#Jade Leech Kin
pi-kin-ic · 7 months
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Jade Leech
🍄 ⛰️ 🪸 🌊 🩵 🌲 🍵 🐚 👂
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twisted-lies · 1 year
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༊·˚ Leech Twins Usernames
| leech-twinz | jade-n-flyod | octavinelle-twins | monsieur-mastermind-n-maleficent | coral-sea | flyade | flyade-leech | lazy-n-formal | azuls-workers | sinister-twins | shock-the-heart | pointology-and-musicology | scorpio-twinz | basketball-n-mountain-club | bind-the-heart | the-moray-eels | money-exploiters | sophomore-leechs | sinister-leechs | the-diabolical-twins |
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
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A sprite edit for Jade Leech from Twisted Wonderland where the black streak is a rainbow gradient. I made a normal version and a pastel version, hope you like it! :D
(If you'd like anything changed, please let me know - it wasn't clear if you wanted the chibi sprites or the full-sized ones, or which outfit. Thank you!)
-Mod Vintage (🤖)
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gendafluid-goblin · 2 years
Silly Octopus
This is going to be split up into a few parts on here and I will update the tags with each part with was CW needs to be in each part. This is not canon at all and is somewhat of a vent/comfort fic for me and maybe other people with ED? Not everyone is the same so not everyone will feel better seeing fictional characters you kin going through things you did.
CW for part 1: Binge eating, (forced eating?? His mother made a lot of food and had him taste test), panic attack, light self harm (he accidently digs his nails into himself during a breakdown), depressive/ negative thoughts about himself
Enjoy and let me know what you think!
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“Try this, Hunny!” Azul’s mother cooed as she held out a spoon of food. He opened his mouth and tasted the new food she was trying out for the restaurant. One spoon of taste testing soon turned into five, and then fifteen. Azul became full long ago but he couldn’t deny his mother. He knew the restaurant meant a lot to her and she wanted the menu to be unique and delicious. Chews became slower and longer the more food he tested.
“Is,” Azul’s mother paused watching her son chew and chew “Is it not good? Is there too much of something? Too little?” she started frantically looking over the dish as Azul shook his head ‘no’ finally swallowing the food. “Is it just a bad dish then? That’s fine I have plenty of others here you already liked. I have more prepared too!” she scooped up another mouthful of food onto the spoon.
“No mother I,” Azul paused looking for the right words.Words that wouldn’t hurt his mother. “It was a good dish, really. I just, I’m not hungry right now, I’ve filled up on the last few dishes.” He sighed and looked down at his waist, his waist looked bigger as he moved his tentacles around. He would have to work all of this off later for sure. “I can call over the Leech twins to finish testing if you'd like though.” Azul looked at all the meals he still hadn’t tasted. “I’d hate for you to waste these meals after all your hard work afterall.”
“Oh, no need Sweetie. I can store the rest and we’ll test them out later!” she smiled so, so brightly at him. She loved cooking, she cooked to show her love. Azul knew that,and he loved his mother, but he didn’t love her weekly taste testing.
Azul forced a smile and closed his eyes “Alright. Thank you,” giving his mother a kiss on the cheek he turned away, “I’m going to go now,” was all he said before he swam away.
Azul sat in his Octopot curled in a ball, grabbing at his waist. Pinching and squeezing where his tentacles met his stomach. He felt disgusted by what he saw, how much he was able to grab before feeling anything. “Silly fat octopus.” he quoted the kids his age with a shaky voice. “Why can’t I just be thinner. Then I’d be faster. I could keep up with everyone else. I could test my mother's food for her.” He gripped his waste tighter with each word as cries racked his body. Raising his hand to wipe his tears off his face he noticed blood surrounding him and on his fingers. Azul looked at his fingers on his left, then right hand, both were bloody. He then looked at his tentacles, two of them  had fingernail shaped cuts that were leaking blood into the water around him. 
Azul took several breaths to calm himself. “Oh.” he wiped his face of tears and ink. Three knocks hit his door as it flung open almost slamming into the wall.
