#if it was a normal sized one he'd just eat it in one bite
fedoraspooky · 1 year
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A draw your OC eating a burger like Jerma challenge dropped in a friend server so I knew what I had to do
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
I haven't seen any dog stories in a while. How are Charleston and The Hanukkah Goblin doing?
Dog updates!
The first one is a little sad, but also how life should go. Arwen is 14 now and while she's still moving, eating, pooping and generally enjoying life, she also has canine dementia and sundown syndrome where she gets extremely nervous and her dementia gets worse after dark. She'll be with us for a while yet, but it's something we have to manage now.
One person who is very much helping her manage is Herschel. My parents are traveling a lot while they still have the knees for it so I spend a lot of time up at their house, and Charleston and Herschel come up too. Being a Corgi, Herschel likes to manage things, and Arwen would like someone to manage things for her so he's become her self-appointed guide dog.
When I call the dogs for food or outside, he goes and finds her deaf ass and herds her to the location. Normally she doesn't go outside after dark but when the boys are there she's willing to wait for Charlie to chase away anything that might be lurking out there, and then follow Herschel's ass around the yard at night.
Very literally.
She's also got cataracts forming and I think his bright white backside is easy for her to see in the dark, so she follows it around.
During daytime walks she sees well enough but neither she nor Charlie are fans of strange off-leash dogs running up to them (a regrettably common problem out here. I don't care if your dog is friendly MINE ARE NOT!), so both of them prefer to walk half a pace behind Herschel so his more socially adept and knife-filled face is out front to intercept any unwanted solicitors. This does tend to give people the opposite impression though- because he is so much shorter, Herschel gives the impression of a tiny, charming mafioso flanked by his two large and surly bodyguards.
Like, they absolutely would kill a bear for him.
But Charlie and Arwen would also try to kill a bear on general principle.
At night, when Arwen barks at shadows, Herschel runs up and stand between her and the alleged menace, and does his best to look large and intimidating and for as silly as he looks, he does have a very good growl. After a moment, when the alleged bear or congressman or other horror fails to appear, he will stick his nose into the offending shadow, and finding nothing, be satisfied that their joint effort has successfully chased the problem off, and report back to her. This, more than anything else, seems to alleviate Arwen 's fears.
I guess we all just need someone to take us seriously when we're frightened.
Charleston, meanwhile, has gotten into giving safari tours of the front range's small vertebrates.
After eight years of managing his exceptionally high prey drive, something clicked earlier this summer and instead of immediately lunging his whole face at any approximately bite-sized animal in an attempt to expedite it's journey into his stomach, Charlie has started *pointing* at things until I come look at them and tell him he's a good boy. This started with a mole, something he'd never seen before and that moves above ground in a strange way, so he wasn't sure about eating it, so he only alerted at it. "GOOD BOY!" I shouted, giving him all the cuddles. "GOOD SPOT! GOOD JOB NOT EATING IT!"
It's important to reward behavior you want to see.
Since then, he's been trying out pointing at small creatures in the grass and then making very pointed eye contact with me until I come look at them. This is a little tricky when walking both dogs because Herschel is still very much in his "inhale wildlife" phase, but usually I can lock the little gremlin's leash and go look at whatever Charlie has cornered while Herschel attempts to develop telekinesis to will the critter into his mouth.
So far, Charleston has found: a baby rabbit, several baby rabbits in a cluster, an adult rabbit with Jackalope virus, several voles, several moles, a fledgling owl, only the two mice, several mouse-sized grasshoppers and cicada, someone's pet rat (the person was searching within earshot and 'Socks' was collected forthwith), a beanie baby that had me fooled for a hit minute too, a marmot which I didn't know lived down here, a groundhog which I didn't know lived up here, a mink, so many toads, a wild turkey chick, so many more garter snakes and last night, an aquatic shrew.
I don't know if there's an Audubon Society for small things that scuttle around in the undergrowth, but I am inclined to join solely to get Charleston recognition for his service in surveying them.
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llamagoddessofficial · 3 months
llama i must know
do you have any thoughts about siren bad sanses? 👉👈(//ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠//)
do i
Horror: Now, Skull is a cecaelia. But I think Horror would be a little different. A big frightening toothed whale - particularly, a Risso's dolphin. Risso's dolphins have a cool effect where any time they get an injury, their scars lose pigment and remain white forever. Horror is slowly turning whiter and whiter as time goes on.
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Just like usual, he used to be normal sized, but his injury kickstarted a bizarre growth spurt and he's become far larger than he ever should've. He enjoys targeting boats - since he's so big he can easily sink small ships, his favourite 'game' is ramming vessels and seeing who survives after the ship rolls over. He eats anyone who drowns.
I can imagine him falling in love with you from the water, and rocking your boat purely to get your attention. If you ignore him he slams into the hull in frustration. He'd never sink your boat, of course... not unless you were really, REALLY ignoring him, and he lost his temper.
Dust: An oceanic whitetip shark. The beautiful dark colouring. The 'dusty' white edges of the fins and tail. A solitary, wandering creature that's probably responsible for many of the open-water shark attacks attributed to other species... IMO, it's absolutely perfect.
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Before joining Nightmare, he travelled long distances in isolation, avoiding large vessels or groups but hunting down and killing anyone (or anything) he caught alone. He'll follow prey for weeks; he often waits for people on boats to go stir crazy before he attacks.
He's a distant admirer. He'll stalk from afar, but come closer at night, when it's hard to distinguish his dark shape against the moonlit sea. He thinks you'll be a very pretty siren.
Killer: @aka-indulgence suggested Killer is a bull shark and she's absolutely right. Killer is hyperactive and murderous, but incredibly loyal to those he cares about (even if he won't admit he cares). Bull sharks are fast, notoriously aggressive, yet surprisingly social.
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Killer just enjoys... well, killing. He sometimes plays with his prey, but the games are never as forgiving as Horror's, or as patient as Dust's. He likes to bite the limbs off of his targets and watch them struggle to get away.
He's extremely friendly to you. Worryingly so. He lacks any subtlety, he'll come right up to your boat and put his arms over the edge when he wants your attention, flirting like you didn't just watch him murder another siren in cold blood. A swift strike with an oar is usually enough to ward him off - but unfortunately, it never seems to chase him away permanently.
Nightmare: He isn't any one species. He's much, much older. He was something else before his corruption... but times change, don't they? If you don't know what to call him, he certainly doesn't mind the ego stroke of being called a kraken.
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Obviously it would be ridiculous of me to make Nightmare anything other than a cecaelia. He's large, scary, black as midnight sea, beautifully bioluminescent when he wants to be. He has attributes of lots of different deep-sea creatures; retractable hooks in his tentacles, a toxic bite, terrifying teeth, incredible vision. He's not the kind of thing you want to encounter underwater. Ever.
The other sirens would be very reluctant to let Nightmare know you exist. But when all three of his underlings are chasing the same prey... well. You'll catch his eye sooner or later.
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
Naga boyfriend head cannons
Gender neutral reader
Warnings:light NSFW, brief mention of kink choking, biting, mentions of eating rodents, snakes
Minors Don't Interact!
You are his personal heater I'm sorry I don't make the rules. Your body is warm and he wants that warm. It's a bonus that it comes from you, he loves you.
Ha you have cold hands? So does he don't worry about it.
Oh you have warm hands? Let him hold them. Hold his face in your hands he will melt into them this poor touch starved man.
At the start of the relationship he couldn't stand you touching him. It wasn't that he hated when you touched him oh no no no he absolutely loves when you touch him. He's just scared he's not used to being touched so gently before and he's terrified that he'll hurt you with his large size and not realize it. It doesn't help that once he started to get sexual feelings for you everytime you touched hin turned him on. Your pinkie could have lightly grazed his shoulder and he would hve grown aroused.
Further into the relationship he knows how much you can handle you and will absolutely man handle you. You'll be walking past him and he'll use his tail to swoop you in so he can cuddle you. He still gets turned on real easy but it's more tame now. Doesn't mean he won't be tame when having sex though.
Home boy is kinky will choke you if your also into and biting is a must. If it's agreed too and he's not venomous he'd love to bite you, really sink his fangs in. There will be times you'll be completely wrapped up in his tail will he fucks you.
If you manage to top him he'll be leaning on his own tail draped out on it begging and panting. He didn't know he could be so sensitive before.
Times he's being a grumpy pants he'll snap right out of it if told you'd top him. Instant good mood.
Whenever it gets even slightly cold he's super clingy. Will do grabby hands at you until you set down whatever your working on and come cuddle him.
Owns 700 heating blanket, hope one or both of you have a good paying job cause the electric bill is oit if this world.
Don't insult him by offering to feed him mice or rats thats gross. Guinea pigs have more meat on them any way. Just give him a BLT you weirdo he eats normal foods.
Hates broccoli though. Introduce him to cheesy broccoli and it's a whole new ball park for him.
Will be so confused on why you have a pet reptile, doesn't see the appeal.
Pet snake you say? Your mistake that's your guys child. Will refer to as himself as dad when talking to the snake.
"Now Junior be a good boy for dad and let me change out your water. Junior? Junior please get out of your water... Yes I see you blowing bubbles it's very cute."
The snakes name isn't junior he just keeps calling him junior.
Will get himself a shirt saying number one dad and wear it any time he picks the snake up.
Loves soaking in the tub, join him he'll love it.
He'll wash your hair and die from bliss if you wash his it feels so good.
Shedding is a cranky embarrassing time for him please be patient he's feeling very uncomfortable. If it's early in the relationship he won't want you near him, it's not you it's him he's not comfortable enough to have anyone bear him during this vulnerable time. If it is further into the relationship he'll be more comfortable with you being around him but just don't get to close to him, just be there for emotional support. Now if the relationship is a good amount of years in he'll act all spoiled asking you to peal his shed off for him after he soaked for a few hours at the least. He'll get all whinny and clingy demanding cuddles and snacks.
Bundling in a ball with way to many heated blankets on, this man is a fire hazard. Fire men hate him.
Can't cook for shit. Will order every meal out if you let him. Hates doing the dishes but he's good at vacuuming and dusting. Likes tidying up, not a fan of messes. He'll make sure he does his fair share of the chores and if he sees your having a bad day he'll take on more chores. Will buy your your favorite foods and snacks in hopes of making you feel better.
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devoutekuna · 14 days
First birthdays
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He's not a fan of birthdays, he never got any whilst he was growing up so he didn't know how they worked other than cake a food. His daughter sat in your lap as she tried to reach for the cake, you two had already sang happy birthday, so now it was just her trying to eat her cake, cake stuffin her mouth as he hands smeared it all along. Noticing her father's presence, she had instantly forgotten about food, grubby hands reaching towards the man, sat proudly Infront of her. "I think she wants you 'Ryo" offering the baby up to him, he normally hated kids, but not his little princess, decked out in your favourite pink dress, matching her hair colour as she sat on his neck. Hands still full of cake as she reached for his mouth.
He's very much a baker, so when his daughter's birthday rolls around, he's already got a birthday cake prepared. Two cakes in fact, one bigger one for guests and another smaller cupcake size for his daughter, wanting to make sure that she could at least eat one. "Here" pushing the plate over to her as she sat in her highchair, fork guiding towards her mouth only to reject it, "No" that was one of the only words she knew, it angered you how she didn't say mama or atleast dada first. Reaching over for the small plate, hand already messy as she grabbed a bite,
He went all out for birthdays, that's what he did yesterday, throwing a massive celebration for his newly one year old. Blue balloons and confetti scattered all over the living room floor, knowing he'd have to clean it up since you were against them in the first place. Son in his arms as he placed him in the highchair, giving him some of the leftover cake, taking a few slices for himself too. Rambling on about something stupid, that's how you caught them. Your son's face mushed with cake and frosting as he was left to do his own bidding and another man child sat eating nearly half of the leftover cake, leaving half a tier. "You better clean this up Satoru, by the time I'm back down." Needing to clean the cake off his body since he was such a messy eater, but you couldn't even blame him since he was just one. Throwing the stupid blue party hat off his head, holding him by the arms as he carried on eating, picking at any cake he had left on his hands.
He understood that his child couldn't eat that all, that's why he invited some of his friends round, making alot of food, mainly his daughter's favourite. The sound of clapping distributing her peace as she got scared and started to tear up, begging for her father to come rescue her. Taking her out of the room as the giggles started, feeling bad as he took a slice of cake with him, sat in the living room with her father as the rest of the party continued. He would be soon kicking them out after he finished with her. "It's okay" fixing her party hat as it slid off, "it's just me" cradling her small body as the tears dried up. Nodding her head as she got distracted once again, hands jerking forward for the cake, decorated in a purple fondant layer along with some cake pop ontop for decoration. Taking one of the cake pops as he removed the spike handing it to her.
His child wasn't the brightest, trying to recreate what his father had just did. Sticking his fingers on the flame to take it out before removing the candle, of course his child wanted to do that too. Reaching for the open flame before the cake was snatched away. "Me" that was the only word they knew, trying to point to themselves as they reached for the cake before a present was placed Infront of them. Opening it to just discard the toy and try to eat the paper, what a weird child. "Not that" throwing the wrapping paper in the bin, resulting in a few tears. Crouching down beside them as he handed them some cake in a spoon, doing the airplane noises as it came towards them, only to receive a fistful of hair, head being dragged towards his baby as they gripped it harder. A scowl implementing on his face.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. you're tired of having to put up with your spoiled brat of a boyfriend, finally snapping at him readying to throw away being the ornament in his rich lifestyle until Toji shows you that not all Fushiguro men aren't giving. 
pairing. toji fushiguro x reader , megumi fushiguro x reader
genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, pwp, porn with plot, cheating au, hurt/comfort (?), dilf!Toji, jealousy, insecurity, toxic relationship, spoiled rich, eat the rich, age gap, size difference, height difference, biting, rough sex, man handling, pet names, daddy kink | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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Maybe it was shallow, staying in your almost four year long relationship while hanging onto that string of hope that maybe—just maybe—Megumi would wake from his stubborn, stuck-up, rich boy era and realize that you had truly stuck with him through thick and thin.
The first year of your relationship was all clear skies and cruising: being college sweethearts in love. 
It was normal for you two to go through a few rough patches, and trying to figure out how to fit into each other's new adult lives was just even more difficult.
Well, apparently to the billionaire playboy, who has so much free time to party but not spend quality time with his girlfriend, but you promised to look past that! 
The third-year mark hit, and you were just a girl willing to turn a new leaf and push aside all the insults your best friends would say under their breath about your man and just stick it out because you really did love Megumi, and that included all of his faults.
Including the times he'd make snobbish comments when you mentioned how you hadn't heard of a certain expensive food name, and how he'd seemingly vanish from the face of the earth, ignoring all of your texts and calls for weeks, only to show up on Instagram posting about being on some party cruise ship with all of his friends. 
Recounting the many times When you two did spend time together, he was too busy on his PS4 ignoring your advances for sex. 
Trying to break the month-long dry spell you were in, only getting some action if you fell to your knees and gave him a blowjob so he could completely disregard your needs after returning to his game. 
But tonight was the final nail in the coffin.
When Toji invited his son and you to one of his opening events weeks in advance. 
You gladly accepted and congratulated him on his hard work as a hot ass bachelor and CEO stacking up wealth as well as being a father to the bratty muck of a son like it was nothing. 
You were genuinely proud of the older man for juggling his business life with such ease. 
Megumi didn't seem to have the same idea, despite being entirely built up in the wealth of position that he had now because he had been simply handed a high position in the same field as his father. 
You’d think that maybe he would have just a moderate amount of respect for his father, but unfortunately, that bar you had set was just too high for Megumi’s stuck-up personality.
Throwing a tantrum the entire time you two were getting ready for the event, it was made even more embarrassing by the fact that the Fushiguro men shared the same luxury mansion. 
With the left wing dedicated entirely to Megumi's egocentric lifestyle and his pathetic rabble about how stupid and lame the "party" was going to be bouncing off the cold marble walls, no doubt reaching Toji on the other side of the home. 
You had managed to lighten his mood by suggesting that he drive one of his annoyingly loud and brightly colored sports cars to the event.
the one that was so low that you would grunt every time you slid into the passenger's seat. 
It wasn’t exactly comparable with the dark red slip dress that you were wearing, but you were willing to make a couple of sacrifices for Toji’s honor.
The event had started exactly as you had expected it to: on the red carpet, lined with celebrity guests, with higher-ups posing for pictures with the crowds of fans and paparazzi behind the dividers, shouting directions and names.
Being in the spotlight was still a little new to you, being thrust into the rich lifestyle took longer to get used to. 
Especially when you had a boyfriend that loved to soak up as much attention as he possibly could.
That's why you shouldn't be surprised when Megumi gets out of his car, shoves the keys into the young valet's hand with a snide remark. 
Glides past you, waves to all the paparazzi shouting his name, and welcomes the flashing lights with open arms. 
Watching him walk down the carpet with his cookie-cutter poses and disappear inside the building leaves you trailing behind him like a lost puppy.
It took you an hour to find him through the crowd of people, tucked away in some inclusive section with people that flocked to him as if he were a goddess. 
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but it was just one person who had caught your eye, and he was completely distracted by another woman. 
Whatever they were chatting about was enough to have him smiling quite genuinely—the smile that you hadn’t seen since the first few months of your relationship—the months you were convinced that Megumi cared about you and wasn’t using you as some perfect purse dog girlfriend for the media
You could only watch as she had gotten too comfortable, her hand resting on the front of Megumi's chest as he would lean down just to whisper something that she would find too fucking funny.
Completely immersed in the conversation that they had together enough to not be noticed for a while as the two chuckled to each other. 
What makes it worse is that she was the first to notice you standing aside, her hand unmoving as she gave you a tight smile.
Megumi follows her stare, his expression falling just before he could catch it drawing you to his side. "Baby, there you are. I was looking for you all night," liar, but you still smile at his greeting. "___ this is Nobara, my friend from high school, she was the one to save my ass from failing every class."
"Meggy, you make it sound like we were just friends of my god." Nobara’s laugh had a high pitch to it, her smile never dropping as she playfully swung her hand at his shoulder, letting the hand rest there for a moment too long.
You keep it classy: "It's so nice to finally meet you. I don't think I’ve ever heard my boyfriend talk about you much, but then again, he had a lot of friends." Despite her open flirting with Megumi as if you weren't standing in front of her. 
You weren't really in the mood to start a catfight, especially with so many eyes around.
"Wait a minute, Megumi, you finally got someone to tie you down, that's so unexpected!" She gasps, trying to entice something out of you, but you don’t bite the bait even when Megumi laughs loudly like he couldn't believe it himself.
"I know, I know, you won’t believe how many other people are also surprised." His callous response explains why people assumed he was single. 
"I mean, gosh, you were just the school's famous playboy. I swear you told me that you preferred to just sleep around when I first asked you out." Her eyes trail down your dress, taking in your entire outfit. 
"Look at you now, in a relationship with someone so... humble." She giggles, your fist knotting into the silk material of your dress as you suddenly become the subject of a joke that even Megumi has failed to stifle a laugh at.
"Some people can’t always be fixed," he continues, reaching his finger out to one of the drink staff and signaling a drink over. "But she's a looker; when she really wants to be, that's all that really matters."
Nobara laughs as your expression slowly drops, feeling like an ornament out of place. It wasn't uncommon for Megumi to give you backhanded compliments, but that didn't mean that it had hurt any less than the many other times he would downplay your attractiveness.
