#Only for Robin to come back 6 m later and with the Bat much more protective
duketectivecomics · 4 years
Hey I was wondering if you know the official order of bruce gaining all the kids including harper, Barbara, and stephanie? I know its Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian but where does the other 3 and duke and cass fall in? Tia!!
So I’m gonna assume that you mean the order in which they get adopted, since finding First Appearances is one of the easier things to google for any character. (Getting First Appearance issues afterall is part of the reason some comics retain their value, so it’s usually well documented when a character first shows up. Side note: DCUguide is an excellent resource if you’re looking to comb through appearances for characters, although I’d also recommend asking for reading lists from other fans, since usually those have been curated down to essential storylines only)
I tried to provide actual issue #s where I could, but a lot of the time in comics, it’s usually something that’s dropped or hinted around or casually mentioned rather than outright boldly stated.
Also some of these characters span DECADES and their histories change depending on continuity. So I tried to account for that where I could.
But also canon is fake and everyone in fandom cherry-picks anyways so yknow. Keep THAT in mind too.
Before we dive into this, I wanna have a quick convo on what Legal Guardianship vs Adoption is.
While guardianship includes some of the same responsibilities as adoption, it also comes with a few key differences, such as allowing any living parents (also possibly any living relatives) to contest the guardianship. Adoption would make the child fully and solely the potential parent’s responsibility, and would nullify any legal ‘say’ that the biological parents may have. Also of note, is that  guardianship does not allow the child in question a claim to inheritance unless the guardian specifically wills it to them, as there is again, a bit more of distance that is placed between the child and guardian, as more of a mentorship is expected to take hold. One way to look at it is that adoption is permanent (& usually a longer drawn out process bc of that), while guardianship can be more legally flexible.
With that out of the way, let’s start~
Dick: pre-flashpoint/52, it’s stated often that Dick was actually Bruce’s ward, that Bruce has legal guardianship over Dick. I know this is a nitpick and doesn’t matter bc it’s usually retconned/ignored in favor of Dick being adopted. But I think it’s a fascinating point of potential contention nonetheless. especially given the historical reason, that it was absolutely unheard of at the time for a single man to adopt a child, but no one would bat at eye if he was taking Dick in out of a sense of altruism & duty. Contract this with decades later, when he DOES appear to adopt Jason outright, which puts some friction in place between Dick & Bruce. and well, you’ve got a whole story & conflict to explore right there.
Barbara: Usually dons the Batgirl cowl after Dick becomes Robin (the only exception to that was The Batman (2004) cartoon and it was absolutely galaxy brain of them honestly) She has her own Dad though (idk if y’all know him? Jim Gordon? Yknow? The Commissioner?) so she doesn’t get adopted. She’s considered a core batfam member mostly in the sense that she’s been there so long and esp as she makes herself absolutely essential when she becomes Oracle. She has never, and will likely never be adopted by Bruce (bc again. W h e n is that gonna come up? When Jim dies? L m f a o)
Jason: pre-crisis it’s assumed from the go I guess? I could only find slight confirmation and ended up finding more info that there was a custody battle and that Bruce would won Jason back officially in Detective Comics #548. post-crisis, Jason’s history is redone, though & I remember his adoption being touched on, but could not for the life of me find a particular issue. N52/Rebirth it’s simply assumed from the go as far as I’m aware.
Tim: Batman #654. This was after his father died, though he’d been Robin at this point for at least a decade. For n52/Rebirth as far as I can tell he’s also been outright adopted by Bruce (though I think he’s parents were still alive but in Witness Protection? Idk. I haven’t read at all for Tim’s history there so take that with a heavy grain of salt)
Steph: another one who is not adopted (Crystal Brown is very much alive and taking care of Steph (barring the time Leslie Thompkins squirreled her away after faking Stephs death BUT)) She does show up pretty soon on Tim’s tail when he starts as Robin. Again, she’s considered a staple of the family because of how long she’s been involved with them. I like to think of her like Kimmy in Full House. She’s a Good Friend who’s Constantly Showing Up and is one of the family through mutual agreement on everyone’s part.
Cass: Batgirl (2008) #6, though like Tim, Cass had been Batgirl for nearly a decade at that point in continuity. She’s shown and stated many times that she considers Bruce a father/father figure and likewise that Babs, who had been mentoring her, was the closest she has to a mother. In n52/Rebirth, I have yet to see or hear about official adoption for her, but again. We usually ignore canon on that part anyways. I mean they made her into Orphan so uhhhh. Not super great yknow?
Damian: since he is biologically Bruce’s, it’s never really addressed as far as I’m aware (I have yet to read Damian’s appearances Altho he’s next on my Robin list). I personally think it’d be interesting to explore the fact that he was likely born outside of the country and what that means for Bruce gaining legal custody & whether or not Talia would contest that? I’m sure there’s probably SOME thinkpieces about it out there, but I’ll search for them on my own time eventually
And now we’re getting to *drum roll* Harper and Duke!
Harper: her appearances are mostly kept to the n52 runs, though with Tynion returning to Detective, it’s likely she’s coming back into Rebirth soon. She’s a unique case where, due to her abusive home life, she emancipated herself and took her brother, Cullen, with her. Neither she nor her brother were adopted by Bruce, and as far as I’m aware/understand, they’re fine with it that way. I know Stephanie was living with them at some point (it’s dropped in Batman & Robin: Eternal at least?), so I certainly think it would have been nice if DC also brought them into the fold like Steph. Just a couple of kids who are Really Good Friends with the family and continue to insert themselves in batfam business lmao
Duke: I actually addressed this fairly recently here! Duke’s guardianship (bc like Dick, Duke is not outright adopted by Bruce, likely to afford Duke’s parents the opportunity to regain custody should they recover from Joker’s toxin) its a little more up in the air at this point in Batman & The Outsiders. Since Bruce is very clearly taking both him and Cass away on globetrotting adventures. It would make things EASIER ofc if he is under Bruce’s guardianship. But given that it’s not really addressed, it’s led most of fandom to simply assume it instead. And really? Considering that DC themselves probably doesn’t realize that they’ve written themselves into this corner, it probably won’t be fully addressed or recognized anyways.
So to answer your first question actually: Babs, Steph, and Harper? Not adopted, likely never will be, but they ARE interspersed fairly regularly in the line-up. Everyone else? Varying degrees of being under Bruce’s guardianship if not outright adopted.
We’re all happy that they’re here, though!!! And we love and appreciate them ALL.
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Ambivalence (Jason Todd x Fem!reader)
Summary: Everyone gets the last words their soulmate will ever say to them seared onto their skin when they’re ten years old. Nobody thinks much of it, as it doesn’t help you find your soulmate. Until it’s too late.
You, one of Bruce Wayne’s many adopted children, are running around Gotham City as Batgirl, along with Robin, otherwise known Jason Todd.
EDIT: This series has been discontinued at Chapter 6.
AU where soulmates have the last words they’ll ever say to each other appear somewhere on their bodies when they’re ten.
Rating: M
Warnings: Death, mention of violence.
A/N: ok so this is my pride and joy, and I would love it if y’all gave it a try and read it. There are 5 chapters so far, this is only the first one. If you’d like to read more chapters before I post them here, you can go find them on Wattpad or Ao3 under the name Perforabuntsaggittis!!
Chapter One
You were ten.
You screamed in pain as a set of words seared into your skin, blinding your vision.
When you woke up, the school nurse was staring down at you.
“How are you feeling, y/n?” You blinked.
“My head hurts.” She nodded and pointed to your arm.
“Your soul words knocked you out, sweetheart. It can be painful sometimes.” You gaped at your arm. Written on the inside of your wrist were the words “I’m not a stupid little boy anymore!”
Your brow furrowed as you thought of all the stupid little boys you knew. You huffed in irritation. There was no way any of them could be your soulmate.
You were eleven.
Your parents had died in an “unfortunate” fire that had been started by one of the neighbors. It was cruel, but it was Gotham. Crazies were everywhere.
You weren’t going to sit around and let them have at all the innocents. So you checked the newspapers, looked for where the city’s caped crusader would be. One night, you waited in an alley that was commonly used for drug deals. The Bat was bound to show up.
You heard a whoosh and there he was, six feet of pure darkness and fear.
You were twelve.
Bruce had agreed to train you after some pestering, even adopted you, and since you’d taken up the mantle of Batgirl. You were sitting on the edge of a building, waiting.
You perked up, and rolled your eyes at the shadowy lump that was Robin. While he was a year older than you, he was still new and that made him more inexperienced.
“Smooth.” He glared at you.
“Please. Bruce told me when you started out, you could barely stand upright, princess.” Your nostrils flared at the pet name. You could practically hear him smirking.
“At least I didn’t make stupid, rash, decisions and mess up the job,” you shot back. He didn’t seem the least bit perturbed.
“Aw, you know you love me, doll,” He winked. You scoffed. His ego was too big for his own good.
“In your dreams.”
“Mine or yours?” You balled your hands into fists at his remark.
“You are impossible!” His smile grew wider and he just looked at you. The comms buzzed to life a second later.
“Batgirl and Robin, report to the batcave.” You turned around and swung off into the night, without waiting for him to catch up.
You were thirteen.
You were propped up against the wall of the cave, while Alfred tended to your wounds. You had gone into a building full of thugs alone, and Bruce had just finished lecturing you. Jason had come down whilst Alfred finished up your stitches and left you two alone.
Jason sat across from you with his arms crossed and a blank expression on his face. You glared at him.
“What do you want?” you asked. He looked up at you, and narrowed his eyes.
“Nothing.” Your brows furrowed. There was no reason for him to sulk down here with you, he did it just the same whether you were around or not.
“Then why are you here?” He considered your facial features for a second.
“You shouldn’t have gone in there.” You snorted.
“This coming from the guy who jumps off of skyscrapers without a care in the world?” You said. “When you’re stupid and reckless everyone blows it off, but when I do it, it’s like the whole world blows up.” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“Robin’s supposed to do those things. You’re Batgirl, you’re supposed to be rational.” Your jaw dropped. The nerve of him.
“Are you serious? Because I’m Batgirl, I have to take all of the responsibility?” You were fuming. His eyes widened.
“No- that’s not-“
“Save it.” You jumped off the table and started to stomp off.
“Wait! I just-urgh!” He let out a frustrated growl. “It could’ve been worse.” You stopped in your tracks and turned around. Why would he care?
“What?” He wouldn’t look at you, but you pushed further. “Jason?” He finally glared at you.
“You just need to be more careful than that, alright?” Without another word, he stormed past you and up into the manor, leaving you standing there like a confused idiot.
You were fourteen.
You were sitting on the couch listening to Alfred talk to Jason in the next room over. It was probably rude to eavesdrop, but Bruce was making you stay at the manor because of some assassin that had it out for you, and there was nothing else to do.
“And how have your nightmares been?” Alfred asked him. You looked up. Jason wouldn't want you to hear this; he rarely opened up to people. You stood up to leave.
“They’re getting better. Last night, instead of the usual, I dreamt of my soulmate.” Your chest tightened, and you froze.
“Oh?” Alfred said. “And what were they like?”
“She.. It was a girl, and she was.. beautiful.” Your heart twinged with jealousy. “But not because of her looks. Because she was willing to fight for everything she believed in, despite what’s happened to her. Her eyes were gentle, but still fierce. Her smile had the ability to light up an entire room, but when her teeth were bared she made people cower. Her words were honey, but her threats were ice. She was like… the perfect paradox. A total badass.”
There was a pause, and then Jason cleared his throat. You suddenly blushed, realizing that you’d been standing there the whole time. They couldn’t see you, though, and you relaxed a bit.
“Sorry, Alfie. It’s probably not even real,” he muttered, clearly embarrassed at letting himself ramble.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Master Jason. Soulmate’s have a way with one another.” You could hear the tiny smile in Alfred’s voice.
You silently crept out of the living room before you could hear anything else.
You were fifteen.
Jason was seething at you on top of one of Gotham’s many run-down buildings. You’d both just fought a couple of thugs in an alleyway. It wouldn’t have been a big deal, but he’d narrowly missed getting shot because he’d rushed straight into the line of fire, instead of taking out their guns first. You were scolding him while he paced the roof and tried to convince you he would’ve been fine.
“Robin, you can’t keep doing this. You’re going to get yourself killed.” He balled his hands into fists and glared at you.
“I had everything under control! I knew they weren’t going to hit me!” You sighed exasperatedly and ran a hand through your hair. He was so hot headed sometimes.
“No, you were lucky. I thought you were going to get shot, Robin!”
“It’s not like it hasn’t happened before! I knew the risks. You can’t keep bossing me around, y/n. I’m not going to have you to look out for me forever!” he yelled at you. There it was. The thought that made you toss and turn in your sleep at night. The thought of Jason going away and nobody to protect him from his own recklessness.
You knew he was planning on going to the Middle East to find his biological mother. You had done everything you could to prolong it, but you knew it was going to happen sooner or later.
“Jason.. please don’t go. At least, not alone,” you pleaded softly. He turned away from you, and ran a hand through his hair.
“I can do it by myself.” You growled in frustration. Why couldn’t he just understand?
“No, you can’t. Let me help you!” You tried to keep your voice even, but it didn’t work. You threw your hands down to your sides in frustration.
“Why do you even care?” He snapped, crossing his arms.
“Because you rush into situations instead of planning them out. You’re going to do something that’ll get you hurt, or worse!” He let out an infuriated growl at that.
“It’s always ‘Jason, be careful’, ‘Jason, don’t be reckless’, ‘Jason, think first’!” He threw his hands up in the air. “I’ve had this planned out for awhile, y/n. I’m leaving tonight and you can’t stop me!”
“Jason, no!” You yelled at him as he crossed the roof of the building and got out his grapple.
“Stop worrying about me so much. I’m not a stupid little boy anymore!” He shouted, then swung off into the night. Your jaw tightened with fear and worry, then your whole body froze with realization. You tried to run after him, but he was already gone.
You and Bruce both searched for him, but by the time you found him, it was too late. You watched as Batman carried him out of the empty warehouse, bloody and broken. You watched as his breathing slowed, and then stopped altogether. You watched as the words on your arm slowly faded into a scar.
It felt wrong to be Batgirl without Robin. So you hung up your cape and donned a new mask, a new name. You stuck to the shadows like your father, never showing your face, never letting them see you. For that, they called you Ghost.
You distanced yourself from the rest of the family. You were angry with them, and with Bruce, but most of all, with yourself.
How come you didn’t notice? You knew it was inevitably going to happen, that there was no way to stop it, and yet it still haunted you. That you couldn’t see he felt the same way for you after all those years. And now it was lost.
Six months later, new soul words developed below your scar. You tried everything to make them go away, from tattoos to just plain cutting them off, but they always reappeared.
You didn’t want them, though.
You wanted him.
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wthcew · 4 years
Chapter 4
Warning: There's suicidal thoughts here and suicide attempt, and torture. read on your own responsibility.
10 months ago:
Tim saw six of them.
Of course he knew he could take them by himself but he was slightly sick. ("Shut up Kon, it's just a cold")
So he called for back up. From the bats.
Nightwing said that they will come so he waited.
10 minutes.
25 minutes.
45 minutes.
The gang started with the drug deal.
He couldn't wait anymore so he started without them.
And then everything went to fucking hell.
It was just a simple mistake, he let someone go away, he didn't saw the guy, he was sure they were only six but then they were seven. And the guy that went away hurt robin.
It was really just a scratch and robin broke the guy's hand. But of course batman will be mad at Tim.
"Red robin why didn't you paid more attention?"
Because he was fighting the others. He did called the bats for help with this gang but they came only when he already stopped them.
And he couldn't even say he was fighting because:
"You are not needed Drake."
And the fact that nightwing nodded was even worse.
"For once I agree with the demon, replacement" and that was expected, because nobody wants Tim but it still hurt.
So he just push that away.
"I'll do better" 
'I promise I'll be better. I'll give you intel. I'll give you reports. I'll be quite. I understand you don't want me. I get it. You don't even have to say it. I'll do better than my best.' but he kept silence as they went away.
And from some reason they gave Damian praise about taking the gang down. Like he didn't just stopped one and actually took all of them down.
So It was a bad patrol.
And a bad night. Or a bad day. Or a bad week. Or maybe it was month. Or couple of months.
Tim wasn't sure. But it was bad. So fucking bad.
So he screwed up, but everyone screwed up.
Tim just looked and smiled. Smile full in pain. But he can't say anything because it will hurt everyone's else happiness.
And if they happy it good.
It doesn't matter if he's sad. Or if he's in pain. It doesn't matter as long as the others happy.
But apparently he can't screwe up.
He isn't allowed to.
And he felt like he couldn't breathe. It just hurt him much they love each other but they don't have love for him. But he understood, he didn't had love for himself so it all good.
Except it wasn't.
So he went to his house and locked the door. And the windows. And turned off the lights. And his phone.
He don't want to talk now.
He don't want someone to stop him.
And he couldn't stop the tears.
But he already wanted to do it. He almost did it so many times before. But he always was needed for missions.
So when Damian said that he wasn't needed it was blessings and hurting at the same time.
And the others basically agreed.
And so he went to the kitchen and opened the knifes drawer.
He pulled the plastic there up and there it was. What he looked for. 
A shoebox. and inside were his father's gun.
He looked at it and let his mind run.
'You are not needed Drake.' Damian's voice said in his head.
He held the gun. 
'For once I agree with the demon, replacement'
The gun fits perfectly in his hand.
Safety off.
He put the gun above his ear.
He closed his eyes. A few tears roled down his face.
His finger on the trigger.
He was ready to do it.
But there was a scream (and only later he realised that someone shouted "No!") before someone took the gun and hugged him. 
He felt the hands against him trembling. And he was shaking.
And he looked up at the person who hugged him. 
Kon was there for some reason. And he hugged Tim so tightly it was uncomfortable but at the same time it was so comfortable.
There were talking, he knew Kon is saying something but his head felt so numb and light that he couldn't hear what Kon says.
Tim was still shaking when he could finally see through the blur from his tears.
Kon still hugged him but he stopped talking. All he did now was to hug Tim and Tim didn't complained. He buried his face in Kon's chest while Kon buried his face in Tim's hair.
Tim really wasn't sure what happened later, or if something even happened, all he knew is that he woke up in his bed, the curtains were finally shifted so that the sunlight poured into the room and on Tim's form. And for the first time in a long time, he smiled from the light.
Tim got out of the bed and stretched out his hands, he didn't knew how much he slept but it felt like full eight hours.
He went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. His whole body wasn't hurting so that was a good day. He didn't had one in so many time.
The hot water made him even more relaxed and he was somehow happy. Like he didn't tried to kill himself last night. He didn't knew what he even thought, he is important, maybe not by his 'family' but to Kon he is and right now it was everything he needs. Just Kon.
He smiled to himself while he put his favourite t-shirt and some jeans.
He smiled even more when he saw Kon in the kitchen, with two mugs of coffee, and Kon smiled back.
After they drank the coffee in quite, Tim still felt a little bit sleepy ("No Tim, you can't have another cup").
Kon started to talk, Tim expected to a lecture but Kon had other plans...
"Tim, listen, I know you in a bad place because you in Gotham and because of this idiots bats and this hell kid and that actually why I was here last night, because I wants you to leave this fucking city and live in the tower."
"I know it's not easy but you had a gun -a fucking gun Tim!- because of this idiots, they don't deserves you, they don't even know how amazing you really are or how many time you helped them. Without nothing in return."
"And I want you to be safe and happy and feel like you are enough, which you are, god you even more than enough!, and here you don't feel like it and I'll broke nightwing's nose if any of them will make too uncomfortable again"
"And I want you to come to the tower, because I care about you and I love you. I really do. I don't know how to explain it because it maybe sound strange, because you're my best friend, but I love you more than that and I..."
He stopped talking because Tim's mouth was on his. And Tim kiss him.
Kon melt into the kiss and just hugged Tim close to him.
And when this sweet kiss ended and the: "I love you too Kon" and another kiss started.
6 months ago:
Tim wasn't in the manor for almost 4 months and they didn't exactly said something about that.
They didn't Invited him for family gathering. So that why he was surprised when nightwing invited him to go with to join him on a case.
And that's why Kon dropped Tim in his house in Gotham. 
Tim kissed him to goodbye and Kon flow away.
He didn't return the kiss or said 'goodbye' he just rushed out of there.
But that's fine. It happen a lot and Tim know it means to take step back and give Kon space. It's not like Kon hated him suddenly, right? Right. He told him that he loves him. And Tim loves him back.
So right now, Tim walked in his house.
He still has the gun but he doesn't think to use it now. Not when he's happy.
And God he is happy. But he don't know if it means he's not sad, because he is.
Can you be happy and sad at the same time?
Doesn't matter. Right now he wants to be happy so he is.
