#or met someone who was similar or perhaps even the same way
halfricanloveyou · 1 year
here’s the thing about being nonbinary for me personally: it is not and has never been about breaking boundaries or daring to be different or freedom of gender expression that made me suddenly choose to be nonbinary.
i have always been this way. i’ve always known but never fully understood why i felt so uncomfortable being a woman. it had nothing to do with leaning more towards femininity or masculinity or gender roles or hating women.
i have always felt that i have never been a woman. it never felt right to me being defined as one. though i share a lot of experiences with women due to society seeing me as a woman and people in society treating me that way, disliking femininity wasn’t what made me think i was nonbinary.
what made me really fully realize and understand was when i realized that when it came to me personally, i didn’t care about femininity OR masculinity. i didn’t really think in those kinds of terms when it came to myself either. the idea of gender isn’t one i felt applied to me, as a person.
i didn’t care about being a woman. i didn’t care about what things were labeled as “feminine” or what i was supposed to be like as a woman. i didn’t WANT to be a woman. i didn’t feel like a woman.
at the same time, i didn’t want to be masculine. i didn’t want to be seen as a man. though i feel i have more in common with men, i still never felt that i was a man.
it was always really difficult and alienating for me, not understanding why i felt so much dysphoria at being seen as a woman OR as a man. why being called either just never felt fully right to me. why trying to be either felt like a chore or a costume i had to put on, and when i was called or mistaken as either i felt like i wanted to scream and cry. why i never understood why i wasn’t good enough as either gender, not feminine enough or masculine enough, not fitting into either category.
i tried to force myself to be a woman. i tried really hard to be more feminine, really hard to force myself to see myself as a woman. i tried really hard to be like the many women i know and have known. and i tried the same on the opposite end. i tried to force myself to be more masculine. i tried to dress differently and posture differently. and it still felt deeply wrong to me.
i’d always appealed more to animals specifically because they didn’t have to worry or care about whether they were seen as boys or girls and they could be loved just as dearly even when their owners had no idea or what gender they were. how being a girl or a boy had very little impact on who they were because it didn’t really matter to them, and how people were always excited to see a dog or cat and what gender they thought the animal was didn’t change how they approached that animal because in reality, whether the animal was a boy or a girl came secondary to the fact that it WAS a pet, a dog or a cat, and in reality nobody really cared about what gender the animal was. and the animal itself also didn’t care or have any sense of it’s own gender outside of hormones and reproduction.
with the several farm cats i owned gender meant nothing when it came to their group dynamics: the cats that were “in charge” or the more combative cats that would chase off and fight cats outside of their colony or the ones who would hunt and bring food to share with each other, who were protective of the other cats in the colony and would attack any troublemakers that intentionally tried to pick a fight; or the ones who preferred to lay back and were more affectionate, who would all lay together and who would simply sit and stare when a cat they were unfamiliar with tried to enter their territory; or the cats that were the ones who seemed to be targeted and picked on by the other cats, who pushed the boundaries of the cats around them, who would randomly pick fights just to lose consistently, who would growl at the other cats and get into spats only to run away or be chastised; gender had nothing to do with which cats tended to fall into which role.
the cats i had that tended to be skittish or aggressive or active or affectionate…gender had no bearing on any of that. i always felt so jealous of that. i wanted to be a cat (especially in childhood lol) because i wanted to live in a world that had a dynamic like that. a world where gender didn’t matter, where no one really had any concept of gender and it really didn’t matter. no cat cared about whether the other was male or female and it didn’t change how they interacted. (unless it was something like intact male vs neutered male or female cat in heat and male cat)
when i finally heard the term non binary, that it was something that even existed, i knew instantly that it sounded like me. i was scared at first, went through a lot of self doubt and questioning myself, calling myself stupid for considering it. but then i started to understand what it really meant.
a gender identity that is neither male or female. a gender identity where the concept of gender simply didn’t apply. an identity where you didn’t have to pick one or the other or lean into one or the other. and once i finally let myself accept that identity i finally felt right. i didn’t have to pretend to care or go out of my way to be feminine or masculine. i didn’t have to care about being a lady or a woman or lean into being a man or wanting to present as masculine or any of that. i didn’t have to be what i was “supposed to be.” i didn’t have to be a tomboy or a girl that was proud to have masculine interests and still be as much of a woman as a feminine girly type of woman. i didn’t have to be a man at my core, being proud to have feminine interests while defining myself as just as much of a man as a more masculine man.
none of those felt right or felt like me or who i was. knowing that i didn’t have to force myself to be any gender or present/lean into any feminine or masculine ideal was freeing to me. that i could like any of the things i wanted without really thinking about whether they were feminine or masculine was so relieving. i could decide it didn’t matter to me. i could be someone who was neither or someone who none of those ideas applied to.
though i still suffer from low self esteem issues and mental health issues, i finally don’t hate myself for not being able to choose one identity or the other. i finally understand why i am the way that i am and why i felt so wrong and inadequate and unable to be the woman or man i was supposed to want to be.
in understanding that i didn’t have to be either if i didn’t want to, i was finally able to accept the person i’ve always been. and i’m finally able to accept that that person exists, even if people don’t understand or are disgusted by them or make fun of them. even though it’s supposed to be one or the other. i don’t have to choose. i don’t have to pick the option my body is biologically defined as.
#nonbinary#NB#enby#long post#honestly this is the first time i’ve been able to sit down and put my thoughts and feelings into actual words#i’m sure no one will read this#but i wanted to write it because i’m not allowed to talk about it#until i am able to defend or explain it in a way that can be understood by someone who hasn’t experienced it#or met someone who was similar or perhaps even the same way#NOT ALL NONBINARY PEOPLE ARE THE SAME THOUGH!!!#this is just what it means to me#and my experience as a transgender person#especially as a transgender person who didn’t feel dysphoria towards their own body#to me it’s always just been a body and i never really hated it for what it looked like#i didn’t like my body for what it was perceived as#to me though biologically my body is considered female#i never really saw it that way if that makes sense#the reason i struggle with it is because it’s the reason i can’t be seen or identified as anything but a woman by other people#i hate that this body is considered female#i hate that this body means people will always call me a woman and see me as one#but the body itself has never been the issue i don’t experience dysphoria because i want it to look different#how it looks really doesn’t mean all that much to me#other than being overweight tbh#men can have breasts or even vaginas and still be men#and women can have short hair or not have breasts or even have ducks#and still be women#in that same way i can still have this body but be nonbinarh#trans#transgender#lgbtq+
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harryslittlefreakk · 3 months
after the storm
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summary: y/n wakes up in her sworn enemies bed, with a city-wide storm keeping her trapped there. in the time that she’s stuck with harry, can they overcome their differences and build a friendship? 🫢🤷
warnings: smut (oral f receiving, unprotected unrealistic shower sex) some angst, typical enemies to lovers
wordcount: 6.6k
a/n: you guys who likes my lil graphic? its diy!! i’ve been slowly working on story for a long time now so i hope you all enjoy! 🤭
my masterlist is here 💓 love u all
₊ ⊹ ₊ ✧ ・ 🍒・✧₊ ⊹ ₊
The headache pounding behind your eyes was the first thing you noticed that morning. Shortly followed by the realisation that you weren’t in your pyjamas, or your bed, and there was a man snoring next to you.
You didn’t even remember coming home with anyone, let alone someone who looked so attractive, albeit from the view you had of the back of his head. There was something familiar about the bedroom, though you couldn’t put your finger on what. The clothes folded on the dresser were the same as every other man’s, the lingering scent of woody aftershave new and yet so familiar. Perhaps it was the memory of whoever you’d met last night, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you knew this man.
You needed to explore, the leftover alcohol in your system urging you to get out of bed and figure out whose bed you’d woken up in.
It didn’t take much detective work, however, because as soon as you sat down on the toilet, the man in question barged into the bathroom. “Oh, morning.”
No way. No fucking way. “What are you doing here?”
“This is where I live.”
“Why am I here?”
“Why do you think?” he smirked.
Harry fucking Styles. Your sworn enemy, the worst man you’d ever met, the worst man you would ever meet. And you were wearing his clothes, after sleeping in his bed. Your skin itched just thinking about it.
“Fuck off,” you growled, throwing the toilet paper at his stupid, sleep-clouded face.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before,” he laughed, staring down between your legs as he closed the bathroom door. All you could do was let out a hoarse scream. How had an innocent Friday night turned into this?
You looked yourself over in the mirror when you were done, Harry’s t-shirt hanging loose on your body. You kicked the door open, glaring at his reflection as you splashed water over your face. “How do I get to the station?”
He shoved his phone in front of you, a severe weather warning flashing up on the screen. Public transport was down, taxis and delivery drivers ground to a halt as the rain and hail pounded the pavements.
“Brilliant. I’ll walk then,” you sneered, barging past him. “Just wait it out,” Harry told you, running a hand through his hair.
“No, I can walk.” What did he not understand about this being the last place you’d ever choose to be?
“You can’t.”
“Watch me.”
Realistically, you knew you couldn’t make the 45 minute walk across town in this weather. You hadn’t even taken a coat out with you, and borrowing clothes off Harry just meant you’d either have to see him again, or hang on to his clothing. Neither was appealing to you at all at this moment in time. Still, you were prepared to risk hypothermia if it meant getting away. The idea of being trapped with anyone while deathly hungover was horrible, but with Harry it became your own personal hell.
He followed you to his bedroom, watching from the doorway as you shoved your belongings back into your tiny shoulder bag. “My fucking phones dead,” you groaned, throwing your head back.
“Just wait until the rain eases off. I’ll drive you to the station later.”
“I don’t want to be here, Harry. What do you not understand about that?” Just the way he was watching you was making your blood boil. You weren’t even an angry or spiteful person, but somehow Harry triggered some red hot rage that usually lay dormant deep inside of you.
He was opening and closing his mouth, scarily similar to a fish. One of the deep sea weirdo ones, with extra fins and holes for eyes. His eyebrows knitted together as he searched desperately inside his dim brain for something to say.
“We didn’t sleep together,” he mumbled.
“We didn’t sleep together,” he repeated.
You froze, not quite sure how to respond. You hadn’t slept together. Half of you wanted to thank every God in existence, the other half wanted to punch Harry right in his smug face. “Then why the hell did you make me think we did?!”
He shrugged, tiny hints of regret showing on his face. If you were less pissed off right now, you’d consider this a miracle. “Was funny five minutes ago.”
You glared at him, incredulous. “You swear we didn’t?”
“Promise. Look, jus’ let me shower and then I’ll stay in here out of your way. Don’t even have to talk to me for the rest of the day.”
Finally, you nodded, resigned to your fate. “Fine.”
“There’s a charger next to the sofa,” he told you, slipping past you to grab some clean clothes from the dresser. “So you can tell your boyfriend you’re here.”
“Idiot,” you groaned as you walked away, slamming the door shut behind you.
₊ ⊹ ₊ ✧ ・ 🍒・✧₊ ⊹ ₊
You hated to say it, but Harry’s apartment was actually nice. Much nicer than yours. You had no idea what he did for work, but it must have been something good if he could afford a place like this. There was a skylight over the sofa, practically putting you in a trance as you watched the rain drumming against the glass.
You’d been flopped on the beige sofa for what felt like years, your hangover slowly easing off but your current situation not getting any easier. Why, out of all the places you could’ve been stranded, did you end up here? You’d been racking your brains for hours, and as far as you could remember, Harry wasn’t even at the bar. If he had been, he would’ve come over. He’d stopped hanging around your group so much once you’d started bickering, he was irritatingly respectful of your space. But whenever you saw each other, neither of you could resist the temptation of a little sparring match to spice up the night.
You were so deep in thought that you hadn’t even noticed the lights turn off, the tv suddenly flicking to a black screen. It was the deep rumble of thunder that bought you crashing down to Earth, a tiny whimper slipping out when you heard it. Rain and hail were little more than an inconvenience, but you drew the line at a thunderstorm. You’d loved them when you were younger, glued to the windows with your dad as you watched the lightning illuminate the sky. But something changed one day, a new fear set in after a nightmare. You were sitting on top of a hill, a picnic laid out in front of you, when the clouds suddenly turned bright orange and lightning started striking the houses below you. You’d watched in horror as every strike set fire to the roofs, the entire neighbourhood going up in flames and getting closer and closer to you. Then you woke up in a cold sweat as the lightning came nearer, the next strike sure to take you out had you not bolted upright in bed.
“Harry,” you called out as loud as you could manage. You might not like him, but you’d rather have his company than sit through a thunderstorm alone.
When he trudged into the room, you were sitting upright on the sofa, the blanket pulled over your head. “What are y’doing?” he asked, yanking the blanket off of you. “Don’t like thunder,” you told him, squeezing your eyes shut as it boomed overhead again.
“Did the power go out?”
You nodded, watching from squinted eyes as Harry searched across the kitchen counters for something. He walked back over to you with a lighter, and started to light the candles scattered across the room. “Wanna watch something?” he asked you, pointing to his collection of dvds. “You pick,” you told him, too terrified to even comment on why he still owned dvds in 2024. You’d have to save that for later.
He picked one, pushing it into the tv’s dvd player before coming to sit beside you and setting it up. You glanced over at him, your current proximity making your heart race more than the thunder and lightning could ever. You had some sort of problem when it came to men acting as saviours. You were too into rom-coms, too romantic to not develop a sudden and unexplainable mini crush on your knight in shining armour. And clearly, now you had gone a little bit mental.
A clap of thunder shook the room again, and you smacked a hand down on Harry’s arm, your nails digging into the skin. “Harry,” you whimpered. He put his hand on top of yours, grounding you slightly. “It’s okay,” he smiled. “Did no one ever tell you it’s just God rearranging the furniture?”
You loosened your grip as the thunder passed, desperately trying to get a hold of yourself. “No. And besides, that doesn’t help. A reason for the loud noise doesn’t make the loud noise any less scary,” you told him, brows knitted as you looked between your hand and his face. He was about to shoot something back, but lightning illuminated the room, your expression changing quickly back to one of fear.
Harry threw himself down on the sofa behind you, tugging at the hem of your (his) t-shirt. “Come here,” he beckoned, pressing play on whatever dvd he’d chosen. “Why?”
“Because it’ll take your mind off the storm.”
“No.” He was holding out his arms to you. Clearly he’d had a funny turn and was expecting you to snuggle with him. Sleeping in the same bed against your free will was one thing, but actually choosing to cuddle with Harry was something you’d have to bring up with your therapist later. And yet, the offer was somehow tempting. But you couldn’t control your face, and somewhat-accidentally sent Harry a scathing look.
“Fine. Enjoy the storm then,” he grumbled, standing up to stalk back to his room. You stayed silent as he left, waiting until his bedroom door slammed shut to throw the blanket back over your head.
Only, a few minutes later he was back. You could feel his stare burning through the blanket, and he was standing there like a giant dork when you peeked out. “What if I’m scared and I need a hug?”, he asked.
You couldn’t help but laugh. You couldn’t deny Harry was funny, even when you were bickering and snapping back and forth, he’d always make you laugh. And that was more infuriating, because why are you laughing at his jokes when you’re supposed to be annoyed? “Fine. But only because you’re scared.”
You leaned back into his arms, and he was right. It was a welcome distraction. Instead of thinking about the storm and anticipating the next rumble of thunder, you were actually quite content. Although one thing was playing on your mind. “Harry, why do you have the notebook on dvd?”
You craned your neck to look back at him, shifting slightly in his arms so you could see his face. “S’my favourite,” he shrugged sheepishly. “And what time will your boyfriend be home?,” you mumbled, recoiling when he jabbed a pointed finger at the tip of your nose. “Quiet please,” he told you. You turned your attention back to the tv, settling back into Harry’s body.
He was comfortable. That was one more thing to add to your list of irritatingly good qualities about him. He was a good cuddler, caring, funny.. it seemed like that list was growing longer with each minute you spent with him. You pulled his arm tighter around you as thunder crashed overhead, softer this time. “Getting further away now,” Harry whispered, his thumb stroking the fabric of your shirt as if you’d laid this way a thousand times before.
Your eyes were growing heavy, your heart beating in time with each gentle movement of Harry’s thumb. You were too warm, too comfy.
And then a loud vibration practically shook the sofa under you. “Fuck. Sorry,” Harry said, darting to shut off his phone. You rubbed your eyes, still groggy and disorientated. Naps always made you feel all weird and out of sync. You turned around slowly to lay on your back, glancing up at Harry in your peripheral vision. “Missed the whole movie,” he told you, eyebrows raised as he nodded toward the tv. The power was back on, the lights bright against the layer of fog clouding your eyes. “Gonna call them back,” Harry murmured, holding up his phone as he climbed over you.
You were perched on the edge of the windowsill when Harry came back into the room, watching the raindrops drip down the glass. He went into his fancy little wine fridge, pulling out a bottle of red. He held it up to you, eyebrows raised as he silently asked if you wanted any. You nodded before turning your attention back to the rain. The thunderstorm had passed now, the skies finally beginning to lighten up despite the heavy rain. Harry came to join you with two big glasses, as if he’d poured as much wine as he could fit into them.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
Thinking back, you didn’t actually know where it all started. Harry was nice enough the first time you’d met, then somehow rude and arrogant the next. He was the cousin of one of your friends, and started to worm his way into your group when he moved to the area. He was harmless, but he knew he was a pretty boy. Every night out was spoiled by him lingering by the bar, flashing his dimpled grin at any girl who caught his eye. He’d buy her a drink, then leave hand in hand with her, always looking back to see if you’d noticed his exit. Everything he did made you roll your eyes, every glance at your legs when you wore a mini skirt, every time he tried to snake an arm around your shoulders as you laughed with the group.
“You’re arrogant.” Proven by the fact that only arrogant people would ask why they’re disliked.
“No one else has ever told me that.”
“Maybe they’re not as truthful as I am.”
He laughed at this, swilling the wine around his glass. You watched as it stained the sides red, the blood colour dimmed under the grey skies. “If I were that bad, y’wouldn’t be here.”
“I’m not here by choice.”
“No, I mean you wouldn’t have ended up here at all.”
“What do you mean?”
Harry’s eyes were squinted when he looked back at you, some kind of secrecy flashing across his pupils. “Let’s call a truce,” he told you, holding out his free hand for you to shake. “Just for however long this storm lasts, you have to play nice.”
“I am playing nice. You’re the one who played tricks on me.”
Harry sighed, running his hand through his hair when you didn’t reach out to take it. Your gaze was fixed on the window, seemingly uninterested in what Harry was trying to offer. Truthfully, a truce sounded nice to you. You were wasting so much energy on acting indifferent to him. But with the way he looked after you during the worst part of the storm, the way he held in the giggles you knew he wanted to let out as you cowered in fear of the thunder, you were scared you might actually end up liking him. The horror. The last thing you ever wanted to find out was that you’d wasted years hating him, mentally criticising his every move, just to find out he’s a good guy after all.
“Raindrop race,” he said suddenly.
“We do a raindrop race,” his head nudged toward the window. “If I win, we call a truce. If you win, you decide if you want a truce or not.” Harry had his usual silly, toothy grin spreading across his cheeks. There was something annoyingly cute about his smile, the way his eyes crinkled and his dimples carved deep into the skin. “Fine,” you laughed.
“Okay, pick yours. This is mine,” he pointed to a tiny droplet near the top of the window. Your eyes gazed over the drops near Harry’s, before settling on one just to the right of his. After Harry yelled “go!”, you followed yours with a pointed finger, trailing down the surface of the window as you spurred your little raindrop on. You didn’t actually care who won, but you were far too competitive to let him win.
They were neck and neck, Harry’s tiny raindrop somehow collecting water from those around it to become almost the same size as yours, and surprisingly just as fast. There were little childlike giggles tumbling past his lips, his free hand balled into a fist as he cheered his raindrop on.
Yours took over suddenly, surging forward before it came to rest on the windowsill. You couldn’t hold in your laughter, watching Harry’s face fall in disbelief. “Looks like I get to decide our fate,” you teased, a smirk resting on your lips.
