#I’d totally do it myself if I had the skills
fossilcookie · 11 months
Ok I know this account is dead but hear me out yall
An animatic for Sorbet Shark, Mango, and other cookies focused around the Tropical Soda Islands
As the background music
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Queen Bee-atch Ⅵ (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of eating disorders, nothing explicit. Also almost smut.
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“I have a callus on my middle finger, but you can’t really see it unless I do this,” Janis and Damien’s eyes widen as you stick out both middle fingers, completely unaware. Janis jumps forwards to put your hands down, glancing at the teacher passing behind you. “Fucking idiot.” Janis mutters while taking the pencil you borrowed from her back. Shrugging, you glance at Cady, who was entranced by herself in her pocket mirror, then back to Janis while slapping her shoulder.
“Dude!” Janis grabs your wrists and holds them together,
“I bet you 10 dollars she wouldn’t notice us staring at her,”
Letting go of your wrists, Janis turns to look at Cady, “She used to live in Arkansas, dude. She must have some self-preservation skills left.”
“Africa,” You correct, “So what, you pussying out?”
Janis rolls her eyes, sticking her hand out for you to shake.
With a timer set on your phone, you and Janis stared at Cady. “Any second now,” Janis mutters, before announcements distract you both. You and Damien cheer when Janis’s name is announced for her art competition, while Cady’s still applying lipstick. Damien rolls his eyes, turning to Cady, “Oh my God! What shade is that?” Cady finally looks up, and you stick out your hand to Janis as she hands you a 10. “Oh it’s an elf,”
You raise an eyebrow, “Just ‘elf’? Is your eyeshadow ‘Santa’?” Janis slaps the back of your head, “So, you coming to my show?” Looking back down at her mirror, Cady puts on a sad face, “I can’t, I have tickets in Madison with my Mom.” Janis raises her hand to your face before you could mutter ‘I told you so’.
“You seem real bummed about it.” Janis mutters, turning back towards the front of the class.
“Why do you have that?” Regina had invited you over after school, insisting that it'd be easier for you to go to the event together. You pulled a Lebanese flag out of your backpack, “It’s for Janis!” You push past her into her room, “Are you okay, by the way? Cady was a total bitch.” She drags you to her bed, “It’s nothing, they’ll probably be humping my leg tomorrow.” She points at a pile of clothes, “That’s your outfit, I’ll be in the bathroom.” She had picked out a band t-shirt and short black skirt for you. You were honestly impressed at how well she knew you, and shocked that she even had these.
After you finished changing, you turned to find Regina standing at her bathroom door, looking at you with a smirk. Her face drops slightly when you wrap your arms around your stomach and turn back around. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She approaches you and places her hands on your hips. “Nothing, it’s stupid.” You push her hands off you, moving towards her closet to find shoes. Walking up to you, she places her hands on your shoulders before you shake them off. Regina sighs, she knew she couldn’t fix everything in one day, but being confronted by it directly was different. She sits on her bed, waiting for you to come out, before patting the spot next to her. You avoid eye contact while approaching her. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, you speak up, “Do you only like me now because I lost weight?”
Regina’s eyes widen, “No! I’ve always liked you.”
You scoot away from her, “You didn’t give me the time of day when we were freshman. Even if you did like me then, you only started being nice after I lost weight.”
Regina sighs, “I didn’t want to like you. Not because of your weight or anything! Liking girls was just something I never expected from myself,”
You raise an eyebrow, “Says the girl who literally used boys just to make other girls jealous,”
She smacks your shoulder before continuing, “The only thing I could think to do was…be horrible. When I finally realized who you were this year, I felt horrible thinking that you lost weight because of me.” She takes a deep breath, “I figured that if I couldn’t reverse what I’d done, I could at least try to make up for it.”
You place a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Regina, you weren’t why I lost weight. You may have contributed a little, but I was sick. I am sick.” You offer a comforting smile to Regina, “It was my choice to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, not yours.” Regina was shocked. If she had been in your place she would’ve held a grudge till the day she died.
You turn away from her suddenly, “So all of this was out of pity, basically?” Regina sputters, attempting to deny it before you fall back in laughter. “Asshole!” You attempt to jump to the other side of your bed before she pulls you back, straddling you and holding both your wrists above your head with one hand.
You stop laughing, eyes going wide when her other hand starts trailing down your body. Heat started creeping up your neck, your gaze locked onto her hand. She’s getting so close to where you need her, her hand going beneath your skirt. You whine as when grazes the apex of your thighs, before she pulls away completely.
“We need to leave soon.” She smirks. “No! What was that!” You get up, following her to the bathroom. “Payback. Go do your makeup, pretty girl.” She taps your cheek then closes the door in your face.
You and Regina pull up to the gallery in her pink convertible. She shook her head in disgust when you suggested getting a cab. Walking hand in hand, you enter, perking up when you spot Janis. “Hey! I’m so glad you made it- Regina?” Janis approached, looking at you for answers. You scratch the back of your head, “I should’ve told you she was coming, but more importantly, Regina has something to say!” Regina turns to you, wide eyed and shaking her head before you push her towards Janis.
Janis looks at Regina expectantly, growing irritated. “I’m sorry, Janis. I really did value our friendship and it was stupid of me to ruin it for a boy. Also sorry for making you out to seem like an arsonist, and that one time I told everyone about the time you-”
“Alright, alright. Jeez.” Janis laughs. You run up to them, bringing them both into a, probably, uncomfortable hug. Baby steps.
You find Damien already seated, having saved seats for you and Janis. Before you could protest Regina taking your place, she pulls you into her lap. Janis and Damien look at each  other with raised eyebrows, making a mental note to ask you about it later.
You and Damien stand up, pulling Regina with you and cheering as they announce that Janis won first place. You raise the Lebanese flag as high as you could while Janis walks back to the group. “Uh, why do you have that?” You look down at your flag then back up at her, “You’re Lebanese aren’t you?” Damien pats your shoulder, “Bless your soul, baby.”
“I am a lesbian, not Lebanese.” Janis starts laughing, Regina and Damien following after her.
You groan, “I spent ages looking for this flag! How did I not know this?”
“I came out in 6th grade. Remember?”
“Oh. I guess I misheard you.” You scratch your head, realizing you misinterpreted the whole story between Regina and Janis.
You turn to Regina when you see her pulling out a Kälteen bar. “Why are you eating those?” Regina sighs, “These are all I’ve been eating, I need to lose like 3 pounds.” You raise an eyebrow and ignore Janis and Damien's hand gestures, “What? My mother made me eat those to gain weight.” You slap your hands against your mouth when you realize why Janis and Damien were trying to stop you. Regina crushes the bar in her hand, “What.” She says with a mouthful before spitting it out and stomping away.
Janis slaps the back of your head, “I didn’t mean to!” She rolls her eyes before dragging you and Damien out of the gallery, her artwork in hand. You were adjusting yourself on Damien's lap on his motor scooter, figuring that Regina had gone home already, while Janis took her spot standing in the back. Taking out your phone while Damien starts driving, going through peoples stories. You squint your eyes at a story someone posted of a house party, “Hey, you recognize this house?” You point the phone towards Damien and Janis.
 Janis clenches her jaw.
“That’s Cady’s house.”
A/N: The middle finger thing is actually something I did once, or twice i think. I'm spoiling you guys w these chapters smhh. jk thank you for reading!
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lainiespicewrites · 6 months
I just want to feel safe - Walter Marshall fanfic. Part 1?
Okay. Preface. This story has mentions of sexual assault. This is a personal story. But I've changed a lot of the names and some of the actual story to fit the fic. I think that I've decided this is going to be a series. It's taken a lot out of me writing this but. I really love Walter and I can see this relationship growing into something more than what is here. I also think that from a healing standpoint, I'm gonna write the story I never gave myself the chance to have. Anyway. That's enough from me. I'll let you guys read the story now. I know this is a heavy topic and situation but I'm still always open to comments and feedback. Thank you guys for the support in posting this <3
Plot: OFC reports assault after 2 years and Detective Walter Marshall is assigned to her case. He will stop at nothing to help her feel safe again.
Warnings: Panic attacks, mentions of sexual assault (retelling the story of what happened.)
Unbeta'd Mistakes are totally my own and I own that. This might be a mess because honestly I was super emotional writing this but it felt good to get it all down.
Please don't share without crediting.
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I’m not sure what I expected a police station to be like. Frankly I’d never really imagined myself in one. Kind of funny how things can change like that. All of a sudden you’re doing things you’d never imagine. That’s how I ended up here. In this strangely familiar looking police station. I guess maybe that’s the one thing movies and Tv got right. Police stations for the most part look exactly the same. This whole night started from a list of  “Fuck it why not’s” that spiraled out of control. But that explanation alone was not enough to help the officer help me. I looked back at the petite woman in front of me. I’m sure she was a good police officer. I wasn't trying to doubt her skill. But her overly sympathetic nature and deer in the headlights look on her face was making me feel worse. 
“I know this is hard.” She spoke softly, placing her hand over mine on the table. She didn’t know. She had no idea what this was like. Being attacked like this. Letting yourself become vulnerable because ‘why not’ I’d known those boys my entire life. When my brother invited me out for drinks with his friends, I didn’t have a reason not to trust them. Not to trust… him. My brother didn’t know. He couldn’t have known. He was betrayed too. “But I need you to tell me what you remember, what happened to you, so we can help you.” I looked around again At the empty gray walls. Out the window into the dark cloudy night sky. It must be almost midnight now. Anywhere but at the woman in front of me. What did she say her name was? Rachel? I focused on the empty desk chair behind her when I finally spoke. 
“It doesn’t matter. I remember all of it. Every detail. But we have no case.” I muttered I looked down playing with my hands again. 
“Alayna,” She said my name softly. I met her eyes again for the first time since we sat at her desk. “You don’t know that. You did the right thing coming here and reporting it. I need you to talk to me.” She pleaded with me. She didn’t understand. 
“No,” I said again. “I do know.” 
“How do you know we can’t help you?” She asked her eyes boring into mine. I know she wants to help. I know that but I just don’t see how they  can. not after it’s been so long. 
“There’s no evidence.” I said. 
“Sweetheart, with all due respect you aren’t a police officer we may be able to find something you wouldn’t think to look…”
“It was two years ago.” Rachel paused then. She took a deep breath and sat back in her chair. 
“2 years ago?” she repeated. I nodded. She let out a soft sigh. “Sweetie, Why did you wait so long to tell somebody?” She asked. This felt more manageable. This I at least knew the answer for. It was logical. It made sense. Well it doesn’t really make much sense but when you’re bargaining with yourself it does. 
“I didn’t think it would matter. I’m still not sure it does.” I said. I swallowed hard. Now or never Alayna. You didn’t walk 3 miles to the police station, in the cold, after a panic attack to not give yourself some kind of peace. I let out a long breath and started again but then the door of the squadroom opened. A tall figure walked in. I couldn’t make out much of him at first. Just that he was very tall, 6,1 or something and had a full beard. He was wearing a heavy winter coat and beanie. I tensed a little when  I watched him walk from the entrance to the desk next to Rachel’s. He shrugged off his coat revealing a thick gray sweater. He draped his coat over his chair and pulled off his beanie. His hair was a mess of dark curls. As soft and cozy as he should have looked…Something still felt intimidating about him. Maybe it was because he hadn’t spoken a word since he’d walked in the room. None of us had actually. 
“Alayna,” Rachel said my name, getting my attention and finally breaking the silence. “This is detective Walter Marshall. He’s going to be working on your case.” That’s right. When I came in to report, the officer on duty at the station had to attend to a call. When I told them I wanted to report an assault, they told me that they’re psychiatrist was still in the office.  I  could talk to her until one of the detectives was available. I think they were afraid if they told me to come back later… I wouldn’t. They were probably right. Although I’m not quite sure if it would be because I’d lost my nerve or dying of hypothermia on the walk home.  Rachel wasn’t even a detective. Was I really that out of it? Why didn’t I remember that until now?
“Okay,” was all I managed to say. 
“I can stay,” she said. I'm not sure if it was for me or the detective. Maybe both. “If you’re more comfortable. If it’s easier for you. Ya know?” she asked. I shook my head and I watched as the detective…Walter, put his hand on her shoulder. 
“Go home, it's been a long day,” he told her. His voice was deep but he spoke softly. And surprisingly he had an English accent. “We’ll manage,”  his eyes were tired and heavy when they met mine. He offered a gentle smile. I nodded. 