He put his computer on the island and put some music in his phone so he won't be in complete silence.
And somehow it helped him that the gun was still under the plastic in the knifes drawer.
After drinking couple cups of coffee he took a shower. 
After he got dressed he got a message.
But the screen was blurie.
And he felt like the air was shaking around him.
And the smell.. he knew what it waa but his brain just didn't want to work.
And he panicked. Because shit that's not good. Bloody Fucking Hell.
And he was out.
5 months ago:
He was shaking so bad.
The darkness surrounding him.
He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't think.
He couldn't cry.
And everything hurt. So fucking hurt.
'make it stop. Please make it stop!' he wanted to scream it but he couldn't even whisper it.
His tongue felt like plumbum and he couldn't open his mouth. His tooth are shaking but he knows his mouth doesn't move.
He wants to let go but he knows they will come for him because Kon loves him and he came for a mission so they will look for him.
But maybe it's too much optimistic.
4 months ago:
Tim was shaking.
He wanted to scream because his head felt like it was seconds from blowing up.
His heart raced in his chest.
He could hardly breathe.
His blood itched and burned.
'make it stop!'
The electric arms closed on his head.
And he screamed ehen his brain felt like he was fucking burn.
And it stopped again.
He was shaking.
'They will come'
He can't breathe.
'Kon is looking for me.'
The electric arms closed on his head again.
'They need me for the mission.'
He screams again.
'Kon loves me.'
And it stops again.
Only to began again.
At the end his shaking so fucking bad. He is lying on the cold floor and trying to breath.
'Kon will come. He loves me.'
And he is crying.
3 months ago:
The air stands still and Tim praying there won't be another hit.
But of course there is.
There always more.
His eyes closed and he just wanted it to stop.
'Please. Please just make it stop. I beg you. Just please please!'
But it never stops.
And another hit came.
And another.
And another.
None stop.
And he knew that the bats don't care but what about kon? He doesn't love him?
2 months ago:
It was so hot that it felt like ice.
And he screams so hard.
He can't breathe because it's so hurt.
And the flame thrower forming shape on his back.
Fucking shape!
And he can't stop scream.
His head felt like it was seconds from blowing up.
And he tries to go away from the flames but he can't move.
And he screams. And please make it stop!
But it doesn't stop.
Not even after he went limp and pass.
And he could still feel it.
He knows the bats doesn't care.
Actually they may be mad at him because:
1. He didn't helped with the mission.
2. He didn't died. Well not yet.
And Kon....
Kon doesn't loves Tim. He just pretend to love him so Tim won't kill himself.
And God didn't that hurt?
And when he woke up again his back was throbbing from pain and his face were washed with his tears.
Nobody cares about him.
And he passed out.
Month ago:
Tim woke up in his bed in his house in Gotham.
He felt like he slept forever.
As he got up he yawned and stretched out his hands.
He went to the take a shower and when he took his shirt off and looked at the mirror he almost passed out.
On his scalp were shapes he couldn't identify.
And his back looked torn.
And there were also some shape that were fucking burn there.
It looks like a grave stone. But it was tiny and he couldn't look at his back very good. Not even with the mirror.
It was supposed to hurt but it didn't.
And the worst part? He couldn't remember how he got them. Or when.
What the hell happened to him?
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years
It’s very specific to my own story but if it inspires you in some way, then I’m glad it came in handy
Best friends Adrien and Mari
Diana hearing tales of Ladybug or Lady Luck. Her mother not telling her that she is Lady Luck.
Marinette not minding if she died in her sleep, Alya gets very worried. “It’s peaceful, no pain, no fear, just tranquility. This just makes Alya feel more guilty for not being there.
Damian really wants to test Mari, ever since that video and since she threatened him.
after getting to know Marinette better, Damian calls her beautiful and other compliments in Arabic. like my flower, and my radiant sun.
Marinette thinks its teasing until one day she sees the way how he says it and how soft he looks. She allows herself to fall deeper in love.
She and Adrien have revealed and tried to date but both ended up not making each other happy or content.
late hour talks about things, embarrassing stuff they share and confirming each other’s disappearance for peers. Gets very complicated once JL gets in to help. Year 3 they reveal. Year 6, it ends. Hawkmoth is gone.
everyone thinks they are dating, in reality, they’re just best friends and not even Alya knows how much they’ve shared
Mayura/Natalie is showing up less and less but always makes a great senti monster when it counts
Damian keeps his guards up around Marinette and her friends when they meet as civilians
Marinette is worried that it’s another guy asking to see her throat so before Damian even speaks she threatens him to keep shut about it unless he wants a beating.
it’s said that Damian was smitten by that point.
the same issue arises when she gets another injury after her throat is no longer red and raw. The new ones are on her ribs and chest.
its date night for them and a group of guys start asking to see her ‘battle scar’ and dramatically shows them.
Because they recognize her from the news. And you know assholes.
Or or. She tells off about how this isn’t some sideshow and no matter how ugly a scar it tells their trauma and story. both at the same time.
Alya, Jason, and dick were tailing them because it’s their second date and no one has any idea where their first one was.
(Raven helped Damian set up the first one.)
They record every moment.
sometimes when its bad Mari gets claustrophobic but is very subtle about her panic. she scratches one of her main arteries that run up and down on her neck, she does it subconsciously, once one side is hurting she moves onto the other one.
Damian caught her one time and she’s like what? she pulls away and the panic sets again and she’s resisting the urge to just scratch harder, so she settles for twiddling her thumbs.
Mari has ADHD, it’s mellowed a lot since childhood. Insomnia plays in on that and she hates not moving, its hero instinct and her nature.
Nino’s the kind to go with the flow kind but he sees this rift that Lila makes and just disappears
Alya always notices so she goes finds him
Now it’s a test to see if she doesn’t do it one day that he knows shes changed
Nino doesn’t know what to do he has to be adult about it, he tells Alya but is rejected, saying that “he just always go with the flow and sometimes he has to go with his flow
so he takes a break on Alya and says he’s going to further his career before Alya can even figure out who she is.
and Alya is just really confused because she knows who she is and is mad at Nino. Nino never felt more relieved when they finally got back together after the whole Incident ™.
Risk (the bat fam find out the hard way to never ask Mari to a game)
Bruce and Tim went head to head with Mari and almost won (After they were scared to death)
Tim was with some of Mari’s friends and it was game night, they were naive then. Tim started listing off board games and Nino tries to stop him before he says the name "ris-”
Max starts to panic, “He got to s, HE GOT TO S!!” they try to calm him down.
Mari knocks on the door once and they turn to look and It’s her and they are freaking the fuck out.
Damian says one moment they were together and then disappeared in the next.
They were on the other side of the city, it was a 40-minute drive out.
Alfred doesn’t know how she came in, neither does bruce. The cameras caught nothing; no glitches, no loops she was just found their one moment.
Nooroo is passed to Lila but they capture the peacock and its cure, but Emilie not so much. Gabrial calls his apprentice to be Natalie.
Mari asks if Lila had something to do with this.
Dami witness Maris worst and best, as both her and ladybug, vice versa
She does come to terms about how one is not without the other, she learns this from Damian “I am an Al Ghul, a Wayne and a Robin, but goddamnit Mari I’m mother fucking Damian first.”
its the first time he’s yelled at her, she takes it to heart, she was smitten
they court for the longest fucking time. Its 4 years after they unofficial court and he proposes in the middle of a fight they are both smitten for each other.
once the Adrien crush is gone she gives him all his premade presents and makes the chest her fabric chest.
Tim is the only one to point out what happened to the bowls, Alfred no longer questions it.
Running to where Marinette is, he exposed her. “I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO THE BOWLS MARI”
Mari slurps up cereal out of plastic tableware for a long time they lock eyes. Very quietly she whispers. “Tikki” “Spots on.” And yeets outta the window.
She calls Damian later after a couple of hours. “Is it okay to come home.” Damian is cackling. “I don’t know what you did to make Tim mad but I love it.”
“At the expense of Tim, I’ll take it.” It’s the first time he’s ever remotely said the L-word.
Tim: Did you just give me your leftover food? Jason: “Yeah” T: What am I? Your second-hand bitch? J: no you’re my main bitch T: Wait then that means you have other bitches J: what you think I’m a one hoe pimp?
Mini Ladd Memes
T: “You wanna see my penis.” crouched like a gremlin and moving towards. Marinette IMMEDIATELY turning to Tim. “SVEBE!” Damian looking at the two in disgust. “Disgusting”
The two look in shock and can’t stop laughing because they have no idea if he actually knows what they're talking about but neither answers him when he asks why they laugh now.
Bruce has caught Tim and Mari going “MMMMMMMMM” and T posing to each other. Mari goes red and super embarrassed about it, Tim never lets her forget. Its called “coming out to dad” between the two.
Nino doesn’t want to touch this and he won’t.
“Leave my eight-foot-tall son alone,” Marinette says this as Tim is perched on the bat computer. They chuckle and try to get through the bit but can’t stop laughing.
“robin an actual robin, go my vegan birdy.” Drunk Mari at some point. like shes 18 and can drink
Other stuff
(shared on the maribat discord) Sometimes when Marinette picks something up, something behind her away falls onto the floor. “Mom, it happened again.” It’s the same object but somewhere else. Picks up her pencil and a random pencil rolls down to her feet.
At one point Tim dared Marinette to pick someone up from the Bat fam. Before she even attempts to pick up Damian, she asked everyone to gather. Once that was done, she let out a big “Sorry!” and picks up Damian.
Tim ate shit, the rest of batfam have no clue what happened
Tikki says its the balance from her luck from being Ladybug. She later notices that she’s not as clumsy as before, Damian says it's her confidence showing and they share a moment
Damian to Marinette at some point. “Stop taking pictures of my food Mari”
242 notes · View notes
dcubang · 4 years
2020 DCU Bang Summaries
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2020 Summaries
1 Title: Green (may be renamed) Word Count: 9961 Genre: Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types Characters/Pairings: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd - Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent (background), Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (background) Warnings: Dubcon, non-consensual drug use Rating: Explicit Summary: Jason and Tim agree to coach Damian through trying weed for the first time. All is going well, until they realise they’ve been dealt Ivy-brand weed and inadvertently been dosed with sex pollen. Obviously, a threesome ensues.
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2 Title: Love and Other Four-Letter Words Word Count: 10.4k Genre: Angsty Romance Fandom/Universe: Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Birds of Prey Characters/Pairings: Hal Jordan / Dinah Lance / Oliver Queen Warnings: Angst (happy ending), violence, gun violence, drinking, threesome, polyamory, open marriage, emotional infidelity, swearing, depression, self-loathing, nasty past breakup Rating: E Summary: After yet another breakup with Carol, Hal and Ollie find themselves on a road trip across America. Along the way, Hal starts to realize he’s feeling a bit more than friendship for his best friend. The days pass, and the two grow closer, but all too soon the trip must come to an end. On Ollie’s insistence, Hal agrees to stay with him and Dinah in their Star City home. He easily falls into routine with them, but living under the same roof has caused his feelings to multiply tenfold. After a rejected kiss in the middle of the night, Hal has to finally figure out what it is he wants. Dinah, caught in the middle of the two, is forced to confront her own feelings on the situation, eventually making her thoughts known. After a mission turned sour and a near-miss, the three grow closer still, eventually developing a relationship with each other. The story is entirely in Hal’s POV and there is quite a fair bit of self-hatred.
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3 Title: The sky's gonna hurt when it falls Word Count: 12k Genre: Drama, Angst, "Romance" Fandom/Universe: Nightwing (comics), Batman (All Media Types), Heathers (All Media Types) Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson & Catalina Flores. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Catalina Flores, Harley Quinn, Crystal Frost, Barbara Gordon, Roman Sionis, Jack Napier. Warnings: graphic violence, suicide, bullying, violence in schools, underage drinking, parental neglect, homophobia, drug use, major character death, threats of non-con, underage sex Rating: M Summary: All Dick Grayson ever wanted to make Gotham High School a better place. So when queen bee Catalina invites him to be part of the most powerful and ruthless clique in school, he jumps at the chance to accept her invitation---after all, it's easy to change the system when you're the one making the rules. Things get complicated after the arrival of the dangerous new kid, JT, who urges Dick to bite the bullet and abandon high school politics before it's too late. But Dick can't help but feel that JT has another plan for the bullet... AKA the Heathers/Jaydick crossover no one asked for. This work is set in 1989 and contains excessive use of 80s slang. Like the movie and musical, themes of violence, suicide, homophobia, and bullying are present throughout. Situations of dubious consent and threats of non-con are mentioned but not in detail.
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4 Title: The Ghosts of Robins Past Word Count: 9,399 Genre: Action, casefic, drama, canon divergence Fandom/Universe: Batman Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Jack Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd. Jason Todd/Dick Grayson Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of torture Rating: PG-13 Summary: Bruce never planned or wanted to take on a third Robin. Dick seemingly vanished off the face of the earth at fourteen and Jason was murdered at fifteen. Thirteen-year-old Tim Drake came into his life while he grieved for Jason, insisting Bruce needed a Robin to keep him balanced. Against his better judgment, he accepted and began training Tim. Now, at fourteen, Tim’s more than earned the mantle of Robin and his place at Bruce’s side. But did Bruce make a terrible mistake in accepting him? If something should happen to Tim, could he handle another loss? Bruce hopes he won’t have to answer that question. Soon he has a new case on his hands. People are being killed with gold tipped knives with owl symbols on their hilts. Bruce believes the killer is mimicking the Court of Owls to scare Gothamites while Tim believes a Talon is responsible. Dismissing the claim, Bruce continues to fight Gotham’s crime while doing his best to keep Tim safe. Even the best intentions fail. After a wrist injury prompts Bruce to send Tim home early, Bruce is horrified to receive a call from Jack the next morning saying Tim is missing. Try as they might neither man can find Tim. And Tim at last discovers what happens to the long lost Dick Grayson: he was abducted by the Court of Owls and trained to be a Talon along with the resurrected Jason Todd. Now, they have their eyes set on him.
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5 Title: Cats and Devil Bats Word Count: ~5,900 Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman (comics) Characters/Pairings: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Warnings: Noncon, graphic violence Rating: NC-17 Summary: Batman is a violent vigilante who stalks and kills criminals. When Catwoman finally runs into him, she fully expects to die. But she doesn’t. In fact, he seems to want something else entirely from her. Meanwhile, Selina Kyle meets the enigmatic and very wealthy Bruce Wayne and the two begin a relationship. What happens when their two lives finally cross? And what’s all this about a Bat demon anyway? Everything takes place in Gotham: on rooftops, Bruce Wayne’s penthouse, Selina Kyle’s apartment, Wayne Manor, and the caves beneath it. The noncon is Batman/Catwoman and occurs throughout. It’s not 100% handled well by either of them. Relatively graphic violence in the later chapters, but nothing permanent.
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6 Title: What I Know Now (subject to change) Word Count: 9k written, maybe 12k total Genre: Angst, fluff, adventure Fandom/Universe: DC Comics or Young Justice Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Warnings: None Rating: PG, T Summary: Set in a YJ timeline where Jason and Dick are only two years apart, Dick falls in love with Jason when they're younger only to be devastated when he dies. And although Jason comes back to life as normal, he instead stays with the League and becomes a brother figure to Damian. Eventually Damian is sent to live with his father, and as his new family begins to grow on him, he begins to tell them more and more of "Akhi," who sounds achingly familiar to Dick. This story is set mostly in Gotham, with a few scenes in Nanda Parbat in the middle when Jason and Damian are with the League. No major warnings besides the Jason/Dick relationship if that bothers you. Some swearing and descriptions of Jason's death and resurrection, but it is not in explicit detail.
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7 Title: To the Fairest Word Count: 18,000 written Genre: Mystery Fandom/Universe: Batman (comics) Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Zatanna, Bruce Wayne, Zatanna Zatara, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Kara Zor-El Warnings: canon level violence Rating: Teen Summary: The Queen of Fables has another tale to tell… In this thrilling mystery Zatanna, the Mistress of Magic, wow’s audiences while solving crimes with the help of her new sidekick: Batman. Co starring in this mystical mystery are the youngest world's finest trio: Robin, Robin, and Supergirl. Will they be able to return a Talon to his nest or will birds fly? Join us in Gotham city, Metropolis, a witch's sales outlet, and a creepy shake filled with sentient vines. No warnings need apply.
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8 Title: we could put some roots down Word Count: 14378 Genre: Fluff, Romance, Drama Fandom/Universe: DCU (pre-New-52), Nightwing, Deathstroke Characters/Pairings: Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson, Batam Warnings: family drama, Bruce Wayne’s A+ Parenting, mention of Catalina Flores Rating: PG-13/Teen Summary: A set of multiple vignettes that center on Dick and Slade as they interact with the other members of the Batfam as Tim and Bruce come home to act as a catalyst of change. Dick grapples with what Bruce’s return means for his time as Batman while Jason teases that his relationship with Slade might be moving to the next stage. Dick and Tim finally get closure and the ability to clear the air between them while engaging in a bit of brotherly bonding and teasing. As always, Alfred holds all the answers. The story takes place mainly on the grounds of Wayne Manor, in the Bat Cave, or inside the Manor itself. The timeframe of the story takes place over the course of a few weeks to a month.
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9 Title: Scarlet Tears Word Count: 12,857 Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: The Flash Characters/Pairings: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Warnings: mpreg Rating: Explicit Summary: Leonard Snart decided to take a break from the Legends, with Mick in tow. They head back to Central City, only to find Team Flash in a bit of trouble…well not the team just Barry. A young Meta causes trouble with her power exactly what is her deal?
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10 Title: The Date (or The Bargain, haven’t decided yet) Word Count: 6,040 Genre: drama, hurt/comfort Fandom/Universe: Batman, Red Robin, Ra’s al Ghul/League of Assassins Characters/Pairings: Tim Drake, Slade Wilson, Ra’s al Ghul, Kon-El/Conner Kent, Bruce Wayne. Ra’s/Tim pairing Warnings: Kidnapping Rating: PG Summary: After a long and exhausting week all Tim looks forward to is catching up on his sleep. Much to his surprise he wakes up not in his comfortable bed but handcuffed to a seat aboard Slade Wilson’s private jet. He soon discovers that Ra’s al Ghul paid Slade to kidnap him and deliver him into Ra’s’ care. Angry, Tim’s thinking of his escape when Ra’s presents him with a deal: if a member of his family contacts him in one week, Ra’s will leave Tim alone for six months. Tim accepts the deal. As days pass with radio silence from the Bats, Tim has to face the truth about how all of them have grown apart and they’ve done little to draw him back in. Is he better off staying with Ra’s despite their vastly different morals? Or does Bruce deserve a chance to prove himself?
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11 Title: When You Move, I Move Word Count: 9150 Genre: Fantasy, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Catalina Flores, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Warnings: Non-Con/Dub-Con (non-graphic) Rating: R Summary: Despite having been in love with one another since they were children, Crown Prince Richard and Dragon Slayer Jason are faced with the fact that they are bound by duty and law to never marry. King Bruce manages to come up with a plan that would allow the pair to remain close and for Richard to fulfill his duty as the future king. He proposes a marriage of convenience to a woman, Catalina of House Flores, who is on the brink of permanent maidenhood after having been passed over by too many men in the past. And though she was aware that the future king would never love her, Catalina grows bitter and jealous over the love between the two men and the love her and Richard’s son shares with that man. So she calls upon the help of a crone to curse both men to live this life and all future lives close to one another but never allowing them to be together. And though the crone grants the curse she places a contingency: if one of them were to die before their 18th birthday then the curse would be lifted and they would be reunited to share the love they have been denied. When Dick and Jason come into contact with the god Fate in their current life, the pair are made aware of what had been stolen from them decades in the past and shown that because of Jason’s untimely death at the age of 15, the curse has been lifted. And Jason is finally given the answer as to why he was awoken in his grave all those years prior. With the truth laid out before them, the pair must figure out what it means for them in this lifetime and all future ones.
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12 Title: The Sorrows Of Healing Word Count: 18k of 20-22k written Genre: Slice Of Life, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Character-centric Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), AU from Battle of the Cowl Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson & Tim Drake, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth - Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake Warnings: Off-Screen Character Death, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Intentions, Racism, Past/Referenced Child Abuse, Hospitals and Therapy Rating: M Summary: It was Dick who had taken up the Cowl after Bruce had died. It was Dick who had become Batman, taking Damian, Tim, and Alfred with him to the penthouse for a fresh start. But things could never be that easy. All of them were haunted by sorrow: Tim not capable of believing that his second father was gone as well, Dick almost breaking under the pressure of standing tall in the face of a crisis, Damian uncomfortable and lost in these unfamiliar waters he was forced to navigate, and Alfred mourning yet another child. In a world in which Bruce actually died, becoming a family again is harder than some might think. In the midst of fights, the racist white Gotham High Society, and Tim, who fled the nest in a last attempt to resurrect something that no longer exists, it is hard to find hope, and yet all of them somehow manage to do so anyways. The story mostly takes place in their Gotham City penthouse, a ballroom, a Baghdad hospital room, and the graveyard. This is a story of healing - but also about the growing pains along the way - so be aware that Tim and Dick deal with depression (Tim with suicidal thoughts and intentions as well), that Damian and Dick face racism, that Damian's childhood will be referenced as the unpretty mess that is was, and that Bruce will not return. His children will have to learn how to fly on their own.
