#No Hero [Downward Descending]
dontcallmecarrie · 2 months
ye olde Stress(TM) Reaction strikes again, aka the start of this was sitting in my drafts for weeks because my brain hates me apparently:
“So...considering how last time went, why are we being dragged into this?” Steve Rogers heard Clint ask, and he tried not to freeze or blush, and, if Natasha was anything to go by, failed miserably at both.
“I mean,” Clint continued and it took far more willpower than it should have to not glare at the teammate who regularly ate whipped cream out of the can because he should not be sounding so amused, “after what happened, why are the Avengers being invited, again?”
Alright, that did it— but before Steve could do more than turn to give his teammate the same glare he normally reserved for when Loki destroyed the top part of his uniform again, Agent Coulson gave a very tired sigh and spoke.
“Partly because multiple ambassadors liked your response time when the pink elephants made an appearance on the premises, partly because von Doom specifically requested you all. By name.”
 Across the table, Tony gave an incredulous scoff as he leaned back and crossed his arms. “And what, you’re letting a literal dictator call the shots?”
“Grumpy because he mentioned you too, aren’t you.” Clint smirked before Agent Coulson could say anything else, and Steve really, really tried not to scowl. Honest.
However, he couldn’t help but notice the way Tony’s expression went suspiciously blank, and something in the pit of his stomach clenched as Tony shifted in his seat a little.
“Okay, so maybe we weren’t finished before Loki interrupted. I didn’t hear any of you guys complaining.”
“That was you ‘gathering intel’?” Natasha asked, and Steve pointedly ignored her sidelong glance, “I thought you were looking pretty friendly there. Way more emotion than we’ve ever seen from von Doom before, anyway.”
Steve couldn’t help but snort. Understatement of the century, Steve hadn’t missed the venom in von Doom’s glare. If not for Loki barging in when he did, there would have been an international incident, and Steve wouldn’t have regretted it one bit.
“As... controversial as he is,” Agent Coulson rubbed his temples for a moment, “Latveria’s a very hot commodity right now, and State Department’s pushing for trade agreements. We can’t afford to alienate him.”
Everyone looked at him, and he fought to keep his shoulders from rising up. “If he’s got a problem with one of my team, don’t expect me to play nice.”
“My hero,” Tony rolled his eyes and so missed the way Clint’s shoulders shuddered, “Steve, I had it under control.”
“Nay, lord Stark.” Thor cut in, and Steve did not miss the way Agent Coulson’s eye twitched even as Clint got a very sudden and convenient coughing fit as the resident alien continued, “I am afraid you did not. I may not be familiar with Midgardian politics, but I do not believe duels are as acceptable here as they are back home.”
Everyone paused at that, and the silence was abrupt enough to startle Doctor Banner out of his reverie.
“Wait, what happened?” He asked, looking up from his tablet, and Steve couldn’t help but envy the fact that he was exempt from this. Sure, the risk of having the Hulk at a UN function would have been nothing less than a recipe for disaster, but at least Steve wouldn’t be suffering though this alone— case in point, this entire debrief.
“Oh, just how Tony almost caused an international incident last time.” Natasha said and Bruce made a strange face for a second before he peered over his glasses to look at everyone else around the table.
“Well, is Justin going to be at this next one?”
All eyes were now on Tony, who scowled and looked away even as he replied, “It’s one of the annual year-end fundraisers, of course he’s going to be there.”
Agent Coulson let out a slow breath. “You are certain you cannot convince him otherwise?”
Tony’s shoulders hunched almost imperceptibly. “It’s tradition at this point. Everyone knows I’m going to be there, so he’s going— and I’ll save us both the time, the man’s about as stubborn as I am.”
“You’re sure about that?” Clint asked, gaze suddenly sharp and the look he shared with Agent Coulson and Natasha abruptly reminded Steve of the exact circumstances in which Iron Man was born.
“The number things I’ve seen him accomplish out of sheer spite is...” Tony trailed off, before he shook his head and looked around the table. “It’s something. Pretty sure the only reason Hammer Industries didn’t come out with another element after I did is because it’d be breaking the laws of physics, and even then part of me was half-expecting otherwise.”
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spirit-tracks · 11 months
Okay SO. Theory Rush after finishing Tears of the Kingdom. Go.
The Zonai are said to have descended from the heavens to help found Hyrule. I can think of another race that descended from the heavens. Do you guys think the minish are native to the Zonai sky islands?
Does the Depths set look a little familiar to you? This along with Josha's theory that people once lived down there, I wonder if the interlopers were present in the Depths before being banished to the twilight realm.
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The architecture and robot designs from Skyward Sword have a distinct Zonai look to them! So that leads me to believe the Zonai were the race that created the Lanayru Mining Facility.
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It might even be that the Past from Skyward Sword is indeed the time period that Zelda was transported back to! Maybe the legacy of the kingdom of Hyrule goes back even further than the fight between Hylia and Demise: though I admit the early appearance of Demon King Ganondorf throws a wrench in this theory.
About secret stones and the amber relics in Skyward Sword: I want to say there's a connection between them, though amber relics don't seem to be as rare and important as secret stones, (we find them in abundance in Skyward Sword and they don't do much). Of course, i haven't played SS in a while so if they have any more significance it's escaping me at the moment. For the time being I'd like to think ancient hylians might have carried them around as good luck charms to emulate secret stones of their own.
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The Legend of the Great Sky Island mini quest in has the construct telling us that the island was supposed to be where a hero will one day awaken to defeat the Demon King. I know our Link wakes up on this island, but there's definitely something eating at my brain about the Great Sky Island being related to (or perhaps even IS) Skyloft, and that the awakening of the hero is referring to Skyward Sword Link. (This potentially supports the theory that the Past in TOTK predates the war between Hylia and Demise)
There's a pretty good chance that Rauru and Sonia's child could have been named Zelda, after the sweet time traveling girl they practically adopted :) the first princess of Hyrule named after the last princess of Hyrule.
There is a giant dragon skeleton in the Gerudo Desert Depths, big as or even bigger than Farosh, Dinraal and Naydra. It is my belief that this mystery dragon became a dragon ala Secret Stone alongside the three aboveland, but was killed at some point in the Depths. I don't know what four people decided to become dragons, but my strongest theory is that Dinraal, Farosh and Naydra are the draconified forms of the oracles of the Golden Goddesses, Din, Farore and Nayru. So who is this?
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Seeing as the Lightroots underground are activated via Zonai hand terminal and each Lightroot lies directly beneath a shrine on the surface, I think the Lightroots are extensions of these shrines, having grown straight downward to light up the underground. This is probably obvious but I just barely figured this out 😅
Since Rauru, sage of light, and a new Temple of Time are in this game, I want to think that this person and location are more than just Easter Eggs to Ocarina of Time. I think that the sage from Ocarina of Time was named after King Rauru, though I'm not sure whether him being the sage of light would have been a coincidence or a direct inspiration.
What I do think is that he indeed did put the triforce in that very same Temple of Time and all the sky islands went to the Sacred Realm until Tears of the Kingdom, when they came back to earth and appeared in the sky. That's just a theory but why else would the sky islands be reappearing as if from nowhere?
Speaking of which, there were floating masses in the sky in Minish Cap, namely great big stone temples and fortresses. Minish Cap takes place during the early days of Hyrule, which would be pretty much right after the Zonai descended. Perhaps the Zonai are the Wind Tribe mentioned, and the people we see in game are their descendants, who look much more hylian than Zonai due to being crossed with full hylian genetics over the generations?
Anyway I need to retouch up on my Zelda lore to make sure I'm getting the details right, (that, and i haven't yet 100% the game so i may be missing some totk context), but I HAD to post my thoughts and get them out there! I'll add on later if I think of any more, in the meantime feel free to brainstorm!
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sunnynwanda · 6 months
Warnings: brutal Villain, blood & gore, death, suicide. You get the idea.
When Hero's body hit the ground with a loud thud, Villain did not realise what they had done. They could not comprehend the consequences of their deed when the last exhale passed Hero's pale lips, could not grasp the severity of their situation, and the extent of damage they inflicted not only on the city - themselves as well.
Hero was right. They kept saying that they needed each other. To counter the other, to maintain the balance. To hold each other back. But Villain did not listen.
With Hero gone, nothing could stop Villain from descending into the depths of madness. Not that they realised it at the time. The adrenaline from the battle and the excitement of their victory painted the world a triumphant red. An epitome of jubilation.
They failed to count how many they slaughtered in the coming weeks. At first, torture was meant to serve as punishment for those who had the audacity to speak against their rule.
Villain never knew when to stop. They got carried away. After the first two cases ended up dead at their hands, none dared to speak to them. Villain despised their stares, the way their eyes were cast downwards all the time, how they never smiled the way they did for Hero.
A reason wasn't hard to find when they were determined to kill someone. To feel the sensation of warm blood running down their arms as they slashed into someone's flesh. To feel the same rush, the same tremor of exhilaration they did when Hero's corpse hit the ground. No matter what they did. No matter the amount of blood spilt to flood the streets. It didn't feel the same. It didn't soothe the ache.
And oh, did they ache. Their entire body craved battle. Villain wanted to feel cornered again, panic seeping in as they struggled to find a way out, to escape only to be chased again. They wanted the bruises, broken ribs and deep wounds, the feeling of their muscles straining beyond their limits, their bones breaking under Hero's fists. They wanted air knocked out of their lungs, to be chained, crumpled, torn apart in more ways than one.
They yearned pain. They needed thrill. Anything but the numbness weighing down their limbs. Anything but the nothingness that was around them, all-consuming. They wanted to feel alive in a way that was no longer possible.
Hero was right. Their life was empty without Hero. They were empty without Hero. They let out a dark chuckle, realising it was Hero who won. In the end, their victory was only an illusion. Hero left them behind to drink their own poison that would never quench their thirst.
Villain's mind is sound when the acid hits their tongue, bubbling as it burns a whole through their throat. They are painfully aware of the last exhale that leaves their lungs, never to reach their lips as they collapse to the ground. Their senses are overwhelmed, leaving them in a state of acute delirium.
They feel their stomach contract, their body shaking in agonising seisures. They feel their chest burning through when they try to swallow.
