#house cleaning with apple cider vinegar
secretstime · 1 year
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trashbaget · 1 year
#how are y’all enjoying your fruit fly free summer 🤠#since they’re all taking up residence in my fucking apartment (i am in the process of cleaning a half year’s depression mess$#the kitchen is easily absolutely no contest the worst fucking room#it is so disgusting#i was finally able to stuff all the trash and loose rot into contractor bags and toss those in the dumpster#but the sink is so goddamn full of FILTH and the dishes are COVERED in it#and taking out all that trash did fucking wonders it is so much better already#but there are still so fucking many left in there#and i’m also attempting apple cider vinegar traps and those smell so fucking RANK#i swear to you my kitchen smells like a barn but a barn without animals in it. like the animals are running around outside and it’s just lef#t with putrid shit stank and bugs and YEULHCK!!!!#but the good news is that that’s motherfucking progress and i am gonna keep kicking ass and scrubbing everything and i am gonna have a nice#clean house!!!!!!!!! (but maybe that’s s pipe dreamm. everybody’s got that something! we can’t fix with love or moneyy. even when it pulls#me under! get so high that it just seems funnyy. how many times can i fake it before it breaks me i’m not okay. i’m not okay! everyone feels#like they’re crazy. why can’t i say it? i’m not okay. i’m not okay!)#<- y’all should listen to that it is an absolute banger!!!! i’m not ok! by chaz cardigan#shut up im holding the trashtalking breadstick
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samwisethewitch · 8 months
Grocery Store Fire Cider
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I try to always have fire cider on hand during the colder months. Fire cider is vinegar infused with warming, expectorant (mucus-clearing) herbs to help clear out gunk from our respiratory system. It's great for clearing up congestion and helping with wet coughs. Since pretty much everyone in my house tends towards wet cold symptoms (congestion/runny nose, coughing up mucus, etc.), we go through a lot of this stuff every cold and flu season.
I take a shot of fire cider as soon as I feel congestion or a wet cough coming on, or if I've been around someone I know is sick. While it doesn't always keep me from getting sick, I do think it helps speed up my recovery and keep my symptoms less severe.
A lot of fire cider recipes online and in herbalism books call for less common herbs that need to be purchased online or from a speciality herb shop. This year, I decided to make a batch with only herbs you can buy cheaply at most grocery stores. Here's the recipe for my fellow herbalists on a budget!
You will need:
A quart mason jar
1 whole head of fresh garlic, peeled and roughly chopped, OR 3 spoonfuls of pre-minced jarred garlic
3 knobs of fresh ginger about the size of your thumb, roughly chopped, OR 3 spoonfuls of store-bought ginger paste
1 package fresh thyme OR 2 tablespoons dried thyme
1 package fresh sage OR 2 tablespoons dried sage
1 quart apple cider vinegar
There are two methods I've used to make this cider. The traditional method is a slow infusion that takes 2+ weeks, but I've also developed a fast infusion method for when I feel a cold coming on and need a batch of fire cider ASAP.
Traditional Method:
Add your herbs to a clean mason jar. Pour the vinegar over the herbs and fill the jar to the top. Put a lid on the jar. (Vinegar will corrode metal lids, so either use a plastic lid or place a square of parchment paper between your jar and the metal lid.)
Place the jar in a cool, dark place and allow it to infuse for at least 2 weeks and up to 1 month. You can strain the herbs out to store at room temperature, or you can do what I do and store the whole thing in the fridge, herbs and all.
If you leave the herbs in, you can keep this batch of fire cider going all winter by topping the jar up with more vinegar every time it gets below halfway full.
Fast Infusion Method:
Add the herbs to the mason jar like you would for the traditional method. Instead of adding vinegar, fill the jar halfway with boiling water. Let sit for 2-3 hours.
Once the water has cooled down to room temperature, fill the jar the rest of the way with vinegar. Let it sit overnight and then either strain the herbs out or store the whole thing in the fridge.
To use the fire cider, take a shot glassful whenever you feel cold symptoms coming on. If you made your cider with the traditional method, you can dilute it with water if your stomach doesn't handle acid well. You can also mix in some honey to improve the taste.
Please note that fire cider and other folk remedies are not a replacement for medical care. I highly recommend staying up to date on your flu and COVID-19 vaccines in addition to using remedies like this.
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Hey there!!
Im being hella self indulgent with this ask but could you do some Task Force 141 + König headcanons for a reader dealing with stomach issues? (like the nausea, being cold and having headaches all the time, stomach pain, etc). If you could I would really appreciate it!! If this makes you uncomfortable feel free not to do it :))
Oof ouchie ouch
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He’s unsure what to do with himself at first so he kinda does everything he can? He’s cleaning up the house while you’re resting in bed, he’s got peppermint tea going, he’s running out to the pharmacy for meds to help your nausea and headaches
He’s setting up the heating pad to gently rest it on your stomach, he’s making lemon water and sitting on the bed, gently tilting your head and instructing you to take small sips
If you ask him to, he’ll rub your stomach with the softest touch
If your nausea reaches the point where you’re throwing up, he’s holding your hair or rubbing soothing patterns in your back with moderate pressure
He makes sure to take some meds with him just in case your headaches or your stomach pain flares up, he watches you intently to be able to catch it before it gets bad
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s so comforting, if it’s a chronic issue he’s got everything you need when you get a flare up
If it’s something that happens on occasion, he’s still ready for you, he’s got pretzels, applesauce in the fridge, Dramamine for your nausea and headaches
He’s got a heated water bottle ready for your stomach aches
If nothing else, he is prepared and doting. He’s insisting you rest, he’s happy to do everything around the house for however long you need, he refuses to let you do anything
He’s at your beck and call and he makes it known, if you don’t have the energy to shout you can shoot him a text but you probably won’t have to because he’ll be right there at your side
John Price:
King of home remedies lmao
He’s got tips and tricks he’s picked up when he was younger and when he was in his academy days
Ginger tea with honey, large glass of water with lemon juice, peppermint tea or peppermint candies, bitters and club soda, tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
If your nausea reaches a point where you’re throwing up, he’s standing behind you, holding your hair back and pressing a hand against your forehead (trust me it helps)
Once you’ve cleaned up, he’s giving you some ginger tea with a little honey in it, and gently rubbing your back as you take a few slow sips
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’s not quite sure what to do outside of things his parents might’ve done for him when he was younger, so he looks it up on his phone when he’s sitting on the bed at your side, gently rubbing your tummy
He’s listing off the different things he’s finding to see which of them seems most appealing to you
As soon as you pick something, he goes with it, he heads out to the grocery store to grab the things he needs to help you feel better
He’s grabbing the chicken soup, applesauce, jello, pretzels, ginger ale, popsicles? (In his mind cold = soothing)
When he comes back, he’s giving you a little bit of everything, sitting beside you on the couch with you all bundled up and wrapped in blankets, and he’s got himself a small bowl of the pretzels he got for you, your favorite show playing on the tv
I feel like he’d call his mom for advice or home remedies, but when some things aren’t available for purchase where you live, he asks you what you’ve normally done and what you’d like him to do
He’s following what you say to the letter, he’s quick about getting what you need from the super market, and he’s quick about coming back
He makes you some homemade chicken noodle soup and gives you a glass of ginger ale and some ice to chew on when you’re done with the drink
He’s rubbing soothing circles on your tummy, his hand warm and calming as you lean against him
He’s got the lights dimmed so it doesn’t make your headache any worse, he’s given you some medicine already to help it go away quicker, he’s softly humming, gently rubbing your arms and your back
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beenjen · 3 months
It’s been a long holiday weekend here and it has been much needed. A chance to slow down. I’ve done some deep cleaning pockets. We’ve rearranged some things to make the house flow better, and tomorrow I have an impromptu day off, which was meant to be a solo day, but sister is on the mend after a bug this weekend and I’m cashing in on the close to preschool and no count school days and keeping g her with me.