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13 Title: since you’ve been gone (I can breathe for the first time) Word Count: 9,134 Genre: whump, hurt/comfort Fandom/Universe: Batfamily comics (mostly preboot canon with occasional elements of New 52 & Reboot canons) Characters/Pairings: Tim Drake, Batfamily, implied one-sided Tim Drake/Ra’s al-Ghul Warnings: Body horror, depression, child abuse, body modification (consensual and non-consensual), terminal illness, child death, substance abuse (harmful self-medication). Rating: Mature Summary: A study of Tim Drake and his experiences with Hanahaki (specifically, familial Hanahaki), mostly following comics canon with a few changes. Starts when Tim is a child (pre-Robin). He befriends the Gotham Sirens after seeking out Poison Ivy to obtain a growth stopper for his Hanahaki, and later befriends Jason-as-Robin. After Jason’s death and Tim’s parents find out about his Hanahaki, Tim seeks out Batman and becomes Robin. Eventually, after he starts spending time with Bruce, his Hanahaki fades. Years later, following the events of Red Robin and Tim’s distancing from the family, it returns with a vengeance. This story is primarily set in Gotham (at Wayne and Drake manors and the Batcave in particular), with scenes in Iceland (including a glacier) and other locations around the world. Being a Hanahaki fic, the story does contain quite a bit of body horror and terminal illness. The depression occurs throughout due to the Hanahaki & events of Red Robin, as does the body modification (in reference to forced surgery and growth-stopping drugs Tim takes (also the substance abuse tag).). Child abuse is neglect on the part of Tim’s parents, and correlates to the non-consensual body modification tag. Child death is Jason Todd’s canon death.
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14 Title: Forging Friendship Word Count: 4k Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Young Justice Characters/Pairings: Roy Harper, Kaldur’ahm, Black Manta Warnings: None Rating: PG-13 Summary: Green Arrow takes Speedy on a mission at the Star City Wharf with Aquaman and the new to the surface Aqualad. When the mentors give them a solo task, Speedy is very unsure about working with the new hero and tries to only focus on his mission. However, the mission goes wrong, forcing Speedy to risk his life, and face his fears, to save Aqualad. This story takes place primarily at night at a warehouse near the ocean. However actions scenes take place inside the warehouse with lots of crates that create a maze effect, and at the end of the story they’re all on fire.
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15 Title: (Better Things to do than) Chasing White Rabbits Word Count: 4k of what will likely be 6k Genre: Romcom and action/adventure Fandom/Universe: DC, Pacific Rim Characters/Pairings: Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson Warnings: violence, swearing, slurs (Gipsy Danger is the canon name of a jaeger), overprotective parent Bruce Wayne, sexual innuendo, secret identities, Slade's canonical bad parenting (but at least he's trying to work on that), accidental relationship, family drama, frenemies to lovers Rating: Explicit just in case, though I don't think sex will happen until the next installment in the series Summary: Rumor has it that Dick Grayson can drift with anyone. Slade Wilson has the opposite problem, and kids. Killing kaiju may be easier than parenting, and that's with Grayson playing mediator when he inevitably messes up. Dick, meanwhile, is tired of Bruce overstepping boundaries, and Slade just offered him a chance to help a villain redeem himself while also rubbing B's nose in the fact that clinging so tightly is more likely to drive all his kids away than make anyone want to stay. Even Nightwing has a rep for cheerful spite. Stacker Pentecost is too tired for this; he's got a daughter pushing to join the program, said program to run, and the Becket brothers are enough of a headache. That said, if an internationally wanted mercenary is truly willing to join the program, he'll welcome Deathstroke. He just doesn't want to lose Grayson in the process, or the Wayne family funding for the program. Jason, meanwhile, wins Best Brother accolades, and not just for donning Nightwing while Dick pilots giant robots.
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16 Title: in reverse, tragedy Word Count: ~12k Genre: Drama, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman, no specific canon Characters/Pairings: No Pairings, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul Warnings: Dehumanization of Talons, Canon-Typical Violence, Decapitation Rating: PG Summary: Around two years after Batman fires Robin and Jason Todd (AKA Batboy) returns from an interstellar mission to find his sort of little brother missing, Talia al Ghul's jet touches down in Gotham. Her objective? Take revenge on the Court of Owls, the secret society hidden under Gotham that ordered Ra's al Ghul's death at the hands of a Talon, one of their personal assassins. During her mission, Talia is once again confronted by the Talon she fought when defending her father. After an intense battle in the Court's underground labyrinth, Talia defeats the Talon. As she unmasks him, she realizes that this Talon is the key to answering a question that has plagued even the Batman: what happened to Dick Grayson? (Sort of a Reverse Robins story, but more accurately a Mix-'Em-Up Robins story.)
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17 Title: bury the dead where they're found Word Count: 8K-ish Genre: Action Fandom/Universe: Batman (Comics) Characters/Pairings: Dick/Koriand'r, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Slade Wilson, Gotham Rogues Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Murder Rating: PG-13 Summary: After returning to Earth and discovering his little brother is dead, Dick Grayson finds himself questioning how heroic Batman's "No Kill" rule truly is. Faced with Bruce's temper and the disrespectful ways Bruce has chosen to honor Jason, Dick decides it's time to take matters into his own hands, and makes a plan to remove the threat of the Gotham Rogues once and for all. Jason Todd, freshly back from the dead, doesn't understand what happened when he looks at the news in Gotham and sees that the Joker is dead. Determined to figure it out, he leaves Talia and makes his way back to the city that led to his death, only to learn from a strange source the truth of what went on while he was away. This story takes place in various locations, including the batcave, an apartment, Arkham Asylum, and the streets of Gotham.
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18 Title: Coffee Shop Love Word Count: 7,494 Genre: Fluff, Romance, Crossover, Alternate Canon Fandom/Universe: DC Comics/MCU Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Tim Drake/James "Bucky" Barnes, Owens/Pru/Z, Conner, Cassie, Bruce/Diana, Bart, Cassie/Cass, Jason/Roy/Kory Warnings: None Rating: PG-13 Summary: Five years ago, Tim Drake saved Bruce and walked away from his so-called family and with Owens, Z, Pru and Bucky Barnes the Winter Solider and started up a small coffee shop with only Conner, Cass, Bart, Cassie and Alfred knowing where he is. Tim was happy until the day the Bats and the Avengers found him. Dick has never forgiven himself for driving away Tim, he longs to make things right with him, even if they never become anything but brothers but those plans are derailed when it comes clear to him that James "Bucky" Barnes has more than friendly feelings for Tim. Soon it becomes Dick vs. Bucky for Tim's heart. Tim just wishes that they would have asked him first.
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19 Title: Against His Heart Word Count: 6,566 Genre: Angst, PWP, rape recovery, happy/hopeful ending Fandom/Universe: DCU, no particular canon Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Roy Harper Warnings: Past rape/noncon, slut-shaming, consensual nonconsent Rating: NC-17 Summary: The morning after Dick Grayson learns that Tarantula has died in prison, he gets on a train. Somehow he ends up at Roy's place. Nobody knows about everything that happened with Tarantula; even Dick forgets parts of it. He wishes he could erase everyone who'd ever touched him, even if that would erase Roy, so that Roy could touch him anew. They decide to pretend, and play out a situation where Dick is a virgin. A few awkward hiccups and a whole lot of feelings come out. It makes Dick realize something he wants--something he needs, maybe. He wants to pretend to struggle and say no and for Roy to keep going. They pick a safeword, Dick promises to use it, and so he does. Most of the scenes will take place in Roy's apartment which is somewhere in south New Jersey. It's not an AU (i.e. they are superheros), but they're out of uniform for the story. This is definitely a PWP, with a focus on sexual trauma, beginning to heal from trauma, and hints of a burgeoning DickRoy romance. There are no flashbacks to rape, but there are mentions of it throughout, including Dick's feelings towards his own body and his thoughts during sex with Roy. For a majority of the fic, Roy believes that Dick's relationship with Tarantula was fully consensual, before Dick ends up telling him that it wasn't. Dick is a trans man, and Roy is a cis man.
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20 Title: Stay Awake With Me Word Count: 10,738 of 40k Genre: Mystery, Case-fic Fandom/Universe: Court of Owls (comics) Characters/Pairings: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Warnings: Major Character Death, Violence Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Dick goes missing, the family works together to try and find him. When Bruce goes missing, the mystery only begins to show itself. In an investigation which will span decades, Clark must work together with the remaining members of the Batfamily to unravel the secrets of Gotham's underbelly, and not only stop the Court of Owls in their bid for power, but to also catch Talon!Bruce and Talon!Dick. The fic will explore two timelines: the 'present' timeline which deals with the court of owls plot and a 'past' timeline that explores Clark's role in the batfamily.
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21 Title: The Maiden in the Tower Word Count: 6k complete so far, looking to be around 10-11k total. Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romantic Comedy, light Drama Fandom/Universe: primarily the pre-Flashpoint DC canon, though that’s more of a guideline than a hard rule. Characters/Pairings: Everyone Loves Tim Drake, ultimately Dick/Tim; Klarion the Witch Boy, Bruce, Barbara, Cass, Cassie, Kon and Bart all have prominent roles. Featuring cameos from as much of the DCU as I can fit in before the deadline, primarily Titans and Young Justice. Warnings: Low-key canon-typical violence and a ‘happily ever after’ kiss for two (full-grown) adopted brothers. Swearing. A few people get made the butt of jokes but it’s nothing too mean-spirited. Rating: PG-13 (technically R for swearing but content-wise it’s strictly PG-13) Summary: Klarion’s idea of the perfect birthday present is to trap Tim in the highest room (Bruce’s office) of the tallest tower in Gotham (Wayne Enterprises) and flood the rest of the building with a mix of living vines and fairy tale obstacles that can only be overcome by Tim’s true love. Shenanigans ensue as half the superhero community competes for the hand of the fair maid Red Robin. Pay-off is Dick/Tim but the lion's share of the page time is spent watching people fight fairytale tropes while Tim and Klarion snark with popcorn. Light-hearted comedy in which some characters get made to look the fool, ultimately gets no sexier than a True Love’s Ending Kiss. Set entirely within a vine-infested, magically-warped Wayne Tower with everyone from the Bats to the Titans to Tim’s civilian friends dealing with fairytale nonsense: glass mountains, living office supplies, pixies swarms, catching the cat who has the key to the next floor, etc. Meanwhile Tim hangs out in the penthouse with Klarion and a pint of ice cream watching the event like a reality show and getting dunked on for being an archetypal Disney Princess. Fun times for all with a light sprinkling of angst for flavor.
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22 Title: The Antecedents to Reunion Word Count: 13,500 (out of approx. 20k) Genre: Steampunk AU, slice of life, case fic Fandom/Universe: Batman comics, drawing heavily from the Court of Owls storyline and Cass's Batgirl run Characters/Pairings: Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown (preslash), Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson Warnings: non-canonical limb loss, temporary character death, fake character death, grief/mourning, implied brainwashing, past child abuse, drug use in an interrogation by a minor character Rating: PG-13/Teen Summary: In a verison of Gotham that never existed, a version of Gotham where clockwork and steam bring the city through the night, Dick Grayson is believed to be dead, and Cassandra Wayne has just returned from Hong Kong. But as Cass settles back into the city, she quickly discovers that something-- or someone-- is trying to get her attention, and that the clock is ticking on how much time she has to figure it out. This is very much a "slice-of-life" fic, except it's set in a Steampunk AU. This story is set mostly in Gotham, with there being one flashback scene to Cass’s apartment in Hong Kong. In Gotham, characters go to the manor, a gala, an ice cream parlor, and the Iceberg Lounge. There is also a fight scene in Robinson Park against Poison Ivy, in a villain’s apartment against droids, and a brief chase scene across rooftops. The plot with the Court of Owls is fairly in the background of this fic, as the real focus is Cass, her relationships with the other bats, and the intricacies of mourning. This story has a hopeful ending, in that it ends with Cass discovering that Dick is alive, but the actual reunion is left to the reader’s imagination.
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23 Title: With Blood and Rage of Crimson Red Word Count: 6,968 Genre: Angst, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: DCU, Batfam, Lantern Corps Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardener, John Stewart, Bleez, Rankorr, no pairings (however, I might include hints of Batlantern (HalxBruce) later) Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, mentions of past underage attempted rape, mentions of past drug use, mentions of past child abuse Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jason was only 11 when his life was irreversibly changed. Now the newest member of the Red Lantern Corps, he is immediately thrust into a dangerous game where losing could mean death. With practically half the villains in the universe after him and the rest of the Lantern Corps, Jason must watch his step at every corner. To overcome this threat and find a way to save himself and the people he cares for, Jason must first overcome his own inner demons and learn to trust himself and the people around him. This story is set on multiple planets throughout the DC Universe. On Earth, we see Gotham City, the Batcave, and the Watchtower, in space, they travel to Ysmault and other planets that I made up for the purpose fo the fic (so you will have mostly free reign with the design of those planets if you choose to draw scenes involving them). This story involves canon-typical violence throughout. At the start, there are mentions of child abuse, and there is camera footage shown of attempted rape of a minor, but nothing explicit. At the start of the story, Catherine Todd is found by Jason post-OD and that is mentioned a few times throughout the story. The abuse and attempted rape are mentioned a little throughout the story, but not much, as it is not the focus, rather a back story for Jason. Other than that, there is no smut, or even pairings (unless I decide to do the Batlantern, but that will be a minor background pairing). There might be some language, but it is kept to a minimum.
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24 Title: You Have Their Eyes (But You'll Never Have Their Smile) Word Count: 6,679 Genre: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Angst Fandom/Universe: DCU, Justice League Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Kyle Rayner, Donna Troy, Chris Kent, Lorena Marquez, Connor Hawke, possibly Jaykyle Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Mentions of Past Character Death, might have some minor language Rating: PG-13 Summary: Eight years ago, the Justice League vanished into thin air. Since then, their proteges have been left behind to pick up the pieces of a broken world. Struggling to fill shoes that don't quite fit, the next generation of the Justice League is faced with their pasts as an old case makes a reappearance, eight years after the original Justice League closed it. This is set on Earth, in various locations like Wayne Enterprises, the Watchtower, the Whitehouse, Los Angeles, Malaysia, and Atlantis. As stated before, violence is a part of this fic, but nothing more than you would normally see in canon. Past character deaths are mentioned, including Jason's temporary death, and the supposed deaths of the original Justice League. There is cussing, but only like two or three words in the entire fic. There are also mentions of a court stripping away Donna's parental rights to Terry.
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25 Title: Heavy the Head Word Count: 4k~ Genre: Greek Gods AU Fandom/Universe: No specific canon Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, assorted batfamily characters Warnings: No real warnings; there's some smut at one point in the fic Rating: NC-17 (overall it's rather tame, but some smut) Summary: Slade is an old nature god, one rather bored with the politics of Olympus. He is, however, rather fascinated by the reserved god of the dead Richard, remembering how different the boy was back when he truly was just a boy. He's always like oddities and figuring out puzzles, and Richard certainly is one at that. Dick would really prefer that everyone leave him alone to do the job he was assigned a millenia ago. Visiting Olympus brings him no peace, not when he knows he'll have to leave again soon, not to see his family for another century or so. Of course, there's always Slade, who's happy to give more than Dick is usually comfortable accepting. Not that that ends up being a bad thing. This story takes place in Mount Olympus, at a waterfall, and in the Underworld.
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26 Title: Hearts Beating Side by Side Word Count: 3,600 Genre: Romance, Drama Fandom/Universe: Young Justice Verse Characters/Pairings: Garth - Tempest/Kaldur'ahm/Dick Grayson Warnings: Threesome, misunderstanding, pining, dirty talk Rating: Summary: On the precipice of changes in their lives, Garth and Kaldur find a momentary reunion and the repressed childhood love that they have both harbored for the other is reignited. But the weekend won't be an easy fall into long awaited love. Nightwing has reappeared after months of silence in the guise of his civilian persona, Dickie Wayne-Grayson. And even though he's playing the part of full-time playboy, Garth can see the spark that Dick lights within Kaldur. And it's not a one-sided feeling. A weekend of diplomacy is consumed by Garth and Dick's competing jealousy; each believing Kaldur has eyes for the other. Garth thinks Dick is leading Kaldur on, and Dick thinks Garth has won Kaldur's heart before the weekend even began. They bicker, and banter, until they Bang It Out. When Kaldur catches them, there's guilt, and confessions and polyamorous negotiations.
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27 Title: hold onto the fire even if you have to burn Word Count: ~7k Genre: Angst with a happy ending Fandom/Universe: DCU (specifically Batfam) and post-Underworld Unleashed Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, Donna Troy Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (endgame), Dick Grayson/John Constantine/Zatanna (temporary) Warnings: Threesome, rape/non-con mentioned, self-harm (through magic), depression, lack of self-worth, explicit content, graphic violence, temporary major character deaths. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dick Grayson is no Batman. After Bruce Wayne refuses to resurrect the late Jason Todd, Dick takes matters into his own hands. Armed with the knowledge of a deal that didn't go through, Dick allies himself with Zatanna and Constantine in a bid to right the wrong that Bruce ignores -- even though souls come at a cost. Dick knows he's strong enough to take the pain to save Jason. But can he stop at Jason? Can he let his fallen friends and family stay dead? Dick is determined to save everyone he can, even if it means losing his soul. The story takes place in multiple locations, primarily in Gotham and Neron's throne room in Hell, with occasional switches to Bludhaven. Rape/non-con refers to past instances (Dick/Mirage, Dick/Catalina) that are discussed at length. Threesome takes place as part of a magic ritual. Self-harm is heavily implied through self-sacrificial actions and reckless behavior (as well as the literal deals with a devil). Graphic violence will be canon-typical. Deaths are canonical deaths and happen offscreen (with the exception of Donna Troy and Damian Wayne who die in front of Dick and are described vividly). There's an alternative ending that includes Dick Grayson dying, but that's only one of two endings that will both be written.
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28 Title: The Deepest Secret Nobody Knows Word Count: ~6500 written (~15000 total) Genre: Romance Fandom/Universe: General DCU, Batman, Green Lantern Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan Warnings: Unintentional Exhibitionalism, characters/relationship being outed without their consent Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Summary: Hal and Bruce have been fucking for a full year, but have only been in an acknowledged relationship for six months. A jealous co-worker, who will stop at nothing to destroy Bruce Wayne, has a private romantic encounter between Bruce and Hal taped, then releases photos of the encounter to the press. Hal now finds himself thrust into a part of Bruce's life that he'd only had a vague impression of previously. While he believes that his and Bruce's relationship is solid, he's still left wondering if this will prove to be too much trouble to bother with, for himself, for Bruce, and for Bruce's family. Takes place primarily in Gotham (WEI offices, the Batcave, and the manor), with minor placement on the Watchtower, in Hal's apartment in Coast City, and varying Bruce boltholes around Earth. No serious warnings, other than semi-graphic/graphic sex.
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29 Title: In the Shadow of the Empire Word Count: About 12 or 13k, just under 9k written Genre: SciFi, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Batman (though no particular canon), Star Wars AU Characters/Pairings: JayDick, JayTim, implied DickTim, pre-DickTimJay, Cass, Steph Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, dub con Rating: NC-17 Summary: For most of the galaxy, life under the Empire's thumb was difficult, stressful, and painfully short. Dick and Jason knew this all too well, trying to keep their rustbucket of a ship in one piece while living job to job on the fringes of the Empire's control. It was a hard life, but as an ex-Jedi and a so-called 'troublemaker' wanted in multiple Empire systems, they didn't have much choice. But when a job goes wrong, they and their crew find themselves on the run from the Hand of the Emperor; a masked dark side user who is as feared as his origins are mysterious... and who is much more involved in Dick and Jason's past than either of them could guess. This story exists within a Star Wars setting, roughly around the time of the Original Trilogy. Scenes take place aboard Jason's ship, on a derelict Republic cruiser (i.e. no lights and without atmosphere or gravity), and on a small, heavily forested moon where the showdown happens between the ship's crew (Dick, Jason, Cass, and Steph) and Dark Side!Tim. The graphic violence is to the tune of blaster and lightsaber wounds. The dub-con occurs when Jason drunkenly sleeps with a stranger at a bar, who later is implied to be Dark Side!Tim undercover. This counts as dub-con because Tim is actively concealing his identity to get information out of Jason and because Jason would likely not have slept with him if he knew who he was and what he was doing.
