wovenstarlight · 1 year
i didn't wanna say it just in case i summon the Horrors but exrank is like [REDACTED]'s little brother i think. but without the headachingly complex metanarrative
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tealfloyd · 2 years
Not sure if you're taking requests. But I have a strong weakness for these prompts where the mc changes for each dorm. So I gotta ask for something similar. For the each non human characters, the MC changes to their animal counterpart. Like for Azul, MC is stuck as an octopus or for Ruggie they're a hyena.
Love these prompts and you write them really well!
"MC's part of the exhibitions now~"
SUMMARY: MC collides with a student, accidentally touching one of his potions, unbeknownst of the troubling effects that this would cause. (Savanaclaw, Octavinelle and Malleus x Fem!Reader).
WARNINGS: MC almost dies in Octavinelle part due to her being an eel out of water. Stressing and a crying bit (while being a dragon) in Diasomnia's part.
CONTENT: Am I pampering Malleus? Yes, I am. MC transforms into a lioness, a hyena, a wolf, an octopus, an eel and a dragon, in that order. Only these seven because they're the only ones that classify as non-human that have animal counterparts. Imagine MC's dragon form as Light Fury (How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World) because I saw a meme of Malleus doing the Toothless's mating dance and I never let it go. WORDS: 4K+
A/N: Hello dear anon~! Thank you for the compliment, I'm very happy you liked my writings!
This was a fun request! But it's more of a short story (that I'm not very proud of-) than reactions since it was easier to write; I still hope you like it though!
The plot isn't that good, but I swear that I tried my best to make this work- And I may have arranged some things to conveniently help the plot, but in my defence... It's a magical world.
Now onto the fic~
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Ah, Night Raven College. One of the most prestigious magic academies for young boys and a magicless girl, overflowing with talent and... Disaster.
But this time it wasn’t caused by our main cast, no, no, no. This time it was made by a clueless student that was passing by.
You were walking down the hallway, alone and distracted, heading to Savanaclaw by petition of Jack, when all of the sudden, you collided with someone, the crash sounding like it came out of a cartoon.
“Ouch!” You both exclaimed in pain, falling to the floor which was covered with papers and some potions.
“I’m sorry, I—" He stopped as he looked at you, realising who he just crashed with. “By the Sevens. I’m very sorry, Prefect!” He made an apologetic bow, positioning himself so it would be more respectful.
“Please, there’s no need. It was an accident," you said, chuckling slightly at his politeness. “I crashed with you too, so please forgive me," you also made a bow, helping him with all the work that was scattered on the floor. “Let me help you with this, is the least I can do."
The boy blushed at that, shyly evading your gaze. “Thank you, Prefect," he muttered, lifting some of the bottles.
“There you go," you passed him the now neatly organised carpets, making sure he was able to hold everything. “Want me to help you carry these?”
He shook his head, thinking about the reactions of your scary and powerful friends if they found you were passing your time helping him, and what’s worse, that you collided with him. “It’s okay, I can do it," he didn’t dare to look at you, making a quick bow while apologising, again, hurriedly leaving.
“Well, that was strange…” You muttered, also leaving so you could be in time for your appointment with the beastman, feeling a ticklish sensation on your hand, absentmindedly scratching it.
It was then when the student noted that one of the test tubes was empty, inspecting it to see if there were remains of the potion. “Where did it…” He looked at you, seeing you scratching your hand before rounding the corner. “Oh no."
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“Sevens, who cleaned that floor?” You uttered, still scratching your hand while walking towards the main building.
You sat on the sofa while texting Jack that you arrived, waiting for him patiently until you heard a familiar, cheeky voice.
“Well, if it isn’t the Prefect," exclaimed Ruggie, walking closer to you. “What brings you here?”
“Oh— Hi, Ruggie," you greeted him, earning one of his characteristics laughs in return. “I'm waiting for Jack."
Your response caught him off guard, looking confused. “Jack? Why Jack?”
“We're going to the library since we're working on a project together," you said, a little taken aback by the sudden question.
“So, it's just a group project then," he muttered, looking more relieved.
“Ah, MC," said Jack, lifting an eyebrow at the scene. “And Ruggie."
A third voice added himself into the conversation, coming from a grumpy lion beastman, groggily walking to the living room. “I see you’re here, herbivore."
“Ah, yes. I’m sorry if I disturbed you," you bowed slightly. “Maybe Jack and I should go so you can continue, uh— Napping?”
This is certainly not what Leona nor Ruggie were expecting, but Jack wasn’t complaining, happy that he was going to spend some time with you.
“You are right, we can finish at the end of the afternoon if we start now," he said, ready to walk out of the lounge when his dorm leader noticed something.
“What happened to your hand?”
“Ah, this?" You looked at your hand. "It’s nothing, it's just a scratch from when I fell on my way here," you responded, brushing it off.
“You fell on your way here?” Ruggie questioned.
“It was nothing, the floor was a bit slippery, that’s all." You were starting to become nervous, not wanting to talk about the earlier incident to cover up for the innocent student.
“Let me see it," said Leona, approaching so he could inspect your hand.
“It’s nothing, really," you didn’t argue when he lifted it up, seeing the red spot and the redness because of all the scratching.
“You really are careless," he muttered, moving to get a better angle, accidentally touching your skin with his forearm.
At that moment, everything went black for you for a few seconds, a veil of smoke covering your form.
“MC?!” The three screamed in panic, trying to dissipate the fog so they could check if you were okay.
You were okay, but not human MC okay, more like lioness MC okay.
 “A lioness…?” Jack muttered, dumfounded.
“Did MC just transform into a lioness…?" Continued Ruggie, sharing the same expression as his underclassman.
All of them were panicking, but Leona was the only one who was calmer (on the outside, inside, he's panicking just as much as them) than his dorm members.
He crouched to be at eye level with you, deeply exhaling before speaking. “MC, what did you touch?”
You tried to respond, alarmed because the only sound you could make was roars.
“Hey, it’s okay. We can understand you, just keep talking," encouraged Ruggie, also crouching down.
You tried to communicate, hoping that it was enough for them to understand.
“’Maybe I touched a potion by accident’?” Jack remarked, which you nodded, glad that he understood. “At class?”
“’I don’t think so…’” Ruggie said, confused. “What do you mean you don’t think so?”
“’I think I touched a student’s potion by accident when I crashed onto him earlier’” Leona repeated, annoyance showing in his voice. “And why didn't you tell us?”
You went serious for a moment, giving them the look before saying that you didn't want them to go after him, to which they only scoffed, knowing very well that what you were saying was true.
“We have to find a way to get her back to normal," Jack said, starting to brainstorm ideas to solve this problem.
Ruggie checked your paw, which still had the red dot, and the moment he did the smoke appeared again, converting you into a hyena.
“What did you do?!” Asked Jack, concern washing over his voice.
“Nothing! I just touched her paw!” Ruggie defended himself, also concerned.
“You shouldn’t have touched her paw in the first place!” Leona bickered.
Sighing, you sat down, frustrated that you always seem to be stuck in this type of situations, thinking about who to ask that could solve this, all while watching the beastmen fighting over who was to blame for.
‘Are you done?’ You asked, completely serious, doing what you could to raise an eyebrow.
They immediately stopped arguing, understanding that that wouldn't help you transform into a human again.
“We should tell a professor about this," Jack suggested, gaining three collective sighs from you and their upperclassmen.
“Have you forgot?”
“They are not coming back until tomorrow morning.”
‘They are in a meeting with the Royal Sword Academy teachers,' you finally said, making the boy blush in embarrassment.
“We need to look for someone who knows how to revert this…” Ruggie commented, trying to think of someone aside from the teachers who could help you.
“What about Vil? Pomefiore is known for their potion making skills," proposed Jack, and you shook your head.
‘He’s out for the day. He told me he will be doing an important photoshoot; so even if we call him is likely he wouldn’t not answer.'
“Great, the beauty freak is out, and the teachers are in a meeting. What next?”.
‘I think that Azul may know how to fix this,' you said, making Leona grunt in denial.
‘We have to go to the Mostro Lounge.'
He clicked his tongue, deciding that it was wiser to not say anything, instead helping you walk with your new legs.
Due to the trembling, all you could do was wiggle, accidentally resting your paw on Jack’s forearm, transforming into a wolf, falling back because of the shock.
“Jack!” They both exclaimed, making said boy retrieve your new paw from his forearm as if it would poison you.
‘It’s okay. It’s not like it can get any worse, so let’s leave it like that,' you calmed them down, trying to shift your weight from one leg to the other, maintaining a steady balance as you exited Savanaclaw.
You three arrived at Octavinelle with a painfully slow pace, trying to help you the best they could without touching your paw.
“We’re finally here," said Ruggie, exhaling in relief upon seeing the establishment’s sign.
‘Guys, I don’t want to seem exasperated, but can you just push that door?’ You asked, and Jack complied, letting you four enter to the restaurant.
You were wary, hiding behind the three beastmen before Azul and Jade conveniently appeared.
”My, if it isn't our Savanaclaw acquaintances," proclaimed the dorm leader. "What can I do for you?"
"We have a huge problem right here," said Ruggie, already annoyed by their attitude.
“Oh? And are you here to ask for our help?” Jade asked, smile growing wider.
“The problem… Has to be with MC," Jack said, still covering your form along with Leona so they would have time to explain.
Their faces fell at that, turning serious upon listening that their friend love interest was having a problem.
“Is the Prefect in danger?” Asked Azul, fixing his glasses, trying to mask his concern with politeness.
“They're not, but they’re different now," commented Leona.
“Different... You say?” Inquired Jade, sincerely not knowing what they were talking about.
They moved aside to reveal you, still in your wolf form, looking at them intently.
“And the problem involves this wolf?” Questioned Jade, while Azul backed away slightly out of fear.
“The wolf is MC," they finally said, making the Octavinelle students widen their eyes, not believing them.
“Are you telling me that the Prefect… Transformed into a wolf…?” Azul glasses nearly fall from the shock, fortunately pushing them back in time.
“First into a lioness, then a hyena and finally a wolf," Leona added. “Think you can solve this?"
“I’m afraid I will need more information…” He managed to let out, intending to say that he needed time to process this.
“MC, is this really you?” Asked Jade, crouching down to match your height, looking at your eyes.
‘Unfortunately, I am MC,' you answered, thinking that if he asked, he could understand you, which he did.
“My, how did you end up in this situation…?”
“They crashed with a student who had a potion that caused this," Leona answered, already done with all the questions. “Can you help her or not?”
Azul cleared his throat before speaking, finally regaining his (well, most of it) composure, bending down in front of you. “I need to see how the potion works; did you say she transformed into a lioness, a hyena and a wolf?”
“Yes, the moment we touched her hand, er— Paw, she transformed," said Jack, inspecting their intentions.
“I never saw a potion that does this… Have you tried talking to Vil?”
‘He’s in a photoshoot right now.'
“I see…” Azul stopped for a second, thinking until something clicked on his mind. “May I see the paw you all touched?”
‘It’s this one. What do you think about it?’
“It left a mark," said Jade, trying to think of substances that could have caused it. “I think her skin didn’t react the way it was intended to."
“MC, can I touch your paw?” Azul asked, wanting to confirm a hypothesis.
‘Sure, if it’s going to help,' you passed your paw to him, and he removed his glove, hesitantly grazing his finger over the red spot.
Two seconds after the action, a smoke covered you again, revealing that your wolf form changed into an octopus’s one, and at that precise moment Floyd entered the café, not really noticing you at first because of his height.
“Huh?” He looked at the three Savanaclaw students, smile growing wider. “What are the Savanaclaw fishies doing here~?”
“Floyd, you may want to see this," said his twin brother, and he looked down to find what he thought was a cute octopus.
“Oh?” He let out a surprise noise, replacing it with giggles. “Where did this octopus come from~? Hey Azul, can I cook it~?”
You silently screamed. 'Please don’t Floyd, I assure you I’m not tasty,' you exclaimed, backing away from him the best you could.
“Huh? How do you know my name, little octopus~?” He crouched closer to you, scaring you even more.
“It’s because it’s the Prefect,” Azul finally said, finally standing up after seeing what the potion did, putting his glove on.
“Eh?” Floyd’s brain paused for a second before realising what he just said, now yelling. “Eh?! Shrimpy?!”
‘Yes Floyd, I’m MC, now, can you please not eat me?’ You were relieved he believed his house warden, trying to use your tentacles to move with futile results.
“Wah! How did you end up as an octopus?!” He started to touch your head, curious of how you did this.
“It seems that the potion makes her transform into each animal of the non-humans she touches," stated Azul, sighing before saying the next sentence. “Unfortunately, this is advanced alchemy; we can't make her touch or drink something else without guaranteeing it would affect her permanently."
“So, you can’t bring her back to normal," summarized Ruggie, frustrated at the outcome. “Then what should we do?”
“First, we have to stop touching her hand— Well, tentacles, to not cause further damage—“ He was cut off by the smoke indicating that someone had touched you, knowing at the exact moment who did it. “Floyd…”
“Sorry~” He apologised, looking down at your new form, noticing which animal was just a second after. “Oh! Shrimpy transformed into an eel!”
You squirmed on the floor, trying to breathe, hoping they would get that if you weren’t on water right now you would die.
“Aren’t eels supposed to be… In the water?” Ruggie pointed out, making all of them instantly panic.
“OH SHIT!” Floyd rushed over to the tank, hurriedly opening it so Azul and Jade could drop you into it, deeply exhaling after making you almost die.
“Why did you have to touch her?!” Azul scolded, trying to control his breathing after the whole experience.
“I didn’t know that she would transform! You never tell me anything!” He defended himself, although he had to admit that he felt a bit guilty.
“There is no time to fight over this," said Jade, trying to calm them down for once. “We still have to find a way to get the Prefect back to normal."
“Eh~? But Shrimpy’s very cute as an eel~” Floyd whined, not really understanding the gravity of the situation.
“Floyd, do you understand that if she stays like an eel she wouldn’t pet your hair?” That sole phrase was enough for him to change his mind-set.
“We have to find a way to get Shrimpy back to normal!”
“And how do we do that? The teachers are in a meeting, Vil’s out and there’s no guarantee she wouldn’t stay like this forever," said Jack, making everyone think about how it would be their life without you in it.
‘I think that there’s only one option,' you started to talk, confused for your new way of breathing. ‘We have to go to Diasomnia.'
“Do you mean… Asking Malleus for help?” Asked Jade, which you nodded your head.
‘I think he is the only one that can truly help me go back to normal,' you said, kind of enjoying swimming with a tailfin.
“So, we have to go to the lizard for help then…” Leona mumbled, and although it would seem like he didn’t share the idea, he actually thought it was the best one so far.
“We need to transport MC for that…” Azul thought about it for a moment, asking the tweels for help. “I think you would fit here… Mostly, at least."
And then, after somehow fitting in the medium fish tank, you all walked over to Diasomnia, hoping that the dragon-fae would aid you.
“Prefect? Are you okay in there?” Asked Azul, checking that you were comfortable with the fish tank they fitted you in.
‘I’m okay, but I’m more concerned about them’,'you answered, talking about the four men that were lifting you to keep you from falling.
“I assure you they’re fine, that’s what their muscles are for anyway," he said, looking for Malleus in the garden.
“Don’t speak on our behalf," Jack complained, steading himself after almost tripping.
‘Oh, he’s there,' you tried to point with your nose, or your tailfin… You pointed to the man who was calmly reading, his frame making it easier for all of the men to spot him.
Azul went first, deciding that he was the most befitting out of you all to explain the situation, trying to not enrage him since he knew about his feelings for you.
“Malleus," he said, attracting the attention the fae, who looked away from his book to look at him.
“Ashengrotto, what brings you here?” He asked, closing his book so he could listen to what he had to say.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we require your help," he signalled the others behind him, and raised a brow at the container, thinking that it was something humans tend to do, which is not, but is not like he knows about it. “You see; the Prefect has been engaged in… Quite a situation."
His face showed concern, but not enough that it would cause a storm, intently waiting for Azul’s explanation.
“She touched a potion that makes her change into different animals depending on who touches her, so she’s currently…” He pointed at you, sighing. “An eel."
“I… Don’t quite get it," he finally said, looking at your sea form as he processed the new information.
‘Hello, Tsunotarou,' you said, impressed that he widened his eyes at that, an indicator that he understood what you’ve just said. ‘As Azul said, I’m a moray eel now.'
“Child of Man…?” He hesitantly asked, inspecting you. “What happened?”
‘I accidentally touched a potion that makes me change to different animals, or something like that,' you also didn’t get your position, but tried to explain it nonetheless. ‘Can you help me go back to normal?’
“I…” This was one of the few times Malleus was too stunned to speak, at least in front of you, seemingly thinking about what he could do to help. “Of course, I may have a potion that could fix this."
“You do?!” All of you screamed at once, happy that this was going to end soon.
You jumped in excitement, going a bit too far as you unintentionally came out of water, tailfin (which had the now unique red spot on it) touching Malleus hand due to his proximity.
You didn’t notice until it was too late, knowing that the change was about to happen once you felt the sensation of the transformation, jumping out of water in a panic, not wanting to hurt them since you knew you were going to transform into a dragon next.
And you did; vision fogging for a few seconds until you saw that you were now huge compared to your friends, trying to control your tail and wings, that were fluttering because of the shock.
“MC!” They all screamed, concerned because you seemed very stressed, thinking of what to do to help you.
“Back away," Malleus said, which they complied, trusting his ability. “You have to search the potion in my room; it has an emerald tone and it’s situated on my library," he gave them the instructions to get to his room, not really caring about who was going for it, instead focusing on you.
You were pretty stressed; being transformed into a normal animal was one thing. It was something that could happen any day in alchemy class with Ace, Deuce and Grim, but this was nothing like that.