They feel alive.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Betrayal (My Hero Academia)
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@intheticklecloset HAPPY BIRTHDAY NYM!!!! or early/belated whenever you get this eajkrjewajr I wish you a day full of good thoughts and wishes friend! Originally I was gonna do some classic ShinDeku, but I know you've been into TodoBaku aswell and thought: "Let's change it up!" I hope you like it and once again Happy Birthday! :D
Summary: Bakugou should have never introduced Todoroki to Stardew Valley.
Bakugou had never felt more betrayed.
“Who the fuck is that?” He asked, glaring at the half-and-half hero lying by his side, hiding a tiny smirk behind his Switch.
“Sebastian. My boyfriend. That’s right- I’m cheating on you.” Todoroki dared to look at his boyfriend, his smirk growing at the shock on the blonde’s face. “Sorry you had to find out this way.”
“S-SEBASTIAN?” The audacity! “To cheat on me- and to cheat with the freaking emo computer nerd!” The explosive hero shook his head, gritting his teeth. “How dare you!”
“Oh I dared.” Todoroki turned his game to Bakugou, pointing at his newly acquired pig. “What should I name him?”
“How about McFucking Cheater Pants?”
“Hm…too long. What about Baconator?”
A wheeze escaped, rattling Bakugou’s ribs. He flattened his lips as he continued glaring. “That was dumb- this game is dumb- SEBASTIAN REALLY?” Right- back on track. “Of all the people you could have cheated on me with- him?”
“What’s wrong with Sebastian?” Todoroki fed his newly acquired pig, letting him join his other animals. “He’s nice.”
“What’s right about him? His name’s Sebastian!” Bakugou huffed, starting to pout as Todoroki  began to fish. “I’d be less offended if you woo’d Elliot.”
“Nah, you’d throw an even bigger tantrum.”
“S-Shut the hell up, Icy Hot!” Bakugou growled, cheeks red. He really shouldn’t have introduced the other to Stardew Valley. If he didn’t need help with some of the materials, this never would have happened. “Tch. Sebastian.”
“Are you jealous?” Todoroki sounded amused- damn him!
“The hell I am! Why bother asking; you’ve got your little emo boy now.” Bakugou huffed and turned around, crossing his arms.
“Oh my god you ARE jealous.” Todoroki was grinning now, Bakugou could hear it in his voice. He felt the bed shift as Todoroki sat up, wrapping his arms around him from behind. “That’s actually really cute.”
“No the hell it’s not! And get off me!” Bakugou squirmed, elbowing the other. “I don’t want cuddles!”
“You sure?” Todoroki asked, smug as he felt Bakugou remain. “Thought so.”
“Hmph.” Bakugou turned his head away, his pout ever present.
“Baku.” Todoroki shook him gently. “Katsuki.”
Todoroki poked his shoulder. “You can’t ignore me forever, you know.”
Todoroki poked him again, this time aiming for his ribs. “Come on now- don’t be mad.”
“Gah! D-Don’t!”
Another poke. Followed by another. “Ba-Ku-Gou.”
“Stop that!” Bakugou squirmed with each new jab, once again pressing his lips flat. “I’m mad at you!”
“I want you to be unmad at me.” Todoroki added a few fingers, gently wiggling his nails against his thin black tank. “Give us your blessing for our future wedding.”
“The hehehehell I ahahahaham!” Bakugou grunted, unable to fight down the growing giggle fits climbing up his throat. “I hoohoohhope he divohohohrces you!”
“Rude, and to think we were gonna name the family dog after you.” Todoroki squeezed his waist, making the other spasm. “It was gonna be one of those tiny angry dogs.”
“Fuhuhuhuuhuhck yohohohohohu!” Bakugou wheezed, cackling helplessly as he fell into Todoroki’s chest, prying at the arms squeezing beneath his ribs. “Yohoohohoohohu suhuhuuhuhck ihihihihihiihcy hohohohohohohot!”
“Just say you’re not mad at me anymore.” Todoroki snickered, leaning in and gently kissing behind the other’s ears, making him scrunch up. “Come on- you know you’re not that upset.”
“Kihihihiihiss my ahahahhahahhass-EHHH EHHEAHHAHAHHAHAHHA!” Bakugou nearly screamed when Todoroki began squeezing his hips, slowly descending downward as he tried to escape. This only opened up more tickle spots for Todoroki to try out, effectively trapping him once more. “GEHHEHHEHET OHOHOOHOOOHFF YOHOOOHOHU JEHEHEHHHEHERK!”
“Are you mad at me?” Todoroki asked patiently.
“Shame. And here I thought we could work it out.” Todoroki tsked before digging his hands into Bakugou’s exposed armpits, making the other scream. “You’re funeral, love.”
“Are you mad at me anymore?” Todoroki asked.
“Are you gonna stop pouting?”
“....Are you sure?”
Todoroki laughed as he pulled his hands back, shaking his head with an amused chuckle as Bakugou curled up on himself. “See? That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
“Eh…ehehehehe…eehe…s-screw youhhuuhhu.” Bakugou groaned, no real malice in his voice as he climbed back up the bed, flopping down beside the other as Todoroki went back to his farm. After a while, Bakugou reached out for his own Switch, grabbing it and turning on Stardew Valley. “What’s Sebastian’s favorite thing?
“Why?” Todoroki asked, curious.
“Cause if you’re gonna marry him, I’m gonna marry him too. I ain’t losing to some digital E-boy.” Bakugou sounded so serious too. “When I inevitably steal you away, we’re divorcing him. And I’m keeping the dog.”
The room was blessed with the sound of Todoroki laughing, filling Bakugou’s heart with it.
I hope this was good!
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tgrailwar · 1 year
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: Night 3 (Team Avenger, Team Caster, Team Archer, and Team Foreigner) - FINALE
It was utter chaos.
Foreigner twirled within the destruction, giggling as she searched for her next quarry. There was nothing left of the Grail War outside of smoldering, corrupted remains.
She stopped, abruptly, seeing a figure on the horizon.
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Van Gogh: "Avenger! Avenger! There you are! Now we can fight, and I can fill you in the Grail, so my god can finally arrive! Ehehehe!"
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'Avenger': "Yep. I'm here. But I hope you don't mind- I brought some friends to crash the party. Now, guys!"
Suddenly, the air grew dense with mana. Magic circles etched themselves in the heavens, before beams of mana shot their way downward, etching themselves into the digitized ground and an ambushed Foreigner- as the Witch of Betrayal, one of the greatest Casters in history, began their assault.
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Medea: "That should keep her distracted! Archers, if there was a time to use your Noble Phantasms, it would be now!"
Nobunaga: "Uhahaha! No reason to tell me twice!"
Two figures hung in the air, their words quiet but powerful. Focused, yet destructive.
Nobunaga: "My path leads to a world where gods, Buddhas, and living creatures all turn into desiccated corpses…"
Arjuna: "Tragedy is what will save the living. O aura of Shiva…descend, and bring destruction…"
Nobunaga: "…Nobody can stop this Nobunaga."
Arjuna: "Begin implosion…"
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Nobunaga: "Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens!"
Arjuna: "Pashupata… Explode and fall!"
Burning rain. Falling stars.
The arena was filled with destructive light as Foreigner screamed, tendrils lashing out from herself and the ground around her as she attempted to defend herself. She snapped her head towards Avenger, rage burning in her eyes.
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Van Gogh: "Cheater... cheater... CHEATER! You're CHEATING, Avenger! We were supposed to be the only ones left!"
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'Avenger': "Hehe. Sorry! I'm not 'All the World's Fairness', now am I? Now, Dante, do some work!"
A man in robes stepped forward, opening a book, pages flipping rapidly on their own to their third, grand, final act.
Dante: "...This is certainly a mess… well, if Foreigner wishes to create hell on Earth, then we simply need to reverse her spell! 'Blessed spirits overseeing the Nine Spheres, souls who fight for divine glory! Spirits of heroes that glisten under the light of the Father! Warriors of the the Faith, listen to my words and answer my call! Paradiso Canto: Cielo di Marte'!"
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Two warriors, clad in golden light rushed past their summoner as Dante prepared his Reality Marble, with the hopes of containing the ensuing destruction as much as possible.
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Van Gogh: "Fine! I can destroy you all, just like I did before! Eheheh... ahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA!"
The Allied Servants will complete their goal if just one of them manages to overtake Foreigner! However, the more teams are able to overtake her, the more you'll be able to support Ruler and the Sabers at the Grail!
If Van Gogh gets first place, the other team at the Grail will be in danger!
Archer, Caster, and Avenger are allies! Their scores are boosted by +5%!
Final Augmentations are:
Team Archer: +55%
Team Caster: +37%
Team Avenger: +54%
Team Foreigner: +43%
Allied Servants
Van Gogh
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em-mermaid · 8 months
Let’s Prank Your Boyfriend
(read on AO3 here)
It’s time.
The button makes a satisfying click and a joyful tune fills the air. He reaches out to catch his prize, letting diamonds fall to the ground around him. And finally, in his hands is a large purple crown, fit for a king.
Doc sweeps his thumb along the jewels delicately embedded in the golden rim of the crown and takes a moment to admire how the purple velvet compliments the green of his fur. This will do nicely, he thinks.
The crown of Grian’s desires. A way to get back at that pesky bird. It’s time to put his plan into action.
He reaches up and places the crown atop his head. It fits perfectly between his horns, almost as if it was made for him.
He looks around at the empty streets of the shopping district. The early morning sun glints off the nearby windows, but no hermits are inside. The weight of the crown makes him feel powerful. He needs someone to celebrate this victory with him. He needs to show off this prize.
Mumbo’s best friend, huh? It was almost too easy.
Pesky bird is in for a surprise.
A quick flight later and he’s standing outside Mumbo’s vault door. It’s dark, imposing, even in the bright morning light. Creeping vines seem to crawl towards him, simultaneously urging him closer and warning him away. Sculk sensors click and chitter at his approach.
He raises a hand to knock but the door springs into life before he can. Pistons shift and clank loudly and the door opens with grandeur as a slime block launches him into the doorway to land face to face with a startled Mumbo.
He’s wearing his standard suit and tie, perfectly tailored and freshly pressed. The large black wings on his back shift and shimmer when he steps into the sunlight. His tail flicks back and forth as purple eyes glow with an untold power. It takes Doc’s breath away.
“Oh, hey dude! What’s up?” Mumbo greets with an endearingly awkward wave.