“Hey Azzuulll!” Floyd moved away from the door and swam into the room quickly. Much faster than he could ever swim, Azul thought to himself. Jade gave a small smile and closed the door swimming over to his twin. “Azul, where are you. I know you’re in here.” Floyd snapped.
“Floyd,” Jade looked around the room and pointed to his nose. “Don’t you smell that?” Of course Jade and Floyd would be able to smell the blood from just moments ago. Azul didn’t want anyone to know about what happened. He was embarrassed to say something so silly as ‘I got upset about eating food and being so fat and useless that I accidently cut my tentacles.’; He would sound so much more pathetic than everyone already thinks he is.
“Aww someone got to eat big Azul before me. Not fair.” Floyd pouted.He didn’t have to see his face to hear the pout in his voice. Was he seriously upset that he didn’t get to eat him? Did he really call him big? Azul slowly crawled out of his Octopot and faced the twins.
“Oh good! You’re still alive!” Floyd cheered and swam over to Azul. “I couldn’t stand the idea of someone taking a bite outta you before I do.” Floyd threateningly whispered. Azul shivered and slowly backed away from Floyd giving a weary smile. Jade watched the interaction between his brother and peer when he noticed the blood smell was actually coming from Azul’s tentacles. Not knowing what to say or just not caring enough to ask, he let it drop. 
“What brought you over anyway?” Azul asked when he deemed himself a safe distance from Floyd. ‘Not like it would matter anyway, they’re both much faster than me and could easily catch and eat me.’ Azul’s darker thoughts about himself popped in again.
“We were just swimming around and I got tired of scaring lil fish so I thought we could visit you.” Floyd said swimming in small circles to keep himself entertained while talking.
Azul thought over his words with a pause, “So I’m just here for your entertainment and amusement then I see?” it came out a bit more harsh than he had meant it to. However, they did burst in unannounced and furthermore at a bad time for him. There was no doubt that at least one of the Leech twins had realized the blood was from him and yet he was seemingly fine. Why weren’t they asking about it? They had to know something was up. Then it clicked, they don’t care WHY he’s bleeding. Floyd laid it out that they’re here being they were bored and he’s here to amuse them. Neither of them care about him or his well being as long as he can entertain them. While Azul’s mind led him down that rabbit hole thinking Jade was staring at him as Floyd continued to swim around and mess with things in Azul’s room. Jade looked into Azul’s eyes and just gave a smile.
“If it’s a bad time we can leave.” was all he said looking from Azul’s eyes to his tentacles then back in his eyes. He knew. And now Azul KNEW that Jade knew. Azul felt like he was suffocating, his throat was closing and his head started to pound in his head. He was panicking, he was scared what would happen with this information. Azul’s vision started to blur. ‘Were his only friends going to leave him behind and tell everyone how weak and pathetic he is to all of the other kids? Of course they would. He was slow, and weak, and a crybaby. No one ever wanted to play with him because it was too easy and boring and now he lost the only people who were somewhat nice to him.’ Azul’s breathing picked up rapidly while he was stuck in his thoughts, head spinning and tears and ink back in his eyes as he tightened and loosened his hands in a fist.
Jade watched the scene unfold in front of him and tapped his brother on the shoulder and leaned over to him. “I think Azul isn’t feeling well, we should leave unless you want to get sick.”
“Eww I don’t wanna get all sick and gross.” is all Floyd said, sticking his tongue out before quickly swimming out of the room. Jade swam out shortly after his brother and closed the door leaving Azul alone once again. Not that he would notice that no one else was left or that he cared. Azul had faintly seen Jade whisper to Floyd and then both of them leaving and it left his mind to continue wondering to the negative thoughts again thinking he was going to be all alone again. Back to the lonely, silly little octopus that he was before the twins came along. Azul floated back to his Octopot where he curled up and continued his breakdown of crying. He didn't even know why he was crying anymore. Was it because he thought and feared that once again he was alone with no one else? Or was it a continuation of his thoughts over his weight and insecurities the other children planted in him? He wasn’t sure and honestly it didn't matter anyway, all thoughts blended together into his self hatred filled thoughts.
