#and fucking all of it and everyday all i receive are fucking brick walls to the face
i have fucking covid again :) so glad that covid was dealt w in the past and that the only ppl that need to worry about it are disabled ppl :) so glad that someone as young and healthy as me doesnt have to worry for more than a few days :)
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animehideout · 3 months
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Check out part 12 here
Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
warnings ⚠️: not proofread / abuse / SA just something vague not detailed.
a/n : I truly apologize for this late update, I was really unmotivated to rewrite it and I was struggling to find inspiration again, I'm sorry if this part didn't live up to your expectations but I read hope you like it though, I tried to make it longer but I ran out of ideas 🥹.
Music Suggestion 🎧
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Satoru stood tall, alone in the balcony, his gaze fixated on the sky, lost in the depth if his own thoughts. The weight of regret hung heavy upon his shoulders, a burden he could no longer bear.
His mind played your last fight that night on loop, making him hate himself even more. He remembered his harsh words, actions and disrespect towards you. Forcefully shutting his eyes to make those images and voices that's been haunting him go away.
Unwelcomed thoughts yet impossible to ignore. Blaming himself over and over again for what happened to you, torturing himself to madness.
"It's my fucking fault" he muttered,
In all that darkness, the image of your face in his mind was the only source of light. The delicate curve of your smile whenever you were around your students etched in his memory. He remembered the way you slept, features softened by the gentle embrace of your slumber, your passion for teaching and your daily excitement to show your students a new weapon and new technique.
You were a vision of peace amidst the chaos he was living. He realized then how life became emptier after your disappearance, the void your absence had left in every bit of his life. He realized how much he fell for you, he realized that hatred was deeply buried by the birth of his love for you.
With a heavy heart, he bowed his head, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. For three days, his eyes wide open, unable to sleep without you under the same roof as him, cuddling a piece of your clothing every single night to take into your scent, to pretend that you were there, next to him.
Clutching his fists, his knuckles turned white , whispering a plea for forgiveness, a forgiveness he might never receive.
"I'm sorry Y/n.."
. ..
"Y-yaga sensei?" said Gojo wiping his tears away,
"Can I join you?"
"Y-yeah sure"
"What's on your mind? Still blaming yourself?"
"Do I have anything else to do except blaming myself?"
"I'm sorry for your loss Satoru" said Principal Yaga apologetically,
"I didn't lose her, she's still out there, somewhere! I know it, I'm sure of it, I can feel it"
"Pain is eating you up Satoru, you know you should let go already–"
"Let go? Easier said than done. How can all of you let go so fast as if she never existed?" he said in annoyance
"The higher ups orders, to not distract the sorcerers' focus from their daily tasks"
"Bullshit, –"
"Satoru I understand your pain"
"No you don't, none of you does! I did this to her, I built the wall between both of us brick by brick till it collapsed on both of us, she got abducted by Toji and here I am suffering everyday.. I just wish I can turn back time and undo the damage I had done"
"Is this because of regret or something else?" asked Principal Yaga
Gojo looked down, not sure of what to say, mastering the courage he finally spoke,
"I– I love her, sensei! I love Y/n so much, I just hope it's not too late to realize this because I really want to fix everything–"
Yaga sensei looked at Gojo with a reassuring yet sad smile, deep down, everyone accepted that you died except Gojo., and he didn't want him to hang on fake hope.
"I know what you're about to say, but I won't let go, I won't give up even if the higher ups chain me down.... I thought she was a curse when we got married but I think I am her curse, I was her curse while she was my blessing–"
"I hope you're right Satoru, I hope she's still out there as you said, I hope you get a second chance to be a real family"
*In Mei Mei's room*
"Look at this" said Maki her eyebrows frowning in confusion,
"Who's that in the picture?" asked Nobara as confused as Maki,
Both of them examined the photograph, their eyes flickered between the picture and each other in silence. In the picture a woman smiled serenely as she cradled a baby in her embrace.
Maki shrugged equally perplexed,
"I have no idea, do you think it's a family member?"
Their senses were on high alert as they scanned every corner of her room for any sign of wrongdoing, something out of the ordinary. They found that picture tucked under her bed after they flipped the mattress while searching for anything suspicious.
"And this stack of money? Didn't know she's got all of this cash here" added Nobara.
"And this box as well"
Intrigued, they opened it. As they lifted the lid of the box, a firegun revealed itself, its metallic surface gleaming ominously in the dim light.
"A g-gun?" started Nobara as she looked at Maki in shock, "what would she use it for?"
"Definitely not hers, why would a sorcerer with a jujutsu technique depend on a gun" she pointed out.
"Good point, so if its not hers then to whom does it belong to?" asked Nobara
"There's only one way to figure it out, but now let's take the gun, the damn photograph and get out of here" said Maki as she put he mattress in its place again.
"GOJO-SENSEI" called Nobara out as she caught a glimpse of Gojo in the balcony "Sensei you need to see this"
"Hm? Nobara? Maki?"
"Gojo" said Maki as she saw Gojo with principal Yaga in the balcony "We found something–"
but before she could finish her sentence,
"Any news?" interrupted Mei Mei as she stepped in the balcony out of nowhere..
Maki and Nobara exchanged quick nervous glances, their eyes darting between each other as they attempt to maintain composure. Hiding what they took from her room behind their backs. Their expressions strain with the effort to appear nonchalant, but a subtle tension lingers in the air. Lips pressed into strained smiles,
"Nah nothing new" said Maki while Nobara nodded in agreement.
"Hm you sure about that? I thought I heard you said you found something, is it about Y/n? " asked Mei raising her eyebrows,
"What if we did? Is it really your concern?" exclaimed Maki offensively, only to get elbowed softly by Nobara,
"We found nothing important Mei Mei sensei, of course if we did we'd tell you" exclaimed Nobara, chuckling awkwardly.
"Oh alright then girls," she said luckily not giving too much important to the girls, then paused and drifted her gaze towards Gojo, "how are you holding up Gojo? I hope you're in the process of moving on" she added
Gojo's eyes burned holes in her soul, but he tried to remain calm,
"I'm fine"
"That's what all of us would like to hear, glad you let go" she said and then excused herself to go to her room,
Then moment she left, Maki ran towards Gojo and Yaga, showing them what they found,
"We found these–"
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THESE FROM?" snapped Gojo unexpectedly, his eyes widened as he snatched the gun and photograph form Maki's hands,
"Damn Satoru what's got into you, relax!" exclaimed Yaga-sensei,
"W-we.." stuttered Nobara
"How did you get these? they were well hidden"
"Well hidden under Mei Mei's bed?" asked Maki in confusion
"What? what did you just say?" said Gojo and Yaga in union
"We found these under Mei Mei's bed, the gun hidden in a box , tucked beside that photograph and a pile of cash, do you possibly know to whom it belongs?"
"These belong to Toji Zenin" said Satoru
Maki and Nobara froze in place, trying to process what Gojo just said,
"T-toji?" they said in disbelief,
"This gun was used by Toji to murder Riko Amanai, and these in the picture are Megumi and his mother–" explained Yaga sensei
"It can only be one thing" expressed Gojo through gritted teeth, "She must be behind it" he added and started walking away, thinking about confronting her,
"GOJO STOP!" yelled Yaga sensei, holding Gojo in place, "What's happened to your common sense? vanished?"
"We can't assume anything now sensei!" said Nobara
"So all of this isn't enough to assume that she's got some dirty work with Toji Zenin going on behind our backs?" said Gojo aggressively
"Okay you're right, it is suspicious but we need a plan! a proper plan, do you think she'll admit it if you confront her? she'll find a lie and you'll never find the truth, not out of her! We need to know more about her first" explained Maki
"Know what?" asked Gojo impatiently
"I mean, Toji has nothing right? not even a house, do you think if he'd take Y/n to a hotel room after abducting her? Mei Mei must have provided a place for him" she added
"So if we can't ask her, how would we know?" asked Nobara,
"We ask her best friend" Suggest Maki shrugging,
"Is it ringing?" asked Yaga sensei,
"Yeah shh it is" said Gojo waiting for her to pick up the phone, "–Oh hello" he said through the phone
"Gojo? Hi what's up calling me late at night, is everything okay?"
"Utahime, yeah everything is fine, we just need you here, if it's possible can you make here in one hour at least?"
"Well I can, but is it an emergency?"
"Um it's– it's about Mei Mei, we're preparing a party for her and we need your help"
"A party? It's not even her birthday yet–"
"It's for her service, it's a habit here in Jujutsu High to hold a party for a teacher to honor them, and this time it's Mei Mei, she did a lot for us and for the school, besides it's the higher ups orders so..."
"Oh the higher ups? sure then I'll be there in an hour"
"Don't tell Mei Mei that you're coming though, it must remain a surprise, now we don't wanna spoil it"
"So should be meet outside the school?"
"Sure yeah, you can come to my house?!"
"Oh alright then, I'll be there"
With that they hung up the phone,
"She'll be here in one hour, I hope we can get her to talk"
"I hope she's not part of Mei Mei's plan though" Said Nobara.
"Don't you think we must tell the others? Maybe we need some backup?" suggested Maki
"Yeah, but some of them need to stay here to keep an eye on Mei Mei" said principal Yaga
"Alright, I'll go and tell them then,"
*Time skip, at Gojo's house*
They sat there, Gojo, Nanami, Maki and Megumi waiting for Utahime's arrival.
"You've got a nice and big house" pointed Maki
"Yeah but never a happy house" mumbled Gojo to himself,
"Do you think she'll tell us more about her?" asked Megumi and suddenly the bell rang,
"I guess we'll find out now!" said Nanami,
"So Utahime, I hope you corporate!" started Gojo not wasting any precious second,
"Corporate? you make it sound like if we're discussing business, and not preparing for a surprise party! it's a p-party right?"
she chuckled nervously,
"Not really! you need to tell us more about Mei Mei, some information that we don't know about"
"wait? what?" she asked nervously
"Is she meeting someone? did she tell you about something?"
"Gojo wait! why are you asking about this? I mean she lives there in the school dorms as well, so I guess you know more than I do"
"I don't think so, she's you're best friend she must have told you something about her plan?" said Maki
"Plan? what plan?"
"Ah come on Utahime dont play dumb"
"No for real! what plan, I thought you had a plan with her , Gojo to push Y/n away!"
"What? NO. I'm talking about her dirty plan with Toji"
"Toji? wait what's going on?" she said truly confused
"STOP LYING AND ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION, IF YOU'RE PART OF HER DIRTY GAME I'LL END BOTH OF YOU" exclaimed Gojo angrily, making Utahime step back, growing more and more impatient.
"Hey hey Gojo calm down, what's wrong with you? I understand you're frustrated but that's not the right way to find answers!" said Maki and the others nodded in agreement,
"Megumi please take him to the balcony while me and Maki handle this, he needs to calm down" suggest Nanami,
Megumi did as he said and took Gojo to get some fresh night air,
"Geez, you really developed anger issues, you were more laid back even in risky situations Gojo" started Megumi
"Not anymore, people change and I've changed"
"Y/n sensei is dear to all of us, so I am eager too to know where she is, and I truly understand how you feel"
"No Gumi, you don't, you don't understand because I'm not just sad, I'm feeling extremely guilty, because it's my damn fault"
"I'm feeling guilty too" said Megumi lowering his head,
"Hm? what for ? you're pretty close to Y/n and you're good friends not only a student and his teacher–"
"It's my father, he's the one who abducted her and only God knows what he's doing to her, I don't wanna even think about it. Is there any greater shame than this?" he said his voice cracking,
"Hey Megumi! look at me, your father's actions has nothing to do with you, he's the one who abducted her not you! you've always been nice and kind to Y/n. Sometimes family does things that we are ashamed of and completely in opposition of it but it doesn't mean we're like them just because we're related by blood, you are what you're truly in here" he said and pointed at Megumi's heart "And I know well what's in there Megumi! I raised you and I've seen you grow up to be a loyal, strong and kind hearted man! you're the complete opposite of your father so don't ever compare yourself to him again" said Gojo with a smile,
"If it's his fault, then why are you blaming yourself Gojo?"
"Because I'm the reason she left that night! I've said too many hurtful words, no one can handle to hear, no one deserves to hear but I was too agitated, too overwhelmed by my mixed feelings, trying to push her away from me over and over again–"
"Why? why'd you push her away from you? couldn't you have tried at least? maybe after what you've been through you were destined to finally find happiness with her! "
"My heart was a messy place to make it a comfortable place for her!"
"Was? so what changed now?"
"I want to try to make it comfortable for both of us, I want t-t to– nevermind! I have to find her, I have to make it up for her"
"I understand and we will find her, Y/n is strong I'm sure she's safe wherever she is" reassured Megumi, trying to lift Gojo's spirit again,
"So Utahime, we really need you to corporate so you better put that bestie thing with Mei Mei aside cuz this is a life or death matter!" begun Maki,
"Toji escaped and we think that Mei Mei had a hand in this" added Nanami
"No way! Why would Mei Mei do that? I mean you know what Toji had done to the Jujutsu world!"
"We know, but we know that when people are full of hate are full of unexpected things!"
"Nanami what's wrong? what happened?"
"It's Y/n! Toji abducted her, and we found Toji's gun under Mei Mei's bed, even though it was well hidden.. do you still think she's got nothing to do with that?"
Her eyes wide open in shock and disbelief, her mouth hanging open, sad expressions drawn on her face,
"W-what? I didn't know I swear to God! I've – I've never thought it will go that way, I've never thought she could fall this far" she expressed her feelings, her heart crushing, she's never expected her long time best friend would do or be part of such thing, to betray the Jujutsu community.
"That's why we need your help! You know how important Y/n is to our world! we can't lose her" said Nanami "So please if you know anything, any place she owns, any small details tell us, we really need to know"
With a deep breath, she started thinking, trying to remember if Mei Mei told her anything,
"I remember she bought a house! but that was weeks ago!!"
"A house?"
"Yeah, she said she might settle in Tokyo if things went well between her and Gojo–"
"She's truly delusion" interrupted Maki rolling her eyes,
"Where is this house?" asked Nanami
"I'll take you there" said Utahime determined to help.
Despite being best friends with Mei Mei, her morals were more important! she's too loyal to the Jujutsu World and committed to the greater good, she knows about the prophecy and she can't afford to witness another loss on the Jujutsu community part.
"I'll go and tell Gojo and Megumi then– maybe Y/n is there"
[ Kill her, and I'll bring your cash tomorrow when I see her lifeless body ]
Read Toji through the message that he received,
"See! I'm ordered to kill you now! How much trouble did you cause her for her to free me from the prison just to torture you and kill you" he said with a smirk
"F-fuck you and fuck her" you said through gritted teeth as you were thrown on the floor, your body hurting from the chains that were tied around your wrists and feet.
your lips and nose bleeding after hours of tortures,
"And you still got that attitude, after being beaten up? If I were you I wouldn't act so brave.."
"You'll never be me Toji! we're both considered inferior in the Jujutsu world but I learned how to be the real me and not what others want me to be, I didn't let others to order me around and kill people–"
"Are you trying to save yourself? and convince me to not kill you"
"no, I know I can't be saved, not just now but for a long time ago, but you know the funny thing is that we actually have something else in common beside being monkeys" you joked offensively trying to get on his nerves, you're going to die anyway so why'd you not offend him, you were tired if being stepped on so why not talk back.
"what?" he said in anticipation as he kneeled down,
"Both our families are disappointed in us, I disappointed my parents and you disappointed your son, Megumi, nice kid he's nothing like you–"
And you struck a sensitive nerve in him,
You started laughing when you saw his face dropped and his expressions changed, your stomach hurts whenever you laughed he probably had broken some of yours ribs.
The you paused,
"Do it Toji. Do what you were assigned for, no one will come to my rescue anyway, do it, kill me" you said in a serious tone,
"Change in plan, let me have my fun with you before I take the light out of your eyes"
"You still have time for fun? the dawn will break soon–"
"Oh I know princess, don't you worry about it, I know I can't delay the sunlight but I know how to make the night even more darker... and you were right, Megumi's probably disappointed in me but lemme tell you something–" he paused and leaned forward, his face a few inches away from yours "That's who I truly am, a beast that preys on the weak, and you are weak Y/n no matter how hard you try to come off as strong"
he said and he reached to take off your shirt,
Your heart beats quickened, you thought he'd torture you in another way, and not attempt to do something filthy to you,
"No -no! I'd rather die" you said trying your best to break free from his grasp, but his huge body got you pinned down,
"What? you're not a fan of big guys? or your pathetic ass is loyal to a husband who's never paid attention to your existence?" he said looking you deep in the eyes, his huge hands circling around your neck, posing pressure on it,
You couldn't deny the pain and disappointment you felt. You really hoped Gojo would appear and save you, you wished he cared for you. You couldn't deny that you wanted Gojo; your husband to be your first time and not with someone who would brutally kill you after taking what he wants.
You'd die even before he kills you.
"no don't " you whispered, loosing your voice as his grip around your neck tightened, making it hard to breathe.
All what you can feel is the weight of Toji's body being removed from on top of you.
Toji's body forcefully thrown on the ground, your blurry eyes trying to focus on the figure standing right in front of you, slowly approaching you,
"Damn baby what did he do to you?" he said softly, softly brushing his finger over your bleeding lip.
"S-satoru, y-you came!" you whispered, your vision darkening and ears ringing,
"Of course I'm here with you, Y/n! Y/N !!!!!no no Y/N WAKE UP" he yelled as he held you in his arms.
Your eyes slowly fluttered opened, your surroundings sharpening into details again, gulping with difficulty.
A serum attached to your vein,
"Sensei" said Yuji "Guys she's awake"
With that all of them circled around the bed you were laying on, their eyes look directly at you, greeting you with sincere smiles.
"How are you feeling?" asked Megumi.
You tried to leave the bed but they forced you to lay back. You looked around scanning the place, you were in the hospital, Shoko must have treated your wounds, everyone was there except your husband, Satoru.
Tag list ✨
@smolbeanzzz @khaleesihavilliard @tqd4455 @black-swan-blog27 @certainduckanchor @haitanibros0007 @goldenjoyboyy @lorako123 @kunikuzushisbeloved @saiyara05 @numblytemporary @soulofendlessbook @bookswillfindyouaway @sukunasleftkneecap @ryumurin @twitabread @f1uveryysblog @sleepyyammy @olivianyx @animechick555 @allofffmypeaches @inlovewithlondonn @tw0fvced @markleeisdabestdrug @blvckxb3vutii @bol0-de-morang0 @ghostfacefricker6969
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korebringerofded · 8 months
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Storms and Coffee, Choso Kama X Reader
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Description- Imagine being his reason for smiling, being the one to bring him comfort, touching him like no one had touched him before. Imagine being the only one who can clear his cloudy mind with your sunshine smile. Words- 2k Warnings- Unedited as fuck yall, I hate my writing so much rn, breaks suck, smut at the end, self indulgent angst, sad Choso is sad, praise kink, unprotected sex, pining, choso being adorably in love with you, oral (F! receiving)
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A/N-I ask that you read my rules before going any further on my page. Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated and keep me going All requests are open and you can find my entire masterlist here.
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The first time that the half-curse, Choso Kama laid his eyes on you he was sure that his heart was going to stop. At the time, he had very little care for anything beyond his mission with Geto. His two younger brothers were dead and he was honestly just tired, the most tired he had ever been.
Choso had no idea where he was or how he ended up at this place. He had just been wandering the streets for a few hours and was currently taking shelter from the pouring rain. When he looked up into the dark storming sky and he saw the building was an apartment complex with a flickering sign. 
Useless, useless, useless. He thought to himself, his eyes slipping shut as he let out an audible groan. 
Choso just felt so lost. His vision was blurred from the rain that fell around him, it soaked his robe and his messy black hair but he didn’t really mind any of that.
It was only when a soft and shy voice broke through the thundering storm, both in the gray clouds, and in Choso’s mind that he looked up to see…you. 
He had never seen someone…as beautiful as you before. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, head tilted to the side. 
His sharp and serious purple eyes met with your big and glossy ones. You had a raincoat on and a pink umbrella in your hand. You searched the tall strangers' faces with a look of concern.
Choso was a tall and rather intimidating man, even as he leaned against the brick wall of the building. He had a sharp look in his dark purple eyes that started to fade as he looked over your features. He seemed almost impressed that you were talking to him at all.
So small…so cute. He thought to himself.
Most people would be terrified of such a man, but you seemed rather unphased by his towering size and intimidating appearance, so you leaned forward to hold your umbrella over both Choso and yourself. 
“I…” Choso started, realizing she was waiting on him to answer. His eyes wide as he looked down at the small human before him and he was rather caught off guard by her. 
Because why would someone like you even talk to a disgraceful half-cure like him.
“You must be freezing, would you like to come in for some coffee?” You asked, all the while you held your umbrella over Choso and yourself to try and protect you both from the rain. 
Choso stared down at her, he must have looked like a huge mess, his eyeshadow was rubbed across his cheek and his two buns were soaked and dripping down his face. After a moment, he nodded sheepishly.
“Yes…thank you.” 
That one interaction was enough, enough for you to steal Choso’s entire half-cursed heart. Your sweetness and your warmth were intoxicating to him and he found himself returning to your apartment day after day, week after week.
Eventually, Choso was a part of your everyday life, he knocked on your door every morning with a blank expression and an absolutely love-sick heart. You wouldn’t have known he felt anything for you at all if not for the way he kept coming back. It was actually adorable, the way he would shyly rub the back of his neck as he stood in your doorway. 
You ask him to go to the store with you? He immediately nods and carries the bags for you without a complaint. Want to spend the day baking? He is the perfect taste tester and would help you wash every dish afterwards. Wanna watch a bad movie? He will watch it all without a single complaint. (He is just looking at you the entire time)
The first time Choso knew he would be in trouble was the first time you touched him, the way your soft hands brushed against his arm. It made every single hair on the back of his neck stand on edge and his cheeks turn a soft pink. He found so much comfort in your touch, it was like a warm summer day he could just bask in forever. 
When you walked together, he would stare at your small fingers intertwined with his because if he looked at your face he was sure that his heart would just explode. It all just made him fall that much harder for you. 
He would wait an excruciatingly long time before he made a move or admitted his feelings for you but…he was head over heels for you from that very first day, your kindness and the softness of your hand when he held it, he honestly didn’t believe he deserved it. All Choso wanted was to keep you just how you were, perfect and innocent. He wouldn’t ever forgive himself for making you upset or uncomfortable. 
He wanted to tell you so badly, how you were on his mind every moment of every day, how your sweet scent was intoxicating, how he wanted to hear you scream his name but…he didn’t want to be like that. You deserved respect and he was trying damn hard to give it to you but each day was more and more of a challenge for him to control himself. It was easy before, before, he saw you as adorable and sweet, his little angel. But now…
He couldn’t stop staring at your thighs and ass, every time you turned away from him it was like his eyes were magnets and your ass and thighs were the north pole(idk guys) Choso was almost slack-jawed every time he saw you, his head tilted to the side as he looked at you with a soft blush spreading over his face…he wanted to kiss every inch of your skin. 
