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renaikari · 5 months
Episode 25: A long time ago
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positiveseed · 1 year
Overcoming Self-Doubt: Steps to Boost Your Confidence
Self-doubt can be a major obstacle in our personal and professional lives, preventing us from achieving our goals and living our best lives. But with the right mindset and strategies, we can learn to overcome self-doubt and boost our confidence.
1. Recognize Your Self-Doubt The first step to overcoming self-doubt is recognizing when it arises. This means paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, and identifying when you start to doubt yourself or your abilities.
2. Challenge Your Negative Thoughts Once you recognize your self-doubt, the next step is to challenge your negative thoughts. This means questioning the validity of your negative beliefs and replacing them with more positive, realistic ones. For example, if you are doubting your ability to succeed in a new job, remind yourself of times when you have overcome challenges in the past and focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
3. Practice Self-Care Self-care is an important part of boosting your confidence and overcoming self-doubt. This means taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. This can include things like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and taking time to relax and recharge.
4. Learn New Skills Learning new skills can also help you overcome self-doubt and boost your confidence. This can help you build confidence, expand your knowledge, and open up new opportunities. Whether it's taking a class, learning a new language, or developing a new skill for your career, there are endless possibilities for personal growth and development.
5. Seek Support Finally, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can also help you overcome self-doubt. Talking to someone you trust about your feelings can help you gain perspective and identify strategies for moving forward.
In conclusion, self-doubt can be a major obstacle in our personal and professional lives, but with the right mindset and strategies, we can learn to overcome it and boost our confidence. By recognizing our self-doubt, challenging our negative thoughts, practicing self-care, learning new skills, and seeking support, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals. Remember, you are capable of amazing things - all you need to do is believe in yourself.
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nidhi36d · 6 months
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Try new things, step out of your comfort zone, take risks, do things in ways you've never done them before, ask for help, surround yourself with self-actualized people, become obsessed with the fact that you have one go-round on this planet as the you that is you, and realize how precious and important it is not to squander that. In order to be an icon, a few times you need to be bold. How do I define boldness? Stepping outside of your comfort zone.
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You should not remain in your comfort zone; if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas. In life, we should explore options outside our comfort zone.
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irinakrcky1994 · 3 months
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Pinocchio, Lies of P 🦋 Little different content today. 🥀
I’m so amazed about the atmosphere and the Lies of P community here and glad to be back on Tumblr again (after years). But there are still those questions swirling around in my head. Now I have self doubts. Am I doing the right thing? Was it right to come back? Have I found my place? Am I good enough? Will other people like me? Am I doing too much? Or is it not enough? Should I keep doing? Or just stop and leave everything behind? Will my state of health allow me to continue? Since days I’m laying in my bed with those self reflecting and self doubting thoughts, not knowing what’s right or wrong… Was it right to post this?
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sirowsky · 3 months
Here's one for my fellow self-doubters:
If you ever find yourself stuck in the train of thought that everyone else is so much better than you at everything, just remember:
🔸️Everyone sucks at something.
🔸️They just don't share those things.
I love to draw, but while I've always wanted to, I've never had the discipline to learn how to draw anything realistic or lifelike. So, whenever I see gorgeous sketches or paintings of people/places/favorite characters, I feel like such a failure.
But you know what, I'm not. Maybe I never learned those things I dreamed I'd be great at by now, but I'm good at other things.
🔸️And that's enough.
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(I was trying to sketch a dragon. It's been like ten years since I last attempted it.)
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OTP Doubting if they are good enough for their partner
{Ofc my love, this one's pretty similar to the insecurity post i have up! so if you would like more, have a read of those prompts! Sorry it's taken me a while to get around to them:}
opt doubt over being good enough for their partner ♡
{you can adjust the pronouns to your liking or to fit your storyline. enjoy lovelies!! these are for when your otps aren't feeling at their best or feel like they don't belong (even though they do!).}
the character who doesn't feel good enough:
- 'I just feel like you could have done so much better than me,' - 'maybe your friends were right, i'm not good enough for you.' - 'i know you always say not to talk down on myself, but it's hard not to when everyone else does too.' - 'i know you said you love me no matter what, but i just can't believe it,' - 'I don't understand why you would be with me when you can be with them! That's why im crying!'' - 'Why me not them?' - 'I love you, i really do... its just sometimes i don't know if you still feel the same.' - 'Do you mean it? do you really love me?' - 'I don't know... are you sure this looks good on me?' - 'I feel like i just don't look pretty anymore to you.' - 'Are you sure about saying that to me?' - 'Don't want to waste your time,' - 'I don't want to be a burden, that's all.'
the partner of the character doubting themselves:
- 'hey, don't say that about yourself, babe. i love everything about you.' - 'How could you say that? i want you and only you,' - 'I don't care about them, i only care about you,' - 'Why would i look at them when i have you?' - ''Don't cry my love, i love everything about you.' - 'don't listen to your/my friends. i want you and if i didn't, i wouldn't be here, would i?' - you're always pretty/beautiful in my eyes no matter what.' - 'Of course, i love you! Never second guess it again.' - 'Don't doubt yourself beautiful, never again.' - 'how the hell can you say that about yourself!?' - 'i mean every word i've ever told you.' - 'you're never wasting my time, even if we're doing nothing.' - 'as long as you're by my side, i don't care.' - 'I don't care what you wear, eat, don't like or love, I'm still gonna love you.'