“You’re sure?” She asked. 
“I don’t want to keep you Rachel. I can talk to the detective.” I said. She nodded. 
“Okay, wait right here, just a moment while I catch him up okay? And then you two will get started.”  I gave her a slight nod and just stared out the window again. Rachel and the detective went off into a side office somewhere to discuss what I’d already mentioned. This was sure to be quick now. As soon as she tells him how long it’s been, he’ll dismiss me. This was so stupid. I’d kept this to myself for this long. I knew this was a bad idea. Just as I had convinced myself to get up and leave the office door opened again. 
“Thank you,” Walter’s voice said from across the room. “Get home safe.” he told Rachel as she waved goodbye. I gave her a small wave. I sat back in the chair trying to relax. But I knew I couldn’t. He came back over to the desk leaning his hip against it, crossing one foot over the other. “Are you comfortable out here or would you like to talk in my office?” He asked. “There aren’t too many people still around this late but, it would offer a bit more privacy than the open squadroom. It’s up to you.” He stated. I thought about it for a moment. Finally, I  pulled my eyes from the window to look up at him. 
“I think I’d feel better with a little more privacy,” I said. He gave me a sympathetic smile. 
I stood up from my spot next to the desk.  Then he led me out of the squadroom and down the hall to a small office. There wasn’t much, just a large desk with nothing but a computer and a travel coffee mug on it. The walls were bare other than a standard wall clock. He motioned for me to take a 
seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk as he shut the door behind us. He circled around to the other side of the desk, setting a file down and taking a seat across from me. 
“You’re reporting  an assault, is that right?” He asked. I nodded. 
“Yes, not a recent one. I’m sure Rachel informed you.” I said. I felt so ashamed of myself. I was wasting his time. Detective Marshall’s eyes met mine. I didn’t find the same overly sympathetic look in his eyes like I did with Rachel. He wasn’t pitying me. He wasn’t trying to psychoanalyze  me. At the same time, it wasn’t cruel or harsh. Not even annoyed. Just open. 
“She did,” he spoke after a brief pause. “But I’d like to hear the information from you myself. If that's alright with you?” He questioned. I swallowed hard. I leaned forward and folded my hands on the desk. 
“I can do that.” My voice shook when I spoke. “Will I need to write a witness statement too?” I asked him. Telling this story once was going to be hard enough. Seeing it written on paper was going to be gut wrenching. 
“Let’s just get through this conversation first. We’ll talk about the rest later, "he said. I nodded. He sat with his forearms leaning on the desk and his hands folded together. He pursed his lips into a tight small smile and nodded toward me. “Whenever you’re ready.” He stated. I swallowed hard. Of course it didn’t necessarily mean that. It was after midnight now. This guy probably wanted to get home. I had to get this out. 
“November 12th, or well 13th I guess. It was around 1:30 or 2am so the 13th. My brother, his friends and I had gone out for his birthday. It wasn’t his birthday though, we had to wait until the weekend to celebrate because it fell during the week.” I was rambling. He needed details. I need to stop rambling. “Uh anyway, We were at a bar, earlier that night on the 12th, but I got kind of tired. The boys were picking on me for being a lightweight and leaving early. I left the bar at 11, got home at like 11:15. I went right to bed. I was really tired. The boys were all gonna come back to the house when they were done at the bar. I woke up to the bedroom door bursting open at like 1 am and someone yelling my name. I screamed. It was my brother's friend. Um.” I paused for a second, starting to feel uncomfortable. Did I have to describe it exactly? What did I have to say? But Walter spoke, easing the tension a bit. 
“And what’s his name?” He asked me. 
“His name is Justin, uh Justin Veach.” I responded. Walter nodded for me to continue as he wrote a note in his folder. He put the pen down and looked up at me again letting me know he was listening. 
“Uh He said, ‘It’s okay! Don’t freak out, it's just me! We’re back, come hang out with us!’ Then he came over to my bed and kissed my face which was weird but he was an affectionate guy and well they were still drunk. I didn’t think much of it. He’d known me since I was a baby. He and my brother had been best friends since kindergarten. They were ten years older than me and he watched me grow up.” I shuttered a little thinking about it. “Um so after that he left. After telling me to come down stairs to talk with them again. And I did. We sat in the kitchen. I just sat there sleepy and confused. The boys were talking and eating drunk snacks or whatever,” I kind of chuckled a little. “It was nice. But we were talking about how it’s so funny that I’m old enough to go drink with them now. And Justin kept making these comments about remembering when I was born and that I was such a beautiful baby. It seemed so weird. But looking back. He knew. He knew what he was planning on doing…. We all said we were gonna go to bed. Blake, my brother, told Justin he could sleep on the couch or they could share his bed or whatever. But Justin was coming up the stairs with us and he said ‘I wanna cuddle’ to me, and he was still drunk and I thought he was joking so I laughed it off and said ‘yeah sure’ I let him lay in my bed. But I put myself on the inside. I thought he was just gonna lay there a minute and like it would be a joke. Blake did too. He asked if I was okay before he went to his room. Because he was still kinda drunk and ready to crash. I said. I was. But Justin didn’t just lay  there. He took off his pants before he got into the bed so he was just in boxers and his shirt. And,”
 I was shaking. I couldn’t do this anymore. I was gonna cry. I didn’t know this man. He was surely annoyed by me and. God he probably thought I was lying. That’s what Justin would tell him. When he confronts him. That I’m lying. Or maybe that's what I wanted. This was so stupid  I shouldn’t have come here. I swallowed hard again. I looked back up at walter. I could feel the tears in my eyes. 
“Take your time.” He said softly. “Is this when he hurt you?” He asked.
“I can’t,” my voice was trembling now. “I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time, I can’t do this.” I sobbed. I stood up to leave his office. Walter stood and walked to the other side of the desk gently reaching out and putting his hand on my shoulder. “There’s nothing you can do, I know that. I wasted your time detective. I’m so sorry.”
“Hold on,” Walter’s voice was low. “Sit back down, and breathe for a moment. If anything else I can’t let you walk out of here and drive home in this state.” I looked at his face. He was concerned. Worried about me. About my safety. I sat back down in the chair. I took a deep breath trying to compose myself again. But I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. “It’s okay, You’re safe in here. I’m going to do everything I can to help you Alayna.” Detective Marshall said, crouching down in front of me to meet my eyes again. I nodded. “Do you think you can keep going?” he asked. I nodded again. He stood and leaned on the edge of his desk. His proximity seemed to help keep my calm. I don’t know what was so different between him and talking with Rachel. But when he said he could help, I believed him. Maybe it was the sheer size of this man. Or the gun on his hip. Or maybe there was something in his aura or some other bullshit I didn’t understand that was protective and made me trust him. Fuck maybe I’d gone to far to turn back now and I was too emotionally exhausted not to lean on anyone who would listen. Whatever it was, I continued. 
“At first I was just laying next to him. Like I was saying, I thought it was a joke. But he wrapped his arm around me to make me cuddle him.. I guess. He started rubbing my back. I froze up. I started to recognize that his hand was lingering where it shouldn’t but I couldn’t say anything. And this guy he’s .. he’s huge. I mean like 6 foot and like 400 lbs when he rolled over on to me and started touching me I felt paralyzed I couldn’t move but… I couldn’t have pushed him off if I’d tried. I just felt hopeless. That’s when everything happened.” I sniffled softly. I hiccuuped catching my breath. “It was like I was outside of myself watching it all happen…I .. I don’t know if that makes sense? But I couldn’t do anything. All I could do was lay there. I don’t remember if I said no. But,
“You didn’t consent. That’s no. This was not your fault. You’ve already tried to blame yourself. It’s a really common thing, unfortunately, that you can’t react. But that doesn’t mean that you let it happen. Or that you wanted it to happen.”  Walter said softly. I nodded at the ground. 
“Afterward he, he fell asleep and I showered, I had to get rid of the feeling of him. I slept on the couch, Well I tried to. The next morning he was came down and sat with  all of us like nothing had happened. I had mentioned that my back had hurt the night before. And he moved closer to me and rubbed it for me. I couldn’t move. I didn’t react…again. I just. I don’t know. All I could think was, I didn’t wanna start anything. But I also couldn’t make sense of what happened. When he left I changed the sheets. I threw them away actually. My clothes were washed. But eventually I couldn’t look at them anymore. I threw them away too.”
“Why do you think it took you so long to say anything?” Walter asked me. 
“I wasn’t even sure it happened. I wasn’t sure I could call it what it was. I mean he was drunk, I just… Just laid there. It took me over a week to tell my best friend. But It took almost 4 months after talking it out with her and one of my other friends for me to face it and call it what it was. But I still can’t say it.”
“And why are you here now? What made you report it?” He raised an eyebrow. I took a deep breath. This has been eating at me so long but. This month. This 2 year “anniversary.” If you could call it that. Has been terrorizing me. 
“It’s all I could think about the last couple of weeks. I started having nightmares. Seeing him in my dreams. Before when I dreamt about it, I always got away. Someone always stopped him. But now. Now I’m trapped all overagain. It happened in my childhood home. In the room I grew up in. I’ve moved out since then. I live alone. He doesn’t even live in that town anymore. He lives 3 hours away from me. The chances that I’ll run into him are slim. And I don’t have any 
reminders of it anymore. But Sometimes if I wake up and I’m laying next to the wall it sends me into a panic. If I see someone with a similar body type or with a similar voice it shut down. He’s over a 100 miles away. But I don’t feel safe. I’m losing my mind! I’m getting up to check the lock on the door like 10 times before I can go to sleep. What if he just walks in like he did then. He doesn’t even know where I live. But I’ve never confronted him. And he has a wife! And Kids. He did when he did this to me. I can’t get over that. She needs to know but … I don’t, I don’t know what to do! That’s why I’m here, I had another panic attack, I didn’t trust myself to drive. So I walked. ” I was in tears again. He must think I’m so weak. So stupid. What an idiotic thing to do. 
“I understand, and first I want to say, I’m sorry that you went had to experience that. It’s a good you were able to tell your friends, but you were seemingly dealing with this alone for a long time. I’m sure that’s taken a toll on you. The next thing I need to ask you, is what you want to do now that you’ve told me.” I took in his words. He was right. This has been so heavy. And I’ve carried it alone for so long. But now that I’m here I never thought there would be options. 
“What can we even do? It’s been so long?” I asked. 
“Not too long though, if you want to press charges, and see him convited for this, that’s still on the table. If that’s what you want to do then yes, I do need you to write a witness statement. There will be a lot of other legal things that need to be done and signed. Then we can start an investigation. I know you think there isn’t anything here. But well do you trust me?” He asked. Did I? I didn’t know him. But Rachel seemed to. And he had his own office. That must mean he’s some high status detective right? And there was just something about him. Why did he feel so safe. It wasn’t the gun. It was. It was him. I did trust him. 
“I do,” I spoke finally. 
“I’ve put people away, on much less than what you’ve given me tonight.” He said. That felt good. To know he could lose everything. Like he made me lose my sense of security. But then my stomach dropped. 
“W-would I have to see him?” I asked meekly. 
“In court yes, possibly in a line up. But definitely in court. We would need your testimoney,”
“I- I don’t know if I can do that, I don’t know if I can face him.” I shook again. 
“There will be officers in the court. You won’t be near him. He won’t be able to get to you.” 
“Will you be there?” I asked suddenly. 
“If you’d like, yes, I can be there.” He said giving me a soft smile. 
“Can I think about it?” I asked meeting his eyes again. 
“Of course,” He stood and walked back to the other side of his desk. “It’s been a long night emotionally for you, if you’re ready tomorrow to make a decision you can come back in the morning.” He said typing a something quickly on his computer. “If you’ll wait just a few minutes I can gladly give you a ride home. It’s far too cold for you to walk, even it’s a block away.�� He offered. I nodded. 
“Thank you, I appreciate that. It’s, well its actually 3 miles.” I stated biting my lip awkwardly. He let out a soft chuckle and smiled. 
“Well, I surely can’t let you walk that far this late. I’ll get you home safe.” He said. He finished typing whatever it was he was doing on his computer. Then he locked the file in his desk. He stood and gestured for me to lead out of the office. He turned the light off and locked it behind him. Oh God I’d kept him after his shift. 
“I’m sorry for keeping you,” 
“Oh, no don’t appologize, this is common practice for me. This is honestly the earliest I’ve left in weeks.” He said as we walked back to the squadroom. He grabbed his coat from the desk chair. “Do you have everything?” He asked. I nodded. 
