#Bruce doesn’t even notice half the time
ahfrickenfrick · 1 day
giving tim my illnesses au LMFAO
warnings: detailed descriptions of being chronically ill + emetophobia, and disassociation!! pls stay safe <3
Tim started his day normally, as normally as he could anyways. Laying in bed, his eyes focused on his wall. Today was already clearly not going to be a good day.
Every time he blinked the world spun, and he could feel his nausea growing worse by the second. He paused his thoughts, knowing if he were to spiral it will make it worse, he took a few deep breaths to attempt to keep it at bay.
But it was no use, he could tell what was about to happen. As soon as Tim stood his stomach let out a harsh spasm, which led him to collapse to the ground and to throw up on the floor in front of him.
Frustrated tears flooded his eyes as bile spilled from his mouth, burning his throat. The teen allowed himself a minute of sitting after the vomiting spell was over, before slowly getting up, and going to the bathroom that was connected to his room.
Tim frowned at his reflection in the mirror, his face looked significantly paler than normal, and the bags under his eyes were deep. He blearily looked away, and quickly brushed his teeth before he dug under the sink for cleaning supplies.
After cleanup, the teen looked through his plethora of medications, grabbing his nausea one, he let it dissolve under his tongue, trying to keep the anxiety that was festering under his skin from growing.
He had to wait, let these meds start working before he tries to take anything else, he didn’t want to throw up again. He let a few of his tears fall as he gazed back towards the wall.
Tim startled to when someone tapped his shoulder. It took a second for his vision to clear, a little disoriented.
“Drake, Pennyworth says it is time for breakfast.”
With a small shake, Tim stood slowly before grabbing more of his meds and out the door. Damian tsked, but slowed his walk to match his brother’s.
They didn’t speak as they walked down the long hallway then stairs.
Tim felt his brother’s eyes bore into him as he clung to the banister to keep his balance on the stairs, and he felt Damian’s half irritated huff as he nearly stumbles down them.
“Tt, just because you are no longer assisting us out on the streets, does not mean you can let yourself down physically.”
Tim had to keep himself from snapping at his younger brother, for telling him what to do with his body, and for bringing up the fact he is no longer a functioning hero.
He had officially called it quits two months ago when a dizzy spell led to not only his capture, but the capture of Damian and Dick.
It wasn’t just himself he was putting on the line anymore, it was his family. He talked with Bruce, explained that he’s not been getting better.
Now instead of staying up late, going through cold cases and figuring out the schedule for next weeks patrol, he’s in bed by ten and figuring out the best schedule for his meds.
He didn’t need reminded of what could be, what he could be, without this thing weighing him down.
Tim couldn’t even look at cases, his anxiety alone causing flair ups. Nothing about this was fair, and here Damian was basically telling him he shouldn’t be like this.
The kid doesn’t understand really, he knows Barbra is disabled but is still running as Oracle, but it just wasn’t feasible for Tim.
Damian must’ve noticed a shift in Tim’s behavior, because he was suddenly by his side, helping him down the rest of the stairs.
“That’s… That came out with the wrong tone. Just ask for assistance if you need it, Drake.”
He could only nod, anxiety pricking his skin as he noticed the sour look on his brothers face. It was obvious Damian was trying harder, and it helped that Jon was constantly on the kids ass about being nicer.
Tim couldn’t remember breakfast, just the vague memory of taking his meds, and he came to back in his bed, the softness grounding him.
“You back?”
Tim didn’t notice that Stephanie had been with him, had tucked him into his bed, stayed until his eyes became less distant.
“…yeah. water?”
Steph obliged, grabbing Tim’s water bottle for him to sip from, before he was laying back down. The blonde frowning at him as she took him temp.
“101.5. Looks like you might be heading to another flair.” She said softly, smoothing his hair against his head as he frowned. “But why.”
“If I was a doctor, I would 100% tell you Timmy. Just take it easy, okay? Do you want me to stay with you or be alone?”
The thought of anyone seeing him in that vulnerable of a state sent a flair of anxiety and pain through him.
“I’ll be okay.”
Steph nodded, giving him a forehead kiss and making sure his water was filled before leaving.
His heart hurt being alone, the younger part of him reacting wildly, not liking it. But he took a deep breath and prepared himself.
This was going to be his life, and he has to get used to it.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Bruce keeps accidentally calling Tim by Jason’s name.
And it’s fine. Really. This was— not exactly Tim’s plan, but it seems to help keep Batman stable. So— so it’s fine. He can be Jason. For Bruce. For Batman.
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Damian thinking he can cure depression and all of your negative mindsets by letting you cuddle and hug Bat-Cow.
He’d personally drag you all the way to the barn and then promptly point towards the half-awake cow lounging in the farthest corner and with the straightest face he says;
‘Hug the cow y/n.’
You’re confused, you’re depressed and have told him so in confidence, and here he was demanding that you cuddle up to the bovine, who was staring at you both with their dark eyes.
‘Why?’ You’d ask, eyes never leaving the cow and Damian sighs impatiently. ‘It’ll cure your current aliment of depression.’ He says with such certainty that you almost believed him for a minute…almost.
‘Damian this is stupid, even for you-‘ however before you could finish your sentence, Damian was already pushing you from behind towards Bat-Cow, who only watched as you were positioned into their warm side, silently chewing before becoming disinterested and went back to resting their head on the floor.
Bat-cow didn’t smell the greatest but then again…they were a fucking cow but they were warm and fluffy and comfortable, so much so that you ended up cuddling further into them found yourself falling asleep almost instantaneously with a small smile on your lips. ‘Good Bat-Cow…’ you murmur sleepily as the bovine only huffs out hot air, unfazed at you cuddling them as everyone from Damian to even Jason had come once in a while to cuddle up into their side.
Damian made a satisfied noise and was about to leave when he noticed that there was a space big enough for him to slot himself against Bat-Cow also. He shifts he gazed all across the entire barn, making sure he wasn’t being observed somehow, before cuddling himself into the side of the large animal.
Damian wouldn’t find out until way later that he was indeed being observed as he chased after Tim throughout the manor, sword in hand.
Jason who loves to cuddle you as though it’s been forever since you last saw each other.
(It had been five minutes max, you needed to piss.)
He’d even make it his personal mission to carry you in his arms anywhere and everywhere he went in the apartment. He will not hear the cliche ‘I’m too heavy’ bullshit excuse, let him carry you in his arms damn it! He wants to hold you! Do not reject him this golden opportunity!
He doesn’t care if anyone like Bruce, Dick or Roy are present because if anything it shows them that he had someone in his life that he loved and adored more than anything. Roy/Dick -mainly Dick- may tease him to high heavens about it but Jason only shrugs it off and says albeit childishly: ‘well at least I have someone to hold onto every night unlike you dickhead.’ Before casually carrying you into the kitchen with him to grab a drink.
(Remember that ‘Gator needs his gat, you punk ass bitch.’ tiktok Trend where ppl picks up their friend? Yh that’s what goes on in my head when writing this.)
Jason fears as though he’s not spending enough time with you. Which is bullshit because this man spends every waking moment with you being cute and loving and just the absolute best in general.
He’s not use to the whole relationship thing and he’s overthinking everything he’s doing and worries that it might be the breaking limit for you. So all you got to do is hold his face in your hands, rest your head against his own and reassure him that he was spending more than enough time with you. It’ll probably won’t get rid of the notion that he wasn’t doing enough for you out of Jason’s head, but at least it was something that he could be reminded of when he was getting too lost in his thoughts.
He’s a worrywart and a big one at that, but as long as you keep being his anchor, keep being the reason his head feels a lot clearer and so on, then Jason will gradually come to learn that he never needs to worry about anything when you’re more than happy to keep reminding him that it’s okay to worry, and that he wasn’t being suffocating or otherwise.
Jason maybe physically imposing and intimidating to look at for some people but to you, he was like those badly stereotyped big dogs that are the biggest sweethearts. Dogs such as:
XL bully dogs
Pit bull
Doberman Pinscher and more.
He’s a sweetheart who just looks intimidating, nothing more nothing less…unless you happen to be a criminal then Jason is anything but the word sweet or adorable as they’re getting their asses beaten.💀
Dick always asks you if you still love him after every minor inconvenience.
It doesn’t matter what happens or how it happens, he always give you those puppy dog eyes of his and pouts his lips. ‘Do you still love me?’
‘Dick we’ve been through this before, of course I love you.’ You’d reply.
‘But you looked really annoyed right now and I just wanted to know if you still like me enough to date me.’ He then says as he rests his head on your shoulder, pressing himself against your back.
You sighed before looking over at him and pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. ‘Does that clear everything up for you?’ You asked rhetorically as Dick beamed brightly and stole a kiss from your lips, reinvigorated. ‘Yep.’ He’d respond before moving on with the rest of his day.
If you were to accidentally forget to kiss him good morning or before you were leaving for work, Dick would take full offence as he places himself in front of the door, arms crossed and lips formed into that pout you were more then familiar with at this point. ‘You hate me.’
‘Dick I’m in a hurry!’ You cry, looking at the time.
‘And you forgot my good morning kisses!’ He’d cry back at you and you would be several minutes late to work, all because you were making up for the misses kisses. You hate Dick sometimes but you knew you couldn’t be mad at him for long when he’d smother in kisses upon arriving him from work, so you guessed he could be given a pass…just this once.
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
I've been getting very into DC again, from all the comics I had in my attic.
So i would like to request a "meeting the batfam" like think.
Being Bruce's new boyfriend and meeting the kids and how would they react.
Have a nice day! (You're the only think keeping me from commiting a crime/jk)
Bruce Wayne x male reader
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Ive been on a kick lately of making half-god characters, so reader is the son of a god, hehe ^^
You were the son of Ares, a half god, and the son of a god most feared, and that the Justice league had fought many times.
So, by relation, many people didn’t trust you when they learned about your parentage. Had you been any crueler of a person, that might have driven you down a path where you followed in your fathers’ footsteps, but you weren’t.
You ended up inheriting many of his powers, even gaining his clairvoyance and precognition in dreams. Said dreams had been your first sign that you were more than just your average person, as you foresaw many of the larger disasters around the world.
There ends up being a sense of duty in your heart as your dreams keep warning you about an invasion of earth, becoming more and more detailed every night. It reaches a point where you think you are going mad.
As a last-ditch effort, you end up in Gotham, where you spend days trying to find any of the bats, just trying to find somebody to believe you. In the end, you stumble across Bruce, who probably thinks you are on something because of the less than put together state you are in.
That is until you spill everything you have been dreaming about, and how its all happened, and how this dream keeps haunting you every night.
Bruce of course listens to everything you have to say, and takes you as seriously as anything else he would. He keeps your warning in mind and gets prepared, and when your precognition comes to pass, he is ready.
From then in, Bruce passes by your place every now and then, as you end up moving to Gotham as Batman is the only hero you feel takes you seriously.
Hes the one to help you figure out your true parentage, and gets you in contact with some people who can help you deal with your new developing powers. You two end up bonding a lot, and over time, fall in love.
You both make each other feel like a full person and like you are understood. The relationship is kept quiet on Bruces end, not because he doesn’t trust his family or anything, but because he just wants to keep it to himself for a bit.
It does get a bit hard to hide the hand shaped bruises on his hips or torso when your godly strength slips out, but Bruce has lived with worse aches and bruises in his life, so its not something people notice.
You never went out of your way to become a hero, even with your godly powers. You are happy living your life and being together with Bruce, much of your stress gone since you know Bruce will believe you when it comes to your dreams.
When the day finally comes where you go to meet his family, you can’t help but feel a little nervous. Sure, you’ve met them in passing as their vigilante alter egos, when they’ve followed Bruce during his meetings with you, but this will be as Bruces lover.
Bruce is endeared by how hard you want to make a good impression, how you fuss with your hair and your clothes to be most presentable. When you ask him if you need to bring a gift or something, he just laughs a little and kisses your forehead, telling you to stop worrying as he’s sure they’ll love you.
The family all know Bruce is bringing his lover that night for family dinner, but they all don’t know who it is, even Alfred is in the dark.
They are all a bit on edge, as Bruce doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to partners. And since he didn’t tell them a name, they assume its not the people he’s normally been with, like Selina or Talia.
Imagine their surprise when Bruce arrives with you on his arm, from your civilian clothes to your sheepish smile, to you looking downright nervous to meet them as you clearly want to make a good first impression.
It might take a bit for any of them to recognize you, as only a few of them might have met you in passing, but you probably end up telling them during dinner when they ask how you and Bruce met.
I can’t see them being against you more than they would any other partner, especially when you go out of your way to use your dreams and abilities to help as many people as possible.
Cass is most likely the one to warm up to you first, as she can easily read that you are a good person who loves Bruce very much, and Cass’s approval makes the others become less tense and more open to the idea of you.
Alfred is also happy that Bruce has found someone who isn’t a criminal or assassin for once, even though they all know you could punch a guy to smithereens if you wanted too, thanks to your godly strength.
But your personality makes it clear that’s not something you want to do, so that gives you extra points in their books. They most likely use their knowledge from Diana and her parentage when it comes to you, incase you end up doing something a little too godly without realizing.
They’ve all been around many different kinds of people and beings, so I don’t think anything you do put them off. They’ll all just need time to warm up to you, and see with their own eyes that you truly do love Bruce, and that Bruce loves you back just as much.
It would take a while, as they were all trained by Bruce and are all suspicious of anybody and take forever to trust. It starts to make you think they’ll never like you, even when Bruce tells you they will, they just need time.
You know you’ve gained their trust when they start showing up in your apartment, be it after patrol, during the day, or any other time, they’re likely to just appear. This also means you end up learning a lot more first aid than you thought you’d ever need.
The last to trust you is Damian, but you can tell you scored a win when he demands you learn self-defense, as your form is horrible, and he drags you down to the cave to walk you through the basics.
Bruce feels like his heart could burst with love when he sees his family accepting you, and he couldn’t be any happier. The batfam is pretty damn happy too, as Bruce starts taking care of himself because of you.
Can’t have a date if he hasn’t slept in days, or if he’s covered in bruises or has broken bones. You probably end up spending a lot of time at the manor too, since Bruce can’t just go into town to spend time in your apartment during the day, or else the paparazzi would find out about the relationship almost immediately.
So, all in all, his kids would like you quite a lot after they got enough time to learn what kinda person you were, and what your morals were. They might even start seeing you as a safe person to go too when they need someone to talk too or just need some company.
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kissitbttr · 5 months
RANDOMMM SCENARIO BUT… famous athlete(soccer player) comes up to Wife and flirts with her (???) while her and miggy are at a club or something. 🫨
ooo this gon be a one jealous miggy🤤🤤
miguel is fucking furious,
he and his wife had planned to have a date night. a nice drink at a cocktail bar would do the two of them good. in which he refused at first. he offered a dinner and gentle walks with ice cream but it seems that his wife managed to make him agree with her instead . thanks to her gorgeous puppy dog eyes and seduction, he actually complied. under one condition, that she has to stay by his side the entire night.
