#also a good excuse to mess around with my tablet
smallerdelusions · 29 days
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what if... they got to play as monsters...
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onskepa · 5 months
you finally reopened your requests!!!
Hear me out!
We need a reader with vitiligo. The sully are shocked and confused when they see her skin but jake explains it to them. Ik there is a chance you maybe won't write this but i had been longing to request it for such a long time
This is what vitiligo looks like:
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Hellooooooo darling!! I can see where you are going with this one. Did a bit more research so I can make it as accurate as I can. Hope you all can enjoy it~!!
PS: The sully kids are younger here: Neteyam is 9, lo'ak and kiri are 8, and tuk is not yet born because I forgot about her when I finished this.
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“Come on, keep up!” young neteyam calls out to his two younger siblings. Kiri and lo’ak do their best to keep up speed with their older brother. “Stop being so damn fast!!” lo’ak shouts back, grunting as he does his best to keep up. “Hey! What did mom say?” Kiri shouts behind lo’ak. Rolling his eyes, lo’ak runs faster to be at the same level with neteyam, making kiri trail a bit behind. 
The three ran through the forest in glee, their mother sent them to tell their father that lunch was ready. And of course the kids would happily use any excuse to go out on a small adventure. Especially to mess with the humans. 
“I see the pole! We are here!” Neteyam says as he runs even faster. Clearing some leaves, out reveals the human post. Right near where the entrance is at, they see their dad talking to someone over a tablet. But neteyam stopped a few feet away. The human beside his dad. Why do they look-
“Why does your skin look so weird?” 
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“While I dont like humans, I don't support your rude words, lo'ak” Neytiri strictly scolds her second son. The boy in question grabbed his tail, looking down feeling guilty of his choice of words. 
“But mom, she did look weird,” Kiri says, as means to help her brother. Neytiri only hissed at her in a warning way.  “Weird or not, I taught you better than to judge people. My children, how would you like it if someone picked on how you look? It would not be good would it?”. 
Lo’ak and kiri shake their heads and mutter ‘no’. 
“Good, now we are all going back and I want you to apologize to the human. Am I clear?” 
“Yes mama”.
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Neytiri took her two children back at the human base, there she sees jake, neteyam and the human in question. And as they get closer, neytiri gets a better view of the human. She almost stopped for a second, almost. Her children weren't right to point it out, but they also were not wrong. The human did look odd. She didn't look like any of the humans neytiri came across. No, this one was different beyond any comprehension. 
The human had two skins. 
Dark and light skin tones. Patches all around. Almost like paint splattered all over her body. 
Jake turns and calls neytiri over. She does so slowly, she came here for a reason. Best to not get distracted. Neteyam looks over and smiles at her and his siblings. 
“Hi mama, look, meet nawang. She likes to take pictures” Neteyam introduces as he holds a camera in his hands. 
Nawang, as neteyam calls her. She looked up and smiled, greeting her in the na’vi way. Seems like nawang has learned the customaries. 
“Baby, this is nawang, a friend. One of the science guys. And nawang, this is my wife neytiri, and my other kids, lo’ak and kiri '' Jake happily introduces. The human woman looked at all of them with a warm smile. 
“Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you all. Jake would never shut up about his family. Day or night, he will look for any excuse to talk about you all” she says. Her voice is cheerful and soft. Like a friend whom you already know. 
“Come on, what can I say? I'm a happy man '' Jake responds, his grin wide. 
Neytiri shook away at her stare and cleared her voice. “I believe my child has something important to tell you” she says, gesturing lo’ak to step forward. And he does, getting closer to nawang, he looks up at her and pouts. 
“I'm sorry I called your skin weird. It was rude of me to say that” he apologizes. Nawang chuckled a bit and shook her head. “Apology accepted lo’ak” she answers. 
“But why does your skin look like that?” he continues. 
Jake wanted to smack himself right then and there. 
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“Not quite, vitiligo” 
“that's it!” Nawang praises the sully kids. She was teaching them the name of her skin condition. Neytiri watched along, secretly learning too. She wanted Jake to explain what is with the human’s look, but all he replied was “it's best to hear it from the source”. 
“But what is vitiligo?” Kiri asks. Nawang sat on the grass floor with the three children in front of her, their parents not far from where they are. 
Rolling up her sleeves to expose more of her arms, Nawang happily begins to explain. “You see, Vitiligo is a skin disease, it is an illness that I have. No, I won't die because of it. What happens is that inside of my body, I lack the proper amount of pigment. It is what causes the patches on my skin”. Seeing as they are kids, Nawang had to explain it in as simple form as she could. 
There was a couple seconds of silence from the kids. Taking in the information. Then kiri got closer to hold nawang’s hand. “Does it hurt?” she asks, looking up at her adorably. Nawang felt her heart shot through by his cuteness, she pulled kiri closer on to her lap. “No kiri, it doesn't hurt. It is just part of me” she answers. 
Neteyam felt more confidence and gently traced the odd white shapes on her hand and arm. “Will it go away?” he asks, Nawang hummed a bit. “Hard to tell, for some it does go away. And for others, it stays with them”. 
While Nawang was focused on kiri and lo’ak, a flash and a snap was heard. Turning, she sees neteyam holding her camera, and a polaroid picture comes out. Gently grabbing it, keeping it in her shadow, colors were forming. And what it revealed warmed her heart. “Here, it's yours' ' She says to neteyam. Gasping happily, he accepts it. 
“You know, you are pretty good at taking pictures. Would you like to keep the camera?” Nawang asks. Neteyam looked surprised, looking at the camera and up back at her, “can I?” he asks. Nodding, confirming her answer, neteyam snuggles the device to his chest. “I'm going to take a lot of pictures! And then I will show them to you!” He says happily. Already many ideas are flowing in his mind. 
Laughing at his adorable statement, Nawang pulls him into her little group hug. “Alrighty mister photographer, and maybe one of these days I can show you my photo album. It has all of my pictures I collected through my years”. 
Lo’ak grunts a bit, pouting, “how come neteyam gets to keep the camera? I want a camera too!” he demands. Gently stroking his head, nawang speaks “maybe if netyam would like. Best to take turns. Everyone sees the world differently”. 
Kiri not really caring much for what her brothers are doing, she followed the lines and shapes on Nawangs arms. And slowly she made it to her face. “It's like you are two different people in one body,” Kiri says. Gently tugging kiri’s nose, making her scrunch her face. “May seem like that. But I see it as what makes me, well, me. Like your stripes. Every na’vi that I have seen has different stripes. And no two are the same. And your stripes are very beautiful”. 
Kiri gushes at her compliment. 
“Come on kids! Time to head home!” Jake calls out. The kids whine, not ready to leave. “Hey come on. How about this, if you guys behave for your parents, ask them to take you guys back here tomorrow. We have forever to talk and play. How's that?” Nawang suggested. And the kids cheer, liking the offer. So getting up and saying their goodbyes, they leave for their lunch. 
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“Neteyam, why are you not asleep? It is past your bedtime” Neytiri smiles at her oldest son. The boy in question was wide awake and looking at his polaroid picture. “Sorry mama, I am just still excited for tomorrow. I took so many pictures of the village. I know Nawang would like it” he explains. 
“Well, try your best to go to sleep. Or you will wake up late and not have a chance” his mother tells. Understanding, he lays down to sleep, still clutching his picture. 
“If you sleep with your picture it would wrinkle. Would you like me to hold it for you until morning?” Neytiri asks, nodding, neteyam gives it to her. Kissing her baby good night, she walks away with the picture. 
She sits near the fire for better lighting. And smiled. 
The picture was of little neteyam’s hand side by side with Nawang’s hand. 
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Aaaaaaaand that is it for this one. I did my best to make it good. Hope you all enjoyed it! until next time! see ya!
Nawang = merge, become one with
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
can we see Tael actually tattooing Emil? perhaps with a silver needle? :3
CW for nonhuman whump (demon carewhumper, vampire whumpee), brief pet whump, noncon body modification (tattoos), silver restraints
Emil had known something up on the ride back home from the tattoo convention, Tael had an unusual brightness to his eyes and the entire ride back he was designing on his tablet. It made him uneasy but he remained silent so as to not ruin the demon’s seemingly good mood.
Tael was generous, tipping the driver 60%, giving Emil a blanket for the night, even telling the vampire to be ready for tomorrow as he was feeling inspired.
Tael being inspired was never good. At least Emil was able to try to prepare himself for tomorrow.
The night came and went and it didn’t take long for Tael to come get Emil from the basement, a smile wide on his face. “Alright Emil, we’re going to do two different sessions today!” he says as he also gets some equipment, including normal 37 magnum needles and silver liner needles. 
Emil looks confused at the needle options “What do you have planned for today?” He nervously asks
The demon spins around to look at him and walks over to him “Hear me out!” He grabs the vampire’s arm and pulls his robe sleeve up to reveal his already tattoo covered arm before running his fingers along it “Full black out sleeve, these tattoos are already fading and patchy because of your healing so I won’t be wasting any of my hard work.” 
He looks back at Emil’s face “After that heals, tattooing over it with white ink. I’m thinking florals, snapdragons!” He drops his arm and motions for him to follow him up the stairs, which he does without complaint but his hesitation is clear. 
“Snapdragons? I thought you weren’t a fan of doing flowers?” 
“I don’t most of the time. At the convention I shared a booth with an artist who specialized in flowers and they gave me an idea. When snapdragons wilt their flowers look like skulls.” He leads Emil to the tattooing area and starts to prepare his station. “I’ll show you what I came up with when I’m done setting up.” 
He must still be in a good mood, Emil usually had to wait until after the tattoo was done to find out what it was. 
Emil sat in the protected chair as Tael messed around on his tablet to pull up the art. He turns it around to show him with an excited smile. 
The art was on a black background and the linework was white, it showed three stages of the snapdragon’s life. The plant as a sprout, it as a flower, and then the flower wilted. Most of the wilted parts looked normal, not exactly skulls but skull like, and some of them had been switched out for actual skulls.
“Pretty cool, right? Puts me out of my comfort zone, I get to try something new, but there’s still something I’m familiar with!”
Emil didn’t look up from the art “It’s.. nice,” definitely not something he would pick if he had the choice “but why the silver needle? Won’t the burns healing effect the white?” It was a thinly veiled excuse of trying to convince the demon to not use the silver.
To his dismay, Tael shakes his head “Emil, you’ve never noticed? Whenever I use a silver needle to do a light color, after your burns heal, they have a metallic sheen to them! It can’t be replicated with a normal needle and inks! I’m willing to sacrifice crisp lines for that effect.”
Emil bites his lip and simply nods, unfortunately for him Tael planned to keep the shop closed for a few extra days meaning the only thing that is going to prevent him from working on him is healing times.
The process of blacking out the arm was rough but Emil managed to handle it without  much movement. There was definitely crying by hour 2 but he managed to keep still.
Tael was too focused on making sure he covered every part of the skin he could with enough ink to even consider trying to comfort him. 
By the end of it Tael’s own hand was cramping but he was happy with the black out job. He looks up, now seeing that Emil had been crying, he puts the tattoo machine down and takes his gloves off before cupping the vampire’s face with his hands. “Hey hey hey, that part’s over now. I’ll give you some time to rest, I’ll get you some food, I’ll even open your cage for you! Does that sound good?” he asks with a small smile, using his thumbs to try to wipe some of the tears away. 
Emil nodded, not speaking due to worry that if he tried his crying would get worse. 
Tael’s smile grows “Good!” He takes his hands off of Emil’s face to stand up and to help him up as well. He leads him down to the basement, just as said, he goes to the cage in the corner of the room and unlocks it and leaves the door open. “I’m going to let you have free reign, promise to behave?” He asks, looking back to him
Another nod, this time with a sniffle. “Promise.” Emil managed to make himself say. His throat felt tight and his arm was throbbing with pain, but he’d be damned if he was going to do something that would ruin this good mood of Tael’s. 
The demon lets out a pleased hum “Good! I’ll be back in a few to bring you some food, get some rest.” He gives him a pat on the head before heading back out of the basement to go see if he still had any blood packs of human blood. After all, he figured the vampire had earned the treat. 
Emil was able to keep track of the time passing by due to Tael coming down every hour to check on his arm. The first two times the demon had brought him additional packs of human blood, an offer he certainly wasn’t going to turn down. 
By hour 4 Tael was getting impatient but seemed hopeful on the healing progress. It didn’t hurt as much as he grabbed Emil’s arm and twisted it to look it over, however the inner elbow was still incredibly sore. 
After 5 hours the demon had deemed it good enough to start with the actual lines now. 
Emil nervously watched as Tael set up his station with new cling film and making sure everything was sterile. “Sir? Are you sure you don’t want to wait until tomorrow?” he asks as he looks between his arm and the silver needle “I’m still pretty sore and I’d hate to accidentally mess up your work because I can’t sit still again!” It wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t a full truth. 
Tael gives the vampire a smile “Emil, I don’t think I could wait for tomorrow even if I wanted to! I’d be too excited to sleep and you know how I get when I try to work while tired.”
Emil hesitates at the reminder, how he doesn’t hesitate to resort to silver restraints or manhandling him, how he puts too much weight on the machine causing the needles and ink to go deeper than they should, how he counts every small thing the vampire does wrong so he can be punished for it later. 
He swallows a lump in his throat “Y- you’re right, I apologize for even suggesting the idea.” 
Tael hums as he pours the white ink into an ink cap “You’re forgiven. Now, please sit down in the chair for me and keep your sleeve up.”
Emil did as he was told, he rolled his sleeve up and got into the chair, putting his arm on the provided rest with his palm facing up. 
The demon smiles as he grabs the stencil “I didn’t even have to tell you to do that, are you positive you didn’t get mind reading with your vampirism?”  He jokes as he carefully applies the stencil, so the sprouts began at the wrist and the fully bloomed flowers mixed with skulls end at just below the shoulder.
Emil gave a nervous laugh “I’m positive. I just know how you like things.” 
Tael carefully peels off the stencil paper to make sure it properly transferred “You’re always so good for that. Remembering preferences and what you’re told, even if sometimes you need a little refresher.” he praised before getting up to go get a light so he could see the purple stencil easier.
The vampire watched him move, remaining silent as he tried to prepare himself for what was about to come. He tried to just focus on Tael to prevent himself from looking back at the silver needles that were attached to the machine.
The few moments it took Tael to set up the light and return to his chair felt closer to half an hour for Emil. 
The buzz of the tattoo machine snapped him back to reality as the demon beside him smiles “Let's get started!”
The pain at first was bearable, nothing more than feeling like repeating cat scratches as the needles dug into his skin. By time Tael had finished the first sprout, the silver started to burn at Emil’s skin. 
Tael didn’t notice as Emil balled his free hand into a fist and looked away for any distraction away from being tattooed and burned simultaneously, instead he was focused on making sure the thin lines were just right.
It was easy for him to just get lost in the long smooth curved lines, the vibration of the tattoo machine and needing to use his other hand to stretch the skin or to wipe it down with a paper towel were the main things that kept him grounded. 
By now he was used to the smell of burning flesh as the silver burnt Emil further and the wipe of the paper towel aggravated the fresh wounds even further. The vampire’s failed attempts of holding back whimpers and whines of pain paired with the buzz of the machine were like music to his ears.  The small twitches in his arm were lost among this symphony to Tael’s senses.
As he worked further up Emil’s forearm, the whimpers and whines turned into muffled crying as the pain grew worse for the vampire. He moves the machine to draw a petal of one of the flowers, dipping into the inner elbow.
Emil had tried to be good, he had tried to be as quiet as he could and not move so as to not disrupt or anger Tael. He had even resorted to biting on his own free hand to muffle any sobs that escaped his throat. But as the needles dipped into his inner elbow, pain shot up through his arm, causing him to loudly yelp and yank his arm away. Which causes Tael to make a long, unplanned, unworkable, white line.
With the exception of the tattoo machine’s buzzing, the shop grew silent. Tension laid heavy in the air. 
Upon realizing what he had just done, Emil was the first to speak “Tael, maybe we should just leave the rest for tomorrow!” Internally he prayed the demon somehow didn’t notice the accidental line. “You’ve already worked for so long today and I would hate if you pushed yourself too far!” he attempted to reason, to bargain. “We can start bright and early tomo-”
Emil was cut off as Tael stood up, turning the machine off and placing it down. 
The demon walked away, going to a side room without saying a word. 
Emil fully sat up as the other left “Is.. Is that a yes?” He called out, fear lacing his voice. 
No response other than the sound of things being moved around. 
Tael soon returned, carrying a small box. A box Emil knew all too well, as it held the silver cuffs that sometimes had to be used to restrain him. 
The vampire’s eyes widened as he started to shift as if trying to get out of the chair he was currently in as the demon stepped closer, shifting the box into one arm “Tael? Let’s think about this! It was a honest mista-”
His pleas get cut off by Tael grabbing him by the throat and shoving him back down into the chair. “Emil. Remember how I said sometimes your memory needs a little refresher?”
A barely audible ‘mhm’
Tael only lets go of him to reach down into the box and pull out the silver restraint for the vampire’s neck. “It seems you need a refresher on just how much I hate my work being interrupted. Let alone Ruined.” he wasted no time clamping the restraint around Emil’s neck and to the chair, an audible click rang out as it locked shut.
He forced the vampire’s arms down, restraining one to the side of the chair and the other to the arm rest so he could continue working on it. Ignoring the audible sizzle from his neck and now wrists.
He drops the box with the remaining restraints before returning back to his stool to sit back down. “If you move too much I’ll put the rest on you.” He threatened.  The demon switches the machine back on “I don’t care how much you cry or beg, I am finishing this today.” He adjusts himself so he can continue working, but before he places the needle back down on Emil’s skin, he glares up at him. “If I don’t like how it comes out, I will keep doing it as many times as I need to until it turns out right.”
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star-shooters · 2 years
Old Art of Star Shooters
I recently cleaned my DeviantArt, GoldStarProduction, of all of my art since 2013 and found a lot of good art. I haven't gotten around to making new art that I am confident in sharing yet. So, I will post the digital art of some of the characters within Star Shooters.
I constantly altered between a cute simplified design to a more detailed and realistic one. I am still working on what style to draw these characters in, and some characters don't have a design yet. So far, all the art I have is old designs of the characters and do not reflect who they are in the current version of my story.
Apologies for any watermarks shown below. The old tablet that I used to draw with doesn't support the art app I once used.
Left: Gold Gemitaurus and Silver Kentaurus-Sirius | Right: A more recent drawing of Gold Gemitaurus
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I originally had the idea that their cores, souls, would float above their heads. Now their cores are inside their bodies. Gold had an antenna instead of a horn and Silver was always sad.
