#Manager reader
arsonlookers · 2 months
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They both want you as their manager.
These two Yandere idols wanted you to be their manager they wanted you by their side every second, every minute, every hour of each and every day. no exception. Better if you also live under the same roof so you he can take care of him you .
No worries you are in a very good hands~
I mean just ignore some of his creepy jokes ok? or just ignore how he always tells you not to go into a specific room in the house, or how he tells you to always wake him up in the morning so he will be energize to work for the day.
or how every time you wake him up he will wrap his arms around your torso and just keep you there for a little while until he opens his eyes. saying morning with a raspy voice of his.
Just ignore how he always stares at you long enough that you might melt ~ or how his stares become glares every time [ childe or aventurine. depends on who your idol is ] talk to you or even they too start to be more touchy with you. just ignore it ok~
"thats fine~ I just feels so tired lately I just feel so comfortable in this position pleasee~?" They would always make excuses every time they wrapped their arms around you in the end of a tiring day.
Just give them this small pleasure will you? they are just so so tired from all the practice and shooting ~ please will you miss Manager~
and even better if you let them sleep with you together in the bed
art not mine Artist :  @code_tesseract
listencareful on pixiv
hehehe~ just a mini idea in my head rotting for a while -ars
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milaisreading · 4 months
Manager!Yn AU where she basically justifies whatever Anri does
Ego: Yn, she literally took my food away.
Manager!Yn: She is saving your arteries!
Chris: Anri shortened my shower time!
Manager!Yn: We need to save up on bills
Noa: Anri locked Lavinho and I into a room the other day
Manager!Yn: She was just feeling silly :3
Snuffy: Anri stole all the pasta from our stratum-
Manager!Yn: God forbid women have hobbies 🙄
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May I please ask for headcanons Aoba Johsai with a manager whose skilled with archery and sharpshooting please
Yes of course! Sorry for the wait I was working on a Rindou piece and my physics exam. It’s like 3Am right now, but I still want to finish this for you boo. Thanks again For requesting Anon, if you like this, don’t forget to like and ask if you have any other ideas. Also, you didn’t specify which you wanted, so this can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. Status: unedited
warnings: crackfic, bad grammar, cursing, violence, oikawa exists, oikawa slander, color coded characters, reader is a whole ass menace, mentions of vaping
🩵🤍Aoba Josai With a Sharpshooter/ Archer Manager🤍🩵
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As a Team (platonic)
Oikawa, Iwazumi, Kunimi, Kiyotani, Kindaichi, Matsukawa, you
My first thought when I looked at this post was simple. How many times and we hit oikawa in the head. Everything else kinda spiraled from there. Just imagine being able to do that shit with pinpoint accuracy, and when he turns around to see who did it, be like the gremlin chick from hotel transilivania and be like ,” I didn’t do that”. And then he proceeds to blame Iwa, and pure unrefined chaos erupts from there. *clears throat and sips matcha* good shit
But on a more serious note, these boys are completely ready to take full advantage of your skills. Remember when oikawa sprained his ankle? Guess who had to replicate his serves instead so they could practice receives. That’s right, you. And your aim is a little too good sometimes (Kindiachi has been hit in the face) but they honestly don’t care, they just looking to get practice in, and maybe a few tips here and there for aiming.
But that’s just during their practice. During your archery or other practice. Oh my god. Imagine having like 12 annoying older brothers. Like both Archery and Sharpshooting are pretty quiet sports. But with these mfs at your practice? Oh dear lord. These gon be the most obnoxiously loud humans to walk the planet (3rd only to Fukurodani and Kurasuno). Imagine with me. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. You’re trying to concentrate before you’re pulling back your string. You take a deep breath and just as you’re about to let go- “WOOOOOOOO THATS MY LIL SISSSSSS/BROOOO!!!” “SHUT UP SHITTY KAWA!THEY NEED TO FOCAS!” “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IWA!?” “YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH AN DUMBASS!” “IF YALL DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP ILL SHUT YOU UP MYSELF” yeah they’re THAT kind of sports parents. They got kicked out last time :)
I just know yall have made oikawa put an apple on his head and see if you can hit his head. Ofc you can, but it’s funnier hitting him with the Velcro arrows and watching him rip his hair out, and ruining it for the day (his fangirls hated you for that lol.)
I just KNOW that the other teams got some crazy ass conspiracies about you. They call you the Seijo Assassin, and that you kill the best players of the opposing team, and they never find the bodies. And tbh it was probably oikawa who started it, to get back at you for getting Velcro stuck in his hair. So while you’re just as hot as kiyoko, everyone is terrified of you, and are only referring to you as L/n-sama (even though you’re only a second year.). I swear to fuck hinata pissed himself when tsukki told the team about you.
also yall know the sharpshooter shaving cream balloon prank thingy? I know damn well the whole team is having a competition for who can do it best. Like it’s literally so funny, especially when someone not on the team gets hit. Like I know oikawa has accidentally hit the coach with one of those. Do with this information what you will.
Individuals: Could be romantic or platonic, either way fits (though both are seriously on crack.)
Somehow or someway, Oikawa will convince you to be his bodyguard. And not even like paying you money. Just like a, “ YoU wOnT wALk yOuR pOor dEfEnSLeSS FRiEnD tO cLAss? WhAt iF my FAnGirlS Kidnap MeEEEEE?!” “yep.” “Do you even Love Meeeeeee!?” “Nope.” “…I’ll pay you~” “pay me what?” “Food~” “DONE!” *throws chair out window* yeah y’all’s relationship is pretty much just blitz and stolas in the loo loo land episode. Like when Stolas was just walking while Blitz is pretending to be Batman, lurking in the shadows and pointing a gun at anything with a pulse? Yeah that’s you two walking around the school, except with a nerf gun instead.
oh and you know the team jackets? He bought you yours. But not just any jacket oh no. Yours is special. He payed extra to have it say, “The Seijo Assasin; Oikawa’s bobyguard.” He also might have gotten it in 4xl because he doesn’t know your size, but still wants it to be way to big on you so he can make fun of you. He’s an ass.
Iwazumi is much nicer on the other hand. He (regardless of if it’s platonic or romantic,) is all about helping you carry your stuff. He doesn’t even ask either, he just kinda picks it up and does it. He says it isn’t a big deal, and that you’re carrying enough with your archery equipment anyway, and that he needs the weight training anyway. Def the kinda guy to use your backpack as a dumbbell and use it to lift while y’all in the hall.
I know y'all have a running competition on who can hit oikawa in the head the most. Body shots are one point, head shots are worth 2, and the groin is worth 3, especially if he’s being creepy to someone. The score is currently 34-31, slightly in your favor. Whoever hits him the least by the end of the month has to buy the winner ramen. Oikawa doesn’t approve of this game, and ends up attempting to bump everything back your way. But on the bright side, it’s a good way to scare off his fangirls :).
Kunimi just kinda vibes with you. Like he doesn’t really acknowledge much of what you do, just kinda goes like, “ oh so that’s why you were so good at that. I just thought you hated oikawa. Anyway can I have your Chez-its?” Yeah my boy don’t care enough, but he cute so yeah.
also I just know this mf, plays Fortnite and vapes blue raspberry burst. Do with that what you will. ( to be clear, I wouldn’t ever vape, i just know he does, and honestly had to look up what flavors there are.
The honesty biggest thing you do that impresses him is the whole good aim card slicey thingy. Idk man, he just seems like he would be good at that, and would try to fight you on it.
Despite everything, Kyotani is actually relatively nice to you? Or at least as nice as he can be. His version of nice is avoiding you like the plague, cause he’s scared you’ll be scared of him. He actually really likes you and wants an excuse to talk to you. So what does he do? Asks you to help him aim while spiking, so that he can use his strength more efficiently. He actually is pretty patient with your teaching, and genuinely respects you enough to take your advice. ( tell him to shower pls, I can smell him through the screen, luv him though)
He also uses a whole bottle of axe body spray every time he walks out of the house . Be careful not to get too close to him. Please find someone strong, or stupid enough to bully him out of it, for the sake of the teams lungs🙏
Kindaichi is probably the only person on the team who still calls you Y/n- senpai. He’s way too precious. That being said, he still did give you a twenty if you hit kageyama with a vollyball during warmups. He may be nice, but he mad petty. And $20 is $20 man
Matsukawa is definitely a COD type of guy. He knows a lot about guns. Bond over that (then give me his number pls)
Thanks for reading, sorry the last part was rushed, I am just not feeling it rn. If y’all liked this make sure to follow, Like, and request something of your own. I literally have nothing else to do. Love y’all sm, peace
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Working on msby4 x reader fic right now and AHHHH MY GOD, if you're underage, DO. NOT. READ IT. please. I think it's going to have a lot of filth in it so PLEASE protect your mind and don't end up like me 🙂 Just one more thing, don't judge me for this, I think anyone would want to be reader 🙄
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hnychn · 5 months
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—— ;; karasuno
why are you so quiet ;; don’t yell at me for walking on the eggshells you placed in this house
my better half ;; i love you more than words or actions will ever tell you, please understand that.
people i’ve been ;; i have been millions of people in this lifetime; a shoulder to cry on, a strong aid by your side, your first confidant. please, let me be your lover.
—— ;; aoba johsai
do you think about us? ;; i’m too late to be your first love, but i’ll always be your favourite
—— ;; nekoma
all the ways we said goodbye ;; and here they stood, two kids in love; their hearts separated by distance but their souls connected for eternity
—— ;; fukurodani
—— ;; shiratorizawa
—— ;; inarizaki
—— ;; miscellaneous
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gatitties · 9 months
A day off with Kunimi
Manager Miniseries
─Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: You're not in the mood for training and Kunimi seems to be on the same line of thought as you
─Warnings: none
12 < 13 > 14
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You were walking calmly to school, very sleepy, you almost fell or crashed on the street several times, it had not been a good choice to stay up late watching movies. You had no choice but to endure the morning, or that was what you had planned to do if it weren't for a certain first year boy, who was kicking a can with an ass face outside the gym.