He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up. 
When he would finally get up the courage to tell you how he feels (after lots of hyping up from his newly discovered brother Yujii) he would become obsessed with making it all absolutely perfect. He wore a black t-shirt and some jeans, he also wore his hair down. He was pacing outside of your apartment door, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
“This is so stupid…this is a terrible idea” Choso thought to himself, running a hand through his long black hair as he debated leaving before he truly embarrassed himself.
Before he got the chance, the door opened and it was as if all of his worries just disappeared when he saw your beautiful face.
Choso took a step forward with a furious blush on his face and his hand was trembling just a little. He was noticeably nervous.This was your first time seeing him look so…casual, with his hair down and it made your heart echo like a drum, you knew he was handsome before but….damn.
You didn’t get a chance to react or say anything when Choso walked in, closing the door behind him as he backed you up against the wall, his huge arms pinning you as he leaned down to press his face into the crook of your neck.
“Don’t…say anything. I need to do something.” His voice sounded soft and trembling, his face was hot and his breath ran down the side of your neck. 
You simply nodded, your face heating up as your heart echoed rapidly in your chest.
Choso was not particularly good with words, he fumbled and blushed and got so nervous he would completely freeze up but…he was definitely a man of action. 
He pulled his face up from your neck and his hands moved from the wall behind you to cupping your precious face like you were his greatest treasure. His touch was gentle and soothing, you couldn’t help but lean into it. Choso would brush his thumb along your soft cheeks with a soft chuckle. 
“You…are all that I think about.” He mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before he went back to caressing your face. “Can I kiss you? Please?” He asked, sounding significantly more desperate than he meant to before he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. 
His gentleness and sweetness were making you lightheaded. You were too breathless to speak, your chest was rising and falling rapidly and you slowly nodded, your face hot to the touch from how flustered you were. 
“Yes..kiss me.”
His lips collided with yours before the words properly left your mouth, he was desperate and sweet, his mouth molding to yours as you melted into each other’s arms. His lips were soft and sweet, smooth against your own as his tongue gently nudged against your lip until he was exploring your entire mouth, his hands moving from your face to your hips as he pressed you further against the wall. You let out a soft moan as you kissed, all of your senses on fire as Choso’s hands ran up and down your hips like he was memorizing your shape, your softness. 
After a moment, Choso pulled back, his forehead pressed against yours and he had a bright blush spread over his pale face. You were both panting, a string saliva between your lips as Choso held you against the wall with a sheepish grin on his face. His purple eyes scanned over you with a softness you had never seen before.
“You are in such trouble now…” He said lovingly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear with a grin.
“Why is that?” You asked with a soft giggle, but you had a feeling you already knew. 
‘Because now you’re mine.” He mumbled, moving to press soft and delicate kisses down your neck. “And I need you.” He said with a shaky sigh as he pulled his dark eyes to meet with yours. 
“Cho-.” You started to say, your voice trembling but he cut you off with his finger pressed to your lips.
“Do I need to beg?” He whispered, his eyes big and filled with desperation. “Because I will, I will beg for you.” 
After that, Choso made it his mission to fuck you each and every chance he got and in everyway he could. He just wanted to please you so badly it almost hurt.
“F-fuck, Choso…d-don’t stop. S’good.” You slurred, a soft pant leaving your lips as Choso’s adjusts his grip on your hips so he can go back to fucking into your soaked pussy from behind, his eyes locked on the jiggle of your ass and it made his mouth water with want and desire. 
“You look so good on my cock, princess, fuck, you squeeze me so good.” Choso moaned, his face hot as his fingers dug into your hips and he continued to thrust deep in you, the fat tip of his dick hitting against your gummy walls that sucked around him desperately. 
“Please…yes…yes, right there.” You whimpered, your back arching as Choso fucked you into the freshly made bed, his head falling back as you tightened around him, he knew you were getting close and he wasn’t sure how much longer he would last either. 
Your moans and desperate cries only pushed him further along, his hands twitching around your hips before he pulled out which made your hot dripping pussy clench and throb with want. 
Before you could complain, your boyfriend had you pinned down on your back, your knees spread so he could run his lips down your knee and across your ankle before he started to kiss back up your leg, his large hands wrapped around your thighs as he pressed soft and wet kisses to your plush thighs. 
“Mmm…you look so pretty like this..my pretty little princess.” Choso cooed, nuzzling his face into your thigh before he poked his tongue out of his glossy lips and looked up at you with half-lidded and dark eyes
Choso just loved how you tasted, he probably enjoyed it about as much as you did, he savored the taste and the smell and the feel of your flesh in his mouth, on his tongue. He nudged his nose against your clit as his tongue traced your already slick-soaked folds with a grin. 
You were already trembling, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. He had been toying with you like this for hours and you had cum more times than you could remember, you were a panting and whimpering mess.
Choso seemed like he hadn’t even broken a sweat as he lapped up your sweet nectar like it was all he survived on, and he probably could have. Your thighs were trembling around his face as his tongue explored each and every part of you, his thumb lazily brushing your clit back and forth as his hand rested on your belly. 
“S-so close.” You moaned desperately, white hot stars blocking your vision as your fingers dug into his dark hair.
Your back arched and your whole body trembled as you let out a cry, your thighs soaked in your own slick as Choso licked your thighs and pussy completely clean with an almost adorable desperation. 
After he was done, he leaned his head against your knee and looked up at you with a somewhat bashful grin. 
“Did I…do good?” He asked with a soft blush.
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Please do not copy, use my work, or put it through AI without my permission or I'll be really sad about it!
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jeymoi · 11 months
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reaaalllyy hoping i finish all these sketches/doodles some day soon because i am very satisfied with them and want to see them complete lmmaaoo — we will see though because art fight is once again taking over my life and all my energy. but for now, you get sneak peeks of my most perfect imperfections (aka, they don’t look quite right but i’m still happy i got them started).
CW: venting/emotional (?)
ANYYYWWAAYYY — my quick tumblr diary vent entry is just gonna be me appreciating my best friend and picking apart my brain✌️🥹.
for the most part, life is kind of kicking my ass and everyday feels suffocating, but for once in my life, i genuinely have someone who i can comfortably open up to. it’s a weird feeling? being vulnerable in a healthy way? in a way, i think parts of my brain is trying to reject the idea that i can fully trust and ask for support from someone. i’m really not that sure why my walls have come down like this so quickly in a sense?? but i’m really grateful for each and every day that i am able to spend with them. there is nothing i could do to ever repay how much they’ve done for me. this has been the most growth i feel within my own character and emotional well-being. though of course there are many important people in my life, i’ve learned so much from just one person about so many different things and so many ways to think positively, accept myself, and to look for the things in life that may be fulfilling. i’m relearning to take care of myself more and to try to prioritize my well being. though life-long habits will die hard, the comfort of knowing someone cares enough to be patient while im growing hits me like a brick. as a chronic cry baby, i’m relearning that it’s okay to cry in front of people and that being sensitive doesn’t mean i’m weak.
the other day, i told my best friend my deepest secret after an especially rough night. i cried so fucking much that day. it’s terrifying to tell someone something you’ve been closely guarding almost all your life. it’s terrifying when the last person you showed vulnerability to in the same way told you to just find a way to deal with it and to never talk about your struggles again. it’s terrifying to give your all to people who tell you that you mean so much to them only to realize too late that you don’t actually mean as much to them. in every sense of my being, this fear still racks at my brain, though i think i’ve accepted it as my fate, my role and purpose. now, though it feels like a weight lifted from my heart, i find it terrifying to feel like i matter to someone just as much as they to me.
the intrusive thoughts in my mind warn me that i’m making mistakes. they tell me that i should run away, that i should put back up the fucking walls because they’ll keep me safe. but some part of me wants to trust again. i want to keep indulging in being able to rely on someone who doesn’t judge my very being. the guilt eats me alive each time but they reassure me that no boundaries are being crossed. though, even if i’m blinded by hopefulness and my experiences run parallel to that of the past, i will never resent everything i’ve learned and the validity i received.
as fucked up as i am of a human being, i truly hope in this world that everyone is able to find someone for them even half as lovely and genuine as my best friend. even if just for a little bit, i want to keep trusting in his words.
(if you happened to have read through the entirety of my vague-ass brain dump, thank you very much 🤭<3 i dont think much of it makes sense as it is past three am and i have had so very little sleep the last couple if weeks, but i wanted this here for myself hehehe — hopefully it had some sort of entertainment factor if you were bored enough to read it !! anyways, now that i’ve gotten this off my chest, time to try to fix my sleep schedule once more.)
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ushittyoldman · 3 years
sweetheart like you
request.  hiii welcome! my brain is empty rn but some spike fics would be so amazing! i’ll probably be back when i have an idea but for now maybe just some first kiss with Spike and up until then they had just been flirting:)
pairing. spike x fem!reader
warning. language, mentions of s ex, & just a whole bunch of fluff
a/n. my first spike request eeeeee here u go anon! i hope u like it, it’s still taking me a while 2 pin down his characterization so i kinda just went w how i thought he’d b in a situation like this. nevertheless, i hope u like it thank u 4 this cute asf request (fun fact! spike always reminded me of bob dylan bc of his hair so this title came from a bob dylan song) 
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"Found him,” you mumbled discreetly into your ear piece, your sunglasses sliding slightly down your nose.
“Attagirl,” you heard Spike’s smooth drawl through the ear piece, and you attempted to conceal the slight smile that had made its way to your face.
“Careful, Spike, looks like I’m doing your job for you,” you teased, still keeping a watchful eye on the slimy suspect who happened to hold a handsome bounty on his head.
“Can’t really complain when you look so much better doing it.”
“Just fuck already so I don’t have to hear this everyday!” Faye snapped, and this time you couldn’t help the soft blush that colored your cheeks. You tightened your jacket around yourself, attempting to alleviate some of the embarrassment you felt.
“It’s not like that—”
“You know you’re always welcome to join us, Faye,” Spike retaliated, and this time you couldn’t hold back your giggle. Had you turned around, you wouldn’t have missed Spike’s smile widening upon hearing the musical sound.
“I’d rather die.” Faye deadpanned, and you had to remind yourself that you couldn’t laugh too loudly due to the delicate position you were currently in.
“One day... just one day of peace and quiet. You think that’s a lot to ask for, Ein?” 
Silence followed Jet’s tired question, and you realized you’d have to once again step up and apologize on behalf of you three. You softly mumbled into the earpiece, “Sorry, Jet, remind me to buy you a new bonsai tree to make it up to you!”
You could hear the smile in his voice as he enthusiastically said your name. “Anyone ever tell you you’re an absolute sweetheart?”
“Once or twice.”
Before anyone could respond, movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention. The man you had been tailing had stood up from his seat on the couch, paying the stripper who had clung to him for the majority of the hour. You began to subtly gather your things and pay for your drink at the bar, preparing to follow him out of the club.
“He’s on the move,” you angled your head to your left, eyes searching for familiar brown eyes, “I’m gonna follow him.”
Once your eyes met Spike’s, an understanding passed between you two. He had been sitting on one of the couches towards the back of the dimly-lit room. His long legs were spread as his arm was casually draped over the top of the couch, and a cigarette loosely hung from his lips. His long hair was pulled back slightly, since it was styled to mimic the type of men who frequented the club, and you smiled at the memory of you and Faye attempting to tame his hair in the bathroom right before you three departed on the mission. Though he was attempting to pass off as a regular civilian enjoying the strip show, there was something about Spike that made him stand out from the rest of the crowd. Realizing you had probably spent an abnormal amount of time admiring him, you met his eyes again and decided to ignore the look of blatant amusement that so clearly danced within them.
You simply nodded once and you silently applauded yourself on being able to catch the subtle nod he gave you in response in the dimly-lit room. His lips quirked up slightly, and you somehow felt more reassured in your ability to pursue the criminal.
Gulping down the last of your drink just for that liquid confidence, you delicately placed the payment on the table, and adjusted your top as you followed the man out the door. As you left the strip club, you noticed the shadow of the man’s trench coat as he leisurely walked towards the darker side of the already extremely shady town. You inhaled sharply before wrapping your own coat around yourself tighter. Suddenly, the man took a sharp left turn into a narrow dark alleyway between two buildings with impossibly bright neon signs.
“He went down an alley— that’s gotta be a dead-end. It’s almost too easy!”
Spike quickly yelled out your name, an odd edge to his words. “No! We’re sticking to the plan.”
“But I can—”
“Spike’s right, it’s too risky,” Faye interrupted evenly, though her tone showcased her own concern at your irrational thinking.
Deciding to prove them wrong, you furrowed your eyebrows and tightened your grip on the concealed gun. You let out a soft exhale, your breath visible in the frosty night. You immediately turned the corner, prepared to take the man by surprise, yet you stilled in shock when you were suddenly slammed against the brick wall. You could faintly hear your sunglasses clatter on the ground. You saw stars the moment your head hit the wall, and you were almost positive you were dealing with a concussion. You internally grimaced at the earful you’d undoubtedly be receiving from Spike, Jet, and Faye.
“What do you think you’re doing, you sneaky little bitc— ooh,” he mockingly cooed, “You’re pretty.”
“Oh, for the love of—” you heard Spike groan in your earpiece, most likely realizing you deliberately disobeyed the plan.
The man’s rough hands began playing with your hair, and you tried your best not to cringe at the feeling. Briefly, you conceded that Faye and Jet may have been right when they voiced their concerns over you working alongside the bounty hunters on this mission. You were the Bebop’s resident medic, and you had an alarming lack of experience with guns and self-defense in general. The two facts paired with your intense hatred of harming people, and you were most definitely the least qualified person to be on this mission.
Momentarily, you wondered why you even pushed so hard to join your friends and leave the safety of the Bebop. You suddenly thought of Spike. Spike with his lazy smile, as he encouraged you to join them. Spike and his untamable hair as he taught you how to use a gun. Spike and his warm hands as he softly caressed your cheek the first and only time you had managed to take him down in your self-defense classes.
You groaned internally as the realization hit you harder than the concussion.
Stupid Spike.
Deciding not to succumb to death just as yet, you abruptly realized there was a technique that Spike had taught you for this very occasion. You groggily tried to remember the technique, and you urged yourself to remember quicker when the man began to trail his hands down your body. Belatedly, you realized your coat was now on the ground, drenched in the wet snow, and the unforgiving cold air was nipping at your exposed arms and legs.
“Gonna take you on a ride, girly,” he wickedly mumbled in your ear, and you tried your best not to flinch.
Through the cloudy haze of your brain, you managed to mimic Spike’s exact movements as you replayed the memory of his lean body demonstrating what to do. Lifting your knee to kick the suspect in his groin, you cringed as he let out a yell of pain. He bent over, and you took advantage of his momentary distraction by lifting yourself up and gracefully (you’d like to think) wrapping your thighs around his head, letting out a quiet grunt as you used all of your weight to flip the two of you over and onto the cold pavement. You shakily landed on your feet, but you heard a sickening crunch as the man’s face was the first to make contact with the concrete. The guilt almost bubbled to the surface, but you decided he was one of the few who deserved what he got.
You let out a quick huff as your ample chest heaved up and down with every breath. You could feel that your hair was a tousled mess, and your skirt had ridden up considerably. 
“Holy shit.” 
You looked up quickly and belatedly realized Spike had been standing there, casually leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. He had a small smile on his face, though there was also an uncharacteristic red tint to his angular face.
“Spike?” you breathed out. Despite his relaxed expression, you were momentarily worried that he would be annoyed with you not following the plan.
“Quite the little badass, aren’t you?” he responded, no heat and all fondness.
You took a step towards him, though you swayed slightly. You grimaced at the idea of your bare knees hitting pavement, but more so at the fact that you’d be embarrassing yourself in front of Spike. Your confusion grew when you realized that you were suddenly gently lifted in someone’s arms. Perplexed, you looked up and made eye contact with warm brown ones.
When did he catch me? you silently thought to yourself, and you figured the concussion was a lot more serious than you had previously thought.
“You with me?” Spike softly mumbled your name, and you noticed the concern clouding his eyes. You suddenly realized how close your faces were.
“Concussion,” you quickly responded and you internally slapped yourself at the stupid response, “I, uh. I have one.”
Spike’s face broke out into his typical shit-eating grin, and you felt yourself lighten at the familiar expression.
“You’re cute,” he casually spoke. Spike’s smile widened at the pretty blush that had colored your cheeks.
Just then, a particularly relentless gust of cold air blew through the ally, and you unknowingly shivered. You boldly cradled yourself further into Spike’s broad chest, and his smile dropped upon remembering your current situation.
“Faye,” he snapped into the earpiece as he angled his face slightly away from you, “thank you for taking your sweet time.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, jackass. I’m almost there.”
Your shivering worsened, as the cold air nipped at your exposed arms, legs, midriff, and cleavage. Softly shifting your body so that you were comfortably held up with his one arm, Spike quickly pulled off his jacket with his free arm, and moved you so that he could hold you with his other arm as he completely took off his jacket. You hadn’t noticed, mainly due to the softness of his almost imperceptible actions, and so you were completely surprised when you suddenly felt a warm blanket cover your entire body.
Your eyes snapped open when you realized that it smelled way too good to be a blanket. You looked down at the familiar navy blue jacket that dwarfed your entire body, and you looked up into amused brown eyes. 
His yellow shirt was casually rolled up at the sleeves, and the button-up was tightly fitted across his lean yet muscular figure. His arms flexed underneath your weight, and you relished in the feeling of his warm arms caressing the bare skin of your own legs and arms as he held you bridal style in the dark alley. Your stomach erupted into butterflies as the weight and intimacy of the situation set in. You were brought out of your thoughts when you realized he had caught you subtly checking him out again.
“Stop laughing at me,” you huffed as a wayward strand of your silky hair landed on your forehead.
“Why would I be laughing at you, pretty girl?” he mumbled, a smile dancing on his lips.
His lips.
They were so close to your own, and you were once again filled with the insatiable urge to kiss him. You blinked quickly at the thought. Your concussion must have been doing a real number on you.
Your internal confliction grew stronger with each passing second. A large, large part of you wanted to close the distance between you two and finally kiss Spike, consequences be damned. But the small, louder part of you was terrified. You were terrified of rejection, of your insecurities coming to light, of being just another meaningless fling to Spike. Your thoughts grew cloudier, and you were overtaken with the sudden urge to sleep.
Your eyes grew heavy, and your head began to loll against his broad chest. Noticing this, Spike’s smile dropped once again and he began to silently curse Faye and her damned time management skills. He hurriedly mumbled your name, his distress clearly evident in his deep voice.
“C’mon now don’t go falling asleep with a concussion,” he teased, and some of his worry for you was quelled when he heard your quiet, breathy laughter in response, “Careful, doc, looks like I’m doing your job for you.”
Your smile widened upon his teasing remark, mocking your words from earlier, and you rolled your eyes in response. “Smartass.”
“Never said otherwise.”
Once again, his lips were just the right distance from your own, and you felt an instant surge of confidence. You swallowed, and squashed every single worry and fear you had, reasoning that this was Spike, your Spike, and he wouldn’t hurt you. 
“There is... there is one thing you can do to help the concussion,” you shyly said, your cheeks burning brighter than the red neon sign that loomed over you two.
Spike’s eyes widened and his face turned serious and desperate as he nodded. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll do it.”
Butterflies erupted once again upon noticing how prepared he was to help you, and you smiled up in pure adoration at the tall man. Your eyes quickly darted to his lips then back up to those enchanting eyes. 
“You have to come closer.”
Spike blinked once. A second time. And then he smiled softly at you. Understanding flashed in his eyes, and you swore his cheeks held the faintest of blushes. He leaned in closer. 
“This close?” he knowingly teased, an encouraging lilt to his soft tone.
You swore you could feel your heart in your throat as it sporadically beat faster the closer he came. His face was now right in front of yours, and you nervously swallowed. You licked your lips, and he looked down at them, mesmerized with the action.
“How’s this?” he smiled up at you, his usual playful smile on his handsome face.
“Spike,” you half moaned and half whined, frustrated with having him so close, yet not being able to finally get what you want.
His breath hitched at the sweet sound of you moaning his name, and he couldn’t help it before he leaned in slowly and met your soft lips. You closed your eyes and relished in the ecstatic feeling. The kiss itself wasn’t very long, yet everything about it was already burned into your brain. Your lips molded against his for a few more seconds before you softly pulled away and let out a dreamy sigh.
Your nerves attempted to get the better of you, yet you surprisingly felt reassured in your feelings for Spike. You silently looked up at him, but he was already looking down at you with nothing but warmth and fondness on his face. He softly reached down and tucked the wayward strand of hair behind your ear, before softly caressing your cheek. You leaned your face into his warm palm as you closed your eyes once more, and he felt his heart ache sweetly.
“You really should get concussions more often,” Spike cheekily said.
“Shut up,” you responded as you closed your eyes again to nuzzle your face into his chest. There was no heat in your response, and Spike couldn’t help but silently admire you. 
He moved closer to you and gently kissed your forehead before straightening himself up. He tucked you closer into his chest and tightened his jacket around your figure.
Somehow, you weren’t as cold anymore.
“About damn time.”
Your eyes opened, and you mustered up as bright a smile as you could at your friend. 
An unamused expression donned Spike’s face, and he turned around to pointedly glare at Faye. “I could say the same thing to you. What, you saw a mirror on your way here?”
Faye had restrained the suspect at this point, her heeled shoes digging into his back as a way to alleviate the anger she felt at the man for what he did to you. She looked up and genuinely smiled at Spike, adjusting her coat. 
“Jab all you want, Spike, but thanks to you, I won the little bet I had going on with Jet!”
Faye’s amusement grew when she saw your smile drop and Spike’s glare turn into a lofty smile almost simultaneously. You looked up at Spike, yet you flinched at the sudden movement, as the pounding in your head worsened. Concern washed over Spike, yet you shook your head in reassurance, before continuing. 
“Spike— the earpiece!”
“You just had to make a move now,” Spike mockingly chided, though you knew he wasn’t as bothered as you were.
“Concussion!” you reminded him, and he cooed at the pout you gave him as his gaze softened.
You gulped before guiltily mumbling Jet’s name. “…Jet?”
“Two bonsai trees, you hear me? You owe me two bonsai trees now.”
