#despite almost not graduating highschool
drowninginthoughts27 · 2 months
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pirates-and-posies · 2 years
Pros of playing trumpet: Super fucking fun! Get to play iconic hits and make em cool! Get to make people go fucking deaf! Always loud n funky!
Cons of playing trumpet: Not having enough money to actually buy one, can never hit anything higher than a goddamn g above the staff because NOBODY TAUGHT ME HOW TO CONTROL AIR OR EMBOUCHURE RIGHT
"Faster air, tighter lips"
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lexsssu · 5 months
Odd (Hiroki Dan)
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TAGS: Dan/F!reader, yandere, possessiveness, obsession, breeding, impregnation, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Dan was always…odd.
Even when you were both still young preteens fumbling their way through puberty and middle school, there was always something about him that stood out from the rest of the student body.
Sure, he was smart, handsome, and came from a good family especially with his father being the current superintendent general at the police force. He had all the qualities that ensured his constant popularity, but despite how amicable he was towards your peers he always retreated back into himself.
At least, that was when it came to everyone else that is.
Because the biggest oddity you could find in him is his blatant need to ALWAYS be around you.
Whether he was merely within your immediate vicinity or engaging with you in some way, the dark-haired male was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. The eyes are the windows to the soul and for someone like him who was a master at molding his expressions in whatever face he needed at the moment, his eyes clearly revealed how genuine he was towards you.
Perhaps you should be scared, especially when his expressive eyes widen and dilate whenever your eyes meet with him for even a second. How it seems as if he’d been staring at you for long periods of time without you even noticing how heated his gaze was, but…
Was it bad that you found his attention…endearing? 
Flattering even that such an eligible man such as him only had you in his eyes?
Dan never did anything that made you feel uncomfortable, but rather knowing that you had his eternal attention almost felt like a safety blanket was wrapped around you and that there was never really anything for you to fear. He is a gentleman first and foremost, but the longing within his eyes are unmistakable and the genuine smiles he bestows upon you wear down the walls you’ve placed around your heart little by little.
That is why is there really any surprise that you’re wedded beneath the sakura blossoms as soon as you’ve both graduated highschool? 
To most people, marrying so early seemed like such an archaic practice or that you were both throwing your lives away so early. 
Such a thought never passed through your mind however and much less your husband for that matter. If anything, both his family and yours were very supportive of your decision as they had all been witness to the love you both shared for one another through all these years. Plus, it also helps that his family was well-off enough and Dan himself driven enough that your father had no qualms handing you over to his new son-in-law because he knew that you’d certainly be taken care of and cherished.
However, as much as you were grateful to the family and friends that celebrated your union, nothing could still overcome the happiness that overflowed from your heart as you met this man at the altar and exchanged vows and a kiss to seal your everlasting love to one another.
Dan was certainly odd…but you loved him all the same.
“The doctor said that this is the best position to allow my seed to reach your womb and we’d be remiss if we didn’t follow her instructions. Besides, Masahiro deserves a new sibling, don’t you think so? I long to see you again growing ripe with my child…your breasts filling up with such fine drink that I’m already salivating just thinking about it…”
You don’t know what happened during work to set him off like this, but you weren’t complaining as Dan did his utmost best to practically rearrange your guts with how hard he was bearing down on you. The pillow he’d slipped beneath your hips just moments ago certainly helped as skin smacked against skin and bodily fluids dripped and stained the once pristine bedsheets.
The handsome investigator’s usually combed dark hair was in disarray as strands clung to his sweat-stained face, his movements & expression reeking of desperation and overflowing affection as he sought to get his cock as deep into you as he could. With luscious thighs wrapped around his narrow waist, hands raking against his strong back leaving faint red lines, and your lips kissed and bitten until it shone a bright reddish color, Hiroki knew that this might as well have been heaven.
For it is everything he wanted and dreamed of.
A precious young son sleeping in his own room, and the love of his life: his sweet little wife who still cared for him in spite of his need to ‘commit good deeds.’
And now that the newest member of your family was actively being made, Hiroki would make sure to continue his mission to cleanse the world of the filth that dared taint its goodness.
“ Leave it to me, darling. I’ll rack up enough ‘good deeds’ for you and all our future children so that you may all live without fears or worries… ”
With your face buried in the crook of his neck as you slept on top of him, his cock still stuffed inside your sopping cunt in order to prevent any of his seed from slipping out, the man smiled and closed his eyes and followed you into the land of dreams.
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pandoraslxna · 11 months
Sweet like Cherry – Chapter 2
Miles Quaritch x female human reader
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Words: 6.5k
Summary: Miles has a secret admirer and apparently, she has a thing for photography.
Warnings: explicit smut, voyeurism, exhibitionism, bullying, teasing, sexual tension, virginity, fingering, masturbation, dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, nudes, corruption kink, slight praise and degradation / humiliation, daddy issues, age difference, authority kink, alcohol consumption, edging
Notes: I wrote this during the worst writers block ever, so I feel like there’s still so much left unsaid in this chapter, ugh. Whatever. I still hope you guys enjoy it! Also, please don’t get confused but I’ve decided to switch the pov between Miles and Cherry every other chapter so the story can be seen through the eyes of both of them.
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The first time you could remember being called a nerd it had been as an insult. Of course.
The term exactly used was ‘stupid nerd’ after you had refused to give the answers to a biology test to the rest of the class in highschool. You could handle being called names, it wasn't that much of a big deal. In fact, you were a nerd. There was no way around it. No matter how many times you insisted you had been to any party’s on the weekends instead of studying all night long or that you had made out with that definitely-not-imaginary-boyfriend after school, you were and you would always be a massive nerd.
Nothing to be ashamed of, honestly. It’s what had gotten you this job, after all.
Driven to succeed starting from a young age, you had excelled academically, earning top grades and winning numerous awards. You‘ve always been particularly interested in science and botanic, and even pursued a degree at a prestigious university.
After graduation, you set your sights on this rare opportunity to work at a highly coveted research lab, one that only a handful of people in the world had ever been invited to join. Over the years, you worked tirelessly, taking on increasingly complex projects and earning the respect of colleagues and superiors.
Spending long hours studying, researching and practicing your skills was the reason why you ended up being one of the candidates that were considered for this job. And when the time came to apply, you submitted a flawless application that showcased your brilliance and dedication.
Yes, you were a nerd. But in the end, you had beat out hundreds of other highly qualified applicants for the chance to be send to Pandora, working for the RDA‘s botanical scientific team.
So, it wasn't like you didn't like the word. The only issue was, that it brought back some unpleasant memories you thought that a twenty-five year old adult should have already been over.
But the first time someone on Pandora had called you a nerd, you didn't come back to that memory. No, your mind was entirely too focused on taking in the sight and presence in front of you to even have time to go back to that place, back to the time in school when people thought intelligence was a reason to bully.
The main cafeteria was as cramped as usual, soldiers as well as scientists taking in their meals in the spacious hall. It was well-lit and ventilated, with long tables and benches filling the room that almost reminded you of the cafeteria at your old university back on earth.
The food options are diverse, thankfully. Ranging from traditional earth cuisine to exotic dishes from Pandora. The atmosphere was bustling, with conversations and debates taking place between colleagues, while others sat in silence, lost in thought. Despite their differences, everyone seemed to be united in their shared mission on Pandora, which was something you realized right after your arrival on this planet a couple of months ago. It made you feel like you finally belonged somewhere.
Poking around in what looked like pasta, but was actually some green-yellowish-vegetable, you absently listened to your coworkers wild discussion about a topic that seemed pretty much endless to you.
Maggie‘s latest success of exchanging phone numbers with Phil from floor 3.G. A computer engineer and now basically the talk of the town. The town being you and a couple of female coworkers your age that often shared lunch together, but otherwise barely interacted if it wasn’t work related.
Apparently, it was a rather big deal for Maggie to finally get into Phil’s pants, because, and I quote, "it’s been forever" and "I almost feel like I will revert into a virgin back again if I don’t get laid anytime soon" followed by cheerful laughter and agreement of the whole group.
It was weird, you thought, how people act as though not getting laid is the worst thing that could possibly happen to a person. You, honest to god, could not care less whether or not you will have sex in the next century, much less the next couple of years.
Deciding that you’ve heard enough nonsense for the day, you packed up your lunch and excused yourself with a polite smile.
Lost in thought, your feet tapped on the floor as you waited for the elevator doors to open, so you could travel up to the main lab and continue your work in peace.
Sure, the other scientists were nice and under other circumstances you would maybe even consider them as more than just coworkers, you think to yourself. But you weren’t here to make friends.
The doors then slide open with a ding, cutting off your train of thoughts before your eyes fall on the wall of blue muscles and green cargo pants that were about to exit the elevator, stopping yourself just in time before you ran into them.
These must be the recombinant soldiers all of bridgehead city was talking about lately, you thought. They looked like Na‘vi, almost identical like the ones you’ve studied in books and seen on photos, when the head of security advised you and the others on your very first day on Pandora. You knew Na‘vi were inhumanly tall, but these guys were god damn trees! You had to crane your neck all the way up to even look at their faces.
Your eyes fell on the soldier standing more in the front than the others, spine straight and chest puffed out like a leader. His skins was a midnight blue, with faint, bioluminescence dots all over his body, barely visible in the bright daylight. His eyes immediately landed on you as well, bright like stars and boring through your very soul, like you were an insect that landed on his windshield.
You were so lost in your admiration of the foreign view in front of you, that your feet decided to grow roots underneath your soles, instead of showing proper etiquette and stepping aside.
"Move it, nerd", the recom suddenly said, his voice low and thick and more like a deep, annoyed grumble than anything else. The soldiers behind him begin to chuckle as you quickly scrambled to the side so they could finally pass. Even though he was quite tall, he seemed to move lithe and with grace. Silent, even with heavy combat boots and packed full of military gear. His tail gently swaying behind his back and ears laying flat against his head, he reminded you of a cat.
A big, blue cat.
"At least these damn science pukes never change", you heard the same blue soldier say to his companions before the elevator doors closed right in front of your face, leaving you alone with the reflection of your dumbstruck expression in the silvery reflection.
Colonel Miles Quaritch was the one you’ve crossed paths with on this day. The one who’d called you a nerd, followed by the extremely creative term 'science puke'. Of course you had heard about him, heard his stories, told by soldiers and scientists like he was some kind of myth or legend. And maybe he was.
Until this day, you still don’t know what exactly it was, that made him so incredibly fascinating to you. At first you thought, that maybe you were just mesmerized by the first Na‘vi-like humanoid you had seen in person. They were pretty, no doubt. Exotic. But then again, you weren’t really interested in any of the other recoms.
It was just him.
Cold logic told you that the most sensible thing to do right now was forget about him.
Miles Quaritch was a man of authority. He wasn’t just a guy, like Phil from floor 3.G was just a guy. Not just any man on this moon, not just any man in his mid twenties that you should consider more appropriate and fitting for a woman like you.
So maybe it was the fact that he was older. Old enough that if you would dare to say it out loud, the thought that you think of him as attractive, people would throw concerning looks at you and maybe even scrunch their noses in disgust. Old enough, it would send your mother into a coma.
There had to be some rule against woman finding men around their fathers age hot. Men whose authority made them ten times more attractive. Men that were exotic and alien and blue and tall and— There had to be some law that– that could protect you from the dangerous man that Quaritch was. There had to be something in the books about dealing with this.
This being the pounding in your chest whenever you thought about the Miles Quaritch being the one to pop your cherry. A thought that had never crossed your mind before, not in all of your twenty five years of living, and not with any other man you’ve met before.
Since that day, you kept seeing him and his squad almost daily. Usually, it was just the two of you walking past each other in the hallway, him entering the cafeteria just as you left or watching him get on a samson helicopter from the giant floor-to-ceiling window of the upper laboratory. He definitely was a busy man, never lowering his gaze enough to acknowledge you or literally any other human.
You might laugh if you weren’t feeling so…conflicted, right now. Honestly, how the fuck are you supposed to keep going about your business as usual after this? Making you feel the way he does and then having the nerve, the audacity, to pretend like he hadn’t just thrown your whole world for a loop?
And that’s the painful realization that finally hit you on this tuesday night, after a hot bath with a side of one or two glasses of wine. Okay, maybe three.
To him, you were just one of the many unimportant nerds on this stupid moon, blending into the background like you were part of the interior design.
The third— no, actually it was the fourth glass of wine that you emptied with a final, big gulp. It had a sharp flavor that made you grimace when you were still at your first glass and burned your nasal passages in a similar way to horseradish. But now it was bearable. It’s not like you had any other choice than to drink this overly expensive pandorian wine, made from grapes that were sown and reaped on the soil that was soon to be the new home of mankind. Definitely not worth the price of thirty bucks for a bottle, though.
Turning around in your bed, you sat the glass down on your nightstand. Glancing around, your eyes fell upon the polaroid camera, your camera, perched on the chair by the small wooden desk. Memories come flooding back as you looked at it, reminding you of home and the countless moments captured by the instant camera.
You could almost hear the sound of the shutter and the whirring of the film as it developed. A sense of nostalgia washes over you as you remember the familiar faces and places immortalized by it. For a brief moment, you feel as though you had transported back to your childhood home, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of your family. It was a gift, the old thing. Meant to capture photos of the new world, friends and moments with a loved one. Someone your family, and maybe deep down even yourself, were hoping you would finally find here.
With a sigh, you shook your head as if that would shake off those thoughts. But the harm’s already been done and your interest has already been piqued.
The only guy in this city, on this damn moon, that you were maybe just a teeny-tiny bit interested in, would most definitely never notice that you even exist. You were certain that even if he magically decided to do so, he wouldn’t even find you attractive, let alone interesting enough that you would truly capture his attention for more than two minutes. Your confidence was further undermined by your tendency to overthink and second-guess yourself, making you feel even more inadequate.
If only there was a way for him to acknowledge your existence, to know that there was someone who’s interested in him, without the further embarrassment and humiliation of him knowing who exactly you are and having to stand in front of this giant blue man, and possibly his whole squad too, and confess whatever feelings you harbored for him. Feelings you couldn’t really put a name on just yet.
May it be through the fifth glass of wine and the fact that drinking always lead you to things that never turned out good -the main reason why you thought you had quit drinking at all- or call it faith, but somehow your gaze lands on the little polaroid camera once again. God, it must’ve really been the fucking alcohol screwing with your brain, because there was no way you, of all people, was actually thinking about this.
A man like Colonel Miles Quaritch must’ve been hard to impress. He wasn’t a man of many words, so anonymous love letters wouldn’t do. But he was still a man after all, and if there was one thing you’ve learned in these past couple of weeks (thank you, Maggie), then it was the fact that men were obsessed with the female body and seeing them pop up on their screens at 3am.
But that would require you getting your hands on either his phone number, which you doubted even exists, or his work email, that was probably supervised by someone. A man like Quaritch that was so important to the whole of Bridgehead city really wasn’t an easy target when it came to anonymous messages, let alone nudes that were meant for his eyes only. Which left you with one choice only.
It had to be the old fashioned way.
Being reckless surely didn’t get you into this career path. Actually, it was the complete opposite.
Usually, you were rather cautious and thoughtful in your actions and decisions. You take the time to weigh the risks and benefits of a situation before making a choice, prioritize safety and responsibility over immediate gratification.
Planning ahead and taking steps to mitigate potential risks, rather than rushing headlong into a situation without considering the consequences was more like you.
While you may have not always been the most spontaneous or adventurous type of person, your friends- okay scratch that, your coworkers respected you for your level-headedness and reliability, your sense of conscientiousness and a desire to act in a responsible and considered way.
You didn’t spend half your life being teased as prudent, too careful and deliberate, just to now act like a brainless, horny teenager. Yet here you where, at exactly four-thirty in the morning, sliding a set of carefully chosen polaroids under the gap of Quaritch‘s door.
By now, you knew his daily routines, knew his busy schedule by heart. When he was gone to workout with the rest his squad, knew when he was at the cafeteria and when he was away for a mission. Still, you couldn’t help but glance both ways, making sure the hallway was empty, before you slid them under his door and made a run for it like a school girl placing chocolate on her crush’s desk on Valentine’s Day.
You blamed it on the adrenaline pumping through your veins that day, and also the days after that, but you found yourself laying in bed with a hand buried between your thighs quite more often than usual. Not that you would actually call yourself a voyeur, but there was just something about knowing Quaritch had now officially seen you naked that did something to you.
Miles Quaritch didn't– wouldn't ever touch you, you knew that, was well aware of that even if it pained you. But then again, nobody ever said you couldn't take a deep, shaky breath, slip a hand beneath the waistband of your pyjama pants, and shut your eyes as you touched yourself, imagining it was him touching you, instead. There was no harm in that, really. And you even came to the conclusion that you would be perfectly fine to continue living like that.
In those rare moments you’ve been seeing him during lunch break or the split seconds of passing each other in the hallway, you didn’t note a significant change in his mannerisms. Not towards you or literally anyone else. However, the tension in his shoulders seemed to have loosened up the past couple of days. Not by much, but enough for someone like you to notice. Which could mean two things. One, he still hadn’t figured out that the woman on these anonymous, but very explicit, polaroid photos was you. And two, he didn’t mind receiving them.
This theory was surprisingly proven right just a couple of weeks later.
Unfortunately, in this moment, you weren't as excited about those news as you thought you would be. If anything, you felt like a child getting caught with a hand stuck in the cookie jar, while balancing on a chair that only stood on one leg to reach the top of the fridge.
"Well, well. Look what we have here. If that ain’t my sweet little cherry…"
With trembling fingers, you entered the pass code to your room, the door unlocking with a familiar click to reveal a dimly lit bedroom.
You absently cursed yourself for not making the bed before you had left, too busy rushing out and get to the Colonels room for your daily delivery, hoping he wasn’t back from his mission yet. Luck definitely wasn’t on your side today.
After a long moment of standing motionless in the doorway, you suddenly felt a large palm on your lower back, gentle, yet firmly pushing you further into the room. Your shoulders begin to tense up at the thought of who was standing right behind you, crouching to even fit through the door.
The floor under his heavy combat boots creaked as the Colonel followed you, otherwise silent as a cat. You dared to glance over your shoulder just once, looking back to find him scanning your room like he was entering dangerous territory. His golden eyes almost seemed to glow in the dark, and it send goosebumps prickling over your skin when they landed on you.
Your room wasn’t particularly big, so it only took three or four steps for you to reach the center of it, coming to an halt right in front of your bed before you slowly turned around to face him. You clenched and unclenched your hands into fists at your sides, feeling your fingernails dig into sweaty palms.
Your heart was still racing as Quaritch eyed you up and down. With a sinking feeling in your chest, you mentally prepared yourself for the consequences that awaited you, expecting that you would inevitably face a scolding for your actions.
Your lips parted to speak, yet his voice was quicker to slice through the thick tension in the air.
