#black potterhead
miscellaneousjay · 4 months
Yo BIPOC Potterheads!!!! Anyone got any good fanfic recommendations with Black Hermione, Desi Harry Potter, and all of them having positive friendships with the other (canon/fanon) witches and wizards of color? With all of the beautiful fan art I’ve seen and shamelessly revisiting Black Hermione’s Twitter account, I need a good story to go with the images! Like, I can’t get Black Hermione, Padma, Pavarti, Angelina, Cho, Lavender, Dean, and Blaze all hanging out and really bonding over being a handful of BIPOC at a PWI out of my head! Speaking of PWI, WHERE MY HAMU WITCHES AT?!
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honeyedagger · 23 days
swimming au where james and sirius are trying to drown each other for fun, remus is trying to drown himself purposely and peter is actually drowning.
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yvieliny · 9 months
Shit my friends have said as Maruader Promps:
Modern Marauders looking for a place to do their social service
Sirius: We could just apply for Femeri like the girls
Remus: They won’t accept us because you know…we have cocks
Peter: Cocks?
James: Yeah you know…cocks
Peter: The male chicken?
Sirius and James dying of laughter
Remus: What?! No Pete you know cock. C-O-C-K . Cock
Peter starts searching it on google, and the definition of cock as a rooster appears
James dying of laughter: Click images
Peter clicks images
James turns bright pink as other students heard since they were in the library
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sheshirkat · 24 days
Literally cackling at the idea that the harry potter fandom made its own work, that we mostly agree on stuff like draco could be a potion master or wolfstar, giving pansy more room to exist.. the harry potter fandom stands nearly alone, apart from the original works, with deeper world building, and that we created such a huge something from harry potter that jk rowling can't touch and that is SO QUEER she would be so scared. Love it.
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imagine finding out you're pregnant bc your family house tapestry self updates
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detailstodiefor · 2 months
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Character Mystery Boxes on Etsy
Turn into your favourite fictional characters with a mystery box of things they would own. Who will you choose?
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wolviestars · 3 months
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I will sacrifice I will sacrifice
myself to save anyone to save
everyone you
ac: likeafunerall > ig
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depressoesssspresso · 5 months
“No way,” you said shaking your head while munching on some popcorn from the bowl. Your legs were over his as you both relaxed on the Common Room couch. James smiles while you both make eye contact.
“What do you mean no way? I definitely had a bigger crush on you than you on me,” he laughs as he adjusts his glasses. This “argument” of who had a bigger crush on who had been going on for the last fifteen minutes.
“Are you actually joking? Do you think I just happen to carry an extra water bottle every time you had a quidditch game?” You laugh and blush at the memory, “Thought I was such a samaritan the way I was like ‘No yeah I think I have an extra water if you’d like’ knowing damn well I packed it just to have an excuse to talk to you,” You and James’ faces turned red from how long you have been laughing. The two of you have been going out for over 3 1/2 years and would love to rehash this discussion from time to time.
“But that was so cute. Ok but actually how much tutoring did you think I needed? In our third year, I started asking you for help in classes because our schedules didn’t match up. You were like ‘Ugh this Ancient Runes assignment is so hard. Then the smooth boy I am would be like ‘I know right it’s so hard. Let’s do it together.’ I wasn’t even taking Ancient Runes. I was taking Divination,” he bashfully admitted. You giggle at his revelation and continue to eat your popcorn.
“No I knew,” you began, “ I obviously got the hint when you never showed up for class. But you were too sweet to turn down I couldn’t say no. I thought it was weird but that’s sort of your trade mark.” He playfully glared at you while you stuck out your tongue. “ No but seriously, the Quidditch match. I was total heart eyes for you. Even Peter noticed it. Peter!”
“ Well darling, what can I say,” he smirked at you lightly slap his shoulder. “ Y/N, Sirius almost threw a bludger at me in the middle of the game so I would pay attention because I kept looking back at you to see if you were looking at me.” You laugh so hard that you start to lightly choke on your popcorn which causes James to laugh even harder. Tears brimmed both your eyes as you remember the day Sirius and James got into a mini hissy fit in the middle of the game. Sirius slapped James’ shoulder and James almost pushed Sirius off the broom. Let’s just say Madame Hooch wasn’t happy in the end.