Harry chuckled, his eyes searching your face for any sign of what you might do. “Truce please,” he encouraged, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Fine. Since you asked so nicely,” you grinned, holding out a hand for him to shake. Harry took it, bowing his head to you before hopping off the windowsill and padding into the kitchen. “Last of our supplies,” he told you, holding up one final bottle of wine and a bag of crisps. “Best make it count then,” you laughed, downing the last sip left in your glass.
Harry went back to the sofa, and you trailed after him, plopping down on the corner. “Tell me something about you,” he said, throwing an arm over the back of the sofa. “I don’t know. You know me,” you shrugged, turning a little to face him. “Fine. What was your first impression of me?”
You shrugged again, gaze falling to the wine glass in your hands. “Thought you were funny. Seemed nice enough,” you told him. Harry laughed, a bitter kind of chuckle. “So where did it all go wrong?”
“Harry, even you have to admit that you were a douche.”
“How?!” You couldn’t believe he was asking how. “You’d saunter around the bars, always scouting for which girl you’d take home next. You didn’t even greet me the next time you came out because you spotted a girl behind me.”
“Sounds like you’re jealous.”
You scoffed. “Not fucking jealous. It’s gross.”
He held up a hand, faux-stern expression on his face. “Truce! We have a truce. Don’t wanna break it already.” He had a point. You’d called a truce not even ten minutes ago, and you were already getting riled up again. “You started it,” you mumbled, always reduced to the mindset of a child when you bickered with Harry.
“Don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything,” he smirked, miming zipping his lips. You turned away from him, deciding it was better to sit in silence and try to calm down than risk getting into a full blown row with him when you couldn’t even leave.
After a while, Harry set his wine glass down on the coffee table, getting your attention. “You really don’t remember how you got here?” he asked.
“No, Harry.” Honestly, you didn’t. The last thing you could recall was stealing a cigarette from someone on the street outside the bar, and then a freaky flash forward to waking up next to Harry.
“I was walking past O’Connells and you were on the street alone. All your friends had left and you couldn’t get a taxi, they kept refusing you because you were drunk,” he started explaining, setting his near-empty wine glass down on the coffee table. You were finally paying full attention to him now, an ear turned towards the sound of his voice as if he was telling the most compelling story of all time. “I don’t know where you live, you kind of stopped making sense. So I brought you here,” he shrugged. “Sorry.”
You took a moment to fully digest his words, his kindness to you a tough pill to swallow. The tears that formed on your lower eyelashes were unstoppable, regret bubbling up through you. You’d been a dick the entire day, and while it was a little bit deserved after he made you think you’d slept with him, all he’d done since was show you kindness and care. “Don’t have to be sorry Harry. I’m sorry,” you whispered, pulling your glass up to try and hide the blush creeping up your cheeks. He placed a gentle hand on your knee, his touch warm on your bare legs. You hated wearing trousers indoors, a t-shirt, panties and socks the only way you were ever comfortable. Yet now you felt too exposed, too vulnerable in front of Harry. “It’s okay,” he told you, his tiny smile laced with tenderness. “Thank you,” you said, your voice soft and shaky. “For looking after me,” you finished, finally drawing your eyes up to meet Harry’s.
He moved a little closer, bringing his arms up to wrap you in a hug. Only as he started to embrace you, you felt something change in the air. The wine had made your brain fuzzy, your senses heightened and yet muddled. You were struck with an overwhelming desire to kiss Harry, to make it right between the two of you, and that’s what you did. You turned your head just a little, closing the distance between you tentatively, waiting to gage his reaction. But he pulled back quickly, his arms dropping limply into his lap.
“Oh God. I’m sorry,” you mumbled, scurrying across the room before you could do anything to embarrass yourself further. You leaned back against the breakfast bar, eyes fixed on the rain drumming against the window. All you could do was replay the way his lips peeled away from yours, the full body cringe making you want to curl up in a ball and scream.
You could feel Harry’s eyes on you, his gaze silently trailing across your body. You looked back at him, eyes meeting amongst the almost palpable energy clouding the air. And then he was striding over to you, wrapping a strong arm under your hips and lifting you onto the countertop. He paused for a minute, an unsatisfied yearning in his eyes. He reached out with a gentle hand, pushing some hairs from your face as the other snaked around your waist. And then his lips were on yours, slow at first as if trying to taste and explore you. But with every lick of his tongue the kiss deepened, his movements becoming more urgent and passionate. Harry’s hands were roaming across your body, trailing goosebumps over every curve. The heat was intoxicating, the burn almost physical as you wrapped an arm around Harry’s neck, drawing him closer to you.
Your legs were tight around his hips, pulling his centre close to your core. It was electric, so much being spoken through silent mouths. Every touch, every flick of his tongue had you melting into Harry, the walls you’d built up crashing down around you. “Should’ve done that a long time ago,” he drawled as he pulled away, running his thumb along your swollen, wine-stained bottom lip. You nodded in agreement, still dazed from the way he kissed.
He grabbed a hold of the hem of your t-shirt, eyes locked on yours as he waited for you to tell him to stop. When nothing came, he pulled it off of you, throwing it to the floor behind him. You watched the way his eyes darkened as they trailed over you, the goosebumps that dotted your skin disappearing under the heat of his gaze. “Want to know why I act that way with you?” Harry asked, still surveying the sight before him. He rolled your nipple between his thumb and forefinger when you didn’t respond, his free hand pulling your chin upwards to look him in the eye. You nodded again, totally silenced by the way he was looking at you. His lips found your collarbone, kissing and suckling at the skin. “Because,” he murmured against you, pausing to lick a warm circle around your nipple.
“I,” he suckled at the bud, teeth grazing your sensitive skin.
“Wanted,” he was moving lower now, one hand caressing your other breast as he licked down your ribcage.
“You.” He sunk down in front of you, mouth lingering right at the waistband of your panties, eyes fixed on yours. Your chest was heaving as he bought a hand up to it and pushed you back, the marble countertop cold against your skin.
You closed your eyes, overwhelmed by the intensity of Harry’s gaze. His fingers traced slow circles on your stomach, igniting a heat inside of you that melted away any other feeling. You were totally powerless, totally at his mercy as he peeled off your panties, eyes never leaving your face.
“Couldn’t handle this sweet pussy not being mine,” Harry told you, voice husky as he ran a light finger through your glistening folds. His hot breath against your entrance had you squirming, his lips so close and yet not close enough. He was admiring you, almost salivating - until you suddenly snapped your legs shut. “I haven’t showered,” you whispered, suddenly hyper aware of how unclean you felt. “Don’t care,” Harry said, pushing a hand between your knees to open you up for him again. “Just means you’ll taste sweeter f’me,” he groaned, finally making contact with your pussy.
His thumb brushed over your clit, replaced instantly by his mouth. He suckled at it, the sudden sensation drawing an almost carnal moan out of you.
His tongue swirled around your entrance, collecting your juices on his tongue as he moaned into you. Your hands tangled themselves in his curls, the burn of your fingernails digging into his scalp only spurring him on. True to his word, he was licking and lapping at your folds as if they held the sweetest nectar.
You were dripping for him, dripping on him, the lower half of his face coated in your juices. It was the wine, you told yourself, and the forced closeness to him. Not him, not the fact that he was giving you the best head of your life.
“Waited so fucking long for this,” he murmured against your skin, moving to kiss and nibble around your inner thighs as his thumb rubbed over your clit. You were squirming under him, your legs heavy on his shoulders. “Yeah?” you panted, fingers pulling harshly on his hair as his mouth suddenly moved back to your pussy.
“All mine now though,” Harry smirked, his words vibrating into your centre. “All your- fuck,” you cried out, unable to control yourself as he slipped a finger into you, his tongue still working at your core. He added another, then another, filling you until you were bucking into his mouth. He found your g-spot with ease, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk as he watched you writhe and moan.
“I’m-” you started, cut off by a ripple of pleasure moving through you.
Harry released your clit from his mouth with a pop, his fingers unrelentingly thrusting into you as his mouth snaked up your body. “You’re what?” he grinned, his face only inches from yours.
“I’m gonna-”. This time Harry cut you off with another kiss, your juices warm on his tongue as it danced around your mouth. You wouldn’t pair pussy juices with red wine, but on Harry’s tongue they tasted heavenly.
He pulled away, eyes dark as he watched you squirm and buck under him. “Gotta say it for me,” Harry told you. You felt like you were buzzing, hot pleasure vibrating every part of your lower body. “I’m gonna come,” you cried out, the ball of heat in your core threatening to explode.
As soon as you said it, Harry’s lips crashed to your neck, suckling and biting at the soft skin. It was the final bit of stimulation you needed, your pussy clenching around his fingers as you finally reached your high. “Good girl,” he repeated, working you through your orgasm until your back collapsed down, flush to the countertop.
You were panting and heaving as Harry pulled you to sit up, hissing as the cold of the stone hit your clit. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders, your body threatening to crumble if you didn’t support yourself.
“Come on,” Harry whispered, lifting you up. He carried you over to the sofa, resting you on his lap as he sat down. “You okay?” he asked as you stayed silent, totally numbed by the strength of your orgasm. You just stared at the identical triplets of him in your vision, trying to focus on the real one before you. His eyes were raking over your features, your puffy fucked-out eyes and swollen wine tinted pout. Your cheeks were pinked up to match your lips, tiny beads of sweat on the bridge of your nose.
“Thanks,” you whispered, a tiny smile crinkling the corners of your eyes. “For the orgasm.”
“Anytime,” Harry laughed, running a hand up your back. “M’glad we’re friends now,” he told you, moving you over to sit next to him.
“Do you do that with all your friends?” you giggled, swatting at his thigh.
“Oh yeah. Welcome to the club,” he teased. You rolled your eyes, but the two of you settled into a comfortable silence.
“D’you want a shower?” Harry asked eventually, breaking the quiet. You turned back to face him, still dizzy as your eyes tried to focus on his face. “Desperately,” you groaned. “But I’m still a bit wobbly.”
Harry laughed, pushing your messy hair from your face. “M’gonna have one then,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before standing up.
You listened out for the sound of the shower turning on, but Harry’s footsteps had stopped just outside of his living room door. You looked over to him as he stood frozen in the doorway. “What was that asshole’s name?” he asked, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to remember.
“Your boyfriend.”
“Harry, seriously. I’m naked right now and you want to me to think about my ex?” You rolled your eyes at him.
He shrugged, “can’t remember his name.”
“Jamie. Why are you even talking about him?”
“Because you could’ve had this a long time ago if you hadn’t showed up with him.”
You grabbed one of the cushions, launching it in his direction. He strode over to you, picking you up and flinging you over his shoulder as you shrieked. His hand landed a heavy blow on your ass, raucous laughs blending together in the silence of the night.
Harry set you down in the bathroom, pushing the door shut behind you. “Throwing isn’t playing nice,” he tutted, leaning around the shower screen to turn it on. “So now you have to be punished.”
“Oooh,” you teased. “What’s my punishment, a shower? Or are you going to drown me?”
“Y’have to shower with me. While m’all sexy and naked.”
“That’s not a punishment,” you frowned, watching as he stepped under the water. Harry had always had a decent body, but he’d gotten pretty jacked up since you saw him last. If anything, showering with him was a reward.
“Mm, but you have to keep those hands off me, you horndog,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, following him into the shower. He side stepped past you to let you under the water, trying his hardest to avoid your touch. “I’m not going to molest you,” you told him. “Going to have to touch once or twice since we’re in a tiny box.”
“Fine. Just no feeling me up,” he shrugged, mockingly shielding his cock from you.
“Was it worth it?” you asked Harry as you stepped away from the water, passing the soap to him. “Was what worth it?”
“All the fighting, all your jealousy,” you poked your tongue out at him. “Now you’ve finally got in my pants, was it worth it?”
Harry stepped up behind you, his warm breath against your neck sending a shiver down your spine. “How am I supposed to answer that, sweet girl?” he drawled, pulling you around to face him.
You stepped back, pressing yourself into the cold tiles. Harry stayed close to you, his wandering hands finding a home on your hips. “Can’t say it was the easiest chase, can’t say I really enjoyed it,” his fingertips were trailing up your body again, his thumb pushing past your parted lips. His face hardened at the sight, imagining something other than his digits between your pout. “Would do it all again though.”
You bit down on his thumb, grinning as he pulled it from between your lips with a yelp. “You don’t have to fight me for three years just to sleep with me Harry. Could always just ask,” you smirked, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Is that right?”
You nodded, watching as his eyes moved over your face. “Or get down on your knees and beg me. Either works,” you shrugged. He chuckled, shaking his head at you.
Harry stayed silent as he lathered up the soap between his palms, hungry eyes fixed on you. “Turn around,” he finally told you, putting the beige bar back in the shower tray. He pulled you back into him, his length solid against your ass. His wandering hands finally put themselves to use, rubbing the soap across your body. He paused at your sternum before one hand wrapped around your throat, the other cupping the curve of your breast. Your breath caught, a tiny moan echoing around your mouth as he squeezed lightly, his cock twitching against your skin.
He took his hand from your breast, reaching between your bodies to push his cock between the tops of your thighs. His tip brushed your sensitive clit, your teeth clenching as electricity surged through you. “Can I please fuck your pretty little cunt?” Harry growled, using his free hand to wash the soap from your body. He was throbbing at your core, his cock likely painfully hard by now. “Please, Harry,” you whimpered.
He grunted at your neck, pushing your upper body forwards until his cock lined up with your entrance. He was nudging into you, your pussy dripping and ready to welcome his girth. You’d never needed more like this before, though you’d never felt as good as Harry had made you feel. He released his hold on your throat, one hand lowering to circle your clit as the other splayed across your lower belly, his fingertips digging into the plushy skin.
Your hips rut into his hand, a cry tumbling from your lips as the quick movement forced his girth into your tightness. Your already shaky legs could’ve buckled right there, your body barely able to hold itself up around Harry’s cock splitting you wide open. It took Harry by surprise too, a shaky moan echoing off the walls as he bottomed out inside of you, the extra lubrication from the water pushing him deep into your core. “Fucking hell,” he groaned, stilling as he caught his breath. “Y’okay?”
You moved a hand down to hold onto his wrist, silenced yet again by his cock. “More,” you whined, pussy throbbing as he started to fuck into you hard. You’d skipped the slow, figuring each other out sex. It was as if you already knew what the other needed. Harry was fucking you, his thick red tip tearing you apart as you both raced for another orgasm, each thrust sending you closer to Heaven. The steam and the sounds of the water pounding the shower floor clouds your mind, unable to feel anything except the fullness Harry’s cock gave you.
You were getting close, the burn in your core spreading down the tops of your thighs, before Harry suddenly pulled out. Just as you were about to question him, Harry spun you around. “Want to see your face when you cum f’me,” he panted, sliding one arm under you to lift you against the tiled wall. He slipped back into you with ease, the new angle forcing his cock into places you’d never even known you could feel so much pleasure in.
Your hand tugged at his wrist, pulling his fingers back up to your neck. Harry let out a dry chuckle, his fingers wrapping back around your throat with ease as he slammed into you.
He was a fucking vision. His wet curls hanging down into his eyes, the shine of the water on his tattooed body. Just the sight of him staring at you with those hungry eyes was enough to have you gasping and panting. “Harry, I’m-” you started, a loud moan cutting you off.
He picked up his pace, hips snapping into yours with the deafening slap of skin on skin. “Not yet,” Harry grunted. “Gonna cum w’me.”
Your walls were already tightening around his shaft, hips bucking into him uncontrollably. You bit down hard on your lower lip, nails digging half-moon shapes into the thick muscle of his shoulders. “I can’t,” you whimpered, throwing your head down onto him. “You can, and you will,” he told you, removing his hand from your throat and instead using it to pull your chin up to meet his eye.
You nodded, face contorting as you tried desperately to ignore the fire coursing through you. “Please, Harry,” you whined. Your walls were clamped around his girth, his thrusts losing their rhythm as he got closer. “Come,” he commanded, wrapping his free arm under you as his legs started to shake. You howled as you finally let go, the stars in your vision exploding like fireworks. The tiny shower cubicle was suddenly full of carnal moans and cries, Harry’s lips spitting out your name over and over and over again as he shot ribbons of white-hot come into you.
You stayed in that position for a few minutes, before Harry slowly let you down onto the floor. He held you up as your legs shook, a light hand brushing over the finger marks left on your throat.
“Are you still on birth control?”
“No. Should I not be holding my legs up right about now?” you asked, watching as his eyes went wide.
Harry pulled his arm from under you, ready to let you collapse on the floor in his panic. He screwed his face up tight, a quiet “fuck, fuck, fuck,” mumbled under his breath.
“Relax, I am. Sorry.” you told him, a tiny smirk playing on your lips. He reached out and pinched your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, grinning as you yelped and smacked his hand away. “Serves you right, bastard.”
He re-washed between your legs quickly, a gentle hand washing away the remains of your juices pooled between your thighs. “Better?” he asked, reaching behind you to turn the water off. “Mhm, just need a good sleep now,” you told Harry. “Oh yes, need to go to bed and think about the beautiful friendship we’ve ruined,” he smirked, handing you a towel.
You dried yourself off before following him to the bedroom, pulling on the clean t-shirt Harry handed you. He was humming a silly tune as he ruffled his hair in the mirror, watching your reflection expectedly. “Used to annoy you when I hummed,” he said, climbing onto the bed to join you.
“Still annoys me plenty,” you told him, pulling the duvet over your legs as you settled back into the pillows. “Just too fucked out to care right now.”
part two ??
₊ ⊹ ₊ ✧ ・ 🍒・✧₊ ⊹ ₊
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wlntrsldler · 1 month
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synopsis: series of events between zeus!reader and luke that started the prophecy. not canon-compliant; inspired by the prophecy by taylor swift.
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I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope. A greater woman wouldn't beg but I looked to the sky and said "Please."
The first time you burned offerings, you had hope that your father would acknowledge you. It was the day after you got to Camp Half-Blood. You burned your entire plate of food, choosing to starve for the night, in hopes that your father would offer his condolences. Perhaps, he'd empathize with you. You both lost someone, after all, you a sister and he a child.
But nothing happened. You thought you did it wrong, that your father just didn’t hear your prayers– he wasn’t ignoring you, of course not, what parent would ignore their grieving child? You stayed up the entire night reading ancient texts, knocking on the doors of cabins to speak to head counselors for guidance. You were too naive about this life to notice the pity in their eyes then. None of them had the heart to tell you that your father wouldn't show mercy, at least not in the way you wanted him to. They never did.
You tried again the next day, only to be met with the same fate. But Luke, who had heard of your attempts, saved half of the food he was given and knocked on the door of the lonely Zeus cabin to share it with you. He'd gotten in trouble for not burning an offering that day, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to let you go to bed hungry two nights in a row. 
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, then years, your offerings began to get smaller and smaller, until finally, prayers became more of a chore, a thing to check off on your to-do list. It stopped meaning something. It was three years of unanswered, half-hearted, prayers. 
Luke stumbled into Camp Half-Blood midday. A large gash was across his face, blood staining his skin. He was clutching his side, shirt nearly ripped to shreds, similar to how his skin was raw and frayed under his clothes. He'd used all his strength to carry himself into camp before falling to his knees when his eyes finally found you in the chaos of it all. 
He said your name once, voice hoarse and scratchy like Ladon clawed his way inside Luke, ripping out his vocal cords, not sparing a part of him from destruction. When he finally collapsed, you ran to him, smearing the red of his blood all over your own clothes, as the Apollo kids pried you away from him.
For the first time in three years, you were going to bed hungry again. The charred remnants of what would've been your dinner created a foul scent in the air. Luke’s blood was still lodged beneath your fingertips, staining your hands even after you’ve rubbed them raw. It made you sick. 
"Dad," You pleaded, watching the smoke fade into the night sky. Your tears were flowing down your face, chest heaving as you ignored the distant sounds of the campers you were meant to be looking after. "I haven't asked you for anything in years, but now I'm asking you this. They can't take him. Please, not Luke." 
For a moment the world seemed to still. The clouds in the sky disappeared, specks of white faded into the midnight blue. You turned around, looking for a sign of life somewhere, anywhere. There was nothing but silence, no sounds of owls hooting in conversation, no whistles of the air, no chatter of the few kids who stayed at camp. 