Compared to the rest of the crew, I found myself constantly drawing Gold. This was also my attempt to make a drawn model of Gold when I was messing around with Blender. I haven't gotten around to fixing my old laptop, it was misplaced sometime before the break.
Gold Gemitaurus and Copper Cephei:
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I didn't know what I was doing when outlining these characters. There was just a black outline with inside lines being darker than the color inside. I also had a thing for black belts or rings/bands on characters too.
Left: Ube Cephei-Sirius | Right: An older version of Ube Cephei-Sirius with Lumens, late-spirits of young Stars or Stellars
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I had trouble choosing colors for Ube, either having a vibrant purple or a dull purple. So far, I had stuck with the more vibrant shade of purple.
Bone Aratumi:
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I don't think I ever got around to digitally drawing Bone Aratumi. This is the most recent drawing I have made. He is similar enough to Gold's brother, Bone Gemitaurus. Bone Gemitaurus is the same type of Star, just with different tattoos and other physical differences.
Left: Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus | Right: A more recent sketch of Ube Cephei-Sirius and Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus
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Yellow was very hard to draw in other poses, her hair was something that changed a lot before I got the hang of it. I did have a different type of hairstyle for her but I can't find the sketches. Perhaps at a later time.
Left: Lapis Asclepius | Right: Ube Cephei-Sirius and Lapis Asclepius
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Lapis was the least character I drew, along with Bone Aratumi. I do plan to majorly redesign her along with everyone else.
Lavender Pink Veloctan:
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Excuse the misspell, I was too interested in drawing and designing. But this was the only drawing I had of Lavender Pink, originally named Lavender Magenta. They'll have a major redesign as well, I am not happy with their hair and body proportions.
I never designed Sky Microscopium, despite describing its appearance in my senior thesis creative writing piece. Sky will be designed as well; I'll have to force my Chromebook to work with me.
I will have sketches of all the characters when I get the chance. I am open to any feedback so please tell me any suggestions, questions, or anything else.
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crrps3t · 2 days
Millennials and gen X parents are failing
Now this is mainly about my parents and how they've raised my siblings and me. When I was either 8 or 9, I got my first iPad; it was my mom's old one she used for school at the time, and she knew I wanted to play games on it like all my other friends at school. Now,  when she gave it to me, I got the typical "Don't talk to strangers" lecture, but that was about it. She never bothered to check it or anything. Now for the most part I did play games on it, normal things, but then one day I looked up girls kissing on Google like every queer kid did at the time and went down a rabbit hole. I eventually developed a porn addiction a few months after she gave me that tablet. 
At 10, she gave me my first phone, a shitty, hand-me-down Android. For the first few weeks I did my normal stuff, such as watch YouTube, watch Lesbo porn, and eventually got into Creepypasta. It all went downhill after that. At age 11, the good year of 2015, I got into creepypasta, Undertale, being constantly groomed, sending nudes to men between the ages of 19 and 73, cutting myself, and getting deeper into my porn addiction. I just became an absolute mess; at 13, I was starting to sell my nudes and even call these men, whom they would pay me for, developing binge eating disorder to cope with how shitty I felt. And despite my mother and father catching me multiple times talking to these men and doing these things, the most they did was take away my phone for a few days. Nothing was really done about it, so now I'm some hypersexual C-PTSD trauma-filled 17-year-old that has paranoid delusions, and it doesn't help that my mom is bipolar, my bio-dad has NPD, and that schizophrenia runs in the family as well. Of course there were other things going on in life, but I do think being consistently online during those years was not helping. 
So with all of this, you would think that maybe my mom would be a little more careful when it comes to exposing her kids to the internet, right? WRONG!! She's gotten worse. She doesn't even have a real excuse this time; she's in a loving and healthy relationship with my stepdad; there's no reason for her kids to be stuck to a screen to be 'distracted' anymore. 
I have two younger siblings, L and R. I absolutely adore them, but they're so cooked. R is 9 years old, and since BIRTH has been stuck to a phone or iPad, at least I got some childhood memories not centered around a screen. She's nine and twerks, is worried about her skincare, hates having body hair, curses, makes sex jokes with her other little friends, talks about wanting an older boyfriend to take care of her, feels like shes fat even though shes around 75-80lbs (34-36kg), is worried about being flat chested and wants to stuff her bra, and wears WAY to reveling clothing while doing tiktok dances with her friends. SHES 9 LIKE YEAH, I WAS FUCKED TOO, BUT ALSO, I WAS STILL MORE OF A LITTLE KID THAN HER!!! 
My brother, who is 7, L, is mentally disabled along with being deaf for most of his life so far. We finally just got his ears done so he can 100% hear now. HOWEVER, just like R, a screen was shoved in his face the moment my parents could do it. He can hardly talk, which is expected, but he still had about 80% of his hearing since he was 5. Instead of my parents sitting down with him and trying to teach him how to read, write, talk, learn his colors, or any actual life skills, they SCREAM at him and then tell him to watch TV. Because they don't want to deal with him. I have so many memories of my brother trying to simply find comfort in my mother, but instead she screams (and I mean screaming) at him to "Shut the fuck up!" and locks herself in the bathroom to smoke weed for hours. My father isn't much better. I love him; don't get me wrong. He was there when my biological father wasn't. SD (stepdad) will always be my father, but he's just as guilty as my mother. He doesn't yell or scream like my mom, but when my brother is struggling to understand or say something, he gets frustrated and grabs him by the ears, shaking his head while my brother cries at him to stop while degrading him, calling him things like dumbass, dipshit, retard, stupid, or any degrading name like that in the book. Then proceed to shove his face in a screen so they don't have to deal with him. 
Now you might be thinking, "Crrps3t, what does all of this have to do with millennials or Gen X? This is just you bitching about your parents."
Well, glad you asked! Because parents will do this to their kids and then proceed to question why their young kids are acting like this. Why their children are mentally behind, why their kids are having behavior issues, why their kids are acting like misbehaving teenagers rather than little kids. Because instead of actually interacting with their kids, they shove a screen in their faces without any restrictions or monitoring. This isn't just Gen Alpha or Gen X; it's also Gen Z. We were exposed to such horrific things, and look how the majority of us turned out. NOT THAT GREAT! 
No matter how much I explain this to my parents, they don't care. My father pretends to and claims he'll try and figure something out but never does, and my mom claims that I was perfectly fine on the internet and that I'm just some fun hating Nazis and how my kids are going to despise me in the future because I won't allow them unmonitored on the internet at a young age. 
I'm just so upset at the older generational parents and their obvious neglect with their kids, then proceed to blame everyone but themselves or just completely ignore the situation. 
I love my siblings; I love them to death. I love tucking them in at night, playing with my sister, playing roblox with them, playing tag, and making them food whenever they're hungry. 
But I won't be surprised if they end up fucked up, failed, and left behind in the future. I only have 9 months to teach them how to properly act before I'm sent away, and my schedule is already packed, so I don't know what to do. Because my mom and dad won't act like parents when it's inconvenient to them, I have to.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Oohh hi! Gossip Girl here!🥰 Ok I typed this up earlier and then got distracted and forgot to actually send it as an ask😂 The downside of typing in notes and getting distracted😂
but hi!:) I've been good! I get to fly and see my family tomorrow so that's exciting! (Plus no school!) 😂 I really want to try and get more of a story done but I also don't know if that'll happen 😂 I'm very excited to see my sister!!
And yes you do a very good job at pulling my emotions for all the stories of yours I read!❤️❤️
Lol, it's totally fine if the previous messages are still saved and stuff! I'll be around for a while so take all the time you need! 😂😂 🥰 (Plus I think I rambled a bit so they were a tad long 😅 oops)
I usually type stuff in my notes and then look up a word counter online and try to like manually edit it😂 I should probably start using work to make sure it's better though. I'll like post something and then realize a few days later autocorrect/auto finish screwed me over changed a word slightly without me realizing and then it bugs me😂 I really just want to go through and like re-edit everything to make it right but idk how long that would take😂 But I like using the Notes for writing though because I can like quickly send it to my IPad where I usually edit and finish formatting stuff😂 Plus I'm scared of typing something long up and then like word or tumblr loses it too😭😭 It's happened on both before and sometimes on Word I can recover it but usually it doesn't work to well because I forget to save often enough😂
And ooohhh can I ask where you're going for the weekend? Is it for fun plans!:)
And yeah!! I'm glad you've got good weather!! It also just got a bit colder for me here in Florida but it's still relatively sunny which is nicer! When it gets to be chillier I like it because it gives me an excuse to bundle up in fun sweatshirts and beanies😂
But I think that's all I got for now! You're amazing!!!🥰🥰🥰
Hey GG!
Just a little heads up 😊 my main account got banned (I know it’s so annoying and it makes no sense) but in the mean time I created a side account -I can still get messages in my inbox so we’re good there.
Oh, I hope you’re enjoying your family time a lot!!! Haha it’s okay, if you can, work on that story but also I hope you get to make the most out of your time with your sister 💖
Thank you so so much!! This is the best compliment a writer can get ✨♥️
Yeah I have them! I wanted to answer them earlier, buuut I got my account banned 😔 so I took a couple of days off - I was feeling down about it. But it’s all good now. Nah, you didn’t rambled, your messages makes me smile plus we don’t have words limitations so that’s good!
It’s so annoying to mess up with a word and noticing so late about it 😂 I recently downloaded wpswriter for a tablet because I won’t be able to have access to my laptop and I needed it to edit the stories, correct grammar mistakes and such, there’s a free version and it’s practically a word (copy paste!) you can even save on the internal cloud your document so for anyone without a laptop access this is also a good option on the go, it also has spreadsheets and presentations option 🙂 but yeah, agree on the notes they’re lifesaver !! Oh but word has the unsaved document options, in case you really need something there must be a tutorial to recover those…
Yeah my brother is attending the F1 during the weekend so I’m puppysitting their dog 🥰
Tumblr media
Weather is weird haha yesterday was so hot I even went to get some ice cream 🍦 but then I have to get a sweater or something at night, anyways I hope you get lots of sunny days but chilly enough for a sweatshirt:)
Have a lovely Sunday! You’re amazing as well!! ✨x
0 notes
britishassistant · 3 years
I wonder what the supervillains (the dorm leaders) would do if they get switched with their other self in Twisted Wonderland.
They'll meet a younger Yuu calls them senpai and probably get shivers when they hear someone shout Prefect but then realize its Yuu's role in that world.
Bonus would be if Yuuken's there too, sharing the dorm with Yuu.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
I decided to take a little inspo from my Villainous Paranoiac series for this one! Not a whole lot, but the idea of Twisted Wonderland Yuu being put in the infirmary after the events of Chapter Five!
(Also consider it non-canon, since it kinda involves everyone’s identities being exposed!)
Basically imagine that the supervillains find themselves in what looks like a private school infirmary, late at night. The air is buzzing with a strange energy, almost like the powers back in their home world, but...different, somehow.
The room nearly empty, save for one occupant in a cot close to the door.
Poison Queen and King immediately begin bickering over whose fault this mess is, while Royal Flush tries to get them to keep their voices down or else they’ll be detected. Charon is half a minute from going to curl up in a corner, clutching his freeze ray like a lifeline, while Octo Dealer and Snake Charmer are busy inspecting their surroundings for anything of value or that can be requisitioned into a weapon on short notice.
Tsunotaro has wandered over to inspect the sole other living being in the room with them.
He is pleasantly surprised to see what looks like a younger version of the reporter he’s so fond of, fast asleep in the infirmary cot. Their cheeks still retain the last bit of baby fat from childhood, and there’s some acne left that will fade with age. He may give one cheek a gentle poke, just to satisfy his curiosity. The sleepy mumble they let out is a little more high pitched than normal, but that’s the reporter’s voice alright.
He is less pleased to see dark circles under their eyes, or the bandages around their throat that stink of medicinal salves. If this truly is a younger version of his child of man, then why do they look so worried, even in sleep? Why are they injured and sleeping in this place of healing in the first place? They’re a mere child, barely old enough to operate a vehicle or live alone. Their only worries should be trivial things, not whatever is causing this furrow in their brow and hunch in their shoulders.
The other supervillains have begun to migrate over to where Tsunotaro is crouching in silent contemplation. King flips his eyepatch up to get a better look, whistling lowly. Octo Dealer busies himself with refilling their water glass, sneaking glances at them as he places it within easy reach. Snake Charmer pulls their pillow more under their head from where it’s almost slipped off. Poison Queen straightens the arrangement of the very tasteful bouquet on the bedside table, so the flowers’ best angle is shown to the bed’s occupant. Royal Flush carefully tucks their covers in over them.
Charon takes a picture with his tablet.
He forgot to turn off his flash.
Yuu cracks their eyes open...
To see seven adults looming over their bed in masks that resemble the ink from the overblots that haunt the Prefect’s nightmares.
Cue terrified screaming.
Snake Charmer lunges forward instinctively to cover Yuu’s mouth—
It’s only thanks to Poison Queen yanking him back that he doesn’t end up with an arrow in the shoulder.
Several more follow the first one through the window above the prefect’s cot, cold iron sharp and perfectly aimed to seriously maim if the supervillains don’t immediately get away from the screaming teenager. Rook was lax in protecting the Trickster after VDC ended, assuming there was no more danger after Roi du Poison’s overblot was saved. He will not make that mistake again.
The infirmary doors burst open, a younger Yuuken in a sleep-rumpled uniform barging in from where he decided to sleep outside because Ramshackle felt too empty and quiet to bear, but was forbidden from staying in the infirmary himself. He only has a pillow, but he brandishes it at the strange adults, fully willing to defend his dorm mate in whatever way he can.
The vanguard appears in a flurry of bats though, too many to fight off, small and vicious and furious. Their commander materializes in the center if the swarm, hovering over the head of Yuu’s cot, pink eyes brimming with a cold rage that makes his small and cute form look like it’s bursting at the seams holding something much older and angrier back. He opens his mouth, fangs long and glistening—
Only to stop short at the sight of one of the supervillains. “Malleus? Malleus Draconia?”
Tsunotaro nods warily.
“Wh-What in Twisted Wonderland are you wearing??”
Tsunotaro ducks his head like a chastened child. “I could say the same thing.” He mutters sullenly.
From there the lights get turned on, and the seven supervillains are made to explain themselves to the sleep-deprived students and staff who trickle in to see what’s going on. All six dorm leaders and one vice dorm leader vanished from their beds, setting everyone on high alert until news of these...alternate versions spread.
It is very weird for the supervillains to see all their minions as teenagers (again in some cases). It is only surpassed by how weird it is for everyone else to see their dorm heads and vice head all grown up and adult, even if they are dressed weird.
Ortho still wants to shoot them with a beam until they bring back his nii-san. Luckily Charon is able to convince him that Idia should be fine if he’s in Charon’s lair—he’s got plenty of the latest games, manga and tech for him to play with, so that should keep him occupied for a while.
Sebek is in a state of Malleus awe. He has shut down and will not restart. Silver has taken to pinching himself just to make sure this isn’t a Lilia’s cooking induced fever dream, while Lilia himself scolds Tsunotaro that he raised him better than to go around watching people sleep like that! Tsunotaro tries to use the “but I’m a supervillain” excuse, only for Lilia to shoot back “and I’m a war criminal in some nations, what’s your point?”
King is enjoying watching the overgrown lizard get scolded. Now if only the tiny Ruggie would stop asking him what injury the eyepatch is for, and making remarks about how embarrassing it would be if it were totally pointless—King does not pay his adult self so much to put up with this shit. The baby Jack also needs to stop demanding to know if his adult minion self can pull a sled faster than a moose or something...
Jade and Floyd are attempting to wind up the adult Octo Dealer, trying to see how much they can get away with compared with the normal Azul. Octo Dealer is legitimately at a loss as to how this world’s Azul doesn’t keep them in line without letting them turn to a crime or two. Then he learns about Azul’s contract business and feels a pang of commiseration and understanding.
Poison Queen, Royal Flush, and Snake Charmer are unpleasantly shocked when their dorms address them by their respective secret identities in front of their fellow supervillains out of the blue.
Poison Queen has to put up with King’s uncontrolled laughter as he finally understands the full extent of the incident with White Neige so long ago, while Tsunotaro tries to tell him he liked Schoenheit in his role as the evil dragon prince in the GaoGao dramatization. Royal Flush is about two seconds away from throttling Octo Dealer if the bastard doesn’t stop trying to make a deal to guarantee his mother doesn’t learn about her son’s private activities. Snake Charmer’s just glad his civilian identity flies under the radar enough that Charon has to try and look him up to understand who he is (and fails because he’s not on school wifi and his cellular data is bust).
Poison Queen is also getting a headache from Rook rhapsodizing about how his villain form is another, enhanced mode of beauty he is fortunate to lay eyes upon, as if he hadn’t been willing to skewer Poison Queen along with the rest of the supervillains five minutes ago. He’s at least able to amuse himself by letting Epel run away with his speculations about how he’s the buff hyper-masculine muscle for Poison Queen.
Kalim is crying that Jamil had to resort to becoming a villain in his home world! He must be so sad if he has to do that! He’s mildly cheered up when Snake Charmer tells him they work together on schemes, and that Snake Charmer is actually reasonably happy with his chosen vocation—and then he begins panicking that Jamil will like that world so much, he won’t want to come back.
Royal Flush is glad his counterpart at least has good people around to look after him, even if it is odd to have young versions of Trey and Cater trying to mother hen him despite the fact that he’s the older one now. At least Ace and Deuce acting up seems more fitting now considering their age than it ever did on their adult selves.
Ace huffs a sigh and leans on Yuu’s shoulder. “This is a mess, huh Prefect?”
“You said it.” Yuu replies. “I just wanna sleep forever.”
The supervillains go still.
“I’m sorry,” Snake Charmer says carefully. “But isn’t Enma-san the Prefect?”
“No?” Yuuken replies, confused. “Yuu’s the prefect of Ramshackle Dorm. I’m their vice— or would be, if we had any other students apart from them, me, and Grim.”
Octo Dealer laughs, sounding slightly strained. “Ah, apologies, but you see, that isn’t possible. It can’t be. Yuu isn’t—”
“But I am the prefect, Azul-senpai.” Yuu the Prefect says. “I’ve–I’ve always been the prefect.”
There’s a stunned silence.
Royal Flush places his head in his hands. “What the fuck.”
Back in the Supervillain AU universe, Yuu the Reporter sneezes sharply while trying to wrangle five frightened teenagers, one frightened-but-playing-tough twenty year old, and one confused however-old-he-is-but-younger-than-Tsunotaro fae.
They wonder what the chill down their spine is.
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swtki · 3 years
My Game - Spencer Reid x Reader
This is a part 2 to Teachers Pet
SUMMARY: After Y/Ns little test, she takes Dr. Reid up on his offer. She also takes him back to the apartment. 
