mariereau · 7 months
the record dialogue prompts from boygenius’s 2023 album.
give me everything you’ve got.
i’ll take what i can get.
i want to hear your story and be a part of it.
who would i be without you, without them?
talk to me.
i want you to hear my story and be a part of it.
i just want to know who broke your nose.
if it isn’t love, then what the fuck is it?
i don’t want to die.
wish i wasn’t so tired.
when you wake up, i’ll be gone again.
may i please have twenty dollars?
i can feel myself becoming someone only you could want.
i’m sorry, baby. you know how i get when i’m wrong.
i can feel myself becoming somebody i’m not.
i can’t hide from you like i hide from myself.
i remember who i am when i’m with you.
your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue.
who won the fight?
i came prepared for absolution if you’d only ask.
i take some offense when you say, “no regrets”.
i’m trying to forget about it.
now i have to act like i can’t read your mind.
i ask you how you’re doing and i let you lie.
we don’t have to talk about it.
i’ll pretend being with you doesn’t feel like drowning.
i don’t know why i am the way i am.
not strong enough to be your man.
i might like you less now that you know me so well.
i never thought you’d happen to me.
will you be a satanist with me?
will you be an anarchist with me?
will you be a nihilist with me?
you could absolutely break my heart.
put down the knife.
i feel crazy in ways i never say.
will you still love me if it turns out i’m insane?
it doesn’t have to be like that.
if you rewrite your life, may i still play a part?
in the next one, will you find me?
there is something about you that i will always recognize.
i think that you’re special.
you told me once that i’m selfish.
i love you. i don’t know why.
you’re not special, you’re evil.
you don’t get to tell me to calm down.
you make me feel like an equal.
i’m better than you and you should know that by now.
you don’t know me.
i wanna be happy.
i’m ready to walk into my room without looking for you.
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mariereau · 7 months
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THE 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 ARTIST¹ ⠀ a character that strives to perfect their chosen craft and better themselves at it by any means necessary, which can lead to their own 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 in their pursuit of perfection.
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mariereau · 7 months
Send a ❦ if you'd consider shipping our muses.
bonus if you add a type of ship you’d like them to be or a thread idea for our muses.
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mariereau · 7 months
thinking about marie feels like a fraud 95% of the time
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mariereau · 7 months
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#lttlecricket . independent and private emma meyer of amazon prime's the boys spinoff, gen v. eighteen plus, loved by kate. established november 2023 . ( links coming soon ).
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mariereau · 7 months
the sender and receiver have a brief moment alone together right before the sender is about to go on a particularly dangerous journey. send in " if i don't come back... " for the sender to attempt a discussion about the possibility of them never seeing one another again.
alternatively, send in " you're coming back. " for the receiver to be the one who's about to go on a particularly dangerous journey, and the sender to try and reassure them or avoid the conversation entirely.
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mariereau · 7 months
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as written by bambi . 21 . pst . + personal + info/rules/navi . due to the triggering nature of my blog , please do not interact if under 18 and enter with caution .
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mariereau · 7 months
The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss
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mariereau · 7 months
I am in shock and many thoughts but I can't put them into words
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mariereau · 7 months
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#CAMPUS TOUR : ⁽⁰¹⁾ GUIDE. ⁽⁰²⁾ INFO. ⁽⁰³⁾ INSP. ⁽⁰⁴⁾ PINS. ⁽⁰⁵⁾ VERSES.
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mariereau · 7 months
“say you won’t let go” - some touch starved scenarios
prompt list by @novelbear
heart pounding whenever the other does so much as to hold onto their wrist while guiding them through a crowd
one just casually sitting down on the other's lap and they start internally freaking the hell out
hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters
^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt
"wait, don't go, please.."
"is this okay?" "it's more than okay."
already barely holding it together as they're getting their hand held but then they feel that reassuring squeeze and they just can't
wearing the others' clothes so that it can at least feel like they're hugging them, even for just a moment
feeling so lonely that they have to call their lover/friend, just to get a sense and reminder that they're still there
^ trying and failing to hold back their tears as they do so
"can i have one more hug?" "aw, babe you don't have to ask, c'mere..."
when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine
breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much
their breath hitching whenever the other gets a little closer
^ feeling crushed when that action is taken as a sign of discomfort, and they watch them slowly back off
holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imagining that it's their lover in their embrace instead
one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder suddenly and they just freeze
"i wasn't sure how much longer i could have taken this..."
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mariereau · 7 months
in case you didn't know
for muses who need to share some intimate thoughts with one another. can be platonic, romantic, familial ... works with any kind of dynamic really. feel free to change pronouns, descriptor words, whatever you may need!