Maybe it was the fact that for you, dragons were considered mythical until you arrived here, or the feeling that you were going to stay like this forever. Whatever ended up being, you felt the lingering sensation to cry, panic building inside of you.
Your tears were streaming down your new face when you felt something warm nuzzling against your head. You blinked your tears away to try and identify it, eyes connecting with very familiar green eyes, which belonged to another dragon.
‘Malleus…?’ You asked, and he nodded his head, shifting closer to you. ‘Is this… Your dragon form…?’ It was a stupid question, and you knew it, but your over-stressed brain didn’t really think about it before speaking at that time.
Still, he didn’t seem to mind, chuckling lightly. ‘Indeed. Do you not like it?’ He inquired, and although it sounded like a teasing remark, he was scared that this impulsive action may cause you to back away from him due to his "monstrous" form.
He was, by all means, incorrect. ‘No, I think it’s cute…' You managed to say, his presence calming you down.
‘Cute?’ He asked, setting his head on top of yours, covering your wings with his own in order to calm you down.
‘Ah, sorry, was I not supposed to say that…?’ You were starting to panic again, thinking that you did something wrong, leading Malleus to apply more force to keep you from exasperating again.
‘I think that cute it’s not what most people think when looking at a dragon,' he nudged his head into yours, sitting down so you could lean on him, relieved that you seemed more at peace.
‘Yeah, maybe you’re right…’ You accommodated your legs into a more comfortable position, letting your head rest on the crook of his neck.
His sole presence made you calm down to the point where you fell asleep, light snores being the only sound that came out of your mouth, along with a little bit of smoke.
While all of this ensued, the students on the ground wondered what the hell just happened, and since the school doesn't really teach 'dragon language', the only thing they saw was the two of you roaring and grunting at each other, utterly confused by this.
“Does anyone know how to speak dragon?” Asked Ruggie.
“Are they even talking?” Commented Leona.
“I can’t believe all of this happened in the span of one afternoon," complained Azul.
“Isn’t Sea Slug like, very close to Shrimpy?” Whined Floyd.
“Is that what you think after this?” Jade said, thinking about what his twin just exclaimed. “Although they sure are a bit too close…”
When Jack finally arrived with the potion, Malleus had to lift your paw due to the immense force that it would require for them to do it, lulling you to sleep when you showed signs of waking up.
After it was done, they had to wait for around fifteen seconds until it made effect, a veil of white smoke appearing for the last time combined with Malleus's green one, revealing the two of you leaning against each other, clothes slightly damaged due to the transformation.
You were so tired that you didn’t woke up even after they argued over who should carry you over to Ramshackle; Malleus ended up winning the fight since he could teleport, treating you as if you were a feather, setting you down softly on your bed.
He decided that it would be better if he stayed in the living room, afraid of what could happen if he left you alone after such a wild experience.
The day after the whole situation, you went to classes like normal, having to endure so many questions coming from your friends since people were talking about how you transformed into different animals, clearly thinking they missed a key adventure.
You said that it was a long story, and it certainly was.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
writing prompts! dragon-y edition
"Welcome to the lair of Gerald, please take a number and wait over there."
"What, did you think these scales were painted on?"
"Oh goody, a human. Do you have a good reason to be camping on my back?"
"No, no, come back! I'm only dangerous if you step on my tail."
"How about if I make you a nice little humungous campfire and you can tell me about your quest?"
"I can only make pots of tea, you have to find your own cup. Now, what was it you wanted from my hoard?"
"This is my hoard, I collect orphans and train them to be knights since you lot are so bad at it."
"Congratulations, you've chosen a cursed sword. Good luck and good riddance!"
"You may command a single act from me, so think very hard before doing so."
"Well, you've saved my life. Want to start a war?"
"I thought all the dragon riders were extinct!"
"If your kingdom doesn't miss you, I'm happy to have a companion."
"The thing is, dragons can't read, so all our stories are memorized. If you want to know the truth, it's going to take a few hours."
"If you want scales for your armor, it's going to cost you. Taking your firstborn might be outlawed, but your third child is acceptable."
"No, dragons don't win wars for humans. I'll sit very nicely at the truce meeting and puff some smoke once in a while if you like, though."
"This year's crop of apprentices aren't looking very bright. Maybe we ought to consider raiding the wizard school again."
"Yes, I did burn your son, but he was trying to kill me. You, however, are annoying me, a far more serious crime, so I might just have to reduce you to ash."
"Dragon's blood? What kind of dark magic are you getting up to?"
"Yes, I do sometimes do transformations. Dragon is the most costly, though, so you better have gold."
"Do you have any good reason for trespassing or should I burn you to a crisp right here?"
"There's a reason my mountain is surrounded by nearly impenetrable thorns."
"You're late on tribute."
"I'm searching for a rare plant for my hoard and I hear you're an expert."
"I only break curses on Tuesdays, so come back then."
"If I bathe your sword in dragon fire, you have to set me free. In fact, you have to set me free first. Dragons have to keep their promises, so get to work on your end."
for @lyra-brie specifically, I hope some of these are in the vicinity of what you were looking for
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familiaralien · 2 months
Giant monster tamer megathread
Decided for the sake of education and my own neurodiversity to make a post including every video game series or stand alone title I know of that focuses on creature capturing competitions that isn't Pokemon.
One big exception: the game has to be a reasonably playable state. So no games that are effectively or literally lost media (like Micromon) or games that only playable state is currently a short demo (like Bestieball). With that in mind here we go:
This one is pretty obvious. While more of a multimedia franchise it has tons of games to its IP. The one that probably would appeal most to Pokenerds is Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and its sequel as they're turned based RPGs with a monster capture mechanic.
Monster Rancher
Another one I think a lot of folks have heard about or least millennials would remember. I haven't personally played any of these titles myself but from what I gather they're raising sims with tournament combat. For a while their availability was mostly limited to emulation but Monster Rancher 1 and 2 have been ported to modern systems like the Switch.
Yo-kai Watch
A mid 2010s franchise that had a whole lot of initial success in Japan. Its an RPG series that doesn't take itself very seriously with cute and goofy monster design based on the Japanese folklore creatures called... well yokai. Has real time combat instead of turn based and more luck based capturing mechanics than Pokemon.
Brand new game that's only in its alpha release as of now. Its effectively a parody of Pokemon where you're stuck trying to survive in the wilderness so you must build a base and farm resources to survive. Game did have some initial controversy due to some of its designs stepping a little TOO close to being outright ripoffs of existing designs. Also you can capture and enslave humans which may not vibe with some folks.
Basically Pokemon meets a MMO lite. The game can be played mostly as single player campaign but does unfortunately still require a constant internet connection. Battles are turned based but 2 versus 2.
Shin Megami Tensei
What could be consider the original monster tamer game. The series is aimed at a somewhat older audience and the plots tend to be more philosophical then like "gotta be the best *insert title here* ever". Focuses a lot on fusing monsters as well as trying to convince them to join you. You actually battle alongside your monsters.
Dragon Quest Monsters
Monster Capturing mechanics do exist in the mainline DQ games as well (at least since DQ5 I think?) but its these games have them as the main gameplay. Much like SMT it focuses on fusing monsters as one of the main ways to expand your library off available species.
Franchise that started its life as a mobile game but has since gotten ports to other systems. Its very similar to Pokemon in terms of creature designs and combat but the worldbuilding is quite different as is its tone being a lot more comedic.
Indie game with visuals similar to Pokemon Black and White. Its story was originally kinda so-so and its ending pretty abrupt but its since gotten a free patch that smoothed that out quite a bit. Also has a sorta unique "shiny" system where alternate colors are associated with higher potential which can actually be altered once. Also has a built in randomizer and "nuzlocke" mode.
Cassette Beasts
A pretty recent indie game. Unlike all the others you don't capture or hatch monsters but rather record them to transform into them yourself. Battles are always between you and a companion which there are multiple to befriend throughout your journey (including a dog!). Has some really interesting quirks with its type chart that adds a lot of extra depth. Will soon be releasing a mutiplayer update for anyone that's into that kind of thing.
Monster Crown
A game with visual based on the Gameboy era. It has some pretty fascinating breeding mechanics and a somewhat darker tone than Pokemon. WARNING: DO NOT GET THE SWITCH PORT! For whatever reason its especially glitchy and I have genuinely gotten entire save files ruined by game breaking bugs (such as my player character getting stuck in walls or clipping out of a bounds). As far as I'm aware the PC version is not nearly as much as a mess though.
Monster Sanctuary
Monster collecting meets metroidvania. Has a really fun skill tree type move learning system that allows for quite a bit of strategy. Also the monster designs are way less Pokemon and more inspired by traditional roleplay monsters (so there's like Goblins and stuff). My only gripe with the game is how you get monsters involves getting specific scores in battle which makes getting 1 of each monster way more tedious than it needed to be.
Fossil Fighters
Franchise is maybe dead since there hasn't been a new entry in it since the 3DS but its still easy enough to these games. Anyway this series involve reviving dinosaurs (and some other ancient animals) into new lifeforms called vivosaur and using them in 3 on 3 combat. Vivosaurs are obtained with a fossil digging minigame which is kinda neat.
Another franchise that's been pretty dead for a while (it last entry was on the Wii). Spectrobes has a more sci fi like setting with its monsters being aliens you revive from fossils. Combat is real time and you participate alongside a couple of your monsters. I'm btw describing only the first game because I haven't played either sequel!
Mobile only monster game with a style similar to Pokemon Black and White not unlike Coromon mentioned above. Has a lot of focus on split path evolution. The devs are apparently going to release a sequel soon but its been in development hell for years so I'll come back and edit this if that actually happens.
Monster Hunter Stories
I have not played nor watched gameplay of this one so I can't really describe it that deeply all I know is its a spinoff of Monster Hunter involving befriending and using the titular monsters in combat.
Its sad this game series is most famous for being badly translated and repackaged as a Pokemon game. Anyway these are Japanese only titles though fan translations exist. The gimmick of this game is that you call monsters up on your cellphone to get them over to participate in combat. This series this sprout out when cellphones were consider newfangled and hip so it makes sense.
Anode Heart
Pretty sure this one is PC only. Takes some inspiration from the Digimon World games and is semi open world. Sadly this one I don't know much about outside of that though it does have a free demo on Steam for anyone that wants to try it for themselves.
Extremely wholesome monster catching and farming game. Battles are actually dancing competitions instead of violent confrontations and monsters are recruited simply by beating them in a fight. Thing is monsters will only fight you if you offer them their favourite food so that's where strategy comes in.
Moonstone Island
I know very little about this one except its also a monster catching and farming game. I've heard that its really good though and I believe its PC only right now but has a planned Switch port.
Probably the most obscure ass monster tamer on this entire list. This is a Japanese exclusive set of Gameboy games featuring very cute monster designs... and Hello Kitty. Yes Sanrio made a monster tamer back in the late 90s. I only learned this even existed after scrolling down a comment section on a random YouTube video.
Abomi Nation
I'm mostly excluding roguelike games due to most having nothing but battles an 0 plot but this one does actually has a story! You play as the actual monster as you make your way through somewhat randomly generated maps with lots of other randomized elements. The game allows for a lot of customization including turning off permadeath if you're not a fan of that. The visual style is a bit crude but its still a pretty cute game.
Jade Concoon
Another somewhat obscure entry but at least this one got an English release. Anyway its an old RPG for the PSX with monster capturing and a very fascinating monster fusing mechanic that uses an algorithm to determine the appearance of the fusion. The player character can also participate in battle and the plot is very complex. The game also has a sequel on the PS2 but I know even less about that one.
Now if you thought Palworld was bordering on some copyright infringement this game is basically nothing but "Pokemon but the designs are robots". Still worth bringing up I think!
Ni No Kuni
Not sure how I got to mentioning several obscure titles and somehow didn't mention something that really isn't. Ni No Kuni is real time battles between you and 2 party members. You can both battle as the actual human characters or switch into a monster. Wrath of the White Witch's visual style in particular is very whimsical and even has some animated cutscene done by Studio Ghibli. I haven't played any other game in the franchise.
I haven't played any entry in this series yet (there's apparently 4 games + a spinoff) but from reading up on the most recent entry these are basically procedurally generated dungeon crawlers with an insane level of depth. The story is apparently not that great but the games themselves apparently also make fun of it so it seems its an intentional dev choice. Battles are 6 on 6 and there's over 1000 monsters to collect.
Disc Creatures
A monster tamer with a visual style similar to the Gameboy and Gameboy Color. It has 3 on 3 combat. Impressively I'm pretty sure it was developed by just one person in the RPG Maker engine (I'm honestly surprised this is the first indie game made with ya know... an engine meant for turned based RPGs).
Monster Harvest
A Dungeon crawler mixed with farming. Its a bit shorter than anything else I've mentioned here and its a bit glitchy but its a cute little game worth picking up on sale at the least. Notably also only about a 1/3 of the monster in the game are combative with the rest being either used for farming resources or as mounts.
Loomian Legacy
A Roblox monster tamer.... yes there's 2 of those in this (I could even have added 3 but I think one is in still a pretty early state). Pretty sure this started as a Pokemon fangame and become its own thing later. It has your typical 1 on 1 turn based combat and all that. I think its free to play and there's like several hours of content on it so maybe worth a gander.
Tales of Tonorio
Pretty sure this is the same basic deal as Loomian (Roblox game, started as a Pokemon fan game, etc etc) though its has its own world building and creature designs since I'm pretty sure its made by a completely different team.
So yeah that's all of them I can think of right now. If I learn of others and/or there's new releases I may expand this.
PS: There is almost certainly numerous typoes in this. This post is way longer than anything else I've ever made on Tumblr so I can't be arse to fix them you're just going to have to deal!
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SR Malleus Draconia Lab Coat Personal Story: Part 1
"Allow me to reward you"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Botanical Garden – Temperate Zone]
Cater: Hmm, where oh where is the little duskweed-chan~
Cater: Man, Crewel-sensei sure does make it hard on us, telling us to go find our own ingredients for the experiment.
Cater: Malleus-kun, your class has the same assignment, right? You having any luck finding the herbs you need?
Malleus: I only have the fireweed left to find. It seems they can be found in the subtropical zone, so I shall harvest them there.
Cater: Ah! Wait, around this time, the subtropical zone is…
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[Botanical Garden – Subtropical Zone]
Malleus: …Oh.
Cater: Oh man, I was a little too late…
Malleus: What is this, Diamond? Water suddenly started spraying everywhere.
Cater: That's a sprinkler. They're there to simulate rain to help water the plants.
Cater: This zone has designated squall times, in order to mimic closely a real subtropical place. You didn't know?
Malleus: …
Cater: Man, your lab coat is drenched. You okay?
Malleus: I can dry off with magic quick enough. There is no issue… Ah!
Cater: Hm? What's wrong, why're you panicking all of a sudden? Did you have your phone in your pocket?
Malleus: No, nothing like that.
Cater: What's that… A watch? No. Huh? …Wait, is that a…
Malleus: This is something that Lilia brought home as a gift for me from another country.
Malleus: I had taken quite the liking to this thing… I did not intend to get water on it.
Malleus: …Ah. It is no longer working. And I had been taking care of it for some time now.
Cater: Yeah, I bet it'd be hard to find another of that if it breaks. I don't think I've ever seen it sold in stores, even.
Malleus: …
Cater: But I bet you can fix it with magic, can't you?
Malleus: …This little thing is not a magical device, it is purely mechanical.
Malleus: I do not know much about technology. I cannot fix something I do not understand.
Malleus: ….........
Cater: I see… Hey, huh? Malleus-kun, did that hurt you that much? You seem real down.
Cater: Hmmm. But, yeah, I guess I'd get it, if it was something you really treasured.
Malleus: …Diamond, do you know anyone who may be able to repair it?
Cater: Repair it? Yeah, I mean, when it comes to devices like that, the first person that'd pop into my head would be Idia-kun, but…
Cater: I'm pretty sure he'd run away if you reached out to him, so… Who's more realistic…? Hmm…
Cater: Ah! What about Deuce-chan from my dorm?
Malleus: Deuce?
Cater: Yeah, Deuce Spade. He's a first year in Heartslabyul. Apparently, he's actually pretty good at tinkering with stuff.
Cater: I just learned about it recently, myself. We had an audio system in the lounge that wasn't working, and he fixed it for us~
Malleus: I see… Good to know. What class is Spade in?
Cater: I'm pretty sure he's in Class 1-A.
[class chime ♪]
Cater: Hey, Malleus-kun, where're you going? Wait, you're not…
Malleus: I shall go call upon Spade. After all, they do say one should strike while the iron is hot.
Cater: Eh, really? But if you suddenly appear in front of the first-year classroom…
[Malleus disappears]
Cater: Ah, fast! He's already gone!
Cater: …Oops, Deuce-chan, forgive me ♪
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Classmate A: H-Hey, Deuce… I was just told out in the hallway to come get you…
Deuce: Me? By who?
Classmate A: That's the thing… It… It's Malleus Draconia!
Deuce: Ehhh!?
Classmate B: Th-That Malleus Draconia!? The guy who's one of the top five mages in the world?
Classmate C: I heard that he's descended from fae, and when he gets angry, he'll transform into a dragon and breathe fire…
Classmate D: Why would the Dorm Leader of Diasomnia come all this way to one of the first-year classrooms!? You gotta be kidding me!
Ace: Deuce… What kind of stupid thing did you do to get called out by a super scary upperclassman?
Deuce: I don't know! There's no reason he'd need to call me out, uh… Well, no real reason.
Ace: What, so there really is a reason?
Deuce: But if he's calling me out by name, and run away instead… That'd make me a huge coward. That's not what a real man does.
Deuce: I'm sure Draconia-senpai feels the same, and that's why he called me out in a fair and square way. I just gotta grit my teeth and take him on.