I was going through the math today and I’ll be 43 in September… I’m closer to 45 than 40 now, and I don’t feel it? Yeah there’s stress and my weight has pendulmed to the ‘higher’ range at the moment with a struggle to get a routine of late - dad, sick kids, work dramedy, limited reliable kiddo care options - I’m feeing strong though, and my yoga game is hitting hard. It’s been a beautiful blooming of breaking through some previous limitations as far as hip opening and a shoulder impingement. So I guess that’s called a non scale victory? And for lack of a better term, I just am feeling good. I’ve fully embraced the natural hair movement - if there is one - and even though my grandmother would roll over in her grave, I haven’t dyed my hair in 3 years (I think?)… I am digging the silver strands coming through. It’s ultimately a feeling of peace and resonance right now.
The weather is changing here and looks that spring has sprung. My first daffodils poked through this week and how funny because we had a foot of snow and iced roads a month ago, now everything is budding. I’m anxious to see if my mums we transplanted lasted the winter made it 🤞
We are looking for a platform/slide bed for our 5 year old to convince her she DOES want to sleep in her bed and not wedge in between mommy and daddy every night between 11p-2a. I think that will be her Easter present. We also have some treehouse modifications and climbing assists for the front yard for J man I think he will enjoy with the warm weather.
We would like to plan a camping trip for April when we will both be off and the kids have a long weekend. We take 2 weeks for our anniversary every year and the timing lines up. The prob comes with our dogs and who can watch them. We are leaning towards asking dad to come down, and I think it would be a fun thing for him to do maybe? His treatment is going well as far as it can, is it insensitive to ask him? C’s mom said the dogs are too much for FIL, so, is it the same with my dad or would it be fun company for him? I don’t know.
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1// J’s gorg locks
2// my first attempt at homemade apple cider vinegar
3// c and my girl
4// the kids ‘cooked dinner’ for valentines 😍😍😍
I also felt super homesteady this week; I made my homemade cleaner out of orange rinds and apple cider vinegar. I save all the peels then soak in vinegar for 1-2 weeks, then strain and add some water and tea tree oil - it’s AMAZING. Then you take the used rinds and put them in your garden to prevent pests. The picture is apple peels/cores that you soak for 1-2 weeks in cloth covered jar, then strain to make your own apple cider vinegar. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Every little bit helps. Everything you do good, is something good xx
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drunkwhenimadethis · 10 months
Have had the time of my life deep cleaning the house this evening to old songs I'd forgotten about, not even being dramatic it'd been awhile since I'd gotten the cleaning toothbrush and metal scrub out to get into the corners of the tile and that was absolutely revitilizing like thrilling pleasing wonderful delicious to see everything get brighter and more beautiful. I don't know why my parents had me thinking for the longest that cleaning was dreadful. Also cleaned the steps on the front porch the sun is shining and my neighbors are playing old Italian songs it's a great-mood day I just have to decide if it's finally time to do groceries (it is time 100% but) or if I deserve to order a pizza. My fridge is a joke rn omg I cleaned it out and I have a green apple, half a lemon, a cucumber, and condiments. I could see myself eating an apple and cucumber "salad" w lemon and apple cider vinegar but also. Pizza in a freshly cleaned house? When ur finished work for the day? Heaven. I'm going to write and shop for a vacuum online
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puppyexpressions · 2 months
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For some people, seasonal allergies are a real pain. Whether you’re bothered by a runny nose, itchy eyes, or endless sneezing, it can be a tough time of year to endure.
Just like their human parents, some dogs suffer from the aggravating effects of seasonal allergies as well. Besides chemicals such as those found in household cleaning products, cigarette smoke and certain perfumes, dogs can also be allergic to natural, seasonal substances. This can include plant and tree pollens, mold spores, dust, feathers and fleas.
A dog’s allergy symptoms are generally similar to those experienced by humans: the immune system overreacts to one or more offending substances, leading to itchiness and irritation. Your dog may lick or scratch themselves, develop irritated eyes, or sneeze repeatedly. Some dogs experience itchy, swollen skin, while others suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. In certain cases, a secondary infection may develop.
Here are a few things you should do to help control any discomfort your dog may be dealing with due to seasonal allergies and reduce the risk of more serious problems.
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If possible, avoid walking your dog in the early morning or late afternoon, when pollen levels are typically highest. Steer clear of fields and parks where offending plants are common.
When you return home, wipe your dog’s body and paws with a moist cloth or a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free grooming wipe from your local pet store. This will remove excess pollen and other allergens from your dog’s fur and skin without the hassle of a full bath. Pay special attention to the paws, as the sensitive skin here is often affected by allergens.
Some pet parents soak their dog’s paws in apple cider vinegar to remove pollen and other substances. If using this method, mix 2 parts water with 1 part apple cider vinegar.  Another solution is to put boots on your dog’s paws to prevent them from stepping in irritants and then tracking them into your house.
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Inside your home, regularly change air filters to cut down on airborne allergens that enter through open doors and windows. Running an air conditioner or a dehumidifier will help remove moisture from interior air, making it harder for mold to grow in your home. Minimize the amount of time your dog spends in damp environments, such as basements, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, as these places are more susceptible to mold growth. Vacuum at least once a week, and remember to clean curtains and rugs that may have picked up dust and pollen.
Protect your dog from backyard dangers. Many popular veggies like onions, garlic, tomatoes, and chives are poisonous to dogs and should be fenced off to prevent your furry friend from getting into them.
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It's important to keep the surfaces your dog sleeps on clean, as they can quickly become covered in allergens. To achieve this, wash them in hot water every week. To make the task easier, consider putting towels or blankets on top of beds and chairs, and make sure to keep any offending substances away from the surface underneath. Also, don't forget to wash any soft toys your dog plays with regularly.
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To prevent dry and itchy skin in dogs, it is recommended to bathe them more often with the advice of a veterinarian. While washing their fur, use a gentle, hypoallergenic anti-itch shampoo that contains a soothing ingredient like oatmeal, aloe, or evening primrose oil. Some dog owners prefer to give their pets a 10-minute soak in a bath mixed with a gentle moisturizing oil.
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Consider giving your furry friend a natural dietary supplement like fish oil or a fatty acid such as omega-3 or omega-6 oil to alleviate itchiness and promote healthy skin. Coconut oil has also been shown to be effective in suppressing allergic reactions and improving skin health. To ensure your dog's overall well-being, it is essential to keep their drinking water and bowl clean and free of any contaminants.
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If your dog is constantly licking, scratching, or chewing, and has red, irritated skin or hair loss, it's best to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Depending on the severity of the problem, a professional can provide more aggressive treatments such as antihistamines, steroids, or allergy shots, which are also known as immunotherapy.
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crested over 4k today and then husband and cats came into the office
I don’t think I can be blamed for getting distracted. Tomorrow we’ll hit 20k, I’ve got the first four scene done and I’m gonna try to chip away more at the first act tomorrow to try and get it acceptable to post but have the soup scene, which in my head is serving as the counterpoint to the orange juice scene.
