#places for spiritual healing
tejastravels · 4 months
Spiritual Places to Visit in Karnataka
The state of Karnataka is a spiritually blessed and naturally wonderful state. Of course, not only will you find several important temples and pilgrimage centres in this state, but you'll also find some truly mesmerizing scenery and significant monuments scattered throughout. Also, some of the state's beaches are world-famous for their tranquillity and beauty. To feel blessed, peaceful, and rejuvenated one should must visit the spiritual places in Bangalore. Feel lucky to undertake a pilgrimage to the most important holy places in Karnataka! Here is the list for your spiritual visit in Karnataka.
We are here also to help you out with transportation as we offer vehicle rental services in Bangalore. Tejas Tours provides excellent Volvo bus rental services in Bangalore and beyond. We offer ‘car rental near me’ services in Bangalore and book cabs online with us. To make your spiritual visit more memorable we are here to offer you the best travel services.
Link: https://www.tejastravels.com/blog/article/spiritual-places-to-visit-in-karnataka
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stardustmuseum · 9 months
i absolutely believe magic already exists in this world, but sometimes i wish the magic was a bit magic-ier
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miajnsn · 1 year
Journaling Promps for self esteem :
As it was asked :
What are you most reoccurring negative thoughts ?
What makes you feel overwhelmed ?
What are your 4 biggest strenghts ?
Write a letter to your future daughter
3 things you do to love yourself each day
If you were alone with the person who has hurt you the most what would you say ?
Write a letter to your inner child
If u all are meeting difficulties to answer at some of these, swipe to my DM I will help you.
Stay safe <3 ily
I'm so happy to be back, willing to help and blooming all of yours inners beautiful flowers
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I hate going to Christian-based hospitals. There's a bible verse slide show on the screens that other places usually have medical information graphics and resources on and I just got asked "Do you have a source of peace in your life?" like babygirl I'm here for neurological pain my source of peace is Lidocaine 4% and a heating pad
#The nurse was definitely lgbt because he came back and asked me for my pronouns when I know good and well that's not in the system here#We talked about his cool ass crocs and he was like 'yea I know they're weird questions but I'm required to ask'#Cause they're all like 'do you have a source of peace and joy' and 'do you have a spiritual reason not to partake in any medications here?'#which is nice in concept like wanting to avoid pork-based or gelatin-based products#and things like that#but when it's paired with all of the bible verses and 'extending the healing ministry of christ' being the hospital's slogan#well.....#all of the screens are verses about joy as if this isn't one of the most miserable places to be#they're unfortunately one of the few places in my area tho that treat CFS/ME 😔✌️#It's probably very nice for older people here fighting for their lives#and I understand/respect that#but I've got a therapy appointment after this and I'm gonna go Off#I just realized how tense I got about this Im actively trying to relax my body#my blood pressure was 140/93 sitting and 148/91 standing#which is Not Good#this entire hospital sets off my fight or flight#they're infamously known in my area not to treat transgender patients with respect#both as a community thing and from people talking to me individually#I went on a long tangent about my gender but it was just rambling lol#anyways be gay do crime don't go to christian based hospitals if you can help it#ex christian#religious trauma
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a-path-by-the-moon · 2 years
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truths89 · 8 months
“Will You Ever Smoke Again?” 
If I have learned the recipe for my healing, Why would I change the ingredients? 
The requisite for well-being is obedience.
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caughtupinmyvibes · 3 months
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IGNORE ME I'M SORRY I KEEP TALKING ABT IT i'm just so not used to my cat not being around and it kinda kills me inside to not hear him walking around or meowing or sleeping at the bottom of the staircase anymore... it used to be like a nightly routine where i'd go downstairs and make myself a drink and give him some water and now i just. don't even wanna go down there anymore.
#you really underestimate how different things will be when they're gone. 18 years of learning his new routines and favorite places to nap#and it's just all. gone. not like i didn't experience it but just the fact that i will never experience it with him again... it's so hard#& that's like the last vestige of my childhood gone too. i mean i got my current dog when i was around 13/14 and she's gettin' up there too#so it's just like. my life dropped out from under me and i'm desperately clinging to what is left but there's not much#everything feels so hollow and i don't know hoe to vocalize that because my family is always trying so hard to heal and i don't want to#make their grief process any harder by accidentally awakening the same latent feelings in them. or whatever#i just miss him so so much but i know we made the right choice. he was old and we had a lot of good years together and we saved him from#spending his last few days in suffering by ending his pain early and offering him as much love and warmth and comfort as we could#and i know he appreaciated it and i know he loves us all and like that's not the part i have issue with#it's just. his lack of presence. i don't deny that his ghost may be around (my famjly is very spiritual like that and i have heard him) but#physically he's gone forever except for chunks of his fur and whatever else is laying around#loss is just so fucking unfair because it's completely understandable and makes total sense but it will never ever be unable to be felt...#idk. i'm just exhausted and sad and i miss my little guy. hell i still miss my dog and that happened like 5 years ago#love never goes away it just changes shaoe and makes you really really sad and kinda wanna kill youself but that would make THEM sad#so. you gotta live. you gotta be brave.
