#just!!!!! 8 more mins of waiting to go!!!!!!! then i can plan to sleep by 11:30 and i’ll still get at least 6 hours of sleep aaaaaaaaaaa
deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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my sleep schedule is s c r e a m i n g
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nickgeezyblog · 3 months
Rucking Ocala National Forrest
Back in January I attempted Operation Ocala. I made it to mile 45 at the 3rd checkpoint. I thought I could go on after changing my socks, attending to my blisters, but as I got back up I was locked up. I was with 3 others, and we all made it there together and unfortunately, we all dropped like flies at that CP. I never rucked until 2023 or even knew what it really was. My friend did Operation Ocala 23 and I remember following him with his live track and watching some live videos, it was pretty wild. His blisters were knarly. He later got me into rucking later that year and I did a few rucks. My first long ruck we went for 40 overnight but only made it 26.2. I was dead. All with 25lbs dry weight. That was in early December and Operation Ocala was coming fast in mid Jan. I was able to do a few more 20 mile before Ocala and I felt ready. The biggest things I learned from Ocala 24 were that it's all mental. The feet are going to blister, the pain is going to come. The road to the end is longer than you could ever imagine. That day on the way home I couldn’t ever imagine doing that again. My wife picked me up, I could barely walk. Everything hurts. But by the next day or so I was so motivated to get back out there. I was so upset with myself that I had stopped. I know I could have just started moving again work through the pain and get more miles in. Here I am 15 hours into that ruck. It's roughly 8am. I have just enough time to get to the end at 5pm. I had work in the morning. I had a 2 hour drive home. So many things just stacked negatively for me that ending this was the easy way out. 
I found myself wanting to attempt this again right away. I could not wait a whole year. I remember my other friend Josh asking me that he would ruck with me when I posted some of my training activities online. He had been in the Army and he ran and hiked. I asked him if he wanted to do the trail with me soon, and he said yes. 
We set the date for Feb 24-25, 2024. We had 5 weeks to prepare. I go to the gym regularly so I kept my legs trained well. We did 1 ruck together late jan, 20 miles it went well. We found some hot spots and made some changes. I had new shoes. I was trying Altra Lone Peak 8. My issues at Operation Ocala were that my pinky toes were trashed. My pinky toe naturally goes inward towards that next toe and just gets squished. The Lone Peaks, like most Altra, have a wide toe box. I rucked a few 20s and even a marathon before the next attempt. I played around with toe spacers, toe socks, double layer socks...I knew it was going to be an issue. Some things helped but nothing was going to be a solution. I just accepted that going into it. I knew If I can keep my toes decent I can make this. My cardio was fine , I know how to eat and drink etc. It was all feet for me. 
Josh and I met Wednesday before the ruck and figured out where we would drop water off and planned the logistics of getting there and back. The plan was to take both trucks and park his at the finish line which was the end of the Florida Trail. Then we would take my truck and stop at 3 spots approximately 15-21 miles apart. It was more base on access with the trucks we found the easiest highways where the trail intersected. So the route was, start at Fort McCoy, Check point 1 was 18 miles away, Checkpoint 2 was 21 miles away from there, and checkpoint 3 was roughly 15 miles away then like 12-13 more to finish. 
We had to carry all the food with us, and I had extra water at all times since the checkpoints were 5-7 hours apart. I had 4L of water at all times. We chose to leave for Ocala at 730a. This way we did not disturb our natural sleep and we could complete our morning routines. By the time we got to the starting point after all the stops it was 1130. We wanted to start by noon. We started a few min after but close enough.  
My shoes and feet felt good. I had vaseline on the toes, XOSKIN toe socks, a pink toe spacer on the outside, then Dickies thick boot socks over that along with the Altras. All the layers were sitting well, and my feet felt good. I had about 30lbs total on me. A backpack and a hip sack combined. In my backpack water, food, extra clothes, first aid, emergency tent, bear spray, insect repellent, head lamps, back up batteries, electrolytes. In my hip sack I had phone, batteries to charge phone, cords that were ready to go. This way there was no fussing around when trying to charge phone. I had some more food, compass, bear bell, and whistle.  
Weather was perfect. Clear skies, 68 for the high 40s for the low. Light wind. It was gorgeous. Our pace started good. High 17 min miles which was expected for us. Im not a fast rucker, im not a fast runner. Anything sub 18 for me is great. I do from time-to-time shuffle but I chose not to do so on this ruck.  
The first leg was great. I did almost step on a pigmy rattler which made things a little exciting. 
We got to the first check point , you have so much time to play it in your head what you need to check on, fix, charge, etc. It never seems to go as smoothly and it always takes longer. But we got our water refilled, took a quick break and got moving again, It was a 34 min mile combined on that stop, not too bad. 16-17 min break. 
By this time the sun was setting and the next checkpoint was 21 miles so we set out for the next 7 hours. Navigating the Florida Trail is not too bad. I would say it is well marked. We did get lost in January but I had a better map this time and I knew some of the mistakes we made in the past. I did not want to get lost this time. That was one thing that really tired us out . There is a big lake on the trail and it feels like it takes 3 hours to go around, that's because it does. You see a lot of campers around here, but the trail wasn’t really to busy. We passed less than 10 people the entire time. One thing that was helpful for me is knowing the familiar areas. I knew what was coming and it made it like a connect the dots game. It would be like the hike was mentally mapped out in my head. I knew we had to get around the lake, then later there would be a creek crossing, then a sketchier creek crossing , then a board walk etc. That helped me mentally keep going almost as something to look forward to. 
Again, this is mostly mental. This is what got me here. Do hard things. The mind and body are limitless to some extent. You choose what you can and cannot do. The body will persuade you but the mind is the real boss. You go through moments of ups and downs. Filled with doubts, regrets, runner's highs, sense of pride etc. Pain comes and goes. You think you have something brewing on your feet and then it will work itself out. I tried my best not to mess with my feet, but at CP2 I did a sock change just on the boot socks and I took off the toe spacers. I had some hotspots for sure but was not ready to dive into that.  
The night was probably my favorite part. The weather was cooler, no sun heating up your skin. It’s quiet other than some music I was playing. I think I went from Eminem to country to classic rock back to Eminem then death cab for cutie. I was all over the place but it all helped. There were some parts of night and day where I was so into the music I think I was dancing a singing along, im sure me being delirious helped. 
I mentioned food and drink earlier. Here is some more details. I drank 2L of water 4 hours. In the water were 2 packs of Gator Lyte. Plenty of sodium mag and potassium. I'm not crazy about Gatorade but the Gator Lyte drinks and powders are perfect for me. 
I ate every hour. Protein bars like Gatorade bars, and METrx bars. Swedish fish sugary gummies hit the spot, some pop tarts, and I saved a bag of skittles for the last few miles. I don’t normally eat that crap so It was a nice treat. According to my Garmin watch i burned over 7000 calories and I ate close to 5000 I think. 
I did have a chest strap on too for more accurate heart rate monitoring. Garmin is great for these activities. I cycle, run, ruck, etc. and Garmin is great at tracking all of that. I did use Strava for the map portion. I downloaded a friend that actually completed Ocala24 map and that was extremely helpful. Thank you Clint.  
As the sun rises it’s always a great feeling. We were over the hump. We encountered a burning forest at one point in the night. Not sure if it was prescribed but it was very odd to see these trees burning at night with significant flames. There are so many different areas that you cover. Miles of pine trees over hills you can see for so far, scrub oaks and brush where you can’t see but right in front of you, and everything in between. There were overall many prescribed burns that had just happened so you could see more than normal. Not much wildlife though, not sure if that was good or bad. Many deer tracks not no deer.  
One of my highlights of the night was making it to the spot I quit at in January on Mile 45. It was a dirt road. I told Josh to take a picture of me, I flicked off the camera, had a sense of pride and continued on. I was now going into an uncharted trail for me. 
The morning started great. We made it through the night I was trying to do the math and thought we would finish around 11am. 23 hours total. After the sunrise excitement settled down reality was starting to set in. We were slowing down. I was going as fast as I could but overall, it was about 2 solid min slower and that number was growing. My feet were starting to sting. My shins were in pain. My shoulders were tired. My back had blisters from the pack that were not going away anytime soon. My hip sack was rubbing into my legs. Everything was breaking down as expected. I went into this knowing that it was going to be hard and painful. I did not think that if I prepared good nothing bad would happen. That's where I went south the first time. I was prepared this time to embrace the suck. And that's just what I had to do the last 4 hours. Those last 4 hours 12-14 miles or so were hard. Josh was hurting as well. I had the map and I could see the finish line but I made one small mistake. The Strava trail I downloaded was 66 . 63 miles so I was using that number as the finish line. Strava and Garmin must calculate the miles differently. I did not know this so when you are mentally preparing for that finish line you give it your all. Everything you have but that finish line was further than I was preparing for and I didn’t realize this until the last 5 or 6 miles. We were crushed by now and knowing we had to go further was a lot to digest. I was talking to Josh and myself, or I guess yelling....” This is why we came here , It’s not for the last 60 miles, It's for these last 3 or 4” Everything slowed down. Our pace was hitting 23 min miles. About 5 min slower per mile than how we started. Add that to 4 or 5 miles and it's an additional half hour. Things were just stacking up negatively for us. We ran into some hikers, so we knew the trail head was closer. I asked them how far they had been hiking and they said about an hour or so, someone said 2.9 miles...So we finally knew what we had left. If it took them an hour with fresh legs, what did that mean for us. 1.5 hours...? Now time was a crunch. I know this was an unofficial attempt but I still wanted to be there within 24 hours. I was getting doubtful. Josh was as bad as me. Just shot mentally and physically. Quitting was not an option.  We had trucks 70 miles apart and no other assistance. We just pushed and pushed. “GO ONE MORE”. I had my son write that on my hand. I knew I would need it. One for step. One more min. One more mile. And so on. I looked at it many times during the ruck. I can’t explain how slow time and miles passed at the end. The last mile took the longest. We were so close about ¼ mile away and I felt something pop between my big toe and the next toe. That area had been tender for a while but the blister popped. HOLY COW It stung. I went from a slow pace to a limp real quick. I am grateful this happened the last ¼ mile and not the last 5 miles. I don’t know what I would have done. We limped on and pushed with everything we had and made it to the trailhead at just over 67 miles in 23.5 hours. I told Josh as we had a few miles left, the pain would go away as soon as we got there. We just have to get there. I told him he was a F**king Badass! I said many will never even attempt something like this. I was just trying to be as positive as I could. Every time I looked at my hand “go one more” (got that from Nick Barre) it would choke me up a little.  
The next few hours we ate some pizza. We must have looked like 2 90-year-olds with walkers coming into the restaurant. We had to drive back to my truck. My feet were rough but not as bad as I thought. It's crazy how much pain and stinging can come from a little blister. I guess your body is really good at telling you to stop. I was mentally prepared for that. I knew what was coming.  
The ride home was long, 2 hours 20 minutes from the Rodman trailhead. My wife and son were waiting for me. Dinner was cooking. I limped in, i could barely move. My wife tore some band aids off my back, and I screamed so loud like I never knew I could scream that loud it hurt so much. Then I iced bathed my feet. Another painful moment. I ate and crawled into bed. My feet and legs were swollen and still are (the next morning) I took the day off of course so that's how I have time to write this. I am moving better today than expected though. I will be fine. Josh is doing good too. He will be fine. We will be fine. It was a big commitment to revisit this quest.  
I can now move on. I will continue to ruck but I like trying new things. Ultra running is something I have in my sights. I have never ran a marathon but I just rucked over 2.5 of them in less than 24 hours. It was equivalent to doing 21 5ks. 
I share all this because we have much more potential than we think. We can do anything. It may not happen all at once but if you want something bad enough you can do it. Long distance really lets you dig deep with yourself. Even during training, I went on 7 –8-hour rucks and you can really work on yourself out there. I call it training but it was still a hobby to me or just a fun Sunday morning. Put in your favorite podcasts or music playlist and just start rucking. It’s a great zone 2 exercise. That helps build endurance and just overall makes you healthier and stronger. The mind gets stronger too. You think the normal day to day challenges will even be a blip on my radar after this? That\s what it's all about. Doing hard things. When you raise that baseline of what is hard, the normal "hard' stuff is a walk in the park. Challenge yourself. Embrace the suck and bring some friends with you to enjoy the ride. 
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aajjks · 5 months
you nod your head before turning around and pressing a kiss to jungkook’s lips. “have a good day, hun” you whisper against his lips as you continue to rock jia to sleep and jungkook presses a kiss against your head before he’s leaving you with the twins and soon out of the house.
once jia is sound asleep, you put her back in the crib and sleepily walk back to sleep where jaemin is and sleep for another hour before waking jaemin up for school. he goes to an early starter school that starts are preschool to 3rd grade and it’s the same school ji-ae enrolled jungkook in when he was younger.
you go down stairs and make jaemin a bowl of cinnamon oatmeal with sliced apples, sliced bananas, blueberries, and orange juice for breakfast and as he’s eating, you iron his school uniform.
“say aah” you tell jaemin who follows your instructions and does what you’re doing. you allow him to brush his own teeth but you go back over his teeth and floss his teeth too.
after giving jaemin a bubble bath, you get him dressed for school and arrive there by 8:30 on the dot. you walk inside the building and walk with him to his classroom that is doing their usual free-play before they begin the day.
“okay min, be good. daddy will come pick you up today. your lunch is in your backpack kay?”
“okay mommy!! i love you”
“i love you too min”
you give jaemin a kiss to his head and watch his teacher greet your son with all smiles. once jaemin was dropped off, you circle back home to relieve ji-ae and take care of the twins on your own so ji-ae can tend to her endeavors.
you bathe your twins, dress them, and warm up their bottles with freshly pumped breastmilk. you really enjoy being a mother and love the little family you and jungkook created. jin-sun and jia are such happy babies and don’t really cause much problems for you until they’re upset.
you don’t really do much except for take care of the twins which can sometimes be exhausting but you love every minute of it.
“mr. jeon!” his personal assistant yells barging in his office while jungkook is on a call. “s-sorry, but-,”
“no need to introduce me. he knows who i am. right jungkook?” says mr. hwang, tina hwang’s father.
Jungkook is surprised to see his ex-girlfriend’s father here at his workplace, Jungkook nods, well, talking on the phone and he quickly finishes off the call, he tells the personal secretary to leave so he can talk to Mr. Hwang.
It’s not that surprising that he is here right now because they have done business together several times, but.. the last time they saw each other was probably like a year ago. “Hmm Please sit down… to what do I owe this pleasure to?” Jungkook asks the older man, asking him indirectly why he’s here.
and he doesn’t exactly like Tina’s father, because he was really good friends with his father, Jeon Jaekuk.
“is it like something business related?” Jungkook asks, yes, he’s been planning to open another hotel, but this time in Dubai. “or is this regarding my newest hotel project?” Jungkook folds his hands, “but before we get to business, would you like some coffee or any beverage?” He smiles, Today is a packed day, so he’s a little confused as to why he’s really here because he didn’t even make an appointment.
“Seems like it’s something urgent? You didn’t make an appointment so that’s why I’m wondering, Mr Hwang.” He’s waiting for the older man man to speak, he commands his secretary, to bring in some treats and beverages for the two of them.
And he hopes that the old man will hurry this meeting up because he has to visit some sites and then he has to pick up Jaemin in a few hours.
And he also promised you that he would be home early today.
“Next time just make an appointment will you? I’m kind of busy today so I’d appreciate it if you could hurry this up.” Maybe he does sound a little rude, but he takes his time very seriously. And Mr Hwang is more than familiar with jungkooks cold and ruthless nature when it comes to business.
And he cannot wait to go home and be with you and his family already.
Yeah, he’s a little annoyed.
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christmascocos2023 · 9 months
Tuesday 22nd August (part 2)
1320and fuel done. Am now at Trannies but assumed the hotspot that is supposed to be here was but no so another plan😁.
Well what a night! Plan to the bit where we got into departures worked well then the whole thing went spectacularly to mush😏. The plane was only 15 mins late but when they inspected it they discovered that one engine had a bird strike and resulted in damage. So an hour for the engineers here to look at it and turns out worse than thought so escalated to the makers. Who several hours later said it couldn’t fly! So we are all milling around getting $8 vouchers for snacks/non alcoholic drinks while waiting for this good news! This around 2030ishAnd really only the pub with chips and chocolates and the pizza place that was basically closing when we got the vouchers. The next thing they issued was a meal voucher which because nothing is open and late anyway we can’t use tonight. Thank heavens I had used leftover food and made 2 cheese rolls so I had lunch and dinner! Then they unloaded our luggage and we collected it except mine and some other wasn’t on the trolley. After a bit of chasing they found it on the tarmac. I assume it didn’t all fit on the trolley and in the kerfuffle they forgot to go back and get those bags🤣🤣. I wasn’t worried as it certainly hadn’t left the island🤣.Next was finding accomodation for 80 souls in a place that is pretty booked out. They were pretty slick and canvassed the community to see if they could put people up and tried to match them up. Obviously a bit time consuming but they have had to do it before! They also set up the
cyclone shelter which is attached to the pub as it has cots and mattresses etc in readiness for cyclone use for people they couldn’t find places for. They really worked hard and did a great job in stressful conditions. Only a handful had to sleep in the cyclone shelter.Anyway a couple I had been hanging out with from Kangaroo Island were offered a unit in the same accommodation they had been staying all week in . It is directly opposite the airport and a place I think has breakfast and it had 2 double rooms in the unit. So I got the other room 👏. So I have my own room with shared bathroom and living area with the other couple and as no one coming in until Friday if we get further delayed I have a place to lay my head😁. There was a group of us that had been hanging out and we all kept each other going and let’s face it not much you can do so make the best of it. Part of the adventure of travel😁. Anyway seems we may get away tomorrow but we may not,no promises. There are also the flight crew stranded! Felt so sorry for a couple with a couple of primary school aged kids and a very pregnant woman. Not a real biggy for me on my own but huge for them!
Apparently they can’t remember the last time they had a plane go US after arriving. More common they never leave Perth😁. That means there is no competition for the accommodation you were staying in so you can just go back there.
Tomorrow is another day😁
0 notes
sor-vette · 2 years
Do you know how gloves fit each other? {drabble}
Behold the dreadful effects of simping, gentlemen
• type: Yoongi x reader • genre/about: crack, fluff
• tagging: @moon-write @mintkims @pinkcherrybombs
• masterlist
• a/n: thanks to @skyys-universe for the prompt, hope you like even though it turned out quite differently than planned
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Have you ever seen the sky split open? Or perhaps oceans rise? Anything that you thought was impossible, that a higher power or an apocalyptic event had to create with whatever number of hands they had? Because Namjoon had, and it's the form of Min Yoongi giggling and tucking a strand of hair behind his ear like an infatuated schoolchild. 
"That's unnatural," Jimin whispers, horrified at the pink on his friend's cheeks beginning to burn brighter. "That's… He's possessed by a demon, there's no other way."
"Maybe the demon was Yoongi, and they exorcised him and now that thing is the original Yoongi," Jin supposes, proceeding to prod the pink flamingo in his cocktail. 
"Behold the dreadful effects of simping, gentlemen," Taehyung shakes his head mournfully as they are forced to watch their fearsome Yoongi melt into a puddle of heart-shaped goo, all because a certain bartender graced him with a reply. 
"I think it's cute," Hoseok shrugged, happily observing Yoongi grow more joyful as the evening passed. "Sure, he's bankrupt from coming here every chance he gets, but it's still cute."
The night ends with them having to pry Yoongi's serenading figure from your bar top after he promises to return once he was done being kidnapped. 
"Well, it was nice to catch up guys," Namjoon sighs as his taxi arrived. "Let's not fall out of touch."
"Let's not," Jin agrees, patting him on the back. Inebriated, soft laughter rises behind them and upon looking, they find Yoongi hunched over by the sidewalk, glued to his phone. 
"I'm going to hurl," Jimin backs away, disgusted. They all part, reprimanding Yoongi for once again ignoring them the whole evening, leaving Hoseok to deal with his roommate. 
"Come on, let's go," Hoseok grabs his friend's elbow and tugs the simpering mess upright. His phone lights up again and as Hoseok glances down, he sees Yoongi's cheeks turn red.
From: 🖤
Remember, you owe 100 000 ₩
"They're hounding you for bill and you're laughing," Hoseok mutters in disbelief, but then he notices the message that has this poor sap giggling at the stars.
Drink some water and sleep well 💋
"They kissed me," Yoongi breathes, somehow winded, as he sways back and forth in Hoseok's hold. "They kissed me!" 
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It's 8:30 in the morning and Hoseok is sleeping peacefully, he's gliding on a cloud among cherubs who suspiciously look like Jimin when suddenly they turn into harpies (that look like mad Jimin) and he wakes up to a startling, terrified screaming. 
Disorientated, he finds himself on the floor, tailbone - most likely broken. He rushes through the doors into their small living room and finds Yoongi yelling into a pillow. 
"Good morning," Hoseok greets him smoothly. "What the fuck?" 
Yoongi takes the pillow off his face, grimacing like he's about to vomit. Then flops on the carpet, shrivelling up all without saying a word. 
Perhaps Jimin was right, and he was indeed possessed. Hoseok takes a cautious step closer and notices Yoongi's phone unlocked on the sofa.
To: 🖤
Heeeeyyyyyy babbbbbbyyy
I donnnt havvej moneuv Im broke 😞 byf I can pay u 😏
marry u not me 
I just thinn we are God fit
*good fit 
Ure like a pair of jeans I liek
wait no
Dyou know how gloves fit each other 
Yheres a right and a left oen
Thats why they a pair 
Unless someone has 1 hand guss they don't need 2 then… 
I jus really really like u
I canbt say it unless I'm dbnk but I'm broke right now so I'll just havev to saygbit 
Wihkd you like to go out with me?
Don't u thinj we fit eacb other? 
We have so muc fun when we together
Not that kind 😳 or maybe 🤤🥴
You're hust…. I neve r believed that there is someone like another half of em 
But u complete me and I think I compete u
U r imperfectly perfect 
U know I only ever go there for u
Pls I have a u shaped hole in my heart 😣
Okkaauy immm sleeping now 
After a five minute pause, comes the last line.
Holly's gonna love u  🖤
Hoseok, at this point in Yoongi's texts, had managed to get some snacks and was quite eagerly munching on them while reading, with a half-amused smirk.
"Yes, that is quite embarrassing."
Yoongi falls quiet and with down-turned shoulders rises from the floor. 
"Where did you put my sword? I must kill myself immediately to preserve honour."
"Yeah, there's no honour to preserve," Hoseok scratches at his chin, giving the texts one more read. 
Yoongi hides his face in his palms and lets out a mortified groan. 
A new text message appears in the chat.
From: 🖤
So… are you still alive after this?
Without hesitation, knowing that Yoongi would actually fall on a sword more agreeably than face you, Hoseok types out a message.
Barely. He's close to passing - Yoongi's roommate, Hobi ☺️
Hmm, fair. 
Listen, if you can tolerate him even a little bit could you please do this snivelling mess a favour and go out with him? 
Is Holly his daughter?... He said Holly will like me
Oh, Holly's his dog. He's as sappy for him as he's for you. 
That sure is flattering.
Hoseok glances up at Yoongi who was shuffling towards the bathroom ponderously eyeing the toaster all the way.
Do you like Yoongi? 
I do… so if you could tell him that I'd be happy to meet him, that'd be great 
Thank you!! We'll get you a lot of presents for your wedding
Sweet. I want a mini-fridge
Sorted, my friend
Hoseok goes into the bathroom, faintly making out Yoongi's crouching figure underneath the water torrent and after putting his phone down on the counter, leaves the room. 
Fifteen minutes later, a body falls on the bathroom floor and there comes a meek, whimpering little "ouch." 
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© sor-vette, 2022
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eternally-writing · 2 years
Christmas, I love you | pjm
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Pairing: Jimin x reader
Genre: fluff, angst
Rating: PG-13
Theme: friends to lovers, college!au, holiday!au
Warnings: light swearing
Word count: 17k (my longest fic EVER!)
This gift was created through @bangtansecretsanta​​ for @pjmsdior​​! Surprise! I’m Noel, your Bangtan Secret Santa. Isa, I hope you love this fic!
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“He’s still asleep, isn’t he” Jimin groans as he shows up at your door at 7:45. He doesn’t phrase it as a question, since he thinks he probably already knows the answer.  
If you sprint, the 3 of you will make it to your morning chemistry lab on time. But judging by the fact that Taehyung is still bundled underneath the covers in his room and refusing to move, it’s unlikely that any of you will make it there at all today. 
“You’re telling me that you’ve put up with this for more than 20 years now?” Jimin questions, his arms outstretched and pointing towards Taehyung’s door. His snores fill the entire apartment, and you can’t help but chuckle at the disgusted look on Jimin’s face. 
You have put up with it for more than 20 years now. At first, it was forced. The cliche of “our moms are best friends and got pregnant at the same time and live in the houses next door to one another” was how you first met Taehyung. Your mom decided that instead of daycare, you would spend your days at Taehyung’s with his grandma. It became very very apparent to you at first that you and Taehyung were not going to get along. He wanted to paint all day while you wanted to spend your days running around outside. But somewhere along the lines, you and Taehyung became inseparable. Maybe it’s because of the fact that you’ve gone to the same school since Kindergarten, or because of that one time that Taehyung offered you his ice cream cone when you dropped yours and cried at the playground. 
That made it a no brainer to choose to live with him during college instead of in a cramped, overpriced dorm room. It wasn’t too much of an adjustment - you went from having to walk a minute to Taehyung’s family home, say hi to his mom to the kitchen, and then go drag him out of bed to now just having to walk a couple steps and drag him out of bed. Efficiency, you chime in your head when you think about the extra sleep you get to have now.
You were all about the college experience - parties, football games, mixers, but you figured it was probably best to skip the whole “try to find a roommate you like and then realize that you hate them and scramble to find a new place.” 
“20 long years, it feels like sometimes” you mutter as you roll your eyes in frustration. You don’t even wait to ask Jimin if he wants to come inside, instead just opting to open the door wider so he can enter. He quickly takes up his regular morning position sitting at your kitchen table, watching as you turn the coffee pot on for him. 
“One day we should just leave without him, yknow. Professor Min is going to fail us at some point if we keep missing lab.” 
Jimin’s not as used to Taehyung’s morning antics as you are. They first met last year in an introductory English class and were instantly attached at the hip after a group project. When they’re too drunk and someone mentions Shakespeare they launch into a dramatic retelling of the Macbeth (Jimin plays at least 3 rolls at once). 
It’s 8:10 now, and all hope of making it to the lab is gone. Even if you leave now, there’s no way that you’ll have enough time to finish the reaction and get a final product. 
You instead pull out one of the only two meals you can make. The sound of the dry pasta shaking catches Jimin’s attention away from his phone. 
“It’s a little early for processed cheese, Y/N” Jimin jokes. He still gets up to help you boil the water, though. 
You and Jimin talk about your weekend plans - skateboarding for him, a good book for you.  The chatter continues while you both work together to make your comfort meal. 
“Kraft Dinner, mmm” are the first words that come out of Taehyung’s mouth when he steps out of his room.
Without coordination, you and Jimin both reach for the barely cooked noodles and throw them at the late riser. 
Once he apologizes for making you all miss lab AGAIN and promises it won’t happen again (spoiler alert: it will), you assign Taehyung to sauce duty and send him away. 
“What’s everyone’s plan for Christmas” Taehyung says in between a thank you he whispers to you as he grabs a bowl for food. 