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lizandbo · 3 years
Long distant relationships w/ mha bois
Ok so I’ve been thinking almost all of my fanfics are haikyuu and now I’m suddenly doing my hero? So I’m sorry the haikyuu lovers:( but I will do more later:P when I get shit together another also this is my favorite love trope thingy or whatever the hell it’s called ans I prolly will make pt 2 of this
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- king of giving you gifts
- with endeavors credit card of course
- writes letters too
- one time on Valentine’s Day he wrote you the most romantic poem and letter on the entire earth
- boi be really being hopeless romantic
- calls more than texts
- more like FaceTime
- when he facetimes you he’s soooo close to the camera
- like ya know that one person who always got their nose right up to your screen?
- yeah that him
- never missed a goodmorning, goodnight or a hello and goodbye text
- never ever had missed the opportunity to say that
- kisses the camera too sometimes a lot
- I’m sorry but he’s just not the type to go “yo gm y/n, my day was ok, wbu?” or something like that shit
- or emojis either, he may do it to express himself better but she thinks their weird af
- when you finally bought the plane tickets and flew over there, he was so happy
- actually smiled for once
- liek smiley diley smiled ya know?
- was sooooo happy that you were there in person
- being on call or text isn’t the same as being there in his arms obviously
- hadn’t really received affection at all so he def surprised when you hugged him
- i mean yeah he hugged you but he’ll be absolutely stiff as a mf brick wall
- makes soba, but like... idk if you would eat it cold but...gotta try new things.. right?
- loves to cuddle you since he has no experience and this is his first time:D
- ok, so ya know at the start I said king of getting you gifts? So he was thinking and deciding what to get since you came over here in Japan
- so he bought this huge life sized teddy bears
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- yeah he surprised you right back
- goes to a lot of restaurants and cafés w/ you
- and a lot of dates about random shit
- his kisses are so sofffftttt
- likes to hide his head in your neck
- n kisses it
- when the time has come, you will never ever be forgotten in his heart
- oh my fuck im like saying as if you were bout to die or some shit
- but he’s gonna be real sad like you are
- but he knows that your coming back soon enough
- so he be a lil not devastated but still sad tho
- hopes that you have a safe trip and has that one last kiss with him before you have to leave
- literally just watching you from the window to go to the airport and silently cry
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- girl loves you and wants you to be in her arms NOW
- of course you can’t:( you live in America
- she understands that it’s your home
- godamn she misses youuuuuu
- she wants to live with you or you to come here to live with her once you guys are grown up
- text you a lot
- more than a person would usually
- text you morning and night text, and random shit
- more like your daily meme shitshow
- cuz she loves to text you random memes all day everyday
- when you finally fly to Japan she’ll be sooo ecstaticcccc
- jumping up and down like a true fan girl that she is
- you Sneaked into her room and sat there until she came back
- and it was a long time cuz she was hanging out with prolly the bakusquad or some shit
- but if she had known that you were there then she’ll def zip her tail right back to her dorm room
- all you do is literally snuggle together like cats for the WHOLE DAY
- i mean yeah being ina plane for xyz hours is a lot
- but you also starving
- when I say starving, I meant starving
- anyway, yeah you two were a wizard in the kitchen
- made your favorite dish and she did the lady and the tramp thing we’re doing the spaghetti thing
- goes to a lot of shops and buys a lot of clothes for you and her
- does a lil fashion show with the two of you in a dress rooms in the shop
- you will have so many clothes to the point that you have to get another bag to go with you at home, and she’ll eventually take some of your clothes in her closet cuz she loves your smell
- even tho you might either smell like a dead moldy possum from the junkyard or the most refreshing flower
- shell love it trust me
- buys matching pins for both of yous
- at nightime she’ll watch tiktoks and cuddle you
- loves how warm you are no matter what
- when You have to go she’ll be at your feet crying
- poor bby doesn’t want you to leave
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- kiri my dude will be a cringey emoji texter
- and somewhat a slow texter
- while you guys are messaging its prolly gonna be early mornings for him and at the afternoon
- sometimes when he works out in his dorm he’s gonna be doin pushups and shit and while you talk about your day together
- on your birthday or other special day he’ll send you gifts
- tried to send you flowers but they didnt really survive
- mans tried tho! - when you came to japan he hugged and you kissed and all the fluffy and good things that came with eijiro
- i mean you knew what you were heading into in the beginning of the relationship
- when you surprised him from him talking to other peeps from the behind of his back
- he was not expecting you
- thr love of his life rose him from the dead becuase when he heard your voice his soul practically leaving out of his body
- YAY your BACK
- he’s gonna move faster than the mf tape measures thats for sure
- his arms are gonna be wrapped around your head and playing with your hair while whispering lovely complements and thank youz that your being here in the flesh
- bridal style carries you to his room since you guys were in the common room
- asks if your hungry, if the flight was ok or not and whatnot
- and of course you said yes your hungry because they really do starve you
- mmkay he does really, really does tries to cook
- personally I think he’ll good at meat and cooking it
- mans loves meat
- but he’s just not that great at it
- so make your own food, its all you rn
- so when you eat together because he really wants to spend allllll thehhhehehhee time in the world with you rn cuz he just really misses you
- after eating he obviously has to cuddle n snuggle you to death
- after a while of being in japan, you had to go back home
- manly tears on the spot
- he doesnt want you to go but you have to:(
- will def want to surprise you while your in america
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ginanosakka · 3 years
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I Hate it Here
We Were Kids | Next
Moving you into Katsuki’s apartment across town took mere minutes, but everyday you spent there felt like years that you’d never get back. Everything felt too big and nostalgic, and the only thing grounding you to keep you from a panic attack, was Ryu being himself despite being pulled from school and transitioning to home school. He was just happy to be around his father all the time, immediately bombarding him with questions about his day the moment that he stepped through the door.
It wasn’t news that Katsuki wasn’t fond of comforting people, and the thought of him begging for forgiveness was laughable — but that brick wall you put up the moment you stepped through his threshold for the second time was driving him insane. When he was around, you were somewhere else in the house on the phone, or on the laptop you purchased and had shipped to his home as soon as possible. On the rare occasion he did see you for more than a few seconds, you looked drained of life. . and scared.
You were tough even when you two were young — the constant picking at you being quirkless might have made you think he thought otherwise, and he wondered if that contributed to your hardened shell now — but there was the rare occasion when something would break through your tough skin.
And it was always your father that did it.
Katsuki practiced his jabs that he tried out in training with Kirishima on the air, trying to make sure every moment was precise to recreate the amount of damage he dealt everytime. You had tagged along after phoning him and asking what he was doing, receiving the usual ‘I’m training and don’t give a shit if you come or not’ that you always took as a very hostile ‘yes’.
Usually, you’d make small noises of approval as he trained, and after yelling about you messing up his concentration but only getting a tongue stuck out at him in response, he had grown use to your annoying presence. Which is why he stole glances at you today when you were completely silent, and he found himself curious about why you didn’t even look at him as he trained. Bakugou was more aware of your every moment than you’d ever know, and he wanted it to stay that way, so he continued to only steal glances instead of confronting you.
“My dad didn’t tell me happy birthday.” There it was. The moment you’d break the silence and spill your guts to him with no coaxing needed from him.
That’s what drove him crazy about you; how you adapted to his pride and made being there for you so easy.
“He had Jun give me my necklace and money when I woke up, and I asked her if he made any plans to see me today. . She said he’s a busy man and I need to grow up. . Am I asking for too much?”
You looked up at him with every ounce of insecurity on full display, the kind of look he hated seeing on your face more than he hated seeing you in those stupid get-ups your mom bought you. Even he had said happy birthday to you, granted it was though text and there was no gift with it, but at least he had the decency to listen when you said that all you wanted was to hear two simple words from the people you cared about. It pissed Katsuki off even more that he knew you told your dad that’s all you wanted, and it didn’t take a genius to know that he didn’t do it on purpose. Now Katsuki had to be the one to pick up your broken pieces.
“Idiot, it’s not your fault that your old man is trash.” He grunted, turning away from you to stare at nothing so he didn’t have to see that stupid sparkle in your eyes when he said something nice.
That damn sparkle made his heart squeeze.
He was relieved to hear your soft laughter, “I guess you’re right. He’s better at bribing people than caring for them.”
If only he could tell you how true those words were.
“Shit.” Katsuki mumbled under his breathe, the realization of what was happening hitting him like a brick.
That day he went to your office, he hadn’t been there just to get a look at what you had accomplished, and the reason he got so riled up by your secretary was more than just being told he couldn’t see you. He had gotten a tip from Tokoyami that morning about a yakuza organization that was deeply involved in many missing people cases, and also suspects for the assasination of small business companies that were expected to outgrow large corporations.
That organization had your picture on the wall, along with pictures of those who were missing, and ones who had not gone missing but were on police watch due to the likelihood of them being taken next. Katsuki chalked it up to you being seen with him when he was a target for many villains due to his success in taking down and capturing villains with ease, and he let the most obvious point go over his head. He had just immediately wen to go see you to calm his nerves, not even second guessing his own answer that tied this back to the one man he had his own hit on.
The organization that had you targeted, acted under powerful businessmen in Japan. .
Your father was one of those powerful businessmen.
‘It all comes full fucking circle,’ Katsuki thought angrily as he picked up his office phone, knowing that he had to get his least favorite heroes on the case.
“I’m not asking you to take sides, I’m asking you to tell me the truth!” You hissed into the phone, and you could feel every ounce of your patience draining from your body and your tone.
It had been three days. Three days since you moved in with the father of your child, three days of feeling anxious and livid, and three days of trying to get in contact with your mother. For once, you could say that the least of your worries was Katsuki, and now it happened to be the life of your child again. You weren’t stupid — the moment Katsuki mentioned your safety specifically being threatened you knew who had put the hit out on you, and he wanted you to know.
It was your father’s way of warning you that if you even thought of exposing that you were his daughter that ‘went missing’,or tell them what he had done, you and Ryu will never know peace again. The knowledge that you were in his sights again and he still was just as ruthless as ever couldn’t even fully register in your brain, but you knew you had to do something. This was your baby’s life that was in danger again, and this time he isn’t living inside of you so you could have him with you at all times. You didn’t even know how to have this conversation with Katsuki when he didn’t even have the decency to tell you there was someone after your son while he sat in school. In fact, you were doing your best to avoid his presence so you didn’t cause a scene and scare Ryu half to death.
And your mother had the fucking ability to help you, and she decided this was the time to wave the white flag to involving herself in you and your father’s war.
“This isn’t something that I can tell you and your father not disown me too for, Y/N! Do you really expect me to risk my life too?” Your mother responded, and your grip on the phone tightened so much that you weren’t sure how much longer you’d have before it shattered.
“Yes! I expect you to risk your life for me, mom! I expect you to be a mother for just one damn moment in your life to save your grandson! If you can’t tell me what he knows and what you’ve told him, this will not only get ugly for him, but for you too!” You threatened with full intention of making it a reality.
“I can-“ as she spoke you heard a male voice in the background that made your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach before the phone went dead.
You paced the floor with a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming with Ryu napping in the other room, but this situation could only be fully resolved with risks being taken. The company you put blood sweat and tears into — you had long since realized you never wanted to start an entire company, but it was the best thing you knew how to do to make money to give your son the life he deserved — was going to have to be put in jeopardy. Your life, and more importantly your son’s life, would be in immediate danger once you decide to wage this war.
It’s father against daughter, and loser loses everything.
“You were really going to go through this again alone? You really piss me off sometimes.”
You whirled around to the door of the guest bedroom you were in to see not only Katsuki, but Eiji also standing there. It didn’t shock you in the slightest how pissed Katsuki looked, but Kirishima’s deathly stare had you frozen in place. Even though you knew in the back of your mind that their anger was towards your father, you couldn’t help but feel weak when two very famous pro heroes had their murderous gazes on full display for you.
“You don’t have to worry,” Kirishima said and flashed you a hardened arm. “No one is going to touch you or Ryu on my watch.”
Katsuki grunted, “I’ll kill anyone that tries.”
(A\N: So who’s ready to see full on angst, romance, and a badass reader? Cause I am ^_^! Also the amount of love and insight you guys give me on this story is insane and I still can’t than you enough 🥺 I hope you enjoy! <3
Taglist (Closed) <3 : @fandomgirllover @cloudsgathering @that-bipolar-renegade-romantic @jazzylove @that-chick212 @bonbonthedragon @misssugarless @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @bakugous-bakahoe @pinkykookie17 @animexholic @arielting @samkysnks @simpforeveryone @damnirina @deneuves @tsumuuumiyaaaa @vintage-teddyxo @regalmigraine @samvmgh @iamagalaxy @officialtrashbusiness @xwackk @videogameboiwhowins @marajillana @ellasdilemma @plutoneu @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @thestarsanctuary @dewdropwifu @star-light-imagines @kritiiiii @bakugosbottombitch @the2ndl @candybabey @simply-not-the-same @sam-i-am-1025 @mes-bisous @eternallyvenus @peppytine @chaelysian @definitely-yours @oikawarc @suneaterofthebig3 @m0na-l0ver @nkb0048 @losertsukki i @notyourfavorlte @caramelsquares @hikaru-mikazuki
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hammeredalcoholic · 3 years
my only friend
kira yoshikage / reader ;
rating: mature, no 18+ content yet ; kira & reader are portrayed as 18 years old ; tension at the end of chapter
here is chapter 2! link to chapter 1. hope you guys enjoy this, i am falling back in love with writing this thing. cross posted to ao3.
here is a spotify playlist to go with this fic.
“you've been riding two wheelers all your life it's not like i'm asking to be your wife i wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say is this coming off in a cheesy way?”
The skies were covered in clouds, smoldering and dark, threatening to spill rain at any time. The air was chilly, causing goosebumps to line your arms and make the hairs on your neck stand up. Fall was just upon you, the summer months had passed within seconds it seemed. Not that you really cared-- autumn was beautiful, bringing colored trees and pretty sunsets. 
Your shoes scuffed against the concrete you sat upon, your fingers barely holding onto a lit cigarette. You really ought to quit-- but the high of nicotine was just too much to give up. The taste of tobacco on your tongue was all you tried to focus on, but it was hard. 
Hard when you sat outside of a dingy apartment, of a person you didn’t know, waiting for your companion to take their miserable life. 
This was normal. You’d go a few days on the road, staying at whichever place you could, before Yoshikage started to feel the urges, as he called them. He had said it once before to you, and it was something that you hadn’t been able to quite let go. 
“I just-- can’t help it,” His words were soft, and small. His hands were fidgeting in his lap, ghosting over the frayed edges of his baby blue sweater. “I can’t control myself when I get this way. It’s just that it’s in my nature to kill.” 
Kira’s eyes were hidden behind his blond bangs, deep and dark and full of sorrow. He couldn’t help that he was this way, despite the fact that he wanted to live a quiet life. He didn’t want to be a bother on others, but it seemed like he had just dug himself in a hole. 
Your mind jumped from that memory to another. The phone call. The one that changed your life drastically. 
3:31 AM flashed on your alarm clock. The landline was ringing, practically jumping off your bedside table. Who the hell would need to call you right now? All of Morioh should be asleep-- your hand reached for it, gently picking it up off the receiver and holding it to your ear. 
A shaky voice was on the other end. Distant and gravely-- barely speaking above a whisper. 
“D-Did I wake you up? I-I’m so sorry,” He sounded awful. Hiccups between every word, and you were positive he had been crying. “Yoshikage-- What happened? What’s going on?” 
Yoshikage Kira had never sounded like this. He sounded so broken-- like a glass vase shattered across a concrete floor. There was a small hiccup, and a breathy sigh on the other end. “I made-- I made a big mistake. I need your help.” 
A big mistake? What the hell did that mean? 
“Can you please meet me at Reimi Sugimoto’s house? You know where that is right?” He sounded even more desperate with each passing second. Yes, you did know where she lived-- it was on your walking path to and from school everyday. It should only take you about 5 minutes to get there, if you booked it. 
“Yes, yes, okay. I’ll be there soon. Whatever you do, don’t run away.” With those words being said, the line was cut off. Quickly, and being as quiet as possible, you got some pants and a sweatshirt on, stuffing a pillow under your blankets to make it seem like you were still sleeping. Thinking semi-clearly, you grabbed a backpack and put some extra clothes and your trusted pocket knife inside. 
Slinging the bag over your shoulders, you grabbed your keys from your desk and slipped out of your room. This wasn’t the first time you had snuck out, so you knew each creak and cranny in the wooden stairs leading to the main entrance of your house. As quickly as you could, you slipped out of the house without a sound. 
You quickly bolted to your car that was slightly down the street, thanking your past self for the distance. Your parents wouldn’t hear the car start, or you driving off to save your friend. Hopping in and starting the engine up, you quickly left in the direction of the Sugimoto residence.
Screams were faint in your ears. 
Deciding that another cigarette was inevitable, you quickly pulled it out of the pack and lit it. You could have waited in the car, but-- you didn’t want Yoshikage to get hurt. You wanted to be there for him until the very end, so there you sat, against the grimy brick wall, feeling all sorts of out of place. 
You let your mind drift again. 
Driving well over the speed limit, you made it there in less than 3 minutes. From the outside of the house, it didn’t look like much had happened. The lawn was normal, the house the same as when you had driven past yesterday. That was until you noticed him-- a figure, clad in a pale blue sweater, sitting on the front steps of the building. 
His hands, covered in his sleeves, were pressed firmly against his face. If it hadn’t been in the middle of the night, you would have been able to make out the bright red stains that coated his clothes. Quickly pulling the car to the side of the road, you got out without a second guess. 
Quickly rushing up to the boy, you stopped only feet away from him. 
“Yoshi… What-- What happened?” Blood. Blood on his sleeves-- his pants-- his hair. Fuck, his face was even coated in it. His hands dropped from his face, and he looked up at you with wide, cold-dead eyes. They were bright red and puffy, telling that he was sobbing his eyes out only moments previously. 
“I-- I made a mistake.” Kira’s voice was only a whisper. If you hadn’t been listening, you would have thought it to be the midnight wind. “What mistake?” You pressed, stepping closer to the seated boy. 
“I-- I,” Yoshikage stuttered, before tears lined his eyes. “I killed them.” He spoke so softly, before looking at his blood stained hands. “I killed them.” He stated, louder, looking up at you again. “I killed her parents. Her dog. And then-- her.” His voice was shaking, tears now freely flowing down his cheeks. “I don’t-- I don’t know what to do.” 
You stared at him in disbelief. He-- Yoshikage Kira, the boy that grew up with you, silent but friendly, playing with only you throughout elementary, hanging out with you during middle school and high school-- your best friend. He had killed someone. Not someone, multiple people. 
Fist shaking at your sides, chills running up your spine, sweat practically dripping from your temple. 
You had a choice to make. 
Leave him, let him get caught-- probably executed. Or--
“I’ll help you. Let’s go.” 
You’ve never seen Kira’s eyes light up like that before. Bright blue, even in the pale moonlight. They were so blue, you swore you could have gotten lost in them. That’s your favorite part of the memory, thinking back on the relief he must have felt. It sent warmth through your body, butterflies floating in your stomach. 
You knew, despite how much you question your own motives now and again, you wouldn’t be able to leave Kira. He’s been a staple in your life, much like you must have been to him. Why would he ask you for help if that wasn’t the case? 
The skies had grown dark as you were reminiscent, and your stomach growling had alerted you that it might not be a bad idea to get some food. Glancing at the door to the apartment, you briefly wondered if Yoshikage would even notice if you left. But, then again, he might be hungry too. You weighed your options, and decided it would be best to just ask him. 
Getting up to your feet, you flicked the butt of your cigarette over the railing of the complex. Your feet tingled with sleep, and your fists clenched as you stared at the awful wooden door. Your mind ran a million miles an hour, going through several thoughts about what he could possibly be doing behind that wretched piece of wood. 
Just as you were about to knock on the door, it opened. 
Kira stood there, eyes wide when he noticed you standing in front of him. He was absolutely drenched in blood-- his sweater was stained, khakis barely recognizable. His face and hair were also decently covered. His eyes quickly darted to his ruined chucks, and he spoke very softly. 
“I-- I’m done.” 
You let out a quick sigh of relief, and decided not to question him. “Well if that’s the case, how about we go get some food and find a place to clean you up?” Kira didn’t say anything, just nodded. With that, you both left the apartment complex. 
As the night went on, you both decided that getting some fast food and trying to find a laundromat was in order. You were rather thankful for the dark, as the person who took your measly ones at the burger joint didn’t even bat an eye at your companion’s appearance. 
Luckily, there was a laundromat just down the street. Pulling up and parking in the vacant lot, you both got out your burgers and ate in relative silence.
After downing your food in what felt like 3 bites, you looked over at your friend. He didn’t look like he was thinking about much-- his hands were steady, eyes somewhat glossed over from the food, and completely ignoring the fact that he was still very much covered in blood. 
“Do you feel better?” The words felt almost foreign on your tongue, despite feeling like you asked him this every single time. Kira looked over at you, swallowing the bite he was chewing before responding. “Yeah. I do,” He rolled up the remaining half of his sandwich in the wrapper, putting it back in the bag. “But I would like to clean up my clothes.” 
You snorted, grabbing your drink from the console and taking a few gulps. “I’m sure you would. It looks like it’s fairly empty in there, so I’m sure we’ll be fine.” You glanced at the clock in your car, and the bright red numbers informed you that it was well past midnight at this point. Kira must have noticed it too, and he began to get out of the vehicle. 
Doing the same, you pulled the bag of quarters you keep in the console out and stuffed them in your pocket. You followed Yoshikage inside, quickly turning and locking your car before entering the building. 
The place was very much run down-- old washing machines lined the dirty walls. Neon lights glimmered from outside, casting weird shadows across the floor. Kira kept walking to the back of the building, deciding to use the machines that were farthest from the windows. You followed him absentmindedly, hoping up on one of the machines and pulling out your little sack of change. 
Yoshikage’s eyes glanced at your before they went down to his feet, and he quickly shrugged off his baby blue sweater. You swore that thing had been through its life cycle already-- ever since he got it at the beginning of high school, it seemed to be the only article of clothing he wore. He threw it into the washing machine next to you, his hands going back up to unbutton his undershirt. 
At that point, you found it hard not to stare. 
Yoshikage Kira may have been your best friend from preschool to now, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t attractive. Bright blonde curls and icy blue eyes-- along with a jawline that could surely cut glass. 
The coins in your hand quickly became your second priority, as your eyes lingered on each inch of skin he revealed. This wasn’t even your first time seeing him semi-nude-- he sleeps in the same bed as you most nights. But this-- this was different. 
Soon enough his button up was shrugged off and tossed in the washer, and you quickly averted your eyes to the coins you held in your palm. You were playing a very dangerous game, and you weren’t sure what Kira would do if he caught you looking at him like a piece of meat. 
As you tried to count the quarters that were needed for the machine to run, you heard your companion’s shoes be kicked off. Then, the sound of a button and fly being undone made your cheeks heat up within seconds. Your mind was doing mental backflips, going back and forth between looking, and keeping your eyes down. 
