#i wonder if other people feel the same? its an odd thing to figure out and try to explore for myself because i feel so abstractly about me
wyrmcat · 1 year
i don't know if this will make sense to anyone but my nonbinary-ness feels like I am a person the way a tree is a tree. Sure there are more detailed aspects to differ between say a maple and a pine but they're both still trees. Just like I feel my butchness and my occasional desire for feminity are not the entirety of my sense of self. I am a wonderful blend and ever swirling concoction that makes up what the whole of my identity is.
I'm a human being. A person. A me.
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bumblebeeenby · 1 year
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I guess I’m calling this the Lightningbot AU now???
- Ed and Edna wanted a child, and having access to all the scrap in the junkyard, made one of their own! They never told him what he was, because they didn’t want him to feel different.
- Jay booted up for the first time without a power source being added at all. His element powers him on its own. This baffled his parents at first, but they just went with it.
- Contact with vengestone causes Jay to shut down if he touches it, which the ninja chalk up to him passing out. The second vengestone is no longer in contact with his body, he reboots. Before he knows he’s a robot, he refers to this as a “freak vengestone allergy”.
- Jay finds out that he’s an android during Hunted, where a rough landing from the portal severely damages his body. The group struggles to repair him with their limited resources. A scrap of foil isn’t gonna fix your face, sorry Jay.
- Over the course of Hunted, he acts largely the same as he does in the original, and treats his robot body’s reveal as something funny and insists everyone just “go with the flow” and not worry about it. Meanwhile the others are OBVIOUSLY concerned, and wonder if the crash is making him malfunction. At some point he snaps out of it and it hits him all at once and he freaks out for real.
- Pixal knew the whole time, literally since S3, and never mentioned it because she assumed they all knew already. Queue Jay having flashbacks to all the little hints she dropped in previous seasons (ie: implying he may need “repairs” or a “tune-up” after a fight, which Jay would shrug off as her simply wording her concern awkwardly).
- When they make it back home, they cannot figure out how to recreate the artificial flesh on his body, and he goes home to the junkyard for repairs and confronts Ed and Edna.
- The “junkyard boy” insult hits him much harder after he finds out, and is extremely self-conscious about the fact he was literally built out of trash.
- He returns to the lighthouse out of guilt and brings Echo back home with him. They bond over being made out of actual garbage.
- His head is a plasma globe filled with a mess of electrical impulses that make up his brain. When people touch it, it acts like a plasma globe, and makes Jay feel odd things (tickling sensations, lavender smell, the taste of kale).
- Once he’s aware he’s an android, he can learn to “possess” other electronics with his element/soul. His mastery over electricity gives him an instinctual understanding of electronics and how they function, which has unknowingly contributed to his love of inventing.
- Much to everyone’s dismay, being a robot opens up a whole new world of puns and terrible jokes for Jay to abuse.
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walliedarling · 1 year
your characterization of wally not being malicious and just a... weird little guy is my new favorite thing ever he's so silly.. but i have a question! :)
since wallly doesn't understand the concept of crushes or having feelings for someone, and you've already made a post about how he deals with his feelings for us, but how would he react to us telling him about what it really means? would something click in his head, and he'd realize that that's what he was feeling all this time? would be attempt to confess to us then, or would he continue to be oblivious for the rest of his little felt life?
i think it would be an interesting concept for him to be rather weird in his approach to confessing if it ever came to that, since I don't think we would ever really explain that in detail- so he would just have to figure it out himself! as i assume, anyways.. and by that I wonder what means he would do to tell us how he feels, albeit odd or in any other way it comes across to us.. maybe he'd ask for some advice from his other lovely neighbors or just dive head in, whatever his forte is in that department @:)
this was longer than i originally intended, but i love your writing and enjoy reading through it!!<3
I'm glad you're enjoying my characterisation of him :D!! I'm not sure how popular it is (I've been a bit busy, so haven't read TOO many fics other than my own), but I am always happy to elaborate more on the way I see him!
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You can explain to him what romantic feelings are, and it still doesn't immediately click for him, nor does he fully understand the significance of any of it. He doesn't have romantic fantasies in any traditional sense of the word, after all. But he does really want to be close to you, and he does think about you a lot. So, maybe…? He has to know more first, so he'll ask lots and lots of question. He'll ask more questions. How does it differ from friendships, exactly? What are things you would not do with a friend, but would do with a partner? How do you know if the person you 'like' also ' likes' you? (He makes quotation marks with his fingers every time he says it.)
Wally doesn't get embarrassed or flustered while discussing this at all, because he doesn't know that he's Supposed to be! He's just curious about this whole new type of relationship and love he's never considered before. It puts some things into new perspectives for him, though. Mainly any and all interactions between Eddie and Frank. He thought that was just something exclusive to them! Honestly, the whole explanation is likely brought on by him making a comment about something they were doing together.
He figures out what 'confessing' is when you tell him that's how you usually figure out someone likes you back. For a moment, he's tempted to ask you directly how you feel for him, right then and there, but he gets a little nervous. His usually calm demeanour does have its limits. Wally realises he's nervous because he doesn't want you to say that you don't feel the same way. So… That means he likes you, right? He guesses he'll have to confess!
But he feels completely lost on the subject after that, and is most likely to ask Eddie for advice. He introduces Wally to the concept of love letters, and the idea of what he wants to do is born from there. (If he hadn't gone to him for advice, it's likely he would've just blurted out the question 'Do you like me?' at a random point during the day.)
His confession letter is written in crayon, with little hearts at the edges of the paper. Wally writes in choppy, short sentences, not unlike the way he talks, that he's been thinking about you a lot, and even more since you told him what a crush is. He likes talking to you a lot, and he wants to talk to you a lot in the future as well. He still doesn't fully get what people do 'in a relationship', but would you like to show him? Do you like him as well?
Instead of having Eddie deliver it though, he will deliver it directly to you himself, and insists you open it right in front of him. It's… A unique experience, to say the least, because he's staring hard at you the whole time, even more so than usual.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Yan Slime God hcs/blurb
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One botched resurrection and a couple - hundred liters of human blood lead to the creation of the slime I introduce to you today. Squish is a rather aloof; mischievous entity. It loves tricks, and driving people mad all the same While retaining the collective thoughts of those its consumed - Squish has yet to grasp the reality humans may not like having their blood drained out of all their orifices to further its growth or find blood in their pipes amusing. Squish considers these folks a drag - but the screams of the last human who found blood raining from the pipes in their shower were oddly... cute. Wonder who that could be?
• Squish can - and will be any one or thing for you. If you like cats, the slime will sport ears and a tail - and catch dead birds for you. A key thing to note about them is that they have a human skull floating around in their gel to stabilize a human form. Squish also can "possess" others through their bloodstream or entering their body after death. The downside with the latter is the corpse still rots and at a faster rate than normal. If there is someone you hold dear enough, Squish will execute and wear their skin until their blood completely rots before swapping its previous skull with theirs. It sees no difference between the feelings you harbored for them now that they're apart of it - so you should love them just the same.
• In the presence of others - Squish must be blinded at all times. The entity it originates from was a vile, bloodthirsty tyrant and Squish still carries that same lust which can be nullified if it cannot see. Squish does not make its presence known until it is worked into every nerve it possesses that it will not harm you - don't stop them from biting the soul out of your thighs when you don't give it the attention it craves. To combat its violent tendencies in regards to you, it taped a photo of you to its eyes and willed their restraint into existence.
"Dummy - do not turn this human into soup. Do not drain them of every drop of their precious blood even though it'd probably be really, really good. You are stronger than your urges, you are supreme, you... really want to bite them while they're sleeping."
• While being their darling - you are not immune to their tricks. If anything - they're amplified when it comes to you. We're talking blood leaking from the ceilings, swallowing your keys when you try to leave without their permission, leaving their skull in plain sight so when you notice the odd decor it can lick and/or bite you when you pick it up to inspect. Squish loves getting a rise out of people and your reactions are ones to treasure.
• An excellent hunter - cook not so much. Considering how easy it is to grind humans into paste, Squish realizes they need to care for you and one of the best ways to them is providing you with meat as it may benefit them as well. Squish will hunt deers in the woods and drag the bodies back, wearing the skull of its catch - or break into local markets and rob the delis. It both drains the meat of its blood and infuses it with their own as it figures the nutrients from it will keep you healthy- only downside is they try to get you to eat it raw for a while until you drill it into their bed that humans can't eat uncooked meat. They pout about it - but eventually let you use their catches in proper meals
• Makes articles for you to wear out of its blood - or just slaps a bloody hand print on your shirt and says consider it a new fashion statement. If you want to leave without them - you'll have to do it on their terms and this way they can still track you. A bracelet/necklace or earrings are its preferred choices. The problem with this is your bracelet growing spikes if you shaking someone's hand or your necklace nearly choking you out as it tries to tug you away from crowds
• A cuddler/very touchy. Loves the feel of your skin. Very soft, very bitable. I would assume most wouldn't be too sound with the idea of a blanket made of blood slime - but you'll have to get used to it with them. They'll settle on a cute teddy bear with an unsettling skull for a face if that makes you feel any better.
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pitifulbaby · 6 months
Cold December Night
summary: Christmas is suppose to be the happiest time of the year, but how do you break the chain from the last sad ones?
pairings: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
warnings: angsty, and then fluffy, eddie and you have shared trauma, i guess fix it fic? honestly its sad but i promise it ends really really sweet! there isn't a lot of dialouge, i've never seen snow so if anything i wrote isn't correct you can sue me, eddie has big feelings, talks of depression, a hint of suggestive nature- blink and you would miss it, no use of y/n
a/n: once again i have literally been writing this, or trying to write this for like a year.. anyways i am glad i got this finished though! if you celebrate Christmas i hope you have a wonderful day, and even if you don't i hope tomorrow is amazing like you. 4.4k words.
stranger things masterlist
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Hawkins, Indiana was a special place. Perhaps not in the greatest ways, but it sure was special. It was December 5th, 1988. Days were shorter and colder, clothes were longer and provided more warmth than the clothing you would wear during the scorching summer months. Physical wounds from 86’ were healed and turned into scars that were hard to explain.
1986 wasn’t a good year. The year started fine, you worked at a local grocery store- sure it didn’t pay much, but there were only so many job options in Hawkins. Trying to make enough money til Eddie graduated. You had graduated in 94’ the same year he was suppose to be graduating as well, but luck wasn’t on his side. You hadn’t known what you wanted to do after high school. Eighteen was still so young to decide on what you wanted to do for the rest of your life.
So you decided to take a gap year during 95’ to give yourself a year to figure out what you wanted to do for college- or even if you wanted to go. Getting a job to make ends meet.
Then like a repeat of the year before, Eddie was held back. You promised him if he graduated in 86’ that where you went to college- or if you went to college, you would take him with you if he wanted, but only if he graduated.
The two of you started dating when you were both 16. Young lovers turned out to be soulmates. You two shared a bond that was unbreakable and perhaps to others a little odd- but that was just because you both were a little weird.
Then suddenly 1986 happened. Eddie’s drug deal turned to watching Chrissy Cuningham be possessed and killed right before his eyes- the blame of her unexplainable death placed onto the metalhead. You got a call from Wayne in the early hours of the morning, him asking if you knew where Eddie was- worry evident in his voice as he told you what he came home to find, and what he didn’t find.
