#cleaning with apple cider vinegar
secretstime · 1 year
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yumyumjourney · 9 months
The Magic of Apple Cider Vinegar: Beyond the Kitchen 🍎
We all know apple cider vinegar (ACV) as a kitchen staple, but did you know it's like a secret multitasking superhero for your health, beauty, and home? 🦸‍♀️🏡
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Health Hub: ACV is a digestive dynamo! A little diluted in water before meals can help with digestion and may even play a role in blood sugar regulation. Plus, it's loaded with antioxidants, fighting those pesky free radicals.
Beauty Buddy: Your hair and skin will thank you! ACV as a hair rinse will add shine and remove buildup. As a facial toner, it can combat acne and give your complexion a natural glow. Just remember to dilute it with water!
Home Hero: Tired of chemical-laden cleaners? Mix ACV with water for a natural all-purpose cleaner. It's eco-friendly and tackles grime like a champ. Plus, you can use it for laundry, too!
But a word to the wise: ACV is potent stuff! Always dilute it before use, whether you're drinking it or applying it topically. And, as with any superpower, use it responsibly and in moderation. 🌟
So, here's to apple cider vinegar – your kitchen companion and so much more! Explore its versatile uses and let it work its magic in your daily life.
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trashbaget · 1 year
#how are y’all enjoying your fruit fly free summer 🤠#since they’re all taking up residence in my fucking apartment (i am in the process of cleaning a half year’s depression mess$#the kitchen is easily absolutely no contest the worst fucking room#it is so disgusting#i was finally able to stuff all the trash and loose rot into contractor bags and toss those in the dumpster#but the sink is so goddamn full of FILTH and the dishes are COVERED in it#and taking out all that trash did fucking wonders it is so much better already#but there are still so fucking many left in there#and i’m also attempting apple cider vinegar traps and those smell so fucking RANK#i swear to you my kitchen smells like a barn but a barn without animals in it. like the animals are running around outside and it’s just lef#t with putrid shit stank and bugs and YEULHCK!!!!#but the good news is that that’s motherfucking progress and i am gonna keep kicking ass and scrubbing everything and i am gonna have a nice#clean house!!!!!!!!! (but maybe that’s s pipe dreamm. everybody’s got that something! we can’t fix with love or moneyy. even when it pulls#me under! get so high that it just seems funnyy. how many times can i fake it before it breaks me i’m not okay. i’m not okay! everyone feels#like they’re crazy. why can’t i say it? i’m not okay. i’m not okay!)#<- y’all should listen to that it is an absolute banger!!!! i’m not ok! by chaz cardigan#shut up im holding the trashtalking breadstick
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orcelito · 2 years
Going on a vengeful murder path bc the cats got into the bagels I bought yesterday & chewed at the bag, which let gnats get inside & it was absolutely SWARMING. I had to throw the whole thing away, & after taking out the trash I went on a fucking murder run at the remaining gnats with my bug zapper
There are a few remaining. But not forever.
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biscuitdolly · 7 months
easy hygiene tips ♡
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to improve physical appearance , health and hygiene are a must.
water ♡
water. please , for the love of god , drink water. get up rn and go drink some water. water does so much , want clear skin? water. want to lose weight? water. want to feel more refreshed? water. ITS SO HELPFUL!! you really don't want to be dehydrated, it has so many negative effects.
i would aim for around 2 liters (8 full glasses) a day , but you can slowly increase your water intake over the span of a few weeks if you're not ready for that. if you like me and forget to drink , set alarms or reminders for when you need to.
apple cider vinegar ♡
okay , yes, it tastes gross, but it's so good for your PH!! just drink 2 teaspoons everyday (dilute with water first) , trust me it will make your body sweat and kitty smell (and taste) soo much better!! it can also help u lose weight , decrease waist size and is so good for your skin!!
easy oral hygiene ♡
brush your teeth at least 3 times a day. i normally opt for brushing my teeth twice in a row morning and night , and once during the day (yes , even if i'm at school). also , don't forget to floss!! most importantly u wanna b scraping/brushing your tongue, along with brushing your gums and the roof of your mouth!! If you're not brushing regularly and not brushing your tongue, your breath is gonna stink.
