snaillamp · 4 months
CW: contains major character death
“Uh, Villain, I mean no disrespect when I say this, but this building is a waste of money. I do not recommend purchasing it. You’re flushing money down the toilet here.”
Villain clenched their fists, whirling around to look at their assistant. “It’s not about money. This building. It’s more than that! I’m purchasing it now. I won’t let them knock it down!”
The assistant frowned at Villain’s sudden emotional outburst, taking a step back and glancing around the roof they were standing on. The apartment complex was old, a small 6 storey thing with a dirty, crumbling exterior. But when Villain had learned of it’s impending demise, they insisted on purchasing it.
“May I ask something personal, Villain?” The assistant asked cautiously. Villain huffed in annoyance, nodding. “What?”
The assistant sighed, glancing around at the roof. “Why do you want to buy this… derelict building, Villain? There are plenty of good apartments that are in need of renovations, what makes this one so special?”
Villain gazed out at the slowly setting sun, breathing in a soft breeze and smiling. “Let me tell you a story…”
Villain spotted Hero making their way towards them, ready to thwart their plans. Villain quickly took off, running though the streets and scaling a fire escape, Hero hot on their heels. Finally they reached the roof, where Villain chuckled evilly, turning to face their nemesis and sliding into a fighting stance. Hero rolled their eyes, assuming their own and waiting for Villain to attack.
That was weird, Hero always jumped to make the first move. Villain threw a punch, then another, then kicked, easily making contact with Hero, who half heartedly fought back. Stopping suddenly, Villain panted, frowning. “Come on, Hero. Put your back into it, it’s no fun if you don’t try.” Hero scoffed, walking away from the fight, shaking their head. “Hey come on, what’s up?“ Villain asked, following them as they sat on the edge of the small, 6 storey building they were on.
Hero sighed, glancing away. “It’s nothing, Villain, and anyway, why the hell would I tell you? You’re my enemy. We hate each other.” Villain pulled a face. “I mean… sure, I’m not exactly your biggest fan, but I don’t hate you. I like our fights, our banter, everything. It’s all part of the fun that is our job.” They punched Hero’s arm playfully, only for their nemesis to glare at them and shuffle along the wall. ‘Yeah, okay somethings up…’ Villain thought, their face softening. “Hero… I know I’m the last person you wanna tell anything, but… Are you okay? You look… off.” Hero looked up at Villain, sighing. “No, Villain. I’m not.”
Villain shuffled over again. “Come oooooon. It can’t be that bad!” They smirked, wrapping an arm around Hero’s shoulders. “What, your partner leave your or something? Well, there’s plenty more fish in the sea, Hero.” Hero scowled. “I don’t have a partner. I live alone. I don’t have anyone.” Villain’s smirk faltered, “Aww come on, Hero! You have me!” They smiled desperately, trying to get Hero to smile, but their nemesis only seemed to grow darker.
’You have to tell someone…’ Hero’s mind reasoned.
“Don’t be so down Hero. I’m sure whatever it is, you’ll be able to fix it! Come on, you’re Hero, you can to anythi-”
“It’s cancer, Villain.” Hero interrupted. “I have cancer…”
Villain stopped, staring in shock as their mind reeled. But Hero was so healthy and strong and alive? So youthful… so witty and smart and… how could they have cancer? “Oh, but I’m sure it’s fine, Hero. I mean, they’re great at treating cancer these days. A few months of chemo and you’ll be right as rain, and back to beating me up for robbing banks or something.” Villain was desperately trying to reason their way out of this as Hero sighed, their eyes shining with tears.
“The prognosis isn’t good, Villain. It’s a rare, aggressive type… It’s in my bones, my blood… my organs. It’s not going to get better.” Hero’s voice cracked as Villain’s head began to shake in disbelief. “But you’re Hero… you can survive anything! You can survive this… you have to!” Hero shook their head.
“No, Villain. I can’t.”
Villain sat in the weight of the silence for a moment, before pulling Hero into a hug. “You didn’t have anyone else to tell, do you?” Hero shook their head. “I live alone… have no friends… work a dead end job and my parents are gone… there’s no one to tell. No one to go through this with me.” Villain shook their head. “No. You have me. I’m not letting you go through this alone. I promise you, I’m gonna take you back here, a year from now and where gonna watch this same damn sun, set right damn here.” Villain pointed at the slowly setting sun, Hero glancing at it, laughing softly. “Okay. You’re on. If you can get me here a year from today, you win.”
The two enemies shook hands, before watching the sun set below the horizon, before both heading home.
Hero sighed as they lay in bed, feeling awful. The chemo had been destroying them, the radiation and the needles and the operations. It was all so much. They were tired.
“And here’s my favourite hero!” Villain piped up, walking into their room. They were holding an obnoxiously large bouquet of colourful flowers. They smelled wonderful. Hero was honestly surprised they could still smell, their taste had vanished not long after chemo started.
Villain hugged Hero tightly, before gently tucking some of their hair out of their eyes. “How are you feeling?” Hero sighed, looking weak. It had only been a couple weeks of treatment but they already looked awful. At least they seemed to be happier with Villain around. They had really come to like each other, outside of being work enemies, they had similar interests, senses of humour… they got along like a house on fire.
Hero admired the flowers as they sighed tiredly, looking back to Villain. “I feel better now that you’re here. I was getting bored out of my mind without you to piss me off.” Villain blushed, hiding it with a smirk, sitting beside Hero, and taking their hand. They held it, rubbing Hero’s pale, weak fingers as Hero began to tell them about the different nurses and doctors.
“Well have you heard about Superhero and their sidekick?” Villain asked, grinning. Hero perked up. “No?” Villain sat back, looking at Hero with a glint in their eye. “Apparently they’re a thing now. Like officially.” Hero laughed, “I knew it! I knew they had a thing for each other, the romantic… hell, the sexual tension was so strong between those two.” Villain nodded eagerly. “I know right? I was wondering when they were gonna stop fucking on the side and make it offical.” Hero frowned. “I didn’t know they were fucking, how did you?” Villain pursed their lips, smiling mysteriously. “Well I was in my way back to my base one night, after fighting you actually. I heard a crash in the alleyway below me, looked down and saw them. They were really going at it…” Villain’s eyes widened at the memory.
“You’re bullshitting.” Hero smirked. “No! I swear!” Villain raised their hands in surrender. “Promise! I saw it.” Smiling, Hero nodded. “Honestly, kinda not surprised. They kept undressing each other with their eyes in the field I swear to god.”
The two laughed, swapping embarrassing stories about their coworkers for the rest of the evening, until Hero began to doze. “Sleep well, my Hero.” Villain whispered as they tucked their friend in, watching them sleep for a bit.
Villain sat with Hero who gazed at nothing in complete silence. They were doing this more and more often since the months of treatment had begun. “Hero?” Villain murmured, touching their arm. Hero seemed to break out of their daze, looking upset. “Oh, Hero… what’s wrong?” Villain asked, already knowing the answer. Hero burst into tears, Villain deciding to crawl up onto the bed and hold them tightly as they sobbed into Villain’s shoulder. Villain rocked them back and forth, hugging them tight and running their hand over Hero’s thinning hair.
“I don’t-wanna d-die, Villain.” They stammered. “I know.” Villain replied, unsure of what to do. “But the treatment has been working, you said yourself, things are looking better.” Hero nodded, sniffing. “Yeah… I guess…” They looked up at Villain. “It’s just… it’s not fair! I wanna be like everyone else my age! Go on stupid dates and mess around with my friends and go to work and complain about the weather… I don’t wanna be here! I don’t wanna be waiting to fucking DIE!” They screamed, voice shaking as Villain held them.
“Hero. You can’t give up. You can beat this, I know you will!” Villain tried to say the words with strength, but they didn’t know if they were saying it for Hero or for themself. “You said yourself the chemo was working pretty well.” Hero shook their head. “Not well enough. Villain, I told you, this is gonna kill me. I’m not gonna see that sunset.” The reality of what Hero had said set in, Villain clutching Hero tightly. “No. You’re gonna see it. I promise you. You’re gonna make it through and see it. You’re almost half way, Hero. You can do this.” Hero shuddered beside Villain. “Bag.” They gasped, reaching with a shaking hand for an emesis bag. Villain grabbed one quickly from the table beside the bed, holding it over Hero’s mouth as they threw up.
“It’s okay, Hero… let it out… let it out…”
Hero seemed to be doing a little better, as Villain helped them up the stairs to the roof. Together, they crossed the building, looking up at the sky. Villain had set up a little picnic before hand, helping Hero sit and eat as they waited for the sun to begin its descent.
Hero lit up at the sight of it, and they laughed, cuddling in the cool evening as they ate way too much cake.
Eventually, they both sat in the edge of the roof, watching the sun go down, hands entwined.
“Told you.” Villain smirked, kissing Hero’s cheek. “I win.”
Hero chuckled, nuzzling Villain’s shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“It’s been a year today, since we sat on this exact roof and you said you wouldn’t live to see this sunset.”
Hero laughed, wrapping their arms around Villain. “And I’m glad you made that bet. I couldn’t have done this without you. Especially after I lost my lease on my house… it’s just been nice living with someone too… someone who I love so much.”
The breeze blew gently. “You know… after I’m gone, I don’t want you to mourn me. Move on. Live life to the fullest. All I want is to see you happy.” Hero gazed into Villain’s eyes, before gently pulling them in for a kiss. Villain smirked against their lover’s lips. “You will live to see many more sunsets, my love.”
They watched the vibrant colours begin to fade, as Hero sighed in content, the breeze blowing gently around them. “Hey.” They murmured. “Yes?” Villain asked, running their hand over Hero’s head. “I want you to know, that after everything… every time you feel a breeze, that’s me. My spirit will live on the wind, flying and free… and it will always be with you.” Hero’s voice cracked, as they looked up at Villain, shivering. Villain smiled, cupping their hero’s face. “I like that. I like that a lot.” They swallowed back the rising sob.
“You’re cold. Let’s go home.”
Villain sat beside the bed, clutching Hero’s emaciated hand. They had been in a coma for days… and it was time. “Hero?” Villain breathed through sobs. They had heard hearing was the last thing to go. “Listen to me. I love you. Okay? I love you so, so much. I always will.” They gasped, wiping away tears. “G-Go when you’re ready… okay? Go and fly, and become the wind. It’s okay… alright? You’ll be okay…”
Villains body shuddered as they looked up at Hero’s pale face. “Go when you’re ready… go when when you’re ready…”
Villain wasn’t ready. It had only been two months since the roof picnic. They weren’t ready to say goodbye… and yet, somehow… they were.
So they sat there, repeating their phrase as Hero’s breathing got slower and shallower. They repeated it through the tears, the cries and the shakes…
And then Hero drew their last breath, sighing in relief as they became the wind.
They were finally free.
Villain stood in the rain in front of the grave. Everyone, heroes and villains alike stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing at the stone.
None of them could believe it. A hero so young and full of life… gone in just over a year. So that day, they all stood together, in solidarity.
For Hero.
“That’s why I can’t give this place up.” Villain whispered, gazing at the sunset. “I’m not ready to move on. I never will be.” They smiled as a gentle, warm breeze kissed their face. “But I have to move on. Which is why I have to make this place something. Help their legacy stay alive.”
Villain glanced at the assistant, who had pulled off their glasses, dabbing their eyes. “I see.” They replied. “Well. I’ll get started on the payment process, and uh… give you a moment.”
Villain nodded appreciatively, feeling the breeze, stronger and warmer this time push against them. Something told them to turn around, so they did. A gasp escaped Villain, before they could stop it.
Hero was standing there, on the edge of the roof, gleaming. Their body was strong, healthy, just as it had been before and they looked so, so happy. Warm golden light illuminated their figure as they nodded at Villain, smiling softly. They were okay. They were free.
Turning into the sun, the light glowed brightly, Villain shielding their eyes as Hero dissolved into the breeze and the light. They could almost hear Hero’s laugh of glee.
Smiling wistfully, Villain nodded.
“Goodbye, my Hero. I love you.”
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s0upycat · 5 months
I really looked at your pfp for the first time today and I can’t look away. I *need* to know where it came from.
Idk I found it on the internet. The story of my name (I’m soupy cat on every social media) is long. In 2018 my brother and I were playing stardew valley and we got a cat. The suggested name was miso, and I made a joke about a soupy cat. The joke sorta stuck.
Anyway about a year later I’m in meme land and found this image
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Now, I was over the moon, because the cat was saying soup time. So I stole it and now it’s my pfp for every social media. However my banner is a photo I took myself in Cathedral Grove, British Columbia in Canada. :) the profile picture and banner for @snaillamp are also my photos too, street lamps literally from my street. <3 thanks for the question!
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i-eat-worlds · 6 days
Alex & Friends One Year Art!
@fishbaitinc did these wonderful sketches of Alex and Joseph for the anniversary!
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[Image ID: A traditional pencil sketch bust of a white woman. Her hair is in a ponytail, and her bangs are long and cover her eyes. Her expression is neutral. Written beside her his “Alex” and below that is “@fishbaitinc. /End ID]
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[Image ID: A traditional pencil sketch bust of a white man. He has hair with a long top and short sides. His eyes are wider, but his expression is still pretty neutral. Written beside her his “Joseph” and below that is “@fishbaitinc.” /End ID]
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps @rainydaywhump @painful-pooch @rainbowsandwhumperflies @snaillamp
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serickswrites · 7 months
Heyy! Can you turn Still With Us into a series? Your writing is absolutely amazing!
Hello, anon! I am blushing, your words are so kind. I am so glad you enjoy what I put out there.
Absolutely I can turn this into a series for you, please enjoy!
Part 1
Warnings: aftermath of torture, rescue, unconsciousness, hospital, bedside vigil, caretaker and whumpee
Caretaker hadn't left Whumpee's side. Not since they found Whumpee. Not since they tried to keep Whumpee conscious and failed. Not since help arrived and took them to the hospital. They hadn't left Whumpee's side once.
Because they couldn't. They couldn't because Whumpee had been on the brink of death. They couldn't because they had tried and failed to find Whumpee for so long. They couldn't because they had tried and failed to keep Whumpee awake. And they couldn't because they were afraid the moment they left Whumpee's side, Whumpee would fade away.