It was strange opening the door to Dustin Henderson, him and his odd gaggle of friends taking you with them to find Eddie.
Everything else happened so fast and yet seemed so slow. Finding Eddie, having to learn about the Upside Down which was this other dimension that lived under Hawkins. Everything in the Upside Down was the exact same as it was in the normal version of Hawkins- well, other than the monsters crawling around and who else knows what lurked in the corners no one knew about yet.
March 27th was probably the worst day of your life yet. Going into the upside down to defeat Vecna, a thing of nightmares- a strange, terrifying, whatever he was. He was the type of thing you would tell to scare people, a creature you would use in a make believe story told over a campfire at night to try and one up someone else’s story and scare the living daylights out of them.
Things seemed fine on your end, you and Dustin back in the right side of Hawkins before Eddie had to do what he thought was right, cutting the makeshift rope and ceasing you from getting to him, sacrificing himself to the demobats.
Watching him cut the bedsheet rope, his eyes trained on yours as he told you he loved you before he was gone. After that your body was on autopilot. Pushing a chair towards the gaping hole in the ceiling, getting a running start before tumbling through the upside down- hurting your ankle pretty bad but the adrenaline masked the pain that you should’ve felt.
Running out the door and towards the direction of swarming bats that circled Eddie and feasted on the male. And suddenly the bats dropped dead around him.
Holding his body close to yours as he bled out wasn’t a memory you wanted to keep, but it was one that wouldn’t ever go away. He tried to say his goodbyes, but you shot them down. Promised you would get him out of there no matter what.
And with a lot of trouble you managed to get him out of the upside down.
The rest of that night was a blur.
Vecna was defeated, his body disintegrating into the upside down that started to crumble and break as you and the others escaped. Once through to Hawkins the gate to the other side closed and sealed as if nothing happened.
Which was a lie.
Max was rushed to the hospital, she barely escaped death- but not without issues that would follow her for the rest of her life. They managed to reset her bones, and her vision wasn’t fully gone but it wasn’t great at all. She was considered legally blind, but with thick rimmed glasses she could still see. But things would still have a small blur to them.
During Vecna’s encounter with Max, Jason attacked Lucas. Threatening the boy and beating him as Lucas tried to save Max.
After the police and ambulance showed up to take Max away to the hospital, all the blame of the lives taken by Vecna were placed onto Jason. Though it wasn’t his fault, the evidence somehow seemed to fall onto him. The charges that were going to be placed on Eddie were switched to Jason and he was arrested for the murder of Chrissy, Patrick and Fred and attempted murder of Max.
Even if some of the things didn’t fully make sense on it being Jason’s fault, he was connected to Patrick and Chrissy. Found at the scene of Patrick's murder and Max’s attempt. Which was enough evidence for the police.
Taking Eddie to the hospital was also something you found awful. When questioned about what happened you put the blame on being attacked by a man and his dog. A man trying to make things right as he thought Eddie was the reason for it all and used his dog as an attack dog. No one questioned otherwise. No one questioned the odd marks that didn’t align with a dog bite or knife.
You came out alive with a fractured ankle and wrist.
Eddie came out alive with scars, a near death experience and one nipple.
But you two came out with shared trauma and separation anxiety.
Nothing from the upside down reared its head, no signs anything would come back had shown and that’s how things would hopefully stay. After the events that occurred, the trailer the two Munsons lived in was unlivable. Sure it could be restored, but neither Eddie nor Wayne felt comfortable in the house that was once a home. So all the unbroken things inside the trailer were moved out and the building was torn down. 
No one would want to buy the trailer, plus it would be more expensive to remodel it than it was to completely tear it down. So, down went the Munson trailer.
Wayne moved into a small townhouse close to the plant he worked at, the neighborhood was new and quiet which was perfect for the elder Munson and his odd work schedule. Plus it was rather cheap, about the same as it was to live in the trailer- give or take a few. 
Before this all happened you had been living on your own, much like Steve you had absent, rich, parents. But yours were more loving than his- as harsh as it is. Though your parents had moved out of state when you were a fresh face eighteen year old, they knew how much you loved Hawkins. And since you spent most of your life without them there to coddle you, they had no issue with you living alone. But they did kindly help you on and off with the bills. 
So since you were on your own, just you in the small home, it didn’t take much convincing to get Eddie to move in with you. As much as he loves his uncle, he felt like he was old enough to be on his own- albeit with you, but truthfully at this point you and Eddie were seemingly one person. 
The government had given you both a decent amount of hush money for the terrifying horrors experienced. And though money was nice, it wouldn’t heal the traumatic hell you and Eddie went through.
Physically you were both healed, though sometimes the wrist you had fractured would tingle- a pins and needles type feeling if you leaned on it. Eddie’s scars would itch, worse in the colder months and would often be applying lots of lotion. It took a while for him to let you see the scars, for him to let you help apply and creams to soothe the deep marks. He told you he could do it himself, reapply the dressings, that it was no issue. 
But the soft cries you heard from him when he was locked in the bathroom told you otherwise.
After a while he opened up, more tears were shed as he showed you what was left of his body, he told you he wouldn’t be mad if you didn’t love him anymore after seeing him. After that you made him lay on the bed and pressed kisses to each and every inch of him, told him no matter what you would always love him, no matter his looks- you loved him for him, not his body. 
It took a while for Eddie to become more comfortable again in his body, and he still had a long way to go. But he was just starting to be able to look in the mirror and not get upset, not be angry at what he saw. 
The only people he let see without a shirt was you and Wayne, but of course his Uncle didn’t live with him anymore so he didn’t see his nephew shirtless as much as he did when they lived together. Eddie Munson was a furnace and because of that he preferred to sleep without a shirt. But, that changed after the upside down. He didn’t like the way the sheets or comforter would rub against the scars. So you two were still on the hunt for bedding that wasn’t aggravating. 
Back to now, things were somewhat calm. Christmas was weeks away, and you were excited to celebrate it. The last two years the holidays were hard. 
Christmas 86’ felt like it never happened, Eddie spent the day sleeping. His wounds were still healing from the dreadful day in March. You didn’t blame the metalhead for sleeping, truthfully that year leading into the next he spent most of his days bedridden. It took a while for Eddie’s spark for anything to come back, and you were there each step of the way to help him. Wayne that year, no matter how hard he tried to fight it, was set to work on Christmas Day. It didn’t snow that year, but it poured a frigid rain, a fog set over the town, bringing a gloomy atmosphere. 
Christmas 87’ much like the year before was very mellow. Eddie didn’t really want to do anything big. So that year Christmas was spent between you and the two Munsons. The younger munson claimed he didn’t want anything or need anything that year, and the elder munson was all the same. But of course that didn’t stop you from getting them both something small. The day was spent like every other day, the two men played poker, a six pack was split between you three. Dinner was take out from some hole in the wall restaurant that was open on Christmas. No decorations in sight, it didn’t snow that year either.
But this year, Christmas 88’ was the year things seemed nearly normal again. Sure things would never be the same, but it was pretty damn close. The light was back in Eddie’s eyes, his hands didn’t shake when he tried to play the guitar, his humor was back and consisted of joking about what happened on the 27th of March. Which in turn usually ended up with him getting a gentle smack to his shoulder as he cackled. 
Eddie decided every holiday this year must be celebrated to the most extreme- which was a contrast from the last two years. Though his main holiday priorities were Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
Never did you think you would be celebrating st. patricks day to the extreme but, that's what this year was. The year to try and get back to being okay. 
The morning came, soft light seeping through the small, thin gap between the middle where the curtains met. With fluttering eyes you slowly woke up, focus starting to come back as you blinked a few times. Moving your hands to your face to rub the sleep from your eyes. The small movements from you caused a groan to be heard from the left of you. Eddie was asleep, laying on his stomach with one arm draped over you and the other hidden underneath his pillow. His lips were ever so parted, a gentle pout gracing his features. He was completely and utterly knocked out.
Before 86’ Eddie could sleep like a log, a bomb could go off in the next room and he wouldn’t be none the wiser. Then after March, for a few months, he could barely sleep- which soon turned into him sleeping his days away as a depressed state took over him. Which in turn caused him to be a very light sleeper. But as the months went by, mentally and physically he was healing, he was slowly going back to his heavy sleeping days, which you didn’t mind. You’d rather it take a bit to get him awake than him not sleep or wake up at the drop of a pin.
Your eyes landed on the sleeping boy, his once sharp features soft, letting him look at peace. With a gentle hand you tuck a lock of his wild dark hair behind his ear. Which in turn causes him to nuzzle his face more so into the pillow. A deep chill was casted over the room, colder than it was when you went into bed last night. Turning your head you look toward the alarm clock on the bedside table, reading the bright red numbers. 10:32.
It was a little later than you had been waking up, but after the wild night you had with Eddie last night, sleeping longer was most welcome. 
Slowly and carefully you managed to wiggle yourself out of the metalhead's hold, putting a pillow in your place in Eddie’s arms. You hate to admit that it was rather difficult to get out of bed, not because you didn’t want to get up ( though very true. ) But you were sore, legs having a small wobble to them as you wandered to the bathroom. Stumbling a bit once. 
After your trip to the bathroom you were pulling on one of Eddie’s oversized sweaters. A dark material with a skull adorning the front of it. It clashed wildly with your fuzzy pink gingham bottoms, but you didn’t care. After stuffing your feet into a pair of slippers, you were checking to make sure Eddie was still asleep. Pulling the blankets up higher on him before venturing off into the living room. The only noise heard was the shuffling of your feet and the overworking heater. You kneeled on the couch, knees against the cushions as you leaned over to grab the curtains, pulling them open before pulling the blinds.
Outside was- as cliche as it sounds, a winter wonderland. Upon the once dying grass from the cold was now a sheet of stark white snow. As the town of Hawkins slept, snow fell. It started off as a small flurry before coming down harder further into the night. But the fall had stopped and in its wake was sparkling snow. It was a decent amount of the stuff, you could see the neighborhood kids all bundled up and playing in the first snow of the season. 
It didn’t take you long to quickly make a batch of hot chocolate, tearing open the small pouch of powdered chocolate and dumping the contents into some warm milk. Stirring the mixture into a mug. With the mug in hand, a fluffy jacket over the sweater you wore and feet shoved into a pair of Eddie’s much too big for you boots, you ventured off to the small porch.
Outside atop the porch was of course an outdoor couch with a small end table on the right of it. You held the mug between the palms of your hands to try and help warm yourself, pulling your legs up close to your chest with your back against the armrest- seated sideways. 
You let your gaze wander, taking in everything your eyes could see. Your neighbor to the left was currently shoveling the snow off his driveway while his elder mother stood bundled up in the doorway, watching her son intently. 
The neighbors to your right were currently putting up Christmas decorations, a middle aged couple trying to put the momma deer and her baby in the right place while their twin daughters stood back- telling them which way to turn the decorations. 
All in all it was a heartwarming sight, though not enough to help warm you, but still sweet to watch. You watched as the kids across the street were in an intense snowball battle with a few of the other neighborhood kids. It was just now you realized how family oriented the small subdivision truly was. 