‘aw baby, you know i wouldn’t stray too far away from you. I wouldn’t like to dance alone anyway’
that’s not why miguel wanted her to leave his side for more than five minutes,
if she did, then miguel has to look at some twenty something year old mother fucker trying to hit on her like this exact moment,
it’s because he knows how gorgeous his wife is. her presence alone could make people’s head turns and men to fall to their knees. let alone if she opens her mouth and speak, they could easily be entranced and fall in love,
how would he know, you ask? because that’s what she did to him the first time he met her,
he brings his glass of whiskey to his lips, taking a slow sips as his eyes settled on another brunette man trying to entertain his wife by the bar,
five minutes. miguel fucking left for five minutes to go to the bathroom and some pubescent fucker already is trying his ways to woo her,
it’s not like she’s actually interested with the guy. he could sense the boredom radiating from her, and he doesn’t even have to stand close to her,
it makes him laugh.
her ears perk at the sound of a familiar sound that she loves, turning around and flashes a smile before reaching a hand to his waist making him mirror her expression,
“miguel, darling. this is christian. christian king. he’s a—“
“number 07. football league. nice to meet you” on the contrary, miguel’s tone doesn’t sound inviting at all, in which she’s quick to notice but doesn’t say anything,
the guy however, is appalled. eyes wide at the size of the man before him who looks like he could snap his neck in half.
miguel’s impossibly large physique has never failed to intimidate people. how could it not? he’s one of the strongest spider-man for crying out loud! not to mention the amount of hours he put in during the workouts. especially when he’s in during the bulking season to put on more muscles,
lord have mercy whomever tries to cross him or disrespect his wife
“oh.. I didn’t know she came with someone” the guy gulps nervously but try to at least smile. “miguel o’hara? a friend of bruce wayne’s right?”
he scoffs, “hardly” he twirls the glass softly in his hand as the other snakes around her waist, showing him that she’s taken. “acquaintance is more suited”
christian lets out a hum, nodding along as he awkwardly tries to avert his gaze. miguel’s wife however is enjoying this weird interaction, her eyes flickers between them before smirking,
“christian here just asked me out on a date. to go watch him play”
hearing that makes christian choke, while miguel raises his one eyebrow at the bold question the man had the nerve to ask,
“that so?” miguel heaves a small humorless laugh, sounding pissed. he watches christian struggle to put some words as he shakes his head,
“t-that was before i knew she came with someone, i swear! sorry i mean no disrespect” he puts his hands up in defense, feeling scared that her words will affect his life. because the way miguel is staring him down hard,
there’s 99% chance that christian would walk out of here with broken arms,
“saw you kept touching her too, compá. you interested in my wife?” miguel steps in closer while she remains quiet, biting back a smile,
“no! oh my god, no! of course not i was—“
“how old are you?”
“shit” miguel chuckles as if it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “look, you got to find one your age, kid. she’s taken. beat it”
christian nods fast, grabbing his drink off the table and mutter a soft sorry before scrambling off and away from the two,
his wife has her legs crossed, exposing the soft and delicate thighs between the slits of her dress while eyeing her husband who refuses to leave his gaze off the poor guy,
she smirks widely, elbow on the counter before chuckling causing miguel to look at his woman. which then his brows dip into a frown,
“you were enjoying that”
“i did” she confirms, moving to graze his cheek and down to the collar of his shirt. “you handled that better than i did”
“you complaining, cariño?”
“kind of. I should’ve prompted a fight”
“jesus, you’re crazy”
she leans closer, breath ghosting over his mouth as he looks down at her, mind going fuzzy. “you love it.”
“ay. si lo tengo, bonita” he sighs dreamily, planting a quick kiss on her ruby lips. “i still don’t like how they keep trying to take my woman away from me. first, it was at the cake test for our wedding and now that fucking kid—jesus is really testing me”
“what? you know i’m hot. some people just can’t help themselves” she shrugs innocently, giving him her best doe gaze while sipping on her cocktail,
with a groan, he pulls her in. “you’re pushing it, querida” eyes jumping between her eyes and mouth. “but you’re not wrong”
her lips stretch into a smile, pressing a finger on his chin to keep his eyes locked in his,
“you’re my husband. and i’m your wife. we’re tied, baby. you are stuck with me”
the nickname and the reminder puts him at ease for a bit, softly unclenching his jaw, head nodding at the thought of his wife being his forever,
his beautiful, beautiful wife,
“i mean, unless you want us to—“
“don’t even think about it” he grunts, giving her butt a spank with a glare. the gesture makes her giggle,
“you’re fucking mine”
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bruisedboys · 6 months
how do u think battinson shows affection ?? 🤔 since he's literally a sopping wet cat of a man and not the best as socializing, one would think physical affection but is he too awkward for that even ? what do u think ??
battinson!bruce wayne x fem!reader
okay okay!! so I think for bruce wayne, acts of service is a big one in terms of showing affection!! mostly because he can just do them quietly, if you know what I mean? he doesn’t have to make a big show out of it, doesn’t even have to tell you he’s gonna do them. he’ll just iron your clothes for you without you having to ask, buy your favourite shampoo when he notices you’re running out, tie your shoes before you leave the house together, take your heels off for you after a date. just so many quiet, sweet acts of service that he doesn’t even really think about, he just does them because he loves you and he cares. he gets shy when you confront him about it, though. like, you’ll find he’s restocked all your skincare and hair products and you’ll hunt him down and be like, “bruce, honey, you didn’t have to,” pushing up on to your toes to kiss him. he gets all red around the ears and pretends he doesn’t know what you’re talking about <3
as for physical affection, I think yes he enjoys giving it and receiving it but it’s gotta be at the right time! given how protective he is, he’ll hold your hand in public or almost always have one of his big hands on your hip or the small of your back to guide you, but nothing much more than that. when you’re alone he likes it a lot more, especially if you’re the one giving it. he’s not often the one to initiate hugs or cuddles, it’s almost always you. but you don’t mind, because he never rejects you what you want. he’s a bit awkward about it, especially in the beginning, never knowing what to do with his hands (should he rub your back or stroke your hair or just keep them still??) but once he’s more used to it he’s a really good hugger. his broadness helps too <3
still, his favourite thing is when you initiate the cuddling because it makes him feel really loved and wanted! and then he’ll cuddle back. when you climb in his lap and tuck your chin over his shoulder, he’ll rub your back and you all but melt on top of him. you’ll be lying half on top of him in bed, stroking his cheek lovingly, and he’ll take your hand in his and press his mouth to your fingertips. when you’re massaging his shoulders after a long night, or pushing his hair from his forehead when it’s in his eyes, he’ll give your hip a squeeze as a thank you. it’s almost like, your affection makes him brave enough to reciprocate it. and it honestly means a lot, coming from him. your awkward grumpy touch-starved boy <3
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dragonofthedepths · 1 year
The Council of the Dead Would Like to Inform the Justice League that “Magical Girl” is a Gender-Neutral Term 16.2.23
DP x DC. Danny, Dani, Dan, Vlad, Clockwork, the Justice League. Redeemed Vlad, redeemed Dan, Ghost King Danny.
Amity gets suddenly transported to the DC universe, but that doesn’t mean anybody realizes it suddenly exists. Amity was already extremely liminal and under an information blackout, and both those things stay true making it really hard to think about for anybody that doesn’t already know about it.
Just be DC hasn’t noticed Amity does not mean Amity hasn’t noticed DC, which is why Danny is out exploring this world that’s absolutely full of heroes.
Unfortunately, DC is even more full of disasters, and he’s forced to transform to protect some people. He books it out of there immediately afterward and disappears.
Everyone assumes he’s a magical girl. A black-haired blue-eyed “civilian” had a whole freaking transformation, fixed everything with magic, and flew away. Was he Tim Drake? Related to the Superboys? A random teen? One of Bruce Wayne’s other children? No-ones ever seen a hero with a transformation before.
Danny finds out about this and is more than willing to play along.
He can make his transformation more dramatic, :) he can design some special attacks, :) Clockwork can he use a time medallion as a boost item?* (Clockwork says yes.) :D
With Vlad, Dani, and Dan playing along too they even have a pretty decent magical girl team, complete with Vlad playing the dark horse magical girl rival whose more rude and abrasive but ultimately on the same side for bonus Justice League trolling.
The Justice League is absolutely loosing their minds apparently living through a Magical Girl anime. Especially after threats from the Infinite Realms start getting involved.
*The ultimate boost item is, of course, the Crown of Fire.
Dani, Danny, and Dan introduce themselves as half-siblings. For the pun.
Day (626/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 16th of Feb
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jaxon-exe · 6 months
Just saw this point vv
That has Danny being Gotham and it has given me ideas!!
So after becoming the ghost king Danny gets a haunt. Now the thing about haunts (for this au) is that they r a reflection of its ruler. It’s basically their inter being made into a physical place.
Well that comes with a unique situation with Danny as he’s half alive. So bc of that half of his haunt is also alive (ie in the living world)
And bc time is more of a suggestion in the infinite realms, the living half of Danny’s haunt is and always has been Gotham.
This is also y Gotham is cursed. At first it was just Fenton luck but over the years power hunger ghost have cursed Danny and in turn his haunt.
Now with the background out of the way here we go
So one day it’s notice that Gotham is a bit more crazy than normal. Not only has crime and rouge activities randomly spiked but the weather is also going nuts. With random storms popping out of nowhere and even a blizzard in mid spring.
Deciding better save than sorry Batman calls in some JLD members to see if it’s magic related and it is. The JLD always knew Gotham was cursed but they can now feel a new and more powerful curse has been placed on the city. So they set about trying to get rid of it and they can’t
At this point is when they decide to pull John out of bed and get him to help to and after a bit of poking around he comes to the conclusion that the curse is anchored to something and so sets about summoning the anchor.
Yeah… non of them were expecting the king of the dead to be the anchor.
What’s worse is that Danny pops up in his spooky eldritch form and they quickly cancel the spell bc NOPE!!
So they naturally come to the conclusion that the king was the one to curse Gotham and he anchored the curse to himself so it couldn’t be easily lifted.
Meanwhile with Danny.
He’s having a rough go at it. This curse is pretty foul and he’s been stuck in his ‘spooky form’ bc his more approachable forms can’t handle it. Now Danny has been trying to get rid of all the curses on him for awhile but it was never top priority, u know with being king and all. Now tho it definitely is. However he’s in a bit of a bind bc ghost cant really remove curses and he doesn’t have the knowledge of how to do it while alive.
But those guys that summoned him definitely do and might be his best shot.
Basically from here it’s the Batfam plus JLD trying to figure out how to brake the curse on Gotham while also being jump scared by the king of the death popping out of nowhere only to be beating off with a broom back to the afterlife. Meanwhile Danny over here is just trying to figure out how to get their help even tho he looks like a nightmare personified and sounds like the screams of the damned 

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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
“Dance with me”
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❥ pairing: Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader
❥word count: 834
❥summery: you and Damian dance together
❥ warning: reader and Damian being the judgmental couples. One word curse word and that’s it.
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Bruce Wayne tends to host a lot of Galas. You’ve noticed that when you started dating Damian. Half the galas Damian takes you with him as his date, and the other half he doesn’t so he has an excuse not to stay at the minor when things are going down. But this one was the half where he takes you. So there you were, standing next to Damian as he ignored a group of people trying to steer up a conversation with him.
Bruce encourages him to join in but Damian never listens. He would rather talk to you if he’s being honest. You aren’t fake like most of the people in the same room as him. His words not yours.
“Mhm I don’t know, they seem a bit too out there, no? It’s not like last time—I mean that ladys boobs are like—out” you mumbled, leaning closer to Damian as the two of you stayed away from the big groups of people. You motion your hands around your chest and he hums
“maybe it’s a tactic to get my father's attention”
“you think it works?” Damian shrugs softly before he glances down at you
“How do you think I got here?”
“Oh—ew” you laugh as you scrunch up your nose. There’s a long pregnant pause between the two of you as the two of you judge every single person that walks into the manor. It’s a game you two like to play to pass time. Once everyone settles you two end up sitting away from everyone. A table set for only the two of you. It was Damians idea mostly. As the night goes by and music starts to play, that's when thoughts start to change. It’s not a Bruce Wayne Gala if people aren’t dancing. You can only stare at awe as you watch people seat their hips and jump around to the beat of the music.
These people have class and can dance!
Damian can only stare at you with soft green eyes. A smile graces his lips. He watches as you clap away and softly lip sync to some of the songs you recognize. Damian leans up against the table and scoots closer to you tucking strands of hair out of your face behind to see better. The song comes to an end shortly after, you clap loudly and woo them as most of them find their seat. The next song is a slow and soft one—once it plays most people get up from their seat and drag their spouses with them. Damian gets up and walks around the table , stopping in front of you he leaned down a little with an arm behind his back and in arm stretch out for you to take. You glance up at him confused.
“Dance with me?” He asks and you laugh softly.
“Dami, you know I don’t dance”
“And neither do I” he says. Hesitantly you take his hand and he brings you to your feet, dragging you along with him. People move and stare as Damian takes you to the center. He guides your hands to his shoulders.
“Just follow my lead beloved and everything will be alright” he whispers down at you and you nod
He places his hand firmly above your hip and the other gently grasps one of your hands that was placed on his shoulder as he starts to sway you along with him. Your eyes are locked on the ground watching your feet to make sure you don’t step on Damian's dress shoes. But you manage to do so every time.
“Shit I’m sorry!” You say as you step in his shoes once more. Damian shakes his as he laughs.
“That’s alright. Just look at me” and you do. Eyes locking with one another as you two kept dancing. As cheesy as it really sounds, the moment you two locked eyes—it seemed it was just the two of you and no one else. Damian was getting comfortable while he danced with you—he even managed to lift you up in the air and twirl you around for a bit until he had to bring you back down.
The song was coming to an end, Damian could tell once it hit its final notes. He grips your hips tighter, wraps his arm around you as you dips you. You Welp and hold on to him tighter. The song comes to an end and Damian lifts you back up as you laugh softly while clapping. Everyone cheers and Damian takes you back to your seats.
“I thought you didn’t know how to dance” Damian can only shrug
“ I don’t” you roll your eyes at his response and slap his shoulder
“yeah right” you two share one more laughter before you're seated.
