#and like damn i knew it was wild but i still keep running into unexpected roadblocks while explaining things
italiantea · 1 year
this is by no means a groundbreaking revelation but i love how translation forces you to take a step back from autopilot mode and see the little intricacies of a language through the eyes of a non-speaker. and also reveals how something you thought was completely natural and intuitive is actually fucking absurd if you think about it
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delimeful · 3 years
mere monstrosity (1)
warnings: spiders, misunderstandings, captivity
Logan woke up to the familiar soft chime of his alarm, and rolled out of bed bleary-eyed but ready to get the day started. He kept quiet as he crept out of the room.
He didn’t bother grabbing his glasses, knowing that they’d only be of use after his shower. His feet knew the way from his bedroom to the bathroom by heart, and he preferred to shower in the dark to avoid the likelihood of getting one of his light-sensitivity migraines, so he didn’t reach for the lightswitch either.
Instead, he pushed quietly past the half-open door and fumbled for the shower knob, cranking it up to exactly the point before it turned scalding.
The water flickered on a moment later, and amidst the clamor of droplets against ceramic, he heard an indistinct, high-pitched noise, like a chirp or squeak.
“A mouse?” he muttered to himself, squinting at the dark, blurry interior of the shower.
He couldn’t hear anything else over the spray, so he quickly turned the shower off and stepped back to flick the lightswitch on, potential headaches be damned.
He pulled the shower curtain fully to the side, and blinked at the sight of a blurry black splotch in the corner of his bathtub. Leaning in a little further, he could briefly make out individual legs, long and numerous, before they were pulled closer and blended in with the rest of the shape.
“You are… a considerably large spider,” he informed it, grateful that it was him and not Patton who had found it. The resulting terrified shriek would have woken him and Janus, and probably most of the neighbors for that matter. “Are you a tarantula? Are tarantulas even native to this area?”
The spider, rather predictably, didn’t respond, and Logan recalled that he’d just doused the poor thing with jets of cold water. It was probably curling all its limbs in a mock death-curl, trying to process the unexpected threat to its breathing and body temperature.
He reached over to the counter and carefully removed the collection of multicolored toothbrushes from the plastic cup next to their sink, tapping it against the side of the counter to clear out any remaining dust.
“Try to stay still, alright?” he coaxed in a low voice, crouching and leaning over the tub to get a better angle. “I don’t want to catch any of your limbs, just keep them all tucked in close like that and I’ll get you out of there.”
To his surprise, the spider really didn’t make any sudden moves, remaining frozen as he settled the cup over it. The only reason he was sure it was still alive was the tiny motion of its front legs, two little investigative nudges against the edge of the cup.
“Excellent job,” he praised, his curiosity only growing. Most of the spiders he had cupped would immediately run at the glass with arms lifted in threat, or run in frantic circles along the edges seeking an escape. Of course, none of them had been this large. Most wild tarantulas were hunters, though, not spinners. Aggression would serve them well, so why was this one so docile? Was it an escaped pet? Had the cold water been that shocking?
He quickly retrieved a folder from the living room, returning to find that the plastic cup had shifted a couple of inches. It was large enough to push it, then.
“Just a little bit more,” he continued to soothe, carefully sliding the folder under the cup bit by bit, allowing the spider time to shift its legs onto the folder so the tips wouldn’t be pinched. He then carefully lifted the whole ensemble up, keeping a cautious hand on top of the cup. “There we go.”
The kitchen was dimly lit, the small light under the microwave still on so that anyone getting water in the middle of the night wouldn’t trip or run into anything in the dark. Logan glanced at the front door for a long moment, and then gave in to the urge to investigate his catch a bit closer. It would be irresponsible to just release a domesticated tarantula into the wild, after all.
He set the cup and folder down carefully on the counter, and then placed a heavy ceramic plate on top of the cup, reasoning that it was better to make sure the spider wouldn’t push the cup-- and itself-- right off the counter.
“One moment.” That done, he went into his room to retrieve his glasses, leaving the light off so as to not wake up Janus, who had only gotten in from his night shift a few hours ago. His roommate normally slept heavily once he managed to get to sleep, so Logan didn’t have to worry about waking him by climbing out of their shared bed, but better not to risk turning the lights on in the first place.
The world came into a much clearer focus once he’d pushed his glasses into their proper place atop his nose, and with his vision improved, he had no problems finding the hall closet and rummaging through it for one of Janus’s old terrariums.
He set the glass case down on the kitchen counter without any furnishings inside-- he was only planning to get a good look at the specimen, after all-- and flicked on the kitchen light before carefully moving the trapped spider into the terrarium and then lifting the cup away.
The spider frantically scuttled back, smacking thorax-first into the glass wall of the terrarium, and Logan frowned contemplatively at the sight of it.
It was certainly a tarantula, one that he’d probably be able to find online fairly easily with the distinctive white stripes along it’s eight fuzzy legs. Concerningly enough, there was an odd swelling protrusion on the anterior part of the body. It was a similar dark shade to the rest of the body, but almost larger than the thorax, and it blocked off any sight of the pedipalps, fangs, or eyes.
The texture didn’t seem to match the carapace… Perhaps it was a piece of garbage or organic waste that had gotten stuck on the creature? If it hindered movement, that could explain why it had been so still earlier.
It wasn’t still now, exhibiting an odd vibrating throughout its body that Logan had never witnessed from a spider before. He would certainly be doing some research into arthropods after this.
Well, at the very least, he could see if that protruding material would come loose.
Logan carefully pulled on one of Janus’s thick leather gloves, one of the more worn sets in case the spider had urticating hairs, and then reached down. The spider seemed to spot his shadow, going by the way it stiffened, and he reminded himself that though he didn’t know the species and many tarantulas were venomous, it was incredibly unlikely their venom would be able to do more than hurt him.
Confidence restored, he continued reaching down until his fingers met the odd lump, at which point a low, guttural hiss sounded, and the spider threw its front legs up and lunged, slapping its limbs down against the floor of the terrarium in threat.
Logan remained undeterred by the small tantrum, instead focusing on the fact that the obstruction was loose, almost like shed skin on a snake. Studying the spider carefully, he pinched it gently between two fingers, trying to discern what in the world it could possibly be.
The next three movements happened in rapid succession.
First, Logan tugged lightly at the material caught between his fingers. Second, the spider recoiled sharply, pulling away from his grip with surprising strength. And third, the covering came loose, the spider pulling free from it and leaving a limp swathe of fabric hanging from Logan’s fingers.
Below him, now uncovered, there was pale skin, a mop of bedraggled hair, and a tiny, terrified human face.
Logan froze, staring down at it-- them with wide eyes.
The being he’d mistaken for a spider was actually a drider, a creature of myth that was apparently all too real. Logan couldn’t help how stunned he felt. Even apart from the shock of the discovery, there was the shock of their size. Driders were said to have a human-sized spider half, not the other way around!
Below, the drider was still frozen in place, staring right back up at him. He could see the way their little chest was heaving with quick, panicked breaths, could feel the way the tiny makeshift poncho in his hand was sodden and cold, and he felt guilt strike him like a ruler across knuckles.
“I-- Hold on a moment, please,” he managed, his mind racing as he stepped back, turning and hurrying out of the room.
Once again, the hall closet held exactly what he needed, and he mentally rescinded all his past complaints about the amount of extra snake care items Janus had stashed away in their storage closet like a dragon’s hoard.
The heat lamp was compact enough to fit easily in the terrarium, where the spider-person had scuttled back to press themself into the furthest corner, limbs pulled in tightly in what had to be a fear response.
Logan set the lamp carefully inside and plugged it in, sighing in relief when the bulb lit up and began to glow orange. “This lamp is designed for reptiles, not arthropods, so it may be too hot for extended use. However, it will work temporarily as a heat source to get rid of excess moisture, so I encourage you to use it.”
The drider was glaring up at him with the tiniest scowl he’d ever seen, front legs still lifted up defensively, but didn’t say a word.
“Do you speak?” Logan asked, and received only silence in return. “I suppose I should have guessed as much, seeing as you haven’t responded to any of my previous statements. Do you understand me? Do we speak the same language?”
The drider glared harder.
“I find it hard to believe that you have animal-level intelligence,” Logan continued, now mostly to himself. He lifted a hand, displaying the poncho he still held. “Although some birds can ‘sew’, construction of clothing to cover one’s form is a complex and distinctly human sentiment.”
Still, nothing. Their gaze was caught by the poncho for a moment before they looked away entirely, looking for all the world to be sulking.
Logan sighed, and then slowly moved to place the poncho next to the heat lamp, laying it out flat for easier drying. “I’m going to attend to my morning routine. It should only take me a few moments, but please feel free to call or make noise if you need my attention between now and then.”
The drider’s expression had eased into confusion at the sight of their garment laid out before them, but their legs remained warily upright as Logan left the room.
As promised, he only made a brief stop to make sure both of his roommates were still soundly asleep before climbing into the shower and preparing himself for the day, roughly fifteen minutes behind schedule.
It wasn’t too disruptive-- it had eaten into the time he normally allotted for sitting at the table and eating breakfast, so that would have to be skipped today, but it wasn’t the end of the world.
Honestly, he’d likely spend the rest of the day thinking about the surprise addition to his morning. There were so many questions he’d love to ask, but seeing as the creature had attempted to hide their existence even at risk of being perceived as a normal spider (and therefore possibly squashed), he expected he wouldn’t be receiving any answers.
Talkative or not, the drider clearly had sapient levels of intelligence, and Logan was loath to start off humanity’s relationship with a vulnerable and secretive species by keeping them trapped in a snake terrarium against their will.
Even if he was willing to weigh scientific advancement over his morals, his roommates would never allow it. Patton would naturally be terrified and possibly sympathetic when witnessing their clear terror, and he’d had enough extensive debates on ethics with Janus to know that his opinion on keeping them captive would be much the same.
So, when he returned to the kitchen and saw them toppling over and scurrying back from the heat lamp that they’d clearly been attempting to use as a makeshift ladder to freedom, Logan didn’t bother commenting, simply moving forward and looking them over.
“You seem to have mostly dried,” he stated instead, able to appreciate the subtle design work of the poncho better now that it wasn’t being used as camouflage. The drider gripped it like they thought he might take it away.
They would react fairly badly to him reaching out with his hand, and reasonably so. Logan hadn’t exactly done much except douse, capture, and then gently interrogate them. Not exactly trustworthy behavior.
He studied the terrarium for a moment before grabbing a washcloth and draping it over the side, providing an easy textured surface for the spider to climb up. There. “You are free to go.”
The surprised expression that flashed across their face was almost comical.
“I’m not sure what your purpose in the bathroom was, but I’d ask you to be more careful in the future. One of my roommates…,” Logan sighed through his nose, exasperated even imagining it. “Well, suffice to say you should avoid him at all costs.”
The tiny drider continued to stare at him, gaze occasionally flickering over to the towel with clear suspicion. It was saddening to be so distrusted, but perhaps this show of goodwill would help prove that he didn’t intend any harm? He hoped he hadn’t frightened them from the residence entirely-- he shuddered at the many, many potential dangers the creature would find outside.
“My roommates will wake later in the day, so if you intend to avoid their notice, I’d suggest leaving the enclosure as soon as I have departed for work,” he gave a little farewell wave, not reacting to the slight flinch it elicited from the little guy. “It-- well, you probably don’t share the sentiment, but still-- it was nice to meet you. Goodbye.”
Forcing himself not to turn back and get one last look, Logan hurried out the door.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hello! ♥ Can I request headcanons or oneshot (whichever is easier) about how the twst boys react when they discover that MC is a girl, because they thought MC was a pretty boy, someone like Epel, when an unexpected rain happens during flying class and they can see the silhouette of the breasts or the vibrantly colored bra under the wet T-shirt 👀
At some point they all go : “My expectations for you were low , but holy f ”
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Riddle Rosehearts
Class 2 E had to take Riddle who crashed the ground from the 20 meter height to the nurse office afterwards
His pe grades were already horrifying and with those two tips of something he saw under your wet clothes , it isn't really strange to end up in bed
Thankfully he doesn't end up with a broken leg , but that seemed way better than having this broken sanity now : (y/n) is a girl...?
He gets red but not of any anger , instead embarrassment . He has been treating you too casually good lord , he is never the same with girls
Riddle doesn't talk to you for a few days because he now realizes how lame your relationship may seem ; many things he should have done , many things he shouldn't have done
Would things still be the same ? Well it has to be he , thought . After all you didn't ever hide anything or lie about your gender , it was his misunderstanding
Well now , maybe he wants to treat you a bit... softer ?
Trey Clover
He isn't terrified by the gender , he is terrified by the way he saw it : Wet clothes , squishy big things under your shirt with a visible color...
He sweats at even saying it by word he wasn't ; he wasn't expecting that at all
He tries to hide his blush but that doesn't really work ; everyone knows that Trey isn't one to blush easily
He decides that it's better to skip the class now ( His eyes need some fresh air) . Just a few hours away , and he seems to be already used to it
He has to admit that it's somehow creepy to see the guy who you always liked having around is actually a girl , but he decides to pretend that he already knew it
Male or female , you're the same to him . The lovely and adorable (y/n) you always were
But still , this got him thinking...does he need to treat you like a girl sometimes ? Stuff that just girls do , say or like ?
Cater Diamond
He... notices the big deal when he's taking a rainy day selfie with you . He is making sure that you both look good but suddenly his eyes lay at the sight of your chest through his phone...
His eyes grow wider and he doesn't notice when he presses the button : The sound of his phone's flash almost made him drop it
You ask if he's alright but Cater just gives you a nervous laugh and say that the phone just slipped for a second . He neither shows you the pic you just took nor agrees on taking a second one when you ask him to
He leaves in pretext of picking his umbrella up but instead , runs to a corner where you couldn't see him : He brings that selfie from his gallery and zooms on your chest . He wants to make sure of what he just saw
Which one's worse ? The neon pink bra under your T-shirt or the... clearly visible tip of your nipple under it ? Damn you are laying your breasts on his hand in the pic...
He quickly saves it though his private albums . On the second thought , he sends all pictures he had from you to that folder as well
Well , he'll get used to it right? Perhaps he can now flirt more comfortably with you knowing that you're actually a girl . The only important thing for him is too make sure that no one ever finds out about photos he has on that private folder ; the one he keeps specifically for you
Deuce Spade
"E-eh??" Remember what happened with Eliza ? This is the second version of it . Even during his rage days ( Wild yellow hair and random fights with others) he lacked the ability to even say hi to a girl . And here he is now spending all those days together without knowing that you were a girl !??
His whole personality almost cracks for a second . All those dirty stuff other first years had shared about girls flashes before his eyes . He wasn't damn prepared -
He couldn't be any more thankful that you couldn't see the horrifying scenes and sounds through his mind at the moment- He just leaves before you could even see him blush
Ace doesn't stop teasing him though , late at the night inside Heartslabyul's , Ace is walking on his nerves asking him to tell what's wrong . Ace isn't the only curious one ; soon all his classmates too keep asking Deuce to say what is bothering him
Deuce has decided to keep his mouth shut until he comes over this fact on his own , and he's strong on it . There's no way that he'd let anyone recognize his anxiety with women
He knows his friends better than this and doesn't want to be dared to steal your underwear or poke your breasts in another round of truth or dare
Let's just...hope that things will soon get better for him or , perhaps you can be his chance to overcome his lack of skills with women ?
Ace Trappola
"Holy sh-" He then gets fired from the pe class for his impolite usage of words- ( School rules , right ?) Not that he cares though
Comparing to Deuce , he's a lot better and more experienced especially because he has been in a relationship before... which is both good and bad
The last time he got this close to any girls before you was with his ex-girlfriend ; and to be honest even that relationship didn't brought them as close as you two are now . The thought of going through similar things with a new one even though he no longer thinks about his ex ... that kinda hurts
Maybe he would've died to tell Deuce what he found out if old memories didn't haunt him . He isn't an awkward realizing your gender like Deuce is , but he can tell that it's kinda hard for him to deal with it . Mostly because of how close and dear you are to him now...
He finally realizes that he doesn't deserve carrying the shame and anxiety on his own and tells Deuce ; well at least calming Deuce down will make him pay least attention to his own problems
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Leona Kingscholar
He almost chokes- He was standing in the corner without a single drop of water on his hair while you got too wet as if you took a shower with your clothes on
He is teasing you likr always again until he realizes a second color under your white clothes ... no . please don't be
He prefers to imagine that you're a guy having the kink of wearing feminine underwear . He isn't ready to accept that you're a girl and he still denies it after seeing the vibrantly visible bra with his own two eyes
God...he teased you , kicked you , laughted you off and literally stepped on you ; that's what he usually likes to treat others so..? But not a lady , never . He is raised better this to end up neglecting a lady's great level and worth
Now considering how he's been teasing you so far , what did you think of him..? Do you consider him an asshole who has no respect for women due to how he treated you ??
He is really stressed out and doesn't know what to do , he just takes off his own jacket and quickly comes to you , wrapping it around your wet body and hair and taking you to a warmer place . He keeps asking if you're alright ? Didn't you catch a cold ? Do you need a doctor ?
Leona doesn't know if your fascinated gaze means a yes or no , and it isn't going to help
He isn't going to explain himself right now , maybe give it some time ?
The only reason he treated you this casually was because he was comfortable with you and it was all...a way of showing admiration ?
Maybe it gets better when he explains himself
Ruggie Bucchi
His mouth drops open when he realizes the bra as you two were drying yourselves after the rain . (y/n) is a she...!?
He doubts , he would doubt it again if he even takes a closer look . Suddenly his body feels warmer and his cheeks get red . No way...
Ruggie barely talked to any girls other than his own family and even skipped conversations when girls were brought up , he isn't mentally prepared for it !
But now he is changing with you at the same room ?? Wait wait wait- He might act like a brat but he isn't a jerk
He leaves because he's sure that you need some privacy ; all though he still refuses to believe that you're a girl...
You never ever mentioned your gender in front of him and he never asked , but did anyone else know it except him ? He just wouldn't dare to ask
Well girl or not , he doesn't stop teasing you in general ; but also learns not to go too far since it's still hard for you to be wrapped in an all boy school...you need more support
Jack Howl
He doesn't mind going blind after seeing those nipples under your wet T-shirt . He first thought that they were a bit too big for a boy but...he soon realized that they weren't even for a boy-
He had to take a small look between your legs because he couldn't resist- he had to make sure . And NO ! He didn't see what he wished to see there
He still can't make sure ?? Those things usually proved someone being a girl but still , there is no way to make sure unless he asks you ; but how can he ? No way , he'll just melt down
He doesn't mention anything in front of you but tries indirectly bringing the issue of your gender up with Ace and Deuce : Didn't (y/n) tell you two about her schedule today?
" Her...?"
Well great , now Ace and Deuce have joined him on the ‘terrified of your gender’ army . The only way to make sure is either asking you or... stealing something that could prove it . Someone has to get inside your room but which one of them now...?
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Azul Ashengrotto
He is vibing with the pleasant rain as it made today's pe sessions a bit better for him . He asks you to join him
He just takes his glasses off for a second to dry them and- BANG
The color of your bra was too visible that he could even see it without his glasses on
He immediately puts them on and takes a better look , well great now he can clearly see your breasts closely . How bad he wished that he went blind for a second...
You don't get why Azul seems to be studying your chest so you ask if something's wrong?
Azul is pulled out of his thoughts and embarrassment takes him over because you realized what he was staring at : Pathetic
Azul excuses himself telling you that he has to take his pills before he returns to his Octopus form and disappears
How dumb he could be not to realize it till now... Beside that - Why the hell didn't those two tall sticks ( a.k.a Floyd and Jade) realize it either !?
God God God...he keeps swallowing his eyes at the thought...
How can he get over the fact that he was being with a girl all this time...?
Floyd Leech
Well of course he is shocked , Shrimpy was supposed to be a guy but he actually is a little girl ? Meh , what a disappointment
Well , body is body to him so he isn't really shocked or freaked out to see , well , those things under your shirt
He might not be that fascinated , but still has doubts . While you two are taking a walk back to Ramshackle dorm , he just doesn't stop staring at your chest and doesn't mind you noticing him either
To be honest , he now seems to be liking it . You were just a kiddo he always enjoyed teasing but now that you're a girl...? How different would things be ? And would the way he treated you make you possibly... have those girlish feelings for him ? Sounds fun
While saying goodbye at your door he stops for a second to say something . You don't quite get what he asked but he knows better himself : " Random question but- are those seriously soft to squeeze ?"
Jade Leech
Just as Floyd , he doesn't mind you being a girl . He actually appreciates you even more now. Night Raven College isn't a place for weak people and still , to think that a small human girl like you could last this long here... Farewell , human beings can be really interesting he can tell
He gently offers you his coat and escorts you to a warmer place , telling you to change into something dry before you catch a cold
Well the first day is nothing different or weird , but the upcoming days prove how creepy he can be...
He doesn't mind popping up out of nowhere to tell you to choose underwears with a less noticable color at school and it just makes you melt ; not just because it's embarrassing to be told so but also because it proved that Jade is watching you
He does do some research on surface females to get to know the differences between what he expected you to be and what you really are better ; not that he has a complaint though
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Jamil Viper
He exactly knows what he just saw there and - He can't help but to feel ashamed . For once he leaves without taking Kalim with him , he just forgot him a the moment
He now feels... angry . You never ever shared your gender but it's not like he ever expected you to be a girl . He feels lied to ; you didn't ever tell the truth but didn't lie either ; that bugs him even more because he doesn't know if he's mad at you or not
Well he now knows when someone you thought you know ends up being something totally different ; like the way Kalim saw who he really is...well that's really annoying to think of
Jamil ignores you for a few days until you come to ask why he's avoiding you . He insists that it's nothing all though it's obvious that it is-
Alright , a few days until he cools down . He wants to keep the distance till then
Knowing your gender often makes him feel ashamed of how casually he's been treating you . Well a lot of things are different when it's an all boy school , right ?
He doesn't know if he should act cooler with you from now or pretend that he never saw anything , he needs time to make up his mind
Kalim al Asim
He was giving you a towel to dry yourself when he recognized your clothes . He was actually thinking of bringing you some dry ones when he saw what he wished he didn't saw- Aaah why would you wear such a recognizable bra : " (y/n)..??"
He quickly pulls back and apologizes ; not that you know what he is apologizing for
He returns to Jamil and tells him to leave , he just can't face you right now
There at Scarabia , Kalim tells Jamil everything since he really needs to share some feelings . He asks Jamil if he knew about this and he certainly didn't
Kalim now keeps wondering... how hard might it be for you ? A girl sorrounded by all guys out there , do you feel safe ?
He now has decided to look after you more than he already did , he just doesn't want you feeling any sad or lonely because of your current situation
He always hated loneliness and that's why he needed Jamil around , now it's your turn to have Kalim around so you'll never be alone
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil is well familiar with all beauty materials - including feminine underwear - so he quickly realizes both the unusual size of your chest and the vibrantly colored bra under your clothes . He wishes he hadn't
Bearing the fact that he was having a girl beside him all this time is already hard enough , but what makes it worse is what a terrible female he thinks you are now
You seriously do need a start over ! You are no girl if you're this ignorant toward your appearance even as it makes you look like a guy
He spends all night thinking of what he now should do with you . He does know how to manage guys but girls ? That won't be called something he had much experience on
He isn't feeling as comfortable as before with you yet , he decides to give you some lessons to at least pull you out of your non feminine self
He doesn't mind telling you that you have to do a lot more for yourself as you are a girl ; and he says it as if he knew it all this time
He isn't going to turn you into a princess , it's safer for you to remain something between male and female as you are stuck between all these untrustworthy guys , but it doesn't hold him back from giving you some chance to see your female self. He brings you wigs and puts on your makeup , telling you that you sometimes need to show up like this
He still needs some time to feel as comfortable as he used to with you , but spending time with you trying to have a start over is actually helping him to like you even more than he used to
Rook Hunt
Well congrats , for so long no one had ever succeeded to shock Rook like you did ! That's an improvement . He always makes sure not miss a single detail about those he has his eyes on ; yet he failed to even recognize your gender correctly until now
A bit of fascination won't hurt , right ? After all having a boy like Epel beside him makes it really confusing to specify male and female sometimes
To be honest , he now finds you pretty fragile and helpless : Bunny between the beasts
If a hunter like him didn't know it so far , then probably no one else knew it either . So that's his little secret now
This place's a considerably dangerous zone for a lady to step on , and Rook isn't planning on exposing you like this . He isn't a monster after all...