“Ok,Ok,Ok, but do you remember me telling Emily Scobell that you were gay so she doesn’t ask you to the Yule Ball. Told her that you and Sirius were mad for each other” You say sitting up straight and sitting cross cross Apple sauce facing your boyfriend. His eyes bulge out and dramatically whip his head towards you.
“THAT WAS YOU!” He yelled while laughing. “I gave Sirius hell for that. Thought he was telling girls we were together to get them to stop coming up to me as a prank.” [A/N Kyle in South Park What the hell are you telling people that we’re a gay couple😭] “ What about my family emergencies?” You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion as he gives you the biggest smile while pulling you to his chest.
“What family emergencies?” You question.
“Whenever I wanted to have an intimate conversation with you and was too shy to start, I would come up to you saying there’s been a death in the family. You would then comfort me and give me all your attention,” he giggles as you playfully gasp and hit his chest again sitting up.
“YOU WANKER!” You say in between giggles, “ You told me your grandparents passed away.” This only caused him to die further of laughter.
“ I told you that excuse every week. How many grandparents do you think I have!” James says with an undying smile. Your stomach begins to hurt from how badly you’re laughing.
“YOU MET THEM ON CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TOO” He continues which causes you to laugh so hard no sound comes out.
“ Oh yeah, I forgot,” you say wiping your tears. As both you laughed dies down, you snuggle back into James chest. “ Damn, we really had it bad for each other, did we?” He kisses the top of your forehead.
“ We still do,” he whispers and he hugs you tight.
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dciphe-r · 2 months
If the Marauders were on
✨ Instagram ✨ 📸
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(If this blows up I’ll make more)
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beaurulestheocean · 10 days
does anyone have any jegulus fic recommendations? like non popular ones?? i’m craving them
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tistheblackraven · 3 months
Drop a song lyric that reminds you of Marauders characters.
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isbreulla · 1 month
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I was doing some character design explorations, here's a few random sketches for you guys...
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honeyedagger · 22 days
no way the harry potter fans think barty is straight. this would be such a huge joke in the marauders era time period.
pandora : guys, imagine barty being straight.
and we see evan laughing and clapping his hands as he rolls on the floor and regulus chuckles madly trying to keep calm.
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random-writer-person · 10 months
London Boy
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James Potter x Reader
word count: 1319
warnings: none
Inspired by the song london boy by Taylor Swift
You are an American witch. Which means you go to Ilvermorny, but in your third year your father was transferred to the ministry in England. In turn you had to transfer to hogwarts. You were fine with it besides the fact that you had to go with all the first years to be placed in your house. That's embarrassing.
You're standing with all the first years waiting for yourself to get called up. You could feel people looking at you strangely because you were very clearly not a first year student. Soon that would be cleared up as Dumbledore starts talking.
“Welcome students to another year at hogwarts. Before we get into the sorting for the first years we have a student transfer from america. She's in year three and I hope you all treat her with the utmost respect and kindness. Make her feel welcomed. Miss y/n y/l/n please step up.” with that you slowly walk up to the stool as everyone stares at you. You smile at McGonagall as she puts the hat on your head. After a few minutes of you talking to it it decides.
“GRYFFINDOR” the whole table erupts in cheers and you can't help but smile. Walking over to the table you sit in the closest open spot which happened to be by 4 guys.
“Say something” a guy with circle glasses says.
“Huh?” you look at him very confused.
“You're not British, say something” he says nodding at you.
“James shut up and leave the girl be” he turns to you “im remus welcome to hogwarts.” he holds his hand out.
“Thank you and well you heard my name y/n” you say shaking it and smiling.
“Holy shit your accent is hot!” the one with the glasses says again. You turn to him bright red and shocked.
“Uh, I don't know what to say to that.” you tilt your head in question.
“Don't mind him love he's an idiot i'm sirius black” he also holds his hand out. You blush again but this time because he called you love. You shake his hand but as you're about to pull away he pulls it closer and kisses it. Your eyes widen and you chuckle.
“Is it normal to kiss hands in britain?” you say running it through your hair.
“No it's not he's just trying to flirt with you” the little one on the end says. “I'm peter it's nice to meet you” he doesn't hold out his hand he just keeps eating his food. You chuckle at that.
“Okay you guys seem kind of okay though i think i like peter and remus the best” you laugh at the look on sirius and the other guys faces.
“What, how do you like them more?” the nameless guy says.