It had been three days since Dr. Reid emailed me. I hadn’t texted him yet, too afraid of not knowing what to say. When I pulled that little stunt at his desk, I expected nothing to come of it. Just seeing his cute and pink face was enough of a reward. But it was obvious to me in the days following, he wanted to cross his finish line.
My phone sat comfortably in my hands, the series of numbers lining the top of my screen. I had not an inkling of an idea of what I would say. Should I go casual? Professional? Sexy? I mean, did anyone ever know how to aproach their crush?
Y: It’s Y/N, sorry I took so long. I’ve been kinda busy.
S: No worries, I was beginning to think I had read the room incorrectly. What are your plans for Saturday night? Theres a great Italian restaurant next to where I’m staying in DC.
Y: That sounds wonderful, actually. I’ll meet you there at 7?
S: Perfect.
I reluctantly pulled my figure from the sofa, and soon eagerly jumping into the shower. When the water hit my face the entire day melted away, and left only the anticipation of that night. I felt so special, I mean I was living my most vivid fantasies and not every woman gets to do it with a genius professor.
With my makeup carefully applied, and my dress matching my shoes, I started down the stairs. As my heels made a clicking noise, I started to feel a familiar flutter in my stomach. I was nervous; First date nervous. Though I had met him many times, and most recently met his body with mine, the event of a first date was a pâté of emotions.
The door of the restaurant was cold against my hand. I didn’t expect a high end dining experience, and when I walked in the entry way I was glad it wasn’t. The entry way was filled with cozy items. The faded rose pattern on the wallpaper complimented the display of family photos.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a tall brunette man, it was a table for two.” I said to the hostess. She paused for a second, tapping on her tablet as she checks the current table descriptions.
“Ah yes, party of two for Reid?”
I confirmed and she led me through a hallway to our left, which led into a small dining area. The room walls were a burgundy color, illuminated by the candle sitting at the head of each table.
I thanked the woman as I walked toward Spencer. He looked a tad bit cleaner than usual, his hair was combed and tucked away behind his ears.
“Oh, here let me get that for you.” He rose from his seat and rushed over to the chair across from him.
“How gentleman like, Doctor.” He laughed and we both took our seats.
“Please, call me Spencer.” His form was more relaxed than it usually was in class, giving him a calmer and peaceful demeanor.
Dinner progressed, a glass of wine was nursed, and he insisted on paying our check. Though I had been on dates before, this felt like my first real adult date.
“How did you get here?” He inquired as we stepped onto the rough parking lot terrain.
“I took a cab, I’m thinking I may catch the train though.” I said. His mouth spread into a displeased expression.
“Nonsense, please let me drive you home. I would hate for those statistics we learned last week be applied in this manor.” I laughed and rolled my eyes. I hesitated to answer for a moment, instinctually I looked down and shifted my weight on my feet. The thought of him driving me home could end up in a number of ways; Mostly good. But, if I did take the train, it would end in a few ways; Mostly unmentionable.
“Alright, since you asked nicely.” His cheeks grew red as he avoided eye contact with me. I knew right then where our night would likely head.
“Would you like to come up? We can have a drink if you aren’t hell-bent on going to sleep before nine-thirty.” I joked with him.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to feel forced into anything because I know that theres a certain expectation when-“
“Spencer, if I didn’t want to fuck you, I wouldn’t have asked you up.”
Sure, having to say it in blatant terms is less than sexy, but thats what I adored about our dynamic at that point; I led the relationship.
I leaned into my fridge, purposefully bending over so my skirt lifted to show my ass.
“Well...fuck,” I said, “As it would turn out, someone stole my wine bottle and filled my fucking vodka bottle with water.” I stood up and shut the door, walking over to the counter inches away.
“One time I took the drink turn when it came to our friend-team-dinner-night, the bottle was forty dollars, which granted is the cheap wine more or less. To this day I still have no idea who stole the bottle, because I wanted to take it home.” Spencer reminisced. I laughed at his unusual way of trying to understand.
“Wasn’t really mine to begin with,” I started walking over to the sofa where he patiently sat. “I’m not of legal drinking age. But of course it tastes better when its forbidden, everything does.” I stepped in front of the man, his knees only an inch from my shin. "Can I touch you, Spencer?” I said in a soft voice, the lids of my eyes relaxed in a sweet shift.
“Y-yes.” He gasped, obviously so turned on by the way I stood over him, in power of him. I threaded his hair through my fingers and tugged back, pushing his head as far up as I could. His eyelids fell and he was no longer looking at me.
“Look at me, sweetheart. I want you to see everything.” He opened his eyes, his irises were colored with lust and desperation. I connected our lips in a long a sweet kiss. Rather than just having a mess of tongues, the kiss was filled to the brim with emotion, of pleasure that this was happening again. His lips were slightly swollen when I pulled away to unbutton his shirt. While I fiddled with the garment, he put his hands on my hips firmly.
“Can I- can you sit on my lap?” he asked, a red tint forming on his face. I smiled and obliged, sliding his shirt off of his lean torso. I started kissing him once more, this time I made sure to press my dripping panties against the large tent in his trousers.
“Would you like to take this to the bedroom?” I ask,hands resting comfortably on his neck.
“Please”, I stood and laced our hands together, leading him to my bedroom. Once we both entered through the doorway, I pushed him onto the bed, he fell softly.
I reached my hands behind my back to unzip my dress, as I felt it fall past my legs and onto the floor, I saw his eyes scan every detail of my body.
“One might say you were planning this.” He eyed my matching lace set.
“Wanted to make sure Spencer Reid had the best.” I replied, climbing on top of him so that I would be straddling him. I felt his hands connect to my waist as we kissed, his hands were warm and excited me even more. He pulled away, quickly pressing his lips to my neck and collarbone. My breath hitched in my throat as he bit down lightly on the skin. “Lets get these off, shall we?” I motioned to his pants, which had to be killing him right now. While he does that, I reach into my drawer and retrieve a condom, laying against the plush material of my pillows after I set it down on the table.
He gets on top of me , pressing his lips with mine as he rubs the back of my bra, signaling he wants me to take it off. I ,of course, reach back and unhook it, tossing it onto the floor. He grabs my tit while dancing his tongue with mine, making me more wet than I thought was possible. Usually, these actions signified a need for control, but when Spencer did it, it was like a desperate sixteen year old boy. Its clear he needed me.
“Can I...” he nods down to my cunt, still covered by the thin material of my panties.
“Can you what, Spencer?” I lace my fingers in his hair and pull, earning a soft groan from the man hovering over me.
“Can I please eat you out?” He begged. I smiled and pushed his head down, spreading my legs when his face met my stomach. He started by taking his thumb and rubbing over my clothed pussy. I bucked my hips, desperate for more friction. “Is it okay for me to take these off?” His eyes met mine, searching for confirmation. I smiled and nodded, moving my hands to stroke his hair rather than tug at it.
As his fingers latched onto the last piece of fabric that covered me, instinctually I pushed my hips upwards. He looked at me, silently asking if taking the garment off was still okay. When I bit my lip, a rose hue covered his face. He was flustered by me, by the escalation of us. But nevertheless, he slowly pulled off the last piece of modesty I had.
To re-assure him, I lightly tugged at his hair. Thankfully, he took the hint and licked a long stripe on my clit. My voice was caught in my throat as he continued making flat-tongued movements. I felt his hands slowly wrap around my thighs, pushing my heat into his face more than it already was.
He devoured me without hesitation, but when he pulled away for air he replaced it with two fingers and then when my stomach tensed and my eyes rolled back into my head, he used three. I finished with his mouth sucking on my bundle of nerves and his fingers buried inside me.
“Do you want to keep going?” He raised his head up and his thumb stroked my thigh, which he was still grasped onto.
“Yes, God yes please, Spencer.” I whined, the high fading away. He stood up off the bed and removed his strained boxers. He was beautiful; His lanky form was now a lean masculine type. I smiled at him, to which he obviously thought he was being laughed at. He couldn’t make eye contact with me, resulting to the floor instead. “Spencer,” I crawled towards the edge of my bed and placed my hands on his shoulders, “You are so gorgeous, the reason I’m smiling is because you always hide it in those sweater vests.” he relaxed.
“Thanks” he mumbles, still avoiding my eyes.
“Now please, come back here and let me take care of you.” He climbed back onto the bed while I rested against the pillows. He was nervous, and obviously he wanted to do it right. I could see his hands shaking as he unwrapped the condom and put it on.
“You’re sure?” He asks, the tip of his cock resting on the top of my inner thigh. He was easily six inches, my hand could probably wrap around and be too small.
“Yes, please fuck me.” He slowly inserted himself into my dripping cunt, causing me to let out a lewd string of words. Once again, my hands flung to his hair and tugged harshly, causing his arms to almost buckle beneath his own weight. I could feel his pelvis against mine, his muscular bottom torso pressed up against my clit. “Move, baby, its okay.” I reassure him. His hips pull away from mine, then snap back with a nice pressure. He quickly started to pick up his pace, small grunts escaping through his clenched jaw. “Do you like the feeling of your pathetic little cock inside my cunt? I bet you feel like a special little bitch now.” I moaned into his ear. “Well, are you going to tell me how much you enjoy my cunt?”.
“God, yes! I love it so fucking-“ his moan paused the sentence and he focused on getting his movements right.
“So fucking what? Go on, finish the sentence baby.”
“So fucking good, I love being inside of you so much!” He was practically whimpering in pleasure.
“Be a good boy and make me cum all over that pretty little cock of yours?” I struggled to contain my moans, I could not fall apart this quickly.
“Yes I will!” His fingers reached down to rub my clit, impressively keeping a steady rhythm. I felt the knot in my stomach becoming hotter and hotter as the minutes passed by.
“Oh my god, such a good- oh my god!” my eyes rolled back into my head as the impact of my orgasm was full forced. When my head cleared, I tugged on his hair, pulling his head so he could look me in the eye. “Gonna cum soon? Are you going to cum all inside of me?” his thrusts got off beat, he was close.
“Yes, I’m gonna-“
“Ask permission to cum, Spencer.”
“Can I please cum inside of you? Please?” He whines.
“Of course you can, baby.” With that he makes a strained moaning noise and his hips slowly stop moving. We’re both panting, while he flushes the condom I walk into the bathroom next to him. I turn to the shower and twist the hot water knob.
“We might as well get clean together, yeah?” I said.
“Yeah.” he smiles and kisses me once more.
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badboyfriends · 3 years
Bets Against The Void c7
ok i really like validation so its back again this week
crossposted on ao3
Whitelist AU by @petrichormeraki​
next chapter
last chapter
first chapter
They never quite fell back to sleep.
It took only three hours for them to start rolling out of their makeshift bed, and back to scrambling around the hobbit hole and making the most of the resources.
The two teens didn’t really talk, after how their last conversation finished.
Tommy peaked down into what looked like a not-so-hidden stripmine, before Tubbo’s head perked up.
“Someone’s at the door,” The brunett chimed, carefully striding their way over.
It was once again Grian, with a shulkerbox in tow.
“Sorry to bother you guys again,” Grian gave a sheepish wave while balancing the box against one arm and his chest. “I remembered last night that I didn’t leave any cooking supplies, or open up where the kitchen is.”
“It’s not just you,” Tommy decided to add, turning back towards where the entrance was. “That fuckin’ bird showed up again this mornin’. Woke us up.”
At that, Grian groaned. “Yeah..He does his own thing in the early mornings and at night. The hobbithole was basically his house. I’ll enclose him tonight, sorry for that.”
Moving the box under an arm, Grian tilted his head. “Can I go back and show you where the kitchen’s hidden?”
Tommy merely raised a brow. “It’s your house, ain’t it, dickhead?”
Tubbo lightly jabbed Tommy’s side.
“I made it, yeah, but you two are staying in it. As long as you’d like it, it’s yours and I won't come in without your explicit permission.”
With a second of baffled confusion, Tubbo cleared their throat and nodded.
“Yeah! Uh. Come in, I guess..?”
It took only a few minutes for Grian to expose the tucked away room by the super smelter setup Tubbo and Tommy were yet to investigate.
“I didn’t feel like decorating a kitchen since I already had so many plans with my megabase..If I had it my way I wouldn’t have made a kitchen at all, but the Jungle Gang of Hermits would’ve been severely disappointed if I was only having menu-crafted food.” He’d casually explain, pulling out a paper towel roll from the shulkerbox as he swiped down the tops and barren counters.
“How many Hermits are in the jungle?” Tubbo asked, brows furrowed. Their tablet’s visual narration was muted, as it repeatedly described Grian wiping off the dust from the counters.
“Ehh..Five? Including me? There’s also Ren, but he’s right on the edge, down in a masa. Beautiful setup he’s got going on.” He’d breezily explain.
Nodding along, Tommy glanced around the room.
“This is cool ‘n all but we don’t have to use this space. You left.. Shitloads of stuff, in the chests.” The blond had pointed out, turning back towards Grian.
With a shrug, Grian hummed dismissively. “Real food’s a much better idea, and i’m fairly certain steak’s most of what I got left, down here. Maybe for dinner but..Not really for breakfast, or anything.”
Tubbo shrugged. “Fair enough, yeah..We don’t exactly..Cook much? I mean- I know I certainly haven’t had the time to get much in me, other than coffee.” 
“Ooh, yeah, definitely a good traditional-prepped item.. Other than tea on occasion, I don't tend to stray from crafted food. Even on the days I sit down and eat it like a proper meal.” Grian nodded along, glancing off as he dropped the paper towels he had been using to clean into a little bin.
Tommy sighed, leaning against the wall. His head was pounding from the lack of sleep. “What’s the d-”
He was cut off  by a not-so-distant firework bang.
Tubbo flinched and ducked their head down, throwing their arms over their head. Tommy, on the otherhand, lowered to the ground, eyes sealed shut with his hands slammed against his ears.
“Hey! Hey, it’s okay, they’re duds, they’re fireworks! No firework stars, either, just a puff of smoke. You’re both okay. You’re in the hobbit hole. It’s fine, everything’s good.” Grian hushed, giving exaggerated movements as he demonstrated slow breathing.
The blond boy growled, turning to snap at Grian- “We’re not babies!  We’re fine.”
Grian nodded, stepping back to give them both more space. “Okay. It’s okay. And it’s alright if it’s not okay. That was probably just Scar. He’s gonna be in and out of there. He’s the closest neighbor.” He had calmly explained to the pair.
Tubbo had deflated, taking a breath. “Thank you. Sorry. Uh. Y-Yeah.” They nodded numbly.
Tommy raised, folded his arms and didn’t meet the gaze of Grian. His face was twisted as he glared down at the floor. He felt weak.
Taking a small breath, Grian tentatively stepped back towards the door. “I’m going to head out and let you guys cool down, okay? You’re both free to go anywhere you want.”
With that, he departed, leaving the two teens alone.
A brief, tense silence fell between them.
“..That was fucking stupid.” Tommy scoffed.
Tubbo’s brows furrowed, turning towards him.
 “Excuse you?” They spoke, voice edging towards accusatory.
“They’re gonna fuckin’ think we’re weak, Tubbo-”
“I’m sorry that i’m not a fan of explosions! Yeah- that- that one’s my bad, Tommy.” Tubbo growled, going to step away.
Tommy grabbed their arm with a loose grip. “That doesn't matter, Tubbo, we’re- we’re supposed to be able to do better than that! We look like kids to him. We look like cowards-”
“I’m not a coward, Tommy! Oh, void, can’t you just drop it?” They hissed out, yanking their arm free.
“For the love of Prime- Tubbo. Tubbo, I'm not mad at you! So I need you not to be mad at me-”
“Too late for that!” They spat, rushing themself out the door with a slam.
Left behind was Tommy, tense and red in the face with a growing pit of guilt.
The people slowly started to pour back into the server. With everything going as expected, the admin breezily flicked and dismissed his communication screen, leaning back as he rested atop the incomprehensible mess of community chests.
Frequent pings and beeps ran through his ears as the comms went off, mixed with alerts and chatting as people settled back down.
He hadn’t bothered to check the messages until an hour in, when a high-pitched chirp emitted. A private message.
Summoning his screen back, he read over it.
ItsFundy: Hey Dre? My messages aren’t reaching Tubbo. Why aren’t the two back yet?
Dream quietly laughed. The server could use a quick break from them. 
It only took a quick flick of the wrist to pull up Tommy and Tubbo’s info. They were both in a world. With the MCC servers closed to the public for maintenance at night, Dream could only assume the two had scampered off to Hypixel or something of the like.
Upon a brief investigation, the servers were left as unlisted.
...Nonetheless, Dream will allow himself to revel in some peace for now. Let them get a little scared. A little more respect for the server-
Dream sneered.
They’re lucky they’re as tolerated as they are, here.
...And without them present, well- that sure will leave L’manburg in an interesting situation…
Dream: Can’t say I know. Sorry. They probably ran off, dont worry too much about them.
Making up his mind, Dream scrolled back to the Player information.
“It would be a shame if they went M.I.A, especially with how fresh the wound on L’manburg is..” He mused.
A click or two on the screen and it was done. They were locked from the server. 
“Enjoy yourselves, idiots.” He yawned, kicking his legs off the chests and onto the floor.
His axe was summoned to his hand, and he stalked off, a chill running through the air.
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
an idea I had on my commute, because this trope is a personal favorite:
Justin Hammer blinked the stars out of their eyes, not even bothering to move before they got their bearings because last thing they needed was to get motion sickness on top of whatever had been in that weird laser gun Ivan and Victor had been messing with went off.
Ugh. They’d told Ivan to secure his projects better, told them someone’d end up in the hospital, why did nobody listen to them?!
At least Winter’d tear them a new one, they could count on that much. If only because they were his meal ticket, but still.
Justin cautiously tried to sit up, and now that the ringing in their ears was going down they caught the last few snatches of whatever the people around them had been saying. 
Because there was now a crowd now, apparently. Joy.
“—ell is going on here, how did he even get here?”
“—rgy readings are all wrong, this makes no sense—”
“—plain to me how a civilian got into one of the most secured locations this side of the Mississippi? Anyone?”
“—ot to be kidding me,” a familiar voice said, “how did Hammer of all people get here? Oh, hey, he’s alive. Hey, Hammer? How’d you get out of Seagate?”
One of these things was not like the others. 
Not that Justin knew what the hell was going on, not when they’d been in a safehouse not two minutes ago, but...this was the first time in their life they’d heard that note of derision in Tony’s voice. 
Aimed at them, anyway, because goodness knew how many rants about Howard they’d talked him through after the accident. 
“Anyone get the number of that truck?” Justin asked with a groan, and didn’t even have to pretend to be confused by the truly impressive number of guns pointed his way as he sat up. “Hey, easy there, when’s the last time you got certified to carry with that type of grip?”
The looks Justin got were...less than welcoming. 