But having Rook of all people knowing your secret is already enough of torture , isn't it ?
Epel Felmier
I-I thought we were the same...???
This can't be true , this shouldn't be ! Please don't be , please , please , please
Epel looked up to you bot only as a reliable and strong friend but also as someone who goes through similar appearance problems as Epel himself did
You made him feel better that he wasn't the only one having problems with looking too similar to girls ; seems like he was wrong
Epel wasn't ever comfortable with getting close to girls , along becoming a friend of them . He even kept you closer than his other friends since the too of you could relate a lot he thought ; now what should he do ?
He is too embarrassed to even look into your eyes now , he even skips classes you two share and in summary , does anything to avoid you for a while
That is said that girls and boys can never be just friends and... that's frustrating
Now , could the two of you ever be as close as you used to be again?
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Idia Shroud
Which is worse , realizing that he's been spending all his time with a girl over the past few months or seeing her wet breasts during the class ?Man , that looked just like those anime hentais one would find online...
Beside that , having your gender exposed makes him feel a bit unsafe about his relationship with you ; if even a simple thing such as gender could be different from what he was expecting you , then what greater differences would your reality have from the (y/n) you were into his eyes ?
Idia hardly ever gets to fully trust anyone and now he isn't sure if he could trust you anymore . Well yes gender might be no big deal compared to the fearful thoughts he is having at mind ; but it's enough to send him into his safe zone and stay away from you
His face turns red and hot whenever he thinks of that scene even when he's all alone in his bedroom , God he wasn't prepared-
Ortho finally forces him to tell what's bothering him and when he confesses , Ortho gets really excited . He keeps telling Idia that as a friend , he has to stay by your side specially because you may feel lonely being a girl all on your own . He reminds Idia of the fact that this is what friends do
He now feels sorry for abandoning you like a coward , but he has to admit that it's a bit hard for him to return the old friendship you two had . Well maybe just texting you instead of face to face interaction would be better ?
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Malleus Draconia
uh..? A girl...? Child of man caught in an unknown world and... That's a female . You keep fascinating him over and over ever since he met you , it's just another surprise he can tell
He kinda loses all his focus during the pe class after he accidentally notices the unusual knobs popping under your T-shirt ; are you wearing something wrapped around your...chest ?
He first thinks that it may just be somewhat of a brand new clothing trend to wear feminine-like stuff ; but remembering how you never clearly stated your gender , he now understands how wrong he was
He thought that he had you under his watch pretty well , but he even failed to realize your gender correctly ; perhaps he should learn to do it better
Malleus isn't about to treat you any differently just because you ended up being a girl , all though he has to agree that it was a bit shocking . But in general , nothing about your relationship really seems to be gender related
You don't know his name and he didn't know your gender until now ; is this how karma works ? Well that'd be a bit unfair , gender was rather worthless compared to the fear his real identity might bring you
The only thing that may change now is him being more protective over you ; not that he underestimates you but rather because there's no way for you to be totally comfortable in a school filled with rebellious guys . He wants to make sure that his currently favorite human being won't get in much trouble because of that...
Lilia Vanrouge
Eh ? Through out his hundred-year life this would be the most shameful thing he got to face . You might think that he found it to be a disgrace to his long lasting life which is filled with honor and pride ; but in that case you may like to get to know the old man better
He doesn't like being thought of as a pervert ; but it doesn't mean that he didn't enjoy himself either. Naked figures or seductive girls aren't something he gets overly excited about , same goes for you . Well accidents like this can happen everyday , right ? But this one had something rather fun along with it :
From the direct yet neutral gaze he gave your chest , you immediately realized what he was looking at and you pulled back . Lilia didn't expect you to notice it so quickly , but the embarrassed face you gave him afterwards , that was priceless
He giggles softly at the thought , a shy and cute little girl . He isn't really a fan of boys that are overly cute or childish , but when it comes to little girls , that's another story
You had already caught his eyes by being the only human being caught in this school on your own . Well , to see how feeble and shy you sometimes could be , that reminded him of Silver
Now now , what should he do ? Playing the role of a small girl's parents or something ? Doesn't sound that bad
Sebek Zigvolt
He's about to lose his mind - he feels like he has saw you totally naked or lurked into your privacy , he feels awful
He runs to another corner to cool down from what he saw - Damn- That scene doesn't get away from his eyes for a second
Well then , take deep breathes , it's cool , it's fine - it's gonna be fine
Sebek wouldn't dare talking to you for sometime after that . His cheeks get warmer whenever he sees you around , making him change his direction to avoid you
When you finally get him to talk to you , he breaks off- He starts apologizing . He swears not to ever peek on your body again and that he won't say a word from what he saw
You probably don't know what he is talking about , but you say okay to calm him down
Sebek isn't used to having girls around but now that he does , he should be really careful . He doesn't want you to think of him as a antisocial chick when it comes to women and he tries his best to be a gentleman in front of you . Man...he really does take it seriously
A... girl?... Silver's first reaction would be nothing different from blushing and turning back ; what else would you expect him to do ?
He's a simple guy , he doesn't overreact but doesn't feel totally comfortable either
He didn't ever even think of the possibility of you being a girl , he just isn't used to having anyone else than boys in NRC around . You did always look too cute for a guy but still , he didn't see this coming...
(y/n) is a girl...A girl , this thought gets looped inside his brain . He can't stop freaking out over it . It feels like he's been building a sand castle on water all this time and now he's watching it sink . His whole expectations of you seems to be ruined
It gets even worse when the figure of you dressed in a long beautiful dress , holding a brilliant crown of your flowers on your long silky hair haunts him on his dreams - Why on earth do you have to be so beautiful (y/n)..!?
Silver refuses to accept , but he's pretty soft when it comes to girls . He's pretty shy but to have a girl he has been liking for sometime close...his inner self is getting teased - in a pleasant way
He doesn't show up in front of you for a while , but he just can't get the thought of you out of his mind . From reality to dreams , seems like you're always in front of him . As if you really walked with him once upon a dream
4K notes · View notes
On Fire from Within
Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 3.8k
Tags: Self-Indulgent, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, the helmet comes off, Blindfolds, Sex Pollen, Dirty talk, Mostly in Mando’a, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, PiV Sex, Din is soft and a mess, and so am I, so much Mando'a because I cannot be stopped, Please let me know if I missed anything
Summary: Reader is a newish crew member on the Razor Crest. She was helping out on a bounty hunting mission when she got hit with a laced dart at a shady brothel. It's a sex pollen fic lads, you know how this goes!
Read on Ao3
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“Fuck,” you swore softly, pulling a small barb from the back of your neck. It’s only a little thing, a geometric pattern of angles and sharp points. Odd for a piece of shrapnel, but surely nothing to worry about. The small wound wouldn’t be worth the Bacta gel. You tossed it away before walking up the ramp into the Crest.
“Everything ok?” Mando stepped away from the controls of the carbonite chamber. You hadn’t realized he was so close, and startled when you heard the question crackling through his modulator.
“Yeah, it’s nothing. That bastard frozen yet?”
“Just about.”
“Good. That place made me want to scrub the inside of my skin.” You’d just finished helping Mando drag a bounty out of a local bar running an illegal “pleasure house.” It certainly hadn’t deserved the name, and you were more than happy to provide an initial distraction so Mando could come in for the kill. (The metaphorical kill, sadly. You would have been happy to leave the owner of that awful establishment a smoking crater on the floor of his bar, but apparently that was “not following the brief” and “wouldn’t bring in as much money for fuel.” Pfft). There had been a little static on the way out, and you assume that’s when you’d picked up that bit of metal. “I’m going to hit the refresher, unless you need it first?”
The bounty hunter shook his head and moved towards the ramp. “No. I’m going to trade in the puck and get us out off this rock. You go ahead.”
You checked the controls of the shower. Again. You’re sweating, and as much as you try, you can’t get the water cold enough to soothe your burning skin. You arch your back, moaning when the stretching movement sends a dart of pleasure straight to your aching cunt. Fuck, why are you such a mess all of a sudden? You slip a hand between your legs and are shocked to discover that you are already dripping wet. You rub the back of your neck and it hits you- that wasn’t shrapnel. It must have been a dart laced with something, and knowing the type of place you were in, you’d bet any amount of credits it was a nasty aphrodisiac. “Those bastards…”
You drag your hands through your hair and take a steadying breath. Ok, you can handle this, pull yourself together… Nice empty ship and a hot shower. Nothing you haven’t done before. You let your hands drift lower, massaging your breast and tweaking an already pert nipple. You’re already so close…
An hour later and you’re sobbing from want. Why can’t you just. Fucking. Come already? You’ve tried everything, every fantasy, every technique or touch, and nothing. You try again, stroking your clit and spiraling towards release before it slips away again, a jolt of pain rebounding through you. “Damn it!”
“Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You freeze. You hadn’t realized how much time had passed, of course Mando is back. What had he heard? “Um, nothing, it’s fine!” You wince at how falsely this rings, even to you.
There’s a pause. “Open the door.”
“… no? I’m not-“
“Open the door. Or I will break it down.”
Shit. You have a second to grab a towel before the door clangs open. Mando is through the door and into the tiny room in an instant, hand on his blaster. He checks all the corners which, takes about 2 seconds, before turning that implacable, visored gaze on you. “What’s going on with you?”
“Jeez, Mando, I-“ you try to bluff your way out of it for a moment before giving it up for lost. Even if you could explain away everything else, you know your flushed cheeks and glassy eyes will give you away. “Fine, just, promise you won’t laugh?”
“Is something funny?”
“No, it really isn’t.” You sigh. “So, I didn’t realize until we got back to the ship, but someone back at that hole in the wall hit me with some kind of dart. I think it was drugged.”
“Show me.”
“I chucked it just before I got on board, but this is where it hit.” You pull your wet hair back to show him the mark on your neck. Mando crosses the floor in one step, and you feel one of his gloved hands steady your shoulder as he takes a closer look. That small touch is enough to drive you wild, and you bite back a groan, leaning into his touch.
“Dank ferrik.” Mando pulls his hands away like he’s been burned, and your cheeks flame again, this time in embarrassment. “There are red marks at the injection site. I’ve, uh.. I’ve seen this before.”
You grit your teeth, finding it easier to talk about when you’re not looking at him. “It hurts, Mando and I can’t make it stop. How long am I going to feel like this?”
“Until it runs its course. Usually, a few hours. And it will get worse.”
You swear again, tears of frustration slipping down your cheeks. Mando stands there for a moment, flexing his hands and looking unsure of what to say. Finally, you hear a deep breath and, “let me help you.”
You startle, sure you’ve heard him wrong. It’s only been a few months since you signed on as his only crew member, a live-in mechanic and occasional extra pair of hands for certain bounties. You’d thought about it, of course. At first you’d seen this as just another short term gig. Some light repair work, the odd stint of standing lookout or patching up his wounds or acting as a distraction for a tricky bounty. The longer you spent with him though, the longer you started to see the man beneath the armor, his dark humor, his unexpected kindness, his tendency to throw himself into harm’s way for the sake of a code you can’t begin to understand. Stars, and that voice… but you knew he would never return those feelings. The idea of him offering himself to you now, out of pity or worse, obligation…
“No.” You move to shoulder past him.
He grabs your wrist. “Look, Y/N, I know I may not be your first choice but-“
You whirl around to glare at him. “Not my- damn it, Mando!” You kick the waste bin in sheer frustration. “I’ve wanted you for weeks and just because I don’t want you to feel cornered into sleeping with me you have the fucking gall-“
“Close your eyes.”
You blink in confusion. “Wait, what?”
“Do it. Now.” You shiver at the steel in his voice and comply without another thought.
There’s a soft hiss, and the clang of metal set down on metal. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t… You start in surprise, feeling his leather-clad fingers cup your face and tip your chin up. “Are you sure you want this?”
You laugh, a little shakily, amazed to hear how deep and rough his unmodulated voice still is. “Are you?”
The next thing you know, he’s got you backed up against that wall. You gasp, reaching to pull him closer. His mouth slides over yours, lips warm and surprisingly plush. You deepen the kiss and moan, needing so much more. He responds by reaching down, pulling you up to straddle his waist. Trapped between the wall and a cage of Beskar, you’ve never felt freer. You card your fingers through his hair, marveling at the curls under your hands. Mando gasps, already sounding ragged. “How do you want me?”
You drag your nails down his scalp and lick your way up the column of his throat. You taste salt and pant into his ear, “in the cockpit chair.”
Mando groans. “You have been thinking about this, haven’t you, sweet girl?”
“Less talk. More chair sex.”
He huffs a laugh against your neck and pulls you from the wall, carrying you through the ship like you don’t weigh a thing. You make it through the corridor, with only a few brief stops against walls and doorways. Mando sets you down once you reach the cockpit and you whine at the lack of his touch, but still keep your eyes closed. He kisses your forehead. “Patience, sweet girl.” You give up the last shreds of your dignity and moan, rubbing your thighs together. “Can’t, I need you to touch me now.” You hear a few soft clinks, and realize Mando is removing his armor, piece by piece. Not wanting to be outdone, you toss your towel aside. Your eyes are still shut tight, but you add a hand to cover them, afraid you’ll forget yourself. You may not understand his beliefs, but you are damn sure going to respect them, even now.
There’s startle at a ripping sound, and Mando asking “Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” you breathe.
“Good. Keep your eyes closed.” Mando pulls your hand away, pressing a kiss to your palm before knotting a blindfold around your eyes. You feel yourself pulled down to his lap. You twine your arms around his neck and lower yourself until you’re straddling his hips, grinding as close to him as you can.
“Tell me what you need.”
“Touch me.”
He’s eager to comply, and you shiver as you feel his hands (his hands, not the gloves, stars) skim up your sides. Mando cups the back of your head, drawing you closer as he kisses and licks his way into your mouth. You immediately open your lips to his, stroking his tongue with your own, teasing the roof of his mouth to egg him on. You’re rewarded with a small groan, and Mando palming your left breast. He strokes your nipple with his thumb, rolling and pinching it to make you arch your back. “What else?”
“Maker, that’s so good… talk to me, Mando, don’t stop touching me.”
“Never, mesh’la.” Mando rolls his hips and makes you squirm against him. You can feel his arousal, pressed so close to your own, separated only by the canvas of his trousers. You mewl and buck your hips against him.
“Oh gods, yes…”
Mando chuckles as your breath speeds up. “You’re so gorgeous, Y/N, going to take such good care of you. Going to make this so good for you.”
He bends his head and sucks one of your nipples into his warm mouth, and you nearly black out. The sheer relief of such a touch when you need it so badly nearly undoes you completely. “Mando…”
“Din.” The word is muffled against your chest, and you have to ask “what?”
He rests his forehead against shoulder. “My name, Din Djarin.”
“Din,” you taste the short name, adding it to what you’ve learned about this man. This capable, dangerous, surprisingly gentle Mandalorian. How can such a hard man be so… This train of thought is interrupted as another wave of desire bowls you over, making you shudder with need and pain. “I need more, Din, please…”
You don’t even need to finish that thought before you feel his rough, calloused fingers drifting down your belly and lower, lower… You lean back to give him easier access, his other arm coming to rest around your waist, holding you up. You gasp when he strokes your folds. “Me’bana? You’re so wet, mesh’la. Is this all for me?” He doesn’t wait for a response before slowly fucking two of his fingers deep inside you, dragging the pads over your G-spot over and over. He’s a quick learner, adapting to touch you harder or softer, quicker or slower, as you gasp and buck your hips. “So good for me, so wet and ready. Do you want me to make you come?”
“Yes, yes, please Din, I’m so close…” you whine.
Din rubs your clit while fucking his fingers into you. He bites down on your earlobe, whispering, “Then come for me, cyare.”
You do. You cry out as you feel yourself coming apart under his hands, your hips thrashing despite you as you moan and call out his name. When you drift back to yourself, you’re grateful for his supporting hold as waves of pleasure continue to roll through you. Din strokes you through all of it, only backing off when your breathing slows and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You exhale slowly, taking stock after that release. “That was… whew…” Now that you have a moment to think clearly again, you can feel your mind spinning up to overthink this. Will you ever be able to look at your employer (partner? friend?) again? Not that you can ever look him in the eye anyway, but what if he’s completely disgusted with you after this? Your racing thoughts pause when you hear what can only be Din sucking your slick from his fingers.
“Maker, you taste as good as I hoped you would.” Thoughts: gone. Brain: empty. There can’t be any room for overthinking when your head is suddenly full of HE THOUGHT ABOUT TASTING ME?! “How do you feel?”
You force yourself to consider this. You can already feel the fire in your core roaring back to life. “Good, but, I can already feel it ramping back up.” You blush. “Not that I didn’t… I totally did, but.. sorry…”
“Shh, k’uur. I get it. Just relax and let me take care of you.” He stands up, depositing you gently in his seat. You only have a moment to wonder at this sudden shift before feeling him kneel down in front of you. Without even thinking about it, you let your legs fall open to him. “That’s it, sweet girl, let me see that pretty pussy.”
If you weren’t already positive you were running a fever, that would have tipped you over the edge. Din runs his hands up your thighs, his breath ghosting over your throbbing core. “Ibac’ner. Ni copaanir dinuir gar ner lalat akay gar jair.” Is he… praying? You’re past the point of caring, all you want is for him to stop sucking marks into your inner thigh and finally move to where you need him most. You nearly scream when he drags his tongue up your slit. He flattens his tongue against you, humming appreciatively as your roll your hips. He wraps his arms around your thighs suddenly, jerking you closer towards him. “Jatisyc, ni larayc teh gar.”
You are glad of the blindfold because you are so far beyond controlling your face. Din’s tongue feels like it is everywhere at once, tonguing your cunt like it was your mouth one second, then laving your clit the next. You curl your toes and howl when he sucks your clit into his mouth and you feel the barest hint of teeth around you. “So close, so close” you chant, reaching down to hold his head right where you need it.
Din releases your clit, licking circles around it instead. “You liked that, didn’t you cyare? Do you like it a little rough?”
You shudder, thrilled to have been caught out so soon. “Gods, yes.”
Din chuckles and you hope you haven’t slipped up by confessing quite so enthusiastically. “Oh this is going to be fun. I am going to ruin you, mesh’la.” He dives back into your pussy, licking and sucking and nipping at your thighs like a wild thing. You whine and arch your back.
“Hold. Still.” Din’s arm clamps over your waist like an iron bar. “How am I supposed to finish you off, if you won’t stop writhing around, you etyc dala?” When you push your luck, trying to squirm free, you feel a sharp slap to your thigh. “Are you going to be a good girl and let me make you come? Or should I leave you here by yourself?”
“No, please, I’ll be good for you I promise!”
“Damn right you will,” he snarls. Without warning, Din shoves two fingers into your cunt and wraps his lips around your clit, sucking hard. You come in a rush, screaming his name.
You’ve barely come down from that high before chasing your next. While your first orgasm left you with some temporary relief, this one only stokes the fire even higher. You seize Din’s face from where he was resting his cheek against your thigh and pull him to your mouth. Reticence is a distant memory and you devour the taste of yourself from his mouth. When Din leans back and groans from this spectacle, you palm his length, spear-straight and hard as Beskar under your hand.  Din shudders underneath you, and you can almost see the effort of restraining himself.  You trace the shell of his ear and murmur “Why are you still wearing pants?”
Din rushes to his feet, pulling you from the chair and pushing you up against the nearest wall in one smooth motion. He holds you in place with one arm across your breastbone, panting with effort. “Hang on, I don’t want to rush you.“
You wish you could look at him, to show you the burning desire in your eyes, how much you truly want this. Alas. You settle for dropping to your knees and fumbling blindly with the fastenings of his trousers.
“Dank ferrik…” a muttered oath somewhere above your head. Din reaches down to help you, drawing his cock out. Once again, you wish the blindfold wasn’t necessary. You can feel the velvet-soft skin of him, trace the head of his cock and stroke up and down the length of him, but you wish you could see him. You breathe over him and, holding his shaft to help guide you (and madden him), lick just under the tip of his cock. You run your tongue around the ridge and lick your lips before taking him as far down your throat as you can. Din hisses and unleashes a stream of Basic and that same tongue he’d been speaking earlier. “Fuck… ori jate, ori jate, yes, Y/N. Parer, ke’pare, ah!”
You hum around him, loving the sound of him absolutely losing it. “Too much?” you ask, all innocence.
Din actually growls. “Yes. Don’t stop, please.”
You smile, hoping he can see you amidst his unraveling. You bob your lips over the head of his cock, once, twice, before sliding down the length of him as far as you can take. Din’s fingers tangle in your hair and you can feel him jerking his hips, holding back from fucking your face like he clearly wants to. You pull back again, letting go  of his cock with a wet pop. “Don’t hold back, baby, I want all of you.”
This is more than Din can stand. He hauls you roughly to your feet, kissing you with abandon. “Say that again?”
“I want you Din, please. I fucking need you.”
Din grabs one of your legs and holds it over his hip. He teases your entrance while you beg him, rubbing against your folds. You moan in relief when he finally thrusts home, stretching you and dragging against your walls. You rake your nails down his back, biting at his shoulder. “Gods, yes, that’s so fucking good. Don’t hold back. Unh, yes, yes, yes…” He is pounding into you now, setting a brutally quick pace- just like you need. You try to kiss him but you’re getting sloppy and your kiss is more just dragging your open mouth along his jaw, panting as he fucks you. “Din, I’m so close…”
“That’s good, you’re so good at taking this cock aren’t you, mesh’la? Me'copaani? Do you want me to tell you how I’ve fantasized about fucking you over the console almost since you came on board? Do you want to hear how good it feels to be buried in your cunt, with your tight pussy around me? Because it is good, Y/N, and I am going to fucking destroy you.”
You scream his name. “Gods, Din, I’m gonna come!”
He seizes you by the throat, not hard enough to cut off your air but more than enough to let you know who is in charge now. “I want to feel you come on my cock. Come on, cyare, give it to me. Come. Now.”
It’s the full on bounty hunter voice command that slams you over the edge. You come hard, shaking in Din’s arms and soaking his cock. You absolutely would have fallen without him holding you up. He fucks you through it all, and as the aftershocks roll through you, you realize the screaming urgency has finally quieted. You can just about remember talking him through his own release before slipping below the cool depths of unconsciousness.
“Y/N? Here, drink this.”
You blink awake and feel a cold glass pressed into your hand. You take a sip. The icy water grounds you, and you take stock of your surroundings. You’re curled up in the captain’s seat, warm under a slightly tattered woolen blanket, or maybe a cloak? It takes you a moment before you realize what else is different. You can see again. “Din?”
“I’m here.” His voice is distant, slightly fuzzed. You look around, seeing him once again hidden beneath the helmet. “How do you feel?”
You’re still restless, like some distant part of you needs to get up and run or fight or fuck, but your limbs are feeling a bit heavier now and it’s easier to breathe. “Better.” You lift the glass again, drinking the rest of the water like you’ve never tasted anything so sweet.
Din lays his hand on your cheek, and you’re relieved to find that at least this bit of him has not been covered up again. “You’re still running a temperature but it feels like it’s easing up.” He takes the empty glass from you, setting it aside before taking your hand and drawing you up. “Come on, let’s get you to your bunk.”
You rise, unsteady on your legs after several rounds of fairly vigorous sex. Din steadies your elbow, guiding you out of the cockpit. “Sick of me already?” You’re aiming for a light tone but you know you missed the mark.
Din turns you to face him and studies you for a moment. “Yeah. Probably going to drop you off on the next planet we hit.”
You narrow your eyes at him, looking at your own skeptical face in the reflection of his visor. “Oh yeah?”
He presses his forehead to yours, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “No, ner kar’ta.” You couldn’t tell before, but now you’re almost sure he’s smiling. “I think you’re stuck with me for awhile.”
Mando'a Translations mesh'la beautiful
Ibac’ner. Ni copaanir dinuir gar ner lalat akay gar jair. This is mine. Going to give you my tongue until you scream.
Jatisyc, ni larayc teh gar. Delicious, I (am) drunk from you.
Etyc dala dirty girl
Ori jate so good
Parer wait
Ke'pare wait (emphatic)
Me'copaani? What's this?
