#do i tag all the members. okay yeah screw it
candiedblueberries · 1 year
trying to describe each of the limited life members in 5 words or less (Help me out here)
grian- obligated loyalty / loyalty from guilt jimmy- canary, doomed by the narrative (from @/goldenwitherphoenix13) joel- like a dog, fiercely loyal pearl- always watching, unhinged but loyal big b- always watching cleo- unhinged yet protective mother scar- even more unhinged favorite child bdubs- father's son with dubious loyalties etho- washed up absent father impulse- stubborn pragmatic survivor, surprisingly loyal (from @/eluminium) tango- causes trouble, runs away squealing (from @/eluminium) skizz- loves everyone around him always! (from @/eluminium) scott- charming escapee martyn- chaotic pun maker, lore master (from @/fleetstreetvicomte)
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meownotgood · 2 years
fired / hayakawa aki
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Aki never thought he'd find himself falling for a subordinate, but stranger things happen when you're a devil hunter. At least being the boss has its perks.
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pairing: hayakawa aki x fem!reader
word count: 16.9k
tags: 18+, smut, office sex, smoking, drunk flirting, blowjob, fingering, power imbalance, spit kink, teasing & dirty talk, dom aki but he lowkey a switch, suit kink...?
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this work contains explicit content intended for 18+ individuals. please read the tags and do not interact if you are a minor.
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Ugh… I really screwed up this time.
You swore your shoes were filled with rocks as each step you took brought you closer and closer to the destination you'd been dreading. Honestly, to say you screwed up didn't even begin to scratch the surface of the current predicament you now found yourself in. Perhaps what happened could have been excusable if it was your second, third, or maybe even fourth screw up, but this had to be the seventh or eighth time you've botched a mission. You know it's bad when you can't even remember the exact number. 
At this point, reporting to your bosses office only to get chewed out was such a regular occurance that someone should consider adding it to your job description. You were dreading each and every step because you knew you were about to get scolded by that asshole like nobody's business. 
Aki Hayakawa. Lieutenant of the Public Safety Devil Extermination's Special Division Four. Although most people saved the mouthful and just called him Lieutenant. He's a talented devil hunter who was known for being particularly ruthless to any devil he came across. In short, your boss and said aforementioned asshole. 
Okay, okay, maybe calling him an asshole was a bit overdramatic. Aki isn't a complete dick, he's just a bit stern with a rather short fuse. He's obviously good-natured at heart and wants the best for all of his subordinates. He always makes an attempt to be reasonable, but if you give him even the smallest amount of back talk, that's when he'll get pissed off. If you don't follow his orders, he'll get pissed off. If you get in the way of his goals, he'll get pissed off. And if someone were to find a way to constantly inconvenience him by messing up every single mission they were assigned… yeah, he'll get real pissed off at that too. 
Initially, Aki was lenient with you. The first time you came back from an unsuccessful mission, he brushed it off as a pretty excusable mistake. The second and third time, okay sure, maybe you were just on an unlucky streak. After four, five, eight whole times? I mean, it wasn't unreasonable for him to assume that you weren't even trying at this point. 
It doesn't make any sense. All the missions he's assigned should be something you could handle as easily as you've done in the past, but recently, something always seems to go wrong. The third time, you were only supposed to be fighting one devil, but a horde of them suddenly showed up out of nowhere and overwhelmed you. The fifth time, you were on reconnaissance for a gun devil piece, but despite searching for it all day, you were unable to come up with anything, not even a remotely promising lead. Why have you been so unsuccessful as of late? Was the explanation really just unluckiness? 
Yet, no matter how many times you return from a mission with nothing, Aki still faithfully sends you out on another one. You don't want to disappoint him or cause trouble, really, you don't. You've always strived to do your job to the best of your ability because Aki is the last person on the planet you'd want to trouble or let down. 
You've never been particularly chummy with your employer, but you always felt a certain connection to him from the beginning. Just like Aki, your entire life had also been turned upside down by devils; seeking revenge for the friends and family members who were horribly ripped away from you was the entire reason you became a devil hunter in the first place. It's not difficult to understand why Aki does what he does, why he's so strict, and why he's so driven. The more time you spent with him, the more you began to understand him in that regard. For the first time in your life, you were glad to follow someone's orders. If it meant helping Aki, you'd gladly hunt devils until your arms and legs fell off. All you ever wanted was to impress him and maybe take a bit of stress off his shoulders. 
In many ways, you looked up to Aki. His dedication was admirable and his skill as a devil hunter was evident. He did everything with precision and careful planning, but he was intelligent and knew how to use his resources in any scenario. He also obviously had impressive physical abilities. Sometimes he would have boxing matches with hunters from other divisions and every time, he would come out on top against the competition. In many ways, he was the type of devil hunter you aspired to be. His praise meant more to you than anyone else. 
You're stirred from your thoughts when you find yourself finally reaching the doors of Aki's office, instinctively raising your knuckle to knock at the door. Shit, you didn't even think about what you were going to say and now it's too late because you've already knocked. Time to make up some excuses as you go and hope he's not in too much of a bad mood today. 
"Come in." 
The second you've pushed open the door, you're hit by the suffocating smell of cigarette smoke constricting your lungs. It only gets worse once you step inside Aki's office, closing the door behind you. All you can do is feebly wave smoke away from your face and try your best to hold in your coughs. 
The man himself is sitting behind a large wooden desk, legs propped up and crossed casually on top of it. His attire is his usual work uniform: suit, slacks, and hair tied up to show off his earrings. He's tilted back far into his chair, smoking a thin cigarette, exhaling the smoke towards the ceiling. If you weren't in such a bad position right now, you'd ask him to at least consider opening a window if he's gonna smoke inside. 
You stop about three feet or so from his desk, straightening yourself up to attention and standing with your arms crossed behind your back. It wasn't clear whether or not he even noticed you because his eyes never left the ceiling, but finally he spoke through a mouthful of smoke, breaking the silence. 
"So, what's your explanation this time?" 
Oh great. He already sounds fucking pissed. 
You were starting to get used to the smoke at this point, so you take in a deep breath, attempting to calm yourself a little before you speak, "Lieutenant, I tried my hardest to exterminate the devil as you requested, but I was overpowered. It was much more crafty than I anticipated. I thought I would be able to handle it but-" 
"Clearly you weren't able to handle it. You almost got yourself killed and I had to dispatch someone to come save your ass again, further wasting my time and theirs. All of that effort just for a devil I could have killed in two seconds flat with my eyes closed." 
Alright, so that's how he's going to be today. You can feel your fists clenching in anger as you attempt to maintain your composure. You feel horrible for disappointing him, sure, but the least he could do is not talk to you in such a mocking tone, or hell, at least look your way. All the while, Aki has been staring into the distance, not even showing you the respect of a passing glance. 
"Well, I'm sorry Mister Hayakawa, but I'm not you. I tried my best, and it's not my fault the devil ended up being way stronger than anticipated." You grit your teeth and stare daggers into him. 
"Everything is 'way stronger than anticipated' for you these days," Aki says between the cigarette in his teeth, making air quotes with his fingers, "I can't assign you anything weaker. If you've given up, Division Four is no place for you, so why don't you just move to the civilian sector?" 
"I haven't given up!" You blurt out, pulse rising and anger suddenly getting the best of you, "I'm trying to be useful to you, I'm trying to help you, I'm-" You trailed off, your burst of energy short lived as it was swiftly replaced by a wave of dread washing over you when Aki finally turns and meets your eyes. His gaze is sharp enough to cut right through you. 
Aki pulls his cigarette from his lips and sighs deeply. His legs fall from the top of his desk and he swivels in his chair until he's facing towards you. 
"I don't know what's going on, but it doesn't matter what you say to me if your actions tell a different story. This is the last time I'm going to say this, but you need to start shaping up, otherwise I'm going to have no choice but to transfer you," His eye contact is unwavering as he puts out his cigarette on the ashtray resting on the desk. "And what do you mean by trying to help me, anyways? I don't need anyone's help, especially not yours." 
Especially not yours? What the hell was that supposed to mean? You can't contain your eyes from rolling into the back of your head. Your pre-established composure is quickly breaking, but quite frankly, Aki is pissing you off and you don't really care. 
"What's wrong with my help? I'm not incompetent so stop treating me like I'm some kind of idiot." 
"I'll stop treating you like you're incompetent when your results start showing a bit of competency." 
"I told you, it's not my fault! I was fine before you started assigning me all this shit! You want results but you keep sending me on missions that lead nowhere. You have to know you're giving me this crap, right? You're such a dick to me for no reason, I mean-"
You cut yourself off with a gasp when Aki's fist suddenly slams hard against the desk. 
"Why don't you shut the fuck up and start showing some respect?" Aki's jaw clenches as he speaks, and he hunches further forward in his chair. "Who told you that you could talk back to me?" 
Ah, you went too far. You can't say you're surprised that you ended up getting into an argument, but it's not exactly the outcome you were hoping for. It's fine, he's right, anyway. Talking back to your boss is totally unacceptable. Even if he's the one who gave you the stupid missions, you're still the one who ultimately failed them. If you were stronger, if you were more like him, you wouldn't be in this situation right now. 
You sigh in defeat. "I'm-" 
"You're fired." 
Your breath catches in your throat, "Excuse me?" You were about to apologize, but you couldn't even finish the first word in your sentence before he interrupted you. 
"You heard me. You can go now." Aki waves his hand at you nonchalantly as if he's shooing you away before his attention is immediately dragged away from you. He leans back in his chair once more, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and sticking it between his teeth. 
You want to say something, but time is frozen in place and you just can't manage to pick your jaw up from off the floor. You know you pissed him off, but did you really piss him off enough to make him fire you? Did you really screw up that badly? Transferring you to another sector was one thing, but firing you was a whole different beast. It's completely unheard of, he's never fired anybody before, ever. And to hell with you being the first. "You can't do that."
"Just did." Aki strikes his lighter until there's a flame, bringing the cigarette to life. His expression is unreadable as he takes in a long drag before his eyes meet yours. "What are you still doing here? Get out." 
"Sir, please, this is ridiculous. I'm sorry for making you upset, okay? But don't you think firing me over a disagreement is a bit much?" 
"I said get out." 
"Will you at least tell me why you're firing me?" You cross your arms tightly over your chest. "Besides, do you even have the power to do such a thing?" 
"First of all," Aki takes another long drag from his cigarette before he continues. His eyebrows are furrowed and the hand that isn't currently holding the cig is clenched tightly on his desk. "Yes, I do. I have the power to do whatever the hell I want with you. Second of all, you're fired not because of your performance, but because you won't stop fucking arguing with me. I'm not going to tolerate your clear lack of respect."
"I wouldn't have to argue with you if you weren't such an asshole." Probably shouldn't have said that one, but it's too late. 
"Get. Out."
"That's Lieutenant to you, brat."
You take a deep, dramatic breath in to pull yourself together. Alright, it's okay, you can do this. There's no reason to panic, you're not gonna lose your job. Aki said it himself: he's not firing you because of your performance. He's just throwing a fit right now because you pissed him off. All you have to do is find a way to calm him down, reason with him, and maybe suck up to him a little. You can do that much, even if you have to bite your tongue until it bleeds in order to do so. You straighten up your posture. 
"Lieutenant. I'm sorry." 
"Sorry for what?" Aki raises an eyebrow, his fingers drumming against the surface of the desk. "Cause personally I don't think you're all that sorry."
"I'm sorry for being disrespectful. It's inappropriate for me to talk back to my boss. Please, is there something I can do to make you forgive me? I'll do anything to get my job back." 
Aki brings a hand to his chin, rubbing it as if he's in deep thought and resting his head on his elbow. A slight smile begins to grow on his mouth between the cigarette. "Anything, huh?" 
It was a rather stupid question that Aki already knew the answer to. Of course you'd do anything. Of course a brat like you would argue for your job back, and of course someone as dedicated as you would do anything. That's what he liked about you. 
"Uhm, yeah. Anything." 
Of course you'd do anything for him. Finally, he's got you right where he wants you. 
"Yeah, there's one thing you can do for me."
"And what might that be, sir?" Your mind whirled with possibilities, but trying to think of a realistic one had you turning up completely blank. When you said you'd do anything, you weren't really thinking about what that might entail. The main reason you said it was to plead your case. What the hell could he possibly want from you, anyways? Judging by the look on his face, you're almost certain he's going to mock your stupidity for thinking there was some way to appease him before promptly asking you to leave again. 
"All you've done since you've got here is ran that fucking mouth. I'm so tired of it," Aki's eyes remained locked on yours, his smirk growing more prominent. Yeah, you expected him to say something along those lines. 
"So why don't you come over here and get on your knees so I can shut you up a little, hm?" 
Oh. Oh. Now that's one thing you never would have expected him to say. 
"I beg your pardon?" You choke out, absolutely bewildered at what the bastard had just said to you, "What the hell's your problem?"
"My problem is you don't fucking listen to me. But I've got you listening now, haven't I?" Aki sneers, puffing his cigarette. His pissed off look from earlier has been completely replaced with one of total confidence, like he already thinks he's won. He cocks his head at you, letting out a little chuckle in amusement when you don't reply. The look of disbelief plastered all over your face and the light flush growing on your cheeks is priceless. 
"You want your job back, don't you?" Aki crosses his arms behind his head, leaning back far into his chair. "I think you're in need of some discipline. Someone around here has to teach you how to be professional and respect your superiors. If you can prove to me that you're going to be obedient from now on, then you can have your job back. That's all there is to it, really."
Professional? Professional? Really? Forget teaching you how to be professional, he's the one who just said the most unprofessional thing a boss could possibly say. 
Your hands feel clammy as you struggle to form sentences simply unable to come. If someone told you this was a dream or the setup to a shitty porno film, you'd definitely believe them, but no, it wasn't. Your boss really suggested something so detestable and is now staring at you with the most expectant, smug grin that you would do just about anything to slap off his face right about now. 
If you can prove to me that you're going to be obedient from now on, then you can have your job back. That's all there is to it, really.
What a joke. Does he really think you're stupid enough to believe that? If anyone else was in this position right now, you bet Aki would never suggest something like this. 
Your mind begins to wander when you start trying to pinpoint where all of this came from. Why would the one man who you knew to be all business and no pleasure 99% of the time suggest something so indecent? Aki's never been unfriendly with you, but he's never been super friendly either. Well, that was all besides one night. You always thought he viewed you as simply another one of his subordinates, but one night caused you to second guess your opinion. You started to think you weren't just a subordinate to him, and maybe he actually had feelings for you. 
You recall the last time you went out drinking with Aki and the rest of Special Division Four. It was about two weeks ago, right before your recent string of bad luck. To be honest, you only agreed to go because you felt obligated when they invited you. Special Division Four had just been recognized as the most successful division in the prefecture, hence the cause for the occasion. Therefore, everyone was going out for a drinking party, and that meant everyone, even the ones who didn't normally attend. You threw on whatever you could find, spruced up your hair and makeup, and reluctantly dragged yourself out so you wouldn't end up as the one lame person who didn't show. 
Your intention was to show up, have a drink or two and maybe chat with some co-workers, and then excuse yourself before it got too late. All you wanted to do after an exhausting day of work was go home and relax, not go out and party, so the sooner you could get out of there, the better. Unfortunately, your plan crumbled when you were unable to take your eyes off of your boss for the entire night. 
Of course he would be there. I mean, everybody was invited, after all. And what kind of boss would he be if he didn't attend his own division's celebration? It was obvious he would be there, and yet, you couldn't help but be taken aback when you saw him. Drinking parties weren't exactly your scene, and based on Aki's professional demeanor, you expected it wouldn't really be his, either. It was weird to see him in a place like this, and even more surprising, it was super attractive.
If you were being completely honest with yourself, you were always into Aki. He was definitely handsome and definitely your type. However, he was your boss, and your stubborn dick of a boss at that. Any hope of wanting something with him was out of the question. 
In this setting, though? He didn't feel like your boss anymore. In this casual environment, it was much easier to forget that Aki was your boss and you were his subordinate. Here, he was just Aki. 
Speaking of Aki, the very second you walked into the party he spotted you, almost as if he was watching the door and waiting for you to show up the whole time. He waved you over to the tables the division was occupying, and with a couple of tables filled, everything was quite bustling. Once you noticed his waving and started making your way to the tables, he stood up, motioning for you to follow him. He led you away to the bar, which was still in sight of the party but far enough away that there was much less noise. 
"Uhm, did you need me for something Lieutenant?" You asked once Aki stopped in front of the bar counter. 
"No, no, of course not. I just wanted to talk somewhere quieter," Aki said with a nod of his head before calling the bartender over, then turning to you. "And I was going to ask if you wanted something to drink." 
"Oh, yeah, I uh…"
Now that you had a chance to look at him, you were a bit distracted. Aki's hair was tied up in a loose ponytail and instead of his work uniform, he was wearing a much more casual outfit. When he wasn't dressed to the nines in a suit, you could begin to notice how he was quite well built, with broad shoulders and muscular biceps. He was constantly straining himself fighting devils, so it wasn't unreasonable to assume he had a nice physique, but since you never saw him like this, it was a little surprising. He was standing so close too, close enough that you could smell the faint scent of cigarettes and fancy cologne on his clothes. 
"...Okay, one draft beer for you sir. And for you?" 
Oh, the bartender was talking to you. You tore your gaze away from Aki. 
"Ah, I'll just have a beer as well. Thanks." 
"And put both of those on my tab." Aki piped up. The bartender nodded in response and walked away to prepare your drinks. 
"Wait, Lieutenant, you didn't have to-" 
"Hey Hayakawa!" You were interrupted by someone shouting from the division tables. You and Aki both turned around. "We're all about to take shots! Get over here!" 
Aki sighed, turning back to the bar when the bartender approached and placed two glasses on the counter. He took one glass of beer and pushed the other one over to you. "Sorry, we'll talk some more later, okay?" 
"Oh, uh, alright." You replied awkwardly, grabbing your glass of beer and taking a sip. You could hardly believe Aki's sudden friendliness right now. 
"By the way," Aki turned to leave, but before he did, he leaned in to speak quietly into your ear, "There's no need to address me so formally. Please, just call me Aki."
Before you had a chance to form a response, he was already gone, quickly disappearing in a swarm of people and leaving you to stand at the bar. 
Please, just call me Aki. 
That's Lieutenant to you, brat. 
In hindsight, were you even talking to the same person? 
Eventually, some of your co-workers found you at the bar and dragged you back into the action. They invited you to sit at their table which was unfortunately not the table Aki was at, but it was close enough that you could see him. Close enough that you could listen to him talking, weaving through conversations with confidence and a certain cool-headed allure. Close enough that you could admire him laughing, relaxing and enjoying himself. Close enough that you could watch him top off shots, head thrown back and Adam's apple bobbing in his throat after each one. Close enough that when he stretched, lifting his arms all the way into the air, you were able to catch a clear glimpse of his abs underneath his shirt when it rode up. 
God, when did he get so charming? 
You decided this was starting to get a little too unreal for you and it was probably time to take your leave. As much as you didn't want to ditch Aki, especially after he promised the two of you would talk later, you were not about to stick around and face the realization that you had a crush on your boss, of all people. You downed your second beer of the night while pondering how many Aki must have drank at this point. You weren't sure how many he had before you showed up, but since you sat down, you've counted two beers and three shots of vodka, so he ought to be a little tipsy. 
You got up to leave once you were finished, but a voice, Aki's voice, called out your name. When you turned to him, he was staring at you with the most genuine, soft smile, a light blush painted on his cheeks. "Hey, wait, don't go." 
Oh my God. His smile had your heart melting and you knew you were fucking doomed. 
Aki patted an empty spot next to him, "I didn't get to talk to you yet. C'mere." 
You sat your ass right back down and immediately forgot why you even wanted to leave in the first place. You knew if you were sitting back down now, you weren't going to end up leaving tonight any time soon. Honestly though, you didn't really care. How were you supposed to resist him? Plus, you were drinking, so hey, making good calls wasn't exactly your specialty right now. 
From the moment you sat down next to him, Aki's attention was shifted fully on you. He wasn't crazy talkative which was normal, but he did make a point to include you in every conversation. If people talked over you, he asked you to repeat yourself, and if someone asked a question and you said nothing, he'd personally ask for your answer. All the while, he was staring at you to a degree that must have been obvious to anyone paying attention. 
One thing's for sure, Aki was the complete opposite of an annoying drunk. Most people seemed to get insufferable once they were wasted, but not him. He somehow became even more attractive. At work, you don't think you've ever seen him laugh, not even a chuckle. Yet here, he was laughing at anything and everything, especially at the jokes you made. 
You couldn't help but find it adorable the way he became flushed out from having too many drinks, from the end of his nose to the tips of his pierced ears. The way his words began to slur and it was clearly growing harder for him to talk coherently was a sight to behold, too. Normally, every word that Aki spoke came out of his mouth with finesse and intention. So to see him become a stuttering mess? It was amazing, to say the least. 
The biggest shock to you was how crazy touchy Aki became. At first, it was just short touches that could be dismissed as accidents, like his shoulder bumping yours when he swayed too close, or his arm brushing against yours when he reached for his drink at the same time you did. Eventually though, they got more deliberate and direct. First it was his hand resting on your thigh, then it was his arm slinging over your shoulder, and at one point, he even started playing with your hair. The conversation shifted to you wondering how he ties his up every day, and he offered to show you. 
It was odd because Aki never acted like this around you until now. All of this flirting was completely new. At work, he always treated you like the inferior subordinate that you were, so why was he suddenly being so friendly? 
As the night grew later, everything became somewhat of a blur. You stopped remembering what you and Aki were talking about a long time ago. You also stopped keeping track of drinks. You'd ordered a few more beers, but you kept forgetting about them because you were too busy talking to him. Nevertheless, it must not have been too many because you were tipsy but certainly nowhere near drunk. Aki on the other hand… you had no idea how many drinks down he was. 
Slowly but surely, more of your co-workers started to head home, and once enough of them had left, the remainder of the group decided it was getting late so it was time to pay their tabs and do the same. Once the thought of going home crept into your head, you realized how exhausted you were all along. It was definitely time to go home, rest, and get away from your thoughts. You paid for your drinks and were about to excuse yourself when Aki found you amongst the crowd. Once he was standing up, you noticed that he could hardly walk. 
"Thanks for… coming out tonight," Aki was super wobbly on his feet and even placed a hand on your shoulder to steady himself as he spoke, "You should come more often… I'll see you tomorrow. Wait… wait no, our day off is tomorrow, shit." 
"Aki… you don't have to drive, do you?" 
"No, 'course not, it's nearby so… I mean my house is nearby so… I'm walking. Yeah." His words were a slurred, disjointed mess. It almost sounded like his tongue was too fat for his mouth, making it difficult to speak. 
You sighed. Yeah, you definitely should have been paying more attention and stopped him before he got this bad. If it wasn't for him leaning on you right now, you were sure he'd collapse. There was no way you'd be able to sleep at night if you let him go home alone, it just wasn't safe. "Aki, come on, I'll walk you home." 
Aki didn't object as you led him out of the bar. You'd never been to his place before personally, but you knew the address and you were familiar with the area so finding it wouldn't be a challenge. Your house wasn't too far from his either, so after you dropped him off, you could head home yourself and it wouldn't be much of a detour. 
You walked with one arm around Aki, allowing him to lean on you so he wouldn't topple. His body pressed so close against yours was enough to get your heart pounding in your ears, but you had to keep focused. Walking with him was difficult because of how unsteady his steps were, so a trip that should have taken ten minutes took more like twenty. It felt like forever before you finally reached his doorstep. 
"Aki, hey, you awake? Do you have your keys?" 
"Huh?" Aki jerked up, startled by your voice. He was so quiet the whole way through that you supposed he was starting to fall asleep, and it seemed your assumption wasn't far from the mark. 
"Your keys," You repeated. 
Aki didn't move at first, appearing to be a bit dazed. After a few moments, he unsteadily pulled away from you and started checking his pockets with one hand while using the other to lean against the wall for balance. Eventually, he found the right one when he heard his keys jingle inside. He dug them out and placed them in your hands. "It's uh," He hiccuped, "The silver key with uh… yeah, that one." 
You squint your eyes, trying to navigate the key into the lock. You pondered how someone as careful as Aki could forget to turn on the porch light, and as if he was reading your mind, he said out of the blue, "Sorry, porch light broke yesterday." 
The combination of your drunkenness, exhaustion, and embarrassment did not pair well because your coordination was totally thrown off. The inability to see what the hell you were doing certainly didn't make things any easier, either. You were fumbling with the keys for an awkwardly long amount of time when Aki suddenly leaned his tall frame over you, resting his weight on your back and dipping his head over your shoulder. The unexpected feeling of his weight and his body pressed close to yours startled you, but you didn't tell him to move. He was probably only leaning on you so he wouldn't fall over. 
"You smell good," Aki mumbled. He was close enough that you could get a clear scent of the alcohol on him and feel his breath hot against your ear when he spoke. 
"You smell like alcohol." You blame your quick snap back at him on your slight tipsy-ness affecting your ability to think before you speak. Thankfully, Aki didn't seem to notice nor care. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. 
"You looked so beautiful tonight." 
"What?" You froze up, heat starting to rush to your cheeks. 
"You always are, you're always beautiful," Aki hummed, his lips grazing against your neck, agonizingly close as he whispered against your skin, "You have no idea what you do to me." 
Yep, he was clearly drunk out of his damn mind. You didn't reply, I mean, how were you supposed to reply to that? Whether consciously or not, your effort to open the door was abandoned as you drowned in Aki's lips against your neck. He peppered you with gentle kisses against your skin, his lips soft, tender, and electrifying. When he pulled away, his hand came to grab your chin, tilting your head upward and to the side. Your brain felt completely scrambled when you met Aki's deep gaze. All at once his eyes were closing, his lips were parting, he was leaning in, and you were doing the same. 