Ace: There it is, Deuce's delinquent side. If you don't know why he's asking for you, you probably shouldn't go, though.
Deuce: Ace, I don't need your help. Well… Maybe you can at least pick up my pieces afterwards.
Ace: I mean, I wasn't gonna help you in the first place, but… Aaaand he's gone.
Ace: Deuce… I'll never forget you.
Classmates: [nod, nod]
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[Interior Hallway]
Malleus: So, Spade, you came.
Malleus: Let's move to somewhere quieter. Follow me.
Deuce: …Right.
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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falderaletcetera · 11 months
today's sleep-deprived thought (family time is over, I'm still in the initial crashing-and-recovering stage, there's some messy sleep schedule happening here in the interim) is that I do wish I were a man.
and that's not the end of the conversation, not for everyone. "if you wish you're a man, then you are one" is useful trans 101 but I've seen too many nonbinary folks who just... have that wishing as part of their experience. and I think there can be a hunger for the kind of affirmation that (I think) some trans men get, when they "pass", when they're in safe environments. I wouldn't dare pretend it's easier. but.
maybe I'm just not far enough along yet to know which way I want to go. I've spent so long at the starting block squinting ahead and trying to plan my route, and I don't think I know myself well enough for that to have been enough.
maybe some of it's just that throwing the roadmap aside means you need to find your own ways to affirm yourself, your own things to celebrate. maybe it's just that I'm still caught in not understanding what nonbinary gender is - I'm someone who generally wants to understand the shape of things, the systems and the reasons, and everything I've seen suggests that gender is a debate that maybe isn't worth having, when there are people who would be hurt by trying to pin it down.
or maybe I am a man, and there's just so much baggage in that, so many (shitty) expectations and so little chance I'll be seen as one without a buttload of hormones in me and, frankly, significant changes in my behaviour too, that I can't approach it head on.
it's a lot. and it's kinda scary. (I share that with myself at sixteen. if they were right all along, that'll be some kind of funny.)
but this sleep-deprived thought is reassuring me that this is a step in the right direction. if this is what I need in order to get there, then... waiting won't help. I have to take the first step and feel out the second.
of course, given the state of the uk and the world (and my life) I may never be able to reach a point that feels like it's enough. or if I reach it, I may not be allowed to stay there. and at least I'll have that in common with a lot of other folks, living and historical.
it would be simpler, maybe, if I knew I were a man right off the bat. but it would be even simpler if I had claws and fangs and could burn down the cities of those who wished me and mine harm, so, y'know, there's a bit of a hierarchy going on here.
(note to self: story where someone is stuck on an endless waiting list and so transforms themself into a dragon instead. I think it would be cathartic to write. I think I'll need it before the end.)
I'm doing a thing soon and it scares the living daylights out of me. I'm doing a thing soon and it's not going to be nearly enough. but it's the right move, or as close to it as I know how to manage right now. it's a step in roughly the right direction. and if I forget that tomorrow, in all my worry, in all my wanting things to be easier, I bloody well hope I can make my way back here quickly.
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duhragonball · 5 months
Was rereading your liveblogs of the Uub vs Baby fight, and one thing I noted was the part about how all the merger of Uub and Buu accomplished was giving him the Candy Beam, and I felt such a sense of disappointment all over again. Of all Buu's powers, they gave him the one that ends the fight immediately if it hits (with the exception of Vegito I guess) so he can never successfully use it because the story can't allow it.
And that especially sucks because Buu, particularly Kid Buu, had so many cool applications of other abilities. His stretching and shapeshifting make him unpredictable and allow for unique approaches to combat, which could've helped Uub stand out more from the other fighters. Obviously GT's "Goku Time" philosophy means there's not that much competition, and they don't have a great track record for creative or well-animated choreography, but I can't help but think of how awesome it would've been to have a Dragon Ball character with the cartoonish, rubbery fighting style of Luffy.
I've got some time to kill, so I'll start going through my backlog of asks. This one is about Dragon Ball GT 33, which we talked about at the beginning of the year. Yeah, I really shouldn't have let these pile up so much.
Anyway, I get what you're saying, in that Uub could have gotten more interesting powers from combining with Buu, but the thing to keep in mind is that GT wouldn't have made good use of stretchy limbs or shapeshifting or anything else. Remember, they already had a character who could do all of that: Majin Buu, and they basically wrote him out of the story.
Now, a GT fanficcer could still do a lot with the idea of Uub discovering new abilities from the merger. He may not have known about them during the Baby fight, but he could continue training and find out he can do other stuff that Buu could do. But GT was never going to put that kind of focus on Uub. They lost interest in Trunks partway through, and he was one of the three main characters.
I'll go a step further, though, and submit that merging Buu with Uub defeats the point of Uub's introduction to the story. Kid Buu absorbed all those other characters to transform, becoming a more defined personality, but it wasn't authentic because Fat Buu and Super Buu weren't really him. They were Buu with other people's personalities stacked on top. But without those other people, Kid Buu is just a hollow killing machine, he could never grow or evolve on his own... until he got killed and reincarnated as a human. Than Goku could train him and make him into a greater fighter than he ever was before.
Recombining him with Fat Buu undermines that whole idea. That just takes them back where they started, when they were all one character as the Fat Buu we first saw hatch out of that magic ball. GT presents it as a reunification, sort of like Kami and Piccolo fusing back into their original self. But Majin Buu doesn't work that way. Kid Buu was the pure version of the character, and the other versions were dilutions of that. The whole point of Uub is that he can become greater and stronger than he ever could by absorbing other people as Kid Buu.
I suppose I can give GT some credit and suggest that they may have understood this perfectly well. After all, "Majuub" never really got very far, so one could argue that the merger was a mistake all along. But Fat Buu couldn't have understood that, and Uub didn't even know what was going on, so they had to find out the hard way. That could be a good subplot for a supporting character, but they never gave Uub enough screentime to learn his lesson. More grist for the fanfic mill, I suppose.
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foodandfolklore · 8 months
The Enchanted Pig
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Also called "Porcul cel fermecat". This Romanian fairytale can be found in 1890 The Red Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, but there are even earlier non English publications. I wanted to share this story with my Kitchen Witches for two reasons. First, I often see people ask "What can I do with bones?" If you're a Kitchen Witch who uses meat, you can end up with a lot of bones. If you want to keep them for use later, maybe for a craft, I say do it. The other reason why I wanted to share this with my Kitchen Witches is the Pig symbolism. In modern day, Pigs sorta get a bad rap. They're seen as fat, dirty, and lazy. Calling someone a pig is an insult. So it can be hard to associate things like intelligence, family, fertility, patience, and transformation with pigs and by extension Pork. Maybe this story can help.
Once upon a time there lived a King who had three daughters. Now it happened that he had to go out to battle, so he called his daughters and said to them:
‘My dear children, I am obliged to go to war. The enemy is approaching us with a large army. It is a great grief to me to leave you all. During my absence take care of yourselves and be good girls; behave well and look after everything in the house. You may walk in the garden, and you may go into all the rooms in the palace, except the room at the back in the right-hand corner; into that you must not enter, for harm would befall you.’
‘You may keep your mind easy, father,’ they replied. ‘We have never been disobedient to you. Go in peace, and may heaven give you a glorious victory!’
When everything was ready for his departure, the King gave them the keys of all the rooms and reminded them once more of what he had said. His daughters kissed his hands with tears in their eyes, and wished him prosperity, and he gave the eldest the keys.
Now when the girls found themselves alone they felt so sad and dull that they did not know what to do. So, to pass the time, they decided to work for part of the day, to read for part of the day, and to enjoy themselves in the garden for part of the day. As long as they did this all went well with them. But this happy state of things did not last long. Every day they grew more and more curious, and you will see what the end of that was.
‘Sisters,’ said the eldest Princess, ‘all day long we sew, spin, and read. We have been several days quite alone, and there is no corner of the garden that we have not explored. We have been in all the rooms of our father’s palace, and have admired the rich and beautiful furniture: why should not we go into the room that our father forbad us to enter?’
‘Sister,’ said the youngest, ‘I cannot think how you can tempt us to break our father’s command. When he told us not to go into that room he must have known what he was saying, and have had a good reason for saying it.’
‘Surely the sky won’t fall about our heads if we DO go in,’ said the second Princess. ‘Dragons and such like monsters that would devour us will not be hidden in the room. And how will our father ever find out that we have gone in?’
While they were speaking thus, encouraging each other, they had reached the room; the eldest fitted the key into the lock, and snap! the door stood open.
The three girls entered, and what do you think they saw?
The room was quite empty, and without any ornament, but in the middle stood a large table, with a gorgeous cloth, and on it lay a big open book.
Now the Princesses were curious to know what was written in the book, especially the eldest, and this is what she read:
‘The eldest daughter of this King will marry a prince from the East.’
Then the second girl stepped forward, and turning over the page she read:
‘The second daughter of this King will marry a prince from the West.’
The girls were delighted, and laughed and teased each other.
But the youngest Princess did not want to go near the table or to open the book. Her elder sisters however left her no peace, and will she, nill she, they dragged her up to the table, and in fear and trembling she turned over the page and read:
‘The youngest daughter of this King will be married to a pig from the North.’
Now if a thunderbolt had fallen upon her from heaven it would not have frightened her more. She almost died of misery, and if her sisters had not held her up, she would have sunk to the ground and cut her head open.
When she came out of the fainting fit into which she had fallen in her terror, her sisters tried to comfort her, saying:
‘How can you believe such nonsense? When did it ever happen that a king’s daughter married a pig?’
‘What a baby you are!’ said the other sister; ‘has not our father enough soldiers to protect you, even if the disgusting creature did come to woo you?’
The youngest Princess would fain have let herself be convinced by her sisters’ words, and have believed what they said, but her heart was heavy. Her thoughts kept turning to the book, in which stood written that great happiness waited her sisters, but that a fate was in store for her such as had never before been known in the world.
Besides, the thought weighed on her heart that she had been guilty of disobeying her father. She began to get quite ill, and in a few days she was so changed that it was difficult to recognise her; formerly she had been rosy and merry, now she was pale and nothing gave her any pleasure. She gave up playing with her sisters in the garden, ceased to gather flowers to put in her hair, and never sang when they sat together at their spinning and sewing.
In the meantime the King won a great victory, and having completely defeated and driven off the enemy, he hurried home to his daughters, to whom his thoughts had constantly turned. Everyone went out to meet him with cymbals and fifes and drums, and there was great rejoicing over his victorious return. The King’s first act on reaching home was to thank Heaven for the victory he had gained over the enemies who had risen against him. He then entered his palace, and the three Princesses stepped forward to meet him. His joy was great when he saw that they were all well, for the youngest did her best not to appear sad.
In spite of this, however, it was not long before the King noticed that his third daughter was getting very thin and sad-looking. And all of a sudden he felt as if a hot iron were entering his soul, for it flashed through his mind that she had disobeyed his word. He felt sure he was right; but to be quite certain he called his daughters to him, questioned them, and ordered them to speak the truth. They confessed everything, but took good care not to say which had led the other two into temptation.
The King was so distressed when he heard it that he was almost overcome by grief. But he took heart and tried to comfort his daughters, who looked frightened to death. He saw that what had happened had happened, and that a thousand words would not alter matters by a hair’s-breadth.
Well, these events had almost been forgotten when one fine day a prince from the East appeared at the Court and asked the King for the hand of his eldest daughter. The King gladly gave his consent. A great wedding banquet was prepared, and after three days of feasting the happy pair were accompanied to the frontier with much ceremony and rejoicing.
After some time the same thing befell the second daughter, who was wooed and won by a prince from the West.
Now when the young Princess saw that everything fell out exactly as had been written in the book, she grew very sad. She refused to eat, and would not put on her fine clothes nor go out walking, and declared that she would rather die than become a laughing-stock to the world. But the King would not allow her to do anything so wrong, and he comforted her in all possible ways.
So the time passed, till lo and behold! one fine day an enormous pig from the North walked into the palace, and going straight up to the King said, ‘Hail! oh King. May your life be as prosperous and bright as sunrise on a clear day!’
‘I am glad to see you well, friend,’ answered the King, ‘but what wind has brought you hither?’
‘I come a-wooing,’ replied the Pig.
Now the King was astonished to hear so fine a speech from a Pig, and at once it occurred to him that something strange was the matter. He would gladly have turned the Pig’s thoughts in another direction, as he did not wish to give him the Princess for a wife; but when he heard that the Court and the whole street were full of all the pigs in the world he saw that there was no escape, and that he must give his consent. The Pig was not satisfied with mere promises, but insisted that the wedding should take place within a week, and would not go away till the King had sworn a royal oath upon it.
The King then sent for his daughter, and advised her to submit to fate, as there was nothing else to be done. And he added:
‘My child, the words and whole behaviour of this Pig are quite unlike those of other pigs. I do not myself believe that he always was a pig. Depend upon it some magic or witchcraft has been at work. Obey him, and do everything that he wishes, and I feel sure that Heaven will shortly send you release.’
‘If you wish me to do this, dear father, I will do it,’ replied the girl.
In the meantime the wedding-day drew near. After the marriage, the Pig and his bride set out for his home in one of the royal carriages. On the way they passed a great bog, and the Pig ordered the carriage to stop, and got out and rolled about in the mire till he was covered with mud from head to foot; then he got back into the carriage and told his wife to kiss him. What was the poor girl to do? She bethought herself of her father’s words, and, pulling out her pocket handkerchief, she gently wiped the Pig’s snout and kissed it.
By the time they reached the Pig’s dwelling, which stood in a thick wood, it was quite dark. They sat down quietly for a little, as they were tired after their drive; then they had supper together, and lay down to rest. During the night the Princess noticed that the Pig had changed into a man. She was not a little surprised, but remembering her father’s words, she took courage, determined to wait and see what would happen.
And now she noticed that every night the Pig became a man, and every morning he was changed into a Pig before she awoke. This happened several nights running, and the Princess could not understand it at all. Clearly her husband must be bewitched. In time she grew quite fond of him, he was so kind and gentle.
One fine day as she was sitting alone she saw an old witch go past. She felt quite excited, as it was so long since she had seen a human being, and she called out to the old woman to come and talk to her. Among other things the witch told her that she understood all magic arts, and that she could foretell the future, and knew the healing powers of herbs and plants.
‘I shall be grateful to you all my life, old dame,’ said the Princess, ‘if you will tell me what is the matter with my husband. Why is he a Pig by day and a human being by night?’
‘I was just going to tell you that one thing, my dear, to show you what a good fortune-teller I am. If you like, I will give you a herb to break the spell.’
‘If you will only give it to me,’ said the Princess, ‘I will give you anything you choose to ask for, for I cannot bear to see him in this state.’
‘Here, then, my dear child,’ said the witch, ‘take this thread, but do not let him know about it, for if he did it would lose its healing power. At night, when he is asleep, you must get up very quietly, and fasten the thread round his left foot as firmly as possible; and you will see in the morning he will not have changed back into a Pig, but will still be a man. I do not want any reward. I shall be sufficiently repaid by knowing that you are happy. It almost breaks my heart to think of all you have suffered, and I only wish I had known it sooner, as I should have come to your rescue at once.’
When the old witch had gone away the Princess hid the thread very carefully, and at night she got up quietly, and with a beating heart she bound the thread round her husband’s foot. Just as she was pulling the knot tight there was a crack, and the thread broke, for it was rotten. Her husband awoke with a start, and said to her, ‘Unhappy woman, what have you done? Three days more and this unholy spell would have fallen from me, and now, who knows how long I may have to go about in this disgusting shape? I must leave you at once, and we shall not meet again until you have worn out three pairs of iron shoes and blunted a steel staff in your search for me.’ So saying he disappeared.
Now, when the Princess was left alone she began to weep and moan in a way that was pitiful to hear; but when she saw that her tears and groans did her no good, she got up, determined to go wherever fate should lead her.
On reaching a town, the first thing she did was to order three pairs of iron sandals and a steel staff, and having made these preparations for her journey, she set out in search of her husband. On and on she wandered over nine seas and across nine continents; through forests with trees whose stems were as thick as beer-barrels; stumbling and knocking herself against the fallen branches, then picking herself up and going on; the boughs of the trees hit her face, and the shrubs tore her hands, but on she went, and never looked back. At last, wearied with her long journey and worn out and overcome with sorrow, but still with hope at her heart, she reached a house.
Now who do you think lived there? The Moon.
The Princess knocked at the door, and begged to be let in that she might rest a little. The mother of the Moon, when she saw her sad plight, felt a great pity for her, and took her in and nursed and tended her. And while she was here the Princess had a little baby.
One day the mother of the Moon asked her:
‘How was it possible for you, a mortal, to get hither to the house of the Moon?’
Then the poor Princess told her all that happened to her, and added ‘I shall always be thankful to Heaven for leading me hither, and grateful to you that you took pity on me and on my baby, and did not leave us to die. Now I beg one last favour of you; can your daughter, the Moon, tell me where my husband is?’
‘She cannot tell you that, my child,’ replied the goddess, ‘but, if you will travel towards the East until you reach the dwelling of the Sun, he may be able to tell you something.’
Then she gave the Princess a roast chicken to eat, and warned her to be very careful not to lose any of the bones, because they might be of great use to her.
When the Princess had thanked her once more for her hospitality and for her good advice, and had thrown away one pair of shoes that were worn out, and had put on a second pair, she tied up the chicken bones in a bundle, and taking her baby in her arms and her staff in her hand, she set out once more on her wanderings.