Ner kar’ta My heart
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Jax Teller: Fuck You Better
A/N: Hello loves!! I’m SO OBSESSED with the below request 😍 In which you tell your BFF Jax Teller that your vanilla sex life with your current fuckbuddy just isn’t fulfilling your needs any longer... and Jax offers to satisfy your hungers. Fuck you rougher—harder, better, faster, stronger 😏🔥
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, rough sex Request: This AMAZING anon request
Word Count: ~2.1k
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“Jax... you really didn’t have to do that.”
“What? Kick your fuckbuddy’s butt?” your best friend ever, badass motherfucker Jax Teller, approaches you now with his signature smirk and his swaggering strut. Glances back over his shoulder at the loser you’re ashamed to call your lover. The poor guy is in pieces. It was supposed to be a pointless little brawl, here in the middle of a random SAMCRO shindig, but Jackie Boy is standing proud and tall, as if he just won the Olympics. Everyone’s cheering for the golden champion with his stupidly sexy blonde man bun.
Jax snickers back again at the opponent he just effortlessly vanquished. “He fights like a pussy ass bitch, to be honest. For your sake I really hope his dick hits better than his fists.”
“His dick is none of your business. And I won’t be getting any for a while now you’ve fucked him up like this,” you hiss, licking your lips, trying hard not to stare at the sweat on your BFF’s bare sculpted chest as it glistens and drips. Jax has just walked off from the scuffle without so much as a scratch; meanwhile your fuckboy was just owned out of his wits, clearly outmatched.
Jax brushes it off with a laugh, playfully slapping you on the back. “Look, he started the fight. Said I’d been checking you out all night.”
Yeah fucking right. You heave a sigh. “Why didn’t you just tell him he was wrong, then?”
“I’m a lot of things, Y/N. Liar ain’t one of ‘em,” he replies, leaning in toward you with a twisted little twinkle in his eyes.
He’s always been a shameless flirt—even with you, the girl he’s friend-zoned for forever. Though you know that he means nothing by the words, that doesn’t stop the wet hot fire he ignites between your thighs.
“That dress is way too short,” he mutters, as the fire in your cunt burns even hotter. “And way too tight. The whole damn world can see that pretty little ass of yours. But you already knew that, right? Like knowing every man here wants a piece of you tonight?”
Not every man, you wish you could snap back at Jax. Not the one I want. Before you can, some random slut comes up behind him and attacks, clingy hands clawing at his bulging biceps. “Hey there, champ. Can I get you cleaned up?”
“Sounds good, darlin’...” Jax readily accepts, turning toward you then. “Oh, one more thing—he said I could smack his girl’s ass if I win.”
“No he fucking didn’t...!” you attempt to protest, but then Jax slaps you through your dress and you let out a goddamn yelp. The slut inside you can’t be helped.
He grins back at you as he struts off with the skank that he’s going to fuck, clearly pleased with himself. And it feels like you’ve been run over by a truck. Being in love with your BFF Jax Fucking Teller is literal hell.
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“Hey, can we talk?”
You have no clue what just possessed you to come up to Jax’s dorm room uninvited. But whatever just compelled you to burst through the door—conveniently unlocked—you couldn’t fight it. It was probably the thought of yet another undeserving whore devouring his gorgeous cock. You’ve never seen it, but it’s not as if you have to see, to know Jax has the world’s most perfect penis. With a face, a body like his? Honestly. There’s no denying this. It’s straight up fucking science.
Thankfully, you came up fast enough that Jax and his bitch haven’t yet taken their clothes off. The bitch blinks up at you, agape—appalled—like you just barged in on their wedding day. You just glare daggers back at her from where you’re standing in the doorway. Sure, it’s immature; you really have no beef with her, and this is not her fault. Of course she takes your unexpected presence as an insult. But you can’t be brought to care right now. You need to be alone with Jax, and if that requires cock-blocking her ass, then that’s how.
He meets your gaze, those baby blues fucking you up in countless ways, and you might cum just from the eye contact. You are a desperate whore for Jax and that’s a fact.
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“You should probably get out,” he tells the slut who’s straddling him in the bed. The poor girl can’t believe the words out of his mouth, but Jax said what he said. 
If there’s one good thing that comes of being his best friend, it’s that he treats you with a shitload of respect. Crow eaters mean nothing to him when you’re in the room. Then again, who the hell needs respect when you’d give it all up to become a dumpster for Jax Teller’s cum...?
With an indignant huff, the other woman grabs her stuff and storms out of his dorm, making sure to bump forcefully into your shoulder as she passes through the door. You really harbor no hard feelings for the poor unfortunate whore. Pity, for sure—must fucking suck to be her, being so suddenly deprived of a shot with Jax Teller. No doubt it would’ve been the best sex of her life, ever.
In any event, now that she’s left, you and your BFF are alone together.
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Jax gets up from the bed, lazily raking a hand through the lustrous blonde hair on his head. Well aware that he’s covered in sweat. “I should, uh—hit the shower...”
“Nah, it’s fine,” you tell him, stepping inside and locking the door. Why did you lock it? Fuck it.
What you don’t tell him is that he smells fucking divine. How is it even possible for anyone to smell like heaven, in the state that he’s in? His smooth flawless skin is so slick with his sweat that it shimmers and shines and might seriously strike you blind.
He stands across from you with his hands on his hips, white waistband of his boxers sticking up above his jeans, tongue flicking out between his lips. Those hands that drive you fucking wild in your dreams, that tongue you’d sell your soul to suck. “So you wanted to talk?”
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You clear your throat and bob your head in an attempt at a casual nod. Trying to come off as cool when you’re anything but. “Yeah, it’s just—I just wanted to vent, a little bit. About that thing you said... to be honest, fuckboy’s dick doesn’t hit better than his fists. The sex is always lame and plain vanilla and I’m sick of it. Even in bed, he’s a pussy ass bitch.”
Jax bites his lip, stifling back a silent laugh. Cleary quite glad—though not at all surprised—that he was right. “So he fucks the way he fights? Hey, so do I...”
You roll your eyes, playfully punching him in the side... which was a mistake because now you’ve made contact with his sweaty skin and it’s too much to take.
Needless to say, Jax takes the punch in stride. The smug smile on his face is miles wide. “Think it’s high time you dump his ass if he can’t keep you satisfied.”
Something about that fleeting skin-to-skin contact, and his closeness in this moment, and his maddening masculine scent, has you crazily pacing the room and saying all manner of shit that you’re doomed to regret. “And then what? Fuck around until another Son decides he wants to claim me as his own personal slut? It’s not like I can have the one I really want.”
You take a second to tune in to your own internal dialogue, currently scolding yourself for being so dumb—where the fuck are you going with this, you insane little cunt?
Jackson doesn’t seem to be having the same reaction. For unthinkable reasons, while standing there all godlike and glistening, he appears to be very sincerely listening. “You, um... got your eye on someone?”
“Always have,” you blurt out, and you really want to snap a goddamn bear trap over your moronic mouth.
Now Jax has you with your back up against the wall and you cannot think straight at all. Blonde hair and blue eyes and broad shoulders tower over you so tall. “Yeah? What’s he like?”
Oh, I don’t know, just look at your own beautiful reflection in my big wide stupid eyes. The thoughts you keep in silence are as stupid as your actual reply. “He has a really big... um... bike.”
The cheeky bastard laughs as if he knows you meant to talk about his dick. He probably did. But then again there’s something shy inside his eyes that makes it look as if he genuinely doesn’t know shit. “Now that’s not very specific. Come on, Y/N—just tell me who he is. You know there are no secrets between us.”
Yeah, sure, except the secret that I’m scientifically convinced of the perfection of your penis. Somehow you manage to take back some of your dignity right this instant, if only for a minute. “Mind your own motherfucking business.”
Jax is still doing that sincere listening thing and you quite honestly can’t handle it. He’s looking at you now as if you’re something breathtaking to witness. Just like he is. “Wow. You really like this guy, for serious.”
Heat rises to your face, insides melting to mush beneath his gaze. “That obvious?”
“You’re getting all worked up just thinking about him,” he notices, going on as if oblivious to the fact that it’s because he’s in the room. “He better be epic, whoever he is.”
Oh, you have no idea, Jax... “And why would you say that?”
Your brain physically breaks upon hearing the words he says next: “Because you’re fucking perfect. Deserve nothing less. You should be with the guy who can love you best. Fuck you best.”
Sweet mother of Jesus. What just even fucking happened? There’s a space between your lips and his, still—just a sliver, and it kills. The moment you give in to this your world is bound to end...
You know that much for certain; you and Jax tried going down this path just once before, so long ago that you’re determined to forget, the only moment of your friendship you regret. It’s never just a kiss. It’s always more, always a risk, of losing him. Of losing this. And you can’t let it happen again.
You’re fucking trembling, heartbeat fighting, but you have to say the right thing. Even if it hurts you more than anything. “Christ, Jax—‘fucking perfect’? You really mean that? As a... as a friend?”
The word weighs heavy on your tongue. No word has ever felt so wrong, but there it is, and he can taste the bitter heartbreak off your lips. Bites his and shakes his head. “Yeah, I guess. Just being honest. BFFs, what else?”
Love is literal hell.
And just like that, in a split instant, all the reasons he had so sincerely listened, anything that he had felt... is fucking gone. Or so he can pretend, at least. He always fakes it well, hiding behind the image of the savage sexy beast. “So what, we done?” he snaps, swiping his hand through his disheveled hair and casting you a cold blue stare. “I was about to get my dick wet, till you came up to complain about how your pussy ass fuckboy sucks in bed.”
You deal his chest a harder-than-just-playful punch because you seriously hate him just that much. “God, you don’t have to be a dick about it. Honestly, Jax, do you give a shit about anything other than sex?”
“Can’t live without it. Dick ain’t gonna suck itself.”
At this point the words are just flying all over the room. Nothing even makes sense. “Ugh—you know what, that’s the difference between you and him. You and everyone else.”
“What? That I fucking win?”
“That’s what you like to think. That you’re some kind of motherfucking king. Strutting around like you’re the god of everything.”
“Maybe I am. Takes balls to be the fucking champ.”
“Yeah, well, your balls can kiss my ass.”
... Oh fucking shit. Those words may have been just a little too... accurate. Now there’s an image in your head, a vivid image, and it’s... pretty fucking graphic. Pornographic. Fucking magic.
And of course Jax has to say the words to match it. “Bet you’d like that. Wouldn’t you, bitch.”
... Oh. Fucking. Shit.
... Continued in Part 2!
Hope you enjoyed this and would love to hear if you did!! ❤️
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Mile Six
Summary: The Kings, and Queens, of Con take on the Central Texas Tough Mudder Competition and have a good time doing it. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2.3K+
Warnings: Language, suggestive themes
Author’s Note: So, this little thing was inspired by this post (x). I saw it and instantly went weak in the knees and thus this was born. I hope you enjoy my little musings. As always, I love to hear what you thought xo Alex.
Check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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Trees lined the wide expanse of the field, the grass below shimmering against the Texas sun that had settled high in the afternoon sky. A slight breeze blew across the space, rustling the edges of the leaves and sending a chill down the breadth of her wet body. 
“Your turn, Y/n,” the quirky voice of her team member had slipped past her consciousness as she watched the sun be eclipsed by a wisp of a cloud. “Y/n!” 
“Hmm, what?” The woman snapped her head back to the obstacle in front of her. 
“Go, Jensen’s gonna boost you,” Rob urged her forward with a hand on her shoulder. She shook off her daze, the exhaustion fogging not only her muscles but her brain as well. The team had officially hit the halfway point of the obstacle course and she knew that she was going to be sore for days. 
“Come on, baby,” Jensen smirked at her from where he was squatted against the tall wooden wall. He cupped his hands in front of himself and indicated for her to step one foot into his palms. Y/n halted in front of him as she placed her right foot in his hold and rested her hands against his broad shoulders. She glanced up at Jared and Rich sitting on the ledge, ready to help her in whatever way she needed. “You’ve got this.”
The mud-caked woman smirked back at the actor, who was still grinning from ear to ear. She rolled her eyes for effect but leaned in and pressed a quick peck to her husband’s lips before using her leverage on his shoulders to jump. Jensen responded easily, lifting her in one swift movement as if she weighed nothing and guiding her to step on his shoulder with her left foot. As soon as the ledge was in reach she wrapped her gloved hand around it and allowed Jared to take her other to assist. Every muscle in her body protested the action, but she pushed through until both legs were swung over the wall. She wasted no time in climbing down the other side just far enough that it was safe for her to jump the rest of the way. 
Cheers erupted from her team waiting on the other side, much like they had after every other obstacle they had overcome. Y/n ran straight into her best friend, Genevieve’s, arms and embraced her tight. Both of them knew they were kicking ass at this, having argued with their respective husbands about being able to keep up with the guys. They trained for months beforehand, building up their strength and nothing made them more gleeful than proving they deserved their spots on the team. 
The two relented their embrace as the three remaining team members clambered from the barrier.  They all exchanged high fives before setting off down the trail. It didn’t take long before they arrived at yet another pool of murky water directly in their path. The group wasted no time in heading straight into the muddy hurdle. Despite the rays of the early spring sun beating down unhindered, the water was bone-chilling slowly. A shiver ran up her spine as soon as it met her heated skin and she couldn’t be sure if it was refreshing or just shocking. Y/n could also feel her feet sinking into the thick mud at the bottom of the pit, making each step difficult and slowing their process through the course. 
Once on the other side, getting back out of the pit proved difficult, the sheer weight and stickiness of the surrounding sludge seeming to want to drag her back down with every advance. She finally made it out, running to the nearby grass to rub away what she could from her sneakers as her teammates joined her one by one. When everyone was back together, they once again continued on. 
They jogged a few hundred feet before the majority slowed down as the day began to wear on them. Rich pulled the recording camera from Osric’s head as he squeezed through the group. The spritely man stuck it in everyone’s faces, asking a myriad of questions.
“That footage is going to be hell to cut together in the end,” Gen turned to Y/n with a giggle. 
“I know that true,” she agreed before sending her only female counterpart a wink. “Watch this.” Y/n jogged ahead to be closer to the group and hollered. “Hey Speight, toss me the camera. I know what the fans are gonna want to see.” The guys all turned to look at her, confusion evident in their expressions. Rich frowned but obliged the woman’s request, who caught the small camera with ease. Her steps slowed to give the guys space, allowing her to fall back into stride with Genevieve. The woman rubbed the dried mud from the display as she steadied the recorder and pointed it at her target. Gen watched over her shoulder as her friend focused on the men’s backsides, one at a time. 
“This is the view Gen and I have had all day,” she narrated, emphasizing ‘all’ for her intended audience. As she came up behind her Texan husband, he peered over his shoulder at her, taking in where she had the lens directed. He rolled his eyes at her as she rounded the group and jogged to where Jared was leading a couple of yards ahead. 
“Now what are you doing?” Jensen furrowed his brow as she kept the camera pointed on them, now walking backward as the group continued to advance. 
“I’m getting ahead of you so I can get you all in the frame,” she explained, her eyes still trained on the display to ensure she was getting at least semi-quality footage. 
“You can see all of us, it’s a wide-angle lens,” Jensen retorted gruffly, earning a grimace from his wife. Her jaw dropped in offense to his comment, turning the lens on Jared. 
“Alright, I see Ackles got an attitude around mile six,” she huffed to the towering man who just shook his head with a grin. Y/n spun back around, now seeing the group gaining on her and Jared. 
“Turn it off, I’ll show you an attitude,” Jensen indicated the camera delicately balanced in her grip. His wife nearly choked on her breath, his unexpected words settling a heat deep in her belly.
“Oh, will you now?” The woman was quick to steady her composure and cocked a challenging eyebrow at the bowlegged man who now took up a majority of the display she was observing. The look set him off and he reached her in two swift strides, snatching the camera out of her hand and ducking to pull her over his shoulder before she could react to his movement. Y/n let out a shriek that faded into laughter as her husband gripped her legs against his body with both hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him quickly toss the camera to one of the guys, jetting off away from the path and the crowd. 
“Aw, come on, Ackles,” Jared’s voice faded as Jensen carried the woman to the nearby tree line. “Be quick!” 
Shade enclosed the two completely before he set her back on her feet. Jensen pushed her back a step until her body hit rough bark. He placed one hand on either side of her head, caging her against the oak. She took a deep breath now that her stomach was no longer restricted by his shoulder and looked up at her husband through her lashes her stomach fluttering as she took in his hooded gaze. 
“I feel like you want to say something.” A hint of a smile twitched at the corners of her lips which was instantly reciprocated by the actor. He raised a gloved hand, trailing his exposed fingertips light as a feather across her jaw and down her neck. His eyes were trained where his digit tucked into the collar of her destroyed tee and pulled it away from her skin. 
“You’re cold,” he noted, the smug upturn of one corner of his lips telling her he had noticed her condition a long while ago. Y/n followed his gaze, noting the faint outline of her nipples seeping through the sports bra. She cursed silently, having hoped the material would have done a better job at hiding her modesty throughout the day. 
“Maybe?” His eyes flickered up to hers, amusement hidden throughout the familiar verdant iris’ that she loved so much. Dragging out the moment, the woman chewed on her bottom lip and took the opportunity to enjoy the visage of her husband. His hair was a wild mess, pushed away from his face with a sweatband that matched the color of his shorts and tennis shoes. He was caked in mud from head to toe, much like she was. A lot of it had dried and caked to the skin of his face and his beard while his body was dripping with the foggy liquid and his sweat. Even through all of it, he was somehow still as beautiful as ever. Still Jensen Ackles. 
“Maybe I’ve just been enjoying the view,” she teased him, her hands gripping the stretched-out material of his shirt to pull his body flush against her own. He was warm and refreshingly cool at the same time. Y/n breathed in his musky scent, mixed with the fading aroma of his signature cologne. It was her favorite thing in the world, something reserved just for her and the times he spent ravaging her body. 
“I can’t take you anywhere can I?” The hot breath of his chuckle fanned over her face. He let go of his hold on her tee, the material shrinking slowly back against her wet skin. 
“Not when you are looking like a whole damn meal,” she purred before pushing up on her toes to press her lips to his. He froze at first, his brain taking a second to catch up to her before he responded in kind. His hands fell from the tree to cradle her head in place as he deepened the kiss. Y/n let her body relax against the wood as her husband sucked her tongue into his mouth, pulling a moan from inside her chest. He picked up the pace, devouring her in the shadows of the competition that was continuing around them. As her hands dropped to the elastic of his shorts, he begrudgingly pulled away and gripped her wrists to halt her movements. 
“Fuck, we can’t,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. His eyes were screwed shut as he breathed deeply. She exaggerated the pout on her face even though he wasn’t looking at her. 
“That’s unfortunate, considering your little problem there.” Y/n jutted her hips forward, coming in contact with the situation now in her husband’s pants. 
“Oh, I hate you so much right now,” Jensen pushed away from his wife, putting a respectable distance between the two of them. 
“Hey, you are not the only one suffering right now. Lucky for me, my panties were already soaked.” Before he could utter a word, she ducked away and back into the heat of the Texas sun. He watched her jog away, but not before she glanced back over her shoulder, a wide grin on her face. 
It didn’t take her long to catch up to the group, her and Jensen having not been gone as long as she thought. Her eyes scanned the crowd of people for Jared, knowing his tall frame would stick out to her first. And she was right, the mess of hair on top of his head towering over everyone else, guiding her to where they were huddled waiting for the group ahead to finish the next course. 
“Where’s Ackles?” Jared chirped as she moved through the people to come and stand with the Kings of Con. 
“He should be right behind me,” she snorted out the words in an attempt to hide the laughter bubbling up inside her. Jared narrowed his eyes at her as if he didn’t believe what she was telling him. Not that it mattered much, as her husband’s voice drifted towards them. 
“I’m here, I’m here,” he promised, only slightly out of breath from sprinting to meet up with them. “What’s next?” 
“‘Hold Your Wood’,” Jason answered as he turned to where a massive log was being placed in front of the lot of them. Y/n nearly fell over as the barely contained laughter spilled from her lips. She brought a hand to her face as the laughter turned silent and tears ran down her cheeks, the action muffling the squeals of delight that came with each breath. 
“Yes, it’s all very funny, babe,” Jensen frowned at his wife, the downturn of his lips only fueling the hysterics inside her. 
“What the hell is wrong with her?” Rich had the same look of concern on his face as the rest of the group. Even passersby were beginning to stare at Y/n where she stood shaking with laughter. 
“Wood,” was the only word she could force past her lips as she held up her hands, gesturing to indicate length. 
“Jensen had a boner,” Jared clarified for the group, ready to keep moving. 
“Dude!” Jensen smacked his friend upside the back of his head, sending his wife into further giggles. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Y/n finally was able to force a semi-coherent sentence. “Jay, you are just too easy.” 
“That’s what she said,” Rob and Rich shouted in tandem. 
Jensen rounded on Osric, who still had one of the action cameras attached to his head, and pointed at the lens. “You can cut that out.”
“No,” Y/n protested, grabbing her husband’s arms as he reached for the Go Pro. “Keep it in.” 
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Forevers: @22sarah08​ @440mxs-wife​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @asgoodasdancingqueen @atc74​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @briagallen​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deandreamernp​ @deangirl93​ @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jbsgirl4ever11​ @jensengirl83​ @lunarmoon8​ @lyarr24​ @mishacollins4evah​ @miss-nerd95​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @squirrelnotsam​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @supraveng​ @tatted-trina6​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @traceyaudette​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​ 
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
ooh since requests are open can i request childe’s s/o being jealous of Lumine as they noticed childe has been spending more time with her?? lots of angst but good ending? (also i noticed you write a lot for childe and i hope you don’t mind another childe request asdfghjkll)
Pairing - Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x Reader
Warnings - MILD substance abuse (alcohol), panic attacks, mentions of blood/injuries.
Other comments - YES YES YES I LOVE JEALOUSY FICS SO MUCH ahem. And I do not mind having to write for Childe one bit because that Horrid Psycho Man has his claws DEEP in my heart. I even recently got a new sticker for my car with him on it (´ ε ` )♡. You guys know I’m a sucker for angst with a sappy ending (//▽//). This also takes place where Childe and the reader often move between homes Childe has stationed around Teyvat from working with the Fatui and from being so damn loaded.
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      Childe’s job was certainly unconventional, but for the most part you didn’t really mind. You didn’t know everything about what the Fatui were up too but Childe told you bits and pieces from his missions. You were never one to be bothered by any of his missions, which he was extremely thankful of, until a certain mysterious traveler became Mondstadt’s savior and quickly got the Fatui’s attention. 
      Now at first you didn’t pay it any mind just like the rest of Childe’s missions, but issues soon started popping up when Childe was spending more and more time with this Teyvat famous traveler. It had gotten to the point where some nights Childe wouldn’t be home until around three or four o’clock in the morning. You had even caught him trying to sneak back into your shared apartment you had when residing in Liyue; quickly tiptoeing around the apartment trying desperately not to wake you up, unbeknownst to him that you had never really gone to sleep that night. 
      You had kept your suspicions to yourself, as you knew Childe couldn’t help the fact that he was conveniently in Liyue the same time as this traveler was, so it made sense for him to be ordered to keep an eye on this “potential threat” that Childe would reference other Harbingers to call her. Her. That’s all you could refer to her as. You didn’t even know her damned name.
      That’s what got you the most, when you would lay awake at night thinking about what Childe and this stranger were doing with each other. Were you seriously losing your beloved to a mysterious stranger who hadn’t even been in Liyue for more than a couple weeks? You wanted to go out looking for them. For her. You wanted to know what she looked like, what she sounded like; you’re mind always talked you out of it though before you could even get out of bed; did you really want to know the answers to the questions? Or would that only lead to more pain?
      One night though, you fell under the effects of a deadly concoction of wrath, impulse, and alcohol. You no longer tried to hold onto your voice of reason, letting the muffled voice drift away with every sip of the dandelion wine that you had brought over from Mondstadt a while ago. The smooth warm feeling as the sweet liquid ran down your throat comforting you in a way, egging the impulse to go out searching for your lover and his “mistress” as you’ve started calling her. You knew that if what you thought was happening, was going on, you shouldn’t blame the traveler; your anger should be pointed at the man who was actively betraying you, but something couldn’t let you move your hatred. 