From the corner of your eyes, you saw his soiled khakis drop around his ankles, and he carefully stepped out of them, throwing them in the machine. 
“Hey. I need a dollar and twenty-five cents to start it.” His words practically made you jump, and you held out your palm with the money he needed. Kira easily noticed how flustered you were, and let his fingers linger in yours while he took the coins. Soon enough, the machine roared to life, and you heard Kira take a seat next to you. 
Swallowing your pride, you decided it wasn’t worth avoiding his gaze, so you looked over at him. 
His skin was almost glowing in the awful lighting of the building, collar bones prominent and his muscles were exceptionally toned. You felt your eyes linger on his hips, almost tracing the V shape that dipped into his boxer briefs. As soon as you realized what you were doing, your eyes immediately went up to meet his own. 
They had grown dark, silver pools watching your every move. A small smirk had formed on his lips, and you almost had to bite your lip from making any sort of noise. 
Your mind screamed at you to look away. Stop staring at him and just look at literally anything else. 
But then, something else happened that made your world turn upside down. 
Did he fucking wink?
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donutloverxo · 4 years
The donut mishap
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Note - This is the first of my soft!reader series. I'll try to post them chronologically now on. Note that this is set in 2013. And a dear friend helped me out with this. Thanks a lot to her <3.
Summary - A quest of baking donuts brings you to the avengers tower. But what happens when your paths cross with the star spangled man?
Warnings - curse words, steves ptsd
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 2.3k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You squinted your eyes concentrating on putting just the right amount of pressure on the piping bag to get the perfect swirl of frosting on the cupcake. Your breathe hitched as a little air bubble appeared, aside from that it looked perfect. With a nice stiff peak.
You smiled looking over the cupcakes and donuts; over 12 hours of work. You felt like a proud mama.
When you started working at the Bakery, granted you only did so because you loved how cute their desserts looked but never could afford them, you thought you’d get to make money off of your love for baking.
Instead they stuck you in the back, doing books and maintaining accounts. Yeah you were going to grad school to be an accountant but it still wasn’t fair!
You never got to learn anything new about baking, or even try any delicious pastries. You just spent 4 hours everyday playing with the numbers.
And then you got a call from Linda, your boss. Panicking about how the head chef is sick and they have an order from the Avengers.
The Avengers were just a bit controversial. But for the most part everyone was grateful for them and looked up to them.
You can’t disappoint them. They’re superheros! Literal gods!
You didn’t really have much of an opinion on them. Except that the God of thunder from space made you all tingly sometimes.
You were just happy you got the chance to make such variety of desserts. Maybe now you could convince Linda to let you help out in the kitchen every now and then.
“You’re going to have to deliver them yourself.” Linda said looking them over and taking a small bite from the mint macaroon. “Take a taxi. Think you can handle it?” She handed you a hundred dollar bill.
There were only two boxes, one with the donuts and another with different assortments of patisseries. You accepted the bill and called for an Uber.
Normally the bakery doesn’t do delivery but when someone even mentioned Tony Starks name, Linda agreed to deliver, almost gave it away for free.
You made it to the tower in one piece. Glad to know that all the desserts seemed like they were doing alright in the boxes. You craned your neck up to look at the tower. Yet you couldn’t see the top.
You tried your best to be careful with the giant pink boxes in your hands muttering ‘excuse me' to anyone you may come across so as to not bump into them. You gently lay the boxes on the reception counter. Giving the brunette receptionist a huge warm smile.
“These are for Pepper Potts. Should I just leave them here...” You trailed off.
Looking around to see everyone dressed to the nines in sleek business formal clothes. You were wearing your pink dress with small red strawberries splattered all across it, it ended just below your knees, maybe not the perfect dress for the beginning of fall, or making a delivery for that matter. It made you feel self-conscious you tried your best to not think about how unprepared you must seem.
Which wasn’t entirely your fault. They were the ones that expected such a large order in under 12 hours.
“Alright ma'am you can go up and set them up.” She said hanging up the phone and giving you a visitors pass.
“Oh I...” You wanted to disagree. Ask for someone else to do it. You just KNEW you were going to mess it up.
But you couldn’t really say anything when she smiled “Thank you.” Probably in a way to shoo you off and deal with the person behind you.
You somehow made your way to the elevator, asking for directions twice, only it was too crowded and you were running out of time. “I’ll take the next one.” You said, although no one really seemed to care, they were either looking at their phones or chatting with each other.
A nervous smile painted on your face, so you could delude yourself into thinking everything is fine to calm your nerves. You couldn’t even afford to take your phone out of your sling bag to look at the time, not with your hands occupied.
After waiting for forever you were able to get into an elevator which was only occupied with a few people. Finally you were at your desired floor.
You were to take the boxes to conference room B12.
So you looked around, distracted. Your mother had always told you that your absent mindedness will one day come to bite you in the ass.
‘Try living in reality once in a while.’ She had said in such a condescending tone.
You huffed back then, thinking you were fine just the way you are. Until you bumped into what you thought was a brick wall, too distracted by the numbers and signs and twists and turns.
You quickly looked in front of you, when you felt the boxes you had held up collide with something. It wasn’t a wall, it was what looked like a human man. You tried to balance your feet stumbling back a bit before falling flat on your ass.
“Omph” You let out as you felt the cold hardwood floor sting your behind. Your precious donuts and desserts falling to the ground.
You looked at the ruins, how the frosting and sprinkles decorated the floor, taking it all in, asking yourself if this is a dream.
By the angle you were sitting in, you were sure the man could see your underwear, but you didn’t care. Because you were completely ruined.
You looked up at him, your lips quivering and your eyes glossy. “Why?” You asked as he stared at you completely dumbfounded, as if he had never seen a girl before.
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Steve wanted to refuse right away. As soon as they said the words ‘honor’ and ‘appreciate’. A ceremony just to honor him and thank him for his service to his country.
He did try to convince Tony that he hated such things. To be the centre of attentions and plaster on a pageant smile for all the flashing cameras. That is not what he signed up for. His goal was never to get fame and recognition.
He ultimately had to relent. Because it was supposed to be an inspiration for others and to ‘boost morale’.
“Just flash your perfect pearly whites for a few hours, it’s really not that hard.” Tony said slapping Steve’s shoulder. As if they’ve been friends forever and he doesn’t take some kind of sick sadistic pleasure in watching Steve suffer.
They spoke of how brave he was, how even as a sickly kid he stood up for what was right. For his country.
Really he could tolerate all that. Even be grateful for it.
But his anxiety came back as they showed pictures from the wartimes, projected onto the white screen.
He’s a hero they said.
So brave.
Selfless and compassionate.
A man out of time.
Lies. Blatant lies. He was far from a hero. He knew that. But he realized the extent of it when he saw the pictures, some of them familiar to him, having happened just in front of him not so long ago, even if it had been decades for everyone else.
All of his brothers, his best friend died. Protecting their country. For their duty. They made the ultimate sacrifice and were more than happy to do so.
He recalled one commander saying how he would love to die serving his country. It would be his greatest accomplishment.
And here he was. Wearing a suit that he had no doubt cost thousands of dollars. Drinking expensive champagne, giving interviews, having his face on magazine covers. Taking pictures with his ‘fans'. Living the high life.
How the fuck was he a hero?!
He couldn’t look at the remaining pictures or listen to them. He tried to zone them out, tune out his anxiety and his guilt. To not let his mind go to those dark places, to linger on the past. Nothing good would come out of it.
He could still do good. Be good. Wash off his sins. If he kept trying and moving forward. If only it wasn’t so hard.
There was no such thing washing your sins off of you. No one can resolve their sins by simply confessing to them in church. Or counting thousands of hail marys. His hands and his soul will always be tainted with blood.
Somehow he got through the whole thing. He was about to run off the men’s room. To take a breathe and collect his thoughts.
Tony stopped him “What’s with your resting bitch face Rogers?” He snarked but was taken aback by the scowl he received “Fine go. Remember we have a meeting with the corporal.”
Which was what the whole ruse was all about. To appease the army. He was surprised at just how bad the whole world is, but he couldn’t even begin to comprehend the shitshow that the army had become.
He rubbed his face sprinting towards the balcony. To get some fresh air, be alone as long as he can before he has to go back to being Captain America.
Maybe that’s why he didn’t hear your footsteps, which his sensitive hearing really should’ve picked up on.
He turned the corner only bump into you. Making you fall on your ass.
“Why?” You gave him a look of betrayal as tears fell down your face. You wiped your cheek with the back of your hand kneeling and working on putting your desserts back in the box.
“Oh my god... ma’am I’m so sorry.” He apologized as soon as he registered what he had down. Crouching down before you to help you clean it up. But he doubted that you would be able to eat them.
“All my work.” You moaned looking up and meeting his eyes.
Your defeated face almost made him pull you into his arms. But it wouldn’t exactly be proper to do that to a stranger.
“Don’t call me ma'am!” You huffed as more tears escaped your eyes. “I’m not like 50!” You crossed your legs sitting on the floor and staring at your boxes.
“What should I call you then?” He asked his tone gentle and inquisitive. Truly curious to know what your name was.
“How about you call me nothing? You’ve done enough.” You frowned as you looked into his crystal blue hues. He was simply put beautiful.
You never thought that’s the adjective you’d use to describe a man, but that was all you could think of.
However his beauty didn’t excuse his actions. It certainly wouldn’t bring back the desserts you worked so hard on. So all you could do was be mad at him.
“I can pay for them.” He blurted out and then winced. You probably made them yourself. He can’t exactly replace them.
“It was the first time I truly baked. And now I’ll lose my job.” You sniffled tracing the frosting which was smeared on the floor with your finger. “And the Avengers will all go hungry...” You rambled your voice small. All you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry into a pillow.
You sneered at him as he chuckled. He immediately stopped pressing his lips into a straight line. “I doubt they’ll go hungry. I promise you won’t lose your job. No one has to know.” He reasoned. His plump rosy lips stretch into a smile, that must be worth at least a million dollars. His eyes creasing and yeah he really was beautiful.
You felt your anger resolving but decided to remain firm. To not let him work his charms on you. “They will call my boss when the delivery doesn’t arrive. And my boss will fire me!” You exclaimed spelling it out for him. Since he seemed to fit the stereotype of the dumb pretty blonde. Or was that exclusive to women?
“I can promise you no one will tell your boss.” He hesitated but then put his hand over yours in an effort to reassure you.
“What? How – how will you do that?” You asked getting more and more frustrated that he failed to understand just how grave this situation was for you.
“I uh... do have that kind of authority.” He said giving you a small nod. At least he could do some good with this ‘status' he held.
“Hm” You hummed still suspicious. But he was wearing a suit which looked expensive. His stance seemed that of someone who was powerful. His voice although soft held some stern undertones. “I – how do I believe you?” You asked and laughed at your misery as you realized you didn’t really have a choice.
Finally, pressing a palm on the floor you got up. Collecting your boxes. “It’s okay.” You sighed. “I guess I wasn’t really looking either. Whatever happens I’ll deal with it.” You said giving him a somber look.
“Uh – are you sure?” He stammered afraid he got you in trouble and couldn’t really do anything about it. Even more so that you were leaving and he’d probably never get to see you again.
“I’m not really a liar.” You shrugged as he stood up with you.
You didn’t have the opportunity to marvel at his tall stature, and how big he was compared to you. Or just big in general. You simple turned around your head hung low.
Only to look back at him over your shoulder. You tried to suppress a whimper, at just how hopeless you were, and asked “Which way is the elevator?”
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Tags will be in the reblog! If you want in on the taglist click the link in the bio or shoot me an ask/dm.
Please note that my work is NOT to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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niksixx · 4 years
Close as Strangers
Requested: Nope! 
Pairing: The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Fem!Reader 
Description: Based on the song ‘Close as Strangers’ by 5 Seconds of Summer. Lyrics are bold and italicized. 
A/N: Reblog and leave your own tags!! Thanks for supporting me :) 
*GIF is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
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Six weeks since I’ve been away
And now you’re saying everything has changed
And I’m afraid that I might be losing you
And every night that we spend alone
It kills me thinking of you on your own
And I wish I was back home next to you
Tommy had a job to do whether you liked it or not. Mötley Crüe was at the height of their success, landing tours in countries all across the globe. Being unfamiliar with the music scene, having a rockstar boyfriend was much harder than it looked. You supported him in every way, being there for him as his fame grew, but you’d be lying to yourself if you said it wasn’t difficult at times.
Shortly after Mötley Crüe’s debut in America, your relationship crossed over the line from casual to serious. You and Tommy adored each other, two halves of one whole, but lately you felt your relationship slipping right through your fingers. And the worst part was there was no motivation to save it.
“I’ve only been gone six weeks, honey.”
Six weeks too many. Now on his second tour, Tommy was busier than ever. Phone calls after every show were either late or nonexistent. In the event that he didn’t call, you tried not to take it personally, finding random things around the house to keep you busy, to keep your mind from wandering.
And then the plethora of rumors started and knocked the wind out of you. Tommy would never cheat on you, his heart was too loving, his soul too pure, but the paparazzi pictures did their job of convincing you that maybe Tommy had been unfaithful.
There was no denying that your relationship was dwindling, changing for the worst. In your bed, the side Tommy slept on grew colder and colder each night he was gone. The body pillow that rests in his place was too soft, lacking the firmness of Tommy’s body that you’d grown to love as you fell asleep beside him. The blankets didn’t compare to having his arms wrapped tightly around your frame.
Everything was just...different.
“Am I...am I losing you?”
It was the word you wanted to scream out to him on the other end of the line, but it wasn’t the word that came out.
“I miss you so much, babe. I hate that I’m not there with you. I’d do anything to come back home to you.”
And you’d give anything to have him back, too.
Are we wasting time? Talking on a broken line?
Telling you I haven’t seen your face in ages
I feel like we’re as close as strangers
Won’t give up, even if it hurts so much
Every night I’m losing you in a thousand faces
Now it feels we’re as close as strangers
On the other end of the line, you can hear Tommy’s name being called either by his bandmates, groupies, or partygoers that found their way backstage after the show. He was easily distracted, shouting back and forth or laughing, forgetting that you were patiently, tiptoeing the line of impatiently, waiting for him on the other end.
“What? Oh, shit, I’m sorry babe.”
He was always sorry.
Sorry for leaving.
Sorry for forgetting to call.
Sorry about the photos.
Sorry for the excessive drinking.
Sorry for becoming distracted midway through your conversation.
Overtime, the word ‘sorry' lost its value.
And when it did, you became even more distant, intolerant of his inconsistencies.
“Tommy, I haven’t seen you in three months. The least you can do is give me five fucking minutes on the phone.”
“Woah. Damn. Chill out. I was just talking to Vince.”
“Chill out?” You ask dramatically, now sitting upright in bed. “Chill out? You see Vince every day, Tommy. All I want is a sliver of your time, five minutes, and you’re giving me a hard time about that?”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Tommy sighs sadly, scrubbing a hand over his face. Cradling the phone between his ear and shoulder, he hastily digs a cigarette from his pocket. He lights it and puffs out a cloud of smoke. “Are you okay, baby? You’re awfully snippy.”
You had every right to be snippy. Miles away in a foreign country, Tommy was living the life he always wanted for himself, all the while you were at home, going through the motions of an ordinary day seven days a week.
At times you were jealous of his success, as it had been the factor that took him away from you. It was hard being cooped up alone in a house that was meant for two people.
In theory, you’d be fine if the effort was there. But amid Tommy’s hectic lifestyle, you were floating in the background unseen.
The sigh from your lips was one of defeat. “No, Tommy, I’m not okay. I feel like my boyfriend is a stranger to me now. I miss you more and more every night, but lately I feel like giving up.”
Tommy pauses, heart racing. His grip on the cigarette tightens. He didn’t like where this was going. “On what?”
The lump in your throat grows, fingers gripping the phone tighter. You almost choke on the words, wondering if it’s a sign to hold them back. “On us.”
“No, no, no, no, no,” Tommy repeats in a rush, hand firmly planted against the cool brick wall behind the payphone. “Don’t say that, baby. Don’t you dare say that. I love you. I love you so much, you know that, right? And I miss you. I miss you all the time. When I’m up on that stage and I look out into the crowd, the only face I don’t see that I really want to see is yours.”
Maybe you should’ve kept the words at bay. But what good would hiding your feelings do? Even thousands of miles away, Tommy could pick up on the cues. The slightest change in your voice could send him into a panic.
“Tommy, being away from you for so long is so exhausting and I just...I don’t want to spend my time sulking and crying and waiting for you to come home. You’re struggling to make time for me when all I want is a five minute phone call, the media keeps reporting that you’re drinking more than usual, and the photos...the photos are tearing my heart in pieces.” You try not to think of the photos or of the groupies that made it their priority to sleep with men like Tommy, but the images were burned into your brain. “I feel like you’ve been on tour forever and I just can’t do it anymore. I don’t want to feel this way anymore.”
Tommy’s world comes crashing down around him. Just thinking of you ending the relationship has him sucking in nervous breaths, mind whirling with possible solutions to save your relationship. There was no way he was letting you get away from him. He wouldn’t give you up so easily.
“What if you come on tour with us?” He questions suddenly. “You wouldn’t have to worry about seeing me because we’d always be together. Come on baby, let me show you the world.” He’s sure this idea will work. You’ve mentioned before how the rest of the world seems nonexistent, as you’ve never traveled anywhere outside your immediate country. He’s giving you the chance, and he hopes you’ll take it.
But his high hopes come crashing down as you don’t think twice about rejecting his proposal. “I have my own life to live, Tommy. I can’t drop everything and spend the next four months in twenty different cities. I have to work so I can pay rent and pay for groceries and bills. Be realistic.”
Tommy frowns, crushing the butt of his cigarette under his boot. “You were just complaining about not seeing me. I give you a way to do that and you shut it down.”
The tips of your nails suddenly become important as you cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder. You pick and pick, teeth biting the corner of your bottom lip as you do so.
“Baby, tell me where your head’s at,” His voice is small now, unsure. “Tell me you’ll always be here. Please tell me I’m not losing you.”
“I want to be able to say those things. But you’re halfway across the world right now and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I need you here.”
There’s a heavy sigh on the other end of the line as you find yourself sliding off the bed and trudging to the window, staring out into the dark sky. The crescent moon is the only thing illuminating the outside world along with a few street lights on the pavement. Around you, the world outside is quiet. The thoughts in your head? Not so much.
It was a conversation you never wanted to have, but it was necessary. You and Tommy were two different people who needed different things. Was there a chance you were acting selfish by pleading with him to come home? No doubt.
You knew Tommy would never give up his job despite his immense love for you. And while you wanted him to come home, you couldn’t force that decision out of him.
Which is why you had to make the decision yourself.
On the phone I can tell that you wanna move on
Through the tears I can hear that I shouldn't have gone
Everyday gets harder to stay away from you
“Don’t do this,” Words break through Tommy’s quiet sobs as his body is curled in a ball on the floor beside his hotel bed. After receiving what had been the worst news of his life, his legs had given out from underneath him, his body crumbling to the ground. “Please, baby. Don’t do this to us.”
After sleeping on it for a few days, you realized that the only thing you could do was break things off with Tommy. The road to your decision was a long and rough one, but hopefully it would be worth it if there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it was hard. Leaving your love behind wasn’t supposed to be easy. You had your doubts, and numerous what-ifs made you question your decision.
In the end, you knew it was the right choice even if your stubborn boyfriend wouldn’t agree with you. It wasn’t fair to make Tommy give up his dream in the middle of the band’s success. It was okay to be selfish at times, but this wasn’t one of them.
“You don’t know how hard this is for me,” There’s a crack in your voice, and soon a few tears leak from your eyes. Curled in a ball as well, your body sits heavily on the kitchen floor, back pressed against the stove. “I don’t want to do this. I really don’t want to do this, Tommy. But I can’t ask you to give up your dreams and come home. That’s selfish, and I love you too much to make you choose.”
“You’re not even giving me a choice,” Tommy says angrily, tears flowing freely. He runs a hand through his hair, dragging it down over his face, before slapping it lifelessly against his leg. Exhaling a shaky breath, Tommy leans his head back against the side of the bed. “I shouldn’t have gone. Fuck this, I’m coming home.”
“Tommy, no.” The tone of your voice is firm. You won’t let him sabotage his dreams on your account. “Listen to me. I love you. I do. But this isn’t working for us.”
“It’s not working for you,” Tommy corrects sarcastically, wiping his eyes with the back of his free hand. “Last I checked I wasn’t the one ending our relationship.”
You should have expected this, but his words stung as he spit them back to you. There’s no way you can blame him. He’s hurt. He’s angry. You deserve the lashing out for blindsiding him.
“You know I never cheated on you, right?” Tommy sniffles. The thought of being unfaithful to you had never even crossed his mind. “The photos, I mean.”
You nod. “I didn’t think you would.”
The long pause between the phone line is eerie. Tommy’s labored breathing is audible on the other end of the phone, and it’s not the type of breathing from the exhaustion after a wild show. It’s panic. It’s fear. It’s the feeling of loss.
“I told myself I’d fight for you, but if this is what you want, then I’ll let you go,” The words surprise you. Part of you had already imagined Tommy packing for the first available flight, but the defeat in his voice told you otherwise. He was staying put. “You deserve to be happy, and if I can’t do that then--.”
“Tommy, you’ve made me so happy. The happiest I’ve ever been,” There was no denying that. You had never laughed more, smiled more, loved more, than when Tommy became an integral piece of your life. “But it’s just--.”
“Right person, wrong time?”
The last piece of your beating heart shatters. The phone almost slips from your clammy palm as the reality of his words hit you. “Yeah. Exactly.”
Your life would be different if you’d met Tommy at the right time. There’d be no hesitation, no confusion, just blissful love.
Tommy clears his throat and it sinks into your bones that there was a large possibility this would be the last conversation you’d have with him. “Before you go, I want you to know something,” Tommy pauses to gather his thoughts. “I want you to know that we’re going to be together again one day. When all this is over, I’m going to find you, and I’m never going to let you go. You’re the one for me, Y/N. I’m letting you go now because I love you, but I’m going to win you back again. That’s a promise.”
One final tear slips down your cheek. “I hope you do.”
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escapist-dreams · 3 years
Fix it ~ Invincible Fanfiction
Summary: Rex's hand gets damaged in a fight. No one is willing to help him, so he helps himself.
Warnings: spoilers for both the Invincible animated show(episode 7) and comics(issue #40) concerning Rex-Splode, injuries(nothing nearly as graphic as the source material)
Word Count: 2.3k
This is my first Invincible fanfic, and one of the first fics I've written in awhile! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to tell me what you think about it! Constructive criticism would be appreciated :D
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"We meet yet again, Invincible!" D.A. Sinclair shouted with his usual dramatic flair. He had escaped from the government facility a couple months ago and holed up in a sewer, making more of his fucked up 'reanimen' who the new Guardians of the Globe were now fighting.