And Caretaker couldn't have that. Wouldn't have that. And so they stayed. They stayed and held Whumpee's hand. They stayed and brushed Whumpee's hair. And they stayed waiting for Whumpee to wake up.
Whumpee had to wake up. Caretaker couldn't bear the thought that Whumpee might not wake up. That Whumpee would just fade away into nothing.
"You have to come back to me, Whumpee. I need you. You can't leave me. Please, Whumpee," Caretaker whispered in the near silent room. Caretaker only had the comfort of the beeping and whirring of machines to let them know that Whumpee was still with them.
That Whumpee was still alive.
They lay their head on the bed next to Whumpee's hand. They couldn't stand the waiting. But they would wait as long as it took for Whumpee to wait. "I'm here," they whispered as tears filled their eyes once more, "I'm not going anywhere. I've got you, Whumpee. Stay with me. Please."
Tags: @whitecoatwhump @alluringleopards @youmademedothis @diamond-flavored-whump @aswallowimprisoned @whumplovers-collaborate @snaillamp @whump-hidden-folders @ash-shadow815 @bisexuawolfsalt  @throwawayshorts @thathurt-doitagain @protectandcare @whumpybobbert @writinggremlin @oopsydaisyerm @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @st0rmm
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porschethemermaid · 7 months
What's a whumpblr blog and/or whump author (from any site) you love? What's something they've written, posted, or reblogged that you liked?
A whumpblr blog is basically a blog on tumblr that's dedicated to specifically whump. Whump is a genre of fan fiction in which a character endures injury, torture, or other forms of physical and mental suffering.
I don't have a different whumplr blog actually, this is my main account and i reblog, post and do everything here on all topics I'm interested in.
Tbh, I have discovered that I like whump at quite a young age but I only joined the whump community recently so some of my personal favourite whump blogs are @fallenwhumpee @whumpster-dumpster @snaillamp
These people have the best leader whump, I'm not kidding. And there is a major shortage of leader whump out there. I obviously like to read all kinds of whump but leader and team whump hold a special place in my heart. Do check them out! Thanks for the ask! Hope you have a great day/night <3
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fallenwhumpee · 8 months
tumblr user Serickwrites has plenty of Leader whump with the exact things people ask for - leader having to stay strong, their team finally noticing how vulnerable Leader can be, Leader slowly becoming cold towards their team because they don't want to be seen as vulnerable, yet they keep putting themselves in a position of a protector... it's not a lacking trope.
Just a warning though, a lot of it is NSFW.
And I promise that I'm not them lmao i just stumbled across their blog awhile ago
That's probably why I didn't see their posts, I've got NSFW tags and variants blocked, though I'm a follower of their blog! They have some good stuff there. snaillamp and bleedingintogold (too shy to tag, sorry!) also have so good leader whumpee stuff if you're looking for. Ah, and shywhumpauthor has two pieces written about it. That's all I can remember for now, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing some.
Thank you anyway!
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snaillamp · 3 months
Yes, thats what im calling you guys now it's lovingly i promise <3
The past few weeks ive received a few comments here and there about people liking my writing. I just want to give you all a big massive happy thank you! Writing is so special to me, it's something i have a lot of passion for, and the thought that i can write something that means something to people... it makes me so happy you have no idea.
I’m gonna add any asks i get for this here
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~ Snail <3
as an incentive, I have a picture of an oc that i was debating on whether to post or not. I worked on it for 13-14 hrs, and in a day if i hear that you guys are out there complementing each other, I will release it.
You have 24 hours.
~ 🐌
Well, my darlings. You have completed the task!
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snaillamp · 7 months
Sicktember - day 6
6. Sick and Injured
Whumpee coughed, feeling the vibrations ripple through their congested chest. Rolling over, they groaned, their head feeling heavy as another chill danced over their bones.
Pulling the blankets higher, they sniffed, curling into a ball as they shivered. Whumpee hated being sick. It hurt to swallow, it hurt to breathe, they felt to hot and the minute they cooled down, they felt too cold. They were hungry but the second they tried to eat food they lost their appetite…
They couldn’t win.
They had decided to wear shorts and a loose singlet, nestling under blankets, the best compromise they could think of, even if their legs felt a bit cold and achy.
Sighing, Whumpee cleared their throat of slimy phlegm buildup and sat up, immediately regretting it as the world swayed, making them feel nauseous. They forced their weak, shaking legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it over their shoulders shuffling towards the kitchen.
Their work colleague, Caretaker had made some soup and left it for them in the fridge, telling them to warm it up if they wanted any. When Whumpee hadn’t turned up to work a few days ago, Caretaker, knowing Whumpee lived alone, had come by to check in on them, finding them curled up in bed, delirious with the flu. Caretaker had then spent the past few days visiting them when they could, attempting to help nurse Whumpee back to health.
Whumpee had long suspected Caretaker had a massive crush on them. Caretaker would take any opportunity they could to talk to Whumpee, and Whumpee had caught them on many an occasion staring at them while they worked. Whumpee didn't mind, they liked Caretaker as well, maybe as a good friend or maybe something more, they couldn’t be sure…
Whumpee pulled open the fridge, shivering as the cold air washed over them. They found the small plastic container, filled to the brim with a thick, creamy soup. Whumpee lifted it out with both hands, not strong enough to hold it with just one. Carrying it their microwave, their blanket fell from around their shoulders.
Sighing in annoyance, Whumpee lifted the container into the microwave, trying to decide how long to put it in for through their hazy mind. '40 seconds should do.'
They pulled off the lid, punching in a number and pressing the 'START' button without even checking the time they had set it to. Bending down with their aching joints, they grabbed their blanket, pulling it back over their shoulders.
Whumpee stared out their kitchen window, zoning out as they waited, the buzz of the microwave droning on and on in the back of their mind. After a while they frowned, ‘That’s been in there for a while, maybe I should check it.’
Turning to the microwave, they gasped, rushing forwards. “No, no, no, no!” They begged, hitting cancel. They had pressed to 4 too many times, setting the microwave to 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Ripping open the door, they lifted the scalding soup from the microwave with the tips of their fingers, but as they tried to place it in their sink to let the soft plastic cool, the sagging bottom of the container split open, sending boiling soup splashing onto Whumpee’s bare legs. They howled dropping to the floor and watching in horror as their skin turned scarlet.
Thinking quickly, the grabbed their blanket, wiping off what they could, before rolling over onto the ice cold tiles of the kitchen, sighing at the brief moment of relief they provided. They moaned in pain as they inched across the kitchen, if they could get it to their phone, they could call for help except… a sinking feeling set in.
Whumpee had left their phone charging in their room, all the way on the other side of their house… Sobbing, they continued to crawl, making it halfway to their room, before they collapsed in a shaking ball. They couldn’t do it, they were too sick… their shins and feet were too painful. They could feel the large blisters forming as they curled up on their side and shut their eyes, accepting their fate, the hazy fever consuming them.
Caretaker lifted the doormat, finding the key and opening Whumpee's front door. The smell of Whumpee’s home washed over them as they stepped inside, followed by the smell of something... burnt?
“Hey, Whumpee? It’s Caretaker.” No reply. “Probably asleep…” Caretaker murmured to themself. Whumpee had been asleep a lot recently, given their condition. It wasn’t unlikey that they were asleep now, but that burnt smell was worrying them. Caretaker crept to Whumpee's room, expecting to find them huddled under a mountain of blankets, but their bed was empty. “Maybe they went to the bathroom.” Caretaker reasoned out loud. They crossed the hallway, into the bathroom. Nothing. “Huh… Maybe they moved to the main room?”
But when Caretaker entered the main part of the house, they gasped in horror. Whumpee was collapsed on the floor, unconscious, a trail of soup behind them. Caretaker ran over to them, shaking them awake.
“Whumpee, Whumpee, what happened?” Whumpee mumbled something incoherent, raising their head to look at Caretaker, before letting it drop back down to the ground. Caretaker looked them over, finding the burns on Whumpee’s legs and feet, causing them to gasp in shock.
Large, angry blisters were stretching over Whumpee’s burned legs.
Caretaker immediately jumped into action, picking up Whumpee under their arms and dragging their heavy, limp body to the bathroom. They heaved Whumpee into the bath and turned on the tap, letting it flood Whumpee's skin with cool, flowing water.
Whumpee moaned in relief, letting their head fall back against the rim of the tub. Their skin was still quite pale and sickly looking as Caretaker watched them with worry. “Whumpee, what happened?”
Whumpee was silent for a moment, before mumbling some slurred nonsense and a microwave and a sink. They sat together in silence for minutes, letting the water run over Whumpee’s burns until they moaned quietly, their eyes squeezed shut, teeth gritted in pain. Caretaker watched in concern as Whumpee’s moans grew quieter, their shivering growing worse.
Resting their hand on Whumpee’s forehead, Caretaker felt their skin. It was ice cold. Caretaker shot up, running to Whumpee’s room to grabbing them a blanket, returning to Whumpee and wrapping the blanket around their freezing friend.
“C-Care…” Whumpee mumbled, cracking open their eyes, turning their head slowly too look at Caretaker. “Too cold…” They whispered, shuddering as they wrapped their arms around their quacking body. They felt ice cold, unable to warm up, not even after Caretaker wrapped the blanket around them. Their lips were slowly turning blue, their eyes shutting as they slid down the edge of the tub, gasping and coughing as darkness began to creep into their vision. Their breathing grew faster as they tried to fight it off, but they were so, so cold…
Whumpee coughed, sliding down the edge of the bath, their body going limp as they fell unconscious. “Whumpee?” Caretaker asked, hauling Whumpee back up. Their head flopped back heavily, their skin cold and blue as Caretaker sat them up, shaking Whumpee to try and wake them. Whumpee didn’t move.
Caretaker felt sick, was Whumpee hypothermic? Had they done this to them? Whumpee was so cold and pale…
Pulling their phone from their pocket, Caretaker dialed the emergency number and waited for them to pick up. When Caretaker finally got through, they stumbled over their words as they explained to the operator what was happening.
Within minutes, paramedics had pulled up and were unpacking bags, asking Caretaker questions. “How long since they got burned, passed out, in the water, how long, when did, what is…?”
All the questions became a blur as they draped plastic wrap over Whumpee’s burns and lifted them from the bath, wrapping them in a silver sheet. Caretaker ended up in the back of the ambulance with Whumpee, watching their body jostle as the ambulance sped over bumps in the road. Whumpee looked so small and fragile strapped to the stretcher. Caretaker swallowed the urge to throw up as they watched their friend slipping away in front of them… and it was their fault.
The ambulance pulled in the the ED and the paramedics carted Whumpee out straight away, leaving Caretaker to wander in behind them, dazed. They watched as Whumpee was treated, gripping their hands into tight fists, their knuckles beginning to ache until they released them.
A nurse invited Caretaker to sit by Whumpee and wait for them to wake up, which Caretaker did anxiously. Whumpee took ages to wake up, but when they did, the first thing they did was smile at Caretaker. “Whumpee, thank goodness you’re okay, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault...” Caretaker murmured, brushing some hair off of Whumpee’s forehead.
"No... it isn't..." Whumpee whispered, as Caretaker's gentle hands stroked their face.
Whumpee groaned softly, leaning into the pleasant sensation with a contented smile, before their face fell. “I feel… weird…” Caretaker sighed, trying to hold back a laugh. “It’s probably the drugs they put you on. They said you might feel a bit strange.” Whumpee nodded, before reaching for Caretaker’s hand gently stroking their face.
Caretaker’s stomach did a flip.
Whumpee’s fingers brushed Caretaker’s, looking up at their friend's face, noticing how their cheeks were slightly pink. “Thank..you…” They grabbed Caretaker’s hand properly, pressing it into their cheek.
“If you hadn't…”
Caretaker’s eyes brimmed with tears as they leaned down and wrapped Whumpee in a massive hug. “I was so scared, Whumpee…” Caretaker whispered in their ear.
“I know, I was too, but when you were there, I knew I was safe…” Caretaker pulled back slightly, looking redder than a tomato. “What… what do you mean?” They stuttered, making Whumpee smirk as they shut their tired eyes.
“Later…” They mumbled, their hand relaxing as they passed out.
When Whumpee checked out of the hospital, Caretaker was waiting there to pick them up. They hugged each other awkwardly, before getting into Caretaker’s car sitting in silence as Caretaker drove.
The curiosity soon got the better of Caretaker, and they turned to Whumpee. “Hey, so you said something back at the hospital… you never ended up explaining it.”
Whumpee frowned, “Honestly, I hardly remember anything, they had me doped up on so many drugs.” They laughed, running their hand though their hair nervously. “What was it?”
They glanced at Caretaker who glanced back briefly, before turning into the driveway of Whumpee’s house. “Oh, nothing, you just said that you were scared… until I was there…” Caretaker tried to sound casual as the car gently stopped in the driveway, but they began blushing hard, looking at their lap, embarrassed.
Whumpee looked at them, chuckling, before getting out of the car. They waited for a second before bending down and looking in.
“Well, you coming in, or what?”
Caretaker’s eyes sparked with excitement as they got out of the car, helping Whumpee back inside, making sure they were comfortable lying on their sofa. Squeezing in next to Whumpee, Caretaker blushed again, stealing a glance at them as they lay back a little, supporting themself on their elbows. Whumpee noticed, sighing slightly and smirking at them.
“I meant it, you know.” They piped up, looking at Caretaker’s face. They watched their friend frown as Whumpee moved slightly closer, sitting up a little more. “I was scared, until I knew you were there. I couldn’t move, but I knew I was okay, because I could hear your voice and you…” Whumpee’s eyes searched Caretaker’s their faces slowly growing closer.
Before Caretaker realised what was happening, Whumpee’s lips touched theirs. They felt a zing down their spine as Whumpee’s hand made it’s way up Caretaker’s back and neck, settling gently in their hair. Caretaker reciprocated, leaning into Whumpee’s body and melting into their arms. They straddled Whumpee's waist, tilting them back onto the sofa, both of them completely engulfed in each other’s presence until Caretaker’s foot brushed Whumpee’s burned leg.
Whumpee felt a sting flash like lightning through their shin, pulling back and gasping in pain. Caretaker sat up, panicked as they watched Whumpee groan in pain.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Whumpee, I didn’t mean to hurt you! I just got a bit carried away and... Oh fuck, are you okay?!” Caretaker stumbled over their words, getting off Whumpee's hips and sliding away, mortified.