“Well I still don't know your name and right off the bat you called my accent hot. I'm sorry that's just a little strange and Sirius just seems like a playboy” it looked like Sirius was about to protest but then quieted down and nodded. The whole time Remus and Peter are just laughing.
“Ok ok sorry my name is james potter welcome to hogwarts” he said holding out his hand you take it and smile. “Though i wasn't lying your accent is very hot” you shake your head laughing.
“Thanks yours isn't too bad either, London boy” everyone chuckles at james’ red face. After eating dinner the boys show you back to your dorm thanking them you head up and get ready for bed greeting your new roommates.
The next morning you head to breakfast excited for your first day in the new school also with hopefully some new friends. You sit down near the end of the table and start grabbing some food to eat when you hear laughing. You turned to see all the boys laughing together except for james. When they saw you their smiles widened and they headed over to you.
“Hey y/n how are you?” Remus asked, sitting next to you.
“I'm good, how are you all?” smiling at him and the rest of them they all said good but james.
“I'm good now that you're here” he smirked.
“Okay London boy calm down” you laugh everyone joining in.
The next week passed by like this. You get used to a new school, getting closer to the boys and James constantly flirting with you. You never took james’ flirting to heart, you just guessed it was his personality until one day you're in the library trying to do some work when a red headed girl comes up to you.
“Hey your y/n right?” you look up at her and nod.
“Yeah I am and you are?” you hold out your hand.
“Im lily and i just wanted to talk to you about james” she shook your hand then sat across from you.
“What about him?” you close your book giving her your full attention.
“Before you came here he was really into me like he would ask me out everyday and i would always say no. but since you came here he hasn't asked me out once. I guess what i'm trying to say is james is really into you and if you like him you should put him out of his misery” she chuckles a little and you join in.
“I guess i never really thought he was into me i thought flirting was just his personality” you run a hand through your hair smiling fondly.
“You should ask him out” she smiles at you then you hear a voice.
“Ask out who?” It was James. He sits next to you guys.
“She thinks I should ask you out, London boy, what do you think?” you smirk at his red face.
“I think she's right you should” his face turning even more red and lily leaves.
“Okay wanna go out london boy?” you tilt your head with a smile.
“Very much yes” he nods aggressively, you both laughing. You start packing up your stuff.
“Meet me in the common room after hours” you walk away after kissing his cheek. You were excited.
Sitting on the couch in the common room waiting for James you're just watching the fire. When you hear walking you look up and see James coming towards you in a sweatshirt, jeans and red converse and you chuckle.
“James dear you do have american style” you laugh at him he just looks confused
“How?” He looks down at himself.
“The chuck taylors” you nod at his shoes. “Everyone in america has at least one pair” you point at your own
“Oh that's so cool” he looks at yours and his “wait how many do you have?” he questions you.
“You don't wanna know” you laugh at his worried face. “Oh i thought we could go to the astronomy tower and star gaze” you smile shyly and he nods
“Yeah sounds fun lets go” you and James head up to the tower and just lay together in silence.
“I'm glad we're doing this, it's fun, your good company” you blush.
“As are you i just have one question” he looks at you and you nod telling him to ask. “Why do you always call me London boy?” This makes you laugh.
“Because of a song called London Boy, it's about loving London boys. I guess I didn't know I'd just liked you from the start and it reminded me of the song” you shyly look away from him embarrassed.
“Aww you're so cute” he teases, pulling you closer to him. You go to push him away laughing and facing him when you look up and see how close he is to you and you blush. Slowly he leans down and kisses you. A kiss that caused a spark to light inside of you. “Don't worry love i fancy you”
hope you guys enjoyed
Good day night whatever
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yvieliny · 9 months
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tryskomys · 11 months
Remus Lupin x OC reader
Chapter 2 - Episkey
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Summary: Moony and Mittens officially join the Hogwarts faculty. After a string of both endearing and hostile reunions, the feast unexpectedly evokes a wave of dreadful memories.
previous chapter
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notes: here goes chapter two! hope you’ll enjoy it, it is preeeetty juicy for you angst lovers out there…
tw: a bit nasty - blood, vivid description of minor injuries, foul language, padfoot is a dickhead ™
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"Do you think I should change back?" Hesperia mumbled in a hushed voice as she and Remus crisscrossed between students through the narrow corridor. He was doing his best not to step on anyone's feet, which was quite a challenge as his pointy Oxford shoes neared twice the size of some of the children's. The brown leather material was flaky in some places, the heel worn out and uneven.