“How’d you get out of Seagate?” Director Fury said more than asked, and just like that, Justin knew what that gun had done, even before an agent looked over with a frown after tapping away at their tablet.
“Sir? Justin Hammer’s still in custody.”
Winter had better be kicking everyone’s ass for this, this was not what they’d signed up for when they’d stopped by with takeout.
aka NHDD!Justin crash-lands the MCU, and it goes about as well as expected.
...but to be honest? I’ve been playing with several permuations of this, just can’t decide which would be the most fun to mess with because, I mean, here’s some of the others:
NHDD!Avengers meet canon, wonder wtf is up with this ticking time bomb of a team and canon!Tony’s almost unrecognizable because they’re used to a Tony with very clear boundaries and may not be as heroic, but he’s theirs and seeing a version of him who’s been through the wringer is. Something not great. 
50/50 odds on who picks a fight, because NH!Tony will push back if someone tries to start something, but NH!Steve has even less chill than canon because he’s caught up in a goddamn love dodecahedron and anyone looking at his team wrong gets to deal with all the pent-up stress that entails.
NHDD!Justin meets canon [see above]. Rocky start due to obvious reasons, while Cabal’s scrambling to figure out a way to get them back, Justin immediately latches onto canon!Tony and they may not be a therapist, but tbh they’re pretty damn close sometimes. 
canon!Tony gets a concentrated dose of All the Feels™, feat. “your feelings are valid” and “you are not alone, asking for help isn’t being a burden” and “even if other people think poorly of you, that’s on them, you owe them nothing” and Tony’s very, very sad to see him go.
...this could also be pretty painful for canon!Justin, for reasons seen in this next scenario:
canon!Justin meets NHDD. Cue All The Self-Worth Issues. Because I tried to hint at it in NHDD, but long story short, canon!Justin was kinda set up for failure, between his poor excuses for parents, terrible role models, and the whole “growing up constantly compared to Tony Stark” thing is just asking for a major inferiority complex somewhere in here. So you take this Justin, and present him a world that could be summed up as, “I’m you, but better”? Who has everything he ever wanted, was taken seriously and treated with respect? He’s not going to have a good time.
irony is, it’s absolutely not his fault, either: NHDD!Justin is different not because of his circumstances, but because they’ve got echoes of a past life [...even if they don’t remember the specifics anymore].
on the flipside, the NHDD crew would get a better idea of just how unusual their Justin is, and their secret might get discovered somewhere in this
Cabal meets canon. Cue explosions, and a lot of dark hilarity because this League of Supposed-to-be-Evil-but-mostly-Just-Vibing has way better teamwork than the elite team of superheroes assembled to protect the Earth.
Victor’s probably the snarkiest here, once the shock of “holy shit I knew I hadn’t expected to survive Latveria’s civil war but is this what would’ve happened to my homeland? thanks I hate it” wears off.
NH!Bucky gives absolutely no fucks about shit going down anymore, splits his time between hunting down HYDRA [which seems to be even more of a problem in this hellscape, ugh] and avoiding this universe’s Steve Rogers because self-care is a thing and he has no idea what this universe’s Bucky is up to but he knows he’s probably in not as great a place as he was. 
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Title: Crown For Two {1}
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Henry Cavill AU x OFC Xari Thornton AU
Warning: Plot, Mild Cursing, Cheesy Christmas Themes, 
Words: 6.1k
Summary: Xari Thornton is a travel photographer with a blog and social media that garners some heavy-duty traffic. People tune in to see where she is and what she’s doing there, all in hopes of either living vicariously through her or to plan their next vacation.  
Her slogan; “Traveling the path to the most off-beaten places, so you don’t have to.”  
Her next stop on her four destination travel itinerary of “Places You May Never Have Heard Of” is Sandvell, a small European country. When her plane makes an impromptu stop due to bad weather, she has no idea where she is. It feels like she’s stepped inside of a snow globe and back in time in a modern way. It leaves her fascinated. 
This bad weather forces her to stay at an Inn, The Beaux, for the night. Rather than letting the hours tick by in her room, she explores and meets the friendly locals. While taking photographs, one local in particular captures her lens with eyes as blue as the ocean and a jaw that was chiseled from stone. They strike up conversation during their time drinking at one of the local bars, Ickles. Once they separate, she gets herself into a harrowing situation.  
As soon as she awakens, she realizes she’s not in some fever dream, but a palace and the owner of the palace is none other than the local she met before with the piercing blue eyes, His Royal Highness Henry Wellington Leopold Danglishton, First of his name, Crown Prince of Brexendor.
Note: All right, all right people, the ride begins. I really, really hope you enjoy this. As a note, it’s going to be fast-paced a bit, and I am gonna overload you with pictures because why the hell not, it’s a Christmas Fic. 😁 Feel free to come by and tell me what you guys think.
As always, thank you all for reading, I appreciate each and every one of you.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!! ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
***Picture Heavy***
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Chapter One
“You were supposed to be on your way home.”
 You rolled your eyes as you scoffed. You’d mentioned nights ago that you thought you should just go home, but then you went to your next destination. It was a moment of weakness or it could have been loneliness. Your schedule took a lot out of you. No one saw it because it was all behind the scenes. All anyone ever saw were the incredible places you went to, the fun things you experienced, and the culture you soaked up. What they grasped was whatever you posted in your pictures.
 “You know I can’t. I started this series, and it’s gotten the eye of a lot of sponsors, and one of them is even talking about some really big ideas at the end of it if it goes really well. that could be incredible for my brand,” you explained.
 Anika sighed loudly. You knew she was annoyed with you right now, especially it being December.
 “I know you’re disappointed. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”
 “Attention, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. It looks like we’re headed right into a storm. We’ll be experiencing a little turbulence as we veer off course a little bit as we try to evade this thing. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.”
 You sighed while buckling your seatbelt, preparing for what was coming.
 “What’s happening?”
 “Going through some turbulence. It should be fine,” you assured your sister.
 “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to hang up.”
 You nodded to the flight attendant and promptly ended the call promising your sister that you’d call her back when you landed in Sandvell. As soon as you hung up, the turbulence began. It started out with slight bumps, that you could sip your drink through. Then graduated to bigger bumps that had you gripping the elbow rests. When the entire plane started to shake, your heart leaped into your throat. One minute passed, then two, and after five minutes or so, the speaker came back on.
 “Ladies and gentleman, your captain again. We’re going to be landing shortly. This storm is not one to be messed with. I apologize for the inconvenience, folks, but on this airline, we choose safety above all else.”
 You weren’t going to argue with him. You definitely didn’t want to risk your life over getting to your next destination. What was a one or two day delay? Once the pilot got to a lower altitude, the majority of the turbulence subsided. It was another ten minutes before the plane landed, but when it did, all you could see from the window was white overcast with darkness.
 When you had your belongings gathered and began walking off the plane along with the other fifty or so passengers, you tried to find cell service, but you had zero bars.
 “Excuse me, where are we?”
 “Uh—I’m actually not sure, ma’am. Patricia, where are we?”
 The two flight attendants looked puzzled. The second asked a third, and that third asked another. None of them seemed to know. That was not a good sign, you thought. Once you’d walked down the long corridor that served as the connection between the airport and the plane, you found yourself in one of the classiest airports you’d ever been in, and you’d been inside quite a few as a travel blogger. As far as the eye could see, it was class, with the exception of the floor.
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You looked around you and marveled at the detail in the design that was around you. Where most airports were mainly logically designed without lavishness. This one looked like lavishness was the first priority. The floors looked to be made from the finest paonazzetto marble. You remembered the name because of the substantial time you’d spent in Italy trying to capture architecture through your camera lens. Reaching for your camera around your neck, you began snapping a few frames of the floor. Getting lost in picture taking, you found yourself at one of the many glass windows snapping pictures of the airplanes on the tarmac.
 Hearing the commotion of raised voices behind you, you looked back and saw the passengers of the plane you’d just disembarked from gathered in a huddle. You walked back toward them in time to catch a question from a concerned passenger.
 “How long are we delayed? When will we get back in the air? I have to get to Sandvell.”
 A man wearing a mixture of royal blue and white colors cleared his throat then spoke. “I apologize, ladies and gentlemen, for the delay. There is a storm heading right for us on the path to Sandvell. Continuing through it would be lunacy. Our only viable option is to wait it out.”
 No one seemed to like that answer. All the questions flew out at once. All their voices overlapped, and you could tell that the gentleman was overwhelmed by not only the volume of questions but also their voices.
 “According to our team here, we’re expecting possibly a twenty-four to thirty-six-hour delay.”
 Everyone groaned in unison, everyone but you. You’d traveled enough to always expect the unexpected. Things like this didn’t bother you so much now, three years into your career. The only thing that bothered you now was that you’d have to rearrange your hotel plans as well as finding somewhere to sleep tonight.
 “You said here,” you began with all eyes trained to you. “Where exactly is here?”
 The gentleman cleared his throat again. “Brexendor.”
 The crowd murmured as they looked at each other. Clearly, no one had ever heard of Brexendor. Some even pulled out their travel map to scour it for the country.
 “So what are we supposed to do now? Where do we stay?”
 “We are in the process of arranging accommodations at one of the inns within the capital. If you all would work with us so we have your names to get your luggage to you in a timely fashion so you can be shuttled over to the Inn, that would be appreciated.”
 Everyone filed into a line in front of one of the four airport staff, hoping to hurry matters along while you searched your phone for any information on where you were. When you typed in Brexendor into the search engine, the first thing that popped up was a map of the country. Apparently, it was next door to Sandvell. They were considered sister countries.
 “Population three million, run as a monarchy, considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Average life expectancy one hundred and ten years. Well, damn.”
 Someone clearing their throat brought your attention up in front of you. You were next in line.
 The woman with brown eyes and blonde hair smiled warmly. “It’s all right, Ms--.”
 “Uh, Thornton, Xari Thornton.” You handed her your passport and boarding pass and waited as she scrolled through her tablet.
 “Ah yes, Ms. Thornton. Here is your paperwork. On it, you will find where you can retrieve your luggage and the shuttle number that will be taking you to the Inn. Once at the Inn, just provide your name, and you will find everything has been taken care of. On behalf of Brexendor Aviation, we humbly apologize for this snafu.”
 Her customer service training was on point, you thought. Her smile was warm, as if she really meant the words she’d just said. Finding it refreshing, you took the paperwork and proceeded to where she was motioning. Everyone you passed as you walked the fancy halls had a warm smile plastered to their face and even warmer words of welcome. You felt as if you’d stepped through into some alternate universe. You made a voice note about everything you encountered. You wanted to make sure you captured your authentic feelings and reactions in real-time. It made writing about your experience on the blog page easier. You’d even found that readers and supporters liked the play by play with your added thoughts. They commented it added personality.
Once you’d made it to the baggage claim area, your jaw dropped at the change in décor. There were Christmas trees that sparsely decorated the space, and they were all lit with the same blue, silver, and white theme. It contrasted with the latte color of the leather seats and the cream offset tables. The design gave the space an elegant but also comfortable vibe. When you slipped into one of the chairs, you released an audible moan. It was like sitting on a cloud.
 After gathering your luggage, you followed instructions through a hall lined with Christmas trees, stopping every so often to take a few pictures before you made it to the front of the airport. As you stepped outside, your eyebrows shot up seeing the fresh snow cascading from the sky. The bite in the air had you bundling your jacket tighter, but it did not stop you from snapping a few pictures. One turned to ten and ten to fifteen until another person clearing their throat brought you back to reality and to the waiting bus ahead of you.
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You took a break from pictures and called the hotel in Sandvell, hoping to alter the dates of your stay. What you expected to be a hassle and a long drawn out process ending in them saying they were booked and nothing could be done, turned out to be quick, easy, and painless. The Luxembourg Hotel assured you that your room would still be available and there would be no charge for the altered dates. You made another note on your phone, a point you had to stress when you wrote your piece.
 You continued snapping pictures from the window of the bus with an easy mind. Everything you passed seemed like it didn’t belong. It all looked so old fashioned but so modern all at the same time. The buildings looked to have been standing since the beginning of time in the materials they’d been built in, but the displays were from the twenty-first century. It was the most exciting contradiction. The only word you could think to describe it was—quaint.
 When the bus drove over a bridge, you got a semi-bird’s eye view of the town across the water, and your jaw nearly dropped.
 “Brexendor? What the hell?”
 The entire drive had you widening your eyes like a child seeing an insane amount of presents on Christmas morning. Buildings were decked out in Christmas lights, and every door had a wreath with blue and silver Christmas ornaments. Almost every few feet, the sidewalks were decorated with poinsettia trees that were half the average human’s height, and the way the freshly fallen snow-dusted their tops only made it even more perfect.
 By the time the bus stopped, you’d taken so many pictures, and part of you was dreading having to go through them to choose the ones that would make the cut. You knew it was going to be a next to impossible decision. As you stepped off the bus, you felt like you’d walked right into a snow globe.
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“Holy shit!”
 You spun, taking in a full three-sixty view of your surroundings. all the glistening lights and the falling snow only made it feel even more magical. You didn’t know where the hell Brexendor was or why the hell they rolled like this, but you were excited to see more. When you stopped spinning, you realized several other people were snapping pictures and looking just as marveled as you were. After gathering your luggage, you followed instructions and walked across the street to the building that a friendly looking man with slightly greying hair was standing before beckoning you inside.
 For the second time that night, you felt as if you’d stepped into a Christmas movie set. The interior was set so cozy. It felt like a Christmas cottage, and you loved it. Instinct had you reaching for your camera and taking a few shots of the Christmas tree in the corner by the fireplace and the plaid decorations on the leather couch. Even the pictures on the walls got a snap.
 Looking back to the owner, you smiled and approached the desk.
 “Hi, I’m so sorry. This place is so gorgeous.”
 “Thank you. I wish I could take the credit, but it is all my wife.”
 Just then, a beautiful brunette came out wearing a bright red sweater and one of those spoof reindeer antler headbands that bounced with every move.
 “Hi, there darling. Welcome to The Beaux. I’m Anita, and this is my husband, Borik. I heard all about your ordeal. I’m so sorry.”
 You shrugged but kept your smile plastered on your face.
 “It’s all right. Can’t control the weather, right?”
 Anita smiled and nodded. “Definitely not in Brexendor.”
 “I have never heard of this place before, and I am lost how. Everything is gorgeous and so quaint. How have you stayed under the radar?”
 Anita and Borik looked at each other with an all-knowing look that you wanted in on.
 “Guess it’s just happened,” Anita cheerfully said.
 You knew they knew something. Staying this under the radar, including from America, didn’t just happen. This took work. You wondered who in charge in their right mind would make a stupid decision like that.
 “Okay, what’s your name, darling?”
 “Uh, Xari Thornton.”
 “Ah-ha, I told you, Borik. Once we were contacted with a list of names that would be checking in, and I saw your name, I told him I just know she’s gorgeous and look. You are a vision.”
 You couldn’t help but smile widely while trying to keep your head under proper proportions.
 “Thank you.”
 “You must have quite the many suitors where you’re from,” Anita continued.
 You snorted and shook your head. The reality was you were as single as the number one with no prospects.
 “No suitors here.”
 Both Borik and Anita looked shocked, as if you’d said the most appalling thing.
 “That can’t be true. Borik. She’s single and at twenty-eight. Even our Kennedy was at least engaged by the time she turned twenty-seven. Here that is unheard of. A woman is usually married by twenty-four, especially if she’s a looker.”
 You pinched your lips, trying to keep your laughter in. this was not the first time you’d been called an old maid. Hell, your mother said it often, especially since you flat out turned down Maurice’s proposal three months ago. She was livid.
 Anita must have sensed the awkwardness of the moment because she cleared her throat and brought all her attention back to the reservation.
 “Well, your room is prepared. I took the liberty of giving you one of our prettiest rooms. Would you like Borik to carry your bags up?”
 “Uh—no, I’m sure I can manage,” you began.
 Borik stood, shook his head, and came around to you.
 “I won’t hear a thing about it. I’ll happily carry your luggage up. Follow me.”
 “That’s my Borik, ever the gentleman,” Anita filled in with an enamored smile before Borik walked off, leaving her to check in a few of the other passengers from the plane.
 You listened to Borik tell the story of the Inn and how it got its name. You kept one ear on his story while you took in every detail around you. The wood looked so rustic, and you guessed that was what gave the place such a warm and welcoming feeling. The higher you climbed, the more you saw, and the more you saw, the more you liked. You followed Borik down a hall, noticing that all the doors you passed had mini wreaths decked out in the same blue and silver ornaments like at the airport and throughout the streets.
 “Ah-ha, here we are,” Borik said before he put the key into the lock and pushed the door open. Once he did, the scent of cinnamon and pine hit you in the face. It was like the hand of Christmas came out and smacked you.
 “My wife loves the smell,” Borik explained as you stepped inside. You smiled and thanked him for his help.
 “If you get hungry, you have a few options. There are plenty of places nearby you can eat some authentic Brexendorian food, but also my wife cooks every night, and dinner usually is at eight o’clock, but tonight Anette has agreed to keep some heated for anyone who would like some. It’s stew, rabbit.”
 “Oh, thumper. Wonderful.”
 Borik laughed loudly with that one. “I know that one, Bambi, the children’s cartoon. Good one Ms. Thornton.”
 You smiled. “You can call me Xari, Borik.”
 “Well, have a good night,” he said before he walked out.
 Finally alone, the first thing you did was text your sister to let her know not to worry and give her an update on what was happening. After you let Anika know what was happening, it didn’t take long for your phone to ring. The next ten or so minutes were spent talking to Anika and telling her how amazing the things you’d seen so far were. You could not shut up about the decorations, the way the snow looked to have been groomed to lay on things perfectly. It was that damn picturesque. Since you couldn’t stop talking about it, Anika was the one to suggest you go out and enjoy it before you got back on the plane. It was a suggestion you fully intended on listening to.
 Fifteen minutes later, you were back downstairs bundled with your camera and your purse, ready to explore. When you told Anita your intention, she gave you a map of the city and highlighted places to look at but cautioned you to hurry because stores would be closing soon, and nights during Brexendor winters could be brutal. You promised you’d be quick and careful, then stepped out, ready to explore like Dora.
 Your first stop was a block down, a children’s toy store. It was decked out with all the latest toys along with some traditional things that Santa would have brought specially made from his workshop. While you were snapping pictures outside the window, a kid ran up to the window and pressed his nose to it. His eyes were wide, and his mouth matched their size. You asked the adult with him if you could take a picture. When they approved, you got one or two from a few different angles before they walked off.
 As you walked through the city, enjoying the scenery, you took pictures of everything that caught your eye, ornaments, trees, people, stores, even pets. Christmas wasn’t your favorite holiday, but it was your second favorite, and being here really as inching it higher on the list.