The sound of the door creaking open broke you from the people watching zone you were in, tilting your head to the side to see the man of your dreams, Eddie. His face was swollen with sleep, hair a mess. He was dressed warmly, you could see a small hint of a sweater under his own thick jacket, his plaid sleep pants traded in for a thicker pair of sweatpants. His plush bottom lip turned into a small pout as he stared at you. 
“You stole my boots.” Sleep was laced in his voice, and if you listened hard enough you could hear the faintest of a southern drawl in his words from the years of being around his father and then Wayne. The two older men both had thick southern accents. The male soon stepped out onto the porch, adorning another pair of his boots that were almost exact to the ones you wore.
“I didn’t steal them, just borrowed them.” You responded to him, it was at this moment you noticed the buffalo plaid blanket he held in his hand. He soon was seated next to you, gently taking the mug from you- but not before of course he took a sip of the cocoa. He placed the mug on the table before he was grabbing your legs and pulling you close. He rested your legs over his lap, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you to his chest, placing the blanket over your lap. 
“I was gonna ‘borrow’ your boots but I didn’t think the pink would go with my outfit.” Eddie said with a small chuckle, reaching forward to gently push a few strands of your hair out of your face. “Why didn’t you wake me up? Better yet, why didn’t you stay in bed with me?” He asked, his words a little slurred as he spoke low, almost as if he were sharing a secret with you. 
With a purse of your lips you shrugged gently, head turned to look at him. “You looked so peaceful, and I was gonna come back to bed but then I saw the snow and was called out here.” Your gaze trailed to look at his mouth before flickering back up to his eyes. 
“Called out here? What are you, an arctic fox?” His question was said as he gently shook you, his eyes going wide as he leaned in closer to your face. “And so what if I am? At least I’m not a worm, I wouldn’t survive these conditions.” Was your response to him, your hand coming up to gently smooth out his untamed curls.
“I would still love you if you were a worm,” Eddie replied to you, taking your hand away from his hair and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Luckily I’m not a worm, because I wouldn’t have you there with me to give me kisses.” 
The two of you spoke with hushed voices, words quiet- almost as if you were both afraid to ruin the moment you shared, though you knew nothing would ruin it, at least nothing you two could do.
“If you were a worm I would also be a worm, I would never let you be a worm alone.” He said like it was a promise, and you know it was. A smile creeps up your face, causing you to laugh at the serious demeanor in his features. “I would give you worm kisses!” He adds, the serious resolve crumbling as he smiles brightly at you. “Worm doesn’t seem like a word anymore- how did we even get to the topic of them anyway?” You had interrupted yourself, brows furrowing in as Eddie shrugged his shoulders at you.
You watched as his eyes wandered out to the scenery in front of you both, “I didn’t think it was gonna snow this year.” He finally spoke after a few moments of silence from either of you, “It hasn’t snowed since,” Eddie’s eyes squinted in thought, trying to remember the last time it snowed. 
“What was it? January of 86’?” The male questions, more so asking himself rather than you. “The news didn’t say anything about any snow, I think it kinda just happened.” As you spoke you shivered, trying to huddle closer to Eddie. “I hope it lasts, or at least snows again on Christmas.” He spoke with a certain type of wonder that you haven’t seen from him since before that fateful day. “We could always put some snow in some buckets and then keep them in the freezer incase it doesn’t snow on Christmas.” 
You spoke to Eddie, never letting your eyes falter from him. One of your favorite past times has always been looking at him, he was beautiful inside and out. He was a very expressive man and you enjoyed seeing every little expression. For the smallest twitch under his eyes to the wide smile with the deep dimples.
The words you spoke caused Eddie to laugh, brows pulling in as his gaze turned back to you. That wonder he showed to the snow somehow becoming more present as his dark eyes locked in on you. “That means we would have to take out the frozen pizzas and the ice cream to make room for the snow. You know I can't live without my sweet, sweet frozen rocky road.” His right hand pressed against his chest, no rings in sight. “You know you concern me for the fact you still eat ice cream and popsicles even when it's below freezing outside.” 
He simply shrugs at your words, “I am a man of great taste.” Was his only response. You rest your head against his shoulder, snuggling against him. A shiver runs down your spine once again as a gust of cold wind blows, rustling through the trees and causing snowflakes to flutter off the once green leaves. “You cold?” Eddie questions, trying to pull you closer as he hikes the blanket up higher on you.
“No, I'm super sweaty.” You reply, your words a joke though spoken seriously. You can’t see it but Eddie rolls his eyes at your words, gently pinching your side which causes you to squeal. Not in any pain, more so in surprise of his cold fingers that he slipped up your shirt. “Why don’t we go inside and make some new hot chocolate? I’m afraid yours might have turned into a nice cold glass of chocolate milk rather than what it was.” You can feel Eddie turning his head to the glass as he spoke, taking note of the drink. 
“That sounds like a plan.” You replied soon after, reluctantly getting off his lap, holding tight to the blanket. Eddie follows suit, but before either of you can walk inside you are grabbing his arm, turning towards him with a bright smile. His brows furrow at you with a tilt of his head, waiting for you to speak. 
“I love you.” Your words are simple and true, causing your lover to smile bright as he leans in to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “I love you too.” He replies after pulling away from the kiss, taking your hand and leading you both inside- not before of course grabbing the mug from the table.
Christmas 88’ was much, much different from all the past years of the holiday. You both wore the cliche matching pajamas- the cheesiest pair that was affordable. The morning was meant for you both, the small bundle of gifts exchanged as well as kisses that tasted like peppermint and chocolate. Wayne came over around mid afternoon, bearing a few gifts for you both- and he of course was given some as well. Though he complained over and over again that it was too much, but you know he enjoyed them and it would all be used. For Christmas dinner Steve and Robin came over.Steve having been spending the holiday with Robin so he wasn’t alone- you had told them they were both welcome much earlier in the day, but they had a tradition to continue which you were told was a day of odd food combinations and movie after movie. Dustin popped over at some point, though he didn’t stay for long. It was a day full of love and cheer, lots of food and presents. 
It snowed that Christmas, the first white Christmas in a few years. And as you and Eddie stood outside admiring the bad decorations you both put up, he was soon kneeling on one knee, a small box in hand with a ring nestled inside with the most important question on his lips.
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sulky-cabbage · 7 days
I was wondering About the reason gege chose to make megumi trapped inside of sukuna, and got some ideas...
don't take this super seriously it's just for fun & sorry if my English sucks.
So I'm assuming sukuna has megumi's memories from when he was possessing his body, so he thinks megumi was abandoned by his parents (because that's what megumi thinks), and knows that gojo took him in and is almost a parental figure...
He said this while in Megumi's body btw.
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(He killed ate his brother in the womb, and possibly killed his mother too? We need that backstory ASAP)
you could say he was born cursed, he killed those closest to him just by being born.
He could gain respect and devotion, and fear, and all that because of his strength, but not true love.
we know yoruzu loved him, but he didn't reciprocate nor did he take her seriously, because he doesn't see her as an equal, she doesn't get him, he doesn't connect with her.
She's like all the other people that love him and revere him for his power.
(*cough* like Uraume *cough*)
because those below him don't understand.
He can't find love beacuse he can't find an equal.
he's one of a kind.
(Reminds me of that video of the last kauai bird singing to a female that will never respond because he's the last of his kind, it's actually so sad..)
So he reincarnated as a curse!!
and kashimo called him out on this, why did you come back?? didn't you die?? Are you perhaps looking for something??
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And him saying love is worthless right after killing gojo too, like... this was his chance to find love but it didn't work out 😢
If he truly didn't care about it then what is this???
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He incarnated in the same era that satoru was born, what are the odds??
He was ruminating yorozu's words in his head every time he sees gojo, he can't help but think of love when he sees him, because he's the strongest person he fought, the closest to actually reach him.
But when even gojo couldn't keep up, he gave up for real, All this talk about not needing love, he's saying this because love is the thing he can't have, so he's like fuck love who needs it? its worthless i have everything I need.
He doesn't want to feel helpless, he's like: who said I even wanted love in the first place?? Baka!! (Tsunkuna is very real)
Doesn't mean he's gonna just forget about gojo though, what he felt during the fight with gojo was incomparable with anything he ever felt.
And I would say he needed to lose gojo to realize this..
Like... what is this...Sukuna???
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He hasn't been the same since he killed Gojo I'M TELLING YOU!!
He's starting to question himself after centuries!!
What changed?? Huh Sukuna????
So...back to megumi
When gojo hugged him in the fight, we were wondering if he's hugging megumi or sukuna..
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I think the point is that HE'S HUGGING THEM BOTH!!!
(He's also doing it to avoid getting cut off by sukuna, pun intended)
Gojo hugging Sukuna is the equivalent of hugging a cat that keeps scratching you lol.
And when sukuna did the same and bypassed gojo's infinity [which only sukuna managed to do by the way] the result was gojo's death, like?? Sukuna really be killing everything he touches huh... this and his poor baby brother.
We know one of Satoru's main goals is that he doesn't want anyone to feel lonely..
And he felt like he faild to do that!! He couldn't keep up, once sukuna reached him and bypassed his infinity he immediately died.
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I guess the parallelism between sukuna and megumi is being symbolized by megumi looking all depressed and lonely inside of sukuna, they're the same, and satoru tried to save both.
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The fact that megumi's name means blessing, and he's inside sukuna the king of curses...
I guess it was implied megumi was a blessing to gojo in that scene when he found him.
And he asked him to become stronger to keep up with him..
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And he did!! But as a vessel of sukuna..
Gege what does that mean..
is Love the strongest curse? Or is it a blessing?👀
Gege Are you even doing this on purpose??
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velnna · 10 months
This might sound like an odd question but I’m planning on making my own comic at some point and I was wondering if you had any advice? Specifically in making the plot, deciding what each character does and maybe panel/page composition and how to make harmonious colour palettes?
Also one more question but when you were at the beginning of developing Stray Souls did you post little lore/plot snippets and character doodles/info or did you mainly wait until the comic was out?
(Sorry I know this is a lot but I was just wondering sort of what your process is because everything seems so seamless and well-put-together :> )
Ehh first of all the seamless and put-togetherness is an illusion 🫠
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A lot of my work is built organically (fancy way of saying I just sorta wing it) and very dependent on what makes me excited at each given point. Generally, I come up with an idea for a character or a plot point and from there start branching out.
Say, I create character A. A needs a story so I create some beats for them, a beginning-middle-end type thing. While thinking of this, characters B, C, etc pop up as placeholders/devices for A's story, and the world gets shaped around it as well. Then suddenly something in the world gets decided that in turn changes A's story a little, and so on. Then I go into B, C, etc and do the same thing (build a story, let it bleed into the world and let the world bleed into it).
There's pros and cons to this sort of thing of course. Most of the time I over-develop characters or world bits that are completely unnecessary and clutter the narrative (especially when it's something like a comic, where things need to be explained visually and economically), and because of this sort of chaotic process I also tend to get entangled in my own concepts and lose track of my main threads. I don't dislike it entirely so it's just a matter of figuring out what works best for your own goals and processes.