another tip - mints > gum. no matter how minty your gum is , if you're chewing it all day it's gonna make your breath smell bad. a sugar-free mint that specialises in good breath every morning helps so much for me.
shower/bath care ♡
please wash behind your ears and your belly button. every part of your body should be clean!!! you don't want build-up.
exfoliate before and after u shave. this will leave u feeling SO smooth and helps avoid razor bumps , if you have sensitive skin (like me) it can help avoid irritation (i get SO itchy and my skin gets covered in red bumps if i don't exfoliate when shaving). personally, i don't suffer from oily skin , but if u do, exfoliating afterwards helps remove any dirt from clogged pores and any residue build-up!
use different clothes depending on what part of your body you're cleaning!! use a softer cloth for your face and kitty , and use regular clothes for the main part of your body and bum. NEVER wash your face in the shower! you want your face to have its own personal time for you to clean it so you can really focus on it. also , hot water from the shower can damage your skin and make it dry. your shower head also probably has a lot of bacteria hiding in it, so please wash your face separately after your shower.
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kalorienarme · 1 year
Who else adds Apple Cider Vinegar to nearly everything they cook?
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samwisethewitch · 8 months
Grocery Store Fire Cider
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I try to always have fire cider on hand during the colder months. Fire cider is vinegar infused with warming, expectorant (mucus-clearing) herbs to help clear out gunk from our respiratory system. It's great for clearing up congestion and helping with wet coughs. Since pretty much everyone in my house tends towards wet cold symptoms (congestion/runny nose, coughing up mucus, etc.), we go through a lot of this stuff every cold and flu season.
I take a shot of fire cider as soon as I feel congestion or a wet cough coming on, or if I've been around someone I know is sick. While it doesn't always keep me from getting sick, I do think it helps speed up my recovery and keep my symptoms less severe.
A lot of fire cider recipes online and in herbalism books call for less common herbs that need to be purchased online or from a speciality herb shop. This year, I decided to make a batch with only herbs you can buy cheaply at most grocery stores. Here's the recipe for my fellow herbalists on a budget!
You will need:
A quart mason jar
1 whole head of fresh garlic, peeled and roughly chopped, OR 3 spoonfuls of pre-minced jarred garlic
3 knobs of fresh ginger about the size of your thumb, roughly chopped, OR 3 spoonfuls of store-bought ginger paste
1 package fresh thyme OR 2 tablespoons dried thyme
1 package fresh sage OR 2 tablespoons dried sage
1 quart apple cider vinegar
There are two methods I've used to make this cider. The traditional method is a slow infusion that takes 2+ weeks, but I've also developed a fast infusion method for when I feel a cold coming on and need a batch of fire cider ASAP.
Traditional Method:
Add your herbs to a clean mason jar. Pour the vinegar over the herbs and fill the jar to the top. Put a lid on the jar. (Vinegar will corrode metal lids, so either use a plastic lid or place a square of parchment paper between your jar and the metal lid.)
Place the jar in a cool, dark place and allow it to infuse for at least 2 weeks and up to 1 month. You can strain the herbs out to store at room temperature, or you can do what I do and store the whole thing in the fridge, herbs and all.
If you leave the herbs in, you can keep this batch of fire cider going all winter by topping the jar up with more vinegar every time it gets below halfway full.
Fast Infusion Method:
Add the herbs to the mason jar like you would for the traditional method. Instead of adding vinegar, fill the jar halfway with boiling water. Let sit for 2-3 hours.
Once the water has cooled down to room temperature, fill the jar the rest of the way with vinegar. Let it sit overnight and then either strain the herbs out or store the whole thing in the fridge.
To use the fire cider, take a shot glassful whenever you feel cold symptoms coming on. If you made your cider with the traditional method, you can dilute it with water if your stomach doesn't handle acid well. You can also mix in some honey to improve the taste.
Please note that fire cider and other folk remedies are not a replacement for medical care. I highly recommend staying up to date on your flu and COVID-19 vaccines in addition to using remedies like this.