 When you felt a strong wind hit you, it stopped you in your tracks. It was strong enough to have you stagger backward a little, allowing a chill to sweep through you. You looked around and saw a few feet away was some sort of bar, and behind it was swirling snow that looked like a tornado. You hurried toward the building, being careful not to slip on any ice that may be hiding underneath the snow. Once to the door, you walked inside, and the sound of Christmas carols filled your ears.
 If the scent of the Inn felt like Christmas slapped you in the face, the look and sound of this place was the one two-hitter that settled that you were in a whole nother world here. You looked around and found a coat rack along the left wall. After placing your jacket and scarf on the hook, you walked to the bar and slid onto a stool. As you waited for the bartender to come over, you looked around. Here it didn’t smell like cinnamon, but the pine was present, along with the smell of alcohol and licorice.
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There were several small dark wooden tables around the bar with chairs and even booths that decorated the walls. The floors matched the tables, and those matched the walls. This place looked like somewhere you’d find in the middle of nowhere. The window to the back of the establishment showed the dark woods with tall snow-covered trees and that howling snow tornado.
 When you turned back to the back, the huge elk head above the wall lined with alcohol bottles had you gasping.
 “Jeez,” you said as you snapped two of three pictures of the creepy looking thing.
 “That is Hogan’s prized possession.”
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You looked beside you where the voice came from to see a very attractive man there. When you’d sat down, you didn’t notice anyone beside you, so to see his piercing blue eyes boring holes into you. Your eyes traveled lower to his awkwardly shaped nose. It looked like it had been broken once or twice and never quite went back to normal. You didn’t mind it, though. Who liked a perfect face, especially when looking at him, seemed like that was about the only thing that was not absolutely perfect. His jaw was carved to precision like he was specially crafted and not born. When your eyes fell to his lips, you purposely forced yourself to look away.
 “Is—is that right?”
 “Yes. I bet you cannot guess why,” the stranger said in a crisp European accent that was very close to British. You weren’t one hundred percent sure if it was or not, he just sounded proper as hell, and it was actually a bit of a turn on.
 You shrugged while looking at the bottles that lined the back of the bar. “Enlighten me.”
 Just then, a large man with blond hair in a man bun walked over. He had to have been over six feet tall, and if this were America, he’d definitely be a shopper at the store Big & Tall. The man looked to the one seated beside you, ready to speak but suddenly closed his mouth.
 “Hogan, Ms--,” the stranger began waiting for you to fill in your name.
 He thought he was so smooth; you thought as you smiled to yourself.
 His eyebrow shot up, and he smiled sweetly. “Wow, what a beautiful name.”
 You smiled, and as you felt it widening, you bit onto your bottom lip to stop it. “Thanks.”
 “Ms. Xari would like to know why Shandoe is your most prized possession.”
 Hogan looked behind him at the Elk’s head then smiled. “It’s been in my family for generations. It was the first thing my great-great-great-great-great grandfather ever killed for himself to feed his family. They ate everything but the head and decided to keep it as a reminder of where we came from.”
 You were expecting some weird manly story but what you got was a wholesome and heartwarming tale. You smiled, raised your camera, and snapped Hogan, and as he stared at the Elk’s head with such a loving look on his face that was such a contradiction for his large frame.
 “Are you a reporter?”
 “No, no. Not at all. I’m a travel influencer and blogger. I go around and soak up what the world has to offer while taking pictures and writing about it on my blog for others to read about.”
 The man beside you nodded, then raised his glass to his head.
 “What can I get you?”
 “Uh—what is he drinking?”
 “The Mistletoe Bomb.”
 You snorted, unable to contain yourself any longer. “What in the world is that?”
 “You laugh now, but it is a blend he makes special for me. It is not for the faint of heart,” the man beside you informed.
 “Oh no, well looks like I’ll be having one of those.”
 Hogan looked to him, then back to you. “It is all right, Hogan. Give the lady what she wants. I am assuming fell strength is also what you require?”
 “Yes, full strength. I want all the mistletoe and all the bomb.”
 Hogan went to work, making the drink while you continued looking around.
 “Em, I’m Henry.”
 You looked to him to find his hand outstretched to you, waiting for you to place yours in it. When you did, you repeated your name as you noted how soft his hands were. It felt like he’d never done a day’s work with them. Henry rose your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. It was one small action, but that action had butterflies flitting in your belly and your cheeks heating as if a heater was aimed directly at your face.
 “I am delighted to make your acquaintance,” Henry uttered while looking into your eyes.
 “Same,” you whispered.
 Henry released your hand and turned back to his drink at the same time Hogan placed a mug before you.
 “One Mistletoe Bomb for the lady.”
 You looked at the large mug then to Hogan, who waited expectantly. When your eyes drifted to Henry beside you, he too was watching and waiting. No matter how much you felt like this was a setup, you persisted, not wanting to back down. When you took your first full mouthful of the drink, your eyes immediately bugged. Your tongue was on fire in seconds, and it seemed the longer you held the liquid in your mouth, the worse the burn was. You gulped it down and instantly knew the mistake. Not only was your mouth on fire, but now your throat and chest as it burned a fiery path to your belly.
 “Holy fucking shit!”
 The two men boisterously laughed, the sounds booming off the wooden walls before filling the entire room. You looked around, noticing for the first time it was completely empty.
 “What the hell is that?”
 “Something that will put hair on your chest,” Hogan teased.
 “No, shit.”
 Henry seemed to like that response; he laughed again then finished his mug.
 “How can you drink this?”
 He shrugged, then turned his body to you. You gave him a well-paced once over, taking in his furry winter boots, dark pants, and dark sweater to match the pants. Underneath the sweater, though, you saw peeks of a crisp white shirt. He dressed like he had money, you thought.
 “I have done it for half my life. I do not even feel the burn anymore. Do you know why he calls it Mistletoe Bomb now?”
 You giggled and nodded, pushing the mug away. If you drank that, you’d need to be carried out of here. As Hogan appeared to take the mug away, Henry reached for it, insisting he’d finish it while Hogan placed a beer bottle in front of you.
 “Would you like a straw?”
 You looked at Hogan as if he were crazy. Who drank beer with a straw? You shook your head and raised the bottle to your lips to take a swig. This was more your speed, not pure petrol.
 “So you are new in town,” Henry began.”
 “Kind of. My plane had to detour because of the storm, so here I am in a place I’ve never heard of and cannot figure out why.”
 “Is it strange to never have heard of every place in the world?”
 You thought about it for a moment as you took another mouthful of beer then nodded.
 “Yes. I’m from America,” you began.
 “Ah, American. Let me guess. Everything has to be discovered, and if it is not, then either it doe not exist, or it is being hidden.”
 You snapped your mouth shut. He’d guessed American thinking in one try. “Well, that’s not fun,” you added. Henry laughed and took his mouthful of fire.
 “I am sorry. I know America well,” Henry informed.
 “Oh, so you’ve been?”
 “No. I do not need to. I have spent my entire life learning it.”
 You looked back at him, confused by what he meant.
 “Every country gives lessons on other countries of the word, especially powerhouse countries,” he explained.
 “Well, your studies have paid off.”
 “Do you really believe that everything has to be discovered?”
 “No. where is the fun in that? I believe that the world has to have some mystery.”
 “Then welcome to Brexendor,” Henry said with a smile.
 “Brexendor. What’s it’s deal?”
 You leaned closer, resting your elbow on the wood of the bar as you watched him.
 “Deal? I am afraid I do not understand.”
 “What I mean is, the people are nice. Everyone I have encountered, including at the airport, is nice. You know airport staff can be so mean, but not here. The people who own the Inn I am staying at are so sweet. Even strangers I bump into don’t;’ seem to mind. Not to mention, this place has the whole snow globe effect down. It’s incredible. What is the deal? Is the president some fantastic guy who pays everyone well and gives them ample vacation time for them to be so happy?”
 Henry smiled, dipped his head lower, then rubbed the back of his neck.
 “Would that be unusual?”
 “Yes. Compared to what America has going on—highly unusual.”
 “Well, the first thing to know about Brexendor is, a president does not run it,” Henry clarified.
 “Ah right, it is a monarchy. So does that mean there is a king, and queen, lords, dukes,” you began, then gasped, remembering more. “Princesses?”
 Henry smirked, gulped his drink, then nodded. “Yes.” He continued to take another swig from his mug.
 His words slowly resonated. “What!? You’re serious?”
 He nodded, then placed the glass onto the bar.
 “Wow. How interesting. So this King and Queen are they the good kind?”
 Henry’s smile turned somber before it disappeared altogether.
 “Did I say something wrong?”
 “No, no. Yes, the King and Queen are the best kind,” he filled in before he took the last mouthful of his drink. “They would like you.”
 You laughed loudly and shook your head. “Me? I doubt that. While all the mothers of my boyfriends have loved me, I don’t think the King and Queen would care for me.”
 “Boyfriend, so uh—you’re involved,” Henry said as he avoided your eyes.
 His words sounded like a statement rather than a question, so you remained quiet. After a few moments, he looked at you expectantly. You pinched your lips before you finished your beer.
 “Are you involved?”
 Henry took a deep breath looked forward to the bottles at the bar as a pained and confused expression washed over his features.
 “I’ll take that as a yes,” you replied.
 “I am not—involved,” he answered.
 “You said it like you weren’t sure.”
 “It is complicated.”
 “Well, I am a stranger in a bar—an empty bar. You’ll most likely never see me again, and I’ve been told I’m a great listener.”
 Henry smiled then turned back to you, resting his elbow on the bar mimicking your stance.
 “You have not answered my inquiry.”
 Henry smiled again, then bit his bottom lip. That is where your eyes went to. He had nice lips, you thought.
 “On if you are involved,” he clarified.
 “I am not involved with anyone. If you ask my mother, she will tell you I’m an old maid with no prospects.”
 “I do not believe that. You are funny, intelligent, fun to be around, and quite beautiful. There is no way you have no admirers.”
 You smiled and began toying with your necklace.
 “I’m sure you say that to all the girls you meet in deserted bars during a snow storm.”
 He snorted, and you felt his breath across your cheek. It was then you realized how close the two of you were to each other.
 “To be honest, I have never found myself alone with a woman in a bar. You are my first.”
 You bit your bottom lip feeling more flirtatious than usual as you gazed into his hypnotizing eyes. He was gorgeous and becoming even more so with every passing minute. The two of you ordered more drinks, then drifted off to one of the booths on the wall that was more hidden and even more comfortable. You talked about nearly everything and nothing at the same time. He spoke a lot about philosophy and astronomy and the sciences that motivated a lot of the earlier theories. It was fascinating just listening to him speak. There was something about his mouth and the properness of the words he used. Never once did he use slang or even a contraction. You’d never met anyone who didn’t use contractions. The longer you sat there, the more you felt like never getting up.
 “There is something about you that is so comfortable and easy,” Henry began.
 “You too.”
 “I feel like I can talk to you about anything. I even want to.”
 You smiled, “You too.”
 Your eyes lingered, and you saw him sway forward, but then he stopped only to do it again and again. With your faces were centimeters from one another, it was then you noticed the slight speck of brown in his left eye. You felt Henry’s hand gently cup your cheek; then, his thumb slowly stroked your skin. The heat from his palm seared your cheek, and every stroke of his thumb send heat tendrils down your jaw to your lips, making them tingle and yearn for his.
 This had never happened to you in your entire life. You’d known this man a few hours and were ready to possibly bring him back to the Inn with you. Henry didn’t move. It was like he was giving you the last few centimeters to make a decision, but you didn’t make it. A phone went off, but you both ignored it until the sound went off. You raised your hand to rest on top of his. Once your skin touched his, Henry lightly sighed out. Before either of you could make another move, a phone rang again. This time Henry groaned before he looked away just as you did.
 You cleared your throat and slid from his body as he checked his phone.
 “I have to go,” he announced.
 Frozen, you sat there trying to understand if you’d read this entire thing wrong.
 “I am sorry, something—urgent has come up.”
 You snapped out of it, then nodded. “It’s fine. I should probably get back to the Inn anyway. They say a storm is brewing.”
 Both of you stood from the booth while straightening your clothes.
 “I really enjoyed tonight,” Henry added.
 You smiled and nodded. “Me too. It was—nice.”
 Your eyes lingered again, and your bodies drifted closer. It was you who looked away first and stepped back. You reached for your purse, but Henry stopped you.
 “It has been taken care of. Let us call it a tourist special, right Hogan.”
 “Right your--,” Hogan began before Henry looked at him, cutting him off.
 Henry ushered you to the coat rack on the wall by the door then helped you into your jacket.
 “Can I drive you back to the Inn?”
 “No, please. I am more than capable of getting back,” you assured.”
 “Are you sure?”
 You nodded then turned to walk out, but Henry pulled you to him. “I want to see you again.”
 “I don’t see how. I leave tomorrow as soon as the storm passes.”
 Henry looked to be thinking before he sighed. “I guess it was not meant to be,” you whispered, a tinge of sadness filling you as reality set in.
 “In another life,” Henry softly said.
 He came closer then placed a slow, chaste kiss on your cheek before he released you. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments, and in those moments, anything felt possible. When you faced that anything could have been possible but not for you, you sighed. A few seconds later, you turned and walked out of the bar.
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Once outside, the rough wind caught you off guard. You took a few moments to bundle yourself, then continued walking back to the Inn. The swirling snow in the air made it a little challenging to see, but you tried the best you could. Several times, the wind picked up and shoved you where it wanted, forcing you to grab on to something to hold until it passed.
 Suddenly a big gust of wind blew you to the right and knocking you off your feet to roll for several feet. When the wind slowed, you rolled over onto your back to spit out the mouthful of snow that you’d managed to ingest. It took you several tries to stand, but when you did, you tried to see where you were and what direction you needed to walk in. That was when the wind picked up again, making you scream. When you turned, you saw two headlights coming right at you, then all you felt was pain before you were out cold.
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camistired · 3 years
scenario: trying to show Bucky that your there for him during tfatws, but he keeps ignoring you
a/n: i started writing this yesterday after watching the first episode of tfatws. if people like this, i might make this a whole ff following the show, so let me know if you like this. also please ignore any mistakes or if it’s wordy, i haven’t written anything in months. i am open to criticism!
edit: i didn’t realize i didn’t name until i was trying to add it to my masterlist, so please ignore the half-assed name, please and thankyou
reader has been left gender-neutral and has no specific race written
spoiler warning
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It had been a few months since everyone started reappearing, yourself included. The last thing you remembered was waiting out the fight with Thanos with Shuri, and you remembered feeling lighter then usual and you watched as your friend turned to dust before your very eyes. However what felt like the same breathe, you watched as her being was rebuilt by the same dust the took her away.
It had been a lot to process, to know that you and others close to you had basically died, and came back to the same exact fight happening. It was worse to come back to know that one of your dearest friends was dead and she couldn’t be brought back like the lot of you. It sucked standing in-between Bucky and Sam at Tony’s funeral.
You had missed five years of life, and for what? For some giant purple pyscho titan to stop over population and then become a space rancher? In your eyes, it was complete and utter bullshit. But you can’t change the past.
With Steve’s retirement, Bucky’s pardon, and Sam still kicking ass and saving people as The Falcon, you felt lost. Everyone else has scattered around to handle everything by themselves. But you thrived off of others, that’s just how you worked. So, sitting lonely in your single bedroom Brooklyn apartment, you let out a loud sigh.
You stayed in New York, purely for Bucky’s sake. The man is a hundred and six, and is an ex-assassin, he doesn’t need your help. Especially since you can barely hold a gun without nearly pissing your pants. But you knew the man was basically alone. He spent his past ninety years being in and out of ice fighting, except when he had his moment of peace in Wakanda.
You’ve tried to reach out, called him every now and again, but it was always went to voicemail. You left so many voicemails, your surprised it isn’t full by now. But you’ll keep leaving them, no matter if he actually listens to them or if he just deletes them immediately. You hoped that they gave him some sort of comfort if he did ever listen to them.
You looked at the time, it was a quarter past eleven. You let out another sigh. Something you still haven’t been able to get down was your damn sleep schedule. Sometimes you stayed up until two - three in the morning and sleep into the afternoon, and that was on a good day. You tried to establish a routine, but it just  never worked. If you tried to go to bed earlier, you end up either staring at the ceiling till sunrise or waking up in the middle of the night, for no reason. You didn’t have to use the bathroom, you didn’t have a nightmare, you just woke up, and you couldn’t go back to sleep, no matter what you tried. You’ve expressed this to your brother, you suggests maybe you go see a therapist, maybe do a sleep study, but you just shut the ideas down. That was the last things you wanted to do, was be monitored.
However, you couldn’t do this anymore. You forced yourself out of bed and changed your clothes from your normal sweatpants and baggy t-shirt to leggings and a slightly less baggy shirt. If you couldn’t fall asleep naturally, might as well take a walk around the block and maybe take a melatonin tablet or two, see if that does anything.
Locking your door, you start walking down your hall when you see a man walk away from your neighbor’s, Yori Nakajima’s, door. You’ve known the old man for as long as you lived here. You’ve tried to help him out as much as he will let you, and even though he’ll never admit it, he appreciates the help. He tries to repay in small ways, he even offers you to join him and a younger friend of his for sushi down at Izzy, but you always turn him down. You helped to help, not get anything in return.
You walked up to Yori’s door but he closed it before you could reach his door. You sighed and instead decided to talk to the man walking away.
“Excuse me!” You called out, walking towards him. He seemed to tense up and walked a little faster but you touch his arm before he could go much farther.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, I just have a few question...”
He cursed under his breathe but he didn’t move. That’s when you noticed the way he held himself. His body language very much showed he was uncomfortable, and whether he was doing on purpose or subconsciously, he was leaning away from where your hand met his arm.
You moved your hand back down to your side but you walked in front of him and you froze when you saw his face.
He seemed to shy into himself more when you recognized who he was, making you instantly felt bad. However, examining him he looked different. His hair was a big one, ever since you first met Bucky,  his hair was shoulder length. But he looked a lot cleaner with shorter hair, his loose curls a lot more prominent now. However, that  seemed to showcase the most change. It felt as if he went backwards more than anything.
His jacket, the gloves, the brooding energy radiating off of him. He felt like the man you met back when the whole “Civil War” mess was happening.
He softly addressed you, but he still never looked at you directly. It was concerning especially since you considered you two close. But maybe it was because you two haven’t talked properly? Maybe because he’s been ignoring your calls? Whatever the reason, you didn’t care. It made you feel better he was out talking to people, no matter that it was your older neighbor, he was interacting with people. It made you wonder if he had talk to Sam, but you doubted it.
“Long time no see, stranger. Glad to see your still alive.”