Whumpee smiled moving into a sitting position, legs safely out of the way. “No, it's fine... I think we should just stay up right for now…” They murmured, pulling Caretaker on top of them again. Caretaker met Whumpee halfway, giggling through the kisses, fingers becoming wrapped in each other’s hair, the both of them oblivious of the world around them.
All that mattered was that they had each other, and that nothing, not even 2nd degree burns were going to take that away from them.
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snaillamp · 7 months
Sicktember - day 7
7. "You're a jerk when you're sick."
Leader sniffed, groaning as they pushed themself up. They eased out of bed, shuffling over to their small closet and changed into their running gear. Quietly, they crept outside and took off, going for their run in the morning cold.
As they ran, they coughed a little, their throat feeling a little raw. Slowing to a jog, they put a hand on their chest, rubbing it, before stopping all together. Hands on their knees, they leaned over, coughing and wheezing until they felt light-headed and they were about to throw up. Their stomach squeezed, as if it was trying to force bile out of itself. Straightening, Leader turned, staggering a little, before walking home.
They stumbled through the door, kicking off their shoes and leaving them by the doorway. Their head was pounding as they went to go shower. Despite not running far, they were sweating buckets. Peeling off their sweat stained clothes, they stepped into the shower, letting the steaming water wash over their skin.
Sighing after they felt their sinuses clear a little, Leader turned off the shower, drying off and walking into their room. They groaned in annoyance, the towel wrapped around them sagging as they slouched, looking at what they had to wear. Picking a loose shirt and sweatpants, they eased them on, before grabbing a jacket. They felt a little cold today and their joints felt stiff and achy, despite the hot shower.
Slinking out of their room, Leader made their way to the kitchen, where the team was beginning to congregate for breakfast. “Hey, morning Leader!” Youngest piped up, smiling brightly. Leader glanced at them, before continuing by them. Right-hand watched Youngest’s face fall slightly. Right-hand stood, coming over to stand by Youngest.
“Leader.” They said firmly. Leader glanced over their shoulder, looking at Right-hand and Youngest. “Youngest said good morning to you.” Right-hand put their hand on Youngest’s shoulder, showing who’s side they were on.
It was strange, Leader had a massive soft spot for Youngest, this was out of the ordinary, especially for them. Leader’s face grew dark, as they mumbled a reply. “Sorry… morning.”
Leader grabbed a glass of water, not being able to stomach the idea of eating food right now. Walking by Right-hand and Youngest again, they sipped their glass, avoiding eye contact with their two teammates. They were being strangely annoyed by their team for no reason today.
Wanting to just be alone, they stalked over to the breakfast table, sitting and sipping their water. Right-hand slid up beside them, leaning in and murmuring. “Hey. What’s with you? You’re not acting like yourself?”
Leader glared at Right-hand. “I’m fine.” Right-hand sighed, so Leader was gonna play this game, huh? “Come on, Leader. What’s up? Didn’t sleep well? Something bothering you?” Leader’s eyes flashed as they bared their teeth, hissing at Right-hand. “Yes, you. Now drop it, Right-hand.”
Right-hand drew back in shock as Leader sniffed, rubbing their face and pushing out of the chair. Leader walked to the sink, coughing as they tipped out their water and walked off. They cleared their throat, stopping for a moment to hold their forehead. It was starting to pound again. Leader swayed, grunting slightly, before shaking their head.
Right-hand appeared by their side, wrapping an arm around Leader’s shoulders. “Leader, you know you can come to me if you’re not doing okay, right?” They frowned, “Hey, you’re running kinda warm, are you feeling okay?” Leader sighed, looking at Right-hand, their eyes narrowing. Leader couldn’t understand why, but Right-hand’s arm around them made them angry.
“Just drop it, okay?! I’m fine, Right-hand, stop pushing!” Leader shrugged Right-hand’s arm off them, storming off down the hall, looking down as something tangled in their feet. The floor came rushing up to meet them as they tripped, their head hitting the ground with a loud crack. Right-hand rushed forward, helping Leader get up, but Leader grabbed the shoes, storming back to the team in the kitchen, who were all watching in shock.
“Who left these in the hall huh?!” They yelled, their voice cracking as they raised it. Their team stared at them with wide eyes, in stunned silence. “Nobody, huh? I expected so much better of all of you! Do we live in a fucking pig stye? Who’s are these?!” Their team jumped as Leader snapped at them, their chest heaved a they vibrated in anger, shaking their head in disgust.
“Uh… Leader…” Youngest mumbled, staring at the table, “Those are… your shoes…”
Leader frowned, doing a double take at the shoes. “What?” They breathed. Lowering the shoes, they shook their head, this time in confusion. “When did I…” Leader looked guilty, staring at their feet, “Sorry…” They mumbled, “As you were…”
Wandering to the bathroom, they looked at their reflection. A large bruise was forming on their head, exactly where they had smashed it against the floor. Washing their face with cool water, they breathed, trying to calm their racing heart. Feeling lightheaded, they leaned heavily against the sink, panting as they tried to stay conscious.
Right-hand stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them and walking up to Leader. They noticed Leader was quivering slightly. Putting a hand on Leader’s shoulder, they leaned in, whispering quietly. “Leader, what’s wrong?”
Leader took a deep breath, glaring at the sink. “Get off me.” They growled. “Leader. You’re warm, too warm.” Right-hand said, gently guiding Leader away from the sink and to the floor. “You’re sick. Get Medic to check you out, hmm?” Leaned groaned, pushing themself away. “I’m not sick, I’m just…. I don’t know why but everything is annoying me today and I’m just… not feeling great…”
Right-hand looked kind of stunned that Leader wasn’t putting two and two together. “Yeah, cause you’re sick. Leads, you look like death warmed up right now. You’re not okay, just take the day off and take it easy.” They put a hand on Leader’s forehead, feeling their temperature. “And you need to get that bump looked at. Leader, come on, let’s see Medic.”
Leader groaned again, more like an annoyed teen, and pulled their head away. “I’m fine, just fuck off and leave me alone! I don’t need to be babied Right-hand! I just need some space right now, before I fucking snap!” Leader’s voice cracked, before they coughed again, they felt like they were going to throw up. “I need some air.” They gasped, leaving the bathroom.
Right-hand stood alone, staring after their leader, frowning in concern.
Leader hit their chest, trying to clear it. They could hear Right-hand following them, their feet pounding in Leader’s ears. They whirled around to tell them to back off again, but there was no one there. Stepping back, they bumped into Medic, jumping in fright. “Jeez, Medic. Don’t creep up on me like that…”
Leader squeezed their eyes shut, shaking their head, their palm touching their forehead… but both their hands were by their side. “Wait… you didn’t hear me calling your name? I said it like, five times Leader.” Leader looked at Medic, who lowered their hand from Leader’s forehead. “You’re burning up. Come on, come back to bed.”
Leader tried to wriggle out of Medic’s arms, only for Right-hand to come up behind them and help Medic wrangle Leader into their room. Leader sighed, submitting to their two teammates dragging them to their room. They glanced over their shivering shoulders, watching Youngest follow behind them, they looked worried.
Medic sat Leader on the edge of their bed, leaving them there to go and get some things. When they came back, they checked Leader over, before sighing and laying them down. “Get some rest, you have a bad cold and what looks like a stomach bug.” Leader groaned, rolling over to face the other wall, not looking at anyone.
“Go away…” They moaned quietly, shivering. Their teammates raised their hands stepping out, all except for Youngest. Instead they drew closer, sitting beside Leader’s bed.
“I said leave me alone.” Leader growled, hearing the footsteps come closer. “Please…” Their voice faltered. “I- I just need to be alone right now.” Youngest sighed, leaning in a little more.
“Leader, I know you. You must be feeling really shitty right now, but we’re still here for you, you know. All we’re trying to do is help you.” Leader groaned in annoyance, pulling the blanket over themself more and curling up. “Can you just shut up and go away, please?! I want to be alone! How hard is that for any of you to fucking understand?!” Leader sounded like they were on the edge of bursting into tears, as they gulped, trying not to throw up.
Youngest stumbled back, in shock as Leader’s breaths began to shake. “You know…” Youngest started, their lip wobbling as their voice wavered. “You’re a jerk when you’re sick.” They turned and ran out the door, leaving Leader alone. Leader rolled over, turning to face the door, suddenly regretting what they had said. Youngest absence left them feeling hollow and small, the tears finally breaking as they burst into tears, their stomach tensing as they wretched through their sobs. ~~
They must have fallen asleep, because they were shaken awake by Medic, holding an ice pack. “For your head, it’ll make the swelling go down.” Leader’s shaking hand reached for the cold ice pack, Medic giving it to them, before they glanced around and shut the door. Leader sighed, the cold pack touching their sore skin as the small amount of light in the room was cut out.
“Hey, so, Youngest is really upset right now. You were really mean to them.” Leader’s eyes flicked to Medic’s and they groaned in pain. Somewhere deep down, Leader felt bad, but it felt like the sickness was smothering their emotions. “All I’m saying is, I think that you need to sit down with them and apologise. They were only trying to help, and you really rattled them.” Leader huffed, looking guilty.
“I know… I just, everything is making me mad and I don’t know why… I didn't mean to upset them.” Leader shut their eyes and groaned. “I’m such an idiot! Jeez! I can’t believe this, I’m so stupid I just- Aagh!” Leader hurled the ice pack across the room and resumed curling up in a ball. Medic sighed, walking over to the ice pack and bringing it back to Leader.
Leader begrudgingly accepted the ice pack back, holding it against their head for a while whilst Medic made more observations. “This is making it worse you know…” Leader mumbled. Medic looked up, frowning. “What is?” Leader flicked their eyes over to Medic, rolling them in annoyance. “The ice, it’s making my headache worse...” Medic nodded once, thinking. “Fine, give it back then.” The reached for it but Leader pulled away.
“Medic… Does Youngest hate me?” Tears were welling up in Leader’s eyes, as they whispered their question. Medic lowered their hands slowly, reaching out the grip Leader’s shoulder. “Look, I’m sure if you apologise to Youngest they will forgive you. You’re just being a dick cause you’re unwell.” Leader sighed in frustration.
“That isn’t an excuse. I shouldn’t have said any of that stuff, I just… I can’t… Medic… I'm g-gonna…” Leader’s voice stuttered as their eyes grew wide.
“Leader?” Medic looked worried, as Leader groaned, before rolling from the bed. Medic heard retching sounds in the bathroom, following their friend in and patting their back as they convulsed. They didn’t notice Youngest peering around the door.
~~ Later that night, Leader groaned, waking up again for the… fifth, sixth time that night? Rolling out of bed, Leader’s shaky legs collapsed under them, forcing them to the ground. They tried to stand, but their sweating, shaking legs couldn’t hold them up, until Medic’s strong, steady arms lifted them up, sweeping Leader into a bridal carry.
Letting their head fall back, Leader shut their eyes as they were carried to the bathroom, where they were laid down onto the cool tiles. They moaned quietly, turning their head and letting their cheek rest on the cold ground, before gagging, flying up to the toilet bowl and throwing up their guts.
The hand returned to their back, rubbing large, slow, comforting circles. “Medic… You should sleep… Don’t… don’t stay up for me…” Medic sighed, “Leader, Medic went to sleep hours ago. It’s me…” Leader turned, looking at Youngest, who smiled at them softly. “Youngest…” Leader deflated, hanging their head and sighing. “Jeez… Youngest… go to bed, don’t stay up for me… I don’t deserve it- mfph!”
Leader hurled again, until their stomach was empty and they were left dry heaving, hanging half in and half out of the bowl. “Nhgnn…” They gasped, pulling back, or Youngest pulled them back, they couldn't be sure, but they ended up lying against the tiles again. Youngest got a cloth, dabbing cool water against Leader’s bruised forehead, gently tucking a stray hair behind their ear.
“Leader, you’re someone I look up to so much.” Youngest began, lying beside their shaking leader and wrapping their arms around them. “You’re there for me when I need you the most, and now… Now I will be there for you.”
They pulled Leader close, resting their head on Leader’s chest. “Get off… I’ll make you sick too…” Leader groaned, jokingly trying to weakly push Youngest off them. Youngest giggled, sitting up. “Fine.” They grabbed the cloth and began to dab Leader’s forehead again. “Youngest, I’m sorry… for how I acted today… I shouldn’t have done that. You all deserve better… better than me.” Leader looked forlorn as they looked away from Youngest.
A tear fell down their cheek as they rolled over, curling up and holding their stomach. “Mmmmnn... Ugh, I think I’m gonna…” Leader tried to push themself up, and with Youngest’s help, they managed to get there just in time, but nothing came up. “I don’t know… how much longer I c-can keep this up, Youngest…” Leader whispered, their head bopping as they fought to stay awake.
Youngest heaved Leader up, pulling them onto their feet and slinging Leader's arm over their shoulders, and walking them back to bed. “You shouldn’t carry me. I can do it…” Youngest chuckled. “Leader, you can hardly stand, I am not letting you walk by yourself.”
Leader groaned, coughing as Youngest tucked them in. “Oh, and… for what it’s worth Leader. I understand. No one likes being sick. I forgive you.” Leader laughed dryly. “I’m not just sick… I’m completely smashed…” They sighed, lying back into to pillows.
“And thank you, Youngest. You shouldn’t forgive me… but I’m glad you did.” They grabbed Youngest’s hand giving it a squeeze. “Get some rest, I don't want you getting sick too...”
They nodded at Youngest, who nodded back. “Night, Leader. Get better soon.” Leader was passed out before Youngest got through the door, making Youngest smile. Leader needed some rest, it was good they were finally getting it.
and I promised to tag you in the next leader fic! @porschethemermaid
And again, thank you to everyone who reads my work, it really makes my day seeing all the nice things everyone has to say :D <3 ~ snail
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snaillamp · 7 months
Sicktember - day 3
3. "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?”
Leader sniffed slightly, wiping their nose. Right-hand shot them a look as they peered through their binoculars at the chemical plant. “How silent of you…” They teased, only for Leader to shoot them an equally dirty look back. They put their hand to their lips, gesturing with their eyes at the plant, before returning to watch it.
Both of them were lying on their stomachs, peeking through a rather thorny bush at a chemical plant rumoured to be manufacturing illegal substances, substances that could cause havoc if released into the general population. It was imperative that they were not caught. However, the night was cold, and the compacted dirt had been warm when they arrived, just after sundown, but had now become freezing.