He answered with a shrug, now trying his best to maintain balance when the train suddenly moved, rattling through the tracks once again with a deafening screech of wheels.
"I don't think that will be necessary. They probably thought you were wandering somewhere around the train." 
She sighed in relief and attempted to tuck a loose strand of hair back into the chignon.
"Splendid. I don't think that shaggy old floor mop would digest the chocolate very well. I don't plan on dying tonight, not until I've had at least two servings of butterbeer croquembouche."
A giggle rumbled through his chest as they reached their respective compartment. The children were still there, now a bit calmer as they discussed the preceding events. Remus gave a short nod in the direction of the now-empty package of chocolate.
Hesperia raised her eyebrows in contentment and then softly cleared her throat, a shy shiver running down her spine when the passengers looked at the two of them. 
Their surprised faces scanned the new stranger, the boys were especially flustered when she gave them all a warm smile. Harry discreetly looked the woman up and down, stopping when she made eye contact with him. 
Her eyes…that's impossible.
"Are you feeling better, Harry? We'll be arriving at Hogwarts in ten minutes." Remus gained back their attention when he spoke. They were already getting used to his calm, silent voice. He seemed to have an unusual sort of authority, one won over by pure kindness. But it was their first time hearing the woman speak. 
"Professor Lupin kindly filled me in on the problems we've run into. I'm sure Professor Dumbledore will investigate how those beasts got in here. Don't burden your minds with that, now. There's no safer place than Hogwarts, right?" she assured them. Her words carried through the air as if they were soft clouds, sweet to their ears like butterscotch.
Remus nodded and motioned towards the leather seats. 
"May we join you?" he asked politely, his tired smile growing wider when the children nodded and muttered silent, assuring replies. Harry shuffled to the side so the professors could sit in the same place where Remus slept, oblivious to the cat's sudden disappearance until Ginny's shy voice peeped from the corner.
Hesperia got up in the meantime and reached for the copy of Daily Prophet that was tucked under her ragged suitcase, stubbornly staring into it when she sat down and heard Ginny's tremoring question. 
"Professor, I- I'm sorry, but where is your Mittens?" she stuttered and her face was almost as red as her hair now. His eye twitched for the slightest second before he shifted in his seat, sticking his hands into the pockets of his robe. 
"Oh, Mittens is not mine, she's just a stray. I used to meet her a lot around the grounds when I went to school, which was…let's say some years ago. More than I'd like to admit." he grinned and casually rested his head on the window. 
"I was quite surprised to see her after all that time. She was looking rather ragged, though. I guess age is catching up to her." he shrugged as Ginny giggled. His ears caught the subtle rustle of paper when Hesperia gripped the Prophet tighter.
Oh, you're surely getting the claws when we get there, prick. 
She was torn out of the long silence that followed when the train stopped with a shrill sound of metal grinding against metal. 
"Looks like we're here! Ah, I hope there will be broiled potatoes." Remus stretched and gave everyone present a wide smile before getting up, probably too fast for his exhaustion, because his vision went fuzzy for a moment and he stumbled backwards. Neville caught him, his big ears as red as his favourite cherry liquorice sticks from the snack trolley.
The professor patted his slouched shoulder and thanked him. He just nodded and nearly ran out of the cabin, stumbling over Hesperia's small suitcase in the process.
"Well, it was a pleasure to meet all of you! See you around." she nodded and handed Remus his cane before disappearing from their sight with a small wave.
When she walked outside, ropes of frigid rain were falling from the sky with loud splashes and clouds occasionally cracked with bright lightning. She softly swore under her breath, cringing as wet drops ran under the collar of her robe. Remus carefully limped down the stairs of the train and when he hit the ground with a heavy huff, she snorted.
"Who did you say was getting old?" she hissed at him but couldn't hide the grin playing at her lips when he looked at her, his green eyes wide. He smacked his lips in annoyance and softly punched her arm. He took out his wand, pointed it at the sky and a transparent umbrella sprung out of its tip, successfully shielding both of them from the pouring rain.
She lifted his small luggage from the ground and held it along with her own so he could use his cane as well as his wand. Ignoring his protests, she scooted over closer to him and hooked her arm into his when he offered it with a sigh. 
"Mimi, you don't have to -" 
"Shush, pay attention to your steps, now. You can be a gentleman tomorrow." she cut him off and tugged on his arm to make him move.