“I can’t believe he dances in front of everyone!” Dick sobs
“dude you're almost hitting forty—stop crying” Jason says as he side eyes his brother “but talk about character development”
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krashoutluv · 25 days
Hear me out
AK!Jason with a s/o whose love language is sharing food, but them being the one who gives him the biggest and tastiest slice, the one who pours a little more juice or soda on Jason's glass and the type of givin AK!Jason the cleanest spoon.
im making this angsty and comforty because. because. because.
tw; eating disorder, throw up/vomit, canon torture affects implied,
i want to hold him.
an s/o like this would be soooo lovely for him because, however. (this takes awhile)
listen you could give him the most amazing meal, and he’ll scarf it down but not because it's amazing. but it's because you gave it to him. he doesn’t want to make you feel any type of way; but the way his heart shudders when he scrambles out your window late at night, the way he can't stop himself from retching in a trash can makes him feel borderline unlovable.
hearing his mothers voice ring about how they ‘couldn’t afford to be wasteful’
he can’t stop wondering if this is his body rejecting purity after being indulged in hatred for so long. he can’t help but wonder if he’s even meant to be in your presence. he can’t help but wonder if he was even meant to eat in the first place.
hearing the lunatic who he believed to make more of a man out of him then his father say he was ‘being wasteful’
he can't stop wondering if you poisoned it. he can’t stop wondering if the meat wasn’t fully cooked. he can’t stop wondering if someone else poisoned it. he can’t stop wondering if something had gone rotten and you hadn’t noticed.
Jason was wondering the wrong thing, because he hadn’t expected to turn around and you staring down at him from your window.
Jason slurred out something about a ‘Stomach Issue’ and how the food was still amazing.
He didn’t know at the time that this random white lie would save his predicament.
Whenever he came over you paced him, giving him small portions at a time, having him pour his own drinks.
Purposely sitting on the couch and asking him if he could serve himself, watching how much he did to replicate.
Making a less food so he wouldn’t feel overwhelmed with the leftovers he saw in the pots.
Making lighter meals whenever he came over.
His problem didn’t go away like he was perfect, he would still vomit those small meals, gag after a half of a coke. Even when he was young and just began living with Bruce, he couldn’t always stomach those hefty boujee steaks.
But just one meal at a time, watching you cook, how sweet you were when you held his hair out of his eyes while he was throwing up in your toilet, the way you rubbed his shoulder when you noticed he was slowing down on the meal, letting him take home leftovers, just those baby steps mean a lot to him.
Jason figuring out that you give him the cleanest spoon to go with his freshly tossed salad and giving him prettiest peace of chicken you made, and the way you piece the cup before setting it down in front of him. It meant a lot to him.
ugh, he has heart eyes while watching you fuck up that salad.
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mikeluciraphgabe · 7 months
Bruce introducing Clark as his partner for the first time and the bat kids taking the opportunity for what it is
Clark wonders in the kitchen around 5am to start a family breakfast as Alfred is on his rare vacation in Europe.
He had already been halfway through when he finally noticed the body standing in the door way.
“… Dick? Are you ok?”
There’s no answer.
Clark doesn’t even get a chance to blink before Dick is holding a sharp piece of Kryptonite to his neck. “You hurt my dad and I’ll show you just how fucked up a human truly could be.”
And this, this is the Robin that Clark knew.
This was the Robin who was angry and violent during his training with Batman.
This was Robin who made Bruce grow from angry and violent himself and learned how to be an actual person and how to love for the first time in a long time.
This was the Robin who wouldn’t hesitate to kill a man for taking the last of what he had of a family.
This is the Robin who grew up to be a Nightwing who was still so violent and angry but in a different way.
Clark swallowed. “Ya, ya. Yep. Of course-“
Dick pulls back and takes threes steps away from Clark. He smiles innocently, like he didn’t do what he just did. “What are you making? Smells good.”
“I- well- uh-“ Clark blinks. “Pancakes.”
“Add chocolate chips, Tim will love them.”
Clark nods and stares at the unblinking first Robin.
Tim was… magnificent.
Magnificent and brilliant.
Clark, although technically not Tim’s parent, still had that parent pride you get for children. (He gets that for all of Bruce’s children.)
“So, you’re dating Bruce huh.”
Nodding, Clark grins. “Yes.” It then flatters. “Does this bother you? I know Bruce never actually dated dated before-“
Tim rolls his eyes and gets into Clark’s personal space and stares.
Just stares without blinking.
Tim, who was once a child who helped Bruce grow out of his depression of loosing his second.
Tim who was so damn talented with computers he hacked Clark’s ship for information for Bruce was Bruce could only get in the very edges of the information plated there.
Tim who was an absolute beast when it comes down to it.
“Uh… Tim?”
“Hmm…” Something in Tim’s eyes shift. “Hurt him and I’ll personally cut you open and do unspeakable experiments on the alien who dared break my dad’s heart.”
And really, Tim scared the absolute shit out of Clark. Always has.
“Yes- yes- of course- I never doubt- I never would-“
Tim grins once more, backing away. “So, there’s this movie coming out I think you would like, wanna go see it?”
“I-“ Clark only nods.
“Oh, hello Duke-“ Clark begins, smiling softly at the newest family member. Duke, although only being here for about a year and a half, has landed in Clark’s heart that belongs to the Robins and the Robins only.
Duke was a beautiful child, turning man.
He had the kindest smile and even kinder words.
He was Bruce’s first to be taken in at such a large age, but still one of Bruce’s babies.
“I’ll skip the pleasantries.”
Clark pauses form where he was taking his shoes off. “Oh,”
Duke looks him up and down then glared. “You and Bruce huh?”
Shifting on his feet, one shoed and one not, Clark nods. “Yep. Couldn’t be happier-“
“I haven’t been with him nearly as long as the others, especially by age, but Bruce has turned into a type of second father for me.”
Clark nods. “Yes, I know-“
A green light comes from Duke’s palm and Clark feels the itch of something very familiar. “Hurt my dad and I’ll fuck you up.”
“Yep, heard loud and clear-“
“Good.” Duke’s eyes glare for a moment longer before he relaxes and smiles at Clark. “Anywho, Bruce is waiting for you in his office! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”
Clark gulps.
Clark adored Cass.
She was so… something Clark couldn’t describe. She just was amazing, in every way of the word and more.
Cass was Bruce’s first girl, his little princess.
Cass was the one who was hurt so deeply that she should have had a different ending, but she crawled out of it and became something more.
Something to look up at.
And she terrifies him.
You hurt my dad and I’ll kill you, Kent
Short and sweet, just like her.
She signed to him after catching him in the hallway at 2am because Clark was spending the night and he had to pee.
Clark wonders back to the bed room and asks Bruce, sheepishly, is he could borrow a pair of shorts.
Now Damian, oh tiny but loud Damian, was the one who scared Clark from day one.
Not for the reasons you think, no.
It was because this tiny little baby was hurt so badly growing up because his mother was unable to protect him as much as she wished she could and he thought he deserved it.
Damian who scratched and bite.
Damian who made Bruce have heart attack after heart attack.
So, when Damian cornered Clark one day, Clark couldn’t help but admire the little boy who is slowly turning into a strong man.
“Hurt my baba and I’ll make you wish you died on the planet you came from.”
Clark would have laughed if he didn’t think it was true.
Steph was an interesting case.
Not Bruce’s, but Bruce’s nonetheless.
“Hello Stephanie. I’m making apple pie for dessert tonight. I know you don’t like apple though. Would you like me to make you something else-“
Steph gives him a long stare. “You know, Bruce and I have a strange relationship.”
“… Yes.”
She nods. “Well, despite this, he’s still an important part to me. Hurt him and you make a lifelong enemy.”
Clark nods, trying to ignore the way his hand shakes from needing the dough. “I know.”
“I would like chocolate something, please.”
“Of course.”
Someone is following Clark.
They had been following him for blocks now, but Clark can’t pin point them.
He finally makes it to his apartment, shutting the door shut, heart pumping. He breaths deeply and stands up straight, chuckling to himself for being so foolish.
Someone was probably just walking in the same direction as him consequently.
“Clark Kent. Grew up on a farm. Crash landed on Earth… an alien.”
Spinning on his heel, Clark’s eyes widened at Jason standing in the middle of his living room.
“Oh- hello Jason. Did you need something-“
“Cut the crap.”
Clark takes in a long breath.
This was… Jason.
Jason was the one who died and came back, broken and ready to do things that shouldn’t be spoken of.
Jason who grew up in the streets because he father was doing illegal things and got caught and his mother overdosed.
Jason who was the first the make Bruce realize he wasn’t just a guardian, but a father.
Jason who made Bruce and Dick reconnect and become fatherandson once again during their biggest argument.
“I know.” Clark says before Jason could even open his mouth.
“Do you?”
Clark takes a long look at the man who never really had the chance to be a child. He looks at the man who, despite being the second eldest, looked like he was the youngest out of all of Bruce’s children. “I know if I hurt your father I will have some serious problems later.”
Jason stares back.
“Don’t fuck this up.”
“I won’t.”
Jason leaves the way he came.
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imaginedanvrs · 3 months
a galaxy stands between us
part 2 l masterlist
summary: adjusting from one enclosure to another proves challenging when you're unsure who to trust
word count: 4.5k
warnings: mentions of past confinement, allusions to schizophrenia
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“Thor’s basically an alien and he looks like a regular dude,” Tony stated as he tinkered with his newest helmet model, seemingly the most relaxed at what the team might be keeping in their med bay. “Carol Danvers is half alien and looks normal when she’s not glowing,” he continued. 
  “Neither of those things are true,” Natasha corrected, having talked to the younger captain about her human-kree dna ratio in the past. 
  “It doesn’t matter if she’s from this planet or not,” Steve said. “What matters is what she’s capable of. What if she has powers like Wanda or a hulk like Bruce that she can’t control?”
  “Her name is y/n,” Wanda input. “But you’re right,” she agreed, surprising everyone in the room to hear her say. “What then? Will you send her to S.H.I.E.L.D to lock her up? Will you put another collar on her? You know what happens when people try to control something because they’re afraid of it,” the Sokovian argued adamantly. Natasha couldn’t help but look at her partner with pride as they both stood in your corner. “You can wait for those test results, but I’m going to talk to y/n,” she declared to the room and left no room for anyone to stop her. 
  “Just let us try,” Natasha added, seeing the discontent on Steve’s face as he watched them both leave and turned his attention back to the records on screen. You had graduated high school five years prior and had been accepted into a university you had never gotten the chance to attend. There were legitimate files of you entering the foster system as a baby and the circumstances of which were unclear but it seemed you’d be abandoned. Natasha had been the one to point out that from Earth or not, you had spent enough time on the planet to at least have the rights of a human. 
  Meanwhile, you were adjusting to foreign feeling of being more conscious than you could recall being in a significantly long time. The world had a piercingly clear filter placed over it that you had once taken for granted. Still, it was entirely overwhelming when your attention was drawn to every minor aspect of your surroundings that you never would have taken any notice of before. You could have sworn you were able to count how many chemicals went into creating the overly sterile smell that was entrapped in the room with you. You could hear the faint hum of the lights hanging over you like a fly you couldn’t swat away and the brightness that came with it was even worse. What’s more, you could feel the cold breeze coming through the air conditioning that was making the hairs on your arms stand like tiny spikes. The only good thing that came from your reawakened senses was your ability to appreciate just how soft the sheets below you were. You hadn’t stopped bunching them up in your fists ever since you woke up. 
  It was strange, not being able to remember what it felt like to have full awareness of your surroundings. Unfortunately, the one aspect of your mind that remained was the part you wanted gone the most.
  “It’s an improvement,” your stubborn companion told you as he stalked around the edge of the room and inspected everything he laid his orange eyes on. “Just don’t trust them,” he said. You didn’t respond, all too aware of the camera blinking in the corner of the room. You didn’t know who these people were, but you were sure it wouldn’t be ideal if they saw you talking to someone who wasn’t there. You needed to keep that to yourself, at least until you knew what they wanted from you. “And don’t look weak,” he added as he spotted the two women venturing down the corridor towards your room that they stepped into with ease, making you suddenly very aware of how easy it would be to come and go from the room as you pleased. You rubbed your wrists subconsciously where your cuffs had turned them red. No chains either. 
  Neither of the women were dressed in the usual white coats or tunics you were used to seeing. They wore casual clothing, and carried a similar pair, as though they had invited you into their own home like an abandoned stray they found on the streets. Though neither was standing overly close to you, the subtle scent of oak and vanilla drifted across subtly and was a welcomed change from the smell of chemicals. Combined with the looks of sheer curiosity, they did little to intimidate you and you wondered if that was worth trusting. 
  “How are you feeling?” The first woman spoke. You couldn’t say for sure, but if you had to guess you would say the women before you were the ones that had taken you from your old room. You swallowed the dryness in your mouth that shifted to your throat and nodded, holding no faith in your inactive voice box to give them an audible response. The redhead seemed to notice and glanced at the full water jug on the table next to you. 
  “That water’s for you,” she offered, less smiley than the brunette though her sincerity was still present. You nodded again, not about to tell her that thirst was normal ever since you had started being peg fed. Surely they had seen the small tube across your stomach. “And so are the clothes,” she added as she placed them down on the edge of the bed. They looked to be a set of comfortable sweatpants and shirt.
  “I’m Wanda, by the way, and this is Natasha,” the brunette chipped in as she sat down in the chair next to your bed. Natasha lingered for a moment before taking the seat next to her. Wanda noticed your hesitancy as you regarded them both. “Don’t worry, she’s not as scary as she looks.” At this, the redhead cracked a smile towards the floor while the bear man grunted in acknowledgment, still wandering the perimeter. “We want to help you, y/n,” Wanda said with a sincerity you really hoped was genuine. You didn’t want to let yourself get too hopeful, nor would your embodied conscious let you, yet the pair brought an undeniably hint of calm upon you that wasn’t artificial for once. 
  “And to do that we need to know if you have any abilities we should know about,” Natasha added. 
  “Don’t,” the bear man warned and you had to resist the urge to look at him because you couldn’t answer that question with absolute certainty. You knew that you had done something all those years ago, something bad, but you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what. Of whatever had transpired, you could only remember the screams. 
  You shook your head but your lying skills were horribly out of practice. “They know,” the draped man said at once and you winced. 
  “Okay,” Natasha replied as the pair resisted exchanging a glance at your misinformation. They didn’t put it against you, betting they would both have done the same in your situation. Just because you had been taken away from one hell didn’t mean you hadn’t been placed into another. 
  “Try and get some sleep. We’ll talk again tomorrow,” Natasha continued as she stood up from the chair. Wanda did the same as you looked as though you wanted to say something. You chewed your gums, considering the request you wanted to make. “Is there anything else you need?” The redhead asked.
  “Han…handcuffs,” you croaked, barely recognising your own voice. 
  “What are you doing?” The bear man objected with a fierce glare. 
  “That’s not necessary,” Wanda insisted, noting how you rubbed your wrists and able to connect the dots. 
  “Okay,” Natasha said instead, reaching into the drawers kept by the door as her girlfriend shared the bear man’s displeasure. They both stared holes into the back of Natasha’s head as she slipped the cuffs around your left wrist loosely and attached it to the other bed rail and waited for you to offer your other wrist.
  “No, Nat-” Wanda frowned at the redhead’s actions, unable to determine where they had stemmed from.
  “I’m putting the key here, okay? If you want them taken off you can ask anyone that comes in,” Natasha informed you as she placed the key down on the bedside table just slightly out of your reach. 