‘Guess that’s the desert…’ Thought Right-hand as they glanced at Leader. They looked a bit pale, that was probably the moonlight washing them out, but something was off in their eyes, they weren’t looking as sharp as usual.
After a couple more minutes of watching the plant, the two of them decided to leave, making their way to the pickup point. Soon they were far enough away from the plant to be able to walk, Right-hand picked up their pace as Leader tagged along behind.
“You sure you’re okay?” Right-hand asked, wiping some dust from their front. All it did was smear the mark further into the fibers of the fabric. “Hmm?” Leader looked up, sniffing again. “What? Yeah, no, I-I’m fine, just tired and cold.” Right-hand frowned, walking up to Leader and wrapping their arms around their shoulders, pulling them closer to their own body heat. Leader felt pretty warm already, maybe slightly too warm as they leaned into their friend.
“Are you sick?” Right-hand asked, looking at Leader. Leader blinked, looking up at them in surprise. “What? No, like i said, just tired. It’s been a long, boring, cold night so…” They smiled at Right-hand. “Besides, you know I never get sick, I have a phenomenal immune system.”
They flashed their signature grin, as the two of them wandered over to the rock by the side of the road they were supposed to wait by. Leader sat down on it, wrapping their arm around their stomach and hunching over, trying to keep warm.
“You sure you’re not coming down with something?” Right-hand asked, sitting beside them. Leader nodded, “Yeah. I’m fine. The cold ground just... made me cold.” They sat up straight, trying to look relaxed as they waited for the pickup. In the distance, they could see a pair of lights flick on.
The large, black car pulled up, the door opening quickly. Leader and Right-hand piled in, smiling at the team inside, who clapped them on their backs and cheered. The driver took off down the dusty road, back towards their base, the mission had been a roaring success. Leader and Right-hand sank down into the leather seats at the back of the SUV, speaking in hushed tones to a guy with a laptop, sharing everything they had seen.
“It looked like a shipment of chemicals came in at 22:4-” Leader was suddenly cut off by a small hiccup. They blinked in surprise, looking at Right-hand who melted. “Aww, did you hiccup?” They teased, “I had no idea your hiccups were so adorablllllllle.” Leader shot them a dirty look going slightly pink. Right-hand was like an annoying older sibling to them, they teased each other relentlessly, and it seemed like Right-hand had just discovered new ammunition.
“It’s not -hic- cute…” Leader grumbled, crossing their arms over their chest and pouting. Leader felt a little self conscious, they had an image to uphold. They couldn’t be Leader, the fearless fighter, skilled tactician and the adorable hiccups… The computer guy smirked, his face illuminated by the screen. “They are pretty cute.” Leader was glad the car was dim, as their cheeks burned with embarrassment.
They sighed, trying to swallow their hiccups as they recounted the rest of the information.
“As I was saying…” They began, glaring at both Right-hand and the computer guy.
“At 22:46, an unmarked, white -hic- van came into the fac -hic- facility.” They scowled at the interruption of their hiccups. “It had -hic- not plates and no identify -hic- identifying marks.” Leader rested their right hand on their stomach a little, noticing that it felt strange. ‘Probably just from lying on the ground in the same position for hours.’ They told themself, but they couldn’t help the feeling creeping in the back of their mind.
Leader got the hiccups every time they got sick, but that never happened. They were healthy, they kept themself to a strict schedule of rest and training, they couldn’t have caught something… Their stomach seemed to say otherwise, as it growled quietly. Right-hand looked at Leader, who looked down at their abdomen. “You hungry?” Computer guy asked, picking up a half eaten burger from a fast food place.
It seemed that the SUV had made a quick pitstop.
The thought of eating something right now made Leader feel slightly woozy. They shook their head, “I’ll have something later. -hic- Anyway, the van was -hic- full of barrels, and they ha -hic- had what appeared to be some kind of war -hic- ning labe -hic- label on them -hic-.” Leader sighed and hiccuped as the computer guy and Right-hand quietly snorted. This was hilarious, at least to them.
All it did was fill Leader with a sinking feeling of dread. ~~ When the SUV pulled up at their destination, everyone clambered out, tired from the long trip. Leader’s hiccups had ceased about an hour before, but now they were beginning to feel jittery. They followed everyone into the debrief room, their head feeling thick. Coughing a little, they felt their throat begin to ache, but they pushed it down and plastered on a serious face as everyone sat down for their debrief in the conference room.
It only lasted 10 minutes, but they were 10 long, agonising minutes. Leader wrapped their arms around their middle and hunched over as everyone began speaking, discussing further plans and strategies., whilst Leader focused on trying to swallow a rising coughing fit.
“What do you think Leader?” One of the people who had been talking asked them, Leader looking up, not realising they had zoned out. “Huh?” Their voice was quiet and hollow sounding as they sat up straighter, looking at the plan doodled on the white board behind the speaker.
They flashed over the plan with their eyes, nodding, the motion making their headache worse. Clearing their throat and trying to sound as normal as possible they spoke. “It’s good. Though I think you need to infiltrate from the west. That way their defence will be looking directly into the setting sun. It’ll give us the advantage-“ They were choked off by a rising cough, harsh and deep. They covered their mouth with their elbow, before clearing their throat again.
“That… that’s actually a really good idea. Thanks, Leader.” Leader nodded again, grimacing as they felt headache knock around in their skull. They gripped the edge of the table they were sitting at, trying to ignore the annoying buzzing coming from the light above their head as they listened. It was all becoming a bit of a blur.
The next thing they knew, everyone was standing and leaving the room. Right-hand inched over tentatively as Leader pushed themself up onto their feet, trying to stop their arms and legs shaking like jelly. The world felt strange, tilting slightly as a cold flush washed down their body.
“Leader? Are you sure you’re okay? You look a bit… pale.” Right-hand chose their words carefully, trying not to suggest the ’s’ word.
They knew Leader would refuse to admit they were sick to Right-hand, even if they were puking their guts up in front of them. They had known Leader long enough to know that they hated being sick. It rarely happened, but when it did, it hit Leader harder than most people. They would jokingly brag about how they never got sick, but Right-hand always got the feeling it was partly to hide their anxiety about it.
Right now, Leader was swaying slightly, staring blankly at the table below them, pressing their fingertips into it. They were still slightly coated in a layer of dust, specks of it dusting their messy hair. Right-hand watched as Leader turned their head slowly, inhaling deeply and looking at them square on. “I’m fine.” They lied. “Just tired.” Right-hand looked skeptical.
“Come on, I’m taking you home.” They wrapped their arm around Leader, guiding them on their shaking legs towards the door. They could tell by the way Leader was tensing their muscles that they were trying to stop their body shaking. Leader leaned into Right-hand a little, sighing, their hot breath tickling Right-hand’s skin... It was very hot breath... It shouldn’t be that hot.
“You are sick!” Right-hand couldn’t stop themself, their accusing tone rising, as they looked at Leader’s glassy eyed stare.
“‘Nnnnuuhh ‘mmm not…” Leader mumbled, taking another step. Their legs fell from under them as they shuddered, sniffing hard. Their nose was clogging up rapidly, and all the sniffing was making it worse. Right-hand steadied them before pulling them close. “Hold on.” They said, trying to keep Leader from pulling away.
Right-hand managed to get Leader to the car, strapping them into the passenger seat and shutting the door. When they got around to the drivers side, Leader was leaning their head against the cold glass of the door window, their breath condensing on it in slowly forming clouds. Their eyes were shut as they sat there, Right-hand unsure if they were even conscious.
Leader jumped when the car rumbled to life, ‘Wait… when did I get in here?’ They thought to themself looking to Right-hand with bleary eyes. Nausea hit them like a wave as they slumped back into the seat, half lidded eyes staring at the road in front of them.
The sun was rising and the sky was slowly turning from back to a dusky blue.
When they got back to the barracks, Leader pushed themself out of the seat and stumbled inside. All they wanted was to shower and sleep.
“Hey!” Right-hand called out.
“What?!” Leader whirled around, stumbling as they became unbalanced. They steadied themself, before glaring at Right-hand. “What…?” They breathed, chest rising and falling rapidly as they tried to catch their breath.
Right-hand shook their head. “Leader… Please, just admit you’re sick and let me help you. For god’s sake, you can’t do this on your own, you can hardly stand!” Leader grimaced, scowling. “I just wanna have a shower and sleep…” Their hollow whispering voice wavered, making Right-hand concerned.
Leader turned and staggered slowly through the door, leaning on the walls to get into the living area. They collapsed on the sofa curling up and hugging their stomach, shaking badly. They couldn’t move, they were so achy and cold. They felt so lightheaded, they could hardly see. A blurry shape appeared in their vision, getting closer and closer. “Leader?” Right-hand’s voice broke through the ringing in their ears that they hadn’t noticed had started.
All Leader could do was softly moan, the nausea overcoming them as the world tilted around them. “I thought you were going to have a shower?” Right-hand prodded their shoulder. Sweat was pouring from Leader’s forehead as they looked up at Right-hand, slowly rolling onto their back. It was more comfortable like that. “Yeah… ‘m jusss… restin’ my eyes for a seconmnnmmmgghhh…”
Leader’s lightheadedness seemed to get worse and they squeezed their eyes shut, their arms squeezing their stomach harder. They gritted their teeth and groaned softly, shuddering as a cold chill overcame them.
“Hhhgnn…” The sound slipped from Leader's lips as they shook, making Right-hand touch their chest, feeling their racing heartbeat.
Leader thought it was nice, feeling something so warm on their body.
Right-hand hummed, picking up Leader and carrying them to their room. Leader was half aware that they had been picked up, weakly mumbling as they tried to twist out of Right-hand’s arms. “Mmm…no… put me down… I can… walk my…myself…” Right-hand held them tighter to their chest, hushing them.
“Shh, sh, sh, shhhh. You need to be in bed.” Leader whined, their chest rising and falling with great effort as they tried to breathe through the waves of nausea, threatening to make them hurl.
Right-hand got Leader to their room, gently laying them out on their bed and removing their shoes. Leader jerked suddenly, feeling their left boot slide off. They turned their head, looking around in confusion. “When did I get in here…?” They glanced at Right-hand, who pulled their right boot off. “Right-hand…? Whaddareyoudoing…? When… when diiii I ge… ngh…” A coughing fit surged up Leader’s throat, making them hack up their lungs violently.
Their head felt funny as they finished coughing, sniffing a drop of snot back up into their nose. Right-hand helped Leader shift under the sheets, Leader not even having the energy to fight anymore as Right-hand lay a blanket over them. They felt cold, making Leader shake even more, but their weight was comforting to Leader, who’s eyes slid shut. They were vaguely aware of Right-hand brushing a hand over their forehead, the sensation sending prickles over Leader’s skin.
“Get some sleep Leader…” Right-hand whispered, before slipping out of the room and closing the door behind them. They walked over to Medic’s door, timidly knocking on it. They knew Medic liked their sleep, and felt bad for waking them, but they needed them to check on Leader.
The door swung open suddenly, revealing a pissed Medic. They were wearing an oversized t-shirt that hung off their frame and sagging sweatpants, loose around their hips. They narrowed their eyes, “What? It’s 5 am. I swear to everything that is sacred if you drank another smoothie, I will shove the lactase up your ass…” They trailed off as they saw the look on Right-hand’s face, their own face suddenly looking scared.
“Right-hand…” They whispered. “Where’s Leader… A-a-are they okay?” Medic’s hand’s shook as they took a step forward. Right-hand nodded, lifting a finger to their lips and leading them to Leader’s room. Medic let out a sigh of relief when they saw Leader sleeping in their bed, safe and warm. Something seemed off though, and they looked to Right-hand frowning. “Why are they breathing like that?” They murmured, venturing into Leader’s room, being careful not to wake them up.
Right-hand hovered in the doorway, anxiously waiting as Medic brushed their hand over Leader’s forehead. “Shit.” Medic whispered. “They’re burning up. Help me cool them down.” They beckoned Right-hand over pulling back the sheets and wrestling Leader’s drenched shirt off them.
Leader turned their head, mumbling in annoyance, sleepily trying to push Medic’s hand away, but they only managed to lift their arm before it flopped onto their soaked, heaving chest. Right-hand watched as Leader’s chest rose and fell, Leader’s gasping breaths filling their ears. A moan broke them out of their stupor as Leader opened their eyes.
Almost immediately, they rolled back again, Leader’s head lolling to the side as their body went limp. Medic was checking their pulse and breathing, Right-hand standing around awkwardly. “Go get me my notebook, it’s in my first aid kit under my bed.” Medic ordered, not looking up from Leader.
Right-hand returned, Medic reaching out for the notebook. They jotted down some numbers before sighing, opening the curtains so they could see. The gentle morning sun lit up the room and Leader groaned, lifting their arm and resting it over their eyes. Their cheeks were flushed pink, their exposed chest shining with sweat. Right-hand had never seen someone this sick before.
The rest of the team soon woke up, passing by Right-hand as they went to bed. Right-hand had left Medic to keep an eye on Leader in case they got worse, but what they needed right now was to shower and sleep, just like Leader had wanted. Leader had taken to passing in and out every few minutes, mumbling deliriously about something unintelligible. They kept kicking their sheets off and crying out quietly, squeezing their eyes tighter together as they rode out the nausea.
Right-hand awoke hours later, shuffling into Leader’s room to check on them. Medic was no where to be found, but Leader was lying there, half conscious and moaning softly. They turned their head and opened their eyes a little as they heard Right-hand enter, staring vacantly at them. "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?” Right-hand teased, chuckling nervously.
Somewhere, deep down, Leader knew they were trying to ease the tension. “Hhhhhh…” Was all Leader could manage to answer, sounding half amused at the joke. Leader’s breath was hot against there lips as they parted them, fighting to stay conscious. Right-hand came over, looking down at them as they smiled weakly. “Fuck off…” They whispered, their voice hoarse.
Right-hand smirked, “Glad to see you’re feeling better.” Leader closed their eyes slowly. “Nnnnh…Medic… gave me… something… Makes me feel weird…” They whispered, opening their eyes again. “Did you… sleep?” Right-hand nodded. “Lucky… bastard…” Leader choked on a cough, wheezing as they pushed themself up with Right-hand’s help. They gasped for air between coughs, trying desperately to calm their breathing, their head spinning.