      Before you even had realized it, you were outside your apartment determined to find your harbinger and this stranger. Liyue harbor was rather large, especially in comparison to the city of Mondstadt, so it was going to take you a while just to get through the main areas; not even trying to think about what you’d do if they had left the Harbor.
      Ironically enough, fate had decided to be in your favor that night because only after about half an hour of searching you found a familiar tuft of orange hair sticking out fair above the crowd; and at this very moment you were grateful that Childe stuck out like a sore thumb here in Liyue. You wanted to barge over to them, shove yourself through the crowd to confront this girl; but you couldn’t risk it. Not when you still cared so deeply of what Childe thought of you; he loved you because you never stuck your nose where is wasn’t suppose to be, what if doing all of this was going to ruin that? You quickly started regretting coming out here in search for them, that was until the crowd began to lighten up and you could start to actually see the two together.
      For one, the traveler was beautiful and she held this almost ethereal, graceful, air about her; her movements languid and smooth as she conversed with the person you held your heart. Your heart had sank when you finally saw her, stopping dead in your tracks to stare and her; and it seems that she could feel your stare as you noticed her head beginning to look in your direction.
      You quickly ducked behind a stall selling food, heart racing hoping that she didn’t notice, or worse that Childe didn’t notice. The two stayed in their place, as you peeked around the corner of an ally way; moving away from the stall as to not make even more people suspicious of you. You had a pretty clear view of them, and managed to get right within earshot with a little straining.
      “Childe do you ever just stop talking?” The girl’s voice was as beautiful as her looks, and you felt another twang in your heart as your gaze faltered to the ground for a moment. Then you heard Childe’s familiar chuckle, the same chuckle that used to make your heart flutter, the same voice that was now making your heart as heavy as lead.
      “Well then Lumine, maybe you should shut me up hm?” You had to restrain yourself from gasping when those words had left your “lovers” mouth. There was no way you could have heard that right? Did Childe just flirt with this stranger? Lumine looked at Childe with a playful grin, before giving a sharp nod.
      Before you could watch the rest of the scene play out, you were running for your apartment; tears welling up in your eyes threatening to spill over which would only embarrass you more. When you finally were able to get into your apartment you started to frantically pack your things. You emotions were slowing down your movements though, as every couple of seconds you would have to wipe or blink the tears out of your eyes; your eyesight continuing to get blurry.
      You hadn’t noticed but at some point you had just stopped packing completely and sat in the middle of your bedroom crying at the foot of your bed, clothes and other belongings of yours strewn across the room. Your body was shaking and you just couldn’t seem to catch your breath, it felt as though you were vibrating whilst also being lit on fire. Everything was just so overwhelming. You hadn’t heard the heavy footsteps of Childe’s boot on the hard floors. You also hadn’t notice his strong hands setting themselves on top of your shoulders, as he tried to figure out what was going on. And then suddenly you felt and heard everything all at once, your eyes met the blue one’s you once could never look away from; now they made you want to vomit.
      You quickly shoved Childe off of you, and you scrambled to stand again; eyes flicking around his body like a wild animal being approached by a stranger. Childe stood up quickly as well, eyes just as wide as your his voice loud in your ears. You didn’t want to hear him, it hurt too much.
      “SHUT UP AJAX!!” All at once everything was completely silent, except for your shaky breathing. Childe’s eyes had never been wider, as he looked at you like a deer in headlights. You’ve never yelled like this, and you never use his birthname. He didn’t dare to breath not wanting to elicit another demonstration of your unexpected wrath. He had no idea where any of this was coming from.
      “You think I don’t know about your little flirts with Lumine?” Your voice was shaky and hoarse from the crying you had already done, but even then it never lost any of its vindication or venom. Childe’s blood was icy cold. What were you talking about? Flirting? Who had told you he was flirting? Did Lumine think he was flirting and then come tell you? Then why would Lumine always seem so comfortable with everything he would say to her?
      “Wha- Flirting? What are you talking about (y/n)?! I never was flirting with Lumine!” Childe was silently begging you to believe him. Was he going to lose you to an issue he didn’t even cause?
      “Oh why don’t you shut me up Lumine~~” Your voice was harsh and mocking, and you watched as Childe flinched at your tone. You never got this angry with him.
      “Where did you hear that-? Whatever never the less, beloved please understand that was a misunderstanding. When I said that I meant in a spar! Lumine and I often dual, practicing with each other. That’s why I’ve been coming home late. Look I even have cuts and bruises to prove it!” Childe has never ripped his shirt off faster, not even when he was in the mood, he just wanted you to desperately believe him. He refused to lose you over such a simple misunderstanding.
      You stood in your place dumbfounded. He really did have wounds, fresh and bloody. He was just... sparing? How could you have been so dumb? Why would you have even thought Childe would’ve done something like that.
      “I don’t... You were just- Childe I’m sorry I shouldn’t have thought...” Tears began to well up in your eyes again, but this time when he made a movement towards you and brought you to his strong chest you didn’t push him away. 
      “I get it, I just wish you would have brought up your issue a little earlier before it boiled over like this. Were you really going to just up and leave?” There was something in Childe’s voice that you had never heard before. It sounded almost desperate for an answer. You didn’t say anything in response, you just couldn’t bring yourself to. It was silent, which let you hear the shaky breath Childe let out. 
      “Please don’t leave me.” Childe voice was so small, it almost sounded insecure; and it broke your heart. You arms tightened around Childe’s waist, while still trying to avoid his wounds.
      “I’m sorry. I won’t I promise, if I ever have any thoughts like this I’ll bring them up with you. I won’t leave.” Childe kissed the top of your head and you nuzzled his neck.
      “Thank you. Now maybe we should clean this back up?” Childe let out a small chuckle as he slowly let go of your form. You smiled at your beloveds attempt to lighten to air.
      “I think that can wait until you’re not dripping blood onto the floor.” Childe let out a chuckle before nodding and mumbling out a quick, ‘ah yeah..’ and heading for the bathroom.
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itjazzbicch · 3 years
Guardian Angel
Pairing: Sammy Guevara x Fem Reader   
Summary: The reader was dating MJF and they always had a rocky relationship, MJF being the main cause by mistreating her terribly. Whenever MJF joined the Inner Circle, the reader came along with him, but their relationship never changed. Sammy was the only person in the group who made an effort to be by the readers' side and when Sammy leaves the Inner Circle, the reader wants to go with him, Sammy showing his true feelings whenever Max crosses the line...
Warnings:  When I tell y'all that MJF treats the reader like crap, that relly happens and it gets serious. There’s a little fighting in there, some degradation, also swearing because I cuss like a sailor (LOL I’m sorry)
Requested by:  anon (whoever you are, I hope you enjoy!)
Word Count:  4799
Tag List: @demonqueen29​ @jessiebean00​ @new-zealand-chic​ @crowleysqueenofhell​ @justamess44​ @thatpanpal​ @hungmanhorsecarriage​ @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​  @linziland13​ @yungbludjazz360​  
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“Look, tonight is a big night,” Jericho said to us all in the locker room, “We have been going through a lot, but we’re the inner circle! We will get through this and continue to be the badasses that we are!”
Everything was a lot different since MJF joined the Inner Circle and as his girlfriend, I came along with him. Our relationship was already a little rocky and whenever he joined the Inner Circle, it got even worse. It was like he turned into an evil villain who treated his minions like shit. Sadly, I was the minion.
Almost always, I didn’t speak whenever it came to their business, this time was no different.
“Max, we got a match! Let’s go kick some ass,” Jericho smirked at Max, all of us beginning to head out.
“Has anyone seen, Sammy? Since we’re heading out?” Santana asked, all of us just looking confused. I saw Sammy earlier today, but he hasn’t been around much. Especially since Max tried pulling a fast one on him, making it look like Sammy trying to defend himself was him just viciously assaulting Max.
“We don’t have time for that idiot,” Max snickered, standing up and fixing his scarf.
We all just remained silent and headed out for the match. Usually, I always went out to the ring with Max, but I just let them leave, following behind the pack and halfway down the hall, I was able to catch up with Max, just trying to be supportive by holding his hand.
Quickly, he snatched his hand away, groaning and it made all of them stop and look at us.
“Guys, just give me a second,” Max smiled at Jericho and the guys, but that attitude completely changing whenever he turned back to me, groaning, “You know how important tonight is and you’re trying to distract me?”
Max could literally care less about causing a scene but I hated it, saying quietly, “Max, I’m just trying to support you.”
“I don’t need support! As a matter of fact, your ass can stay back here! All you do is stand around and look stupid!” Max groaned, and I was so embarrassed, all of them staring at us and with tears in my eyes, I just turned around and walked away, it became harder to fight the tears when I heard Max say, “That’s exactly what I thought.”
I’m sure everyone could hear my feet stomping. I just wanted to get to my locker room. Anger, sadness, heartbreak. It was all consuming me like fire and Max always made that hard to contain.
For a moment, I wasn’t even paying attention while walking, looking to the floor and wiping away a tear, my vision blurry from it and that’s when I knocked into someone.
“Jesus, I’m sorry!” I cried, but when I looked up, I realized it was Sammy.
“Y/N,” Sammy sighed, becoming concerned when he looked down, seeing me crying, “Why are you crying?”
“What do you think?” I whispered, looking down to the ground.
The only good thing about joining the Inner Circle was Sammy. Anytime Max tried to ruin my mood or just treat me like straight-up trash, the rest of the guys would just stay silent. Sammy was the only one who made an effort and always tried to cheer me up, it worked almost always.
I could see the anger in his eyes, he knew it was because of Max and I just completely opened up, clenching my fists when I told him:
“I swear, I’m so sick of crying and being so fucking angry over him!”
Without any words, Sammy just hugged me. I don’t remember the last time I got such a comforting hug. He didn’t even have to tell me, but something in his hug explained to me that things would get better, Sammy actually confirming that when he whispered to me:
“Tonight, things are going to change, Y/N.”
“I sure hope so,” I whispered back, “Something needs to change.”
“Come on,” Sammy sighed, standing up straight, “We can go to catering real quick and get us something and relax for a bit. How does that sound?”
“I’m down,” I smiled, through my tears, appreciating his kindness, that growing when he wiped away one of my tears and wrapped his arm around me.
I was just so thankful. Sammy sure did raise my spirits, the both of us just hanging out backstage, but when Max and Jericho’s match was beginning to wrap up, I could tell by the way Sammy was watching in the locker room, something was up.
“I really hate to leave,” Sammy sighed, looking into my eyes, “But I have to go out there.”
“Take care of business, Sammy,” I smirked, having a good feeling about what was going to happen.
“I will,” Sammy assured, rushing out of the locker room.
It didn’t take much longer for the match to end and I just watched it in silence, finally becoming interested whenever I heard Sammy’s music hit. Everyone was cheering for him, but as of Jericho and the rest of the Inner Circle, they had some words for Sammy, questioning, but Sammy kept it simple, saying:
“I told you. One more thing with him,” pointing at Max, “I’m done.”
“What are you talking about?” Jericho exclaimed, trying to avoid it but we all knew what was about to happen.
“I’m leaving,” Sammy said loud and clear, “I quit the Inner Circle.”
Everyone was gasping, but I was back there pissed off. They all had a true friendship till Max came and tainted it. Max was even smiling in Sammy’s face, but I could tell Sammy wasn’t allowing him to get the better of him, just leaving them in the ring.
Sadly, Sammy didn’t come back to my locker room. I was really worried about him and I needed to find him and now. Thinking on my feet, I called Fuego. Sammy didn’t answer his phone and I had Fuego’s because we were always filming stuff for the vlog.
“Fuego, I’m sorry that this is very unexpected and quick, but please tell me you know where Sammy is,” I said quickly.
“Yeah, he’s actually getting his stuff now to head out,” Fuego informed me and I just rushed to say, “Okay, thank you. Tell him that I really need to talk to him.”
Right after I hung up the phone, I got up, grabbed my purse, the only thing I brought to the arena, and headed out, trying to get to Sammy, but of course, I just had to run into a roadblock.
That roadblock was Max.
“Hey! Where the hell are you going!?” Max yelled at me, beginning to approach me. The angry sound of his voice and the way he was yelling, it made me snap.
“That’s none of your business,” I groaned, beginning to walk away, but he grabbed me by the wrist, flinging me around and my purse fell, cracking on the floor.
“Actually, it is my damn business!” Max yelled, “I am so-“
“No, I’m sick of you! You always treat me like I’m nothing! But when you were nothing, who was there for you?” I snapped back, everyone watching, “It wasn’t Jericho! It wasn’t Wardlow. Not Cody! No one but me! Even when you treat me like shit, I still tried to be there for you!”
Everyone was noticing how I was right, Max becoming embarrassed, pulling me close, growling at me, “Okay. You had your fifteen seconds of fame. Now, you’re coming with me and I’m not going to repeat myself.”
I just pissed Max off even more, laughing in his face, whispering, “I’m done being your punching bag. We’re done, Max.”
Slowly, I tried walking away, but he took me by both arms, yelling, “What the hell did I tell you!”
I literally couldn’t believe that everyone was just standing there watching, but then I felt someone push me away. I about fell over, but I had never been happier whenever I saw Sammy jump on top of Max, unloading on him.
Sammy definitely lost his shit, just pounding the hell out of Max, just about punching his face in. Of course, Max fought back, trying to keep it going. It took about every man backstage to keep them apart, like two wild dogs in a fight.
“Disrespect her again and I will fucking end you!” Sammy yelled, trying to break free from everyone who was holding him back.
Max finally stopped for a moment, still being held back and laughing, nodding his head.
“I see now. It’s because of him, isn’t it Y/N!” Max yelled, “I fucking knew it. You good for nothing whore!”
I had never been so disgusted, pissed off, and embarrassed. I had never seen such rage in Sammy’s eyes, but with the way everyone was staring at me, I knew it was a lot worse on my end.
Max looked up at me in complete shock, everyone just stopped what they were doing, listening and my voice made them jump out of their skin when I yelled at the top of my lungs:
“You don’t know how many times I cried because of you! You never appreciated how I did everything for you! And you just disrespect me! Just put your hands on me! I am done with you! And if you think I’ll ever come back, don’t hold your breath, because if you do, you’ll die! I wouldn’t come back to you if you were the last man on earth, you bitch!”
Everyone let their guard down whenever I unloaded on Him. Max was just staring at me in shock, not paying attention and everyone got rowdy again whenever Sammy super kicked him in the face.
“I told you, don’t you disrespect her!” Sammy yelled, everyone taking Sammy and turning him around.
After that, I grabbed my purse and walked away. I felt like I was literally going to explode like a bomb and if everyone thought what I did was crazy, they only knew the tip of the iceberg. Thank goodness I went to my car next because I wanted to get the hell out of there.
I was almost to my car, but I heard: “Y/N!”
Slowly, I turned to see Sammy, running like hell and when he got to me, we clashed into a big hug. When I was in his arms, I couldn’t help but cry. Tonight ended up being way crazier than I expected and not in a good way, but while Sammy was hugging me, I knew everything was going to be alright, feeling that Sammy was the only one who cared about me anymore.
“Please tell me he didn’t really hurt you,” Sammy sighed, looking down at my arms.
Max had me by the wrists and arms so tight, you could still see his handprints, small bruises forming on my arm already.
I looked down to my arms too and I sighed, “I can’t believe he actually did that.”
Out of anger, I kicked my car, but Sammy pulled me back, saying quickly, “Y/N, I promise, you’re never going to have to worry about him again. Please believe me, I just beat his ass for a damn good reason.”
When I took the time to look at Sammy, I could see all the red marks on him way up to his face. His hat was gone and his hair was a mess, shirt ripped and all. Sammy truly had my back and when I looked at how he was, I felt horrible.
“This is all my fault!” I cried, “I was so stupid and didn’t get away from him. I should have done it forever ago.”
“No, Y/N. Don’t blame yourself,” Sammy pleaded, “Like you said, you gave him your all and in return, he was just a piece of shit. That’s all he is and all he will ever be. He deserved to get his ass kicked for what he did.”
There was another moment of silence and even Sammy was getting emotional, seeing his eyes get teary, just as angry and upset as me, explaining:
“You have no idea how incredibly painful it was to watch him sabotage the one great thing I had, treat you like that whenever you deserve the best. You are literally an angel walking on earth!”
Sammy was still emotional, losing his train of thought and truly speaking his mind, adding:
“I was just heading out of my locker room with Fuego and I heard yelling. That’s when we noticed it was him and when I saw him snatch you up like he did, I just, I lost it. I’ll be damned if I let someone treat my girl like that!”
I don’t think Sammy realized what he said. We both just froze and I just began to smile, fighting through the tears and again, I lost control, arms wrapping around his neck when I hugged him and just kissed him.
My brain raced through all of my memories and I don’t even remember the last time I kissed someone and Sammy quickly melted into our kiss, arms wrapping around me tightly, kissing me with so much passion and intensity that it made me light-headed, but it was definitely the best moment that I have had in such a long time.
When our lips finally parted, we both gasped hard; Sammy looking down into my eyes, both of us just smiling, finally having a true, pure smile on our faces, feeling happiness in what felt like forever.
“Tonight was beyond stressful,” Sammy whispered, “Let’s get out of here.”
Quickly I nodded my head, whispering, “Please?”
Sammy nodded his head right back and I just handed him my keys, but we both stopped whenever we heard Fuego’s voice, “Yo! Sammy!”
Fuego actually had Sammy’s stuff and Santana and Ortiz were right behind him.
“Y/N, get in the car,” Sammy whispered and I didn’t protest at all, getting in the passenger side, in there shaking because I knew more drama was coming, listening when I heard Santana say:
“Man, things don’t got to be this way!”
“No, it does have to be this way!” Sammy groaned, “Y'all might be too stupid to realize it, but that asshole is trying to ruin us all! Look at what he just did!”
They all fell silent and Sammy just shook his head, sighing, “You know I love y’all, but I have to do what’s right. What Max did to me, what he just did to Y/N, what he’s trying to do to all of us! It’s not right and you both know it.”
Sammy took his things from Fuego, putting them in the back seat and Fuego actually put a smile on my face when I saw him hug Sammy and say:
“Good job whooping that mofo’s ass, man.”
“I’ll see you later, man,” Sammy sighed, getting in the car, starting the engine.
I just sat there, ready to go and Sammy began to drive off, taking us to the hotel and when we got there, I was still sitting there with my head down low, and there was actually a lot of silence when we got up to our room. I went and took a shower to try and relax. It helped a little but I was still recovering from everything from tonight. It was just so overwhelming and hard to process all at one time.
Whenever I was done, I just threw on shorts and a t-shirt, drying my hair with a towel, and sitting on the end of the bed. I let out a deep breath when I was done, I just sat there but then Sammy sat next to me, getting all of my attention when he took my hand, holding it.
“I know tonight was crazy, but earlier, when I told you things are going to change. They are changing and for the better,” Sammy sighed, “And please know, as long as you’re with me, nothing like that will ever happen again. You’ll never have to deal with an asshole like him again.”
“You said earlier that I was an angel walking on earth,” I whispered, smiling when I looked up to him, saying, “You’re the Angel, Sammy.”
“I’ll be your guardian angel,” Sammy smiled back, smiling so hard it made me laugh a bit, and then I started yawning.
Sammy looked behind me to see the clock, seeing how late it was.
“How about we call it a night, we both need the sleep,” Sammy suggested and I was right there with him.
I yawned again, just nodding my head, getting into bed while Sammy went and turned off the lights. After a long time, I went to bed feeling relaxed and at peace, but my heart racing whenever Sammy got into bed, laying on his side and holding his arms open, inviting me into his arms.
I was a bit hesitant at first because I actually haven’t been held or cuddled in quite some time, but I went into his arms. His embrace was so relaxing, the warmth of his body easing and getting rid of all the bad feelings. I never felt so safe in anyone’s arms and before I knew it, I was off to sleep.
For about two weeks, we took a hiatus and it was desperately needed. I spent almost the entire time with Sammy and it was so much fun.
I did have some troubles though. Even when I ignored the living hell out of Max. His number was blocked in my phone, blocked from all my social media’s, literally everything because he wouldn’t stop messaging me, trying to get me to come back.
He was truly an idiot because I wasn’t coming back. Not back to him. Never again.
But Sammy and I did go back to Dynamite. The Inner Circle were having a council after everything that happened and while they were out in the ring, Sammy and I were backstage.
“Just know, things may get crazy out there. You’re staying by my side,” Sammy told me while on our way to the guerrilla, holding my hand.
He was so protective of me already and in a good way, which I appreciated. It was already a good night and even though we had some serious issues to address, he was still making sure I was happy.
I was wearing his leather jacket, we were matching and he even gave me his hat. Max and the rest of the inner circle just staring at us when we walked on stage.
It looked like Max was about to burst into flames when he saw Sammy and me together. I found it hilarious, but it didn’t take much longer for things to start boiling up.
“What did I tell you, Sammy?” Chris groaned, “You’re dead to me! You just left us! I never wanna see you again!”
Sammy was trying to speak but Chris just wouldn’t shut up then silence fell, everyone shutting up when Sammy yelled:
“Chris! Just shut up and listen!!”
Finally, Chris was paying attention, listening to Sammy when he continued:
“I don’t even have much to say to you, Chris, but there’s something that you need to see. Show you the truth that I knew this entire time!”
We all looked up to the Titantron, a video showing a camera that Sammy hid in the Inner Circle’s locker room.
Soon after, Max, Jake, Santana, and Ortiz were in the locker room, Max leading as he said:
“I think we can all agree. The true reason why the Inner Circle hasn’t reached its glory is because of Chris. Tonight’s the night that we put that old dog to sleep and I am taking over.”
Sammy ended the clip at that, all of us watching closely when Chris turned to Max, ready to rip his head off. The guys also trying to close in on him.
“I told you from the beginning! He is trying to ruin us! And Max, tonight, you’re getting a taste of your own medicine,” Sammy began, but being interrupted by Max.
“Look Sammy, we all know that you edited that and you’re trying to ruin me! Like, you have my baby girl on stage with you. Y/N, you know I love you! Just come here!” Max pleaded, trying to be all innocent, but it made us laugh.
“Oh, you love her? She’s your baby girl? Then why did you do this to her, Max?” Sammy said, almost ready to beat him up again.
Only the people backstage saw what happened between Max and I, everyone else curious as to why I was with Sammy now, but little did they all know, what happened was caught on video by a bystander, Sammy showing that clip.
Truthfully, it hurt to see it in third person, just as bad as when it happened before my eyes. Max’s yelling, how he snatched me like he did, calling me a whore and it left the crowd shocked, all of them gasping and all of them ready to storm the ring and beat up Max for themselves.
Max had no comeback this time and I watched Sammy, a smile growing on my face whenever he got emotional, almost yelling when he said:
“Is that how you treat someone that you, “love”? You put your damn hands on her! Have been treating her like trash for as long as I can remember! Then you want to act like you’re innocent, claiming that you love her and wanna be all sweet like you did nothing wrong?”
There was just silence and I could see Sammy shaking a little but his voice becoming calmer while he said:
“You don’t deserve her. You never did and you’re lucky I didn’t put you in the hospital that night when I beat your ass. Y/N is an Angel walking on earth, who deserves the best and I am going to be the one who gives that to her.”
It caught me off guard a little from how fast Sammy pulled me into his arms, kissing me. I kissed him back even quicker than he kissed me, feeling him smile against our kiss, both of us turning to see how pissed off Max was.
Max actually tried to storm towards us, but Santana and Ortiz quickly jumped in front of him, Ortiz calling for Sammy’s microphone.
“Sammy was right all along and I knew you had some kind of trick up your sleeve. You tried taking everything we busted our asses for, made our brother leave us,” Ortiz began, Santana finishing with:
“That night, when you showed your true colors, showing how you’re a true monster. Don’t think we forgot. Sammy beat me to the punch, quite literally, bashing your face in, but you ain’t off the hook just yet.”
All of them had Max in a circle, Chris making the first move whenever he hit him with his bat. They all tried storming him, but Max rolled out of the ring. Sammy tried cutting him off, but that slippery little coward got away.
They were all in the ring, ready for a fight, but I was able to make things peaceful, getting in the ring, taking Sammy’s hand.
“Sammy, he’s not worth it,” I sighed, trying to calm him down and thankfully, it worked.