You know Taehyung is just dying to tell you both the details of  his family’s upcoming Hawai’i vacation, so you graciously ask him what his plans are once you tell them that you’ll be spending it the same as usual with your family. However, instead of going on about the luau he’s planning to go to, surprisingly still talks about you.
“Y/N is very particular about her Christmas plans” Taehyung says with his mouthful. You groan and reach over to squish his cheeks. Your cheeks turn red as you start to babble about how it’s just your favorite holiday. You weren’t particular, you just like to celebrate - a difference you made very clear. 
“It’s gonna be a good Christmas, my horoscope told me so” Taehyung proclaims. He’s a true Capricorn. 
You and Jimin throw more macaroni at him. 
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“I’ll give you the door code, Jimin will probably still be asleep so he won’t notice if you slip in and out” Taehyung reassures you over the phone. 
You’re outside Jimin’s door, silent as a ninja while Taehyung walks you through how to get into the older boy’s apartment. You forgot your wallet at Jimin’s, and if you had any hopes of buying groceries today you needed to grab it before you got too comfortable on the couch and decided that instant ramen was a nutritious enough meal. The snow falling outside only decreased your motivation to shop, but Taehyung bribes you over the phone with a movie marathon once you come home if you buy some microwave popcorn. 
The 10 years of dance training you had came in handy as you tiptoed your way through the kitchen, sneaking around like a spy while you looked for the small pink wallet. You had the shaving cream piled high in your hands as the mop of black hair came into your vision. Jimin had his back to you and was mid pouring milk into what looked like coffee. You manage to walk all the way up to him without him noticing your presence. Your wallet is right beside him, so you figure it’s best to tap him on the shoulder to let him know that you’re there. 
“Hey J- AH!” You shouted jumping back once the figure turned around. 
Instead of being met with the angry look of Park Jimin, there was another black-haired boy who stood in front of you with an equally scared look on his face.
He also screamed once he took in the fact that you were not Park Jimin, and that a girl had somehow sneaked into their apartment presumably only to murder them. 
“Who are you? This is Park Jimin’s apartment!” You interrogated pointedly with a finger to the intruder’s chest. Your chest was rising heavily with your anger as your nostrils flared.
The person’s already large eyes widened as he sputtered before retaliating at your words. “You’re asking me that?? I should be asking you that!! I live here” He emphasized, waving his arms around frantically in exasperation. 
The back and forth squabble continued endlessly, each of you becoming more read in the face as the conversation carried on. Arms were flailing around while the coffee on the counter cooled to room temperature. 
“JIMIN - who is this??” You both scream from the kitchen towards the closed door of Jimin’s bedroom. You’re holding a wooden spoon as a defense against the stranger while he’s armed with the spoon he was stirring his coffee with. If someone were to see you, they’d probably think that you were a couple of children play fighting. 
In true Jimin fashion, he saunters out lazily in sweatpants and a black t-shirt. His wolverine-reminiscent hair and the way that he is rubbing his eyes give away the fact that he most likely just rolled out of bed. Jimin only managed a couple steps out of his room before the sight in front of him took the words out of his mouth. 
His brain may be slow to start working in the mornings, but he could easily piece together what happened based on the way both of you looked like you had steam coming out of your ears. Both of you were giving Jimin a look that silently said who the fuck is this psycho?? And the more Jimin realized what was going on, the more that laughter seemed to bubble up inside him. He tried his best to hold it in till his cheeks were also turning red to match yours, but once he started laughing, he just couldn’t stop. 
At the sight of Jimin finding joy in your misery, you huffed and put your hands on your hips, the taller man beside you also stomping his foot in irritation. You each called out his name irritatingly while Jimin was still doubled over in laughter. 
“Y/N, I see you’ve met my brother Jungkook” Jimin finally said between bouts of laughter, grinning from ear to ear. 
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You aren’t kidding when you tell Jimin that Jungkook is giving him a run for his money in the friend department.
At first you were nervous. You were never one to dwell on first impressions, but when your first impression is what happened with Jungkook (ie. you yelling at him for being in his own apartment), you couldn’t help but feel that things started off on a bad note. 
As it turns out, Jungkook was a freshman at your college too - he was living in the first year dorms, but when they had to evacuate everyone because of a termite infestation he figured it was easiest to mooch off his older brother and live in Jimin’s apartment. When Jungkook told the story, Jimin tried to look annoyed, especially as he complained about how Jungkook kept him up all night with his gaming and how he owns way too many pairs of shoes which clutter up his doorway. But you can see in the way that he looks at him that Jimin is really glad to spend time with his younger brother. 
You and Jungkook quickly got along because of your shared love for teasing Jimin. Anytime you came over Jungkook would tell the best childhood stories of Jimin’s adventures. Turns out, Jimin had gone through many phases - he wanted to be an astronaut, a rock band singer, and chef, and a fashion designer all before age 10. When Jungkook shows you the photo of Jimin with pink streaks in his hair you can’t help but double over laughing while Jimin grumbles about how he could definitely pull that look off now.  
Jungkook was also a nursing major, you two had lots to chat about there as well. “You’re the best” Jungkook praises when you tell him all the professors to avoid and where to buy second hand scrubs for clinicians so you’re not breaking the bank of the University’s branded FIGS sets. You found yourself at Jimin’s place more and more - study sessions with Jungkook turning into movie nights with the 3 of you or Mario kart competitions that you could never win. 
“Listen to your hyung, Jungkook. I want my best friend back!!” Jimin whines with his arms crossed from the doorway of his younger brother’s room. He puts on his best pouty face as he watches you two be completely engrossed in a game of Overwatch. Jungkook doesn’t acknowledge his brother, choosing to give him the middle finger for interrupting him in what Jimin knows is an important part of the game, You, on the other hand, turn and give him a pouty look that says “I’m sorry” while gesturing with your hands that it’ll only be another 5 minutes. He still stands in the doorway as he waits, his eyes obviously focused on the ticking of the watch on his wrists. 
“Best friend, huh?” You tease after you’re done, your mind still stuck on Jimin’s last words. “Do I get to call Taehyung and let him know that he’s being replaced?” You grin with your headset still over your ears as you turn to look at him.
Jimin shoots you a bashful smile, it’s only once you reply that he’s one of your best friends too that he lets out a laugh. 
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“Sleep more than you study, study more than you party, party as much as possible”. Taehyung yells into your closed bedroom door. ‘
You groan as you hear Taehyung repeat his mantra over and over while he pregames in the living room. He has a couple friends over and there’s a basketball game playing on the TV, but the only voices you can pick out are his, Jimin’s and Jungkook’s. 
Once you hear them start to organize themselves into UBER’s, you hear Taehyung knock on your bedroom door.
“I’m not coming with you, Tae!” You already predicted his question and decided to save him the trouble of wasting a question. 
Taehyung shakes his head as he places his hands on his hips before walking over to you. He’s quick to shut the screen of your laptop to get your full attention. 
“Tae, I was working on my research paper.” You groan, trying to pry the screen open from under his hold. 
“Bullshit, Y/N. You can’t convince me that you weren’t watching just watching Modern Family again” 
Your face turns red at his words. Of course Taehyung knows you well enough to know what you’re doing. You counter that you just want a quiet night in - your comfort TV show, some ramen, a hot chocolate maybe ( not at the same time, of course). 
“Y’know, it’s a holiday party” Taehyung chides as he flaunts a tinsel ribbon around his neck.
“It’s November 1st” you reply dryly, your eyebrows raised. You loved the holiday but it felt like a little overkill that at the first sight of colder weather everything turned festive. Taehyung can see that you’re not going to back down from your cozy night in plans that easily, but he’s just as stubborn as you are.
“Besides, this is the first time we’re not going to be spending Christmas together”
Damn it, he knows how to get to you. 
You and Taehyung had spent Christmas together for as long as you could remember. When you were 5, you cried when Taehyung broke the barbie doll you had been begging for Santa to get you only minutes after you opened the present. He felt indebted to you until you were seven and broke the Beyblade he was playing with, so you were at least even on that front. Christmas without Taehyung would just not be Christmas at all, so when he told you that his family has planned to go to Hawaii while yours was staying home, it did break both of your hearts a little. 
“And there’s that dress you bought at the mall with Jimin and I that you still haven’t gotten a chance to wear, and your next exam isn’t for 2 weeks , AND….” Taehyung continues. The list goes on and on as Taehyung pleads his case. He looks a lot more like a lawyer than a fine arts student right now, but either way, Taehyung is extremely persuasive. He even pulls out the dress from your closet, showing you the way the glitter shines in the light. You still remember the day you bought it. 
“It’s too much right?” You asked, stepping out of the change room. You rub your hands down the fabric to try to get it to stay in one place, and the way you refuse to look up from the floor shows how nervous you are. 
Taehyung has an eye for fashion so he’s a common companion to your shopping trips. He gets up to walk a circle around you, making comments about the way the red tone of the dress makes your skin pop. Jimin however, only came along because it was too cold outside to do anything else. He’s still frozen in his seat, a look that you can only assume is boredom paints his expression while he scrolls aimlessly on his phone.
“It looks great Y/N, it seriously fits you like a glove.” Taehyung goes on to talk about how the style of dress is timeless and will work for formal and casual occasions. “Jimin, what do you think?” 
Your eyes now turn to the black-haired boy on the couch. You notice that his jaw is slightly open and he’s not blankly staring into the distance, he’s staring at you. His pupils are dilated but instead of his eyes scanning over your figure, they’re glued straight on your own face, your eyes meeting each other’s.
“It’s - really good. It’s beautiful, Y/N” Jimin says softly. 
The memory of the dress shopping experience made you smile. Taehyung fists pumps in victory as you take the dress from his hold. 
“Fine, but you’re gonna need to hand me 2 shots to catch up to you” you huff as you shove him out of your room so you can change. 
The fall air brings a chill on your skin as you sit on the back porch of the party house. The clamour of parties is always fun in moderation, but after losing 4 games of beer pong in a row to Jimin and Jungkook, you decide that it’s probably best to step away from the antics for a bit if you wanted to be able to stand up straight at the end of the night. You hate to prove Taehyung right, but you’re happy he dragged you here. 
There’s not a single other person outside, and for a second you wonder if you’re not allowed to be out here. You can’t be bothered to care - it’s not like you dangling your feet over the edge of the porch is causing any damage. 
“You’re going to catch a cold” a voice calls out to you.  You can’t see his face yet, but you already know who it is. 
“Here comes the beer pong champ” you joke as you swirl the drink in your hand. As soon as November 1st passed, Seonghwa had decided that regular jungle juice now needed to be replaced with “festive” jungle juice. The peppermint liqueur mixed with tequila left an uncomfortably bitter taste in your mouth, something Jimin could spot from a mile away as he made his way to you outside. 
“C’mon, let’s switch” Jimin volunteered as he plucked the red solo cup out of your hands and replaced it with his own, nudging your shoulder in the process as he sat down next to you. He drank yours with ease, but you let out a more disgusted groan as you took a sip of Jimin’s cup. 
“Eggnog, really Jimin? This stuff is gross” you emphasize with a shake of your head. 
“It’s actually eggnog with extra rum, Y/N, I’m a man with class” Jimin joked with a flourish as he took his cup back from you. He also peels off the jacket he’s wearing, laying it gently around your bare shoulders to keep you warm. Jimin loves the dress, but he knows it’s not worth you catching a cold over.
For a while, you and Jimin just sit in silence. It’s peaceful though, comforting even. You both take sips of your drink, staring at the all too large yard while wondering how the hell Seonghwa and Hongjoong could afford the rent on this place as a couple of college kids. The sound of Taehyung’s laughter somehow still hits your ears even though he’s in the basement playing beer pong, and the dissonance of the bass pounding through the wood of the porch with the peace of the outdoors brings a certain harmony to the space. 
“Are you ever scared?” Jimin whispers. 
You turn to look at him - he hasn’t moved a muscle, still swirling his eggnog in a solo cup. 
“Scared of what?” 
“The present, the future, what life is gonna be like 20 years from now. Hell - I don’t have a clue about what I’m gonna do when college is done. I don’t even think I have a dream for what I want to be in the future.”
Jimin sighed when he realized his small explanation had turned into almost a full blown tangent. You can tell by the look on his face that this is completely serious to him, that he’s not just making small talk party conversations. 
“When Taehyung first introduced me to you and you showed up 5 minutes early to the first time we met at that cafe, I knew you were organized. And then I saw the running grocery shopping list you keep on your fridge in the apartment, and then I realized you were super organized. “ Jimin paused to look over at you. “So you, miss organized, I am sure you have a plan for everything.”
You took a larger gulp of your red liquid courage before replying to the starry-eyed boy beside you. 
“I, um, I may be organized, but that’s in everything except the future. Literally in my first week of college I figured out that I wanted to end up working in film and TV as a videographer” 
“But you’re - “
“A nursing major, I know” you said with a half-hearted chuckle. You continued on after a bated breath. 
You wrung your palms on your jeans as you stared back out into the distance. “So yeah - even though I know what I want, it’s scary to think of chasing my dreams.”
For a moment, the bass of the party music took over the silence between you both. It seems that Seonghwa busted out the karaoke machine since an all too festive performance of Gee by Girls Generation was taking place, Taehyun and Soobin making the entire party fall victim to their charms.
“You’re great  - I mean you’d be a great videographer Y/N, you should do it” Jimin said sincerely as he looked you in your eyes. You give him a soft smile of acknowledgment before turning back to the vast sky in front of you. 
You were always jealous of the stars. They knew exactly what they had to do and did the exact same thing every day. They shine every night until they burn out and they’re done. It would be nice, in some ways, to wake up each day and know exactly what you’re going to do. But the truth is, you have no clue. But as you look over at Jimin, who is now trying to convince you that the random cluster of stars in front of you is Ursa Major, you’re glad that he has no clue either. 
You steal a sip of Jimin’s eggnog again. It still tastes disgusting. 
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You read the words across your screen twice before letting out a shriek that had Taehyung flying into your bedroom. 
“Are you okay?!” Taehyung shrieked as he saw you hunched over in your bed, your face frozen in disbelief. 
“I can’t - I can’t go home Tae” you muttered, trying to keep your voice steady and keep your tears at bay.
“You can’t go home? Oh, you can’t go home” Taehyung thinks out loud as he pieces together the meaning of your words. “Oh Y/N…” Taehyung whispered as he takes a seat on the edge of your bed. “What happened?”
You took a shakier breath as you turned the computer screen towards him. The news article on the screen showed the blizzard that happened overnight in your hometown, making the roads untouchable for at least the next weekend. There was no way you could make it home for Christmas. Messages from your family group chat are lighting up the top right corner as your family is also dealing with the news of you not being able to get home at the same time.
“Parks of living in a small town I guess” you whimpered as a few tears escaped your eyes. Soon, you couldn’t stop the waterfall from your eyes. It felt silly, there were so many bigger problems in the world, but going home for Christmas meant everything to you. No matter what happened each year, how busy everyone was, how far away everyone was, every member of your family made it home for Christmas each year. Except for you this year, apparently. Thinking of how you were going to break the news to your mom made it feel like your heart was breaking all over again. 
“Can I drive you? Book you a flight? Anything really?” Taehyung questioned, feeling his own heart breaking at the sight of his best friend being so upset. Taehyung would’ve been in the same predicament as you if his family hadn’t decided to take a family trip to Hawaii for Christmas this year. “I’ll stay if you want me to” Taehyung adds. 
You shook your head at him, explaining how unless teleporting was actually possible, there was no way that you could make your way into the town at all. It was like fate was playing cruel tricks on you - you would usually already be in your childhood bedroom by now, but your finals ended later than usual, leaving you with no option but to drive down at the last possible moment before Christmas. It was a frustrating end to a frustrating year - it felt perfectly in line with the rest of your year that Christmas wouldn’t work out for you too.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N” Taehyung said as he looked at you. You let yourself be enveloped in his hug for a moment as you nod into his chest, telling him he has nothing to be sorry for.
“We’re really sorry too, Y/N” two voices called out to you from the doorway. 
Jimin and Jungkook stand watching you from the entryway, PS5 controllers in their hands that are obvious remnants of a gaming marathon they were having with Taehyung in the living room. You didn’t even realize that the brothers were there. 
The controllers are quickly thrown to the side as you invite the boys into your room. Taehyung quickly becomes the butt of the joke as Jungkook and Jimin starts telling you about the stupid mistakes he made while he was playing Super Smash Bros. They let you pick something to watch to get your mind off of things, which is rare given the chokehold that Taehyung has on the remote. 
It’s Doom at Your Service that you end up settling on. Jungkook has never watched it with you three so it’s up to you to catch him up on what he’s missed in the kdrama so far. His eyes are wide as he takes in the twists and turns of the storyline.
“I’m so lucky to be with my 4 favorite boys” you say sincerely as you eat the microwave popcorn that Jimin made for you all. Slowly the gears in each of the boys’ heads start to turn as they do the mental math and realize there’s only 3 of them sitting on the couch, looking around for the 4th boy in question.
“yeah, you, Jimin, Jungkook, and Seo In-Guk” you joke with a smile as you point to the handsome boy on TV.
Jungkook throws a piece of popcorn at your face when you can’t stop laughing.
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December 25th usually had a little more flair in your life. Usually, once the clock struck 12 wrapping paper would be flying around your living room, your parents following diligently with a garbage bag as they watched you open gifts with your extended family. 
Instead, you watched as the clock hit 00:00 under your covers. You took in the silence in your bedroom as you realized just how lonely you were. If you closed your eyes tight enough you could almost imagine your family bursting through your front door, but you knew it was nothing more than a figment of your imagination. A frown started to take residence on your face as the reality of your situation started to settle in. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N” you whispered to yourself as you stared outside the window.
You could’ve slept all day, and with the way that the sunlight was streaming in from your bedroom window, it was very likely that you slept through at least part of it. If you had more notice that you were going to be staying in the apartment, you would have at least bought yourself a pity gift, a microwave turkey dinner for one, anything really. 
A crash from outside your door made you shake. Great, as if being in the apartment on Christmas wasn’t bad enough, having someone breaking into your house was definitely the icing on the cake. You armed yourself with the scariest thing you had in your room (a curling iron) and began to tiptoe out of the room. You took a couple deep breaths before wedging the door open so you could peer into the living area. 
The view that you had made you accidentally drop your curling iron to the ground in surprise. 
“Merry Christmas?” Jimin chuckled, rubbing at his forearms nervously.  You gasped as you took in the room around you. 
The room had been covered in twinkly Christmas lights from head to toe. There were stockings hung from the wall, tinsel all around, and a gorgeous mini Christmas tree covered in ornaments. 
And of course, the man who did it all stood in the middle, a Christmas sweater that said “Santa Claws” with a cat on it adorning his chest. Jimin had the cutest reindeer ears on his head, but you couldn’t take your eyes off the gigantic smile on his face. He raised his eyebrows playfully as his eyes gestured to the matching sweater in his hand that said “Santa paws” with a dog on it, presumably for you. 
You were truly struck speechless, but you had no idea how to express this in words. Nobody, ever, had done something like this for you. Your eyes glimmered with tears as you looked at Jimin. 
“Jimin, I - , I don’t even know what to say.” 
The glowing boy took a step towards you. 
“I know it's not the handmade ornaments you have at home but…” Jimin sheepishly stared down at his wiggling toes while waiting for your response. 
You couldn’t stop a couple of tears from escaping from your eyes as you said “it’s perfect”. 
“Are you… crying? I didn’t mean to make you cry - oh my god I’m sorry Y/N.”  You could hear the panic in Jimin’s voice as he watched you start to break down.
Elf playing on the TV, cookies on the table, a star on top of a tree that does not seem like it would fit through your apartment door: Jimin had somehow created your own Christmas wonderland, and it was everything that you didn’t know you needed. You have no clue how Jimin even found out exactly what your Christmas celebrations were like (the answer, he texted Taehyung to find out, but they would never let you find that out). 
“Happy tears, Chim. Really happy tears” you mentioned with a smile painted across your face, the nickname flowing freely from your lips. 
Jimin gives you a moment to wander around the space, making sure to chime in with all the details on the decorations he chose. When you find out that Jimin called Taehyung to ask whether you would like red or gold ornaments better and Taehyung promptly told Jimin to fuck off because it was 4am in Hawaii time and you would like either of them, you laugh but also swoon over Jimin’s consideration.  It’s only once you make your way to the kitchen that Jimin explains your first activity of the night - the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies are laid out on the counter and Jimin is sharing his very special recipe with you in return for having you help in the kitchen.
“I thought you had a flight home last night?” You say inquisitively as you pick at the cookie dough that was on the counter. You’re sure eating raw cookie batter wasn’t exactly the help that Jimin seemed to have in mind when he planned to do this with you, but he doesn’t seem to mind as he’s focused on rolling out the dough, 
Jimin froze for a second before he uttered his reply. “They canceled my flight because of the weather.” Jimin gestured to the scene outside your window with the snow fluttering around outside.  “It was triple the price to rebook a new last minute flight and I was only planning to be there for 2 days anyways so it just wasn’t worth it anymore, my parents understood.”
You nodded in understanding as you handed him another spoonful of cookie dough to put on the baking tray. He’s lying, at least partially, but you don’t notice as you’re too caught up in the Christmas glee. The truth was that the look on your face when you realized you were going to be spending Christmas alone haunted Jimin, and coupled with the fact that his family wasn’t big on celebrating and he could move his flight home to be for his mom’s birthday instead, it seemed more than logical for him to do so. 
Jimin sings as he starts to preheat the oven. It’s a habit he picked up from his mom, who always belts a tune while she sings around the kitchen. It’s usually more of a small hum, a mumble that other people can't hear, but with the way Jimin gets caught up in the Christmas glee he accidentally starts to belt out some adlibs to All I want for Christmas is you. 
“What are you staring at?” Jimin wonders, watching the zoned out look on your face. 
“Your voice - it’s um, it’s really nice” You blush as you make the delicate confessions, the redness on your cheeks giving away your embarrassment. 
Jimin smiled, crinkling his eyes as he stared at you. He mumbled a small thank you. Compliments were few and far between in your friend group (you chose to show the love through well placed humor instead), so the comment brought even more joy to Jimin’s face. 
Much to your delight, Jimin kept singing as he worked next to you on the cookies. You smiled at the way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration while he used a tree-shaped cookie cutter that you didn’t even know that you owned. You and Jimin had quickly fallen into a very domestic routine - It was a sharp change from how you were planning on spending your Christmas just mere hours earlier. 
All of a sudden, a cloud of white obscures your vision. As the powder landed on your face, you purse your lips to get the taste of it off of your tongue. You cough and sputter as you look at the boy across from you.
“I had to knock you out of your daydream somehow.” Jimin said as he clapped his hands off, sending more dust clouds out to the air. 
“Oh you’re on, Park Jimin.”
You grabbed the nearest container of flour to you and immediately began your counter attacks on the fluffy haired boy across from you. 
The kitchen is filled with laughter as you and Jimin make a mess of your kitchen. He chases you around the small space, flour flying everywhere. Flour turns to sugar, and then sugar turns to milk, and at some point you and Jimin both end up with the entirety of the cookie ingredients on you.  You both only decide to call a truce once you and Jimin realize that you are the ones who will have to clean up the mess and that the cookies you have in the oven currently are going to burn. 
As the night was beginning to take over, the clock showed you how Christmas was beginning to slip away from you. You wished that you could freeze time and stay in this moment forever.
“I also had one more surprise for you” Jimin says as he approaches you on the couch. You’re happy to be able to see his black hair again as he emerges looking much cleaner than he was like a few minutes ago. However, Jimin looks more nervous, his hands tucked behind his back as he waddles over. You clue in on the fact that Jimin’s holding a gift behind his back and your face immediately gives away your reaction.
 “Oh my gosh you really don’t have to Jimin, I feel so bad that you’ve done so much and I don’t have anything for you.” You almost sound like you’re scolding him for how much he’s doing with the raised tone in your voice. 
“I hope you’ll like it, Y/N”  is all he replies with. 
He’s carrying a box covered in snowman wrapping paper, and while he tells you to close your eyes, he plops the box down in your arms and tells you to open it .  The tag on it still reads “from Jimin, to Y/N”. Jimin seems to be vibrating as he sits next to you and watches the way you peel the wrapping paper back. 
It’s gorgeous. You twirl it in between your fingers to admire the way it glows in the sunlight. The gift reminds you of Jimin - it’s radiant and filled with hope and dreams.
“It’s a film camera because… you’re going to be a great videographer one day, Y/N” Jimin explains. The necklace you’re holding has a film camera charm on it. It’s an Arri Alexa 65, specifically the one that you explained to Jimin is your favorite film camera that they use in Hollywood movies that you hope you get to use one day. It was a small detail, something that you barely remember telling him at that party - but the fact that he still remembers that makes your heart swell. 
“Put it on for me?” You ask, holding out the clasp for him. Jimin quickly nods as he takes the chain from your fingers. It’s only once you sweep your hair to the side is Jimin astutely aware of how close he is to you while putting on the necklace.  He fumbles with the clasp once he gets it around your neck. He can see the way that the hairs on the back of the neck have risen too, and it makes him feel a little more comfortable that he’s not the only one feeling this way.
“It’s beautiful, Jimin.” You whisper as you look down at the pendant. 
“Yeah, really beautiful,” Jimin says as he looks at you. 
And then the air shifts. Like Jimin’s been burned, he quickly moves his hands away from you. “Anyways… eggnog for me, hot chocolate for the lady?” Jimin asks as he jumps off the couch with an extra hop in his step. He’s almost rushing away from you like you’re a burning building as he makes his way to the kitchen. You barely catch his actions as your mind is still fuzzy from Jimin’s closeness to you. You twirl the necklace around your fingers as you watch Jimin carry the two steaming mugs towards you. He had already set up your couch with blankets and a collection of holiday DVD’s, which made it easy for you to settle in while you waited for him. You were already cozy on the couch, so you simply pat the spot next to you for Jimin to join you.
“Drinking hot cocoa by the fireplace, right?” He whispers as he plays a YouTube channel that shows crackling firewood on the screen. 
You nod as you open your arms for him for a hug. It says all the ‘thank you’s” that you can’t put into words. You hope he can tell how thankful you are through the way you’re squeezing him tightly, only murmuring a small thank you into his chest. 
“I’m really sorry you couldn’t be home for Christmas, Y/N” Jimin whispered sincerely as he looked into your eyes. You both were no more than inches away from each other now. It would be so easy to just close that gap, cross that line from friends to more than that. You could feel Jimin’s breath fanning onto your face. The tension starts to build as you see Jimin’s eyes flutter between your eyes and your lips. It’s the perfect moment, arguably. Time seems to have stopped as you both stay frozen in that moment. All that needed to happen was for one of you to take the leap, show some courage and close the gap.
You couldn’t, at least not today. If you were going to do this - it wasn’t going to be on a whim. You were going to think this through, and think really hard. You and Jimin savored your closeness, nobody wanted to break eye contact first. The familiar warm feeling in your stomach started to creep up again. 
You whispered your reply back to him. “It’s okay, Jimin. This is… amazing” you said with wonder in your eyes as you admired your surroundings yet again. “But I’m sorry you’re didn’t get to go home for Christmas either”
Jimin pulled you closer into his chest; he whispers his last words just quietly enough so you barely catch them.  The almost kiss definitely weighs heavy on both of you as you sit in the silence of the holiday music for a moment. 
“I don’t know, this kinda feels like home too.”
You fall asleep right there, with your head on Jimin’s chest. 
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You wake up feeling so much lighter. All you needed was a good night’s sleep to reflect on just how magical yesterday was. Park Jimin turned your apartment into a winter wonderland for you. You’ve been dreaming your whole life of having a boy who would do something like that for you, and here he was right in front of you? You want to tell him right now, tell him everything about how you feel, how you should’ve kissed him last night. 