His army of cyborgs were unleashed onto the fleeing crowd, more destructive than self destructive this time. Sinclair must've taken notes from his previous failures.
While they targeted the heroes, civilians were caught in the crossfire left and right. Dupli-Kate evacuated the remaining civilians while Shrinking-Rae fought off any cyborgs coming near. The rest of the team tried to disarm the cyborgs without killing them, which Mark made them agree to do before the fight.
Invincible went through one after the other, knocking out the cyborgs, one could tell he was holding back. Monster Girl knocked out a good chunk of them, but accidentally killed one or two with the strength of her monster form. One of them slammed her against a building, sending a big crack up the wall, no doubt affecting civilians in the upper floors. Shrinking-Rae rushed to save those in the building affected by the crack, while Monster Girl slumped against the wall, down for the count.
Rex-Splode made it past the wall of reanimen defending Sinclair and shot a projectile at his torso. He stumbled as the magnet hit his side and exploded, only grazing him but doing damage all the same. He cupped a hand around the wound, and when he regained his composure, looked directly at Rex.
"You'll pay for that!" With a movement of his hand, D. A. Sinclair ordered the cyborg to target Rex-Splode.
"Sure I will, asshole!" Rex smirked and raised his hand again, aiming for Sinclair's head. The cyborg intervened, lunging towards Rex, who dodged and backed away. He couldn't kill the guy, but he really didn't want to get beat to a bloody pulp today. He made a split second decision to shoot him in the legs to slow him down. He did so, but all he received for his efforts was the sound of a small metal impact. He'd missed the human parts, the projectile only slightly slowed the cyborg.
Just as he was about to shoot again, the cyborg grabbed his hand, crushing flesh and metal alike. Rex doubled over as a wave of pain hit him like a brick. He tried to push past it after a few moments, looking up just in time to see Robot come up behind the reaniman, knocking him out with a punch. Invincible grabbed a piece of metal from a street sign that had been crushed in the wreckage of the battle and bent it tightly around Sinclair, effectively trapping him. And since the cyborgs were all either knocked out or no longer under his control, the battle was over.
"You couldnt've done that earlier?" Rex complained as Mark tied up Sinclair, wincing in pain. Several members of the team gave him a familiar look of annoyance.
"Maybe if you weren't too busy cowering we would've finished this sooner." Samson stated.
"I wasn't--!" Rex began, but he doubled over again before he could finish, another wave of pain hitting him.
The rest of the team had sustained some injuries as well, but they were able to shake it off for the most part by the time they arrived back at the guardians' base.
"Hey Robot-" Rex tried to catch him before they fully returned to the group.
"It's Rudy."
"Right. Rudy, can you uh.." he pointed to his busted up hand, the blood dried onto the metal. Rudy made a wincing sound at the sight, then looked to their friends, who were in a group celebrating the won battle.
"Hm.. That's going to take a bit to fix, if you can wait I'll fix it in a couple minutes." he decided. Rex opened his mouth to protest, but closed it and nodded in agreement. The two rejoined the group.
They spent a few minutes having conversations in small groups, some about the fight, and some about completely different things. After about half an hour passed, Mark got up from his seat, explaining that he needed to get back home, as he had some homework to finish up. Slowly the group dissolved, rejoining their everyday lives. Rex ran to catch Rudy before he and Amanda left.
"Hey Rudy, can you fix this thing before you go? If you couldn't tell, it *kinda* hurts." Rex gestured to his hand, pulling the glove up a bit to show the broken metal and bloody skin.
"Can it wait, Rex? Me and Amanda are getting lunch." he paused, conflicted, "you can join if you want." he offered politely, but judging by the looks on his and Amanda's face, it wasn't an invitation.
"I'll pass." Rex sighed, unsure if he was more angry or sad about it at this point. Rudy shrugged as if to say "your loss", and he and Amanda left the base. Rex left as well a few moments later, Kate and Rae's conversation fading behind him as he made his way to his apartment.
Rex tried to ignore it, he really did. But god, it hurt. He must've been in shock before, but now that he had time to really think about and feel the injury, the pain set in. The metal of his hand had torn into his flesh and he was afraid to move it for fear of further lodging it into his arm. After awhile of trying to ignore the injury, Rex decided he couldn't take it anymore. If no one would help him, he would help himself.
Rex knew a thing or two about robotics since he got his powers from the devices in his wrists, and had been taught a bit at the facility for use in battlefield situations. So he got some spare tools he used for small repairs on his arms and got to work fixing his hand. It took just about all night, but by the end he was fairly confident that he'd at least helped the situation.
He must've done something right because next time the guardians fought a villain, he was able to shoot the projectiles from his hand. No need to ask Rudy for help. And the next time it was damaged, and he fixed it himself again. This time his aim was slightly off. He hit several walls, the ground, and nearly a civilian before his desired target, but it was fine, right? He hit the guy eventually, he missed the civilian, and it still worked decently well.
He continued to repair it himself, using the knowledge from his previous mishaps to improve upon it. It continued to have slight malfunctions, but it worked.
Until it didn't.
He aimed, and shot, but the small explosive wouldn't budge. It wouldn't leave his hand, something blocked it. The BB lit up as he tried to shoot, but it exploded in his hand.
"Fuck!" Rex yelled, throwing a magnet from his belt with his offhand and dodging out of the way of an oncoming attack.
The team made quick work of the enemy, but not before they got a few good hits in on Dupli-Kate and Monster Girl as well. Amanda was slumped against a wall while Kate Prime nursed an injury on her side.
Back at the base, Rudy was busy being at Amanda's side. She had a minor concussion, but overall she was alright. The excessive blood from a cut on her head made the injury look more serious than it was. They were thankful that she was alright, minus a bit of blood loss and a head injury.
Rex wanted to celebrate her quick recovery longer than he did, but hesitantly left after drinks were had and the party died down a bit. He knew he would have to work on his hand for awhile to get it in working order and get any sleep that night.
It was already much later in the day by the time he arrived at his apartment. Repairs went well for the most part. He had passed out before realigning the metal, but quickly aligned it before heading to the base that morning, presumably deeming it functional, which was an achievement in Rex's opinion considering how badly it was broken and lack of materials. He got hardly any sleep, but he wasn't exactly the type to usually get a full eight hours every night anyways.
The next day after training, Rudy approached Rex unexpectedly.
"Hey Rex, I noticed your hand got busted up pretty badly yesterday. Need me to fix it?" Rudy offered, glancing at Rex's barely-together hand with a hint of what might be worry. Rex scoffed.
"Oh no it's fine," he said, half proud of his work and half bitter at Rudy. "I figured it out."
Rudy gave him a curious look, pausing for a moment before repeating, "You 'figured it out'?"
Rex nodded, taking off his glove and showing off his hand, which he'd barely been able to peice back together the night before. "I figured it out."
He'd had to patch up the hand with spare metal parts and slightly off-size bolts, but it wasn't too bad of a job. From a certain angle, it'd look fine even. A bit busted up, used for sure, but functional. Now, from the angle of someone with as much knowledge in robotics as Rudy had, the sight was returned after a long pause with a vaguely annoyed, "this is going to take awhile."
"What're you two doing?" Amanda asked, walking into the workroom with a half empty carton of disguised booze.
"Rex tried to fix his hand. By himself." Rudy explained condescendingly after a pause that made it obvious he was focused on his work. Rex scoffed at the answer.
"I think I did a great job, thank you very much." And besides being proud of his attempt at fixing it, the way he phrased it made Rex sound like an idiot, as if he hadn't asked for help several times before deciding to fix the problem himself.
"You put the metal covering back in place just off enough to block the projectile, the bolts are all the wrong size, and part of it is still jabbing into your arm. This isn't even the right kind of.." he trailed off, clicking a new bolt in place before mumbling, "how did you even fight like this-?!"
"Well it's not like you bothered to help me when I asked.." Rex answered with the tone of an upset child.
"You didn't say how bad it was."
"I showed you! You saw it!" Rex nearly shouted, frustration and anger bubbling up in his chest and out his mouth.
"I would have fixed this easily if you'd asked sooner."
"I did ask sooner!"
"You could've asked when I wasn't busy." Rudy spoke nearly absent-mindedly, focusing intently on prying part of the metal out of damaged tissue that tried to heal around it.
Rex hissed in pain before responding, "When were you not busy? I asked you like three times, you told me to wait!"
"I just told you, I was busy. Why didn't you go to Cecil for this?"
"Oh yeah, like I'm asking some creepy ass guy from the government to fix my hand- No fucking way!" Rex tried to ignore the hint of fear in his chest at the idea of some shady government operative poking and prodding at him in a blindingly white room.
"You'd rather bother me than ask someone whose job it is to fix things for help?"
"I'd rather ask my friend for help!"
"You could have asked when I wasn't busy." Rudy repeated, obviously struggling to keep his cool. "I'm not going to drop everything for you, Rex!"
"Yeah? Of course not, but I bet you'd drop everything for her." Rex pointed at Amanda, who had a front row seat to the argument standing in the doorway. The two locked eyes for a moment, then Rudy looked away to glare at Rex.
"At least she offers something to the team. She's an invaluable asset and I need to keep her safe." He didn't need to shout, his tone and words cut deeper than raw anger could.
"Well pardon me for wanting to be able to use my fucking hand--"
"Excuse me?" Amanda snapped, glaring at Rudy. "Rex is my friend, and I won't reciprocate your crush on me just because you look like him and aged down for me. I don't owe you shit. And being a dick to the guy whose face you stole doesn't make you more appealing."
"But I--" Rudy was at a loss for words; a rare occurrence. Scrambling to regain his composure, he blurted out, "But I did this for you!"
"I don't owe you shit for that." she repeated firmly. "And if how you treat Rex is any indication, I wouldn't want to be with you, if this is how you treat a long time friend who needs help."
"Exactly!" Rex agreed, relieved that Amanda stepped in. Rudy glared at him before catching himself and looking back towards Amanda, who sighed angrily.
"He couldn't have asked Cecil!?" Rudy reiterated, grasping at straws trying to 'win' the argument he'd already lost.
"He's obviously uncomfortable with that, or he would've done it already. Something you would notice if you bothered to give him a second glance." Amanda snapped back. "He came to you for help, and you lectured him for it."
"Let's go, Rex. This asshole isn't worth our time." she decided. Rex followed her out the door to rejoin the rest of the group with a satisfied sort of pride in his chest. It felt nice to be defended by someone other than himself.
The door slammed shut.
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milfgyuu · 4 years
BTS Reaction Request
Request: BTS members reacting to their 04′ line sister getting inappropriate messages from an older guy. (Alternatively: bts as protective big bros)
A/N: This was an old reaction request from my previous blog, but I didn’t want to leave it behind when I switched things over. Please keep in mind that this is all fictional and in good fun but yes, taehyung would stab a bitch. no cap.
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Big brother Joonie to the rescue. He would be beyond pissed that someone was sending his baby sister inappropriate messages but he would handle it with a cool head. In front of her. He would respond to the message from her phone, telling him to back tf off in the most polite way possible before blocking him. He’d hand back the phone with a wink and tell her to come to him if it ever happened again. When she leaves the room he finds the guy online and sends him a threatening message. She’ll never hear from the guy again.
“If you even think about my sister again, I will put you in the ground, got it?”
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If anyone would respond maturely it would be Jin. When his little sister came to him about a creepy message she received from an older guy he would be totally disgusted but advise her to not respond at all and block him everywhere. He would probably feel the need to have “the talk” with her about creepy older guys and their ill intentions like she didn’t already know, but he would want to reinforce that knowledge tenfold.
“No twenty year old wants anything good from a teenager. There is obviously something wrong with them. Don’t entertain any of that nonsense.”
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Yoongi would be scary pissed. He would probably sit quietly through her explanation of what was said but you’d probably feel the heat radiating off of his skin. He would skip the text, opting to call the guy instead and home skillet would have peed himself. His masculinity would be in shreds. Big brother Yoongi would be terrifying when protecting his younger siblings.
“You think it’s okay for you to talk to a fifteen year old like that? What’s wrong? Woman your age don’t want you? Go fuck yourself.”
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Hobi doesn’t like strange men talking to his older sister so you can imagine his reaction to his baby sister getting nasty messages from not just any guy but a guy several years older than her. He would be so fricking l o u d. Yelling, not at her directly but into the universe because who tf had the audacity to say those things to a young girl and think they would get away with it.
“LISTEN to me asshole, if you ever contact my sister again or any other TEENAGE GIRL, I will FIND you, and I will put you in the fucking ER.”
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Jiminie is the softest big brother but he would be red with rage over her getting inappropriate messages from some upperclassman. Since he isn’t overly intimidating on his own he would recruit local buff bunny™️Jeonggukkie for help. Jimin and JK would drive her to school everyday and walk her to class. After ruffling her hair and sending her into home room they’d find the douche bag who was messaging her, cornering him into an empty classroom.
“So, you’re the asshole trying to get in my little sister’s pants? Disappointing. We need to chat.” *JK cracks knuckles*
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He would start laughing. Maniacally. Maybe she shouldn’t have told him. Taehyung was fun loving and good-natured but he was also low key psychotic. He would be absolutely flabbergasted. Like who THE fuck thought they could speak to someone like this without consent? And live to tell his other shrimp-dick friends about it? She would ask him not to do anything crazy and he would smile and pinch her cheek. Still laughing. He would find the guy, because Tae had strange connections. He would have him slammed up against the brick wall of an alley, holding him there with his forearm across the guys throat and a switchblade poking at the side of his stomach. Ya know, purely for scare tactics. 
“Well, Hello.” He’d say with a serene smile. “I hear you like to talk dirty to little girls.”
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Why was he already holding a baseball bat? Big brother kookie is protection level 3000 when it comes to his little sister. He has been in more than one physical altercation on her behalf. When she told him about the older kid who lived down the road sending her uncomfy messages, JK grabbed his baseball bat from the closet and headed out the door with her running after him trying to reign in his fury. When the guy answered the door, JK grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the ground, raising the bat higher.
“You have two seconds to apologize before I bust your knee caps.”
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hisunshiine · 3 years
Escape ✈︎ Chapter 4
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✈︎ chapter 4: you have been cordially invited... |✈︎ Escape Series—18+, Mature     
   ✈︎ genre: fluff, future smut
   ✈︎ word count: 2,736 words 
   ✈︎ pairing: jungkook x [redacted] (at the very end)
   ✈︎ warnings: alcohol consumption
   ✈︎ summary: A look into what it's like arriving to Bangtania...
| series masterlist | previous | next | hisunshiine | mrsparkjimin18 |
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Everyday, since the very beginning when it was announced, you have sat at your computer or been on your phone in order to participate in the giveaway for a chance to go to Bangtania Island. Every week, one lucky person has a chance to win an exclusive invitation from the girls who organized it, all expenses paid for them to relocate out there.  
Friday couldn’t have come soon enough; your job was draining. A typical 9-5, doing office work was monotonous and you slogged through the week waiting for your weekends to come. Despite the wish to find something else, nobody was hiring in your city. Not for anything you wanted to do, anyways. Deep in your gut you felt the need for something more, instead of the repetitious clacking of your fingers against the keyboard, answering the phones, and feeling like a machine.
Fortunately, it’s the weekend, so you decide to stop and grab a bottle of wine and make your way home. You’re ready to unwind with some youtube videos and spend time browsing your social media for anything interesting. You pour a glass of wine and relax on the sofa, open your laptop and log in to twitter. You have a few notifications, including an update from the giveaway page, they had posted there was another winner chosen and that the winner would receive an email shortly.
“That was 30 minutes ago!?” You squeal to yourself, an unexplainable feeling creeping over you.
Just then your phone chimes, and you unlock the screen to check your notifications. You have multiple email notifications, so you check your email app as you sip your wine. Scrolling through them, it’s mainly junk mail, you see one that catches your eye.
Sender Name: Bangtania Island Mayor
Subject: You have been cordially invited…
Congratulations! You have been selected as the next lucky winner to be invited to Bangtania Island. In order to accept this invitation, please click on the link and fill out the application. Documents you may need to gather prior to completing the forms in the link are:
Driver’s License
Social Security Card
Please make sure to include the earliest date for you to travel, and please have your physical completed prior to boarding the plane. All documents needed are attached to the email. Please make sure to electronically sign them and reply to this email with the completed documents. If you have any questions in regards to the forms, please do not hesitate to reach out. Upon completion of all required documents per your reply email, you will receive your e-ticket for travel.
The following are the guidelines and stipulations for traveling to Bangtania Island:
You will receive a one-way ticket, free of cost. You will be picked up from the airport and transported to the boat, which will bring you to the island. You will be given a limited amount of time to decide if you would like to stay as a permanent resident of Bangtania, approximately 2 weeks. Prior to you being granted full access to the island, you will meet with the Deputy Mayor who will greet you at the dock, completing a brief in-person interview. If you decide to leave or prove unfit for the island at that time, a complimentary ticket home will be provided to you up until the 2-week window.
Thank you,
Deputy Mayor of the Mayor’s Office, Bangtania Island
You couldn’t stop yourself from spilling some wine as you low-key panicked. You knew there was a very good possibility of being chosen; some of your mutuals on twitter had already left to go there, and while you had seen them briefly on the TL, it was never for long and they didn’t say anything other than that they were enjoying themselves immensely and to share the sweepstakes link.
You set down what was left of your wine that hadn’t spilt into your lap, and ran around your room, pulling clothes off of their hangers and out of your dresser drawers before you remembered you hadn’t even clicked the link to complete the forms. 
Pausing in the middle of your bedroom, arms filled with random clothes, you took 7 deep breaths to try and calm down before dropping your handful of clothes into your pen and waiting suitcase. Sitting back down, you calmly clicked the link and once transported to the secure website, you filled in the information needed so that your flight could be purchased for you as well as any other accommodations you may need could be handled by the ones in charge. 
You printed out the forms needed for the physical, jotted down some notes to go to the doctor on Monday to complete the form, and decided that the earliest you would be able to fly out was Wednesday. That gives you enough time to go to your job, request use of your vacation hours for the next 2 weeks, and turn in your two week notice. You didn’t ever want to come back to that shit hole.
You celebrated the news by turning up your bluetooth speaker and blasting your favorite upbeat BTS songs while you packed up everything you would need. Hasta La Vista!
Catching your flight was easier than you thought it would be, as you had an upgraded flight in first class. You were given star treatment, access to a separate waiting area with complimentary food and drinks, less people to deal with, comfortable seats, the works. You couldn’t believe that ARMY was able to provide all of this for you, but who were you to complain? 
The boat ride was also nice, more like taking a large yacht across the water to the island, you stood at the bough of the boat for most of the trip, enjoying the view as you became farther and farther away from everything that was shitty about your life and closer to everything you wanted. An escape into a world that was full of other people who were like you, liked the same music, had the same mindset, and you got to do it all on a paradise island? Hell fucking yeah.
After docking, you rolled your luggage behind you as you disembarked from the ramp, and saw a girl waiting for you. She was short but cute, a friendly smile and aura of being in charge. Her cheeks were slightly sunburnt, but you were envious of the way she looked refreshed, skin glowing. You couldn’t wait for that to be you; sunkissed and relaxed from the ocean breeze and too many margaritas.
“Y/n?” She asked, and you nodded.
“Welcome! I’m Vanessa, I hope that your trip went well?”
“Oh yea, it was awesome, thank you!”
“No problem, congratulations on winning! So before we go off to the fun stuff, we have a brief interview and a few more things to go over, and then I’ll give you a tour of the island and show you to your place. If you’ll follow me?”
Vanessa led the way to a golf cart and you climbed on, your luggage secured in the back seat of the cart. She turned the key, and you were speeding off towards a large house. It was painted white with accents of brick, and green ivy climbing lattices. The windows were large and beautiful, and you felt like you had seen them somewhere before. Like they were in a magazine or some type of professional photos or something. You shrugged off the feeling of deja vu, and followed Vanessa into the house.
The windows were open and provided a good amount of sunlight into the entryway, and you tried to take in as much as you could see as Vanessa walked past a staircase and led you towards the back of the house and into a side room. It was an office, with bright white walls and a large sturdy desk. A bookshelf was the entire wall behind the desk, where she now sat at. 
She gestured to the plush chair in front of her desk and you sat down, suddenly nervous. For such a large house, it was pretty quiet, and you wondered where all the other people were. Was this actually all an elaborate trick to sell you into sex trafficking and you were brought here to die?!
You calmed your thoughts once you heard laughter from somewhere above you, and music playing lightly from another area of the house.
“So, once again, welcome! I am the deputy mayor here, and basically in charge of getting you all settled. We are a formal nation, Bangtania, with a president, a whole government system, and we’re working on expanding the businesses here. Before I can reveal anything more to you, I do need to have you sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement here in person. I know that I sent it to you via email for you to read and electronically sign, but I like to cover all of my bases.”
Like clockwork, another woman walked into the open office door, carrying a glass of wine and some papers. She took a sip and handed the papers to Vanessa, who thanked her as she headed back out of the room. The woman blew a kiss and disappeared around the corner.
“That’s my best friend, Talia, and definitely the reason that all of this was even put into motion,” Vanessa said as she shuffled the papers before straightening them gently by tapping the edges on the desk. She stapled the corner, binding the papers together, and passed it over to you.
“I know you read over most of this, but I want to reiterate a few points anyways. From the moment you leave this office, you are not to share with anyone about the other people on this island. When you first applied to the giveaway sweepstakes, you gave us your social media handles. While we won’t take away social media from you, your posts will be monitored for identifying certain people who wish to remain anonymous while here. Please always ask anyone before posting and triple check photos as well.”
She points to a section and you initial, stating you understand.
“You have a two week period here to see how you like it. You don’t have to stay if you do not want to. After that time, you will be issued a passport for Bangtania, a resident ID, and be included in our census. You will have dual citizenship for here and for your home country as well.”
“If you choose to leave within the 2 week window, it’s no charge. If you choose to leave after, you will have to fund your flight home yourself. We will pay for your boat ride back to the mainland, and from there you can negotiate work or if you have money saved just in case, you can fly out. Also, if you choose to stay, you can always fly out to visit friends and family, just remember the NDA is always in affect.”
You initialed again.
Vanessa led you through a few more sections of the contract, and you learned that a few of the girls on the island were nurses and so if you were sick or needed minor medical attention, they would help you. Everything else was pretty much provided to you, and all they asked was that they could use your skills in return. 
You weren’t surprised they knew you had skills with computers and answering phones, which made you a perfect candidate to work in the main house under Vanessa doing secretarial work for her best friend, Talia. It wouldn’t be a lot of work, you would have plenty of time to enjoy the beach and rest, and the work would be related to the giveaway, running the island, and other fun BTS related things, so you were excited.