He led us out of the station and to his truck in the parking lot. Once we were settled in, I gave him my address so he could drive me home. I watched out the window as he drove down the familiar streets. The drive was silent. The closer we got the more I got this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Back home. Back home to be alone again. I was so scared. What if he knew where I lived. I didn’t feel safe. It wasn’t long before the detective was pulling up in front of my building. 
“Thank you,” I spoke breaking the silence for the first time since we’d left the police station. 
“Of course,” He reached into his pocket pulling out a business card. “Take the night and decide what you’d like to do.” He said and then handed me the card. “That’s my cellphone number. If there’s anything else you need call…”
“Would you come in?” I cringed the second the words left my mouth. 
“I, I can search the place, If you’d like. If it would make you more comfortable.” He offered. 
“I mean, could you…” I can’t believe I was asking this, “Stay?” the word came out barely above a whisper. I sighed. I turned toward the window squeezing my eyes shut. “I’m sorry that was stupid, You probably have a wife, and a family to get home to. That was so inconsiderate. I just. I was afraid and I… I’ll just go.” I opened the door. 
“You don’t feel safe, do you?” He asked. I paused and shook my head. I didn’t. I hadn’t for weeks. But I couldn’t ask this guy to give up his time for me. 
“I don’t but, It’s okay. It’s just that there’s only one deadbolt lock on the door. And I don’t know sometimes that doesn’t feel like enough. And I can’t seem to get any sleep. But that’s not up to you. I have to figure this out. You’ve done so much to help me already detective.” I rambled. Walter let out a long breath. 
“You’ve got a lot on your mind right now and a lot to consider.” He said. “I’m sure the lack of sleep isn’t helping at all, You could use a good nights rest.”  He stated. 
“But it’s not you’re responsibility and I don’t want to take you away from your family.” I said. 
“I, well I live alone actually.” He bit his lip awkwardly “Why don’t you stay with me for the night? I’ve got some work to catch up on anyway. I probably won’t be getting much sleep. You wouldnt’t be putting me out.”
“Are you sure?” I asked raising an eyebrow. I’d given this poor guy enough trouble. And he was being so kind. Walter nodded. Honestly. The way I was feeling I didn’t have the energy to consider it any longer. I shut the door and walter put the truck in drive. 
It was almost 2 am when we walked into his house. 
“I can just sleep on the couch I, I really don’t want to be any trouble.” 
“You aren’t,” He assured me. “And please, you can sleep in the bedroom, I rarely sleep there anyway. It’d be nice to know someones getting use out of it.” He smiled. I nodded and he showed me to the room and left me to get comfortable. He said he’d be down stairs likely working in his office if I needed anything. I took in the room everything seemed to be a dark navy color the comforter, the curtains the sheets. I chuckled to myself. That made sense for him. 
I slipped off my shoes and slid under the covers. This should feel strange. And it did. But I was safe. And I hadn’t felt that way in a while. I let that feeling take over as I tried to fall asleep. But my mind started to wander again. What if he found out I reported it. What would happen. Or What would he do when they arrested him. What would he say about me. Would he say I wanted it. Tell them I didn’t push them away. Try to convince them that I was lying somehow? He was good at that. And he had a friend from college that was a lawyer. Surely he already had a story. Maybe he’d been prepared since it had happened. I started to shake again. I could feel my heart rate speeding up. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t hear the footsteps up the stairs. I didn’t see him come in. I didn’t even realize that I’d started  to cry again until I noticed he was next to me saying my name. 
“Alayna. Alayna. It’s okay. You’re okay. Take a deep breath.” He soothed.
“I can’t, I can’t… what if he tries to come after me. What if.. What if he tells them… what if tries to tell them I wanted him to…I don’t think I can do this.” I sobbed. Walter wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
“He can’t get to you. We’ll be sure of that. All that matters, is that you’ve told us the truth. As long as you have, and as long as you confirm that in court. No matter what he says or what anyone believes, it won’t matter. I want to help you. I want you to feel safe again. I think the only way we can do that. Is to put this guy away. I’m not gonna stop until we do. I won’t let him hurt you again.”  He said.  Pulling me closer to him. 
“Do you have a sister?” I asked after a brief pause sniffling softly. 
“No,” He shook his head and leaning back against the headboard letting me rest my head against his shoulder. “But I have a daughter.” He said. 
“Is that why you do what you do?” I asked. He smiled. But he was quite for a moment. 
“Not at first. When I was younger and I first started out, it was just something that I liked. Something I was good at. But when my exwife and I had our daughter, a lot of that changed. It became personal. To an unhealthy point honestly.” He chuckled at himself. “I guess to my own detriment.”
“Is that why you’re still working even though you clocked out hours ago? You could use some good sleep too detective.” I stated. Starting to relax. 
“I haven’t slept well in ages,” He said. “Focusing on the job, oddly enough, keeps my mind off everything else. There are some horrible people in this world. I don’t have to explain that to you. I get so in my own head about how, it could be her. If I spend anymore time considering the what ifs I’d keep her locked in a tower,” He chuckled. 
“I understand that. But surely, If she was raised by you, she’s a smart girl. But.. well I guess,” I sighed. “Nevermind.” Walter squeezed my shoulder softly. 
“Thank you, I know what you mean.” He smiled sympathetically. 
“I’m going to do it.” I said suddenly. “Press charges, I mean. You’re right. Knowing can still get to me. Knowing he’s out there. That’s what’s causing me all this stress and …I can’t keep going on like this.” I stated. 
“I can take you back to the station tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” I whispered. “Walter?” I asked nervously biting my lip. 
“Will you stay here? I don’t know what it is I just feel.. Safer when you’re here.” I blushed softly. Walter adjusted so that he was lying on the bed. I moved and laid my head on the pillow. 
“Get some sleep darling. I’ll be right here.”
Okay that was part one❤️ let me know how you’re feeling about this guys!
Tag list: @summersong69 @carrie80reads @caramariehurst @redheadrouge @warriormirkwood @gummydummy19 @deandoesthingstome @shellyshellshell @mary-ann84 @starfirewildheart @foxyjwls007 @alwayzmsbehavn @toooldforobsessions@mishkatelwarriorgoddess @henryownsme @identity2212
Part 2:
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 19th: Scifi/tech | Electric Eye - Judas Priest | Bewildered a/n: eddie pov, eddie & dustin friendship, dustin & steve friendship, and an excuse for me to weasel one of my favorite steve headcanons into something. un-betaed because I'm challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 + masterpost | tumblr masterlist
After his release from the hospital and the unfortunate news that his trailer had been destroyed, Eddie goes from functionally homeless to having multiple spaces that feel like home. 
He’s been all but adopted by Claudia at this point, an offer extended immediately after hearing the version of the story everyone’s agreed upon— that the ground split open and Eddie nearly ate it pushing Dustin out of the way. It’s not quite the truth, but the theme is the same and anyone who’s willing to sacrifice themself for her son is welcome any time. 
Especially when he’s been called upon to help with Dustin’s science fair project. It’s out of Eddie’s league a bit, the actual science part, but he and his mechanical brain prove helpful. Kinda nice, actually, to use those hotwiring skills for good. 
Of course, it also helps that the government set him and Wayne up in a modest two bedroom house down the road, and that Eddie can practically smell Claudia's cooking when the windows are open. Like Garfield, he’s drawn to the Henderson house with the scent of a fresh lasagna. 
Bellies full and completed project sitting confidently on the kitchen table for tomorrow, they’re watching Star Wars movies in Dustin’s living room, one after another, and he feels just a touch like a traitor. Star Trek will always have his heart and Wayne can never know. 
“How’d you get into Star Wars anyways?” Eddie asks, sprawled across Dustin’s couch. 
“Can you believe Steve actually got me into them?” Dustin replies, curled up on the recliner. 
There’s an infinite number of ways a child might be introduced to the Star Wars franchise— a parent, a trailer before another movie, a carrier pigeon dropping a flier at their fucking feet— and they’re all more believable than Steve Harrington introducing Dustin Henderson to the sci-fi epic. 
“I’m sorry,” Eddie turns with wide eyes and a crooked grin to face Dustin. “What?”
“I know, right? It was uh, okay this is a little embarrassing.” Dustin cuts himself off, justifying some secret Eddie somehow hasn’t been told yet. 
He knows about the Mind Flayer and the Russians, and all the other Dungeons and Dragons lore that’d lived beneath his feet for years. What could possibly be left to make Dustin cringe like that? 
“Oh, do tell.” Eddie raises an eyebrow and gestures with an arm towards the expanse of space between them. “Floor is yours, young Bard. Spin the tale.”
Dustin rolls his eyes and throws popcorn at him. He tries to catch it in his mouth but he’s never been that coordinated. 
“It’s not really a tale. A few years ago, there was this school dance, the Snow Ball. I got all amped up, Steve helped with my hair, and then the night was a total fucking dud. Nancy danced with me which was like, super awesome of her, but I felt like shit after anyways.”
Eddie listens with rapt attention, pissed off that Dustin had such a relatable middle school experience and intrigued at this new sliver of Steve lore. Not that he cares. Obviously. Why would he? The idea of Steve helping Dustin get ready for the Snow Ball doesn’t conjure up words like adorable at all. 
He nods him on. 
“And uh, I called Steve the next day. He came over and we had pizza and he brought some of his favorite movies he thought I’d like. Star Wars had spaceships so obviously, easy choice. And here we are now with Return of the Jedi.” 
Okay, yep, that’s gonna be hard to tamp down the next time he sees Steve. Stomping his ill-advised crush into the ground beneath his Rebooks has been hard enough but now? Motherfucker. 
It’s also not lost on him that Dustin chose these movies today. Eddie feels like he’s stepping into some tradition that doesn’t belong to him, but he can’t squash the kid’s enthusiasm with his own insecurity. 
Instead, Eddie goes for the low hanging fruit.  
“Wow. Gotta tell you man, that’s maybe weirder than finding out about the monsters and shit. Steve’s favorite movie is Return of the Jedi?” 
Dustin snorts and laughs, toothless and free. Happiness isn’t new for Dustin, not anymore, but it’s still nice to see after all they’ve been through. 
“Well, that’s one of them. He always calls it ‘the ones with the teddy bears’, so people assume he means Return of the Jedi. But I know the truth. That dork loves Caravan of Courage.”
Eddie flips through his mental catalog of sci-fi movies and lands on a VHS cover: a couple of humans, a few Ewoks, and something that looks like a machine gun. If he remembers correctly, it has something of a cult following but wasn’t touted as a high point in the series. 
… And it’s Steve’s favorite. The one with the teddy bears. 
“Wait… what?!”
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ceilingfan5 · 9 months
🔒 blupjeans? :) 
🔒I broke into your car to impress you when you locked your keys in and now I have to construct an elaborate lie to explain myself 
“Huh,” Barry says, after Lup breaks into his fucking car. “Thank you, so much, honestly, I mean, I was going to be fucked, the locksmith quoted me like $300-”
“Yeah, no prob,” Lup says, so forcedly casual that she thinks she hears something important pop in her jaw. 
“But uh,” Barry looks at his car, a very, very sad blue Honda Civic belovedly named Crunch, and then at Lup, who is struggling with the knowledge that she is blushing hard enough to burn herself at the stake here. “That’s a pretty impressive skill you’ve got there?”
The how the fuck do you know that, and for why, specifically, is implied. 
“Thanks,” Lup says, opening her gumball machine mouth and letting a tasty, shiny lie ricochet through the spirals and tubes of her fucking idiot central and right out into the air, where she will now be responsible for it. “I learned it in the circus.”
“The circus?” Barry is wearing his stupid sexy strap on sunglasses, which are tentatively attached to his regular glasses, and thus make his eyes a little harder to see. He is, however, obviously having some kind of reaction to this information. Lup grimaces. 
“Yeeep. The circus. You know, the uh, the giraffes loved to steal keys.” 
“Giraffes?” Barry is incredulous. “That’s amazing. What for?”
“Oh, they’re mischievous fuckers,” Lup is just fully in it now. “Never trust a giraffe, I’m telling you. Elephants either, they’ll throw your keys right down a storm drain just to get your attention.”
“Golly,” Barry says. With his human fucking mouth. Lup wants to kill him and keep his soul in a jar. She promises she’ll poke holes in the lid. “I have to imagine you’d hide your keys after that happened once or twice, though?”