It’s only when you start to get caught up in how you’ll tell him that you realize that it’s quiet, almost too quiet. You’re in your bedroom, back tucked under your sheets. You’re not still on the couch where Jimin’s heartbeat lulled you to sleep. When you start to adjust to your surroundings, you sit up with a jolt, hands gripping the sheets trying to find a warm body next to you. Except it’s cold. There’s not even a wrinkle where there should be someone else. For a second, you think that all of yesterday was a dream. The logical explanation is that you slept for 24 hours and Christmas ceased to exist. Everything looks the exact same as how it was when you went to sleep, except for one thing. 
There’s a note on your bedside table. It’s written on a scrap piece of paper that you can only imagine came from the pile of thrown out lab reports that you still have to bring down to the recycling center. The chicken scratch writing of it clearly shows you that Jimin was its author. 
Had to head out early. Hope you grab some good boxing day deals! 
Okay, so at least you didn’t imagine spending the day with Jimin. Still, the note leaves an ugly feeling in your stomach. Jimin has slept over before, it’s not out of the ordinary, but he usually would wake one of you before he leaves. You settle on sending him a quick text. He’s a quick responder, so it should put your mind at ease. 
You: hey! You disappeared quick - everything ok? Thanks again for yesterday 😊❤️
With that, you get up on your day. When you step out in to the living room, it looks untouched. The tree is gone, the wrapping paper trail you and Jimin had created from his gift nowhere to be found. The hot cocoa mugs are washed, the tinsel is gone. 
It’s like Christmas never happened. 
The silver chain around your neck is the only memory you have of the day. It’s still around your neck. You twirl the charm that lays on your chest between your fingers as you walk around the space. It helps you calm your breathing as you think about what’s happened. Your mind instantly goes to calling Taehyung and explaining what happened, but his last instagram post of him laying on the beach with the caption “most relaxed person ever” makes you think twice. He deserves a break, and you have no reason to freak out. Instead, you push the crazy thoughts away and try to keep going through your day, buying groceries, organizing your closet. 
Your phone stays silent the rest of the day. The message you sent to Jimin isn’t read, let alone replied too. It’s odd, and it makes your phone feel heavy every time you pick it up. 
It’s just one day, Y/N, no need to freak out, you think to yourself at the end of the night. 
But soon one day turns into two days, which turns into seven days, and you’re faced with the distinct possibility that  Park Jimin is ghosting you.
At one point, your worry that Jimin isn’t answering morphs into concern for his health. It builds until you decide that it’s worth bothering Taehyung on his vacation, even though the picture he sent of you drinking a tequila sunrise makes you think twice.  You’re tempted to wander down to his apartment, knock on his door just to see if he’s around. You also think about asking Jungkook, sending him a quick text. He’s at home with his family though, and you don’t want to accidentally cause his family to worry for Jimin for no reason.
You: have you heard from Jimin lately?
Taehyung answers quickly.
Tae: yea, he wished me happy new year
It creates an empty feeling in your chest when you read Taehyung’s response. So Jimin isn’t ignoring everyone, he’s just ignoring you. 
The problem is that you can’t figure out why. 
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It’s embarrassing how much of an effect that Jimin has on you. The fact that he left you without a trace seems to weigh heavier on you each day. It’s shameful and you know. You shouldn’t care that much - Jimin wasn’t your boyfriend, there was no reason for you to feel like you had something more with him. 
The note Jimin left you is the last thing that you have of him. The writing seems to be burned into your bedside table now since you haven’t had the heart to move it since Christmas. The more you read it, the more angry it makes you. The note is like something you would send to coworkers when you clock out early, not something you’d say to a girl you almost kissed mere hours before. 
Taehyung is shocked when he comes back from break. He knew Jimin’s plan and was expecting you to be bursting at the seams with joy while recounting the story to him the moment he got in the door. Instead, all Taehyung is met with is silence - the apartment looks wildly untouched, except for the empty cup noodles stacked in the garbage. When he asks you how your break was, all you mutter is “don’t wanna talk about it” 
You’ll give him credit, Taehyung does try his best to support you. He’s known you long enough to know that “it’s all gonna be okay” won’t work for you. He doesn’t pretend to understand how you feel - after all, he was the one who was currently studying for his dream. Instead, he silently comes in and picks up your laundry, having it clean and folded on your untouched desk before you can even wake up from your 4pm nap. He still asks every time he leaves the house if you want to join him, and he doesn’t let the smile fall from his eyes every single time you say no. He sits with you every night on the edge of your bed to tell you about his day despite your consistently flat reactions. Most of all, Taehyung opens the curtains every morning in your room without fail. Even when you won’t say a word to him and simply bury your face further into your comforter, Taehyung lets the light in. Or maybe, he simply is your light.
You don’t notice how hard this probably is on him too. His two best friends in the world are falling apart and he doesn’t know how to fix it. Hell, it might’ve been his meddling that got you both into this situation in the first place. He doesn’t know whether he has to pick sides, whether supporting one of you irrevocably means you’re betraying the other. He cooks for you while ordering delivery for Jimin, goes over to Jimin’s apartment when you’re asleep to check on him, texts you both throughout the day to make sure you’ve eaten meals. Taehyung has one body but his heart wants to be in two places at once. Of course, the people he’d come to for advice about something like this are you and Jimin, and that only rubs salt in the wound for him. 
Just like Taehyung’s struggling, you are too. The new semester doesn’t bring the fresh start that you’re hoping for. Everything still feels old, tired. Your holiday break slump has now morphed into a winter semester slump. 
The one thing you’re thankful for is that you never have to cross paths with Jimin. Well, almost never. Morality and ethics was the last class you’d ever expect to see Jimin in, but it looks like the campus-wide gossip about the class being an easy A got to him as well. It feels ironic that he’s taking the course at all -  to you, it seems like the morally correct thing to do would be to not fall off the face of the earth as soon as something mildly romantic happens with your best friend, but hey what do you know. You can’t hide the vindication you feel when Professor Kwong says something you agree with during class, knowing that Jimin is getting the same lecture. 
The other 99% of the time though, you like to pretend that the dark cloud that is Park Jimin doesn’t exist. You always show up to class only at the minute it begins and bolt out the minute the professor stops talking, leaving no time for any unwelcome small talk opportunities. You sit in the same corner seat at the back of the lecture hall - the chair is partially broken and it looks like it could give out any minute, but the risk is worth it since it hides you from the rest of the class. 
You try to not think about Jimin, let alone look at him during class. Out of sight, out of mind, you repeat to yourself as you take your seat each week. There is still that small part of you that itches to find out how he’s doing, but you can’t bring yourself to look for him amongst the crowd of students. You’ve thought about it and you don’t even know what you’d want to see: if he was happy and normal, that would only add salt to your wound, but if he looked even half as bad as you did, you wouldn’t feel great either. You’d come to the conclusion that finding Jimin would only make things worse. If he wanted to talk to you, he would have weeks ago instead of leaving without a trace. After all, you were only reciprocating his behavior. 
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For once, the weather seemed to be showing mercy on you. For the first week of January, you felt like you were living in an icebox (also in part due to you and Taehyung forgetting to pay your utilities bill on time). You had to wear what felt like 1000 layers to go to walk to your classes and then had to immediately shed them the minute you stepped foot into your lecture hall. 
The days continued on: wake up, shower (maybe), go to class (maybe), come home, lay in bed, sleep, and repeat. 
They were all the same until you accidentally broke your routine one day - stopping at the campus coffee shop before coming home since you felt like you could barely keep your eyes open. 
The small coffee shop hadn’t changed much since the last time you were here in freshman year. There were still chips in the wood tables from drunk college students who came in way too late after parties, paintings from the arts students on the wall, and the menu had not changed one bit. If you had a regular drink, if it could even count as that since you’d only been here a handful of times, it would definitely be a hot chocolate. But today, it felt like the words on the menu were taunting you. Hot chocolate reminded you of the handsome way Jimin looked when he carried a mug of it towards you on Christmas day, just moments after you two almost kissed. Note to self: don’t let a boy make you your favorite drink if they’re not gonna stick around. You settle for a green tea instead, hoping the calming effects will somewhat work on you. 
Side quest aside, you begin to head back on your regular, routine route. Instantly, your mind flashes back to Taehyung and the piles of laundry he leaves clean by your closet. The least you could do for him was buy him a coffee to repay him. Before the guilt could permeate you too badly, your feet quickly turned you around back to the coffee shop. 
In your determination you miss the ice hidden underneath the snow. You gasp as you brace yourself for the impact, hands reach out to break your fall. However, instead of being met with the cold ground, your head crashes into a warm chest and a pair of arms darted out around you to save you from an untimely death. You were quick to try to scramble back up to your feet and avoid an icy fall, mumbling your apologies as you gained your balance again. Once you noticed who was standing in front of you, it left you speechless. 
You feel ashamed that you had forgotten about him a little bit. Jungkook was only collateral in whatever happened between you and Jimin, and he was suffering because of it. 
More than being with Jimin, you forgot about all the time you spent with Jungkook. Had he passed that economics test you helped him study for? Did he ever ask out that girl from his chem lab? What about that annoying Overwatch player he was fighting with online? You couldn’t decide how you felt about Jimin yet, but you most definitely missed Jungkook. 
You and Jungkook breeze through the pleasantries - how the weather is, what exams you have coming up, tv show plot twists. Jungkook doesn’t ask you how you’re doing, and for that, you’re grateful. He can probably tell anyways. If he notices the way that your hair is tied up in a messy bun (a truly messy, not even cute messy bun), the sweatpants you’re wearing even though you frequently said you’d only be caught dead wearing sweatpants out of the house, he doesn’t say anything. But his eyes give everything away. They’re laced with your least favorite emotion: pity. 
You try not to look him in the eyes not only for this reason, but also because he’s the spitting image of his brother. Even though it’s not his fault, it still hurts to look at Jungkook. He’s not identical to his brother in the slightest, but when he smiles all you can see is Jimin’s crooked tooth smile. He’s definitely stolen some of Jimin’s mannerisms too - he fidgets with the rings on his fingers and shifts his weight from side to side like a strand of seaweed at the bottom of the ocean. It’s funny to think that when you first met him you didn’t recognize the striking similarities. Jungkook interrupted your thoughts before you could ruminate any further. 
“Did I - Did I do something, Y/N?”
Oh, Jungkook. He couldn’t have been farther from the truth in his statement. 
“No, it’s just Jimin and I aren’t… great right now to say the least”. You run the back of your neck in awkwardness, something you picked up from the boy across from you. The cool winter breeze makes you shiver while you wait for Jungkook’s response.
Jungkook shakes his head. “No, I know that” he declares. He is firm in his statement, and he says it like it's a well-known fact.
 “I know you and Jimin aren’t talking” Jungkook looks extra thoughtful as he pauses and chooses his next words. “I guess, I just thought you and I were friends too Y/N”. 
 If your heart wasn’t broken before, it is definitely shattered now.
Jungkook’s eyes are cloudy as he looks back up at you. You can’t tell what he’s feeling - it could be sadness, frustration, resentment, or it could be a combination of all three, since that’s what you’re feeling right now. 
You want to Jungkook all of it. How your heart is broken, how everything was so good and then turned so bad, so fast. But you stop yourself. He already knows, or at least he already knows enough. You’ve been so busy blaming Jimin for leaving, caught up in your own emotions, that you forgot that time isn’t frozen for others like Jungkook. They’re living, and you should be too. 
A thoughtful expression returns to Jungkook’s face - you can practically hear the gears turning in his head before he speaks. 
“I know my brother, and he can be a lot. And he’s bad at saying sorry sometimes - actually, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say sorry.” Jungkook says with a chuckle. “But he cares a lot, always, even if he doesn’t show it.” 
And Jungkook’s words bring tears to your eyes. And you want to believe him so badly. You know Jungkook would never lie to you - but your mind still flashes back to Jimin. Your wounds are still raw - you still haven’t forgotten that empty feeling of waking up alone.
And so you’ll tell Jungkook that it’ll take time. That you need some time to stop feeling so hurt. He understands, or at least he nods as if he does. Jungkook manages to convince you to hang out with him a little longer, catch him up on everything he’s missed. It starts to feel like old times as he tells you about new video games he bought and the awful lab protocols he had to learn last week. He asks about how you’re doing but doesn’t pry too much, accepting your vague answers and sidesteps when it comes to touchy subjects. Jungkook knows exactly what to say to carry the conversation, even throwing in a few compliments here and there for you. 
“You know Y/N, the thing that inspired me the most about you were always determined to do whatever you put your mind to. I remember that day you walked circles around the apartment to meet your step goal and beat Taehyung, or that time that you stayed up all night perfecting your art project painting once that rude girl in your class said that hers was better than yours. You’re dedicated, almost stubborn maybe too because of it” he laughs.
Jungkook continues on, his hands still flying around as he tells the extravagant story about an Overwatch player he saw online last night. You nod at all the right places, making sure to show Jungkook that you really do care. 
 “Anyways, this classics course that I’m taking as an option is such as bore. The professor is like 80 years old and she talks at the speed of a turtle. I swear it took her 5 minutes just to say the quote “you are only confined by the walls you build yourself.””
Jungkook keeps talking after saying that, but you stay stuck on those words.
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You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. 
You are living in walls, whether they’re ones you built yourself or ones that Jimin made before he left, you’re not sure, but the quote resonates with the way you’re going through life right now. It’s a stretch to say that you’re living - you’re going through the same routine each day, the one that you built around the walls that are holding you back. And so, you decided to break down those walls and start living again.
You don’t want to start small, you don’t know how long your bout of courage is going to last, and you’re not going to waste it on something like cleaning your room or going to the gym. You want to stare down the beast, and you’re going to.. 
Welcome to the Vancouver Film School Application Portal! To begin your application, click “apply” in the bottom left position of the screen. 
You take a deep breath in, clutching at the necklace on your chest. The boy who gave it to you may not be in your life anymore, but the charm still holds your dreams in it. You look as if you’re poking a bear as you dart out one finger to hit the “Apply button”, one eye closed and the rest of your face in a tight grimace.
Luckily, the first step seems like the hardest. At least after you’ve paid the application fee you figure that it’s best to at least fill it out and give it a try, it’d be a waste of your money otherwise. You try not to think too much as you go through the application. If you stop and ruminate on what you’re doing, you may realize the insanity of it all.
You’re quick to commemorate the moment that you hit submit and receive your application confirmation email. It’s a raw selfie which captures the moment in its entirety - your eyes are tired from staring at your computer screen too long, your hair has obviously been neglected in a messy bun for quite a while, and the white light from your computer creates an egregious color balance in the photo. Regardless, your bright smile still shines through in the picture, and it’s the first thing that Jungkook comments on when you send him the photo. It’s only after you send it that you realize that Jungkook has no idea that you even wanted to go to film school and is probably very confused about your message, but before you can send a follow up clarifying message to him he already sent another response. 
Jungkook: I’m so proud of you, Y/N. 
You don’t end up getting to clean your room or do a workout today. It turns out writing a personal statement,, refreshing your resume, and creating a demo reel and script was especially exhausting when you haven’t done anything intense for weeks. But you’re proud of yourself. Tomorrow will be better. 
You’re on an upward trajectory for a while. It starts with picking up reading again, then helping Taehyung with cooking dinner. You start spending more time in the living room that cooped up in the 4 walls of your bedroom, even joining a yoga class. Taehyung had been waiting to finish watching Doom at Your Service with you, so you both binge the last couple episodes together over a bowl of popcorn. 
Jimin remains as “He who must not be named”. He’s not completely erased from your life, you can hear Taehyung talking on the phone sometimes to who you can only presume to be Jimin, and when you FaceTime Jungkook to help him with his intro to nursing course you can hear him sing in the bathroom. Regardless, you still don’t talk about him and the rest of your friends never talk about him either. If Jimin is ever hanging out with Taehyung or Jungkook, which you know they are, you’re glad you don’t have to hear about it. It’s sad to think about sometimes, how your friend group was severed. But you can’t dwell on the feelings too long before you start to feel angry again. 
You hurry past Taehyung to your bedroom when you get home from your afternoon lecture. An email with the subject line of  “Vancouver Film School Application Status Updated” has been sitting in your inbox for the last half of your biochemistry lecture and it is driving you crazy. 
You take a couple deep breaths before clicking on the email. In just a few moments, your entire life could change. You could be packing up and moving to a whole new city, studying for your dream job and pursuing your passions. The nervousness in your chest soon started to mix with feelings of wonder and excitement. This email has new beginnings that you want, no, that you need right now. 
Dear Y/N L/N, 
Thank you for applying to Vancouver Film School. We regret to inform you that…
Your brain shuts off as you read the second sentence. You blink twice and refresh the page as if it would change the outcome. As if your fate wasn’t sealed the minute you handed in that application and couldn’t be altered.
After a few moments, you try to read through the rest of the email. As much as the disappointment is washing over you, there’s still that small glimmer of hope that the email still goes on to explain how great you are and how they want you in the program. After all, what are humans if not overly optimistic? 
The tears start falling and they don’t stop. At least not for a while. It’s hard in moments like this to not overanalyze everything you’ve ever done leading up to this moment. Your chest tightens until the only noises you can make out are small whines between your sobs. You rubbed the heel of your palm against your chest in an attempt to repair your broken heart. 
Fuck film school. Fuck boys who convince you that you’re good enough to chase your dreams of going to film school and then screw you over. Fuck everything, basically. 
The days seem to blend into nothingness after that. 
You did it, you took the leap and you fell. Hard. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do afterwards - try again? Let it go? Things quickly start to lose meaning. By filling out the film school application you had let go of the love you had for nursing, which made coming to your classes each day an absolute torture. You drag your heels when coming to your lectures, barely take any notes, and only hand in assignments on time because the idea of your parents finding out about your failures is the only thing more scary than the failure itself. 
When you step into Professor Kwong’s class on Monday morning, he’s already writing on the whiteboard. There’s a tense atmosphere to the space, people are already buried nose-first into their books and class hasn’t even started yet. It’s only when you look at the board which now reads “Exam start time 8:00, end time: 9:20” that your eyes widen. Shit. You curse as you rummage through your bag to open up your planner, only to see that the pages are completely blank as of a couple weeks ago. It’s too late now to run away and apply for a sick deferral since the proctors have already seen you, so you have no choice but to sit down in the alphabetically-ordered seating chart. At least your last name is nowhere close to “Park”.
A,B,C,D. You may not know much about ethics right now, but you do know about math, and there’s a 25 percent that you’ll guess correct on a question. If you can manage to knock out one option, that ups your odds to 33 percent. It’s an educated guess as you make your way through the exam, and the lack of critical thinking taking place that lets you flip the exam papers way faster than others. Your mentally thanking yourself for aceing the papers in this course, since you know that even if you tank this exam it won’t drag you down too badly. 
 “People who finish exams fast are one of two things: really stupid, or really frickin smart” Taehyung had declared after one of your exams in your freshman year. As you got up to hand in your paper after only 23 minutes had passed of the 80 minute exam, it was abundantly clear to you which one of the two you were. The chair lets out an ugly screech as you gather your things, and you can see a couple eyes in the lecture room flutter around to find the source of the disturbance. You’re now acutely aware of the way you look, no makeup, messy messy bun, clothes that most likely have a stain since they haven’t been washed in at least a couple weeks. You almost wish that you could sit back down, no, crawl under the desk and hide there until the time was up. You shut your eyes and let out a curse under your breath as you make your way to the front to hand in your exam. You’re like a horse with blinders on, focused only on your task you reaching the finish line. If you see the glaring looks that you imagine you’re receiving as you walk through the rows, there’s a chance that you would lose it right then and there. You don’t look your professor in the eye as you hand him your exam, and the moment he says you’re good to go, you dart out of the room as if you’re flexing a burning building. 
You don’t notice the pair of eyes watching you as you leave the lecture hall. 
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jimin: hey, did something happen to Y/N? She looked off at the ethics midterm today.
On god, if Taehyung was rich, he might’ve squeezed his phone so hard that it broke. But no Taehyung wasn’t rich, he was a broke college student who definitely could not afford a new phone, so he instead takes out his frustrations by yelling to the sky. He loves his best friend, but he is being an absolute idiot if he can’t put together the pieces about why you may not be doing so great right now. Taehyung has been very careful not to push too hard, to never ask Jimin for too many details. Jimin doesn’t share anything other than he’s not talking to you right now, and Taehyung tries to respect that boundary without prying too much about what happened. But right now, the ignorance in Jimin’s words is driving Taehyung mad, and he can’t help but let it out. 
tae is typing…
tae: dude… you broke her, literally. I’ve never seen her like this and I don’t know what to do. So yeah, something happened, and that something was YOU, jimin. You’re both being stubborn idiots at this point since you obviously need to talk to each other and I can’t be the middle man between you guys anymore. Figure this out on your own. 
Taehyung’s finger hovered over the send button. He wanted so badly to let it all out. He’s tired of this. Tired of acting like a defense lawyer on trial protecting both of you from each other. But even though he feels like garbage, he knows that you both probably feel infinitely worse. Jimin has always been there for him - he never says “i told you so” when Taehyung comes home upset because of a girl that was no good from the beginning, he still comes to make sure Taehyung is awake for 8am CHEM lab, even though it makes him late, and whenever Taehyung needs him, even when it’s in the middle of the night, Jimin is always there for him. Taehyung will always feel extremely indebted to Jimin, and getting mad at him over text was no way to repay him. 
When he retypes his message, the first word is all that is retained from the original. It’s not perfect, but it’s as much as he can muster. 
tae : dude… i don’t know. Ask her yourself if you care.
Jimin never replies.
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Taehyung goes to 6pm pilates alone today.
He still asks you before he leaves and reminds you to eat the dinner he left you in the fridge. He’s a little more sullen than usual. He’s tired, so he’s praying that Pilates brings some sort of energy release. 
You may not notice the extent of Taehyung’s emotions as he leaves the apartment, but you do notice him bumbling around the apartment a bit more than usual. He forgets his keys more often than not, so when there’s a loud pounding at the door, it’s most likely that Taehyung has yet again forgotten to check his pocket for his gym membership before going to class AND he forgot his key. 
“Tae next time I may just let you stay out there “ you started as you groaned, not even looking him in the eye. Well, you were looking someone in the eye. But it was the last person you expected.
“Jimin”, you breathed out, releasing some of the tightness that was building up in your chest.
“Yea… um, not Taehyung” he says quietly while shifting his weight from side to side, clearly nervous. 
Jimin doesn’t wait for you to reply before he speaks again. After all, there’s a high chance that you could slam the door in his face at any second. 
“Can we-”
The word “we” brings up a bitter taste in Jimin's mouth. There is no “we” existing between the two of you anymore, and he did nothing if not make that crystal clear by not speaking to you for the past 4 weeks. It’s a tough pill to swallow for Jimin to admit that his faults, and he curses himself for being off to such a bad start.
Jimin chooses his words more carefully the next time he opens his mouth. 
“can you and I talk, please?”
You can hear the pleading in voice, and the tears that you’ve been trying to keep at bay since the moment you saw him are starting to flood your eyes. You snap them shut and take a deep breath, thinking of Jungkook’s words before you speak again. 
“There’s nothing to talk about, Jimin.” 
An air of silence lays over the room for far too long. You’re proud of yourself - there are no tears, no voice cracks, no shaky hands. The Y/N from a couple months ago would’ve been a sobbing puddle by now. But you’re strong, stronger than you ever realized you were, and that brings a sense of comfort to you. 
When the silence lingers for far too long, you make the move to start shutting your apartment door, and for a second, you think you’re actually going to be able to. This is it, the final moments. 
“5 minutes, that’s all I ask Y/N. please” 
You can’t see his face as it stays laser focused on the floor, but you can see Jimin’s desperation in the way that his fingers clench even tighter around the door frame. Jimin is most definitely going to get a splinter from his actions, but that doesn’t stop him. He scratches his fingers across the peeling paint on your door, making the only sounds that seem to fill the empty space. 
“If -” Jimin starts before he has to stop and take a deep breath. 
“If you want me to leave after 5 minutes, I will. You’ll never see me again. And I know I don’t even deserve that much time. But please, Y/N, please. 5 minutes.” 
Then Jimin looks up. He doesn’t know if this is the last he’ll see of you, and if it is, he wants to make sure that he gets to take you in one last time. 
It’s at this moment that you realize that Park Jimin is crying. The tears are steadily flowing from his eyes like a dam has broken, yet he makes no move to try and stop himself. It’s not pretty in the slightest - his eyes are bloodshot, there’s snot pooling between his nose and his cupid’s bow, and his body seems to jerk with every sob that runs through his body. The Jimin from a couple months ago never would’ve been so open with his emotions like this. You see now that just like how you’ve changed, Jimin has changed too. 
And that’s enough for your resolve to weaken. You’re still strong, but you’re not strong enough to close the door anymore. Instead, you open it silently, taking a step out of the way for Jimin to enter. 
JImin has never been more of a stranger in your apartment. He’s bundled in winter gear from head to toe, but even once he takes off his winter parka it still feels like the air is suffocating him. He’s haunted by the memories of all the moments he spent in your apartment. Instead of throwing his shoes off in a corner and teasing you with his smelly socks until you finally push him away between your bouts of laughter, he places them in a neat line beside your doormat. 
He looks around to see if anything’s changed. There’s still that chip on the wall from the time you decided to play with a frisbee in the living room, the stain on the rug from last time Jimin was here and spilled eggnog. 
“Um, you can sit on the couch.” You say stoically from the kitchen, gesturing to the sofa as if Jimin hadn’t bellyflopped on it at least 50 times before. 
Jimin silently took his regular place on your couch, sitting a little more formally than he would usually. He naturally started wringing his hands together, creating a cacophony of sounds that only added to the tension in the room. 
You silently placed a glass of water down on the coffee table. Jimin was a guest in your home, a guest in your life really, and you were making that abundantly clear. Along with the water you place a box of tissues on the wooden table. Even though you and Jimin were not on friendly terms, your heart wasn’t so cold that you would let the man sob without a tissue.
Only once you sit down on the armchair beside the couch, do you really take a look at Jimin. At first you shift around uncomfortably - the chair you’re on is rarely used as you all usually opt to cram around the couch instead. The way the chair crinkles whenever your body weight shifts only adds to the tension in the room. In another world Jimin would’ve laughed about the sounds and beatboxed over it to make some ridiculous song, and you would only make more noise as you kept laughing at the boy. Instead, now you’re only met with silence. 
“It’s pink” you whisper once you take in the figure across from you. 
You’re referring to Jimin’s new hair color. You can see it more clearly now that he’s taken off his hoodie. The highlighter pink of his hair is a stark contrast to the way that the rest of his dull appearance. You suppress the urge to run your hand through his hair as you watch him sit perched on your sofa. 
“Yeah… just wanted a change, I guess” He runs his hands through his hair to avoid meeting your gaze. 
It’s extremely awkward as you both sit across from each other. You stay silent for the most part - if Jimin wanted to say something to you, you would let him. He looks overwhelmed as he chews his bottom lip between his teeth in worry, so you can’t help but help him out a little. 
“What’s that paper?” You ask, motioning to the white square that sticks out from his jacket pocket. 
It’s as if that prompts Jimin of what he’s here to do, because he instantly reaches for the paper and pulls it out to hand it to you.
“I, um, was hoping you would read this” 
Jimin hands a stack of papers in your direction. You can see the MLA formatted title page on the top and it instantly has you seeing red. The audacity of Park Jimin to beg to come into your place under the premise of forgiveness and then ask you to proofread his schoolwork. Your jaw is clenching so tightly you can barely get out your next words. 