When Hux opens the door to Ben’s house, trying to ignore how warm he feels, being told not to knock, Ben is standing at his island, gloved hands tearing a chicken breast apart as he frowns at it. He sets his backpack down, ignoring the essay he has to work on, and comes to wrap his arms around Ben from behind, leaning around broad shoulders so Hux can watch him work. “I wanted chicken noodle soup,” Ben tells him, as if that explains everything. His silence must make clear his confusion, because Ben continues. “Normally, pressure cooking the chicken with apple cider vinegar is enough to let me shred the chicken with my hand mixer, but this breast was too thick, I don’t think the liquid got all the way through the muscle fibers.” Hux nods, like he understands, and kisses Ben’s shoulder as he pulls away, coming to sit at what Hux thinks of as his seat, right across from Ben’s cutting board. “They sell soup in a can,” Hux points out, hoping for a pained look to cross Ben’s face, and instead, he just shrugs his shoulders. “That’s for when you’re sick,” he says. “The nostalgia heals you faster, I think. Or maybe they put antibiotics in the broth? Either way, I’m not sick, so I’ll have to settle for homemade.” On the counter, Hux sees a ball of dough, and wonders if Ben is putting all this effort into food, so he doesn’t have to do something else, and he asks as much. Ben grimaces, setting the chicken to the side. “Is it that obvious?” he asks, grabbing a bowl of vegetables and setting them next to his board before grabbing an onion from inside and peeling of the first few layers. “Yesterday was inventory. Dad wants the totals by the morning, so we can run reports. I’m avoiding all the math.” With a laugh, Hux rests his chin on his hand, letting himself just lean on the counter and look at Ben. There’s a still healing burn on his cheek from changing the fryer oil. Hux had put the mustard on it himself, making it clear to Ben there was no medical reason for it to work, and agreeing to smear it anyway. He’s wearing a tank top, and Hux sees scars he hasn’t heard the stories of yet, burns and scrapes, evidence of years in the kitchen. Even at home, he’s wearing gloves, but under them, Hux knows his nails are neatly trimmed and cleaned, a habit he kept from his previous restaurant. When he finally makes it back to Ben’s face, brown eyes are staring back at him, an amused tilt on Ben’s lips. “Shut up,” Hux replies to the unsaid comments, feeling the heat pool in his cheeks and his chest. “I have to work on my essay again tonight, you should do it while I slave away at my keyboard and pray my motherboard hangs on another day.” “Maybe,” Ben says as he moves on to chopping the carrots. “But first, soup. Well, pre-soup. Soon to be soup.” “Pre-soup feels like a dirty word,” Hux says, stealing a piece off the board faster than Ben can swat his hand away. “Like some new term the teenagers have made up that we’re all supposed to be too old to know.” “You’re twenty-four,” Ben points out, and Hux leans back in his seat, putting a hand on his forehead. “I have one foot practically in the grave, then,” he insists. “It’s a good thing you made soup, as I’m soon to be on my death bed.” Annoyed, Ben throws a piece of onion at him. Hux dodges it, lets it hit the floor and laughs. “Look at the mess you made.” He stands dramatically, making a show out of picking the debris up and throwing it into the trash can. When he turns around, Ben is standing there, holding a hand out. Following, he steps into Ben’s arms and lets himself be led as they sway around the living room. “There’s no music,” he points out quietly, resting his head on Ben’s chest. “Does there have to be?” No, Hux supposes as he closes his eyes. He can hear the song just fine without it.
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naamahdarling · 2 years
ok so its not a particularly exciting story, but i have been cleaning with white house lemon cleaning vinegar for a while. i find it generally inoffensive, i even add a splash to boiling water to get rid of cooking grease smells sometimes. So when i read your post i was like hm ok its a little strong, but definitely not worse than bleach or the like?
except recently i ran out of the nice lemon vinegar and went to use regular old cleaning vinegar on something and i was like OH NO, NAAMAHDARLING WAS RIGHT. MY BATHROOM SMELLS LIKE THE ANGRIEST SALT AND VINEGAR CHIP. WHY DOES IT BURN??
long story short, you were right and im sorry for doubting you
AH! So there might be a different variety diluted with something that makes it less awful! I still won't risk it, but it's nice to know not EVERYONE is deranged. That said, I smelled apple cider vinegar once, and it was just as bad. And people say it smells GOOD? Atrocious. Atrocious. Stop the vinegar lies.
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secretstime · 1 year
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potatoes-are-magic · 1 year
Four Thieves Vinegar
Let's ring in the new year with something to drink to our health: four thieves vinegar.
There's a lot of variations to the story, but the gist of it is that there were four thieves robbing houses after the owners died from the plague. No action was taken at the time because people figured they'd get their comeuppance when they contracted the plague themselves, but they never did, supposedly, due to the healing/medicinal properties of this vinegar.
There's just as many recipes are there are versions of the legend, but this is the recipe I use, and it tastes amazing.
2 cups Apple Cider Vinegar*
2 tsp dried sage**
2 tsp dried rosemary**
1 tsp dried thyme**
2 tsp dried lavender leaves
1 tsp black peppercorns
2 tsp dried juniper berries
1 bulb of garlic
*preferably one with the mother, the brown sludgy stuff at the bottom. That's the stuff full of good, active probiotics
**if you can't get dried, you can also use fresh sprigs of the stuff
Pretty simple. Put it all in a jar, shake it up, and leave it to stew for a couple months, giving it a shake every couple of weeks.
After the two months or more have passed, strain out the solids and put the vinegar in a clean jar
And there you go. Whether you want to use it for medicinal purposes, spell casting, or just as a really flavorful ingredient in your next meal, it's a worthwhile ingredient to have.
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armyhome · 2 years
Lost In Your Love Story | Yeonjun
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⇢ summary: Hwa Suji is a very skilled makeup artist who works at her best friend's salon, serving major Korean entertainment companies and that includes the artists she is a fan of: Tomorrow x Together! One day when protecting one of the members, she ends up having a car accident that takes her to another universe! The universe of your favorite fanfic called "Winter Song" but the thing is, life is not a strawberry, her new universe got a target on her back, she's the villain and has no idea how survive this cannon.
⇢ pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Hwa Suji.
⇢ Chapter 1 : Life is not a strawberry.
⇢ Chapter 2 : Love is a Disease.
⇢ Chapter 3 : Made a little cookie...
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[04/16] Cruel Summer
Living with Yeonjun was pretty easy, he was seldom at home, we went to university in the morning, in different cars of course because god forbid the sunshine princess Yuri to discover that we are living in the same house! End at afternoon he goes practice in his label and I record vídeos, that's something I always wanna do but never had the courage but was so simple here, put the camera in front of my face and talk about makeup composition, and what is better accordingly the skin type, it was a waste of time don't do this in my past life! 
After recording, I do my paperwork and cook. Ji Eun was living her honeymoon, so I was alone. It was like Rapunzel in Tangled. I wake up and do the same thing during one week, I'll die faster of being bored than Hanahaki this way… My phone rings, Soobin's face appears on the screen. Oh lord, he watched me all these days. According to him it was just to guarantee that I would do nothing against Yuri. God gives me patience because if you give me the strength I'll use for evil things! 
"I swear to you that I'm not even close to your princess, I'm alone at home with nothing to do so please, don't piss me off!" He stays in silence and this was worse than him speaking about Yuri "Ya Soobin, something is happening?"
"I have an emergency, can you help me please?" I start to pick my things and put them in my bag.
"Of course, I can, where are you?" I can hear Soobin clean his throat.
"In front of Yeonjun's house..." I took the camera panel, Soobin was using a black turtleneck t-shirt covering his chin. I know what this is about, I open the door looking at him seriously.
"Welcome to my clandestine consortium" I point to inside the house "My office is the second door on the left, wait for me there, I'll need to pick my materials, make yourself comfortable" 
Soobin almost ran, that means that the thing in his face is a big problem, so where is the apple vinegar, Yeonjun has an aloe vera here somewhere, okay the other things are in my room. When I open the door and Soobin sits fast like he was doing a wrong thing, so suspicious. I put mascara on my face and vinegar on my desk.