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
How to Use Herbs : Rosemary
Hwello there. We have talked about rosemary and its uses in a previous post. If you haven't read it, please click here: Rosemary
Now I shall provide some spells, tonics, recipes and etc on where you can utilize it. Let us begin :)
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Author's Note: From I noticed a part is usually a teaspoon. You can add more according to your needs, but I would always start with that measurement first.
Alchemist Formula for Binding:
One part benzoin gum (Saturn, binding)
One part patchouli (Saturn,binding)
One part Solomon's seal (Saturn, protective)
One part rosemary oil (Saturn, protective)
One part frankincense oil (Sun, success)
Mental Focus Magical Tea:
I part rosemary
1/2 part spearmint
1 cup of boiling water
Mix herbs in a small jar
To brew, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the herbal blend.
Steep for 5 - 7 minute. Strain and drink.
Remembrance for Lost Love (Heartache Healer)
6 drops of rosemary oil
3 drops of peppermint oil
1 drop of lavender oil
White candle
Add the oil to the top of the candle, one at a time, in a clockwise direction around the wick.
LIght the candle and gaze into the flame
Visualize your fond memories of the person who left your life. As you do this say, "I thank you for the time we had together, I thank you for the love we shared, I thank you for being an important part of my life. We have parted, we move on, we remember. I wish you the best life has to offer and hope you have found happiness."
Allow the candle to burn out of its own and dispose of the remaining wax away from your home or bury it in the spot you and the past partner enjoyed together.
Broom Cleansing Spell
 Use one or any combination of the following botanicals: broom, cedar,fennel, hyssop, rosemary, sage, vervain.
Arrange the botanicals and tie them to the bottom of a branch withraffia, visualizing, charging and knotting. (Any branch may be used,however an ash branch is considered particularly powerful.)
Sprinkle with salted water or any preferred purification formula.
Sweep the area.
Disassemble the broom outside, away from the cleansed space.
 Bury the components in the ground or toss them into living waters, flowing away from you.
Ghost Keep Away Spell (Boundary Line Spell)
Place three peeled cloves of garlic in a bowl, together with one handful of sea salt and one handful of fresh rosemary leaves.
Grind and mash the ingredients together.
Sprinkle them to create a boundary, as needed.
Bad Habits Bath
Add the following to a tub filled with warm water:
Essential oil of clary sage
Essential oil of frankincense
Essential oil of lavender
Essential oil of lemongrass or May Chang
Essential oil of rosemary
Enter the bath and inhale the fragrance, and accompany with affirmations and positive visualizations.
Kitchen Witch Recipes:
Super-Quick Bonus Recipe for Gwion’s Red Onion Pickle Bliss
Fills one pint-sized jar
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes, plus 30 minutes to cool in the fridge
1 medium red onion
3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 cup water
10 black peppercorns
2/3 cup white wine vinegar,
rice vinegar, or apple cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 sprig rosemary
1 clove garlic, peeled and halved
Slice the onion very thinly and place it in your clean, dry jar. Set it aside.
Add the rest of the ingredients to a medium saucepan and bring to a boil until the sugar has fully dissolved. Stir carefully so you don’t break the rosemary. The sprig is in there to add flavour, and you’ll discard it before the next step.
Let the pickling mixture (the water, vinegar, and spices) cool down for about 10 minutes. Discard the sprig of rosemary and pour the remaining
ingredients into the jar of onions. Make sure all of the onions are submerged
in the picking liquid. If you have to, use a spoon to push the onions down in the jar. Seal the jar and put it in the fridge to cool. The onions are ready to eat once they are cool, about 30 minutes.
Serve them on avocado toast, burgers, salads, or just with a fork straight out of the jar. Remember to kiss your partner or partners before eating the onions out of the jar, unless they’re into pungent kisses.