When the flame in front of you extinguished with a whoosh, the darkness engulfed you, leaving nothing but the thin light illuminated by the moon. Black smoke rose from the pit as you looked up to the sky, "Please." 
A flash of light vanished as quickly as it came. There appeared a ragged line perfectly between the peaks of the mountains, bright white, leaving a haze of silver in your vision. Then a rumble of the earth, shaking the ground your knees were glued to. Lighting and thunder. A sign that Zeus had heard you. 
A high-pitched noise rang across the world, different frequencies like it was caused by more than just one thing. The noise made you cover your ears with your open palms, groaning as you fell over by the sheer power of it. Then the world resumed, like what you just witnessed, what you just experienced, was a glitch in the fabric of time. 
Your offerings were nothing but ashes now and the clouds returned to the sky, this time carrying the weight of water as droplets fell on your bare skin. You stood up, rushing to the infirmary, barely beating the relentless storm that was brewing. 
Lee Fletcher turned around at the sudden intrusion, eyes wide in shock for the second time that night. You stood at the door, trying to catch your breath. He smiled at you, as he took two steps to the left, then disappeared in the other room. Luke was propped on his bed, shoulders hunched over as he touched the bandages on his face. As if he felt your presence, he turned his head, wincing at the pain that shot up his spine when he overextended. Even with one eye taped shut, you saw his gaze soften. 
His voice came out as a whisper, barely audible, but you still heard it. "Hey, you." 
Your body seemed to have a mind of its own. If it wasn't for the sounds of your footsteps pounding against the wooden floors, if it wasn't for your hands reaching over to touch Luke's face, warmth spreading against your skin to anchor you, to show you that he's really there in front of you, you wouldn't have believed that this was real. 
The gods were cruel sometimes. They messed with your head until you were questioning your own sanity. At first, you thought this was one of their games, one of the things they did to toy with mortals for their own entertainment. Perhaps, Luke wasn’t really here; But then you felt it– his heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. Home. This was real.
"You're okay," You cried, hands grazing over every part of his body. You tried to ignore the raised flesh under the bandages, running across large expanses of his skin. The scars were still fresh, blotches of red marking the white cloth. "You're okay." 
"I'm okay," He repeated, a side smile appearing on his face. His hands gripped your waist, needing to feel you just as much as you needed to feel him. Luke wanted to tell you that all he thought of was you the whole time. Even when the sides of his vision darkened, and all he could do was drag himself through the familiar neck of the Montauk woods, it was the image of you that he kept chasing. 
You, waiting for him under the shade of Thalia’s tree. You, shaking him awake in the Hermes cabin to start your rounds around camp. You, smiling at him like there was something worth living for in this life. You. 
Luke wanted to tell you that it was the promise of spending life with you, even if he was nothing more than your best friend to you, that kept him hanging onto the thread of life. If he survived this, he swore to himself that he'd tell you how he truly felt about you. He couldn't die without you knowing.
"I shouldn't have lied to you," You said, "I should've told you to stay like I wanted to." 
Luke shook his head, "This isn't on you. I wasn't fit to go on this quest. I failed." 
"You're the strongest person I know, Luke." 
"This wasn't a test of strength," He snarled. Luke always got like this when he talked about things related to his father and the gods. Resentment dripped from his voice like honey. It wasn't a tone you were too familiar with because he never spoke to you like this. "I was right. This was a test of something else. He sent me on this quest to fail... and I fell for it." 
Luke did things with conviction. He was born to be a leader and it showed. He never cowered from a challenge. He held his head high, even when things didn't go his way. He learned from his mistakes and he made sure it would never happen again. 
But sometimes, in the rare moments where the pain of failure pierces his heart, he turns into the little boy you once met. The same one who did things for the approval of his father. The same one who defied the odds and fell into the traps of the insincerity of the gods. The same one who blamed himself for not being good enough– not good enough to save his mother from the Oracle, not good enough to save his friend, not good enough to warrant more than two sentences from his father. 
You always said that you and Luke were two sides of the same coin, both burdened by the feeling of knowing you should’ve done more, but differed in the way you went about life. Luke welcomed his responsibilities, fueled by his search for glory, while you shied away from this life as much as you could. 
Your mouth felt dry as the heavy raindrops trickled against the window pane, "I'm glad you're still here." 
"I couldn't leave you here on your own," He replied, voice dropping to a whisper. His hands tugged you closer to him. You let him wrap his arms around you, feeling his heart against your chest. "Can I tell you something?" 
"I–" This was it. He couldn't wait anymore, not when he faced death and all he could think of was how his heart would ache, longing for you, until your time came to join him in the afterlife. Even on the brink of his demise, all he could think of was you. He wasn’t afraid of dying, he was afraid of being in Elysium without you. Would it even be a paradise if you weren’t there?
Luke's words got caught in his throat. His confidence was at an all-time low. If you rejected him now, he doesn't think he'd be able to bear it. He didn't think he could handle the thought of facing the repercussions of this failed quest without you by his side. He cleared his throat, "I-I'm tired. Will you stay here tonight?" 
You nodded, running your hands through his hair as you gently laid him down on the bed, careful not to put pressure on his wounds. You kept your distance, afraid to cause more harm than good, but Luke was not having any of it. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his weak body. He couldn’t move much in fear that he’d tear his skin even more with any slight movement, but that was the least of his worries. In fact, he had no worries now.
He made it to Camp Half-Blood, alive, albeit a failure, but he was with you. There were no worries in the world anymore. 
“Luke?” You whispered. You turned to face him, recognizing the face you’ve grown to love even in the darkness of the cabin. The flashes of lightning illuminated his face every so often. Despite all of this, he still looked beautiful. Your Luke always did. 
“Hm?” He hummed, eye fluttering open at the sound of your voice. The noise of the storm was drowned out by your soft breaths against his cheek, warm and comforting. “What is it?” 
“You know I love you, right?” You professed, reaching up to touch the uncovered side of his face. He melted into your touch, feeling safe and seen in such a small action. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t make it.” 
“You should know by now that I’ll never leave you,” He chuckled, nudging your nose with his. “I’ll be kicking and screaming if they ever try to keep me away from you. They’ll have to send more than one dragon to keep me from you.” 
You laughed, “You’re insane, you know that?.” 
“I know,” He looked down at your lips. You’d both been in situations like this before, caught in the magnetic pull of each other, but had enough strength to pull away before either of you could do anything that would lead to regret. “For the record, I love you, too.” 
“Do you?” You breathed out, wondering if he understood your question. You said it to each other often. You both let it linger in the air, subtext and unsaid words on the tips of your tongues. “Do you love me?” 
The way you were looking at him made his heart race. Is it the right time to tell you everything? Is it too soon? Will you think that he was just saying these things because of what happened? Would you trust him if he told you that he loved you in every way that a person could ever love another? 
If he asked you if you trusted him with your life, you’d say yes with no hesitation. You’d trusted him with your life since you first met him. All his life, Luke had been taught to be wary of the people he met, but not when he met you. It was like you saw right through him. You understood him like nobody he’d ever met. 
“I love you,” He said, hoping that it was enough to show you. If he had his way, he would let you peek into his mind, his soul, and his heart, just so you’d see that all of him yearned for you. 
“Do you–” You paused, tilting your head to brush your lips against his. The storm began to calm outside. “Do you love me like this?” 
Luke’s grip on your waist tightened, hands burning against the exposed flesh on your lower back, “Yes. Always.” 
You sighed, placing your lips on his. You felt Luke shiver at the feeling. His lips moved against your own in a gentle kiss, innocent and kind. The rain ceased. You pulled away from him, continuing to trace patterns on his skin. Luke’s face relaxed as he held you in his arms, letting the tiredness in his bones win. 
When the both of you woke the next morning, the sun was shining brightly through the curtains, with no traces of last night’s storm to be seen.
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goldenhickeysandramen · 2 months
Serendipity is the occurrence of an unexpected and fortunate discovery that happens when you are looking for something else. It is the "happy or beautiful coincidence".
One of the most important serendipities in history is the discovery of penicillin, that happened when Fleming went on holiday and left behind a bacterial culture plate on which a fungus happened to be growing.
In the context of love, serendipity often manifests itself as meeting someone special in the most unexpected circumstances or finding love in someone unexpected. Perhaps you were expecting another thing to happen (like a strong friendship to grow?😏), but something else BEAUTIFUL occurred.
Jimin's Serendipity song is about a love that is born out of the unexpected and is so surprising that it is frightening.
It is very interesting to see that the song uses the concepts of destiny and serendipity (you are my penicillin), which are apparently opposed.
What we call "destiny" is a philosophical and existential concept that alludes to the belief that everything that happens in life happens inexorably and according to some kind of "plan". To believe in destiny is to believe that everything happening has some predetermined meaning and coherence, and that there is therefore little point in resisting it ("It was fate that led to this... that we crossed paths..., that we came this far... "🥰).
From the perspective of serendipity, what there is the happiness of having met in the midst of chaos, where it was highly unlikely that we would meet or spend enough time together to build a love story. There is no destiny, only the most beautiful coincidence.
I find interesting how the song mixed both philosophies. The lyrics talking about destiny, and what happened ...that must be "the providence of the universe"...
.. there’s a kind of “acceptance” that "It just had to be"... maybe because despite initial caution or opposition, there existed no alternative path for the souls involved but to inevitably fall in love.
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Funny thing is to see that - as far as we know - these are the two visions that JK and Jimin have of their own lives ☺️ (One firmly believing in destiny and the other in building his own paths).
And you will say .... It's Namjoom who wrote the lyrics.
Yes, I know.
BUT....I really think that Jimin gave him certain hints of what he wanted to say, or alternatively… Namjoon already knew. Because this song is so Jikook coded.. Jimin (and Jungkook too) giving us some hints during years.
The first one was in Run episode 61 (which was recorded in summer 2018). BTS split into teams to compete for snacks and in the game Jimin and JK got the same score: 738.
Jungkook asked "Destiny?" (see where JK is going? 😊)
And Jimin replied "I told you, you are me, I am you".
When did he tell him?
Did we miss something?
Do you mean he told him so in the song?
Or did he tell him before, in 2016, when Zico released a song with that name (I am you, you are me) about love and destiny that Jungkook and him decided to pay homage to on a fansign?
At the beginning of 2016 Zico released the song 지코(ZICO) - 너는 나 나는 너 (I am you, you are me)
In his MV Zico appears visiting a convenience store, where the girl working there always happens to match clothes (LOL) with him. And in one of the last scenes, the two appear with a similar wound on their finger, and with matching band-aids.
And the lyrics...
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If both hearts feel the same, they're ONE..
So.. I am you, you are me
In Puma's April 2016 fansign, Jimin and JK appeared with matching Pororo’s bandaids on their fingers. And although some fans asked if they were injured, neither answered in that way. Jimin even admitted that he wore the bandaid because "the lil one" gave it to him.
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The next time the two said the line to each other was on BTS Love Yourself Japan Dome Tour Documentary & Interview 2018 on TBS.....
Then Jungkook gave the only explanation we have so far... that Jimin was messing with his song the whole time....(???)
Jungkook made the finger gesture and Jimin finished the verse for him.
(I wonder if the finger gesture came about while Jimin was doing the choreo, as he has many moments where his finger stands alone... I'm already envisioning the scene where JK possibly walked over and...🥰🥰🥰🤡🤡🤡🤡)
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That moment in the interview speaks for itself... but as usual, the members’ reaction reveal even more, if that's possible...😂😂
So….long story short….how much of a coincidence is there when...
1. Jimin said that he would give a song (as a gift) to the person he loves in the future…? (Jungkook being very “curious” about the answer 😉)
2. He doesn't let Jungkook visit him in the MV recording ... only to see later in the MV certain sus date 😶..?
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3. He includes as part of his song the title from a love song that he and JK paid homage to a year ago…?
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4. Jimin told Jungkook that line and makes it "the line" between them for years…?
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5. Jungkook not only accepted it, but still sings and hums the song years later, as the precious gift it is…. ?
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..... ????? (closing question)
You know the answer.
Jimin told us
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There is no "for army" involved here.
No fan song to allude to this time.
2017 was a year of declarations of LOVE from both of them.
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Each of them chose their own artistic expression.💛💜
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genshin-scenarios · 10 months
a familiar pull - fontaine
Summary: General scenarios with Fontaine characters, very loosely based on the trailers!
Characters: Lyney, Navia, Neuvillette, Furina
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A long time ago, on streets you no longer bear memory of, you met a magician who not only stole your heart, but planted flowers in place of them.
That is to say; during a rather heavy period in your life, you encountered someone who offered you the comfort of a quiet smile and courteous sleight of hand (to turn 1 coin into 2, then 3, then just enough to treat a lost soul to a drink in the evening, if you cared to join him. And with a demeanor as charming as that, how could you turn him away?) 
You asked Lyney what other tricks he knew, to which he simply pointed to the sky and said that if you smiled at the same time the constellations twinkled, your heart would feel lighter.
“And if I become so light as to float toward the stars?” 
“Well… I’d have to make my own stars, then. Perhaps even ones you can catch yourself, if you’d like to join me onstage.”
To catch a stray umbrella that’s escaped its owner is not part of your regular afternoon, however a part of you welcomes the incident due to how it acquainted you with Navia, who was quick to thank you for the trouble and invite you out as an apology.
If Fontaine’s lifestyle weighed on the beauty of a show, you could say that Navia shined so brightly on her own that there was no need to put on additional fronts to satisfy this. From her lively actions to the honest furrow in her brow, you might compare her to sunlight - paving a way for clarity and cheer, with warmth in her voice as she spoke your name.
“Say, if you managed to catch my umbrella so easily, could it be that you…”
“I don’t have a habit of climbing buildings, unfortunately.”
“Aww, I was just going to ask you to spot for me next time!”
Between the administrative work he has and the performances he oversees at court, it’s safe to say that Neuvillette is just relieved to have a bit of simplicity when it comes to you in his everyday life.
There’s no question about the bias he has for you. His affection isn’t falsely given either - how can it be, when Neuvillette returns to see you’ve fallen asleep at the guest seat in his office, waiting for him to head home together after a long day?
When the theatrics of the court finally settle into calm waters, Neuvillette just hopes it means a more regular life for the both of you. Ignoring the times you tease him for being sappy, you’ve always looked at him with a gentleness that hopes he can get more rest. He doesn’t know how to tell you that his ideal scenario includes you as well, having a moment to wind down together with tea and your favorite snacks.
Needless to say, you were a little more than stressed when Furina announced that she’d like you as her aide.
You were less boring than other people, and fun to drag around and talk to. A part of her was simply flamboyant in nature, but Furina also grew a habit of glancing at your reactions to see if she’s impressed you sometimes.
After a while, you come to realize that there was something lonely about the archon - it’s in the moments where instead of talking your ear off or asking you to join her for another show, she grows silent and simply watches the city around her, like rain on a windowpane, drumming her fingers lightly against her crossed arm.
And just as quickly as the moment settles, it’s gone; replaced by Furina pulling you away by the elbow, impatient for your attention as she pursues the next idea that’s entered her mind.
Maybe, in the same way there are reflective pairs in how hydro works, the both of you find a sense of comfort in your similarities that do not show on the surface, until a ripple disturbs it.
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elysiansparadise · 2 years
Juno: Your guide & love story
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⚵ Juno [3] is an asteroid that represents marriage and compromise. It’s said to show your soulmate or the person you are meant to be with. Personally I believe that is the person with whom we can have a long term commitment, since it’s the asteroid of commitment after all. It is worth mentioning that having this asteroid in a certain sign will not show you the sign of this special person, rather the characteristics. In this post you will read a short description of that special person, by sign, house and degrees. Likewise, we will explore the meanings of the aspects with some planets, I will also talk about some minor aspects. Entertaining purposes, please enjoy. ⚵
🟫Juno in Aries: Gifted with the most ardent fires, they are characterized by being a passionate person once something catches their attention. They give the impression of being a wandering person, someone who is more ruled by the heart and by his ambitions, someone with a lot of motivation and drive to achieve everything they set out to do. Mind of a champion, attitude of being the best version of themselves and unshakeable self-confidence. They love the idea of ​​dominating, of commanding and leading those they love most to imminent victory. They stand out for being a quick person, of thought and action, they do not waste time second guessing and questioning if that’s what they really want. You stole their attention from the first moment, their intrigue only grew and since they saw your will and your personality they knew you would be the one. They are not into metaphors and hints, they always speak with the truth from the heart, they will never make you doubt, they will dispel your doubts and insecurities speaking from the most direct truth that you have ever been able to hear. But don't let this make you lower your guard, because they will love to surprise you, catch you off guard to make you live the funniest and craziest moments of your life. They will always keep the flame alive, they will feed your curiosity as much as you did with them in the beginning. They will be a warrior willing to fight for you, to defend you from whoever and whatever.
🟤Juno in the 1st house: It is a person very similar to you, it will be someone with whom you will connect quickly because you will quickly see that they have similar tastes, opinions and way of seeing life. It will be a very devoted person to you, and in the same way you towards them, perhaps in such a fast way that you will think that you are rushing. They will be one with the other and will take each other into account when doing something meaningful. They will be someone with a lot of confidence in themselves, they are going to be authentic, independent and with a very well developed sense of identity. They’ll help you to be more real, to love yourself as you are and to show yourself proudly to others.
🤎Juno in 01°, 13°, 25°: They can give you the first impression of being very dominant, bossy and self-confident people. They seem to think and act at the same time, that they have no doubts and that they are quite active. You may be a little intimidated when you first meet them. They give you the impression of being very blunt, you can see the passion through their eyes.
🟫Juno in Taurus: Their stability is something that many envy, but that entire facade was compromised when they met eyes with you. You caught the attention of a person who seems to have everything in life, money, a great job, a good reputation and an attractiveness that makes anyone sigh so that even their breath is able to graze their skin. They overflow sensuality and elegance, and hide a hot and romantic soul behind that serenity. They don't know when they began to wish they could hold you in their arms, protect you from the world and give you everything you need, since you quickly became the only thing they feel they need. And that idea will not be easily erased or diverted from their minds, not even if a family member or close friend does not like you, they are willing to fight against the current and make the greatest investment of their lives to make you as happy as possible. They are a calm and patient person, they will love to listen to you and spend time with you, touch you delicately, treat you with the attention and gifts you didn't know before and give you all the time you need. Respect and loyalty are guaranteed with them. They had always looked for something in the long term, even if their appearance can make you think that they have passed from heart to heart, it is not like that, since they are very selective, they are in relationships only with people with whom something stable augurs for them. You finally came into their life, they knew the wait was worth it.
🟤Juno in the 2nd house: They will be a stable person both economically and in their personality. Likes to be a provider and give you everything you need. Understanding in business, and focused on making a lot of money, they will give you a lot of stability in all areas of your life. They will fill you with gifts and attention. They will be somewhat reserved and want to protect you from anyone. They will be people with a calm and quiet lifestyle, they will want to have a cozy and luxurious home by your side. Things can happen slowly and you could meet them at work or after finding a job. They will trust you a lot and you will give them a sense of peace and relaxation that they have never felt before.
🤎Juno in 02°, 14°, 26°: They can give you rich vibes, of being a classy, ​​elegant person and in general with lineage. You can see them as somewhat premeditated, reserved and careful with what they do and say. You may think that they don't need anything. They will immediately give you vibes that it is a provider person. They are sensual and very attractive to you. 
🟫Juno in Gemini: You will see someone peeking out from behind the windows of your eyes, curious and attentive to you. Intrigued by your personality, how you behave and speak. They will be very intelligent people, whom you will not be able to decipher easily, but they will decipher you, and more quickly. Tricks under their sleeve? Yes, they will have many. With a friendly, sociable and communicative personality, do not be surprised to see that they make acquaintances very easily, but do not be confused, because only a few are able to be their close ones, their cunning covers social parameters and you will notice that it is easy to them to, behind those jokes and good treatment of people have an ability to read what is behind them. Full of charm, they will love to tease you, joke with you and provoke as many emotions as possible in you. Soon they will be surprised, because they see in you someone different from the others. And without having suspected it, you have deciphered something that they never expected, the key to their heart. They will leave this playful, mischievous and joker facade only to show you the deeper one. You will become their favorite person in the world, someone they love to spend every day with, someone they want to be around. Unexpected calls, messages, they are going to show you that they want to keep you in their life. They want to make your life something zero monotonous, something entertaining and maybe, just maybe ask you to let them hold your hand until eternity. Be one with their favorite person in the whole world.