"Let me see the problem," I say point to his chin, Soobin blushes when he shows me his acne problem, oh lord, it was big! "Okay, now put your head up, here it goes some homemade medicine" I soaked the cotton with apple cider vinegar and apply in a soft way in the área "What's happening? Are you anxious? Or forgot about drink water?" Soobin stays in silence, but his eyes show that he was just embarrassed to say, and that's how I know "Did you see them kissing?" He surprises to answer, I hold the hiccup, "Don't need to hold your feelings in front of me Soobin, it's me, remember?" I oaked another cotton with a saline solution now and apply on his skin, the vinegar will adjust his skin Ph.D., the saline solution will hydrate and aloe will not let any marks there. 
"How do you handle this?" He asks in a choked voice, I hold his hand and put it above the cotton, under my bed, she took a bag, full of the petals I already sobbed and show him.
"I don't, so please don't hide your feelings, you are a sensible person, and is allowed to cry here, even if it is for that girl, now let me put the pomade on this acne" When I finish the dressings I can see the tears running for Soobin's face, I dry them using the back of my hands "This will pass Soobin, will be all in the past one day, I promise" I hug him and let him cry everything that's inside his heart "We should see a dramatic movie, will help put our feelings out, I'm gonna see Beomgyun oppa collection and you ask for ice cream okay?" I give to taps on his shoulder before leaving my room. 
Ji Eun and Taehyun observes when Yeonjun gets to his home, and prepare themselves to start the plan "Romantic travel" They chase him until to the door, but Yeonjun stops suddenly and for one moment Taehyun think he would break the only rule of Yeonjun, never touch him, but Ji Eun is more fast and smart holding her boyfriend, her heart almost stop thinking about what Yeonjun founds that makes him paralyzed, something happens with Suji? She runs passing Yeonjun without touching him to save her best friend from herself, if needed she will obligate her last words to be a love confess for Yeonjun. But everything she saw was Suji sleeping on the couch and… Soobin sleeping on the floor! That girl lost her mind!
It was difficult to open my eyes, they were too swollen because of crying, but I need wake up Soobin for him to go home, when I finally can see something is three angry faces, Taehyun, Ji Eun, and Yeonjun.
"Hey guys, what are you doing?" I ask trying to play innocent, discreetly kicking Soobin's feat, his eyes open and when he sees the situation he uses the blanket to cover himself as if he had been caught in bed with a lover, I don't judge cause I was kinda feeling this way too "Do you wanna watch movies with us?"
"No," Says Yeonjun sharply "Did you tell him?"
"Tell me what?" Soobin was pretending to be confused? He was covering for me? For real? That was a real advance! 
"Why are you watching romantic movies with her…" Yeonjun points at the DVD "When you are in love with another girl?" Soobin laughs sarcastically.
"Suji is not just your friend, you know Choi Yeonjun? This is not your business if I'm watching movies with her" They start to stare at each other, so I try to break the tension.
"Unnie, you finally remember me!" I scream, so she comes out of the trance, and looks angry at me. 
"I never forgot you"She appoints Taehyung right in her side "We never did, it's the otherwise, we came here to propose a trip with us!" She says excitedly. 
"I love you both so much, but not enough to go in a couple of travel as a plus one!" My friend truly lost her mind. 
"I can go with you guys" Soobin and Yeonjun say at the same time.
 Did I lose something?
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[ While this, in our universe...]
DANNY: Come back to the subject that never dies or leaves the trending topics, Yuri, the supposedly real Yeonjun girlfriend, keeps claiming that Suji was involved with the person that was stalking Yeonjun …
DAVID: And, that Suji organized the car accident!
DANNY: Well the enterprise that Suji is one of the owners, and her family already affirms that they will process Yuri for defamation, slander, and perjury! 
DAVID: And how do we know Yuri was dismissed last week from her duties from Yeonjun's company.
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[05/16] What is Love?
I force Ji Eun to sit on my bed, she owns me some explanations, what plan was that to travel? With Yeonjun and Soobin? She tries to look cute and I give her a sharp look that makes her looks otherwise.
"Tell me what you are planning unnie!" She plays with her blouse sleeve "Unnie..."
"In my defense, I was thinking just brought Yeonjun with us, but two chances are better than one!" I stare at her without understanding "You looked so peacefully sleeping next to Soobin, maybe you can heal each other don't you think?" I sigh.
"Unnie, do you think if my feelings were that superficial I would develop Hanahaki?" Ji Eun's eyes became full of tears.
"I just can't lose you Suji, you don't understand that? Maybe your life is not precious for you, but me? Is everything!" The way she talks remind me of the Ji Eun I left in my previous life, my heart breaks thinking that we couldn't say goodbye to each other "You was the first person to call me unnie, you helped me choose a name that suits me when my parents kicked me out oh lord, you buy a house for we leave together! You're not just my best friend, you are my soulmate Suji! I can not lose you without a fight!"
She was right, I received another chance, in the words I always dream about, and why I'm not fighting for my life?  I hug my friend, the world was so unfair here too. This part of her was never shown in the manhwa, the secondary character deserves better! Where is Rick Riordan when we need him? 
"So, where you wanna go?" I ask, she smiles evilly. 
"Camping" She up her arms in a cheerful way, oh yes, she divides her only brain cell with her boyfriend. 
"Okay, that's mean just Soobin can go..." I even finished my sentence and Yeonjun entered my room.
"That's unfair!" I don't believe he listened to everything!
"Choi Yeonjun, you really will go sleep in the middle of a forest? On the floor?" He steps back, biting his bottom lip.
"Why has to be camping?"He asks Ji Eun "We can go to the best hotel in Taiwan, or Thailand! I pay don't worry!" Ji Eun looks not convinced.
"My Suji need's fresh air" Yeonjun arched his left eyebrow.
"Can be a resort hotel..." He says and this makes Ji Eun smiles.
"In Thailand..." She completes.
"Deal!" Ji Eun holds my left hand, Yeonjun holds my right hand, and they shake sealing the contract through me.
"Thanks for the free trip hyung," Soobin says in the door smiling sarcastically media, Taehyun shows his big thumb's up happy like a child because of this trip "Where do we leave?"
"This Friday, I will take care of everything the black card please" She stands her hand to Yeonjun. 
"I don't have physical cards, I will send my information for you on your phone"  Ji Eun leaves the room jumping all happy. 
"Okay, it's already late guys, you should go home, we get up early tomorrow" I start to guide them to the front door, I make sure to let my Bonnie and Clyde couple inside the car and watch them go, so I walk with Soobin until his car, we stop and stare each other "Don't forget to eat things with C vitamin okay?"I give a last look at his acne, Soobin closes his eyes embarrassed "Send me a message when you get home okay?"
"Okay, are you okay with all this Suji?" The way he looked at me remembered my old Soobin, I smiled. 
"Yes, like unnie says, I need some fresh air" He holds my shoulder. 
"Can you not really say about your feelings for him?" I take a deep breath.
"No, I don't wanna his pity, but that's doesn't mean that I give up on life, I'll find a way don't worry, I'm too young to accept death so easily..."
"SUJI IT'S GONNA BE LATE!" Yeonjun screams from the fire escape window? "LET SOOBIN GO HOME AND COME BACK!" What heck is wrong with this boy today? Soobin gives me his little smile.
"Let me piss him off just a little bit Suji," He says, then he… hug me. 