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30 Title: There Be Dragons Word Count: 6425 words Genre: Urban Fantasy, Dragons Fandom/Universe: Batman Characters/Pairings: JayDick Warnings: Descriptions of burning buildings, violence, some gore Rating: M Summary: In Gotham, there be dragons. A pureblood dragon, Bruce revolved his vigilante persona around his ancestry, to become, Dragonman. Dick’s dragonhood was a direct result of Bruce’s ingenious DNA bonding–a gift he now refuses to use. For a moment in his life, however, he tolerated it, for Jason. Then Jason died. For six months, as far as Dick and Bludhaven was concerned, there were no goddamn dragons. Then one night, fire licked the sky. No matter how fast Dick ran, swung and flew, it was too damn late. A casino was razed to the ground. Human bodies stacked in piles. The shadow of a red dragon’s wings flapped in a distance. There was no question, however impossible, who did it. Dick couldn’t believe it. Dick wouldn’t believe it. This dragon flew around in Dick’s city on a raging warpath, knowing more than he was letting on. Dick intended to find it, and stop it.
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31 Title: When the Winds are Howling Strong Word Count: 3040 Genre: Found family, omegaverse, no capes AU Fandom/Universe: Batfam, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson Warnings: Implied non graphic rape, intersex omegas, severe misogyny against omegas. Dick is a cop but he’s on leave through 90% of the fic Rating: PG-13/Teen. Nothing is graphic, but the topics are heavy Summary: Dick signed up to be a foster alpha, but never expected that he would actually be given an omega. Then Gorden’s men find an gang’s omega in heat and in bad shape. Since most foster alphas are searching for a mate, Dick is given custody over the omega. Jason was pulled off the streets by Joker’s gang when he was fifteen and life’s only gotten worse from there. As a gang omega, Jason served mostly as a form of recreation for the other gang members. After four years in hell, Jason’s given up all hope of escape. He’s got a new alpha who seems decent, but past experience has taught him those are the worst ones. Found family is the core of this fic. Dick helps Jason with his reintroduction into society/introduction to Gotham’s high society and both are forced to confront their internalized prejudices against other castes. It’s set in Gotham and explores both the slums and the glitzier districts. Jason and other male omegas will be depicted as wearing more feminine styles, including dresses and skirts. Key scenes: Dick taking custody of Jason, Dick and Jason growing used to each other, Tim and Damian meeting Jason by accident, Jason dumping out all of Dick’s liquor cabinet, Dick taking Jason shopping, Jason meeting Bruce and Alfred, Dick takes Jason to a gala and they work through a meltdown, Jason shows Dick where he used to live before Penguin and Joker, Dick and Jason fight after finding out everything Jason did in the gangs, Sheila makes an appearance, Jason is induced into an artificial heat, Dick and Bruce find Jason who is already making progress to rescue himself, End by Jason cutting the ribbon to an omega shelter.
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32 Title: Midnight Rendezvous Word Count: 4000+ Genre: PWP, Drama Fandom/Universe: Batman, Nightwing/Grayson Characters/Pairings: Midnighter/Dick Grayson, Bruce/Dick Grayson Warnings: Explicit sex, References to violence, Maybe unsafe sex Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dick is tired of the Golden Boy act. Tired of waiting for Bruce’s approval. And he’s beyond tired of not being noticed... So tonight, he’s going to find someone one who will.
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33 Title: crowns of violets and roses Word Count: 3009 Genre: Romance, Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd Warnings: Attempted non con, swearing, descriptions of violence Rating: Explicit (NC-17) Summary: Modern Hades & Persephone AU. After Bruce Wayne’s parents die, he becomes lord of the underworld, leaving the seasons and harvest unattended. Replacing him are the two Robins, Dick and Jason, spirits of spring and growth, but neither is able to fully step into the Waynes’ empty mantle. Things are further complicated when Dick wants to move on to a new role and Jason’s propositioned by another god. Bruce pulls Jason into the underworld, offering him sanctuary from the threats above. In the shadows, Jason finds both his strength and love. But without the work of both Robins, the land crumbles, threatening the lives of mortals and the power of the gods. The only solution is for Jason to return, unless Bruce is able to out think their enemies. The setting for this story is largely modern with stylized elements from different periods (gothic, art deco). The Underworld, which is the primary setting, is heavily influenced by Wayne Manor and the Cave from comics and the animated series. Other places can have a more Gotham art deco influence.
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34 Title: Bruce Wayne, the Court of… Word Count: 4035 Genre: AU, humor, fluff, angst Fandom/Universe: Batman comics, Nightwing comics, Red Hood and the Outlaws comics, Batman: Under the Red Hood Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Warnings: rape, death, beating, abuse, violence, spoilers for: Forever Evil arc, Court of Owls arc, recent Nightwing comic arc, recent Batman comic arc, Red Hood and the Outlaws #25, Batman and Red Hood #20 Rating: T/Teen And Up Audiences /PG14+ Summary: Bruce had made many mistakes in his life. The most horrifying and disastrous were the ones involving his family. The way he treated them, deceived, hurt and used finally blew in his face and he had to face the consequences. There was no forgiveness for him now, not from any of them. But maybe there was a way to avoid it all. This story is meant as a fix-it to all the mess the canon turned into. While the story focuses on talking about canonical events there are a lot of headcanon/fanon/tropes put into it as well ie. romantic relationship between adopted brothers. And although the topics discussed are serious matters the fic itself is slightly crackish. The story takes place in Gotham during the Batman: Under the Red Hood events. At first the action is placed all over the city: rooftops, docks, parking lot, train station; for it to narrow down to an abandoned hotel room.
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35 Title: Do You Love The Summer Like I Do? Word Count: 6116 words Genre: Romance, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: JayRoy Warnings: Descriptions of physical trauma, healing from injuries, violence, some gore Rating: M Summary: Those hazy nights spent blinking in and out of consciousness, events of Bruce cracking his hood open like an egg replaying like a neverending nightmare. Waking up to a stuffy bed, IV drips and the simmering heat. Roy’s dumb, handsome face hovering worriedly beside him. For those months of grueling physical therapy, Jason could depend on one thing to keep him going--Roy’ love. Jason would have put any grand plans of his to a screeching halt, if Roy asked him to stay on that island forever. But he had therapy to go to. Jason could respect that. Then, Roy died. And Jason missed the funeral. But unlike every other piece of shit who dared to call themselves Roy’s friends, Jason wasn’t about to let him lie. And he had a way of bringing him back.
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13 notes · View notes
wellhellotragic · 6 years
If Looks Could Kill 22/27
Summary: Emma Swan is a dedicated FBI agent getting over a bad breakup. When she and her partner, Ruby Lucas, are forced to go undercover as contestants on a reality show, Emma is forced to try and win the affections of Killian Jones, a man she despises. Killian Jones is a lost boy. Having recently been nicknamed the ‘Bad Boy of Boston,’ he’s been living up to his moniker using women and rum to avoid dealing with his dark past. When he’s forced to take the lead in a reality show, he encounters a gorgeous blonde who turns his world upside down. Miss Congeniality meets The Bachelor
Rated: M for language, violence, and smut.
Catch up here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
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Three weeks had passed since his world had fallen apart. Three weeks had passed since he had held her, tasted her lips, shared his body with her. Three weeks had passed since her betrayal and the hurt lingered on, festering within his very soul.
He should have known it was too good to be true. Killian Jones wasn’t the type of man to get lucky and find love. If anything, he was more likely to be smited by God for all of his sins. To make matters worse, all of his emotions were jumbled, vibrating under his skin and he wished nothing more than to claw them out. To be numb.
He’d spent the last few weeks trying to sort through everything, but every time he was left with even more confusion, and he wasn’t sure if he was more upset for how foolish he felt, thinking he had meant anything to her, or if it was the heartache that followed losing the woman he’d never really even had.
Everyone had tried talking to him about it. Robin had really gone to bat for Emma, but Killian wouldn’t have any of it. Will’s approach had been to simply tell him that he was being a child. And then of course there was Ruby, who hadn’t said anything with words, but whose looks said everything. The problem though, was that he wasn’t ready to hear any of it. Emma wasn’t the only one who had lied to him. She wasn’t the only one who had betrayed him.
It had been a group effort between his two best friends, his manager, a handful of other agents, and the woman he was now resolutely trying to forget.
There were a lot of questions from the remaining girls in the house about Emma's departure. They had seen Ruby box up Emma’s stuff, watched it being carried outside to a waiting car, but there were no signs of the woman in question. Eventually the rumor mill had become too much, and Graham had decided to get ahead of the situation. A house meeting had been called and Mary Margaret - no, Ava, he remembered - had explained to everyone that Emma had broken a house rule and had slept with one of the production crew members and had been asked to leave the house. Given her icy attitude against Killian in public, it was an easy idea to sell.
The lie had had to be believable so that Tamara wouldn’t suspect anything, and also so that no one would be suspicious of Ruby’s presence still in the house. It had already been decided on by the time he returned to the mansion after walking away from everyone. He’d found himself at a bar, because that’s what he did when life went to shit. He drank.
One, two, three tumblers of rum later he sat perched at the bar next to a very attentive brunette. It would have been easy to take her back to his place, or even to find a seedy little motel down the block. The buzz flowing through his blood was almost enough to make him do it, but as he threw some money down to pay for their drinks, and walked her outside, something stopped him. His heart wasn’t in it. It was battered and bruised, but it still worked.
And that was the problem, he supposed; for has much of a beating it had taken, it still craved for something. For her. So he walked the girl outside and closed the door behind her as she slid into the cab with a confused look on his face. He gave her a small apologetic smile and hailed down his own taxi, heading back to the house.
They’d been waiting for him, and as soon as he stepped foot back onto the gravel driveway, Ava was pulling him to the RV that had been their basecamp from the beginning. Regina had been there too, trying to explain her reasoning behind the secrecy. She had told him that she was worried that he’d drink himself into a stupor, or that he’d get himself killed somehow. She’d begged Robin to help her out and he’d agreed, wanting to keep his friend safe. She’d tried to take all of the blame, and while he knew she was largely at fault, he knew there was more than enough of it to spread around.
Slowly, more things started to come together in his mind. Graham - a normally laid back man - had been enraged that Emma had slept with him. At first, he’d believed that it had been just because she’d taken the assignment too far, but then his brain had focused in on a single memory of Graham kissing a blonde woman outside of the Rusty Anchor. Graham had been kissing Emma, and it all made sense. They’d been together, and once again Killian had been fool enough to fall for a taken woman.
He wondered what baggage the new blonde came with. Did Elsa have a hidden lover tucked away somewhere too? The date with her had been normal at least. There was lack of any definite spark, but she wasn’t a law enforcement agent as far as he could tell, and she wasn’t a homicidal maniac so she already had a leg up on the other remaining women.
Not that there was really much contest. After the rose ceremony the day before, only three women remained, and only one of them was an option. Ruby was only there to protect him from Tamara, who was still under investigation.
Six months. That how long he had promised to date Elsa for the sake of his contract with the show, then at the end of those six months, they’d break up and he’d fade into obscurity. At the time, any relationship he had with Regina, both personal and profession would end. He’d already made his peace with it, just as he had that Robin and Will were now nothing more that agents assigned to him.
He just had to make it through the next week without getting murdered, and then he could focus on surviving the next six months. Of course, that’s why he had picked Elsa. She seemed like the most normal of them all, and the one he had the most in common with. He wasn’t so much of a fool to admit that she was pretty as well, even if the color of her eyes seemed dull by comparison to those of another blonde.
There were a few times that he’d turn his head to talk to her, and find himself caught off guard when she wasn’t Emma. It had made this evening’s outing more tense for him. They had grabbed a quick bite to eat in the park as the crew filmed them. The conversation had steered mostly to her life. He’d already given enough of himself away, a mistake that he wouldn’t make twice. She’d grown up in a small town in Norway, but when her parents had passed away she had gone to live with an aunt in Toronto. It was her aunt that had encouraged her to take up music as a way to deal with her grief. She had asked him why he’d left the band and he had given her the most vague answer he could think of in an attempt to evade the question. Aside from Regina, Emma had been the only one he’d told about Milah and the stab wound that had ruined his career.
A fat load of good that had done him. If Regina hadn’t said anything to Graham’s team, he was nearly certain that Emma had. In all likelihood, his entire life story was scribbled away in the margins of some report somewhere, just waiting for the next agent to dissect and pick apart as part of the investigation. Even when his heart tried to tell him that she’d never betray him in that way, his brain reminded him that she already had. His life had been reduced to a file for anyone to read, and soon the rest of the world would figure it out.
The producers of the show had arranged for him and his new date to attend a rehearsal for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Occasionally the orchestra put on a themed concert, and currently they were running through sheet music for the Star Wars soundtrack. It had been nice to just sit and listen to music, something he hadn’t done in awhile. That night with Emma on his ship didn’t count anymore.
Ava had told them both that a surprise had been arranged for them near the end of the rehearsal, but she hadn’t explained what it was, and as he was still rightly upset with her as well, he hadn’t asked, not wanting to extend his time in her presence.
The last song dwindled down and the conductor turned around to make an announcement to the room, which was only filled with a handful of people.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been informed that we have a bit of a prodigy in our midsts.”
Killian grimaced, not wanting any extra attention focused on him. It had been for not though, as the conductor named the date sitting next to him. She adamantly refused though, and after some cheering by the small crowd gathered in the hall, she agreed only on the condition that Killian joined her.
He couldn’t though. Hand injury aside, there was an emotional barricade that prevented him. His hand cramped and a searing pain ghosted through his palm as all of the eyes in the room diverted their gazes from Elsa to him. It was too much, and he felt like he was being suffocated. He looked around the room, scanning all of the faces watching him. It was too much.
Without an explanation, he bolted from the hall, past the foyer, and onto the street. The cooling air that came on the cusp of autumn turning to winter bombarded his exposed skin as the double doors wrenched open in his wake, and he was glad for it. It steadied him somehow.
Ava came outside, followed by Elsa and the rest of the camera crew.
“So help me God if you don’t turn that thing off-”
Charming held his hands out in surrender, nodding to the other crew members. Something had shifted between the two men since the revelation, and whether it was fear or guilt, Charming had decided to give Killian a wide berth.
“Killian, what’s wrong?”
He found himself chortling at the question, at the obviousness of the answer. He wanted to yell and shout and read her the riot act, but Regina’s warning about the contract he’d signed kept reminding him to keep his mouth shut and to play along.
“Nothing, I just needed some air.”
It was Elsa that tried speaking next, in her small voice.
"Killian, you look pale. Are you okay? What can I do?"
Her hands came to rest on his shoulders, and it took everything he had not to shrug her away. Even if the camera wasn't rolling, Elsa had no idea what was happening behind the scenes.
Walls up.
If there had been one honest thing about Emma Swan, it was that hiding behind her walls had kept her from getting hurt, and it could do the same for him. He just needed to remember who he had been before all of this. He needed to revive the womanizing jerk persona that he'd adopted in the wake of losing Milah. Besides, what had being the shy, respectful Killian Jones ever gotten him besides heartache?
He plastered a smirk on his face and raised one eyebrow, letting his gaze slide over her figure.
"Oh, don't you worry about me, lass. I just thought the faster we finished our date, ” he started, making sure to punctuate the last syllable, “the faster we could get back home and have some alone time."
He let his teeth dig into his bottom lip and watched as her cheeks flushed.
"Killian!" Ava admonished, but he chose to ignore her.
"So, love." It was the first time he'd used the endearment since Emma left, and it made him feel slightly dirty. "What do you say? Want to go back to my place?"
"Knock it off, Jones."
He turned to find Ava giving him a death glare.
"I'm just giving everyone what they wanted."
His head cocked to the side and his tongue flicked across his bottom lip wetting it, but Ava's facial expression remained unchanged.
“That’s enough. Elsa, could you be so kind as to join David inside for your date interview?”
Elsa glanced back and forth between them, obviously picking up on the tension between the two of them. Eventually she made her way inside, and once she was sure that Elsa was far enough away, she pounced.
“What the hell is your problem?”
“You’re sounding a bet repetitive there. You sure it isn’t you who has an issue, perhaps something memory related?”
He saw something shift, her face soften, and something close to pity seeped through.
“It’s not too late, you know.”
He barked out a laugh.
“I believe that’s where you and I have a difference of opinion.”
“Why? Because she didn’t tell you who she was? She couldn’t, Killian.”
“You think that’s the big issue? That my ego couldn’t handle it? This wasn’t a small omission. She lied to me over and over. She used me as a pawn. There is no me and Emma, never has been. So yes, it’s too late, eons beyond too late!”
His words were filled with so much contempt for the world and he was certain that spit was flying from his mouth with each sentence.
“It’s not like that-”
“This conversation is over.”
Her face fell, and he could tell she was fighting the urge to continue, but instead she dropped the subject. She nodded to him. Elsa and the film crew returned just as the town car pulled up outside the theater. The drive back was silent and the air was thick with ire from both he and the pixie. She was Emma’s friend; of course she’d defend Emma until the bitter end, no matter what she had done.
The car pulled up in front of the mansion, dropping Elsa off first. Killian exited before her and held out his hand to help the blonde exit the car. He kept his grip on her and placed a kiss on her knuckles, soliciting another round of blush from her.
He watched Elsa make her way through the front door before hearing Ava yell at him to get back in the car. He did as ordered, but made no apologies for his behavior that evening. The car stopped once again just outside of the property on the main road, where Will was waiting on a black SUV.
“Come on sunshine, we’ve got some stuff to show you.”
Killian had already washed himself of their friendship, but Will had refused to let him push him away, constantly brushing off his snarky comments and acting as nothing had happened. Will had been a right arse about it as well, telling Killian that when all was said and done he needed to pull his head out of his ass.
It only added fuel to his fury, as everyone tried to make light of the situation, to minimize his feelings about what had been done to him.
The trip to the FBI headquarters had been no different.
“So have you heard from her at all?”
“Will,” Killian warned.
“I’m serious. She was good fer ya.”
“Why the bloody hell would she contact me? When we parted there was nothing left to say. She’s probably off on another assignment anyway, showing another one of her marks the same special attention she showed me.”
He felt sick. The idea of her letting another man do things to her was horrible, but so was the idea that their night of lovemaking had been all an act on her part. A damn good act if the sounds he thought he had elicited from her were any indication.
“What are you talking about, you wanker? She’s not on any assignments.”
“Ah, so she’s out fucking your boss then.”
Will slammed on the breaks, nearly causing another car to slam into them.
“What are you on about?”
“Really? You think me so much of a fool as not to put two and two together? I saw her that night outside the bar, with his tongue down her throat. I’ll admit, it took me an embarrassing long time to fit the pieces together, but don’t you worry, I got there.”
“You blarmy git.”
Will had started the car back up, but spent more time watching Killian than the road.
“They were never together. Graham may have wished it, but she’s only ever had eyes for you.”
“The jig is up. There’s no need to keep up this charade.”
“For Christ’s sake, Killian. She quit the bureau. Did ya know that? Graham told her to go back to the New York office but she refused and turned in her badge instead.”
Killian understood what Will had implied, but he refused to allow himself to believe it, to be suckered into hoping again. She just wanted to be there, to take the credit when they made an arrest. She just wanted to boost her career.
“She left and no one has heard from her since, so I thought maybe she’d reached out to you. Listen to me, Jones. You may not believe in her, but for some reason known only to her and God, she believes in you, and she’s going to get herself killed trying to save you.”
Will parked in his assigned spot as he threw the shifter into park. He didn’t even wait for Killian to get out of the car before he started stomping off towards the building. Killian followed, allowing himself to lag behind a few paces. He was still angry with Will, but he never heard the man be so forceful before, never heard him filled with such conviction, and for the first time he felt a slight pang of guilt.
Once they were in the office, Will set a few files in front of him to review, to see if anything jumped out at him, but they had been at it for weeks now, squirreling away in the night hours while everyone else was asleep. Ruby joined them about an hour later, having waited until Elsa and Tamara were asleep.
Will left after Ruby claimed a stack of folders and spot at the table for herself. He was tired, and clearly annoyed by Killian’s mere existence at that point. It wasn’t until twenty minutes later when Killian caught Ruby watching him instead of the paperwork in front of her that either of them spoke.
“What?” he sneered.
“Nothing. I’m just trying to decided if you’re really as stupid as you look.”
“Excuse me?”
“She loves you. You know that right?”
This conversation topic was becoming a broken record.
“And you just tossed her aside. Didn’t even give her a chance to explain.”
“I’m fairly certain that walking in on all of you conspiring against me was self explanatory enough.”