“Good morning,” Doc greets with a smile. He sees the moment Mumbo notices the crown atop his head and watches as Mumbo’s jaw drops open.
Doc smiles and puffs out his chest. Purple eyes flick downward before quickly averting. A pink tinge appears in Mumbo’s cheeks.
“Do you like my crown?”
Mumbo shuffles in place and smiles up at him. “It looks great!” He rubs at the back of his neck. “I just didn’t think anyone would have one yet.”
A grin grows on Doc’s face and he chuckles. “Don’t doubt the power of the Goat!” He steps forward, close enough that he could touch one of Mumbo’s wings if he reached out. Close enough to see the shimmering scales lining his cheekbones. “And you know full well that the Goat can’t resist The Button. I have to be the best.”
Mumbo’s flush darkens, but he doesn’t step away. “Ah yes, well, I suppose that makes sense.” They both know that this was a deliberate design choice.
“Now Mumbo, my new best friend, I have a proposition.”
“A what?” he squeaks.
“A proposition that we team up to prank your pesky neighbor.”
“Oh, right, of course. A prank proposition.” His wings shift with excess energy. “What kind of prank were you thinking?”
Doc nods his head towards the floating rocks behind him. “Perhaps we should first step inside to avoid prying eyes. This will work best if pesky bird doesn’t know that I have the crown.”
“Right,” Mumbo agrees, stepping away from Doc. “Yeah, come on in.”
Mumbo turns and begins descending the stairs into the vault. Doc follows and watches as Mumbo hits a button to close the door behind them. The canking of pistons cover the sound of their footsteps echoing through the chamber.
The vault is modest on the inside. Well, modest aside from the glass covered stash of diamonds kept under the floors. Chests line the dark walls and shulkers are stacked in the corner. A Hotguy poster hangs directly ahead and Doc can’t help but admire it, despite having a matching one at home.
Mumbo clears his throat and Doc tears his eyes away from the chiseled abs of his favorite hero in favor of the handsome man in his presence.
“Would you like some tea?” Mumbo gestures towards the small kitchen and table tucked away behind the stairs.
“Sure, sounds wonderful.” The wooden chair creaks as he sits and, delightfully, it is large enough for him to fit comfortably.
Mumbo places a pot of water on the furnace before glancing back at Doc, wings shifting to clear his line of sight. “So you want to prank Grian?”
Doc nods with a grin. “Mhm.”
“I mean, you know me, I'm always ready to prank him,” Mumbo muses as he joins Doc at the table. “Is there a reason for this prank or is it just because you want to?”
Doc drops his head into his hands and lets out a frustrated groan. “Him and Scar blew up my tunnel bore! These two don’t even know how not to break the most basic of machines. Don’t they realize how many hours it takes to put one of those together even if it is simple?”
He feels something wrap around his ankle and freezes before realizing it’s not just something, it's Mumbo’s tail. He looks up in surprise and meets a concerned yet teasing gaze.
Mumbo’s tail is wrapped around his ankle.
“Ha yeah they tend to do that, it happens to me all the time. Grian seems drawn to every contraption I build.” Is it just in his head or is Mumbo leaning closer now? “What kind of prank were you thinking?”
Mumbo’s tail is around his ankle and Doc is still wearing the crown.
Ok Doc, he thinks to himself, you need to keep your cool. This is good, perfect even. He can’t remember the last time the two of them had even spent any time alone together. Maybe at the spawn village? Or was it back in Boatem? He’s not sure. Regardless, here they are now in Mumbo’s vault and he has this rare and perfect opportunity of being the center of Mumbo’s undivided attention. He can’t waste this.
He clears his throat and leans in conspiratorially. “As you know, pesky bird has been wanting the best friend crown for a while, but he should know by now that the Goat always wins when it comes to The Button.”
Mumbo laughs. It’s something light, yet hesitant. “Is that why you picked me to help? Because of the crown?” His tail moves as if to pull away.
“No, no!” Doc exclaims, reaching out to take Mumbo’s hand in his own. “I picked you because of your ideas. Plus, you have such a handsome face.”
For a moment Mumbo pauses, eyebrows furrowed as he looks down at their hands. The silence stretches on as a variety of expressions flit across Mumbo’s face, too fast and subtle for him to understand and Doc begins to wonder if he’s overstepped. But then Mumbo smiles softly and moves, turning his hand upward to interlock their fingers.
It's an awkward angle for their wrists as they hold hands across the small table, but it feels like a step forward. A step towards something new.
When Mumbo finally speaks, his voice is quiet, barely a whisper, but it’s steady. “So you want to use the crown?”
The air around them feels charged. Doc squeezes Mumbo’s hand and when he responds he makes sure to keep his voice low.
“I want to tempt him with the crown that he so desperately wants. I want to make him pay. And then, with your permission of course, I want to taunt him into taking the best friend crown only for it to cause the destruction of something dear to him.”
Mumbo looks up, startled, but the mischievous glint in his eye tells Doc all he needs to know. “What are you going to destroy?”
“That is where you come in, my dear Mumbo.” Doc’s voice rumbles into the space between them as he begins to use his thumb to draw shapes onto Mumbo’s hand. He watches as Mumbo shivers. “I was hoping you would have an idea. Of course, it doesn’t need to be anything too important, just something to cause a little distress. A little shock. We can always rebuild.”
The flush returns to Mumbo’s cheeks. “We could blow up my vault door.”
Now it’s Doc’s turn to recoil. “Why would you blow up your own base?”
“Well, I’ve been building traps for him all season so he can try to break into my vault. And I was already thinking about blowing up the back part anyway so I can redesign it.”
“You are going to redesign your entire base?”
“Yeah? I don’t think it looks sinister enough.”Doc stares at him. Taking a moment to really look at him. Mumbo’s hair is messy, but not unkempt. It’s pushed back as if he styled it recently, but had already run his hands through it as he thought through his plans for the day. His wings rest comfortably behind him, still shimmering under the skylight. Doc’s eyes trace the crease between Mumbo’s eyebrows and the shape of his lips as he purses them in contemplation of the task ahead.
He’s not sure how it slips out but he hears his own voice whisper. “I could kiss you.”
Brief surprise flickers across Mumbo’s features before he leans in, resting his chin on his hand. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” Doc nods.
“Then do it.”
Doc leans in minutely, but it’s not close enough. “Damn table is in the way,” he grumbles, keeping their fingers interlocked as he rises to clear the distance around the table in two swift steps.
Purple eyes are looking up at him and then, with a slight tug on their joined hands, the eyes are coming closer along with the rest of Mumbo’s body until they are pressed flush against each other. Mumbo’s warm breath mingles with his own and the gravity finally pulls them together, their lips joining in a dance of fire and flames. Years of taunting and teasing finally crashing inward to this singular moment of grasping hands and beating hearts.
They break apart panting, foreheads touching as they breathe together. Doc lets out a chuckle. “You made my mouth all tingly.”
“Ah yes well,” Mumbo lets out a breathy laugh. “That will be the electricity. Dragon’s breath and all that.”
“So are you saying that there is a spark here?” Doc brings his hand up to brush his thumb along Mumbo’s cheek. “That’s not a very safe thing to have around a creeper, but I’m not going to complain.”
At that Mumbo properly starts laughing, the near magical sound filling the kitchen. He shakes with it as he leans forward and presses his head onto Doc’s shoulder. Doc can’t help but chuckle along with him.
Slowly, it trails off into quieter giggles. “Yeah,” Mumbo agrees, finally composing himself. “Yeah, but here we are.”
“Here we are,” Doc confirms.
For a moment they simply stand, wrapped in each other's arms and basking in the warmth of the embrace.
It’s Doc that eventually breaks their shared silence. He keeps his voice low, trailing his hand down Mumbo’s arm to lace their fingers together. “How about we get started on that redstone, hmm?”
Mumbo's eyes light up and he beams. “Now?”
“Why not?” Doc shrugs.
“Right, yes!” Mumbo exclaims, leaning towards the table to grab a small book and quill. “What did you have in mind?”
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freetobeeyouandme · 3 months
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Chapter 4: Maybe I Didn't Want to Know About the Circle After All
Chapter 4 of my Byler Isekai AU is now up on Ao3! Things get very serious very quickly as El has the worst family reunion ever. This is also the chapter that had me go 'Oh, well, at least I don't have to worry about what to rate this one' but...we're all here because Stranger Things is a horror show, right?
Tags: M, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Fantasy AU, Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Horror, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Mike Wheeler hates High School, so when he almost dies and falls through a portal to another world, he’s not going to complain. Especially not when that world does not only have swords and magic but seems to work exactly according to the rules of his favorite tabletop role-playing game. But his euphoria might be short lived because the party of adventurers he falls in with turns out to be the target of an evil god and the fate of the world might rest on their shoulders. So, exactly like his games of D&D. Except the wanna-be Paladin soon realizes that being a hero is much harder in real life than it is in-game. - Or, Mike gets isekai’d into a world where D&D is real.
An excerpt and taglist below the cut:
The Monk laughs bitterly. Before she can reply, the front door flies open and Lucas storms out, alone.
Max growls.
“Put the wagon in idle and get out,” Lucas says. “El wants to try to talk to him, so we’re gonna have to fight.”
“She can’t be fucking serious,” Max hisses, but does as she’s told.
Mike follows her out, not understanding and not liking what is happening, but without another choice. He pulls his sword from its scabbard, but it feels heavy and useless in his hands.
Before he can ask what they’re fighting, he sees the first tendril of darkness spill over the edge of the island, solid and evil, anchored in the stone and earth that make up the top of Mount Arden by something that looks like vines. It feels malicious, feels, to Mike’s new found sense for the magic of this world, like grating fingernails over a chalkboard. And as the Circle descends only more of it spills over, new tendrils of smokey, vine-like darkness forming and writhing downward.
As the first of them touches the ground, it goes taut for a moment before its connection to the platform rips and it falls to the ground, amassing on the spot it touched. When all of it has descended, it begins rising, like dough in an oven, solidifying and then evolving. First it’s a coil of darkness, then a slimy blob, shuffling, moving, and as it goes along growing arms and legs to propel itself forward. And then it grows a head. It’s a terrible, bulbous thing, and at first Mike can’t even place it as a head, until it opens like the maw of a vicious, starving, flesh eating plant. It’s segmented into five parts, each of them covered in rows upon rows of sharp teeth, which look jagged, uneven, as if made out of shards of bone that have been randomly selected and planted in the soft flesh of its mouth.