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minty-bubblegum · 8 months
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wip of emo jade
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1218-814 · 3 months
Jade Leech Analysis and Theories
Again this is for myself, loosely based off of what other ppl think, but he's my kin so I may be biased
requested by @thehollowwriter
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His actual Personality (Iced Tea Theory) and his hobby
No one has actually gotten Jade's trust and trusted him back. He's desperately trying though, but he's not getting the right idea of how. His actual personality is frozen, but the only one that comes the closest to helping him is surprising: Kalim Al-Asim.
For Jade, you have to dump a ton of sugar (sweet love) into the tea.
Remember what he said in response to the tea?
"It feels like all my teeth will fall out."
What is Jade's unique magic written as?
"The teeth that bite."
I'm going to call Jade's actual personality iced tea for this reason.
Also, the mushrooms are a metaphor, as well as Jack’s cacti, for personality. Jack and the Octavinelle trio are from a cold place, Jack comes from the snowy region and Octavinelle comes from the icy ocean. Cacti grow poorly in cold places, which equals undeveloped Jade, which needs some sun and warm air to grow. It’s odd how suddenly there’s the story about a cactus and the detailed reason just to go to the greenhouse. And how much they emphasized that Jack is from a snowy country.
Jack said that he wanted to get his cactus some light in the greenhouse, and Octavinelle showed up, together, which is weird to me. 
Maybe this is what happened in the even (as in odd or even) chapters with Octavinelle. Ace and Deuce don’t seem to have memories of Atlantica Museum, and other positive things in that arc. Maybe the one who blotted was Jade? (There are different plot lines if you look closely, wasn’t it odd that you see how Malles was feared in the main story, but not in Halloween events? Even in part 5 how Ace and Deuce were like “long time no see” when you saw them before the end of 4?)
I think even at this point, his clinginess hasn’t resolved; so Azul and Floyd are accepting it, saying to him “Let’s change it little by little”. I mean it’s hard for someone like Jade, who lives for someone else to be just told “live for yourself!”.
I mean Azul asks him what he should do when Jack ruined his mushrooms; which I assume is letting him decide what he wants to do, as a part of helping him live his own life.
Jade talks to someone he doesn’t know from him, and the mushrooms are near a “sunny place” (with cloth). Azul insults him with a serious face and Floyd calls them “mushrooms” not “shitake”. Jade being in the middle is especially the weirdest. This is highly unlike them, and I think they want to “face Jade properly more”. 
Jade fake cried, which I assume is a form of therapy; even if it’s fake, it’s teaching him “that it’s okay to cry, tell us your feelings”.  Yes, even if Jack worked at Mostro Lounge, he has no merit, but Floyd said “Yeah let’s do that.”, which is a really good response because if he said that he would have no merit, the situation would go back to “listening to others, instead of yourself”.
He dragged the whole thing, and Floyd oddly didn’t complain about it, and he touched Jack’s ears. I think he wanted to do that from the beginning, and he didn’t go “Oya oya Floyd” and ignore his own thoughts/opinion. And Floyd said that they were “Jade’s treasure”, as opposed to in Jade’s lab coat when he said to throw it away.
Jade's heart is expressed as teeth, something sharp/hard and protected, and in Jack's lab coat story, I also assume the reason why they put the mushrooms in a sunny place is that it's a metaphor for Jade's real self-being "defrosted." Remember what Jack did? He threw Jade’s mushrooms away. I think this is expressing what people have done to him; the softest part of his heart is trampled and thrown away "for the time being" and "somehow" Jack and Jade are on opposite teams on Beans Day, probably because Jack is Jade's "Night", but Azul is Jade's "Day".
Jade wants to be defrosted by Azul, and that's why his relationship with him is co-dependent.
Jades and diamonds are kind of similar in a way; Diamonds are the toughest stone but are brittle. Jades are not as hard and easy to scratch, but they have a very strong toughness and are hard to break. (Cater and Jade)
Jade and his little… attachment Issues
Jade is so silly,  we all know he’s lowkey psychotic and loves Azul but he himself most likely doesn’t. I personally relate to him heavily and know most likely what he is thinking so let me explain his attachment to Azul. Think of Jade as a little child, or Ariel from the little mermaid, but she’s, like, 190 cm.