🟤Juno in the 3rd house: They will be very curious and love the idea of ​​learning, traveling and connecting with people. They may be very intrigued by you. For them it will be very important to maintain a constant and fun communication with you, they will be afraid of boring you and will do everything to surprise you. They will talk a lot about you, as much as you about them and they will always be in each other's minds. You can start spending time together on an extended basis faster than with other people from your past. They will be very witty, joking and intelligent people. They will love to win you over and can be very verbal with their feelings, but they will always keep the emotion going.
🤎Juno in 03°, 15°, 27°: They give you vibes of being a somewhat chaotic person, full of charisma and a very strong social charm, however they also make you think that very few people know them seriously. You may think that they talk a lot or that what they say is very interesting. You may think that they are intriguing and that there is some mystery to them.
🟫Juno in Cancer: Every time you enter the room their heart jumps with excitement, the nerves consume them and they get a little nervous. They can't help but worry about you, want you to always have what you need and try to make you happy every moment. They feel a strong dedication towards you, a desire to take care of you at all times and make it very clear that you can count on them, that by your side you will always have them ready to take care of those emotions in which they only find beauty. They will love to look at you and their gaze may scream at you how crazy you make them. They will be very open with their emotions and will create a calm and comforting atmosphere for you in which both of you can share your deepest and most complex emotions. They will listen to you carefully before even getting upset, they will feel an enormous affinity and emotional connection with you. Their hearts will scream at them to take the step, and it will want to confess everything they feel. They will make you feel like a child again, they will win your heart much faster than the rest and there will be a strong trust between you and them. They will give you all their support and will always be there to encourage you, take care of you, hug you and love you unconditionally. They will perfectly understand your emotions and will be your comfort place in case things do not go as you expect. They will want to form a home with you, they will be clear about it long before you. They want a lovely home, children, or lots of lovely pets.
🟤Juno in the 4th house: With this person you will feel that you can be that version of yourself that nobody sees or the one that you do not easily trust people. They will be a very intuitive, attentive and caring person, being with them will feel like finally finding your home, someone who understands you perfectly and loves every side of you. They will be very sensitive, private, loving and caring of you. They may be family-oriented people, attach great importance to their family or to the idea of ​​starting a family with you. They will feel that they have known you for a long time and you will feel the same. They can be a very traditional person when it comes to having a relationship and committing.
🤎Juno in 04°, 16°, 28°:  You may have them in mind even after you have met them, they will stay there for a long time. They will give you the impression of being an attentive, sweet person and an old-fashioned gentleman/damsel. You will see in them a charming and caring person. They will give you the impression of being emotionally very stable.
🟫Juno in Leo: They will not be able to take their eyes off you, they see a radiant glow in you, something that leaves them stunned and although they do not want to admit it, it makes them a little nervous. They hide these nerves very well, as they want to show you how daring and confident they are. People are easily drawn to them, because they are quite charismatic, funny and have a big heart. People usually admire them for how skilled they are in a certain hobby or for their social skills. Others will admire them but they will admire you, they will see in you the brightest star in the cosmos and they want to fill your life with more light and happiness. They want to be your strong partner that you can rely on, with whom you feel protected and by whom you always feel supported. They will be your biggest fans and you will be their biggest fan. They will love to show you off to people, talk a lot about you and will always let you know how proud they are of you. They will be passionate, romantic and love to give you lots of compliments. Their loyalty will be something you will notice quickly, they do not want to disappoint you in any way, they want to show you that they are the best version of themselves and that they want to keep improving to make you happier. They will be a king/queen and they will see in you the perfect partner, someone to love madly and admire a lot. They will love to surprise you and tell you behind all those jokes, how crucial it is to have you in their life. They are going to adore you more than you can imagine.
🟤Juno in the 5th house: They stand out in their field, can be well known and loved by many people. They’re admired by many due to their talents and abilities. They are fun people who are not afraid to take risks to follow what they are passionate about. Despite their powerful and charismatic appearance, they are very romantic and thoughtful people in love. They will inspire you as much as you inspire them, you will be their muse and will make your life more exciting and entertaining. Will love to make you laugh and make you feel the most loved and desired person in the world. They will shower you with compliments so much to the point that you will blush. They aren’t afraid to take the first step.
🤎Juno in 05°, 17°, 29°: You will see in them a talented, charismatic and socially skilled person. Their charm will catch you and you may like their smile a lot. You will see them as a very funny and fascinating person, someone authentic and very creative. You will see them as someone very attractive, daring and without fear of approaching you.
🟫Juno in Virgo: They will find themselves thinking of you, it will be something usual now, part of their routine. It will be easy for them to remember your details, your perfume, your phrases, your occurrences and your oddities. They look cute to them. They do not want life to be complicated for you, because you make them see life with better eyes, you add shine to their days. They see in you a constant and reliable person, and they want you to see in them the same. They will seek to let you know that you can trust them, that they can advise you and that they want only the best for you. They will be very serious on the outside, but even you will be surprised by how crazy and funny they can be, especially if you are in the room. They were so used to loneliness, but now that time alone, they prefer to split it in half to spend it with you. They enjoy the little things with you, being by your side watching a movie, sleeping by your side, holding your hand. They see it as something valuable. They want to work hard to make you feel proud, to make you feel that you chose the right person, because after thinking about it and spending a lot of time with you, they know for sure that you are their person. And do not think that once they have you by their side they will leave the details, they will fight daily to keep your love. They may not be the most verbal about it, but they will love to let you know with actions. They will communicate with you always, they will know how to listen to you like no one else.
🟤Juno in the 6th house: They are very hardworking and devoted people with what they have a purpose for. They can be waiting for something exciting to happen in their lives and you will be that spark that motivates them to go out and be the freest version of them. They work hard for what they want. They will seek to help you in everything you need, you will be their weak point and sometimes it will seem difficult for them to refuse when it comes to you. They feel a deep devotion towards you. With them your life will have more peace and stability and their lives with you will be filled with light and joy. They will guide you and celebrate your achievements as their own. It will let you know that you will always count on them.
🤎Juno in 06°, 18°: You will be struck by how much they take care of their hygiene and appearance, they will make a very good first impression on you. You would think that they are very reserved and mysterious, as well as hardworking and constant. Their responsibility will make you admire them. You will see them as an independent person and willing to help anyone.
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🟫Juno in Libra: Meeting them will feel like a caress from the universe as it says, "I heard you." Their sweetness and attention will fill you with happiness and emotion that will make you wake up motivated every day. They will treat you with a delicacy that will soften your heart, they will be attentive and interested in you. You can see them as a wonderful person, but they will see in you other levels of charm. Endowed with a fairly huge charm and attractiveness, a willingness to treat all people fairly and a heart of gold willing to give you all of themselves. They will have a balance between mind and heart, they will seek to understand you and they will hate fighting with you. It is very likely that you make them want the best version of themselves. Romantic and detailed, they will make you try different forms of their love, but always a stable love that you can trust. You will make them a little nervous even if they don't seem it, you will have them wondering what will be the perfect moment to tell you that they want a life with you, by your side, that they see themselves pampering you, loving you unconditionally and letting you lay your head on their shoulder. They will give you the most honest and devoted proof of love that you could ever have. Their life and yours may have been upside down at a certain point, both of you will feel that after meeting each other, there is a balance and a light of hope. It will feel like that breath you finally take after you've felt yourself sinking.
🟤Juno in the 7th house: They will seem to be the partner you always asked for and wanted. Although at first you see many differences, both ta like ying and tang will complement each other and form the strongest and most dedicated duo. You will be one with them. They will love every corner of your body and every facet of your personality, they will treat you as you always wanted to be treated and you will see in them the love of your life. They will love spending time together and many would say that they are hardly apart from each other. They will take you into account and seek to quickly include you in their lives. Loving and very romantic with you, even if they seem very distant to others.
🤎Juno in 07°, 19°: Their appearance, friendliness and way of dressing will catch your eye. They will give you the impression of being your type from the beginning. They will be balanced, polite and very loving. They can be very affectionate with you from the beginning. You may think that they are a very dual person that knows how to connect with many different people.
🟫Juno in Scorpio: At first they won't understand... Why do they suddenly want to connect with you? Why so fast? Many questions will run through their minds. You intrigue and excite them like no one has ever been able to. They can't get you out of their mind, even on the nights when they are most tired, they will feel an immediate fascination and intrigue towards you. They want to meet you all. head to toe They will not like to see that another person tries to reach your soul, that will make them somewhat competitive, which will disconcert them more. They don't know how but they will love you intensely, with devotion and throughout their lives. They will not hesitate to give everything for you. They have a hard time trusting other people, opening up and feeling interested in someone else, precisely for that reason you are someone valuable to them, they see in you a person with nuances, complex and very interesting. They want to see you, complete, not only your body, but also your soul, they want to read you, they want to explore you, your light sides, your dark sides. Love has not been an easy field for them, but when they meet you, they will know that they want to try and give absolutely everything. Without fear of losing, without fear of falling. They will be very passionate, deep and emotional. At the beginning, the biggest mystery of your life. In the end who provokes the most intense feelings in you on such a level that no one else has been close to, that would give you the certainty to stay.
🟤Juno in the 8th house: They will bring many changes to each other's lives and after meeting they will change a lot, especially them. You will meet them after a facet of your life changes [when you move, get a job, after a death, etc]. The attraction will be immediate, but both will be cautious about it. They may have a problem opening up, but once they get close there's nothing they won't talk to you about. You will provoke in them so many emotions that they will not know how it is possible. They will love you with such intensity with which they have never loved anyone. They will seek to bond emotionally and spiritually with you. They can be somewhat jealous and protective of you.
🤎Juno in 08°, 20°: They will give you the impression of being very attractive, observant, reserved and somewhat intense. You will feel intrigued by them quickly and you will not be able to take your eyes off them, they will like that because they will be the same. They give you the impression that they are hiding something or at least one side of them. 
🟫Juno in Sagittarius: Life didn't used to have so much color before... well, they already saw it with good eyes, with enthusiasm and desire to explore it, but they never thought of vacating the passenger seat until you arrived. There is something about you that adds excitement and a unique touch to their lives. They are very nice people in the eyes of others, fun and adaptable to life situations. They stand out for their intellect and extensive knowledge of complex things, a desire to explore and discover new places invades them, as well as a curiosity to know everything that they are passionate about and everything about you that seems new to them. They are very wise people who know how to have fun and make you a happy person, they take being in good times and bad times very seriously. They come from distant lands and never thought they would be so fascinated with someone who comes from many kilometers away, they will not be afraid to settle down by your side, because you satisfy them in every way. They will give you your space even if that indicates missing you a little, they easily adapt to what you want but they will make it clear to you what they also want. They will joke with you until dawn, they will share stories, dreams, ideas and experiences, they will love to explore every corner of your mind and every pore of your body. You make them feel like the luckiest person on the planet every time they look into your eyes, the sparkle in your eyes inspires them and your smile gives them the greatest comfort and joy in the world. They love having found you among so many people in the world.
🟤Juno in the 9th house: Being with this person can bring you many changes and rethinking the kind of life you lead and want to lead. You can meet them during college,  a trip. They can be people who like to travel or they can even be from another continent, country or city than you. They are people older than you but jovial in appearance. They radiate a lot of positivity and have a lot of knowledge and wisdom. You can feel a very deep and spiritual connection with them. This person is curious and funny and likes to. They will teach you many things, they will give you your space and make your married life interesting. They will seek to fill you with positive & new experiences and a lot of happiness. 
🤎Juno in 09°, 21°: You can like them very well from the beginning. You will think that they are funny and very intelligent at the same time. May give you the impression of being a very deep person, someone who sees things in a unique way. You will see them as someone who can teach you many things, who can guide you and who will always be there to make you feel happy.
🟫Juno in Capricorn: There are very few things that catch their attention or make them reconsider their priorities, but they just can't stop thinking about you. Despite taking their time to make things happen between the two of them, they are clear that they want something with you, that you are what they want and they know perfectly well that they will fight hard for things to happen between you. Older than you, in age or maturity, they will be very patient and love to shower you with gifts and attention. They are not the most verbal but they will show you with facts. They will take their promises seriously and will hate to disappoint you. They are people who project a lot of power and ambition, want to go far and stand out for being very productive. They will take you seriously and want to be taken seriously, they don't waste time and they see in you a valuable way to use it. They are people who do not commit quickly, they take their time and it is very likely that they have had few formal/serious relationships. They will work very hard to give you a life full of comforts, that you do not lack anything and guide you in anything you need. They won't let you do all the work, in fact it's more likely that they'd rather do all the work, anyway, they'll be a team to them. They don't want you to stress, they just want you to enjoy and have a good time. Despite this, they admire your will and how hard you work. They will be very proud of you and they will show it to you.
🟤Juno in the 10th house: Professional people, well recognized and highly respected, their priority before meeting you will be work and doing something productive. They will seek to constantly improve the relationship. They will admire you a lot and put you on a pedestal, fill you with love through gifts and spending time with you. They may be somewhat reserved at first, but you and others will have no doubt how much they love you. They can be people in a position of power or people at a very high point in their lives. You will meet them at work, after getting a job or thanks to work [for some it may be their boss]. They will be very committed and will take the relationship seriously from the beginning.
🤎Juno in 10°, 22°: Will give you the impression of being older than you, more mature or at least more stable. You can think that they are serious, that they are focused and that they don’t waste time with silly things. Both [you and them] may be looking for something serious from the start, they will take their time to see if they can open up, so you may perceive them as reserved.
🟫Juno in Aquarius: You came into contact with the forbidden fruit, the one that provokes in you the most complex sensation of all, love. In a way so unique that none of the others made you simultaneously touch the pinnacle of paradise nor the most fiery depths of the mystery that succumbs in the catacombs. They give you the feeling of freedom, that feeling that someone finally loves every pore of your skin, every side of your personality, even what you rarely show. They love your complexity and do their best to understand you and be on par with you. Don't be surprised to see them become interested in trying something new just because you like it or because it's something you're passionate about. They will seek to connect with you through everything that differentiates them from you. They are sociable, independent, somewhat rebellious and innovative, they are not afraid to question the past and expand your mind by showing you everything you don't know. Their carefree and indifferent appearance can confuse you, but the reality is that they carry with them an intensity that they do not usually feel for anyone. They are a fixed sign after all. Taking this into consideration, you will see in them an iron loyalty. They are people who do not commit to what is not worth it, but once they do, they can be very steady. They will love the idea of ​​being with you, because you don't control them, you love them with the same madness with which they love you.
🟤Juno in the 11th house: They will be a very different person from you, but they will share many opinions, aspirations and dreams. It will be someone who will encourage you to fight for what is most valuable to you, they will inspire you a lot to be authentic, because they will love everything about you, including your rarities. You could meet through mutual friends, on the internet, while traveling or after making a change. They will be lighthearted and highly intelligent people. They are an independent person, but despite that they form friendships quite easily or at least like others easily. For them both are important and there will be no dominant role in the relationship, they will let you be you and won’t impose things on you.
🤎 Juno in 11°, 23°: You may think that there is something weird about them, but that will make you feel more drawn to them. They are a type of person that you have not met before, it will be very different from all the people you have met. They’ll give you the impression of being somewhat indifferent and independent. Friendship can happen very quickly between you.
🟫Juno in Pisces: Their mood changes completely once they have the opportunity to interact with you, being with you makes them feel calm and you are their greatest inspiration. They are very intuitive people who seem to detect when you feel bad, they will seek to help you in everything they can and heal and take care of your heart. They will feel an instant connection with you, but the intensity will be such that they won't know what step to take. They will be fascinated by your appearance, your personality and how you make them feel. They will be very sensitive and expressive with you and will be willing to sacrifice many things for you and your well-being. They'll smile if you smile, they'll cry if you cry, they seem too connected. They both know what the other is going through and seem to be the person who knows the other best. You can spend hours and hours talking with them about so many things that cross your mind, they will listen carefully and even enjoy spending a moment with you even if it is in silence. Regardless of their personality traits, they will become dreamers, idealists, and hopeless romantics in their relationship with you. They will give you complete freedom and will be there for you every step of the way, holding your hand and telling you that everything will be alright. Your presence can be comforting to each other. You will be their dream come true, they will be your miracle, both will believe that everything is possible with the other.
🟤Juno in the 12th house: Tendency to introversion and to keep a lot for themselves, they are not very open with other people, but they will be an open book for you. Both will read behind each other's thoughts and emotions. They will feel a very strong and special connection with you, they may be afraid to open up with someone again so they will do it step by step. They seek to help you in everything they can, heal your wounds and help you love those sides of you that you don't want to see. They will be very devoted to you and will give everything with intensity. It’s likely that you dream of each other even before you meet. Their love is long-lasting and you can feel that you know them from before/other lives. 
🤎Juno in 12°, 24°: You may get the first impression that they are from another planet, that they are in their own world and that there is some mystery surrounding them. You would think that they are complex, empathic and very fascinating. Their beauty may be something you have not seen before. They will be kind and delicate with you, they will seek to connect with you in a genuine way.
🤎Juno in the 00°: This person will give you the impression of being the epitome of what you have always wanted. You will feel deep inside that they are the right person and both can find themselves thinking a lot about the other. They will be a committed person who will know exactly what they want from this connection, they will be clear with their intentions, they will not send you mixed signs. They will be charming people who will make a great impression on everyone.
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⚵ Over here we are going to talk about their personality and traits [both positive and negative]. Since this is an asteroid, the orb of aspects is not wide, nevertheless is not too tight since it is one of the main asteroids. In this case the orb of aspect is from 0° to 4°. It applies to conjunction, trine, sextile, square and opposition. I decided to separate the positive aspects and the quintiles and biquintiles because the latter show the talents of this person. ⚵
🟫Positive aspects with Sun [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: They will be charismatic, funny and charming. When you meet them, it will be clear to both you and them that you want to commit. They are very devoted. They will be a warm person who will fill your life with much joy and happiness. They are people with a lot of will, sense of humor. They know perfectly well who they are and are usually very sure of themselves. Very noble, they will seek to share a lot with you. You can be similar to them in many ways.
🟤Tense aspects with Sun [Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They are people who do not want to depend on anything or anyone, they could seem very closed to the idea of ​​love and commitment at first. They can give the impression of being somewhat sassy, bossy or arrogant. They are more likely to be on the introverted side. They struggle to show themselves as they really are, because it takes time to trust them to do so.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Sun: Incredible leaders that know how to command. They also have a talent for expressing themselves in a unique and charming way. May have talent for acting or public speech, excel in activities that allow them to be noticed.
🟫Positive aspects with Moon [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: They are emotional and warm people, although a bit reserved with this side of their personality. They protect and delicately care for what matters to them. They are in touch with their emotions and usually express them in a healthy way [especially trine and sextile]. They have an excellent memory and enjoy having lots of details with those they love. They are sincere and share with you their memories, memories and experiences. They are very creative.
🟤Tense aspects with Moon [Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They have trouble opening up to people, especially emotionally. They seem to be much more rational than emotional and tend to try very hard to control their own emotions. They are not very gentle with themselves. They are not very verbal with their displays of affection, it is difficult for them to feel close to people.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Moon: Don't be surprised if they're good at home and family, home repairs, cooking, or even parenting. They have a natural ability to read behind your emotions and can have unique ways of comforting you. Great advisers and quite creative people. 
🟫Positive aspects with Mercury [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: They will be a very communicative person, they will seek to talk to you constantly and their talks will be fluid and fun. They are very curious people who will love to learn more and more about life, more and more about you. They will feel that they connect a lot on an intellectual level. They will be rational and very practical, as well as clever and fun. They will have a lot of knowledge in various things. You can talk about everything with them.
🟤Tense aspects with Mercury [Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They can be very nervous people, their mind can be their worst enemy. They have difficulty communicating or at least initially, they do not easily share what they think. They prefer to listen rather than speak. May be a bit moody. They overthink constantly. May get distracted pretty easily. They question their ability as a partner a lot even if you are happy with them.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Mercury: Excellent and talented communicators, both verbally and in writing, they move you with their words. Smart and quick learners. They easily connect with others. Ability to strike up a conversation with anyone.