Sammy had his arm wrapped around me, all of us at the ropes, watching Max run away, trying to talk smack while making it through the stands.
“Fuck this dude,” Jake groaned, giving him the middle finger, and then we all gave him the middle finger. It was a great feeling for sure and the Inner Circle was reunited and I was grateful to be a part of it.
After that intense moment, we were all at peace, happy while we were making it backstage. Chris wanted to celebrate, going off with Sammy and it was more like a reunion for them, they were super close after all.
I was just hanging with the guys in the locker room, intrigued when Santana, Ortiz, and Jake all sat down around me.
“Y/N,” Ortiz began, “I’m sure when Chris comes back, he will tell you the same thing, but we wanted to tell you now that we’re sorry.”
At first, I was a bit confused but I sat there and paid attention, Santana explaining:
“I know Sammy always had your back before all this shit went down, but we should have stepped up too.”
“As husbands and fathers, we would never let anyone hurt our girls. Whether if it’s verbally or physically,” Jake sighed, “If someone did that to my wife or my little girl, I can’t even describe the things I’d do to them.
“Unlike Max, we knew that you were loyal. You proved that by not only being there for us but still trying to be there for him even when he treated you like garbage,” Ortiz pointed out, “And like Jake said, if someone did that to our girls, we’d lose our shit and we didn’t take care of him like we should have.”
“And for that, we’re sorry,” Santana murmured, showing deep emotion, “Just know, you’re like family to us and I dare that boy to try to even speak to you again.”
With a deep breath, I actually smiled at all of them, smiling:
“I appreciate you guys. I really do. I accept your apology but at the same time, don’t be sorry. Sometimes we have to learn lessons the hard way and that was the case with Max. That kind of stuff was going on long before he joined the Inner Circle. I’m sorry to you guys that I didn’t try and stop it.”
“Enough with being sorry,” Santana smiled at me, “I think we all agree, you’re like a sister to us. Well, a sister-in-law if you are gonna be with Sammy.”
His comment made us all laugh, the smile on my face growing whenever Ortiz said:
“Things are going to be a lot better from here out. . Better for all of us, especially you. If you stay with Sammy, I know he’s going to treat you like a queen and make you happy. That’s exactly what you deserve.”
“That night all that stuff happened, when Sammy and I were alone, he called me an Angel. I told him the same thing but he told me, he’s my guardian Angel. No one has ever done anything like that for me,” I professed, “Sammy, he freed me and now I know what it’s like to be happy, and seeing you guys handling Max like that, it sealed the deal. I know that not only am I going to be happy with Sammy, but with all of you too. Like you guys said, we’re a family.”
“Damn right,” Jake smiled, pulling us in for a group hug and I kindly accepted it, Santana making me laugh while we were hugging by saying:
“Sammy’s right though. You must be some kind of angel because if I were you, I would’ve whooped that boy's ass forever ago.”
We all broke out in laughs, but it started to die down whenever we heard the door open, Chris and Sammy returning.
“You guys are having a group hug without us?!” Chris exclaimed, but laughing along with us, making Sammy join the hug too.
This is exactly what I needed, people I could be around and not be scared to speak or just be myself. I finally felt at peace, all thanks to Sammy.
Afterward, we all got some good food in our system, enjoyed the rest of the show, and just goofed off, having a blast with one another, but time sure did fly, soon, it was time to pack things up.
Most of the guys were heading out and I was still in the locker room, picking up the pace when Sammy came back, saying:
“You ready to go?”
“Yeah, getting my bag now,” I sighed, now ready to go, but Sammy approached me, murmuring:
“You know, seeing you with the guys, that was emotional huh?”
“They actually apologized to me,” I explained, still processing it myself, “But like you said, things are changing for the better and they sure loved it when I told them my guardian Angel came and saved the day.”
My comment actually made Sammy blush, pulling me into his sweet embrace, whispering to me, “All of that negativity we had to deal with is gone and now, we can all be happy. Especially me and you.”
Sammy’s smile was very contagious and I expressed how I appreciated him with a soft kiss, whispering, “We’ll be happier than ever.”
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
The Bet (Bucky Barnes x F!Reader)
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The Bet
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Rating:  M (mature) NSFW
Warnings: gambling, teasing, a little bit of spice
Word count: 3,051
Summary: Game night with team Cap turns up unexpected results.
Notes: Written for Writer Wednesday. Thank you for the very lovely @autumnleaves1991-blog​
“Hope you’ve all brought a fat wallet tonight,” devilish smirk tipping the corner of her ruby lips upward. “It won’t be that way for long. I plan on parting you from your hard earned cash in spectacular fashion.” Shuffling the deck like a seasoned pro in Vegas and dealing the cards out.
Eyes rolling while sipping your Screw driver, “You gonna talk us to death Romanoff or deal the hand?” Brow lifting, hiding your own smirk behind the high ball glass.
“Just a sore loser Y/N,” blowing you a kiss after finishing the deal. Deck slammed down in the center as everyone grabbing for their cards to look them over.
A few soft groans at the terrible hands dealt, “Your shit at dealing Nat you gave me nothin,” Sam calls from your left between Steve and Wanda.
“Suck it up buttercup you play the hand your dealt,” downing her first shot of vodka. Locking eyes with Steve for a moment, “And watch your mouth…”
“You know what Romanoff that’s getting old,” rolling his green flecked blue eyes, shooting a piece of popcorn towards her head. Only to have it deflected by a quick brush of her hand.
“Children,” fake stern voice utters from beside you long neck meeting those soft lips. Trying very hard not to watch the single drop of condensation slide from bottle to chin, and down the strong expanse of tanned neck. Never being more jealous of a simple drop of water than right now. “Stow the bickering for later in the game when my pile is triple what the rest of yours is.”
A chorus of snorts drown out the music for a moment, “Bucky sweetie in your dreams will that truly happen.” Snarky comment leaves your lips right as Bucky fixes those cerulean eyes on you. Finding it a little difficult to think for a spilt second as you fidget under his heated stare.
“Wanna make a bet?” This time a chorus of groans echo around the table accompanied by head shakes. “It is Wednesday night poker right? Why not make this a little more,” pausing brow lifting giving you a slow perusal his eyes darkening to pitch. “Interesting then just Nat taking our money?”
“Ah you at least acknowledge my superior poker skills good man Barnes,” sassing him with a smirk and the salute of her shot glass. “But I rather not need eye bleach to scrub your naked ass from my memory. Of that I’m sure most around this table would agree.”
Affirmations of the positive echo her words along with chuckles in various lengths. Leaning over while everyone places their bets your turn coming up quickly. “What’s the bet Barnes?”
Maybe its the vodka infused orange juice you’ve been sipping, beer tasting like ass to you. Instead sticking with the harder liquors to pair with the right mix. Drinking isn’t something you’ve done much so maybe it’s having a quicker affect on your system. However, something tells you it has more to do with the man sitting a little too close on your right. Leather and whiskey wrapping around your senes to send tingles across your skin. He’s the reason for your bold question determined to ditch your comfort zone for one night and be a little wild.
Placing a pot bet then turning to watch you do the same, admiring your profile for the moment. Having only admitted to one other person how much he wanted you, Bucky can’t believe you’ve actually asked him for a bet just between the two of you. His mind races with possibilities none more prominent than having you spread out in his bed whimpering his name. Body withering in the pleasure he’s giving you. Your voice bringing him back to the present and trying to clear the lustful thoughts parading through his mind.
“If I win more hands you’ll be mine for the night,” brushing his lips over the shell of your ear pleased smile at hearing the sharp intake of breath from you. Knowing he’s playing with fire at proposing such idea, he could loose his heart to you so quickly and maybe that’s what he wants most. To finally let himself feel something other than pain, anger and remorse. Though that little voice in the back of his mind taunts, you wouldn’t want the ex-assassin with so much blood and death on his hands.    
Swallowing harshly you turn to look up into his eyes, “And if I win?” Everyone else disappearing, sounds going mute and all focus is on Bucky. Wishing his winnings wouldn’t be just for a night. That’s right you knew already he’d win since you sucked at poker and only played to hang out with your family instead of just missions and meetings. Happily loosing most Wednesdays just to see the pleased looks on their faces instead of grimaces of pain when patching them up.
“What do you want to win?” Itching to reach out free your bottom lip from being trapped between your teeth and run his thumb over the wet bitten skin.
Throat clearing, to draw both of you back to the game, “You playing or just ogling each other? Either way place your bet or fold so the rest of us can get on with the game Sergeant Frostbite.” Rolling his eyes and downing the last of his beer, Sam stands to get a refill silently asking if anyone else wanted one.
Both of you fold more interested in each other than the usual poker game. Your mind whirling with thoughts, not sure how to answer the bet. Thinking and discarding so many ideas, between asking him to be more careful on missions and to stop baiting Sam with snarky comments and looks. Settling for something your sure would get you into trouble but couldn’t stop yourself.
“Never thought you were that kinky Y/N.” Sweet Sokovian accented voice floats through your mind, head snapping up to look over at a smiling Wanda.
“Your not suppose to be reading minds babe,” for which you get a small shrug and a wicked smile spreading over her lips. Tsking in your head trying to keep from laughing, “Careful I might have to let the mistress of pain know.”        
“You wouldn’t? Besides your thoughts were so damn loud I couldn’t help it. I’m surprised the whole table doesn’t hear the both of you,” winking she nods towards Bucky who’s still looking at your expectantly. “Might want to answer Buck before giving him an aneurysm since he’s waiting on bated breath what you’ll ask for.”  
Clearing your throat and grabbing up your glass to take a drink, finding Bucky staring. Admiring the way your tongue peeks out to wipe up the left behind bits of orange juice. Shy smile sliding over your lips, eyes darting to the group and finding them arguing over who won the last pot.
“How about a private strip show just for my eyes only Sergeant Barnes?” Nervously swallowing hoping you’ve haven’t asked for too much. But then once would never be enough for you. Needing a repeat performance whenever the mood strikes to accompany being totally wrecked by this man who haunts your dreams.
“Tell him, you’ll be surprised at his answer,” Wanda urges then falls silent as another hand is dealt by Sam this time. She gives you another wink returning her attention to the game.
Biting off the groan of arousal, shifting in his seat to adjust himself and the bite of his jeans against his hardening cock. “I think…” irritated growl leaving his mouth when Sam tossed a balled up napkin at his head. Dead center hit to Bucky’s forehead making everyone cheer around the table. Getting a scowl from the man in question, “What?”
“Your turn Frostbite or have you forgot the game already?” Bitting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the look Bucky sends him. Knowing the shared unrequited feelings you’ve both harbored for each other. “Has old age finally caught up to you old man?”
“I don’t think it’s the age that’s caught up with him Sam,” Steve grins for which Bucky cuts his eyes at his best friend.
“Value your life Rogers and all the secrets I keep about your pre-serum days you’ll keep that mouth shut,” threat empty as everyone knew but Steve still gives him a mock hurt expression.
Hand to his chest, “You won’t buddy?” Seeing the lifted brow cerulean eyes dart towards Nat and back to Steve’s who catches the wordless meaning. “Fuck off jerk.”
“Steven Grant Rogers did you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Natasha exclaimed biting her lip to keep the laughter from rolling out.
“Then keep your mouth shut Steve.” Bucky shot back with a taunting grin spreading across his face at Nat’s words.
Playful gasp leaving your lips, “I never thought I’d hear those kind of words uttered from your good boy lips Steve.”
“Good boy?” Snorting Bucky holds his stomach as a full belly laugh leaves his lips at the very thought. “Doll he’s got you all fooled. Hook lined and reeled in,” glancing at you for a moment then back at Steve. “You gotta quite acting all saintly Steven you’ll never get laid.”
Chocking on his beer, wiping at the mess, while his eyes throw daggers at Bucky. “Keep it up Buck and you’ll find a shield up side your head next mission.”    
Peels of laughter sound around the table drowning out the music, a beet red Steve just gapping at his family in fake astonishment. Sam’s slumped forward head resting on his forearms while gruff deep chuckles sound from him. Wanda wide eyed but soft giggles leave her as Natasha full out belly laughs, slamming a hand down on the table. Disturbing the poker chips and cards, glasses and bottles wiggling in there spots. While you’ve managed to pull your phone out and snap a few quiet pictures to save and send Clint. Who’s missing all the action while out on his own mission. Mirth dances in your eyes that lock with Bucky’s. Lips parting on a soft gasp of surprise with how he’s staring at you. Heat flaring to life across your body and you swallow trying to regain some moisture to your parched throat.
Leaning over, “We’ve got a deal doll, prepare to loose though.” Glancing back at the table seeing everyone still recovering from their laughter, Bucky uses that moment to press closer. Placing his slightly chapped lips to your cheek, “If there’s one thing Romanoff got right it’s that I’m a sore looser. I play to win,” dragging those sinful lips away to sit back in his chair. Cards resting now between those large hands.
Hands you wish were somewhere else right this moment, soothing the arch building between your thighs that rub together in the bid to find some kind of friction on your clit. Marveling at how quickly that simple brush of his lips could turn you into a pile of goo in your own seat.
Clearing your throat, “Bring it on Buck this time I may just have a reason to win as many hands as I can.”
Gauntlet tossed down with the raise of his brow. Determination coats your veins especially when he gives you a very heated once over. Scorching your very soul with the intensity making you throb, clit jumping at the very promise those wickedly beautiful eyes held. Watching the way his fingers caress the long neck bottle in his flesh hand. Bringing the brown glass to his lips for a deep drink.
Savoring the taste more than any effects it could have on him. “Careful doll face those who play with fire usually get burned,” eyes lock with yours licking those sinfully plush lips.
Glancing between his lips and eyes, your own smirk tugging your mouth upward. Free hand coming to rest on Bucky’s thigh, the heat of your palm burning his jeans covered skin. Shifting in his seat to relieve the pressure on his cock with the touch of your hand. “Don’t worry none James,” voice a soft purr in his ear. “I have salves of all kinds that’ll take care of a burn. It’s the ache I need taken care of. There’s no medication to take accept my own fingers to help sooth the pressure.” Drawing patterns over his thigh, feeling tension held tightly in those delicious muscles you wouldn’t say no to feeling between your thighs.
A bit shocked with how forward your being. His reactions only spurring on your need to see just how far you could push him before he snaps and finally takes you. Asking yourself for the thousandth time if once would state the desire you have for this man? Wanting to have more than friendship between you though you’d take it and run. But there’s a part of you which wants more, to open your heart and share it with Bucky. You only hope he feels the same way.  
For a second Bucky’s mute ignoring the calls from Sam and Steve to stare at you, mouth hanging open. Only to close with a challenge flaring in his cerulean eyes. “You sure about what your offering sweetheart?” Hating to ask but not wanting to miss understand you or the intentions swimming through your mind that he’s not privy to yet.
“As sure as the next breath I’ll be taking,” moving your hand from his thigh to rest on his vibranium forearm. Looking up into his eyes, soft smile gracing your lips that turn into a squeal. Ice sliding down the front of your shirt, cutting your eyes towards the rest of the table all of whom are pretending to not see anything. All except Natasha who’s just giving you a Cheshire Cat grin. Jumping to your feet, shaking your shirt to get the ice out. Only to have it caught in your bra melting against your heated skin, peaking your nipples. Scowling at the red head, “Your dead to me Romanoff,” playfully glaring at her before taking off towards the kitchen.
Not realizing Bucky is following you have your hand down the front of your shirt trying to fish the cube out when he clears his throat. “Need help?” Wicked grin pulling across his lips.
Licking your own at the heat flaring through your body and in his eyes, “It’s a slipper little devil.” Capturing your bottom lip between your teeth and nibbling hard as Bucky steps towards you. Crowding you against the counter, planting his hands on either side of your body.
“Maybe it’ll help if you take off the shirt?” Tugging the black AC/DC shirt twice, flesh hand teasing along your side under the shirt.
Gulping to gather air into your starved lungs, shivering as the ice moves against your skin pebbled nipple starting to tent your bra and t-shirt. Distracting Bucky as his gaze drops and his hand moves upward. Sliding two fingers just under the wire and cup of your bra to snag the cube. Pressing it to your nipple, melting the ice between the heat of his fingers and your body.
“Tell me to stop and I will doll face. I won’t do anything you don’t want,” words puffing from his lips that are just inches from yours.
“You stop and I’ll have to hurt you James,” hissing turned whimper as those talented fingers wrap around your nipple and tug. Desire fogged brain only barely registering your arms wrap around his broad shoulders, embracing his body to pull him closer.
Grinning right behind his mouth claims yours. Desperate and passion fueled, licking his tongue against the seam of your lips. Which open on a gasp Bucky having found the front clasp of your bra and popped it open to cup and massage your breast. Weighting the generous globe before rolling the pebbled nipple between his fingers. Giving a light pinch to gage your reaction. Confirming whimper has an answering growl from deep within his chest. Vibranuim arm tightly wrapping around your waist as you damn near suck his tongue into your mouth tangling together for play and pleasure. Pushing your body into his wanting to mold the two of you together as the kiss turns deeper. Breath becoming an issue and you break part panting to gather in air to your starved lungs.
“Bucky,” whimpering his name, head lolling back to give his questing lips access to the sensitive column of your throat. Swallowing to gather your wits. “James,” you try again running your nails through his hair, scrapping his scalp lightly and pulling a groan from the man against you. “I’m going die if you don’t fuck me James.” Words whimpered from you lips.
“We can’t have that now can we doll?” Dragging his nose up your beautifully scented skin to nip at your earlobe. Hands one warm the other cool cup your ass and lift, your legs wrapping around his trim waist of the own accord.
Pressing his harden cock into your willing core, making you shutter around him at the delicious friction his movements cause. “Don’t you dare tease me James,” burying your lips against his neck to bit down on the strong cords sucking a small mark just south of his thumping pulse.
“Marking me already sweetheart?” Pushing away from the counter to head towards his apartment. Trying to focus on his steps and not how good you feel in his arms. “I wouldn’t dream of teasing you doll but if you keep using that mouth of yours to tempt me I won’t be held accountable for the state your clothes end up in or the fact that the whole compound will hear us.”
Pulling back, hands spread over his neck, fingers tugging at the short strands, “Then you better pick up the pace Sergeant before I have to take matters into my own hands and that would be a shame to take care my own self. Wouldn’t it James?”
“Yes ma’am,” pausing at his door to press you into the hard wall. Rocking into your body so you can feel just what you’ve caused.  “Especially when I have just the remedy to sooth that ache you were talking about.”
Poker night was never the same again at least night for you and Bucky.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . all those dad headcanons are making me so SOFT 🥺✨🥺 do you think you could make some for kuroo, akaashi and atsumu as dads if u haven’t done them already??
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ miya atsumu <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . hi bubs!! hopefully you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing them at 12 am <3 kuroo's will be uploaded tomorrow along with kenma, while akaashi's the day day after; hope it's alright with you👉👈
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➜ atsumu was scared, he really was; he already had his life planned out for him; getting into a good division 1 volleyball team, a good relationship with his brother and a great girlfriend that has supported him though and through ─ especially at volleyball.
➜ but getting you pregnant at the ripe age of 24 was not part of his plans
➜ don't get him wrong, mf loves you ─ like a lot, but atsumu was well, terrified
➜ he really should have wrapped his willy
➜ he wasn't even the best boyfriend, how could he even be a good father ? but nevertheless, he wanted to start a family with you; even if it was unexpected.
➜ he was a perfectionist, it could be seen with how badly he exhausted and beats himself up with his tosses ─ but atsumu would never let him treat his children like they're a mistake
➜ getting through your first pregnancy had a rough start for the journey, atsumu doesn't know  s h i t  about being pregnant
➜ all he knows is HOW you got pregnant um chile😳🔞
➜ but of course, being a loving boyfriend he is, he tried learning the basics as fast as he can just to show his support to you ─ he'd go out every night just to buy something to satisfy your obscure cravings, would try and message your ankles whenever it would get swolen & he even asks for hinata's help because sure enough, bb boy's got a lot of knowledge after taking care of natsu
➜ but of course ─ we're all just humans anyway, every now and then, he'd get doubtful ─ was he even going to be a good dad? will he even be able to support his children even if he has volleyball work to be done?
➜ just like the first person he talked to after finding out that you're pregnant, he once again talked his feelings out to osamu
“ and to think that i thought that i will have a better and happier life than yo ─ ah! ”
“ ─ don't say that as if y/n being pregnant is a burden, are you fucking dumb because i will literally shove this freshly hot onigiri DOWN your pants. ” osamu hits atsumu on the back of his head before continuing.
“ you may not have the best circumstances right now, but i know you'll be a good father. ”
➜ and so he did, he really became a good father. right after your twins ─ aito and akio were born, atsumu would always have a schedule on his day to be with you guys
➜ promising to himself that he would always be apart of his sons' life
➜ he bathes them, he would always create weird depictions of a shark with bubbles on top of aito's hair and a deformed volleyball on akio's
➜ he'd also feed them and they would always fall for the airplane trick ─ though, they actually prefered you feeding them as they are a mama's boys
➜ they got his dad's adoration towards you, so the three would usually fighting for you; but of course if you picked anyone from them, the other two would be upset
“ aito baby of course it's you ” your were guilty, victimized by his glossy puppy eyes as the two other boys puffed out their cheeks, eyebrows furrowed
➜ he loves his sons and all, but he would never let him hand you over to them
➜ he also doesn't take care of their diapers, mama that is all on YOU
➜ and right after your twin boys turned two, he decided he wanted another one
➜ having strong genes, he got you pregnant in an INSTANT ─ but with twin daughters this time 🤪
➜ after bringing nari and natsuki to the world, you bet they got atsumu wrapped around their little chubby fingers
➜ while aito was a sweet, animal loving son that rarely cried when he was a baby, akio was a picky yet bright child ─ a smartass, you would like to say, always finding ways on being a little sly mf
➜ the two resembling a bit more of you yet has their father's hair and eyes
➜ on the other hand with your twin daughters, nari had both inherited his dad's attitude and a bit of her uncle aswell. and with natsuki, she was a very peaceful child as well, prefers you over her dad while nari prefers her dad
➜ the two, taking in more of their dad's appearance but have your hair
➜ atsumu would ALWAYS try and dress up your kids the same style he used to pair with osamu, would either pair by twin, or girl and boy.
➜ reminds him of the 'old days'
➜ sir, you're barely even thirty, sit DOWN
➜ after a few months on giving birth to your daughters, you guys got married with both your daughters as flower girls and your two sons as wing bearers
➜ the afterparty was WILD
➜ hinata running around with akio on his shoulder, osamu having a staring competition with nari because?? why dafuq does uncle look so much like dad and why do i kinda look like him??
➜ sakusa taking a liking towards aito as they LOWKEY TALK SHlT ABOUT HIS FATHER LMAO
➜ natsuki being in your arms because bb girl just loves you a lot and not to say you have favourites but ,,
➜ by the end of the afterparty, nari almost drank her father's wine, akio and aito were dead asleep in their father's arms while natsuki was still side awake wondering wtf happened
➜ the type of father that curses around his kids and would always be the first suspect whenever you hear nari and akio repeat them countless of times
“ fuck ” your head whipped around to scold atsumu for saying such language in front of your kids, but got caught off by nari saying it as well
“ hngg fuck! ” your daughter giggled saying it countless of times as you watched in horror when she made akio do it as well
“ oh my god nari, honey, no ─ ”
“ uhh . . fuck?" akio looked at his baby sister, raising an eyebrow as atsumu was dying of laughter nodding his head as you keep hitting his shoulder
“ yes, fuck ” making them laugh as they thought they really did something
➜ as i said it in my older brother headcanons, atsumu is actually kinda good at baking; while osamu's speciality was at cooking
➜ being a daddy's girl and apprentice, if she wasn't trying to learn volleyball from her dad, nari would always be baking in the kitchen with atsumu ─ fascinated with everything her dad does, nodding intently at everything he says as they bith wear matching aprons that say “bad bitches bake”
➜ they make the BEST GOODS Y'ALL, their chocolate cookies were impeccable along with their brownies
➜ the four kids would usually play volleyball with their dad whenever he wasn't busy, atsumu would teach them all how to do an arm breaking serve to akio and nari since they both wanted to be an ace, setting to natsuki and receiving with aito since he stated he wanted to be a libero because their uniforms hit different LMAOO
➜ of course they're not the same words he used though
➜ also if they ever played volleyball, expect to have another kid in the backyard because as osamu said; atsumu's mental age drops down to 5 years old while on the court
➜ and he knew damn well natsuki just wanted to gain your attention and praises
➜ atsumu is the type of father that would be so proud if one of his children ever memorizes one of niki minaj's rap
➜ like imagine walking into your husband, trying to teach his kids one of the lines from STARSHIPS by niki??? LMAOO
➜ as they grew up, their bond has never been more stronger, weekly volleyball practices with their dad & occasionally with his team, while you also sometimes joined in
➜ school was natsuki and aito's top priority though while to nari and akio was volleyball
➜ sometimes nari and natsuki really present their dad whenever they get too hard on themselves, either on studying, or volleyball
➜ also going to their father's games & probably half of the time skip school?? HAPPENS MORE THAN YOU THINK SHHJKTSA
➜ anyways, overall, even if your first pregnancy was a total shock to both you and atsumu ─ unexpected and all, but you guys wouldn't want anything else from the world, as you guys believed it all happened for a reason and your beliefs did not falter when you guys saw how everything just falls right back onto the right places in the end
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stevesharrlngtons · 3 years
just a little downhill.
mickey x reader
summary: after a hard day of work, mickey comes home to a very unwelcome and unexpected guest: his little brother.
word count: 4.5k
a/n: mickey and his brother goodness! as briefly discussed, kevin’s face claim is pete davidson (: and if you’re curious, here is another discussion of mickey’s parents. i hope you enjoy and if you do, i’d love to hear it (:
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Although Mickey had been out from under his parents order for years now, he never seemed to shake the responsibilities they had assigned him. 