  “Get them off!” The bear man hissed but you paid him no mind as you felt the weight of the cuffs. They were far lighter and looser than what you were used to and you had to tell yourself that it was a good thing. It wasn’t normal to sleep restrained, you knew that, but years of having the habit forced upon you was surprisingly alarming to break once you had the opportunity. Besides, it was going to be your first night sleeping without sedation or high security since… Well, you couldn’t risk the safety of the people that you may owe a great deal to. 
  “Than’ you,” you muttered, missing how Wanda’s features softened at your relief before following her partner out of the room in silence. 
  It wasn’t until they made it back to their own room that Natasha finally answered the unasked question that had followed them. “I needed them too after I left the red room,” she said simply. “We had to sleep in cuffs as well,” she added as Wanda listened intently and met her girlfriend’s soft eyes that only ever came out in that room. Wanda didn’t respond immediately, opting to close the distance between them by trailing her hands up Natasha’s arms until they snaked around her neck. “Being in a new place can be scary so sometimes you just need some familiarity.”
  “Thank you for telling me,” the brunette murmured gently. Natasha smiled back and brought her lips to Wanda’s in a tender kiss. “I know it’s not easy,” she added, brushing her nose against the Russian’s. “I’m glad you were there, I don’t know if I would have said yes to her,” she admitted. Natasha hummed.
  “You want to help her, so do I,” she stated. 
  “It might be easier said than done,” Wanda said as she considered the weight of what they had taken on. She didn’t regret any of it by any means, but they hadn’t anticipated finding anything like you at that base and weren’t sure how to adapt. Wanda thought she could understand how it felt to be in your place, but seemingly the spy once shared the same mentality you did.  
  “Undoubtedly, but we’ll figure it out,” Natasha assured as she rested her hands comfortably on Wanda’s waist. “We always do.” 
“Have you seen this?” Bruce asked as he picked up the glass slide that held several drops of your blood on before peering over at the small tube that contained the rest, alarmed to find it in the same state. 
  “Is that y/n’s blood?” Tony picked up the tube and gazed at the blue liquid inquisitively. They hadn’t even started looking at the results of the tests that had just come through before they spotted the bizarre substance. “I don’t remember it being blue when we took it.”
  “It wasn’t,” Bruce said with certainty as he ventured over to the computer screens in hopes of getting some answers. “But it’s certainly different.”
  “Radiation maybe?” Tony suggested. 
  “More like reptile,” the scientist said as he highlighted the most unique traits that the computer identified. “I thought this would give us some answers but now I just have a million more questions,” he huffed as he leant back to examine the screens from a distance. “And I still have no idea what kind of containment we need to prepare.”
  “Just don’t mention that around Romanoff and Maximoff,” Tony muttered as his phone chimed in his pocket. It was  a message from Steve, calling both of them to the conference room along with an invitation to join a call between the captain and FuturGenus. It took Tony a second to realise that must be where you had come from and swiftly accepted the call. 
  “Stark,” he answered as he beckoned Bruce to follow him. 
  “Mr Stark, I’m glad you could join us,” a corporate voice replied. 
  “They want y/n back,” Steve was quick to inform, evidently haven talked to the organisation long enough already. 
  “In the interest of everyone’s safety,” the spokesman added calmly. 
  “Except y/n’s, right?” Tony said, far past caring for any retributions that would come with being so blunt. 
  “Gentleman, I don’t think you understand what exactly you are keeping in your home.”
  “Then explain it to us,” Bruce interjected as he listened in. 
  “That’s confidential,” the voice said with a practised ease. “If you hand it- Ms l/n back then we can resume our assessment of-”
  “I think y/n can decide where she wants to stay,” Steve said at once. He may not have been the biggest fan of you staying in the base, but there was no way he would willingly hand you back to FuturGenus. 
  “Very well, you can’t say we never tried,” the spokesman threatened just as Tony and Bruce entered the conference room only for the phone to hang up. 
  “Please tell me you’ve found something,” the blonde sighed as he pinched the space between his eyes. The scientists looked at each other, only certain of one thing. 
  “She’s cold-blooded.”
You stared down at the plate on the table over your lap with some scepticism, unsure of what exactly the contents of the meal entailed. You could tell that whoever had prepared and plated the dish had done their best to make it look as appetising as possible, but that was no easy feat to accomplish with the three small piles. One of the doctors, you couldn’t remember her name, had told you she didn’t believe you needed a peg tube anymore as they had no intention of sedating you. That meant you could go back to eating the normal food you had missed but that you needed to ease your body back into it, starting with puree. Once you could show them you could handle it, they would take the tube out. 
  Fortunately, the food was at least warm, taking your mind momentarily off of the insistent air conditioning that was still giving your goosebumps. You picked up the spoon, stumbling for a few moments as you worked to reawaken your muscle memory and began eating. Maybe it was because it was the first thing that had touched your tastebuds except for blood in years, but it was really fucking good food. The small portion was gone in under a minute. 
  You hadn’t seen the bear man all morning, a promising sign that he wouldn’t always be by your side or lingering at the front of your mind. It was far more peaceful without him and allowed your attention to continuously be drawn to the window along the wall behind you. It was a panel piece of glass that wouldn’t open and it was only about three feet long but you didn’t mind, glad that it provided you a chance to see the sky outside. There were a few clouds that you had watched pass by gradually, but generally it was a clear day. You used to always make sure you went outside on a day like that, even for a little while, so that you wouldn’t feel too cooped up once the sun went down. 
  Noticing that the hallway outside of your room was deserted, you moved your covers back with uncertainty, waiting for someone to walk by and demand you get back into bed. Five minutes passed and no one came, so you dropped your bare feet onto the chilled floor and padded along to the window that was too high up for you to lean against but not so much that it was above your chin. 
  You had no idea where you were, but the building was surrounded by more luscious green than you had ever seen in your life. Just outside was a vast field that looked to be about the size of a football pitch and it was bordered by a dense forest that stretched on for as far as you could see from the third or fourth floor. It was incredible. Your muscles ache to explore everything that you lay your eyes on, while your mind warned of the dangers of leaving. Going out into the world was a luxury you no longer possessed, but it was nice to imagine for a second what it would be like to be out there, unaware of the faint smile that crept onto your lips as you enabled the fantasy.
 You were, somehow, a hazard. 
  However, not everyone shared that belief. 
  Natasha was pleased to see you out of bed as she strolled down the corridor to your temporary room. She paused once she reached the door, considering whether or not to leave you alone for a while before deciding that your circumstances didn’t really leave much room for that. The Russian knew that the team was getting angsty over the uncertainty of what you were capable of, even if she didn’t yet know how willing to defend you they were. 
  Once she turned the door handle, you spun around in a start to face Natasha with wide eyes. “It’s alright,” she assured at once and you visibly calmed upon recognising the redhead. “You can get out of bed. You can come out of the room too if you want,” she continued. “Even outside,” she said even though she knew she shouldn’t. You shook your head, unwilling to risk any harm that Natasha didn’t seem to think you were capable of inducing. She nodded respectfully. 
 “Mind if I sit?” She asked and it was then that you noticed the pack of playing cards in her hands. Intrigued, you shook your head again. “Wanda’s finishing paperwork from the other day and she’s kind of been kicking my ass at cards lately,” Natasha explained as she began to shuffle through the deck. “You up for a game?” She asked so nonchalantly that you didn’t need to think about it. You didn’t verbally respond, but you went back and perched on the bed with the table between you with clear interest. “Great, do you know Go Fish?”
  After Natasha reminded you of the rules of the game, you spent a while playing comfortably. It felt good to be playing a card game again. It felt normal and Natasha treated it as much. She won more than you, not feeling the need to take any pity on how out of practice you were by throwing any of the matches. You had no idea how much time had passed or how many games you had played before Natasha started making comments out of the game as you played. 
  “How are your wrists?” She asked as they were only a little scratched instead of raw and scabbing. 
  “Okay,” you said with that same scratchiness that didn’t seem to be going away. 
  “We should get you some throat soothers,” Natasha quipped when she noticed, earning her a small smile as you continued to look at the cards. 
  “Only…eating puree,” you told her. 
  “Cho said that’s just temporary,” she pointed out. You nodded and placed down a winning card. Natasha huffed and let you take all of the cards to reshuffle them. “Did the cuffs help you sleep?” You glanced at her, weighing the honesty in your mind.
  “Yes,” you hesitated. “The bed is…very soft,” you commented and lucky Natasha caught on to what you were implying. 
  “Too soft,” she finished for you. You nodded. “We can move you somewhere more comfortable.” You slowed the shuffling, considering what another move could mean. “If you don’t like the rooms, you don’t have to stay in them,” Natasha told you simply. You took a chance and looked the spy straight in the eye, hoping you would be able to detect any false promises. Deciding to believe her, you nodded and dealt the cards again. “But we need to know if there are any adaptations we should make.” You didn’t respond. “For any abilities,” she added. 
  “I don’t know what I can do,” you told her slowly but looked at her as you spoke, hoping that she would know you weren’t lying. “But I know it’s bad.” 
  “I don’t think so,” Natasha said simply. “I think you’ve just spent long enough being told that to believe it,” she continued, remembering how that felt and how long it could take to be convinced otherwise. 
  You really hoped she was right. 
  “Come on, let's find you somewhere better to stay,” Natasha invited as she stood up from the seat. You hesitated, peering down the corridor and considering your options before deciding that risks or not, you wanted to make the most of your compacted freedom. 
  Natasha concealed a smile of triumph when she saw you slide out of the bed, not wanting to make a big deal out of the small win, and led you down the corridor at a leisurely pace. The redhead pointed out the different rooms and sections of the base to you as you passed even though she knew it took a while to learn the base’s layout, occasionally comparing the building to the tower the team used to reside in. The Avengers had come together shortly after you were taken so you took her word for the comparisons blindly.
  You didn’t cross paths with anyone until you reached the rooms. All of the communal areas, kitchens and corridors that you crossed were deserted though Natasha didn’t mention why. You had questioned it as you ventured throughout the building, just never aloud. Truthfully, you had a few questions about the base but figured as they were purely down to curiosity it would be best to keep them to yourself. The main one being, who the hell were these people? 
  “And these are the rooms,” Natasha announced at the front of two corridors. “The boys are down there but they all have their own homes so they usually just use them for crashing in after missions,” she explained, only giving you more questions. “But me and Wanda stay here,” she said simply, offering no explanation as to why they didn’t feel the need to have a home away from their workplace. 
  As if she had heard her name being mentioned, Wanda came through the closest door and smiled upon noticing you and Natasha. “That’s our room,” the redhead informed. Oh? Five years in captivity had really thrown off your gaydar. 
  “Cool,” you muttered, glad you had at least something in common with the two women. 
  “You can take any of these rooms.” You peered down the corridor, counting five doors in total. Were they all the same? Were some of them safer than others? Maybe it would be best if you went to the end room in case anything happened.
  Wanda noted your silent anguish. “The one next to us has a pretty good view,” she told you as she opened up the door in question. You followed on without much convincing and took in the space before you. Judging by the rest of the building, you had half expected it to be much larger than it was but you were relieved to find that wasn’t the case. Similarly, there were no obnoxiously large windows across the walls and they were instead placed at head height and large enough to let a generous amount of natural light in while still giving you privacy. There was a made up double bed in the centre, a desk, ensuite, tv and what you presumed to be a closet. You had never had any of those possessions or amenities before. Now you were being offered them all and you still weren’t sure what it was you needed to do to make your keep or how long they wanted to put you up. Did they just want to keep running tests on you? Did they want to keep you away from the public? Were they hoping to benefit from your mystery abilities? These were questions you couldn’t keep pondering in silence because the anticipation of what was next was killing you.
  “What is this place?” You asked slowly as you faced the two women in the doorway. 
  “The Avenger’s base?” Natasha answered. 
  “What’s the Avengers?” You continued when neither showed signs of being irritated by your questioning. 
  “We’re a team that was brought together to do some good,” the redhead said. “That’s not to say that we all haven’t made mistakes. We’ve all messed up at one point or another, but now we’re trying to use our skills and abilities to fight where we need to and help where we can.” 
  “Abilities?” You frowned. Natasha glanced at Wanda who lifted her right hand and suddenly produced a small bloom of red flecks that swirled around her fingertips like some kind of lifeform. You didn’t say anything, but your awe was evident by your slightly parted lips and mesmerised gaze. Wanda smiled at your reaction and let the red disperse, planning on showing you more some other time when you might not be so overwhelmed. 
  “What else?” You asked at once, taking both of them by surprise. 
  “Steve and Bucky are strong, Sam can fly,” Wanda began to list. “Vision is a robot.”
  “Clint can shoot arrows but he claims to be retired,” Natasha added. “Then there are the ones that are more…part time,” she summarised. 
  “What about you?” You inquired. 
  “Spy,” she shrugged nonchalantly and you couldn't help but let a faint smile slip through at the sheer absurdity of it all. Yet you believed every word. There wasn’t much else to go on. 
  “Right,” you muttered. “And where do I fit into all this?”
  “That’s what we want to figure out,” Wanda replied, knowing that it was all a lot to take in. What if you can’t? You wanted to ask but decided against it once you realised you might get an answer you didn’t want. 
  “Okay,” you settled with, though your shaky exhale wasn’t missed. 
  “We’ll give you some space,” Wanda said. “But if you need anything you know where we’ll be,” she offered with a sincere smile. 
  “Thanks,” you said before they closed the door. You gave the room another glance over before heading to the bathroom where you found the compact walk-in shower that you had hoped to discover. Without a moment’s delay, you lay down on the hard plastic floor and tried to focus on the inclusion and faint coolness felt through your clothes. You curled your knees up to your chest and hugged them tight, hoping against all odds that you could provide the Avengers with whatever they were looking for. 
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polarspaz · 1 year
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Some KnowingToomuch AU doodles!
Starting upper right: Tim somehow gets into a really nasty entanglement with another eldritch being, and the entity below Arkham forces Jason to change in order to save Tim. It works, but Jason doesn’t take the transformation well.
Tim’s purpose it to foster hope, to keep people resolute and loyal to Gotham, but Jason’s purpose is rebirth. He is the avatar of the endless cycle of death and rebirth that both heroes and villains go through. That means that even if Batman dies, Jason ensures he is brought back to life, but this also means he has to give the same treatment to villains and resurrect them as well.
The knowledge that he is the reason the Joker keeps coming back is enough for Jason to be pushed mentally to the brink and Tim panics. His whole mission was to keep his family from becoming monsters like him, and seeing Jason in agony is enough to spur Tim into a very erratic decision. 
He erases Jason’s memory of the experience. 
It is not easy, and Tim is stuck in bed for a week with a migraine that exists on multiple realities, but Jason is back to being human, completely unware once more. So Tim should be happy right? Well No, considering the fact he feels incredibly guilty for tampering with Jason’s memory and Jason? Well he’s not an idiot and knows Tim is hiding something from him.
The pic next to that is when Tim loses control of his form in front of the Batfamily for the first time.