🟫Positive aspects with Venus [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: They are very attractive, graceful and charming people in the eyes of others. They always try to be friendly. No matter how serious they look, they are very loving and romantic, somewhat hopeless romantic in fact. They dress very well and take care of their appearance. They love unconditionally and devotedly. They seek to marry for love, a love that makes them jump with happiness and makes them very excited. They are very detailed and splendid as partners. 
🟤Tense aspects with Venus [Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They may have trouble feeling attractive or desired. May have issues related to love, such as mistrust or fear of being cheated on. Sometimes they may feel that they do not deserve some tokens of love. They constantly criticize themselves. They set very high expectations of themselves, and people often do too.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Venus: Possible talent for the arts, a great eye for detail and design, very good taste. Ease to be liked by other people and stand out for their charm and good manners. Talent for finances and as administrators.
🟫Positive aspects with Mars [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: It is very likely that they like to take the first step and with you it will not be the exception. They are people with a lot of confidence in themselves, they are not afraid to take risks if they consider it worth it. Courage defines them perfectly as well as courage, they will always defend what they love. They are very active and have a dynamic and busy lifestyle. They are very spontaneous with their displays of affection and it's worth mentioning how passionate they are.
🟤Tense aspects with Mars [Conjunction (yes, it’s neutral so it may apply in here too), Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They tend to be constantly defensive, have a hot temper and can be a bit impatient [on a lesser extent if it is an earth sign]. They have a strong desire for independence and hate the idea of ​​asking for help. They may have had problems working as a team. They are very active and it bothers them to feel unproductive. 
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Mars: A like and talent in some sport because they are competitive and active people. Talent as leaders, they know how to make decisions quickly and effectively. They are very skilled in practical things and have quick reflexes.
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🟫Positive aspects with Jupiter [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: They radiate a lot of good vibes, they are quite wise and positive people. They enjoy advising and making happy those they appreciate the most. They will love to travel and see new places by your side, they will be travel companions and can greatly expand your mind. They will be an optimistic person who will motivate you when you feel low. Both of you will feel much happier, more optimistic and positive after getting married, you may even feel luckier in other areas of your life. 
🟤Tense aspects with Jupiter [Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They will be people very different from you in terms of personality, beliefs or lifestyle, but they will respect the differences. They have a great need for independence. They can be either very optimistic or very pessimistic. 
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Jupiter: Easy to learn other languages ​​or about other cultures. Extensive knowledge and intelligence. An excellent sense of humor that easily adapts to that of others without losing its essence. Talent for teaching. 
🟫Positive aspects with Saturn [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: They will provide you with a lot of stability, they will be very committed and devoted to the marriage, they will take it seriously and seek constant improvement in the relationship. They will enjoy spending time with you and your relationship will become their highest priority. They will be someone very hardworking and skillful in their work. They are very organizers and planners, they don't want you to worry about anything. You can always rely on them.
🟤Tense aspects with Saturn [Conjunction (yes, it’s neutral so it may apply in here too), Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: You can get married late or after the return of your Saturn. They are very self-critical people and somewhat workaholics too. Prone to stress easily and may not see things with the most positive eyes. They work very hard but tend to doubt their abilities, are quite secretive and do not allow themselves to be vulnerable.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Saturn: Extensive knowledge in real life issues (business, economics or politics). Great organizers, talent to plan and carry things out due to their patience and perseverance. Excellent leaders and bosses. 
🟫Positive aspects with Uranus [Trine, Sextile]: You will meet them when you least expect it and they will change your life for the better. They will be very independent, social and original people, they can be a bit eccentric but that is what gives them a charismatic touch. They are very spontaneous people who think about a future with you, they are excited about how things can progress with you. The opinion of others does not matter to them. They prefer to be authentic and do things their way.
🟤Tense aspects with Uranus [Conjunction, Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They may feel that they don't connect with others easily, as an outsider, as someone who is constantly ostracized or pushed away. They prefer to be on their own. They are a bit nervous, they think a lot about the future and they can worry a lot about it.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Uranus: They have original ideas. Great sense of humor accompanied by a great intellect. Easy to make friends. Good for computer science, photography or science. Could have a unique ability [i.e. see or hear better than average].
🟫Positive aspects with Neptune [Conjunction, Trine, Sextile]: They will be an altruistic person who will help those who need it most. You can feel with them a great spiritual connection, a very deep one. They will be very compassionate and healing for you, they can help you in many areas of your life in a selfless way. They will see much for your emotional and spiritual happiness. They are sensitive and kind to people. There is a mutual admiration and charm for each other, you can sacrifice a lot for each other.
🟤Tense aspects with Neptune [Conjunction (yes, it’s neutral so it may apply in here too), Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They are very hesitant about the idea of ​​commitment, they feel that they will not be able to find someone who wants to connect in the same way that they do. They are people who idealize a lot when they are in love and give everything madly, that's why they fear. They don't see the flaws in the people they love.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Neptune: Artistic talents [especially for music and painting/drawing or esoteric talents are very likely, strong intuition. Prediction. Talented for swimming or practicing activities in the water. Healers and wise counselors.
🟫Positive aspects with Pluto [Trine, Sextile]: Loyalty is everything to them, they take marriage seriously and don't commit unless they know they want to do things right. They are very honest and do not keep secrets from their partner. Marriage will make them feel powerful and very different, they will be a new and improved version of them, just like you. They are very intense with what they feel and very reserved with what happens within their relationship, for them there is only you and them.
🟤Tense aspects with Pluto [Conjunction, Square, Opposition, Semi-square, Sesquiquadrate]: They have a strong desire to connect deeply with someone, but are afraid to open up and be violated. They could have been betrayed. They are very suspicious of the intentions of others. They may be somewhat jealous and fear being abandoned, cheated on, or mistreated.
🤎Quintile or Biquintile Pluto: They have talent and skills to lead, work under pressure and withstand crisis. They are decisive. They have a strong intuition and seem like real lie detectors. Great capacities of observation and analysis.
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its-all-stardust · 6 months
Sugar || 3
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Masterlist || Part Two || Part Four
Steven Grant/Sugar Mommy!Reader
Word count: 3.9k
Series Summary: You meet Steven in a museum gift shop and feel an instant connection. Before you walk out the door you decide, perhaps against your better judgment, that you need him to be your sugar baby. Now you just need him to let you treat him right.
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A week goes by without a word from Steven. You told him to take his time; you expected him to. But that doesn’t stop you from thinking about him every day.
If he was going to say no, wouldn’t he have done it by now? Or he might not answer you at all. That, you think, is worse. You would rather know for sure than guess what the silence means.
You try not to feel disappointment for something that hasn’t even happened—technically, he hasn’t rejected you—but it still prowls in the back of your mind. You haven’t been this worried about something since your company got off the ground when everything was still uncertain, with no guarantee you could make a living.
You especially never felt this way about your other babies. The situations are entirely different. You didn’t have to worry about a referral rejecting you, not right out of the gate anyway. And all the ones you met through specific apps were the same: saying yes and figuring out if things worked as time went on. You at least had a couple of months with all your previous babies, each of you getting a feel for the other before mutually deciding to part ways for one reason or another.
And yet none of them were quite as unforgettable to you as Steven is. Try as you might, you still don’t understand how you’re so drawn to him. Maybe you see enough of yourself in him that you can’t help but want to take care of him, like how you wished someone had cared for you before you broke out and started making what would lead to your fortune.
But it means nothing if he says no. So, as much as you dislike it, you try to put him from your mind. You go about your days as usual, attending meetings, fielding phone calls from heads of different departments, approving the latest marketing budget, and finalizing every move your company makes to ensure you know exactly what is happening at all times. Technically, you don’t need to be as hands-on as you are. There are certainly other people in a similar position who aren’t. You could be on a beach somewhere, signing documents someone else has already read and approved for you. You could be the kind of CEO who never reads a thing and just puts your signature wherever you’re told. You would effectively be retired while still earning an ungodly amount of money. 
But you can’t do that; you can’t stand not knowing what’s happening with something that is your responsibility. You don’t want to rest easy, and you like working. While you have plenty—more than enough, really—saved away in investments, trusts, and more than a few bank accounts, you know how easily everything can be taken away. It almost happened once in the beginning, and ever since, you’ve been trying to ensure it never happens again.
And for all your worries about the state of your business, you don’t let it cross over into your after-work hours. You would, quite frankly, go insane if you didn’t clock out promptly at five. If nothing is on fire, it can wait until the next business day. The meeting you had the day of your dinner with Steven was a rare exception, but even then it only ran a few minutes past before you shut it down. The rest of the time was spent traveling from your office building to the restaurant.
You never understood people who worked later than they needed to. You’d much rather spend your evenings on things you enjoy, which, when you have one, is often your baby.
And you’re thinking of Steven again.
Would he like sitting with you while you were entertained by your other, mainly indoor, hobbies? Some of your other babies grew restless with the inactivity. Or would he be needy, constantly endearingly wanting your attention but never pushing too far?
You picture him looking at you with those beautiful brown eyes, begging for you to take him somewhere, talk to him, lavish him with affection—
Stop it.
Try as you might, it’s impossible to shake him. He’s in skin deep, and you have no clue how to carve him out.
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Another week goes by, and still no word from Steven.
You had assumed, after he said he would tell you after he blushed so prettily and didn’t run screaming, that he would at least have the courtesy to tell you he had to turn you down. You’re less upset at this point and more irritated. Annoyed with Steven, sure, but annoyed at yourself for going against your better judgment, hoping that everything would turn out fine. You had to be smart to get where you are; you should have known better than to pick up a random person to try to make your sugar baby.
It’s Saturday night, and you’re cozied up on your couch, watching your favorite movie and enjoying a molten fudge brownie to drown your sorrows and anger. This was how you spent most weekends, in truth. All the money in the world didn’t make you any less of an introvert, uninterested in loud clubs or parties—unless you had a date to show off.
Which you don’t.
You scrape the crumbs from your plate and lick the fudge from your fork before tossing them down on the coffee table with a clatter, the sound making you wince.
Before long, the movie isn’t able to distract you. Still feeling a little spiteful, you grab your phone, letting the movie play for background noise.
You open the app you use to look for new babies—the one everyone has to pay to use. Maybe what you need is a professional, which many who use the app are. At the very least, you’ll have a more timely response from them. The professionals don’t play games. And even if you don’t see one tonight that catches your interest, there’s no harm in looking.
After glancing at a few profiles, you pause on one belonging to a dark-haired man with glasses. He says he lives in New York—you have your settings set internationally since you have the funds to bring someone to you—and you entertain the idea of asking him to relocate. You’ve never had someone move for you, but seeing how devoted a baby could be to you is always an ego boost.
Just as you’re about to send a few coins the man’s way—the paid in-app currency that mommies and daddies use to show interest and initiate contact with prospective babies—your phone chimes, the delicate notes of your ringtone filling the room.
A call. From Steven.
Disbelief fills you, tamping down some of your anger. It doesn’t dissipate entirely, though, and you’re tempted not to answer to teach Steven a lesson. But he’s not your baby, and reacting with anger before you hear him out isn’t fair to him.
Pausing your movie, you swipe to answer just before the call gets sent to voicemail.
“Hello,” you say simply, unwilling to try saying anything witty lest it comes across wrong over the phone. It’s happened before, and it’s never fun to have to backtrack and explain yourself, especially in such a delicate situation as this.
“For a second there, I was afraid you weren’t going to answer,” Steven says, sounding relieved.
“Why would you be afraid?”
“Because…” Steven hesitates. “Because it’s late, and I meant to talk to you sooner, I swear. But something…weird happened, and it was days later, and I could have sworn I left your number on Gus’s tank, but then it wasn’t there. And after everything else, I forgot for a day there and—”
“Steven,” you cut him off, ignoring the “forgetting” thing—for now. “Your answer?”
Steven is quiet for a moment. Then, a soft “Yes.”
“Yes, what? What do you want?” You need to hear him say it.
“Yes, I want to…be your sugar baby.” He whispers the last part as if he’s afraid to say the words out loud. If he doesn’t want to be called that, you won’t force it, but the affirmative response makes you grin.
“But I have some questions first,” he quickly adds.
“Of course. We’ll go over the terms and everything first before we make it official. Are you available tomorrow?”
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You had Steven pick the meeting place, wanting him to be somewhere familiar and comfortable to discuss such an unfamiliar topic. The courtyard where you’re to meet Steven is small but lovely. You arrive a few minutes earlier than the set meeting time of ten. Early to ease Steven’s nerves, which you could hear from the other end of the line, and so you weren’t left feeling like you couldn’t do anything for the rest of the day now that you had one thing planned.
You spot Steven sitting on the bench in front of a ground fountain in the middle of the square, shoulder slumped and eyes staring down at the ground. You slowly approach, making sure your heeled boots clack loudly on the bricks. He looks up when you get close and jumps to his feet when he sees you, saying your name. Then he sticks out his hand before abruptly dropping it.
“Sorry. I’m not sure what the proper greeting for…this is.”
Smiling, you ask, “Would it be alright if I hugged you?”
Steven nods, his face flushing. You wonder, the longer you know him if that’ll ever stop. You hope it doesn’t.
Pleased, you step forward, tucking your arms under Steven’s while his come over your shoulders. His hold is light, like he isn’t sure how firmly to hold you. You tuck your chin onto his shoulder and close your eyes, enjoying his warmth. You relish affectionate touches with your babies, and Steven’s arms feel lovely around you.
It’s not a quick hug. You keep your arms around him, giving Steven a chance to relax into it. If he doesn’t, he may be one of the ones you forgo such actions with. Pleasantly, though, he readjusts his arms, settling their weight around you more completely to actually hold you.
He even lets out a pleased hum, and you have to bite your lip to keep your smile from turning into a too-wide grin.
Steven seems a little startled when you eventually pull away.
“So, what would you like to know?” you ask, sitting on the bench, setting your bag beside you on your free side.
“Right, erm…” He sits next to you, close but not too close. “What would I have to…do exactly?”
“Can you be more specific?” What a sugar baby does can encompass a number of things that vary for every mommy and daddy.
Steven looks around at the people passing by, shifting back and forth in his seat. “Would I have to…sleep with you?” he whispers.
It’s a fair question. Usually, one of the first a new baby will ask, and his hesitancy tells you that, for whatever reason, he’s shy about the topic.
“Only if we both want to and sometime in the future when we both know each other better,” you answer honestly.
You don’t sleep with all your babies, and it’s not a requirement for you. Some people don’t like sex with their mommies or daddies, and you’re not going to force someone to sleep with you. You can perfectly enjoy having a baby, being their mommy, without having sex with them.
“Oh,” Steven says evenly. You can’t quite make out what his tone means.
“And if you don’t want me to touch you at all, that’s fine. We don’t have to hug again or anything like that again if it’s uncomfortable for you.” Though you’ll be more than a little disappointed if that’s the case.
“The hug was nice!” Steven quickly assures you. “I just wasn’t sure if-if you’d need that for me to…”
“We don’t have to be sexual with each other for me to enjoy your company, Steven.”
He nods. “Good. That’s…good.”
Sometimes, you have trouble understanding what people mean when they speak. Steven’s an endearing sort of awkward, but you’re starting to learn that makes it hard to tell what he means.
Is he happy that he doesn’t have to have sex with a stranger? Or is he like some other people and disappointed that he doesn’t get to have a very-few-strings-attached relationship?
You’ll probably need to start asking for clarification in the future, but for now, don’t say anything and let the topic drop.
“What else do you have questions about?”
Steven shakes himself from his thoughts and turns back to you, no longer looking uncomfortable.
“Do you want me to quit my job?”
“Do you want to quit your job?” You’ve never asked a baby to quit working—if they even had a job to begin with—unless it was something that did more harm than good. Not to mention, it’s a good way to keep them busy when you’re not around. You can’t exactly be with your baby twenty-four-seven.
You don’t know what Steven goes through on a daily basis, though you can guess based on what his manager is like.
“Well, I don’t exactly love working with Donna,” Steven says, his mouth twisting when he mentions the woman of his apparent nightmares. “But the others aren’t so bad, and I really like it there. I mean, I wish I weren’t stuck in the gift shop, but it’s not all bad.”
“Then keep your job,” you shrug. “Set up a savings or investment account and put every paycheck in there. Then you have it for the future if you ever need it.”
“Are you sure?” Steven presses. “Because some of the things I read said I would have to.”
“If you need me to tell you to quit so it’s easier for you, then quit. But otherwise, I don’t care. I’m more than capable of working around your schedule. This is kind of another job, in a way.” He still looks unsure. You gently place your hand on his jaw, needing him to not just hear you but listen to you. “I want to take care of you, not control you.”
In a manner of speaking, you do control your babies, telling them what to wear and what to do to make you happy. Some even have a sort of persona around you that you find particularly pleasing. But you don’t force them to make life choices like that.
Helping someone quit their shitty job is vastly different than making someone stop doing something they enjoy. You’ve also noticed that it can be hard for new babies to give up the way of life they’re so used to. For them, it’s difficult to actually go through with not working when it’s all they’ve ever known, despite how often they’ve dreamt of never having to work ever again.
Steven doesn’t say anything, though he does seem to lean into your hand a little.
“So what’ll it be?” you prompt.
“I’ll keep my job,” he answers quietly, still mesmerized by your touch. You nod and take your hand away; you need his head clear.
“I just have one question for you before I start going over everything else.”
“Whatever you want to know.”
“Are you in any sort of relationship? Committed, casual?” You carefully watch Steven’s face, looking for any tells. You can’t always tell when people lie, but almost everyone has common cues indicating when they’re being deceitful.
“Oh, no! Nothing to worry about there,” he says with an awkward laugh. When he sees the slightly skeptical look on your face, he continues. “Let’s just say you’re the only one who’s been interested in me.”
His uncontrollable blush is on his face again, and he meets your eye without issue.
You have to bite your tongue to keep from asking Ever? Or recently? That’s something you can ask later if he’s willing to talk about it to sate your curiosity.
“Do people really do that?” Steven asks. “Date someone and be a sugar baby at the same time?”
“Of course, and usually consensually between all parties. It all comes down to what someone needs from their baby. Me, though? I like having them all to myself. It can be hard to try to fit in a third.”
“So I take it you’re not in a relationship?” Steven asks slowly.
You shake your head. “I’m not. It’s why I like having sugar babies.”
With the major questions out of the way, you start going into your expectations.
“There aren’t a lot of events that I attend, but I expect you to come with me,” you start, and Steven pulls out his phone. For a second, you’re confused, but as he starts typing., you see he’s making notes for himself. “Sometimes I like to take overnight trips, and I’d like you to come with me. We’ll have to go around your work schedule, though, so you always need to let me know your hours.
Steven writes it all down, mumbling the words to himself as you say them.
When I call, you answer. When I tell you to call me, you call me. No excuses.
If I ever tell you to do or not do something, you listen. It won’t ever be anything morally objectional. Depending on what it is, I’ll ask if you’re comfortable with it.
I’m your mommy, I expect please and thank you.
I like being affectionate. That means hugging, holding hands, and the like. I’d even like to be able to kiss you on the cheek if that’s alright with you.
I’ll give you a card. When you’re on your own, I expect you to use it. If I don’t see any large purchases on the statement, you’ll get a talking-to.
When we’re together, you ask me to buy things for you. Nothing is too big or too small.
I’ll be paying all your rent and any bills, so we’ll need to take time to get those sorted.
I’m paying you for your time, so you’ll get a payment every time we’re on a date or go out. Feel free to ask for more than I give you. There’s nothing wrong with being playful and saying you’re worth more.
“Also,” you say once you finish your last point. “Most of my babies are fine with informal, verbal agreements, but I can get something written up for you if you’d like.”
Steven is so focused on typing that he doesn’t realize you want his input. It isn’t until he registers what he’s typing that he finally looks up.
“Oh, sorry.” He locks his phone, putting his hands in his lap. “Is one better than the other?”