The unmistakable sound of the door unlocking shattered the moment and you tore your head away. The sight of Aki's roommate at the doorway shook you out of your daze. 
"Ugh, took you long enough to get home." 
"Oh. Hey Denji." Aki hiccuped, promptly pulling himself off of you, but when he immediately started swaying like he was about to fall, you grabbed him by the waist to hold him up. 
"Dude. You're so drunk." Denji ascertained, finishing his sentence with a yawn. He was rubbing his eyes like he just woke up. On second thought, he definitely did just wake up. 
Aki reached for your hand, fumbling to take his keys before stumbling inside where he was immediately caught by Denji before he had the opportunity to topple over. "Thanks for bringin' him home safe," Denji said, holding up a peace sign. "I'll make sure he goes to bed." 
"It's no problem." 
Aki waved to you before Denji closed the door. "See you tomorrow." 
You didn't have the energy to correct him so you simply nodded, waiting to make sure the door was completely closed before you turned and walked away. 
Holy shit. Before, you were exhausted and ready to pass out, but now, you were fully awake. Your face felt like it was on fire as you rushed home on quick feet. Aki's words echoed in your ears and the feeling of his lips against your neck played in your head on repeat to the point where it was all you could think about. His lips were so soft, so warm, and the two of you were surely about to kiss before you got interrupted. And if you kissed, what would happen after? Would he have said more? Would it have kept escalating until you stopped it? 
There was no way you could think about it right now. You got home, threw yourself onto your bed, and willed yourself to fall asleep so you'd forget about it. You were successful in that first endeavor, but the second was a total failure. You remembered every moment in excruciating detail. 
You dreaded going to work a day later. You had no idea what Aki was going to say to you or what you were going to say to him. However, to your surprise and a bit of relief, Aki was a completely different person compared to who he was that night. Rather, it would be more accurate to say he was back to normal. He was back to being his usual uptight self. He also didn't show any hints of even remembering what happened that night. 
You decided to ask him about it when the two of you got a moment alone. 
"Hey, boss, do you remember the other night when we all went out for drinks?" 
"Yeah, vaguely. Why?" 
"Do you remember me walking you home?" 
"Ah, shit," Aki winced, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "You had to walk me home? I apologize, Denji told me I was drunk but he didn't tell me I was that drunk. I guess I really don't remember." 
"It's alright." You shrug, deciding not to pry any further.
You felt relieved he didn't remember and relieved his roommate didn't clue him in, but at the same time, you were a bit disappointed. You were sort of hoping he'd tell you more about his feelings. Could he have actually meant what he said or did he just say it because he was wasted? How much did he remember? I mean, he was totally flirting with you prior to when you walked him home, so there must be some of that he remembers. And how much was a deliberate action and how much was a drunk slip up? 
There had to have been a reason why he was acting so friendly towards you the whole night. The eye contact, the touching, the flirting. He didn't act that way around anyone else, so the logical conclusion would be… 
You were suddenly pulled from your daydreaming and straight back to reality when the sound of Aki loudly clearing his throat filled the air. "Are you going to keep standing there like a deer in headlights or what?" 
Ah, that's right. Your current predicament. You had been standing there zoning out for God knows how long so you almost forgot. You met Aki's gaze. He had long since finished his cigarette at this point and was busy stamping it out, staring at you with one eyebrow cocked. 
Aki was practically living in your brain since that fateful night, but as of late, you haven't had much time to fawn over him. It's kind of hard to find any time for fawning when every recent interaction you've had with him has been him assigning you a mission and then going on to scold you for failing said mission. What he just proposed to you had jogged your memory, though. 
Were you really hoping for there to be something more between you and your boss all along? You didn't have a crush on him, did you? Hell, even if you did, why would you ever do something like that? 
You swallow, your throat becoming increasingly dry and constricted with anxiety. "Aki- I mean, Lieutenant. Is this really necessary to get my job back? And… Can you be more clear about what you want me to do? I think I got the wrong idea." 
"Come on, do you need me to spell it out for you? Or are you just trying to waste more of my time?" Aki suddenly sits up straight, snapping his fingers and pointing down in front of him. "If you want your damn job back, come over here and suck my cock. Is that clear enough for you?" 
His voice is so sultry and his words are so dirty that they immediately give you butterflies in your stomach. Yeah, you heard him right the first time. And yeah, he really was so unprofessional. You're not given much room to think when Aki starts tapping his foot against the floor, a subtle warning of how impatient he's becoming.
"I- I couldn't…" You stammer out, desperate to say something, anything. Your face feels hot and you wouldn't doubt it was as red as a tomato right now. 
"Listen, I don't have time for this. If you're not going to be compliant then leave. This is your last chance and you've got five seconds to decide." 
Seriously? Only five seconds? 
Oh great. He's already counting down. 
You grit your teeth. You really can't lose your job, that much is true, and that much you've decided on. You swore to kill devils for the rest of your life when you became a devil hunter, and you'd be a fool to give up on your dream so easily. 
Aki was attractive and you had a crush on him. It was time to give up the pointless charades and admit the truth. You could only dance around the subject for so long. He was your boss, yes, and he could be a total asshole, yes, but denying how you feel would lead you nowhere. 
Aki was attractive, but he was especially attractive when he let go for a change. Once his professional persona crumbled, he became a completely different person. You wondered what he would be like when those cracks started to show, when he could no longer contain himself, when his emotions were finally brought to a head. You wondered what he was like with his clothes off, if he was big, what he tasted like, how he would feel in your mouth. 
You have no idea what you do to me. 
Aki's words echoed inside your brain. He was right, you didn't have much of an idea. But you wanted to find out. You wanted to watch Aki come undone. 
"I'll do it." 
You scoffed, massaging stress from your temple, "I'll do it okay? So stop with the counting, it's so immature." 
"Atta girl," Aki said with a confident smile, snapping his fingers again and pointing to the door, "Lock the door first, then come over here and get on your knees for me." 
Good thing he remembered that little detail, because you totally forgot. You walked over to the door on shaky legs, swiftly locking it before making your way over to Aki. Suddenly you were in front of him, lowering down to your knees, and the realization of what you were about to do was hitting you just as hard as your heart pounding in your ears. Aki chuckled, and you half expected him to tell you this was all a prank and you were dismissed, but nope. 
"I've never seen you this nervous before, it's amusing." 
Yup, this was really happening, but if it was happening, you were going to make the most of it. You could do this. Once you were in control of his pleasure, you were going to have the cocky bastard falling apart and begging for you. 
"Pay attention," Aki's command cut through the tension in the air. You were fully on your knees now and he was staring down at you, his expression poker-faced but his eyes filled with lust and longing. His tone was stern and demanding when he spoke again, "I can tell your mind has been drifting elsewhere. I want you to pay attention to me and only me from now on, understand?" 
"Yeah, yeah," You reply nonchalantly, reaching for his belt. 
You're interrupted when Aki grabs your face, forcefully tilting your head up so you have no choice but to look at him. His grip is iron as he leans down so his face is much closer to yours. 
"That's not how you address your superior. It's, 'Yes, sir', got that?" The volume on his voice is lowered, but the tone is stern all the same. You nod weakly and his grip loosens. He leans back in his chair again, eye contact never breaking. "Show some fucking respect." 
"Yes, sir," You reply seriously this time, biting your lip to keep your composure. If he plans on having an attitude the entire time, this is going to be much more difficult than you thought. Aki's hand finally disappears from your cheeks and you go back to what you were doing before, reaching for his belt. 
You undo his belt quickly, tossing it aside before moving along to his pants. You unzip them, pull them down to his thighs, and almost choke on your own saliva when the first thing you see is the huge tent in his underwear. You bring a hand to it hesitantly, earning a loud sigh from Aki when you begin palming him through his briefs. How the hell was he so hard already? 
Aki will probably reprimand you if you continue teasing him like this, so you decide to stop and move your fingers to the hem of his underwear. You take a deep breath. All you have to do is focus on the task at hand, just as Aki told you. All you have to do is remind yourself that you're about to suck off Aki, not your Lieutenant. Not your cocky, infuriating, notorious asshole of a boss, but the sweet, charming Aki that you had come to know several nights prior. That's who you had a crush on, and that's who you were doing this for. 
You pulled down his underwear and bit your cheek so hard you were sure it was bleeding when you were met face to face with his hard cock. First impression: there was no way all of it was fitting down your throat. You swore you heard the slightest snicker from Aki, probably entertained by your reaction and the clear look of embarrassment on your face. You brought a shaky hand to the base of his cock, slowly dragging it up the length, all the way to the tip which you rubbed with your palm. 
Aki exhaled deeply, but surprisingly, he didn't say anything. Not like you were complaining, it was nice when he kept his smug mouth shut for once. You pumped your hand only a few times more before bringing your lips to his head. It was already dripping with so much precum. You planted a soft kiss on the tip, feeling his cock promptly pulse beneath your lips, before taking the entire head into your mouth. Your eyes screwed shut and when Aki groaned in approval, you will yourself to take more of him in your mouth. 
His cock wasn't even halfway down your throat when Aki's hand came to your hair. He ran his fingers through before gripping at your scalp and pulling back hard, forcing your head to tilt up and look at him. The sudden movement made your eyes flutter open and you were certainly not excited to be greeted with Aki's pissed off face staring down at you. "Don't close your eyes. I want you to look at me while you're sucking me off," He said with a swallow, voice resolute, "Nod if you understand." 
Your plan was to avoid looking at his stupid face at least until you were more comfortable, but of course Aki was going to make you do the one thing you were trying not to do, whether he was aware of it or not. You really wanted to protest but with a mouthful of dick that's a little difficult, so you nod reluctantly, forcing yourself to keep your eyes on him. Aki smiled, and just when you thought he couldn't get any more irritating, he opened his mouth again. 
"Good girl."
Why the hell did you agree to do this again? 
After that comment, you're not sure how you managed to push past your embarrassment and continue, but you did. Your tongue set flat against the bottom of his cock and you took him further into your throat, stopping a little over halfway when you felt like you couldn't take anymore. You started to pull back but a firm press against the back of your head kept you in place. Aki gave you an expression containing the slightest amount of annoyance. "No, take it all the way." 
You whimpered, looking at him with eyes that were trying to say, "I can't," but of course, he didn't get the hint. Instead, he pressed even firmer against the back of your head, forcing you further down, cramming his cock in your mouth past where you thought was possible. Before you knew it, tears were pricking at the corners of your eyes and he was somehow all the way in. 
Aki held you there for a while, admiring the very view he had fantasized about seeing for so long now. You felt like you couldn't breathe and drool began running down your chin. The entire time, you forced your gaze to not leave his, despite how badly you wanted to tear it away. 
"Fuck, you look so perfect with my cock down your throat, you know that? And you're being so good right now, looking at me just like I asked you to. See, it's not that hard to listen to me, now is it?" Aki reached up with his free hand, grasping his tie and loosening it a little to make himself more comfortable. His compliment makes your heart race in your chest but his arrogant demeanor is pissing you off too much for you to fully enjoy that feeling. His firm press on the back of your head finally eases up, letting you pull your head back just far enough to allow yourself to breathe. 
You stall for a minute, attempting to regain your composure, but with your throat aching, keeping calm is a little hard to do. Your senses are becoming so overwhelmed it feels like your mind has gone fuzzy. All you can think about is him, all you can taste is him, all you can smell is him and the distinct scent of his cigarettes that still lingers in the air and on his clothes. The feeling of his cock choking you and filling your throat is all-encompassing. Trying to wait any longer is a waste of time because at this point, you're never going to be composed. Plus, the last thing you want right now is to make Aki impatient. Reluctantly, you pull back slightly and then sink back down again. 
Aki groans, his head tossing back a bit but his eyes remaining fixed on you. The sight of your pretty lips bobbing on his cock, doe eyes and fluttering eyelashes staring up at him is unbelievably captivating and he wouldn't be able to tear his gaze away even if he tried. The erotic, wet sounds of you sucking, gagging, and gasping echoes impossibly loudly throughout the quiet room. "Fuck," Aki swears under his breath, the sound of you choking on his cock just turning him on even more than he already was. 
Once you start to work up a rhythm, your job gets a little bit easier. Your mouth and your chin have already become an utter mess of saliva and spit. Aki made no effort to stifle or hold back any noise he made which was a pleasant surprise. Each time you drew back with a harsh suck, you pulled an incredibly hot gasp or groan from him which encouraged you to keep going. 
Honestly, you were a bit grateful he made you stare at him, because if you weren't, you'd be missing out. You never imagined you'd be seeing your normally so collected boss like this, tie loose, face flushed out, trying desperately to remain together but at the same time, not caring if he fell apart. One of his hands threaded through your hair and the other tightly gripped his chair's arm. His chest rose and fell with each shaky breath he took in. When you sink down once more and Aki's hips roll forward, forcing his cock far into your esophagus, you feel like you're going to fall to pieces, but the loud moan he's unable to restrain goes right to your core, keeping you intact. 
"Oh my God, you're so amazing, you're so damn good at this. Don't look away from me," Aki commanded breathlessly, and although you weren't planning on doing so, your vision is becoming blurred and Aki thrusting hard into your throat is starting to be too much to handle. His facial expression has lost all semblance of its usual seriousness, instead contorted in pure pleasure. His grip on the back of your head has grown weak as he puts his full focus into what you've realized is essentially fucking your mouth. Every thrust is deeper into your throat than the last and has you choking, feeling like your mouth is going to be split open. You're unable to hold back from crying and Aki revels in the sight of tears streaming down your pretty face. 
Your jaw was aching to an unbelievable degree but you didn't dare to pull back when Aki's hips began to stutter as he lost his rhythm. He broke eye contact, his eyes shut as he threw his head back in his chair. You prayed he was getting close because you weren't sure how much more of this you could take, but Aki answered your prayers when he spoke, voice punctuated with his ragged, heavy breathing, "I'm so… Fuck, I'm so close… I want you to swallow all of it." 
You hummed in response, and the vibrations on his cock were just enough to send Aki over the edge. All of the sudden, he gasped and his hand roughly pushed you forward in tandem with his thrust inward. With his cock as deep in your mouth as he could get it, you felt it twitch before his cum was pouring down your throat. Attempting to pull away was fruitless as Aki's press on the back of your head was firm, so all you could do was accept it, will yourself to breathe through your nose, and swallow. He didn't give you a break until he was sure that you got every last drop. 
When you felt Aki's whole body finally slump, you tore yourself away, his cock coming out of your mouth with a pop. You immediately felt a heavenly sense of relief in your jaw and your throat. As you caught your breath, you attempted to wipe the mixture of tears and saliva off your face with the back of your hand. At this point, you didn't have to see yourself to know that your face was an absolute mess.
Although, even if you looked like a mess, you could probably say the same thing about Aki. When you brought your gaze to him, the first thing you noticed was the rise and fall of his chest. He was panting hard and the sound of him practically gasping for air while trying to get ahold of himself filled the room. And once you brought your gaze down, the second thing you noticed was his dick. Even though he just came, he still looked as turned on as he was when you started. 
You did it. Yeah, you could get up right now, walk away, and have your job be secured, but a rather devilish thought crossed your mind right then. You had done everything Aki asked of you perfectly, so you were off the hook. But where was the fun in that? Right in front of you was an opportunity you absolutely must take advantage of. The opportunity you had been waiting for all along. The chance to finally corner him, to finally get Aki right where you wanted him. 
Your hand came to grasp the base of his length and you felt him pulse hard beneath your palm. His entire cock was still wet and coated with your saliva. You brought your tongue to his base and began to drag it up agonizingly slowly, all the way up to the tip. Aki gasped, "Wait, don't-" His voice stuttered into a moan when you suddenly took his cock in your mouth, sucking hard, before pulling away to flick your tongue against his tip. 
"You can keep going, can't you?" You cooed, massaging his sensitive tip already leaking with precum between your thumb and index finger. Aki simply moaned in response, stuttering as if he were going to say something but ultimately failed, and you swore you saw him perform the faintest nod. You smiled, "That's it. I knew you could." 
Bringing his cock to your lips once more, you kissed the tip, then down, down further, until you were trailing wet kisses up and down his hard length. You peered up at Aki through your eyelashes and to your surprise, he was looking right at you, his face and ears coated in a red blush. The second you met his gaze, he sheepishly turned away. How cute. 
Once you felt you'd sufficiently embarrassed him, you placed a final kiss on his tip before taking him into your mouth again, swirling your tongue throughout. You could hear Aki let out a shaky breath and you continued, eyes fluttering shut as you slowly took his cock all the way down your throat. It was much easier this time now that you were used to the feeling. You pulled back just as slowly, and after his cock fell out of your mouth, you brought a single finger to his base, slowly dragging it up, and you felt his cock twitch beneath it. 
When you looked up, you were faced with Aki glaring down at you, voice stern but shaky with desire when he spoke, "Please, don't fucking tease me."
Unfortunately for him, he just screwed himself over by saying that, because the way he said please was so goddamn attractive. You wanted to hear him say it again and again. You were so greedy to see him fall further into desperation for you. 
Besides the one night you went out drinking, Aki never said please before, not to you, not to anyone. That was the one time, the only time you ever saw Aki be polite. Normally he just did what he wanted and took what he wanted. There was no need for him to be polite when he was the Lieutenant since everyone was already expected to obey his orders. But now, with you in control? Being polite is the least he could do. 
You continued to play with him, completely disregarding his request for you not to. You started up a pattern of bringing your head down and swallowing hard, forcing him to the back of your throat before abruptly falling back, kissing his tip and stroking his dick with your hand. Aki certainly wasn't helping his case much because he happened to be very fun to play with. 
He covered his face with his hands, throwing his head back again. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he tried to swallow down moans. You found it adorable how he quickly became restless, hips squirming in his chair. The second you went back down on him, he'd thrust into your mouth, attempting to get some kind of relief, but you'd end up punishing him by pulling away as soon as he did so. The moans he couldn't hold back were so loud, so sweet, and so incredibly needy. When he brought a hand down to grasp your cheek, a smile fell across your face when you noticed how much he was trembling. 
Aki swallowed before speaking, his voice hoarse and dry from all his gasping and moaning, "I told you not to tease me like that." His eyes locked on to yours and the desperation he must have been feeling was plastered all over his face. 
"Yeah? I didn't hear you." You taunted, your tone only ever so slightly condescending. You continued to pump Aki's cock in your hand, taking careful attention to the tip which was so red and leaking with so much precum you were sure it must have been aching. You rubbed it hard with the base of your palm and Aki groaned in response. "Stop it," He commanded in a low voice, but much of the authority was lost when he was barely able to choke out the words. 
"Oh, so you want me to stop?" You took your hand off his cock abruptly, leaving it completely unattended to. 
"No," Aki spat out hastily, his response so fast it was almost comical. He continued to stare at you with a look of complete and utter want in his eyes. "Don't stop," He drew in one long, quivering breath, "Please." 
You brought your hand back, wrapping it loosely around his length, but before you could even do anything, Aki's hips rolled up into your palm and he whimpered from the relief. 
He kept going and you held still, allowing him to recklessly grind against your motionless hand. Now this was the Aki that you were waiting to see, that you truly loved to see. Here he was, your cocky asshole of a boss, reduced to a complete mess under you. Here he was, lips parted as he moaned softly, thrusting his hips into your hand out of desperation for your touch. It was impossible for you to tear your gaze away from him because the sight was intoxicating. If only you could snap a picture with your eyes. 
What would he do if his subordinates saw him like this? What would he do if those who respected his authority so highly saw him now? The prospect was thrilling, but there's no chance you would let anyone else see Aki like this. This version of him was one you wanted all to yourself. Nothing could top the satisfaction that you, and only you had your Lieutenant so desperate. You, and only you had one of the most revered devil hunters in the country reduced to a pathetic mess at the hands of his subordinate. 
With every thrust he took up, an adorable, breathy cry would fall from Aki's lips and it was music to your ears. When he started picking up the pace, thrusting faster, you took your hand away and he audibly whined in disappointment. "Enough, I-I can't-" 
"If you want more, hold still." 
You brought your hand back to his cock, pumping it once. Aki groaned, his hips shifting in his seat, but he was able to keep himself from moving any more than that. You stroked his cock slowly and leisurely, as if you had all the time in the world to do so. You kept a gentle, apathetic rhythm, ignoring how much Aki was clearly fucking struggling. He whimpered and squirmed every touch. You could feel his heartbeat through his dick in your hand. Searching for something to hold onto, he ran his fingers through his own hair, gripping close to the scalp. As a result, his hair was starting to come loose from the topknot, with strands falling free and covering his face.  
"Oh my God," Aki gasped suddenly, "I can't fucking take this, I need more, I-" 
"Tell me what you want." You said in immediate retaliation. 
"I want…" Aki hesitated for a moment, swallowing, "I want you."
Was he blushing? Or was his face just red from breathing so hard?
"Yeah? You want me?" You smirked, drawing your hand away from him. 
Aki nodded hastily. 
"Beg for it." 
Aki stared at you with an expression simply indecipherable. His ragged breaths became the only sound to fill the room and the only thing you had to indicate the passage of time. He inhaled sharply, exhaled shakily. Breathed in, breathed out. Once. Twice. Three times. Four times. It would seem you've reached a deadlock. 
Should you have said that? No, probably not. Did you go too far? Maybe a bit. Was it too degrading? Yeah, you were stupid to expect him to do something so- 
"I want you, I want you so fucking bad," Aki blurted out, suddenly breaking the silence. "I want to kiss you, I want to touch you, I want to be inside you. Is that what you were looking for?" 
You were stupid to expect him to stand a chance against you. It was only a matter of time until he swallowed the last of his pride. 
"I'll do anything," Aki begged. He brought a hand to his face, covering his eyes in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. "I'll do anything you want, I don't care. Just this once, for the love of God, let me fuck you." 
Anything, huh? 
"How about you give me my job back? And give me a raise while you're at it."
Aki wasn't even listening, nor did he think before he shouted, "Okay! Okay, whatever you want, I told you I don't care-"
"And say please. Ask politely if you really want me." 
"Please," Aki sighed, dragging his hand away so he could look at you. His desperate gaze pleaded harder than his words ever could. "Please let me fuck you. I need you. I really need you. Please." 
How were you supposed to resist that? 
"There we go," You said with a smile. 
The heat of the moment must have possessed you because before you were even able to process what was happening, you were pushing yourself up, leaning forward, and so was Aki. With the two of you agonizingly close, so close to connecting but not quite, you managed to sneak in one last comment before Aki fully leaned in. 
"Good boy." 
Aki completely stalled. His lips trembled like he wanted to say something, but in the end he gave up. He leaned down, grabbing you firmly by the neck and yanking you up until he met you in a rough kiss. 
His soft lips against yours sparked a red-hot fire in your chest and you found yourself pressing against him further, wanting more. You pushed him all the way back into his chair, all the way until you could climb on top of him. Even still, he wasn't close enough. You grabbed a fistful of his shirt collar and tugged him in. 
Once he felt you were comfortable on his lap, Aki parted his lips, wasting no time coupling his tongue with yours. His mouth tasted vaguely of mint and cigarettes. He kissed you with all the fervor from his pent-up emotions, with all the anticipation built from days and nights prior. It was passionate and intense with a clear-cut sense of urgency felt between your exchanges of gasps and sighs. All the while, he maintained such a strong grip around your throat that it made you feel as if you were floating among the clouds. 
Aki had been craving this for so, so long and now that he had it, it was better than he ever could have imagined. His whole body felt warm and filled with an utter need for more. You ran your fingers through his hair, starting from the base of his neck near his scalp, sending tingles throughout his spine. His topknot was just barely hanging on at this point. You were delicious, but the faint taste of himself on your tongue was like nothing else Aki had experienced before.  
His free hand trailed under your shirt, calloused palm beginning to explore your body as shamelessly as if he owned it. When his lips finally and reluctantly tore away from yours, Aki leaned in to speak into your ear between uneven breaths, his voice low and tone completely changed as he returned to seriousness. "Get up and bend over the desk." 
Oh, yeah, that's right. He said he wanted to fuck you and you agreed because you couldn't resist him. You agreed? You couldn't deny that you were really turned on, but maybe you should have thought about it more before you went ahead and made a deal with the devil, figuratively, of course. 
You felt a strong pang in between your legs when you slid off Aki's lap and only just now did you notice how wet you were, almost uncomfortably so, in fact. You caught a full glimpse of Aki as he was shrugging off his suit jacket, first meeting his eyes which were clouded in lust, then trailing your gaze down to his dick, which looked so hard it must have been hurting. Honestly, now that you were looking at it again, you had no clue how you managed to take something so big down your throat. Your mind began to wander without your control. You wanted to know what it, what he felt like inside you. You would probably feel him so deep, hitting all of your sweet spots, stretching you out and… 
Goddammit. You had fully admitted to failure once you started thinking those thoughts, but in reality, you had failed the minute you kissed him and the minute you started teasing him. Forget your dignity, forget concern for the implications or repercussions. Right now you needed Aki's dick and you weren't about to consider if you'd end up regretting it later. 
You brought yourself over to his desk on shaky legs, taking a deep breath as a way to prepare yourself before leaning over it. Aki rose as well, discarding his jacket over his chair so he was wearing only his shirt, then following to stand behind you. 
Aki snickered, "There we go. Good girl." 
Was he actually fucking mocking you? He was just begging like a dog, and now the bastard was mocking you? 
Aki reached for the zipper of your skirt, pulling it down, but instead of taking your skirt off, he opted to simply push it up to around your waist. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this? How long I've wanted this?" He muttered, rolling his sleeves up to his biceps before kicking your legs open to spread them further. "God, I've been dreaming of taking you right here for so long." 