The thing – it almost looks like a dog in a perverse sort of way – takes a couple steps away from the spot it grew from, then lifts its blind head. The petals of its face open a little at the tip of the bulb, moving as if it’s sniffing the air, and then it turns towards them. It’s still a good quarter mile away from them, but Mike doesn’t think for a second that this thing is slow.
“So, that’s a problem,” he announces dumbly.
Neither Max nor Lucas justify that with a response. The Monk simply growls at the dog-thing, claws flashing out from her splayed paws. The Ranger pulls his bow from his back and readies an arrow. Besides them, Mews crouches, ready to pounce.
Another dog forms on the ground behind the first, then another. They watch the three of them for a tense moment, more dark vines reaching for the ground around the dogs. And then they pounce.
His stomach sinking, Mike takes a step forward, then another. He stops when he has put enough distance between himself and the car that he won’t immediately crash into it when the dogs inevitably push him back and plants his feet firmly on the ground. His grip on his sword tightens, while the other hangs uselessly at his side. He wishes he had a shield or something, if only so he could hide behind it.
Instead he has to watch his enemies advance with his heart pounding loudly, almost painfully in his chest.
Max and Lucas flank him on either side, probably meaning to protect him as much as the car and the house – at least he hopes so – but Mike has no pretensions that he is a line they can hold. Not as even more and more dark vines turn into flesh colored blobs and then grow arms, or legs, or whatever one wants to call their gross, raw appendages.
He takes a steadying breath, then another, and then the dogs are on them. He tries to be ready and only almost succeeds. The dog in the middle jumps clear past the actually combat experienced members of their defense band, and Mike can only lift his sword, slashing downward, somehow catching the creature as it tries to descend on him. It’s just enough to repel the dog.
It stumbles to the ground, growls at him and turns to attack again.
This time Mike slices open a small part of its side. Black liquid – blood, although it looks congealed and old – slowly seeps out, covering its dark red, fleshy hind.
The dog howls in pain and jumps again.
Two hits is as lucky as Mike gets. He brings the sword up in a wrong angle and barely dances out of the way of the dog he missed.
Except its claw rakes his side anyway.
He grits his teeth against the pain, not wanting to give the monster the satisfaction of hearing him cry out. Behind his enemy more are fast approaching.
He whirls around, trying to meet the dog’s next attack, but he thinks the only thing that saves his eye is the arrow that hits the thing’s side and pushes it away from Mike. Then a red blur streaks past him and before he can understand what is happening Max has wrestled the dog into submission – and then sinks her claws into its neck and rips its head from its body with her bare hands. Black blood sprays, barely visible on her dark robes.
She holds the severed head out to the next wave of dogs approaching. “You want to end like this keep coming,” she growls.
Unofficial Tag List (aka you interacted with my snippet posts, please tell me if you want me to not tag you in the future (or want to be added)): @smalltownwheeler @wheelerpilled @wrong-energy @willthelies @foodiewithdahoodie @doggo9 @gardenfairie @beelikesbyler @beverlysclown @yickarus @sourdough-el @hessolivagant @hesquietoday @oldfashionedmorphine @total-serene560 @bylersrise @hawkinsunderground @longtallglasses @generalstorecashier @usnaavi @camel-casing @bylersbear01 @turningsoft @casatoan
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snaillamp · 10 months
JOD - Day 8 - A Hero’s Hero
I was thinking a lot about hypovolemia when writing this one, considering my practical exam was about it! I passed it which is so good, now I can relax. Also check out what other people have been writing, everyone is so creative  and thank you @juneofdoom​ for existing I would be so bored without this!
Anyway, enjoy!
Day 8: “Breathe, damn you!” | Shock | Amputation | Infection |
Villain’s heart skipped a beat as a jolt of shock ripped through their body. Superhero was collapsed on the roof in front of them, face down.
Villain had exercising, going for a casual fly, when they had noticed a figure fall from the sky. Curious, they had decided to investigate.
Superhero was pale, sweating and limp, Villain could barely hear them take shallow breaths as they felt for a pulse. It was racing. “Superhero? Can you hear me?” Villain shook the limp hero, confusion morphing into fear. They hated Superhero, sure, but did they want them to die? Not really, half the fun of their job was fighting Superhero and coming up with plans to defeat them.
Superhero shuddered and let out a soft sigh, opening their eyes. Their fingers twitched as they whispered, “Villain…” Villain leaned close, grabbing their nemesis’ hand. “Superhero, what’s happened?” All Superhero could manage was a groan as their eyes rolled back in their head. Their head rolled to the side as they sighed and stopped breathing completely. “Superhero? Hey!? Supes?” Villain shook the hero, but they didn’t move. “Shit.”

Villain’s mind was racing as they tried to figure out what to do, which is when they noticed the blood. Superhero had a deep gash in their side, and it was leaking blood. Villain removed their shirt and pressed it into the wound, blood covering their fingers. They felt for a pulse again, it was barely there. Picking up the limp superhero, Villain ran, jumping off the edge of the building, taking flight.
They didn’t know this part of town well, so they couldn’t find the nearest hospital. Below them, a siren sounded, Villain looked down and watched the little white van race down the maze of streets. It was a 50/50, it was either going to or leaving a hospital, and from what Villain could make out, they were going to one. 

Villain soared above the city, following the ambulance, watching it like a hawk until they saw it stop in front of a building with a large driveway. Even from as high as they were, Villain could tell it was a hospital. They looked at Superhero, who looked pale. The arm that was not pressed against Villain dangled downwards limply, and their head was flopped over Villain’s arm, chin pointing at the sky above them. Their legs swung heavily with every movement Villain made.
“Come on Supes, nearly there. Hang on a little longer.” They dropped down to the ground, “You’re always so stubborn, you can stick this out too.” Villain landed on two feet with such speed they left a small crater in the pavement “Woah.” They steadied themself, trying to to drop their patient, before sprinting towards the door of the ER.
They burst through the doors, finding themself descended upon by doctors and nurses. Immediately a nurse grabbed Villain’s arm and tugged them towards an empty room with a bed in the middle. Villain lay the fallen hero gently onto the bed, watching them, expecting them to take a breath. “Breathe, damn you!” They screamed at Superhero, hot tears streaming down their face.
A doctor rushed in, surrounded by nurses and began issuing orders. Everyone moved like clockwork as Villain stood there, covered in the blood of their enemy, watching them become effectively a human pin cushion. Needles and pipes and tubes were stabbed, slid and shoved into Superhero’s body, keeping them alive.
Time almost seemed to stop as Villain watched these experts mill around the hero, before they were wheeled off, attached to just about every bag, vent and machine Villain could imagine.
They blinked as reality came rushing back to them. The floor was covered in blood. They were covered in blood. Superhero’s blood.
A nurse gently guided Villain to a chair, and began checking them for wounds, but Villain brushed her away, muttering they weren’t injured. They asked if there was somewhere they could clean up and the nurse nodded, guiding Villain towards a bathroom.
Villain was for some reason enamoured by her hair, long, box braids twirled into a neat bun on the top of her head. Her scrubs were a such a nice shade of blue and they smelled like fresh linen. Villain realised they were thinking strange thoughts, but felt like they were floating on a cloud. They had just seen Superhero nearly die and they were thinking about a nurse’s hair and the colour of her scrubs?
Villain anxiously tapped their foot against the floor in the waiting room. They were nervous, now that the adrenaline had left their body. They realised, that despite concealing their identity, someone might recognise them as Villain. Sure, right now they looked like a regular person but what if? They forced the thought from their mind. Superhero had been in surgery for ages, and they still had no idea what was going on.
They got up and went to the vending machine, looking at the overpriced drinks. An energy drink was the last thing they needed right now. They lifted their wallet from their bloodstained pants, it had a card connected to their stash of money, they could use it to buy something. Just to give them something to do. Maybe the nurses would like some overpriced... “Zoom Juice?” they exclaimed to themself, reading the name for the first time. “What the fuck is Zoom Juice? Eww mint flavour? How does that even work?” They mumbled to themself, catching their reflection in the glass. They looked like shit, being covered in blood was a great fashion statement. “Ok no shitty ‘Zoom Juice - Electric Mint Flavour’ then. Honestly they’d rather eat a battery than try that for energy.”
They noticed the glossy mags on the table across the room, going over they grabbed one and flicked through it. Celebrity divorce drama, crossword, vegan brownie recipe, celebrity marriage, pictures of clothes only a 50 year old Karen would wear. This seemed mind-numbing enough to distract them. They flicked through, not really reading any of it, just barely looking at the pictures. They sighed and placed the magazine on their lap, staring at the wall.
Hours later, a nurse came up to them and waved to get their attention. “Your friend is out of surgery. Would you like to see them?” “They aren’t my friend.” Villain grunted.
Villain sat by Superhero’s bedside. Machines beeped around them as they slowly breathed in and out for Superhero. They had stayed like this for days, Villain watching vigil over the fallen hero. They only left them if they had to. Villain didn’t know why, they could be doing all sorts of things right now. Whenever Superhero was out of commission they always raged havoc on the city, but they couldn’t bring themself to leave.
The strong, proud hero looked so delicate and broken in this bed, tubes and pads and needles all over them. They watched the heart monitor beep slowly, wondering if it was a good rhythm or not. Superhero had been intubated, with a ventilator breathing for them. ‘That’s so cool, that we’ve been able to invent a machine to do that.’ Villain thought to themself, thinking about the mechanics inside of the ventilator that they could see.
The doctor had said they had something called hypo-something. Hypo-volleyball? No. Hypovelmatic? No. Villain wracked their brain for the word. It meant lack of blood, and was to do with shock. Hypovolemic shock? That sounded right. 

About a week in, Villain looked up to see Superhero stirring. They leapt from their chair and raced to the nurse’s desk down the hall. Excitedly they exclaimed to the nurse that the hero was waking up. Next thing Villain knew, they were watching a doctor pull a long tube from Superhero’s throat as they gagged. Superhero’s pupils were wide as they sluggishly moved their head to look at the blurry figure in their vision. They could hardly keep their eyes open, as they tried to make them out. Their voice sounded familiar but they couldn’t place it…
Villain watched as the hero’s eyes slid shut. The doctor said they still needed to rest, but Villain could wait. They decided to go to the vending machine, they were in the mood for something different, maybe they would finally give Zoom Juice a try.