“You’re seriously asking me to read your papers? Wow, Park Jimin. You are really something else. I - “ Your nostrils are flaring as you rage at him. You’re about to storm out of your own apartment with how mad you are at him, desperate to get away from him as fast you can.
“No - , no Y/N, please. I already handed this in, it already got marked. I just - I just want you to read it.” Jimin dares to move closer to you, his hand barely outstretched enough to almost reach your hand across the armrest. 
You take a few moments to ponder it. And then you begrudgingly snatch the papers from his hands. 
Park Jimin 
Seoul National University 
ETH 210: Ethics and Morality
Topic 3 Paper 
You know Jimin’s telling the truth. You wrote the same paper a couple weeks ago for the same class. “Write about one ethical principle and how it applies in real life.”  You wrote a kick-ass paper about autonomy in the medical system. Jimin, however, seemed to take a different approach. 
Nonmaleficence is one of the most basic ethical principles there is. “Do no harm”, we are taught from a young age. In fact, I remember my own mother teaching me this when I was a toddler. I’d always taken it very seriously - I even went through the trouble of returning $1 to the local police station when I found it lying on the street. 
My whole life, I’ve tried not to harm others, but recently I hurt someone who I care about a lot. The problem is, I didn’t realize it until afterwards. I was selfish and I was confused. There’s this girl, and she means everything to me. I didn’t know how much I needed her until I didn’t have her in my life anymore. The worst thing is that I thought I was doing the right thing - I didn’t feel good enough for her. She deserves the world and I don’t know if I can give that to her. I was scared that I would ruin everything by expressing my feelings, so I left everything. 
While trying to do no harm, I ended up harming everyone I cared about. The girl I can't’ stop thinking about, my best friend, and even my own brother. I turned into a shell of who I was and I was too stubborn to admit my mistakes, at least until now. 
It’s a thick stack of paper. The essay continues - Jimin explains all the things he did wrong, all the things he felt. The words on the page are Jimin’s heart beared out onto a piece of paper. 
Jimin sits there as he watches you read all 8 pages. With every second that passes by where you don’t say anything, Jimin starts to regret his decision more and more. Maybe it would’ve made more sense for him to just show you the first and last page instead. You didn’t need to read the entire paper with it’s 20 sources. It’s when he can see your eyes reach the bottom of the last page that he starts to really lose his mind. Your eyes aren’t focused on him in the slightest, but if they were you would see the way that his hands are trembling. Jimin tries to calm himself by wringing his hands around his neck. 
“I, uh, I got a B minus on that paper actually, Professor Kwong said that I “failed to address the prompt”” Jimin says with air quotes. It’s the first normal sounding thing that’s come out of his mouth the entire time that he’s been here. The silence starts to feel a little less heavy afterwards and it gives Jimin a bit of hope. 
“This is silly, Jimin. You know that, right?” You look him dead in the eyes as you speak. 
You do a decent job keeping a poker face, at least enough that Jimin can’t tell what you think. Jimin feels so incredibly silly - you’re right, what was he thinking? It was a stupid idea. If he can’t even express his feelings out loud, what is he doing by trying to hand them to you on a piece of paper? He starts to stand up from the couch when you catch him at his wrist. 
“It’s silly because we’re friends, Jimin. Actually, we’re best friends, and best friends don’t disappear overnight and only leave a note.” You hold the papers in your hands tightly as you say your next words “
“ I was running from my own feelings. It’s cliche and it’s cheesy, but I was worried about what it would do to our friendship if I said anything. I know I can’t live without you Y/N, the last 4 weeks have definitely taught me that, so if I can only have you as a friend I’m okay with that. I know I’m barely deserving of having you as a friend now because of how I treated you.” 
It feels so honest. Jimin is the most sincere. You can  tell that it’s a little rehearsed, like he probably practiced it in his bathroom mirror at home before showing you makes your heart swell a little bit. 
“You kinda say it in here, but if you want this, you’re gonna have to say it” you say seriously as you look him in the eye, waving the paper around. There’s no way that there 
“I like you Y/N, I really do.” He says. He doesn’t whisper it. He even says he’ll yell it from the rooftops if you want him to. But this is more than enough for you.
“I like you too, Park Jimin” 
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The sounds of keys hitting the floor wakes you from your slumber. 
It’s Jimin - last night must have been too good to be true. You curse yourself for being so foolish, for thinking that people really can change. That once things are broken they can be fixed. He must be trying to make a break for it before you wake up, not even bothering to say goodbye. Your heart starts to sink into the pit of your stomach. 
But as you try to get off the couch, you realize that your pillow right now is Park Jimin, so there’s no way that he’s sneaking out of your apartment. He’s still deep in his slumber, the remnants of last night still present through the tear stains on his cheeks, but he’s here. 
There’s only one other person with the key to your apartment. 
The culprit is Taehyung, and he’s wide-eyed, mouth gaping open in surprise. Anyone who saw his expression would think that Taehyung saw a ghost, and in some ways, he thinks he has. He doesn’t blink once, for fear that once he closes his eyes the scene in front of him will disappear.
“Hey, you remembered your keys this time,” you say as you start to wiggle out of Jimin’s hold. In the time that you said that sentence you’ve looked Taehyung in the eyes more than you have in the last couple weeks combined. There’s a new glow, a certain freshness to your face. The weariness that has plagued your face for so long isn’t there anymore. Taehyung releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding when he saw the way you looked. 
And then he sobs. 
Kim Taehyung is now a ball on the ground, head buried between his knees and the sounds of his cries racket around the apartment. It’s a cry of relief. Now that he sees that you’re okay, Taehyung can finally let himself go. 
“Oh, Taehyung” you murmur, making your way over to him in the entryway. You circle your arms  around him and bring him into your hold, rubbing your arms on his back. He shakes as he sobs, but his hands grip and the fabric of the shirt you’re wearing. He’s been your rock for so long, and right now, you get to be Taehyung’s rock for him. Seeing your best friend fall apart makes you want to cry, but you don’t. This is Taehyung’s moment and you want him to have it - it’s what he deserves. You blink away your tears by looking up at the popcorn ceiling.
“I missed you” is all Taehyung murmurs into your chest as he sobs. He doesn’t even know if his words are comprehensible between his tears, but you hear him loud and clear. Even though you’ve technically been around this whole time, you get it. And you missed him too. 
Jimin silently creeps up on you both. He lays a hand on Taehyung’s shoulder and gives it a rub to alert him to his presence. Taehyung still feels like he’s dreaming when he sees both of you smiling in the same room. He’s happy to see Jimin like this too. Jimin sinks down to floor level to steal Taehyung into a side hug. You still keep holding Taehyung’s hand though - you want to make sure he’s still there. 
The boys nod at each other and do some complicated handshakes - there’s fist bumps and spins and some animal noises that sound especially funny when considering the fact that both of them are now crying. It ends with Jimin pulling Taehyung into a tight hug. They don’t seem to say many words to each other, but they communicate their feelings in a way that only they understand. 
“Are you guys okay?” Taehyung asks once he pulls himself together, wiping off the last of his tears. Taehyung thinks he already knows the answer, but he wants to, no, he needs to hear it from you. He wants to make sure that this is real.
You and Jimin look at each other simultaneously. 
“We’re… really good, Tae” you both chime, a smile gracing your faces that gives away everything anyways. 
It’s not a perfect answer, but that’s enough for Taehyung. He doesn’t ask any more questions - whether you were dating or just friends, everything else could wait. He just got his two best friends back, and he was going to enjoy it .
The three of you cook breakfast together that morning. Taehyung is just glad he doesn’t have to order delivery anymore. 
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It starts awkwardly, which is to be expected when you go from friends, to not talking at all, to friends who are dating, but you and Jimin never give up. It’s different now - you talk to each other when you’re scared, ask questions instead of assuming things. It’s difficult, learning how to love each other, but it’s also fun.You both mess up every once in a while, Jimin buying you flowers you’re allergic to, you accidentally interrupting one of his weekly gym sessions when you drop by for a surprise visit. It’s imperfect, it’s messy, but it’s perfectly you and Jimin. 
When you put your keys down on your entryway table and yell for Jimin, you gasp when you’re met with complete darkness when a pair of hands cover your eyes. 
“Don’t worry, it’s me,” the voice whispers in your ear. Even though he doesn’t say his name, you know that Jimin is the one behind you. He asks you how your day is while in the same position, and he laughs when you refuse to answer until you can see daylight again. 
‘If your hair isn’t pink anymore I’m going to be really upset, so I really hope the surprise isn’t that” you confess once Jimin admits that he has a surprise for you. Since you still can’t see, you miss the blush that coats Jimin’s cheek. He makes a mental note to himself to head to his hairdresser to touch up his roots next week. 
This moment, being trapped in Jimin’s hold as he tells you funny jokes, feels like being young and in love. Being naive and making mistakes. You and Jimin are going to be awkward, you’re going to argue, but you’re going to do it all with love. 
When Jimin finally unveils the scene in front of you for you, you let out a gasp that paralleled the one you let out a month ago. 
“I really missed spending New Year’s with you” Jimin says with a shy smile on his face. 
Jimin missed no details in his set up. Giant balloons spelling out the year are in front of you along with a banner that says “Happy new year”, gold and silver balloons floating around the room along with a host of other decorations that Jimin could find at a discount. 
The most perfect part of it all is the section of the wall titled “The Best Parts of the Year”. Underneath it are photos of you together throughout the year - parties, study sessions, pranks, 8am CHEM lab.  As you run your fingers on each photo, it takes you right back to all the special moments. 
“That’s when I feel in love with you, yknow” 
Jimin says it so casually, like it’s not the first time he’s saying those 3 special words to you. That somehow makes it even more special - like it’s so understood, so ingrained. Jimin loves you - he’s loved you for a long time and he plans on doing it for a lot longer. Once you see the photo he’s pointing to, it does leave you feeling a little puzzled. 
“But that photo is from that chemistry lab we had to make up on a Friday night when Taehyung slept in. We weren’t together back then.”
“ I know. But I just knew it then, when I was eating cereal in this living room, that I wanted you to be a part of my life for a long time, Y/N”
Despite all the amazing decor, you can’t help but look at the handsome man in front of you. His pink hair perfectly matches a flashy rhinestoned jacket that he’s wearing, but the best part of it is the way that he looks at you. But he’s glowing - it’s pitch black outside but Jimin is like your own sun, lighting up your life.
Wow, he really couldn’t get anymore perfect. 
“I know, but I’m going to keep trying to outdo myself.” Jimin jokes while he walks towards you and kisses your cheek. “For the record, I think you’re perfect too. And it’s cute when you talk out loud”. Jimin pinches your cheeks which are already turning red at his words. You plop on a cheesy happy new year headband on Jimin’s head before spinning him away towards the two champagne glasses which sit on your coffee table.
And then, you recreate all the missed memories - selfies with tacky New Years glasses, karaoke, a YouTube recording of the NYC ball drop. The twinkly lights he reused from Christmas are a welcome addition to the space as a reminder of the magic of spending holidays with Jimin. 
Jimin kisses you when the clock strikes midnight and it’s all the fireworks you’ll ever need. You giggle like a schoolgirl when Jimin pulls away from you. 
“What? I can’t kiss my girlfriend?” Jimin says, a cheeky smile painting his lips as he looks down at you. Your faces stay inches away from each other when you blush from his words.
“Your girlfriend?” You tease as you loop your arms around his neck. The two of you sway side to side with glee to the imaginary music that is filling the room.
“Mhm, my girlfriend” Jimin emphasizes as he peppers more kisses on your face. “Saying that never gets old.”
“II love you, Jimin” you whisper, foreheads pressed against one another. It’s scary to admit, but saying it out loud is exciting. It feels like there’s magic in the air as you watch Jimin’s face light up at your words. 
“I love you too, Y/N” 
And even though it’s not the true start of the new year, it definitely is the start of a new chapter. 
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miekasa · 3 years
Roommate Au with Eren. That’s it.
No no no no because I’ve thought about this extensively, and I actually believe he’d be a pretty good roommate (or at the very least, he means well most of the time, even if he is slightly annoying in his methods LMAO).
He… is not the best cook in the world, and he knows that. He can make about 2.5 dishes properly: spaghetti and [frozen] meatballs, a grilled cheese maybe with bacon if he’s feeling up to challenge, and a soup that his mom used to make for him as a kid whenever he got sick.
So, you’re gonna have to handle the majority of the cooking, BUT the good news is that Eren will do the dishes as a thanks for sharing with him and not letting him starve and/or live off of UberEats credits.
His favorite rooms in the house are the living room and your room. Not his room, not the bathroom, not the kitchen—your room. Why? Because you’re in there, duh, and it’s not his so that makes it that much better.
Eats your leftovers in the fridge unless you put a note on them. Sometimes, he’ll still eat it if he’s hungry enough or in a rush, and you’ll come home to an empty fridge, but there’ll be a new note on top of a $20 bill that says “Sorry I ate your pad thai :( you can buy some more tho (and get me some too hehe)”
If you’re just lazing around in your room for an extended amount of time, Eren will just come in and. Flop down on your bed—maybe even on top of you—and whine about how he’s bored and how you’re being boring and how you should entertain and hang out with him instead.
Claims your room is comfier than his room, so of course he’s gonna wanna be in there. He’ll literally lay and sit on the floor and watch a whole ass movie on his phone in your room, just because.
If you have or collect stuffed animals or Squishmallows or anything of the sort, he always giggles at them, but thinks they’re super cute. And when he’s out without you and sees some, he sends you a picture of them and asks if you want any, and he’ll buy them for you.
He gets you very… involved? if that makes sense. He likes to do things with you and hang out with you—he doesn’t wanna live with some stranger, so if you’re rooming with him, prepare to become friends very quickly.
Eren’s a bit of an… outgoing introvert? not-so-social extrovert? something like that in my book lmfao, so he knows what it’s like to just wanna sit in your room for days on end; but he also knows there’s a limit to how good/restorative that can be, and when it can become an issue.
That being said, if you’re having an extended depressive and/or introverty episode, Eren will shake you out of it. Literally. He will burst into your room, and grab you and probably toss you over his shoulder to get you physically moving, all while yelling about plans he made for the two of you.
Drags you with him to the grocery store, under the claim that he needs help “picking out the good apples,” when really he just wants to get you out of the house, and spend some time with you.
Once again, will use the method of flopping on top of you and/or draping himself over you like, “Hey, so what time do you think we should leave for dinner, I’m thinking around 8?” “What—did we have dinner plans, Eren?” “We do now! So, I’m thinking tacos, what do you think!!”
His personal favorite way to get you up and moving is to ask you to do his hair for him. Gives you his best puppy dog eyes, and pulls at your wrist until you comply, then he sits down criss-cross applesauce right in the middle of your bed, and waits for you to work your magic. Purposely acts a bit difficult just to bring out your feisty side and have you fight back against him.
He’ll legit. Build you a whole ass pc and gaming setup just for you to play games with him. He’s dedicated, that’s for sure. (That won’t stop him from absolutely crushing you from time to time).
He likes to bother you (affectionate). Pushes you over when you’re sitting down on the couch, shoves your phone when you’re holding it so it falls on your face, presses his cold water bottle on the back of your neck and then runs away. Like a child.
He always takes out the trash, especially if it’s late at night, except he always forgets about the 239725 water bottles he’s got piled up in his room and around the living room, so you’ve always gotta take out an extra bag of recycling the following morning.
Your skincare is his skincare <2
Makes you go out with him when he makes plans with his friends, but only ever tells you about it maybe an hour beforehand via text.
yeager: hey jean and marco are having a lil kickback thing at their place so i'm coming to pick u up be ready in like 30 mins
yeager: oh also bring the bottle of vodka in the kitchen kirsten is always stingy with the good stuff 🙄
you: ok and who asked ME if i wanna kickback with jean and marco and co?????
yeager: nobody!! i’m just telling u to get dressed!! love u ill be there soon 🥳🥳
He starts doing his laundry whenever you do yours. Partially to annoy you, partially because it’s somewhat more efficient that way, and partially because he’s watching you like a hawk to make sure he doesn’t mess up his own clothes lmfao
He’ll roll weed for you only if you promise to share a joint with him, and don’t flake!! He’ll catch you in your sleep if you flake, he knows where you live.
When you both come home kinda drunk after a night out, he always dramatically tells you goodnight and to “get home safe,” even though “getting home safe” means walking from the living room down the hall to your room.
Tells everyone you’re the best roomie anyone could ask for, and does a not so humble brag about all his favorite roommate qualities that you exude.
If he has a little crush on you, he’ll try not to make it obvious; and truthfully, he doesn’t act all that different, except now maybe he finds more excuses to touch you and tries to up the romance when you two “hang out” together.
He starts looking (staring) at you more, and is always embarrassed if you ever catch him. I don’t think that he would ever tell you unless he was 120% sure you liked him back, because that would lead to a really awkward living situation if you rejected him, or if he made you uncomfortable with his feelings.
But if you do like him back, once again, few things will change: it’s just that now, he’ll sneak into your room in the middle of the night for cuddles, and you’ll get a kiss on the forehead for cooking him dinner <3
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sxdmoonchxld · 3 years
Operation: Pop The Cherry | JJK
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Jungkook x Virgin!Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: rough bathroom sex, college au, unprotected sex, teasing, fingering, Jungkook has a virgin kink if you couldn’t tell by he title, lowkey sadistic JK, Gay BFF Jimin, mentions of alcohol and weed, brief mention of homophobia. bIG diCK Jungkook, more belly bulging, and I forgot what else
Word Count: 6.1k
Summary: Against you better judgement and thank to your best friend Jimin. You somehow agreed to let a stranger on campus known as the Cherry Popper, too well..pop your cherry.
Alternatively: You're a virgin. Jungkook has a fetish/kink for fucking virgins.
A/N: I guess i’ll keep putting this note until i stop reposting my old stories. I use to be lizardsocial, and this fic was previously called Game. You may still be able to find it somewhere on tumblr. I edited this fic heavily and it’s honestly a new story, but there are still some elements from the fic it used to be still in there. Unedited so please let me know of any mistakes or typos. Like, comment, reblog, let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Bass boosted pop music seeped through the dense walls of the energetic room. Strobing bright colored beams danced to the rhythm of the music in mesmerizing synchrony. The musty odor of marijuana, booze, and sex-saturated air shrouded the room in a turbid veil, covering the sea of drunken undulating bodies packed in the cramped living room.  Empty beer cans and other various booze bottles mixed with burnt-out blunts accompanied the young adults. You groaned with irritation and disgust. You didn't want to be here, but to your chagrin, you had a promise to keep.
It wasn't a secret that the college nightlife was unquestionably not your type of 'scene.' You quite frequently elected to willingly engage most of your time in your freshman dorm, wrapped in your weighted burrito blanket. A nightstand stockpiled with all your favorite snacks, lights dimmed low, and lavender incense burning, filling your room with the aroma of relaxation. The perfect setting to binge-watch your favorite show for the umpteenth time, the shifting distorted brightness of your computer screen, projecting the scenes against your face. 
It's kind of funny how you got yourself into this mess in the first place. The one time you decide to take the chance and branch away from the alternate antisocial hermit, your personality had adopted as its own had come back to bite you in the ass. You admit, lately, you've been neglecting your best friend. Your reasonings generally varying from the classic 'oh I was sleep' to deliberately silencing your phone, not wanting to hear the constant shrill ringing of the default ringtone. You loved Jimin, you truly did, but you could only take so much of his eccentric mashup of bubblegum and rainbow sparkles that was his personality. Eventually, guilt began eating away at you piece by piece until you ultimately caved in and invited your friend over for an impromptu movie night in your dorm room. 
Not even 30 minutes into the movie, one that you had been dying to see, might you add, Jimin commenced his drunk and high chattering. He had already started 'pre-gaming' before he came over; Six shots of straight Vodka and 2 blunts. Every day you prayed for this man's liver and brain function; with how much he drank and smoke, you would think he needed it to function. 
"Oh! Oh! Bitttch. Did I tell you about that football player, I fucckked last week!" Jimin started slurring on certain words. You noticed his eyes were glossy and glazed over. 
"No, you didn't, Chim." You sighed, completely giving up trying to watch the movie. You would have to watch it on your alone time. 
"Reeaally?" Jimin slurred, a goofy grin uplifting his lips.
"Yes, really. You haven't told me." Amusement lightly coated your voice. 
"Welll, his name is T-tae, Tae-tae something. Hold on, it's coming to me." Jimin said, rubbing the sides of his temples, trying to remember the guys' name. 
"Taehyung! That's it!" Jimin shrieked, snapping his fingers in victory.
You looked at him startled. You remember Taehyung from high school. You didn't recall him being at this college, though. Well, it wasn't like you paid attention to many things outside your bubble anyway.
"Wasn't he homophobic as fuck in high school?" You asked, genuinely interested.
"Yeah, he was. Buttt I guess he was trying to cover up, that he was actually on the DL." Jimin smiled, whispering the last part.
"DL? What's that mean?" You inquired
Jimin looked at you with a look of betrayal. "It means he's on the down-low, meaning he didn't want anyone to know he's gay. Girrl, I'm too crossfaded to be explaining this to you."
You chuckled, " My bad, Chim. So was it good?"
"Fuck, no! Dick was straight trash. The only thing that saved him a little was that his dick was huge." Jimin said, wiping away a pretend tear from the corner of his eye. 
You laughed boisterously at that. If Jimin wasn't so adamant about becoming a professional dancer. He could seriously take up a career in comedy.
"Speaking of dick. When are you gonna get some?" Jimin asked, turning his body to face you completely. As you looked at him, you noticed his eyes seemed a bit clearer, and his face wasn't as red as earlier. Not only did Jimin drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney. He was somehow able to sober just as fast.
"Oh my god, Jimin. Please don't sta-"
"Mmm, no missy," Jimin said, wagging his finger in your face.
"Don't you hear it?" He said, cupping his hand around his ear as if he was straining to hear something.
"Hear what?" You replied, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms against your chest.
"The cobwebs and tumbleweed living in your cunt."
"Jimin!" You shrieked, slapping the arm closest to you.
"Don't Jimin me! You know it's true, I swear you're gonna be a 40-year-old virgin, and by the time you finally make the decision to have sex, it'll be too late!" Jimin yelled, stumbling to stand up from the couch.
"First off, ouch. I won't be a 40-year-old virgin. That's very insulting. Second, I do plan to lose it soon. I just haven't found the time or the right guy." You said, looking down at your feet shyly. You did want to lose your virginity, but with being an introvert with a mix of social anxiety and just a dash of seasonal depression for added flavor. It was hard even to get out of bed sometimes. Much less going out and trying to find someone to do the do with.
"Oh! Well, if that's all, then I got you covered, babe. Time? Next week Friday at Jihyo's dorm. As for the right guy, I know a dude. He has like a kink for that kind of thing." Jimin answered nonchalantly, now scrolling through his phone, probably on his social media page.
You looked at Jimin, head tilted to the side, confused. "What kind of thing?"
"Oh, you know fucking virgins and shit. Popping their cherries." He said, popping his "P's."
You sputtered, exasperated. What the fuck. You didn't kink shame, that was for losers, but he can't seriously expect you to do something like that.
"What the actual fuck. Jimin, are you serious?"  
"Deadly." He said, looking you square in your eyes. His tone of voice haven dropped an octave lower.
"Jimin no. I-i can't."
"Jimin, yes! Err, I mean _____ yes, you can! Come on, it's a once in a lifetime experience. Plus, it's not like he's a total stranger. I've known him since he was 8 years old. I use to babysit the little shit head." Jimin said, waving his hand in the air, trying to swat away a rogue fly.
"Wow, Chim. You know, now that you put it like it makes me feel a lot better about the situation." You said tone dripped in sarcasm
"Really?" Jimin squealed, a delighted twinkling in his eye.
"Of course not! Don't be stupid!" Offended, you gawked at Jimin. You swear sometimes he could be so dimwitted.
"Come on, please? At least meet him, and if the vibe is not right, then you can leave no harm done." Jimin pleaded, his attention back on you. Was it crazy that you were actually thinking about agreeing to this? Jimin did have a point. It was sort of a once in a lifetime opportunity. He did know the guy, and if you didn't like the vibe, then you could just bounce, right? Right?
Sighing in defeat, your hands dragged down your face and turned towards a pouting Jimin. Grabbing at his deflated shoulders, you shook her lightly, and with urgency in your voice, you spoke, "Alright goddammit! I'll do it, but you have to stay by my side the whole time, no running off, you understand!" 
You watched Jimin's face quirk into a sly smirk. You swore you could see the cogs in his brain churning. Damn, you were going to regret this. You had the tendency to make deals when pressured. Most of the time, those agreements ended up backfiring on you, confining you in the proverbial rock and a hard place. 
"Yay! Operation: Pop _____ Cherry has commenced. Okay, so will meet at the auditorium on the art campus. From there we will walk to Jihyo's dorm, it's only five minutes. Promise me you'll actually show up and won't flake on me." A complacent expression rested arrogantly on Jimin's features, a single pinky finger extended towards you. 
"Don't give this situation a not-so-secret code name. And I can't believe I'm saying this but, I promise." You agreed, interlocking pinky fingers, yours thumbs coming up to press against one another.
"So I'll meet you at the location Friday, don't be late, and wear something sexy. No granny clothes." he chirped, making his way to your front door.
"Wait! You're leaving already?" you frowned, looking at the clock on your wall. He's only been here for an hour, and 30 mins of it were spent persuading you to hurry up and lose your virginity. You didn't even get to finish the movie together.
"Sorry babe, but I have a dick appointment." he shrugged, putting his arms through the sleeves of his jacket.
"Can you at least tell me the name of the guy who's supposed to fuck me?" you huffed, honestly you were done for tonight. As soon as Jimin left, you were heading straight for bed.
"Oh yeah, how could I forget." Jimin slaps the center of his forehead. "He's a real cutie. I would fuck him if he wasn't as straight as an arrow." Jimin looks off to a far wall, eyeing it with jealousy.
"Just tell me his name, please." You pleaded. Oh yeah, that's definitely a headache forming. You could feel it already. Jimin snaps out of his daydreaming and spins his body towards you.
Time skip to a week later, and precisely as you suspected, what a mistake that whole conversation was. Now here you were at this fucking dorm party with people you didn't know or care to get to know. Jimin had left you as soon as he saw his next piece of ass. Restlessly you hauled down the short black dress that insisted on riding up your ass, the soles of your feet protesting in the slim heeled shoes. Floundering your way into the packed building, you couldn't help but query where Jungkook was. Jimin was supposed to get around to send you a picture of the mystery man, but that never happened. Funny how now was the best time you decided to question why exactly Jimin was your best friend.
"Well damn, the pictures Jimin sent me doesn't do you justice at all. You're fucking hot." You recoiled from the closeness of the voice, the heated breath sending chills skittering down your spine, and the hairs on the back of your neck ramrod straight. Heat spurred to your face when you whisked around to meet an absolutely gorgeous guy. Like unfairly gorgeous guy. You stared wide-eyed, taking in his chiseled facial features, paired with wide doe eyes and bunny smile decorating his face. Somehow, someway he's mastered looked soft and sexy at the same damn time. And fuck was that a dangerous combination for your pussy. Your heart too, but more so your cunt.
"U-uh, thanks? Who are you exactly?" You watch as he recoils back from your with a look of apprehension on his face.
"A-are you not ____?" he stutters cutely. You think you can see the beginnings of a blush burning his cheeks. You nod your head once to confirm his question. He stared at you a minute longer before you see the recognition spark in his chocolate orbs.