"Where has Kunimi gone? Also why is (Nn) so late?"
Oikawa's voice echoed throughout the place, you and Kunimi could hear the team's confusion due to the silence at the entrance, both looked at each other without wanting to enter. Kunimi was the first to step forward, grabbing your hand to get out of there, trying not to let them hear the footsteps. A light laugh escaped your lips, thinking that you would no longer have to suffer being among a bunch of sweaty boys today, you mentally thanked your junior, tightening the grip on your clasped hands.
"I'm sorry for dragging you, I just figured you didn't feel like putting up with training today either."
"No, It's ok, I think I'll run away with you today."
He just nodded and you walked to a cafe near the high school, at your request, you were going to die of sleep if you didn't drink some caffeine immediately. When you left there you two decided to walk near the school, although finally ended up leaving, skipping a day wouldn't hurt.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Honestly, my house, but it's far away and I'm lazy."
You laughed at how sincere he was, then he thought that walking through a small market that wasn't that far away would be good, since you could entertain with the things they sold there. When you arrived, you tried on some oddly shaped glasses from a small stall, you forced Kunimi to put on the typical glasses with a fake mustache to take a photo.
He just sighed every time you stopped to look at any absurdity, like children's toys or flashy things. He only stopped when he was in front of a sweets stand, they sold a lot of different types, but he only noticed some in particular, salted caramels, they were his favorite. You noticed ir and smiled, buying several of those candies, sharing them with him, which at first he refused but then agreed to take some.
He had to hold your hand so you wouldn't get lost among so many people, he was getting tired of being there, especially because there was more and more crowd and it was becoming difficult to walk down the narrow street without crashing into someone. In fact, at the end of the street someone pushed you so hard that you even knocked Kunimi to the ground.
"Oh fu-, look where you're going, you idiot!" The lack of sleep mixed with the stress of all those people made you explode, but your focus was on Kunimi who was cleaning his pants "I'm sorry, someone pushed me, are you okay?"
"Don't worry, it hasn't been much different from when we have to do dives in training"
He feigned disinterest, even finding a funny point to the accident, you sighed at his attitude. You finished seeing things, deciding to stay in a park sitting next to a pond, watching the ducks fight to get a piece of bread that an old woman threw them.
"What a beautiful couple."
You two looked at the old lady, you had not realized that you were still holding hands and you separated immediately, causing the lady to laugh, after the embarrassing scene you left there, tyou had had enough.
"Okay, now I really want to go home, want to come?"
He wasn't going to stand walking from one place to another aimlessly anymore so you simply went to the boy's house, who just wanted to rest lying in his bed with some good blankets and a movie, even if you accompanied him it didn't bother him, at this point he just want to rest and do nothing.
He let out a contented sigh as he closed the door to his house, telling you where to leave your slippers while you got used to the hospitality of Kunimi's house. As you spent the morning walking around the market, you arrived just around lunchtime, although no one was home, and you had to improvise something, that is, you ordered something for delivery. While the food arrived, you started arguing about what movie to watch, because you are both iPad kids and you need to watch something while you eat.
"For the last time I'm not going to watch Barbie of Swan Lake or Meet the Robinsons."
You sighed exhaustedly, thinking about other movies, a light bulb went off in your head, and you decided to play an old reliable, Home Alone. Kunimi brought a couple of blankets, at some point in the movie you were practically hugging. Halfway through the movie his mother burst in, mocking her son for bringing a girl home, commenting on what an adorable couple you made. Kunimi had to kick her out because his mother and you started talking about him when he was a baby, because she show you an old photo. The movies ─because you decided to see a couple more─ went by so fast that you didn't even realize that it was already quite late.
"Honey, why don't you offer my future daughter-in-law a stay over?"
Everyone there knew that this was not a question but a statement, rather, an order. You almost choked upon hearing her, even though she was just teasing you, you went on to join forces at dinner to embarrass Kunimi instead, that family album can be a real danger in your hands.
"Leave the door open Akira!"
He rolled his eyes as guided you to the bathroom, lending you a change of clothes so could sleep comfortably. You could only laugh, deciding that you had had enough for today, you threw onto the bed next to Kunimi to rest, staring at the ceiling in silence listening to the little sound that came from Kunimi's phone, the first yawn was the signal for you to decide to go to sleep once and for all, you raised your leg, hitting the boy's foot.
"Good night Kunimi."
You smiled as you closed your eyes, taking seconds to fall into your deepest dreams, hoping that today is not the day you start talking in your sleep. He looked at you for a few seconds before putting down the phone and turning off the light without wanting to stay up late, tomorrow it wouldn't be so easy to escape from training taking into account the number of ignored messages in the team's group chat.
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emo-shigi · 1 year
Hate. | Sakusa Kiyoomi
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Mean Sakusa x Manager Reader
this is based on this specific prompt. your girl here really needed to write a fic about it lmao
WARNING: mean omi, angst, hurt, slight atsumu x reader, aggressive behavior, cursing, mention of blood, depressed, comfort, fluff, and happy ending.
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Sakusa never thought it was possible to ever feel such an intense hatred for a specific person. 
He thought it was impossible to hate someone just from sight, but it turns out you can.
Sakusa got to experience it with the new manager of MSBY.
He hated them from the first interaction.
No, first look.
The wing spiker remembers very clearly the day you were introduced to the team.
It was a Tuesday morning, a typical day for the MSBY team. 
Everyone was warming up alone as their coach hadn’t arrived, which was not expected.
It only meant that there was big news heading their way. 
And sure enough, it was. 
“Morning, everyone!” 
They hear Foster yell as he slides the gym door open, alerting everyone about his presence. 
Sakusa sighs, standing up from the ground, while Atsumu and Bokuto keep bickering with each other. He hears Hinata tell him something but can’t entirely listen as his attention gets drawn by the small person behind their coach. 
“Everyone, I would like to introduce our new manager,” Foster smiles, stepping aside for the boys to meet you. 
“Hello, My name is L/N Y/N, and I’ll be the new manager of MSBY as of today! I hope we can get along,” you smile at the players.
Sakusa watches as all the boys quickly walk up to you and introduce themselves one by one. 
“Welcome, my name is Hinata Shoyo!”
You giggle, which makes the wing spiker feel annoyed. “I know,” you smile at the orange-haired boy. 
“You do?!” Hinata asks, getting a nod from you. “Yes, I learned everyone’s name,” you chuckle.
“Then what’s my name?” you hear a boy with blonde hair asked. “Atsumu Miya,” you quickly respond. 
Sakusa hears his teammates woo, making him roll his eyes at the interaction. “Oh me! Me! What’s my name?”
“Bokuto Kotaro, the best outside hitter,” you say to the energetic boy. “HEY, HEY, HEY” Bokuto yells, agreeing with your statement. 
“You also-” Hinata starts, but you interrupt him. “I know much more than what y’all think, so don’t underestimate me.”
The boys laugh in amusement, already liking you, relieving you as you are nervous that they wouldn’t like you. 
Sakusa scoffed, at the laughter. 
So annoying. 
Do you always smile and laugh at everything? 
He walks away from the crowded group but stops by the soft voice that says his name.
“And you must be Sakusa Kiyoomi, right?” You asked, recalling from interviews how he likes his space. 
Sakusa turns around and sees you smiling at him, eyes sparkling. 
You start to get nervous again as the taller boy hasn’t said anything and is glaring at you. 
“Lighten up, dude,” Atsumu breaks the tense air, making Sakusa turn around and walk away. 
You watch the dark-haired boy leave, making you wonder if you did something wrong, but you smile as this makes it challenging for you to do a better job warming up with the players. 
“Don’t worry about him. He’s always grumpy,” Atsumu says, having Hinata agree with him. “I’m okay, and I figure he just needed space,” you smile.
The boys nod, returning to asking more questions about you before practice starts. 
Sakusa occupies himself by stretching his wrist, ignoring the laughter and talks of everyone. He closes his eyes, eyebrows furrowing as he keeps hearing those annoying giggles. 
He opens his eyes and looks toward you, standing, seeing your happy self laughing with the rest of the boys. 
That stupid smile. 
Sakusa doesn’t not like the new manager.
He hates them.
Hates you.
Since that day, he expected you to keep your distance from him, but you didn’t. You kept that annoying smile on your face each day you greeted him. 
You always talk to him each time the team takes a break, despite the glares and insults he would respond. 
It annoyed him each time you would giggle in response because he knew you thought he was joking.
“You’re funny, Omi,” you would say to him, giving him one of those stupid smiles. 
You always kept being nice to him each time, which greatly irritated him.
He hated how you kept your distance from him, cleaned his bottle the way he liked it, kept sanitizer wipes with you in case he needed some, and most of all, he hated how loudly you cheered for him each game. 
It was driving him crazy how constant you were getting. 
And he was ready to snap.
“Here, Omi, it’s clean,” you say while jogging to him as you hand him a water bottle. “I also brought some snacks in case you want some.”
Sakusa glares at you, which only makes you smile bigger. “Fucking annoying…” He mumbles, snatching the water bottle from your hands harshly.
“What? I didn’t quite hear you, Omi. Sorry,” you softly say, stepping closer.
“I SAID ANNOYING!” Sakusa yells, making you flinch. “God, you’re so fucking annoying that I can’t stand it anymore.”
“I don’t like you talking to me,” he says, standing up from the floor. “I thought you would understand since the first day, but your idiot self didn’t, so I’ll make it clear for you, sweetheart. I don’t like you and don’t want you near me!”
“W-What... I-” you stutter, eyes getting teary. “Stop, just fucking stop! God, are you so pathetic that you need everyone’s approval of you?” Sakusa yells, stepping closer to you, making you, this time, step back.
“No… I was just… I just,” you begin to say, blinking the tears forming in your eyes. “JUST WHAT!” Sakusa yells, stepping closer. 