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thewinedarksea · 1 year
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the sith campaign ✦ act four - korriban
“tu’kata live in the tunnels of these canyons. if you’ve never seen them, suffice it to say that they are large and teethed. but they live there, down in the dark, the heat, the red, close to the force that beats at the core of korriban, able to sense its power and yet too unformed to grasp it. 
they are jealous creatures, the tu’kata. jealous, and angry. they would rip the throat from a lifemate for a better cut of meat. they follow only the one strongest enough to keep them in line and, given half a chance and a well-placed shadow, they’d kill them, too, and claim their place for however long they might rule. 
a hunger for power. a ruthless striving for the top. blood. these are the principles upon which we have founded this eminent academy, and these are the principles which, in the coming week, you will carve into your very souls.
it is a tu’kata eat tu’kata world here.
look around—left to right. you have no friends here. only rivals. those who survive to graduate can rest assured that they are among the best the galaxy has to offer.” 
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Prompt: Ritual
Pairing: YasMoon
“You sure?”
Moon places an amethyst on Yasmine’s submerged stomach, other hand swiping lavender oil across her girlfriend’s cheeks. “You’ll feel better about yourself. More in control of your life.”
Yasmine blushes. Of course Moon pinpoints her most deep-seated issues with zero hesitation.
But if purple rocks, lilac candles, and lotus-and-violet-petal baths might fix them, so be it.
“So it really works.”
Moon laughs.
“Done this ritual a hundred times. Always clears my solar plexus.”
Moon peels off her tanktop, sliding in beside her. Their legs tangle together—thick vines to grow the flowers around them.
“Okay. You’re the expert.”
@karatecaulfield crystal time!!! This is what they do on dates <3
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forgottenlove5 · 1 year
You are always enough, you have always been enough.
Every single minute of your existence is worth it.
You are doing enough just by being. You deserve love, appreciation, understanding.
I'm proud of you. I'm proud that you are still here, breathing, experiencing life and every minute of it.
Remember, the fact that you chose to breathe is the bravest and greatest act of strength and you deserve to be praised for it.
Keep going, don't give up.
Everything that has happened to you, remember: is not your fault. You have always done your best, you have always fought for your happiness.
Your traumas, obstacles, difficulties... they are absolutely not your fault. Overall, you will always have the power of will to build your own reality, your own success, your own peace of mind. Remember: success is not materialistic, is 100% spiritual, and the fact that you are still alive tells me what a great warrior you are. Keep fighting for yourself, keep choosing yourself.
You are part of something greater than you. Nothing is a coincidence. You are here for a reason. Every single obstacle in your way is a lesson, a building block to your best self.
You are not your thoughts or emotions, they simply go through you, they are reactions to your surroundings. You are so much bigger than that, so much wiser and so much brighter than that. You are an infinite being, while your emotions and thoughts are simply temporary.
You are safe, loved, seen, held, noticed.
You are never alone.
Love you ♡
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55555-555-5 · 1 year
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Healing is not my purpose. I heal through my living.
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fuzzyunicorn · 20 hours
Who receives the short end of the stick of this apocalypse (which side goes to Hell) depends on our Union
#if we stay apart the Satanists win then the meek (innocent souls) are damned to Hell for energy harvesting#if we come together then the meek (those who do not seek vengeance or resort to wrongdoings to win) inherit this world &#they won’t be inheriting a nasty polluted planet now that u all know magick is real u should know by now Divine Beings can use white magick#we can heal every wound n hurt on this planet (people & animals & the Earth) only if we come together#now do u all c y this isn’t a game? this is exactly y god won’t allow us to be kept apart by the Satanists or if they managed to kill 1 or#both of us we’d be ressurected & u lil Satanist are welcome to test if it’s a bluff that we’d be brought back to life#u’d b watching us rise but with more power n spiritual gifts so please do u’d only further Godzilla power up us which isn’t a bad thing at#all#since this is total war#but either way the war goes what’s for sure no matter which side wins is all black magick practicing witches n warlocks all r guaranteed 2#go to Hell n planted like crops on the torture racks for energy harvesting as fuel for Satan n his legions so any way u lil Satanists#slice n dice it ur all guaranteed to go to Hell to b tortured as it’s in the fine print of ur contracts 2 Satan#god simply won’t allow the meek to be taken to Hell to be tortured as a food source for the demons#that’s ur decreed places and so it shall be whatever god says n wants he gets & he wants us together n his patience has run out so tick tok
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expensiveity · 6 months
God, i don’t want to be stagnant. in this same place next year. introduce me to me. help me to see myself the way that you see me. do whatever you need to do in my life that guides me closer to you. and my destiny. heal my heart so my triggers become my testimonies. add or remove whoever or whatever you need to help me grow spiritually. develop in me the character to not just reach the places we talk about but the character to stay in those places.
