven’t been fans as long as you have, and they’re fans for different reasons, or they don’t know something that you think diehard fans would know, because if you think the gates to your interests/fandoms should be so closely guarded that allowing people who haven’t been listening to this music since it came out in the 80s aren’t allowed to enjoy it because you have been a fan for that long, then you are quite a jerk. Stop muttering “they don’t get it” and “kids these days” under your breath. Stop telling them that they aren’t real fans. Stop thinking that they’re trying too hard to be “cool” or that they’re jumping on the bandwagon just for the sake of it.
Just let people enjoy good things, for Pete’s sake.
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flecker-illustrates · 5 months
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I love the creations I made this past year, and can't wait to draw more, improve and have fun along the way✨️
We're nearly at 2024, who would have known, have a wonderful new year everyone 🎉💕
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penny00dreadful · 5 months
Black widow vampire Steve??? 👀
Oooooh, this is gonna be a fun one and it's all @hbyrde36's fault 😅
There was a brain worm that started in the replies of a post somewhere here and it latched on and would not let go.
The line I thought of that started everything off was "Steve had fallen in love many times before, even if it was just for one night."
So currently I am envisioning a bitter and broken Steve who had lost human Eddie ~300-400 years ago and hasn't been the same since.
He has had Robin with him only for about ~40 years so while he's in the process of healing, he's still got a long way to go.
I'm thinking the Victorian era maybe but I'm not sure yet.
I'm thinking he goes out and hunts terrible people, seduces them, kills them after he's had his fun.
I'm thinking at one point he keeps seeing familiar brown curls scross the street, through a window, in the crowd, but he's always too late to get a good look.
But it couldn't be anyway, right? Eddie's been dead for over 300 years.
Ask me about my WIPs!
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incorrect-multiverse · 5 months
Steve: I don’t feel good about this!
Natasha: When do you feel good about anything?
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callmebrycelee · 2 months
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buffyromanoff · 1 year
Buffyromanoff's Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff
A Month Without You (personal fav)
Lucky Girl
Let It Out
Little By Little
I Don't Know Anything But I Know I Miss You
Rockstar Girlfriend
Wanda Maximoff
The Witch In Halloween
Carol Danvers
Rainy Day
Robin Buckley
Misunderstanding (personal fav)
Robin 1 - Steve 0
Beach Day
Jealous Robin Headcanons
Cuddling With Robin Headcanons
Romantic/Fluffy Robin Headcanons
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nellarw95 · 2 months
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Happy Birthday David 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
April 10,1975
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
10 Aprile 1975
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showmethesneer · 1 year
The success of any David Harbour role depends on whether or not he has a kid to care about.
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hey guys! i'm updating my taglists and stuff! can you reply under if you'd like to be on it (and for any specific character or everything), whether you're already on it or not? thank you!
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chaosangelmp3 · 9 months
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ws robin and bw nancy have taken over my mind i fear
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x-winging-it · 2 years
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harrysloveheart · 1 year
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the 2 reasons why i’m gay ^
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naiad-r · 1 year
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"Watch your head, dingus." "You get a concussion one time—" "Four times, I can keep count."
Steve as Hawkeye and Robin as Black Widow, again. Based on this post.
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penny00dreadful · 5 months
I'd like to know about or have sentences from "Angry sad black widow vampire Steve sigh" for WIP weekend please.
Oooh, okay okay I'm excited, so I answered an ask about this here so there's a bit more context there but LET'S CONTINUE
I don't have any sentences so far because I'm still figuring out my outline and all my plot points before I begin writing it BUT I have some more thoughts.
I think that vampires in the universe belong to clans/covens/packs/houses etc whatever you want to call them. a group of vampires. And there's someone at the head and everyone in that group takes on the surname of that head vamp.
So in Steve's past, when he first met Eddie, he was a part of the Harrington group, so took that name. But the head vamp Harrington was not his dad, just the head of the group and Steve specifically was turned and taken into the group because of his beauty.
He was turned to become a pet of the head of the group.
Then he met Eddie and tried to break away, tried to escape, to run off with his love.
The head Harrington found out and Eddie died (or did he???), he was killed by the head, not wanting to lose his plaything.
Steve lost it, killed the head. became the head after that, refused the title but kept the name as a 'fuck you, see how far I make your house/clan etc fall' type of thing.
That is what I have so far.
I'm real excited about it.
Ask me about my WIPs!
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