It’s been 2 months since Tim changed and he’s been doing a great job at looking and acting completely normal, expect for one tinny, tiny, mistake he makes one night.
He is abruptly awoken from his nap and called down to the Batcave for an emergency. Still half asleep, he gets up and shuffles down there to see Bruce and Duck arguing by the computer. He yawns and stands next to Damian, only to have the younger give him a confused double take before asking. “Who the hell are you?!”
Tim rolls his eyes and goes to say something sarcastic but stops when he notices something, he is standing eye to eye with Damian. He takes a quick glance down at himself and realizes he is 13 years old again.
Dick and Bruce are now looking at him in alarm and Tim unconsciously shifts his form back into his current older self right in front of them. This of course causes things to get even worse and Tim just straight up loses control and shifts into his full eldritch form.
Knowing he can’t tell them the truth, Tim lies and says that his current state is because of a recent scuffle he had with a magic caster. The family buys it at first but as the months creep by and with no cure for Tim’s ‘condition’ in sight they start to get suspicious. 
The bottom left pic, thelittle green monster, is Damian if he ever got an eldritch form. ((Damain is not old enough/entrenched enough to have a purpose bestowed upon him like the rest of the Batfam.))
And next to that is Dick still teasing Tim, even if they are eldritch horror monsters now. ((Dick purpose is to ignite joy and humanity for Gotham. His influence actually helps the rest of the Batfamily retain their human feelings and emotions. And just like Jason, this also benefits the villains too.)) 
And then next to that is Tim hanging out with Cass. Even with his new body, Cass can still easily read his body language and Tim finds comfort in that.
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summonerj · 1 year
I love the whole Cryptic BatFam thing going around, so I thought I’d put my own two cents into the ring.
They where human once, just not anymore because of Gotham. Gotham isn’t a ghost but something close that feeds on emotion and belief. She saw what Batman was doing and decided to help. Nobody realizes that they’ve changed, as the changes came slowly(because She’s weak and human belief can only do so much), and the effects become almost unnoticeable out of costume. That doesn’t mean they disappear because they absolutely can still do it out of costume if they wanted, but once in costume they have to physically try to act human, they just never notice because they never needed to act human while in costume.
Gotham gives them stuff people believe they can do, She picks what She likes and gives it to them. Someone believes Batman is one with the shadows? Now he blends in even better. Robin is immortal? Hell Yeah, She’s pulling him out of the grave. Nightwing can channel electricity? Yeah he can do that, he just doesn’t know it. Someone believes something She doesn’t like? Veto, denied. People stopped believing them? To bad, She already gave it to them and no take backs.
She made sure to have the powers transferred to whoever holds the title after Jason came in the picture and became Robin, but She also made sure that just because someone is wearing the costume doesn’t mean they can just become Robin or Batman, She has to check and verify that yes you can become them. So Tim just thinks that he just became better at playing Robin instead of what actually happened. This also means that Robin becomes more Other whenever someone new holds the title because of everyone’s interpretation changes with each new variation.
They also created a new language of sounds. Bruce first started it as a way to keep his identity secret by making a whole new language based on rumbles, growls and snarls in order to communicate with Alfred in secret. Gotham saw this and decided to help by making it feel more natural to communicate like this as Batman. When Robin came in She changed him similarly. Instead of growls and snarls it was thrills and chirps. Batgirl has a mix of growls and chirps.
After Dick moved on to Nightwing, he added more rumbles to his speech. And when Jason became Red Hood he changed it similar to how Batman speaks to mess with him, but still used the chirps and thrills from his time as Robin, and a different kind of chirps and thrills as well(yes you know which ones). Tim used more growls and snarls when looking for B so that’s what Red Robin uses now. They make more meanings for the new sounds they create.
You know how human belief can only do so much. Enter Danny. He believed that they were Other. He was Other. That powered Gotham up enough to make it real. She gave them bigger gifts, bigger changes, stuff would have been noticed but wasn’t because it was subtle as it happened slowly, because Danny was still half human. That didn’t matter much when Danny became the fucking Ghost King however. That was enough to make it permanent.
Danny goes to Gotham, and now the BatFam has to explain to a ghost that no they are human, when being as obviously inhuman as possible. And that’s when they realize something’s wrong, because it’s a lot harder to pretend to be human when in costume.
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luxaofhesperides · 7 months
greener on the other side.
Danny makes a habit out of hopping into portals and exploring he places he ends up. It just so happens that this time, he ends up in Gotham right as the Signal begins his patrol. Duke meets the strangest, funniest, cutest guy on the roof of the Gotham City Public Library. He knows Batman would not approve of literally anything he’s doing, but sue him, he wants a meta friend and this guy seems to up for it. – OR: how Duke and Danny got together despite having secret identities and living different dimensions.
chapter two: how it grows - 10.7k
read chapter one here or the entire fic on ao3.
here's the duke pov! one chapter left from danny's pov, then this fic is complete and i can get started on the rest of the series focusing on their relationship! . . .
Duke doesn’t like to make a big deal of things. He’ll try to handle things on his own and roll with the punches. As long as he keeps his cool, things will work out. 
Unfortunately, feelings are not one of the things that just ‘work out on their own’ and he has to admit that he might just need some outside help for this. The problem, then, becomes a question of who he can go to.
He’s come a long way since he was part of the We Are Robin gang and knows that he can rely on the rest of the Bats for help. He’s one of them, something that still feels surreal when he thinks about it for too long, but Duke has his place with them both in and out of the mask. He gets along well enough with Damian, trains often with Jason, bothers Dick for help when he gets in over his head, and makes fun of Bruce with Tim and Cass and Steph. 
They’re good people and he trusts them. They’re messy, with lots of history and fights between them all, but what family isn’t like that? 
They’re good people and he wants to ask them for help, but Duke can’t bring himself to go to the Manor. They’re all just… Some of the advice they give him for his civilian life is suspect at best. So instead, he’s going back to Jay’s house, hoping his cousin will have some normal advice for him.
Though he spends a decent amount of time with the Waynes, Jay technically still has custody of him; Duke doesn’t want to leave his family behind at all, not if he has any other choice, but he knows that looking after a teenager while being single and not having the biggest paycheck is stressful. Plus, it allows less time for any resentment to spring up between them with the amount of secrets Duke is hiding from him. 
As unprepared for him as Jay was, he still does his best. He’s waiting in the living room when Duke arrives, dropping his keys into the dish on the side table in the entrance hallway. A bowl of popcorn and two glasses of ice tea are set on the coffee table and Duke gladly takes one and drinks half in one go before he even sits down.
“Alright, man,” Jay says, “What’s going on? You never ask me for advice.”
Duke sighs. “It’s, uh… dating problems? I guess?”
“You guess?”
“I don’t actually know if it was a date or not and I need a second opinion.”
Jay gives him a long look. “Usually, just having to ask tends to mean it was a date and you just didn’t notice in time. You getting back with that Izzy girl?”
“No! We both decided to stay friends, and it’s not like we’ve been hanging out much at all since the break up. This is someone new.”
“Anyone I know?”
“Nah, he doesn’t live in Gotham.”
The smile falls from Jay’s face and he leans closer to Duke, suddenly growing serious. “If this is an internet friend, I’m going to have to lecture you on stranger danger. Come on man, I know you’re smarter than that.”
Duke shakes his head, pushing his cousin back into the couch. “No! No, no, definitely not! Do you really think I don’t know anything about internet safety? Not the point. The point is, he’s from out of town and he’s really cute and I spent most of yesterday just hanging out with him and took him to the best food trucks I could find. Was that a date?”
“Honestly? Sounds like it. Good for you man. Just make sure to let him know if you want the next one to officially be a date.”
See? Simple, normal advice. Jay is just telling him to communicate like a normal person. It’s not that simple, of course, since Duke isn’t going as Duke but as The Signal, but it’s still good advice. Once he finds the courage to ask Danny out on a proper date, he’ll do it in a way that leaves no confusion.
It won’t be any time soon, though. Not when they’ve just met and Danny doesn’t even know his name.
“It’s that easy, huh?”
“Sure is,” Jay grins. “How do you think I got all the girls when I was in school?”
“Is that also why you can’t get any dates now?”
“Alright, you little shit,” Jay laughs, throwing an arm around Duke’s shoulders to trap him in a noogie. “See if I give you advice ever again. Is this the thanks I get for looking after you?”
Duke can break free from his grip easily, but it’s been so long since he had a nice, easy interaction with his cousin that he just sinks into it, laughing. Time apart has made things better between them; there’s less stress involved with hiding his identity, and Jay isn’t worried out of his mind about raising Duke right while also making enough for rent and groceries. 
“You staying the night?” Jay asks, finally releasing Duke.
“Nah, the Waynes want me over for game night and I really wanna see them try to kill each other. But I got a couple of hours until they’re expecting me.”
“Up for a movie?”
“Is it another zombie movie?”
“You know it.”
Duke shrugs. “Sure, put it on and I’ll try not to laugh too hard when you get scared.”
It’s nice and lets his mind finally stop spinning in circles, going over everything he can remember from his not-date with Danny. He’s missed spending time with his cousin even if living away from him is a lot less stressful. As great as the Waynes are, they can’t give him this.
What they can give him is chaos and embarrassment.
“Caught you slacking yesterday,” Jason says casually as he drops onto the couch next to him. Both of them watch as Steph and Damian team up to kill Bruce for taking all their properties in Monopoly, and Duke suddenly has a feeling that he should have stayed with Jay after all.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies, “I’m never slacking as the Signal. I’ve never done a single thing wrong, ever, in my life.”
“Didn’t you lead a gang?”
“Didn’t you decapitate eight men?”
Jason pinches his side in retaliation, making Duke jump. “So, you pulling a Superman? Flirting with a civilian you saved?”
They didn’t go anywhere near Crime Alley. How did Jason just happen to stumble across them? He probably should have expected someone to have spotted him. None of the Waynes care too much for other people’s privacy. 
“No,” Duke says slowly. He is flirting with a civilian, but Danny is not someone he saved. Danny is someone who helped him out when fighting crime, and is fun to be with. “I was just showing him around Gotham?”
Jason’s eyebrows go up. “An out of towner? Didn’t think they’d have the balls the stay in Gotham longer than a few hours.”
“Yeah, well, he’s not one to be scared away so easily.”
“And does this someone have a name? If he’s spending time with you, I wanna know his name.”
Duke side eyes him. “Why do you want to know?”
“Look, it’s good to keep an eye on any civilian that gets close to us. In case they’re a threat, and in case they get caught up in the bullshit that saturates every part of our lives. The longer they’re with us, the more danger they’re in. But I can help you look out for him. So: name?”
That is… a depressingly good point. Duke can’t save everyone despite how hard he tries. It would be good to have someone else looking out of Danny while he’s in Gotham, just in case. 
“Danny. His name’s Danny.”
“No last name?”
“I don’t know it. Look man, I only met him two days ago. He’s a meta like me and he’s not from Gotham. That’s about all I know.”
“That’s it?”
“Again, we literally just met. If he decides to keep coming around, then I’ll learn more about him.”
Jason gives him an assessing look, then gives him a sharp grin. “Oh, I’m sure he’ll be coming back for you. Boy was giving you doe eyes the entire time he was with you. Don’t drag him along too much, yeah? Poor thing’s got it bad for you.”
“He does not!”
“I’m not blind, Narrows. And I know you saw it too.”
That’s the problem. He did see how flustered and cute Danny was around him, always finding some way to bump into him or have their arms brush as they stood around, always sticking close as they soared through the air almost close enough to hug. It was cute, so adorable that Duke wanted to squish his cheeks and also lie face down on the ground. But it wasn’t Duke who was causing Danny to blush was the slightest of touches. It was the Signal, the daytime hero, and Duke knows they can’t build anything good together when it’s built on a foundation of secrets. 
Danny’s got his own secrets too. Being a meta is only one of them and he’s not sure he’ll ever get to know those parts of Danny when the guy can just choose to never return to Gotham again. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to try. It’s stupid and reckless when they’ve only known each other for two days but no one has ever made him feel so normal before. Even in the midst of using their powers and hopping around Gotham fighting crime, there was a sense that they understood each other, that their lives rhymed and it made everything so easy and comfortable between them.
“And?” Duke sighs. “He doesn’t even know my name. It’s not really anything right now, okay? We just get each other and it’s nice to spend time with someone like that.”
“Want me to find him for you?”
“Please don’t.”
Jason shrugs. “Alright, your loss.” He looks back to where Bruce is calmly stealing Steph’s Monopoly money as she has her arms around his throat, trying to choke him as she clings to his back. Damian is trying to steal everything back. None of them have caught on to the fact that Tim and Cass have teamed up and have taken over the bank and are steadily taking properties on the board, fully and shamelessly cheating. 
He’s so glad he chose to sit this game out. 
Jason seems content with leaving the conversation there, so Duke cuts his losses and leaves before Tim and Cass have to fend off everyone else and turn this entire game night into a blood bath. 
It’s not like anyone’s going to win against Cass anyways.
Duke fully intends to go up to his room and get a full eight hours of sleep while everyone else goes on patrol. He’ll take some time to think about how excited he is to see Danny again when he brings his friends over next week, but only for a bit. His sleep is so important.
Batman could never compare to how much he values his sleep.
He’s got good priorities, okay? He’s not changing them for anything.
Instead of sleeping, though, he ends up laying on his bed for hours, all his thoughts swirling around in a restless tangle. This is why he can’t ask the Waynes for advice on Normal People Shit. They just make him overly paranoid and sure that everything is going to go wrong. 
Danny’s a mystery. He didn’t feel like one when they met; Danny was just an average citizen standing on top of a building, and the Signal had a duty to check up on him. 
But when Danny turned to face him, his eyes were a bright blue, practically glowing, and there was a light emanating out of his chest, as if he tucked a star into his ribcage. No normal human looked like that, and Duke would know. He’s seen a lot of weird shit with his powers, especially once they started affecting his eyes even more, but even people who dabble in magic didn’t look like that.
Danny had looked ethereal. Unreal. As if he wasn’t from this world at all. Like someone who had stepped out of a story and into the real world.
And he was fun.  
That’s what’s tripping Duke up. He’s met other metas before. They tend to either be 1) homicidal, 2) depressed and traumatized, or 3) serious and heroic. Sure there were some that had a sense of humor, but it was just to keep the mood light as they went around saving people and being more Hero than Person.
That’s what Duke had become, growing into his role as the Signal until he worried that it was taking away from Duke Thomas. The other Bats seemed to have no problem with their various identities, or enjoyed being in the mask far more than they enjoyed taking it off. Duke, as he usually was, is the outlier. 
It’s why he always has to wrestle with imposter syndrome, forcing himself to stick around until he can finally feel like he belongs with the heroes of Gotham. He can act unbothered as much as he wants. It will never change the fact that, at his heart, Duke is still the terrified and angry boy sneaking out of foster homes and orphanages to search for his parents, refusing to find a place in the world that wasn’t by their side.