Goat for a God: Roasted Goat Leg with Grape Molasses
Great for Deities: Dionysus, Pan and Thor
Serves : 6
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
1 goat leg (about 3 pounds)
1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon cumin
2 teaspoons black pepper
4 tablespoons grape molasses
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon coriander
2 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 cup white wine + one glass for sipping and toasting while cooking (use mead if you're cooking this for Thor)
1 bay leaf
2 large carrots, chopped into
1" chunks
1 celery root, peeled and chopped into 1" cubes
Open the bottle of white wine or mead and take a hefty drink. (This is optional but deities do like when you drink with them but they can respect if you don't partake.)
Preheat the oven to 375° F.
Liberally season the goat leg with salt and pepper.
Rub the minced garlic all over the goat leg too. If it helps, poke a few holes in the goat leg so you can get the garlic right into the meat.
Place the rosemary sprigs and bay leaf in the bottom of a large roasting pan and put the goat leg right on top. Add the carrots and celery root around the edges. Pour the olive oil all over the goat and rub it around. Coat the carrots and celery root too.
Pour the white wine around the bottom of the roasting pan.
Loosely cover with kitchen foil and put the whole pan into the oven for 2 hours.
About an hour and forty-five minutes into the cooking process, it’s time to make the glaze.
Mix the grape molasses—which is a super-condensed syrup made of grape must—in a bowl with a tablespoon of olive oil, the coriander, and the cumin. You can substitute honey for the grape molasses if for Thor.
At the two-hour mark, pull the roasting pan out of the oven and paint the goat with the grape (or honey) and spice glaze.
Pop the goat and veggies, uncovered, back into the oven for another 20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches at least 145° F.
When you’re ready to serve this dish, scoop the veggies into a bowl (fornow) and put the goat leg on a platter. If you have access to one, get a cedar plank and serve the goat on it.
Medical Tonics and Infusions:
Infusion- An infusion is the simplest way to prepare the more delicate aerial parts of plants, especially leaves and flowers, for use as a medicine or as a revitalizing or relaxing drink. It is made in a similar way to tea, using either a single herb or a combination of herbs, and may be drunk hot or cold.
Pot Infusion
For a cup:
1 tsp (2–3 g) dried or 2 tsp (4–6 g) fresh herb (or mixture of herbs) to a cup of water
For a pot:
20 g dried herb or 30 g fresh herb (or a mixture of different herbs) to 2 cups (500 ml) of water
Warm the pot, then add the herb.
Pour in water that has just boiled, replace the lid, and infuse for 10 minutes.
Strain some of the infusion into a cup. A teaspoon of honey may be added if desired.
Store in a covered jug in a refrigerator or cool place for up to 24 hours.
Tonic Making
Standard Quantity:
200 g dried or 300 g fresh herb chopped into small pieces to 1 quart (1 liter) alcohol—vodka of 35–40% alcohol is ideal, although rum hides the taste of bitter or unpalatable herbs
Standard Dosage:
Take 1 tsp (5 ml) 2 –3 times a day diluted in 1 tbsp plus 1 tsp (25 ml) of water or fruit juice.
Place the herb in a large, clean glass jar and pour on the alcohol, ensuring that the herb is covered. Close and label the jar.
Shake well for 1–2 minutes and store in a cool dark place for 10–14 days, shaking the jar every 1–2 days.
Set up the wine press, placing a muslin or nylon mesh bag securely inside. Pour in the mixture and collect the liquid in the jug.
Slowly close the wine press, extracting the remaining liquid from the herbs until no more drips appear. Discard the leftover herbs.
Pour the tincture into clean, dark glass bottles using a funnel. When full, stopper with a cork or screw top and label the bottles.
Store in sterilized, dark glass bottles in a cool dark place for up to 2 years. An amber glass jar is the best option.
Sorry this post is so long @_@ But please enjoy and use wisely. Bye byes~
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reality-detective · 3 months
🤔Why Going Without Shampoo and Conditioner Can Give You Thicker, Stronger Hair?
🙅‍♀️Shampoo and conditioner can strip your hair and scalp of natural oils, which can lead to dryness, breakage, and other hair problems.
🌱Natural methods can also clean and nourish hair without striping natural oil nor exposing you to harsh chemicals.