Well, you had a bit of an idea, but Aki having feelings for you always seemed unrealistic until now. He didn't seem like the type of guy who would have feelings for anyone, let alone allow those feelings to get in the way of his work. In any case, one thing you never expected was for Aki's feelings for you to be so passionate. Your boss was always the pinnacle of professionalism. You couldn't imagine him thinking anything dirty about a subordinate, let alone you, who he was usually an asshole towards. But now, you had much more of a clear picture. Everything was just an act. Aki's cold attitude towards you was just a meticulously crafted persona, a persona that you were slowly seeing crack. 
You heard the sound of silk rubbing against fabric and then Aki's stern voice commanded, "Hands behind your back." You were curious, so you did as you were told and Aki grabbed your wrists with one hand, yanking your arms backwards. He wrapped what you could only assume was his silk tie around your wrists, securing the binding tightly with a knot. "Consider this your punishment for teasing me earlier." 
"You liked it." You snapped back, tugging at your restraints to no avail. Aki merely chuckled in response and you inhaled an incredibly sharp breath when his fingers were suddenly pressed against your cunt, rubbing you through the fabric of your underwear. 
"I think you're the one who liked it," Aki mused, his fingers rubbing slow, gentle circles against your clit, feeling your wetness through the fabric, "You're completely soaked, were you getting off on teasing me like that? I've got to say, you didn't strike me as the sadistic type." 
You held back your moans and grumbled through your teeth, "And you're saying you didn't like it?"
"Tch," Aki scoffed, drawing his hand away to hook his fingers around the waistband of your underwear, swiftly pulling them down to your thighs. "I don't like being bossed around by mere subordinates." 
"Right, so that's why you were begging like a pathetic bitch. I think that you-" You cut yourself off abruptly with a whine when Aki suddenly plunged a finger inside you, curling it upwards. 
"Hah, you're so wet, look at how easy that went in," Aki taunted, adding another finger without bothering to ask, two fingers now shoved inside you. Aki's hands were always much bigger than yours, and you were now extremely aware of how long his fingers were. They reached deep, much deeper than your own fingers could ever reach, and were rough with callouses. He moved them with the same precision and finesse he seems to carry through every facet of his life, curling them up in such a way that they pressed firm against your sweet spot every time. There was a tinge of irony to be found in the fact that Aki neglected to tease you despite how bad you had teased him. Instead he was right to the point, giving you exactly what you wanted and exactly what would leave you reeling the most. If he was this good with his fingers alone, how were you supposed to handle the rest of him? 
You bit your lip hard to stifle your noises as waves of pleasure surged through your body. You weren't about to give him the satisfaction of hearing your moans, but clearly he noticed your plight. 
"Why are you so quiet now? You can't keep your mouth shut when you're busy disrespecting me," Aki teased, sounding as confident as ever as he scissored his fingers inside you. "Let me hear you, tell me how good it feels. I know it feels good." 
"Shut up, annoying fucker." You retorted immediately. 
"You're always such a cocktease," Aki hummed in amusement, pulling his fingers out. You couldn't hold back a whimper when your cunt pulsed from the sudden absence. Aki said harshly, "I hope you know that little attitude of yours is going to disappear once I'm fucking you as hard as I want." 
You rolled your eyes, but kept quiet for now. Aki brought his fingers to his mouth and you could hear him sucking the digits clean. Your taste was sweet, and if he wasn't so impatient to be inside you right now, he'd definitely taste you even more. Maybe next time. 
Once he was finished, Aki brought one hand to the small of your back, pressing gently as he leaned over you. The other he used to grab your face, tilting your head up until he was directly above. 
"Let's do something about that dirty mouth of yours, yeah? Open." Aki ordered, tapping your cheek with his finger. You obeyed, opening your mouth hesitantly, until Aki commanded, "Wider." You did as you were told again, trying to open your mouth as wide as you could manage. 
You couldn't exactly see from this angle, but if you could, you would have seen Aki's jaw flex as he gathered saliva. Without warning, he spit into your mouth, directly onto your tongue. Before you had a chance to protest, Aki was pressing your chin up, forcing your mouth closed. "Swallow."
Aki smirked when he heard you gulp. A little spit was far from enough to gross you out, I mean, you just had his dick down your throat and earlier you were practically sucking on his tongue. You stared daggers into him that gave the impression you were beside yourself with anger, but although you'd never admit it, a little part of you enjoyed being commanded by Aki like this. After all, you always wanted to impress your boss as much as possible. Or maybe you were just so horny you didn't care anymore. 
"That's my girl," Aki let go of your face, playfully slapping your cheek as he drew back. "You act so damn cocky, but in the end you're always obedient to me." 
Aki's hands found your waist, his grip rough against your bare skin. Your back arched when he lifted your ass, positioning you properly in front of him so you were level with his height. He pressed his cock in between your thighs, grinding it hard against you. "Tell me, who's in control here?" He asked, voice dripping with spite. 
You didn't reply, instead panting hard as you tried to appear unflustered. The anticipation was killing you. He was so close to filling your aching cunt, close enough that you could feel his heartbeat through his dick as it pulsed and grinded against your clit. 
"Answer me you little brat," Aki leaned down, speaking directly into your ear, "Answer me or I'm not fucking you." 
"I… You… I'm-" You stammered through your gasps, legs feeling like they were about to buckle. You gasped when Aki suddenly slapped your ass hard with his open palm, certainly hard enough to leave a mark. 
"Do you want me to walk away and leave you here? Answer me properly. Who is in control?"
"Dammit," You breathed heavily, forcing yourself to calm down and ignore how much your ass was stinging. "You are, you're in control, Lieutenant." 
That's right. He was in control, he was always in control. Everything had gone exactly as he planned, exactly as he wanted. You were never the one in the driver's seat. If there was ever a point where you thought you were, you must have been horribly fooled. 
"That's what I fucking thought." 
Aki pulled your hips until the head of his cock was prodding at your entrance and he sighed, mumbling so quietly you almost didn't catch it, "I'll try to be gentle, but I don't know if I'll be able to control myself."
You whined when Aki finally pressed inside you with ease, a disgustingly wet sound filling the air. He groaned in your ear when he bottomed out, pulling you in hard by your waist as if he was desperate to get even deeper. 
Assuming you had any doubts still lingering in your brain, they were shaken now. Assuming you had any shame over the inglorious reality that you were currently in your boss's work office, during work hours, bent over his desk with his dick inside you, the pure ecstasy that you felt must have knocked the shame right out of you. Aki's cock stretched you perfectly, deeply, and you could feel him in your stomach as prominently as the butterflies. You thought his fingers reached deep, but this was on a whole different level. His large frame leant over yours and his breath was hot on your cheek. You felt close to him now, closer than ever before, and that thought sent you right to heaven. He felt so good, so perfect, so right. It was everything you had imagined and once he started moving, fuck, it was so much more. 
Aki rolled his hips in and out, slowly and deliberately. Each time he fucked into you, he took note of the moans that left your mouth, trying to adjust and hit the spots that drew the most noise. "God, shit, oh my God, feels so good," Aki stammered in between shaky breaths, his voice light and barely audible over your noises and the sound of skin slapping against skin. 
You stared at the door in front of you. When you first walked in, this was definitely the furthest from what you imagined happening. Your hands, still bound by his tie, clenched as you dug your fingernails into your palm, trying to quiet yourself down and take it. You were starting to get used to the feeling, but his dick was still so fucking big and he knew exactly how to use it. You were whimpering at every thrust, feeling amazing but feeling like you were going to be split open at the same time. If you had any idea he was this good, maybe you would have been bent over for him a long time ago. 
As long as you continued moaning like this, sure, the door was locked, but anyone walking down the hallway might hear you. No, they would definitely hear you. They would hear you and know you were being fucked by the Lieutenant just beyond the door. Somehow though, that thought didn't scare you, it just made you more turned on. 
Aki's hand found itself tangled in your hair, sending tingles all over your scalp when he ran his fingers through. He continued at a slow, steady pace, and it seemed like Aki was focused on fucking you as deeply as he could rather than as hard as he really wanted. When he pressed inside, he rolled his hips into you, pushing his cock in as deep as he could manage. He was reluctant to pull away, but when he did, the feeling of your cunt sucking him back in made him delirious. 
"Shhh, shhh," Aki cooed when your moans started to pick up, although he made no attempt to slow his tempo. "Don't- fuck," He swallowed, cutting himself off when he rammed in again, "Don't get too loud, otherwise people are going to hear. You can take it, you're doing so well." 
Every thrust of Aki's hips, every single one of his moans, every movement and every word he spoke was filled with the weight of just how long he had been waiting for this, how long he had been dreaming of this, how long he had planned this and you never even noticed. 
When you went on a dangerous mission, he thought about you the whole time, racked with fear that you wouldn't return. Once you finally did, covered in wounds and just barely making it out with your life, Aki mysteriously took over assigning your missions from that point on. You can't remember the last time you were given a mission anywhere near as strenuous as that one. 
When he caught a co-worker chatting you up on a joint operation between the whole division, refusing to leave you alone while they invasively put their hands on you, suddenly you weren't assigned any missions with that co-worker anymore. On future joint operations, Aki always seemed to be standing closer to you than usual, always acting as a barrier between you and that person. Apparently, they went on to quit a while ago, with rumors floating around that someone threatened them into doing so. 
And when you started under-performing, set on your current unlucky streak, that's when Aki hatched his plan to take advantage. A ploy to corner you into fulfilling his desires unless you wanted to give up your job was a bit cruel of a plan, sure, but it would work. When he was the one calling your shots, everything would be rather easy. All he had to do was send you on missions he knew would be fruitless or a waste of time and fudge the rest of the details. Once you had sufficiently failed enough, he'd just fire you for your incompetence, and devil hunting was your life, so you'd do anything to get your job back, right? 
Of course you would, because his plan went off without a hitch. Actually, considering he had just planned on having you suck him off and now he was currently seven inches deep inside of you, his plan went way better than he expected. 
"Fuck, fuck you feel so good," Aki moaned when he pressed into you again, feeling your walls squeeze around his cock. Everything he was waiting for finally became realized, and yet, there was still a part of him who wasn't fully satisfied. There was still a part of him who was desperate for more. He asked quietly, mostly to himself, "Why can't I get enough of you?" 
You were wondering the same question. Why couldn't you get enough of him? You wanted more, you needed more. You wanted to plead for him to go faster, harder, deeper, louder, but when you opened your mouth, your thoughts were so scrambled that the only word you could think to say was, "More." 
Thankfully, Aki got the hint, and he picked up the pace. The whole desk shook as his hips began to snap forward faster and rougher, giving you the relief you had been searching for. You felt an overwhelming euphoria in your core each time he thrusted in. "Yes! Don't stop!" You cried out a little louder than you should have, already forgetting that he told you to quiet down.  
"Tell me," Aki choked out between gasps, his voice getting hoarse, "Tell me how good it feels." 
"It feels so good! You feel so fucking good Aki, don't stop!"
Aki gasped when you said his name, the rhythm of his hips stuttering for a moment. He wasn't expecting you to say it then, but the way you did was just so perfect. There were very few people who called him by his name; for the most part, it was either Lieutenant, boss, or Hayakawa if they wanted to be direct. You were the only person he ever gave permission to call him Aki, so hearing his first name fall so effortlessly from your lips was wonderful. Nevertheless, the reminder that he was the one who had you bent over his desk, he was the one who had all the power over you and you knew it… the thought alone would be enough to make him come undone if he wasn't trying to hold back right now to savor the moment. 
"Say my name again, please," Aki begged, his inclusion of asking politely surprising not only you, but himself as well. It just slipped out, honestly, but either way, it seemed to do the trick. 
"Aki, God, Aki!" Your legs were beginning to quiver now, threatening to buckle with every thrust. "You're so big Aki, you feel amazing, you feel so-"
You yelped when Aki abruptly pulled out of you, grabbing your waist and twisting you around until your back was slammed against the desk's hard surface. His mouth was on yours in an instant, your eyes fluttering closed as he sloppily kissed you. His lips felt just as soft as before, but this kiss was much rougher and messier, driven by a fever of desire. One of his hands roughly gripped your waist, holding you so you wouldn't slip, and the other found the buttons on your shirt, expertly unbuttoning them. 
When the two of you pulled apart, you remained connected by a thin line of saliva between your tongues. You opened your eyes, and the sight you were greeted with almost knocked you out. Aki was panting hard trying to catch his breath, face flushed and pupils blown, gaze warm with infatuation but coated with lust. With his sleeves rolled up, you could see his strong biceps covered in scars and rippling veins throughout his arms. His hair was a mess and he reached up into it, pulling out the hair tie that was just barely hanging on before shaking his head until the black strands fell loosely around his face. You had never seen Aki with his hair down until now since he had the habit of always keeping it up, but Lord, he was so pretty. His hair framed his face absolutely perfectly. 
"I wanted to see your face," Aki explained, his calloused palm gently gliding up your body now that your shirt was opened. Wanting to see your face was the truth, but he also needed a minute to compose himself because the way you were saying his name had him on the edge and he wanted to last longer than that. 
"You're so pretty." You said abruptly. 
Oops. You didn't mean to say that one out loud. 
Aki merely chuckled, a faint blush dusted over his cheeks. "And you're beautiful." His hands found your waist to pull you forward, and he hesitated for a moment, leaning in close to whisper, "But I bet you look even more beautiful when I'm inside you." 
Aki pressed back inside you, the feeling of him filling you up again nothing but pure bliss. Your heart was pounding hard but his was pounding even harder. You wrapped your legs tightly around his back when he stuffed you to the hilt once more. 
It didn't take long until Aki had worked back up to his previous pace. He started out with deep rolls of his hips to work back into it before his thrusts devolved, becoming senseless and ragged and filled with need. Although his grip mostly stayed steady on your waist, he frequently ran a hand through his hair, brushing it out of his face when it started to obscure his vision. Strands stuck to his forehead from his sweat. There was something so intense about the way his eyes remained locked on yours, lustful gaze threatening to swallow you whole. 
You weren't really attempting to stifle your noises at this point, and apparently, neither was Aki. He was loud, much louder than you even, moaning and gasping in between each thrust and ragged breath he took in. Funny, he's the one who told you to be quiet, and yet he was the one moaning so loud it could probably be heard three rooms over. 
At first, he was worried about people walking by and hearing, but to tell you the truth, he didn't really give a shit anymore. What were they going to do if they heard him? It was his office, so he could do whatever the hell he wanted. His only grievance was that he didn't want anyone else hearing your noises besides him, but it couldn't be helped in this scenario. He wanted to hear every single noise that left your lips. He didn't want you to hold back anything. 
If there was one description to express how Aki felt right now, it would probably be love-drunk. His mind felt like a complete blur and all he could think about was how amazing you felt, how beautiful your face looked when he was fucking you, how sweet your voice was; all he could think about was you, you, you. He had experience, but nothing like this before, nothing even close. No-one made him feel this way or intoxicated him like this before. Perhaps it was because he had been waiting so, so long for this moment, or perhaps it was just because you were made for him. 
"Close, really close," Aki stammered into your ear, his head dropping to the nape of your neck. His breath was hot and loose strands of his hair tickled your skin. His thrusts were erratic as he began to lose his rhythm. 
"Keep going, just like that," You pleaded, feeling your release coming closer as well. You had been struggling against your restraints this whole time and you finally managed to loosen the knot around your wrists. You snaked an arm out from under you and brought your newly free hand to the back of Aki's head, feeling his soft hair beneath your fingers. Your legs around his back tightened as you pressed him closer to you. 
"How is it?" Aki asked breathlessly. 
"Fuck, it's amazing!"
"Tell me more," Aki groaned, grabbing your open hand and interlacing his fingers with yours when he noticed your arm was free. He gripped your hand tight, his palm sweaty and fingers shaky. "Tell me how amazing it is, tell me how I'm the only one who can fuck you this good."
Did he want you to praise him more or did he just have a fetish for feeding his own ego? 
"It's so good Aki, you're so good," You gripped his hair so hard he thought you might tear it out. "You're the only one Aki, you're the only one, please don't stop-"
You thought you could hold on for a few moments longer, but when Aki started chanting your name under his breath, you knew you were done. He rolled his hips up, hitting that perfect spot in your stomach once more, and that was it. Waves of adrenaline mixed with pure pleasure washed over your entire body as you came around his cock, back arching and legs shaking. You cried out his name, practically screaming it until Aki's free hand covered your mouth, leaving you to whine hopelessly into his palm. 
Aki fucked you through your high, not giving you a moment to breathe. He melted in between the sound of your muffled cries, the feeling of your cunt pulsing around him, and the sight of your beautiful face twisted in pleasure. He stuttered, tumbling over his words, "I'm- fuck, I'm-" 
He groaned, unable to even get the words out before he felt his pleasure burst like a bubble. He shoved deep inside you one last time, giving you all of him as he fell apart. He held himself there as he came, making sure you were pumped with every last drop of him. 
Aki's breath was heavy as he panted, chest heaving, feeling like he was putting in more effort than usual just to squeeze air from his lungs. His body slumped against yours, pinning you to the desk, his grip on your hand loosening. Fuck, he thought you made him cum hard when he was down your throat, but you had just made him cum even harder than he thought was possible. He can't remember the last time he felt this exhausted, not even when he was fighting devils. 
You were really everything he ever dreamed of and more. The feeling of you finishing around him was almost as amazing as the satisfying realization after the fact that he was the one who made you cum, he was the one who got to fuck you. And now that he had come inside you, you belonged to him, that was something he was going to make sure of. 
Aki placed a soft, tingling kiss on your neck, and then on your jawline as he finally pulled himself out of you. "Good job," He praised quietly through unsteady breaths, removing his hand from your mouth to caress your cheek. "You did so good for me. I knew you would." 
"Yeah, so good…" You sputtered, your mind feeling like it was coated in a thick, dizzying fog making it impossible to think straight. Hardly even thinking about what you were saying, you mumbled, "Such a good boy."
Aki let out a half-hearted chuckle, nuzzling his face into your neck, "Why do you insist on calling me that?" 
"Cause you like it." 
"Yeah, you do. Admit it and this won't be a one-time thing, I'll let you do me whenever you-" 
"I like it." 
You burst into laughter, your chest pressing against his, "That easy to get you to talk huh?" 
Aki smiled and shrugged, "I guess so. I can't resist you." 
Time felt frozen in place as you laid there, staring at the ceiling through half-lidded eyes as your laughter died down and you caught your breath. Your legs felt numb but still hung around Aki's back at the ankles. As the vertigo began to fade away, you felt the lightheadedness replaced by a slam of dread and embarrassment. 
Here you were, with your shirt unbuttoned, skirt pushed up, and underwear missing, sprawled over your boss's desk. Your hair was a sheer mess, you were drenched in sweat, and you smelled undeniably like sex. How the hell were you supposed to go back to work like this? More importantly, how much time has passed since you first arrived? You had assignments that were supposed to be done by today. 
"Aki, I have to go back to work." 
"No you don't," Aki retorted, lips brushing against your neck. "I'm your boss, remember? I'll sign off on your assignments for today, so just relax." 
When Aki began kissing and nibbling at your skin, you found yourself quickly easing up. His lips were gentle and teasing, but his goal was rather clear: to leave his mark on you. He wanted a reminder of everything. An indication every time he looked at you, every time he saw you at work, that it wasn't just a dream. Or rather, a reminder that his dream had come true. A selfish part of him also wanted everyone to know just who you belonged to, but of course, only he would know he was the cause. They could certainly wonder, though. 
You sighed when Aki sucked harshly against the sensitive skin, but you made no attempt to stop him from littering you with hickeys and love bites as you ran your fingers through his hair. When he was finished, he pulled away to admire his work, your arms hooked around his neck. Several purple bruises painted your neck, scattering down to your collar bones. 
"You're so beautiful."
Your heart skipped a beat and you hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you really think so?" 
"Of course I do, I always have. You've always been beautiful to me." 
For a few moments, it felt like you and Aki were the only two people in the universe. You were lost in his warm gaze, in his tender expression, in his smile, which was as genuine and soft as what you saw when you first fell for him. Maybe it was his sweet words, maybe it was him finally admitting some of his feelings, or maybe it was just the high you were coming down on, but you found yourself falling for him all over again. 
Aki's fingertips brushed gently over your skin, over the bruises he had marked you with as he spoke, "You should come over to my place tonight." 
"Huh? Why?" You didn't realize until now that your hand had trailed to Aki's ear, where you were playing with his earring between your fingers. 
"Because my roommates aren't going to be there. And I want to spend more time with you. Do you want to?"
"I'd love to." 
Aki grinned and he held your waist to keep you steady as he pulled back further, your arms falling at your sides. He suddenly snickered when his eyes caught on something below you. 
"What?" You asked curiously. 
He met your gaze with an amused look on his face. "My desk is filthy." 
You sat up in a hurry, supporting yourself with your hands, and when you looked, sure enough, he was right. In between your legs, directly on the hardwood surface was a pool of… yeah, you didn't even have to say it. 
"It's fine," Aki reassured with a dry laugh when he saw the panicked look on your face. He gently let go of your waist once he was sure you were upright, then taking a few steps back to his chair. He snatched his suit jacket from where it was draped over the back, tossing it at you. "Use that to clean it up." 
You were hit with utter disbelief, then when you realized he wasn't joking, you stammered, "Are you serious? But that's…" 
"Relax. I'll take it to the dry cleaners later." 
Reluctantly, you scoffed and did as he suggested, trying your best not to be bothered. You cleaned up while Aki found the rest of his clothes and put them on. The least you could do was wipe down everything with an inside section of the jacket so if it did stain, it wouldn't be noticeable. You tossed his jacket aside when you were finished. 
When you finally stood up, you felt the soreness in your core and the shakiness in your legs. Aki rushed over to you before you could take a wobbly step, picking you up with ease and setting you back on the desk. "Hold on, I'll help you." 
Aki helped you get dressed, slipping on your underwear which was totally ruined, then adjusting your skirt as you buttoned up your top. He grabbed his tie from the desk behind you, wrapping it around his collar. 
"Lieutenant." Aki corrected as he redid his tie, pulling to tighten it. 
You sighed dramatically, "I'm not calling you that shit." 
"Good, I don't want you to. I was just messing with you."  
Aki calmly dug in his pocket for his lighter and cigarettes, slipping a cig in between his teeth. He struck his lighter with one hand and held your waist with the other. 
"Ha ha." You laughed sarcastically, "Funny joke. Were all the other times jokes as well?" 
Aki shrugged, taking a nice, long drag from his cigarette once it was lit. The rich taste of nicotine filling his lungs was just what he needed to relieve his exhaustion. "I don't know," He said through a mouthful of smoke, turning his head to direct the smoke away from you. "You decide." 
You ignored his comment to ask the question that was burning in your mind the most, "Aki, do I have my job back now?" 
"Yeah, why wouldn't you?" Aki replied, taking another puff of his cigarette. 
"I don't know, I just didn't expect you to give it back to me so easily. I know I did what you asked but…"
Aki smiled. 
"This was never about your job, darling." 
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welpjesuisla · 5 months
Tagged: 10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
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John Doe (UnOrdinary)
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First off, yes, his name really is John Doe LOL. He's not a very popular type of main character - at least in my experience. He's fiercely protective and cunning. And he struggles a lot with figuring himself out. He's the kind of main character that you have to follow around even when you don't agree with his decisions.
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)
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Underrated fr. Like we have so very few braincell holders in Naruto and Shikamaru is a reluctant holder of one. Despite his genius we all are aware of just how human he is. He still is vulnerable to the natural things of life and his own emotions.
Yes i am going to go on living life pretending that the Burrito version of Shikamaru doesn't exist :)
Ochaco Uraraka (Boku No Hero Academia)
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The cute girl that could and would fight you and WIN.
She has a special place for me. She could have so easily been left at just the cute best friend girl or the poor girl gag or quirky love interest. But she isn't! And it's refreshing! She takes the path she set out on seriously. She has a kindness about her but she is also determined to do what's right. And she's prepared to take what steps she needs to protect herself and others. If you say her match with Bakugou didn't change your brain chemistry YOU'RE LYING!
Obi (Akagami No Shirayukihime)
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The man that he is. Full disclosure, I've read a lot of Shoujo but OBI is truly the first character that I craved more of. Seriously, I want his backstory so bad but I fear we'll never be allowed to have it. He's an assassin turned official knight. He's roguish but just as seamlessly can be a gentleman. He's dangerous but he chooses to be soft and fond. Don't even get me started on the found family dynamics!!
Minhyuk (I Love Yoo)
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The best big brother/best friend ever.
Minhyuk is THE BEST. And I accept Nothing Else. He's the pillar needed in crazy situations. Even if he's not physically there. He understands when to push and when to play around. Genuinely the only guy I trust with Shin-ae's literal life (Sorry, Dieter). He has her best interests at heart even when he's not completely in the know about what's going on. Dude is willing to try fighting CEOs to protect her and DID fight her stalkers.
Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
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Okay her taste in men is to be taken with a bucket of salt BUT!!
Come on! Queen!! Undercover specialist - posing as her on Lady-in-waiting is such a boss move! Unafraid of active warzones and assassination attempts! Fashion icon!
Loki (Thor MCU)
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As you may be seeing: i have a tendency to gravitate to characters that are usually inclined to manipulation and violence complex. I could genuinely go on and on about the beautiful depth of his character but then I'd get sad about what he became in Ragnarok and onwards. But yeah, love Loki - adore him truly!!!
Koushi Sugawara (Haikyuu!!)
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Chaotic good at its finest.
THE Morale!! THE Refreshing!! THE Mom!! OUR Vice Captain!! The lovely Suga!! The biggest chaos gremlin of them all! Would literally win in a fight with every single member of the Karasuno team (with merciless cheating lol). I love the diversity in him: he can be the steady senpai, flipping at a switch between happy-go-lucky and excitable aggression, seems like the least threatening member when he loves screwing with the other side mentally. He's great >:)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
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Literally my favorite rendition of Wonder Woman. She's sheltered but well-intentioned. She's determined and doesn't let things like social norms get in her way. She brought humanity to a setting we constantly forget the humanity of. She's not afraid of being emotional because there's no shame in it. She showed us what some heroes forget to show us, that things aren't always good and bad guys.