It doesn't even bother you that he doesn't even pretend like he cares that he had hurt your feelings, your face fell into a bored glare now that all the had ridden from your mood as their conversation continues. 
You entertain yourself with more glasses of champagne being handed out by the staff, ignoring the sideways glances you would get from Megumi after watching you down every drink. 
Any politeness you had felt was washed away with the warm tipsy buzz tasting on your tongue. 
It wasn't enough to have you fully drunk though the last thing you wanted to do was unleash that side of you in such a professional place. 
She boasted about taking an early flight to Paris the following morning for some modeling opportunity, which the more she talked about, the less you cared. 
Like a prayer had decided it was time for her to veer away for the night, letting Megumi kiss the knuckle of her hand before leaving.
You could see the scowl on his face forming the moment she finally leaves you to let out a tired sigh, rolling your eyes as Megumi turns to glare down at you for whatever made-up shit reasons he was going to force the blame on you for. 
"You could have been a lot nicer, you know," you hum in a gesture showing him that you didn't really care but chose to agree anyway.
"You don't see me acting like a bitch to any of your friends. Nobara is the most giving person I’ve ever known, maybe you could start taking notes from her instead of acting like you're better than everyone for once.'' The statement makes you laugh, the type of laugh that has your hand coming up to cover your face as you let out a snort. 
It only catches a few people's attention, but they return back to their conversation without much comment.
And that's how the conversation ends because you just walk away, using your hand to hold a wine glass in his hand before returning to the thick of the crowd of people, leaving Megumi fuming in his circle of friends.
This night was about congratulating Toji for all of his achievements, and you weren't going to take anything away from that because of his spoiled asshole son.
So you divide your attention elsewhere, mingling with others as best as you possibly can all the way until the end.
The drive home was dead silent, possibly since Megumi never allowed you to control the radio while he was driving, let alone roll up your window.
You could only smile to yourself, knowing he was just so unhappy from the way he gripped his wheel in angry glances that he would give you to let you know that he was angry, ignored as you leaned your head against the window and watched the scenery pass by. 
He doesn't stop, not even bothering to wait for you as he slams the car door shut and stomps his way to the bedroom. 
You can only sigh as you slowly follow him, bracing yourself for whatever earful he's bound to give you. 
The argument would always lead to him crying and shouting, Megumi just had the patience of a toddler who would blow up when he couldn't get anything that he wanted.
He was used to living his life with a silver spoon in his mouth and was too wrapped up in his own picture-perfect world to realize that other people around him were truly hurting.
You had gotten used to letting him blow some steam, calling you names, degrading your morals, and downplaying all of your insecurities, it was all just a loop. 
The same things he'd say over and over, knowing they'd elicit some sort of reaction from you. 
So you walked out. 
Not literally, since you two had lived together and an Uber ride to the closest hotel would have been at least $100 bucks tops—fucking California—you just walked to one of many guest bedrooms that were on the other side of the house.
Kicking off your heels as they clacked against the cold marble floors, the one thing on your mind was how much you just wanted the day to end.
"Oh hey, ___, I was just looking for you." You had caught sight of Toji closing the front door, losing his gray tie with the other hand as he was dressed in a dark suit.
The older man looked incredibly handsome even when he wasn't all dressed up. 
You were convinced there was something in the Fushiguro gene that just made every single one of them attractive.
"Me?" was all that you could manage, realizing that maybe you should've held back just a little on the champagne.
All of your compliments are thrown out the window at the mere sight of the self-made businessman.
You pretend not to notice him checking you out, shifting your weight to try to stop yourself from pressing your thoughts together as he advances closer to you.
"I was surprised you didn't say anything to me at the mixer," he grins, wrapping his muscly arm around your waist and leading you to the kitchen. 
"You know how much I despise those things, and I was hoping you'd come to keep me company," he teased, his head leaning on top of yours as he pouted. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr.Fushiguro, I was just so tired from meeting everyone. I think I should actually end up in bed now." You mutter the last part, stopping in your tracks and taking a step back to shake yourself from his grasp.
Toji hesitates for a second, his eyes glancing over to the hallway that leads to his son's bedroom before turning back to you. 
"How about you make up for the lost time?" He smiles, leaning in closer.
You couldn't fully recall what had happened to lead up to the moment, but before you knew it, you were all spread out with your chest resting against the kitchen island.
Standing on the tips of your toes as your hands were held pressed against your spine by Toji’s palm.
Hiccuping on pleas as his hand rested itself against the curve of your ass as his hips smacked roughly against your ass. 
Watching the hilt of his dick disappear inside of your pussy burying himself inside of your stomach as you squirmed from the full feeling. 
Your dress had been ruined by the wet stains on the fabric as well as the huge tear that ran up your side when Toji tore it in frustration trying to get it past your hips. 
"You look even better without it anyway," he apologized before biting into your shoulder before you could respond.
"Ah, ah, not too loud, pretty girl." His gravelly voice cooed in your ear. 
A whimper slipped out of you, catching your breath for just a moment before his hands could turn you around.
Pushing you against the edge of the counter just to get better leverage to grab the back of your thighs.
Picking you up with ease, your legs wrapped around his waist as your arms knotted around his neck, straddling his torso as he lifted you enough for his tip to press against you and his lower stomach.
Lifting you with just one arm in to position himself back inside of you, the action leaving you gasping in pleasure as he bounced you on his cock. 
The weight of you fell, only burying the width of him to reach deeper parts of your body. Once he had gotten a good grasp around your legs, his pace was merciless.
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the kitchen as you buried your face in the crook of his neck to keep yourself from completely melting in his hold. 
As your orgasm left you whining out his name, his hips piston inside of you through it.
Toji had caught you from falling back as he laid you against the kitchen counter, your back resting against the cold marbles as your chest rose and fell.
"You’ve never been fucked by a real man before, have you princess?" He sighs, spreading your thighs apart, before shoving back inside, your hips bucking against the bud of his thumb as it rubbed circles against your clit. 
“Just lay back and let daddy show you how a real man should cherish you.” 
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slayfics · 1 year
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Muichiro comforts you after you over hear some gossip.
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You were out buying food and supplies for the mansion when you heard a whisper from across the way.
"Hey isn't that the other corps member from our final selection?"
You looked up to see a few demon slayers that you had completed final selection with huddled together whispering and buying supplies as well.
You tried to quickly finish up your transaction with the salesperson to go over and say hi when you overheard the rest of their conversation.
"Yeah, she's gotten super big headed ever since she became the Mist Hashira's Tsuguko and started hanging out with other Hashira's."
You felt your smile completely fall off of your face and felt as though you shrunk inside of yourself. Is that really what the other corps members thought of you? You decided to quickly gather the stuff you bought and head back to the mansion, avoiding them entirely.
Walking back you couldn't help but feel your shoulders slump and you looked down at the floor the whole way home. Being in the demon slayer corps made it hard to have typical friendships, relationships, and human experiences. You often felt saddened by this wanting to have some normal moments in your life outside of slaying demons.
When you saw the group standing across the way you felt excited to run up to them and hi, maybe even shop together but overhearing the gossip felt like a nichirin sword pierced your heart, and the loneliness you already felt amplified.
You made it inside the mansion to see Muichiro already sitting down to eat.
"Hello." He greeted you.
You didn't say anything but set aside the supplies and sat down to join him. You served yourself some food as Muichiro eyed you curiously. It wasn't like you to be the quiet one. Usually that was his job. He noticed your affect was considerably different, slumped shoulders, no eye contact. Something was wrong.
"What is the matter?" He asked.
"Do you think I have a big head?" You asked not looking up but taking small bites of your food.
"No. You have an average size head." Muichiro said, tilting his head to the side in curiosity. You sighed heavily.
"Not like that... It's an expression. I ran into some other corps members I did final selection with and they said I got big headed ever since I became your Tsuguko and started to become friends with other Hashira's."
"I don't think their statements are important." Muichiro said and continued to eat.
"Ok.." You said but you still didn't feel any better. Muichiro noticed your composure stayed small and your usual vibrant energy did not return with his response. He placed down his food and reached over to gently lift your chin up forcing you to look at him.
"I think those demon slayer's are jealous of your progress. You've finished final selection at the same time but have far surpassed their abilities, and they won't ever get stronger if they occupy themselves with trivial matters like gossip. Never hang your head down because of someone's else's opinions. You've trained so hard and you deserve to be proud." He said and brought his hand back down to his lap.
"Thank you Tokito." You said blinking away tears. You felt your shoulders lighten and a smile spread across your face again.
"Now tell me... you're friends with other Hashira's?? Who??" Muichiro asked curiously.
"Don't you go get jealous on my too." You said giggling. "I’m friends with Miss Kanroji of course... and I suppose Iguro since he's always with Kanroji when I see her. Although he'd never admit we're friends."
Muichiro just eyed you as he continued to eat.
"But of course there is no other Hashira I'd rather be spending time with then you." You said smiling. Muichiro looked down at his food but you could have sworn you saw the slightest smile flash on his face.
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joyaphoria · 1 year
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"it's 10:15 pm," sakusa groans, squinting his eyes at the outline of a figure making a poor attempt at crawling in through his bedroom window.
the best course of action would probably have been to jump out of bed and shove the intruder back out the window, but after the first few times it's happened, sakusa learned to simply accept that you're just never going to be normal.
he only rolls his eyes annoyingly when you get tangled up in your own limbs, leaving you to tumble onto the floor. "omi!" you exclaim as you quickly recover, kicking off your shoes as you throw yourself onto his bed. "i missed you soo much!"
"i was only away for a day," he sighs, biting his tongue before he could add 'clearly not long enough'.
"and still it felt like forever," you whine, sprawling out on his bed. "i was all alone at lunch, it was horrible."
sakusa doesn't bother to point out the fact that you could've eaten lunch with your other friends, because he knows how you feel about them already. 'you know how they are,' you'll say, disapointement clouding your usually cheerful eyes, 'you know what they say about me.'
and although sakusa has always been a straightforward realist, never one to beat around the bush, he'd rather keep his mouth shut than to bring up a topic that he knows would ruin your mood.
"did you eat?" he asks instead, leaning over to flick on the lamp on his bedside table, the tiny bulb lighting up the room.
you nod cheerfully, before pulling out a container of oreos from behind your back. "i brought these for us today, but when i couldn't find you i decided i would just bring them to you instead!"
he doesn't bother to tell you that he’s never liked oreos, the filling far too sweet for him to enjoy. he takes one anyways, carefully pulling apart the cookie and plopping the part without the filing into his mouth.
“no eating on my bed,” he scolds, watching as you freeze, two of the overly sugary treats already stuffed in your mouth. he absently shudders at the thought of micro sized cookie crumbs sprinkled under his sheets, too small to fish out, but just big enough to drive his sensory issues through the roof.
you nod apologetically and finish chewing the cookies in your mouth, placing the plastic container on his bedside table. then, you lie flat on your stomach, plop up your chin on your arms, and stare at him.
“what?” he bites out, pulling his bedsheets up higher to cover his chest, all of a sudden aware of the fact that he was only in his boxers.
you notice the subtle gesture however, and when your eyes quickly dart down to catch his bare shoulders, the corner of your mouth twitches up. 
“omi,” you purr, as your eyes narrow to slits and the smirk he’s unknowingly grown weak for appears.
“you’re absolutely insufferable,” he huffs, picking up one of his pillows and launches it at your head, though you dodge it with your arm.
you push yourself up on all fours, slowly crawling towards him with that same look in your eye, the one that knocks all the air out of kiyoomi’s lungs and leaves him shuddering. still, he refuses to back up or turn away as you reach him, leaning in closer until you’re practically sharing the same air as him.
his heart pounds rapidly as he wills himself to hold out, to keep a straight face even though you’re so, so close, your hands on either side of his hips, your knees between his legs, and your mouth, your mouth—
your eyes dart down to his lips. his eyes dart down to yours.
he shoves you off quickly, scoffing as he lays on his side and yanks the covers up to his neck. “time to go,” he dismisses you, ignoring the way you’re laughing as the heat creeps up his neck and, well, his crotch.
recovering from your fit of giggles, you move to lie on your side to face him, but he interrupts you before you can crawl under the sheets. “no outside clothes under my sheets,” he hisses, shuddering at the thought of all you dirt you would be dragging into his bed, especially considering you came in through his window.
you arch your eyebrow playfully, and just as he’s realizing what he said, you lift your arms and pull your hoodie over your head, revealing the thin — oh so thin — fabric of your tank top, and the fact that you aren’t wearing a bra. kiyoomi doesn’t notice he’s been staring until you pull off your sweatpants in one swift motion, revealing a hidden pair of boxers underneath.
oh my god.
if he was red earlier, he must’ve been a dark shade of purple by now. 
he turns onto his other side, taking in a deep, silent inhale. his best friend. you’re his best friend. “i said to go home,” he repeats, but his head is screaming, begging you to touch him, to hold him, to run your fingertips up and down his arm, to wrap your hand around his pulsing, aching d—
“i can’t,” you sigh, and kiyoomi curses the name of every single one of his ancestors watching over him when he feels your body press against him from behind, and he has to bite hard into his bottom lip to stop himself from groaning.
what the fuck. grow a fucking pair, kiyoomi.
“then go sleep on the side of the road,” he mutters, inhaling sharply when your hands snakes across his waist, the cool skin of your arm shocking the warmness of his chest.
“oh but you’d much rather me here, wouldn’t you?”
kiyoomi curses once again. in his head, of course. or was it out loud?
“don’t play games with me,” he warns, squeezing his eyes shut when your hand snakes dangerously low.
“but you’re just so much fun,” you coo against the tenderness of his neck, your hand tracing down the fine lines of his chest, down to his v-line, then thumbing at the waistband of his boxers.
“y/n,” he bites out. your hand slips under his boxers. his hips jerk.
in less than two seconds you’re pinned beneath him on his mattress as he hovers over you, chest heaving and a knee between your thighs.
“what’s this, omi?” you call out playfully, lifting your hand between your faces and you spread apart your fingers, the stickiness of a substance stretching along with it.
he’s going to hell.
he pushes his knee upwards, firmly, and you gasp, gripping onto his forearm and your hips jolt and you whimper.
his dick jumps in his boxers.
he watches as you try to subtly grind against his knee, desperate for any kind of friction, the sultry facade fallen.
this is going to be a long night.
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rmoonstoner · 10 months
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Just A Taste
SPIDER-Man/Man-Spider Peter Parker x fem!Sorceress!reader
18+, monster fucker smut, oral(female receiving), p in v sex, cream pie, biting, scratching, sex pollen(it's Peter's venom), size kink(peen is massive), mild rope kink, sex with a man spider, come eating, cum dumpster, a bit of ass play, over stimulation, sweet and rough monster boi
You are Doctor Strange's and Christine's daughter. Your mother died a long time ago, and your father now runs the Sorcerer's Guild and is the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth 591D3R. You are your father's apprentice and live in the New York Sanctum. One night, a break in the Sanctum causes you to make friends with an unlikely creature.
One night, your father had asked you to watch over the Sanctum while he attended a meeting with the other Masters. It was concerning a rebuild of the Kamar-Taj after Wanda came through like a hell storm. You didn't want to go there anyways, because it wouldn't matter what opinion you had, everyone would ignore you and ask the doctor for advice. It didn't matter that he would give the same answer, only for them to be delighted about it and pretend you never said anything in the first place.
Lucky for you, Stephen had noticed, and that was another reason you weren't accompanying him this time. He was going to bring up the elephant in the room, and question the others as to why they treated you like a child. You were twenty two years old, and had been practicing magic since you were three.
He was confident that you could replace him soon, mostly so he could retire and go live with his girlfriend on Mars. You wanted that for him, more than the title of Sorcerer Supreme. She made your father happier than you'd ever seen him, aside from the times you would make him proud with your ever growing abilities in the Mystic Arts. He was nearly fifty years old now, and he'd been a grumpy old wizard for most of your life until he met the beautiful plant lady, who also happened to be a mutant.
That opened your eyes to the possibilities that were out there. You didn't have to limit yourself to your own kind, and your dad wouldn't care who you chose, so long as they made you happy and treated you right. You had your fair share of flings the past two years, and none of them seemed right for you.
There was always something lacking in the people you went on dates with. At first the potential partners were boring normal people. That was fine, but you found that their physical appearances, no matter how socially attractive they were, didn't really get you going. The sex was just as boring and unsatisfactory as the dates were.
And it didn't help things any that almost all of your dates were absolutely trying to brown nose their way into talking to your father. They treated you like some dumb little girl, and that pissed you off so much. Didn't they know that you were your father's daughter? Didn't they know that you inherited all his will and strive for greatness? Did they forget your memory was just as perfect as your father's, and you could be as petty as the great Doctor Strange?
No. They never did. And they never saw it coming when you started to ghost these people and ignore them. The last date you went on, was with some guy named Harry Osborne, the son of a rich business owner. The guy was a self-centered douche, and he spent the entire night talking about how he could make a lot more tech, if he could just get his hands on a magical energy generator. That the last one he had, didn't work the way he needed, so he 'disposed' of it like it was trash
He wasn't subtle about you being the generator, either. He acted like it would be such an honor for you to basically be his battery to power his laboratory. By the time the wine hit the table, you had gotten up and declared that you were not interested in being a glorified Barbie battery, and you left through a portal right there in the dining hall of the most prestigious restaurant that New York had.
That had been two weeks ago, and since then, tabloids went through the local and international news about how the Sorcerer Supreme's daughter had bravely turned down a corporate tyrant. Some painted you as the bad guy while most of the others printed that he was a jerk that tried barking up the wrong tree.
Either way, when your father read about it, he ended up making an appearance in his classic and terrifying smoke and brimstone way at Oscorp. He raised a big stink about how Norman's son was an idiot and to stay away from you and his end of the city or else. Poor Norman was confused, because he hadn't been in town for the past two months.
More tabloids went out the following day and claimed that Harry had been demoted. That made you so delighted to hear.
But tonight all you wanted was to watch a good movie and eat absolutely all the snacks that your dad left out for you as a thank you for doing his job for the night. It would be easy, barely an inconvenience, as he had the automated magical security system going, which would alert you to any unauthorized intruders.
The movie in question was a cheesy romance story with subtle horror elements. It was a woman moving to a cabin in the woods, trying to live the simple life. After being there for a few weeks, she started receiving gifts at her doorstep, which was eerie and unnerving, because she lived in the middle of nowhere. Over time, she caught glimpses of a beastly looking creature that would never be there at a second glance.
It ended up being some sort of large man that had multiple arms and multiple eyes like an insect or a spider.
The story went on to the woman catching him in the act of leaving a basket of berries at her door. When she opened the door for him, he jumped back and stared at her, scared and observant. She invited him into her home, and that's when the spicy parts began.
You fanned yourself as you watched the oddly best acted part of the movie. You knew the actors weren't actually having sex, but it was thrilling all the same. Thrilling enough to consider sticking you hand into your pants and enjoying the film's ridiculously long sex scene.
Let's face it, you totally did. When it got nice and good you felt relaxed and really going with the flow, until…
You heard a shattering of glass and a loud thud. You jumped and used your magic to pause the television as you turned in the direction of the noise and froze.
You heard the sounds of shuffling, then glass being swept up, and an odd animalistic grumbling. You quickly scooted over to the doorway and peaked out into the hall, seeing a light on in the sitting room your dad used to entertain his guests that weren't heros and just regular everyday people.