“Having a written agreement is more for the baby’s benefit. Based on my experience, babies like it because they can have a signed statement for continued payment for some time after the relationship ends. I usually only hear of high rollers doing it; that way, the baby is set up if things sour. And if the mommy or daddy doesn’t want to pay, the baby can threaten legal action, which usually gets settled out of court very quickly. A win-win for the baby.”
“And what would you get out of it?”
“For me personally? It would just be a way to hold you to the agreement enough to keep you from running out without notifying me. It’s fine if you don’t want to be my baby anymore, but I am at least owed a sort of resignation whenever the time comes.”
You remember that one baby you had a couple of years ago. He was new to the game, took his first payment, and left without speaking to you again. You were more annoyed at having to make someone track him down to ensure that nothing had happened to him than upset that he didn’t want to be a baby anymore.
“So, if I don’t want to be your baby anymore, I just say so and walk away?” Steven asks with a hint of skepticism, likely thinking that it surely can’t be that easy.
“Exactly. Like I said, I don’t want to control you or own you, but I think I deserve enough respect to be told you’re no longer interested.”
Steven thinks everything over for a moment.
“I can’t say I see myself wanting to sure you, so I think I’ll be okay without signing anything,” he eventually says.
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I mean, this doesn’t have to be as complicated as all that, does it?”
You give a small smile. “It doesn’t. This is supposed to be fun, after all.”
Steven smiles back at you, and you feel a flutter in your chest. Normally, your babies don’t set your heart pounding, but Steven isn’t quite like them. You push it out of your mind; it’s best not to get too attached, not like that anyway.
“Did you set up that account I asked you to?” you ask, ready to get on to the fun part of a new baby’s first arrangement.
Steven unlocks his phone and opens the online banking app you asked him to download last night. It’s the best way to send his payment, and then he can move it around however he likes afterward.
Pulling up the QR code to share his profile, you scan it with your app, adding him to your contacts. Then, you tap to start a transaction.
“This will be for our initial dinner and for today. Go ahead and type any amount you’d like in there,” you say, handing your phone to Steven.
He stares at the screen, frozen, like he’s afraid to move.
“Go on,” you urge him. You had wondered what he’d be like once he was told to start asking for money. Much like your other new babies, he’s hesitant, afraid to name a number, even though this whole arrangement revolves around money.
Steven looks up at you, eyes wide and biting his lip. Finally, looking back down at your phone, you watch as he types a single “1” before thrusting it back toward you.
You don’t take it. “Do you think that’s all you’re worth? Add some zeroes on there.”
Steven types one zero.
“Another,” you command. Very slowly, he types another. “Think you can give me one more?”
“I… That’s just…” Steven flounders, shaking his head.
“Steven.” Just his name, nothing more. Your voice is firm, leaving no room for argument.
This time, he quickly hits a third zero and practically throws the phone back at you.
“Good boy,” you say, quickly hitting the ‘transfer’ button to send the thousand pounds to Steven. You think you see him shiver.
You grin, already loving his reactions. You can’t wait to tease him, give him more.
“Now, what do you say?” you ask, tucking your phone back into your leather handbag.
“Thank you,” Steven says quietly, face once again flushed.
“You’re welcome, baby.” His eyes flit down shyly, but he doesn’t turn away from you.
Then you reach out and tug on the sleeve of his shirt, examining the fit and pattern.
“There’s one more thing I’d like to do today if you have the time,” you say, eyeing up the rest of his outfit.
“What’s that?” Steven asks, sounding nervous and perhaps a little excited.
Your eyes flick to meet his, that predatory look returning to your face.
“I want to take you clothes shopping.”
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Series taglist: @multific @uncle-eggy
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starastrologyy · 1 year
Ascendant in partners Houses🤍
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I thought I’d switch it up a bit and post something a little different to what I usually post! I hope you all enjoy this! Please note that this post is specifically referring to romantic synastry🤍
Ascendant in Partners 1st House:
With this overlay, there is a sense of like-mindedness between both people. The house person sees the ascendant person as someone they have a lot in common with. Perhaps they have similiar life experiences, or it could be that they approach the world in a similar way. These two people are often bonded by a sense of familiarity. Since, the 1st house is ruled by Aries, the Ascendant person can motivate the house person to achieve their goals or to seek independence. There’s a natural and effortless resonance between the two.
Ascendant in Partners 2nd House:
The house person is likely to view the ascendant person as being someone that they value. Since the 2nd house also governs over possessions, the house person is likely to feel quite possessive over the ascendant person. This is also a very physically affectionate placement, and thus the house person is likely to be physically drawn to the ascendant person. The 2nd house also governs finances. It is possible that the house person feels the need to spend money on the Ascendant person. Alternatively, it could just be that the ascendant person, has a profound impact on the house persons finances.
Ascendant in partners 3rd House:
This is often a very communicative placement. The Ascendant person stimulates the house persons mental and communicative desires. It is possible that the house person really enjoys speaking with the ascendant person, or perhaps they find their conversation easy and intellectually stimulating. The third house is also the house of siblings. Thus, the house person may feel a familial or sibling-like bond with the ascendant person. This isn’t necessarily the most ‘romantic’ placement. However, this is an amazing overlay for those who value communication in relationships, and learning from their partners. The house person may also want to embark on short-trips with the Ascendant person with this overlay. It is also possible that these two met in an educational setting or they may come from the same neighborhood/community.
Ascendant in partners 4th house:
To put it simply, the Ascendant person feels like ‘home’ to the house person. This can obviously be a good or a bad thing depending on the house persons childhood and their familial experiences. However, on a more positive note, there is a sense of familiarity and comfort that the ascendant person provides to the house person. It is also possible that these two may actually live together or share a home. Alternatively, the Ascendant person may encourage the house person to explore their roots (physical & emotional). The house person may even see the ascendant person as someone they can open up to emotionally.
Ascendant in partners 5th house:
This is a very ‘fun’ and light-hearted overlay. The house person often sees the ascendant person as someone they can be creative with, or just simply have a good time with. These two likely met on a night out, or perhaps they met in an environment that values creativity or children. The ascendant person encourages the house person to explore their creativity and their ‘fun side’. This is also an overlay that indicates physical/sexual attraction. However, this attraction is more of a short-term, ‘no strings attached’ kind of dynamic. This overlay can indicate someone who you have a brief, but very enjoyable ‘fling’ with.
Ascendant in partners 6th house:
The ascendant person has a profound impact on the productivity of the house person. Perhaps the ascendant person helps the house person with their errands or pets. These two may even be ‘fitness’ or health & wellness buddies! Depending on the aspects, the ascendant person can increase or decrease the house persons productivity. It is also possible that these two are co-workers, or they met whilst they are at work. The house person may also want to find ways to make the ascendant persons life ‘easier’. This could be by driving them places, or relieving them from some of their daily tasks!
Ascendant in partners 7th house:
The 7th house is the house of partnerships, but it is also the house of open enemies. In this instance, the house person often sees the ascendant person as being the physical embodiment of what they seek in a long-term partner. The manner in which the ascendant person presents themselves, is very attractive to the house person, as they see the ascendant person as someone who they can commit to. However, if things turn left, the house person may quite literally view the ascendant person as their ‘open enemy’. This overlay is common in committed romantic relationships, or well established business partnerships.
Ascendant in partners 8th house:
This is an overlay than can be intense for both parties. The house person sees the ascendant person as someone who has the potential to influence them on a very deep and profound level. It is possible that the house person finds the ascendant person to be very sexually attractive. It could also mean that the ascendant person introduces the house person to topics that involve psychology, transformation, the occult and matters pertaining to shared resources. The 8th house is a house that is characterized by extremes. Thus, the house person is inclined to view the ascendant person in manners that can be considered ‘extreme’ at times. They may research things together, or perhaps the ascendant person may conscious or unconsciously trigger the house persons shadow-side. In a sexual relationship, this is a very beneficial overlay to have, as the house person is likely to be very sexually attracted to the ascendant person.
Ascendant in partners 9th house:
The ascendant person expands the house persons horizons (literally and metaphorically speaking). It’s possible that the ascendant person challenges the house persons beliefs, and encourages them to consider different perspectives. They may have met whilst at college, or perhaps when travelling abroad. The house person learns a lot whilst they are with the ascendant person, and they may even place them on a pedestal. In most cases, the house person views the ascendant person in a positive light, and they may feel as if they learn a lot by being around them. Thus, the ascendant person opens the house person up to new ways of thinking & being. These two may travel long distances together.
Ascendant in partners 10th house:
With this overlay, the house person is likely to view the ascendant person as someone who has the potential to help them in their career, or someone who can be very beneficial when it comes to their reputation. This is the ultimate ‘trophy’ placement, as the house person will enjoy being seen out and about with the ascendant person. The ascendant person may come up with ways in which the house person can advance on their career path. The 10th house also represents “authority figures”. Thus, in rare instances the partner may actually be someone who was the house persons boss, or a senior in their workplace. Alternatively, this placement can sometimes indicate a significant age gap. But the most common manifestation is helping each other advance in a career context. Changes in reputation (the house persons) by association with the ascendant person is also a possible manifestation
Ascendant in partners 11th House:
This overlay is characterized by friendship and shared goals. The house person is likely to view the ascendant person as someone they have the potential to build a great friendship with. In a romantic context, the house person is likely to feel as if the ascendant person is their friend as much as they are their lover. They may have even met online or through mutual friends. Shared goals or the mutual desire to work on a project that benefits the masses is also a possibility. These two may engage in philanthropic work or community service together. This is a very beneficial placement when it comes to friendship and the house persons goals & dreams. The ascendant person, may open doors for the house person, or provide them with opportunities that get them closer to attaining their worldly ambitions.
Ascendant in partners 12th house:
The 12th house is a hidden house. However, it also represents spirituality, bed pleasures, and “hidden enemies”. Thus, the ascendant person is likely to introduce the house person to spirituality or the unseen realms. It is possible that these two may feel a spiritual or “otherworldly” connection to each other. The house person may feel very drawn to the ascendant person and not know why. In some instances, the house person may feel suspicious or mistrustful of the ascendant person. It could also mean they met in an environment that was secluded or in a ‘faraway land’. Since the 12th house governs ‘faraway lands’. In some instances, the ascendant person may even trigger the house persons ‘spiritual awakening’. The 12th house is a murky house, and thus interactions or the intentions between these two may be unclear at times. However, there is also the potential for a relationship that’s filled with compassion, grace, and understanding to develop.
Click the link in my bio if you’re interested in getting a reading! 🤍
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𝐹𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑦𝑣𝑎𝑡, 𝑇𝑤𝑜 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠
Genshin Masterlist
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Mondstadt was far too peaceful, compared to the modern world of your planet. There was more greenery, more land to run around and just sit back and relax, trees and flowers weren't withered or tainted with cement...
And now, you were taking your words back as fast as Usain Bolt once ran.
Perhaps the outside of the city was just as you described, but the city? The City was the worst.
Children crying and screaming, people flocking around you and exclaiming their gratitude, elders praising you for your strength and beauty while telling how pretty and strong children you would have, how you were one of the fairest and most fierce maidens of the city and how blessed you were for having a face very similar to their Champion...
Aether's situation was worst, as he was soon surrounded with the teens of Mondstadt who had literal heart eyes for him, staring at his naked abdomen time to time as he blushed deeply while trying not to break anyone's heart...
You were starting to reconsider your early thought of settling here one day.
Your brain was turned into a puddle of jello, their constant talking doing nothing to relax your already throbbing head. Not even rubbing your temples worked, something that eased your school stress which often made your poor nape throb.
And the only way to just ease your poor abused mind, was to come to the Windrise where it was most peaceful with the almost-there hum of the nature and the huge tree
"Don't you think Lisa and Amber are like sisters?" you casually tell to Aether while extending a hand to touch the branch above your head as the shorter male looks up at you from the food he was eating, a kind of sandwich from your world that he was sure he would beg you to prepare more often.
It was one of the best snacks he ever had, and even tasted...familiar.
"Why do you say so?" He raised his brows with a questioning look, already preparing to hear yet another bizarre thing out of your mouth like you usually did whenever you were too bored, while wiping the leftovers on his lips with a napkin you offered so that he didn't use his dirty hands like an uncultured boy.
Nah uh, not on your watch.
" Amber does all of Lisa's footwork. Elder sisters also ask, rather demand, their little sibling to do something for them to laze around." You hummed all-too-knowingly with a shrug, slapping the branch softly with a smile.
He only hummed for a few seconds, pondering for an answer while looking through his previous memories with his sister. Although he forgot most of his memories, he was still able to remember Lumine and all the bickering they did.
And that alone put a smile on his face.
"Hmm... Since me and my sister are the same age, we always used to decide with playing rock, paper and scissors. How about you Y/N?"
"Oh... Uh, It's actually... Something I really don't want to talk about." you trailed off, clear discomfort written on your face as you and Aether sat side by side with Paimon laying on the green field like a starfish, looking up at the Tree of Vanessa and watching the slimes slowly go away to their path, totally unaware of the awkwardness that hung on the air.
But you also knew, from the almost teary eyes Aether had that he missed Lumine and needed to just vent... Even if you didn't wish to speak of your life back on Earth.
"How about Lumine? How is she like?" you asked him with a sigh, tightening your hold on your folded legs and resting your head on your knees as you turned your head to look at him with a soft smile. From what you vaguely knew, while Aether was a sunshine and more approachable due to his cute and round face, Lumine seemed more calm and collected and more likely to beat someone up and not be sorry.
Though she also had her soft and loving moments occasionally. As a matter of fact, you saw yourself in her even when you hadn't actually met her yet... A girl, looking so tough and strong, also sarcastic and funny in her own way, but is actually very vulnerable and in dire need of someone understanding her struggles and pain, and still loving and being there for her.
You could have become such good friends with her...
But you just... couldn't help wondering what happened to them. Why were they there? What did they see or experience enough to leave this world in a hurry? Why the Gods of this world didn't leave them be? What was beyond what others saw in them?
What did the Celestia plan for them this time?
You widened your eyes as your heart started beating erratically, all the while trying not to alert Aether, who was looking at the horizon, from your sudden fear, your mind was suddenly blank at what just crossed your mind. What was even this Celestia you just said? And what did it mean "this time"? You were so sure that you didn't know this world, you couldn't possibly know anything since you just started playing the game and getting into the lore, watching theory edits and such.
And you definitely hadn't read any books about the history of this world either. Then what was that sudden thought thar crossed your mind? Why did it sound like you knew this would happen and this Celestia?
The only thing you had gotten close to knowing about this world was that time when you first met Storm Terror and... a strange bard who talked to that dragon...
Who stared at you with a shocked face, eyes wide with terror and sadness as he looked at you tearfully, as if he had seen his lost lover after years of death taking his love away.
As if a war had wracked both him and whatever he held dear to himself forever to not give what he once blissfully had but never realized it. As if he had seen the ghost of a friend, or a lover right before him when he thought he would never.
Why am I thinking about such things? I mean sure, he was pretty cute with his big green and turquoise eyes and I literally felt my heart broke for him after he made such a kicked puppy face but... I don't even know him! Who is he anyways, and why do I feel like I know both him and that dragon? Why did such a terrifying creature literally whined at the first sight of me?
And your eyes just drifted up, where a land was floating slowly above, close to Mondstadt as if flauntly, as if to showcase its own power, to tell the humans below that they were the ones in power and that they could end them with just one single blow...
Arrogant jackasses... Those fucking, good for nothing Gods, thinking so highly of themselves yet still hiding...
Something inside of you told you that for whatever reason, you would see both that bard and dragon once again and then, you could demand some answers from him. Maybe it was a bit harsher than usual saying in such situation where you didn't even know that bard and therefore couldn't have any problem to begin with but, could anyone blame you for your fear, nerves and behaviour when you didn't know anything and anyone, not even about your travelling partners?
So, as weird as this whole situation was and you were getting the creeps because of it as if you were being watched, you were still happy to be here with Aether and hopefully learn more about him and his sister.
Maybe I could become friends with her too when all this ends and we find her? I wonder what she likes though, I hope she doesn't beat me up because I would be really sad but happy to be beaten by a strong, pretty-
At his silence that made the little balloon in your mind pop, which was enough to tell you that he wasn't ready to talk about her yet, you pondered for another way for him to open up without causing discomfort to him.
"What... exactly happened when you wanted to get out, Aether? And above all, why did you want to get out in a hurry?" you asked softly, not wanting to startle and trigger him since his eyes seemed lost as he concentrated on somewhere far away and also, not to dive deep in your own thoughts of being beaten by strong and pretty women.
He turned to you when he heard your voice after minutes of silence, focusing on your eyes as he shrugged his shoulders. He trully didn't remember much, he even barely remembered telling you that he and his sister was leaving in a hurry.... Perhaps, it was another play of that Unknown God to make him weaker, to enslave him forever.
He was going to have his revenge oh so badly, he swore it.
"I don't remember... All I remember is that feeling of panic and fear before the Unknown God came and another shooting star protected us before everything went black and I woke up near that shore."
You nodded your head absentmindedly, plucking a Windwheel Aster to play with as your mind played the familiar screen play where you needed to choose one twin over the other to save.
Which was just a while ago before you suddenly woke up here.
However, it was strange enough that there was a shooting star which protected them from the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, Asmoday, though he was yet to know her true name. From someone way too powerful than anyone on Teyvat, even the Archons.
But yet again, it was only normal. Archons were once normal Gods who lived in Celestia, before whatever it was that resulted in the ruined buildings, abandoned castles and desolate lands all across this vast world.
Since the world was changing with your presence here, obviously since you were not from the game and lore... Would you dare to change the destiny of this world? Of all the people you will meet, of Aether and Lumine? Of Paimon on who you had no idea over as to what or who she is?
Do you dare to go against Celestia, as a human who didn't have a chance against Them even when a God had a slim one at deceiving and fighting that power?
These were definitely not in the game... Just what else is different than the game version?
Apart from the uncertainty this new reveal brought to you, which was initially another side that excited you, life in Mondstadt was... Peaceful for the most part.
It seems their Archon did a good job with maintaining what they were created for: Freedom.
Even imagining what future days may hold for you in this city, the secrets those ruins held, the kind of history they hid and what you could discover there filled you with a buzzing feeling that almost made you shake with excitement. After all, playing through a screen and actually witnessing them were way different.
Spoiler alert: You didn't like those Ruin Guards.
But even amidst your happiness, the one feature you had thanks to your more shy and reserved self back in your world since no one really paid attention to you started working: Picking on the mood of people close to you.
And in this case, it was Aether who was your stark contrast, sitting with a face close to breaking apart.
At first glance, Aether almost seemed like he didn't care about what happened to him. His eyes were hard most of the times, even when he didn't talk about his sister, and since he was kind of selectively mute because he didn't understand Teyvat language and you and Paimon were the ones who talked to him and communicated with others in his stead, that's why people often thought of him to be too harsh and hard to get close to.
If only they knew how wrong they were, if only they knew he had such a golden heart as you stared at his teary golden orbs as the boy slowly broke apart after months of being alone.
"And just like that... I lost both my sister and powers as some kind of seal was casted upon me and now, we are trapped here." Aether spoke out in a whisper, too low for you to hear had you been a few meters away from him as he clenched his hands angrily, veins popping up by the sheer force he applied at remembering the smug face of that Unknown God that trapped him here.
You always knew how lonely and hard it must be for Aether, with no one else to talk to like you did and no one to spend time casually with. Humans, whether on Earth or some other universe, always needed to be social whether they liked it or not. The humankind had always been that way, always seeking out closure and companionship and never wanting to be alone. If asked "What do you fear the most?", most people here would answer with "Archons." probably with "being alone" being the second most given answer.
But Aether had been alone for the longest time and possibly fought with many Gods in other worlds and this one, just to get out of here with his sister.
He experienced all the fears of ordinary people.
Paimon could always fly to wherever she wanted and eat without a problem, and even go for her own journey if she wanted. You could always ask for help from people and even hang out with them freely without worrying about anything and there wouldn't be a huge language barrier between you and them as well, unlike a certain short blondie.
Paimon could find another travelling buddy, you could settle down here and even build a new life for yourself.
Aether had no one and no way to do such things.
How could I be so stupid to not see this before?! He must have felt too bad as I hung out with Kaeya! Like a lonely kitten only wanting its owner..!