“The problem is, you see,” Lup is ascending, to live with the angels. Shame they’ll evict her as soon as possible, for all the lust and gluttony and wrath and so on. She can have another thing lined up. It’s fine. “Circus outfits never have pockets.”
“Really? Never?”
“Total design flaw,” Lup says, nodding, and also sweating so hard she’s afraid it might be audible. “Pockets would pull them down. And when you’re just wearing a leotard, you don’t want it gettin’ pulled down, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Barry agrees, looking dreadfully impressed at all this. “But then what about the keys, did you just hold them?” Him and his goddamn followup questions. Lup could grind him into a paste and study him under a microscope. 
“Yeah, or put them on a chain around our necks. But mostly we had a key boy.”
“A keyboy?” Barry’s eyes go way up. “One keyboy, to hold all the keys in the circus?”
“It was an illustrious job,” Lup says, with her lying, lying ass. “Everyone wanted to fuck the key boy.” 
“Wow,” Barry says. “Because of his access?”
“Because of the jingles, Barr, keep up!” Lup folds her arms. “Also, he was a pretty good juggler. Not as good as me, though.”
“You can juggle?” Barry grins at her. “I’d love to see that.” 
“I’ve been banned from juggling forever,” Lup says solemnly. “Because of the incident.” 
“The incident?” Jesus, can he just do this all day? Doesn’t he get tired?
“Yeah,” Lup says, and winks, and smacks him congenially on the back. “It’s a curse. Shame, cause I love juggling.” And before Barry can ask her another fucking question, she heads back in to work. 
God. It’s been years since she juggled. She cannot fucking believe she’s backed herself into a corner again about this shit. She should have just admitted to being obsessed with lockpicking youtube. 
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bearhugsandshrugs · 6 months
Real talk who do you think are the top three lays in BG3 and why? (Bonus points: who do you is packing the most/best schmeat out of the gents)
lol I feel like I'll get hate for this :D lmk if you agree
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Best sex
3. Haarlep
I mean. He’s a professional. He’ll fuck you so good you give up your soul. It’s hard to argue not putting him into the top 3, and the reason why he’s not higher is that I wonder if he’d be as good if he had to actually seduce you without his incubus skills.
The shapeshifting though? The domming nature of an incubus? Yeah my stupid ass is biased af but I’d probably be soulless and dead after meeting him
2. Minthara
I walked into a cave full of dead tiefling children and hated myself, questioning how I could ever have done that, but then I got her sex scene and I considered doing it again.
Minthara is ambitious and confident. She will be the best fucking lay you ever had. Don’t argue with her. She will, because she’s skilled. I’m not putting her at 1 because I do think she can’t fuck you in quite as many ways as no. 1, and with that I don’t mean positions or kinks, I mean the emotional spectrum. If you romance her, you’ll get there. But that’s conditional, so… Runner-up it is.
1. Halsin
That man fucks. And he switches. So whatever flavor of sex you’re into? He’s got it. Want him to tie you up with vines or fuck you shapeshifted? Want him to eat you out or make you come with his broad hands? Want him to gently lie with you under the moon? Want him to let you take him, make him whimper at your feet, service you?
He provides and it’s great. Two centuries of experience and a body like a dream. Yeah he’s taking top spot.
Honorable mentions:
I feel like Gortash will be good, but situational. Does he care? Oh yeah, it’s good. Is he fucking you out of boredom? RIP he hasn’t even washed up
Lae’zel is a strong contender for the top 3 as well, but ultimately I felt a lot of her dominance comes from a place of compensating and that’s ultimately not my vibe. Romanced Lae will be a different story for sure.
Best dick
Girth: Halsin
Length: Astarion
Shape: Raphael/Haarlep
Total package: Wyll, Gortash
I will not elaborate
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yumimak · 1 year
Fourth Times the Charm - Prolouge
Hey guys! So I had this idea for an angsty Neteyam story that was a mix of like ‘one sided’ enemies to lovers but also grumpy/sunshine without making Neteyam a total butthole. I think this prologue gives a good idea of how I am going to do that, I really hope you enjoy!
Please read the A/N at the end if you are intrested!!
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Finding a mate was something most Na’vi looked forward to. Traditionally, it was the first step that was taken after passing the rites of passage. That special bond was desired and sought out by almost everybody.
I, for one, was never really one of these people.
I was one of the youngest people to pass their Iknimaya and was the youngest to become a warrior in our clan. My father was Olo’eyktan and some day I would be too.
Knowing this, the idea of finding a mate never really interested me past the age of 10. From a young age I’ve been very aware of the possible threats posed against our clan. So from that age I decided that I would put all my energy towards being the best warrior and future leader I could be.
I believe it was a good choice on my part. After all those years I’d become the esteemed warrior I’d always wanted to be. Through it all my clan stayed safe and I’ve always had my family by my side.
What more could I ever want or need? What more fulfillment would a woman give that I had not given myself?
Sadly, my logic did not align with the tradition of being a future leader. Because where there was an Olo’eyktan there would always be a Tsahik. So although I was okay with not finding a mate, the lack of having a future Tsahik was starting to concern much of the clan, especially my parents.
My mother and my father had one of the best love stories I have ever heard in my life. They knew how great the right bond could be and it was evident they wanted me to find my mate so I could be as happy as they are. They saw how hard I worked to be the warrior I am today, there was no doubting my skills or capability of being Olo’eyktan someday. So now all they wanted was for me to settle down and find my Tsahik.
They never forced me though, only making a few comments here and there. They tried to be understanding, telling themselves I was just taking my own path and would eventually find a woman in the clan that I’d want to be with. But on the other hand, it was traditional to be mated by the age of 21 so when I had yet to show interest in finding a mate of my own at 18, they began arranging women for me to court. 
I know that it was their last resort, they had never really liked the idea of forcing mates together since they knew first hand how powerful a bond was when you truly loved the other. I think that’s why they never forced me to actually bond with any of the women permanently. I think the plan was to encourage the idea of how great having a mate could be.
Their plan failed.
In one year I went through three arranged courtships, each possible mate worse than the one before.
There was Tallulah, Lì'ee, and Aìyana.
Tallulah was picked from our clan and our courtship lasted a mere three weeks. She was a year younger than me but I had known her my entire life seeing as she was a good friend of Kiri’s. She was intelligent, beautiful, and a talented forager. They were great traits for a Tsahik to have which is why I think my parents picked her. Although I admired her for all of those things, I could not for the life of me see her as more than my little sister’s friend.
Luckily Tallulah didn’t take me ending the courtship too roughly. She understood and simply hoped the two of us could still stay cordial. There were no hard feelings; her and Kiri remained friends, and Tallulah and I never had any animosity towards each other.
I wish I could say the next two ended the same.
Lì'ee was a young woman from a nearby clan in the forest. She was the oldest child of the Olo’eyktan, and although whoever she mated with would become the next Olo’eyktan, she couldn’t seem to find a mate.
That should have been an instant red flag to my parents.
Lì'ee and I’s courtship lasted three months and it started off great. She was very sweet and caring, raised to be an amazing Tsahik. I could see myself building a future with her, until we hit the three month mark. By then I began to understand why nobody had wanted to court her.
She was atrociously needy and practically demanded all my attention. It didn’t matter if I was with my family or friends, or even out on a hunt. If I was not by her side 24/7 I would come back to her upset or even crying. I had tried to comply with her needs, reducing my personal and even family time to be with her, but it was never enough.
On top of all of that she had absolutely no backbone. Yes, she was sweet as could be and it was lovely, but that was all she was. She couldn’t stand up for herself at all whether in a social setting or out in the wild. I swear Tuk was mentally stronger than Lì'ee even at her young age.
Yet, I put up with all of these flaws hoping one day I would get used to it or she would grow the fuck up. That never happened, and somehow it got worse.
I was never intimate with Lì'ee. Maybe a kiss on the cheek or the back of the hand but that was all. It never felt right to do anything more with her but she could not respect that. She constantly begged for more, to be intimate even when I stated I had not wanted to be. My last straw was when I overheard her speaking to a group of girls about our ‘amazing sex life’ that never was.
I never desired to be rude to the girl at any point, and I in no way wanted to ruin her pure reputation by telling her lies. So I kept her actions a secret from all, even my parents asked why I ended our courtship. To them I was just being picky.
Lastly, and worst of all, there was Aìyana.
When choosing my next possible mate they decided to look further than our clan and other forest clans all together. Aìyana was the daughter of Öyatx, an Olo’eyktan of one of the Ash clans.
The ash people were located high in the mountains where the forest ended far from the Omaticaya. They were mighty, composed of the strongest warriors of Pandora. An impenetrable force for any enemy who even thought of going against them.
Though they were so strong, they were also some of the most peaceful Na’vi to walk our land. They never exerted their strength unless absolutely necessary. When I met Aìyana it had been decades since their clan had seen a war.
My parents knew this which is why I think they were so quick to introduce us and begin our courtship, because if we mated our clan would be forever connected to the ash people. I would find my mate and the clan would have the fiercest warriors of Pandora backing us. 
What could go wrong?
Me not liking her.. that’s what I thought could go wrong. There was no way I could reject the daughter of Öyatx without there being major consequences for our people.
Luckily, not liking her was nearly impossible.
I was star-struck the moment Aìyana stepped foot in our clan. Yes, all the women before were beautiful, but nothing compared to her beauty. Her skin was dark blue, closer to a shade of gray than the more vibrant blue I was used to seeing. Her hair, long and soft, was pure white complimenting her glowing freckles beautifully. And then there were her eyes, a shade deep red that I thought I could never get tired of gazing into.
Her physical beauty only scratched the surface of the many layers of Aìyana. We instantly connected in our first conversation. She was oh so funny, with a beautiful smile that could brighten even the gloomiest of days.
She was the first woman I genuinely desired a courtship with.
As time progressed I never lost feelings for her, they only seemed to grow far past the capacity I believed feelings for people could grow. She was the strong warrior I expected her to be considering where she was from, but she was also so sweet and caring. She knew how to be soft and open up about her emotions, but she also knew how to listen when you spoke. She was one of the most understanding people I thought I could ever meet.
I never opened up about my emotions, as I grew up I only ever felt that it was a burden for whoever I decided to tell. But with Aìyana, it was different. She’d insist on me opening up to her when I was obviously obsessed, ensuring I knew I didn’t have to but also promising it was okay for me to open up to her.
I was so nervous the first time I opened up to her, fidgeting with my hands until she took it upon herself to hold them.  Talking to her was like nothing I had ever felt before. She didn’t make fun when I spoke of my hurts, nor did she laugh when a few tears embarrassingly fell from my eyes. It was so relieving that I almost didn’t know what to do with that empty space where my burdens would normally sit. But when she held me that night, I decided to devote that space to her. 
She was the first person I felt truly saw me, the first person I was ever truly intimate with, and the only person I wanted by my side for the rest of my life. I was totally and irrevocably in love with her.
We courted for six months before we decided we wanted to finally mate with one another. It was traditional in arranged courtships for the soon-to-be mated pair to visit the others clan for a celebration of the clans union before having another celebration in the clan they planned on residing in.
In respect of this tradition, Aìyana, my parents, and I all flew to her clan up in the mountains. It was dark there but very beautiful. Aìyana was quick to show me around and introduce me to all her friends. I was nervous that they would not like me, but they were inviting and I felt as if I fit right in.
A certain part of me was anxious that something would go wrong, but I knew that it was just my nature and that after six months with Aìyana nothing could go wrong.
And nothing did for the first few days, but looking back, I wish I had listened to my gut because things can always go wrong.
- Two years ago -
The night here is so much different than at home. There are much less trees and far more caves up here, it would be much harder to navigate if it wasn’t for the white glow of the moon right now.
Today Aìyana and I did not spend as much time together as usual. It was more of a quality time day for her to be with her family and friends alone before our celebration tomorrow night. 
I spent the day with my family, which was fun, but now since night had fallen I was on my way to Aìyana’s hut where we planned on meeting.
When I arrive though she isn’t there. I brushed it off though, I was early and she hasn’t seen her friends in six months, she wasn’t obliged to rush back to me when after tomorrow she’d be leaving her home to officially become Omaticaya.
Uncomfortable with staying in her hut while she wasn’t there, I decided to take a little walk. Maybe she’d be home by the time I got back. 
My walk is peaceful, by this time most have retired to their huts for the night. I venture into a small bout of trees similar to the forest, exploring more of this foreign area when a laugh catches my attention. It’s a beautiful harmony that I recognize as none other than my Aìyana’s.
