#recovery community
moss-gender · 1 year
addiction recovery tips
1. Protect your space. You don’t have time for bullshit anymore. Cut out the people you’ve been meaning to cut out. Make the most space for the people who have chosen to believe in you. Spend less time on social media. I’ve deleted my facebook and instagram apps. It doesn’t have to be permanent but you need to avoid triggers and to an emotionally sensitive person like many addicts are due to Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome social media is full of triggers. It’s shown that social media makes you compare your lives to others leading to a lacking mindset rather than one of appreciation for what you have.
2. Find a recovery group. The important part is making community outreach a regular part of your week. Some people go to meetings everyday. There are plenty of meetings out there. AA, NA, DRA, SMART recovery, recovery dharma… if you don’t like the meetings you have available I recommend going anyway to connect with people. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind.
3. Take it a day at a time. You don’t have to commit to being sober for a lifetime, though hopefully you get there eventually. Just be sober today. 24 hours. And then do it again tomorrow.
4. Be as open about recovery as possible. Shame is a normal part of recovery but the more people you’re open with the more chances you have for increasing your support network. Outside of meetings, a support network is very important. No one is an island.
5. If you need to, “kill” yourself. Kill the old you. You have a blank slate. You’re starting fresh. You aren’t defined by your past. Reinvent yourself. Dare to dream big. You’ll need to have hobbies and goals to distract yourself when you get urges. Because you will get them. And sometimes it will be very bad. It helps to have a routine activity you enjoy to engage your brain and tap into your rational mind.
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Yes. Have YOU considered that sometimes working on hard things is both necessary and worthwhile?
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thegratefulnuts · 1 year
This debate has been going on for YEARS!!!
Do "alcoholics" lack "willpower". Could we stop if we "wanted to?”
Is it true that all we have to do to overcome our addiction is dive deep into our bag of "self-discipline" and "self-determination?"
Join us today as this Grateful Nut shares herexperience strength and hope on the topic of "Willpower VS Wantpower" in sobriety!
Find the Full Article:
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thepeacefulgarden · 10 months
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moonlit-positivity · 5 months
Here is my controversial mental health take of the day: your negative emotions are not the problem, its the way you handle them that becomes the problem. You being jealous that your friend hung out with someone else and didn't tell you, is actually not the problem. It's when you choose to get angry with them, yell & lash out, or passive aggressively do something they hate to get revenge, or when you ignore them and isolate and self harm, those are all harmful ways to cope with your feelings. Rather than react, take the time to validate yourself, because it's normal to feel jealous or left out and chances are that there are deeper abandonment wounds that are triggered here, probably from your childhood. Take a moment to pause before you react. Then try a direct and open communication to your friend instead. Because I guarantee you they'll respond so much better to you opening up a conversation with, "hey, I felt left out when you hung out with so-and-so without me, can we talk about that? And maybe hang out soon?" Rather than the now laborious and torturous emotional work of having to feel guilty for your rage when you lash out or get revenge. Splitting is normal, because who doesn't get pissed off at someone you're close with? Your switching emotions from highly affectionate to devaluation are not the problem. Everyone gets disgusted & hurt by someone they love at some point in our lives, especially small offenses, I guarantee you chances are that person isn't doing it on purpose and would gladly like to know how you feel, these emotions and conversations are normal and necessary for humans to have. But the inability to clearly and directly communicate your feelings and needs to that person when you are hurt is what makes it toxic. You can absolutely learn how to handle your reactions in a safer manner, how to identify when you're feeling hurt, and how to communicate and ask for clarity and resolution rather than react and escalate. Communication is the backbone of every relationship you will ever have. This is what the emotional work of most personality disorders looks like.
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borderlinebelle · 1 month
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Cool, me too.
I’m assembling a community of like minded humans who can relate to the feeling of their own flesh+bone matter constantly contending with their sentient consciousness in a bid for power and control over their decisions and emotions… and/or humans who love other humans who continuously battle their own prefrontal cortex and endorphin creators for a bid at happiness…
come… rest here, weary traveller. find out more below ⬇️
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delivered in a clear & chaotic voice of authenticity, my content centers around conquering challenges made into marathons by, often times common, mental health symptoms.
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i didn’t explicitly reveal in the video… but I lived with a rotting tooth in my skull for months until it finally fell out of my jaw, months after my first botched root canal. 🙂
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this new editing style for the 2nd video is going to land so ✨wildly✨upon your retinas…
i wanted you to FEEL what I feel and understand what those closest to me experience when I bang their lines with a new story of hardship overcome, as friends often do 📱🧠📱
unexpectedly entertaining & a true visual representation, a reflection, of the way I often perceive and process information and life😵‍💫
EPISODE ONE… was the prototype
for a fleshy & meaty ep 2: TAX TORMENT
(because it IS and ISN’T that serious) 🫠
I also fought a bug i guess… because spring sprung all up on me…
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You can support the channel by stubbing & turning on notifications so you’ll know when my new video drops. I really really appreciate your not being a jerk about the ad, thanks.
