#I don’t have anything cool for it yet but I’m gonna make it so CUTE
rinhaler · 1 month
so I bought a new desk
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rosicheeks · 9 months
as a fellow she-ra fan it makes me REALLY happy that you watch it too! it’s such a good show ugh and it’s so cute 🥺 10/10 i would love to cuddle and watch it with you and nerd out about it 🥺🤭💖
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#just wanna double check are you talking about the original show or the remake on Netflix?#I’m pretty sure I clarified in my other post but just in case wanna make sure we are talking about the same show#but uhhhh if you are talking about the Netflix remake I’m kinda obsessed???????????#still don’t know what I wanna do for Halloween but damn wouldn’t entrapta or she-ra or something from the show be so damn CUTE#also have you seen Kipo? I don’t remember the full name of it - age of the wonderbeasts (I think?)#but it’s the same like dreamworks/Netflix combo and it has the same voice actor for glimmer#when I first watched she-ra I instantly recognized glimmers voice#also these shows have been making me want to look into voice acting cause omg how cool would that be?!?!?!#anywayyyy I’m watching the very last episode now and I’m so sad????#like there’s no fucking way they wrap everything up in 23min?????#ok I’m not giving up hope quite yet#but I swear if they give me a shitty ending I’m gonna be PISSED#but I love love love she-ra - entrapta is my FAVORITE character….. like in the show but honestly she’s been one of my fav characters in#a long long time! she’s just so cute and relatable and I wanna hug her and squeeze her#every time she was left on her own or in a dangerous place I knew she was going to be fine#like when she went to beast island I literally said to myself ‘she’s going to be fucking running that place watch 😂’#ok hope I didn’t spoil anything too much if anyone’s reading this who hasn’t seen it#but 50000/10 recommend Kipo and She-Ra on Netflix - both have cheesy parts for sure but man I feel like they are such gems#also both are super rewatchable - I’ve been showing a friend she-ra so I started at the beginning with her and I’ve noticed so many#new things I didn’t see before#ok I’m getting distracted… mainly cause I’m scared to watch the last episode! Im kinda surprised I’m watching the last episode right away#fun fact I never finished criminal minds cause I didn’t want to hahah#ok ok ok before I run out of space I would LOVE ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOVE to stay in bed and cuddle watching she-ra and talking about it all DAY#or a couch just wanna be comfy cozy with you watching she-ra and freaking out at all my fav parts 🥰🥰🥰🥰#that sounds SO amazing right now#ok I’ve waited long enough I’m gonna pack a bowl and watch the last episode wish me luck 😂#ask#🌸 anon
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campbell-rose · 7 months
Alastor Redesign
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Omg there’s like over 70 people following me – guys I'm o///O flattered and flabbergasted. 
Anyway, onto today’s main event, Alastor. I hate Alastor’s og design, I hate his twig waist and his shoulder pads and the way you can’t see his antlers next to his ears, and his bow tie ugh viv please and his HAIR what even is that??? Not even mentioning that nothing about his design is really like a focal point. There’s no one thing that’s particularly interesting. At least before this he had that cathedral window looking cross on his undershirt that I found interesting. Nothing about his says he’s from the 1930’s other than dialogue. 
I wanted him to be in greyscale because that’s the coolest aesthetic, and colored photos weren’t a thing until way after the 30s. Recently I saw jjk, and Jogo’s teeth threw me because at some points I thought he was just straight up toothless. But then when I started this design, that colored tooth look spoke to me. Initially his teeth were yellow to look gross like he never brushes them, but then I was like ‘ayo wait, he’s literally a cannibal’, thus his vibrant red teeth to really pop against his greyscale. Initially his undershirt was white, but I feel like that was too much contrast and white is typically innocence, so by instead having a deep red it shows he’s just straight up bloodthirsty underneath his formal appearance. I also considered it being black, but then he looked like a pastor, and I wasn’t too much of a fan of it. The idea of the red on his design is that it leads your eye down his design to take it all in, with his face being the focus. I gave him glasses because I like the way it obscures his eyes a bit and I imagine they do the anime thing where they glow and hide his eyes. I liked Viv’s idea of sinners having marks where they died, and I slicked his hair back to show it off very prominently. His antlers are larger, I gave him cute lil deer ears. Also, under his suit he is lowkey buff. I feel like a serial killer should at least look physically capable of taking someone down not whatever the fuck viv’s nasty twig men can do. Like, in that comic with the cute sheep girl, when Alastor goes demon mode his body looks so snappable I just wanna like grab his waist in my hands and break it like a twig. I also tried to keep his design simple as if this were for animation, I know pinstripes are complicated and so are antlers but other than that I tried to keep his design basic. 
If I were to rewrite him based solely on the pilot, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Alastor is a decent character, his voice actor gives him life, the radio filter is cool, and nothing he did made me want to break my screen (ANGELDUST). The only thing I'd change would be his position in hell. Like, viv’s hell is so wack and I hate it, she’s got the princes, then the goetia and the overlords and then sinners and blah blah, it’s a lot to keep track of, not even mentioning the rings and circles thing. I think Alastor should have had dealings with hell as a human, maybe he routinely did sacrifices or something, and he made a deal with the archdemon Alastor and when he died like... uuhhhhhhh. Maybe through connections he’s gained more power? Idk, I just know I hate the idea of his dying and then having like the bestest most powerful demon powers despite not being hellborn. It’s got this mary sue stench. I’ll figure it out, maybe, who knows. 
I’m not gonna start rewriting since there’s nothing to go off of and alter yet, so that’s gonna have to wait until the show actually drops before anything concrete happens lol. 
Also the sheep girl is a sinner that reoccurs in the show now so sorry I don’t make the rules, you can’t give me a cute sheep girl and try to take her away, I’m gonna redesign her and shove her into the plot as someone looking for redemption at the hotel
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Every once in a while I think about Adrinette and am just overcome with love again.
It would have been SOOOOO easy to make it cliche and simple. Marinette is a shy little fashion designer. Adrien is a model for her fashion idol/favorite brand. It would have been so simple to say “he represents everything she wants in the world and her dream future so of course she daydreams about being In His World and having him as a beautiful model boyfriend.” And it still would have been so fun and cute!!!!
But INSTEAD!!!! Instead this show said.
Marinette took One look at this boy and went. “Good LORD not another pretty person. There was a time I had an open heart but now I am THIRTEEN and know how the world is. BEGONE. Begone you horrid little demon. I will not stand for your evil little games. I am a Mature Woman so i KNOW that you and your stupid little pretty-boy facade and your extravagant wealth are just tools that you use to get what you want and you don’t think your actions have consequences but GUESS WHAT. I’m a human being. Now SCRAM.”
And then he Did. And then later that day he came crawling back to her like “hi. hi hi hi. Sorry for bothering you I just??? Don’t know what I did wrong??? And like i’m not… you’re allowed to be mad it’s fine I probably messed up!!! I’m not making excuses!!! I just???? Can you please tell me so I can fix it??? Please I’ve never had friends before and you seem sooooo cool and I really really want you to like me and I’ll do literally anything,.. here take my umbrella it’s fine i’ll just get soggy… i just want you to be okay. Please like me”
and it worked so well she was like “Okay. Change of plans. I’m not gonna kill him I decided he might be redeemable” and then she went home and IMMEDIATELY started planning their wedding and just forgot the step of Telling Him She Didn’t Hate Him Anymore and also the step of Proposing and went straight to planning their fiftieth anniversary family reuinion party with all their grandkids.
And THEN!!!!! There’s this whole arc when they finally DO date???? Like????? She’s part of the reason he quits modelling. She’s like “the fashion world is HORRIBLE to you” and yet it doesn’t make her give up she’s like. “I could do better though.”
Like. Instead of giving us “marinette likes adrien because he gives her an Opening into her dream future” (which would STILL be so good and girl power and all of it) this show gives us “marinette likes adrien and he shows her the flaws in the fashion world and she gives him a way OUT. AND he gives her the motivation to go against every barrier and fix an entire industry so that The Horrors don’t happen again and so she can make the world as pretty and perfect as it is in her middle school daydreams.” She likes him bc he shows her that there is good even in the darkest places and that you CAN choose to be kind and that the world is fixable and that she has the power to make her dreams come true and that her dreams are important. and I’m just. I’m so feral about this show how does it keep DOING this
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fagidarity · 7 months
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aw yeah baby updated refsss don’t question the logic of how i’ve laid out the colour palettes it makes sense to me. also gave up on neat lines by the time i got to the last two
just for fun there’s gonna be some notes under the cut
mariana grew her hair out while she was away! … wherever she was. realistically i know his hairs too long for it to have only been 6-7 months but oh well <3
his wings are also retractable! he can entirely go from looking fully human still to looking more divine/angelic. it’s not shown but he does kinda glow when he goes full deity. the glow is very dull in purgatory
i also think he’s the god of something specific, but i haven’t decided what yet. maybe something to do with love or family or something cute like that
the axe is that grave metal axe that he gave to slime that slime forgot to give back LOL idk why i’m so attached to it i just think it’s cool. based on what i’m pretty sure is a real axe
the fabric around slimes waist is the white shirt that was under his jumpsuit that got dyed green with his “blood” after all the times he got spawnkilled LOL
he does NOT have anything under there but it’s fine he can shapeshift he can be smooth like a ken doll when he wants to be. if he wants to be
he Would probably have his hair down, not up in the ponytail, but i already redrew mariana’s hair so i got lazy khsbjf
touching the corrupted parts of slime feels fuzzy like a crt screen. ykwim
flippa has a stubby little tail that you can’t see :3
the flippa with wings and green eyes is codeflippa if that wasn’t clear. i hc that only the older dragon kids have visible wings, the younger ones are small enough that it’s more comfortable to just keep them under their shirts
codeflippa in general also feels like a crt screen
you can also never see her feet. she almost seems to float more than walk
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ravencincaide · 6 months
This little thing
Summary: Not every woman wants their boyfriend to buy them everything they lay their eyes on. It was  just excessive. Unfortunately for you, that’s something that Chuuya still struggles with. Or the time Chuuya got you one meaningful gift instead of 50 just-because ones. 
Pairing: Reader x Chuuya Nakahara
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 11: Shopping
Hope you enjoy~ ______________________________________________________________
“ Chuu, are you really getting all those felted bunnies for yourself?” 
You did little to hide your teasing smile as you stared at your boyfriend's confused expression, his arms filled to the brim with at least fifty handmade animals in all shapes, colours and sizes. All of them were soft; either knitted, crochet or felted and all with exquisite details. Hearing your comment he looked down at his arms, seeming to just realize he may have overdone it slightly. Turning his head left and then right, he quickly came to the realization that there was little place in the small shed for him to place them down. It wasn’t long until the 50 or so animals were levitating in the air between you. 
“ So pass on the bunnies” Chuuya agreed, flickering his eyes towards the shelf furthest away where he took them from. All twenty of them returned to the shelf in neat little lines. You watched with an amazed expression on your face, always fascinated by his ability whenever he used it. Which was rare around you. “ Sweetheart?” 
You closed your mouth and turned away from the bunnies and back to your boyfriend and the remaining thirty animals levitating around him. Not a single duplicate, each one slightly different than the next, in one way or another one. “ Why so many Chuu?” You asked as you tilted your head to the side. 