Here are 2 best natural methods to wash your hair, without striping natural oils :
1️⃣Apple cider vinegar rinse :
– Mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and pour over your hair, massaging your scalp. Rinse with water after a few minutes.
ACV balances pH, removes buildup, and stimulates hair growth.
2️⃣Baking soda wash :
– Make a paste with 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda and water, then massage it into your hair and scalp. After rinsing, use vinegar.
Baking soda promotes hair growth, removes oil, and adds volume.
🤷‍♀️What are the natural remedies for better hair growth?
- Onion juice
- Egg mask
- Rosemary oil
I have been using cold pressed hexane free castor oil with Rosemary oil to rub into my scalp and sleeping with it like that at night. I am seeing a difference.
The I'm using 👇
½ cup castor oil
6-7 drops of rosemary oil
Massage into the scalp about 2 hours before bed, cover the pillow with a towel and after 2 months I'm seeing positive results.
I do this every other day and I don't use shampoo or conditioner, I use Amish soap with all natural ingredients. 🤔
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secretstime · 1 year
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Hey there!!
Im being hella self indulgent with this ask but could you do some Task Force 141 + König headcanons for a reader dealing with stomach issues? (like the nausea, being cold and having headaches all the time, stomach pain, etc). If you could I would really appreciate it!! If this makes you uncomfortable feel free not to do it :))
Oof ouchie ouch
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He’s unsure what to do with himself at first so he kinda does everything he can? He’s cleaning up the house while you’re resting in bed, he’s got peppermint tea going, he’s running out to the pharmacy for meds to help your nausea and headaches
He’s setting up the heating pad to gently rest it on your stomach, he’s making lemon water and sitting on the bed, gently tilting your head and instructing you to take small sips
If you ask him to, he’ll rub your stomach with the softest touch
If your nausea reaches the point where you’re throwing up, he’s holding your hair or rubbing soothing patterns in your back with moderate pressure
He makes sure to take some meds with him just in case your headaches or your stomach pain flares up, he watches you intently to be able to catch it before it gets bad
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s so comforting, if it’s a chronic issue he’s got everything you need when you get a flare up
If it’s something that happens on occasion, he’s still ready for you, he’s got pretzels, applesauce in the fridge, Dramamine for your nausea and headaches
He’s got a heated water bottle ready for your stomach aches
If nothing else, he is prepared and doting. He’s insisting you rest, he’s happy to do everything around the house for however long you need, he refuses to let you do anything
He’s at your beck and call and he makes it known, if you don’t have the energy to shout you can shoot him a text but you probably won’t have to because he’ll be right there at your side
John Price:
King of home remedies lmao
He’s got tips and tricks he’s picked up when he was younger and when he was in his academy days
Ginger tea with honey, large glass of water with lemon juice, peppermint tea or peppermint candies, bitters and club soda, tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
If your nausea reaches a point where you’re throwing up, he’s standing behind you, holding your hair back and pressing a hand against your forehead (trust me it helps)
Once you’ve cleaned up, he’s giving you some ginger tea with a little honey in it, and gently rubbing your back as you take a few slow sips
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’s not quite sure what to do outside of things his parents might’ve done for him when he was younger, so he looks it up on his phone when he’s sitting on the bed at your side, gently rubbing your tummy
He’s listing off the different things he’s finding to see which of them seems most appealing to you
As soon as you pick something, he goes with it, he heads out to the grocery store to grab the things he needs to help you feel better
He’s grabbing the chicken soup, applesauce, jello, pretzels, ginger ale, popsicles? (In his mind cold = soothing)
When he comes back, he’s giving you a little bit of everything, sitting beside you on the couch with you all bundled up and wrapped in blankets, and he’s got himself a small bowl of the pretzels he got for you, your favorite show playing on the tv
I feel like he’d call his mom for advice or home remedies, but when some things aren’t available for purchase where you live, he asks you what you’ve normally done and what you’d like him to do
He’s following what you say to the letter, he’s quick about getting what you need from the super market, and he’s quick about coming back
He makes you some homemade chicken noodle soup and gives you a glass of ginger ale and some ice to chew on when you’re done with the drink
He’s rubbing soothing circles on your tummy, his hand warm and calming as you lean against him