“That’s enough,” Atsumu firmly says, stepping between you and Sakusa. 
Sakusa glares at Atsumu, who’s looking at him with a scowl on his face. It’s then that he realizes how harsh he’s breathing from being so angry.
He takes a few steps back, taking in how everyone is looking at him. 
Hinata and Bokuto rush to your side, asking if you’re okay while you give them a slight nod. 
“You guys should take her outside for a bit,” Atsumu says, eyes still looking at the wing spiker. “Okay,” Hinata responds, gently holding your arm to make you start walking.
As the three of y’all begin to walk, you put the effort to turn around and face Sakusa, who’s already looking at you. 
“I’m sorry…” he hears you say to him. 
Atsumu closes his eyes from how heartbroken your voice sounds, “I didn’t mean to make you feel all of this… I’ll keep my distance from now on,” your voice cracks. 
Sakusa feels his heart shrink from the pain in your eyes, making him feel guilty.
He opens his mouth to say something, but you’re already turning away as you follow Hinata and Bokuto out of the gym.
Why was he so angry with you?
Atsumu walks up to him, hand resting on his shoulder tightly. “Don’t come near her,” he warns.
“I-I didn’t mean to yell at her,” Sakusa whispers. “But you did,” Atsumu coldly says. 
“Tell me, do you hate her, or do you just hate the way she makes you feel?” 
Sakusa stares at the setter with wide eyes.
“Whatever,” Atsumu says, pushing the taller boy. “Don’t come near her. I mean it.”
Sakusa looks down at his shoes, repeating what Atsumu asked him. 
Did he hate you?
At that moment, your face pops up in his head, with your smile.
“Omi!” you yell, hands waving at him.
“Omi ~” you sing, handing him his clean bottle. 
“Omi,” you smile, looking up at him as you give him a thumbs up.
“Fuck..” Sakusa curses, realizing how wrong he has been towards his feelings for you this whole time. 
“I’m okay, guys,” you smile at Hinata and Bokuto, who haven’t said anything. 
You guys are sitting outside on a bench that you guys found. “You’re not annoying!” Bokuto suddenly says with a frown on his face. “Sakusa is just an idiot.”
“Yeah, a big one,” Hinata adds, making you chuckle. 
As much as you know they are trying to cheer you up, you cannot help but go back to what the wing spiker said. It shouldn’t hurt this much from what he said to you, but sadly you have fallen for Sakusa.
You don’t know when, but you know that you did, and hard. 
Therefore, it hurts to find out how he truly feels about you. You didn’t expect the wing spiker to feel such hatred towards you. 
To hate you so much.
“Can I take over?” you hear someone say.
You turn around and smile as you spot Atsumu nodding your head. Hinata and Bokuto head back to the gym before hugging you. 
Atsumu sits down with you, “I’m not going to ask how you’re feeling because I know you’re not okay.”
“So it’s okay, Y/N.” Atsumu softly says, looking over at you. “You can cry.”
“I-It hurts…” you stutter, finally allowing the tears to fall. 
Astumu doesn’t waste a second hugging you, “I know,” he whispers, rubbing soothing circles on your back. 
“He hates m-me….” you sob, holding tightly onto your chest. “W-Why? I was n-nice… and…” you stutter. 
“You were the best,” Atsumu responds. “Astumu?” you call out.
Astumu hums, still rubbing your back. “I really l-l ...him….” you sob harder. 
“I know, sweetheart,” the setter sadly says.
The two of you stay hugging until you calm down from crying so much. “You should go home and rest,” Atsumu says as you break the hug.
“But what about practice? Mr. Foster would ask about me if he doesn’t see me,” you start to argue, wiping the snot from your nose. “Don’t worry, I talked to him, and don’t worry about your duties as me and the rest of the boys would handle it.”
Astumu smiles, wiping the remaining tears from your eyes. “Go and rest,” he says, caressing your cheek.
“Thank you, Tsum,” you smile, getting a pat on the head. “And sorry I got your shirt dirty.”
The setter chuckles, “It’s fine. Just head home,” he says. “I am,” you say, getting up from the bench.
You hug Atsumu goodbye before you head back to get your stuff and leave without anyone noticing. 
Sakusa sees Atsumu returning alone, making the spiker frown. He wants to ask the setter where you are but stops himself as he recalls the warning he told him.
Hinata and Bokuto rush to Atsumu, “Where’s Y/N? Did you leave her by herself?” he hears them ask the blonde boy.
“She went home,” Atsumu says loudly enough for a specific curly-haired boy to hear. “So we’re in charge of her duties, okay?”
Hinata and Bokuto nod, getting ready to practice for the remaining time. Atsumu purposely bumps his shoulder with Sakusa’s, sending a glare in return.
The rest of the practice goes by quickly, despite the tense air between the boys. Their coach warns them about their upcoming game in a few days before dismissing them from practice. 
“Kiyoomi, I need to talk to you for a minute,” Mr. Foster says, getting the attention of everyone. “Of course, sir,” Sakusa says, walking up to the older man.
Mr. Foster stares at him before he sighs, “Please don’t make our manager cry,” he frowns.
“I-I… I’m sorry.. sir,” Sakusa lowers his head. “Please fix your emotions and resolve this whole situation soon.”
Mr. Foster pats his back before heading out of the gym, leaving the spiker alone. “I will… I definitely will,” Sakusa whispers to himself.
But how do I fix this? 
He’s already missing your presence, surprisingly.
God, I’m such an idiot. 
The following days, you keep your word about keeping your distance from the wing spiker as you don’t interact at all with him. You avoid looking at him, stop giving him his water bottle directly, but most of all, stop talking to him. He knows he deserves it after being an ass, but he wishes you would at least acknowledge him for one second. 
Call him desperate, but he doesn’t care. It’s not like he hasn’t tried to apologize to you. He’s been unsuccessful, as the boys don’t allow him to get close to you. Especially Atsumu, who’s been by your side every day, making it hard for Sakusa to approach you. 
Sakusa sighs as he sees you laughing with the rest of the boys during their break. If he’s being honest, it’s been lonely without your presence. Not only that but also his teammates have also been ignoring him. 
He grabs his water bottle and heads to sit at the corner of the gym. 
I could talk to her after practice.
No… that didn’t work last time.
I could ask for help… but I doubt they would hear me out.
I should stop bothering her.
Sakusa groans, resting his head on the wall before shutting his eyes. 
You gaze over at Sakusa and can’t help but worry about the spiker, who’s been looking exhausted and pale these days.
“Worried?” you hear Astumu ask. “I am,” you say, turning to face the setter. 
“Well, you shouldn’t. He doesn’t deserve your kindness.”
“It’s not like he has tried… to reach out….” you argue, which makes Atsumu roll his eyes. “Well, not hard enough.”
You start to collect the bottles, “It’s not like you and the boys have let him,” you chuckle. 
“Well, I did warm him… but didn’t think he would give up so easily,” Atsumu says, making you frown. 
Atsumu notices your silence and looks over at you, “He hasn’t been playing well,” you suddenly say.
“Don’t worry too much,” Atsumu says, patting your head. 
You nod, unsure how you feel about the situation, but most of all, for the upcoming days that soon turn into weeks of chaos.
Sakusa is not okay. 
Since the start of the game, he hasn’t been focused, resulting in the other team winning the first set. Mr. Foster had yelled at him for his multiple mistakes, which led him to be benched for the second set. 
He’s sitting at the end of the bench, away from the rest, to collect himself. 
Sakusa puts a towel over his head, covering his face as he doesn’t want the cameras or fans to see him. 
The action makes you look over at Sakusa, who’s looking so gloomy. “Maybe you should talk to him?” Mr. Foster says, startling you. 
“I don’t know….” you say, glazing each time at the wing spiker. “At least give Kiyoomi his water bottle,” the older man says.
You nod, cleaning it before you slowly reach the curly-haired boy. 
Sakusa feels your presence but doesn’t look over as he doesn’t want to, feeling too ashamed. You hesitate to take a seat next to him, but you do. You hand him his water bottle, and he slowly accepts it. Neither of you says anything.
The wing spiker takes a sip of his water, eyes staring at his shoes. He appreciates your effort to comfort him when he knows you don’t have to. It’s his fault for his poor performance, so he’s sorry that he has worried you and reached out when he knows you don’t want to.  
Sakusa scoffs, thinking how lame he must look as he realizes you were once again the one to approach first. 
You look over at Sakusa, making you wonder what expression he has as the towel over his head makes it hard to see his face. You start to play with your fingers, getting the courage to speak to the wing spiker.
You open your mouth but get interrupted by the whistle, which gets your attention. You look at the scoreboard and realize that MSBY won the second set, meaning the third is to decide the final winner. 
You feel Sakusa get up from his seat, interrupting your thoughts. You see him head with the rest of the team who are resting, making you do the same.
“Good job, boys. I want you guys to keep the same rhythm for the next set. Kiyoomi, I hope you’re now more focused because I want you to play the whole set,” Mr. Foster says, looking over at the taller boy.
“Yes, sir,” Sakusa quietly says, taking off the towel over his head.
Mr. Foster looks intensely at the boy and shakes his head. “Alright, let’s get to it.”
Sakusa makes his way to the court, bumping into Atsumu. 
“You better not repeat the shit you did on the first set,” he hears the blonde comment. “I know,” Sakusa sighs.
Everyone is in their position. Sakusa closes his eyes, allowing himself to relax. 
Come on, you got this.
He hears the whistle go off, making him open his eyes and feel determined. 
You watch as Sakusa spikes the ball, only for the opponent to receive it. Sakusa has been annoyed by the libero receiving his hits since the start of the game.
You can tell that Sakusa is playing better and is trying not to let what’s happening at the moment get to him. 
“Come on,” you mumble, watching anxiously. 
Sakusa has been watching the ball, eyes never leaving it as he’s too afraid he would mess up and make his team lose. 