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader Viewpoint)
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He's such a mastermind, he's great!! A MENACE UNLEASHED!
Okay so admittedly, i don't think I'll even be able to scratch the surface of the genius that is his character. He's literally Upgraded Coping Mechanism on top of Well-used Coping Mechanism. A Reader given the same detachment from reality that protected them but debilitated them but now it makes them the most powerful and prepared. And he uses it with so much tangible smugness
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Oh sweets do I got a request for you! Allow me to paint a picture for ya, David x rival gang vampire! Reader like the reader is part of arrival vampire gang from out of town and for some reason her gang has business with Max so they all kind of show up, and her and a couple of her pack members run into the boys at the boardwalk. Like some rivals to lovers type shit hehehe:) (sorry if that's a lot of info this idea is just been rolling around in my head for a while lol, please tag me in it if you decide to write it if not that's cool I hope you have an amazing day!!)
Pairing: David x Rival gang! Reader
Pronouns used: They/Them
Type: Semi-angst? to fluff
POV: Reader
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"Alright Y/N, are you ready?" One of the girls asked.
"Let's get this over with," I rolled my eyes. We'd gotten some business in Santa Carla, old debts, to settle. Which unfortunately meant we'd be running straight into our rival gang's territory.
When we'd arrived at the old CD store our boss had told us to wait for him outside, that he'd only be a minute. A small group of us leaned against our bikes, people watching meant something entirely different for a gang of vampires.
"Well, well, well," a blondie wearing a brightly patterned jacket smirked, "look what we have here."
It wasn't until the fourth boy showed up that any of us recognized the group. His whiteish blond hair and leather jacket glistened in the bright lights of the city. He wore a smug look on his face as he eyed me carefully.
"What are you doing here?" David raised an eyebrow.
"None of your business," one of my partners hissed.
"Oh, but you're standing in front of a shop run by our boss," his stupid grin grew wider, "which leads me to believe it is."
I shifted on my feet; I was the oldest in our group and that meant being the one our boss trusted the most. Which is why I knew that the man we were here to see was our bosses father, from before either of them had been turned. I was not excited to figure out what 'settling old debts' meant anymore.
"Boys, play nice," a tall man walked out behind our boss, his hand on her shoulder.
"Why are they here?" David asked Max.
"Well, my daughter here owed me something, just a few years of commitment here in Santa Carla is all," our boss did not look happy, understandably so.
"You mean she'll be here with us for the next few years," the blond with fluffy hair pointed at our boss.
"They all will," a few of us started to stutter, but I couldn't seem to form any words inside my head.
By the end of the first few months our rivalry had settled a little bit into minor disdain. And I was forced to admit that the Lost Boy's leader had kind of grown on me.
"Hey Y/N," David called me over from his wheelchair. I had been off duty tonight so I was stuck in the cave with him until the others got back.
"What?" I crossed my arms, stopping just a few feet in front of him.
"You've been staring at me since we left," he leaned on one of his armrests, "and one of you friends informed me that you appear to hate us slightly less than everyone else."
"Okay? What's your point?"
"My point is, if you wanna stay I don't think anyone would be upset with you," he winked. I was flabbergasted to say the least, but I would be lying if I told him he was wrong. So, I screwed my mouth shut and walked away, listening to his light chuckle as I did.
After another few weeks had passed I decided that I should talk to my boss about what he had said. My boss explained that it was actually them who told David what they saw, and that he was right, no one would be upset at me for staying after the rest of the group left. I sighed in defeat, I knew that I would have to talk to David again after that. No doubt my boss would say something.
And I was right, because later that day he'd walked up behind me and sat next to me on the rocks.
"Your boss told me you're staying," David's eyes bore into mine.
"Yeah, guess I am," I looked back at the water. I barely felt it when he put his hand on my lower back, really only knowing he did it when he fully wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I guess I could get used to him.
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reeshyz · 1 year
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Title: No one should be alone on Christmas Pairing: Paul landers / Richard Z. Kruspe   Presentee:@phanaticdoctor Prompt: The Grinch Warnings/Tags: Richard being the grinch | mutual pinning | just fluff Word Count: 2.280 Summary: Richard hates Christmas and he really doesn’t want to celebrate it. Somehow Paul makes him change his mind. Read on AO3: here
Every band member of Rammstein liked Christmas a lot But Richard, who sat in their studio, did not.
Richard hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. It could be that his head wasn't screwed on just right.
But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
“And then I thought we could decorate the studio and…,” Schneider says as Richard enters the kitchen and the guitarist can’t help but roll his eyes. Of course. It’s nearly Christmas.
Richard shudders visibly and Schneider squints at him.
“Are you okay Richard?” Paul asks and he sounds worried. Richard wishes he could tell him and maybe even… you know, sit on his lap or something, but Richard isn’t the best at talking about his feelings and… maybe he is afraid that Paul is not interested.
“Sure, I just don’t like the whole Christmas-thing,” Richard mutters and then at least sits down next to Paul, who frowns at him.
“Richard, I know you told me your last Christmases weren’t great but we could all have some fun together here before Christmas. Maybe it gets you in the right mindset,” Schneider says and he fills Richard’s cup with nice smelling coffee. Richard looks at his friends for a moment.
“So, you’re saying it’s me ruining my own holiday season each year?” Richard asks and he crosses his arms in front of his chest,
“Richard, I’m sure it wasn’t your fault, but Schneider is right. Christmas is such a great time and I know that maybe you’d even enjoy it. I’d love to help,” Paul says slowly, his hand on Richard’s thigh now. Richard can’t concentrate on anything anymore because his hand is so warm, it feels as if he wants to burn Richard’s skin through his jeans.
This is just… rude. How can Richard even say ‘no’ to Paul, when he phrases it like this. Richard grumbles.
“Maybe you can convince me,” Richard finally says and he rolls his eyes for good measure. Paul and Schneider look at each other and then they start to grin.
“Sure, Mister Grinch,” Paul says and gets up. When he leaves, Richard stares at the open door. He’s not sure if that was just a joke or if Paul was hinting at his bad mood. Maybe Richard should really try to relax.
Schneider laughs, when Richard huffs and drinks his coffee. He already knows the next few days will be super exhausting, but what can he do, when the other band members want to have fun? Apparently being a Grinch.
Richard never wanted to turn out like that, but maybe he did.
Two days later Richard already has a headache that seems to be permanent at this point. There are candles lit everywhere, it takes him hours to find them all so he can blow them out before going to sleep so they wouldn’t burn the whole studio down.
“Richard, look! Paul and I got a tree,” Till says and he proudly shows Richard the huge tree in the living room. Richard almost faints because of the size. He can’t even walk around the damn thing, without sliding against the walls. Even his guitar is pressed against the wall.
“Yeah, amazing,” Richard grumbles, saving his guitar before he then picks some fir needles out of his collar. He can’t wait for january.
“And watch this Richard!” Paul says and Richard hadn’t even seen him. Paul is wearing a bright red jumper with a not-really-funny joke written on it and while it looks soft, Richard would never wear such a stupid thing.
Paul points at some of the ornaments, they are tiny guitars. One even looks like his RZK-II. Richard can’t help but smile at that.
“Okay, uh cool,” Richard says and Paul grins so widely, while Till continues to decorate their Christmas tree. Richard doesn’t really want to see that, so he walks to the kitchen in the hopes of finding some food.
“Still not in a Christmas mood?” Paul asks, while he walks next to Richard, who shrugs. He wouldn’t tell the idiots that he had already gotten them some gifts. They are hidden underneath Richard’s bed and he really had thought a lot about what to get them.
They are kinda personal, but Richard knows that they will all be very happy about them. Okay and maybe he is also excited for his own presents, whatever.
“Not sure,” Richard says and opens the kitchen door. It smells heavenly and Richard almost drools all over his shirt. There are so many cookies on their tables and the counter, Richard walks a bit faster over to them.
“I made them together with Flake,” Paul says and Richard has already one in his hand. Fuck, he can’t remember the last time he had homemade Christmas cookies. They smell so wonderful and Richard hums when he bites into a chocolate one.
“Holy fuck. So good,” Richard mumbles between bites and already takes the next few ones into his hands, when he sees what’s in the stove. Oh fuck yes.
“You cooked Dinner, too?” Richard wants to know and he wishes the chicken would be done already, because it looks amazing. Richard takes another cookie and smiles, yeah now he feels a bit like he could enjoy Christmas.
“Ollie helped me,” Paul says and then he kisses Richard on the cheek. Richard raises his eyebrows and opens his mouth, the half eaten cookie almost falling out of it. What had just happened? He slowly puts his hand on the spot Paul just kissed.
“Mistletoe,” Paul says and Richard blushes. Oh, of course, that was all. He is so stupid for hoping it could be anything more and he had almost liked Christmas… Richard’s brain almost stops working, when Paul smirks at him.
“Too bad though that you hate Christmas,” Paul says and walks out of the kitchen again. Richard watches him leave. Still a bit confused about all of this.
He doesn’t even understand why Paul wants him to have a nice Christmas in the first place.
Richard really enjoys the next few days, even though he would never admit that. At one point Flake even shows him how to decorate a gingerbread house and it looks kinda cool. 
But sadly everything good comes to an end. 
By now Richard feels like he should’ve gotten used to that.
“Alright, I’ll call you on Christmas,” Till says and he hugs him once more. Richard nods and then looks down at his shoes. He knows that Till has people who he wants to see on Christmas. They all do.
Besides him.
Richard sighs and then walks back into the studio. He would stay a few days longer and just think about new music, while he doesn’t have other stuff to do. He’s kinda glad everyone had put the decorations away.
Paul is suddenly behind him. Richard had hoped that he would’ve already left without saying goodbye. Richard hates saying goodbye to him, but it seems worse this time. They had spent too much time together.
Richard had never been so close to him and even though he had spent the last few years wishing for this, he knows it will hurt even more now that it’s over. 
Sometimes he had pretended that Paul was really flirting with him. 
“Aren’t you going home?” Paul asks and he sounds so sad. Richard feels a bit uncomfortable. He’s not sure that Paul would like to hear the truth.
“Not yet, later maybe,” Richard finally says, trying to be as vague as possible. 
“Oh okay. Well… I will miss you a lot,” Paul says and he almost sounds a bit shy. He’s smiling though and Richard can’t help but smile as well. He’s so in love it’s ridiculous.
“I will miss you too,” Richard whispers back and Paul holds up his arms. They hug for way longer than they should, but Paul in his arms feels just perfect and Richard doesn’t want to let go.
He’d never let Paul go if he could prevent it in any way.
“Merry Christmas,” Paul says and with another kiss to Richard’s cheek he is gone.
Leaving Richard behind. 
Two days for Christmas.
Nothing is new. 
Maybe he’s really a Grinch and deserves this.
Richard sits down at one of the windows of his own apartment and looks out to the streets. It’s finally Heiligabend and he’s annoyed. He had left the studio behind, but only because the housekeeper had been so weird about him staying over Christmas.
As if that mattered to him.
Even as a kid he had run away a few times at Christmas, because it wasn’t like his mother cared and it didn’t bother him what his stepfather thought. But it had never felt as sad and exhausting as it feels today.
Just as he finishes his coffee, there’s a knock on the door. Richard groans. He is still dressed in his pajamas and puts a blanket around him, before opening the door. It’s Paul. 
His heart stops.
“Hey Richard,” Paul says, smiling all sweetly and even though Richard’s heart beats a bit faster, he doesn’t show it all. Instead he stands there almost motionless. He’s not really sure what to think.
“Hi,” Richard isn’t sure what else he could or wants to say. Paul’s smile falters a bit, like it always does, when Richard is so short with him. 
“I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas on the right day this time,” Paul says and he holds up a box, wrapped in red and gold paper. Richard is a bit surprised, but he takes the gift from Paul, who is back to smiling so adorable.
Something is wrong with Richard’s heart, it beats even faster. Maybe he is dying?
“T-thank you, Paul,” Richard stammers and then he makes a huge mistake and invites Paul into his home. Paul steps inside, looking around for a moment.
“You didn’t decorate for Christmas?” Paul asks and Richard shakes his head. While he has to admit that he did enjoy the decorations after a while at the studio, it makes no sense to hang stuff up if he’s alone anyway.
“Not really,” Richard says, while they walk into the living room. The walls are white, his couch and most furniture is black. 
“So it didn’t help? You’re still not in a good mood?” Paul asks and he looks sad at that. Richard doesn’t really want to disappoint him, so he just shrugs. It feels a bit awkward, but Richard still sits down with Paul on the couch.
“A bit maybe,” Richard lies, even though he has to say, Paul looks cute in his Christmas sweater and with snowflakes in his hair. But then again, Paul always looks cute, so it’s not a surprise.
“I’m sure I can change that!” Paul says then, sounding as if he really has a plan. Richard snorts for a second. 
“And how do you plan to change it?” Richard asks, a smile on his face. He already feels a bit better and he hates himself for pushing Paul away before. 
“Well, I talked To Till a bit and he told me you’d be alone. And… nobody should be alone on Christmas, especially not you. Uhm… you deserve more,” Paul says and he fidgets a bit nervously. 
“What do you mean?” Richard asks, because he doesn’t deserve anything good. He knows that. Paul takes his hand again.
“I mean if you want me here, then I’d be happy to stay. There’s… probably nothing more that I wish for than celebrating Christmas with you,” Paul says and this time Richard smiles softly at him.
Maybe… maybe he could be this lucky.
He should stop being such a Grinch on Christmas and give Paul a chance.
“Open your gift,” Paul says and Richard opens it very carefully. He pulls out some Christmas movies, some recipe books for Christmas cookies, some tea and a soft blanket. Richard snorts at all the things, while Paul blushes.
“And you will stay for all of this?”
“If you want me to stay, I’d love to,” Paul whispers and Richard nods. He wanders off to the kitchen and starts to make them tea, they could start to bake some cookies later and somehow Richard already feels a lot better.
He smiles widely to himself. So wide that his whole face hurts.
When he comes back they cuddle down underneath the blanket. Richard can’t help himself and he pulls an arm around Paul’s shoulders. Paul doesn’t seem to mind, he cuddles even more against Richard.
For a moment they’re just looking at each other.
“Please kiss me,” Paul whispers and Richard finally does. He shyly presses his lips against Paul’s warm ones and sighs happily. Paul tastes like tea, peppermint and something else, but Richard had never gotten such a sweet kiss before.
“And Richard, do you like Christmas now?” Paul asks and he fucking winks at Richard.
“Hell yes.”
Richard kisses him again.
* Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!
And what happened then? Well, in the band they say That Richard’s small heart grew three sizes that day!
Paul pinches him.
Richard whines in pain.
“I knew you had the biggest heart the second I first saw you. Stop lying to the Readers,” Paul says and Richard smiles.
Maybe Paul is right.
Richard’s heart had always been so full of love for Paul (and his music).
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here4theheartbreak · 1 year
Leader of the Pack (ChanxChangbin) Ch.2
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Relationships: Bangchan x Changbin Genre: smut | angst w/ a happy ending | werewolf au Rating: Explicit Chapter Word Count: ~3.6k Tags (not all tags apply to all chapters; these are full fic tags): DD:DNE, Smut,  Friends to Lovers, Werewolf AU, Angst w/ a happy ending, Fluff, Werewolf Bang Chan, Idolverse, Minor Violence, Side Pairing Felix/Minho, Bickering, Bottom Changbin, Top Chan, Werewolf Smut, Knots
Summary: Secrets are hard to keep from those we love. This was a fact that Chan  knew all too well. He loved his members and he shared every piece of  himself with them - except the biggest, and most vital. Chan was cursed. ​ A/N: Fic will be updated Mondays as schedule allows; Please note that fic will include smut while member is in wolf form; he is still sentient and able to communicate, which is the reason for the dead dove tag; please do not proceed if not comfortable with this. Read on AO3! | Read on Asian Fanfics
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Chan winced when he opened his eyes. The lights were agonizingly bright. He raised his hand to block them, spotting a large bandage wrapped around his arm.
“You’re up!”
Chan winced again, shying away from the noise. “Too loud,” he whispered, opened his eyes again to look at the source of it. Jisung was standing at his bedside, his eyes wide with concern.
“Sorry,” he whispered. Chan blinked, his brain finally catching up to what he was seeing. The room was white – bars on the bed.
“Hospital?” He croaked.
Jisung nodded. “Yeah, you dropped like a sack of bricks last night. You’ve been out almost 24 hours.”
Chan glanced behind Jisung, his heart swelling when he spotted a number of members sleeping together in the chairs around the room. Felix was on the floor, slumped against the wall.
“How’s Changbin?” Chan asked then.
“He’s good, he was fine. A few scratches and bruises, he said he fell out of the tree,” Jisung chuckled. “But he’s good.”
“Where is he?”
“Home,” Jisung said. “The company said we could film our show at the retreat when you were released.”
“You didn’t all have to stay.”
“Well, Minho is back home with Changbin,” Jisung said. “He didn’t want him to stay alone. He’s pretty shaken up from the attack… How do you feel?”
“Like I got hit by a bus,” Chan admitted, rubbing his face. He winced when his fingers brushed over a scab on his cheek. “I probably look similar,” he said, grinning despite the ache it caused.
Jisung chuckled. “Not too bad. Being roughed up looks good on you.” His smile faded. “Why did you do that? Do you know how scared we were?”
Chan sighed, his own smile disappearing. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t sit there with him out there. The cops would have taken too long to arrive.”
“You didn’t tell us. Chan, you’re our leader, you can’t just run off on a rescue mission.”
“It was partly my fault,” Chan argued.
“I should’ve noticed he was missing sooner. Or offered to go with him, told him to bring a staff member along. Something. I’m supposed to keep you all safe, and I screwed up.”
“So what, getting lost yourself would have fixed that?”
Chan’s lips thinned. “I wouldn’t have gotten lost.”
“You could have, just like he did. Or if you’d gotten bit worse?”
“And if I hadn’t gone out there he would’ve ended up bitten. Or worse. That tree wasn’t gonna hold him much longer and he was freaking out. That dog would have ripped him apart.”
Jisung sighed heavily, shaking his head.
“Better me than you,” came a gruff voice from the doorway. Chan looked over, his heart skipping a beat. Changbin and Minho stood side by side.
“Better neither of you,” Minho snapped, punching Changbin in the shoulder. “You’re both idiots. And you’re lucky you didn’t lose any more blood before you got out of those woods,” Minho scolded, shaking his finger at Chan. “The doctors were worried as hell about it.”
“I’m okay,” Chan mumbled weakly.
“Good, because I’m gonna kick your ass as soon as you’re up and walking again.”
Chan looked at Minho, relieved to see him smiling. He smiled softly. “I love you too,” he mumbled. Minho sighed, shaking his head. He stepped past Changbin, going around to wake up the others. “I came to see if you were awake… Since you are, I’m gonna try to get the rest of these guys to go home and rest. You too.” He pointed to Jisung.
“I’m okay.”
“You’re about to fall over,” Chan argued. “I can see the bags under your eyes. I’m okay, I’m sure I’ll be home in a few hours. Get some sleep.”
“You sure?”
Chan nodded. Jisung sighed but nodded as well, heading over to help Minho drag the others up. They left slowly, each stopping to give Chan a piece of their minds or a hug. It was comforting, their love and support despite everything.
“Hey, you coming?” Minho asked when the others had filed out of the room. He nudged Changbin, who hadn’t moved from the doorway.
“Oh, uh…”
Chan met his gaze for a long moment, trying to keep his own relaxed and unreadable.
“I—” Changbin wet his lips. “Yeah, I’m coming.” He turned and walked out. Minho frowned, looking back at Chan, who tried to smile.
“Will you let the nurse know I’m up? And manager – I wanna get out of here quick.”
“Of course.”
 The next few hours were an exhausting whirlwind. Doctors, nurses, tests, needles – it was dark out by the time Chan was released to go home. Despite his exhaustion, anxiety kept him awake as they neared the dorm. The manager talked casually, discussing when they’d be heading back out to finish filming for the program, upcoming schedules that they were working on finalizing, and other every day, mundane things in Chan’s world. He tried to focus, answer appropriately when needed, but he couldn’t. His mind kept playing through yesterday’s events.
He’d always played with the idea of telling his members his secret. But if they reacted like Changbin had – there was no way. He couldn’t stop replaying the fear in his eyes, the way he flinched away from Chan like he was going to hurt him. It killed him. They had to talk about it, somehow – he just hoped Changbin was willing to listen.
Unfortunately, Changbin was sleeping when he arrived back at the dorm. Jisung was still up, working on something on his laptop. He caught Chan before he could duck into his room.
“Hey… Are you sure something else didn’t happen out in the woods with you two?”
“What do you mean?”
Changbin… He’s been off. Weird.”
Chan shook his head. “You should’ve seen that dog, man. It was huge. I’m lucky I escaped with just this.” He motioned to his arm. “He’s probably still pretty shaken up.”
“No, I get that. There’s just… It feels like there’s something more that he’s not telling us. There’s this look about him when we bring you up. Did you… Fight, or something?”
Chan shook his head. “We didn’t.” He sighed. “He was scared out of his mind when I got there. Hell, he tried to hit me with a stick when he fell out of the tree.” He chuckled weakly. “Just be patient with him. I’m sure he’ll be back to the Binnie we know in no time, okay?”
Jisung frowned but nodded, glancing at Changbin’s closed bedroom door. “I hope so.”
“He’s a strong guy,” Chan said, squeezing Jisung’s shoulder. “He’ll bounce back, I’m sure of it.”
Jisung nodded, letting Chan enter his bedroom. He sighed heavily once behind the closed door. He only hoped that his reassuring words would come true.
 As the days passed, it seemed to everyone that Chan had been right. Changbin bounced back in true fashion – his boisterous attitude and humor returning within just a few days. It seemed like only Chan could see the difference, for now.
Changbin would do all he could to avoid being alone in a room with Chan, and when they were forced into one, he’d place himself as far from Chan as he could. Despite his talkative, easygoing nature, Changbin spoke as little as possible to Chan directly, limiting their conversations to music or other work-related topics.
Chan’s heart ached, and his wolf remained restless; this was his pack, and the instinctual understanding that one member was out of sorts was enough to throw Chan entirely out of whack. It made him an effective leader – his ability to sense problems often before they were voiced, and to be a firm voice when needed – but he’d never faced this particular problem before. It wasn’t uncommon for him to butt heads with other members; they were eight very different personalities and getting along all the time simply wouldn’t work. But never had a fight been like this. It wasn’t anger that he sensed from Changbin, but fear, and an absence – a coldness about him. He desperately tried to find Changbin alone, talk to him before that coldness hardened into a hatred, but Changbin managed to avoid all his attempts.
Toward the end of the week, the group got notice that they would be returning to the retreat house to finish filming the variety show that had been delayed with Chan’s accident. They would need to pack that night, to be ready for the drive the next morning.
Chan was in his bedroom, packing a back for the trip, when a soft knock sounded at his door.
“Yep.” He knew who it was before Changbin stepped in, shutting the door behind him. Chan tried to remain relaxed, not wanting to show his eagerness. He faced away from Changbin, folding his clothes while he waited for the other to speak.
“Will it come back?” Changbin asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Chan glanced back at him, immediately noting the tension in his broad shoulders and his downcast expression. As well as his placement; he’d barely stepped a foot into the room – just far enough to close the door.
“You know what.”
Chan sighed. He sat on the bed next to his bag. “Wanna sit?”
“I’m fine here.”
“Will it come back?” Changbin repeated. “Are the members in any danger?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
Changbin looked up, his eyes narrowing. “You don’t think so?”
Chan sighed again. “The woods are his territory, yeah. I could smell it when I was looking for you. He’s marked it – so it’s his. It’s just how wolves work. Packs have territories that are theirs by marking, and walking into another wolf’s territory is grounds for a fight. That’s why he didn’t want to let you go. So, yeah – if any of the members wander into the woods, there’s a risk. But after our fiasco, I don’t think any of them are gonna be too eager to go exploring. And I don’t know how often he shifts. It’s possible he won’t be there at all while we are, or it’s equally possible that he’ll be there every night. I can’t say for sure.”
“I thought the full moon had to be out for that.”
Chan shook his head. “No. We have to shift on the full moon – but we can shift at will, so long as it’s night and there is moonlight; the only nights we can’t shift are the nights of the new moon. Some of us choose to shift every night. Others… Like me, usually, only shift on the full moon. Some fall between those extremes.”
“How do you know it won’t attack us at the house?”
“Because he has the same instincts as a real wolf. We don’t get into fights we aren’t likely to win unless we have to. And it would be suicide for a wolf, even a few wolves, to rush into a human place that has as many humans as we’ll have. They might take down a few – but not enough, and the damage to them would be too risky. Humans can be awful.”
Changbin scoffed. “Humans don’t turn into animals on the full moon.”
Chan tried not to wince. “You’re right. But they can be brutal and cruel for fun. Not all of them. Just like not all of my kind are cruel. It’s just nature – and I don’t believe that wolf would risk his pack for revenge.”
“I hope you’re right,” Changbin said, his gaze cold. “If any of them get hurt…”
“Then I’ll kill him myself,” Chan said, rising. Changbin tensed visibly.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I would never hurt any of you, Changbin, you know me.”
“Do I?” He asked.
“Yes. We’ve been through so much together. You’re my best friend. All of you guys are my life, and you—You’re so much more important to me than you know. I’m the same guy, Bin. I haven’t changed.”
“How can you say that? With what I know? What you’re hiding from them?”
“It doesn’t change who I am.”
“It changes everything. How am I supposed to act normal knowing you’re a monster?”
The words stung worse than a slap could have. He flinched visibly, his cheeks heating up.
“I’m not—"
“Yes, Bang Chan. You are. To anyone out there… You are.” Changbin turned and walked out before Chan could argue again.
