#just let people enjoy things
sword-and-stars · 1 year
If I’ve learned anything from about 25 years of actively being engaged in fandom, it’s this: fuck everybody else.
Your favorite character ain’t the fandom’s favorite character? Fuck ‘em.
Your ship is the rarepair or the one people think is icky? Fuck ‘em.
You like the tropes and meta and character analysis that make other people roll their eyes? Fuck ‘em.
Engage with fandom in the ways that make you happy and comfortable and fulfilled and fuck everybody else. Like the things you like because you like them, because not everybody else is gonna love them the way you do.
Be cringe and be free, hallowed be thy name, goddamn.
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cat-cosplay · 6 months
*taps the meme*
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alltoounwellll · 29 days
guys plz stop with the “I hate feminine sirius” I’m tired
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hopeless-lesbian223 · 2 years
Let people who have never heard of/cared about Kate Bush listen to ‘Running Up That Hill’ and love it because they heard it on Stranger Things.
Let people who don’t know how to play DND try it because Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin did it on their TV screens.
Let people who used to never want to approach metal music before Eddie played a kickass concert of ‘Master of Puppets’ now be interested in other Metallica songs.
Let people who watched Black Widow now be interested in other Nirvana songs despite never being interested in that stuff before hearing ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’.
Let people who don’t care about American history go out and research the Founding Fathers because they watched Hamilton and really liked it.
Let the same be said for people who started listening to the Six soundtrack and found themselves really interested in the Tudors all of a sudden.
Let people buy t-shirts, put up posters, talk about, become fans of, show interest in, and generally enjoy something even though they haven’t been fans as long as you have, and they’re fans for different reasons, or they don’t know something that you think diehard fans would know, because if you think the gates to your interests/fandoms should be so closely guarded that allowing people who haven’t been listening to this music since it came out in the 80s aren’t allowed to enjoy it because you have been a fan for that long, then you are quite a jerk. Stop muttering “they don’t get it” and “kids these days” under your breath. Stop telling them that they aren’t real fans. Stop thinking that they’re trying too hard to be “cool” or that they’re jumping on the bandwagon just for the sake of it.
Just let people enjoy good things, for Pete’s sake.
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limu-citrus · 10 months
"look at this person wearing an Amazon basics skirt lol"
So what? They're rocking that shit and look hella cute in it. Would never understand this hate on somebody who just buys something from a very accessible and relatively cheap online store.
I could never understand this weird fucking gatekeeping. Don't be that person who makes other people uncomfortable with trying things out or enjoy whatever they got.
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bumpingbees · 3 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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I'm probably too tired/stoned for this and I have absolutely no idea why you sent me this anon.
But first of all, I personally believe that 90% of the population is bi/pan/poly/omni etc. Because almost all of us have an exception if we say we're only straight or gay. And the fact is, nonbinary and trans people exist. It's very hard to say "I am not attracted to any person outside of one specific gender" when you might be a straight woman say and see a masc presenting person who identifies as nonbinary. Well, congrats, you're not just attracted to cis men anymore. There are so many people we just haven't seen that we could be attracted to or not.
But also this goes for allo people. There are, of course, asexual/aromantic people who just don't experience attraction at all. I'm one of those people. I'm not sex repulsed, but honestly, I don't understand primary attraction to begin with. I've never looked at someone and immediately found them sexually appealing (though I can appreciate aesthetic from a back burner view if that makes sense.)
Seriously, anon, why did you pick an autistic agender asexual guy to make this question out to? Also I think the best way to answer your original question, some people just prefer dicks or vaginas or butts or mouths or nothing (etc.)
As Princess Bubblegum once said:
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I hate it when people say "Just Friends" as if friendship is somehow a lower level then a romantic relationship.
The same goes for ideas like "The friend zone" or "Taking things to the next level".
All of these contribute to the idea that friendship is a sort of shallow, first step into caring about someone, and that friends can't care about each other as much as partners or spouses.
Which is completely stupid! There are infinite ways to care about someone, and all of them are equally meaningful in there own ways. You don't need to seek out your 'Other half' or 'Soulmate' as if that's the only meaningful relationship you'll have that's not with your family.
Friendship can define a persons very being, dedicated friends can and have travelled through hell to help out their friends.
This is almost always worst with friendships between women and men, which are almost always treated as a prelude to a romantic relationship. But its also a problem generally when there are two people who care about eachother and people just can't fathom the idea that they don't want to fuck, because why else would you try to help and support someone?