"Show me", was all he said, arms crossing over his board chest, like a teacher expecting to hear a step by step explanation on how you came up with the answer to a question that was way out of your brand of knowledge.
The Colonel tsks, but he doesn’t sound all too angry. If anything, he sounds amused. Like this was a game to him, and it made you feel so much smaller next to him than you already were. "How you do it", he chuckled lowly, "Show me how you took these photos, cherry."
His words left you speechless. You could physically feel how your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and words failed to find their way past the knot in your throat. In all honesty, you expected thing to take a different turn here.
The prompting raise of his eyebrows was all that it took for you to plop down onto the edge of your bed.
There was this strange, pulsing sensation in your underwear, hot and insistent— almost an ache, as you stared up at Quaritch with wide eyes.
"Where do you usually put the camera?", he asks ever so nonchalantly, looking around briefly before his eyes bore into yours again and you force yourself to swallow around the lump in your throat.
"There", you point to a chair next to the table in front of your bed. "It has an automatic shutter. Goes off every couple of minutes so I don’t… h-have to get up every time."
The Colonel nods attentively, and then he moves to where you point, one long stride before he sits down right there on the chair. It’s comically small underneath him, his thick thighs spread wide as he leans back and the seat creaks underneath his weight.
"Go on", he urges, his hand gesturing in the air before it comes to rest at this thigh. "Take off your clothes."
A minute passes, and this is too strange for you to be comfortable with. He couldn’t except you to strip down right here, right in front of him. Not with him just sitting there, watching.
You glanced down at yourself with a frown, subconsciously biting your bottom lip in thought.
You never used to think much about how you looked to others. It’s not that you didn’t care about your own body. You cared about hygiene, about a well-groomed appearance. But you had little to no concept of your own attractiveness.
Seeing that you hadn’t moved to obey his command, the Colonel shook his head with another tsk.
"C‘mere", he then said with a sigh, reaching out with his free hand and then grabbed your wrist as soon as you got up from your position, jerking you closer. You swallowed nervously, stumbling and lifting your other hand, bracing yourself against his chest. You blushed the moment you realized the sudden closeness and dropped your hand, trying to step away, but a firm hand on the backside of your thigh wouldn't let you.
"Humor me, cherry", he said, his hands running up and down your thighs, big enough to almost close entirely around them. "I didn’t recall you as being so shy when I’ve got all these photos from you. That was you, right?"
His hands moved up higher, his palms gliding over the soft swell of your ass, reaching for the zipper of your pencil skirt. All hair on your body stood up straight at the sound of your zipper being pulled down.
"Yes, sir", you breathed softly. The Colonel hooks his thumbs underneath the waistband of your skirt, slowly pulling the black fabric down and over your legs. He hums softly as his eyes catch sight of your lace panties, his thumb gently running over the fabric. For a second, your breath hitches and you think he would pull them down next, but then his hands move further up, apparently saving this part for the grand finale. Although they’re big and you expect his fingers to work rather clumsily with the extremely small buttons of your blouse, he opens them swiftly and with dexterity.
The slide down of your sleeves over your shoulders and arms is slow, almost sensually. You shiver once the cold air of the room hits your bare skin. You don’t even know when and how he had opened the clasp of your bra, and it’s only when he makes you lift your arms a little to get it off, that you realize you’re almost completely bare before him now.
The urge to cover your chest overcomes you suddenly, but his hands move faster, snatching your wrists to keep them at your sides. With a warning squeeze, he lets go of them then, in order to let them roam over your body, to admire what was hidden from his sight. Unblemished skin, perky nipples, the rapid rise and fall of your chest synced to your breathing, each one precious, finite. Quaritch’s hand is warm when it runs up your stomach to cup a breast, giving an experimental squeeze that makes you bite down on the inside of your cheek, hard, to stifle a whimper. You should feel shame, you think, as you arch against the warmth of his palm. His thumb brushes over a nipple and your breathing stutters, a mischievous grin spreading over his lips at that.
"This your first time, ain’t it?"
You swallow hard at the question, heart skittering in your chest, as you try to decide whether to put your focus on the feeling of his hand sliding down your waist or figuring out the answer to his questions.
With his other hand, the Colonel traces the outline of your tattoo, his gaze so intense and focused on the fine, red lines, that your breathing soon turns into shallow pants of air. You felt hot. Too hot, as you slowly become aware of the situation you were in.
His hand slides further down your side, along your hips, down to the backside of your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh. This time, you couldn’t hold back the whimper from escaping. Immediately, your hand comes up to cover your mouth. Quaritch smiles at that, wickedly amused. "You're not very good at hiding it. So twitchy and scared. Bit off a bit more than you could chew, hm?"
There came no response from you, besides the shakily exhale of a breath you didn’t realize you were even holding and the red flush of your face.
Quaritch chuckles softly and you feel your heart pounding in your chest, feel it pulsating between your legs.
"Are you into that kind of stuff? Did it get you wet?", he asks with the tilt of his head, "Got all hot and bothered giving me these polaroids?"
The sight of his half lidded eyes staring at you sends a thrill crackling down your spine, wild and breathless. Heat pools in your stomach in a way that you’ve never let yourself get so close to before, the very height of arousal. So different from all the times you had touched yourself.
"Let’s see…", Quaritch murmurs with a sharp grin, not even waiting for an answer as he adverts his gaze further down. And then, you feel his hands on your waist again, pulling at the soft fabric of your lace panties– down, down, down, until they pool at your ankles.
You can’t bring yourself to look at him, don’t want to see his face as he stares right at your most private parts. Too embarrassed, you just glance down on yourself, too.
"Oh, it did! Look at that", the Colonel exclaimed with a chuckle, and your eyes follow his, to where a wet patch had formed on your underwear. "You really are something, aren’t you? Got myself a little exhibitionist, huh?"
Words were still caught up in your throat, so all you could manage to do in place of a verbal response, was look back at him with a flustered face. He clearly meant to tease you, maybe even humiliate you, so why did his words turn you on so much? Your thighs almost automatically pressed together in desperate need for friction.
Quaritch’s hands are large and rough, fingers long and thick. Perfect and so incredibly warm against the skin of your lower abdomen as he slides a single digit between your thighs. His knuckle brushes against your clit, forcing a breathy moan through your lips as he drags his finger back and forth between your folds. His other hand goes tight around your hip, fingertips digging into your inked flesh in an effort to keep you right there, sensing how your knees begin to buckle just from a simple touch like this.
"You’re dripping", he coos, pulling his finger back up for you to see. "Look, that cute little pussy‘s getting wet so easily."
Nervously biting the inside of your cheek, you lock your eyes on his digits, glistening in arousal, and the sight makes more wetness pool between your thighs.
"Now show me", Quaritch all but orders, "Show me how you made these photos. I want to see you touch yourself for me, cherry."
The given nickname he used on you made you blush. The first time you head him use it, earlier, you thought you might have misheard. But now you finally realize that he had really called you that. Cherry. Clearly an innuendo to your tattoo.
Nodding, you step back until your heels touch the edge of your bed and then settle to sit right there. It felt strange, being watched like that. Quaritch leaned back in his chair, making himself comfortable for the show that he was hoping you would soon put on for him.
With a shaking breath, you leaned back until you laid flat against the soft mattress. Angling your legs up, you can’t bring yourself to spread them right away. Instead, you close your eyes and imagine yourself alone in your room. It’s easier to get yourself in the mood without the thought of his eyes on your naked form, watching so intensely.
In your head, you try to remember what to do. It wasn’t like you haven’t already done this before, like you didn’t know how.
There was no denying that you liked to touch yourself, late at night when you were quite sure everyone was fast asleep. You‘ve always spent your days with your mind full to the brim with various theories, studies and seemingly endless responsibilities, so much so that you often found it difficult to empty your mind for sleep. Sometimes you would recite the na’vi names of plants to yourself in your head ("Panopyra, Pamtseowll, puríhsa..."), over and over, like counting sheep, trying to memorize their names. But some other times you simply preferred another method of relaxation.
So, it wasn’t like you didn’t know what to do. It was just, that this was the first time someone was there to watch you doing it, and it felt like your brain was close to a short circuit.
Swallowing down the nervousness as best as you could, you let your hands run down your curves, feeling the soft swell of your breasts, over your stomach and down between your legs.
As you part them, ever so slowly, you hear Quaritch groan in approval. Still, you try to ignore it, focusing on the warmth of your skin instead, feeling your own arousal as you glide two finger through your folds.
Instantly, there’s this sensation, hot and burning and you allow it to rise within your core — allow it, and welcome it.
The slick, wet feeling gives you a gratifying sense of accomplishment, fueling you to circle over your clit, gentle at first, but slowly adding more pressure over time. Your other hand clasps over your mouth, barely able to stifle a moan as the other finger that had been teasing your entrance slowly slips inside.
"Don’t you dare cover your mouth." The Colonels voice makes you clench, which causes you to inhale sharply. "I want to hear you."
It takes every ounce of confidence you had left in yourself, to finally pry your eyes open and look at him from your current position, while you slowly lowered the hand from your face.
Quaritch was still sitting there, on his seat across the bed, unmoving. His irises had turned into slits, reminding you of a cat when it’s hunting a mouse. A metaphor that couldn’t have been more fitting.
With his thighs spread and his hands lazily resting on top of them, you actually found it quite surprising that he wasn’t… touching himself, too. Deep down, you were probably hoping he would do so. Were even a tad disappointed that he didn’t.
You could clearly see the bulge under his tactical cargo pants, could only imagine the way his cock must throb underneath the restriction of the fabric, and your mouth begins to water as your minds eye provides you with vivid images of him in all his glory. You wondered what he might look like. Did the color match the rest of skin? Did he had stripes and freckles?
Breathlessly, you feel your head dip back further, as you recognize the heat slowly building, radiating from your core. Gyrating your hips, the feeling of wetness and pleasure builds within yourself, enough to make your hip buck up against your own hands.
"Wanna know what I’ve been wondering?", Quaritch asks and it takes you a second in the haze of your mind, to proceed what he had just said.
You nod, once.
"I‘ve been wondering what you were thinking about while taking all these dirty pictures for me."
You’ve never thought hearing someone’s voice would turn you on this much, but here you were, dipping your middle and ring fingers past your tight entrance, gently but firmly making their presence feel inside. They’re surrounded by that slick, growing warm feeling as you press them in further, just barely curling them up. It’s tight, too tight, you’re afraid you‘ll hurt yourself if you add another.
You hear him chuckle, low and deep, as you exhale shakily. Then his eyes travel lower, pointing to the space between your thighs, were two of your digits were now buried deep, "What were you thinking while you stuffed those pretty fingers into your cute little cunt, huh?"
It takes a few tries, the tension slips for a moment or two, but soon, you find the right angle to allow your slippery fingers to caress the spot you‘ve been seeking.
"You. I was…", you swallow thickly, "thinking about you."
"Bit more specific, cherry."
More pleasure begins to wash over you, not unlike waves washing ashore, as you build up the tension your body craves you to chase. His words clearly meant to tease, sent your heart a flutter, legs flexing and bending, hips pressing into the mattress, back arching as your head once again dips back and the ministrations of your fingers find a sensual rhythm.
You curl them up, dragging them along your soft, spongy walls and you moan, gasping and panting, "I was imagining what you would do with my photos. If– If you’d like them. Was thinking about you… jerking off to them, t-too."
"S‘that so?", the Colonel snickers. You hear the sound of fabric, rough hands running up and down muscular thighs, a chair creaking again, as if he repositioned himself. "Well, you’d be more than happy to hear that I did have a good time with these photos then."
Your toes curl tightly as you approach what might just be the state of bliss you‘ve been seeking. The verge of Nirvana, quite literally, at your fingertips. Inhaling sharply, you feel that pleasure intensify and spread throughout your entire body. Your toes curl tighter, though you’re only vaguely aware of it for a moment.
"F-Fuck", you gasp, fingers speeding up their pace, faint squelching sounds reaching your ears and distantly, you feel your own slick run down the curve of your ass, soaking the sheets below.
"Language", Quaritch hisses and your hips rise as if trying to chase the source of his voice.
"S-Sorry, sir", you all but moan, "It’s just- I‘m close, so close!"
"Yeah? You’re gonna make yourself come?"
You can only nod your head at that, face flushed and teeth biting into your lower lip to prevent yourself from moaning entirely too loud, embarrassing you further than you already were. God, you were a mess. You didn’t know if it was truly as humiliating as it felt, to be bought to the edge within minutes, just from touching yourself in his presence.
The sound of your whines and moans start to increase in volume the more pressure you put on your clit, moving a finger over that little bundle of pleasure in fast, tight circles.
You’re so close. So, so close. Almost there, just a little more. More. More. More. Right there—
But then the sound of a voice, a voice of sheer authority curses through your entire being, haltering your movements and slowing them down as if he had a firm grip on your wrist with his words alone.
"Didn’t recall giving you permission, though. Try again."
With a sound somewhere between a frustrated groan and a high pitched whine, you begin to chant pleas like they are prayers, "May I cum? May I please cum, sir? Please, please, please!"
You curve your finger a little more and pick up the pace again, thrusting them faster with every word, every plea, until tears begin to prick and the corner of your eyes and your back arches off the bed, twisting and trembling from holding it in. It was all heat and pleasure. All those sensations, thoughts and emotions. Everything so close, but you just couldn’t reach it. Not yet. You felt like a puppet on a string, waiting for him to pull the right thread and help you to your release.
You’re right on the edge, right there. Hell, you‘d been on edge for the last couple of months. The moment Miles Quaritch had entered your life, you had been on edge, and today might just be the day everything goes to hell.
"Good girl", Quaritch purrs, the sound coming from deep within his chest, so full of satisfaction as he finally granted you the permission to, "Go ahead then. Come for me, cherry."
The gasp hadn’t even fully left your throat and you were a little more than just a trembling, incoherent mess by the time you came, clamping down around your fingers and pushing them in as deep as they could physically reach.
The squelching sounds your orgasm coaxed out from between your thighs filled your own ears, growing louder by the second. It was only overturned by the sound of blood rushing to your head from holding your breath until the first wave of electricity shocked through every fibre of your being.
Then, the blissful sensations of sexual gratification engulfed you. You felt the pulse of your throbbing clit right underneath your fingertips, velvety-like walls tightening around your digits in pulsating waves, intensifying the sensation that dared to consume you whole.  
For a timeless moment, there was nothing but pure, unadulterated bliss, with stars dancing behind your eyelids and a sound close to the static white noise of an old tv in your ears, before all your sensibilities gradually returned to you like a balloon gently floating back down to earth. Your whole body was buzzing in the afterglow of your orgasm, so intense it surprised you that this was all done by yourself. The internal buzzing seemed to be loud enough for you to overhear the distant sound of a door, your door, closing shut.
You didn’t even notice how tightly you had squeezed your eyes shut, until you slowly opened them again.
As your shaky, thrilled body slowly rises and you prop yourself up on your elbows, it finally clicks within your mind that you’re alone. You blink a few times, glancing at the empty seat in front of your bed.
He’s gone.
He had left, the man that was just there, the man that had been staring at you, watching you this entire time, like you were a sample in a laboratory for him to analyse, an experiment that he wasn’t sure turned out quite right. But his eyes, his eyes that were looking at you so intensely, had been… there had been something. There was something in them, a spark that you surely didn’t just imagined. Sometimes you couldn’t quite put a name on just yet.
Miles Quaritch may be an asshole, but he didn’t just play with you for the fun of it, watched you come undone in your room, on your bed, your safe space, with your legs spread wide like you would do that for just anyone and then leave.
But he did.
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bloodmoonmuses · 3 months
sun-faded youth; shimmering potentiality | choi beomgyu
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genre: choi beomgyu x reader, childhood friends to lovers, angst (like, wayyy more angsty than I anticipated lol), eventual fluff
wc: 3.2k
warnings: some swearing, mentions of food
summary: one day, after disappearing from your life for three years, beomgyu returns to place in which you grew to love him most: your childhood home.
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The sun faded wallpaper of your childhood home would be remembered as the backdrop to your early morning adventures. Clad in your Princess Belle costume and Beomgyu in his Superman cape, the two of you wake to brave the world. Side by side, as always.
You and Beomgyu are alike in every way. You like the same foods (applesauce and goldfish crackers). You like the same TV shows (Spongebob). You like the same activities (drawing and playing make-believe). You like the same time of day (morning). Every Saturday, Beomgyu would come over to your house for breakfast. While your mother made blueberry pancakes, the two of you would craft.
You remember one day in particular, the memory wrinkling at the edges like a withering flower:
Strewn haphazardly across the living room is an array of crafting materials. Crayons, glitter, colorful paper, magazine scraps- it almost resembles a candy shop in how colorful it all is. Beomgyu snatches a glue stick away from you, using it to paste some torn pieces of newspaper to his hodge-podge of an art project. Picking up a pair of scissors, he cuts a few notches out of the top of the paper, making triangular peaks. His little hands can barely hold the scissors. They’re clunky in his grasp.
Despite his small hands, Beomgyu is quite tall for a 6 year old. Your eyes drift to your heights etched into the archway. A red line at age 2: You’re about 3 feet tall. Beomgyu is 3 and a half feet tall. A blue line at 4 years old: You’ve barely grown. Beomgyu has doubled in size. Most recently, there’s only an inch difference in your height. You’re finally catching up to him. 
When satisfied with his embellishments, Beomgyu bends the paper and glues the ends together. He holds up his creation gleefully, wearing a huge grin that’s toothy in the best way.
“It’s a crown,” he declares, voice buoyant and as clear as a bell. 
“Make me one too!” You demand.
Beomgyu crosses his arms and pouts. “You can’t be a prince!” he says. "I’m a prince.”
You roll your eyes at him. Boys are so simple, as your mom always said. Your best friend was no exception. “I wanna be a Queen, Beomgyu. It’s different.”
“Nuh-Uh!” He shakes his head furiously.
“Yuh-huh!” you contest. 
“You’re full of it,” Beomgyu says. He turns away from you, placing the crown on his own head triumphantly. 
You talk at his back. “Queens are, like, more better than princes, silly.”
At this, Beomgyu promptly turns back around, still grinning with his pouty lips. In all honesty, arguing was his favorite pastime. He liked seeing you riled up. “Meanie,” he says.
“Stupid,” you retort, jabbing a finger into his chest.
“Nerd.” Beomgyu sticks his tongue out at you. How princely, you think.
“Time for breakfast!” your mom calls out from the kitchen. 
The memory dissipates, like mist momentarily illuminated by a ray of sunlight only to then disappear into the sloth of a summer day. You try to grasp onto it, but with each passing day it more so resembles a daydream than a lived experience. All you have left is the occasional recounting of your youth with your mother. 
Sometimes, you wish you didn’t remember Beomgyu at all.