A red hot spear of pain and anger sliced through Chan’s stomach and into his heart. His vision swam with tears and he gritted his teeth. His wolf bristled, the urge to run, race as far from the human world as he could, nearly winning out. He swung his arm hard, knocking a framed picture from his dresser. Breathing hard, Chan rushed out into the main room, hoping nobody would try to stop him. Everyone seemed to be in their rooms, readying themselves for tomorrow’s trip. He slipped out onto the balcony and sat the bench there, taping his knuckles with shaking hands as he struggled to control the emotions boiling in his chest.
Chan rose and went to their punching bag. He took a swing, the impact jarring up his arm to his teeth. It hurt like hell. And it made the pain inside fade, for just a moment. Baring his teeth, Chan attacked the bag with punches, as fast as he could manage. His arms ached but he didn’t stop, the rage and pain inside too much to bear without having some sort of outlet. It wasn’t until he couldn’t breathe, each inhalation stitching his side so painfully that he gasped, that he stopped, stumbling back onto the bench. He could feel tear tracks drying on his face in the cool night air, but wasn’t sure when he had started crying. His arm throbbed under the bandage, and he was sure he tore at least a few of his stitches.
As he unwrapped his hands, revealing raw knuckles underneath, his heart pounded. Each thump echoed in Changbin’s voice. Monster. Monster. Monster.
Chan bit back the sob that threatened to escape. He headed to the weight rack, picking up a set that made his already tired arms ache. He began a simple routine, glaring out at the city in front of him as he counted the reps in his head. He wanted to exhaust himself, anything to stop the crying of his wolf, and the agony of his own heart and mind.
He lifted to failure, nearly unable to drop the weights back into their assigned slots before his arms gave out completely. A cold stone had formed in the pit of his stomach, icing out the pain into something far scarier – emptiness.
Slowly, Chan made his way back to his room, forcing himself to throw the rest of the things he’d need into his bag before falling onto his bed and curling into a ball to try and sleep.
 The next morning, Chan woke before the others, rewrapping his arm before they spotted the bloodied bandage. He applied ointment to his aching knuckles before starting a breakfast for the four. Jisung woke first, still rubbing sleep from his eyes as he padded into the kitchen to offer help.
“I’m good. Are you all packed up?” Chan asked, his focus on the pan of eggs.
“Yep, all done except my morning bag… You didn’t sleep much, did you?”
Chan glanced up. “How can you tell?”
“You’ve got rings under your eyes. Plus I heard you on the bag for some time last night… Are you doing okay? I haven’t heard you go that crazy in a long time.”
He nodded. “I’m okay. Just had some stress to work out.”
Jisung smiled softly, perching his chin on his hand. “I’m good at turning a blind eye to things, but I do notice. He’s been weird since you guys got out of the woods.”
“I thought he was back to normal,” Chan said as casually as he could manage.
“He is. With everyone but you. Did you tell him?”
Chan fumbled the spatula he was grabbing for. He cleared his throat and turned fully to face Jisung. “What?” He asked, his voice cracking a bit. “Tell him what?”
Jisung smiled, shaking his head. He straightened up and went over to the fridge, digging around in it to pull out a drink. “You’ve been in love with the guy since we were trainees, Chan. You hid it well, especially from Mr. Oblivious but… You really thought I didn’t know?”
Tension drained from Chan’s body. He laughed weakly. “You knew, huh?”
“It’s pretty obvious. Same reason I know who else in our group has been sneaking around.”
Chan cocked a brow. Jisung grinned. “You don’t know? About Felix?”
“Oh! With Minho?”
Jisung nodded. Chan chuckled, nodding as well. “Oh yeah, I know. Felix came to me before they did anything. He was panicked about it ruining something.”
Jisung’s lips pushed out in a pout. “Aw,” he cooed. “He’s a good guy.”
“He is. They don’t think anyone but me knows though so… Don’t tell anyone else.”
“Of course not. Think they’ll come out to us soon?”
“Who knows. I told them it was their choice. As long as it doesn’t affect the group, and so far it hasn’t, in my opinion.”
Jisung nodded. “It hasn’t, you’re right. But this thing with Changbin… You told him, didn’t you?”
Chan swallowed, glancing down at the eggs. He stirred them a moment to make sure they wouldn’t stick, unsure how to answer. “Not exactly.”
“But he knows.”
“He knows enough,” Chan mumbled.
“I always kinda thought he liked you too,” Jisung said softly. “You two were always a pretty set couple in my mind… I’m sorry, Chan.”
Chan shook his head. He turned. “No, it’s—” Jisung wrapped him in a tight hug, surprising him. Chan chuckled, setting a hand on his back. “It’s really okay, man. I don’t know how it’s gonna turn out yet.”
Jisung backed up, looking far older than his years as he looked at Chan. Chan smiled, squeezing his shoulder. “Seriously. It’s a big thing for him to deal with, right now he’s just processing it. We haven’t really talked about it since that night. We just need some time alone to sort it out.”
Jisung’s face still drooped, worry etched in his gentle features. Chan shook his shoulder gently. “Really, man. Don’t worry about it. I won’t let it mess with the group.”
“I know you won’t. You’re a good leader and a better friend. I know Changbin won’t either. But I’m not worried about that. You’ve grown up with us, I know how much he means to you. I’m worried about you.” Jisung grabbed Chan’s wrist, touching his scabbed knuckles for emphasis.
Chan nodded. “Thank you, Hannie. You’re a good guy, looking out for us. I promise, I’ll find time to talk to him this weekend. The retreat will be a great time to do it, because we can probably find some time alone.”
“You can talk to me, you know. No matter which way it goes. I’ll always support both of you.”
“I know you will.” Chan patted his cheek. “You’re a vital friend to me, and to this group.” He straightened up and shook his head. “Enough of this, hm? Go wake up the others so they can eat before we have to leave.”
Jisung nodded, shaking off the emotions before he headed toward the bedrooms. Chan slumped against the counter, pushing back the swell of anxiety that threatened to wash over him.
“Oh! You’re up, you scared me! Chan has breakfast ready.”
Chan heard the grunt in response, and chuckled. He finished dumping the food onto their plates and set them out, carefully moving away from the table before Changbin entered. He met Chan’s gaze for a moment, his tired expression sharpening a bit. “I made breakfast,” Chan mumbled, feeling small under the look. He moved back over to the counter and busied himself with cleaning up the dishes he’d used.
“Thanks,” Changbin mumbled after a long delay. He heard him shuffle over to the table and, after another pause, his utensils begin to hit the plate. Hyunjin padded out a few minutes later, followed by Jisung, who glanced at Changbin then at Chan. Chan shrugged, offering what he hoped was a comforting smile. He dried his hands and sat down with the others, listening to them chat about the filming that would be happening that weekend.
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The van was hectic with the overlapping voices of the members as they rode to the isolated retreat. Though Chan was distinctly aware of Changbin’s presence, it was easier with them all around, in some ways. Their manager railed into their heads that no member was supposed to wander too far off the property without letting staff know, and bringing along a camera person. He added that since the authorities hadn’t found the dog that had attacked Chan, it would be safer to avoid the woods completely. Chan glanced back, feeling someone staring at him. He met Changbin’s gaze and tried to offer a comforting smile. Jisung’s gaze narrowed, glancing between Changbin next to him and Chan. He elbowed the other with enough force to make him flinch, grinning wide enough to show all his teeth.
Chan chuckled weakly, glad for Jisung at least – he didn’t know the full truth, but his support felt like a lifeline. He turned forward again when Changbin turned his attention to Jisung, listening to the other members as they all shouted over one another.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Always a Ploy
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Y/N is often used as a ploy to catch the perpetrators and it drives Spencer crazy 
A/N: I’m always adding new one shots for Reid so if you’d like to be tagged lmk!
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I sway my head from side to side, playing music in my head to distract myself from the fact that I'm freezing. 'Stand and wait on the side of the house' Hotch ordered. 'I'll give you the go-ahead soon' he promised. Ten minutes later, Reid and I are still waiting for the said go-ahead. At least Reid gets to be in normal clothes for the desert at night. I'm yet again being offered up as a ploy and in Morgan's mind, a door-to-door saleswoman would wear a dress when the weather is supposed to be low sixties, the wind not included. 
"Honey, you're killing me. Are you sure you don't want my jacket?" Reid offers again for the third time in the last five minutes. 
"Yes." My breath escapes between my teeth. "I'm fine. Plus, we won't have much time once Hotch gives the signal." I shake my limbs to remain warm. 
“Wait for my command," Hotch announces into our earpieces. "We lost sight of him in the window. We suspect he’s headed to the basement.” 
I shake my head. “Screw this. I’m going in.” 
“No, you’re not!” 
“They’re children! One more minute with that monster is another minute of trauma!” I move to step around the house and toward the front door. 
Reid slips his gun back onto his belt and grabs my wrist to stop me. He yanks me back and pins me against the cool wooden panels of the house. I open my mouth to argue and he covers my mouth. He whispers frantically, “Baby, baby, listen to me. I can’t let you in there!" I wiggle in his hold. “Stop fighting me.” 
“Y/N, you may proceed," Hotch announces, giving me the go-ahead. 
Reluctantly, Reid has no choice but to let me go. His hand falls from my mouth slowly, but he keeps me pinned and stares into my eyes warningly. “Don’t do anything reckless!" 
I smirk and slip out from under him. “You should know me better than assume I’d listen.” 
“Y/N, I’m serious!” He whispers, aggravated. 
“So am I." I send him a wink as I step out from beside the house. 
The lights from the living room pour out of the window onto the dry dirt yard. I take a minute a toss my hair to one side and yank the dress down to reveal more of my chest. 
I watch from the shadows as Y/N adjusts herself to speak with the suspect. I hate it when she does this. I understand that Hotchner and everyone agrees that it works, but their opinions don't make any less uncomfortable. My own girlfriend is being used as a ploy, expected to flont herself to earn the trust of serial killers or rapists. 
Morgan appears beside me and squeezes my shoulder. “Don’t get hostile, Boy Genius.” 
“She’s doing it on purpose,” I grumble, gesturing to Y/N. 
“I know, I know.” He sighs. "But she's just doing her job. It's all pretending to her too," he assures me. "She's into you, man." 
I ring the doorbell and rock on my heels, making the panels of the porch creak. Suddenly, the door swings open to reveal a worn-down middle-aged man in dirty overalls. 
“I don’t want to join any religion," he grumbles. He goes to slam the door shut, but I block it with my hand. 
“Neither do I,” I voice softly with a smirk. I step forward to stand on the threshold. “But maybe you’d like to sit down and talk about your finances? Have you been keeping track of where you’ve been putting your... assets?” I scan the man up and down with my eyes until I meet his gaze. 
As we listen to Y/N flirt with the suspect, Morgan chuckles quietly next to me. 
I elbow him in the stomach. “It’s not funny.” 
“She sounds like Jessica Rabbit,” he jokes, only irritating me more. 
There's creaking on the porch, followed by the front door squeaking shut. He's let her in. 
The place is an utter wreck. There have to be at least a dozen cats, hundreds of old newspapers scattered everyone, and it smells of feces. I sit down on the worn and ripped plaid couch next to the old man. I wear my best smile, though inside I'm screaming. 
“Now, let’s begin. What bank do you currently use?” I ask, gripping my fake leather finance binder. 
The man shifts closer to me. “Chase.” 
I note now that he's missing at least five teeth. I nod. “They are great to their members, but we something broader... larger in size," I chose my words intentionally. 
Abruptly, there's a high-pitch scream from within the house, making both of us freeze. 
“What was that?” I ask, searching the surrounding area. 
“My daughter is upstairs playing!" He rushes out and scoots closer to me. Boldly, he places his hand on my bare knee. "What was that you said about size?” He grins and begins to glide his hand up slowly. 
I swallow hard, my eyes on his hand. I try to ease it off. “Sir, please-“ 
He lifts his hand off my knee and brings it to my shoulder. He tries to urge me to lay down. “Come on, sugar. I’ll pay you for your time. Your supervisor won’t have to know.” 
I reach underneath my dress and whip out my gun, pointing it directly between his eyes. “FBI, down on the ground!” 
His eyes grow wide and his jaw nearly hits the floor. “What!” 
The S.W.A.T. team barges into the house, all yelling over each other. They march deeper into the house and into the basement where we know the children are. Hotchner appears in the foyer with Reid and Morgan. Soon, Prentiss and JJ are close behind. 
Reid yanks the man off of me and tosses him onto the ground on his knees. He handcuffs him and pulls him to his feet. “No means no, asshole!” 
“She was asking for it," the suspect huffs as he's dragged off toward the foyer. 
Reid laughs mockingly. “Doubtful consider she just has to go to me for that." 
Morgan kneels in front of me. “You okay?” 
I nod weakly. “After every time I just feel gross.” I shake out my arms with a shiver. 
“He’s a disgusting man. I’m sorry he touched you.” 
“Part of the job.” I shrug. “At least I know how to defend myself. There are so many women who don't." 
Morgan nods. "Maybe you can take your experiences and help those women." 
Now there's an idea. 
I lean against the car with JJ and Prentiss as the S.W.A.T. team and members of C.P.S carry the little girls out of the basement and into ambulances. It's a bittersweet sight. Morgan and Reid step out of the house once the last child is removed. Morgan pats Reid on the back with a chuckle as they approach us. 
As soon as they reach us, Reid takes my hand and leads me to a tree a few feet away from the car. When we have some privacy, he starts to apologize. “Look, I’m sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have grabbed you and covered your mouth. I didn’t know-“ 
I cut him off, reaching up and bringing my lips to meet his with a quick peck. His hands rest on my waist and I break from him. 
He blinks rapidly, taken aback. “I thought you’d be mad.” 
“Oh I was pissed in the moment. Now, it’s just hot," I grin, wrapping my arms around his waist. 
He smirks. “Noted.” 
“I didn’t know you could move so quickly, Reid,” I giggle. “And what you said to the perpetrator when you arrested him!” 
He chuckles, “yeah I may have been a little heated in the moment. In my defense, he did touch you! Okay, that was not a part of the plan!” 
“I appreciate the protectiveness,” I assure him with a laugh. 
He glances down at the small space between us and the smile on his lips fades slowly. 
I can tell there's something on his mind. 
“About your performance...” He mumbles. 
“Didn’t like it?” I ask, knowing how he hates it when I have to be a ploy. 
He nods frantically. “Yeah, never again," he orders. 
“Deal.” I nod, giving his lips a quick peck again. 
He smiles into the kiss. “Well, never again for anyone else," he adds against my lips, making me grin. He breaks from me to ask, "Do you think maybe tonight you and I could talk about my assets?” 
I swat him on the arm. “Reid!” 
He chuckles, "you're right. We'll talk about this when we get home." 
I roll my eyes and they land on our teammates by the car as they watch us go back and forth, smiling brightly. 
Tags: @mrsobrien888​ @hufflepufftruffle @gillybear17 @thatsonezesty13 @smol-flowerkiddo @reesespieces10123 @madds-m @az3r0o @wafflebacon23 @spencerreid-mgg @alfonsais @justlivinginadaydream @kaitlynpcallmebeepme @farah3012 @doveygirlkay-blog @dreatine  @imhappybutimalsosad @parahmur  @tremendousdinosaurhideout  @destiny-dream67  @ashwarren32  @yeahjustcallmer-n @bluehydrangea-cherry​ @izzysecrets
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80s4life · 3 years
God Help Me*
Word Count: 2,306
Status: Not Requested!
Fandom: Orange Is The New Black
A/N: Just watched some more of oitnb and felt that Joe was an underrated character. So, here's something dirty for the dirty dog!
Relationship: Joe Caputo x Female Reader
Summary: (Based loosely on S3:E7 (”Tongue-Tied”) where the new recruits for security are supposed to be getting the 40 hours of training, but denied by the new employers. Specifically, when Bayley makes his mistake with the pepper spray incident, Caputo is outraged, in the need of a break. Luckily, you know how to ease his tension.
Warnings: language, age-gap pairing, against laws, forbidden, smut, retardation name calling (once, not me though, a line from the show!)
Taglist: @intersellars-the-networks-of-eve @snapessecretdiary
Masterlist Orange Is The New Black Masterlist
{gif is not mine, credits to @thompsonconnors}
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"What the fuck was that?" Joe Caputo asks, confused and struggling to keep up with the messes every corner he turns. "You assess the situation and you respond with the appropriate level of force! And you never, ever, ever discharge your weapon unless it's absolutely necessary!" he continues, not done just yet. "And if you do, and that weapon happens to be pepper spray, you better damn well make sure you're upwind!"
Bayley, the new recruit, alongside Donaldson, a long-term member of this prison, look down, ashamed of themselves. Blinking their eyes every so often, the pain in their eyes searing with the combination of the regret in how they got in this position in the first place and the stinging pepper spray.
Motioning towards Bayley, Caputo continues with his mantra, "You are a trigger-happy knucklehead who just got out of diapers," now turning his attention to Donaldson, "But you, how could you let this happen?" he finishes, exasperated.
Donaldson, finding some courage, fires back, "Sir, with all due respect, I'm not a nanny." He may have screwed up, but he is not putting his life on the line for an idiot.
"No! You are an officer with 20 plus years' experience, and your job was to impart some wisdom on fucking Baby Huey over here!" Caputo spits, motioning towards Bayley once more.
"Well, this is what happens when you put untrained officers in gen pop," Donaldson says once more, although very quickly and almost fearfully. As if he were a child talking back to his parents.
"You don't think I know that? I fucking know that!" Caputo says once more, placing a hand over his head, letting out a tired sigh as he walks back behind his desk. "Bayley, I should be firing your ass," he motion towards the young man with two pointed fingers.
"I know," is all he manages meekly.
"But, it's your first day, so I'm gonna chalk this up to mental retardation. If you so much as look at an inmate wrong in the next week, you're out of here!" Caputo motions with a "whoosh." Now looking Bayley up and down in disbelief, he catches the small paper taped to his chest as well, "Take that stupid fucking name tag off."
As the men nod once more, he finishes with, "Now go! Get your asses down to medical and get an eyewash. And read the stupid fucking manuals!" he grunts, shaking the book in question and slamming it on his desk as the officers leave.
Throwing himself into his chair, he almost considers kicking and flailing around like a child in order to let off steam, but he is quickly denied the chance as you knock and burst through his office within a second.
“What is it now?” he asks quietly, a hand holding his head up by his chin, fingers covering his now closed eyes.
“Well- uhm- well...” you continue, quite nervous as you don’t know where his hostility had come from, you being unsure whether it was your doing or not. It was uncharted waters you weren’t sure on stepping into or not.
“What. Is. It!?” he yells now, eyes wide open, hands clutching the ends of his armrests. Making you yelp and jump a bit, taking a few steps back into the doorway.
Seeing this reaction, he sighs once more, taking in your wide eyes and slightly tense posture, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s been a long day, okay?”
“I-I understand sir.”
“How many times have I told you to call me Joe, or Caputo if that’s what floats your boat?” he says, an attempt to coax you out of your startled state.
“I’m sorry s- Caputo. I only wanted to tell you that I bought ya’ something. A little gift, I guess.” you say, a blush tinting your cheeks.
“What? You didn’t have to get me anything!” He smiles now, relieving you, and bringing a smile to your own features at his now somewhat upbeat mood.
“Well, ya’ know...I remember you telling me about a band of yours, right?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he smirks, looking back at fond memories and the new ones with his new band.
“Well, since your style of music was rock, and I just so happened to be in the area of a new music store, I found some goodies there!” Pulling a seat in front of his desk, you grab the wrapped presents from the waistband of your belt, having hidden it behind your back in attempt to completely surprise him.
He smiles at your childish antics, lightly taking the wrapped good from your small, delicate hands. Unwrapping the smallest one, he finds a box underneath the covers. Opening it, his smile grows bigger as his eyes meet a black guitar pick, a skull etched into it and painted white. 
His eyes meet yours for a second, a fondness there, looking back down once more as he admires it. “I love it,” he says after a second.
“That’s not all!” you say, excited now as he already likes one of the things you’ve picked out for him, pulling out a medium-sized present next. You take this sudden change of attitude as a sign, wanting to hopefully ease the stresses the guards and staff have been taking, especially Joe.
Taking it from your hands once more, your hands make contact, the blush on your face intensifying a little more. Unwrapping the present, he finds a black bandanna, his band name printed onto it, matching the guitar pick. He giggles at this, tying it around his head for your view.
You laugh as well as you go to hand him the biggest and last of the presents, his eyes lighting up once he finds what it is. “Nu-uh! You didn’t! This must’ve cost a fortune!” he almost yells now, a genuine leather guitar strap in his grip as he jumps up from his seat.
“No, actually they gave me a little discount on it. It took a lot of searching to get the one you’ve been specifically looking for, but the guy said I was cute- anyway! I just thought you needed these since work has been beating your ass,” you say, smirking lightly.
“You didn’t need to do this,” he says, settling back into his seat as he grasps your hands lightly, still star-struck as he looks at the strap still in his hand.
The gesture was innocent, but as time goes on, you blush a deep red, him still not letting go of your hands. Noticing this, he goes to pull away, clearing his throat, standing, and straightening out his suit. There, you notice a slight tent in his pants, igniting a flame in your belly. 
“Well, thank you Miss Y/L/N, these were very nice...”
“Anytime...” you say slyly, dragging on your words as you stand as well, not bothering to fix your pants as it sticks tightly to your ass and thighs. 
He looks down, gulping as he takes in your curves he usually tries to ignore, clearing his throat once more as his eyes meet yours. Only now did he realize the close proximity between the two of you, you intending to lean in and fix his tie. As you do so, he grabs your hand, pulling it away, “Don’t tempt me. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”
“Oh, I’m pretty damn sure I do,” you say as you pull him down to your height by the tie, pulling at the base of his neck, kissing him now. 
Breaking apart for a moment, you make your way around the desk, perching yourself atop it as you pull him between your legs, kissing him once more. Tongues fighting for dominance, you tease him, sucking on it, and nibbling on his lips. He growls, the tent now very evident in his pants, the tightness an annoying constriction.
He pulls away once more, going to lock his office door, having placed a ‘On a lunch break’ sign above his name. Making his way back over to you, his lips attach to yours once more, moving to remove your weaponry belt. You do the same, unbuttoning the top of his dress shirt, moving to leave kisses, bites and hickeys. 
Continuing your attack, you move your hand to his belt, working quickly as he unbuttons your shirt, exposing your constricted, perky breasts. He grunts once more, adding to your eagerness as you finally get his belt out of the loops. Now both full of impatience, you unleash his cock, him doing the same for your breasts and pants. Completely removing everything from your being, leaving your half-unbuttoned shirt.
Not wasting time, he starts to work your clit, moisturizing ever bit of you as he collects it and moves his finger in all the most special parts, lubricating your core with ease. You grip his cock, teasing it as you run your finger along the slit at the top, precum already oozing. Looking him in the eyes, you notice his golden browns now a dark chocolate eyes, admiration sparkling them as he looks back at you. 
You moan as he enters a finger into your core, soon adding another as you loosen yourself for him. Finally, when he deems you ready, he reaches into one of the desk drawers, pulling out a condom. Motioning to him, he hands it over, letting you take over and do the honors. He simply places both arms on either side of your form, caging you in his embrace, smirking down at you.
Finally, once the condom was rolled onto his member, he goes to line himself up to your entrance, tip placed right at the beginning, not crossing the threshold just yet. “Are you sure?” is all he asks, wanting consent.
Knowing that this is wrong, you contemplate your options. You have already thought of the many ways he could take you, having been attracted to the older man for many years. Looking him in the eyes, you nod, “I’ve wanted this for too fucking long.”
With this new reassurance, he thrusts deeply, not giving you a chance to adjust just yet, pushing in and not stopping until he’s bottomed out. Taking a breath, you relish in the familiar sting of being stretched out, leaning back on your elbows for a minute. When you’re finally ready, you grab onto his shoulders, nodding once again. 
He starts slow, not wanting to hurt you, but, as you bite his pulse point, he jumps, taking the hint. Pounding into you mercilessly now, you moan and scream loudly, meeting his thrusts with the same momentum and speed, wanting this just as much as he does.
Instead, wanting to hold onto this feeling for as long as you can manage, you busy yourself with admiring and teasing the man before you. Specifically when he switches positions slightly, hitting your g-spot, your hands find their way into the tiny tufts of hair remaining on his balding scalp. Tugging lightly, he groans, pounding harder.
“Fuck!” you choke out, “I’m gonna cum! Joe! I’m gonna cum!”
“Just hold on a bit more, I’m almost there!”
Using his hands, he moves one to your clit, rubbing hard circles, intensifying the pleasure. You moan, the pleasure almost too much for you, settling for leaning your head on his chest. The chest hair tickles your nose, making you giggle between whimpers, kissing him there every so often.
With all your strength, you try to maintain your composure, the knot in your stomach begging for release. But, as you feel his dick twitch, the veins touching every inch of your walls deliciously, you couldn’t hold on any longer, milking his cock. With the sudden tightness and feeling of warmth bursting against him, he continues to thrust just a few seconds more, riding you through your orgasm as he meets his. 
As he slowly comes down from his high, he sighs peacefully, placing his head underneath yours and in the crevice of your neck. You kiss the top of his head as you take his weight, leaning back on your hands, one wrapped around his neck. After a moment, as he now goes soft within your being, he pulls out, disposing the condom.
Smiling, the two of you joke and throw clothes at each other as you get changed again. “So what are we now, Joe?”
“Well, it’d be fucked up to say nothing after mind-blowing-sex, now wouldn’t it?”
“I guess...So does that mean we’re together?”
“Do you want to? I would’a thought a young girl like you would want someone who can keep up with ya’?”
“I mean yeah...but they aren’t you, Joe. I want you,” you say honestly.