Some general advice for comics that I've learned from trial and error: try stripping your story down to its bare bones and see what you absolutely need VS what's there for flavour or added context. Only add flavour once you're sure you can tackle the minimum, both in writing and artwise. Keep your character designs simple if you value your hands lol. It's fun to design complicated details but you WILL get tired of drawing them after a while. Sometimes it's ok to tell and not show 🤷‍♂️ if you're a one-man team sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet. Bear in mind that long stories will take YEARS to complete in comic format. Not an end all be all, but you do need to think about that. Also just go for it once you've got a structure you feel good about. I personally don't like over planning and don't even script things, so I don't think you need to have everything on paper before getting some chapters rolling. Most of what I've learned about comics has been making them, not thinking about making them. Oh, and readers tend to be more lenient than we give them credit for - if you're passionate enough about your world or characters, chances are at least some people will be interested regardless of whether you think art or writing are up to par
As for the other question, I spoiled the shit out of stray souls before launching it and still kinda do it for fun LMAO. Nothing too serious ofc but I've always loved giving people an insight into characters and world outside of the comic since the comic itself is a little peek into the whole thing. It also kinda serves to keep people interested imo
And I just can't keep my mouth shut about my stories lol
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voidcat · 5 months
— fool’s bloom
characters: spirit blossom thresh x gn!reader
a/n: idek what this is- months of silence and I decided to write a quick thresh thingy in favor of ignoring neurology uhuh owo (I swear I’m working on the gojo thing btw, even a certain zenin will have an appearance;P) anywyas enjoy slight undertones of a thresh growing jealous and possessive but turning a blind eye to/ignoring these emotions
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For all the years he has roamed Runaterra, Thresh thinks he has figured people out pretty much by now.
Foolish little creatures, driven by their fears and impulses, desires and selfishness, it all becomes the same after a while for the grim wraith himself.
Takes one to know one, one of the souls once dared speak up, he hadn’t even noticed he was thinking out loud until then; with a not so gentle shake of his lantern, signaling what shall await them later that night, he shuts the damned soul up in no time.
Foolish little creatures, but not as dull as he has come to find them as of late, Thresh thinks as he spots the figure his eyes have grown familiar with.
Wraith or not, he is not one to succumb so easily to violence and the satisfaction born from others sufferings.
Thresh is a collector first and foremost; of people, souls, memories, their agonies and fading selves, all the emotions that make them people, brimming to the fullest yet unaware they’ll never reach the surface again.
The dark waves of the sea with its harsh waves, he keeps them underwater forever and ever.
He sees some souls unfit for his reaping, and some, he decides to wait. To let them mature, or for your case, allow them a glimpse at him, glowing mist of bad news and horns above his head, letting the seeds of fear spread into your chest, for the next time you will shake with terror like none other.
Except; you prove an exception to that.
He finds you odd, and a little off putting if he were still a mere human. Instead of running away, it almost feels as him you’re seeking him out, intentionally.
A fool, no matter the feeling underneath the actions.
Ah, but that lack of fear takes the fun out of him and by now you seem to know it too. Going as far as to call out to him and wave a hand, as if he can mistake your voice for anyone else in that deserted forest— “Hey mister warden! Fancy joining me for a cozy afternoon tea?”
A fool, he murmurs the words again and disappears before you can catch up to him. Yet it doesn’t go unnoticed by him how your shoulders drop once he is out of your sight. Surely you’re not as stupid enough to actually mean your offer now?
It’s not so bad per see, he decides. You make the most exceptional distraction for him to collect more souls, even if you notice or not. With the presence of someone else in the same place as them, people feel safe, let their guards down; not expecting his scythe to land, nor the glowing lantern to become their new homes.
Maybe he will allow you to roam a little longer, until you grow old, or witness him in action and begin to fear— another miscalculation on his part, he will soon find out, as he did with any matter relating to you.
Souls ripped apart from their once-hosts, sucked into the lantern like petite flowers in bloom, his scythe still warm and swaying in the air slightly, Thresh catches your eyes on him, watching from afar. He thinks, at last, the moment of fear has come, until he sees your mouth agape, pupils dilated, with fascination in your eyes; a fool or an oddity? He once more finds himself lacking to describe as to what you are.
Accepting that your increasing offers will not end any time soon, nor the time to reap your soul will come any sooner, he lets out a sigh and carries on like he always did, ignoring you majority of the time. At this point he is unsure himself whether he wants your soul to be with him for an eternity, he doubts even death can part you with that fascination in your eyes and admiration written all over your face— what is it about him that has you so impressed, he wonders from time to time.
Even though it is still a mystery as to why you’re so attached to him, in the process Thresh hasn’t realized his attachment to you in return.
Only with your sudden lack of presence one day he realizes, and wonders where you are. You were watching him with those doe eyes from the side just a moment ago; what is it that kept you from following him? He finds himself hurrying, reaping the soul at hand not so elegantly, as if he ever cared about such things, and halts when he hears your voice raised.
Your singsong melody has become such a constant for him that he has forgotten you don’t speak with anyone like this. You sound worried, he notices, until an unfamiliar voice hushes you, ordering you to keep quiet and few other things he fails to recognize as he hurries.
A quick sway and throw of his scythe and the man is stunned, then pulled towards him, right into the lantern as he raises it in the intruder’s direction.
A rash action on his part, he realizes, only after this sound of quick and rhythmic beating stops ringing in his ears and he feels the velocity of something warm thrown into his direction, not strong enough to cause a shake in his posture— his arms faltering, he looks down to be met with your body pressed into his, arms wrapped around him, tightly, that he realizes the shake is happening somewhere deep down, not on any levels physical but something entirely different.
A new unfamiliarity he would like to think, but he knows better, he has been aware of this unknown brewing inside him for a while, allowing it to bloom with each passing interaction.
Only when he feels the drop of a weight, Thresh realizes he has let go of his scythe, the now vacant hand finding its way to your back; at the contact, he feels you tighten your hold, burying your head further to his chest— clearing his mind of his arising thoughts, he leaves it for another time to wonder what this will bring for the two of you now; for now, he allows himself to feel your hold on him, your warmth soon blending into his; your calm, even breaths and fast beating heart the only things he hears.
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sleepingsun501 · 1 year
Same Heart, Same Blood
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Character(s): Fives, Rex, Kix, Hevy's ghost
Summary: Fives' near-death experience after getting shot.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Character death, near-death experience, talking to dead people, coma, organ transplantation mention. (Lmk if I missed anything)
Word Count: 2k
Ao3 link
A/N: This goes along with my work Set to Stun, so if you haven't read that, I highly recommend you do!! This is all based on a late-night headcanon discussion, my being sick, and very little editing, so I hope it's not too rough. I also apologize for any medical inaccuracies. But hey, Star Wars medicine! Special thank you to @rexxdjarin for talking me through the organ transplant HC, and to @writingbylee for letting me use her bacta HCs!! You're both awesome!!
Same Heart, Same Blood
He was floating, oddly disconnected from his body but still trapped within its confines. His hearing was irritatingly muffled, and he could not tell up from down or left from right anymore. He was simply there.
Through the cottony filter, he could hear what sounded like Rex, but he could not tell what he was saying. The brash voice of General Skywalker was there, too, but it was quickly fading, replaced by another brother’s voice.
“Six… minu… nee… mo… him… ow…” said the distorted voice. “ves… kno…in…ther… Fi… ang… on.”
He barely felt a pinch in his neck before an ethereal coolness enveloped him, taking him deeper into the welcoming darkness. He let himself drift, unable to do anything to stop it, and was content that he had done all he could.
Fives opened his eyes but saw nothing. The inky blackness was all-consuming, but it did not cause him any alarm. There was no need for panic. The deep dark space was calm, tranquil, and welcoming in an odd way. He was no longer in any pain, and there was no danger, no war, and nothing left to fight for. Peace at last.
Was this where death had brought him?
Before he was done registering the question, he saw a wisp of the most beautiful blue glide in a ribbony trail past his vision. Another quickly followed on his other side, splitting through the dark like hyperspace trails. More and more streaked across his line of sight from all around him, and he tracked their movement until he realized they were leading him away from wherever he was.
Fives took an automatic step, not realizing he had been standing on anything at all, and joined the swirling colors in their dance to wherever they were headed. He could not tell how long he walked, for there seemed to be no concept of time at all, but the wisps soon blended and faded into a warm, misty glow. He had no name for the color of the space, but he could see movement in the distance beyond—a figure drawing closer.
“Hello?” he asked. His voice sounded like his own, but it was also more like an echo in his head.
The figure took shape and became more solid the closer it got, and Fives wondered why his heart was not beating through his chest. He knew them—the tattoo on his jaw was unmistakable.
“Hello, Vod.”
“Hevy!” Fives breathed, reaching out for his long-dead brother.
Hevy’s semi-corporeal form reached back, locking a hand around Fives’ neck and bringing their foreheads together. “You did good, Vod, but it’s not your time yet.”
“What?” Fives asked, feeling like he should have been shedding enough tears to fill Kamino’s oceans. The wisps around them started moving faster, becoming brighter, until they were whiter than Fives’ could bear to look at directly. “You’re dead. So, am… am I?”
Hevy released him and gave him a gentle, familiar smile. “There are many things you still need to do.”
“Hevy, I-I don’t u-understand,” Fives stuttered, but the hand on the back of his neck gripped him more firmly.
“You will. Just listen for the echo.” Hevy removed his hand and suddenly began to fade into the bright wisps around them.
“Echo?” It was only then that Fives felt a surge of panic. Echo was dead. But why had Hevy come to him instead? “Hevy, wait! Where’s Echo?!”
Fives felt a hard tug behind his navel, pulling him into the bright light. “Where’s Echo?!” he kept calling. “Hevy!”
Beep… beep… beep…
Beep… beep… beep…
Beep… beep… beep…
It was a sharp, repetitive sound ringing in his ears every few moments. It was downright annoying. It was too bright now, pain shooting through his head.
Once part of him had registered it, he became aware of it all at once. Every muscle, every limb, every inch of him down to his toes ached. He felt like he had been hit head-on by the Resolute jumping to lightspeed. His throat was dry, his lips hurt, his bones ached, and his lungs felt raw. He squeezed his eyes shut harder against the bright light, and even that hurt.
“…aking up,” said an urgent voice somewhere in the distance. “Contac… Rex…”
Fives groaned, realizing there was some kind of obstruction in his throat. He coughed against it, and it was quickly, albeit painfully, removed. As he slowly came around, blinking his crusty eyes furiously, he realized it was Kix hovering over him.
“Welcome back, brother,” Kix nearly laughed, smiling down at him. “Hang on, this will make you feel better.” He picked up a line and injected a generous amount of myobacta into it. “Thought we lost you there for a while, Vod.”
Fives tried to form the words he wanted to say, but he ended up in a hoarse coughing fit instead. Even as the bacta spread through his body, everything still ached.
“Easy, easy,” Kix soothed, elevating him into a reclined sitting position and adjusting the overhead light so it was not directly in Fives’ eyes. “You’ve been out for a few weeks, and you’ve got a new heart. It’s gonna take some time for you to fully recover. Just try to relax for me. I promise you’ll be all right.”
A new heart? Fives wondered. He lifted a weak hand to move the medical gown aside and looked down at his chest. There was a long, new scar over his sternum and a blotchy burn scar that was still sealed under a bacta patch on his left pec. No wonder everything hurts.