I smile, glad to hear she is enjoying her time with her friends, before deciding to continue my walk in the opposing direction. As I turn through another woman's voice stops me in my tracks. “He cried?” she laughs.
“Like a little baby,” Aìyana responds.
My heart sinks, she couldn’t possibly be talking about me.
Another woman speaks next, “So much for mating with a ‘mighty warrior.’ Who would’ve thought Toruk Makto’s son was so soft.”
“Why are you even staying with him?” another asks.
“Well, it would benefit both of our clans. And my dad plans on mating me with someone else anyway, so why not just get it over with instead of wasting a bunch of time picking suitors.”
“Okay but you’ve got to tell us.. how’s he in bed?”
Aìyana sighs deeply, “Amazing in theory, sometimes I’m just not mentally there, it’s whatever. Anyways, speaking of ‘being in bed’ I’ve got to be somewhere before a certain someone comes crying at my doorstep.”
The group laughs bidding Aìyana goodbye, but I can’t help the pang of hurt that I feel in my chest. Especially when one of the girls yells after her, ‘Tell Tavo we said hi!!!’
My heart sinks impossibly deeper in my chest, who the hell was Tavo?
I decided to extend my walk, trying to convince myself that I was making all of this up. But how could I when I’d heard it all with my own two ears.
After prolonging my return to Aìyana’s tent, I decide to finally make my way back. I needed to speak to her about what I had heard. Despite it breaking my heart, another completely delusional part of me believed that we could work past this.
As I arrive at her tent all hope drains from my body though. The sounds from inside the tent burn their way into my ears. The mix of moans between the woman I love and a man that was not me fills me with dread, betrayal, and anger.
A part of me wanted to barge in, embarrass the two and unleash my anger in a way suitable for the Toruk Makto’s son. In a way that would prove to her that I was way too mighty to just sit back and take this.
But the reasonable part of me tells me it’s not worth it. It tells me that although I love her to the moon and back, the extent of her love hardly reached the forest.
-  Present -
That night I went straight to my family hut, holding back the tears that threatened to pour from my eyes as I told my family we were leaving. My parents attempted to argue it but I was persistent so, despite their wishes, we left.
I spent the entirety of the next week sulking alone in my hut. Seeing as nobody had a clue as to why I ended things with Aìyana, everyone was concerned. I just wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.
But when Aìyana’s father became infuriated with my impulsive decision to leave and not mate with his daughter, the threat of war knocked at our clan's door. I could tell my father blamed me for this, he was mad that I had ended things and even more upset that I wouldn’t tell anyone why.
That next week Kiri came to my hut in the night. She’d brought me dinner and sat with me as I ate. She didn’t try to force me to speak or anything, she just wanted to know that was okay and that meant the world to me.
That night when she left she gave me a big hug, my first hug since Aìyana. I did the one thing I’d been trying to do at that moment, I broke down like the crybaby I am. 
It was humiliating, crying in my little sister's embrace, but I knew that if I could trust anyone it would be my dearest sister Kiri. So when she pulled away and asked me to talk to her, I did. I told her every event of that wretched night, leaving her stunned and angry.
Before leaving that night Kiri promised she wouldn’t tell a soul of what happened. She did ask me to at least tell our father that Aìyana was unfaithful, she promised he would understand.
Trusting Kiri, I told my dad that I had overheard Aìyana’s betrayal and that’s why I had decided to leave her. To my surprise my father more than understood, he was infuriated. I asked my father not to expose her though because although she had hurt me, I still felt a deep love for the woman.
He agreed but still with two furious Olo’eyktan’s butting heads, war was inevitable.
The almost two year fight was rough and draining for the clan, but when it did finally end, the Omaticaya came out on top.
Grieving my love for Aìyana was rough, but throughout the first year of the war I learned not to crave her, I learned to be alone again, and I had come to love it once more.
By the end of the war I was completely over the woman and what she’d done to me. I was myself again, strong and mighty all around. In pure spite, I gave up on keeping what Aìyana did a secret. 
With the humiliation of a cheating daughter, and having a war that could have been completely avoided if it wasn’t for her. The ash clan, that I am proud to have no more connections with, surrendered.
Now it had been a little over two years since the war had begun, and six months since it had ended.
Everything had been back to normal these past six months and I couldn’t have been happier.
Well, until today when I was told of my fourth arranged courtship.
I thought that I was past this shit, and that Aìyana was the perfect example that nothing good would come from this and that I was better off by myself.
That didn’t matter though because in one week I will be thrown down the rabbit hole again, but luckily this time I know what to expect. And I’d be damned before I got hurt all over again.
- - -
Hi guys!! Okay so the reader will be intorduced in the next part! I really hope you are enjoying my story idea so far, I've been absolutly obsessing over the plot in my head. I really wanted to write more angst than my other story Anomaly (which I am still working on promise!) To all my current Anomaly readers, I have tagged you from my taglist from that story here so that you would know about the new story, but if you aren't intrested in being tagged on this one just tell me. :)) Okay okay, it's like three am, i'm going to sleep now. Much love to you all!!- Mak
@cleverzonkwombatsludge @peachycrime @jackiehollanderr @fanboyluvr @killua2dot0 @neteyamsbabymomma @lovedbychoi @aihimitsu @ken-zah @ghostmadeofglass @alfie2401 @awow-2
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
She drummed her fingers against the teacup, watching as her brother disappeared into his bedroom, the door shutting behind him. Her heart sank for her dearest brother, and she drew her gaze to the disappointed stares of the dwarves at the table and she looked at Thorin. “I’m so sorry for Bilbo’s answer, Thorin. I was sure he would take a leap of faith at such a chance.”
Thorin merely sighed deeply. “It matters not, we will do without.” With a glance to the others, he said, “We will leave before dawn’s first light.” Turning back to her, he asked, “Might we settle in for the evening?”
“Oh, yes, of course!” she answered, hurrying to rise and show everyone to couches and chairs. She led Thorin to the guest room and showed him in. “The bed is here, extra blankets in the cupboard. Is there anything you need before I go to bed?”
“Nothing, thank you,” he replied curtly and turned his back on her, starting to unfasten his armor. Her cheeks flushed and she quickly averted her gaze, but stayed, feet shifting nervously in the carpet; Thorin looked over his shoulder with an expression of irritation. “Is there something you need, Miss Baggins? I would very much like to rest before starting my journey.”
“Yes, I—I know.” She swallowed thickly and bowed her head slightly. “I know I’m not the one that Gandalf wanted for the company…but if it’s all the same, I’d be honored to accompany you to take back Erebor.”
Thorin blinked and turned to face her. “You?”
She had half a mind to be offended by his doubt. “Yes? Is that a problem?”
“Can you even fight?”
She cocked a hand on her hip and retorted, “I’m fairly handy with a frying pan, if I do say so myself,” she nodded firmly. “You should’ve seen me when the badgers began digging through the side of the home last summer.” Thorin chuckled lowly in his throat, and she smiled. “Thorin, I know you’ve no reason to trust nor even believe that I would be of any worth, but if there is a chance that I can be, I ask that you give me it and let me prove myself to you.”
He gazed at her. “Is this truly what you wish? To travel with a bunch of men? You know you’d be the only woman with us.”
“All the same, I wish to partake in this adventure.” She stuck out her hand. “Thorin Oakenshield, I formally request to join your company.”
He grasped her hand in a gentle but firm grip and shook it. “Miss Baggins, I accept your request. Welcome to the company.”
Her face erupted in excitement, and she hurriedly pulled back with, “I’m going to pack right now!” as she rushed for the door, she turned back around ran back and hugged him tightly adding, “Thank you so much, Thorin. I won’t let you down, I swear it!”
“I’m so sorry to bother you with having to ride with me, Thorin,” she said bashfully. “I don’t think the pony liked me very much.”
He had to hide the smirk at remembering how she’d practically wailed bloody murder when the pony became skittish and took off with her. “It’s fine,” he gruffly stated.
She looked down and cleared her throat, trying to ignore the warmth from his back bleeding into her. “Might we play a round of questions to ease the silence? I can’t imagine it would be very fun to ride in total silence.”
“If we must,” he replied as if annoyed, and perhaps on some level he was, but she did have a point that complete silence was sometimes tiring.
“Perfect! Since you are the esteemed company, you go first!”
He thought a moment. “What is a skill you’ve always wished to master?”
“Oh…I would say sewing. My mother could sew like no one I’ve ever seen.” She smiled fondly. “I can sew well but nothing compared to the clothes she could mend and make. My turn! When was a time in your life that you felt truly happy?”
“I was ten years of age. I had just received my first real sword. My grandfather had made it for me. Silver blade, sapphires in the hilt.” He frowned. “What qualities do you believe makes a person good?”
She paused. “Well, that is a tough one, especially if you believe that people have inherent evil.”
“Do you?”
“Of course not! I personally think that everyone is capable of good, no matter how bad a life they have lived.”
“A bit naïve don’t you think, Miss Baggins?”
“Perhaps. But if you go around distrusting everything that breathes, you’ll never be able to trust anything when it comes to truly needing it.” She inhaled. “Honor, loyalty, kindness, selflessness, love. Those make a person good. Someone who would put the needs of others above themself and go above and beyond for those they loved. Even if it meant they would be left behind.”
“Now that is truly naïve.”
“I know,” she said with a smile and before she could even open her mouth again, they heard,
Thorin pulled the reins, and everyone turned to see Bilbo running over.
“WAIT!” Bilbo called again and her face lit up.
“Brother!” she greeted as he came to a stop.
Bilbo panted heavily. “I signed it!” he handed it off to Balin who looked it over and smiled.
“Everything appears to be in order. Welcome Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.”
Thorin rolled his eyes and started to turn his own steed around. “Give him a pony.”
“Oh no-no-no!” Bilbo immediately said. “That won’t be necessary, thank you. I’m sure I can keep up on foot. I-I’ve done my fair share of walking holidays, y’know? Even got as far Frogmorton once—WUGH!”
She giggled when Fili and Kili hefted him up by his pack and buried her face in Thorin’s back to muffle her laughter; when she felt Thorin’s back rumble with his own chuckle, she couldn’t help snort even harder.
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hazelfoureyes · 1 month
Why do I keep disappearing into fantasies and stories about fictional characters? When will I become happy and stop reading them to feel at least a drop of warm emotions?
Perhaps the life you’re in now isn’t fulfilling and stimulating enough? Maybe it’s better in your head.
When I was my most depressed I always stayed in my head. If I wasn’t asleep I was far away in my mind doing anything other than addressing the reality I was physically in.
There are signs here on the river banks warning people to stay away when it rains. Because even though you feel safe on the grass, it’ll become slippery and you can slide into the raging waters of the river and drown.
Fantasy can be like that for us who are lacking things in life. We’re on the grass, a safe distance from the depressive and consuming currents. But we’re just a shifting weight from falling down the hill.
From my personal experience, I had to fake those warm emotions in myself before I could even try to find it elsewhere or even actually make it myself. Before I could escape the allure of fantasy.
If I’m going to spend all day in my room then I made it feel like somewhere worth being in. If I’m going to be alone I want to enjoy my company, so I took time to try and dress like someone I’d be happy to pretend to be. Whether it meant trying harder to accessorize or just meant washing my hair that day and brushing my teeth. I made up things to be happy with, I romanticized the otherwise unappreciated things. I’d take myself to the beach or on long walks in safe places. Id get a hot chocolate and hold it with both hands and feel that warmth until it faded. Id microwave it so many times to get it back to temperature, even in the Florida summers.
I needed distractions so I’d ride a cheap thrift bicycle I got for 10$ for hours. I painted. I did these things and still daydreamed and fantasized about other places I could exist in, but slowly found myself proud of the strength in my legs and the skills I was making while I was still in my head.
But that’s what it’s about, right? Distractions and making up what you don’t already have but really want. Excitement, love, sex, power, allure.
Maybe you need a distraction of a different form? Maybe it would help to distract your body while your mind is away and maybe you’ll like this reality more and find your brain making better chemicals. Maybe it’ll lead to meeting people with similar distractions who fulfill you more than your fictional darlings. Maybe you’ll just enjoy being here more, in this world. Sometimes that doesn’t help. Sometimes we need different help. I have OCD and take medicine to manage it, because my brain needs the extra help.
Maybe your life needs more outlets for that creativity in your head.
I could be totally off base and entirely misunderstanding what you mean, so forgive me if I just went off in a useless tangent. Maybe I don’t understand all, in which case, I am sorry.