“Shit...” he mutters, smiling now, “This is the best thing that’s happened to me all day.”
“Is that a ‘yeah’?”
“Hell yeah it is!” he says happily, “Now how about round 2?”
“You’re on Old Man,” you say giggling, hopping into his lap on his desk, kissing him once more.
However your giggling and kisses get cut short with a knock on the door. You sigh, getting off of him not and making sure your clothes are straightened out.
“I guess not...” you say defeated.
“Well...Not right now,” Joe answers, going to the door, giving a sly wink as he opens it. 
Work is only temporary, you know this. You’ll get all the time you need with him tonight.
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
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@dabitdabi Welcome to playmate life gorgeous! Hawks is one of my favourites to write so thank you so much for sending him my way, I hope this is worth the wait!!
This is part of my Playboy Mansion event, feel free to participate!!
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Hawks x f!reader
Genre: smut, (idk if this might be a bit fluffy too??)
Warnings: 18+, virginity loss, consensual sex, mentions of alcohol, oral (female receiving), fingering, mentions of cum, vaginal sex, unprotected sex.
Words: 3.5k
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This wasn’t your first Playboy party, and you were sure it wouldn’t be your last. You’d been working as a bunny for around three months now, the first party was a little overwhelming, but the other girls were more than happy to hold your hand through the whole experience. The more parties you attended, the more comfortable you became. You never worried about guests being inappropriate, you weren’t just employees to your boss. You were bunnies, and you deserved to be treated with respect like everyone else attending the parties, you were the stars and made these extravagant events what they were.
You knew being a bunny came with the connotation of being hypersexualised, but becoming a bunny was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You weren’t one of the most popular bunnies since you were a little shy, but you were known by all of the guests who regularly attended these parties. You were often tagged in photos where you’d posed with guests. They’d always leave little comments that made you smile. You had the best job in the world.
Your first instance of trouble came at this particular party. You’d never experienced any guests acting unseemly, but this evening was different. You leaned over the bar to collect a tray of shots to walk around with, when you felt somebody tug on the tail attached to your corset. You ignored it at first, understanding that guests enjoyed playing with the bunnies. However when the assailant delivered a stinging spank to your ass cheek, your attention snapped in their direction. You recognised the man, he was a gruff looking entrepreneur who’s name you couldn’t place right now. It was apparent that he was drunk, you hoped it was just a little bit of teasing. He became a little more aggressive with you, begging you to kiss him and spend the night with him. There were no members of security nearby, but a few of your fellow bunnies did their best to help you get away from him, to no avail.
“Hey, get away from her.” You heard someone speak. You turned to face the soft voice, and struggled to see the man who had came to your defence through your bleary eyes. The drunk man tried to argue. Quickly you rubbed the droplets out of your vision so you could see who was helping you. Before the drunkard could state his case, your rescuer had grabbed him and pulled him towards a member of security to deal with. Some of your friends crowded you and coddled you, making sure you were okay after what happened. The blonde-haired hero came to check on you once he’d dealt with the situation. Before you could think, you rose to your feet with tears flowing from your eyes and ran to the nearest bathroom. You locked yourself in a stall while you broke down, feeling bad that your makeup would be ruined. You hoped that you wouldn’t get in too much trouble for taking the rest of the night off, but you’re sure that the other girls would defend you and explain the situation. You wouldn’t be surprised if the man who groped you got banned from attending these parties. There is a strict policy against any fornication at work, it was a fireable offence. But guests also had a one strike and you’re out rule, they mostly knew better than to try anything as brash as that man had, but he’d regret it now that he wouldn’t be invited to return ever again.
While you continued to cry, you heard the door squeak open, and footsteps approach your stall. You sniffed slightly, but mostly tried to calm yourself down. You couldn’t cry all evening after all, you didn’t want to give yourself a headache. You waited for the person to reveal themselves, assuming it was one of your friends. It would have been hard to tell who was who from the crack under the stall door. You were all in the same uniforms after all. But the shoes were nothing like your uniforms. It was a man, clearly, wearing a pair of bulky black boots and tan trousers.
“Um,” You sniffed, “Sir this is the ladies bathroom.” You alerted him, sure he already knew.
“Yeah, I know, I just wanted to check on you birdie.” He spoke back to you.
“I’m a bunny not a bird.” You corrected him, completely glossing over the pet name he’d decided to give you.
“Yeah I was just, never mind… You’re okay right? Can you come out here?” He queried. Obvious concern in his voice. You declined, you didn’t want him to see you like this. Your eyes were clouded with unshed tears. Your mascara had ran down your cheeks and you were sure your foundation underneath had probably ran too. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer, he asked you again… and again… and again…
“Fine.” You responded.
You flushed your crumpled up pieces of tear-stained toilet roll away and unlocked the door. His expression flickered from concern to sympathy as he saw how upset you were. You walked by him so that you could wash your hands, and you noticed in the mirror that he walked into the cubicle you’d just left. You weren’t sure what he was doing, but he returned to your side with several layers of toilet roll. When you washed and dried your hands, he ran the toilet roll under the tap. He cupped your face in one of his hands and lightly dabbed the damp tissue into your cheeks and under eyes. He was trying to help you; he was trying to tidy up your appearance. Why was he being so sweet?
“I think that just might make it worse.” You announced, knowing you were right.
“Okay then. Show me what I need to do.” He requested, “Please let me help you, I don’t want to see you upset like this over that scumbag.” He explained. Your heart clenched a little he was so caring and considerate; you could almost feel your heart melting. You took him by the hand and led him out of the bathrooms. You knew there were a lot of areas off limits and you’d risk losing your job, but you wanted to spend more time with your saviour and give him the chance to help you out again.
☆ ☆ ☆
You brought him to the bunny dressing room. You barged in with him assuming your co-workers wouldn’t be here, but one of them was sitting in a dressing chair topping up her makeup.
“You know you can’t bring people in here to hook up!” She reminded you.
“We aren’t here for that!” You protested, feeling extremely embarrassed. You felt the heat rise to your face and you tried to change the subject, “He just saved me from some trouble, please don’t tell anyone, he’s just checking on me.” You stated, hoping she’d take pity on you.
“Oh I don’t care, you know I won’t tell. I’m just about finished here so I’ll let you love birds do what you need to do.” She teased as she exited the glamorous pink dressing room.
You tried to protest once again before she left but it was too late. The honey-haired man smiled but decided not to join in the teasing. He simply requested that you show him what he needed to do to help you fix your makeup. But instead, you gave him your removal kit. You were done for the evening, there was no way you could go back to work when you felt the way you did. You both smiled and giggled sweetly as he did his best to remove your makeup for you. You chatted a little and got to know each other better, you found out his name was Keigo and he was a friend of the hosts. Once your makeup was off, you gave him a grateful, “thanks” and stood to your feet. The least you could do was escort him back downstairs before you turned in for the night.
“You know angel, you look just as cute without makeup as you do with.” He told you. You were stopped in your tracks as you couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. “Don’t you wanna hang out a little while before I have to leave?” He wondered, hoping you’d stick around. You knew that you shouldn’t, but you were too drawn to the handsome stranger that you couldn’t resist. You sat back down on the comfortable carpet with him and couldn’t help but coyly shy as he stared deeply into your eyes.
“Thanks again for saving me Keigo.” You repeated, you were so grateful for his help. You were sure that security would have helped you sooner or later, but you were truly fortunate that Keigo had been there to rescue you from his clutches.
“It really shook you up, didn’t it baby?” He sweetly questioned, “Have you never had to deal with something like that before?” He added. You shook your head.
“It was scary, obviously, but it wasn’t just that.” You expressed, not sure why you felt so comfortable sharing your personal life with this man.
“What do you mean?” He asked you, placing a hand on your leg. He stroked over your pantyhose with his thumb as he held onto you.
“Oh… I’m not sure I should say,” You started, “It’s a little embarrassing.” You followed. He didn’t speak, instead he just stared intensely into your sweet eyes, willing you to continue if you felt like it. You kept stuttering, starting and stopping your sentence as you tried to get the confidence to confide in him.
“Birdie, I promise I won’t judge you if you want to tell me.” He soothed, hoping to help you get your words out.
“It’s just… I’ve never…” You began. You screwed your eyes shut as you couldn’t bare to look at him when you finished your sentence, “I’m a virgin.” You blurted out. Your eyes were already closed but you felt so exposed you decided to cover your face with your hands too. You were so embarrassed; you were sitting with a guy who seemed too cool for school and probably had a wild sex life. You wouldn’t have been surprised if you opened your eyes and he was gone. But instead, you felt him grab your wrists and remove your hands from your face. Instinctively you opened your eyes, and right at that moment Keigo planted a delicate kiss onto your lips.
“I’m sorry if that was a little forward, I just wanted to show you it doesn’t bother me.” He smiled as he parted from your lips slightly. It was your first kiss, you weren’t upset. If anyone had to steal your first kiss, you weren’t mad about it being this beautiful stranger.
“Can we, um, do that again?” You asked, the words left your mouth and you instantly began to cringe. You hated how awkward you were, but he just had this effect on you. But before you could overthink your graceless comment, his lips were on yours once again.
You got lost in the feeling of his soft lips on yours. He tasted so heavenly; you couldn’t get enough. He got more adventurous and slipped a tongue into your mouth. You weren’t sure what to do so he did his best to guide you. Once you eased into it a little more, your kissing became more frenzied. You couldn’t get enough of each other. What started off soft and sweet became hot and passionate, but you knew you had to hold back. You couldn’t risk getting caught with him or you’d risk losing your job. He lightly groped your breast as his kissing traversed from your lips down to your neck. You couldn’t stop the moan that huffed from your lips, and you bucked against his thigh trying to gain some friction against your clothed cunt.
“You look fucking hot in that outfit.” He mumbled between kisses.
“Stop!” You raised your voice as you pushed yourself away from him.
“Did I do something wrong?” He wondered, confused by your sudden outburst.
“No, you’re great I’m sorry. It’s against the rules for Playmates to hook up with guests, I will lose my job if we’re caught.” You explained. Keigo nodded as if he understood, giving you an innocent smile as he planted a kiss on your lips once more.
“I get it. Sorry I got carried away.” He told you, picking himself off the ground. He held a hand out to you to help you to your feet, “I think I’ll get going. I’ll see you at the next party though, right?” He explained. You didn’t want to see him at the next party. You didn’t want him to leave. But you didn’t want to risk losing your job for the sake of keeping Keigo around. And you really didn’t want to throw your virginity at him just to prevent him from leaving.
“I, um…”
“I’ll have no reason to come to these things anymore if I don’t get to hang out with the prettiest bunny in the whole mansion.” He smiled, lightly brushing his thumb over your cheek.
You weren’t usually one for compliments. You knew guys would say anything to get in your pants. But there was something so sincere about Keigo. The way everything seemed so genuinely sweet and affectionate when he spoke to you. The way he made you feel like you were the only other person in the whole world with him. You loved being a bunny. You loved living with the girls and you loved all of the fun you had at the mansion. But you were in a role in which you were hypersexualised to everyone around you. How could they expect guests to not want to fuck you? How could you be expected to resist someone as sexy as Keigo? You didn’t think you’d lose your virginity like this, but who were you saving it for anyway?
☆ ☆ ☆
You pressed your lips against Keigo’s once again, and he was more than happy to respond. You began tugging at his clothes, indicating that you wanted them off. You didn’t break your kissing for more than a second. He took his jacket off while still deeply kissing you but removed himself quickly whilst he took off his t-shirt. You didn’t break the kiss either while you removed your high heels. You shrunk a few inches but Keigo didn’t mind leaning down a little further to keep smothering you in affection. He began to travel down to your neck once again but settled on the flesh of your breasts that were being hoisted up by your corset. You let out soft sighs as he continued. He crouched down slightly as he began fondling the bottom of your corset that resided between your thighs. He managed to unbutton it as he pulled down your sheer tights and panties. You were about to remove your corset when he asked you not to.
“You look too fucking good in that outfit to take it off.” He alerted you.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the praise, but it didn’t last long when he pulled you down to kiss him again, you were looming over him a little as you did. “Lie down.” He commanded. You did as you were told, eagerly awaiting whatever he had planned. He parted your legs a little, he repeatedly kissed your leg as he travelled up towards your pussy. He spread your legs wider when he reached your sopping sex, and instantly got to work licking your clit. You moaned almost instantly at the contact as your body softened into his touch. He slowly plunged a finger in, carefully working your innocent interior.
“Tell me if it hurts or if you want me to stop, okay birdie?” He instructed.
“Y-yeah…” You moaned. You’d be crazy to want this feeling to end.
He latched back onto your clit. His licking started off slow, but he eventually picked up the pace. He alternated between licking and sucking at your sensitive bundle of nerves all while still pumping his digit in and out of your tight cunt. The euphoric feeling caused you to writhe around on the ground. You were compelled to close your legs and clamp them around your lovers head, but he used his free hand to pin one of your legs to the ground while he continued working at your desperate cunt. He slipped another finger inside of you and continued his motions. He frantically began scissoring you open so he could prepare you for his cock. The sensations were too much, you hadn’t felt like this before. You felt a rising knot in your stomach and you were sure it was going to unfurl at any moment.
“P-please, Keigo I… I think I’m gonna.” You panted, your chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.
“No.” He spoke. Halting all actions. You were crushed. Why did he stop? You whimpered at the loss of contact and Keigo admired your little virgin hole clenching around nothing. You sat up a little, wondering what was going on. “Lie back down for me angel.” He commanded. You did as you were told, anticipating what he was doing. You knew instantly when you heard the unzipping of his pants. He was going to fuck you.
“Keigo… N-need it. Need it s’bad.” You whined. Your bratty voice earned a smirk from Keigo.
“Yeah? My mouth and fingers made you a little needy huh? I wanted to feel you cum around my cock.” He told you as he made contact with your dripping pussy. The feeling of him sliding his cock up and down your slit alone was heavenly. You were desperate for him to fill out your hole.
“Please, please fuck me now.” You requested.
He lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly sunk himself into you, making continuous eye contact with you as he did so. He was paying attention to every facial expression you made, he didn’t want to hurt you. He was impressed that you took him like champ, he completely bottomed out inside of you and he was more than ready to fuck your brains out.
He set a harsh pace almost instantly, he was aching with such a desperate need to cum. As soon as he saw you he knew that he had to have you tonight. He could see there was something untouched and innocent about you, but he didn’t expect you to be a fully fledged virgin. You were his now. No matter what you’d remember him as your first sexual encounter and no one would ever be able to compare.
He continued drilling into you, thoughts of owning you bringing him closer to his climax. Your arousal was rebuilding too. He began kissing you once again, although it was hard for each of you to focus. The building pleasure in the pair of you caused you both to occasionally moan into each other’s mouths. The sounds being devoured by each other arousing you more, bringing you closer and closer to your highs. He bent both of your legs up to your chest so he could continue pounding you at a deeper angle.
“K-Keigo,” You whimpered, “It hurts.” You expressed, not used to the feeling of him nudging your cervix.
“I’m sorry birdie, I’ll make it better I promise, I just-“ He stopped as he moaned through his speech. Making no attempt to change what he was doing to alleviate the pain you were feeling, “Cum for me baby you’ll feel better, I wanna feel you cum around me.” He huffed into your face. He reached down and began toying with your clit as he encouraged you to let yourself go. The contact was more than enough to send you over the edge. You were forced to keep constant eye contact with Keigo as he fucked you through your release. Your cunt clamped down on him, milking his cock for all it was worth. He rested his forehead on yours as you both came together, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes.
You’d always heard mixed reviews about losing your virginity. You would either hear that it was a beautiful and romantic moment you should give to someone meaningful, or that it’s a terrible time and it has no meaning on your life. You didn’t know Keigo very well at all, but you felt grateful that he was the one you got to share your first time with. For someone who was a stranger, he truly did care about your enjoyment and keeping you safe. He was still between your legs, letting you warm his cock as he laid on top of you. He gently peppered kisses on your forehead and cheeks while stroking your hair.
You were lucky you hadn’t been caught, you were lucky that for now you still had a job. But if he comes back to the next mansion party, you knew that you wanted to do this with him again.
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© 2021 dabistiktokdance
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Thank you so much again for participating, it was a pleasure to write this and have you be a bunny for the night! I hope you enjoyed your experience at the party!! 
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Make a Mess
Word count:1542
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Warnings:18+ only please, Sexual situations? (idk really how to tag this), Teasing, Premature ejac?, embarrassed!Sam
A/N:So idk what this is, or where it came from, it's not really edited, but it made me giggle while writing it so please enjoy! Drop a request, If you’re wondering who I am writing for, send an ask.
(GIF not mine, divider is mine.)
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‘She literally has no idea what she does to me, does she?’ he thought as he watched Y/n work around the library. Your hair up in a messy bun, long tendrils falling around your face. Those tiny little shorts you only seemed to wear on cleaning day, and that tight gray tank top that barely hits above her belly button. He bit his lip when you bent over a table to grab some books, unknowingly putting your ass on full display for him.
‘God, if only I could just…’ He lifted his hand subtly by his side, imagining the feel of her soft skin beneath his fingers. The image of bending you over that table playing in his head, the memory of your velvet warmth wrapping around him, the way your body practically pulls him in. He feels himself grow hard in his jeans.
“Sam,” you called, god he loved when you said his name, “Baby can you come help me real quick?” you called over your shoulder. He looked up, you had a stack of books on one arm, and you were reaching up with your other trying to put a book on a high shelf. Your shirt had ridden up giving him a glimpse of the white lace bra you were wearing ‘Fuck baby, thank whoever the hell decided to drop you in my life’ he thought, his jeans now even tighter.
“Yeah,” he stood from his seat with a soft smile and walked towards you, subtly trying to adjust himself in his pants. He came up behind you and rested a hand on your waist as he reached up and effortlessly pushed the book into place. You drop back onto the flats of your feet, accidentally brushing your ass down on his already throbbing cock. Biting his lip again to hold back a moan that had threatened to escape his throat, covering it with a cough.
“Thanks,” you said as you turned and stood on your toes again to plant a small kiss on his jaw. To you, it was a small, chaste kiss of appreciation. To Sam the feeling of your lips practically on his neck, so close to that spot that makes him go weak in the knees, had his once throbbing member now aching, leaking with precum, and straining painfully against his zipper.
“No problem,” he smiled down at you before pulling away and sitting back down in his chair, trying to relive some of the pressure of his jeans. A few moments passed and Sam still couldn't stop thinking about you. Your lips on his skin, and how they’d feel wrapped around his cock, the small little whimpers you let out right before you cum. 
He continued to watch you, dirty thoughts still going through his head, when you walked past again. Stopping when you noticed his empty glass and plate sitting on the table by him. You leaned over the table on the opposite side of Sam and reached across the table for his dishes. The second Sam looked up, he knew he was a goner. The angle you were leaning at gave him a direct view down your shirt, giving him an almost full view of your perfect tits.
“O-oh Fuck,” He stuttered out as he came in his pants. Like a fucking teenager, eyes screwing shut, breathing heavy as his body flushed and tensed up where he was sitting, hands shooting to his crotch as he shot up from his seat. You on the other hand had no idea what had just happened and jumped back at the sudden outburst from Sam.
“Sam, you okay?” you asked as you reached a hand towards him, still confused as to what was happening. He jumped back grabbing his laptop and held it in front of the very obvious wet spot on his pants, hoping you wouldn't notice.
“Mmhmm, yep, everything’s good, I, uh, I just remembered I left something in uh, in the bedroom,” He quipped out in a stuttered breath. Making his was to the door quickly before slipping out, leaving you standing there, confused, plate and empty glass in hand.
“Oh, o-ok,” the words die on her breath, and she makes her way to the kitchen.
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Sam let out a breath as he plopped down on the couch in the dean cave and let out a breath after re-emerging from the bedroom with a new pair of jeans. He opened his laptop and stared at the screen with a small scowl on his face.
“Everything ok Sammy?” Dean asked, sitting down in his chair and passing Sam a beer. Raising an eyebrow when he shut his laptop and let out another breath and took a drink.
“It's Y/N, I guess,” he started but trailed off, what was he supposed to say, his girlfriend made him mess his pants like a prepubescent teen, when she wasn't even doing anything sexual. 
“What's up? I thought you really liked her,” Dean began. But before he could continue Sam cut him off.
“NO! No, I do, almost too much,” he added the last part in a mumble. Looking down at his hands.
“You wanna elaborate buddy?” Dean leaned down and tilted his head. Sam looked at his expression, looking for some hint that Dean would make fun of him for this. Finding none, he lets out another breath.
“Well, today, she was cleaning the library, and she wasn’t even doing anything, but she just looked… so good,” he started, “but looking at her, thinking about her, I- I came dude” he finally got out, “Like in my jeans… and then I just left her standing there, confused, I don't even think she knows what happened,” he looked over at Dean, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment.
When he finally looked up at Dean, he was smirking. “Well” He started with a chuckle, “I think you should go talk to her, she probably thinks she did something wrong when you shot up and ran outta there like a bat outta hell.” he finishes his sentence and takes a drink from his own beer. 
As if all the Gods and Fate herself were on Dean’s side, your voice rang out from around the corner looking for him.
“Sam? Sammy, baby?” you called out.
“In here,” He called back, trying not to sound like he was just talking about the mess he made earlier. “Everything okay?” he asked you as you finally came into view. Freshly showered and changed into a pair of black leggings and one of his old flannels.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you stepped in front of him to situate next to him on the couch, he lifted his arm, allowing you to curl into his side. “You kinda left in a bit of a hurry,” you finished, finding a sudden interest in the buttons on his shirt.
“I’m going to find snacks,” Dean hopped up and headed out the door, giving Sam a pointed look before disappearing around the corner.
“Sam?” You pressed again, leaning back and looking at him. “Is everything okay? Did i do somethi-”
“No! God no,” He fully looks at you cupping your face in his hands. “Nothing bad,” He smiled softly before planting a kiss on your forehead. 
“Oh,” your voice came out small, unsure of what that exactly meant. You creased your brow and looked down at his chest fiddling with the buttons on the shirt you were wearing
Sam looked at you, Dean’s words ringing in his head still. “Y/N,” He sighed, “You are so hot,” he began, his face heating up at the conversation again. “like beyond hot sometimes,” he looked down at you, still looking down. He brought his hand to your chin and tilted your head to look up at him. “And today, with you in those tiny little shorts, and that little tank top… its like you were teasing me and you didn't even know it”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” you started but Sam cut you off again.
“Y/N,” he chuckled, he should be the one apologizing, he was the one who ran off. “Seeing you run about, accidentally flashing your bra, bending over in those shorts, it was too much and I… kinda… came in my pants.” He finished his sentence and looked at you, he could feel his neck and ears burning.
“Wait?” you looked at him, stifling a giggle, “That's why you just flew outta there?” you questioned.
“Well yeah, I was embarrassed, I had just shot my load like a hormonal teen, because my girlfriend was showing too much thigh?” He chuckled leaning back against the couch again, relaxing back tan tossing his arm over the couch.
“Well, don’t be,” you quipped, curling back into his side. You leaned up and kissed his cheek. “I kind of consider it a complement,” you added as you laid your head on his chest. His arm came down and wrapped around you causing a smile to stretch across your face.
“Who wants popcorn!” Dean bellowed out rounding the corner with two big bowls, passing one to you and Sam before settling in his own seat again and flipping on some old western movie.
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honeytae · 4 years
I think you’re forgetting how well I know you.
this has been on my wips page for so long and coincidentally i am so so soft for yoon rn :( i just miss him and adore him and yeah this is kind of a product of me wanting to take all of his problems away. hand them over, angel. i’ll take them all. tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy genre: fluff
warnings: semi-unedited eek sorry in advance word count: 2.3k
When you arrived at the dorm for dinner with Yoongi and his friends, you could immediately tell that something was off with your boyfriend. 
He was strangely removed from the group with the way he seemed to zone out in the middle of every conversation, adding onto the fact that he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
During the entirety of the meal, he only pushed his food around his plate with his fork, his mind obviously in a different place as his friends laughed at the retelling of stories from their debut days.
You concern really began to grow when you noticed his nervous habit of picking at his cuticles, a tell-tale sign that you were definitely not wrong about this one.
Something was seriously bothering him.
Your eyes stayed on him throughout the meal and followed his movements as he picked up his plate, withdrawing his body from the table and, with slow footsteps and hunched shoulders, trudged through the doorway of the kitchen.
Seeing a potential opportunity to speak to him, you stood from your chair, gathering dirtied plates from the table top while the other members jumped up to do the same. Making sure to thank them for their help, you pushed your chair into its original spot, turning to head into the room to find who you were looking for.
You tuned out their chatter as they followed you into the kitchen, the voices behind you easily going in one ear and out the other as you frowned at the sight of your boyfriend. 
Yoongi’s back faced you as he sipped at the glass of water he’d just filled with his eyes directed out the window, seemingly lost in thought. His shifted demeanor from his usual behavior was perhaps unnoticeable to people that didn’t know him too well, as the man was a known introvert, but it never flew over your head.
Watching your bodies appear in the reflection of the glass panes, he took a step to the side, the movement shifting himself over a few inches and creating space for you to place the dishes in the basin of the sink.
“I got the dishes, boys.” You said appreciatively, the men seeming to get your hint as they nodded at you with sympathetic smiles.
‘Good luck,’ Namjoon mouthed to you before turning around to exit the room, ushering the other boys out into the hallway with a shooing motion of his hands.
Successfully pushing the boys out, you sighed as your focus went back to your boyfriend, studying the slight crease in between his eyebrows and the prominent frown settled on his lips as he seemed to switch his concentration to scrubbing at the dish in his hand with a pink sponge.
Silently creeping up beside him, you held your hand out for him to place the object in, him glancing up and smiling slightly at you before handing the dripping wet porcelain off to you.
The air in the room was calm as he continued rinsing the dishes, giving them to you once he deemed them good enough so that you could line them up in the racks of the dishwasher. 