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hiddenloner · 1 year
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serenescripts · 1 month
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Just something that had to be said.
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thefivedemon · 3 months
Shower thoughts be like
I wonder if I'm supposed to have to convince myself people actually mean the nice things they say to me and they're not just saying that because it's what you're supposed to do.
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whump-they-it-is · 22 days
Day 9 {Self-doubt}
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Quarry 1x4
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Insecurity (Letter to my ego):
You think you're so much better than
But you're not
Sitting in a room full of
"Poetry snobs".
They're not the snobs
It's you,
As you stab your cheek with your hand,
Eyes alert and brewing.
Focus is your cause
Your will
Your insanity,
As you put down your pen,
To listen,
Not to the professor's words,
Or to one of your classmate's
Long southern drawls,
Or to the creak of the door,
Slightly ajar
Slightly open
Yet no one to open it,
But no
To the sound of your own heartbeat
In your chest,
And the breath of words
Blown across your skin.
Inspired by others
Yet drowning
In yourself.
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letsberealgenz · 2 months
look mom, i can fly high too.
Will you believe if I told you this? Just a couple of days ago, I participated in a competition where the results shocked me more than anything else. It felt so surreal and to be honest it felt like a movie scene that played way too fast for me to even grasp the meaning behind of it.
But there was this one moment, just a day before the competition, I felt I couldn’t do it. I know I was being a coward at that very moment because part of me felt like pulling out of a battle that haven’t even begin yet. You wouldn’t believe what kept me going. It was a book that I read a couple of days ago, Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, where there’s one specific line I believe would trigger many of us. It goes like this:
“The cowards never started and the weak died along the way — that leaves us.”
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Ouchh! When this sentence triggered my emotion, I felt like a bird whom had an eagle as its opponent but this very bird knows it’s the same skill that keeps both of the species battling in the same space. The only difference was the altitude. The bird took the challenge and there she goes trying to fly as high as it can.
But as she was approaching the altitude of an eagle, self-doubt starts crippling in. Panic attack and anxiety rushed like a tsunami. Do you know why? Because now the bird was out of its comfort zone. Her wings shivered as the altitude rise. But then something happened!
Whether you call it an intuition or a message from the Universe, whatever was it, the bird knew she had to take a swirl around the battle field to have a moment of solitude despite the constant voices that were being whispered into her ears. She knew in every creature, the voice of a demon often being disguised as self-doubt, would often be way louder as the creature steps out of its own bubble!
This means whenever you’re trying to be 1% better in life, you’d be challenged in the most terrifying manner where giving up feels like the only option left.
But there comes a moment of breakthrough when the bird decided to fuel herself with highly enthusiastic chemical known as dopamine. She knew she just needed that pep talk. She knew she just needed a little dose of motivation. She knew she just needed someone to affirm “Hey look! You’ve came this far. It’s show time. It’s now or never. Go out there, do your best and the rest is history.”
There she goes wings widely being spread, venturing into different levels of foreign altitude, flying towards that eagle with such high confidence where winning became her only option. As the finishing line came closer, she began suffocating yet she didn’t give up.
She kept flying because she knew she would never allow a specific parameter of altitude to decide whether she can or cannot. She knew it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
She knew she was out of her comfort zone and she’s doing everything to thrive through the changes she’s making. She looked below and said “Look mom, I can fly high too” and moments later she fell onto the ground.
She opened her eyes and tries to fly but little did she knew she had already won the battle. This time it wasn’t the demon that was whispering into her ears but it was the cheers from the spectators that was banging her ear drums. She found herself flying back home with a golden trophy all the way from the United States of America.
And ladies and gentleman, the bird was none other than the girl who’s typing this right now. If you’ve read till here, thank you. I hope you found some sort of value from this!
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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cobotis · 1 year
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Ego takes everything personally. Emotion arises, defensiveness, perhaps even aggression... Are you defending the truth? No, the truth, in any case, needs no defense. The light or sound does not care about what you or anybody else thinks... You are defending yourself, or rather the illusion of yourself, the mind-made substitute. It would be even more accurate to say that the illusion is defending itself...
~ Eckhart Tolle
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learnoutt · 1 year
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