I gotta score, but that stupid libero keeps receiving my spikes.
I can’t mess up.
I can’t.
Sakusa doesn’t realize that the ball is heading his way until it’s too late, and he feels a strong impact sending him to the ground. 
He groans, feeling warm wetness running down his nose. 
Fuck, blood.
The referee stops the game. He sees Hinata run towards him. “He’s bleeding,“ he hears Bokuto yell at the coach.
“I’m fine,” Sakusa protested, trying to stand. “You’re bleeding idiot,” Hinata scolds as he helps him.
Sakusa shakes his head, “I can still play,” he argues. “We need to win.”
“You’re right, but I need my player to be healthy, so I’m gonna need you to step out and go check yourself for a concussion and your bloody nose,” Mr. Foster says as he walks up to the two boys.
Sakusa sighs in defeat, nodding his head. “Can I take over, please?” he hears your voice. 
Hinata smiles, allowing you to do your job. Sakusa feels you wrap an arm around his back to support him, making him stiff.
“Make sure he’s okay, Y/N,” Mr. Foster instructs. “Yes, sir,” you quickly say. 
You guide Sakusa out of the gym carefully, leading the rest of the team to watch y’all leave.
“Do you think he will be okay?” Hinata asks. “Yeah, I just hope those two talk it out already,” Bokuto says.
Atsumu would never say it, but he agrees with what Bokuto said.
“I’m okay, Y/N,” Sakusa whispers, looking over at your anxious self. “You heard the doctor.”
He doesn’t understand why you’re still worried after the doctor had cleared out that he didn’t have a concussion after examining and questioning him. The only thing you guys are waiting for is the bleeding that stopped ten minutes ago. Sakusa is about to say something but stops as you move to take a seat on the chair next to the infirmary bed that he’s lying on.
You look at him, shaking your head. “You’re not okay,” you finally say. 
Sakusa can’t help but let out a gasp as it’s the first he has heard you talk to him directly. 
“You’re not okay at all.”
He knows what you mean, and he sighs. “You’re right… I’m not,” Sakusa says, sitting up from the bed. “But it’s not something to worry about.”
“But I am worried,” you confess. “I care about you, Sakusa, despite you hurting me. I still care about you deeply.”
Sakusa can only stare at your teary eyes, “You’re too kind, Y/N,” he says. 
“It’s not because I’m kind that I do it, but because I like you,” you cry. “I know you’re sorry for what happened, but please don’t let it eat you out like this… p-please.”
Sakusa can’t help but pull you out of the chair and embrace you in his arms. “I am so sorry for the way I expressed myself toward you. I can’t take it back… but please understand that I didn’t mean any of those things I said.”
“I enjoyed it when you talked to me, cheered for me, and those cute snacks of yours… all those things I did not hate. I never hated you… I just hated how you made me feel,” Sakusa says, hugging you tighter. 
You can only cry, “I was such an idiot in not realizing that what I felt for you was the opposite …. You made me fall for you,” Sakusa whispers. 
“I like you, Y/N.”
Sakusa feels you cry harder, holding onto his shirt tightly. “I’m sorry for hurting you … I don’t expect you to forgive me. I don’t think I deserve it, but just allow me to savor this moment,” he says, nuzzling his nose on your neck.
“You’re beautiful, smart, kind, and just perfect, Y/N,” Sakusa softly says. “I hope you know that.”
Sakusa keeps holding you, memorizing your warmth.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I am.”
You slowly let go, taking a step back to clean yourself up. Sakusa can’t help but feel distressed from how red your eyes are from crying again.
“I-I think we should head back now,” Sakusa says, getting up from the bed and walking to the door. 
He stops at the feeling of your small hand on his wrist. “Y/N?” he asks, turning around. 
“Kiss me,” you say.
“W-What?” Sakusa asks, unsure if he heard right. “I said kiss me!”  
You look up at him, giving those eyes that he adores. “Please, Omi,” you whisper. 
“I-I… don’t think I…” Sakusa stutters, making you roll your eyes before you grab the collar of his shirt and tippy-toe your way to crash your lips with his. 
Sakusa is taken by surprise but soon relaxes and kisses you back. You feel him hold onto your waist, pulling you closer. 
He feels his body start to get hot, his stomach feeling funny.
Are these butterflies that I’m having?
So soft.
And sweet.
You break the kiss, which makes Sakusa wish for more. “W-Why?” he asks, looking dumbfounded at you. 
“I already knew how bad you felt for what happened,” you say, softly smiling at him. “I saw how bad you were killing yourself about it, and at some point in the past weeks, I had already forgiven you.”
It’s true.
You have forgiven Sakusa for what happened but were afraid to approach him.
“No… don’t,” Sakusa shakes his head. “I don’t deserve it.”
“Omi, I forgive you, and I hope you forgive yourself as well,” you softly say, caressing his cheek. “You’re allowing yourself to be hurt, affecting you physically and mentally.”
Sakusa knows you’re right, but he believes he deserves this pain after what he did to you. 
“I like you,” you whisper, looking at him with warm eyes. “I-I like you too,” Sakusa says, throat feeling tight.
He feels like crying, and it seems like you can tell. “You’re okay, Omi,” you say, making him close his eyes. “We’re okay.”
“I’ll help you, so don’t worry,” you smile, cupping his face. 
Sakusa opens his eyes, leaning towards your touch. “I’m a lot to take care of,” he says.
“I know,” you smile, pecking his lips. “I can’t express my emotions properly….” Sakusa warns, looking directly at you.
You peck his lips again, “I know,” you smile. “I-I might hurt you... again…” he mumbles. 
Sakusa knows that he will, as his attitude can be ugly when he’s in a bad mood, and he doesn’t want to put you in that situation again.
“I know, Omi,” you smile again, surprising him. “And I might hurt you too, but it’s all about communicating, which might be difficult at first, but I know we will work it out together.”
Sakusa chuckles, leaning this time to kiss you. “I’ll show you properly this time,” he says, and you understand his meaning. “I know you will,” you smile.
“Now, let’s head back,” you say, interlocking your hands with his. “Okay,” he smiles.
Atsumu is the first one to spot you entering the gym back again. He noticed how you’re running towards the team with Sakusa. 
He smirks, spotting the interlocked hands between the two of you.
About time.
Bokuto turns around, “HEY, HEY, HEY!” he yells, spotting you and Sakusa. 
This grabs everyone’s attention, turning towards the commotion to bring huge smiles to the players. 
“They’re back!” Hinata smiles, walking up to the two of you. “How is he?”
You smile, looking over at the taller boy with curls. “No concussion, nose bleed stopped, but might be bruised for a few days,” you say.
“The score?” Sakusa asks, realizing the game isn’t over and how they arrive during a break. “Tie… so we need to score two times to win this set,” Hinata explains as the two players look over the scoreboard.
Sakusa looks at the other team, making eye contact with the libero, who gives him a smirk, making his eyebrow twitch in annoyance. He feels you squeeze his hand, which makes him look over at you, encouragingly smiling.
“Thank you…” He smiles, squeezing your hand. 
The wing spiker looks over at his coach, who’s already making eye contact with him. He sees Mr. Foster sigh before he walks up to him. “I see you’re okay… so stop giving that look when I already know what you want.”
Sakusa smiles as you let go of his hand to allow him to warm up before the game resumes. It doesn’t take long before Sakusa enters the court again, re-joining his position after five minutes in the game. 
He looks over at where you are standing and laughs to himself. Atsumu snickers from hearing his teammate. 
He’s down bad, huh?
You smile big as you keep sending thumbs up to the wing spiker, a habit of yours that you form. 
Sakusa feels his body and mind at ease, making him feel calm. Something that he hasn’t felt in quite a while. 
The whistle can be heard, and the remaining time of the third set begins. 
You anxiously chew on the nail of your thumb as you watch the boys fight for the last point. They were able to score quickly on the opposite team, and now they are trying to finish it by scoring again.
The only issue is that the other team isn’t allowing them. And is taking any chance to score on us. 
“Nice, Hinata!” You yell as he saves the ball from touching the floor. 
Then, Atsumu takes the chance that the ball is in the air to set it towards Sakusa, who looks hungry to hit it.
“You better make it this time,” Atsumu yells as he tosses the ball across the wing spiker. “Don’t worry. I will,” Sakusa smirks.
Sakusa sees the libero already waiting for him with a teasing smile. 
Damn it.
“OMI, YOU CAN DO IT!” you yell loudly.
Sakusa laughs before swinging his arm back and spiking the ball harder than before, allowing the ball that the libero receives to bounce off his arms and touch the floor.
The whistle is blown, announcing the final point.
MSBY won the game.
You can’t help but jump on your feet, high-fiving the coach and players on the bench. You smile as you see Hinata and Bokuto run up to Sakusa, heading for a hug, only to be dodged by the player. 
He did it.
“It seems you’re happy,” you hear Mr. Foster say. “And it also seems you guys fix things.”
You watch Atsumu smirk at Sakusa, who’s glaring at him, making you smile. “Yes,” you simply say. 
Mr. Foster smiles before walking towards the rest of the players. You keep staring at Sakusa before he meets your eyes and softly smiles. 
You give him two thumbs up, making him break into a huge smile. 
After shaking hands with the other team and fans congratulating the boys, the coach demanded the boys to stay a bit at the lockers to congratulate them and to talk about their next game. 
You are currently waiting outside as Sakusa told you to wait for him after the meeting.
The door opened, and a few players and Mr. Foster exited the locker room. You bid them goodbye before congratulating them on today’s match. You’re too busy looking at them that you don’t see a blonde mop of hair behind you.
“Waiting for someone?” 
You flinch, quickly turning around.
Atsumu laughs at your reaction. “He’s still changing. You know how a germ freak he is,” he says. 
“There’s nothing wrong about being clean,” you defend, making Atsumu roll his eyes. “I’m glad you guys fixed things. It was about time,” he says.