On and on and on she went across bare sandy deserts, where the roads were so heavy that for every two steps that she took forwards she fell back one; but she struggled on till she had passed these dreary plains; next she crossed high rocky mountains, jumping from crag to crag and from peak to peak. Sometimes she would rest for a little on a mountain, and then start afresh always farther and farther on. She had to cross swamps and to scale mountain peaks covered with flints, so that her feet and knees and elbows were all torn and bleeding, and sometimes she came to a precipice across which she could not jump, and she had to crawl round on hands and knees, helping herself along with her staff. At length, wearied to death, she reached the palace in which the Sun lived. She knocked and begged for admission.
The mother of the Sun opened the door, and was astonished at beholding a mortal from the distant earthly shores, and wept with pity when she heard of all she had suffered. Then, having promised to ask her son about the Princess’s husband, she hid her in the cellar, so that the Sun might notice nothing on his return home, for he was always in a bad temper when he came in at night. The next day the Princess feared that things would not go well with her, for the Sun had noticed that some one from the other world had been in the palace. But his mother had soothed him with soft words, assuring him that this was not so. So the Princess took heart when she saw how kindly she was treated, and asked:
‘But how in the world is it possible for the Sun to be angry? He is so beautiful and so good to mortals.’
‘This is how it happens,’ replied the Sun’s mother. ‘In the morning when he stands at the gates of paradise he is happy, and smiles on the whole world, but during the day he gets cross, because he sees all the evil deeds of men, and that is why his heat becomes so scorching; but in the evening he is both sad and angry, for he stands at the gates of death; that is his usual course. From there he comes back here.’
She then told the Princess that she had asked about her husband, but that her son had replied that he knew nothing about him, and that her only hope was to go and inquire of the Wind.
Before the Princess left the mother of the Sun gave her a roast chicken to eat, and advised her to take great care of the bones, which she did, wrapping them up in a bundle. She then threw away her second pair of shoes, which were quite worn out, and with her child on her arm and her staff in her hand, she set forth on her way to the Wind.
In these wanderings she met with even greater difficulties than before, for she came upon one mountain of flints after another, out of which tongues of fire would flame up; she passed through woods which had never been trodden by human foot, and had to cross fields of ice and avalanches of snow. The poor woman nearly died of these hardships, but she kept a brave heart, and at length she reached an enormous cave in the side of a mountain. This was where the Wind lived. There was a little door in the railing in front of the cave, and here the Princess knocked and begged for admission. The mother of the Wind had pity on her and took her in, that she might rest a little. Here too she was hidden away, so that the Wind might not notice her.
The next morning the mother of the Wind told her that her husband was living in a thick wood, so thick that no axe had been able to cut a way through it; here he had built himself a sort of house by placing trunks of trees together and fastening them with withes and here he lived alone, shunning human kind.
After the mother of the Wind had given the Princess a chicken to eat, and had warned her to take care of the bones, she advised her to go by the Milky Way, which at night lies across the sky, and to wander on till she reached her goal.
Having thanked the old woman with tears in her eyes for her hospitality, and for the good news she had given her, the Princess set out on her journey and rested neither night nor day, so great was her longing to see her husband again. On and on she walked until her last pair of shoes fell in pieces. So she threw them away and went on with bare feet, not heeding the bogs nor the thorns that wounded her, nor the stones that bruised her. At last she reached a beautiful green meadow on the edge of a wood. Her heart was cheered by the sight of the flowers and the soft cool grass, and she sat down and rested for a little. But hearing the birds chirping to their mates among the trees made her think with longing of her husband, and she wept bitterly, and taking her child in her arms, and her bundle of chicken bones on her shoulder, she entered the wood.
For three days and three nights she struggled through it, but could find nothing. She was quite worn out with weariness and hunger, and even her staff was no further help to her, for in her many wanderings it had become quite blunted. She almost gave up in despair, but made one last great effort, and suddenly in a thicket she came upon the sort of house that the mother of the Wind had described. It had no windows, and the door was up in the roof. Round the house she went, in search of steps, but could find none. What was she to do? How was she to get in? She thought and thought, and tried in vain to climb up to the door. Then suddenly she be-thought her of the chicken bones that she had dragged all that weary way, and she said to herself: ‘They would not all have told me to take such good care of these bones if they had not had some good reason for doing so. Perhaps now, in my hour of need, they may be of use to me.’
So she took the bones out of her bundle, and having thought for a moment, she placed the two ends together. To her surprise they stuck tight; then she added the other bones, till she had two long poles the height of the house; these she placed against the wall, at a distance of a yard from one another. Across them she placed the other bones, piece by piece, like the steps of a ladder. As soon as one step was finished she stood upon it and made the next one, and then the next, till she was close to the door. But just as she got near the top she noticed that there were no bones left for the last rung of the ladder. What was she to do? Without that last step the whole ladder was useless. She must have lost one of the bones. Then suddenly an idea came to her. Taking a knife she chopped off her little finger, and placing it on the last step, it stuck as the bones had done. The ladder was complete, and with her child on her arm she entered the door of the house. Here she found everything in perfect order. Having taken some food, she laid the child down to sleep in a trough that was on the floor, and sat down herself to rest.
When her husband, the Pig, came back to his house, he was startled by what he saw. At first he could not believe his eyes, and stared at the ladder of bones, and at the little finger on the top of it. He felt that some fresh magic must be at work, and in his terror he almost turned away from the house; but then a better idea came to him, and he changed himself into a dove, so that no witchcraft could have power over him, and flew into the room without touching the ladder. Here he found a woman rocking a child. At the sight of her, looking so changed by all that she had suffered for his sake, his heart was moved by such love and longing and by so great a pity that he suddenly became a man.
The Princess stood up when she saw him, and her heart beat with fear, for she did not know him. But when he had told her who he was, in her great joy she forgot all her sufferings, and they seemed as nothing to her. He was a very handsome man, as straight as a fir tree. They sat down together and she told him all her adventures, and he wept with pity at the tale. And then he told her his own history.
‘I am a King’s son. Once when my father was fighting against some dragons, who were the scourge of our country, I slew the youngest dragon. His mother, who was a witch, cast a spell over me and changed me into a Pig. It was she who in the disguise of an old woman gave you the thread to bind round my foot. So that instead of the three days that had to run before the spell was broken, I was forced to remain a Pig for three more years. Now that we have suffered for each other, and have found each other again, let us forget the past.’
And in their joy they kissed one another.
Next morning they set out early to return to his father’s kingdom. Great was the rejoicing of all the people when they saw him and his wife; his father and his mother embraced them both, and there was feasting in the palace for three days and three nights.
Then they set out to see her father. The old King nearly went out of his mind with joy at beholding his daughter again. When she had told him all her adventures, he said to her:
‘Did not I tell you that I was quite sure that that creature who wooed and won you as his wife had not been born a Pig? You see, my child, how wise you were in doing what I told you.’
And as the King was old and had no heirs, he put them on the throne in his place. And they ruled as only kings rule who have suffered many things. And if they are not dead they are still living and ruling happily.
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Hello lovely! Can I please get a male stranger things, Harry Potter and marvel match up please? Thank you so much!
APPEARANCE: I am 20 year old female, she/her pronouns, I’m 5’1” with somewhat long dirty blonde/brown hair, I’m curvy and I should be wearing glasses but alas I do not. I like having my nails painted either black or red or both. My style is a mix of girly and gothic, I wear lots of skirts and dresses and frilly socks but also fishnets and dark colors and jackets or flannels.
PERSONALITY: I think I’m infp and enfp? I’m mature when I need to be and quiet, but once you get to know me I’m bubbly and weird. I have pretty bad anxiety so I will get nervous over everything and anything, I’m paranoid as well at times. I love making others laugh and happy, I can be awkward at times also but I cope with humor. I try to help everyone around me, I shove my feelings to the side most of the time if someone needs help- often times putting others before myself. I guess in certain aspects I’m kinda nerdy?? ( I am also a hufflepuff )
INTERESTS/HOBBIES: I love animals, gardening, reading and writing, painting, musical theatre which I’ve done for ten years. I love to sing dance and act, help others, I enjoy raising caterpillars into butterflies. music ( Lana del rey, imagine dragons, mother mother, show tunes, poor man’s poison, fall out boy, etc ) I like collecting things like pins or random nicnacs.
Hi my darling! Of course you may, thank you so much for requesting! I'm so sorry this took so long. These may be a little shorter than my previous match up just for time's sake and also cause these characters have a lot of shared attributes I'll use for your analysis.
Now onto the show.
Masterlist + Request Info
For Stranger Things I ship you with...
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Let me start this off by saying you two would be such an aesthetically pleasing couple.
On the days you're more girly, the two of you are like sweet and sour.
On the days you're more gothic, the two of you look like you're about to start doing lines of coke in the bathroom.
On the days you mix it, the two of you are a vampire queen and her himbo.
There are no bad days, you guys just look awesome all the damn time.
He paints your nails for you...
He gets better with practice, but you usually end up cleaning the edges while he pouts in the corner because he didn't think it was that bad.
This man is so attached to your caterpillars bro.
He witnesses one of them transform for the first time, and you hear sniffling from beside you. He does that drag down the face that dudes do and is like "I'm fine babe" but then when you get inside, he starts blubbering like a baby.
You're holding him and trying so hard not to laugh while he's just "she grew up so fast and her wings, oh my god her wings! They were so pretty abueuyhurfcuh."
Long story short, he's a bug dad.
I'm one of the few who don't think Eddie would listen to Mother Mother, however, he would bop his head whenever you played it because he respects a good guitar shred.
Would take the mickey out of you for listening to Lana though.
He'd put a tea-towel on his head like a wig and prance around the kitchen singing a horrible rendition of Summertime Sadness like he was drunk.
You made a flower crown for him and he wore it religiously. Around the house of course.
You start a flower garden at his trailer and help him maintain it and when the first flower blooms he makes you take pictures of him with it.
He makes you little bouquets and they don't always look the most visually cohesive but you adore them anyway and press them when they start to go out so you can keep them forever.
He's great at reminding you to take time for yourself and that it's okay to be kind to yourself. 💛💛
This man will do anything for you and I mean that shit.
I mean you don't remember the last time you opened a door.
You guys are nerd besties and when you asked to come watch Hellfire for the first time he flipped out.
Literally dragged you into the Drama room to announce you to everyone.
He teaches you how to play DnD if you don't know how and gets pissed when you start beating him.
"This isn't how I trained you😠."
(a/n Heyyyy fellow theatre kid) He watches you rehearse and comes to every show. Like he will CANCEL DND NIGHTS TO WATCH YOU PERFORM.
Eds will make sure you're comfortable in any situation and he can notice when your anxiety starts to spike before you do and knows exactly what to do to help.
You guys are just so damn cute😭
For Harry Potter I ship you with...
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The softest couple Hogwarts has ever seen.
Forces you to get glasses.
I'm talking physically drags your ass to the optometrist.
Sweet Anon, you give me sweater vibes and I can totally see you stealing Remus's sweaters which makes him laugh cause you drown in them but also blush because you're wearing his clothes.
Loves how short you are (a/n I'm 5'2, short gals unite).
Actually, lemme me picture this and melt.
This man is at least 6'0 and you are 5'1. 🥺
Piggyback rides everywhere.
So, you would absolutely slay Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures.
And because of this you are a GODSEND when it comes to his condition.
Hagrid wasn't the COMC professor yet, but he taught you a ton of stuff about werewolves because he's a sweetheart who believes they don't deserve the hate they get.
Would make you and Rem cups of tea and tell you anything you wanted to know.
Remus trusts the hell out of you but was still nervous to spill the beans.
When he confided, you sprung into action immediately researching everything of value surrounding werewolves.
You were the first witch or wizard in the UK to successfully brew Wolfsbane whilst still a student.
Slayed The House Boots Down Houston I'm Deceased.
Your intricate knowledge of plants and pure adoration for your mans allowed for you to try your hand at it under the supervision of Slughorn.
You also became an Animagus with the lads. I'll let you decide what.
Remus feeds your pin collection weekly.
He keeps an eye out for various brick-a-brack that he can chuck on a safety pin to give to you.
Your collection is the coolest thing on Planet Earth.
He charmed an old coin to adjust to your mood, so he'd know when your anxiety was troubling you.
You keep it on the inside of your tie. Remus has gotten good at subtly checking it.
I firmly believe this man can knit and he definitely made you a Hufflepuff scarf and matching beanie (a/n HUFFLEPUFFS RISE).
Loves watching you paint. It's free therapy.
You painted him once.
No one ever saw Remus blush that hard.
He regularly keeps your paint stocked and enjoys cleaning your brushes.
You exchange muggle music and he'll hum a song whilst you guys slow dance in the common room late at night 🥺
Girl can we swap bodies for a sec😭
For Marvel I ship you with...
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Let me start this off by saying...
k a r a o k e c h a m p i o n s
No one, and I mean no one, can top you guys.
That plus your drama skills from musical theatre- bro.
Ya'll put on a damn show up there.
One of the times you had red nails he took a spring, dipped the end in gold nail polish and stamped it on your nails.
He then took a picture of him holding your hands and captioned it "found my rings".
He thought he was real funny.
You guys are so awkward together I love it.
You're the epitome of *nervous laughter*.
You guys dad joke your way through life and everyone feels sorry for your future children.
He likes to braid your hair. He did it for his sister, then Katy, and now he does it for you.
When he revealed his past to you it was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
There was no forced explanation. He told you because he wanted to.
Damn homie. You got all the hoes and their secrets.
Speaking of secrets and sisters, Xialing actually likes you. She took a second to warm up to you but when she's not running empires, she likes to hang out with you and Shang.
Katy and Shang try to convince you to come joyriding with them.
You buy them helmets for their birthdays.
This man w o r s h i p s your curves.
I mean foaming at the mouth whenever you... Well... Literally just exist.
He buys you flannels. A lot.
You got him one with your face on the back as a gag gift one Christmas in return.
He refused to take it off.
This man is like a magpie. He sees something shiny on the ground. Now it's yours.
He comes home from work one day and chucks a thimble on the table.
"Happy St. Patrick's Day babe."
Laughs at you for bumping into stuff due to your lack of 20/20 vision.
On a serious note, he's always fueling your love for reading.
He loves buying books for you and recommending ones he thinks you'll like.
He likes to kiss your nose.
He brings you to visit Ta Lo. You meet Morris and beg Shang for a hundun.
He got you a cat out of the blue one day.
He came home with a lil' kitten that he found on the street and you guys adopt him.
"You looked sad this morning and I know you miss Morris and you like animals so I brought you a friend. I thought you guys could bond seeing as you're both very small."
Oh yeah he's also an ass about your height.
But asshole-ery aside, he's a total sweetheart who is 100% whipped for you.
a/n There you go Sweet Anon! I hope this is along the lines of what you had in mind my love. Let me know what you think.
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bloomboxygo · 5 months
And here I am again! This chapter is set AFTER CHAPTER 49 of A Blossoming Legato. Just making it clear now.
So yeah, this one's a bit shorter than most of my chapters, admittedly. I'll play looser with these side chapters and stories, and that includes the lengths. I hope you won't mind.
Comments and Criticisms are appreciated, as always!
Characters in this chapter: Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir, Yuzu Hiiragi, Yuya Sakaki, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon - Now including Performapals! - Spoilery new Monsters as well (from Chapter 49)
“Every time I look at this Card… I struggle to believe it even exists. Yet somehow, many trusted friends, Monsters, and others believe I deserve this. I just can’t help but feel it’s too grand for me, but… Here I am.
I’ve become Etoile, and I now stand fully with my Melodious, as their Ace Monster.
It still feels unreal… Don’t you think so, Yuya?”
The sun had set down, leading Maiami City to an end of yet another serene day, and You Show School past a joyous school session. As the tales of Yuya and Yuzu and the ideals of Entertainment Dueling spread across the city and its surroundings, more and more children gathered to a new age of Duelists bonding with their Monsters. It proved to be a fun yet tiring day for Yuya and Yuzu, as well as their aces, and they would share a moment of respite and thoughts before returning to their homes. Bloom Diva and Odd-Eyes would observe them, and while the pinkette was still a bit unsure of her newfound role and being, she would be reassured by Yuya’s proud smile and sentiment… Which the Choir also shared.
“In a way… It was destined to become like this. I could ask no less for my Maestra. I could not be any more gratified by her presence.”
“It sure is fantastic that Yuzu joined your ranks like this! I really think she’ll do great!” Odd-Eyes would communicate with the Choir as their Duelists had their moment. “That also means she can be with you in the Spirit World?”
“Well yes, yet it is unwise to do so carelessly.” Bloom Diva then explained. “She falls unconscious in this world to enter in ours. As such, she was hardly able to meet us during the day thus far.”
“Huh… So you’re worried that something might happen to her in the real world while she’s with you?”
“Precisely, however unlikely that might be. However, just like us Monsters, she feels a sensation whenever either her body or her Card is touched. At least it gives her a warning…”
“Well, that’s good at least! If you find out new stuff, don’t hesitate to tell me! Or anything at all that involves her! We gotta prepare so our boy can get the welcome he deserves!”
“Naturally!” Bloom Diva reassured the Dragon with a tender smile. “I may only imagine your meeting will be as joyous as ours! I truly want all of you to enjoy it at your fullest!”
“OH, you're SO right! Every single one of us wants to thank him for all that he’s done! We even tried to OH-” Odd-Eyes stopped when he noticed Yuya was about to pull a Card out of his hand, and managed to instantly identify as the Choir asked:
“Uh, what is the matter? Yuya seems to be…”
“Tell Yuzu about what I meant to say! Oh, strap in and listen to the conversation, this is gonna be good!”
While the Aces were having their talk, Yuya was also proudly reassuring Yuzu after she expressed her thoughts on being Etoile.
“No, I don’t think that’s crazy, Yuzu! Z-ARC and Ray had become Monsters too, didn’t they? So it’s not impossible that you could become one too. You were doing your best out there, and you deserved it.