When Mickey was old enough, with a high school diploma under his belt and not much else, he escaped two towns over to flee his parents and their needs. To, at the time, do his best to escape their overbearing asks and assumptions of him. He took very little when he fled in the night; a few articles of well worn clothing; his box of drugs and corresponding paraphernalia; an envelope of mementos of his relationship with you; and you, as well. You both escaped your grim situations with wild eyes and hearts, between flurried kisses and giggles, you made your way to your new lives. 
Now, all these years later, you both were still shacked up in your cozy ground floor apartment, with it’s warped tiles and shag carpets, and Mickey had never been happier. Sure, he worked a demanding manual labor job and he had few future prospects, but he was on his own and living with the woman he loved. To Mickey, there truly wasn’t anything better than that. He suspected he could be forsaken to any living conditions, demands or labor, but as long as he had you by his side, he would be happy as a clam. 
You were the one who kept him sane. The one who taught him how to float instead of thrashing in the water. The one who taught him the gentle caress of love. The one who was the only salve for any and all problems that were thrown his way. 
And when it came to his chaotic life, he needed your healing touch more often than he would like to admit. 
Because while the distance between him and his turbulent family offered excuses for why he couldn’t invariably swoop in and save the day, the milage didn’t often deter his parents from calling on Mickey whenever they needed something. Their expectations still held true no matter the separation.
Mickey was expected to come over and soothe tensions when their fights reached a volume to where the neighbors got involved. 
Mickey was expected to drop everything, no matter the circumstance, to help wrangle their old mutt whenever he escaped and began to terrorize the neighborhood kids.
Mickey was expected to drive the hour to their trailer whenever there was an appliance that needed fixing. Usually after his father had stormed off in frustration when he couldn’t do it himself. 
Mickey was also expected to fix a litany of other things that his parents refused to call in an expert about, but had no problem pawning it off on their son (even if he was no more qualified to fix things then they were).  
But above all, Mickey was expected to look out for his little brother. To watch out for him, and to take care of him when he couldn’t take care of himself. This had always been his most fervently requested task, and possibly the one he resented the most. 
And when he came home to find his fuck to of a little brother with his back against the brick siding of Mickey’s apartment building, a joint between his lips and his head angled toward the sun, he knew his everlasting duty to care for the kid was about to rear its ugly head once more. 
Today was just an exceptionally bad day for this to happen. 
Because before he even saw Kevin’s face, it had been a day where he had just wanted to come home, lay his head on your lap as you pressed delicate kisses to his skin. He needed to be enveloped in your soothing smell and coaxed into relaxation by your voice. He just needed you, because today had been awful. The last thing he needed was to deal with any member of his fucking family.
The day started off with the buddy he carpooled with burning a hole in his brand new seat cover on the way to work. Then it was announced that OSHA would be monitoring their site they were at for the morning, which meant nothing got done and the crew was way behind schedule. When lunch rolled around, Mickey dropped his sandwich on the ground, which caused his coworkers to start an uproar of teasing and laughter whenever he was around. And, of course, after he was already in their crosshairs, his drill decided to stop working, which only fueled the other mens mocking. 
And to make it all worse, his mother had been calling on a loop since noon. He refused to answer, not wanting to deal with her drunk ramblings or vicious criticisms, which just meant that the calls kept coming. Now that he thought of it, he was sure the sudden vibration in his pocket had been the reason he had dropped his sandwich in the first place.
Thanks mom. Fuck you.
“The fuck are you doing here, Kev?” Mickey grunted from around his cigarette as he approached his front door. 
“Didn't Ma call?” 
“I don’t answer her calls sober,” he shoved his key into the lock and pushed the door open with his shoulder.
As the door opened, Mickey cringed as Kevin quickly sprang to his feet and pushed past him into his home. He had expected it, but it still made his stomach drop as it happened. When Kevin planted himself somewhere, he was often hard to peel back up. Last time Kevin had come over to beg for money, he didn’t leave for four days, leaving a permanent lanky body print in Mickey’s couch. 
“Can’t really blame you for that,” Kevin chuckled as he collapsed onto the living room couch in a huff, “we didn’t invent The Scale for nothin’.” 
The Scale referred to the made up increment system the two invented in middle school on how high they had to be to pleasantly deal with their parents. Their mother was usually a Bill and Ted and their father was always at very least Cheech and Chong. The brothers sometimes would still refer to The Scale when they were going through a spurt of getting along. But this was not one of those times. 
Mickey hadn’t seen Kevin on an unencumbered social call in over two years. Kevin used to visit every weekend; to party, play video games or just spend time with his older brother; but now it was only under the guise of extorting money (that Mickey really didn’t have to give) or in a search of a place to crash while he was on the outs with their parents or whatever girl he was currently seeing. 
Because of his mother’s incessant calls and Kevin’s mention of her, he assumed it was the latter this time. 
“Yeah, well clearly you’ve already started,” Mickey grouched, as he tilted his head to the blunt that was still between his brother’s lips. 
Mickey was anything but a prude, but when his deadbeat brother came swaggering into his home with no humility or shame, smoking pot and bogarting his couch, Mickey suddenly turned into a stuffy Christian mother, sticking his nose up and huffing at the mention of any illicit substance. 
“Oh, I’m sorry man, you wanna hit?” Kevin asked, completely oblivious to his brother’s annoyance. 
“What are you doing here, Kev?” 
Kevin’s eyebrows raised at Mickey’s bluntness and whistled low under his breath, before settling back against the couch. 
“Take the stick out of you ass, Jesus Mick,” 
“I’m serious, Kev. What is it? Spit it out, I had a long fucking day. I don’t have the patience to deal with this.” 
“You sound like dad,” Kevin chuckled, smoke billowed from his mouth as he propped long legs onto the coffee table. 
His tolerance for Kevin running thin already, Mickey marched over to the couch and shoved his legs from the coffee table with haste. Kevin’s eyes grew wide with surprise and slight betrayal when he looked at his brother again. 
“I’m not fucking around, Kevin! (Y/N) is gonna be home any minute and I want you gone when she gets here,” Mickey raked a hand through his tousled locks and went in search of his work coat to find a new cigarette. 
“(Y/N) loves me,” 
“Yeah, because you prey on her kindness. Now tell me what it is or I’m calling dad to pick you up.” 
That seemed to scare him enough to reveal the reason for his visit.
“I need a job.” 
And there it was. Mickey let out an encompassing sigh as he turned his back to his baby brother. This wasn’t the first time Kevin had asked for a job, and Mickey doubted it would be the last. 
Others might applaud his brother’s initiative to better himself and search for personal contacts to find him work, but Mickey knew better. He had tried to help him get a job more times than he could count, and Kevin always did something to fuck it up. 
Whether it be never showing up, being high on the clock, failing drug tests or fighting with customers and coworkers, something always went wrong. Mickey had burned many a bridge to defend his brother from these employers, because no matter how insane Kevin made him, he was still his brother and he would be damned if anyone said a bad word about him. Other than him, of course. 
“Yeah? And what the fuck am I supposed to do about that?” Mickey challenged. 
“Talk to Stephen,” Kevin replied simply. 
“Fuck no!” Mickey almost laughed, “Man, I need this job, I can’t have you fucking it up for me.” 
“I won’t! I won’t fuck it up!” 
“Yeah, ok. Whatever you say, Kev.”
“I’m being serious!” 
“No, no way, dude. No, Kev. I can’t lose this job. I got bills and shit, now! Did you know you have to pay for garbage pick up at a place like this? Because I sure as shit didn’t! We can’t even bury it like dad did,” Mickey lectured, “and y’know what? I got a girl, one I’d really like to fucking keep. Which means actually keeping this stupid construction job to keep paying for fucking garbage. I can’t have you gettin’ us both canned.” 
“I’ve changed, Mick. I have!” Kevin reinforced when his brother rolled his eyes, “I’m twenty four now. I got like, perspective on stuff, and shit.” 
“Kev, -“ Mickey started, but didn’t continue as he heard a key in the front lock. 
Seconds later you appeared, hair piled high on your head and still adorning your work uniform. Even with his brother pissing him off and the weight of an awful day on his shoulders, Mickey couldn’t stop the goofy smile that spread over his face when he saw you. Worn from a hard day and in your boxy hotel maid get up, you were still the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on. 
“Hey, baby,” Mickey said as he crossed the living room quickly to greet you. 
“Hi, baby,” you looked up at him, a similar lovesick smile on your lips as Mickey wrapped you in a crushing embrace. 
You craned your head back to capture his pouted lips in a kiss. They will tinged with more nicotine than usual, and you knew something was off before you pulled apart. Your hands had begun to inch toward Mickey’s nape when you heard movement on the couch. When you pulled away, you saw him
“Oh, hey, Kev. I didn’t see you there, honey,” you offered him a kind smile as you moved to rest your cheek on Mickey’s chest.
Mickey tried to keep the scowl off his face as his brother grinned at you. 
“How ya been, (Y/N/N)? Man, it feels like it’s been ages!” his brother charmed, pushing up from the couch to come meet you for a hug. 
When you pulled away from Mickey to do so, Mickey swore you were taking a part of his resolve with you.
“It has, you don’t come ‘round like you used to,” you said, parting from Kevin to smoothe your hands over his broad, boney shoulders. As you inspected Mickey’s baby brother, you spied something new, “this a new addition?” 
You poked the ridge of black ink peeking out of his t-shirt, just below his collar bone. 
“Awh, yeah. Yeah it is,” Kevin pulled down the collar of his shirt enough for you to see the tattoo that joined the ranks of his many others, “it’s the Brooklyn Bridge.” 
“Oh,” you said, a little surprised by the choice, but admiried it nonetheless, “I like it. It’s nice linework. Can’t say the same for the rest of ‘em, though.”
“Yeah, yeah, very funny!”
You winked up at him before you removed yourself from his orbit to return to Mickey’s. Though, on your way back to your man, you saw the firm look of displeasure on his face, and that face was directed firmly at his brother. You stopped in your tracks and traded glances between the two boys, one angry and one bashful, before you spoke. 
“Alright, what’s goin’ on?” 
“What do you think is goin’ on?” “Nothin’.” the brothers spoke in unison. 
You turned your gaze hard at Mickey. He let silence hang in the air for a long beat before he spoke.
“Kev is lookin’ for a hand out. But what’s new?” Mickey scoffed. He planted a swift kiss to the crown of your head before he walked past the both of you to the kitchen. 
“Hey, fuck you man! All I was asking for was help!” Kevin shot back, he turned quickly on his heel to face his brother. 
“I can’t give you any fuckin’ help, Kev! Look what I got,” Mickey waved widley, “there ain’t shit here to give!”
“You could give me your contacts, I could start sellin’ the shit you have left from -” 
“You aren’t taking my contacts and you’re not touching the shit I got from Georgia. That’s mine to do what I please with,” Mickey bellowed, yelling louder than you’d ever heard before, “I don’t need you fucking up the relationship I have with my clients, either.” 
“Clients,” Kevin said in a mocking, posh accent, “their fucking drug addicts!” 
“Yeah? And what the fuck are you, again?” 
“What the fuck am I? What the fuck are you, man?” 
The two had slowly begun to advance toward each other in their squabble, and now were only a pace apart. You knew if they were to get any closer, fists would be thrown. It wouldn’t be a good fight, neither boy had ever been good in physical altercations. The fight would likely consist of misthrown punches and cheap shot kicks, but that didn’t matter. You didn’t want either to get hurt or take anything too far. 
“That’s enough!” you shouted over their bickering, “Mick, c’mon. Come talk to me in the bedroom, please.” 
Mickey’s angry expression faltered the moment he looked over Kevin’s shoulder at you, “Baby, I can handle this.” 
“Mickey. Bedroom. Now.” you had already started to head that way, and Mickey knew if he wasn’t right behind you, he’d be in deep shit. 
With a petulant sigh, he followed you down the hall to the bedroom and shut the door behind him when he entered. You had sat on the edge of the bed and Mickey found his place to slouch against the opposite wall. 
“I can’t deal with him, baby. I can’t deal with his bullshit anymore,” he said, defeated. 
“He’s your brother, Mick. You love him. And sometimes the people you love need more help than you do.” 
“But that’s the thing, he needs so much more. He takes and he takes and he takes, and somehow, he still needs more. I can’t give him anything else. No one can. He’s more of a fuck up than I am, and that’s saying something,” Mickey puffed. 
“You’re not a fuck up, Mick,” you frowned, your brows peaking with heartache. 
Mickey gave you a pointed look, “I kinda am. You don’t gotta sugar coat it.”
You stood from the bed and crossed the short space between you two. When you reached him, you wrapped your arms around his waist and nestled close to his chest. Mickey accepted your embrace easily and gratefully. 
“You are not a fuck up, baby. You have a good job, you have a good life. You provide for me, for our little two person family. And you make me happier than I ever thought possible... you simply aren’t a fuck up because no man I love could be,” you smiled at the tail end of your sentence. 
You propped your chin on his chest like you had minutes earlier and looked deep into his green eyes, both soft and brimming with adoration. 
“I fucking love you so much, you know that?” he smiled, little crow's feet growing by his eyes as he did. 
“I do. And I love you, too.” 
Mickey sighed, relaxation soothing his muscles at the sound of your confession. He gently pressed your cheek back to his chest and reveled in the feeling of your body against his. 
“But really, baby, what are we gonna do about Kev?” you asked after a moment of calm. 
Mickey’s brows furrowed, the pressure behind them intense and blaring. 
“He’s not our problems, baby. He’s an adult.” 
“He is. But he’s also a sweet kid with a good heart, and he just needs some extra help. And I think we should try to help, at least the best we can.” 
Mickey’s head made a thud as he collapsed to the wall behind him, “baby, we can’t keep doing this. We can’t keep bailing him out. We can’t keep bailing them out.”
The image of his parents popped behind his eyes, both fragile and gray and somehow even crueler than ever. He didn’t want to spend his life being their eternal whipping boy, cleaning up their messes when they couldn’t. And that included the mess they had made in his brother.
“This isn’t about them, alright? Fuck them, you know precisely what I think of your parents,” you frowned, and Mickey felt his heart pick up with pride at your protectiveness, “but you also know what I think about Kevin. He really is a good kid deep down. He’s talented. He just needs a little more support before he’s gonna feel comfortable jumping out on his own.” 
“He still drives me fucking insane…” Mickey retorted.
“He’s your little brother, of course he does.”
“Baby, he really does. You have no idea how much that little shit gets under my skin.”
“Oh, c’mon! You love him! He’s like, sad, high, tattooed Big Bird,” you giggled as you heard a grumble vibrate in Mickey’s chest. 
“Yeah? Well, then what am I?” 
You pulled away from him once more, but only far enough to look him in the eyes. 
“You’re like, strong, sexy, smart Big Bird,” you said, your voice a seductive purr as you placed a few chaste kisses to his jaw, “or Snuffleupagus.” 
Mickey’s face twisted in confusion and slight disgust, “why?” 
“Because he was always my favorite when I was a kid.” 
And his expression instantly extinguished into one of warmth and tenderness. Emerald eyes bathing you in liquid love. 
“You just never stop being cute, do you?” he grinned. 
“Nope,” you said, letting the work pop from your lips. 
He placed a gentle kiss to your forehead and took a deep breath of your pheromones; your sun bathed skin and your sweet smelling hair. And as he let his lips stay perched on your skull, he realized that he would do anything for you, no matter the request. He had had this feeling many times before; of his overwhelming and striking devotion to you; though it never ceased to rattle his swelling heart in his chest, and remind him the exact reason he was put on this earth: to make you happy. 
So, if you wanted him to try and help Kevin, then he would. It was the least he could do for all the happiness and love you brought to him. 
But, if he was being honest with himself, there was always going to be a part of him that wanted to nurture his baby brother in any way he could. 
Somewhere in his mind and his heart, Kevin would always be the small blushing bundle handed off to him in a dingy hospital room. It was one of his first formative memories, his little brother wrapped in a white blanket as his mother’s groggy eyes looked upon both of them. Mickey had never held a baby, let alone a newborn, and the tiny writhing creature looked very strange to him, red and angry and crying.
A month before Mickey’s mother would give birth to Kevin, their father had stormed out of the house, and by the time her water had broken he had still yet to turn. So pained and afraid, his mother had piled Mickey in the car after her and drove them both to the hospital. A cigarette in one hand, while her other gave the steering wheel a death grip. As she groaned with contractions and cursed at the traffic, she said something to him that he never forgot: 
“You are the real man of the house, Mickey-honey,” she said in her graveled voice, “this little boy is always gonna look up to you. You gotta live up to that.” 
And that message had bounced around between his ears as his mother, alone and in extraordinary agony, gave birth to his brother. Who as he had held him in his tiny spindly arms, Mickey knew that he would keep him safe forever. No matter what.
A part of that soul promise to his blood now seemed to be finding Kevin a job to keep him afloat. To keep him out of trouble and away from falling down the path their parents had. He honored past his past self in that moment, continuing on with the pledge to keep his brother safe. 
“Fine,” Mickey muttered to your skin, “we’ll help ‘im.” 
Mickey simply shrugged. 
You moved your hands from where they had been secured behind his waist to come and cradle his cheeks, “you’re a good man, Mick.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he played off, eyelids fluttering. 
“The best man I know,” and you kissed him tenderly, the soft feeling of your lips electrifying him.
He hummed when you pulled away, but with more anguish than pleasure. 
“Let’s get this over with,” Mickey said. He quickly untangled himself from you and exited the bedroom before you could even process your post kiss haze. 
“Kev,” Mickey called, finding his brother laying down on the couch now, the television remote in his hand as he flipped channels, “get the fuck up.” 
“Hey, woah, listen Mickey, alright? I’m sorry! I am, I’m sorry,” Kevin began, stammering nervously. 
Mickey could tell that his brother was trying to save face. That he was trying to bargain for his help, and that he believed that Mickey was coming back to tell him to leave and never come back. But he didn’t stop him, Mickey thought Kevin deserved to squirm a bit. 
“I know I’ve fucked up, like really fucked up over and over again. But I got this this time, ok? I’m like, I’m ready for, I don’t know, a fresh start. I’m ready to do better.” 
Mickey simply crossed his arms as his brother stared up at him with heavy set brown eyes. They were flickering around the room, scared to look at his older brother who loomed over him. Mickey was sure he was searching for you, knowing he could always grovel at your feet for sympathy. 
“Fuck! What am I supposed to say, stop being such a-“ but Kevin stopped himself before he finished, knowing it likely wasn’t smart to start name calling the person he was asking a favor of. 
“No, no, continue. What am I being? Hm?” Mickey raised an eyebrow. 
Kevin’s jaw tightened, “.... a really, good guy.” 
His pained voice would have made Mickey laugh if he wasn’t wearing a stoic persona. It reminded him of when Kevin was forced to apologize as a child, their dad’s hand pulling up his ear as he spat out an apology. 
“Imma ask around, alright? Been hearing about some landscape work a buddy of mine has been talking about. I’ll call you tomorrow.” he finally said, putting his anxious brother out of his misery. 
“No shit?” Kevin asked with a suspicious lilt. 
“No shit. And if you get the fuck out of my house in the next five seconds, I might even put in a good word for you.” 
“Fuck,” Kevin exhaled, his body deflated like a balloon against the cushion, “you have no idea-“ 
“Nope, I don’t,” Mickey interjected, “and I don’t want to. Now fuck off, dude. My lady is home and I don’t need you here.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright!” Kevin said as he was shooed off the couch and to the door, “thank you, (Y/N/N), you hear me, babe?” 
You heard the commotion from the bedroom and popped your head out to watch Mickey escorting Kevin out. Stripped down from your uniform and now bundled in a pair of Mickey’s thread bear sweatpants and his favorite Scorpions t-shirt. 
“You look gorgeous, by the way! So good, does Mickey tell you enough?” Kevin had widened his gangly limbs in the door frame to keep his brother, who was shoving him quite hard, to stop him from leaving. 
“He does, Kev. I promise,” you grinned at the brotherly exchange as they threw jabs at each other, “I’ll see you soon, honey.” 
“Bye, (Y/N/N)!” was the last thing Kevin got out before Mickey slammed the door in his face, not worrying about if there were stray fingers left behind. 
“That fucking kid…” Mickey said under his breath, locking the deadbolt with a resound click. 
You pushed away from where you had leant against the wall and walked toward him, “my man… my sweet, strong man who has such a big heart and helps out his family.” 
You plastered yourself to his back, bringing your hands down to fiddle with the hem of his shirt, “my man who provides for me,” you pressed a kiss to his shoulder, “for the people he loves,” one to his trap, “who is the best person I’ve ever known,” one to his neck. 
Mickey whimpered under your ministrations, caught up in the whispered pleasure of your lips and nimble fingers that greedily took inventory of his torso.
“You’re really tryin’ to start something, huh?” he chuckled as you began to suck on his pulse point. 
“And if I was?” 
As soon as the last syllable left your mouth, Mickey had twisted around to take handfuls of your thighs to hitch you up around his waist. 
You couldn’t hold in the excited giggle that bubbled from your chest as he marched you both back toward your room in quick succession. His long strides getting you both back between the sheets in no time. All thoughts of  dropped sandwiches and burn holes and faulty equipment and pesky little brothers, gone. Now, there was only you, and that was just the way Mickey liked it. 
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if you follow me you know that i have been going through a major writing block and a creativity dry spell, so while i don’t think this is my best work, it is fun and silly and soft and nice to write (:  if you enjoyed, i would really love it hear it <3 ‘til next time!
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digitalworldbound · 3 years
day six: separation
summary: a sequel of sorts to "unexpected". hikari has to tell takeru the news.
tw: brief discussion of outcomes of a pregnancy
The examination table was uncomfortable. Her gown hung loose over her thin frame, something Hikari considered a blessing when she was able to wrap it around herself to keep the doctor’s cold hands at bay.
“What brings you in today?” Hikari’s doctor seemed kind enough. He flipped through her file, skimming his eyes across her vitals and symptoms. His smile reminded her of Jou, though he lacked the existential dread that was a trademark of her senior. Amongst the posters of glowing mothers and anatomical diagrams, her doctor looked downright cheerful. Her stomach churned.
“I think I might be…” her voice trailed off. White splotches formed around her knees where she had pressed them together. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the doctor, shame coloring her cheeks.
The doctor hummed in acknowledgement. “Well, your blood test does confirm that you are, in fact, pregnant.” Hikari flinched. It didn’t make sense. She had convinced herself that the pregnancy test she took at home didn’t count; the box itself said it was only ninety-seven percent accurate. Statistics had always been on her side, so why were they failing her now?
He gave her a few moments to collect herself before breaking the silence once more. “Would you like to hear your options?”
Hikari’s laughter sounded forced and hollow. “Options? Like what? Choosing between which family member murders me when I tell them?”