Do you know those people that are attached to one person? Jade is basically that with Azul, but a little hard (?) to tell. So you know how I said that Jade grows mushrooms because Azul praised him once for it? That is why he has that attachment; this goes for why he takes care of Floyd, it's something that he was praised for, something that gives him an “identity”.
He visibly sighs during flying classes, which reflects how it’s a very weak point for him while he’s very good at other things, so when he can’t do something less than another person can, it makes him stand out more. No praise no gain.  I know this is probably harder for people who aren’t like Jade to understand but basically, if you get praised by someone that you think understands you about something that you didn’t really know about yourself, you are like “Oh I didn’t know that!”. However, what he doesn’t know is that Azul doesn’t really understand Jade as much as Jade thinks. So when Azul says he’s someone that is “good at getting into people’s comfort”, he doesn’t really mean it as praise, but Jade takes it as one. His thought process is basically “If Azul, someone who I trust has good judgment because he always knows what people desire and what their weak points are, then there is no doubt that I am a bad guy who puts on a gentle and humble mask.”, and he believes that fake identity (also kinda gullible) as is. 
To Azul, he doesn’t trust Jade because he appears to have no desires that are to be gained through his contracts. It's fake but in a self-protection-type way. That illusion that he makes for himself makes him look strong, but deep down he is a very sensitive child. And that is why he became so attached to the little crybaby who spews out ink; he thinks they are the same in how sensitive and scared they are. Both haven’t been like this from the beginning, and that’s why Jade doesn’t fear the scheming personality of Azul. This also could apply to why he is okay with Trey (who is like him, but nice (?) and why he isn’t as close with Vil (who is someone who was born strong and honest about himself). Azul doesn’t notice because of hits low self-esteem
Just on a side note, I think Jade hates people who write stuff like this. This is a call-out post to some of the Jade kins out there. AKA me
I pulled this one out of the grave too
This is a small chunk of Octa, the google doc I have is 50+ pages
They're like a lot of context needed bc I post my old posts out of order so if there's a request, I am willing to pull those out
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ithseem · 1 year
Gently-ish Roasting You Based on Your Twisted Wonderland Kin - Savanaclaw + Octavinelle Edition
Disclaimer: All of these are jokes, so if any of you are offended, sorry 😅. Anyway, on to the roasting!
Leona Kingscholar
You need therapy. Also, you're probably in your catboy/girl/other-gender arc
Ruggie Bucchi
Oh, you definitely grew up way too fast
Jack Howl
Tsundere Furry. That's it
Azul Ashengrotto
Insecurities that you mask with a veil of bravado and arrogance 10/10
Jade Leech
I smell trust issues
Floyd Leech
ADHD? ADHD + actually insane
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bonpocalypse · 9 months
can you please tell me your headcanons for the nationalities of the twst boys pretty pretty please 🥺 also any other headcanons you have!!!
I love love love nationality headcanons, they're so fun to think of!! A reminder that these are my headcanons, I'm not here to start arguments. If anything does come across as offensive/innapropriate please let me know! I'll gladly fix it :)
For the most part, I based the Twst Character's nationalities off of where their stories take place (I'm not all that skilled in headcanons, apologies!!)
Alright, going in dorm order here:
Riddle Rosehearts: Icelandic/Britsh
I have him as Icelandic purely because of LeafSheep's "Begin at the Beginning," the King Said!! Nordic Heartslabyul has my heart. and ofc since Heartslabyul is based on Alice in Wonderland, he's half-British in my headcanons
Ace Trappola: British
Alice in Wonderland :)
I don't have much to say about Ace, I kinda don't think about him all that much
Deuce Spade: Irish
In coming up with nationality headcanons, I wanted to explore more areas in the British Isles for the Heartslabyul students and eventually decided on Deuce being Irish! I had more reasonings but its 5 am and I cannot think for the love of me.
Cater Diamond: American with English/German heritage
I see myself in Cater. He's one of my highest kins, so he's 100% from West Coast USA. It also makes a lot of sense he'd be American looking at how similar some nations in the Twisted Wonderland universe are to nations in our own world! Pyroxene is really similar to the United States from what I've researched, and Cater's valley accent in the English version of the game really hits the mark :)
As for his heritage, he's English because of Alice in Wonderland and German because I feel it fits him very well
Trey Clover: British
I don't think about Trey often enough sorry :(((
I love him though he's so silly
Leona Kingscholar: Kenyan
The Lion King takes place in the Kenya area, and so I put him there!