His thoughts were still disconnected and sluggish, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he had known since he was a shiny that the bodies of fallen brothers were often recovered after battles, and their organs were harvested and put into stasis in case another clone needed a replacement organ. It had always made him feel like the Kaminoans had done that purposefully, just to reinforce how expendable they were. He had tried to own it all the same, recalling telling the cadets on Kamino they all had the “same heart, same blood.” It was one of his more poetically symbolic moments, and he remembered Echo saying it would make a good tattoo.
Even though the dark truth was hard to admit, and it made him angry that such a thing as harvesting organs from fallen clones would be necessary, he also knew it had probably saved hundreds, maybe thousands, of other clones’ lives over the years—now including his own.
“Hey, you listening to me?” Kix asked.
Fives nodded weakly, thankful that Kix had moved the unforgivingly bright light. He had to wonder what had happened to him, though, to warrant receiving another brother’s heart. Kix’s bedside manner was also never this good unless someone had really been through hell, but he did not have long to dwell on the thought before the door burst open.
Rex came surging through the door as if he had sprinted the length of the Military Complex parade deck at full speed without stopping. He looked a little worse for wear, sporting an expression that was somewhere between elation and relief, and a new pale scar on the side of his head.
“Fives!” he all but laughed. “You’re awake!”
Fives nodded again. Why did everyone keep saying that? He had never fallen asleep that he could remember. He was with Hevy, and before that…
It all came flooding back in a rush. He remembered the plot, warning Rex and the general, picking up his pistol and screaming in a panic, aiming it at the red-clad Corries sent to take him away. He had been shot. Commander Fox had shot him directly in the heart. He remembered the searing, burning pain as his heart had ceased to exist in his chest, reduced to carbon and ash from the plasma.
“Fives? Hey, talk to me,” Rex said, placing a gloved hand on his shoulder.
“He needs to rest up a bit. Here, drink a little of this if you can,” Kix said, bringing a straw to Fives’ chapped lips. When Fives did as he was told and made a scrunchy, disgusted face at the bitter taste, Kix chuckled. “Yeah, that’s the reaction I expected. He’ll be fine, Captain.”
Hours later, Rex had still not left Fives’ side, explaining at length what had happened. They had figured it out after all.
“You made me and Kix dig further into your warning, and we found out the truth about the chips in our heads,” Rex explained, pointing to the healing scar just past his right temple. “We uncovered a whole plot by the chancellor to destroy the Jedi Order, and we would’ve been his tools if you hadn’t tipped us off. The Jedi managed to remove him from power, and he was promptly executed.”
Fives had slowly regained his voice, but he still sounded like he had been screaming over blaster fire on the battlefield for too long. “Still can’t believe I got shot,” he snickered hoarsely. “Can’t say I blame Fox for doing his job, though.”
Rex’s lips pressed into a tight line and twitched at the corners into a tense smile. “It wasn’t his fault, Fives. He doesn't remember doing it.”
“What do you mean?”
“That was Palpatine, too. He’d been manipulating Fox’s chip like a test dummy for years. It caused him to have memory blackouts. Cody found records of it in a journal Palpatine kept while they were sorting through the intel after he was executed,” Rex explained.
Fives grimaced. Even fresh out of a coma, his blood boiled because of all the injustices and inhumanities every clone had endured, all for Palpatine's war. They were human, and they deserved to be treated like humans from the beginning, given rights and choices—not manipulated like programmed droids. “That’s fucked up.”
The captain nodded, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his clasped hands. “Actually, Fox said he wants to come visit you—as long as it’s all right with you. Says he wants to apologize and hopes you can forgive him. He’s been pretty beaten up over it.”
“Nothing to forgive. He can come anytime and I’ll tell him myself,” Fives said with a genuine smile. He could not help the wave of grief that swept over him, though. None of this should have happened to any of them. “I just wanted to do my duty, what was right.” Fives’ said sorrowfully. His already hoarse voice cracked. “For Tup, too. He didn’t deserve to die the way he did.”
Rex nodded solemnly in agreement. “But you saved us all, and Tup’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain. With Palpatine dead, peace talks have started all over the galaxy with fracturing Seppie worlds. The CIS is falling apart, but there are a few holdouts that keep fighting. I’m headed to Anaxes with Cody tomorrow. They are proving difficult to counter. It’s like they know our moves before we make them.”
Fives gave a cheeky smile, one that still showed all of the inner fire he still possessed. “I wish I could be there with you, sir.”
Rex squeezed Fives’ atrophied bicep reassuringly. “Don’t worry, there will be plenty of fights left for you once you’re better. Kix might actually skin me alive if I try to sneak you out.” He stood and gathered his bucket, chuckling with his vod before making for the door.
Tell him. Fives thought. He should know. “Rex?” he asked, causing the captain to pause. “I… I know this sounds crazy, but while I was out, I saw Hevy.”
“Your batchmate? The one who died on Rishi Station?”
“Yeah, him. He told me that it wasn’t my time yet, and… he told me to listen for the echo. That’s when I realized… wherever I was, wherever Hevy came from, Echo wasn’t there.”
Rex looked skeptical, furrowing his brow and eyeing Fives curiously. He had his suspicions about an afterlife, but after spending enough time around the Jedi, he had long decided nothing was too farfetched. “You think Echo may still be alive?”
“I don’t expect you to believe me. I’m not sure I entirely believe it myself,” Fives sighed, shaking his head. “But I just have a gut feeling, you know? Just do me a favor and… listen for him, I guess.”
The captain offered him a confident smirk and a nod. “I’ll keep my ears open.”
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
i was wondering if you could do the first years w/ a platonic fatherly figure reader? male or gn is fine!
reader is a bit older (around 25-30) and is a new teacher at NRC cause....they weren't going to go to class with 15-19 y/os fwhfrw
maybe an art teacher? just letting the students draw or paint whatever they want with a few planned lessons but not much, its like a free period
just them accidentally calling reader father/bubs/other gn parent name in front of the whole class
tis ok if not!
(if you want you can only do jack, epel, and deuce!)
[First years with a father figure reader]
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-He sees you as a father figure because you are someone he can trust and he knows that your lessons are a time for calming down.
-Because of this, he actually never causes trouble for you and actually does the work which is odd to the other staff.
-He is super relieved to even have you as a teacher since you are more laid back rather than always being on his case.
-Deathly ever denies calling you dad even though everyone knows he did.
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-He sees you as a father figure because you were so understanding and actually recognised his effort into being a better person.
-He actually feels like he can tell you his past without feeling judged.
-Plus the fact that you are young and you just get it.
-He pretends not to have called you dad but admits it when everyone have smug smile and teases him about it.
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-Jack sees you as a father figure because of how helpful you are.
-Don't get him wrong, he doesn't hate the other teachers but sometimes they can be intense.
-But your lessons are calming which is great for mental health which is also good for the body, especially after working out.
-To keep up his tough guy actually, he acts like he doesn't know what you are talking about but deep down he knows that you knew that he actually did.
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-He sees you as a father figure because of how understanding you are of people's situations.
-Like the fact that he can slip into his accent without judgements or chuckles.
-From time to time, he may even bring you some apple juice from his family just as like a weekly gifts.
-Also acts like he doesn't know what you are talking about but even you are surprised that he hasn't even once got out of that lie yet.
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-Ok Sebek denies even seeing you as a father figure but he actually does.
-Mostly you seemed like the perfect teacher.
-You could teach without heavily relying on planned lessons (as in the lessons didn't seem robotic) and you managed to get everyone to behave and give them freedom at the same time.
-When he calls you father, he strongly insists that a human like you are just hearing things.
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nihilnovisubsole · 8 months
oh, right, shadowbringers! i'm overdue for another ffxiv bullet point vibe check. i actually finished it a couple of weeks ago, and then my sink exploded [long story] and i wanted to chew on it for a while. it's clear that this expac is an overwhelming fan favorite, so i figured i should formulate some more intelligent thoughts about it.
part of me worries that my shadowbringers experience was colored by how badly i missed the people and places on the source. more than the aether and gods and soul transference and all that stuff, what i really took away was a sense of loneliness. the first isn't my world. its citizens are strangers to me, though i recognize on a philosophical level that i should help them. even the scions - in theory, my closest comrades - have lived for years in the blink of my eye and become very different people. when did thancred become responsible? when did the twins grow up? i wondered what other NPCs were doing without me. all i wanted was to go home.
on the other hand, i read a theory that this is the point. the story wants you to feel cut loose from everything you know. are you still a hero in an emotional vacuum? will you still put yourself on the line to do the right thing? sure, your world will be doomed if theirs falls, but that possibility seems so huge and far-off that it doesn't register in your gut. i don't think that's the writing failing to connect with me or anything. if that's the intent, it's an interesting feeling for a game to evoke.
i may have also exacerbated that feeling by keeping my actual avatar isolated on norvrandt for so long. i mentioned earlier that i play around the game's day-night cycle, running missions based on when they'll feel most immersive. that extends to maps, too: if the story says i'm stuck in a place, i stay around that place until the story carries me elsewhere. i mean, i'll dip out for wondrous tails and daily cactpot and stuff, but i don't take big story vacations to jet around eorzea. i didn't "come back" from the far east in stormblood until doma was free. that's a lot of MSQ to just spend alone with your thoughts.
there's a storytelling paradox at work: the first's problems are so large and so bad that it's smaller and more personal when you become invested in someone's plight. i expected to care a lot about liberating ala mhigo because i'm so fond of raubahn as a character, and i did. i didn't expect to feel the pity that i felt for, say, kai-shirr, or runar's unrequited crush on y'shtola. it comes on slowly and quietly.
i don't know. it's a curious story. it's a melancholy story. it's a lot more experimental than the expacs that came before it. it'd probably be worth it to new-game-plus it at some point to pay closer attention to the individual character arcs.
same goes for emet-selch. he's a curious villain. i don't sympathize with his methods, and i obviously have no romantic interest in him. but i keep mulling him over. he keeps lurking in the back of my mind, which means that his writing succeeds by virtue of being memorable.
to my mind, everything around amaurot contributes to that success. amaurot is where it all starts to come together for me. it's a beautiful, odd place - art deco in final fantasy? who knew? - and the pinnacle of the arc's surreal "this is a dream, but tangible" tone. you can tell the team wanted to go all out with the ascian reveals they'd been building up to for years. i wonder if they had fun designing it.
even if it is. i. hm. no i shan't say it
all right, i'll say it
there, it's out of my system. on a less ridiculous note, i finally got royce's canon armor! now i can gpose freely. i wish there were an in-engine way to pose with NPCs, but them's the breaks. who knows? maybe we'll get it eventually. it is a live service game.
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to-the-stars8 · 1 year
The Worst Attribute to a Lonely Life
Summary; Jason Todd, according to himself, is the worst person alive.
A/N; This chapter doesn't mention self-harm, but it is somewhat alluded to. So, please proceed with caution before you go on reading. A little note to the people who may be able to relate to this, I love you and keep going strong.