You liked to call this the calm before the storm; the period of time where Yoongi was still clueless to the fact that you were fully aware that his smile didn’t meet his eyes. At this moment, he thought he’d done a great job at covering up his true feelings. Little did he know.
Once the sink was empty of its dirtied contents, you made the quick decision that it was time, shutting off the faucet to stop the outpouring of water as you placed yourself in front of him, leaning your lower back against the counter so he couldn’t busy himself with another meaningless task.
“So, what’s going on?” You asked him, Yoongi’s stoic expression changing to one of surprise as he picked his head up to meet your eyes. He only hummed in reply, looking at you with raised brows in a silent question of what you meant.
“You’ve barely spoken all night. Plus, you have that look on your face.” You elaborated, continuing to blink at him as you awaited an explanation.
You could tell he was trying to conceal his frown, the sudden and forced upcurve of his lips in response to your suspicions failing to waver your persistence.
“I have a look on my face?” His brows lifted in surprise, making you nod with widened eyes to exaggerate your point.
“You do. The look that tells me something is wrong.” You persisted, pupils imploring his own to be honest with you as his own guiltily darted from your face.
“I’m okay, angel.” He dismissed with a feigned chuckle, bending down to kiss your temple to attempt to prove his point. He pulled back with a tight lipped smile, turning from you but stopping once you grabbed his wrist, cementing him next to you so that he couldn’t run away.
“I think you’re forgetting how well I know you.” You reminded him, his face blank as you stared at him. 
With a sigh, you grabbed his wrist, the man easily following your lead as you walked down the main hallway to his room. You waved a brief goodbye to the men sprawled out on the couch on the way, them knowingly bidding you both goodnight as they watched you retreat to Yoongi’s bedroom.
You were glad that you had been able to pull your boyfriend away from the exposed area, knowing that he would never open up to you if there were possible other eavesdroppers listening in to your conversation. 
Shutting the door behind you, you let go of his wrist, releasing him from your hold and leaving him standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. 
Yoongi was not the best at opening up to talk about his feelings, which is something you’d learned in the first couple months of dating. It wasn’t that he was emotionless or cold; it was quite the opposite, actually. He felt everything, he just didn’t like to verbalize it.
“So, gonna tell me what’s wrong now?” You asked as you sat on the edge of his bed, peering up at him with wide eyes as he occupied himself by taking his watch off, setting it on the dresser on the other side of the room, the metal tapping the wood quietly.
He only let out a fake laugh, opening his mouth to deny you again before you cut him off.
“Please don’t shut me out, Yoon.” You said, Yoongi’s eyes casting to the ground at the sudden vulnerable moment as he chewed on his bottom lip. 
The room fell silent as you waited for him to speak, only the muffled sounds of the men in the other room fighting for the television remote being heard as you both exchanged brief small smiles at the sound. 
“Nothing serious happened.” He assured you, your head nodding as you took in his words.
“Okay, that’s good. But something upset you, right?” 
“I just had a bad day, I guess.” He admitted, shrugging it off as you studied his saddened face with a heavy heart, shooting him a look as if to say ‘is that really all?’ 
“I’m having a lot of trouble with this project.” He heaved a sigh, his tense shoulders dropping with his confession as you nodded, a silent ask for him to continue as you sat all ears.
“I just feel like, with each success that I have, the pressure builds. I’m so happy to have all the opportunities I’ve been given, I really am. But fuck, what if I screw it all up? What if I disappoint everyone?”
Your heart broke at his words, realizing that, yes, this insanely spectacular person in front of you had insecurities about himself and his place in the world. How, you didn’t know. To you, he put the stars in the sky every single night, made the world a better place just by simply being him. 
The man was a perfectionist, which was one of the things that you loved most about him. His passion and drive for producing the best quality he possibly could was at the very least admirable. But it was also worrying as a significant other.
You had to put a lot of extra effort into things like making sure he was eating and sleeping properly. There were many nights that you spent sleeping in his studio, waking up every few hours and attempting to drag him onto the cot with you.
Additionally, you were always the one who picked him up when he fell down. In moments where he felt as though he wasn’t worthy of the success he’d had, or feelings that he wasn’t good enough to participate on a track; you were there, boosting his confidence enough to continue on with what he’d been doing before he got sidetracked.
While this was certainly not the first time he had expressed insecurities in himself to you, it was the first time in a while that he had done so. A part of you wondered how long this had been building up inside of him, guilt taking over you momentarily before you pushed it aside, determined to reinstate his belief in himself as you sat up straighter on the bed.
“First of all, I don’t think you’re capable of screwing anything up. When you touch something, it turns to gold, so,” You lightly joked, Yoongi chuckling a scoff as you smiled slightly at him, your face falling again as you got serious.
“I can understand the pressure increasing, but you’re not going to screw it up, baby. It’s alright to feel a little stuck right now, but you’re so fucking talented. You have every reason to believe in yourself.” You said, his face unchanging as he stared at you. 
You could almost see the internal war he was having within himself, not knowing whether to believe the voice of the devil on his shoulder or your own.
”By the way, you haven’t been given anything. You’ve busted your ass to earn everything you have. Not once have you taken the easy way out.” You spoke firmly, his blinking speeding up at your words, an attempt to dry his eyes as he awkwardly shuffled under the thick air in the room.
It was when you saw his hands fidgeting at his sides that you stood from the mattress, the simple action providing you with the hint you’d been waiting for.
You’d known Yoongi long enough to know that he asked for comfort in subtle ways, never one to come out and ask for it. He preferred to insinuate the care he needed in small gestures; ones that you could easily miss if you weren’t looking for them.
Wrapping your arms around his torso, you hugged him tightly, palm soothing up and down his spine as he looped his arms around your waist, perching his chin on your shoulder as he sighed in appreciation.
“I’ve been trying new styles, but,” He trailed off, shrugging weakly as he spoke over your shoulder, “I just don’t know if people are going to like it. It’s different.” He sighed, the bunched muscles of his back loosening when your fingertips massaged into the area.
“Who cares if some people don’t like it? They can fuck off.” You said pointedly, Yoongi letting a genuine laugh out at your blunt words.
“Just trust your gut. Look where it’s gotten you before.” You spoke softly, Yoongi biting his cheek and chewing on the flesh anxiously as he listened to you, feeling unbelievably grateful for the endless support and grounding you provided him with.
“I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you, I hope you know that.” He admitted as he pulled his face back to look at you, you swiping your thumb against his smooth cheek as you nodded.
“We’re a team.” You said, Yoongi smiling back at you before leaning down to brush his lips against yours in an appreciative touch.
“What can I do to help you?” You asked, the apples of Yoongi’s cheeks appearing as he chuckled under his breath.
“You already have.” He squeezed at your waist, voice soft as you studied his features for any of the disgruntled emotions you’d seen earlier. You found none, more of a tired expression in place of the sad one from before.
The skin underneath his eyes circled in rosy purple, his limbs increasingly heavy in your hold as you rubbed his arms up and down in your palms, Yoongi’s eyelids began to flutter out of his control as his shoulders loosened from their tense hunch.
“Alright, well. What else can I do?” You pressed, knowing that despite his change in demeanor, he still needed a bit more comforting.
“I think I’m just gonna lay down. You can go back to the guys if you want, I think they put in a movie.” He turned from you, plopping down onto the bed with a grunt and pulling the covers up over his body as he dug his phone out of his pocket, holding the device above his face so that the screen lit up his features in the dimmed room.
Smiling in amusement at his effort to play it off, you silently padded over to the bed, crawling onto the mattress and dropping your body down beside the man, your head landing on his chest as your arm crossed his stomach.
You didn’t miss the way Yoongi’s lips twitched into a small smile at your decision to stay with him, wrapping an arm around your back to hold you to him as you pursed your lips on the material of his shirt underneath you. 
“Thank you.” He murmured quietly, clicking his phone off and setting it down so that his other hand could wrap around your body, holding you to him with a content exhale.
“Teamwork.” You responded simply, Yoongi craning his neck slightly to kiss the top of your head as he shut his eyes, you doing the same as you rubbed soothing circles into his chest with your fingers.
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 35
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.04K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear | @mangminnie | @pixiekooo (not taggable) | @cana
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"For your information, I am very against this."
"I thought you were looking forward to starting your training."
You glare at Namjoon when he makes the snide comment, and he has to struggle to keep his smile hidden at the reaction. Pouting in your chair, the stylist has to press her hand on your back to remind you to sit straight. At your reluctance, Namjoon's smile only grows and you struggle to ignore the rise of adoration in your chest.
Rolling your eyes you turn to your reflection in the mirror.
You're nearly unrecognizable.
With heavy lashes brushing against your cheek each time you blink, contour thinning your face, dark eyeliner helping your eyes pop out against the blush on your cheeks, you find it had to remember the way you looked before. Were your eyes always this bright? Did you always have this curl to your lashes? Were your cheeks this rosy, did you have that red hue to your lips? Did they always look so full and appealing?
Swallowing hard, you wonder if you're ready for this.
When Jin told you you'd be modeling today you thought he was joking. But BangPD wouldn't joke about something like this and when you got the call from him it only secured your fears. Biting your bottom lip, you fidget once more in your chair, the stylist sighing behind you.
Sheepishly, you go still, choosing instead to wrap your hands tightly around the arms of the chair. The stylist resumes their work silently, no doubt unaware of the insecurities rising in your chest. Namjoon is different, however, and noticing the way you've suddenly gone silent he glances towards you in worry.
"Is she ready?" Jin's voice breaks through the busybody chaos of the dressing room as he enters, the stylist performing the finishing touches to your hair.
Still holding forms of animosity towards him, you roll your eyes adeptly ignoring him. If he notices he doesn't show it, just angles past your retreating stylist and places his hands on the back of your chair trying to catch your eye. You raise your brow his way, refusing to return his smile. Noting the growing tension, Namjoon clears his throat, heading over to you as well and helping you out of the chair.
"I should hope so, doesn't she look ready?" He murmurs a bit nervously, and nudges you, clearly screaming at you to make nice with Jin and let bygones be bygones. You roll your eyes at the not-so-subtle signs and force a somewhat convincing smile towards the veteran. Jin nods in satisfaction before leading the three of you to the door, bowing respectfully to the rest of the staff.
Jin shivers in anticipation as he heads down the corridor. "Kind of nervewracking huh?"
Glaring him out of the corner of your eye, you scoff.
"Wasn't this your idea?"
Unfazed, Jin leans down peering into your eyes.
"Was it?"
Biting the inside of your cheek, you flick his forehead with your thumb and forefinger and he reels back, groaning in pain. You can't help but smile in satisfaction, but when you turn to Namjoon, his disapproving stare is enough to make the smile fade away.
"He started it." You mutter under your breath as you enter the shooting area.
Multiple set pieces and lights, bustling people hurrying from one set to another, sounds of photos being taken, bright flashes, and shouts from one side of the room to another. Models in flashy apparel, makeup artists, and stylists are ready to touch up anyone who needs it.
As you come face to face with the sight, you have to refrain from cursing underneath your breath.
"Ah Yen, good you're ready." At the voice, you blink out of your reverie only to find Sejin standing before the three of you. "Thank you for doing this again."
The head of BTS' management team, you've only met the man once before. He looks the same as he did then. Tall and intimidating, burly but with kind eyes. Graying black hair and signature glasses rest on his nose, a soft smile always playing on his lips. He puts you at ease, gives you a sense of familiarity and comfort.
"Of course, sir." You bow your head respectfully towards him, ignoring the incredulous look Jin makes beside you.
"Favoritism." He murmurs under his breath, and you wonder silently if Sejin will notice you elbowing him hard in his gut.
"They won't show your face that much, so all you have to do is stand there and look pretty for the camera. Simple enough, right?" Sejin explains, either pretending to be or completely oblivious to the exchange you and Jin just had. You nod as he turns away, picking up a call from his phone.
"Yeah..." You shakily look down at your hands, praying for them to stop shaking. "Simple."
Namjoon glances your way and reaches for your hand, prepared to offer you some words of encouragement, but another voice breaks through the chaos and he flinches away as soon as your head snaps up once more.
"Let's get going everyone!"
A man stands amidst the bustling crowd, with a clipboard in his hands and an earpiece secured in his ear. A couple of people are constantly trailing after him, asking questions and then darting away to carry out another set of tasks. He wears extravagant yet down-to-earth clothing, something that lets you know he's important but still a part of the background.
"Who's..." you start to say, but Namjoon, following your gaze, already answering your question as he folds his arms.
"That's the director for the shoot." He sighs, almost in exhaustion. Jin nods at his explanation getting the same worn-out look on his face at the sight of the man.
"He's just a little...eccentric." He adds to Namjoon's assumption, and you can't help but snort. Luckily, Jin doesn't seem to notice.
"That's rich coming from you." You mutter under your breath, holding your hand over your mouth to conceal your small giggles of laughter. Namjoon nudges you again to remind you to be respectful, but even he can't keep the smile off his face at the comparison.
"You must be Yen!"
At the shout from across the studio, you flinch as you turn to see the director just a few feet away from you. He takes your hand in his and shakes it excitably, and you have to resist the urge to remind him of personal space.
"My name is Deokhwa, thank you for filling in today."
You smile weakly at his enthusiasm, trying to read his excitement and understand why it's necessary.
"It's no problem."
Almost as soon as he was by your side, he turns on his heel and heads the other way once more calling out instructions to the staff members scuttling around.
"Can we get Taehyung and Jungkook into hair and makeup, please?! This should have been done ages ago!" With wide eyes, you watch him leave, your hand still outstretched where he had shaken it moments ago.
"Is he always like this?"
"Sometimes it's worse," Jin whispers in your ear, and you can't help it, you laugh, any hostility held against him now gone. There wasn't any reason for you to be mad at him, but it's just startling.
Aren't you supposed to be prepared for things like this? But standing here, you couldn't feel more out of place.
"Suga and Jimin, get into costume! Someone touch up Yoongi's hair please, he fell asleep...again."
Swallowing hard, you consider turning on your heel and running out of there. You wonder what they'd do if you just gave everything up now. You'd be okay, right? You've dealt with letting down people before. This wouldn't be anything different.
Then you remember.
The only person you'd be hurting would be yourself.
Clenching your jaw tight, you root your feet to the ground, refusing to let yourself get intimidated. Yes, you're not fully prepared, but you can do this. You have to do this.
"Hoseok!" Deokhwa calls for Jhope who's dawdling around near Suga. He turns at the sound of his name, Yoongi opening an eye, half-delirious and half annoyed. "Are you ready?"
"Yes sir!" He nods, a little too excited. Suga winces from his place beside Jhope, and pulls a pillow off the couch he was sleeping on.
"Then you and Yen can go first, alright?" Deokhwa decides, crossing something off of his clipboard. Jhope nods, saluting the director with a wide smile.
"Roger that!" He shouts once more, unbeknownst of Yoongi winding up behind him, and smacking the pillow straight into his back. Jhope shrieks, startled before turning to Suga and delving into a slight argument.
Namjoon, shaking his head at the encounter, almost forgets that you're right beside him. It's only when you take a deep breath to steady your nerves does he remember, turning to you. Biting his bottom lip, he considers reaching out to console you but pulls away hesitantly. Instead, he clears his throat, gathering your attention.
"Don't worry so much." He murmurs, glancing your way and sending you a slightly awkward but reassuring smile. "You can do this."
You return the smile, finding his concern to be comforting before turning to Deokhwa and heading over there to meet Jhope.
Maybe he's right, maybe you can do this.
Or maybe you're in over your head.
Standing in the middle of the set, you find yourself freezing, unable to move at the sight of so many eyes on you, so many cameras pointed your way. Ready to capture your every move, your every expression, your every misstep. You can't move, afraid that you'll screw everything up. Everything is so perfect, everything is set where it's supposed to be, what if you'll break it when you touch it? Anxiety growing larger and larger within your gut you try your hardest not to break down.
Why did they think you were ready for this? You don't even know what to do, much less how to do it even if you could figure out how to move again. Deokhwa tries his hardest to give you directions, but it's lost within the noise in your head. Static grows, mixing in with the bright lights and eyes staring at you, waiting to devour you and pick you apart as though you were a doll meant for their enjoyment.
When his hand wraps around your arm, sending warmth throughout your shaking body, you find yourself completely helpless. He pulls you to his side, his hands strong and sure behind you, making sure that you won't fall on his watch. You look to him, wondering if he can see how vulnerable you are at the moment, wondering if he knows that you aren't as strong as you pretend to be.
Jhope only smiles, brushing your hair off of your forehead and giving you a soft kiss in their place. You blink, shocked at the sudden show of affection, and equally as shocked when the camera flashes, taking a shot of the encounter.
Flinching, you turn to the camera, and the director, who's grinning from ear to ear. "That was great! Keep it up you two! And Yen, it's okay to be nervous at first, don't worry you'll get the hang of it."
Sheepishly, you nod, any fear or anxiety you had before quickly fading away in an instant. As the shooting commences, you turn to Jhope who has since let go of you and let out a soft sigh of relief.
"Thank you."
Hoseok glances at you from the corner of his eye, chuckling to himself as he takes your hands and leads you over to another section of the set. Dubiously still posing for the cameramen of the shoot. You notice, and can't help but smile. He really is kind.
"For what?"
At his question, you give him a look, but the innocent smile on his face only grows wider. It's a smile that tells you he knows exactly what he did, but he won't admit to it. You roll your eyes at the notion, finding it so like him, and yet so infuriating.
Instead, he picks up a bouquet and hands it to you. "There's nothing to thank me for, it's only right to help out someone new on set."
You take the flowers delicately into your hands, finding them to be an exquisite array of daffodils and sunflowers, a few peonies dotted here and there. You raise the flowers to your face, inhaling the sweet scent. As you do, Jhope smiles affectionately, multiple flashes from the camera capturing every second. However, the two of you are too distracted to care.
"Do you know what these flowers mean?" He asks you, and you look up at him, shaking your head silently. He chuckles at the curious spark in your eye and takes one of the daffodil petals into his hands, stepping closer to you.
"Daffodil's represent rebirth and new beginnings." He explains. "The first bloom after winter fades."
New beginnings. You wonder if there's any left for you to find.
"The sunflower is simple. A sign of happiness and good fortune. Peonies are difficult, however."
"How so?" You ask him, and he smiles, lifting a one from the bouquet.
"They mean something different all over the world. In Greece, they are known to represent bashfulness. In Japan, they're associated with bravery and honor." Looking up at you through his long eyelashes, he brushes his finger across your cheek as he tucks the flower behind your ear. "Generally though, they can be known to represent prosperity and love."
At the mention of the word, both of you look at the other. There's something in his eyes, something that reminds you of the way Jungkook has looked at you before. The same electrifying look that Taehyung has sent your way. The same connection you shared with the masked man.
He only pulls away from your touch long enough to set the flowers aside, then his hands reach for yours and they soon intertwine together.
Maybe it's the strange feeling of the set or the weird way the flowers have resonated with you, but you can feel your heartbeat increasing with every step he takes towards you. He presses his forehead against yours, and you find yourself avoiding his eyes, your cheeks flushing a bright red. Swallowing hard, you look up to find his eyes hooded, all traces of his once comforting smile now gone and replaced with something more sentimental.
"What?" you whisper.
"What do you mean?" This time, he doesn't smile innocently, instead, his warm hands tighten around yours, creating a cocoon around the two of you. You take a shaky breath, trying to refuse the loud pounding of your heart in your ears.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
He offers you no answer, only takes a step closer, your bodies now able to feel the other's warmth. A comforting feeling, one that lets you know that you still breathe and feel the same if not a bit different from the other. He presses his thumb against your cheek, rubbing it softly over your skin in a delicate motion. With wide eyes, you look up at him, wondering what is there that has entranced him so.
"Did you know you have a freckle here?"
Before you can move or even respond, Deokhwa's voice cuts through the cocoon, and the both of you are brought back to the harsh reality you had once escaped from in the arms of the other.
"Alright! That's a wrap, good job you two. Hoseok you can now get changed for your solo shots, and Namjoon get ready you'll be next."
When Jhope pulls away, you find yourself frozen, and confused.
Was that...was that all an act?
Watching him bow slightly to the director and cameramen, but still stay a considerable distance away from you, you can't help but feel a bit slighted. It all felt so real. Could he really have been faking it--?
And so what if he had?
Blushing profusely, you place your hands on your cheeks cursing and begging the rosy hue to erase itself from your skin.
Honestly, Yen, what were you expecting? He doesn't even know you that well, certainly not as well as Namjoon or Tae...
And why are you bringing those two into this?!
Inwardly, you groan. Having all of these idols around you 24/7 isn't doing any favors for your heart. Biting your bottom lip, you feel the darkness growing inside of you once more as you remember your promise.
Not now Yen.
Not yet.
Chuckling nervously, you turn to Jhope.
"You're good at this."
Hoseok looks towards you, once more feigning innocence. You almost want to strangle that puppy dog look from his eyes. It's as though he refuses to show you a real side to him. It's maddening, you can't seem to figure him out.
"What do you mean?" he asks, and you force a smile, beneath your grimace. Taking a deep breath, you pull the peony from your ear, smiling softly.
"You know...faking." You say the word before you realize how insulting it could be interpreted. At Hoseok's slight eyebrow raise, you grimace noting that he took it exactly that way. You stammer, scrambling for the right way to make up for your wrong usage of words. "I mean, you're a good actor! I almost believed that was real."
Jhope looks as though he wants to say something in response, but before he can, Deokhwa call from beyond the set, near a couple of stylists touching up Namjoon's makeup before he heads up.
"Come on you two! Come take a look at the monitor."
You nod, silently thanking God for giving you a weird and eccentric director. You don't notice the odd way Hoseok is looking at you, nor do you realize that he's taken a step closer to you. Placing his hand on your shoulder, you jump a bit, turning to him, but his lips are already by your ear, his breath hot and dancing on your skin.
You try your hardest not to shiver as he whispers his next words, the sound reverberating in your eardrums.
"I wasn't faking anything."
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𝔞/𝔫: i feel like we have hardly any Jhope moments so here you go! i hope this is a nice one, even if it's kind of short ;-;
chapter 36 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
Okay but consider: after her banishment, Gwen ends up crossing paths with Isolde and Tristan. Circumstances cause them to share a campsite for a few days - Isolde and Tristan have been separated from the rest of their crew, and a horrible storm has trapped the three of them in a cave for the foreseeable future. Naturally, bonding ensues, and these two grizzled smuggler people end up kinda-sorta adopting Gwen against their better judgment.
But like??? I'm just imagining a conversation between them, where they point out that Gwen is clearly bottling up Some Stuff, and it would really help her to just get it out of her system.
But Gwen turns down their offer and insists on bottling it up anyway, to which Isolde is like, "bro its cool that youre all polite and nice and whatnot, but you dont have to be that way all the time. its okay to be angry and upset every once in a while. you keep things bottled up because you think you have to, because thats what society expects of you, because everyone in your life needs to rely on your for strength and wisdom and support, and even though sometimes you dont want to be the responsible one there isnt much choice. and i get that, i really do, but right now we're all stuck in a cave together out in the middle of nowhere, and tristan and i are both literal criminals and also relative strangers, so no one will judge you or get upset if you just. go the tiniest bit unhinged for a while."
Naturally, Isolde has hit it right on the head. The next few minutes of wheedling and coaxing lead to Isolde and Gwen standing at the mouth of the cave, screaming loudly into the forest to vent all their pains and frustrations, just letting out every raw and ugly emotion they've got stuck inside them. Gwen is hesitant at first, but once she gains a bit of confidence she really gets into it. Isolde is...impressed and concerned by just how intensely Gwen can scream (she's got a lot bottled up, okay?)
Eventually they get the whole story out of her: her mother's death, Elyan's departure, her father's execution, Morgana's betrayal, the whole Lancelot mess, the various times she was sentenced to death, her complicated relationship with Arthur, that creep Agravaine...and the affair. She vents and weeps and screams at great length about the affair, and about her banishment, and about her fears and worries and frustrations and above all the self-loathing that has haunted her at every step of the way.
Isolde and Tristan listen, because clearly the poor girl has never had the chance to talk about this at length ever in her life and really really needs it. And okay, yeah, they're definitely keeping her now, it's too late.
Tristan smoothly yet gruffly brings up the suggestion that she tag along with them. She doesn't have anywhere else to go, after all, and they could use an extra set of hands. Gwen is of course reluctant to collude with smugglers, but after weighing her options she eventually decides to stick with these strange yet kind people.
Gwen doesn't start with smuggling right off the bat, though. She starts as the cook, and the horse-hand, and then one day Tristan hands her the reigns to one of the carts and teaches her how to drive it, and over time starts getting more and more responsibilities. she naturally acts polite and kind most of the time, but there are no expectations or consequences out here if she screws up or doesnt do her job perfectly every time. for perhaps the first time in her life, gwen finally has the chance to truly loosen up.
very quickly all the other members of the smuggler crew begin to adopt her as well, until this small army of hardened criminals are all collectively fawning over their mutual Sunshine Daughter. none of them liked King Arthur already due to his tax laws, but listening to Gwen's sordid tale gives them all a little bit of an extra reason.
One day, while going down to a nearby village to get some supplies, she overhears the news that Arthur is to marry Princess Mithian of Nemeth. And that gives her some...mixed feelings. Like, she's not jealous, that's just not her style, but she's not exactly happy about it either. She's trying to be. She knows she should be happy for Arthur. But at the same time, it does kinda sting.
She tries to bottle up those negative feelings at first, and just keep a brave face through the pain - until she remembers what Isolde said, and she remembers how all the other people in the smuggler crew taught her that ugly emotions aren't bad, and that it's okay to let yourself feel angry and upset from time to time.