Jack Howl: American with Kenyan/French heritage
Another Pyroxien!
Kenyan because Savanaclaw was based on the Lion King and that's set in Kenya
French because I have a sneaking suspicion Jack is based on the wolves from Beauty and the Beast
Ruggie: South African
Ruggie was hard to find a headcanon for, but I eventually just took someone else's headcanon that said he is South African
Azul Ashengrotto: Italian/French/Danish
All come from where the Little Mermaid is set in both the movie form and the Hans Christian Andersen form. The movie itself was set in the Mediterranean Sea, and I headcanon Azul's family to be from around the Nice, France area of the Mediterranean
Danish comes into play from the original source material for The Little Mermaid and the fact that the Coral Sea in Twst gets cold. Also to note, the Coral Sea on the map of Twisted Wonderland is close to the coast of the Queendom of Roses, which is pretty far north!
Jade and Floyd Leech: Danish
Putting these two together because twins
Pretty much the same reasonings as Azul, the book's settings and the Coral Sea :)
Kalim Al-Asim: Saudi Arabian
I'm going to be so honest, I don't think about Scarabia like... at all. So for Kalim, I'm going straight out of where Aladdin is supposed to be set
That also came as a problem, because the movie has a habit of mashing Middle Eastern cultures together. Though I did find that the movie takes place in the Arabian Desert which narrows where Aladdin was filmed to a myriad of countries, one of which is Saudi Arabia
I decided to go with Saudi Arabia since a majority of the desert does reside within that country.
Jamil Viper: Saudi Arabian/South Asian
Same thing as for my headcanons with Kalim, and I got the South Asian headcanon from a mutual on TikTok
Vil Schoenheit: American with German heritage
Hollywood star here, folks!
German heritage because of Snow White's setting :)
Epel Felmier: Finnish
Ok for this headcanon I went off of the Harveston event
(hey future Bon edit here when its not 5 am and running off of no sleep)
Rook Hunt: Australian
This headcanon is for shits and giggles
It's a running joke between me and my friend that Rook is not French and is faking the accent to sound more "beautiful"
I don't know why we chose Australia specifically but it came to fruition
He can't speak proper French he's literally calling Vil the King of Fish
Idia and Ortho Shroud: Greek
Hercules is set in Greece!
Malleus Draconia: French
For Diasomnia I went off of movie settings once again, and Sleeping Beauty is heavily implied to be set in France!
I really feel like I should explain more but that's really most of my headcanons for them, where their movies are set
Silver: French
Silver is tough to pin down since we don't know if he's even originally from the Briar Valley, but I went with French as well
Sebek Zigvolt: French/German
(Bon please please please come back to this)
Lilia Vanrouge: French
I actually have so many nationality headcanons on this dude its not even funny
I imagine him as French, Romanian, and Dutch
And for funnies:
Royal Sword (and Rollo) (excluding the dwarves)
Neige LeBlanche: American with German/Finnish Heritage
Che'nya: British/Russian
Rollo Flamm: French
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femaletwstsupremacy · 2 years
How about the Leech Twins dealing with a crush
Through the looking glass...what do you see?
Two women of the same kin...dealing with the feelings in their hearts..
A/N: I have favoritism for Jade, Note from future Short, somehow Floyd's got longer than Jade's-
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ᴊᴀᴅᴇ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜ...The cunning second in command
You would have to be really interesting to catch her eye.
Maybe its the way you do things, how you act, things your interested in, it doesn't matter.
If you caught her attention you might as well entertain her.
Jade would most likely observe ahem, stalk you before actually talking to you.
This would go on for weeks, and unbeknownst to both you and her she fell for you and your charms.
She realized this earlier on and tried to bury them, knowing her feelings for you will only cause problems.
But after weeks of not seeing you stalking she starts craving your presence, despite not interacting with you directly.
And by pure coincidence you got to be alchemy partners for one class.