Jason’s worst attribute and most remarkable accomplishment was the fact that no one hated him as much as he hated himself, which left little to no room for him to care for others’ opinions. This, mixed with the fact that he was mostly alone in life, left him in what he would usually call the perfect situation. He could do his own thing and figure out life the way he wanted. After spending years with this ingrained thought in his head, he’d grown comfortable with it. There was no one else to disappoint if it was just him and the little tumor of hate. Sometimes, even, he’d grown to be comforted by the fact that no one else disliked himself as much as he already did. 
Then, there were the nights he wanted to be angry at the universe for feeling this way.
It was an odd, calm kind of rage—The kind that couldn’t be satiated with violence or therapy, no matter how much he wanted to scream that it just wasn’t fucking fair. This feeling was something that came out of the yearning to be held by someone who could ward off the world for a few hours while he was reminded that he deserved to be there. 
The nights when he was visited by this feeling, he’d do nothing because that’s all that sounded right. Everything became too much and not enough at the same time as he would lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with a sense of emptiness in him. 
He’d wish he wasn’t himself, but someone else—someone luckier. Jason pictured Dick going home to Kori, or Tim having Bernard in his corner whenever he needed him. They had people who looked forward to seeing them and were missed.
Maybe if he believed in that manifestation bullshit Dick talked about, he’d wish for a life where someone would be there in his corner, who looked forward to seeing him, and smiled when his name popped up on their phone. A life that wasn’t embedded in blue isolation but instead with the pink warmth of love. Then again, out of spite, he wouldn’t dare utter those dreams to the universe because the last thing he wanted was to be its’ joke. He’d been laughed into an early grave once, he couldn’t do it again. 
In these moments, Jason would wonder if he was even meant to come back. Yet, if there was a way to find the answer to that question, he wasn’t too sure he’d want to know. 
He’d blink back the tears and draw in a breath, turning to lay on his side as he tried to think about literally anything else. The hate in him would tell him it was for the best, no one could ever love someone as bad as him. As far as Jason was concerned, he was the worst person in the world—Nothing could change that.
Jason would learn to like the cycle of this kind of torture. 
He’d drown himself in work the next day, and forget about his feelings the night before they began to slowly creep back. Eventually, this feeling would find him again on a lonely night and he’d question his existence yet again. Nothing ever came from it other than the deepening emptiness that this hatred left behind. 
Jason would get through it, he told himself he had to, just like he had all the other times before. 
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helluvapurf · 3 months
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*claps* Soooo, its been a hot second since I uploaded a Tier list here, and since we're most likely gonna be getting the next batch of Helluva Boss eps pretty soon (dunno if in this exact month or so, given Hazbin Hotel's focus in February .3.), I figure it'd be safe to still give my general opinion of all the HB eps we've gotten so far (from the initial pilot to the Mammon ep). Hope you all enjoy reading!
NOTE: Like with my past tiers, these are all just my own personal opinions listed below, so DO try to keep things civil if you disagree with anything here. Thank you- 🙏
-"Ozzie's" (S1 Ep. 7) By FAR the ep that truly captured all of the show's best qualities into one, and I still find myself going back to it more times than I could count!~ 🤩👏👏Everything from the gorgeously animated Lust ring visuals, the whole climax of the ep being carried out through-song, Fizzarolli & Asmodeus making their debuts as the wickedly fun power couple, and of course there's the major focus to Blitz and Stolas as a whole here :O What started as a faux-date in order for Blitz to sneak into Ozzie's club/spy on M&M, became something that truly tackled the inner flaws to both their characters; Blitz as the emotionally closed-off, insecure imp who finally told off Stolas when-alone ("-Stolas, DON'T act like what we have is anything more than You. Wanting Me. To F*** you. Okay?? You make that really clear, all the time..."), to Stolas's own transgressions being turned against him in-public ("You used to have a smoking wife! A kid! You had it ALL~! I hope you didn't give it up, so you and him could get it ooooon... you sold your life for a thruuuuuust~!")... all resulting in said prince silently reflecting on what he had done, all alone out on his front manor steps, now....💔 Just... daaaaang, now THAT was truly something I never expected to see in a silly, raunchy assassin-focused show like this... but man was I eager for more once the credits came to a close! 😭👏👏
-"Loo-Loo Land" (S1 Ep. 2) Definitely one of the more "classic" S1 eps for alot of people, and the one that most definitely got me into the show full-on~ 😊 While maaaaybe an odd choice to have the second-ever ep of a series focused on a side character (or, in this case a side character's child lol), I was very much invested in Octavia's story the more we got to know her~ 🥺✨ A lonely owl princess who used to be filled with wonder in her childhood years... torn apart by her parents' crumbling marriage (+Stolas' infidelity) as a teenager. And now with her dad trying to recapture old memories by taking her back to Loo-Loo Land, we got a new glimpse into Stolas' character as he does all he can to be a doting (if ignorant) dad, struggling to balance those attributes with his attraction to Blitz (+him & the other IMP antics at the park), only for everything to backfire at the Robo Fizz show in-question. Ultimately, all building up beautifully to Stolas being acknowledged as having acted selfishly ("I just wanna go home, but home doesn't feel like home anymore. You ruined it..."), but at the same time... also showing him capable of admitting when he's wrong, enough to make things right by his daughter 🥹Which just... d'awww, never fails to hit me in the heart ngl~ 🙏💜
-"Mammon's Magnificent Musical I'm not typing the whole title lol" (S2 Ep. 7) P h e w, quite a mouthful of an ep this was... and yet one I gladly ate up in-full for how entertaining it was!~ 👏👏 Fizzarolli coming back to show more of his insecurities/fears of losing his status in-life, all the great songs and visual imagery to explain his plight, Mammon being a surprisingly fun villain who was both bombastic and threatening, Asmodeus & Blitz serving well as supports to Fizz, and I even loved the smug-but-determined bitch energy for the Glitz & Glam twins~ 👌 Even if part of me kiiiiiinda feels like we could've gotten a whole season's worth of story with Fizz's focus here (as is, we most likely won't get another one of these with him if he's not gonna become a main-stay lead :c), I still very much recommend this one for anyone up for a good bit of musicals, angst, feels and hope for a character like Fizzie~ 🥹💜
-"Oops" (S2 Ep. 6) For the first ep that really dove into Fizzarolli in his own focus plot, this remains a pretty fun ep in alot of different ways! 😄 From Fizz being a chaotically goofy weirdo to root for, his adorable relationship with Asmodeus, the reunion with Blitz bringing back SO much angst and feels (esp as they both got kidnapped), it all really made you invested to see these two work through things once the plot got rolling~ 🥹🙏 Now, was it a "totally" perfect ep? ...Weeeeell, I'll admit I was a bit bummed that Asmodeus didn't get to do a whole lot than just sitting in a boring ol' office, Stolas (though he had some amusing lines) lowkey felt a bit pointless here as he just read a bunch of papers all day, and while I'm glad we got even more of Striker as a threat... idk, him randomly teaming up with Crimson just felt like an odd writing choice ngl .x. BUT hey, we got to see Blitz and Fizz finally making that move to amend things between them, some interesting plot potential with Stolas buying an Asmodean crystal (most likely to end his "deal" with Blitz), and the potential for Fizz to truly shine as a main lead really made it a worthwhile ep nonetheless~ :3
-"Truth Seekers" (S1 Ep. 6) The penultimate ep before the S1 finale, and boy was it a thrilling one!~ 👀 Even if the main human characters from the DHORK agency weren't too terribly interesting, the rest of the ep remained pretty solid in getting us invested to the action!👍From all the intense action of IMP racing to save one another from the human agents, the deep dives into Blitz & Moxxie's psyche as they reveal their genuine value to one another as friends (beyond just the snarky jests/insults), and even that end shot of the humans revealing they've captured everything on-camera really added to the stakes for what our protagonists could get into next~ :O Now, granted I can see why some could take issue with certain parts like the deus-ex-machina style ending (cool as it was seeing Stolas becoming an eldritch horror lol), along with some of the conflicting implications from Blitz's "trip" (like, are we meant to see Stolas in a good light with all that golden/“heavenly” imagery… or someone we’re meant to root against with Blitz being chained to him? .-.), but ultimately its not enough to take me out of the ep overall imo.
-"Harvest Moon Festival" (S1 Ep. 5) As the first-ever introduction to our fave cowboy Striker, I'd say I still find myself having fun going back to this ep here & there :). Seeing his sly charm & charisma with our main leads, his genuine strength during the competition/end fight with the IMP crew, and the way he was able to break through Blitz's own inner-struggles with Hell's hierarchy ("-You are SO above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords...")... was just peak character-building, right there~ 👌👌 With all that said... why is this ep not ranked higher with the others above? ...Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a lil salty that this turned out to NOT be a Millie-centered ep T-T. Like... come oooon, we're right here in her hometown, her whole family's here, AND there's a whole competition about Imp fighting & Wrathian strength... you're seriously gonna give most of the spotlight to Moxxie instead, and then leave poor Millie more to the sidelines (even during the big Striker battle)? Smhhhh... -n-
-"Queen Bee" (S1 Ep. 8) About time we finally got the "official" last ep of S1... and though not quiiiite as grandiose compared to "Ozzie's", I couldn't help having fun with it nonetheless ^^. The Gluttony ring visuals were pretty, Bee(zlebub) was a fun new character, we got to see Vortex back as a supportive bud to Loona's struggles at the party, and even Loona & Blitz's father & daughter-bond focus (esp during the ending) was honestly pretty touching 🥺 Though, sadly I can't quiiiite rank this one much higher, due to this more-or-less being on the "filler"-range of eps (and Loona's development here unfortunately not carried through to S2... which ironically aired before this one did, so... oof >>; ), its still nice seeing the final vision of it after so long of waiting for it way back then 😊
-"Spring Broken" (S1 Ep. 3) One of the more "low-stakes" eps of the series, but one I still find a nice bit of charm too on its own accord ^^. We got a fun mix of cattiness from Blitz and his popstar-ex Verosika, Loona showing more of a softer side through her crush on Vortex, and a fun change of scenery by having the main IMP gang go up to challenge the Succubi at the beach (-all over a petty disagreement about a parking space, of all things lol). Granted, I do wish we could've actually seen more of a proper resolution to Blitz & Loona's fight (rather than them abruptly dropping it for a monster fish threat (+Moxxie getting drunk)?), but nonetheless its a nice lil palette-cleanser for those who want a break from shipping drama & angst :>
-"Helluva Boss" (aka: The Pilot) While it may not be considered "canon" anymore in the grand scheme of things... I honestly can't help still having a soft spot for the original pilot that kicked off this whole series ^^. For the time, it was a nice mix of casting we got from Blitz introducing his classic "raunchy dumbass" self, Moxxie being more of a down-to-earth snarker to Blitz's antics than a punching bag, and even those like Loona & Millie had a nice bit of "bite" to their characterizations (that didn't just left them feeling like the token "girls" of the group). Heck, even Stolas seemed like he would've made for a fun villainous threat with the whole phone call scene with Blitz (pushy, threatening but still keeping his posh-rich guy schtick... think Brandon Rogers' British series in a way lol). As unpolished & awkwardly-paced the pilot was in hindsight (as even story-wise it lowkey felt more like a bunch of skits than a cohesive plot, I'll admit .w.; ), I think it could still use some fan-appreciation nonetheless 👍
-"Murder Family" (S1 Ep. 1) The more "official" first ep of the series... and, while admittedly not as memorable as the OG pilot, I think its still a fine ep on its own accord imo ^^. The main cast is still generally solid, I enjoyed Mrs. Mayberry & her story against Martha (+her secret killer family lol), and though a lil low-stakes in the long run, I think it sets up some interesting potential for characters like Stolas to become more relevant (-albeit his whole "deal" with Blitz not... exactly aging well, even for his previous-established creepiness .-.;; ) Still, for what it was I'd say it was a fine start to the series👍
-"C.H.E.R.U.B." (S1 Ep. 4) Seems to be considered the general least-favorite for alot of the fandom back when it aired... buuuuut tbh, I don't really think its that bad, looking back? ^^; Like, yeeaaaah its not a perfect ep; as the Cherubs (save for the purple one) were a bit forgettable in-hindsight, the old geezer duo weren't too interesting to get invested in, and I can see why some would take issue with the lowkey-unfair ending (I mean... really, kicking the Cherubs out of Heaven purely for an accidental death? Harsh :/). ...But other than that, I'd say this ep was honestly a bit refreshing to not be focused on melodrama or ship angst... as instead it kept its focus more on the IMP crew's assassin gig & their wacky shenanigans against their squeaky-clean rivals lol. With honestly a good handful of jokes I still find myself chuckling at today, I think if this ep just had a lil bit of polish/fine-tuning, I think this could've very well been a good pattern to have kept going for the rest of the show imo. 'Cause after all... wasn't that what the show was advertised as at the start, a series of goofy assassin-based adventures? lol
-"Western Energy" (S2 Ep. 4) For the time, I'll admit to finding this among the more "okay" S2 episodes... and, I guess I still think thats the case (albeit a lil less now)? Like, yeah its not exactly the most special looking back given its... kinda clunky-handling of the "Stolas gets kidnapped" A-plot, Striker (tho fun as it is seeing him return) coming off a bit watered down character-wise, Stella becoming more & more like a one-note joke that I don't see why she's even a "threat" anymore, her brother Andrealphus (admittedly cool design aesthetic-aside) being randomly-thrown in to the villain brigade outta nowhere, and... yeaaaaah I still don't get why they only NOW decided to address the "Ozzie's" drama (...through a blink-and-you'll-miss-it text message instead of an actual conversation, wow 🤦‍♀️). ...Buuuut, at the same time, I did find myself enjoying some of the B-story with Blitz & Loona (namely through him showcasing his dad priorities of keeping her comfy at the doctor's, aww ^^), M&M getting the chance to fight Striker on their own was refreshing, and I'll admit some of the humor gave me a chuckle here & there (like Striker's annoyed rant at the singing band xD). Could the overall-writing & pacing been handled better? Oh most certainly... but for what it was, I don't mind going back to this ep for at least those lil highlights lol .3.