“Depending on what you choose, you may not have to tell them. Legally, you are an adult and can choose your favorable outcome of this…situation” Hikari’s wild eyes and quivering lip stirred something in the doctor’s stomach. She looked so small on the table, so young. Her file said she was nineteen years old, but the girl in front of him was heartbreakingly frail.
“You may not be able to control how your family will react, but you can decide what happens from here on out.” The doctor leaned against the sterile counter, clipboard pushed aside. “Firstly, you can choose to carry the baby to full term. After you give birth, you can either keep the child or sign it up to become adopted by another family.” He paused. Hikari wrapped her arms tightly around her torso, eyelashes clumped with unshed tears.
Clearing the lump in his throat, the doctor continued. “As of right now, you are only about seven weeks along. If you don’t like your first two options, there is still enough time to get an abor- “
“No, please.” Her voice was hoarse, cracking as the weight of her responsibility hit her.
He watched as her tears riveted down her cheeks before excusing himself politely. There wasn’t anything else he could do for her; it was her choice.
It was well past dinner time when Hikari tip-toed into their shared apartment. With all of the lights off, she could pretend that she was alone. With the lights off, she could ignore the plate of food that had been waiting for her and her boyfriend’s shoes by the door. It was time to tell him.
Takeru’s voice seeped out from underneath their bedroom door. “I don’t know what’s happening! That’s why I’m calling you. She won’t tell me anything, Miyako. Please, please, help me out.” It could have been the distress in his voice or the ultrasound crumpled in her hands, but Hikari’s eyes burned. Initially, she hadn’t wanted to burden him. A basketball scholarship and creative writing major would be abandoned for her. For them. Takeru would happily give up his dreams and hopes if Hikari so much as asked. She loved him so wholly and completely that she couldn’t bear to tell him the news; he would give up everything for her.
His footsteps traced the outline of their bedroom. She imagined him running his fingers through his hair like he did when he was frustrated. Miyako’s answer must have been vague, as Takeru’s voice rose to a new decibel.
“If it’s just a stomach bug, why has she been avoiding me? She won’t even let me touch her!” Takeru’s voice cracked. He was damned if she told him, he was damned if she didn’t.
Blood pounded in her ears. Though Hikari did her best to stay quiet, the hinges on the bedroom door gave her away. Blond hair whipped in her direction, her heart splintering.
His eyes puffy and bloodshot, Takeru was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was so unfair that he was his prettiest when he was distraught. Sniffling, he pulled her limp body to his chest. A shiver ran through her body as Takeru’s tears dampened her fringe. “Please.”
He knew that she had heard everything. Playing dumb was no longer an option. His voice trembled, his heart beating so fast, so erratically that it scared Hikari.
She relished in his warmth for a moment, letting her arms circle around her stomach. Once she told him, there would be no taking it back. It would hang between them, it would ruin everything. He loved her, even now. His heart solely belongs to her, and Hikari was about to crush it.
“Takeru.” It could have been the way her voice shook, or how she pushed him away. Regardless, his eyes were on her. The concern etched into his features nearly unraveled her. A lump crawled into her throat, a fresh wave of tears spilling over onto her cheeks.
Words spilled out of her. They didn’t make sense to her, but Takeru was kind. He listened so intently that it made her skin crawl. When the words finally dried up, she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. “Hikari, I don’t understand.” Slowly, he inched towards her as if she were a feral cat.
She wanted to run, but his hands held her firmly in place. He didn’t say anything else, choosing to press their foreheads together. His hands were shaking, his eyelashes clumped together. And yet, he was so gentle. He wanted to make sure that she was okay.
The ultrasound was crumpled before she handed to him, but his grip could have torn it in half. “Hikari, I don’t understand.”
Her tears dripped into her palms as she held her face in shame. “I’m pregnant.”
A sharp gasp shattered her heart. It’s best if he leaves, she reminded herself, but she wanted nothing more than for him to stay. Selfishly, wholeheartedly, she wanted him with her.
Then, she was flying. Her eyes fluttered open to meet his, blindingly bright and full of promises she wasn’t sure he would keep. He spun her around and around until the smallest of giggles mingled with his own.
Setting her down, his hands found hers on her stomach. The doctor had told her that her bump wouldn’t be visible for another few weeks, but Hikari held his hand firmly in place. Takeru didn’t speak, lips trailing kisses across her face and down her neck.
“Takeru, I’m scared.” With his blind hair tickling her chin, it was hard to gauge his reaction.
He hugged her tight, snuggling further into her neck. “I’m terrified,” he admitted. “We’re so young, and there’s still so much that I want to do.” Hikari tensed. This was it.
“But,” he cupped her cheeks in between his palms, planting a kiss of reassurance on her lips, “I love you. You are the thing I am most sure about. This baby is an extension of you; of us. I’ll do whatever I need to take care of you both for the rest of my life.” A pair of thumbs wiped away her fresh tears. “That is, if you’ll have me.”
A gasp, then a pair of hands pulling closer. “Yes,” she whispered against his lips.
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lesetoilesfous · 3 years
For @alienturnipp, from the angst prompt list for Nanders, “people who are okay don’t act like this”
Pairing: Nathaniel Howe/ Anders
Characters: Anders, Nathaniel Howe
Tags: Awakening fun, canon-typical Circle abuse
Rating: Mature
Nathaniel is not, habitually, heavy footed. On more than one occasion, the commander’s Antivan lover had suggested he take up a career in dance, ( “so light are your dainty footsteps, mi amigo.”) He’s not sure whether Anders knows this. This is largely because after three incidents in which Nathaniel had caused the mage to fall into something alarmingly akin to a panic attack, Nate has made an effort to be heavy footed around him.
Still, Anders jumps when Nathaniel knocks on the door to his room. The door is open - Nathaniel has never known Anders to close it, and the mage himself is standing in fairly sparse surroundings looking...lost. The expression fades almost as soon as Nathaniel catches it, like a mirage, Instead Anders gives him a smile as bright and thin as cheap paint. 
“Howe! Wasn’t expecting you...here. How do you do that? You always seem to melt out of the blighted shadows.”
Anders laughs, but the sound rings hollow, and his long fingers shake a little even as he brushes them against his robe. Nathaniel frowns. “Are you alright?”
It’s been three weeks since he and the mage were conscripted by the warden commander. More has happened in those three weeks than most of the time Nathaniel spent soldiering in the marches, but Anders still acts as if he’s only just arrived. It’s...disconcerting.
The mage, for his part, smiles again, “Oh yes, don’t worry about me, I’m not going to go all demon on you.” He wiggles his fingers, as if to emphasise his point, and his light brown eyes flicker over Nathaniel’s shoulder, to the empty corridor beyond.
Nathaniel knows that no one is there - he makes it his business to know when he’s being watched - but he turns anyway, and cannot help but feel the pantomime must be painfully obvious as he makes a show of checking to see if anyone is there. In the low, rainy grey light of Amaranthine it’s hard to tell, but when he turns back he thinks he can see Anders flushing.
Anders claps, and seems to startle himself with the volume of the sound (outside, a few of the mabari start barking, and he stiffens almost imperceptibly.) “So! Does the commander need me? Has she finally realised she has no use for me after all? Time for me to get shipped back off to the Circle? Between you and me, I think I’ll put up a fight. For old time’s sake, you know.”
Nathaniel’s frown deepens, and he moves to cross the threshold into Anders’ chamber, but hesitates. Something at the back of his head tells him that he needs to respect the mage’s space, and whether it’s old prejudice or gut instinct, Nate can’t quite force himself to disregard it. Instead he shakes his head, “Why would you think that?”
Anders laughs, and again, it rings hollow. “Oh, well, you know. It’s been a week and I haven’t been forced to risk my life again, so. I figured…”
Nathaniel cannot shake the irritating feeling that he’s missing something. “She cares about you a great deal. You knew each other in the Circle, didn’t you?”
Anders snorts, and it’s graceless enough that Nathaniel believes it’s honest. “As much as you could know anyone there. And she was younger than me. Mages aren’t allowed to mix with apprentices once we’ve passed our Harrowing.” Anders wrinkles his nose. “I suppose they want to stop us getting attached.”
“Why?” Nathaniel asks the question without meaning to and regrets it immediately. He’s certain he will not like the answer.
Anders shrugs, stiff and awkward in his tall frame. “Most of them die.”
Something of Nathaniel’s shock must show on his face, because Anders laughs - for real this time, though a little bitterly. His long hands flicker through the air like restless birds.
“Hate to break it to you Nate, but the Circle has a pretty high death rate.” Anders laughs again, higher pitched and a little manic. “Would you look at that? I’m a poet and I didn’t know it.”
Nathaniel crosses the threshold. He catches Anders hands without thinking, arresting their ceaseless, anxious movement through the empty air. Beneath his hands, Anders’ wrists are too thin. Nathaniel still isn’t entirely convinced the templars who’d caught Anders were feeding him. The mage, for his part, falls into startled silence. Nathaniel watches his pulse racing through the thin skin of his throat as he swallows, and is reminded of nothing so much as a hare.
But then he looks up into Anders’ brown, golden eyes, and sees the fierce thread of rebellion there (“I think I’ll put up a fight. For old time’s sake, you know”), and Nathaniel realises that Anders has never been anything other than a fox: wily and wild and refusing to be tamed. “What is the matter?”
Anders purses his lips. This close, he smells of the embrium and elfroot he carries with him on his belt. Nathaniel is half surprised he isn’t making poultices now. He usually was. He claimed it helped him think, but Nathaniel isn’t entirely sure it’s not just a habit he hasn’t shaken from making potions for the Circle. 
Anders pulls his arms back and Nathaniel lets him, not following as Anders backs up in the direction of one of the thin, hard pallet beds they used in the soldiers’ dormitories. The commander must have dragged it up here specially, though he couldn’t imagine why. Anders follows his gaze and coughs another laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, that. Sorry, couldn’t sleep on goosefeathers. Too damn soft. I mean what’s laying your head down at night if you don’t wake up in pain?”
Nathaniel decides that Anders doesn’t actually want an answer to that, and presses on to the subject that he’s avoiding. “People who are okay don’t act like this.”
Anders flashes him another sharp, crooked grin and again Nathaniel catches the fire of anger in his eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Nathaniel clenches his teeth. Delilah had never explained that being kind would take so much blighted work. (He can almost hear the commander in his head, laughing at him for that.) Anders is pacing back and forth in front of his thin, poorly appointed bed, and his hands have started moving again. Nathaniel speaks before Anders’ nervous energy manages to infect him too. 
“You have refused to acquire any material possessions other than that pillow, which you hide most of the time. You are stockpiling food beneath the floorboards,” Nathaniel nods at the one uneven plank which had often been the secret to his own childhood hiding places, “ for reasons I do not understand. You never close your door and yet you seem outright terrified whenever anyone enters a place you consider to be private. If you bathe I haven’t seen it, though I must assume that you do as you have not yet begun to smell. You are avoiding...everyone, but especially the commander, despite her efforts and obvious desire to get to know you better. For some reason you still think that she - or any of us - would turn you in to the Circle without a second thought.”
Anders frowns at that, stopping mid-step to look at him with something that is either curiosity or pain in his eyes. “Wouldn’t you?”
Nathaniel stares at him - and feels, for a moment - his own foolish heart plummet like lead into his stomach. “I - no.” Mouth suddenly dry, Nathaniel wets his lips and tries to speak past the lump in his throat (past the voice in the back of his head, he’s afraid of you, everyone’s afraid of you, just like your father).
Anders’ expression softens, and his shoulders drop. “You really mean that, don’t you?”
Nathaniel blinks, and tries to shake off the feeling of being rooted to the spot. “Of course.”
Anders’ mouth quirks upward at the corner. Outside there’s the gentle patter of the autumn rain against the muddy courtyard, bouncing off the mens’ new armour like a thousand soft, tiny bells. After a moment, Anders sits down, heavily, on the thin mattress, and gestures for Nathaniel to step forward.
Feeling as if he’s suddenly been freed of some strange, invisible spell, Nathaniel does so, almost toppling to sit on the floor in front of Anders as he looks at his hands. Anders breaks the new and sudden quiet, running the fingers of his left hand over the knuckles of his right. “They broke my hands.” The admission is so quiet and so unexpected that Nathaniel is almost unsure he heard it. But then Anders lets out a long, shaking breath and continues. “I was...half drunk with magebane so I didn’t...have you ever felt pain without emotion? It’s so hard to describe. Like shock, I guess. You register that something terrible has happened and that it hurts. But the grief, the anger, the fear. All that comes later. They let it heal naturally. So my hands are crooked now.” Anders splays his fingers in the air between them, and Nathaniel can see now, as he hadn’t before, the way his knuckles do stand a little crooked, the way a nose heals when it breaks. 
Nathaniel’s voice is rough when he speaks. “Why?”
Anders shrugs, and his expression is distant. “I don’t remember exactly. It was whilst I was in solitary. They were always doing…” His features shutter into a mask so impassive that even Nathaniel cannot read it, and he draws in a quick deep breath and exhales again. “It doesn’t matter.” He offers Nathaniel a small smile, and nods at the door. “I keep the door open because I haven’t had a door, ever. When I was a child I was too young and small to have my own room. In the Circle only templars and Senior Enchanters are granted the luxury of such privacy, and I was neither.” Anders nods at the floorboards. “I...One of the first punishments they’d go to was restricting rations.” Anders’ mouth curls into a thin  smile. “I think some of them just wanted to see how long I could go. Caught them making bets on it, once.” Anders shakes his head, as if he’s dislodging the memory from his mind like a cat shaking off water. He spreads his hands wide. “I don’t...know what to do with all this. Everything I’ve ever been told is that I can’t have it. Whatever it is.”
Nathaniel resists the urge to say freedom. He isn’t entirely sure that it’s true. Anders, on the bed, sighs and  slides down from the mattress to the floor, easily framing Nathaniel with his long legs, the tabard of his robe falling heavy and velvet between his legs. Nathaniel averts his eyes. Anders’ laugh is rough and low and warm, and then his (crooked) fingers catch Nathaniel’s head and turn it back to look at him.
“That I understand.” Anders leans forward, until his chest is pressing against his bent knees. He smiles at Nathaniel, sweet and a little shy, and this close Nate can see that his eyelashes are almost as golden as his hair. Anders’ other hand comes up to catch the other side of Nathaniel’s face, and Nate doesn’t resist when Anders draws him closer to brush a kiss against his lips. “Thank you for asking, though.”
For a moment they’re quiet. Far off, from downstairs, there’s the sound of Oghren bellowing and Sigrun cackling, followed by a clattering or armour as one or the other of them gives chase. Anders’ thumb runs over Nathaniel’s cheek, and Nathaniel reaches up to catch his wrist and press his hand closer. He waits until Anders meets his eyes to speak. “I would fight with you.” A shadow of a frown passes over Anders’ brow, and Nathaniel clarifies before he can ask, “ If they tried to take you away. Back to the Circle. I would fight by your side.”
Anders’ mouth twitches into a rueful smile, though the pad of his thumb keeps running softly over Nathaniel’s cheek. “Even against the commander? She’s the Hero of Ferelden, you know.”
Nathaniel shifts closer, letting go of Anders’ wrist to reach up and cup the back of his head, gently, firmly, pulling him closer until their foreheads are touching. “Even her. Against the wardens, the templars, chevaliers and darkspawn, Anders. I will not let them take you. Not whilst I am breathing.”
When Anders breathes out, Nathaniel feels the shudder of it where their bodies are touching. Anders doesn’t look at him when he replies. “Don’t say that. Someone might make you prove it.”
Nathaniel huffs, pulling back to look into Anders’ eyes. “Let them.” He catches one of Anders’ hands and pulls it between them, running his fingers over Anders’ crooked knuckles. “This is not Justice. I’ve met Justice.” He looks up, offering a smile which Anders returns, “He looks like a walking corpse. But, truly.” Nathaniel bends and presses a kiss to Anders’ palm, and watches pink flush through his cheeks like a sunrise. “This is not just. And I will not let them have you. I swear it.”
Anders shakes his head, shutting his eyes as his brow twists with a frown despite the smile on his lips. “I want to believe you.”
Nathaniel holds Anders’ hands tightly between his own, and presses a kiss to his forehead. “Perhaps, one day, you will.”
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raendown · 3 years
I return from the dead with a fic that isn't even for the Naruto fandom and I don't really have an explanation for myself.
Pairing: SamBucky Word count: 2317 Fandom: MCU Summary: Visiting Steve was always strange now that the guy was old and retired. Still, of all the things Sam expected out of today, witnessing a prime example of gay panic from the co-worker that's been mysteriously avoiding him was not one of them.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info under the header!
Honestly, the fact that Steve's house smelled like prunes was probably one of the funniest things that Sam had ever heard in his life. More than anything he would have loved to go back in time, to the days of reading about glorified heroes in history textbooks, and tell his fifteen year old self that Captain America, Steve Rogers, retired in a house that smelled like prunes. God, his best friend just had to throw himself in to being old the way he threw himself in to everything else.
"Is there a special reason for you visiting?" Steve's voice was more tremulous these days, less steady but no less warm. Just hearing him again after the shameful amount of weeks it had been since his last visit made Sam grin.
"Nah, just thought I'd pop in and see if you'd expired yet. Your birthday's coming up. Gonna be, what, three hundred? A thousand?"
Steve narrowed his eyes but there was fondness in them so it wasn't very scary even if he could probably still tackle Sam across the room if he wanted to. At this point it would hurt him too but he could do it. "You, young man, are-"
He looked chagrined at himself when Sam cut him off with a laugh.
"You shitting me? Did you really just call me young man? See if I ever let you live that down."
His friend grumbled but accepted the teasing as his due. That was just what he got for going back in time and doubling down on being so much older than his own best friends.
Since it had indeed been a little too long after they last saw each other there was quite a bit of catching up for them to do. Over cool glasses of sweet tea and a plate of cookies the two of them spent a pleasant couple of hours shooting the shit until Sam could almost forget the years that stretched between them now. It was jarring, sometimes, looking away from those clear blue eyes to realize all over again just how many wrinkles they were set in. Sometimes he hated it. Other times he could only smile to know that at least one of their ragtag bunch had found the peace they were looking for.
Eventually all that sweet tea went right to his bladder and Sam excused himself to use the bathroom. When he returned he took in the sight of his friend all snug under one of the blankets his late wife had knit and sighed, feeling maudlin suddenly for no good reason.
"I should probably get out of your hair," he said. "Let you get in your afternoon nap or whatever. No, stay there man, I'll clean up." His smile was easy as he snagged the dishes from their grazing and hauled it all over to the kitchen.
"You sure?" Steve's voice floated after him. "Nothing else you want to get off your chest?"
Sam frowned at the cups he'd just placed in the sink, running back through his mind. They'd talked about pretty much everything he could think of.
"You didn't mention Buck once, you know. I thought the two of you were friends now."
"Ah. Yeah. So did I." The corners of his mouth twisted with a little bitterness, a little confusion. After everything they'd been through and the number of times Bucky had accepted his invitations down to Delacroix he'd thought they were well past the point of calling themselves friends. Maybe he himself felt something a little more than that but he knew better than to push.
That was probably why Bucky's sudden radio silence hurt so much though.
"Trouble in paradise?" Steve called from the other room and Sam snorted.
“Shit, I don’t know. One minute we’re fine and the next he just up and disappears on me again. I may or may not have checked a bunch of obituaries for your name just in case because I have no idea what I might have done to piss him off.” Sam pursed his lips. He’s already gone over all this with Sarah a half dozen times and in all the recounts he’d done of their last couple missions he still couldn’t find any particularly bad moment between him and his best friend. Unfortunately the sweet tea he was glaring at didn’t have any answers either so he snatched the pitcher up and moved to put it in the fridge.
“Have you tried, oh I don’t know, asking him what’s wrong?”
“You think I didn’t try that?”
Steve’s hum drifted down the hallway with a distinct note of sass. “Neither one of you is very famous for your communication.”
“Excuse you, I was a counselor. A certified veteran’s counselor. Communicating with people was literally my job until your overly buff ass came running around all ‘on your left’ and ‘everyone I know is trying to kill me’.” Sam huffed as he snapped the fridge closed. “I damn well tried to talk to him but he’s not answering my texts or my calls. Short of breaking in to his apartment I don’t really know what else you want me to do.”
Without any other excuses to keep him in the kitchen Sam heaved a sigh, knowing he couldn’t dawdle any longer. He could only get to the door by going though the living room so his choices were either run away out the back, which he would never ever hear the end of, or go back in to the living room and face Steve with his stupidly wise and knowing eyes. Seriously, let a guy live to almost two hundred and suddenly he thought he knew everything. Annoying was what it was.
He was only halfway down the hall when he heard the front door open. Sam very carefully swallowed down the jibe he’d just been about to deliver and hoped that meant what he thought it meant. Maybe Steve had finally gone vague after all and bailed in the middle of their conversation; he’d rather chase a crazy old coot down the street than talk about his feelings regarding one James Buchanan Barnes. Actually if he looked at it from the right angle then chasing an old coot down the street was pretty much his job description whenever he and his partner teamed up on missions. Sam was just glad they hadn’t been called in to one since this whole silent treatment had started because he wasn’t sure he wanted to know whether or not Bucky would still have his back even when the guy was mad at him over reasons unknown.
Two more steps and Sam froze in his tracks, eyes wide with disbelief. Bucky’s shoulders were hunched in to himself with something bridling on panic as he fit himself through the front door and kicked it shut behind himself, eyes wild and fixed on the ground between his feet, nervous energy pouring out of him in a way Sam hadn’t seen before. From his spot on the couch Steve watched his childhood friend let himself in with serene indifference.
“Didn’t know you’d be over today,” was all he said. Then he smiled benignly when Bucky let out a soft whine.
“Help,” Bucky pleaded. “I’m dying.”
Then Bucky slid down to his knees and face planted in the carpet, arms and legs splaying out wide. Steve hummed.
“You know,” he murmured, “no one ever believes me when I tell them you’re this dramatic.”
“Steve! I’m having a crisis!”
“I tell everyone you’re a drama queen and they just shake their heads at me.”
“This is important! You have to kill me, Steve. Or I’m gonna just- just-!” Bucky’s voice petered out with another extended whine muffled by the carpet that probably didn’t smell any better from that close up.
Crossing one leg over the other, Steve folded his hands in his lap with a great lack of concern for the ridiculous scene playing out before him. Sam remained frozen in the hallway, wondering if Bucky even realized he was there, but he got an answer to that almost faster than if he’d bothered to ask himself.
“What’s wrong, pal?”
“It’s Sam!” Bucky cried. His arms lifted up like wings to flail briefly before falling back to the floor in a boneless sprawl. “Please just crush my head or something. I can’t take this.”
“Ah, yes, I hear you’ve been avoiding him.”
Whatever kind of noise Bucky was trying to make, it came out sounding more like he was choking on carpet fumes. “Of course I’m avoiding him!”
“Now why on earth would you do that?”
“I want to stick my tongue in the gap between his teeth!” Bucky said, entirely unaware of the sparks that were suddenly running up Sam’s spine in the hallway. “Help me, Steve! I want to press my thumb in the little dimple on his back. He has a dimple on his back! Why!? Steve I want to hold his hand! What the fuck!”
Steve had both eyebrows up near his hairline and the most shit eating grin any human on the planet had ever worn when he turned his head to look at Sam. Frozen with his eyes on the figure currently panicking in to the floor, Sam paid him no attention. He was busy processing. After getting to know Bucky, inviting him to stay in Delacroix time and time again, the dramatics weren’t actually that much of a surprise. Obviously as they grew closer he’d gotten a number of glimpses in to who the real Bucky Barnes was under the grouchy veneer he presented to the world. Watching him starfish on the ground and whine wasn’t too far from what he’d already seen.
Hearing him say anything about his tongue in conjecture with Sam’s teeth, on the other hand, now that was a bit unexpected. More than a bit.
“I think Shuri called this ‘gay panic’ and honestly I’m in agreement,” Bucky went on mindlessly. “If I have to watch him go through one more workout and not grab his ass with both hands then I’m just going to rip both of them off. Who needs hands if I cannot grab Sam Wilson’s ass with them!?”
“You may be slightly exaggerating the situation, I feel,” Steve told him.