Medic came hurtling into the room at the sound, rushing to Leader’s side. They looked into Leader’s desperate eyes before the coughing seemed to calm, and Leader collapsed forwards, wheezing as they caught their breath. “Leader, I don’t like this… You should be in hospital.” Leader shook their head. “No…” They rasped, “No… hospital…” Their pleading eyes looked at Medic, who clicked their tongue and lay Leader back down. “I’m gonna run you a bath, you’re still caked in dust, it’s making your coughing worse. Right-hand, get them some new clothes ready while they wait.” Right-hand nodded, going to Leader’s closet.
Leader groaned, pushing themself up. “Nah… Let me… do it… You don’t… you don’t have to…” They were overcome with another coughing fit, the coughs reverberating in their chest. “Ugh…” They moaned, wiping off the mucus on their elbow with their shirt.
Medic materialised out of nowhere, piping up from the doorway and causing both Right-hand and Leader to jump. “Bath’s ready.” Leader sighed as Right-hand and Medic helped them walk to the awaiting bath. Leader had their arms slung over both their shoulders, their legs shaking as they walked. The rest of the team was hovering nearby, looking worried.
Leader hung their head, ashamed. They didn't want the team to see them like this. They were supposed to be the leader of the team, unstoppable, infallible and strong, not weak and hardly able to walk. How were the team supposed to take them seriously when they were so weak? They shuddered, cold rushing over them again. This was hell.
Medic and Right-hand helped them slip from their sweat stained clothes, causing Leader to blush.
They didn't want help, they could undress themself. They weren’t a baby. But when they lowered Leader into the warm water, Leader sighed. They lay back, closing their eyes in bliss as their friends gently worked the dust out of their pores and hair, and breathing in the steam that cleared their sinuses a little.
The next thing minute, they were being wrapped in warm, fluffy towels and being slowly dried. It was so nice to not have to do anything and just… relax… The world stopped spinning as they were helped into their new, fresh clothes and practically carried back to bed. Their head nodded as they were carried, eyes fluttering in an effort to keep them open.
When they awoke again, it was dark and their chest was feeling slimy. They let out a wet cough, trying to sit, but they were so comfy and warm… they could afford to stay under the sheets for a few more minutes.
Medic peeked around the door, checking in. “I though I heard you wake up. How are you feeling?” Leader groaned, their throat hurt too much to try and speak and their arms were so heavy…
“They keep passing out. Should we be worried?” Right-hand’s voice echoed somewhere over them. “Hmm, if they deteriorate any further, yes. I don’t want to upset them further, you know what they are like with hospitals.”
Right-hand hummed in agreement, their voice getting more and more distant. Leader tried calling out for Medic and Right-hand to help, managing to open their eyes briefly. All they could see was bright blur pass by their vision before their eyes slid shut.
The blood suddenly drained from Leader’s face as the world faded from their vision. Right-hand’s eyes widened as Leader’s eyes rolled back and their head lolling to the side as they went limp. “Shit.” Medic shook Leader, trying to wake them, but it did nothing.
“Help me get them up.” Medic spoke suddenly, pressing a finger into Leader’s neck. Their eyes went wide. “Now Right-hand!” Medic barked at Right-hand making them jump, before they scooped Leader into their arms, rushing for the door. They carried their team leader out into the hallway, looking at Medic, who ushered them on. “Car, hospital, now!” They snapped, rushing to the barracks door and ripping it open.
The barracks were really small apartments that the teams lived in communally. Everyone got their own small room and shared a bathroom and kitchen. That meant that everyone hand seen what had just happened, glancing nervously at each other from across the apartment.
Throwing Leader into the back of their car, Right-hand raced over to the wheel, Medic climbing in the back with Leader. “Their pulse is shit, resps too. God dammit Right-hand drive!”
Leader managed to open their eyes, suddenly aware of sounds around them. They couldn’t hold them open for more than a few seconds, even though they could hear someone telling them to stay awake… They could have a little nap. Just a few minutes… they were so tired… they just…just a couple of minutes…
Leader hummed as they fell back into oblivion, feeling like the world had disappeared, replaced with a rollercoaster that was suddenly flying down a steep dip.
“No, no Leader, stay awake for me.” Medic begged, jostling Leader as they passed out again. Their body was radiating heat, they were flushed and sweating… Their heart was threatening to jump out of their chest and their breaths were faint and gasping. Medic began feeling sick as they looked at their friend in front of them, unable to do anything.
Looking up at the sensation of the car stopping, they glanced out the window. They were here. The tension their backflipping stomach eased a little, at least Leader would now get some much needed medicine. Right-hand yanked Leader out of the back of the car and carried their body towards the door. Their head and limps dangled heavily, swaying with each movement of Right-hand. Medic was by their side in an instant, rushing forwards into the ER.
When they got in the door Medic was arguing with the receptionist, who’s jaw dropped when she saw the state Leader was in. Picking up a phone, she called someone, speaking quickly as she eyed Leader’s condition. Right-hand looked at Leader’s exposed neck, their muscles contracting with every breath. Usually, when they were sick, they out for the count for a week and then right as rain by the beginning of the next, maybe with a remaining sniffle. But this… judging by Medic’s reaction was worse than bad…
Leader was deathly ill, and there wasn’t anything they could do.
They looked up at the sound of a stretcher being wheeled over, and a masked clad doctor muttered to Right-hand to put Leader on it. They carefully lay them down, watching as they were whisked away, an oxygen mask already slipped over their face. Medic came to their side, panting. “Come here…” They mumbled, pulling Right-hand into a hug.
They waited together as the rest of the team arrived, all looking pale and scared. The doctor came out to speak to them, Medic pulling them aside and talking in hushed voices. They nodded, coming over and taking a shake breath. “They’re okay.” The team let out a collective sigh, “But… they have a pretty brutal infection in their lungs, they’ll have to be kept under until the infection clears, and given the state of them right now, it’s gonna be a while.”
Leader awoke, feeling strange but nice, so they kept their eyes shut, enjoying the fuzzy warm feeling washing over them. They could hear a beeping in the back of their mind. Medic but be hate watching another hospital drama. They sighed, thinking about how they would have to get out of their warm, comfy bed to drag them to their room and force them to sleep, trying to prevent them from ranting about how the surgeon had his stethoscope on backwards again.
They sighed, opening their eyes and looking around.
This didn’t look like their room… “Huh…?” They mumbled quietly. They coughed, reaching up to rub their throat. It felt like they had swallowed a cheese grater. A tug on their hand made them glance at it, and they froze.
“Medic… why is there an IV in my hand?” They whispered, voice hoarse and hollow. Medic sometimes liked to practice doing IV’s on Leader cause they apparently had ‘difficult veins’, but they didn’t remember giving Medic permission to…
It dawned on Leader where they were when a nurse walked over. “Hi.” She whispered. “I’m Jane, I’m your nurse. We thought you’d be awake soon.” Leader stared at Jane’s face, blurring in and out of focus as they sank back into the bed, hoping it would consume them.
“Your friend said you might not be having such a great time when you wake up, but that’s okay. If you want anything, just call me by pressing this.” Jane placed a button in Leader’s hand. “You’ve been very sick. Do you understand?” Leader blinked, thinking over her words. “Sick?” They tried asking, but their voice could only croak.
Jane smiled, exhaling softly through her nose. “Yes. You’ve been very sick. They put you on a ventilator until your infection cleared up. You’ll have to hang out for a few more days, but then we can let you go home.” Leader felt their stomach sink. “How… long…?” Jane patted Leader’s shoulder. “Apparently you were pretty sick for two days before you were brought in. You were on the ventilator for a week.” Leader nodded, half understanding those words, right now they wanted nothing more than to sleep and pretend they weren’t in hospital. That way they could go home…
They blinked a few times, tiredly, before jumping slightly. Jane had been replaced with their team, all sitting silently, waiting for them to wake up. But they hadn’t even slept? Jane the nurse was with them two seconds ago?
“Wait… where’s the nurse?” They rasped looking around for her. “What are you talking about Leader?” Medic chuckled, “You’ve been asleep all day.” Leader blinked in surprise, looking at their team. They felt fine, so they sat up, only for a headache to immediately set in.
Groaning, they lay back down. “Take it easy.” Medic murmured, placing a comforting hand on Leader’s shoulder. They could feel Medic’s fingers squeeze them gently, sighing as they closed their eyes. “I feel… like shit…” They croaked.
The team all smirked, “Yeah, that figures.” Right-hand muttered.
“Well, glad to see you on the mend Leader, oh and… I thought you’d like to know, you’ve been selected to lead the raid on the plant. The higher ups like the idea so much that they want you in charge. When you're better, of course.” Leader felt a zing, they had been hoping that would happen.
They grinned, the nasal cannula on their nose slipping a little. They hadn’t realised it was even there. Pushing it back up they looked up at Right-hand with renewed vigour. “Well, that’s all the motivation I need.” They glanced at an alarmed looking Medic. “You better help me rest up. I wanna be ready for this.”
Medic’s shoulders dropped with relief, “Anything you need, Leader, you just let me know.” Leader chucked, “Good… Now fuck off so I can sleep…” They groaned, getting comfy.
They pulled their blankets up higher, shutting their eyes and sighing. Maybe hospital wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
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snaillamp · 9 months
Evil thought no. 26348
Okay, heres a whumpy idea I love but I've never seen before. That's why I've decided to implement it into one of my stories. If you decide to please tag me so I can see your work! Sooooo, what is it?
~Hypnic jerks~
What are hypnic jerks? Well you may have actually had one before. Have you ever been falling asleep and one leg just randomly kicks, waking you up? Maybe your arm flails, or even you feel like you're falling through your bed into the waiting void below? Well that's a hypnic jerk! We don't 100% know what causes them, but lots of people have them. They are exacerbated by things such as excessive caffeine usage and physical/emotional stress. (You can read more about it here)
✨Evil thoughts time >:)✨
Imagine you have a poor tired whumpee, who is on their 4th energy drink and 7th cup of coffee or whatever, they haven't slept in days. They are physically drained, emotionally drained and all they want to do is fucking sleep.
So, they finally get home and strip off their nasty work clothes. They have a wonderful hot shower, get dressed in their fluffiest, comfiest pajamas and curl up their warm, soft bed. Then they begin to descend into dreamland...
And riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight as they're falling asleep their leg randomly kicks out of nowhere, sending them tumbling from their bed and to the floor.
They can either pick themself up off the floor, crawl back to bed and try to sleep again, or they can just lie there and hope for the best. Maybe a caretaker hears the thump and comes in, finding the poor whumpee sprawled on the ground, dazed and confused.
And all they want is just. to. fucking. sleep.
~more evil thoughts~
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snaillamp · 8 months
Angry Kitten and Mumma Cat
Leader was standing at attention, their team being spoken too by Big Boss. He was rambling on about what a good job they had all done last mission and what not, his usual spiel. Leader’s head was pounding as they swayed slightly, bumping into Youngest’s shoulder, causing them to look over at them.
“Leader?” They whispered, frowning in concern. “You good?” Leader’s eyes fluttered as their head began pounding even more than it already had been, “Shh, pay attention” They murmured back. They stood straighter, their head protesting as they forced their eyes to focus on the words coming from Big Boss’ mouth.
Their head was pounding more now, they could hear their heart beating in their ears as a tiny moan escaped them, the blood draining from their face as their eyes rolled back, and they crumpled to the ground. The last thing they remembered was someone gasping and hands trying to grab them as they fell, before the green carpet rushed up to meet their face with a thud.
Everyone in the room stared at Leader, collapsed on the floor. Big Boss opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unsure of what to do. Breaking formation, Medic and Right-hand rushed over to Leader, rolling them over and checking them out. “Damn, they have a fever, they’re burning up.” Medic mumbled as they checked for a pulse. It was racing.
“We need to get them to a doctor, now!” Medic ordered, their voice firm and controlled. Within minutes, paramedics had rushed in, scooping up Leader and carting them away to hospital. Everyone stood in awkward silence, before Big Boss nodded and dismissed them, mumbling something about a good job and getting back to work. The team members all looked at each other, they knew they weren’t going back to any work until they knew Leader was okay. Cramming themselves into a car, they drove to the hospital and were soon by Leader’s side, waiting for them to wake up.
When Leader opened their eyes, they could see a light shining directly in them. “Ah, and you’ve finally awoken. How are you Leader?” A chipper voice asked them as they tried to remember what happened. All they could manage was a weak whine. “It’s alright, don’t speak if you can’t. Now, Leader, I’m Doctor Cass, and I want you to know you’re in hospital. You collapsed at work, okay?” Leader nodded, barely taking in anything Dr Cass said. Their head was still pounding.
“You’ve come down with a pretty bad case of the flu, but I’ll just observe you for a bit and then let you go home. There isn’t much we can do for you here, I’m afraid. Your friends will look after you.” Leader nodded, the movement making their head hurt as they shut their eyes again, trying to sleep. They lay like that for a while but they couldn’t do it, their head hurt too much.
“Hey Leader…” A quiet voice spoke up, making them open their eyes. “How you feeling?” Right-hand asked, leaning close so Leader could hear them. All Leader could manage was a groan in reply. It was all starting to come together for them, their team had all caught a light case of the flu a few weeks ago, after a mission.
Leader hadn’t been affected by it, so they had spent their time looking after everyone as they battled the light fever. It seemed like all that work had finally caught up with them. “I’ll let you rest, Leader. I’ll tell everyone you’re doing okay.” Right-hand patted their shoulder before leaving them to rest.
A couple days later, Leader was feeling better. They still felt like death, but felt well enough that Dr Cass let them go home. They felt cold and shivery as they checked out of the hospital, held up between two teammates and then bundled into the car. When they got home, they were practically carried to their bed, tucked in and left alone to rest.
That was fine for the first couple of days, Leader lay there, delirious as their team took it in turns looking after them, but when they finally came back to themself, all they wanted to do was get back to work. They were almost a week behind in paperwork and they felt even sicker thinking about the late nights they’d need to do to catch up. Lying there, they felt fine, so they sat up.
Big mistake.
