#natalie oullette
crushedsweets · 4 months
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This is for a very niche group of people
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insomniac-shado · 21 days
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Idk what these r called but i made one
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misscarnivalofcarnage · 3 months
☠︎ Cɾҽҽρყραʂƚα: MBTI ҽԃιƚισɳ ☠︎
Mbti's are cool as fuck so here we go
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,,In personality typology, the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions“
(ISTJ / Logistician)
,,The ISTJ personality type is Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging, which means they are energized by quiet, independent work; pragmatic and detail oriented; logical; and skilled in organization and time-management. This combination of personality preferences produces people who value order, predictability, and routine. They are rule-followers who love the security that comes with knowing their place in the world. ISTJs are hard workers who are reliable, productive, and persistent. They appreciate the value of teamwork, but can be stubborn and struggle with change.“
In Sesseur's version of his character, Jeff presents himself as a very stubborn and single-minded man. He appears to have a tendency to be overcritical and a lack of sensitivity, which is crystallized in the course of his story and his way of treating people.
He spares no effort (or bodies) to pursue the goal he has dedicated himself to by ridding the world of those who lie, judge and are fundamentally bad in his eyes. Hypocritically, he misjudges and suspects people of being dishonest or weak himself, usually for the simple fact that they might not meet his standards.
Beyond that, Jeff demonstrates a sense of loyalty and responsibility to his family by being willing to do anything to ensure their safety.
Strengths: Endurance And Persistence, Loyalty, Protectiveness, Adherence To Personal Code, Strong Work Ethic, Focus, Determination, Reliability, Responsibility
Weaknesses: Overemphasis On Past Experiences, Resistance To Emotional Expression, Tendency To Be Overly Critical, Reluctance To Seek Help
(ENTP / Debater)
,,The ENTP personality type is Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by working with others, focused on understanding people and problems, creative and systematic thinkers, and comfortable with frequent, fast-paced change. This combination of personality preferences produces people who love taking on challenges deemed impossible by others. Quick-witted, confident, and charming, they are visionaries with infectious enthusiasm. ENTPs trust their instincts, are not bound by convention, and are rarely judgmental; however they can be impatient and impractical.“
Ben exhibits several signs of the ENTP personality type. His manipulative and deceptive nature, as well as his indulgence in psychological games, reflect the ENTP's inclination for intellectual dominance and mind games. Ben's relentless pursuit of chaos and disruption, as well as his indifference to the well-being of others, show the unhealthy manifestation of an ENTP's desire for intellectual stimulation and pushing boundaries.
Overall, Ben represents the negative aspects of an ENTP to an extreme and unhealthy level, emphasizing manipulation, disregard for consequence, and a warped sense of reality.
Strengths: Creativity, Strategic Thinking, Inventivness, Persuasiveness, Charisma, Versatility, Experimental Nature, Communication
Weaknesses: Insensitivity, Manipulative, Overconfidence, Lack Of Emotional Expression, Provocative, Disregard For Consequences
(INTP / The Logician)
,,The INTP personality type is Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by time alone in deep thought, focused on understanding the theories behind ideas and concepts, led by logic and reason, and unencumbered by tradition. This combination of personality preferences produces people who generally do not buy into conventional thinking, but instead seek to break apart widely accepted ideas to look at them from different angles. Though INTPs do not value small talk, they are passionate and articulate when exploring different complex systems and analyzing bigger universal concepts.“
Jack displays several traits related to his personality type. Both his Analytical nature and his curiosity to understand the human body and surgical procedures reflect the INTP's thirst for knowledge and their inclinations towards logical exploration.
Jack has a preference for solitude, introspection and introverted tendencies. In addition, he has difficulty expressing deep emotions and a rather detached demeanor.
Overall, Jack's intellectual depth, analytic mindset and introverted disposition suggests an INTP personality type.
Strengths: Analytic Thinking, Intellectual Depth, Independence, Attention to Detail, Objective and Impartial Thinking, Inquisitive Nature, Unconventional thinking
Weaknesses: Emotional Detachment, Overthinking, Perfectionism, Impatience with Redundancy, Lack of Practically, Lack of Assertiveness
(INFP / The Mediator)
,,The INFP personality type is Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by time alone, focused on big picture ideas and concepts, led by their values and feelings, and spontaneous and flexible. This combination of personality preferences produces people who are open minded, creative, and deeply committed to authenticity. INFPs do not conform easily to others’ expectations, yet they work towards the personal growth of themselves and others. An INFP is sympathetic, gentle, and encouraging to their friends and loved ones.“
Jane exhibits several traits common for an INFP, such as her deep sense of individuality, a desire for authenticity, as well as a strong moral compass and compassion for others. She seeks to protect innocent individuals from danger, especially from people who have hurt her in the past.