Signing your last signature on the bottom of the last page, Vanessa took the document, notarized it, and put it away in a locked filing cabinet next to her desk.
“Now, if you’re ready, I’d love to give you a tour of the island and show you where you’ll be staying.”
After seeing the main areas that people hung out at, you went towards what looked like a restaurant, which was good because you were hungry. Vanessa parked the golf cart next to a few others, and she held the door open for you.
You almost fainted. Seated at the table right when you walked in was none other than the 7 boys that were the reason you lived. BTS. Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook were sat at the table, and as you looked around, you saw that in between them sat other girls, including mutuals you knew were living here. Hobi appeared from swinging doors that led to what you assumed was the kitchen, delivering plates of food from a platter as a few girls followed him as well with drinks.
“C’mon Y/N, don’t be shy. Isn’t this what you wanted?” Vanessa laughed, taking in your shocked expression.
After eating, and sharing some conversation with Jin and Yoongi, you were ready for a nap. Jin was an exceptional cook, and you were full to the brim. Vanessa waved bye to everyone, a lingering hand on a certain male’s shoulder as she walked away, leading you back outside. As you sat back on the leather seat of the cart, she checked in with you.
“I’m definitely still in shock, but now I understand the NDA a lot more.” You chuckled as she drove you towards another house. It was just as big as the main house, as you heard several people call it, but the style was more relaxed and upon entering it, you realized it was because it was lived in. It was two stories, with a large open concept downstairs with a living room and kitchen, and rooms upstairs. You dragged your suitcase up the flight and Vanessa unlocked a room for you with a key before handing it to you.
“This is our newcomer guest room. We will have a room ready for you after your 2 weeks are up, if you decide to stay. For now, most people have said staying with me and Talia has been helpful if they had questions or needed anything, but any of the girls will help you, everyone is super nice.”
You looked around the room; it was spacious with a nice big bay window that allowed a decent amount of sunlight in.
“I’ll leave you to get settled in. Feel free to explore some more, and tomorrow we will have our weekly game night so you can meet everyone in a more relaxed setting and have fun. It’s our way of welcoming you to Bangtania.”
Vanessa let herself out of the room, closing the door softly. You wanted to explore, but at the moment the bed was calling to you. You lay down in the spot where the sun was pooling, curling yourself into the warmth and passed out. Jet Lag was a bitch.
When you finally rejoined the waking world, it was definitely not waking hours. The sun had set, and you shiver, the ocean breeze now too cool in your bedroom. You get up, throwing a MOTS tour hoodie on, and climb back in the bed, attempting to go back to sleep. Tossing and turning for about 15 minutes, sleep evades you. You must have caught up on all of your missing sleep with that ‘nap’ you took. Like you said, Jet lag is a bitch. Not wanting to continue to lay there restless, you slip out of the room and down the stairs.
You walk along the road, past other houses, finding yourself walking into sand. Sitting on the beach, enjoying the sound of the waves, you finally begin to feel tired. Rather than fall asleep on the beach, you make your way back to the house.
You head up the stairs and start down the hall, being as quiet as possible since it’s late and everyone is asleep. At least you assume they are all asleep, until you hear a very familiar voice coming from Vanessa’s room.
“Come here Princess, why are you acting this way?” You step closer to the door that is slightly ajar. You can’t believe what you are seeing, but you can’t stop watching either.
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine & mrsparkjimin18 2020-2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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mimithings97 · 4 years
Heartache (M)
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Summary: You didn’t know such a feeling was so real, so vivid, so hurtful. But it had happened and happened to you before you could stop it. Tae had become written into your life hard and fast, so when you leave you question that maybe, just maybe, you weren’t willing to unwrite him.
Pairing: Taehyung x Y/N
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Heartache for starters, Unprotected sex, Oral (male receiving), Swearing, Nude modelling, Taehyung’s a sappy mess, Mentions of Alcohol
Word Count: 6k
A/N: Can’t lie in saying how morbid it is that I enjoy writing angst. It’s light angst though and a lot lighter than how fucking whipped Tae is at the end. Much love for the bub though, so, enjoy x
Ahhh jungkook features as well forgot to mention. Still love him. Nothings changed there.
Cringy, you once thought to yourself. 
How could you be so dependent, so set and so immersed in something that your heart actually aches? 
It didn’t make sense to you until the day words were spoken that couldn’t be taken back, bags were reluctantly packed and more tears were shed than there is water in the Thames. Heartache was real, vivid and the hardest thing you have ever had to live through in your 24 years of life. 3 weeks of a deep set dropping in your stomach that couldn’t be shaken despite the booze intake, the occasional listening to his voicemails and the relentless tears.
Your mother told you that if you built up too many walls it would hurt so much more when someone knocked them down. You had told Taehyung this on the first date, your first date, ever, with any man. You had always drawn a line between pleasure and dependency, settling for short flings and the occasional online relationship (purely for the sexting) instead of the commitment and responsibility that weighed on vulnerable shoulders when you bear your entire self to another in a relationship. Taehyung knew this. But he fell and you fell harder. You fell completely and utterly under his spell for three years. 
And then he told you he wanted to marry you. Bastard didn’t even propose, just mentioned that one toxic word of marriage and you instantly laid the bricks of that wall he had so unceremoniously knocked down all those years ago.
It felt so adult yet so childish leaving someone over the concept of marriage, but when talks of marriage turn to talks of children and one party wants something completely different to the other, what kind of relationship is there to continue. 
So three weeks later, just as the physical pain of emptiness and heartache has begun ebbing away, the emotional trauma of your decision begins to cave in on you.
To Jungkook:
You: I know I said I’d stop this
You: But I really dont know if this is worth the pain
You: His mum sent me a get well soon card today bc he told her i was ill and that’s why i hadn’t visited
You: I’m never going to not love him
You: How does anyone get over this shit its not fair
Guk: Oh noona
Guk: It’ll take lots and lots of time and lots and lots of tubs of ice cream and wine but youre both adults who want different things and not everything is meant to be
Guk: Sacrifice for the greater good right
You: There’s no fucking greater good here
You: I hate this
Guk: Noona you know that down the road hyung wants children. I don’t think marriage was that big, but he’s always wanted to be a dad
Guk: It’s not fair of him to ask you to have something you don’t want but its also not fair to leave him without the thing he’s always desired the most
You: Its just too hard to take
You: It feels like three years for jack shit
Guk: If you’re really struggling that much, noona, talk to him. I know he wants to talk to you still, he’s tried to contact you everyday. Maybe it will give you some closure or just help you see what’s right
You: Love you
Your phone is down as soon as Jungkook mentioned talking to him. How could you take one step forward and a million steps back by talking to him? It would be like hanging just what you want right in front of you but no touching, no talking to them after that 5 minutes of hell, no seeing them ever again. Closure is what you need but never what you’ll want.
The sheets that surround you, nuzzled closely into your neck and still unwashed even after three weeks just to keep that tiny scent of Tae over you naked skin, warm you to the point your eyes drift. You don’t mean to fall asleep so easily, but when every little action weighs so heavy on you during the day, sleep comes too easily. However, so does the nightmares of crawling alone in the black abyss.
Resuming work was never easy on a broken soul, but alas, here you were, with three weeks of sick pay under your belt you’d rather not have and 20 children at your feet.
Ironic isn’t it.
You break up with the only man you’ve ever loved because you can’t face a future of settling down with children, yet you wake up at the fucking godforsaken hour of 6 am to tend to a bunch of five and six years olds every day. No, you didn’t hate children, but they weren’t the joy of your life either. You were good at your job and you had this mad psychological complex that if you could help a child at five or six like you had so desperately needed at that age, then maybe you’d make their life just that little bit easier and that little bit brighter. Taehyung always found your reason for working so admirable - fuck that look of pure adoration in his eyes when you told him - so he found it equally hard to come to terms with when you told him the opposite. When you told him you couldn’t have your own children because the responsibility scared you. His ears were ringing at the point where you told him you also didn’t want to share him and his kindness, even so, the damage had been done, whatever the reasoning.
“Y/N! Jennie said you were back,” it’s a tight smile from you and a loose hug, but it’s amazing you’ve managed that with the way your head is far from in the room let alone the conversation at hand. “God, I hope you’re better, you were out for a while.”
You squeeze a weak laugh out, “Yeh, it wasn’t all that fun.”
“For a second me and Jennie were thinking you might be pregnant.” The heartache subsides, rivalled by the very distinct feeling of sickness. The ball of energy in front of you persists in conversation, but it’s to drowned ears and for a second you think you’ll faint. 
You miss your name being called. Shit, you don’t even know where it’s coming from, because the all-consuming feeling of this tide of emotions has swept you far from your spot in the classroom. Marie in front of you still calls, asking if you’re okay, but it’s the tug on your skirt, not harsh, but enough to garner a reaction that casts your eyes down.
“Miss Y/N?”
It’s Jojo, eyes wide and glaring up at you, still clung to the material of your skirt.
“Miss Y/N, why are you crying?”
You instantly draw the back of your hand to your face and it catches a cascading tear, much to your shock. You face must morph into a mortified expression at the thought of so carelessly crying at work, in the presence of the kids you look after with a smile and a skip in your step each day.
“Miss Y/N, it’s okay to cry. You can draw with me if you feel crying…” he shakes his head, “sad. Sad I mean.”
You feel Marie’s hand on your back, but Jojo’s eyes sweep you into a frenzy of more tears before you find yourself kneeling on the floor by the table. His table, where he sits alone each day, with paper and paints, or pencils, or chalk, sometimes he just folds it and hands it to you saying he made his paper into a flower. He already has one of his drawings on the go but scribbled over it thoughtlessly before starting out on a series of words. ‘To miss Y/n’.  Your eyes well further, but his words stop you.
“I think sometimes that drawings can make you better. Can make better the sadness.”
“Tae are you still going at it?”
You peer around the corner of the door, leaning half in half out of his man cave to study your boyfriend at work. 5 hours he’d been couped up in there.
He didn’t let you see his art until the product was finished, completely finished, because sometimes he’d say he was done and then go back when he’d found the smallest error only to get pissed off that you had witnessed anything other than the completed masterpiece.
“Tae, you’ve been in here for hours, just come out to help me cook.” You plead with him over the canvas, not daring to peak any further.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
He hasn’t looked at you since you came in, his brow well and truely glued into a furrow and the tea you’d brought him earlier cold and untouched beside him. You lower your tone into a more serious one.
“You okay?”
“Done.” He doesn’t sound relieved or happy at the finalising of a five-hour art project like most would, like he normally does. He’s merely, ‘done’.
With an apprehensive tone, you ask, “Can I come see?” A gentle nod and you round the canvas, his arm dropping the brush in favour of tugging at the skin of your waist until you’re gently seated in his lap.
It’s beautiful and it’s simplistic and there’s so much life and emotion in it that you know the five hours weren’t all spent with brush to canvas but with him mulling over the memories and thoughts it conjured up.
“Your grandmother’s house?” Your voice is soft, not a pitying soft, but a soft that lets him know he can talk freely.
“Hmm,” he presses a kiss to the shoulder exposed by the shirt that hangs off you loosely. “Wanted to do something for her.”
You let the silence and the painting speak for itself for a while as his hands brush at your sides and you lean into his head that rest against you, chin to shoulder as his warm breath lulls you into calmness.
“You miss her?” 
“So much.”
“Painting makes it better?”
… another kiss and a sigh, warm.
“Mmm. Sometimes painting and drawing just makes the sadness a little easier, just makes it better.”
You see Tae in this tiny boy, this boy who draws to ease the sadness, who coups himself away on his table to be alone, too afraid to cry in front of the other boys and girls. Is he doing it too? Is he alone and painting? 
Then Jojo slides you his paper, wordlessly and your eyes with dried tears, prick once again, heartache replaced with something completely different, regret. And now hope. It’s those small boys words on paper, insignificant to him, and probably tiny in the grand scheme of things, but it’s his words that make you seek out for the one thing you know you can’t live without, the one thing that will heal your sadness.
‘To miss Y/N, i hope your crying gets better soon. Its okay to cry but its also good to make you happy. I hope you find your happy. From Jojo.”
You’d already found your happy, you just had to get him back.
And it merely takes your name for you to lose every word on your tongue. Any word you could’ve conjured at that moment couldn’t have described how you felt. He looks dishevelled, and beautiful, hair unwashed and falling into his eyes, white top littered with stains and his pyjamas bottoms you bought him for Christmas hanging off his hips. 
His eyes lull from their immediate shock before he turns to look at his apartment, running a frantic hand through his hair and stumbling on his words. 
“Shit. I- I mean. I wasn’t really thinking- I didn’t expect you.”
You probably shouldn’t have come. Some people would’ve turned and gone the other way. Maybe that was the right thing to do, was that the brave thing? Were you being a coward by rooting to the spot and not being able to speak a word?
He looks at you, then behind you somewhere, then back into your eyes and his gaze sinks so far into yours, you think you might just cry there and then.
“Dooo you want to come in?” He sounds apprehensive, he probably thinks you are too, but all you want to do is be back in his apartment just like three weeks ago, touching him, talking to him unhinged, perhaps feeling the skin beneath his shirt where his heart lies, feeling if his heart has ached as yours has.
With blinking eyes that try not to glaze over, you nod, short and curt, and you miss the puff of air his mouth rings out with relief. 
He dashes away once you’re past the threshold, scampering around as if to distract you from the surrounding environment - it’s dusty, too cold and dark with the way the curtains shut out summer light and you barely recognise his floor as wood with the way food scatters and clothes are strewn.  Small shards of light reflect from out of the study and your eyes naturally draw there only to find a mess, door open just enough for the hoard of half-finished painting and wasted canvas’ to come into view. The door is closed by Taehyung like he knew where your gaze would lead you.
“I-I’m fucking sorry about this, it’s gross and it’s messy and i-”
“It’s just like mine.” The corners of your mouth turn up sympathetically but also because you’re relieved he’s not okay. It’s awful to say but heartache has clearly done a job on him too and for that you’re relieved. “Don’t worry, it’s just fine.”
“Just fine,” he mutters under his breath with a half-laugh. 
You’re still stood stuck to the doormat, jacket hanging tightly to you like a defence mechanism and your hands remain tight to your sides. When his eyes find yours, you seize up further like it’s the first time he’d ever seen you.
You’d told Janice one too many times for this situation to be coincidence. You may or may not have told her you were a sucker for exhibitionism. She’d found it all shits and giggles until the art class she headed entered into ‘naked form’ week and it was too good of an opportunity to pass by. 
So the robe drops and you’re way too aware of the last time you shaved - you think you’d be prepared, but pair a hangover with a 7:30 start and bodily care wasn’t the first thought to come to mind.
Janice gives off a flow of instructions, pointing to your body like you were a cow on show, and telling the artists to ‘admire her form, the way her body dips and flows and let you brush or pencil do the responding as though her body was talking to you’ - you almost scoff aloud at her waffle because art is so full of shit.
Exhibitionism kink or not, you’re thirty minutes in and the way your hip cramps and you eyelids lower, there is nothing alluring or desirable about this. 
But then the door on the far wall swings open all too harshly for your eyes to feign jolting away. And they blow out further when they’re met with the masculine figure uttering apologies and skidding halfway from door to seat with his urgency.
‘Just women’ she said. ‘Nothing to be worried about,’ she said. It ruined the whole ‘i like being stared at by fit men’ at first but then put you a little at ease that some 70 year old man, trying to spice up his last years of life with a too expensive art course, wouldn’t be staring your tits down. 
Yet here you were, with a man with eyes too beautiful to be tarnished by the view in front of him, gazing in shock at your naked body.
“Mr. Kim, it’s nude form week. Guessing you didn’t get the email?”
You only have your imagination for what his voice must sound like because he only shakes his head, throat too dried and scorched from you laid out, baring it all in front of him for him to say anything.
But your imagination didn’t do justice in those two hours of torture. Because his voice telling you he’s ‘sorry for interrupting the session’ and even ‘sorrier for being so unworthy of staring at something so beautiful’. 
You’d always hated cringe. But cringe never sounded so good when it was spun off Taehyung’s silk tongue.
“Can I get you anything?” 
It’s him who breaks the silence, and it’s a godsend because you were two seconds away from spinning on your heel and cowering out of the entire thing.
“N-no. Thank you, Tae.” 
He groans at the timidity of how you say his name and nickname at that.
And silence soaks the atmosphere again, tenser this time because greetings have been uttered, drinks offered and there’s nothing more to say that unspoken words of the past.
That’s what you thought you were here to do at least. To tell him you’re sorry, first and foremost, because you’d never intend to break a soul as tender-hearted as his. Then you were supposed to tell him that you loved him, and you would always love him, and that sacrifice must be made for the greater good.
Jungkook had told you that once. But he’d said Taehyung must be the one sacrificed and you should be the one salvaged - until you realised there was no greater good in that situation, no salvation to be had.
“I’ll sacrifice myself,” words come out loud and unexpected as your train of thought is voiced. They’re too loud also, and they break the atmosphere to his shock, so his brow furrows like he doesn’t understand. “I- I will sacrifice myself for you.”
His face falls and you can’t bear the way his words stutter and his throat fills with a choked cry, as though he’d held it in as soon as your presence had hit him. It must have done the same to you because your body befalls you and tears and on the floor as you work your feet towards where he is rooted.
“I can’t ask that of you. You know I can’t do that,” he closes his eyes when your  body meets his, hands firm on his cheeks because they’re wet with tears and his shoulders are hunched in pain, “please.”
“Please.” You reciprocate. 
This is it for you. You’ll do anything for this quivering shell in front of you. You’ll plead. You’ll beg. You’ll give up your livelihood and every mantra you have ever told yourself about self-preservation because fuck it, some things are too good that you have to lose yourself in them. 
“You- I-”
“I’m- I might not be ready for kids now. I will though. If that’s what it takes. Fuck it I’ll marry you tomorrow.”
He chokes on a sob when his eyes meet your pleading ones and a quick hand wipes the stains from his cheeks so he can see every expression you give to him - untainted and full of love.
“We can take our time over this or we can have it all at once, but it has to be we. I’ll really do it for you, I have to Tae,” another sob and a whimper, “isn’t that what we’re here for. Kids.” You’re babbling now in a frenzied expression of all you have to give, and you’re so lost in his eyes that you laugh out, “‘be fruitiful and multiply or some shit.’ I’ll do it, I swear to you.”
“You’re not even Christian.”
“I would be if you told me to.”
He kisses you quick and without care, wanting to feel everything you have to give him like it’s what keeps his heart beating - and it’s beating fast because you finally find fingertips under his shirt and against the pounding that intensifies underneath.
He grapples at your hair, then waist, then hair again because his hands can’t decide on what he wants most. So you grab at them yourself and intertwine fingers as though he’d never left you. Each knuckle deserves a kiss and that’s what you give when your lips part.
“I’m so sorry-” you keep kissing across his hand, “I ever left,” and bring his hands to your neck, “never again.”
The tears subside in his eyes as they do yours. There is still relief, hot and painful inside your stomach because you have come back to him and he has taken you back, as if there were never to be anything but the two of you as one, yet now he finds your lips in something that claims more than just love. Possession. He has to know you’re his.
You were correct when you thought his room would be as sorrowful as yours - heartache as painful as what you had felt. 
Food containers stripe the floor dirty. Towels strewn and clothes dirty and forgotten. Again the blinds are closed as though you’re not here at 5 in the afternoon when the sun begins to fall into the red and purple hues of evening. 
But the blinds leave enough of a gap that his face is haloed, angelic and all too beautiful for your eyes to feign staring when your mouth departs his. Eyes glow amber and skin glows golden and you never want to look away, not from him, not now.
“You really want this don’t you.” There’s no question to the way Tae speaks. Instead, it’s disbelieving, like he can’t quite fathom that it’s really your shirt he has under his fingertips and your smell that lingers under his nose. Heartbreak had slowed his heart enough that it’s beating too fast for him to keep up with, so he slows it down.
“I really want this- You. I really want you.”
“And everything that comes with me? You’re sure?”
It’s a loaded question but at this point it is so light on your shoulders you laugh, grabbing and pulling up his shirt so you can sink lips to his chest, trying to find the beat of a heart somewhere there. 
“You act like you’re a chore, Tae.” You’re eyes soften when he still looks like you like he’s young and vulnerable. “Baby, I am so sorry I ever did this to you. Left. And made you feel like that.” 
Your hands map his skin delicately and you preserve how it feels because you hope, but never know, if you’ll feel it again.
“Never again, yeh?”
Clothes are shed until he looks at your naked body like the art that he first saw it as. He wants to paint it, remember it and cherish it as though he’s never seen it before. Every scar and blemish, precious to his vision, but the painting would only be worth it to him because he’s all who gets to see you.
“You’re not gonna turn off the lights?” 
Something that you’d told him was a habit of yours. Maybe something, a subconscious body image thing that was another way of saying, ‘I can’t give my whole self to you, I’m sorry’. He’d ran with it as though it didn’t hurt his pride. But now, as you push him down on his bed and clamber over his thighs, he’s so grateful he never got to see you in this light, because he loves it all the more now.
Fingertips tremble over your thighs when your hips find his, naked crotch so close to where he throbs. 
“Tae,” his eyes don’t meet yours, pieced, instead, onto where your bodies are so close to meeting like his gaze can fuse them together. “Tae, it’s me. Relax.”
Purposefully, your hands find his hair and coax him into a state of submissiveness, because his body still quaked underneath you no matter the words you uttered. 
You can’t lie when you say sex was a factor in your relationship you had missed. There was a heartfelt bond that went deeper than sex.
Admittedly the flatmate before Tae, the friends before the boyfriend and your parents who knew you better than you admitted to yourself had all said you were sex before substance. Some hated you for it and some laughed. Some said, ‘I wish I could be as emotionally detached as you’ and some thought you were the local gal whoring about like bodies were meant to be used. Then, somehow, Tae flipped the whole thing on its head. Made you feel butterflies before orgasm and it had you spellbound. 
So, no. Sex wasn’t it for you when you were with him. 
Yet, here you were, over your man gleaming with the physical sweat of want and need as well as the even more apparent glow of how his body lit up for only you.
“How do you want me Tae, what can I give you?”
“Fuck.” His hands fall over his eyes, not comprehending that you’re his and you’re this plaint. No, he wants you to take over him. “Anything, baby. Fuck. Anything.”
Instantly nails brush over the hardness that had been laid out under your folds obediently since you’d found yourself on top of his crotch.
A man could only control himself so much and immediately Tae found his dick twitching and his hips leaving the mattress in favour of chasing your hand.
“Y/N, I really don’t know if I’ve got it in me for teasing, I’m so horny I could cum!”
Well then.
The outburst has you struggling to fight off a laugh because he seriously is that desperate. Not the laughing kind either. The all-bearing, stripped clean and pleading kind of desperate.