Jade was smiling like usual when she was informed about it, but on the inside she was ecstatic.
You two spent every second together, you hung out even if it wasn't for the assignment.
Jade regrets not talking to you sooner, you had so many similar interests and your reactions were just too cute.
But she knows she can't pursue you, having you is going to be her biggest weakness.
Causing you to be the target of most.
But just this once...she would like to indulge herself.
Jade never liked crowded spaces, always wanting to be in a place where she couldn't be seen. To be an outsider, watching everything around her. She thought of most people as entertainment, that is until you caught her eye. In the beginning she also thought of you as entertainment, someone who she could play with in the shadows and once she tires of you she'll just move on and find someone else. But that never happened, she never got bored of watching you. You were so...new...refreshing even. Everything you did was so familiar yet unexpected, her interest with you rising by the second.
But then after weeks of observing you the unexpected happened, she fell in love. Even she was surprised, her? Falling in love? To someone she used to think as entertainment no less. Jade sighs to herself, whatever shall she do?
ꜰʟᴏʏᴅ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜ...the mixed box
Like Jade you have to be somewhat interesting in her eyes.
Floyd hates being bored so you have to at least be fun.
When you catch interest she's going to be seeking you out.
Poking fun at you and telling you she wants to play.
She expected you to brush her off like the rest.
But you didn't, you put up with her and even show interest in her weird suggestions.
Since then whenever she feels bored she comes to you!
But even if she isn't bored she would still seek you out.
Azul feels like she's growing white hairs everytime she sees Floyd leave work to see you.
Meanwhile Floyd is having the time of her life.
She has someone so fun! And likes to hang out with her!
She starts doubting that she will ever get bored of you.
It wasn't until Jade pointed it out she realized that maybe she liked you more than a friend..
She heard many stories about love, the most famous one under the sea being the one about the sea princess who sold her voice for legs to meet the man of her dreams.
She always thought those stories were dumb.
Why sacrifice something for another?
But now she's starting to see why those stories showed the love interests willing to do anything for their beloved.
Floyd had been lying down in her bed, staring at the wall for what could have been hours now. She wasn't doing anything, unlike what you would expect her to do. She was just...thinking, about how it all started. When did she catch feelings for you? Why does her heart feel mushy? Why does she wanna be around you so much? What Jade said hours ago was still fresh in her mind.
They were just in their rooms doing their thing. Floyd was on her phone already bored from just scrolling through magicam "Jadeeee, I wanna see shrimpy" Floyd whined with a pout "Now now Floyd, you know that they are visiting their hometown for winter break now don't you? You just need to wait" Right, you left to visit your family for winter break. When you first told her about it she started whining about how you were going the leave her "I won't be gone for that long, just wait for me okay? I promise to come back"
Though, Jade's next statement instantly had her looking up from her slouched position "You act as if you had feelings for them Floyd, always seeking their attention like a puppy" Feelings? Floyd wasn't dumb she knew everything about that lovey-dovey stuff, but now that Jade mentioned it...does she really have feelings for you? "I'll leave you be to think about it, I'll be going out with Azul to the cafeteria." It's been hours since that interaction yet she can't stop thinking about it. Maybe she does like you....maybe.
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Made by @genderbenttwstsupremacy please do not use, steal, copy, repost any of my works.
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quartztwst · 5 months
or are you swapping between kins 3 times this month
EW I DON'T KIN JADE LEECH 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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I kin idia tho I AM IDIA IRL but I'm Azul Ashengrottoing rn so I can't say I'm Idia Shrouding anymore... SIGGGHHHH
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otakusheep15 · 2 years
Rating the Twisted Wonderland Characters, Except I Have No Rating System in Place, so I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
Riddle Rosehearts: 7/10
Would probably yell at me for breathing wrong. Reminds me of this one teacher I used to have, and I hater her. Bonus points cause we both like strawberries. 
Trey Clover: 9/10
Very handsome, sweet boy who has done no wrong. One point off because he’s not real, and, therefore, I cannot date him. 
Cater Diamond: 10/10
Perfect angel. I love him. Literally amazing. Stunning. No criticisms at all. 