Her emotional depth and introspection are also consistent in an INFP's tendency to explore her inner world and express her emotions creatively.
Overall, Jane implies an INFP personality type due to her unique perspective, empathic nature, and pursuit of authenticity.
Strengths: Strong Values and Ethics, Empathy and Compassion, Idealism, Vision, Deep Emotional Connection, Intuitive Insights, Authenticity and Individuality
Weaknesses: Idealism and Disappointment, Difficulty Setting Boundaries, Overwhelm by Emotion, Sensitivity to Critism
( ESTP / The Entrepreneur)
,,The ESTP personality type is Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by playful time with others, perceptive and able to improvise, motivated to solve logical problems, and focused on immediate results over long-term goals. This combination of traits produces people who are excellent in emergency situations; they are able to think on their feet, adjusting and responding reflexively. Gregarious and self-assured, ESTPs have a great sense of humor and a wide circle of friends, but may have difficulty connecting on a deeper emotional level. Because ESTPs are so focused on the present, they are able to be bold and adventurous, but they can also struggle with thinking ahead and following through.“
 Clockwork's impulsive and thrill-seeking behavior align with the ESTP penchant for excitement and immediate gratification.
Her unhealthy manifestation is evident in her extreme violence and lack of empathy towards her victims and the disregard of consequences for her actions.
Clockwork's Manipulative tendencies for ignoring rules and authority further speak to the type, as she engages in dangerous and sadistic behavior without remorse.
She has a lack of long-term planning, the disregard for the safety of others, and a tendency to impulsive, implying her to be an ESTP.
Strenghts: Adventurous Spirit, Quick Thinking, Charisma, Practical Problem-Solving, Boldness and Fearless, Ressourcefulness, Pragmatism, Action-Oriented
Weaknesses: Impulsiveness, Insensitivity, Reckless, Difficulty with Long-Term-Planning, Impatience, Difficulty with Emotional Intimacy
( ENFP / The Campaigner)
,,The ENFP personality type is Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by time with others, motivated to deeply understand the human experience, drawn to authentic emotional intensity, and easily bored by the mundane. This combination of personality preferences produces people who place great value on personal freedom and happiness, both for themselves and for others. ENFPs are excellent communicators who enjoy bringing out the best in others, though they can lack focus and overlook key details in favor of the bigger, more imaginative picture.“
Nina exhibits traits that suggest she embodies an unhealthy ENFP personality type. Her obsession with Jeff the Killer and her desire to emulate him reflects an ENFP's tendency to become very passionate and idealistic about their interests.
However, Nina's unhealthy behavior is evident in her intense fixation, which leads her to engage in violent and destructive behavior without regarding for the well-being of others.
Her distorted perception of love and her willingness to harm anything in the name of her obsession is another indication of an unhealthy ENFP potential of losing touch with reality and disregarding ethical boundaries.
Additionally, Nina‘s erratic emotions and impulsive actions indicate a lack of emotional stability and a struggle to find healthy outlets for her intense feelings.
Overall, Nina‘s character emphasizes on the negative aspects of an ENFP personality taken to an extreme and unhealthy level, showcasing obsession, distorted values and emotional volatility.
Strengths: Passion, Creativity, Idealism, Vision, Infectious Enthusiasm, Charisma, Open-Mindedness, Loyalty, Unconventional Thinking,
Weaknesses: Obsession, Distorted Perception of Reality, Emotional Instability, Lack of Boundaries, Difficulty Coping With Criticism, Lack of Long-Term Planning
(credits for the mbti-description: https://www.truity.com/blog/author/truity)
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tic-toc-clock77 · 7 months
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aquafys · 2 years
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2 minute doodles of some creeps
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accidentarisen · 4 months
Girls I would become heterosexual for: A list
Kim Pine
Nina the Killer
Natalie Oullette
Your mother
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creepylittlelady · 5 months
Why hello everyone, I’m sleep deprived, tired and feel the urge to lore dump about Puppet Strings without actually writing anything too big to I’ve decided to rank the characters that appear in my AU in terms of how important they are.
Got any questions about it, feel free to ask!