It’s the summer before your senior year of college. You’re back in the same home you grew up in. Your mother refused to sell the house, even after all these years. In many ways, you’re grateful for this. In others, it makes you angry. Beomgyu hasn’t spoken to you since highschool graduation. It’s been three years. A part of you thought he’d drift back to you eventually. He knew where you lived. He knew where to find you. But he never came.
“Have you heard from Gyu?” Your mother would often ask.
You were never sure where it all went wrong. You loved him as much as you could possibly love someone without literally fusing into their form. Your eyes beheld the same stars as his but saw different constellations. Hearts that once followed the same rhythm were now out of sync. Your love couldn’t scale the distance. It couldn’t withstand the time, or weather the storm of your respective metamorphoses. When the flood passed, the clouds parted and the sun emerged, you weren’t gifted a prophetic rainbow. Instead, you were left with nothing. 
“What do you think?” You’d always say, venom lacing your tongue.
Your mother looked at you with softened eyes. “Sore subject?”
“Yeah. Sore subject.”
Regardless of your fluctuating bitterness, being home did bring you comfort to some degree. You liked being shrouded in familiarity. Per the tradition, albeit without Beomgyu, you and your mother are making pancakes. There’s a wordless groove between the two of you, your mother measuring out the ingredients while you mix them accordingly. When the consistency is to your liking, you gently fold blueberries into the batter.
As you’re reaching for a pan, there’s a knock at the door. Well, four knocks. You hear Beomgyu’s voice in your head: A fourth to let you know it’s me. 
It can’t be. There’s no way. Last time you checked, Beomgyu wouldn’t be back in town for another week. (Not that you’ve been stalking his socials or anything like that.) 
Your mom dusts her hands off on her apron, then walks to answer the door. You remain in the kitchen, stricken with something you’ve never felt before. It feels as though you’re in quicksand, sinking into the floor beneath you.
“Gyuie! My little pumpkin, it’s been so long!”  It’s really him. The gleeful timbre of your mother’s voice makes you nauseous. She doesn’t sound like a real person.  How she can just pick up where they left off is beyond you. She doesn’t know of the guilt, the shame, the confusion that you’ve been harboring for the past few years. You’re sodden with pain.
When you walk into his line of vision, Beomgyu freezes, but only for a second. “I’m still taller than you,” he says. There’s a smirk dancing on his lips. Typical.
You’re instantly transported to your younger self, so full of admiration for him. Looking up to him- both physically and figuratively. He’s in a black tee and baggy jeans, looking laid back and nonchalant. Except, you know better. His nose is twitching, a tell that he’s actually a bit nervous. He’s grown into his face. His eyes are just as bright as you remember them. You’re happy to see that his spark isn’t gone. Then, that fondness twists into something hot- liquid and molten at the pit of your stomach. You wash away your distorted reverie, stepping back into your body. 
You see Beomgyu eye the archway of the living room. The height markings have been painted over.
“What are you doing here?” you ask.  It’s all you can bring yourself to say. There’s a bite to your tone, one that you don’t expend much effort concealing, and Beomgyu looks visibly wounded. He quickly recovers, scrunching his nose as he takes your anger on the chin. 
“I was in the neighborhood.” 
You hear shuffling behind you and turn to see your mother gathering her belongings. “I’m gonna head to the grocery store. Forgot to get bacon to go with the pancakes.” She grabs her purse and walks to the entryway. “Put the pancake batter in the fridge. Beomgyu, you know you’re always welcome here. Be good, kiddos.” 
When she exits, the door slamming with such finality that it rattles your bones, you stand there in silence. No words are exchanged, but his eyes are saying so much. They’re swirling with a mixture of hurt, embarrassment and yearning. You look away.
“I’m sorry,” Beomgyu says. “I really am.”
You want to speak, but the words never come. Not when you need them most. Regardless, Beomgyu isn’t one to back down. “I wanted to see you. I’ve missed-”
“Don’t,” you say, cutting him off. More silence follows.
Beomgyu pivots. “Is the treehouse still in the backyard?”
“Yeah,” you say carefully. Your voice sounds like it's running away from you. “Haven’t been in it in years.”
“Wanna check it out?” he asks with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
When you climb into the treehouse, your heart lurches. It’s a time capsule- a snapshot of forgotten dreams and naivete. There’s a dusty toy box, likely rusted shut from lack of use. In the corner is a pile of blankets and pillows. A few chairs are stacked in the far back, and fairy lights are still strung to the ceiling. On the walls are your drawings, fantasies of princes and princesses rendered in waxy crayon. It instantly brings tears to your eyes.
“Needs sweeping,” you say, sniffling. 
Beomgyu chuckles. “The queen doesn’t keep her castle clean. Shocker.”
You scoff. “Can’t manage the kingdom on my own.”
“Prince and Queen are very different roles, you know,” Beomgyu jokes back.
“Well, you didn’t want to be my king, clearly.” 
Beomgyu again takes your jab in stride, shrugging it off. “Going for jester instead nowadays.”
After exploring the treehouse a bit more, Beomgyu positions the chairs in a triangular formation. He whacks the dust off the blankets, and drapes them over. Then, he climbs under the fort, placing another blanket underneath. He adds some pillows and settles there, motioning for you to join him. You shake your head.
“Oh come on, _______. Get in here.”
“Fine.” You enter the pillow fort and lay on your back next to him. 
“Look what I found,” says Beomgyu. From behind him, he takes out a paper crown- the same one from your wistful memory. “Here.” He places the crown on your head and it fits perfectly. As he does so, he looks directly in your eyes, a blush appearing on his cheeks and nose. His hair is slightly damp with sweat. The humid heat of summer drapes over the entire room, intensified by the tiny shelter under which the two of you lay. 
“How’s college?” you ask.
“Fine. Soobin stays on my ass, not that I get into much trouble anyway.”
“You’re in a band, right?”
Beomgyu makes a face at you and you flush. You could’ve sworn he told you about the band before he left. He used to talk your ear off about his dreams of joining one. You had seen some pictures on Instagram of Beomgyu and a few of his friends playing shows at random dive bars in their little college town. Now he knows you check his page periodically. 
“Wow. Great comeback, stalker.”
“I’m not a stalker.”
“Whatever you say, weirdo.” You smack his arm. “But to answer the question you totally don’t know the answer to; Yes. I’m in a band. You’ll have to meet the guys one day. You won’t believe how tall Kai has gotten. And there’s this guy, Yeonjun- the girls go crazy over him.”
“What about you?” you continue. “Do people go crazy over you?’
“Not anyone I care about.”
You turn on your side to face Beomgyu, your noses so close they almost touch. His hair falls over his eyes, long and floppy. He’s grown so much. You wish you were there to see the bags under his eyes form. To see his smile lines deepen and shoulders grow broader. You subconsciously reach to sweep a few strands of hair out of his eyes, tucking the tendrils behind his ear, and admire his pretty face. 
“You actually look more like a prince than a rock star,” you muse. 
“Not a rock star. I’m just in a band. Which you already knew.”
“I actually hate you.” Beomgyu laughs, eyes forming half moons. 
Your mind is racing. You have so many questions to ask him- questions you thought you’d never get the answers to. He’s here, real and tangible, and you’re terrified that he’s an apparition- that at any moment, you’ll wake up and realize you’ve been dreaming. You try your best to not impose your own wants onto him, but all you can see is the little boy to whom you divulged all your secrets. Now, you want nothing more than to run away from him, as quickly and as far as possible, so that he can feel what you felt so many years ago. 
“Why’d you leave without telling me?” The words leave your mouth before you can even register that you’re speaking.
“I’m not good at goodbyes.” Beomgyu attempts to chuckle it off, always trying to confront his shortcomings with some type of levity. His smirk is more like a pained grimace.
Your voice is barely above a whisper. “Doesn’t make it hurt any less,” you confess. “You were my best friend, Beomgyu.”
“If you had told me to stay with you, I would’ve in a heartbeat.”
“I wouldn’t have given you an ultimatum. I always knew you wanted to go to a bigger school with more opportunities.” You’re exasperated, pinching your nose bridge in annoyance. 
“I know, but if you had even suggested it-”
“Well, I didn’t! I didn’t do anything but support you, Gyu- like I always have! And you punished me for it.”
Unlike your childhood, the memory of Beomgyu leaving is burned onto the back of your eyelids. When you close your eyes, you see it so vividly:
You had just graduated highschool. You and Beomgyu had agreed to meet in your treehouse right after the ceremony. He was the first person you wanted to celebrate with. You biked all the way home, still in your cap and gown, feverishly pedaling down the streets of your neighborhood. The town was ablaze with elation. Music blared in the streets and confetti littered the ground. 
When you arrived, you threw your bike to the ground, not even bothering to prop it up on its kickstand. You climbed up into the treehouse, only to find it empty. You checked your phone. No messages from Beomgyu. You figured he had forgotten. You mounted your bike and made your way to Beomgyu’s house a few blocks over. In his bedroom window, you saw a girl caressing his face- similarly to how you would when Beomgyu was sad. She fluttered her lashes at him and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. You recognize the twisting of your gut as jealousy. 
When did Beomgyu slip from your grasp? Did he fall in love with her while you fell in love with a hypothetical- shimmering potentiality providing you comfort as you accepted the inevitably of your separation. Three months of summer together, then what? You’d confess your love for him and ruin the near decade of friendship your relationship boasted? It was a risk you weren’t willing to take, so you held the secret close to your chest, to wither away with the rest of your forgotten dreams. 
Your vision whites out, fuzzy and blurred. You end up walking your bike home and crying for the rest of the day. In the following weeks, Beomgyu didn’t call, visit or even send you a text.
You tried one more time, the night before you drove up to campus, to see him, knocking on his door four times. His mother answered, looking at you solemnly.
“Hi, Mrs. Choi! Is Beomgyu here?” 
“No, he left for school last weekend darling.” she had said. You felt the soft spot in your heart for Bomegyu harden, and walked home in the cold.
Your body jolts back to the present and you realize you might’ve never moved on from this day. Beomgyu shakes you from the thought, wiping a tear from your cheek. “I’m sorry, _______,” he whispers. 
You take the crown off of your head, giving it to Beomgyu. “I… admired you so much back then, even though I’d never admit it,” you say. “I wanted to be just like you. Now we couldn’t be more different.”
“Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe we can get to know each other as we are now,” Beomgyu suggests. Always hopeful, never one to play the pessimist. It’s one of things you loved about him most. “It’ll be a new adventure for us both.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“I admired you too, by the way,” he adds. “I wanted to be as headstrong as you. Do you still draw? Do you still want to be an artist?” Beomgyu looks at you with wild curiosity. It’s like you’re meeting him for the first time all over again.
“Yes, and yes. You thought I was headstrong?”
“You’re the only person who put up with my bullshit. So, yeah. Very headstrong.” 
Suddenly, your stomach growls. Loudly. Beomgyu stifles a laugh and asks, “Wanna cook up those pancakes?”
In the kitchen, you wait until bubbles rise to the top and flip the pancakes accordingly. Beomgyu rummages through the fridge, pouring two glasses of orange juice. You sit at the dining table, side by side.
“I have a confession to make,” Beomgyu says. “I hate blueberries. I ate them because you like them.”
You gasp. “Gyu! I would’ve lived without the damn blueberries!”
“I’ll just eat around them,” he says with a smile.
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“You love it.”
“Whatever,” you mumble under your breath.
You take a bite of your pancake, a blueberry bursting in your mouth. As you eat, you help Beomgyu pick around the blueberries in his.  When done with your meal, the two of you wash dishes. He washes and you rinse. The sloshing of water and clinking of dishes orchestrate your movements. You catch up with one another while cleaning, joking around like you used to. Out of nowhere, Beomgyu plops a cluster of bubbles onto your nose.
“You did not!” you exclaim, immediately repaying the favor by throwing suds back at him.Then, there’s bubbles everywhere, flying and floating in the air like dandelion fluff. 
“I absolutely just did, loser!” Beomgyu says, chasing you around the kitchen with more bubble ammo.
“Nerd!” you yell out as you run away from his attack.
“I am not a stalker!!!” In your tizzy, you slip and fall on some soap, Beomgyu promptly falling on top of you right after. Hovering above you, he bores into your visage fondly, deep eyes sparkling with affection. He looks like a dream. Then, like in some of your dreams, he leans down and kisses you. He takes his time, gently moving against you. It takes a second for your body to catch up with your mind, but when you do, you’re kissing him with the fervor of three years, four knocks, a lifetime of shared pancakes and the burgeoning of unabashed love. He cradles your face closely, not wanting to let you go.
When he comes up for air, Beomgyu says, “It’s a good thing saying goodbye isn’t really my thing, ‘cus I have no intention of saying it to you any time soon.” 
As Beomgyu leans back in to kiss you again, the front door swings open.
“The grocery store was a madhouse, but I managed to get some bacon,” your mom says. “Oh! Oh, I didn’t–” She closes her eyes dramatically, dropping her shopping bag on the floor.
You and Beomgyu instantly stand to your feet, putting as much distance in between you as possible. 
“Mom, please don’t make it awkward,” you groan. 
“I mean, I always had my suspicions, but–” she starts. 
“Mom! Please!”
Your mother smiles knowingly. “So I guess this means you two made up?”
a/n: unedited + feedback is always appreciated!
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glitterjay · 2 months
having sex with situationship!jake 🙏🙏🙏
⭒ situationship, some fluff, suggestive content under cut, mdni
⭒ c's note: I feel like this is bad but! I always do lmao. reblogs, comments, and feedback are appreciated.
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @defnotfertilizedtoesw @kwiwin
jake was the most popular boy in town. he had girls and boys following him everywhere, most of his fame coming from when you guys were in high school. he was the typical soccer player that was outgoing and everyone loved.
it was a small place where almost everyone knew each other, and after graduation people just kept kissing jake's ass for some reason. this obviously made his ego grow a lot, taking advantage of his popularity to get past things most people would get in trouble with.
you had various interactions with jake during highschool like being paired up for an English project. the rumors had it that you made it on your own, but in reality, he wasn't THAT much of a jerk.
you still saw him often, his parents being friends with yours meant having him over most weekends. the pair of adults wanted their only children to get along, so they would quite literally force the both of you to socialize. one thing led to the other, and after a few months, you and Jake came to set a situationship.
he was gorgeous, well mannered, and actually very kind. it was out of your control to not fall for him. despite the various hook ups, jake had made it clear that he wasn't looking for anything serious at the moment. he enjoyed his time alone and a serious relationship would probably narrow down his reputation.
being his sex buddy was better than nothing anyway. you would hate to go back to the days where he wouldn't even look at you and would just spend his time playing some game on his phone.
the day was nice and perfect to just chill and do nothing. your parents had gone on a trip with friends, which meant no Jake over this weekend. some time alone seemed like the perfect opportunities to let yourself think about your feelings and how to stop finding him so attractive.
it would be a lie to say you didn't take pictures of jake when he wasn't looking. he seemed like an actual boyfriend, and not just someone who would meet you up some place to fuck you dumb.
as if the universe had something against you and your way of dealing with things, your phone screen lit up to reveal a message from none other than jake. "I'm coming over." was all it read. you panicked. you weren't ready to receive someone at home, let alone that someone being jake.
five minutes had passed and the house looked decent enough. Jake said he was close, there was no time for you to change into something else. as if he had heard your thoughts, the doorbell rang, indicating jake had made it to your home.
you don't know why but you felt shy. every time you guys hooked up, you'd be wearing something nice, not a pair of shorts with an ac/dc shirt. you knew he wanted sex, that was the only reason he contacted you outside the weekend hang outs.
"hey, I'm sorry for looking so-" his lips cut you off, not even letting you open the door properly. he was desperate, his hands roaming messily all over your body. you sighed into he kiss, moving both of you so that you could close the door, and rest your back against it. jake moved his lips to your neck, licking and biting all over it. you threw your head back, your right hand finding its way to his brown locks, pulling them slightly.
his hands found a steady place on your hip, holding you in place as his mouth devoured your skin whole. your other hand traveled between your bodies, palming the outline of his cock through his jeans. Jake let out a loud groan. attaching himself back to the hickey he was working on.
once he was done, he tapped the back of your thighs, inviting you to jump onto his arms. you gladly did as "told," your legs wrapping around his waist. this was a perfect opportunity for jake to bury his face between your breast. he was a booby enthusiast and you found that cute.
he took the both of you to your room, knowing the way like the back of his hand. most of your hook ups happened at your house. despite not wanting anything serious, the least jake wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. this was one of the main reasons why you fell for him. he always put you first.
his messy thrusts had you seeing stars on your ceiling. it was the third time you reached an orgasm, and it seemed Jake was far from his. "you're so pretty" he mumbled, groans and small moans leaving his mouth after.
one of his hands was holding your hip steady while the other rubbed circles on your clit. you weren't able to make coherent words, only whines and screams as you tried to push him away.
" 's it too much? huh? don't worry, baby, I'm almost close"
the way you rolled your eyes and arched your back as your fourth orgasm hit you looked incredibly hot from his point of view. he pulled out, stroking his length fast and hard to cum on your tummy. "so good for me, like always."
you stayed laying on your bed, legs shaking hard. Jake had left your entire body extremely sensitive, to the point where almost any small thing could make you whine and moan. he was in your bathroom, loading up the shower for both of you to hop on.
"jake, I'm afraid I cant get up" you said as soon as you saw him walk out of there. "i'll carry you, princess. besides, it was my fault you ended like that."
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thought--bubble · 5 months
Hey, would you write something related to modern Aemond like: Aemond in high school is often excluded and harassed because he comes from a family considered strange and also because everyone has a view that he is strange. The reader is the only one who is kind to him and doesn't ignore him, and this is enough for Aemond to fall in love with the reader, despite never having had a real or very long conversation with her.
Additional: Aemond, despite maintaining a tough attitude, is extremely lacking in affection and is quite sensitive
This Is My First Ask So I Really Hope You Like It! The Characters are not in high school because i only write about adults but they will have originally met there. This got away from me a bit but I had a really good time writing it. I hope you enjoy!
My Salvation
Modern Aemond X (Long Term Crush Reader)
Warnings Under The Cut
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Modern Aemond Master List
Full Master List
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: Allusions to Bullying, Car sex, Unprotected sex, Pining. IDK i suck at these any suggestions please LMK
"Everything is perfect" You think to yourself as you get yourself ready for your morning shift at the local coffee shop, and as far as you are concerned it really is.
You graduated from Highschool a few months ago and were ready to start your life as an adult. You had gotten yourself a job at the local coffee shop as well as signed up for the Autumn Semester at the Beauty Academy in Manchester.
Makeup for the stars was your dream and with the acceptance to the academy you felt like you were well on your way to achieving that goal.
Your day starts off like any other. You walk into the coffee shop apron in hand and greet your Co-worker Floris. She was a very popular girl back in your high school and dated the local bad boy Cregan Stark on and off for years.
"Good Morning Floris" You smile sweetly at her as you make your way behind the counter.