Also, this outfit really suits you!”
“Aw, stop it!” Yuzu laughed at that last part. “I don’t think I would have ever imagined looking like this! Look at me, it’s like Mikiyo decided to go for a floral theme!
But…” She looked once more at Etoile’s card art, noticing little familiar details that are reminiscent of her own life and adventure, as well as one of Yuya’s… And tenderly concluded with: “You’re not wrong. It even felt natural back as I was like this in the Spirit World. It’s not as clunky as it seems.”
“I wonder what I’ll look like when I join Odd-Eyes and the others!” Yuya then wondered: “The Odd-Eyes, the Magicians and the Performapals should be all there together, right? What do you think I’d become?”
“That’s really a good question…” Yuzu then speculated. “Probably Odd-Eyes, since Bloom Diva told me that our thoughts resonated as she called me to the Spirit World and dueled Z-ARC. Maybe that’s how you’ll get to them all in the first place. Maybe you and your Monsters could work together for it somehow?”
“You know, I don’t think you can just do that. You see… Odd-Eyes and the others kind of tried already, unknowingly.”
“Oh? They tried already… Unknowingly? What did they do?”
“Well… I need to show you this first!” Yuya then reached for his own Deck and swiftly pulled a Pendulum Card and showed it to Yuzu. It showed a fully shadowed figure standing proudly on top of a wired platform from which a dazzling light show background projected, and that figure became immediately familiar to the Pinkette, taking her completely aback.
“Y-Yuya? Is that… Actually you?”
“Not really! But this was made by Odd-Eyes and the others, kinda like Bloom Diva and you made Etoile… With a little help! I’ll explain!”
To a confused Yuzu and bewildered Bloom Diva, Yuya would then recite the short little tale of a little, yet grand gift.
“All right, the hay did the hair just perfectly! The arms are in position and… This should be good!”
At the top of a metal platform, a purple-haired, twin-tailed, crowned young girl with a purple and black attire with a cape and a small book tied to a necklace was fixing, with a giant glove on a stick with surprisingly stunning dexterity, a humanoid dummy figure made out of stage props, with green and red colored hay made to be styled like Yuya’s hair. She made sure it was all sticking together with collants she grabbed out of thin air with her glove on a stick. She tested them out and blew on them, and they didn’t budge an inch, resulting in the girl clapping gladly for a job well done. Odd-Eyes had been there for a bit to assess her progress.
“Fantastic work, Helpprincess! Looks like the body’s all done! My only question is… From the angle we’re taking, would Yuya’s goggles stand out?”
“Hmm… I don’t know, because they’re mostly stuck in his hair anyway! But I have a proposal!” Helpprincess then summoned her trusty pink phone horn and stuck it right in the middle of the figure’s head, surprising the Dragon with a mix of bafflement and awe.
“I don’t know what you were on about… But if this works… You rock!”
“Tee-hee! All it took was imagining it as a purely black figure! I’m 100% sure it’ll work! Now, I just need the final touc-”
As the Helper was talking, she was interrupted by a howl from another trusty companion of Yuya, Silverclaw, who announced Hip Hippo’s grand entrance, complete with a jacket in his mouth that he was quick to bring to the Dragon.
“Excellent timing, Hip Hippo!” Odd-Eyes lent his horn to catch the jacket as Hip Hippo ran by, and he kept swinging it until he produced enough momentum to be able to fling it into the air so that the Princess could catch it with her stick. It would only take a moment for her to put the jacket in its proper position as Hip Hippo ran up Odd-Eyes’ tail, torso, then head to have a better look, and made a cry of approval in which Odd-Eyes joined!
“FANTASTIC! Since the wind’s also set up, I guess we’re ready to try this out! You can come down!”
“I can’t wait to see how it looks! WEEEE!” Helpprincess jumped off the platform and Odd-Eyes prepared his torso to be a slide and lowered his head so Hip Hippo could jump off of it. It made for a really fun ride for the girl, but she inadvertently struck Odd-Eyes to the back of his head with her stick afterwards, but he shook it off harmlessly and all had a laugh afterwards, but Helpprincess’ was a nervous one.
“Sorry! I was caught up in it all… This is going to be our message to Yuya, and I’m so excited for how it will turn out!”
“Hehe… If anything, I love that you’re so excited about this! I bet Yuya can feel it from here!” Odd-Eyes responded, with a confused look from Hip Hippo as a reply, to which the Dragon continued: “Well, if not now, definitely when the show’s starting! My eyes will be 100% focused on this! I gotta make sure our boy will have it clear!”
Just then, three more figures have come from the inside of the tower: a purple tapir balloon like creature, a tiger with a march drummer’s outfit, and a dark blue firefly with a bow-tie. The tiger first saluted the Dragon, who responded with:
“Ah, Salutiger! I assume everything’s all in check! Fireflux, you must have charged up the lighting, right?” At that point, the insect saluted and nodded in response, and the Dragon nodded back. “And Inflater Tapir, are the windboxes ready to go?” The balloon did a backflip in the air as a response, which Odd-Eyes took as a yes.
“All right! It looks like we’re ready and raring to- uh?” Just then, he turned around to see a very familiar face, a white and green haired friend of his with Magician’s robes, who was distracted by the setup that the Performapals had put out.
“Um… Am I interrupting something there, what is the-”
“Z-AAAAARC!” Odd-Eyes rushed towards his friend, inadvertently tackling Helpprincess and making her spin around, rendering her woozy for a second. That face was unfamiliar to her, but the name surely wasn’t.
“Wait… That Z-ARC?!” She exclaimed in worry, and Hip Hippo joined in, but they were quickly tranquilized by the sight of Odd-Eyes nuzzling up to his original master, who repaid in kind by hugging his head and petting it.
“Hey, Odd-Eyes…! It’s been a while, I know!” Z-ARC then calmed down alongside his Dragon and explained. “You see, Ray and I have been traveling around this world after we separated and I made you meet Yuya. We discovered A LOT of cool locations, even completely new ones… Born by the power of Pendulum!”
“Pendulum?! You mean, the thing that changed me and gave me all these orbs!?” Odd-Eyes swiftly asked. “It’s so cool that it can do even that! But wait… You two have been traveling together? Where is Ray?”
“Ray’s caught wind of a… Certain festival that her descendants’ Ace Monsters are holding.”
“Wait, THAT festival?!” Helpprincess barged into the conversation. “I really wanted to meet all these ladies myself after hearing about them from Odd-Eyes, maybe get some tips for our shows! But as far as we know, it’s far away…”
“Moreover, aren’t you with her?” The Dragon asked, to which his Master replied:
“She insisted on joining them first, and on calling me when it’s time… So while she’s doing that, I took the opportunity to give you a visit, knowing you’re here. Ray can’t come, she’s all about a certain experiment she’s trying to pull right now. That girl really hasn’t lost the knack for these. 
Speaking of…” Now his attention was directed to the Yuya dummy, which he now recognized and was interested in: “You did all of that to put a Yuya figurine on that platform? What are you trying to pull?”
“We’re giving Yuya a show just for him!” The Helper exclaimed. “We wanted to let him know just how much he means to us! By making Odd-Eyes see that show clearly, he can show it to Yuya in the other world, and POOF!”
“I instructed them a bit on how to make it because of how I can communicate it to Yuya! He’ll have that glorious image of himself burned in his memory! Because that’s how he is to us!”
“Very interesting… Very interesting indeed!” Z-ARC then had a lightbulb in his mind. “You wouldn’t mind if I also saw that show, would you?”
“You don’t even need to ask! We do the opposite of minding when it comes to our friends!”
With Odd-Eyes’ response, everything was set for the show to start. The whole of the Performapal tribe, as well as the Odd-Eyes, gathered in front of the platform to prepare to witness the marvel that Odd-Eyes and his trusted helpers put forth.
And so it was that the dazzling spectacle was for everyone to see. The placement of the Yuya dummy worked to perfection, with the wind bellowing from below making that figure look like he was an alive silhouette, all obscured and contrasting the dazzling light show during which various members of the Performapal crew were created in colorful drawings of light, imbuing the sky, as well as the walls that were made to look like the buildings of Maiami City that Yusho himself swung in between as he performed his shows. Overall, it was a light show imprinted into everyone’s memory, with everyone cheering for Yuya, except Odd-Eyes, who despite trying to concentrate, remained starstruck by it all, with this image burned into his memory…
And Z-ARC remaining silent, focusing on a mysterious sensation he felt… A mysterious, swinging sensation which told him the power of Pendulum was at work.
And so… He felt something new was created.
“Hey, it worked!”
“What worked?” Odd-Eyes got distracted by Z-ARC, but the latter reassured him.
“Don’t worry… Once you’ll join Yuya again, you’ll find out! Let’s say you’ve left a present that he’ll never forg-
AH!” Z-ARC suddenly stopped in his tracks, and shortly after it really looked like he was in a hurry. “Ahm, gotta go! Ray’s calling me!”
“Ray’s calling you NOW?!” Odd-Eyes couldn’t help being shocked. “We’re almost done here, I-”
“Nope, sorry, gotta duel! I’ll have you hear why later bye-!” And Z-ARC suddenly rushed towards a portal, confusing the Monsters nearby, especially the Dragon…
“...did he just say duel?”
“So that’s how it all happened?” Yuzu asked, struck by the story, then recalled: “And Z-ARC mentioned that Ray wanted to conduct an experiment… Which is exactly what she did with Bloom Diva!
And the connections between us and our Monsters…
How much we want to meet one another…
How grateful we are to one another…
As it was for me and Etoile, that message as Duelist Extraordinaire is what happens when we reach out to each other hard enough…”
“That’s more or less like it, as we understood.” Yuya responded gladly. “Because you and Bloom Diva wanted to prove that you hadn’t lost hope yet, you thought both of that and you came out as Etoile! Maybe there’s also some other thing… But really, not even Z-ARC and Ray know. We don’t need to think too hard about it!”
Bloom Diva, instead of thinking about what that Card implied, was more so moved by the sincere and kind message Odd-Eyes and the Performapals wanted to tell, and the lengths they went through in order to convey it. She couldn’t help tearing up a little bit.
“What a wonderful message… Your adoration and dedication is worthy of the highest, most sincere praise!”
“Ain’t it mad sweet?!” Odd-Eyes exclaimed so as he unexpectedly smacked Bloom Diva’s back with his tail, meaning it to be a good natured pat. “Even Z-ARC came to give that message with this! I can’t help but feel real good about it. It was a job very well done by all!”
“Well, eh… No doubt, such an outcome would fill you with pure joy… All deserved after such hard work!” The Choir shrugged it off after a tiny bit, understanding the message, although she felt a bit of a sting from it… “Pardon me, could you not find another way to do that gesture?”
“Can’t do much with these tiny arms! A dragon’s gotta improvise!” Odd-Eyes shrugged, and the Fairy gently patted him on the back as a sign of understanding.
With all these explanations, these recollections, and the Monsters’ antics, Yuzu returned to observe the Card and couldn’t help being a bit worried.
“Still, with all of that, you haven’t managed to join your Monsters like I did…”
“Eh, it’s no biggie!” Yuya responded without a hint of worry, attracting the pinkette’s attention. “I know that my Monsters are my friends, and I’ll be their friend forever and always! Also, I have Odd-Eyes with me! I’m no longer fearful, Yuzu… I’m no longer alone and I know I’ll never be.”
This pleasantly surprised Yuzu, who asked a bit of a backhanded question:
“That’s a bit funny coming from you, huh?”
“Eh?!” While the guy wondered if he said something wrong, she clarified:
“You’ve changed, haven’t you? Back then when all this began, you were… Ah, I’ll just say it. You didn’t take it well when something didn’t go your way regarding your Monsters, or Pendulum, such as when Reiji created Pendulums of his own, or you couldn’t reunite with Odd-Eyes while I could with Bloom Diva. No matter the situation, whenever something was wrong, or taken from you… It hurt you. It made you feel like you weren’t worthy of it somehow.
But here you are just not worrying about this at all! It’s like the news of me being with my Monsters now only made you happier and more hopeful!”
“I’ll admit, you’re right, but that was the Yuya of the past!” Yuya reassured her happily. “You getting to that point first means I just need to try harder! No use cowering, I know Odd-Eyes and I can do this!
After all, the goal remains to make people happy with my Entertainment Dueling, and that doesn’t really change with that. That only means I can go even higher! Or a different direction entirely, who knows! I’ll just have to take it in stride and press forward!”
“Yuya… I’m really proud of you.” Yuzu told him these simple yet impactful words, only showing a sincere smile for what Yuya demonstrated, and Bloom Diva and Odd-Eyes too were drawn by Yuya’s words with nothing but glad pride in their faces. The pinkette then flared up a little.
“Well, that means our rivalry’s renewed!”
“Uh… Oh, of course it is!” Yuya took a second to recollect himself. “You’re ready to go more than ever as well!”
“Yeah, it was I who was in a bit of a block lately…” Yuzu admitted. “And it didn’t feel great. I tried hard to not let it bother me, but it did. It’s a bit hard to keep up with your Entertainment Dueling if you’re growing stale.
But deep down, I had full belief that we wouldn’t. In the end, our efforts paid off, and we’ll keep going higher. Right, Bloom Diva?”
“Undeniably, Yuzu!” What was the Choir’s response to Yuzu was accompanied by a strong nod that Yuya and Odd-Eyes could understand easily.
“Count me in then!” The boy forwarded his hands so that the Pinkette and he would shake it firmly, and with grit. “Let’s grow our Entertainment Dueling to new heights!”
“Let’s, Yuya! This is a promise I made to the Melodious, my friends, your father, and you. I intend to keep it!”
At that last lovely exchange, Bloom Diva swiftly got to the point and held her hand forward to meet Odd-Eyes’. “Our Masters’ words also apply to us. Even as we may contest each other, let our lives and shows be a crescendo of inspiration, talent, and joy!”
“Y’all couldn’t have said it any better! We’re SO IN!” Odd-Eyes, with some effort, shook hands with the Choir for this promise. It was almost mirrored to Yuya and Yuzu’s handshake, albeit the latter had started to form more tender via both hands being held to one another…
“Bravo! Bravo!”
That was interrupted by Yusho stepping in and applauding the two, and it did shake them a bit, albeit with not much embarrassment. The Monsters would get into position behind their Masters as Yusho approached them all.
“I can easily see and hear that your passion has been reignited! And after the great lengths and ordeals you went through, it’s fantastic to see you this bright!”
“Mr. Sakaki… I know I’ve had some bumps lately, but now… I’ll work harder than ever from now on!” Yuzu reassured with a bow, and the Choir followed.
“No need to stress yourselves!” Yusho replied. “Progress won’t come in a day, after all. Well, your case was a bit sudden… You have truly gone even further beyond in terms of being one with your Monsters…”
“Now she’s a superstar amidst the Melodious too!” Shuzo came in shortly after Yusho, and declared: “But superstars need super rest for their hard work. Today was a fantastic school day, and more people are coming than ever! I finished receiving them just now!”
“Principal… I wonder if I can get used to it all.” Yuya remarked. “Back when all of this started, when Ayu, Futoshi, and Tatsuya first came here… It felt like a close family! But it was slowly and slowly extending… And it’s now getting faster than ever!
Oh well, the more people who smile, the better!”
“That’s the spirit! But… We need to close off for the day.” The principal remarked, to which everyone nodded and said their goodbyes, though not before the boy added one last time…
“I’m really happy for you, Yuzu! And you too, Bloom Diva! I’m sure your Pendulum Monsters will make you proud!”
“Well, they made you all teary, so I definitely think so!” The pinkette half-jokingly responded, before adding more tenderly… “Good luck, Yuya. I know you can do it.” Bloom Diva nodded in approval to all of that, and then it was time for the goodbyes…
After the school day, a rather tranquil dinner came not too long after, frugal and relaxing. But Yuzu and Shuzo had one other thing in mind before the Pinkette would finally call it a day. 
“Well… Let’s try this out for real this time.” Shuzo started as his daughter sat on her bed. “Say hi to the other Melodious for me, Yuzu!”
“I will, for sure!” Yuzu replied. “It’s nice that I can afford it now, since we don’t have school tomorrow! This’ll be ideal to find out more about this whole thing. I’ll admit, I don’t even know if I’ve actually turned into Etoile.”
“Hmm, why so?”
“I… Feel somewhat different when I see through Etoile’s eyes. I’m much calmer and graceful than I usually am, but at the same time I’m firing up… Just like you usually do, even though I don’t really show it. At least, that’s what I felt like the first time.”
“Well, but the first time you dueled, so of course you wanted to give it your all! That was your big moment!”
“Hmm… You may be right. I’ll tell you more as I find out, and… I’ll be careful. I promise.”
“I know you’ll be alright! Good night, Yuzu!”
“Good night, Dad!”
As they said their goodnights, Yuzu’s thoughts were focused on Etoile herself and her bracelet arm was raised. This led to Yuzu passing out as expected and soundly sleeping. All her dad did was return her arm to its proper position to make her sleep as comfortable as possible. Then… It would be just her, and the Melodious.
Parallel to the day at You Show School, the day at the Conservatory had also been one of hard, but joyous work. Many Duels to be had, and many songs to be sung, all ending neatly in a relatively quiet evening, shortly after the practice sessions.
Refrain and Couplet were sitting outside, at a part of the garden that was closer to the woods around them, so that they could share a moment together.
“Ahh… Wasn’t this day a ton of fun?” Couplet started, bubbly as ever. “We just met so many people on the other world! The new students at You Show were all so eager!”
“And good too!” Refrain replied, still a bit shocked. “Dang kids were more powerful than I expected.”
“Well, don’t be too surprised! Yuzu’s teacher was a kid, after all!”