Why didn't the alarms go off? Only unauthorized people would trip the sensors, so it had to be someone that was allowed access to the sanctum. Someone your father or you knew.
You got closer and looked into the room, seeing a single old lamp on in the corner, a shadow in the center of the room, sweeping the floor with three brooms. Where did it even find three brooms? Either way, you quickly loaded a couple of spells up into your hands, preparing for an attack if needed.
"Um, hello? Who are you, and why are you in my Sanctum?" You boldly asked as you stepped into the room, hands clearly holding a crackle of blue light in one hand, a conjured shield in the other.
The thing turned around and looked at you as it made a weird chittering noise and motioned to the glass on the floor like it was obvious as to what it was doing. You didn't get any threatening vibes as it went right back to trying, and failing, to clean up its mess from the broken window. You took pity on the poor creature and cancelled your spells out, going to cast a spell to fix the glass and clean up the mess instead. After, you flicked on another lamp to give a little more light.
The creature finally turned around and sighed, giving you a full view of how relieved it was. You saw that it was a man, possibly human, but he was off.
He looked like the creature in the movie you had just been watching, but even more attractive. This one had a beautiful mop of brown hair on his head, and his eight eyes were all twinkling in the light as he stared at you.
"You're… You're not doctor…" He grunted harshly, his mouth opening in the same manner a spider's would if it could talk. You stared at his teeth, the fangs specifically, seeing that he was drooling ever so slightly.
"No. I am not my father." You replied and told him your name. He looked confused.
"Who are you?" You asked, and he slurred a bit to clear the drool from his mouth as he wiped it with one of the backs of his six hands.
"Spider-Man? But dad said you disappeared last summer."
"Oscorp. They did this. To me." He seemed to have troubles speaking. From what you remembered of the stories your father had told you, Spider-Man was a great hero, and he had suddenly vanished last summer and didn't come back. He was thought to be dead.
And Oscorp? Oh God that made you so mad, especially after the Harry incident.
"I should have known… Was it Harry? Did he do this to you?"
The man nodded and groaned as he crouched onto the ground and stretched like a cat, then he sat there staring up at you.
"My dad said you are a scientist. He wouldn't tell me your name, but after that horrible date I had with Harry, his ramblings, and seeing you, I can confidently say that you're Peter Parker." You said softly and he looked surprised.
"How you know?"
"Peter Parker went missing around the same time. Harry talked about you at great length and he mentioned he hates spiders." You replied and he huffed and stood back up, only to sniff the air a few times.
"So, yes, you're Peter Parker? Please answer me." You asked and he looked up at you, his eyes all blinking at once.
"Yes. Also monster. Horrible. Gross." He whined and looked down, his nose still sniffing as he moved along the carpet on all eight limbs towards you. He'd stop occasionally and look around, then keep scuttling until he was at your feet. He sat on his heels and looked up at you, head tilted to the side.
"No. You're not a horrible and gross monster. You're a man with a condition. A hero that needs help." You gently reached out and placed your hand in front of his face to see what he would do.
He leaned forward and sniffed it, and his eyes suddenly closed and he sighed. Peter leaned forward and rubbed his face against your hand, his tongue coming out to lick at your skin. You blushed at how he ran the thick muscle all over your fingers suggestively, and then sucked them into his mouth.
"O-ohhh…" You breathed as you remembered it was that hand that you had used to pleasure yourself during the movie. The thought alone had suddenly made you wetter than you had been during the film, and Peter had instantly noticed.
"Taste and smell good." He rumbled as his hands came up, all six of them, each one reaching for you. Two hands grabbed at your waist, another two grabbed your hands, and the final set grabbed your ankles.
In a swift movement he had you on your back on the floor, legs and arms spread out as he crawled over you, his eyes looking down at your form in your pajamas.
"Smell good." He groaned as he leaned down closer, his mouth just inches away from your neck. You felt a bit of lukewarm spit fall onto your skin, making you twitch and squirm.
"Smell so good." Peter said as he nuzzled your neck and began to inhale your scent.
"P-peter…" You breathed his name when his hands fumbled with your shirt and he brought two hands to your breasts and pawed at them.
"Soft." He said as his tongue came out to lick along your neck, his fangs grazing you gently.
"Warm. Very warm." He growled into your ear. You shuddered as he lifted your hips to his and he ground into you, soaking your panties and sweatpants through.
"Want taste. Taste good." Peter cooed while he started tearing your shirt and pants off of your body with ease. You shook in the cold night air as he stripped you bare and looked down at his handiwork.
"Pretty." Peter hummed gently, his mouth going to cover the juncture of your shoulder and neck. You could feel his fangs sink into your flesh painlessly, and as they went in, you could feel him secreting something into your bloodstream as well.
Oh fuck. This was how you were gonna die. Being eaten by your dad's friend, now turned into a man spider beast.
But why was it so hot? Why weren't you feeling any pain? You could still move and breathe, well as much as he would allow since he had a hold of your limbs and body. You could wiggle your fingers and toes, and move your head around freely. The more you moved, the more you felt a fire in your belly, and hot tingly feeling all over.
It went straight down to your core and made you ache painfully. You found yourself bucking up against him and whining as he pulled and tugged on your nipples with his fingers.
"Pete… Peter… Oh fuck… That feels so good…" You moaned to him and he answered you by growling deeper and letting go of your chest, his hands going down to waist and fumbling with his pants. He quickly pulled his cock out and you glanced down to see that it was massive and covered in thick veins. The head was engorged, leaking a heavy glob of precome that dripped down onto your mound and dribbled down through your soaking wet lips.
"Want more. Pretty hole. Dripping. Feel good." Peter's gravelly voice rattled you to your core and made the ache stronger and your pussy gush and clench around nothing. He chittered and gripped himself tightly, giving himself a good stroke and pushing another glob of precome out over your clit. His other hand came up, using his fingers to spread your lips and his thumb to rub his slick all over your sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Ah-ahhh!" You panted as he trilled and rubbed the head of his cock against your opening. It made you squirm and look at him, seeing that he had four of his eyes trained on your face.
"Want to fuck..?" He groaned, almost like he was now just trying to ask if this was okay.
"Please, Peter… Please… Fuck me… Put you cock inside me and fuck me, please?" You whined and begged him, and he growled and wasted no time. He pushed himself inside easily with all of the slickness you both had provided, but he was still massive and stretched you to your limit. You normally would have been in pain and fighting back, but whatever he injected you with had made it so easy to take him without hurting you.
And you wanted more.
"Good. Feels… S'goood." Peter moaned and stilled when he could go no further. You could feel his heavy balls resting on your ass, his cock pulsing rapidly.
"So tight…. So good… So wet…" He huffed as his hips began to move. He moved you around to press himself as deep as he could get, which involved hoisting you up into his lap as he cast a few webs up at the ceiling. He hung himself upside down so you were right side up, using gravity to his advantage.
In your haze of feeling exceptionally full, you felt him chitter to you as he held you tightly against him.
"Mine now. Mine. Please you good. Stay here." He hummed as started to buck into you.
"Harder…" You whimpered with each gentle thrust and begged him to go harder. He was happy to oblige you and he went hard and deep, using his many limbs to pull and tug your body in a way that he hit your gspot and ground himself against your clit with each thrust.
"So good… Warm, tight…" Peter pressed your body flush against his as he kissed you. It felt strange, but nice, feeling the way his tongue slithered around and how his lips melded with yours so easily.
You could feel his cock pulse harshly as he howled and let go of your mouth to bite down on your neck again. He felt you come undone as he pistoned into you and pumped you with more venom as he came inside of you. You felt his hot seed fill you up and leak out, but he didn't seem to be finished yet.
You could feel his cock swelling as he fucked you and kept filling you up with his come. You whined as he let your arms go to wrap his around your body as he snarled and kept going. All you could do was cling to him, one hand digging into his back, the other fisting his hair tightly as he pounded hard into you.
He spent a good thirty minutes like that in a relentless assault on your body. You were delirious the entire time, gasping, moaning, screaming for him to give you more. When he was finally finished with you, he didn't pull out. Instead, he wrapped you close to his body with his webbing, keeping himself firmly planted inside of you as he made sure you were comfortable.
You were so tired and whatever venom he put into you left you sleepy and unwilling to move. He made a pleased purring noise as he crawled along the ceiling down the hallway to your room. With barely a noise, he made a nest at the top of your four poster bed and cradled you in his arms for a long while.
You woke up suddenly, feeling confused and very sore. Your head was on something hard and fleshy, and you could hear a steady heartbeat and breathing. You lifted your head and went to move, only to find that you couldn't.
Not only were you bound to whoever was underneath you, they also had their painfully large and hard cock buried inside of you. You whimpered as you tried to tug on the webs, finding them not cooperating at all and they were just sticking to your fingers. You looked down and saw the man responsible for your current predicament.
Peter Parker, the Spider-Man turned Man-Spider. He was snoring peacefully, a fine line of drool on his chin with messy and tussled hair. With his eyes closed, his face looked peaceful and almost completely human, but you knew better. His six arms definitely were a dead give away, two of which were firmly wrapped around you.
You suddenly heard a thud outside of your door and you panicked, thinking your father had come home earlier than expected. You struggled for a moment, getting frustrated with how Peter seemingly stayed out cold while you freaked out.
How would you explain this to Stephen?
Oh hey, dad… So uh, your friend that you thought had died, he, well, just showed up last night looking for you, and um… We banged and he now has me hostage in my own room with his dick. While hanging in a webby nest above my bed.
Yeah, no. That wasn't gonna fly with him, and you knew it. You quickly leaned over Peter and grabbed his face.
"Wake up!" You tried unsuccessfully to wake him, but the jostling around seemed to be working. You moved your hips, gasping when his cock twitched and plumped up even more.
"Peter, please. Please wake up. I think my dad's outside the door!" You hissed as you slapped him awake. He sat up, confused and growling for a moment, until he saw it was you.
"My dad. He's come home." You said again. Peter's face twisted into a look of worry and he looked down to see why you were panicking.
"Shit. Sorry." He apologized and cut the webbing that was holding you to him. You managed to get off of him, with a whole bunch of come rushing down your legs and to the bed below. He quickly twisted and allowed you down to the bed, and you plopped yourself down, already going to make the necessary hand motions to clean yourself and the room up. Peter sat perched on the edge of your bed, naked and curious as you frantically summoned your robes and sorcerer attire.
You heard a knock at the door, and you quickly went to it to stop it from opening.
"Are you alright, my dear?" Came your dad's voice as you slammed the door shut on him, just narrowly missing his fingers.
"Yeah. Sorry. Everything's alright. I'm naked. Don't come in." You stammered quickly as you locked the door. You heard him huff and back up.
"My apologies. I was just worried is all. You're normally awake and about before I am."
"I, uh, was up late last night watching that movie I got. I slept in, because of it." You said as you looked around for Peter's clothes.
"Really? It's noon. That's not like you at all."
"I'm fine, dad. Really."
"Well I need to discuss something with you."
"Yeah, sure, whatever ya want. Just give me a minute." You said as you went over to Peter and pointed at the bed.
"You stay here. Please don't go anywhere until I get back. Understand?" You asked him and he nodded as he crawled under your blankets and huddled there.
You turned to the door and almost thought about opening it, but instead you decided to use your Sling ring and you appeared behind your father. He whirled around and gave you a hard stare.
"Why didn't you use the door?"
"I, uh, it's a mess in there. Underwear and lady stuff strewn about. I was reorganizing my room-" You suddenly stopped talking when you noticed your father was holding up Peter's suit in one hand, and a ball of your shredded clothes covered in webs in the other.
"Uh, huh… Really, now?" Stephen asked slowly, one brow raised as you tried to outright lie to him.
"Um… I can explain."
"I think you'd better. Why was Peter's Spider-Man suit hanging on the chandelier, and your ripped and torn pajamas strewn about the sitting room meant for my guests? The room is covered in webbing, and there's a trail straight to your room." His tone was firm, but also full of concern.
You could tell he was worried for your safety, given that the last time had seen Peter was when the man had two arms on his suit and not six. You knew you'd have to come clean right then and there. Your dad has his ways of finding things out if you refused to talk.
"Well, I, uh… Peter came by looking for you last night… And…" You chewed on your lower lip and heard some scuttling inside your bedroom, and then the unmistakable sound of the toilet flushing.
"He's in your room, isn't he?" He softly asked and you looked down at your boots.
"Did he force you to do anything you didn't want to do?"
"Okay… Did he hurt you? Your neck is red, but your robes are hiding the rest of it." He asked as his hand came up to turn your head away so he could get a better look.
"He, um, bit me. But I'm fine. I feel fine. It's just tender there." You sheepishly said. He hummed and let go of you.
"I'll need to run some tests on you today. For now, go collect Peter, get him dressed, and coax him out for some food. I'm sure he's hungry." Your dad said and he handed you the items.
"I fixed your pajamas, by the way." He added and he turned away
"Okay… Thanks, dad."
"Oh, and sweetheart?"
"Yeah, dad?"
"I hope you used a protection spell." He said, then he left down the hallway.
You had not used any protection spells, and you felt yourself worry as you went back into your room.
Peter was sitting on the bed, looking out the window.
"He knows. He pissed." Peter muttered. You went over and smoothed your hands up his back. He chittered and leaned back as you ran your nails through his hair.
"He knows. He's not pissed. He wants you to come downstairs to have breakfast with us. Please?" You whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek. He sighed happily.
"Not scared?"
"Of you? No. I'm not scared of you at all."
"Did bad last night. I'm sorry."
"No, Peter… You did good. Very good. I was very pleased with your performance."
"I stay? With you?" He turned towards you, his eyes hopeful.
"I'll ask my dad, but we both know he will say yes. He misses you, you know." You assured him as Peter pulled you into his lap.
"Thank you. I need… Help."
"We will figure this out, Peter. My dad's the best wizard in all the land. If we can't fix it, that's okay. You can stay with us as long as you need to."
"Never want to go. Stay here. With you." He buried his face into your neck and inhaled softly.
"Okay. Can we get you dressed?" You asked and he nodded.
"Do you want me to conjure up some proper fitting clothes? Or do you want your Spider-Man suit?"
"Clothes. Please. Sweat pants. Tee-shirt." He requested and you smiled. You were about to summon some clothing, when he bit into your neck and pumped you full of his venom again. You gasped and he pushed you back onto the bed.
"Peter… What are you doing?" You whispered as you began to heat up and ache for him.
"One more taste…" He rumbled as his hands made quick work of your robes and skirts.
"Peter, if you fuck me again, I won't be able to walk! Dad's waiting and- Ooohhh…" You tried to reason with him, but he had buried his face into your mound quicker than you could stop him. You felt him spread your legs wide and holding them down with one set of arms, while another spread your lower lips out.
"Just a taste." He growled, and his last set of hands came up to your lower abdomen and he pushed down. You gasped as you felt his come from the previous night leaking out of you. He purred in delight and started to lick at your folds vigorously.
He was quite good with his tongue as he pushed it inside and swirled it around. You whimpered and squirmed, hands diving into his hair as he groaned in pleasure, savouring the noises you made.
He latched onto your clit, and when you looked down, you saw him move one of his hands downwards towards your dripping pussy. He stuck a couple of fingers in and worked them against your gspot in the hopes that you'd come for him again.
"Peter, fuck, oh gods…" You panted and bucked into his face, with him slurping and drooling all over your pussy. He groaned and shifted, bringing another hand down to toy with your ass. You could feel him grab and squeeze your flesh as he dipped a thumb between your cheeks and pressed against your backdoor.
You whimpered as he moved his thumb and collected some of his spit, come, and your fluids, then he slowly prodded inside, getting his thumb in right to the second knuckle. You moaned and tugged on his hair, feeling an orgasm quickly approaching.
"P-peter… I… I'm…" You breathed, and he started to suck harder as his tongue rolled all over your clit. You felt thr pads of his fingers pressed hard against your gspot, and you came so hard that you squirted.
Peter snarled and hungrily lapped up your juices as he kept his fingers working. You were shaking badly as he coaxed two more out of you, before letting you go to rest for a moment.
"Taste so good." He grunted while licking his fingers. He had one of his hands fisted around his cock, tugging it lightly. You stared at him while you twitched and tried to catch your breath.
"Peter…" His name came out as a silent plea, and he grinned at you wickedly.
"More. Need to feel you." He husked as he crawled back over top of you. He lifted your hips and wedged himself between your legs, his cock nudging at your entrance. You sighed as he pushed in and slid all the way back.
This time he was rough right off the bat. He held you down and fucked into hard and fast, shaking the bed and slapping the headboard against the wall. He snarled as you started screaming, and he jammed his fingers into your mouth to quiet you. You almost gagged, but managed to hold on as he dug himself in deep and kept going at that furious pace. You heard one of the legs of your bed snap, and Peter paid no attention to it. He merely went harder, feeling you shake underneath him as you came again.
"Good girl. Good f'me. Mine." Peter grunted as he reared back and propped himself up with two hands, while the other four held you close. You were seeing stars and your body was crackling with pleasure as your pussy squelched obscenely with how fast and hard he was fucking you. You were sure your bed sheets were ruined, not that you cared much. A simple spell could fix it later.
"Say it." He growled and you barely understood what he was asking.
"Say you're mine." He tried again, this time his hand coming to cup your face. You moaned, eyes watering as another orgasm ripped through you.
"I'm yours, Peter. Yours…" You sobbed against his shoulder as he growled and bit into your neck again. You convulsed and felt him come hard, painting your insides with his thick fluids.
"Good. Yours. Yours now." He huffed and rolled over with you onto your side. He breathed softly and brushed the hair from your face.
"Are you telling me that you're mine, now?" You quietly asked. Peter nodded and cuddled closer.
"Yes. Yours. Keep you safe. Keep me safe." He sighed and you smiled gently.
"I'd like that very much." You said and kissed his cheek. He purred and trilled for you as he nuzzled your neck.
"Can we please go down and see my dad now? He's been waiting for thirty minutes." You softly asked. Peter suddenly blushed and hid his face.
"Embarrassed. Doc won't be happy."
"Hush, now. He knows what's happening. If he thought you'd hurt me, he wouldn't have gone downstairs and left you with me. It is time to get your dick out of me, okay? You want more sex, you'll have to wait until after we eat." You patted his shoulder and he whined in protest, but slowly let go of you and pulled away. You felt him slip from your cunt, his come leaving a huge mess and a dull ache between your legs.
"Okay. Hungry for food now." Peter said with much enthusiasm as he gathered your clothes and brought them to you.
"Thank you. Try to behave at the dining table." You said and used your magic to clean and dress the both of you. You tried to get up and move, but found your legs refused to cooperate. Peter made a small concerned sounding noise and he came over to lift you up into his arms.
"Oh, thank you… I don't have a cool cloak like my dad."
"Don't need one. Got me." He murmured as he took you out of the room and made his way down the hall. You sighed, enjoying the way he carried you with very little effort. You didn't bother to get out of his arms when he stepped into the kitchen and nervously looked at your father.
"Took you two long enough to get down here. You're lucky I can control time, and kept the food hot. Now put my daughter down, Peter, and take a seat. Sweetheart, you might have to help him." Stephen said as he started to fill his plate. He said nothing about the bruises and the hickies to either of you. Peter ate his food in silence and when he was done he looked at Stephen, opening his mouth to speak.
"Don't bother, Peter. I'm not mad. All that I ask is you behave, if you know what I mean."
"What does that mean, dad?"