“Atsumu, don’t tell me you care?” you jokingly ask. “N-No! It was just annoying seeing him so miserable,” He says, looking away.
You can’t help but giggle, making Atsumu look over at you and smile. He pats your head, making you look at him with a smile. 
A hand stops him, “Don’t touch her,” Sakusa glares. 
“Omi!” You loudly say, having the curly hair boy look over at you and softly smile before turning back and glaring at the setter. 
Atsumu yanks his hand from Sakusa and smirks. “Calm down,” he says.
“Gosh, fix things, and you’re already claiming,” Atsumu says. 
The setter steps back and looks at the wing spiker with an amusing smile. Somehow the air is unsettling, making you move closer to Sakusa and hold his hand. 
Sakusa looks over at you and squeezes your hand.
Atsumu watches and sighs, but Hinata and Bokuto walk toward y’all before he can say anything.
“HEY, HEY, HEY!” Bokuto yells with a huge smile. “So, are we going to celebrate or what?” Hinata smiles.
You look over at Sakusa, who’s already looking at you, eyes with a hidden meaning that you understand. As you are about to respond to Hinata, Atsumu beats you. 
“It would be just us three,” Atsumu says, glancing over at you. “What? Why?” Both Bokuto and Hinata ask.
Atsumu walks away, “They still need to talk idiots,” he says.
Hinata and Bokuto look at each other before walking towards the setter and waving goodbye to the two of you. 
As Atsumu walks past you and Sakusa, he stops, “Next time you mess up, I won’t hesitate to take the chance,” he says before he continues to walk.
You frown, not understanding what he’s talking about.
It must be about the match.
However, Sakusa knows what Atsumu means, tightly holding your hand. He has always known that Atsumu was interested in you, but it never bothered him until he realized his feelings. 
He was always bothered by the touches, comments, and gestures the setter would do with you. 
He never liked it.
And still doesn’t.
Sakusa can feel himself panicking, afraid you’ll be taken from him if he makes another mistake. He doesn’t realize he’s shaking until you caress his cheek with your free hand. 
“Omi, you okay?” you ask, looking at him worryingly. 
Sakusa leans into your touch, holding your hand and kissing it. 
He nods, holding both of your hands. “I’m okay,” he smiles. 
You look unsure, which makes him pull you closer to him, hugging you. “Y/N… I like you,” he whispers.
“I like you too,” you softly say.
“I’ll work hard to make you happy, so please give me a chance,” Sakusa says, pulling away to see your face. “Be mine.”
You happily smile, nodding your head. “I would love to be yours, Omi,” you whisper.
Sakusa cups your face, leaning in and softly kissing your lips. 
“Wanna head to my place?” you breathe out, getting a nod from the dark-haired boy. “Should we pick up some takeout in the meantime?”
“You pick Omi because you won. We can also watch some movies that I rented. You choose the movie too,” you smile, interlocking your hand with your lover.
“I guess today is my lucky day,” Sakusa chuckles. “I kinda want some sushi, and what kind of movies did you rent?”
Sakusa smiles at you fondly as you list the options for him. He kisses your forehead, “I choose the action one,” the wing spiker says.
“Good choice!” you beam, smiling at him so softly. “Now, let’s go, okay?”
Sakusa nods, allowing you to lead the way as you swing your interlock fingers. 
Sakusa never thought it was possible to ever feel such intense hatred warmth for a specific person. 
He thought it was impossible to hate love someone just from sight, but it turns out you can.
Sakusa got to experience it with the new manager of MSBY.
He hated fell from the first interaction.
No, first look
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sebbywrites · 1 year
Training Camp Shenanigans (Nekoma & reader)
Summary: As a former club volleyball player, the reader is a great manager for the Nekoma boys team. She's just one to get into trouble when she isn't being so serious...
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(Y/n) (L/n). A third year now at Nekoma High School. You played Volleyball the entirety of your junior high years, and had a massive love for it; you even played for the High School girls' volleyball team in your first year. 
That is until you had broken your arm on a vacation over break to visit your family in America. It had taken a lot longer to heal because you still tried to practice with it broken, which your doctor yelled at you about. You were just lucky it was your non-dominant arm. 
So here you were, at a volleyball training camp, not playing. The reason being that while your bones had healed, you were still “baby guarding” your once broken arm, and trying to build back your muscle and strength in it. That ultimately made you quit playing competitive volleyball for the girls' team, which they understood, but were still sad to see you quit.
Starting the second half of your second year, you began managing the Boys' volleyball team. Coach Nekomata was also keen on letting you give them tips, from one player to another. 
Although your experiences differed greatly, you were an excellent player when it came to volleyball. 
That and the boys on the team absolutely adored you. 
Right now, they are doing a penalty lap of “penguins” (as you call them) after losing a match to Fukurodani. In a kenma-like fashion, you pulled out your phone and began playing Bejeweled.  
All too soon, your phone disappeared from your hands. You looked up to glare at the culprit, That’s my focus game, asshole!
“Haaah? What are you, 70 years old?”
“If your penguins are over with, a call out would’ve worked just fine,” you hissed. You tried to snatch your phone out of the taller boy’s hand, but he countered, holding it high above your head. 
You glared, “I swear, Kuroo, I’m coming for your kneecaps..”
Kuroo stared at you blankly, and you took the opportunity to jump up and take your phone out of his loosened grip. 
Sometimes he forgets how good of an athlete you are, formerly or not.
“Come on, the next match is about to start.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were now refilling the water bottles for the team, humming a random tune. The last match of the day was still going, but you also knew that all of the teams would start their free practice after a short break, and you would have to go help out making dinner.
Then again, you could probably get out of it because you were terrible in the kitchen. Given that it was day one of the week-long training camp, you could probably be banned from the kitchen for the rest of the training camp.
You grimaced at the thought. 
“What are you thinking about?”
You jumped, almost dropping the water bottle in your hands. You turned your head to see Yaku looking at you with a small smile on his face. 
You laughed, “Ahaha, nothing much, just how I have to finish filling the water bottles and go help out with dinner.”
Immediately, Yaku started freaking out given your history with cooking.
From the doorway to the gym, Lev stared at the two of you yelling at each other.
Kuroo and Bokuto were chatting just behind Lev, the former taking notice of the first year’s lack of movement.
“Oi! Lev, if you have time to stand around then you can start working on your spikes!”
The platinum blond jumped. “Right!”
He took a moment to turn and ask Kuroo what was happening between Yaku and their short-ass manager.
Kuroo’s eyebrow twitched, while Bokuto started laughing his ass off at the two of you outside the gym.
“...I don’t know.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After somehow setting the rice cooker on fire Kiyoko-san and Mako-san immediately banned you from cooking for the rest of the week. They didn’t even want you to do the dishes. 
While you expected this, it still hurt your feelings. 
Dejected, you started walking towards the gyms to let everyone know that dinner would be ready in about an hour. 
Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Tsukishima turned their attention away from their practice as you dejectedly entered the gym. 
Bokuto excitedly ran up to you and started chattering away. He left you absolutely no room to talk, making enough noise for everyone present. 
“A-ah, Bokuto...”
Akaashi sighed, walking up with Kuroo to shut up their owl-like friend.
“Sorry, (Y/n)-chan,” Akaashi said.
You laughed, now pulled out of your mood for getting kicked out of the kitchen. “It’s ok Akaashi-kun, I know how he is.”
“I know.”
Kuroo bent down (almost uncomfortably since he was a foot taller than you) to wrap an arm around your shoulder as you deadpanned. His signature smirk was plastered on his face, giving you a bad feeling.
“Oya oya, (Y/n)~” Uh oh. “Why don’t you help us teach this baby bird with blocking?”
Of course, he asked that... you thought with a twitch of your brow.
You sighed heavily, “I was only supposed to come let you guys know you have another hour before dinner is ready.”
“You got kicked out of the kitchen didn’t you?”
You froze. “Ho- Why would you think that???” you started laughing nervously.
“You can’t cook for shit, (Y/n), we all expected this,” Kuroo deadpanned.
“So...” His signature smirk made its way back to his face as he geared up to ask you again. “Help us teach him how to block? Spike some balls for us?”
After thinking about it for a moment with a pout on your face, you gave in. “Fine, I’ll spike for you guys.” 
“HEY HE-!”
“But only if you agree to stop making fun of me for playing Bejeweled.”
Now it was Kuroo’s turn to be shocked, slightly pulling away from your much shorter form. “You’re still mad about that!?”
He regained his composure as Bokuto and even Tsukishima laughed at you two.
“Fine, but I still don’t get why you play a game for old people.”
You scowled, then swiped your leg back to push in his knees harshly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You figured something like this would happen, so you brought your volleyball gear with you to the training camp. 
After you agreed to help the boys in the third gym out, you did still have to go inform everyone else about dinner. Afterward, you changed and headed back to the gym. 
There were still 45 minutes left until dinner should be ready once you found your way back to the third gym. 
Some of the other school’s players noticed you walking past the gyms again in your volleyball gear, shoes in hand. A certain duo took special notice and went to Daichi for answers.
“Huh? Ah you mean the Nekoma manager?”
“Is that who she is!?” Hinata asked excitedly. 
“Y-yeah,” Daichi replied. “She was one of the regulars for the girls' team up until last spring.”
“So cool!”
“Regular?” Kageyama inquired. “Then why is she their manager now?  Shouldn’t she be playing for the girls' team?”
“Ah, well, from what I heard she had an injury that made her switch gears. However, a friend of mine from Tokyo said that she was well on her way to becoming the ace of the Nekoma girls' team.”
“No way...!”
As you stepped back into the third gym, putting on your beloved volleyball shoes and then beginning your warmup, you also watched the two idiots and Akaashi giving a quick lecture to Tsukishima.
“Ah! Welcome back Chibi-chan!”
“I’m all warmed up now, so whenever you want to get to the play I’m ready,” you replied with a smile.