Villain looked up from their 4th can of Zoom Juice that week at the sound of Superhero moving. It had been about six days since Superhero had woken up, but they had done nothing but slept since then, so maybe this was it? “Maybe I should stop buying these?” They pondered to themself, thinking about the amount of chemicals they had probably ingested over the last week. “Stop what?” A groggy Superhero asked, looking over at Villain.
Villain jumped at the sound of Superhero’s voice. They missed it, even in its raspy state. “Superhero, how are you feeling?” Superhero considered the question, “Shit.” they replied. “The nurse said you can have water if you want.” Villain suggested, reaching for the paper cup beside the bed. Superhero nodded, and Villain adjusted the bed so they were sitting a little. They held the cup the Superhero’s dry lips and gently poured a tiny amount into their mouth. They did in twice more before Superhero lifted a hand slightly to ask them to stop.
“That’s better.” They mumbled sleepily, their voice a little more normal. They lay back into the bed, clutching their side in pain. “Did you want any pain meds? I can ask the nurse for some.” Villain suggested. They realised they had grabbed onto Superhero’s hand, which sat limply in their own. There was a massive cannula sticking out of it. “No. It’s fine.” Superhero managed to say, slowly. Villain squeezed Superhero’s hand gently. They sat in awkward silence until Villain couldn’t help themself. “Hey, how much do you remember, you know, of what happened?”
“I remember…” Superhero lay back and seemed lost in thought. “Supervillain. They attacked me. They hit me with a… a sword I think?” Villain frowned. “Supervillain? But they haven’t been seen in years. You defeated them when they tried to blow up the news station.” Superhero nodded slowly, “I guess they came back. They surprised me… next thing I know I’m falling. I-I remember… someone held my hand and said my name… Then I felt… like I was flying… then falling… and then nothing.” They looked at Villain, “Next thing I know I’m talking to you.” Both of them were silent for a minute. “It was you, wasn’t it? With me. You saved me.” Villain nodded, “Yeah. It was. You scared the hell out of me Supes. Really.”
They both fell silent again, now it was getting really awkward. “Why?” The hero asked. “You could have left me there… it would be better for you… to… I don’t know what you do…. Crime?”
Villain let out a snort, “Yeah… crime. Sure Supes.” They sighed, “Truthfully, I don’t know why. Something came over me. I saw you so weak and helpless and I…” Tears welled up in Villain’s eyes, “I don’t wanna lose you, Supes. You’re- You’re half the fun of my job, if you could call it that.” This time Superhero let out a small laugh, but stopped when pain ripped through their body. “I guess the human part of me won. I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing. I couldn’t let you die.”
The villain talked, recounting their previous escapades, in which Superhero had foiled their dastardly plans, until Villain looked over and saw Superhero was asleep. They brushed a strand of hair from Superhero’s face smiling at how they looked more peaceful.
All this time, they had hated the hero for existing, but now that they had spent time with them, they realised that they actually quite liked them. They had a wicked, dark humour, a mischievous streak and above all, they didn’t seem to judge Villain, even after everything. Villain felt welcome around the hero, like they were close friends who had known each other forever. Looking out the window, they talked to the unconscious Superhero, “Supervillain is still out there. With you the way you are, you won’t be able to do anything about it.”
They didn’t realise that the hero was listening in, drifting in and out of restless sleep, “I think I know a guy…” They mumbled into their pillow. Villain looked over at Superhero. “They’ve been talking my ear off all day…” Superhero groaned, rolling onto their side, trying to get comfy.
“You don’t mean…” Villain started, “Yeah, dumbass. The city needs a hero and… I think you’re its’ best shot…” Superhero mumbled, drifting away again. Villain thought about it for a second. Them, a hero? The thought never occurred to them before. Maybe… just maybe, Superhero was onto something. Villain nodded in agreement with their new unconscious friend, “You know what. I think you’re right.” they replied.
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mswyrr · 4 months
The Vampire the Masquerade ttrpg has a "humanity" scale and my understanding is most normal people would be pretty middling on it, like a 7 or 6 out of 10.* One issue with redemption arc discussions imo is people are overestimating how good the majority of ordinary not evil people are. So is it an arc from evil to rare goodness or just normal humanity?
Fiction allows people to lean into a binary view of things that doesn't relate to reality. To think of everyone as either a hero or a villain. But a lot of good can be done by middling ass people with the right motivations and/or evil can be avoided.
The game system has a "downward spiral" element where going low enough prevents someone from feeling remorse or trying to avoid doing wrong. I conceived of my Tess & Joel stories, for example, as people who were able to help maintain each other at like a 5. It really helped for writing not evil people who did bad things but still had a conscience about it and wanted to protect each other's souls. But they absolutely were not heroes or good people. They just knew it and cared about it still. They could feel remorse and they helped each other keep being capable of trying instead of just descending into a downward spiral.
I love hardboiled detective novels and the idea of characters who have a code (still can feel remorse and still try) but also aren't so good.
*I'm massively simplifying the mechanics because my interest is in using it to conceptualize characters outside of a binary view, not in actually doing the ttrpg
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wolferess · 1 year
Dec 10th - 🆂now 🅰︎ngels
Katsuki X Reader
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Days have been a lot colder ever since it started snowing and you were starting to get bored inside the house. Staring out the window in your living room and from the reflection of the glass you can see your blonde hair lover on his phone, you continue to watch the little white balls of snowflakes as they descend from the clouds. Cars drive by on the icy roads carefully, a reason why he won't carry you anywhere, afraid of causing a car crash and losing you to which you were oblivious of guy reason. With your head nesting on your forearms, a deep exhale left you causing the glass to fog up before disappearing.
As you continue to watch outside like a cat unable to leave its home that's when a light bulb switches into your brain, when Katsuki goes into the bedroom that's when you'll make an escape to the outside. You've waited and waited and waited until you heard a deep grunt, his phone is about to die and he needs a charger which is in your shared bedroom taking the opportunity to leave quickly but quietly towards the front door, grabbing your coat, hat and gloves before opening the door ever so soundless but that wasn't the case.
Dating a pro hero has its perks and there he was standing arms crossed, brows curved down downwards and his left feet thumping against the board of the living room floor. "Mind explaining where you're going to?" He said posture is not changing and eyes are still semi dark. Biting the inside of your mouth from being caught you answered "Just going outside " an awkward smile displayed on your face, a quick 'no' was heard from him and you began to plead, "Oh please katsuki it's just right outside, I've always wanted to play in the snow". A couple more please and going up to him kissing his face, hugging him he finally gave in.
He tried so hard to keep up the charade of telling you 'no' but as always you won over his heart and he was compelled. Grabbing his coat if the rack and hat you handed it to him with and rushed the door, at first he was just there standing blankly before putting it on and seeing you standing out in the snow watching it fall from the clouds, he swore he saw a tail wagging from how excited you were. You bend down to the ground to explore and feel the snow even going as far as to take out your gloves to feel it on your palm and boy was it cold, taking in the cold air and watch it as it came out as smoke from your mouth and looked at your palm once again to see that the snow was melting onto a puddle on your hand.
Your knee dug into the snow before letting your back hit the snow. You took another breath, feeling the cold air tickle your nose efore exhaling, seeing it as it become visiblein the air, a figure came standing at your head looking down at you with spiky hair, which of course recognized as katuki. Smiling up at him, you beckoned him to join you on the ground. A tch left his mouth, but he joined you, nevertheless sitting down, not trusting the snow to be that clean. He reached his finger towards you and poked your cheek to which you reacted by sticking your tongue out together with a wink which caused a gruff chuckle to leave his lips, retracting his hand he faced forward.
You started to drag your feet outwards and inwards creating clump up snow and a flip was switched, putting space between you and him, keeping your arms and legs straight before dragging it up shoulder height and legs going as far as it can before coming back inwards and repeating. "Kat, join me!" You beckon, with red orbs and brow raised together with rolled eyes and looking around to make sure no one sees him throw away his dignity, he is compelled. Doing what you did as well.
And when the both of you were done, you got up easily hoping to not destroy the thing you were making and Katsuki followed in pursuit, looking down at the snow, your smuggly look at both of your artworks. Snow Angels were displayed on the snowy ground, running inside quickly to get your phone and snap a picture of course your boyfriend was there just looking at the size and height difference of you two. It was almost like he was in a trance but broke out of it when he heard the camera shutter, thus was his first time ever doing this with someone so close to him, closer than ever, this is his first time letting down his high castle walls and welcoming someone else that isn't him.
Gosh you were truly just that special.
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What do you think?
Look out for the next one😉
- 🐾
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection — Announcement Trailer
Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection will launch for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on June 1, 2023 worldwide.
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Title logo
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Key visual
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Create endless adventure.
Explore the rich beginnings of this RPG franchise with remasters of three timeless adventures that inspire players to go on a journey of discovery, mapping deep dungeons, and building customized parties for exploring and engaging in tactical combat.
Play as the leader of a guild of adventurers, searching for rare treasures and secrets within the depths of a vast, sprawling labyrinth.
Traverse and draw a map of the environment while encountering enemies large and small in turn-based combat, then return to town to rest, sell materials for better equipment, and manage your party, selecting from a collection of heroes to build the right team for the job.
Key Features
An all-in-one bundle of Etrian Odyssey HD, Etrian Odyssey II HD, and Etrian Odyssey III HD.
Touch screen mapping functionality for the Nintendo Switch: Plot your progress through the labyrinth, drawing walls and placing icons to note special events and items.
Full mouse support and functionality to map drawing, menus, and dungeon exploration.
Newly remastered graphics, remastered soundtrack and quality of life improvements including difficulty selection and save slots.
Easy access to the monster compendium, quest log and skill tree.
Maximize your adventuring by optimizing your party, choose the characters that work for your playstyle or the best team for the job.
Etrian Odyssey HD
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In a vast and fertile land lies a small town known as Etria, a peaceful village that became famous for a startling discovery. A crack in the the vast forest opened at Etria’s edge, leading downward like a gaping maw. It all began there…
Those who hear rumors of the labyrinth of Etria begin to harbor dreams of exploring it. Riches, fame, prestige… and a promise: the true spirit of adventure on the perilous edge of death.