Ace Trappola: 5/10
Gives off homophobic gay vibes. Looks like he’d call me a slur, but only as a joke. Points cause I like his character design. He is very gender. 
Deuce Spade: 8/10
Love him. Very friend shaped. I will protect him with my life, no questions asked. Cutie pie momma’s boy who can do no wrong. 
Leona Kingscholar: 7/10
Would also probably call me a slur, but not as a joke. I’m not a woman, so he’d have no respect for me. The only man I’d let degrade me tbh. 
Ruggie Bucchi: 15/10
The best character. He has done absolutely nothing wrong, and he is perfect in every way. I adore him very much, and he is the loml. 
Jack Howl: 8/10
He’d make me go exercise with him, which means he gets two points off. Otherwise, he’s an adorable wolf boy who’s also a tsundere.  I would adopt him if given the chance.
Azul Ashengrotto: 4/10
He’d sell me for a singular corn chip, and tbh I’d do the same. He’s my highest kin, and I hate him for it. I want him to leave me alone cause he keeps plaguing my thoughts and I hate it. 
Jade Leech: 5/10
I’m only scared of two Twst characters, and he is one of them. I don’t want him anywhere near me, and I don’t care about his stupid mushrooms. Points cause he has a hot brother. 
Floyd Leech: 9/10
The brother in question. I love him and I’d let him squeeze me so hard. I’d also like to steal his kneecaps and lock him in a basement, but it’s all out of love. 
Kalim Al-Asim: 11/10
Beautiful, iconic, adorable, perfect in every way. He is a precious angel and I would kill someone on his behalf. I hope he gets everything he ever wants in life. 
Jamil Viper: 9/10
Was mean to Kalim, so he gets points off. But he gains multiple points back cause long-haired pretty boy. I also lied earlier, there are actually two men I’d let degrade me, and he is the other one. 
Vil Schoenheit: 3/10
I cannot forgive him. Idk what he actually did, but I cannot forgive him for it. Also, he’s too pretty and I don’t trust that. Points cause I like his hair. 
Rook Hunt: 6/10
The hair scares me, but he’s not that bad. Unpopular opinion, but I like his hat. I don’t have much to say on him actually. 
Epel Felmier: 10/10
The other character I’m afraid of. He acts like he drinks way too much coffee, and I love it for him. We’d be best friends, and I’d love him until the end of time. I want to run away with him and live in an abandoned cottage as best friends. 
Idia Shroud: 8/10
Shut-in gamer, so he’s automatically my type. Sharp teeth give him bonus points. Points off cause he’d probably call me a slur, but I’d allow it cause I’m gay. 
Ortho Shroud: 12/10
I will protect him at all costs. He is baby, he is my son, and I live and breathe for this boy’s happiness. I hope all of his wishes come true, and I hope he never feels any negative emotions ever. 
Malleus Draconia: 7/10
Not my type, but I still vibe with him. I like his hair and horns, but points off cause he’s tall and I don’t like that. If he shrunk a few inches, he’d be perfect. 
Lilia Vanrouge: 6/10
I lied again, he also scares me. Old man syndrome, but I’ll forgive him for now. If he ever walks into my kitchen, he’s getting stabbed by a spork, but other than that he’s chill. 
Silver: 15/10
The other loml. He is the most precious being on the planet. I’d give him so many plushies. Hope he has a good life, and that he gets plenty of rest. 
Sebek Zigvolt: 3/10
Loud, annoying, and stupid hair. I have a huge grudge against him, and I refuse to find him redeemable in any way. 