"Jimin didn't send you my picture did he?" Shaking his head with his eyes close, you get the courage the scan his face a bit more. Yeah. He's definitely blushing.
"Sorry. I guess seeing you here, I thought Jimin would have...prepared you better." Shaking your head from side to side because your words refused to come out. You watched as he backed up a bit further from your personal space and thrust his right hand out to you. 
"The name's Jungkook, or J.K. Whatever suits your taste."
With clammy hands, you taking his outstretched hand marveled at how it almost covers your hand. Now that he's moved back from you, you now had to chance to see how tall he really was. Maybe about 6 to 7 inches taller. You look down at his feet and eye his combat boot, perhaps a little shorter but still taller. And big, yeah, definitely bigger. His oversized black jacket did little to hide the broadness of his shoulders and chest. You let your eyes travel down the length of his body. You bet he's hiding some killer abs under his shirt. And holy fuck, his thighs.
"You like what you see, baby girl?" Teasing, he's teasing but God, if his voice didn't make you pussy throbbing pathetically. Whimpering slightly, you let out a meek "Yes." God, you hope he didn't hear that.
Much to your dismay, he did, hear you. How he heard you with the music as loud as it was, was a mystery to you. But you watched his pupils dilate, and his nostrils flare slightly. Jungkook tucks his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes rake up and down your scantily clad body. His heated stare scrutinized across your body, intrigue exerting over him, as he analyzed the way the snug-fitting dress molded to the curves of your shape. He could tell you didn't do this often. His dick twitched in his jeans with enthusiasm. 
It's the increase in pressure of your hand that makes you realize you're still holding his hand. You go to retract your hand from his. However, yelp shrilly as he tugs you closer to his body. Both hands now resting on his chest, and his wrapped around your waist. Fuck, you could feel the warmth and coarseness of his hands through your thin dress. A spontaneous tremor racked your body. The heat-transmitting from his frame mixed with the floral yet musky undertone of his cologne made you somewhat featherbrained.
"Fuck, you're so soft." You squeak as he squeezes your waistline, pulling you even closer against his body. You were now putty in his hands.
"Jimin told you my....preferences, right?" his voice caressed your ear. Just a slight movement or subtle twitch, and his lips would be on your skin.
"Y-yeah, he did." It should be an embarrassment how frail and breathless you sounded, but that didn't matter.
Jungkook hid his smile behind your ear. This was just too easy. Just how he liked it. He almost felt bad- almost. He was gonna ruin you utterly and completely, mold the shape of cock in the walls of your pussy. His name spilling from your lips, voice going hoarse by how loud he would make you scream. Fuck he couldn't wait. He's had virgin's before, a lot of them. That's his whole M.O. The cherry popper, virgin fucker, whatever. Jungkook's heard all the names in the book. But there's just something about you, you just had an air of genuine innocence, and he couldn't wait to defile it. 
Jungkook pulls his head back, enough to where his eyes can trail over the bared skin of your neck, and the sprinkling of perspiration sparkling off the bright strobing lights, no doubt from nervousness. His tongue traced over his thin upper lip, watching the droplets of sweat spiral down the curve of your neck. He wanted to taste you. 
"Alright, then." He jerks his body away from you. You're no longer touching his chest, but his hands are still on your waist. 
"Let's enjoy the party before the fun really begins. Every done body shots before?" Jungkook spoke casually, undeterred by the way you recoiled back or the look of stupor on your face.
"W-what? B-body shots, why?" you squeaked, failing to keep from stuttering over your words. Is this how it's supposed to go? Is this normal? You're bewildered, and just a bit perturbed. Were you just imagining that sexual tension that was going on just moments ago? For sure, you thought Jungkook was gonna throw you over his shoulders and haul you off to the nearest unoccupied bedroom or bathroom. At that instant, you didn't care. 
Jungkook regarded the war of emotions wage across your features, merriment and strobing lights twinkling in his eyes. Fuck, you were cute, so desperate staring up at him with a pout on your face a puppy dog eyes. He could honestly just take you back to the closest room and fuck the shit out of you. But he wanted to play with his prey, a bit more. The wait made it that much more satisfying.
"Don't pout too much, baby girl or I may not be able to contain myself. Follow me. The table is this way."
Jungkook didn't indulge in answering any of your questions you rambled off at him, delighted to see you trailing on his heels like a lost pup. Jungkook directed you further into the dorm, and like a dog on a leash, you followed. In the center of a sparse room sat a scraped up black table. You observed the area. It was devoid of many people. The several that were present made no recognition of your proximity in their intoxicated state.
"So who's first?" Jungkook asked, setting the bottle of tequila, rim salt, and limes down on the table.
"U-uh, I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter." You shrugged hesitantly. You were way out of your element here.
"Perfect then, you first." Jungkook should be ashamed by how excited he was at getting to sample your skin. It looked smooth, felt soft when he had you in his arms, and would no doubt probably taste as sweet as it seemed. You nodded in docility, wandering over to crawl on top of the table, being attentive to your dress. You lay flattened against the table, shiverings racking your body as he began pouring a trail of salt between your cleavage. 
He poured himself a shot in the depression of your throat and tore the lime in half with his bare hands. Smirking at how you flinched when he thumped the liquor bottle down beside your head. Jungkook pushed the other half of the unevenly split lime towards your lips, a silent gesture to take the lime in your mouth. Jungkook watched as your lips curled gently around the hull of the green citrus. A flare of lust stirred in his loins at the action. He couldn't wait to see your lips stretched around the head of his cock. He observed your eyes clamped closed as he began dropping his head forward to your chest. It was adorable and innocent. He noted the way your lips slackened around the citrus in your mouth, your chest heaving in speed, the closer his tongue trailed to your neck.
You tasted splendid, just as sweet as he thought. The salt on your skin did nothing to deter your natural flavor. If anything, it enhanced your sweetness, rendering your skin damn near mouth-watering. Jungkook's ears perked at the breathless moans slipping past the fruit perched against your lips, drawn out by the repeated pass of the wet, pink appendage lapping at the salt line between the valley of your breast. Committing your muffled moans to memory, he lapped persistently at the collection of salt and tequila in the hollow at the base of your neck.
You face flammed in embarrassment as panting moans effortlessly tumbled from your mouth. Who knew your chest and neck was such an erogenous spot. Despite your shame, you couldn't stop wriggling, shifting your thighs together for some form of friction to sate the rising arousal dampening your panties. You yelped at the sensation of blunt teeth nibbling at your skin before soft lips came to suck at the shallow indentations. Fluffy hair with an undercut came into your line of vision as Jungkook lifted his head up to your lips. Your heart stammered tortuously against your ribs, flirtatious eyes stared lidded with searing lust, his head advanced closer to your lips. Your eyes fluttered closed, lips puckering against the bitter hull of the lime.
Jungkook closed the distance, slanting his mouth over the lime, blocking his contact with yours. He sucked against the sour fruit, acidity puckering his lips, residual tartness flowing to your cracked lips. Jungkook withdrew from your mouth, taking the drained lime hull with it. Your saccharine moans were heaven to his ears. It had awoken something inside him, fueled his fire in knowing that possibly no one had ever heard such a sweet sound. He wanted more, craved more. 
"Have you ever been kissed before, sweetheart?" Your eyes followed the movement of his tongue, poking out to moistening his lips. 
"Yeah, once in like 3rd grade." Who hasn't snuck behind a tree or hid underneath the dark coverings of playground equipment to lock lips with a childhood crush?
He grinned salaciously, body moving to rest between your spread legs. Oh, now he was really excited. Your lips were practically untouched. Just another part of your body to claim first. You jumped when palms pressed flat against the revealed skin of your thigh. Gently, Jungkook rubbed lazy circles on your skin, never lowering or furthering than the hem of your dress. He felt you wiggle beneath his hands, observed your eyes, glimpsing―darting about, should you concentrate on his face, or his hand, uncertainty was etched on your face.
"Amazing." He groaned, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks, before grinning again. His face inched closer to yours, his lips but a breath apart, warmth flickered against your lips as he talked, level and smooth. " Well, how about I become your second?
And then his lips were on you, the soft muscle mangled itself to your lips, tentative and sluggish to give you a chance to register his mouth slanted upon yours. Jungkook chuckled against your lips at your unresponsiveness. He guesses you were a little shell shocked. It only takes a few more stagnant seconds before you're shyly reciprocating his kiss. Delicate, shaky movements highlighted your inexperience. Increasingly, Jungkook increased the pressure behind lips, his hands spreading to enclose around your waist, dragging you closer against him. One of Jungkook's hands removed from your waist to bury itself in your hair, gently his fingernails scratched against your scalp, an airy moan was his reward. 
Hands completely abandoning your midsection, one gripped the meat of your thigh, pulling you to the edge of the table, flush against the tent of his denim jean encased manhood, the other embedded in your strands pulled sharply on your roots, a loud gasp tearing from you. Jungkook took that opportunity to advance his tongue into your gaped mouth. His tongue wrapped itself around yours, briefly wrestling for dominance before easily pinning your tongue in submission. His hips ground against yours, the heat of your covered core teased him through his jeans. 
He thoroughly explored your mouth, swallowing the now copious cries leaving your mouth. Reluctantly, Jungkook tore himself from your kiss-swollen lips. The ravished looked suited you perfectly. You looked beautiful, thighs brazenly spread, eyes glazed over in lust, your sticky chest heaving from the length of the shared kiss. Even in the dim lights, he could make out the taunt pebbling of your nipples. 
Your mouth gaped wide, flapping about like a fish out of water, trying despairingly to draw air into your lungs. Your first kiss definitely didn't compare to this much. Your wide eyes flicked between Jungkook and the floor, your bottom lip tucked firmly between your teeth, feeling shy as he just stares at you. Releasing your teeth from your lips, you timidly touched your mouth, admiring how plump they've gotten from the intense liplock.
Wordlessly Jungkook hitched you over his shoulder, winded with a grunt as his defined shoulder blades dug into your stomach and what sounded like a growled vibrate up into you. You squirmed lightly in his hold, scared he was going to drop you, and secondly, your panty-clad ass on display for the party-goers, not that anyone was looking. 
You watched the continuous panels of hardwood floor move beneath you as Jungkook carried you to an unknown destination. You couldn't believe you were really doing this. Were you actually going to have sex with a complete stranger? Someone who was known for explicitly fucking virgins. Realistically, you should be ashamed, yet, you conceded full control to him without a second thought. What did that say about you? About your character? Would you now be labeled as 'easy' or a 'hoe' after all this was done? What was going to happen between you and Jungkook? 
The flick of a switch stirred from your thoughts. You shield your eyes with your hand at the bright lights pouring into the room, or rather a bathroom. Jungkook loved the confusion marring your features. He wouldn't fuck you in his bedroom just yet. That was a privilege you would have to earn, no matter how intrigued he had become with you. There's always humiliation to be had in the corruption of innocence, and fucking you in the bathroom was a good start. He planned on making you watch him as he destroyed your body, popping your cherry, stretching your tight virginal hole to accommodate his length, and claimed it as his own. Jungkook shuddered at the thought, his possessive nature taking a turn for the worst. 
Impatiently Jungkook sat you on top of the bathroom sink counter, his lips smashed against yours, the previous tenderness was gone, vanished into a puff of smoke. Teeth banged, and tongues flailed recklessly against each other in the heat of passion, with you struggling to keep up with the demands of his dominating kiss. Thick fingers trailed beneath the hem of your dress, tickling the expanse of your thighs. Jungkook wasted no time in shifting your slick soaked panties to the side, a warm digit gliding effortlessly through your damn folds.
"Fuck, you're already so wet. You're enjoying this a little too much, baby girl." Jungkook growled, panting against your lips. His finger breached your sex, you tensed deftly around the foreigner intrusion, stretching your weeping walls. 
"Ah, Jungkook." You cried listlessly, rocking your hips against his stilled finger. He felt so good inside you, and it was just his finger. Maybe this experience wouldn't be as bad as you heard. Now you couldn't wait to see what his cock felt like embedded deep within your pussy. Jungkook pumped slowly, eventually introducing a second finger to help loosen you up more. You were gonna be a tight fit, very tight, but that just made it even better. You hissed at the slight burn as he began scissoring his fingers apart with each withdrawal. Your hands wrapped around his neck as you buried your head against his broad chest, your mellifluous moans suppressed by the fabric of his shirt. 
"G-go faster, please." You begged, your body adjusting and quickly becoming frustrated by the snail's pace his fingers were pumping. You bucked your hips against his hands, hoping he would ease the growing discomfort boiling in your stomach. 
"Have you ever had an orgasm before, babe?" You nodded eagerly at his question, whining as you bucked against his hand again.
"Oh, really? Who gave it to you." Slow, he was going too slow you wanted, no you needed more friction, more stimulation from him.
"M-me. I-i did." Jungkook loved how you stuttered, it stroked his ego and filled him with arrogance to know it was him, and only that was capable of making you stumble over your words.
"Mmm, and how did you do it? Did you rub this little clit of yours raw?" You cried louder when his thumb flicked at your clit, the stimulation further drawing the appendage from its hood.
"Or did you fuck this tight hole, with these tiny fingers of yours?" At those words, a loud, choked moan, even muffled by your face in his chest, echoed throughout the white bathroom. Jungkook had gone deeper inside, almost to the third knuckle. Another moan left your lips as he twisted his fingers inside you, his palm now facing upwards.
"Though you and I bought know they couldn't possibly reach deep enough to touch the spot you really want." It's euphoric, no better yet orgasmic, the sheer shock of electric pleasure that zaps through your body when he finds the spongy bundle of nerves. Your body jerked heavily, legs go to snap close, only to be stopped by his broad body between your thighs.
He chuckles softly, stroking your thigh with his other hand. Jungkook shifts his head down, bringing his mouth closer to your ear. He exhales quietly, warm air tinged with tequila and lime caresses the light hairs on you around your ear. " I found it, huh?"
You whimper, rubbing your head up and down against his chest.
"You want me to speed up the pace, sweetheart?" Jungkook's voice is delicate now, so gentle. But you're confused, overwhelmed, and scared. It's never felt like this when you did it yourself. Your not sure if you could handle the feeling, so you don't provide an answer to Jungkook's question.
"Don't ignore me ____, that's not nice manners. I'll ask again." You clench around his fingers as Jungkook inches just a bit deeper. 
"Do you. Want me. To go faster?" With each pause, he arches his fingers in a 'come here' motion, pressing deeply against your bundle of nerves, the sensation of having to pee accompanied with each thrust.
 "Y-yes, faster, more. Pl-lease." Fuck, you sounded so pretty begging for him if he wasn't addicted before. You had him sprung now. Jungkook buried his face in the crook of your neck, the sharp smell of tequila and salt still lingering on your skin. He sucked at the junction where your shoulder and neck met. You bucked harder against his fingers, your juices now dripping to coat his palm is sticky cream.
"If you wanted more. Why didn't you just ask?" Jungkook said deviously. Confused, you felt withdraw his sticky digits, walls gripping to stop their departure. Without warning, Jungkook flipped you over onto the counter, your knees buckled at the sudden change in position. Your faced burning at your displayed state, droplets of your essence dribbled from your pussy, slicking up your inner thighs. You yelped as Jungkook grasped at the length of your hair, pulling back pointedly, your neck craned back to observe him addressing you in the mirror.
"You've been wondrous for me ____. Such a sweet girl." He expressed, his empty hand disappearing behind your perked ass to fiddle with the groin of his pants. 
"Truly, you have. Your response and reactions to my touch have really gotten me riled up. It's been a while since I've tittered on the edge of losing control." You wheezed, starting to panic as you felt the thick head of his cock slap teasingly against your slicked throbbing hole. Oh, God, he's huge. Jungkook's cock might just tear you apart. You shifted your hips forward, pressing against the cold marble of the bathroom counters door.
"I-i don't think, I can t-take it Jungkook, you're too b-big. It's my first-time, r-remember?” Your stuttering worse now, but you're scared.
Jungkook pulls your hips back with the hand the was grasping his length, the side of your hip now coated in his pre-cum. His hand lays flat in the crease of your back, forcing you into a perfect arch. 
"You can take it, all of it. And don't worry, of course, I remembered your fragility. I'll go slow, I promise." You plead silently with your eye contact through the mirror. 
"You ready?" You nod once an advert your eyes down to the sink.
Your mouth shakily falls agape as he slowly began pushing the head of his cock into you. It burns, but not as bad as you had anticipated. You take the chance to look back up into the mirror, adamant about giving Jungkook a thankful smile for his gentleness. That vision that greets looks like it jumped right off the page of your favorite erotic story. 
Jungkook's got his head thrown back, the edge of his t-shirt clenched tightly between his teeth, your eyes trail the drip of sweat that follows the curve of his jawline. You have a clear view of his abs all the way down to the v-cut of his hip, to the happy trail that leads to a neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair. You clench tightly around him, efficiently aroused by the view. You feel his cock throbbed heavily inside you, even getting bigger if possible.
"You like that, sweet girl? You like seeing me struggling to contain myself because you're so tightly around me. This little pussy trying to milk me for all I can give you." You love it. You feel powerful in a way. Do you really feel that good around him?
"Yes." Jungkook draws out the 'S.' 
"You feel amazing, so warm and wet. I wished you could see how coated in white you've got me, and I'm not even all the way in yet."
You scream soundless as he bucks into you, shoving in half of his length. It doesn't hurt anymore. You just feel stuffed full. Lifting a trembling hand, you take the chance a feel the lower part. You noticed swelling that wasn't there before, intrigued; you push down against it, moaning in shock you realize it's Jungkook's cock. 
"Yeah, baby girl, that's all me, well, most of me. You ready to take the rest?"
"Yes! Please!" That's the clearest you've been all night. You don't get an answer as Jungkook immediately picks up his pacing, thrusting into you faster. He wastes no time pumping deeply into your tight pussy, his tip smashing against the entrance to your cervix as you pant and grit your teeth in slight discomfort, overshadowed by pleasure. The burning sensation is back as he fucks in deeper with each brutal and swift stroke. But you don't care cause it still feels amazing. You can hear yourself, sloppy and soaking wet, echoing throughout the bathroom. You're drooling down his pistoning cock. You can feel it dripping down your inner thighs. Your head jerks violently against your shoulders, to weak support your head from his menacing thrust. 
Tightened vocal cords released strained shrieks of praise; from your mouth, drool dripping from your lips, into the sticky cleavage of your breast, and sweat coated your skin. The coil in your stomach was quickly tightening, never had you felt anything so deep inside you. If you ever had sex with anyone else, they would never compare to Jungkook.  You were fucked both figuratively and literally.
Jungkook pulled you further from off the sink, the new position allowing him even deeper. You clawed at the marble tops underneath your fingers, your eyes rolling in the back of your head. That sensation of having to pee is back again.
"J-K, I-m. I have to-," You don't get to finish as the band in your stomach snapped. Silently you announced your release; if it wasn't for the new wave of cum coating his cock, or the fluttering tightness of your walls, Jungkook might have missed your orgasm. He wasn't far behind you. The constant clenching of your ridged walls around his cock, had him reaching his limit sooner than he would like. Jungkook had half a mind to pull out but decided to gamble his odds. You're the first person he's fucked raw in a while, and with three deep thrusts later, he was shooting his hot seed right against your cervix. 
Breathing heavily, Jungkook lets you fall against the sink, observing as you crumpled against the sink countertop. Pride swelled his chest as he watched his seed bubble out of your well-used hole. He's never contemplated going farther with the virgins he fucked. He wouldn't make any hasty decisions now though there were still a lot of things he wanted to do with you. He would sleep on it and revisit the idea in the morning.
"So would you say, Operation: Pop Your Cherry was a success?"
You giggled, winded, still having difficulty catching your breath. You straighten up against the bathroom counter, the majority of your weight still resting on the object as you had yet to regain the feeling in your legs.
"Jimin and his stupid code names. I swear when I get a hold ass, he's dead." You warned already preparing your revenge on your best friend. You stare at Jungkook in the eyes through the mirror, smile a bit goofy, you say.
"Operation: Pop My Cherry. Mission complete."
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nikrangdan · 3 years
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pairing: babysitter!jungwon x reader
genre: fluff
description: your mom hired a babysitter for your little sister since you were out with friends often and she worked most of the week... but once you meet the babysitter you have second thoughts about going out with your friends
“the babysitter is almost here y/n! greet him before you leave!” your mom yelled at you while she put on her shoes to go run some errands
“but mommmm!” you whined
“i have to leave now! my friends have been waiting for like 20 minutes!” you frustratedly said back
you had planned to go bowling with your friends after school BUT your mom said you had to let in the babysitter first
obviously you were annoyed like the teenager you are
your 6 year old sister wooyeon was sat on the couch watching some cartoon on the tv
“im leaving sweetie, you better stay put before he gets here or youre grounded.” she didnt even let you respond before she was out the door in a flash
you huffed and sat next to wooyeon
“is my babysitter here yet?” she looked up at with you big eyes
“i dont even know when hes getting here” you pouted and began to text your friends to let them know you were gonna be late
y/n: gona be late guys🙄 mom made me wait for the babysitter so i cant leave until hes here
riki: we dont care
y/n: stfu asshole
jinah: awww man can we start without u 😓
sunoo: jinah is so funny bc we already started without u y/n
jinah: BYE
riki: y/n can u bring gummy bears plz
y/n: fine
y/n: ill be there in like 40 mins idk when this guy is getting here
y/n: hello
y/n: where did u guys go
y/n: you all burn in hell
you laughed and rolled your eyes at your stupid friends
god it feels like its been FOREVER when is this guy getting here
idk what happened but it seems like god answered your prayers
*knock knock knock*
you jumped up and ran to the door while wooyeon curiously peered over the couch
swinging the door open you were about to start spewing stuff like “so theres wooyeon and theres a note of all the stuff you need to know so ive gotta go now bye”
lord have mercy
what did you do in your past life to deserve such a beautiful human being arrive at your doorstep
“oh um hi... are you wooyeons babysitter?” you shyly asked
“ah yes, im jungwon! nice to meet you” he smiled
wooyeon popped up next to you
“hi! im wooyeon, are you my babysitter? you’re cute, i like your face!”
“oh my god im so sorry” you embarrassingly put your hands on wooyeons shoulders and tried to lead her back to the couch
jungwon laughed “its fine haha” he followed in after you and shut the door behind him
wooyeon sat back on the couch, waiting for you to leave so she could talk to jungwon herself
“so um.. i’ve got go now. theres notes on the counter by the way. how long are you gonna be babysitting wooyeon?” you were standing next to the front door now as he was facing you from next to the couch
“oh your mom hired me on the weekdays for the rest of this month. from 4 to 8” he said
“wow thats a long time.. well thank you by the way, ill see you later i guess”
he grinned and waved bye to you with wooyeon
and then you just walked out of the door
but you really really didnt want to
your mom did not tell you she hired the Cutest Babysitter Ever wtf!!!!!
when you finally got to the bowling alley you wouldnt shut up about jungwon so they just started to ignore you
you were out with them until 7 so now you were on the way home
and hopefully your mom didnt come back early so jungwon could still be there
your keys rattle in the lock and you open the door almost excitedly
you peeked your head through the door to see jungwon and wooyeon at the kitchen counter making what seemed to be cookies
“hey you two” you grinned at them
“hi y/n! how are you? sorry i couldnt open the door for you, im kind of occupied here” jungwon giggled and you saw his hands covered in greasy cookie dough
“y/n we’re making cookies!” wooyeon exclaimed
“i can see that, they smell yummy” you started to walk over to them
“im doing great” you smiled at him AGAIN.. “oh and its okay, i can see you’re very busy being a baker here” you laughed
you and jungwon would just make small talk here and there while wooyeon was in her own world playing with the cookie dough
he was so nice it made your heart hurt
it turned 8pm quicker than you thought sadly
“jungwonie!” your sister fake cried “i dont want you to go”
she was literally stuck on his leg refusing to let him go
“ahh wooyeon dont worry! go to sleep now and ill be back tomorrow!” he bent down to pat her head
“wooyeon.. if you dont go to your bed now then jungwon wont come back tomorrow!” you tried to scare her
it definitely worked because there was sheer horror on her face and she ran towards her bedroom
you and jungwon laughed at the sight
he had his stuff gathered in his hand and stopped at the door
“wooyeon is really sweet, im glad shes not a scary child like the other ones ive babysat”
“really?” you gasped “shes a demon to me”
he chuckled at that
his laugh is so cute Omg
“well ill get going now..” he opened the door
“okay.. bye! thank you jungwon, ill see you tomorrow” he gave you a small wave before walking out the door to his car
you dreamily sighed
would it be so bad if you ditched your friends from now on to stay with jungwon and wooyeon
but if you just stayed home with them wouldnt that eliminate the need for a babysitter
its a lose-lose situation 😞
maybe you would go out with them but then come back really early so you could spend more time with him
yes thats it!