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olowan-waphiya · 10 months
Biden creates a new national monument near the Grand Canyon - https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192622716/biden-national-monument-grand-canyon-arizona
The move protects lands that are sacred to indigenous peoples and permanently bans new uranium mining claims in the area. It covers nearly 1 million acres.
"It will help protect lands that many tribes referred to as their eternal home, a place of healing and a source of spiritual sustenance," she said. "It will help ensure that indigenous peoples can continue to use these areas for religious ceremonies, hunting and gathering of plants, medicines and other materials, including some found nowhere else on earth. It will protect objects of historic and scientific importance for the benefit of tribes, the public and for future generations."
The new national monument will be called Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument. According to the Grand Canyon Tribal Coalition that drafted a proposal for the monument, "Baaj Nwaavjo" means "where tribes roam" in Havasupai, and "I'tah Kukveni" translates to "our ancestral footprints" in Hopi.
all land is sacred (and should be returned) but this is good news.
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prettieinpink · 6 months
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Your room is the most important place in your life. You sleep, wake up, heal and experience many emotions just in your room. You have to take care of your room, so it is spiritually the ideal place to grow into the best version of yourself. 
Keeping your room free of mess is an act of mindfulness and self-discipline that supports your overall journey and connects you with your higher self. It helps with promoting clarity, and cultivating inner balance and is an everyday self-care ritual. 
Make your bed every day. You have to respect the place in which you sleep and heal.
Hang up clean clothes after the day or put any dirty clothes in your laundry hamper, avoid tossing them on the floor. 
Find a place for everything, and know where everything is. If you do not know where each thing in your room is located, you either have too much clutter or you’re disorganised. 
Tidy up your room daily, neatly putting everything away in its place. If needed, buy a few organisers. 
Don’t leave rubbish for extended periods. Treat your room like a temple, don’t disrespect it, and pick up after yourself. 
Try to avoid eating meals in your bedroom. We forget the dirty dishes over time, and it stinks and attracts unwanted bugs. 
Change bed sheets regularly. Once a week at the most, for more hygienic reasons though. 
Remove unwanted items on your bedside table. Keep it minimal and intentional with anything you want to place on it.
Regularly clean up the dust in your room, using a duster or a damp microfiber cloth on all of the surfaces. 
A room designed to encourage inner growth serves as a physical reminder of your commitment to self-improvement, personal development, and overall well-being. It creates an environment helpful to improvement, self-reflection, and positive change.
Keep specific areas of your room designated to one task in your life. For me, my desk is for productivity, my bed is for resting or relaxing and my bedroom floor is for mindful activities. 
Throw away any items that do not serve a purpose to you anymore. Avoid keeping items that bring you painful or harmful memories.
Minimise the presence of technology in your room. I suggest having zones in your room which is device-free or having a time of day in which devices are not allowed in your room. 
Create a vision board poster in your room that you can see every day, which helps to visualise and motivate you to create your dream life. 
Place meaningful quotes, affirmations, mantras or prayers as reminders of the values, mindsets or intentions you wish to cultivate in your life.
Display personal achievements. If you won any awards or certificates, place them in a way in which you can view them every day. If you have done something in your life that you think is an achievement but have no award to display, just simply create your own. Buy some balsawood and glue it together to create your own medal. 
Place items that align with the habits or routines you want to cultivate in your life so that they are easily accessible. Put a workout mat in the corner, always have your journal on your desk or have a cold water bottle ready to go when you wake up. 
Decorating your room in a way that reflects your true self brings a sense of authenticity and comfort. It creates a nurturing environment that allows for self-expression, reflection, and personal growth which ultimately contributes to your journey of inner development.
Make a mood board or vision board of how you would want your room to look, how it supports you and how it makes you feel. Choose a colour scheme in this process as well.
Add candles or incense that you think embodies who you are, or who you want to be. For example, if I want to be a cleaner person, I would choose a candle that smells like fresh linen. 
Put up posters of things that you like, people who you look up to or anything that expresses who you are.
Add a canopy to your bed while you sleep. So cute, and I believe it helps protect you from any unwanted energy entering through you while you sleep. 
Add a rug, even if you already have carpet, to enhance the cozy ambience of the room. 
An ottoman at the end of the bed can elevate your room to look more expensive, if needed, it can also be an organiser for your extra things. 
Put life in your room, adding low-maintenance plants or flowers can liven it up. A little extra, research some plants or flowers meaning’s and pick one that resonates with you. 
Display any of your favourite jewellery, bags, clothing pieces, or make-up around your room. A nice way to appreciate what you have, without actually using them. 
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