Characters on the same line to signify that they are of equal important as each other
Most Important:
The Operator (Chernabog, the Divine Lord, whatever else you wanna call him)
Ben Drowned
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack + Jill
Slender’s Brothers + His father
Ticci Toby, Masky/Tim, Hoody/Brian, Kate the Chaser, Rouge (she does appear)
Lifeless Lucy (and by greater purposes, the Ghost Children in General)
Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer (or simply, “The Killer Saga”)
Clockwork (Natalie Oullette)
Judge Angels (Dina)
Dr.Smiley/Nurse Ann
X-Virus (relevant to an extent)
Puppeteer/The Bloody Painter
Jason the Toymaker
Candy Pop, Vailly Evans
Least Relevant
Unknown ranking
Hobo Heart, Nathan the Nobody, Seed Eater
(I just don’t know that much about them, my sincerest apologies!)
If there’s a character I missed, please let me know because I’m way too tired to count lol.
If you have any questions on why characters are placed in certain spots, why certain characters are so lore relevant etc, any backstories or personal portrayals in this AU, feel free to ask!
I have my own versions of the Ben Drowned, Killer Saga (what I call those 4), and Masky/Hoody general backstories, alongside slightly rewriting Lazari a bit ;) if you’re curious, let me know!
Thanks for reading!
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Picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1342558
Name: Natalie Oullette
Infamous name: Clockwork
Current age: 35
Pronouns: She/her
Gender: Cis female
Nationality: American
Sexual orientation: Bi-romantic, asexual, polyamorous
Family members: Mary Beth Ouellette (Mother, Deceased), David Ouellette (Father, Deceased), Lucas Ouellette (Brother, Deceased), Melody Rodgers (Daughter, Alive)
Current lover(s): Jane Arkensaw, Nina Hopkins
Description: Natalie Oullette is a 35 year old female standing at a height of 5′7, she currently lives deep in the woods near the mansion that houses Tobias Rodgers, known as her past lover and child’s father, Slenderman, and many other people. She used to live in the mansion, but decided to part her own ways when she was 20 years old. When she was 19, her and Tobias Rodgers were a couple. They went on to have a child known as Melody Rodgers, and had to give her up to an Orphanage for the child’s own safety, due to there being mentally unstable serial killers in the mansion who might try to kill her while she’s still a newborn. Although most of the people residing in the mansion wouldn’t actually do that, you never know who will. Months after they had to give their child up, Natalie spiraled into a depression. She realized she never really wanted a child all along and she just did it because she thought she had to due to societies expectations for women in the past being ‘birth a child’ and ‘be a housewife.’  She and Tobias got into many fights due to her not really treating Tobias right in the relationship, and Tobias being in a deep depression due to having to give away his daughter. So after her and Tobias decided to break up, she made a decision to leave the mansion and live on her own in the woods. She bid everyone including Tobias farewell, packed her belongings, and went off into the woods. Now she has her own cabin, grows her own food, hunts animals, etc to survive in the wilderness. When she first started living in the cabin and adapting to her new way of living, Jane Arkensaw and Nina Hopkins, her best friends, decided to leave the mansion too and live with Natalie in her home. Years have passed, and now they all live together as roommates and lovers. Natalie’s personality can be a little cold to people she first meets, and she tends to have anger issues that she’s currently working on, but when you’re close friends with her, you’ll see she’s really kind, thoughtful, and caring to people she can trust and rely on.
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What fandoms I write for?
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Danganronpa (all canon games)
Ishuzoku/Interspecies reviewers
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Avatar (the last airbender)
Great expectations
the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde
the body snatcher
(I like classic literature, ok?)
Undertale (unfortunately not yet deltarune)
Five nights at freddy’s
Friday night Funkin’ (including some mods)
Yandere Simulator
Stardew Valley
sally face
Genshin Impact
Dead by Daylight
Detroit: Become Human
The Umbrella Academy
Top gun Maverick
Ride the Cyclone
Slenderman (+ his ‘brothers’)
(kinda) marble hornets
Laughing jack
Laughing Jill
eyeless jack
ben drowned
Jeff the killer
jane the killer
nina the killer
homicidal liu
Jason the toy-maker
Clockwork/natalie oullette
smile dog
ani the wight
bloody painter/Helen Otis
candy pop
the puppeteer
Judge Angels
Nurse Ann
Lost Silver
Dr Smiley
Lifeless Lucy
Nathan the Nobody
Hobo Heart
Glitchy Red
Julius the dressmaker
russian sleep experiment
grinny cat
the diary of Mr Welldone
kate the chaser/rouge
I Eat Pasta For Breakfast (I try ok, btw this includes all the characters in the comic/web series, but I will consider them separate from other versions I.E og Jeff TK and IEPFB Jeff TK)
If a fandom isn’t listed, feel free to ask if I write about them!!