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ennoshawty · 3 years
i was bored and felt like doing a crackfic thing but i didn’t have any solid themes or good ideas
warnings: VERY LONG, slandering a crybaby oikawa (lovingly), mentions f!reader, shitposting, mentions of violence in kita's, (a bit) yandere!kita, cursing, unedited, me being an idiot
we are: vigilante/troublemaker
loving the enemies-to-lovers trope so much
nah bro you ain’t full criminal (bc my preppy ass could never) you just do the small vandalism things y’know like drawing peepees on government buildings and knocking over bins
u literally confessed to him by spraypainting the entire billboard by his workplace “I LIKE YOU” like way to go girl
He didn’t appreciate the creative graffiti but he rlly likes u so all u had to do was clean it and then next thing u know yall are out on a cute cafe date
but let’s talk about before yall got together
he’d CHASE u thru alleyways when he’d catch you writing “police sux” on the fuckin wall
bro is NOT AT ALL afraid to jump onto the roofs it’s FRIGHTENING to see this huge ass police officer storm after u
you’d almost always get away by a hair - he’s SO SO close
and it frustrates him but excites u oooooo arrest me shawty
and this would continue for a while
but yall have such fun fun banter - you’d tease him and he’d say something back and you’d bolt and he’d chase
some days he’d catch you. but in those times u slip away somehow
he’s having so much fun and doesn’t even know it
and then at one point he doesn’t even care about bringing u to justice anymore. he knows it’s bad for business and it’s unprofessional but he’s so attracted to u
he doesn’t even know it. HES IN DENIAL!!! his mind: “oh i’m just asking about her so that i know her motives” bruh no u just asked about our fav pastry this aint about crime anymore
and when he finally gets it,,,DINGDINGDINGDING SOUND THE ALARMS !!! MAN IS WHIPPED!! he’s more shy around u awww,,,doesn’t even want to chase u anymore but he will still engage in banter w u.
yall get a little peace treaty in the lil crush stage - you both are kinda aware of ur feelings towards each other but don't really wanna mess it up and jeopardize whatever's going on like bros PLEASE JUST KISS ITS INFURIATING
it’s more of a competition to see who will break the other first (and you lost he’s too hot)
he lets u joyride his cop car in an empty parking lot <3 he is the one <3 this is true love
u gotta marry him right now bro no excuses
u are no longer on the crime side of the law,,,u support him and only him fuck the rest of the cops (i’m jk of course...or am i)
u are his badass sidekick <3 unofficially of course until he marries u
u help him with the small things like helping lost children find their parents and helping old ladies cross the street
but you want to do the FUN stuff - chasing thieves and arresting drunkards.
unfortunately, he loves u too much to put u in danger so he keeps u from doing the dangerous things
after some protesting later, he trusts u to take care of urself. and now yall have a competition just like old times - whoever catches the most baddies at the end of the month wins (he WILL scold u if ur too reckless though)
but it’s much more complicated than that - it’s either ur the laidback one and he’s the strict one or ur the fiery one and he’s the person like “calm down”
PLEASE HE HATES BRINGING U TO INTERROGATIONS he’s trying to be serious but you keep making him laugh istg he has to kick u out each time
u still make him laugh when u pout-glare at him thru the glass
bro says he’s not the stereotypical cop but the moment u surprise him with donuts and coffee in the morning he will make out w u right then and there
even though yall dating he still won’t let u play with his equipment
but sometimes u grab his walkie talkie when he’s not looking and prank call the others
and his coworkers know by now they’re like “oh it’s daichis gf” and go along with it HAHAHAHA “this is alpha 1, daichi just contracted ligma, over.” “roger, but what’s ligma? over.” “*inhale* LIGMA-” *daichi takes the walkie talkie back*
his coworkers are chill lmaoooo they love u two as a couple THEY ARE VERY SUPPORTIVE they planned a surprise anniversary party of when u joined the force (unofficially)
the juniors tanaka and noya are jelly ooooo but they respect their captain <3
u loooooove hanging out w the starry-eyed new recruit hinata and he’s bouncing around asking u personal questions “how did you date the commander!!! what’s he like as a bf??” he also accidentally exposes how much daichi talks about u in the office before he drags him away and murders him off camera
he does get u a walkie talkie that’s just connected to his line, tho. for emergencies. it’s ur second phone basically that only has his number in it
daichi LOVES it when u massage him after he’s had a long day but his shoulders are stiff as a statue,,,he’s also super stronk and can carry u anywhere <333
IMAGINE HE HAS A POLICE DOG - he doesn’t, but he’ll get one of his buddies to bring u a k9 unit so u can pet it and when he sees how happy u are he considers getting one PLSSS IT WOULD FIT HIM HELPPP
bro is VERY strict on safety. bulletproof glass in yalls house. alarms + cameras everywhere. trackers on every device. underground bunker. (just kidding lol)
daichi teaches u self-defense and gets u a bejeweled taser for ur bday <333 MARRY THIS MAN RIGHT NOW OR I’LL-
in other words i love daichi and he is husband material WIFE ME UP BUDDY
we are: girlboss sugar mommy
somehow you tamed this bish to becoming your obedient malewife
and by obedient i mean whiny but compliant
sure, he’s pretty and gives affection sometimes but the only time he’s bein cute and snuggly w u is when a new fendi purse came out and he wants it
his specialty is cooking but he’s so lazy he’s all “just get the maid to do it”
please give ur workers a raise he’s so demanding
when you take him to ur business parties hes ALWAYS bragging about you and ur large house with this and that and his favorite: indoor hot tub. he always brings up the indoor hot tub.
only reason you bring him is cuz he’s pretty and he whines when you leave him alone for too long
yall cant even stay for too long - he’ll practically drag u out of the building and whining that it’s too hot and his suit is too stuffy and to call a limo
he’s not afraid to embarrass u if u dont give him what he wants and he will spit out food at a formal dinner if its not to his liking
probably in competition w househusbands! makki and mattsun about who gets the best house so he’s constantly begging u for an extension to the house “please babe!!! makki has-” “no.”
8/10 times throws tantrums in public and 1465/10 times throws tantrums in the house
he wants to cry for the sake of crying. one time he lost his shirt and he wouldn’t stop bawling for 15 min
please find him a hobby
crybaby . the moment u give him the glare of death it’s over. but he’s got a cute crying face which makes up for his annoying whimpering
like he made the mistake of throwing a temper tantrum in the mall only for you to glare at him with a look that said “we’re discussing this when we get home and you’re gonna get your ass beat” and walk away. immediately stopped what he was doing and he was running after u, sniffling and mumbling apologies
please humble him and have him sleep outside. the couch is too luxurious to banish him to. he made sure of it himself. it’s reclining and has charging ports. he will not learn his lesson that way
does NOT want you to get a pet or a kid or even another sugar baby/househusband - he wants to be the center of ur attention
speaking of which he HATES it when you work for too long or work overseas. when u come back he’ll pout at u and give u the petty silent treatment
don’t bother trying to comfort him he thrives off of it and he’ll keep going so u can keep paying attention to him. if u just ignore him back he’ll come crawling back to u. “WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME IGNORING YOU?? DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME ANYMORE???”
one time yall got into a fight and he was all like “since ur being a rude mommy i’ll just find someone else !!!” inside u were like “oh god finally” but instead u said “okay”
ohmygod he panicked. he was rlly expecting for u to fight for him,,, but he doesn’t want to admit defeat first so he tries to go thru with it but you literally dont care. even when he has his chanel luggage packed and he’s standing by the door ur just like “ok bye bitch”
So he’s trying to stand by the door and wait for u to say that ur joking. ur not.
“fine! I’m leaving now!” “okay.” “...*sniffles*” “tooru, go.” “WAAAAH NO IM SORRY I DONT WANT TO-”
u knew this was going to happen sadly. u even hid the keys to all of the sports cars u own just in case he was actually going to go thru with it
tries to get in the gossip circle with the neighborhood trophy wives but they don’t think he’s cool enough. they like u though. they think ur hot asf and oikawa doesn’t like them no more bc theyre hitting on his ATM. but thanks to that u know all the gossip and shit even though u don’t ask for it
Every time u pass by a store where he thinks he wants something he’ll just cling to u and give the puppy dog eyes. like it could be out of nowhere and u see it and you’re like “where. which store.”
bro once he went luxury he never went back. he wouldn’t EVER step foot into a grocery store ever again congrats he’s been bimbo-ified
beat him with ur gucci belt pls it’s so funny
also please please PLEASE discipline him. tell him it’s NOT okay to just randomly purchase the entire swarovski store or to throw a party at ur house just bc he’s feeling petty about u being at work for too long. ofc he’ll bitch about it but you need to be firm
but don’t worry,,,he’ll get the idea when u take away black card privileges and slap him around (lovingly)
now he has to ask permission like a good boy. he’ll kneel and hug u and give a lil pout and whine
you got a bigass man child i’m sorry maam u should’ve picked tobio or ushi
we are: secretary
bruh keeps it mostly professional during work hours
but that all gets shedded off like a snake when we on break
one minute he’s all “get these papers done by today or i swear on all that is holy i will destroy you” and then later he’s all “hey sweetheart wanna grab a cup of coffee”
but you’re less than impressed bc y’know when the time clocks out and its time to go back to work he’s ruthless once more
HUMBLE HIM FOOL only when you’re on break though
will NOT stand for anyone else in the workplace bullyin u - NO WAY. only HIM
he’s got TONS and TONS of dirt on everyone in the office - NO ONE is safe so they wouldn’t even dare
RIP janet from accounting
that dumb bitch made the mistake of insulting u to ur face and in front of him. never heard from her again
it’s not even limited to the other employees - he’s not afraid to go off on a potential business partner if they dared disrespect you
bruh tries to call u on ur off days for the most randomest shit and to get ur attention
*picks up phone* “sir?” “ah! my favorite secretary ever! listen, i need you to grab my pens from my desk at the office and bring them to my place.” “...with all due respect, it’s 2 am, sir.”
but u have to comply with his ridiculous demands cuz he’s the bank
and he depends on u completely. as much as he hates to admit it - u have his schedules, itinerary, provide coffee, performance rates, stock info, you name it.
once u were out sick and he had the worst management - he’s not used to working without you
def tries to get some of ur workload off of u bc he’s worried that the stress of working for him made u sick + he doesn’t want to go thru scheduling again
prolly gets bored in meeting rooms and sends u little smirks and wiggles his eyebrows and weird looks while he’s sitting and ur standing in the corner like bruh pay attention
maybe sometimes he’s secretly makin fun of the presenter and doodling on his spare sticky note something funny to make u crack a smile
he’ll tease u for it of course “oh, secretary! you should be paying more attention! what would you do if this was important?” bruh i can multitask now keep airdropping me ur selfies i’m saving all of them (news flash: u dont save his dumbass selfies otherwise his ego will inflate too much)
sometimes likes to pull u aside from work to hug u - you say it’s highly unprofessional but he says it’s his stress reliever
you ALMOST got caught by one of the newbies and he was kabedon-ing you
he tries to play it off (since u were embarrassed too) but u know better,,,DO NOT LET HIM FORGET ABOUT IT he turns red and embarrassed every single time USE THIS TO UR ADVANTAGE !!
never goes into an elevator without you bruh is so attached to u n holds the doors open for you
but you have to open normal doors for him if he doesn’t know how it works (hint: manual doors. “why isn’t it opening on its own?” “sir, there’s a handle.” “but?? what does it do??”)
bruh acts like a dumbass sometimes so you can baby him :/// wtf man just because you’re rich doesn’t mean i’ll- ...wait...how much did you say…? that many zeros? HAND ME THAT FORK YES I’LL FEED YOU COME HERE- HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE BITCH
brings u to overseas trips and he spoils u too
no matter how much you insist that you’re ok he gives u a lot of luxurious items. “think of it as a bonus from me.” NOW YOU JUST HAVE A COLLECTION OF NICE SHOES/BAGS/JEWELRY AND HE LOVES IT WHEN YOU WEAR THEM TO WORK IT MAKES HIM SO HAPPY UGHHHHH
BRUH just a sugar daddy at this point “you have to look presentable for the next focus group so here’s a nice rolex watch” “sir, i don’t need-” “ah ah ah - it’s my treat.”
it’s pointless to refuse him but he still teases u for it like what???? “if i didn’t know any better, secretary, i’d say you’re just doing it for my money and not my fabulous looks and personality.” “exactly.” “hey!”
yall go for drinking parties a lot. whether with the whole branch or just the two of u
KARAOKE W KUROO AFTER A LONG DAY OF WORK <333 becomes a ritual between the two of u
he’s so silly when he’s drunk lmfaoooo goofy ass mf
but that’s only when it’s the two of u. he controls his alcohol around others and his uncool side is only for u <3
also ur the only one he trusts to take him back to his place and handle him
it’s the other way around too - when u drink a lot he looks after you <333
you have a higher tolerance than him and sometimes u have competitions between the two of u on who can drink more but then yall always end up shitfaced
HES the one who has a crush on you
you know the drill - gaslight gatekeep girlboss
he’ll do anything for u but wouldn’t ever admit it he simp
offers u the keys to his estate and offers for you to LIVE with him
bruh just marry me already ok WAIT WE’RE NOT EVEN DATING YOU NEED TO WORK ON THAT SIR-
he’s so awkward tryna confess to u,,,he may be this big hotshot ceo but he’s acting like a schoolgirl in love
probably prints u a confession when he asks u to go to the fax machine lmfao what a nerd
in other words ceo!kuroo is a nerd and you need to top him immediately get that bank
dog hybrid!bokuto
we are: owner
Husky-malamute breed!!! BEEG DOGGIE VERY HAPPY N DROOLY <333
he’s well trained i swear but the moment he sees something of interest then i’m sorry you just lost him
please if a robber came in he wouldn’t even attack them he’d just tackle them w hugs
he loves loves loves snuggles <333 u busy? nope!!! hug time!!! cooking something?? oo lemme see!!! whoops look at all those tomatos on the ground. u got a deadline coming up and u really need to focus?? CUDDLE TIIIIIIME- w-wait - huh?? why are u shoving me off?? do you - do you not - huh?!?! WHY ARE YOU LOCKING ME OUT OF THE ROOM?? NO!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! IDK WHAT EXAMS ARE BUT I WANT CUDDLES!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME????!!!
the WORST things u could ever do to him is leave him and call him a bad boy
soso bummed when u go out of the house without him </333 waits by the door patiently waiting for u to come back </333 sob sob
the moment he hears the door unlock he LEAPS and his tail is wagging like CRAZY
he is SO STRONG. almost always knocks u over whenever he jumps on u
destroys EVERY toy u bring him. u leave him for 5 seconds and there’s stuffing all over the floor and whatever u brought him is nonexistent
tugs on the leash when u walk so much that it SNAPS
loves romping w the other dogs in the dog park but he needs to tone down on his friendliness he almost killed a lil orange chihuahua
gets distracted by EVERYTHING. ooh, squirrel! oo, butterfly! OOO HUMAN CHILD!! MUST EAT!!!
ok while he might be friendly, he still gets super super jealous. you both were outside and u were petting the neighborhood black cat and bruh almost swallowed his head
which u thought was weird bc the two are normally friends and are pretty nice around each other
so now he’s more feisty around him and any other cat that’d get ur attention
If it was a person, then that’s another thing. He’d be very friendly at first but then slowly realize that ur attention is more directed on them than him. then he’d go ballistic
but when u scold him for practically assaulting the poor dude and call him a bad boy,,,he’s lost it
u have to lock him in the other room and he’s crying and whimpering, scratching at the door. all he wanted to do was protect u from that bad bad man who took away his owner’s attention !!!
def snarls at the dude next time he comes into ur house/apartment...dude never came back
doggie bokuto rlly tries to be slick...it doesn’t work. like he tries to do that thing when he’s a total demon towards the guy but then act like an angel around u but it doesnt work bc he’s not smooth
doggie intelligence: 2 IQ. one time u got him a puzzle box and hid a treat in it but bruh couldnt figure it out just straight up monched the entire puzzle simply bc he smelled his fav bbq treat in it
speaking of intelligence - he only knows how to say a few words like ur name and incomplete sentences. speaks in barks and whines and sometimes a word
u had some delicious beef steak? oh dear, where did it go? there’s ur puppy kou with steak sauce all over his lips
big fan of hiking trips, sports, literally anything that involves going out
he LOVES getting dirty outside playing. boi cant control himself from rolling around in the mud
hates baths at first but then he likes how u spray the water on him and giggles awww he likes bath time now
we all know he’s not the brightest pup of the pack but,,,he’s somehow psychic. he knows when ur taking him to the vet
HE THROWS A BIG FUSS ALL THE TIME - sometimes he tries to hide but his huge tail under the couch gives it away
and he knows when ur thinking of taking him on a walk. he also begs u to take him outside by settling his head in ur lap and pouting until u give him what he wants
he likes the big ol doggie sweaters/pjs u buy him...but he always ruins them. no matter how much u buy him, they’re all ruined. he complains how scratchy it is and it feels weird on him
knows LOTS of tricks but if u teach him more than what he already knows he will forget one of them he’s like a damn pokemon
he feels ur emotions :((( if ur mood is down his tail droops :(( and he gives u cuddles and tries to make u feel better
he even likes to make a fool out of himself and be silly if it makes u laugh :((( he’s so precious
in other words i love doggy bokuto
we are: kidnapped
ah yes we’re are captives of the most fearsome pirates of the seas: shiratorizawa
just so you know, tendou was the instigator. he was all “let’s kidnap a noble’s kid and get the ransom money!” (whether you actually are a noble or not is up to you)
thing is, nobody’s willing to pay (if you aren’t a noble) or the pirates really pissed off the folks in charge and are now doing a manhunt
so yeah you aren’t going back anytime soon
but he’s a pretty good sport about it - very hospitable
he notices the little things u like and gets them for u <333 sighs <333
he saw you reading that book? wow look at that, there’s suddenly a stack of them and the same genre he saw you reading
but you definitely shouldn’t test him. he’s SUPER scary when it comes down to it
you saw how ruthless he was with the rogues that had dared to challenge him on sea
mf made them walk the plank
you help on the ship bc u wanna be useful and also shirabu keeps being mean
he asks u to teach the crew how to read cuz theyre dumb as shit and only know water and treasure
speaking of treasure - when he leaves u on the ship to explore a cave, he gets u really pretty jewelry <33 anything u ask for
“oh, welcome back captain. how was your mission?” “i brought back a few trinkets i thought you might like.” *reveals whole chest of priceless gems* “are they to your liking? if not, we can set sail for something else that might interest you.” “I-”
bruh got a pet eagle - u ask the crew and they dont even know how tf it happened
hell, even he doesn’t know how it happened wtf. “oh. one day it flew down to me and i fed it. that’s all.” wtf
equivalent to diluc’s bird - he didn’t even give it a name so he gives u the honors
U name him rigatoni (you got a great naming sense btw)
it was the first thing he did no cap - burst into ur room and scoops u up <33333
“what the-” “we need to get you to safety. we are under attack.” and holds u close to his chest AAAHSIDHFPSDHFN OH MY LORD YES
tendou tries to give u a sword but ushi says no “she could hurt herself.”
“but ushiwaka! we can teach her not to hurt herself” “...it’s my orders.” “c’mon, be more honest, ushiwaka! what’s the real reason?”
he goes quiet then looks at u “...i’ll always be there to help. she’ll have me.” AOISHSDHFSNDF
but the rest of the crew are like “then what’s the point”
but tendou sneaks u a dagger just to be safe
sorry ur apart of the crew now - but they’re like a family even if they did kidnap u
oh whatever your life before wasn’t as cool as this (no offense)
they are given orders to protect u at all costs
speaking of which - ushi isn’t all that great w guns
almost blew his own head off tryna figure out how it works before reon snatched it from him
he brings you with him to towns and cities and he likes taking u to the markets to get you stuff
ushijima tell me your love language is gift-giving without telling me your love language is gift-giving-
he finds out you’re pretty good at bargaining and brings you onshore a lot more
is mesmerized at how you absolutely BERATE the merchant who was tryna rip you off like sis where is this violence coming from??? he loves it??
he also likes to stop by some pretty islands and imagines just settling down in such a nice place w you <333 SIGHS <333 VERY <333 LOUDLY <333
no matter how much he likes you...he will NOT let you drive the boat under any circumstances </3 its his livelihood c’mon man
whenever you have to stay on the ship while he’s away he sends rigatoni to give messages and the two of u talk thru messages
speaking of which rigatoni is fierce and can definitely sink his talons and his sharp beak into any bastard that dares get near you while the captain is away
wakatoshi “swimming is for pussies” ushijima - he’s water resistant
bruh so powerful he walks on water
second coming of christ who
IM JUST KIDDING he does swim but we hardly ever see it
legends say (tendou says) he looks rlly awkward doing it and only knows how to doggie paddle
speaking of our homeboy tendou - he loooves spooking the team (and especially you) with scary stories . don’t worry tho - this is all a ploy to get the beeg pirate husband to comfort u at night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he is ur wingman u can count on him. but his suggestions are ridiculous
“Jump off the deck and see if he’ll catch you!” um excuse me- THOU SHALT NOT PUT BIG HUSBAND TO THE TEST
he’s got good intentions...i think…
but everyone literally knows he would dive after you
in other words pirate!ushijima is a softie at heart but goddamn he probably secretly has a pet shark so dont test him or u goin overboard
mafia leader!kita
we are: associate from different group/family
kita highly respects u and yall have been acquainted since u were young with the alliance of ur families
so in a way ur childhood friends but yall do have lil bit of friendly rivalry a bit
arranged marriage whuuuutttt...yeah thats what happened but u love him <3
nobody else knows about ur arranged marriage but you two
POLITE GENTLEMAN <333 !!! HNNNNNNNN his granny raised him right even tho he’s a mafia leader
he owns the majority of the underground casinos
and has lots of connections with others. countless, might i add.
you on the other hand specialize as an arms dealer so he cherishes your services the most
prob has the traditional tattoos allllll over his back and shoulders w like a dragon or sm and def a fox or kitsune
when u two were little he asked ur favorite flower and GOT THAT TATTOOED ON HIS BACK <3 probably secretly has your initials hidden in there somewhere
u both have a silent understanding of each other and he talks to u more than he does anyone
before he used to smoke but once he figured out that you didn’t like the smell of cigarettes he quit just like that
his underlings, the miya twins are so confused on how kita switches from totally brutal and ruthless to so soft around u
they can’t tease him for it, though, cuz he’d pulverize them
but they want to know more about u,,,you mysterious enigma,,,but kita would kill them if they dared asked about you
so they go to inarizaki’s most secretive informant/cyber mercenary, suna rintarou
and suna knows all about you. he saw you one time and he was curious about who you were and is now rlly scared of you because he dug too deep and you’ve got LOTS of history
he doesn’t dare tell the twins what he found no matter how much they bug him
until they bribe him at just the right price
and when aran finds out and tells kita?? ohhh boy it’s lights out for all three of them
oh my god ,,, would kill for u he loves u so much
one time you were kidnapped and held hostage
bro saw red
he got world record time
wiped out the entire conglomerate behind it - nothing and nobody left behind after that
and of course, made sure you were safe.
yandere? ofc not...i mean...just look at him...so innocent...he would never...sharpening that knife...with splattered blood all over him...
is now joined at the hip with u,,,no matter how much you tell him you’ll be fine now and that you have tons of reliable bodyguards he won’t let it go
“don’t you have to go back to your place?” “this is my duty as both a fellow associate and your future husband.” aww,,,ur so sweet...but BRUH PLEASE GO HOME ARAN IS DOING EVERYTHING OVER THERE
makes sure to build a headquarters DIRECTLY NEXT TO YOURS so that its faster
and it’s not long until he just signs a deal to merge ur factions together (since yall getting married anyways)
and oh my god...ur underground wedding is SO SO PRETTY
absolutely DOESN’T care if he’s smuggling jewels from different countries - he’s having your ring CUSTOM MADE and the way you want it. “the diamond is too small? sure thing, darling, i’ll have it 7 times that size.”
makes sure everything is perfect in ur wedding <333 its very extravagant and even though its not really his style he’ll do anything for you
he absolutely WOULD take your last name if you wanted. FIGHT ME ON THIS
takes you to his private island for ur honeymoon so that the two of you don’t have to worry about work
meanwhile aran is scrambling around the place trying to cover for the both of you
he’s a VERY romantic husband - NEVER takes off his ring even for security. he says its practically a part of him just like you are <3
the ring has a built in tracker connected to an app. possessive? noooo...
in other words this escalated pretty quickly but i aint complaining if it gets me married to kita
--EXTRA EXTRA!! other characters’ roles!!--
karasuno squadron consists of:
cops: daichi (duh), asahi (mostly patrol, he hates confrontation), tanaka & noya (mostly accompanied by ennoshita), hinata & kageyama
investigators/detectives: sugawara, ennoshita, yamaguchi, tsukishima, kiyoko, yachi
surveillance: narita, kinoshita, tsukishima too
makki and mattsun are also househusbands
iwaizumi is a malewife fhasodjkasdhf-
lev is the newbie that walked in on u two-
janet still a bitch
kenma is his fellow ceo buddy. he also owns a multimillion dollar company and kuroo’s and his have a sort-of contract so you see him a lot in meetings
yaku is like one of the top performing managers so whenever yall have branch meetings he’s there
dog hybrid!bokuto:
kuroo is the black neighborhood cat bokuto almost murdered cough cough i did that on purpose yes i did
kenma is also another neighborhood cat. you don’t see him around that often but now that bokuto got jealous he stays far away.
hinata is the orange chihuahua i briefly mentioned
i couldn’t decide whether akaashi would stay human and be his previous owner or also be a cat/dog/owl. so lets say he’s ur human friend that is your bestie and comes over a lot. bokuto likes him, though. still gets jealous a bit.
tendou is practically is right hand man
the rest of the team have something to give idk how to explain pirate team members okay-
BUT BUT BUT- they do have sea rivals which are the seijoh pirates. you ran into them one day and oikawa thought you were kidnapped (you were, but you liked it there) so he tried to do you justice and failed miserably. ushijima ragdolled him into the ocean when he flirted w you.
the twins are something akin to mercenaries basically. or just plain lackeys.
suna is an informant/cyber mercenary. he gathers information about ppl which is how he knew about you. and he’s a hacker lol.
aran is his second-in-command, omimi + ginjima are his bodyguards
a/n: im going to regret posting this
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yoontaethings · 3 years
normal kind of love — jjk (1)
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pairing: jungkook x reader 
rating: explicit
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a lot of cussing and some teasing if you squint, but other than that none really (the warnings will come next chapter lmao)
you’re one half of hollywood’s on-screen it couple. the greatest chemistry known on-screen with the one and only, jeon jungkook, the bane of your existence.
a/n: this was supposed to be a longer chapter but i decided to split it in half to tease potential readers mwahaha btw this chapter is very very unedited, though i did postpone the upload because i had to remove some parts because i just thought the story didn’t need those bits anymore lol but the rest of this story i haven’t even read through yet, i just wrote and wrote and wrote so please excuse any errors (my tenses might also not be consistent but i’ll edit this soon)
taglist: @min-nicoleee @thisartemisnevermisses @ggukkieland @kokoandkookie @somelazysundays
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There was no way.
There was no way in hell they were pairing you up with him. Again.
You were confirmed to be cast as the female lead in the movie before any other characters were casted. They should have chosen a different male lead for this romance film. Heck, even Kim Taehyung, a friend of yours, received an offer for the role and you were certain he planned to take it. Unfortunately for you, even if Taehyung wanted the role, he couldn’t accept it because of scheduling conflict with another film he’s already working on.
Jeon Jungkook, an actor you starred alongside in “Dangerous Illusion”, was just confirmed as the male lead of your upcoming movie “Chosen for Pleasure”. The same man who seemed to make it his life goal to ruin you. After Jungkook was confirmed to play the male lead in your upcoming movie, fans on Twitter have been blowing up about it and made you two a trending topic worldwide. Elated fans mentioned you in their tweets expressing how happy they were to see you two again together. You wish you could say you felt the same.
The previous movie you worked on was a thriller/mystery. You played the part of Jungkook's wife in the film. The film was a blockbuster hit, as a result of the well-thought storyline, yet additionally because of its leads. Fans adored the chemistry between you and Jungkook, regardless of not having a lot of romantic scenes in the film. There were a lot of fans who wanted to see you two on-screen once more, this time, in a romance focused film. Looks like their wishes were coming true.
To add insult to injury, your impending film was going to be an adult romance. It required some steamy scenes that normally didn't trouble you because you were a true professional, yet absolutely irritates you now since you need to do them with Jeon Jungkook.
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The script reading was to be done today and your eyes opened an hour later than the time you set for your alarm because of the fucking snooze button. Seriously, why were snooze buttons even invented? They just allowed people to sleep through their alarms continuously.
Hand reaching for the phone on your nightstand, you knocked over a booklet that was over it. It was the script you spent hours reading to grab a sense of the character you were going to portray. Obviously, you already knew the basics about the part you were going to play, but knowing the entire story helped in portraying your character.
Your eyes squinted at the bright light of your phone that had the numbers 8:33 glaring at you, unlocking it to see a couple of texts and missed calls from your manager.
‘Are you awake yet?’
‘Please don’t tell me you forgot about the script reading today’
‘Ok I know you’re still asleep but just make sure you get ready on time, being late won’t do you and your image any favors’
‘I’ll pick you up at 9’
You rolled your eyes at his messages. You loved Hoseok and he was the best manager you could have been given from your agency, but he nagged too much. He was also your friend and his endless nags made you want to rip your eyeballs out sometimes because even when you’re supposed to unwind with him, he never forgets to remind you of your job.
‘I’m the fucking lead, Hobi, they’ll wait for me’
You slapped your phone back onto the nightstand and started going about with your morning routine. You didn’t have a lot of time, and even though you knew they would definitely wait for you, you hated being that bitch who made people wait so you took a quick shower and slapped on some sunscreen, powder, and finishing off with your go-to lipstick. You didn’t bother with makeup and dressing up. This was just going to be a script reading and sure, there were going to be photos taken but the thousands of dollars you’ve spent on facials and treatments already made sure your face was at least flawless despite the lack of effort.
Bringing only your phone, wallet and script, you exited your building and as usual, a shiny black van already awaited outside. Hoseok was leaning on it, scrolling through his phone when he sensed your presence and looked up.