He looked at you with a blank expression, and you recognized that looked. He was looking for a tell, if you were angry at him or not. In all honesty, you couldn’t find it in yourself to be angry like he excepted you to be. You’re glad he was doing something, he didn’t have to be okay fully, just as long as he was going out.
“I’m not angry, Bucky.” You said flatly, as his eyes met yours. You could tell that he relaxed, physically. “I mean, concerned, sure. Scared you had locked yourself in your apartment, definitely. But not mad. Just... wished you would have called. Sent a text to let me know you were okay... Anything, really.”
He sighs, “I know... I should have done something- said something. I just have a lot going on.”
“Everyone does. Half of the population got turned into dust, we’ve lost a lot of friends. It’s just... we’ve gotta stay together, you know? We can’t rely on Steve anymore... And the more we’re by ourselves, the more we’re just creating terrible coping mechanisms, ya know?”
He seems to be taking in your words and you just smile at him softly. “Just think about it, okay?”
You begin walking down the hall before you turn towards him again, “Oi! And Barnes?”
He looks up at you, “Yeah?”
“If I don’t hear from you soon, just know I will hunt you down and beat your ass! No more of this distancing, stranger shit. I know how to find you now. And you know where I live!”
You smirk as you turn around to finally go on that walk, but little did you know that Bucky had a little smirk of his own as he took in your words.
“No more distancing, no more acting like a stranger... I have to start nurturing my friendships...”
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Sleepless Nights ( S.R )
summary: Reid and Y/N aren’t the most fond of each other. So what happens when they can’t sleep, have to share a bed, and be married.
pairing: Spencer Reid and female reader
a/n: AHH okay so here it is! It’s my first au so it’s probably not the best. But big thanks to @anepiphany! Ani baby none of this would be happening without you! Thank you for you tips and making me not go insane! Also pls tell me if I slept something wrong cuz like, your girl not the best when it comes to it. Also there will def be a loophole somewhere in my case and if you find one, just let it slide because life is filled with loopholes ❤️ also this is gonna be a two parter!
warnings: mentions of a case, little angst (like the smallest amount), fluff really though
remember to like and reblog!!
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You were always the type of person that got along with everyone. And by everyone you meant everyone. You were a people pleaser, always changing your personality for someone. To the security guard, you were a sports junkie, always catching the latest games. To the guy who worked at the bookshop, you were the classical girl. And to the barista, you were the girl who was always late but always paid 3 dollars extra tip. But Dr. Spencer Reid was the only exception. 6’1 and standing tall. Mr. Eidetic Memory and 187 IQ but oh God how you cared for him. You loved him, you loved him more than all the moons in the galaxy. But him? He hated you, so naturally, you hated him too. As the saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them.
“Guys we got a new case,” Garcia says.
You walked into the room and sat to the seat closest to the front where Garcia would be since she was your best friend. Ironically that was the seat farthest from Reid.
“Okay, so this is Mira Normen and her husband John Normen. They had gotten married 2 months prior to their deaths. Mira was 25 years old and she was a teacher at the local middle school. John was 26 and he ran a local pet grooming business. As you can see, but not me for obvious reasons, they were both stabbed once in their chest and then once in their thigh. Mira was shot once in the heart and once in the head and John was shot twice in the heart and twice in the throat. The M.E. found a ring stuffed into both of their throats. And not the cheap kind, I mean a year's worth of salary for one of us.”
“Okay, so this guy’s rich,” You said.
“Yeah, no shit sherlock,” Reid said.
“Guys,” Hotch said in a stern voice “Garcia do we know anything else?”
“Yes actually. They were both last spotted at an event for rich people. So like something Rossi would go to.” She said, chuckling at the last part.
“You and I both know very well that I do not go to those kinds of events. I stay at home for god sakes.” Rossi says causing you and a couple of other people to chuckle.
“Why does this case sound so familiar?” JJ asks, breaking the chuckles.
“Well there was a case exactly like this a couple of years back if my memory is correct, which it always is. We tried to solve it but we just couldn't so it ended up as a cold case.” Reid said.
“And everythings the same?” JJ asked.
“Yep, everything. Well except the city.” Reid said.
“Great, well i think we got everything. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch says while getting up.
You sat alone, like always. At first everyone was concerned, like they had done something, but they then soon realized that you just liked to be alone and this was really the only time.
“Okay, so I checked if anyone had moved in the years and I have 5 names. Thomas Maddison, Stephanie June, Eliza Honeycutt, Devi Paradise, and Klaus Hiller. And only one moved to our little town and that would be Miss Eliza Honeycutt.” Garcia said.
“Can you ch-” Morgan was saying but got cut off when she said
“Already did ‘Hot Chocolate’. Miss Eliza moved a total of 3 months after the case. Looks like it was due to a messy divorce. Her and Mr. Maddison had not been going strong for the last couple of months and it looks like they decided to call quits just before you guys came to town.”
“Can you-” Morgan started to say but then was again cut off by Garcia.
“Already got you babes. The address should be sent to your tablets.” Everyone was still looking at her, “that means look at your tablets.” She says while gesturing her hands making them look down.
“We got it babygirl,” Morgan said without being interrupted.
“Great! Now, this is the time I leave and let you amazing little people do your jobs!” And with that, she was out and so were you.
It was 10 pm when you got to the hotel. You weren't exhausted but you definitely were not in the mood to solve a murder or multiple in this case. You all had checked in now was your favorite time of all choosing rooms. You never bunked with anyone unless Garcia, but that's if she ever came on a case. Emily and JJ were already gone, same with Hotch and Rossi. You were about to grab the key for the single room but Morgan got it before you.
“Sorry hot stuff, I need room alone this time.”
“What!? Why!?”
“I don't need to explain myself to you Y/N,” Moran says, and just like that he was gone.
You and Reid grabbed the keys without looking at each other and walked in the elevator. You both did not make any eye contact until you got into the room. There was only one bed. You immediately called room service but they said that there were no more rooms available so you two were stuck with that one.
“Okay, which one of us is gonna sleep on the floor?” you heard Reid say.
“Excuse me,?”
“You heard me.”
“Oh stop being such a baby Reid. We both know that if you don't sleep on a bed or something remotely similar you get all grumpy and get headaches all day. And if I don't sleep on a bed or something similar I get high on caffeine and get paranoid. So for the sake of the team, we are gonna sleep on the goddamn bed together!”
He didn't know you paid attention to him like that. Sure everyone knew that he would get grumpy, but headaches? No one, not even JJ. He didn't like to tell people about them fearing of being babied around even more than he already is. Although he did know that whenever you don't get enough sleep not only do you high on caffeine, but you have nightmares. You never told anyone except Garcia of course. He’d realized that you had nightmares after a group holiday to Rossi’s beach house, he heard you talking in your sleep and there were not good things being said.
“Okay geez fine whatever. Are you gonna go shower first, or am I”
“Me obviously,” you say while getting your clothes.
The water was hot when you got in, just how you like it. You started to soak your hair in the water needing to cool down a little and prepare yourself for the days ahead of you. All you could think about was sharing the same bed with him. With the guy, you're in love with but doesn’t know. And will never know.
After 30 minutes you got out of the shower and changed. You wore a pair of shorts and a loose flowy t-shirt which you had knotted after putting it on because it was too big. After you brushed your teeth, did your skincare, and brushed your hair.
“Finally, how long does it take?” You heard Reid say while you were walking out of the bathroom. He didn't look up until you sat on the bed turning the tv on.
“It takes 40 minutes Reid, it always takes 40 minutes. But you would never know because you've never had a girl stay over,”
“Oh, you're so funny aren't you,” he says in an annoyed way.
“Yeah, I am.” You said smirking while looking up expecting to see him annoyed but instead greeted with a small smile which was then washed away quickly by the sound of his voice.
“Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower now. Don't wait up.”
“ I won't, don't worry.” You say while he goes into the bathroom. You swear you saw him smile. It may have been small but it was there.
“You waited for me.” You hear while turning off the tv. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. His hair was an absolute mess, and you could tell that he had to take a shower in not the hottest water.
“Ha, yeah no. You took like 10 minutes, did you think I was gonna fall asleep in 10 minutes.”
“Yeah well, that's what happens when you take up most of the hot water.”
“I'm sorry, you should have gone in the shower first.”
“You wanted to go into the shower first!”
“Okay and? Look, can we just go to bed or something? We have a long ass day ahead of us.”
You felt the bed dip and got chills all over. He didn't seem to notice, thankfully. You were cold, but not cold enough to want to layer up. You looked over and the time and it read 11:15. You tried to sleep, but you just couldn't. So again you looked over and read 11:39, and then it was 12:06. You felt like you were going insane.
“Why are you still up?” Reid said in a raspy voice while turning over to face you.
“Huh? Oh, um, I couldn't, can't sleep.”
“Ugh, fine come here.”
“What?” Before you could say anything he had wrapped his arm around you and forced you to nuzzle up against his chest. It actually felt pretty nice. You felt like you were on top of the world and that everything was going to be okay. You put your arm on him after processing what was happening. He then pulled you in closer and when you looked up at him you realized that he was knocked out, gone like a light in one of those horror movies. And before you realized it you were out too.
“Y/L/N wake up,” is all you hear. The sun was barely out yet, so naturally, you just wanted to go back asleep.
“5 more minutes”
“Fine.” Although he didn't want to say anything or admit in this case. This was the best sleep that he’d gotten in a while. At first, he thought it was because of the way he slept but he then quickly realized that it was because of you. With your legs intertwined with his, one of your arms on his chest and the other in his hand. Your hair, so messy, yet so perfect at the same time and he would give anything to fall back asleep with you. He was in love. He was in love and was falling, falling harder than ever.
“Y/N, come on it's been 10 minutes. We need to go, get up.”
“What? Oh. Wait, fuck, what time is it?” You say in your very raspy yet airy morning voice.
“6:13, now we have to get ready or we will be late.”
You didn't want to get up, you really didn't. You wanted this moment to never end, but sadly time was not on your side for this one. “We never speak of last night, got it.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Its agent.”
“Miss Honeycutt, hi I’m Agent Y/L/N,” You say while sitting down for the interrogation.
“Hi yeah, why am I here?”
“Oh, no one’s told you yet?’
“Well yes the people who rudely (italicize) came into my home said something but I wasn’t really listening.”
“Oh okay then. You're here as a suspect for multiple murders.” Her face was in total and utter shock. “There has been a murder recently that connects to a murder that took place back a couple of years ago. You lived there when it had happened and then you moved. And now you’re here because a murder played out exactly that same way as the one that took place in the past.”
“Look, I have a valid reason for moving-”
“Divorce I know.”
“Yes, well you don’t know the reason.”
“Oh, and what would that be?”
“I was cheating on him, Thomas. He found out and then immediately filed for divorce.”
“Huh, is that so. Well, you kno-” You were cut off by the sound of the one and the only doctor himself.
“Y/L/N can I please speak to you.”
“Um yeah.” You walk outside of the interrogation room to face him. “What is it?”
“I don't think she did it. The way she’s reacting to all of this is way too natural to fake and she still hasn't called for a lawyer to be present. Normally in these types of situations the un-sub mostly always calls for a lawyer or anyone in that case.”
“I know, I know, I know. But she mentioned an ex-husband that could help us with this case.”
“So what you're just gonna “interrogate” her until she starts to talk about her former husband, or just talk about that and only that as a whole?”
“Yes, precisely.”
“You amaze me Y/N,” this was the first time he said your name in conversation naturally and not because he was forced to for an undercover assignment and shit. Well except for this morning but you can't decide if that was a small little fever dream or actual life so it doesn't count.
“And I you Spencer.” He noticed, oh he noticed and his heart practically burst from his chest because of the serotonin he got when you said his name. It was like every time you said his name an angel got its wings.
“Hey Garcia, could you dig a little deeper on our little Thomas Maddison?” You ask her.
“Of course pumpkin. Okay so here's what I got. Thomas Maddison born May 30th leaving him to be a Gemini and you know how I feel about those. He moved from our fun little town too, well, um,-” was what she said before being cut off by Emily.
“What do you mean by ‘um’ Garcia?” She said with a puzzled expression.
“Well, ‘um’ means he disappeared from the face of Earth. Completely gone. No new dental records, no new home, I mean, not even a simple receipt. It’s like he just clicked ‘erase all’ after the divorce.”
“Is that even possible?” I ask.
“Well yes, but you have to literally become a new person for that to happen.”
“Garcia look into anything in his life that could possibly lead him to have hundreds of thousands of dollars,” Reid said.
“Okay, so it says here in one article that he owned a local jewelry store that got burned down around that time of the divorce. The local paper wrote it off as an accident but everyone thought he wanted to skip town after the divorce so he would just take all of the insurance money. Which I guess is kind of true. Um but anyway, yeah that’s really the only explanation. His parents didn't leave him that much money in the will, and he wasn't a drug dealer.”
“Okay, thanks hun! You've been of more help then you know. Call Hotch and everyone else in. I think we got the profile.” You said before ending the call.
* literally 5 or 6 minutes later *
“Okay, so the guy we’re looking for is very popular with the people. He always tries to make everything about himself. Your classic narcissist.” Hotch starts off with.
“This guy hates love though. He never brings up the topic and hates it when people bring it up. And although he hates love, he looks like the guy who could pick anyone he wanted, although he relatively picks on younger women.” JJ adds.
“Yes, and this guy is going to be a white caucasian male. Most likely in his late 20 or early 30s. And he is going to have wealth and will show it off as often as he can.” Emily says.
“Any questions” you heard Hotch ask.
“There’s an event tomorrow just like the one that Mira and John attended. Will he be there? And if so, do you think he will attack again? And if yes then what will do?” You see an officer asking.
“Well yes, we heard of that and already planned everything out. Tomorrow night Agent Y/L/N and DR.Reid will be attending the event.” Rossi said.
You were in complete shock, and frankly so was Reid. You guys never agreed to this, and as much as I love black tie events, they aren't really my cup of tea when there can possibly be a serial killer there. Not to mention the guy I fucking love more than anyone in the world would be there, with me (italicize). Like now I have to look badass and sexy (italicize) at the same time, although that wouldn't be that hard you thought to yourself.
“Guys, can Reid and I please talk to you all in private.” You give Rossi and Hotch very unobvious yet obvious death stares.
“Yeah, now please.” He says.
* again like 2 or 3 minutes later *
“Um hello, last time I never agreed to this and by the look on Reid’s face, neither did he.”
“Y/N you heard, our unsub likes younger women,” Derek says,
“Okay well then just send in Emily, or JJ, or both in that case.” You say in an angry tone.
“Oh baby, you think we're young? Were flattered but no. Sadly out of all of us, you look the youngest, and are the youngest.” JJ says while laughing along with Emily.
“And for you Reid, you out of most people should know that the murders happened between young lovers who got married. And Derek doesn’t call you pretty boy for nothing. Rossi says following JJs statement.
“We really aren't getting out of this one huh?” He asks.
“No. Now it's late so I want you all to get a good night's rest and be ready tomorrow. Reid and Y/L/N you guys can sleep in a little but you'll have to be ready by 4:30.” Hotch says. And with that, everyone goes back to their rooms.
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once” – John Green, The Fault in our Stars
Part two coming tomorrow!
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 2
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Point? Plot? never heard of it! have some fluff instead!
First > Next
First class was called for boarding, leaving the twins behind to wait for economy boarding. They could afford first class, but didn’t want to make a scene with the rest of the class. They are distracted from the window when Lila joins the first class line. When she reaches the desk the twins can’t hear her talking but can see her crocodile tears as she likely spins a tale of woe. There is a sense of satisfaction between them as after some back and forth Lila is sent away in a huff. She goes back to the class and starts complaining, causing them to miss the call for domestic boarding.
“Let’s go,” Marion shrugs his backpack on and they went to board before the rest of the class. He wasn't about to let Lila somehow steal their seats.
As they board the plane they walk past their friends in first class, some seats around them still having people late to board. With a wave they continue on reaching their seats and storing their backpacks under the seats.
“Marion, make sure your devices are in flight mode,” Marinette commands, as she pulls out her tablet.
“Sure thing,” Marion pulls out his laptop, making sure both that and his phone were on flight mode. Marinette double checking.
“It’s just not fair,” They hear Lila whine as she walks past them to her seat.
“I know girl, I know,” Alya is following, patting her back.
Marinette ignores them and pulls out the safety manual, studying the two pages with the same intensity she does as Ladybug. Marion turned to the built in seat screen and browsed through the movies. Marinette was likely the only one on the plane who paid attention during the safety demonstration. When the plane started moving Marinette grabbed onto Marion's hand. It was fine until the plane started to speed up, the grip getting tighter. When the plane lifted off Marion's hand was almost crushed with no magic ladybugs to save it.
“You know for a bug-”
“Nope, na-ah, not now,” Marinette grits through her teeth. Marion sighs and resigns to his hand being crushed.
Fine they had been in a bubble hundreds of meters above Paris looking straight down, but apparently that was nothing compared to a plane. When the seatbelt sign turned on Marion could swear in less than a minute Chloe magically appeared.
“Come on, there's spare seats near us, the people were a no show,” Chloe said, hands on hips.
“I don’t know Chloe, is that even allowed?” Marion asks, trying to pry his hand free.
“I’ll be fine,” Chloe waves him off, not answering the question. She looks at Marinette. “I’ll start jumping,”
“Let’s go!” She releases Marion’s hand and grabs her backpack. Marion shakes out his hand to get the blood flow back, then inspects the marked skin. He follows after them moving his fingers cautiously.
“Marion, your bag,” Chloe sighed, sending him running back to get it.
When Marion caught up they were already seated. Marinette, Kagami and Chloe were in a row of three by the window, while Adrien sat at the row in front. Marion climbed awkwardly over the person sitting at the aisle to reach the spare seat.
Adrien says a quick hello, not looking away from the window.
“It’s normal to be nervous on your first flight,” Kagami assures Marinette, not knowing wasn't her first flight. “Just breath, where would you prefer to sit?”
“Maybe somewhere out of reach of my hand,” Chloe speaks up, cradling her hand.
“It’s ok Marinette, I don’t really like planes either,” Adrien confesses, giving a weak smile over the seat.
“Well there we go you two should sit together,” Chloe dictates, “Come on Marion, up you get, you too Marinette,”
Chloe herds them out of their seats. Marion sheepishly apologises to the aisle person as they climb over them again. Marion sits at the Aisle now with Chloe at the window and Kagami in the middle. Marion peaks over the seats to see the two blushing messes. Marinette holding Adrien's hand, surely for no other reason than fear. It was effective either way as both seemed completely distracted by each other.
“Nice move,” Marion whispers to Chloe as he sits back down.
“I know, and as such I get to choose the movie,” Looking at the disposable headphones with disdain.
“We have our own screens,” Kagami points out.