She heard Hagrid's booming voice calling the first-years to join him and she melted, the nostalgia finally catching up to her.
They made their way over to the carriages, gravel crunching under their shoes as they walked on the road surrounded by various blooming bushes and small flame spheres that hovered above the ground. The carriages they seemed to be dragged by strange, naked creatures now. They resembled horses and birds alike, their wings scaly and skeletal. Thestrals.
"Makes sense that we would see them, now...after everything," Remus mumbled in her ear, his warm breath making her freezing cheek pleasantly flush. She just soundlessly nodded and let go of him, climbing into one of the vehicles with a soft huff. 
Three fairly grown-up girls, presumably seventh-years, hesitantly joined them. Their hair was soaked and their teeth rattled in the cold autumn breeze that fluttered around them as the Thestrals moved. Their faces turned pink when they noticed the unusually young and unusually handsome professor and his gentle smile. 
"Engorgio!" he commanded and the transparent umbrella expanded with a high-pitched squeal until it hovered over the whole carriage. The group's cheeks flamed even brighter now, stifling giggles when he spoke. 
"Better?" his sweet voice carried through the air and the girls nodded, gingerly thanking before murmuring something among each other. She cursed her pitch-perfect hearing.
Why couldn't I have transformed into a mole rat instead?
"Show-off," she muttered under her breath and he shrugged, a smug grin reaching all the way up to his twinkling eyes.
When they arrived in front of the castle and hopped out of the vehicle, she spotted Harry and the others from the train in the distance. They seemed to be in some sort of conflict with a trio of boys she didn't see before when they passed the compartments on the way here. Remus raised an eyebrow as they neared the group. 
"I wonder whose son that is," he mumbled with a sarcastic smirk when they were close enough to notice that the loudest student had shiny, platinum blonde hair. She scoffed and did her best to put on a professional façade. 
"Is there a problem?" Remus questioned in a firm but friendly tone and they stopped by the band of teens. He was remarkably better at keeping his temper than her, which was quite ironic considering his condition. Her disdain was hidden behind an unconvincing smile. 
Draco Malfoy and his two companions turned around and looked the professors up and down, silver and green ties nonchalantly thrown around their necks. Now that they were illuminated by the golden lights of the castle and standing right in front of them, Harry noticed just how much shabbier they looked in comparison to the river of people flowing into the castle.
Remus Lupin was a tall, tall man. And yet, his ill-fitting robes still seemed to loosely flutter around his fairly broad stature. The tweed suit he had under his long grey robe was pilling around the buttons and loose threads were sticking out of his mousy brown tie. The rough woollen coat that hung down from his shoulders had clumps all over and it looked frankly uncomfortable to wear. His dark brown Oxfords were worn-out and creased all over.
His female companion didn't look much fancier. Her fawny suit was from a lighter type of wool than his, but it was no less crumpled. Her trousers ended above her ankles, it was hard to decide if they were supposed to be that way or if she had them for years and simply grew out of them. The high leather boots on her feet were slightly pointy and had a small and stocky hourglass-shaped heel. The shoelaces were tightly knotted, looking like they might fall apart at any moment.
Her moss-green robe had a few patches from a different fabric and her mustard-yellow parka was the only piece of clothing on both of them that looked semi-new.
Malfoy must've went through the same thought process, because his already judgemental smirk grew even wider when he saw Remus's scarred face, pale and exhausted. The grey strands in his hair glinted under the soft lights that escaped through the windows.
"No problem at all…professor." Draco sneered and gave Harry, Ron and Hermione one last scoff before waving off his two beefy friends and joining the mountain of heads moving up the stairs. Ron gave them an apologizing smile and Hesperia patted his shoulder. 
"Enjoy the feast." she winked and turned around when she heard Professor Flitwick's high-pitched voice from around the corner. Ron caught the slightest hint of her perfume when she whipped her head around and his red ears nearly started glowing in the dark rainy night. 
"Hessie! Remus! I've been looking for you all over, where were you hiding?" Flitwick mused, waving at them to join him. They exchanged a big grin and waved Harry and his friends goodbye, rushing to the small man's side. They affectionately shook his hand and he led them to the back entrance reserved for teachers.