They moaned, falling back hard against their bed. Their head was pounding as they rested arm on their forehead, moaning in pain. Medic rushed in, looking worried as they went to Leader’s side. “You okay?” They asked checking Leader over in a rush. “Just… I wanna… get up ’n… work…” Leader moaned, trying to sit again. The world spun around as they lifted their head. “Stay there Leader. You need rest.”
Leader sighed, “But I have so much to do…” Medic rolled their eyes. “You and your damn work. It’s not going anywhere.” They sighed, looking around. “If I bring you your laptop, will you promise to stay in bed?” Leader nodded, feeling their head ache as they did.
“And early to bed tonight.”
“Wait, that wasn’t part of the deal!” Leader argued, only for Medic to smirk. “I know what you’re like, but I’m afraid it’s my rules or no laptop.” Leader frowned, agreeing with a grumble.
The next few days they perked up a little more, able to sit up without feeling like they were going to faint and their sinuses clearing up a little. They still felt like road kill, but at least they were on the mend. Sighing, they heard their team laughing as they came back from the gym, presumably from training. “I wanna train…” They stared at the report they had been typing. Paperwork was always so dry, but this report was torture to try and write, especially with their mind the way it was right now.
Groaning, they pushed the laptop aside and stood, swaying a little, before shuffling toward the door. They... they just had to get out of this damn bedroom. They felt so isolated in there.
Leader stumbled down the hallway, making it half way before they looked up at the feet that had appeared in front of them. Medic pointed at the direction Leader had come, "Bed." they ordered firmly.
"I have the flu, I’m not dying.” Leader mumbled, turning and shuffling to back to their room. Crawling into bed and lying there until they passed out again, their body was heavy as the depression started to weigh on their chest.
The next day they were able to think clearly again. The worst of the fever seemed to be over and they were almost back on their feet, so they decided to slip into their office when their team was out to get some stuff done.
After a couple hours of sitting at their desk, they began to feel the chills return and the headache start again. Groaning, they lay back, rubbing their eyes and trying to breathe through their blocked nose.
“I thought I’d find you here.” An accusatory tone came from their doorway. Medic was leaning on the door frame, looking smug. “You should be in bed Leader. You’ll only slow your recovery by working right now.” Leader shot them a look, but that only seemed to encourage Medic, who waltzed into the room and slung their arm under Leader’s own. “Come on, up we go.” They grunted, pulling Leader to their feet. “Home time, champ.”
Leader tried to pull away. “No, I’m fine. Just gimme a minute. I was about to take a break anyway.” They pulled out of Medic’s grip, only to stagger and fall against their desk. “Right.” Medic answered, definitely convinced. “And how long was this… “break” going to last?”
Leader sighed as Medic picked them up. “You’re coming home and resting. I won’t hear another peep about it from you.” Leader glared at them, but let them take them home. It was nice just to be in the presence of another person right now.
Leader lay in bed that afternoon, sniffing and spluttering. Their recovery had taken a nose dive due to their ‘escapade’ as Medic had called it, and now were under strict orders to stay in bed until they were 100% better. Leader rolled their eyes, half expecting Medic to try and spoon feed them chicken soup next. They didn’t even like soup! So instead, they stared at their laptop, watching a shitty rom-com, which was neither particularly romantic or funny. They looked up at the sound of their door creaking.
“Hey…” Right-hand murmured. “You awake?” Leader groaned, looking at the silhouette of Right-hand’s huge frame in the doorway.
Leader was short, even by short people standards, but they made up for it with strength, skill and personality. Right-hand on the other hand, was a huge, cuddly bear. Leader wouldn’t be surprised if Right-hand could actually beat a bear in a fight, they’d be pretty evenly matched, but for a huge, loud, scary looking person, they were softer than butter.
Coming over to Leader, they sat by the bed. “Whatcha watching?” They asked looking at the laptop screen. “Some movie… I haven’t really been watching to be honest…” Leader mumbled, turning to look at Right-hand, who scoffed. “I see. Hey, so you want dinner?” Leader shook their head, they couldn't stomach the thought of food. “Okay, call if you need anything.” Leader nodded, watching Right-hand leave.
At that moment, all they wanted was for them to stay.
The next morning they pushed themself out of bed, staggering into the main room, everyone was gone. Sighing in relief, Leader grabbed some shoes. They could sneak into work and get more done, they were feeling a bit better again, and if they could spend a few hours in their office, they could finally catch up and relax, like Medic wanted.
Big, strong arms wrap around their torso. “And where do you think you’re going?” Right-hand asked, scooping them up and cradling them. “Put me down!” Leader struggled weakly in Right-hand’s grasp. “Nope. Not until you tell me where you’re planning on going.” Leader glared at Right-hand as they began to carry them back to their room.
“No. I don’t have to explain myself to you! Right-hand put me down! I am your superior, I order you to let me fucking go!” They clawed and pushed at Right-hand’s chest as hard as they could, which wasn’t hard at all, before they gave up, letting their arm dangle limply by their side. Right-hand cradled them close as they hung floppy in their arms, rapidly losing energy.
“Medic told me where you went yesterday. I figured I’d stick around in case you tried to pull that shit again, Leader. And look who was right.” Leader huffed, crossing their arms, before trying to wiggle free. “You’re gloating.”
Right-hand smirked, “Yeah. And? You’re the idiot trying to sneak out.” Leader gave up trying to wiggle out of Right-hand’s grip as they got back into the room. They found themself leaning against Right-hand’s chest, listening to their heart. Right-hand sat on the bed, noticing Leader clinging to them. “You okay?” Leader was silent, pressing their body harder into Right-hand’s. “I don’t know…” They whispered, listening to the heart beat quicken a little. “Leader, what’s wrong?” Right-hand sat them on their lap and held them tight, feeling Leader’s fever wracked body start to shake.
“I just hate feeling like this…” Leader whispered through shuddering breaths, “So weak and… and…” A sob wracked their body. Being held like this felt so nice... They could stay like that forever.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t cry, Leader. It’s okay. You just need to chill out and get better. You’ll be fine in a couple days.” Leader shook their head.
Right-hand sighed, lifting Leader up and tucking them into bed. “I’ll go get you something to eat, you need strength if you’re gonna heal up.” Leader whined, grabbing at their hand. “Can you stay? I don’t want to be alone…” Their whispering voice wavered.
It all came crashing into Right-hand like a bus. “Oh, oh Leader… I had no idea you felt like that…” Leader pulled the blankets up higher, trying to stop their rising sobs. “I-I’m just sick of being so… so useless. I want to work, I want to be with you guys… I feel so isolated... so forgotten…”
Right-hand sat beside Leader, brushing some of their hair off their face. “I had no idea… Leader… I’m so sorry. Come on, I’ll set you up on the couch, you can hang with us tonight.” Leader looked up at them, shaking their head with teary eyes. “I just need someone right now. Here.” Right-hand nodded, climbing onto the bed and laying beside Leader, hugging them close.
They listened as Leader’s ragged, warm breaths began to slow, their body relaxing as they fell asleep. They knew Leader needed it. Leaving quickly, they set up a blanket nest on the couch outside, before carrying Leader 's limp form from the bed. Tucking them in, Leader coughed a little, stirring and making a sleepy sound before settling into their new sleeping spot.
One by one, the team came home after a long day of work and training, finding Right-hand sitting by Leader, watching them sleep. They would all frown, before nodding and going about their afternoons, quietly so they didn't disturb Leader.
Leader woke to the smell of dinner cooking, the first thing they smelled in days. They suddenly realised how hungry they were.
Sitting up, bleary eyed, they looked around confused at the room they had woken up in. “This isn’t where I fell asleep…” They mumbled, rubbing their eyes. “Leader, you woke up! How you feeling?” Medic walked over, checking Leader’s forehead with the back of their hand. “Temp’s gone down. I think you’re finally on the mend.” They grinned as Right-hand came over with a plate. Perched on it was a small serving of lasagna. “Do you think you can manage this?” They asked as Leader eyed the food greedily, before they nodded, smiling.
With a little help, they made it to the table with the others, managing to eat half of their serving before losing their appetite. “Good start, Leader. Keep at it and you’ll be better in no time.” Medic patted Leader’s back as they gathered the plates up. “Wait…” Leader asked, reaching for Medic's arm to stop them. “Can you save it for later? I might have more in a while.” Medic gleamed. “It’ll go straight in the fridge, Leader!”
Leader frowned, “Why are you all acting so weird and... happy?” Their voice was rough and congested as they coughed, a large glop of goo coming loose in their sinuses and dripping down their throat. Leader swallowed it, wincing. “Right-hand said you missed us… We all felt a little bad about leaving you alone for days so we thought we’d hang out.” Youngest piped up, beaming. “Wanna watch a movie later?” Leader wiped their nose before looking up, “Sure…”
When everyone was finished, they all crowded onto the sofa, Leader sandwiched between Right-hand and Medic, wrapped in blankets as they watched Jaws.
Half way through, Right-hand felt something hot rest on their shoulder. Leader had fallen asleep against it, cheek smooshed into their shoulder, their warm breath dancing across it. “They seem to have been hit pretty hard by this flu…” Medic gestured with their eyes at Right-hand who looked up at them and nodded.
“They spent days looking after all of us at once, I don’t think they slept… Must have made them worse when they finally got it. You know what they’re like, they won’t say anything is wrong even if they’re bleeding out in front of you. I guess it finally just caught up to them.”
Medic nodded in agreeance, “We should probably move them to their room.” they murmured.
Right-hand picked up Leader, bundled in blankets, and took them to their room. They noticed Leader's face looked better, more peaceful and rested as they coughed lighty in their sleep. They mumbled something as Right-hand tucked them in, rolling over and smiling in their sleep.
"Get well soon, Leader." Right-hand whispered.
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snaillamp · 7 months
Sicktember - day 4
4. Hiding an Illness
The phone on the desk rang, Vanessa running to grab it. Emily watched the older nurse speak into it and nod, “Alright, what’s your ETA? Awesome. Drive safe, it’s misty tonight.” Vanessa turned to Emily, who had already replaced the energy drink in her hands with blue, rubber gloves. “Fucking night shift. We have an 89 year old woman coming in from one of the remote communities. She slipped and fell, looks like fracture. The ambulance is 10 minutes out. Where’s Dr Hill?”
Emily looked around, unable to see the young doctor. “I don’t know, he was in his office last time I saw.” Vanessa frowned, “Go find him, quick.”
Emily nodded, turning and rushing down the hall towards the small office that the doctor inhabited. She walked up to the door marked ‘HILL’ in big, black, block letters. Knocking on it gently, she opened the door, revealing the tiny office crammed almost wall to wall with a desk and small, fold out bed on other side of the room. A small gap down the middle enabled someone to walk down the centre, where there was a large, framed photo of a beautiful, snowy mountain, glowing under a pink sunset.
Not immediately noticing the doctor, who she expected to be typing away at his desk, she turned her gaze downwards into the fold out bed. Dr Hill was lying on his stomach, slumped under a thin blanket. One arm was dangling from the edge of the bed, wrist limp against the floor. His breaths were slow and deep, the young doctor fast asleep on the bed. “Dr Hill?”
Emily entered the office, walking over to the prone doctor. “Dr Hill?” She raised her voice, trying to rouse the doctor again. Frowning, she reached out, poking his shoulder. Dr Hill grunted sleepily, shifting a little. “Cody.” Emily shook his shoulder and Dr Hill grunted again, looking up at her with messy hair and bleary eyes. “Huh?” He grimaced slightly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He looked at her, blinking hard.
“What time is it?” He mumbled, running his hand through his hair in an attempt to make it look a little neater. “3 am, we have a patient coming in, looks like a femur fracture.” Dr Hill groaned, pulling a hand over his face and pushing up off the bed, he swayed slightly, before rapping an arm around his waist.
“Shit… Okay, give me a minute, I’ll be out in a sec. Get some fluids and bloods ready. Where’s she coming from?” Emily frowned slightly, “Remote community, they’re about… 5 minutes out.” Dr Hill nodded, sighing. “Are you okay? You look a bit... off.”
Dr Hill looked at her and smiled. “Yeah, just gotta stop eating fast food on night shifts.” He laughed slightly, before stretching, groaning softly, sliding out of the office. His scrubs hung from his shoulders.
He sighed again, plodding down the hallway.
Vanessa turned, hearing Dr Hill and Emily come down the hall. “Cody? You alright?” Dr Hill grunted, not really acknowledging her. He rubbed the right side of his waist, inhaling, seemingly to hide a wince, but Vanessa couldn’t be sure.
“Whew, okay, what do we have?” He looked up at Vanessa, shadows under his eyes. Cody Hill was usually as fine as someone could be on a night shift, better than fine. He took the shifts in his stride, but tonight he looked… off. “89 year old woman, slipped and fell, looks like a femur fracture.”
The lights or the arriving ambulance lit up the windows, illuminating the tiny ER and the faces of the two nurses and doctor. “Two minutes early. Nice.” Vanessa smiled, glancing at her fob watch.
“‘Kay team, let’s get to it.” Dr Hill clapped, looking suddenly more awake.
The paramedics wheeled in a poor, old woman, who was crying out in pain, transferring her quickly onto a bed. Cody looked down at her and smiled, “Hey, I’m Dr Hill, can you tell me you name?” The old woman howled, her greying hair stuck to her cheeks, stained with tears. He nodded at his nurses, who jumped into action. Turning to the paramedics as they gave him more information.
He turned, his mind slowly turning as he figured out what to do. He rattled off some orders, ensuring that the woman was calm before trying again.
“Hey, I'm Cody, can you tell me your name?”
The woman breathed hard and fast, looking at him with scared eyes. “Mavis…” Her lip wobbled as she cried out in pain again. “We need the chopper.” Cody said gravely, looking up at Vanessa. She nodded, walking off to make the call. “Okay, Mavis, can you tell me what happened?” Cody felt slightly lightheaded looking down at the poor woman. He grasped the side of the bed, gripping the bar tightly and swallowing a grunt of pain as a dull pang rose up from his abdomen.
He felt a bit cold, but it was a cold night, so it was probably just that. Pushing the thought from his mind, he rubbed the painful spot on his stomach and trying to ignore it. He must be really constipated…
When he was finished getting Mavis comfortable, he checked with Vanessa. “The chopper is grounded at the moment, too windy. They should be over in about 2 hours, if the wind changes. Is she stable?” Cody nodded, rubbing his side again. He was starting to have a sinking suspicion it wasn’t constipation.