"It means he better not hurt you, kill you, or break your heart."
"So that means he can stay and we can try to help him?"
"Of course. We can make things easier for him and get his speech patterns back, but I don't think I can permanently reverse his new form without more research. I'll have a chat with Reed, Tony, and Hank, see what we can get going."
"Oh, I almost forgot. Peter says it was Harry Osborn that did this to him." You added quietly.
Your father saw red and he smashed his fist on the table.
"That little fuck is gonna pay."
That's it. That's what I wrote today. Fucked up and horny shit. I was high on edibles. Blame the weed. Enjoy.
No one proofread this for me. I banged this out in one day.
Original post that caused this fic to happen. @refairy
I know they wanted to write this, but this hit me so damned hard and I needed to write my own. I hope you like it.
@snippychicke @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @queenotaku23 @clairewinchester14 @promiscuoussatan @mona-has-friends @lazyotakujen @timeless-crow @crazylittlereader2474 @bibibeu @novagonz3elz7799 @theaussiedragon @mystinky-butt @autismsupermusicalassassin @readingfan @missdragon-1 @marvelescvpe @lunar-ghoulie @cicithemess2000 @animesnowstorm @mahbeanz @dafuqelaine @bby-lupin @paranoiac-666 @konniebon @cl0v3r-s0up @seraphine-so-pretty @jupitersmoon167 @butterflypillows @ivystoryweaver @mintellaine @bxdbxtxh15 @badbishsblog @cleothegoldfish @xxmadamjinxx @bitchyexpertprincess @sakurayuki8655-blog @jklkverr @jkthinkstoomuch @oscarissac2099 @neteyamsluvts
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ordowrites · 3 months
Can you do C, D, J, K, O and V please??
cw: nsfw, minors dni! some breeding / pregnancy mentions, yandere themes, pet play - ish, GN reader (referred to as partner and pet in this)
(for continuity, I'll just call him Wanderer in this but it can be for any iteration!)
(ask game)
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C um - Anything to do with cum, basically
SO here's the fun thing - I like to play around with the idea that he does not actually have a dick, so he doesn't produce semen! (trans!scara propaganda on this blog). However, this lad would be a fun of using dragon dildos - you know those ones that produce fake cum? Yeah, he loves using those. The upside is the fact that he can choose the size, consistency and whatnot.
He does have a slight cum eating fetish, so if his partner has a dick, he takes his time to enjoy it. With partners who have a vagina, he just adores watching it drip from their cunt and shoves it right back in.
(bonus is no surprise kids, but can puppets have children?)
D irty secret - Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
SO he has a few - this man is kind of an obsessive lover. He is a bit of hyperfixated lover and one who always wants to feel close to the person who has his affections and attention - so he'll steal stuff of theirs. Not to wear, but to have. Maybe even get off to. Whether it's normal clothes, underwear, or just things from his partners house.
(A dirty fantasy of his is that he'd love to keep his lover locked up in a home, so they could never leave him. But is it really a dirty secret if he's expressed it once or twice? But don't worry, he won't do anything to warrant such...actions.)
This likely doesn't qualify but he definitely stalks his partner quite often - only to see how they're doing, of course. Anyone who looks at his partner slightly wrong just seems to go missing.
J ack off - Masturbation headcanon
He doesn't masturbate often - he doesn't really ever feel the desire to. But he loves watching his partner get themselves off. For Scaramouche (or the Wanderer), it's an enjoyable and interesting experience. Often times, this is how sex starts for himself and his partner.
He'll tell them what toys to use, how to use them - sometimes he'll mimic their actions on his own body. If he's feeling particularly spicy and mean, he'll tie his partner up and make them watch as he gets himself off while taunting them.
K ink - One or more of their kinks
For someone who was an experiment for Dottore, Wanderer actually has a small medical kink. Something about the cold metal table, metal bondage, and the complete fear and helplessness.
He also likes choking, marking his partner up with bites where they can't be hidden, and some humiliation.
Also - he'll never quite admit this out loud, but the Wanderer has a fetish for clothed and outdoor sex. Something about breaking rules, nearly being caught, and knowing his partner just can't keep their voice down when they're begging for him to fuck them or for release. Tsk.
O ral - Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
He actually likes to receive more than give, oddly enough - for someone who doesn't masturbate, he certainly likes to be on the receiving end of oral. There's just something about his partner with their arms bound behind their back, on their knees and in between his legs while they rut against his leg to get themself off. Oh - and add a collar and leash he can pull on, of course.
(he's also very good at giving oral, but oral is a nice reward to give to well behaved pets, you know? they have to ask him nicely for him to consider it, and hell, he'll do it on a whim if he's feeling particularly nice or frisky)
V olume - How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
Oh, the Wanderer tries to be as quiet as possible - but in private, he's very noisy. Loud moans, gasps, and grunts. He tends to curse more often, too - especially if he's close to orgasm. Sure, the Wanderer teases his partner for being noisy themself, but the man sure is loud.
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magicalrocketships · 11 months
Maybe you’ve moved on but I gotta ask.
How is de aged Max doing today? What is him and Daniel up to?
I will never have moved on from tiny Max. Never! He has my full and entire heart. I have at least three versions of this entire universe running concurrently in my head at any one time. But today Daniel has to find some clothes and shoes and toys for a newly small Max, and Max still refuses to tell him what he would like to eat for breakfast.
There is a POSSIBILITY that this link shows the stuff I've already posted in chronological order. Will it work on both mobile and browser? Who knows. Anyway, this bit follows directly on from this part.
1100 words of de-aged Max:
The woman who comes to deliver Max's Go Small stuff is called Charlotte, she's dressed impeccably, and she obviously thinks she's extremely good with children. 
She has, however, met her match in Max, because Max maintains the same stubborn silence he's been giving Daniel all morning. He folds his arms and sits on the sofa in Daniel's hastily washed and dried old Go Small kit, and barely allows Charlotte to measure his feet for some shoes. He does not answer any of her questions, and buries his face in Daniel's side when she has to put his foot in the foot measuring thingy.
Max is not very good in the morning when he's normal sized, but when he's just a baby and he's scared and trying to hide it and he's been up in the middle of the night having adventures with washing machines and unexpected baths and too-big Daniel t-shirts, well. He'd barely consented to eat any breakfast, even after Daniel had gone all out (little bowls of the two different types of cereal he has, another piece of toast with a jam smiley face on it, and then a fuck-it bowl of sweets from his bag of M&S Percy Pigs from when he was in Milton Keynes last month, because Max won't be small for long and he has to eat something). Max had sat at Daniel's table, sleepy and quiet and stubborn and shy, had eaten two bites of toast (avoiding the jam), a handful of cheerios, and three of the sweets. He'd eaten the sweets without taking his eyes off of Daniel's face, which remained creepy. He is absolutely not up for meeting strangers in Daniel's living room who do strange things like deposit bags and boxes in the doorway and then ask to measure his feet. 
"What kind of shoes would you like, Max?" Charlotte asks, which seems like a stupid question to ask given that Max has given her exactly zero interactions since she arrived, and he very clearly does not want any shoes at all. "We have red ones, and green ones, and blue ones, and some with pictures on, if you don't want a colour. We have Spider-man, and Pikachu, and—" 
For the very first time all day, Max makes a voluntary noise. His gaze darts to Daniel, his eyes bright. 
Daniel purposefully softens his smile. "Something there you like the sound of, Maxy-Max? Was it the green ones?"
Max shakes his head no.
"Well, it must be the Spider-man ones, then." He turns to Charlotte, giving her the ghost of a wink. "I think—"
"No," Max says quickly. When he says "Pikachu please," he says it so quickly the words run together, all mixed up like they've just run into a wall and scattered letters everywhere. 
"Pikachu, hey?" Daniel says. "That's a very good choice, Maxy-Max."
"They're in the van," Charlotte says, getting to her feet. "I'll go and get them, and some socks to match, maybe? Then we can try them on, make sure they fit nicely."
As she leaves, Max stares wide-eyed up at Daniel. "Pikachu shoes?"
"Pikachu shoes," Daniel agrees. "Pikachu, that's the chicken, right? Cluck-cluck."
"No," Max frowns. "Pikachu is a mouse, Daniel." 
"Right," Daniel says, nodding. "The purple mouse, I forgot. Silly Daniel."
"He is yellow," Max says, still frowning. "Pikachu is yellow and he's a mouse and he's the best one. He has a tail that goes like this--" he shapes out a lightning bolt in the air, kind of, and Daniel puts on his best learning face. "He likes ketchup."
"Ohhh," Daniel says. "Like you like tomato soup." 
Max's eyes get really wide. He beams.
Daniel rests his chin on his palm. "Do you know anything else about Pokemon? I don't think I know anything. I thought Pikachu was a purple chicken."
Max tells Daniel at least fifteen things about Pokemon before Charlotte comes back brandishing a pair of Pikachu trainers in one hand, and a bag of things to up-sell Daniel in the other. Daniel doesn't bother reviewing them, since they're clearly Pokemon clothes and books and socks and toys, and he's not exactly poor. If Max gets big again today, they can all go to some other Pokemon-obsessed seven year old. He agrees to take them all, even as Max tells him all about Charmander — his tail is on fire, Daniel, but he doesn't set on fire, it is all right, it is just his tail — and Squirtle, who Daniel believes is a horse and Max has to explain is a turtle.
"Of course," Daniel says, as he finishes velcroing Max's Pikachu trainers closed. They're teamed with matching socks. Daniel does not choose to think about what he's just paid for either of them. "Silly me. The horse is the other one, right?"
Max blinks at him like Daniel is extremely stupid. It's the cutest fucking thing Daniel has ever seen in his entire fucking life. He's seen that expression on Max's face before, only more grown up-shaped and usually directed towards the journalist with the stupidest question in any given press session. Right now the full baby force of it is directed towards him. 
"Jigglypuff, right?" Daniel says. "The horse?"
"He is not a horse, Daniel," Max says finally. Daniel's stupidity is clearly weighing heavy on him, because when Daniel gets up to say thank you and good bye to Charlotte, he gets up too, complete with new shoes, and hides behind Daniel's hip, hands to Daniel's waistband. He does not say goodbye. Daniel doesn't ask him to, particularly as when he shakes Charlotte's hand, she whispers, got yourself a handful there, and nods towards baby Max. 
Daniel is glad that he's standing as a physical shield between her and Max, because right now he feels like he could evolve into some kind of huge fucking terrifying Pokemon if anyone on the planet said anything mean about the scared little boy clutching his t-shirt. "I've got pretty big hands," he says finally, and shuts the door on her. 
Then, he turns back around to Max, who's looking down in wonder at his yellow Pikachu trainers and matching socks, his hand still tangled in Daniel's shirt. 
"You like your new shoes, Maxy?"
"Yes," Max says, wiggling his toes. "Is she coming back?"
"No," Daniel says, as Max slips his hand into his. Daniel's heart expands about fifteen sizes. "Do you want to look at your new book about flags?"
"A book about flags?" Max asks, blinking. 
"Yeah," Daniel says, grabbing the package off the table. "You want to look?"
"Yes, please," Max says, and doesn't let go of Daniel's hand. 
[continues here]
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Petty Shit Viz Has Done to the TWST Cast
She's not normally petty, and it takes her a while to feel comfortable enough to 'play around' this way
Rearranged the tea cupboard in Heartslaybul and Riddle couldn't decide whether he should be mad or not bc there are very loose rules regarding the storage of tea but. she colour coded it so now he gets to have a dilemma over it (bc he got after her for a rule she thought was ridiculous)
swapped salt with sugar because she asked Trey if he tastes his baking as he goes and he said basically 'everything's muscle memory at this point, I know what I'm doing, I leave taste testing to people who happen to pop into the kitchen'
made ice cubes from boiled hot dog water so when Cater came over he put it in his iced latte (he likely took something of hers without asking, probably something innocent enough it didn't really warrant that reaction but she's gotta be a shit sometimes)
Deuce would have no petty crimes committed against him. He is Baby.
She took a seam ripper to Ace's dorm uniform so at the next Unbirthday party he'd get in trouble (this is just retribution at this point)(yes she will fix it for him)
Leona is her favourite person to get petty with tbh bc shes willing to go to lengths with him she won't do with anyone else. (and he puts up with her more than anyone else, lowkey, in my brain it's like. you know when adult lions pretend to be hurt by lion cubs "attacking" them to gain confidence in their hunting skills? He's doing the same thing but in letting her explore Fun and what safe boundaries look like). ANYWAYS he told her she couldn't ever pull something on him he didn't see coming so she made him play sniper chess without explaining the rules first.
I honestly think Ruggie is safe??
If Jack ever stays over and desheds his tail in the bathroom without cleaning up properly, she won't let him back into ramshackle unless he puts a plastic bag over his tail
When she's mildly upset with Azul, (who she works for), she and Floyd only speak pig latin to each other. Jade understands but refuses to speak it. Azul doesn't get it whatsoever and it drives him nuts. When he finally gets it, the two end up switching to "egg".
She doesn't do petty shit with the tweels. It's either they're on great terms or they're not, there's no in between. She has a generally playful relationship with Floyd, and she and Jade are gossips + both enjoy mycology
Kalim is exempt simply because they don't interact enough to really warrant a petty reaction, though she does get snippy during chapter 4
Her and Jamil on the other hand, their entire relationship is petty personified, but it's mostly through words not action. (Exes, but they've never dated.)
She took all the cutlery from Pomefiore when Epel told her Vil was serving bite sized meals anyways so she figured they could all just eat with their hands
She has a lot of Impulsive Thoughts regarding Rook, but she wouldn't act on most of them. (they don't interact much)
Idk what caused it, what made her do it, I just know she took all of Epel's lightbulbs at one point. Didn't even leave him one to which kind he needed to replace them. (Vil knew she was gonna pull this shit and thought it was funny)
She won't mess with the Shrouds, Idia and her don't interact until like chapter 6 and uh. shits awkward between them. and Ortho is baby.
She isn't close enough with anyone in Diasomnia to feel it's appropriate to be petty, though she might get there eventually
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belphegorbillickin · 2 months
Autistic MC with Beel & Belphie
(CW!:) Belphie is selfish and manipulative as always, it's not really a healthy relationship even if it's a loving one. Stop reading at "He's the voice" to avoid it, though Beelzebub is also there to balance it out.
The same disclaimer for the previous set of autistic MC HCs applies.
This is not a even a remotely good indicator for self-suspecting autism and plenty of these things could easily be relatable to allistics, even the most mentally healthy neurotypicals.
So of course everyone is free to enjoy and relate to it! ^_^
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Get ready for the best damn hugs of your life! Whatever way you want to be hugged, Beelzebub will deliver, anytime and anywhere.  Well, unless you want to be bigger or even just the same size as the person hugging you, but Beel's devoted enough to try to find a way to shrink for a bit if that's what you really want. Plus, think about how much bigger food would be in comparison!
Speaking of food, if there's any kind of texture you don't want to eat, or any other restrictions of course, Beel is more than happy to do it for you. He'll even pretend to steal it off your plate and let himself get lectured for it if you're in a situation where someone is trying to force you to eat something. Though he does try to make sure you're getting enough nutrition himself.
Beelzebub will always ensure you have something you can eat to the best of his abilities. He wouldn't mind ordering takeout or picking something up together afterward at all. Hell, you'd probably catch him trying to go out during a massive storm for one of your snacks. He always tries to have your favorite foods on hand just in case, even if it means constantly having to replace them because he can't resist the idea of sharing something you love. Beel also understands that all of smacking and chewing can be sensory hell even for "normal people," so he'll always give you a head's up before eating so you can put your headphones on and try to eat before hanging out with you if he can. Belphie will also happily give you the food off of his plate any time you want it, but he does the same for Beelzebub and is a bit of a picky eater with a low appetite himself, so do make sure he's eating enough when Beel is distracted.
He's also a great cook and a very patient teacher that'll eat any and all failed attempts, so he'd be more than happy to try to help you improve your cooking skills if that's something you struggle with. Beel's definitely the kinda guy that'd put all the knives out of reach if you really struggle with your motor skills though, and would only let you start peeling/chopping with safety gloves on. He doesn't mind taking on all the steps that give you a lot of trouble either. Even just staying with him as he cooks, keeping him distracted, and reminding him that he can't eat it all is more than enough to keep him happy.
Beelzebub is very intrigued by the concept of chew necklaces if you use them. He may or may not have tried one of yours he saw lying around. …It didn't end well. He basically impaled it on his massive teeth on the first gentle bite. It didn't even taste like anything either. He really can't see the appeal of it at all… You'll have to explain to him that it's just for the feeling of chewing, not actually eating, to help keep you from biting things you shouldn't. When you put it that way, he really sympathizes. Beelzebub actually thinks it's really cute that you kind of have something in common like that. Needless to say, he definitely fights for your right to keep it on you when you need it.
And if anyone has a problem with you or your needs? They have a problem with Beelzebub, and anyone who has a problem with Beelzebub has a problem with his brothers. Beelzebub's been the glue holding the family together for centuries and he'll gladly be the glue holding you together if you'd let him. He's incredibly patient with stuttering and does his best to protect MC from their harmful stims. He'll actively encourage, or rather almost force you, to take it out on him instead. Go on, don't worry, you'll break your own bones before you give him so much as a tiny scratch or a bruise.
Beelzebub is very empathetic when it comes to the people he cares about, and the most emotionally intelligent brother by far. He'd prefer for you to come and try to communicate with him when you're feeling down or overwhelmed before it becomes a big deal and would try to encourage you to do so, but he's always keeping an eye out and ready to intervene. If you're the kind of person that shuts down and needs to be left alone? He'll immediately put Belphie into a headlock, prying him and anyone else away if need be. He'd do his best to help encourage healthy habits and slow but steady growth, not allowing anyone to shove you into something you're not ready for, even if that day may never come. He's also very much able to sympathize with feeling "worthless" due to not being able to do as much as other people and feeling "slow," and does his best to try to keep you from feeling the same way.
Beel's also a great listener and almost always happy to just hang out, regardless of whatever it is y'all are doing together, so he's by far the best one to go to when no one else shares your interests. Feel free to chatter on about it on his back while he does his push-ups or while y'all are doing chores together and he'll surprise you with how much of it he retains and tries to bond with you over. He'd love for you to at least come to his most important games and would try to make it as accessible as possible, but he understands that it's not always enough. Do be sure to support him in your own way though, he'd very much appreciate it! 
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Who needs a weighted blanket when you have Belphie? Probably most people tbh, considering blankets don't have horns or thorny tails and don't actively resist being moved around or, god forbid, being left behind. Belphie's extremely clingy and tactile by nature when he likes someone, and he doesn't handle rejection very well. Which is definitely something that's an issue when you have sensory issues and can't stand the feeling of someone's hair or breath on you, or even any kind of touch at all (even through thick clothes and blankets) most of the time.
At least he can always guarantee a good night's sleep regardless of any noises, stressors, or changes in routine; so long as you trust enough to let him use his powers on you anyway. He promises getting addicted to his magic is mostly harmless, as long as you always keep him around and never ever sleep without him again. He'll let you come running any time you need his soothing voice and powers to help calm yourself down, actively encourages you to let him free you from your physical prison as often as you'd like.