“UUUGH!” Refrain grasped her own head in frustration upon hearing that. “Did he really have to come in the middle of the day, duel us, and stop my song with that white-robed nuisance?”
“Refrain, please-” But Couplet’s words were somewhat in vain, as her red-haired companion slumped forward for a bit before trying to recollect herself and breathe in. Upon seeing her recover, the pink-haired continued: “Refrain… I know stuff like that hurts your pride, but it was just a friendly Duel!”
“Friendly Duel or not, one should always give it their all! It’s disrespectful otherwise to the opponent and the audience!”
“OK…” Couplet approached Refrain much more softly now. “You’re right in this, but this shouldn’t mean you should let an obstacle get to you. In these Duels, anything can happen, and we need to press on regardless.”
“I can’t help it…” The redhead calmed down, but still didn’t feel completely at ease. “I know I can do a lot here, so if I end up doing nothing at all…”
“Well… You and I wield the power of Pendulum, after all. It’s a great power, but also a great responsibility because we can support in place of our scripts. 
But I’m sure the Melodious here have gone through many obstacles themselves. It’s all a matter of never giving up, never letting it set in. Simple as that, but… It’s not instant. I know you can do it, Refrain. You’re strong.”
“Yeah… I am strong. Probably it’s because of this… That I feel so weak if something goes wrong.
You’re strong too, Couplet… Don’t you feel the same when your song gets interrupted?”
“Well… I feel a bit bummed for sure, but it’s no biggie! You can get back in the flow the next turn, after all! The flow… You’re fully in it, and nothing can really stop you!”
“The flow… What do you mean-?”As Refrain finally looked up, it seemed as if Couplet got into the flow and started humming to herself while swinging her head side to side gracefully.
“Uh, Couplet?” The redhead tried to call her, but seemingly to no avail.
“Hello?” A Refrain was had, but Couplet kept bobbing peacefully.
“Are you here?!” She was starting to get angry, so she instinctively pinched Couplet’s cheek, making her stop right there.
“Aah! Uh… Sorry… And owie.” The pink-haired finally snapped out of it. “I reminded myself of the Duels we had today… They were just so stimulating!”
“Uh, sorry to have done that.” Refrain humbly apologized to her companion. “But I got… Actually worried for a sec. I know sometimes you act like you’re by yourself, but at least a call would have woken you up.”
“Oh…” Couplet turned quieter as well. “It’s a bit of a tic of mine, but with all these Duels… I lost my train of thought entirely! There was just so much good to process!”
“Don’t worry… I’ll be there to help you.” Refrain finally started smiling. “It’s the least I can do for you, girl. Our Yuzu wants to climb higher to the top and to entertain more people… And I know we’ll be shining together. So… I’m here for you, as you’ve been here for me. Thank you.”
Now that the redhead’s gaze became more tender and relaxed, couplet repaid in kind and held hands with her. “Yes, we’ll do this together! We won’t let anything get to us! With your fire, I know we can all do it!”
“And I know we can, because of your… Bubbliness!” Refrain briefly pinched Couplet’s nose and both had a quick laugh at this before they touched each other’s foreheads in joint gladness. However…
“Refrain, Couplet… My apologies, but we have to receive Yuzu now.”
“Mozarta!” Both Songstresses instantly rose up, and Couplet spoke, a bit flustered. “Sorry that we were a bit away, we just-”
“Needed your moment together? My dears, I know of such a need, and it would be rude for me to stop it. Yet…”
“We’ve got a job to do. Right away!”
With Refrain’s last words, the Songstresses followed the Maestra while holding their respective bracelet hands and nodding. As all felt revitalized after such a day, they were more than ready to enjoy this evening to the fullest.
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trulycertain · 2 years
Tru Badly Explains Destiny 2: Forsaken
So I finally played Forsaken! (I like free things.) Here's me badly trying to explain it to a couple of poor, patient, non-Destiny friends:
Guardians, the player characters and heroes of the game, despite their very generic name, are actually pretty interesting and somewhat eldritch abominations. Each Guardian starts as a corpse, resurrected by their Ghost and given a higher calling. Their Ghost is a little bot, born from and working for a big ball in the sky that appears to be some sort of... force of Life? Great machine? Terraforming device? Benevolent goddess? No-one's really sure. But the Big Ball, the Traveller, pulled the Earth back from the brink of ruin and war and global warming. Everyone on our side likes it. Mostly. Some worry that they don't know what it is and what it's doing, fairly, and that it's basically resurrecting people to be combat drones indirectly (VERY FAIRLY). It's sort of a soulmate dealio. Every Ghost looks for just the right person, and some may never find them, and have to live fulfilling lives anyway. (Often as surveillance or archivists. The Phantom Legion are great.)
This is where the mess starts. There were three leaders of the Guardians, one representing each class as its general: Titans (big, punchy tanks, Warriors), Warlocks (mages) and Hunters (rogue-y stabby gunslinger types). Bear this in mind.
In the first game, you meet a race who used to be humans, whose colony ship got sucked into a black hole and they kind of... transformed a long time ago. Basically, they ended up funky colours and haughty and they're space elves, OK.
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You meet their queen, and her incredibly obnoxious bodyguard brother, who is having none of your appeals for help. The two of them give you a bullshit dare, you pass it without dying, you get their help. All very chivalric myth.
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He likes to go off on daring escapades to try and impress his sister because trauma bonding is a hell of a drug and someone overly liked Game of Thrones. Sometime before the first game, he goes to... essentially, a sort of hole in the universe, a place you can look right in the dark. He seems all right, but comes back sort of... messed up, with it eating away at him. His best mate is worried about how much his behaviour's changed. This is on the back burner. Also, before that, on one of his escapades, he brought back to his sister kind of a baby big djinn/space-dragon as a novelty and aid. Long story. But bear that in mind.
Second game! You're on a mission with the Hunter General, who's a wise-cracking good guy and one of your best buddies from Destiny 1 and the first year or two of Destiny 2. This is your bud. Yes, he's a robot and has a mohawk. Don't ask. You're here to contain a riot at a big space prison for space bad guys and pirates and war criminals and whatnot.
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Otherwise normal mission goes wrong. You hear a gunshot. You find your best mate lying dead and this jerk, who's stolen your mate's gun and is waving it around:
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(This is delivered very, very hammily, by the way, his VA is having a whale of a time.)
He escapes, along with a bunch of the worst of the worst in the space prison. Who are working with him. And you go, "Hang on a minute, he's HD now and these graphics are a lot nicer, and he's upgraded to fancy villain thigh high boots, but wasn't that the Queen's arsehole brother?"
You have a moment with your bud. Swear vengeance, etc.
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Turns out that yon obnoxious brother, Uldren (I know, I know, his human name before he changed was somehow even worse), well... There was a big ol' war between his people and the same aliens who messed you and your people up. The Queen disappeared on the front, presumed MIA. He's been going slowly nuts from that expedition into the Black Garden between realities. His ship crashed, he was presumed dead too, and while he was lying in pain in the ruins something in his head started pretending to be his sister. (Spoiler: it was the big space dragon, going, "Ooh, I can make him free me.") And told him to kill the most beloved character from Destiny 1 and release all the bastards in the Prison of Elders you were meant to be guarding. It promised him his sister was alive and he'd see her again, he was half-nuts and traumatised and clinging desperately to that, bang, all the bloodthirstiness he usually resents having to use took him over because he thought people were being jerks keeping him from his family and trying to lie to him his sister was dead, and full villain turn.While space dragon does use his loyalty to his sis, it is clearly an external force, too. Dark wavy stuff starts crawling all over his face and he's, uh. He's being a puppet.
Anyway, you only find this out later. You and the Queen's foremost guard go, track him down, both put a gun to his head. It cuts away before we see who pulled the trigger. (I prefer to think it was the PC because it makes everything so much worse.) And find out his sis is still alive, out there somewhere. Anyway, boom, dead arrogant dude from D1. In a separate mission, you kill the space dragon who was pretending to be his sis.
This was 2017. Life goes on. The world turns. Some new expansions are released. Some other stuff happens. Turns out the Queen's alive. There her brother is, nice and dead. But oh dear, this is Destiny.
Oh look, it's a tiny earnest Ghost looking for a Guardian to resurrect.
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Shocking. WhoEVER could have predicted this?
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alice-angel12x · 3 years
💔Dainseif x Reader
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a bit Houseki no Kuni crossover/ characters
It's been so long since the fall of Khaenri'ah, there isn't much I remember from those times. Most of which are small facts and details most likely lost to time. Though there is one precious thing or person I remember before the Gods' wrath fell upon the city, their name was Y/n. I remember their lovely smile, their warm embrace, the softness of their skin, and their melodious voice whispering sweet nothing into my ear.
Sadly they were taken from me in the destruction of Khaenri'ah. It was my duty as the Twilight Sword to protect the people of Khaenri'ah, to protect them, and I failed. A curse of long life was placed upon me as many of the people turned and transformed into monsters.
I fell into despair when the strange goddess from Celestia appeared before me. If I were to stop the rebellion from the abyss, she would return what I lost. At first, I had no idea what she could have meant, but I would learn soon. In desperation, I foolishly agreed to her wishes, looking back now I shouldn't have so stupidly agreed. The gods have never blessed me in the past, I should have never hoped they would in the future. After so long many details of Y/n have faded, and at times I wonder if they were just my imagination.  Yet I did meet strange people along my travels, one of them had grown dear to me.
The last thing I remember is seeing a red sky with a strange goddess glaring down at everyone below. Red and black cubes floated about her. Some was calling out a name, Y/n I believe, then suddenly everything goes black as I was shoved to the ground. During that time of darkness, all I could feel was a strong will. I didn't want to perish and return too... I can no longer remember. Whenever I try to search my mind all I can find is a strange figure standing ahead of me, with its hand outstretched to me.
When I finally opened my eyes, I found myself surrounded by ruins that had long burned. Plants grew through the fissures in the destroyed stones, many skeletons were scattered along the ground. I felt strange for some reason, looking down at my arms, they sparkled in the sunlight. It shined a gleaming blue, it looked like Noctilucous Jade. My whole body seemed to be made of it; my legs, fingers, even my (Hair length) hair glimmered of the gem. Who am I?
I shakily got to my feet, as my body shined in the sun. The land ahead was a beautiful green as the leaves and trees swayed in the gentle wind. I was quite obviously alone, but why? Why was I so desperate for life? Maybe If I wander about I'll... Find my answer.
As I tracked the abyss, I came across a small group of the abyss mages. Who was occupied with corning some poor wanderer, raising my hand and unleashing my power made quick work of the horrid creatures. Something was off about this wanderer, so I approached cautiously. This being looked to be made of precious material, jade perhaps. Yet their form looked familiar to me, somehow.
A brief image of Y/n flashed in my mind. Yet I quickly shook my head, they are not the same. Everyone from Khaenri'ah
"umm, thank you, sir," They said as they slowly stood.
As looked them over, and noticed they wore greatly diminished garments of a Khaenri'ahen citizen. "Where did you get those clothes?" I asked.
"I don't know, I just woke up with these clothes," The being said as they looked down at their clothes.
"So wondered, why do you travel teyvat?" I asked them.
"I do not remember, I just remember not wanting to parish and return to someone. Yet I can't remember who?" they said with a confused look in their eyes. " Why do you travel?"
"That is not important," I said simply.
"So why do your eyes appear so sad?" They asked again.
"What do you mean?" I asked them.
"You seem lonely. Can I travel with you, just till I find my answer," They begged?
Staring at their sparkling face, I couldn't shake that feeling of familiarity. Still, if they really are a tiny few of Khaenri'ahen that survive, and didn't turn into monsters. I guess their companionship would be fine I suppose.
"If that is what you wish I won't stop you, but I will be following dangerous monsters. I will not always be able to protect you, so follow at your own risk," I warned them.
"Thank you, Mr... Umm,"
"Dainseif," I answered. ," And what of your name?"
"Mr.Dainseif," They smiled warmly
"I don't remember my name, I'm not sure if I have one," The being said.
"Hmm, well from now on your name is... Jade," Dainseif said.
"Well, my name is jade. Mr.Dainseif,"
It has been 500 years since the fall of Khaenri'ah.
I have been traveling with Jade for almost as long, even when they learned many things of me. Even when the abyss princess offered Jade the option to join her and her war on destiny, Jade always remained by my side.
"Why didn't you leave with Lumine, jade?" I asked them.
"I understand her, but I don't think the entire fall of Khaenri'ah is your fault. And I don't think you're a bad person, so you must be doing this for a good reason," Jade smiled.
"No, I'm doing this for a selfish reason. The gods of Celestia promised me, that if I take down the abyss, they would return Y/n to me," Dainseif said with a sad and bitter look on his face," I was foolish to accept, but I now know better to anger the gods."
"You must really love this Y/n. That so sweet," Jade smiled warmly.
"I think they would have agreed with you, but it's unlikely they would actually return them to me," I explained.
"Well, it wouldn't be godly of them if they don't uphold their own promise right?" Jade asked.
"I suppose, but who can say," I said as a sigh escaped my lips." I really do hope Y/n is waiting for me at the end of this journey."
"So it's off to mondstadt right?" Jade asked with an excited smile on their face.
In mondstadt we met a very odd but familiar-looking traveler, he looked very similar to Lumine, but with longer hair and different clothing. With him a floating child accompanied him, they seemed to be interested in Mr.Dainsleif. Soon they accompanied us on the hunt for the abyss herald. Soon we found ourselves in wolvendom
"Stay here Jade, I'm going to look around for further clues. If danger comes around, just find me, or run to safety and I'll come and find you," Dainsleif said gently to me.
"Alright, be careful," I said with slight worry on my face.
Dainsleif nodded as he patted my head softly. As I waited for his return My mind tried to dig further into my hazier memories. She remembers running with someone pulling her past the destruction of Khaenri'ah. Yet I was pulled from my thoughts when the traveler and Paimon shortly arrived.
"Oh, where did Dain go?" Paimon asked.
"He went to investigate the area further," I answered." He'll be back soon."
" O-oh alright. Hey, Jade right? So how long have you been traveling with Dain?" Piamon asked.
"For as long as I can remember," I answered simply.
"What is Dain like, if I may ask?" aether asked.
"Well. When I first met him, he was quiet and hard to talk to since he mostly kept to himself," I said, as I thought back. " Though Know he is very caring in his own way, and he is very lonely behind his stoic face."
"Lonely? W-what makes you say that?" Paimon asked.
"Well, a long time ago he lost his lover. And at times, I think he projects them onto me," I said slowly.
"What do you mean?" Aether asked.
"Sometimes when he is in time of sorrow, he would hug and hold me close, and whisper sweet things to me, but the name he calls is Y/n," I said sadly." The next day he would ask me to forget about it."
"Wha that so sad, Paimon feels sorry for him," Painmon frowns.
"What about you? Why do you travel with him?" Aether asked.
"At first I simply followed in hopes to learn about myself, and why I am this way along my journey with Dainsleif. Maybe learn what I have forgotten, but know I follow Dainsleif to keep him company. I can learn about my origins after Dain finishes his journey." I smiled.
But before we could continue our conversation, abyss mages and hilicurls appeared. They surrounded us as they slowly closed in on us. Aether readied his sword, as I unsheathed my sword as well.
The fight was tough, I got scrapped and chipped along the way but we managed. It of now was an ice shard flew past and cracked a good chunk of my face. Half of my face was broken off, but thankfully traveler made quick work of the monster.
"Ahh! Jade are you okay?!" Paimon gasped.
"I'm fine, thou could you help look for my face?" I asked.
"Jade!" Dainsleif called out.
I slowly and nervously turned to face Dain. As I slowly opened my one eye and saw the sadness and worry in his eyes.
" What happened? I thought I told you to run away at the first sign of danger," Dainsleif said as he cupped my cheek and held me close.
" We were surrounded, there was no choice but to fight," I said to him.
"You need to be careful, you're too fragile," Dainsleif sighed as his fingers traced the cracks on my face. As I stared I could see he wasn't seeing me.
"I'm fine, I just need the left side of my face," I said as I looked away.
"Y/- Jade, please be careful," Dain stuttered as he looked away bashfully," I'm sorry."
Soon the two groups parted ways as Aether and Paimon watched them leave.
"Wow, Dain must really miss this Y/n person if he mistakes two different people," Paimon sighed sadly.
"Something tells me there destiny and journey are more intertwined then they relieaze," Aether said veguly.
"What makes you say that?" Paimon asked.
"Aether is not wrong about that," Venti said as he suddenly appeared.
"AHHH! Tone deaf bard what are you doing here?!" Paimon gasped.
"I was around dragon spire for awhile. Those two have such a tragic story," Venti frowned sadly.
"What do you mean?" Paimon asked
"The princess the knight searches for has always been by his side, and the companion made of beautiful jade's answer had always been beside them," Venti said sadly as he strumd his lyre.
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Erasing The Empire AU:
In a far away kingdom from a time long forgotten, there is a magical forest who's inhabitants were starting to worry that the kingdom their home resides in is going to destroy their forest, should they continue with their harmful ways of war and violence.
And so, the magical communities of the forest came together to decide what to do, and the idea of negotiating with the humans came up. Most of them thought it was ridiculous, but one of the unicorns spoke.
"I believe if you were to allow me to put together a team, we could act as an emissary of the forest and have an agreement settled with the kingdom, in no more than three moon cycles, maybe less."
Everyone was shocked at the unicorn's bold claims, and the queen of the fae raised her brows, skeptical. "that is a very big promise, Unicorn. Are you wasting our precious time with boastful, empty words, or are you willing to let yourself be held accountable to this promise?"
"I am. I know what my capabilities are and the only thing I need is a team. How much time I can save us under three cycles is entirely dependent on the team I can assemble."