As the only meta on the team, his powers are both a blessing and a curse. They’re another reminder that he’s the odd one out, the one who doesn’t fit in as easily as all the others, but also a tool that lets him help in ways no one else can.
He always has something to prove when he’s out as the Signal. He always has to make himself worth keeping around as Duke.
With Danny, all of that fell away.
Using his powers was fun with him. They darted around the city, from rooftop to rooftop, stopping crimes and teasing each other as they went. There was no pressure to conform or prove himself, just the easy joy of feeling the air rush by him as he swung through the skyline, hundreds of feet in the air. 
It doesn’t hurt that Danny is cute, too.
Sighing, Duke rolls over and shoves his face into his pillow. 
He hadn’t realized how lonely he was until he met another meta who wasn’t trying to attack him. Sure, he has other hero friends, but they’re either regular humans or not human at all. One day with another meta, just shooting the shit, enjoying their time together, makes him all too aware of how much he’s wanted something like this since his powers first manifested. 
Jason said that Danny was down bad, but Duke’s not doing any better, honestly.
He can’t wait until he sees Danny again.
It takes putting on some soothing music and trying not to let all his thoughts drift back to Danny before Duke finally feels sleep take a hold of him and gladly gives into its embrace. . . .
The glow appears suddenly, a flash of light in the distance, and that’s all Duke needs before he takes down two muggers and zip ties their wrists together quickly. “Stay safe!” he calls to the victim, quickly grappling away as she glares at her attempted muggers. She’s looking rather violent, and if she wants to whack them over the head, then that’s her right. 
Duke doesn’t need to worry about it. He’s already dealt with the problem and now he can make his way to Danny, falling into the familiar rhythm of catch, fall, and release as he chases after the cold star-glow of Danny.
He makes his way to the glow until he can see Danny standing on the roof of the mall in Diamond District. Duke stops a few buildings away, taking the time to catch his breath and make sure he’s in Signal mode instead of Duke Thomas. 
Then, as prepared as he’ll ever be, he shoots his grapple out.
Danny and his friends are already facing him when he lands, eyes flickering between him and his grapple gun.
Duke tucks it away and offers them a small wave, giving Danny a soft smile. 
“This is him!” Danny announces, turning to face his friends so he can do a little flourish and show off Duke. “This is the Signal, and he’s a legit hero here.”
A goth girl looks him over with an unimpressed gaze, then clicks her tongue in a way that reminds him way too much of Damian. “Too much yellow,” she says, “You should update your armor to be less… this.”
“Sam!” Danny says, smacking her arm. “Uncalled for!”
“What? I’m right. That’s way too much yellow.”
The other boy pushes his glasses up his nose and glares at Duke. “So you’re a hero, huh?”
Duke blinks and the sudden hostility, then nods. “Yeah, sure am.”
“And you save people?”
“I do my best.”
“Even if they’re not human?”
Oh, Duke realizes, they’re just being overprotective of Danny. It kind of sucks to be on the other end of it, but he’s glad to know that Danny has people that will stand by him. Being a meta without any support is awful and often dealy; human traffickers especially love to target vulnerable metas. 
“Even then,” Duke says. “If anyone needs help and I can help them, I do. It’s how I got into the hero business.”
“Quit the interrogation,” Danny hisses, then turns to Duke with a strained smile. “I am so sorry about them. This is Sam, and this is Tucker.”
“Well, welcome to Gotham.”
Danny hooks his arms with Sam and Tucker’s, pulling them closer to himself with enough force that they stumble. “Stop being mean, guys. We’re here to have fun, remember?”
Sam sighs, then gently knocks her head against Danny’s. “Yeah, alright. We’ll behave.”
“ Thank you. Let’s hit up Wayne Tower first, then the botanical gardens and maybe lunch after that?”
“Sounds good,” Tucker says, pulling his arm free from Danny’s grasp just to hop onto his back. With Tucker secured, Danny sweeps Sam up into a princess carry, and all three look at Duke like this is something totally normal that happens all the time. And maybe it is! It’s probably normal for them and Duke is not going to judge them because he wants to make a good impression and not be a hypocrite.
He’ll just… not talk about the Bats and how bizarre they all are. Duke himself is not exempt from this.
“You gonna be able to hold them both and fly around?” he asks, just to make sure. He definitely doesn’t want anyone falling to their deaths while he’s leading them through Gotham.
Danny just offers him a grin, the tips of his sharp canines just barely visible. The glow in his chest gets a little stronger and his eyes flicker from blue to bright green. “Don’t worry. I’m strong enough to be their Uber today.”
“We’re not paying you,” Sam and Tucker say at the same time, then high five. Danny rolls his eyes, and Duke can’t help but smile seeing their little routines.
They must have been friends for a long time to be so close.
Duke makes a mental note to spend a day just hanging out with his own friends soon. It’s been a little too long, hero work and school taking up all his time, and though they understand and try to keep him in their lives through texts, it’s all too easy to slip away from each other. 
Focus, Duke, he tells himself. Today is for Danny and his friends. 
He’s the Signal. There’s no time for Duke’s problems. He’s got crime to fight and three teenage tourists from who knows where to show around Gotham. He’ll deal with his own shit later.
“I’ll lead the way to Wayne Tower then,” he says, walking backwards to the edge of the roof. Danny lifts up from the roof, hovering a foot in the air, and it’s so hard to look away from him when he’s literally glowing, eyes bright and hair turning white. “Also, just as a heads up, I may have to leave for a few minutes to deal with crime, but I will come back. Just stick to the roofs and you’ll be safe.”
Sam looks around, assessing the city. “Lots of crime here?”
“We’re called the Crime Capital of America for a reason,” Duke responds wryly and she grimaces. 
“Well. At least the aesthetic is pretty nice. I’m digging all the gargoyles.”
“Wait ‘til you see some of our churches. Stained glass, dark stone, really Gothic. I think you’ll like it.” Then, to Danny, he says, “Ready?”
Danny nods, and Duke turns and jumps off the roof. 
Behind him, he can hear a gasp, and then he shoots his grapple out and begins swinging through Diamond District, trusting that Danny is following behind him as they fly above the busy streets. And sure enough, when he flips off the edge of another building, Duke catches a glance behind him and sees the shimmer of an invisible Danny flying towards him, with two additional little shimmers that must be his friends.
He goes back to grappling through the streets, keeping an eye out for any crime. 
“Come in O,” he says quietly, activating his comm. 
“Signal, everything good?” Oracle asks, hopping onto his frequency within a second.
“Yeah, I’ve just got a few visitors I’m escorting around Gotham. Can you keep an eye out for any crimes that need my attention? Just let me know where they are and I’ll deal with it.”
“Sure thing. Who are these visitors?”
“Out of towners. One’s a meta and they wanted to do a little sightseeing, and you know how this city is dangerous for people who aren’t used to it. And with meta human trafficking…”
Oracle makes a small sound of understanding. “Yeah, best to stick close to them while they’re here. Good call, Signal. I’ll keep an eye out and let you know if anything pops up, but so far, it’s all looking quiet.”
“Good to hear.”
There’s a pause, and then Oracle’s voice turns teasing, bringing more Barbara into the forefront. “Soooo,” she starts, and he can already hear the grin in her voice. “Making friends, Signal? Looking to start up your own team? It’s tradition, you know; we’ve all done it.”
“Nah, they’re not looking to join the cape scene. They just want to see the sights, hang out a bit. Are you looking for information on them right now?” He can hear her typing loudly, fingers flying across the keyboard. She’s supposed to be working in the library, but she’s also got her own office in there now that she’s the most senior employee. It would be just like her to pass off patron duties to the other libraries and bust crime rings from her office desk. 
Zero separation between regular work and night work. The curse all bats and bat-adjacent folk struggle with. 
“Who do you think I am?” Barbara scoffs. “If you’re making friends, then it’s my duty to make sure they’re good friends. At the very least, I can’t let you run off with villains in the makings, or cultists wanting to sacrifice you or something.”
“They’re normal civilians,” Duke hisses into his comm. He casts another glance behind him to see Danny flying off to the side. From what he can make out from the movement of the shimmer, like a heat mirage given form, he’s pointing something out to his friends. “And how likely is it that they are villains? I doubt anyone looking to hurt me is going to ask me for a tour of Gotham.”
Barbara hums. “You never know. Tim befriended Anarchy. And a couple of League assassins.”
“Tim’s a special case. He can befriend literally anyone. I mean, didn’t Jason and Damain both try to kill him? Now look at them. Thick as thieves.”
“He is something special,” Barbara agrees, amusement coloring her voice. “Say, can you tell me their names?”
“Your tourist guests.”
“Danny, Tucker, and Sam. Why?”
There’s a pause, even the clicking of her keyboard going silent. Oracle being stopped in her tracks is never a good thing and Duke is suddenly worried that she did find something that will connect the trio to some evil world domination plan.
“I can’t find them.”
“I’ve run their faces through the databases, I’ve searched for people matching their descriptions, I can’t find any tech on them that I can hack into… It’s like they don’t exist. Digitally, that is.”
Duke lands just a block away from Wayne Tower, staring up at it. The glass glistens in the few rays of sunlight that force their way past the clouds hanging heavy in the sky. It’s taller than any other building in the district, overlooking Gotham all the way to the bay. He hears the slight shuffle of feet as Danny lands on the roof behind him and sets Tucker and Sam down. 
He wants to keep talking to Barbara because he can’t recall a time she wasn’t able to find something. She’s ruthless in the pursuit of information, effortlessly hacking into even the most protected files, capable of finding people and vehicles and buildings and everything else someone might need for a case. 
The fact that Danny and his friends have hidden themselves from Oracle’s all seeing eyes has him on edge. 
He really hopes it’s nothing. He wants to be friends with Danny. He wants to trust him to be a good person just trying to live a quiet life as a meta. He wants just one thing to not blow up in his face. 
“Here we are!” Duke announces, showing off Wayne Tower with a flourish. “I can’t get you much closer to the tower without people noticing you pop in out of nowhere, so you’ll have to walk the last two blocks to get to the building.”
“Impressive place,” Tucker comments as invisibility slides off of him. Sam appears a moment later, followed by Danny, the glow in his chest softening and growing a little dimmer. 
“Wayne Enterprises is always striving for perfection,” Duke agrees. “Though, between you and me, I’m 99% positive that the only reason this building is as big and impressive as it is stems from Wayne’s need to be better than Lexcorp.”
“Rival company in Metropolis. Lex Luthor is the CEO and we all hate him for a lot of reasons.”
“I kinda want to pit Vlad against these guys,” Sam says, shooting Danny a grin.
Danny snorts and shakes his head. “Vlad has a cheese castle. I think he’s already lost.”
Duke is really interested in hearing about the cheese castle, but a quick glance at the watch hidden in his wrist gauntlet (put there only so he can dramatically check the time and leave with some insane excuse when criminals were complaining to him about their own poor choices) tells him that it’s nearly time for the next tour to start. 
“Alright, folks,” he says, “You’ve got around eleven minutes to sign yourselves up for the next tour, so if you want to make it, you’d better get moving!”
Tucker swears, then sprints for the edge of the building. “Danny! Get me down there! I’m not waiting another hour for a tour!”
Danny rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling fondly as he flies over to Tucker and scoops him up. They both disappear over the edge of the building, leaving Duke alone with Sam.
“So,” she says, and her tone could be mistake for conversational if it wasn’t for the coldness of her eyes. “You’re getting pretty friendly with Danny, from what I’ve heard.”
Duke smiles nervously. This is the beginning of a shovel talk, isn’t it? “I guess so. I mean, I’d like to be friends with him.”
“How old are you?”
“How. Old. Are you?” she bites out, walking closer with a glare.
“Why do you want to know? I can’t just be giving out information about my identity, you know.”
“If you’re not a teenager, then I am going to have a few knives sharpened for when you make a wrong move towards Danny.”
“Wait, wait! I’m still in high school! That’s fine, isn’t it?” He definitely shouldn’t be telling anyone this, but if one of his friends said they were hanging out with someone they don’t know outside of a mask, or a username, or whatever, he’d want to make sure that person wasn’t a creep. Her protective anger is admirable, really. And besides, he gets it. If telling her his age (or age range) will reassure her that he’s not going to… groom Danny or something, then he’ll tell her. 
He’d never fault someone for looking out for their loved ones. 
“You better be telling the truth. For your own sake.”
“Cross my heart,” Duke says. 
Danny pops up through the roof a moment later, startling both of them, easily breaking the tension. “Come on, Sam, Tucker’s signed us up and doesn’t want to wait for you to get over there.” He picks Sam up, then glances between her and Duke. “Wait. Sam. Tell me you didn’t threaten the Signal.”
“Do you want me to lie to you?”
“I can’t take you guys anywhere, I swear…” Danny mutters, then flies down to the street.
Duke blinks at the empty roof, then decides that he’s just going to move on with his day and enjoy spending time with Danny. 
He grapples closer to Wayne Tower, following Danny’s glow to make sure they get inside just fine. It’s only a block, but anything can happen in Gotham; better safe than sorry. As soon as he watches them go into the building, Duke sets a timer to display on the corner of his helmet visor and gets back to patrolling, keeping watch over Gotham while he waits for the tour to finish.
“Signal,” Oracle says, and Duke snaps to attention, landing on the next building at the end of his grapple, hopping down from the ledge with ease. 
“What’s up, O? Got something for me?”
“Not quite. I’d like you to keep an eye on your guests. One of my drones picked up a strange reading that’s similar to magical residue.”
“You think they’re magic?”
“I think there’s something going on with them that we should keep an eye on. I know you said they’re just here as tourists, but you know we can’t take chances in Gotham.”
As much as he understands Barbara’s concerns, Duke can’t bring himself to be suspicious of Danny or his friends. They do have secrets, and none of them have even hinted at how they arrived in Gotham, appearing suddenly and without warning on a rooftop. But he’s always been one to give the benefit of the doubt. To try to talk things out, figure out a solution where no one needs to get hurt. Most of the time, it doesn’t work since whoever is causing problems really only cares about venting out their pain and frustrations through property damage and loss of life. Sometimes, though, the people causing problems need a little help, need protection, need some space to calm down and get themselves under control, and having a horde of Bats chasing them only makes things worse. 
“They really are just tourists,” Duke says. “I know how you feel. I get it, there’s definitely something more to the three of them. But it’s not causing any harm right now, so I say it’s none of our business.”
He hears Barbara sigh down the line, but she’s always been good at respecting boundaries (when it doesn’t come to privacy) and will let people do as they believe they should. It’s why she helps out Jason every so often despite his violent methods and familiarity with killing. It’s why she has her own group and leads them without controlling them the way Batman tries to. 
“Alright,” she says, “You make the calls since they’re your guests. Just be ready for me to say ‘I told you so’ when something goes wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah, we know you’re always right, O. Let me make my mistakes in peace, alright? We’ll fix it when we need to.”
“This is why you’re my new favorite,” Barbara jokes.