Kuroo asked Akaashi to go set for you on the other side of the net, while he, Bokuto, and Tsukishima would try to block.
You threw up the ball toward the second-year setter, then ran up for the hit.
You had complete focus on the ball, and the three very tall boys on the other side of the net. 
What none of them knew, was that for the past few weeks, you gathered up your friends from the girls' team and had them help you practice. You were still a bit unpolished in your movements after not playing seriously for such a long time, but none of that seemed to matter at that moment.
The cold, serious look on your face as you spiked the ball with such power scared even Kuroo, who was very used to playing with you during practices. He’d never seen such a look on your face. 
It unnerved him.
Nonetheless, he had set the timing for the block almost perfectly. Unfortunately, you aimed directly for glasses’ slightly spread-out arms. 
Your spike went directly between his arms like a hot knife through butter. 
It was exhilarating.
Tsukishima stared at the ball falling behind him in shock. He was absolutely sure you had no chance of going between his arms like you did, or through any of the three for that matter. 
“Aghhh, I should’ve expected that from (Y/n),” Kuroo commented. “Well, if that’s how she’s going to play, it looks like we might have to match her energy.”
The rooster-haired boy grinned with a determined look in his eye.
“Alright Tsukishima, let’s do it again,” the blond glanced at Kuroo as they set up their block again. “Remember, though, more experienced spikers like (Y/n) here will look for even the slightest hesitation, or the smallest opening in your stance and position. It’s important to keep that in mind.”
“I’m going againnn!” you called out.
“Oonnne, two!”
Needless to say, the 5 of you came back after dinner to continue practicing (although Tsuki was dragged back against his will).
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was day 3 of the training camp when Kuroo and Yaku came to both you and Coach Nekomata with a special request.
“E-eh!? Why do you want me to join in on the practice? I should be taking notes a-and getting the waters and-”
“Well,” Yaku began, “We know you’re still a really good player, (N/n)-chan.”
“And, we know you still need some practice yourself,” Kuroo added.
You scowled. “Kindly fuck off, Tetsuro.”
“Sorry, Coach.”
The old man looked back at his two third-year players, “I’ll allow it.” You and the boys smiled excitedly. “But, let me talk it over with the other coaches first. While they may or may not know how good of a player she is, this is still a training camp for the boys' teams, so they might be against it anyway.”
You three deflated visibly but understood where the coach was coming from. 
This training camp isn’t for me as a player, so I don’t really understand why they would ask...
You looked down at your hands.
It can’t be helped... I quit on my own. It’s no one’s fault or responsibility but mine that I haven’t played in any matches. 
“-/n)? (Y/n)-chan?” Yaku called to you with a softness in his voice. 
He had immediately picked up on your change in mood at the shutdown of the request from him and Kuroo. The latter had also picked up on it, seeing as he had been a close friend of yours since your junior high days. 
He knew just how painful it was for you to not play, it’s why he convinced the Coaches to let you in on practice rather than just take notes for the team from the sidelines. 
Nekomata hadn’t ever seen you play until the first time you joined in on practice for 3 on 3 matches on a trial run. Kuroo’s lame excuse was that since you were a player yourself as well as their manager, you would have a better time gauging their strengths and weaknesses if you witnessed them firsthand in a match. It wasn’t necessarily wrong, as it certainly did help you gauge their abilities better, but it was still an idiotic excuse.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Nekomata gathered the team together in front of the bench. Their two-hour lunch break had just ended, starting the practice matches back up.
You had yet to make your appearance back at the gym. No one knew why just yet, but a certain third-year duo had an inkling.
They were correct of course.
Just as Nekomata finished his little speech with the team and sent them off to warm up, you entered the gym in full volleyball attire.
“You see, our manager was a star player on our school’s girl team. She’s just as tenacious as those boys are, but I think it may also be a good learning opportunity for all of the teams.” Nekomata explained to the other coaches. 
“I get that she was a player before, but...”
Keishen and Takeda shared a look with one another before the former spoke up. 
“We’d like to go along with it.” Ukai looked around the cafeteria to the players and other managers. “It’s a bit unorthodox, but because she’s a third year, and from what I’ve seen of her games-” Nekomata gave the young coach a look of surprise at that comment- “Nekoma’s manager is a force to be reckoned with.”
“Is that so...” Shinzen’s coach said.
Nekomata pulled you aside as you were refilling the water bottles a while before the practice matches were to start back up. 
“I talked to the other coaches about your request.”
“Chibi-chan is playing!?” Bokuto practically screamed.
Akaashi looked up from their team circle in surprise, as did many other players around the gym, including the resident God-like quick duo.
You tried to act nonchalant about it, but it was starting to be really hard not to focus on all the eyes on you courtesy of the other boys in the gym. 
Yaku grinned in delight. Kuroo gave his signature grin. Kenma looked a bit surprised at your small frame in volleyball gear, but quickly returned to save his game before starting warm-ups. Even Yamamoto had started crying.
“ACK!” Lev scooped you up into his arms and squeezed you as he cheered.
“OI!” Yaku quickly kicked the back of the first-year’s knees, allowing you to breathe again. Once you were accounted for as safe from Lev, Yaku began berating the first year for quote-unquote “ALMOST KILLING OUR POOR MANAGER” .
You and many others sweat dropped at the two. 
“Uhh, Yaku? We need to warm up now...” you gently patted his shoulder.
You were nervous since the Nekoma boys were the only boys you’ve ever played against, but as soon as you had begun the first match of the afternoon all of your fears melted away. 
Once you were rotated into the match against Fukurodani, switching out with Kuroo, you gave a signal behind your back to tell the team the play you wanted to use. 
You know every single one of their strengths, weaknesses, and plays. You and the Coaches had come up with a large majority of them together, and you studied each player like you were going to have a pop quiz on the team at any given moment. Not to mention you practiced with them literally all the time.  
Bokuto and Akaashi knew you were good, but during the first set, they greatly underestimated just how good you had gotten since the last time they joined Nekoma in a practice match (which was only a few months, but you had also been putting in a lot of work to get back up to your previous level and then some). 
You guys didn’t win the match against the Owls, but it left a mark on their psyche at how close it had ended. 
Scary... they Fukurodani players thought to themselves. 
“What’s your analysis on the players, (L/n)?” Coach asked after your penalties. 
You used a towel to wipe some sweat off your face, staring into the ground blankly. 
“...They’re good,” you said. “But we can also be better. The next time we go against them, I think whenever Bokuto is on the court we need to give him more kill blocks than soft blocks. We gave him way too many soft blocks this time around, myself included.”
“You heard her,” Coach clapped. “Shut down more of #4’s spikes next time, but if you do find the need to intentionally get a one-touch, I advise you to do that as well. Sometimes it can’t be helped, to be honest...”
Nekomata grinned, seeing that Karasuno just got their asses handed to them by Ubugawa. They just started on their dive-receive penalties. 
“We’re against Karasuno next,” Kenma mumbled. 
“That’s right! Lev and (L/n)-senpai were gone for our practice match against them, and those two haven’t shown their ‘weird quick’ yet in front of her,” Inuoka commented.
“Weird quick...?” you inquired. 
Kuroo and Kenma started talking about it. 
“It’s fuckin fast.”
“It’s Shouyo and Kageyama’s extremely fast quick attack.”
You put a hand to your chin, thinking about something. 
The team left you to think, getting into position.
You and Yaku, the last ones to leave the team huddle, started talking strategy for the next match, although Yaku assured you this should be an easy one to win; they were all out of sync and still trying to perfect their new quick attack with Hinata’s eyes open now. Their star players were pretty shitty right now, you had to admit. 
You also knew though, that the second they got their shit together your team would be in an uphill battle. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was the last day of the training camp. You were excited to finally head home soon, but you would certainly miss seeing your new friends.
Over the course of the training camp, Kuroo and Kenma introduced you properly to some of the players from Karasuno. 
Kuroo had to admit though that he was jealous at the instant click between you and Sugawara, though; it almost made him regret introducing the two of you. This is because while you were a pretty serious person in and out of games, you were an absolute menace to society. Daichi felt the same about Sugawara, just he was exceptionally polite and kind to mask his menace personality (for the most part). 
And because it was the last day, Suga and yourself roped some others into participating in a prank war. 
It started with you replacing Suga’s water for soy sauce in the middle of a game when no one was looking, as retaliation for him putting a shit ton of curry powder in your curry and you had to, uh, retire for the rest of the night. However, what you didn’t know was that you managed to put it in Daichi’s water bottle instead because you were panicking about getting caught by Suga, Kiyoko, or their Coaches.
Daichi thought it was Tanaka and Nishinoya that replaced his water, who in turn thought it had to have been someone like Yamamoto, who thought it was Lev, and so on and so forth. The only people who suspected you of the ‘crime’ were Kuroo, Kenma, and Yaku; they had known you the longest and knew about your... habits. They also knew what had happened with your dinner the previous night, and had the suspicion that you wanted payback. 
Things didn’t get any easier at the celebratory lunch, either. You somehow acquired water balloons and got Bokuto, Hinata, Kageyama, Inuoka, and a couple of others from the other teams to join you in wreaking havoc.
“Ahhh, youth,” Nekomata said at the sight of the large group of high schoolers screaming their heads off while getting absolutely pummeled by the small group of idiots with water balloons.
Keishin Ukai stared at the sight in both horror and shock.
You froze at the sound of an irritated Kuroo. Yaku was close behind the tall rooster-head, equally if not more irritated. You slowly and mechanically turned to make eye contact with them.
Uh oh.
“Hey, hey....” Kuroo drawled. 
“Tet-Testu I didn’t-”
He and Yaku started sizing you up and you prepared to run for your life.
“(Y/n)....” Yaku muttered when they were within a short distance of you. “GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!”
“AHHHHHHHHH!!!” You screamed as your favorite fellow third years started chasing you, both soaking wet and attempting to beat your ass like irritated parents.