Chuuya watched your expression carefully before raising his hand and rested it on your cheek. The leather of his glove felt cool on your skin, the touch loving. Even if you’d wish he took those damned things off when around you. “ Because you like this sort of thing” 
You blinked in confusion for a moment, trying to figure out where he got that idea from, before it finally clicked. “ Do you mean the felted fox I have in my bookshelf? The one my mum made for me before I moved out?” 
“ It looked like it could use a few friends” was all he said, his eyes looking at you with such adoration you could have sworn you hung the moon. Or something. But you could see past that loving expression and down to the emotion which triggered this behavior of excessively buying you anything you could remotely like, let alone want or need. Each date would end with your hands full of different gift bags and presents as if you had just gone Christmas shopping for your entire family instead of spending a few hours together. So now when you were actually out to look around the autumn market with intentions to buy some random cute or practical autumn items you were terrified of how many more things your sweet yet excessive boyfriend would bestow upon you. 
“ Love” you called and pressed a hand against his cheek feeling him instantly lean into the touch“ You don’t need to buy me anything, you don’t need to bribe me with gifts and trinkets to keep me. I’m gonna remain your girlfriend even if you get me nothing. So please- no excessive shopping.” You plead hoping you could get through to him. Reluctantly three more animals returned to their shelves. 
Only 27 more to go. 
“ It shouldn’t be a problem for me to buy things for my girlfriend.” He pressed a quick peck to your lips, clearly deciding that this would be the end of this conversation. You, however, were not planning to give up until all the animals returned to their rightful place. 
“ Chuu we talked about this” you mumbled, letting your hand drop away from his cheek and pressing your fingers against your forehead, above the bridge of your nose. You were fighting off the oncoming headache “ You know that when you just pile on things on me like this it makes me feel inherently guilty and indebted to you. I know it’s not what you’re after- I honestly do- but it also makes it harder for me to say no to you when I really should.” 
“ You never need to feel that way,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “ You know I’d never ask for anything that you don’t want or aren’t ready for.” 
You looked up at him as he moved your fingers away from your forehead and clasped them tightly in his hand. His lips were quick to replace them, the gentle touch beginning to ease the frown.  “ Chuu please” you begged “ We can compromise on something somewhere else okay? I really don’t want anything from here and if you keep buying me things I show a slight interest in I’ll not have enough space for the truly precious gifts you get me.”  
You watched him hesitating, the gears in his head turning as he fought back the argument that ‘you could just move in with him’ or he could ‘buy you a bigger place or storage space’. Thankfully even Chuuya realized that your relationship was not at that point, yet. “ Fine” he muttered, pulling back and pushing his hat over his eyes as the remaining animals returned to their shelf.  
“ Thank you Chuu” You gave him a peck on the lips, trying to ignore how pouty he looked. Like the thought of not gifting you the entire store physically hurt him “ Now that we’ve checked this place out, wanna head towards the fall market stalls? I heard the farmers outdid themselves this year with fall-themed treats and pastries!” 
Before Chuuya replied, you grabbed his hand and turned around, starting to head for the door. 
Just then something off to the side, hanging on the wall, partially obscured by numerous knitted hats and gloves, caught your eye. It was a hanger full of white hand-knitted floor-length scarf that resembled more a small blanket than something practical. It was full of intricate designs in various shades of white. From this distance you couldn’t fully tell what the designs were, but you were certain they were just as detailed as the rest of the items in the shop- if not more. You were captivated by the way it shimmered from a distance; the shift of silver, icy and blue colours depending on how the light hit it. But most importantly, it looked soft and warm, like a hug that would protect its wearer against even the coldest and most bone chilling Japanese winter days. It was clearly a handmade thing- a unique one of kind that you had never before seen. And you were certain you’d never see a second of its kind again. God you wanted to look at it closer, run your fingers over the material to see if it was as soft as it looked. 
You bit your lip in thought. 
Then deciding that it would make you too much of a hypocrite if you were to go and buy the first thing your eyes lingered on after you just scolded Chuuya for doing just that. So you turned your back on it and headed outside the small store pulling your boyfriend behind you. 
You regretted your choice almost the second you step outside; the autumn sun was quick to set while you were browsing inside the warm stall, letting the chilly autumn night air set in. The wet coldness seemed to crawl past your clothes and chill you to your core despite the five layers you were wearing. A scarf would have been nice, you mused to yourself bitterly.
Still proud and stubborn however, you refused to turn around and get it. Instead you took a look around the sea of people before picking a direction at random. It wasn’t long until you and Chuuya were walking side by side, admiring the handiwork:, from hand carved wooden toys and games to weaved socks and sweaters. It didn’t take long until you arrived at the part of the market which sold food; jams, cheeses and meats, fall vegetables and even pumpkins together with a pumpkin carving contest. 
“ Sweetheart shall we get some hot chocolate?” You turned to look at your boyfriend who nodded in the direction of a semi-long line. All it took was another blow of the chilly wind for you to agree. Indeed you nodded, hot chocolate sounded like a splendid idea to warm up. Almost too eager you went to the queue wondering what sorts of flavors they had to offer.  You stood ahead of Chuuya in line, with your boyfriend hugging you from behind, head resting on your shoulder, eyes closed. Gently you moved from one foot to another, a soft rocking motion that kept you warmer and seemed to make your boyfriend sleepier. 
You hated to admit it but if it got any colder you’d probably have to call it a day early, independently of how much more of this market you got to see. The thought made a wave of disappointment wash over you, this was one of the few together-activities that you were really looking forward to and wouldn't get to re-experience until next year!
“ Sweetheart, can you get me the dark one with marshmallows?” Chuuya asked after five minutes of waiting, breaking your trail of thought. 
You tilted your head to the side in confusion “ Sure, you going somewhere?” 
“ Just give me a moment” Chuuya pressed a kiss to your neck, his cold nose making you shiver, before he disappeared into the masses, somehow perfectly blending in despite how lightly dressed he was, on top of wearing his hat and black coat which swayed behind him with each step. Although his clothes were stunning on him, they did make him stand out among the masses of warm coats and gloves. You looked after him before shaking your head and turning back to count the number of heads that were left before it was your turn. Concluding it was ‘many’ you wrapped your arms tightly around yourself missing Chuuya’s embrace more than ever. 
It took you another ten minutes until you got hot chocolate for you both. Once you got the two large cups overflowing with goonesses you began facing the dilemma of where you’d find Chuuya. Looking left, then right you made your way towards a small empty table to the side of the stall and set your mugs down  there. Before you could reach for your phone, a familiar arm wrapped around your waist, pressing you closely to his chest. “ Hmm smells good. Wait long sweetheart?” 
“ Not at all” You smiled as he nuzzled into you before moving back from you. The action confused you: you turned your body to face him, your back leaned against the table momentarily forgetting about the chocolate and the coldness.
“ Here Y/N” Chuuya stated as he held up the paperbag towards you, looking to the side. His face looked flushed, something between embarrassed and guilty, with a redness that not even the chilly autumn wind could achieve. 
You looked skeptic for a moment before carefully taking the bag from him. You watched his hand drop to his side and he still wasn’t looking at you, perhaps because he was expecting that you’d scold him for it. In fact you could see him sigh heavily, clenching and unclenching his fist in nervousness. 
You turned your attention away from Chuuya and towards the white wrapping tissue which kept the gift inside obscured. With careful fingers you moved the paper aside before you gasped. Inside was the fluffy white scarf, looking even more stunning than it did on the hanger. 
“ Ohh Chuuya-baby you shouldn’t have” you mumbled in shock trailing your fingers carefully over the hand embroidered design of a shimmering- glittering snowflake. The material was much softer than you could have imagined. “ It must have been so expensive.” 
“ Do you like it?” he asked carefully, still cautious in case he had somehow offended you. 
“ I love it” you looked up at him with a huge smile on your face. “ This is the best and most thoughtful gift you’ve ever given me, thank you so so soooo much Chuu!” 
He chuckled at your excitement before reaching for the bag, intending to help you wrap yourself up in it. As he draped the warm material over your shoulders you grabbed the front of his jacket and crashed your lips together in a long, grateful kiss. It took him less than a second to reciprocate, his lips moving against yours. The kiss was deep yet sweet and gentle, neither rushed nor sexy-passionate. Still it was a kiss you’d remember for a long time. 
After all, there was just something magical about kissing Chuuya in the middle of the autumn market, surrounded by people, lights and under the warmths of the most thoughtful and caring gift your boyfriend had ever gifted you. Even if with each kiss the hot chocolate behind you grew colder and colder.. 
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moonrisecoeur · 7 months
SUB LEON THOUGHTS YA SAY? can't stop thinking abt overstim with him. just making him cry pretty tears yet he doesn't complain or ask you to stop bc he loves being used and touched by you. poor silly puppy
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secondly, awwhhh he’s so cute though, just imagining him getting overstimmed… think i’m feeling re4 leon for this one ^-^
he’s all stoic most of the time right? he’s a little softer around you, but most of the time he’s cool and composed, he can control himself. at least he thinks he can.
i think leon would just really like to be used like this because like he doesn’t have to do anything but just sit there and take it. there’s no mission he can possibly mess up or someone to be disappointed in him. all he has to do to be good for you is writhe and whimper like he already does so well!!
“p-please, baby, i- fuck- know i can’t handle it—”
“oh i know you can, sweet thing,” you mutter to him, enjoying the way his body trembles, knowing the power you had over him in this moment.
he’s just so lost in that submissive headspace, it’s so pretty to watch. he can’t put any coherent thoughts together, he can barely open his eyes to see you, his sweet lover. he can’t see properly, it’s all blurry from the tears in his eyes.
he heaves and hiccups through his sobs as you shush him, comfort him when he’s this mentally out of it, “shh, darling, it’s okay. let it out. know you need to cry, it’s okay. let me see your pretty face covered in tears, see your pretty eyes all wet.”
he gasps, crying out that he’s gonna cum again. you haven’t been counting but you can judge by the fact that he looks like he’s on the brink of passing out that he’s had enough.
…but then again, leon has told you before he’s okay with you pushing his boundaries, pushing him further and further. he likes it when you both know he can’t handle any more, and you still force his body to take it.
so you continue, but watchfully look for any signs that you need to stop. you find none, “good boy, taking your orgasms so well.”
he doesn’t respond, too fucked out.
“don’t even have it in you to respond to me? that’s not very polite of you, baby.”
this wakes him up, brings him back to reality. he tries so damn hard to say something, anything, and nothing comes to his mind, so he ends up babbling his apologies, crying for you forgive him.
“it’s okay, sweetheart. know you’re going through a lot right now,” you’d giggle, and his heart still leaps when he hears that sound, “how about you give me one more? you think you can do it?”
he shakes his head, no, god no, i’m literally going to black out, he thinks to himself. up to you if you force him to take one more, or show mercy. 🫶
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miffysrambles · 7 months
can u do a Macaque x F!Reader where they're watching the moonrise..
Macaque Watching the Moonrise With S/O
(Not proofread as it is very late and i want to get to sleep -w-)
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A knock on your window interrupted your wandering thoughts as you stared at the ceiling fan of your bedroom.
You sat up to see your boyfriend Macaque standing on your apartment balcony, grinning at you as he continued to knock on the thick glass.
Smiling as you rolled your eyes at him, you got up out of bed and slid the doors open to greet him. 
“I heard you the first time Macaque.” You laughed softly as he greeted you with a small peck on the lips. 
“Just wanted to make sure sweet cheeks, don’t want you falling asleep just yet.”
You tilted your head at his words, you didn’t have anything planned tonight with anybody, especially him.