"Morning" She sighs letting you know the Floris you get to interaact with today is going to be the moody Floris. Internally you sarcastically thank Cregan for breaking up with her yet again and leaving you to deal with her sullen disposition, but you being the ball of sunshine that you are try and bring up the mood with cheerful banter.
"Has it been busy today?" You attempt to make conversation hoping she will bite at the bit so you don't have to suffer through one of those awkward days where she is silent and brooding through almost the entirety of your shared shift.
"No" she answers short and curt. you briefly rub your fingers against your forehead, if you don't figure out how to get her into at least a little bit better of a mood this is going to be a very long annoying shift.
The bell over the door jingles signaling that a customer has entered the shop.
"its back" Floris says annoyed.
"Stop that" You scold as you look toward the door.
There he is, your most common customer. Aemond Targaryen. He has his long blonde hair tied back and his eye patch on. You never understood why he wears that outdated thing. He must think it adds to his mystery persona.
Aemond is a bit of an oddball. Never fit in much in school. He is after all a Targaryen. The fact that he lost an eye in some sort of childhood accident, made him that much more different than everyone else. Which around here, is never a good thing.
"Hey there Aemond, the usual?" you ask him, your typical bubbly demeanor on full display.
"Yes please"" his answers are always so short and void of emotion. never mean or aggressive just short and cold.
You smile at him happily while you prepare his usual black coffee with tons of sugar. How he drinks his coffee like this you will never understand.
You spoke to Aemond sparingly back in school, which although is most than other students, still wasn't much. You wouldn't say you are friends but you do hold a bit of an affinity for him.
He had a tough time. No one could deny that. He was ignored, ostracized. Not that he would ever let anyone know if that fact actually bothered him, you always assumed that it did. At least to some degree.
You hand him the coffee with a big smile on your face. He takes it from you and nods. Making his way to his usual table and pulling out his laptop.
"Why does he stay?" Floris whispers "It's weird"
You shoot her a pointed look. "It is not weird for someone to sit down and work in a coffee shop, actually, it's quite common. Kindness isn't difficult. you should try it"
"You are aware their family tree doesn't have quite enough branches right?" Floris says while chuckling.
"A lot of royal families have that .... kind of history, they are descendants of royalty. Its been like what? 100 generations or something? Don't you think it's time for a new plot point?"
Floris sighs "He's just .... weird"
You roll your eyes and can't help but glance over at the mysterious man. Watching him type away on his laptop and staring at his side profile. If he wasn't the silent brooding type or a Targaryen the girls at school probably would have been all over him. He is obviously handsome with a jaw line that could cut diamonds. Its that icy chill around him and that albatross of a last name that had him shunned.
As your shift continues you occasionally glance over at him. His coffee long gone but still he stays typing away as other customers come and go.
"What do you think he's working on?" you wonder out loud
"Some version of the Targaryen anarchists cookbook i'm sure..... "
You sigh and roll your eyes again. Why could no one seem to look at the man himself instead of his family? Instead of the eye patch? It seemed so cruel.
"Do you mind if I head out 20 minutes early? Cregan wants to talk" she starts putting her jacket on before you even respond.
"Yeah that's fine, Sara and Jace should be here any minute anyway."
You watch as she quickly gathers her things running out of the shop. You tap your fingers on the counter. The shop is now empty save for Aemond typing away on his laptop.
"Hey Aemond?" You practically yell across the shop. He looks up at you furrowing his brows but doesn't say anything.
"You want a muffin or something?" you offer holding up a double chocolate muffin and wiggling it back an forth.
He simply shakes his head returning his focus back to the laptop in front of him. you sigh as you come to the conclusion that it is going to be a long and boring 20 minutes before second shift shows up.
Probably five minutes before Sara and Jace are due to arrive the downpour starts.
"oh well isn't that grand" you mumble to yourself.
You have been trying to save up for a car. Your parents couldn't afford to buy you one at the present time, and with the wages earned at the coffee shop it would most likely take the entire summer for you to save up enough so you walked to and from work. This typically wasn't a big deal since you lived close by but torrential rain always made the experience a lot less pleasant.
Jace comes running in soaked to the bone.
"Please tell me you just ran a mile and not just 5 seconds from the car park?" the grimace on your face outwardly showing how you are feeling
"Nah this is the 2 second walk from the car park it's serious out there right now!" he laughs while he shakes his hair off.
He comes around the back of the counter.
"He's here again huh? I could ask him to stop?" Jace whispers
"No, he's fine, he has a coffee works on whatever and then he goes."
"He always comes at the beginning of your shift and leaves at the end of it. You don't think that is a little weird?"
"Isn't he like your cousin or something? I would think that you would be nicer" you take off your apron and hold it in your hands.
"uncle, and we're not close" Jace heads to the backroom trying to dry himself off. "When sara gets here, I'm sure she won't mind running the store alone a few minutes so's I can drop you off"
"No, I'm ok. Just a little rain, Heard rainwater is good for your hair" You chuckle to yourself. "Bye Jace"
Jace waves as you head out the door of the shop and the second you get outside you can't believe how hard it is raining.
"Let me take you." Aemonds cool voice comes from behind you.
"Oh!" you jump and turn around his face, still as stone looking at you awaiting your answer.
"Thanks, that would be very kind" You decide to accept his offer. Firstly, it is downpouring and you really don't want to ruin your shoes and second, he can't escape you in a tiny car. He will have to finally speak.
The two of you run over to his Porsche. Of course he would have a Porsche.
"I'm getting your seat wet, i'm so sorry" you blurt out the moment the two of you are in the car.
"Don't worry about it" He turns the car on and turns on the heat.
"Thank you for this." You smile at him hoping he will look over at you.
Instead he just nods and puts the car in reverse backing out of the parking space.
You don't even tell him where you live but he pulls out front of your building anyway.
"Ummm.... how did you?"
"I dropped you off junior year after your friend ditched you."
"Right, I forgot about that" you scratch the back of your neck and purse your lips but don't make a move towards getting out of the car.
"Why do you come see me?" you look directly at him.
"What?" His voice sounds a bit defensive
"I'm not bothered by it. Really, I'm just curious"
"I like coffee." He answers as he turns his head toward you.
"No. it's something else. C'mon tell me" you flutter your lashes and give him a puppy dog look, no one can withstand your puppy dog look.
He chuckles and rolls his neck. "I remember"
This peaks your interest "Remember what?"
He sighs "I remember every single time you talked to me, looked at me, walked by me and waved. Hell, i remember when you held the door open for me. twice"
Your breath catches in your throat.
"I'm not crazy and i'm not a stalker i swear" he rubs his collar bone nervously. "it's just..... you were my salvation. The one person who didn't run from me or sneer at me or judge me and hate me" he grips the steering wheel tightly.
you reach over and gently rub his knuckles as they turn white. he takes a deep breath in at the skin to skin contact.
"So in other words.... you miss me?" You ask with a tiny smile and a blush on your cheeks.
"yeah, if you wanna make it simple i guess that would be the right term for it"
"How much?" Your voice drops from your sweet and kind persona, to a more sultry sound.
Aemond catches this right away. "Umm.... what?"
you get up on the seat, on your knees and lean over the center console. getting up close to his ear. "How much did you miss me? Like, was it driving you crazy?" You place your hand on his shoulder tracing your finger along his neck "Keeping you up at night?"
his breath comes out in unsteady huffs "You really shouldn't"
"I will not be able to control myself if you keep that up" he grips the steering wheel tighter and suddenly the situation in this car had changed completely.
You were no longer teasing him to get a rise and reaction out of him. Him stating he wouldn't be able to control himself lit a fire in you. You felt this urge to push him there. A burning pooling in your belly you were not going to ignore. No, just this once you were going to indulge.
You lean over further bringing your mouth to his ear. "Maybe I want to see it"
He bites his bottom lip, then grabs your face pressing his lips against yours harshly. Lust and desperation apparent in his kiss. His hand slides up the back of your neck to the base of your head holding you close as he continues to devour you. Like a man starved.
Before your brain has even caught up to what is happening he grips your thigh harshly pulling you over the center console and into his lap. he quickly grabs your hips pushing you down into him as his tongue continues to explore your mouth.
"I've dreamt of this for ages" he whispers as he kisses and nibbles along your jawline making you purr contently. Being wanted this bad is the biggest turn on you have ever experienced.
You roll your hips against him chasing that pressure. When he feels this he growls and pushes your core against him as he ruts up against you.
"I have to have it." He begs with a breathy sigh "Gods please i have to"
You unbuckle your khakis and slide them off your legs giggling at the slight gymnastics you have to perform in order to get them off. Once they are off you drop back onto his lap and he runs his hands up your back pulling you tight up against him. His mouth finds yours again as his slips his hand between your thighs and slides a finger inside of you.
"I knew you would be perfect, I fuckin knew it" He groans as he adds a second finger pumping in and out of you slowly. he hooks his finger finding that spot inside of you that sends you to ecstasy. You close your eyes and roll your head back moving your hips rhythmically against his hand.
"oh god, oh god!" You squeal as he brings you over the edge, you clenching around his fingers. He immediately unfastens his jeans sliding them down to his thighs and pulling you over him.
"is this ok?" He asks gripping your hips tightly
You nod and he pushes your hips down sliding himself into you slowly. he makes a noise somewhere between a gasp and a growl as you sink down onto him.
"This ain't gonna last long darlin" he grunts as he thrusts up into you. He bites down on your shoulder as he pulls you down over him over and over thrusting up into you at the same time. He rubs your pearl with his thumb as he quickens his pace.
Jaw slack and eyes like dinnerplates he watches as you come done a second time and groans
"Where? Where?" He whines "Fuck"
"I'm on birth control it's fine" You bite his bottom lip "Go ahead"
"Fuck! Ok Ok Fuck" He slams your hips down onto him three more times before his body tenses and squeezes your hips so tight you think your bones may snap.
you rest your forehead on his shoulder as the both of you regulate your breathing.
"Thank god it's fucking pouring" You giggle.
"Yeah, that was a bit mental wasn't it?" he laughs while breathing heavily and running his fingers through your hair.
You flop back over to the passengers seat and start pulling your trousers back on.
"See you at the coffee shop tomorrow?" you ask as you clasp the button.
"Always" he smiles back at you.
"Good, cuz i think I may need another ride..... " you giggle
"Really? you live so close" He teases back
"Who said I wanted to go home?" you wink at him as you hope out of the car. "See you tomorrow"
You shut the door and head inside with a huge grin on your face.
"Ok ... NOW everything is perfect"
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neevblanc · 5 months
Aizawa with a pro hero & highschool sweetheart reader finally talking again after months (or even years) of no contact 😋
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a/n —hey hey anon!! thx for sending this in! I've never written for shouta b4 despite having read my fair share of media involving him lol. i hope i can do him justice for you!!! this is such an interesting prompt hehe p.s this was literally the funnest thing to write ever im actually incredibly invested. i might as well have fleshed out a whole au for this, not that it rlly reflects it i think haha!
blanca’s cafe event!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Aizawa Shouta x GN!reader
Tags— semi-angst, awkwardness, mentions of injuries/war, bittersweet
CW/TW— Manga Spoilers?
note — quirk — Revitalize: the ability to heal wounds and injuries by simply touching the affected area. They can accelerate the body's natural healing process. Their healing abilities also extend to others. They must gain the energy to do so by taking it from enemies or using their own(think Moyra from overwatch, sorta. w/ a mix of bastille's group healing ability thing teehee).
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"Have We Met Before? by Tom Rosenthal, Fenne Lily"
02:20 ━━━━━━━●─ 02:39
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
“ Will you know it when you see it? Have we met before?”
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You hadn’t been in Japan for years, having been sent to America by the Hero Commission as soon as you had graduated from Yuuei. Adjusting to the culture (both civilian and hero) was a struggle, but you did well with your healing-centered quirk.
Once the war had taken place, the commission had called back all of the heroes they sent to foreign countries they could, and you just so happened to be one of them. All for One was a looming threat, and with the amount of casualties suffered, they sent you home to help the war effort.
You stand inside Yuuei’s walls, stomach rolling at the bleak sight. Cities had been razed while you were gone, and Yuuei had been converted into a base for civilians and heroes alike. People milled around almost aimlessly, no doubt restless, as they were afraid to leave school grounds. You make your way through the crowd, eyes focused on the building you had been directed to.
Yuuei hadn’t had dorms since you last checked, but amongst all the changes you’ve seen in your hometown, you didn’t have the energy to even question it. You hurry up the steps and knock idly on the door, rocking on your heels while you wait for it to open.
The door creaks open, and an eye with a black sclera blinks at you before it opens wider, revealing a yellow-eyed, pink girl. She grins tightly at you, obviously confused by your presence.
“Hello, can I help you?” She said, and you take note of her for just a second. Young, most definitely not any older than 17- and tired. Her demeanor screamed of exhaustion. You smile gently at her.
“Hi, Nezu directed me this way. I’m looking for your teacher. This is 2-A, right?” You say, taking a step back just in case you had gotten it wrong (which you hoped wasn’t the case, seeing as the dorms were marked with the class names). The girl nodded and opened the door further, shifting to allow you room to enter.
“Yeah! You’re in the right place.” She says, and you enter the building quickly. You take your shoes off and place them into one of the cubbies near the door, and you note the number of shoes already in the cubbies. It reminds you of school, and you can’t help but smile at the sight.
The girl hands you a pair of guest slippers, and as you put them on, she grins a little softer.
” I’m Mina, by the way.” She says. You nod, both of you making your way out of the genkan.
” You have a very pretty name, Mina. I’m Revitalight, but you can call me y/n.” You reply, and she squints a little at you.
” Revitalight? I’ve heard that name before…oh, and thank you.” She says, startled out of her contemplation as she remembered the compliment. You nodded, a soft laugh leaving you. Even with the war, she was kind and very much a child. It both saddened and warmed you how her demeanor did not wholly mirror that of the community outside.
You both make it to the couches, where another group of teenagers are milling around. Their idle conversations pause as you stand at the edge of one of the couches. You wave politely, and Mina gestures toward you excitedly.
“Please welcome American Pro Hero: Revitalight!” She introduced, and you don’t have it in you to fight the American label- you’ve been a Pro in America for longer than she’s been in school. No point in telling her you went to Yuuei, too - or that you were still under the HPSC’s rule. The others say hello enthusiastically, waving from where they were sprawled out on the couch.
“Please, call me y/n.” You say, sitting on an unoccupied section of the couch.
Mina explains you’re looking for their sensei, and a girl with frog-adjacent features stands from her place on the couch.
“I’ll get Sensei down here for you then.” She says, voice horse how you’d expect a frogs to be. You send her a grateful smile.
” Thank you.” You respond, and she does little more than nod and disappear down the hall.
“Why are you here, Revitalight-san?” A boy with glasses says, and you pause to consider what you can tell them.
“The commission asked me to return, and I’ve been dispatched here. Principal Nedzu said I should head here before finding Recovery Girl.” You explain, trying to ignore the way the kids around you sober up quickly at the mention of the Hero Commission. You didn’t know how much they knew, but you hoped it wasn’t much- for their sake.
“What’s your quirk do?” A blonde asks, and you can see his curiosity blatantly on his face. You smile and raise your hand, gesturing toward him. He straightens from his flopped-over position and stands excitedly, opening his arms.
” Hit me!” He says, pouting at the bespeckled boy when he tries to get him to sit down.
” Denki, we don’t know their quirk. What if it’s dangerous,” he cautions, and you laugh a little to ease his worry.
“Don’t worry, um,” Mina whispers into your ear quickly, “Iida-kun. This won’t hurt him at all.” You reassure, and Iida settles back into his seat without further complaint.
The kids watch as you flex your hand just slightly, and suddenly, a bright yellowish-white light floats slowly from your hand to Denki, curling and moving in the air. The glow hits Denki straight in the chest, and he takes a deep breath.
“Woah.” He says, shaking out his body and looking down just in time to see the glow follow lightning-like patterns below his skin and fade down his arms. You tilt your head and eye the lightning bolt in his hair.
“Your quirk is electricity, right?” You say, prompting him to nod. The way the kids stare at you makes you want to laugh, but you hold off in case they take it mockingly.
“I can tell from the patterns it made. I only see those jagged lines from people who have lightning quirks or have been exposed to high voltages.” You explain, and Denki brightens at the information.
Mina’s about to ask a question when someone clears their throat behind you, and the kids all deflate into exaggerated whines or pouts.
“That’s enough, all of you, to your rooms. Or anywhere but here, really. If you even think of eavesdropping, I’ll have you scrubbing bathrooms for a week.” The voice says dryly, and you grin as the kids file out quickly, whining, “This is a common area; it’s not eavesdropping,” and “Sensei’s such a buzzkill.”
You turn to face them with a sheepish smile already in place.
“Sorry for intruding. Principal Nedzu said I should speak to you before,” You pause, finally registering who exactly you’re talking to. The gaze you get in return is similarly dumbfounded.
“Shou- Aizawa-san.” You stutter, correcting yourself. The man before you is every bit the boy you remember, even with the injuries you can see littering his body. The same tired eyes, pitch black hair, moody expression.
And still, you’re hit by his age. The mature structure of his jaw and the strong frame that screamed, well, Pro Hero hit you more than you’d think. Most of all, his height struck you. Last you had seen, Aizawa was pretty short for your age. He stands in front of you at six feet at least, and you wonder when a growth spurt that big hit him.
You flick your fingers anxiously, and his eyes follow the gesture for just a moment.
“Y/n. It’s been…a long time.” He says, crossing his arms in an attempt to seem casual. You can see the awkwardness of the action, though, in the way his shoulders tense and his brow furrows. The familiarity makes you a little light-headed. You smile, nodding.
“Yeah, it has. 12 years, now?” You say, looking around for just a moment to avoid his gaze. His hair, longer than you remember it being, is tied into a half-up, half-down style. He nods, and you lace your fingers together in front of you.
“Nedzu said the commission was sending someone, though he didn’t say it’d be you.” He says, and you try to find some emotion in the statement. When you don’t identify anything negative from his words, you shrug.
” Principal Nedzu didn’t tell me you were the teacher I was meeting either. Speaking of,” You hum, stepping closer. Aizawa shifts, obviously watching you but not moving away. “Sensei? Didn’t know you wanted to be a teacher, Aizawa.”
Aizawa grimaces slightly with a sigh and drops his arms from his chest to shove them into his pockets. “It’s not really my thing. But someone has to do it.” He says, and you squint a little at his response. With his hands hidden in his pockets, it clicks in your mind, and you bite back a smug smile. Aizawa had a similar tell to you- his hands start motioning to crack his knuckles, even if no pop comes of it.
You let a calmer grin settle on your face, staring up at him.
“Totally. Either way, I think it’s pretty cool of you.” You compliment, and his mouth twitches faintly in response.
“Why are you here?” He asks suddenly, and for a moment, you can see in his face that he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
You huff a sigh, “Same reason as everyone else. The war effort needed help, so the commission sent me home.” You explain. Aizawa nodded absently, reaching up to rub at his neck as he thought.