"very well, Unicorn. I shall allow you to meet with my court, so that you may decide which of them you wish to take with you on this quest. Just one last question, what is your name?"
He raised an eyebrow at her, the same as she had at him, and cracks the smallest smirk. "you may call me Logan, if you wish to refer to me by something other than Unicorn."
Once he had chosen the smartest fae in the queen's court, the two had gone back to the rest of the forest to recruit their last member. They knew it was a very narrow representation of the creatures of the forest, but they were trying to save their home quickly and efficiently, not fill the king's palace with magical beings.
However, they soon found that not many people wanted to be on a team with a fae and a unicorn. "well this is tragically amusing." the fae chimed unhelpfully.
"I really don't see what's amusing about this, Deceit." Logan responded to the fae, his yellow wings flapping with no regard for how they were repeatedly hitting Logan's side.
"you don't? Oh but it's so obvious. You spent hours in the court, picking and choosing until you found the right fae for the job, and now it looks like you're gonna have to settle for whatever miserable sap of a creature comes your way, otherwise I don't see how you're getting an emissary together anytime soon!"
Just as Logan was about to argue back, a cloaked figure with gleaming red eyes and sharp teeth, that seemed to be illuminated by some dim light, approached them in a hurry.
As the figure came closer, Logan realized to his dismay that he recognized who it was.
"are you by chance the unicorn and faerie leaving the forest on a mission to talk to the king?"
Logan and Deceit glanced at each other, before Deceit smirked, causing Logan to roll his eyes and choke back an annoyed sigh.
"yes, we are. Why do you ask?"
"because I want to join you! Please?"
"Roman, while I appreciate your enthusiasm, this is a diplomatic mission. It's not going to be an epic battle adventure where you go out into the world and defeat the villain and save some damsel in distress, or whatever it is that you do on your escapades out of the forest. This is a serious task that must be handled with caution and precision."
"wow, Logan. Good to know you think so lowly of me. You think I don't know how to act in a socially tense situation? My brother creates those twice a day for me to deal with! You think you know anything about how the humans act or think? You never leave the forest! I might not have the best reputation in the kingdom, but at least they know who I am. Face it, Specs. You need me."
Logan was absolutely shook. He did not expect Roman to bring up so many valid points that he was now ashamed to realize he hadn't even considered. He knew nothing of the humans! What was he thinking, going into this mission so unprepared?
He knew what he was thinking. He wanted to be heared, to finally be listened to for once, and to have his words be taken seriously.
And because of that, he put the fate of the entire forest on the line.
As Logan breathed deeply, he decided to push down those thoughts. They could be dealt with later, Roman could not.
"you're right. I'm sorry to have offended you, you're welcome to join if you still wish it."
Roman was confused for a second, not used to having things go his way when arguing with Logan. The two weren't friends by any means but they both lived in the forest and so their paths had crossed on several occasions. But this was the first time Logan was willing to concede to him so easily.
He soon got over his confusion, however, as the realization that he would be spending the next three months at the kingdom set in, replacing his confusion with joy.
"oh thank you, thank you, thank you! This is gonna be the most epic adventure! But serious and precise, of course. But still, EPIC!"
Logan did sigh heavily that time, as Deceit just chuckled in amusement.
As they were about to head out that night, they were stopped by a giant dragon, his green scales shimmering in the moonlight and his green eyes dark and menacing.
"and where do you think you're going, little creatures?"
It growled in a deep, unsettling voice.
"oh cut it out, Remus! I'm going to talk to the king and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" Roman yelled at the terrifying beast like a bratty child.
Remus transformed into his humanoid form and scowled at his twin brother
"fine, then I'm coming with you. And there's nothing you can do to stop me." he replies, voice snarky and much higher pitched, almost the complete opposite of his voice in dragon form.
Seeing as all three of them saw exactly what Remus's true form looks like, no one could really argue against that.
And so, the four set off on a journey to the kingdom, knowing they would arrive at the castle within three days.
But even making it to the castle was going to be an adventure all on its own, otherwise what kind of fairytale story would this be?
Stay Tuned...
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okadaizoirl · 5 years
Broly is an abuse survivor and "gifted child" survivor icon and here's why.
Hey hi hate to DBZpost on main but I wanna talk about the Broly movie. Can I talk about that? I'll tag this as spoilers since I can't put a Readmore on mobile or at least... Don't know how to.
Okay, so let me preface this accordingly: Everything I know about Dragon Ball is from my fiancé. Everything I know, he taught me. He showed me the original Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan movie, and... Damn did it leave a bad taste in both of our mouths. But I'm not talking about inferior walking 18 Wheeler Broly.
I'm talking about the one with character development. 2019 Broly. Who I adore.
Firstly, on an aesthetic level? His new design is far more interesting and piques one's curiosity more. And I'm going off of base forms because transformed... Oh it's a can of worms, squiggly dirty earthworms. So base forms only.
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On the left is the original, which I personally find... Generic. Okay, he's decked out in gold and glimmer and has a concerning upper body situation going on. Next.
But the one on the right? My first thoughts were, "What's that cloth around his waist? It looks like a pelt, were there huge beasts on the planet he and Paragus were on? What's that collar on his neck? What's the story on those scars?" Instantly more stimulating.
But that's not even what sold my happy ass on 2019 Broly.
Now we get into spoilers, and I apologize for such, but they're critical to my point. When Paragus found him on Vampa, he took to being unshakingly authoritarian to train Broly to keep his already astronomical power level in check. When Broly found a friend in the monster he called Bai, Paragus shot its ear off and made it hate Broly-- His only friend now hated him, which is arguably worse than just killing Bai since once its mind is made up due to its primal nature, it won't change it for any reason. What's more? Paragus did this because he believed having a friend was interfering with Broly's training, like how parents of "gifted children" believe hobbies like playing video games is just distracting them from studying. But Broly still hung onto that ear because... That was his only reminder of having friends! I can't speak for every survivor, but I also have objects or memories that remind me of happy times in my past despite the shadow of abuse that looms over the majority of it.
But Paragus isn't just a psychological abuser. The collar around Broly's neck is a shock collar, one that sends almost lethal amounts of electricity through his body-- And Paragus holds the controller for it, and uses it whenever Broly "acts out". It's not brief either. Paragus is seen holding the button down. It's also been used so many times that when he shows Frieza the remote, not even using it, Broly immediately panics and starts frantically pulling at his collar. And what do we call that?
That's right! A trigger! His trigger is a... Trigger. That was in poor taste, I admit it.
Cheelai and Lemo instantly see Broly's situation, and when Paragus openly shocks Broly in the cafeteria, Cheelai is quick to not only confront Paragus, but take away his source of power over Broly-- The remote-- And smashes it when Paragus is out of sight. Because Cheelai is FUCKING GREAT. She and Lemo even stick up for Broly beforehand when Paragus silences him! Their bond grows even more as they ensure Broly is well fed, let him drink water (which was the first time he had ever done so!! PARAGUS WHY DID YOU LEAVE YOUR SON DEHYDRATED), and most of all, let him speak about the trauma he endured! The support an abuse survivor needs is perfectly illustrated in Cheelai and Lemo, who even live with Broly back on Vampa to ensure his safety. They're even firm on guarding him from Goku, despite the guy just coming by to give them a home capsule, because they're dead set on Broly not being taken advantage of again!
Broly's attitude towards Paragus is also a detail I appreciate. When Cheelai and Lemo bring up the fact that Paragus is abusive to Broly, he still retains a sense of obligation to love his father due most likely to common emotional abuse tactics. And with Paragus? It would be multiplied. "I chose to live on this horrible, inhospitable planet with you and leave our home behind, and I raised you in this hellhole, because I am your father and you will behave!" That's what I imagine it sounding like. Not a stretch, either, since Paragus shows in a lot of times how just his words have power over Broly. No threats to use the remote, just words. "We're here to eat, not talk." And Broly is immediately quiet. Though you may be asking yourself, why does he still stick up for Paragus while the man in question isn't there to intimidate him? Well... In my experience, repeated emotional abuse is akin to brainwashing. You start to think what you're being told is the absolute truth for how many times you hear it, and how things happening is misinterpreted by either you or your abuser as "proof" of this undeniable truth. Broly is still a victim in the time that he meets Cheelai and Lemo, so he has no time to process the fact that what his father told him isn't the truth.
When Paragus is killed by Frieza (BIGGEST SPOILER, SORRY), Broly's perspective is suddenly flipped on its head. The shock collar broke, but being in the half Oozaru state made it seem like he either didn't know or didn't care. But suddenly not only was the man responsible for that repeated pain and the death of his only friend gone, but so was the one he was convinced was the only person who cared about him. This triggered him to transform further. Why? Because this mimics those abused being separated from their abusers before they themselves realize they're in a pattern. When this happened to me, I was convinced I couldn't live without the person who treated me so badly. I didn't Hulk out like Broly because I am but a mere human with a lopsided pasty form and low power level, but I was under intense emotional distress for a long time. It got... Bad, too, but I don't want to add another warning to the tags when it has enough already. But my point is, this is still an accurate portrayal of a victim of abuse.
Also!! The fact that Frieza sees Broly only as a tool is highly reminiscent of how people see "gifted children"! And the fact that Broly transformed into the Great Ape multiple times, which carries a stigma amongst Saiyans as something only to be used as a last resort? And Broly constantly used it? And was looked down upon as a result, despite not really being able to help it? This is a parallel to a developmental disorder, such as Autism or ADHD! And Frieza sees Broly as a possible tool due to his power level (his natural skill), but more of a liability due to being prone to transforming into the Great Ape (his developmental disorder)... Which sounds... Familiar, doesn't it?
I'm kind of going all over the place here so I'll sum it up in a nice, neat little summary.
TL;DR Broly is the most accurate representation of a survivor of both parental abuse and "gifted child" culture I have ever seen and I am so glad that this is our canon Broly.
Also, the animation was James Baxter levels of smooth and I adored it.
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layce2015 · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Chapter 6: The French Ministry of Magic
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*(y/n)'s POV*
I let out a yelp as the Zouwu slapped me to the side with its large paw. I rolled a few times on the grassy ground and stayed still. Moments later, Newt was knocked to the side and tumbled close to me. After we got to the safe house, we went inside Newt's case and were trying to get the chains off of the Zouwu but it was proving to be a challenge.
Suddenly Newt was lifted up by the Zouwu's claw, dangling right in front of the creature. I watch in fear, not moving since I didn't want to make the Zouwu angry, when Newt's right hand reaches out slowly and removes the harness around the creature. "You're all right." He mutters as the Zouwu's eyes widen as she realized she was free.
She sets Newt down and started to roam around in her enclosure, free from her chains. I smiled as I start to sit up and Newt walks over and kneels before me. "You all right?" He asked me, concerned. "I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." I replied as he helps me up to my feet. Once I get up on my feet, Newt places his hand on my cheek and looks at me.
His eyes were full of love as he looks me over, making sure I wasn't hurt. I place my hand over his hand, turn my head and kissed the palm of his hand. "D-Do you know that y-y-your eyes...they....they really are..." Newt stammers and he turns his gaze away from me. "Newt?" I said, confused and concerned. 
"Y-Your eyes...they have this e-effect like..." Newt stammers again as he continues not to look at me. "Like what?" I asked. "I'm not supposed to say." Newt mutters and I raise an eyebrow at this. Then I place my thumb and pointer finger on his chin and turn his head to face me. "Newt, what are you trying to say?" I asked him. 
He bites his lips and opens his mouth but closes it. Then he tries to speak but stops, almost like he was having a battle within himself on whether to say something or not. 
"Your eyes have this effect in them...Like fire in water, in dark water. I've only ever seen that in--"
"Salamanders." I finished. He looks me right in the eye in shock as I give him a small smile. We walk closer, if that was even possible, to each other, his face leaning closer to me until I felt his lips on mine. Newt cups my face in his hand as our lips moved in sync with each other.
Unfortunately, this moment didn't last long as we heard Jacob's voice shout. "Newt?! (Y/N)?! Everything alright down there? Just reminding you two that we need your help!!" Newt and I break the kiss and I let out a small chuckle. "Well...can't keep them waiting." I muttered to Newt, who nods, and the two of us walk hand in hand.
I climb up the ladder and out of the case first where I see Tina sitting on a chair next to the unconscious body of Kama, who was laying on his back on another chair. I give her a worried glance as Newt comes up out of the case next and sees Tina, who was glare at the two of us. 
"She's responded well to the Dittany. She was born to run, you see. I think she's just lacking in confidence..." Newt said, trying to make small talk, when Tina slams the books she was reading and stands up. "Mr Scamander, have you got anything in your case that might help revive this man?" She said as she gestures to Kama. "I need to question him. I think he knows who Credence really is. The scars on his hands suggest a..."
"An Unbreakable Vow." Newt finished. "Yeah, I noticed that, too."
The three of us go over to Kama and examine him. "Lumos." I said and we leaned in closer as Tina pries Kama's eye open and we see a very small tentacle wiggling out of his eye. Tina gasped then said. "What was that?"
"There must be a water dragon in that sewer. They carry these parasites, you see." I replied to her. "Jacob?" Newt calls out. "Yeah?" Jacob replied. "In my case, in the pocket there, you'll find a pair of tweezers." Newt said to him. "Tweezers?" Jacob said in a confused and disbelief voice. "They're thin, little pointy things " I replied. "I know what tweezers are." Jacob said and I hear him walk towards the case.
"You might not want to watch this...." Newt said to Tina. "I can handle it." Tina mutters as Jacob hands Newt the tweezers. Newt leans the tweezers towards Kama's eye and grab onto the tentacle. Kama's body twitch as Newt pulls the parasite out. "Come on, you're all right." Newt mutters as the parasite was pulled out, successfully. "Jacob, will you take that for me." Newt said as he hands the tweezers to Jacob. 
"Ew! Calamari!" Jacob exclaims as he takes the tweezers and dispose the parasite. At that moment, Kama started muttering. "I must kill him..."
"Who? Credence? Who--?" Tina started to ask but Kama passes out again. "It may take him a few hours to recover. The parasite's poison is quite strong." Newt said as we all stand up. "I'll have to go to the Minsitry with what I got." Tina said as she starts to stomp out of the building. "It was nice to see you two again." She said, in angry tone, and walks out of the building. 
"Hang on a second, Tina! Tina!" I shouted and start to chase after her. 
She was walking, very hastily, down the street but I finally catch up to her. "Tina, will you listen..." I said but she turns to me. "I need to go talk to the Minsitry, (y/n)." Tina grumbles. "Although, I don't know why you're still with him! After what he's done!" 
"Tina! That Spellbound story was a lie! Theseus is marrying Leta, not Newt." I said and she stops and stares at me, in shock. "What?" She asked. "It was a misunderstanding. Theseus and Leta are engaged. June the sixth, if I recall. Newt is going to be best man at their wedding." I said.
"But...why weren't you...?"
"My father was sick and I had to go help take care of him. That's why I wasn't in the picture." I said. "So, please go easy on Newt." She looks off to the side for a moment but then turns her head and gasped. I give her a concern look and follow her gaze.
Above us were multiple large sliky black banners that was starting to cover to whole city. "It's Grindelwald. He's calling his followers." Tina said as I heard footsteps behind me. I look over and see that Newt has finally caught up to us.
"It's too late. He's come for Credence." Tina said, fearfully, as she begins to walk, Newt and I follow her. "He might already have him." Newt shakes his head and said, in a forceful voice. "It's not too late. We can still get to him first." Then he begins to walk ahead some feet. "Where are you going?" I asked him.
"The French Ministry of Magic." Newt replied as Tina and I follow him. "That's the last place Credence would go!" Tina exclaimed. "There's a box in the Ministry. It's a box that can tell us who Credence really is." Newt said. "A box? What are you talking about?" Tina asked him. "Trust me." Newt said as he looks at her and the three of us make our way to the Ministry.
We were peeking around the corner of the alleyway where we see tree roots form into a birdcage elevator that leads to the Ministry. "The box is in the ancestral records room. So, three floors down." Newt informed us as he digs into his pocket and pulls out a small vial then pulls off a strand of hair off his coat and put it in the vial. "Is that Polyjuice?" Tina asked him. "Just enough to get me inside." Newt said as he swings the potion.
He twitches abit before he turns into Theseus. "Who--?" Tina started to asked, confused. "My brother, Theseus. He's an Auror. And a hugger." Newt replied as I pull out my own vial of Polyjuice. I didn't have Leta's hair but I did have another strand of hair, and I didn't like it. I pulled out another vial with a strand of hair and poured it in my vial. I drank it and felt myself turn.
"And who--?" Tina started to ask as she looked at me but I talk over her. "My Step Aunt, Isabella. She's a nasty piece of work, but should be enough for me to get through. After all her husband, my uncle, is an Auror." I replied as we make our way into the Ministry.
Tina and I kept giving wary looks around the Ministry as we strolled in. Newt guided us around the corner and we walked along the hallway. "I don't suppose you can Disapparate on Ministry premises in France, can you?" Newt asked Tina. "No." Tina replied. "Pity." I mutter as Newt starts to transform back to himself. 
"Newt!" I exclaimed and he nods to me. "Yes, I know. You're back to yourself as well--" then he stops once we saw a bunch of portraits start to display pictures of Newt and I. "Bloody hell!" I muttered as a voice over began to speak and warn the workers we were here.
Then we began to run just as we heard a voice shout. "Newt! (Y/N)!" I looked over my shoulder and saw Theseus coming toward us. "That's your brother?" Tina asked Newt. "Yes--I think I mentioned in my letters that we have a complicated relationship." Newt said as we ran. 
"NEWT! (Y/N)! STOP!" Theseus shouts again as we run into the mailroom. We run past some elderly mailmen when Tina asked. "Does he want to kill you?" 
"Frequently." Newt replied.