They entered a small lobby that continued to The Great Hall, where most teachers already sat at their places, waiting for everyone to arrive. Remus waved his wand to make the umbrella disappear with a puff of raindrops and hung his cane on one of the armchairs. Hessie put the two suitcases on the floor, taking off her parka.
Professor Sprout just walked in with a deep frown on her face. 
"Filius, how in Helga's name am I supposed to -" 
She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the new faces and her annoyed expression immediately changed to a delighted smile. 
"Remus! And Hessie, too! Merlin's beard, come here, my lion cubs." she exclaimed and stomped through the lobby with a boisterous giggle. She gave them both a big bone-crushing hug before standing on her tiptoes to pinch Remus's cheek. He blushed at the sudden attention.
"My dear boy, look at you! You've grown so much!" she sniffled and turned to Hessie, took her hands and spun her around.
"Let me have a proper look at you, rosebud. My dear Hessie, as sweet as ever!"
Professor Sprout took out a lacy handkerchief and patted her eyes dry. Hessie bit her lip to contain the embarrassed smile that curled on her lips. The stocky witch sighed and put her handkerchief back inside her robes, softly clapping her hands.
"We're so honoured to be back, Professor." Remus awkwardly stuck his hands into his pockets and Professor Sprout tutted.
"Oh, stop it, sweetheart. Call me Pomona. We're so delighted to have you here with us. Truly, right before you arrived, Filius was just talking about - Filius?"
Her eyes widened when she realized she came in to complain to Professor Flitwick and franatically looked around the room. He elegantly snuck out of the room when she was busy blowing her nose.
"Filius!" she lamented and ran out of the door without a word, muttering something under her breath before calling out for him again. 
They broke into giggles as soon as she disappeared behind the corner. She walked up closer to him and smoothed his robes, spotting cat hair on his chest. They fell silent and he looked down at her lovingly, allowing himself to study her face now that she was busy taking out her wand. 
Her eyebrows were knitted in concentration as she muttered a string of incantations, first removing the clumps on his suit with a simple wave, then swishing it to make the loose threads vanish and finally move onto the tear near the bottom of his robe, intricately twirling the tip as the fabric seemed to attach itself together.
She didn't seem to age a day since they last walked through this castle. Even back then she had a few silver threads in her hair. 
His eyes fell on the long scar that graced her skin. A wave of sickness jolted through his body and he bit down on his bottom lip so roughly a drop of blood appeared on it. She seemed to have a potent radar for Remus's self-loathing thoughts, so she looked at him, put her wand away and reached up, wiping the red stain with the pad of her thumb. His eyelids involuntarily fluttered closed as his fists clenched in his pockets. 
"How many times did I tell you not to chew your lips?" she whispered when he opened his eyes. They were exhausted and bordered with dark circles. And despite all the pain they carried, they were so warm, so caring it made her heartbeat stutter. He softly shook his head.
"I cannot count that high, Mittens," he said and breathed out a shivering sigh.
Both of them jumped when Albus Dumbledore cleared his throat, watching them with arms akimbo as his grey robe fluttered in the cold breeze that flowed in through the main door. The expression on his face seemed deliberately bored as if he was standing there for hours.
"I see you've already settled here comfortably. Splendid!" his voice echoed through the stone walls and he giggled when he saw their terrified expressions, walking up to them with open arms.
Hessie let out a silent chuckle and straightened her robes. Remus sheepishly took the hands out of his pockets, clasping them behind his back.
"Sweet Hessie." he kissed the back of her hand before softly caressing her cheek.
"And Remus, my dear friend. What a joy to see the two in these halls again. I'll forever be in your debt for this." he shook Remus's hand and patted his back, taking both of them around the shoulders.
"You have missed the usual professors' meeting, but pay no mind to that. I will fill you in on everything. Now, tell me - ah, Severus! Right on time as always."
They both set their eyes on the towering figure in the doorframe. His posture was unbelievably straight, not in the slightest similar to the hunch he was stuck in when they last saw each other.
Severus Snape was piercing them with narrowed eyes, thy were so astonishingly dark they didn't seem to reflect any light. He was completely wrapped in layers of long black robes, only his pale sinewy hands peeked out of his sleeves while he folded his arms. 
'What's up, Snivellus? Stumbled upon some shampoo lately? 'Cause it doesn't seem like it. Levicorpus!'
James Potter's phantom voice echoed through her ears as she studied his greasy raven hair, her eyes rapidly blinking off the embarrassment. She hated that nickname almost as much as she hated Snape himself, along with his supremacist friend group.