“You’re here to help Recovery Girl, then?” He says, face serious. You shake your hand in a so-so motion.
“Yes and no. I’ll help RG here for now, but I’ve been told they’ll send me with patrol groups and into war zones when needed. I can heal en mass in a way she can’t.” You shrug. Aizawa frowned, and you could tell he wasn’t happy with how the hero commission seemed comfortable throwing you wherever. Still, they’ve been this blasé with your life since you agreed to the program years ago, so it wasn’t something you concerned yourself with anymore.
“That doesn’t seem sustainable at all,” Aizawa says, critical as always. You give him an unimpressed look.
“War generally isn’t, no. I’m sure it’ll be fine,” you say, waving your hand casually. “Anyway. I meant to ask, what’s up with…this.” You say, gesturing toward the eye patch. He pursed his lips briefly.
“War causality. Still getting used to it.” He rumbled, and you smiled gently at him.
“If anyone can kick ass with one eye, it’s you, Aizawa.” You hit his shoulder playfully, almost in slow motion as a joke. The movement is familiar, and for just a second, you remember how this same punch made him hiss like a disgruntled cat and glare at you, teetering away from the force.
Now, the stare he levels you with is unimpressed; mouth curled upward. He hadn’t budged. Your stomach flutters for a moment. “You’re ridiculous.” He mutters. That is familiar. The warm tone in his voice makes you painfully nostalgic, and through the ache in your chest, you laugh at his response.
“One of us has to be,” You tease, backing up and crossing your arms. Aizawa shoots you a look and rolls his eye. Without another word, he turns back down the hall he came from, and it only takes you a beat to realize you were supposed to follow.
“C’mon, Mic would wanna see you.” He calls, waving a lazy hand to gesture you over. You follow eagerly, almost tripping over yourself.
“Oh my GOD, Mic’s here too?!”
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Math Nerd AU
I’ve got quite a few time travel AFTG fics banging around in my head but by far the funniest one is this:
Neil dies in 40s to a drunk driver after a respectable professional Exy career, two olympic golds, a very successful and healthy relationship, a steady post-injury career as Ichirou Moriyama’s preferred accountant (kept himself squeaky clean) and years to get his shit together. He wakes up back early on into his runaway life with his mom and is immediately like “oh no I’m NOT doing this shit again.”
He makes a lot of changes, mostly for Andrew’s benefit but also gets Mary to the Hatfords, and gets himself set up in Ichirou’s confidence again because man he’s gonna play Exy again but Ichirou was actually a very solid boss if you’re competent and Neil is very good at managing finances.
Ichirou had plans for Neil. He’s waiting for his father to pass before he brings Neil fully out in the open as one of his since his father is still demanding that the Wesninski heir be given over to his brother and Ichirou is not about to let the only accountant who has ever gotten him a completely legal tax refund go to the NEST. He’s also not about to let the Butcher near Neil so he puts Neil off in the middle of nowhere with a steady paycheck and orders to graduate highschool. Neil picks Millport.
Hernandez still notices that no one ever comes to Neil’s games and that the kid is driven but doesn’t make any real attachments with his teammates despite Millport becoming the Arizona State Champs the year Neil leads the team. So he sends tapes to Wymack and Kevin. Neil is surprised to see them since he’d planned on never getting anywhere near Andrew after he set things up for the blond. (Killed Drake, paid some people to legally adopt and look after Andrew, got CPS to investigate Tilda properly, paid off the right people so that the couple who took in Andrew took in Aaron too, and paid for them to move out to SC (it’s close to the twins remaining family) and then Tilda managed to die on her own from an OD and the twins got the money without Andrew needing to have any part in it.)
Neil ends up signing for the Foxes despite Ichirou having plans for Neil to start attending University of Texas (Great Accounting Program) in the fall. Neil of course completely fails to tell Ichirou this since Ichirou hadn’t said anything beyond finishing highschool and if he had plans for Neil then he should have told him.
Neil, the utterly self-sufficient adult that he is, proceeds to just be the most bizarre stabilizing force the foxes have ever encountered. He knows all about their shit, their issues, their triggers, and how to help them. The Foxes all kind of crave that stability and Neil can take whatever they say unflinchingly. He’ll give as good as he gets but he also makes team breakfast pretty much every morning after he finishes his absurdly early run. Kevin is in heaven with his Striker pick (Neil in this thing is so incredibly boring and well-adjusted that Andrew just cannot believe that he’s a spy so Kevin and Neil start night practices almost immediately & Neil shows Kevin drills that he and Future!Kevin had made and Kevin is just like “I am so good at picking talent. I am a god.”)
The 3 things that make this so funny (at least to me) is:
1. All the Foxes just like not understanding why the hell Neil is a Fox (They’re glad he’s there but it feels like a clerical error that such a nice well-adjusted guy is on the team) until they see him without a shirt and until immediately after the Kathy Ferdinand show where Ichirou shows up and is like “Palmetto doesn’t even have a nationally ranked accounting program!? Also what if this sport gives you a TBI and you can’t do my taxes anymore????”
2. Andrew is just inexplicably and infuriatingly smitten, enamored, crushing, heart-eyes for this BORING ASS MATH NERD. Neil’s sense of humor was honed against Andrew so he’s got like a direct line to Andrew’s funny bone. He never has never once for even a second confused Aaron and Andrew (and they’re a lot closer in this fic because there’s no Tilda angst and the ‘parents’ handled getting Aaron’s rehabilitation handled off the books so he could have a future in medicine.) Even after the whole mob accountant reveal Andrew is seething because even with that Neil is just incredibly well-adjusted and normal despite all the insane shit going on with him. He propositions Neil when Neil mentions having a past male significant other but Neil has the AUDACITY to get all sad-eyed and say that he can’t be with Andrew because his heart still belongs to some CHUMP in his past. (Cue Current!Andrew having an unknowing bitter hatred / rivalry of Future!Andrew and swearing that he’ll woo Neil away from a guy who’s probably in the mob or shitty because Andrew hasn’t seen any evidence of Neil’s SO reaching out to him but he knows Neil isn’t lying)
3. One of the reasons that Andrew is inexplicably and infuriatingly attracted / smitten to Neil is that Future!Andrew did not really spend a lot of time in the future after Neil died and he’s slowly seeping through until Neil’s confrontation with his dad and then Future!Andrew fully wakes up and he’s PISSED because at least in the original timeline Andrew was inexplicably and infuriatingly attracted to the mysterious freshmen who was hiding his appearance, looked like he was seconds away from running across the country at all times, and had a whole aura of danger around him. Now he’s revealed that he’d have fallen for Neil no matter what because he fell for Neil when he was just a BORING ASS MATH NERD and WORST OF ALL Neil went and made him jealous of HIMSELF because Neil didn’t want to cheat on Andrew with ANDREW. What an asshole. He’s gotta kiss his entire face off and tell him that he’s never allowed to cross a street without Andrew again because if a drunk driver is going to take one of them out then it’s going to take BOTH of them out.
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xpastelsweetsx · 3 months
Age headcanons for the batfam:
Bruce Wayne: 45-47 anywhere around there (kills the fact hes only a decade or so older than dick but also like?? No way bruce is in his 30s and no way dick is in HIS thirties) (do still find the fact there IS only a decade between them in canon hilarious tho) (he could be 37 but him being mid 40s is funnier and more dad)
Babs: 29!! So close to 30 but not quite. Shes actually like excited about being 30 tho?? Just vibes shes hype about it
Dick: 27, he just feels like a tired almost millennial. The appartment him and babs have?? If they break up they still have to split the rent- theyre that broke babes
Jason: 21- puts him at 13 when he becomes robin after dick leaves around 19- I also like the age dynamic between him and Tim being close in age- 4 years is a good “fought all the time til they both grew tf up” gap- talking from experience
Steph: 19. “Oh but that makes the age gap between tim and steph weird during their relationship” yeah well… the entire relationship itself was a bit weird and theyre so sibling/bi besties coded I dont vibe with them dating personally- you can tho <3 =)
Cass: 19. Self explanatory (StephCass my Love)
Duke: 17, him and Tim constantly give each other looks of “everyone around us doesn’t understand social media like we do” (say what you want you CANNOT replicate the tiktok fyp and slang of a high schooler, the minute you graduate something changes)
Tim: 17, forever, point blank period hes never allowed to vote. I think the fact that hes been 17 forever despite the fact damians aged a good 4 years is so funny tbh- i feel bad for him tho, low key being 17 is HELL save HIM AND ME!!!! PLEASE!!
Damian: 14, hes a freshman in highschool, he did middle school during covid, he knows all the fnaf lore and hes not ashamed to tell you ALL OF IT (hes an ipad baby idk how he was with the league but still he just is)
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komoboko · 4 months
Can I request a Senior!Yoriichi x Fem!reader high school AU where they're only a year apart and are casual friends but she's been secretly crushing on him until it was his graduation and reader was lowkey sad but suddenly Yoriichi confesses to her and they end up getting together pls🙏🏻
Thank you and have a good day! 💞
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Yoriichi tsugikuni x gn!reader ・modern au ・highschool au
I am really bad at writing high school aus 😭🙏
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You've know Yoriichi ever since your highschool orientation.
High school is a big step compared to middle school, school is much bigger, classes are much more aggressive and everything takes a 180 compared to any school year you've experienced in the past. Thankfully Yoriichi was there to help show you the way.
He was a rising sophomore when he first met you, only being around on that day because he was doing volunteer work. He really just intended to direct you to class, but things seemed to change. You and yoriichi hit it off the bat and he ended up talking to you for the entire time you stayed at orientation. While his name took a while for you to memorize you always knew him as “the long red haired boy” so you wouldn’t forget him.
When school actually starts you tend to notice him a lot more. You’ll see his red hair around the halls, you mistakes him for another long red haired boy in one of your classes. You’ve seen him at dismissal before, and you even share the same lunch. To your surprised the boy is much more reserved than you thought.
The first time you actually talk to him is a couple days after noticing him. You really didn’t think he would remember you at first, besides you didn’t really think he really liked you that much. So you held off, but an opportunity presented itself to you and you hesitantly taken it.
You waved at him as he looked up at you, he beckoned you over to where he was sitting and you started talking. You managed to loose track of time and realize lunch is about to end. Before you to go you give him your phone to get his number, also because you may forgotten his name. He types in Yoriichi on your phone and you make a mental note not to forget.
You definitely didn’t forget his name as time went on.
Time moves fast when your with yoriichi, you two become inseparable. You stick with each other as years pass that you almost forget you’re not the freshman that met yoriichi last week. You’re a junior now preparing for your senior year, while Yoriichi is a senior preparing for his future.
You can’t say you didn’t develop a crush on him as the years past.
You couldn’t blame yourself as yoriichi is an admirable man. He was so smart, he was almost unnervingly kind as well, and despite his brother’s words yoriichi is unbelievable strong. Anybody would have a crush on him once you get to know him. Though you doubt he feels the same about you.
It was a shame he was graduating this year. Just like that he would be gone and you would have to strive by yourself in senior year without him. Including your “casual” crush on him as well.
He had invited you to his graduation as well. Of course you would be there to attend, it would be a crime if you didn’t. You were so proud to see him walk up on stage but you could only bite back the bittersweet feeling that creeped up your throat. You snapped so many pictures of him on the stage, dressed out in his cap and gown.
The moment graduation ended he invited you claiming he needed to talk. Grabbing your hand and bringing you somewhere much quieter, much more private where nobody would be around. You can’t say you weren’t confused.
He only looks away for a moment before looking back at you. “I‘ve been holding this back since the beginning of this year, I know we’re going to be separated so it’s no time to say this except now. I really like you, truly. I always have but it’s shaped from innocent friendship to an innocent crush. I know we have been friends for so long, but I think now we can become more.” Yoriichi says, his words coming out like sweet honey ringing back and forth in your mind.
Oh. Maybe you were wrong about him like you were when you first met him before. I guess he really does like you.
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folkloresthings · 10 months
NORTHANGER ABBEY — send a muse + your favourite trope and i’ll write a drabble/blurb.
Oscar Piastri 🥵🧡
With highschool sweetheart trope
Please and thank you ☺️☺️🫶🏻
FOR FOREVER. ❨ oscar piastri x reader ❩
on your first day of high school, you had been seated next to a floppy haired, awkward looking boy called oscar. for a few weeks, neither of you spoke to each other. then, he asked about a homework assignment and you helped him out. it wasn’t until junior year that he finally asked you out, despite pining over you for two years. since then, you’d been inseparable.
your camera roll history was filled with the timeline of your relationship. study dates, prom night, graduation, his formula two podiums, his first day in formula one, every time he flew out to visit you.
you’d fallen in love when you were both seventeen years old, and you’d been together ever since. twenty—one now and still head over heels. you’d been with oscar from the start of his career, but being so far apart from each other made it difficult. you persevered, as much a you could, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were missing out on a little piece of his life.
oscar’s birthday had fallen right in the middle of the racing season, and just in time for the australian grand prix. he was home to celebrate with you and everyone that he loved. able to sleep in your arms every night for a whole week, back where everything began.
like always, his mother was throwing a backyard birthday party for all of the family and friends — even all of the drivers. you had put on oscar’s favourite dress of yours and baked him the cake that he loved. he hadn’t been able to leave you alone all afternoon, his hand glued to your waist, showing you off to everyone he could.
“guys, can i get your attention for a second?”
oscar’s voice pulls you away from lando’s fourth story about your boyfriend, everyone looking to where he stands at the top of the garden. charles passes you the drink he’d left to get you a while ago, sitting on the deckchair next to you.
“i just wanted to thank you all really quickly for coming,” oscar smiles, his mum standing next to him. you can tell she’s made him make this speech, the sheepishness in his eyes making you stifle a giggle. “and to my mum, for putting all of this together. i’m so glad i get to bring all the parts of my life together.”
he goes on a little longer, something about work and being home, and you can’t take your eyes off of him. he looks adorable, back in the australian sun with a birthday badge pinned to his shirt (his little cousin’s doing). oscar’s eyes find yours in the small crowd and he softens, heart swelling.
“and i have to give special thanks to my darling y/n,” oscar raises his glass towards you. any awkwardness is gone from his speech—giving, completely relaxed when it’s you he’s looking at. all eyes turn to you then, but you barely notice. oscar is all you see, every moment of every day.
“she’s put up with me for almost five years, and i couldn’t be more grateful. and she’s going to hate me for pointing her out like this — but, baby, i love you. you’ve been my rock, my heart, my biggest support through everything. even my weird, spotty, puberty stage. thank you, truly. i can’t wait to spend another year with you by my side.”
everybody’s clapping and you can feel your eyes stinging with tears, but you don’t care. your feet carry you across the garden, pressing your lips softly to his. it gains a few jests from the drivers, but you’re too busy smiling up at your lover.
“happy birthday, sweetheart.”
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wystericwoes · 9 months
Nanami Brain-rot where he had a crush on reader in high school but never said anything, and then they met together later in life post his dilf-up.
Fluff, Implied smut/teasing stuff but mostly just cute. Comfort, Nanami being fucking husband material. Not finished because writer's block.
@96jnie @Noodlejitsu
You were one of the trios friends, and Nanami had always admired you from afar.
A second year that radiated light and energy. Always seen with Geto, Gojo, or Shoko. Or all three.
You were loud, but not the type where he couldn’t stand it. He loved your voice, and loved your conversations.
You had bumped into him in the hallway one day, and despite his distant demeanor and resting bitch face you were so nice to him.
From that day on, he made an effort to see you more in the halls, or on the street. You two became what he thought was just acquaintances. After all, not many people had ever considered him a friend.
Until one day you saw an upperclassman giving him a hard time, picking on him. and you immediately butted in.
The Nanami was the type to usually stay quiet and wait until people were done, he didn’t like confrontation, and he especially didn’t like making a scene.
“Leave my friend alone prick!”
You slung an arm over his shoulder and threatened that persons safety if they ever bullied such a kind person like Nanami again.
And that, was the first time he realized he was screwed.
Everytime you came near him his palms got sweaty and his face ran red.
“Woah Nanami are you sick?”
You asked so cutely and naively. Pressing a cool hand to his heated forehead.
“N-no. I’m fine.” He turned his head away from you.
“Take care of yourself, I’d hate to not see you around for a while ‘cause you got a fever.”
Your touch was so gentle. He wanted to hold your hand there forever.
He had amassed a huge crush on you, and to him it was a major inconvenience. When he would be in class, when he was on missions, when he was at home alone, he’d wake up in hot sweats from a wet dream with you in it.
The hardest part was that he knew he couldn’t do anything about it, there’s no way you would accept his romances and even if you did- it wouldn’t last. It was just highschool, you would move on.
So he kept it to himself. He would rather have you as a friend than risk it and then have you as nothing at all.
Each day he looked forward to seeing you. The way you jumped around, always lit up a room, and made the people around you laugh. He both envied and wanted you.
The day you graduated he was devastated. You were so happy, and he didn’t have it in him to ruin that. You were gonna travel abroad, and follow your dreams.
“I’m happy for you, Y/n.”
He gave you a small smile.
“Don’t forget about me! Ok?”
You gave him a warm hug.
He nodded.
As if he could ever forget about you.
It had been years. Sometimes at night he still lays in bed and thinks about you.
He’s been single his whole life, with the only exception being getting drunk and losing his virginity at a college party he didn’t even want to be at.
He was always to busy with work, drinking, or drinking thinking about work. He didn’t have time for anyone else.
He let out a heavy sigh. He truly did believe he was destined to be alone.
Until Gojo burst in his office one morning.
He let out a long sigh.
“Yes, Gojo?”
“Guess who just transferred!”
“I really don’t care.”
Gojo moved to the side, and behind is freakishly tall frame out came you.
“Hey! Do you remember me, Nanami?”
He almost threw up. You were just as cute as you had always been, except your hair was different and your face was a little more grown in.
And your body.
“See! I told you he would remember!” Gojo teased
“Yeah yeah. You’re right this time.”
You shoved Gojo in the shoulder.
“Now go away! I wanna catch up with Nanami. You had your turn.”
Gojo finally was shoved away, laughing.
Your laughter died down as you slid over in front of nanamis desk.
“How have you been?”
Your breath hitched. You got a closer look at him and realized he was fucking hot.
“Woah. Nanami, you look-“
You had to cut yourself off before you ruined your reunion.
“Tired? I know.” He sighed
“No! I was gonna say handsome.”
Your abrasiveness was something he both missed, and forgot about. Heat rushed to his face- but he managed to keep it together.
“O-oh thank you.”
He pushed his glasses up.
“Anyway… I’ve been good! How about you?”
“Ive been alright. What brings you here?”
“Just wanted to get back to my roots y’know?”
You anxiously rubbed your head.
He could tell you were lying.
“How about we catch up with drinks tonight huh? The whole gangs getting together!”