"YA! WHAT ATTITUDE IS THAT SOONBIN?" Soobin laugh softly in my ear, my neck shiver with his breath, lord I'm not made of steel "SUJI, COME BACK HOME!" Soobin give me a forehead kiss "WAIT A MINUTE I'M GOING DOWN THERE!" Yeonjun keeps screaming, Soobin gives him a finger heart and enters his car. 
"Don't forget to send me a message when you get home, understood?" He agrees, and I see him leaves before comeback home, Yeonjun waits for me at the door with a serious face "What?"
"Did you tell him or not?" Why he was being so angry and impatient.
"Why are you being like that? You think he gonna give up Yuri just because of my feelings that's it? I already tell you that I'm not gonna do this!" I walk away from him, but Yeonjun follows me.
"Do you truly believe that is because of that?" I keep walking in silence "Do you think that you meaningless to me?" I stop at my room door, turns to him, and give a step in his direction, Yeonjun steps back, but I keep going until the wall stops him from running, looking deep in his eyes, we are close enough to feel each other's breath.
"What did I mean to you Yeonjun?" My heart beats so fast for being that close to him, but I didn't show, I  cross my arms and wait for the unswear that I know will not come "Don't play the jealous older brother on me, we have the same age."
"So why don't you act like the age that we have? Playing with a dangerous disease like a child?  Why are you so desperate to die Hwa Suji?" How should I think in an appropriate disobedient answer when his lips are just so close? I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Why do you care at the end Yeonjun?" I turn my back to him and go to my room, but before I got there he hugs me by the shoulders. 
"Because you were there when mom passed away, you hug me, you and Beomgyu take care of me the last thirteen years, the only people that I still feel completely comfortable in touch, when dad was mad at me for being like this you protect me, like a guardian angel, I don't wanna lose you, I can't lose you..." His words, he is so close, I can feel his heartbeat in my back, I can not surrender.
"So why don't you believe in me when I say that I didn't hurt Yuri that day? How could you doubt so much about my word?" I knew it would hurt him, but I can't take it anymore, I can feel the petals taste, he steps back, so I run to my room and lock myself. 
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[ While this, in our universe...]
DAVID: So to the next news! Miss Choi Yuri is fighting for the place of the most hated person in this country! 
DANNY: Last night she posted on her socials media a selca of her and Yeonjun as proof that they are in a relationship and MOAS answer "If this is proof, he is dating every employed of the company" because Yeonjun is friendly and polite to everybody.
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The sunlight in my skin was healing, in my headphone IU songs, I don't care anymore if they are romantic or not, I just can not handle hearing Ji Eun fighting with Yeonjun because he tricked her saying that Beomgyu would come with us but at the end was Yuri, and IU's voice keeps me calm to not throw up the petals inside me.
When the boat leaves us in the floating hut I know how amazing is to have money, for real, once in my life, everything was so beautiful, I didn't bother to say anything to the others and just leave the boat first. 
"Miss Hwa Suji?" One of the employees says, I just confirm with a smile "Please follow me your place is this way" He guides me to where I'm gonna stay and there have more than two employees when we got closer I recognized at the exact time, Hueningkai! What he was doing here?
"Welcome to Paradise Resort Hotel," He says synchronized with the other guy. He didn't recognize me?  Oh yeah, he probably stills with face blindness. 
"Hi Hueningkai, it's me Suji!" His eyes are wide, and give me a big beautiful smile.
"Hanahaki noona!" Hueningkai walks in my direction and hugs me.
"Sir Hueningkai that's not an appropriate way to treat our guests..." Hueningkai smiles at the guy who guides me.
"She is my sick friend Taeho, you can tell my mom that I would be her" He put his arm on my shoulder "Private guide, secretary, whatever she needs for this weekend there's no need to send anyone else, let's go noona"
"Wait you work here? That's amazing, this place is so beautiful!" I say look around us, the ocean blue water the little village that would be where we gonna stay for the weekend, for one moment the Presence of Hueningkai make me forgot my friends, I'm a terrible person I know. but he is like the sunlight, his presence glare everything.
"My mom is the owner of this resort, she put me to work cause she believes face blindness is just because I have nothing to do..."He smiles was sad, should hard be so far from home "But now I got you noona" He brings his face close to mine and I paralyze "The guy is here, he is one of your friends?" 
"Yes" I was dazzling because of his proximity, I could see that his chocolate eyes got little green spectrums. 
"So let's make feel bad for not choosing you!" I smiled, he was a true child soul.
"What is your plan?" He kisses my cheek which shocked me. 
"I will be your pawn! But let's hurry, there so much thing for you to do here" Hueningkai pick my bags and go to inside the hut, I follow him, when we are inside my room is bigger than my past life apartment, I got speechless is so beautiful, the American kitchen style, my king size bed, oh my, I got a hot tub, okay I accepted death now "Okay, now we are alone you have to tell me your history with details so I can act properly noona."   
I make a resume about everything I lived and everything I remember about the history, Hueningkai listens with all his attention, when I finished it as a weight leave my chest, was so heavy to carry all this around all the time. 
"Well, now you know, I'm a villain..." I say kinda sad "But why you're helping me?"
"After being cheated I know how it hurts to feel that you do not choose, and noona, you seem to be a kind person, no way you are not a villain, did you have an evil laugh?"
"MUAHAHAHA" I make an Impression and he snaps his disappointment.
"Has to be more like MUUAHAHAHA" Okay, Hueningkay stands for happiness and joy, that's it! "Now you have to change, I already know what we gonna do, don't forget the camera I see you in half-hour deal?"
"Deal!"  When he leaves the room Ji Eun comes in, her eyes tell everything "He is just a friend that I met in the hospital that time..."
"AND YOU GOT THAT CLOSE MEETING JUST ONCE?" I put a swimsuit under my blue dress, I choose the right blue match with this beautiful ocean and make an amazing contrast Hueningkai didn't say where we go so it's better to be prepared.
"What can I say? Hueningkai is a friendly person..." And he let me forget about my death sentence, I complete in my head "He invited me to a tour in this place, do you wanna come? I'm sure it will be fun, he is a nice guy." Ji Eun analyzed me suspicious yet about my relationship with Hueningkai I bet.
"No, this will be my revenge, I know you were all excited about your friend that you didn't notice that option one and two almost die in jealous with all this affection" Ji Eun laughs, okay that's an evil laugh, a good one for sure. "So you go, and I'm gonna start a rumor about being a date… MUAHAHAHA"
 "Okay, Maleficent! Take it easy, I don't wanna bring problems to Hueningkai, he just got his heart broken so please…." I even finished and Ji Eun got her eyes glowing in excitement.
"He got a heartbreak and you can heal him, that's so ROMANTIC!" Okay, I lose her "Please focus on your day, don't think about anything else!"
I was finishing my makeup when Hueningkai knocks on the door I pick a red bracelet so he can always find me and put it in my arm, he offers his arm and I take, he changes his closes too, on the way to the boat someone calls my name, Yeonjun's voice, but I just ignore, he didn't bring Yuri? So stay with her!  Heuningkai stands his hand to help me enter the boat, his hands were so soft.  
"That was the guy?" He asks, I sigh.
"Let's please don't talk about this today, please, I just wanna stand with you and forgot about him, her, and my diseases..." My voice started to choke and my eyes filled with tears, so he holds my hand with more strength. 
"Okay, but bad news, my mom wants to meet you, maybe it's because of your dad, but before this, we are free, you have something in your mind already?" Everything here was so beautiful that I didn't know what to do first, I look at our arms…
"Here has a place when you can do henna tattoos?" Hueningkai looks at me like I was the crazy person he ever met.
"Probably some walking worker on the beach… You have simple wishes for someone that is going out with the heir of this resort" He smiles at me.