“Oh, thank god you’re on time.” He exhaled in relief, pocketing his phone.
“I value sleep but you’re well aware I also value my career.”
Hoseok grinned. “Now there’s the y/n I know.” He then slid the van door open and you entered without another word.
The drive was pretty much uneventful, with you scrolling through your social media, seeing what fans have been tweeting about recently and with Hoseok humming along to the random pop music playing.
You longed for a distraction, something much more interesting than working your thumb throughout the drive because of the chasm that you were about to jump into when you arrived on set. You weren’t stupid enough to forget about the man who got the role of your romantic interest in the film. But you were wise enough to not let it haunt you for the past weeks. Now though, you can’t really avoid it anymore since you were supposed to be seeing him in person again after almost 2 years. You didn’t exactly leave on the best terms with Jungkook but who knows, maybe you’ll be able to act civil around each other.
At least you were sure you were going to act civil around him, already decided on taking the higher path. You’re not so sure about him, but fingers crossed he’ll at least be an adult about the situation and pretend he can stand being in the same room as you.
Soon enough, you were entering the room the script reading was to be held in. Bowing and greeting the actors and staff seated around the table as you passed by to get to the last vacant seat. You caught Jungkook’s eyes following your movements as you sat down. Luckily, he was seated across from you and it was easier to ignore his presence with the staff members greeting and coddling you.
As always, script reading began with actors introducing themselves and the role they’re going to play. As the female lead, you started off.
“Hello everyone. I’m y/n y/l/n and I’m going to take on the role of Yuri.” Hands clapped around you as you sat back down.
“Hello, I’m Jeon Jungkook and I’ll be playing Ryan.”
You didn’t bother clapping unlike the rest and avoided the eyes of the voice’s origin.
The script reading continued without a hitch– for the most part. The other cast members were very friendly, and laughter was exchanged during the read. The same couldn’t be said for you and Jungkook though.
When lines between your characters were exchanged, there was a weird tension in the room. It felt like everyone else were holding their breaths and waiting for either of you two explode and announce that you can’t do this film anymore. As dramatic as that would be, none of that happened. Instead, cheesy romantic lines sounded flat and bored from both you and Jungkook. The director made a tsk-ing sound whenever that happened.
“It’s always been you.” You read. The script said that Yuri and Ryan stared in adoration towards each other before Ryan uttered his next words.
“Marry me?” Jungkook asked.
You nodded your head as a wrap for the script reading. According to the script, there was supposed to be a kissing scene at the end, so you make ridiculous smooching noises. The cast burst into giggles before the director stood from his seat.
“…and that’s a wrap!” He clasped his hands together. “Hopefully when we start shooting things only look up from there.” He flitted his eyes between you and Jungkook.
Honestly, you wish that too but from yours and Jungkook’s history, you don’t really think that’s possible.
You were both professionals though and you’re sure you could at least count on him to make the on-screen romance feel real.
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“I’m sorry.” Hoseok said with pity in his eyes.
“Wha- but… why?” You asked, confused with what was happening.
Your part in the new film ‘The Notebook: Remake’ has apparently been withdrawn. As one of the rising stars in Hollywood, this was a really great opportunity for you. It’s one of the most anticipated films and accepting the offer of being the female lead in the movie was a no-brainer. Anyone who refuses that role is just stupid.
But now they were apparently taking it back.
Hoseok sighed. “There were too many scandals surrounding you recently. It doesn’t matter if they’re true or not, but you’ve been seen in hotels that Jeon Jungkook has been in too, and in everyone’s eyes you’re now secretly seeing him.”
“But we’ve never even been seen together in any of those photos. Don’t people know the word fucking coincidence?” Your brows furrowed, fists clenching at your sides. “And what does this have to do with my role in the film?”
“It seems they wanted someone with a ‘cleaner image’ and someone who’ll get the film to be a hit. Apparently, the romance won't be convincing if the female lead is dating someone in real life.”
You stared at Hoseok. He stared back waiting for a lash out, an angry outburst, anything really, but you remained silent, eyes unmoving. Soon enough, the dam doors burst open and the tears suddenly came streaming down your face. Hoseok exhaled and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hobi what did I do so wrong to deserve this?” you sobbed into his chest.
“Shh, it’s not your fault they’re all dumbasses. But you know the industry, y/n. We’ll find better films for you, okay?”
“Why is Jeon Jungkook such a thorn on my side? Why is he always ruining everything for me?”
“We can’t blame him, honey. He’s probably a victim in this too because of those damn rumor outlets.” Hoseok rubbed his hands along your back.
“But I’m getting the short end of the stick! The rumor is probably just feeding his bad boy persona!”
“Life’s unfair, y/n. Surely by now you’re aware of that. Just remember, karma’s going to bite them in the ass someday, okay? For now, do you want to call it a day and go home? I’ll drive you back and I’ll just report to the agency that you’re not feeling well.”
You nod your head, too listless to bother answering with words because there was only one thing on your mind right now.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and his good looks. He just ruined the best opportunity for you. You were going to get him back for this. Like Hoseok said, karma’s going to bite him in the ass someday. And that karma was going to be you.
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You were supposed to be looking forward to filming one of your dream movies with your dream director. But all you felt was dread when you arrived on set. You promised yourself that you’d stay unaffected to Jeon Jungkook, but you couldn’t help the distaste for him to be left on your face while filming.
The scene you were shooting was when your characters first met and the first takes were a total disaster. You and Jungkook barely spared each other a glance, even when your character was supposed to be enticed by him, breaking down Yuri’s cold exterior. A break was called after the 6th take because the director was so frustrated that he looked like he was about to call the casting director and replace his two leads.
You sighed, not knowing what to do with yourself after the announcement of a break. Your feet led you to your dressing room, ready to pass out on the couch but before you could, someone barged in. Your head turned towards the door, expecting it to be your manager or the director or anyone really, just not the person who currently stood at the doorway.
“Can we talk?” Jungkook asked. Your eyes were suddenly drawn to his biceps which bulged from his shirt as he crossed his arms. The damn arms looked delicious. Too bad they belonged to someone you would never ever be attracted to.
“Sure.” You shrugged your shoulders. You were sure he came here to talk to you about filming and how to work out your indifferences and shit like that and honestly, you were so tired of hating him you’re ready to just go along with whatever. Hating someone actually takes a lot of effort, you realize.
Jungkook stepped towards you until he’s close enough that you had to tilt your head upwards to look at his eyes. His eyes locked on yours for a moment before his arms uncrossed and one of his hands landed on the wall behind you. He successfully caged you in with no way out. His lips part and your eyes are drawn to the movement, feeling his exhales on your nose. You swallowed nervously.
Good lord his breath smelled so good.
“Babe, I’m sure you’re just as thrilled as I am to be working with you again as you are with me, but let’s not mess this up okay? Let’s get this over with perfectly and quickly so we don’t have to deal with each other again after. Deal?” His eyebrows raised in question and you nodded dumbly, unable to form a coherent sentence with how close he was to you.
You felt a sudden rush of heat down there and was mentally cursing the man in front of you for how much he was affecting you. He tilted his head to the side and leaned in closer to your face as if he was about to kiss you then he suddenly stopped, his mouth forming a smirk, taunting you.
That smirk was all it took for you to snap back to reality. No, you were not going to let him take the upper hand here. A burst of confidence surged through you as you leaned closer to him too and allowed your lips to brush lightly against his cheek.
You pulled away, satisfied with how his lips drooped apparently not expecting that. You looked down and there it was, the tenting of his pants that brought a coy smile to your lips. Ha, take that.
You glanced back up at him, your fingers trailing over his thighs. “Aw, didn’t realize you saw me that way Jeon.” You abruptly pulled away and walked out of the room without another word, leaving him hard and defeated.
This is the beginning of his karma, you thought as you grinned to yourself.
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btssavedmylifeblr · 2 years
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I posted 893 times in 2021
761 posts created (85%)
132 posts reblogged (15%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 546 tags in 2021
#void - 405 posts
#jjk - 27 posts
#wip wednesday - 27 posts
#min yoongi is the sexiest man alive - 21 posts
#reader love - 16 posts
#ask bee - 15 posts
#bumblebee - 10 posts
#hahahahahaha - 9 posts
#hahaha - 8 posts
#haha - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#and the reader is his professor who has a drunken fling with him as gigolo and then walks into her new class the next day
My Top Posts in 2021
WIP Wednesday!
Also from the beginning of Void Chapter 8:
Jin and Jimin are in the kitchen. Your palms get a bit sweaty as you contemplate whether or not they heard anything from your sleep pod. Your lingering arousal has you flashing back to your various elicit moments with both men. Fantasies about Jin eating you out against the dining room table while Jimin masturbates run through your head. Get it together. You grab some cereal and coffee and sit down at the table next to Jin.
There’s a few moments of silence as Jin chews his food. Then he nudges you with his elbow. “So Jungkook got a pretty early start, huh?”
Jimin gasps. “You can’t just say that!”
“What?” Jin laughs. “Isn’t everything supposed to be out in the open now?”
You nod, though feel less at ease about the whole thing that Jin seems too. “Like the bonobos.”
“Fucking bonobos…” Jimin mutters under his breath, standing up and getting a second cup of coffee.
“Seems more awkward to not talk about it.” Jin continues. “We all know he was in there. Why pretend otherwise?”
“Seems rather un-gentlemanly though…” Jimin says, looking down at his tablet.
All three of your tablets buzz at the same moment. It’s a shipwide message from the commander.
A reminder to all crew members that any activities of a personal nature are to be conducted in the privacy of the sleep pods. They are not appropriate for the public areas of the ship, which are monitored and recorded.”
The choice to put this in a written communication rather than an in-person conversation is surprisingly passive agressive for Namjoon.
Jimin looks directly at you. “What did you do?”
“Why do you assume it was me?”
“She took all her clothes off in the kitchen!” Jin laughs.
“Excuse you! I covered the camera! You’re the one who ran me ass-first into our commanding officer!”
190 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 18:47:30 GMT
Void Drabble #2
So I found this scene in my notebook but have nowhere to put it because it isn't the OC's POV and it isn't long enough for a bonus chapter. So here... this scene falls time-wise in the middle of chapter 8.
Jimin hasn't known or cared what day of the week it was for over two years. But today... today is Thursday.
He pulls down two mugs for coffee, one for him and one for her. But hesitates with the coffee carafe in hand. Was bringing her coffee too boyfriendy? Jimin has never been in a casual-monkey-sex-to-save-the-mission-but-not-have-feelings relationship before, if one can even call it a relationship. But she likes coffee, he knows she likes coffee. It's never a bad thing to do something nice, right?
What is his plan anyways? Hey, here's some coffee, wanna bone? Hey here's some coffee, could we cuddle and read the news together on the floor of the sleep pod? Hey, here's some coffee, let's consult our daily schedules and find a mutually agreeable time for some non-romantic fornicating?
"Are you going to pour that or just stare at it?" Yoongi has arrived while Jimin was spiraling and is tapping his foot behind him, waiting for access to the caffeine.
"Oh, uh, yeah, here." Jimin hands over the coffee without filling either mug. Yoongi looks puzzled for a second, glances at the two empty mugs in front of Jimin, but then grabs his own mug, fills it, and settles into a seat at the table with his tablet.
Jimin is left holding the coffee carafe again and puzzling about how best to approach his girlfriend/colleague-he-has-sex-with-once-a-week.
"So today is Thursday," Yoongi says without looking up.
"Yup," Jimin replies. "Which makes tomorrow Friday." I'm going to fuck her today. You're going to fuck her tomorrow. And we're both just supposed to be cool with that.
"Yup," Yoongi says.
Is Yoongi going to fuck her tomorrow? Has he already? How was he just sitting there drinking his coffee and not worrying about any of this.
Jimin puts down the coffee again and spins around to face Yoongi. "This is weird, right?"
"Yup." Yoongi nods, then shrugs. "But it's been weird for a while."
Jimin laughs, finally deciding to just pour the damn coffee. "I suppose so." He adds a scoop of powered milk and a scoop of sugar to his own coffee, but hesitates before adding anything to hers, remembering the way she grimaced the last time he made her coffee.
Jimin turns back around to face his rival again. "Do you know how our botanist prefers her coffee?"
Yoongi clears his throat. "One scoop of milk, no sugar."
No sugar? Jimin frowns as he stirs the milk into her mug. He had assumed he had made it too bitter, not too sweet. What does he actually know about her at all? "I suppose you know how she prefers a lot of things," Jimin says.
Yoongi tries to keep his expression neutral, but Jimin catches just the briefest smirk flit across his face. "Yup," he replies.
Jimin hums to himself in thought as he gathers up the coffees and goes to find his date/bonobo for the day.
272 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 01:07:33 GMT
WIP Wednesday!
From the opening of Void Chapter 8:
It’s the middle of the night when something brushes against your cheek. You twist away, rolling over in your sleeping bag. The sounds of a summer night back home and running water fill your ears, just enough to drown out the mechanical noises of the ship.. Again, something gentle brushes your cheek, running down the side of your face and caressing across along your jawbone. You scrunch up your face in annoyance and hear a soft chuckle.
It’s a hand stroking your face, more insistent now. A finger traces slowly around your ear, then glides down your cheek and across your lip. It makes your lip tickle and when you lick your lips to soothe them, your tongue brushes across the rough pad of a large thumb.
You open your eyes to find the youngest crew member standing over you in the darkness.
“Jungkook?” you mumble, rubbing your eyes. “What is it?” He’s dressed in his sleep clothes, a plain white t-shirt and pajama pants slung low on his hips. He smiles as he cups your jaw and tilts your face up to look at him.
“It’s Tuesday,” he whispers. You open your mouth to object about the ungodly hour, but he takes the opportunity to pop his thumb right between your lips.
275 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 14:18:12 GMT
Void Updates
Recently Published
Void Jimin Drabble
Currently working on:
Chapter 8 - “The New Normal” - third draft 20% complete (3000 words)
Sneak peek 1
Sneak peek 2
Sneak peek 3
Sneak peek 4
Namjoon bonus chapter - third draft 30% complete (1300 words)
Sneak peek 1
Sneak peek 2
Future updates
Chapter 9 - “Three Dolphin Club”
Jimin bonus
Chapter 10 - “Contamination”
Chapter 11 - “Darkest Hour”
Jin bonus
Taehyung bonus
Chapter 12 - “Coup D’etat”
Chapter 13 - “Space Orgy”
Hoseok bonus
Epilogue - “Europa”
Yoongi bonus
Up-to-date as of: October 30, 2021
Stages of progress in my writing process:
See the full post
540 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 10:49:42 GMT
Void - Part 7.5 - Jungkook Interlude (M)
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title banner by @rude–jude♡
Genre: Sci-fi with a little angst and a LOT of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (yup - all seven)
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Word Count: 3.7k
Part 7.5 / ?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: explicit sexual content, poorly negotiated kink, switch!Jungkook (but mostly sub!Jungkook), some slut shaming that goes both ways, slightly dubious consent in the very beginning because she is asleep
Author's Note: So this was originally intended to be the opening scene of Chapter 8, but then it got longer and smuttier than I was expecting, so I thought it would work better as a short stand-alone update. But be warned that it is significantly shorter than my typical Void chapters and Jungkook is the only member we see. I hope you enjoy it!
Crickets chirp and a soft breeze rustles through the grass when something brushes against your cheek. You twist away, rolling over in your sleeping bag. The sounds of a summer night back home fill your ears, just enough to drown out the mechanical noises of the ship. Again, something touches your cheek, running down the side of your face and caressing along your jawbone. You scrunch up your face in annoyance and hear a soft chuckle.
It’s a hand caressing your face, more insistent now. A finger traces around your ear, then glides down your cheek and across your lip. Your lips tickle and when you lick them, your tongue brushes across the rough pad of a large thumb.
You open your eyes to find your youngest crew member floating in front of you in the darkness, illuminated by a sliver of light from the hall, his dark hair fanning out slightly in the zero-g.
“Jungkook?” you mumble, rubbing your eyes. “What is it?” He’s dressed in his sleep clothes: a plain white t-shirt with grey sweatpants slung low on his hips. He smiles as he cups your jaw and tilts your face up to look at him.
“It’s Tuesday,” he whispers. You open your mouth to object about the ungodly hour, but he takes the opportunity to pop his thumb right between your lips. You suck on it automatically, too tired to entirely process what is happening right now.
He chuckles again, pulling himself closer to you. Saliva pools in your mouth as you taste his skin. His body heat is warm enough to reach you even through your sleeping bag. He leans in and places a soft kiss right below your ear, sending shivers up and down your spine. “That’s it,” he whispers in your ear. A surge of arousal courses through you as he pulls himself flush against you.
You gasp as he pulls his thumb from between your lips and drags a wet line over your jaw and down your neck. His hand is warm. “What time is it?” you ask.
He stares at your lower lip, pulling it down just slightly with his thumb. “Almost six,” he answers. Then he kisses you.
Jungkook kisses you like he’s trying to breathe you in, like all the air was sucked from his lungs and you are his oxygen. It’s intoxicating, makes you feel light-headed. He inhales you so deeply, he steals your breath from you.
With the gravity off, your feet float in the air. But Jungkook’s own gravitational field seems to be bringing him closer and closer to you. His whole body presses along you as he wraps you in his arms.
The sleep pod is still dark. All you hear is his deep breathing and then, the unzipping of your sleeping bag. With one arm wrapped around your waist, Jungkook’s other hand begins sneaking its way into the open zipper. His fingers brush across your bare stomach.
“Where is your shirt?” he teases. In the haze of sleep and drunk off his kisses, you can’t remember. Where is your shirt? Where are your pants? Jungkook’s fingers reach your bare thigh. “No pants either…” He laughs softly.
“Oh shit.” Your stomach lurches as you realize where you left your shirt. “Wait.” You break away from Jungkook to catch your breath. “My shirt…”
“You remember now?” Jungkook laughs, pulling a small white bundle out of the pocket of his pants. “You left it hanging over the kitchen camera.”
Your ears burn as you snatch your shirt from his hands. “Sorry,” you mutter.
“Quite a scandalous thing to do, leaving your clothing strewn all over the ship.” Jungkook licks his lips. “Sends quite the message to everyone.”
Your heart skips a beat. The throbbing sensation that rushes through you is a confusing mix of guilt, arousal, and embarrassment all at once. “I didn’t…”
“Didn’t what?” Jungkook asks, pulling himself closer again, arms wrapping around your waist. “Didn’t ask me to fuck you?”
No… you definitely did that.
His hands are back inside your sleeping bag. “Didn’t strip your clothes off and spread your legs right in front of my ramen?”
See the full post
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi! how have you been since the hell that ensued after halloween is?
also could you do a batboys college au? like their major and how the reader would meet them and all that jazz? 👉👈
hi anon!! i’m not sure what ur talking about @ the halloween stuff hvsdhjs but! here are the batboys hc’s! i’m not very familiar with duke thomas’s character enough to write about him tbh, so he’s not included here :( but if you want me to add him let me know!! i hope you enjoy!!
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dick grayson
out of all the batboys i really didn’t know how to choose a major for him
i think he’d do law tbh, specifically criminal law 
his main motivation to become a police officer in bludhaven had been to be able to help people in any way he can 
i forgot if it’s canon or not but he does realize how corrupt it is and he quits but that’s another thing we won’t get into that lmao 
anyways yes let’s just stick with law 
meeting you ! 
he shares one or two courses with you
one that’s really early in the morning 
and one that’s later on in the afternoon 
dick is like a magnetic okay
anywhere he goes people are just attracted to him
like literally he will breathe 
but someone call the ambulance there’s a person that’s passed out bc of how beautiful he is
but this is an 8 am class 😃
so there’s no way ur awake enough to notice him
coincidentally he sits next to you one time
and this is the one time
you decide
yeah lemme just fkn sleep is uni even worth it 
dick definitely notices right away but he doesn’t say anything 
he thinks you look so cute passed out on your desk like this 🥺
when the professor signals the end of the class, he watches as people file out and then he just leans over and nudges you slightly 
you nearly punch him bc he scared you ❤️
he just laughs and goes “class is over” 
you just sigh like the guilt starts to hit you and your heart begins to sink
and he sees your disappointed face and just goes 
“i took a lot notes. i can share them w you?”
lifesaver in every single way dick grayson 😻😻😻
you had another class that you had to run to and you were rushing
he was like “dw i’ll just give them to you whenever i see you next” 
and you 🏃🏻‍♀️ outta there
imagine ur surprise when u enter class at 12 pm and he’s there in all his glory 
after the lecture is over, he walks up to you as you’re packing and asks if you want to go to the coffee shop nearby 
to take his notes of course
and you finally register just how handsome he is 
so obviously you say yes wtf
and the rest is history 😼
he asks you out, properly, pretty early on tbh 
so unfazed lmfao 
now you take naps on his shoulder instead of the desk 💞💞💞
soooo into pda 
kisses u when he first sees you
when you’re parting ways
when he feels like it
straight up cuddles w during lectures i’m not even joking 
it’s disgusting how cute you two are 
gets you coffee for all those 8 am classes u have w him hehe
study dates always turn into karaoke sessions somehow don’t even ask lmao
jason todd
english literature 
this is a collective agreement right? 
definitely english literature 
i dont even think he wants to go to uni but he’s going to waste time plus this is bruce’s money 😏🤑
your major doesn’t necessarily have to be english literature as well
but you share one class
and my god 
you two disagree on everything
like every little thing
at this point if he says something and you slightly agree internally you’ll still say some opposing shit 
that’s kinda what draws you to him 
at first you genuinely had nothing against him
but then this kind of rivalry developed for no specific reason 
but it was fun
and he was hot
so seeing him get flustered or angry made him even hotter somehow 
but then
but t h e n
you’re not sure if your professor like ships you or something
so you’re assigned a debate topic on one of the books you’d discussed in class/one of the books you’ve read outside, and within each group are the two sides for and against 
not only were you in the same team as jason, but you were on the same side as him
so you had to work with him
the audacity of the professor omg 
but jason needs this course 
well you don’t but it’s too late to back out now 
you two meet in the campus library after deciding on a book with the other two of your team
you two work so well together 
like insanely well
during the debate you destroyed the other team 
spoiler alert 
doing so well with jason kinda made you like hot and bothered 
seeing him in his zone
sexy <3 
what i mean to say is
you both end up making out in some storage room lmfao 
or hate sex 😏
professor has a phd in matchmaking 🤔😻
i think you two don’t admit you like each other
bc you’re both stubborn as fuck
but eventually you’re literally on his lap on his couch and it just hits you
and you lean back and go
“wanna go out w me” 
and he just shrugs and goes “sure” and pulls you in for more kissing hehe
he’s not v good at the boyfriend thing tbh
you have to chase him around and be like “sir!!! did u forget about me huh!!!”
he doesn’t mean to i promise
he gets all blushy and flustered once he realizes 
only ever into pda if he’s insanely jealous 
will straight up make out w u regardless of where u are or who ur with lmfao 
he’s still getting used to the little intimacies and all 
debates in class are so much more fun now cause he finds it so hot when u get all riled up hehe
that eng lit professor is so happy for you two omg
tim drake
okay i also couldn’t really decide for him
but maybe he’d study something like physics (or maybe computer engineering/computer science) 
idk u have to have a death wish to wanna major in physics so tim’s major it is
i’m not sure how it works for every other uni but my uni requires 6 credits of sciences to graduate 
so let’s say for the sake of this hc u take like just the first level of physics to get 3 credits 
you’re struggling 😃👍🏼
so you like approach your professor with a few questions before the quiz 
but tim is also there
and he kinda makes small talk while you two wait outside the office
and he asks why you’re here
you show him
and he’s like “oh i took this course w the same professor as well, i could help?” 
it’s like an angel had descended from the heavens for you personally 
you take his number and decide to meet up with him after a few hours 
he’s of so much more help than your professor would’ve been, even if ur prof is a really nice and smart person 
and he’s super like
patient with you? 
also he pays for all the coffee and snacks you’re getting after you already get them 
ur like bruh i didnt 
dont pay pls
and he’s like no im loaded let me 😼
swooning <3 
and guess what!! 
you ace the quiz out of some miracle
first thing you do is text him and he congratulates you 
and then
bc ur not blind and tim is so fucking cute
you’re like “can i take u out to thank u” 
tim’s brain stops working but ! 
he does say yes eventually 
he becomes your designated physics tutor + your amazing boyfriend
being with tim is so like
it’s a very relaxed time 
lots of study dates! and cafe dates! all hours of the day whether the sun is up or not 
into pda but to a certain degree 
like yes of course have a kiss pretty baby 
but also it will only be a small peck
any time anyone passes by like common rooms you two will be there snuggling on the couch, one or both of you completely passed out 
damian wayne
business major 100% 
or a bsba econ major, which is basically the business side of economics 
he has to take over his father’s company one day duh 
also i genuinely think damian would excel in this field 
he’s a very keeps to himself kinda guy in uni
like you only ever see him in your common classes and then he just
anyways there was this party that everyone was going to, and damian wasn’t planning to
but dick accidentally read some groupchat’s messages and was like are u going
damian went 🏃🏻‍♀️
but dick was like go and try to make friends !!!! 
and dames cant say no to his big bro 🥺 so he goes
stays in a corner on the settings app the entire time
like half an hr in he just leaves and is walking home/back to his dorm when you come like rushing up to him 
you’re zooming 
and then you just latch onto his hand and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear “this person’s been following me for like 15 mins just please go along w this” 
he kinda stiffens but when he does notice that there’s a person eyeing you he slips his arm around your waist and just carries on walking
he walks you to your home/dorm and is like
so awkward 
but it’s okay ! ur a people’s person enough for the two of you 
you thank him so much over and over 
and then you’re like 
“can i take you out on a real date?” 
and then he becomes ur real boyfriend hehe
is still super stiff but it’s only bc he’s so hyper aware of how attractive you are
and i’m super positive he doesn’t have that much experience with dating so 
you hold the reigns 
but he’s a great boyfriend all in all tbh 
super attentive, super protective, and so loving 
isn’t into pda especially on college campus but he does like subtle pda
things like linking your pinkies or giving you his hoodie to just parade around campus hehe
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end note; i’m sorry if these feel rushed or anything like. i used to be an avid writer for the batboys, but i just haven’t been feeling it lately. i still love to write from them bc i know these boys so well eeeeppp. anyways feel free to request some more!!
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (10)
Act 2
Warnings: angsty shit, future smut.
Wc: 1.8k (sorry for the short ass chapter-)
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You blinked sleepily, a finger poking your arm and insistently pulling you out of your slumber.
A whine left your mouth as you opened your eyes slightly, Felix's face hovering over yours.
"Lix-" You groaned, pushing him away and casting a quick glance at the clock on your wall. " It's a Saturday morning, fucking let me sleep." You rolled over, burying your face in the pillow as Felix let out a deep sigh.
"Y/n, this is important. There's something I thought I should let you know-"
"Fuck. Off." You growled, voice muffled by the pillow.
Felix sat there for a moment, contemplating his life choices. Why exactly did he think it would be a good idea to try and wake you up at 8 am on a Saturday?
If he told you the news now, you'd be mad at him for having disturbed your precious sleep. If he tells you when it's too late- god, you'd be pissed beyond doubt.
Either way, he'd have to face your wrath. Deciding he didn't want such a pretty morning to be ruined, he put it off. Was it the right decision? Guess he had to wait and find out.
He cast one last glance at your sleeping face, heart beating. He hoped you’d take it well...he doesn’t want to see you devastated again. 
Mentions of him always managed to do exactly that, though. 