“You sure you’re okay?” Vanessa walked forward, placing a hand on Cody’s forehead. Cody pulled away. They had to focus on Mavis, if the two nurses were distracted by him…
“I’m fine. Just tired.” He blinked slowly, his voice low and mumbling. “I’m gonna do the paperwork, get this all set up while we wait. Keep her stable, come get me if anything changes.” He shuffled to his office, closing his door and leaning his forehead on it.
The world was swaying a little as he staggered back to bed. He calmed his fast breathing sinking into the soft, thin foam. He lifted his scrubs, looking at his stomach rising and falling. Grunting as he pushed himself onto his elbows, he pressed his stomach gently.
Biting back a cry, he threw his head back, panting. “Shit…” He breathed. Lowering himself down onto his back, he pressed a few more points on his abdomen, wincing as he confirmed his fears. Appendicitis. He gritted his teeth, riding out the pain, tears pricking in his eyes as he squeezed his eyes shut.
Feeling cold, he picked up the blanket and pulled it back over himself. The paperwork could wait, he just needed a quick, 5 minute nap…
When he opened his eyes, the first thing Cody felt was the shivers reaching over his body. His head felt heavy as he tried to move but his limbs ached with the effort. His stomach felt like he had been stabbed with a baseball bat… It hurt to even breathe.
Groaning in pain, he looked around, easing onto the floor and crawling to his desk chair. He pulled himself up on it, the cramp making him grunt in pain. Sitting back, he wiped the hair from his brow, then opened up his computer, cradling his right side with a gentle hand. He found the documents he needed to fill out but as he wrote the words became blurry. “Nnnhh… Come on Cody… push through.” He mumbled, looking at the fuzzy words.
Somehow, he managed to push through, printing off the paper and signing it with a shaking hand. His fancy, expensive pen his father had got him when he graduated usually had a nice weight to it, but right now, he could hardly even hold it up to write.
The let out a shaky breath before putting the paperwork aside and placing his head on the cool desk. It was pounding. His arms hung limply by his sides as his hair fell around his shoulders, his eyes sliding shut.
A hand shook Cody awake. “Cody?” Vanessa’s voice was worried as she stood in front him. Looking up, Cody’s blurry vision could make out her worried face, wrinkles creasing her forehead as she looked at him with concern in her eyes. “Dr Hill, you look unwell, should you go home?”
Cody blinked, shaking his head. He sat up properly, hiding a wince as he held his side. “Nah, I’m fine, seriously. Just really tired. I haven’t had much sleep the last few days. Maybe some water might help?” He smiled tiredly at her and she sighed. “Fine. I’ll get water if you let me do obs on you.”
Cody’s mind kicked into gear. A gleam returned to his eye as he smirked. “I think I can get my own water. I'm fine, seriously.” He eased out of the chair, careful not to agitate his painful stomach as he shuffled towards his office door. He found the water dispenser for the patients and grabbed a paper cup, listening to the bubbles glub their way up to the surface of the water.
Leaning heavily on the plastic bottle, Cody sipped the water, wincing slightly at the vaguely plastic taste. He still felt like shit.
Deciding to check on Mavis, he straightened, taking a breath. It hurt to breathe still, but he could manage, Mavis was in way more pain than he was right now. ‘Yeah, and she’s also doped up on a hell of a lot of painkillers.’ He grimaced at his rational thoughts. ‘Painkillers wouldn’t be so bad right now…’ He thought to himself, longing for the sweet relief of… anything to ease the pain as he walked down the hall.
Emily was by Mavis' side, talking about the impending helicopter ride, explaining where it was going to take her and that it was going to be very loud. She turned when she heard Cody come in, smiling at him. “Dr Hill. The chopper is about 20 mins out.” Cody’s eyebrows rose. '20 minutes? How long was I asleep?' Emily smiled again, teeth flashing.
“Vanessa said you were busy doing paperwork so I didn’t disturb you. Mavis was a bit concerned about the flight.” Cody frowned, before looking at Mavis with a soft smile. “What's concerning you?” His voice sounded slightly hollow.
Mavis was sat up, an IV in her wrinkled hand. “I fear… that if your helicopter takes me away I might not come back. It’s happened to many people in our community. They get sick or injured and… They come back in a box.” Her old, kind face was anxiety ridden as Cody melted.
The grannies always tugged at his heart strings.
“Where we are sending you, they will give you the best care. They will work with you to make sure they get you home.” He pulled a chair over and took the woman’s shaking hand. “I know many of the doctors there. They are the best I know, and experts in looking after people, I would trust them with my own life.”
Cody smiled fondly at the memories of his friends and colleagues in the city, how they would come up into the mountains for holidays and weekend get aways. They would marvel at the ancient, mossy old growth forests and snow capped peaks, having only a mere taste at home in the cities. Cody would show them all the secret trails and tracks, views and sights that not many people would get to see. This was his territory after all, he knew it like the back of his hand.
He on the other hand, loved going to the city, trying all the new and enticing food from foreign restaurants, walking through dingy streets to find the best tiny coffee shops and being shown the best place to buy whatever he desired by his friends.
Both places had their perks, but he understood Mavis’ fear. If he were ripped from his mountains and trees without saying goodbye, he would too be distraught. His very DNA was bound into the soil and he couldn’t last long without the fresh mountain air or birds twittering in the trees.
Mavis seemed to calm at his words though and he patted her soft hand gently. “I know it’s scary, but you will be in perfectly safe hands. They will do everything possible to get you back here, safe and alive.” He nodded at her, before leaving to get his paperwork. He had better submit it before it was too late, the chopper guys wouldn’t be happy.
The sound of the approaching helicopter reverberated from between the mountains as Cody and the nurses prepared Mavis. They packed up all her things, secured her well and wheeled here out into the waiting night.
The chopper landed, the three people watching from inside the building as the rotors slowed. A couple of people in jumpsuits jumped out, walking over to the building, being careful of the blades whirring above their heads. Cody introduced Mavis and gave them all the relevant documents, before the nurses bid her a goodbye. Cody took her hand, giving it a hopeful squeeze. “Good luck, Mavis. Make sure to come back after you’re better okay?” Mavis smiled, nodding. “Yes, of course dear. You... you look after yourself too, hey?” She gave him a meaningful smile. Cody smiled at her, trying to hide his shock. Did she know?
Cody waved off the helicopter, before trudging back to the main ER. The tiny room, outfitted with three beds was always on standby for the emergencies in the surrounding area. Vanessa and Emily were already diligently cleaning and restocking all their supplies, Cody grabbing a broom and helping sweep the floor. The repetitive motion made his stomach hurt even worse than it already did, but he glanced at his watch, nodding at the time.
He only had to make it one more hour and then he could go home and rest, take some antibiotics and hope this damn appendicitis went away.
Emily was fiddling with the breaks on one of the beds. “Eugh. The wheel is stuck again.” She complained, breaking Cody’s train of thought. He looked up at Emily, trying to push the bed back into position.
The wheels on that thing had been jamming for ages, but it wasn’t nothing a good tug wouldn’t fix. Vanessa joined Emily at the head of the bed on the other side whilst Cody took the foot of the bed. The two nurses pushed, whilst Cody pulled, all three grunting as the wheel slowly began to turn, making an awful grinding sound.
Suddenly it popped free, the bed shooting into Cody’s stomach. He gasped, slightly winded from being slammed by the bed, right where he was already feeling a little tender. He hit the ground on his hands and knees, gritting his teeth as he held his stomach. He could only hope that being hit hadn’t made his problem even worse.
Vanessa rushed over as Emily stood in shock, staring at Cody as Vanessa helped him stand. He steadied himself on his feet, the world swaying as his head began to pound even more, his breathing rapid as he caught his breath. “I’m okay, I’m okay…” He muttered, straightening and holding his side tight. “I just.. need a… min…”
The blood drained from his face and his body dropped heavily to the ground, landing with a sickening thud. Vanessa was on him in half a second, rolling him over. “Cody, Cody, talk to me! No, no, no, no. Stay awake for me!” She watched as Cody blinked, his vision spotty as he groaned. He tried to speak, but his head hurt to much and his insides felt wrong… Something was really wrong… “Nnnnnn… ah…peh…hnn…” His eyes rolled back as he sighed, his body going slack in Vanessa’s arms.
“Em!” She yelled, snapping Emily out of her stupor. Emily rushed forward, helping Vanessa pick up her colleague and carry him to a bed. They lay Cody out, Vanessa ripping up the hem of his scrubs to reveal a large bruise forming over his abdomen. Cody grunted, his stomach muscles rippling as he tried to breathe through the pain, half conscious. He rolled his head from side to side, moaning. “Cody, what hurts?”
Vanessa had taken charge, her voice snapping firm orders. “Em, take a temp okay?” All Cody could do was moan in pain, unsure of where he was or what was happening. His mind was scrambled as the tried to think through the brain fog and pain. He tried to move his hand to his waist, but it couldn’t move…
Vanessa watched Dr Hill squirm slightly, sweat beading on his forehead. “Oh my god…” Emily breathed, staring at the thermometer. “He’s 39 degrees!” She exclaimed, showing the number to Vanessa. Vanessa grimaced, pulling on some gloves and placing a hand on Dr Hill’s stomach. “Cody, I’m going to press on your stomach okay? Tell me what hurts.”
Dr Hill’s breathing was uneven and jagged as he drew air into his lungs. Vanessa pressed on the top half of her colleague’s stomach. He whined in pain, tossing his head from one side to the other and gasping. However, when she pressed the lower two quadrants of his stomach, Dr Hill’s body jerked, his right hand flying to his waist, guarding his side. Frowning Vanessa pressed his lower right side again, feeling the muscles tense. Dr Hill’s breathing was racing now as he grunted and hissed, his head rolling from side to side as he twitched in pain.
His eyes opened, distant as he gritted his teeth, shaking as the pain wracked his body. Vanessa was prodding his stomach and making it hurt so much more. “Em, grab the ultrasound.” Emily nodded, bringing over a small, portable ultrasound machine, preparing it as Vanessa pulled down the waistline of Cody’s pants slightly. Cody grimaced, preparing for what he knew was coming.
With a sharp jab, Vanessa pressed the small transducer into Cody’s stomach. He jerked against it, hissing as he glanced at her. “What are you… doing?” He gasped through heavy breaths, eyeing her with dangerous eyes. “Ness… please…” He shook his head. Vanessa frowned, eyes glued on the screen of the ultrasound, “Cody, did you come to work with appendicitis?”
Cody grimaced, arching his back a little as she pressed deeper, rolling the transducer around and looking closely. “No…. Please…” He gasped, eyes fluttering. “No, stay with me Cody…” Cody’s head was swimming as spot appeared in his vision again. Vanessa heard a long, wavering moan as her friend passed out again. “His appendix… It’s…” She muttered, staring at the at the screen. “Cody, you with me?” No reply. “Shit. We have to call this in… He needs a doctor now.” She looked at her friend, pale and gasping for breath as she lifted the transducer.
The paramedics walked into the ER, noticing a patient wrapped in a blanket and shaking, curled up on their side. They frowned, looking for Dr Hill, he would never leave a patient alone, especially when they were this state. Emily and Vanessa appeared becoming them over, hushing them. “Where’s Dr Hill?” One asked Vanessa, who nodded in the patient’s direction. “Come look.”
The patient moaned, his tossing his head from side to side, before he cried out, his cry ragged as he pushed his feet against the bed. Arching his back, he tilted, falling heavily on his side, panting hard as sweat pored from his brow. He was shaking, teeth chattering as he groaned in pain.
The paramedics glanced at each other, as Dr Hill open his eyes, panting hard. They turned to Vanessa, who sighed. “Appendicitis, it… appears to have burst.” One of the paramedics frowned. “Well what the hell happened? He was fine an hour ago!” She was interrupted by a delirious mumble from her colleague.
“Dr White… Whadyoudoinhere…? Is… Mavis… ready yet? The chopper mussssst be…. close…” He groaned again, reaching with a shaking hand to pull the blanket higher.
“He’s been mumbling nonsense for ages.” Vanessa spoke, her voice harsh and flat. “Oh…” The paramedic sighed, nodding. “Great. Let’s pack him up, he needs to go down the mountain.”
Emily glanced at her friend, taking a seat beside him and grabbing his shaking hand. “What is it Cody? What do you need?” Cody’s half-lidded eyes met hers and he shook his head slightly. “I can’t… leave… I gotta…” He shuddered. “I’m sorry… I was hiding it…” Emily leaned forward, eyebrows knitting together. “Cody… Why?”
Her colleague’s eyes slid shut as he mumbled, “Gotta… help patients… no one else…to…” He sighed as he passed out again. “How long had he been like this?” The paramedic asked, turning to the two nurses. “About 20 minutes. I called you the minute he collapsed…” They looked at each other, before getting ready to transport the doctor.
Cody opened his eyes as he landed on a new stretcher. It was different to his bed… less comfy. He stared at the ceiling moving above him before blinking again. When he opened his eyes, the dawn was unfolding above him, the sky grey and stars dim, a faint orange stripe lazily snaking across the sky.
When he blinked again, he was in the back of an ambulance, rattling down the mountains. A blurry face leaned over him, “Hey, Codes. How you feeling?” The voice was familiar, but he couldn’t place it. It sounded like the paramedic, Darren, his best friend, but he was working in the ambulance tonight... “Where…” His eyes were closing again. “Hey Codes, stay awake for me! Come on man, eyes open.” Cody sighed, his eyes sliding shut for a second.
He pulled them open again, reaching up to feel the mask on his face. He watched the roof above him pass by… Where was he? He moaned, a dull pain leaking through his brain fog. “Hey, he’s awake.” A voice spoke above him. A face, covered in a blue mask appeared.
“Dr Hill? I’m Dr Maithwaite, we’re taking you into surgery now, alright.” Cody blinked, confused as his eyes closed. He didn’t pass out though, feeling the stretcher rattle down the hallway. He listened to the voices around him.
“Did he pass out again?”
“Yeah, he’s been in and out the whole trip.”
“Alright, take the next left, nice and slow.”
Cody felt the stretcher slow as it was rotated. He groaned at the motion, the turn making him feel sick. He rolling his head from side to side, trying to settle the nausea overwhelming him.