He didn’t consider himself part of “the gang” which was composed of you, Gojo, Geto, and Shoko.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to. Gojo told me Geto wasn’t gonna be there though so I figured you might wanna come in and fill his place?”
You weren’t gonna tell him that was a lie.
A place filler he thought. He really didn’t want to go, but above all else, Nanami Kento was respectful, and if his friend wanted to hang out with him- he was going. (No bias whatsoever)
“Sure. What time?”
When he had arrived at the place, he was early. First embarrassment.
The second, was when you came waltzing in with Gojo. Arm in arm.
Ah. So this is what was happening.
He was mentally prepared already that you would’ve been with someone, but he should’ve known that you would’ve been with Gojo. He was attractive, charming, and nanami had seen firsthand his effect he had on those around him. he should’ve known it would’ve been a matter of time.
You lit up upon seeing Nanami already sitting in a booth, an expensive jacket and a black turtleneck.
You left Gojos arm and ran over to sit next to Nanami, your suddenness set him off guard. It was going to be incredibly difficult not getting in the way of Gojo when you were this fucking cute.
“Let’s get our first round!”
You announced.
It was just you three, Shoko had been “busy” (didn’t care) and Geto… well. When you asked Gojo, his reaction told you to not bring it up again.
You and Gojo laughed and laughed, reminiscing on old times, and newer ones.
Gojo told you all about his students, how hilarious they are, and all the drama in his life. You did the same.
Nanami was really just there. He felt totally out of place, and the drinks only helped a little in soothing his feeling of loneliness.
“So y/n, Why’d you really come back?”
Gojo asked suddenly. All of you were buzzed, well- nanami seemed fine. Even though he had the same amount of drinks as you two.
You suddenly froze at that. The whole mood shifted and the atmosphere changed.
“You shouldn’t ask personal questions, Gojo.”
Nanami butted in.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed.
“No. You guys deserve to know the truth. But I’m gonna need another drink.”
Once it was ordered, they were both attentive, and waiting for you to speak.
“I started seeing someone, and- things didn’t end well. They cheated on me, the whole break-up was messy, and I realized there was nothing left for me anymore where I was. I got my.. my heart broken a-and…”
You had one too many. And the alcohol made filtering yourself impossible. Your eyes watered, and that all too familiar sensation of hot tears streamed down your puffy cheeks.
“I’m sorry… I thought I was past this….”
Nanami was looking at you with a sincere expression, eyes softened. But under the table, his fists were clenched and white knuckled.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
He said in a hushed voice.
“You don’t have to apologize, it’s not like you did anything.”
But he did. Maybe if he had done things right then you wouldn’t have had your heart broken, would’ve stayed. Where he would’ve treated you better.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, and wrapped your arm through his.
“You deserve better though. And I wish I had made you stay, then that wouldn’t have happened.”
You looked up at him teary eyed and face flushed. Even when you had just gotten done crying and had been drinking he still thought you looked stunning.
As much as you and nanami were oblivious, Gojo wasn’t. He knew it was his time to leave, and faked an important phone call.
“Hey sorry guys it’s been great but uh I gotta go do something! See ya tomorrow!”
He had left before you two could even say anything.
“What a dick!”
You whined tightening your grip on nanamis arm.
Your emotional state had erased your filter. Nanami stifled a laugh at your sudden drunken abrasiveness.
“I’m sorry Nanami. Tonight probably sucks.”
You started to get teary eyed again.
“Call me Kento. And tonight doesn’t suck.”
He was looking at you adoringly.
“But it does. I had no idea it was just gonna be Satoru and then we kept talking and you didn’t talk and then I started crying!”
Thinking about crying made you start crying again.
“I swear I usually am not this much of a mess…”
“You’re fine, don’t worry.” He said with a small smile.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
You let out a couple more sniffles. Before you wiped your eyes clean and sat upright.
“Okay okay. I’m better now. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.”
You smiled looking straight ahead. You missed him. You two enjoyed a few more drinks together and got comfortable with eachother. Enjoying yourselves and the company.
“Man nanami are y’ sure you’ve been drinking? You barely are acting any different.”
He chuckled at you.
“Man so much has changed since I been gone. You can outdrink me now- You must be with someone too I bet.”
“Not quite. You’re only half right.”
“So you haven’t been drinking!”
“No, I’m not with anyone.”
Your eyes widened a little, and you sat upright facing him.
“Really?? But ya’ so hot!”
You whined against him.
He almost choked. But then he remembered you were drunk, and didn’t mean it. Maybe even being sarcastic.
“I appreciate it. But agree to disagree.”
He took another sip of his drink.
“I’m bein’ serious!” You pouted.
He just hummed in agreement and looked away from your increasing eye contact.
“If I had never gotten with that- hic dick! I totally woulda been with you instead. You’re s’ nice.”
He nearly choked on his drink.
“You don’t mean that.”
He awkwardly shifted.
“I do! Why don’ you believe me!”
You started to get emotional again. He had now learned when to recognize when you were about to cry.
“I’m sorry, I do I do.” He patted his hand on the back of your shoulders and you sunk your weight against him.
“I think m’ ready to go home now…”
“Where do you live? I’ll order you a cab.”
“I don’ have a place yet. I left really quick and I been staying with Gojo.”
So that’s why you two came in together. He felt his heart sink. You two probably were together after all. But regardless, his duties as a gentleman came before jealousy.
“But I don’ wanna go to his place. He always is bringing girls over and he snores.”
“He brings people over while you’re staying there?”
“Yeah! And its so rude! Especially when he knows how lonely I am. Jus’ rubbin it in my face.”
“Oh. I thought that you two-“
You looked at him with a comedically perplexed face, until it finally hit you.
“What?! No! He’s like a brother t’ me!”
He both sighed in relief but also felt embarrassed.
“I’m sorry for assuming.”
“Nah. You’re good. The guy I want prolly’ doesn’t want me anyway.”
He tensed up.
“Let’s get back okay? Do you have anywhere else to stay? I can book you a hotel.”
“I don’ wanna be alone… can I stay wit’ you?”
His breath hitched.
“Of course.”
And with that, two drunk people that you wouldn’t know were both drunk by the way one carried himself, arm in arm, walked the Tokyo streets.
When you finally reached Nanamis place you were a bumbling and clumsy mess.
Tripping over yourself, trying to chase every stray cat you saw, crying because swans can be gay- the works.
He had you slumped under one of his arms, and with the other rummaged through his keys.
“It’s a miracle we made it here in one piece.”
He mumbled under his breath while inserting the key into the lock.
You were currently in the “laughing at everything” phase of drunk.
“Kentooo you’re so funny.”
You were mostly dead weight in his arms.
He moved the door open and helped you in, slinging your arm over his shoulder and guiding you to the front room.
You were laughing your ass off over nothing and he patiently stood with you, sitting you down on the nearest chair then removing his shoes.
Right after he closed the door, your entire mood shifted. You suddenly went silent.
He made his way over to you and began taking your shoes off.
“Sorry to manhandle you.”
He said while looking down.
“ s’ fine.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder as he set your shoes aside, and both of you stood up together.
He removed his jacket and you stared at him shamelessly.
“I’ll sleep on the couch, are you okay to walk upstairs to my room?”
“You should get some water first.”
He guided you over to the couch and he left you alone to go to the kitchen.
When he came back you had balled yourself up and were half asleep.
He nudged your shoulder
He whispered.
You grunted.
“I’m going to take you upstairs? Is that okay?”
You slowly shook your head yes.
He set the cup of water aside, and carefully moved his arms underneath you, supporting your weight under him. carrying you gently up the stairs to his room.
“M’ not too heavy am I?”
He chuckled at you and shook his head no, reaching his bedroom.
He leaned down to set you on the bed, but you didn’t let your arms go.
“Y/n? You have to let go.”
His heart was palpitating. He absolutely did not want you to let go. But with a heavy sigh your arms slipped loosely around his neck, and he laid you upright against the bed frame.
“Do you want a change of clothes?”
He rummaged around looking for something you could use. He eventually settled on sweatpants he almost never wears and an old t-shirt.
He had them folded in his hands, and he brought them over to you, sitting them at your feet.
“Im gonna get your water and then go now.”
When he turned around he stopped when he heard you whine.
“Can you… help?” Your words were slurred as you pathetically pawed at his shirt he set down.
He looked down and saw you were referencing his clothes.
“Of course.”
The room was dark, and you were drunk so you wouldn’t remember. Any other circumstance and he would’ve said no.
He set the clothes aside and sat at your feet, signaling for you to move closer to him.
You scooted towards him, and raised your arms.
He gently lifted your shirt up and brought it over your head, never lowering his gaze.
He folded your shirt and moved it to the foot of the bed.
You sat there, shirtless. But he never glanced over where he shouldn’t have, grabbing the replacement shirt and slipping it over your head as you squirmed your way though the holes.
Next were your pants. He sat on his knees and respectfully removed them, being very careful where he put his hands. He opened up the sweatpants and slid them up your legs one at a time.
“Thank you f’ being so nice t’ me…”
“You shouldn’t thank me.”
“But I should!” You whined
He chuckled as he laid you down, and tucked you in.
“Can ya’ stay wit’ me?”
You had rolled over on your side, and were mumbling.
“You don’t want that, trust me darling.”
“Buh I do!!”
He sighed. Conflicted between his head and his heart. He eventually chose what he knew he wanted.
He removed his shirt then changed into long pajama pants, and slid under the covers with you. You immediately snuggled up against him, nuzzling into his neck lovingly.
He wished he could stay like this forever.
“Thank you Kento…”
You mumbled into him.
He rested a hand against the back of your head. Smiling as you two sat there in a beautiful silence.
The mood was interrupted by you suddenly groping his chest.
“Woah you’re s’ buff!”
You said amazed.
He was happy he was in the dark, otherwise you would’ve seen how red his face was.
“Where did all dis’ come from?!”
You had slid your hands down his pecs to his abs and were rubbing your fingers between the dips of his skin.
“I thought you were cute then buh look t’ you now!”
Completely and entirely unfiltered.
He shuddered against your touch as you shamelessly ran your hands across him. It wasn’t until your fingers reached his v-line that he stopped you with a firm but gentle grab to the wrist.
“Aw. Ya’ no fun”
You pouted.
“Maybe another night. For now, sleep.”
You dramatically flailed your arms and slammed them back down on the bed.
“G’night Kento…”
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
Your eyes fluttered open, sunlight peaking through the blinds tracing over your figure.
The first thing you noticed, was you felt like shit. The second- was that you didn’t recognize the bed you were in.
So you felt like shit, and you were in deep shit. Great combination.
Assess the situation-
A strangers bed, A strangers shirt, a bad hangover-
Oh no. Come on- you had just gotten back and you already made a regrettable decision?!
Stay calm. No one is benefitted by you panicking. Maybe the person was hot at least.
You were busy panicking when your thoughts were abruptly cutoff by the smell of… food. Coming from downstairs.
So above all else, you were gonna have to confront the person you slept with. Great.
You found your clothes, neatly folded and put away on a dresser, and went to change out of them. They were stiff, smelled, and had your phone in the pocket. You went to check the time- it was 9:00?! You had work today!
But directly underneath it you saw a text from Gojo.
Doucho Satoru
I’ll cover for you if you wanna ‘sleep in’ ;) saw you leaving with that hot guy.
You were both relieved at how good a wingman Gojo was and also terrified- he saw you leaving with someone while you were drunk and didn’t say anything?! What a ball of ass sweat.
You let out a heavy sigh. Sneaking out the window wasn’t an option. Your shoes were downstairs and you were on a second story- so, the walk of death you went. Keeping your composure, you didn’t have to show how ashamed you were.
You quietly made your way out of the bedroom, assessing everything around you. Everything was clean, and kept together well. At least you had decent taste when you were drunk.
As quietly as you could, you snuck down the steps. Peeking your head around the corner of the stairs to notice in the kitchen there was a hot, tall, and blonde man cooking. Wearing a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up. It was almost like you had just stepped into a dream.
You nearly drooled at the sight in front of you. Starting to regret last night less and less.
He turned around to face you.
“Oh, you’re awake.”
Your heart stopped beating when you realized it was Nanami.
Your jaw slacked as you couldn’t hide your visible reaction.
“Did you sleep well?”
He turned around and went back to cooking.
“Oh- um yeah.”
“You’re probably hungover, there’s some Tylenol on the counter and water in the fridge.”
“O-oh thanks!”
You shuffled awkwardly and as politely as you could rummage through the fridge and pull out a bottled water. The cool plastic felt amazing against you as you pressed it up to your head.
“So… I’m sorry for making you late to work.”
“That’s fine. I used one of my sick days.”
“Oh shit I’m sorry!”
You were overcome with guilt.
“Don’t be, I never use my paid time off.”
He had is broad back facing away from you, and you watched in a trance as he expertly worked his way around the kitchen.
“What about you, how do you feel? You drank too last night, right?”
You tried to change the topic.
“I’m good at ignoring my hangovers.”
“Man I wish I could relate.”
You awkwardly laughed and sat down at the table with your water, not sure of what else to do.
“Do you remember anything from last night?”
He abruptly said.
“Oh- uhm… not really.”
You felt blood rush to your face. Embarrassment leeching onto you.
“I hope I wasn’t too embarrassing…”
“Not at all. You were quite pleasant to be with, actually.”
You wanted to die. To roll over, crawl in a dark hole, and die.
“I doubt it. I’m not… myself when I’m drunk.”
“I thought it was cute.”
You were glad he wasn’t looking at you because you put your hands over your face and let out a quiet groan. Did he really just call you cute? Were you two talking about the same thing?
“You probably didn’t want to be stuck with me though, and Im not gonna be offended if you say you regret it…”
He turned to face you, an eyebrow raised and a very clearly confused face.
“I didn’t mind taking care of you.”
“Okay well thank you… I’m just scared that I wasn’t as good as I could’ve been last night.”
“Well no one’s at there best when they’re drunk.”
Ouch. You weren’t aware you two were talking about different things.
“Was I at least still decent?”
“Well, define decent.”
Oh god. You totally made a fool of yourself last night with him didn’t you? You can’t even do one night stands right.
“Im talking about… y’know… us…”
He still didn’t get it.
“…Hooking up.”
His face relaxed.
Your heart sank.
“Nothing happened.”
He turned back around.
You were sitting there dumb struck.
“But I was in your bed!”
“You wanted to sleep over here.”
He answered swiftly.
“Okay well… why was I in your shirt?”
“Hmm… okay.”
You started to put the pieces together. Feeling some relief wash over you that you didn’t bang your childhood best friend. But also, a little disappointed.
“We did cuddle though, if that’s alright?”
He was so respectful If you weren’t sitting down your knees would’ve buckled.
“Yeah for sure, you don’t have to worry about that.”
You were flustered. But not gonna admit it. You drank your water trying to avoid awkward silence.
You took a few deep breaths and just when you thought you had composed yourself, he came over holding a plate of food, something you barely even recognized. You were starving though, and it was fucking delicious because of course it was.
You had to bite back a moan from the flavors as angels danced in your mouth.
You just spoke without thinking.
"You'd be an amazing husband..."
He 'eh hemmed' and muttered a small flustered thank you.
“You always cook like this?” You mumbled with a half mouth full of food.
“Helps me clear my head.”
“You should clear your head more often!”
He smiled into his fork at that, Letting out a small chuckle.
He wished it could stay like this forever.
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loove-persevering · 2 years
Happier (Steve Harrington x reader!)
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Description: Steve Harrington can't figure out why he's jealous you're going on a date. (Fem reader!)
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: None fluff!
Sometimes you could swear you were invisible to Steve Harrington. 
 You had known him for a few years and gone to school with him even graduated the same year but you were sure that he had no idea you existed until last year when you got the job at Scoops Ahoy with Robin. You and Robin were in a band together. She played the trumpet and you were usually in the chair next to her and you became fast friends despite the year age difference. 
 So when she convinced you to get the job at Scoops with her you were thrilled, you needed the money for a car and working with your best friend sounded pretty nice. Robin and you got the job first and then two weeks later you were training Steve Harrington. He wasn’t as bad as you remembered him in highschool, much less of an asshole and more of a babysitter like with all the kids constantly using him to sneak into the theater. 
 ‘’When did you graduate?’’ He asks you one day after a customer from school started talking to you. 
 ‘’Last May,’’ You told him, you felt slightly embarrassed reminding him. Hawkins wasn’t a big school so you figured he would at least recognize your first name, or that you had been in the same English class with him since you were freshman. 
 ‘’How did we not know each other?’’ He asks you obviously not to remember you. 
 You smile at him deciding against telling him, ‘’We must’ve just missed each other,’’ You laugh. 
   It was only a few weeks later that you had confessed to him in a secret Russian base that you had known him since Freshman year, that you had a crush on him since Freshman year too. And when he asked you the question, ‘’Do you still have that crush?’’ He was sitting in the stall just next to you, you could see the bottom of his shoes and you debated actually telling him the truth that you did still have it, that working with him the past month had made it worse. 
 Instead you lied, ‘’That’s long gone Harrington,’’ You say. He didn’t say anything for a while and then Robin broke the silence asking him bizarre questions no doubt the serum or whatever they gave you running through all of your systems still. It took you by surprise when Robin confessed to Steve the secret you had been keeping for her for four years now, but Steve was different now and you would say he could be trusted. After everything you all had been through the past few days and almost dying with him you felt like you had a newfound relationship with him as well. And some days you wonder if you did confess to him that you did still have that crush how things would be today. 
 ‘’So who is he out with today?’’ You ask Robin stacking the DVD’s that were returned on the counter. 
 ‘’I’m not telling you,’’ She says, not even glancing at you. 
You pause what you were doing putting your hand on your hip turning to her, ‘’Why not?’’ She turns around in the chair looking at you as if you were really asking her. 
 ‘’Because I know you,’’ She says laughing, ‘’And does it really matter?’’ 
 You shrug your shoulders, ‘’I just wanna know,’’ You tell her, turning back to your stack of DVDs.
 ‘’Well why don’t you ask him?’’ She says, you look up seeing his car pull right in front of the doors. He opens the door, running a hand through his hair before getting out, ‘’You’re drooling,’’ She says to you and you glare at her. 
 The bell rings letting you know he had come in, ‘’Hey Y/N,’’ He says entering. Steve was always really polite to you greeting you, helping you stay late to do things for work so you wouldn’t have to leave alone. He’d wait until you’d leave the parking lot before he would take off every time, sometimes you wondered if it was for more than a reason other than him just being a good friend. 
‘’Hey Robin!’’ She says teasing Steve. ‘’So how was it?’’ Robin asks, coming over leaning on the edge of the counter. Steve sighs his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose at her question, ‘’That bad huh?’’ You couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief. 
 ‘’It wasn’t bad,’’ He says, ‘’I don’t know, she brought up that I graduated last year and I hate that,’’ He says. ‘’It just hits me the wrong way.’’ 