He’s got the lights dimmed so it doesn’t make your headache any worse, he’s given you some medicine already to help it go away quicker, he’s softly humming, gently rubbing your arms and your back
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grrnlotus · 12 days
— 𝒷enefits
skin, lashes, brows, hair treatment ⋆˚࿔
→ clear, smooth, glowing skin
→ embody youth
→ natural remedies; rice water, green tea, aloe vera, coconut oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, etc
→ facial + spa effect; free from any texture, acne, scars, hyperpigmentation, inflamation, bumps, clogged pores, dryness, oilyness
→ massage; inflamation & wrinkle removal
→ daily gua sha effect
→ laser hair removal; no unwanted facial hair
→ immunity to all imperfections
lashes, brows:
→ overly long and dark eyelashes that touch the eyebrows,
→ drastic eyelash growth curse,
→ natural mascara and eyelash curler effect,
→ benefits of using a lash serum for years
→ naturally full and dark eyebrows that are always filled in,
→ desired eyebrow shape and size,
→ naturally threaded and professionally done eyebrows
→ drastic hair growth curse
→ perfect soft and shiny hair in a perfect condition, hair damage and frizz removal and repair,
→ thick, clean hair
→ desired hair type and texture
→ daily scalp massages, bamboo brushes
→ rosemary oil, omega 3
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luvinhobiee · 1 year
helpin’ hobie take care of his hair? i got you. ( hobie has wicks , idc. )
“ blooody hell! fuck is dat? ” hobie exclaims, covering his nose and whincing at the sour smell. you laughed at his reaction. you were giving him a detox , you loved taking care of hobie’s wicks. his hair was genuinely so cute & poofy upon his head. you had just finished rubbing the lemon against his scalp & dumping a generous amount of baking soda on his hair. “ it’s apple cider vinegar, baby.. it helps clean your hair. the smell will go away soon, promise. ” you leaned down to give the man a quick kiss. the solution started to fizz up and turn white. you rinsed it all out after letting it sit for a few minutes. shampooing his head was the best part. he looked so relaxed as you worked your magic on his scalp, it was needed & you could tell. he had his eyes closed and his arms folded , breathing slowly. after shampooing his hair a 2nd time, you rinsed all of the suds out and used 2 towels to cover his hair so that way the water wouldn’t fall all over the floor.
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
Any diy beauty recipes for the summer?
Summer Beauty at Home 🎀
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pretty soft feet scrub and mask ❤︎︎
1/2 cup light roast coffee grounds and 2 tbsp lemon juice
pretty self explanatory. simply mix this combo in a stainless bowl. after cleaning and soaking your feet in mildly hot water till softened, scrub with this mixture up to your calves. focus on your ankles and cuticles!! then let sit for about 5-10 minutes before rinsing (you can cover your feet with plastic wraps)
rinse with warm water and cover feet in your cream or lotion of choice.
i do this all year but the most during the summer since we’re wearing pretty open toed heels and sandals. 🎀
bright and glowing skin cream ❤︎︎
1 cup olive oil, 1 cup softened shea butter and a few drops of whatever essential/fragrance oil you choose
simply whisk or blend ingredients until whipped and soft
store in a mason jar and keep at low-room temperature
this after a long bath and good exfoliation, has my skin so soft and luminescent for over 24 hours 🎀
weightless scalp rinse ❤︎︎
1 tsp of lemon juice, 4 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup of warm water
wash your hair paying close attention to your scalp
rinse well and apply the rinse to your scalp with a nozzle tip bottle
lightly scrub and rub your scalp with the rinse and leave on for about 3-5 minutes and rinse with warm water
be sure to moisturize your your strands and ends with whatever you choose
during the summer my hair gets extremely sweaty, and greasy and after a while a wash just doesn’t break it down well enough. this rinse ALWAYS flushes my scalp out so well 🎀
softening hair mask ❤︎︎
1 banana, olive oil, raw aloe vera gel, jojoba oil, honey
mash together well and coat slightly dampened hair in the mask
leave on for about 15 minutes (i go even longer sometimes)
rinse well with cool water
then wash and condition
my hair is always so soft and bouncy after i do this. i usually do it when getting ready to do a wash and go 🎀
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prolibytherium · 2 months
questiokn do you still have your evil tea recipe to clean out ur sinuses 🙏 i miss being able to breathe
I can't find the post so remaking it
Ingredience: (*= hard requirement)
Water *
Garlic (as much as you can handle) *
honey *
some sort of throat-soothing tea for a base like licorice or echinacea or etc. You won't be able to taste it
liquor* (traditionally Fireball, you kind of want this beverage to be as dogshit as possible). If non alcoholic add apple cider vinegar I guess
apple cider vinegar
lemon or lime juice
cayenne pepper *
Actually hot pepper, dealer's choice. Sometimes I chop a habenero.