He makes to respond, maybe poke fun at some of the others with her, when he catches sight of two guys trying to break the lock on a bike to steal it from the sidewalk. Dropping down from the roof, he casually walks up to them, then clears his throat and shakes his head in disappointment at them when they jump and whirl around to stare at him.
“Really?” he says, judging them harshly, “Stealing someone’s bike? In broad daylight?”
They both flush with embarrassment, scowling at him.
“Well, we gotta get home somehow!” one of them says, kicking at the bike in frustration.
“Can’t you take the bus or something? Walk?”
“We don’t have any money on us for the bus and we’re heading to Robinson Park. I ain’t walking that far.”
Well. At least they’re just trying to get around and weren’t planning on selling the bike off. 
“Two options,” he says, and both guys tense up immediately, prepared for a fight. He hates that that’s the reaction people have to Gotham’s heroes. As soon as they turn to a crime, no matter how petty, they’re prepared to be beaten down into submission. It’s a precedent set by Bruce that he’s never really liked and Duke does his best to embrace how different he is from the rest of the Bats to show the people of Gotham, criminals and all, that everyone can turn to him for help.
“I can buy a week-long bus pass for you both. Or, I can give you two a ride.”
They share a glance, slowly relaxing. “Can we do both?” one asks. “Get a ride from you and the bus pass?”
Duke glances at the timer in his visor. He’s still got forty minutes before he needs to go back to Wayne Tower. 
“You know what? Yes, we can do that. Let me get you those bus passes and then we’ll get going.”
The two men share an excited grin, stepping away from the bike and its slightly mangled lock. They follow Duke to the nearest bus station where a little kiosk is tucked under the awning. Barbara, listening in as she always is, buys the bus passes for him, getting them to print within seconds when they get there. 
“Sending your new motorcycle to your location,” she says as soon as he hands both bus passes to the men. 
As far as Duke knows, he only has one motorcycle. He wishes he could ask what Barbara meant with new motorcycle without anyone listening in, but he’s gotta give the guys his attention, keep them company while they wait. 
They make small talk for a bit, the two asking him what being a hero is like while Duke chats about life in Gotham and shares some Batfam gossip (mostly patrol blunders of one of them slipping while crossing the rooftops and eating shit). 
It only takes seven minutes for the motorcycle to arrive, appearing in front of them in the street as the cloaking turns off. 
“Woah,” one of the guys breathes, staring at it in awe. “Man, you heroes get the coolest shit.”
“Perks of throwing ourselves into the line of fire. Literally.” 
He sees why Barbara sent him an entire new motorcycle (!!!) because his original plan of having three people squeeze onto the seat of one motorcycle was clearly going to end in disaster. This new one, Signal Yellow as it should be, is more armored, a little larger, and has an extended passengers seat attached to it so three people can ride it easily.
Duke swings his leg over it, settling into the seat and grips the handlebars. “Come on,” he smiles, inviting the men to join him. They do, nearly tripping over themselves as they get seated, excited grins on their faces. 
It’s nice to know that no matter how old people get, a cool motorcycle is the way to most people’s hearts. 
And what a change it is to see two men, likely college students in their final years, go from scared and unhappy people to acting like kids again, jumping at the chance to ride a motorcycle with a hero. 
Small interactions like this, where everything goes right, is exactly why Duke is determined to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, a chance to choose differently and be good.
“Hold on tight!” He revs the engine, then takes off, the men letting out whoops behind him as they rush down the street. The motorcycle picks up speed quickly and runs so smoothly it’s as if they’re flying, easily dodging all the cars around them. 
Normally, he’d go invisible and use the cloaking mode on his motorcycle to get around, but with two civilians riding with him, he’d rather be visible so cars don’t accidentally hit them.
The ride to Robinson Park takes fifteen minutes at the frankly dangerous speeds Duke was going, and he has no regrets about speeding because 1) it’s fun as hell and 2) the guys with him are clearly having a blast.
He slows down once they reach the park, then pulls over to the side of the road.
“Thank you for riding with Signal Wheels. Be sure to leave a review!”
“Five out of five!” one guys says as he gets off the motorcycle. His hair is a mess, completely windswept and tangled when Duke turns to look at him. “Holy shit, dude, I think I’d marry your motorcycle if I could.”
“Oh same,” Duke laughs, holding out a hand for a fistbump which is readily granted. 
The second guy needs a moment longer to get off, laughing breathlessly. “Ten out of ten,” he says, once he’s next to his friend.
“Trying to one up me, huh?” 
“Just being honest here.”
“Alright, well you two take care now,” Duke says, shifting his weight to one foot in preparing to kick off and head back to Wayne Tower. “And be sure not to lose those bus passes!”
“Thanks Signal!” they both call out as Duke heads back down the road, turning invisible as soon as he gets to a good speed.
He’s got just enough time to make it back to lead Danny and his friends to the botanical gardens. He cuts it close, but he makes it, pulling into an alley and hopping off the motorcycle.
“O, would you mind getting this back to wherever you piloted it from?”
“Not going to take your new friends on it?”
“Nah, I get the feeling they prefer flying.”
“You got it, Signal.”
The motorcycle pulls out of the alley silently, then heads down on road once cloaking is enabled. It’s gone just in time for his guest to walk out of Wayne Tower, trailing after Tucker who talks with his hands moving around energetically, too distracted to watch where he’s going as Sam and Danny pull him this way and that to keep him from crashing into other people. 
Danny spots him first, after he stops and his brow furrows, a look of concentration on his face. Then his head turns and his eyes snap onto where Duke leans against the wall at the mouth of the alley. He grins, the glow in his chest flaring brighter for a moment, and Duke offers a small wave, unbearably charmed by how cute Danny is, especially when he’s so clearly delighted to see him.
“How was it?” Duke asks once they’re close enough to hear him.
Tucker immediately launches into a rant about WayneTech and the R&D Lab and how he would give his liver to work there. Then he starts rambling about technology and coding and a few of the things he’s created and how he’d love to look through what WayneTech does. He doesn’t stop even as Danny flies him up to the roof, Duke following after with his grapple, Sam clinging onto his back. 
“So, so cool,” Tucker gushes, “I could probably take over the government in Amity with this kind of tech.”
Okay. Kind of a concerning statement to make, especially in the wake of Barbara’s suspicions of them.
Sam snorts. “You could take over the government in Amity now, if you wanted to.”
“Yeah, I could.”
“Not that you’d be good at it. What would you do as mayor?”
“Create a steak festival to celebrate steak and all the meals you can make with it.”
“Oh you little—” Sam lunges at them and Tucker falls back with a shriek. And then they’re tussling on the rooftop, arguing about meat and veganism and the farming industry, which, what a subject change.
Duke looks over at Danny, who watches them wrestle with fond exasperation. “Should we… stop them?”
“Let them get this out of their systems,” Danny replies. “They’ve been having this fight for years. I’ll stop them in a few minutes, and then we can go to the botanical gardens.”
So they stand together and watch Sam and Tucker roll around the roof, trying to choke each other out. And all Duke can think is, Man, I can’t ever let them meet the Bats. They’ll get along like a house on fire.
Or, it’s all he thinks until Danny shifts closer to him, just a few tentative steps. He’s suddenly starkly aware of how small the space between them is, how Danny’s close enough to touch, how much he’s been looking forward to this moment since Danny left a week ago.
Boy was giving you doe eyes the entire time he was with you, Jason had said. Duke saw it, when he was with Danny, reveled in it, basked in the attention. It wasn’t that he didn’t reciprocate, but he knows it can be hard to convey anything through his helmet, but there’s only so much action can do.
But it’s what he can do, so Duke shoves away his nerves and wraps his arm around Danny’s waist, pulling him closer.
Danny lets out a cute little squeak, cheeks filling with color immediately, and Duke is so, so endeared he wants to cry. 
“So, what’s the story behind this fight of theirs?” he asks, leaning closer to ask his question quietly in Danny’s ear.
“Oh! Um,” Danny blinks at him, visibly flustered, and Duke wants to squeeze his cheeks together, he’s so cute. 
Oh, he really is down bad. Damn. He hopes Barbara isn’t watching through his helmet camera, but he knows better than to expect her to not be collecting blackmail on him for this.
Which is whatever! Jokes on Barbara, he’s not at all ashamed of what he feels for Danny!
He could do without the ribbing from the rest of the Bats. They have no leg to stand on when it comes to relationships and being honest about their feelings. He’ll turn every conversation about Danny into improvised therapy if he has to.
“Well?” he prompts.
Danny glances at his friends, then leans into Duke and turns to him with a small smile. 
“So,” he begins, then launches into a wild story from his freshman year about Sam and Tucker splitting the school into two groups to have a mini civil war over meat vs vegetarian food. Which lead to eating grass (?!) for lunch, a ghost lunch lady attacking the school, and the teachers having their own hidden meat lunch kept secret from the students, which lead to more chaos once it was discovered.
“That was a wild school week,” Danny concludes, just as Sam and Tucker’s fight winds down.
“Dude,” Duke says, staring at Danny, unsure if he wants to laugh or ask follow up questions. “What kind of life have you been living? That’s so much. The only thing we’ve got here is shootings and so much crime. Also a zombie in the sewers.”
“See, you drop info like that on me and suddenly I’m convinced that my life is actually pretty tame compared to whatever’s going on here.”
“No, no, listen. In Gotham, you expect this kind of nonsense. But your story started so deceptively normal! ‘Just a fight between friends’ and then a ghost attack? Betrayal from the teachers? Grass? Danny, everything you said left me reeling.”
“It’s not that bad!” Danny laughs. “The ghosts barely cause any problem anymore. They’re just kinda like anyone else, now.”
“What’s this about?” Sam asks, brushing her skirt off as she stands. Tucker pushes himself up to his feet and takes a moment to wipe the lenses of his glasses.
“The first time we met Lunch Lady.”
Sam and Tucker make a sound of understanding, nodding. “That sure was something,” Sam says.
“To think we were so young and innocent back then,” Tucker says with a fake sniffle. “So innocent!”
“You’re still as insufferable as ever,” Sam replies, taking his smack to her arm with grace.
“You two ready to head to the botanical garden now?” Duke asks, getting them back on track. Danny moves out of Duke’s grasp, unfortunately, to return to his role as their personal Uber, this time getting Tucker in a princess carry while Sam clings to his back like a koala.”Well. Guess Danny’s decided you’re ready.”
His friends snicker while Danny rolls his eyes and mutters about their unending arguments, then nods at Duke to lead the way.
Giving him a little salute, Duke readies his grapple, then takes off, leaping off the building to return to the skies. Danny follows him effortlessly, a soft glow that occasionally passes by in front of him playfully, sticking close as they head north. 
The botanical gardens are a large spot of green in the otherwise urban landscape. It’s a few blocks away from Robinson Park, close enough that everything nearby is deemed Ivy’s territory, but far enough away that most people can pretend it’s like any other building and visit it safely. It’s been a long time since the botanical garden was attacked, or use for Villainous Purposes™, so Duke is comfortable letting Sam, Tucker, and Danny explore it on their own. 
Plenty of other people are also in the gardens, from what he can see a roof away. And no one’s run away screaming, which is definitely a good sign.
“Oh, wow,” Sam says once she hops down from Danny’s back. She stares at the gardens with something unreadable in her eyes, as if she’s seeing more than what’s there. “There’s so much…”
“Poison Ivy—one of our rogues who can control plants and is doing a lot better these days, don’t worry—she takes care of most of the gardens. The greenhouse in the middle is hers for studies and experiments with plants, but she lets the public walk the garden. She’s even added little informational cards for kids to read so they can learn more,” Duke says, walking up to where Sam is leaning concerningly over the edge to get a better look at the gardens. 
“That explains it,” she says, explaining nothing. “Do we have to pay to go in?”
“Just five dollars per person. It’s her income, and we’re all encouraged to leave a donation so she doesn’t turn to crimes to get enough money to support herself again.”
“Well!” Danny claps his hands together. “Let’s go, then. Jazz made sure we had cash on had, so it should be fine.”
“I can cover our tickets,” Sam offers, “Since this is for me.”
“Then I’ll cover lunch,” Danny says.
Tucker shoves his hand onto Danny’s face to push him away as he says, “No, I’ll pay for lunch. Danny, you’re not spending anything since you’re the one that scoped out this place last week for us. Got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, got it. Thanks, guys,” Danny smiles, then turns to Duke. “Would you mind waiting here for a bit? I’m gonna check out the gardens for a bit, but then I’ll be back.”
“Sure,” Duke says easily. It’s a quiet day anyways, and he’ll take any excuse to spend more time with Danny.
“Great. I’ll be right back!” And then he wraps an arm around both Sam and Tucker’s waits, picks them up like they weigh nothing, and casually hops off the roof. 
Duke sits down on the edge of the building, watching as they cross the street and enter the botanical garden, Sam pulling out her wallet to pay for their entry. He idly kicks his heels against the wall, looking around the street, enjoying the rare Gotham peace.
No one is calling for help and Barbara hasn’t alerted him to anything. This is a good thing, but it doesn’t change the fact that Duke is bored.
He pulls out his phone, which he knows he shouldn’t have while he’s in the suit but it’s his day shift, he can do what he wants, and checks his friends (no Bats allowed) group chat and sees that Izzy is active. He opts to leave the chaos of the group chat to message her directly.
flashlight: hey izzy u know how we broke up
2(00)chains: oh boy. strong opening. but yes i am aware we broke up
flashlight: would u be mad if i started dating someone new or is it too soon?
flashlight: izzy.
2(00)chains: babe u gotta give me something to work with so i can know if i should give u my blessing or not
2(00)chains: but also if u want to date and they make u happy, then yes u can date
flashlight: okay thanks!! wasn’t sure and didn’t know if it would be rude
2(00)chains: rude to date when ur single?? it would have been a problem if we were still together but that ship has sailed bby
2(00)chains: but duke PLSSSS i need deets. give me some tea… a girl is parched…
flashlight: lmao. so dramatic. but uuuuuuh
2(00)chains: little concerned by that pause there duke
flashlight: ok hes a meta
2(00)chains: ok strong start, u dont need to hide powers from him
flashlight: he’s not from gotham and doesnt live here so idk how well long distance would do
2(00)chains: duke. is this an online friend u’ve never met before.
flashlight: no!! i met him in person in gotham!! he’s just visiting!!!!
2(00)chains: ok ok go on
flashlight: uh
flashlight: he may only know me as the signal?
2(00)chains: DUKE. 
2(00)chains: i understand the need to keep ur identity secret
2(00)chains: but PLS do not be a superhero love story cliche. im begging here. u didnt even keep it secret from me
flashlight: he may also not exist in this world (universe?)
2(00)chains: .
2(00)chains: u know i think u can make it work
2(00)chains: u have my blessing! if he says yes when u ask him out (which he better do 🔪) then i demand to meet him!!
flashlight: u got it izzy
flashlight: thanks!! u always got my back ☺️
He only has a faint prickle on the back of his neck to warn him of Danny’s approach, looking up through gut instinct only just to see Danny’s fuzzy glow fly up to him.