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Relationships are all about compromise and communication. If you want different things but refuse to talk about it, you’re far more likely to get stuck in a situation where you’re both unhappy. Be vulnerable with each other, be honest about what you want for yourself, and seek an answer where you’ll both be better off. This won’t always be a desirable process or have an ideal answer, but it is always better to try than automatically give in to the idea that it’s impossible.
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annasellheim · 5 days
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next part
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the-habitat-sysblog · 1 month
people with childhood trauma will be like nooo i don't think my parents were abusive. they just [the most horrifying shit you have ever heard]
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virtuadmin · 2 years
Handmade and typed onto beautiful beige thick card with a black border. Typed on a vintage typed and hand-stamped.
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whumpy-galaxy · 30 days
Listen I am a SUCKER for conditioned whumpees. Specifically the unconditioning that comes after rescue.
Whumpee being afraid of Caretaker.
Whumpee having to wear a collar and a muzzle because that’s how Whumper kept them.
Whumpee panicking when they mess up or drop something, waiting for Caretaker to get upset and beat them.
Whumpee who won’t eat unless Caretaker orders them to.
Whumpee who doesn’t know what to do if they’re not being dragged around on a chain.
Whumpee who’s afraid of windows and the outdoors because Whumper convinced them everyone and everything outside wanted to hurt them, and they were safer with Whumper.
And everything that comes with that.
Caretaker not knowing what to do and feeling worthless. (Bonus points if they even consider mercy killing Whumpee because maybe they’ll always be afraid of everything and there’s nothing they can do).
Caretaker thinking maybe they DID do something to hurt Whumpee.
Caretaker being upset every time they look at Whumpee because they still insist on wearing the collar and muzzle Whumper bought for them, and Caretaker never wants to see them like that.
But also the good things that come with it!
Caretaker getting a new collar and muzzle made, with padding and lots of extra space for Whumpee to wear while they recover.
Whumpee finally being able to do something without asking Caretaker first, and Caretaker being so proud of them.
Caretaker’s praise and excitement at this makes Whumpee feel proud, too.
I just. I love it so much.
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moss-gender · 1 year
I want to try and make more recovery posts to connect with the recovery community on here.
Here’s a bit about myself:
I’ve been in and out of recovery for the last 6 years. I also deal with anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder and a few other things. I’m currently 12 days sober. My drug of choice was alcohol. There was a time period I almost died from it. That was a former low point. Currently my low point is being so drunk I broke a bottle with the intent to self harm, in front of my now ex partner. I prefer SMART recovery and recovery dharma but think there’s even things to get out of AA/NA/DRA as much as I have philosophical disagreements with some aspects of the program.
I’m using this blog now to make a record of my recovery altho I also post about my interests and beliefs. Feel free to reach out to me if you’re in recovery or considering recovery and need support! Community is an important predictor of successful recovery.
The biggest advice I have is to truly look at your life one day at a time. Stay sober today. You don’t need to commit to a lifetime. Just be sober today. And do it again tomorrow.
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No matter how shitty it might feel in the moment, most of the time when someone comes to you to communicate a boundary or a need or a negative feeling about something you did, it is actually a compliment. They are telling you BECAUSE they care about you and want it to work between you and because they trust you to care to do better. If they didn't care about you, they'd just avoid you. That uncomfortable convo is in fact a declaration of love and trust. Or at least intention of friendship. If they didn't like you, they'd just try to avoid you whenever possible. They wouldn't care to have The Talk (which is often scary and uncomfortable for them also). So try to treat their trust with care, even if it really upsets you to learn that you've accidentally hurt them
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dinkflocculent · 3 months
Creepy intimate whumpers make my heart go berserk <3
- Non-con kissing; grabbing their hair, shirt, horns, or head to pull them closer <3
- Non-con hugging; holding whumper as they squirm or violently shake <3
- Forcing whumpee for both of them to sleep in the same bed <3
- Whumpers who actually love whumpee (bonus if yandere) <3
- Physically-affectionate whumpers <3
- Whumpees who hate any form of intimacy; it is extremely unfortunate to be with whumper. <3
- Once physically affectionate whumpees conditioned to freak out when in intimate situations <3
I plan on having a whumper like this in a series; I just love them so much <33
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moonlit-positivity · 16 days
You don't need a reason to distance yourself from people. If they give you bad vibes then you deserve to honor that gut feeling and protect yourself. Even if they're not doing anything wrong or bad or even if they haven't done anything to you. You can just straight up not like someone, no context necessary. That's valid af and there's not enough emphasis on intuition and gut feelings. Yes, absolutely. Listen to your instincts.
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sadisticnstoned · 1 year
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Just something about smoke in the sunlight…
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