But feel free to be as blunt about your boundaries as you need to be. It's pretty much the only way he'll listen, and he's fairly used to it after spending an eternity with Beelzebub anyway. He'll learn to adapt to your limits so long as they apply to everyone.  While Belphegor may not be anywhere near as kind or empathetic as Beel is, he's still very devoted to the very few people he chooses to let in and catches on quickly. He will listen if you tell him if you need to be left alone in complete and utter silence when you start getting overstimulated, though he'll also say it doesn't count if he's just passed out in the corner (even though it very much does) at first. You don't have to worry about softening up your sentences and micromanaging your tone with either of the twins really, they're both the "actions over words" type and won't overthink it unless you are the kind of person to be passive-aggressive. Even then, he can when you're just being blunt vs intentionally hurtful, though he'll definitely use it to his advantage against his "rivals." Belphegor would probably (playfully) give you some shit for it at first, but he's just being a dick, as is his nature, and will drop it the second he notices it hurts you, (if it would), once you two become close.
Similar to Satan, Belphie also automatically explains anything he knows you won't/didn't get, though only if he feels like it's necessary and in a much more arrogant manner by default. He's actually not being condescending on purpose for once, it just comes so naturally to him that he doesn't always know how to explain things and he's already used to doing most of the critical thinking for Beelzebub. God forbid anyone else talks down to you though, he's just as protective of you as he is of Beelzebub, if not more so.  He has his blind spots, but he won't force you into anything that would cause real distress and will intervene if someone else does. Especially if that someone is Lucifer or Diavolo.
Belphie's still his lazy, bratty self, but he does put more effort into maintaining his schedule if he knows it really stresses you out, and he'll gladly take the blame for "forcing" you to sleep through any and all events you'd hate to sit through. He's the voice that's always telling you that it's okay to not even try, that it'll never be anything but stressful no matter how hard you try and that's okay to just let it go. To just let him handle everything and try to relax. "Why bother trying to explain your issues to someone who will always see it as an excuse?" and etc. It's done with mostly good intentions, as good as a demon could ever have anyway, but he is very much an enabler of the worst kind, similar to Leviathan, and could easily create a very codependent relationship where you slowly start to lose your skills and built-up tolerance until you're left more disabled than you were before. 
It's actually one of the only things the twins ever seriously fight over, as Beelzebub disagrees with his approach and knows he's just making things harder for you in the end. He's very much of the belief that loving someone means helping them become their best, most healthiest self whereas Belphie believes there's no harm in letting you become as dependent on them as possible, because they'll always be there to help you. Beelzebub still believes a bit of suffering is healthy and necessary to improve regardless, and Belphegor still believes you should be able to avoid anything that makes you even slightly uncomfortable (unless he's really set on something) even if it makes it harder to cope in the end, regardless of how many times they argue. In the end, whether or not you fall to temptation completely is your choice, even if Belphegor will do his best to convince you he knows what's best for you.
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I had wanted to get this out for their birthday, but Belphie is such an ass & I know this kind of HC doesn't actually make me feel reassured unless the characters are actually in-character, but I know it's the exact opposite for what seems like most(?) people & I didn't want to advertise comfort just for it to upset everyone, but… : / I can't write pure fluff with anyone but Beelzebub anyway tbh, and it's a bit of a struggle even then. Ngl, Beelzebub, Satan, and maybe Mammon depending on the MC (if they only date him) are probably the only ones any MC could realistically ever have a halfway healthy relationship with imo. (And I'm purposely excluding Simeon and Solomon from this list.)
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bumbburger · 1 year
Shrink rays your Soap
GhostSoap crack, and fluff
Simon woke up to clattering in his kitchen.
He was a light sleeper through and through, even more so when he didn't have Soap huddled by his side.
The first thing he noticed, aside from the noise, was the lack of the smaller man's warmth cuddled into him. That simply wasn't right.
Soap would always huddle Simon well into the morning, until they both would have to begrudgingly arise. But there was no Soap, no running shower, no breakfast cooking. Something was not correct.
Simon grunted, using his palm to rub the sleep from his eyes. He moved his legs over the bed and heaved himself upright, on a mission to see what was causing the ruckus.
He rounded the corner into the kitchen, senses on high alert.
On the floor laid a broken, ceramic mug.
Even more alarmingly, next to the mess sat a little, kitten sized Scotsman.
"Quit yer gawking and help me up you big bastard!" His voice remained gruff as ever, never faltering.
Simon blinked his eyes again, mostly from disbelief.
"Get me off this bloody floor already!" He reached his proportionately tiny hands up for Simon, wishing to be picked up.
Simon scooped him up easily in both hands, deftly gentle with the now bite-sized Soap.
"But you're so… small… smaller than before, even-"
"Oh how funny. As if I haven't noticed I'm the size of your shoe!" He huffed, crossing his arms, thoroughly frustrated.
"Alright, alright calm down you little muppet." Simon cooed. "What exactly happened when I woke up?" He ran his thumb over the tiny man's Mohawk, his thumb enough to smother his head entirely.
Soap sighed a bit at the touch.
"Well I was jus' getting ready to make some coffee and breakfast, ya know. Had the mug in hand and everything and suddenly, it was… like a sneeze. I went from totally average sized man to this-" He stammered out, clearly frustrated.
"Maybe it'll wear off…?" Simon offered.
Soap grit his teeth.
"I'm still hungry too, didn't even get my coffee… how messed up is that?"
"I can make you something but… how would you eat it? I can only cut up toast so much- " He gave Soap a sarcastically grin. "I can get the bottle we used for the kitten I suppose."
Soap stiffened, blue eyes glared up at Simon's brown ones.
"Do not use a fuckin' bottle on me, Simon."
Simon chuckled a bit, putting up his free hand defensively.
"Alright, don't come complaining to me when you can't eat nothing because you're the size of my palm." He carefully set Soap down on the table, confident the small man wouldn't just throw himself off of it on a whim. Hopefully.
Simon started scanning their cupboards and fridge for something he could reasonably give to his tiny companion.
He dug through the fridge and discovered a carton of strawberries he didn't remember buying, they were still fresh. He took one out, the smallest and reddest one, and brought it to the table. He set it down beside him, nearly half his size.
"That's… kinda large, don'tcha think?" Soap chided.
"I can cut it up a little, or blend it up. I dunno, maybe you'll have to have baby food-"
"Just cut it up you big brute."
Simon let out an amused huff before grabbing the strawberry again, and unsheathing a paring knife from their knife block, he cut the berry as little and coherently as he could. The berry holds up well for being sliced so small, not reducing to mush under the blade. Simon cuts up the whole thing and places it on a small saucer, returning it back to the occupied table.
Soap stood up, looking approvingly at the pieces of berry.
Simon turned back around to make himself coffee. Normally, he'd like tea this early in the morning but for Soap, he'd bear through.
The coffee brewed slowly, filling the kitchen with the scent. Once finished, he took the mug in his hand and sat down at the table.
He found that Soap made pretty good progress on the strawberry, a few pieces still scattered on the plate. He was a bit amazed that he had gotten that far, really.
Simon took a little spoon, one he'd often use for his tea and dipped it into his mug, filling it with coffee before setting it down on the table by Soap. A peace offering, of sorts.
Soap looked up at him, still chewing with his cheeks full.
"I'm s'posed to lap it up like a dog, then?"
Simon took a sip from his mug.
"I could get the bottle if you'd like."
"You're a mean man, Simon."
"Maybe don't get shrunk next time" He shrugged.
He watched as Soap bent down to drink some of the coffee from the spoon. Simon found himself wondering how beneficial a strawberry and coffee are as a full breakfast. He'd try and make up for it with lunch.
Soap sat back now, arms splayed behind him, propping himself up. Simon swears he hears the littlest hiccup from him.
"Full? From a berry and some coffee-" Simon smiled from behind his mug.
"It was… a big strawberry. Shut your gob" He huffed indignantly.
Another chuckle from Simon.
"What am I to do with you?" He brought his index finger over the table to poke Soap's chest affectionately.
Another huff from Soap.
"I wanna go back to bed… wake up and be normal again…" He rubbed his eyes tiredly.
Simon pursed his lips in silent contemplation. He gazed at the microwave clock, reading 9:27 AM. He supposed it wouldn't hurt to go back to bed for a while.
"Am I to put you in my pocket and crawl back into bed?" He looked down at Soap.
"Oh definitely-" There was no sarcasm in his voice. He really did want to fall asleep in Simon's pocket.
"I guess I can keep you in there while I get some work done, then. That way I can be sure you aren't getting into trouble." Simon glanced at him.
"Aye, kinda always wanted to get wrapped up in your hoodie and take a nap… usually it involved different circumstances, though." He yawned dramatically and stretched his arms above his head, bringing one hand down to scratch his tummy under his shirt. He was putting on a little display, and Simon took his cue.
Gently, he brought a large hand to wrap around Soap's chest under his arms, careful not to squeeze him. He lifted him up and opened the front of his jacket pocket to place him in it. He looked down, making sure he was secure and finally allowed himself to stand. He decided he'd lay on the couch and do some relaying with Price about a mission in the works. His pocket was quiet and warm, a little fuzzy Mohawk sticking out from time to time. There was a rise and fall independent of Simon's own breathing, it made him feel comfortable.
He opened his laptop and worked quietly for a few hours, his tiny Soap never returning to his normal size in that time. It was going to be a long day.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 9 months
What You Need
Synopsis: Two days without eating and three without sleeping sounded like the normal schedule for college student Logan Berry. He’s in class all day and works all night just to barely pay off his rent every month. Constant bills leave little room for bare necessities, and it’s clear that his current lifestyle is very damaging. While looking for solutions, he comes across one that seems… mediocre at best, but he’s desperate. What is this solution? A sugar daddy.
Taglist: @witchesgetstitchesblog @book-limerence @romans-dull-creativity @seeyoube @dragonheart905 @some-distant-star @rr170 @nightweirdo @librowyrm
Part Seven
"Wake up, kitten," Janus coos, hands shaking Logan's body. Logan groans at the feeling, swatting Janus's hands away, before he turns over on the floor. 
He'd sacrificed his lackluster bed for Janus's comfort; the latter had been staying with Logan for a while, the two of them keeping each other company. There'd been little talk of the twins; they were more preoccupied asking each other odd questions and poking around the other's life out of sheer curiosity. 
"C'mon, kitten,"  Janus ushers, with more bite this time, "you can't stay asleep forever. Especially because you have somebody on the way." 
At this Logan perks up, grabbing his glasses from nearby and pushing himself to sit up, where he sees Janus waving his phone at him. A very clear message from Remus reads 'good morning kitten,' and Logan flushes as he pieces together why Janus was calling him such. 
"Janus! That's a complete invasion of privacy!" Logan exclaims, as he lunges forward in a desperate attempt to grab his phone. Janus holds it up and just barely out of reach. 
Janus cackles as Logan struggles to snatch it back, though Janus just pulls his arm away in response, teasingly waving the phone back and forth. 
"It's not my fault," Janus huffs, placing his other hand on his heart as though he's but a victim to be sympathized with. "If you don't want someone to read your messages, then you should put a password on your phone." 
Despite his words, he's grinning wide, and Logan frowns at Janus's solid point. 
Logan's never had much of a reason to have a password on his phone. He was never around people that would snoop. Not until now, apparently. 
Finally, with another laugh, Janus slowly lowers Logan's phone down and allows the latter to swipe it, musing to himself as Logan quickly reads over the texts, cheeks growing pink as they travel down the screen. 
Aside from the rather flustering good morning message, there's a second typical one that includes Remus begging him to come over, even though such a thing should have been assumed considering Logan's been coming over every weekend, sticking to the agreed-upon schedule he and Remus made on a whim. And every weekend Remus has fawned over the collar Logan's kept on, letting Remus choke him with it and mark him up around it. 
He really only takes it off to go to class. 
"I didn't look farther than those messages," Janus explains, as he pushes himself to stand. He grabs some of Logan's clothes from the small pile Logan has, and takes his time looking over the shirts, before settling on one. He casually takes his own shirt off, tossing it onto the floor and slides one of Logan's on. They're nearly the same height, and essentially the same size, with Janus being a little more average (while Logan was deathly thin). "Your phone kept lighting up, and it was bothersome." 
He pushes his hands above his head, stretching dramatically, before cracking his neck and grinning at the plethora of pops. 
Logan scoffs in response. It's more playful than genuine, as he know by now that even if Janus did read farther, he wouldn't be judged. At least, not outwardly. The teasing is just a little embarrassing. 
"That's not justification for betraying my trust," Logan huffs, which has Janus sticking his forked tongue out at Logan, before promptly moving on. 
"I was planning on going over there to spend some time with Roman today, so I'll drive you over there," Janus states, scratching at his stomach. "Take your time getting ready; we can leave whenever, but you know how Remus is. It's probably best to not keep someone so impatient waiting." Janus bends down to pinch Logan's cheek playfully, wiggling his face back and forth. "You want to be a good kitten for him, after all." 
Logan hits Janus's hand away, and frowns at him as Janus leaves the room, taking his time getting dressed and grooming himself before he heads into the small kitchen, where he sees Janus eating handfuls of cereal out of a box. He's sitting on top of the counter. 
"You should really get some more food," Janus comments, as he shovels more of the bland breakfast into his mouth. 
Logan bites his inner cheek. "I should." 
"You have so little for someone who has a bedside-drawer full of cash." 
Hands rubbing against each other, Logan looks a little uncomfortable. "I feel weird spending that money. I know it's mine, and I know I've technically worked for it, but being given so much of it at once feels weird. I feel strange even giving that money up for rent." 
Janus stares at him, before looking a little wistful. "I used to feel that way." He sets the box to the side after wrapping up the plastic bag inside, either content with the amount he's eaten or too distracted to think about eating any more.
Logan moves closer to him, raising an eyebrow. "What helped you get over it?"
"My materialistic tendencies," Jannus jokes, but upon receiving an unamused look from Logan, Janus sighs, and answers honestly. "Necessity. I was dying when I met Roman. I lived in a dinky little apartment just like this, with a window that wouldn't shut all the way and mold growing behind the fridge that didn't work. I'd go days without eating, and inhaling the tainted air was making me sick." 
Janus shifts his position, looking weirdly vulnerable. "This position was recommended to me by an old friend. Someone who used to work with Roman previously. They said they found a different job - an internship that would lead them somewhere they wanted to go - and that they knew I needed money." Janus touches the side of his face, rubbing his fingers over his discoloured skin. "I thought Roman wouldn't want me. Surely, men that rich would be picky, right?" 
"Thin and with vitiligo. Disheveled. A mess." Janus scoffs. "If Roman were smarter, I'm sure he would have seen me as someone easy to take advantage of, and I was fully prepared for that. To enforce boundaries, and to brace myself for the rejection that would come with my unwillingness to do horrific sexual acts." 
"And yet..." Janus trails off, staring at the cereal box, before turning back to Logan, who's staring at him with wide eyes. It makes Janus's eyes widen himself as he realizes he's veered off topic, and he laughs awkwardly as he shakes his head. 
"Sorry, it seems I got a bit off topic." Janus waves his hand back and forth, before settling back into his original thought. "The short answer as to how I got over it was the fact I was hungry, and I couldn't eat the money that was laying around, doing nothing. And when you spend a lot on food, you get more comfortable spending a lot in general." Janus flashes his own sparkly phone at Logan to get his point across, smiling proudly. "Plus, Roman would encourage me to spoil myself a little bit, and would crack open his wallet to allow me to do so. And it'd be rude to say no to an offer like that." 
It's meant to be interpreted as a joke, but Logan can tell that it stands as a true statement. 
"Maybe ask Remus to take you shopping some time," Janus suggests, as he grabs the box of cereal and tucks it back into the cabinet behind him. "Or ask Roman," Janus winks, "if you want to double your haul." 
"If you're going to advertise Roman so openly, you should at least be getting paid," Logan jokes, making Janus snort at the irony. He hops off Logan's counter, pulling on the latter's collar as he struts by him, making Logan choke and then huff as he stomps after Janus, playfully embarrassed. 
"It's cute you sleep in that," Janus teases, as they make their way out of the apartment. "Does Remus know?" 
Logan's surprisingly loose around Janus. Of course, they can bond over their... profession, but they have a lot more than that in common, too. 
Like apparently their backgrounds. Knowing now that Janus was living in poverty before finding Roman makes Logan feel a lot less embarrassed about his empty fridge, or a leash being hooked to his collar for a couple stacks of cash. 
"I'm sure he assumes," Logan replies, humming. "I typically have it on whenever he comes over, or when I go over there."
As they make their way outside, Logan's suddenly a lot more rigid and red as he thinks about his collar and leash, now fully focused on them thanks to Janus's little playful motion. Every weekend he'd gone over, Remus had been eager to choke his slender neck with the thick leash. He also fawned over the collar and it's entirety, constantly babbling about how cute Logan looks in it. Like a puppy! 
Or a kitten. 
It makes Logan tremble in anticipation as he imagines what they'll be doing today. Surely using the leash, right? 
Janus, being the gentleman he is, opens the passenger door for Logan, uttering "you should really have Remus get you a car, too," before he hops into the driver's side. Logan rolls his eyes as he gets in, fiddling with the accessory around his neck. 
"I assume you have plans with Roman," Logan begins, awkwardly, as he buckles in. Janus starts the car. "What are they?" 
Janus checks his blind spot, before backing the car up. "He wants to take me out to dinner. It's his favourite non-sensual activity. Usually." 
Janus looks over at Logan and grins. "Well, yeah. Usually, it's an innocent, pleasant evening, with nice food and red wine. But other times, Roman's calloused hand drags a little further up my thigh than what'd be deemed proper in an establishment like that, and he gives me the gentlest smile while playing rough with my body." He tells Logan all about his romantic evenings with Roman with dramatic intonation, as though he's reciting a simple story. 
And Logan's reactions are more than amusing, going red, looking away, fidgeting, until finally, as Janus begins to describe what goes on when they get back to the car, Logan finally tells Janus to stop talking, voice cracking with second-hand embarrassment brought on by his friend's casualty, and the mental image of Roman naked. 
After that, the ride is mostly quiet. 
Not in an uncomfortable way; it's more so just Logan being flustered into silence due to still being a bit unused to conversations like this. Even though he's been seeing Remus for a couple months now, it doesn't mean he's gotten more comfortable discussing such blatantly sexual things aloud. Especially with his newfound friend. 
Though, now that he and Janus casually hangout, they do bring up their respective daddies quite often. 
It was a previously embarrassing topic, but Janus was forward about Roman and what he's like, so Logan attempted to meet his level of openness in regards to Remus, and soon, most conversations about the twins were surprisingly lighthearted. 
Besides, sitting in the quiet was something both of them quite like. Neither of them find it tense or anything; just comfortable. 
It's a short drive, and once they pull up to the mansion, the gates open for Janus's car, and he heads up the driveway. A servant opens Janus's door for him, and another opens Logan, and both of them politely thank the persons before heading inside. 
And almost immediately, that comforting silence is disrupted. 
As soon as the door is opened, both of them are overwhelmed by a very loud, dramatic cry of Logan's name, before there's a blur rushing towards him, and Logan's being swept up by Remus. Remus is squeezing Logan hard enough for Janus to mutter a comment about Logan looking like one of those eye-popping keychains, which makes Remus laugh as he kisses the side of Logan's face. 
Finally, after an utterance of "Remus... can't.... breathe-" from Logan's mouth, he's dropped back to the floor, Remus smiling wide. 
Logan bends over to catch his breath, panting hard, while Janus snorts. 
"You almost killed him," he jokes, looking between Logan's struggling frame and Remus's happy vibrations, as he rocks on his feet excitedly.