Danny pops into visibility a moment later, pouting. “I was hoping I could sneak up on you.”
“It’s gonna take more than that, babe,” he laughs. “I’m hard to sneak up on.” Bar that time Cass… and Bruce… and Tim… Dick, also… Jason, too…
Okay, so anyone who isn’t a Bat won’t be able to sneak up on him easily.
“Babe?” Danny repeats, his voice suddenly much higher. Duke freezes and takes a moment to curse his loose mouth; he and Izzy love pet names and still call each other terms of endearment even now when they’ve broken up. And since he was just talking to her, habit made him put his foot in his mouth.
“Yeah,” Duke says, committing to it, “Babe”
Danny makes a little whine in the back of his throat, face going red, and then his hides his face in his hands and floats up higher, curling his body up into a small ball. The movement reminds him of the videos he’s seen of astronauts in space, moving in lazy circles in zero gravity.
“Sorry,” he adds on, “I was texting a friend and we call each other things like that, so I just… slipped up. Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not,” Danny mumbles.
“I’m not uncomfortable.”
Duke smiles. “Alright. Wanna come down and join me, then?”
Danny continues hiding for a few moments longer, then reaches a hand down towards Duke. He doesn’t look at him, shyly turned away, still red in the cheeks. 
How is he so sweet?  
Duke has never met someone so cute, and full of light, and literally glowing. He never stood a chance.
He takes Danny’s hand, gently pulling him down to the roof, wrapping an arm around him once he’s sitting to make sure he doesn’t go floating away.
“So, what did you want to talk to me about?”
“Oh, I was just… I really like hanging out with you and you’re super cool and I thought I should explain a few things about myself.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I do,” Danny says, resolutely. “First, I’m not from here.”
Duke stares at him. “Yeah, I got that. Kinda obvious after we spoke for the first time.”
“No, I mean. Really not from here. From a different dimension.”
Oh. So Danny’s just casually walking the multiverse, apparently, and chose to return to Gotham to spend time with Duke. That’s honestly really flattering. 
“Makes sense,” he says.
Now Danny’s staring at him, incredulously. “How does that make sense? Do you not have questions about what that means, or where I’m from, or how I got here?”
Duke shrugs. “Not really. Listen, there’s a lot of weird shit in Gotham. Like, a lot. Batman was lost in time once and presumed dead until Red Robin helped get him back. There’s incomprehensible magic and time travel and so many aliens, dude. This is not that out of the ordinary.”
“YOU HAVE ALIENS?” Danny shouts, then claps a hand over his mouth, eyes wide. And then, whispered, “You have aliens?!”
“Yeah, we have aliens. Some try to kill us and conquer Earth, some live here as superheroes.”
“No way,” Danny breathes. “Can I stay here forever? My dimension doesn’t have aliens. I really want to meet aliens.”
“If you stick around long enough, it’s kind of inevitable that you’ll get caught up in some crazy shit, and you’ll probably be able to meet Superman then. Or maybe Martian Manhunter, if he’s available.”
He watches Danny mouth Martian Manhunter in awe and is so charmed by him and his visible excitement about aliens. Most of this is just how he lives life, knowing all these impossible things are out there but have very little to do with him. It’s only mind blowing when he actually meets Superman and all, but that’s because meeting big heroes is like meeting celebrities and it never stops being cool.
“Wait, I’m getting distracted.” Danny shakes his head, then lightly claps his hands against his cheeks. “Okay, so. I’m from a different dimension. And Tucker has made a few phones that can work literally anywhere. But only to contact other phones he made for interdimensional communication. I had him make one for you so we could keep talking even when I go home, if you wanted.”
“I want it! I very much do want it.”
Danny grins. “Great! Perfect, okay.” He reaches into his own chest (?!) and pulls out a phone.
“Oh, don’t worry. I can use my insides like a pocket dimension for extra storage.”
Sure. This might as well happen. Duke takes the phone and looks it over; it looks like a large, square flip phone, but when it opens, the screen and keyboard are both touchscreens the glow a faint neon green. He opens up the contacts menu, finds Danny, and shoots him a quick text that consists only of a smiley face. 
“Man, this is so cool,” Duke says. “Thanks for giving it to me! I really am glad I can talk to you some more.”
“I feel like I should be thanking you for giving me the time of day.”
Duke knocks his shoulder against Danny’s. “Come on, man, don’t say that. Anyone would be happy to spend time with you. Besides, I’m really not as cool as you think. I’m a normal guy outside the suit.”
“You still have powers.”
“I do, but I’m not the only one.”
“I know this is a bit of a bad question, and I do understand how important secret identities are! But do you think I’d ever get to know you when you’re just… you?”
Duke thinks about how much Batman would disapprove, the lengths Tim went through to protect his own identity as Red Robin, how everyone around him would become a target if anyone figured out who the Signal is…
But then he thinks about how much keeping this secret puts a strain on his relationship with his cousin, how much of a relief it is to have his friends in the know so he doesn’t have to constantly lie to them, how he’s the only hero Danny knows in this dimension and the only person who can help him while he’s here.
“I’ll tell you one day,” Duke says, “Promise. When we get to know each other a little more, yeah?”
“Yeah, alright, that’s fair. Thanks, Signal.”
“You need to get back to your friends?”
“Nah,” Danny shakes his head, “They can manage on their own. Besides, they agreed to one hour each place, and Tucker’s hungry enough to drag Sam out as soon as it hits that hour mark.”
“Well, in that case, why don’t you tell me a little more about your dimension while we wait? Or any other place you’ve visited.”
Danny grins, leaning closer, and says, “Have you ever met a yeti? Cause I have.” . . .
He doesn’t get to see Danny or his friends off when they return to their dimension. They’d been in the planetarium for hours, and Duke had to end patrol and turn in for the day to look over cases with Steph and Tim, then work on his college application. 
He does get a text from Danny, his new phone going off with a soft sound of a wind chime, in the middle of looking at different colleges and stressing out.
Danny: got home safe! off to fight dinner now 🤺
Danny: wanna talk more tomorrow?
Signal: sure! i’d love to!! good luck with dinner?
There’s a brief pause, and then Danny sends a blurry picture of a rotisserie chicken flying through the air towards a woman with red hair, holding out a steak knife, ready to attack. 
…Yeah, he’s going to question that tomorrow. For now, he just sends Danny a thumbs up emoji and goes back to staring at his list of potential schools he wants to go to with growing despair.
Does he want to stay in Gotham? Gotham City University isn’t all that bad, and he’s familiar with the campus. Or maybe Montclair State University. Rowan University and Rutgers University don’t sound bad either, and both are still in the state, so he wouldn’t be too far from Gotham. Maybe he could go to his parent’s alma matter; UCLA and Penn State are both out of state, though, and way more expensive, even if Bruce offered to cover his tuition.
What would he even study?
So lost in thought, Duke almost doesn’t realize that his regular phone is ringing until the noise cuts off. His head jerks up and he stares at it, wondering who could be calling him right after he finished eating dinner. 
Then it rings again, Barbara’s name popping up on the screen, and he lunges for it, worried that something’s going down in Gotham without him noticing.
“Babs! Is something wrong?”
“No. Should something be wrong? I was calling because you didn’t check in with me before you ended patrol, and you haven’t been responding to any of my texts,” she says, sounding distracted as the sound of her keyboard continues on steadily in the background. She must be working as Oracle already, preparing to assist the Bats on their patrols.
“Oh, sorry. Everything’s fine, our visitors were from another dimension and they really were just here to sightsee. Nothing to worry about.”
“I saw that you got a gift.”
Duke understands exactly what she’s calling about, now. He should have expected Barbara to fall to the siren call of new tech. “I did,” he says, offering nothing else just to mess with her.
“Duke,” she says, “It’s a matter of safety.”
“Just admit that you want to check out interdimensional tech.”
Barbara sighs, then says, “I want to look at interdimensional tech. Come by the Clocktower tonight and drop it off.”
“I don’t know, Babs,” he says teasingly, “I think Tim might want a look at it first.”
“I should have never believed Dick when he said you were well behaved. ‘The good one’ my ass,” she grumbles. “What do you want?”
“A favor to be decided in the future. No questions asked expect what’s needed to get that favor done.”
“I’ll swing by soon. Do you think you could help me with my college apps while I’m there? I have no idea what to do or where to go.”
“Sure,” Barbara agrees, her voice warm, “I’d love the chance to big sister you. Jason hogs you too much.”
He does, and Duke doesn’t really understand why Jason gets along so well with him, but he’s not going to question a good thing. Street kids gotta stick together, after all. Even if neither of them are living on the streets anymore. 
It’s nice to know that the others are just as willing to help him out, even if he works separate from them most of the time these days. 
“Oh, and the phone I got from Danny has contacts already added to it. Please don’t text Danny or anyone else without saying it’s you.”
“That sounds like you’re giving me permission to talk to me.”
“I figured you’d want to talk to Tucker some, since he’s the one who built it.”
“Well,” Barbara says, and he can hear the smile in her voice, “Thanks for the permission. I’ll be sure to get as much information as I can from him.”
“Please don’t ruin this for me.”
Barbara laughs. “Oh, don’t worry Duke. I know how to be nice, especially with people you’re trying to impress. It’s Dick you should be worried about.”
She’s right. 
Duke drops his head onto his desk with a groan.
“I’ll see you later, Duke.”
“Yeah, alright. See you, Babs.”
She ends the call and Duke sighs, contemplating taking a nap before he heads out. But that would mess up his sleep schedule, and he’s willing to do a lot, but not that. Instead, he flicks through his phone to the group chat with his friends, and sends a quick question about when they can hang out again.
He’s missed them. Seeing Danny with Tucker and Sam reminded him of how much he loves his friends and spending time with them. He should take a page from Danny’s book and spend a day with them, just catching up and enjoying their company. 
And if they tease him about his crush on Danny, well, better them than the Bats. 
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road trip as a teenage avenger headcanons!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: lots ofc but i'd say big emphasis on reader (duh), harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, scott lang, clint barton, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, happy hogan, natasha romanoff, and bruce banner. more are prob in it but i don't wanna type it all out lol
a/n: y'all i think my pictures are getting more chaotic & tbh i think it's a good thing anyways requests are still open, send in an ask whenever :)
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
it was an annual tradition for the avengers to go on a road trip.
steve always said it was "team bonding". it was honestly kind of fun.
better than the other "team bonding" you did, which mainly consisted of running long distances!!
anyways, they usually would do it soon after you, harley, peter, and miles finished school (also yes im including miles now bc i love him)
tony would come over the intercom while you all were lounging around and tell you to pack your bags.
packing is always a big issue.
let's just say that SOME people are big overpackers...
no offense to him but like ppl have had to sit in the trunk before because of him
and he overpacks with stuff that rly doesn’t make sense
like once y’all went to colorado
and he packed snorkeling equipment
and so you were like “scott. seriously?”
and he looked at you with such a serious face
“y/n. what if all the snow melts? then we would be underwater!! i have an extra snorkeling mask too. i was gonna give it to you, but now idk….”
bruce overpacks too
but he overpacks in a good way
guys bruce is like the mom on vacation
well him and tony both
you’d think steve would be but he is NOT
like the man doesn’t even wear sunscreen
and then here comes bruce with a tote bag full of snacks
which tony eats half of by the way
the best part of having thor on a trip is that he will ALWAYS pick you up if you’re too tired
like once he had you and peter under both his arms like footballs bc u got tired
and clint was sad bc he was tired too
he tried to get scott to pick him up but scott wasn’t ready and they both fell and they like hit their heads
that was an interesting day
ok so setting the scene again
you, peter, harley, miles, natasha and bruce were in the middle of a very competitive round of uno
like y’all
competitive doesn’t even begin to cover it
anyways you were about to get uno
you put down your card and suddenly 
“HEY EVERYBODY” “SHHH you’re being too loud” “ohh sorry HEY EVERYBODY”
you started laughing at the quite obvious blunders of thor and clint in the intercom room
“thor, buddy? you don’t need to be kissing the mic when you speak, alright?”
tony, from another room, always quick with the jabs.
natasha just shook her head but you and peter, harley and miles were DYING
with that done, you all got up, groaning.
“uno.” natasha smirked at you, noticing that you only had one card.
“darn it!!!” you said. “well, doesn’t matter now. we have to go anyways.”
“we can always resume it later, y/n :) “ 
“fine, nat. but i’m going to win this time!! right bruce??”
“well, kid, you know i’m usually on your side, but…”
“aw, come on!!”
ok fast forward. 
you were in the family room
aw guys isn’t that cute that they call it a family room
bc ur a family
ok anyway
and here comes scott with his fifty bags
“relax sharpay, we’re not gonna be gone for THAT long”
guys i wanted a cool tony nickname and tbh i just remember vaguely that sharpay had like suitcases on the cover of her movie i never even watched it so i could be wrong but that was my intention
“tony, these are my essentials.”
“scott, why don’t you just shrink that down? like seriously, man.” miles remarked, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“hey, y’know what? that’s a great idea miles!!”
and so he ended up shrinking his luggage
but then he couldn’t find it
oh scott
anyways tony and happy did a lot of car assignment work
to make sure everyone would get there safely
and your car
drum roll please
ok also this was only for the trip there
the trip back would be different
ok the car was
tony, happy, clint and peter
tbh this was not a bad car at all
poor miles and harley were stuck with scott, bucky, sam and steve
natasha and wanda and pietro and thor were the other one
although here’s the issue
tony is a bad driver
but happy didn’t feel like driving
and u were just starting to drive so clint was like “NO WAY do i trust y/n in a car!!!”
that goofy clown fr
so tony was driving
oh and btw y’all were going to the compound
tony told you and you were like 
“dude, that’s not a road trip”
and he was like “we’re in the car for more than an hour. it’s a road trip, kid.”
and miles and harley kept texting like theorizing about where u were going
harley said europe
and you were like
anyways ya 
so tony is like swerving and speeding everywhere 
ok maybe thats dramatic
but happy was holding the little bar
and he was like yelling at tony to slow down
meanwhile clint is just singing along to the music thats BLASTING
and u and peter are ready to accept ur deaths
like u literally texted sam a video of what was happening and he almost called happy to tell him to pull over 😭 
sam’s got ur back thats for sure!!
anyways tony pulled into a drive thru
bc he needed coffee
guys hes tony stark he needs stuff like that
and he got u and peter and clint happy meals :D
and clint was so excited like 💀 
love him
happy made sure u and peter had ur seatbelts on 
he said it was bc he didn’t want to have to explain to midtown why yall didnt come back for the next year 😭 
that and “too much paperwork”
anyways tony finally got it together
u and peter decided that he just needed an acoustic song on the radio bc as soon as something more relaxing came on he was a lot better lol
the rest of the drive was pretty alright
i'm gonna do another headcanon set about the avengers actually on vacation but yeah there ya go :)
thats how the road trips work yahoo
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