“Before you say anything, no you didn’t forget we had a date. This is merely me surprising you.” He smirked as he winked down at you, his tail softly swaying behind you as he grabbed you gently by your wrist and one of the thin blankets on your bed in the other hand.
Suddenly, you fell through the floor through the shadows. A yelp was caught in your throat as you felt the pool of violet consume you, the freezing air hitting your skin as you traveled through the darkness. 
You suddenly rose from the shadows onto the floor of your apartment’s rooftop, a shudder running through your body as you were met with the cool fall breeze.
You were never gonna get used to that.
“You okay sugarplum?” The demon looked at you with a slightly worried expression as you smiled and nodded, Macaque always asked if you were okay after you used the shadows to reach your destination.
He gently held your hands as you both sat down on the cold concrete of the roof, “Good, good.”
He noticed your shivering form. “Oh, here, this’ll warm you up.”
He wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, letting you snuggle into the fluffy material.
He chuckled softly as you enveloped yourself, raising an eyebrow at you as he let his thought slip past his lips “Cute.”
His face flushed red, did he just say that out loud…?
“I am cute aren’t I?” You stuck your tongue out at him, deciding to play along with his accidental flirt.
“Yeah yeah, Miss Humble. You’re cute alright.” He said the first part in a sarcastic tone, rubbing his nose against yours.
As he slowly pulled away from you, you held the blanket out to him, offering the space next to you. 
“I don’t want you being cold either, I’m like a heater right now.” A smile spread across your face as he chuckled once more, his fur was keeping him far beyond warm but he sure as hell used this as an excuse to cuddle up next to you. 
He shifted closer to you as you wrapped the blanket around the both of you, letting out a laugh as he felt your scorching body heat.
“Jeez, you weren’t joking about the heater thing sugarplum…” 
You laughed back as you rested your head on his shoulder, his head rested on top of yours.
You stayed like this for a few long minutes as he pressed loving but gentle kisses on your head, his arm loosely wrapped around you as the sun started to set. 
You realized he hadn’t actually told you what you were doing up here, finally asking him the long-awaited question. 
“Oh, I just wanted to watch the moonrise together. It’s a full moon tonight and I figured that would be a romantic thing, right?”
You smiled once more as you nodded against his shoulder, your soft comfortable breaths were music to his six ears. 
He loved how you could be so comfortable around him, that was a sure-tale sign you trusted him, and that meant the world to him.
His tail wrapped around your waist as his arm rested atop your shoulder, never wanting to let go of your pretty figure for the rest of time. 
You two were just waiting for the moon to come out as you talked about random things that came across your minds, ranging from things that happened at your work or what MK and his friends were up to this week.
“He ended up being a whole three hours late with my order, and when he gave it to me it ended up being the wrong order…” You sighed as you thought about the recent experience with Pigsy’s Noodles.
“Eh, doesn’t surprise me. I’ve heard worse stories from the kid himself. You honestly got lucky hon.” The simian chuckled thinking of the monkey king’s successor and all the horror stories of his past deliveries he happened to hear. 
Your conversation was interrupted as the ivory glow of the moonlight lit up the tops of the buildings in Megapolis, the lunar glow eventually hitting the both of you as it glowed against your skin.
The stars danced around the massive rock as they were set up in sporadic patterns, although this wasn't your first time watching the moonrise it certainly was the most special.
Macaque, however unlike you, wasn’t looking up at the sky at all. He saw skies like this thousands of times throughout his long years of life.
His golden orbs were fixated on you the whole time, the way your eyes practically lit up when you stared up at the night sky.
The quiver of your lip as you took in the beauty before you, however to him you were the only beauty before him. 
You noticed he was staring at you this whole time, making you smile and laugh softly.
“What is it?”
He chuckled back once more as he kissed you on your lips, gently pulling away as he smirked “Just admiring the view.”
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espinosaurusrexex · 2 years
Flowers and Things
BuckyBarnes x female!reader
summary: Who would have thought that Bucky "The Winter Soldier" Barnes would ever have a crush on the sweet sweet team member Y/N? Well, certainly not Sam, which seemed like the perfect opportunity to tease him about it. Bucky is determined to buy Y/N a birthday gift, and his best friend's suggestions seem a little too stupid to pursue. Let's hope his own idea is good enough for her...
a/n: I needed more soft!Bucky and I felt like you did too
This is not really proof read so I might work it over again. All mistakes are my own.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: fluffy Bucky (he still got game but it’s cute now), swearing, a little angsty, more fluffff, Bucky and Sam being Bucky and Sam
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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Bucky hated it here. The scented candles mixed in one giant cloud of barf and the twinkle lights made him dizzy. He would have just gone to the florist and picked up a bouquet of flowers but when he had asked Sam about it, he had made him doubt that decision. So now he was here, watching yet another flashing ‘SALE’ sign hang over the aisle he passed. This one was filled with bedsheets. All shapes and sizes, as many fabrics as Bucky could only imagine. All feeling different and all having other patterns. He huffed again. This was ridiculous. Sam was the worst when it came to advice.
“Absolutely not.”
“Why not? It’s practical and sends a message!” 
“That's not what you buy a lady, Sam.”
“Oh really? Since when do you know that type of stuff?”
“I don't-“ Bucky pinched his nose and took a deep breath. “I just know that’s not the thing she wants okay?”
“Don’t tell me you know about things, Bucky. You are the only person I know that doesn’t have any things. So don’t come at me and tell me that I don’t know.”
He looked at him in disbelief. 
“I have things.” Bucky didn’t know why he was so offended. Bucky’s apartment was simple. He was a simple man. So he really didn't see anything wrong with it. He had things. He had a chair. A mug, he had found it down by the window of some old lady’s house. Yes, it was technically stolen but he had really needed something to drink out of in Romania and well, there was a fun cat on the mug, so he had taken it. He had a pillow - two actually. One on the chair and one on the floor, where his only blanked lay. He had one set of cutlery and he had a deep plate. He had A pair of boots and he had about 4 T-shirts, maybe 5 - oh and that red henley. He had a very cool leather jacket and he had some gloves. So yes, Bucky was a simple man. He had always been. Okay, maybe not that simple and maybe not always by choice, but that wasn’t the point right now.
“Like what?”
“I have a chair.” And it was true. Buck had one single chair in his living room. Because he was only one person. That was enough, right?
Sam’s eyebrows raised. “Are you hearing yourself?”
“Sam!” The frustration between the two was clearly evident, but Bucky didn’t really know how to counter that. He just watched as his friend continued with the argument he was about to make.
“Bucky, you own the same shirt three times. And that’s it, you have no other shirts. Just believe me on this one and buy her bedsheets” That wasn’t true, he owned that red henley too... and he loved it.
“I’m not gonna buy her bedsheets.” Even if Bucky did not have any better idea, he for sure knew that this one was not up for debate. Fucking bedsheets. Who would give anyone bedsheets for their birthday if they weren’t their grandma?
“Whatever man, do what you want.” Sam waved off as he turned around and left the room with a shaking head.
“I will,” Bucky called after him with confidence. “Thanks for not helping!”
So apparently women didn't like flowers anymore. And since Sam was not of any help to suggest anything better, Bucky found himself in aisle six of the department store. Lost and frightened and annoyed at how complicated things were in the 21st century. 
He was browsing through a particular hideous set of garden gnomes when a chipper blonde approached him with a bright and flashing smile. 
“Can I help you with anything?” She asked and the joy in her eyes seemed to explode right out of her. To be honest, Bucky never understood how people could find happiness in approaching random strangers and bothering them when they clearly wanted to be alone. He wasn’t a fan of small talk, and he wasn’t too keen on talking to strangers, either.
“I... uh...” He was still a little startled by the woman’s sudden appearance and her confidence didn’t make it any easier to keep calm. She was determined to help him, Bucky could see it in her eyes, the way she held herself - everything screamed ‘happy customers’. “I don’t know?”
“Are you looking for anything specific?” She questioned further. His eyes wandered to her name tag: Terri. Yes, that fit. 
“I don’t know.” Bucky reiterated, suddenly very aware of how lost he was in the huge store.
“Well, who are you shopping for?” That smile didn’t falter. Bucky just blushed. He somehow felt busted, even though, what he was doing and who he was doing it for could concern that lady very little.
“Oh, I See.” The woman nodded knowingly. The smirk on her face grew even wider and the excitement in her eyes was unbelievably intruding. “A special someone.”
“She’s not-“ He huffed frustratedly before his shoulders slumped. He would certainly not tell this stranger about the girl he was planning to court, much less that this girl was a coworker and a friend and that his chance at making a move was dependent on the woman practically vibrating in excitement. “It’s complicated.”
“Don’t you worry. We’ll find the perfect makeup gift for her.” And without another word, Terri sped off through the aisles, and Bucky was forced to follow her. She led him past the horrible scented candles and through the bedsheets until she finally stopped in the middle of the store. A large glass case spread in a square in front of her and upon further investigation, Bucky could see the things beneath the surface twinkling in the harsh store light. 
His head grew even redder, the heat creeping down his neck and making his body sweat anxiously. Jewelry. He couldn’t get Y/N jewelry. That was way too much and way too suggestive for the relationship he had with her. Only boyfriends got women jewelry, and even though he wanted to be that one day, now was definitely not the right time.
The blonde clapped her hands. “There is not one set of earrings that has made me stay mad at my husband.” She reached down and held up one pair after the other as Bucky dug his hands deep into his pants pockets. Every time she held up another pair, he just shook his head embarrassed. 
This was not what he wanted, this was not what Y/N wanted, he thought while staring blankly ahead, smiling and shaking his head no every now and then to keep the store lady occupied. He had to get out of here - away from all the fancy, shiny things and the weirdly shaped garden items. So sure enough, when Terri reached down for the 7th time, he quickly turned around and bolted. Around the corner and straight towards the exit.
When the fresh air hit his face, he felt as though he could finally think clearly again. The heat in his head slowly subsided and he made his way down the street. His head held low, and his hands hidden in his jacket pockets, he traded along the sidewalk, past jewelry stores and bakeries, small boutiques, and restaurants. He shook his head. All Bucky had wanted was a simple gift for her. Something small and sweet. But all he had was a pile of frustration and a whole bunch of hustle and he was still standing with empty hands. Who would have thought that dating would become so difficult? Back in the day, he thought, he would have probably already asked her out. But he was a different man now. He didn’t mind that anymore, but it still took him a while to get back to his old ways.
Bucky was about to just head home, dwell in his anger and forget about the stupid idea to buy a gift for Y/N. Really, how could he have been so dumb from the start? There was probably nothing he would ever feel was good enough for her, because, in his eyes, she was the only perfect thing there was. Everything else had yet to live up to her. She also didn’t need anything. At least that was what she had always said when Tony started planning her birthday party after the meeting the other week. 
When he was about to cross the street, though, a red sign caught his eye, and Bucky suddenly knew that he had found it: The perfect thing.
Bucky fumbled with the blue bow tied around his gift. He was nervous, to say the least, and his right hand found comfort in the softness of the ribbon. He stood before Y/N’s door. It was her birthday - her actual birthday. The party would be this weekend, but Bucky didn’t want to give it to her then. He didn't want everyone to see him giving it to her either. It was late too. The small Avengers get-together had already ended well over an hour ago, and well, for some reason, Bucky had found himself in front of her door, moments away from knocking. 
That was, if his mind would finally stop taking his confidence away. What if she didn’t like it? What if she thought it was weird of him to get her something? He hadn’t thought about that before - he had been too occupied with finding something that would put that beautiful smile on her face. While his mind began to spiral into the infinite worry of what-if possibilities, Bucky didn’t notice the door before him open and a surprised Y/N standing before him with a load of laundry in her hand.