"I can't help it!" Remus responds, before reaching forward to grab Logan's face, squishing his cheeks. "He's just so cute!" He kisses the bridge of Logan's nose, before actually addressing Logan now, stating "I've missed you so much." 
Logan smiles, but is quick to point out "you literally saw me last weekend. You've seen me every weekend." Not to mention the fact that they text at least once a day, usually due to Remus suddenly asking a random, insignificant question out of nowhere, and a conversation spiraling regarding Logan's answer. 
Remus just rolls his eyes at Logan's logic though, and moves his hands from Logan's face to his hips, pushing Logan back against the door they just walked through. His lips are quick to press against Logan's, kissing him intensely and effortlessly sliding his tongue past Logan's lips as though doing so is a daily routine. 
Sloppily, Remus sucks on Logan's tongue, dramatically moaning, before pulling away briefly to pant like an excited puppy. 
Logan is extremely red, but it makes his chest feel warm that Remus obsesses over him this much. It's nice enough to almost let himself melt into it and let Remus do whatever he wants with him right then and there, until Roman clears his throat, causing Logan to push Remus away and hide his face in embarrassment. 
Backing up to give Logan some space, Remus grins over at Roman - who's approached the group in a very flashy suit and tie - and Janus, who looks incredibly amused. 
"Ahem," Roman clears his throat, looking between Logan and Remus, as Logan very slowly peels his hands away from his eyes. "Excuse me. The two of you might want to just suck face all day, and honestly that's fine with me, but preferably do it somewhere that doesn't block the door." Roman waves at Remus to shoo him back, as he leans over to Janus and whispers something in his ear, making Janus nod and head off away from the group. 
"My precious baby boy and I have dinner plans." Roman watches Janus leave with a smile, before crossing his arms over his chest, regarding the other two with arrogant playfulness.
"Dinner? It's still early," Logan states, as he watches Roman and Remus stare at each other. "When Janus said you guys were going to dinner, I assumed it'd be later." 
"The perfect time to go out to dinner is about four," Roman responds, dismissively. "And the place we're going to is about an hour away." 
"What is it?" 
Roman raises an eyebrow. "Hibachi. Since they'll be cooking in front of us, we'll be there a while, steadily eating foods as they're made. And I had plans to take him out to dessert, too, after we're done."  
Remus hums, hands patting against his sides, before he suddenly smiles. "I've got an idea! Why don't Logan and I join you and Janus for dinner tonight!" Remus slings his arm over Roman's shoulder, pulling him close and rocking him slightly. "My kitten needs something in that cute little tummy of his, anyway." 
Seeing them shoulder to shoulder, Logan can't help but notice they look remarkably different. They have the same face shape, the same nose, the same lips. But Remus's hair is a darker shade of brown, and his facial hair makes his face look differently structured. And they have completely different body types. 
They're both tall, sure, but Roman's muscular. He's soft and chubby when relaxed, and rather toned when he's flexing. He's also well groomed, and the hair on his arms (and Logan can assume the rest of his body hair) is a lighter brown, blending in surprisingly well with his tanner skin. 
While Remus's darker hair stands out against his paler skin. Having also seen Remus naked, Logan knows he's rather hairy in general. 
Honestly, if he wasn't told they were twins, he probably wouldn't have guessed they were related. 
"Wow," Roman huffs, setting an offended hand on his chest. "Inviting yourself along on our date? Stop being such a third wheel." Roman pushes Remus off of him, sending him stumbling. But Remus laughs, having gotten his answer from that response. He knows his brother well enough to know that if Roman genuinely didn't want him to come, he would have gotten a blunt no. "What's next, you're going to invite yourself in on our sex too?" 
"It's not like I haven't before," Remus replies, with a wink towards behind Roman, where Janus's slender frame reappears, now dressed in a suit similar to Janus's, sans tie. He looks a bit stiff, but pulls it off well. 
Roman's cheeks go pink, but he scrunches his face up at Remus's words, before turning to Janus. 
"They want to third wheel," Roman whines, wrapping his arms around Janus's waist and pulling Janus's back against his chest. 
"Logan would come too," Remus replies, rolling his eyes, "so technically it'd be more like a double date." He wraps his arm around Logan's waist, squeezing him and pulling him away from the door. He leans over, as though he's going to kiss Logan's cheek, but licks it instead, making Logan gasp before wiping at his cheek, pushing away from Remus with a lighthearted "Remus, seriously?" 
Roman ignores them, lips hovering above Janus's ear. "It's up to you," he says softly, and Janus has to repress a shiver. 
"I'm okay with it," he says, shrugging, and pulling away from Roman. Roman's arms hesitantly fall, but he keeps a hand lingering on the small of Janus's back. "Just hurry up. I hate long drives; I'd rather we get going as soon as possible."
"You heard him," Roman says, nodding towards Logan and Remus. "Be quick. Ten minutes, and we're leaving." 
"Understood!" Remus is quick to sweep Logan off of his feet, carrying him bridal-style as he runs past the other two, bounding up the stairs, resulting in Logan's arms tightly wrapping around Remus's neck, squeezing worriedly. Remus is so fast that Logan's scared he'll be thrown across the hallway if Remus were to trip, but luckily, that theory's never tested. 
They reach Remus's room quickly, and the doors kicked shut behind them as Logan's tossed onto the soft bed. 
"Was that really necessary?" Logan asks, as he pushes himself to sit up, watching as Remus fusses through the crumpled clothes in his closet. "I'm sure Roman wasn't being serious." 
"I wouldn't put abandoning us past him," Remus replies, jokingly, as Logan suddenly hears the rustling of a garment bag, followed by Remus pulling it out of the closet with a grin. Inside, is a nicely pressed, navy blue suit, with a matching blue tie. It looks way to small to be Remus's. 
Remus, more slowly this time, moves towards Logan as he holds the suit out, avoiding eye contact. "It's for you," Remus states, as though that wasn't obvious. "I've been hoping to take you out to dinner sometime; this was just the perfect opportunity." 
Logan stammers as he stares at it, the bag being passed into his hands. He has many questions he'd like to ask, but the first one that comes out of his mouth is "how do you know my size?" 
Chuckling, Remus sits next to Logan, kissing his head. "You leave a lot of clothes over here," he responds, playfully. "Mostly because I send you home wearing my stuff." 
That was true. A majority of the clothes Logan has at his house are actually Remus's. Giant hoodies and baggy sweatpants, and some shorts that are tight on Remus and long on Logan. But with all of those, it surely means that their counterparts belonging to Logan are strewn somewhere in Remus's large closet. 
Logan's touched by the action, as his fingers trail over the garment bag. 
Such a gift must have been extremely expensive; it is an extremely nice suit. And it's incredibly generous of Remus to go out of his way to get one that fit Logan perfectly for the sole reason of wanting to take him out on a nice date. 
But... Logan's clothes aren't exactly nice. Despite his thin stature, a lot of his clothes were bought by his parents and moved over when he found an apartment. That means any growth spurts he hit afterwards were unaccounted for, and now a lot of his clothes aren't long enough for his body. Does... does that mean the suit might be a little too tight? He'd hate to waste Remus's money if that's the case. 
"Wow... thank you," Logan breathes, before clearing his throat. He can't even feel the fabric yet, but he already knows that the suit in his hands is a very nice material, but what else could he expect? 
His fingers fiddle with the zipper on the garment bag, before he glances up towards where Remus is standing over him, smiling at Logan's visible admiration. Logan flushes. 
"Could you maybe turn around?" Logan asks, cringing at the way his voice cracks. "So I can get dressed?" 
Immediately, Remus snorts, before full on laughing, grabbing Logan by the chin and gently wiggling his face back and forth. "Pfft- seriously, Logan? I've seen you naked plenty of times, and you've been depriving me lately! I'd love to have a private little strip show." 
His response makes Logan feel a bit stupid for not thinking about that. Usually, Remus strips him; he just didn't process him stripping himself as something equally as intimate. Mostly because he's so used to getting dressed in private. 
Upon no immediate response, Remus gently cups Logan's face. "Of course, you don't have to if you're uncomfortable. I'll actually turn around if you want me to." 
"No- no. It's okay." Logan laughs a little bit, trying to shrug away the weird bout of nervousness seemingly overwhelming his body. "You can't stay completely focused on me though; you still have to get dressed too, remember?" Logan fully pulls the suit out of the bag, standing as he lays it against the bed and gently spreading it out piece by piece. "We only have ten minutes." 
He smiles as he feels Remus's eyes on him, though his face burns as he pulls his shirt over his head, and his pants down his thighs. 
Remus's hands grope Logan's thighs, before trailing up his chest, just feeling. Nothing more, though Logan can tell that Remus is itching to go further. Unfortunately, they have a time limit, and after a few seconds of touching, Remus pulls away. 
It makes Logan pout a bit, missing Remus's warmth the moment it's gone. He admittedly likes the hungry and obsessive way that Remus regards his nude body, and he could only imagine Remus's eyes eating his seminude body up the same way, though his boxers prevented any complete viewings of what Remus outwardly proclaims are his favourite parts of Logan. 
But the touches and the looks do a lot to Logan, and he finds himself having to actively repress his arousal. He'll suffer is he has to sit in the back of a limo repressing a hard on next to his best friend. 
He takes his time pulling the suit on, focusing on trying to make himself look as nice as possible in order to distract himself from the longing he experiences when he hears Remus retreat into his closet. 
He's never actually worn a suit before - not one of this caliber, at least, and so struggles a little bit pulling it on. But he eventually works it out, and looping the tie is the easiest part. 
As he tightens the tie, Remus slips from his mind, and instead he's thinking about the soft inner lining of the button up and the looseness of the suit jacket. Anything too tight or itchy would have made him uncomfortable, but he feels silly for assuming Remus wouldn't get him something extremely comfortable.  
And, more so, everything fits perfectly. Not too tight, and not too small. 
He looks around, and catches a view of himself in a full length mirror. Feeling a bit conceited, Logan approaches it, observing how strange he looks. Sure, he dresses nice, but he's sure he's never looked this nice. He looks respectable. Like an authority figure. 
If his hair was less disheveled and he was a bit taller, he was sure he could lead a company one day. 
Dressing like this feels right, but thinking about it feels wrong. Because this isn't actually is. He didn't do anything deserving of it. With his fantasies, he's literally sleeping his way to the top? How dare he have sex fand then believe himself to be anything more than the struggling man that he is-?
Logan suddenly jumps as Remus sneaks up behind him, hands firmly grabbing Logan's waist. He completely missed Remus's frame waltzing into view of the mirror. 
"You look good," Remus purrs, starting to reach his hands up Logan's suit jacket, and pouting when Logan stops him. 
"The others are probably getting impatient," Logan says, tilting his head back to look up at Remus, who looks down at him happily. "The others aren't going to want to wait any longer than they have to. And I wouldn't put it past Janus to have started complaining about the wait by now."
Logan then pulls away, and turns to face Remus rather than just staring at his reflection. He gets ready to insist they're ready to leave now, not wanting to be an inconvenience to the other two, but his words die on his tongue the moment he sees Remus. 
Remus is fully dressed in his own nice suit, though the top button of his button-up is undone, and his tie isn't even tied. Just loosely hanging on either side of his collar. His pants fit tight to his body but flare around the ankles, and the bright green socks Logan can only see a sneak of makes him smile as they're otherwise tucked into slick black dress shoes. 
Part of him doesn't know how Remus got dressed so fast, but Remus must be used to this. Logan can only assume he has a lot more experience dressing nice. 
But... damn, he's never seen Remus look so formal before. He stares, heat traveling to his face, not even realizing how cartoonishly horny he looks just by his facial expressions alone. 
Remus snickers. "What? You're looking at me like you're lusting over something, but I'm showing less skin than I normally do. Does modesty turn you on?" His teasing words fall on deaf ears, as Logan itches to both tie Remus's tie for him, and pull it off his body entirely. His hands run over Remus's chest, stopping just shy of Remus's exposed chest. 
Remus raises an eyebrow. "Don't we have somewhere to be?" he asks, watching the way Logan's eyes go wide and he pulls away, flustered. 
"Yeah. Yeah, we should probably head back downstairs." Logan's embarrassed of the way his voice cracks, but Remus pays it no mind, simply smiling and sliding his arm back around Logan's waist, leading him down to the other two. 
Roman and Janus look to be playfully bickering, but look up when they see Remus and Logan coming into the room. Janus wolf whistles, while Roman playfully rolls his eyes. 
"If you didn't have a cute piece of eye-candy with you, I'd scold you for taking so long," Roman huffs, leaning down to run his knuckle down the length of Logan's face. Logan flushes at the attention, but otherwise glances towards Janus, who seems amused by Roman's affection. "You're lucky Logan's pretty." 
Remus grins wide, shoving his hands into his pockets. "And you're lucky you're not within kicking distance." 
Roman sticks his tongue out in response, backing up from the two of them further before moving back to Janus's side, dramatically declaring "at last, we leave!" with a wave of his hand. It makes Janus chuckle, and even Logan can't help smiling wide. 
The four of them climb into the familiar back of the limo, Roman and Janus on one side, and Remus and Logan sitting across from them. 
The car starts up shortly after the door is shut behind them, and Roman's quick to reach for a small cooler next to the seats. Opening it, he pulls out a few chilled bottles of wine, and some wine glasses. He offers one to Janus, who takes it almost immediately, before offering one to both Remus and Logan. 
Remus glances at Logan, noticing his hesitance. 
"If you're uncomfortable with me drinking, I won't," Remus states, voice surprisingly soft. "Roman, Janus and I enjoy a glass or two casually sometimes. It won't make us drunk, or even the slightest bit tipsy, but I understand you might be more comfortable if you were assured there wasn't even a chance." 
With the other two eyeing him, Logan feels a little hesitant answering, before he waves Roman away, declining his own glass. 
"You can drink," Logan says, folding his hands in his lap. "If you end up drunk though, I'm going home." 
He has no idea how he'll get home, of course, but he's not going to have sex with Remus if Remus is drunk. That wouldn't be okay. 
Remus wiggles his eyebrows in response, snorting right after. "Please. getting drunk isn't worth losing a night of intense fun with my Logan."  
As goofy of a reaction as it is, Remus so casually giving up a night of drinking just for his comfort makes Logan feel a bit flustered. Special, even! 
Though, Logan shouldn't necessarily be surprised; Remus makes him feel special rather often, especially since Logan doesn't have the highest of standards. Like getting him an entire suit for example! That made Logan feel special. 
Despite not quite knowing how much Remus values a little indulging swig of wine every now and again, Logan still appreciates the fact Remus is willing to avoid drinking in order to keep him comfortable even though Logan still expressed comfortability if Remus still were to drink. 
And Remus pauses, giving Logan an extra moment to take back his words and say that he actually would prefer if Remus doesn't, before smiling when Logan nods. He stretches his arm out, and Roman leans forward, pouring wine out into Remus's cup. Roman fills it halfway - the silky red wine splashing against the outer edges of the crystal-clear glass - and Remus raises the glass to his lips. 
He tilts his head back as he takes a long drink. 
It reminds Logan of how smooth of a ride this is. A single bump and the red would stain the pure white of Remus's clothes, and yet he doesn't seem to fear such a thing. Nor does Roman. 
Even though they definitely have enough money to replace the suits, Logan's sure that the idea of turning around, changing, and then driving to the restaurant again would bother them - Roman at least - would be enough to deter them from potentially ruining their pristine and formal looks. And yet, they're confident enough in their ride to drink casually, and talk even more so. 
There's soft, pleasant chatter for a moment, both of the twins focusing on their respective baby, which means it doesn't take long for Remus to get handy. 
He wraps an arm around Logan's waist and kisses the side of his head as though it's a casual action. His lips have been in much more inappropriate places, and yet as they linger against Logan's temple, Logan feels just as breathless as he did when they were between his thighs. 
Rather meekly, Logan glances upwards, and when Remus pulls away to look back at him, he's smiling. 
"Would you like to try some?" Remus asks, a bit teasing with his tone but otherwise genuinely offering. He lowers his glass down to Logan, tilting it slightly and allowing Logan to observe the glossy liquid as it rushes to the sides, splashing slightly and dotting the rim of the glass with beads of bright red.  
"You don't have to, of course," Remus adds, nonchalantly, "but if you're curious, I'd be willing to offer my glass up for a taste. Unless you'd like me to take a drink and then push it into your mouth." He winks at that last bit, making Logan both flush and cringe at the idea.
"No thanks," Logan replies, with a wave of his hand, before hesitating. After a moment, he specifies "to that last part, I mean."
"So you want a drink?"
"Maybe a little." Logan fidgets with his hands in his lap. He's not necessarily dying to know what expensive wine tastes like, but Janus is already being poured a second cup, and Roman's nearly there as well. It does a lot to fuel his curiosity. 
Remus passes his glass to Logan, who stares at the liquid for a few seconds, before actually bringing the glass to his lips and taking a very ginger sip. 
It's completely experimental, and Logan doesn't have much of a reaction at first, before he just shrugs, and hands the glass back. 
"It's nothing special," is Logan's first response, and after being met with a dramatic gasp from Roman, he snorts. "It just tastes like bitter juice. Who would want to drink bitter juice?" 
"A lot of people," comes Janus's response, as he tilts his glass towards Logan. "For a lot of reasons. Not everyone drinks for the taste; some do, of course, but others drink for the buzz it gives them. Boosts of confidence and impulsivity." Janus takes a drink. "Furthermore, it's an acquired taste." 
"I remember my first sip of wine," Roman shudders, as he sticks his tongue out dramatically. "I swore I'd never drink it again! And yet, I eventually circled back around to it due to being forced to attend many 'high-end social events.'" Roman makes dramatic air quotes, rolling his eyes. Janus is paying close attention to what he's saying, while Remus looks more... lost in thought. Regardless, Roman continues. "It loosens people up; makes them less uptight. Business men are a lot nicer to be around when they're drunk on more things than just their social stature. Or when you're too incapacitated to process what they're saying." 
"I never liked those events," Remus comments offhandedly. 
Roman suddenly looks very somber, lips pressed into a thin smile. "Neither did I." 
The rest of the drive to the dinner is mostly silent, with little murmurs here and there. Roman and Janus get into a playfully heated whisper-argument, while Remus finishes his glass of wine and then tucks it into a different compartment to the left of him. His fingers dance lightly over Logan's sides, simply petting his body, fidgeting with him subtly to help pass the time. 
When they eventually pull up to the restaurant, Janus lets out a dramatic "finally!" before huffing at Roman making him wait to eat. 
Roman laughs in response, helping Janus out of the car chivalrously and apologizing through a barrage of kisses. 
Remus waits for the two of them to move away from the limo, before he's hopping out and very mockingly doing a similar thing with Logan, helping him out of the car before dramatically scooping him up and putting on a playfully fancy voice as he echoes Roman's over-the-top apologies. He laughs when Roman gets jokingly offended and pushes his shoulder. 
Despite only doing it to be funny, Remus doesn't bother to set Logan down after picking him up, happily carrying him into the restaurant instead. It has Logan feel a mixture of flustered, and nervous. 
Even from the outside of the restaurant itself, and the cars in the parking lot, Logan can tell that Roman extremely undersold just how high-end this place was. 
What if - because he's being carried in - people give him weird looks? 