I hope you have the resources, will, and energy to find ways to get what’s missing and get those warm emotions in this reality.
I hope you’re on the river bank still, and not already sliding down the wet grass.
(Sending long distance hugs, warm and sweaty)
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mustainegf · 23 days
OMG YOUR FICS ARE SO GOOD LIKE WHAT??? you should totally do a smut w Marty 😋 basically, he's really sweet on the outside right? but in the sheets, OH LORDDDD he's an animal. You feel me? (only write it if you want, angel!)
Marty!! I love this dude so much he’s such a cutie—it’s a tad bit kinky… also pls I need more friends I’d love to talk more bro 🫠
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When I first met my fiancé, Marty, he was the sweetest, most innocent man I'd ever met. Never once would I see myself in the situation I am now when we first met.
My wrists are tied together, and hooked around the bedpost, I'm helpless and at his complete mercy.
This is how he liked it, and I was starting to like it too.
Once me and Marty had been together for a while, I truly found out how different he was in the bedroom. He was dominant, commanding, and wanted nothing more than to be in charge. And I hade no problem with that.
My legs are sprawled out on the bed, his large skilled hands rubbing up my thighs. Marty stares at me, eating up every inch of my naked body, bound at his mercy.
He's only in his jeans, and from the tent in his groin, I can tell his becoming needier. "Marty I need you.." I beg, squirming in the restraints.
"Mm, I know you do, darling," he grinned, slowly unbuckling his jeans.
"Such a perfect girl for me." I moaned as he stroked himself in front of me. His cock was so long, thick, and perfect. With one hand, he played with himself, while his other finger traced my dit.
It was such a tease, but I knew I wouldn't have to wait long until I had him inside of me. "Please, please, please," I pleaded, my voice turning husky and breathy with every word. "Soon, soon," he whispered.
He made slow licks over my nipples, alternating between both breasts before he took each nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. I moaned, grabbing the headboard, holding on for dear life.
Marty gave a dark chuckle before sitting up, nudging closer to me, and I knew he was finally gonna fuck me.
"Such a good girl, all tied up for me," he teased, rubbing his tip through my wet folds.
I lifted my hips trying to get him inside me, but he just kept teasing me, making me wait for what I craved. My thighs trembled under his touch, and my core pulsated with need.
The moment he pushed into me, I screamed, my entire body tensing around his shaft. He held onto me, not allowing me to come just yet. I felt his teeth scrape down my shoulder, right below my neck.
"Be a goodgirl for me, baby." I bit my lip, nodding my head in agreement. "Goodgirl." He praised me again.
Marty began moving his hips, his large hands gripping at my waist.
Each time he pulled back, he went faster. I could feel myself coming undone, seeing stars, and drifting away. I couldn't take any more, I needed to come, or else I'd burst.
"Don't even think about cumming, not yet," he said firmly, growling as he bucked his hips into me.
Ilet out a low throaty moan as my head snapped back, savouring that perfect feeling of his cock hitting the exact right spot.
"Oh god, oh, god yes," I screamed out as he hit my G-spot, just right. "Fuck, that's it, baby," he growled, picking up speed. I screamed, my core spasmed hard, and I came like never before.
I cried out as if calling out his name was going to make me come harder.
"I thought I told you not to cum, honey?" He taubted, still thrusting.
I couldn't even say anything in return, I was still falling from my climax, and his cock still inside of me wasn't helping.
My cheeks were streaked with tears of lust, and I know Marty could see through me. "That's okay, just a little longer, I'm gonna cum soon," he groaned.
It only took a few more pumps before Marty had frozen, his long curls ceasing their bouncing.
"Yesssss," he roared as he buried himself deep, and I felt his warm cum coat the inside of me.
Marty exhaled, smiling up at me through his dark lashes. "You did so good, love," he whispered before giving me a short kiss. His hands reached up to untie my wrists from the bedpost.
I whimpered as the cold air hit my wrists, but I knew I didn't have to worry. Marty wouldn't hurt me. He was my protector, my hero, and the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.
Marty pulled me into his waiting arms, just letting me rest with him for a moment. "So good, you did so good hun."
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munsons-hellfire · 2 months
My Love Will Never Die: Prologue
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SUMMARY: Circe Archeron is faced with the tragedy of losing her cousin when a faerie arrives at their home demanding to know who had killed the wolf.
PAIRINGS: Azriel x Circe Archeron x Eris Vanserra
CONTENT WARNING: None really, at least I don't think.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello and welcome to the prologue of My Love Will Never Die. I have had this idea for a while. There will be two other characters that will be introduced in this series. The first chapter will take place in A Court of Mist and Fury. I hope you enjoy this! Also I decided to write this in first person pov instead of 3rd person. If you'd like to be added to a taglist for this series let me know in the comments.
My Love Will Never Die Masterlist
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Snow and ice crusted the earth below. But it didn’t matter to me, I stood tall in the snow covered trees. My dirty-blonde hair was pulled back and braided so it would be out of my way. I jumped from tree to tree, Feyre was always jealous of the fact that I had an easy time hiding in the trees. I had always felt this heavy weight on my back, and because of it I had learned to balance myself especially in trees.
They became my friends. Odd, I know, but totally worth it when we’d go out hunting. That’s what my cousin and I had been doing, hunting for food in this brisk winter. I could feel the cold running along my skin. I had been living with the Archeron sisters since shortly before they had to leave the luxurious home behind and move into a smaller home. I didn’t understand why my parents had dropped me off with my cousins, all I know is they’re hiding something from me. One day I’ll figure it out. But today I’m hunting in the woods.
Feyre and I had separated from each other hours ago. We’d hoped that by doing so we’d gain more distance to find something to eat. But so far I had no such luck, I was secretly hoping that Feyre had gained the luck today. Feyre and I had started to go out into the woods to hunt for food when we were fourteen. Her reasoning was a promise she’d made to her mother, mine was mostly because I didn’t like to be alone with Nesta and Elain when Feyre wasn’t there.
Our relationship was strained. Nesta hated me, I don’t know why. I guess she blames me for moving in, because soon after they could no longer afford anything. I’m not sure honestly, she doesn’t ever give me an answer whenever I question her, whenever I ask her the same question. She just lets it fuss out like it's nothing important and honestly I’ve given up trying to figure out why she hates me. Feyre and I are now nineteen, it’s crazy, I know but what more can I do in this life.
Most of the things I know how to do I managed to teach myself, reading is one of those things. I’m not as skilled in reading but I can get by somewhat. It’s not important right now anyway. I’ve tried to help Feyre but I don’t really know what I’m doing. Feyre has become my best friend, she’s more of a sister than a cousin. And I so badly wished to have had that sibling connection with her that Nesta and Elain have with her but seem to not care much about.
I shake my head, easily getting lost in my thoughts these days when I’m alone in the woods. I gripped the bark tightly, small scratches littered my palms. I tend to get my hands cut a lot when I’d climb up into the trees. Feyre always had something to say about it and I know she’ll most likely say something about it when she sees my hands. Sometimes I like to feel pain, and the only healthy way is to climb trees. I adjust myself trying to ignore the heavy weight on my back.
I knew at this point without having any luck it was time to call quits and head home. I was hoping that Feyre had already made it back to the small house. I lunge off the branch I was hanging out on, I grip onto the next branch holding it tightly as I swing back and forth. The slight pain in my hands is evident. Finally I’m able to let go of the branch and land on the icy ground. The ice crunches beneath my boot covered feet.
I pull my dagger from my holster, it’s not much but it’s kept me safe over the years since I’ve started hunting. I lower myself into a crouching position and release a breath. My breath mixes with the cold air causing it to turn into a mist. Just to be safe I always stay low to the ground to make sure I’m not caught as I walk back home to the house where Nesta, Elain and my Uncle are. All of whom probably aren’t doing anything.
An hour later I had given up on the crouching, but I’d made it home. The dagger is back in the sheath. I don’t need Nesta and Elain to know I have it. One day I’d found it near the border that separates us from the Faeries, it was calling to me. Odd. It was so odd that a dagger was calling my name. But I found it and since then it has been with me. Finally reaching the door I pushed it open and walked inside.
A soft grunt leaves my throat as I enter the house. The house had a small amount of warmth, I could feel it but it was barely there. Not that I mind, I preferred the cold anyway. At least that’s what I tell myself. My ocean blue eyes land on my Uncle and cousins all of whom are close to each other.
“Where’s Feyre?” Nesta questioned, not bothering to give me another glance.
“Like you care.” I mumbled the words as I removed my cloak from my body. It didn’t do much to keep me warm during the winter but it was better than nothing. “She’s probably still hunting, I didn;t have any luck but I’m hoping that Feyre found something.” I said that loud enough that all three could hear me. Nesta didn’t budge, nor did Elain. I walked past them making my way into our small shared room. Sometimes I wish I could sleep on the floor in the winter. I hate sharing a room with my cousins. Feyre not so much because she didn’t hate me.
I closed the door behind me once I was in the room. I needed to change into warmer, dry clothes. I tracked towards the dresser and kneeled down to stare at the painting Feyre had drawn on my drawer. I had the same recording dream, it was always blurry so I couldn’t make out much. But I got enough from the dream. I had asked Feyre one day to paint hazel and amber eyes, mixed with bat wings, shadows and flames. I could never really understand why I had seen those images so constantly in my dreams but I wanted to be able to see them no matter the time of day.
Feyre had even questioned me about it when she was painting it, but I just didn’t know how to answer it other than the fact that I had seen everything when I was asleep. I didn’t know who the eyes belonged to but I knew one day that I’d figure it out eventually. I knew whomever the eyes belonged to they would most likely be important to me. After pulling on a warm set of clothes I heard the front door open, followed by Feyre’s voice and shortly after Nesta’s voice.
“Where did you get that?” Nesta had asked, as I rejoined them. I glanced over at Feyre as she looked at me. Over the years Feyre and I had developed a secret sort of communication and were able to talk with each other via expressions. Feyre was asking for my help without actually saying something. I moved from my spot walking over to her.
“Where do you think I got it?” Feyre questioned back, her voice hoarse.
I looked over at Nesta and my Uncle, they were by the hearth warming their hands. I had noticed Elain but gave her no mind just like she did to me. I watched closely as Feyre removed a wolf pelt from the doe she had collected. Then she turned and took her boots off placing them by the door. Feyre turned back towards Elain and myself, she glanced at her second oldest sister before her eyes fell onto me.
“Will it take you long to clean it?” Elain had asked simply.
I took note of the question, it was directed towards me and Feyre. We were the only ones who truly knew how to clean an animal. It wasn’t a hard task to learn, all things considered. I released a huff and glided towards the doe. I paid no mind to the conversation going on currently. At some point Feyre had joined me and we began working together.
“Are you going to come with us to the market tomorrow?” I lifted my eyes at the question Feyre had asked. Then briefly I looked over at Nesta and Elain.
“I think I’ll stay here if that’s all right.” For some reason my voice was soft as I answered Feyre’s question. Feyre only gave a nod and the conversation dropped there. Eventually night fell and we were stuffed in the bed. I was exhausted from today’s adventure and ready for bed.
I had spent most of the day with my Uncle though he hadn’t made much of an effort to talk to me. So I ended up in the trees. When I didn’t want to talk to anyone this is where I’d come. I’d pick a tree, climb it and sit on the branch. Sometimes I’d stay resting on the tree well past sunset to watch the stars shine brightly in the sky. This was my safe heaven and I didn’t know what I’d do without this. Feyre stood down below staring up at me.
“Come on, food’s ready.” She said my cousin was never happy that I could climb the trees. She also didn’t understand why I did it. In a sense I guess I needed to be closer to the stars or the sun or maybe the clouds. I never really knew, it was always a guessing game with my feelings. “When will you stop climbing into trees?”
I shrugged my shoulders, attempting to move the weight on my back. It always felt like something was dragging against the ground. I didn’t understand it, I had hoped to one day reunite with my parents and ask them why it felt that way on my back. I hadn’t seen them since they dropped me off at my cousins, so I guess I would never really get my answers. I looked back at Feyre realizing that she was still waiting for me to answer her question, the one I hadn’t answered yet.
“Never. It’s my safe haven away from Nesta, Elain and Uncle.” I finally answered the question as Feyre and I started walking back towards the home.
“Just don’t hurt yourself. I can’t lose my best friend.” Feyre looked at me. Her blue-green eyes blazing brightly. We entered the house, finally we were all sitting down and eating the deer. I wasn’t in the mood to listen to whatever conversation they were having. I would take small bites of my food to savor it, and in between I’d play with it until I decided to take another bite. A roar so loud I had to cover my ears brought me out of my thoughts.