“Then we’ll just have to start at the same time,” Chloe huffs, plugging the headphones in.
After a painful twenty minutes Chloe eventually settles on some romantic comedy Kagami and Marion had never seen which was ‘ridiculous’ and ‘unacceptable’.
“On my count, go,” Chloe presses play followed by Marion.
“That's not a count,” Kagami argues, the movie not playing.
“Of course it is,”
“You didn’t count,”
“That’s true,” Marion's screen lagging slightly behind Chloe.
“Fine,” Chloe rewinds back to the start, “One, two-”
“Wait I’m not ready!” Marion exclaims, struggling to rewind his. “Ok, now,”
“One, two, three” Chloe presses play, Kagami having pressed it a second before.
“Why?” Chloe hisses, as the screens play out of sync.
“You didn’t specify on or after three,” Kagami explains.
“After three!”
“How was I supposed to know?”
“Ugh, fine let's do it again, One, two-”
“Maybe we should do, ready, set go,” Marion interrupts, a grin on his face.
“No!” Chloe screeches.
“I think I should count,” Kagami interjects, straight faced. Marion isn't sure if she's serious or helping him mess with Chloe or not.
“No! I’m doing it and I’ll be counting,” Chloe seethes.
“Ok, ok,” Marion rewinds his screen,
“One, two-”
“So on or after three?”
After getting bored(being scared for his life) Marion finally lets them start the movie. That doesn't mean he’s done messing with Chloe, as he decides the comedy isn't comedic enough and has to make jokes throughout. Has to it is not his choice, the black cat beckons.
“Why would she not tell him that in the first place,” Kagami inquires.
“I don’t know, she just didn’t,” Chloe grumbles, keeping her eyes glued to the screen.
“It would have avoided a lot of problems,” Kagami decides.
“Well if you wanted needlessly complicated romance we’ve got front seats to the best one this century,” Marion smiles, adding, “And I’m not talking about the movie,”
At that they all stand to peek over seats at the two love birds leaning against each other asleep. Chloe snaps a photo leaning right over them to get the best angle. They all photobomb the background.
“We need to make a collage of all the times this has happened over the years,” Chloe sighs, showing them the photo.
“The piece of resistance will be them in their wedding outfits, sleeping after the reception,” Marion looks down at his phone to see Chloe had somehow sent him the picture, despite him looking at her phone the whole time, “Witchcraft,”
“They would, wouldn't they?” Chloe shakes her head.
“If they ever start dating,” Kagami mutters, also looking down to see Chloe had sent her the picture as well.
“Kags, the only ones that don’t know their dating is them,” Marion assures.
“Shush, this is the good part,” Chloe waves her hand at them, staring at the screen.
“It has a good part?” Marion asks, having to dodge the purse thrown at him.
They were halfway through the movie when Madame Bustier approached them, followed by Lila.
“Marion, what are you and Marinette doing up here?” She demands.
“The seats were spare so I told them too,” Chloe stops Marion before he can apologise.
“That doesn't mean you’re allowed to take them, you should have offered them to another student like Lila,” Madame Bustier reprimands, gesturing to Lila.
“If they can’t be here then neither can she,” Kagami grabs Lila’s wrist before she can shake Marinette awake.
“B-but my tinnitus!” Liela cries, Marion has to grab Kagami's other hand before she can place it over Lila’s mouth.
“Won’t be affected by where on the plane you sit,” Chloe glares.
“What do you know?” Lila sniffs, trying to shake Kagami's grip.
“Surprisingly, I actually researched it, unlike you,” Chloe spits out.
“How dare-”
“Excuse me,” A flight attendant approaches them, “is everything ok here?”
“No,” Liela turns on her crocodile tears pointing at the twins with her free hand. “These two are meant to be in economy, and I was told there were no spare seats in first class, they must of stolen someones seat!”
“Ridiculous,” Chloe huffs.
“Sir could I please see your ticket?” The flight attendant asks Marion. Marion freezes and stutters to explain, Lila looking smug.
“Right here,” Chloe fishes two boarding passes out of her purse and hands them over. The flight attendant inspects them, Marion giving them his passport before they ask.
“My apologies,” They tell Marion, handing back the passport and boarding pass, turning to Lila. “Miss these are their seats, I have to ask you to return to yours,”
“What!” Lila screeches.
“Miss I have to ask you to please be quiet, there are passengers sleeping,” The flight attendant is sterner now. Madame Bustier guides a complaining Liela away.
“Sorry for the confusion,” The flight attendant tells them.
“It’s fine,” Chloe has a vindictive smile on her face as she watches Lila storm off. When she turns around she sees Marion is smirking. “What?”
“You just happened to have two extra boarding passes, huh?”
“Of course, I wanted to have a row to myself, but you two looked so pouty when I left that I decided to give them to you,”
“Right, and they just happen to have our names on them?” Marion prodded, holding them out as proof.
“Uh, yeah? I couldn’t check in three times, I had to use your name,” Chloe snatches the boarding passes away.
“How did you even get our information to do that?” Marion asks, now genuinely confused.
“Anything is possible with money,”
“Foreboding… but true,” Marion considers, “Hey Chlo?”
“Thanks,” Marion gives her the biggest smile possible.
“Whatever, you can thank me by letting me choose the next movie as well,” Chloe turns back to the screen.
“I’m not that grateful,” He has to doge her purse again.
Food comes part way through their second movie, that they let Chloe choose anyway. They gently shake Marinette and Adrien awake. Adrien groans at the thought of more food, but is too polite to turn it away.
“What is this slop?” Chloe asks, poking her fork at it like it might attack her.
“It's worse in economy,” Marion points out, eating his with only a small grimace.
“How is that meant to make me feel better?” Chloe sneeres.
“Because Lila and Sabrina are eating it now,” Marion smirks evilly, Chloe mirroring him.
“I’m still not eating it,” Chloe turns her nose up.
“You can have this,” Kagami hands over a container of assorted sushi. “I brought it, but it’s nothing compared to the sushi in Japan,”
“Thanks,” Chloe actually smiles, but would never admit to the slight blush dusting her cheeks. “Here Mari you can have this,” Chloe passes him the tray.
“Thanks Chlo, but I don’t like it either,” Marion pushes it back. Frustrating Kagami with all the reaching over her.
“At least take the cheese, I know you like that,” Chloe drops it on his tray.
“Wha- oh yeah, thanks,” Marion remembers Plagg, so he can't hand it back(not at all because he’s afraid of what Kagami will do if someone reaches across her again).
“You can have mine as well,” Kagami places the matching cheese neatly on top of Chloe’s.
“Do you want mine too?” Adrien asks reaching over the seat to hand it to him. “I don’t really like cheese,”
“Oh… thank you,” Marion says awkwardly, taking it.
“Here you can have mine as well,” Marinette reaches out, grinning over the seat. Marion glares at her, taking the cheese. She sticks out her tongue and sits back down.
When no one is looking Marion sneaks the cheese into his bag. He tries not to yelp as a few seconds later Plagg bites him. Marion excuses himself to the bathroom, taking his satchel.
“Plagg, what gives?” Marion asks, opening up his bag.
“What gives? you expect me to eat that trash? While Kaalki and Tikki eat a mountain of chocolate, are you so crule?” Plagg sticks his ‘nose’ up.
“It’s cheese,” Marion argues, picking up a piece.
“That is an insult to all of cheese,” Plagg points at the offending block.
“Too bad, it’s because of you everyone thinks I’m obsessed with cheese, so take some responsibility,”
“If you don’t eat it, I’m going to throw it out, so what's worse? Bad cheese, or wasted cheese?” Marion asks.
“Hmmmm…. Uhhhhhhh……. Ahhhhhh,” The Kwami looks like he’s in actual pain having to decide this, “.......... Fine!”
He stuffs the block into his mouth.
“Plagg you have to unwrap it first,” Plagg spends the rest of dinner pouting, as Tikki happily chomps on her Toblerone blocks with Kaalki.
After eating Marinette and Adrien decide to also try watching a movie together. They somehow take even longer to get it set up. Considering they can hardly use a full sentence around each other. Kagami eventually gets frustrated enough that she leans over and presses play for them. Marion, Chloe and Kagami finish watching their movie and decide to sleep the rest of the flight away. Chloe brings out her neck pillow and sleeping mask, seat reclined as far as it can go. Marion takes off the horse miraculous placing it carefully in the glasses case and then in his satchel. When he sits back up Chloe and Kagami are leaning against each other, apparently soundly asleep. Marion pretends he doesn't see both peeking at each other.
“Ah, to be the fifth wheel is a mighty achievement,” Marion whispers to himself, trying to disappear into his neck pillow.
Marion blearily wakes up to Kagami, Chloe and Adrien whispering. Marinette had fallen asleep again and was leaning against a blushing Adrien’s shoulder. He pretends he doesn't see this, reaching into his bag to grab the horse miraculous. He checks the flight path to see they only have two hours to go. Stretching as much as possible he chats with the others until Marinette wakes up over an hour later. They start talking about what they’ll do in Gotham, their excitement rising.
“There's an Akuma attack,” Chloe says looking down at her phone.
“What? how do you know?” Marinette shares a glance with Marion.
“Just got an alert,” Chloe gestures to her phone.
“It’s not in flight mode!” Marinette hisses.
“Of course not I-”
“Chloe put it in flight mode right now,” Marinette reprimands, as she climbs out of her seat with her bag, “I’m going to the bathroom,”
“... I’d better go check on her,” Marion declares, as Chloe turns her phone to flight mode, muttering that nothing happened.
He knocks on the bathroom door Marinette is in and is pulled in by Ladybug.
“Lets go, come on,” She says, bouncing in place.
“Plagg, Kaalki, Combine!” With a flash of light Marion is transformed, and with another they are off to Paris.
They have to be back in their seats for the descent that should be starting any minute now so they transport to the Akuma. Hoping they just run into Monsieur Rat. Instead they find a new Akuma, frustrating now having to find the akumatized object. They seemed to be a plant based, judging by the forest growing out of the sidewalk. Marion drops his transformation with the horse Miraculous, leaving regular Chat Noir. He passes a sugar cube to Kaalki telling the Kwami to stay put.
Ladybug charges in without him, trying to wrap her yo-yo around the Akumas tree like body. The Akuma breaks off the branches to get free, growing them back immediately. It sends out vines like whips, that the two dodge getting forced back. As Marion is forced back he trips over some moving roots getting sent sprawling back.
"Chat Noir," He hears a scared whisper to the side. Looking he sees a hand sticking out from under the roots and an eye peeking out from underneath.
"Don't worry," He gently takes the civilians hand, small enough to be a Childs, "me and Ladybug will save you,"
"Don't you mean Ladybug and I?"
"Never mind you can stay here," Chat teases, sticking his tongue out making the kid giggle.
He feels something wind around his leg. Looking down to see roots start to encircle it.
"Uh, Ladybug!" He tries to pull his legs free. Ladybug drops down next to him, helping him get free. He gives the kids hand one last squeeze before jumping to a roof with Ladybug.
"The civilians are trapped under the roots," Chat Noir reports.
"Inside as well," Marion looks out to see buildings cocooned in roots. "I freed some civilians, the Akuma went after them, you need to find it,"
Chat Noir nodded extending his baton to survey the surrounding area. He spots the Akuma from above, using his enhanced vision to study it.
He looks down to see roots winding up his baton. He jumps off the top and is caught by Ladybug, as she swings them away. Marion looks back at his Baton to see roots circled around it like a tall tree without branches.
"Won't be using that for awhile," He muses, "Piggy back ride?"
"Yeah right," Ladybug snorts, "Wheres the Akuma?"
"That way," He points, "I noticed a poster hanging from one of the trees branches, it must be the akumatised object,"
"Alright lets go!" Ladybug drops down on a roof where the Akuma can't see them.
“Just stay calm, rushing isn’t going to help us here,” Chat Noir grabs her wrist pulling her back.
“You’re right Chat,” Ladybug takes a breath, “But that doesn't mean we can’t get a helping hand, lucky charm!”
"A ribbon? I think weed killer would have been more useful,"
"Very funny, I need you to tie this around the branch with the poster," Ladybug hands it to him.
"Got it,"
Marion jumps off the roof onto the trees branches. It screeches trying to grab him. Chat Noir summons his cataclysm destroying the branches that reach for him. While the tree is distracted severing the decaying branches Chat drops down to the branch with the poster, tying it around. The tree severs the branch as well, dropping it right into Ladybugs waiting arms. The trees branches wrap around Chat, giving Ladybug time to destroy the poster and purify the Akuma. Chat Noir is freed by the ladybugs, placing him back on the ground and returning his staff.
"Pound it,"
Kaalki comes out of hiding, Marion transforms before the press can delay them. He opens a portal right back into the stall. Detransforming and rushing back to their seats.
“Are you ok?” Kagami asked, as they buckle their seat belts.
“I will be once I get off this plane,” Marinette answers, Adrien offers his hand.
When they land they get to be the first ones off. They wait for the class. Madame Bustier does a headcount before they go through border security as a class, before moving on to pick up their bags. Alix and Kim ram their trolleys together as they wait for their bags to arrive. Madame Busier looked tired she didn't even try to stop them.
Chloe had to have her own trolley for her five bags, the rest managing to carry a single bag. The class headed for security separately. Marinette and Marion were stopped for a bag search because of a ‘concerned anonymous tip’ that they were bringing food in. No one else saw them get taken aside. The twins were thankful they left their vigilante costumes at home to be picked up later.
“And what's this?” The security guard asks, holding the polka dotted Miracle box.
“A jewellery box,” Marinette opens it up showing the miraculous. “Its a birthday present for our aunt who lives here,”
The guard nodded, not finding anything wrong. They sent them on their way, the rest of the class had made it through already. The twins walked outside, trying to spot their classmates or the bus.
‘Where are you?’ He texted Chloe
‘On the bus, you said you had another ride?’
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pl-panda · 4 years
The vines that bind us - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 || Previous || Next
“But…! But…!?” Mari shouted after the closing doors. She could hear a cheerful shout as the elevator left the level. 
 The girl placed the box on the desk and collapsed on her knees. She just numbly stared at the gray wall in front of her. She noticed that that the floor was actually a fluffy, dark blue rug. At least she could have her meltdown in a comfortable environment. 
“Sarah?” A voice called from the desk. For a moment, Mari thought someone was in the room the whole time, but she noticed a small device which was probably an intercom. “Sarah, are you there?”
She quickly got up and walked over to the device. There was a blinking red lamp over one of the buttons. She hesitantly pressed it. “Um… Excuse Moi?” 
“Who’s that?! What have you done with Sarah?”
“I… I… I was supposed to be the new intern, but she just… She… I… I think she just hired me and quit…”
“Ah. Okay.” She could almost hear the shrug in the voice. “I need you to bring me the LexCorp deal we are finalizing tomorrow.”
“But… But I have no idea about being a Personal Assitant! How can I be hired?” She shouted at the device.
“Probably something in your contract? I dunno. About that deal?” The boy asked. 
Mari wanted to argue, but a big folder with the LexCorp logo got her attention. She grabbed it and walked to the doors. After knocking twice she pushed it slightly. The girl expected to see some clean and ordered office of the CEO of a big company. Instead, to say it simply, the room was a mess!
The documents laid scattered everywhere. There was a strong smell of coffee permeating the air and she noted a smashed cup. In the corner, there was a table with what could only be called an altar on which a coffee machine with a golden frame stood proud surrounded by candles. The desk was ginormous, easily twice the size of her kitchen table. It was also full of papers tossed around and several boxes stacked on one another to the point where the whole structure risked falling apart. By the doors, there were two pots with some plants that were long dead. She wondered why the janitor didn’t water them, but then she took another look and wondered when any Janitor last saw this room.
Mari tried to walk without stepping on the papers, but it would require to either learn how to fly or walk on the ceiling. 
“Um… Sir? I think I got the folder you said you needed?” She more asked than stated. 
“Put them with the others!” A voice came from under the desk. Mari did as she was asked. She was about to leave when her tablet beeped. She looked at the notification and her eyes went wide.
“Sir?! You said the meeting was tomorrow?” The girl asked. 
“Yes, why?”
“What day is it?”
“Um… Sunday?” He deadpanned
“It’s Monday!” She shouted at him. 
“I would know if it was Monday… I think.” The faceless voice answered, but his voice wavered. 
“I just got the message that Lex Luthor is here to see you!” She panicked.
“Oh bat! Bat bat bat!” Was the response. 
“What am I supposed to do?” Mari kept on sinking. “The security is asking me?! I’m not qualified to make such decisions! That guy’s suit is probably worth more than both my houses!”
The CEO finally got his head out from under the table. Now the girl could see that he was around her age. What was with this company hiring teenagers!? Besides his age, he was dressed in a dark gray suit and white shirt that spotted several brown stains, probably coffee. He was rather handsome, with black hair and steely-blue eyes. “Stall him!” He shouted and started frantically gathering the papers. He then tripped over a toppled mug and fell face-first into the tower of boxes. Just like she predicted, it collapsed, spilling even more papers around. 
“Ugh! You stall him! I will sort this out!” She shouted, switching from ‘panic mode’ to ‘Ladybug mode’.
“What?” He looked at her confused. Instead of answering she looked around. A plan quickly formed in her head. She grabbed the folder that he previously asked for and pushed it into his hands. Then, she grabbed him by the back of his collar and dragged the boy out of the room and into the elevator. Mari practically tossed him inside. Before the doors closed, she grinned at him and slid her hand over the control panel. Now the elevator would stop at every level. 
“Ups! Silly me! It’s my first day at this job…” She faked remorse with the same effectiveness Lila faked dating Damian Wayne. “Remember to read the folder one more time!” She shouted after the closing doors. When he was gone, she sighed. Now the hard part. 
Mari rushed into the room and let Tikki out from the inner pocket of her coat. “Tikki! How am I supposed to clean this all up?! It would take hours to even see the floor! I’m supposed to be an intern, learning things!”
“Calm down Marigold!” The Kwami tried to calm her chosen. “You just need to believe in yourself some more. And maybe get some help?” Tikki smiled suggestively and nodded toward the two near-dead plants. 
“I love you Tikki!” Mari exclaimed before turning toward the sad pots. She touched each of them gently so they would not be hurt and allowed her powers to flare. For a few seconds, her eyes turned vibrant green and her hair became dark-blue while her skin got a green tint. The brown receded as plants soaked the new energy in. It didn’t take long before both were back to their prime and then grew some more, forming vines that would let them walk and more, which would let them grab things. Mari directed them to gather the papers and stuff them into the closet while she got to cleaning more obvious things. 