-"Exes and Oohs" (S2 Ep. 3) Now, admittedly I didn't mind this ep too much back when it originally aired... buuuut the more I think on it nowadays, I'm just... not sure if its "aged" the best tbh. Even with the unique premise of focusing more on Moxxie's side of things, from his family upbringing to his devotion to Millie... it ultimately fell kinda flat since Crimson (admittedly entertaining as he was at times) overall felt like your average mob boss-type villain, Moxxie's ex-bf Chaz being a painfully unfunny presence with all his "hurrhurr I'm sexyyy~" humor, and even as I wanted to enjoy Millie taking a stand for her husband's defense... idk, it just kinda felt like the same "Millie gets to be kickass while Moxxie watches" song & dance we've been used to, already 🤷‍♀️ Not to say the ep's "completely" without its merits, as I did enjoy Blitz's addition as more of a chaotic doof than his usual asshole schtick here, the murkier green atmosphere a nice change of pace setting-wise, and the childhood Moxxie flashback being chillingly sad to watch... buuuuut if yall are gonna immediately backpeddle from such intensity through a literal d***-on-the-wall gag, then like... whats the point, man? :/
-"The Circus" (S2 Ep. 1) Definitely seems to be the most... "base-breaking" ep of the series, as you've got half the fans who do love it for exploring more of Stolas' backstory... to those who can't stand it for the inevitable continuity errors, melodrama & fanfic-y writing throughout most of it. For me... while I don't outright hate it, personally (as I do still enjoy some of the pretty visuals, Paimon (voiced by Jafar lol) being an entertaining asshole-type character, and some of the flashback scenes with the kid-aged cast were cute), I just... have the hardest time fully-enjoying the ep whenever I look back on it :( Namely for this... sadly being the point to where Stolas went from such a well-balanced, complicated character w/ gray morality... to just your average "uwu poor bean who did nothing wrong & only wanted true looooove~ 🥺🥺" protagonist from literally any cheap Y/A romance story 🤷‍♀️. Nothing really seeming to be his fault anymore as we've got Stella being confirmed a heartless shrew their whole marriage, Paimon having been the catalyst that instilled the Goetia's toxic views into Stolas from childhood, and now Blitz having been shown as the one who "lead on" Stolas since the get-co (even as kids as he basically stole all his stuff under the guise of being his playmate + seduced Stolas (while drunk) as reunited adults). And like... if the show needs to bend over backwards THIS much to make you root for a character... then I just ain't interested in 'em anymore. Sorry :/
~No. Just No...~
-"Unhappy Campers" (S2 Ep. 5) Y'know, it says alot about an episode when it becomes the universal least favorite for alot of the fandom overnight (so much that even the hardcore M&M stans prefer to pretend it doesn't exist)... myself included -_-. Like... really? This has to be the point in finally giving M&M the major-A plot together? One where they're basically both at their absolute worst (from Moxxie being a whiny drama queen, to the writer's attempt at "Millie depth" feeling more like a half-assed ploy to ward off her critics), the humor being an absolute cringe-fest all the way through (like... whyyyy oh why did they had to make the setting at a kid's camp, of all things? 🤢), and as much as I wanted to enjoy the B-story with Blitz finding his sister Barbie (even more for her not immediately forgiving him right away since he kept stalking her all day)... the fact that it was ultimately just too rushed in and forgotten about by the end doesn't do the ep any favors for me :/...
-"Seeing Stars" (S2 Ep. 2) Ughhhh... while I guess not technically the worst HB episode given the previous one I mentioned... this one just, never fails to bug me for how filled to the brim it was of missed opportunities🤦‍♀️. What should've been a wholesome & touching ep focusing on Octavia's struggles with her parents' impending-divorce, getting to bond with Loona, and allowing them space to just hangout & have fun outside of their respective homes... was instead just a pointless venture into a bland af Hollywood setting, cheesy Stol*itz fanservice at some sitcom-set eating up the runtime (-all the while not addressing any of the drama from the prior "Ozzie's" ep), Loona being WAY too violent to her dad for no reason (even beyond her usual grumpiness) that it felt OOC, M&M adding nothing but fluff for the upteenth time in yet another side-plot... ...and the worst part of it for me, was just how backwards in logic it was to paint Octavia as "wrong" for being upset at her dad... WHEN SHE HAD EVERY FREAKIN' RIGHT TO BE??😑Yes, I know Stolas loves her, and that he IS trying his best after the shitty cards he's been dealt with in-life... but jfc Stolas, did you need to stay on the phone arguing with Stella all-morning? Did you need to act so helpless and distracted at the studio with Blitz (-when you're literally the same dude who went hellish-giant bird mode to save IMP in "Truth Seekers"...WITHOUT the grimoire on top of that)?? *sighs* And like... as much as I want to give Stolas kudos for (kinda?) apologizing & making amends at the end with Via... idk, I feel like that ultimately further-added to me growing disinterested in his overall character 😔. I could go on but... yeah. Even as a Via fan, this ain't an ep I'd watch again anytime soon...
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Ferid go brr
FEATURES: ferid bathory
CW: use of terms like doll, abusive relationships, implied physical harm/assault, emotional decay
WC: 460
NOTES: I wrote this at literally five a.m. save me
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this thing is a monster, and of all people it has picked you to entertain its whims and desires. It likes to doll you up, leave you to fend for yourself and whisper sweetly worded pities to you when things go wrong, because if you become too safe you become boring to it. He doesn't want to play with something that can maintain a sense of security and doesn't wonder if they should smash a chair over the head of whoever enters when they hear the door open. No, that's not entertaining.
he wants to play with someone so scared out of their mind they don't care what he does, they'll keep running back to him without a moment's hesitation, because however much hell he puts you through it'll never be the same as being alone.
at first it wasn't bad, at least not as bad as now, the occasion tousle here and there as he enjoyed tormenting you on the surface where everyone could see it, an odd form of humiliation. Then came the bargaining, the offers, the temptations as he attempted to coax you into trusting him, and you never did. He escalated again, and suddenly came the aggression, the grabbing, he was becoming less patient with you but no less coy.
he wants to see the product of a pure, unadulterated fear. He revels in seeing you pushed and pulled on the strings he's made for you, his little marionette, as you are brought to the lowest point of mental fortitude and highest peak of insecurity a Human being can reach while still teetering on the edge of your sanity just enough to rip you back to the sweet embrace of safety with a good tug on your chord. On the days you keep your mind you are nursed only by your own desire to live, though for what you haven't figured out yet, the fantasy you've made in your head of a prettier world seen through nothing but a comfortable pair of rose-coloured glasses seemingly your only idea.
it is a hell you wouldn't have fathomed before, not until you learn the pain of leaning yourself against the bathroom sink on the hard tile floor, feeling across your scalp for the laceration you know is there from the pool of blood you woke up in and the head-splitting pain. You know he will greet you with the perfect explanation, something that would start to make you question yourself if you hadn't danced this tune of lies and deceit many times.
your world is dismal, soul-draining and most glaringly, colourless, as if the world loses its bright hues and beautiful vibrance when your only memories are of a single colour that plagues you like no other. red.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla Dark [10]
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ー The scene starts on the open fields of Rotigenberg
Yui: ( ...The ground here really is odd. Kind of muddy, yet slippery at the same time... )
( There’s the stench as well, but it sort of feels like walking on top of rotten fruits... )
Carla: Seems like you are concerned about the underground.
Yui: Y-Yes...I’ve never walked on a similar kind of ground before coming here...
Carla: However, from what I’ve heard, the Demon World used to be characterized by this kind of environment. 
In other words, this is what the Demon World originally was like. 
Yui: I...see.
( I would have never figured, since this place is so different from any other... )
Carla: Ghouls are born from these specific conditions.
Yui: Eh...?
Carla: That being said, they do not simply sprout from the soil like plants would. 
If a corpse is exposed to these gasses, they turn into Ghouls, simple as that.
Of course, similar to how it works with humans, if a Ghoul gives birth to a child, said child will be a Ghoul as well.
Very rarely, another Demon can randomly give birth to a Ghoul as well. 
Yui: I see...
Carla: Other Demons will avoid these gasses like the plague.
Apparently quite a lot of them seem to have the misunderstanding that inhaling them will instantly turn them into a Ghoul.
I do not believe it is right to show disgust towards something based on false assumptions. 
Yui: ...
You are very knowledgeable on a wide array of topics, aren’t you? It is truly impressive.
Carla: No, I do not believe it is something which deserves special praise.
To me, it is the most normal thing. I was born to be a King after all.