"You know... You are not alone here." you tentatively spoke, after internally scolding yourself for being carried away from the excitement of being in Mondstadt, carefully weighing your words as you slowly touched his hand, to which he lifted his head slowly in shock and stared at your star-shaped eyes that seemed to captivate him even more with each day.
"What do you mean? Have I suddenly started to understand their language or something?" he sarcastically asked with a slight hint of amusement, which he only did with you and not Paimon because your reactions were better, making you sigh out and pinch his cheeks harshly with a giggle as you cooed at his flustered state.
"Getting sarcastic now, are we? Oh my, I didn't know you had that side of you!" he rolled his eyes sarcastically at your dramatic gesture, swatting your hand away. But as the noisy little shit you were, you kept pestering him and nudge him with a wide smile that Aether couldn't dare to erase.
Enjoyment, nowadays, was hard to find for him after all.
He continued to look at you and listen to you excitedly talk, even though he knew it was because of your nerves by how hard you were chewing on your lips and fiddling with your fingers. Unaware, you kept on talking while putting stray hairs behind your ear to push them aside, all futile attempts too mask your nervousness from what you were about to stay...
And whether they would come off as offensive.
"I mean, obviously, me and Paimon can't be like your sister and we absolutely have no intention to do so but we are your friends. If you have something troubling you, you come to us. If you want to talk about anything, absolutely anything, you come to me. Because let's be real, Paimon would probably pull it towards foods and I'm rambling but you got the idea-
"Thank you... Y/N..."
"And I mean, I know I could be very-wait, what?"
You stammered nervously in shock at what left Aether's mouth so softly with a deep emotion, not expecting the chuckle that left his lips breathlessly next at your shock. His giggle was really cute, something that eased your worried heart and almost made you think everything was back to normal and that you two were just simple people hanging out together and not trying to roam this world for a way to get out.
But he was trully grateful, grateful for your attempts of making him feel better, always looking out for ways to look after him, being his friend...
"I know you don't trust us yet, but I can assure you that as long as I am alive, I'll make sure you see your sister again and travel worlds again." you finalized what you had to say with a firm yet soft pat on Aether's back, promising him just like the time you had to choose one of them with a heavy heart and let the other be taken.
Like the first time you felt like a true villain.
Aether only gave you a wide yet tearful smile as he nodded his head, the light of the Sun of Teyvat hitting on both of your skins and making them appear to be so soft that you almost thought it was coming behind a silk cloth.
After all, he wasn't going to be alone anymore... After fighting his demons in the dead of the night for so long, without anyone really understanding his struggles...
He now had another friend, another one who understood him and how traumatic it was to be trapped in a completely foreign world.
Seeing you finally broke every kind of ice between you two, and since you didn't want to be sad all day when the weather was so nice, you hugged him tightly from his shoulders with a wide smile, opening your palm to show the vast greenery before you which was a blessing of Mondstadt and their Archon... well, whoever that fucker was now.
"Besides! You can't really get rid of me that easily! I have this bad habit of never separating from those I deem very close," you whispered the last part almost threateningly, leaning closer to his ear with a hand covering your mouth and his ear as if there was someone that could hear you, unaware of the heavy blush covering his whole face while he avoided looking down at your lips unconsciously...
A sudden, soft murmur broke you two apart harshly.... And saved Aether from the embarrassment by giving him enough time to dip his whole face to the cold water at the Windrise.
" So, does this make you and Aether my siblings, Y/N?" you flinched when you heard the childish yet sleepy voice of Paimon suddenly, who grew on you even if she sometimes got on your nerves. She was stretching as much as her tiny body would allow, slapping her lips loudly as she yawned and looked around with wide and curious eyes as if she wasn't here hours before she slipped into a deep slumber
Nonetheless, you couldn't help but coo at her cute question with a hand over your chest as Aether chuckled next to you while looking at Paimon who was sitting in front of you both before patting her head and confirming her...
Well, that was before she decided to become a little menace to you once again.
"Wait, wha- Aww you are so cute for-"
"Since you do all the footwork and I float-"
A cheeky grin from her as you groaned.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" An irritated scowl was plastered on your face with brows raised in question at the floating emergency food, the latter wheezing at the expression of your face while Aether tried to cover his giggles to be spared from your wrath ( which only earned him a slap to the back of his head because how dare he get satisfaction from such thing!).
But as much as betrayed you were from Paimon fooling you, it was also... kind of funny, what she said. She was really like a kid who didn't have a filter on her mouth and mind, never knowing when and what was the appropriate time to say something... That was perhaps what made her endearing in your eyes.
"Come on, Y/N, I can see your smile! I know you found it funny!"
"...Maybe, yes, it was funny." you grumbled to which they let out a loud yay! and you smiled at their enthusiasm with tired yet content eyes as silence settled once again. Paimon eyed you and Aether for a few seconds, admiring how pretty and strong you looked as you allowed Aether to lean his whole weight onto you and laid his head comfortably on your shoulder while she wasn't in any different position as she laid across your lap, with your hand slowly caressing her hair and pat her head.
For some reasons, you always gave off of a comforting vibe ever since they saw you or well, you saw them, timidly getting close to them to ask if you could sit with them near the fire they had built, promising that you wouldn't hurt them. They were suspicious at first just as any normal person would be, but Aether couldn't find it in his heart to decline you when you looked so helpless, just like he first woke up in Mondstadt apparently and didn't know anything, desperately in need of help.
You reminded him of himself, helpless and unaware of the dangers that laid ahead.
What sealed the deal for you and them, since they had eyed you all throughout the night for any suspicious move, and since Aether was laying down from the deep cut he got from his abdomen and bleeding, but was only met with a happy tune you muttered under your breath while getting warm with a contented smile, was how easily you got up and drew your dual blades- which they soon learnt them to be actually a spear that could be connected to each other- to protect them from a horde of hilichurls and even two Abyss Mages, with burning red and blue flames engulfing your blades and later the enemy.
The only thing you gave to them that night was a serene smile as you pointed to his wound with a worried expression, which made them both wince with guilt from how badly they thought of you when you only cared to protect them.
"Your wound looks bad... I have some ointments I made myself and I know how to sew a wound, letting it stay open like that would surely make it get infected. If you allow me, may I help you, young travellers who helped me?" and then a gorgeous smile that captured them.
And as you prepared everything while making small talk with Aether to draw his attention elsewhere from the numbing pain of his wound, initially learning you both were not from this world, that was when your fates aligned together which would change the fate of all of the Teyvat.
Suddenly, you three had become each other's companions and the others' everything.
And as she laid on your lap comfortably Paimon felt... bad and even saddened for you, feeling like crying suddenly as she stared at your protective hold on both of them even while you rested, being completely exposed to any kind of danger, although they knew there were no hilichurls or Abyss Mages close by.
You have always been there for both of them, protected them even when you barely knew them, patched them up, cooked them food and even gave some of yours to Paimon because she loved that particular dish so much or to Aether both because he was hurt and he was usually the one who did most of the work and needed energy more than you...
You have always been sacrificing something for them and what had they ever done to repay beck for all the kindness and love you gave them?
So far, nothing... They didn't exactly have a lot of Mora , even with new commissions they were taking and besides, you always refused to have a share of it since you three needed to either buy food or medicinal items and strictly prohibited them from buying anything for you like a mother scolding her children from spending too much for them.
"I don't need anything to know that you care for me and love me, sillies! Just be happy, healthy and make sure to not hurt yourselves too much and we're fine! Seriously, you are giving me grey hairs..."
Perhaps they couldn't show their love however they wanted to, per your orders, but she could definitely tell you how much you and Aether meant for her!
"Besides the footwork joke... Paimon never really had a family, or at least doesn't remember having one. So, Paimon is very happy to have such strong and caring siblings!" she smiled serenely, genuinely as she tilted her head to look up at you both, knowing full well that neither of you were actually sleeping from the small smiles you both supported. She nuzzled closer to your lap happily with a relaxed sigh, not caring whether you heard or not because she was so damn sure you did.
Paimon really could be so damn adorable when she wanted....
She didn't have to know, but both you and Aether were keeping your eyes closed just so that Paimon wouldn't get worried because of the tears that blurred your visions from what she said so earnestly, her touching words reaching the depths of your heart.
"We really are a strange Trio, huh? Two Outlanders, one pixie baby who refuses to be our little emergency food-" you idly sighed out with hands smoothing down their hair gently, making them both sigh and nuzzle closer to you... Though Paimon was just a tiny bit agitated because of what you said about her.
"For God's sake, come on!" you giggled in the most evil way possible at her growing irritation and kicking her legs up in the air angrily but continued anyways with little to no care.
Hah, that's what you get for always teasing me!
"One can easily understand this world's weird language and also the language of his other outlander companion, but doesn't have any other super powers-"
"They are called Visions!"
"And even so, it seems that some people noticed our strange behaviour..." You mumbled to yourself in worry as your hand momentarily stopped in mid-action, head lifting up to look at the city far from you three, standing on the lake and bustling with energy.
Oh yes, Lisa and Jean had their own suspicions about your powers. Both you and Aether seemed like normal people on the outside, but Aether could easily use Anemo vision and not get affected by the venomous tears of the dragon Dvalin.
And you? You used a different, much more powerful kind of fire than anyone else, wielded a long and heavy spear (something less than 3 people or so did in Mondstadt), and somehow... Understood Teyvat language and Aether's mother tongue without any difficulties even when you weren't from either one of the worlds.
"It's still very strange. Even if It's obvious they are exceptional and strong people, neither Y/N nor Aether seems to be affected by Dvalin's tear..." Jean mumbled curiously from her position near the window, staring sternly at you two as you shuffled closer to Aether to shield him and Paimon. That was, until your attention was taken away by Lisa who circled around you like a predator does to its prey, a finger touching your chin and turning your head to her direction flirtitously with a slight pout.
"Besides, StormsTerror seemed much calm and soft when its eyes landed on our cutie Y/N... I wonder why, have you ever interacted with a dragon before perhaps?"
To be honest, you also didn't have the answer for that. While you were floating up in the air with Aether, cross firing at the vicious dragon to stop it from harming the City....
You felt a sudden sting deep in your heart which threatened to tear you apart when its eyes found yours.
And no, it wasn't because of the glider Amber gifted you weighing on your back, making it harder to breathe since you weren't used to... floating.
It was as if you were hurting a very dear old friend, a family that was once your everything and a part of your soul.
Besides that chest piercing pain you still continued to experience even after that dragon flew away, what was that mysterious voice that helped easing your scared heart as the wind gently caressed your whole body and mostly face, as if phantom fingers rubbed your cheeks and head to map your whole face, and helped you with making StormsTerror leave Mondstadt for some time right after helping Aether with some shitty Mages that appeared out of nowhere?
Don't worry Windblume, I won't let you go. Not this time... Now concentrate and feel the wind in your veins just like you did before...
It was so soft, so loving yet... Also so pained, so hollow as if he missed a great part of him, as if he was trying to make up for a mistake he has done as you felt a sudden surge of power in you, a sweet pain on your back and just like that...
Five Mages were down with a flick of your spear.
"I just hope we didn't make their job harder than before with our presence..." You sighed after a long while, those thoughts still lingering at the back of your head and tapped their heads gently to get them to move since the sun was slowly setting and you needed to go back to the city where Jean kindly prepared a room for you three in the headquarter... After she asked what you needed since you three saved the city.
All of you first declined, but after Paimon and Aether left the room completely, you turned to Jean and with a stern face, asked for only a room which Aether would never have even a speck of information about you asked for it.
Fortunately, she understood your reasoning and with a kind smile, and even more respect growing in her for you, she offered whichever room you wished to have alongside new clothes and three courses of meal and told Aether that it was a "special thank you to the Honarary Knights from the Knights of Fovanius" and to have both of you closer in case of emergency.
Thank her and her brains, no wonder she is the Dandelion Knight and the Acting Grand Master...
"But just as Amber said, the number of hilichurls and Abyss Mages decreased significantly! Paimon wonders if it has something to do with Aether or Y/N!" Paimon exclaimed curiously as she watched you pack up and usher them both to go to their merry way as you turned abruptly, pointing to your chest unbelievingly and looking around.
"Me? Why though?"
She kicked her legs up in the air frustratedly, swiping her palm through the air and showing the nature around her as if it was an obvious fact and you were a fool for not seeing it....
And you trully didn't get it.
Seeing your confusion, Aether chuckled as he lead Paimon to float before you two started bickering again as he started to explain as much as he could.
"They always liked hanging out with you and even protected you... An insane part of me even thinks that they know you're in Mondstadt and therefore, don't want to disturb you since they know you are safe and happy."
Life truly didn't turn out the way Aether had wanted, and probably would never. His life had taken a sharp tune as soon as he and Lumine chose this world to travel next and... All of you knew how it ended.
But now, it wasn't so bad like it used to be months ago. Every day, even every hour, he was met with yet another extraordinary person or habit and it intrigued him a lot. Learning all about the people of Teyvat, what they did for living and their history, hanging out with people... He loved doing all those things, it made him feel like he was back to being the previous Aether before all the chaos happened.
Even though he knew he shouldn't get too attached and form bonds that would be broken in the end inevitably... when he finds his sister and leave the world behind. But maybe... Maybe he could get to bring you and Paimon with himself too? It wasn't like you couldn't, you definitely could land on another world since you were also an Outlander. There was a chance that Paimon couldn't, since he still didn't know of her origins, but he would fight Gods and Archons if he needed, so that he could keep his family together.
His sister, who was the literal half of his soul. Paimon who was always there to help him out and make him enjoy the life Teyvat could offer while guiding him and you... You, who always had tragic yet also comedic stories to tell them from your world whenever they get uncomfortable in some ways. You, who roasted people with your sharp tongue and quick mind, while being a total menace and gremlin, whenever they didn't take no for an answer since Aether didn't want to offend anyone and just did everything they wanted as the "helpful boy" he always was...
or whenever people didn't believe him whenever he said he was probably a lot older than their Archon because of his young, baby face.
Oh yeah... He was very doomed as he already got attached to you and the floating baby you always sweetly called.
"If you can consider being in a city where people worship 'The Champion' that eerily looks like me who fought alongside Barbatos for many times and face a huge statue of the said-champion every day being happy and safe... Then yes, I definitely am!"
Aether snorted at the sarcastic answer he got from you and the dramatic flip of your hair, not being able to help the fake-disappointed shake of his head as he watched you fondly with hands on either sides of his hip.
"What am I going to do with you?"
"Probably bear with me and my awesome self and amazing jokes, and also love me!" You turned around with a gleeful smile, hair floating up and dress swiping through the sudden wind that engulfed you softly and in that moment, he wished that the smile you always had would never disappear.
That you wouldn't loose the happiness and hope blossoming in your eyes with each new day greeting you.
And he thought, whatever strange things revolved around you and the mysteries even you didn't know about yourself...
He would always be there for you, just like you did and will continue to do with him.
You would get to solve all the mysteries and puzzles about just who this "Champion" was and their link to you. Meet and demand answers from that Archon about his sister and the Champion whom he was always depicted together with and maybe... Maybe, at least one of you would be able to get rid of that fog which clouded your memories.
And with that, three of you entered the safety of the walls of the City of Freedom once again... A place where you already started calling "home".
Unaware of what was waiting for your group in the headquarters.
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1800-page-not-found · 7 months
"Who are you?" Yoo Joonghyuk x Reader
Summary: Assuming to find Kim Dokja in his fourth regression, Yoo Joonghyuk regresses. But Kim Dokja isn't there. Instead, you are.
Requested by anon
It took quite a few scenarios for Yoo Joonghyuk to realize that Kim Dokja did not exist in his fourth regression. The two of you met when the hidden scenario to kill the master of the Theatre Dungeon.
Yoo Joonghyuk had awoken after being controlled by the master of the Theatre Dungeon. He quickly grabbed his sword and pointed it at your neck. "Who are you? What have you done to Kim Dokja?"
You stared at him and sighed. "Please, calm down Joonghyuk. I'm also searching for him."
"Do not address me so casually. How do you know him if he doesn't exist in this regression? How do you know so much?"
You pushed the sword away from your neck and began to speak. "I'm similar to him, for example the way he seems to be omniscient. In fact, I wield more knowledge than him. I'm not going to hurt you."
His eyes widened as his skill told him your words were true. "What is your goal then?"
"I want to find Kim Dokja. And I want everyone to have a happy ending. Lets work together."
Yoo Joonghyuk relaxed a little after hearing your words to be true. "Alright. But if you dare to try anything on me or the others, I will kill you."
You chuckled softly. Yoo Joonghyuk has changed. If it was the previous regression, he would've probably killed you. It seems that this world really cannot exist without Kim Dokja.
"Say, is your constellation sponsor still the same?"
"Yes. How else would I be able to regress?"
"Oh right. Oops. That's intresting though..." You mumbled the last part.
Scenario by scenario, the two of you had gotten a little closer each time. It was nice to not have to worry about your companion sacrificing themselves at every waking moment you know?
He slowly started to view you as your own person, and not just 'the girl who replaced Kim Dokja.'
Perhaps because Kim Dokja was a man who could not be replaced. Or perhaps Yoo Joonghyuk started to feel a certain way towards you.
It's not like he didn't know what he was feeling, after all he did get married and have children in his previous regressions.
Maybe he should confess soon? You walked in front of him before turning around. "Oh don't worry. I know a way to get Lee Seolhwa on our side. You can marry her again!"
You instantly crushed this man's spirit in one go.
Why did you say that? Well, thats because you wanted nothing more than to see your favorite character from orv to be happy. You loved him more than anything, but you saw yourself as a mere pawn to try and fill the void of Kim Dokja.
"I don't...." Yoo Joonghyuk started, but slowly quieted down into a mumble.
"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you." You apologised.
"I don't like Seolhwa..." You gasped. Oh no! Did you change up the plot?!?!
"W-wait what??!" You stuttered, a little shocked.
He sighed, and walked up to you and flicked your forehead. "I like you, you stupid pufferfish."
(I tried to give you a nickname like how yjh has the sunfish and kdj the squid.)
"I'm not a pufferfish! And-hold on. You like me???" You stood, stunned and mouth agape.
"Yes, you stupid pufferfish. Hah, you reject the idea of someone calling you a pufferfish but not the stupid part? I can't believe I fell in love with someone stupid." He shrugged sighing.
Man, sometimes you wished he was more like his old crusty strict self. He became so sassy after Kim Dokja.
"Seahorse doesn't have the same ring as pufferfish. Besides you're just like it. You're clumsy, stupid, and you inflate your ego when someone verbally attacks you."
"DO-DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?" You cry dramatically.
"Yes, but im starting to question my taste. I mean, do you even love me back?"
"Is that even a question? Anyone who doesn't love you is on my hit list. Maybe you're the stupid one. I've loved you ever since I knew of your existence."
"And how long is that?"
You started sweating. "A-A few years..."
"What? But we've only known each other for a few months? [Name]? What do you mean?"
You laughed nervously and started backing up.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
You are born sixteen days apart. He has never known the world without you in it.
Neither of you remember meeting for the first time. Neither of you can remember a time where you did not know the other. You assume you met at a racetrack as anywhere else would feel wrong or inauthentic to you both. You both feel you belong there, on a racetrack beside the other, it makes sense that that would be where it all began.
So you met at a racetrack as children, as did countless others. You were all chasing the same dream. Through the years, they all flicker and fade in and out of you life, yet he remains constant. In some ways, they are all simply moths, drawn to the flames, fighting and yearning to catch a glimpse of the Sun, of the dream but not fall from the heavens as Icarus did. You know many burned by the dream. You and him, you were never moths. You become one with the flames and are reborn. Again, and again, and again. Whilst the rest burn, you both rise from the ashes. What crushes others, only seems to strengthen you.
You hold that same flame in your hearts, the same desire, the same dream. Perhaps that is why you clashed as much as you did. You were too similar. Stubborn and arguably reckless, you battle hard without thinking of consequences because you both want to win. Neither of you are willing to compromise or give the other even an inch. You push each other to the very limit. At times it's frustrating, to have someone as committed as you competing against you.