He sat back in his chair and let his head fall back, exhausted from constantly having to defend his right to be angry.
“We talk. You get that right?” She started. “And it killed her having to keep the truth from you.”
Why was everyone so dead set on painting Emma as the victim in all of this?
“Stop. There’s a difference between keeping the truth and telling blatant lies. Lies like her working for a health magazine, or that she was adopted.”
“Okay, the job was one thing, but as far as the other part goes, she was. By the Swans when she was a teenager. Where do you think her real name comes from?
“And the part about her father being murdered?”
Ruby’s mouth fell open.
“Also true.”
“Fine then, but there’s no way the part about Neal was true. How long did you two spend concocting that story?”
Ruby was silent. Her mouth opened and closed a few times. He had her.
“She told you about him?”
Killian rolled his eyes at her attempt to cover for Emma.
Ruby stood and left the room and Killian knew he had won. He’d finally vindicated himself. It wasn’t until Ruby returned with a small stack of papers and tossed them in front of him that he saw the pain in her face.
“Read it.”
He rolled his eyes again, but picked up the small stack. It was Emma’s file, dating back to when she first started at the bureau. He didn’t want to know anything about her, he’d already learned enough, but after scanning the first page, he found himself enthralled in spite of himself.
There were a lot of redactions in the file, but he caught the highlights. She’d graduated top of class and received the highest level of praises and commendations, but suddenly something had happened. From what he gathered, she’d received a demotion, and her superiors had been less than enthused about her continued presence on their teams, despite her high case closure rate. The file ended with her recent resignation.
“And what is it that you expect me to take away from all of this?
“What did she tell you about Neal?”
His brain yelled at him to stop, not to let himself be fooled once again, but his heart spoke first.
“That he broke her heart, that he used her.”
Ruby nodded and sat back down across from him.
“That’s putting it lightly. He destroyed her. Neal was the worst thing that ever happened to Emma, and considering her childhood, that’s saying something. You read the file. I’m sure you saw her review records from the beginning of her career?”
He nodded, unable to form words just yet.
“And I’m sure you noticed how everything fell to crap pretty quickly after that?”
He nodded again.
“That was Neal. The thing you have to understand first is that Emma was very guarded, and very naive in many ways. The Swans were the first people to take Emma in and make her feel loved, but it was a parental love, not the type of love that comes in and knocks your world off of its axis.”
He had an idea of what she meant by that.
“So when Neal came into her life, he was the first man to ever make declarations of love. She’d been so focused on her career that she didn’t even give him the time of day at first, but he badgered her and wore her down. He was her first real boyfriend, her first love, her first everything. Things moved so quickly and before I could talk her out of it, he’d moved into her apartment.”
Ruby shook her head at the memory and he saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
“There was something off about him, I had a gut feeling, but she wouldn’ have any of it. Neal and I didn’t get along, and eventually Emma stopped talking to me, choosing him instead. She was head over heels in love with him, blinded by it, and so willing to look past all of the warning signs. He became her whole world, and he promised her everything. But it was all a lie. His father was being investigated on fraud charges for one of his American based companies, and Neal had inserted himself into Emma’s life, knowing that she and I were the lead investigators on it.”
She shifted and a single tear fell.
“One day she woke up and he was gone. All of his stuff had been removed from the apartment. No note, no explanation. He’d just vanished into the night. She’d kept a brave face, hoping that it was just a misunderstanding, but when she got to work that day and walked into her office, our supervisor was already in there waiting for her. And in a flash, ten agents descended on her, yelling at her to get down, training their guns on her. People yelled at her and called her names as they very publicly escorted her from the building. People who had been her friends, her colleagues. These were people whose lives she had saved and they just turned on her.”
Ruby went silent for a moment, and Killian could see her reliving everything.
“They locked her up in a federal prison, charged with treason. As it turns out, Neal had used her ID to log into her government account, and had purged a bunch of sensitive documents that were necessary for the case. Most of the people were certain that it was her, because obviously her password had been used to log in. Some believed that she’d just helped him, but everyone was certain that she was guilty.”
“Do you know what happens to law enforcement officers in prison? God, the first time I saw her I wanted to die. I don’t know how she survived that first beating, and they refused to move her or keep her in isolation. It was their own little brand of punishment before the investigation had even begun. I tried to bail her out, but they denied it. For two months she sat there, beaten and broken, and those were just the physical wounds. The rest she kept hidden inside. For two months she was the most despised person in our office and no one wanted to help her.”
Killian felt his stomach lunge. Vision of a battered Emma rushed through his mind. He wasn’t certain what to think. He’d been lied to so much in the last two months, he wasn’t sure if anything that Ruby had told him had been the truth, but his gut told him that she had no reason to lie, no reason to make up such an elaborate story.
“It took those two months for me to clear her name, and even then, people refused to believe in her exoneration. They tried to force her out, but she was tough, and refused. Instead, they transferred her, and she was stuck undercover playing the part of prostitutes. Another little brand of justice. It’s been years and people still consider her a pariah. And even worse, Neal’s still out there somewhere, walking around as a free man.”
He opened his mouth, willing anything to come out, but Ruby beat him to it.
“And before you start, she only played the part of a prostitute, she never actually did anything with any of them. You were different. She was engaged before all of this. Did she tell you?”
He nodded, again unable to speak.
“She wasn’t really into him though. He cheated on her and that was the end of that. He was just supposed to be a safe option though, but she never really felt anything for him. Not like she did for you. When it ended she was more upset as the embarrassment of being cheated on, than losing the guy she was supposed to spend forever with.
“You know, I was surprised. She’d put up these walls, and I never thought she’d let anyone in again, but then you happened and everything changed. Just the fact that she told you about Neal speaks to how much you mean to her.”
“How so?”
Ruby chuckled a little.
“She doesn’t talk about him. At all. In fact the last time I brought him up she didn’t speak to me for months. I told you, there are two topics off limit when it comes to Emma. One of them is August, but the other is Neal.”
Every emotion that the human body was capable of feeling swirled through him, overwhelming him, confusing him. He’d been so ready to remove her from his life before, and now, now he didn’t know what to think.
He thought back to those first few conversations with her. It was part of what had drawn him to her, the kindred feeling they shared. She’d known pain, and the longer he thought it over, the more likely Ruby’s story seemed.
“And whatever became of Neal?”
“Who knows. For all of the hours we’ve put in searching, he’s still a ghost.”
This man who caused Emma an immeasurable amount of pain, was just wondering around the city, as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t torn her life apart. The same way she’d ruined him. He was still furious, but he felt the bitter cold wrapped around his heart starting to melt. Despite how angry he was with her, she deserved better. He told himself that it was because she was a human though, not because he was still in love with her.
He considered his options. He could keep his mouth shut, let fate take of things in it’s own way. Or he could intercede and give Emma some of the justice that she deserved. His mind and heart were at war, so instead he said the first thing that popped into his mind, letting his heart win for once.
“Would it help you to know that Emma told me that she saw him the night before she left. That she told me that Neal works for the catering company on the show?”
He wasn’t sure why, but as Ruby’s eyes widened, he felt relaxed for the first time in three weeks. Like something was finally going to go right.
“Just thought maybe you could use your own brand of justice.”
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writing-yj · 7 years
Robin x Reader: The Bird Tattoo~Part Eight (Soulmate AU)
A/n: Not as much angst in this one. The worst is a short confrontation and getting in trouble. Kind of all over the place, but I haven’t updated in a couple days. But.. the moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here.
“If it makes you feel any better, I liked it.” You said awkwardly and you scratched the back of your neck. “But you seem to regret it.”
He didn’t mean what he said, and he didn’t mean to sound so cold. “That’s because I do.”
You cried that night, after Robin left. For several different reasons, but what he said hit home. You thought he started to care for you like you started to care for him; it wasn’t just a normal holding of hands, it felt like more than that. The only heartbreak you ever experienced was losing someone because they died, not like this. It didn’t feel as bad, but it was different and it sure as hell hurt like a bitch.
     Fortunately, you got some sleep. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very much. For one thing, it hurt to breathe so you kept waking up. For another thing, you had nightmares about The Doctor. You expected that much; you’d ask for another medical examination if you didn’t. Simply because who wouldn’t have nightmares after confronting someone who kidnapped and killed your family and dozens of other people?
     Your eyes shot open for what felt like the one hundredth time that night and you groaned. It was 4:38 AM; much too early for you. When you wake up (if you had a good night’s sleep, that is), it’s never earlier than 6:30 AM. The chances of being grumpy for the rest of the day were high. 
     You stayed in bed, staring at various things around your room for another twenty minutes before slowly sitting up. Before Robin said anything, you had no idea that you had a fractured sternum. “It would have been great to know that beforehand, but whatever…” You grumbled as you gradually got out of bed. The stings and aches didn’t stop you, but you made sure to change the bandages later. You dug through your drawers and pulled out your favorite pair of sunglasses and put them on the replace your mask. You carefully took off your button up to put a blank tank top on underneath it, and you put the button up back on as soon as possible. 
     With your Romanian textbook, notes, worksheets, and a classic novel written in Romanian, you quietly stalked down the hallway and into the kitchen. It was quiet the armful of stuff, so you had to go slow. The dim light over the kitchen sink was on, but the rest of the area was dark and uninhabited. Deciding against sitting at the hard table, you moved to the dark lounge and sat on the plush and comfortable couch. You turned on the small lamp next to it, and you got to work.
You were on the last three Romanian worksheets when you finally heard commotion in the Cave. A quick glance to your watch let you know that it was almost ten, and you completely lost track of time. What felt like half an hour turned out to be not much more than five hours.
     The entire kitchen lit up as Wally, Artemis, and Robin came in with a couple yawns. You yawned, too, but quietly. They didn’t seem to notice your presence as you minded your own business, continuing your work.
     However, the smell of coffee was tempting. You hoped Robin was making it again, but you shoved that cursed boy out of your head. ‘I’ll act civil, but not friendly. If he expects me to forgive him just like that, I swear…’
     You saw the boy in question out the corner of your eye, but, like everyone else, he didn’t see you. You took up very little room on the couch, and they were all concentrated on breakfast anyway.
     The smells of cooked food and increasingly amazing coffee almost convinced you to get up, but you wanted to see how long you could go unnoticed, and you intended on avoiding Robin. You had a slight feeling that you weren’t supposed to be out of bed, but you weren’t told to actually stay in bed. Just to not go on missions with the team.
     At this point, you were furiously writing to distract yourself. The led on your mechanical pencil kept getting used up, so you had to press the end of it every other minute or so. Even the clinking of forks on plates was putting you on edge. 
     “I wonder if M’s up yet.” You heard Wally ask. “Oh, by the way, what’s her name?”
     Oh, you forgot he didn’t know it. Only Robin and Artemis did, at the moment. 
     Artemis shrugged. “Not for us to tell. And she shouldn’t be up at all, she has a fractured sternum.”
‘I’m already up, good luck trying to get me to go back.’
     “What do you mean, us!?” Wally exclaimed. “Who else knows!?”
     Robin raised his hand while drinking some orange juice. “She goes to my school.”
     “Yeah, but how long have you known?”
     Robin looked at them all for a moment, but sipped his drink again. 
     It looked like Wally was having a mental breakdown. “You found out before us? How did you find out before us? Did she tell you willingly, or did you finally invade her privacy by breaking into her files?” Ouch. The last question nearly made you giggle.
     “When we were playing hide-and-seek, she told me to catch her when she jumped from her hiding spot and her sunglasses fell off. I recognized her, and that’s about it.” After saying what he said to you last night, he didn’t want to talk about you. It hurt him to say it, but he thought he was doing what was best. Apparently, the best was being an idiot who thinks pushing someone away when they have feelings for them actually works.
     This was news to Artemis. You never told her about that. You weren’t obligated to, but she was still surprised. “You do realize she could have gotten down herself, right?”
     “Probably, but she insisted.”
‘I didn’t insist anything! I asked, and he answered!’
     Artemis wasn’t convinced, but she let it go. “Mhm. Sure.”
     Wally rambled on and on about how much he wanted to know a name to match your face. He admitted how much he liked your striking eyes, and he and Artemis agreed that you looked stunning overall. It made you feel warm and fuzzy inside as they praised your appearance; an unexpected start to your day, but one that made you feel confident and brilliant. Such great friends, they were.
     “What do you think about her appearance, Rob? Hmm?” Wally batted his eyelashes. “You haven’t really said anything until we started talking about her.” He wore a smug grin. “Why is that?”
     If looks could kill, the lightning-fast Kid Flash would be laying dead on the floor with bacon still in his mouth. Robin’s glare was sharper than a tack and he gritted his teeth for a few long seconds. He was jealous because of how much he was saying about your looks. He was practically steaming. If only he had his sunglasses off; Wally probably would have run in terror.
     “Didn’t hear that; speak up, Boy Wonder.”
     You were completely focused on the conversation at this point. You felt a little guilty for eavesdropping, but it was pretty much the only thing you could hear anyway. 
     “I don’t think she looks half-bad…” Robin muttered into his cup. A downright lie, that was.
     “Doesn’t look half-bad, huh?” Wally chuckled and rolled his eyes. He and Artemis were doing this to rile him up, and it was starting to work. “Not beautiful, gorgeous, charming, radiant, hot, dazzling, exquisite? She any of those?”
     Even you were starting to blush. They were up to something, you could sense it now. But wow. Not in a million years did you think Robin was going to be asked that question about you. You usually never associated any of those words with how you looked; it was touching that your friends did.
     “Well yeah bu- Wai-, no!” Robin spluttered and he almost dropped his cup of of orange juice. “I said not half-bad!”
     Artemis snorted. “Come on, even Mockingbird can lie better than that.” Now you were riled up.
     That comment got you to get up and reveal your position. “I don’t know what you’re talking about; you know I’m the most skilled in the art of deception! What drug are you on!?” You mimicked noises and fooled people all the time. That’s pretty deceptive.
     Wally shrieked and jumped so hard that he knocked his plate and glass to the ground, both of them shattering to bits. He nearly flipped the table. It was like you came out of nowhere. It was just silence and then a loud shout.
     Robin also dropped and broke his glass and choked on orange juice. When did you get there? How did no one notice you? With a morbid look on his face he realized something. You heard everything.
     Meanwhile, Artemis was just smirking. “I was wondering when you would say something.” The boys didn’t see you at all. Artemis saw you the moment she turned on the kitchen light. But if you weren’t going to say anything, neither was she.
     “And I was wondering when you guys would notice, but it looks like you were the only one who did.” You carefully stood up and walked into the kitchen. You glanced at Wally and said, “I thought you guys were supposed to be a observant heroes. The least you can do is be more careful with the dishes.” You slid on over to the coffee maker and poured yourself a cup. All you wanted to do was chug it, but it was never a good idea to chug hot coffee.
     “How long have you been there!? When did you get out here!?” Cue another mental breakdown. Robin was still coughing a little to avoid getting orange juice in his lungs. He didn’t want to face you.
     You and Artemis chuckled. You eyes briefly went to Robin, but not for long. Your dark shades hid that, though. “I’ve been out here for at least five hours. You were too focused on food and your,” your smirk was wicked. “Interesting conversation. I’m flattered, I truly am.” You wore a smug grin as you sipped your coffee.
     Wally barely blushed and he laughed it off with Artemis, but Robin was beet red. “It’s all true, babe.” He leaned back in his chair and winked, but you shoved the chair farther back to make him fall off. “Again!? Man, you girls are just brutal!” 
     “So you heard all of that?” Robin blurted out. Artemis and Wally turned and looked at him, but you didn’t.
     “Oh I heard all of it. Not sure which part you were lying about, though. Judging from how ticked off you’ve been, it could be either one.” You rolled your eyes. “I couldn’t sleep, so I came out here to work on Romanian.”
     Robin was taken aback. At least, until he realized he deserved that. He hated himself for doing this; he didn’t know how long he would be able to keep it up.
     “Speaking of working, you shouldn’t be out of bed. You have a fractured sternum, M.” Artemis crossed her arms. “And a nasty bruise to match, from what I heard.”
     “I usually wouldn’t say this, but I agree with her.” Wally pulled himself off the floor. “You need to kick back and relax, or go back to bed.”
     “If any of you try to get me back in bed, someone is going to get hurt and it won’t be just me.” You threatened. “I am not going to sit on my ass all day, bored out of my mind. You guys are lucky that I haven’t tried to get out and go to school yet.”
     Wally studied your face to see if you were serious or not. “You enjoy school? You want to be there right now?” He couldn’t imagine why anyone would like going to school. 
    “Well yeah, I have things to do, people to see, hearts to break, the usual.” You said casually before giggling.
     Artemis put a hand over her eyes. “You don’t have any hearts to break, M. You might be pretty, but they’re too intimidated by you.”
     “That’s right, no hearts have been broken as of late.” You nodded and laughed. Intimidating you were. “Except my own.” You added bitterly with a small laugh to cover it up.
     “Aw, you poor thing, what happened to you?” Wally held out his arms. “Tell me your woes and I will heal them.” He was being dramatic on purpose, but he could tell that there was some sort of truth to your words. 
     You looked at him with a convincing smile. “I’m kidding, this heart is intact. My sternum? Not so much.”
     “It is just a fracture.” Robin added. In his opinion, he had to do this. “So I’d say it’s pretty intact. I’m sure you’ll be fine, Mockingbird.” His tone was harsh and unforgiving.
     Artemis’ eye twitched and her fists clenched and un-clenched. Wally was stunned at Robin’s behavior. You had the worst injuries out of the team, and he was saying things like that?
     You slammed the mug down on the counter, sending a crack all up on the side of it. The borderline scalding coffee splashed on to your hand, but that was the least of your worries. “What is your problem!?” You shouted. “I don’t what the hell has gotten into you, but I’d be a little more grateful if I was in your shoes!”
     Robin backed up a couple steps, and you followed him. Wally turned to Artemis and asked if they should intervene, but she shook her head and said that he deserved this. You ripped your button up shirt open and buttons flew everywhere and hit the floor. One hit Artemis in the nose, and Wally teased her about having a “button nose”.
     Your tank top went low enough to reveal a good portion of your horrendous bruise. It made Robin’s stomach churn. Artemis and Wally caught a glimpse of it, and their faces fell. “I got this for you. I don’t know if you forgot, but I stepped in front of you before- don’t you look away!” Robin tried to avert his eyes, but you needed to get your point across and he needed to realize how bad it was. “I stepped in front of you before The Doctor could cut you open, to protect you. I was literally kicked out of a window for you. My damn sternum is fractured because I decided to defend you.” You gritted your teeth; you didn’t notice how utterly guilty he looked. 
     Robin wanted to take it all back. He wanted to erase every horrible thing he did to you. How was he going to make it up to you? How could he earn your forgiveness? 
     “And this is how you repay me? By talking to me in my room, saying you were concerned for my safety, but then telling me that you regret holding my hand?” You were in his face now. Artemis’ jaw dropped. Robin held your hand willingly? However, Wally already knew. He was the only one who noticed Robin holding your hand, but he never said anything.
     Robin opened his mouth to say he didn’t regret it and why he was acting like this, but you stopped him.
     “’It is just a fracture.’” You mocked his voice perfectly. “’So I’d say it’s pretty intact. I’m sure you’ll be fine, Mockingbird.’ To be honest, you telling me those things hurts me worse than all this.” You gestured to the injuries on your torso.
     Robin was mad at himself. He showed that he cared for you, and he pushed you away. And harder than necessary. He was falling in love with you for God’s sake, and he desperately wanted to fix it. “I’m sorry, Mockingbird.”
     You snorted and stormed into the lounge. “Let me know when you mean it.”
Artemis led you to your room while helping you carry your stuff. She gave Wally a look, and he sat Robin down to have a quick chat.
     “You’re acting like this because you’re trying to push her away,” Wally inferred. “And that’s because your emotionally stunted mentor taught you that feeling too much emotion is dangerous and not okay. Am I right?” Wally was in his serious mode right now. He knew his best friend like the back of his hand, and he was spot on.
     Robin looked down at his hands and nodded. “I just… I’ve never felt this way before and I used to hate her and she doesn’t want a soulmate who probably won’t be me anyway and-”
     Wally grabbed Robin’s shoulders and shook them a little. “I’m willing to bet all the food in my house that you guys are soulmates! Just because you used to hate her doesn’t mean that you still have to, and did Batman never tell you that it’s pretty much impossible to reject your soulmate?” Wally couldn’t believe Robin, of call people, didn’t know this. “If someone says they don’t want a soulmate, they will when they find theirs.” Like most people, Wally was very enthusiastic about getting his tattoo. He was a loving boy at heart. “We’ll find out tomorrow for sure.”