anything else in your possession that seems vaguely medicinal. Herbs. Juices. Dissolve a couple of cough drops. Who gives a fuck.
Boil water and steep tea base and add everything except the garlic/liquor
chop/crush garlic. Let it sit for 10 minutes, which I read somewhere 'activates' its antibacterial properties, which is probably bullshit but I like the mystery so I'm not fact checking it.
Add garlic after 10 minute 'activation' period
Steep until it has started to cool enough to drink. DO NOT REMOVE THE GARLIC. YOU HAVE TO DRINK IT WITH THE GARLIC.
Add liquor once it's at a drinkable temperature, you don't want the alcohol content reduced.
Eat the garlic too
You are now at least a little drunk and have no remaining sensation in your throat, thus solving the problem of your sore throat
You will now smell like garlic for days
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notquitequelled · 1 month
nothing's wrong-- i'm just a STEM student...
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[i rarely see stem rep-- so here’s PART TWO! (find part one here) the extended edition of ‘stoners in stem’ highlighting the parts of this life that i find myself loving ;p
Thinking of doing sectionals (Physics, Environmental Studies, Mechanics, Entomology, etc.), so if there are any suggestions you'd like to highlight, plz tag or comment !!]
slightly concerned glances being shared between even the worst of acquaintances when your mentor drops some crazy lore surrounding how they entered their field(s)
good god. the apple-cider vinegar and dish soap gnat traps. honey alternatives decidedly never cross anyone's mind (nor the threshold of the lab for that matter)
walking the fine line between the Ridiculous and the Logical during data analysis like the two aren't twin kings of ruin
noncommital shrugs when asked anything about your preferred diet or eating habits
writing exclusively with pen, or exclusively with pencil. feeling borderline disgusted having to use the other when you forget your own
'Why do you care?' 'Why don't you??'
Every documentary you watch absolutely changing your life and challenging your worldview
Either hanging onto your textbooks like a lifeline or forgetting about them as they gather dust under your bed. maybe you never bought them at all-- pirated PDFs littering your desktop
anything in jars being considered decor (snakes, regurgitated bones, praying mantis egg cases)
seeing the slant of fences, trees, and lamp posts-- thinking of all the wind and weather that's passed along the same path you have
the clean quiet that hangs over the linoleum early in the morning; the warmth is not so subtle now that you've rolled up your sleeves.
teaching everyone around you how to bypass PAY FOR ARTICLES because knowledge should always be F[ree]INED [inspect, gear, disable java]
having to just sit by n watch while someone pointedly ignores your input, and a totally avoidable incident (that could have totally been avoided) is not, in fact, avoided
dealing with the consequences of that incident for the rest of the experiment/project
blank stare, lips in a placatingly firm line as you nod along with the stern talking-to you're being given. their words going in one ear and out the other because you're already thinking through another way under admin's nose
whaaaaat ? how'd those locally indigenous species just pop up everywhere overnight, ha ha ? wow nature is crazyyy
digging through public records for one reason, only to uncover an entirely different can of worms about the institution you frequent
digging in the literal dirt and uncovering literal worms lol amirite guys
'Please remember that this is just a prototype and that i'm it's in a very fragile state right now.'
going crazy trying to figure out what a specific testing company uses in their chemical compounds, because good fucking god how are you supposed to cite the evidence if you can't even label what it is?