So, armed with a new handful of complicated emotions and the full intention of not bottling them up for once, Gwen asks to tag along with the next away team. Which is weird because she never does that, she usually prefers to keep as far away from the actual criminal activity as possible. But something in her eyes tells Tristan that she needs this, so even though he has a policy against bringing amateurs he happily welcomes her along.
In this particular instance, they are going to be stealing some valuable goods from a particularly belligerent noble. While sneaking around the noble's extravagant estate, which stands in stark contrast to the dilapidated state of the nearby villages under his control, Gwen overhears the noble slapping one of his servants. She taps Isolde on the arm. Says, "I have an idea." Isolde finds that she likes the idea very much.
Next thing they know, they're running from the estate's guards while cackling, the noble's wardrobe full of disgustingly fancy linens in flames. Gwen is laughing, loud and unburdened; not only was setting all those silk garments on fire immensely cathartic, but it was also some of the most fun she's had in her entire life.
At breakfast the next morning, as Isolde proudly recounts their adventures to the rest of the crew, one of the other smugglers - a plucky young teen who looks oddly familiar, goes by the name Mordred - says that if Gwen enjoys fire so much, he might be able to hook her up with a spell or two.
And that is, more or less, the story of how Mordred began teaching Gwen magic. And that is also more or less the story of how Gwen learned to let loose and become the Robin Hood-esque arsonist sorcerer she was always meant to be.
(A few months later, Arthur and Merlin will stumble their way into camp, and that will be...interesting, to say the least.)
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sugarandspice-games · 3 years
Mammon Patches up a Protective MC
Hoo boy, this one is almost proper fic length! Sugar and I collabed on this one, so it’s going in both our tags! We have a somewhat difficult time writing for Mammon due to lack of experience (even if I love him), but here you go!
[TW: Bullying, mild description of wounds]
“If you think I look bad, you should see the other guy,” you said, puffing up your chest as Mammon looked you over, first aid kit in hand. 
You had a few scrapes and scratches along with the multiple violet bruises that mottled your skin, and since the band-aids had already been used, he had to swipe some of Levi’s limited edition TSL bandages.
He’d be mad later, but Mammon would pay him back... maybe.
“Still! What were ya thinkin’, getting into a fight with a demon?! If I hadn’t gotten there, he could’ve killed you, or eaten you, or--”
“Well, he didn’t!” you huffed, crossing your arms and then wincing as you accidentally pressed a nasty bruise, “So there!”
Mammon sighed, stooping to your level as you sat on your bed, nursing your bruised legs.
“Lemme see what I can do.”
You blushed as he inched closer to you, but you turned your face away, trying to hide your burning cheeks from his view. He was too tied up in treating his human’s wounds to notice, but it still made you shy.
The truth was, you were just as crazy for Mammon as he was for you. You’d had a crush on him ever since Lucifer introduced you to him, and fell harder for him after seeing him stumble to show his affection for those he cared about... you could tell he cared a lot. And you remember how you felt, your boiling blood pulsing through your clenched veins when you heard the lesser demons gossipping about him behind his back.
“Yeah, I can’t come over, I got roped into playing poker with Mammon tonight... Can you believe my rotten luck?”
“Ugh, I have no idea how you can stand that guy! He’s just such a lazy scumbag and a troublemaker.”
“I know, right? He’s going nowhere fast, a real good-for-nothing. But I can’t say I hate being with him, it’s always hilarious when he screws something up!”
“Hahaha! Yeah, ain’t that the truth!”
“The funniest bit is... I think he’s actually trying. It’s sad.”
You couldn’t remember the exact moment when you launched yourself at the lesser demon, but you remembered his surprised gasp the moment he hit the floor with a raging, wildly-swinging human on top of him.
“TAKE IT BACK!” you roared, “TAKE IT BACK NOW!”
You remembered the face of this particular demon-- Mammon talked to him sometimes, introduced him to you as a friend of his, and earnestly thought of him as such. But the fact that he was standing there, laughing and insulting someone who was never anything but kind to him, even if Mammon could be rough and difficult sometimes...
It really pissed you off.
One of the other demons pried you away from him after you had gotten some good hits in, and pain shot through you as his foot collided with your unprotected stomach. Fury searing your nerves, you wrenched yourself from the offending grip and rushed toward the demon, clawing and punching and even biting with no real strategy. You were made of pure, enraged feral energy.
In the end, Mammon had to separate the both of you two. You and the demon barked insults at each other before you were carted away.
And here you were, sitting on your bed and staring into Mammon’s concerned face.
The alcohol stung against your scratches as he cleaned each one clumsily with a swab, and you shivered from the cold ice packs against your bruises and your wounded stomach.
“Jeeze,” Mammon scoffed, leaning back. “What’s got ya so riled anyway? Did he insult your outfit? I’ll have a talk with him...” He swiped his hand through his hair, still clutching the tweezers that held the bloodied cotton ball. “I can’t have my human gettin’ eaten before the Solstice. You haven’t seen everythin’ yet, so just don’t get into anymore fights and let the Great Mammon take care of it from now on, okay?”
You can’t help but tilt your chin, squeezing your teeth together. 
“He deserved it!”
You could barely stomach the insults the brothers tossed at Mammon, and how he would grumble, and hiss, but ultimately shake it off. Even when he couldn’t, in those rare moments his lips would fall and his eyes would water behind his glasses, he kept going-- he kept trying to be himself.
You loved him for that, and under it all, so did his brothers... so you could let it go...
But not from some... stupid, inconsiderate little...
“C’mon,” Mammon sighed softly, dropping his tool to rest his hand on top of your head. “I know this li’l guy and he probably didn’t mean nothin’ by it.”
Your eyes stung now and you ground your teeth. 
You’d be damned if you’d cry but your throat was closing, flames licking at the side of it from the fury simmering in your ribcage. 
You sniffed, trying to fight back the sob clawing its way through your chest.
“Y...You don’t get it...”
“What? Are ya sayin’ I’m stupid?” Mammon chuckled dryly.
With his insult toward himself, you finally bawled, cheeks darkening with the force, as you flung yourself onto his shoulder.
“I don’t think you’re stupid!” you sobbed, “Y-You’re protective, and good with numbers, and honest, a-and.. and...”
...and so, so kind, you want to add.
Kind enough to take you under his wing, kind enough to protect a sick little girl from the human world at the cost of being bullied by those witches, kind enough to put up with the constant slew of insults from his brothers...
Kind enough to offer his friendship to some lesser demon who doesn’t even appreciate it.
“And I won’t let some dumbass little punk talk about the demon I love like that!”
If Mammon wasn’t already flustered when you threw yourself against him, he definitely was now.
Yes, he’d just learned that his ‘friend’ was talking about him behind his back, apparently... Though that wasn’t anything new to him. He was fairly used to being disrespected, even if he was an esteemed member of RAD’s student council. He wouldn’t lie (not to himself, anyway) and say it didn’t hurt, but...
You just said you loved him, and he’d be damned if he let his anger at his former friend overshadow that.
“Hey... can you say that again?”
“He’s... a-a dumbass punk...?” You hiccuped, swallowing down some of the snot clogging your nose.
Mammon couldn’t help but laugh, pressing you tighter against him. 
Maybe... Maybe he could live with just one person respecting him.
“Not that,” He shook his head, resting his head against yours. “The other part..”
“The... other...?” You blinked before feeling more heat flood your cheeks. “Oh, shit.”
“C’mon... Just one more time?”
His voice softened, dropping to a low rumble, and you could hear the quiet desperation there. The longing, the desire, and... The hesitation, uncertainty.
You wanted to wipe it away.
“I love you, Mammon.” You spoke honestly, clearing your throat so the words would be clear. “I love you, I love you, I love you... and I won’t stand for anyone talking about you like that. Ever. Not when you are so wonderful.”
He only held you tighter, somehow wishing he could get closer, closer, closer. You were so warm, and even though your cheeks were blotchy and there were tears and snot staining your skin, you were so... beautiful.
“I love ya too... I’m so lucky to have such an amazing, fiery, cute little human by my side,” he paused, pressing his forehead to yours, “But don’t get in any more fights, okay? I don’t wanna lose you because of somethin’ some little pipsqueak said. You’re my human, all mine, and maybe that’s selfish, but... I wanna keep ya around as long as possible.”
You laugh through the tears, nuzzling him and pressing a kiss to his temple.
“No promises.”
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Pairing: Matt Casey x Sibling! reader
Summary: Y/N, who is Matt Casey’s younger sister and also a member of Truck 81, is hurt badly when the firetruck gets into an accident
Requested: No
Warnings: mentions of a car accident and severe injuries, plus some light swearing
Word Count: 1,537 Words
Note: This is taken from Chicago Fire S3 Ep3, Just Drive the Truck
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“Hey boys,” I say cheerfully as I walked into the break room. “What are you guys doing?”
“Looking at a food truck for Molly’s II. Look at this baby. She’s a beauty,” Joe exclaimed and showed me a picture of the food truck.
“Wow. That looks pretty nice. How much is it?” I ask.
“Only $12,000,” Joe answered.
“No,” Otis interjected. “That 12K at the top is how many miles the truck has. The price is right here. $79,000.”
“Oof. Better luck next time.” Mouch responded and Joe’s shoulder. Just then, the alarm sounded throughout the firehouse.
“Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Structure fire, 16th and Wabash,” the dispatcher spoke through the intercom.
“Duty calls,” I mumble and turn back around to head to the apparatus floor. I put on my gear pretty quickly and climbed into Truck 81. My seat was against the back wall of the truck, so when I was looking forward, I could see out the windshield. Out of the 3 seats in my row, I was the one furthest on the inside of the truck, mainly because I was the smallest out of Otis, Mouch and I. On the way to the fire, I kept my gaze trained ahead. I liked watching our surroundings pass us by. Suddenly, the truck jerked, and we began tipping over. The last thing I remember before blacking out was a wave of pain rolling through my entire body, and the sound of sirens.
Matt’s POV
“How’s every looking?” I ask my crew.
“Mouch has a pretty big cut on top of his eye. And Lieutenant, Y/N, she’s unconscious. It looks like she’s bleeding pretty bad,” Otis replied. I turned around to get a look at my younger sister, and when I saw her, my face paled. A decent sized pool of blood was puddling around his side, and she had a large cut on her forehead. As for the side of her body that was pressing against the floor, I couldn’t tell if she was hurt, but because of how much she was bleeding, I had to assume it wasn’t good.
“Hey!” Kelly shouted and scaled up the side of the truck. “Any injuries?”
“Mouch is bleeding,” I answer. “And Y/N-” I choked up on my words. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything.
“It’s going to be okay. Nobody touch Y/N. If she’s got a neck injury, I don’t want you guys jostling her. Lets get you guys out of here,” Kelly said. I groaned and climbed out through my shattered window, wincing as I moved my joints.
“Severide, you have to get Y/N out of there,” I plead. “Promise me you will.”
“Casey, protocall say’s we’ve got to save those likely to survive first,” Kelly explained.
“Are you serious? You’re always the one breaking the rules, and now when my sister is is danger, you want to follow them? Screw you!” I shout and climb over to the doorway leading down into the back of the truck.
“Casey, stop. Go and help Molina. I’ve got this. Mills! Capp! Get over here!” Kelly called out. Peter and Capp ran over to the truck, and Kelly looked down at them. “Y/N’s pinned in here pretty bad. I need you to get a neck collar and a board ready. We’re going to do a lift,” Kelly told them. Capp and Peter ran off to grab the supplies just as Chief Boden arrived.
“Take care of her, all right?” I ask.
“Yeah. Of course,” Kelly said as I climbed down from the truck to meet Boden.
“Is everyone okay?” Boden asked. 
"Mouch’s eye is messed up. Dawson's taking him to Chicago Med. And Y/N is stuck at the bottom of our truck. She’s bleeding pretty bad, Chief, and I don’t know how long it’ll take to get her out,” I respond.
Boden cursed. “Cruz, what happened?” 
“I don't know, Chief. They came out of nowhere,” Joe replied as Chief Tiberg appeared.
“Who had the light?” Chief Tiberg asked. 
“We did,” Joe spoke confidently. "And if it wasn't green, then it was yellow. There's no way it was red.” 
“You don't know what color it was?” Tiberg questioned. 
“Cruz, did you see the light?” Boden asked. 
“I must have. I know I did,” Joe confessed.
“Lieutenant, did you see the light? Tell me you saw the light,” Tiberg demanded.
“Sorry, sir. I didn’t see it,” I answer.
“Someone else had to have seen the light,” Tiberg insisted.
“Y/N did,” I admit.
“All right. Then lets speak to her,” Tiberg ordered.
“You can’t. She’s stuck in the truck still and uncons-” I cut myself off and took another deep breath, attempting to keep tears from making their way to the surface. Just then, I heard commotion coming from behind me, and when I turned around, I saw that Squad 3 had managed to get Y/N out of the truck. They were now loading her on a stretcher. “Y/N!” I shout and run to the gurney’s side, grabbing her hand in mine. I was now able to see Y/N’s injuries to their full extent, and it didn’t look good. Along with the cut on her head which I had already seen, there was a huge chunk of metal sticking out of her side. It looked like it came from the inside of the truck. Her arm was also broken, and I knew that because one of the bones in her lower arm was protruding from her skin. Y/N’s skin was also getting deathly pale, meaning she was losing too much blood. We had to get her to the hospital now. As soon as the paramedics loaded her gurney into the back of the ambulance, I climbed in with her, and then we sped off to Chicago Med.
When I woke up, I felt groggy, and my whole left side hurt like hell. I opened my eyes, but closed them immediately after. It was very bright in here. Finally, I was able to open my eyes, and I squinted a bit to adjust my eyes to the lighting. That’s when I realized that I was in a hospital room, and I remembered the accident. I glanced down at myself, seeing my left arm in cast, and my left side was patched up. I could also feel some stitches on my forehead, meaning I was pretty banged up when I was brought in here. At that moment, Matt walked into the room, and he practically ran to my side.
“Hey. How are you feeling?” my brother asked me.
“Like shit,” I reply softly. “Everything hurts.” Matt laughed, but something about it seemed off. “Hey. What’s wrong?”
“The time it took us to get you out of the truck and how much you were bleeding, well, you should be dead. You crashed once on the way here, and once in surgery. I thought I lost you,” Matt explained and clutched my hand. I squeezed his hand as hard as I could, which wasn’t too hard considering I had just woken up from surgery.
“Well, I’m not going anywhere. Is everyone else okay?” I question.
“Mouch had a bad cut on top of his eye, but he should be fine. Everyone else got away with a few cuts and bruises. And Cruz, well, he was suspended,” Matt told me.
“What? Why?” I ask.
“He admits to the light being green, but he doesn’t remember that well, and I didn’t see it. So, Tiberg suspended him,” Matt said.
“I think you should get Tiberg and Boden down here. I’ll tell them what happened. I saw everything,” I murmur.
“Y/N, you should be resting,” Matt insisted.
“I can rest later. Right now, I need to tell the truth,” I say.
“All right, Y/N. Tell us everything you saw,” Boden declared.
“Every time we get a call, I stare out the front windshield. It calms me down before we get to a fire, where sometimes, hell breaks loose. Anyways, yesterday, it was like any other call. I climbed into my seat, and I stared out the windshield like always. Just before the crash, when Joe was passing through the intersection, I saw the light. It was yellow, meaning it was our light. Molina was the run who ran through the light, not Joe Cruz,” I exclaim.
“We’ll definitely take that into consideration. Thank you,” Chief Tiberg informed me and left the room.
“Uh, the rest of the firehouse is in the waiting room. Do you want me to send them in?” Boden asked.
I smiled. “Yeah. Send ‘em in.” Seconds later, the rest of the firehouse swarmed into my room.
“Man, you look like hell,” Kelly told me.
“Please. Even though I look like shit, I look better than you do on your good days,” I counter, causing the whole room to laugh. “But thank you for saving me. I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you.”
“It was no big deal. Now, who’s got some playing cards? I think it’s time someone beat Y/N at poker,” Kelly spoke.
“So you think that because I’m injured I’m going to lose? Fat chance. Pass me those cards. Kelly, you’re on,” I say.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13​ @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @anotherfan07 @giagma
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clairecrive · 3 years
"Rock my world" - Sirius Black x reader
A/n: I was thinking of making this a series but idk, let me know what you think. The band in the picture, Maneskin, are my inspiration for the marauders' band music and aesthetic. Check them out cause they're really good. They're going to represent Italy at the next Eurovision contest.
Here's their Instagram and Spotify.
Tags: Muggle AU, so ofc no magic, no Hogwarts, Marauders in a rock band, no Peter but Regulus instead, jily
Warnings: none
Word count: 2.2K ish
Summary: When y/n finally agrees to check out this band that her best friend was always talking about, she's in for a pleasant surprise and one hell of a night.
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It had all started in the cheesiest and most cliscé of ways, really. Y/n had made a bet which had made you go out of your comfort zone that one night and for your bravery, you were rewarded with the most amazing boyfriend ever. It sounds like a story out of a rom-com or a romance novel, doesn't it? Well, yeah, it felt like a main character moment but, unlike what we see in those stories, it wasn't always fun and games.
But let's start from the beginning, shall we?
Y/n's best friend Jules had been nagging her about this rock band who was apparently the new sensation of the year according to her, for the longest time. So, one Friday night, when Jules had informed her that that very band was playing in a bar not very far from her workplace, she agreed to go for drinks there.
Worst case scenario, she thought, the music will be terrible but at least I get to tease Jules about it.
Still clothed in the floral dress she had chosen this morning, but adding a few glittery touches and graphic eyeliner to make her look more nighty, y/n headed towards said bar where Jules was already waiting for her.
"Finally," she huffed when y/n rounded the corner and entered her field of vision. 
"Sorry, it was my turn to close tonight," y/n shot her an apologetic smile before hooking their arms.
They made their way inside looking for a place to sit. The bar was already crowded but not in an unusual way. Maybe it was the hour or the fact that it was a weeknight, y/n didn't know but felt grateful that it wasn't packed. She really wasn't a fan of crowded places.
They got their drinks and caught up as they usually would about their week. They were almost finished when the band walked up the stage and music started playing. Even before the first note, one look at their outfits made clear what kind of music they were going to play. 
They had an interesting aesthetic, y/n had to admit. They wore the same colour but each member had their own style. The band was made up of four guys, the bassist had long straight hair and he looked a lot like the singer who instead had curly hair, the drummer had short curly light brown hair and y/n couldn't see what he was wearing past a black vest while the guitarist had black hair that was all over the place and wore glasses. 
They had an androgynous aesthetic, each of them with beautiful makeup in tones of black and grey and the ones y/n could see clearly were wearing a sort of body. They looked stunning. Y/n had decided she liked them based on this alone. She had to admire anyone who had the guts to express themselves freely especially when it was in such an open and unapologetic way of going against gender norms.
After half an hour, the music stopped and after the singer wished everyone goodnight and they all climbed down. As she expected, they played rock music ranging from soft rock edging pop to hard rock that made her think a lot of ACDC. Y/n wasn't an expert in music but she had liked what she heard and wouldn't mind listening more from them. She was sure that she was going to catch some of their songs on the radio in the future. 
However, Jules picked up the conversation where they had left it before the concert and decided that it was the time where she'd complain about her recent love interest. Each of their weekly meetings had one of this moment. Unfortunately, it looked like Jules didn't have a lot of luck when it came to guys. And as it always would, she wondered if she was the problem asking y/n if the reason every one of her relationships failed because she was unlovable. As if.
"That's not true, I truly believe that you can learn to love anyone. Lest you get to know them, of course."
"Of course you'd say something like that."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"If you truly believe that, then you're not going to say no to this." Jules wriggles her eyebrows suggestively and y/n knew that the night is either about to become very interesting or about to go very wrong.
"The expression on your face is telling me that I should definitely say no to what you're about to say."
"Oh c'mon, it's just an innocent dare. Nothing too crazy, I promise."
"Which is?"
"You see that guy leaning on the bar? Long black hair with the black leather jacket?" Y/n turned around indulging her friend and eventually spotted the guy she was talking about. She took her time to look at him until she realized something that made her whip around to face Jules again.
"You mean the singer of the band?" y/n asked incredulously.
"Isn't he handsome?" Jules smiled wide completely ignoring the look y/n was giving her already knowing what was going through her friends' mind. "I want you to go to him and ask him out."
"C'mon", Jules complained reaching out to y/n over the table, "didn't you say that it was possible to love anyone? Can't you see yourself loving him?"
"That's not the point," y/n exclaimed still not believing that her friend was suggesting something so outrageous. "Can you see him loving me?" Because that man over there had "heart breaker" spelt all over him. And okay, y/n had to admit that this was a rush judgment she was making and it wasn't exactly fair but there was no way that a guy like him could be interested in a girl like her.
And yes, we could stay here and discuss all the reasons why that statement is wrong but still, if she were to put herself out there -something that was not like her at all- she wasn't going to go over someone so out of reach for her. And that was that.
"Listen, do you remember that video you sent me the other day?" Jules squared her shoulders, now looking fully serious at y/n. Unfortunately, y/n did remember the video Jules was talking about. She would have never guessed it would come back and bit her in the ass otherwise she'd never sent it.
Sighing, y/n looked down at the drink in her hands and thought about it. The video basically encouraged the viewer to go up to what they believed was the most beautiful person in the room and tell them exactly that. It may sound a little silly but at the time y/n had appreciated the sentiment. Going out of one's comfort zone. Challenging yourself. Because, what was the worst that could happen? That person shotting you down? That didn't sound life-threatening. Now though, y/n wasn't so sure. 
"Worst case scenario, just tell him I'm calling you and head back here." Jules offered, almost as if she could tell exactly what her best friend was thinking.
Looking at her best friend, something snapped in her. Jules was right. What's the worst that could happen? She already knew that the guy was going to shoot her down. She was prepared. It was a dare, a silly thing that could give her a story to tell to her nephews one day. 
What the hell, y/n thought squaring her shoulders. 
"You know what?" she downed the rest of her drink and got up from her seat, "I'm doing it." Looking in the reflection of the tissue box on the table to check how she looked, she fixed her smudged lipstick and ruffed her hair before nodding solemnly at Jules and turned around.
As she made her way to the bar, she could hear Jules cheering on her fueling her sudden confidence. 
The man of the hour was there where she saw him last. Her steps faltered as she realized that she had no idea how to approach him. What was she going to say? Oh my god, she was totally going to make a fool of herself. If she was not going to die for his rejection, she sure is going to die of embarrassment. 
She was almost about to turn around and abort the mission when his eyes met hers.
Well, fuck. There was no way she was going to back down now.
She regained her confidence and smiled at him while closing the distance between them. She smiled at him. Who was she? Did someone drug her drink?
He smiled back at her, turning so that he'd be facing her once she reached him and she almost stopped to pinch herself to see if she was hallucinating or something.
"Hey," she said once she stood in front of him. Good, she thought, let's start with something simple.
"Hi," he smiled back at her.  
Okay, okay, it's going good, isn't it? He hasn't ignored me, that must mean something, right? Yes, that he wasn't a rude asshole was her sobering thought.
"So," y/n started trying to take to time while she figured what to say, "I saw a video the other day," was what she ended up with. 
The handsome stranger lifted his eyebrows in amusement and took a sip of his beer. Y/n took that as a "go on then".
"There was this woman that basically dared anyone watching to go up to the person who they thought was the most beautiful person in the room and tell them exactly that." Well, let's just get it out of the way, I guess, she thought. "So, here I am," she added as if it wasn't clear enough.
However, as she saw the man's smile widen, y/n suddenly realized how really screwed she was. This man was way out of her league.
"Well, now that I'm here, I should also mention that you've really good at what you do too." 
"Not to sound rude or anything," he spoke for the first time that evening and y/n had already decided that he had been the gods' favourite in another life before he opened his mouth but now? as he heard his low and raspy voice? she was sure he had been at least a demi-god, "did you lost a bet or something?" he asked, his grey eyes boring into hers like he was looking into her soul.  
Who was this guy? and why was she feeling like this? Get a grip, y/n, she scolded herself.
"Is it that obvious?" y/n's shoulders slouched as some of the tension left them, a nervous laugh leaving her mouth. 
"I saw you downing your drink like it was some kind of bravery potion before you came here," he explained with a light scroll of his shoulders. "Not that I mind though," he added with what should be an illegal smirk. Smug.
"Yeah, I'm sure you've heard it countless time only tonight." Let's joke on it, she thought, there's still a chance I can come clean out of this mess. 
He chuckled and, not leaving her eyes, he slipped a hand through his loose hair pushing it back. "I meant that if you hadn't come I would probably found an excuse to come up to you too." He leaned back onto the bar looking completely unbothered, not as if he had said something that made her feel on fire. 
"Looks like I've to thank your friend for my luck." Looking over your shoulder, he held one of his hands up and lightly waving at Jules, y/n figured.
"Yeah, let's not tell her that or I will never hear the end of it." Rolling her eyes, y/n also leaned on her arm resting on the bar next to him. Whether it was the fact that all the cards were on the table or that what he said meant that he had to somewhat like her, she felt more relaxed than a couple of minutes ago.
"Before I make this solemn oath, I think it would be appropriate to know your name, don't you think?"
"It's y/n," she held her hand up for him to shake. However, he had something else in mind since when he took hold of her hand he turned it and held it up to his lips to leave a soft kiss on it. Y/n  almost rolled her eyes at the gesture if it wasn't for his eyes. They didn't move from hers and she found that she didn't want to stop looking at him. Like she was in a trance. Yes, he was handsome, even more so up close, so of course he was nice to look at but that wasn't why. It's the way his eyes glimmered as they watched her, the gentleness with which he was holding her hand, the softness of his lips on her skin. What would they feel like on her lips, she wondered.
"I'm Sirius." 
And that's how it all started. A silly video sent almost automatically to her best friend and an outrageous bet made y/n's night definitely interesting. To her luck though, Sirius became a permanent presence and not a one-night sensation.
Tagging: @seldomabsent
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