❝ you know i love and care about you, right? ❞ ❝ ... i guess i'm just scared of losing you. ❞ ❝ i don't like most people, but you're an exception. ❞ ❝ you're not alone. you'll never be alone. not as long as i'm here. ❞ ❝ by your side is where i'm meant to be. ❞ ❝ not one person is more important to me than you. ❞ ❝ i don't know what it is about you, but, you just ... you're the only one who can make me feel like this. ❞ ❝ you're amazing, you know that? ❞ ❝ who has the greatest (friend/brother/sister/sibling/parent/etc) in the world? me, that's who! ❞ ❝ i'm only managing to stand here on my two feet because of you. i made it because of you. ❞ ❝ i don't know how i'm ever going to be able to repay you. ❞ ❝ i know for a fact that you're special. i can feel it. ❞ ❝ you've actually made me feel like a person again, like i'm ... normal. ... thank you. ❞ ❝ i used to think that everyone else was just evil and cynical, guided by their own self-interest. that is, until i met you. ❞ ❝ you truly are too good for this world. ❞ ❝ i'm always blown away by just how talented you are. ❞ ❝ you deserve so much more than what you were given. ❞ ❝ nobody i've ever met has been more gifted than you. ❞ ❝ if you ever need a place to stay, let me know, okay? ❞ ❝ you always feel really comfortable and safe to be around. ❞ ❝ i think i have a new purpose in my life. to be with you. ❞ ❝ you have a kind heart. i know you don't believe me, and you try to hide it behind a facade, but i know for a fact that you do, deep down. ❞ ❝ i think you're probably the only one who understands me. ❞ ❝ you're safe here with me. nobody's going to harm you ever again. ❞ ❝ i don't deserve someone as amazing as you. ❞ ❝ i was kind to you because you looked like you needed a friend. ❞ ❝ i'm never leaving you. you're stuck with me. ❞
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mariereau · 7 months
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It's so rude for Pinterest to recommend this to me on Marie's board
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mariereau · 7 months
I'll be honest, that promo was created because I was embarrassed that I misspelled Marie's name on a one-panel promo and didn't feel like redoing it.
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mariereau · 7 months
Marie would dress up as Bloom from Winx for Halloween if you got her to go to a costume party
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mariereau · 7 months
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the 2022 Dreamworks Animation film, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. change & alter as needed.
"Welcome! Mi casa es su casa!"
"Hey! This is a party! Where is the music?!"
"Thanks for everything, you know, but I am feeling great."
"Do you know a good place to get some gazpacho?"
"How many times have you died already?"
"My prescription: No more adventures for you. You need to retire."
"[Name], is there any safe place you can go? Any special someone you can rely on in this moment of need?"
"Remember, [name], death comes for us all."
"You've really got to work on your bedside manner."
"Oh, I keep the heavy stuff in the back."
"Hey, I never do this, but can I get your autograph? I've been following you for a long time."
"Everyone thinks they'll be the one to defeat me. But no one's escaped me yet."
"You're not living up to the legend, [name]."
"I am no longer worthy. I'm sorry."
"You're not from the health department, are you?"
"We'd better get you inside because, baby, they are always watching."
"So this is where dignity goes to die."
"I'm no expert, but you don't look like a [name]."
"Despite all this best-friend bonding, you're still a mystery to me, [name]."
"You think this is the first time I've been stuffed in a piano?!"
"If this [name] is such a big deal... maybe we shouldn't be desecrating his grave?"
"My home is where my friends are."
"Oh, no! I misjudged the situation!"
"It's like a possum crawled on your face and died! Of shame!"
"You said you were going on some spiritual retreat!"
"Hey, [name], I found a sandwich in here. I think it's tuna fish."
"We are not a team!"
"Nice try! Classic con! But no one's that dumb. No one's that nice. I don't trust you."
"Don't rush through it. Take your time, and really appreciate what's right in front of you."
"Don't be near where I'm flame-throwing!"
"I am a solo act. I keep my secrets, and I play my cards close. That's how you get a winning hand."
"Take it from me: Never trust anyone."
"What? What's so funny? Nothing should be funny!"
"You're not gonna shoot a puppy, are you, [name]?!"
"What's going on with you, [name]?"
"Maybe you should tell that to [name]. It might make you feel better. It might make her feel better, too."
"What you seek may be right in front of you."
"Well, that's a load of rubbish! What's that supposed to mean?!"
"If you wanted to hold my hand, all you had to do is ask."
"I knew I could never compete with your one true love — yourself."
"You don't seem like that guy anymore."
"You know, I'm starting to think you don't appreciate the value of a life."
"There's good in all people."
"You know, [name], maybe we need to dig a little deeper. Tell me about your childhood."
"Well, you know what they say: Can't bake a pie without losing a dozen men."
"You're horrible! You're an irredeemable monster!"
"You're not chatty, are you?"
"I wish I had a family like this."
"Speaking from one orphan to another, [name], you won the orphan lottery."
"I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or in any other fancy way."
"I'm getting a family, that's what! A proper family! And then everything will be just right!"
"I was always afraid it was too good to last."
"I can't believe I fell for it again."
"You want to know what my wish was? Someone, anyone, that I could trust. In my whole life, I've never had that. But I thought I finally found that someone without a wish. I thought it was you."
"I've been called a lot of things, but never death."
"I've enjoyed the chase, [name], but I think we've reached the end now, you and I."
"You've really got to stop losing that."
"Live your life, [name]. Live it well."
"I thought you were just being melodramatic."
"You deserve someone you can trust."
"It's so cute how you think that would work on me. Don't you know I'm dead inside?"
"By the way, your nose is bleeding."
"I hate to say it, but... should we make a wish?"
"[Name], one life spent with you is all that I could wish for."
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mariereau · 7 months
Oh Jesus, I just almost took myself off the census with a chicken tender
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