To be clear, I'm not saying romantic relationships are bad, or in anyway less then friendships, both have a beauty that comes from human support and affection. But I just think (especially in the Christian world) that we have made having a partner a requirement for a meaningful life, and think that you can't find fulfilment without it.
We have ironically, 'over romanticised' romantic relationships. and while that's pretty harmless in things like shipping and fandom, it becomes extremely harmful if taken into real life and used against real people.
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dazedconfuzed · 7 months
Seeing some of those mk fans on social media getting mad at people shipping Johnny and Kenshi reminds me of when mw2 came out last year and fanboys got upset that the girls & gays began thirsting over Ghost. To be honest I find it pretty hilarious because I saw this coming a mile away.
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wyn-n-tonic · 9 months
there does not need to be discourse over every little blessed thing, besties. go outside, do something nice for yourself. turn off the phone, go to the nail salon and read an actual book while somebody else paints your toes. i promise you will feel better after.
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archangeltwins · 9 months
hot take:
throwing your concern ( hate ) at fic-writers who write fictional ships ( that you don't like & can easily ignore / block / filter THROUGH THE TAGS ) and going on a digital "censorship" hunt, is absolutely disgusting behavior
i did not live through the livejournaling move + the anne rice debacles + ffnet purge just to circle back to religious conservatism dressed up like woke fan activism / witch-hunty virtue signalling
lemme say it again -
i did not live through The Livejournaling(tm) + the anne rice debacles + ffnet purge just to circle back to religious conservatism dressed up like woke fan activism / witch-hunty virtue signalling
learn to live and let live, let people do what they want on the internet, block and move the fuck on,
care about irl issues instead of pixels on a screen,
quit watering down REAL WORDS for REAL SERIOUS CRIMES,
and unstick your head from your asses, bc hoo boy, all this makes you ( antis, specifically ) look like ASSHOLES
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alltoounwellll · 2 months
guys what the fuck is up with all the jegulus hate today ????? I saw like 15 asks on the dash about it help
*spray bottle* get away from us
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thecsquirrel · 1 year
The things I want to keep from 2022 are the current trends in Fantasy TV:
1. Keep all the D&D, fellowship, ragtag band of misfits stuff.
It just works. Whether it's Lord of the Rings, Stranger Things, Critical Role, etc, it just works.
2. Keep populating these worlds with diverse characters.
Black and Brown and Asian and Indigenous people exist! We can be elves and mages and dwarves and witches and shape-shifters and vampires and werewolves and etcetera and etcetera.
2a. People be gay. (We also like to be gay in good lighting, so let's get on that.)
See #2
3. Keep telling stories that aren't solely focused on white cis-men.
(See #2)
4. Keep the camp. Keep the fun.
Everything does not have to be high stakes high-fantasy. Side quests are love.
Anyway, go watch Willow, Blood Origin, Rings of Power, Wheel of Time, all of it.
(And remember to ignore the racist and misogynistic review-bombing trolls that come out of the woodwork every time a new fantasy show doesn't center them.)
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stormcallart · 2 years
I don’t understand the need to post slander of said character in tags that people just enjoying the character have to see. I don’t really care what others think of my favorite character- you are allowed to not like characters. But why ruin other peoples day with your bad takes? Is it for the drama? Is it to ruin the bit of serotonin people are looking for when they look through their faves tags? That’s what really bothers me.
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I am SERIOUSLY loving She-Hulk so much. the tone is just so fun and it’s a nice break from the world ending all the time. and the setting?? Superhero Law is something that this universe would need so much and it’s fun to see all the ways they’re utilizing it
the comedy has been on POINT as well, can’t tell you how many times I’ve busted out laughing. it’s probably the best I’ve seen recently in terms of showcasing and poking fun at a lot of modern culture
I know it hasn’t been as grand or poignant or exciting as the other MCU shows, but honestly? I’m thrilled by that. I love the fact that Marvel is willing to take chances with shows that aren’t necessary what you’d expect. it’s part of why I love WandaVision so much—it’s different and fun and interesting. so glad to see some diversity in the tone and type of project Marvel is willing to do
also Nikki is my QUEEN, I adore her
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bananaquilava · 11 months
One person who made hating the MCU their personality is more annoying than a hundred Loki stans. There, I said it.
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patchworkfox01 · 5 months
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I really don't use Twitter a lot aside from keeping up with some youtubers I watch but
Shit like this is the reason I'm very closed off about my interests normally.
Just about everywhere I've been on the internet minus Tumblr, people are way too comfortable with being assholes to other people just because they like something that they don't.
"Oh but it sounds bad"
That's cool and all but who tf asked.
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