He looked up, the panic on his face doing little to hide and Y/N instantly set the basket aside. Her hands found his arms as she looked at him with round eyes. “Is everything okay?”
It took a couple seconds for Bucky to collect himself, but when he did his cheeks tinted in soft pink. “I got you something,” he confessed after ignoring the tingle her touch sent through his body and stretched his hand out to her, the light blue ribbon a little deformed from his constant fumbling second earlier. 
“Oh?” Her eyes gleamed in surprise. “That’s very sweet of you, Bucky.” Y/N took the gift from his hand, feeling the weight of it and silently guessing what he could have possibly gotten her. A smile spread about her lips at the sweet gesture. Bucky and Y/N were colleagues - friends. Maybe a little more, but nothing had ever happened. It didn’t go unnoticed, however, that they looked at each other in a very special kind of way. Always stealing glances when the other wasn’t watching. So much so, that it frustrated the whole team - they would never say anything though. The both of them were way too private for that, though it didn’t keep Sam from silently punching the air with a boyish grin after Bucky had asked him what he should give Y/N for her birthday. 
Y/N gestured for him to enter, and closed the door behind him when he did. When Bucky stood a little lost in her living room, she began to unpack the gift. The soft ripping of paper filled the silence and Bucky nervously wrung his hands at the sight of it. Y/N’s eyes lit up when she finally revealed the item and when they did, Bucky’s nervousness washed away. 
“You remembered?” She looked up from the book in her hand. The deep green cover with the golden font glimmered under her delicate fingers as she stroked it.
Bucky treaded from one foot to the other, his hand finding its way to his neck. “Of course I remembered.” A shy smile snuck on his face.
“You know Bucky is a nerd?” Sam teased over her shoulder after stealing some grapes from the bowl in her lap.
Y/N’s head piqued up in interest, watching the confused brunette at the other side of the sofa. Bucky shot Sam a disappointed look, equally confused as to what he was hinting towards.
“I found out that he read ‘The Hobbit’ when it first came out. He’s literally the #1 fan.” The smug smile on his face turned sheepish at the bad joke. 
Bucky huffed, waiting for another teasing remark, but it never came.
“It’s actually on my reading list, too. But I haven’t found one with a pretty cover for my bookshelf yet.” Her smile was shy as she searched Bucky’s eyes and found them with an adoring look glazed over his pupils. 
Sam just watched the interaction, feeling partly accomplished, and party frustrated that his plan to embarrass Bucky didn’t work.
“I don’t know if you still want to get into it, but if you have any concerns, I’m always happy to tell you the story... I know the book can be a little slow in parts.”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears when she looked up again. Her lip quivered before she pulled them into a smile. She placed the book on the table and slung her arms around him “Thank you so much, Buck,” she mumbled into his shoulder and Bucky grew warm from her soft voice. 
“I’m glad you like it,” he mumbled back, inhaling the scent of her hair and finding comfort in it.
Her frame pulled back, and Bucky couldn’t help but wish for her to get back into his arms. “Like it? I love it. This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten. Oh, I can’t wait to read it.” She jumped up and down before admiring it again. “Maybe we can watch the movies together after?” 
His heartbeat quickened by the second. His hand grew all clammy as the excitement spread through his body. “I would love that.” He really did, but at the same time, a nervousness overtook his senses he had never felt before.
“Oh great!” Y/N turned around and admired the book again. She stopped for a minute and then she looked at him again, a timid look on her face. She was just as nervous about this. 
“We could read it together, too...” The intrigue on Y/N’s face nudged him to go on further. “You know... to get through the slow parts.” He smiled shyly. “Just if you want to of course.” 
Her eyes brightened at the sweet suggestion. “I would love that,” she copied. And after a moment of silence, as the both of them stood in awkwardly frozen in her living room, she spoke again. “Do... uh. Do you have time now?”
“Yes!” That came out way more excited than he intended, but Y/N didn’t seem to mind. She sped off to her kitchen, putting on the kettle and preparing two mugs while trying to mask her excitement. Meanwhile, Bucky tried the same thing in her living room. He looked around and let the cozy dark green paint of the wall behind the fireplace overtake his thoughts. Y/N’s home was just that: a home. Other than his apartment, which was scarcely decorated. And Bucky found himself feeling homey at the sight of picture frames and plants squeezed between books and magazines. Maybe Sam was right... maybe he didn’t have things. At least not enough to bring him joy. But before he could grieve the bare walls of his apartment he would likely be returning to tonight, Y/N stepped back into the room, two steaming cups of tea in her hands.
“I hope green is okay?”
“Perfect,” he grinned. 
Y/N set the mugs down on her coffee table and settled on the most comfortable-looking couch Bucky had ever seen. Then she patted the cushions next to her and Bucky happily followed her silent invitation. He took the book from the table and settled next to her, his back leaning back and being entirely consumed by the pillows. 
“Are you comfortable?” She asked.
“More than comfortable.” Y/N smiled happily as she held his stare for a moment.
Then Bucky cleared his throat and opened the book to the first chapter.
“An unexpected party.” He stopped as Y/N shifted and laid her head on his shoulder. A smile spread on his face when he felt her soft hair tickling his neck, her eyes lingering on the page before closing with a content smile. 
“Are you comfortable?” He asked.
“More than comfortable,” Y/N snickered, ready to be consumed by his deep and calming voice again.
Bucky’s eyes found the page again. He took a deep breath to contain his excitement for her cuddling up to him. He pushed off his shoes and placed his feet on the table, and then he continued: “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort...”
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linphd · 1 year
Taking care of their baby alone | Headcanons
gender neutral
-> It had been around 6 months your baby was born, but it was the first time he had to take care of them alone, you being ready to return to your hero paperwork.
-> (S/N) is son’s name and (D/N) is daughter’s name. Obviously, the students are adults and pros.
-> Denki Kaminari, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki.
Denki Kaminari
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Denki ? Alone with a baby ? Of course he was panicking ! He couldn’t even take care of himself ! « You’re old enough to make and have a baby, you’re old enough to take care of one. » you had told him in response to his whines.
And here he was, sitting (S/N) on his lap while staring at him. « It’s so funny how I love you so much and you didn’t even do anything, right ? » he asked the toddler. He snorted at the lack of emotion in the baby’s eyes, and decided to change to some baby channel on TV.
« Here ! Cool music, right ? See ? » he said, turning the kid so he could face the TV. « Little cats ! Mio, Mao, Mio, Mao, lalalalala ! » he started singing. But his son groaned. « Awwwn, you don’t like it ? But it was your dad/mom’s favorite baby show when they were a little baby just like you ! » he explained.
But then he understood why (S/N) groaned. « Oh. You pooped. » He made a disgusted face, but he changed him anyways. After all, he had trained with Kirishima and Sero to be the fastest diaper changer, so he was kind of an expert at changing diapers.
But after that, (S/N) started crying. « Nooooo ! What do you have ? » Denki whined, hugging his son. But then he got an idea. He would sing him a song from his childhood ! … but he wasn’t really inspired right now, so the only thing that came out was :
« It’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake- » and unfortunately, this only made the poor baby cry louder. « Noooo, I’m sorry dadda’s stupid ! » Denki whined again. « I’m a bad dadda ! » he hugged his son closer. « You laugh the most when I’m dumb from my quirk on TV… OH. » He was a genius !
He quickly went to the living room again, looking for an extract where he got dumb on TV. « See ? It’s me ! It’s dadda when he overused his quirk ! » he said, imitating himself with his thumbs up. And just like that, (S/N)’s tears made place to laughters.
Katsuki Bakugou
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Katsuki was nothing but confident about taking care of his baby alone. (S/N) was an exact copy of him, after all. And he knew how to take care of himself ! « Too bad you’re feeling down today, you won’t have a perfect day with daddy. » he said, picking him up.
Indeed, (S/N) had been kinda sick during the night and had thrown up a few times. His forehead was still warm today, so Katsuki was being careful. « I’m gonna bake a cake for mommy/daddy, you better not throw up when I do that ! » he said, babywearing him on his stomach and hips.
Katsuki allowed his son to taste some melted chocolate from the recipe, but that was all. He ended up falling asleep while his father baked, and the blonde thought he was an expert at being a dad… until (S/N) woke up.
Luckily, he was in his crib, because he threw up and started crying. Katsuki went to pick him up and kiss his forehead. « Shhhh » he kept saying. Once (S/N) wasn’t crying anymore -but still with teary eyes- the man took off his clothes to put him in pyjamas instead. « Clean clothes ! All good. »
Still, his son looked very sad. « I hope it’s not the little taste of chocolate I gave you earlier. » he said, laying next to his kid, looking at him. « You’re the cutest little shit, I’m gonna take care of you forever. » he murmured. « Hey. I know something that made me laugh. Maybe it will make you laugh too. »
Katsuki remembered that time Camie made an illusion of Shoto and it had made him laugh hysterically. So, he stood up and said « I wanna see your cute face » looking (S/N) right into his eyes. The toddler laughed so much he rolled on his back on the couch and… threw up again… from laughter this time.
« Ohhhh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry ! » the blonde said, picking up yet again his toddler full of vomit. Luckily, he wasn’t crying this time. « It’s okay, we’re gonna take a bath so you’ll be all clean when mom/dad comes back. » he said, taking his son to the bathroom. Yep. Being a dad was so easy.
Shoto Todoroki
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Shoto seemed confident to take care of his daughter without you in the house to arrive in case something happens. So you had left happily. In reality he was absolutely terrified. Sure, he had seen you taking care of (D/N). But it was his only example !
The little girl didn’t seem to mind that you were gone, which was a good start. Shoto only had to change her and play a bit with cubes with her, and then he got bored of it so he decided to bring a little baby illustration book. « See ? A cat. Meow » he started.
(D/N) mostly looked at him rather than the book. She was very young, after all. But one page caught her attention. Shoto pointed to a prince. « Prince. He has a nice costume. » he said, talking as if she understood. But she actually poked the illustration, touching her father’s hand.
« Oh ? You like it ? » Shoto remembered about his Halloween costume you had kept ; a prince outfit. He took his daughter and went upstairs, changing. When he was fully costumed, he heard her squeal and she grabbed her feet. He snorted. « You’re adorable ! » he said, picking her up.
They went back downstairs and Shoto put on some baby songs and cartoons on TV. He didn’t know if she really cared or understood, but she stayed calm the whole afternoon. After giving her food, making funny noises and having to eat some baby food to make her accept to eat everything, Shoto hugged her to sleep.
When you arrived back home, you found them on the couch, (D/N) sleeping in her father’s arms. « I’m back ! Was she nice ? » you asked. Shoto nodded. « She’s really well-behaved for a baby. » he replied, making you giggle.
« And you’re wearing your Halloween costume ? » you asked, a bit confused. « We played dress-up ! » he replied, making you giggle -how could you have not guessed ?! Seeing you happy about how he took care of (D/N), Shoto thought that taking care of a baby alone wasn’t so bad, after all.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Masochistic Male Yandere x Gn Sadistic Reader
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: violence, NSFW themes but no outright smut, gun play, dumbifcation mdni 18+
Sweet, kind Y/n. A pleasant neighbor, and friendly cashier at your local convenient store. No matter the weather, you greeted the day, and those you met during with a bright smile. With your cute and welcoming demeanor, it was no surprise that a few people had their eyes on you. Unfortunately for them, you already had a lovely partner you had no plans of leaving anytime soon. High-school sweethearts still going strong years after. Your boyfriend had a bit of a protective streak, but it never went too far. Such a shame that some people didn’t know when to give up the chase. 