Some had paused their war to look at you getting chased by the Nekoma captain and libero. They watched as you got violently tackled at the top of the hill and then came rolling back down.
Daichi had already corralled his evildoers and was in the middle of scolding them. He paused to smile at the antics before going back into his Dad Mode™ and continuing to yell at his teammates.
“Right.... Youth....” Ukai spit out. 
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imagination-mess · 1 year
Imagine the other part of the Blue Lock program is creating a manager who can keep up with their players. It is heavily competitive as well. It is heavy mentally and physically draining. The analyzing based on the previous footage from the participants, along with numerous exams based on the sport, management, and PR. The other is being able to carry or aid players out of the field in an event of an accident. 
Blue Lock has this on the side because they are creating monsters as strikers. There is a need for a manager who knows the importance of success and uses all the tools to be the best manager for your team. There is no need of having someone who is a pushover or anyone who can get intimated by their own players. There is no need of having sheep as managers.
You better hope you have a good team and use them as a resource. They could give you an explanation of the reasons why you got a question wrong since they are in the field playing the sport unlike you unless you have done it before.
The hardest part is getting along with your players. Depending on your team members, you may need to come to an agreement because it will affect your score in performance.
Continuation of this idea
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i'm begging you guys to start pirating shit from streaming platforms. there are so many websites where you can stream that shit for free, here's a quick HOW TO:
1) Search for: watch TITLE OF WORK free online
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2) Scroll to the bottom of results. Click any of the "Complaint" links
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3) You will be taken to a long list of links that were removed for copyright infringement. Use the 'find' function to search for the name of the show/movie you were originally searching for. You will get something like this (specifics removed because if you love an illegal streaming site you don't post its url on social media)
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4) each of these links is to a website where you can stream shit for free. go to the individual websites and search for your show/movie. you might have to copy-paste a few before you find exactly what you're looking, but the whole process only takes a minute. the speed/quality is usually the same as on netflix/whatever, and they even have subtitles! (make sure to use an adblocker though, these sites are funded by annoying popups)
In conclusion, if you do this often enough you will start recognizing the most dependable websites, and you can just bookmark those instead. (note: this is completely separate from torrenting, which is also a beautiful thing but requires different software and a vpn)
you can also download the media in question (look for a "download" button built into the video window, or use a browser extension such as Video DownloadHelper.)
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satoruxx · 16 days
boyfriend toji asks you to workout with him all the time, but not in the way you’re thinking. you’re his incentive, a little prize for working so hard.
so of course he cages you underneath him as he does push ups, claiming a victory kiss each time he lowers himself to the ground. honestly the way you laugh and giggle is far more satisfying than the actual workout part of it, his lips quirking into a half smile each time he pushes back up.
“you’re so lame,” you laugh, patting his flexing bicep and he rolls his eyes.
“what’s wrong with havin’ a prize? i’m workin’ so hard,” he stresses the last word with an over exaggerated sigh.
“yeah right like this isn’t the easiest possible thing for you—”
a heavy kiss—his favorite way of shutting you up. he pulls back, expression going smug at your dazed reaction.
“you sure do talk a lot for someone who’s enjoying it.” he quips.
and you do enjoy it—honestly you’d take any excuse to steal affection from the hulking wolf of a man that is your boyfriend, especially when he’s always so willing to give it.
some days he’ll switch it up and ask you to get on his back as he does his push ups, because god knows he’s strong and he can handle you so easily.
and he likes the way you loop your arms around his neck, likes the way you squeal as he playfully tries to bite your fingers when they get too close to his face.
“i think i’ll just stay up here,” you comment from atop his back, and toji can hear your smile.
“oh yeah?” he grunts as he lowers himself to the ground.
“mhm.” your fingers drum over his back. “you look pretty good like this. i can boss you around and everything.”
“hah—” an evil smirk, even as sweat drips down his temple. “watch your mouth, kid. don’t push your luck.”
you laugh, he grins. somehow you just make the whole process that much more fun for him.
toji is selfish too. bad enough that he has you trapped either under him or on top of him as he does push ups for as long as he can. but once he’s done and you’re about to go do your own work he’s grabbing your wrist with that trademark smirk going, “hey i’m not done yet.”
and then you find yourself holding his feet down as he casually does sit ups, and of course each time he makes it back up he’s kissing you. you giggle each time, leaning your weight onto your palms to keep his legs steady as you peak over his knees. the sound tickles his ears—infectious.
“aren’t you tired yet?” you call out, tilting your head with a teasing smile. toji pulls himself up, abs flexing as his bulky arms stay put behind his head.
“tired?” he scoffs, lips brushing over yours. he pulls back just slightly, hooded eyes boring into yours. “i got my energy right here.”
he’s ridiculous. selfish and utterly ridiculous. it comes to a point where he refuses to do his exercises if you’re not there, claiming that “it’s no fun workin’ hard if there’s nothin’ to work hard for.”
but obviously half of the time he ends up forgetting about the workout anyway, grabbing at your waist to pull you into his lap as he presses his mouth to yours eagerly—one little prize already managing to distract him.
for someone so strong, toji can be embarrassingly weak when it comes to you.
oh well, no harm done. he knows he can get his exercise in a different way—and you have no problem with that either.
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milaisreading · 9 months
Reporter: What's your type?
Karasu (who is dating Yn): I have a girlfriend
Reporter: So what's your type then?
Karasu: My girlfriend
Reporter: And what does she look like
Karasu: She looks like my girlfriend
Reporter: So what would you rate me out of 10?
Karasu: I can't rate you at all
Reporter: So what would you rate your girlfriend?
Karasu: She broke my scale because she is too beautiful
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hungharrington · 25 days
Thinking about Steve cumming quickly - like under 30 seconds of thrusting because he's just so in love with you he couldn't help it
He hides his face in your neck afterwards all embarrassed and you rub his back to bring him back down from the intensity of it all
To add to this - he also has certain triggers that make him cum immediately.
You say you love him, he cums. You scratch at his tummy/happy trail, he cums. You gently pull on his hair, he cums.
My apologies if these thoughts have already been given but it's all I've been thinking about this morning 😭😭
a most delicious ask i’ve been hoarding 🫶 i LOVE all these thoughts i’m sry i didn’t get to incorporate all of them !! is this hot? idk…. but it’s got sum love in it tehe MDNI this entire blog is 18+
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Look, Steve Harrington doesn’t have his reputation for nothing, okay?
He’s a ladies man, through and through. He knows exactly what he’s doing with his hands, he loves getting his face in between a pair of thighs, and perhaps most importantly, he is not a minute man.
Steve Harrington has stamina.
At least, he certainly thought he did— but that was before you. But in his defense, nobody told him that sex is a hundred times better when you love the person. A thousand better if they love you back.
And, god, does he fucking love you.
You’re a dream— all laid out on the bed beneath him, chest bare and eyes soft and heavy. Your lips are sheened with spit and all kiss-bitten and Steve has no doubt he looks the same. Kissing you never gets old. His cock throbs, aching for some friction and just begging to be buried inside you.
“Well?” You say, somewhere between a tease and a breathy gasp. “What’re you waiting for?”
Your fingers slip into the waistband of your panties but Steve is quick to knock them away, replacing them with his own hands. He grins up at you, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“Can’t let you do my favourite part now, can I?”
You giggle. With that his fingers start to trail down your naval, slow and sensually, dragging the fabric with them. Your hips move to accommodate him and your breath hitches as he drags them down your thighs that part as he wrangles them off your ankles, inviting him in.
Steve nearly groans at the mere sight—a hot surge twisting in his tummy that goes straight to his cock. God, he must be losing blood with how much blood is rushing to harden it up. Or maybe he’s just too enamoured with you and that’s enough to make him breathless. Either way, he’s aching.
“God, baby,” He says, voice gravelly. “Just look at you.”
His hands shift up from grasping lightly at your ankles up, up, up, til he’s nudging your thighs apart further. His dark eyes flick up to your face, his expression one of hunger.
“Y’so pretty, honey,” He coos.
You flush, feeling somehow more naked at his compliment, knowing he’s being sincere. Reaching up, you drape your hand around his neck and urge him forward slowly, pressing up to scrape your lips against his.
“Oh, yeah?” You breathe, your lips twitching up at the obvious way Steve’s breath catches in his throat. “Which part of me’s so pretty?”
Steve chuckles, his gaze switching between your own and says, “All of you,” before he kisses you like he’s starved of the taste of you.
Breaking the kiss, he leans back and his hand disappears into his bedside table for a condom. He makes quick work of it, pausing to give himself a firm squeeze around the base as he does— fuck, he’s going to bust the moment he gets inside of you if he doesn’t take a moment.
But you’re so damn hot — and eyeing him with a heavy desire that makes his tummy hot. He’s not sure he can wait.
He shifts himself up and settles on his hands on your thigh, pushing it back further so he can line himself up and sink in tantalisingly slow. Your cunt is warm and wet, drawing a whiny moan from his throat, and Steve’s head drops into the curve of your shoulder in an instant.
“Fuck,” He hisses, hips flexing to hold back from pushing himself all the way in—a near impossible task considering the breathy little noise you make. God, fuck, fuck, he can’t move another inch or he’ll lose it. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” He gasps.
Your arms looped around his neck tighten, pressing your chest up against his as you make a noise of agreement. You begin to mouth lazily up his throat, feeling the throb of his cock between your legs like a heartbeat, burning hotter and hotter.
“Cmon, Steve,” you whisper, nibbling at his earlobe. Steve keens, his hips shoving forward bit more as he tries to contain himself. “Want you to fuck me,”
He makes another pitiful noise that he’d probably be embarrassed of if he wasn’t so gone. He follows your instructions quickly, shifting his hips so he can start slowing fucking into you. It’s lewd, soft wet noises sounding as he builds up a rhythm, sinking himself into you over and over. Pleasure drools through his gut.