Normally, he's not one to care about public appearance, but he doesn't want to be the odd one out in this situation. He's not just at the grocery store or in a lecture hall; he's walking into a restaurant where an entrée might cost him an entire months rent. Furthermore, he's seemingly the only one here who's never dined at a place like this. Glancing at Janus, Logan notices him tugging some of his discolored skin behind his hair, trying to minimize the patches as much as possible, and fixing his posture. 
Logan narrows his eyes, a confused expression on his face, but gets too distracted by the doors to the restaurant opening to remember his train of thought. 
As soon as they're in the lobby, Remus sets him back on his feet, bending slightly and murmuring a quiet "you okay?" into Logan's ear. It's one of the rare moments where Logan detects nothing but sincerity in Remus's voice. It makes him simultaneously shiver and flush. 
"I'm fine," Logan whispers in response, as his hand instinctively searches for and clasps around Remus's. "Just... a bit out of place." 
It's not that he doesn't know how to act formal; he's always been extremely polite and respectful to those who deserved it, and growing up he was told constantly that he was so mature and well-mannered, especially compared to the other kids who always seemed too immature for Logan's liking. But that was in places like schools. This wasn't a school. Here, he couldn't puff his chest out and tilt his chin up and pretend to be something he wasn't. He can't pretend to be worth something. 
"You'll be fine," Remus assures him, a sudden, lighter air to his voice. "I think you fit right in! In your fancy little suit and tie." Remus's voice is teasing as he fixes the folds on Logan's suit, smoothing it out afterwards. "And even if you don't, I dress the way I do for a reason." 
"You like being weird?" 
Remus chuckles. "Close. I like attention." He winks, grinning at Logan's confusion. 
A hostess greets them, telling them they'll be seated momentarily and leaving the four of them with the mouth-watering smell of freshly made shrimp, steak, noodles, and piles upon piles of melted butter. When she leaves, Remus wraps a tight arm around Logan's waist, and waves his arm out to the people seated at tables. 
"Even going out when I was younger, I realized that unless you stand out in a room, then your social status doesn't matter. All of these bald-headed, big-breasted, billionaire philanthropists look the same! Old, white, and in the process of rotting." Remus fidgets with his collar, closing his eyes playfully as he gives a mockingly smug look. "I, on the other hand, am young, dumb, and not well-groomed. I can't even tie a tie for fucks sake!" 
His loud proclamation makes a few heads turn his way. Logan watches the way these elitist patrons look Remus up and down, and then turn to each other to whisper. Narrowed eyes and secretive body postured, followed by more glances his way. 
It makes Logan suddenly feel really... vindictive. 
Before he can scrunch his nose up in disgust, Remus squeezes his sides, as if sensing his sudden distaste. 
"Don't worry; they'll probably never see me again," Remus responds, shrugging. "And that's kind of the point. But maybe, just maybe, they'll think about me. Some hot-shot man with the bright socks and long hair..." Remus drifts off, before laughing again, this time more huskily. "But boy - oh boy! - is it fun to imagine their shock and surprise when they realize I'm the heir to one of the largest fortunes in the country. The world even!" 
"So... you like the irony?" 
Remus shrugs again. "I guess. I just like being perceived as an anomaly. Something you'll randomly remember during a Thanksgiving dinner; a story you'll tell around the campfire. Some how, some way, my presence will persist. And in another way, it'll exist without being tied to money." 
Though Remus is normally eccentric and strange, such beliefs and reasoning actually leaves Logan rather speechless. Remus's answers leave Logan feeling a bit silly, but overall more comfortable. It's not enough to rid him of his anxiety entirely, but it does assure him that it'll be hard to stick out when Remus will be sopping up a lot of the attention. 
The hostess comes back to them, holding an armful of menus as she waves them forward and escorts them to an open grill. They're seated in four seats directly in front of the grill, leaving two other seats on either side of them. Roman sits on one end, Janus next to him, Logan next to Janus, and Remus on the other end. 
Janus glances at the four empty seats remaining at the grill. "I hope these aren't going to be filled," he utters, scrunching his nose up at the idea of sitting in anyone else's company. 
"I don't think anyone will want to sit with us," Roman replies in a half-comforting, half-teasing manner. "Not after Remus's previous display." 
Remus leans back on his chair, the front legs coming up off the floor. "All I did was mention I didn't know how to knot a tie." 
"Very loudly," Roman huffs. 
"Chill out, Princey," Remus snorts, rolling his eyes, and waving his hand dismissively. "I'm sure people won't want to sit with us for reasons other than me. Though, I am pretty good at repelling people." Remus winks towards Janus in order to further assure him no one will sit with them. Logan can't help smiling at the exchange. 
The front legs of Remus's chair suddenly hit the ground hard as he moves instead to hunch over his menu. 
Logan decides to follow suit, but one glance at it and he feels like he's been punched in the gut. 
The cheapest thing on the menu was almost fifty dollars. For just one item! That means, for each of them, it'd be about two hundred dollars, if not more!
A sudden nudge in his side has Logan looking up, wide-eyed. 
"Did you read what it comes with?" Remus asks him, glancing between Logan's surprised face and the menu. 
Logan looks stupidly back at the list, before shaking his head. 
"Remus, it's too much money." 
Remus scoffs. "It's fifty dollars. Read what a normal entrée comes with." 
"Logan." Remus's voice is a bit louder, and Logan feels a cold chill run through him. "Please, just look at the menu. Read what a typical entrée comes with."
Logan turns back to the menu, looking over it. Shrimp entrée... comes with soup, salad, noodles, rice, shrimp, more shrimp, vegetables, and ice cream. Logan re-reads it, but the words don't change. 
All of that... for fifty dollars? 
"It's a lot of food," Logan begins, as he fiddles with the menu, "but it just... doesn't feel worth it to me." 
"Maybe the portion sizes will change your mind," Remus replies, smirking towards Logan, before turning back to his own menu. Logan stares at him for a few minutes, before he sets his menu down against the table, and folds his hands in his lap. He stares straight ahead for a moment, before he slowly leans to the side, and against Remus. And from his position he can't see it, but Remus smiles. 
A waiter comes over after a short while, asking about their drinks, and what dressing they'd like on their salad, of which being ginger or ranch. Then, they leave, preparing to get the group their starters and leave them time to decide on an actual meal. 
There's some murmuring, and everybody showing each other the menu, until eventually, the waiter comes back with their sodas and water, and sets down individual salad and soup bowls in front of each of them. Then, they move on to actually ordering, starting with Roman and Janus. 
Both of them order effortlessly, prepared for each question, not caring about what they order or how much they specify. Questions are answered with little hesitation, and as Roman orders steak and chicken, and Janus orders scallops, Logan rethinks his own order.   
But when the waiter turns to Logan, he's able to mimic what Roman and Janus were doing. He knows what he wants, at least, to some degree, so he just says that. 
He does end up settling on the shrimp entrée, deciding it sounds the most appetizing, though the waiter then lists off a few substitutions or additions. Logan shifts in his seat, doubting his ability to eat the one entrée as is, but orders a couple of the add-ons anyway, feeling encouraged by a firm squeeze to his thigh. And then the waiter moves on.
Once they've all ordered, conversation strikes back up. Janus and the twins are no strangers to this place, from the looks of it, leaving Logan to stare at the large metal grill in front of him.
His hands reach up to fiddle with his tie. At least that was familiar to him.
He'd wore a tie throughout school, always paired with a nice polo, to make himself look a bit presentable. To him, the actions of tying and tightening one were second nature. But as Logan sneaks a glance at Remus, he sees the tie loose around Remus's collar once more, as if it was cursed to never stay tied.
Logan feels his cheeks heat up.
He quickly tears his eyes from Remus's body, and taps his fork against his plate.
Something about Remus looking so nice, and yet so messy was making his gut twist. Logan knows Remus enough by now to see he's completely out of his element in the dressing department, and yet that only adds to Logan's attraction. He looks so awkward and unkempt, even when all dressed up, and Logan wants to sneak off with Remus until his own suit is as equally peeled away and wrinkled.
Snapped out of his thoughts by an arm in front of his face, a bowl of salad and soup are then set in front of Logan.
"Miyabi soup," Remus whispers under his breath, as Logan stares at the brown broth and floating mushrooms. He then gets a bit louder and looks over at Roman, and the other end of the table. He looks between the bowls, before waving over a waiter and motioning to his soup. "I think they forgot my spoon."
"A chirirenge," Logan corrects, as he dips his own chirirenge into the soup. When Remus just stares at him, Logan clears his throat and clarifies "the 'spoons' they handed us for the soup are more commonly called chirirenge. A chirenge is a fallen lotus petal, and the spoons are shaped like them."
"Ah," Remus replies, as he nods his head, before turning back to the waiter. "Can I have a chirirenge? For my miyabi?"
The waiter smiles, nods, and walks off to go grab one.
"Where'd you learn that?" Roman then asks, causing Logan to turn his head. He forgot they were there. And honestly, he forgot where he learned such a fact.
He shrugs, bringing his chirirenge to his mouth and taking a curious sip of the soup. He licks his lips. Surprisingly, it was really good. He didn't experiment a lot with foods growing up; he knew what he liked and he often gravitated towards those things, but this was definitely delicious.
"I think I read it in a book once," Logan then adds, as he takes in some more of his soup.
When the waiter comes back, Remus gets right to eating his own soup, noisily slurping up all the mushrooms, and downing the broth in a matter of seconds. Logan's last to finish it, and while everyone else decides to begin eating their salads, Logan just stares at is. He knows a lot more is coming; he needs to save as much space in his stomach as he can. 
Logan only gets a few bites of his salad in before a chef comes over. He's wearing a tall black hat, and a cheery smile. 
He asks how everyone's doing, and the group give a mixture of responses. He nods, and then reads their orders back to them, making sure everything's correct. And after getting their affirmations, he smiles and seems to start up the grill. 
He starts first with oil, which he squirts out of a bottle, and then uses a lighter to set the grill aflame. Giant flames soar towards the ceiling, and warmth immediately assaults Logan's face. He has to close his eyes and turn his head away from the shock, but when the heat calms down, Logan sees the flames have simmered down and the grill is now sizzling with more oil being poured onto it. Following this, the chef cuts off a large slab of butter from an even larger pile of it, and drops it onto the grill, smoothing it over until it melts and lubricates the hot surface. 
Logan then watches as the chef pours over a bowl of veggies, chopping up zucchini and onions, and mixing them in with broccoli. They're stirred, sauced, and then left to cook for a few minutes. 
That is, until, he balances a small piece of zucchini on the end of a large knife. He nods towards Roman with a smile, who grins in return. 
Logan's left watching, confused, as the chef lifts his knife up and tosses the piece of zucchini into the air, with Roman catching it in his mouth. He chews, happily, as the chef then motions to Janus the same way. But Janus simply smiles politely and shakes his head. Then the chef moves towards Logan. 
Logan also shakes his head, dismissing the offer. 
Remus accepts the challenge, though, and catches a piece in his own mouth, which he happily munches on after catching. 
The rest of the onions and broccoli are sliced over once more, before they're tucked under a large metal bowl, probably to steam. 
Then, a bunch of pale noodles are placed onto the grill, and once again drowned in oil and soy sauce. They're flipped and dragged across the grill, mixing them all in with the different sauces and flavors, before those are left to cook as well. 
Roman and Janus talk, but Logan's too busy focusing on the food. There are so many noodles, and Logan has no idea how they're going to be split between the four of them. Surely, four portions would still fill each of their plates completely! Logan can't help looking between the cooking noodles and his large plate. 
The noodles are the first thing portioned. They're scooped up, and set on everybody's plate individually, with ginger and something called yum-yum sauce being poured into little saucers and handed out afterwards. 
Logan watches as Remus immediately pours the yum-yum sauce onto his noodles and mixes them in, while Janus dips his fork into the sauce and then uses it to twirl up some noodles, blowing on them briefly, before eating them happily. Roman's the only one who doesn't immediately douse his noodles in the dipping sauce, but Logan's sure he's saving it for something else. 
Carefully, Logan wraps some noodles around his fork, before eating them normally first, just to taste them. And as soon as they hit his tongue, Logan lets out an innocent moan, eyes fluttering shut at the delicious taste. They're flavorful and just a bit salty, and the texture is heavenly between Logan's teeth. And when he tries it with the yum-yum sauce? It's amazing.
Remus nudges Logan as Logan shovels another bite into his mouth. 
"It's great, right?" he asks, with some of the creamy orange sauce dripping down his chin. "I know it's a lot, but there's still more to come. If you want to try a little bit of everything, I suggest you slow down." 
The veggies are moved back to the center of the grill, and mixed around with a little more butter, before a hefty amount is scooped up and once again dumped onto each plate. Logan has to hurry to push his noodles to the side of the plate to make room for the vegetables, which once again cover that entire area. 
This time, as Logan stabs a piece of broccoli onto his fork, he has no hesitation dipping it into the yum-yum sauce. 
The broccoli falls apart in his mouth, soft and buttery, with the sauce only amplifying the overall flavors. It's so good. 
Remus looks less delighted at the delivery of vegetables, stabbing at them with his fork half-heartedly. He picks out the zucchini and only eats that, shoving everything else away from his noodles, which he goes back to eating as soon as the zucchini is gone. He then scoops the rest of his vegetables onto Logan's plate, creating a small mountain of veggies. 
While they've been eating their veggies and noodles, the chef has placed pieces of meat on the grill. Steak and chicken were set aside to cook, while the scallops and shrimp were focused on. Butter is slathered over everything, and they're cooked until the smell of the meat is wafting over all of them, making them all drool over their much waited main course. 
Roman and Remus's plates are completely empty by the time their meats are served up. Janus has eaten most of his noodles, and Logan looks like he hasn't touched his at all. He's just been eating slow - really savoring the taste of expensive food, but he might have been eating a little too slow. 
Shrimp is dumped onto his plate after a moment, and Logan stares at it. 
Then, white rice is turned over onto the grill, as well as some eggs and chicken. The eggs are chopped and cooked before being mixed in, soy sauce is added, and the chicken is cooked and then stirred into the now-brown rice as well. 
The rice is scooped into bowls, and set in front of each of them. 
More food. On top of everything else he was already given. Plus, they still have dessert on the way. 
Logan's half tempted to groan as he thinks about everything that's been presented to him. The salad and soup were filling enough, and now he has enough food to last him another week or two if he portions it right!
After everyone's been delivered their food, the chef nods his head and smiles, preparing to walk off with his cart of uncooked foods and butter, but both Remus and Roman stop him. 
Both of them pull out their wallets and hand bills directly to the chef, who tucks it both into his apron, and into his hat comedically, before thanking them repeatedly and walking off, significantly more cheery. And then the twins turn back to their food, going back to eating completely casually. 
Once Logan finishes the bulk of his main course ("bulk" meaning just barely half, leaving him with a surplus amount of veggies, noodles, rice, and a few scarce pieces of shrimp), he takes a moment to lean back against his seat. He lets out a soft, pleasant groan under his breath, as he wraps his arms around his stomach. 
He pushed himself to eat more than he normally would, but his stomach isn't very big due to eating so little so often. He definitely has the most left over on his plate, but he's not complaining. He knows that if he keeps going, his stomach is going to end up aching. Plus, this way, he has some extras for the next few days! 
He's almost tempted to begin portioning his food right here, but he supposes he can do that when he gets home instead. 
It reminds him of when Remus bought him chili, though. 
This isn't that exact situation; they're out eating, as opposed to in the twin's mansion, but it was still Remus ordering him food, and him being hesitant. He was newer to this "sugar daddy" stuff then, but that doesn't mean he feels any less out of place here and now. 
And that brings him to the snacks! And Remus pulling Logan into his lap. 
Remembering such things make him feel flustered yet again, something that isn't new by any means, especially tonight, but causes him to draw his attention to Remus's attire once more. 
For some reason, he's been zoning out and staring at Remus throughout the entire evening. 
He knows Remus is attractive. He's found Remus attractive - and albeit a bit off-putting - upon first meeting him, but there's something about tonight that's made it harder for Logan to focus. And Logan's not blind, so after staring at Remus for a few minutes, he realizes what he's enjoying so much. 
Remus somehow managed to make sloppy formal wear look... incredibly hot. 
It's not a look Logan would assume Remus could normally pull off. Admittedly, he knows he likes looking classy and respectable, but Remus, despite being rich, dresses in baggy, torn, and brightly coloured clothes that clash more often than not. 
And yet, here he is in a nice suit, with his tie loose and undershirt unbuttoned, and Logan can feel himself starting to sweat. 
As Remus talks to Roman and Janus, his hand squeezes Logan's thigh. It's absentmindedly rubbing and squeezing at the muscle, and unintentionally working Logan up as Logan loses his train of thought while staring at Remus's chest. 
Neither of them notice the way Janus's eyes flicker between them, or how he snorts as he turns towards Roman, motioning between the two and whispering, interrupting Remus (who doesn't notice, as he's talking to the air at this point).
Of course, he's fine with Remus and Logan tagging along on his and Roman's date, but he's not going to pass up the opportunity to get some alone time. 
Roman clears his throat in order to get Remus's attention, who blinks and then turns to look at him. "Forgive me for being so rude, brother dearest, but I do believe you have yourself an... admirer," Roman points out, smugly. He gestures towards Logan, who's still so wrapped up in staring that he's oblivious to the conversation happening around him. 
Though, Logan does blink and glance up as Roman's words process in his head, looking up at Remus and stumbling out "huh... who...?" before going bright pink as he realizes Remus is staring down at him with a grin. He glances to the side, and flushes darker when he sees Janus and Roman staring at him too. 
Of course they all caught him staring! He didn't think he'd been staring for that long, but everyone else seems to think he was staring a little too persistently. 
He looks down at the table, hoping to spare himself some of the humiliation, but Remus is sitting next to him, so the odds of that are slim. 
"See something you like?" Remus muses, as he grabs Logan's chin and pulls it upwards, forcing eye contact. Logan stammers at the question, but feels his body lighting up. He's getting excited, and even though this is an inappropriate situation to be feeling so hot in, he can't help it!
"You," Logan stutters, which earns a rather amused laugh from Remus. His hand travels further up Logan's thigh, which makes Logan laugh out of embarrassment and pull away slightly. 
"We're in public," Logan insists, though he's not stopping Remus. 
He watches Remus look up, and then around, before spotting something nearby. He then turns back to Logan and responds with "we won't be for long," before he's grabbing Logan's hand and pulling him away from the table. Sure, they might miss their ice cream, but it was a small price to pay. 
Remus worms them through crowds of servers and guests, and gets them to the bathroom, where he shoves them inside and locks the door behind them. It's small, and intended for just one person, but that's okay. They'll make due. 
Remus grabs a bottle of lube from his pocket, and sets it on the little sink near them, as if alluding to Logan what will occur later. 
Then, in a swift tug, Logan's pants are being pulled down. Logan flushes at Remus's lack of concern or decency, but can't help gasping as Remus begins to shuffle his own pants down as well. He even goes to unbutton his shirt further, but Logan reaches forward to grab one of Remus's wrists, and his tie. 
"Don't-!" Logan begins, before gulping as Remus's actions stall immediately. Logan's face goes dark red, and he looks away as he hesitates, before sucking in a deep breath as he continues with "don't take it off. Please. You look nice. I... I really like it." 
Remus grins, as his hands fall from his clothes and back onto Logan, who's tie he grabs to pull Logan up and closer to his face. "Noted," Remus responds, smiling, before he kisses him, and Logan moans immediately as he reaches to keep Remus close. His tie is tight around his own neck due to Remus's yanking, but Remus's other hand is around his waist, keeping their bodies close. And Remus's thigh gives him the perfect surface to grind on, which he does happily. 