Build a party of explorers from nine different character classes – Create a woodland survivalist, shield-bearing protector, whip-wielding dark hunter, and more. Scour through the dungeon’s many layers and fend off the unknown to discover the truth behind the Yggdrasil Labyrinth.
Etrian Odyssey II HD
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When civilization sunk beneath the seven seas, deep forests spread across the five remaining islands.
Only the chosen ones escaped the waters in their castle stronghold. Eventually, the waves overtook even the last five islands…And the castle was all that remained. After the passing of ages, the people of the floating castle have chosen to descend upon their mother soil.
Build your own party from twelve different classes of heroes and climb through the Yggdrasil tree to reach the clouds and uncover the truth of High Lagaard.
Etrian Odyssey III HD
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Traverse through the mysterious ruins that connect to the bottom of the sea.
South of the great continents, beyond the sea, lies the ocean city of Armoroad. Legend has it that part of the city sunk without warning a century ago to the bottom of the ocean, taking with it untold technology that is now lost to mankind.
Intrigued by the legend, many explorers gathered in Armoroad, all hoping to challenge the undersea labyrinth. But so far, none have found the fabled sunken city. Set sail to Armoroad to navigate the Yggdrasil Labyrinth, find the drowned city, and win fortune and glory!
Build your own party of explorers from the all-new twelve different character classes. Descend the labyrinth that swallowed the mystery of Armoroad and the drowned city.
Etrian Odyssey HD Character Potrait DLC Set 1
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Adds two ATLUS themed character portraits to your party:
Joker from Persona 5 Royal
Ringo from Soul Hackers 2
These portraits can only be accessed on Etrian Odyssey HD.
Etrian Odyssey HD Character Potrait DLC Set 2
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Adds two ATLUS themed character portraits to your party:
Demi-Fiend from Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Teddie from Persona 4 Golden
These portraits can only be accessed on Etrian Odyssey II HD
Etrian Odyssey HD Character Potrait DLC Set 3
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Adds two ATLUS themed character portraits to your party:
Nahobino from Shin Megami Tensei V
Aigis from Persona 3 Portable
These portraits can only be accessed on Etrian Odyssey III HD.
New Character Portraits
Landsknecht (Etrian Odyssey HD) – Masters of sword and axe, Landsknechts can bear a wide range of weapons and armor in close combat. Balanced warriors for the front line.
War Magus (Etrian Odyssey II HD) – Equally skilled at magic and melee. Force Skill: Invoke Heals party HP and ups elemental resistance. Can work from the front or back lines.
Sovereign (Etrian Odyssey III HD) – Those of royal blood from kingdoms large and small. Their orders raise morale to turn the tide. Supporting combatants on either line.
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dontcallmecarrie · 4 months
On Echoes and Parallels
writer's block bites, but here, have some momentary introspection on birthdays .
Justin Hammer glared at the tiny box sitting on their desk, and the ridiculously shiny Rolex Daytona winked back.
Why on earth their father thought they’d like it, Justin had no idea— for one, they leaned more towards understated elegance and timeless styles. Steph had teased them more than once as a kid for dressing like an old man, but considering their family’s entire aesthetic was “different shades of old money”, they’d fit right in.
…but now they’d catch an earful for “being ungrateful” if they didn’t wear the watch that was the current bane of their existence, and that wasn’t even mentioning the whole ‘part of your late grandfather’s watch collection so show some respect, boy’ emotional snarl that was the true crux of the matter.
Because Justin could count on one hand how many memories they had of their grandfather, but the man, like all Hammers, had been a piece of work.
However, his untimely death before Justin had hit the double digits apparently wiped the slate clean. Of course, having an ironclad will probably helped, but it’d still taken the better part of a decade the man’s estate completely settled.
For as it turned out, all Hammers had their own vices, and while Justin’s father was skirtchasing, Humphrey Armitage Hammer’s had been collecting. Had he been any poorer, he probably would have been deemed a hoarder— but as it was, the Hammers probably could have turned over his storage units over to a museum or three without anyone batting an eye.
Or, well, mostly: Justin was 99% certain his art collection had stuff stolen by Nazis, considering how tight-lipped their parents got whenever the topic came up. His fountain pen collection was much more innocuous, but his coin, gun, and watch collections were probably worth more than the net worth of several countries put together.
Justin’s parents would had been more than happy to get rid of most it, but.
Apparently, that would make the family look bad, with people possibly going “look at how this man’s legacy is being squandered” and, of course, that would never stand. So, instead, now everything that had belonged to Grandfather went to storage, with the odd relic dusted off and flaunted. Such as, for instance, the shiny Rolex sitting on Justin’s desk.
They probably sounded spoiled, Justin knew; what other eighteen-year-old would complain about receiving their grandfather’s extremely expensive watch?
Except said grandfather had literally hundreds of watches just gathering dust in some storage facility, and it’d been Justin’s father who’d grabbed at random and shoved it at him with a gruff “congratulations, you’re a man now,” and called it a day.
Like they needed the extra headache after keeping the peace between their parents and Steph, especially today of all days. But if he didn’t show up to his own birthday party wearing it, Justin would catch hell from his father, and contend with his mother’s austere disapproval for the next decade.
Ugh. The only silver lining was that their attention span was next to nonexistent when it came to Justin, so so all he had to do was bear it today and conveniently ‘lose’ the watch afterwards— really, sometimes it paid off to be so estranged from parents who’d never quite forgiven him for not being a genius. With his luck, Justin could grab a fountain pen from storage, pretend his father had graciously picked it out, and nobody would either notice or care.
Which, predictably, is exactly what happened.
However, what no one could have predicted was what happened a couple of years later, when Tony Stark became an orphan one cold December night.
That Christmas had been rough, but also alerted Justin to the fact that his rival was going to be facing his first birthday without his parents. And sure, he had Jarvis looking out for him, and Obadiah Stane, Justin couldn’t quite help but feel that they should be doing something too— come on, it was for Tony’s eighteenth birthday.
So, after they headed home after that Christmas, Justin got to thinking. Their plans for Steph were currently at a delicate stage, so they’d need to be careful no matter what they decided on. Not to mention their extremely limited budget— their parents would never approve of anything they did to even potentially benefit their rival, after all.
Then they caught a glimpse of the tiny box sitting in the darkest corner of the room, and had an idea.
While the watch wasn’t their style, that level of flashiness perfectly matched Tony’s. Not to mention that a Rolex was a perfectly respectable brand, and considering the rumors of Tony being fast-tracked to CEO? It’d probably be nothing compared to the actual genius he brought to the table, but every little bit helped when it came to stockbrokers and shareholders.
“Thanks, Justin.” Tony said, smile bright and an strange amount of amusement on his face considering everything, until— “is there a reason it has ‘Hammer’ engraved on it?”
Justin froze. Then, once the words registered, they forewent any semblance of dignity in favor of a facepalm because really, they should have expected this. “That— I am so sorry, it was my grandfather’s. He had a habit of putting his name on everything.”
“Your grandfather?” Tony repeated, and now his voice sounded strange. Which, fair, it wasn’t like Justin ever brought him up beyond a vague, ‘may he rest in peace’ manner and having him come up now was probably not their brightest moment.
Justin tried to keep their shoulders from hunching defensively. “Yes, my grandfather. If you don’t like it, I can…”
They trailed off for a moment, because their first thought was to say, ‘I can get you another one,’ except, well, they couldn’t. Not when their parents controlled so much of Justin’s finances, and they’d never approve of such an expense as a gift for Tony Stark of all people.
“No, don’t, it’s great! The man had good taste.” Tony said, interrupting Justin’s thoughts and visibly brightening as he went on.
“I thought you’d like it.” Justin said, and they hadn’t meant to let their voice sound so soft but it was the truth.
…a truth that ended up going much further than they’d expected, as Tony took to wearing that watch everywhere.
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shepardsherd · 3 months
Okay so, Major Post: A Summary Of ALL my wips across The Athenverse
This is gonna get major long, so I'll continue under a read more if it gets longer than it needs to be
Universe A Terraclaw Two men, both could have changed the world. Now they're tearing it apart, just to keep those close to them, safe. Both Kings, both royalty. One the Upsurper, one the blood prince.
Nohing stands in ttheir way as kingdoms fall, whilst people try to claim justice and land for themselves. And innocents will be caught in the crossfire. Welcome to Terraclaw
Humans have always hated Elves, and Elves have always feared Humans since the 500 year war. Until one day, when the world's are torn apart again with the death of a 16 year old girl that sets off a campaign to bring down the barrier separating their walls and reunite the two kinds once more. The people want to be heard. We won't leave them speechless.
Raising Hell
They said darkness was coming, but the Kennedy crew already knew darkness was here- in the government, in the villages, in the cities and now… in Heaven
In a bid to get to the bottom of things, Sebastian Kennedy and his boyfriend who is the literal Angel Zachariah and their friends must fight for their lives, saving their families whilst uncovering secrets and raising hell all the while.
Heaven will fall and Hell will reign. Things will never be the same
Not You (also in Universe B)
When there is love, hate will always follow. Blinding hate that will unravel someone and tear worlds apart. Jericho Owens is a time traveller who loves his wife. His wife's boss also loves her, and soon, Jericho will tear his world and a parallel universe apart, just to see the woman he loves, again.
Layton Manners, an autistic professor/ vault hunter of treasure, goes on a downward spiral as he tries to find his bes friend and robot he made, Churchill. How can he ever trust again? Will he ever love again?
This journey across the universe to find his friend, will take him to places he's never been and find out things he'd never have found himself. The world is wild. And so is he.
Slash and Burn
What would you do, if everything around you crashed and burned? Would you try to build again? A series of explorers from anoher plane find themselves on Clawven, a ruined plane overrun by monsters. Now is time to take it back, bring the land back to its former glory.
Secrets will be revealed, times have changed and hundreds of years have passed.
Scars Of Fate
4 adventurers - Taion, Feron, Samara and Melori are said to be descendants of some heroes of legend and they're trying to find out more about the heroes of legends whilst helping out others
Turns out, each hero of legend went missing and it just so happens that as the four travel, they find out who the heroes really are, who they themselves are and have to fight against everything they've ever known to find where they belong, set things right.
Worlds will be rocked. Things will never be the same.