After a long day at work, your shift had finally close to come to an end. The only people left in the store were you, your manager, and the recent hire – Marcus. From day one it was obvious he was a bit of a flirt. He warmed up to you quite well and talked your ear off whenever he got the chance. You paid no mind to his charms and even took part in the occasional chat with him; discovering you were practically neighbors in the process.
“Hey, Y/n. Doing anything after work?”
You were finishing up a transaction when Marcus tossed the question into the air. Eyes ahead as you hand the customer their receipt; you then turn to face him.
“Hmm. Dunno. Probably just gonna head home. What about you?”
“Most likely the same. I just wish these people would hurry up so we could get out of here.”
Though he mentions plural, Marcus only speaks of one person in question. Some guy that had been browsing the back shelves for while, repeating the same route for what had to be an hour by now. He gave Marcus the creeps. He was certain he had caught the guy staring at him a few times, but he didn’t want to alarm you or dampen his chances by seeming spooked himself. 
“It won’t be that much longer. I’m sure we can power through it.”
“Yeah…” He shifts around, suddenly feeling antsy. “I, uh, heard you mention you weren’t getting a ride home today? Is it cool if we walk to the bus stop together today?” 
“Of course! We’d have to walk the same way, regardless.”
A chip stand falls over at the back of the store. The guilty party immediately picks it and the discarded bags up, neither of you paying much mind after that.
Your shift ends and you both ready to leave. Marcus goes to tell the guy off, but by then he had finally left. For some reason, he feels more relieved than he should have. You wait at the exit for him, waving him over as he heads in your direction. 
The bus station was a little ways down the street after crossing north. You both walk in silence until you reach the crosswalk; Marcus decides to strike up conversation as you wait for the light to change.
“So, how was your day?” 
“I’m pretty sure our day was fairly similar..” You chuckle as Marcus stammers out a response. “I well-.”
“I’m kidding. It was alright. Yours?
“Can’t complain.. That creepy guy in the back still has me a bit spooked though.” His face becomes slightly flushed. “ Part of the reason I wanted to walk with you.”
The signal changes, yet your feet hang on the edge of the sidewalk. 
“Creepy guy?” 
“Oh, uh, well there was this guy hanging around in the store for like an hour. I’m surprised you didn’t see him.”
Marcus swallows hard, regretting bringing that up. What a way to kill the mood. As if the statement meant nothing, you simply smile at him. 
“Must’ve been too busy with sales.”
You cross the street and continue towards the bus stop, retaining conversation through the entire way. Marcus purposely slows his steps to get as much information from you as he could. He lingers an inch to close for comfort for most, but you don’t seem to notice or care.
“Are there any restaurants nearby that you’d recommend, Y/n?” 
“Oh, yes, a ton. I can make a list for you if you want.”
“Actually, I was thinking that maybe we could-"
He pauses; eyes ahead as a shiver runs up his spine. You had finally reached the bus stop, the only landmark for the rest of the road. Every seat was empty, yet that wasn’t where Marcus’ gaze lied. Standing by the bus signal was a hooded individual; breathed deep and clouding the night air. Marcus recognizes him from his hoodie, and the look in his eyes. 
He takes one step back, and another; unsure on what to do. You, on the other hand, continue ahead, practically skipping your way over to the station. The stranger’s attention shifts to you, relaxing slightly as you draw near. Marcus reaches out to you as you pass.
“Hey, wait that’s…”
Standing arm’s distance from your boyfriend, you hold your arms out to him with a grin. A head taller than you, he ducks forward as he dives into your arms; hands tight around your back. You bring your voice to a hush as you place your forehead against his, cupping his cheeks as your noses brush together. 
“Were you waiting here for me? Such a good boy.” 
Sammy’s lips pull into a smile of his own. His cheeks become dusted in crimson; a moment ruined by the footsteps behind you.
“Oh!” You turn to face Marcus, arm now at Sammy’s side. “Sammy, this is Marcus, my coworker. Marcus, this is Sam.”
Marcus had heard mentions of your partner in passing, but he chose to believe otherwise – probably for his own selfish reasons. Looking at him, he wondered what you saw in him. The guy was basically attached to your hip; protective arm over your shoulder. Wedging his body slightly between you and Marcus. He looked more like a guard dog than a regular person. Keeping face, Marcus waves.
Sam didn’t respond. And he didn’t plan to, till he felt your nails rake the skin of his torso.
“C'mon, Sam. It isn’t nice to ignore our neighbors.”
“Thank you. Now, may I ask what you’re doing here?”
“I got worried when you didn’t call me after you left, so I came to pick you up.”
A bold face lied, but one you allow anyway. 
“How sweet of you! I guess we should get going then. Bye, Marcus, see you Monday.”
And with that, you leave Marcus there alone. Despite seeing your partner in person, his pride refuses to let his heart stop beating for you.
Days passed and you returned to work on Monday, just like you said. You wore long sleeves, despite the heatwave over the store. Mop in hand, you clean up a spill from a broken bottle as Marcus hovers beside you.
“Did you get all the glass up?”
Your question catches him off guard. “Hm? Oh, yeah.”
“Everything ok?”
“Yea.. Just wondering.. Are things with your boyfriend okay?”
You stop mopping. “Of course they are. Why do you ask?”
“He just seems.. kinda off.”
You look towards the ground. “Sammy has his… moments, but I assure you everything is perfect fine. He’s a good boy.”
You go to put the mop up and continue with your shift. At the end of the day, Sam comes to pick you up yet again. Marcus notices dark marks on your wrists as you lift your arms to pull him into another hug.
“Dude, I’m telling you. Guy’s a total freak.”
With you having gone out for lunch that day, the only two people in the building were Marcus and another coworker of yours who had been there far longer. They hung outside by the trash cans while the latter smoked. 
“I mean, sure he’s a bit off, but they seem to be happy together so what’s the issue?”
“The issue is something has to be up. Y/n is way too soft for that guy. I’d be a much better fit for them.”
“What makes you so sure?”
Marcus pulls a piece of paper from his pocket with a smirk. “We’re having a little get-together at some coffee shop this weekend. I plan to butter them up a little, then bring them back to my place for a deeper ‘chat’.”
“You’re such a sleezeball.”
Sam felt sick. He wants to tear Marcus limb from limb that very second. You were his. His. And he was yours. Everyone knew that. They had to.
Marcus hums to himself as he climbs the stairs to his apartment door. He swings his keyring around one finger, happy as can be. He begins sorting through his keys as he reaches the door, spirits high as ever. Just a day away from his outing with you and you alone. How could his day get any better?
“Unlock the door and step inside. Do not turn around.”
The voice comes from nowhere. Marcus feels something pressing against his spine, before he can register the shadow behind him. 
“H-hey I don’t.”
The foreign object twists into his clothes. “Do what I say.”
He does as told, each step matched equally by the person behind him. The door slams shut with the click of its lock, Marcus hesitantly turning to look at the intruder. He’s met with a gun pointed directly at his temple, gloved finger on the trigger. 
“Did I say you could turn around?”
Marcus immediately turns to cowering. “Please don’t hurt me! You can have whatever you want.”
The intruder clicks his tongue. How did this coward think he could be a match for you when he caved so easily? He grabs Marcus by the shirt, lifting him up off the ground.
“There’s no way you’d be able to handle them..” He mutters, moreso to himself. 
“They have needs you could never satisfy.”
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”
“Shut up. You’re going to do one thing for me, then I might let you live.”
“Anything. Please-" “Call them.”
“Call. Y/n.”
Marcus searches his pockets for his phone, and the 
“H-hey, Y/n.”
“Marcus? Is that you? Hey, what’s up?”
The intruder kneels, wrapping his arm around Marcus’ neck while his other hand keeps the gun to his temple. 
“Tell them you can’t hang out with them this weekend.. or ever, for that matter.”
“I..  just wanted to tell you, I don’t think I can hang out with you this weekend.”
“Hm? And why’s that?”
“Because.. Because..”
“The grip around his throat tightens. The intruder's voice remains hostile – though an undertone of weakness creeps into his words. “Because you’re a maggot trying to steal my place.”
Marcus breaks down sobbing. 
“Oh, I see. I’ll deal with you later.”
You hang up. The intruder seems to shudder at your final words, pushing Marcus onto the floor and fleeing from his home. 
Sam can feel the difference in the air as you climb in the passenger seat. 
“Is there something wrong, Y/n?”
You fold your arms over your chest. “My coworker has been avoiding me lately. He quit today.”
Sam tries his best to keep the corner of his lips from curling up. “Really? I’m so sorry to hear that.”
You lean against his shoulder, looking up at him as you hold his arm. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about it… would you?”
Your grip tightens ever so slightly. His heartbeat soars. 
“No… Of course not.” 
You stare at him in silence before another smile breaks across your face. “Okay! I’m so glad to hear that, because I have a surprise for you! You’ll get it tomorrow night.”
The oncoming night and next day are spent in anticipation for Sam. You kept your lips tight the entire morning; soaking up the want in his eyes. He wanted to pry for information, but knew of the punishments that would come with such questions. He nearly bit his tongue in two to keep from actively trying to reach those repercussions. 
Your voice comes from the bedroom. He bolts to the door like a flash. You sit on the edge of the bed, an innocent smile on your face as you beckon him to you. He towers over you from the position, but remains submissive and eager for your command.
“Are you ready for your surprise?”
He nods. Your smile grows.
He places his hands in yours. Cold metal bites at his wrists. His head spins as you allow his now cuffed hands to fall into his lap. 
“Close your eyes.”
He does as told. He feels your hands around his neck, against the leather of the collar you bought him on your third anniversary. Hickies and the marking of fingers bruise his flesh. He lends into your touch as you massage the area. You had to calm him down ad nauseam that night when he saw the bruises he left on your skin, though he was the one that almost fainted. Excitement hits hard as you tilt his head up. Parting was such sweet sorrow, but the thought of a new collar had him ecstatic. 
“You know I love you, right?”
He hums in agreement. 
“Yes…” He breathes.
“And I’d do anything for you?”
“Yes, Y/n… I’d do anything for you, too. I love you so much.”
“Stick out your tongue then.” Sam opens his mouth, saliva coating your fingertips as you press your index and middle digit against his tongue. It pools past his lips as you push them further into his mouth. He does his best not to gag, sucking gently on your fingers. 
“Ready for your surprise?”
He whines softly as you remove your fingers; shifting around on the bed as you grab something from beneath a pillow. Sam's mouth hangs open all the while, even as you place the item past his lips. Slender, metallic; invading his mouth as you grip his hair. It’s only when the muzzle touches his tongue that he recognizes what you had in hand. His eyes shoot open.
He stares barrel end at the hand gun you held; smiling sweetly as ever as you hold him in place. He barely gives any resistance, eyes watering as it hits the back of his tongue. A rush of shame washes over him as a low moan leaves his lips, overpowered by the ecstasy he feels as you giggle.
“I found this little thing in your car the night after Marcus called. Isn’t that the funniest coincidence?”
Sam pants heavily, drool running down the gun as you push and pull it from his mouth. “A..ah”
“I was kinda sad when he canceled, y'know. Thought I made a new friend.’