Firstly, she got the boxes and used them to build around the coffee altar, hiding it from the view. She feared touching it in any way but also didn’t think monsieur Luthor would look favorably at it. Eight boxes were just enough to hide it. There were still several coffee stains on the rug that she had no idea how to clean. She tried to use a watered napkin, but it did little good. Finally, she pulled decided to move the desk slightly forward to cover them. 
Mari looked at the desk. She estimated it was at least ten to twenty times heavier than she was. The girl walked around and started pushing. Slowly, it moved forward. She could hear the elevator ping outside. Damn! She was too slow. Suddenly, the desk became much lighter and she quickly moved it. The plants helped her. She could hear them sing praise to her for reviving them. She promised to water them as often as they needed before ushering them to stand by the doors just as two people entered the room.
Tim grumbled under his breath as he was tossed into the elevator. The girl then pressed every button and sent him on his way. He had to admit, the plan was brilliant. She said she was an intern? Wasn’t Sarah supposed to be the one helping him? Nah. It was probably nothing.
He opted to skim through the folder. The deal itself was rather straightforward, but he didn’t trust Luthor as far as he could throw him. His documents were already looked through by the Legal Department. It was now only the matter of familiarizing himself with them so he wouldn’t sprout some nonsense at Luthor. 
Once the elevator finally arrived at the ground level, he was met by a very irritated Lex and his personal assistant/bodyguard Mercy. The woman had her usual expressionless face on. 
“Exactly how much longer did you expect me to wait?” The businessman asked with a sneer.
“Yeah. Sorry. My new assistant accidentally pressed all the buttons. She didn’t yet get the hang of all the cybernetics.” Tim lied swiftly before welcoming them into the elevator. He did his best to hide the fact he was sweating heavily. He had no idea what state his office would be in, but he doubted that the girl could possibly make it presentable in such a short time. Even just the boxes he accidentally knocked over must have been heavier than her, so there was absolutely no way she would move them.
“You’re ‘sorry’?” Luthor asked with a raised eyebrow. The sneer never left his face. "So, I assume this new assistant of yours will have the time she has wasted removed from her paycheck, yes?" 
“What? No! Dude! It’s her first day.” Tim protested. “She needs time to get a grip on things. Cool a bit, would you?”
The elevator ride was in simple words awkward. Tim was looking over the deal in silence while Luthor was clearly pissed. Neither spoke to each other and if one looked at the other, it was with some degree of disgust. Suddenly, the younger man remembered why he disliked meeting with Lex so much. He felt dirty and had the urge to get a bath. If it was up to him, Wayne Enterprises would cease all cooperation with Lexcorp, but sadly that’s not how the market worked. Sometimes, you needed to work with a slimeball or people would lose their jobs.
When they finally arrived at the top floor and the doors opened, Tim saw that the desk where the assistant should be was empty beyond the box with her things.
“Maybe you should warn her not to unpack if she keeps the unprofessional behavior,” Luthor commented. 
“I’m sure…” Tim started when they were entering the office, but words died in his throat. All the papers were gone and she moved the boxes around his Holy Coffee Machine! He was sure there would at least be the coffee stains, but they seemed to have disappeared. Wait, wasn’t his desk a bit closer to the window? Nah. There was no way she moved it. How did she make the plants look so green? They were dead when he left. Did she switch them with Bruce’s office? Who cares! There was a steaming cup of coffee on his desk. It was red in black polka dots. Tim had trouble focusing on anything but the nectar on his table. The smell that reached him almost made him float toward it, but he stopped himself.
“Oh! Sorry. I was just leaving the coffee and the documents you asked me.” She said with a smile and handed him a folder with large ‘confidential’ on the front.
“Um… Thanks?” He looked at her flabbergasted. How did she do all that? And how can one make coffee so strong?! She needed to teach him!
“I will leave you to the meeting then.” She said quickly and left the office. 
Once outside, Mari collapsed into a chair by the desk. Her desk now…
“Tikki! What am I supposed to do?!” She moaned
“Don’t worry Marigold!” The small goddess comforted the girl. “I’m sure you will do great. You just need some help from time to time.”
“I can’t believe you summoned the coffee cup for him!”
“I felt bad I couldn’t contribute more.” Kwami giggled. “But seeing his expression I did well.”
Resigned, Mari started to browse through the box. The number of folders almost gave her a panic attack, but Tikki nuzzled into her neck, giving her some more confidence. Instead, the girl reached for her tablet and quickly called Chloe. She half-expected the girl not to answer, but to her relief, the Blonde’s face appeared. 
“What’s the problem?”
“Problem? No! No problem at all! Why would there be any problem?” Mari reacted on instinct, trying to hide behind a cheery mask. Seeing Chloe’s unamused expression, she relented. “I somehow got hired as the personal assistant and the previous one quit.” 
“What!?” The blonde shouted. “They can just do that?”
Chloe scrambled to look for her mentor. Interning in the Law Department had its merits. After a moment a woman in her early thirties appeared.
“Mari-bear, Meet Ethel. She is my caretaker. Like I needed one.” the girl complained.
“You accidentally made a hundred copies instead of ten,” Ethel said with some amusement
“So? Anyone can make a mistake.”
“You tried to pick them all up.”
Chloe wanted to argue some more, but Mari’s giggle on the other side reminded her why they were all there.
“We’ve got some problem. Apparently, my friend’s here mentor decided to hire her on the spot and then quit.” 
“Oh! Congratulation. You must have quite the CV then.” The woman clearly couldn’t see the problem.
“Expect I have no idea how to be a personal assistant.”
“Wait! You’re Sarah’s girl?” Ethel asked hesitantly. “Oh, you poor baby!” She cooed. “Honestly that woman! I know she was overworked but that was low even for her.”
“I… assume Sarah wasn’t liked too much?” Mari asked.
“It’s not that… She was quite well-liked actually. The problem is that she was too ambitious and went about it the wrong way. The rumors about her trying to seduce both Bruce and Tim circulated the company for some time now. She wanted to get to the top, by all means necessary, and it blew in her face. Sarah was trying to run away for quite some time, but the stipulation was she found someone for her place.” 
“Oh…” Mari honestly didn’t know what to think about it all. 
“Yeah yeah. As much as all the drama might seem interesting, I’m more curious about how did Mari-bear get hired?”
“In your internship deal, there is a clause that allows your supervisor or mentor to hire you if they consider you fit for the job.”
“But… What about the guardian’s permission? Or my permission!?” Mari screamed. 
“You gave it by signing an internship deal,” Ethel commented. “Tell you what. I will look into it and meet you in the cafeteria at lunch.”
“Um… Okay? What am I supposed to be doing until then?”
“Try learning the basics of working at WE. You were supposed to get a guidebook. Lawyers advice: read it as soon as possible.” Ethel joked before handing the video to Chloe. 
“Look at the bright sides Mari-bear. You are at least getting paid.” The blonde joked before sending her best friend a virtual hug and ending the chat. Mari collapsed into the chair. It was a disaster. She did pull the aforementioned book and started reading the basic procedures. She was so focused she didn’t even notice when the doors behind her banged loudly and a very irate Lex Luthor walked over to her desk until he slammed his fist down the desk.
“I don’t have time for incompetent idiots.” He sneered.
“Oh! Please forgive me, sir. I’m still learning the ins and outs. It’s my first real job.” Mari answered honestly, but for some reason, it only served to increase Luthor’s frustration
“I wonder how would someone so inexperienced end up in such an important position, but I can see you are still more competent than Drake.”
“I will take that as a compliment.” The girl smiled, but there was a mocking note in her voice. She showed him that his opinion mattered little, which was the best way to piss the self-important CEO off.
“Whatever. I want a meeting set for next week at the same time as today.”
Now, Mari had little experience with being a personal assistant, but it didn’t mean she didn’t know how to deal with clients. And say what you want, Lex here was just a client. Incredibly wealthy and influential, but a client. He definitely wanted the deal more than Mr. Drake. 
“I’m not sure if there is an opening at that time. Could you please leave a contact number so we can set something up? You can also email me. I think I will get access to company mail tomorrow though, so that might not be very reliable.”
“Contact number? Email?” Lex looked like he was having a stroke. “Do you have any idea who I am?”
“Um… should I? I mean I was born in Gotham, but I spent the last decade in Paris, so I’m not exactly up to date. I can tell you are not Gabriel Agreste or Jagged Stone.” She bit her tongue. They have hair. 
“You stupid little…” He scolded her, but Mercy put a hand on his shoulder. Luthor straightened his back and fixed his tie. “Fine. Tell Drake I will be contacting him personally.”
“That is sweet of you to try and lower my workload, but he will probably have to run it by me anyway. Let’s cut the middle man, kay?” Marisass strikes again. 
“What?!” Lex screamed. “You… You…” 
The girl did not say anything to the stuttering businessman, but slowly pushed a sticky note and a pen toward him. Resigned, Lex muttered several curses under his breath and scribbled Mercy’s number. When she reached to collect it, he grabbed her wrist.
“In the future, I would be careful who do you antagonize, child.” He sneered. When he tried to tighten his grip she suddenly broke free and pulled his arm closer.
“Just because I spent some time in Paris doesn’t mean I don’t remember how to be a Gotham girl. Have a nice day Mr... Mercer?” She said after stealing a gaze at the piece of paper. Letting go of his arm, she gave him the disarming smile number four. 
Tess Mercer had to practically wrestle her boss to drag him away from the alteration. 
Mari relaxed in her chair and twirled the phone in her hand. This recording was priceless. Even if she couldn’t officially share it (according to the manual), it would definitely lift her spirit some. She was now back in Gotham and it was time to start acting like it. 
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
Ohh Queen Yume you've opened the floodgates!! Which guys would be head over heels over a gorgeous, kind sensei!MC?? Who would feel conflicted about their feelings and who are shameless enough to try to pursue her?
“Tell the guards to open up...THE GATES~”
EVERYONE (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) fight me with this one, Darlings.
Everyone would be up our Darling Sensei’s ass, I BET YOU MY LIFE SUPPORT. The better question at this point would be asking which wouldn’t be attracted to a beautiful Sensei lol
Riddle would act as if it’s the end of the world as falling in love with a teacher is a huge violation of many rules. Though he sometimes slips up with little gestures that makes him stutter and blush uncharacteristically, he can hide his emotions very well. He will try to kill these forbidden feelings, but doing so just breaks his heart. He secretly wants you to come and save him, recognizing him like he does withyou.
Deuce would be ashamed for falling in love with a teacher, how can he tell his mother about this? He came here to become a model student, not to become so attached to his own instructor. He tries to hide as much as he can but he’s a blushing mess with just the slightest attention from you, anyone could instantly tell what’s up. It’s just a matter of time before Sensei herself realized this precious boy’s feelings.
Jack is conflicted. Why was he feeling this way towards his teacher out of all people available? I see him as someone who fully respects you, he’ll be less violent and even if you haven’t noticed, you already got him perfectly tamed. He’ll keep his feelings for himself and wouldn’t ever plan to tell anyone. Though people have been noticing how slightly protective he’s being with you, of course he’ll violently deny them all. But sometimes it can’t be helped, his own tail would involuntary sway back and forth so excitedly if you go as far as to graze him.
Sebek doesn’t seem to like it, poor boy is just really confused. He should already be dedicated to his young master, he doesn’t need these silly feelings to add to his plate! You’re a teacher! You’re a person that he should respect and pay attention to for knowledge but instead, he’s disgusted at the way you haunt his dreams every night! He can’t believe he’s already falling in love with a human like you! Stop making him feel all giddy on the inside, it’s some sort of spell, isn’t it!?
Poor Idia just can’t take a break, can he? When he’s already stuck in a school full of self-centered brats, how dare you come and knock at his closed-off, introverted heart? He knew these kinds of scenarios from all the dating sims he’ve played but never in his life had he thought that he will find himself in the same situation. That being said, he’s still anxious to come and talk to you personally, his tablet was one way but even that doesn’t feel enough. He might really be going crazy as he starts to want to go outside just to meet you...
Silver can’t seem to put two and two together, he couldn’t quite figure out why his heart was beating so fast for his Darling Sensei. He would ask his father for any explanation but wouldn’t get anything out of it but a simple chuckle. That’s fine, something tells him that he wouldn’t be able to trust his advices anyway. Whatever it is, he’s quite fond of it and he doesn’t seem to care much, he does become really sad when you’re away though.
As we already established, Ace can be quite shameless when it comes to his feelings. He won’t outright say what he feels for you, but he’ll constantly flirt and tease you when he has the chance. Don’t be surprised when you begin to notice him actually trying to cope a feel or looking up your skirt because that’s just him. Also, be careful, he’s very prone to using dirty handed tricks to capture your attention.
Leona is another shameless one, he doesn’t care about status, if he sees a prey, it’s just natural for him to bite from the neck, right? What’s wrong with being a little older? He’s not even that young compared to these useless herbivore, he’s the best that you can get. It wouldn’t be much of an exaggeration to say that your class might just be the only class that Leona wouldn’t skip. Mainly because he might miss some exclusive view of you, like when your skirt would hitch up every time you bend over to grab something. He wouldn’t hesitate to grope either, that ass is just too tempting not to bite to at least once.
Floyd is difficult to deal with, since he’s likely the most shameless one out of the bunch. He doesn’t care about you being a teacher, Sensei is Sensei regardless! He’ll bother you at every opportunity he gets and at every place he sees you at. He’ll make excuses to meet you up, even going as far as to skip class just so you could take the effort and search for him. It bothers you a little that this particular student of yours constantly keeps asking questions about your lectures even if he always seems to already know the answer.
I’d say Malleus would also be shameless but he doesn’t actually realize that he’s being one. Forgive him for acting so strangely possessive and clingy around you, following you everywhere like a lost baby animal. It’s just that he’s not familiar with having romantic feelings with someone, let alone a mere human. He doesn’t see anything special in your role as a teacher, he had lived much, much longer than you after all.
Lilia is amused, to think that someone as wise as him had actually fallen in love with someone who was supposed to be his ‘teacher’. Never in his long life had he found himself in this kind of situation, it’s interesting! It’s not like it’s a problem anyway, you are nothing more than a child compared to his actual age, you’re just a mortal teaching him stuff that he already knew. But it doesn’t hurt to take advantage of his youthful appearance now, does it? Lilia’s excited to know where this relationship can go.
Sometimes, Trey and Jamil just doesn’t feel like a student to you. Being a lot more mature than the other students, you just can’t help but to rely on them for a lot of things. Maybe that’s probably why you’ll never notice how deeply in love these two are with you, they’re just that good when it comes to hiding emotions. They’ll give subtle hints here and there and Trey, most likely, might even flirt with you at some point but you’ll be so familiar with him by now that you wouldn’t even mind. I’d say Trey’s a bit on the shameless side, but not in a way that makes him clingy while Jamil is the type to just keep quiet but secretly and skillfully making moves.
Cater is categorized as shameless when it comes to expressing his feelings, but when Darling’s a teacher, things becomes a little...complicated. Don’t get him wrong, he’ll be the same as always, so talkative and energetic around you, even calling out for you with a cute nickname. He’ll even flirt like you’re the same age as him but he would always make it seem like a joke. If you’re a teacher, he’ll also be very careful about posting something about you in his Magicam, he knows how this works anyway. One word out that you’re becoming too close with a particular student, you’ll risk losing your job. Cater doesn’t want that happening anytime soon, but just know that he can make it happen too if he absolutely needs to. Until then, it’s all good and dandy!
Ruggie wouldn’t be guilty nor conflicted about his feelings, but he wouldn’t be as shameless as to scream out his feelings to everyone around him. No, only an idiot will do that and it’s embarrassing so, no thank you. Instead, he can play the long game, he’s a patient guy despite how he looks. Besides, he’s used to these kinds of stuff by now so it’s not that much different~! Expect many coincidences with him in it though!
Azul appears to be very calm on the inside, always helping you out whenever you need him without asking for anything in return. That’s what he is, a simp a gracious student ready to help his dear teacher out any time! But that’s what you think, in reality, he’s just desperately trying to earn your favor by being your “Yes-man”. He believes that if he became the goodest boy in your eyes, you’ll be able to love him as much as he does with you. Although, just expect a few tears and tantrums when he doesn’t get his way though.
Jade is so different from his brother that it surprises you that they’re even twins in the first place. He respects your boundaries, even if he wanted nothing more than to become as shameless as his other half. He’s very active when it comes to your lessons too, always paying attention with the greatest interest. He even serves you tea as refreshments and helps you with work if he feels as if you’re overworking yourself. He’s not really the type to care whether you’re a teacher, “I wonder~?” He’ll be very vague about it if anyone dares to ask but if you look closely, that smile says it all.
Kalim wouldn’t be able to recognize his feelings for a really long time. He’ll think it’s just normal to feel this way, for his heart to beat this fast, for his face to heat up, for thoughts of you to flow through his head even at night. But when he does, all those times he shamelessly clung to you and talked to you will come back to attack him all at once. He’ll actually lower down his affection levels because he was told that liking a teacher is bad and it might actually cost you your job. But it’s so difficult! It wouldn’t hurt to spend...a little more time with you, would it!?
Vil thinks it’s stupid of him and of you. He thinks he’s stupid for falling in love with someone like you, his own teacher, it’s unbelievable how low his standards had become. But at the same time, he thinks you’re stupid for not being able to understand why he fell in love with you in the first place too. Despite the salt of falling in love with someone like you of all people, it doesn’t change the fact the he’ll keep on striving to become the best for you. He wants you to notice him, notice his improvements, and make you feel how lucky you are for catching his attention, so would you try and look at him in a different way for once?
Rook just loves anyone and anything, does he? Everything is beautiful in his eyes and yet, there was something about you that shines the brightest amongst all others. There should be no shame in expressing his feelings, he’ll shout it out loud to world. His eccentric personality is working against his favor too, even if honestly and openly admitted his feelings towards you with everyone, no one will actually take it seriously. But what others perceives to be true isn’t always true, Darling.
I’m not quite sure where to put Epel in all of this, something’s telling me that he would be on the shameless side only if he’s willing to show his much more aggressive side. However, I can imagine him being worried to show that side to you, since you were already put under the impression that he’s a dainty, gentle boy. Although he doesn’t like being treated like he’s the most fragile thing of all people, he can’t deny the attention he gets from you whenever he’s acting like this. Epel doesn’t really seem to care if you’re a teacher in all of this, he knew that it’s not good but he’s determined. Once he graduates, he’ll definitely make a move on you so, just you wait...!
Before I knew it, I made something for every character holy shi- my teacher kink is terrifying.
Also, yes, Darlings! Yume changed her usename from “amai-no-yume” to “dreamii-yume”! ( ^∀^) To tell you the truth, I didn’t expect to like posting sins in tumblr this much ヽ(;▽;) So I ended picking such a half-ass username! But now, I decided to change it to something hopefully cuter and more appropriate! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Nice to meet you again, Darlings~!
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