She wondered if he ever knew that. If he remembered that she and Remus loathed their friends’ treatment of him. Considering his hostile scowl, though, it seemed like enabling was just as heinous as bullying in his eyes. She couldn't fault him for that, so she averted his stare by peeking inside the noisy Great Hall.
"Severus, you've met Remus and Hessie before." Dumbledore walked up to him and motioned him inside the lobby. Remus was as uncomfortable as her when he stuck out his palm to shake Snape's veiny hand. 
"I've had the pleasure." he simply stated, his voice impossibly deep and cold as ice. Remus gave him a small, genuine smile, but Snape just turned to Hessie, shaking her hand with a similarly steely grip. 
"Severus will supply you with the Wolfsbane potion as often as you'll need. The ingredients in his pantry are of utmost quality, as are his skills, of course. I'm fully convinced that we'll be able to ease your suffering, Remus. I promise." Dumbledore assured him, sensing the tension in the room.
Remus nodded.
"Oh, I have no doubts about our Potions Master's skills. Severus, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am in your debt." he gave him a polite nod, nervously picking on the skin around his nails.
Snape stood motionless, like a Muggle portrait before giving Remus a lopsided, dishonest smile and with a dramatic swish of his black robe, he turned around and headed towards his seat behind the teachers' table. Dumbledore shrugged and gave them a reassuring smile, waving towards the door as he led the way to The Great Hall. They exchanged a nervous sigh and followed him.
● ● ● ● ● ●
"With great honour, I'd like to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin and Professor H. Lynx, who were generous enough to accept my offer and share the open position of Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers."
Dumbledore introduced the young duo and they both got up, giving the packed dining hall a court, shy bow. They grinned at each other and sat down, looking around the room as the lukewarm cheers died down. 
"For those who seemed to be puzzled by this unusual precaution, the Hogwarts faculty has discussed the…inconsistencies in the previous years and deduced that it would be wise to employ two teachers at once. In case one of them got possessed by anything, be it villainy or incompetence," he added with a knowing smirk and cheerful laughter carried through the packed room.
Harry caught Hessie's eyes and she gave him a disarming wink, making his cheeks flood with a patchy blush.
She seemed so familiar.
The excitement after Dumbledore’s announcement of the new Care of Magical Creatures professor got a considerably louder applause as Hagrid sheepishly stood up and hit the long table with his large belly, making Remus's goblet of wine fall on the floor with a twinkling rattle. He just laughed it off and continued clapping as a new goblet appeared in front of him out of thin air.
The joyous atmosphere seemed to quickly vaporize when the headmaster’s speech turned to the topic of Dementors and their reason to lurk around the castle.
When his name boomed through the stone walls, Hessie felt as if someone dropped a bucket of freezing water down her robe, frigid dread running down her spine.
Twelve years and it still didn't hurt any less than when she got the owl on the fateful Hallowe'en night. She heard Remus's deep sigh beside her as he stared at the table. Her peripheral vision caught Snape's dark eyes boring into her skull, mouth twisted in a mocking grin.
A memory consumed her whole consciousness.
She was stomping through the tall grass with deafening ringing in her ears, her nostrils shivered as she huffed out heavy breaths. The Whomping Willow, covered in snow, was getting smaller and smaller as she walked away, looking almost indistinguishable from a harmless tree when she finally reached the castle's back door.
She never ran up the stairs to the Gryffindor Tower as quickly as that evening. The Fat Lady was just falling asleep when she walked up to the portrait, biting the inside of her cheek to contain her shaky voice.
"'Shrivelfig juice.'" she said firmly, trying to mask the anger spewing out of her brain. The Lady peevishly grunted and opened her eyes.
"Merlin's beard, what are you doing up at this hour? I was just about to indulge in my beauty sleep - "
"I SAID 'SHRIVELFIG JUICE‘!" she exclaimed, her eyebrows knotted in a deep frown. The Fat Lady gasped and reluctantly opened the entrance, muttering complaints under her breath.
"The audacity! I thought you had manners, young lady!" she called after her, but Hessie couldn't hear any of it. The ringing in her ears got too loud when she entered the common room and slammed the door behind her. 
A handsome young man was sitting by the fireplace in one of the velvet armchairs, the flames illuminated his chiselled features. His grey eyes were scanning a Muggle motorcycle magazine but he immediately hopped up when he noticed her, greeting her with a signature wide grin as his dark locks nonchalantly cascaded around his face.