"Well I think I got a list, maybe you don't think this when you hear..." Hueningkai arches his left eyebrow, but before he could ask anything we got to a restaurant in the middle of the sea! Was not and Iland, the restaurant was half under the sea! That's what remember me I'm in a manhwa, that's was not possible in another world! 
The metri recognized Hueningkai at first sight, and quickly guide us to his mom's table, which was far from other ones, inside that place was amazing, how the windows hold the water pressure? Hueningkai's mom doesn't smile at us, she looks at me up to down, I never met moms before, and I don't know if this counts cause of me and him, we are just friends! 
"So you're the famous Hwa Suji, the heir of Hwa Cosmetic's" Oh she was that kind of person.
"Yes, is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kamal!" I smile at her and she smiled back, okay I can breathe again.
"What brings you here this weekend?" She points something in the menu for the waiter without saying or asks us anything.
"Hum, me and my friends we got a hard week at university and decide to clean our minds a little bit to not freaking out" I drink the water on the table, ew, was sparkling water, why? 
"See Hueningkai, your friend goes to the university! I heard you're doing chemical engineering dear..." Okay, she searches for me.
"Yes, I will work in this part of my family conglomerate, makeup, and skincare, my cousins will take care of administrative business." The table is served with all kinds of seafood, Hueningkai got even quieter.
"You're another level indeed, nothing compare to that Jinnah one!" Heuningkai's right hand closes in a fist.
"Can we please don't talk about this?" His voice was just a whisper.
"I'm just saying..."
"Hueningkai is a special person, I think I never met someone so kind and funny, I doubt he would be able to like someone that is not in my league, and I'm not that special I swear but he stills wants to be my friend!" Hueningkai lightly messes my hair.
"You're the silly girl in this world! Mom, she truly believes that she is a villain because she is pretty and rich!' After that our lunch became happier. 
When we leave the restaurant I'm sure that his mom is already planning our wedding, the traveling in the boat until the bay takes less than twenty minutes, so a valet parking brings a motorcycle, Hueningkai gets up hers and offers me a helmet my heart beats fast, I never walk on one of this, I feel like Bella Swan on New Moon jumping in Jacobs croup, he laughs because of my excitement, once I hug him from behind he asks.
"Did you ever have a boyfriend?" Thankfully he can't see my face burning, even my caramel skin could hide that. 
"No.."I whisper, he seems tense for a feel second, but comes back to be the relaxed boy.
"That's okay, so I will be your boyfriend today" So he starts to run on the streets, I hold him with more strength, he smells like a baby too, then I leave an arm free to feel the air, that was happiness, the melody inside my heart starts. 
"Live up to what was expected of me, it was a burden to be, so now I decide… I'm gonna be happy.." I sing softly.
"I'm gonna be happy.."Hueningkai sings with me we laugh.
"I'm tired of being bluue, I'll live like a flower made of happiness ready to bloom.." He sings the melody "Cause now I decide to choose happiness!" 
"We got a composer here! You are a box full of surprises, miss Hwa Suji!" He says before parking the bike, Hueningkai helps got my feet on the ground again "What tattoo you have in mind?"
"We should do it together one, what do you think about stars? Our horoscope sign! What is yours?" He looks at me like didn't understand anything I say "When is your birthday?" I knew that we have the same sun sign but how I would explain this to him?
"August 14th.." He says slowly, a little bit suspicious. 
"I'm August 7th! We're both Lions!" I put my hands up pretending surprise. 
"RAWN" Hueningkai roar. Okay, he kills me with his cuteness now, I put my right hand in the left side of my chest, my heart will explode I'm sure. 
That was the best day ever, I love every minute with Hueningkai, we made a lion constellation on our shoulder, and I made a tulip on my wrist, we stay on the beach the rest of the afternoon, he brings me back to the village at the sunset, I watched Hueningkai leaves with a smile on his face. When he disappears on the horizon I go to my hut, needing a good shower, or a bathtub!
Nothing compares to the feeling of being clean, mostly in a damp place like that, I put on an oversize shirt, send a message to Ji Eun, verify if she is a life and don't murder anyone, and while she doesn't answer I braid my hair, so someone knocks the door, she was fast! I run to answer, I have to tell her everything, but when I open the door, I found Yeonjun cover in...mud? He was petrified in my door, his eyes full of tears.
"What's happening?" Yeonjun opens and closes his mouth without making a sound "Come in, I have your emergency closes in my bag, go to the shower take of that closes, oh my god, where they take you Yeonjun?"  He takes everything, and ends up in his underwear, Yeonjun looks so fragile, my heartbreak, I feel the tears fullying my eyes, but was not the moment to cry.
I put him in the tub already full of water again he observes me in silence when I started washing his hair, probably thinking about what happened to him end up like that, so I picked the soup bar and put it in his hand "I know that's your dream being washed by a hot girl, but not today!" So Yeonjun start to clean his arms and chest, I help clean his back, when we take all the mud I leave him alone so he could dress. 
I send another message to Ji Eun demand an answer, why he was like that? Why he was like that and where are they!?
"Suji" Yeonjun's voice wasn't more than a whisper.
"Come here, I will put alcohol in gel first, and later we will be hydrated okay?" He didn't say anything just let me do what I say "When will you tell me what is happening?"
"We go to mangrove and Yuri fall in the mood, I try to save her…"
"Is she okay?" He shakes his head affirmatively "Did you save her?" I remember vaguely about this accident on the history, Yeonjun confirmed again "Why you are not with her right now?" 
"'Cause I just feel safe by your side" His brutal honesty sinks on my skin, I tried to remember myself that I'm not the female lead, that if I let myself be deluded by these words I'll get hurt.
"Are you with fever?" With the back of my hand on his forehead, I measure his temperature compared to mine "Okay you gonna melt, lay on the bed, I'm gonna make ginger tea…"
I left him alone and went to the kitchen. I need air, when I come back he drinks the whole tea in one gulp, he lay his head, so I soaked the towel in cold water and put it in his head.
"Why did you run with that guy?" I look confused, the fever was really strong on him, he was speaking no sense.
"I don't runway, I just met a good friend, and you all have your pairing, Ji Eun and Taehyun, you and Yuri and Soobin, so I decide to spend the day with him, you know that I hate being a plus one" I put the towel in his forehead again.
"You seem happy with him..."I smiled remembering the day with Hueningkai.
"He makes me forget about all worries, my broken heart, my disease around him there is no drama, I'm not a villain" Yeonjun bites his bottom lip, which was dangerous with me so close.
"I don't wanna make you feel like a villain, that's not what you mean to me" His confession makes my heart melt.
"Yuri makes me feel like a villain, not you, but I think is not her fault or mine, just the fact that the guy I'm in love with is in love with her makes our relationship difficult? I'm human at the end." Yeonjun sighs.
"So how do I make you feel?" He asks at last.
"Like a male lead in a drama"His eyes open more "Because I'm always rescuing you!" I remember about us in the past life run from the crazy guy, and my character canon, I show him the soaked towel, and we laugh. 
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[ While this, in our universe...]
DANNY: And now, the subject in all weeks! But now, I think things are getting really interesting! 
DAVID: Because a car accident caused by a lunatic was enough for him.
DANNY: Now we got real drama!
DAVID: Cause people between life and death are not drama enough for him!
DANNY: The security cameras record the moment Hwa Suji saves Choi Yeonjun of his stalker! 
DAVID: I wish I have a girl to save me like this…
DANNY: And in response, MOAS believes that she is the real girlfriend. 