Sam's head spins. Any sane person would not have let something like this play out, but he was far from it. Drunk on the power of his love for you. The pleasure of your usual gentle hand tugging at his scalp.
“H-had to.” He chokes out. “Tried to stheal you frum me.” 
You giggle. “What are you talking about, silly? I was gonna let him down easy, and if he didn’t take that I would’ve ghosted him. I was never gonna leave you, you’re just making yourself jealous for no reason.”
Maybe what you were saying was true. Stalking you, watching your every moment often led to more jealous seeping through the cracks. You were too perfect for him. For anyone. He willingly let jealousy and obsession take over for moments like this. Where you reminded him your love was forever mutual in the only way it’d stick.
“Sorry. ‘M so sorry, Y/n. Forgive me.”
“I dunno.. I love you, but you might be too much of a liability.”
“Ple..ase, Y/n. Never will happen again.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can keep you around.”
He squeezes his eyes shut, just as you squeeze the trigger of the gun. The pain of rejection hurts more than that of whatever was to come. Still, in his final moments he can’t help, but love you even more. Nothing was greater to him than a death at your hands, but instead of everything fading to black, there’s a single, dry click!
He opens his eyes, laughter erupting from your chest as your cruel joke.
You lean forward and kiss his temple. “Of course I forgive you, Sammy. I love you! I’m just doing this so you learn your lesson.”
In that moment his affection for you practically busted from the seams.  He breaks out into giggles of his own. “Hehe… I love you, Y/n.. Love you. I love you. Hah.. Mine.. Don’t leave me. Hurt me more, break me.”
“Looks like you’re starting to learn.. Do you want to get taken from me?”
“Nuh-uh.. Luv you.. Wanna stay with you, forever~”
“Then you can’t go and do things like that with my permission. You’re lucky Marcus’ too much of a coward to go to the police.”
He holds onto your leg with all his strength. “Won’t do it again. Promise. Hah… Love you so much, Y/n.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” You thrust the gun down his throat one final time; your grip on his head making it ache yet magnifying the pleasure coursing through his veins. You remove the barrel from his mouth and place the gun on the nightstand. His hands slack, body numb and jaw sore. You help him up onto the bed and into your arms, nuzzle against your own racing heartbeat. 
You wipe a trail of droll from his lips and connect yours to his, squeezing a breath from his throat as you hold him close. His head space clears as you caress his aching body. comfort washing over knowing he was yours eternally.
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Fresh Ink
Summary: Dan decides to get a new tattoo that Em has inspired. She decides to be a little more spontaneous.
A/N: we don’t have a full oneshot, so have a lil drabble we’ve been keeping close to our chests!
August 2018
In the short time she’d spent with Dan, Em learned to not be surprised by the weird ways their days could go. From sitting on the couch for a lazy day, to being surprised with a trip to see the Reputation tour, anything could and did happen. Which was why she wasn’t surprised when she got a text from Dan saying he was going to get a new tattoo and wanted her to come with him. Daniel “I’ll just get a big one and then no more” Ricciardo getting a tattoo wasn’t a new thing and she loved the ink already on his body and the differences in the artwork they both had. But what did surprise her was what he was getting.
A couple of weeks before she’d sent him a text before a race. She was up watching and it had been a shitty practice and qualifying, the car kept failing on him. Her little Shine on, Handsome, text was supposed to just make him smile. She didn’t want to call and distract him, or wish him luck make him think his performance was what she cared about. She didn’t expect his little heart emoji response to make her grin and giggle like a kid. But her Sky Sports subscription was on the telly and she watched with rapt attention until he had yet another DNF and she wanted to throw something at the stupid car that kept failing him.
But they never mentioned the text after that. Not that Sunday night when he arrived at her front door with flowers and his suitcase. Not the next day when he kissed her goodbye before going to the sim and coming back to her that night. It was too easy to spend time together.
But he’d come back early from his summer break to spend time with her and had dragged her to a fancy tattoo shop in the middle of London to show her the perfectly printed font for her text. The “shine on” that was going onto his bicep where everyone could see it and she felt stupidly proud of it. He’d just asked if she wanted to be there while he got a new one and surprised her when they got to the shop. If he hadn’t mentioned that he knew the owner the tears might have come out in pride but she held them back.
“You are actually insane, you know that. Right?”
“I drive a car hundreds of kilometres an hour every single week. We knew that.” He grinned and gave her a shrug as the rest of his answer.
They were waiting for the tattoo artist to finish setting up as she looked in the glass showcase of piercings. The only ones she had were the gold studs in her earlobes. She’d had them since she was a kid and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d actually changed the studs in them. She just liked looking at shiny things and ended up staring at a tiny little nose stud with a small opal on it. The colours hit it and showed the iridescent sheen and she loved looking at it while Dan was talking to someone she didn’t know. At least he was until an arm went around her shoulder and his lips were against her temple.
“Find something you like? Cause I just found someone I really like.” He smiled against her ear, whispering lowly so only she could hear. “Gonna get a new one? You’d look cute with a tragus, or maybe something in your upper cartilage.”
“Nah, not really. Besides I don’t even want to know how much one of those cost here.” It was only half a joke as she glanced up at Dan and then back to the accessories.
“Did you plan to get a new one? You’ve loads of space in your ears for whatever you want.”
“Ha, no, I’m too cool for that now. I mean I always wanted to get my nose pierced. Mum would have killed me if I did it when I was younger and now I’m too old for it.” Her mother’s words echoed around her head that she’d look like a cow with a ring in her nose, how would anyone ever want to marry her with it? She shook her head a little to try get it away from her.
“You just turned 28. I’m barely 29. Are you calling us old?” It was mostly a joke.
“Meanie.” He squeezed her shoulder to soften the word. “But you should get it. You’d look really good with a nostril piercing. A little gold hoop would be cute and match the rest of your jewellery.”
“What if I don’t like it?” That knot of anxiety bubbled up a little.
“You take it out and let it heal over. It’ll leave a tiny mark that nobody will see. The only person who gets close enough to see something like that is me, and I won’t care about it.”
“Who told you that you’re the only one who gets that close?” It was said jokingly but she saw how he stiffened slightly.
“I’m joking!” He was still tense and she squeezed his arm. “I’m joking, Danny. You really think it’ll suit me?”
“You’re gorgeous anyway but it’ll look good on you. Plus, there’s one there with a shiny lavender opal so I call it destiny.” He pointed at the exact one she was looking at.
“And I’m calling you a bad influence.”
“I’m a bad influence who’ll hold your hand when the needle gets close to your face. Sound good?”
“And I’ll hold your hand when you’re getting your tattoo?”
“See, teamwork.” He turned around and called someone over. “Em wants to get her nose pierced, do you have space?”
She grinned and started filling out the paperwork, signing it and picking out the temporary jewellery while it healed. And true to his word, Dan held her hand for the entire time.
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pandenewie · 10 months
26 - This wasn’t part of the plan
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Something is wrong…
Now Niki isn’t a genius by any means… Most of the time, his 6 total brain cells are fast asleep or being shared between himself and Shota. That being said, even a rock could tell that the atmosphere at school is tense.
“I’m telling you dude, something must’ve happened on the senior trip.” Niki says, earning yet another eye roll from Jongseob. “You’re just trying to start shit.” Jongseob points out. Niki gets offended at this, placing his hand on his chest as he lets out a loud gasp. “I’m looking out for our friends, asshole.” Niki scoffs. “By trying to cause drama in their relationship?” Niki is silent as Jongseob’s words settle in his brain.
Sure, Jungwon seems really happy. Possibly the happiest he’s ever been - at least since Niki’s known him. But he just can’t shake the feeling that something is going on with Y/n. It doesn’t help that the rest of the group is being weird too. When he tried asking Hikaru if anything happened between Jungwon and Y/n she refused to talk about it. Even Eunchae is refusing to talk about their relationship which is like, one of her favourite things to do.
“I’m not trying to cause drama, I just… I’m scared that Jungwon is going to get hurt.” Niki sighs. “Look… I get it, okay? But it’s not our place to meddle. Jungwon’s a big boy. If there’s an issue, he can sort it himself. And if he can’t, then I’m sure he’ll come to us.” Jongseob reasons. Niki sighs, hating that Jongseob is right, before reluctantly promising to not intervene.
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“Look, I know you guys basically hate me right now but can you not make it so obvious?” Y/n asks as they sit down at the cafeteria table. “We don’t hate you, Y/n.” Hiyyih clarifies, nudging Hikaru who only offers a short hum. Sighing, Y/n turns to Eunchae who just sends them an apologetic smile.
The atmosphere is awkward. Y/n knows it’s because of the whole Jungwon situation. It’s been a few days since they promised they’d either tell him the truth or break up with him and well… neither of those things have happened. It’s not like they’re not trying! It’s just that every time they try to start that conversation, Jungwon does something dumb and cute and they think just one more day.
“Look, I’m going to do it, I swear. I’m just trying to find the right time…” Y/n trails off. “There’s no such thing as the right time Y/n. What’s really stopping you?” Hiyyih asks. Y/n hesitates for a moment, knowing the reason why but struggling to find the words to explain it.
“I don’t want things to change. I know that I was just messing around at first but… I think it’s more than that now. And I know that there’s no good end to this so I just… want it to last as long as possible.” Y/n mumbles. Their friends send them sympathetic looks, Eunchae reaching forward to gently squeeze Y/n’s shoulder. 
“Maybe just talk honestly with him? He’s a pretty understanding guy, I’m sure he’d forgive you.” Eunchae suggests, causing Y/n to let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, right. It’ll break him.” Y/n says. “The longer you wait, the more it’ll hurt.” Hiyyih says, causing Y/n to sigh again.
“What day is it today?” Hikaru asks, breaking her silence. “Uh… Wednesday?” Y/n replies, looking at their friend with confusion. “Cool, you have until Friday after school to have talked with Jungwon before I do it for you.” Hikaru says. “And I will tell him everything. He’s my friend, too.” She adds before standing up from the table and grabbing her lunch. “I’m gonna go find Riki and Shota.” She says before walking off - leaving the group stunned. “Well… I guess that works.” Hiyyih mumbles. 
To say that Y/n feels like shit would be an understatement. They know that Hikaru has the right to be upset with them. Like she said, Jungwon is her friend too. And it looks like Y/n is just stringing him along for the sake of it. But that’s really not the case…
Despite Y/n being entirely to blame for this, deep down, they want to find a way to pin it on Jungwon. Maybe if he weren’t so sweet and affectionate, Y/n wouldn’t have fallen for him and then they wouldn’t be in this situation. Dammit Jungwon. Why did you have to be such a good boyfriend?
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“Y/n!” A voice calls out before a sudden arm is slung around their shoulder. Y/n knows it’s Jungwon - they don’t even have to look to see that. “What’s up?” He asks, gently cupping Y/n’s jaw and turning their head so they’re looking at him.
As soon as Y/n sees Jungwon’s sparkling eyes, they want to cry. He looks at them like they are everything good in this world - when the reality is far from that. “I’m fine.” Y/n mumbles, trying their best to avoid eye contact. “Just tired.”
It’s not a complete lie. Y/n hasn’t been able to get much sleep over the last couple of days, the thought of what to say to Jungwon looming heavily on their mind. If Jungwon has any thoughts of uncertainty in Y/n’s answer, he certainly doesn’t show them. Pulling them into the side of his body, he presses a quick kiss to Y/n’s temple. “I told you to start going to bed earlier.” He playfully scolds. Y/n doesn’t laugh.