So, you sympathise and let your lips find his, hand still trailing lightly so he doesn’t cum early, but enough for the need to remain.
“You wanna be inside me Tae?” His tongue is on yours yet the words are clear. 
“Urgh, fuck, please.”
Your eyes peer between your bodies, mapping where his muscles, tight with restrictions, create a V-shape down to the very distinct outline of a red hard cock. You think it’s photograph worthy in the moment, something worth slipping the camera out for, and if you hadn’t kept his dick pics from months ago maybe you would. But:
“Please baby, -need it.”
You deny yourself the simple pleasure of slipping him in because Tae whining and pleading is something worthy for the spank bank. You drop lower down the bed so his hips meet your eyes and the skin glistens so beautifully in this light you have to leave his dick untouched just so you can kiss around the area. 
His stomach, thighs, crotch, they see it all, lips and tongue mapping bold strokes because he tastes just as you remember and you want to savour it.
“Y/N ple- oh fuck,” and the taste of his dick beats anything that preceded it, let alone the noise that came with it. 
His tip is taken care of first, small licks and stripes with your tongue, so he’s unsuspecting when you choke him whole.
Hands grab your hair violently. He’s deep and hits the back of your throat so you choke, unashamed of the noise. You’re past that and you know he likes it anyways. 
You set a rhythm, and it soon becomes clear he’s going to cum from it and that you very much want him to. Your hand finds his balls to fuel the process and the other one snakes to your core because there’s nothing that beats Tae’s moans when he’s getting a good sucking. 
“I- Fuck Y/N, I can’t- Shit!”
He’s close. Stomach seizing and balls throbbing in your palm so you sink back down again and take the choke like you want it and you want his cum more. It’s fast from there.
“Love you. I’m cum- Fuckkkkk,” salt and warmth line your throat, but only for a short while because he came quick. His hips stutter a few times and your eyes water when you continue to take it. 
Then it’s cold and silent. Yet somehow you feel buzzed. Like someone cumming down your throat was enjoyable. Like you’d do it a thousand times over if it meant he’d say he loved you again.
The hands that had once set deep into your scalp and verged on making you horny now pulled at your cheeks to lift you to eye level. 
He’s sweaty and a mess. 
“You’re sweaty and a mess baby.” 
His laugh is unfiltered, wholesome and worthy of the way your heart stutters.
“Because someone’s got a mouth on them sent from the gods.”
Blush overtakes your cheeks, whilst your stomach tumbles over at the fact that your blowjob skills are up to scratch - you thought a month off might have done something to your ability but clearly, you’re still on point. The bitter taste in your mouth tells you enough. 
“What’ve I done to deserve you coming back.”
Sincerity returns into his eyes as well as his words, and somehow you feel his dick twitch again from underneath you. He’s so soft under your hands so you keep feeling at his skin to reassure you he’s real.
“Nothing. You’re enough. You’re it.”
You kiss and kiss again, keep going until the fire ignites in him once more where it still flamed for you.
His voice is low no matter how much he whines so a guiding hand slips him into where you’re filthily wet. And he’s huge despite seed already spilt. He’s loaded like it was meant for you and not your mouth, throbbing enough so your pussy can feel it.
And suddenly you realise it’s bare. Complete bare. As in, bare enough that you are willing to take on a child kind of bare.
His eyes tell the story when yours find his, wide and curious. They roll back into whites when you pull up fully and then sink back down, milking him for all he has so he knows this is your full intention. Naked in every sense.
“Shit, Tae.”
“Fuckkkkk,” he doesn’t swear often, but sex is a must and the quirk of your lips tells him just how much you like him losing himself in pleasure.
He hits deep from here, cock lodged far in and even further when he begins to take control. 
His feet plant and his hands pull you down so skin flushes to skin and he can pump up into you with unadulterated need. 
Your teeth have to clamp onto his shoulder with the way he hits your cervix, it’s uncomfortable yet you love it. That kind of sex where everything is so fulfilling that you just can’t mutter ‘stop’. How could you say such a thing anyway when he’s groaning that he loves you with every upbeat.
It hits good once. Twice.
“Tae, fuck. There.”
Three times. 
“Oh my fuc- Fuckkk,” and there’s nothing you can do when you’re so stimulated you tumble deep and hard onto him and continue to do over and over in waves. 
He’s finding his end in the way your pussy grips him. 
“Baby. Y/N, Cunt so good, jesus.”
You’re burning when he’s going so fast the headboard bangs louder than your moans. So your hand quickly finds his balls underneath you and that does him, unravels him to the point he quakes.
“Holy- Love you. Love you. Fuck. Love you.”
Your ears might ring but that’s all you hear for the next minute. His mantra that keeps his lust alive until his love is so set in stone the words are not needed. 
Your hand, winding into his hair and the thrum of your heart against his tells him enough.
It’s this. Silence and tranquillity yet with the constant buzz of electricity all around you.
You’re still there entangled, limbs on limbs and lights touches on bare skin as the slither of light through the blinds turns ruby red in the heat of sunset.
You know his eyes must glow golden from where the sun angles on his face so you can’t help but spare a glance. And you’re right when you imagined it as beautiful because the sun bathes him like it was meant to. 
He’s still awake because his eyes flutter when you trail the outside of your fingers down his cheek and then onto his lips. It’s even more apparent when he brings his hand up to yours so he can kiss each knuckle individually.
“You came inside.”
It weighed heavy on you, the obvious factor that had happened earlier. And before allowing the beauty of the moment to settle in you had to see his expression when you mentioned it.
Yet there’s nothing but closed eyes and the slight smile that had been painted on his lips since you’d told him how much you wanted him.
“And you’re okay with that?” It’s not harsh, just a question from you. A security query because you have to know what this was for him. Caught up in the moment or something deeper?
His eyes bolt open at the question though.
“Are you?”
You almost have to think. Almost.
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“And so am I.”
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bangtanlalaland · 4 years
situationship 「prologue」 | knj (m.)
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synopsis ↳you recall the moment you made the worst yet best mistake of your life that involves your best friend: Namjoon Kim.
— college!au
→pairing: college student!kim namjoon x female reader
→genre: smut, pwp
→word count: 5.2k+
→contents ⨯ warnings: kissing, unprotected sex (remember: no glove, no love!) slight degradation/pet names (basically being called a cock-slut lollol) daddy kink, mentions of sexting, joon is huge, (srsly he’s packed downstairs so plz be prepared) mentions of masturbation, oral (m + f receiving), nipple piercings, hair pulling, ass slapping, creampie, overstimulation, breath play, (just a little lol) face-fucking
title inspired by: “situationship” by snoh aalegra
a/n: HIIII U HOES, so sorry i haven’t posted in v long, life has me all over the place. so here’s my valentine’s day gift from me to u so plz forgive me. a special thank you to everyone that has shown me love for “in case we die” & “the final touch,” promise i have more content on the way!! LOVE U HOES 💘
prologue 「sixty minutes」 
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It was all so easy. Fleeing to him in an instant whenever he’d hit you with the:
“Are you up? I need you rn” text.
Maybe you’re just a fool, but you simply cannot resist him. No, you aren’t dating. Of course not because that would be silly, right? You’re just best friends. Best friends who occasionally fuck each other’s brains out. You didn’t like putting a label on it either, especially the “friends-with-benefits” one. And that was the problem. This entire situationship being a never ending cycle:
You both have sex ⟶ You get caught up in your feels ⟶ You come to your own conclusion that you’ll break it off with him ⟶ He texts you saying that he “needs” you and how much he misses being inside of you ⟶ Lastly, you go back to him - repeating the process all over again.
And here you are again, riding the hell out of your “friend” Namjoon.
“Yeah, just like that.. ride this fucking dick, fuck!” Namjoon exclaims, slapping and gripping your ass cheeks as you continue to ride him.
“Daddy!” Your head thrown back in ecstasy at how his thick cock fills you up completely. In this moment, all of your feels and doubts of ever getting into this situation with him - gone. Your ultimate goal is to cum on his cock, for what is now probably the thousandth time.
But you love it. You love how amazing he feels inside you. How he can make you feel good beyond limits, and how he pleases you in ways you didn’t think was possible. And Namjoon loves it too. The power he has to make you writhe and scream his name strokes his ego tremendously. He loves that he’s the only man in this entire world that knows what it’s like to hear your moans as he fucks you continuously.
How he’s the only man to ever see your lips part, eyes shut tight, and body tremble as your walls contract around his shaft, being completely drowned within your orgasm - all because of him.
This whole fling first started when he supposedly “accidentally” sent you a dick pic. Apparently you weren’t the intended recipient. You were stunned, not so much that he sent you a photo of his cock but it was the size of him + including the vulgar message sent with the photo itself:
From: joonie 🤩 11:17 pm
My cock is throbbing rn. So horny and in the mood to bend you over and fuck you until your body gives out.
The moment you opened the message, your mouth instantly salivated and your core throbbed with anticipation. It was almost as if he knew exactly what you were doing in that moment because when you got his notification, you were busy watching porn paired with your fingers inside of your cunt. For the past 4 years you’d known Joon, you never put much thought into what his dick may look like.
It was perfectly sculpted, and obviously hard as a brick with a slight curve. You could faintly see a small leak of precum oozing from his juicy, flesh-tone tip. Considering that he messaged you at just the right moment, when your hormones are at its peak, you reply:
To: joonie 🤩 11:20 pm
mmm, please... never knew how thick you are. would love to feel you stretching me out 🥵
And in that moment, you couldn’t believe what you’d just started. The tension between your legs taking over you completely. Nothing but lust oozed from your actions. Finally seeing that sexting your best friend was literally the perfect way to orgasm all over your fingers, you softly chanted his name to yourself. Imagining him standing before you stroking himself with his delicious member. After releasing yourself of your tension, you felt somewhat guilty and awkward that you’d just came to a picture of your best friends cock AND sexted him.
You also pondered who he really meant to send the photo to, which caused you to relish in your feels for the remainder of the night as you sheepishly attempted to fall asleep in your frozen, lonely bed. Part of you liked to think that you were blessed he even sent it to you. But after that night, everything changed. You hadn’t heard from him the next day until later that night asking if you were awake. You simply brushed it off and didn’t bother opening up the message, that way he wouldn’t know if you read it or not.
The reason mainly being that you were afraid he’d want to sext again. Throughout the week, you’d cross paths in certain periods on campus, but you tried in your willpower to avoid him at ALL costs. It all came down to you being aware of your surroundings to make sure he didn’t see you before you saw him. And when you would see him from a distance, you’d instantly turn the other way or hide until the coast was clear. You remembered he would even text you asking where you were since he hadn’t seen you since that day, and you would lie to him saying you were busy studying for exams or running an errand. When in reality, you were at your single room dorm, stuffing your face with gelato and watching Netflix.
The way you now saw Namjoon was so much differently. You both share one class together every Wednesday, and he took the opportunity to sit beside you considering that he hadn’t seen you since before that night. Being near him made you antsy, and you found yourself giving him short responses, making hardly any eye contact. He noticed this and was not happy about it. The distance you kept between him since that night worried him non-stop.
The constant question of: “What the fuck was I thinking?” flooded his mind everyday.
After two weeks of putting up with your edgy behavior, he decided that it was enough. It’s Saturday and yet again, you told him you were studying in the schools library and he knew that was bullshit. Because you have no classes on Saturday, you work during the school week, are off every weekend, and he’d already checked the library. Obviously you were not there, and it pissed him off that you were blowing him off like this. At least, not in the way he’d like to be blown by you.
He marched around campus making his way to your dorm. The sound of your door being knocked on startled you as you were warming up a yakisoba bowl in the microwave. You stand up onto your tippy toes to peek through the peephole. Your entire insides perform a back flip as you notice your best friend standing on the other side of the door. He runs his fingers through his blonde mullet, strands of purple at the tips, his arm resting on the doorframe, and he does not look happy. After not getting a response, he gives a few more hard knocks urging you to open the door.
“Come on, ____. I know you’re in there. We need to talk!”
Fuck. You think to yourself and take a deep breath. He obviously was not going to let up, you know Joon. Your fingers nervously unloosen the lock on the door and grasp the handle pulling it open slowly. Namjoon’s eyes snap up, his breath caught in his throat as he gazes you up and down with those familiar, wide, monolids that could captivate anyone who looks his way. His lips part gradually, and his tongue glides across his bottom lip. It wasn’t until you saw his expression that you noticed you were attired in the shortest pajama shorts you have along with a sleeveless, white tank and no bra. The imprint of your barbell piercings that decorate your nipples clearly visible. Of course, Namjoon wasn’t aware you had these said piercings. You instantly crossed your arms, wanting to hide from his gaze.
Finally breaking the silence he slips, “Nice library you have here. Sure doesn’t look like one though.”
You sigh dramatically and roll your eyes, “Seriously?”
Namjoon steps inside, welcoming his own self in without giving you time to do so yourself. He slowly treads inside, removing his Nikes by the door then flopping down on your loveseat, his legs spread wide open. An awkward silence overtakes your dorm, yet you continue with your antics and into the kitchen to grab your chopsticks so you could finish making your instant yakisoba. Joon notices this and silently follows you into the kitchen. The hair on the back of your neck stands up when you feel his presence behind you. You look up and feel his hand placed over yours, resulting in you dropping your chopsticks. Your body naturally responds and jerks around now facing him.
He continues his gaze, looking deeply into your eyes. There was something in the way he looked at you in that moment of time. His features looked so mesmerizing. You adored the tiny beauty marks that decorate his face, especially the one that sits below his bottom lip; flying strands of his bleach, blonde, hair catch your attention. After an entire week of not paying him any attention, you had nearly forgotten how physically attractive Namjoon is. It is almost sickening, and this is one of the many reasons why you wish you hadn’t started this thing. His stare softens, almost as if he’s thinking. His fingers gracefully caress your cheek, your body naturally responds - shivering under his touch.
“____, what’s been going on with you?"
Unable to form coherent words, you simply respond, “Nothing.” You shift yourself, turning your back to him breaking the contact he once had on your cheek. You hear a deep sigh emit from Namjoon.
“Goddammit, there you go again!” Your eyes widen at the sound of him raising his voice.
“What?!” You retort, slamming your chopsticks down and turning your gaze back to him with raised brows.
“You’re lying. Again. First the library, and now this. I know something’s wrong with you. You’ve practically been avoiding me all week!”
Your eyes shut immediately, trying to hold back anything stupid from slipping out of your lips.
“You’ve been avoiding me since...” he trails off, and you open your eyes to find him with his arms crossed, head hung low.
“Joonie..” You attempt to muster up the correct form to continue your sentence. His wide eyes staring back at you, waiting for an answer.
“I just can’t.. I-I can’t look at you the same way, you know? I don’t know it’s just weird. Just knowing what you, um..”
Joon scoffs, shaking his head, “Then why lead me on?”
Your snap your neck to the side giving him a ‘Really?’ look. “I lead you on?” Your tone dipped in a bit of sassiness.
“You are the one that sent me a picture of your dick! And you want to blame me for it?”
Namjoon blinks rapidly, somewhat taken aback by your tone.
“Well, y-yeah. I mean, you played along with it.” He responds, scratching the back of his neck and hanging his head low again. Truth is, he lied to you too. He didn’t exactly “accidentally” send you that photo. He meant for you to see it. For months, he’d contemplated how he should approach his feelings toward you. All the while, he felt it was a stupid idea, but he also thought it would be a hit or miss. He tends to act out before fully thinking about his actions, and that’s just one of his many weaknesses. You, of course, being his main one.
Deep down you knew he wasn’t lying, because you both know each other long enough to know enough about one another. Yet another silence lingers throughout the space. You sigh in exhaustion, pulling your thoughts together.
“Yes... I did.” Namjoon looks up and locks eyes with you. To him, you look incredibly delectable with the shape of your bare tits, along with your piercings, poking through the light fabric of your tank. His eyes are no longer soft, they’re dark and lustful. Just being under his gaze, gets you warmer by the second. It’s like he’s cooking you with his own eyes, and you are sizzling right now.
His lips part, as he slowly inches toward you.
“Did you like it?” He probes with a hint of curiosity behind the question.
You take a deep breath, looking dead-straight into his eyes while brushing your hair behind your ear.
“Y-yes, I really did.” You say, barely a whisper. Namjoon hums in response, lightly grazing his index finger across your shoulder and down your arm. You’re not sure why but your core suddenly tingled at the simple, physical contact. Causing you to gasp lowly.
“Do you want.. what we said we would do to each other that night? Because, I want you in ways that you don’t understand.” He smirks at your sudden action of rubbing your thighs together. You hum in approval. He runs his index and middle finger across your lips,
“I want to hear you say it, pretty baby.” The sudden pet name made you slip a moan you’re sure he heard.
“I want you, Joonie. Want you to stuff me with your thick cock.” You play along and guide your hands to rub his arms and broad shoulders up and down, looking up at him with innocent-like puppy dog eyes. Just the sight of you alone makes him want to shove his cock so far down your throat, making you gag on it with watery eyes. His growing erection becomes noticeable beneath his sweats. His hands make their way down your side, gripping your waist. He leans down to whisper in your ear,
“Imma beat that pussy like you never ever felt before.”
Your kitty cat clenches around emptiness, desperately wanting to be filled. Before you had a chance to respond, Namjoon pulls away and presses his lips on yours. You naturally wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. The faint smell of his cologne, masked with notes of orange, mint, and cinnamon reel you in to heighten your arousal. His pink, pillow-y lips play a game of tug of war, lightly grazing his teeth along your bottom lip. Your kisses filled with pent-up tension and longing for one another.
He pulls away from your lips and lifts you up, your legs naturally wrapping themselves around his waist as he leads you over to the loveseat and sits down, straddling yourself on top of him. He grips your waist, running his large hands across your ass. You follow the rhythm of his hands and grind against his clothed erection, wanting some type of friction to ease your libido all while gaining a sexy moan from him. Namjoon works one of his hands up into your hair, lightly tugging on it to give him access to your neck.
“Mmm, Joonie.” Your eyes shut as a response to his lips smothering your jawline and neck with wet kisses. Your fingers get lost within the forest that’s his mullet. He continues his trail up to your earlobe, gently nibbling on it.
“Want you.. So bad.. Have no idea.” He slips in between breaths. His deep voice rumbling from his chest, creating a vibration that streams throughout your body ending at your core.
“Want you too, so much.” You respond, pulling away to glance into his eyes, the color like deep pools of medium, roast coffee. He caresses your face, tracing circles on your cheek and presses his lips against yours again. The silky, wet feeling of his plush lips persuades you to pursue your previous actions of grinding. He snakes his hands up to lightly massage your breasts. The sudden motion of your piercings causing you to moan within his mouth.
Namjoon tugs at the hem of your tank and you follow along, tossing the material away on the floor while helping him to remove his basic tee. Your bare chest exposed to him, nipples cool, hardened, and aching for attention. You hear him whisper a “Fuck,” under his breath. His warm embrace sends shivers down your spine, as he desperately caresses your tits. You take this moment to admire the golden tone of his bare skin, so smooth yet such chiseled features.
“When did you get these?” Namjoon questions, gently sliding your piercing back and forth.
“Hmm.. last spring break!”
“So sexy,” He slips, while using his index and middle finger to lightly pinch your other nipple. The piercings make your nipples so much more sensitive to even the slightest touch. Namjoon licks your left nipple in slow circles, while watching your reaction. He gently wraps his lips around you, sucking your nipple with such soft care. The warm, wetness of his tongue and smooth, plushness of his lips soothes and excites you at the same time. Your kitty clenching and gushing, full of arousal and hot and ready for him. He uses his other hand to sneak into your shorts and past your panties. His slender fingers find your drenched folds, coating his digits with your juice.
Your fingernails softly graze over his scalp, as you throw your head back calling his name. He presses sloppy kisses along your neck, humming into you as a response.
“Are you really this wet for your best friend, hm? Does Daddy turn you on this much?”
“Mmm, yes Joonie..” His erection growing by the second, and you can feel it twitch beneath you in his sweats. “Such a dirty girl, want to be cock slut for your own best friend.”
He pulls his fingers from you and you silently whimper at the loss of his touch. Your eyes pry open and find him with his eyes closed, tasting your arousal that was left on his fingers. He moans at the taste. “Mmm... Heavenly.”
The small compliment making you blush and grow warmer between your thighs. Surprisingly, he slips his fingers back into your panties and finds your clit, rubbing the sensitive bud in circles. Making you gasp in shock,
“Joonie...” You look down at him, caressing his smooth strands. He slips a finger inside of you, pushing in and out. You move your hips along his rhythm, as he slips another finger inside of you while simultaneously rubbing your clit with his thumb. Your eyebrows furrowing together at the pleasure your core feels, emitting more wetness onto his fingers while creating squelching noises as Namjoon continues to finger your pussy. Your grip on his hair gets tighter, mimicking the tightness of the coil in the pit of your tummy.
“Want you to cum all over my fingers, pretty baby.” Namjoon commands, while slipping his fingers from your pussy, focusing on your clit, rubbing with just the perfect amount of pressure. Absolutely enough to make you cum on the spot. Your moans slip from you uncontrollably.
“Tell me who’s making you feel so good.” Namjoon coos, while continuously circling your clit with your fingers, all while watching you writhe above him.
“Y-you, J-J-,” Unable to even finish your sentence, your fingers lose their place within his hair. Your body continues shaking from cumming so hard.
“That’s right. Only me. Just look at you, pretty baby. Losing yourself all over your best friends fingers. Only I can do that, hm? Only I can make you feel this good.”
You push his hand away, whining at the overstimulation. Finally he lets up and licks his fingers clean. Still twitching, you glide your fingers down to meet his crotch, massaging him through his clothing.
“Can I... Please? Need you in my mouth.” He eyes your motions and moans in approval. You climb off of him and sit on your knees between his legs. He lifts up to help you remove his sweats. His member visibly shown through his Calvin Klein briefs. It’s so stiff and hard. Your hand finds itself rubbing him again, as you kiss along his thighs. Slowly teasing and finally reaching his cock through the material covering it.
“Fuck... such a tease. You’re a good baby, for Daddy.. Right?”
You look up at him and nod.
“Speak, pretty baby.” He probes, lifting your chin up with his fingers.
“Y-yes I am.”
“Yes what?” Namjoon groans, his voice much harder than before.
You shift slightly at the sudden change in his demeanor, your arousal growing thicker. You thought it was sexy though, how he was now taking control.
“Yes, Daddy..”
He smiles that pretty smile and pets your hair.
“Good girl.” You take this chance to pull his briefs down just enough that his cock springs straight up. Your jaw drops open at the size of him. Pictures couldn’t compare to the real thing, your mouth instantly salivating at his thick length, his bulbous tip the perfect color, matching the shade of his lips and dripping with precum. You moan at the sight of him, wrapping your fingers around him, you gently stroke, sticking your tongue out to taste the bit of liquid oozing.