“Stevie,” you pout, panting lightly. “Can’t— can’t see you,” You tug on his hair lightly, trying to encourage his face out of hiding but only succeeding in making him whimper. His cheeks burn hotly but he forces his face up, kissing along your jaw as he does.
His eyes crease open as he pulls back and Steve keens at the sight of you, his plush lips parting in a soft pant. Fuck, what was wrong with him? Normally he’d be still murmuring filthy things into your skin, marking up your neck while his hips roll into you, all does that feel good? and oh, it does when you moan in response.
Instead, he’s the one coming apart and beyond his words. You scrape your hand through his hair again and leave it cupped sweetly on his jaw, your eyes watching closely. Swatching your thumb across his cheek, you moan lightly, “Wanna -uh- wanna see your face, baby— love your pretty face,”
Something tightens up in Steve’s tummy, heat flourishing up his spine and he whimpers loudly, the roll of his hips turning the rapid, jerky thrusts in a moment. Skin slaps against skin and you make the cutest noise at the change of pace. It feels so good—too good. He feels too close, his pleasure scratching the edge of release.
Then you stutter out a breathy, “I love you, Steve,” and the coil in his stomach snaps without warning.
Steve gasps loudly and his entire body tightens, his face burying itself in you neck as his hips fuck into your snug cunt desperately. He all but collapses onto you, his hands curling around your waist tightly as he lets out a string of pathetically whiny noises, coming undone far too quickly.
It takes a moment for you to realise what’s happened— to figure out exactly why Steve suddenly sinks him cock into you with fervor and is whimpering in your ear. He’s trembling lightly you realise, as your arms sweep down his back, letting him fuck through his orgasm.
The pleasure of it drags out and by the time it tapers out, mortification begins to set in. Steve’s only glad he’s hidden his face so you can’t see his flaming cheeks. Fuck. Fuck. He’s never finished that fast before.
“I’m so sorry, you just feel— and you said—” He starts, voice sounding wrecked.
“Don’t apologise,” you interrupt sweetly. You stroke down his back soothingly and Steve can’t help but shiver. He groans loudly.
“Don’t apologise for finishing after 1 minute like a 16 years old virgin?” He asks, going for sarcastic but failing with the embarrassment tinting his tone.
You can’t help but giggle, hand still sweeping over his back comfortingly as you say, “I don’t think that was even a minute, babe.”
Steve groans louder, attempting to press his face further into your neck and nipping at it when you laugh a little louder. You’re being way too sweet about this. Steve’s not sure he can ever show his face again.
“I’m banning you from saying ‘i love you’ in bed,” He says, the words muffled against your skin. You huff another laugh, grinning, and comb your fingers through his hair.
“Boo.” You pout, knowing he’s joking completely. You’re still throbbing and aching for him to keep moving but you know you only have to be patient. He’ll fuck you just as you need it. “You’re no fun.”
“I used to have stamina,” He whines. “What have you done to me?”
You chuckle again, turning and pressing a kiss to his temple as best you can. “Turned you full loverboy. Soon enough, any time I say I love you, you’ll pop a boner.”
From within you, you feel the soft twitch of his dick and Steve’s breath hitches again. He finally digs his face out of your neck, a serious furrow between his brows. “Don’t even joke about that!”
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suiana · 2 months
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(yandere! manager x gn! reader)
"bring out your manager!"
"dude we can't-"
"i said, bring out your manager!"
you state firmly, glaring at the front desk employee who was giving you attitude.
you had come with your friend to this luxury store, wanting to do some shopping... only for you to be screamed at by the front desk employee.
apparently you guys looked too 'low class' to be shopping in the store. like what? what the actual hell? that is so stupid!
you couldn't stand for it. not at all. which is why you were standing up for the both of you. like, how could you just allow this to happen?
but this damn employee didn't seem to want to reason with you. just call the manager, damn it!
you continue glaring at the employee until he rolled his eyes at you, picking up the phone as he speaks in a condescending tone.
"sir, there's some low class people that want to see you... yeah, I'll call security- huh? does either of them have a black card? uh... I haven't asked-"
"yes i do!"
you exclaim loudly, hoping your voice would be able to reach the other end of the phone. and you think it did, with how the employee seemed confused that no one was replying to his words anymore.
"ugh, seems like sir is coming down to meet you two... consider yourselves lucky-"
"baby?! you're here?!"
the manager skips over to you, a lovesick expression on his face as he engulfs you in a hug. you merely smirk at the employee, flipping him off as the manager, aka your rich boyfriend, coddles you. hm... maybe you should get back at the employee?
"yeah, anyways, that guy over there tried to kick me out y'know? called me and my friend low class and all..."
you feel your boyfriend's grip tighten on you as he looks up to make eye contact with the employee. haha, you couldn't even feel bad for him after what he called you and your friend who just wanted to shop peacefully.
"you, get out. you no longer work here."
"b-but sir!"
"you're a low class scum too. never enter my sight again."
your boyfriend threatens, glaring at the front desk employee who gets dragged out by security.
man, you love having a rich boyfriend.
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turtlespancake · 9 months
i love seeing out of context posts about long-running stories with deep lore because it's always shit like "MAJOR SPOILER WARNING!! i can't believe that the metallic athenaeum's envoy actually used never-ending dance of the 57th universe on rionne as if she's not LITERALLY the incarnate of august?!?!" it's like buddy boy thank you for the spoiler tag but all of those words are incomprehensible without at least 5 years of foreshadowed knowledge, 7 different fan theories, and 21 wiki entries
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gatitties · 1 year
'Love' confession
Manager Miniseries
─Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: you were just trying to help and the team seems to be at the wrong time to hear something stupid
─Warnings: none
11 < 12 > 13
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"I'm serious! (Nn) is in love with me."
"What makes you think that, shittikawa?"
The captain acted offended, no one on his team believed that their manager was secretly madly in love with him, they had never seen you express any kind of romantic interest in someone before.
"Who wouldn't fall in love with me?"
"Surely a lot of people..."
Kunimi whispered, vaguely wiping the sweat from his forehead, grabbing his gym bag, glancing sideways as Kindaichi finished changing.
"Besides, remember that she didn't even know you before entering the club."
"Matsukawa is right."
"Of course... but since I'm irresistible, it was inevitable that she fell in love with me."
Iwaizumi punch him again and he complained, insisting that you were crazy in love for him. He was so persistent that ended up convincing them to secretly spy on you, since today was Monday they wouldn't have trainning before lunch, so they would have that time to keep an eye on you.
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You always tried to keep a low profile, you were always late, trying not to let anyone notice you enough, you didn't have many friends considered close, but at least you had some trust with your classmates. Since you were very carefree, you didn't mind helping someone who asked, that's why your classmates constantly ask you for some favors, of course they knew when would ask for these, because if you weren't in the mood or were too tired you would politely deny them. And that was exactly what you were doing right now; a favor to a classmate.
"(N) you say it as if it were easy."
"It is?"
You shrugged, stretching out your arms, letting out a yawn, lunchtime was always your nap time to catch up on the sleep you missed at night.
"Could you do it again?"
"Whatever..." you sighed to get into the role of a crazy lover, changing your expression to a more animated one as well as the tone of your voice to a softer one "Oikawa, I love you! would you go out with me?"
There were a few seconds of silence, the girl seemed to analyze the tone of voice, the expression and the gestures that you had made.
"It's just a silly confession of love, don't break your head too much about it."
"It still looks so easy! Surely when you are in front of him you will freeze."
The team who were listening to the conversation from behind the scenes went blank when they heard you two talk about confessing to Oikawa.
"Was that idiot right?"
"I don't believe that (N) is in love with you."
"Yeah, she doesn't deserve that shit."
"You all are so mean"
He complained but everyone fell silent when they saw how you left the classroom, they hid better to continue listening.
"What? I wouldn't freeze confessing."
"Then try to do it."
"What's the point of that? It's you who is in love."
"Aw come on, you can't deny that you like him a little, plus you can always say it was a joke or something… I don't even have the confidence to get close to him."
You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose, you didn't want to be the one to break her illusion, but if she needed you to do it first to give her courage, it wasn't a big deal for you.
The boys were totally speechless, of everyone who could fall in love with Oikawa, did it have to be you? They had grown fond of you and appreciated your small gestures even though you were carefree most of the time, and Oikawa's streak of breakups didn't leave him in a good light.
They wouldn't want a crush to spoil your team relationship because of the captain, even Oikawa was stunned, he had suspicions but this was beyond what he thought and he didn't know how to feel about it.
At lunchtime, minutes later when everyone was in the dining room, you arrived as usual later after a little nap, everyone tensed up when you sat down at the table, you seemed unaware of the environment, too focused on your food, only looked up when you finished eating. You narrowed your eyes to see how everyone was looking at you, then remembered that you had to 'confess', yes you had forgotten.
"Ah, Oikawa I have to tell you something." now the looks were more intense, but you paid attention to the fact that the girl from before was stunned to see how you said it casually as if you were greeting someone "I love you, would you go out with me?"
The team seemed to have died, almost as if their spirits flew above their bodies, before anyone could react, you raised your thumbs in the direction where your classmate.
"(Nn) I-I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I think we're not ready for a relationship, I'm not sure about my feelings right now..."
He dramatically placed one hand on his chest and the other on his forehead, blinking several times, you put on a flat face, erasing all false acting expression.
"Yeah... about that I don't really love you, it was only to teach her how she should confess, a silly dare too."
You pointed out to the second year girl that had asked the favor, that now she was a little embarrassed. When they listened to you, the spirits of the team returned to their bodies, relieved, it already sounded very strange that you were in love with Oikawa.
"So you don't like Oikawa?"
"But we heard-!"
"You should listen better or analyze the context of conversations and not spy on people in the first place."
Their souls came out of their bodies again, embarrassed because despite their attempts, they were caught red-handed, although you didn't care much, seeing their horrified faces at they thought that you liked their captain was incredible besides the complaints from Oikawa for being 'rejected' in a certain way.
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