Universe B Reaper's Paradise
Natsupre. The world of the Reapers and the supernatural. Its getting out of hand, people are dying, Reapers are Reaping and Gods have all but abandoned the planet... but why? Time for our Reapers to find out.
Heaven Asunder
Heaven turns out to be a planet, not the Afterlife people think it is. The Angels have abandoned their posts, Heaven is falling apart in more ways than one. The Angels have free reign over the planet but are interested in using their power to divide and conquer realms
Universe C - Genderbend world
Heaven's Fallen
Heaven is falling. The Gods aren't listening and the world is burning. Sebastiana must team up with her best friend and lover, Zariah and their friends to put an end and restore order to Heaven's corrupt ways. And the truth will leave them reeling. Secrets will come out and stories will be told. Heaven will fall. One way or another
Chaos Dawning Clementine has gone missing. Leighton is wanting to find her, because she made her after all. Clemenine is her cyborg creation. Chaos is dawning and there's only so much time left, before there is nohing left to save at all.
Imperfect Choice
Gods have all but abandoned the world because of a stupid, brash choice. Everything is falling apart and someone has to try to put it all together again. People will die. Lies will tear families apart. But they need to unite the land in hope, to cope. For a better future.
Universe D With God As My Witness
Lou Hart, a simple man who belives the supernatural exist. Everyone tells him they don't. Over the course of a few months, maybe even a year, he finds out not only do the supernatural exist, he becomes one of them. He tears apart a world to keep his best friend with him.
With God as his witness, Lou Hart will get revenge.
Chain Of Memories
In a world where people can live forever, two humans Eon and Regina find themselves wondering if they've ever met before.
God has plans for their world, the only thing standing in their way is the chain of memories that seem to find these two and leave a vicious cycle on the edge of being broken… its time for Eon and Regina to finish what they started and take back what is rightfully theirs.
Can they save themselves, their world and their friends?
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Zero to Hero
I present to you the latest in my series of songfics, it’s hero time for our boy, Kimules! Enjoy, and as always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! We find ourselves after Kim’s first major victory!
The crowd of students stood frozen in shock and horror at the massive pile of rocks that had just descended. The hydra had been defeated, that much was true, but at what cost? The teal eyes of the youngest daughter of the sea king filled to the brim with tears, unable to see the boy she had fallen so in love with. Was Kim actually….
Suddenly, the assembled crowd gasped in terror as a clawed hand that had escaped being buried beneath the landslide began to move! Had the horrendous monster somehow survived?!
But when the claws of the terrible creature were suddenly forced open…there stood the young demigod, his clothes ripped and sporting various scratches, but very much alive. The roaring of the crowd were somehow deafened by the relieved and joyous cheers of his friends and classmates! He donned his signature lopsided grin as they crowded around him.
“Dude, you did it!”, Nino cheered, clapping his classmate on the back!
“You won by a landslide!”, Simon joked, tussling Kim’s hair with a wide grin.
“That was amazing!”, Ondine cried, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him as she rejoiced the fact that he was, overall, unharmed.
Blushing brightly, Kim looked around at the smiling faces of all his favorite people, and admitted…
“I guess…that was pretty heroic!”
Ladies, gentleman, and esteemed others…the Muses!
“From that day forward, our boy Kim could do no wrong.”, announces Clara, the leader of the five musical deities, gesturing grandly, “He was so hot, steam looked cool.”, she continues with a sly smile before hitting a rousing opening note, her chestnut-brown waves and flowing white chiton fluttering around her as she begins to twirl, her four companions beginning to move to the beat as well. Vivica, with her youthful side pony and energetic moves. Veronique, with her smart glasses and playful smile. Nadja, with her sharp pixie-cut and discerning eye. And finally, Jean-Pierre, with his smooth coiffe and welcoming grin. All dressed in the same graceful white as their leader.
Clara: Bless my soul! Kim was on a roll!
The five muses stood in a line performing flawlessly choreographed moves as a large discus to their left depicted the image of Kim racing to defeat yet another obstacle in his way.
Veronique: Taking the front page with every story that they roll!
The bespectacled muse twirled towards the front, dropping a stack of prints of Francois Prep’s school newspaper, The Daily Fae, the front page of every one depicting a color-blown image of Kim defeating some monster or thwarting some disaster.
Nadja: What a pro!
Jean-Pierre: Our Kim could stop a show!
The lone male muse pulled the screen downwards, showing Kim smiling as he signed autograph after autograph for an excited group of kids, each one wanting to be a hero just like him!
Vivica: Point him at a monster and you're talking SRO!
Keeping the beat with her hip, the youngest muse pointed off to a scene off to her right, a large, nasty-looking boar ready to charge right at our young hero!
Clara: He was a no one!
Nadja/Vivica: A zero, zero!
The ferocious creature gave a mighty roar as it prepared to charge the terrified crowd, but there was one person in the front who showed no fear, ready to meet the challenge.
Clara: Now he's a honcho!
Muses: He's a hero!
Pulling back the string of his bow, Kim remembered every pointer that Kagami had given him as he loosed the arrow towards his charging foe. It hit the boar straight in the forehead, the gargantuan monster falling, dead as a doorknob. Another win!
Veronique: Here was a kid with his act down pat!
With a high celebratory whinny from his loyal winged steed, Kim knocked foreheads with Xuppu in their signature move of celebration, before turning to meet the adoring crowd.
Nadja/Vivica: From zero to hero, in no time flat!
With a roar of fury and a flare of his flaming sideburns, Kim’s uncle, the lord of the Underworld, known rather quaintly as ‘Bob’, knocked various monstrous chess pieces off the board he used challenge his nephew. It seemed that nothing could even faze the brat!
Muses: Zero to hero!
Clara: Just like that! (snaps)
With a bright smile and a flick of her hips, Clara snaps her fingers, changing the scene to yet another crowd of fans, as the other muses pose around her.
Vivica: When he smiles, the girls go wild with oohs and aahs!
His status as a gold-star hero and his impressive physique had certainly earned Kim quite a few female admirers. He waved and gave a polite smile to the squealing girls as he made his way towards the one redhead who never left his mind. Giving her boyfriend a congratulatory kiss for his latest victory, the mermaid princess took his hand as they headed to the date they still had planned.
Veronique: Back home, they slapped that cute face on ev'ry plate and vase!
With a grin, Veronique gestures to an array of Grecian pottery, each one depicting a heroic deed by the young demigod, before she picks up one that depicts the hero with his trademark adorably lopsided grin. Nadja rolls her eyes at her companion’s pronunciation.
Nadja: I think you mean "vahse"!
With an irritated scowl, Veronique stuffs the urn over Nadja’s head, prompting Jean-Pierre to quickly step in and intro the next scene before a cat fight can break out!
Jean-Pierre: From appearance fees and royalties, our boy had cash to burn!
Lanh and Etienne, Kim’s adoptive fathers couldn’t have been prouder of their son if they tried!…And the massive, almost palatial countryside manor he had bought them with his new influx of funds certainly didn’t hurt!
Clara: Now the heroes’ golden standard, all you others, you just watch and learn!
The rest of the folks from Kim’s hometown were feeling mighty foolish as they watched the televised unveiling of the large bronze statue of the boy. If only they had been a bit more understanding…
Nadja/Veronique/Vivica: Say amen!
Jean-Pierre: There he goes again!
The muses all point to the scene at their left, with Kim sending a monstrous lion flying with a well-placed right hook followed by a roundhouse kick.
Veronique: Sweet and undefeated!
Nadja: And an awesome 10 for 10!
The muses stand in a line smiling brightly as each of them holds up a sign with a large, bold ‘X’. No one could kick monster ass like Kim!
Vivica: Folks line up, just to watch him flex!
In a crowded arena, an assembled array of students and fans laughed and cheered raucously as the demigod lifted Prince Adrien of Corona and Prince Nathaniel of Kurtz in one flexed arm, with inventor Max Kanté and former street rat Alix Kubdel in the other.
Veronique: And this perfect package packs a pair of pretty pecs!
Veronique pulls a new screen into view, showing a shelf of magazines, which featured Kim’s long awaited and coveted workout routine, quickly emptied within a minute. Most people may not be able to get up to his level, but they were sure willing to try!
Clara: Kimmy, he comes, he sees, he conquers!
Leaping onto Xuppu’s back, Kim made short work of an attacking flock of Stymphalian Birds, slicing their brass-like feathers apart before knocking them out of the sky, to the roaring cheers of the local populace.
Nadja: Honey, the crowds were going bonkers!
When the young demigod was being honored yet again for saving a town from a ferocious beastie, no one in the crowd was cheering louder or crazier than all his friends, standing front and center!
Veronique: He showed the moxie, heart, and spunk!
The scene changes to Corona’s first releasing of the lanterns since the prince’s joyous return! Unfortunately, a monstrous serpent, courtesy of the God of Death, had decided to crash the party, but with a quick grab to the neck and a good thrashing by Kim, it slunk back to the depths, whimpering all the way. (He didn’t kill it because it would have upset his girlfriend!)
Jean-Pierre: From zero to hero!
Vivica: A major hunk!
The youngest muse giggled as she held up a TeenZine that depicted an image of the hero flexing on the cover, which many young ladies had likely spent time squealing over.
Muses: Zero to hero!
Clara: And who'da thunk?
With a rousing blow of the trumpet, the muses engage in an energetic dance break, clapping their tambourines against their hands as they move in a lively jig.
Clara: Who put the glad in gladiator?
Choir: Kimules!
Every single one of Kim’s classmates in the heroism courses were no match for the demigod as he quickly trounced all of them in a matter of moments. (While praising them for a good effort! What can I say, he’s a nice guy!)
Veronique: Whose daring deeds are great theater?
Choir: Kimules!
Veronique moves her comedy mask away from her face as she shows the audience a stage where a play (written and produced by Jean, of course, a gift for Kim’s birthday) depicting the demigod’s greatest feats of heroism was being put on!
Vivica: Isn't he bold?!
Choir: No one braver!
Nadja: Is he sweet?
Choir: Our fav'rite flavor!
Kim shared a fist bump with Denise as they celebrated the official release of GameGod, their trademarked new energy drink, brewed with organic Olympus nectar and cherry XP points for an extra powerful boost!
Choir: Kimules, Kimules...
Choir: Bless my soul, Kim was on a roll!
Muses: Undefeated!