Hesitantly I reached for my dagger, but didn’t make a move to pull it out of its sheath. Nesta and Elain were screaming, snow burst into the room we were in as the door opened and a growling figure appeared in our line of sight. I was so confused as to what was going on but finally I pulled the dagger out of my hands and moved in front of Nesta and Elain. The dagger was in front of me as I looked up at the beast. My heartbeat was beating so fast, I couldn’t seem to calm it down.
“MURDERERS!” Its voice was rough as it looked around the room. My breath caught in my throat as I glanced over at Feyre. We both knew what this was. Faerie. I couldn’t believe there was a Fae in our home. Who was it and what did they want? Those were the only questions that seemed to be running through my mind. “MURDERERS!” It roared again.
“P-please,” I could hear my Uncle’s voice from somewhere in the room. I couldn’t look away from the beast to figure out where his voice was coming from. “Whatever we have done, we did so unknowingly, and—”
“W-w-we didn’t kill anyone.” Nesta added, choking on the sobs that left her lips. I briefly pulled my eyes away from the beast and saw her holding the iron bracket over her head. I guess she hoped it would protect her from the monster at our front door.
“Get out,” Feyre snapped at the beast, she held a dinner knife in front of her. I shifted slightly and caught the eyes of the beast. It looked at me, then it seemed to halt its movements. It sensed something on me, I could tell. “Get out, and begone.” Feyre added. His roar was so loud it shook the entire cottage along with everything in it. Before I had a chance to speak I watched Feyre hurl her hunting knife at the beast. But he was able to block it before it made contact with his skin.
Feyre stumbled backwards almost knocking into her father. I stepped forward slightly, the faerie had almost killed my cousin. I had almost lost her. The eyes of the monster landed on me, he looked at me differently then he had looked at Feyre. I straightened my back slightly, moving my shoulders to adjust the weight on my back. It was almost like he could sense that something was different about me. That I was different from my cousins. But as far as I was aware whatever was different about me he couldn’t see it. At least that’s what I hoped.
“WHO KILLED HIM?” He roared out, pulling his eyes away from me to look around at the rest of my family. He stalked towards us, he set his paw on the table, his claws scratched into the table one by one. I shuddered at the thought of what those claws could do.
“Killed who?” Feyre was quick to ask the question.
He growled out, his voice was low, “the wolf.” I looked to my cousin as her eyes fell to mine. I hadn’t been with her but she had in fact killed that wolf. At this moment I wish I had been with her. Maybe I should tell the creature that I was the one who had killed the wolf, but I knew Feyre wouldn’t let me do that.
“A wolf?” Elain released a shriek, I had to stop myself from covering my ears when I heard it.
“A large wolf with a gray coat,” he snarled at us.
“If it was mistakenly killed,” Feyre said to the beast, her voice calm. “What payment could we offer in exchange?” I closed my eyes dreading what this creature might want in return.
“The payment you must offer is the one demanded by the Treaty between our realms.”
“For a wolf?” I asked, tilting my head. This was so confusing.
“Who killed the wolf?” His eyes whirled around the room staring at each of us. I moved my shoulders, stepping forward however Feyre beat me to it.
“I did.” She said.
“Surely you lie to save them, to save her.” He said pointing at me with his clawed finger. I gulped, I feared that he might try and take me instead of Feyre. This wasn’t happening, this had to be a dream. I need to wake up now, I go to pinch myself only it hurts. This is real.
“We didn’t kill anything!” Elain cried. “Please… please, spare us!” Nesta hushed Elain, though she did it through her own crying. I couldn’t bring myself to cry like they were. I guess because I had been hunting for a while with Feyre. Suddenly my Uncle was standing from where he’d been sitting, grunting in pain.
“I killed it!” Feyre said, I watched as the beast pulled his eyes away from Nesta and Elain to look at her. “I sold its hide at the market today. If I had known it was a faerie, I wouldn’t have touched it.” I knew that was a lie.
“Liar.” So did he, apparently. “You knew. You would have been more tempted to slaughter it had you known it was one of my kind.”
“Can you blame me?”
“Did it attack you? Were you provoked?”
I looked over at my cousin waiting for her to say yes, to say something other than the word that was uttered from her mouth, “No,” she said, with a snarl of her own. “But considering all that your kind has done to us, considering what your kind still likes to do to us, even if I had known beyond a doubt, it was deserved.”
He released a growl to Feyre’s answer. I could feel the rage coming from the creature. I think we all could. I didn’t like where this was heading and I knew where this was heading. I didn’t want it to be the case. I can’t lose Feyre, she’s all I have. Sure the others are here but they don’t really care for me, I’m just an extra mouth that my parents forced them to take care of because they couldn’t handle whatever was wrong with me.
“What is the payment the Treaty requires?”
He continued to stare at Feyre as he talked to her, “A life for a life. Any unprovoked attacks on faerie-kind by humans are to be paid only by a human life in exchange.” Nesta and Elain stopped crying at the admission.
“I didn’t know.” Feyre said. “Didn’t know about that part of the Treaty.”
I couldn’t think of a way out of this, of a way to keep Feyre here with us. “Most of you mortals have chosen to forget that part of the Treaty,” he said, “which makes punishing you far more enjoyable.”
The panic inside me was flickering, I couldn’t lose her. He was going to take her away. I would never see the only person who understood me ever again.
“Do it outside,” Feyre whispered, her voice trembling. I wanted to cry for the first time in what felt like forever. But I still couldn’t bring myself to not yet anyway. “Not… here.”
“Willing to accept your fate so easily?” He asked. “For having the nerve to request where I slaughter you, I’ll let you in on a secret, human: Prythian must claim your life in some way, for the life you took from it. So as a representative of the immortal realm, I can either gut you like swine, or… you can cross the wal and live our the remainder of your days in Prythian.”
“What?” Feyre asked.
“Please.” I begged, no matter how hard I was trying to hold back my tears they had started to fall down my face. “Please don’t take her away from me. I can’t lose her.” I broke, as the words exited my mouth. My knees trembled and I quickly dropped to the ground staring at the beast.
“You can either die tonight or offer your life to Prythian by living in it forever, forsaking the human realm.”
I was shaking my head looking at my cousin. “Do it, Feyre,” my Uncle whispered from behind Feyre. “Go.”
“No. Please.” I cried out again.
“Live where? Every inch of Prythian is lethal to us.” She does have a point. “Why bother?”
“You murdered my friend,” he snarled at her. “Murdered him, skinned his corpse, sold it at the market, and then said he deserved it, and yet you have the nerve to question my generosity?”
Feyre stepped forward. “You didn’t need to mention the loophole.”
He released another snarl. “Foolish of me to forget that humans have such low opinions of us. Do you humans no longer understand mercy?” He’s so close to Feyre now. “Let me make this clear for you, girl: you can either come live at my home in Prythian—offer your life for the wolf’s in that way—or you can walk outside right now and be shredded to ribbons. Your choice.”
“Please, good sire—Feyre is my youngest. I beseech you to spare her. She is all… she is all…” His words seemed to die in his throat as he talked. “Please—”
“I can get gold—” He tried to come up with a compromise, and I hoped that the beast would allow it over taking Feyre away.
“How much is your daughter’s life worth to you? Do you think it equates to a sum?” He questioned. Nothing came out to answer the question, the silence was deafening as Feyre stepped forward. She looked back at me, like she was sending her apology to me. I knew what it meant, she was leaving to protect all of us. And to honor the Treaty he was talking about.
“When do we go?” Feyre asked, I started shaking my head. I couldn’t breath, this was happening too fast for my liking.
I couldn’t hear anything after that. It was all silent. I wanted this to be a dream more than anything right now. I wish it were. I really do wish I could just wake up from this. I felt myself begging the creature over and over, asking to go with them. But Feyre turned it down before I even had a chance. I felt her arms around me as she said goodbye. But I still couldn’t process anything. Before I knew it she was gone, taken just like that.
I wouldn’t have my best friend with me anymore. I’d live a life without her and that broke me. I crumpled to the floor and cried out silently. I received no comfort from any of them the rest of the night. I just stayed on the floor until I eventually cried myself to sleep, hoping for a better future. Maybe I’d get a better future now. I just had to remain strong and not let my thoughts consume me. But that was a difficult challenge.
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sagittato · 6 months
This is my first post and it’s gonna be low effort because I swear I can’t get this off my mind—
Do people from twisted wonderland realize how much Azul Ashengrotto could potentially look up at Vil Schoenhiet??? ONLY @jxnebuggy ACKNOWLEDGES THIS IN HER fem!twst FANFICS AND IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!!
Vil is a successful, confident, drop dead gorgeous fashion icon. He has a whole business for cosmetics because he’s so gorgeous. He’s very skilled in potion making, so much so bro makes his OWN makeup. He has a strict diet he follows and it’s clearly gving him the results he wants. Vil Schoenheit is everything Azul wants to be!! On top of that, Vil is Azul’s bloody UPPERCLASSMAN.
And does everyone forget how Azul literally info dumped about the man in Book 5 Chapter 2?? Nobody talks about it. They’re too busy headcannoning Sebek or Riddle or Floyd to be neurodivergent af (jkjk)!! Such a shame Vil told him to stfu but in his own pretty, 3w4-coded ways😔😔
Azul has shown before he will invest inhumane amounts of time into things he thinks are important. An example of this is in his birthday jackect card, he talked in a fair amount of detail about the quality of the pillow Ace gave him. He could do this because he researched ON pillow qualities.
It’s likely when he was trying to step up his game with success or diet, he stumbled upon Vil, researched the frick out of this guy, and lo and behold became a fan of his.
Some honourable mentions are when he made a deal with Vil in his ceremonial robes. I haven’t seen it because I wanna save the feeling of raw happiness with these two characters interacting once I get the card. If we didn’t see Azul show any sort of fan behaviour when Vil made that deal then I firmly believe he was kicking, giggling, twirling his hair off camera behind closed doors over it. Then I do hear in the second Camp Vargas event, Azul and Vil had some more interactions! I thiiiiiiink they were getting competitive with each other??? That changes nothing from my ignorant eye. It’s NRC. Everyone is really competitive and will turn on each other’s backs faster than Leona can fall asleep (bro’s actually depressed, I swear).
Anyway, I think it’s only right I list my headcanons now for them:
Azul gobbles up any dietary/beauty tips Vil has
Azul uses Vil’s makeup brand that’s probably vegan
He also collects Vil’s magazines and puts them all in a box hidden away in his closet or under his bed
Vil probably finds him annoying💀💀💀 (what can I say? he has a reputation for not stfu around higher class people)
Elaborating on that, Vil does respect his success but I bet he can see the unhealthy greed that lies under it all. Thus, that’s prolly a reason why he would try to distance himself away from Azul.
BADLY wants to collaborate with Vil because Mostro Lounge profits would soar if they did. Knowing his bold arse he probably made the request at least thrice and Vil shut him down each time. He’s obviously not gonna stop because we all know him. (never back down never what—)
Yes, I know he canonically looks up to Ursula, but I think he would like someone… yknow… alive to look up to.
Keep in mind I’m only on Book 5 Chapter 29 as of this moment so it’s totally possible I missed some things! Leave your opinions, headcanons, or anything else in the comments, I’d love to see them! Do leave spolier warnings though. That way I can decide whether I wanna spoil things first myself or not.
EDIT: I already fixed it but did I really just say book 6 😭😭😭 i meant book 5 i am so sry hdgdhjjjdhdjj
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assburgerz · 10 months
this post is me resurfacing a mcsm concept/au i’ve had running around in my head like a rabid animal since around 2019 or so and it’s that Binta and the rest of the fred folk are all collectively blind.
while i know this idea is not actually canon and these guys can definitely see 100 percent, one in-game feature led me to some pondering cause why is this even a thing?
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every single one of the fred folk have the same washed out eye color. every. single. person. no one is left out. take a stroll around fred’s keep? you’ll see that every person’s eye color is the exact same pale tint, which looks similar to the eyes of some blind people.