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pi-kin-ic · 8 months
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Dorm Stimboards 3/8 : Octavinelle
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
Comfort Characters
Steve Rogers AKA Captain America
Tony Stark AKA Iron Man
Han Solo
Doppo Kunikida (BSD)
Hera Syndulla
My Boy:
Tech :3
My Boyfriend:
Azul (Caszul/Caszurole)
Mon Mari:
Rook Hunt (Hunter’s Song/Chanson du Chasseur)
My Wife:
Jade Leech (Frilled Shark)
(so Floyd is my brother in law)
My special little guys:
Kwazii Cat (Octonauts) (Kin)
Lewis McCartney (H2O) (Kin)
Luke Skywalker (SW) (Kin)
Thorax (MLP) (Kin)
Shining Armor (MLP) (Kin)
Armitage Hux (SW)
Alexsander Kallus (SW)
Howzer (SW)
Gonky (SW)/srs
Unidentified clone trooper  (332nd Company) AkA ARMS (sign my petition) (SW)
Coran Horn (SW legends)
Arista (Little mermaid)
Johnny Cade (Outsiders)
Crutchie (Newsies)
Raph 2012 (TMNT)
leather head 2012 (TMNT)
Spider-man in general
Harry Osborn 2002 (Spider-Man)
Gwen Stacy AkA Spider Gwen/Ghost spider (SV)
Braco (Violeta)
Tenya Iida (MHA) (kinda an f/o?)
Kyoya Ootori (OHHC)
Tom Harris (Alex Rider)
Alex Mercer (JATF)
Harry Hook (Descendants)
Mathew (Og Lego friends)
Noble Bell college student council aide AKA Travis because I have decided that is his name (Twst)
Nick Nelson (Heart Stopper)
Elle Argent (Heart Stopper)
Daring Charming (EAH)
Sokka (ATLA)
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Stolas (Hell of a Boss)
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
Mundane Memories ask game: Cooking!! I'm a Jade Leech kin, and I used to be such a good cook x_x Having a dish come out really well feels so validating now; I hope I can improve back to the level I was at. (I am currently teaching myself to crack eggs with one hand :3)
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lvmbien · 11 months
🪻 Blorbo Directory
A quick run through of some (heavy emphasis on 'some') of my favorite characters from various media im fond of. Comfort characters will be in bold and kins italicized
Azul Ashengrotto Floyd Leech Jade Leech Idia Shroud Ortho Shroud Divus Crewel Grim Deuce Spade Epel Felmier Rollo Flamme
Obey Me
Belphegor Beelzebub Solomon Raphael
Genshin Impact
Kazuha Tomo Il Dottore Xiao Scaramouche Zhongli Al Haitham Layla Chongyun Xingqiu Freminet Ararycan (Aranara in general but especially Ararycan)
Persona Series
Akira Kurusu / Ren Amamiya Yusuke Kitagawa Futaba Sakura Yuuki Mishima Naoto Shirogane Minato Arisato Ryoji Mochizuki Shinjiro Aragaki
Misc Media
Hanako-kun / Yugi Amane Ciel Phantomhive Toge Inumaki Yuuta Okkotsu Megumi Fushiguro Choso Kamo Tanjiro Kamado Sabito Chifuyu Matsuno Keisuke Baji Shuichi Saihara Eevee & Eeveelutions Wooloo (esp shiny wooloo) Pusheen Komasan Terriermon Jiji (kiki’s delivery service) Kiki (animal crossing) Muffy (animal crossing) Marie (the aristocats) Kuromi My Sweet Piano Cinnamoroll
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taintedholiness · 7 months
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・˚₊‧꒰ა 𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
🪷 ADULT (21+)
🪷 SIDEBLOG - [ main @dollpartcollective ]
🪷 KINS I POST HERE : (others are elsewhere)
Misa Amane ; Death Note
Grell Sutcliff ; Black Butler
Yuno Gasai ; Future Diary
Hannah Annafellows ; Black Butler
Anna Nishkinomiya ; SHIMONETA
Light Yagami ; Death Note
William T Spears ; Black Butler
Othello ; Black Butler
Sebastian Michaelis ; Black Butler
Yukio Okumura ; Blue Exorcist
Yukiteru Amano ; Future Diary
Azul Ashengrotto ; Twisted Wonderland
Jade Leech ; Twisted Wonderland
Floyd Leech ; Twisted Wonderland
Jeffery ; Class of '09
Anatoly ; Cooking Companions
G♡RE (IRL and otherwise)
P♡RN (mostly drawn/written)
⚠ I DO NOT TAG ! ⚠
Please follow with caution!
All of my posts are fantasy and I would not and do not enact them in real life.
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@chikaimasu ; Kazuma / Kazzi
@azulsgrotto ; Azul / Azzi / Ally / Alastor
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