He really wasn’t prepared for another night of crying and excessive wine drinking, patting your back as you asked the same question, again and again.
He wished he could let you know you were more than enough, worthy of the world. And he’d be sure to protect you. 
He wasn’t going to hurt you. Not again.
When you finally woke up, courtesy of your alarm, you sat up and slid out of bed. Stumbling out of your room, you headed to the bathroom, which seemed to be locked.
"Lix! Come out, I really need to pee!"
"Just a second!"
You groaned and rested your head against the door, letting your eyes flutter closed again. Felix was definitely a wonderful roommate- you'd gotten lucky in that department- but he always hogged the bathroom, and it infuriated you.
You still remembered the day you met Felix again. You'd moved back to the town after about five years, no longer wanting to live with your mom and her insufferable boyfriend. As soon as you graduated, you took advantage of your newfound independence to go back to where it all began.
Running into Felix had been a pleasant surprise. The two of you had gone to a café to catch up. He mentioned his need for a roommate, and since then you'd been inseparable. He re-introduced you to the boys, including Minho who you’d already been in touch with. They’d all been friends even after high school and throughout college, their old group intact. Well, except for him.
Chan had moved away just a few weeks after you had, according to Felix. It had been quite sudden, and there were barely any goodbyes, just like with you. Half the guys had been relieved, apparently. Especially Minho. 
Everything that had happened back in high school seemed extremely childish, now that you were an adult with a job and bills to pay. However, you still couldn't exactly find it in your heart to forgive Chan. He was your first love, after all...and those tend to turn bittersweet. He'd betrayed your trust and played with your feelings. Yes, you were young and naïve, but you should have seen it coming- you'd always thought he was too perfect for you. Too good to be true...
You almost fell forward when the door suddenly opened, snapping out of your thoughts as Felix caught you, chuckling.
"Take a shower, sleepyhead." He chuckled, ruffling your hair as he let you go and walked over to the kitchen, presumably to make breakfast.
You smiled as he left, sleepily removing your sweatpants and shirt when you heard your phone ring from on top of the sink. Pausing, you inched closer and grabbed it as you shut the door, lifting the phone to your ear after a quick glance at the caller ID.
"Minho! I was just about to take a shower-"
A chuckle from the other end. "Sure, I was just calling to remind you."
"Remind me? Of what?"
"We were planning to go to the mall today!" His indignant voice came shooting into your ears. You winced and giggled, clutching the phone tighter as a loud sigh came through.
"Chill, I didn't forget."
A huff. "Good. I'll pick you up in a bit."
You ended the call, a faint smile lingering on your face. Your unlikely friendship with Minho was one the universe itself probably didn't see coming, in all honesty. 
You still remembered how vile he used to be. Yes, he had a reason, but that didn’t exactly erase all the pain and discomfort he’d put you through. 
He’d shown massive regret, though. Proved that he changed for the better. Besides, you couldn’t exactly push him away after finding out what connected the two of you. So, you’d forgiven him...
You wondered if you would ever find it in yourself to forgive Chan the same way- if you ever see him again, that is. The pain he’d caused was worse. You’d trusted him...loved him, only to find out he’d been using you all along. That he was in love with someone else, even as he hugged you and kissed you. As you brushed your teeth, your mind drifted, memories made with him replaying in your head. The feeling of his soft lips pressed against yours...intertwined fingers, his arms wrapped firmly around you as a storm raged on, a similar one swirling in your heart.
You shook your head, rinsing your mouth as you reminded yourself that it was all in the past. There was no point thinking about Chan anymore. You had Felix and Minho, your best friends and the only people that mattered, currently. It was all you needed.
Chan’s grip on the steering wheel was loose, his eyes half-open as he drove. He was way too tired, and it was probably dangerous to drive in his state. He was already close, though.
He briefly averted his eyes from the road to check the directions Felix had texted him. Yes, he’d arrive any minute now.
His heart was pounding. He couldn’t believe he was back here, years later. He’d missed this town, to be honest. And yet, at the time, his parents’ transfer had felt like a blessing. A way to escape from the pain he’d felt at your betrayal, as well as your sudden departure.
Felix had told him. You were his roommate. There was a lump in his throat, nervousness and anxiety at the thought of seeing you again brimming up. He didn’t know if he was ready.
The initial anger he’d felt when he saw you with Minho had faded away. All that was left now was disappointment, a faint sadness lingering in the back of his mind at all times. 
You’d been the one to show him what happiness felt like. He’d felt it when cuddling your small frame- skin pressed against skin, your radiant smile etching itself into his brain. He’d felt it when you took him to that museum, showing him what true beauty was. 
He couldn’t forget what you felt like. He’d tried to, with numerous people. And yet...all he could think about was you. Even now, as an adult. And here he was, mere minutes away from having to see your face again.
Just be quick. In, out. Greet Felix, catch up with him a little and that’s it. Come on, Chan. You can do this...
He parked the car, swallowing as he stepped out. This was it.
You pulled up your pants just as you heard the doorbell ring. “Coming!’ You shouted, zipping up as you ran over to the door, opening it and glaring.
"Ah, finally! You're late."
"I had to drop Dea at school." Minho shook his head, entering your apartment and heading straight to the kitchen, the enticing smells luring him in.
"Oh. How is she? It's been a while since I saw her."
"She's good. Misses you a little. She asked me when we're all going to hang out again."
"Soon." You assured, knowing you weren't that busy the following week. Following him into the kitchen, you watched Felix flip the pancakes, looking up as Minho entered.
"Hey, Min. Didn't know you were coming today. Want some?" He tilted his chin towards the pan.
Minho smirked and grabbed one of the strawberries Felix had set aside, popping into his mouth and shaking his head. "No, thanks. We've got a movie to catch, so we have to leave right away." You pouted at that, crossing your arms. "But I don't wanna be hungry! Want pancakes." You mumbled.
The two men looked at you, eyebrows raised at your sudden display. Felix cringed, chuckling as Minho cooed at you.
"You're so cute." He pinched your cheek, looking back at his watch. "Ah fuck, we really have to go now, Y/n."
"But-" You looked over at Felix, who flashed you an apologetic grin as Minho grabbed your hand, practically dragging you over to the door.
"Wait!" Felix suddenly called out, cursing under his breath as he remembered what he was supposed to tell you. Fuck, he’d almost forgot.
"There's no time to waste! We'll be back later, Lix-"
It was too late. Felix was secretly glad Minho was taking you away though. Maybe he could quickly get things done with Chan, and get him to leave before you come back? No...it would be unfair to keep the truth from you. He didn't want you to run into Chan on accident, and quite possibly murder him when you get home.
Calming down a little, he turned back to his pan, just as Minho opened the door.
Your eyes widened as your eyes landed on the man standing in front of you.
No. It couldn't be...were you hallucinating? Or was that really Chan, frozen in place with his finger hovering over the doorbell?
Unfortunately, it wasn't a trick your brain was playing on you. Minho was staring at Chan too, shell-shocked as the latter's gaze drifted down to your intertwined hands.
A mass of uncomfortable feelings and emotions you'd repressed for years bubbled up to the surface, almost making you want to throw up. This couldn't be happening.
Chan felt the same way. So you were still with Minho? Fuck, the regret in him was raw, painful as it resurfaced. Suddenly, the anger was back.
The prolonged silence was suspicious to Felix. "Hey, guys...?" He frowned and left the kitchen, stopping in his tracks as he saw Chan and you, icy glares evident as you stared at each other.
"Fuck." He gulped, inching closer to the three. "Um. This was what I m-meant to tell you, Y/n. Surprise! Chan's back!" He giggled nervously, the anger in your eyes scaring him slightly as you turned to look at him.
Chan gritted his teeth, eyes still trained on your hands. “I’m back.” He repeated, glaring at you.
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Sutures - Chapter Three: Anosognosia
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): drinking, drunkenness, light smut, sex dream, implications of oral sex, obsessive behavior from an ex, unhealthy relationship dynamic (not on part of Yoongi & OC)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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Yoongi saw the look in your eyes shift from soft curiosity to sheer panic. He felt the pit of his stomach fill with guilt. He shouldn't have slept with you; sure, the two of you would still have this problem, but no one would've had reason to find your shoes. You wouldn't have had reason to leave them behind. 
He'd felt betrayed, he'd felt lonely, he'd felt unloved by those he wanted to love him most. But, that was no excuse to sleep with the first attractive girl he found. 
"Have you told Bang PD yet?" Namjoon asked, his demeanor calm, but Yoongi could see the slight shock cross over his features, causing his thick lips to pout and his chin to jut out. 
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'll call him," Namjoon said. The leader placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He blocked Yoongi's view of you. He worried in those few seconds you were blocked from his view that you would collapse into Namjoon's chest and cry the tears meant for him. The tears because of him. 
Namjoon left the room, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He tried his best not to focus on the way your tank top hugged your chest and exposed the hickeys he'd left the night before and that Namjoon probably noticed it too.
"You look tired," Yoongi said. "We can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Try and get some sleep."
You nodded and Yoongi wasn't sure if you were just trying to reassure him or yourself. He remembered the way you'd fallen asleep long before he did. The way you'd fit against his body; how it felt like two puzzle pieces joining together for the first time. He blinked away the thoughts and tried to focus back down on your eyes. 
"We'll pay them off," Yoongi said. "We'll make sure nothing comes of this."
Jihee (9:00 am): Are you all right?
Jihee (9:05 am): I heard you're in the hospital
Jihee (10:01 am): None of your members are texting me back
Jihee (12:31 pm): Baby, the news is reporting something about your soulmate? What happened last night?
Jihee (2:43 pm): Yoongi! Please respond to me! I'm worried
Jihee (5:12 pm): Yoongi...what I did last night...what happened was all a mistake...
Jihee (5:12 pm): I still love you
Jihee (6:00 pm): The news said you were released hours ago! Respond to me!
Jihee (8:20 pm): Yoongi, I miss you
Jihee (9:30 pm): I know I don't deserve you. But, please just tell me you're okay
Jihee (11:50 pm): Goodnight. Love you.
"Baby," you moaned. Your hands slipping beneath Yoongi's shirt. They were cold, but he still loved the way they moved over his stomach and chest. Your fingertips grazing over his skin, a fingernail occasionally catching and causing him to squirm.
His hands were in your hair, messing it up and causing it to form mountain ranges as his fingers hiked the peaks and valleys. He loved the way it felt between his fingers, soft and light. 
Your lips moved from his and down to his neck where your lipstick stained his skin. He kept his grip on your hair, feeling it tug slightly as you move downward. He helped you slip his shirt off as your lips connected with his chest. 
"You don't have--"
You silenced him by tugging on the waistband of his jeans and rubbing your thumb over the button, teasing him slightly. 
"I want to," you responded, unbuttoning his jeans. 
Yoongi tightened his grip on your hair, trying not to focus on the way your lipstick was smeared above your lips. He could already imagine the way they'd look...
His head lulled back and his fingers loosened. 
Yoongi awoke. He was covered in sweat and ran his hand through his hair. He glanced down at his phone: 6:41 am. He sighed and headed to the bathroom. 
He slapped himself softly, trying to stop the thoughts that continued to cross his mind. He didn't have feelings for you, it was simply lingering from he slept with you. Nothing else. 
He wasn't going to deny he was attracted to you, he wouldn't have gone back to your apartment otherwise, but he felt nothing romantically for you. Yoongi knew the attraction would continue and probably only get worse, but he had to fight it. The last thing he wanted to do was break either of hearts more than they already were. 
Yoongi turned on the shower, the water colder than usual.
You stood in Yoongi's studio where he kept his computer. You'd suppressed your laughter at the ridiculous amount of hoops you'd had to jump through in order to enter. A doorbell, black curtain, and two doors. You respected the fact he took his work seriously though. The wall full of awards and trophies he'd won, a few even separate from BTS.
There was a couch in the corner, but you were too anxious to sit. You just wanted your shoes back and whoever took them to get their money and leave you alone. You were thankful your name hadn't been released and the only other person who knew the full truth was Eunji.
"There's many of us trying," Yoongi said. "Me, Namjoon, our managers, other people at the company. One of us will get them." 
You nodded and watched as the countdown on the auction neared two minutes to the end. There weren't many bids, but the shoes were somehow already over 300,000 won ($276 USD). You'd brought your knitting needles and some yarn and mindlessly knitted.
"What are you making?" Yoongi asked, a small smile breaking out across his lips. It was tiny and barely recognizable. You weren't sure if he pitied you or if simply trying to break the tension. 
"Nothing in particular," you said. "I just need something to keep me busy." 
Normally, when you went in without a plan, it turned out as a scarf. You bit you lip as the timer hit a minute. 
Yoongi saw your gaze shift to his screen and he readied to enter his bid as close to the end as he could. He entered one million won ($920.00 USD) and hovered his finger over the enter button. 
"That's too much!" you said. 
"No one will outbid it."
"I know," you said. "But I feel bad. I shouldn't have forgotten them in the first place." 
The timer hit twenty seconds. Ten seconds. Yoongi waited just a few more seconds wanting to time it just right. 
You heard a scream and a crash and almost simultaneously an error message appeared on Yoongi's computer. Please connect to Wi-Fi.
"Shit," Yoongi said. "Jimin!"
You followed Yoongi to the living room, leaving the partially started scarf behind. You saw Jimin and Jungkook crowded around the router working to connect the cord back into it. 
"Did you trip over it again?" Yoongi asked, his voice breathy and exasperated. 
"Sorry," he said. "I'm not used to it." 
Yoongi sighed and turned back to you. His dark eyes looked down at you apologetically and he sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone. 
"I'll try and see if I can see who won." 
"It looks like they're going to have to come out and fix it," Namjoon said, hanging up the phone. "We won't have internet until then." 
The members groaned. 
Jungkook walked into the kitchen and brought back a case of beer, a smirk plastered on his face. 
"Let's play a game," he said. "To welcome Sumi to the dorm."
"What game?" Namjoon asked. 
"Answer or drink," he said. "On your turn, someone asks you a question and if you don't want to answer it, you have to drink." 
Everyone agreed and sat in a circle. Yoongi sat on one side of you and Hoseok on the other side. Your knee brushed Yoongi's and you felt a small pang in your chest as you pulled away.
"All right, we'll go in order of age. Jin, you're up first." 
You didn't really pay attention to the questions. You'd fall somewhere towards the end. Between Jungkook and Taehyung. 
Jin answered the question. He didn't seem like the type to be embarrassed easily, a quality you admired in the eldest. 
"Yoongi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
The room stayed silent. No one had a question for the boy and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. However, Taehyung meekly raised his hand. 
"What happened with Jihee?"
Yoongi cussed to himself. He knew she had been texting the other members about him. The other members would always consult him first before telling her anything when it was obvious he wasn't talking to her. 
"She cheated," Yoongi answered simply. 
The other boys' eyes widened and they nodded. However, it wasn't their gazes Yoongi felt boring into him. It was yours. He could feel your eyes staring at his profile. 
Yoongi had been careful the night he met you. He managed not even to tell you his name. He'd only mentioned he'd recently gotten out of a relationship. He figured you didn't need to hear his sob story. Besides, he planned on keeping Jihee's betrayal a secret. Just as she wanted. The only people he could trust with the truth were his members. 
But, you deserved to know the truth. It was unfair to keep you completely at a distance, especially when he'd overheard everything about your ex.
Yoongi noticed you drinking, you'd already cracked open another can by the time it got Namjoon. He felt a twinge in his chest. Yoongi quickly suppressed it, your drinking habits were none of his business. And based on the way Eunji talked the night at the bar, it didn't sound like you drank much. Only when your heart was broken.
"Sumi," Jungkook said. "Your turn." 
Again, the room fell silent. No one knew Sumi well enough to ask her such a personal question. But, then again, everyone was tipsy, or in a few cases, already drunk. 
"How's Yoongi in bed?" 
Everyone except for Yoongi and you laughed. 
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. 
He knew it was the alcohol that asked the question, but it was still inappropriate. He didn't want you to have to drink. Your eyes were glazed and your cheeks rosy. 
Yoongi reached over and drank for you, crumpling the can when he finished. 
"Move on," he said. "It should be your turn, right, Jungkook?"
"Wait," you said. "I didn't answer." 
Everyone turned to look at you. It was obvious you were too drunk to notice that Yoongi had technically already drank for you. 
"He's good," you answered. "Better than my ex and I hate that cause..." 
You drifted off not noticing the seven stunned faces staring at you.Your words slurred, but they hung in the room. Your eyelids drooped and your head lulled forward into your chest. 
"I think it's time for bed," Namjoon said, standing up and helping you stand. He threw an arm around you and led you down the hall towards your bedroom. 
Despite the fact that the situation was perfectly appropriate, Yoongi still felt a small pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't and that it was all the soulmates thing, but that didn't stop his fists from clenching. 
"She probably won't remember this in the morning," Yoongi said. "Don't remind her."
Yoongi swallowed the rest of his drink and left the room on the pretenses of being sleepy--which he was--but he also didn't want anyone to see the blush come to his cheeks. 
You awoke the next morning with the worst headache you'd ever had. You clutched your forehead and glanced at the time: 10:30 am. You sighed. 
You spotted your knitting things from yesterday placed on top of the dresser. You didn't remember fetching them from Yoongi's studio, but then again, you barely remembered anything after Jimin knocked the Wi-fi out. 
"All I drank was beer," you muttered to yourself. 
You weren't known for being a lightweight causing you to wonder just how much you'd drank the night before.
As you squirmed you felt something soft move in the crook of your arm. You looked down and saw Kitty. You smiled at the stuffed cat and her droopy eye. 
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pangtasias-atelier · 3 years
Fattened Up Devils
This was planned a whole ass year ago but then I kinda fell out of Obey Me. I wanted to write this but just kinda haven't lol, so take this 2k outline/kinda heaadcanons
Size ideas/focuses
Supportive of the human's antics, saying it livens up the place and makes it so that devil's don't look as scary. Is also got a little pot belly but doesn't mind, happily accepting the lunches the human gives him at school everyday.
Skinny, not even a single pound gained. Still tsundere and caring as ever. Same ol' activity as always. Still just flabbergasted about wtf the human is doing to the devils around him, but also kinda salty that the human is spending less time with him.
Barely able to move, lazy and whiny. Out of breath, always wants the human to be by his side. Acts like a child. Huge gut and breasts. Clothes super tight/ripped. Tries to go to school, always gives up after breakfast, too tired and full to walk. Stays home now.
Extremely huge ass. Super lazy, just stays at home now. The others can have the human as long as they stay with him. Binge watches anime and binges. Sweatpants, doesn't care about being called a shut-in/neet anymore.
Pretty big. A soft large round shape. Still attends classes. Tries his distant stuff but never works anymore, his extra pudge making him lose all credibility. Doesn't admit it but really enjoys having more time with the human at school. He gets super flustered as the human smiles at his "cool" act.
Husky but make it hourglass. Always as fashionable as ever. Points out their weight and always tries to sell it as the new hip trend. Has a modeling job still. Also flaunts and teases others about it. Especially the human, but it doesn't work so instead he whines to them as they comfort him.
Even hungrier than before. Pretty fat. Like Belphegor but bigger ass. Magic casted on Beezlebub by the human to help suppress it so he can think for some time. But when it comes back, he's just an eating machine. Starts trying to outpace himself and eating more, the human helping him. Skips classes sometimes.
Need for sleep is even more severe. Like Beezlebub but bigger stomach. Often uses the human as a pillow but also allows the human to use him as a pillow, more like a bean bag. Skips classes most of the time. Not as demanding for the human, kinda goes with the flow.
Pacts with all 7 demon brothers. Practicing magic at RAD, getting extremely proficient with it. But uses it for "mundane" things. Basically to help out with cooking. All magic energy spent in a day to just help cook enough food for all 7. Not having gained a pound, as skinny as Lucifer. Coddles each one, always listening to them and doing them favors.
A general run through of the human's day.
Lucifer wakes up, refreshed and ready to start a new day. Quickly but immaculately getting ready, find that all the others are already awake before him. Again. Still not used to the sight, but he doesn't react as an enchanted plate and mug passes by right in front of his face. A simple everything bagel with cream cheese and black coffee Lucifer's breakfast.
Sitting down, the table is an absolute mess, no thanks in part due to all the others nearly stuffing his face.
Beezlebub is eating more food than a county fair, just absolutely famished and not even trying to, while Leviathan is trying to keep up as a show that he enjoys the human's food most of all. Actually keeping up, but struggling to, out of breath. Mammon is complaining about how hard it is to feed himself. Before shutting up as the utensils begin to feed him quickly with whole pancakes, waffles, french toast, omelettes etc, rubbing whatever he can even reach of his vast gut. Belphegor is slowly but surely picking away at his food, murmuring about how good it is. Satan has a, relatively, small plate but still packed with food. He actually tries to help the human, but is instead just kinda pushed back to sit down and relax. Asmodeus laughs at him, saying to eat what the human gives them. Patting his stomach, he says that all this weight is from the human loving him.
Asmodeus and Satan already dressed. Mammon has some boxer shorts and a too tight shirt. Levitation is in sweats. Beezlebub in jeans and a tight shirt. Belphegor in a shirt and tight pants.
Lucifer tries not to scowl or cough on his bagel by that point. Getting up after a bit, he goes to head out early for school, something with Diavolo planned.
Still at the House of Lamentations, Leviathan is groaning and stuffing his face as much as he can but still loses to Beezlebub. Complains and is about to get angry until the human reassures them that they did a great job, rubbing their huge gut. Levi grumbles before the human helps them get up, Levi waddling away and back to his room, huffing and rubbing his gut. Spell cast on Beezlebub, he and Belphegor leave to their first class, both leaving early to make stops and grab some more food. Mammon whining about how stuffed he is, he groans as he leans back. Huffing, he tries to stand back but falls back down. The chair splinters right underneath him, falling on his fat ass. Still whining saying the human should spend all day with him cause they did this. Asmodeus laughs and pokes at Mammon, Mammon too fat to stop him. Satan coughs, saying goodbye and thanks for breakfast again, face a bit red. Asmodeus leaves a bit after too. Using magic, the human gets Mammon up and helps them back to their room. Mammon whines for breaks all the time, but the human gets them back to his room and helps him lie down, Mammon all tired out.
Back at RAD, Lucifer checks the time. Seeing that it's still quite some time before the humans classes start, the human smart in taking classes later in the day. Meets Diavolo, has a meeting about the logistics of club rush or whatever, something irrelevant and I don't have to google much shit on. Lucifer extremely aware of Diavolo's pot belly. Diavolo not taking the meeting seriously, asking Lucifer probing questions about his brothers and the human, which Lucifer dutifully answers. A knock on the door, Diavolo tells them to enter and it's the human. They say hi to Lucifer before greeting Diavolo and handing them their lunch. Diavolo excited, he greedily hugs the human, saying Lucifer should take advantage of their great cooking. Lucifer suddenly notes the little onset of a double chin on Diavolo and just how much food can be packed in that bag.
Human goes to a class, knows no one, handwave it off. Have a small 20 min. gap. Goes to see Belphegor, Belphegor having lunch. Sees the table tip over a bit from Belphegor's weight. Sitting all alone, joins them, talking. Sees Belphegor is drowsy, buys them a coffee, putting a fuckton of sugar in it, to help wake them up. Almost time to go back to class, Beezlebub shows up, carrying a large amount of food. Sits down opposite of Belphegor. Asks human what's for dinner, human laughs before Belphegor asks the same, both ravenous. Human says curry before rushing off to next class.
Class is art, professor announces having a live model for this one. Asmodeus walks on, grinning and all cheery, knowing the human is in this class. Asks if this is a nude one, but professor reprimands them, saying to keep their clothes on. Asmodeus grumbles but does so. Keeps an eye on the human as they make their pose, everyone drawing. Human ignores all of Asmodeus bs, getting to work. Diligently gets all of Asmodeus' folds and curves, the drawing of Asmodeus even looking a bit fatter.
Leaves class, Asmodeus whines about how they still have a class after this and it's not fair that the human only has 2 classes twice a week. Human says it's not their fault for getting everything done back in the human realm. Human heading back home, sees a couple of texts.
One from the group chat of all 8 of them, Belphegor complaining about how hungry he is. Then it's about how everyone else is now hungry. Ends with Lucifer saying how ridiculous they all are. Human says, they'll make curry, just got out of class.
Sees another text from Leviathan. Asking them if they could buy some limited edition snacks, 2 of each (one for eating and one for collection) since they don't feel like leaving his room. Human agrees, then panics as someone taps their shoulder.
It's Satan, apologizing for scaring them and saying his classes are done too to walk back home together. Satan says it's fine to go do Leviathan's errand together. The two shopping, also ends with the human buying a lot of food and snacks. Satan doesn't understand how they didn't realize the sheer cost of it all. Human says it's okay, Diavolo is paying for it all as part of the exchange program. Also has some of Satan's favorite snacks, hot crisps. Two walk back together, hands full of bags. Chilly, Satan gives human his coat before they can argue. Then realizes how huge it is on them, trying not to think about it.
Back home, starts cooking dinner, assures Satan it's fine. Easy work with magic, everything ready in time. Sends text ten minutes before hand, everyone knowing that it's for Mammon who takes forever. Everyone still already seated, Leviathan second to last. Mammon asks what, everyone says they've been waiting. Lucifer angrily mentions the broken chair he heard from Asmodeus. Mammon says whatever, it's not the first thing and he's not the only one either, Leviathan breaking his computer chair and Beezlebub and Belphegor also breaking the couch in the recreation rooms. Asmodeus laughs before Mammon rats him out too, saying he broke a table from one of his selfie sessions and sitting on top of it. Then Mammon says Satan also broke a vase with his stomach from turning around.
Everyone minus Lucifer ready to fight, the human announces dinner, serving everyone. Plenty enough, everyone minus Lucifer gets seconds, some getting thirds and fourths.
After dinner, everyone heads back to their rooms. Human grabs snacks, goes to Leviathan's room. Gives them snacks, sees the empty boxes of pizza. Leviathan apologizes, saying that he knew curry wouldn't fill him up. Human says it's okay, feeds him the last half a box while two do a rewatch of an anime. Leviathan embarrassed and not even paying much attention with how close the human is, resting against his gut as they watch it.
After a couple episodes, the human goes to Mammon's room after getting a text from them. Arriving, they see Mammon is stuck on the floor, their chair broken. Whining about the cheap wood, he tells the human to help him. Instead they lie on his stomach playing on their phone. Mammon says it's not fair before asking nicely. The human helps them up. Patting and rubbing Mammon's stomach, they decide to start cleaning up the kitchen.
In the kitchen, the human starts washing the dishes. Every once in a while, someone walking in to grab some more food. Just finishing up, Lucifer walks in. Sees how "haggard" the human look, hair all unkempt, forehead glossy, asks to speak with them privately in the library.
Lucifer makes sure that his brothers aren't treating them like a servant or anything. Human assures him that they're fine, if they didn't enjoy this then they wouldn't be doing all of this.
Lucifer asks what do they mean by "this"?
Human explains doting on ,taking care of etc
Lucifer asks what about their weight.
Human nonchalantly says that they like their men to have some meat on them. Actually, make that a lot of meat.
Lucifer simply nods, saying that's all. Human walks off. Lucifer remembers the text in the group chat, everyone asking the human whether they liked men to have muscle or be skinny. The human instead saying "neither ;)"
Letting out a hmmph, Lucifer simply heads back to their own room. Having a plate of the human's cookies, Diavolo sharing it with him. Lucifer takes a bite before eating an entire cookie. Lifting up his shirt, he places a hand on his flat stomach. Thinking about the human's words, he eats another cookie.
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