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like i said, i know these guys have their vision in canon, and it’s most likely just a theme of pale eye color throughout an entire group of people. i just thought it was too much of a coincidence to go unnoticed because i’m pretty sure no one else in the game has this eye color (either that or i’m just not looking hard enough i’m sure a background character has pale eyes too) so alas, it stays a concept.
but let’s say they were all blind in canon; even then, nothing the fred folk do is out of the equation. painting? farming? totally possible, and even quite common! lots of blind people are very much experts at knowing their surroundings despite their lack of vision. their other senses may heighten to make up for the lost one, so they might develop better hearing, smelling, or even tasting than the average seeing person. this helps give them some kind of visual on their surrounding area. although the skill does take months, or even years to achieve, it is possible. because one thing about blind people; if they want something done, no matter what it is, they will find a way.
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other heightened senses in a blind person might also explain why cam is on “watch duty”. it’s possible that she would be able to hear a lot better, and sense when something is near. a common thing deaf people do as well is feel vibrations in the ground, usually when listening to music. this habit could also be something that cam would pick up on. and if she feels some kind of disturbance in the force, she’ll go warn binta.
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fred’s keep itself is relatively small as well. it’s an isolated area that’s pretty easy to memorize, and no mobs spawn on the land so that nothing can attack the people without any visual warning. great place for a bunch of blind folk to live if i do say so myself.
(side note i’d smoke the fattest blunt in fred’s keep just look at that place ugh gorgeous anyways)
that’s pretty much it lol i just wanted to get this all out of my head and onto a post so that maybe other people will see it and maybe add onto it
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ros3ybabe · 7 months
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Weekly Check In - November 12th, 2023 🎀
ugh I feel like I’ve been neglecting my blogs, and that’s not what I want to be doing!!!
I have finals coming up so soon, including exams and final papers (looking at you, psychology research paper). Not to mention I’m still working 5 days a week, classes 4 days a week, working out 3-5 days a week on top of all my adulting duties. It’s safe to safe I have been a little stressed lately, no doubt about that. It really got me bad because it was impacting my relationship with my boyfriend and the last thing I want to do is cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for him. I know I let my stress and anxieties get the best of me when I realized I was the one causing 98% of all of our arguments and issues this last few weeks. Luckily I was able to come to the realization that it had been my fault, so him and I talked it through and worked it out and I missed him that I would work both on myself more as well as work with my therapist and develop better coping strategies for times of high stress.
🩷 let’s recap this last week with some highlights! And then I will tal about my goals for the upcoming week!
I had to go talk to my PSYC TA about how far I’d fallen behind in the class and she was able to give me some encouragement and a lot of help and really set me on the path in the right direction, so I definitely have hope that I’ll pass this class with a B at worst, which is still an awesome grade!
I finally made it back to my cooking class and the professor was so kind, he told me it always upset his days when I’d miss class for the week and he asked me if was doing okay and how things were going. I think he’s in his 50s or 60s, and he’s just a very kind man, reminds me of my own dad. Has that typical old man dad humor and his cooking class has actually help me become more comfortable with my own cooking skills as of this semester. Definitely one of my favorite classes, and my classmates were the best too.
I registered for the next semester and I am sooo looking forward to the course load. Well, for the most part anyways. I have to retake Chemistry 2 as well as the lab but luckily the college offers a supplemental type of course to help with the actual class so that’s gonna be awesome. I’m also taking a sports medicine focused medical terminology course online, another once a week food focused course about food production, a psychology of emotion course (super super excited for this class), and I registered for a yoga class for the semester! I feel like having yoga twice a week will definitely help with stress and relaxation and just overall keep me on the right track health wise for the semester! I think I’m taking a total of almost 18 credit hours but other yoga class itself is 2 credits so it’s definitely gonna be an easier semester at least schedule and course load wise.
My work bestie had her baby shower! I can’t believe she’s 8 months pregnant with a little boy, he’s already so lucky to have her and her man as parents. She was absolutely glowing at her baby shower and I’m so happy that I got to go and support her. I’ve known her for going on three years already so it made my day to both be invited and get to see how excited she got when I went.
I bought matcha powder! (Amongst other health stuff, including some new gym gear for my lower body days) I have a mini traditional matcha set so I thought I’d finally use it no bought some matcha powder online! I’m super excited to try my hand at making myself matcha lattes. I even bought a milk frother so I’m a little excited.
I changed up my fitness goals and routine a bit. I’m still going to the gym 3 days a week for weight lifting, but now two of those are lower body days and the other is an upper body day. I’m also going to continue with my two days of cardio but on those two days I am also going to do some at home mat Pilates to help with my overall fitness, appearance, and health goals. I’ve heard that some lower intensity workouts are pretty good for women with PCOS so I thought incorporating that would be a good idea.
I’m Vitamin D deficient and I had no idea! I used to take vitamin D supplements at my old doctors request when I was a teenager but I stopped when I can rot college because I was no longer being advised to take it nor were my blood levels being check regularly so I figured ehh not a big deal but I recently got lab work done and yep, I am semi severely vitamin d deficient. So now I gotta look into different foods I can incorporate as well as a vitamin d supplement and more time in the sun!
I’ve been keeping up a decent skincare routine with a bunch of new products I bought and can I just say, the Anua Heartleaf Oil Cleanser is an absolute god send. I’m obsessed with Asian/Korean skincare. It’s done so much for my skin, I can’t recommend it enough!
overall, not a bad week this last week. this recap is for only (mainly) November 4th through yesterday, November 11th.
🩷 my upcoming goals and things for this week! (November 12th thru 18th)
Keep up with all my homework and turning assignments in completed and on time. I’m trying to finish the semester off strong, or at least as strong as I can. That just means it’s grind time and I gotta buckle down and get my school stuff done.
Insurance. I need to purchase insurance because the state I live in says I make too much to qualify for full coverage insurance which is an issue with the meds I take and the doctors I currently see, as well as my therapist. Adulting, yay!
Complete at least a draft and/or reel for my dietetics mentor by Saturday/next Sunday as the deadline was to have something sent to her by Monday at noon. So my goal is to have some drafts of content for her as soon as possible.
Work out at least three days this week. I’ve been consistent with going every week for the last four weeks but I haven’t been as consistent with how many days within the week that I’ve been going. So that’s definitely a goal of mine.
Look into a Pilates class/studio I can join by the beginning of next semester. I definitely want to take some classes to help with form and proper technique, but I think I want to give myself some time to build more confidence so that way I can give it my all in the future classes I take. Plus, my finances don’t exactly permit me taking Pilates classes at the moment. So my goal is to do some research now and then make a decision by mid January.
My boyfriend and I are hitting a year and a half together this week! Ahh I love him so much, I’m so excited for yet another milestone. Pretty soon we’ll be coming up on two years and I just couldn’t be happier. My man is my best friend, I’m so lucky and grateful that I have him in my life, especially as my partner <3
Attempt to make a matcha latte! My matcha powder comes in this week so I’m gonna try my hand at making my own matcha now!
Keep consistent with my skin care and self care. Also pick up journaling again this week as I think it’ll help me sort out my stressors and anxieties without harming my relationship with my man or my relationship with myself. Self care and working on my own well being benefit me in so many ways, I just need to keep consistent with it.
Restart my Duolingo and Busuu streaks as an attempt to get back into learning the Japanese language! Also begin to pick up Spanish again! Spanish is not too difficult for me to understand as a lot of people I’m around speak the language and I also took classes in high school and some in college. So I think splitting my time between Spanish and Japanese will be good and keep me from being bored and dropping my language studies altogether. I’m going to start with Spanish Duolingo and just go from there with it! once I get more comfortable with the languages I will start making small posts in those languages! Spanish will definitely come easier than Japanese tho, that’s for sure.
that’s all for this upcoming week! It feels like it’s going to be busy but next week is our break for thanksgiving so that’s one week of rest and relaxation and recovery for me. I won’t be spending the holiday with anyone but I don’t mind, it gives me a day to be mindful and grateful and just give me some time to myself that day, and for the whole week. Everyone who knows me in person knows I definitely need the time for myself. I think it’ll be very restorative for sure.
for those of you who follow my side blogs for my fitness, I’ll be posting to it here soon as well! I think I might update you on my current split and routine more in depth then what I mentioned here. And I’m going to drop a review of some of the new skincare products I’ve recently bought and tried as well! I’ll try to do a mid week update this week on this blog too!
til next time, lovelies 🩷🤍
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hanginwithhkatie · 1 month
Hey everyone! I got another update this one’s a bit longer and more personal. It’s a bit heavy too just so you know.
I’m starting to feel a bit better. I’m getting really close to 100 followers now so I’d really like to thank you all SO much. Sometimes I literally can’t believe the support I’ve been getting lately, it feels like one long dream.
Lately I’ve had a real rough go at it, my self confidence has been not great. A lot of the time I suffer from feeling like I’m not good enough to have made all the wonderful friends and followers I have made here. Many of them are creators who inspired me long before I started posting here and it feels almost surreal. I know that’s totally crazy but rationalization has been something I’ve had difficulty with lately
The stress was definitely effecting my art negatively. I found myself getting super frustrated and unable to draw for more than a couple minutes at a time. After making such huge breakthroughs in march I felt like my skill was degrading again, and I lost a bit of my confidence to even try for a bit.
Most days have been going to work, barely struggling through my anxiety and then going home. I would either immediately go to sleep or heavily distract myself to try and take my mind off things.
A lot of things have been contributing to my stress, my feelings of inadequacy in where I’m at in my transition, the fact I’m trying to find a house to rent, a few events going on with my family (and the general uneasiness that is my transition with my parents), and trying to make enough money to make the move go well.
A few days ago it got so bad at work that my stress bubble just popped and I came close to breaking down. Strangely that event has seemed to wrap me back around to a more neutral state of mind, I’ve been calling it an “stress overflow”.
Currently like I mentioned I’m doing a little bit better, I’ve been dog sitting for my family for the past few days which was also helpful.
It’s been really hard lately, and I don’t like to bother people with stuff like this so I’ve been trying to contain it all myself, which has not been working super great.
I wanted to put this out there to give more context to what’s been going on with me lately as my last post wasn’t too descriptive. I genuinely care about everyone here so much, I don’t think I’d be able to function without you. I want to try and be more open about what’s going on in my life especially here. I think it would help me a lot.
I know this is. Kind of a ramble almost but thank you for listening. I can’t thank this community enough for accepting me and making me feel like I genuinely matter.
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mick3yz · 11 months
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Losing it bcs i rewatched Magic funhouse for the first time and the content itself is goofy but the implications of all the shit that happens w Arlo fucking RUINS me (I LOVE OVERANALYZING MEDIA)
(Spoilers below but its all incoherent rambling btw)
HE NEVER GOT THE CHANCE TO GROW UP BCS OF THE COMA AND THIS IMPLIES THAT A LOT OF HIS ACTIONS AND OPINIONS ARE (not directly cause hes had at least a little time to get to know the modern world) BASED SOMEWHERE IN HIS CHILDHOOD MEMORIES AND OPINIONS SO UH -> “Divorce is about children coming to terms with what THEY caused!!” - his parents canonically fought a LOT and this 100% means that he thought (and still thinks) that it was bcs of him (the more concerning implication could be that he also thought that the reason he was sent into a coma was technically his fault, esp considering how desperate he was to relocate and spend time w his parents after waking up)
THE WAY THAT THE ONLY PEOPLE HE TRUSTED RIGHT AFTER WAKING UP BETRAYING HIM IN SOME WAY?? AFTER THE LIGHT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HE HAD WHERE HE STARTED CARING FOR THEIR MENTAL HEALTH EVEN JUST A LITTLE (even though he said it was just to make sure nobody died on set -> his ass was lying lmao) AND BEING LESS AGGRESSIVE WITH COWORKERS FOR A WHILE?? HE ACTUALLY DEVELOPS THE SKILLS TO RECONCILE AND RESET HIS FRIENDSHIP W DAVE IN S1 (something that he likely did not care to try in the years he’s been awake when considering his short temper and aggressive behavior) AND THEN IS IMMEDIATELY BACKSTABBED (quite literally)
“Ive only been awake for 2 years and I’ve already ruined everything for everyone” and “I just want to go back to sleep..” and “if I found out that these guys had been lying to me for years, I’d probably fire them... And then I’d kill myself” and “im not the easiest person to get along with, Dave. And it takes a special kind of person to understand me” IM LOSING MY MIND
Arlo is a total jerk but when you consider the way that his brain probably handles things after having to quickly adapt to being an adult it just makes his behavior pretty sad in concept
(Also his frequent usage of weed and alcohol may just be because he realized that being an adult means that he can do those kind of things, but the whole “you have to chose if youre going to act like a manchild or an alcoholic bcs I cant be there for both” bit from Sasha tells me otherwise)
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