 ‘’But you did graduate?’’ You point out. ‘’Sorry,’’
‘’Steve,’’ Robin says, earning his attention. ‘’If you don’t want them to talk about you graduating last year and still hanging around here then you need to find someone older, maybe someone your age?’’ She offers the idea. You felt yourself stop short on the task at hand realizing what Robin was doing.  
 ‘’Yeah like who?’’ He asks her. 
 ‘’Well-’’ Robin begins to say. At that exact moment the bell rings saving you from whatever she was going to say. 
 It was a younger boy who walked in, ‘’Welcome to Family Video!’’ You practically yell out earning a look from Robin. You push away from the counter making your way around the counter toward the boy, ‘’Can I help you find anything?’’ You ask eagerly. 
 He looked a little frightened but still answered,’’I’m looking for the shining,’’ He says. 
 ‘’Oh, awesome, that’s right over here.’’ You say walking over to the Thriller section of the store. You walk over picking it off the shelf, you turn and hold it out to him. ‘’There ya go.’’ You say offering him a smile. 
 He didn't say much after that he grabbed the movie from your hand with a smirk on his face, ‘’Thanks,’’ He held it close for a moment and you both just stood there as it got more awkward by the second.  
 You give him a smile walking past him back to the counter where Steve and Robin looked to be deep in a discussion. Their conversation ceased when you got within a few feet, you wondered why they were so secretive. ‘’What are you two talking about?’’ You ask glancing from one to another. 
 ‘’Oh nothing,’’ Robin says with a sly smile on her face as she tilts her head up proudly. You look to Steve who didn’t seem to have a comment on what their conversation was about. ‘’Right Steve-O?’’ She says slapping him lightly with her hand leaning over the counter. 
 ‘’Right,’’ He says, looking up at you. 
 You had definitely broken a law when it came to how fast you got to Family Video today. Robin was standing at the front desk looking bored out of her mind, ‘’You’re by yourself?’’ 
 ‘’Keith’s in the back,’’ She tells you, rolling her eyes. ‘’You’d think with how hard it was to get hired here and how picky he was, he would be managing more.’’ She points out and you shrug, she made a good point. 
‘’I thought you were with me tonight?’’ You ask her. 
‘’Steve switched me and said he had something to do this morning and needed to work tonight,’’ She says. ‘’He should be here soon,’’ She tells you and you glance at the clock, noticing it was pretty close to your shift. 
 ‘’I have news,’’ You say walking behind the counter over toward where Robin was standing and leaning against the counter. 
She leans forward resting her forearms on the desk, ‘’Do tell,’’ She says, sounding excited. 
 ‘’I have a date!’’ You tell her bursting into a smile, ‘’Saturday, at nine. We are going to the drive in.’’ You tell her. 
 ‘’With Steve?’’ She asks you and you furrow your eyebrows. 
‘’What? No?’’ You say confused. ‘’Why would I be going with Steve?’’ You ask her and she shifts in her seat. 
‘’Who is it with?’’ She ignores your question. 
 ‘’Troy Concklin,’’ You tell her and her eyes widen. 
 ‘’Troy? Are you kidding me? Troy!’’ She yells at you, ‘’He literally shredded up your homework freshman year that you hand wrote and you cried for three periods terrified Ms. Lowe was going to fail you?’’
 ‘’Well that was four years ago,’’ You point out. ‘’Plus he apologized when he asked me, he said he had a crush on me and that’s why he did it.’’ 
 She rolls her eyes, ‘’Because causing your crush to fail an assignment that took you hours to write is flirting.’’ 
 ‘’Come on people change, I mean look at Steve. Would you have been friends with him two years ago?’’ She stays silent after you say that. ‘’Exactly, people change.’’ 
 ‘’Alright, you have a point,’’ She says. Steve walks in just after that, his vest thrown over his shoulder. ‘’I am out of here,’’ Robin says as he walks behind the counter stamping his timesheet. 
 ‘’Thanks for switching,’’ Steve tells her and he glances over to you just for a moment, you swear you saw Robin wink at him. ‘’When did you get here?’’ He asks you. 
 ‘’Few minutes ago,’’ You tell him, ‘’I think we're supposed to rewind all of these tonight,’’ You tell him, looking at the pile of returned movies. Most of the time nobody rewinded them so you all had to do it and it takes forever.
‘’Guess we’re staying late,’’ He says. 
 A few hours later it was getting close to closing time, you were rewinding DVDs and Steve was helping a girl out of the front desk. ‘’Have a good night!’’ He tells her. 
 When she walks out the front door, ‘’What’s wrong with you?’’ You ask him. 
 He walks out from behind the counter coming to sit next to you taking out the next DVD out of the sleeve handing it to you, ‘’What do you mean?’’ 
 ‘’Normally you're a casanova with pretty girls, you taking off for the night or something?’’ You say turning to the TV not looking acknowledging the look he was giving you. 
 ‘’I don’t know, just not in the mood I guess,’’ He shrugs. ‘’Tired of things not working out.’’ 
‘’Are they really that bad?’’ You aks and he gives you a confused look, ‘’The dates are they that bad?’’ 
 ‘’They’re not terrible, I guess I just don’t know what I want.’’ He explains to you. 
‘’So you're hoping going on all these dates will tell you?’’ Sometimes boys really didn’t make sense, ‘’No girl is going to just walk in and be perfect, you need to have some checkpoints,’’ You tell him. 
 ‘’And you’re an expert on this?’’ He asks and you glare at him taking your hand pushing him
‘’No but I know what I want,’’ You say shifting around slightly, for the longest time it had been Steve so saying that in front of him made you feel like you were under a microscope. ‘’I just think it helps to know what you want but I could be totally wrong,’’ You say laughing at yourself giving Steve Harrington dating advice, if someone would’ve told you five years ago that you almost died with Steve, worked with him, and were now sitting on the floor trying to give him love advice you would have laughed in their face.
 ‘’What are you doing this tomorrow?’’ He asks you, and you look at him shocked why he was even asking you. 
 ‘’I have a date,’’ You say, trying not to look at him. 
 ‘’A date?’’ He asks. ‘’With who?’’ 
 ‘’Troy Concklin,’’ You say, when you look up at him you swear you saw a look of disappointment. ‘’He asked me yesterday.’’ 
 ‘’Doesn’t he have a girlfriend?’’ He asks you. 
‘’Why would he ask me out if he had a girlfriend?’’ You ask him and he shrugs. 
You and Steve don’t really talk the rest of the night, it was like his mood shifted when you told him you had a date. In a way it made you happy to see that maybe he was jealous? Or maybe he was just in a bad mood, who knows. He stuck to his stuff and you stuck to yours, and at the end of the night he just offered you a quick goodbye not even glancing your way. 
Steve couldn’t pinpoint why it bothered him so much that you were going on a date but it was all he could think about. The other day Robin seemed to be hinting that you still had that crush you had mentioned when you were stuck underground at the mall, and he had thought about it since. 
 It was two days later and two days since he had seen you last, you worked together tonight and while he was excited to work with you he didn’t want to hear about your date. Robin was working when he came in for the day, ‘’Keith?’’ He asks her, noticing she was the only one up front. 
 ‘’Yup,’’ She says, leaning against the counter. 
 Steve walks behind the counter putting on his work vest, ‘’Y/N still coming in?’’ He asks, Robin gives him a look. ‘’What? She’s normally here by now.’’ He points out normally you were always early. 
 ‘’Listen she didn’t go on her date last night but don’t bring it up okay?’’ She says to him. 
 ‘’Why didn’t she go?’’ He asks, feeling slightly concerned from what he could tell you seemed excited to go so he was confused as to why the date didn’t happen. 
 ‘’He didn’t show up,’’ She told him. 
 The door chimed, making them both glance at who came in. When they both break from their conversation they see you rushing in the door, your hair slightly disheveled, your vest slung over one shoulder and one strap to a backpack over the other. ‘’You bike?’’ Robin asks, completely forgetting the conversation that was happening just a moment ago. 
 ‘’Yeah, and it’s so freaking hot and my stupid car wouldn’t start.’’ You answer her by pulling the vest over your shirt buttoning the front. ‘’Harrington,’’ You nod to him once you glance up seeing him already looking at you. 
 ‘’Y/N,’’ He said, leaning back against the counter, his hands crossed over his chest. 
 ‘’Alright I’m out of here,’’ Robin says walking out from behind the counter. 
You glance at Steve who was looking at you still, you wondered if Robin had told him about your date last night and how you got stood up. She had come over when you called her keeping you company for the night and had stayed over and left sometime early this morning before you were awake. 
  ‘’Later!’’ You call out as she walks out the door. 
Keith came out a few minutes later instructing you and Steve to do the rewinds on tapes again and go through the shelves and straighten them up. Steve took over the job of rewinding the tapes behind the counter and doing check outs. You were sorting through the movies, putting them back on the shelves and organizing the ones that were a mess. 
 ‘’Welcome in!’’ You call out not even glancing at the door. You were in the middle of the horror section reorganizing at the time when you heard the feet behind you. When you turned around assuming it was the customer that just came in you had a smile on your face, but when you saw who it actually was your smile immediately disappeared. ‘’Troy hey,’’ You say sitting the movie in your hand down on the cart. 
 ‘’Hey,’’ He says, shoving his hand in his pockets. You caught a glimpse of Steve speaking from behind the counter. ‘’I just wanted to come and apologize about last night,’’ He tells you. ‘’My ex and I were on a break but we got back together and I just kind of forgot-’’ He begins to explain. 
 ‘’No, you’re fine.’’ You tell him. ‘’Thanks for uh coming to apologize.’’ You tell him. 
He nods his head, ‘’I’m gonna go grab a movie,’’ He gestures with his hand. 
 ‘’Yeah, Steve will get you up front.’’ You tell him, offering a forced smile. You went back to stacking the shelves replaying the conversation in your head. Why did he even ask you if they were on a break? Were you just a way to make his ex jealous? Whatever it was it had seemingly worked in the opposite direction of your favor. 
 He was pretty quick picking out his movie and he went up front you could hear Steve talking to him while he was checking him out. When he finished the store was quiet for a while and it was just the sound of the movie on the screen playing. When you finished organizing your bring the empty cart back up to the front, it was close to closing time so Steve was wiping the desk down and you rested your back against the counter. 
 ‘’He’s an idiot.’’ Steve says, breaking the silence.  You look at him a little surprised he said anything, you shrug your shoulders in response trying to play it off that you were a little upset. ‘’You didn’t deserve that,’’ He tells you. 
 ‘’I know,’’ You respond. You glance at the clock on the wall noticing the time had gone by quickly and it was already closing time, you walked out from behind the counter going to turn off the open sign. ‘’I think we're good for the night,’’ You say glancing around not noticing anything that needed immediate attention for whoever was working in the morning. 
  Steve pulled his keys out of his pocket flipping them in the air, he then began to swing the key ring around his finger while you grabbed your bag from behind the counter. When you slung the bag over your shoulder Steve was staring at you he had a look on his face like he was debating something, ‘’You good?’’ You ask him waving your hand in front of his face. 
 He seems to snap out of the daze he was in, ‘’Yeah, yeah I’m good.’’ He says coming out from behind the counter. You both walk to the front door exiting the store. Steve waits while you lock the door and you turn around facing him when you're done. 
 ‘’See you tomorrow?’’ You ask and he nods. You give him a smile and walk over toward the bike rack. Before you reached your bike you felt a hand pull on your bicep, you looked at Steve wide eyed. 
 ‘’What are you doing right now?’’ He asks you, he looked like he was nervous. 
‘’Uhh,’’ You pause, you have nothing to do but go home and read or watch TV. ‘’Nothing, why?’’ 
 ‘’Do you wanna come over and watch a movie?’’ He asks you, taking you by surprise. ‘’I’ll take you home after.’’ 
  You felt a smile creep up on your face, ‘’Sure, but an important question first.’’ He looked a little scared, ‘’Do you have snacks? I’m starving.’’ You laugh. 
 ‘’I think we can make some arrangements,’’ Steve says before walking you over to his car, opening the door for you to get in. 
 Steve Harrington had not seen Star Wars. 
 That was what you found out when you got to his house, he had no movie in mind and said it was kind of a last minute thing he thought of and that he didn’t want to make you bike home in the dark. 
 So you sat downstairs in his basement on the couch not even a foot away from each other watching the movie, you sat in silence but it wasn’t awkward he seemed like he was really into the movie. ‘’Do you like it?’’ You ask him. 
 He looks over at you and takes a deep breath laughing, ‘’Yeah, I do actually.’’ He says looking over at you. ‘’I can see why you like it so much.’’ 
 ‘’I do, I’ve seen everyone the day it came out.’’ You tell him. ‘’Me and my friend went on opening night and when the second movie came out people dressed up in costume,’’ You ramble on and Steve watched you, his gaze never leaving you a slight smile on his face as he listened to you ramble on. ‘’Sorry geeking out a bit,’’ You laugh. ‘’I tend to over explain everything so if I annoy-’’ You began to say but Steve cut you off. 
 ‘’You don’t at all, I like it.’’ He tells you and you couldn't help but feel a smile creep up. ‘’I mean like I don’t mind it’s not too much and I like hearing the story.’’ He says justifying his answer a little rushed. 
‘’Or you just like to hear me talk,’’ You tease. 
He rolls his eyes at you making you laugh, ‘’This was fun,’’ You tell him. ‘’Thanks for asking me over, it helped me get my mind of things,’’ You say, taking a deep breath. 
 ‘’No problem,’’ He tells you. ‘’Maybe we could do it more?’’ He asks. 
 ‘’I’d like that,’’ You tell him.  ‘’I feel like I haven’t sat down and watched a movie in forever.’’ You admit to him. ‘’I think the last time I did was when we were still at scoops.’’ 
 ‘’Really?’’ He sounded surprised. 
 ‘’Felt like we were in a movie for a while,’’ You tell him. ‘’So the whole dystopian world thing kinda got a little unappealing.’’ 
 Steve let out a huff of air that let you know he agreed, ‘’It really was like a movie huh?’’ He says. ‘’Can I ask you something?’’ 
 ‘’Hit me,’’ You tell him, crossing your legs on the couch, turning your body toward him. 
 ‘’After the Russians, when we were in the bathroom..’’ He starts off and you try to hide the oh shit look on your face. ‘’Did you really mean it when you said that crush you had was gone?’’ He asks and you felt your heart pounding against your chest. 
 You glanced away from him and then glanced back, ‘’Steve,’’ You say sincerely. 
 ‘’You did?’’ He asks as if he was disappointed. 
 ‘’No, no,’’ You hurry and get the words out. ‘’I did,’’ You usher out. ‘’I mean I lied, but yaes I did still have that crush,’ ‘You closed your eyes when you were talking. ‘’But you barely knew me last year I didn’t wanna be weird and confess on a crush I’d had for four years when you didn’t even know my name a month before.’’ You tell him. 
 He was quiet for a moment just looking at you, ‘’I wish I knew you sooner, maybe things would be different.’’ He says. 
 ‘’Different how?’’ You ask him. 
 ‘’I don’t know,’’ He pauses, ‘’I just like how I am around you.’’ 
 ‘’Is it different from how your normally are?’’ 
 ‘’Yes, happier.’’ He says, your faces were only inches apart and both of you were facing each other now. It would be so easy to just lean forward and kiss- ‘’Can I ask you something else?’’ He says his eyes glancing down to your lips and then back up. 
You nod your head knowing words would fail you right now if you spoke. ‘’Can I kiss you?’’ His voice sounded different, nervous if you had to guess. 
  You don’t reply to him all you do is move yourself closer and you are holding back the same sort of smile Steve was. Your faces kept inching closer and then you felt his hand slide up cupping one cheek as he pulled you the rest of the way in. Your heart was beating out of your chest, you were kissing Steve. 
  He pulled you in closer, you had to physically move your body closer to him. ‘’Steve,’’ You say in between a kiss. He didn’t seem to respond to you, ‘’Steve,’’ You say finally pulling away from him, he looked concerned. 
 ‘’I’m sorry,’’ He pauses, ‘’I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-This wasn’t totally what I invited you over for and-’’ He begins but you cut him off by leaning forward pulling him in for a long kiss that he seemed to savor, when you pulled away from it he kept leaning closer as if he didn’t want you to leave his lips. 
 You smile at him, ‘’I’m glad you did,’’ You tell him, lifting your hand up to rest on one of his shoulders. ‘’I was just in an uncomfortable position,’’ You laugh at him. 
 Steve shifted and you moved to be more comfortable and immediately his hands found their way back to you, ‘’Now come here,’’ He says, pulling you back to his lips. 
Let me know how you liked this story! I REALLY LOVE FEEDBACK!
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soaringthoughts · 11 months
:: A MISFORTUNE'S VESSEL. (chapter 2)
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[ lowercase intended. ] a misfortune's vessel : chapter 2/? chapter - 1 PAIRINGS: aqua hoshino x reader
A/N: I actually didn’t expect for people to see and read my work, but here we go! School just finished for me and I just graduated so I've been very busy for the past month and wasn't able to update.
I procrastinated too much on this.. But now I finally finished it. ╰(❁´◡`❁)╯
word count: 3492 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
it felt as though time had flown. you're glad that your body is finally capable of self care.
what relieves you the most is that you finally reached the age where people wouldn't suspect you for walking and talking.
it didn't take long before you can finally stand up on your own two feet, you've always sworn to never leave your crib at all rather than do all the crawling.
everything changed, however, when the news regarding Ai reached you.
you didn't get to hear an ounce of it from Miyako. but due to Ai's popularity, the news spread like wildfire all across the internet.
you were devastated. Ai passing away was the least thing you'd expect to receive after not hearing from her for years.
it made you wonder, what about Aqua and Ruby?
you can't gather the wits to ask Miyako about it. perhaps letting her recover from it would be the wiser decision.
over the past years since the incident, you barely got any attention from your parents.
Saito deserted his responsibilities. he spiraled into depression and disappeared from the company grounds. perhaps it was because of what happened to Ai.
it was all so sudden that Miyako was forced to be bombarded with these responsibilities, which only occupied more of her time so you barely got a chance to see her.
you are often alone at home, well at least that's how you felt. Saito stayed with you, but he would often lock himself up in his room and only come out to eat or use the bathroom.
hell, he even wastes his time on drinking alcohol and only gives you money just so you could take care of yourself.
Miyako, however, thought that this was bad parenting and so she decided to leave you with a babysitter.
you were upset as to why her, your own mother, is out there taking care of other children instead of her own daughter.
but you were considerate enough to understand that she's still working for strawberry productions which concludes of being present at her workplace most of the time.
but despite all that, you still managed to graduate from primary school and live your life as it is.
you are currently a highschooler. and for this next school year, you are struck by the decision of whether to take general or entertainment program for your new school.
you've always wanted to be an iconic idol like Ai but after hearing Miyako's opinion regarding this matter, you've decided to just pursue being an average student.
she didn't sound too supportive of it, especially after what happened to Ai.
being an idol really does have its ups and downs.