His joyful expression quickly fell when she charged at him and decked him in the face so hard he stumbled back down on his seat.
Her fist slowly filled up with white-hot pain when she heard a soft crack upon the impact. Her index finger was now bent at an unnatural angle. 
"What the -"
"You self-centred prick! What exactly did you think you were doing?!" she shrieked as she held her bleeding knuckles, the pain was like gasoline to her fury. He looked up at her, mouth full of blood. His nose was letting out a small drop as well, tickling the bow of his lips. He immediately knew what she was talking about.
"What's gotten into you? It was a joke, Mimi -"
"Don't Mimi me, you fucking idiot! He could have died!"
"Serves him right, didn't he call you a scar-faced cunt yesterday?"
"Serves him right?!" she screeched again, pacing in front of him like a hungry lioness in her cage. Her chest rapidly heaved. They were lucky the whole tower was gone for an overnight field trip to Hogsmeade.
"He's a sinister, greasy little cockroach. He had it coming. Someone ought to give him a little scare." he hissed and wiped the bloody nose with the sleeve of his yellow-red sweater. 
She scoffed.
"So you took it upon yourself, a hero of the people!"
He took a breath to say something but she harshly cut him off.
"You don't value human life? Fine. Suit yourself. But did your omnipotent brain even consider what would've happened to Moony if he had ripped that fuckface to shreds? How he would feel if he woke up in the hospital wing tomorrow and found out he'd torn someone's beating heart out? Did you worry about the consequences for your best fucking friend?!" she screamed in his face and he fell silent, putting together that this was the true core of her wrath. 
And he truly didn't realize any of it. She was right and he was arrogant and careless. He felt humiliated. She could see right through him at that moment, so she gave him a joyless grin. 
"Didn't think so. Let me enlighten you, then!" 
He immediately backed away when she walked towards him again, but this time she just braced herself against the armrests of his chair, ignoring the bloody marks she'd left behind. She bent down on his level and got as close as she could without their noses touching.
He could inhale the scent of her Moondew shampoo from this distance, but it felt dangerous, not familiar. Her furious stare made him feel like he was burning on a stake, so he decided to move his gaze to the carmine red carpet under his feet instead.
Her silent voice was even more menacing than her enraged shrieks.
"He would've been expelled and sent to rot in Azkaban for manslaughter. All because pretty boy wanted to boost his fragile ego by navigating a clueless person to a tunnel that leads straight into a werewolf's den."
The boy's grunt echoed through the common room walls when he jumped up from his armchair, took her by the collar of her fuzzy green sweater and backed her into a wall, deaf to the gasp she made when her shoulders hit the uneven stone.
"You know what?! If you care so much about your precious Snape's well-being, why don't you go join him and his Death Eater friends at the dining table for breakfast? You can talk about your mother's bakery over a cuppa and they'll welcome you with open arms!" he barked out, spitting blood and saliva all around him. 
She didn't have time to process his statement, because as soon as the words left his mouth, her injured hand instinctively sprung up and firmly slapped his cheek, leaving a mark of bloody fingers behind. His face whipped to the side and he took a moment to breathe out before meeting her devastated face, realizing the weight of his insult.
Strident pain pulsed through her broken finger, but it was nothing compared to the feeling that was eating through her heart when his venomous words sank in. He stared at her with wide eyes, knowing that there was nothing he could do to take back the taunt he just stabbed her with.
She scoffed, a sarcastic smirk curling up the corners of her quivering lips.
"You make me sick, Black," she whispered and wrenched out of his now-limp grip. She forcefully pushed him aside with her shoulder, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. As she stomped off, he heard a strained mumble.
He cringed at the poorly contained squeal she let out when her busted finger straightened itself back to its usual position with a nauseating crack.
”Mittens, I -“
He could do nothing but watch her body warp into a familiar ball of matted fur and disappear behind the bookshelf that hid one of the ways out of the castle.
She jerked at the loud swish that accompanied the sudden appearance of mountains of food.
Sweet and savoury, sour or bland, it was all there.
She fixed her dissociated stare at the broiled chicken drumsticks that were neatly arranged in a bowl of creamy corn and broccoli, dull pain pulsing in her stomach.
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Tag list: @wickedsingularity @messyr-moons
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