You learn that at Val d’Argenton. He pushes you. You push him back. He pushes you off track. You, in his words, then completely destroy him. You both get disqualified to your absolute annoyance, but it's the first time you take stock of his fearlessness. You can't help but admire it. Yes it's frustrating at times but you can't help but find that there's beauty in it too.
Slowly, then all at once, you both grow up. You move up in the world onto the next stage of chasing the dream but you know he'll soon follow. He is too good and to driven not to. Like you, he is never going to be one who gives up. You're not quite friends but you still choose to recommend him as your replacement. You're not quite friends but you can't imagine never racing with him again, and you know that your old team is the best path for him, because it was for you.
A few years later, you meet on a racetrack again. You're older and more experienced, still not quite friends but now there's an understanding between you. You know him and he knows you in a way that you doubt anyone else ever has or ever will. You can push each other in ways some will only ever imagine. There's a trust between you, you can push each other to the very edge but you know the other will not cross the line and go too far. You might not quite be friends but there's comfortable familiarity there.
Sixteen is the number he chooses for himself. It's a number he of course had his reasons for choosing but you can't help but smirk a little at the coincidence.
Sometimes it's like nothing has changed. You still meet at the track, you still battle for positions and are both still as stubborn and as committed as ever. Slowly you realize that you don't enjoy competing quite as much when it's not with him.
Sometimes it's like everything has changed. You've slowly become friends. You begin to share inside jokes and have quiet talks in the corner during race weekends. It's his face you look for across the paddock. Despite being rivals on track, you are also his greatest defender and he yours. The quiet, "nobody understands him quite like I do", remains unspoken but you both know.
You were too young to see the days of Prost and Senna. Still, you hear the stories. You both have been compared to them many times too. You wonder if one day, your names will be as irrevocably linked together as theirs are. Perhaps they already are. After all, for as long as there's been a Charles Leclerc, there has been a Max Verstappen. You've never been one for grandeur or for the mythos formula one creates but you don't seem to mind this.
You say that you grew up racing each other, that you'll gladly spend the next ten, fifteen years racing each other if you're lucky. Was that a promise or an oath? Or was it simply a truth?
You were born sixteen days apart. You do not remember the world without him in it. Still, you never want to imagine the world without him by your side.
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streaminn · 9 months
Addition to the blanket au
What if
The nightshades are aware that Wednesday is dating someone? The bruises that line her throat is obvious and it wasn't like Wednesday was trying to hide it.
Even when asked, Wednesday didn't blink. "yes, I do have a paramour."
It makes them think at times, what kind of person is Wednesday Addams dating?
A serial killer? One offers and the others ooo's and aaa's in agreement before hoping that wasn't the case
A mobster! Another says and yoko thinks of someone with tattoos immediately. It could be her thing
Arranged marriage? Someone conspiring whispers. It got shot down real quick because wednesday didn't have a ring and they're damn sure Wednesday would go all black widow on them
Anyways, there were rumors and gossip between the group of who Wednesday's paramour was but the moment they met her elusive blanket monster of a roommate, their thoughts got occupied
But a few weeks have passed and the shock of a growling blanket isn't so startling, the group talked about what Enid did for a living
As they tossed ideas around, they can't help but realize that wait a sec
.. These are the same assumptions they've made for wednesday secret lover
Are they perhaps one in the same!?? I mean, it'd make sense. With how easily Wednesday slips into covered arms and didn't seem so bothered at the bigger woman's touch.
They're dating!!!
But still, it didn't stop them from wondering just what did Enid do
They never did get an answer, until a black supercar waited outside of their campus gate. There were a few other students waiting sround, some even taking pictures but it isn't until Wednesday (and in turn the nightshades) was sighted does a door open and a blond with squared sunglasses step out.
Oh god, who was she? A model?
Their eyes draw to the scars on her cheek and that thought went elsewhere. Maybe a bodyguard? They know that Wednesday was rich but rich enough to need a bodyguard?
Or maybe, they hoped with anticipating eyesm, this was Enid?
Like she's sure that blond hair was similar to the mop hidden under layers of cloth. It was hard to know much about Enid but they know that she's a light tanned lady with blue eyes and blond hair.
"Wednesday!" she calls out and the lowkey broke college students reel over what she wore. Dressed to the tens in shades of black and grey, the suited woman walked around the car meet them halfway.
The nightshades look at each other in panic. This wasn't Enid! Sure they were both blond but maybe Wednesday has a type.
"what're you doing here?" Wednesday asks and the nightshades were given a front row view to the way her jaw tenses and a tinge of color form on her ears.
Yeah nope, that's the lover alright.
Yoko sends her prayers to Enid. With how overprotective the wereblanket was, she's sure that there were some feelings involved. She prays that her girlie (they haven't talked at all) handles this well
A cheeky grin was Wednesday's answer as the blond twirled the car keys in her finger. "well yeah but lunch with Mr dad ended early so I thought I could pick you up!" those brows furrowed before the smile turned into something a bit more softer "unless you'd like to walk home?"
"No, I dont-" Wednesday mutters, her head ducking and is that blush growing!? "You didn't have to do this, I know that you must be tired."
Blond bodyguard(?) laughs and with the keys of a way too fancy car inbetween her fingers, she tilted Wednesday's head up.
"chin up, 'day. You know I could never be tired of you." it takes Wednesday nodding before blondie stands back. the college students immediately straighten their back as a stare was leveled onto them. "I also wanted to meet your friends! I haven't been able to get a clear look at them after all."
Bianca blinked, ignoring the way Wednesday grumbles a 'not my friends' to ask a question that popped into their heads. "excuse me? I don't think we met."
"... Did we not?" the blond wonders and she looks at wednesday before scratching her head and looking back at them. "you're swordfish lady right?"
Bianca's brows twitch. "swordfish lady?"
A smile grows as she snaps her fingers in remembrance. "yeah! Because you fence with Wednesday and you're a siren so I thought itd fit."
"you have such... A way with names," swordfish lady grits out as yoko barges in with a hand raised.
"what about me!?"
Blondie rubs her finger on her chin before she points with an aha! "yolks!"
Yoko blinks. ".. Like the egg?"
Blondie nods, her smile wide and clearly enthusiastic. Wednesday is standing right beside her, giving her usual side eye but staring with an affection she usually only held for Enid.
Rip enid, imagine losing your crush to someone who lowkey looks like you.
"Enid, we're wasting daylight," Wednesday calls out and Enid startles back.
The now named Enid panics, flustering an oh shoot! As she removed her sunglasses to reveal those familiar blue eyes before passing it over to Wednesday.
"it was nice talking to you guys!" Enid calls out and before the nightshades know it, the duo were gone. Wednesday having been ushered onto her seat with Enid closing it behind before hopping in and zooming away.
"did Wednesday just say Enid?" Eugene asks.
Ajax blinks. "did Enid mention having lunch with Wednesday's dad?"
Xavier sighs, a hand on his face. There went his chances. "maybe we should revisit the arranged marriage idea..."
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lurkinggirlie · 2 months
Azriel's mother
A theory about Azriel's mother. aka I'm reaching (not sure if there are similar posts, but do let me know if there are ! I'd love to read them)
Disclaimer: this isn't a ship related post, but both Gwyn and Elain would be mentioned for different reasons. This isn't a Freud wet fantasy post so let's not go there. (Spoilers for the whole series and HOFAS bonus)
For someone we’ve never met, I have a lot of thoughts about Azriel’s mother as a character. We don’t know much about her but here are my best guesses from what we’ve glimpsed.
We first learn of Azriel’s mother straight after we meet him, we know his mom was probably assaulted by an Illyrian lord who was married to an evil female and had two older children.  (not sure if it was mentioned but she was probably really young and worked for Azriel's father)
What we know from ACOMAF:
Rhys’ mom knew Az’s mother which is why she took him in.
Azriel stayed in his father’s keep for 11 years, and was allowed to see his mother for an hour once a week. 
I’m not sure if there are any other mentions of her, but these are the instances I found.
Then later on in ACOFAS we get a little hint that she’s still alive: 
“When do you head out for Rosehall?”
“The morning after Solstice,” he supplied, turning toward the glittering sprawl of Velaris. He winced—slightly. “I still need to do some shopping before I go.”
I offered my brother a crooked smile. “Buy her something from me, will you? And put it on my account this time.”
I knew Az wouldn’t, but he nodded all the same.”
It's not mentioned who “her” is neither where Rosehall is, but we could guess it’s someone he needs to buy a gift for. “Put it on my account this time” shows us that this isn’t the first time Rhys had asked Azriel to buy her something from him, but why is it that she isn’t invited over? Or why isn’t Rhys offering to visit her? I’ll talk about this later.
We get another mention of his mother in ACOFAS when he stops everyone from eating until Elain is seated.
ACOSF just confirms the suspicious about her being alive through Cassian’s POV
“His mother had needed a place like this. But Rhys had established it long after she’d left this world. He wondered if Azriel’s mother had ever considered coming here, or if he’d ever pushed her to” 
So, we know that Azriel's mother is still suffering from all the things she’s been through if she needs a safe haven like the library. 
Which brings me back to the point of “why isn’t she around the IC at all” 
Finally HOFAS’s bonus chapter (the Azriel/Bryce and Nesta chapter) 
Bryce jerked her chin toward Azriel. "You've got the broody look of someone with an awful mother, too. Care to share?"
Nesta snorted. "Az never talks about his mother, and neither will our friends, so I’m guessing she's even worse."
The Illyrian snarled softly, "My mother is anything but awful."
Nesta tensed, like she was surprised she'd gotten such a response from him. "I was joking. Az, I didn't even know-"
"I don't want to discuss this," Azriel cut her off coldly.
Azriel's mother is a sensitive topic confirmed. No one talks about his mom, he doesn't talk about his mom. Granted, Bryce is a stranger so of course he isn’t about to overshare but still makes me wonder. Especially since Nesta said that neither Azriel or their friends bring her up.
Now here are all my thoughts in regards to the things we have mentioned.
Reason 1 of why Azriel is keeping his mother away:
Perhaps Azriel is keeping his mother away from the IC, or more specifically his work environment because he doesn’t want her to see him this way, as in his job and the things he has to do, especially since in his bonus he mentions this:
He avoided the urge to cross his arms, not wanting to look intimidating. He blocked out the memory that flashed of his mother cringing before his father, the male standing with crossed arms in such a way that made his displeasure known before he opened his hateful mouth.
He was in the library in this scene, talking to Clotho when he was giving the necklace to her.
I'm not saying that Azriel is like his father, but a big part of his job or overall persona is to look and be intimidating. And that could make his mother feel uneasy around him. Maybe Rosehall (wherever that is or whatever it is) is the safe space he has to see his mother; where he doesn't need to be the intimidating Spy/torturer/Shadowsinger.
And maybe the reason he gravitated towards the library, or found himself there not because of some magic singing abilities but because he subconsciously, or consciously thinks that his mother would fit there. Maybe she does end up going there in the next book.
We have seen how Gwyn have suffered, and how Azriel seemed so proud to see her regain her confidence/strength. but then we saw how the rite had triggered her again to go back to the library. So Perhaps Azriel's mother mental state is even more fragile which gets me to my second point:
Reason 2 of why Azriel is keeping his mother away:
Maybe his mother is not sane.
Hear me out, what if what had happened to his mother broke her in a way where being around people just triggers her. And Azriel just doesn't want anyone to see her this way because it breaks his heart.
Reason 3 of why Azriel is keeping his mother away:
I think there could be a possibility that his mother is a Seer but wasn't able to manage her powers properly maybe that on top of everything has driven her mad (or if we aren't going down that she isn't sane theory maybe he just doesn't want anyone using her. Maybe she blurts out her visions and we know that Seers are probably precious so of course someone would want to use that power and he simply doesn't want to put his mom through that). Remember in ACOWAR how he figured out that Elain was a seer? that he was the only one who listened and how he had looked at her and then disappeared. What if he had gone to where his mom is, to talk to her about this, to confirm. Maybe she helps Elain manage her visions
That is all, has anyone thought of Azriel's mother before? What are everyone's thoughts on this?
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*a Concerned Student writing to the NRC newspaper, after the Nth overblot incident* is it possible for the headmage of a prestigious magical school to gain their position by, say, nepotism, money, etc. as opposed to actual competence? just asking for a friend who definitely goes to some other school.
I think only about half of the OBs we've experienced so far are widely known throughout the school (Jamil's is only known by Scarabia + the Octatrio, Vil's was also seemingly contained, Idia's happens in the presence of the other OB boys + Pomefiore trio, and no clue about Malleus's yet. Still, that's like... 3 OBs too many for how supposedly "rare" they are 💀
Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens
Tumblr media
You sat down on an open bench and unfolded NRC's latest newspaper. Since you had picked up your copy, you had been itching—no, buzzing—with anticipation to read it.
It had been satisfying to vent out your frustrations with Crowley in your submission to the paper's ask column. Even more satisfying would be seeing it publicized for the other students to take in.
You flipped through the pages, eagerly scanning for your entry. There it was, right on 13 (Lucky number, you scoffed).
"Let's see..."
Dear Concerned Student,
Rest assured that any and all instructors at Night Raven College are rigorously vetted, tested, and interviewed before they are granted tenure at this prestigious institution. There is no exchange of money, goods, or other shady under-the-table deals which would land a person a legitimate position at NRC. The very same goes for our headmaster, who is tasked with the critical task of overseeing the school's operations! Though he may not appear frightening at a glance, Headmaster Crowley wields great power to protect his school and its students—power which he yields at his discretion. He is not someone to be crossed.
In the future, please refrain from speculating on the topic of staff and their backgrounds, achievements and accomplishments, and/or character, be it here or at another similar arcane academy though light teasing of Royal Sword Academy is not entirely prohibited. Spreading rumors and partaking in gossip is most ill-fitting for one that has been gracious granted the opportunity of lifetime to study at NRC! In the spirit of the honorable Great Seven, we must carry forth their legacies with all the dignity and grace of a royal. We should not behave in ways which would sully their good names!
Let us hope that our headmaster doesn't catch wind of this month's edition! Or perhaps he will and, out of his most magnanimous heart, choose to turn a the other cheek!
The Curious Crow
“What the…?!” You stood, the newspaper crumpling horribly and shaking in your constrictive grasp.
This response... That columnist's pen name... It can't be! He intercepted my submission and fired back?!
At that moment, a trilling laugh met your ears.
You frantically glanced around the courtyard. Students were drifting in and out as they entered and exited classes, buttoned up in their colorful vests and armbands. Not a dark, feathered man in sight.
Your eyes narrowed as you slowly sat back down and resumed browsing your paper. The hairs on your body stood on end, as if tasting the air for abnormalities.
Another soft sound, akin to a coo.
In the leaves of the apple tree overhead, a slick little crow perched, pleased with its work.
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glitteryinknotes · 9 months
Okay, but what kind of person would Astarion be most attracted to?
I have the image of Astarion softly confessing to Tav "you're incredible" stuck on a loop in my mind, but other than that, it actually got me thinking, just the simple way he says that and the look and yearning behind his eyes. What kind of person would he most likely perceive as such, for reasons he himself might not even understand at the beginning, couldn't resist falling in love with and be most happy & pushed to grow in an eventual relationship with? Here are some my instinctive thoughts.
(please do not get discouraged if you're basing the relationship of your MC & Astarion on different attributes & different ideas; those are only my own thoughts, propably influenced by the kind of character I'm planning to make on my Baldur's Gate playthrough.
Those are both headcanons for the first act, as well as for the official relationship parts.
And please share your thoughts if you have any, i'd be glad to compare my ideas to other people's impressions of this beautiful spawn)
Someone joyful, proud & full of life. Astarion yearns to live and taste life on his own terms, having been denied any kind of autonomy & free will for the last two hundreds years, like he himself admits in the spawn ending; presence of someone genuinely full of life, shining, cheerful, dedicated to every small & great bliss the world can offer AND proud of it, despite their precarious situation about the whole tadpole business, would be intoxicating to him. That kind of person around would, for him, be an embodiment of everything he's been deprived of i'm Cazador's slavery; a being so fascinating in their pure, unabashed lust for joy in life, he wouldn't be able to keep them off his mind despite his best efforts.
Someone self - assured. For similar reasons as above. His trauma pushed him to depend entirely on himself & forever be in defense, from a place of terror, insecurity and loathing his past deeds. And so, I believe anyone carrying themselves with their head up high, with true confidence and class, not just masquarading bravado to mask their fear, facing everything fate throws at them with the same unrelenting attitude, would be something irresistible for him on some level. No matter if that very person was luckily spared from harsher life experiences, or traumatised as much as he had been. He would wish with all his soul he could be more like them and learn from them, perhaps even hide behind them to some degree.
Someone with fine taste. It's no surprise Astarion enjoys fine things; it would be his pleasure to be matched in his love for comfort & luxury.
Someone open, yet respectful in their everyday affections. Someone who would proudly peck him on the cheek or neck in the presence of everyone in the camp, but won't be aggressively throwing themselves into his arms each second; someone who would greet him each day with the most blissful smile or a warm embrace, but not too overly dramatic. Someone who wouldn't shy from openly referring to him in front of others in his own renditions of "my love", "my sweet" and "my darling" and who'd always keep an eye on him from the distance at camp ground to smile whenever your eyes met, but wouldn't publicly boast about every single detail between the two of you and allow him to keep his space & secrets. Somene playful, yet incredibly authentic in their feelings. All of that would provide him the so desired feeling of safety, love & genuineness, keep him amused and most importantly, provide him with a trusted learning example of how to act, express feelings & treat the other in a relationship. He might & absolutely will try to publicly brush all those affections off and go his usual suave way about it, but inside, or even openly on his face when taken off guard? His undead heart is singing with joy
Someone gentle & considerate. He surely enjoys someone with fantasy, a playful side and some art in lovemaking, but what he craves more than anything is tenderness & love. Anything you do with him in his mind delights him, and over the time he'd learn to accept it without shielding himself with sarcasm. From some minor gifts, asking for his opinion on matters he wouldn't expect to be asked about, to being considerate & delicate in intimacy, everything is such a gift to him even if he doesn't even know how to receive it & respond properly
Someone with wit. I think he would feel quite at home with someone who would at least partially share his gift for words; maybe in an entirely different manner than him, but even so someone to understand, match and carry on a conversation with him along his suave mannerism and irony.
[Thank you for your attention, might edit or add up later]
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melonminnie · 10 months
haii !! can u do a aqua hoshino x reader that acts a little too much like ai that he meets in an acting job ? ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾ thankyouu!
BOUQUET 🦢 ‧ ₊ ✧ Aqua x reader
-hope this matched your request! Tysm for requesting lovely <3
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Aqua knew it was a coincidence that you had acted the same way as his mother; she had been dead for years, and everyone had moved on from her death except him and his sister Ruby, who lived knowing they had been held by their mother as she was slowly bleeding to death.
Still, Aqua wouldn't let the opportunity to keep someone or something that acted as AI slip away so easily from his grasp. He would hold onto every chance, and you weren't an exception, as he clung onto you more desperately than anything.
It didn't take long for people to notice how he acted around you differently than he did with others��his cheeks turning pink when you kissed his cheek as a thank you for giving you a drink, or how he would do anything without a second thought.
The first time you two met was on the acting set. You smiled brightly and changed emotions as if you were a robot on stage, just like AI.
Much like her, you had the same unique charisma on the acting scene. It was so similar to her that the boy was convinced the idol had incarnated into her body this time.
And just like in his previous life, he became obsessed and infatuated with you— the way you moved, spoke, acted. He had to get close to you, and he succeeded.
Perhaps deep into your relationship, Aqua would attempt to change your appearance with sweet words as you passed by a wig shop.
"You know, y/n, the color purple would look really pretty on you. I might just fall in love with you even more," he'd say with a grin on his face.
He might even try to get you to dress like her too. He wouldn't stop at any lengths, even if it meant convincing you to wear the same shoes she had worn before she died.
It's no secret how obsessed Aqua is with your personality, nor is it a secret to anyone around you. It's as if you'll never be able to date another man as long as you're alive and stick with how you're acting. He'd just fallen for your personality because of how similar it was to someone he adored and was borderline obsessed with, and he'd make you into her until you're almost like her nonexistent twin.
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