     Robin sighed and buried his face in his hands. Getting tattoo tomorrow would make or break his chance with you, and he was nervous anyway. “I really like her Wally, but I don’t know how to make this up to her. I’ve been a total jerk to her, on and off since day one. How do you suggest I fix this?”
     The smirk on Wally’s face was almost scary. “I have a few ideas.”
Since no one was going to allow you to leave the Cave, you hung out with Artemis and M’gann in your room. It became a girl’s night, and you enjoyed it greatly. After a few different and short activities. You suggested doing a costume change. The one you had was the same one you started with, and you wanted to switch things up a little.
     “I’m not saying the one you have now is terrible, I actually really like it,” M’gann said. “But designing a new costume sounds like fun!”
     “What material are you thinking of, and how much skin will it cover?” Artemis asked and she started coming up with different ideas. “Would it be like Black Canary’s or-” she stopped when you wiggled around under your bed.
     You grunted multiple times because getting under your bed was rather painful and your two friends were ready to help and stop you from doing so, but you got completely under there and you started sliding things back out. The first two items were rolls of stretchy and strong fabric, one black and the other white. 
     “You’ve been planning this for a while, haven’t you?”
     “Yup.” Your voice was muffled from being under the bed and they didn’t see your smile. 
     You slid out a sketchbook and they started flipping through it. There were several different designs and ideas that you sketched out before hand, and they were really good. “Did you do these?” M’gann asked. She loved all of them. 
     “With my own two hands.”
     Artemis scoffed playfully. “Who else’s hands would you do it with?”
     “I don’t know, let’s go to the morgue and pick some out.”
     M’gann was slightly alarmed, but it took her only a second to realize it was a joke. She laughed along with you and Artemis as they pointed out their favorite sketches.
     Artemis did a double take when you slid out a ton of black Kevlar material. “Pardon my language, but where the hell did you get all this Kevlar?”
     “’Hell’ is hardly a swear word, sweetie!” You used an old woman’s voice before switching back to your own. “I bought some of it.”
     M’gann asked curiously, “And the rest of it?”
     “Oh, there was this arms dealer in Star City that Red Arrow and I- Speedy, at the time -went to put a stop to and there was a literal truckload of Kevlar. So when we succeeded, we split the load evenly. As in, 75/25. He was fine with it, though.” You remembered that mission as if it was yesterday. “By the way, we were told not to do it, but we did it anyway. That’s how it normally was before I came here. I was really upset when he left, but I still hang out with him sometimes.”
     “How much trouble did you get in to?” M’gann heard some stories about you and Roy’s shenanigans before the team was formed. Some of them were insane and unsurprising, but she couldn’t believe how rebellious and how often you went against orders as a young protege. Nonetheless, they were some hilarious stories.
     They heard you snort from under the bed before laughing really hard. “You should have seen Green Arrow’s face, holy shit! He was so mad!” Your chest started to hurt from laughing. “Black Canary didn’t even want to deal with me at the moment, so she just kind of handed me over to him and went to take a nap. The funny thing is that we used to get into more trouble than that. Ah, fun times.”
     You shoved out a few more materials and tools, and then you asked Artemis to drag you back out. “How did you fit all of this under there?!” She asked as she pulled you out so fast that you almost got rug burn.
     “I can practically fit my body into anywhere, so doing the same with objects isn’t a hassle.” You shrugged while laying on your back, looking up at her. “So which design do you guys like the most? The fourth is one of my personal favorites.” You smoothly flipped onto your stomach; you kept hurting yourself with every other movement, but you were going to get used to it no matter who said no.
     Artemis flipped back to that one and nodded. She slid it over to M’gann, and she agreed enthusiastically. It was a black full-body unitard with a fully white silhouette of a Mockingbird, mid-flight spanning across your chest. “Let’s do this, ladies.”
     “You couldn’t have said anything less stereotypical?” Artemis rolled her eyes and sighed.
     You rolled your eyes right back. “Oh well excuse me, you’re highness.” You then took on the voice of Superman. “Let’s make this costume look hot and fresh, my gal pals.”
     “Mockingbird, no.”
It took a very long time to finish your new outfit, but it was so worth it. It fit you perfectly in all the right places, and let you move and stretch more than your previous one; you didn’t think it was possible. Your new domino mask was black and outlined in white, but still with the white parts that hid your (e/c) eyes from view. Your fingerless gloves looked similar. The entire outfit made your whole body look absolutely stunning and bad ass at the same time. It was almost midnight, and your comrades were sound asleep. You could blend in perfectly in the dark of the night, a great advantage.
     Artemis, Robin, Wally, and Kaldur were cleared to go home that night, since their injuries were well on their way to being healed already. They were all allowed to go to school, except you. You were jealous; they could still go out and take down criminals and the like, while you were apparently at physical risk and banned from going on missions.
     Missions by yourself and with the team, that is. Batman never said anything about going on missions with Roy. Earlier that day, Roy heard about how you were pretty much on house arrest. It was like when you got grounded by Dinah and Oliver; you almost went insane. You were aggressive, attempted and succeeded in breaking out multiple times, and you hid somewhere in your room when you didn’t feel like being angry or breaking out. 
     Just like a wild bird, you hated being caged.
     You grabbed a sticky note and wrote, “Getting groceries; I’ll be back soon :)” and you stuck it on your pillow. You agreed to not leaving until it’s after 12:00 PM, since you were supposed to stay in bed. But in the moment, it was past 12:00 PM (Artemis never said which day), and Conner and M’gann wouldn’t be checking on you until after they got back from school. So you had plenty of time to get the mission done, and you didn’t expect it to take a long time.
Roy: I’m outside. We need to act fast, the sensors won’t stay off for much longer.
You: I’ll be there in two minutes, at the most.
     You sprinted down the hallways as fast but as quiet as you could. Conner had super hearing, but he was on the other side of the Cave. You didn’t want to take any risks.
     In no time, you slid through the door, not a zeta tube, and right into Roy. He grunted in surprise, but he was glad to see you. “New look?” He asked and gestured for you to follow him. 
     “Just made it today,” You smiled and added, “Out of Kevlar.”
     Roy let out a snort, remembering that very mission. “You’re kidding. You still have some of that?”
     “Yeah, a ton of it. It’s good protection, looks great, and can really absorb blunt force trauma.” You saw the motorcycle Roy brought, and you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
     “I am not going to wrap my arms around your waist to hold on. Have you noticed how short you are?”
     “Don’t call me short, Harper.”
     He just chuckled, breaking his usual stoic expression. “You haven’t changed much.” He got on the motorcycle and started it. “Just like old times?”
     You jumped on the motorcycle and grinned. You went back to the good old days, when you didn’t have to worry about how you got the mission done. Since then, you were disciplined and conditioned to use logic and common sense in the field. Roy was the same way, but you were long-time friends and brought out the worst best in each other. This was going to be fun.
     “Just like old times.”
The mission with Roy went a lot longer than you both planned. You two were out until 3:45 in the afternoon the next day, and you convinced Roy to let you get groceries to keep your cover. However, explaining why you were wearing your new uniform was going to be difficult. You carried the dark grey duffel bag that you stuffed with a few boxes of snacks, coffee grounds, and shredded cheese.
Recognized: Mockingbird B27
     Luckily, the team didn’t hear it. They congregated in the kitchen, talking excitedly about how Robin’s tattoo would be appearing any moment now. But Wally brought up how you weren’t back from the store yet. “Tell your tattoo to wait for Mockingbird to come back, she has to be here for this, too.”
     “She’s didn’t go to the store, I can sense it.” Artemis grumbled. “And her new costume is gone. Why would she wear it if she’s just going to the store?” She was on to you, and it made you nervous.
     You carried the duffel bag and made light, quiet steps to avoid being detected. But Artemis was so on edge and unhappy that she might see you. More like worried, but she just knew that you didn’t just get food. 
     As you slowly crept past the kitchen, going mostly unnoticed, you didn’t see Kaldur spot you. He made eye contact with her, and secretly nodded in your direction. 
     Artemis turned and saw you immediately. “Mockingbird!” She yelled and you dropped the duffel bag out of surprise. 
     You turned around and held your hands up defensively. “I left a note!” You exclaimed, but you were caught red handed. “I’ll make more than one next time, okay?”
     Wally butted in and stopped Artemis from arguing back. “I love the new look, M, you look absolutely stunning.” He winked at you, and elbowed Robin in the ribs. 
     That was his cue to start being friendly. Flirty just wasn’t possible for him at the moment. “What’s it made out of?” Robin asked, and you were surprised that his sour mood towards you was gone. Maybe he just needed a day away from you to cool off.
     “Kevlar. It’s good for absorbing hits and makes relatively nice armor.” You answered simply.
     Artemis cleared her throat and started interrogating you again. “We both know that you weren’t just getting food at the store.” She crossed her arms. You tossed her the duffel bag and she opened it, and it indeed had a variety of food in it. But she wasn’t convinced. “If you only went to the store for food, why are you wearing that?” She gestured to your uniform.
     You opened your mouth, ready to whip out an excuse, but you remembered you didn’t have one. The one thing you didn’t plan for was the only thing to save you from Artemis’ protective wrath. You broke eye contact through your mask. You turned to look at Kaldur, and he looked right back at you. “Snitch.”
     “Batman told you to not go on missions!” Robin exclaimed, but it was in a scolding and anxious manner. It was against the rules and for your own good.
     “Yeah, with you guys!”
     “You aren’t supposed to go alone, either!”
     You raised an eyebrow. “Who said I went alone?”
     The kitchen was silent as they all pondered. Who could have gone on a mission with you who isn’t on the team, a friend, and not part of the Justice League.
     Kaldur got it before anyone else did. “You went with Red Arrow.”
     Artemis growled with frustration. Of course Roy would help you sneak out. He knew you the longest and knew you better than most. Robin slowly felt jealousy take over and his face was as serious as ever. Wally noticed immediately and snickered.
     “Maybe.” You said nonchalantly as you took the duffel bag back from Artemis. You tossed the cheese into the fridge, the coffee in the cupboard, and you briskly walked down the hall to your room. 
     “This isn’t over!”
     “Yes mom.”
     Another silence ensued, but was broken by Wally’s laughter. “Rob, dude, jealousy is not a good color on you.” 
     The kitchen echoed with laughter and if you looked up the word ‘embarrassed’, Robin would be the definition. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You slid back out to the kitchen in your civilian clothes. Your spare and not-as-cool pair of sunglasses hung loosely on your face, but you took them off instead of leaving them on. You got more and more comfortable with the team, and they wouldn’t hurt you willingly. So you took them off and hooked them on the collar of your shirt, but still felt a little anxious.
     The team had since moved to the lounge and you hoped Artemis cooled off a little. When you walked in, she looked up at you. She didn’t glare, but she didn’t smile. That was good progress. 
     “It feels so good to see those eyes of yours again. I just might swoon.” Wally said dramatically and slumped over on the couch, landing on Robin’s shoulder. “Say something about her face!” Wally discreetly whispered in Robin’s ear, and no one else heard.
     Robin scrambled to find a compliment that wouldn’t sound weird. “Yeah, I’ve never seen an eye color like that before.” Robin said softly, and the room was stunned into silence. You were pleasantly surprised at his compliment, and you felt the room heat up a little
   Wally swooped in to save the day, poking at Robin’s ribs. “Maybe if I poke your tattoo date enough, it’ll appear.”
     “Wally, we’ve been over this. It doesn’t work like that.”
     “But are you sure?”
You sat next to Artemis as the others sat close to Robin, waiting impatiently for his tattoo to appear. “I’m sorry for leaving. I just,” you apologized quietly and your hands fidgeted. “I felt like I was being caged. I hate being locked up. I guess that’s the bird in me, huh?”
     Artemis slightly turned away from you, not saying anything.
     You held in a giggle; Artemis was pouting. “But really, I’m truly sorry. You told me to stay here, not because you didn’t trust me, but because you wanted me to stay safe. And I left anyway.” You told her, and you sighed when she still didn’t say anything. Usually, when she was mad, she would yell and snap and sometimes toss out an insult. But when it came to being mad at you, she ignored you. It drove you insane, knowing that your best friend was mad at you.
     You heard some grumbling before Artemis turned to look at you. “Please tell me you didn’t get kicked or hit in the chest?” Your apology made her come around after a couple minutes.
     You gave her a goofy smile. “Only once or twice, but this Kevlar is a blessing. I hardly felt it.” During your mission with Roy, you got into a couple scuffles. But you felt little to no pain. “But I’m a little dehydrated, want some water?” You stood up and Artemis came with you.
     “Me too, the halls are so crowded at school that I can’t get to the water fountains.”
     The moment she mentioned school, you let out a small sad wail. All eyes were on you, but you didn’t care. “Oh God, what’d I miss at school? Did we get homework? No one asked about me, did they?” You pleaded as you and Artemis went into the kitchen.
     “I told them you got into a minor car crash and that you’ll be back on Monday, and you already know what we went over, anyway.”
     “M really likes school, doesn’t she?” M’gann observed and chuckled. “I wonder why she’s so worried about her grades?”
     Robin was learning to get used to Wally poking his ribs over and over. “I heard that she has at least a 4.5 GPA. I guess she just wants to make sure that she has a successful future.”
     Their conversation was in the background as you dug around the fridge for two bottles of water. Artemis nudged your leg with her foot multiple times in a row until you looked back at her in annoyance. “Can I help you? I’m trying to get water for the both of us.”
     “Aren’t you excited?”
     “For what?” You went back into the fridge and snagged to water bottles in the back. “Enlighten me.”
     Artemis wanted to kick you, but she didn’t. “He’s getting his tattoo any minute now! Can’t you wait to see if it’s yours?” She said quietly with a grin. “I bet my bow on it.”
     “That’s a pretty risky bet you have there,” You tossed her a water bottle. “Are you sure you want to go through with it?”
     Suddenly, Robin hissed and clutched his side, right over his tattoo date. It was happening. The moment he’d been waiting for since he learned what soulmates were. Sure, it was hurting like hell, but he didn’t care.
     “I knew it would work!” Wally cried out after he poked him for about the hundredth time. “Pull up your shirt so we can see!”
     You and Artemis watched from a distance as the outline slowly came in to view. You couldn’t quite make it out, but it started to look familiar. It was familiar enough to Artemis; the smirk on her face was downright wicked.
     “It’s so cool!” M’gann exclaimed as she saw the life-changing event take place. You couldn’t watch as the color started to fill in, so you put your focus on drinking your water.
     There were more exclamations of interest and surprise, and you almost regretted not letting anyone be there to see yours show. It struck you how important a soulmate tattoo was, and it made you sad that you didn’t have anyone special around you when you got yours. 
     “That’s remarkable,” Kaldur said in awe. “The colors are so vibrant and vivid. You must be interacting with them every day.”
     Wally started cackling. “It’s a freaking bird and it looks like a Robin!”
     You reluctantly looked over at them to see Robin’s tattoo, and your heart stuttered before it came to a stop.
     It was perfectly identical to yours.
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localdstvinstaller · 6 years
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From Tim Burton’s iconic Batman to the baseball-bat swinging Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad, DC Comics superheroes and their villainous counterparts have been lighting up the box office since the 50s. With the launch of the M-Net Movies DC Heroes pop-up channel for DStv Premium subscribers, which is also available to stream on DStv Now, we’ve ranked every live-action DC comic movie ever!*
30. Stamp Day for Superman (1954)
Superman takes time from fighting crime to promote war stamps, used to fund the fight against the Axis powers of World War II. So it’s not the worst movie on this list, but it’s not actually a movie either - just something designed to be shown in cinemas.
29. The Return of Swamp Thing (1989)
This movie had about as much budget as the Joker has sanity. With that in mind, it does a respectable job. But only with that in mind - otherwise, this is just an awful low-budget monstrosity.
28. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
Everyone had lost interest in making another Superman. But they were contracted to make one, so we got a fourth movie starring the man of steel. Its most memorable moment is how bad the special effects of the finale are. Yikes.
27. Catwoman (2004)
The first Batman character to get their own movie (other than Bats), there was a lot of hope for Catwoman’s maiden outing. Alas, very little is right here. It opted to invent its own story for the character, but just made a mess of everything. Not even Halle Berry could save it.
26. Batman & Robin (1997)
This movie shouldn’t be ranked so low. It’s funny and has some entertaining villains. But you know what? The entire thing was motivated to sell action figures. Seriously. Even the director apologised for it.
25. Steel (1997)
Back in 1997 nobody wanted to make comic book movies, not unless it was Batman. Steel, already a B-list DC character, got a low-budget straight-to-video movie. It doesn’t help that Shaq, who plays Steel, is not as good at acting as he is at basketball…
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24. Jonah Hex (2010)
If comic book movies teach us anything, it’s that actors should stick to the genre. It worked for Ryan Reynolds, Chris Evans and Ben Affleck. Ditto for Josh Brolin, who has portrayed three comic book characters. But even though he was a cool Jonah Hex, the movie not so much…
23. Green Lantern (2011)
Some comic characters are relatively simple and easy to put into a movie. Green Lantern is not, yet this movie wanted to make things even more confusing. Even Ryan Reynolds started making fun of it in his other films.
22. Superman and the Mole Men (1951)
It’s the 1950s, things are still in black and white, and Superman has the time to work out squabbles between frightened small-town people and underground creatures with big eyebrows. Most memorable as the first Superman movie and perhaps the first-ever true superhero movie.
21. Batman: The Movie (1966)
Back in its day, this was a big hit. But it’s really a case of “you had to be there”. Shot after the success of Season 1 of Adam West’s Batman, it’s a whole movie of WHAM! BANG! POW! and 60s pin-up girls gyrating with the dark knight to surf music. No, we’re not making any of this up.
20. Superman III (1983)
Superman III would have been forgotten today, were it not for three things: the Superman vs Superman fight, Richard Pryor’s non-stop jokes, and that scary android woman created by Lex Luthor’s supercomputer. Oh, and Superman dumping a frozen lake on a chemical fire. Ah, the 80s.
19. Supergirl (1984)
Superman’s cousin comes to Earth to retrieve a powerful artefact, while a wannabe witch uses it to amplify her powers. The result is a weird tale that stumbles and jumps through plot holes, but it’s still entertaining. Fun fact: Supergirl actress Helen Slater later played Superman’s biological mom in Smallville.
18. Suicide Squad (2016)
It is overstuffed, convoluted and had some nondescript bad guys that nobody can remember. Too much icing on too little cake. On the other hand, the main cast of characters are really cool and the soundtrack rocked, so it has a place in some fans’ hearts.
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17. Swamp Thing (1982)
It’s the DC movie you’ve never heard of - and the DC character you’ve never heard of. This quirky comedy would have been lost to time, were it not a campy cult masterpiece directed by Wes Craven long before he created Freddy Krueger.
16. Batman Returns (1992)
Tim Burton’s second Batman film is a little overproduced and lacks that raw shine of the original. But Michelle Pfeiffer is still the best Catwoman to appear in a movie and Danny DeVito is the perfect Penguin. Yet leave it to Christopher Walken to play a villain with no mask and no powers, yet still be the meanest thing in Gotham.
15. Batman Forever (1995)
Joel Schumacher’s first go at the Batman world is a clear hat-tip to the 60s era of the character. It was more fun and camp, and who doesn’t like George Clooney’s smirking Bruce Wayne, or Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones as Riddler and Two-Face? But it was a little too much at times...
14. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
The hopes were really high for this film and it was never going to please everyone. Lex Luthor’s inane and complicated plan sucks a lot of wind from its sails. On the other hand, the Batman combat scene not only saves the movie but shows why Ben Affleck is great as the character.
13. Watchmen (2009)
There are very few graphic novels more revered and complex than this epic - and director Zack Snyder tries to fit every bit of it into his film. Yet even after cutting a major sub-plot, Watchmen is still a long and dense experience. It’s got its fans, but like the comic, is the antithesis of superheroes. That’s not for everyone.
12. Justice League (2017)
Justice League isn’t perfect and its biggest problem is an overly generic bad guy that nobody cares to remember. But the team works well together, the fight with Superman is epic, Jason Momoa was born to play Aquaman, and we definitely want to see more of The Flash.
11. Superman II (1980)
The sequel to the original Superman movie was mired with problems, from losing its director and design consultant to being filmed right on the heels of the first film. But it holds up well, not least because Terence Stamp’s General Zod gives us every reason to remember why we need superheroes.
10. Superman Returns (2006)
Lex Luthor proves why he is as dangerous as any villain with superpowers, while the darker tone helps create a Superman persona that fits better with the 21st Century.
9. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
It gets a little tiring to hear how old and beaten Batman is and maybe Tom Hardy’s Bane does too good a job, overshadowing just about every other character in this movie. But as a conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, this was a classy send-off for Gotham’s saviour.