There was a gentle jolt as he was pushed through doors into a cold, dark theatre. “Okay, lets shift him up and prep him.” Cody felt the mask lift from his face. He tried to open his eyes but couldn’t the world tilting around him as he felt his body get slid onto a cold, hard table. He groaned again in annoyance.
“Dr Hill? Can you open your eyes for me?” Dr Maithwaite’s voice sounded somewhere above him. Cody grunted, trying to peel open his eyes open with great effort. He managed to finally crack them open, but was struggling to keep them open.
“Good man, hang in there for me, alright?” Cody’s eyes slid shut again and he felt hands grasp his face and straighten his head. Somewhere deep in his mind he knew they were preparing an airway. A gentle prick in his arm sent a cold chill flooding into his veins. Within seconds, he was out.
Dr Maithwaite held the doctor’s head in his hands as his body went limp. He helped secure the man’s airway as they prepared for the surgery.
The small theatre in at the bottom of the mountains wasn’t like what he was used to in the city. He was used to people doing all these things for him, but with the lack of staff in this tiny hospital, he had to go back to basics and help out. Soon, he was making his incisions into the doctor’s abdomen.
“So what’s this guy’s deal? He went to work with appendicitis?” One of the nurses hummed. “Yeah, that’s Cody Hill. He’s a doctor up in Stoney Creek, its operated by 5 staff. He and two others were on tonight. He probably went in cause there was no one else to replace him, but… well you can see what happened.”
Dr Maithwaite nodded, this man wouldn’t be the first doctor to go into work because there was no choice. Some people put their patients way before themselves, which while valiant, lead to situations like this, and that didn't benefit anyone. It was the whole reason he had moved out here.
He was done with the hustle and bustle of the city and constant workload. It was nice to be out in nature, serving a smaller community and having time to breathe… Sure he wasn’t able to do as much for his patients as he could in the city, but that wasn’t his problem.
Dr Maithwaite actually seemed to remember seeing this guy before. It was during a patient transfer, he had gone in the ambulance to provide extra treatment… He seemed like a nice guy, intelligent and kind… though Dr Maithwaite wasn’t sure how intelligent his decision to come to work that night was, given how it had turned out.
Maybe it was the fever clouding his judgement.
He snapped back to reality, having cleaned up what he could before looking for the ruptured appendix. He really did get lost in thought whilst doing surgery, which maybe wasn’t a good thing? He didn’t know. Maybe he should get Dr Sharma to test him for ADHD after all… Reeling his mind back in again, he found what he was looking for, stitching together the mess that was the rupture and preparing to close his fellow doctor’s guts.
He glanced at the head of the man to his right, tube rising from his mouth like some kind of plastic plant. “How’s his stats?”
“Good, he’s stable. I’d say close up soon though, he might drop.”
Dr Maithwaite nodded, preparing to do just that. He stitched the doctor’s stomach back together neatly, before stepping back and admiring his work. He hadn’t left the doctor large scars to worry about. It was amazing what modern medicine could do with the right tools in the right hands.
“Okay, pack him up. Get him outta here and let him rest, he’s been through a lot.” He walked over to the man’s face, looking down on it. It looked peaceful, despite the stickers keeping him stable. Dr Maithwaite smiled at him, glad this man could live another day…
He was lucky he was with people, if he had been driving or at home with no one around… He might be lying on a different table.
As he cleaned up, Dr Maithwaite sighed. Staring at his hands as he cleaned them, he wondered about the doctor he had just been operating on. Deciding to visit him later, he dried his hands and went to find a coffee.
Cody awoke to the sound of wheels rattling down the hall. He kept his eyes shut until the bed stopped moving. He always felt so motion sick being wheeled around. He groaned slightly, opening his eyes after a few minutes of stillness.
“I was wondering when you were going to wake up.” A voice murmured. Frowning, Cody tried to place it, it sounded familiar. Turning his head, he saw a man sitting beside him. “Where…?”
“Ah, yes. You’re in hospital, Sawmill Inlet.” Cody knew where that was. It was down the mountain from Stoney Creek. “Why…?” He whispered, why wasn’t he at work. He had to make sure Mavis was ready for transport.
“You had appendicitis, my friend. Wouldn’t be the first doctor who’s gone to work sick though, don’t beat yourself up about it.” A name appeared in Cody’s mind. “You’re… Maithwaite… you were talking to me…” He blinked slowly, his mind slowly waking up as his thoughts slotted together.
“Yep. I operated on you. You’re gonna be sore for a while, but you were lucky the damage wasn’t too bad. You’re a bit bruised though, I heard you were hit by a runaway bed.” Cody smiled. “Yeah…” he moved a hand over to his stomach, feeling then dressings and dull pang of the bruises under his fingertips.
“Well, rest up. We can have a conversation later. Uh, you hungry?” The older doctor looked down at Cody, who shook his head. “Okay, well if you need anything let my nurses know.” Cody nodded, shutting his eyes. Right now, he just wanted to be at home. His thought flickered to Mavis.
He wondered how she was feeling right now. Hopefully, they would both be home soon…
~ Sicktember 2023 masterlist~
~ Cody's masterlist ~
25 notes · View notes
snaillamp · 3 months
For this and your writing. You're a joy yo all of us! I also love how sincere and open you are to my silly asks :) And your writing is so VIVID, and your OCs are lovely. It gives me FEELINGS. (Also, sorry for using your askbox, but as you know, im shy)
I want to start with who keeps bringing food to my dash. The blogs who just reblog. I always smile when I see you in my notifications @friendlesscat , @porschethemermaid , @orangeduckweed , @genuinelythioehat-is-whump and @st0rmm is who comes to my mind without even looking. They all have good tastes in whump.
And of course, some amazing writers i keep checking. @bleedingintogold: his writing is often short but hitting well. It never fails to leave me with open mouth at the end of it. @cpt-winters also keeps me on my toes when I'm reading— the only problem is the cliffhangers because I NEED MORE.
@greatvoiddreamer who i think took a break but posted some lately— that lengthy one-shots are amazing. It's so well described! I can feel those, and it just keeps going and going. I feel like I'm opening a gift when I go through their writing.
Special thanks to @feverwhump , @allthewhumpygoodness and @warmblanketwhump for covering the sickfic needs. I keep giggling to their posts.
I don't follow many art blogs, but @dresden-syndrome is amazing. She also writes so well. I love how she keeps giving detailed and long answers to the asks. She has built an amazing universe, and I'm so curious about where it is going, especially with her OCs, who all look so pretty when covered in blood. There's also @themonstrousmenagerie , again with a very interesting lore and a lovely OC. They are also good writer and I love that there's polls every time! They are currently inactive, but still, the creatures are gorgeous.
~ Squishy
Yesss I love these guys too! And don’t worry squishy, you be as anon as you want! You’re always welcome to dm me if you want to reveal yoruself and if you never do that’s ok too <3
Yea no all these guys you’ve mentioned I agree with! I love seeing little moots in my notifs liking my stuff! Your likes and reblogs get these amazing posts attention!
I love you too squishy! Love for everyone :D
16 notes · View notes
snaillamp · 28 days
What are your five favorite whump tropes?
So sick they can barely move
Hidden injury
9 notes · View notes
snaillamp · 10 months
JOD - Day 19 - Stay with Me
We had fluff on day 18, so day 19 is the complete opposite. >:)
Day 19: “I’m not going anywhere” | Wound cleaning | Guilt | Chair |
Right-hand limped out of the forest, pulling someone behind them. Slung over their shoulder was the arm of Leader, who was barely able to walk. Right-hand  whimpered as they sank to the ground, Leader heavily dropping to the ground next to them.
Right-hand was breathing heavily as they rolled onto their back, staring up at the stars, they were still heading in the right direction. ‘We are so close to the bunker… we have to be. We have to keep going.’ they thought.
In the darkness, they looked over at Leader, who was lying still. They turned and shook them, “Leader?” waiting anxiously as they felt Leader’s chest rise and fall, barely. They felt cold. 

Right-hand pushed themself to their feet, pulling Leader’s arm back over their shoulder. Leader groaned, lifting their head slightly. “Right-hand?” “I’m right here Leader. Stay with me, we’re nearly there.” 
They adjusted their grip on Leader’s arm before continuing. Leader spoke again, their voice ragged, “What happened?” Right-hand felt gooebumps erupt over their skin, Leader sounded terrible. “I got us out of there. We’re-” Right-hand’s sentence was cut off as pain ripped through their leg. “We’re nearly there.” They panted, practically dragging their leg behind them. Leader moaned quietly, before slumping against them, sending them both staggering off course. Right-hand righted themself before grunting, pulling the arm of the unconscious Leader over their shoulder a little more, trying to carry their dead weight.
The trees sighed as they broke into the clearing, Right-hand collapsing again. They looked up at the sky, now clouded over, the light of the stars no longer a comfort to them. At least they didn’t need them to navigate anymore.
Leaning Leader against a tree, they limped out into the small clearing, uncovering the bunker door, hidden in the dirt and leaves, pulling it open. They hobbled back to Leader, picking them up under their arms and dragging them along the ground. Slowly, they managed to get them both down the bunker entrance, one agonising step at a time, before slamming the door shut behind them, plunging them into darkness.
They felt the cold, brick wall, pressing the light switch when their fingers brushed it. A dull yellow light flickered on, buzzing as Right-hand looked around. There were many bunkers scattered around the country for teams like them, secret places to remain safe until they were picked up by an evacuation team, a team that couldn’t come soon enough.
Right-hand felt the blood begin dripping down their leg again, swearing as they noticed. They lay Leader on the ground, before stumbling to a shelf and fumbling through the supplies. Finding what they needed, they bandaged their wound tightly, hoping it would be enough to keep them going. They popped out a couple of pills from a box and forced themself to swallow them, gagging at the taste of the chalky tablets.
Turning to Leader, they knelt down and checked them over. There was a large wound on their head and dried blood was all through their hair and down their face. Feeling their chest for breathing, Right-hand could tell that Leader had some badly broken ribs and their breathing was shallow as they took quiet, uneven breaths.
Right-hand grabbed more bandages, wrapping a large stab wound on Leader’s arm and a long gash on their stomach. Leader suddenly woke, hissing in pain as Right-hand brushed their hand against the raw skin accidentally. They let out a cry, scraping their fingernails along the concrete floor as Right-hand quickly tried to wrap the rest of the bandage. “Leader, I gotta fix you up, then we can sort your pain out.” Securing the bandage, Right-hand managed to lift Leader from the floor and move them to a small, low camping stretcher. They were both soaked in blood, not all their own, as Right-hand lowered Leader onto it.
Leader gripped their stomach, fighting back tears in their eyes as waves of pain and nausea washed over them.

Right-hand grabbed a wound cleaning kit and sat by their side, before leaning back and resting their head beside Leader’s shaking shoulders. Opening the kit they swore, trust the people who kept these stocked to cheap out and buy shit antiseptic. They pulled up their sleeves, giving their own wounds a clean until Leader’s shaking subsided. The antiseptic burned as they winced through clenched teeth.
When Leader’s breath became calmer, Right-hand began to clean their wounds. This caused Leader’s body to spasm and they bit back scream as Right-hand cleaned a particularly deep wound. Their eyes grew slightly distant as they gasped in pain. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Stay with me.” Right-hand was concentrating on causing the least amount of pain as their leader writhed in the stretcher.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Leader grunted through gritted teeth, trying to keep a scream back unsuccessfully when Right-hand dabbed a cut. Right-hand stopped as Leader’s breathing grew faster, their body drenched in sweat. Leader looked up at them, eyes unfocused, “They aren’t coming… Are they?” shaking their head Right-hand kept dabbing, “They will. They have to.” They had to right? Surely they would be found and get out of here?
Right-hand used some more antiseptic to wipe the dried blood off their bodies. The scent was overpowering, smelling like fake pine trees. Leader coughed as they accidentally breathed it in. “Don’t do that.” Right-hand smiled gently, removing the small gauze pad they were using to clean. “The fumes will make you drunk.” Leader let out a pained laugh, “Honestly, wouldn’t mind that right now. Better than this.” They shuddered in pain again.
Nausea ripped through Leader’s body, making them feel like they were on a ship in a storm. They felt the cool sensation of the antiseptic drying on their arm as Right-hand wiped a new gauze pad all over it. “I’d rather you be sober for this one.” Right-hand’s voice sounded slightly muffled. Another wave of nausea washed over Leader, making them groan as the room began to swirl around them, as a jolt of pain ripped through their body, white hot and agonising. Leader’s body arched as the pain ripped through their entire being, before their eyes rolled back and they landed heavily on the stretcher. “Leader?”Right-hand cried out, shaking them to no avail.
Right-hand felt their mind beginning to swirl too. They must have been exposed to the toxin at the facility they infiltrated. That was the whole mission, to blow up a lab that they had received intel on. It was supposed to be manufacturing a new, fast acting, painful toxin that could be used by anyone to interrogate any information out of them, without causing them too much physical harm. No physical injuries? No suspicion. Absolute agony.
Pain began to rip through Right-hand’s body too, soon enough. They were on the lying ground, writhing in pain when they heard a weak voice through the fog… “Right-hand… Stay with me.” Scared, Right-hand flailed towards the sound, “Lie down… You’re with me… I’m not going anywhere.” Right-hand’s mouth was dry, “Neither.” they found their hand being weakly squeezed by another cold, shaky one.
They lay together, sprawled on the ground, drifting in and out until a light broke through the darkness and brain fog. Muffled sounds echoed around them ad the barely conscious Right-hand felt themself being lifted up. The cold, limp hand of Leader dropped from their grip and they groaned, reaching for it again. They promised they wouldn’t leave them alone.
“It’s alright, Right-hand.” The sound of the extrication team around them began to become clear. “Leader…” They mumbled, reaching for them again. “Leader’s right here, they’re fine.” The disembodied voice comforted them. “We got here just in time. A signal went off saying that the bunker had been opened and it’s a good thing it did. You’re both quite lucky.” Right-hand couldn’t make words form in their head as they were carried to a large, black helicopter.
Leader was already being loaded in, wrapped up on a stretcher. Right-hand realised they were lying on one too, as they admired the soft, warm colours of the rising sun.
Once on the chopper, their hand fell from the edge of the stretcher, brushing Leader’s, who’s eyes opened slowly. They looked at each other, too tired and in pain to move, but they weakly smiled. They would get through this together, they weren’t going anywhere.
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