DAVID: And this makes Yuri published prints what she says they prove off personal conversations! But the scene of Suji saving Yeonjun is already being replicated in dramas all over Asia, and it's a trend on tik-tok all over the world!  
DANNY: That makes Suji and Yeonjun the new one true paring on Korea!
7 notes · View notes
I can't see a future for myself and that scares me
I haven't taken my meds in over a year I want to be loved for me, not the sedated version of me
It seems like the worlds smiling without me
Should morals be dictated by fear of punishment?
They all had opinions of how the serial killer should be killed, and seemed to feel pity for his victims. I felt nothing, once again. I acted like I had a bit of an opinion but I really didn't. It felt the same as hearing what was for breakfast.
Why do you look like you just killed something?
I feel repulsed by my own body which somehow seems to be oozing germs, when there really isn't anything there. I wanna skin myself., claw my skin up and scrub underneath it so I'm clean. This is what it means to be sick, means to be constantly obsessed.
I love books that are
They just don't give out lobotamies like they used to anymore
(I'll say it to your face. Go fuck yourself.)
I've never felt romantically or sexually attracted to anyone before. I don't feel anything, including those things.
My Number One Man: Evangelos Kosmos
240 Pack $53.39
JAM Paper Round Circle Label Sticker Seals, 2.5 inch diameter, White, 2 Sets of 120 (2147615066g)
That's okay. In taking the highest dose of medication they're allowed to give out and it's still not working
Alyssa/Aisha: Eyes scorched out & Beheaded
Kiera: Beheaded
Evienrose/Eve: Suicide by drinking poison
Athanasia: Executed by hanging
Aria Roscente:
By ,, Nakov
1. Penelope & Callisto
2. Eris & Anakin
3. Ruby & Izek
4. Bianca & Zachary
5. Charlize & Dylan
6. Aria & Asher
7. Leticia & Erden
8. Olivia & Ian
Vivi & Ahin / Ayesha & Hades / Cassia & Zester / Hilise & Axion / Lily & Vlad / Lariette & Ian /
1. Aria Roscente
2. Astelle Leston
3. Bianca De Arno
4. Cayena Hill
5. Charlize Ronan
6. Cassia Greze
7. Eris Misérian
8. Fiona Green
9. Hilise Inoaden
10. Kiera Parvis
11. Leticia Grey Halstead
12. Medea Solon
13. Penelope Eckart
14. Rudbeckia De Borgia
15. Roxana Agriche
16. Serena White
17. Soru
18. Tatiana Cartier
19. Verta Alberhart
I felt myself in a solitude so frightful that I contemplated suicide. What held me back was the idea that no one, absolutely no one, would be moved by my death, that I would be even more alone in death than in life.
Jean Paul Sartre, Nausea
Notes from Underground
Novella by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I'm Thinking of Ending Things Novel by Iain Reid
House of Leaves Novel by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Butterfly Garden Book by Dot Hutchison
S. by Doug Dorst and JJ Abrams
This book is not a suicide note. Ten days after Edouard Leve handed in the manuscript of Suicide to his publisher in 2007, he hanged himself in his apartment. He was 42. Two years after Jean Amery's On Suicide was published in 1976, the author took an overdose of sleeping pills. He was 65. ... 
Notes on Suicide
Book by Simon Critchley
Nutmeg, Lemon juice, Vegetable Shortening, Garlic powder, Cocoa powder, Apple cider vinegar, Canola oil, Unsweetened milk, Colored dye, Soy Milk, Distilled vinegar, Soy sauce, better than bouillon vegetable paste*, Soy curls, Vegetable broth,
1 vegan yellow onion, vegan ground beef, chili powder, (oregano dried), paprika, unsweetened almond milk, vegan broth, rotini pasta, shredded vegan cheddar cheese,
Cinnamoroll Plush Slipper Boots
Thing I Want to Buy:
1. A Pocket Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue $18.95
Hype Honeydukes Holo Harry Potter Lunch Bag
Harry Potter Birthday Party: Honeydukes loot bags
You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough.
...You can only subject people to anguish who have a conscience. You can only punish people who have hopes to frustrate or attachments to sever; who worry what you think of them. You can really only punish people who are already a little bit good.
These were good people and they had been good to us and we had therefore had a good time. To conclude otherwise was frightening, raising the specter of some unnameable quantity without which we could not abide, but which we could not summon on demand, least of all by proceeding in virtuous accordance with an established formula.
When you pushed me in the water, I swam I had to go my whole life learning, so that I wouldn't drown. You said you treated me like shit cause I deserved it When really you were just miserable with yourself
I let you
Cause I'm taking back my power,
Rico Nasty - Smack a Bitch
My Favourite Badass Girl's: Carter, Sloan,
Sloan D'Aboville: the Jefa of the Spanish mafia / La Jefa of the Spanish Mafia / evil, unforgiving and cold
Point of Menace : Sloan D'Aboville : the Jefa of the Spanish Mafia - evil, unforgiving and cold
Carter [ON HOLD] : Carter Knight : Leader of the Devil's Reapers (Mafia) -
Sinners like us don't find forgiveness in a church no more
This for my people going through depression This for the kids who never felt affection This for the kids whose parents don't accept them Saying they love everyone else except them
It seems like the worlds smiling without me
(God) (The Dream)
Why does my throat burn when I drink energy drinks?
If this happens to you, caffeine could be a culprit. "Caffeine relaxes esophageal sphincter, which allows acid to come up in the throat,"
2. You’re peeing orange
Urine that is dark yellow or orange is a telltale sign of dehydration. "Coffee is actually a diuretic that can lead to dehydration by increasing the amount you urinate so you lose too much body fluids," says Amy Gross, MPH, RD, CDN and a clinical dietician at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Caffeine usually doesn’t trigger dehydration until after you’ve had about 500 mg, so you should be safe if you stick to a cup or two of coffee a day.
"They love without measure those whom they will soon hate without reason."
It is not that [the sociopath] fails to grasp the difference between good and bad; it is that the distinction fails to limit their behavior.
Should our morals be dictated by fear of punishment?
I didn't think I'd make it to 12. I'm turning 18 this year.
Hearing words of love sounded like a record on repeat. You loved me, but I didn't love you.
Most days, it feels like I'm eating my own heart
I thought I needed to get worse before I could get better
Mother's often have nowhere to put their rage. More times than not, it gets directed towards their daughters, because they are a clear image of what they could've been. An unmoulded version they could make into something to feel as if they have accomplished something themselves.
The truth is cruel. The people we love don't really love us back.
I cannot understand this feeling, and there's no way to explain it
Unless you are constantly exposed to a certain amount of pain, you will be afraid of it
Sometimes I wonder if there's something waiting for me in life. If maybe I'll wake up one day and suddenly want to live it.
You can't save me, and I'm afraid I'll drag you down with me
The side of me that was lovely, the side of me that cared about others. It made me sick to think that it was all a lie.
My mother tells me "Don't bleed on my floor," but she's constantly cutting me.
You told me you loved me my whole life, yet I never felt a thing
When the only emotion you ever showed me was anger, I welcomed it with open arms. I wanted you to feel something for me, even if all that was is rage.
In your eyes, what do I look like? Am I as bad as I make myself seem?