Bucky snorted. “I am not. I absolutely am not. Why is he so hot? And nice? I hate that. Except I don’t. Steve why is he so nice to me?”
“That might be a question you should ask him.”
“Oh yeah, sure, I’ve got lots of questions for him! Hey Sam, why are you nice to me? Hey Sam, can I lick your cheekbones? Hey Sam, how big is your cock?”
“Well. Not that I’ve ever thought to ask that myself but, alright. Go on, Sam, how big is it?”
Sam had just enough time to cross his arms over his chest and assume a very casual pose leaning against the wall beside him before Bucky’s head shot up off the carpet. If possible, his eyes were even more wild than before when he fixed them on Steve, full of the deepest betrayal. Then he very slowly dragged them sideways to see the man he’d just been panicking over. Sam gave him a very friendly smile.
“Depends on your frame of reference,” he admitted. “I’d say sizeable.”
“Hi Buck.”
While Steve very poorly disguised a laugh behind one hand, Sam pushed off from the wall and sauntered further in to the living room. Bucky slammed his face back in to the carpet.
“Leave me here to die,” he pleaded in a very small voice. Sam tutted, reaching for the front door, only looking over his shoulder once he was halfway through it.
“Come on, Buck, can’t lick my cheekbones if you don’t get off the floor. It was a nice visit, Steve, but don’t be looking out your front curtains for a bit. I think I’ll let Bucky decide for himself what sizeable means.” He thanked god for the mercy of Steve’s house being situated out here so far from any other homes, surrounded on all sides by enough trees that you couldn’t see it from the road. A gorgeous little island of privacy. Sam was fairly sure he wasn’t the only one grateful for this, judging by the mad scrambling noises he could hear going on behind him.
Bucky’s voice garbled out something that sounded like ‘fuck you, thank you, bye forever’ and then Sam was listening to the slam of the front door barely a second before strong hands were wrapping themselves around his hips. He laughed even as Bucky’s face came in to view.
“Greatest assassin of several generations and you didn't notice my truck in the driveway?” he said.
“I may have been a bit distracted.” That was definitely a pout on Bucky’s lips.
“By being so hot for all of this”-Sam gestured vaguely down his own body-“that you literally ceased being able to function.”
He didn’t expect such easy agreement as the sheepish nod that followed his words. “Pretty much.”
Sam blinked slowly once, twice. For one long moment he considered teasing the man. Then he decided that their time was much better spent doing things they’d both obviously been wanting to do while assuming they would never get the chance.
“I was promised a tongue in my teeth. Are you gonna get to that any time soon or am I gonna sit here and pine some more for something I apparently could have had all along?”
Bucky keened piteously. Then he surged forward to follow through on his own promises and Sam really hoped that Steve had taken his words to heart about the curtains. The man was way too old to be seeing all the ways they were about to defile the side of this truck.
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infinitegalahad · 3 years
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Summary: Ray is hiding in a bathroom and has a panic attack over the fact that his only real friend and the love of his life has (supposedly) left him for Brad.
Word-Count: 2.1k
Warnings: References of suicidal thoughts, ptsd, and severe anxiety. Brad is a semi-asshole. Hop on the angst train (with fluff at the end!)
A/N: I was listening to Be More Chill because let's just say that I can heavily relate to Micheal In The Bathroom due to recent events in my life. So then again, what better way to cope then using my biggest kin, Ray Person, in a totally not self indulgent fic?? Also as for the prompt requests-i'm working on them! Sorry, school has been bad. I'm keeping a promise to myself to release at least once a a week and I'm on a gen kill rampage. Idk what else to add so enjoy!
Taglist: @theboardwalkbody
Masterlist | Send In A Prompt!
Ray doesn’t expect himself to be hanging in the bathroom at their first year reunion. But instead of “hanging”, he’s hiding. Those emotions that never come out are now coming back to haunt him. Ray knows he can't hide behind a shit eating grin and sunglasses. He leaned up against the tub inside of the cramped room, his sunglasses tucked into the neck of his polo as tears sting his eyes.
Ray’s legs felt numb and he knows if he looks into the mirror and sees his flushed face and eyes, he won’t be able to conceal his crying. He’s not able to go back outside and would prefer to fake pee or just check his phone in the bathroom.
“C’mon brah!” Q-tip whined like a child, crossing his legs. “This hurts like a butt cheek on a stick”
“You can’t come in!” Ray yelled as he held back a sob, “The little man is going. Suck it up, buttercup.”
Q-tip had been knocking on the door for over ten minutes before giving up and choosing to pee outside. Ray let out a shaky sigh and fell onto the thin side of the bathtub, biting his lip and he batted his wet eyes with his palms.
Ray and y/n had been an unexpected trio. Partners in crime, double trouble, you went well together despite their differences. You were an educated college student and he was a whiskey tango mess who couldn’t shut his mouth for the life of it. You cried, laughed, and did everything together. Little known to y/n, Ray didn’t have a crush on her-but he was more than in love.
However, when Ray is having severe social anxiety, an event he would typically rely on y/n to help him with, his “partner in crime” falls short. Ray knows that y/n is light years better than him. Here was the smartest and most beautiful woman he had met next to a college dropout who didn’t make it past Geometry.
Now the “perfect pair” is severed, leaving one half alone in the bathroom.
Ray’s forgotten how long he’s been in the bathroom for. These types of events always felt forced, and everyone knew that. Whenever that awkwardness would arise, Ray and y/n would choose to ditch and steal a few beers and sit in the bathtub, watching an obscure eighties film in the dark, cramped room with Ray’s god awful commentary.
But even though Ray has Born American downloaded, he can’t bring himself to watch it. Now he’s laying in the bathtub, picking at grout as he softly grieves. He’s hiding in there while y/n is ignoring all of their history.
Ray first arrived at the party, making a dramatic entrance. He made sure everybody knew that he was there, especially y/n. His original plan was to wear a purple tux he had snatched from walamrt since it was ugly as fuck, and Ray knew that. But knowing that you were going to be there, Ray made an attempt with an expensive navy polo and khaki shorts, courtesy of Nate.
Upon seeing you, Ray ran over from whatever he was doing to talk to you. Whether you were OD’S or a casual jumpsuit, you looked dead drop gorgeous-and Ray never knew how to express his affections. So he pulled you into a hug and muttered a shitty joke, and you just laughed.
Over the course of the next hour, the two of you catched up about your mundane lives. It made Ray feel guilty since he knew that you were better than him in every way possible, on the road of success. Your future sounded like you would go to some fancy school and then marry a lawyer. Ray wanted to be good for you, but he didn’t know how to at all. He followed you around like a lost puppy for the rest of the party, feeling a tinge of jealousy whenever one of the guys would give you a chaste hug or when you wouldn't pay attention to him for five minutes.
Ray didn’;t know why the fuck eh was feeling so sappy. It wasn’t like the two of you were dating (even though that’s exactly what he wanted).
Ray doesn’t hate Brad, but he just hates whenever he talks to you. He sees the two of you, smiling and laughing as you catch u[. Ray knows it’s rude, but he buds in and offers to get drinks for the “three amigos”. You kindly accept and Ray goes away to get drinks. He makes sure to spit inside of Brad’s drink as a childish act of revenge.
As Ray walks down the hallway balancing the three drinks, he pauses to hide behind the door since he hear’s Brad mention his name. You and Brad had moved to the couch, sitting too close for Ray’s comfort levels. He had an arm slung over the couch, which was barely touching you, but Ray had taken it as an offense.
Standing by the doorway and leaning, he overheard Brad’s words.
“Ray’s a little shit, whiskey tango loser, sister fucking, type of man. I don’t know what you see in him,” Brad had casually said, cold and straight to the point. He truly lived up to his name.
That’s when Ray dropped the drinks and ran towards the bathroom. He didn’t hear you respond, and that was the last thing he needed to hear.
Now Ray’s sitting in the tub, no longer holding tears back, but there coming out. A sob escapes his mouth and he tries to smile, but he can’t. He gets a taste of his salty tears and tries to stop the waterworks, but they come back, bigger and faster. It’s been a while since he had a good cry-but it happened at one of the most inconvenient times. And it was over a stupid girl-who he coulnd’t deny that he was in love with.
But y/n was lightyears ahead of him. Besides, Brad was (seemingly) a better fit for her. The scenario began to play in Ray’s wild mind. The memories of “double trouble” will get erased. Their wedding will be small, paid for by the Colberts. Q-Tip will DJ, Godfather will make a speech with his horrid voice, and Ray will make a shitty joke as usual. Worst had come to the worst.
Ray hears a drunk Q-tip sing along through the door to “I wanna dance with somebody”. His feelings sink even deeper cause it makes him think; now there’s no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore. That was y/n’s favorite hobby about these forced get-togethers.
Ray knew that at some point, he’d be forced to come out. As he chokes back the incoming tears, he waits until his face becomes dry, planning to blame it on weed or something in his eyes or the five bud lights he regrets drinking.
Knock, knock, knock, knock
Ray looks up and wipes his face, forcing a fake laugh. “Oh hell yeah, I'll be out soon.”
“Ray, it’s me.” It’s y/n’s voice, and Ray can’t believe it’s her. A part of him wants her to come in, but the other part wants him to defend himself.
“Why do you want me to come out when you can hang out with your new big strong viking? Who talks all educated and shit since you just love being around him.” Ray spits out with a few sniffles.
Based on his words and the sniffles, you can tell something is clearly wrong.
You shake your head and lightly knock again, “Please, that’s not what happened. Brad’s an idiot, and we’re just friends. “Please, come out.”
Ray got out from the tub and came close to the door, feeling your frantic breathes again the door. “My biggest mistake was showing up. I wished I stayed up watching cable porn, or I offered myself. Besides, he’s better for you. Just go away.”
Hearing him say such things made you worry even more, afraid that he could do something to himself that he’d regret.
“Ray, open the damn door. Don’t say dumb shit.” You pleaded, frantically twisting the door knob. The worry was evident in your voice.
“No, fuck you! Fuck this whole place. You’re smart; just leave me alone.” Ray banged against the door as tears came down his face. He immediately regretted his choice of words, knowing that they would hurt you. He turned away to return to the bathtub, only to stop when he heard you now sniffling.
Mega fuck.
Ray reluctantly walks back to the door and opens it, to see your face, all red and wet like this. Both of you stood there, disheveled, tears both running down your face.
Not a single word was spoken between the two of you as you ran into his arms, pulling him close as you cried into his chest. Ray used his foot to slam the door shut and then proceeded to pull you into a bearhug, stroking the back of your head as he comforted you through your sobs.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” He repeated as his tears stained your shoulder as well, “I didn’t-fuck. I’m such a retar-” He froze, knowing that you hated that word. “Idiot. I just-fuck. Don’t cry. You’ll ruin all the stuff on your face-”, Ray said as he tilted your face up and started to wipe your tears.
“Makeup. ‘S fine, I’m not wearing much. I just didn’t wanna get mistaken for a middle schooler again.”
Ray and you both let out a chuckle in the midst of your shared crying session. He’s still wiping the tears from your face as you rest your arms on his waist.
“First time we met, y’know. Godfather thought you had a dick for a long time.” Ray added, which earned another laugh from you.
You shook your head, “Remember when Trombley found out I was a girl?”
“Looked like he was about to shit himself-he wouldn’t leave you alone.”
“Ugh, ‘s a nightmare.” The two of you filled the void with the awakened laughter you shared. Ray’s tiny hands moved to your chin, directing it slightly up.
“I still think you’re pretty hot either way, angel.” Ray confessed. The two of you looked at each other for a minute, seeing the love and pupils widen in both of your eyes. Standing on your toes, you and Ray’s lips gently pecked at each other. You could taste the bud light on his lips as Ray’s lips overpowered yours, gently cupping and sucking passionately.
“Fuck,” Ray breathed through the kiss as your foreheads touched, “I love you.”
“Shit, I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” You chuckled as your finger’s played with Ray’s dark hair. It’s gotten longer, and it’s at a length where he can awkwardly style it, but since Ray is Ray-it’s a mess, “I love you too. I’m sorry about Brad, you know how he is.”
“I just thought you and him were having a moment. I just started overthinking it since I thought you didn't wanna be around me. Which is chill, I was vibing,” Ray attempted to joke, which was a way to cope with his pain.
You shake your head and hold his face to reassure him. Ray looks down at you in awe, which makes a smile curve on your lips.
“Brad wasn’t touching me, he just was stretched out on the couch. Ray, don’t say that. You were in the bathroom for over an hour. I knew that you were ethier upset or having explosive diarrhea from Nate’s vegan casserole-or both.”
“That shit was beyond nasty. I bet he got all the ingredients at Trader joes and sold his soul just to buy it.” Ray quickly quipped.
“Jesus, don’t make me vomit.” You huffed as you looked at the bathtub, “Now are you gonna come out now without beating up someone?”
“Yes babycakes, as long as you do one thing.”
Cringing, you force a smile. It’s not because you don’t love him, but sometimes what comes out of his mouth can be questionable. “Yes Ray?”
He grabs your hand, which fits right into his. “Gotta show the homies who’s the alpha around here.”
You don’t mind holding Ray’s hand. You like the tight squeezes and the feel of his soft skin. As the two of you walk out of the bathroom back into the life of the party with the smell of barbeque and the august heat in the air.
“Oh god Ray, shut up.”
Ray simply responds with a goosey laugh.
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
When Stars Ignite - Chapter 13
HPHM Rockstar AU
General Warning: This whole fic has a general warning of being NSFW / 18+. We will give specific warnings for every chapter in itself, but several adult themes will be more or less present in every chapter, may it be explicitly or in mention. These include sexual topics, drug abuse, (ab)use of alcohol, smoking and a whole lot of cursing.
Specific Warning: Language, allusion to NSFW content
Find the masterpost here, the previous chapter here and the next one here. The songs featured before every chapter can be found on this pretty badass playlist here.
This work is a collaboration with @the-al-chemist
Taglist: @slytherindisaster @night-rhea @carewyncromwell
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Drop of a hat she's as willing as Playful as a pussy cat Then momentarily out of action Temporarily out of gas To absolutely drive you wild, wild She's out to get you
~ Queen - Killer Queen ~
After Lizzie had left on that day back in August, Orion hadn’t been sure whether her words would follow action and there would actually be a next time, nor had he been entirely sure he wanted there to be one.
Not because the night he had spent with Lizzie hadn’t been fantastic, or either of them was feeling uncomfortable with it; but she had been his close friend and colleague for so many years now and Orion valued her presence in his life deeply. Changing a pattern that worked smoothly seldomly proved to be a good idea.
He had been glad nothing seemed to have changed between them when they saw each other next; Lizzie had acted just the same as always, focused on their music, laughing with him during breaks, maybe a little flirtatious, but then again, that was just her way.
Orion’s resolve to consider the fling with her done and dusted lasted about a week. He had walked her home from the dinner they’d had with the rest of the band; when they’d reached her flat in Chelsea, she’d waited in the door to the house, looking back at him over her shoulder with an amused expression.
“What now? Are you coming or not?”
He had to admit, the second time round, this time with their senses all together, the sex had been even better than the first time. His concerns about what it might do to their friendship were melting away with every kiss Lizzie left on his body, setting his skin aflame and shutting off his mind with that deliciously wicked smile of hers.
When they’d found themselves in his flat for a third time, he felt the need to stop her wandering hands while he still could.
“Wait a minute, we should really talk about what we’re doing here.”
Lizzie looked up at him incredulously, her fingers hooking on the seam of his trousers, her fingernails grazing his sensitive skin. “What, right now?”
Orion tried to ignore his urgent wish for her to continue where she’d left off and sat up. “Yes, right now.”
“Fine,” she answered briefly and removed her hands from his body, but not without running her hand over him one last time, sending a shiver down his spine. He couldn’t deny how much his body yearned for her but he pushed the heat inside his chest aside and forced his thoughts to focus on what was on his mind.
“If we want this to continue we need to talk about where it’s going,” he managed to say a lot calmer than he felt as he watched Lizzie slowly taking in his undressed body, a salacious smirk on her lips.
“I can perfectly tell you where this is going right now,” she chuckled but Orion didn’t let himself get distracted.
“I’m serious, Liz. As fun as this is, we’re actively breaking the rules here. We are part of a greater thing; the whole unity that is Equinox is more important than every one of us on our own. I don’t want to do anything that could harm the band.”
With a sigh, Lizzie sat up straighter, her expression serious. “Neither of us would ever do anything to put the band at risk. This here is not a relationship, Orion; we can stop this any time.”
She shuffled closer to him on the bed and put a hand on his arm. Her smile was now nothing but warm and reassuring. “Don’t worry, this is just fun, no strings attached.”
He wasn’t entirely convinced, however. “Things like this end in disaster more often than not.“
“If it makes you feel better, let’s make a deal,” Lizzie suggested. “We’ll do this as long as it’s fun and we both want it. In the case that things change for either one of us, we’ll just stop and go back to how things were before. How does that sound?”
Orion sighed deeply. “Do you really think it will work just like that?”
“Just like that,” she smiled, her hand wandering from his arm onto his chest, giving him a slight push so he fell over on his back.
“You’re thinking too much,” she purred as her lips trailed down his chest and over his stomach, coming to rest where hands had let off earlier. “Let me help you relax.”
And just like that, what had begun as a simple drunk one-night stand had developed into something that wasn’t just a friendship, but was far from a relationship either.
Even when their tour had started, they hadn’t stopped meeting in the dead of the night, the risk of being discovered adding an additional thrill, which Orion would have never guessed he’d find himself enjoying. Working off the adrenaline a successful show set off in their bodies soon became his favourite way of winding down. It wasn’t long before he’d actually started showing signs of impatience - something that used to be completely foreign to him - when Lizzie took her time before leaving the backstage area, joking around with Skye or Charlie, deliberately teasing him.
The curves of her body became as familiar to Orion as the neck of his guitar, and he knew exactly how to play both to coax the sweetest sounds from them. Lizzie began to learn every story behind his many tattoos, her fingers tracing the delicate lines as he told her all about them.
The harmony that had existed between them from the get go solidified, unexpected but not unsurprising; it felt like a natural extension to their friendship, raising their connection and understanding to a higher level.
Now, almost ten months since their first night together, he couldn’t even remember what it had been like before.
Orion was violently broken out of his musings by Skye snapping her fingers in front of his eyes.
“Earth calling Orion, you still with us, mate?”
She eyed him critically as his eyes snapped back into focus. “What’ve you been daydreaming about?”
He slowly pulled her hand away from his face. “I have been reminded of something and indulged in the call of the past for a moment,” he answered serenely.
“The way you’re looking it must have been a good memory,” Lizzie said innocently. Her eyes were sparkling as if she knew exactly what he had been thinking about.
He inclined his head, hoping his face wouldn’t give him away. “A favourite.”
Skye shrugged. “Whatever, let’s get those damn pictures taken and get outta here, I’m hungry. You’d better focus on the job.” She stopped, looking thoroughly bewildered. “Can’t believe I need to say this to you of all people.”
Still shaking her head, she grabbed Lizzie by the arm and pulled her towards the set that had been prepared on the far side of the room. The photographer was already instructing Merula on where to stand, Everett looking on from the sidelines.
It took them ages to get all of the pictures Rita’s magazine wanted done. After all of them had their portraits taken, they continued with group shots in various combinations.
When it was the girls’ turn, Orion joined Everett on the sides. The mood between the two guitarists had improved a little since Everett felt he got the recognition he deserved, but still, the atmosphere lacked the carefree camaraderie of the past. Orion struggled to find something to talk about with him these days, not wanting to provoke any of Everett’s bad moods.
As it turned out, their frontman had no desire to talk to him anyway. He was watching Skye, Lizzie and Merula pose in front of the camera intently. He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest, a small grin forming on his face.
“You can say what you want, but our girls are quite a sight to see, aren’t they?”
Orion didn’t answer, only raising his eyebrows slightly. Everett took his silence as a sign to go on. “I mean, look at them.” His grin widened, taking on a wolfish touch. “Look at Lizzie, for fuck’s sake. Shame she’s always running ‘round all plain and simple, what a waste.”
Orion had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. “Beauty comes from the inside, from embracing our nature as it is and carrying it to the outside. Lizzie is in tune with herself and that is showing. The way she prefers to keep it simple doesn’t dim her light, it enhances it.”
“I certainly wouldn’t say no to her glammed up like that, is all I’m saying,” Everett snorted.
Orion wasn’t surprised by Everett’s take on things, but he was astounded at how much his words were grating on him. Everett had been a flirt for as long as Orion could remember, but he had never objectified women the way he did these days. Ever since they had started their way to the top, the pressure they were constantly feeling had steadily increased. Everett was treating the girls admiring him just the same as he did anything else taking his mind off things; as a meaningless, replaceable means to an end.
He didn’t like hearing Everett talk about anyone like that, but especially not Lizzie.
However, Orion couldn’t deny that he had a point. As per usual, Andre had worked his magic on her for the shoot, creating a maximum effect with simple but well chosen measures. Lizzie’s light brown hair fell around her face in a heap of messy curls, her dark makeup accentuating her blue eyes.
The shiny leather leggings she was wearing were clinging tightly to her legs that were elongated by a pair of black heeled boots. A loose black shirt with the familiar logo of the Rolling Stones gave her the effortlessly nonchalant vibe that was so inherently her. She had tied it in a knot at the sides to shorten it, showing just the tiniest bit of her belly.
Yes, as much as he hated to admit it, Everett was right; Lizzie was a sight to see. Their eyes met briefly as Merula and Lizzie switched positions. Orion could see the smirk starting to form on her lips, like it always did when she caught him watching her.
She quickly regained control over her expression, flipping her hair out of her face and concentrating again. But her attention kept wandering back to him, a mischievous glitter in her eyes that Orion knew all too well.
When it was time for pictures of the whole group, he and Everett joined the girls in front of the camera again. To get a more compact looking picture of them all together, the photographer wanted him and Everett to sit on one of the sofas they had used for the interview, the girls grouped behind them, all trying their best to look as casual as possible.
Orion was sitting directly in front of Lizzie; he almost jumped when he suddenly felt her hand on his back, hidden from the others by her body that was very close to his. Her fingers tiptoed higher up until they found the exposed skin of his neck. Her nails were grazing his skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind at the unexpected sensation. Orion could feel the intense energy radiating off her and had to fight the urge to turn around and catch a glimpse of her expression.
Looking at her camera, the photographer, a beautiful young woman in a blue headscarf, frowned and shook her head. “This doesn’t look right yet. I’m missing the energy, the spirit of your connection.
She contemplated for a moment before her fine features lit up. “I know; Merula, could you sit between the guys? The other girls, one on each arm of the sofa, please.”
They changed as she had asked them to, Skye perching on the back of the sofa next to Everett and Lizzie now sitting closer to Orion than before. But still, their photographer wasn’t satisfied.
“Lizzie, could you lean in a little?”
“Sure,” Lizzie smiled innocently, leaning closer to Orion until their bodies were almost touching. He could smell her perfume and the sharp scent of hairspray. When he felt her hand on his back yet again, conveniently out of sight of the camera, he shifted his position a little, ever so slightly leaning into her touch.
Encouraged by him playing along, the corners of her mouth twitched, masked by a little tilt of her head for the camera. Her hand traveled down his spine to the base of his shirt where she lost no time to slip it underneath the seam, her cool fingers brushing across the bare skin of his back.
Orion exhaled slowly, trying not to laugh at the light sensation of her fingertips. Lizzie knew that he was ticklish in that particular spot. She was trying to play him, testing his control over himself, just as she had done after their first show in London.
He couldn’t believe the risk she was taking; touching him like that in a dark nightclub under a table was one thing, but during a photoshoot, with all eyes on them? He’d never thought she would be so bold.
Her ridiculous recklessness was intriguing, however; just like everything about Lizzie it was playing with fire and the reward of being close to a blazing flame never came without danger.
A movement at the edge of his vision drew Orion’s attention away from her touch. His eyes flicked over to the other side of the sofa and he thought he could see Skye looking over to them. His heart suddenly racing, Orion leaned against the back of the sofa, effectively forcing Lizzie to withdraw her hand.
He glanced over to Skye again, but she was looking straight at the camera, her moody rockstar expression edged onto her face. She paid him or Lizzie no mind whatsoever, and for a moment Orion wondered whether that frown on her face had been nothing but a trick of his mind.
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