8. Man of Steel (2013)
Not only do we finally, after many years, get a new Superman movie, but some inspired genius casts Michael Shannon as the evil General Zod. It’s been too long and we’re happy Krypton’s son is back!
7. Constantine (2005)
At the time it was not a hit. But the first movie adaptation of the Hellblazer comics has since gathered a big cult following. Today it can claim a lot of fans because it’s actually really good. Hey, Keanu, where’s our sequel?
6. Batman Begins (2005)
Since 1989’s Batman, there have been other superhero movies that made their mark on the genre. Then Christopher Nolan shows up, hires Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, and turns comic book movies into crime thrillers. Brilliant.
5. Wonder Woman (2017)
A slightly weak third act doesn’t hurt the appeal of the Amazonian superhero in her first major movie outing. Let’s face it - nobody is panicking anymore about what might happen to Superman. Wonder Woman can take care of things.  
4. Superman (1978)
There had been a few superhero movies before 1978’s Superman. But this set the stage: big effects, great hero, amazing soundtrack - and Gene Hackman deserves more credit for his mean Lex Luthor.
3. Batman (1989)
Tim Burton unleashes his quirky style in grand form, creating the superhero movie that still influences the genre today. Then there’s Jack Nicholson’s Joker, Michael Keaton’s dry wit and the original soundtrack by Prince. Enough said!
2. V for Vendetta (2005)
This dark tale of a near future under a totalitarian state is already a gritty and powerful movie. But Hugo Weaving as the antihero V just takes it to another level. On top of that, this is an experience with real purpose and a serious message underneath. Remember, remember, the fifth of November...
1. The Dark Knight (2008)
Why so serious? Heath Ledger’s Joker is just entirely in his own league. And not just him - everything in this movie fires on all cylinders. The greatest DC movie? No. This is the greatest comic book movie in history.
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dcubang · 4 years
Third Round of Claims Open!
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Hello! Based on feedback, I’ve decided to open a third round of claims! For the third round, artists/fanworkers are free to claim as many stories as they are reasonably sure they can finish!
The third round of claims is optional. Don’t want to claim another story, or don’t feel like you’ll be able to create something for multiple stories? You don’t need to claim! I would much rather you focus on creating something awesome for one story, rather than being stressed out trying to create something for multiple stories. Know your limits and don’t overburden yourself!
Each story can be claimed an additional two times. That means there is a potential total of 3 artists per story, and a minimum of 1 artist per story. While unlikely, it would be pretty hectic and stressful for an author to have to coordinate with 16 artists on their story! That’s why there is a limit, and to encourage people to spread the art around to other stories. =D
Stories are guaranteed only one artist each. I cannot guarantee that every single story will get a second artist. Please be understanding of this!
The third round of claims will close Sunday, July 19th 23:59 MDT, when all fanworker sign-ups will be closed. (This is a slight extension compared to the schedule.)
How to Make Multiple Claims:
--- Stories are claimed on a first come, first served basis.
--- Fill out this Google Form right here
--- A matching email will go out to both the artist and the author containing each other’s contact information after a claim is successful. You should receive this email no later than 72 hours after I have confirmed the claim. If you don't get this match up email, please get in contact with me ASAP so that artists and authors can get to work quickly!
Every story listed here is not guaranteed a second or third artist/fanworker! I can only guarantee one artist/fanworker per story.
Summaries after the Read More
2020 Summaries
1 Title: Green (may be renamed) Word Count: 9961 Genre: Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types Characters/Pairings: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd - Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent (background), Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (background) Warnings: Dubcon, non-consensual drug use Rating: Explicit Summary: Jason and Tim agree to coach Damian through trying weed for the first time. All is going well, until they realise they’ve been dealt Ivy-brand weed and inadvertently been dosed with sex pollen. Obviously, a threesome ensues.
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2 Title: Love and Other Four-Letter Words Word Count: 10.4k Genre: Angsty Romance Fandom/Universe: Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Birds of Prey Characters/Pairings: Hal Jordan / Dinah Lance / Oliver Queen Warnings: Angst (happy ending), violence, gun violence, drinking, threesome, polyamory, open marriage, emotional infidelity, swearing, depression, self-loathing, nasty past breakup Rating: E Summary: After yet another breakup with Carol, Hal and Ollie find themselves on a road trip across America. Along the way, Hal starts to realize he’s feeling a bit more than friendship for his best friend. The days pass, and the two grow closer, but all too soon the trip must come to an end. On Ollie’s insistence, Hal agrees to stay with him and Dinah in their Star City home. He easily falls into routine with them, but living under the same roof has caused his feelings to multiply tenfold. After a rejected kiss in the middle of the night, Hal has to finally figure out what it is he wants. Dinah, caught in the middle of the two, is forced to confront her own feelings on the situation, eventually making her thoughts known. After a mission turned sour and a near-miss, the three grow closer still, eventually developing a relationship with each other. The story is entirely in Hal’s POV and there is quite a fair bit of self-hatred.
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3 Title: The sky's gonna hurt when it falls Word Count: 12k Genre: Drama, Angst, "Romance" Fandom/Universe: Nightwing (comics), Batman (All Media Types), Heathers (All Media Types) Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson & Catalina Flores. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Catalina Flores, Harley Quinn, Crystal Frost, Barbara Gordon, Roman Sionis, Jack Napier. Warnings: graphic violence, suicide, bullying, violence in schools, underage drinking, parental neglect, homophobia, drug use, major character death, threats of non-con, underage sex Rating: M Summary: All Dick Grayson ever wanted to make Gotham High School a better place. So when queen bee Catalina invites him to be part of the most powerful and ruthless clique in school, he jumps at the chance to accept her invitation---after all, it's easy to change the system when you're the one making the rules. Things get complicated after the arrival of the dangerous new kid, JT, who urges Dick to bite the bullet and abandon high school politics before it's too late. But Dick can't help but feel that JT has another plan for the bullet... AKA the Heathers/Jaydick crossover no one asked for. This work is set in 1989 and contains excessive use of 80s slang. Like the movie and musical, themes of violence, suicide, homophobia, and bullying are present throughout. Situations of dubious consent and threats of non-con are mentioned but not in detail.
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4 Title: The Ghosts of Robins Past Word Count: 9,399 Genre: Action, casefic, drama, canon divergence Fandom/Universe: Batman Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Jack Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd. Jason Todd/Dick Grayson Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of torture Rating: PG-13 Summary: Bruce never planned or wanted to take on a third Robin. Dick seemingly vanished off the face of the earth at fourteen and Jason was murdered at fifteen. Thirteen-year-old Tim Drake came into his life while he grieved for Jason, insisting Bruce needed a Robin to keep him balanced. Against his better judgment, he accepted and began training Tim. Now, at fourteen, Tim’s more than earned the mantle of Robin and his place at Bruce’s side. But did Bruce make a terrible mistake in accepting him? If something should happen to Tim, could he handle another loss? Bruce hopes he won’t have to answer that question. Soon he has a new case on his hands. People are being killed with gold tipped knives with owl symbols on their hilts. Bruce believes the killer is mimicking the Court of Owls to scare Gothamites while Tim believes a Talon is responsible. Dismissing the claim, Bruce continues to fight Gotham’s crime while doing his best to keep Tim safe. Even the best intentions fail. After a wrist injury prompts Bruce to send Tim home early, Bruce is horrified to receive a call from Jack the next morning saying Tim is missing. Try as they might neither man can find Tim. And Tim at last discovers what happens to the long lost Dick Grayson: he was abducted by the Court of Owls and trained to be a Talon along with the resurrected Jason Todd. Now, they have their eyes set on him.
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5 Title: Cats and Devil Bats Word Count: ~5,900 Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman (comics) Characters/Pairings: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Warnings: Noncon, graphic violence Rating: NC-17 Summary: Batman is a violent vigilante who stalks and kills criminals. When Catwoman finally runs into him, she fully expects to die. But she doesn’t. In fact, he seems to want something else entirely from her. Meanwhile, Selina Kyle meets the enigmatic and very wealthy Bruce Wayne and the two begin a relationship. What happens when their two lives finally cross? And what’s all this about a Bat demon anyway? Everything takes place in Gotham: on rooftops, Bruce Wayne’s penthouse, Selina Kyle’s apartment, Wayne Manor, and the caves beneath it. The noncon is Batman/Catwoman and occurs throughout. It’s not 100% handled well by either of them. Relatively graphic violence in the later chapters, but nothing permanent.
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6 Title: What I Know Now (subject to change) Word Count: 9k written, maybe 12k total Genre: Angst, fluff, adventure Fandom/Universe: DC Comics or Young Justice Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Warnings: None Rating: PG, T Summary: Set in a YJ timeline where Jason and Dick are only two years apart, Dick falls in love with Jason when they're younger only to be devastated when he dies. And although Jason comes back to life as normal, he instead stays with the League and becomes a brother figure to Damian. Eventually Damian is sent to live with his father, and as his new family begins to grow on him, he begins to tell them more and more of "Akhi," who sounds achingly familiar to Dick. This story is set mostly in Gotham, with a few scenes in Nanda Parbat in the middle when Jason and Damian are with the League. No major warnings besides the Jason/Dick relationship if that bothers you. Some swearing and descriptions of Jason's death and resurrection, but it is not in explicit detail.
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7 Title: To the Fairest Word Count: 18,000 written Genre: Mystery Fandom/Universe: Batman (comics) Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Zatanna, Bruce Wayne, Zatanna Zatara, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Kara Zor-El Warnings: canon level violence Rating: Teen Summary: The Queen of Fables has another tale to tell… In this thrilling mystery Zatanna, the Mistress of Magic, wow’s audiences while solving crimes with the help of her new sidekick: Batman. Co starring in this mystical mystery are the youngest world's finest trio: Robin, Robin, and Supergirl. Will they be able to return a Talon to his nest or will birds fly? Join us in Gotham city, Metropolis, a witch's sales outlet, and a creepy shake filled with sentient vines. No warnings need apply.
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8 Title: we could put some roots down Word Count: 14378 Genre: Fluff, Romance, Drama Fandom/Universe: DCU (pre-New-52), Nightwing, Deathstroke Characters/Pairings: Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson, Batam Warnings: family drama, Bruce Wayne’s A+ Parenting, mention of Catalina Flores Rating: PG-13/Teen Summary: A set of multiple vignettes that center on Dick and Slade as they interact with the other members of the Batfam as Tim and Bruce come home to act as a catalyst of change. Dick grapples with what Bruce’s return means for his time as Batman while Jason teases that his relationship with Slade might be moving to the next stage. Dick and Tim finally get closure and the ability to clear the air between them while engaging in a bit of brotherly bonding and teasing. As always, Alfred holds all the answers. The story takes place mainly on the grounds of Wayne Manor, in the Bat Cave, or inside the Manor itself. The timeframe of the story takes place over the course of a few weeks to a month.
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9 Title: Scarlet Tears Word Count: 12,857 Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: The Flash Characters/Pairings: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Warnings: mpreg Rating: Explicit Summary: Leonard Snart decided to take a break from the Legends, with Mick in tow. They head back to Central City, only to find Team Flash in a bit of trouble…well not the team just Barry. A young Meta causes trouble with her power exactly what is her deal?
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10 Title: The Date (or The Bargain, haven’t decided yet) Word Count: 6,040 Genre: drama, hurt/comfort Fandom/Universe: Batman, Red Robin, Ra’s al Ghul/League of Assassins Characters/Pairings: Tim Drake, Slade Wilson, Ra’s al Ghul, Kon-El/Conner Kent, Bruce Wayne. Ra’s/Tim pairing Warnings: Kidnapping Rating: PG Summary: After a long and exhausting week all Tim looks forward to is catching up on his sleep. Much to his surprise he wakes up not in his comfortable bed but handcuffed to a seat aboard Slade Wilson’s private jet. He soon discovers that Ra’s al Ghul paid Slade to kidnap him and deliver him into Ra’s’ care. Angry, Tim’s thinking of his escape when Ra’s presents him with a deal: if a member of his family contacts him in one week, Ra’s will leave Tim alone for six months. Tim accepts the deal. As days pass with radio silence from the Bats, Tim has to face the truth about how all of them have grown apart and they’ve done little to draw him back in. Is he better off staying with Ra’s despite their vastly different morals? Or does Bruce deserve a chance to prove himself?
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11 Title: When You Move, I Move Word Count: 9150 Genre: Fantasy, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Catalina Flores, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Warnings: Non-Con/Dub-Con (non-graphic) Rating: R Summary: Despite having been in love with one another since they were children, Crown Prince Richard and Dragon Slayer Jason are faced with the fact that they are bound by duty and law to never marry. King Bruce manages to come up with a plan that would allow the pair to remain close and for Richard to fulfill his duty as the future king. He proposes a marriage of convenience to a woman, Catalina of House Flores, who is on the brink of permanent maidenhood after having been passed over by too many men in the past. And though she was aware that the future king would never love her, Catalina grows bitter and jealous over the love between the two men and the love her and Richard’s son shares with that man. So she calls upon the help of a crone to curse both men to live this life and all future lives close to one another but never allowing them to be together. And though the crone grants the curse she places a contingency: if one of them were to die before their 18th birthday then the curse would be lifted and they would be reunited to share the love they have been denied. When Dick and Jason come into contact with the god Fate in their current life, the pair are made aware of what had been stolen from them decades in the past and shown that because of Jason’s untimely death at the age of 15, the curse has been lifted. And Jason is finally given the answer as to why he was awoken in his grave all those years prior. With the truth laid out before them, the pair must figure out what it means for them in this lifetime and all future ones.
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12 Title: The Sorrows Of Healing Word Count: 18k of 20-22k written Genre: Slice Of Life, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Character-centric Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), AU from Battle of the Cowl Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson & Tim Drake, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth - Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake Warnings: Off-Screen Character Death, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Intentions, Racism, Past/Referenced Child Abuse, Hospitals and Therapy Rating: M Summary: It was Dick who had taken up the Cowl after Bruce had died. It was Dick who had become Batman, taking Damian, Tim, and Alfred with him to the penthouse for a fresh start. But things could never be that easy. All of them were haunted by sorrow: Tim not capable of believing that his second father was gone as well, Dick almost breaking under the pressure of standing tall in the face of a crisis, Damian uncomfortable and lost in these unfamiliar waters he was forced to navigate, and Alfred mourning yet another child. In a world in which Bruce actually died, becoming a family again is harder than some might think. In the midst of fights, the racist white Gotham High Society, and Tim, who fled the nest in a last attempt to resurrect something that no longer exists, it is hard to find hope, and yet all of them somehow manage to do so anyways. The story mostly takes place in their Gotham City penthouse, a ballroom, a Baghdad hospital room, and the graveyard. This is a story of healing - but also about the growing pains along the way - so be aware that Tim and Dick deal with depression (Tim with suicidal thoughts and intentions as well), that Damian and Dick face racism, that Damian's childhood will be referenced as the unpretty mess that is was, and that Bruce will not return. His children will have to learn how to fly on their own.
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13 Title: since you’ve been gone (I can breathe for the first time) Word Count: 9,134 Genre: whump, hurt/comfort Fandom/Universe: Batfamily comics (mostly preboot canon with occasional elements of New 52 & Reboot canons) Characters/Pairings: Tim Drake, Batfamily, implied one-sided Tim Drake/Ra’s al-Ghul Warnings: Body horror, depression, child abuse, body modification (consensual and non-consensual), terminal illness, child death, substance abuse (harmful self-medication). Rating: Mature Summary: A study of Tim Drake and his experiences with Hanahaki (specifically, familial Hanahaki), mostly following comics canon with a few changes. Starts when Tim is a child (pre-Robin). He befriends the Gotham Sirens after seeking out Poison Ivy to obtain a growth stopper for his Hanahaki, and later befriends Jason-as-Robin. After Jason’s death and Tim’s parents find out about his Hanahaki, Tim seeks out Batman and becomes Robin. Eventually, after he starts spending time with Bruce, his Hanahaki fades. Years later, following the events of Red Robin and Tim’s distancing from the family, it returns with a vengeance. This story is primarily set in Gotham (at Wayne and Drake manors and the Batcave in particular), with scenes in Iceland (including a glacier) and other locations around the world. Being a Hanahaki fic, the story does contain quite a bit of body horror and terminal illness. The depression occurs throughout due to the Hanahaki & events of Red Robin, as does the body modification (in reference to forced surgery and growth-stopping drugs Tim takes (also the substance abuse tag).). Child abuse is neglect on the part of Tim’s parents, and correlates to the non-consensual body modification tag. Child death is Jason Todd’s canon death.
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14 Title: Forging Friendship Word Count: 4k Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Young Justice Characters/Pairings: Roy Harper, Kaldur’ahm, Black Manta Warnings: None Rating: PG-13 Summary: Green Arrow takes Speedy on a mission at the Star City Wharf with Aquaman and the new to the surface Aqualad. When the mentors give them a solo task, Speedy is very unsure about working with the new hero and tries to only focus on his mission. However, the mission goes wrong, forcing Speedy to risk his life, and face his fears, to save Aqualad. This story takes place primarily at night at a warehouse near the ocean. However actions scenes take place inside the warehouse with lots of crates that create a maze effect, and at the end of the story they’re all on fire.
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15 Title: (Better Things to do than) Chasing White Rabbits Word Count: 4k of what will likely be 6k Genre: Romcom and action/adventure Fandom/Universe: DC, Pacific Rim Characters/Pairings: Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson Warnings: violence, swearing, slurs (Gipsy Danger is the canon name of a jaeger), overprotective parent Bruce Wayne, sexual innuendo, secret identities, Slade's canonical bad parenting (but at least he's trying to work on that), accidental relationship, family drama, frenemies to lovers Rating: Explicit just in case, though I don't think sex will happen until the next installment in the series Summary: Rumor has it that Dick Grayson can drift with anyone. Slade Wilson has the opposite problem, and kids. Killing kaiju may be easier than parenting, and that's with Grayson playing mediator when he inevitably messes up. Dick, meanwhile, is tired of Bruce overstepping boundaries, and Slade just offered him a chance to help a villain redeem himself while also rubbing B's nose in the fact that clinging so tightly is more likely to drive all his kids away than make anyone want to stay. Even Nightwing has a rep for cheerful spite. Stacker Pentecost is too tired for this; he's got a daughter pushing to join the program, said program to run, and the Becket brothers are enough of a headache. That said, if an internationally wanted mercenary is truly willing to join the program, he'll welcome Deathstroke. He just doesn't want to lose Grayson in the process, or the Wayne family funding for the program. Jason, meanwhile, wins Best Brother accolades, and not just for donning Nightwing while Dick pilots giant robots.
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16 Title: in reverse, tragedy Word Count: ~12k Genre: Drama, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman, no specific canon Characters/Pairings: No Pairings, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul Warnings: Dehumanization of Talons, Canon-Typical Violence, Decapitation Rating: PG Summary: Around two years after Batman fires Robin and Jason Todd (AKA Batboy) returns from an interstellar mission to find his sort of little brother missing, Talia al Ghul's jet touches down in Gotham. Her objective? Take revenge on the Court of Owls, the secret society hidden under Gotham that ordered Ra's al Ghul's death at the hands of a Talon, one of their personal assassins. During her mission, Talia is once again confronted by the Talon she fought when defending her father. After an intense battle in the Court's underground labyrinth, Talia defeats the Talon. As she unmasks him, she realizes that this Talon is the key to answering a question that has plagued even the Batman: what happened to Dick Grayson? (Sort of a Reverse Robins story, but more accurately a Mix-'Em-Up Robins story.)
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17 Title: bury the dead where they're found Word Count: 8K-ish Genre: Action Fandom/Universe: Batman (Comics) Characters/Pairings: Dick/Koriand'r, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Slade Wilson, Gotham Rogues Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Murder Rating: PG-13 Summary: After returning to Earth and discovering his little brother is dead, Dick Grayson finds himself questioning how heroic Batman's "No Kill" rule truly is. Faced with Bruce's temper and the disrespectful ways Bruce has chosen to honor Jason, Dick decides it's time to take matters into his own hands, and makes a plan to remove the threat of the Gotham Rogues once and for all. Jason Todd, freshly back from the dead, doesn't understand what happened when he looks at the news in Gotham and sees that the Joker is dead. Determined to figure it out, he leaves Talia and makes his way back to the city that led to his death, only to learn from a strange source the truth of what went on while he was away. This story takes place in various locations, including the batcave, an apartment, Arkham Asylum, and the streets of Gotham.