“Okay… something is wrong.” Jungwon concludes. Without another word, he grabs Y/n’s hand and starts dragging them down the hall. Y/n doesn’t have the energy to fight against his hold or even ask where they’re going. They just allow their body to be dragged through the mobs of students.
Once safely in an empty classroom, Jungwon turns to face Y/n with a look of seriousness. “We’re alone now… do you want to tell me what’s going on?” He asks. “What do you mean? Everything’s fine.” Y/n lies through their teeth, trying to put on their most natural expression. “I’m not an idiot Y/n, I know you’ve been trying to avoid me. And even when we are together, you’re completely dismissive. If something’s happened, you need to tell me so we can work on it together.”
Y/n grimaces at his words. Had they really been that obvious? Y/n knows there’s no escaping this conversation - Jungwon is already suspicious of them and putting it off any longer will just lead to more issues. The only problem now is figuring out what exactly to tell him…
Y/n knows that if Jungwon finds out they were using him to get the dress code changed, they would lose his trust completely. He would be out of their life, not only as a boyfriend but as a friend as well.
On the other hand, if they were to just end the relationship there is a possibility the two could stay friends. Sure, Jungwon would be heartbroken for a while but that’s something he could get over - especially if it involved Y/n’s happiness.
Y/n lets out a big sigh, looking at their feet as they fiddle nervously with the end of their shirt. “I’m sorry Jungwon…” They let out, still not knowing exactly where they’re going with the sentence. “I just… I’m not sure if this is right… us.”
Sure, it’s vague. But judging by the way Jungwon’s face falls, Y/n can tell he’s getting the message. “Us as in… our relationship?” He asks, eyes sparkling with hope. Hope that he’s misunderstanding something. Hope that this is all a big prank. He can feel his heart start to shatter as Y/n silently nods, confirming his worst nightmares.
Jungwon can’t believe it. Everything was going so well, wasn’t it? He felt like Y/n was opening up more than they ever had, the two were getting closer, hell, Y/n spent multiple days with two of his best friends. Were there any signs? Was he just too blinded to see that what was likely the happiest moments for him weren’t the same for Y/n?
Noticing the start of his spiral, Y/n immediately starts following up on their statement. “It’s nothing you did Jungwon, trust me. This is all my fault.” Jungwon shakes his head at this, sniffing slightly as tears begin to well up in his eyes. “It’s gotta be me though… you’re perfect.” He mumbles, causing Y/n’s heart to clench.
“So the hot spring and the camp… did you feel like this then, too?” Jungwon is crying now, his teary eyes desperately searching Y/n’s for the answer to his question. “Everything I said and did on the trip was real, Jungwon.” Y/n promises. They want nothing more than to reach out and wipe away the tears that are streaming down his face. Knowing that they are the reason behind the tears causes an ache in their heart. “I just… it’s not working. I’m not right for you.” Y/n whispers, holding back their own tears.
It’s silent between the two for a moment as Y/n’s words lay heavy in the air. Soon, Jungwon begins to speak - his voice nothing above a whisper. “There’s nothing I can do to change your mind?” This causes Y/n to finally break, a single tear rolling down their cheek as they slowly shake their head.
Y/n wants to hug him. Wants to wipe away his tears and take back everything they just said. But they know that this is the best outcome. Everything will hurt for a while, sure. But Jungwon will move on and be happy. That’s all Y/n wants.
“I’ve got to go… class is starting soon.” Y/n mumbles, wiping their eyes before stepping past Jungwon to leave the room. They’ve never wanted to get to class early but anything is better than standing in this suffocating room, watching as Jungwon’s heart slowly breaks.
“Can I kiss you?”
Jungwon’s words come out in a desperate plea. It’s almost embarrassing - the way his voice quivers. Y/n can feel his gaze burning into their back. “Just… one more time. Please?” He doesn’t even need to finish the sentence before Y/n is turning around and pressing their lips against his, knowing that this is probably the last time they’ll get to.
The kiss is bitter - not just from the saltiness of their tears. Y/n goes to pull away but is pulled in by Jungwon’s grip on their waist. He continues to press his lips against theirs, mumbling apologies and pleas to stay. Letting out a shaky breath, Y/n eventually pulls themself away from Jungwon’s grip and turns away from him. They need to leave. Now.
“I’m sorry, Jungwon.” Y/n whispers, not sending him another glance before walking out of the room. They don’t go to class, knowing they look like someone just died and not wanting to cause a scene. Instead, Y/n sends a short text to the group chat, letting the girls know it’s done, before walking to their car and driving home.
Jungwon doesn’t go to class either - the first one he’s missed since skipping class with Y/n just a few months ago. It’s crazy how much has changed in such a short amount of time. How Y/n went from someone who despised him, to someone he had a relationship with, now back to… friends? Acquaintances? He’s not too sure… All he knows is that he hates it and he doesn’t know what went wrong or what to do now.
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gyunglitter · 9 months
➷ 01 ➷
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-“oh, the way he makes me feel that love isn’t real -– cupid is so dumb”
unlike you, your brother’s best friend just doesn’t know when to quit
word count: 1,766
warnings: probably just the reader making you cringe lol, give her a break--she's 11 lmao
tags: brother’s-best-friend!beomgyu x reader, ??? to ???, angst, fluff(??), beomgyu is the cool boy-next-door, reader is an independent girlboss (or trying to be, at least), beomgyu’s gonna be GROVELING, simp!gyu, pathetic pining from both sides lol, maybe some cringe from reader (she was a teenage girl in love, have some empathy plz😭)
another short chapter, but i promise the next couple of chapters are a lot longer! enjoy mini reader, beomgyu, and soobin tho :)
–> masterlist <–
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Ten Years Ago
If there was one thing your family agreed on, it was that Soobin was the shyest person around.
You and Soobin were very close, having a lot of the same interests and mannerisms. You didn’t disagree on many things (yet), but there were only a handful of differences between you two. You were eleven years old, making your older brother thirteen, and about to go into his final year of middle school. But the main thing that had set you both apart was that while you had many friends, Soobin had absolutely no one. He was a very sweet and funny kid, but he was too shy for his own good, unintentionally pushing the majority of the people his age away.
You had hoped your brother would make some friends during his seventh year, but had little to no luck; apparently, the Bunny Girl Senpai Fanclub wasn’t taking many applicants and the Pokemon Card Collectors Club was a bunch of gatekeepers. Middle school boys.
“What if I just faked being sick?”
Soobin held his head in his hands as he was waiting for his pop tarts in the toaster. You sat on the counter across from him, shoving down a bowl of Frosted Flakes. You didn’t have to leave for another hour when your mom would drive you to the primary school a few blocks away. Soobin, on the other hand, was supposed to set off for his first day of eighth grade soon, but was stalling as much as he could before he had to start walking over. 
You snorted, “For the whole year? Fat chance of that happening, you’re the worst liar.”
Your brother lifted his head and glared at you, before sighing loudly and crying, “I hate school, it’s filled with people who are scary and take your rare Charizard card!”
You opened your mouth to reply, but were interrupted by your house’s doorbell ringing. You looked towards the front door and turned back to Soobin expectantly. But your brother wasn’t paying any attention. To your (un)amusement, he was still sulking about, well, just about everything. Like you said, middle school boys.
Shaking your head, you hopped off of the counter (carefully, as your dad had shown you) and walked over to the front door.You figured it was one of your neighbors or the mailman. You usually weren’t allowed to open the door yourself, but that completely escaped your mind when you opened the door and were faced with an unfamiliar boy.
A cute, unfamiliar boy.
You mentally thanked your mom for braiding your hair in two with your favorite butterfly clips now.
“Hi,” you said, a small grin taking over your face. “I’m Y/n!”
The boy looked at you and smiled back. “Hey, Y/n, your mom or dad home?”
You nodded your head. “They are, but they’re running around getting ready. I can definitely help you though!” What can you say, you were a confident kid.
“I don’t know, you might be a bit too little,” he teased you, making you scoff.
“Little? I’ll have you know, I can deal with anything, even crazy!”
He laughed a little at that and then said, “Of course! I’m sure you’re super responsible at the age of..?”
“Eleven,” you bragged, tucking a stray hair back into one of your butterfly clips.
The boy nodded in deep understanding and said, “Well, little Y/n, I’m Beomgyu. I just moved here and my mom told me you guys had someone my age here too! I figured we could walk to school together,” he said, rubbing the back of his head.
Your eyes widened at that, a warm feeling taking over your stomach. 
The boy was cute, duh. But his easy offer of friendship, something your brother had struggled to find, made you know that this Beomgyu had a kindness to him that not many his age did–according to Soobin.
Your grin widened at the boy in front of you, nodding your head eagerly. “Just give me a sec,” you squealed, excited for your brother. “OPPA! YOU’RE FINALLY GONNA MAKE A FRIEND!”
Years later, you look back and remember the loud laugh Beomgyu had let out at your call, his excitement outweighing the awkwardness Soobin exhibited when he appeared at your doorway with a pop tart hanging from his mouth.
You look back and remember Beomgyu easily befriending Soobin with his wide smiles, animated hand gestures, and cool stories about his new pet bird. The way he eased your brother’s nerves and got him laughing, already offering to share the other pop tart in his pack.
You look back and cringe sometimes at the confidence those lame butterfly clips gave you. But you take it back when you would remember Beomgyu, with an arm around Soobin’s shoulder, had turned around while the two boys were about to take off for school, saying in a singsong tone, “Nice to meet you, little Y/n, love the butterfly clips, by the way!”
But most of all, you remember the way your cheeks flushed. The way he made you feel like you were cute too. Like you were special. You remember how that was the first of many times he would fluster you with his compliments. 
You were only eleven, but at that moment you would look back and remember how this is where you became a fool–a fool for love.
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“You look really good,” he whispered to you.
It took everything in you to not show how much he affected you. Unlike the many instances before though, you actually succeeded this time around. Your focused gaze on your brother and father’s random discussion about his anime watching habits kept your eyes from widening, and your well placed makeup did a good job of hiding the flush that desperately wanted to highlight your neck and cheeks. It bothered you very much how Choi Beomgyu could still get under your skin.
“Thanks,” you replied shortly, not letting your eyes leave their spot on Soobin. 
–Your brother was whining about how there was no harm in watching anime when he already got his work done for the day–
Despite your subtle avoidance of him, you knew it wasn’t reciprocated by the way his breaths brushed against your ear. The way his eyes were on you, you could feel them as if they were burning you. It felt like he was truly drinking you in after so many years of not getting a single glimpse of you. But that was all you would allow him.
“I, uh, it’s nice to see you again. It’s been a while,” he continued, trying to catch your attention.
You hummed disinterestedly. 
–Your father had taken to pointing out Soobin’s body pillows, to which he groaned loudly, claiming that was actually Beomgyu’s gag gift to make him look sus–
But Beomgyu was not deterred.
“Congrats on, well, everything from the past four years! I know college can be pretty crazy!”
You winced a little at that, remembering how your mom told you Beomgyu had actually dropped out of college about three months after you left for school. Despite Beomgyu doing amazing in school when you were still around–there was talk of him possibly graduating at the top of your class–he practically tanked his classes the following fall semester. 
“But of course, if there was anyone who could deal with crazy, it would be our little Y/n, huh,” he laughed a little–that same damn laugh he had when you first met. “I mean, you are pretty amazing—”
You weren’t sure what he had gotten up to after you left, but you weren’t interested in hearing anything. Not about him, his future, and definitely not about how amazing he thought you were.