“I'm going.” not sounding too optimistic, Miyako was concerned by your well-being.
“I'll give you a ride.” Miyako snatched her car keys from the kitchenette's counter, accompanying you outside the house to head for the car.
normally, the atmosphere between you two is awkward. perhaps it's due to the relationship you both have and from the times that you two barely spend time together.
but today seemed different. unlike before, Miyako seemed to be more talkative around you after the disagreement you had regarding being an idol.
“I'm sorry, [Name].” Miyako tried to clear the atmosphere. but the rest of the ride was in silence, almost deafening at that.
you didn't have any response to this. you had already given up from the start, or so you thought.
taking things slow, that's your current objective.
“I believe in you, good luck.” as soon as you arrived at the destination, you stepped out of the car.
brushing a hair strand to tuck it behind your ears, Miyako's lips lifted into a bittersweet smile. perhaps it was due to her stress. but despite that, you took her smile all whole-heartedly.
“Thank you, mom.” with the return of a heartwarming smile, Miyako gave you a gentle squeeze of a hug before you head inside.
the school didn't look all too fancy, it didn't look all too good-for-nothing either. just an average school to be precise.
the clanks of your shoes reverberated through the school halls as you made your way inside.
the campus looked almost empty, but you were still passing by a few students throughout the way. perhaps they were also here for the enrollment.
you fixated your gaze over the plates of each classroom you are passing by to look for the general program you'll enroll in. it didn't take long, you eventually stumbled upon the said room as you lined yourself up with the students who also seemed to be here for this strand.
there was nothing special about the area. the building was simply structured and barely furnished. the atmosphere was dull. but perhaps it's because it's a new opened school.
as you got done signing the papers and passing the qualifications and requirements for your enrollment, which took a toll of time, you returned outside the halls and started heading back into the direction from where you came from to head back home.
it was quick, the long line was what kept you in.
unlike earlier, the sun seemed to shine brighter now. the rays of it reflected through the hall windows and over your figure. it was almost blinding.
you were able to see the hallways more properly. now that it's lit up, it actually doesn't look that bad.
you made your way throughout the area, standing out in your proper school attire and your bag slinged in your back.
your mind was stirred with your current emotions of what you feel about your upcoming school year. your mood swinging from both anticipation and nervousness at the same time. even though it's just the same strand you chose in your past life.
almost drowning in your thoughts, you didn't notice the group of people you bumped on. specifically a girl that's facing the opposite direction.
they seemed to be arguing about something, or maybe that's what you thought.
“Oh?- are you alright?” the girl was startled and swiftly turned around to check you out. luckily, it was just a small bump so you managed to stay on your ground.
you were in daze by the familiarity of her voice. you blinked a couple of times to clear your sight, before taking in the figure of the girl, along with two other people with her.
the two that were right in front of you were lookalikes despite the opposite genders they are, they must be identical twins.
as for the other girl on their back, she was immediately silenced by the sight. she had scarlet orbs and hair locks unlike the two.
you felt the guy's gaze dart at you, as if examining your features. “..[Name]?” as well as the girl, the guy's voice also seemed all too familiar.
you were surprised by how he knew your name. and that's when it finally rang a bell, it was Aqua and Ruby.
“You guys..” was all you managed to mutter. you were still in shock by the sudden encounter. you didn't expect that you'd reunite with them here, out of all places.
considering the school attire they are also in, it was obvious that they are also enrolled for this school.
you can say that nothing much changed. they were still the twins that you knew.
Aqua is still as stoic as ever. his phlegmatic tone remains the same. Ruby, still a bundle of joy, much to your surprise.
Unlike Aqua, Ruby is still as talkative as ever when comparing the two, “Aw, is that all you have to say? it has been years!” to your surprise, the two seemed to still get along with you despite not seeing each other for years.
you indulged in a small conversation, mostly about updating yourselves about what happened over the years of being separated.
“So, what program did you take?” just as Aqua had decided to chime in, the atmosphere immediately shifted from someone clearing their throat. done on purpose.
that's when you remembered that the two were also with someone else.
“I'm still here, you know.” said the 'unknown' girl to ease the atmosphere, almost feeling bad for leaving her in the dark from the reunion of you three.
she had red locks with a length that extends to the central of her neck. as well as cerise doe eyes that somehow resembles Ruby's, which complements to the color scheme of her hair.
she had a navy blue beret on, unlike you, Ruby, and the rest of the females in the school. making her stand out.
“Well.. this is kind of a personal matter, [Name] is a friend that we haven't seen for years.”
you didn't expect for Aqua to respond, but you were glad that he is finally somehow being more open than letting Ruby do all the talking.
this earned a scoff from the girl, a name that is still unknown. “Maybe let me chime in at least.. maybe we can get along.”
although you appreciated the fact that this girl was willing to talk with you, you can't help but wonder if she only said that so she wouldn't feel left out.
setting your thoughts aside, you decided to conversate anyway.
“I'm [name].” there was no need for formalities, and so you decided to just simply introduce yourself by letting her know your name. you're awkward at starting conversations after all.
“I'm Kana!”
and without a word, the girl, who is named Kana now that you knew, slipped in between the twins to close the distance between the two of you.
she abruptly dragged you by the arm with a gentle grip, turning you two away from the twins as she whispered in your ear, “So.. are you and Aqua dating?”
this question caught you off guard, especially from someone you've barely met for an hour. not even for 15 minutes.
“huh? no, we're not.” you whispered back in a sheepish manner. you didn't even know why this girl, who is practically still a stranger, would ask this.
the situation was overly awkward. you felt the eyes of the twins watching both of you from behind.
“Really?” Kana exclaimed with a hint of enthusiasm in her tone, her voice now more audible that it was probably heard by the other two. shortly after the realization sinks in, she immediately clears her throat to brush the awkward atmosphere off.
“I- I mean, really?” she followed with her voice now less excited than before to cover her excitement up.
the two of you then turned back around after clearing Kana's question up, now facing the twins once more.
the twins glanced at each other's faces as if communicating by thoughts, confusion evident in their expressions. “What was that about?” asked Ruby, staring at the two of you intently.
“Nothing!~” said Kana, with the brightest smile on her face. “Don't tell them I asked you that, okay?” she whispered once more, in which you gave a nod of approval. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“For how long are you two going to keep on following me?” Aqua remarked in his usual tone.
― “Until you answer all my questions!” said Kana.
― “I'm not. I'm headed in the same direction.”
he simply hummed at the difference of your responses, spiced with a hint of displease from Kana's perseverance.
the two went on in their way with a small conversation, although it was mostly Kana just bombarding Aqua with questions.
you were headed for the same path as Aqua, it just happened that your destination was the same route as his.
throughout the entire conversation of the two, you were quiet. but you couldn't help but pique curiosity from their topic, especially from how persistent Kana is to suggest Aqua to continue acting.
so he used to be an actor? a child one at that. or so you thought.
“I'm headed that way, see you two.” you pointed in the opposite direction of two paths you three came across. this time, your route is now different from what they are taking. so you decided to inform them of your route before parting your ways.
“Wait! Why don't you come with us, [Name]? Aqua and I were just planning for a hangout so you might as well come,”
you abruptly stopped on your tracks from hearing Kana. you then turned around to face them again, an inviting expression on Kana's face in contrast to Aqua's impassive ones.
“No we're not.” Aqua remarked,
“Come on, Aqua! you haven't seen us both for a very long time!”
“My destination is not somewhere that will keep you two entertained.”
“As long as the three of us can hold a conversation..”
it took a chunk of Kana's convincing before finally persuading Aqua into it. it made you wonder as to how she can even handle his unexpressive attitude.
she waved her hand at you to call you back. and so you decided to come along since you were free after all.
“Oh, Kana Arima. I haven't seen you in so long― and..? Aqua's girlfriend?”
almost choking from your own saliva, you cleared your throat awkwardly and as well as Aqua. do old people just often ask the most off-putting questions and embarrassing things?
“No, we're not. I'm a friend. That happened to end up here for a hangout.” you emphasized the word 'hangout', as if not expecting for it to occur in some strange old man's room. you didn't even know the guy.
with a chuckle, the man twisted his chair to face you three. “I see, I see. I was kidding.”
“That wasn't very funny..” said Kana who was patting your back to ease you from the coughing, the situation almost dramatic.
the room was then eventually beaming with a light atmosphere as you all conversed with general topics regarding your lives. such as school, relationships, and.. acting, which you cannot relate to.
but despite that, you all got along despite you just meeting the other two this day.
a while after for what seemed like an hour, you four were invited to dinner by an elderly woman that barged into the room, in which you all complied.
the dining table was in silence as you all fixated your attention on the food. but the silence was also broken from time to time with short paced conversations.
“So you still live off your parents, Director.” Kana remarked in the most casual tone.
'that wasn't his wife?..' you thought to yourself. it was bizarre to think about now that Kana mentioned it.
the dinner went on with them talking about the careers they used to have with acting. it seems that Kana was still in it, unlike Aqua who apparently already quit a long time ago.
of course, they made sure to include you in as well, asking you about your route in life and as well as your interest in acting.
and so you just found out that the man used to be a director.
hell, Kana even suggested you to be an actress with her.
she really is a persistent person. she even offered to give you a training after excusing yourself that you're not fond of acting. she seemed really desperate to have a friend with her.
if only they knew how talentless you were in your past life.
but that was in the past.. right?
even so, that fact deteriorated your self-esteem despite living in a new body that is probably way better than your previous one.
it didn't take long before the sun went down. only then you realized that you spent too much time in the hangout.
Miyako must be worried by now..
as you three dismissed yourself from the director's house, Kana parted her way. her dorm was in the opposite direction unlike you who's headed for the same destination with Aqua, which is the bus station.
the walk was quiet, considering the two of you are not fond of idle chit-chatting. but of course, the tension was less awkward with a few chats.
shortly after reaching the bus station, the both of you sat on the bench.
the next bus was the last, so it's only good that you two made it in time.
the surroundings were dark. the moonlight barely lit the ground, the only light source being the flickering street lamp that was beside the bench.
“I didn't know you did acting.” you suddenly commented to put a halt to the silence.
“Not for long. It's not my course.” Aqua simply remarked. he was still a tad replier up until now.
you were slightly taken in by surprise. throughout the hangout with Kana complimenting his skills, you didn't expect him to actually dislike acting.
“So you didn't take entertainment program?”
“I took general program. I wasn't even fit to act in the first place.”
“Shame.. I would've liked to see you perform.”
“Enough about me. You took the general program too, right?”
your face shifted into one of intrigue at Aqua's response. it was nice to finally have a talk with him after hours of just awkward greetings. much to your surprise, now that you two were alone.
“I did. It would be a good coincidence if we end up in the same batch!” this earned a hum from Aqua, not showing any signs of displease of having you as a classmate.
“Hm, you're right. But it seems less likely to happen considering the amount of those that applied.”
just as you two were finally conversing once again, the moment was interrupted when the bus had finally arrived.
you two rose up from your seats to quickly head inside, not wasting any matter of second in order to not miss the bus.
the vehicle immediately drove off as you two got in despite not even getting a seat. this caused you to almost stumble, in which you managed to stay on ground by holding onto a pole and with Aqua's hands firmly grasped in your arms from behind.
“Thank you―” you sheepishly remarked, returning with a simple nod from Aqua.
you two got further inside the bus, only realizing that all the seats were full.
that must be why the driver immediately drove off, because there were no seats left available.
just then, the driver abruptly stomped the brake, causing the both of you to stumble once again.
good thing the both of you were strong enough to stay on your grounds.
as the bus stopped, one passenger left his seat as he left the bus for his stop. the bus drove off again shortly after.
you two eyed the seat.
“You sit.” said Aqua, gently shoving you closer to the available seat. of course you couldn't refuse due to how exhausted you are from the day.
as you sat, Aqua stood beside you as he held onto the bus hanger for support.
the ride was surprisingly long. and the silence was frequently broken with small talks.
you shared stories, emotions, and laughter― well, something Aqua didn't reciprocate to say the least.
he was still as stoic as ever. but that's what makes him recognizable from all the people you know. and somehow, with that distinctive demeanor of his, it reminds you of someone. 'what was his name again?..' you couldn't quite remember his name, but his face was still as clear as skies in your mind. all that you know is that it was someone in your past life.
it didn't take long before you reached your stop. you were first to get off the bus before Aqua.
“See you, Aqua.” you waved your goodbye and rose up from your seat, stealing one last glance on him.
“See you, [Name].” he returned. as you eyed your gaze on him, you noticed the faint smile that lifted up on his lips. one you've never seen from him before.
maybe you only stereotyped him of not having emotions at all, that he's unexpressive.
now you found out that he actually is, well, except for his friends.
but with all those thoughts aside, you can't help but notice how good he looked with a smile. almost charismatic.
“You should smile more often. You'd get a lot of girls.” you playfully remarked with the smuggest look you had.
his face immediately shifted back into his neutral one, as if masking his smile. in which you found kind of funny.
“Is anyone going or not?” the driver eventually spoke, impatiently tapping his foot on the bus floor as if a sign to skip the stop if no one's going down.
not wasting anymore time, you quickly got off the bus. and with a few studs of walk, you finally arrived back at home. mind at ease from having to reunite with your friend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taglist: @lumiriai, @miyakoa, @dododododooosworld, @kimiko-the-angel, @fukumiai, @kat-kaps, @karma-gisa
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crushedsweets · 10 months
Got any cool hip creepypasta headcanons?!?😱😱
DEPENDS... its hard without any specific prompts but yk what anon im capable of talking out of my ass no matter what.
this'll be talking about the main 12 i usually talk about, so if i say smth like 'so and so is the ONLY one who does this', they aren't actually the only one
toby rides a bike everywhere. he just steals random ones if he sees one he likes or knows hes hella far from home and doesnt wanna walk. brought home a pink beach cruiser once and natalie laughed her ass off. . .
the proxies (tim, brian, toby) have a cabin that tim and brian treat more like a safehouse rather than a home. tim and brian share an apartment near the city though. toby is the only one who lives there full time. they all have to pitch in for the bills, but toby has to scramble to get the majority bc again.. lives there full time.
the cabin only has 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a connected kitchen/living room, and an attic. the small bedroom is filled to the fucking BRIM with random bullshit that they keep as storage but its just ridicoulous. like boxes filled with random shit toby steals (i kinda hc toby as a kleptomaniac too), tables, dressers, clothes, etc. a lot of it is also stuff that like, jeff or nat dropped off being like 'keep this safe for me' and it eventually just devolved into a storage room. the master bedroom is where tim or brian sleep IF they are at the cabin. toby made the attic his bedroom, but he falls asleep on the couch or in the master bedroom if the other two aren't home. he just likes that the attic is someplace nobody else really wants to go cuz.. why would they need to?
tim owns a busted rusty reddish colored pickup truck. he totally named it something like sheila and calls it a 'she.' brian prob just has a basic little grey honda. does not name it . .
natalie has huge issues w her gender. not in a queer way(well sort of in a queer way bc im projecting) but in a like. 'fuck this shit im fucking tired' because growing up, she was always a daughter, sister, niece, etc before she was her own person. she grew up in a house of men, and her extended family was largely ran by shitty, loud, sexist men that constantly ostracized her for being a girl. toby is legit the only dude she's fully like Ok. I'm ok with u. ur just fucking stupid. and she pokes fun at him being a mamas boy and says thats why shes ok with him. she stopped talking to him for like a month the one time he made a gender roles comment that he got from his dad.
natalie used to play volleyball and basketball growing up cuz again, grew up with boys and she was always really tall (like 5'7 in 6th grade, 6ft by highschool). sports and art were her ONLY outlets, but she was always degraded and shamed by her dad and brother for art. her dad loved that she played sports though, one of the only things he was supportive about . until she got a little older and he decided that being a tomboy wasnt as endearing on a teenage girl.
i cannot explain how close jane and her parents were. she was an only child in a upper middle class house to a lawyer and a real estate agent so she was always spoiled rotten, taken care of, always told how beautiful and smart she was. hence why losing them is the most fucking detrimental shit to ever happen to her. she literally worhsips her parents. she's wore mothers wedding dress to her own wedding. her uncle(dads brother) walked her down the aisle holding a framed photo of her dad. she almost refused to walk during her university graduation because her parents couldn't be there, despite the years worth of hardwork and dedication she put into it.
mary(janes wife) was janes bestfriend in highschool. it was one of those crazy homoerotic female friendships. they were eachothers first kiss even when they thought they were straight ("oh lets practice kiss for our future bfs!").
my idea of ben kinda combines the idea of ben the kid who drowned, and BEN the experiment to put souls into a digital afterlife. ben bought majoras mask from some creepy neighbor at a garage sale, and the neighbor had like. this completely absurd theory that he could put himself into a game or something. so he ended up tricking several kids into buying the same majoras mask cartridge, killing them after they beat the game together, and their souls DID get trapped in the cartridge but it didnt do much for his theory... WHICH MEANS that BEN is a culmination of several people, kids and teens raging from like 7-19, but the ben we know is sort of like.. the only one who escaped the cartridge (he was the last one killed and the reason the man got caught for murder)? but he was stuck in said cartridge for about like 7 years before he was 'reawoken' so traces of others souls are in him. ITS REALLY COMPLICATED it makes sense in my head but idk. he has a lot of identity issues that come packed with having his childhood stolen from him.
he's so close to sally because he relates to her on that level. while their trauma was different, being a kid taken advantage of and fucking murdered is insane. despite coming from completely different time periods (sally died in the 1900s, ben died in the 2000s), ben can only find himself truly relating to sally on an emotional level. sure, him jeff and toby can laugh and play video games and wrestle and stuff, but sally is the only one who can even begin to understand what it's like to be a dead kid.
sally and ben kinda make a lot of comments about humans and stuff LOL. most of it is in the 'you ungrateful pieces of shit you THREW AWAY YOUR LIFE' but sometimes it's something more bittersweet. 'you lived to adulthood, you have so much, you can do so much, please keep going, there's so much left for you, don't let it go' etc etc. they can sometimes be the wisest in their perspectives of life, death, mortality. but theyre both so bitter and traumatized and hurt but it that it's mostly overshadowed by envy. that's why the two of them can be so close, even if they dont really sit and like.. philosophize about life. lmfao
ben has gotten into several like police and governemnt systems and removed so many cctv footage of everyone getting in trouble, or even wiped their shit from systems. he is like the main reason none of them are in jail unironically.
jeff is the only one who truly enjoys murder. he's a sadist at heart and has a fetish for all this blood and guts. toby and natalie did have their own periods in life where they killed for relief/as a power trip(toby only ever did it under orders, natalie took some sleezy guys home from bars). the rest of them either aren't killers, or don't do it by choice (brian and tim).
i was gonna ramble about nina next but im kinda embarrassed that i just spoke so much about them BAHAHAH OK THANKS ANON
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