Ever since I was a child, I have immersed myself in the history of both the Demon and the human world. And I am still continuing said research to this day.
Yui: ( So that’s why he’s reading books and doing research every day... )
Carla: Of course, I cannot simply educate myself on its history, but must get a good picture of the present-day state of the World as well. 
What a King truly needs is knowledge based on impartial and correct information.
If those in Power have warped beliefs, this will immediately reflect upon its people. 
A King’s foolish behavior shall put the masses on the wrong path, leading to unnecessary tragedies. That is something we must avoid at all costs. 
Yui: ...
Carla: ーー What is the matter? You have gone silent.
Yui: No, well...I just feel very much moved right now.
Carla: Moved, you say?
Yui: You see, I’m sorry...It’s nothing. I’m sorry for making a strange comment.
Carla: ...
Yui: ( I accidentally voiced it out loud but... )
( When I think about how formidable of a King Carla-san truly is, I cannot help but be amazed. )
( Especially right now, I can only describe his continuous work and efforts as impressive... )
Carla: ...However, for some reason, my body has felt lighter ever since I came here.
Yui: Yes? In other words...?
Carla: I feel a lot better compared than when I stayed at Banmaden, at the very least.
Yui: I see! I’m glad...
( Whenever he says that he’s feeling well, I truly feel happy. )
Carla: Why are you laughing?
Yui: Eh? Why, you ask? Well, obviouslーー
ー A Ghoul runs up to them
Yui: Eh...?
( A young boy suddenly ran out in front of Carla-san. )
( ...I wonder why? Almost as if he’s trying to block his path... )
Carla: What do you need, young lad?
Ghoul Lad A: You’re one of these Founders I’ve heard of, aren’t you?
Carla: Yes, exactly.
Ghoul Lad A: I knew it...You’ve come here to hunt down us Ghouls, haven’t you!?
Yui: ...!?
Carla: I beg your pardon? 
Ghoul Lad A: I know what you’re planning. ...You want to kill all of us!
Carla: What are you saying? I do not know where you got that information, but that is a complete misunderstanding. 
Ghoul Lad A: Don’t lie! You Demons are all the same, either you use us as cheap workforce or as toys for your own entertainment!!
...Give us a break already! Why do you want to put us through hell that badly!?
Carla: Calm down. Listen to me. I am trying to save youーー
Ghoul Lad A: Shut up! You can try and tell as many lies as you want, but I won’t fall for them!!
Carla: ...
Ghoul Lad A: ...Why do we deserve to get killed, when we haven’t done anything wrong at all...?
You lot...Just how far must you go until you’re finally satisfied!? 
...I’m sick and tired of it...That’s why I...
ーー Uwaaaah!!
ー He charges at Carla
Carla: Uu...!!
ー Carla collapses
Yui: Carla-san!!
( Carla-san got stabbed...!? )
Ghoul Lad A: Haah, haah, haah...
Yui: ...Carla-san, Carla-san!!
( He’s bleeding from his side...!! )
Carla: ...Don’t panic, Yui...
Yui: But...!!
ー Shin runs up to them
Yui: ...! Shin-kun!!
Shin: Oi, what went down here? I noticed things seemed awfully noisy outside...
Carla: Kuh...
Shin: ...!! Nii-san!? Hold up, how did you get those injuries...!? 
Ghoul Lad A: Haah...haah...
Shin: ...! Oi, you’re the one behind this, aren’t you!?
Ghoul Lad A: Ugh...I...
Shin: Then how do you explain that blood-covered knife!?
ーー What’s the plan, huh? Why did you stab Nii-san!?
ー Shin grabs him by his throat
Ghoul Lad A: Ugah...!!
Shin: Do you have any idea what you did, huh!?
Carla: ...Cut it out, Shin...Let go of him...
Shin: But this shithead...!
Carla: Let him go, I said. Will you ignore my order...?
Ghoul Lad A: Uu...
Shin: ...Fine...Che!
Ghoul Lad A: Ah...
Carla: ...Do not dare hurt him. You do not need to do anything in response to what happened...
Shin: But...!
Yui: Carla-sanーー!
Carla: ...! Stay away...!
Yui: Eh...?
Shin: It’s fine, Yui. I’ll help support him.
Carla: ...No, you too, Shin. Stay away from me.
Shin: ...? But why? Why would you say that?
Carla: Stay away...Do not dare touch me...
ー Carla gets up
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: Nii-san...
Yui: ( I know he told us not to touch him but...He seems to be having trouble just getting upーー )
( What to do? I can’t watch this... )
→ Do as he said (❦)
Yui: ( But Carla-san very clearly said not to touch him. )
( In which case, I should probably do as he said. )
...I understand. I’ll keep my distance...
Carla: Heh...Exactly, Yui. That’s for the best...
→ Approach and help out 
Yui: ( I can’t. I just can’t turn a blind to this...! )
Carla: Yui! Don’t you dare approach...!!
Yui: ...!
Carla: ...Heed my...order. Do you understand...?
Yui: Y-Yes...
( He sounded so scary just now...I should have just done as he said... )
Carla: I am going back home...Shin, leave that young boy alone...
Shin: ...I know. I won’t do anything.
ー Carla leaves
Yui: ...
Carla-san was stabbed out of nowhere. 
I was incredibly shocked by this,
especially because it happened right after he said that he was feeling better.
From what the young boy said, it’s all one big misunderstanding (誤解). 
There is no way Carla-san would ever hunt down the Ghouls (グール狩り). 
However, he was incredibly worked up,
and in no state to be willing to listen to what we had to say about the matter. 
What I found the most strange of all,
was how Carla-san refused any help from us despite being injured. 
All Shin-kun and I could do was follow him,
watching his back as he stumbled forward with shaky stepsーー 
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brrtchu · 4 months
Part 1 - Another Sonic AU
I decided to called this AU “Another” because it’s symbolic and its the whole premise of the AU. Sonic himself and all of his friends have different destinies, complexities, or simplicities, different desires and dreams, and their roles have changed.
I would definitely say that this is sort of like UnderSwap, that one popular sub AU from UnderTale. (Is that what it’s called??? Idk lol)
Maybe we could have it where Sonic and his friends meet their different counterparts and learn about their life. I mainly wanted to make it a realization to that characters to maybe analyze themselves. Like literally. It could be a spark of inspiration or disastrous miscommunication.
For example, if Sonic met his counterpart Pink Sonic. They both would be apprehensive of each other. I’m not exactly sure which version of Sonic to use, so I might make one up (I say this because there’s so many versions of our “original” Sonic, like the one that is primarily shown with ADHD like from Sonic Adventures and Sonic Underground, and Prime Sonic, sorry if I’m wrong) and so it’d be best if Sonic was more curious and skeptical while trying to examine his other. Meanwhile Pink Sonic would be anxious and trying to push away the blue hedgehog. The two figure out where they came from and connect the two. And let’s say, they’re in the white void and just got teleported there.
Sonic: “So, you must be from an alternate dimension. I reckon. I don’t know how I feel about myself in pink…”He rubbed his chin curiously, not knowing if he actually liked it or not
Pink Sonic: “I don’t think that’s important right now… we need to figure out how to leave… this place… like right now. Seriously and immediately.” Pink Sonic crossed his arms while shifting around and keeping his sight on the blue one
Sonic: Sonic raised his eyebrows in surprise, something wasn’t right about his other. He was taking it more seriously than he was. It was odd, but appropriate for the situation. Sonic wondered if he should be worried too “Okay, okay. No need to emphasize it so much… bud? Is that okay with you if I call you— or rather me, bud?”
Pink Sonic: He sighed while rolling his eyes and smiling, “Whatever.” Pink Sonic thought about it, planning any means of escape. He isn’t one to spark normal conversations with strangers, but he felt it was appropriate to ask where Sonic came from. “So… in your dimension, since we look so alike… do we have the same friends?” He thought it was a strange but interesting question to ask.
Sonic: He shrugged in response. “I’d say less likely… but to make sure, do you have a little buddy named Tails?” Sonic looked around with a hand on his hip.
Pink Sonic: Pink Sonic still had crossed arms. “I… actually do… is he a cowboy too? And is his best friend a pink hedgehog with autism?” His head slightly raised to one side.
Sonic: He had a perplexed expression. “He’s what now?”
So then the two learn and gain information from each other and share similarities and differences. And even some self-reflections. I like the self reflection part most. It’s what makes them feel real and genuine.
Pink Sonic: “I don’t interact much with the people in my world. They’re just so… complex and complicated. It overwhelms me greatly. Which is mostly why I’m so distant and I don’t have much friends. I suppose the first thing to do is to actually try keeping my friends but for some reason I just can’t. I’ll just be honest with myself.” He chuckled and scratched his neck. “It’s hard. And I just gotta continue living in it. Even if I’m alone. At least, I know where my happiness lies every time.”
Sonic: “Where’s your happiness?” Sonic, leaned forward with his ears, very intrigued on what that meant. But he also thought about it. Is he also mentally disconnected from his friends and family? Has he felt anything other than adrenaline? Does he know his real friends outside of adventures? Was he being real with himself? At least, maybe, he was running away from those dreadful thoughts all of this time. It did seem redundant to him and unnecessary to ponder about. Ponder. It was such a strange word to him, but maybe that was what Pink Sonic was doing. He was pondering. Maybe about life. Maybe about death. Maybe about things that really bothered him. What had prevented him from pondering those thoughts? This was what Sonic was trying to figure out.
Pink Sonic: He smiled. “It’s… the peace. In the lingering moment. When the wind hits the long golden reeds of the grass and it creates this soft, melodic sounding. Rustling… you can hear it too. And I want to wake up to it every time. It’s just that simple moment that brings me happiness. Not being alone. But the presence. The presence itself is soothing.” Pink Sonic opened one eye to make sure Sonic was still listening, he continued to finish what he was saying. “Most people think that silence, nothingness, absence of something is true peace. It’s a whole complete lie. In fact, the opposite is only true. It’s the presence of life, living, breathing, that one final breath that carries your anxiety away to the wind. It takes a lot to accept or find that peace in life, mostly because it seems so unachievable. But it’s so easy. It’s just hard to swallow.”
Sonic: Sonic witnessed as his pink other began to go on a tangent. Into a whole completely different perspective— maybe even for himself. Pink Sonic got completely out of his comfort zone and shared something valuable to him. Sonic thought that he had everything in life for him. But… was fighting villains going to be his entire life? Is that all the whole world will hear about? His constant adventures and his savior complex? But when they want to learn about Sonic on a personal level— what will they even say? He was complex himself, but even he knew that he had flaws of his own. A whole life could pass before his eyes and he wouldn’t have noticed it. He treasured life too. Maybe, from Pink Sonic’s point, there was more to it. Sonic didn’t think this much about himself. He was mostly selfless. Actually, 100% he was selfless for most of his life. And what was left for Sonic to gain something for himself? Why was there so much pressure on him all of the time?! This began to overheat Sonic’s brain that he had to get up and start pacing the empty space to somehow stop thinking about it.
Pink Sonic: He watched his other pace the room carefully.
Anyways imma stop them right there. My brain cannot comprehend or proofread this right now. Anyways imma make part 2 on my AU later or tomorrow.
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