“Wow dad, this shrimp tastes great!” You shouted your false gratitude, successfully interrupting Beomgyu and the argument between your brother and father.
All the chatter stopped for a second, before your dad grinned at you. “Thanks, bean, make sure to grab some more then! You’re looking too skinny, anyways, are you sure you ate enough out there,” he asked, wiping his hands on the front of his apron.
You laughed and nodded, both at your dad’s question and Soobin's grateful stare for changing the topic. Eventually, your mother started another conversation about how Soobin’s friends from school were doing.
“I thought you didn’t like seafood,” Beomgyu muttered to you when he got the chance.
For the first time that evening, you looked back at him.
You realized, with a painful squeeze in your chest, that Beomgyu had grown past the stage of cuteness that you had adored when you were younger, and in your absence, became beautiful. Sure, his puppy dog eyes stayed the same, holding that familiar kindness and curiosity as before. But now, his face lost its round edges and became chiseled, looking as if his features were carved by Aphrodite, herself. His hair was dyed brown and had grown out a little into what was beginning to look like a mullet, giving off a boyish look that his typically mischievous expressions matched easily. Not only that, but he looked like he’d really grown into himself, physically and mentally. Granted, he wasn’t in the best place when you had left four years ago, but the way he carried himself was refreshing. Attractive. Him.
“I didn’t, but I do now.” You took another bite of the shrimp on your plate. “I mean, it’s been a long four years. The things I liked before changed quite a bit while I was gone. ”
You watched Beomgyu’s face fall a bit at that, his puppy dog eyes becoming downcast as he looked towards his own plate of chicken. There wasn’t much on his plate to begin with, but it seemed he wasn’t going to be eating any more after that.
“Yeah, I guess they would after so long,” Beomgyu whispered, pushing his food around with his chopsticks. 
You turned back to your own food to try and get your mind off of him, but he stopped you with his next words.
“If it changes anything, so have mine.”
This time, you couldn’t stop your eyes from widening. You turned towards Beomgyu, to see him looking at you with what you could only assume was guilt.
“I just wish they had done so earlier.”
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–> next <–
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Can a request a yandere ceo x reader ?
hi again! i’m gonna try and start writing more! sorry for the wait and thank you for your patience everyone ><
heads up, might’ve made this a tad more comfort than usual cant help it sorry bye ;;”
i think i quite like this ceo! i kinda wanna make them into a complete character, would anyone be interested in that? again, thank you everyone for waiting ❤️
🌻 yandere ceo x gn! reader!
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- hey, do you remember hearing about this new, young, and eligible ceo? everyone keep talking about how they managed to be a leader thats able to be incredibly stern yet kind! said kindness is shown in small, subtle way but its oddly endearing when their face is so cold most the time! they were so cool when they stood up for the new intern, weren’t they? your heart might’ve skipped a beat!
- their heart certainly did. aren’t you just the most eager little thing? so productive.. kind.. naive… how is it that you manage to catch them at their most gentle moments? you caught them feeding a cat one night and go on about about how adorable it was, that was a total hit to their cold, stern reputation!
- they always try to act like a strict person, yet you always manage to get them to mess up their little persona.. god dammit.. were you always so teasing? must you hurt their ego even more? do you even know what you’re doing? they’ll be sure to keep an eye on you..
- as soon as you were hired, you were offered given the job of being their assistant. you’re new to all this so let them teach you how to do this job! they explained the basics alongside a few small things.. like proper dress code rules, how you should handle any fellow staff that try to use you. just tell them and they’ll handle it for you. you’re their assistant now, and you’re under their care.
- surprisingly, they let their guard down not soon after. its not like they had anything left to hide from you.. you were able to see their softer and gentler side that they held back.. they had to be a hard-working and strict ceo but with you.. they could just relax a little and talk about their treasured pets.. if only you’d let them spoil you as well.. you belong to them, its only natural!
- if you had any complaints during the job then they’d handle it in an instant. you were given raises for smalls things like “making a nice cup of tea” or even “having a bright smile today”. of course, a lot of dirty worms had to be removed from their company, but you don’t need to worry about that stuff.. you don’t need to worry about anything at all~!
- it felt like they slowly starting getting closer and closer towards you.. they brushed hands with you more often, they held yours when the two of you had go out.. they’d pat your head for doing a good job.. how adorable you were whenever they got just a teeny bit closer.. they wondered what would happen if they did just a little more than just stroking your cheek..
- they were known for their meticulous planning, you’d seen how hard they worked, and this was just a new plan they made. a life plan for the two of you. it took a lot of patience to hold back and not kiss your cute little head, but it’ll all be worth it in the end. how could a ceo like them fail at fulfilling such an important task?
- turns out they knew exactly how to fluster you.. had you never noticed how much of a romantic they were? their little note in the important document they gave you was remarkably sweet coming from them. so was the way they invited you for a quick bite after a long day of work. they were being way more casual and bold now.. how they leaned in and smiled whenever you talked..
- all was according to plan, darling. all you had to do was keep being your cute self~ they already made sure to keep away any variables in your personal life that may keep you away from them. you were just in the palm of their hands, weren’t you? the quick yet sweet first kiss you shared basically signed your fate.
- you will end up being theirs.. you were exactly like that cute little kitten that they had. you just didn’t know how planned out their actions were. but they’d be patient.. they had planned it all the way to your wedding, things can’t go wrong after so much planning.
- of course… its always best to have a contingency plan. if by any chance you didn’t want to be theirs then.. that just meant they didn’t need to be patient anymore. you’d be with them by daylight, whether you like it or not, but you’ll learn to love it, won’t you?
it didn’t matter what way you chose, the two of you will end up a happy family, just like they always wanted. won’t you be a good partner and do as they say? all they wanted was to give you a happy, comfortable life, your happiness meant more than any number! so please play nice, my darling.
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kouchabu-archive · 2 months
Koisuru Scramble - Chapter 1
Writer: Nishioka Maiko Translation by: Sophie // Proofread by: Mirei
This story is fully voiced in-game! You should read while listening to it~
Episode 1: Scramble of Meetings
< Spring — during the time when Sakura trees aren't in full bloom yet. >
< From this day on, Koino Hajime is a second year student. >
< I styled my hair a little neater than usual. I also left my house earlier than usual. >
< And with a little hope in my heart, I wished that something special will happen today. >
< But unfortunately… >
< Now I have to run with all my might! >
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Hajime: Huff… Ah… Hah… Oh no, I’m gonna be really late!
Hah… Okay, 8:20am. Thank God. I think I can make it just in time!
(How come I dropped my favorite keychain today of all days?)
(I just had to run back for it. So much for leaving the house early.)
(At least I was lucky enough that someone surrendered it to the lost and found.)
(Ugh. I’m sure my face’s just super sweaty now. Don’t even mention how unruly my hair became! It took me forever to do this…)
(But I have to make a run for it, so I guess it’s fine! I can’t afford to be late on the first day of school after spring break.)
(It’s not like I have such high expectations… but well, I finally got into a new class, and I started to feel more comfortable in this uniform.)
(I just kind of wish that today would be special~ Like, maybe I’ll have some sort of a fateful meeting with my fated one, or something~)
(But of course, that’s just nothing but a far-fetched dream, huh…)
(Is this divine punishment for having just a little bit of hopes and dreams? Even so, do I really have to be this unlucky? Dear God, that’s just unfair! Stupid!)
...Oh, there it is! Yumenosaki’s famous six-way intersection! Just a little bit more and I’ll finally get to school!
(I've always thought about it, but… this is such a strange way to construct a road. Well, I guess that’s exactly where it got its fame.)
(But this road is just full of blind spots. I can never ever get used to it.)
Augh… Ow, ow, ow… My butt hurts. I really just had to hit the pavement that hard, huh? What's with my luck today…
Eiki: I’m sorry for bumping into you. Are you alright?
Hajime: Ah, I’m sorry, too! Thanks for aski—”
(Waahh… What a beautiful person. And he’s wearing our school unifor— wait. Huh?)
Eiki ‧ Miki: ….....
Konatsu ‧ Mahiro: ….....
Hajime: (Huh? Four guys are suddenly reaching to help me up?!)
(U-Um… W-Whose hand should I take?)
< And wait… aren’t these guys… >
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Airi: And then? What happened?
Hajime: Hm? What do you mean 'what happened', Airi?”
Airi: I mean, weren’t there four guys who reached out for your hand? Who did you end up choosing?
Hajime: ...Well, I just can’t decide whose hand to take so I just stood by myself, bowed down and apologized, and just went my merry way.
Airi: Eh~~ Why'd you do that? You just wasted a lifetime opportunity!
Hajime: A li—lifetime opportunity? You’re always exaggerating things…
Airi: I mean, that’s what it is! You bumped into those guys, right? This school’s very famous—
< That’s right. Those guys are the four most handsome boys who are fawned over in this very school. >
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[ The Academy’s handsome prince who brims with the utmost elegance: Nakaouji Eiki. ]
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[ The guy who has a gentle heart beneath his cool aura: Kurose Miki. ]
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[ The lady killer senior who embodies eternal youth: Asuma Mahiro. ]
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[ The cute junior who possesses both devilish and angelic charm: Nekomura Konatsu. ]
Airi: They're like the celebrities ever! You got super duper lucky! You could’ve at least bragged about it on Enstagram.
Hajime: I don’t really have to, though?
Airi: Gosh, don’t be so boring!
Didn’t you hear that even students from other schools would go out of their ways just to see even a strand of their hair? They’re that famous! Real celebs, y'know?
Hajime: Even so, that’s completely unrelated to me~
What happened earlier is just pure chance — a one-time miraculous coincidence. There’s no way we’ll have anything to do with each other after that.
Airi: Hey, it might be your fateful meeting with your fated one!
Hajime: No way. Even I know that there’s no way that’s going to happen.
Airi: Eh~~ Why are you giving up just like that? Don’t let your dreams be just dreams! Come on, don’t be boring~
Hajime: You’re just saying that because you find it entertaining, right?
Enough with all that. We’re up to order next, you know? Did you decide what to get yet?
Airi: Gosh, not at all! What should I get… Hm…
Airi: Hm~ Is there still space for us here?
Hajime: Oh, there's one over there! And just perfect, it has two seats! Let’s go, Airi.
Thank God~ I stroke gold—
Eiki: Hello there. We met this morning, right? Did you have any problems or injuries after that?
Hajime: .........
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Hajime: N-Nakaouji-kun?!
Airi: Ah, Hajime, careful! If you move too much in that small space, you’ll bump into the person behind y—
Ah, there she goes.
Miki: That hurts.
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Hajime: Waaah?! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! I was just surpris—”
Wait, Kurose-kun?! W-Wah, yet another one from earlier! I-I’m sorry!”
Konatsu: Hm? It looks so lively out there. What’s up?
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Konatsu: …Oh? That girl who’s bowing her head down in the middle of all the fuss… Isn’t she from this morning’s…
Mahiro: Haha~ So everyone, should we go have some fun on our way home?
—Hm? Ah, sorry, ladies. There’s some sort of fuss over there…
Ah~ If it isn’t that cutie from earlier.
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Mahiro: Hm? Haha~ You’re all cuties in your own rights too~ Come on, wipe off those scary looks on your pretty faces.
Hajime: I’m really sorry!
< I thought that there’s no way we’ll have anything to do with each other after that. >
< I thought that it’s nothing but a once-in-a-lifetime miracle. >
Next Chapter // Koisuru Scramble Masterlist
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