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18 Title: Coffee Shop Love Word Count: 7,494 Genre: Fluff, Romance, Crossover, Alternate Canon Fandom/Universe: DC Comics/MCU Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Tim Drake/James "Bucky" Barnes, Owens/Pru/Z, Conner, Cassie, Bruce/Diana, Bart, Cassie/Cass, Jason/Roy/Kory Warnings: None Rating: PG-13 Summary: Five years ago, Tim Drake saved Bruce and walked away from his so-called family and with Owens, Z, Pru and Bucky Barnes the Winter Solider and started up a small coffee shop with only Conner, Cass, Bart, Cassie and Alfred knowing where he is. Tim was happy until the day the Bats and the Avengers found him. Dick has never forgiven himself for driving away Tim, he longs to make things right with him, even if they never become anything but brothers but those plans are derailed when it comes clear to him that James "Bucky" Barnes has more than friendly feelings for Tim. Soon it becomes Dick vs. Bucky for Tim's heart. Tim just wishes that they would have asked him first.
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19 Title: Against His Heart Word Count: 6,566 Genre: Angst, PWP, rape recovery, happy/hopeful ending Fandom/Universe: DCU, no particular canon Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Roy Harper Warnings: Past rape/noncon, slut-shaming, consensual nonconsent Rating: NC-17 Summary: The morning after Dick Grayson learns that Tarantula has died in prison, he gets on a train. Somehow he ends up at Roy's place. Nobody knows about everything that happened with Tarantula; even Dick forgets parts of it. He wishes he could erase everyone who'd ever touched him, even if that would erase Roy, so that Roy could touch him anew. They decide to pretend, and play out a situation where Dick is a virgin. A few awkward hiccups and a whole lot of feelings come out. It makes Dick realize something he wants--something he needs, maybe. He wants to pretend to struggle and say no and for Roy to keep going. They pick a safeword, Dick promises to use it, and so he does. Most of the scenes will take place in Roy's apartment which is somewhere in south New Jersey. It's not an AU (i.e. they are superheros), but they're out of uniform for the story. This is definitely a PWP, with a focus on sexual trauma, beginning to heal from trauma, and hints of a burgeoning DickRoy romance. There are no flashbacks to rape, but there are mentions of it throughout, including Dick's feelings towards his own body and his thoughts during sex with Roy. For a majority of the fic, Roy believes that Dick's relationship with Tarantula was fully consensual, before Dick ends up telling him that it wasn't. Dick is a trans man, and Roy is a cis man.
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20 Title: Stay Awake With Me Word Count: 10,738 of 40k Genre: Mystery, Case-fic Fandom/Universe: Court of Owls (comics) Characters/Pairings: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Warnings: Major Character Death, Violence Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Dick goes missing, the family works together to try and find him. When Bruce goes missing, the mystery only begins to show itself. In an investigation which will span decades, Clark must work together with the remaining members of the Batfamily to unravel the secrets of Gotham's underbelly, and not only stop the Court of Owls in their bid for power, but to also catch Talon!Bruce and Talon!Dick. The fic will explore two timelines: the 'present' timeline which deals with the court of owls plot and a 'past' timeline that explores Clark's role in the batfamily.
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21 Title: The Maiden in the Tower Word Count: 6k complete so far, looking to be around 10-11k total. Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romantic Comedy, light Drama Fandom/Universe: primarily the pre-Flashpoint DC canon, though that’s more of a guideline than a hard rule. Characters/Pairings: Everyone Loves Tim Drake, ultimately Dick/Tim; Klarion the Witch Boy, Bruce, Barbara, Cass, Cassie, Kon and Bart all have prominent roles. Featuring cameos from as much of the DCU as I can fit in before the deadline, primarily Titans and Young Justice. Warnings: Low-key canon-typical violence and a ‘happily ever after’ kiss for two (full-grown) adopted brothers. Swearing. A few people get made the butt of jokes but it’s nothing too mean-spirited. Rating: PG-13 (technically R for swearing but content-wise it’s strictly PG-13) Summary: Klarion’s idea of the perfect birthday present is to trap Tim in the highest room (Bruce’s office) of the tallest tower in Gotham (Wayne Enterprises) and flood the rest of the building with a mix of living vines and fairy tale obstacles that can only be overcome by Tim’s true love. Shenanigans ensue as half the superhero community competes for the hand of the fair maid Red Robin. Pay-off is Dick/Tim but the lion's share of the page time is spent watching people fight fairytale tropes while Tim and Klarion snark with popcorn. Light-hearted comedy in which some characters get made to look the fool, ultimately gets no sexier than a True Love’s Ending Kiss. Set entirely within a vine-infested, magically-warped Wayne Tower with everyone from the Bats to the Titans to Tim’s civilian friends dealing with fairytale nonsense: glass mountains, living office supplies, pixies swarms, catching the cat who has the key to the next floor, etc. Meanwhile Tim hangs out in the penthouse with Klarion and a pint of ice cream watching the event like a reality show and getting dunked on for being an archetypal Disney Princess. Fun times for all with a light sprinkling of angst for flavor.
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22 Title: The Antecedents to Reunion Word Count: 13,500 (out of approx. 20k) Genre: Steampunk AU, slice of life, case fic Fandom/Universe: Batman comics, drawing heavily from the Court of Owls storyline and Cass's Batgirl run Characters/Pairings: Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown (preslash), Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson Warnings: non-canonical limb loss, temporary character death, fake character death, grief/mourning, implied brainwashing, past child abuse, drug use in an interrogation by a minor character Rating: PG-13/Teen Summary: In a verison of Gotham that never existed, a version of Gotham where clockwork and steam bring the city through the night, Dick Grayson is believed to be dead, and Cassandra Wayne has just returned from Hong Kong. But as Cass settles back into the city, she quickly discovers that something-- or someone-- is trying to get her attention, and that the clock is ticking on how much time she has to figure it out. This is very much a "slice-of-life" fic, except it's set in a Steampunk AU. This story is set mostly in Gotham, with there being one flashback scene to Cass’s apartment in Hong Kong. In Gotham, characters go to the manor, a gala, an ice cream parlor, and the Iceberg Lounge. There is also a fight scene in Robinson Park against Poison Ivy, in a villain’s apartment against droids, and a brief chase scene across rooftops. The plot with the Court of Owls is fairly in the background of this fic, as the real focus is Cass, her relationships with the other bats, and the intricacies of mourning. This story has a hopeful ending, in that it ends with Cass discovering that Dick is alive, but the actual reunion is left to the reader’s imagination.
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23 Title: With Blood and Rage of Crimson Red Word Count: 6,968 Genre: Angst, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: DCU, Batfam, Lantern Corps Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardener, John Stewart, Bleez, Rankorr, no pairings (however, I might include hints of Batlantern (HalxBruce) later) Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, mentions of past underage attempted rape, mentions of past drug use, mentions of past child abuse Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jason was only 11 when his life was irreversibly changed. Now the newest member of the Red Lantern Corps, he is immediately thrust into a dangerous game where losing could mean death. With practically half the villains in the universe after him and the rest of the Lantern Corps, Jason must watch his step at every corner. To overcome this threat and find a way to save himself and the people he cares for, Jason must first overcome his own inner demons and learn to trust himself and the people around him. This story is set on multiple planets throughout the DC Universe. On Earth, we see Gotham City, the Batcave, and the Watchtower, in space, they travel to Ysmault and other planets that I made up for the purpose fo the fic (so you will have mostly free reign with the design of those planets if you choose to draw scenes involving them). This story involves canon-typical violence throughout. At the start, there are mentions of child abuse, and there is camera footage shown of attempted rape of a minor, but nothing explicit. At the start of the story, Catherine Todd is found by Jason post-OD and that is mentioned a few times throughout the story. The abuse and attempted rape are mentioned a little throughout the story, but not much, as it is not the focus, rather a back story for Jason. Other than that, there is no smut, or even pairings (unless I decide to do the Batlantern, but that will be a minor background pairing). There might be some language, but it is kept to a minimum.
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24 Title: You Have Their Eyes (But You'll Never Have Their Smile) Word Count: 6,679 Genre: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Angst Fandom/Universe: DCU, Justice League Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Kyle Rayner, Donna Troy, Chris Kent, Lorena Marquez, Connor Hawke, possibly Jaykyle Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Mentions of Past Character Death, might have some minor language Rating: PG-13 Summary: Eight years ago, the Justice League vanished into thin air. Since then, their proteges have been left behind to pick up the pieces of a broken world. Struggling to fill shoes that don't quite fit, the next generation of the Justice League is faced with their pasts as an old case makes a reappearance, eight years after the original Justice League closed it. This is set on Earth, in various locations like Wayne Enterprises, the Watchtower, the Whitehouse, Los Angeles, Malaysia, and Atlantis. As stated before, violence is a part of this fic, but nothing more than you would normally see in canon. Past character deaths are mentioned, including Jason's temporary death, and the supposed deaths of the original Justice League. There is cussing, but only like two or three words in the entire fic. There are also mentions of a court stripping away Donna's parental rights to Terry.
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25 Title: Heavy the Head Word Count: 4k~ Genre: Greek Gods AU Fandom/Universe: No specific canon Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, assorted batfamily characters Warnings: No real warnings; there's some smut at one point in the fic Rating: NC-17 (overall it's rather tame, but some smut) Summary: Slade is an old nature god, one rather bored with the politics of Olympus. He is, however, rather fascinated by the reserved god of the dead Richard, remembering how different the boy was back when he truly was just a boy. He's always like oddities and figuring out puzzles, and Richard certainly is one at that. Dick would really prefer that everyone leave him alone to do the job he was assigned a millenia ago. Visiting Olympus brings him no peace, not when he knows he'll have to leave again soon, not to see his family for another century or so. Of course, there's always Slade, who's happy to give more than Dick is usually comfortable accepting. Not that that ends up being a bad thing. This story takes place in Mount Olympus, at a waterfall, and in the Underworld.
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26 Title: Hearts Beating Side by Side Word Count: 3,600 Genre: Romance, Drama Fandom/Universe: Young Justice Verse Characters/Pairings: Garth - Tempest/Kaldur'ahm/Dick Grayson Warnings: Threesome, misunderstanding, pining, dirty talk Rating: Summary: On the precipice of changes in their lives, Garth and Kaldur find a momentary reunion and the repressed childhood love that they have both harbored for the other is reignited. But the weekend won't be an easy fall into long awaited love. Nightwing has reappeared after months of silence in the guise of his civilian persona, Dickie Wayne-Grayson. And even though he's playing the part of full-time playboy, Garth can see the spark that Dick lights within Kaldur. And it's not a one-sided feeling. A weekend of diplomacy is consumed by Garth and Dick's competing jealousy; each believing Kaldur has eyes for the other. Garth thinks Dick is leading Kaldur on, and Dick thinks Garth has won Kaldur's heart before the weekend even began. They bicker, and banter, until they Bang It Out. When Kaldur catches them, there's guilt, and confessions and polyamorous negotiations.
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27 Title: hold onto the fire even if you have to burn Word Count: ~7k Genre: Angst with a happy ending Fandom/Universe: DCU (specifically Batfam) and post-Underworld Unleashed Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, Donna Troy Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (endgame), Dick Grayson/John Constantine/Zatanna (temporary) Warnings: Threesome, rape/non-con mentioned, self-harm (through magic), depression, lack of self-worth, explicit content, graphic violence, temporary major character deaths. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dick Grayson is no Batman. After Bruce Wayne refuses to resurrect the late Jason Todd, Dick takes matters into his own hands. Armed with the knowledge of a deal that didn't go through, Dick allies himself with Zatanna and Constantine in a bid to right the wrong that Bruce ignores -- even though souls come at a cost. Dick knows he's strong enough to take the pain to save Jason. But can he stop at Jason? Can he let his fallen friends and family stay dead? Dick is determined to save everyone he can, even if it means losing his soul. The story takes place in multiple locations, primarily in Gotham and Neron's throne room in Hell, with occasional switches to Bludhaven. Rape/non-con refers to past instances (Dick/Mirage, Dick/Catalina) that are discussed at length. Threesome takes place as part of a magic ritual. Self-harm is heavily implied through self-sacrificial actions and reckless behavior (as well as the literal deals with a devil). Graphic violence will be canon-typical. Deaths are canonical deaths and happen offscreen (with the exception of Donna Troy and Damian Wayne who die in front of Dick and are described vividly). There's an alternative ending that includes Dick Grayson dying, but that's only one of two endings that will both be written.
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28 Title: The Deepest Secret Nobody Knows Word Count: ~6500 written (~15000 total) Genre: Romance Fandom/Universe: General DCU, Batman, Green Lantern Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan Warnings: Unintentional Exhibitionalism, characters/relationship being outed without their consent Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Summary: Hal and Bruce have been fucking for a full year, but have only been in an acknowledged relationship for six months. A jealous co-worker, who will stop at nothing to destroy Bruce Wayne, has a private romantic encounter between Bruce and Hal taped, then releases photos of the encounter to the press. Hal now finds himself thrust into a part of Bruce's life that he'd only had a vague impression of previously. While he believes that his and Bruce's relationship is solid, he's still left wondering if this will prove to be too much trouble to bother with, for himself, for Bruce, and for Bruce's family. Takes place primarily in Gotham (WEI offices, the Batcave, and the manor), with minor placement on the Watchtower, in Hal's apartment in Coast City, and varying Bruce boltholes around Earth. No serious warnings, other than semi-graphic/graphic sex.
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29 Title: In the Shadow of the Empire Word Count: About 12 or 13k, just under 9k written Genre: SciFi, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Batman (though no particular canon), Star Wars AU Characters/Pairings: JayDick, JayTim, implied DickTim, pre-DickTimJay, Cass, Steph Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, dub con Rating: NC-17 Summary: For most of the galaxy, life under the Empire's thumb was difficult, stressful, and painfully short. Dick and Jason knew this all too well, trying to keep their rustbucket of a ship in one piece while living job to job on the fringes of the Empire's control. It was a hard life, but as an ex-Jedi and a so-called 'troublemaker' wanted in multiple Empire systems, they didn't have much choice. But when a job goes wrong, they and their crew find themselves on the run from the Hand of the Emperor; a masked dark side user who is as feared as his origins are mysterious... and who is much more involved in Dick and Jason's past than either of them could guess. This story exists within a Star Wars setting, roughly around the time of the Original Trilogy. Scenes take place aboard Jason's ship, on a derelict Republic cruiser (i.e. no lights and without atmosphere or gravity), and on a small, heavily forested moon where the showdown happens between the ship's crew (Dick, Jason, Cass, and Steph) and Dark Side!Tim. The graphic violence is to the tune of blaster and lightsaber wounds. The dub-con occurs when Jason drunkenly sleeps with a stranger at a bar, who later is implied to be Dark Side!Tim undercover. This counts as dub-con because Tim is actively concealing his identity to get information out of Jason and because Jason would likely not have slept with him if he knew who he was and what he was doing.
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30 Title: There Be Dragons Word Count: 6425 words Genre: Urban Fantasy, Dragons Fandom/Universe: Batman Characters/Pairings: JayDick Warnings: Descriptions of burning buildings, violence, some gore Rating: M Summary: In Gotham, there be dragons. A pureblood dragon, Bruce revolved his vigilante persona around his ancestry, to become, Dragonman. Dick’s dragonhood was a direct result of Bruce’s ingenious DNA bonding–a gift he now refuses to use. For a moment in his life, however, he tolerated it, for Jason. Then Jason died. For six months, as far as Dick and Bludhaven was concerned, there were no goddamn dragons. Then one night, fire licked the sky. No matter how fast Dick ran, swung and flew, it was too damn late. A casino was razed to the ground. Human bodies stacked in piles. The shadow of a red dragon’s wings flapped in a distance. There was no question, however impossible, who did it. Dick couldn’t believe it. Dick wouldn’t believe it. This dragon flew around in Dick’s city on a raging warpath, knowing more than he was letting on. Dick intended to find it, and stop it.
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31 Title: When the Winds are Howling Strong Word Count: 3040 Genre: Found family, omegaverse, no capes AU Fandom/Universe: Batfam, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson Warnings: Implied non graphic rape, intersex omegas, severe misogyny against omegas. Dick is a cop but he’s on leave through 90% of the fic Rating: PG-13/Teen. Nothing is graphic, but the topics are heavy Summary: Dick signed up to be a foster alpha, but never expected that he would actually be given an omega. Then Gorden’s men find an gang’s omega in heat and in bad shape. Since most foster alphas are searching for a mate, Dick is given custody over the omega. Jason was pulled off the streets by Joker’s gang when he was fifteen and life’s only gotten worse from there. As a gang omega, Jason served mostly as a form of recreation for the other gang members. After four years in hell, Jason’s given up all hope of escape. He’s got a new alpha who seems decent, but past experience has taught him those are the worst ones. Found family is the core of this fic. Dick helps Jason with his reintroduction into society/introduction to Gotham’s high society and both are forced to confront their internalized prejudices against other castes. It’s set in Gotham and explores both the slums and the glitzier districts. Jason and other male omegas will be depicted as wearing more feminine styles, including dresses and skirts. Key scenes: Dick taking custody of Jason, Dick and Jason growing used to each other, Tim and Damian meeting Jason by accident, Jason dumping out all of Dick’s liquor cabinet, Dick taking Jason shopping, Jason meeting Bruce and Alfred, Dick takes Jason to a gala and they work through a meltdown, Jason shows Dick where he used to live before Penguin and Joker, Dick and Jason fight after finding out everything Jason did in the gangs, Sheila makes an appearance, Jason is induced into an artificial heat, Dick and Bruce find Jason who is already making progress to rescue himself, End by Jason cutting the ribbon to an omega shelter.
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32 Title: Midnight Rendezvous Word Count: 4000+ Genre: PWP, Drama Fandom/Universe: Batman, Nightwing/Grayson Characters/Pairings: Midnighter/Dick Grayson, Bruce/Dick Grayson Warnings: Explicit sex, References to violence, Maybe unsafe sex Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dick is tired of the Golden Boy act. Tired of waiting for Bruce’s approval. And he’s beyond tired of not being noticed... So tonight, he’s going to find someone one who will.
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33 Title: crowns of violets and roses Word Count: 3009 Genre: Romance, Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd Warnings: Attempted non con, swearing, descriptions of violence Rating: Explicit (NC-17) Summary: Modern Hades & Persephone AU. After Bruce Wayne’s parents die, he becomes lord of the underworld, leaving the seasons and harvest unattended. Replacing him are the two Robins, Dick and Jason, spirits of spring and growth, but neither is able to fully step into the Waynes’ empty mantle. Things are further complicated when Dick wants to move on to a new role and Jason’s propositioned by another god. Bruce pulls Jason into the underworld, offering him sanctuary from the threats above. In the shadows, Jason finds both his strength and love. But without the work of both Robins, the land crumbles, threatening the lives of mortals and the power of the gods. The only solution is for Jason to return, unless Bruce is able to out think their enemies. The setting for this story is largely modern with stylized elements from different periods (gothic, art deco). The Underworld, which is the primary setting, is heavily influenced by Wayne Manor and the Cave from comics and the animated series. Other places can have a more Gotham art deco influence.
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34 Title: Bruce Wayne, the Court of… Word Count: 4035 Genre: AU, humor, fluff, angst Fandom/Universe: Batman comics, Nightwing comics, Red Hood and the Outlaws comics, Batman: Under the Red Hood Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Warnings: rape, death, beating, abuse, violence, spoilers for: Forever Evil arc, Court of Owls arc, recent Nightwing comic arc, recent Batman comic arc, Red Hood and the Outlaws #25, Batman and Red Hood #20 Rating: T/Teen And Up Audiences /PG14+ Summary: Bruce had made many mistakes in his life. The most horrifying and disastrous were the ones involving his family. The way he treated them, deceived, hurt and used finally blew in his face and he had to face the consequences. There was no forgiveness for him now, not from any of them. But maybe there was a way to avoid it all. This story is meant as a fix-it to all the mess the canon turned into. While the story focuses on talking about canonical events there are a lot of headcanon/fanon/tropes put into it as well ie. romantic relationship between adopted brothers. And although the topics discussed are serious matters the fic itself is slightly crackish. The story takes place in Gotham during the Batman: Under the Red Hood events. At first the action is placed all over the city: rooftops, docks, parking lot, train station; for it to narrow down to an abandoned hotel room.
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35 Title: Do You Love The Summer Like I Do? Word Count: 6116 words Genre: Romance, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: JayRoy Warnings: Descriptions of physical trauma, healing from injuries, violence, some gore Rating: M Summary: Those hazy nights spent blinking in and out of consciousness, events of Bruce cracking his hood open like an egg replaying like a neverending nightmare. Waking up to a stuffy bed, IV drips and the simmering heat. Roy’s dumb, handsome face hovering worriedly beside him. For those months of grueling physical therapy, Jason could depend on one thing to keep him going--Roy’ love. Jason would have put any grand plans of his to a screeching halt, if Roy asked him to stay on that island forever. But he had therapy to go to. Jason could respect that. Then, Roy died. And Jason missed the funeral. But unlike every other piece of shit who dared to call themselves Roy’s friends, Jason wasn’t about to let him lie. And he had a way of bringing him back.
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