Remus is so confident in taking control with Logan by now that he moves as if it's second nature, making Logan feel even hotter. 
He really should care that they're in the bathroom of an otherwise fancy restaurant. Sure, the risk of getting caught is slim because of the lock on the door, but it's not completely eradicated. But Remus hardly seems to care, kissing Logan with enough assurance and confidence to make Logan lose himself in it. 
For just a moment, Logan let's himself forget where they are, grinding against Remus as he shamelessly moans, before letting out a small whine of disappointment when Remus simultaneously pulls his lips away, and presses his thigh further against Logan's crotch, pinning his hips against the wall and giving him little room to grind.
"Well, would you look at that?" Remus begins, teasingly, as Logan pants while staring at Remus with half-lidded eyes, and an adorably flushed face. "Who knew that just putting on a suit would get you so desperate?" 
A dark red blush spreads rapidly across Logan's pale features, stretching the width of his cheeks and down his neck. 
"With how prominently this is affecting you, one might even think you have a... suit kink?" 
At first, Logan attempts to look away out of humiliation, but he lets out a meek whimper when his chin is just grabbed in response, and he's forced once again to make eye contact. 
"I'm... I'm not sure," Logan answers, honestly. "I think you look very, very good, but... a kink? That's a bit much." He awkwardly pulls on the collar of his top, feeling sweat begin to pool beneath his clothes. "Right?" 
Remus grins, and tilts his head to the side in a curious manner, letting Logan figure this out for himself.
He's never really been out with Remus publicly. At least, not while in a situation where he could have gotten aroused. But as he thinks about it, he knows that this is very unlike him. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be getting worked up so easily! At least, that's what he likes to think. 
But Remus has been looking so ridiculously attractive nearly the entire night - more so than usual. 
Sure, he looks good normally, but there's something about Remus wearing a suit so casually - almost carelessly - excites him in a way he can't explain. 
Logan swallows the spit in his mouth. "Not a kink," he states, though his voice wavers as he adds "a fetish, maybe." 
Remus chuckles at Logan's shy admission, leaning forward to press a mockingly quick kiss to Logan's lips. "Aww! That's so cute! There's no need to be embarrassed, kitten! Plenty of people have suit fetishes. I think." Remus rubs their noses together, adding to Logan's growing humiliation. "Besides, I think it's flattering. After all, there's something about me in the suit that's getting it goin' for ya'. Seeing as you've hardly spared Roman a glance." 
Remus seems a little proud at the fact he's gotten more attention than Roman over something as trivial as a suit. It's a playful hint towards an unserious brotherly rivalry. 
Shamelessly, Remus begins to work his way into Logan's boxers, tugging them down as he continues to talk, his voice echoing against the thick walls of the bathroom. 
"If I knew putting on a suit would be enough to get you drooling, then I would have been wearing one every time you came over!" he exclaims, as Logan's cock is carelessly exposed to the open. The top of his undershirt drags briefly over his hard shaft, but Remus's hand quickly takes its place, stroking slowly. "Though, I suppose it might be better to just save it for special occasions. That way, moments like this are more rare. Something to look forward to. Something of a reward, maybe?" 
Remus is really just workshopping ideas here, but Logan's cute little reactions to each one give him the affirmations or the distaste give him a vague idea on what Logan likes, and what he doesn't. 
But, after a moment, Remus pulls away. 
Panting, Logan blinks open his eyes - which he'd previously shut to spare himself the further embarrassment of Remus's hungry eyes eating his body up in a similar fashion to how Logan was eyeing up the suit earlier - and sees Remus pulling his own boxers down to his ankles. For a moment, Logan tenses at the idea of having to go back to the table for dinner with Remus's come inside of him, or his thighs aching from a rough round, but Remus seems to read his mind as he quickly says "we're not going to fuck."
Smiling dopily, Remus then clarifies "well, if you don't want to, that is. I'm down for anything." He pinches Logan's cheek teasingly. "But, I assumed you'd want something quick and easy, and something that wouldn't be too noticeable." Remus winks, as though he knows of the ache that might persist in Logan's hips and thighs after a rough round. 
Logan then watches as Remus pours his small little bottle of lube over his hand and their cocks, which he presses together by moving closer to Logan, pushing their bodies against each other. 
The lubricant rolls off of the head of Logan's cock and down his shaft, doing the same to Remus's, before it proceeds to spill down further and coat the lengths of their cocks, and then Remus is further smearing the lube in using his hand, stroking them both off together while keeping their shafts pressed tightly together with his fingers. 
Logan moans immediately, slumping forward against Remus's chest, as Remus continues to stroke them both off, only letting little whimpers of his own slip past his lips. He wants to hear Logan's weak moans in their entirety, and he won't let his own moans overtake Logan's. 
He can feel drool pooling against his chest as Logan's open-mouthed moaning happens against his shirt. Deep breaths of Remus in between sharp intakes every time Remus's hand squeezes their cocks. 
It makes him feel even more pathetic knowing Remus is giving this same pleasure to himself. And Logan's handling it so much worse.
Comparably, he's so much more sensitive. He knows Remus has so much more experience, but he's still flustered as he twists his hands into Remus's formal clothes, no doubt wrinkling it as he attempts to keep himself steady while Remus gets them both off. 
Despite Remus's implications that this was going to be something quick, he can't help but move his hand a little slower than he normally would, mostly wanting to just savor the moment. 
"I love that I get to be the one to introduce you to all sorts of new things," Remus comments, as he slowly squeezes both of their cock. Logan whines. "I know for a fact you've never done this with anybody before. This is your first time letting anyone touch you in public, and I get the honor of witnessing it." 
Remus smirks, as he pushes Logan back against the wall, earning a sharp gasp. "I also get to see how pathetically worked up you get all because of a silly suit." 
He's teasing, but Logan flushes a dark red at the reminder that he was being turned on by a literal outfit. He whimpers as his eyes flicker down from Remus's own red face to his chest, not even realizing he's back to admiring the way the suit fits Remus's lithe stature. 
"It'd be fun if I actually did fuck you here, wouldn't it?" Remus then begins, thinking aloud. "I could hoist you up against the wall and stretch you open slowly. And then, I could absolutely pound that nice, tight ass of yours." Remus roughly grinds their cocks together as he speaks, drawing a sudden, cry from Logan as he attempts to twist away from the surprising pain. Unfortunately, he can't, and so he's left tearing up as his fingers drag against the wall behind him, desperate to grab onto anything in order to give himself the littlest bit of balance. 
How is it that every time he's with Remus, he learns something new about himself?
His stomach is twisting with pleasure at the fact he's being dirty-talked in such a public space. Anybody could come knock on the door or overhear them, which inspires him to bite his tongue, but Remus seems to tell and so slows his hand again. 
"Hey, hey now, no hiding those gorgeous little moans of yours," Remus scolds, shaking his head slightly. "That ruins half the fun!" 
Logan turns his head to the side, nervous, as his glasses slide down his nose. His thighs are shaking while he stands. But begrudgingly, he opens his mouth, and an immediate moan slips through. 
Remus smiles immediately. "Good kitten." 
His hand speeds up once more, but with less firm squeezing this time, reminding Logan that he's getting close. Furthermore, Logan realizes he's going to have to go back to the table after this. Somehow, he's going to have to act normal, as though he wasn't just being jerked off in a public restroom. 
All those people sitting, innocently enjoying their meals, unaware of the explicit situation taking place a few feet away from them! 
And he's sure he doesn't look as composed anymore. With his pants down, and his face flushed, he's sure that anybody who has sex will be able to tell what just happened. Additionally, Janus and Roman have probably done something similar before, so they're going to recognize it immediately, if they don't already know what he and Remus are doing. 
But then Remus is leaning down to kiss him, and Logan finds he can't really think enough to care about their potential judgement or amusement. He leans up eagerly into the kiss, but breaks it almost immediately to let out a shaky moan. 
"Close," Logan whines, but instead of being met with any sort of affirmation or soft words, Remus laughs instead. 
"Already? Fuck, we really have to get your stamina up." His hand still moves fast around Logan's cock, with no intention of slowing or stopping, but Remus still mocks him. "You might want to try and hold out as long as you can, kitten. I can go way longer than you can, after all, and you really wouldn't want me to keep going after you're already finished. I'd have to overstimulate your little cock until there was nothing left coming out of it!" Remus laughs at the idea, while Logan moans again, having to bite his lip in an attempt to regain control of his body. 
All he wants to do is come. He wants to make a mess of him and Remus, spill over his hand and Remus's cock and watch Remus orgasm all the same. He'll get a nice, clear view of Remus's face, and he wants to see Remus ruin himself the same way he constantly ruins Logan. 
Logan's hands grip Remus's upper arms, clinging onto him desperately. 
"I- I don't know if I can hold back," Logan whines, as heat floods his entire body. "I need to come so bad. So bad, please." 
"No. You can wait." 
Logan lets out a pathetic cry of desperation, but continues holding himself back for Remus's benefit. His hands curl into fists, knuckles white as he feels himself on the edge of letting go. He doesn't know what'll happen if he does, but he feels a weird sense of obedience towards Remus. He wants to be good. He needs to be good. 
"Please, please, please," Logan begs, as he hears Remus grunt under his breath as he lowers his head. 
Remus's shaggy brown hair falls in front of his face, obscuring it. This immediately results in Logan moving his hands to Remus's cheeks, cupping his face and tilting it upwards so they're making eye contact. 
"Let me see you. Please," Logan whimpers. He holds Remus's face firmly. "Please." 
And Remus comes. It's so fast that Logan almost misses it, but Remus's eyes squeeze shut as he shoots his load over Logan's cock and his own hand, brows furrowed as he groans deep and reverberating as he works himself through his orgasm, before he slows just the smallest amount. 
Panting, Remus's eyes flicker from the mess he made to Logan's flushed face, more so his dark flush and wide eyes. 
"Aren't I pretty?" is Remus's quiet, mocking response, before he roughly strokes Logan to completion, only uttering a soft "come for me, Logan. Make an even bigger mess like the slut you are," and supporting Logan with a steady hand on his hip. Logan lasts only a few seconds before coming, and moaning pathetically as he does so. 
His seed mixes with Remus's in a lewd, squelching manner, as Remus continues to stroke his cock briefly, before pulling his hand away. Disgustingly, he then brings it to his mouth to lick and suck, which makes Logan both flush and grimace. 
But then, Remus gets onto his knees, and licks up the come on Logan's cock as well, cleaning his shaft, his thighs, and even the few splatters onto Logan's lower shirt and pelvis. 
"Remus," Logan begins, voice breathy, but Remus just snickers. 
"Take notes. One day I'll have you on your knees like this." Remus kisses Logan's thighs, before he stands back up and grabs a few napkins, wiping the ground with his foot and then cleaning his own body up. "I'd love to see you dragging your tongue across the floor." Remus then glances around. "Preferably not a bathroom floor, though." 
Logan can't help but muster a quiet laugh, before he's holding onto Remus as Remus tugs his pants up, making sure Logan looks nice and formal again. He takes less care of himself, furthering his disheveled-formal look, but Logan likes it. He doesn't even bother to fix Remus's tie, instead just letting it hang loosely around Remus's neck. 
Once Remus finishes making sure Logan looks presentable, he rubs Logan's hips, taking a moment to enjoy the visual of him laying on his back against the wall for a minute, still breathing hard and unstable on his legs from the rush of his orgasm. 
And as much as Remus is tempted to make Logan walk through the restaurant like this, he's gracious enough to give Logan at least a moment to fully catch his breath and hopefully let the jelly-leg syndrome die down a bit. 
"You know, you're lucky you only got come on the part of your shirt that gets tucked in," Remus comments, as he playfully loops his fingers into one of the belt loops on Logan's pants. "Though, it would have been fun to see if anyone noticed a few simple stains." Remus does a little shoulder shimmy while wiggling his eyebrows, clearly teasingly delighted by the idea of publicly embarrassing Logan, though he just chuckles when Logan develops enough confidence to push against Remus's shoulder in a lightly scolding manner. 
But, the reminder of the mess they just made does make him flush, so while his arms wrap around Remus's neck to pull him close, his head dips a bit. 
"About that... I didn't mean to ruin something so expensive." He sounds ashamed of himself, and to some degree, he is! Remus just gave him an expensive gift, and he's already ruined it. 
He isn't given nice things very often, and the first time he's ever been given a nice, high-quality suit, he just had to stain it with literal semen. 
Remus pouts a little at Logan's immediate impulse to blame himself, so before Logan gets the opportunity to apologize or offer to pay for the suit in its entirety (which Remus knows for a fact Logan can't afford), Remus leans forward to kiss him. It's nowhere near as rough as moments earlier, but it's effective in silencing Logan's meek words. 
He keeps their lips pressed together until Logan's too flustered to speak when they pull away. 
"Hey now, there's no use in apologizing for that," Remus rather genuinely scolds Logan. "Firstly, I was the one who decided to get you off without stripping you down. I should have at least tugged it up and out of the way." Remus smooths Logan's shirt out, as if checking for other stains. "Secondly, you know I don't care about price when it comes to you. I bought you this suit because I wanted to. If you wanted to go light it on fire after this, that'd be fine!"
He says it so casually, but Logan just bites his lip and looks away, somewhat upset. He hears Remus sigh, as his arms wrap fully around Logan's waist. 
"Besides," Remus continues, softer this time, "you didn't ruin it. Haven't you met me? Our staff has had to try and get many weird stains out of my clothes; come is just another Tuesday for them, really."
That causes Logan to snicker, bringing his knuckles to his mouth to stifle the sound. Remus seems to relax upon seeing Logan ease up a little. 
"Now, come on," Remus beckons, backing up and pulling Logan away from the wall. "If we're lucky, our ice cream might still be on the table."
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womanofwords · 8 months
The Taste Of Halloween Candy
For @shyticklemonster in the name of spooky month.
Elliot and Keith were used to arriving to Irving Manor to meet up with Sebastian, and they had gotten used to all of his moods.
He has started off sullen, surly, and stubborn, later becoming shy and awkward and then blossoming into a confident, happy ghost that enjoyed teasing them and asking questions about the modern world. His newest question was about Halloween.
"What are all of these decorations for?" Sebastian asked, looking at the other houses from the window.
"Those are Halloween decorations. It's a holiday where we celebrate spooky, scary things," Elliot said.
"And the pumpkins?" Sebastian pressed.
"The pumpkins are called jack-o-lanterns," Keith explained. "It's a tradition to hollow them out and carve faces into them. Then candles are put inside the pumpkin to turn them into lanterns and use them as decorations."
"Ah." Sebastian seemed thoughtful for a while as he pondered what else to ask. "Are there special foods for Halloween?" he asked.
"Yeah!" Keith's face lit up. "We dress in costumes and go from door-to-door getting candy from people! So many different kinds of candy, and all totally awesome!"
"Candy? You get candy?" Sebastian's eyes opened wide. "Cool! Modern candy must taste great!"
"It does," Keith assured.
"What's it like?" Sebastian asked.
Keith and Elliot stiffened. Sebastian looked so happy, but he couldn't have normal food, because he was dead. Ghosts couldn't eat, after all. "Well?"
"Chocolate is a lot easier to get now," Elliot said.
Sebastian gasped with glee. "Incredible! Maybe, you could bring me some Halloween food!"
Keith raised a single eyebrow. "Uh . . . that's good and all, but . . . how do you intend on eating it?"
"I'll just possess one of your bodies, of course!" Sebastian giggled. "Easy-peasy, pudding and pie!"
As Sebastian floated around the room, giggling with glee, Elliot and Keith looked at each other and nodded.
They were going to make this a Halloween for Sebastian to remember.
It took them two days to gather up enough candy, eventually filling up a drawstring bag full of goodies. "That should be enough," Elliot said.
"And I brought baked Halloween snacks for him," Keith said. "And a candy apple."
"Great! Sebastian's going to love this!" Elliot celebrated. He and Keith went through into Irving Manor, searching for Sebastian. "Sebastian?" Elliot called. "Sebastian?"
"Seb? Sebbie?" Keith teased. The smile was wiped off his face when a chill went through his stomach. "Whoa."
"You don't need to yell, you know," Sebastian said. He'd floated through the beanie-wearing boy's stomach, causing the nausea. "Keith? Are you all right?"
"You floated through him." Elliot gestured to his friend.
"Ah." Sebastian had the decency to feel embarrassed. "Sorry."
"We, uh . . . wanted to get you your first ever pieces of Halloween candy," Elliot said. "I give you permission to possess my body so you can taste and eat them."
Sebastian gasped with joy. "Really? Really and truly?"
"Mm-hmm." Elliot opened the bag, letting the tragically young ghost see the candy he'd brought. "See for yourself."
"We got king-size for you," Keith said, recovering.
Sebastian giggled and did mid-air backflips with joy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't even remember what it's like to eat! I miss chewing so much!"
"Well, now you get to become familiar with it again! So possess me and experience it for yourself!" Elliot opened his arms, and Sebastian took it.
Elliot's body became limp for a second for stiffening up again. Sebastian grinned with Elliot's face as he jumped up and down. "I can feel the ground again!" he giggled.
"And now it's time for your first king-sized Mars bar," Keith said, unwrapping it for him. Sebastian took a tentative bite and chewed, pondering the flavour. "What do you think?"
"I . . . I love it!" Sebastian giggled, flapping his hands. "Hand me another thing, immediately! I want to see more!"
"Eat the rest, and then you can have a different one." Keith handed over the rest of the candy bar, and Sebastian devoured it like a hungry wolf. "OK, try a Snickers bar. It has peanuts, by the way."
Sebastian took a bite out of it and made a face. "I don't like it too much," he said, after he swallowed the mouthful. "What else is there?"
After an hour, Sebastian had to exit Elliot's body, and he gasped with relief and pain. "Dang, how much did you eat?" Elliot whimpered, holding his stomach.
"So much!" Sebastian chirped. Keith held up a chocolate-covered cookie shaped like a bat.
"You can take over my body this time," Keith said. Sebastian giggled and possessed the boy.
"This is the last thing I have. The rest is for you two to share," Sebastian promised.
"Not exactly in the mood to eat any more candy, buddy," Elliot rubbed his stomach and breathed deeply.
Sebastian looked away as he ate the cookie. "Sorry."
"Don't be. I'm not angry. It makes sense. You don't remember what it's like to be painfully full."
Sebastian left Keith's body and floated next to Elliot. "Are you sure? Neither of you are upset with me?"
"Of course not." Elliot and Keith had positioned themselves on either side of the resident ghost, something the undead young man had only just noticed.
"What is going on? Friends, what are you doing?" Sebastian asked.
"There's one last thing we forgot to mention about Halloween," Keith said, as Elliot experimentally poked at Sebastian's sides. "People will often go to a fake haunted house filled with scare actors for the thrill of it."
"But we won't be doing that. We have a real ghost we can visit," Elliot said, the pokes being more ticklish every time. "And our ghost makes much better sounds."
Sebastian looked between Keith and Elliot, whimpering as he watched the hands get closer. "Friends . . . dear friends. This is unnecessary, I promise you."
"We beg to differ," the living boys chorused, their smiles widening as their fingers stretched, curled, and flexed.
Shrieks of hysterical laughter could be heard from Irving Manor for a long, long time.
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