I definitely forgot a couple lol
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can i request jason the toymaker and clockwork fighting to the death (preferably over something incredibly stupid)
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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are any of them capable of sport ? Hopefully
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insomniac-shado · 6 months
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I love jane and clockwork so much
Like I cant even explain it
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zabeth-1420 · 3 years
Hice un dibujo de Clockwork, me gusta pensar que después de la muerte de Toby ella usa sus cosas (generalmente sus goggles y sus hachas) como una forma de honrarlo y mantenerlo cerca.
¿Cómo las consiguió? Pues... Básicamente se las robó a Masky y Hoody, ganándose con esto un poco más del desprecio de Slendy y sus proxys.
I made a Clockwork's draw, I like to think that after Toby's death she wears his stuffs (generally his goggles and his axes) in a way to honor him and keep him close.
How did she get them? Well, basically she stole them from Masky and Hoody, geting so a little more hate from Slendy and his proxys
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Presento el dibujo con y sin sangre ya que no me decido cual me gusta más.
I share the draw with and without the blood because I just can't decide which more do I like more
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mhumiston965 · 4 years
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Your Time Is Up!
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creepyhottakes · 2 years
(the characters I’ll mainly be focusing on)
Slenderman—he/it; agender/asexual/demiromantic; born June 10th 1587; from Virginia
Habit—any pronouns; genderfluid/asexual/panromantic; born from the first murder aka Cain killing Abel yes the bible is canon in this aka a LONG FUCKING TIME AGO
Jeff (The Killer) Woods—he/him; cis man/bisexual/aromantic; born June 22nd 1998; from California
Jane (The Killer) Arkansas—she/her; trans woman/lesbian; born June 20th 1998; from California
Nina (The Killer) Hopkins—she/her; cis woman/polysexual; born January 9th 1996; from Ohio
Ben (Drowned) Lawman—he/it/neos; doesn’t label gender/“straight I guess”; born April 23rd 1990, died April 23rd 2002; from New Jersey
Eyeless Jack—he/him; trans man/gay; born August 30th 1996; from California
Sally Williams—she/her; cis girl/aromantic; born March 7th 2003, died December 13th 2011; from Maryland
Masky/Tim—he/she; genderfluid/omnisexual; born December 24th 1988; from Alabama
Hoodie/Brian—he/him; cis man/bisexual; born January 20th 1988; from Alabama
(Ticci) Toby Rogers—he/him; cis man/pansexual; born November 19th 1996; from Colorado
Smile.jpg (Dog)—he/him; ???/gay; born ???; from The Underrealm
(The) Rake—he/it; ???/???; born ???; from the Mariana Trench
(secondary characters, don’t have as much about them figured out)
Zalgo—he/him; agender/pansexual; as old as time; from the void ig??
Laughing Jack/Jill—he/she; genderfluid/asexual/demiromantic ig; born sometime in the 1800s; from England
Jason (the Toymaker)—he/him; cis man/idk some sort of multi
Candy Pop/Cane—he/she; genderfluid/androsexual; from some other dimension ig
(more side characters)
Enderman—Slender’s younger brother; he/they/it; doesn’t use labels; born June 7th 1587; from Virginia
Splendorman—Slender’s older brother; he/him; demiman/straight; born June 7th 1587; from Virginia
Trenderman—Slender’s younger brother; he/him; male-aligned/gay; born June 7th 1587; from Virginia
(characters I barely talk about but they’re in the world)
Mr. Widemouth—he/him; doesn’t use labels
Kagekao—he/it; demiman/gay; born in 1994; from the Underrealm ig?
The Bloody Painter/Helen Otis—he/him; trans man/straight; born October 1st 1980
Clockwork/Natalie Oullette—she/her; cis woman/pansexual; born in 1999/2000
Dr. Smiley—he/him; cis man/straight; born October 20th 1984
(Nurse) Ann Mia—she/her; cis woman/bisexual; born October 31st 1998, died and was resurrected at some point; from New York
Judge Angel/Dina Clark—she/her; cis woman/omnisexual; born April 2nd 1999
Abandoned By Disney/Photonegative Mickey—he/it/they; male-aligned/asexual/aromantic; from the Bahamas
The Seed Eater—it/its; agender/demisexual/aromantic
Sonic.Exe—he/him; cis man/bisexual
Herobrine—he/him; trans man/gay
The Puppeteer—he/him; agender/asexual/polyromantic; born July 25th 1974, died November 30th 1994
Zero—she/her; cis woman/grey-asexual/lesbian; born October 25th 1999
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system-stims · 2 years
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Natalie Oullette
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🔪꒱ Our Alters
🕰꒱ Singlets can reblog but do not clown
🔪꒱ DNI if you’re a pedophile/variants, proshippers, lgbt+phone, n*zi, trump supporter, ableist, racist, people who ship incest or pedophilic ships, or others in our dni
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