Namjoon hisses at the feeling, you teasing him with kitten licks. His grasp on your hair gets tighter, “Please don’t tease, baby. Daddy has waited so long to have those pretty lips around his cock.” You took this as a cue to finally encase your lips around him, starting with his tip. His chest rumbles as a moan erupts from within. You swirl your tongue around the tip, sucking tightly while massaging his balls.
“Fuck!” Without warning, Joon bucks his hips upward to get himself further into your mouth, his grip on your hair becomes tighter as he pushes your head down further to take his entire length inside your mouth. You’re taken by surprise at his pace, and almost choke, as your hands now drop on top of his thighs lightly grazing with your nails while Namjoon fucks your face. Literally. You shut your eyes wanting to focus on keeping your gag reflex under control, keeping your throat relaxed, your saliva oozing out and coating Namjoon’s cock and balls creating lewd noises within your tight-spaced dorm.
“Shit yes... Look at Daddy with that pretty fucking face of yours.” He stops his thrusting, holding your head down still. You manage to open your eyes and move your gaze toward his. With water eyes, streams of tears flow down your flushed cheeks. You’re on the brink of losing your breath. The sight of you full of his cock, almost out of breath makes him want to blow his load all over your face. But if he’s going to cum, he has to inside of you.
“Fuck yeah, just like that.” Namjoon finally releases his grip from you, resulting in you letting out a massive gasp, coughing to sync your breathing back to normal. A trail of spit still connecting from his soaked cock to your lips. “Shorts off now.” Namjoon demands. You slip your finger under the hem to pull them down until he interrupts, “Turn around so I can see that ass.”
You jump slightly at his deep voice. His act of dominance making you clench around nothing as you squeeze your thighs together, needing some type of friction. This doesn’t go unnoticed. Your shorts fall to the floor, revealing your bottom that’s clothed with a pair of silk, purple panties that are cut short enough to show your full cheeks. Suddenly, you feel a sharp slap to your right cheek, making you whimper out loud.
“Look at you all horny and desperate for your own best friends dick. I should fuck you until you can’t think of anything else other than my dick.” And another harsh slap.
“Mmm, fuck!” Another slap. Namjoon reaches forward to aggressively pull your panties down. He lifts you up and carries you over his shoulder to your bedroom, throwing you on the bed. Your pussy throbs in anticipation, loving how rough he’s being with you.
Namjoon wastes no time as he aggressively pulls you forward to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs open as wide as they can go. He uses his fingers to spread your pussy lips open, revealing yourself all to him. Pulsing and soaked. “Mmm. Such a pretty little pussy. I’ve waited so long to finally bury my dick inside of you.” He coos while stroking your hair and pressing a soft kiss to your lips, while caressing your cheek. He uses his other hand to grab his cock, slapping your pussy with his cock. Your hips naturally bucking to get some type of friction. He continues coating his cock in your juices, smirking as you whimper in anticipation.
“Pretty baby, so horny and wet for Daddy’s cock.” Your fingers anxiously grip the bedsheets, as the head of his cock prods at your entrance. Namjoon hisses as he easily slips inside of your tight kitty. Your eyes shut closed, lips parting, “Oh my fuck,” you moan while gripping his toned, caramel arms. His girthy length offering a slight burn, finally over-rided by a nostalgic tinglyness. The feeling is like no other. To have someone you trust, someone you care about, offering their entire self to you. To have all of Namjoon within you.
“So warm. So wet. Fuck... You feel amazing, ____.” Namjoon fucks you with long and deep strokes, making the bed creak with each thrust. He continues this slow pace, relishing in the feel of your walls clamping around his stiff shaft. You know he’s trying his hardest not to cum so fast. However, the tingly feeling within your core has skyrocketed, and you’re ready to burst any moment now. 
“P-please,” you whimper, attempting to move your hips along with his at a faster pace.
“What does my pretty baby want, hm?” Namjoon notices your expression and comes to a halt.
“Please fuck me harder, Joonie, please!” you whine while grinding your hips to create some type of friction. Namjoon’s cock twitches at your desperation for him. “Have you forgotten your manners, princess?” He asks, with a smirk pinching your left cheek.
You groan in response. “Please, Daddy! Just need to be fucked harder, please! My pussy needs you.”
“That’s a good girl,” He pats your head and slips out of you, gripping your waist to flip you over flat on your tummy. He holds his weight on top of you, spreading your legs open to push his cock entirely into you. The angle of the position creates a more “deep” feeling, He’s so deep inside of you, you promise you feel him in your tummy. Your mouth flying agape, Namjoon leans forward to whisper in your ear while pounding from on top. “Be careful what you ask for.”
“You. Just. Might. Get. It.” He emphasizes his deep thrusts after each word. Your cries are muffled within the sheets while Joon continues to ram you from on top, his lower pelvic area literally slamming your body further and further into the full sized-bed. “Ungh, fuck y-yes! Please don’t stop!” Your dorm neighbors can probably hear your cries but at this point you don’t even care.
“Take this fucking dick like the good little cock-hungry slut you are, pretty baby.” Namjoon moans at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, drenching him in your sticky wetness. So tight, and slippery for his thick cock. His cock throbs relentlessly from the sounds of his balls slapping against your ass mixed with your cries of his name. Nearly on the verge of cumming, he lifts you up, bending you over with your ass now up and facing him. He bends down to lick a stripe from your pussy to your ass.
Your legs tremble at the sudden action. He works his tongue all over your folds, sucking and licking your pussy lips, while slipping inside of your entrance, tongue fucking you. You reach behind to grip his hair and grind yourself against his face. Namjoon trails his fingers to find your clit, slowly rubbing it in circles. Then latches his lips around your bud, sucking and licking your as if his life depended on it. His moans sending vibrations through you entirely. He grips your ass and gives your cheeks a few harsh slaps, and that’s what sends you completely over the edge.
“Daddy.. Cumming! Fuck.” Your toes curl, legs tremble, eyes roll back, and you claw the bedsheets as your orgasm washes over your entire body. He lets go of your clit with a pop, and uses his fingers to rub your clit vigorously, riding you through your high. “Yes, baby. Keep cumming for, Daddy. Doesn’t it feel good, hm? To have your best friend make you cum so hard?” You continue calling out his name.
“Yes! Fuck, fuck.. Please!”
You push his hand away, the overstimulation kicking in. Your body continues shaking, recovering from your orgasm. He lifts you up into the doggy position, gripping a handful of your hair and rams himself inside of you. He starts with a brutal pace, fucking you senseless, slipping swear words from his lips. You gasp at the sensitivity from your previous orgasm, not able to form coherent words from how hard Namjoon is fucking you. Namjoon’s thrusts gradually grow sloppier, as he’s on the brink of his own orgasm.
“Come here,” He pulls completely out of you and lays on his back, guiding you on top of him. You stuff his cock inside of you, whimpering at the feel of your clit brushing against his pelvic area - still sensitive from your orgasm. You take your time to ride him, going at your own pace - slow and steady. Namjoon uses one hand to grip your waist. “Want to feel you cum around my cock.” He slips his fingers on your clit, rubbing it in circles. You instantly jolt forward from the sensitivity, shaking your head.
“Joon! C-Can’t, it’s too much!”
“I think you can. You’ve been such a good girl, just cum one more time for Daddy, okay? I promise it will feel so good.”
You grasp his wrist, wanting to push his hand away, but you can’t. Too lost in his touch. He licks his fingers and rubs your clit again, with a slightly more pressure. His cock still sheathed fully inside of you, twitching within your walls. Your third orgasm approaches and it hits you stronger than before.
“Mmm, Namjoon!” Your nails find themselves on his chest, scratching his pecs as your entire body shakes tremendously, your pussy pulses rapidly around Namjoon’s dick. Your body collapses on top of his, out of strength and still trembling.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum.” Namjoon exclaims, he moans your name as his cock twitches itself inside of you, coating your walls with his warm cum. He pants, out of breath, strands of his hair sticking to his forehead.
You both lie there for what seems like awhile, regaining your breathing and taking a moment to process what just happened. Namjoons member falls soft, eventually slipping out of you. Both of your bodies pressed together and binded by perspiration. He gathers up the strength to caress your strands. His heart flutters at the warmth of your fingers drawing circles on his chest. The thud of his heart beating from within him causes you to lose yourself in your thoughts... 
What have we just done? And how will we ever go back from this?
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blackbabybird · 3 years
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Forgiven - Chapter 4 - An Event 
warnings: self hating bruce mostly and bad words. this is a long ass chapter, #sorrynotsorry kind of got carried away. however, we learn new things more and more everyday ;) also i think isley’s job fits her and bruce v v v well. enjoy:)
I get those goosebumps every time, yeah, you come around, yeah You ease my mind, you make everything feel fine
~ Goosebumps by Travis Scott
I parked my car in front of Cork County Middle School. The school itself was a large brick building in the middle of a corn field. It used to be an insane asylum. I grab my bag and get out of my car to head toward the doors of the school. Once I get up there, I pull on the door. It’s locked. I look at the wall near the doors, they have an extremely fancy security system. I buzz the door. 
“Hi there! What can we do for you?” a happy voice rings through the intercom.
“Uh, my name is Isley Thomas. I have an appointment with Headmaster-,” I look down at my phone, “Guille.”
“Give me one second, dear. I’ll get those doors open for you,” her sickly sweet voice came through again. 
A second later the massive doors swing open. I’m greeted by two men in riot gear. “Any weapons must be surrendered before entry into property. This includes, but is it not limited to guns, tazers, pens, and ninja-stars.” speaks the large guards. 
“Pens?” I ask. 
The other guard nods curtly. I shake my head and grab all my pens out of my bag. They take them and put them tightly in between their bullet proof vests. “Follow us.”
What the hell is this place? I walk silently in between the two. We arrive at large double doors with a Medusa head engraved into the doors. The two walk around me and open the doors synchronously. I walk through them towards what looks like the office. That same god-awful sweet voice rings through the hallways, “You must be Ms. Thomas! You’re shorter than I expected. Hm, anyways, follow me.” 
So I do. “I never caught your name, Ms...?” 
“You needn’t worry about me, sugar. Names get in the way. I’m simply the next vessel for Headmaster Guille. Oh, we’re here! Knock twice then let yourself in, alrighty?”
I nod quickly and do as she said. The room I walk into is white and pristine. Nothing, and I mean nothing is out of place. There’s just a desk and two chairs in the room. No computer or even a cup of coffee, weird. “Please, sit Ms. Thomas.” says a voice from my left. 
I sit down in on the chair across from the desk. Slow, loud clacking walks pass me. A woman sits in front of me. She has on black classic pumps, a pencil skirt and a white blouse. I finally make my eyes to hers and that’s when everything starts clicking into place. Her eyes are gouged out in an attempt to recreate Oedipus. “I am headmaster Guille, Ms. Thomas.”
“Thank you for agreeing to meet me Headmaster. I know you have plenty of other more pressing things to do.”
She turns her head, “Why, my dear, nothing is more important than finding one of my sweet, obedient students.” I nod in agreeance despite my weird feeling towards her and this place. “Why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”
“Well, I’m the owner of IT Investigative Services. We do freelance investigative work and are outsourced for police work occasionally.” I explain. 
“And your business here, is it freelance?” 
I feel my heart dip in a weird way, “No ma’am. The Cork County Police Department needed help and they outsourced me and my company to help with a missing persons case.” It wasn’t necessarily a lie. 
“I see.” she says. Her non-existent eyes felts like they were boring into my soul and making a home. “Well, I will say that we told the police everything, not sure what else I could say.”
“Anything helps. Especially when it comes to a missing child,” I say. 
“Ask away,” she says splaying her hands outward. 
I start asking the basic questions. Just small things I could compare to the recordings that I borrowed from the Cork County Police. Everything was going relatively fine until I seemed to strike a nerve. “So, I noticed that Amos actually lived in Andan County. That’s a 3 hour drive to Cork County. Why was Amos going to school here?”
She opened her mouth a few times with replies, but she eventually settled on, “Amos was a special boy. As are most of the students that attend here. However, he needed correcting. As do all of the students here,” she gives a tightlipped smile.
Now we’re getting somewhere. “Why did he need correcting? Did he do something bad?” I ask simply. 
“As with most 13 year olds, he was ill-mannered and bad tempered. He had to be corrected,” she repeats.
“Fair enough,” I nod. Time to go for the kill.“Yet, there is one more thing I’m confused with. Amos was an orphan. One that lived 3 hours away from this county, so who told you he was being a nuisance?” 
If this woman had eyes, I know she’d have a look that could kill. Her eye sockets bend slightly. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Ms. Thomas. We have an assembly soon that I must attend.” 
“Of course, Headmaster.” I say as I start packing up my stuff. I walk to the door, feeling her cavernous holes in my back. I go to pull the door open, but then I stop. “One last question,” I say. She looks up at me, “Who reported him missing?”
Bingo. Question answered.
The smile she gave was cruel and mouthy, “Some questions needn’t be answered. Have a good day, Isley.”
I walk out the door and head back to my car. 
When I arrived back at my car after successfully getting my pens back, I scrutinized the building. Being in there fucked with my mental state. Something was off about the place and I wanted to know more. My phone starts buzzing. It’s Phoebe so I click answer.
“You bitch! I can’t believe you,” Phoebe’s voice screeches through my receiver. 
“That’s one way to talk to your boss,” I deadpan.
“Boss or not, you’re literally the worst person I know.”
I scrunch my nose at her insult, “Let’s say hypothetically that is true, what exactly did I do to deserve such a title?” 
“Beside be a size 10 in shoes when I’m an 8?” I roll my eyes, “You also never mentioned that THE Bruce fucking Wayne of Wayne Corporation invited us to a fundraiser in Gotham City.” 
I sit there listening to her, “How’d you know about that?”
“I was going through your emails and there’s an invite. Also, pause, you knew?” she huffs.
I shrug even though she can’t see me, “It’s just a Wayne Event. It’s not a big deal. I didn’t even know it was a fundraiser.”
“Yeah, he’s going to try and get the Gotham socialites and old heads to give money for a-,” she stops talking and there’s some slight shuffling in the backgorund, “Ah! A metahuman trafficking recovery center. It would be an extension of Arkham Asylum.”
I feel my heartbeat get 10 times louder, “Pheebs, I need to call you later. I’m still here at Cork County Middle and I need to finish some paper work before I drive back tonight.”
I don’t wait for her to say goodbye before I hang up. I start dialing Bruce’s number. 
One. Two. One. Two. Jab. Hook, hook.
“God fucking damnit,” Jason exclaims. 
“The fight not going well?” I ask.
“Bruce. Manny Herechio has to win tonight.” Jason starts.
“Has?” I interject. 
He rambles over me, “HAS. I have so much money on this fight. Like, my future children’s money kind of money!”
I shoot him an amused look from my book. “I’m sure he’ll pull it out. Underdogs have a weird way of doing that.”
I smile at him, happy that he’s happy, but then the scene changes. I’m now Batman and I’m holding Jason. He’s barely breathing and there’s so much blood. “You did this. You did this to me.” He breathes out angrily. 
“Jay, what? No, I didn’t! What do you mean?” I explain.
“You, the fucking Batman of all people, should have saved me. I’m dead because of you!” He’s now yelling at me. 
I feel the panic flutter throughout me. I should’ve saved him. It should’ve been me. 
The clatter of my phone hitting the floor shakes me out of my daydream hard. Less of a dream, more like a nightmare. The phone goes off again and I grab it from the floor. Isley Thomas flashes across the screen. I press accept. 
“Isley? Hello?” 
“Have you lost your goddamn mind?!” she seethes through the phone. 
I pull it away from me. “I can’t catch a fucking break today,” I grunt out. I put the phone back near my ear, “It’s possible I have, but depends on what this reason is,” I joke. 
“This event, party you’re throwing is for the business proposal that was between us privately. What the hell, Bruce?” 
I can tell she’s upset at what I tried to make a surprise. “It was supposed to be a surprise.” 
“A fucking surprise? For why?” she all but yells into the receiver. 
“I presented it to the board,” I didn’t. “And they didn’t like the idea of Wayne Enterprises being the face of metahuman trafficking support centers,” I explain. “Having a fundraiser will show that people, specifically people with money, are interested in defeating the metahuman trafficking.”
I can hear her breathing. “You could’ve just told me that the board rejected it,” she pauses, “I would’ve dealt with it.”
She’s not incorrect. However, I needed a win for today, “You told me that this was Staya’s dream. I just wanted to do everything I could to try and make it come true.”
She doesn’t reply anything. For a second there I think that she’s just hung up on me. “Okay. Next time, let me know ahead of time, please, Bruce,” is all she says. Then she adds, “I have to work. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
I hear the click of call ending and put the phone down. I bury my face in my hands. I walk to my door and walk to Sonya’s desk. She looks at me with a smile, “Mr. Wayne! What can I do for you?”
“Sonya, I’ll be unavailable for the rest of the day. See that the fundraiser details get figured out. I want to no hiccups, understood?” She nods, typing furiously. I continue, “Perfect. Thank you.”
I walk to the elevator and press floor one. I lay against wall in sheer exhaustion. Between my guilt from Jason and my repressed feelings about Isley, I needed to punch something. 
I took another sip of my coffee and continued typing on my computer. I was trying to find information about Cork County. “With the way you’re hunch over your computer, we’ll have to get massages before heading to Gotham,” Phoebe said pointedly. 
I roll my eyes, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“Fair enough. Enough investigating today boss lady. If we want to make it to Gotham in a decent hour and avoid traffic, we need to go,” Phoebe insists as she shuts my computer. 
“I made us a reservation at some fancy hotel. It offered nails too, what a deal. And, ooh, our dresses were delivered!”
“I thought we were going dress shopping today?” I say scrunching my nose at the implication of Phoebe picking out a dress for me. 
“Oh no you don’t. We were yesterday at 4, but someone,” she squints at me, “was a bit forgetful.”
I inhale, “Okay, that’s my bad. I’m sorry, this case just keeps making new turns every second. I feel like I’m drowning.”
“Well, tonight, no missing children to worry about.” 
I nod and smile at her. If only it was that easy. 
“Master Bruce, people will be arriving in less than 30 minutes, what on Earth are you doing?” I heard Alfred call for me while I was in the Batcave. 
I kicked the bag again. Focus. I kick again. 
“Master Bruce?” I hear Alfred again. I shake my head. Focus, Bruce. I kick the bag again. The chain breaks and bag flies across the room. 
“That is the 8th bag you’ve broken this week, Master Bruce.”
I exhale deeply. “It’s unimportant.”
“Perhaps to the ghosts of this cave, but not you. Never mind all that. You must shower and get dressed immediately,” Alfred says pushing me quickly towards the stairs.
“Can I at least take the elevator if speed is what we’re going for?” I grumble. 
“That privilege was lost once you made me trundle down those godforsaken steps and come get you!” I trudge up the stairs his insistent demands. 
When we arrive at the top, “Mr. Maurice, sorry to keep you waiting, Master Bruce is insolent when it comes to other’s time and efforts,”
I shoot Alfred a dirty look at his insults. He simply flicks his hand and I’m being taken by the tailor. Who starts showing me different fabrics and colors for tonight’s event. “What do you feel tonight Mr. Wayne? Navy or Black? I have grey also, but it has not been a fan favorite for the year.” Maurice explains quickly. 
I look at the colors. The black always speaks to me, but tonight was different. Because Isley will be there. I ignore my thoughts, “Let’s take a walk on the wild side, shall we?” 
“My thoughts exactly, Mr. Wayne!” 
I go to hop into the shower and prepare myself for tonight. 
I can hear the people downstairs. Drinks are flowing and soon enough the cash will be too. I hear my door open. “Only man I’ve ever known to be fashionably late at his own home.” It’s Dick. “Also, I don’t know what the fuck those little sausage balls are made with, but they are delicious. Woah-”
I turn and look at him, his mouth is wide open with the same bits sausage hanging in his mouth, “What? Also, please close your mouth.”
“This suit...who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Dick jokes.
I just grunt and turn back around fixing my tie. I hear Dick’s laughter stop, “Okay, I’m sorry, here let me help with your tie. It’s more crooked than Cobblepot’s teeth.”
He fixes my tie and I can’t help but think about Jason. Dick searches my face, “You been thinking about him?”
I turn back to look in the mirror to inspect the knot he made. It answers his question. I know he wants to say something, he just doesn’t know what. No one ever does. “Master Bruce, Mr. Grayson.” Alfred’s voice turns us both around. “Almost all the guest are here. It is time to make an appearance.”
“Well, thank god I didn’t throw the party. I’m gonna find some pretty ladies and some more of the sausage balls.” Dick chippers happily and leaves this room. 
Alfred turns to do the same, but not before saying, “Mr. Todd is a great man. Just because you’re choosing to move on, doesn’t mean you’re forgetting him.”
“Don’t you mean was?” I ask.
“No. I meant is. What’s that saying you always tell the board members when you’re not present? Oh, yes, physicality is not the only way to be present.” With that Alfred mules out of the room.
I follow after him. I make it down the stairs, “Man of the hour. Mr. Bruce Wayne.” I hear some rich old guy yell at me. He grabs my hand and shakes it furiously. 
I do this for about an hour before I clink my glass and everyone quiets down. “I want to thank you all for being here,” I start, “Tonight was a bit last minute, but I am so glad to have the ability to host such things that bring us together. Tonight is about us expanding Arkham Asylum to host those affected by metahuman trafficking. Donations, as always, are tax deductable and can be written to the Wayne Corporation. Again, we are going to make a difference.” I raise my glass and every one claps. “But please, keep enjoying the booze, gives me an excuse to buy more!” I add with laughter. 
I make my way through the crowd towards one of the balconies. There’s just a woman out there. “What a speech,” she says as she comes out the shadows. 
It’s Isley, but she looked...beautiful didn’t even begin to describe it. Her hair is  straight rather than its usually curls. She has on a silk baby blue dress that ends at her mid thigh. Her dark eyes are blown wide with the chill air and small goosebumps litter her dark brown skin. “Isley,” I breathe out, “Thought you bailed on me.”
She turns her head like a curious cat, “Me? A flake? Never.” she says with fake ingenuity. “Although, I was very late. Phoebe loves to take her time with me.”
My eyes scan her face, “Well, she did an amazing job.” I compliment.
A smile grows on her face, “Why thank you, Mr. Wayne. You clean up nicely yourself. A navy blue suit? How daring.”
“Dick already made fun of me for it, I thought it was time to step out a bit.” 
She steps close enough to grab one of the lapels. “Dick? Also, it reminds me of prom. Senior year,” she whispers. 
I grab her wrists, we’re extremely close now. “Well, look who I found hiding in the shado- oh?” 
It’s Dick, again. I breathe out slowly, “Dick, meet an old friend. Isley Thomas.”
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