a disastrous experiment being abandoned like Chernobyl once determined beyond salvation-- everyone curious to see how it'll develop and fester when left on its own
'life imitates art,' you think, as you finally recognize one of your unnecessarily complicated formulas being represented in your daily life
often being so bad at the thing you love that you can't do anything about it but laugh
staring for so long at something during a lecture that white begins to leech into your vision. you should probably blink a few times so people don't begin to suspect you're a reptile (even more than they already do)
'Don't.. don't look at me like that...' [speaking to a(n) (INSERT NAME OF LITTLE CRITTER HERE) you had to gently move onto a little scale to collect data]
honing in on where your talents in your field lie; the disappointment in finding your limits that turns to indifference when you remember you're still phenomenal at a million other things you enjoy
'i want to study you like a bug.'
thinly concealed irritation masked by a patient smile and a small 'mhm' when someone tries to explain your life's purpose TO you (ten dollars says they're wrong about it, too)
'and you want me to run this... on a full moon?' 'don't start with that shit again.'
yer disgust is lookin' a lot like morbid curiosity these days...
a lot of your scientific conclusions being discerned by common sense ('Please just use your cognitive functions, you guys...')
a clean earth sciences lab floor.. my white whale...
the small (increasingly large) pile of recyclable material that's waiting to be torn apart or filled with soil and plants; it topples over when people walk past, but no one can bring themselves to throw any away
'all this only cost me like... $270. which is crazy given that these're the real fuckin' deal with solid steel reinforcements.' 'man...this shit is so gonna blow down.'
leaning into the obscure, instead of away from it out of habit; seeing its effect in your daily life and work
all the plastic utensils in the dining area being stolen for diagrams, leaving behind only the reusable metalware. this is unexpectedly admirable of the engineers, if only to those who care about the inadvertent environmentalism
taking things apart to see how they work-- having very little planned on how to put it back together
'I don't know what you want me to do about that, you created it.' 'Not on purpose!'
downloading photomath during testing season. your doubt being palpable over your (in)ability to solve simple equations
carrying hand lotion everywhere you go because of how often your work has you washing your hands; colleagues and peers holding their hands out like beggars in a Mel Brooks film ('lotion... dollop of lotion for the poor D:')
borrowing chemical-grade goggles from the lab before going out to protest; supervisors giving you dubious thumbs ups while they 'accidentally' leave the key to the goggle sanitation station right by the cabinet..
'Now that you've poured your blood, sweat, tears, and other secretions into this project-- decide if you want to take it home to maintain, or have it eradicated.'
utilizing the public library, but having to double-check the internet before citing anything from the books you pour over because your city is more concerned with the way the building looks than the content it supplies
'The Martian,' both the book and the movie ... Mark Watney you will always be famous,,
'Why are you taking so many difficult classes at once?' 'My entire degree is difficult classes.'
carrying a small journal everywhere in an attempt to organize your thoughts, tasks, and reminders (you've never looked back on a single you've written, but you like to think it at least helps in the moment)
being torn between the scientific evidence that supports getting eight hours of sleep and your own hubris. you can stay up it's fine. it'll be fine.
you're not fine but at least the lab counters feel so nice against the side of your face
having no idea where your degree will take you, giving everyone who asks a different vague answer
hands being littered with cuts and burns; not being able to stop yourself from touching even at the worst of times
geeking out over carbon sensors and ammonia regulators your supervisor managed to convince the department to splurge on (nothing provided by them will enter your lab for another three semesters)
being one of the most prepared people ever when it comes to disaster prep; this includes zombies
'this was not.. our intended result... someone get the shovel.'
pettiness infiltrating your daily life in the form of utilizing your talents; coding programs and drawing up diagrams and running tests just to prove someone wrong (or just to fuck with them)
studying with your liberal arts friends; both of you staring at your respective incomprehensible lines of symbols and words that neither of you have the brainpower to comprehend. most of the lights are off and the library closes in ten minutes, but you know the night staff and they've learned to keep their distance until absolutely necessary.
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