"No!" Theseus shouts and he sends a curse our way, knocking down some of the mail off the cart, but Tina and I raise our wands to block the curse. "He needs to control his temper!" Tina said as she points her wand and knocks Theseus back onto a chair she conjured up. Then I waved my wand and bound Theseus's hands as he flies backward on the chair into the meeting room, slamming into the wall.
"I think that might've been one of the best moments in my life!" Newt said, in awe, as he looks between Tina and I. Tina laughs as I smile and winked at Newt, who blushes, then we head off once again.
We turned a corner and came upon a beautiful atrium area with towering doors that resembled trees. In front of it was a very old woman behind the desk. She looks up at us and asked. "Puis-je vous aider?"
"Er, yes...." Newt said then he points at me and said. "This is Leta Lestrange. And--I'm her---"
"Fiancé." I finished with a small smile then I point at Tina and said. "This is my cousin." The woman gives us a suspicious look then consults her book she had on her desk. "Allez-y." She finally said and we nod at her. "Merci." Tina whispered as Newt and I said. "Thank you." And the three of us make our way into the record room.
"Tina, about that fiancée business--" Newt starts to explain but Tina waves her hand at him. "(Y/N) already explained. I should apologize, Newt. I judged you too quickly." She said as she raises her wand. "Lumos." She said and we see an extraordinary acre of shelves ahead of us.
"Lestrange." Tina said and the ball of light starts to swoop around the area as we began to look. 
It didn't take long as we heard a loud bang. We looked up and we hear a voice say. "Lestrange." Then the shelves began to move. Newt grabs my hand and the three of us run to one of the shelves and grabbed on to the sides. 
When the shelves stopped we could see through the shelf that Leta was standing before the shelf we were hiding as she reaches inside of it and pulled out a box. She opens it and pulls out a small paper. "Records moved to Lestrange Family Tomb in Père Lachaise." She reads aloud and looks up. I look to the side and see Pickett had climbed onto the shelf and was looking at her before he scurries back to Newt.
"Circumrota." She said and the tower shelf turns, revealing us to Leta. "Hello, Newt and (y/n)." We turn our heads to face her. "Hello, Leta." Newt and I muttered. "Hi." Tina greeted in an awkward but kind voice.
Suddenly, the old lady comes up to us and she brought Matagots with her. "Oh no." Newt mutters as my eyes widen in fear. "What kind of cats are those?" Leta asked in a scared tone of voice. "These aren't cats, they're Matagots. They're spiritual familiars. They guard the Ministry." I replied to her. "But they won't hurt you unless you--" Newt start to say but Leta raised her wand, points at the creatures and shouts. "Stupefy." 
The spell didn't just fail but it made the Matagots multiply and become more aggressive. "Unless you attack them!" Newt finished as he shakes his head. "Oops." Leta mutters as the Matagots multiple. "Leta!" Newt shouts and Leta runs and jumps over the balustrade and joins us on the shelf. "Reverte." Leta shouts and the shelves began to spin backwards while the Matagots start to pounce towards us.
In all of the commotion, we were able to get inside of Newt's case. "Stay here." Newt orders Leta and Tina as he runs to the Zouwu and I follow him. "I'm coming with you." I said and he looks at me then reaches his hand out to me. I smile and take his hand as the two of us climb on top of the Zouwu's back.
The Zouwu then flies out of the case and starts attacking the oncoming Matagots. "Accio!" I shout as I point my wand at Newt's case, which flies right into my hand. Multiple Matagots attack but we were able to fight most of them off, by either kicking them or using a spell to knock them off or the Zouwu slashed at them with her claws.
Newt points his wand at the ceiling and shouts. "Ascendio!" And the tower rises up again, lifting us up. 
The Zouwu began to clamber onto the balcony as Newt and I continue to fight the Matagots. The Zouwu causes chaos around itself as she makes one big leap over a room and a powerful magic propels us up and out the window, taking us to a cemetery. The Zouwu lands as the few Matagots that followed shrink and reduce to the size of domestic cats. 
Newt and I jump off of the Zouwu's back and I place the case down and open it while the Zouwu nudges Newt with affection. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, wait. Hold it there." Newt coaxed the creature as I help Leta and Tina out of the case. Then Tina pulls out the toy from the case and we see the Zouwu's eyes light up.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 3 Chapter 19
• It's our WEDDING DAY. But it looks like Anton wants to make it our Deathday first.
• For the kind of wait most of the stans have been keeping since this book has begun, seeing our MCs finally married to our favourite LIs is quite...satisfying. Well. For most of us at least.
• Title: You Are Cordially Invited. To see me get married or to see me die?
• Mara goes outside, vowing that to get through to us they'd have to get through to her first.
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• Madeleine and Bertrand barricade the door with a couch and Bertrand warns everyone to have something in hand (Olivia is one step ahead, obviously, with her sharp-as-fuck stilettos).
• That girl is ready and prepared to commit maritricide, y'all! XD
• Hana picks a vase, Madeleine keeps her clipboard, Penelope is panicking at the back with Merlin and Morgana (this was the shit I was trying to avoid with court, Mom! I can almost hear her thinking), but if you really want to see a legend minus the legend points...I should point you all to Kiara:
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I repeat. A legend I stan.
This is someone having a trigger attack, and steeling herself despite the trauma of two previous experiences before plunging herself into a possible third one. That takes serious guts.
• Madeleine isn't exactly prepared to fight (clearly being Queen never seemed to involve fighting assassins before for her, strangely enough), but Olivia sure is. She says "do you want to keep bleating like a defenseless lamb or do you want to get ready to fight?"
• Honestly though Olivia delivers some of my favourite lines this chapter.
• Ana is staying out if this - (in public) because she "does not have the equipment for this" and (in private) because she wants to capture the scoop of the century!
• THANK YOU MAXWELL for gifting me that sword!
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(All the screenshots, except for the Maxwell one from the HIMEME channel, are mine)
I have better bodyguards inside this boutique than I do outside. Look at all of these people. Picking up clipboards, stilletoes, vases, mannequins, scissors, THEIR OWN BARE HANDS, and defeating these dudes. Like...like...they may have been incredibly sheltered and protected by their families but all of them know how to make the best of a situation where their lives are under threat. And mind you, at least two of those women openly struggle with issues related to their mental health and still manage to emerge from this doing what they can.
• I loved the sword scene! It was a nice look back at TCaTF (esp Book 3) and a nice way to celebrate the Choices anniversary. In TCaTF books 1 and 2, you had different point systems for Kenna and Dom: prestige for her and power for him, to show the rise of Kenna as a formidable leader and the gaining of Dom's fire powers. Because he possesses enough power to transform into a dragon by the end of Book 2, the focus then shifts to them gearing up for their biggest battle yet - the one with Empress Azura of Ducitora (though part of this book is spent with Dom trapped inside an airship fighting a particularly frightening form of mind control from Hex). The implication is that Kenna becoming a legend consolidates her position as the uniter of the Five Kingdoms, which is what she becomes by the end of the story. It's therefore fitting that the legend points feature here, just before the MC's wedding - for like Kenna, she has just returned from reuniting the nobility (or not) into supporting Liam's right to the throne through her wedding, and like Kenna she needs to fight a Nevrakis, while possibly having the support of other Nevrakises...well, just one in the case of TRR.
• If you're marrying Hana, she features nowhere in this scene, and Olivia stabs the assassin who attacks Madeleine with knives. If you're not, she is part of your entourage, and particularly is shown taking action when Madeleine's life is under threat. If they hadn't already been hinting at Madeleine's "feelings" for Hana, and the latter's convenient amnesia regarding the events of the engagement tour...I wouldn't have minded. But I do. Very much.
• Maxwell only features in this scene if you choose him as a bridesmaid, but I would highly recommend choosing him as one at least once (if he's not your LI that is) because he and Bertrand do so amazing fighting together here.
• Ana's motto will be "my life may leave me but never my desire to catch proof of a burning-hot scoop".
• Gee, Bastien, you took a while to get here. Like...8 chapters or something.
• Mara comes back with an injury and an attempt to say our code name, which...sure thanks Mara but you still suck at your job. If guarding us is really your job at all.
• Bastien and whoever is with him have managed to capture the remaining assassins but Anton managed to escape. If that doesn't come back to bite us in the ass later...
• Why is Madeleine so involved when it comes to MY dress? Her hand is literally trembling. Please don't tell me this design was intended for her wedding. That'll be a waste of 25 whole diamonds.
• Or perhaps she's just shook coz THERE IS FYDELIA LACE INVOLVED YOU PEASANTS.
• "I need to have security remove any guests wearing white," says the press sec who tried to sneak in a white dress to wear for my wedding.
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(Yes. I plead guilty. I just needed an excuse to cram in a Brian May gif there. I can't help that this man is the Meme King of Queen).
• We've finally reached the cathedral! After threatening to either drive the carriage through the premises, cry or sue Cordonia if we don't get there soon enough.
• I see the Applewood people! You get loads of options to greet the crowd. And of course I was going to try getting Esther to say " 'sup" once lol. I think depending on how you wave to them, the press will either see you as graceful or playful.
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(Screenshots: Hana's is mine, Maxwell's from the HIMEME YouTube channel, Penelope's from @sgt-peppers-coffee-club , Olivia's from @i-dream-so-i-write , and Kiara's from @callmetippytumbles )
Here's all our Maids (plus one Man) of Honour! All of them speak about this day being a long time coming, but also reflect with the MC on what it took for them all to get to this point. I think Olivia (by virtue of being the Fighter of the lot) and Kiara (because of what she's faced at least thrice now) get some particularly meaty lines for their MOH scene.
• You get to choose whether Bertrand should accompany you down the aisle, since it's tradition to be done so by a member of your House, and the Beaumonts have been her sponsor from the beginning. Cue an emotional moment with Bertrand, who regards you as family now and is immensely proud of you. The Maxwell stans got a similar conversation in the vows diamond scene, but in more detail because it's his kid brother you're marrying, but now we get it as an honorary Beaumont as well. He gets super super emotional if you ask him to walk you down the aisle.
• Oooh pretty! And so many stained glass windows! Why was Leo complaining so much about this cathedral in RoE Book 3? I would have given an arm and a leg to get married there.
• NEW MUSIC!!! Lots of lovely flowery piano notes and trumpets. Very regal and very much a wedding march tune.
• So technically I'm guessing this is where we get to see the results of our tour, because in my playthrough everyone is here.
• If you're marrying Drake, you get to see his mother Bianca, and she speaks to you after the ceremony. I can kiiinda see where Savannah gets her "I only met you ten seconds ago but OMG WE'RE GOING TO BE BFFS" vibe comes from.
• WTF none of these people changed clothes it seems 😂 Everyone's else is wearing what they usually wear. Guys, this wedding is going to be freaking TELEVISED and these nobles are wearing their usual dusty outfits 😂😂
• The Best Men/Women, are depicted positively - whether they have feelings for the MC or not. Drake is said to be showing a "rare, unabashed grin", and Liam is "smiling proudly". Kiara is "smiling excitedly".
• So as you all know, you can choose between Liam (if you're marrying Hana or Maxwell), Leo or Regina for officiating your wedding. The speech is largely the same - they all mention the seed and apple tree analogy, the traditions of Cordonia and how important love is - but the opening lines vary.
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(Regina's is from mine, Leo's is from the Bizzy's Choices channel, and Liam's is from @kennaxval )
Regina's is distant and formal, which suits her and suits the scale of the occasion. Leo's is humorous, and Liam's is flowery and poetic. This suits both of the men as we know them. Leo is known to not take himself very seriously, and Liam's language is very ornate by default.
• The vows (I'm talking about the LIs' ones here, since the MC's is customizable) are all beautiful. Every single one delves into their history with her and how their relationship with her grew from strength to strength. You can see why they decided to go off-script for their vows. Their story with her has always been personal and these vows are about acknowledging the long, hard journey that got them to this altar.
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Liam's is about how the MC taught him to believe in possibility, to believe that he needn't be stuck in the rut of royal stoicism to be the king his people need. Hana's is about the freedom the MC gave her from a future carefully charted out for her, into a better, brighter one. Maxwell's is about how he has found a woman whose very presence represents adventure for him, someone who will raise him up rather than tie him down. Drake's is about embracing change, accepting the love the MC has for him and the love he tried to deny having for the MC. I love them all.
• In my mind this is the improved version of the wedding scene in TCaTF, as is the RoE wedding. I recall, way back when Kenna got married, fans (rightly) pointed out that while her LIs' vows sounded heartfelt and acknowledged their relationship with her, the few options given for Kenna's vows made her sound impersonal and not very involved in comparison (for instance, even though Diavolos appeared only by Book 3, Kenna still was made to sound like the relationship had been there for longer). In RoE, they attempted to correct that, by giving us the diamond option to personalize our vows (still using their choices, but we got more options here and went into more detail). In TRR they've gone a step further and have US type what we want with our wishes, because even when you have the same LI - no two people can view one character the same. There's space for shitposting haha, but it's also to ensure that we have enough say in the vows we want our MCs to repeat.
• If you don't choose either your corgi or Bartie, the Cordonian children become your ringbearers. In this case, they are Valerie and Marco, the little ones from Lythikos, which I think is a very interesting choice. Because it does show us that though the Nevrakis clan seem to want to destroy Liam and his line, Lythikos itself - represented by Olivia - is in support of him. If Liam doesn't marry you, it makes even more sense that the children meant to represent Cordonia come from Olivia's estate.
• Lol everyone got the same ring. At least it isn't the cheapass one Madeleine had us pick up for her in Book 2.
• Vows exchanged, tears shed, and we can be as thirsty as we want in public without anyone saying a thing (wink at the LI, tell them you wish you both were alone instead of at a cathedral, give them a steamy kiss after your vows are exchanged).
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(Screenshots: for Drake and Maxwell it's was @sgt-peppers-coffee-club and for Hana it was @kennaxval 😄)
Ngl I was super super emotional when I saw the wedding portrait it took us so LONG and it was so BEAUTIFUL 😭
• Esther wants to call the monarchy the "DuPont dynasty" right now haha. I think there are some playthroughs (for instance Maxwell's I think) where Hana speaks of creating the Lee dynasty which...well...is odd if you're not marrying her, yes. This chapter had a whole bunch of goof ups going on.
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• From rats in a dumpster to this...what a journey.
• We now have a reception to go to! There is a teaser about whether this reception will be the one we hoped for (which is shorthand either for "gear up for drama folks" or for "you didn't spend enough diamonds for this, sucks to be you" 😒).
General Thoughts:
• How many of you folks have seen Cold November Rain? That music video from Guns n Roses? In that one, there's a wedding and Slash, the band guitarist (cum best man who seems to be in love with the bride) drops the ring in the bridegroom's hands and then steps out into a...desert for this:
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Would have been epic if either Drake or Liam left the ceremony midway to perform an epic guitar solo to the bustling crowd in Cordonia 😂 (you know the writers have friendzoned Hana and Maxwell hard enough that that will never happen for them).
• For the most part this chapter definitely did live up to the hype. This wedding was the culmination of everything we've been through since the book began so of course it was going to be big - and it was. I may have lost a lot of love I used to have for this book, but damn did I feel emotional when I read those vows, saw that wedding screenshot, heard the wedding music, fought alongside my girls.
• I think there may be two chapters left. Next chapter will be dedicated to the reception, and we'll see the following choices we made play out, most of which are certainly diamond-options:
1. The nobles (free, but it largely depends on whether you won them over or not)
2. The main course (from the food festival in Castelserraillian). Liam also showed us a chocolate souffle from there which he was suggesting for the wedding but IDK if that one will feature.
3. The wedding cake (Capitol cake scene) and the surprise dessert for the LI (baklava, cheetah cake, s'mores, hot chocolate).
4. The chocolates/macarons for guests
5. The gifts for the LIs (all of which open up a special scene).
6. The presence of Drake's mother (if you are marrying Drake).
That's a whole lot of stuff to code so get ready for a few goof-ups here and there, fam. As long as it's not as bad as the one they did at Hana's wedding that would be fairly okay.
• Now I know the "husband and wife" thing was a goof-up with the code, as is Liam not wearing the white uniform if you chose it for him and Hana's comment on the Lee dynasty with the MC (which somehow never showed up on my Liam playthrough). And technically, not many would actually be this angry about it if it weren't for the fact that Hana has been treated like crap by her writers before this, and on a smaller scale so has Maxwell. It's bad enough that she is the only option out there. It's even worse that while Drake gets extra development and extra scenes and extra characters (they worked hard enough to do the artwork for his mother for just that one playthrough), Hana is stuck with lazy writing and the person shown having a crush on her was her bully in the previous book. Having Liam announce that Hana and the MC are "husband and wife" even after different options had been given or chosen, would feel like a slap in the face.
Thankfully, PB has recognized how badly this could alienate fans, especially fans of characters like Hana and Maxwell who don't get the attention they deserve, and not only apologized but recognized how hurtful it was and tried to compensate.
I mean, how would you feel if the LI you liked was constantly being treated like they didn't matter? Wouldn't it frustrate you? Wouldn't a "glitch" like this one be the rotten cherry on a huge crapcake?
I'm saying this because I have seen at least a few say "this is a glitch lmao why are you guys complaining so much". This is why. It goes beyond just the glitch. It goes into why "husband" has to be the default here. It goes into chapters and chapters of shitty writing given only for certain LIs. That frustration is bound to boil over at some point.
• We'll also definitely be sneaking out and doing some post-matrimonial banging at some point. And if I don't get lingerie before that happens Ima be very very angry 😡
• I think it would be better to spread this out into two chapters.
• Is there a chance Anton might actually try something at the reception? Possibly.
• Will it be enough to warrant another full-length book? I don't know. I hope not.
• Alright, it's time for Chapter 20 now!
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