In the next scene, Kim was charged all at once by a Minotaur, a gryphon and a gorgon, but with three well-timed punches, the monsters landed in a crumpled heap on top of one another.
Choir: Riding high!
Clara: And the nicest guy!
The muses (and audience) cooed as Kim pulled a tree branch down, gently plucking the rattled kitten from the leaves and returning it to a very grateful little girl.
Muses: Not conceited!
The boy blushed modestly as a flurry of reporters asked questions and snapped pictures after his later act of bravery. He would probably never get used to all the positive attention.
Nadja: He was a nothin'!
Choir: A zero, zero!
Clara: Now he's a honcho!
Choir: He's our hero!
An erupting volcano was no big whoop as Kim plugged it up with a massive boulder, sparing the residents of the surrounding town months of repairs!
Veronique: He hits the heights at breakneck speed!
Backed by the cheers of his friends, Kim leaped onto Xuppu once more as he went to answer the latest distress call the school had received. A hero’s work is never done! (He totally wasn’t blushing from the ‘Good Luck’ peck on the cheek he’d received from Ondine, no sir!)
Jean-Pierre: From zero to hero!
Vivica: Our Kim is a hero!
Bob slammed his head down onto a table as he screamed in rage for the fifth time that day, his imp minions cowering in fear over in the corner.
Muses: Now he's a hero~…
Clara: Yes indeed!
With a wink to the audience, Clara closes out the song before an image of Kim striking his signature heroic pose overtakes the view.
And there it was my fine people! This one was a task to figure out but I’m proud of it! Coming up next, Adripunzel wants to know one thing: When will his life begin? Stay tuned!
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sonic-wildfire · 1 year
Breathe In, Breathe Out
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Nightmares, Dreams and Nightmares, Drowning, One Shot
Summary: Sonic has a particularly bad nightmare. Tails fears the worst.
Notes: Inspired by fanart from @sonicattos. Special thanks to @file-004-tw1xy and @deadnightguard for beta reading and providing feedback!
[Read on AO3]
The first thing Sonic felt was that he was sinking. He wasn’t sure how long he had been out or how he got here. His surroundings — the ones he could hear, anyway — gave him no clues either; aside from a droning, soft rumble, it was silent. The ambience was almost soothing in a weird way, like it was trying to lull Sonic back to sleep.
The blue hedgehog gradually collected himself. It was already clear to Sonic that he was completely out of his element. His limbs felt as though each weighed as much as a truck. An uneasy tightness in his chest stalked his conscience.
Sonic’s head was pounding, a dull ache encompassing it. This wouldn’t be the first time he’d have to deal with a sore noggin.
But an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach told him something was out of the ordinary. Something felt… out of place?
No. Something was wrong.
Very wrong.
Sonic eventually mustered the strength to slowly open his eyes. As he did so, his vision blurred and his eyes began to sting. The tightness in his chest slowly but steadily grew.
He tentatively looked around, as if expecting to see a friend beside him.
When Sonic looked up, the sky sported an oddly light blue appearance and no clouds or sun in sight.
The hedgehog gazed downward. An ultramarine abyss gazed back at him.
What he saw was no sky at all.
Sonic’s pupils suddenly dilated. The tightness in his chest evolved into a burning sensation of the lungs. It was only now he realized he had been holding his breath the entire time.
In a flash, his limbs came to life as he began violently convulsing, the hero kicking and clawing ferociously in a desperate attempt to push himself upward. Speedy as the blue hedgehog typically was, his movements were uncharacteristically sluggish. His thrashing did him no good, only pulling him farther down.
If only he knew how to swim.
The depths slowly crushed Sonic as he descended toward the void. The frigid water assaulted each and every one of his senses. The azure hero’s movements became even more erratic as he began to tire from his fruitless exertion. His lungs were on fire and his ears all but ruptured from the extreme pressure.
Even still, Sonic held his breath. There was no way now that Sonic would be able to reach the surface for precious air. His head was about to cave in, and the burning in his chest had become unbearable.
Sonic was determined to keep fighting towards the surface, whichever direction that was; in his panic, he had disoriented himself in the deep blue.
He knew he couldn’t give up now. Giving up was anathema to him. As far as he was concerned, it simply wasn’t an option.
But the hedgehog’s body finally betrayed him. Sonic unconsciously forced himself to draw a breath, only for water to begin flooding his airway. Precious air bubbles escaped his maw and rose to the shallows as the hero frantically made a last-ditch effort to rise, but to no avail.
For the first time in a long time, Sonic felt something he had stared down over and over again: fear.
Fear was nearly incomprehensible to the blue hedgehog. He’s flirted with death countless times. He’s fought gods and wretched beasts. He’s braved the vacuum of space and the bending of time.
And yet, it was water — the one thing necessary to sustain life — Sonic was truly afraid of.
“Some hero I am…” he thought to himself.
After a minute, a wave of calm suddenly overtook Sonic.
He stopped struggling. His muscles relaxed.
The blue blur — and all he was made of — came to a standstill.
As darkness slowly consumed his vision, Sonic’s life flashed before his eyes. Or, rather, it faded in and out with snapshots of the past.
Memories long gone. Moments forever frozen in time.
His greatest triumphs. His poignant failures.
A life full of unimaginable accomplishment, adversity, and aspiration.
Maybe… just maybe…
Was this where he belonged?
“Sonic! Wake up!”
The hedgehog bolted upright, hyperventilating. Tears welled in the corners of his eyes as he heaved for a precious breath of air.
Sonic, as it turned out, was back in his bedroom. Beside him, Tails – the hedgehog’s closest companion – lay on his stomach, tears streaming down his face.
“Sonic! Are you okay?!” Tails asked, his voice shaking.
Sonic replied between gulps of air, “Huh…? What happened?”
“You… you were crying…”
“I’m not…” Sonic began to answer.
“And then you… I don’t know what happened...” Tails fell forward and embraced Sonic, his head burrowed into his shoulder. “You just stopped breathing… I… I thought you were…”
Sonic’s expression softened as Tails stuttered.
Was he truly dying in his sleep the entire time? Was Tails only thinking so?
Tails choked out between sobs, “I didn’t know what to do… I was so scared…” His voice trailed off as the twin-tailed fox wept harder, his body shivering violently and his fur standing on end.
The hedgehog wasn’t sure how to react. He always had a tendency to put the well-being of others over himself. But seeing Tails so upset made him have second thoughts.
“I’m… I’m okay, Tails,” he lied. “I just… had a bad dream. That’s all.”
Sonic propped himself up gently so that his upper body laid upright, softly stroking Tails’ fur as he did so.
“How is all of that okay?!” Tails asked with a harsh whisper, as if he wasn’t sure whether to murmur or shout. “What was it, anyway?”
Sonic paused for a moment. The two had been through so much together and grown so close, but even then Sonic still kept his problems and insecurities to himself. It was one of the very few things Tails resented about him.
“I don’t remember anymore,” Sonic lied again. “It’s okay, Tails.”
A wordless stare met the hedgehog. Sonic averted his gaze momentarily.
“I’m here. I’m safe.”
Sonic softly wiped away Tails’ tears the best he could, giving him a faint and reassuring smile. He wrapped his arms around the fox and cradled him gently.
Sonic continued to slowly stroke Tails’ fur. “Just take some deep breaths…”
Tails did as he was told, still frightened by the hedgehog’s near-death experience.
“I don’t want you to leave, Sonic,” timidly whimpered Tails.
“Don’t worry, buddy. I’m not going anywhere.”
The two remained silent after that. Tails eventually drifted off to sleep, still safe and sound in the blue hero’s arms.
Sonic simply stared out the bedside window, waiting for dawn.
He had enough sleep for one night.
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heromaker-if · 1 year
Can you give some physical descriptions of the cast? Thank you!!
Yes I can! Keep in mind that I absolutely suck at descriptions.
Frey: Slim, average sized and lanky. They have soft sepia skin, blue mischievous eyes and thick lips.
Freyr: Has the small growth of facial hair, like a stubble. He has deep oak coloured curly hair, and while it is short, it has longer curls at the front that fall against his forehead. He wears a simple white shirt with black trousers, sometimes he pairs it with suspenders, and he always has the autumn coloured socks visible.
Freya: Has dark smudged lilac paint on her eyelids and a brush of it on her lips. She has deep oak coloured curly hair, that is wild and free, falling down to her midback. She wears a frilly windy dress of lavender colour, the edges of it with flower embroidery. The slightly puffy sleeves reach only to her elbows, and often times the dress shows her shoulders.
Pachypoda: They are short and only slightly fit. They have pointy ears, and their features are delicate, although they have big innocent silver eyes. Across their grey skin they have multiple moles.
Their hair is black and is chopped very badly into a very short bowlcut hairstyle, their bangs irregular and showing most of their forehead. They wear thick purple robes with a hood; underneath it, they wear a thin shirt with leather armour covering it. Their pants are tattered and a very ashy brown, on their left leg is a knife strap, with a dagger in it, and around their waist is a leather pouch.
Hero: Looks a lot like Frey, with copper skin and small features, and the expressive blue eyes. Their hair changes a lot depending on a lot of factors, so I won't go into that. Their attire as well.
Astro/a: Tall and muscular, dark sandy skin tone with many light vitiligo patches. They have a stocky jaw with a broad nose, and hooded amber eyes.
Astro: His hair is blonde and thin, both sides shaved, while the top descends down to the back of his neck, like a mullet. Sometimes he is clean shaved, other times he has a goatee of some sorts. He wears an open vest of miscellaneous furs, that clearly show his muscular torso and a necklace with a religious symbol. He has baggy pants that are of a grey fabric but transitions into a teal colour downwards. He wraps his bare feet and arms (as well as knuckles) with white cloth.
Astra: Her hair is blond and thin, both sides shaved, while the top descends down in a long ponytail, if it were free, it would hide the undercut. She wears and open vest of miscellaneous furs, and a white cloth wrapped around her breasts, though it still shows her muscular torso and a necklace with a religious symbol. She has a skirt that reaches her knees, a mixture between a loincloth and a boho open leg skirt. Its fabric is a mixture of blues and whites. She wraps her bare feet and arms (as well as knuckles) with white cloth.
Secret RO1: Scary, armoured, helmet, eyes.
Secret RO2: Rich clothes, a beard, wide, kind.
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