I had nowhere to put this sadness, so it turned into anger
A lifetime of sadness turns a person angry
I sat with my sadness long enough, until it became anger
Just because someone has it worse, doesn't mean you don't have it bad
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't know love
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't feel know love myself
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't know how yo love
I can't feel like others do so I end up hurting them by my bluntness ))
Thing Called Love
Not Sober
Rainstorm tixzystcks
Happy Face
Holy Molly
Famous Hoes
First Place
Virtual)) blue Balenciaga))
Robbin Hood
Hold Me While You Wait
Be Alright
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I couldn't feel love in mine
Mafia Boss Female Lead's: Sloan D'Aboville (Point of Menace : RuStYtAbLeS) Carter Knight (Carter : Rachel1Levy)
Mafia Boss Male Lead's: Evangelos Kosmos [Gigi] (Serendipity & Sovereignty)
Medea Solon : ESTJ
3 notes · View notes
veronicasanders · 1 year
Do you have a favorite meal someone's made for you? what foods remind you of home or of someone?, what do you like to eat when they feel like shit (emotionally or actually sick)?
YAAAAAS I’m so psyched for this question, I love it!! 💖
So, my mom grew up in a family of 7, and she was the 2nd oldest. Both of my grandparents worked long hours and so her oldest sister started cooking super young, and my mom started cleaning. Because of this very early division of labor, my mom was never really into cooking, but my aunt…oh my god. 
Going to her house is incredible, because she always cooks absolutely amazing meals that are full of seasonal fresh veggies, often from her own garden. But even better, I lived with her and my uncle for about a year when I was interning (ie not getting paid) and let me tell you…I ate like fucking ROYALTY during that year. Plus, I got to be her sous chef when I was home and I learned an infinite amount of helpful things. I think honestly, the best part was getting home after a 10-14 hours day and hour commute and ALWAYS finding a fridge full of delicious, healthy food. Like, all I had to do was heat it up. It was often some kind of frittata, some amazing homemade pesto with fresh pasta, or stir-fry. 
She’s the one who makes coleslaw a lot, btw, and here’s the basic method: 
Always start with at least 2 kinds of cabbage - one green and one purple, cut thinly on a mandolin. Usually at least a few other cruciferous veggies too, like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, etc, also cut small.
Add some other crunchy veggies: shredded or matchstick-cut carrots, radishes,  celery, jicama, beets, whatever you’ve got.
Add little oil/fat
Add whatever vinegar or acid goes with the rest of the meal (IE balsamic, red wine, apple cider, or rice vinegar, harissa, or lemon/lime juice, even hot sauce)
Optional: If you want a creamy coleslaw, add a spoonful or two of Greek yogurt
Season LIBERALLY, with whatever spices or fresh herbs go with the meal. Always include salt, pepper, a little chili powder, and garlic & onion powders, but everything is optional.
(Examples: an Italian meal might mean: olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, fresh basil, fresh parsley, fresh minced garlic, a few spoonfuls of pesto, dried oregano or rosemary, etc. A stir-fry might get peanut oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, fresh Thai basil, green onions, cilantro/coriander leaves, star anise, cloves, etc. Mexican food might get lime juice, fresh cilantro, cumin, cayenne, ancho, chipotle, hot sauce or Tajin.)
Also optional: add-ins like tomatoes, olives, peppers, artichoke hearts, capers, cucumbers: things that are juicy or more delicate. They get mixed in now, more gently.
Finish by sprinkling something crunchy on top: toasted nuts or seeds, croutons, fried noodles. Et voila. Auntie Em’s Coleslaw.
(Which stores brilliantly, btw, because the flavors only get better as they all marinate together and because the base is hearty and crunch things, it doesn’t get soggy and gross like most leftover salad.)
Well...that turned into a full recipe, lol. ANYWAY...
Other favorite meals that people have made me, which always make me think of them:
This layered enchilada-inspired dish that my friend’s mom used to make all the time was my absolute favorite and I have a full recipe for that too. It doesn’t claim to be authentically Mexican; it’s like a California/vegetarian version of the classic Tex Mex dish called “Burrito Pie,” but it is SO fucking good and satisfying and the kind of thing you can eat all year round because it’s both warm and filling but also full of fresh veggies and easily can be eaten with a big salad (or Auntie Em’s Coleslaw) for a lighter meal in hot weather.
Also my grandmother used to make truly outstanding oven-baked mac and cheese. 
My friend's grandmother added a vegetarian tamale to their holiday tradition just because I used to help and I didn't eat the meat ones. (Roasted poblanos with crema, Oaxaca, and Cotija btw, absolutely fucking outstanding.)
What reminds me of home, is generally just the foods that my family makes or that we ate together. My brother makes the best mashed potatoes in the world. My mom makes lentil soup that I’m always in the mood for 24/7, and these dark chocolate/peanut butter/coconut cookie bars that are to die for. My dad loves to grill, so perfectly grilled salmon or corn or eggplant/zucchini remind me of him. My other grandparents always took me to Jewish delis, so whenever I have a tuna melt or kosher pickles, I think of them.
When I feel like shit, I want a big bowl of something warm and comforting, which is incidentally most of the foods listed above. Something starchy and cheesy and warm. Mostly soups and stews with potatoes, pasta, rice or dumplings in it. Stuff I can eat with a spoon, curled up in front of the TV. One of my favorites is roasted pepper and tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. If I’m actually physically sick, I usually crave things that are kind of bland and starchy like pastina/pastellina or polenta with a little butter on it. 
I could talk about this all day so I'm just gonna shut up now. LOL
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kirkebygriffin · 2 years
Residence Remedies For Foot Fungus That Basically Work
Mix equal elements vinegar and water and soak the contaminated space for 30 minutes every day. Toenail fungus, additionally know as onychomcosis, is characterized by irritation, thickening, swelling, yellowing, and pain of the toenail and toe. It’s brought on by an irregular PH of the skin, which may occur because of poor hygiene, a foul immune system, exposure to high levels of moisture, and/or poor circulation. Urgent-Fungus-Desrtoyer Reviews will forestall or eliminate the issue. One research demonstrated the effectiveness of a combination of essential oils along with vitamin E in treating onychomycosis. This antifungal combine helps management the fungal progress, restore the infected nail, enhance the patient’s adherence to therapy, and decrease the risk of recurrence to facilitate full restoration. However, it could even be effective against toenail fungus. One small research confirmed that after making use of it topically every day for forty eight weeks, 27.8% of members fully cured their nail fungus — and 55.6% of individuals noticed partial enchancment. Anyone with toenail fungus can attempt house cures or OTC therapies, but some choose to go proper to their healthcare provider for a extra aggressive remedy with prescription treatment. Regularly changing your socks and footwear can even reduce down on the expansion of unwanted foot fungus. Both socks and athletic footwear could be washed to rid the growth of yeasts and fungi which might be rising on the material. Mix 1 cup each of heat water and white vinegar right into a bowl. Pour each vinegar and warm water in, then stir them collectively.You could additionally use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar. However, this treatment has very restricted success because the vinegar can’t penetrate underneath the nail. You can attempt it if you want to, but visit a podiatrist for additional treatment when you don’t see any ends in 2 weeks. For occasion, washing hands with cleaning soap, keeping nails trimmed, and altering socks frequently might help prevent infections.
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sweetcarolinablues · 2 years
Hey lover of vinegar-soaked food, etc. I'm Norman in Canada. Te only two edibles I like that are soaked in food-grade vinegar are home- made potato fries and Pringles salt and vinegar snacking chips. I do use vinegar to get rid of stubborn housejold stains. It's msgical. Stay well. Namaste.
Hi Norman! So glad you left a note. Hope your summer has been going well.
I love potatoes with vinegar, although I like german style potato salad with vinegar over malt vinegar and chips (fries)!
Apple cider vinegar is the best vinegar for soaking, splashing, and pickling. I keep apple cider vinegar in the pantry by the gallon; it never lasts long.
While there is a gallon of white vinegar in my house, it is for cleaning projects only! I am not a fan of anything to eat being white vinegar based. You could easily convince me to have a drink of apple cider vinegar ;)
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